[cig-commits] r17967 - seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/utils/lib

liuqy at geodynamics.org liuqy at geodynamics.org
Wed Feb 23 19:35:46 PST 2011

Author: liuqy
Date: 2011-02-23 19:35:46 -0800 (Wed, 23 Feb 2011)
New Revision: 17967

Add sph2utm utilities to utils/lib directory.

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/utils/lib/sph2utm.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/utils/lib/sph2utm.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/utils/lib/sph2utm.f90	2011-02-24 03:35:46 UTC (rev 17967)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+program testf
+implicit none
+include 'constants.h'
+double precision lon,lat
+double precision x,y
+integer iway, iproject
+iproject = 11
+print *, 'input lon, lat'
+read(*,*) lon, lat
+call utm_geo(lon,lat,x,y,iproject,iway)
+print *, 'x = ', x, '  y = ', y
+end program testf

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/utils/lib/utm2sph.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/utils/lib/utm2sph.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/utils/lib/utm2sph.f90	2011-02-24 03:35:46 UTC (rev 17967)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+program testf
+implicit none
+include 'constants.h'
+double precision lon,lat
+double precision x,y
+integer iway, iproject
+iproject = 11
+print *, 'input x, y'
+read(*,*) x, y
+call utm_geo(lon,lat,x,y,iproject,iway)
+print *, 'lon = ', lon, '  lat = ', lat
+end program testf

