[cig-commits] commit: First pass at a helper package for custom Earth models.

Mercurial hg at geodynamics.org
Sun Jul 3 20:06:52 PDT 2011

changeset:   0:9b613f27327a
user:        Walter Landry <wlandry at caltech.edu>
date:        Sat Jul 02 17:09:21 2011 -0700
files:       DATA/PPM/readme.txt README create_tgz src/meshfem3D/model_aniso_mantle.f90 src/meshfem3D/model_atten3D_QRFSI12.f90 src/meshfem3D/model_crust.f90 src/meshfem3D/model_s20rts.f90 test_compilation
First pass at a helper package for custom Earth models.

diff -r 000000000000 -r 9b613f27327a DATA/PPM/readme.txt
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/DATA/PPM/readme.txt	Sat Jul 02 17:09:21 2011 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+PPM - point-profile models
+ for generic Vs models given as depth profiles at lon/lat using a text-file format like:
+ #lon(deg), lat(deg), depth(km), Vs-perturbation wrt PREM(%), Vs-PREM (km/s)
+  -10.00000       31.00000       40.00000      -1.775005       4.400000    
+  -10.00000       32.00000       40.00000      -1.056823       4.400000    
+ ...
+   (the first line in the file is ignored)
+1. in order to use it, create a symbolic link 'model.txt' 
+   in this directory DATA/PPM/:
+   > cd DATA/PPM/
+   > ln -s my_ppm_model model.txt
+2. change in DATA/Par_file the corresponding line to:
+   #..
+   MODEL                           = PPM
+   .. 
+3. any specifics can be added to the routine implementations in
+   the subroutine file: 'model_ppm.f90'
+   note: by default, the routine assumes that data given are Vs perturbations 
+         and that the data have a regular spacing, i.e. constant increments, 
+         for each lon,lat and depth column
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 9b613f27327a README
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/README	Sat Jul 02 17:09:21 2011 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+These scripts assume a Unix-like environment: Linux, Mac OS X, or
+Windows with Cygwin.
+To use a custom Earth model, you must either
+1) Modify one of the existing Earth models.  This involves modifying
+   one of the f90 files in src/meshfem3D.  The exact details of what
+   must be done are spelled in Chapter 10 of the manual.
+     https://geodynamics.org/portals/seismo/doc/manual_SPECFEM3D_GLOBE.pdf
+   Do not forget to modify src/meshfem3D/Makefile if you add any extra
+   source files.
+2) Specify your model as a deviation from PREM.  See the file
+   DATA/PPM/readme.txt for instructions.
+Once you have completed your modifications, you should do a simple
+test to make sure the code compiles.  To do this, download a copy
+of Specfem 3D Globe from
+  http://geodynamics.org/cig/software/specfem3d-globe/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_V5.1.1.tar.gz
+Configure and build Specfem 3D Globe.  Then run
+  ./test_compilation /path/to/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE
+You should also make sure your modified version gives correct answers.
+To create a file suitable for uploading, write a description of the
+Earth model in the file "description.txt" or "description.html".
+Then, run
+  ./create_tgz Backend_Name
diff -r 000000000000 -r 9b613f27327a create_tgz
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/create_tgz	Sat Jul 02 17:09:21 2011 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+   echo "Usage: create_tgz Backend_Name"
+   exit 1
+if [ ! -s description.txt ]; then
+    if [ ! -s description.html ]; then
+        echo "You must put something into description.txt or description.html file"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+echo "Creating the tarfile ${1}.tgz"
+echo ""
+tar -zcvf "${1}.tgz" DATA/ src/ description.*[a-z]
+echo ""
+echo "Now upload the file ${1}.tgz to the portal."
diff -r 000000000000 -r 9b613f27327a src/meshfem3D/model_aniso_mantle.f90
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/meshfem3D/model_aniso_mantle.f90	Sat Jul 02 17:09:21 2011 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,907 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  5 . 1
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!                        Princeton University, USA
+!             and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA, France
+! (c) Princeton University / California Institute of Technology and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA
+!                            April 2011
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+!       Jean-Paul Montagner, January 2002
+!       modified by Min Chen, Caltech, February 2002
+!  input is (r, theta, phi), output is the matrix cij(6x6)
+!  0 <= r <= 1, 0 <= theta <= pi, 0 <= phi <= 2 pi
+!  returns non-dimensionalized cij
+!  creates parameters p(i=1,14,r,theta,phi)
+!  from model glob-prem3sm01 globpreman3sm01 (Montagner, 2002)
+  subroutine model_aniso_mantle_broadcast(myrank,AMM_V)
+! standard routine to setup model
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  ! standard include of the MPI library
+  include 'mpif.h'
+  ! model_aniso_mantle_variables
+  type model_aniso_mantle_variables
+    sequence
+    double precision beta(14,34,37,73)
+    double precision pro(47)
+    integer npar1
+    integer dummy_pad ! padding 4 bytes to align the structure
+  end type model_aniso_mantle_variables
+  type (model_aniso_mantle_variables) AMM_V
+  ! model_aniso_mantle_variables
+  integer :: myrank
+  integer :: ier
+  ! the variables read are declared and stored in structure AMM_V
+  if(myrank == 0) call read_aniso_mantle_model(AMM_V)
+  ! broadcast the information read on the master to the nodes
+  end subroutine model_aniso_mantle_broadcast
+  subroutine model_aniso_mantle(r,theta,phi,rho, &
+    c11,c12,c13,c14,c15,c16,c22,c23,c24,c25,c26,c33,c34,c35,c36,c44,c45,c46,c55,c56,c66,&
+    AMM_V)
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+! model_aniso_mantle_variables
+  type model_aniso_mantle_variables
+    sequence
+    double precision beta(14,34,37,73)
+    double precision pro(47)
+    integer npar1
+    integer dummy_pad ! padding 4 bytes to align the structure
+  end type model_aniso_mantle_variables
+  type (model_aniso_mantle_variables) AMM_V
+! model_aniso_mantle_variables
+  double precision r,theta,phi
+  double precision rho
+  double precision c11,c12,c13,c14,c15,c16,c22,c23,c24,c25,c26, &
+                   c33,c34,c35,c36,c44,c45,c46,c55,c56,c66
+  double precision d11,d12,d13,d14,d15,d16,d22,d23,d24,d25,d26, &
+                   d33,d34,d35,d36,d44,d45,d46,d55,d56,d66
+  double precision colat,lon
+  lon = phi / DEGREES_TO_RADIANS
+  colat = theta / DEGREES_TO_RADIANS
+! uncomment this line to suppress the anisotropic mantle model
+! call exit_MPI_without_rank('please provide an anisotropic mantle model for subroutine aniso_mantle_model')
+! assign the local (d_ij) or global (c_ij) anisotropic parameters.
+! The c_ij are the coefficients in the global
+! reference frame used in SPECFEM3D.
+  call build_cij(AMM_V%pro,AMM_V%npar1,rho,AMM_V%beta,r,colat,lon,&
+                 d11,d12,d13,d14,d15,d16,d22,d23,d24,d25,d26,d33,d34,d35,d36,&
+                 d44,d45,d46,d55,d56,d66)
+  call rotate_aniso_tensor(theta,phi,d11,d12,d13,d14,d15,d16,d22,d23,d24,d25,d26,&
+       d33,d34,d35,d36,d44,d45,d46,d55,d56,d66,&
+       c11,c12,c13,c14,c15,c16,c22,c23,c24,c25,c26,&
+       c33,c34,c35,c36,c44,c45,c46,c55,c56,c66)
+  end subroutine model_aniso_mantle
+  subroutine build_cij(pro,npar1,rho,beta,r,theta,phi,&
+       d11,d12,d13,d14,d15,d16,d22,d23,d24,d25,d26,d33,d34,d35,d36,&
+       d44,d45,d46,d55,d56,d66)
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  integer npar1,ndepth,idep,ipar,itheta,ilon,icz0,nx0,ny0,nz0,&
+          ict0,ict1,icp0,icp1,icz1
+  double precision d11,d12,d13,d14,d15,d16,d22,d23,d24,d25,d26, &
+                   d33,d34,d35,d36,d44,d45,d46,d55,d56,d66
+  double precision r,theta,phi,rho,depth,tei,tet,ph,fi,x0,y0,pxy0
+  double precision d1,d2,d3,d4,sd,thickness,dprof1,dprof2,eps,pc1,pc2,pc3,pc4,&
+                   dpr1,dpr2,param,scale_GPa,scaleval
+  double precision A,C,F,AL,AN,BC,BS,GC,GS,HC,HS,EC,ES,C1p,C1sv,C1sh,C3,S1p,S1sv,S1sh,S3
+  double precision beta(14,34,37,73),pro(47)
+  double precision anispara(14,2,4),elpar(14)
+  ndepth = npar1
+  pxy0 = 5.
+  x0 = 0.
+  y0 = 0.
+  nx0 = 37
+  ny0 = 73
+  nz0 = 34
+! avoid edge effects
+  if(theta==0.0d0) theta=0.000001d0
+  if(theta==180.d0) theta=0.999999d0*theta
+  if(phi==0.0d0) phi=0.000001d0
+  if(phi==360.d0) phi=0.999999d0*phi
+! dimensionalize
+  depth = R_EARTH_KM*(R_UNIT_SPHERE - r)
+  if(depth <= pro(nz0) .or. depth >= pro(1)) call exit_MPI_without_rank('r out of range in build_cij')
+  itheta = int(theta + pxy0)/pxy0
+  ilon = int(phi + pxy0)/pxy0
+  tet = theta
+  ph = phi
+  icz0 = 0
+  do idep = 1,ndepth
+    if(pro(idep) > depth) icz0 = icz0 + 1
+  enddo
+! Interpolation for depth between dep1(iz0) and dep2(iz1)
+!    1 (ict0,icp0)      2 (ict0,icp1)
+!    3 (ict1,icp0)      4 (ict1,icp1)
+  ict0 = itheta
+  ict1 = ict0 + 1
+  icp0 = ilon
+  icp1 = icp0 + 1
+  icz1 = icz0 + 1
+! check that parameters make sense
+  if(ict0 < 1 .or. ict0 > nx0) call exit_MPI_without_rank('ict0 out of range')
+  if(ict1 < 1 .or. ict1 > nx0) call exit_MPI_without_rank('ict1 out of range')
+  if(icp0 < 1 .or. icp0 > ny0) call exit_MPI_without_rank('icp0 out of range')
+  if(icp1 < 1 .or. icp1 > ny0) call exit_MPI_without_rank('icp1 out of range')
+  if(icz0 < 1 .or. icz0 > nz0) call exit_MPI_without_rank('icz0 out of range')
+  if(icz1 < 1 .or. icz1 > nz0) call exit_MPI_without_rank('icz1 out of range')
+  do ipar = 1,14
+    anispara(ipar,1,1) = beta(ipar,icz0,ict0,icp0)
+    anispara(ipar,2,1) = beta(ipar,icz1,ict0,icp0)
+    anispara(ipar,1,2) = beta(ipar,icz0,ict0,icp1)
+    anispara(ipar,2,2) = beta(ipar,icz1,ict0,icp1)
+    anispara(ipar,1,3) = beta(ipar,icz0,ict1,icp0)
+    anispara(ipar,2,3) = beta(ipar,icz1,ict1,icp0)
+    anispara(ipar,1,4) = beta(ipar,icz0,ict1,icp1)
+    anispara(ipar,2,4) = beta(ipar,icz1,ict1,icp1)
+  enddo
+! calculation of distances between the selected point and grid points
+  tei = pxy0*ict0 + x0 - pxy0
+  fi = pxy0*icp0 + y0 - pxy0
+!***  d1=de(tet,ph,tei,fi)
+  d1 = dsqrt(((tei - tet)**2) + ((fi - ph)**2)*(dsin((tet + tei)*DEGREES_TO_RADIANS/2.)**2))
+!***  d2=de(tet,ph,tei+pxy0,fi)
+  d2 = dsqrt(((tei - tet + pxy0)**2) + ((fi - ph)**2)*(dsin((tet + tei + pxy0)*DEGREES_TO_RADIANS/2.)**2))
+!***  d3=de(tet,ph,tei,fi+pxy0)
+  d3 = dsqrt(((tei - tet)**2) + ((fi - ph + pxy0)**2)*(dsin((tet + tei)*DEGREES_TO_RADIANS/2.)**2))
+!***  d4=de(tet,ph,tei+pxy0,fi+pxy0)
+  d4 = dsqrt(((tei - tet + pxy0)**2) + ((fi - ph + pxy0)**2)*(dsin((tet + tei + pxy0)*DEGREES_TO_RADIANS/2.)**2))
+  sd = d2*d3*d4 + d1*d2*d4 + d1*d3*d4 + d1*d2*d3
+  thickness = pro(icz0) - pro(icz1)
+  dprof1 = pro(icz0) - depth
+  dprof2 = depth - pro(icz1)
+  eps = 0.01
+  do ipar = 1,14
+     if(thickness < eps)then
+      pc1 = anispara(ipar,1,1)
+      pc2 = anispara(ipar,1,2)
+      pc3 = anispara(ipar,1,3)
+      pc4 = anispara(ipar,1,4)
+     else
+      dpr1 = dprof1/thickness
+      dpr2 = dprof2/thickness
+      pc1 = anispara(ipar,1,1)*dpr2+anispara(ipar,2,1)*dpr1
+      pc2 = anispara(ipar,1,2)*dpr2+anispara(ipar,2,2)*dpr1
+      pc3 = anispara(ipar,1,3)*dpr2+anispara(ipar,2,3)*dpr1
+      pc4 = anispara(ipar,1,4)*dpr2+anispara(ipar,2,4)*dpr1
+     endif
+     param = pc1*d2*d3*d4 + pc2*d1*d3*d4 + pc3*d1*d2*d4 + pc4*d1*d2*d3
+     param = param/sd
+     elpar(ipar) = param
+  enddo
+  d11 = ZERO
+  d12 = ZERO
+  d13 = ZERO
+  d14 = ZERO
+  d15 = ZERO
+  d16 = ZERO
+  d22 = ZERO
+  d23 = ZERO
+  d24 = ZERO
+  d25 = ZERO
+  d26 = ZERO
+  d33 = ZERO
+  d34 = ZERO
+  d35 = ZERO
+  d36 = ZERO
+  d44 = ZERO
+  d45 = ZERO
+  d46 = ZERO
+  d55 = ZERO
+  d56 = ZERO
+  d66 = ZERO
+!   create dij
+  rho = elpar(1)
+  A = elpar(2)
+  C = elpar(3)
+  F = elpar(4)
+  AL = elpar(5)
+  AN = elpar(6)
+  BC = elpar(7)
+  BS = elpar(8)
+  GC = elpar(9)
+  GS = elpar(10)
+  HC = elpar(11)
+  HS = elpar(12)
+  EC = elpar(13)
+  ES = elpar(14)
+  C1p = 0.0d0
+  S1p = 0.0d0
+  C1sv = 0.0d0
+  S1sv = 0.0d0
+  C1sh = 0.0d0
+  S1sh = 0.0d0
+  C3 = 0.0d0
+  S3 = 0.0d0
+  d11 = A + EC + BC
+  d12 = A - 2.*AN - EC
+  d13 = F + HC
+  d14 = S3 + 2.*S1sh + 2.*S1p
+  d15 = 2.*C1p + C3
+  d16 = -BS/2. - ES
+  d22 = A + EC - BC
+  d23 = F - HC
+  d24 = 2.*S1p - S3
+  d25 = 2.*C1p - 2.*C1sh - C3
+  d26 = -BS/2. + ES
+  d33 = C
+  d34 = 2.*(S1p - S1sv)
+  d35 = 2.*(C1p - C1sv)
+  d36 = -HS
+  d44 = AL - GC
+  d45 = -GS
+  d46 = C1sh - C3
+  d55 = AL + GC
+  d56 = S3 - S1sh
+  d66 = AN - EC
+! non-dimensionalize the elastic coefficients using
+! the scale of GPa--[g/cm^3][(km/s)^2]
+  scaleval = dsqrt(PI*GRAV*RHOAV)
+  scale_GPa =(RHOAV/1000.d0)*((R_EARTH*scaleval/1000.d0)**2)
+  d11 = d11/scale_GPa
+  d12 = d12/scale_GPa
+  d13 = d13/scale_GPa
+  d14 = d14/scale_GPa
+  d15 = d15/scale_GPa
+  d16 = d16/scale_GPa
+  d22 = d22/scale_GPa
+  d23 = d23/scale_GPa
+  d24 = d24/scale_GPa
+  d25 = d25/scale_GPa
+  d26 = d26/scale_GPa
+  d33 = d33/scale_GPa
+  d34 = d34/scale_GPa
+  d35 = d35/scale_GPa
+  d36 = d36/scale_GPa
+  d44 = d44/scale_GPa
+  d45 = d45/scale_GPa
+  d46 = d46/scale_GPa
+  d55 = d55/scale_GPa
+  d56 = d56/scale_GPa
+  d66 = d66/scale_GPa
+! non-dimensionalize
+  rho = rho*1000.d0/RHOAV
+  end subroutine build_cij
+  subroutine read_aniso_mantle_model(AMM_V)
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+! model_aniso_mantle_variables
+  type model_aniso_mantle_variables
+    sequence
+    double precision beta(14,34,37,73)
+    double precision pro(47)
+    integer npar1
+    integer dummy_pad ! padding 4 bytes to align the structure
+  end type model_aniso_mantle_variables
+  type (model_aniso_mantle_variables) AMM_V
+! model_aniso_mantle_variables
+  integer nx,ny,np1,np2,ipar,ipa1,ipa,ilat,ilon,il,idep,nfin,nfi0,nf,nri
+  double precision xinf,yinf,pxy,ppp,angle,A,A2L,AL,af
+  double precision ra(47),pari(14,47)
+  double precision bet2(14,34,37,73)
+  double precision alph(73,37),ph(73,37)
+  character(len=150) glob_prem3sm01, globpreman3sm01
+  np1 = 1
+  np2 = 34
+  AMM_V%npar1 = (np2 - np1 + 1)
+! glob-prem3sm01: model with rho,A,L,xi-1,1-phi,eta
+  call get_value_string(glob_prem3sm01, 'model.glob_prem3sm01', 'DATA/Montagner_model/glob-prem3sm01')
+  open(19,file=glob_prem3sm01,status='old',action='read')
+! read the models
+! reference model: PREM or ACY400
+  call lecmod(nri,pari,ra)
+! read tomographic model (equivalent T.I. model)
+  ipa = 0
+  nfi0 = 6
+  nfin = 14
+  do nf = 1,nfi0
+    ipa = ipa + 1
+    do idep = 1,AMM_V%npar1
+      il = idep + np1 - 1
+      read(19,"(2f4.0,2i3,f4.0)",end = 88) xinf,yinf,nx,ny,pxy
+      ppp = 1.
