[cig-commits] r17904 - mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/lib

becker at geodynamics.org becker at geodynamics.org
Fri Feb 18 11:45:49 PST 2011

Author: becker
Date: 2011-02-18 11:45:49 -0800 (Fri, 18 Feb 2011)
New Revision: 17904

Modified storage of anisotropic viscosity files. Those are now 

Property changes on: mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/lib
Name: svn:externals
   + anisotropic_viscosity http://geodynamics.org/svn/cig/mc/1D/hc/trunk/anisotropic_viscosity

Deleted: mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/lib/Anisotropic_viscosity.c
--- mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/lib/Anisotropic_viscosity.c	2011-02-18 19:44:31 UTC (rev 17903)
+++ mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/lib/Anisotropic_viscosity.c	2011-02-18 19:45:49 UTC (rev 17904)
@@ -1,1298 +0,0 @@
-set of routines to deal with anisotropic viscosity
-orthotropic viscosity following Muehlhaus, Moresi, Hobbs and Dufour
-(PAGEOPH, 159, 2311, 2002)
-tranverse isotropy following Han and Wahr (PEPI, 102, 33, 1997)
-#include <math.h>
-#include "element_definitions.h"
-#include "global_defs.h"
-#ifdef CitcomS_global_defs_h	/* CitcomS */
-#include "material_properties.h"
-#ifdef USE_GGRD
-#include "ggrd_handling.h"
-#else  /* CU */
-   void ggrd_read_anivisc_from_file(struct All_variables *);
-#include "anisotropic_viscosity.h"
-void calc_cbase_at_tp(float , float , float *);
-void calc_cbase_at_tp_d(double , double , double *);
-#define CITCOM_DELTA(i,j) ((i==j)?(1.0):(0.0))
-void myerror_s(char *,struct All_variables *); /* for compatibility with CitcomS */
-output: D[6][6]
-input: n[3] director
-vis2: anisotropy factor
-avmode: anisotropy mode
-convert_to_spherical: 1/0 depending on geometry
-theta, phi : coordinates for conversion
-void get_constitutive(double D[6][6],double theta, double phi, 
-		      int convert_to_spherical,
-		      float nx,float ny,float nz,
-		      float vis2,
-		      int avmode,
-		      struct All_variables *E)
-  double n[3];
-  if(E->viscosity.allow_anisotropic_viscosity){
-    if((E->monitor.solution_cycles == 0)&&
-       (E->viscosity.anivisc_start_from_iso)&&(E->monitor.visc_iter_count == 0)){
-      /* 
-	 first iteration of "stress-dependent" loop for first timestep 
-      */
-      get_constitutive_isotropic(D);
-    }else{      
-      /* 
-	 allow for a possibly anisotropic viscosity 
-      */
-      n[0] =  nx;n[1] =  ny;n[2] =  nz; /* Cartesian directors */
-      switch(avmode){
-	/* 
-	   orthotropic 
-	*/
-	get_constitutive_orthotropic_viscosity(D,vis2,n,convert_to_spherical,theta,phi); 
-	break;
-	/* 
-	   transversely isotropic 
-	*/
-	get_constitutive_ti_viscosity(D,vis2,0.,n,convert_to_spherical,theta,phi); 
-	break;
-      default:
-	fprintf(stderr,"avmode %i\n",avmode);
-	myerror_s("get_constitutive: error, avmode undefined",E);
-	break;
-      }
-      //if(vis2 != 0) print_6x6_mat(stderr,D); 
-    }
-  }else{
-    get_constitutive_isotropic(D);
-  }
-transversely isotropic viscosity following Han and Wahr
-\nu_1 = isotropic viscosity, applies for  e_31, e_23
-\nu_2 = weak anisotropy, applies for e_31, e_32
-\eta_1 = normal viscosity, (\eta_1+2\nu_1) control e_11, e_22
-\eta_2 = normal viscosity, (\eta_2+2\nu_2) = 2\eta_1 + 2\nu_1, controls e_33
-we use (for consistency with anisotropic viscosity)
-Delta = 1-\nu_2/\nu_1
-\Gamma, such that \eta_1 = \Gamma \nu_1
-\nu_1 is the reference, isotropic viscosity, set to unity here, i.e.
-\nu_2 = 1 - \Delta ; \eta_1 = \Gamma ; (\eta_2 = 2 (\Gamma-\Delta)); for isotropy \Delta = 0, \Gamma = 0
-n[3] is the cartesian direction into which the weak shear points
-(ie. routine will rotate the 3 axis into the n direction) and will 
-normalize n, if not already normalized
-								       void get_constitutive_ti_viscosity(double D[6][6], double delta_vis, double gamma_vis,
-													  double n[3], int convert_to_spherical,
-													  double theta, double phi) 
-  double nlen,delta_vis2;
-  int ani;
-  /* isotropic part, in units of iso_visc */
-  get_constitutive_isotropic(D);
-  ani = FALSE;
-  if((fabs(delta_vis) > 3e-15) || (fabs(gamma_vis) > 3e-15)){
-    ani = TRUE;
-    /* get Cartesian anisotropy matrix by adding anisotropic
-       components */
-    D[0][0] += gamma_vis;
-    D[1][0] = D[0][1] = gamma_vis;
-    D[1][1] = D[0][0];
-    D[2][2] += 2.*gamma_vis;
-    D[4][4] -= delta_vis;
-    D[5][5] = D[4][4];
-    /* 
-       the rotation routine takes care of normalization and will normalize n
-    */
-    //print_6x6_mat(stderr,D);
-    rotate_ti6x6_to_director(D,n); /* rotate such that the generic z
-				      preferred axis is aligned with
-				      the director */
-    //print_6x6_mat(stderr,D);fprintf(stderr,"\n");
-  }
-  if(ani && convert_to_spherical){
-    conv_cart6x6_to_spherical(D,theta,phi,D); /* rotate, can use in place */
-  }
-								     /* 
-								     compute a cartesian orthotropic anisotropic viscosity matrix (and
-								     rotate it into CitcomS spherical, if requested)
-								     viscosity is characterized by a eta_S (weak) viscosity in a shear
-								     plane, to which the director is normal
-								     output: D[0,...,5][0,...,5] constitutive matrix
-								     input: delta_vis difference in viscosity from isotropic viscosity (set to unity here)
-								     n[0,..,2]: director orientation, specify in cartesian
-								     where delta_vis = (1 - eta_S/eta)
-								     */
-								       void get_constitutive_orthotropic_viscosity(double D[6][6], double delta_vis,
-														   double n[3], int convert_to_spherical,
-														   double theta, double phi) 