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/utils/lib/utm_geo.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/utils/lib/utm_geo.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/utils/lib/utm_geo.f90	2011-02-24 03:35:46 UTC (rev 17967)
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+!  UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) projection from the USGS
+  subroutine utm_geo(rlon,rlat,rx,ry,UTM_PROJECTION_ZONE,iway)
+! convert geodetic longitude and latitude to UTM, and back
+! use iway = ILONGLAT2UTM for long/lat to UTM, IUTM2LONGLAT for UTM to lat/long
+! a list of UTM zones of the world is available at www.dmap.co.uk/utmworld.htm
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+!-----CAMx v2.03
+!     UTM_GEO performs UTM to geodetic (long/lat) translation, and back.
+!     This is a Fortran version of the BASIC program "Transverse Mercator
+!     Conversion", Copyright 1986, Norman J. Berls (Stefan Musarra, 2/94)
+!     Based on algorithm taken from "Map Projections Used by the USGS"
+!     by John P. Snyder, Geological Survey Bulletin 1532, USDI.
+!     Input/Output arguments:
+!        rlon                  Longitude (deg, negative for West)
+!        rlat                  Latitude (deg)
+!        rx                    UTM easting (m)
+!        ry                    UTM northing (m)
+!        iway                  Conversion type
+!                              ILONGLAT2UTM = geodetic to UTM
+!                              IUTM2LONGLAT = UTM to geodetic
+  integer UTM_PROJECTION_ZONE,iway
+  double precision rx,ry,rlon,rlat
+  double precision, parameter :: degrad=PI/180., raddeg=180./PI
+  double precision, parameter :: semimaj=6378206.4d0, semimin=6356583.8d0
+  double precision, parameter :: scfa=.9996d0
+  double precision, parameter :: north=0.d0, east=500000.d0
+  double precision e2,e4,e6,ep2,xx,yy,dlat,dlon,zone,cm,cmr,delam
+  double precision f1,f2,f3,f4,rm,rn,t,c,a,e1,u,rlat1,dlat1,c1,t1,rn1,r1,d
+  double precision rx_save,ry_save,rlon_save,rlat_save
+    if (iway == ILONGLAT2UTM) then
+      rx = rlon
+      ry = rlat
+    else
+      rlon = rx
+      rlat = ry
+    endif
+    return
+  endif
+! save original parameters
+  rlon_save = rlon
+  rlat_save = rlat
+  rx_save = rx
+  ry_save = ry
+! define parameters of reference ellipsoid
+  e2=1.0-(semimin/semimaj)**2.0
+  e4=e2*e2
+  e6=e2*e4
+  ep2=e2/(1.-e2)
+  if (iway == IUTM2LONGLAT) then
+    xx = rx
+    yy = ry
+  else
+    dlon = rlon
+    dlat = rlat
+  endif
+!----- Set Zone parameters
+  zone = dble(UTM_PROJECTION_ZONE)
+  cm = zone*6.0 - 183.0
+  cmr = cm*degrad
+!---- Lat/Lon to UTM conversion
+  if (iway == ILONGLAT2UTM) then
+  rlon = degrad*dlon
+  rlat = degrad*dlat
+  delam = dlon - cm
+  if (delam < -180.) delam = delam + 360.
+  if (delam > 180.) delam = delam - 360.
+  delam = delam*degrad
+  f1 = (1. - e2/4. - 3.*e4/64. - 5.*e6/256)*rlat
+  f2 = 3.*e2/8. + 3.*e4/32. + 45.*e6/1024.
+  f2 = f2*sin(2.*rlat)
+  f3 = 15.*e4/256.*45.*e6/1024.
+  f3 = f3*sin(4.*rlat)
+  f4 = 35.*e6/3072.
+  f4 = f4*sin(6.*rlat)
+  rm = semimaj*(f1 - f2 + f3 - f4)
+  if (dlat == 90. .or. dlat == -90.) then
+    xx = 0.
+    yy = scfa*rm
+  else
+    rn = semimaj/sqrt(1. - e2*sin(rlat)**2)
+    t = tan(rlat)**2
+    c = ep2*cos(rlat)**2
+    a = cos(rlat)*delam
+    f1 = (1. - t + c)*a**3/6.
+    f2 = 5. - 18.*t + t**2 + 72.*c - 58.*ep2
+    f2 = f2*a**5/120.
+    xx = scfa*rn*(a + f1 + f2)
+    f1 = a**2/2.
+    f2 = 5. - t + 9.*c + 4.*c**2
+    f2 = f2*a**4/24.
+    f3 = 61. - 58.*t + t**2 + 600.*c - 330.*ep2
+    f3 = f3*a**6/720.
+    yy = scfa*(rm + rn*tan(rlat)*(f1 + f2 + f3))
+  endif
+  xx = xx + east
+  yy = yy + north
+!---- UTM to Lat/Lon conversion
+  else
+  xx = xx - east
+  yy = yy - north
+  e1 = sqrt(1. - e2)
+  e1 = (1. - e1)/(1. + e1)
+  rm = yy/scfa
+  u = 1. - e2/4. - 3.*e4/64. - 5.*e6/256.
+  u = rm/(semimaj*u)
+  f1 = 3.*e1/2. - 27.*e1**3./32.
+  f1 = f1*sin(2.*u)
+  f2 = 21.*e1**2/16. - 55.*e1**4/32.
+  f2 = f2*sin(4.*u)
+  f3 = 151.*e1**3./96.
+  f3 = f3*sin(6.*u)
+  rlat1 = u + f1 + f2 + f3
+  dlat1 = rlat1*raddeg
+  if (dlat1 >= 90. .or. dlat1 <= -90.) then
+    dlat1 = dmin1(dlat1,dble(90.) )
+    dlat1 = dmax1(dlat1,dble(-90.) )
+    dlon = cm
+  else
+    c1 = ep2*cos(rlat1)**2.
+    t1 = tan(rlat1)**2.
+    f1 = 1. - e2*sin(rlat1)**2.
+    rn1 = semimaj/sqrt(f1)
+    r1 = semimaj*(1. - e2)/sqrt(f1**3)
+    d = xx/(rn1*scfa)
+    f1 = rn1*tan(rlat1)/r1
+    f2 = d**2/2.
+    f3 = 5.*3.*t1 + 10.*c1 - 4.*c1**2 - 9.*ep2
+    f3 = f3*d**2*d**2/24.
+    f4 = 61. + 90.*t1 + 298.*c1 + 45.*t1**2. - 252.*ep2 - 3.*c1**2
+    f4 = f4*(d**2)**3./720.
+    rlat = rlat1 - f1*(f2 - f3 + f4)
+    dlat = rlat*raddeg
+    f1 = 1. + 2.*t1 + c1
+    f1 = f1*d**2*d/6.
+    f2 = 5. - 2.*c1 + 28.*t1 - 3.*c1**2 + 8.*ep2 + 24.*t1**2.
+    f2 = f2*(d**2)**2*d/120.
+    rlon = cmr + (d - f1 + f2)/cos(rlat1)
+    dlon = rlon*raddeg
+    if (dlon < -180.) dlon = dlon + 360.
+    if (dlon > 180.) dlon = dlon - 360.
+  endif
+  endif
+  if (iway == IUTM2LONGLAT) then
+    rlon = dlon
+    rlat = dlat
+    rx = rx_save
+    ry = ry_save
+  else
+    rx = xx
+    ry = yy
+    rlon = rlon_save
+    rlat = rlat_save
+  endif
+  end subroutine utm_geo

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