[cig-commits] commit: Move computeCompositeResidualOnLevel to residual_2D and set up a simple forwarding function in its place

Mercurial hg at geodynamics.org
Mon Mar 14 15:37:44 PDT 2011

changeset:   122:eb7088af5fb6
user:        Walter Landry <wlandry at caltech.edu>
date:        Mon Mar 14 15:36:14 2011 -0700
files:       StokesFACOps.h StokesFACOps/computeCompositeResidualOnLevel.C StokesFACOps/residual_2D.C
Move computeCompositeResidualOnLevel to residual_2D and set up a simple forwarding function in its place

diff -r d56361ab02b7 -r eb7088af5fb6 StokesFACOps.h
--- a/StokesFACOps.h	Mon Mar 14 15:23:32 2011 -0700
+++ b/StokesFACOps.h	Mon Mar 14 15:36:14 2011 -0700
@@ -467,7 +467,18 @@ public:
       const SAMRAIVectorReal<double>& solution,
       const SAMRAIVectorReal<double>& rhs,
       int ln,
-      bool error_equation_indicator);
+      bool error_equation_indicator)
+  {
+    if(d_dim.getValue()==2)
+      residual_2D(residual,solution,rhs,ln,error_equation_indicator);
+  }
+  void
+  residual_2D(SAMRAIVectorReal<double>& residual,
+              const SAMRAIVectorReal<double>& solution,
+              const SAMRAIVectorReal<double>& rhs,
+              int ln,
+              bool error_equation_indicator);
    virtual double
diff -r d56361ab02b7 -r eb7088af5fb6 StokesFACOps/computeCompositeResidualOnLevel.C
--- a/StokesFACOps/computeCompositeResidualOnLevel.C	Mon Mar 14 15:23:32 2011 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
- *
- * This file is part of the SAMRAI distribution.  For full copyright 
- * information, see COPYRIGHT and COPYING.LESSER. 
- *
- * Copyright:     (c) 1997-2010 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC
- * Description:   Operator class for cell-centered scalar Stokes using FAC 
- *
- ************************************************************************/
-#include "StokesFACOps.h"
-#include "SAMRAI/hier/BoundaryBoxUtils.h"
-#include "SAMRAI/geom/CartesianGridGeometry.h"
-#include "SAMRAI/geom/CartesianPatchGeometry.h"
-#include "SAMRAI/hier/Index.h"
-#include "SAMRAI/hier/Variable.h"
-#include "SAMRAI/hier/VariableDatabase.h"
-#include "SAMRAI/pdat/CellDoubleConstantRefine.h"
-#include "SAMRAI/pdat/CellVariable.h"
-#include "SAMRAI/pdat/OutersideData.h"
-#include "SAMRAI/pdat/OutersideVariable.h"
-#include "SAMRAI/hier/PatchData.h"
-#include "SAMRAI/pdat/SideVariable.h"
-#include "SAMRAI/solv/FACPreconditioner.h"
-#include "StokesHypreSolver.h"
-#include "SAMRAI/tbox/Array.h"
-#include "SAMRAI/tbox/MathUtilities.h"
-#include "SAMRAI/tbox/StartupShutdownManager.h"
-#include "SAMRAI/tbox/Timer.h"
-#include "SAMRAI/tbox/TimerManager.h"
-#include "SAMRAI/tbox/Utilities.h"
-#include "SAMRAI/tbox/MathUtilities.h"
-#include "SAMRAI/xfer/CoarsenAlgorithm.h"
-#include "SAMRAI/xfer/CoarsenOperator.h"
-#include "SAMRAI/xfer/CoarsenSchedule.h"
-#include "SAMRAI/xfer/RefineAlgorithm.h"
-#include "SAMRAI/xfer/RefineOperator.h"
-#include "SAMRAI/xfer/RefineSchedule.h"
-#include "SAMRAI/xfer/PatchLevelFullFillPattern.h"
-#include "Boundary.h"
-#include "dRc_dp.h"
-* FACOperatorStrategy virtual                                *
-* computeCompositeResidualOnLevel function                         *
-void SAMRAI::solv::StokesFACOps::computeCompositeResidualOnLevel
-(SAMRAIVectorReal<double>& residual,
- const SAMRAIVectorReal<double>& solution,
- const SAMRAIVectorReal<double>& rhs,
- int ln,
- bool error_equation_indicator) {
-  t_compute_composite_residual->start();
-  checkInputPatchDataIndices();
-  if (residual.getPatchHierarchy() != d_hierarchy
-      || solution.getPatchHierarchy() != d_hierarchy
-      || rhs.getPatchHierarchy() != d_hierarchy) {
-    TBOX_ERROR(d_object_name << ": Vector hierarchy does not match\n"
-               "internal hierarchy.");
-  }
-  tbox::Pointer<hier::PatchLevel> level = d_hierarchy->getPatchLevel(ln);
-  /*
-   * Set up the bc helper so that when we use a refine schedule
-   * to fill ghosts, the correct data is operated on.