-  double nlen,delta_vis2;
-  double delta[3][3][3][3];
-  int ani;
-  ani=FALSE;
-  /* start with isotropic */
-  get_constitutive_isotropic(D);
-  /* get Cartesian anisotropy matrix */
-  if(fabs(delta_vis) > 3e-15){
-    ani = TRUE;
-    get_orth_delta(delta,n);	/* 
-				   get anisotropy tensor, \Delta of
-				   Muehlhaus et al. (2002)
-				   this routine will normalize n, just in case
-				*/
-    delta_vis2 = 2.0*delta_vis;
-    /* s_xx = s_tt */
-    D[0][0] -= delta_vis2 * delta[0][0][0][0]; /* * e_xx */
-    D[0][1] -= delta_vis2 * delta[0][0][1][1];
-    D[0][2] -= delta_vis2 * delta[0][0][2][2];
-    D[0][3] -= delta_vis  * (delta[0][0][0][1]+delta[0][0][1][0]);
-    D[0][4] -= delta_vis  * (delta[0][0][0][2]+delta[0][0][2][0]);
-    D[0][5] -= delta_vis  * (delta[0][0][1][2]+delta[0][0][2][1]);
-    D[1][0] -= delta_vis2 * delta[1][1][0][0]; /* s_yy = s_pp */
-    D[1][1] -= delta_vis2 * delta[1][1][1][1];
-    D[1][2] -= delta_vis2 * delta[1][1][2][2];
-    D[1][3] -= delta_vis  * (delta[1][1][0][1]+delta[1][1][1][0]);
-    D[1][4] -= delta_vis  * (delta[1][1][0][2]+delta[1][1][2][0]);
-    D[1][5] -= delta_vis  * (delta[1][1][1][2]+delta[1][1][2][1]);
-    D[2][0] -= delta_vis2 * delta[2][2][0][0]; /* s_zz = s_rr */
-    D[2][1] -= delta_vis2 * delta[2][2][1][1];
-    D[2][2] -= delta_vis2 * delta[2][2][2][2];
-    D[2][3] -= delta_vis  * (delta[2][2][0][1]+delta[2][2][1][0]);
-    D[2][4] -= delta_vis  * (delta[2][2][0][2]+delta[2][2][2][0]);
-    D[2][5] -= delta_vis  * (delta[2][2][1][2]+delta[2][2][2][1]);
-    D[3][0] -= delta_vis2 * delta[0][1][0][0]; /* s_xy = s_tp */
-    D[3][1] -= delta_vis2 * delta[0][1][1][1];
-    D[3][2] -= delta_vis2 * delta[0][1][2][2];
-    D[3][3] -= delta_vis  * (delta[0][1][0][1]+delta[0][1][1][0]);
-    D[3][4] -= delta_vis  * (delta[0][1][0][2]+delta[0][1][2][0]);
-    D[3][5] -= delta_vis  * (delta[0][1][1][2]+delta[0][1][2][1]);
-    D[4][0] -= delta_vis2 * delta[0][2][0][0]; /* s_xz = s_tr */
-    D[4][1] -= delta_vis2 * delta[0][2][1][1];
-    D[4][2] -= delta_vis2 * delta[0][2][2][2];
-    D[4][3] -= delta_vis  * (delta[0][2][0][1]+delta[0][2][1][0]);
-    D[4][4] -= delta_vis  * (delta[0][2][0][2]+delta[0][2][2][0]);
-    D[4][5] -= delta_vis  * (delta[0][2][1][2]+delta[0][2][2][1]);
-    D[5][0] -= delta_vis2 * delta[1][2][0][0]; /* s_yz = s_pr */
-    D[5][1] -= delta_vis2 * delta[1][2][1][1];
-    D[5][2] -= delta_vis2 * delta[1][2][2][2];
-    D[5][3] -= delta_vis  * (delta[1][2][0][1]+delta[1][2][1][0]);
-    D[5][4] -= delta_vis  * (delta[1][2][0][2]+delta[1][2][2][0]);
-    D[5][5] -= delta_vis  * (delta[1][2][1][2]+delta[1][2][2][1]);
-  }
-  if(ani && convert_to_spherical){
-    //print_6x6_mat(stderr,D);
-    conv_cart6x6_to_spherical(D,theta,phi,D); /* rotate, can use same mat for 6x6 */
-    //print_6x6_mat(stderr,D);fprintf(stderr,"\n");
-  }
-void get_constitutive_isotropic(double D[6][6])
-  /* isotropic part, in units of iso_visc */
-  zero_6x6(D);
-  D[0][0] = 2.0;		/* xx = tt*/
-  D[1][1] = 2.0;		/* yy = pp */
-  D[2][2] = 2.0;		/* zz = rr */
-  D[3][3] = 1.0;		/* xy = tp */
-  D[4][4] = 1.0;		/* xz = rt */
-  D[5][5] = 1.0;		/* yz = rp */
-void set_anisotropic_viscosity_at_element_level(struct All_variables *E, int init_stage)
-  int i,j,k,l,m,off,p,nel,elx,ely,elz,inode,elxlz,el,ani_layer;
-  double vis2,n[3],u,v,s,r,xloc[3],z_top,z_bottom;
-  float base[9],rout[3];
-  const int vpts = vpoints[E->mesh.nsd];
-  const int ends = enodes[E->mesh.nsd];
-  int mgmin,mgmax;
-#ifdef CitcomS_global_defs_h	/* CitcomS */
-  mgmin = E->mesh.gridmin;
-  mgmax = E->mesh.gridmax;
-#else  /* Citcom CU */
-  mgmin = E->mesh.levmin;
-  mgmax = E->mesh.levmax;
-  if(init_stage){
-    if(E->parallel.me == 0)
-      fprintf(stderr,"set_anisotropic_viscosity: allowing for %s viscosity\n",
-	      (E->viscosity.allow_anisotropic_viscosity == 1)?("orthotropic"):("transversely isotropic"));
-    if(E->viscosity.anisotropic_viscosity_init)
-      myerror_s("anisotropic viscosity should not be initialized twice?!",E);
-    /* first call */
-    /* initialize anisotropic viscosity at element level, nodes will
-       get assigned later */
-    switch(E->viscosity.anisotropic_init){
-    case 0:			/* isotropic */
-    case 3:			/* first init for vel */
-    case 4:			/* ISA */
-    case 5:			/* same for mixed alignment */
-      if(E->parallel.me == 0)fprintf(stderr,"set_anisotropic_viscosity_at_element_level: initializing isotropic viscosity\n");
-#ifdef CitcomS_global_defs_h	/* CitcomS */
-      for(i=mgmin;i <= mgmax;i++){
-	nel  = E->lmesh.NEL[i];
-	for (m=1;m <= E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) {
-	  for(k=1;k <= nel;k++){
-	    for(l=1;l <= vpts;l++){ /* assign to all integration points */
-	      off = (k-1)*vpts + l;
-	      E->EVI2[i][m][off] = 0.0;
-	      E->EVIn1[i][m][off] = 1.0; E->EVIn2[i][m][off] = E->EVIn3[i][m][off] = 0.0;
-	      E->avmode[i][m][off] = (unsigned char)
-		E->viscosity.allow_anisotropic_viscosity;
-	    }
-	  }
-	}
-      }
-#else  /* CitcomCU */
-      for(i=mgmin;i <= mgmax;i++){
-	nel  = E->lmesh.NEL[i];
-	for(k=1;k <= nel;k++){
-	  for(l=1;l <= vpts;l++){ /* assign to all integration points */
-	    off = (k-1)*vpts + l;
-	    E->EVI2[i][off] = 0.0;
-	    E->EVIn1[i][off] = 1.0; E->EVIn2[i][off] = E->EVIn3[i][off] = 0.0;
-	    E->avmode[i][off] = (unsigned char)
-	      E->viscosity.allow_anisotropic_viscosity;
-	  }
-	}
-      }
-      /* isotropic init end */
-      break;
-    case 1:
-      /* 
-	 random fluctuations, for testing a
-	 worst case scenario
-      */
