[cig-commits] r17931 - seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk

danielpeter at geodynamics.org danielpeter at geodynamics.org
Mon Feb 21 17:39:25 PST 2011

Author: danielpeter
Date: 2011-02-21 17:39:25 -0800 (Mon, 21 Feb 2011)
New Revision: 17931

updates MPI routines; adds new files get_MPI.F90, prepare_assemble_MPI.F90, sort_array_coordinates.F90

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/Makefile.in
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/Makefile.in	2011-02-21 20:39:45 UTC (rev 17930)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/Makefile.in	2011-02-22 01:39:25 UTC (rev 17931)
@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@
 	$O/define_shape_functions.o \
 	$O/enforce_acoustic_free_surface.o \
 	$O/exit_mpi.o \
+	$O/get_MPI.o \
 	$O/get_perm_cuthill_mckee.o \
 	$O/get_poroelastic_velocities.o \
 	$O/gll_library.o \
@@ -166,6 +167,7 @@
 	$O/plotgll.o \
 	$O/plotpost.o \
 	$O/prepare_absorb.o \
+	$O/prepare_assemble_MPI.o \
 	$O/prepare_color_image.o \
 	$O/prepare_initialfield.o \
 	$O/prepare_source_time_function.o \
@@ -175,6 +177,7 @@
 	$O/save_openDX_jacobian.o \
 	$O/set_sources.o \
 	$O/setup_sources_receivers.o \
+	$O/sort_array_coordinates.o \
 	$O/write_seismograms.o \
@@ -474,3 +477,13 @@
 $O/read_databases.o: read_databases.f90 constants.h
 	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/read_databases.o read_databases.f90
+$O/prepare_assemble_MPI.o: prepare_assemble_MPI.F90 constants.h
+	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/prepare_assemble_MPI.o prepare_assemble_MPI.F90
+$O/get_MPI.o: get_MPI.F90 constants.h
+	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/get_MPI.o get_MPI.F90
+$O/sort_array_coordinates.o: sort_array_coordinates.F90 constants.h
+	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/sort_array_coordinates.o sort_array_coordinates.F90

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/assemble_MPI.F90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/assemble_MPI.F90	2011-02-21 20:39:45 UTC (rev 17930)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/assemble_MPI.F90	2011-02-22 01:39:25 UTC (rev 17931)
@@ -48,285 +48,20 @@
 ! These subroutines are for the most part not used in the sequential version.
-! Determines the points that are on the interfaces with other partitions, to help
-! build the communication buffers, and determines which elements are considered 'inner'
-! (no points in common with other partitions) and 'outer' (at least one point in common
-! with neighbouring partitions).
-! We have both acoustic and (poro)elastic buffers, for coupling between acoustic and (poro)elastic elements
-! led us to have two sets of communications.
-subroutine prepare_assemble_MPI (nspec,ibool, &
-     knods, ngnod, &
-     npoin, elastic, poroelastic, &
-     ninterface, max_interface_size, &
-     my_nelmnts_neighbours, my_interfaces, &
-     ibool_interfaces_acoustic, ibool_interfaces_elastic, ibool_interfaces_poroelastic, &
-     nibool_interfaces_acoustic, nibool_interfaces_elastic, nibool_interfaces_poroelastic, &
-     inum_interfaces_acoustic, inum_interfaces_elastic, inum_interfaces_poroelastic, &
-     ninterface_acoustic, ninterface_elastic, ninterface_poroelastic, &
-     mask_ispec_inner_outer &
-     )
-  implicit none
-  include 'constants.h'
-  integer, intent(in)  :: nspec, npoin, ngnod
-  logical, dimension(nspec), intent(in)  :: elastic, poroelastic
-  integer, dimension(ngnod,nspec), intent(in)  :: knods
-  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec), intent(in)  :: ibool
-  integer  :: ninterface
-  integer  :: max_interface_size
-  integer, dimension(ninterface)  :: my_nelmnts_neighbours
-  integer, dimension(4,max_interface_size,ninterface)  :: my_interfaces
-  integer, dimension(NGLLX*max_interface_size,ninterface)  :: &
-       ibool_interfaces_acoustic,ibool_interfaces_elastic,ibool_interfaces_poroelastic
-  integer, dimension(ninterface)  :: &
-       nibool_interfaces_acoustic,nibool_interfaces_elastic,nibool_interfaces_poroelastic
-  integer, dimension(ninterface), intent(out)  :: &
-       inum_interfaces_acoustic, inum_interfaces_elastic, inum_interfaces_poroelastic
-  integer, intent(out)  :: ninterface_acoustic, ninterface_elastic, ninterface_poroelastic
-  integer  :: num_interface
-  integer  :: ispec_interface
-  logical, dimension(nspec), intent(inout)  :: mask_ispec_inner_outer
-  logical, dimension(npoin)  :: mask_ibool_acoustic
-  logical, dimension(npoin)  :: mask_ibool_elastic
-  logical, dimension(npoin)  :: mask_ibool_poroelastic
-  integer  :: ixmin, ixmax
-  integer  :: izmin, izmax
-  integer, dimension(ngnod)  :: n
-  integer  :: e1, e2
-  integer  :: type
-  integer  :: ispec
-  integer  :: k
-  integer  :: npoin_interface_acoustic
-  integer  :: npoin_interface_elastic
-  integer  :: npoin_interface_poroelastic
-  integer  :: ix,iz
-  integer  :: sens
-  ibool_interfaces_acoustic(:,:) = 0
-  nibool_interfaces_acoustic(:) = 0
-  ibool_interfaces_elastic(:,:) = 0
-  nibool_interfaces_elastic(:) = 0
-  ibool_interfaces_poroelastic(:,:) = 0
-  nibool_interfaces_poroelastic(:) = 0
-  do num_interface = 1, ninterface
-     npoin_interface_acoustic = 0
-     npoin_interface_elastic = 0
-     npoin_interface_poroelastic = 0
-     mask_ibool_acoustic(:) = .false.
-     mask_ibool_elastic(:) = .false.
-     mask_ibool_poroelastic(:) = .false.
-     do ispec_interface = 1, my_nelmnts_neighbours(num_interface)
-        ispec = my_interfaces(1,ispec_interface,num_interface)
-        type = my_interfaces(2,ispec_interface,num_interface)
-        do k = 1, ngnod
-           n(k) = knods(k,ispec)
-        end do
-        e1 = my_interfaces(3,ispec_interface,num_interface)
-        e2 = my_interfaces(4,ispec_interface,num_interface)
-        call get_edge(ngnod, n, type, e1, e2, ixmin, ixmax, izmin, izmax, sens)
-        do iz = izmin, izmax, sens
-           do ix = ixmin, ixmax, sens
-              if ( elastic(ispec) ) then
-                 if(.not. mask_ibool_elastic(ibool(ix,iz,ispec))) then
-                    mask_ibool_elastic(ibool(ix,iz,ispec)) = .true.
-                    npoin_interface_elastic = npoin_interface_elastic + 1
-                    ibool_interfaces_elastic(npoin_interface_elastic,num_interface)=&
-                         ibool(ix,iz,ispec)
-                 end if
-              else if ( poroelastic(ispec) ) then
-                 if(.not. mask_ibool_poroelastic(ibool(ix,iz,ispec))) then
-                    mask_ibool_poroelastic(ibool(ix,iz,ispec)) = .true.
-                    npoin_interface_poroelastic = npoin_interface_poroelastic + 1
-                    ibool_interfaces_poroelastic(npoin_interface_poroelastic,num_interface)=&
-                         ibool(ix,iz,ispec)
-                 end if
-              else
-                 if(.not. mask_ibool_acoustic(ibool(ix,iz,ispec))) then
-                    mask_ibool_acoustic(ibool(ix,iz,ispec)) = .true.
-                    npoin_interface_acoustic = npoin_interface_acoustic + 1
-                    ibool_interfaces_acoustic(npoin_interface_acoustic,num_interface)=&
-                         ibool(ix,iz,ispec)
-                 end if
-              end if
-           end do
-        end do
-     end do
-     nibool_interfaces_acoustic(num_interface) = npoin_interface_acoustic
-     nibool_interfaces_elastic(num_interface) = npoin_interface_elastic
-     nibool_interfaces_poroelastic(num_interface) = npoin_interface_poroelastic
-     do ispec = 1, nspec
-       do iz = 1, NGLLZ
-         do ix = 1, NGLLX
-           if ( mask_ibool_acoustic(ibool(ix,iz,ispec)) &
-            .or. mask_ibool_elastic(ibool(ix,iz,ispec)) &
-            .or. mask_ibool_poroelastic(ibool(ix,iz,ispec)) ) then
-               mask_ispec_inner_outer(ispec) = .true.
-            endif
-          enddo
-        enddo
-      enddo
-  end do
-  ninterface_acoustic = 0
-  ninterface_elastic =  0
-  ninterface_poroelastic =  0
-  do num_interface = 1, ninterface
-     if ( nibool_interfaces_acoustic(num_interface) > 0 ) then
-        ninterface_acoustic = ninterface_acoustic + 1
-        inum_interfaces_acoustic(ninterface_acoustic) = num_interface
-     end if
-     if ( nibool_interfaces_elastic(num_interface) > 0 ) then
-        ninterface_elastic = ninterface_elastic + 1
-        inum_interfaces_elastic(ninterface_elastic) = num_interface
-     end if
-     if ( nibool_interfaces_poroelastic(num_interface) > 0 ) then
-        ninterface_poroelastic = ninterface_poroelastic + 1
-        inum_interfaces_poroelastic(ninterface_poroelastic) = num_interface
-     end if
-  end do
-end subroutine prepare_assemble_MPI
-! Get the points (ixmin, ixmax, izmin and izmax) on an node/edge for one element.
-! 'sens' is used to have DO loops with increment equal to 'sens' (-/+1).
-subroutine get_edge ( ngnod, n, type, e1, e2, ixmin, ixmax, izmin, izmax, sens )
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-  integer, intent(in)  :: ngnod
-  integer, dimension(ngnod), intent(in)  :: n
-  integer, intent(in)  :: type, e1, e2
-  integer, intent(out)  :: ixmin, ixmax, izmin, izmax
-  integer, intent(out)  :: sens
-   if ( type == 1 ) then
-     if ( e1 == n(1) ) then
-        ixmin = 1
-        ixmax = 1
-        izmin = 1
-        izmax = 1
-     end if
-     if ( e1 == n(2) ) then
-        ixmin = NGLLX
-        ixmax = NGLLX
-        izmin = 1
-        izmax = 1
-     end if
-     if ( e1 == n(3) ) then
-        ixmin = NGLLX
-        ixmax = NGLLX
-        izmin = NGLLZ
-        izmax = NGLLZ
-     end if
-     if ( e1 == n(4) ) then
-        ixmin = 1
-        ixmax = 1
-        izmin = NGLLZ
-        izmax = NGLLZ
-     end if
-     sens = 1
-  else
-     if ( e1 ==  n(1) ) then
-        ixmin = 1
-        izmin = 1
-        if ( e2 == n(2) ) then
-           ixmax = NGLLX
-           izmax = 1
-           sens = 1
-        end if
-        if ( e2 == n(4) ) then
-           ixmax = 1
-           izmax = NGLLZ
-           sens = 1
-        end if
-     end if
-     if ( e1 == n(2) ) then
-        ixmin = NGLLX
-        izmin = 1
-        if ( e2 == n(3) ) then
-           ixmax = NGLLX
-           izmax = NGLLZ
-           sens = 1
-        end if
-        if ( e2 == n(1) ) then
-           ixmax = 1
-           izmax = 1
-           sens = -1
-        end if
-     end if
-     if ( e1 == n(3) ) then
-        ixmin = NGLLX
-        izmin = NGLLZ
-        if ( e2 == n(4) ) then
-           ixmax = 1
-           izmax = NGLLZ
-           sens = -1
-        end if
-        if ( e2 == n(2) ) then
-           ixmax = NGLLX
-           izmax = 1
-           sens = -1
-        end if
-     end if
-     if ( e1 == n(4) ) then
-        ixmin = 1
-        izmin = NGLLZ
-        if ( e2 == n(1) ) then
-           ixmax = 1
-           izmax = 1
-           sens = -1
-        end if
-        if ( e2 == n(3) ) then
-           ixmax = NGLLX
-           izmax = NGLLZ
-           sens = 1
-        end if
-     end if
-  end if
-end subroutine get_edge
 #ifdef USE_MPI
 ! Assembling the mass matrix.
-subroutine assemble_MPI_scalar(array_val1, array_val2, array_val3, array_val4,npoin, &
-     ninterface, max_interface_size, max_ibool_interfaces_size_ac, max_ibool_interfaces_size_el, &
-     max_ibool_interfaces_size_po, &
-     ibool_interfaces_acoustic,ibool_interfaces_elastic, ibool_interfaces_poroelastic, &
-     nibool_interfaces_acoustic,nibool_interfaces_elastic,nibool_interfaces_poroelastic,my_neighbours)
+  subroutine assemble_MPI_scalar(array_val1, array_val2, array_val3, array_val4,npoin, &
+                              ninterface, max_interface_size, max_ibool_interfaces_size_ac, &
+                              max_ibool_interfaces_size_el, &
+                              max_ibool_interfaces_size_po, &
+                              ibool_interfaces_acoustic,ibool_interfaces_elastic, &
+                              ibool_interfaces_poroelastic, &
+                              nibool_interfaces_acoustic,nibool_interfaces_elastic, &
+                              nibool_interfaces_poroelastic,my_neighbours)
   implicit none
@@ -336,11 +71,12 @@
   integer, intent(in)  :: npoin
   integer, intent(in)  :: ninterface
   integer, intent(in)  :: max_interface_size
-  integer, intent(in)  :: max_ibool_interfaces_size_ac,max_ibool_interfaces_size_el,max_ibool_interfaces_size_po
+  integer, intent(in)  :: max_ibool_interfaces_size_ac,max_ibool_interfaces_size_el, &
+    max_ibool_interfaces_size_po
   integer, dimension(NGLLX*max_interface_size,ninterface), intent(in)  :: &
-       ibool_interfaces_acoustic,ibool_interfaces_elastic,ibool_interfaces_poroelastic
+    ibool_interfaces_acoustic,ibool_interfaces_elastic,ibool_interfaces_poroelastic
   integer, dimension(ninterface), intent(in)  :: nibool_interfaces_acoustic,nibool_interfaces_elastic, &
-                        nibool_interfaces_poroelastic
+    nibool_interfaces_poroelastic
   integer, dimension(ninterface), intent(in)  :: my_neighbours
   ! array to assemble
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(npoin), intent(inout) :: array_val1,array_val2,array_val3,array_val4
@@ -355,6 +91,8 @@
   integer  :: msg_status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
   integer, dimension(ninterface)  :: msg_requests
+  buffer_send_faces_scalar(:,:) = 0.d0
+  buffer_recv_faces_scalar(:,:) = 0.d0
   do num_interface = 1, ninterface
@@ -402,32 +140,36 @@
      ipoin = 0
      do i = 1, nibool_interfaces_acoustic(num_interface)
         ipoin = ipoin + 1
-        array_val1(ibool_interfaces_acoustic(i,num_interface)) = array_val1(ibool_interfaces_acoustic(i,num_interface)) + &
-             buffer_recv_faces_scalar(ipoin,num_interface)
+        array_val1(ibool_interfaces_acoustic(i,num_interface)) = &
+            array_val1(ibool_interfaces_acoustic(i,num_interface))  &
+             + buffer_recv_faces_scalar(ipoin,num_interface)
      end do
      do i = 1, nibool_interfaces_elastic(num_interface)
         ipoin = ipoin + 1
-        array_val2(ibool_interfaces_elastic(i,num_interface)) = array_val2(ibool_interfaces_elastic(i,num_interface)) + &
-             buffer_recv_faces_scalar(ipoin,num_interface)
+        array_val2(ibool_interfaces_elastic(i,num_interface)) = &
+            array_val2(ibool_interfaces_elastic(i,num_interface))  &
+            + buffer_recv_faces_scalar(ipoin,num_interface)
      end do
      do i = 1, nibool_interfaces_poroelastic(num_interface)
         ipoin = ipoin + 1
-        array_val3(ibool_interfaces_poroelastic(i,num_interface)) = array_val3(ibool_interfaces_poroelastic(i,num_interface)) + &
-             buffer_recv_faces_scalar(ipoin,num_interface)
+        array_val3(ibool_interfaces_poroelastic(i,num_interface)) = &
+            array_val3(ibool_interfaces_poroelastic(i,num_interface))  &
+            + buffer_recv_faces_scalar(ipoin,num_interface)
      end do
      do i = 1, nibool_interfaces_poroelastic(num_interface)
         ipoin = ipoin + 1
-        array_val4(ibool_interfaces_poroelastic(i,num_interface)) = array_val4(ibool_interfaces_poroelastic(i,num_interface)) + &
-             buffer_recv_faces_scalar(ipoin,num_interface)
+        array_val4(ibool_interfaces_poroelastic(i,num_interface)) = &
+            array_val4(ibool_interfaces_poroelastic(i,num_interface)) &
+            + buffer_recv_faces_scalar(ipoin,num_interface)
      end do
   end do
   call MPI_BARRIER(mpi_comm_world,ier)
-end subroutine assemble_MPI_scalar
+  end subroutine assemble_MPI_scalar
@@ -441,16 +183,15 @@
 ! Particular care should be taken concerning possible optimisations of the
 ! communication scheme.
-subroutine assemble_MPI_vector_ac(array_val1,npoin, &
-     ninterface, ninterface_acoustic, &
-     inum_interfaces_acoustic, &
-     max_interface_size, max_ibool_interfaces_size_ac,&
-     ibool_interfaces_acoustic, nibool_interfaces_acoustic, &
-     tab_requests_send_recv_acoustic, &
-     buffer_send_faces_vector_ac, &
-     buffer_recv_faces_vector_ac, &
-     my_neighbours &
-     )
+  subroutine assemble_MPI_vector_ac(array_val1,npoin, &
+                                 ninterface, ninterface_acoustic, &
+                                 inum_interfaces_acoustic, &
+                                 max_interface_size, max_ibool_interfaces_size_ac,&
+                                 ibool_interfaces_acoustic, nibool_interfaces_acoustic, &
+                                 tab_requests_send_recv_acoustic, &
+                                 buffer_send_faces_vector_ac, &
+                                 buffer_recv_faces_vector_ac, &
+                                 my_neighbours )
   implicit none
@@ -470,16 +211,20 @@
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(max_ibool_interfaces_size_ac,ninterface_acoustic), intent(inout)  :: &
-   ! array to assemble
+  ! array to assemble
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(npoin), intent(inout) :: array_val1
   integer, dimension(ninterface), intent(in) :: my_neighbours
+  ! local parameters
   integer  :: ipoin, num_interface, inum_interface
   integer  :: ier
   integer  :: i
   integer, dimension(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)  :: status_acoustic
+  ! initializes buffers
+  buffer_send_faces_vector_ac(:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+  buffer_recv_faces_vector_ac(:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
   do inum_interface = 1, ninterface_acoustic
      num_interface = inum_interfaces_acoustic(inum_interface)
@@ -530,13 +275,14 @@
      ipoin = 0
      do i = 1, nibool_interfaces_acoustic(num_interface)
         ipoin = ipoin + 1
-        array_val1(ibool_interfaces_acoustic(i,num_interface)) = array_val1(ibool_interfaces_acoustic(i,num_interface)) + &
-             buffer_recv_faces_vector_ac(ipoin,inum_interface)
+        array_val1(ibool_interfaces_acoustic(i,num_interface)) = &
+              array_val1(ibool_interfaces_acoustic(i,num_interface)) &
+              + buffer_recv_faces_vector_ac(ipoin,inum_interface)
      end do
   end do
-end subroutine assemble_MPI_vector_ac
+  end subroutine assemble_MPI_vector_ac
@@ -550,7 +296,7 @@
 ! Particular care should be taken concerning possible optimisations of the
 ! communication scheme.
-subroutine assemble_MPI_vector_el(array_val2,npoin, &
+  subroutine assemble_MPI_vector_el(array_val2,npoin, &
      ninterface, ninterface_elastic, &
      inum_interfaces_elastic, &
      max_interface_size, max_ibool_interfaces_size_el,&
@@ -579,7 +325,7 @@
   real(CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(max_ibool_interfaces_size_el,ninterface_elastic), intent(inout)  :: &
- ! array to assemble
+  ! array to assemble
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(3,npoin), intent(inout) :: array_val2
   integer, dimension(ninterface), intent(in) :: my_neighbours
@@ -639,14 +385,15 @@
      ipoin = 0
      do i = 1, nibool_interfaces_elastic(num_interface)
-        array_val2(:,ibool_interfaces_elastic(i,num_interface)) = array_val2(:,ibool_interfaces_elastic(i,num_interface)) + &
-             buffer_recv_faces_vector_el(ipoin+1:ipoin+3,inum_interface)
+        array_val2(:,ibool_interfaces_elastic(i,num_interface)) = &
+            array_val2(:,ibool_interfaces_elastic(i,num_interface))  &
+            + buffer_recv_faces_vector_el(ipoin+1:ipoin+3,inum_interface)
         ipoin = ipoin + 3
      end do
   end do
-end subroutine assemble_MPI_vector_el
+  end subroutine assemble_MPI_vector_el
@@ -660,7 +407,7 @@
 ! Particular care should be taken concerning possible optimisations of the
 ! communication scheme.
-subroutine assemble_MPI_vector_po(array_val3,array_val4,npoin, &
+  subroutine assemble_MPI_vector_po(array_val3,array_val4,npoin, &
      ninterface, ninterface_poroelastic, &
      inum_interfaces_poroelastic, &
      max_interface_size, max_ibool_interfaces_size_po,&
@@ -689,7 +436,7 @@
   real(CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(max_ibool_interfaces_size_po,ninterface_poroelastic), intent(inout)  :: &
-! array to assemble
+  ! array to assemble
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NDIM,npoin), intent(inout) :: array_val3,array_val4
   integer, dimension(ninterface), intent(in) :: my_neighbours
@@ -790,6 +537,6 @@
   end do
-end subroutine assemble_MPI_vector_po
+  end subroutine assemble_MPI_vector_po

