[cig-commits] r18116 - in seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk: setup src/auxiliaries src/specfem3D

danielpeter at geodynamics.org danielpeter at geodynamics.org
Tue Mar 15 19:28:50 PDT 2011

Author: danielpeter
Date: 2011-03-15 19:28:49 -0700 (Tue, 15 Mar 2011)
New Revision: 18116

bug fix in array initialization; puts compute_adj_source_frechet routine into separate source file src/specfem3D/compute_adj_source_frechet.f90 (compilation of this routine with -O3 may take a while)

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/setup/config.h.in
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/setup/config.h.in	2011-03-15 16:48:14 UTC (rev 18115)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/setup/config.h.in	2011-03-16 02:28:49 UTC (rev 18116)
@@ -31,3 +31,6 @@
 /* Define to the version of this package. */
+/* Uncomment and define to select optimized file i/o for regional simulations */

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/auxiliaries/create_movie_GMT_global.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/auxiliaries/create_movie_GMT_global.f90	2011-03-15 16:48:14 UTC (rev 18115)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/auxiliaries/create_movie_GMT_global.f90	2011-03-16 02:28:49 UTC (rev 18116)
@@ -50,17 +50,16 @@
   ! to avoid flickering in movies, the displacement field will get normalized with an
   ! averaged maximum value over the past few, available snapshots
   logical,parameter :: USE_AVERAGED_MAXIMUM = .true.
   ! minimum number of frames to average maxima
   integer,parameter :: AVERAGE_MINIMUM = 5
+  ! normalizes output values
+  logical, parameter :: NORMALIZE_VALUES = .true.
   ! muting source region
   logical, parameter :: MUTE_SOURCE = .true.
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: RADIUS_TO_MUTE = 1.0    ! start radius in degrees
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: STARTTIME_TO_MUTE = 2.0 ! factor times hdur_movie
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: RADIUS_TO_MUTE = 0.5    ! start radius in degrees
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: STARTTIME_TO_MUTE = 0.5 ! adds seconds to shift starttime 
-  ! normalizes output values
-  logical, parameter :: NORMALIZE_VALUES = .true.
@@ -154,9 +153,10 @@
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: dist_lon,dist_lat,mute_factor
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: dist_lon,dist_lat,distance,mute_factor,val
   character(len=256) line
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: cmt_hdur,cmt_t_shift,t0,hdur
 ! ************** PROGRAM STARTS HERE **************
   print *
@@ -191,11 +191,14 @@
-         ratio_sampling_array, ner, doubling_index,r_bottom,r_top,this_region_has_a_doubling,rmins,rmaxs,CASE_3D, &
+         ratio_sampling_array, ner, doubling_index,r_bottom,r_top, &
+         this_region_has_a_doubling,rmins,rmaxs,CASE_3D, &
+         ROTATE_SEISMOGRAMS_RT,ratio_divide_central_cube,HONOR_1D_SPHERICAL_MOHO, &
   if(.not. MOVIE_SURFACE) stop 'movie frames were not saved by the solver'
@@ -204,7 +207,8 @@
   print *
   if(MOVIE_COARSE) then
     ! note:
-    ! nex_per_proc_xi*nex_per_proc_eta = nex_xi*nex_eta/nproc = nspec2d_top(iregion_crust_mantle) used in specfem3D.f90
+    ! nex_per_proc_xi*nex_per_proc_eta = nex_xi*nex_eta/nproc = nspec2d_top(iregion_crust_mantle) 
+    ! used in specfem3D.f90
     ! and ilocnum = nmovie_points = 2 * 2 * NEX_XI * NEX_ETA / NPROC
     ilocnum = 2 * 2 * NEX_PER_PROC_XI*NEX_PER_PROC_ETA
     NIT =NGLLX-1
@@ -213,7 +217,8 @@
     NIT = 1
   print *
-  print *,'Allocating arrays for reading data of size ',ilocnum*NPROCTOT,'=',6*ilocnum*NPROCTOT*CUSTOM_REAL/1000000,'MB'
+  print *,'Allocating arrays for reading data of size ',ilocnum*NPROCTOT,'=', &
+                            6*ilocnum*NPROCTOT*CUSTOM_REAL/1000000,'MB'
   print *
   ! allocates movie arrays
@@ -293,7 +298,8 @@
   print *
-  print *,'Allocating 4 outputdata arrays of size 4*CUSTOM_REAL',npointot,'=',4*npointot*CUSTOM_REAL/1000000,' MB'
+  print *,'Allocating 4 outputdata arrays of size 4*CUSTOM_REAL',npointot,'=', &
+                                      4*npointot*CUSTOM_REAL/1000000,' MB'
   print *
@@ -309,7 +315,7 @@
   if(ierror /= 0) stop 'error while allocating field_display'
-  ! initializes maxima history
+  ! initializes maxima history  
     ! determines length of history
     nmax_history = AVERAGE_MINIMUM + int( HDUR_MOVIE / (DT*NTSTEP_BETWEEN_FRAMES) * 1.5 )
@@ -318,63 +324,83 @@
     max_history(:) = 0.0d0
+    print *,'averages wavefield maxima'
     print *
     print *,'Movie half-duration: ',HDUR_MOVIE,'(s)'
+    print *,'DT per time step   : ',DT,'(s)'