-      if(E->parallel.me == 0)fprintf(stderr,"set_anisotropic_viscosity_at_element_level: initializing random viscosity\n");
-      for(i=mgmin;i <= mgmax;i++){
-	nel  = E->lmesh.NEL[i];
-#ifdef CitcomS_global_defs_h	/* CitcomS */
-	for (m=1;m <= E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) {
-	  for(k=1;k <= nel;k++){
-	    vis2 = 0.01+drand48()*0.99; /* random fluctuation */
-	    /* get random vector */
-	    do{
-	      u = -1 + drand48()*2;v = -1 + drand48()*2;
-	      s = u*u + v*v;		
-	    }while(s > 1);
-	    r = 2.0 * sqrt(1.0-s );
-	    n[0] = u * r;		/* x */
-	    n[1] = v * r;		/* y */
-	    n[2] = 2.0*s -1 ;		/* z */
-	    for(l=1;l <= vpts;l++){ /* assign to all integration points */
-	      off = (k-1)*vpts + l;
-#ifdef CitcomS_global_defs_h	/* CitcomS */
-	      E->EVI2[i][m][off] = vis2;E->EVIn1[i][m][off] = n[0]; E->EVIn2[i][m][off] = n[1];E->EVIn3[i][m][off] = n[2];
-	      E->avmode[i][m][off] = (unsigned char)E->viscosity.allow_anisotropic_viscosity;
-	      E->EVI2[i][off] = vis2;   E->EVIn1[i][off] = n[0];    E->EVIn2[i][off] = n[1];   E->EVIn3[i][off] = n[2];
-	      E->avmode[i][off] = (unsigned char)E->viscosity.allow_anisotropic_viscosity;
-	    }
-	  }
-#ifdef CitcomS_global_defs_h	/* CitcomS m loop*/
-	}
-      }	/* mg loop */
-      /* end random init */
-      break;
-    case 2:			/* from file */
-#ifndef USE_GGRD	
-      fprintf(stderr,"set_anisotropic_viscosity_at_element_level: anisotropic_init mode 2 requires USE_GGRD compilation\n");
-      parallel_process_termination();
-#ifdef CitcomS_global_defs_h	/* CitcomS */
-      if(E->sphere.caps == 12)	/* global */
-	ggrd_read_anivisc_from_file(E,1);
-      else			/* regional */
-	ggrd_read_anivisc_from_file(E,0);
-#else  /* CitcomCU */
-      ggrd_read_anivisc_from_file(E);
-      break;
-    case 6:			/* tapered within layer */
-      if(E->parallel.me == 0)
-	fprintf(stderr,"set_anisotropic_viscosity_at_element_level: setting orthotropic tapered, vis2 min %g\n",
-		E->viscosity.ani_vis2_factor);
-      if(E->viscosity.anivisc_layer >= 0)myerror_s("set_anisotropic_viscosity_at_element_level: need to select layer",E);
-      ani_layer = -E->viscosity.anivisc_layer;
-#ifdef CitcomS_global_defs_h	/* CitcomS */
-      z_bottom = E->viscosity.zbase_layer[ani_layer-1];
-      if(ani_layer == 1)
-	z_top = E->sphere.ro;
-      else
-	z_top = E->viscosity.zbase_layer[ani_layer-2];
-#else  /* CU */
-      z_bottom = E->viscosity.zbase_layer[ani_layer-1];
-      if(ani_layer == 1)
-	z_top = E->segment.zzlayer[E->segment.zlayers-1];
-      else
-	z_top = E->viscosity.zbase_layer[ani_layer-2];
-      for(i=mgmin;i <= mgmax;i++){
-#ifdef CitcomS_global_defs_h	/* CitcomS */
-	for(m=1;m <= E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++){
-	  elx = E->lmesh.ELX[i];elz = E->lmesh.ELZ[i];ely = E->lmesh.ELY[i];
-	  elxlz = elx * elz;
-	  for (j=1;j <= elz;j++){
-#ifdef CitcomS_global_defs_h	/* CitcomS */
-	    if(E->mat[m][j] ==  -E->viscosity.anivisc_layer){
-	    if(E->mat[j] ==  -E->viscosity.anivisc_layer){
-	      for(u=0.,inode=1;inode <= ends;inode++){ /* mean vertical coordinate */
-#ifdef CitcomS_global_defs_h	/* CitcomS */
-		off = E->ien[m][j].node[inode];
-		u += E->sx[m][3][off];
-		off = E->ien[j].node[inode];
-		if(E->control.Rsphere)
-		  u += E->SX[3][off];
-		else
-		  u += E->X[3][off];
-	      }
-	      u /= ends;
-	      /* do a log scale decrease of vis2 to ani_vis2_factor from bottom to top of layer */
-	      vis2 = exp(log(E->viscosity.ani_vis2_factor) * (u-z_bottom)/(z_top-z_bottom));
-	      //fprintf(stderr,"z %g (%g/%g) vis2 %g vis2_o %g frac %g\n",u,z_top,z_bottom,vis2, E->viscosity.ani_vis2_factor,(u-z_bottom)/(z_top-z_bottom));
-	      /* 1-eta_s/eta */
-	      vis2 = 1 - vis2;
-	      for (k=1;k <= ely;k++){
-		for (l=1;l <= elx;l++)   {
-		  /* eq.(1) */
-		  el = j + (l-1) * elz + (k-1)*elxlz;
-#ifdef CitcomS_global_defs_h	/* CitcomS */
-		  xloc[0] = xloc[1] = xloc[2] = 0.0;
-		  for(inode=1;inode <= ends;inode++){
-		    off = E->ien[m][el].node[inode];
-		    rtp2xyz((float)E->sx[m][3][off],(float)E->sx[m][1][off],(float)E->sx[m][2][off],rout);
-		    xloc[0] += rout[0];xloc[1] += rout[1];xloc[2] += rout[2];
-		  }
-		  xloc[0]/=ends;xloc[1]/=ends;xloc[2]/=ends;xyz2rtp(xloc[0],xloc[1],xloc[2],rout); 
-		  calc_cbase_at_tp(rout[1],rout[2],base);convert_pvec_to_cvec(1.,0.,0.,base,rout);
-		  n[0]=rout[0];n[1]=rout[1];n[2]=rout[2];
-		  for(p=1;p <= vpts;p++){ /* assign to all integration points */
-		    off = (el-1)*vpts + p;
-		    E->EVI2[i][m][off] = vis2;
-		    E->EVIn1[i][m][off] = n[0]; E->EVIn2[i][m][off] = n[1];E->EVIn3[i][m][off] = n[2];
-		    E->avmode[i][m][off] = CITCOM_ANIVISC_ORTHO_MODE;
-		  }
-#else  /* CU */
-		  if(E->control.Rsphere){ /* director in r direction */
-		    xloc[0] = xloc[1] = xloc[2] = 0.0;
-		    for(inode=1;inode <= ends;inode++){
-		      off = E->ien[el].node[inode];
-		      rtp2xyz((float)E->SX[3][off],(float)E->SX[1][off],(float)E->SX[2][off],rout);
-		      xloc[0] += rout[0];xloc[1] += rout[1];xloc[2] += rout[2];
-		    }
-		    xloc[0]/=ends;xloc[1]/=ends;xloc[2]/=ends;xyz2rtp(xloc[0],xloc[1],xloc[2],rout); 
-		    calc_cbase_at_tp(rout[1],rout[2],base);convert_pvec_to_cvec(1.,0.,0.,base,rout);
-		    n[0]=rout[0];n[1]=rout[1];n[2]=rout[2];
-		  }else{		/* director in z direction */
-		    n[0] = 0.;n[1] = 0.;n[2] = 1.;	
-		  }
-		  for(p=1;p <= vpts;p++){ /* assign to all integration points */
-		    off = (el-1)*vpts + p;
-		    E->EVI2[i][off] = vis2;
-		    E->EVIn1[i][off] = n[0]; E->EVIn2[i][off] = n[1];E->EVIn3[i][off] = n[2];
-		    E->avmode[i][off] = CITCOM_ANIVISC_ORTHO_MODE;
-		  }
-		}
-	      }