-   */
-  const int p_id = solution.getComponentDescriptorIndex(0);
-  const int v_id = solution.getComponentDescriptorIndex(1);
-  p_refine_patch_strategy.setTargetDataId(p_id);
-  v_refine_patch_strategy.setTargetDataId(v_id);
-  // v_refine_patch_strategy.setHomogeneousBc(error_equation_indicator);
-  /*
-   * Assumptions:
-   * 1. Data does not yet exist in ghost boundaries.
-   * 2. Residual data on next finer grid (if any)
-   *    has been computed already.
-   * 3. Flux data from next finer grid (if any) has
-   *    been computed but has not been coarsened to
-   *    this level.
-   *
-   * Steps:
-   * S1. Fill solution ghost data by refinement
-   *     or setting physical boundary conditions.
-   *     This also brings in information from coarser
-   *     to form the composite grid flux.
-   * S2. Compute flux on ln.
-   * S3. If next finer is available,
-   *     Coarsen flux data on next finer level,
-   *     overwriting flux computed from coarse data.
-   * S4. Compute residual data from flux.
-   */
-  /* S1. Fill solution ghost data. */
-  set_boundaries(v_id,ln,error_equation_indicator);
-  if (ln > d_ln_min) {
-    /* Fill from current, next coarser level and physical boundary */
-    xeqScheduleGhostFill(p_id, v_id, ln);
-  } else {
-    /* Fill from current and physical boundary */
-    xeqScheduleGhostFillNoCoarse(p_id, v_id, ln);
-  }
-  /*
-   * S4. Compute residual on patches in level.
-   */
-  const hier::Index ip(1,0), jp(0,1);
-  for (hier::PatchLevel::Iterator pi(*level); pi; pi++) {
-    tbox::Pointer<hier::Patch> patch = *pi;
-    tbox::Pointer<pdat::CellData<double> >
-      p_ptr = solution.getComponentPatchData(0, *patch);
-    pdat::CellData<double> &p(*p_ptr);
-    tbox::Pointer<pdat::SideData<double> >
-      v_ptr = solution.getComponentPatchData(1, *patch);
-    pdat::SideData<double> &v(*v_ptr);
-    tbox::Pointer<pdat::CellData<double> >
-      cell_viscosity_ptr = patch->getPatchData(cell_viscosity_id);
-    pdat::CellData<double> &cell_viscosity(*cell_viscosity_ptr);
-    tbox::Pointer<pdat::NodeData<double> >
-      edge_viscosity_ptr = patch->getPatchData(edge_viscosity_id);
-    pdat::NodeData<double> &edge_viscosity(*edge_viscosity_ptr);
-    tbox::Pointer<pdat::CellData<double> >
-      p_rhs_ptr = rhs.getComponentPatchData(0, *patch);
-    pdat::CellData<double> &p_rhs(*p_rhs_ptr);
-    tbox::Pointer<pdat::SideData<double> >
-      v_rhs_ptr = rhs.getComponentPatchData(1, *patch);
-    pdat::SideData<double> &v_rhs(*v_rhs_ptr);
-    tbox::Pointer<pdat::CellData<double> >
-      p_resid_ptr = residual.getComponentPatchData(0, *patch);
-    pdat::CellData<double> &p_resid(*p_resid_ptr);
-    tbox::Pointer<pdat::SideData<double> >
-      v_resid_ptr = residual.getComponentPatchData(1, *patch);
-    pdat::SideData<double> &v_resid(*v_resid_ptr);
-    hier::Box pbox=patch->getBox();
-    tbox::Pointer<geom::CartesianPatchGeometry> geom = patch->getPatchGeometry();
-    double dx = geom->getDx()[0];
-    double dy = geom->getDx()[1];
-    pbox.growUpper(hier::IntVector::getOne(d_dim));
-    for(pdat::CellIterator ci(pbox); ci; ci++)
-      {
-        pdat::CellIndex center(*ci);