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/compute_energy.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/compute_energy.f90	2011-02-21 20:39:45 UTC (rev 17930)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/compute_energy.f90	2011-02-22 01:39:25 UTC (rev 17931)
@@ -44,8 +44,10 @@
   subroutine compute_energy(displ_elastic,veloc_elastic,displs_poroelastic,velocs_poroelastic, &
                             displw_poroelastic,velocw_poroelastic, &
-                            xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,jacobian,ibool,elastic,poroelastic,hprime_xx,hprime_zz, &
-                            nspec,npoin,assign_external_model,it,deltat,t0,kmato,elastcoef,density, &
+                            xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,jacobian,ibool, &
+                            elastic,poroelastic,hprime_xx,hprime_zz, &
+                            nspec,npoin,assign_external_model,it,deltat, &
+                            t0,kmato,elastcoef,density, &
                             porosity,tortuosity, &
                             vpext,vsext,rhoext,c11ext,c13ext,c15ext,c33ext,c35ext,c55ext, &
                             anisotropic,anisotropy,wxgll,wzgll,numat, &
@@ -71,7 +73,8 @@
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec,N_SLS) :: e1,e11
   double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: Mu_nu1,Mu_nu2
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(npoin) :: potential_dot_acoustic,potential_dot_dot_acoustic
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(npoin) :: &
+    potential_dot_acoustic,potential_dot_dot_acoustic
@@ -93,7 +96,8 @@
   double precision, dimension(6,numat) :: anisotropy
   double precision, dimension(4,3,numat) :: elastcoef
   double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: vpext,vsext,rhoext
-  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) ::  c11ext,c15ext,c13ext,c33ext,c35ext,c55ext
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) ::  c11ext,c15ext,c13ext, &
+    c33ext,c35ext,c55ext
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NDIM,npoin) :: displ_elastic,veloc_elastic
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NDIM,npoin) :: displs_poroelastic,velocs_poroelastic
@@ -120,7 +124,8 @@
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: xixl,xizl,gammaxl,gammazl,jacobianl
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: kinetic_energy,potential_energy
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: cpl,csl,rhol,mul_relaxed,lambdal_relaxed,lambdalplus2mul_relaxed,kappal
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: cpl,csl,rhol,mul_relaxed,lambdal_relaxed, &
+    lambdalplus2mul_relaxed,kappal
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: mul_s,kappal_s,rhol_s
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: kappal_f,rhol_f
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: mul_fr,kappal_fr,phil,tortl
@@ -133,22 +138,22 @@
 ! loop over spectral elements
   do ispec = 1,nspec
-!--- elastic spectral element
+    !---
+    !--- elastic spectral element
+    !---
     if(elastic(ispec)) then
-! get relaxed elastic parameters of current spectral element
+      ! get relaxed elastic parameters of current spectral element
       lambdal_relaxed = elastcoef(1,1,kmato(ispec))
       mul_relaxed = elastcoef(2,1,kmato(ispec))
       lambdalplus2mul_relaxed = elastcoef(3,1,kmato(ispec))
       rhol  = density(1,kmato(ispec))
-! double loop over GLL points
+      ! double loop over GLL points
       do j = 1,NGLLZ
         do i = 1,NGLLX
-!--- if external medium, get elastic parameters of current grid point
+          !--- if external medium, get elastic parameters of current grid point
           if(assign_external_model) then
             cpl = vpext(i,j,ispec)
             csl = vsext(i,j,ispec)
@@ -158,15 +163,15 @@
             lambdalplus2mul_relaxed = lambdal_relaxed + TWO*mul_relaxed
-! derivative along x and along z
+          ! derivative along x and along z
           dux_dxi = ZERO
           duz_dxi = ZERO
           dux_dgamma = ZERO
           duz_dgamma = ZERO
-! first double loop over GLL points to compute and store gradients
-! we can merge the two loops because NGLLX == NGLLZ
+          ! first double loop over GLL points to compute and store gradients
+          ! we can merge the two loops because NGLLX == NGLLZ
           do k = 1,NGLLX
             dux_dxi = dux_dxi + displ_elastic(1,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
             duz_dxi = duz_dxi + displ_elastic(2,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
@@ -180,64 +185,67 @@
           gammazl = gammaz(i,j,ispec)
           jacobianl = jacobian(i,j,ispec)
-! derivatives of displacement
+          ! derivatives of displacement
           dux_dxl = dux_dxi*xixl + dux_dgamma*gammaxl
           dux_dzl = dux_dxi*xizl + dux_dgamma*gammazl
           duz_dxl = duz_dxi*xixl + duz_dgamma*gammaxl
           duz_dzl = duz_dxi*xizl + duz_dgamma*gammazl
-! compute kinetic energy
-          kinetic_energy = kinetic_energy + &
-              rhol*(veloc_elastic(1,ibool(i,j,ispec))**2 + &
-                    veloc_elastic(2,ibool(i,j,ispec))**2) *wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobianl / TWO
+          ! compute kinetic energy
+          kinetic_energy = kinetic_energy  &
+              + rhol*(veloc_elastic(1,ibool(i,j,ispec))**2  &
+              + veloc_elastic(2,ibool(i,j,ispec))**2) *wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobianl / TWO
-! compute potential energy
-          potential_energy = potential_energy + (lambdalplus2mul_relaxed*dux_dxl**2 &
+          ! compute potential energy
+          potential_energy = potential_energy &
+              + (lambdalplus2mul_relaxed*dux_dxl**2 &
               + lambdalplus2mul_relaxed*duz_dzl**2 &
-              + two*lambdal_relaxed*dux_dxl*duz_dzl + mul_relaxed*(dux_dzl + duz_dxl)**2)*wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobianl / TWO
+              + two*lambdal_relaxed*dux_dxl*duz_dzl &
+              + mul_relaxed*(dux_dzl + duz_dxl)**2)*wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobianl / TWO
-!--- poroelastic spectral element
+    !---
+    !--- poroelastic spectral element
+    !---
     elseif(poroelastic(ispec)) then
-! get relaxed elastic parameters of current spectral element
-!for now replaced by solid, fluid, and frame parameters of current spectral element
-    phil = porosity(kmato(ispec))
-    tortl = tortuosity(kmato(ispec))
-!solid properties
-    mul_s = elastcoef(2,1,kmato(ispec))
-    kappal_s = elastcoef(3,1,kmato(ispec)) - FOUR_THIRDS*mul_s
-    rhol_s = density(1,kmato(ispec))
-!fluid properties
-    kappal_f = elastcoef(1,2,kmato(ispec))
-    rhol_f = density(2,kmato(ispec))
-!frame properties
-    mul_fr = elastcoef(2,3,kmato(ispec))
-    kappal_fr = elastcoef(3,3,kmato(ispec)) - FOUR_THIRDS*mul_fr
-    rhol_bar =  (1.d0 - phil)*rhol_s + phil*rhol_f
-!Biot coefficients for the input phi
+      ! get relaxed elastic parameters of current spectral element
+      !for now replaced by solid, fluid, and frame parameters of current spectral element
+      phil = porosity(kmato(ispec))
+      tortl = tortuosity(kmato(ispec))
+      !solid properties
+      mul_s = elastcoef(2,1,kmato(ispec))
+      kappal_s = elastcoef(3,1,kmato(ispec)) - FOUR_THIRDS*mul_s
+      rhol_s = density(1,kmato(ispec))
+      !fluid properties
+      kappal_f = elastcoef(1,2,kmato(ispec))
+      rhol_f = density(2,kmato(ispec))
+      !frame properties
+      mul_fr = elastcoef(2,3,kmato(ispec))
+      kappal_fr = elastcoef(3,3,kmato(ispec)) - FOUR_THIRDS*mul_fr
+      rhol_bar =  (1.d0 - phil)*rhol_s + phil*rhol_f
+      !Biot coefficients for the input phi
       D_biot = kappal_s*(1.d0 + phil*(kappal_s/kappal_f - 1.d0))
-      H_biot = (kappal_s - kappal_fr)*(kappal_s - kappal_fr)/(D_biot - kappal_fr) + kappal_fr + FOUR_THIRDS*mul_fr
+      H_biot = (kappal_s - kappal_fr)*(kappal_s - kappal_fr)/(D_biot - kappal_fr) &
+              + kappal_fr + FOUR_THIRDS*mul_fr
       C_biot = kappal_s*(kappal_s - kappal_fr)/(D_biot - kappal_fr)
       M_biot = kappal_s*kappal_s/(D_biot - kappal_fr)
-!The RHS has the form : div T -phi/c div T_f + phi/ceta_fk^-1.partial t w
-!where T = G:grad u_s + C div w I
-!and T_f = C div u_s I + M div w I
-!we are expressing lambdaplus2mu, lambda, and mu for G, C, and M
+      !The RHS has the form : div T -phi/c div T_f + phi/ceta_fk^-1.partial t w
+      !where T = G:grad u_s + C div w I
+      !and T_f = C div u_s I + M div w I
+      !we are expressing lambdaplus2mu, lambda, and mu for G, C, and M
       mul_G = mul_fr
       lambdal_G = H_biot - TWO*mul_fr
       lambdalplus2mul_G = lambdal_G + TWO*mul_G
-! first double loop over GLL points to compute and store gradients
+      ! first double loop over GLL points to compute and store gradients
       do j = 1,NGLLZ
         do i = 1,NGLLX
-! derivative along x and along z
+          ! derivative along x and along z
           dux_dxi = ZERO
           duz_dxi = ZERO
@@ -250,8 +258,8 @@
           dwx_dgamma = ZERO
           dwz_dgamma = ZERO
-! first double loop over GLL points to compute and store gradients
-! we can merge the two loops because NGLLX == NGLLZ
+          ! first double loop over GLL points to compute and store gradients
+          ! we can merge the two loops because NGLLX == NGLLZ
           do k = 1,NGLLX
             dux_dxi = dux_dxi + displs_poroelastic(1,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
             duz_dxi = duz_dxi + displs_poroelastic(2,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
@@ -271,7 +279,7 @@
           gammazl = gammaz(i,j,ispec)
           jacobianl = jacobian(i,j,ispec)
-! derivatives of displacement
+          ! derivatives of displacement
           dux_dxl = dux_dxi*xixl + dux_dgamma*gammaxl
           dux_dzl = dux_dxi*xizl + dux_dgamma*gammazl
@@ -284,8 +292,9 @@
           dwz_dxl = dwz_dxi*xixl + dwz_dgamma*gammaxl
           dwz_dzl = dwz_dxi*xizl + dwz_dgamma*gammazl
-! compute potential energy
-          potential_energy = potential_energy + ( lambdalplus2mul_G*dux_dxl**2 &
+          ! compute potential energy
+          potential_energy = potential_energy &
+              + ( lambdalplus2mul_G*dux_dxl**2 &
               + lambdalplus2mul_G*duz_dzl**2 &
               + two*lambdal_G*dux_dxl*duz_dzl + mul_G*(dux_dzl + duz_dxl)**2 &
               + two*C_biot*dwx_dxl*dux_dxl + two*C_biot*dwz_dzl*duz_dzl &
@@ -293,74 +302,84 @@
               + M_biot*dwx_dxl**2 + M_biot*dwz_dzl**2 &
               + two*M_biot*dwx_dxl*dwz_dzl )*wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobianl / TWO
-! compute kinetic energy
-         if(phil > 0.0d0) then
-          kinetic_energy = kinetic_energy + ( &
-              rhol_bar*(velocs_poroelastic(1,ibool(i,j,ispec))**2 + velocs_poroelastic(2,ibool(i,j,ispec))**2) &
-              + rhol_f*tortl/phil*(velocw_poroelastic(1,ibool(i,j,ispec))**2 + velocw_poroelastic(2,ibool(i,j,ispec))**2) &
+          ! compute kinetic energy
+          if(phil > 0.0d0) then
+            kinetic_energy = kinetic_energy &
+              + ( rhol_bar*(velocs_poroelastic(1,ibool(i,j,ispec))**2 &
+              + velocs_poroelastic(2,ibool(i,j,ispec))**2) &
+              + rhol_f*tortl/phil*(velocw_poroelastic(1,ibool(i,j,ispec))**2 &
+              + velocw_poroelastic(2,ibool(i,j,ispec))**2) &
               + rhol_f*(velocs_poroelastic(1,ibool(i,j,ispec))*velocw_poroelastic(1,ibool(i,j,ispec)) &
               + velocs_poroelastic(2,ibool(i,j,ispec))*velocw_poroelastic(2,ibool(i,j,ispec))) &
                  )*wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobianl / TWO
-         else
-                   kinetic_energy = kinetic_energy +  &
-              rhol_s*(velocs_poroelastic(1,ibool(i,j,ispec))**2 + velocs_poroelastic(2,ibool(i,j,ispec))**2) &
-                 *wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobianl / TWO
-         endif
+          else
+            kinetic_energy = kinetic_energy  &
+              + rhol_s*(velocs_poroelastic(1,ibool(i,j,ispec))**2 &
+              + velocs_poroelastic(2,ibool(i,j,ispec))**2)*wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobianl / TWO
+          endif
-!--- acoustic spectral element
+    !---
+    !--- acoustic spectral element
+    !---
-! for the definition of potential energy in an acoustic fluid, see for instance
-! equation (23) of M. Maess et al., Journal of Sound and Vibration 296 (2006) 264-276
+      ! for the definition of potential energy in an acoustic fluid, see for instance
+      ! equation (23) of M. Maess et al., Journal of Sound and Vibration 296 (2006) 264-276
-! in case of an acoustic medium, a potential Chi of (density * displacement) is used as in Chaljub and Valette,
-! Geophysical Journal International, vol. 158, p. 131-141 (2004) and *NOT* a velocity potential
-! as in Komatitsch and Tromp, Geophysical Journal International, vol. 150, p. 303-318 (2002).
-! This permits acoustic-elastic coupling based on a non-iterative time scheme.
-! Displacement is then: u = grad(Chi) / rho
-! Velocity is then: v = grad(Chi_dot) / rho (Chi_dot being the time derivative of Chi)
-! and pressure is: p = - Chi_dot_dot  (Chi_dot_dot being the time second derivative of Chi).
+      ! in case of an acoustic medium, a potential Chi of (density * displacement) is used as in Chaljub and Valette,
+      ! Geophysical Journal International, vol. 158, p. 131-141 (2004) and *NOT* a velocity potential
+      ! as in Komatitsch and Tromp, Geophysical Journal International, vol. 150, p. 303-318 (2002).
+      ! This permits acoustic-elastic coupling based on a non-iterative time scheme.
+      ! Displacement is then: u = grad(Chi) / rho
+      ! Velocity is then: v = grad(Chi_dot) / rho (Chi_dot being the time derivative of Chi)
+      ! and pressure is: p = - Chi_dot_dot  (Chi_dot_dot being the time second derivative of Chi).
-! compute pressure in this element
-    call compute_pressure_one_element(pressure_element,potential_dot_dot_acoustic,displ_elastic,elastic, &
-         xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin,assign_external_model, &
-         numat,kmato,elastcoef,vpext,vsext,rhoext,c11ext,c13ext,c15ext,c33ext,c35ext,c55ext,anisotropic,anisotropy, &
-         ispec,e1,e11, &
-         TURN_ATTENUATION_ON,Mu_nu1,Mu_nu2,N_SLS)
+      ! compute pressure in this element
+      call compute_pressure_one_element(pressure_element, &
+                  potential_dot_dot_acoustic,displ_elastic,elastic, &
+                  xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,hprime_xx,hprime_zz, &
+                  nspec,npoin,assign_external_model, &
+                  numat,kmato,elastcoef,vpext,vsext,rhoext, &
+                  c11ext,c13ext,c15ext,c33ext,c35ext,c55ext,anisotropic,anisotropy, &
+                  ispec,e1,e11, &
+                  TURN_ATTENUATION_ON,Mu_nu1,Mu_nu2,N_SLS)
-! compute velocity vector field in this element
-    call compute_vector_one_element(vector_field_element,potential_dot_acoustic,veloc_elastic,elastic, &
-         xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,hprime_xx,hprime_zz,nspec,npoin,ispec,numat,kmato,density,rhoext,assign_external_model)
+      ! compute velocity vector field in this element
+      call compute_vector_one_element(vector_field_element, &
+                  potential_dot_acoustic,veloc_elastic,elastic, &
+                  xix,xiz,gammax,gammaz,ibool,hprime_xx,hprime_zz, &
+                  nspec,npoin,ispec,numat,kmato,density,rhoext,assign_external_model)
-! get density of current spectral element
+      ! get density of current spectral element
       lambdal_relaxed = elastcoef(1,1,kmato(ispec))
       mul_relaxed = elastcoef(2,1,kmato(ispec))
       rhol  = density(1,kmato(ispec))
       kappal  = lambdal_relaxed + TWO*mul_relaxed/3._CUSTOM_REAL
       cpl = sqrt((kappal + 4._CUSTOM_REAL*mul_relaxed/3._CUSTOM_REAL)/rhol)
-! double loop over GLL points
+      ! double loop over GLL points
       do j = 1,NGLLZ
         do i = 1,NGLLX
-!--- if external medium, get density of current grid point
+          !--- if external medium, get density of current grid point
           if(assign_external_model) then
             cpl = vpext(i,j,ispec)
             rhol = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
-! compute kinetic energy
-          kinetic_energy = kinetic_energy + &
-              rhol*(vector_field_element(1,i,j)**2 + &
-                    vector_field_element(2,i,j)**2) *wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobianl / TWO
+          jacobianl = jacobian(i,j,ispec)
-! compute potential energy
-          potential_energy = potential_energy + (pressure_element(i,j)**2)*wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobianl / (TWO * rhol * cpl**2)
+          ! compute kinetic energy
+          kinetic_energy = kinetic_energy &
+              + rhol*(vector_field_element(1,i,j)**2 &
+              + vector_field_element(2,i,j)**2) *wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobianl / TWO
+          ! compute potential energy
+          potential_energy = potential_energy &
+              + (pressure_element(i,j)**2)*wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobianl / (TWO * rhol * cpl**2)
@@ -368,7 +387,7 @@
-! save kinetic, potential and total energy for this time step in external file
+  ! save kinetic, potential and total energy for this time step in external file
   write(IOUT_ENERGY,*) real(dble(it-1)*deltat - t0,4),real(kinetic_energy,4), &
                      real(potential_energy,4),real(kinetic_energy + potential_energy,4)