-	    }else{		/* outside layer = isotropic */
-	      for (k=1;k <= ely;k++){
-		for (l=1;l <= elx;l++){
-		  el = j + (l-1) * elz + (k-1)*elxlz;
-		  for(p=1;p <= vpts;p++){ /* assign to all integration points */
-		    off = (el-1)*vpts + p;
-#ifdef CitcomS_global_defs_h	/* CitcomS */
-		    E->EVI2[i][m][off] = 0;E->EVIn1[i][m][off] = 1; E->EVIn2[i][m][off] = 0;E->EVIn3[i][m][off] = 0;E->avmode[i][m][off] = CITCOM_ANIVISC_ORTHO_MODE;
-		    E->EVI2[i][off] = 0;E->EVIn1[i][off] = 1; E->EVIn2[i][off] = 0;E->EVIn3[i][off] = 0;E->avmode[i][off] = CITCOM_ANIVISC_ORTHO_MODE;
-		  }
-		}
-	      }
-	    }
-	  }
-#ifdef CitcomS_global_defs_h	/* CitcomS */
-	} /* end m loop */
-      }	/* end multigrid */
-      break;			/*  */
-    default:
-      fprintf(stderr,"set_anisotropic_viscosity_at_element_level: anisotropic_init %i undefined\n",
-	      E->viscosity.anisotropic_init);
-      parallel_process_termination();
-      break;
-    }
-    E->viscosity.anisotropic_viscosity_init = TRUE;
-    /* end initialization stage */
-  }else{
-    //if(E->parallel.me == 0)fprintf(stderr,"reassigning anisotropic viscosity, mode %i\n",E->viscosity.anisotropic_init);
-    if((E->monitor.solution_cycles > 0) || (E->monitor.visc_iter_count > 0)){
-      /* standard operation every time step */
-      switch(E->viscosity.anisotropic_init){
-	/* if flow has been computed, use director aligned with ISA */
-      case 3:		     /* vel lignment */
-	/* we have a velocity solution already */
-	align_director_with_ISA_for_element(E,CITCOM_ANIVISC_ALIGN_WITH_VEL);
-	break;
-      case 4:		     /* vel alignment */
-	if((E->monitor.solution_cycles > 0) || (E->monitor.visc_iter_count > 0))
-	  align_director_with_ISA_for_element(E,CITCOM_ANIVISC_ALIGN_WITH_ISA);
-	break;
-      case 5:		     /* mixed alignment */
-	if((E->monitor.solution_cycles > 0) || (E->monitor.visc_iter_count > 0))
-	  align_director_with_ISA_for_element(E,CITCOM_ANIVISC_MIXED_ALIGN);
-	break;
-      default:			/* default, no further modification of
-				   anisotropy */
-	break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-#ifdef CitcomS_global_defs_h	/* CitcomS */
-void normalize_director_at_nodes(struct All_variables *E,float **n1,float **n2, float **n3, int lev)
-  int n,m;
-  for (m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++)
-    for(n=1;n<=E->lmesh.NNO[lev];n++){
-      normalize_vec3(&(n1[m][n]),&(n2[m][n]),&(n3[m][n]));
-    }
-void normalize_director_at_gint(struct All_variables *E,float **n1,float **n2, float **n3, int lev)
-  int m,e,i,enode;
-  const int nsd=E->mesh.nsd;
-  const int vpts=vpoints[nsd];
-  for (m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++)
-    for(e=1;e<=E->lmesh.NEL[lev];e++)
-      for(i=1;i<=vpts;i++)      {
-	enode = (e-1)*vpts+i;
-	normalize_vec3(&(n1[m][enode]),&(n2[m][enode]),&( n3[m][enode]));
-      }
-#else  /* CU */
-void normalize_director_at_nodes(struct All_variables *E,float *n1,float *n2, float *n3, int lev)
-  int n;
-  for(n=1;n<=E->lmesh.NNO[lev];n++){
-    normalize_vec3(&(n1[n]),&(n2[n]),&(n3[n]));
-  }
-void normalize_director_at_gint(struct All_variables *E,float *n1,float *n2, float *n3, int lev)
-  int e,i,off;
-  const int nsd=E->mesh.nsd;
-  const int vpts=vpoints[nsd];
-  for(e=1;e<=E->lmesh.NEL[lev];e++)
-    for(i=1;i<=vpts;i++)      {
-      off = (e-1)*vpts+i;
-      normalize_vec3(&(n1[off]),&(n2[off]),&(n3[off]));
-    }
-convert cartesian fourth order tensor (input c) to spherical, CitcomS
-format (output p)
-c and p cannot be the same matrix
-1: t 2: p 3: r
-(E only passed for debugging)
-  void conv_cart4x4_to_spherical(double c[3][3][3][3], double theta, double phi, double p[3][3][3][3])
-  double rot[3][3];
-  get_citcom_spherical_rot(theta,phi,rot);
-  rot_4x4(c,rot,p);
-/* convert [6][6] (input c) in cartesian to citcom spherical (output
-   p)
-   c and p can be the same amtrix
-void conv_cart6x6_to_spherical(double c[6][6], 
-			       double theta, double phi, double p[6][6])
-  double c4[3][3][3][3],p4[3][3][3][3],rot[3][3];
-  get_citcom_spherical_rot(theta,phi,rot);
-  c4fromc6(c4,c);		
-  rot_4x4(c4,rot,p4);
-  c6fromc4(p,p4);
-rotate 6x6 D matrix with preferred axis aligned with z to the
-Cartesian director orientation, in place
-n will be normalized, just in case
-void rotate_ti6x6_to_director(double D[6][6],double n[3])
-  double a[3][3][3][3],b[3][3][3][3],rot[3][3],
-    hlen2,x2,y2,xy,zm1;
-  /* normalize */
-  normalize_vec3d((n+0),(n+1),(n+2));
-  /* calc aux variable */
-  x2 = n[0]*n[0];y2 = n[1]*n[1];xy = n[0]*n[1];
-  hlen2 = x2 + y2;zm1 = n[2]-1;
-  if(hlen2 > 3e-15){
-    /* rotation matrix to get {0,0,1} to {x,y,z} */
-    rot[0][0] = (y2 + x2*n[2])/hlen2;
-    rot[0][1] = (xy*zm1)/hlen2;
-    rot[0][2] = n[0];
-    rot[1][0] = rot[0][1];
-    rot[1][1] = (x2 + y2*n[2])/hlen2;
-    rot[1][2] = n[1];
-    rot[2][0] = -n[0];
-    rot[2][1] = -n[1];
-    rot[2][2] =  n[2];
-    /* rotate the D matrix */
-    c4fromc6(a,D);
-    rot_4x4(a,rot,b);
-    c6fromc4(D,b);
-  }			/* already oriented right */
-void get_citcom_spherical_rot(double theta, double phi, double rot[3][3]){
-  float base[9];
-  calc_cbase_at_tp((float)theta,(float)phi, base); /* compute cartesian basis at
-						      theta, phi location */
-  rot[0][0] = base[3];rot[0][1] = base[4];rot[0][2] = base[5]; /* theta */
-  rot[1][0] = base[6];rot[1][1] = base[7];rot[1][2] = base[8]; /* phi */
-  rot[2][0] = base[0];rot[2][1] = base[1];rot[2][2] = base[2]; /* r */
-  //fprintf(stderr,"%g %g ; %g %g %g ; %g %g %g ; %g %g %g\n\n",
-  //theta,phi,rot[0][0],rot[0][1],rot[0][2],rot[1][0],rot[1][1],rot[1][2],rot[2][0],rot[2][1],rot[2][2]);