+      read(19,"(f5.0,f8.4)",end = 88) AMM_V%pro(idep),ppp
+      if(nf == 1) pari(nf,il) = ppp
+      if(nf == 2) pari(nf,il) = ppp
+      if(nf == 3) pari(nf,il) = ppp
+      if(nf == 4) ppp = pari(nf,il)
+      if(nf == 5) ppp = pari(nf,il)
+      do ilat = 1,nx
+        read(19,"(17f7.2)",end = 88) (AMM_V%beta(ipa,idep,ilat,ilon),ilon = 1,ny)
+! calculation of A,C,F,L,N
+! bet2(1,...)=rho, bet2(2,...)=A,bet2(3,...)=L,bet2(4,...)=xi
+! bet2(5,...)=phi=C/A, bet2(6,...)=eta=F/A-2L
+! bet2(7,...)=Bc, bet2(8,...)=Bs,bet2(9,...)=Gc,bet2(10,...)=Gs
+! bet2(11,...)=Hc, bet2(12,...)=Hs,bet2(13,...)=Ec,bet2(14,...)=Es
+        do ilon = 1,ny
+          if(nf <= 3 .or. nf >= 6)then
+            bet2(ipa,idep,ilat,ilon) = AMM_V%beta(ipa,idep,ilat,ilon)*0.01*ppp + ppp
+          else
+            if(nf == 4)bet2(ipa,idep,ilat,ilon) = AMM_V%beta(ipa,idep,ilat,ilon)*0.01 + 1.
+            if(nf == 5)bet2(ipa,idep,ilat,ilon) = - AMM_V%beta(ipa,idep,ilat,ilon)*0.01 + 1.
+          endif
+        enddo
+       enddo
+     enddo
+   enddo
+88 close(19)
+! read anisotropic azimuthal parameters
+! beta(ipa,idep,ilat,ilon) are sorted in (amplitude, phase)
+! normalized, in percents: 100 G/L
+  call get_value_string(globpreman3sm01, 'model.globpreman3sm01', 'DATA/Montagner_model/globpreman3sm01')
+  open(unit=15,file=globpreman3sm01,status='old',action='read')
+  do nf = 7,nfin,2
+    ipa = nf
+    ipa1 = ipa + 1
+    do idep = 1,AMM_V%npar1
+      il = idep + np1 - 1
+      read(15,"(2f4.0,2i3,f4.0)",end = 888) xinf,yinf,nx,ny,pxy
+      read(15,"(f5.0,f8.4)",end = 888) AMM_V%pro(idep),ppp
+      if(nf == 7) ppp = pari(2,il)
+      if(nf == 9) ppp = pari(3,il)
+      af = pari(6,il)*(pari(2,il) - 2.*pari(3,il))
+      if(nf == 11) ppp = af
+      if(nf == 13) ppp = (pari(4,il) + 1.)*pari(3,il)
+      do ilat = 1,nx
+        read(15,"(17f7.2)",end = 888) (alph(ilon,ilat),ilon = 1,ny)
+      enddo
+      do ilat=1,nx
+        read(15,"(17f7.2)",end = 888) (ph(ilon,ilat),ilon = 1,ny)
+      enddo
+      do ilat = 1,nx
+        do ilon = 1,ny
+          angle = 2.*DEGREES_TO_RADIANS*ph(ilon,ilat)
+          AMM_V%beta(ipa,idep,ilat,ilon) = alph(ilon,ilat)*ppp*0.01d0
+          AMM_V%beta(ipa1,idep,ilat,ilon) = ph(ilon,ilat)
+          bet2(ipa,idep,ilat,ilon) = alph(ilon,ilat)*dcos(angle)*ppp*0.01d0
+          bet2(ipa1,idep,ilat,ilon) = alph(ilon,ilat)*dsin(angle)*ppp*0.01d0
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+888 close(15)
+  do idep = 1,AMM_V%npar1
+    do ilat = 1,nx
+      do ilon = 1,ny
+! rho
+        AMM_V%beta(1,idep,ilat,ilon) = bet2(1,idep,ilat,ilon)
+! A
+        AMM_V%beta(2,idep,ilat,ilon) = bet2(2,idep,ilat,ilon)
+        A=bet2(2,idep,ilat,ilon)
+!  C
+        AMM_V%beta(3,idep,ilat,ilon) = bet2(5,idep,ilat,ilon)*A
+!  F
+        A2L = A - 2.*bet2(3,idep,ilat,ilon)
+        AMM_V%beta(4,idep,ilat,ilon) = bet2(6,idep,ilat,ilon)*A2L
+!  L
+        AMM_V%beta(5,idep,ilat,ilon) = bet2(3,idep,ilat,ilon)
+        AL = bet2(3,idep,ilat,ilon)
+!  N
+        AMM_V%beta(6,idep,ilat,ilon) = bet2(4,idep,ilat,ilon)*AL
+!  azimuthal terms
+        do ipar = 7,14
+          AMM_V%beta(ipar,idep,ilat,ilon) = bet2(ipar,idep,ilat,ilon)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+ end subroutine read_aniso_mantle_model
+  subroutine lecmod(nri,pari,ra)
+  implicit none
+! read the reference Earth model: rho, Vph, Vsv, XI, PHI, ETA
+! array par(i,nlayer)
+! output: array pari(ipar, nlayer): rho, A, L, xi-1, phi-1, eta-1
+  integer i,j,k,ip,ifanis,idum1,idum2,idum3,nlayer,nout,neff,&
+          nband,nri,minlay,moho,kiti
+  double precision pari(14,47),qkappa(47),qshear(47),par(6,47)
+  double precision epa(14,47),ra(47),dcori(47),ri(47)
+  double precision corpar(21,47)
+  double precision aa,an,al,af,ac,vpv,vph,vsv,vsh,rho,red,a2l
+  character(len=80) null
+  character(len=150) Adrem119
+     ifanis = 1
+     nri = 47
+     call get_value_string(Adrem119, 'model.Adrem119', 'DATA/Montagner_model/Adrem119')
+     open(unit=13,file=Adrem119,status='old',action='read')
+     read(13,*,end = 77) nlayer,minlay,moho,nout,neff,nband,kiti,null
+     if(kiti == 0) read(13,"(20a4)",end = 77) idum1
+     read(13,"(20a4)",end = 77) idum2
+     read(13,"(20a4)",end = 77) idum3
+     do i = 1,nlayer
+       read(13,"(4x,f11.1,8d12.5)",end = 77) ra(i),(par(k,i),k = 1,6),qshear(i),qkappa(i)
+     enddo
+     do i = 1,nlayer
+       ri(i) = 0.001*ra(i)
+     enddo
+     do i = 1,nlayer
+       rho = par(1,i)
+       pari(1,i) = rho
+!    A : pari(2,i)
+       pari(2,i) = rho*(par(2,i)**2)
+       aa = pari(2,i)
+!    L : pari(3,i)
+       pari(3,i) = rho*(par(3,i)**2)
+       al = pari(3,i)
+!    Xi : pari(4,i)= (N-L)/L
+       an = al*par(4,i)
+       pari(4,i) = 0.
+       pari(4,i) = par(4,i) - 1.
+!    Phi : pari(5,i)=(a-c)/a
+       pari(5,i) = - par(5,i) + 1.
+       ac = par(5,i)*aa
+!    f : pari(4,i)
+       af = par(6,i)*(aa - 2.*al)
+       pari(6,i) = par(6,i)
+       do ip = 7,14
+         pari(ip,i) = 0.
+       enddo
+       vsv = 0.
+       vsh = 0.
+       if(al < 0.0001 .or. an < 0.0001) goto 12
+       vsv = dsqrt(al/rho)
+       vsh = dsqrt(an/rho)
+ 12    vpv = dsqrt(ac/rho)
+       vph = dsqrt(aa/rho)
+     enddo
+  red = 1.
+  do i = 1,nlayer
+    read(13,"(15x,6e12.5,f11.1)",end = 77) (epa(j,i),j = 1,6),dcori(i)
+    epa(7,i) = epa(2,i)
+    epa(8,i) = epa(2,i)
+    epa(9,i) = epa(3,i)
+    epa(10,i) = epa(3,i)
+    a2l = pari(2,i) - 2.*pari(3,i)
+    epa(11,i) = epa(6,i)*a2l
+    epa(12,i) = epa(6,i)*a2l
+    epa(13,i) = epa(3,i)
+    epa(14,i) = epa(3,i)
+    do j = 1,14
+      epa(j,i) = red*epa(j,i)
+    enddo
+    read(13,"(21f7.3)",end = 77) (corpar(j,i),j = 1,21)
+  enddo
+77 close(13)
+  end subroutine lecmod
+  subroutine rotate_aniso_tensor(theta,phi,d11,d12,d13,d14,d15,d16,&
+                           d22,d23,d24,d25,d26,&
+                           d33,d34,d35,d36,d44,d45,d46,d55,d56,d66,&
+                           c11,c12,c13,c14,c15,c16,c22,c23,c24,c25,c26,&
+                           c33,c34,c35,c36,c44,c45,c46,c55,c56,c66)
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  double precision theta,phi
+  double precision c11,c12,c13,c14,c15,c16,c22,c23,c24,c25,c26, &
+                   c33,c34,c35,c36,c44,c45,c46,c55,c56,c66
+  double precision d11,d12,d13,d14,d15,d16,d22,d23,d24,d25,d26, &
+                   d33,d34,d35,d36,d44,d45,d46,d55,d56,d66
+  double precision costheta,sintheta,cosphi,sinphi
+  double precision costhetasq,sinthetasq,cosphisq,sinphisq
+  double precision costwotheta,sintwotheta,costwophi,sintwophi
+  double precision cosfourtheta,sinfourtheta
+  double precision costhetafour,sinthetafour,cosphifour,sinphifour
+  double precision sintwophisq,sintwothetasq
+  costheta = dcos(theta)
+  sintheta = dsin(theta)
+  cosphi = dcos(phi)
+  sinphi = dsin(phi)
+  costhetasq = costheta * costheta
+  sinthetasq = sintheta * sintheta
+  cosphisq = cosphi * cosphi
+  sinphisq = sinphi * sinphi
+  costhetafour = costhetasq * costhetasq
+  sinthetafour = sinthetasq * sinthetasq
+  cosphifour = cosphisq * cosphisq
+  sinphifour = sinphisq * sinphisq
+  costwotheta = dcos(2.d0*theta)
+  sintwotheta = dsin(2.d0*theta)
+  costwophi = dcos(2.d0*phi)
+  sintwophi = dsin(2.d0*phi)
+  cosfourtheta = dcos(4.d0*theta)
+  sinfourtheta = dsin(4.d0*theta)
+  sintwothetasq = sintwotheta * sintwotheta
+  sintwophisq = sintwophi * sintwophi
+! recompute 21 anisotropic coefficients for full anisotropoc model using Mathematica
+c11 = d22*sinphifour - 2.*sintwophi*sinphisq*(d26*costheta + d24*sintheta) - &
+      2.*cosphisq*sintwophi*(d16*costhetasq*costheta + &
+      (d14 + 2*d56)*costhetasq*sintheta + &
+      (d36 + 2*d45)*costheta*sinthetasq + d34*sintheta*sinthetasq) + &
+      cosphifour*(d11*costhetafour + 2.*d15*costhetasq*sintwotheta + &
+      (d13 + 2.*d55)*sintwothetasq/2. + &
+      2.*d35*sintwotheta*sinthetasq + d33*sinthetafour) + &
+      (sintwophisq/4.)*(d12 + d23 + 2.*(d44 + d66) + &
+      (d12 - d23 - 2.*d44 + 2.*d66)*costwotheta + &
+      2.*(d25 + 2.*d46)*sintwotheta)
+c12 = -((sintwophi/2.)*sinphisq*((3.*d16 - 4.*d26 + d36 + 2.*d45)*costheta + &
+      (d16 - d36 - 2.*d45)*(4.*costhetasq*costheta - 3.*costheta) + &
+      2.*(d14 - 2.*d24 + d34 + 2.*d56 + &
+      (d14 - d34 + 2.*d56)*costwotheta)*sintheta))/2. + &
+      cosphisq*sintwophi*(d16*costhetasq*costheta - d24*sintheta + &
+      (d14 + 2.*d56)*costhetasq*sintheta + d34*sintheta*sinthetasq + &
+      costheta*(-d26 + (d36 + 2.*d45)*sinthetasq)) + &
+      (sintwophisq/4.)*(d22 + d11*costhetafour + &
+      2.*d15*costhetasq*sintwotheta - 4.*d44*sinthetasq + &
+      d33*sinthetafour + costhetasq*(-4.*d66 + &
+      2.*(d13 + 2.*d55)*sinthetasq) + &
+      costheta*(-8.*d46*sintheta + 4.*d35*sintheta*sinthetasq)) + &
+      (cosphifour + sinphifour)*(d12*costhetasq + &
+      d23*sinthetasq + d25*sintwotheta)
+c13 = sinphisq*(d23*costhetasq - d25*sintwotheta + d12*sinthetasq) - &
+      sintwophi*(d36*costhetasq*costheta + &
+      (d34 - 2.*d56)*costhetasq*sintheta + &
+      (d16 - 2.*d45)*costheta*sinthetasq + d14*sintheta*sinthetasq) + &
+      (cosphisq*(d11 + 6.*d13 + d33 - 4.*d55 - &
+      (d11 - 2.*d13 + d33 - 4.*d55)*cosfourtheta + &
+      4.*(-d15 + d35)*sinfourtheta))/8.