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/compute_forces_acoustic.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/compute_forces_acoustic.f90	2011-02-21 20:39:45 UTC (rev 17930)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/compute_forces_acoustic.f90	2011-02-22 01:39:25 UTC (rev 17931)
@@ -157,8 +157,8 @@
             dux_dgamma = dux_dgamma + potential_acoustic(ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
             if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then
-            b_dux_dxi = b_dux_dxi + b_potential_acoustic(ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
-            b_dux_dgamma = b_dux_dgamma + b_potential_acoustic(ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
+              b_dux_dxi = b_dux_dxi + b_potential_acoustic(ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
+              b_dux_dgamma = b_dux_dgamma + b_potential_acoustic(ibool(i,k,ispec))*hprime_zz(j,k)
@@ -172,24 +172,24 @@
           dux_dzl = dux_dxi*xizl + dux_dgamma*gammazl
           if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then
-          b_dux_dxl = b_dux_dxi*xixl + b_dux_dgamma*gammaxl
-          b_dux_dzl = b_dux_dxi*xizl + b_dux_dgamma*gammazl
+            b_dux_dxl = b_dux_dxi*xixl + b_dux_dgamma*gammaxl
+            b_dux_dzl = b_dux_dxi*xizl + b_dux_dgamma*gammazl
           jacobianl = jacobian(i,j,ispec)
 ! if external density model
-        if(assign_external_model) rhol = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
+          if(assign_external_model) rhol = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
 ! for acoustic medium
 ! also add GLL integration weights
           tempx1(i,j) = wzgll(j)*jacobianl*(xixl*dux_dxl + xizl*dux_dzl) / rhol
           tempx2(i,j) = wxgll(i)*jacobianl*(gammaxl*dux_dxl + gammazl*dux_dzl) / rhol
-            if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then
-          b_tempx1(i,j) = wzgll(j)*jacobianl*(xixl*b_dux_dxl + xizl*b_dux_dzl) /rhol
-          b_tempx2(i,j) = wxgll(i)*jacobianl*(gammaxl*b_dux_dxl + gammazl*b_dux_dzl) /rhol
-            endif
+          if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then
+            b_tempx1(i,j) = wzgll(j)*jacobianl*(xixl*b_dux_dxl + xizl*b_dux_dzl) /rhol
+            b_tempx2(i,j) = wxgll(i)*jacobianl*(gammaxl*b_dux_dxl + gammazl*b_dux_dzl) /rhol
+          endif
@@ -264,13 +264,16 @@
 ! Sommerfeld condition if acoustic
           if(.not. elastic(ispec) .and. .not. poroelastic(ispec)) then
-            potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) - potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)*weight/cpl/rhol
+            potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) &
+                - potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)*weight/cpl/rhol
              if(SAVE_FORWARD .and. SIMULATION_TYPE ==1) then
-            b_absorb_acoustic_left(j,ib_left(ispecabs),it) = potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)*weight/cpl/rhol
+              b_absorb_acoustic_left(j,ib_left(ispecabs),it) = &
+                potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)*weight/cpl/rhol
              elseif(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then
-            b_potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = b_potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) - &
-                                               b_absorb_acoustic_left(j,ib_left(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)
+              b_potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = &
+                b_potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) - &
+                          b_absorb_acoustic_left(j,ib_left(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)
@@ -304,14 +307,17 @@
 ! Sommerfeld condition if acoustic
           if(.not. elastic(ispec) .and. .not. poroelastic(ispec)) then
-            potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) - potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)*weight/cpl/rhol
+            potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = &
+              potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) - potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)*weight/cpl/rhol
              if(SAVE_FORWARD .and. SIMULATION_TYPE ==1) then
-            b_absorb_acoustic_right(j,ib_right(ispecabs),it) = potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)*weight/cpl/rhol
+                b_absorb_acoustic_right(j,ib_right(ispecabs),it) = &
+                  potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)*weight/cpl/rhol
              elseif(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then
-            b_potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = b_potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) - &
-                                              b_absorb_acoustic_right(j,ib_right(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)
+                b_potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = &
+                  b_potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) - &
+                      b_absorb_acoustic_right(j,ib_right(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)
@@ -349,13 +355,16 @@
 ! Sommerfeld condition if acoustic
           if(.not. elastic(ispec) .and. .not. poroelastic(ispec)) then
-            potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) - potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)*weight/cpl/rhol
+            potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = &
+              potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) - potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)*weight/cpl/rhol
              if(SAVE_FORWARD .and. SIMULATION_TYPE ==1) then
-            b_absorb_acoustic_bottom(i,ib_bottom(ispecabs),it) = potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)*weight/cpl/rhol
+              b_absorb_acoustic_bottom(i,ib_bottom(ispecabs),it) = &
+                potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)*weight/cpl/rhol
              elseif(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then
-            b_potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = b_potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) - &
-                                               b_absorb_acoustic_bottom(i,ib_bottom(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)
+              b_potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = &
+                b_potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) - &
+                  b_absorb_acoustic_bottom(i,ib_bottom(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)
@@ -393,13 +402,16 @@
 ! Sommerfeld condition if acoustic
           if(.not. elastic(ispec) .and. .not. poroelastic(ispec)) then
-            potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) - potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)*weight/cpl/rhol
+            potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = &
+              potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) - potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)*weight/cpl/rhol
              if(SAVE_FORWARD .and. SIMULATION_TYPE ==1) then
-            b_absorb_acoustic_top(i,ib_top(ispecabs),it) = potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)*weight/cpl/rhol
+              b_absorb_acoustic_top(i,ib_top(ispecabs),it) = &
+                potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)*weight/cpl/rhol
              elseif(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then
-            b_potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = b_potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) - &
-                                               b_absorb_acoustic_top(i,ib_top(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)
+              b_potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = &
+                b_potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) - &
+                  b_absorb_acoustic_top(i,ib_top(ispecabs),NSTEP-it+1)

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/compute_pressure.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/compute_pressure.f90	2011-02-21 20:39:45 UTC (rev 17930)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/compute_pressure.f90	2011-02-22 01:39:25 UTC (rev 17931)
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
   if(elastic(ispec)) then
-! get relaxed elastic parameters of current spectral element
+    ! get relaxed elastic parameters of current spectral element
     lambdal_relaxed = elastcoef(1,1,kmato(ispec))
     mul_relaxed = elastcoef(2,1,kmato(ispec))
     lambdalplus2mul_relaxed = elastcoef(3,1,kmato(ispec))
@@ -226,24 +226,24 @@
     do j = 1,NGLLZ
       do i = 1,NGLLX
-!--- if external medium, get elastic parameters of current grid point
+        !--- if external medium, get elastic parameters of current grid point
         if(assign_external_model) then
           cpl = vpext(i,j,ispec)
           csl = vsext(i,j,ispec)
           denst = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
           mul_relaxed = denst*csl*csl
           lambdal_relaxed = denst*cpl*cpl - TWO*mul_relaxed
-       endif
+        endif
-! derivative along x and along z
+        ! derivative along x and along z
         dux_dxi = ZERO
         duz_dxi = ZERO
         dux_dgamma = ZERO
         duz_dgamma = ZERO
-! first double loop over GLL points to compute and store gradients
-! we can merge the two loops because NGLLX == NGLLZ
+        ! first double loop over GLL points to compute and store gradients
+        ! we can merge the two loops because NGLLX == NGLLZ
         do k = 1,NGLLX
           dux_dxi = dux_dxi + displ_elastic(1,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
           duz_dxi = duz_dxi + displ_elastic(3,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
@@ -256,13 +256,13 @@
         gammaxl = gammax(i,j,ispec)
         gammazl = gammaz(i,j,ispec)
-! derivatives of displacement
+        ! derivatives of displacement
         dux_dxl = dux_dxi*xixl + dux_dgamma*gammaxl
         duz_dzl = duz_dxi*xizl + duz_dgamma*gammazl
 ! compute diagonal components of the stress tensor (include attenuation or anisotropy if needed)
+        if(TURN_ATTENUATION_ON) then
 ! attenuation is implemented following the memory variable formulation of
 ! J. M. Carcione, Seismic modeling in viscoelastic media, Geophysics,
@@ -270,61 +270,67 @@
 ! J. M. Carcione, D. Kosloff and R. Kosloff, Wave propagation simulation in a linear
 ! viscoelastic medium, Geophysical Journal International, vol. 95, p. 597-611 (1988).
-! compute unrelaxed elastic coefficients from formulas in Carcione 1993 page 111
-    lambdal_unrelaxed = (lambdal_relaxed + mul_relaxed) * Mu_nu1(i,j,ispec) - mul_relaxed * Mu_nu2(i,j,ispec)
-    mul_unrelaxed = mul_relaxed * Mu_nu2(i,j,ispec)
-    lambdalplus2mul_unrelaxed = lambdal_unrelaxed + TWO*mul_unrelaxed
+          ! compute unrelaxed elastic coefficients from formulas in Carcione 1993 page 111
+          lambdal_unrelaxed = (lambdal_relaxed + mul_relaxed) * Mu_nu1(i,j,ispec) &
+                            - mul_relaxed * Mu_nu2(i,j,ispec)
+          mul_unrelaxed = mul_relaxed * Mu_nu2(i,j,ispec)
+          lambdalplus2mul_unrelaxed = lambdal_unrelaxed + TWO*mul_unrelaxed
-! compute the stress using the unrelaxed Lame parameters (Carcione 1993, page 111)
-    sigma_xx = lambdalplus2mul_unrelaxed*dux_dxl + lambdal_unrelaxed*duz_dzl
-    sigma_zz = lambdalplus2mul_unrelaxed*duz_dzl + lambdal_unrelaxed*dux_dxl
+          ! compute the stress using the unrelaxed Lame parameters (Carcione 1993, page 111)
+          sigma_xx = lambdalplus2mul_unrelaxed*dux_dxl + lambdal_unrelaxed*duz_dzl
+          sigma_zz = lambdalplus2mul_unrelaxed*duz_dzl + lambdal_unrelaxed*dux_dxl
-! add the memory variables using the relaxed parameters (Carcione 1993, page 111)
-! beware: there is a bug in Carcione's equation (2c) for sigma_zz, we fixed it in the code below
-    e1_sum = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-    e11_sum = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+          ! add the memory variables using the relaxed parameters (Carcione 1993, page 111)
+          ! beware: there is a bug in Carcione's equation (2c) for sigma_zz, we fixed it in the code below
+          e1_sum = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+          e11_sum = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-    do i_sls = 1,N_SLS
-      e1_sum = e1_sum + e1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-      e11_sum = e11_sum + e11(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-    enddo
+          do i_sls = 1,N_SLS
+            e1_sum = e1_sum + e1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+            e11_sum = e11_sum + e11(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+          enddo
-    sigma_xx = sigma_xx + (lambdal_relaxed + mul_relaxed) * e1_sum + TWO * mul_relaxed * e11_sum
-    sigma_zz = sigma_zz + (lambdal_relaxed + mul_relaxed) * e1_sum - TWO * mul_relaxed * e11_sum
+          sigma_xx = sigma_xx + (lambdal_relaxed + mul_relaxed) * e1_sum &
+                      + TWO * mul_relaxed * e11_sum
+          sigma_zz = sigma_zz + (lambdal_relaxed + mul_relaxed) * e1_sum &
+                      - TWO * mul_relaxed * e11_sum
-  else
+        else
-! no attenuation
-    sigma_xx = lambdalplus2mul_relaxed*dux_dxl + lambdal_relaxed*duz_dzl
-    sigma_zz = lambdalplus2mul_relaxed*duz_dzl + lambdal_relaxed*dux_dxl
+          ! no attenuation
+          sigma_xx = lambdalplus2mul_relaxed*dux_dxl + lambdal_relaxed*duz_dzl
+          sigma_zz = lambdalplus2mul_relaxed*duz_dzl + lambdal_relaxed*dux_dxl
-  endif
+        endif
-! full anisotropy
-  if(anisotropic(ispec)) then
-     if(assign_external_model) then
-        c11 = c11ext(i,j,ispec)
-        c15 = c15ext(i,j,ispec)
-        c13 = c13ext(i,j,ispec)
-        c33 = c33ext(i,j,ispec)
-        c35 = c35ext(i,j,ispec)
-        c55 = c55ext(i,j,ispec)
-     else
-        c11 = anisotropy(1,kmato(ispec))
-        c13 = anisotropy(2,kmato(ispec))
-        c15 = anisotropy(3,kmato(ispec))
-        c33 = anisotropy(4,kmato(ispec))
-        c35 = anisotropy(5,kmato(ispec))
-        c55 = anisotropy(6,kmato(ispec))
-     endif
+        ! full anisotropy
+        if(anisotropic(ispec)) then
+          if(assign_external_model) then
+            c11 = c11ext(i,j,ispec)
+            c15 = c15ext(i,j,ispec)
+            c13 = c13ext(i,j,ispec)
+            c33 = c33ext(i,j,ispec)
+            c35 = c35ext(i,j,ispec)
+            c55 = c55ext(i,j,ispec)
+          else
+            c11 = anisotropy(1,kmato(ispec))
+            c13 = anisotropy(2,kmato(ispec))
+            c15 = anisotropy(3,kmato(ispec))
+            c33 = anisotropy(4,kmato(ispec))
+            c35 = anisotropy(5,kmato(ispec))
+            c55 = anisotropy(6,kmato(ispec))
+          endif
-! implement anisotropy in 2D
-     sigma_xx = c11*dux_dxl + c15*(duz_dxl + dux_dzl) + c13*duz_dzl
-     sigma_zz = c13*dux_dxl + c35*(duz_dxl + dux_dzl) + c33*duz_dzl
+          duz_dxl = duz_dxi*xixl + duz_dgamma*gammaxl
+          dux_dzl = dux_dxi*xizl + dux_dgamma*gammazl
-  endif
+          ! implement anisotropy in 2D
+          sigma_xx = c11*dux_dxl + c15*(duz_dxl + dux_dzl) + c13*duz_dzl
+          sigma_zz = c13*dux_dxl + c35*(duz_dxl + dux_dzl) + c33*duz_dzl
-! store pressure
+        endif
+        ! store pressure
         pressure_element(i,j) = - (sigma_xx + sigma_zz) / 2.d0
@@ -332,36 +338,40 @@
   elseif(poroelastic(ispec)) then
-! get poroelastic parameters of current spectral element
+    lambdal_relaxed = elastcoef(1,1,kmato(ispec))
+    mul_relaxed = elastcoef(2,1,kmato(ispec))
+    ! get poroelastic parameters of current spectral element
     phil = porosity(kmato(ispec))
     tortl = tortuosity(kmato(ispec))
-!solid properties
+    !solid properties
     mul_s = elastcoef(2,1,kmato(ispec))
     kappal_s = elastcoef(3,1,kmato(ispec)) - FOUR_THIRDS*mul_s
     rhol_s = density(1,kmato(ispec))
-!fluid properties
+    !fluid properties
     kappal_f = elastcoef(1,2,kmato(ispec))
     rhol_f = density(2,kmato(ispec))
-!frame properties
+    !frame properties
     mul_fr = elastcoef(2,3,kmato(ispec))
     kappal_fr = elastcoef(3,3,kmato(ispec)) - FOUR_THIRDS*mul_fr
     rhol_bar =  (1.d0 - phil)*rhol_s + phil*rhol_f
-!Biot coefficients for the input phi
-      D_biot = kappal_s*(1.d0 + phil*(kappal_s/kappal_f - 1.d0))
-      H_biot = (kappal_s - kappal_fr)*(kappal_s - kappal_fr)/(D_biot - kappal_fr) + kappal_fr + FOUR_THIRDS*mul_fr
-      C_biot = kappal_s*(kappal_s - kappal_fr)/(D_biot - kappal_fr)
-      M_biot = kappal_s*kappal_s/(D_biot - kappal_fr)
-!where T = G:grad u_s + C div w I
-!and T_f = C div u_s I + M div w I
-!we are expressing lambdaplus2mu, lambda, and mu for G, C, and M
-      mul_G = mul_fr
-      lambdal_G = H_biot - TWO*mul_fr
-      lambdalplus2mul_G = lambdal_G + TWO*mul_G
+    !Biot coefficients for the input phi
+    D_biot = kappal_s*(1.d0 + phil*(kappal_s/kappal_f - 1.d0))
+    H_biot = (kappal_s - kappal_fr)*(kappal_s - kappal_fr)/(D_biot - kappal_fr) &
+            + kappal_fr + FOUR_THIRDS*mul_fr
+    C_biot = kappal_s*(kappal_s - kappal_fr)/(D_biot - kappal_fr)
+    M_biot = kappal_s*kappal_s/(D_biot - kappal_fr)
+    !where T = G:grad u_s + C div w I
+    !and T_f = C div u_s I + M div w I
+    !we are expressing lambdaplus2mu, lambda, and mu for G, C, and M
+    mul_G = mul_fr
+    lambdal_G = H_biot - TWO*mul_fr
+    lambdalplus2mul_G = lambdal_G + TWO*mul_G
     do j = 1,NGLLZ
       do i = 1,NGLLX
-! derivative along x and along z
+        ! derivative along x and along z
         dux_dxi = ZERO
         duz_dxi = ZERO
@@ -374,8 +384,8 @@
         dwx_dgamma = ZERO
         dwz_dgamma = ZERO
-! first double loop over GLL points to compute and store gradients
-! we can merge the two loops because NGLLX == NGLLZ
+        ! first double loop over GLL points to compute and store gradients
+        ! we can merge the two loops because NGLLX == NGLLZ
         do k = 1,NGLLX
           dux_dxi = dux_dxi + displs_poroelastic(1,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
           duz_dxi = duz_dxi + displs_poroelastic(2,ibool(k,j,ispec))*hprime_xx(i,k)
@@ -394,7 +404,7 @@
         gammaxl = gammax(i,j,ispec)
         gammazl = gammaz(i,j,ispec)
-! derivatives of displacement
+        ! derivatives of displacement
         dux_dxl = dux_dxi*xixl + dux_dgamma*gammaxl
         duz_dzl = duz_dxi*xizl + duz_dgamma*gammazl
@@ -403,7 +413,7 @@
 ! compute diagonal components of the stress tensor (include attenuation if needed)
+        if(TURN_ATTENUATION_ON) then
 !-------------------- ATTENTION TO BE DEFINED ------------------------------!
 ! attenuation is implemented following the memory variable formulation of
@@ -412,39 +422,42 @@
 ! J. M. Carcione, D. Kosloff and R. Kosloff, Wave propagation simulation in a linear
 ! viscoelastic medium, Geophysical Journal International, vol. 95, p. 597-611 (1988).
-! compute unrelaxed elastic coefficients from formulas in Carcione 1993 page 111
-    lambdal_unrelaxed = (lambdal_relaxed + mul_relaxed) * Mu_nu1(i,j,ispec) - mul_relaxed * Mu_nu2(i,j,ispec)
-    mul_unrelaxed = mul_relaxed * Mu_nu2(i,j,ispec)
-    lambdalplus2mul_unrelaxed = lambdal_unrelaxed + TWO*mul_unrelaxed
+          ! compute unrelaxed elastic coefficients from formulas in Carcione 1993 page 111
+          lambdal_unrelaxed = (lambdal_relaxed + mul_relaxed) * Mu_nu1(i,j,ispec) &
+                            - mul_relaxed * Mu_nu2(i,j,ispec)
+          mul_unrelaxed = mul_relaxed * Mu_nu2(i,j,ispec)
+          lambdalplus2mul_unrelaxed = lambdal_unrelaxed + TWO*mul_unrelaxed
-! compute the stress using the unrelaxed Lame parameters (Carcione 1993, page 111)
-    sigma_xx = lambdalplus2mul_unrelaxed*dux_dxl + lambdal_unrelaxed*duz_dzl
-    sigma_zz = lambdalplus2mul_unrelaxed*duz_dzl + lambdal_unrelaxed*dux_dxl
+          ! compute the stress using the unrelaxed Lame parameters (Carcione 1993, page 111)
+          sigma_xx = lambdalplus2mul_unrelaxed*dux_dxl + lambdal_unrelaxed*duz_dzl
+          sigma_zz = lambdalplus2mul_unrelaxed*duz_dzl + lambdal_unrelaxed*dux_dxl
-! add the memory variables using the relaxed parameters (Carcione 1993, page 111)
-! beware: there is a bug in Carcione's equation (2c) for sigma_zz, we fixed it in the code below
-    e1_sum = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-    e11_sum = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+          ! add the memory variables using the relaxed parameters (Carcione 1993, page 111)
+          ! beware: there is a bug in Carcione's equation (2c) for sigma_zz, we fixed it in the code below
+          e1_sum = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+          e11_sum = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-    do i_sls = 1,N_SLS
-      e1_sum = e1_sum + e1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-      e11_sum = e11_sum + e11(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
-    enddo
+          do i_sls = 1,N_SLS
+            e1_sum = e1_sum + e1(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+            e11_sum = e11_sum + e11(i,j,ispec,i_sls)
+          enddo
-    sigma_xx = sigma_xx + (lambdal_relaxed + mul_relaxed) * e1_sum + TWO * mul_relaxed * e11_sum
-    sigma_zz = sigma_zz + (lambdal_relaxed + mul_relaxed) * e1_sum - TWO * mul_relaxed * e11_sum
+          sigma_xx = sigma_xx + (lambdal_relaxed + mul_relaxed) * e1_sum &
+                    + TWO * mul_relaxed * e11_sum
+          sigma_zz = sigma_zz + (lambdal_relaxed + mul_relaxed) * e1_sum &
+                    - TWO * mul_relaxed * e11_sum
-  else
+        else
-! no attenuation
-    sigma_xx = lambdalplus2mul_G*dux_dxl + lambdal_G*duz_dzl + C_biot*(dwx_dxl + dwz_dzl)
-    sigma_zz = lambdalplus2mul_G*duz_dzl + lambdal_G*dux_dxl + C_biot*(dwx_dxl + dwz_dzl)
+          ! no attenuation
+          sigma_xx = lambdalplus2mul_G*dux_dxl + lambdal_G*duz_dzl + C_biot*(dwx_dxl + dwz_dzl)
+          sigma_zz = lambdalplus2mul_G*duz_dzl + lambdal_G*dux_dxl + C_biot*(dwx_dxl + dwz_dzl)
-    sigmap = C_biot*(dux_dxl + duz_dzl) + M_biot*(dwx_dxl + dwz_dzl)
+          sigmap = C_biot*(dux_dxl + duz_dzl) + M_biot*(dwx_dxl + dwz_dzl)
-  endif
+        endif
-! store pressure
+        ! store pressure
         pressure_element(i,j) = - (sigma_xx + sigma_zz) / 2.d0
 !        pressure_element2(i,j) = - sigmap
@@ -458,7 +471,7 @@
         iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
-! store pressure
+        ! store pressure
         pressure_element(i,j) = - potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob)