     print *,'Frame step size    : ',DT*NTSTEP_BETWEEN_FRAMES,'(s)'
     print *,'Normalization by averaged maxima over ',nmax_history,'snapshots'
     print *
+  endif
+  if( MUTE_SOURCE ) then
+    ! initializes
+    LAT_SOURCE = -1000.0
+    LON_SOURCE = -1000.0
+    DEP_SOURCE = 0.0
+    cmt_t_shift = 0.0
+    cmt_hdur = 0.0
+    ! reads in source lat/lon
+    open(22,file="DATA/CMTSOLUTION",status='old',action='read',iostat=ierror )
+    if( ierror == 0 ) then
+      ! skip first line, event name,timeshift,half duration
+      read(22,*,iostat=ierror ) line ! PDE line
+      read(22,*,iostat=ierror ) line ! event name
+      ! timeshift
+      read(22,'(a256)',iostat=ierror ) line 
+      if( ierror == 0 ) read(line(12:len_trim(line)),*) cmt_t_shift
+      ! halfduration
+      read(22,'(a256)',iostat=ierror ) line 
+      if( ierror == 0 ) read(line(15:len_trim(line)),*) cmt_hdur
+      ! latitude
+      read(22,'(a256)',iostat=ierror ) line
+      if( ierror == 0 ) read(line(10:len_trim(line)),*) LAT_SOURCE
+      ! longitude
+      read(22,'(a256)',iostat=ierror ) line
+      if( ierror == 0 ) read(line(11:len_trim(line)),*) LON_SOURCE
+      ! depth
+      read(22,'(a256)',iostat=ierror ) line
+      if( ierror == 0 ) read(line(7:len_trim(line)),*) DEP_SOURCE
+      close(22)
+    endif
+    ! effective half duration in movie runs
+    hdur = sqrt( cmt_hdur**2 + HDUR_MOVIE**2)
+    ! start time of simulation
+    t0 = - 1.5d0*( cmt_t_shift - hdur )
-    if( MUTE_SOURCE ) then
-      ! initializes
-      LAT_SOURCE = -1000.0
-      LON_SOURCE = -1000.0
+    ! becomes time (s) from hypocenter to reach surface (using average 8 km/s s-wave speed)
+    ! note: especially for deep sources, this helps determine a better starttime to mute
-      ! reads in source lat/lon
-      open(22,file="DATA/CMTSOLUTION",status='old',action='read',iostat=ierror )
-      if( ierror == 0 ) then
-        ! skip first line, event name,timeshift,half duration
-        read(22,*,iostat=ierror ) line ! PDE line
-        read(22,*,iostat=ierror ) line ! event name
-        read(22,*,iostat=ierror ) line ! timeshift
-        read(22,*,iostat=ierror ) line ! halfduration
-        ! latitude
-        read(22,'(a256)',iostat=ierror ) line
-        if( ierror == 0 ) read(line(10:len_trim(line)),*) LAT_SOURCE
-        ! longitude
-        read(22,'(a256)',iostat=ierror ) line
-        if( ierror == 0 ) read(line(11:len_trim(line)),*) LON_SOURCE
-        ! depth
-        read(22,'(a256)',iostat=ierror ) line
-        if( ierror == 0 ) read(line(11:len_trim(line)),*) DEP_SOURCE
-        close(22)
-      endif
+    ! time when muting starts
+    ! note: this starttime is supposed to be the time when displacements at the surface
+    !          can be observed;
+    !          it helps to mute out numerical noise before the source effects actually start showing up
+    print *,'mutes source area'
+    print *
+    print *,'source lat/lon/dep: ',LAT_SOURCE,LON_SOURCE,DEP_SOURCE
+    print *,'muting radius: ',RADIUS_TO_MUTE,'(degrees)'
+    print *,'muting starttime: ',STARTTIME_TO_MUTE,'(s)'
+    print *,'simulation starttime: ',-t0,'(s)'
+    print *
-      print *,'muting source lat/lon/dep: ',LAT_SOURCE,LON_SOURCE,DEP_SOURCE
+    ! converts values into radians
+    ! colatitude [0, PI]
+    LAT_SOURCE = (90. - LAT_SOURCE)*PI/180.0
-      ! becomes time (s) from hypocenter to reach surface (using average 8 km/s p-wave speed)
-      DEP_SOURCE = DEP_SOURCE / 8.0
+    ! longitude [-PI, PI]
+    if( LON_SOURCE < -180.0 ) LON_SOURCE = LON_SOURCE + 360.0
+    if( LON_SOURCE > 180.0 ) LON_SOURCE = LON_SOURCE - 360.0
-      ! time when muting starts
+    ! mute radius in rad
+  endif
-      print *,'muting radius: ',RADIUS_TO_MUTE
-      print *,'muting starttime: ',STARTTIME_TO_MUTE,'(s)'
-      print *
-      ! colatitude [0, PI]
-      LAT_SOURCE = (90. - LAT_SOURCE)*PI/180.0
-      ! longitude [-PI, PI]
-      if( LON_SOURCE < -180.0 ) LON_SOURCE = LON_SOURCE + 360.0
-      if( LON_SOURCE > 180.0 ) LON_SOURCE = LON_SOURCE - 360.0
-      LON_SOURCE = LON_SOURCE *PI/180.0
-      ! mute radius in rad
-    endif
-  endif
   print *,'--------'
 !--- ****** read data saved by solver ******
@@ -390,46 +416,6 @@
         iframe = iframe + 1
-        ! mutes source region
-        if( MUTE_SOURCE ) then
-          ! muting radius grows/shrinks with time
-          if( (it-1)*DT > STARTTIME_TO_MUTE  ) then
-            ! approximate wavefront travel distance in degrees (~3.5 km/s wave speed for surface waves)
-            mute_factor = 3.5 * (it-1)*DT / 6371. * 180./PI
-            ! approximate distance to source (in degrees)
-            do while ( mute_factor > 360. )
-              mute_factor = mute_factor - 360.