+c14 = (-4.*cosphi*sinphisq*((-d14 - 2.*d24 + d34 + 2.*d56)*costheta + &
+      (d14 - d34 + 2.*d56)*(4.*costhetasq*costheta - 3.*costheta) + &
+      2.*(-d16 + d26 + d36 + (-d16 + d36 + 2.*d45)*costwotheta)*sintheta) + &
+      8.*cosphisq*cosphi*(d14*costhetasq*costheta - &
+      (d16 - 2.*d45)*costhetasq*sintheta + &
+      (d34 - 2.*d56)*costheta*sinthetasq - d36*sintheta*sinthetasq) + &
+      4.*sinphi*sinphisq*(2.*d25*costwotheta + (-d12 + d23)*sintwotheta) + &
+      cosphisq*sinphi*(4.*(d15 + d35 - 4*d46)*costwotheta + &
+      4.*(d15 - d35)*cosfourtheta - &
+      2.*(d11 - d33 + 4.*d44 - 4.*d66 + &
+      (d11 - 2.*d13 + d33 - 4.*d55)*costwotheta)*sintwotheta))/8.
+c15 = (8.*sinphi*sinphisq*(-(d24*costheta) + d26*sintheta) + &
+      4.*cosphi*sinphisq*(2.*(d25 + 2.*d46)*costwotheta + &
+      (-d12 + d23 + 2.*d44 - 2.*d66)*sintwotheta) + &
+      cosphisq*cosphi*(4.*(d15 + d35)*costwotheta + &
+      4.*(d15 - d35)*cosfourtheta - 2.*(d11 - d33 + &
+      (d11 - 2.*d13 + d33 - 4.*d55)*costwotheta)*sintwotheta) - &
+      2.*cosphisq*sinphi*((d14 + 3.*d34 + 2.*d56)*costheta + &
+      3.*(d14 - d34 + 2.*d56)*(4.*costhetasq*costheta - 3.*costheta) - &
+      (3.*d16 + d36 + 2.*d45)*sintheta + &
+      3.*(-d16 + d36 + 2.*d45)*(-4.*sinthetasq*sintheta + 3.*sintheta)))/8.
+c16 = -(sinphifour*(d26*costheta + d24*sintheta)) - &
+      (3.*(sintwophisq/4.)*((3.*d16 - 4.*d26 + d36 + 2.*d45)*costheta + &
+      (d16 - d36 - 2.*d45)*(4.*costhetasq*costheta - 3.*costheta) + &
+      2.*(d14 - 2.*d24 + d34 + 2.*d56 + &
+      (d14 - d34 + 2.*d56)*costwotheta)*sintheta))/4. + &
+      cosphifour*(d16*costhetasq*costheta + &
+      (d14 + 2.*d56)*costhetasq*sintheta + &
+      (d36 + 2.*d45)*costheta*sinthetasq + d34*sintheta*sinthetasq) + &
+      (sintwophi/2.)*sinphisq*(-d22 + (d12 + 2.*d66)*costhetasq + &
+      2.*d46*sintwotheta + (d23 + 2.*d44)*sinthetasq + d25*sintwotheta) + &
+      cosphisq*(sintwophi/2.)*(d11*costhetafour + &
+      2.*d15*costhetasq*sintwotheta - (d23 + 2.*d44)*sinthetasq + &
+      d33*sinthetafour - costhetasq*(d12 + &
+      2.*d66 - 2.*(d13 + 2.*d55)*sinthetasq) - &
+      (d25 - d35 + 2.*d46 + d35*costwotheta)*sintwotheta)
+c22 = d22*cosphifour + 2.*cosphisq*sintwophi*(d26*costheta + d24*sintheta) + &
+      2.*sintwophi*sinphisq*(d16*costhetasq*costheta + &
+      (d14 + 2.*d56)*costhetasq*sintheta + &
+      (d36 + 2.*d45)*costheta*sinthetasq + d34*sintheta*sinthetasq) + &
+      sinphifour*(d11*costhetafour + 2.*d15*costhetasq*sintwotheta + &
+      (d13 + 2.*d55)*sintwothetasq/2. + &
+      2.*d35*sintwotheta*sinthetasq + d33*sinthetafour) + &
+      (sintwophisq/4.)*(d12 + d23 + 2.*(d44 + d66) + &
+      (d12 - d23 - 2.*d44 + 2.*d66)*costwotheta + &
+      2.*(d25 + 2.*d46)*sintwotheta)
+c23 = d13*costhetafour*sinphisq + &
+      sintheta*sinthetasq*(d14*sintwophi + d13*sinphisq*sintheta) + &
+      costheta*sinthetasq*((d16 - 2.*d45)*sintwophi + &
+      2.*(d15 - d35)*sinphisq*sintheta) + &
+      costhetasq*costheta*(d36*sintwophi + &
+      2.*(-d15 + d35)*sinphisq*sintheta) + &
+      costhetasq*sintheta*((d34 - 2.*d56)*sintwophi + &
+      (d11 + d33 - 4.*d55)*sinphisq*sintheta) + &
+      cosphisq*(d23*costhetasq - d25*sintwotheta + d12*sinthetasq)
+c24 = (8.*cosphisq*cosphi*(d24*costheta - d26*sintheta) + &
+      4.*cosphisq*sinphi*(2.*(d25 + 2.*d46)*costwotheta + &
+      (-d12 + d23 + 2.*d44 - 2.*d66)*sintwotheta) + &
+      sinphi*sinphisq*(4.*(d15 + d35)*costwotheta + &
+      4.*(d15 - d35)*cosfourtheta - &
+      2.*(d11 - d33 + (d11 - 2.*d13 + &
+      d33 - 4.*d55)*costwotheta)*sintwotheta) + &
+      2.*cosphi*sinphisq*((d14 + 3.*d34 + 2.*d56)*costheta + &
+      3.*(d14 - d34 + 2.*d56)*(4.*costhetasq*costheta - 3.*costheta) - &
+      (3.*d16 + d36 + 2.*d45)*sintheta + &
+      3.*(-d16 + d36 + 2.*d45)*(-4.*sinthetasq*sintheta + 3.*sintheta)))/8.
+c25 = (4.*cosphisq*sinphi*((-d14 - 2.*d24 + d34 + 2.*d56)*costheta + &
+      (d14 - d34 + 2.*d56)*(4.*costhetasq*costheta - 3.*costheta) + &
+      2.*(-d16 + d26 + d36 + (-d16 + d36 + 2.*d45)*costwotheta)*sintheta) - &
+      8.*sinphi*sinphisq*(d14*costhetasq*costheta - &
+      (d16 - 2.*d45)*costhetasq*sintheta + &
+      (d34 - 2.*d56)*costheta*sinthetasq - d36*sintheta*sinthetasq) + &
+      4.*cosphisq*cosphi*(2.*d25*costwotheta + (-d12 + d23)*sintwotheta) + &
+      cosphi*sinphisq*(4.*(d15 + d35 - 4.*d46)*costwotheta + &
+      4.*(d15 - d35)*cosfourtheta - 2.*(d11 - d33 + 4.*d44 - 4.*d66 + &
+      (d11 - 2.*d13 + d33 - 4.*d55)*costwotheta)*sintwotheta))/8.
+c26 = cosphifour*(d26*costheta + d24*sintheta) + &
+      (3.*(sintwophisq/4.)*((3.*d16 - 4.*d26 + d36 + 2.*d45)*costheta + &
+      (d16 - d36 - 2.*d45)*(4.*costhetasq*costheta - 3.*costheta) + &
+      2.*(d14 - 2.*d24 + d34 + 2.*d56 + &
+      (d14 - d34 + 2.*d56)*costwotheta)*sintheta))/4. - &
+      sinphifour*(d16*costhetasq*costheta + &
+      (d14 + 2.*d56)*costhetasq*sintheta + &
+      (d36 + 2.*d45)*costheta*sinthetasq + d34*sintheta*sinthetasq) + &
+      cosphisq*(sintwophi/2.)*(-d22 + (d12 + 2.*d66)*costhetasq + &
+      2.*d46*sintwotheta + (d23 + 2.*d44)*sinthetasq + &
+      d25*sintwotheta) + (sintwophi/2.)*sinphisq*(d11*costhetafour + &
+      2.*d15*costhetasq*sintwotheta - (d23 + 2.*d44)*sinthetasq + &
+      d33*sinthetafour - costhetasq*(d12 + &
+      2.*d66 - 2.*(d13 + 2.*d55)*sinthetasq) - &
+      (d25 - d35 + 2.*d46 + d35*costwotheta)*sintwotheta)
+c33 = d33*costhetafour - 2.*d35*costhetasq*sintwotheta + &
+      (d13 + 2.*d55)*sintwothetasq/2. - &
+      2.*d15*sintwotheta*sinthetasq + d11*sinthetafour
+c34 = cosphi*(d34*costhetasq*costheta - (d36 + 2.*d45)*costhetasq*sintheta + &
+      (d14 + 2.*d56)*costheta*sinthetasq - d16*sintheta*sinthetasq) + &
+      (sinphi*(4.*(d15 + d35)*costwotheta + 4.*(-d15 + d35)*cosfourtheta + &
+      2.*(-d11 + d33)*sintwotheta + &
+      (d11 - 2.*d13 + d33 - 4.*d55)*sinfourtheta))/8.
+c35 = sinphi*(-(d34*costhetasq*costheta) + &
+      (d36 + 2.*d45)*costhetasq*sintheta - &
+      (d14 + 2.*d56)*costheta*sinthetasq + d16*sintheta*sinthetasq) + &
+      (cosphi*(4.*(d15 + d35)*costwotheta + 4.*(-d15 + d35)*cosfourtheta + &
+      2.*(-d11 + d33)*sintwotheta + &
+      (d11 - 2.*d13 + d33 - 4.*d55)*sinfourtheta))/8.
+c36 = (4.*costwophi*((d16 + 3.*d36 - 2.*d45)*costheta + &
+      (-d16 + d36 + 2.*d45)*(4.*costhetasq*costheta - 3.*costheta) + &
+      (3.*d14 + d34 - 2.*d56)*sintheta + &
+      (-d14 + d34 - 2.*d56)*(-4.*sinthetasq*sintheta + 3.*sintheta)) + &
+      sintwophi*(d11 - 4.*d12 + 6.*d13 - 4.*d23 + d33 - 4.*d55 + &
+      4.*(d12 - d23)*costwotheta - &
+      (d11 - 2.*d13 + d33 - 4.*d55)*cosfourtheta + &
+      8.*d25*sintwotheta + 4.*(-d15 + d35)*sinfourtheta))/16.
+c44 = (d11 - 2.*d13 + d33 + 4.*(d44 + d55 + d66) - &
+      (d11 - 2.*d13 + d33 - 4.*(d44 - d55 + d66))*costwophi + &
+      4.*sintwophi*((d16 - d36 + 2.*d45)*costheta + &
+      (-d16 + d36 + 2.*d45)*(4.*costhetasq*costheta - 3.*costheta) - &
+      2.*(d14 - d34 + (d14 - d34 + 2.*d56)*costwotheta)*sintheta) + &
+      8.*cosphisq*((d44 - d66)*costwotheta - 2.*d46*sintwotheta) + &
+      2.*sinphisq*(-((d11 - 2.*d13 + d33 - 4.*d55)*cosfourtheta) + &
+      4.*(-d15 + d35)*sinfourtheta))/16.
+c45 = (4.*costwophi*((d16 - d36 + 2.*d45)*costheta + &
+      (-d16 + d36 + 2.*d45)*(4.*costhetasq*costheta - 3.*costheta) - &
+      2.*(d14 - d34 + (d14 - d34 + 2.*d56)*costwotheta)*sintheta) + &
+      sintwophi*(d11 - 2.*d13 + d33 - 4.*(d44 - d55 + d66) + &
+      4.*(-d44 + d66)*costwotheta - &
+      (d11 - 2.*d13 + d33 - 4.*d55)*cosfourtheta + 8.*d46*sintwotheta + &
+      4.*(-d15 + d35)*sinfourtheta))/16.
+c46 = (-2.*sinphi*sinphisq*((-d14 + d34 + 2.*d56)*costheta + &
+      (d14 - d34 + 2.*d56)*(4.*costhetasq*costheta - 3.*costheta) + &
+      2.*(-d16 + d36 + (-d16 + d36 + 2.*d45)*costwotheta)*sintheta) + &
+      4.*cosphisq*cosphi*(2.*d46*costwotheta + (d44 - d66)*sintwotheta) + &
+      cosphi*sinphisq*(4.*(d15 - 2.*d25 + d35 - 2.*d46)*costwotheta + &
+      4.*(d15 - d35)*cosfourtheta - &
+      2.*(d11 - 2.*d12 + 2.*d23 - d33 + 2.*d44 - 2.*d66 + &
+      (d11 - 2.*d13 + d33 - 4.*d55)*costwotheta)*sintwotheta) + &
+      4.*cosphisq*sinphi*((d14 - 2.*d24 + d34)*costheta + &
+      (d14 - d34 + 2.*d56)*(4.*costhetasq*costheta - 3.*costheta) - &
+      (d16 - 2.*d26 + d36)*sintheta + &
+      (-d16 + d36 + 2.*d45)*(-4.*sinthetasq*sintheta + 3.*sintheta)))/8.
+c55 = d66*sinphisq*sinthetasq + (sintwotheta/2.)*(-2.*d46*sinphisq + &
+      (d36 + d45)*sintwophi*sintheta) + &
+      costhetasq*(d44*sinphisq + (d14 + d56)*sintwophi*sintheta) - &
+      sintwophi*(d45*costhetasq*costheta + d34*costhetasq*sintheta + &
+      d16*costheta*sinthetasq + d56*sintheta*sinthetasq) + &
+      (cosphisq*(d11 - 2.*d13 + d33 + 4.*d55 - &
+      (d11 - 2.*d13 + d33 - 4.*d55)*cosfourtheta + &
+      4.*(-d15 + d35)*sinfourtheta))/8.
+c56 = (8.*cosphisq*cosphi*(d56*costhetasq*costheta - &
+      (d16 - d36 - d45)*costhetasq*sintheta - &
+      (d14 - d34 + d56)*costheta*sinthetasq - d45*sintheta*sinthetasq) + &
+      4.*sinphi*sinphisq*(2.*d46*costwotheta + (d44 - d66)*sintwotheta) + &
+      cosphisq*sinphi*(4.*(d15 - 2.*d25 + d35 - 2.*d46)*costwotheta + &
+      4.*(d15 - d35)*cosfourtheta - &
+      2.*(d11 - 2.*d12 + 2.*d23 - d33 + 2.*d44 - 2.*d66 + &
+      (d11 - 2.*d13 + d33 - 4.*d55)*costwotheta)*sintwotheta) - &
+      4.*cosphi*sinphisq*((d14 - 2.*d24 + d34)*costheta + &
+      (d14 - d34 + 2.*d56)*(4.*costhetasq*costheta - 3.*costheta) - &
+      (d16 - 2.*d26 + d36)*sintheta + &
+      (-d16 + d36 + 2.*d45)*(-4.*sinthetasq*sintheta + 3.*sintheta)))/8.
+c66 = -((sintwophi/2.)*sinphisq*((3.*d16 - 4.*d26 + d36 + 2.*d45)*costheta + &
+      (d16 - d36 - 2.*d45)*(4.*costhetasq*costheta - 3.*costheta) + &
+      2.*(d14 - 2.*d24 + d34 + 2.*d56 + &
+      (d14 - d34 + 2.*d56)*costwotheta)*sintheta))/2. + &
+      cosphisq*sintwophi*(d16*costhetasq*costheta - d24*sintheta + &
+      (d14 + 2.*d56)*costhetasq*sintheta + d34*sintheta*sinthetasq + &
+      costheta*(-d26 + (d36 + 2.*d45)*sinthetasq)) + &
+      (sintwophisq/4.)*(d22 + d11*costhetafour + &
+      2.*d15*costhetasq*sintwotheta - 2.*(d23 + d44)*sinthetasq + &
+      d33*sinthetafour - 2.*sintwotheta*(d25 + d46 - d35*sinthetasq) - &
+      2.*costhetasq*(d12 + d66 - (d13 + 2.*d55)*sinthetasq)) + &
+      (cosphifour + sinphifour)*(d66*costhetasq + &
+      d44*sinthetasq + d46*sintwotheta)
+end subroutine rotate_aniso_tensor
diff -r 000000000000 -r 9b613f27327a src/meshfem3D/model_atten3D_QRFSI12.f90
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/meshfem3D/model_atten3D_QRFSI12.f90	Sat Jul 02 17:09:21 2011 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,736 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  5 . 1
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!                        Princeton University, USA
+!             and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA, France
+! (c) Princeton University / California Institute of Technology and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA
+!                            April 2011
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+!   This file contains subroutines to read in and get values for
+!   3-D attenuation model QRFSI12 (Dalton, Ekstrom, & Dziewonski, 2008)
+! C.A. Dalton, G. Ekstr\"om and A.M. Dziewonski, 2008.