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/get_MPI.F90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/get_MPI.F90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/get_MPI.F90	2011-02-22 01:39:25 UTC (rev 17931)
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 6.1
+!                   ------------------------------
+! Copyright Universite de Pau, CNRS and INRIA, France,
+! and Princeton University / California Institute of Technology, USA.
+! Contributors: Dimitri Komatitsch, dimitri DOT komatitsch aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Nicolas Le Goff, nicolas DOT legoff aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Roland Martin, roland DOT martin aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Christina Morency, cmorency aT princeton DOT edu
+! This software is a computer program whose purpose is to solve
+! the two-dimensional viscoelastic anisotropic or poroelastic wave equation
+! using a spectral-element method (SEM).
+! This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
+! abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
+! modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
+! license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
+! "http://www.cecill.info".
+! As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
+! modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
+! with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
+! economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
+! liability.
+! In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
+! with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
+! software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
+! that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
+! therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
+! professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
+! encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
+! requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
+! data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
+! same conditions as regards security.
+! The full text of the license is available in file "LICENSE".
+#ifdef USE_MPI
+  subroutine get_MPI(nspec,ibool,knods,ngnod,npoin,elastic,poroelastic, &
+                    ninterface, max_interface_size, &
+                    my_nelmnts_neighbours,my_interfaces,my_neighbours, &
+                    ibool_interfaces_acoustic, ibool_interfaces_elastic, &
+                    ibool_interfaces_poroelastic, &
+                    nibool_interfaces_acoustic, nibool_interfaces_elastic, &
+                    nibool_interfaces_poroelastic, &
+                    inum_interfaces_acoustic, inum_interfaces_elastic, &
+                    inum_interfaces_poroelastic, &
+                    ninterface_acoustic, ninterface_elastic, ninterface_poroelastic, &
+                    mask_ispec_inner_outer, &
+                    myrank,ipass,coord)
+! sets up the MPI interface for communication between partitions
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  include 'mpif.h'
+  integer, intent(in)  :: nspec, npoin, ngnod
+  logical, dimension(nspec), intent(in)  :: elastic, poroelastic
+  integer, dimension(ngnod,nspec), intent(in)  :: knods
+  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec), intent(in)  :: ibool
+  integer  :: ninterface
+  integer  :: max_interface_size
+  integer, dimension(ninterface)  :: my_nelmnts_neighbours,my_neighbours
+  integer, dimension(4,max_interface_size,ninterface)  :: my_interfaces
+  integer, dimension(NGLLX*max_interface_size,ninterface)  :: &
+       ibool_interfaces_acoustic,ibool_interfaces_elastic,ibool_interfaces_poroelastic
+  integer, dimension(ninterface)  :: &
+       nibool_interfaces_acoustic,nibool_interfaces_elastic,nibool_interfaces_poroelastic
+  integer, dimension(ninterface), intent(out)  :: &
+       inum_interfaces_acoustic, inum_interfaces_elastic, inum_interfaces_poroelastic
+  integer, intent(out)  :: ninterface_acoustic, ninterface_elastic, ninterface_poroelastic
+  logical, dimension(nspec), intent(inout)  :: mask_ispec_inner_outer
+  integer :: myrank,ipass
+  double precision, dimension(NDIM,npoin) :: coord
+  !local parameters
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: xp,zp
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: work
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: locval
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: nibool_interfaces_true
+  ! for MPI buffers
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: reorder_interface,ind,ninseg,iwork
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ibool_dummy
+!  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: ibool_interfaces_dummy
+  logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: ifseg
+  integer :: iinterface,ilocnum
+  integer :: num_points1, num_points2
+  ! assembly test
+  integer :: i,j,ispec,iglob,count,inum,ier,idomain
+  integer :: max_nibool_interfaces,num_nibool,num_interface
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:),allocatable :: test_flag_cr
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), allocatable  :: buffer_send_faces_vector_ac
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), allocatable  :: buffer_recv_faces_vector_ac
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable  :: tab_requests_send_recv_acoustic
+  ! gets global indices for points on MPI interfaces 
+  ! (defined by my_interfaces) between different partitions
+  ! and stores them in ibool_interfaces*** & nibool_interfaces*** (number of total points)
+  call prepare_assemble_MPI(nspec,ibool,knods, ngnod,npoin, elastic, poroelastic, &
+                                ninterface, max_interface_size, &
+                                my_nelmnts_neighbours, my_interfaces, &
+                                ibool_interfaces_acoustic, ibool_interfaces_elastic, &
+                                ibool_interfaces_poroelastic, &
+                                nibool_interfaces_acoustic, nibool_interfaces_elastic, &
+                                nibool_interfaces_poroelastic, &
+                                inum_interfaces_acoustic, inum_interfaces_elastic, &
+                                inum_interfaces_poroelastic, &
+                                ninterface_acoustic, ninterface_elastic, ninterface_poroelastic, &
+                                mask_ispec_inner_outer )
+  ! sorts ibool comm buffers lexicographically for all MPI interfaces
+  num_points1 = 0
+  num_points2 = 0
+  allocate(nibool_interfaces_true(ninterface))
+  do idomain = 1,3
+    ! checks number of interface in this domain
+    num_interface = 0
+    if( idomain == 1 ) then
+      num_interface = ninterface_acoustic
+    elseif( idomain == 2 ) then
+      num_interface = ninterface_elastic
+    elseif( idomain == 3 ) then
+      num_interface = ninterface_poroelastic
+    endif
+    if( num_interface == 0 ) cycle
+    ! loops over interfaces
+    do iinterface = 1, ninterface
+      ! number of global points in this interface    
+      num_nibool = 0
+      if( idomain == 1 ) then
+        num_nibool = nibool_interfaces_acoustic(iinterface)
+      elseif( idomain == 2 ) then
+        num_nibool = nibool_interfaces_elastic(iinterface)
+      elseif( idomain == 3 ) then
+        num_nibool = nibool_interfaces_poroelastic(iinterface)      
+      endif
+      ! checks if anything to sort
+      if( num_nibool == 0 ) cycle
+      allocate(xp(num_nibool))
+      allocate(zp(num_nibool))
+      allocate(locval(num_nibool))
+      allocate(ifseg(num_nibool))
+      allocate(reorder_interface(num_nibool))
+      allocate(ibool_dummy(num_nibool))
+      allocate(ind(num_nibool))
+      allocate(ninseg(num_nibool))
+      allocate(iwork(num_nibool))
+      allocate(work(num_nibool))
+      ! works with a copy of ibool array
+      if( idomain == 1 ) then
+        ibool_dummy(:) = ibool_interfaces_acoustic(1:num_nibool,iinterface)
+      elseif( idomain == 2 ) then
+        ibool_dummy(:) = ibool_interfaces_elastic(1:num_nibool,iinterface)
+      elseif( idomain == 3 ) then
+        ibool_dummy(:) = ibool_interfaces_poroelastic(1:num_nibool,iinterface)        
+      endif
+      ! gets x,y,z coordinates of global points on MPI interface
+      do ilocnum = 1, num_nibool
+        iglob = ibool_dummy(ilocnum)        
+        xp(ilocnum) = coord(1,iglob)
+        zp(ilocnum) = coord(2,iglob)        
+      enddo
+      ! sorts (lexicographically?) ibool_interfaces and updates value
+      ! of total number of points nibool_interfaces_true(iinterface)
+      call sort_array_coordinates(num_nibool,xp,zp, &
+                                ibool_dummy, &
+                                reorder_interface,locval,ifseg, &
+                                nibool_interfaces_true(iinterface), &
+                                ind,ninseg,iwork,work)
+      ! checks that number of MPI points are still the same
+      num_points1 = num_points1 + num_nibool
+      num_points2 = num_points2 + nibool_interfaces_true(iinterface)
+      if( num_points1 /= num_points2 ) then
+        write(IOUT,*) 'error sorting MPI interface points:',myrank
+        write(IOUT,*) '   domain:',idomain
+        write(IOUT,*) '   interface:',iinterface,num_points1,num_points2
+        call exit_MPI('error sorting MPI interface')
+      endif
+      ! stores new order of ibool array
+      if( idomain == 1 ) then
+        ibool_interfaces_acoustic(1:num_nibool,iinterface) = ibool_dummy(:)
+      elseif( idomain == 2 ) then
+        ibool_interfaces_elastic(1:num_nibool,iinterface) = ibool_dummy(:)
+      elseif( idomain == 3 ) then
+        ibool_interfaces_poroelastic(1:num_nibool,iinterface) = ibool_dummy(:)
+      endif      
+      ! cleanup temporary arrays
+      deallocate(xp)
+      deallocate(zp)
+      deallocate(locval)
+      deallocate(ifseg)
+      deallocate(reorder_interface)
+      deallocate(ibool_dummy)
+      deallocate(ind)
+      deallocate(ninseg)
+      deallocate(iwork)
+      deallocate(work)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  ! cleanup
+  deallocate(nibool_interfaces_true)
+  ! outputs total number of MPI interface points
+  call MPI_ALLREDUCE(num_points2, num_points1, 1, MPI_INTEGER, &
+                    MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ier)  
+  if( myrank == 0 .and. ipass == 1 ) then
+    write(IOUT,*) 'total MPI interface points: ',num_points1
+  endif
+  ! checks interfaces in acoustic domains
+  if ( ninterface_acoustic > 0) then
+    ! checks with assembly of test fields
+    allocate(test_flag_cr(npoin))
+    test_flag_cr(:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+    count = 0
+    do ispec = 1, nspec
+      ! sets flags on global points
+      do j = 1, NGLLZ
+        do i = 1, NGLLX
+          ! global index
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+          ! counts number of unique global points to set
+          if( nint(test_flag_cr(iglob)) == 0 ) count = count+1
+          ! sets identifier
+          test_flag_cr(iglob) = myrank + 1.0
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+    max_nibool_interfaces = maxval(nibool_interfaces_acoustic(:))
+    allocate(tab_requests_send_recv_acoustic(ninterface_acoustic*2))
+    allocate(buffer_send_faces_vector_ac(max_nibool_interfaces,ninterface_acoustic))
+    allocate(buffer_recv_faces_vector_ac(max_nibool_interfaces,ninterface_acoustic))
+    inum = 0
+    do iinterface = 1, ninterface
+      inum = inum + nibool_interfaces_acoustic(iinterface)
+    enddo
+    call MPI_ALLREDUCE(inum, num_points2, 1, MPI_INTEGER, &
+                    MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ier)  
+    if( myrank == 0 .and. ipass == 1 ) then
+      write(IOUT,*) '       acoustic interface points: ',num_points2
+    endif
+    ! adds contributions from different partitions to flag arrays
+    ! custom_real arrays
+    call assemble_MPI_vector_ac(test_flag_cr,npoin, &
+                    ninterface, ninterface_acoustic,inum_interfaces_acoustic, &
+                    max_interface_size, max_nibool_interfaces,&
+                    ibool_interfaces_acoustic, nibool_interfaces_acoustic, &
+                    tab_requests_send_recv_acoustic,buffer_send_faces_vector_ac, &
+                    buffer_recv_faces_vector_ac, my_neighbours)
+    ! checks number of interface points
+    i = 0
+    do iglob=1,npoin
+      ! only counts flags with MPI contributions
+      if( test_flag_cr(iglob) > myrank+1.0_CUSTOM_REAL ) i = i + 1
+    enddo
+    call MPI_ALLREDUCE(inum, iglob, 1, MPI_INTEGER, &
+                    MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ier)  
+    if( myrank == 0 .and. ipass == 1 ) then
+      write(IOUT,*) '       assembled acoustic MPI interface points:',iglob
+    endif
+    if( num_points2 /= iglob ) then
+      print*,'error assembly:',myrank
+      print*,'  count = ',count
+      print*,'  inum = ',inum
+      print*,'  i = ',i
+      print*,' total: ',num_points2,' not equal to assembled ',iglob
+      call exit_MPI('error acoustic MPI assembly')
+    endif
+    deallocate(tab_requests_send_recv_acoustic)
+    deallocate(buffer_send_faces_vector_ac)
+    deallocate(buffer_recv_faces_vector_ac)
+    deallocate(test_flag_cr)
+  endif
+  end subroutine get_MPI

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/gmat01.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/gmat01.f90	2011-02-21 20:39:45 UTC (rev 17930)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/gmat01.f90	2011-02-22 01:39:25 UTC (rev 17931)
@@ -196,8 +196,10 @@
         C_biot = kappa_s*(kappa_s - kappa_fr)/(D_biot - kappa_fr)
         M_biot = kappa_s*kappa_s/(D_biot - kappa_fr)
-      call get_poroelastic_velocities(cpIsquare,cpIIsquare,cssquare,H_biot,C_biot,M_biot,mu_fr,phi, &
-             tortuosity,density(1),density(2),eta_f,val4,f0,freq0,Q0,w_c,TURN_VISCATTENUATION_ON)
+        call get_poroelastic_velocities(cpIsquare,cpIIsquare,cssquare, &
+                                  H_biot,C_biot,M_biot,mu_fr,phi, &
+                                  tortuosity,density(1),density(2),eta_f, &
+                                  val4,f0,freq0,Q0,w_c,TURN_VISCATTENUATION_ON)
         porosity_array(n) = val2
         tortuosity_array(n) = val3
@@ -238,7 +240,7 @@
            porosity_array(n) = 1.d0
-     elseif(indic == 2) then
+     elseif (indic == 2) then
         density_array(1,n) = density(1)
 ! dummy poroelastcoef values, trick to avoid floating invalid
         poroelastcoef(1,1,n) = lambda
@@ -255,7 +257,7 @@
         Qp_array(n) = 15
         Qs_array(n) = 15
         porosity_array(n) = 0.d0
-     else
+     elseif (indic == 3) then
         density_array(1,n) = density(1)
         density_array(2,n) = density(2)
         poroelastcoef(1,1,n) = lambda_s
@@ -289,7 +291,7 @@
         elseif(indic == 2) then                      ! elastic (anisotropic)
            write(IOUT,400) n,density(1),c11,c13,c15,c33,c35,c55
-        else
+        elseif(indic == 3) then
            ! material is poroelastic (solid/fluid)
            write(iout,500) n,sqrt(cpIsquare),sqrt(cpIIsquare),sqrt(cssquare)
            write(iout,600) density(1),poisson_s,lambda_s,mu_s,kappa_s,young_s