-            enddo
-            if( mute_factor > 180. ) mute_factor = 360. - mute_factor
-            ! limit size around source (in degrees)
-            !if( mute_factor < 10. ) then
-            !  mute_factor = 0.0
-            !endif
-            if( mute_factor > 80. ) then
-              mute_factor = 80.0
-            endif
-            print*,'muting radius: ',0.7 * mute_factor
-            RADIUS_TO_MUTE = 0.7 * mute_factor * PI/180.
-          else
-            ! mute_factor used at the beginning for scaling displacement values
-            if( STARTTIME_TO_MUTE > TINYVAL ) then
-              ! scales from 1 to 0
-              mute_factor = ( STARTTIME_TO_MUTE - (it-1)*DT ) / STARTTIME_TO_MUTE
-              if( mute_factor < TINYVAL ) mute_factor = TINYVAL
-            else
-              mute_factor = 1.0
-            endif
-          endif
-        endif
         ! read all the elements from the same file
         write(outputname,"('OUTPUT_FILES/moviedata',i6.6)") it
@@ -452,6 +438,56 @@
         !print *, 'finished reading ',outputname
+        ! mutes source region
+        if( MUTE_SOURCE ) then
+          ! initialize factor
+          mute_factor = 1.0
+          print*,'simulation time: ',(it-1)*DT - t0,'(s)'
+          ! muting radius grows/shrinks with time
+          if( (it-1)*DT - t0 > STARTTIME_TO_MUTE  ) then
+            ! approximate wavefront travel distance in degrees 
+            ! (~3.5 km/s wave speed for surface waves)
+            distance = 3.5 * ((it-1)*DT-t0) / 6371.0 * 180./PI
+            ! approximate distance to source (in degrees)
+            ! (shrinks if waves travel back from antipode)
+            !do while ( distance > 360. )
+            !  distance = distance - 360.
+            !enddo
+            ! waves are back at origin, no source tapering anymore
+            if( distance > 360.0 ) distance = 0.0
+            ! shrinks when waves reached antipode
+            !if( distance > 180. ) distance = 360. - distance
+            ! shrinks when waves reached half-way to antipode
+            if( distance > 90.0 ) distance = 90.0 - distance            
+            ! limit size around source (in degrees)
+            if( distance < 0.0 ) distance = 0.0
+            if( distance > 80.0 ) distance = 80.0
+            print*,'muting radius: ',0.7 * distance,'(degrees)'
+            ! new radius of mute area (in rad)
+            RADIUS_TO_MUTE = 0.7 * distance * PI/180.
+          else
+            ! mute_factor used at the beginning for scaling displacement values
+            if( STARTTIME_TO_MUTE > TINYVAL ) then
+              ! mute factor 1: no masking out
+              !                     0: masks out values (within mute radius)
+              ! linear scaling between [0,1]:
+              ! from 0 (simulation time equal to zero ) 
+              ! to 1 (simulation time equals starttime_to_mute)
+              mute_factor = 1.0 - ( STARTTIME_TO_MUTE - ((it-1)*DT-t0) ) / (STARTTIME_TO_MUTE+t0)
+              ! threshold value for mute_factor
+              if( mute_factor < TINYVAL ) mute_factor = TINYVAL
+              if( mute_factor > 1.0 ) mute_factor = 1.0
+            endif
+          endif
+        endif
         ! clear number of elements kept
         ispec = 0
@@ -519,12 +555,13 @@
                     ! mute values
                     if( MUTE_SOURCE ) then
-                      ! distance in colatitude
+                      ! distance in colatitude (in rad)
                       ! note: this mixes geocentric (point location) and geographic (source location) coordinates;
-                      !          since we only need approximate distances here, this should be fine for the muting region
+                      !          since we only need approximate distances here, 
+                      !          this should be fine for the muting region
                       dist_lat = thetaval - LAT_SOURCE
-                      ! distance in longitude
+                      ! distance in longitude (in rad)
                       ! checks source longitude range
                       if( LON_SOURCE - RADIUS_TO_MUTE < -PI .or. LON_SOURCE + RADIUS_TO_MUTE > PI ) then
                         ! source close to 180. longitudes, shifts range to [0, 2PI]
@@ -542,13 +579,21 @@
                         dist_lon = phival - LON_SOURCE
+                      ! distance of point to source (in rad)
+                      distance = sqrt(dist_lat**2 + dist_lon**2) 
                       ! mutes source region values
-                      if ( ( dist_lat**2 + dist_lon**2 ) < RADIUS_TO_MUTE**2 ) then
+                      if ( distance < RADIUS_TO_MUTE ) then
                         ! muting takes account of the event time
-                        if( (it-1)*DT > STARTTIME_TO_MUTE  ) then
-                          displn(i,j) = displn(i,j) * TINYVAL
+                        if( (it-1)*DT-t0 > STARTTIME_TO_MUTE  ) then
+                          ! wavefield will be tapered to mask out noise in source area
+                          ! factor from 0 to 1
+                          mute_factor = ( 0.5*(1.0 - cos(distance/RADIUS_TO_MUTE*PI)) )**6
+                          ! factor from 0.01 to 1
+                          mute_factor = mute_factor * 0.99 + 0.01
+                          displn(i,j) = displn(i,j) * mute_factor
+                          ! wavefield will initially be scaled down to avoid noise being amplified at beginning
                           displn(i,j) = displn(i,j) * mute_factor
@@ -642,6 +687,7 @@
         print *,'minimum amplitude in current snapshot = ',min_field_current
         print *,'maximum amplitude in current snapshot = ',max_field_current