+! The global attenuation structure of the upper mantle,
+! J. Geophys. Res., 113, B05317,10.1029/2006JB004394
+!   Last edit: Colleen Dalton, March 25, 2008
+! Q1: what are theta and phi?
+! Q2: units for radius?
+! Q3: what to do about core?
+  subroutine model_atten3D_QRFSI12_broadcast(myrank,QRFSI12_Q)
+! standard routine to setup model
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  ! standard include of the MPI library
+  include 'mpif.h'
+  ! model_atten3D_QRFSI12_variables
+  type model_atten3D_QRFSI12_variables
+    sequence
+    double precision dqmu(NKQ,NSQ)
+    double precision spknt(NKQ)
+    double precision refdepth(NDEPTHS_REFQ)
+    double precision refqmu(NDEPTHS_REFQ)
+  end type model_atten3D_QRFSI12_variables
+  type (model_atten3D_QRFSI12_variables) QRFSI12_Q
+  ! model_atten3D_QRFSI12_variables
+  integer :: myrank
+  integer :: ier
+  if(myrank == 0) call read_atten_model_3D_QRFSI12(QRFSI12_Q)
+  call MPI_BCAST(QRFSI12_Q%spknt,             NKQ,MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ier)
+  if(myrank == 0) write(IMAIN,*) 'read 3D attenuation model'
+  end subroutine
+  subroutine read_atten_model_3D_QRFSI12(QRFSI12_Q)
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+! three_d_model_atten3D_QRFSI12_variables
+  type model_atten3D_QRFSI12_variables
+    sequence
+    double precision dqmu(NKQ,NSQ)
+    double precision spknt(NKQ)
+    double precision refdepth(NDEPTHS_REFQ)
+    double precision refqmu(NDEPTHS_REFQ)
+  end type model_atten3D_QRFSI12_variables
+  type (model_atten3D_QRFSI12_variables) QRFSI12_Q
+! three_d_model_atten3D_QRFSI12_variables
+  integer j,k,l,m
+  integer index,ll,mm
+  double precision v1,v2
+  character(len=150) QRFSI12,QRFSI12_ref
+! read in QRFSI12
+! hard-wire for now
+  QRFSI12_ref='DATA/QRFSI12/ref_QRFSI12'
+! get the dq model coefficients
+  open(unit=10,file=QRFSI12,status='old',action='read')
+  do k=1,NKQ
+    read(10,*)index
+    j=0
+    do l=0,MAXL_Q
+      do m=0,l
+        if(m.eq.0)then
+          j=j+1
+          read(10,*)ll,mm,v1
+          QRFSI12_Q%dqmu(k,j)=v1
+        else
+          j=j+2
+          read(10,*)ll,mm,v1,v2
+  !        write(*,*) 'k,l,m,ll,mm:',k,l,m,ll,mm,v1
+          QRFSI12_Q%dqmu(k,j-1)=2.*v1
+          QRFSI12_Q%dqmu(k,j)=-2.*v2
+        endif
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  close(10)
+! get the depths (km) of the spline knots
+  QRFSI12_Q%spknt(1) = 24.4
+  QRFSI12_Q%spknt(2) = 75.0
+  QRFSI12_Q%spknt(3) = 150.0
+  QRFSI12_Q%spknt(4) = 225.0
+  QRFSI12_Q%spknt(5) = 300.0
+  QRFSI12_Q%spknt(6) = 410.0
+  QRFSI12_Q%spknt(7) = 530.0
+  QRFSI12_Q%spknt(8) = 650.0
+! get the depths and 1/Q values of the reference model
+  open(11,file=QRFSI12_ref,status='old',action='read')
+  do j=1,NDEPTHS_REFQ
+    read(11,*)QRFSI12_Q%refdepth(j),QRFSI12_Q%refqmu(j)
+  enddo
+  close(11)
+  end subroutine read_atten_model_3D_QRFSI12
+  subroutine model_atten3D_QRFSI12(radius,theta,phi,Qmu,QRFSI12_Q,idoubling)
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+! model_atten3D_QRFSI12_variables
+  type model_atten3D_QRFSI12_variables
+    sequence
+    double precision dqmu(NKQ,NSQ)
+    double precision spknt(NKQ)
+    double precision refdepth(NDEPTHS_REFQ)
+    double precision refqmu(NDEPTHS_REFQ)
+  end type model_atten3D_QRFSI12_variables
+  type (model_atten3D_QRFSI12_variables) QRFSI12_Q
+! model_atten3D_QRFSI12_variables
+  integer i,j,k,n,idoubling
+  integer ifnd
+  double precision radius,theta,phi,Qmu,smallq,dqmu,smallq_ref
+  real(kind=4) splpts(NKQ),splcon(NKQ),splcond(NKQ)
+  real(kind=4) depth,ylat,xlon
+  real(kind=4) shdep(NSQ)
+  real(kind=4) xlmvec(NSQ),wk1(NSQ),wk2(NSQ),wk3(NSQ)
+  double precision, parameter :: rmoho_prem = 6371.0-24.4
+  double precision, parameter :: rcmb = 3480.0
+ !in Colleen's original code theta refers to the latitude.  Here we have redefined theta to be colatitude
+ !to agree with the rest of specfem
+!  print *,'entering QRFSI12 subroutine'
+  ylat=90.0d0-theta
+  xlon=phi
+! only checks radius for crust, idoubling is missleading for oceanic crust when we want to expand mantle up to surface...
+!  !if(idoubling == IFLAG_CRUST .or. radius >= rmoho) then
+  if( radius >= rmoho_prem ) then
+  !   print *,'QRFSI12: we are in the crust'
+     Qmu = 600.0d0
+  else if(idoubling == IFLAG_INNER_CORE_NORMAL .or. idoubling == IFLAG_MIDDLE_CENTRAL_CUBE .or. &
+       idoubling == IFLAG_BOTTOM_CENTRAL_CUBE .or. idoubling == IFLAG_TOP_CENTRAL_CUBE .or. &
+       idoubling == IFLAG_IN_FICTITIOUS_CUBE) then
+  !   print *,'QRFSI12: we are in the inner core'
+     Qmu = 84.6d0
+  else if(idoubling == IFLAG_OUTER_CORE_NORMAL) then
+  !   print *,'QRFSI12: we are in the outer core'
+     Qmu = 0.0d0
+  else !we are in the mantle
+    depth = 6371.-radius
+!   print *,'QRFSI12: we are in the mantle at depth',depth
+    ifnd=0
+    do i=2,NDEPTHS_REFQ
+      if(depth >= QRFSI12_Q%refdepth(i-1) .and. depth < QRFSI12_Q%refdepth(i))then
+        ifnd=i
+      endif
+    enddo
+    if(ifnd == 0)then
+      write(6,"('problem finding reference Q value at depth: ',f8.3)") depth
+      stop
+    endif
+    smallq_ref=QRFSI12_Q%refqmu(ifnd)
+    smallq = smallq_ref
+    if(depth < 650.d0) then !Colleen's model is only defined between depths of 24.4 and 650km
+      do j=1,NSQ
+        shdep(j)=0.
+      enddo
+      do n=1,NKQ
+        splpts(n)=QRFSI12_Q%spknt(n)
+      enddo
+      call vbspl(depth,NKQ,splpts,splcon,splcond)
+      do n=1,NKQ
+        do j=1,NSQ
+          shdep(j)=shdep(j)+(splcon(n)*QRFSI12_Q%dqmu(n,j))
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      call ylm(ylat,xlon,MAXL_Q,xlmvec,wk1,wk2,wk3)
+      dqmu=0.
+      do k=1,NSQ
+        dqmu=dqmu+xlmvec(k)*shdep(k)
+      enddo
+      smallq = smallq_ref + dqmu
+    endif
+ ! if smallq is small and negative (due to numerical error), Qmu is very large:
+    if(smallq < 0.0d0) smallq = 1.0d0/ATTENUATION_COMP_MAXIMUM
+    Qmu = 1/smallq
+ ! Qmu is larger than MAX_ATTENUATION_VALUE, set it to ATTENUATION_COMP_MAXIMUM.  This assumes that this
+ ! value is high enough that at this point there is almost no attenuation at all.
+  endif
+  end subroutine model_atten3D_QRFSI12
+!!$  subroutine vbspl(x,np,xarr,splcon,splcond)
+!!$!---- this subroutine returns the spline contributions at a particular value of x
+!!$  implicit none
+!!$  integer :: np
+!!$  real(kind=4) :: xarr(np),x
+!!$  real(kind=4) :: splcon(np)
+!!$  real(kind=4) :: splcond(np)
+!!$  real(kind=4) :: r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9,r10,r11,r12,r13
+!!$  real(kind=4) :: r1d,r2d,r3d,r4d,r5d,r6d,r7d,r8d,r9d,r10d,r11d,r12d,r13d,val,vald
+!!$  real(kind=4) :: rr1,rr2,rr3,rr4,rr5,rr6,rr7,rr8,rr9,rr10,rr11,rr12
+!!$  real(kind=4) :: rr1d,rr2d,rr3d,rr4d,rr5d,rr6d,rr7d,rr8d,rr9d,rr10d,rr11d,rr12d
+!!$  integer :: iflag,interval,ik,ib
+!!$!---- iflag=1 ==>> second derivative is 0 at end points
+!!$!---- iflag=0 ==>> first derivative is 0 at end points
+!!$  iflag=1
+!!$!---- first, find out within which interval x falls
+!!$  interval=0
+!!$  ik=1
+!!$  do while(interval == 0.and.ik < np)
+!!$  ik=ik+1
+!!$  if(x >= xarr(ik-1).and.x <= xarr(ik)) interval=ik-1
+!!$  enddo
+!!$  if(x > xarr(np)) then
+!!$  interval=np
+!!$  endif
+!!$  if(interval == 0) then
+!!$!        write(6,"('low value:',2f10.3)") x,xarr(1)
+!!$  else if(interval > 0.and.interval < np) then
+!!$!        write(6,"('bracket:',i5,3f10.3)") interval,xarr(interval),x,xarr(interval+1)
+!!$  else
+!!$!        write(6,"('high value:',2f10.3)") xarr(np),x
+!!$  endif
+!!$  do ib=1,np
+!!$  val=0.
+!!$  vald=0.
+!!$  if(ib == 1) then
+!!$    r1=(x-xarr(1))/(xarr(2)-xarr(1))
+!!$    r2=(xarr(3)-x)/(xarr(3)-xarr(1))
+!!$    r4=(xarr(2)-x)/(xarr(2)-xarr(1))
+!!$    r5=(x-xarr(1))/(xarr(2)-xarr(1))
+!!$    r6=(xarr(3)-x)/(xarr(3)-xarr(1))
+!!$   r10=(xarr(2)-x)/(xarr(2)-xarr(1))
+!!$   r11=(x-xarr(1))  /(xarr(2)-xarr(1))
+!!$   r12=(xarr(3)-x)/(xarr(3)-xarr(2))
+!!$   r13=(xarr(2)-x)/(xarr(2)-xarr(1))
+!!$    r1d=1./(xarr(2)-xarr(1))
+!!$    r2d=-1./(xarr(3)-xarr(1))
+!!$    r4d=-1./(xarr(2)-xarr(1))
+!!$    r5d=1./(xarr(2)-xarr(1))
+!!$    r6d=-1./(xarr(3)-xarr(1))
+!!$   r10d=-1./(xarr(2)-xarr(1))
+!!$   r11d=1./(xarr(2)-xarr(1))
+!!$   r12d=-1./(xarr(3)-xarr(2))
+!!$   r13d=-1./(xarr(2)-xarr(1))
+!!$    if(interval == ib.or.interval == 0) then
+!!$         if(iflag == 0) then
+!!$           val=r1*r4*r10 + r2*r5*r10 + r2*r6*r11 +r13**3
+!!$           vald=r1d*r4*r10+r1*r4d*r10+r1*r4*r10d
+!!$           vald=vald+r2d*r5*r10+r2*r5d*r10+r2*r5*r10d
+!!$           vald=vald+r2d*r6*r11+r2*r6d*r11+r2*r6*r11d
+!!$           vald=vald+3.*r13d*r13**2
+!!$         else if(iflag == 1) then
+!!$           val=0.6667*(r1*r4*r10 + r2*r5*r10 + r2*r6*r11 &
+!!$                    + 1.5*r13**3)
+!!$           vald=r1d*r4*r10+r1*r4d*r10+r1*r4*r10d
+!!$           vald=vald+r2d*r5*r10+r2*r5d*r10+r2*r5*r10d
+!!$           vald=vald+r2d*r6*r11+r2*r6d*r11+r2*r6*r11d
+!!$           vald=vald+4.5*r13d*r13**2
+!!$           vald=0.6667*vald
+!!$         endif
+!!$    else if(interval == ib+1) then
+!!$         if(iflag == 0) then
+!!$           val=r2*r6*r12
+!!$           vald=r2d*r6*r12+r2*r6d*r12+r2*r6*r12d
+!!$         else if(iflag == 1) then
+!!$           val=0.6667*r2*r6*r12
+!!$           vald=0.6667*(r2d*r6*r12+r2*r6d*r12+r2*r6*r12d)
+!!$         endif
+!!$    else
+!!$      val=0.
+!!$    endif
+!!$  else if(ib == 2) then
+!!$    rr1=(x-xarr(1))/(xarr(2)-xarr(1))
+!!$    rr2=(xarr(3)-x)/(xarr(3)-xarr(1))
+!!$    rr4=(xarr(2)-x)/(xarr(2)-xarr(1))
+!!$    rr5=(x-xarr(1))/(xarr(2)-xarr(1))
+!!$    rr6=(xarr(3)-x)/(xarr(3)-xarr(1))
+!!$   rr10=(xarr(2)-x)/(xarr(2)-xarr(1))
+!!$   rr11=(x-xarr(1))  /(xarr(2)-xarr(1))
+!!$   rr12=(xarr(3)-x)/(xarr(3)-xarr(2))
+!!$    rr1d=1./(xarr(2)-xarr(1))
+!!$    rr2d=-1./(xarr(3)-xarr(1))
+!!$    rr4d=-1./(xarr(2)-xarr(1))
+!!$    rr5d=1./(xarr(2)-xarr(1))
+!!$    rr6d=-1./(xarr(3)-xarr(1))
+!!$   rr10d=-1./(xarr(2)-xarr(1))
+!!$   rr11d=1./(xarr(2)-xarr(1))
+!!$   rr12d=-1./(xarr(3)-xarr(2))
+!!$    r1=(x-xarr(ib-1))/(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$    r2=(xarr(ib+2)-x)/(xarr(ib+2)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$    r3=(x-xarr(ib-1))/(xarr(ib)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$    r4=(xarr(ib+1)-x)/(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$    r5=(x-xarr(ib-1))/(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$    r6=(xarr(ib+2)-x)/(xarr(ib+2)-xarr(ib))
+!!$    r8=(xarr(ib)-x)/  (xarr(ib)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$    r9=(x-xarr(ib-1))/(xarr(ib)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$   r10=(xarr(ib+1)-x)/(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib))
+!!$   r11=(x-xarr(ib))  /(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib))
+!!$   r12=(xarr(ib+2)-x)/(xarr(ib+2)-xarr(ib+1))
+!!$    r1d=1./(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$    r2d=-1./(xarr(ib+2)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$    r3d=1./(xarr(ib)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$    r4d=-1./(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$    r5d=1./(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$    r6d=-1./(xarr(ib+2)-xarr(ib))
+!!$    r8d=-1./  (xarr(ib)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$    r9d=1./(xarr(ib)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$   r10d=-1./(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib))
+!!$   r11d=1./(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib))
+!!$   r12d=-1./(xarr(ib+2)-xarr(ib+1))
+!!$    if(interval == ib-1.or.interval == 0) then
+!!$         val=r1*r3*r8 + r1*r4*r9 + r2*r5*r9
+!!$         vald=r1d*r3*r8+r1*r3d*r8+r1*r3*r8d
+!!$         vald=vald+r1d*r4*r9+r1*r4d*r9+r1*r4*r9d
+!!$         vald=vald+r2d*r5*r9+r2*r5d*r9+r2*r5*r9d
+!!$         if(iflag == 1) then
+!!$           val=val+0.3333*(rr1*rr4*rr10 + rr2*rr5*rr10 + &
+!!$                     rr2*rr6*rr11)
+!!$           vald=vald+0.3333*(rr1d*rr4*rr10+rr1*rr4d*rr10+ &
+!!$                    rr1*rr4*rr10d)
+!!$           vald=vald+0.3333*(rr2d*rr5*rr10+rr2*rr5d*rr10+ &
+!!$                    rr2*rr5*rr10d)
+!!$           vald=vald+0.3333*(rr2d*rr6*rr11+rr2*rr6d*rr11+ &
+!!$                    rr2*rr6*rr11d)
+!!$         endif
+!!$    else if(interval == ib) then
+!!$         val=r1*r4*r10 + r2*r5*r10 + r2*r6*r11
+!!$         vald=r1d*r4*r10+r1*r4d*r10+r1*r4*r10d
+!!$         vald=vald+r2d*r5*r10+r2*r5d*r10+r2*r5*r10d
+!!$         vald=vald+r2d*r6*r11+r2*r6d*r11+r2*r6*r11d
+!!$         if(iflag == 1) then
+!!$           val=val+0.3333*rr2*rr6*rr12
+!!$           vald=vald+0.3333*(rr2d*rr6*rr12+rr2*rr6d*rr12+ &
+!!$                    rr2*rr6*rr12d)
+!!$         endif
+!!$    else if(interval == ib+1) then
+!!$         val=r2*r6*r12
+!!$         vald=r2d*r6*r12+r2*r6d*r12+r2*r6*r12d
+!!$    else
+!!$         val=0.
