[cig-commits] r18725 - seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH

ampuero at geodynamics.org ampuero at geodynamics.org
Sun Jul 10 10:34:29 PDT 2011

Author: ampuero
Date: 2011-07-10 10:34:29 -0700 (Sun, 10 Jul 2011)
New Revision: 18725

cleaned up fault_scotch

Modified: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH.f90
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH.f90	2011-07-10 17:19:29 UTC (rev 18724)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH.f90	2011-07-10 17:34:29 UTC (rev 18725)
@@ -531,8 +531,8 @@
   !                   nparts, part, nfaces_coupled, faces_coupled)
   ! move all fault elements to the same partition (proc=0)
-    call fault_collect_elements(nspec,nnodes,elmnts, &
-                                sup_neighbour,esize,nsize,nparts,part)
+    call fault_repartition (nelmnts, nnodes, elmnts, nsize, nproc, part, esize)
   ! re-partitioning puts moho-surface coupled elements into same partition
     call moho_surface_repartitioning (nspec, nnodes, elmnts, &

Modified: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH/fault_scotch.f90
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH/fault_scotch.f90	2011-07-10 17:19:29 UTC (rev 18724)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH/fault_scotch.f90	2011-07-10 17:34:29 UTC (rev 18725)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
   double precision, parameter :: FAULT_GAP_TOLERANCE = 1.0d0
-  public :: read_fault_files, fault_collect_elements, close_faults, write_fault_database, &
+  public :: read_fault_files, fault_repartition, close_faults, write_fault_database, &
             save_nodes_coords, nodes_coords_open, faults
@@ -208,58 +208,25 @@
   ! Repartitioning : two coupled faultside1/side2 elements are transfered to the same partition
- Subroutine fault_collect_elements(nelmnts,nnodes,elmnts, &
-                                   sup_neighbour,esize,nsize,nproc,part)
+  Subroutine fault_repartition (nelmnts, nnodes, elmnts, nsize, &
+                        nproc, part, esize)
-  integer(long), intent(in) :: nelmnts,nsize,sup_neighbour 
-  integer, dimension(0:esize*nelmnts-1),intent(in)  :: elmnts
-  integer, intent(in)  :: nnodes, nproc, esize
-  integer, dimension(0:nelmnts-1),intent(inout)    :: part
-  logical, dimension(nelmnts)  :: is_on_fault
-  integer :: iflt
-  is_on_fault = .false.
-  do iflt=1,size(faults)
-    is_on_fault(faults(iflt)%ispec1) = .true.
-    is_on_fault(faults(iflt)%ispec2) = .true.
-  end do
-  call fault_repartition (nelmnts, nnodes, elmnts, sup_neighbour, nsize, &
-                          nproc, part, is_on_fault,esize)
-  end Subroutine fault_collect_elements
-! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  Subroutine fault_repartition (nelmnts, nnodes, elmnts, sup_neighbour, nsize, &
-                        nproc, part, is_on_fault, esize)
 !     part : iproc number of processor partioned. It will altered patching fault elements into the same partion.  
 !     Part, once is altered , will be input for write_partition_database.
-  integer(long), intent(in) :: nelmnts,sup_neighbour,nsize
+  integer(long), intent(in) :: nelmnts,nsize
   integer, intent(in)  :: nnodes, nproc, esize 
   integer, dimension(0:esize*nelmnts-1), intent(in) :: elmnts
-  logical , dimension(nelmnts), intent(in) :: is_on_fault
   integer, dimension(0:nelmnts-1), intent(inout)    :: part
-  integer, dimension(0:nelmnts)                  :: xadj
-  integer, dimension(0:sup_neighbour*nelmnts-1)  :: adjncy
   integer, dimension(0:nnodes-1)                 :: nnodes_elmnts
   integer, dimension(0:nsize*nnodes-1)           :: nodes_elmnts
   integer  :: max_neighbour       
   integer  :: i,j, ipart,nproc_null,nproc_null_final
-  integer  :: el, el_1, el_2, k1, k2, k,e,iflt,inode
-  logical  :: is_repartitioned
+  integer  :: k1, k2, k,e,iflt,inode
   integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: elem_proc_null
  ! downloading processor 0
@@ -280,12 +247,6 @@