-        pdat::CellIndex up(center), down(center), right(center),
-          left(center);
-        ++up[1];
-        --down[1];
-        ++right[0];
-        --left[0];
-        const pdat::SideIndex
-          center_x(center,0,pdat::SideIndex::Lower),
-          left_x(left,0,pdat::SideIndex::Lower),
-          right_x(right,0,pdat::SideIndex::Lower),
-          down_x(down,0,pdat::SideIndex::Lower),
-          up_x(up,0,pdat::SideIndex::Lower),
-          center_y(center,1,pdat::SideIndex::Lower),
-          left_y(left,1,pdat::SideIndex::Lower),
-          right_y(right,1,pdat::SideIndex::Lower),
-          down_y(down,1,pdat::SideIndex::Lower),
-          up_y(up,1,pdat::SideIndex::Lower);
-        const pdat::NodeIndex
-          center_e(center,pdat::NodeIndex::LowerLeft),
-          up_e(up,pdat::NodeIndex::LowerLeft),
-          right_e(right,pdat::NodeIndex::LowerLeft);
-        /* p */
-        if(center[0]!=pbox.upper(0) && center[1]!=pbox.upper(1))
-          {
-            double dvx_dx=(v(right_x) - v(center_x))/dx;
-            double dvy_dy=(v(up_y) - v(center_y))/dy;
-            p_resid(center)=p_rhs(center) - dvx_dx - dvy_dy;
-          }
-        /* vx */
-        if(center[1]!=pbox.upper(1))
-          {
-            /* If x==0 */
-            if((center[0]==pbox.lower(0) && v(left_x)==boundary_value)
-               || (center[0]==pbox.upper(0)
-                   && v(right_x)==boundary_value))
-              {
-                v_resid(center_x)=0;
-              }
-            else
-              {
-                v_resid(center_x)=v_rhs(center_x)
-                  - v_operator(v,p,cell_viscosity,edge_viscosity,center,
-                               left,center_x,right_x,left_x,up_x,down_x,
-                               center_y,up_y,center_e,up_e,ip,dx,dy);
-              }
-          }
-        /* vy */
-        if(center[0]!=pbox.upper(0))
-          {
-            /* If y==0 */
-            if((center[1]==pbox.lower(1) && v(down_y)==boundary_value)
-               || (center[1]==pbox.upper(1) && v(up_y)==boundary_value))
-              {
-                v_resid(center_y)=0;
-              }
-            else
-              {
-                v_resid(center_y)=v_rhs(center_y)
-                  - v_operator(v,p,cell_viscosity,edge_viscosity,center,
-                               down,center_y,up_y,down_y,right_y,left_y,
-                               center_x,right_x,center_e,right_e,jp,
-                               dy,dx);
-              }
-          }
-      }
-  }
-  /* We also need to set the boundaries of the rhs so that coarsening
-     works correctly. */
-  const int v_rhs_id = rhs.getComponentDescriptorIndex(1);
-  set_boundaries(v_rhs_id,ln,true);
-  xeqScheduleGhostFillNoCoarse(invalid_id, v_rhs_id, ln);
-  t_compute_composite_residual->stop();
diff -r d56361ab02b7 -r eb7088af5fb6 StokesFACOps/residual_2D.C
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/StokesFACOps/residual_2D.C	Mon Mar 14 15:36:14 2011 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+ *
+ * This file is part of the SAMRAI distribution.  For full copyright 
+ * information, see COPYRIGHT and COPYING.LESSER. 