+!!$    endif
+!!$  else if(ib == np-1) then
+!!$    rr1=(x-xarr(np-2))/(xarr(np)-xarr(np-2))
+!!$    rr2=(xarr(np)-x)/(xarr(np)-xarr(np-1))
+!!$    rr3=(x-xarr(np-2))/(xarr(np)-xarr(np-2))
+!!$    rr4=(xarr(np)-x)/(xarr(np)-xarr(np-1))
+!!$    rr5=(x-xarr(np-1))/(xarr(np)-xarr(np-1))
+!!$    rr7=(x-xarr(np-2))/(xarr(np-1)-xarr(np-2))
+!!$    rr8=(xarr(np)-x)/  (xarr(np)-xarr(np-1))
+!!$    rr9=(x-xarr(np-1))/(xarr(np)-xarr(np-1))
+!!$    rr1d=1./(xarr(np)-xarr(np-2))
+!!$    rr2d=-1./(xarr(np)-xarr(np-1))
+!!$    rr3d=1./(xarr(np)-xarr(np-2))
+!!$    rr4d=-1./(xarr(np)-xarr(np-1))
+!!$    rr5d=1./(xarr(np)-xarr(np-1))
+!!$    rr7d=1./(xarr(np-1)-xarr(np-2))
+!!$    rr8d=-1./  (xarr(np)-xarr(np-1))
+!!$    rr9d=1./(xarr(np)-xarr(np-1))
+!!$    r1=(x-xarr(ib-2))/(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib-2))
+!!$    r2=(xarr(ib+1)-x)/(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$    r3=(x-xarr(ib-2))/(xarr(ib)-xarr(ib-2))
+!!$    r4=(xarr(ib+1)-x)/(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$    r5=(x-xarr(ib-1))/(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$    r6=(xarr(ib+1)-x)/(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib))
+!!$    r7=(x-xarr(ib-2))/(xarr(ib-1)-xarr(ib-2))
+!!$    r8=(xarr(ib)-x)/  (xarr(ib)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$    r9=(x-xarr(ib-1))/(xarr(ib)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$   r10=(xarr(ib+1)-x)/(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib))
+!!$   r11=(x-xarr(ib))  /(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib))
+!!$    r1d=1./(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib-2))
+!!$    r2d=-1./(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$    r3d=1./(xarr(ib)-xarr(ib-2))
+!!$    r4d=-1./(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$    r5d=1./(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$    r6d=-1./(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib))
+!!$    r7d=1./(xarr(ib-1)-xarr(ib-2))
+!!$    r8d=-1./(xarr(ib)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$    r9d=1./(xarr(ib)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$   r10d=-1./(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib))
+!!$   r11d=1./(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib))
+!!$    if(interval == ib-2) then
+!!$         val=r1*r3*r7
+!!$         vald=r1d*r3*r7+r1*r3d*r7+r1*r3*r7d
+!!$    else if(interval == ib-1) then
+!!$         val=r1*r3*r8 + r1*r4*r9 + r2*r5*r9
+!!$         vald=r1d*r3*r8+r1*r3d*r8+r1*r3*r8d
+!!$         vald=vald+r1d*r4*r9+r1*r4d*r9+r1*r4*r9d
+!!$         vald=vald+r2d*r5*r9+r2*r5d*r9+r2*r5*r9d
+!!$         if(iflag == 1) then
+!!$           val=val+0.3333*rr1*rr3*rr7
+!!$           vald=vald+0.3333*(rr1d*rr3*rr7+rr1*rr3d*rr7+ &
+!!$                    rr1*rr3*rr7d)
+!!$         endif
+!!$    else if(interval == ib.or.interval == np) then
+!!$         val=r1*r4*r10 + r2*r5*r10 + r2*r6*r11
+!!$         vald=r1d*r4*r10+r1*r4d*r10+r1*r4*r10d
+!!$         vald=vald+r2d*r5*r10+r2*r5d*r10+r2*r5*r10d
+!!$         vald=vald+r2d*r6*r11+r2*r6d*r11+r2*r6*r11d
+!!$         if(iflag == 1) then
+!!$           val=val+0.3333*(rr1*rr3*rr8 + rr1*rr4*rr9 + &
+!!$                     rr2*rr5*rr9)
+!!$           vald=vald+0.3333*(rr1d*rr3*rr8+rr1*rr3d*rr8+ &
+!!$                    rr1*rr3*rr8d)
+!!$           vald=vald+0.3333*(rr1d*rr4*rr9+rr1*rr4d*rr9+ &
+!!$                    rr1*rr4*rr9d)
+!!$           vald=vald+0.3333*(rr2d*rr5*rr9+rr2*rr5d*rr9+ &
+!!$                    rr2*rr5*rr9d)
+!!$         endif
+!!$    else
+!!$      val=0.
+!!$    endif
+!!$  else if(ib == np) then
+!!$    r1=(x-xarr(np-2))/(xarr(np)-xarr(np-2))
+!!$    r2=(xarr(np)-x)/(xarr(np)-xarr(np-1))
+!!$    r3=(x-xarr(np-2))/(xarr(np)-xarr(np-2))
+!!$    r4=(xarr(np)-x)/(xarr(np)-xarr(np-1))
+!!$    r5=(x-xarr(np-1))/(xarr(np)-xarr(np-1))
+!!$    r7=(x-xarr(np-2))/(xarr(np-1)-xarr(np-2))
+!!$    r8=(xarr(np)-x)/  (xarr(np)-xarr(np-1))
+!!$    r9=(x-xarr(np-1))/(xarr(np)-xarr(np-1))
+!!$    r13=(x-xarr(np-1))/(xarr(np)-xarr(np-1))
+!!$    r1d=1./(xarr(np)-xarr(np-2))
+!!$    r2d=-1./(xarr(np)-xarr(np-1))
+!!$    r3d=1./(xarr(np)-xarr(np-2))
+!!$    r4d=-1./(xarr(np)-xarr(np-1))
+!!$    r5d=1./(xarr(np)-xarr(np-1))
+!!$    r7d=1./(xarr(np-1)-xarr(np-2))
+!!$    r8d=-1./  (xarr(np)-xarr(np-1))
+!!$    r9d=1./(xarr(np)-xarr(np-1))
+!!$    r13d=1./(xarr(np)-xarr(np-1))
+!!$    if(interval == np-2) then
+!!$         if(iflag == 0) then
+!!$           val=r1*r3*r7
+!!$           vald=r1d*r3*r7+r1*r3d*r7+r1*r3*r7d
+!!$         else if(iflag == 1) then
+!!$           val=0.6667*r1*r3*r7
+!!$           vald=0.6667*(r1d*r3*r7+r1*r3d*r7+r1*r3*r7d)
+!!$         endif
+!!$    else if(interval == np-1.or.interval == np) then
+!!$         if(iflag == 0) then
+!!$           val=r1*r3*r8 + r1*r4*r9 + r2*r5*r9 + r13**3
+!!$           vald=r1d*r3*r8+r1*r3d*r8+r1*r3*r8d
+!!$           vald=vald+r1d*r4*r9+r1*r4d*r9+r1*r4*r9d
+!!$           vald=vald+r2d*r5*r9+r2*r5d*r9+r2*r5*r9d
+!!$           vald=vald+3.*r13d*r13**2
+!!$         else if(iflag == 1) then
+!!$           val=0.6667*(r1*r3*r8 + r1*r4*r9 + r2*r5*r9 + &
+!!$                     1.5*r13**3)
+!!$           vald=r1d*r3*r8+r1*r3d*r8+r1*r3*r8d
+!!$           vald=vald+r1d*r4*r9+r1*r4d*r9+r1*r4*r9d
+!!$           vald=vald+r2d*r5*r9+r2*r5d*r9+r2*r5*r9d
+!!$           vald=vald+4.5*r13d*r13**2
+!!$           vald=0.6667*vald
+!!$         endif
+!!$    else
+!!$      val=0.
+!!$    endif
+!!$  else
+!!$    r1=(x-xarr(ib-2))/(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib-2))
+!!$    r2=(xarr(ib+2)-x)/(xarr(ib+2)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$    r3=(x-xarr(ib-2))/(xarr(ib)-xarr(ib-2))
+!!$    r4=(xarr(ib+1)-x)/(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$    r5=(x-xarr(ib-1))/(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$    r6=(xarr(ib+2)-x)/(xarr(ib+2)-xarr(ib))
+!!$    r7=(x-xarr(ib-2))/(xarr(ib-1)-xarr(ib-2))
+!!$    r8=(xarr(ib)-x)/  (xarr(ib)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$    r9=(x-xarr(ib-1))/(xarr(ib)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$   r10=(xarr(ib+1)-x)/(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib))
+!!$   r11=(x-xarr(ib))  /(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib))
+!!$   r12=(xarr(ib+2)-x)/(xarr(ib+2)-xarr(ib+1))
+!!$    r1d=1./(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib-2))
+!!$    r2d=-1./(xarr(ib+2)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$    r3d=1./(xarr(ib)-xarr(ib-2))
+!!$    r4d=-1./(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$    r5d=1./(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$    r6d=-1./(xarr(ib+2)-xarr(ib))
+!!$    r7d=1./(xarr(ib-1)-xarr(ib-2))
+!!$    r8d=-1./  (xarr(ib)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$    r9d=1./(xarr(ib)-xarr(ib-1))
+!!$   r10d=-1./(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib))
+!!$   r11d=1./(xarr(ib+1)-xarr(ib))
+!!$   r12d=-1./(xarr(ib+2)-xarr(ib+1))
+!!$    if(interval == ib-2) then
+!!$         val=r1*r3*r7
+!!$         vald=r1d*r3*r7+r1*r3d*r7+r1*r3*r7d
+!!$    else if(interval == ib-1) then
+!!$         val=r1*r3*r8 + r1*r4*r9 + r2*r5*r9
+!!$         vald=r1d*r3*r8+r1*r3d*r8+r1*r3*r8d
+!!$         vald=vald+r1d*r4*r9+r1*r4d*r9+r1*r4*r9d
+!!$         vald=vald+r2d*r5*r9+r2*r5d*r9+r2*r5*r9d
+!!$    else if(interval == ib) then
+!!$         val=r1*r4*r10 + r2*r5*r10 + r2*r6*r11
+!!$         vald=r1d*r4*r10+r1*r4d*r10+r1*r4*r10d
+!!$         vald=vald+r2d*r5*r10+r2*r5d*r10+r2*r5*r10d
+!!$         vald=vald+r2d*r6*r11+r2*r6d*r11+r2*r6*r11d
+!!$    else if(interval == ib+1) then
+!!$         val=r2*r6*r12
+!!$         vald=r2d*r6*r12+r2*r6d*r12+r2*r6*r12d
+!!$    else
+!!$      val=0.
+!!$    endif
+!!$  endif
+!!$  splcon(ib)=val
+!!$  splcond(ib)=vald
+!!$  enddo
+!!$  end subroutine vbspl
+!!$  subroutine ylm(XLAT,XLON,LMAX,Y,WK1,WK2,WK3)
+!!$  implicit none
+!!$  complex TEMP,FAC,DFAC
+!!$  real(kind=4) WK1(1),WK2(1),WK3(1),Y(1),XLAT,XLON
+!!$  integer :: LMAX
+!!$  real(kind=4), parameter :: RADIAN = 57.2957795
+!!$  integer :: IM,IL1,IND,LM1,L
+!!$  real(kind=4) :: THETA,PHI
+!!$  IND=0
+!!$  LM1=LMAX+1
+!!$  DO IL1=1,LM1
+!!$  L=IL1-1
+!!$  CALL legndr(THETA,L,L,WK1,WK2,WK3)
+!!$  FAC=(1.,0.)
+!!$  do IM=1,IL1
+!!$    TEMP=FAC*CMPLX(WK1(IM),0.)
+!!$    IND=IND+1
+!!$    Y(IND)=REAL(TEMP)
+!!$    IF(IM == 1) GOTO 20
+!!$    IND=IND+1
+!!$    Y(IND)=AIMAG(TEMP)
+!!$ 20 FAC=FAC*DFAC
+!!$  enddo
+!!$  enddo
+!!$  end subroutine ylm
+!!$      subroutine legndr(THETA,L,M,X,XP,XCOSEC)
+!!$      implicit none
+!!$      integer :: L,M,i,k,LP1,MP1
+!!$      real(kind=4) :: THETA,X,XP,XCOSEC,SFL3
+!!$      DIMENSION X(2),XP(2),XCOSEC(2)
+!!$      DATA FPI/12.56637062D0/
+!!$!      DFLOAT(I)=FLOAT(I)
+!!$      SUM=0.D0
+!!$      LP1=L+1
+!!$      TH=THETA
+!!$      CT=DCOS(TH)
+!!$      ST=DSIN(TH)
+!!$      MP1=M+1
+!!$      FCT=DSQRT(dble(FLOAT(2*L+1))/FPI)
+!!$      SFL3=SQRT(FLOAT(L*(L+1)))
+!!$      COMPAR=dble(FLOAT(2*L+1))/FPI
+!!$      DSFL3=SFL3
+!!$      SMALL=1.D-16*COMPAR
+!!$      do I=1,MP1
+!!$       X(I)=0.
+!!$       XCOSEC(I)=0.
+!!$       XP(I)=0.