         ! takes average over last few snapshots available and uses it
         ! to normalize field values
         if( USE_AVERAGED_MAXIMUM ) then
@@ -666,19 +712,61 @@
           print *,'maximum amplitude over averaged last snapshots = ',max_average
+          ! thresholds positive & negative maximum values
+          where( field_display(:) > max_average ) field_display = max_average
+          where( field_display(:) < - max_average ) field_display = -max_average
+          ! updates current wavefield maxima
+          min_field_current = minval(field_display(:))
+          max_field_current = maxval(field_display(:))
+          max_absol = (abs(min_field_current)+abs(max_field_current))/2.0
           ! scales field values up to match average
           if( abs(max_absol) > TINYVAL) &
             field_display = field_display * max_average / max_absol
-          ! thresholds positive & negative maximum values
-          where( field_display(:) > max_average ) field_display = max_average
-          where( field_display(:) < - max_average ) field_display = -max_average
           ! normalizes field values
           if( NORMALIZE_VALUES ) then
-            if( abs(max_average) > TINYVAL ) field_display = field_display / max_average
+            if( MUTE_SOURCE ) then
+              ! checks if source wavefield kicked in
+              if( (it-1)*DT - t0 > STARTTIME_TO_MUTE ) then
+                ! wavefield should be visible at surface now
+                ! normalizes wavefield
+                if( abs(max_average) > TINYVAL ) field_display = field_display / max_average              
+              else
+                ! no wavefield yet assumed
+                ! we set two single field values (last in array)
+                ! to: +/- 100 * max_average 
+                ! to avoid further amplifying when
+                ! a normalization routine is used for rendering images 
+                ! (which for example is the case for shakemovies)
+                if( STARTTIME_TO_MUTE > TINYVAL ) then 
+                  ! with additional scale factor: 
+                  ! linear scaling between [0,1]:
+                  ! from 0 (simulation time equal to -t0 ) 
+                  ! to 1 (simulation time equals starttime_to_mute)
+                  mute_factor = 1.0 - ( STARTTIME_TO_MUTE - ((it-1)*DT-t0) ) / (STARTTIME_TO_MUTE+t0)
+                  ! takes complement and shifts scale to (1,100)
+                  ! thus, mute factor is 100 at simulation start and 1.0 at starttime_to_mute
+                  mute_factor = abs(1.0 - mute_factor) * 99.0 + 1.0
+                  ! positive and negative maximum reach average when wavefield appears
+                  val = mute_factor * max_average                  
+                else
+                  ! uses a constant factor                
+                  val = 100.0 * max_average
+                endif                  
+                ! positive and negative maximum                
+                field_display(ieoff) = + val
+                field_display(ieoff-1) = - val                
+                if( abs(max_average) > TINYVAL ) field_display = field_display / val
+              endif
+            else
+              ! no source to mute
+              ! normalizes wavefield
+              if( abs(max_average) > TINYVAL ) field_display = field_display / max_average
+            endif
         print *
@@ -696,8 +784,10 @@
           elseif(USE_COMPONENT == 3) then
            write(outputname,"('bin_movie_',i6.6,'.E')") it
-          open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//trim(outputname),status='unknown',form='unformatted')
-          if(iframe == 1) open(unit=12,file='OUTPUT_FILES/bin_movie.xy',status='unknown',form='unformatted')
+          open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//trim(outputname),status='unknown', &
+                form='unformatted',action='write')
+          if(iframe == 1) open(unit=12,file='OUTPUT_FILES/bin_movie.xy', &
+                              status='unknown',form='unformatted',action='write')
           if(USE_COMPONENT == 1) then
            write(outputname,"('ascii_movie_',i6.6,'.d')") it
@@ -706,8 +796,10 @@
           elseif(USE_COMPONENT == 3) then
            write(outputname,"('ascii_movie_',i6.6,'.E')") it
-          open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//trim(outputname),status='unknown')
-          if(iframe == 1) open(unit=12,file='OUTPUT_FILES/ascii_movie.xy',status='unknown')
+          open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//trim(outputname),status='unknown', &
+                action='write')
+          if(iframe == 1) open(unit=12,file='OUTPUT_FILES/ascii_movie.xy', &
+                                status='unknown',action='write')
         ! clear number of elements kept
         ispec = 0

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/specfem3D/Makefile.in
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/specfem3D/Makefile.in	2011-03-15 16:48:14 UTC (rev 18115)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/specfem3D/Makefile.in	2011-03-16 02:28:49 UTC (rev 18116)
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
 	$O/calendar.o \
 	$O/comp_source_spectrum.o \
 	$O/comp_source_time_function.o \
+	$O/compute_adj_source_frechet.o \
 	$O/compute_arrays_source.o \
 	$O/convert_time.o \
 	$O/create_central_cube_buffers.o \
@@ -363,9 +364,11 @@
 $O/comp_source_spectrum.o: ${SETUP}/constants.h $S/comp_source_spectrum.f90
 	${FCCOMPILE_CHECK} -c -o $O/comp_source_spectrum.o ${FCFLAGS_f90} $S/comp_source_spectrum.f90
-## DK DK added -O1 here for now, because compiling compute_arrays_source.f90 with -O3 currently takes forever...