-get fourth order anisotropy tensor for orthotropic viscosity from
-Muehlhaus et al. (2002)
-void get_orth_delta(double d[3][3][3][3],double n[3])
-  int i,j,k,l;
-  double tmp;
-  normalize_vec3d((n+0),(n+1),(n+2));
-  for(i=0;i<3;i++)
-    for(j=0;j<3;j++)
-      for(k=0;k<3;k++)
-	for(l=0;l<3;l++){	/* eq. (4) from Muehlhaus et
-				   al. (2002) */
-	  tmp  = n[i]*n[k]*CITCOM_DELTA(l,j);
-	  tmp += n[j]*n[k]*CITCOM_DELTA(i,l);
-	  tmp += n[i]*n[l]*CITCOM_DELTA(k,j);
-	  tmp += n[j]*n[l]*CITCOM_DELTA(i,k);
-	  tmp /= 2.0;
-	  tmp -= 2*n[i]*n[j]*n[k]*n[l];
-	  d[i][j][k][l] = tmp;
-	}
-   mode  = 
-   CITCOM_ANIVISC_ALIGN_WITH_VEL: align with velocity
-   CITCOM_ANIVISC_MIXED_ALIGN: mixed alignment
-void align_director_with_ISA_for_element(struct All_variables *E,
-					 int mode)
-  double rtf[4][9];
-  double VV[4][9],lgrad[3][3],isa[3],evel[3];
-  int e,i,off,m;
-  float base[9],n[3];
-  static struct CC Cc;
-  static struct CCX Ccx;
-  const int dims = E->mesh.nsd;
-  const int ppts = ppoints[dims];
-  const int vpts = vpoints[dims];
-  const int ends = enodes[dims];
-  const int lev = E->mesh.levmax;
-  const int nel = E->lmesh.nel;
-  unsigned char avmode;
-  double vis2 ; 
-  /* anisotropy maximum strength */
-  vis2 = 1. - E->viscosity.ani_vis2_factor; /* 1-eta_w/eta_s */
-  if(E->parallel.me == 0){
-    switch(mode){
-      fprintf(stderr,"align_director_with_ISA_for_element: aligning, max ani %g, align with vel\n",
-	      vis2);
-      break;
-      fprintf(stderr,"align_director_with_ISA_for_element: aligning, max ani %g, align with ISA\n",
-	      vis2);
-      break;
-      fprintf(stderr,"align_director_with_ISA_for_element: aligning, max ani %g, align with uniaxial/vel\n",
-	      vis2);
-      break;
-    default:
-      fprintf(stderr,"align_director_with_ISA_for_element: mode %i undefined\n",mode);
-      myerror_s("",E);
-    }
-  }
-  for(e=1; e <= nel; e++) {
-#ifdef CitcomS_global_defs_h	/* CitcomS */
-    for(m=1;m <= E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) {
-      if(((E->viscosity.anivisc_layer > 0)&&
-	  (E->mat[m][e] <=   E->viscosity.anivisc_layer))||
-	 ((E->viscosity.anivisc_layer < 0)&&
-	  (E->mat[m][e] ==  -E->viscosity.anivisc_layer))){
-	get_rtf_at_ppts(E, m, lev, e, rtf); /* pressure points */
-	//if((e-1)%E->lmesh.elz==0)
-	construct_c3x3matrix_el(E,e,&E->element_Cc,&E->element_Ccx,lev,m,1);
-	for(i = 1; i <= ends; i++){	/* velocity at element nodes */
-	  off = E->ien[m][e].node[i];
-	  VV[1][i] = E->sphere.cap[m].V[1][off];
-	  VV[2][i] = E->sphere.cap[m].V[2][off];
-	  VV[3][i] = E->sphere.cap[m].V[3][off];
-	}
-	/* calculate velocity gradient matrix */
-	get_vgm_p(VV,&(E->N),&(E->GNX[lev][m][e]),&E->element_Cc, 
-		  &E->element_Ccx,rtf,E->mesh.nsd,ppts,ends,TRUE,lgrad,
-		  evel);
-	/* calculate the ISA axis and determine the type of
-	   anisotropy */
-	avmode = calc_isa_from_vgm(lgrad,evel,e,isa,E,mode);
-	/* 
-	   convert for spherical (Citcom system) to Cartesian 
-	*/
-	calc_cbase_at_tp(rtf[1][1],rtf[2][1],base);
-	convert_pvec_to_cvec(isa[2],isa[0],isa[1],base,n);
-	/* assign to director for all vpoints */
-	for(i=1;i <= vpts;i++){
-	  off = (e-1)*vpts + i;
-	  E->avmode[lev][m][off] = avmode;
-	  E->EVI2[lev][m][off] = vis2;
-	  E->EVIn1[lev][m][off] = n[0]; 
-	  E->EVIn2[lev][m][off] = n[1];
-	  E->EVIn3[lev][m][off] = n[2];
-	}
-      }	/* in layer */
-    } /* caps */
-    if(((E->viscosity.anivisc_layer > 0)&&
-	(E->mat[e] <=   E->viscosity.anivisc_layer))||
-       ((E->viscosity.anivisc_layer < 0)&&
-	(E->mat[e] ==  -E->viscosity.anivisc_layer))){
-      if(E->control.Rsphere){	/* need rtf for spherical */
-	get_rtf(E, e, 1, rtf, lev); /* pressure points */
-	//if((e-1)%E->lmesh.elz==0)
-	construct_c3x3matrix_el(E,e,&Cc,&Ccx,lev,1);
-      }
-      for(i = 1; i <= ends; i++){	/* velocity at element nodes */
-	off = E->ien[e].node[i];
-	VV[1][i] = E->V[1][off];
-	VV[2][i] = E->V[2][off];
-	VV[3][i] = E->V[3][off];
-      }
-      /* calculate velocity gradient matrix */
-      get_vgm_p(VV,&(E->N),&(E->GNX[lev][e]),&Cc, &Ccx,rtf,
-		E->mesh.nsd,ppts,ends,(E->control.Rsphere),lgrad,
-		evel);
-      /* calculate the ISA axis and determine the type of
-	 anisotropy */
-      avmode = calc_isa_from_vgm(lgrad,evel,e,isa,E,mode);
-      /* 
-	 convert for spherical (Citcom system) to Cartesian 
-      */
-      if(E->control.Rsphere){
-	calc_cbase_at_tp(rtf[1][1],rtf[2][1],base);
-	convert_pvec_to_cvec(isa[2],isa[0],isa[1],base,n);
-      }else{
-	n[0]=isa[0];n[1]=isa[1];n[2]=isa[2];
-      }
-      /* assign to director for all vpoints */
-      for(i=1;i <= vpts;i++){
-	off = (e-1)*vpts + i;
-	E->avmode[lev][off] = avmode;
-	E->EVI2[lev][off] = vis2;
-	E->EVIn1[lev][off] = n[0]; 
-	E->EVIn2[lev][off] = n[1];
-	E->EVIn3[lev][off] = n[2];
-      }
-    } /* end in layer branch */
-  }
-   compute the ISA axis from velocity gradient tensor l, element
-   velocity evel, and element number e
-   mode input: 
-   CITCOM_ANIVISC_ALIGN_WITH_VEL: align with velocity
-   CITCOM_ANIVISC_MIXED_ALIGN: mixed alignment
-   returns type of anisotropy  CITCOM_ANIVISC_ORTHO_MODE : orthotropic (shear/normal) 
-unsigned char calc_isa_from_vgm(double l[3][3], double ev[3], 
-				int e,double isa[3], 
-				struct All_variables *E,
-				int mode)
-  double d[3][3],r[3][3],ltrace,eval[3],lc[3][3],
-    evec[3][3],strain_scale,gol,t1,t2;
-  int i,j,isa_mode;
-  /* copy */
-  for(i=0;i<3;i++)
-    for(j=0;j<3;j++)
-      lc[i][j] = l[i][j];
-  remove_trace_3x3(lc);
-  calc_strain_from_vgm(lc,d);	/* strain-rate */
-#ifndef USE_GGRD
-  myerror_s("need USE_GGRD compile for ISA axes",E);
-  ggrd_solve_eigen3x3(d,eval,evec,E); /* compute the eigensystem */