+!!$      enddo
+!!$      IF(L.GT.1.AND.ABS(THETA).GT.1.E-5) GO TO 3
+!!$      X(1)=FCT
+!!$      IF(L.EQ.0) RETURN
+!!$      X(1)=CT*FCT
+!!$      X(2)=-ST*FCT/DSFL3
+!!$      XP(1)=-ST*FCT
+!!$      XP(2)=-.5D0*CT*FCT*DSFL3
+!!$      IF(ABS(THETA).LT.1.E-5) XCOSEC(2)=XP(2)
+!!$      IF(ABS(THETA).GE.1.E-5) XCOSEC(2)=X(2)/ST
+!!$      RETURN
+!!$    3 X1=1.D0
+!!$      X2=CT
+!!$      DO  I=2,L
+!!$       X3=(dble(FLOAT(2*I-1))*CT*X2-dble(FLOAT(I-1))*X1)/dble(FLOAT(I))
+!!$       X1=X2
+!!$       X2=X3
+!!$      enddo
+!!$      COT=CT/ST
+!!$      COSEC=1./ST
+!!$      X3=X2*FCT
+!!$      X2=dble(FLOAT(L))*(X1-CT*X2)*FCT/ST
+!!$      X(1)=X3
+!!$      X(2)=X2
+!!$      SUM=X3*X3
+!!$      XP(1)=-X2
+!!$      XP(2)=dble(FLOAT(L*(L+1)))*X3-COT*X2
+!!$      X(2)=-X(2)/SFL3
+!!$      XCOSEC(2)=X(2)*COSEC
+!!$      XP(2)=-XP(2)/SFL3
+!!$      SUM=SUM+2.D0*X(2)*X(2)
+!!$      X1=X3
+!!$      X2=-X2/DSQRT(dble(FLOAT(L*(L+1))))
+!!$      DO  I=3,MP1
+!!$       K=I-1
+!!$       F1=DSQRT(dble(FLOAT((L+I-1)*(L-I+2))))
+!!$       F2=DSQRT(dble(FLOAT((L+I-2)*(L-I+3))))
+!!$       XM=K
+!!$       X3=-(2.D0*COT*(XM-1.D0)*X2+F2*X1)/F1
+!!$       SUM=SUM+2.D0*X3*X3
+!!$       X(I)=X3
+!!$       XCOSEC(I)=X(I)*COSEC
+!!$       X1=X2
+!!$       XP(I)=-(F1*X2+XM*COT*X3)
+!!$       X2=X3
+!!$      enddo
+!!$      RETURN
+!!$      end subroutine legndr
diff -r 000000000000 -r 9b613f27327a src/meshfem3D/model_crust.f90
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/meshfem3D/model_crust.f90	Sat Jul 02 17:09:21 2011 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,742 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  5 . 1
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!                        Princeton University, USA
+!             and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA, France
+! (c) Princeton University / California Institute of Technology and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA
+!                            April 2011
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+! CRUST 2.0 model by Bassin et al. (2000)
+! C. Bassin, G. Laske, and G. Masters.
+! The current limits of resolution for surface wave tomography in North America.
+! EOS, 81: F897, 2000.
+! reads and smooths crust2.0 model
+  subroutine model_crust_broadcast(myrank,CM_V)
+! standard routine to setup model
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  ! standard include of the MPI library
+  include 'mpif.h'
+  ! model_crust_variables
+  type model_crust_variables
+    sequence
+    double precision, dimension(NKEYS_CRUST,NLAYERS_CRUST) :: thlr
+    double precision, dimension(NKEYS_CRUST,NLAYERS_CRUST) :: velocp
+    double precision, dimension(NKEYS_CRUST,NLAYERS_CRUST) :: velocs
+    double precision, dimension(NKEYS_CRUST,NLAYERS_CRUST) :: dens
+    character(len=2) abbreviation(NCAP_CRUST/2,NCAP_CRUST)
+    character(len=2) code(NKEYS_CRUST)
+    character(len=2) dummy_pad ! padding 2 bytes to align the structure
+  end type model_crust_variables
+  type (model_crust_variables) CM_V
+  ! model_crust_variables
+  integer :: myrank
+  integer :: ier
+  ! the variables read are declared and stored in structure CM_V
+  if(myrank == 0) call read_crust_model(CM_V)
+  ! broadcast the information read on the master to the nodes
+  end subroutine model_crust_broadcast
+  subroutine model_crust(lat,lon,x,vp,vs,rho,moho,found_crust,CM_V,elem_in_crust)
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+! model_crust_variables
+  type model_crust_variables
+    sequence
+    double precision, dimension(NKEYS_CRUST,NLAYERS_CRUST) :: thlr
+    double precision, dimension(NKEYS_CRUST,NLAYERS_CRUST) :: velocp
+    double precision, dimension(NKEYS_CRUST,NLAYERS_CRUST) :: velocs
+    double precision, dimension(NKEYS_CRUST,NLAYERS_CRUST) :: dens
+    character(len=2) abbreviation(NCAP_CRUST/2,NCAP_CRUST)
+    character(len=2) code(NKEYS_CRUST)
+    character(len=2) dummy_pad ! padding 2 bytes to align the structure
+  end type model_crust_variables
+  type (model_crust_variables) CM_V
+! model_crust_variables
+  double precision lat,lon,x,vp,vs,rho,moho
+  logical found_crust,elem_in_crust
+  ! local parameters
+  double precision h_sed,h_uc
+  double precision x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,scaleval
+  double precision vps(NLAYERS_CRUST),vss(NLAYERS_CRUST),rhos(NLAYERS_CRUST),thicks(NLAYERS_CRUST)
+  ! initializes
+  vp = 0.d0
+  vs = 0.d0
+  rho = 0.d0
+  ! gets smoothed crust2.0 structure
+  call crust_CAPsmoothed(lat,lon,vps,vss,rhos,thicks,CM_V%abbreviation, &
+                        CM_V%code,CM_V%thlr,CM_V%velocp,CM_V%velocs,CM_V%dens)
+  x3 = (R_EARTH-thicks(3)*1000.0d0)/R_EARTH
+  h_sed = thicks(3) + thicks(4)
+  x4 = (R_EARTH-h_sed*1000.0d0)/R_EARTH
+  h_uc = h_sed + thicks(5)
+  x5 = (R_EARTH-h_uc*1000.0d0)/R_EARTH
+  x6 = (R_EARTH-(h_uc+thicks(6))*1000.0d0)/R_EARTH
+  x7 = (R_EARTH-(h_uc+thicks(6)+thicks(7))*1000.0d0)/R_EARTH
+  found_crust = .true.
+!  if(x > x3 .and. INCLUDE_SEDIMENTS_CRUST &
+!   .and. h_sed >= MINIMUM_SEDIMENT_THICKNESS) then
+  if(x > x3 .and. INCLUDE_SEDIMENTS_CRUST ) then
+    vp = vps(3)
+    vs = vss(3)
+    rho = rhos(3)
+!  else if(x > x4 .and. INCLUDE_SEDIMENTS_CRUST &
+!   .and. h_sed >= MINIMUM_SEDIMENT_THICKNESS) then
+  else if(x > x4 .and. INCLUDE_SEDIMENTS_CRUST ) then
+    vp = vps(4)
+    vs = vss(4)
+    rho = rhos(4)
+  else if(x > x5) then
+    vp = vps(5)
+    vs = vss(5)
+    rho = rhos(5)
+  else if(x > x6) then
+    vp = vps(6)
+    vs = vss(6)
+    rho = rhos(6)
+  else if(x > x7 .or. elem_in_crust) then
+    ! takes lower crustal values only if x is slightly above moho depth or
+    ! if elem_in_crust is set
+    !
+    ! note: it looks like this does distinguish between GLL points at the exact moho boundary,
+    !          where the point is on the interface between both,
+    !          oceanic elements and mantle elements below
+    vp = vps(7)
+    vs = vss(7)
+    rho = rhos(7)
+  else
+    ! note: if x is exactly the moho depth this will return false
+    found_crust = .false.
+  endif
+  ! non-dimensionalize
+  if (found_crust) then
+    scaleval = dsqrt(PI*GRAV*RHOAV)
+    vp = vp*1000.0d0/(R_EARTH*scaleval)
+    vs = vs*1000.0d0/(R_EARTH*scaleval)
+    rho = rho*1000.0d0/RHOAV
+ endif
+ ! checks moho value
+ !moho = h_uc + thicks(6) + thicks(7)
+ !if( moho /= thicks(NLAYERS_CRUST) ) then
+ ! print*,'moho:',moho,thicks(NLAYERS_CRUST)
+ ! print*,'  lat/lon/x:',lat,lon,x
+ !endif
+ ! No matter found_crust true or false, output moho thickness
+ moho = (h_uc+thicks(6)+thicks(7))*1000.0d0/R_EARTH
+ end subroutine model_crust
+  subroutine read_crust_model(CM_V)
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+! model_crust_variables
+  type model_crust_variables
+    sequence
+    double precision, dimension(NKEYS_CRUST,NLAYERS_CRUST) :: thlr
+    double precision, dimension(NKEYS_CRUST,NLAYERS_CRUST) :: velocp
+    double precision, dimension(NKEYS_CRUST,NLAYERS_CRUST) :: velocs
+    double precision, dimension(NKEYS_CRUST,NLAYERS_CRUST) :: dens
+    character(len=2) abbreviation(NCAP_CRUST/2,NCAP_CRUST)
+    character(len=2) code(NKEYS_CRUST)
+    character(len=2) dummy_pad ! padding 2 bytes to align the structure
+  end type model_crust_variables
+  type (model_crust_variables) CM_V
+! model_crust_variables
+! local variables
+  integer i
+  integer ila,icolat
+  integer ikey
+  double precision h_moho_min,h_moho_max
+  character(len=150) CNtype2, CNtype2_key_modif
+  call get_value_string(CNtype2, 'model.CNtype2', 'DATA/crust2.0/CNtype2.txt')
+  call get_value_string(CNtype2_key_modif, 'model.CNtype2_key_modif', 'DATA/crust2.0/CNtype2_key_modif.txt')
+  open(unit=1,file=CNtype2,status='old',action='read')
+  do ila=1,NCAP_CRUST/2
+    read(1,*) icolat,(CM_V%abbreviation(ila,i),i=1,NCAP_CRUST)
+  enddo
+  close(1)
+  open(unit=1,file=CNtype2_key_modif,status='old',action='read')
+  h_moho_min=HUGEVAL
+  h_moho_max=-HUGEVAL
+  do ikey=1,NKEYS_CRUST
+    read (1,"(a2)") CM_V%code(ikey)
+    read (1,*) (CM_V%velocp(ikey,i),i=1,NLAYERS_CRUST)
+    read (1,*) (CM_V%velocs(ikey,i),i=1,NLAYERS_CRUST)
+    read (1,*) (CM_V%dens(ikey,i),i=1,NLAYERS_CRUST)
+    read (1,*) (CM_V%thlr(ikey,i),i=1,NLAYERS_CRUST-1),CM_V%thlr(ikey,NLAYERS_CRUST)
+    if(CM_V%thlr(ikey,NLAYERS_CRUST) > h_moho_max) h_moho_max=CM_V%thlr(ikey,NLAYERS_CRUST)
+    if(CM_V%thlr(ikey,NLAYERS_CRUST) < h_moho_min) h_moho_min=CM_V%thlr(ikey,NLAYERS_CRUST)
+  enddo
+  close(1)
+  if(h_moho_min == HUGEVAL .or. h_moho_max == -HUGEVAL) &
+    stop 'incorrect moho depths in read_crust_model'
+  end subroutine read_crust_model
+  subroutine crust_CAPsmoothed(lat,lon,velp,vels,rho,thick,abbreviation,&
+                              code,thlr,velocp,velocs,dens)
+! crustal vp and vs in km/s, layer thickness in km
+! crust2.0 is smoothed with a cap of size CAP using NTHETA points
+! in the theta direction and NPHI in the phi direction.
+! The cap is rotated to the North Pole.
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  ! sampling rate for CAP points
+  integer, parameter :: NTHETA = 4
+  integer, parameter :: NPHI = 20
+  ! argument variables
+  double precision lat,lon
+  double precision rho(NLAYERS_CRUST),thick(NLAYERS_CRUST),velp(NLAYERS_CRUST),vels(NLAYERS_CRUST)
+  character(len=2) code(NKEYS_CRUST),abbreviation(NCAP_CRUST/2,NCAP_CRUST)
+  !-------------------------------
+  ! work-around to avoid jacobian problems when stretching mesh elements;
+  ! one could also try to slightly change the shape of the doulbing element bricks (which cause the problem)...
+  !
+  ! defines a "critical" region around the andes to have at least a 2-degree smoothing;
+  ! critical region can lead to negative jacobians for mesh stretching when CAP smoothing is too small
+  double precision,parameter :: LAT_CRITICAL_ANDES = -20.0d0
+  double precision,parameter :: LON_CRITICAL_ANDES = -70.0d0
+  double precision,parameter :: CRITICAL_RANGE = 70.0d0
+  !-------------------------------
+  ! local variables
+  double precision xlon(NTHETA*NPHI),xlat(NTHETA*NPHI),weight(NTHETA*NPHI)
+  double precision rhol(NLAYERS_CRUST),thickl(NLAYERS_CRUST),velpl(NLAYERS_CRUST),velsl(NLAYERS_CRUST)
+  double precision weightl,cap_degree,dist
+  double precision h_sed
+  integer i,icolat,ilon,ierr
+  character(len=2) crustaltype
+  ! checks latitude/longitude
+  if(lat > 90.0d0 .or. lat < -90.0d0 .or. lon > 180.0d0 .or. lon < -180.0d0) &
+    stop 'error in latitude/longitude range in crust'
+  ! makes sure lat/lon are within crust2.0 range
+  if(lat==90.0d0) lat=89.9999d0
+  if(lat==-90.0d0) lat=-89.9999d0
+  if(lon==180.0d0) lon=179.9999d0
+  if(lon==-180.0d0) lon=-179.9999d0
+  ! sets up smoothing points
+  ! by default uses CAP smoothing with 1 degree
+  cap_degree = 1.0d0
+  ! checks if inside/outside of critical region for mesh stretching
+  if( SMOOTH_CRUST ) then
+    dist = dsqrt( (lon-LON_CRITICAL_ANDES)**2 + (lat-LAT_CRITICAL_ANDES )**2 )
+    if( dist < CRITICAL_RANGE ) then
+      ! increases cap smoothing degree
+      ! scales between -1 at center and 0 at border
+      dist = dist / CRITICAL_RANGE - 1.0d0
+      ! shifts value to 1 at center and 0 to the border with exponential decay
+      dist = 1.0d0 - exp( - dist*dist*10.0d0 )
+      ! increases smoothing degree inside of critical region to 2 degree
+      cap_degree = cap_degree + dist
+    endif
+  endif
+  ! gets smoothing points and weights
+  call CAP_vardegree(lon,lat,xlon,xlat,weight,cap_degree,NTHETA,NPHI)
+  ! initializes
+  velp(:) = 0.0d0
+  vels(:) = 0.0d0
+  rho(:) = 0.0d0
+  thick(:) = 0.0d0
+  ! loops over weight points
+  do i=1,NTHETA*NPHI
+    ! gets crust values
+    call icolat_ilon(xlat(i),xlon(i),icolat,ilon)
+    crustaltype = abbreviation(icolat,ilon)
+    call get_crust_structure(crustaltype,velpl,velsl,rhol,thickl, &
+                            code,thlr,velocp,velocs,dens,ierr)
+    if(ierr /= 0) stop 'error in routine get_crust_structure'
+    ! sediment thickness
+    h_sed = thickl(3) + thickl(4)
+    ! takes upper crust value if sediment too thin
+    if( h_sed < MINIMUM_SEDIMENT_THICKNESS ) then
+      velpl(3) = velpl(5)
+      velpl(4) = velpl(5)
+      velsl(3) = velsl(5)
+      velsl(4) = velsl(5)
+      rhol(3) = rhol(5)
+      rhol(4) = rhol(5)
+    endif
+    ! weighting value
+    weightl = weight(i)
+    ! total, smoothed values
+    rho(:) = rho(:) + weightl*rhol(:)
+    thick(:) = thick(:) + weightl*thickl(:)
+    velp(:) = velp(:) + weightl*velpl(:)
+    vels(:) = vels(:) + weightl*velsl(:)
+  enddo
+  end subroutine crust_CAPsmoothed
+  subroutine icolat_ilon(xlat,xlon,icolat,ilon)
+  implicit none
+! argument variables
+  double precision xlat,xlon
+  integer icolat,ilon
+  if(xlat > 90.0d0 .or. xlat < -90.0d0 .or. xlon > 180.0d0 .or. xlon < -180.0d0) &
+    stop 'error in latitude/longitude range in icolat_ilon'
+  icolat=int(1+((90.d0-xlat)/2.d0))
+  if(icolat == 91) icolat=90
+  ilon=int(1+((180.d0+xlon)/2.d0))
+  if(ilon == 181) ilon=1
+  if(icolat>90 .or. icolat<1) stop 'error in routine icolat_ilon'
+  if(ilon<1 .or. ilon>180) stop 'error in routine icolat_ilon'
+  end subroutine icolat_ilon
+  subroutine get_crust_structure(type,vptyp,vstyp,rhtyp,thtp, &
+               code,thlr,velocp,velocs,dens,ierr)
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+! argument variables
+  integer ierr
+  double precision rhtyp(NLAYERS_CRUST),thtp(NLAYERS_CRUST)
+  double precision vptyp(NLAYERS_CRUST),vstyp(NLAYERS_CRUST)
+  character(len=2) type,code(NKEYS_CRUST)
+! local variables
+  integer i,ikey
+  ierr=1
+  do ikey=1,NKEYS_CRUST
+    if (code(ikey) == type) then
+      do i=1,NLAYERS_CRUST
+        vptyp(i)=velocp(ikey,i)
+        vstyp(i)=velocs(ikey,i)
+        rhtyp(i)=dens(ikey,i)
+      enddo
+      do i=1,NLAYERS_CRUST-1
+        thtp(i)=thlr(ikey,i)
+      enddo
+      !   get distance to Moho from the bottom of the ocean or the ice
+      thtp(NLAYERS_CRUST)=thlr(ikey,NLAYERS_CRUST)-thtp(1)-thtp(2)
+      ierr=0
+    endif
+  enddo
+  end subroutine get_crust_structure
+  subroutine CAP_vardegree(lon,lat,xlon,xlat,weight,CAP_DEGREE,NTHETA,NPHI)
+! calculates weighting points to smooth around lon/lat location with
+! a smoothing range of CAP_DEGREE
+! The cap is rotated to the North Pole.