+$O/compute_adj_source_frechet.o: ${SETUP}/constants.h $S/compute_adj_source_frechet.f90
+	${FCCOMPILE_CHECK} -c -o $O/compute_adj_source_frechet.o ${FCFLAGS_f90} $S/compute_adj_source_frechet.f90
 $O/compute_arrays_source.o: ${SETUP}/constants.h $S/compute_arrays_source.f90
-	${FCCOMPILE_CHECK} -O1 -c -o $O/compute_arrays_source.o ${FCFLAGS_f90} $S/compute_arrays_source.f90
+	${FCCOMPILE_CHECK} -c -o $O/compute_arrays_source.o ${FCFLAGS_f90} $S/compute_arrays_source.f90
 $O/compute_boundary_kernel.o: ${SETUP}/constants.h $S/compute_boundary_kernel.f90
 	${FCCOMPILE_CHECK} -c -o $O/compute_boundary_kernel.o ${FCFLAGS_f90} $S/compute_boundary_kernel.f90

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/specfem3D/compute_adj_source_frechet.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/specfem3D/compute_adj_source_frechet.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/specfem3D/compute_adj_source_frechet.f90	2011-03-16 02:28:49 UTC (rev 18116)
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  5 . 1
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!                        Princeton University, USA
+!             and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA, France
+! (c) Princeton University / California Institute of Technology and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA
+!                            February 2011
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+! compute the integrated derivatives of source parameters (M_jk and X_s)
+  subroutine compute_adj_source_frechet(displ_s,Mxx,Myy,Mzz,Mxy,Mxz,Myz, &
+           eps_s,eps_m_s,eps_m_l_s, &
+           hxir,hetar,hgammar,hpxir,hpetar,hpgammar, hprime_xx,hprime_yy,hprime_zz, &
+           xix,xiy,xiz,etax,etay,etaz,gammax,gammay,gammaz)
+  implicit none
+  include 'constants.h'
+  ! input
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: displ_s(NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ)
+  double precision :: Mxx, Myy, Mzz, Mxy, Mxz, Myz
+  ! output
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: eps_s(NDIM,NDIM), eps_m_s, eps_m_l_s(NDIM)
+  ! auxilliary
+  double precision :: hxir(NGLLX), hetar(NGLLY), hgammar(NGLLZ), &
+             hpxir(NGLLX),hpetar(NGLLY),hpgammar(NGLLZ)
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLX) :: hprime_xx
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLY,NGLLY) :: hprime_yy
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLZ,NGLLZ) :: hprime_zz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ) :: &
+        xix,xiy,xiz,etax,etay,etaz,gammax,gammay,gammaz
+! local variables
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: tempx1l,tempx2l,tempx3l, tempy1l,tempy2l,tempy3l, &
+             tempz1l,tempz2l,tempz3l, hp1, hp2, hp3, &
+             xixl,xiyl,xizl,etaxl,etayl,etazl,gammaxl,gammayl,gammazl, &
+             duxdxl,duxdyl,duxdzl,duydxl,duydyl,duydzl,duzdxl,duzdyl,duzdzl, &
+             xix_s,xiy_s,xiz_s,etax_s,etay_s,etaz_s,gammax_s,gammay_s,gammaz_s, &
+             hlagrange_xi, hlagrange_eta, hlagrange_gamma, hlagrange
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: eps(NDIM,NDIM), eps_array(NDIM,NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ), &
+             eps_m_array(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ)
+  integer i,j,k,l
+! first compute the strain at all the GLL points of the source element
+  do k = 1, NGLLZ
+    do j = 1, NGLLY
+      do i = 1, NGLLX
+        tempx1l = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+        tempx2l = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+        tempx3l = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+        tempy1l = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+        tempy2l = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+        tempy3l = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+        tempz1l = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+        tempz2l = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+        tempz3l = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+        do l=1,NGLLX
+          hp1 = hprime_xx(i,l)
+          tempx1l = tempx1l + displ_s(1,l,j,k)*hp1
+          tempy1l = tempy1l + displ_s(2,l,j,k)*hp1
+          tempz1l = tempz1l + displ_s(3,l,j,k)*hp1
+          hp2 = hprime_yy(j,l)
+          tempx2l = tempx2l + displ_s(1,i,l,k)*hp2
+          tempy2l = tempy2l + displ_s(2,i,l,k)*hp2
+          tempz2l = tempz2l + displ_s(3,i,l,k)*hp2
+          hp3 = hprime_zz(k,l)
+          tempx3l = tempx3l + displ_s(1,i,j,l)*hp3
+          tempy3l = tempy3l + displ_s(2,i,j,l)*hp3
+          tempz3l = tempz3l + displ_s(3,i,j,l)*hp3
+        enddo
+! dudx
+        xixl = xix(i,j,k)
+        xiyl = xiy(i,j,k)
+        xizl = xiz(i,j,k)
+        etaxl = etax(i,j,k)
+        etayl = etay(i,j,k)
+        etazl = etaz(i,j,k)
+        gammaxl = gammax(i,j,k)
+        gammayl = gammay(i,j,k)
+        gammazl = gammaz(i,j,k)
+        duxdxl = xixl*tempx1l + etaxl*tempx2l + gammaxl*tempx3l
+        duxdyl = xiyl*tempx1l + etayl*tempx2l + gammayl*tempx3l
+        duxdzl = xizl*tempx1l + etazl*tempx2l + gammazl*tempx3l
+        duydxl = xixl*tempy1l + etaxl*tempy2l + gammaxl*tempy3l
+        duydyl = xiyl*tempy1l + etayl*tempy2l + gammayl*tempy3l
+        duydzl = xizl*tempy1l + etazl*tempy2l + gammazl*tempy3l
+        duzdxl = xixl*tempz1l + etaxl*tempz2l + gammaxl*tempz3l
+        duzdyl = xiyl*tempz1l + etayl*tempz2l + gammayl*tempz3l
+        duzdzl = xizl*tempz1l + etazl*tempz2l + gammazl*tempz3l
+! strain eps_jk
+        eps(1,1) = duxdxl
+        eps(1,2) = (duxdyl + duydxl) / 2
+        eps(1,3) = (duxdzl + duzdxl) / 2
+        eps(2,2) = duydyl
+        eps(2,3) = (duydzl + duzdyl) / 2
+        eps(3,3) = duzdzl
+        eps(2,1) = eps(1,2)
+        eps(3,1) = eps(1,3)
+        eps(3,2) = eps(2,3)
+        eps_array(:,:,i,j,k) = eps(:,:)
+! Mjk eps_jk
+        eps_m_array(i,j,k) = Mxx * eps(1,1) + Myy * eps(2,2) + Mzz * eps(3,3) + &
+                   2 * (Mxy * eps(1,2) + Mxz * eps(1,3) + Myz * eps(2,3))
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  ! interpolate the strain eps_s(:,:) from eps_array(:,:,i,j,k)
+  eps_s = 0.; eps_m_s=0.;
+  xix_s = 0.;  xiy_s = 0.;  xiz_s = 0.