+ *
+ * Copyright:     (c) 1997-2010 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC
+ * Description:   Operator class for cell-centered scalar Stokes using FAC 
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "StokesFACOps.h"
+#include "SAMRAI/hier/BoundaryBoxUtils.h"
+#include "SAMRAI/geom/CartesianGridGeometry.h"
+#include "SAMRAI/geom/CartesianPatchGeometry.h"
+#include "SAMRAI/hier/Index.h"
+#include "SAMRAI/hier/Variable.h"
+#include "SAMRAI/hier/VariableDatabase.h"
+#include "SAMRAI/pdat/CellDoubleConstantRefine.h"
+#include "SAMRAI/pdat/CellVariable.h"
+#include "SAMRAI/pdat/OutersideData.h"
+#include "SAMRAI/pdat/OutersideVariable.h"
+#include "SAMRAI/hier/PatchData.h"
+#include "SAMRAI/pdat/SideVariable.h"
+#include "SAMRAI/solv/FACPreconditioner.h"
+#include "StokesHypreSolver.h"
+#include "SAMRAI/tbox/Array.h"
+#include "SAMRAI/tbox/MathUtilities.h"
+#include "SAMRAI/tbox/StartupShutdownManager.h"
+#include "SAMRAI/tbox/Timer.h"
+#include "SAMRAI/tbox/TimerManager.h"
+#include "SAMRAI/tbox/Utilities.h"
+#include "SAMRAI/tbox/MathUtilities.h"
+#include "SAMRAI/xfer/CoarsenAlgorithm.h"
+#include "SAMRAI/xfer/CoarsenOperator.h"
+#include "SAMRAI/xfer/CoarsenSchedule.h"
+#include "SAMRAI/xfer/RefineAlgorithm.h"
+#include "SAMRAI/xfer/RefineOperator.h"
+#include "SAMRAI/xfer/RefineSchedule.h"
+#include "SAMRAI/xfer/PatchLevelFullFillPattern.h"
+#include "Boundary.h"
+#include "dRc_dp.h"
+* FACOperatorStrategy virtual                                *
+* computeCompositeResidualOnLevel function                         *
+void SAMRAI::solv::StokesFACOps::residual_2D
+(SAMRAIVectorReal<double>& residual,
+ const SAMRAIVectorReal<double>& solution,
+ const SAMRAIVectorReal<double>& rhs,
+ int ln,
+ bool error_equation_indicator) {
+  t_compute_composite_residual->start();
+  checkInputPatchDataIndices();
+  if (residual.getPatchHierarchy() != d_hierarchy
+      || solution.getPatchHierarchy() != d_hierarchy
+      || rhs.getPatchHierarchy() != d_hierarchy) {
+    TBOX_ERROR(d_object_name << ": Vector hierarchy does not match\n"
+               "internal hierarchy.");
+  }
+  tbox::Pointer<hier::PatchLevel> level = d_hierarchy->getPatchLevel(ln);
+  /*
+   * Set up the bc helper so that when we use a refine schedule
+   * to fill ghosts, the correct data is operated on.
+   */
+  const int p_id = solution.getComponentDescriptorIndex(0);
+  const int v_id = solution.getComponentDescriptorIndex(1);
+  p_refine_patch_strategy.setTargetDataId(p_id);
+  v_refine_patch_strategy.setTargetDataId(v_id);
+  // v_refine_patch_strategy.setHomogeneousBc(error_equation_indicator);
+  /*
+   * Assumptions:
+   * 1. Data does not yet exist in ghost boundaries.
+   * 2. Residual data on next finer grid (if any)
+   *    has been computed already.
+   * 3. Flux data from next finer grid (if any) has
+   *    been computed but has not been coarsened to
+   *    this level.
+   *
+   * Steps:
+   * S1. Fill solution ghost data by refinement
+   *     or setting physical boundary conditions.
+   *     This also brings in information from coarser
+   *     to form the composite grid flux.
+   * S2. Compute flux on ln.
+   * S3. If next finer is available,
+   *     Coarsen flux data on next finer level,
+   *     overwriting flux computed from coarse data.
+   * S4. Compute residual data from flux.
+   */
+  /* S1. Fill solution ghost data. */
+  set_boundaries(v_id,ln,error_equation_indicator);
+  if (ln > d_ln_min) {
+    /* Fill from current, next coarser level and physical boundary */
+    xeqScheduleGhostFill(p_id, v_id, ln);
+  } else {
+    /* Fill from current and physical boundary */
+    xeqScheduleGhostFillNoCoarse(p_id, v_id, ln);
+  }
+  /*
+   * S4. Compute residual on patches in level.