       end if
     end do     
    ! Redistributing proc-0 elements on the rest of processors
-   !jpa: why do this? does it always help balancing ?
-   !pgb: Yes, bulk elements in processor 0 are taken out and redistributed.
-   !pgb: leaving more space for fault elements. 
-   !jpa: But if the number of fault elements is much smaller than nproc_null
-   !     we will end up with a very UNbalanced proc 0 !
-   !pgb: Solution , fault parellelization . 
     if (nproc > 1) then 
       do i = 1, nproc_null
@@ -296,41 +257,6 @@
     end if
-!  call mesh2dual_ncommonnodes_fault(nelmnts, nnodes, nsize, sup_neighbour, &
-!                                elmnts, xadj, adjncy, nnodes_elmnts, &
-!                                nodes_elmnts, max_neighbour, 4, esize)
-    ! coupled elements
-    !  ---------------
-    ! Allocating neighbours with shared fault faces.
-    ! This is done in order to not break MPI interfaces.
-    ! Dirty implementation.
-    ! Fault faces are shield by double coarse neighbours.
-    !              
-    !                 1   2
-    !             1   1   2   2
-    !          1  1  [1] [2]  2  2
-    !             1  1    2   2      
-    !                1    2   
-    ! Allocating elements with double shield layer
-!  ===========   FAULT SHIELD double-layer =========== !
-!  print *, "Fault shield double-layer :"
-!  do el = 0, nelmnts-1
-!    if ( is_on_fault(el+1) ) then
-!      part(el) = 0
-!      do k1 = xadj(el), xadj(el+1) - 1
-!        el_1 = adjncy(k1) 
-!        part(el_1) = 0
-!        do k2 = xadj(el_1), xadj(el_1+1) - 1
-!          el_2 = adjncy(k2) 
-!          part(el_2) = 0
-!        enddo
-!      enddo
-!    endif
-!  enddo
-! ===================================================== !
 ! Fault zone layer = the set of elements that contain at least one fault node
   print *, "Fault zone layer :"
@@ -449,174 +375,4 @@
   end subroutine write_fault_database
-! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-! Creating dual graph (adjacency is defined by 'ncommonnodes' between two elements).
-! Taken from part_decomposition_SCOTCH.f90 routine.
-  subroutine mesh2dual_ncommonnodes_fault(nelmnts, nnodes, nsize, sup_neighbour, elmnts,&
-                        xadj, adjncy, &
-                        nnodes_elmnts, nodes_elmnts, &
-                        max_neighbour, ncommonnodes,esize)
-    integer(long), intent(in)  :: nelmnts
-    integer, intent(in)  :: nnodes
-    integer(long), intent(in)  :: nsize
-    integer(long), intent(in)  :: sup_neighbour
-    integer, dimension(0:esize*nelmnts-1), intent(in)  :: elmnts    
-    integer, dimension(0:nelmnts)  :: xadj
-    integer, dimension(0:sup_neighbour*nelmnts-1)  :: adjncy
-    integer, dimension(0:nnodes-1)  :: nnodes_elmnts
-    integer, dimension(0:nsize*nnodes-1)  :: nodes_elmnts
-    integer, intent(out) :: max_neighbour
-    integer, intent(in)  :: ncommonnodes,esize
-    ! local parameters
-    integer  :: i, j, k, l, m, nb_edges
-    logical  ::  is_neighbour
-    integer  :: num_node, n
-    integer  :: elem_base, elem_target
-    integer  :: connectivity
-    ! initializes
-    xadj(:) = 0
-    adjncy(:) = 0
-    nnodes_elmnts(:) = 0
-    nodes_elmnts(:) = 0
-    nb_edges = 0
-    ! list of elements per node
-    do i = 0, esize*nelmnts-1
-       nodes_elmnts(elmnts(i)*nsize+nnodes_elmnts(elmnts(i))) = i/esize
-       nnodes_elmnts(elmnts(i)) = nnodes_elmnts(elmnts(i)) + 1
-    end do
-    ! checking which elements are neighbours ('ncommonnodes' criteria)
-    do j = 0, nnodes-1
-       do k = 0, nnodes_elmnts(j)-1
-          do l = k+1, nnodes_elmnts(j)-1
-             connectivity = 0
-             elem_base = nodes_elmnts(k+j*nsize)
-             elem_target = nodes_elmnts(l+j*nsize)
-             do n = 1, esize
-                num_node = elmnts(esize*elem_base+n-1)
-                do m = 0, nnodes_elmnts(num_node)-1
-                   if ( nodes_elmnts(m+num_node*nsize) == elem_target ) then