-  /* normalize by largest abs(eigenvalue) */
-  strain_scale = ((t1=fabs(eval[2])) > (t2=fabs(eval[0])))?(t1):(t2);
-  for(i=0;i<3;i++){
-    eval[i] /= strain_scale;	/* normalized eigenvalues */
-    for(j=0;j<3;j++)
-      lc[i][j] /= strain_scale;
-  }
-  /* recompute normalized strain rate and rotation */
-  calc_strain_from_vgm(lc,d);
-  calc_rot_from_vgm(lc,r);	/* rotation */
-  switch(mode){
-  case CITCOM_ANIVISC_ALIGN_WITH_VEL:			/* use velocity */
-    isa[0] = ev[0];isa[1] = ev[1];isa[2]=ev[2];
-    normalize_vec3d(isa,(isa+1),(isa+2));
-    break;
-    isacalc(lc,&gol,isa,E,&isa_mode);
-    if((isa_mode == -1)||(isa_mode == 0)){
-      /* ISA cannot be found = align with flow */
-      isa[0] = ev[0];isa[1] = ev[1];isa[2]=ev[2]; 
-      normalize_vec3d(isa,(isa+1),(isa+2));
-    }else{			/* actual ISA */
-    }
-    break;
-    /* mixed */
-    if(is_pure_shear(lc,d,r)){
-      /* align any pure shear state with the biggest absolute
-	 eigenvector */
-      /* largest EV (extensional) */
-      //isa[0] = evec[0][0];isa[1] = evec[0][1];isa[2] = evec[0][2];
-      /* smallest (compressive) EV */
-      isa[0] = evec[2][0];isa[1] = evec[2][1];isa[2] = evec[2][2];     
-    }else{
-      /* simple shear */
-      isa[0] = ev[0];isa[1] = ev[1];isa[2]=ev[2]; /* align with vel for now */
-      normalize_vec3d(isa,(isa+1),(isa+2));
-      return CITCOM_ANIVISC_TI_MODE;			/* TI */
-    }
-    break;
-  default:
-    myerror_s("ISA mode undefined",E);
-    break;
-  }
-  return 0;
-   determine if deformation state is pure shear from normalized
-   velocity gradient, strain, and rotation tensor
-int is_pure_shear(double l[3][3],double e[3][3],double r[3][3])
-  double mrot,tmp,e2;
-  /* find max rotation */
-  mrot = fabs(r[0][1]);		/* xy */
-  if((tmp=fabs(r[0][2]))>mrot)mrot = tmp; /* xz */
-  if((tmp=fabs(r[1][2]))>mrot)mrot = tmp; /* yz */
-  /* second invariant of strain-rate tensor */
-  e2 = second_invariant_from_3x3(e);
-  if(mrot/e2 >= 1)
-    return 0;			/* simple shear */
-  else
-    return 1;			/* pure shear */
-   rotate fourth order tensor 
-   c4 and c4c cannot be the same matrix
-void rot_4x4(double c4[3][3][3][3], double r[3][3], 
-	     double c4c[3][3][3][3])
-  int i1,i2,i3,i4,j1,j2,j3,j4;
-  zero_4x4(c4c);
-  for(i1=0;i1<3;i1++)
-    for(i2=0;i2<3;i2++)
-      for(i3=0;i3<3;i3++)
-	for(i4=0;i4<3;i4++)
-	  for(j1=0;j1<3;j1++)
-	    for(j2=0;j2<3;j2++)
-	      for(j3=0;j3<3;j3++)
-		for(j4=0;j4<3;j4++)
-		  c4c[i1][i2][i3][i4] += 
-		    r[i1][j1] * r[i2][j2] * 
-		    r[i3][j3] * r[i4][j4] * c4[j1][j2][j3][j4];
-void zero_6x6(double a[6][6])
-  int i,j;
-  for(i=0;i<6;i++)
-    for(j=0;j<6;j++)
-      a[i][j] = 0.;
-void zero_4x4(double a[3][3][3][3])
-  int i1,i2,i3,i4;
-  for(i1=0;i1<3;i1++)  
-    for(i2=0;i2<3;i2++)  
-      for(i3=0;i3<3;i3++) 
-	for(i4=0;i4<3;i4++) 
-	  a[i1][i2][i3][i4] = 0.0;
-void copy_4x4(double a[3][3][3][3], double b[3][3][3][3])
-  int i1,i2,i3,i4;
-  for(i1=0;i1<3;i1++)  
-    for(i2=0;i2<3;i2++)  
-      for(i3=0;i3<3;i3++) 
-	for(i4=0;i4<3;i4++) 
-	  b[i1][i2][i3][i4] = a[i1][i2][i3][i4];
-void copy_6x6(double a[6][6], double b[6][6])
-  int i1,i2;
-  for(i1=0;i1<6;i1++)  
-    for(i2=0;i2<6;i2++)  
-      b[i1][i2] = a[i1][i2];
-void print_6x6_mat(FILE *out, double c[6][6])
-  int i,j;
-  for(i=0;i<6;i++){
-    for(j=0;j<6;j++)
-      fprintf(out,"%14.5e ",(fabs(c[i][j])<5e-15)?(0):(c[i][j]));
-    fprintf(out,"\n");
-  }
-void print_3x3_mat(FILE *out, double c[3][3])
-  int i,j;
-  for(i=0;i<3;i++){
-    for(j=0;j<3;j++)
-      fprintf(out,"%14.5e ",(fabs(c[i][j])<5e-15)?(0):(c[i][j]));
-    fprintf(out,"\n");
-  }
-   create a fourth order tensor representation from the voigt
-   notation, assuming only upper half is filled in
-void c4fromc6(double c4[3][3][3][3],double c[6][6])
-  int i,j;
-  c4[0][0][0][0] =                  c[0][0];
-  c4[0][0][1][1] =                  c[0][1];
-  c4[0][0][2][2] =                  c[0][2];
-  c4[0][0][0][1] = c4[0][0][1][0] = c[0][3];
-  c4[0][0][0][2] = c4[0][0][2][0] = c[0][4];
-  c4[0][0][1][2] = c4[0][0][2][1] = c[0][5];
-  c4[1][1][0][0] =                  c[0][1];
-  c4[1][1][1][1] =                  c[1][1];
-  c4[1][1][2][2] =                  c[1][2];
-  c4[1][1][0][1] = c4[1][1][1][0] = c[1][3];
-  c4[1][1][0][2] = c4[1][1][2][0] = c[1][4];
-  c4[1][1][1][2] = c4[1][1][2][1] = c[1][5];
-  c4[2][2][0][0] =                  c[0][2];
-  c4[2][2][1][1] =                  c[1][2];
-  c4[2][2][2][2] =                  c[2][2];
-  c4[2][2][0][1] = c4[2][2][1][0] = c[2][3];
-  c4[2][2][0][2] = c4[2][2][2][0] = c[2][4];
-  c4[2][2][1][2] = c4[2][2][2][1] = c[2][5];
-  c4[0][1][0][0] =                  c[0][3];
-  c4[0][1][1][1] =                  c[1][3];
-  c4[0][1][2][2] =                  c[2][3];
-  c4[0][1][0][1] = c4[0][1][1][0] = c[3][3];
-  c4[0][1][0][2] = c4[0][1][2][0] = c[3][4];
-  c4[0][1][1][2] = c4[0][1][2][1] = c[3][5];
-  c4[0][2][0][0] =                  c[0][4];
-  c4[0][2][1][1] =                  c[1][4];
-  c4[0][2][2][2] =                  c[2][4];
-  c4[0][2][0][1] = c4[0][2][1][0] = c[3][4];
-  c4[0][2][0][2] = c4[0][2][2][0] = c[4][4];
-  c4[0][2][1][2] = c4[0][2][2][1] = c[4][5];
-  c4[1][2][0][0] =                  c[0][5];
-  c4[1][2][1][1] =                  c[1][5];
-  c4[1][2][2][2] =                  c[2][5];
-  c4[1][2][0][1] = c4[1][2][1][0] = c[3][5];
-  c4[1][2][0][2] = c4[1][2][2][0] = c[4][5];
-  c4[1][2][1][2] = c4[1][2][2][1] = c[5][5];
-  /* assign the symmetric diagonal terms */
-  for(i=0;i<3;i++)
-    for(j=0;j<3;j++){
-      c4[1][0][i][j] = c4[0][1][i][j];