+  etax_s = 0.; etay_s = 0.; etaz_s = 0.
+  gammax_s = 0.; gammay_s = 0.; gammaz_s = 0.
+  do k = 1,NGLLZ
+    do j = 1,NGLLY
+      do i = 1,NGLLX
+        hlagrange = hxir(i)*hetar(j)*hgammar(k)
+        eps_s(1,1) = eps_s(1,1) + eps_array(1,1,i,j,k)*hlagrange
+        eps_s(1,2) = eps_s(1,2) + eps_array(1,2,i,j,k)*hlagrange
+        eps_s(1,3) = eps_s(1,3) + eps_array(1,3,i,j,k)*hlagrange
+        eps_s(2,2) = eps_s(2,2) + eps_array(2,2,i,j,k)*hlagrange
+        eps_s(2,3) = eps_s(2,3) + eps_array(2,3,i,j,k)*hlagrange
+        eps_s(3,3) = eps_s(3,3) + eps_array(3,3,i,j,k)*hlagrange
+        xix_s = xix_s + xix(i,j,k)*hlagrange
+        xiy_s = xiy_s + xiy(i,j,k)*hlagrange
+        xiz_s = xiz_s + xiz(i,j,k)*hlagrange
+        etax_s = etax_s + etax(i,j,k)*hlagrange
+        etay_s = etay_s + etay(i,j,k)*hlagrange
+        etaz_s = etaz_s + etaz(i,j,k)*hlagrange
+        gammax_s = gammax_s + gammax(i,j,k)*hlagrange
+        gammay_s = gammay_s + gammay(i,j,k)*hlagrange
+        gammaz_s = gammaz_s + gammaz(i,j,k)*hlagrange
+        eps_m_s = eps_m_s + eps_m_array(i,j,k)*hlagrange
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+! for completion purpose, not used in specfem3D.f90
+  eps_s(2,1) = eps_s(1,2)
+  eps_s(3,1) = eps_s(1,3)
+  eps_s(3,2) = eps_s(2,3)
+! compute the gradient of M_jk * eps_jk, and then interpolate it
+  eps_m_l_s = 0.
+  do k = 1,NGLLZ
+    do j = 1,NGLLY
+      do i = 1,NGLLX
+        hlagrange_xi = hpxir(i)*hetar(j)*hgammar(k)
+        hlagrange_eta = hxir(i)*hpetar(j)*hgammar(k)
+        hlagrange_gamma = hxir(i)*hetar(j)*hpgammar(k)
+        eps_m_l_s(1) = eps_m_l_s(1) +  eps_m_array(i,j,k) * (hlagrange_xi * xix_s &
+                   + hlagrange_eta * etax_s + hlagrange_gamma * gammax_s)
+        eps_m_l_s(2) = eps_m_l_s(2) +  eps_m_array(i,j,k) * (hlagrange_xi * xiy_s &
+                   + hlagrange_eta * etay_s + hlagrange_gamma * gammay_s)
+        eps_m_l_s(3) = eps_m_l_s(3) +  eps_m_array(i,j,k) * (hlagrange_xi * xiz_s &
+                   + hlagrange_eta * etaz_s + hlagrange_gamma * gammaz_s)
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  end subroutine compute_adj_source_frechet

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/specfem3D/compute_arrays_source.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/specfem3D/compute_arrays_source.f90	2011-03-15 16:48:14 UTC (rev 18115)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/specfem3D/compute_arrays_source.f90	2011-03-16 02:28:49 UTC (rev 18116)
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
-subroutine compute_arrays_source_adjoint(myrank, adj_source_file, &
+  subroutine compute_arrays_source_adjoint(myrank, adj_source_file, &
       xi_receiver,eta_receiver,gamma_receiver, nu,adj_sourcearray, &
       xigll,yigll,zigll,NSTEP_BLOCK,iadjsrc,it_sub_adj,NSTEP_SUB_ADJ, &
@@ -203,12 +203,14 @@
   double precision :: hxir(NGLLX), hpxir(NGLLX), hetar(NGLLY), hpetar(NGLLY), &
         hgammar(NGLLZ), hpgammar(NGLLZ)
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: adj_src(NDIM,NSTEP_BLOCK),adj_src_u(NDIM,NSTEP_BLOCK)
+  double precision, dimension(NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ) :: sourcearrayd
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: adj_src(NDIM,NSTEP_BLOCK)  
+  double precision, dimension(NDIM,NSTEP_BLOCK) :: adj_src_u
   integer icomp, itime, i, j, k, ios
   integer it_start,it_end,index_i
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: junk
-  !character(len=3),dimension(NDIM) :: comp = (/ "LHN", "LHE", "LHZ" /)
   character(len=3),dimension(NDIM) :: comp
   character(len=150) :: filename
   character(len=2) :: bic
@@ -309,204 +311,64 @@
   call lagrange_any(gamma_receiver,NGLLZ,zigll,hgammar,hpgammar)
   ! adds interpolated source contribution to all GLL points within this element
-  do k = 1, NGLLZ
-    do j = 1, NGLLY
-      do i = 1, NGLLX
-        do itime = 1, NSTEP_BLOCK
-          adj_sourcearray(:,i,j,k,itime) = hxir(i) * hetar(j) * hgammar(k) * adj_src_u(:,itime)
-        enddo
-      enddo
-    enddo
+  do itime = 1, NSTEP_BLOCK
+    ! multiply with interpolators        
+    call multiply_arrays_adjoint(sourcearrayd,hxir,hetar,hgammar,adj_src_u(:,itime))      
+    ! distinguish between single and double precision for reals
+    if(CUSTOM_REAL == SIZE_REAL) then
+      adj_sourcearray(:,:,:,:,itime) = sngl(sourcearrayd(:,:,:,:))
+    else
+      adj_sourcearray(:,:,:,:,itime) = sourcearrayd(:,:,:,:)
+    endif
+!  do k = 1, NGLLZ
+!    do j = 1, NGLLY
+!      do i = 1, NGLLX
+!        do itime = 1, NSTEP_BLOCK
+!          adj_sourcearray(:,i,j,k,itime) = hxir(i) * hetar(j) * hgammar(k) * adj_src_u(:,itime)
+!        enddo
+!      enddo
+!    enddo
+!  enddo
-end subroutine compute_arrays_source_adjoint
+  end subroutine compute_arrays_source_adjoint
 ! =======================================================================
-! compute the integrated derivatives of source parameters (M_jk and X_s)
+! we put these multiplications in a separate routine because otherwise
+! some compilers try to unroll the four loops above and take forever to compile
+  subroutine multiply_arrays_adjoint(sourcearrayd,hxir,hetar,hgammar,adj_src_ud)