-                      connectivity = connectivity + 1
-                   end if
-                end do
-             end do
-             if ( connectivity >=  ncommonnodes) then
-                is_neighbour = .false.
-                do m = 0, xadj(nodes_elmnts(k+j*nsize))
-                   if ( .not.is_neighbour ) then
-                      if ( adjncy(nodes_elmnts(k+j*nsize)*sup_neighbour+m) == nodes_elmnts(l+j*nsize) ) then
-                         is_neighbour = .true.
-                      end if
-                   end if
-                end do
-                if ( .not.is_neighbour ) then
-                   adjncy(nodes_elmnts(k+j*nsize)*sup_neighbour+xadj(nodes_elmnts(k+j*nsize))) = nodes_elmnts(l+j*nsize)
-                   xadj(nodes_elmnts(k+j*nsize)) = xadj(nodes_elmnts(k+j*nsize)) + 1
-                   if (xadj(nodes_elmnts(k+j*nsize))>sup_neighbour) stop 'ERROR : too much neighbours per element, modify the mesh.'
-                   adjncy(nodes_elmnts(l+j*nsize)*sup_neighbour+xadj(nodes_elmnts(l+j*nsize))) = nodes_elmnts(k+j*nsize)
-                   xadj(nodes_elmnts(l+j*nsize)) = xadj(nodes_elmnts(l+j*nsize)) + 1
-                   if (xadj(nodes_elmnts(l+j*nsize))>sup_neighbour) stop 'ERROR : too much neighbours per element, modify the mesh.'
-                end if
-             end if
-          end do
-       end do
-    end do
-    max_neighbour = maxval(xadj)
-    ! making adjacency arrays compact (to be used for partitioning)
-    do i = 0, nelmnts-1
-       k = xadj(i)
-       xadj(i) = nb_edges
-       do j = 0, k-1
-          adjncy(nb_edges) = adjncy(i*sup_neighbour+j)
-          nb_edges = nb_edges + 1
-       end do
-    end do
-    xadj(nelmnts) = nb_edges
-  end subroutine mesh2dual_ncommonnodes_fault
-!  subroutine write_fault_database_iface(IIN_database, iproc, nelmnts, &
-!                                      glob2loc_elmnts, part)
-!  integer, intent(in)  :: IIN_database
-!  integer, intent(in)  :: iproc
-!  integer(long), intent(in) :: nelmnts
-!  integer, dimension(0:nelmnts-1), intent(in)  :: part,glob2loc_elmnts
-!  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ispec1, ispec2, iface1, iface2 
-!  integer  :: i,iflt,ispec_fault 
-!  integer  :: nspec_fault_1,nspec_fault_2,nspec_fault
-!  integer  :: k1,k2
-!  do iflt=1,size(faults)
-!   ! check number of fault elements in this partition
-!    nspec_fault_1 = count( part(faults(iflt)%ispec1-1) == iproc )
-!    nspec_fault_2 = count( part(faults(iflt)%ispec2-1) == iproc )
-!    print *, 'Fault # ',iflt
-!    print *, '  ispec1 : ', nspec_fault_1
-!    print *, '  ispec2 : ', nspec_fault_2
-!    if (nspec_fault_1 /= nspec_fault_2) then
-!      print *, 'Fatal error: Number of fault elements on ',iproc,' do not coincide. Abort.'
-!      stop 
-!    end if
-!    nspec_fault = nspec_fault_1 
-!    write(IIN_database,*) nspec_fault
-!    if (nspec_fault==0) cycle 
-!    allocate(ispec1(nspec_fault))
-!    allocate(iface1(nspec_fault))
-!    allocate(ispec2(nspec_fault))
-!    allocate(iface2(nspec_fault))
-!    k1 = 0
-!    k2 = 0
-!    do i = 1,faults(iflt)%nspec   
-!      if ( part(faults(iflt)%ispec1(i)-1) == iproc ) then
-!        k1 = k1 + 1
-!        ispec1(k1)=glob2loc_elmnts(faults(iflt)%ispec1(i))
-!        iface1(k1)=faults(iflt)%iface1(i)
-!      endif
-!      if ( part(faults(iflt)%ispec2(i)-1) == iproc ) then
-!        k2 = k2 + 1
-!        ispec2(k2)=glob2loc_elmnts(faults(iflt)%ispec2(i))
-!        iface2(k2)=faults(iflt)%iface2(i)
-!      endif
-!    enddo
-!   ! Writes ispec1 , ispec2 , iface1 , iface2
-!    do i = 1,nspec_fault
-!      write(IIN_database,*) ispec1(i), ispec2(i), iface1(i), iface2(i)
-!    enddo
-!   ! NOTE: the solver does not need ispec1 and ispec2 to be facing each other across the fault
-!    deallocate(ispec1,ispec2,iface1,iface2)
-!  enddo
-!  end subroutine write_fault_database_iface
 end module fault_scotch

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