-      c4[2][0][i][j] = c4[0][2][i][j];
-      c4[2][1][i][j] = c4[1][2][i][j];
-    }
-void c6fromc4(double c[6][6],double c4[3][3][3][3])
-  int i,j;
-  c[0][0] = c4[0][0][0][0];
-  c[0][1] = c4[0][0][1][1];
-  c[0][2] = c4[0][0][2][2];
-  c[0][3] = c4[0][0][0][1];
-  c[0][4] = c4[0][0][0][2];
-  c[0][5] = c4[0][0][1][2];
-  c[1][1] = c4[1][1][1][1];
-  c[1][2] = c4[1][1][2][2];
-  c[1][3] = c4[1][1][0][1];
-  c[1][4] = c4[1][1][0][2];
-  c[1][5] = c4[1][1][1][2];
-  c[2][2] = c4[2][2][2][2];
-  c[2][3] = c4[2][2][0][1];
-  c[2][4] = c4[2][2][0][2];
-  c[2][5] = c4[2][2][1][2];
-  c[3][3] = c4[0][1][0][1];
-  c[3][4] = c4[0][1][0][2];
-  c[3][5] = c4[0][1][1][2];
-  c[4][4] = c4[0][2][0][2];
-  c[4][5] = c4[0][2][1][2];
-  c[5][5] = c4[1][2][1][2];
-  /* fill in the lower half */
-  for(i=0;i<6;i++)
-    for(j=i+1;j<6;j++)
-      c[j][i] = c[i][j];
-void isacalc(double l[3][3], double *gol,double isa[3],
-	     struct All_variables *E,int *isa_mode)
-  //
-  // input: l: *normalized* velocity gradient tensor, in FORTRAN sorting
-  // output: isa(3): infite strain axis, 
-  // gol: grain orientation lag
-  double ltrace,isa_diff;
-  double f[3][3],eval[3],evec[3][3],u[3][3],le[3][3];
-  // make sure l does not have a trace
-  remove_trace_3x3(l);
-  calc_exp_matrixt(l,75,le,E);	/* following Kaminski & Ribe (G-Cubed, 2001) */
-  f_times_ft(le,u);ggrd_solve_eigen3x3(u,eval,evec,E); 
-  isa[0] = evec[0][0]; isa[1] = evec[0][1]; isa[2] = evec[0][2];
-  calc_exp_matrixt(l,80,le,E);	f_times_ft(le,u);ggrd_solve_eigen3x3(u,eval,evec,E); 
-  isa_diff = 1.-fabs(evec[0][0]*isa[0]+evec[0][1]*isa[1]+evec[0][2]*isa[2]);
-  if(isa_diff > 1e-4)		/* ISA does not exist */
-    *isa_mode = -1;
-  else
-    *isa_mode = 1;
-  //fprintf(stderr,"A: %11g %11g %11g - %11g %i\n",isa[0],isa[1],isa[2],isa_diff,*isa_mode);
-  // Limit deformation gradient tensor for infinite time
-  // calculation of the ISE orientation using Sylvester's formula
-  drex_eigen(l,f,isa_mode);
-  if(*isa_mode == -1){
-    // isa is flow1
-    isa[0]=isa[1]=isa[2] = -1.;
-  }else if(*isa_mode == 0){
-    isa[0] = isa[1] = isa[2] = 0;
-    *gol = -1.;
-  }else{
-    // 2. formation of the left-stretch tensor U = FFt
-    f_times_ft(f,u);
-    // 3. eigen-values and eigen-vectors of U
-    ggrd_solve_eigen3x3(u,eval,evec,E); 
-    // largest eigenvector
-    isa[0] = evec[0][0];isa[1] = evec[0][1];isa[2] = evec[0][2];
-    //fprintf(stderr,"B: %11g %11g %11g\n",evec[0][0],evec[0][1],evec[0][2]);
-  }
-   F^2 = F * F^T
-void f_times_ft(double f[3][3],double out[3][3])
-  int i,j,k;
-  for(i=0;i<3;i++)
-    for(j=0;j<3;j++){
-      out[i][j] = 0.0;
-      for(k=0;k<3;k++)
-	out[i][j] += f[i][k] * f[j][k];
-    }
-/* find eigenvalues of velocity gradient tensor (modified from DREX
-   code of Kaminski et al. 2004)
-void drex_eigen(double l[3][3],double f[3][3], int *mode)
-  double a2,a3,q,q3,r2,r,theta,xx,lambda1,lambda2,lambda3,sq2;
-  const double four_pi = 4.0*M_PI,
-    two_pi = 2.0*M_PI,
-    one_third=1./3.;
-  /* looking for the eigen-values of L (using tr(l)=0) */
-  a2 = l[0][0] * l[1][1] + l[1][1] * l[2][2] + l[2][2]*l[0][0] -
-    l[0][1] * l[1][0] - l[1][2]*l[2][1] - l[2][0]*l[0][2];
-  a3 = l[0][0]*l[1][2]*l[2][1] + l[0][1]*l[1][0]*l[2][2] + 
-    l[0][2]*l[1][1]*l[2][0] - l[0][0]*l[1][1]*l[2][2] - 
-    l[0][1]*l[1][2]*l[2][0] - l[0][2]*l[1][0]*l[2][1];
-  q = -a2/3.;
-  r =  a3/2.;
-  q3 = q*q*q;
-  r2 = r*r;
-  if(fabs(q) < 1e-9){
-    /* simple shear, isa=veloc */
-    *mode = -1;
-  }else if(q3-r2 >= 0){
-    sq2 = 2*sqrt(q);
-    theta = acos(pow(r/q,1.5));
-    lambda1 = -sq2*cos(theta/3);
-    lambda2 = -sq2*cos((theta+two_pi)/3.);
-    lambda3 = -sq2*cos((theta+four_pi)/3.);
-    if (fabs(lambda1-lambda2) < 1e-13) 
-      lambda1 = lambda2;
-    if (fabs(lambda2-lambda3) < 1e-13) 
-      lambda2 = lambda3;
-    if (fabs(lambda3-lambda1) < 1e-13) 
-      lambda3 = lambda1;
-    if((lambda1 > lambda2)  && (lambda1 > lambda3)) {
-      malmul_scaled_id(f,l,-lambda2,-lambda3);*mode=1;
-    }else if((lambda2 > lambda3 ) && (lambda2 > lambda1)){
-      malmul_scaled_id(f,l,-lambda3,-lambda1);*mode = 1;
-    }else if((lambda3 > lambda1 ) && (lambda3 > lambda2)){
-      malmul_scaled_id(f,l,-lambda1,-lambda2);*mode = 1;
-    }else if((lambda1 == lambda2 ) && (lambda3 > lambda1)) {
-      malmul_scaled_id(f,l,-lambda1,-lambda2);*mode = 1;
-    }else if((lambda2 == lambda3 ) && (lambda1 > lambda2)){
-      malmul_scaled_id(f,l,-lambda2,-lambda3);*mode = 1;
-    }else if((lambda3 == lambda1 ) && (lambda2 > lambda3)){
-      malmul_scaled_id(f,l,-lambda3,-lambda1);*mode = 1;
-    }else if((lambda1 == lambda2 ) && (lambda3 < lambda1)){
-      *mode =0;
-    }else if((lambda2 == lambda3 ) && (lambda1 < lambda2)){
-      *mode = 0;
-    }else if((lambda3 == lambda1 ) && (lambda2 < lambda3)){
-      *mode = 0;
-    }
-  }else{
-    xx = pow(sqrt(r2-q3)+fabs(r),one_third);
-    if(r < 0)
-      lambda1 =  xx+q/xx;
-    else
-      lambda1 = -xx+q/xx;
-    lambda2 = -lambda1/2.;
-    lambda3 = -lambda1/2.;
-    if (lambda1 > 1e-9) {
-      malmul_scaled_id(f,l,-lambda2,-lambda3);
-      *mode = 2;
-    }else{
-      *mode = 0;
-    }
-  }
-/* f = matmul(l-lambda2*Id,l-lambda3*Id); */
-void malmul_scaled_id(double f[3][3],double l[3][3],
-		      double f1,double f2)
-  double a[3][3],b[3][3];
-  int i,j;
-  for(i=0;i<3;i++)
-    for(j=0;j<3;j++){
-      a[i][j] = b[i][j] = l[i][j];
-      if(i==j){
-	a[i][j] += f1;
-	b[i][j] += f2;
-      }
-    }
-  matmul_3x3(a,b,f);
-calculate exp(A t) using DGPADM from EXPOKIT for a 3x3
-(needs LAPACK)
-void calc_exp_matrixt(double a[3][3],double t,double ae[3][3],