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/part_unstruct.F90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/part_unstruct.F90	2011-02-21 20:39:45 UTC (rev 17930)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/part_unstruct.F90	2011-02-22 01:39:25 UTC (rev 17931)
@@ -788,7 +788,8 @@
            if ( (tab_size_interfaces(num_interface) < tab_size_interfaces(num_interface+1)) .and. &
                 (i == iproc .or. j == iproc) ) then
               my_interfaces(num_interface) = 1
-              my_nb_interfaces(num_interface) = tab_size_interfaces(num_interface+1) - tab_size_interfaces(num_interface)
+              my_nb_interfaces(num_interface) = tab_size_interfaces(num_interface+1) &
+                                              - tab_size_interfaces(num_interface)
            num_interface = num_interface + 1
@@ -798,55 +799,62 @@
     do i = 0, nparts-1
-       do j = i+1, nparts-1
-          if ( my_interfaces(num_interface) == 1 ) then
-             if ( i == iproc ) then
-                write(IIN_database,*) j, my_nb_interfaces(num_interface)
-             else
-                write(IIN_database,*) i, my_nb_interfaces(num_interface)
-             endif
+      do j = i+1, nparts-1
+        if ( my_interfaces(num_interface) == 1 ) then
+          if ( i == iproc ) then
+            write(IIN_database,*) j, my_nb_interfaces(num_interface)
+          else
+            write(IIN_database,*) i, my_nb_interfaces(num_interface)
+          endif
-             do k = tab_size_interfaces(num_interface), tab_size_interfaces(num_interface+1)-1
-                if ( i == iproc ) then
-                   local_elmnt = glob2loc_elmnts(tab_interfaces(k*5+0))+1
-                else
-                   local_elmnt = glob2loc_elmnts(tab_interfaces(k*5+1))+1
-                endif
+          do k = tab_size_interfaces(num_interface), tab_size_interfaces(num_interface+1)-1
+            if ( i == iproc ) then
+              local_elmnt = glob2loc_elmnts(tab_interfaces(k*5+0))+1
+            else
+              local_elmnt = glob2loc_elmnts(tab_interfaces(k*5+1))+1
+            endif
-                if ( tab_interfaces(k*5+2) == 1 ) then
-                   do l = glob2loc_nodes_nparts(tab_interfaces(k*5+3)), &
+            if ( tab_interfaces(k*5+2) == 1 ) then
+              ! common node (single point)
+              do l = glob2loc_nodes_nparts(tab_interfaces(k*5+3)), &
-                      if ( glob2loc_nodes_parts(l) == iproc ) then
-                         local_nodes(1) = glob2loc_nodes(l)+1
-                      endif
-                   enddo
+                if ( glob2loc_nodes_parts(l) == iproc ) then
+                  local_nodes(1) = glob2loc_nodes(l)+1
+                endif
+              enddo
-                   write(IIN_database,*) local_elmnt, tab_interfaces(k*5+2), local_nodes(1), -1
-                else
-                   if ( tab_interfaces(k*5+2) == 2 ) then
-                      do l = glob2loc_nodes_nparts(tab_interfaces(k*5+3)), &
+              write(IIN_database,*) local_elmnt, tab_interfaces(k*5+2), &
+                                        local_nodes(1), -1
+            else
+              if ( tab_interfaces(k*5+2) == 2 ) then
+                ! common edge (two nodes)
+                ! first node
+                do l = glob2loc_nodes_nparts(tab_interfaces(k*5+3)), &
-                         if ( glob2loc_nodes_parts(l) == iproc ) then
-                            local_nodes(1) = glob2loc_nodes(l)+1
-                         endif
-                      enddo
-                      do l = glob2loc_nodes_nparts(tab_interfaces(k*5+4)), &
+                  if ( glob2loc_nodes_parts(l) == iproc ) then
+                    local_nodes(1) = glob2loc_nodes(l)+1
+                  endif
+                enddo
+                ! second node
+                do l = glob2loc_nodes_nparts(tab_interfaces(k*5+4)), &
-                         if ( glob2loc_nodes_parts(l) == iproc ) then
-                            local_nodes(2) = glob2loc_nodes(l)+1
-                         endif
-                      enddo
-                      write(IIN_database,*) local_elmnt, tab_interfaces(k*5+2), local_nodes(1), local_nodes(2)
-                   else
-                      write(IIN_database,*) "erreur_write_interface_", tab_interfaces(k*5+2)
-                   endif
-                endif
-             enddo
+                  if ( glob2loc_nodes_parts(l) == iproc ) then
+                    local_nodes(2) = glob2loc_nodes(l)+1
+                  endif
+                enddo
-          endif
+                write(IIN_database,*) local_elmnt, tab_interfaces(k*5+2), &
+                                           local_nodes(1), local_nodes(2)
+              else
+                write(IIN_database,*) "erreur_write_interface_", tab_interfaces(k*5+2)
+              endif
+            endif
+          enddo
-          num_interface = num_interface + 1
-       enddo
+        endif
+        num_interface = num_interface + 1
+      enddo

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/prepare_assemble_MPI.F90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/prepare_assemble_MPI.F90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/prepare_assemble_MPI.F90	2011-02-22 01:39:25 UTC (rev 17931)
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 6.1
+!                   ------------------------------
+! Copyright Universite de Pau, CNRS and INRIA, France,
+! and Princeton University / California Institute of Technology, USA.
+! Contributors: Dimitri Komatitsch, dimitri DOT komatitsch aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Nicolas Le Goff, nicolas DOT legoff aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Roland Martin, roland DOT martin aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Christina Morency, cmorency aT princeton DOT edu
+! This software is a computer program whose purpose is to solve
+! the two-dimensional viscoelastic anisotropic or poroelastic wave equation
+! using a spectral-element method (SEM).
+! This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
+! abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
+! modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
+! license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
+! "http://www.cecill.info".
+! As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
+! modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
+! with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
+! economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
+! liability.
+! In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
+! with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
+! software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
+! that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
+! therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
+! professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
+! encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
+! requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
+! data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
+! same conditions as regards security.
+! The full text of the license is available in file "LICENSE".
+! This file contains subroutines related to assembling (of the mass matrix, potential_dot_dot and
+! accel_elastic, accels_poroelastic, accelw_poroelastic).
+! These subroutines are for the most part not used in the sequential version.
+#ifdef USE_MPI
+! Determines the points that are on the interfaces with other partitions, to help
+! build the communication buffers, and determines which elements are considered 'inner'
+! (no points in common with other partitions) and 'outer' (at least one point in common
+! with neighbouring partitions).
+! We have both acoustic and (poro)elastic buffers, for coupling between acoustic and (poro)elastic elements
+! led us to have two sets of communications.
+  subroutine prepare_assemble_MPI(nspec,ibool,knods, ngnod,npoin, elastic, poroelastic, &
+                                ninterface, max_interface_size, &
+                                my_nelmnts_neighbours, my_interfaces, &
+                                ibool_interfaces_acoustic, ibool_interfaces_elastic, &
+                                ibool_interfaces_poroelastic, &
+                                nibool_interfaces_acoustic, nibool_interfaces_elastic, &
+                                nibool_interfaces_poroelastic, &
+                                inum_interfaces_acoustic, inum_interfaces_elastic, &
+                                inum_interfaces_poroelastic, &
+                                ninterface_acoustic, ninterface_elastic, ninterface_poroelastic, &
+                                mask_ispec_inner_outer )
+  implicit none
+  include 'constants.h'
+  integer, intent(in)  :: nspec, npoin, ngnod
+  logical, dimension(nspec), intent(in)  :: elastic, poroelastic
+  integer, dimension(ngnod,nspec), intent(in)  :: knods
+  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec), intent(in)  :: ibool
+  integer  :: ninterface
+  integer  :: max_interface_size
+  integer, dimension(ninterface)  :: my_nelmnts_neighbours
+  integer, dimension(4,max_interface_size,ninterface)  :: my_interfaces
+  integer, dimension(NGLLX*max_interface_size,ninterface)  :: &
+       ibool_interfaces_acoustic,ibool_interfaces_elastic,ibool_interfaces_poroelastic
+  integer, dimension(ninterface)  :: &
+       nibool_interfaces_acoustic,nibool_interfaces_elastic,nibool_interfaces_poroelastic
+  integer, dimension(ninterface), intent(out)  :: &
+       inum_interfaces_acoustic, inum_interfaces_elastic, inum_interfaces_poroelastic
+  integer, intent(out)  :: ninterface_acoustic, ninterface_elastic, ninterface_poroelastic
+  logical, dimension(nspec), intent(inout)  :: mask_ispec_inner_outer
+  ! local parameters
+  integer  :: num_interface
+  integer  :: ispec_interface
+  logical, dimension(npoin)  :: mask_ibool_acoustic
+  logical, dimension(npoin)  :: mask_ibool_elastic
+  logical, dimension(npoin)  :: mask_ibool_poroelastic
+  integer  :: ixmin, ixmax, izmin, izmax, ix, iz
+  integer, dimension(ngnod)  :: n
+  integer  :: e1, e2, itype, ispec, k, sens, iglob
+  integer  :: npoin_interface_acoustic
+  integer  :: npoin_interface_elastic
+  integer  :: npoin_interface_poroelastic
+  ! initializes
+  ibool_interfaces_acoustic(:,:) = 0
+  nibool_interfaces_acoustic(:) = 0
+  ibool_interfaces_elastic(:,:) = 0
+  nibool_interfaces_elastic(:) = 0
+  ibool_interfaces_poroelastic(:,:) = 0
+  nibool_interfaces_poroelastic(:) = 0
+  do num_interface = 1, ninterface
+    npoin_interface_acoustic = 0
+    npoin_interface_elastic = 0
+    npoin_interface_poroelastic = 0
+    mask_ibool_acoustic(:) = .false.
+    mask_ibool_elastic(:) = .false.
+    mask_ibool_poroelastic(:) = .false.
+    do ispec_interface = 1, my_nelmnts_neighbours(num_interface)
+      ! element id
+      ispec = my_interfaces(1,ispec_interface,num_interface)
+      ! type of interface: 1 = common point, 2 = common edge
+      itype = my_interfaces(2,ispec_interface,num_interface)
+      ! element control node ids
+      do k = 1, ngnod
+        n(k) = knods(k,ispec)
+      end do
+      ! common node ids
+      e1 = my_interfaces(3,ispec_interface,num_interface)
+      e2 = my_interfaces(4,ispec_interface,num_interface)
+      call get_edge(ngnod, n, itype, e1, e2, ixmin, ixmax, izmin, izmax, sens)
+      do iz = izmin, izmax, sens
+        do ix = ixmin, ixmax, sens
+          ! global index
+          iglob = ibool(ix,iz,ispec)
+          ! checks to which material this common interface belongs          
+          if ( elastic(ispec) ) then
+            ! elastic element
+            if(.not. mask_ibool_elastic(iglob)) then
+              mask_ibool_elastic(iglob) = .true.
+              npoin_interface_elastic = npoin_interface_elastic + 1
+              ibool_interfaces_elastic(npoin_interface_elastic,num_interface) = iglob
+            end if            
+          else if ( poroelastic(ispec) ) then
+            ! poroelastic element
+            if(.not. mask_ibool_poroelastic(iglob)) then
+              mask_ibool_poroelastic(iglob) = .true.
+              npoin_interface_poroelastic = npoin_interface_poroelastic + 1
+              ibool_interfaces_poroelastic(npoin_interface_poroelastic,num_interface) = iglob
+            end if
+          else
+            ! acoustic element
+            if(.not. mask_ibool_acoustic(iglob)) then
+              mask_ibool_acoustic(iglob) = .true.
+              npoin_interface_acoustic = npoin_interface_acoustic + 1
+              ibool_interfaces_acoustic(npoin_interface_acoustic,num_interface) = iglob
+            end if
+          end if
+        end do
+      end do
+    end do
+    ! stores counters for interface points
+    nibool_interfaces_acoustic(num_interface) = npoin_interface_acoustic
+    nibool_interfaces_elastic(num_interface) = npoin_interface_elastic
+    nibool_interfaces_poroelastic(num_interface) = npoin_interface_poroelastic
+    ! sets inner/outer element flags
+    do ispec = 1, nspec
+      do iz = 1, NGLLZ
+        do ix = 1, NGLLX
+          if ( mask_ibool_acoustic(ibool(ix,iz,ispec)) &
+            .or. mask_ibool_elastic(ibool(ix,iz,ispec)) &
+            .or. mask_ibool_poroelastic(ibool(ix,iz,ispec)) ) then
+               mask_ispec_inner_outer(ispec) = .true.
+          endif
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  end do
+  ! sets number of interfaces for each material domain
+  ninterface_acoustic = 0
+  ninterface_elastic =  0
+  ninterface_poroelastic =  0
+  do num_interface = 1, ninterface
+    ! acoustic
+    if ( nibool_interfaces_acoustic(num_interface) > 0 ) then
+      ninterface_acoustic = ninterface_acoustic + 1
+      inum_interfaces_acoustic(ninterface_acoustic) = num_interface
+    end if
+    ! elastic
+    if ( nibool_interfaces_elastic(num_interface) > 0 ) then
+      ninterface_elastic = ninterface_elastic + 1
+      inum_interfaces_elastic(ninterface_elastic) = num_interface
+    end if
+    ! poroelastic
+    if ( nibool_interfaces_poroelastic(num_interface) > 0 ) then
+      ninterface_poroelastic = ninterface_poroelastic + 1
+      inum_interfaces_poroelastic(ninterface_poroelastic) = num_interface
+    end if
+  end do
+  end subroutine prepare_assemble_MPI
+! Get the points (ixmin, ixmax, izmin and izmax) on an node/edge for one element.
+! 'sens' is used to have DO loops with increment equal to 'sens' (-/+1).
+  subroutine get_edge ( ngnod, n, itype, e1, e2, ixmin, ixmax, izmin, izmax, sens )
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  integer, intent(in)  :: ngnod
+  integer, dimension(ngnod), intent(in)  :: n
+  integer, intent(in)  :: itype, e1, e2
+  integer, intent(out)  :: ixmin, ixmax, izmin, izmax
+  integer, intent(out)  :: sens
+  if ( itype == 1 ) then
+    ! common single point
+    ! checks which corner point is given
+    if ( e1 == n(1) ) then
+        ixmin = 1
+        ixmax = 1
+        izmin = 1
+        izmax = 1
+    end if
+    if ( e1 == n(2) ) then
+        ixmin = NGLLX
+        ixmax = NGLLX
+        izmin = 1
+        izmax = 1
+    end if
+    if ( e1 == n(3) ) then
+        ixmin = NGLLX
+        ixmax = NGLLX
+        izmin = NGLLZ
+        izmax = NGLLZ
+    end if
+    if ( e1 == n(4) ) then
+        ixmin = 1
+        ixmax = 1
+        izmin = NGLLZ
+        izmax = NGLLZ
+    end if
+    sens = 1
+  else if( itype == 2 ) then
+    ! common edge
+    ! checks which edge and corner points are given
+    if ( e1 ==  n(1) ) then
+        ixmin = 1
+        izmin = 1
+        if ( e2 == n(2) ) then
+           ixmax = NGLLX
+           izmax = 1
+           sens = 1
+        end if
+        if ( e2 == n(4) ) then
+           ixmax = 1
+           izmax = NGLLZ
+           sens = 1
+        end if
+     end if
+     if ( e1 == n(2) ) then
+        ixmin = NGLLX
+        izmin = 1
+        if ( e2 == n(3) ) then
+           ixmax = NGLLX
+           izmax = NGLLZ
+           sens = 1
+        end if
+        if ( e2 == n(1) ) then
+           ixmax = 1
+           izmax = 1
+           sens = -1
+        end if
+     end if
+     if ( e1 == n(3) ) then
+        ixmin = NGLLX
+        izmin = NGLLZ
+        if ( e2 == n(4) ) then
+           ixmax = 1
+           izmax = NGLLZ
+           sens = -1
+        end if
+        if ( e2 == n(2) ) then
+           ixmax = NGLLX
+           izmax = 1
+           sens = -1
+        end if
+     end if
+     if ( e1 == n(4) ) then
+        ixmin = 1
+        izmin = NGLLZ
+        if ( e2 == n(1) ) then
+           ixmax = 1
+           izmax = 1
+           sens = -1
+        end if
+        if ( e2 == n(3) ) then
+           ixmax = NGLLX
+           izmax = NGLLZ
+           sens = 1
+        end if
+     end if
+  else
+    call exit_MPI('ERROR get_edge unknown type')
+  end if
+  end subroutine get_edge

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/prepare_color_image.F90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/prepare_color_image.F90	2011-02-21 20:39:45 UTC (rev 17930)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/prepare_color_image.F90	2011-02-22 01:39:25 UTC (rev 17931)
@@ -273,14 +273,16 @@
   double precision :: afactor,bfactor,cfactor,D_biot,H_biot,C_biot,&
   double precision :: gamma1,gamma2,gamma3,gamma4,ratio
-  integer  :: i,j,ispec  
+  integer  :: i,j,k,ispec
 #ifdef USE_MPI
   double precision, dimension(:), allocatable  :: data_pixel_recv
   double precision, dimension(:), allocatable  :: data_pixel_send
   integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable  :: num_pixel_recv
   integer, dimension(:), allocatable  :: nb_pixel_per_proc
   integer, dimension(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)  :: request_mpi_status  
-  integer :: ier,k,iproc
+  integer :: ier,iproc
+  integer :: dummy    
   ! to display the P-velocity model in background on color images
@@ -425,8 +427,10 @@
+  ! to avoid compiler warnings
+  dummy = myrank
+  dummy = nproc
   end subroutine prepare_color_image_vp