-subroutine compute_adj_source_frechet(displ_s,Mxx,Myy,Mzz,Mxy,Mxz,Myz, &
-           eps_s,eps_m_s,eps_m_l_s, &
-           hxir,hetar,hgammar,hpxir,hpetar,hpgammar, hprime_xx,hprime_yy,hprime_zz, &
-           xix,xiy,xiz,etax,etay,etaz,gammax,gammay,gammaz)
   implicit none
-  include 'constants.h'
+  include "constants.h"
-  ! input
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: displ_s(NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ)
-  double precision :: Mxx, Myy, Mzz, Mxy, Mxz, Myz
-  ! output
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: eps_s(NDIM,NDIM), eps_m_s, eps_m_l_s(NDIM)
-  ! auxilliary
-  double precision :: hxir(NGLLX), hetar(NGLLY), hgammar(NGLLZ), &
-             hpxir(NGLLX),hpetar(NGLLY),hpgammar(NGLLZ)
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLX) :: hprime_xx
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLY,NGLLY) :: hprime_yy
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLZ,NGLLZ) :: hprime_zz
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ) :: &
-        xix,xiy,xiz,etax,etay,etaz,gammax,gammay,gammaz
-! local variables
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: tempx1l,tempx2l,tempx3l, tempy1l,tempy2l,tempy3l, &
-             tempz1l,tempz2l,tempz3l, hp1, hp2, hp3, &
-             xixl,xiyl,xizl,etaxl,etayl,etazl,gammaxl,gammayl,gammazl, &
-             duxdxl,duxdyl,duxdzl,duydxl,duydyl,duydzl,duzdxl,duzdyl,duzdzl, &
-             xix_s,xiy_s,xiz_s,etax_s,etay_s,etaz_s,gammax_s,gammay_s,gammaz_s, &
-             hlagrange_xi, hlagrange_eta, hlagrange_gamma, hlagrange
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: eps(NDIM,NDIM), eps_array(NDIM,NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ), &
-             eps_m_array(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ)
-  integer i,j,k,l
-! first compute the strain at all the GLL points of the source element
+  double precision, dimension(NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ) :: sourcearrayd
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX) :: hxir
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLY) :: hetar
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLZ) :: hgammar
+  double precision, dimension(NDIM) :: adj_src_ud
+  integer :: i,j,k
+  ! adds interpolated source contribution to all GLL points within this element
   do k = 1, NGLLZ
     do j = 1, NGLLY
       do i = 1, NGLLX
-        tempx1l = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-        tempx2l = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-        tempx3l = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-        tempy1l = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-        tempy2l = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-        tempy3l = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-        tempz1l = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-        tempz2l = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-        tempz3l = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-        do l=1,NGLLX
-          hp1 = hprime_xx(i,l)
-          tempx1l = tempx1l + displ_s(1,l,j,k)*hp1
-          tempy1l = tempy1l + displ_s(2,l,j,k)*hp1
-          tempz1l = tempz1l + displ_s(3,l,j,k)*hp1
-          hp2 = hprime_yy(j,l)
-          tempx2l = tempx2l + displ_s(1,i,l,k)*hp2
-          tempy2l = tempy2l + displ_s(2,i,l,k)*hp2
-          tempz2l = tempz2l + displ_s(3,i,l,k)*hp2
-          hp3 = hprime_zz(k,l)
-          tempx3l = tempx3l + displ_s(1,i,j,l)*hp3
-          tempy3l = tempy3l + displ_s(2,i,j,l)*hp3
-          tempz3l = tempz3l + displ_s(3,i,j,l)*hp3
-        enddo
-! dudx
-        xixl = xix(i,j,k)
-        xiyl = xiy(i,j,k)
-        xizl = xiz(i,j,k)
-        etaxl = etax(i,j,k)
-        etayl = etay(i,j,k)
-        etazl = etaz(i,j,k)
-        gammaxl = gammax(i,j,k)
-        gammayl = gammay(i,j,k)
-        gammazl = gammaz(i,j,k)
-        duxdxl = xixl*tempx1l + etaxl*tempx2l + gammaxl*tempx3l
-        duxdyl = xiyl*tempx1l + etayl*tempx2l + gammayl*tempx3l
-        duxdzl = xizl*tempx1l + etazl*tempx2l + gammazl*tempx3l
-        duydxl = xixl*tempy1l + etaxl*tempy2l + gammaxl*tempy3l
-        duydyl = xiyl*tempy1l + etayl*tempy2l + gammayl*tempy3l
-        duydzl = xizl*tempy1l + etazl*tempy2l + gammazl*tempy3l
-        duzdxl = xixl*tempz1l + etaxl*tempz2l + gammaxl*tempz3l
-        duzdyl = xiyl*tempz1l + etayl*tempz2l + gammayl*tempz3l
-        duzdzl = xizl*tempz1l + etazl*tempz2l + gammazl*tempz3l
-! strain eps_jk
-        eps(1,1) = duxdxl
-        eps(1,2) = (duxdyl + duydxl) / 2
-        eps(1,3) = (duxdzl + duzdxl) / 2
-        eps(2,2) = duydyl
-        eps(2,3) = (duydzl + duzdyl) / 2
-        eps(3,3) = duzdzl
-        eps(2,1) = eps(1,2)
-        eps(3,1) = eps(1,3)
-        eps(3,2) = eps(2,3)
-        eps_array(:,:,i,j,k) = eps(:,:)
-! Mjk eps_jk
-        eps_m_array(i,j,k) = Mxx * eps(1,1) + Myy * eps(2,2) + Mzz * eps(3,3) + &
-                   2 * (Mxy * eps(1,2) + Mxz * eps(1,3) + Myz * eps(2,3))
+        sourcearrayd(:,i,j,k) = hxir(i) * hetar(j) * hgammar(k) * adj_src_ud(:)
-  ! interpolate the strain eps_s(:,:) from eps_array(:,:,i,j,k)
-  eps_s = 0.; eps_m_s=0.;
-  xix_s = 0.;  xiy_s = 0.;  xiz_s = 0.