-		      struct All_variables *E)
-  int ideg=6;// degre of Pade approximation, six should be ok
-  int m=3,ldh=3;// a(ldh,m) dimensions
-  double *wsp;// work space
-  double af[9];
-  int ipiv[4],iexph,ns;// workspace, output pointer, nr of squareas
-  int iflag,lwsp;// exit code, size of workspace
-  int i,j,k;
-  /* 
-     work space 
-  */
-  lwsp = 2*(4*m*m+ideg+1);// size of workspace, oversized by factor two
-  wsp = (double *)calloc(lwsp,sizeof(double));
-  /* assign fortran style */
-  for(k=i=0;i<3;i++)
-    for(j=0;j<3;j++,k++)
-      af[k] = a[i][j];
-  //
-  // call to expokit routine
-  dgpadm_(&ideg,&m,&t,af,&ldh,wsp,&lwsp,ipiv,&iexph,&ns,&iflag);
-  if(iflag < 0)
-    myerror_s("calc_exp_matrixt: problem in dgpadm",E);
-  // assign to output
-  for(i=0,k=iexph-1;i<3;i++)
-    for(j=0;j<3;j++,k++)
-      ae[i][j] = wsp[k];
-  free(wsp);
-#ifdef CitcomS_global_defs_h	/* CitcomS */
-void myerror_s(char *a,struct All_variables *E){
-  myerror(E,a);
-#else  /* CU */
-void myerror_s(char *a,struct All_variables *E){
-  myerror(a,E);

Added: mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/lib/Anisotropic_viscosity.c
--- mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/lib/Anisotropic_viscosity.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/lib/Anisotropic_viscosity.c	2011-02-18 19:45:49 UTC (rev 17904)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+link anisotropic_viscosity/Anisotropic_viscosity.c
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/lib/Anisotropic_viscosity.c
Name: svn:special
   + *

Modified: mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/lib/Output_gzdir.c
--- mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/lib/Output_gzdir.c	2011-02-18 19:44:31 UTC (rev 17903)
+++ mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/lib/Output_gzdir.c	2011-02-18 19:45:49 UTC (rev 17904)
@@ -286,6 +286,7 @@
     /* write nodal coordinate to file, big endian */
     for(j=1;j <= E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++)     {
       for(i=1;i <= E->lmesh.nno;i++) {
+	/* cartesian coordinates */
 	if(be_write_float_to_file(x,3,fp1) != 3)

Deleted: mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/lib/anisotropic_viscosity.h
--- mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/lib/anisotropic_viscosity.h	2011-02-18 19:44:31 UTC (rev 17903)
+++ mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/lib/anisotropic_viscosity.h	2011-02-18 19:45:49 UTC (rev 17904)
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-void get_constitutive(double [6][6], double, double, int, float,float,float,float,int,struct All_variables *);
-void get_constitutive_ti_viscosity(double [6][6], double, double, double [3], int, double, double);
-void get_constitutive_orthotropic_viscosity(double [6][6], double, double [3], int, double, double);
-void get_constitutive_isotropic(double [6][6]);
-void set_anisotropic_viscosity_at_element_level(struct All_variables *, int);
-void conv_cart4x4_to_spherical(double [3][3][3][3], double, double, double [3][3][3][3]);
-void conv_cart6x6_to_spherical(double [6][6], double, double, double [6][6]);
-void rotate_ti6x6_to_director(double [6][6], double [3]);
-void get_citcom_spherical_rot(double, double, double [3][3]);
-void get_orth_delta(double [3][3][3][3], double [3]);
-void align_director_with_ISA_for_element(struct All_variables *, int);
-unsigned char calc_isa_from_vgm(double [3][3], double [3], int, double [3], struct All_variables *, int);
-int is_pure_shear(double [3][3], double [3][3], double [3][3]);
-void rot_4x4(double [3][3][3][3], double [3][3], double [3][3][3][3]);
-void zero_6x6(double [6][6]);
-void zero_4x4(double [3][3][3][3]);
-void copy_4x4(double [3][3][3][3], double [3][3][3][3]);
-void copy_6x6(double [6][6], double [6][6]);
-void print_6x6_mat(FILE *, double [6][6]);
-void c4fromc6(double [3][3][3][3], double [6][6]);
-void c6fromc4(double [6][6], double [3][3][3][3]);
-void isacalc(double [3][3], double *, double [3], struct All_variables *, int *);
-void f_times_ft(double [3][3], double [3][3]);
-void drex_eigen(double [3][3], double [3][3], int *);
-void malmul_scaled_id(double [3][3], double [3][3], double, double);
-void print_3x3_mat(FILE *, double [3][3]);
-void calc_exp_matrixt(double [3][3],double ,double [3][3],
-		      struct All_variables *);
-void dgpadm_(int *,int *,double *,double *,int *,double *,int *,
-	     int *,int *,int *,int *);
-void get_vgm_p(double [4][9],struct Shape_function *,
-	       struct Shape_function_dx *,
-	       struct CC *, struct CCX *, double [4][9],
-	       int ,int , int , int ,
-	       double [3][3], double [3]);
-#ifdef CitcomS_global_defs_h	/* CitcomS */
-void normalize_director_at_nodes(struct All_variables *, float **, float **, float **, int);
-void normalize_director_at_gint(struct All_variables *, float **, float **, float **, int);
-void normalize_director_at_nodes(struct All_variables *, float *, float *, float *, int);
-void normalize_director_at_gint(struct All_variables *, float *, float *, float *, int);

Added: mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/lib/anisotropic_viscosity.h
--- mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/lib/anisotropic_viscosity.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/lib/anisotropic_viscosity.h	2011-02-18 19:45:49 UTC (rev 17904)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+link anisotropic_viscosity/anisotropic_viscosity.h
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: mc/3D/CitcomS/trunk/lib/anisotropic_viscosity.h
Name: svn:special
   + *

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