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/read_databases.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/read_databases.f90	2011-02-21 20:39:45 UTC (rev 17930)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/read_databases.f90	2011-02-22 01:39:25 UTC (rev 17931)
@@ -413,9 +413,12 @@
   n = 0
   do ispec = 1,nspec
+    ! format: #element_id  #material_id #node_id1 #node_id2 #...
     read(IIN,*) n,kmato_read,(knods_read(k), k=1,ngnod)
     if(ipass == 1) then
+      ! material association 
       kmato(n) = kmato_read
+      ! element control node indices
       knods(:,n)= knods_read(:)
     else if(ipass == 2) then
       kmato(perm(antecedent_list(n))) = kmato_read
@@ -474,14 +477,25 @@
   integer :: num_interface,ie,my_interfaces_read
   ! initializes
-  my_neighbours(:) = 0
+  my_neighbours(:) = -1
   my_nelmnts_neighbours(:) = 0
-  my_interfaces(:,:,:) = 0
+  my_interfaces(:,:,:) = -1
   ! reads in interfaces
   do num_interface = 1, ninterface
+    ! format: #process_interface_id  #number_of_elements_on_interface
+    ! where
+    !     process_interface_id = rank of (neighbor) process to share MPI interface with
+    !     number_of_elements_on_interface = number of interface elements  
     read(IIN,*) my_neighbours(num_interface), my_nelmnts_neighbours(num_interface)
+    ! loops over interface elements
     do ie = 1, my_nelmnts_neighbours(num_interface)
+      ! format: #(1)spectral_element_id  #(2)interface_type  #(3)node_id1  #(4)node_id2 
+      !
+      ! interface types:
+      !     1  -  corner point only
+      !     2  -  element edge
       read(IIN,*) my_interfaces_read, my_interfaces(2,ie,num_interface), &
               my_interfaces(3,ie,num_interface), my_interfaces(4,ie,num_interface)
@@ -506,7 +520,9 @@
   subroutine read_databases_absorbing(myrank,ipass,nelemabs,nspec,anyabs, &
                             ibegin_bottom,iend_bottom,jbegin_right,jend_right, &
                             ibegin_top,iend_top,jbegin_left,jend_left, &
-                            numabs,codeabs,perm,antecedent_list)
+                            numabs,codeabs,perm,antecedent_list, &
+                            nspec_xmin,nspec_xmax,nspec_zmin,nspec_zmax, &
+                            ib_right,ib_left,ib_bottom,ib_top)
 ! reads in absorbing edges
@@ -520,7 +536,10 @@
   logical, dimension(4,nelemabs) :: codeabs
   logical :: anyabs
   integer, dimension(nspec) :: perm,antecedent_list
+  integer :: nspec_xmin,nspec_xmax,nspec_zmin,nspec_zmax
+  integer, dimension(nelemabs) :: ib_right,ib_left,ib_bottom,ib_top
   ! local parameters
   integer :: inum,numabsread
   logical :: codeabsread(4)
@@ -528,20 +547,33 @@
   ! initializes
   codeabs(:,:) = .false.
   ibegin_bottom(:) = 0
   iend_bottom(:) = 0
   ibegin_top(:) = 0
   iend_top(:) = 0
   jbegin_left(:) = 0
   jend_left(:) = 0
   jbegin_right(:) = 0
   jend_right(:) = 0
+  nspec_xmin = 0
+  nspec_xmax = 0
+  nspec_zmin = 0
+  nspec_zmax = 0
+  ib_right(:) = 0
+  ib_left(:) = 0
+  ib_bottom(:) = 0
+  ib_top(:) = 0
   ! reads in absorbing edges
   read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
   ! reads in values
   if( anyabs ) then
+    ! reads absorbing boundaries
     do inum = 1,nelemabs
       read(IIN,*) numabsread,codeabsread(1),codeabsread(2),codeabsread(3),&
                   codeabsread(4), ibegin_bottom(inum), iend_bottom(inum), &
@@ -565,9 +597,34 @@
       codeabs(ILEFT,inum) = codeabsread(4)
+    ! boundary element numbering
+    do inum = 1,nelemabs
+      if (codeabs(IBOTTOM,inum)) then
+        nspec_zmin = nspec_zmin + 1
+        ib_bottom(inum) =  nspec_zmin
+      endif
+      if (codeabs(IRIGHT,inum)) then
+        nspec_xmax = nspec_xmax + 1
+        ib_right(inum) =  nspec_xmax
+      endif
+      if (codeabs(ITOP,inum)) then
+        nspec_zmax = nspec_zmax + 1
+        ib_top(inum) = nspec_zmax
+      endif
+      if (codeabs(ILEFT,inum)) then
+        nspec_xmin = nspec_xmin + 1
+        ib_left(inum) =  nspec_xmin
+      endif
+    enddo
     if (myrank == 0 .and. ipass == 1) then
       write(IOUT,*) 'Number of absorbing elements: ',nelemabs
+      write(IOUT,*) '  nspec_xmin = ',nspec_xmin
+      write(IOUT,*) '  nspec_xmax = ',nspec_xmax
+      write(IOUT,*) '  nspec_zmin = ',nspec_zmin
+      write(IOUT,*) '  nspec_zmax = ',nspec_zmax
+      write(IOUT,*)      

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/read_external_model.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/read_external_model.f90	2011-02-21 20:39:45 UTC (rev 17930)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/read_external_model.f90	2011-02-22 01:39:25 UTC (rev 17931)
@@ -44,131 +44,145 @@
-subroutine read_external_model(any_acoustic,any_elastic,any_poroelastic, &
+  subroutine read_external_model(any_acoustic,any_elastic,any_poroelastic, &
                 elastic,poroelastic,anisotropic,nspec,npoin,N_SLS,ibool, &
                 f0_attenuation,inv_tau_sigma_nu1_sent,phi_nu1_sent, &
                 inv_tau_sigma_nu2_sent,phi_nu2_sent,Mu_nu1_sent,Mu_nu2_sent, &
                 coord,kmato,myrank,rhoext,vpext,vsext, &
-                Qp_attenuationext,Qs_attenuationext,c11ext,c13ext,c15ext,c33ext,c35ext,c55ext,READ_EXTERNAL_SEP_FILE)
+                Qp_attenuationext,Qs_attenuationext, &
+                c11ext,c13ext,c15ext,c33ext,c35ext,c55ext,READ_EXTERNAL_SEP_FILE)
   implicit none
   include "constants.h"
-integer :: nspec,myrank,npoin
-double precision  :: f0_attenuation
+  integer :: nspec,myrank,npoin
+  double precision  :: f0_attenuation
-! Mesh
-integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: ibool
-double precision, dimension(NDIM,npoin) :: coord
+  ! Mesh
+  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: ibool
+  double precision, dimension(NDIM,npoin) :: coord
-! Material properties
-logical :: any_acoustic,any_elastic,any_poroelastic,READ_EXTERNAL_SEP_FILE
-integer, dimension(nspec) :: kmato
-logical, dimension(nspec) :: elastic,poroelastic
-double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: rhoext,vpext,vsext
+  ! Material properties
+  logical :: any_acoustic,any_elastic,any_poroelastic,READ_EXTERNAL_SEP_FILE
+  integer, dimension(nspec) :: kmato
+  logical, dimension(nspec) :: elastic,poroelastic
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: rhoext,vpext,vsext
-! for attenuation
-integer :: N_SLS
-double precision :: Mu_nu1_sent,Mu_nu2_sent
-double precision, dimension(N_SLS) :: inv_tau_sigma_nu1_sent,phi_nu1_sent,inv_tau_sigma_nu2_sent,phi_nu2_sent
-double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec,N_SLS) :: inv_tau_sigma_nu1,phi_nu1,inv_tau_sigma_nu2,phi_nu2
-double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: Mu_nu1,Mu_nu2
-double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: Qp_attenuationext,Qs_attenuationext
+  ! for attenuation
+  integer :: N_SLS
+  double precision :: Mu_nu1_sent,Mu_nu2_sent
+  double precision, dimension(N_SLS) :: inv_tau_sigma_nu1_sent,phi_nu1_sent, &
+    inv_tau_sigma_nu2_sent,phi_nu2_sent
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec,N_SLS) :: inv_tau_sigma_nu1,phi_nu1, &
+    inv_tau_sigma_nu2,phi_nu2
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: Mu_nu1,Mu_nu2
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: Qp_attenuationext,Qs_attenuationext
-! for anisotropy
-logical, dimension(nspec) :: anisotropic
-double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: c11ext,c13ext,c15ext,c33ext,c35ext,c55ext
+  ! for anisotropy
+  logical, dimension(nspec) :: anisotropic
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: c11ext,c13ext,c15ext,c33ext,c35ext,c55ext
-! Local variables
-integer :: i,j,ispec,iglob
-double precision :: previous_vsext
-double precision :: tmp1, tmp2,tmp3
+  ! Local variables
+  integer :: i,j,ispec,iglob
+  double precision :: previous_vsext
+  double precision :: tmp1, tmp2,tmp3
-        write(IOUT,*)
-        write(IOUT,*) '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
-        write(IOUT,*) 'Assigning external velocity and density model (elastic (no attenuation) and/or acoustic)...'
-        write(IOUT,*) 'Read outside SEG model...'
-        write(IOUT,*) '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
+    write(IOUT,*)
+    write(IOUT,*) '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
+    write(IOUT,*) 'Assigning external velocity and density model (elastic (no attenuation) and/or acoustic)...'
+    write(IOUT,*) 'Read outside SEG model...'
+    write(IOUT,*) '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
-        open(unit=1001,file='DATA/model_velocity.dat_input',status='unknown')
-        do ispec = 1,nspec
-           do j = 1,NGLLZ
-              do i = 1,NGLLX
-                 iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
-                 read(1001,*) tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,rhoext(i,j,ispec),vpext(i,j,ispec),vsext(i,j,ispec)
-!     vsext(i,j,ispec)=0.0
-                   ! Qp, Qs : dummy values. If attenuation needed than the "read" line and model_velocity.dat_input
-                   ! need to be modified to provide Qp & Qs values
-                 Qp_attenuationext(i,j,ispec) = 10.d0
-                 Qs_attenuationext(i,j,ispec) = 10.d0
-              end do
-           end do
+    open(unit=1001,file='DATA/model_velocity.dat_input',status='unknown')
+    do ispec = 1,nspec
+      do j = 1,NGLLZ
+        do i = 1,NGLLX
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+          read(1001,*) tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,rhoext(i,j,ispec),vpext(i,j,ispec),vsext(i,j,ispec)
+          !     vsext(i,j,ispec)=0.0
+          ! Qp, Qs : dummy values. If attenuation needed than the "read" line and model_velocity.dat_input
+          ! need to be modified to provide Qp & Qs values
+          Qp_attenuationext(i,j,ispec) = 10.d0
+          Qs_attenuationext(i,j,ispec) = 10.d0
         end do
-        close(1001)
+      end do
+    end do
+    close(1001)
-    else
-       do ispec = 1,nspec
-          do j = 1,NGLLZ
-             do i = 1,NGLLX
+  else
+    do ispec = 1,nspec
+      do j = 1,NGLLZ
+        do i = 1,NGLLX
-                iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
-                call define_external_model(coord(1,iglob),coord(2,iglob),kmato(ispec),myrank,&
-                rhoext(i,j,ispec),vpext(i,j,ispec),vsext(i,j,ispec), &
-                Qp_attenuationext(i,j,ispec),Qs_attenuationext(i,j,ispec),&
-                c11ext(i,j,ispec),c13ext(i,j,ispec),c15ext(i,j,ispec),c33ext(i,j,ispec),c35ext(i,j,ispec),c55ext(i,j,ispec))
-                if((c11ext(i,j,ispec) /= 0) .or. (c13ext(i,j,ispec) /= 0) .or. (c15ext(i,j,ispec) /= 0) .or. &
-                       (c33ext(i,j,ispec) /= 0) .or. (c35ext(i,j,ispec) /= 0) .or. (c55ext(i,j,ispec) /= 0)) then
-                   ! vp, vs : dummy values, trick to avoid floating point errors
-                   vpext(i,j,ispec) = 20.d0
-                   vsext(i,j,ispec) = 10.d0
-                end if
-             end do
-          end do
-       end do
-    end if
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+          call define_external_model(coord(1,iglob),coord(2,iglob),kmato(ispec),myrank,&
+                                    rhoext(i,j,ispec),vpext(i,j,ispec),vsext(i,j,ispec), &
+                                    Qp_attenuationext(i,j,ispec),Qs_attenuationext(i,j,ispec),&
+                                    c11ext(i,j,ispec),c13ext(i,j,ispec),c15ext(i,j,ispec), &
+                                    c33ext(i,j,ispec),c35ext(i,j,ispec),c55ext(i,j,ispec))
+          if((c11ext(i,j,ispec) /= 0) .or. (c13ext(i,j,ispec) /= 0) .or. (c15ext(i,j,ispec) /= 0) .or. &
+            (c33ext(i,j,ispec) /= 0) .or. (c35ext(i,j,ispec) /= 0) .or. (c55ext(i,j,ispec) /= 0)) then
+            ! vp, vs : dummy values, trick to avoid floating point errors
+            vpext(i,j,ispec) = 20.d0
+            vsext(i,j,ispec) = 10.d0
+          end if
+        end do
+      end do
+    end do
+  end if
-      any_acoustic = .false.
-      any_elastic = .false.
-      any_poroelastic = .false.
-      do ispec = 1,nspec
-         previous_vsext = -1.d0
-         do j = 1,NGLLZ
-            do i = 1,NGLLX
-               iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
-               if(.not. (i == 1 .and. j == 1) .and. &
-               ((vsext(i,j,ispec) >= TINYVAL .and. previous_vsext < TINYVAL) .or. &
-               (vsext(i,j,ispec) < TINYVAL .and. previous_vsext >= TINYVAL)))  &
-               call exit_MPI('external velocity model cannot be both fluid and solid inside the same spectral element')
-               if((c11ext(i,j,ispec) /= 0) .or. (c13ext(i,j,ispec) /= 0) .or. (c15ext(i,j,ispec) /= 0) .or. &
-                       (c33ext(i,j,ispec) /= 0) .or. (c35ext(i,j,ispec) /= 0) .or. (c55ext(i,j,ispec) /= 0)) then
-                  anisotropic(ispec) = .true.
-                  poroelastic(ispec) = .false.
-                  elastic(ispec) = .true.
-                  any_elastic = .true.
-                  Qp_attenuationext(i,j,ispec) = 10.d0
-                  Qs_attenuationext(i,j,ispec) = 10.d0
-               elseif(vsext(i,j,ispec) < TINYVAL) then
-                  elastic(ispec) = .false.
-                  poroelastic(ispec) = .false.
-                  any_acoustic = .true.
-               else
-                  poroelastic(ispec) = .false.
-                  elastic(ispec) = .true.
-                  any_elastic = .true.
-               endif
-               call attenuation_model(N_SLS,Qp_attenuationext(i,j,ispec),Qs_attenuationext(i,j,ispec), &
-                    f0_attenuation,inv_tau_sigma_nu1_sent,phi_nu1_sent,inv_tau_sigma_nu2_sent,phi_nu2_sent,Mu_nu1_sent,Mu_nu2_sent)
-               inv_tau_sigma_nu1(i,j,ispec,:) = inv_tau_sigma_nu1_sent(:)
-               phi_nu1(i,j,ispec,:) = phi_nu1_sent(:)
-               inv_tau_sigma_nu2(i,j,ispec,:) = inv_tau_sigma_nu2_sent(:)
-               phi_nu2(i,j,ispec,:) = phi_nu2_sent(:)
-               Mu_nu1(i,j,ispec) = Mu_nu1_sent
-               Mu_nu2(i,j,ispec) = Mu_nu2_sent
-               previous_vsext = vsext(i,j,ispec)
-            enddo
-         enddo
+  ! initializes
+  any_acoustic = .false.
+  any_elastic = .false.
+  any_poroelastic = .false.
+  anisotropic(:) = .false.
+  elastic(:) = .false.
+  poroelastic(:) = .false.
+  do ispec = 1,nspec
+    previous_vsext = -1.d0
+    do j = 1,NGLLZ
+      do i = 1,NGLLX
+        iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+        if(.not. (i == 1 .and. j == 1) .and. &
+          ((vsext(i,j,ispec) >= TINYVAL .and. previous_vsext < TINYVAL) .or. &
+          (vsext(i,j,ispec) < TINYVAL .and. previous_vsext >= TINYVAL)))  &
+          call exit_MPI('external velocity model cannot be both fluid and solid inside the same spectral element')
+        if((c11ext(i,j,ispec) /= 0) .or. (c13ext(i,j,ispec) /= 0) .or. (c15ext(i,j,ispec) /= 0) .or. &
+          (c33ext(i,j,ispec) /= 0) .or. (c35ext(i,j,ispec) /= 0) .or. (c55ext(i,j,ispec) /= 0)) then
+          anisotropic(ispec) = .true.
+          poroelastic(ispec) = .false.
+          elastic(ispec) = .true.
+          any_elastic = .true.
+          Qp_attenuationext(i,j,ispec) = 10.d0
+          Qs_attenuationext(i,j,ispec) = 10.d0
+        elseif(vsext(i,j,ispec) < TINYVAL) then
+          elastic(ispec) = .false.
+          poroelastic(ispec) = .false.
+          any_acoustic = .true.
+        else
+          poroelastic(ispec) = .false.
+          elastic(ispec) = .true.
+          any_elastic = .true.
+        endif
+        call attenuation_model(N_SLS,Qp_attenuationext(i,j,ispec),Qs_attenuationext(i,j,ispec), &
+                              f0_attenuation,inv_tau_sigma_nu1_sent,phi_nu1_sent, &
+                              inv_tau_sigma_nu2_sent,phi_nu2_sent,Mu_nu1_sent,Mu_nu2_sent)
+        inv_tau_sigma_nu1(i,j,ispec,:) = inv_tau_sigma_nu1_sent(:)
+        phi_nu1(i,j,ispec,:) = phi_nu1_sent(:)
+        inv_tau_sigma_nu2(i,j,ispec,:) = inv_tau_sigma_nu2_sent(:)
+        phi_nu2(i,j,ispec,:) = phi_nu2_sent(:)
+        Mu_nu1(i,j,ispec) = Mu_nu1_sent
+        Mu_nu2(i,j,ispec) = Mu_nu2_sent
+        previous_vsext = vsext(i,j,ispec)
+    enddo
+  enddo
-end subroutine read_external_model
+  end subroutine read_external_model