+! returns: xlon,xlat,weight
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  ! sampling rate
+  integer :: NTHETA
+  integer :: NPHI
+  ! smoothing size (in degrees)
+  double precision :: CAP_DEGREE
+  ! argument variables
+  double precision lat,lon
+  double precision xlon(NTHETA*NPHI),xlat(NTHETA*NPHI),weight(NTHETA*NPHI)
+  ! local variables
+  double precision CAP
+  double precision theta,phi,sint,cost,sinp,cosp,wght,total
+  double precision r_rot,theta_rot,phi_rot
+  double precision rotation_matrix(3,3),x(3),xc(3)
+  double precision dtheta,dphi,cap_area,dweight,pi_over_nphi
+  integer i,j,k
+  integer itheta,iphi
+  double precision, parameter :: RADIANS_TO_DEGREES = 180.d0 / PI
+  double precision, parameter :: PI_OVER_TWO = PI / 2.0d0
+  ! initializes
+  xlon(:) = 0.d0
+  xlat(:) = 0.d0
+  weight(:) = 0.d0
+  ! checks cap degree size
+  if( CAP_DEGREE < TINYVAL ) then
+    ! no cap smoothing
+    print*,'error cap:',CAP_DEGREE
+    print*,'  lat/lon:',lat,lon
+    stop 'error cap_degree too small'
+  endif
+  ! pre-compute parameters
+  CAP = CAP_DEGREE * PI/180.0d0
+  dtheta = 0.5d0 * CAP / dble(NTHETA)
+  dphi = TWO_PI / dble(NPHI)
+  cap_area = TWO_PI * (1.0d0 - dcos(CAP))
+  dweight = CAP / dble(NTHETA) * dphi / cap_area
+  pi_over_nphi = PI/dble(NPHI)
+  ! colatitude/longitude in radian
+  theta = (90.0d0 - lat ) * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS
+  phi = lon * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS
+  sint = dsin(theta)
+  cost = dcos(theta)
+  sinp = dsin(phi)
+  cosp = dcos(phi)
+  ! set up rotation matrix to go from cap at North pole
+  ! to cap around point of interest
+  rotation_matrix(1,1) = cosp*cost
+  rotation_matrix(1,2) = -sinp
+  rotation_matrix(1,3) = cosp*sint
+  rotation_matrix(2,1) = sinp*cost
+  rotation_matrix(2,2) = cosp
+  rotation_matrix(2,3) = sinp*sint
+  rotation_matrix(3,1) = -sint
+  rotation_matrix(3,2) = 0.0d0
+  rotation_matrix(3,3) = cost
+  ! calculates points over a cap at the North pole and rotates them to specified lat/lon point
+  i = 0
+  total = 0.0d0
+  do itheta = 1,NTHETA
+    theta = dble(2*itheta-1)*dtheta
+    cost = dcos(theta)
+    sint = dsin(theta)
+    wght = sint*dweight
+    do iphi = 1,NPHI
+      i = i+1
+      !  get the weight associated with this integration point (same for all phi)
+      weight(i) = wght
+      total = total + weight(i)
+      phi = dble(2*iphi-1)*pi_over_nphi
+      cosp = dcos(phi)
+      sinp = dsin(phi)
+      ! x,y,z coordinates of integration point in cap at North pole
+      xc(1) = sint*cosp
+      xc(2) = sint*sinp
+      xc(3) = cost
+      ! get x,y,z coordinates in cap around point of interest
+      do j=1,3
+        x(j) = 0.0d0
+        do k=1,3
+          x(j) = x(j)+rotation_matrix(j,k)*xc(k)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      ! get latitude and longitude (degrees) of integration point
+      call xyz_2_rthetaphi_dble(x(1),x(2),x(3),r_rot,theta_rot,phi_rot)
+      call reduce(theta_rot,phi_rot)
+      xlat(i) = (PI_OVER_TWO - theta_rot) * RADIANS_TO_DEGREES
+      xlon(i) = phi_rot * RADIANS_TO_DEGREES
+      if(xlon(i) > 180.0d0) xlon(i) = xlon(i) - 360.0d0
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  if(abs(total-1.0d0) > 0.001d0) then
+    print*,'error cap:',total,CAP_DEGREE
+    stop 'error in cap integration for variable degree'
+  endif
+  end subroutine
+! unused routines...
+!  subroutine crust_singlevalue(lat,lon,velp,vels,rho,thick,abbreviation,&
+!                              code,thlr,velocp,velocs,dens)
+!! crustal vp and vs in km/s, layer thickness in km
+!!  uses crust2.0 as is, without smoothing
+!  implicit none
+!  include "constants.h"
+!! argument variables
+!  double precision lat,lon
+!  double precision rho(NLAYERS_CRUST),thick(NLAYERS_CRUST),velp(NLAYERS_CRUST),vels(NLAYERS_CRUST)
+!  character(len=2) code(NKEYS_CRUST),abbreviation(NCAP_CRUST/2,NCAP_CRUST)
+!! local variables
+!  integer icolat,ilon,ierr
+!  character(len=2) crustaltype
+!! get integer colatitude and longitude of crustal cap
+!! -90<lat<90 -180<lon<180
+!  if(lat > 90.0d0 .or. lat < -90.0d0 .or. lon > 180.0d0 .or. lon < -180.0d0) &
+!    stop 'error in latitude/longitude range in crust'
+!  if(lat==90.0d0) lat=89.9999d0
+!  if(lat==-90.0d0) lat=-89.9999d0
+!  if(lon==180.0d0) lon=179.9999d0
+!  if(lon==-180.0d0) lon=-179.9999d0
+!  call icolat_ilon(lat,lon,icolat,ilon)
+!  crustaltype = abbreviation(icolat,ilon)
+!  call get_crust_structure(crustaltype,velp,vels,rho,thick, &
+!                          code,thlr,velocp,velocs,dens,ierr)
+!  if( ierr /= 0 ) stop 'error in routine get_crust_structure'
+!  end subroutine crust_singlevalue
+!  subroutine crust_org(lat,lon,velp,vels,rho,thick,abbreviation,code,thlr,velocp,velocs,dens)
+!! crustal vp and vs in km/s, layer thickness in km
+!! crust2.0 is smoothed with a cap of size CAP using NTHETA points
+!! in the theta direction and NPHI in the phi direction.
+!! The cap is rotated to the North Pole.
+!  implicit none
+!  include "constants.h"
+!! Change the CAP function to smooth crustal model
+!  integer, parameter :: NTHETA = 4         !2
+!  integer, parameter :: NPHI = 20          !10
+!  double precision, parameter :: CAP = 1.0d0*PI/180.0d0   ! 2.0d0*PI/180.0d0
+!! argument variables
+!  double precision lat,lon
+!  double precision rho(NLAYERS_CRUST),thick(NLAYERS_CRUST),velp(NLAYERS_CRUST),vels(NLAYERS_CRUST)
+!  character(len=2) code(NKEYS_CRUST),abbreviation(NCAP_CRUST/2,NCAP_CRUST)
+!! local variables
+!  integer i,j,k,icolat,ilon,ierr
+!  integer itheta,iphi,npoints
+!  double precision theta,phi,sint,cost,sinp,cosp,dtheta,dphi,cap_area,wght,total
+!  double precision r_rot,theta_rot,phi_rot
+!  double precision rotation_matrix(3,3),x(3),xc(3)
+!  double precision xlon(NTHETA*NPHI),xlat(NTHETA*NPHI),weight(NTHETA*NPHI)
+!  double precision rhol(NLAYERS_CRUST),thickl(NLAYERS_CRUST),velpl(NLAYERS_CRUST),velsl(NLAYERS_CRUST)
+!  character(len=2) crustaltype
+!! get integer colatitude and longitude of crustal cap
+!! -90<lat<90 -180<lon<180
+!  if(lat > 90.0d0 .or. lat < -90.0d0 .or. lon > 180.0d0 .or. lon < -180.0d0) &
+!    stop 'error in latitude/longitude range in crust'
+!  if(lat==90.0d0) lat=89.9999d0
+!  if(lat==-90.0d0) lat=-89.9999d0
+!  if(lon==180.0d0) lon=179.9999d0
+!  if(lon==-180.0d0) lon=-179.9999d0
+!  call icolat_ilon(lat,lon,icolat,ilon)
+!  crustaltype=abbreviation(icolat,ilon)
+!  call get_crust_structure(crustaltype,velp,vels,rho,thick, &
+!                    code,thlr,velocp,velocs,dens,ierr)
+!!  uncomment the following line to use crust2.0 as is, without smoothing
+!!  return
+!  theta = (90.0-lat)*PI/180.0
+!  phi = lon*PI/180.0
+!  sint = sin(theta)
+!  cost = cos(theta)
+!  sinp = sin(phi)
+!  cosp = cos(phi)
+!! set up rotation matrix to go from cap at North pole
+!! to cap around point of interest
+!  rotation_matrix(1,1) = cosp*cost
+!  rotation_matrix(1,2) = -sinp
+!  rotation_matrix(1,3) = cosp*sint
+!  rotation_matrix(2,1) = sinp*cost
+!  rotation_matrix(2,2) = cosp
+!  rotation_matrix(2,3) = sinp*sint
+!  rotation_matrix(3,1) = -sint
+!  rotation_matrix(3,2) = 0.0
+!  rotation_matrix(3,3) = cost
+!  dtheta = CAP/dble(NTHETA)
+!  dphi = 2.0*PI/dble(NPHI)
+!  cap_area = 2.0*PI*(1.0-cos(CAP))
+!! integrate over a cap at the North pole
+!  i = 0
+!  total = 0.0
+!  do itheta = 1,NTHETA
+!    theta = 0.5*dble(2*itheta-1)*CAP/dble(NTHETA)
+!    cost = cos(theta)
+!    sint = sin(theta)
+!    wght = sint*dtheta*dphi/cap_area
+!    do iphi = 1,NPHI
+!      i = i+1
+!!     get the weight associated with this integration point (same for all phi)
+!      weight(i) = wght
+!      total = total + weight(i)
+!      phi = dble(2*iphi-1)*PI/dble(NPHI)
+!      cosp = cos(phi)
+!      sinp = sin(phi)
+!!     x,y,z coordinates of integration point in cap at North pole
+!      xc(1) = sint*cosp
+!      xc(2) = sint*sinp
+!      xc(3) = cost
+!!     get x,y,z coordinates in cap around point of interest
+!      do j=1,3
+!        x(j) = 0.0
+!        do k=1,3
+!          x(j) = x(j)+rotation_matrix(j,k)*xc(k)
+!        enddo
+!      enddo
+!!     get latitude and longitude (degrees) of integration point
+!      call xyz_2_rthetaphi_dble(x(1),x(2),x(3),r_rot,theta_rot,phi_rot)
+!      call reduce(theta_rot,phi_rot)
+!      xlat(i) = (PI/2.0-theta_rot)*180.0/PI
+!      xlon(i) = phi_rot*180.0/PI
+!      if(xlon(i) > 180.0) xlon(i) = xlon(i)-360.0
+!    enddo
+!  enddo
+!  if(abs(total-1.0) > 0.001) stop 'error in cap integration for crust2.0'
+!  npoints = i
+!  do j=1,NLAYERS_CRUST
+!    rho(j)=0.0d0
+!    thick(j)=0.0d0
+!    velp(j)=0.0d0
+!    vels(j)=0.0d0
+!  enddo
+!  do i=1,npoints
+!    call icolat_ilon(xlat(i),xlon(i),icolat,ilon)
+!    crustaltype=abbreviation(icolat,ilon)
+!    call get_crust_structure(crustaltype,velpl,velsl,rhol,thickl, &
+!                    code,thlr,velocp,velocs,dens,ierr)
+!    if(ierr /= 0) stop 'error in routine get_crust_structure'
+!    do j=1,NLAYERS_CRUST
+!      rho(j)=rho(j)+weight(i)*rhol(j)
+!      thick(j)=thick(j)+weight(i)*thickl(j)
+!      velp(j)=velp(j)+weight(i)*velpl(j)
+!      vels(j)=vels(j)+weight(i)*velsl(j)
+!    enddo
+!  enddo
+!  end subroutine crust_org
diff -r 000000000000 -r 9b613f27327a src/meshfem3D/model_s20rts.f90
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/meshfem3D/model_s20rts.f90	Sat Jul 02 17:09:21 2011 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  5 . 1
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!                        Princeton University, USA
+!             and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA, France
+! (c) Princeton University / California Institute of Technology and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA
+!                            April 2011
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+! S20rts
+! 3D mantle model S20RTS [Ritsema et al., 1999]
+! Note that S20RTS uses transversely isotropic PREM as a background
+! model, and that we use the PREM radial attenuation model when ATTENUATION is incorporated.