+   */
+  const hier::Index ip(1,0), jp(0,1);
+  for (hier::PatchLevel::Iterator pi(*level); pi; pi++) {
+    tbox::Pointer<hier::Patch> patch = *pi;
+    tbox::Pointer<pdat::CellData<double> >
+      p_ptr = solution.getComponentPatchData(0, *patch);
+    pdat::CellData<double> &p(*p_ptr);
+    tbox::Pointer<pdat::SideData<double> >
+      v_ptr = solution.getComponentPatchData(1, *patch);
+    pdat::SideData<double> &v(*v_ptr);
+    tbox::Pointer<pdat::CellData<double> >
+      cell_viscosity_ptr = patch->getPatchData(cell_viscosity_id);
+    pdat::CellData<double> &cell_viscosity(*cell_viscosity_ptr);
+    tbox::Pointer<pdat::NodeData<double> >
+      edge_viscosity_ptr = patch->getPatchData(edge_viscosity_id);
+    pdat::NodeData<double> &edge_viscosity(*edge_viscosity_ptr);
+    tbox::Pointer<pdat::CellData<double> >
+      p_rhs_ptr = rhs.getComponentPatchData(0, *patch);
+    pdat::CellData<double> &p_rhs(*p_rhs_ptr);
+    tbox::Pointer<pdat::SideData<double> >
+      v_rhs_ptr = rhs.getComponentPatchData(1, *patch);
+    pdat::SideData<double> &v_rhs(*v_rhs_ptr);
+    tbox::Pointer<pdat::CellData<double> >
+      p_resid_ptr = residual.getComponentPatchData(0, *patch);
+    pdat::CellData<double> &p_resid(*p_resid_ptr);
+    tbox::Pointer<pdat::SideData<double> >
+      v_resid_ptr = residual.getComponentPatchData(1, *patch);
+    pdat::SideData<double> &v_resid(*v_resid_ptr);
+    hier::Box pbox=patch->getBox();
+    tbox::Pointer<geom::CartesianPatchGeometry> geom = patch->getPatchGeometry();
+    double dx = geom->getDx()[0];
+    double dy = geom->getDx()[1];
+    pbox.growUpper(hier::IntVector::getOne(d_dim));
+    for(pdat::CellIterator ci(pbox); ci; ci++)
+      {
+        pdat::CellIndex center(*ci);
+        pdat::CellIndex up(center), down(center), right(center),
+          left(center);
+        ++up[1];
+        --down[1];
+        ++right[0];
+        --left[0];
+        const pdat::SideIndex
+          center_x(center,0,pdat::SideIndex::Lower),
+          left_x(left,0,pdat::SideIndex::Lower),
+          right_x(right,0,pdat::SideIndex::Lower),
+          down_x(down,0,pdat::SideIndex::Lower),
+          up_x(up,0,pdat::SideIndex::Lower),
+          center_y(center,1,pdat::SideIndex::Lower),
+          left_y(left,1,pdat::SideIndex::Lower),
+          right_y(right,1,pdat::SideIndex::Lower),
+          down_y(down,1,pdat::SideIndex::Lower),
+          up_y(up,1,pdat::SideIndex::Lower);
+        const pdat::NodeIndex
+          center_e(center,pdat::NodeIndex::LowerLeft),
+          up_e(up,pdat::NodeIndex::LowerLeft),
+          right_e(right,pdat::NodeIndex::LowerLeft);
+        /* p */
+        if(center[0]!=pbox.upper(0) && center[1]!=pbox.upper(1))
+          {
+            double dvx_dx=(v(right_x) - v(center_x))/dx;
+            double dvy_dy=(v(up_y) - v(center_y))/dy;
+            p_resid(center)=p_rhs(center) - dvx_dx - dvy_dy;
+          }
+        /* vx */
+        if(center[1]!=pbox.upper(1))
+          {
+            /* If x==0 */
+            if((center[0]==pbox.lower(0) && v(left_x)==boundary_value)
+               || (center[0]==pbox.upper(0)
+                   && v(right_x)==boundary_value))
+              {
+                v_resid(center_x)=0;
+              }
+            else
+              {
+                v_resid(center_x)=v_rhs(center_x)
+                  - v_operator(v,p,cell_viscosity,edge_viscosity,center,
+                               left,center_x,right_x,left_x,up_x,down_x,
+                               center_y,up_y,center_e,up_e,ip,dx,dy);
+              }
+          }
+        /* vy */
+        if(center[0]!=pbox.upper(0))
+          {
+            /* If y==0 */
+            if((center[1]==pbox.lower(1) && v(down_y)==boundary_value)
+               || (center[1]==pbox.upper(1) && v(up_y)==boundary_value))
+              {
+                v_resid(center_y)=0;
+              }
+            else
+              {
+                v_resid(center_y)=v_rhs(center_y)
+                  - v_operator(v,p,cell_viscosity,edge_viscosity,center,
+                               down,center_y,up_y,down_y,right_y,left_y,
+                               center_x,right_x,center_e,right_e,jp,
+                               dy,dx);
+              }
+          }
+      }
+  }
+  /* We also need to set the boundaries of the rhs so that coarsening
+     works correctly. */
+  const int v_rhs_id = rhs.getComponentDescriptorIndex(1);
+  set_boundaries(v_rhs_id,ln,true);
+  xeqScheduleGhostFillNoCoarse(invalid_id, v_rhs_id, ln);
+  t_compute_composite_residual->stop();

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