-  etax_s = 0.; etay_s = 0.; etaz_s = 0.
-  gammax_s = 0.; gammay_s = 0.; gammaz_s = 0.
+  end subroutine multiply_arrays_adjoint
-  do k = 1,NGLLZ
-    do j = 1,NGLLY
-      do i = 1,NGLLX
-        hlagrange = hxir(i)*hetar(j)*hgammar(k)
-        eps_s(1,1) = eps_s(1,1) + eps_array(1,1,i,j,k)*hlagrange
-        eps_s(1,2) = eps_s(1,2) + eps_array(1,2,i,j,k)*hlagrange
-        eps_s(1,3) = eps_s(1,3) + eps_array(1,3,i,j,k)*hlagrange
-        eps_s(2,2) = eps_s(2,2) + eps_array(2,2,i,j,k)*hlagrange
-        eps_s(2,3) = eps_s(2,3) + eps_array(2,3,i,j,k)*hlagrange
-        eps_s(3,3) = eps_s(3,3) + eps_array(3,3,i,j,k)*hlagrange
-        xix_s = xix_s + xix(i,j,k)*hlagrange
-        xiy_s = xiy_s + xiy(i,j,k)*hlagrange
-        xiz_s = xiz_s + xiz(i,j,k)*hlagrange
-        etax_s = etax_s + etax(i,j,k)*hlagrange
-        etay_s = etay_s + etay(i,j,k)*hlagrange
-        etaz_s = etaz_s + etaz(i,j,k)*hlagrange
-        gammax_s = gammax_s + gammax(i,j,k)*hlagrange
-        gammay_s = gammay_s + gammay(i,j,k)*hlagrange
-        gammaz_s = gammaz_s + gammaz(i,j,k)*hlagrange
-        eps_m_s = eps_m_s + eps_m_array(i,j,k)*hlagrange
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  enddo
-! for completion purpose, not used in specfem3D.f90
-  eps_s(2,1) = eps_s(1,2)
-  eps_s(3,1) = eps_s(1,3)
-  eps_s(3,2) = eps_s(2,3)
-! compute the gradient of M_jk * eps_jk, and then interpolate it
-  eps_m_l_s = 0.
-  do k = 1,NGLLZ
-    do j = 1,NGLLY
-      do i = 1,NGLLX
-        hlagrange_xi = hpxir(i)*hetar(j)*hgammar(k)
-        hlagrange_eta = hxir(i)*hpetar(j)*hgammar(k)
-        hlagrange_gamma = hxir(i)*hetar(j)*hpgammar(k)
-        eps_m_l_s(1) = eps_m_l_s(1) +  eps_m_array(i,j,k) * (hlagrange_xi * xix_s &
-                   + hlagrange_eta * etax_s + hlagrange_gamma * gammax_s)
-        eps_m_l_s(2) = eps_m_l_s(2) +  eps_m_array(i,j,k) * (hlagrange_xi * xiy_s &
-                   + hlagrange_eta * etay_s + hlagrange_gamma * gammay_s)
-        eps_m_l_s(3) = eps_m_l_s(3) +  eps_m_array(i,j,k) * (hlagrange_xi * xiz_s &
-                   + hlagrange_eta * etaz_s + hlagrange_gamma * gammaz_s)
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  enddo
-end subroutine compute_adj_source_frechet
+! =======================================================================
 ! deprecated...

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/specfem3D/specfem3D.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/specfem3D/specfem3D.f90	2011-03-15 16:48:14 UTC (rev 18115)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/specfem3D/specfem3D.f90	2011-03-16 02:28:49 UTC (rev 18116)
@@ -1697,7 +1697,6 @@
     rho_kl_outer_core(:,:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
     alpha_kl_outer_core(:,:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-    beta_kl_outer_core(:,:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
     rho_kl_inner_core(:,:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
     beta_kl_inner_core(:,:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
@@ -1713,7 +1712,7 @@
       nspec_beta_kl_outer_core = 1
-    beta_kl_outer_core = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+    beta_kl_outer_core(:,:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
   ! initialize to be on the save side for adjoint runs SIMULATION_TYPE==2

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