Added: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/sort_array_coordinates.F90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/sort_array_coordinates.F90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/sort_array_coordinates.F90	2011-02-22 01:39:25 UTC (rev 17931)
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 6.1
+!                   ------------------------------
+! Copyright Universite de Pau, CNRS and INRIA, France,
+! and Princeton University / California Institute of Technology, USA.
+! Contributors: Dimitri Komatitsch, dimitri DOT komatitsch aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Nicolas Le Goff, nicolas DOT legoff aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Roland Martin, roland DOT martin aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Christina Morency, cmorency aT princeton DOT edu
+! This software is a computer program whose purpose is to solve
+! the two-dimensional viscoelastic anisotropic or poroelastic wave equation
+! using a spectral-element method (SEM).
+! This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
+! abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
+! modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
+! license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
+! "http://www.cecill.info".
+! As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
+! modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
+! with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
+! economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
+! liability.
+! In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
+! with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
+! software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
+! that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
+! therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
+! professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
+! encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
+! requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
+! data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
+! same conditions as regards security.
+! The full text of the license is available in file "LICENSE".
+#ifdef USE_MPI
+! subroutines to sort MPI buffers to assemble between chunks
+  subroutine sort_array_coordinates(npointot,x,z,ibool,iglob,loc,ifseg, &
+                                    nglob,ind,ninseg,iwork,work)
+! this routine MUST be in double precision to avoid sensitivity
+! to roundoff errors in the coordinates of the points
+! returns: sorted indexing array (ibool),  reordering array (iglob) & number of global points (nglob)
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  integer,intent(in) :: npointot
+  integer,intent(out) :: nglob
+  integer,intent(inout) :: ibool(npointot)
+  integer iglob(npointot),loc(npointot)
+  integer ind(npointot),ninseg(npointot)
+  logical ifseg(npointot)
+  double precision,intent(in) :: x(npointot),z(npointot)
+  integer iwork(npointot)
+  double precision work(npointot)
+  ! local parameters
+  integer ipoin,i,j
+  integer nseg,ioff,iseg,ig
+  ! define a tolerance, normalized radius is 1., so let's use a small value
+  double precision,parameter :: xtol = SMALLVALTOL
+  ! establish initial pointers
+  do ipoin=1,npointot
+    loc(ipoin)=ipoin
+  enddo
+  ifseg(:)=.false.
+  nseg=1
+  ifseg(1)=.true.
+  ninseg(1)=npointot
+  do j=1,NDIM
+    ! sort within each segment
+    ioff=1
+    do iseg=1,nseg
+      if(j == 1) then
+        call rank_buffers(x(ioff),ind,ninseg(iseg))
+      else if(j == 2) then
+        call rank_buffers(z(ioff),ind,ninseg(iseg))
+      endif
+      call swap_all_buffers(ibool(ioff),loc(ioff), &
+                  x(ioff),z(ioff),iwork,work,ind,ninseg(iseg))
+      ioff=ioff+ninseg(iseg)
+    enddo
+    ! check for jumps in current coordinate
+    if(j == 1) then
+      do i=2,npointot
+        if(dabs(x(i)-x(i-1)) > xtol) ifseg(i)=.true.
+      enddo
+    else if(j == 2) then
+      do i=2,npointot
+        if(dabs(z(i)-z(i-1)) > xtol) ifseg(i)=.true.
+      enddo
+    endif
+    ! count up number of different segments
+    nseg=0
+    do i=1,npointot
+      if(ifseg(i)) then
+        nseg=nseg+1
+        ninseg(nseg)=1
+      else
+        ninseg(nseg)=ninseg(nseg)+1
+      endif
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  ! assign global node numbers (now sorted lexicographically)
+  ig=0
+  do i=1,npointot
+    if(ifseg(i)) ig=ig+1
+    iglob(loc(i))=ig
+  enddo
+  nglob=ig
+  end subroutine sort_array_coordinates
+! -------------------- library for sorting routine ------------------
+! sorting routines put here in same file to allow for inlining
+  subroutine rank_buffers(A,IND,N)
+! Use Heap Sort (Numerical Recipes)
+  implicit none
+  integer n
+  double precision A(n)
+  integer IND(n)
+  integer i,j,l,ir,indx
+  double precision q
+  do j=1,n
+    IND(j)=j
+  enddo
+  if(n == 1) return
+  L=n/2+1
+  ir=n
+   IF(l>1) THEN
+      l=l-1
+      indx=ind(l)
+      q=a(indx)
+   ELSE
+      indx=ind(ir)
+      q=a(indx)
+      ind(ir)=ind(1)
+      ir=ir-1
+      if (ir == 1) then
+         ind(1)=indx
+         return
+      endif
+   i=l
+   j=l+l
+  200    CONTINUE
+   IF(J <= IR) THEN
+      IF(J < IR) THEN
+         IF(A(IND(j)) < A(IND(j+1))) j=j+1
+      ENDIF
+      IF (q < A(IND(j))) THEN
+         IND(I)=IND(J)
+         I=J
+         J=J+J
+      ELSE
+         J=IR+1
+      ENDIF
+   goto 200
+  goto 100
+  end subroutine rank_buffers
+! -------------------------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine swap_all_buffers(IA,IB,A,B,IW,W,ind,n)
+! swap arrays IA, IB, A and B according to addressing in array IND
+  implicit none
+  integer n
+  integer IND(n)
+  integer IA(n),IB(n),IW(n)
+  double precision A(n),B(n),W(n)
+  integer i
+  do i=1,n
+    W(i)=A(i)
+    IW(i)=IA(i)
+  enddo
+  do i=1,n
+    A(i)=W(ind(i))
+    IA(i)=IW(ind(i))
+  enddo
+  do i=1,n
+    W(i)=B(i)
+    IW(i)=IB(i)
+  enddo
+  do i=1,n
+    B(i)=W(ind(i))
+    IB(i)=IW(ind(i))
+  enddo
+  end subroutine swap_all_buffers