+  subroutine model_s20rts_broadcast(myrank,S20RTS_V)
+! standard routine to setup model
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  ! standard include of the MPI library
+  include 'mpif.h'
+! model_s20rts_variables s20rts
+  type model_s20rts_variables
+    sequence
+    double precision dvs_a(0:NK_20,0:NS_20,0:NS_20)
+    double precision dvs_b(0:NK_20,0:NS_20,0:NS_20)
+    double precision dvp_a(0:NK_20,0:NS_20,0:NS_20)
+    double precision dvp_b(0:NK_20,0:NS_20,0:NS_20)
+    double precision spknt(NK_20+1)
+    double precision qq0(NK_20+1,NK_20+1)
+    double precision qq(3,NK_20+1,NK_20+1)
+  end type model_s20rts_variables
+  type (model_s20rts_variables) S20RTS_V
+! model_s20rts_variables
+  integer :: myrank
+  integer :: ier
+  ! the variables read are declared and stored in structure S20RTS_V
+  if(myrank == 0) call read_model_s20rts(S20RTS_V)
+  ! broadcast the information read on the master to the nodes
+  call MPI_BCAST(S20RTS_V%dvs_a,(NK_20+1)*(NS_20+1)*(NS_20+1),MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call MPI_BCAST(S20RTS_V%dvs_b,(NK_20+1)*(NS_20+1)*(NS_20+1),MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call MPI_BCAST(S20RTS_V%dvp_a,(NK_20+1)*(NS_20+1)*(NS_20+1),MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call MPI_BCAST(S20RTS_V%dvp_b,(NK_20+1)*(NS_20+1)*(NS_20+1),MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call MPI_BCAST(S20RTS_V%qq,3*(NK_20+1)*(NK_20+1),MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  end subroutine model_s20rts_broadcast
+  subroutine read_model_s20rts(S20RTS_V)
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+! model_s20rts_variables
+  type model_s20rts_variables
+    sequence
+    double precision dvs_a(0:NK_20,0:NS_20,0:NS_20)
+    double precision dvs_b(0:NK_20,0:NS_20,0:NS_20)
+    double precision dvp_a(0:NK_20,0:NS_20,0:NS_20)
+    double precision dvp_b(0:NK_20,0:NS_20,0:NS_20)
+    double precision spknt(NK_20+1)
+    double precision qq0(NK_20+1,NK_20+1)
+    double precision qq(3,NK_20+1,NK_20+1)
+  end type model_s20rts_variables
+  type (model_s20rts_variables) S20RTS_V
+! model_s20rts_variables
+  integer k,l,m
+  character(len=150) S20RTS, P12
+  call get_value_string(S20RTS, 'model.S20RTS', 'DATA/s20rts/S20RTS.dat')
+  call get_value_string(P12, 'model.P12', 'DATA/s20rts/P12.dat')
+! S20RTS degree 20 S model from Ritsema
+  open(unit=10,file=S20RTS,status='old',action='read')
+  do k=0,NK_20
+    do l=0,NS_20
+      read(10,*) S20RTS_V%dvs_a(k,l,0),(S20RTS_V%dvs_a(k,l,m),S20RTS_V%dvs_b(k,l,m),m=1,l)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  close(10)
+! P12 degree 12 P model from Ritsema
+  open(unit=10,file=P12,status='old',action='read')
+  do k=0,NK_20
+    do l=0,12
+      read(10,*) S20RTS_V%dvp_a(k,l,0),(S20RTS_V%dvp_a(k,l,m),S20RTS_V%dvp_b(k,l,m),m=1,l)
+    enddo
+    do l=13,NS_20
+      S20RTS_V%dvp_a(k,l,0) = 0.0d0
+      do m=1,l
+        S20RTS_V%dvp_a(k,l,m) = 0.0d0
+        S20RTS_V%dvp_b(k,l,m) = 0.0d0
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  close(10)
+! set up the splines used as radial basis functions by Ritsema
+  call s20rts_splhsetup(S20RTS_V)
+  end subroutine read_model_s20rts
+  subroutine mantle_s20rts(radius,theta,phi,dvs,dvp,drho,S20RTS_V)
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+! model_s20rts_variables
+  type model_s20rts_variables
+    sequence
+    double precision dvs_a(0:NK_20,0:NS_20,0:NS_20)
+    double precision dvs_b(0:NK_20,0:NS_20,0:NS_20)
+    double precision dvp_a(0:NK_20,0:NS_20,0:NS_20)
+    double precision dvp_b(0:NK_20,0:NS_20,0:NS_20)
+    double precision spknt(NK_20+1)
+    double precision qq0(NK_20+1,NK_20+1)
+    double precision qq(3,NK_20+1,NK_20+1)
+  end type model_s20rts_variables
+  type (model_s20rts_variables) S20RTS_V
+! model_s20rts_variables
+! factor to convert perturbations in shear speed to perturbations in density
+  double precision, parameter :: SCALE_RHO = 0.40d0
+  double precision radius,theta,phi,dvs,dvp,drho
+  double precision, parameter :: RMOHO_ = 6346600.d0
+  double precision, parameter :: RCMB_ = 3480000.d0
+  double precision, parameter :: R_EARTH_ = 6371000.d0
+  double precision, parameter :: ZERO_ = 0.d0
+  integer l,m,k
+  double precision r_moho,r_cmb,xr
+  double precision dvs_alm,dvs_blm
+  double precision dvp_alm,dvp_blm
+  double precision s20rts_rsple,radial_basis(0:NK_20)
+  double precision sint,cost,x(2*NS_20+1),dx(2*NS_20+1)
+  dvs = ZERO_
+  dvp = ZERO_
+  drho = ZERO_
+  r_moho = RMOHO_ / R_EARTH_
+  r_cmb = RCMB_ / R_EARTH_
+  if(radius>=r_moho .or. radius <= r_cmb) return
+  xr=-1.0d0+2.0d0*(radius-r_cmb)/(r_moho-r_cmb)
+  do k=0,NK_20
+    radial_basis(k)=s20rts_rsple(1,NK_20+1,S20RTS_V%spknt(1),S20RTS_V%qq0(1,NK_20+1-k),S20RTS_V%qq(1,1,NK_20+1-k),xr)
+  enddo
+  do l=0,NS_20
+    sint=dsin(theta)
+    cost=dcos(theta)
+    call lgndr(l,cost,sint,x,dx)
+    dvs_alm=0.0d0
+    dvp_alm=0.0d0
+    do k=0,NK_20
+      dvs_alm=dvs_alm+radial_basis(k)*S20RTS_V%dvs_a(k,l,0)
+      dvp_alm=dvp_alm+radial_basis(k)*S20RTS_V%dvp_a(k,l,0)
+    enddo
+    dvs=dvs+dvs_alm*x(1)
+    dvp=dvp+dvp_alm*x(1)
+    do m=1,l
+      dvs_alm=0.0d0
+      dvp_alm=0.0d0
+      dvs_blm=0.0d0
+      dvp_blm=0.0d0
+      do k=0,NK_20
+        dvs_alm=dvs_alm+radial_basis(k)*S20RTS_V%dvs_a(k,l,m)
+        dvp_alm=dvp_alm+radial_basis(k)*S20RTS_V%dvp_a(k,l,m)
+        dvs_blm=dvs_blm+radial_basis(k)*S20RTS_V%dvs_b(k,l,m)
+        dvp_blm=dvp_blm+radial_basis(k)*S20RTS_V%dvp_b(k,l,m)
+      enddo
+      dvs=dvs+(dvs_alm*dcos(dble(m)*phi)+dvs_blm*dsin(dble(m)*phi))*x(m+1)
+      dvp=dvp+(dvp_alm*dcos(dble(m)*phi)+dvp_blm*dsin(dble(m)*phi))*x(m+1)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  drho = SCALE_RHO*dvs
+  end subroutine mantle_s20rts
+  subroutine s20rts_splhsetup(S20RTS_V)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(spknt,qq0,qq)
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  double precision spknt(NK_20+1),qq0(NK_20+1,NK_20+1),qq(3,NK_20+1,NK_20+1)
+! model_s20rts_variables
+  type model_s20rts_variables
+    sequence
+    double precision dvs_a(0:NK_20,0:NS_20,0:NS_20)
+    double precision dvs_b(0:NK_20,0:NS_20,0:NS_20)
+    double precision dvp_a(0:NK_20,0:NS_20,0:NS_20)
+    double precision dvp_b(0:NK_20,0:NS_20,0:NS_20)
+    double precision spknt(NK_20+1)
+    double precision qq0(NK_20+1,NK_20+1)
+    double precision qq(3,NK_20+1,NK_20+1)
+  end type model_s20rts_variables
+  type (model_s20rts_variables) S20RTS_V
+! model_s20rts_variables
+  integer i,j
+  double precision qqwk(3,NK_20+1)
+  S20RTS_V%spknt(1) = -1.00000d0
+  S20RTS_V%spknt(2) = -0.78631d0
+  S20RTS_V%spknt(3) = -0.59207d0
+  S20RTS_V%spknt(4) = -0.41550d0
+  S20RTS_V%spknt(5) = -0.25499d0
+  S20RTS_V%spknt(6) = -0.10909d0
+  S20RTS_V%spknt(7) = 0.02353d0
+  S20RTS_V%spknt(8) = 0.14409d0
+  S20RTS_V%spknt(9) = 0.25367d0
+  S20RTS_V%spknt(10) = 0.35329d0
+  S20RTS_V%spknt(11) = 0.44384d0
+  S20RTS_V%spknt(12) = 0.52615d0
+  S20RTS_V%spknt(13) = 0.60097d0
+  S20RTS_V%spknt(14) = 0.66899d0
+  S20RTS_V%spknt(15) = 0.73081d0
+  S20RTS_V%spknt(16) = 0.78701d0
+  S20RTS_V%spknt(17) = 0.83810d0
+  S20RTS_V%spknt(18) = 0.88454d0
+  S20RTS_V%spknt(19) = 0.92675d0
+  S20RTS_V%spknt(20) = 0.96512d0
+  S20RTS_V%spknt(21) = 1.00000d0
+  do i=1,NK_20+1
+    do j=1,NK_20+1
+      if(i == j) then
+        S20RTS_V%qq0(j,i)=1.0d0
+      else
+        S20RTS_V%qq0(j,i)=0.0d0
+      endif
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  do i=1,NK_20+1
+    call s20rts_rspln(1,NK_20+1,S20RTS_V%spknt(1),S20RTS_V%qq0(1,i),S20RTS_V%qq(1,1,i),qqwk(1,1))
+  enddo
+  end subroutine s20rts_splhsetup
+! changed the obsolecent f77 features in the two routines below
+! now still awful Fortran, but at least conforms to f90 standard
+  double precision function s20rts_rsple(I1,I2,X,Y,Q,S)
+  implicit none
+! rsple returns the value of the function y(x) evaluated at point S
+! using the cubic spline coefficients computed by rspln and saved in Q.
+! If S is outside the interval (x(i1),x(i2)) rsple extrapolates
+! using the first or last interpolation polynomial. The arrays must
+! be dimensioned at least - x(i2), y(i2), and q(3,i2).
+      integer i1,i2
+      double precision  X(*),Y(*),Q(3,*),s
+      integer i,ii
+      double precision h
+      i = 1
+      II=I2-1
+      I=MAX0(I,I1)
+      I=MIN0(I,II)
+      IF(X(I2)-X(I1) <  0) goto 1
+      IF(X(I2)-X(I1) >= 0) goto 2
+ 1    IF(S-X(I) <= 0) goto 3
+      IF(S-X(I) >  0) goto 4
+ 4    I=I-1
+      IF(I-I1 <  0) goto 11
+      IF(I-I1 == 0) goto 6
+      IF(I-I1 >  0) goto 1
+ 3    IF(S-X(I+1) <  0) goto 5
+      IF(S-X(I+1) >= 0) goto 6
+ 5    I=I+1
+      IF(I-II <  0) goto 3
+      IF(I-II == 0) goto 6
+      IF(I-II >  0) goto 7
+ 2    IF(S-X(I+1) <= 0) goto 8
+      IF(S-X(I+1) >  0) goto 9
+ 9    I=I+1
+      IF(I-II <  0) goto 2
+      IF(I-II == 0) goto 6
+      IF(I-II >  0) goto 7
+ 8    IF(S-X(I) <  0) goto 10
+      IF(S-X(I) >= 0) goto 6
+ 10   I=I-1
+      IF(I-I1 <  0) goto 11
+      IF(I-I1 == 0) goto 6
+      IF(I-I1 >  0) goto 8
+ 7    I=II
+      GOTO 6
+ 11   I=I1
+ 6    H=S-X(I)
+      S20RTS_RSPLE=Y(I)+H*(Q(1,I)+H*(Q(2,I)+H*Q(3,I)))
+      end function s20rts_rsple
+  subroutine s20rts_rspln(I1,I2,X,Y,Q,F)
+  implicit none
+! Subroutine rspln computes cubic spline interpolation coefficients
+! for y(x) between grid points i1 and i2 saving them in q.The
+! interpolation is continuous with continuous first and second
+! derivatives. It agrees exactly with y at grid points and with the
+! three point first derivatives at both end points (i1 and i2).
+! X must be monotonic but if two successive values of x are equal
+! a discontinuity is assumed and separate interpolation is done on
+! each strictly monotonic segment. The arrays must be dimensioned at
+! least - x(i2), y(i2), q(3,i2), and f(3,i2).
+! F is working storage for rspln.
+      integer i1,i2
+      double precision X(*),Y(*),Q(3,*),F(3,*)
+      integer i,j,k,j1,j2
+      double precision y0,a0,b0,b1,h,h2,ha,h2a,h3a,h2b
+      double precision YY(3),small
+      equivalence (YY(1),Y0)
+      data SMALL/1.0d-08/,YY/0.0d0,0.0d0,0.0d0/
+      J1=I1+1
+      Y0=0.0d0
+      IF(I2-I1  < 0) return
+      IF(I2-I1 == 0) goto 17
+      IF(I2-I1  > 0) goto 8
+ 8    A0=X(J1-1)
+      DO 3 I=J1,I2
+      B0=A0
+      A0=X(I)
+      IF(DABS((A0-B0)/DMAX1(A0,B0)) < SMALL) GOTO 4
+ 17   J1=J1-1
+      J2=I2-2
+      GOTO 5
+ 4    J1=J1-1
+      J2=I-3
+ 5    IF(J2+1-J1 <  0) goto 9
+      IF(J2+1-J1 == 0) goto 10
+      IF(J2+1-J1 >  0) goto 11
+ 10   J2=J2+2
+      Y0=(Y(J2)-Y(J1))/(X(J2)-X(J1))
+      DO J=1,3
+        Q(J,J1)=YY(J)
+        Q(J,J2)=YY(J)
+      enddo
+      GOTO 12
+ 11   A0=0.
+      H=X(J1+1)-X(J1)
+      H2=X(J1+2)-X(J1)
+      Y0=H*H2*(H2-H)
+      H=H*H
+      H2=H2*H2
+      B0=(Y(J1)*(H-H2)+Y(J1+1)*H2-Y(J1+2)*H)/Y0
+      B1=B0
+      DO I=J1,J2
+        H=X(I+1)-X(I)
+        Y0=Y(I+1)-Y(I)
+        H2=H*H
+        HA=H-A0
+        H2A=H-2.0d0*A0
+        H3A=2.0d0*H-3.0d0*A0
+        H2B=H2*B0
+        Q(1,I)=H2/HA
+        Q(2,I)=-HA/(H2A*H2)
+        Q(3,I)=-H*H2A/H3A
+        F(1,I)=(Y0-H*B0)/(H*HA)
+        F(2,I)=(H2B-Y0*(2.0d0*H-A0))/(H*H2*H2A)
+        F(3,I)=-(H2B-3.0d0*Y0*HA)/(H*H3A)
+        A0=Q(3,I)
+        B0=F(3,I)
+      enddo
+      I=J2+1
+      H=X(I+1)-X(I)
+      Y0=Y(I+1)-Y(I)
+      H2=H*H
+      HA=H-A0
+      H2A=H*HA
+      H2B=H2*B0-Y0*(2.0d0*H-A0)
+      Q(1,I)=H2/HA
+      F(1,I)=(Y0-H*B0)/H2A
+      HA=X(J2)-X(I+1)
+      Y0=-H*HA*(HA+H)
+      HA=HA*HA
+      Y0=(Y(I+1)*(H2-HA)+Y(I)*HA-Y(J2)*H2)/Y0
+      Q(3,I)=(Y0*H2A+H2B)/(H*H2*(H-2.0d0*A0))
+      Q(2,I)=F(1,I)-Q(1,I)*Q(3,I)
+      DO J=J1,J2
+        K=I-1
+        Q(1,I)=F(3,K)-Q(3,K)*Q(2,I)
+        Q(3,K)=F(2,K)-Q(2,K)*Q(1,I)
+        Q(2,K)=F(1,K)-Q(1,K)*Q(3,K)
+        I=K
+      enddo
+      Q(1,I)=B1
+ 9    J2=J2+2
+      DO J=1,3
+        Q(J,J2)=YY(J)
+      enddo
+ 12   IF(J2-I2 < 0) then
+        goto 6
+      else
+        return
+      endif
+ 6    J1=J2+2
+      IF(J1-I2 <= 0) goto 8
+      IF(J1-I2 >  0) goto 7
+ 7    DO J=1,3
+        Q(J,I2)=YY(J)
+      enddo
+      end subroutine s20rts_rspln
diff -r 000000000000 -r 9b613f27327a test_compilation
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test_compilation	Sat Jul 02 17:09:21 2011 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+if [ $# -ne 1 -o  ! -d "$1"  ]; then
+   echo "Usage: test_compilation /path/to/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE"
+   echo ""
+   echo "The Specfem 3D Globe directory must be already configured"
+   exit 1
+if [ ! -f "$1/Makefile" ]; then
+   echo "ERROR: The Specfem 3D Globe directory must be already configured."
+   echo "The directory"
+   echo "   $1"
+   echo "is missing the file 'Makefile'.  Please run 'configure' in that directory."
+   exit 1
+cp -a DATA/ src/ "$1"
+cd "$1"

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