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/specfem2D.F90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/specfem2D.F90	2011-02-21 20:39:45 UTC (rev 17930)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/specfem2D.F90	2011-02-22 01:39:25 UTC (rev 17931)
@@ -919,25 +919,33 @@
 !----  determine if each spectral element is elastic, poroelastic, or acoustic
+  ! initializes
   any_acoustic = .false.
   any_elastic = .false.
   any_poroelastic = .false.
-  all_anisotropic = .false.
   anisotropic(:) = .false.
+  elastic(:) = .false.
+  poroelastic(:) = .false.
+  ! loops over all elements
   do ispec = 1,nspec
-    if(porosity(kmato(ispec)) == 1.d0) then  ! acoustic domain
+    if( nint(porosity(kmato(ispec))) == 1 ) then  
+      ! acoustic domain
       elastic(ispec) = .false.
       poroelastic(ispec) = .false.
       any_acoustic = .true.
-    elseif(porosity(kmato(ispec)) < TINYVAL) then  ! elastic domain
+    elseif( porosity(kmato(ispec)) < TINYVAL) then  
+      ! elastic domain
       elastic(ispec) = .true.
       poroelastic(ispec) = .false.
       any_elastic = .true.
       if(any(anisotropy(:,kmato(ispec)) /= 0)) then
          anisotropic(ispec) = .true.
       end if
-    else                                       ! poroelastic domain
+    else                                       
+      ! poroelastic domain
       elastic(ispec) = .false.
       poroelastic(ispec) = .true.
       any_poroelastic = .true.
@@ -1093,38 +1101,42 @@
   call read_databases_absorbing(myrank,ipass,nelemabs,nspec,anyabs, &
                             ibegin_bottom,iend_bottom,jbegin_right,jend_right, &
                             ibegin_top,iend_top,jbegin_left,jend_left, &
-                            numabs,codeabs,perm,antecedent_list)
+                            numabs,codeabs,perm,antecedent_list, &
+                            nspec_xmin,nspec_xmax,nspec_zmin,nspec_zmax, &
+                            ib_right,ib_left,ib_bottom,ib_top)
   if( anyabs ) then
-    nspec_xmin = 0
-    nspec_xmax = 0
-    nspec_zmin = 0
-    nspec_zmax = 0
+!    nspec_xmin = 0
+!    nspec_xmax = 0
+!    nspec_zmin = 0
+!    nspec_zmax = 0
 !    if(ipass == 1) then
 !      allocate(ib_left(nelemabs))
 !      allocate(ib_right(nelemabs))
 !      allocate(ib_bottom(nelemabs))
 !      allocate(ib_top(nelemabs))
 !    endif
-    do inum = 1,nelemabs
-      if (codeabs(IBOTTOM,inum)) then
-        nspec_zmin = nspec_zmin + 1
-        ib_bottom(inum) =  nspec_zmin
-      endif
-      if (codeabs(IRIGHT,inum)) then
-        nspec_xmax = nspec_xmax + 1
-        ib_right(inum) =  nspec_xmax
-      endif
-      if (codeabs(ITOP,inum)) then
-        nspec_zmax = nspec_zmax + 1
-        ib_top(inum) = nspec_zmax
-      endif
-      if (codeabs(ILEFT,inum)) then
-        nspec_xmin = nspec_xmin + 1
-        ib_left(inum) =  nspec_xmin
-      endif
-    enddo
+!    do inum = 1,nelemabs
+!      if (codeabs(IBOTTOM,inum)) then
+!        nspec_zmin = nspec_zmin + 1
+!        ib_bottom(inum) =  nspec_zmin
+!      endif
+!      if (codeabs(IRIGHT,inum)) then
+!        nspec_xmax = nspec_xmax + 1
+!        ib_right(inum) =  nspec_xmax
+!      endif
+!      if (codeabs(ITOP,inum)) then
+!        nspec_zmax = nspec_zmax + 1
+!        ib_top(inum) = nspec_zmax
+!      endif
+!      if (codeabs(ILEFT,inum)) then
+!        nspec_xmin = nspec_xmin + 1
+!        ib_left(inum) =  nspec_xmin
+!      endif
+!    enddo
 ! Files to save absorbed waves needed to reconstruct backward wavefield for adjoint method
     if(ipass == 1) then
@@ -1171,13 +1183,13 @@
-    if (myrank == 0 ) then
-      write(IOUT,*)
-      write(IOUT,*) 'nspec_xmin = ',nspec_xmin
-      write(IOUT,*) 'nspec_xmax = ',nspec_xmax
-      write(IOUT,*) 'nspec_zmin = ',nspec_zmin
-      write(IOUT,*) 'nspec_zmax = ',nspec_zmax
-    endif
+!    if (myrank == 0 ) then
+!      write(IOUT,*)
+!      write(IOUT,*) 'nspec_xmin = ',nspec_xmin
+!      write(IOUT,*) 'nspec_xmax = ',nspec_xmax
+!      write(IOUT,*) 'nspec_zmin = ',nspec_zmin
+!      write(IOUT,*) 'nspec_zmax = ',nspec_zmax
+!    endif
@@ -1803,32 +1815,39 @@
   end if
+!----  perform basic checks on parameters read
+  all_anisotropic = .false.
   if(count(anisotropic(:) .eqv. .true.) == nspec) all_anisotropic = .true.
   if(all_anisotropic .and. anyabs) &
-    stop 'Cannot put absorbing boundaries if anisotropic materials along edges'
+    call exit_MPI('Cannot put absorbing boundaries if anisotropic materials along edges')
   if(TURN_ATTENUATION_ON .and. all_anisotropic) then
-    stop 'Cannot turn attenuation on in anisotropic materials'
+    call exit_MPI('Cannot turn attenuation on in anisotropic materials')
   end if
-!----  perform basic checks on parameters read
+  ! global domain flags
   any_elastic_glob = any_elastic
 #ifdef USE_MPI
-  call MPI_ALLREDUCE(any_elastic, any_elastic_glob, 1, MPI_LOGICAL, MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ier)
+  call MPI_ALLREDUCE(any_elastic, any_elastic_glob, 1, MPI_LOGICAL, &
+                    MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ier)
   any_poroelastic_glob = any_poroelastic
 #ifdef USE_MPI
-  call MPI_ALLREDUCE(any_poroelastic, any_poroelastic_glob, 1, MPI_LOGICAL, MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ier)
+  call MPI_ALLREDUCE(any_poroelastic, any_poroelastic_glob, 1, MPI_LOGICAL, &
+                    MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ier)
   any_acoustic_glob = any_acoustic
 #ifdef USE_MPI
-  call MPI_ALLREDUCE(any_acoustic, any_acoustic_glob, 1, MPI_LOGICAL, MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ier)
+  call MPI_ALLREDUCE(any_acoustic, any_acoustic_glob, 1, MPI_LOGICAL, &
+                    MPI_LOR, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ier)
-! for acoustic
+  ! for acoustic
   if(TURN_ATTENUATION_ON .and. .not. any_elastic_glob) &
     call exit_MPI('currently cannot have attenuation if acoustic/poroelastic simulation only')
@@ -2420,17 +2439,25 @@
 #ifdef USE_MPI
   if ( nproc > 1 ) then
-! preparing for MPI communications
+    ! preparing for MPI communications
     if(ipass == 1) allocate(mask_ispec_inner_outer(nspec))
     mask_ispec_inner_outer(:) = .false.
-    call prepare_assemble_MPI (nspec,ibool,knods,ngnod,npoin,elastic,poroelastic, &
-          ninterface, max_interface_size,my_nelmnts_neighbours, my_interfaces, &
-          ibool_interfaces_acoustic, ibool_interfaces_elastic, ibool_interfaces_poroelastic, &
-          nibool_interfaces_acoustic, nibool_interfaces_elastic, nibool_interfaces_poroelastic, &
-          inum_interfaces_acoustic, inum_interfaces_elastic, inum_interfaces_poroelastic, &
-          ninterface_acoustic, ninterface_elastic, ninterface_poroelastic,mask_ispec_inner_outer)
+    call get_MPI(nspec,ibool,knods,ngnod,npoin,elastic,poroelastic, &
+                    ninterface, max_interface_size, &
+                    my_nelmnts_neighbours,my_interfaces,my_neighbours, &
+                    ibool_interfaces_acoustic, ibool_interfaces_elastic, &
+                    ibool_interfaces_poroelastic, &
+                    nibool_interfaces_acoustic, nibool_interfaces_elastic, &
+                    nibool_interfaces_poroelastic, &
+                    inum_interfaces_acoustic, inum_interfaces_elastic, &
+                    inum_interfaces_poroelastic, &
+                    ninterface_acoustic, ninterface_elastic, ninterface_poroelastic, &
+                    mask_ispec_inner_outer, &
+                    myrank,ipass,coord)
     nspec_outer = count(mask_ispec_inner_outer)
     nspec_inner = nspec - nspec_outer
@@ -2439,7 +2466,7 @@
-! building of corresponding arrays between inner/outer elements and their global number
+    ! building of corresponding arrays between inner/outer elements and their global number
     if(ipass == 1) then
       num_ispec_outer = 0
       num_ispec_inner = 0
@@ -2454,6 +2481,7 @@
+    ! buffers for MPI communications
     max_ibool_interfaces_size_ac = maxval(nibool_interfaces_acoustic(:))
     max_ibool_interfaces_size_el = 3*maxval(nibool_interfaces_elastic(:))
     max_ibool_interfaces_size_po = NDIM*maxval(nibool_interfaces_poroelastic(:))
@@ -2472,12 +2500,17 @@
 ! assembling the mass matrix
-    call assemble_MPI_scalar(rmass_inverse_acoustic,rmass_inverse_elastic,rmass_s_inverse_poroelastic, &
-       rmass_w_inverse_poroelastic,npoin, &
-       ninterface, max_interface_size, max_ibool_interfaces_size_ac, max_ibool_interfaces_size_el, &
-       max_ibool_interfaces_size_po, &
-       ibool_interfaces_acoustic,ibool_interfaces_elastic,ibool_interfaces_poroelastic, &
-       nibool_interfaces_acoustic,nibool_interfaces_elastic,nibool_interfaces_poroelastic,my_neighbours)
+    call assemble_MPI_scalar(rmass_inverse_acoustic, &
+                            rmass_inverse_elastic, &
+                            rmass_s_inverse_poroelastic, &
+                            rmass_w_inverse_poroelastic,npoin, &
+                            ninterface, max_interface_size, max_ibool_interfaces_size_ac, &
+                            max_ibool_interfaces_size_el, &
+                            max_ibool_interfaces_size_po, &
+                            ibool_interfaces_acoustic,ibool_interfaces_elastic, &
+                            ibool_interfaces_poroelastic, &
+                            nibool_interfaces_acoustic,nibool_interfaces_elastic, &
+                            nibool_interfaces_poroelastic,my_neighbours)
     ninterface_acoustic = 0
@@ -3893,104 +3926,119 @@
 ! update displacement using finite-difference time scheme (Newmark)
     if(any_elastic) then
-      displ_elastic = displ_elastic + deltat*veloc_elastic + deltatsquareover2*accel_elastic
+      displ_elastic = displ_elastic &
+                    + deltat*veloc_elastic &
+                    + deltatsquareover2*accel_elastic
       veloc_elastic = veloc_elastic + deltatover2*accel_elastic
       accel_elastic = ZERO
-     if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then ! Adjoint calculation
-      b_displ_elastic = b_displ_elastic + b_deltat*b_veloc_elastic + b_deltatsquareover2*b_accel_elastic
-      b_veloc_elastic = b_veloc_elastic + b_deltatover2*b_accel_elastic
-      b_accel_elastic = ZERO
-     endif
+      if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then ! Adjoint calculation
+        b_displ_elastic = b_displ_elastic &
+                        + b_deltat*b_veloc_elastic &
+                        + b_deltatsquareover2*b_accel_elastic
+        b_veloc_elastic = b_veloc_elastic + b_deltatover2*b_accel_elastic
+        b_accel_elastic = ZERO
+      endif
     if(any_poroelastic) then
-!for the solid
-      displs_poroelastic = displs_poroelastic + deltat*velocs_poroelastic + deltatsquareover2*accels_poroelastic
+      !for the solid
+      displs_poroelastic = displs_poroelastic &
+                         + deltat*velocs_poroelastic &
+                         + deltatsquareover2*accels_poroelastic
       velocs_poroelastic = velocs_poroelastic + deltatover2*accels_poroelastic
       accels_poroelastic = ZERO
-!for the fluid
-      displw_poroelastic = displw_poroelastic + deltat*velocw_poroelastic + deltatsquareover2*accelw_poroelastic
+      !for the fluid
+      displw_poroelastic = displw_poroelastic &
+                         + deltat*velocw_poroelastic &
+                         + deltatsquareover2*accelw_poroelastic
       velocw_poroelastic = velocw_poroelastic + deltatover2*accelw_poroelastic
       accelw_poroelastic = ZERO
-     if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then ! Adjoint calculation
-!for the solid
-      b_displs_poroelastic = b_displs_poroelastic + b_deltat*b_velocs_poroelastic + b_deltatsquareover2*b_accels_poroelastic
-      b_velocs_poroelastic = b_velocs_poroelastic + b_deltatover2*b_accels_poroelastic
-      b_accels_poroelastic = ZERO
-!for the fluid
-      b_displw_poroelastic = b_displw_poroelastic + b_deltat*b_velocw_poroelastic + b_deltatsquareover2*b_accelw_poroelastic
-      b_velocw_poroelastic = b_velocw_poroelastic + b_deltatover2*b_accelw_poroelastic
-      b_accelw_poroelastic = ZERO
-     endif
+      if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then ! Adjoint calculation
+        !for the solid
+        b_displs_poroelastic = b_displs_poroelastic &
+                             + b_deltat*b_velocs_poroelastic &
+                             + b_deltatsquareover2*b_accels_poroelastic
+        b_velocs_poroelastic = b_velocs_poroelastic + b_deltatover2*b_accels_poroelastic
+        b_accels_poroelastic = ZERO
+        !for the fluid
+        b_displw_poroelastic = b_displw_poroelastic &
+                             + b_deltat*b_velocw_poroelastic &
+                             + b_deltatsquareover2*b_accelw_poroelastic
+        b_velocw_poroelastic = b_velocw_poroelastic + b_deltatover2*b_accelw_poroelastic
+        b_accelw_poroelastic = ZERO
+      endif
 ! implement viscous attenuation for poroelastic media
-  if(TURN_VISCATTENUATION_ON .and. any_poroelastic) then
+    if(TURN_VISCATTENUATION_ON .and. any_poroelastic) then
 ! update memory variables with fourth-order Runge-Kutta time scheme for attenuation
 ! loop over spectral elements
-  do ispec = 1,nspec
+      do ispec = 1,nspec
-    etal_f = poroelastcoef(2,2,kmato(ispec))
-    permlxx = permeability(1,kmato(ispec))
-    permlxz = permeability(2,kmato(ispec))
-    permlzz = permeability(3,kmato(ispec))
+        etal_f = poroelastcoef(2,2,kmato(ispec))
+        permlxx = permeability(1,kmato(ispec))
+        permlxz = permeability(2,kmato(ispec))
+        permlzz = permeability(3,kmato(ispec))
- ! calcul of the inverse of k
+        ! calcul of the inverse of k
-    detk = permlxx*permlzz - permlxz*permlxz
+        detk = permlxx*permlzz - permlxz*permlxz
-    if(detk /= ZERO) then
-     invpermlxx = permlzz/detk
-     invpermlxz = -permlxz/detk
-     invpermlzz = permlxx/detk
-    else
-      stop 'Permeability matrix is not invertible'
-    endif
+        if(detk /= ZERO) then
+          invpermlxx = permlzz/detk
+          invpermlxz = -permlxz/detk
+          invpermlzz = permlxx/detk
+        else
+          stop 'Permeability matrix is not invertible'
+        endif
-! relaxed viscous coef
-          bl_relaxed(1) = etal_f*invpermlxx
-          bl_relaxed(2) = etal_f*invpermlxz
-          bl_relaxed(3) = etal_f*invpermlzz
+        ! relaxed viscous coef
+        bl_relaxed(1) = etal_f*invpermlxx
+        bl_relaxed(2) = etal_f*invpermlxz
+        bl_relaxed(3) = etal_f*invpermlzz
-  do j=1,NGLLZ
-  do i=1,NGLLX
+        do j=1,NGLLZ
+          do i=1,NGLLX
-    iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+            iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
-   viscox_loc(i,j) = velocw_poroelastic(1,iglob)*bl_relaxed(1) + &
+            viscox_loc(i,j) = velocw_poroelastic(1,iglob)*bl_relaxed(1) + &
-   viscoz_loc(i,j) = velocw_poroelastic(1,iglob)*bl_relaxed(2) + &
+            viscoz_loc(i,j) = velocw_poroelastic(1,iglob)*bl_relaxed(2) + &
-! evolution rx_viscous
-  Sn   = - (1.d0 - theta_e/theta_s)/theta_s*viscox(i,j,ispec)
-  Snp1 = - (1.d0 - theta_e/theta_s)/theta_s*viscox_loc(i,j)
-  rx_viscous(i,j,ispec) = alphaval * rx_viscous(i,j,ispec) + betaval * Sn + gammaval * Snp1
+            ! evolution rx_viscous
+            Sn   = - (1.d0 - theta_e/theta_s)/theta_s*viscox(i,j,ispec)
+            Snp1 = - (1.d0 - theta_e/theta_s)/theta_s*viscox_loc(i,j)
+            rx_viscous(i,j,ispec) = alphaval * rx_viscous(i,j,ispec) &
+                                  + betaval * Sn + gammaval * Snp1
-! evolution rz_viscous
-  Sn   = - (1.d0 - theta_e/theta_s)/theta_s*viscoz(i,j,ispec)
-  Snp1 = - (1.d0 - theta_e/theta_s)/theta_s*viscoz_loc(i,j)
-  rz_viscous(i,j,ispec) = alphaval * rz_viscous(i,j,ispec) + betaval * Sn + gammaval * Snp1
+            ! evolution rz_viscous
+            Sn   = - (1.d0 - theta_e/theta_s)/theta_s*viscoz(i,j,ispec)
+            Snp1 = - (1.d0 - theta_e/theta_s)/theta_s*viscoz_loc(i,j)
+            rz_viscous(i,j,ispec) = alphaval * rz_viscous(i,j,ispec) &
+                                  + betaval * Sn + gammaval * Snp1
-  enddo
-  enddo
+          enddo
+        enddo
-! save visco for Runge-Kutta scheme
-     viscox(:,:,ispec) = viscox_loc(:,:)
-     viscoz(:,:,ispec) = viscoz_loc(:,:)
+        ! save visco for Runge-Kutta scheme
+        viscox(:,:,ispec) = viscox_loc(:,:)
+        viscoz(:,:,ispec) = viscoz_loc(:,:)
-  enddo   ! end of spectral element loop
-  endif ! end of viscous attenuation for porous media
+      enddo   ! end of spectral element loop
+    endif ! end of viscous attenuation for porous media
     if(any_acoustic) then
+      ! Newmark time scheme
       potential_acoustic = potential_acoustic &
                           + deltat*potential_dot_acoustic &
                           + deltatsquareover2*potential_dot_dot_acoustic
@@ -4007,7 +4055,7 @@
         b_potential_dot_dot_acoustic = ZERO
-! free surface for an acoustic medium
+      ! free surface for an acoustic medium
       if ( nelem_acoustic_surface > 0 ) then
         call enforce_acoustic_free_surface(potential_dot_dot_acoustic,potential_dot_acoustic, &
                                           potential_acoustic,acoustic_surface, &
@@ -4069,10 +4117,9 @@
+      ! stores absorbing boundary contributions into files
       if(anyabs .and. SAVE_FORWARD .and. SIMULATION_TYPE == 1) then
-!--- left absorbing boundary
+        !--- left absorbing boundary
         if(nspec_xmin >0) then
           do ispec = 1,nspec_xmin
             do i=1,NGLLZ
@@ -4080,43 +4127,39 @@
+        !--- right absorbing boundary
+        if(nspec_xmax >0) then
+          do ispec = 1,nspec_xmax
+            do i=1,NGLLZ
+              write(66) b_absorb_acoustic_right(i,ispec,it)
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        endif
+        !--- bottom absorbing boundary
+        if(nspec_zmin >0) then
+          do ispec = 1,nspec_zmin
+            do i=1,NGLLX
+              write(67) b_absorb_acoustic_bottom(i,ispec,it)
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        endif
+        !--- top absorbing boundary
+        if(nspec_zmax >0) then
+          do ispec = 1,nspec_zmax
+            do i=1,NGLLX
+              write(68) b_absorb_acoustic_top(i,ispec,it)
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        endif
+      endif ! if(anyabs .and. SAVE_FORWARD .and. SIMULATION_TYPE == 1)
-!--- right absorbing boundary
-      if(nspec_xmax >0) then
-      do ispec = 1,nspec_xmax
-         do i=1,NGLLZ
-     write(66) b_absorb_acoustic_right(i,ispec,it)
-         enddo
-      enddo
-      endif
+    endif ! end of test if any acoustic element
-!--- bottom absorbing boundary
-      if(nspec_zmin >0) then
-      do ispec = 1,nspec_zmin
-         do i=1,NGLLX
-     write(67) b_absorb_acoustic_bottom(i,ispec,it)
-         enddo
-      enddo
-      endif
-!--- top absorbing boundary
-      if(nspec_zmax >0) then
-      do ispec = 1,nspec_zmax
-         do i=1,NGLLX
-     write(68) b_absorb_acoustic_top(i,ispec,it)
-         enddo
-      enddo
-      endif
-    endif ! if(anyabs .and. SAVE_FORWARD .and. SIMULATION_TYPE == 1)
- endif ! end of test if any acoustic element
 ! *********************************************************
 ! ************* add coupling with the elastic side
 ! *********************************************************
-  if(coupled_acoustic_elastic) then
+    if(coupled_acoustic_elastic) then
 ! loop on all the coupling edges
       do inum = 1,num_fluid_solid_edges
@@ -4141,8 +4184,8 @@
           displ_z = displ_elastic(3,iglob)
           if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then
-          b_displ_x = b_displ_elastic(1,iglob)
-          b_displ_z = b_displ_elastic(3,iglob)
+            b_displ_x = b_displ_elastic(1,iglob)
+            b_displ_z = b_displ_elastic(3,iglob)
 ! get point values for the acoustic side
@@ -4161,28 +4204,28 @@
             jacobian1D = sqrt(xxi**2 + zxi**2)
             nx = - zxi / jacobian1D
             nz = + xxi / jacobian1D
-          weight = jacobian1D * wxgll(i)
+            weight = jacobian1D * wxgll(i)
           elseif(iedge_acoustic == IBOTTOM)then
             xxi = + gammaz(i,j,ispec_acoustic) * jacobian(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
             zxi = - gammax(i,j,ispec_acoustic) * jacobian(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
             jacobian1D = sqrt(xxi**2 + zxi**2)
             nx = + zxi / jacobian1D
             nz = - xxi / jacobian1D
-          weight = jacobian1D * wxgll(i)
+            weight = jacobian1D * wxgll(i)
           elseif(iedge_acoustic ==ILEFT)then
             xgamma = - xiz(i,j,ispec_acoustic) * jacobian(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
             zgamma = + xix(i,j,ispec_acoustic) * jacobian(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
             jacobian1D = sqrt(xgamma**2 + zgamma**2)
             nx = - zgamma / jacobian1D
             nz = + xgamma / jacobian1D
-          weight = jacobian1D * wzgll(j)
+            weight = jacobian1D * wzgll(j)
           elseif(iedge_acoustic ==IRIGHT)then
             xgamma = - xiz(i,j,ispec_acoustic) * jacobian(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
             zgamma = + xix(i,j,ispec_acoustic) * jacobian(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
             jacobian1D = sqrt(xgamma**2 + zgamma**2)
             nx = + zgamma / jacobian1D
             nz = - xgamma / jacobian1D
-          weight = jacobian1D * wzgll(j)
+            weight = jacobian1D * wzgll(j)
 ! compute dot product
@@ -4199,7 +4242,7 @@
-   endif
+    endif
 ! *********************************************************
 ! ************* add coupling with the poroelastic side
@@ -4234,11 +4277,11 @@
           displw_z = displw_poroelastic(2,iglob)
           if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then
-          b_displ_x = b_displs_poroelastic(1,iglob)
-          b_displ_z = b_displs_poroelastic(2,iglob)
+            b_displ_x = b_displs_poroelastic(1,iglob)
+            b_displ_z = b_displs_poroelastic(2,iglob)
-          b_displw_x = b_displw_poroelastic(1,iglob)
-          b_displw_z = b_displw_poroelastic(2,iglob)
+            b_displw_x = b_displw_poroelastic(1,iglob)
+            b_displw_z = b_displw_poroelastic(2,iglob)
 ! get point values for the acoustic side
@@ -4258,28 +4301,28 @@
             jacobian1D = sqrt(xxi**2 + zxi**2)
             nx = - zxi / jacobian1D
             nz = + xxi / jacobian1D
-          weight = jacobian1D * wxgll(i)
+            weight = jacobian1D * wxgll(i)
           elseif(iedge_acoustic == IBOTTOM)then
             xxi = + gammaz(i,j,ispec_acoustic) * jacobian(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
             zxi = - gammax(i,j,ispec_acoustic) * jacobian(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
             jacobian1D = sqrt(xxi**2 + zxi**2)
             nx = + zxi / jacobian1D
             nz = - xxi / jacobian1D
-          weight = jacobian1D * wxgll(i)
+            weight = jacobian1D * wxgll(i)
           elseif(iedge_acoustic ==ILEFT)then
             xgamma = - xiz(i,j,ispec_acoustic) * jacobian(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
             zgamma = + xix(i,j,ispec_acoustic) * jacobian(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
             jacobian1D = sqrt(xgamma**2 + zgamma**2)
             nx = - zgamma / jacobian1D
             nz = + xgamma / jacobian1D
-          weight = jacobian1D * wzgll(j)
+            weight = jacobian1D * wzgll(j)
           elseif(iedge_acoustic ==IRIGHT)then
             xgamma = - xiz(i,j,ispec_acoustic) * jacobian(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
             zgamma = + xix(i,j,ispec_acoustic) * jacobian(i,j,ispec_acoustic)
             jacobian1D = sqrt(xgamma**2 + zgamma**2)
             nx = + zgamma / jacobian1D
             nz = - xgamma / jacobian1D
-          weight = jacobian1D * wzgll(j)
+            weight = jacobian1D * wzgll(j)
 ! compute dot product [u_s + w]*n
@@ -4288,9 +4331,9 @@
           potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) + weight*displ_n
           if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then
-          b_potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = b_potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) +&
-                    weight*((b_displ_x + b_displw_x)*nx + (b_displ_z + b_displw_z)*nz)
-          endif !if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then
+            b_potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = b_potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) &
+                   + weight*((b_displ_x + b_displw_x)*nx + (b_displ_z + b_displw_z)*nz)
+          endif 
@@ -4303,95 +4346,111 @@
 ! ************************************ add force source
 ! ************************************************************************************
-  if(any_acoustic) then
+    if(any_acoustic) then
 ! --- add the source
-    if(.not. initialfield) then
+      if(.not. initialfield) then
-    do i_source=1,NSOURCES
-! if this processor carries the source and the source element is acoustic
-      if (is_proc_source(i_source) == 1 .and. .not. elastic(ispec_selected_source(i_source)) .and. &
-        .not. poroelastic(ispec_selected_source(i_source))) then
+        do i_source=1,NSOURCES
+          ! if this processor carries the source and the source element is acoustic
+          if (is_proc_source(i_source) == 1 .and. &
+            .not. elastic(ispec_selected_source(i_source)) .and. &
+            .not. poroelastic(ispec_selected_source(i_source))) then
 ! collocated force
 ! beware, for acoustic medium, source is: pressure divided by Kappa of the fluid
 ! the sign is negative because pressure p = - Chi_dot_dot therefore we need
 ! to add minus the source to Chi_dot_dot to get plus the source in pressure
-        if(source_type(i_source) == 1) then
+            if(source_type(i_source) == 1) then
-      if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 1) then  ! forward wavefield
-          do j = 1,NGLLZ
-           do i = 1,NGLLX
-             iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec_selected_source(i_source))
-             hlagrange = hxis_store(i_source,i) * hgammas_store(i_source,j)
-          potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) &
-                 - source_time_function(i_source,it)*hlagrange
-           enddo
-          enddo
-      else                   ! backward wavefield
-          do j = 1,NGLLZ
-           do i = 1,NGLLX
-             iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec_selected_source(i_source))
-             hlagrange = hxis_store(i_source,i) * hgammas_store(i_source,j)
-      b_potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = b_potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) &
-                 - source_time_function(i_source,NSTEP-it+1)*hlagrange
-           enddo
-          enddo
-      endif
+              if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 1) then  
+                ! forward wavefield
+                do j = 1,NGLLZ
+                  do i = 1,NGLLX
+                    iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec_selected_source(i_source))
+                    hlagrange = hxis_store(i_source,i) * hgammas_store(i_source,j)
+                    potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) &
+                                            - source_time_function(i_source,it)*hlagrange
+                  enddo
+                enddo
+              else                   
+                ! backward wavefield
+                do j = 1,NGLLZ
+                  do i = 1,NGLLX
+                    iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec_selected_source(i_source))
+                    hlagrange = hxis_store(i_source,i) * hgammas_store(i_source,j)
+                    b_potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = b_potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) &
+                                          - source_time_function(i_source,NSTEP-it+1)*hlagrange
+                  enddo
+                enddo
+              endif
-! moment tensor
-        else if(source_type(i_source) == 2) then
-          call exit_MPI('cannot have moment tensor source in acoustic element')
+            ! moment tensor
+            else if(source_type(i_source) == 2) then
+              call exit_MPI('cannot have moment tensor source in acoustic element')
-        endif
-      endif ! if this processor carries the source and the source element is acoustic
-    enddo ! do i_source=1,NSOURCES
+            endif
+          endif ! if this processor carries the source and the source element is acoustic
+        enddo ! do i_source=1,NSOURCES
-    if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then   ! adjoint wavefield
-      irec_local = 0
-      do irec = 1,nrec
-!   add the source (only if this proc carries the source)
-      if (myrank == which_proc_receiver(irec)) then
+        if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then   ! adjoint wavefield
+          irec_local = 0
+          do irec = 1,nrec
+            !   add the source (only if this proc carries the source)
+            if (myrank == which_proc_receiver(irec)) then
-      irec_local = irec_local + 1
-      if (.not. elastic(ispec_selected_rec(irec)) .and. &
-         .not. poroelastic(ispec_selected_rec(irec))) then
-! add source array
-      do j=1,NGLLZ
-        do i=1,NGLLX
-      iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec_selected_rec(irec))
-      potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) - &
-          adj_sourcearrays(irec_local,NSTEP-it+1,1,i,j)
-        enddo
-      enddo
-      endif ! if element acoustic
+              irec_local = irec_local + 1
+              if (.not. elastic(ispec_selected_rec(irec)) .and. &
+                 .not. poroelastic(ispec_selected_rec(irec))) then
+                ! add source array
+                do j=1,NGLLZ
+                  do i=1,NGLLX
+                    iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec_selected_rec(irec))
+                    potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) &
+                                  - adj_sourcearrays(irec_local,NSTEP-it+1,1,i,j)
+                  enddo
+                enddo
+              endif ! if element acoustic
-      endif ! if this processor carries the adjoint source
-      enddo ! irec = 1,nrec
-    endif ! SIMULATION_TYPE == 2 adjoint wavefield
+            endif ! if this processor carries the adjoint source
+          enddo ! irec = 1,nrec
+        endif ! SIMULATION_TYPE == 2 adjoint wavefield
-    endif ! if not using an initial field
-  endif !if(any_acoustic)
+      endif ! if not using an initial field
+    endif !if(any_acoustic)
 ! assembling potential_dot_dot for acoustic elements
 #ifdef USE_MPI
   if ( nproc > 1 .and. any_acoustic .and. ninterface_acoustic > 0) then
     call assemble_MPI_vector_ac(potential_dot_dot_acoustic,npoin, &
-           ninterface, ninterface_acoustic,inum_interfaces_acoustic, &
-           max_interface_size, max_ibool_interfaces_size_ac,&
-           ibool_interfaces_acoustic, nibool_interfaces_acoustic, &
-           tab_requests_send_recv_acoustic,buffer_send_faces_vector_ac, &
-           buffer_recv_faces_vector_ac, my_neighbours)
+                    ninterface, ninterface_acoustic,inum_interfaces_acoustic, &
+                    max_interface_size, max_ibool_interfaces_size_ac,&
+                    ibool_interfaces_acoustic, nibool_interfaces_acoustic, &
+                    tab_requests_send_recv_acoustic,buffer_send_faces_vector_ac, &
+                    buffer_recv_faces_vector_ac, my_neighbours)
+    if ( SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then
+      call assemble_MPI_vector_ac(b_potential_dot_dot_acoustic,npoin, &
+                     ninterface, ninterface_acoustic,inum_interfaces_acoustic, &
+                     max_interface_size, max_ibool_interfaces_size_ac,&
+                     ibool_interfaces_acoustic, nibool_interfaces_acoustic, &
+                     tab_requests_send_recv_acoustic,buffer_send_faces_vector_ac, &
+                     buffer_recv_faces_vector_ac, my_neighbours)
+    endif
-    if ( nproc > 1 .and. any_acoustic .and. ninterface_acoustic > 0 .and. SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then
-    call assemble_MPI_vector_ac(b_potential_dot_dot_acoustic,npoin, &
-           ninterface, ninterface_acoustic,inum_interfaces_acoustic, &
-           max_interface_size, max_ibool_interfaces_size_ac,&
-           ibool_interfaces_acoustic, nibool_interfaces_acoustic, &
-           tab_requests_send_recv_acoustic,buffer_send_faces_vector_ac, &
-           buffer_recv_faces_vector_ac, my_neighbours)
-  endif
+!  if ( nproc > 1 .and. any_acoustic .and. ninterface_acoustic > 0 .and. SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then
+!    call assemble_MPI_vector_ac(b_potential_dot_dot_acoustic,npoin, &
+!           ninterface, ninterface_acoustic,inum_interfaces_acoustic, &
+!           max_interface_size, max_ibool_interfaces_size_ac,&
+!           ibool_interfaces_acoustic, nibool_interfaces_acoustic, &
+!           tab_requests_send_recv_acoustic,buffer_send_faces_vector_ac, &
+!           buffer_recv_faces_vector_ac, my_neighbours)
+!  endif
 ! ************************************************************************************

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