[cig-commits] r18320 - seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src

percygalvez at geodynamics.org percygalvez at geodynamics.org
Thu May 5 00:38:54 PDT 2011

Author: percygalvez
Date: 2011-05-05 00:38:54 -0700 (Thu, 05 May 2011)
New Revision: 18320

deleting obsolete files

Deleted: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/get_coupling_domain1_domain2.f90
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/get_coupling_domain1_domain2.f90	2011-05-05 05:20:33 UTC (rev 18319)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/get_coupling_domain1_domain2.f90	2011-05-05 07:38:54 UTC (rev 18320)
@@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
-!               S p e c f e m 3 D  V e r s i o n  1 . 4
-!               ---------------------------------------
-!                 Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
-!    Seismological Laboratory - California Institute of Technology
-!         (c) California Institute of Technology September 2006
-! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-! (at your option) any later version.
-! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-! GNU General Public License for more details.
-! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-module coupling
-   implicit none
-   type (coupling_type) 
-     private
-     double precision, dimension(:,:) :: jacobian2Dw
-     double precision, dimension(:,:,:) :: normal,ijk
-     integer :: tag1,tag2,num_faces,NbFaults
-     integer, dimension(:) :: ispec
-   end type coupling_type
-   type (coupling_type),pointer :: fault_db(:)
-  public :: get_coupling_surfaces_domain2_domain1
-subroutine read_parameters_fault
-  implicit none
-! open Par_file_fault
-  open(unit=100,file='~/SPECFEM3D_FAULT/DATA/Par_file_faults.in')  
-! if file does not exist: NbFaults=0
-  read(*,*) fault_db%NbFaults
-! if already allocated (associated), deallocate
-  allocate(fault_db%NbFaults)
-  do i=1,fault_db%NbFaults
-     read(*,*) fault_db(i)%tag1,fault_db(i)%tag2
-  enddo
-! close Par_file_fault
-  close(100)
-end subroutine read_parameters_fault
-! inputs:
-!	myrank: processor index
-!	domain_1tag and domain_2tag : tags created by cubit specifying different domain.
-!       nspec : number of spectral elements in each block.
-!       nglob : number of gobal nodes in each block.  
-!       ibool : local to global numbering table,  iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)   
-!  do inum = 1,coupling%num_faces
-!    coupling%normal(:,:,inum) = tmp_normal(:,:,inum)
-!    coupling%jacobian2Dw(:,inum) = tmp_jacobian2Dw(:,inum)
-!    coupling%ijk(:,:,inum) = tmp_ijk(:,:,inum)
-!    coupling%ispec(inum) = tmp_ispec(inum)  
-! INPUTS for MPI comunications  
-!       NPROC : number of processors. 
-!	nibool_interfaces_ext_mesh:  
-!	ibool_interfaces_ext_mesh:
-!	num_interfaces_ext_mesh :
-!	max_interface_size_ext_mesh:
-!	my_neighbours_ext_mesh:
-!	coupling: fault structure (database)
-! determines coupling surface for domain2-domain1 domains
-subroutine get_coupling_surfaces_domain2_domain1(myrank, &
-                        coupling,domain1_flag,domain2_flag, &
-                        nspec,nglob,ibool,NPROC, &
-                        nibool_interfaces_ext_mesh,ibool_interfaces_ext_mesh, &
-                        num_interfaces_ext_mesh,max_interface_size_ext_mesh, &
-                        my_neighbours_ext_mesh)
-  use generate_databases_par, only:mat_ext_mesh,elmnts_ext_mesh ! mat_ext_mesh , elemnts_ext_mesh
-  use create_regions_mesh_ext_par
-  type(coupling_type), intent(inout) ::coupling
-  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: domain1_flag,domain2_flag
-!  domain1_flag=fault_db%tag1
-!  domain2_flag=fault_db%tag2
-! number of spectral elements in each block
-  integer :: myrank,nspec,nglob,NPROC
-! arrays with the mesh
-  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec) :: ibool
-! MPI communication
-  integer :: num_interfaces_ext_mesh,max_interface_size_ext_mesh
-  integer, dimension(num_interfaces_ext_mesh) :: my_neighbours_ext_mesh
-  integer, dimension(NGLLX*NGLLX*max_interface_size_ext_mesh,num_interfaces_ext_mesh) :: &
-            ibool_interfaces_ext_mesh
-  integer, dimension(num_interfaces_ext_mesh) :: nibool_interfaces_ext_mesh
-! local parameters
-  ! (assumes NGLLX=NGLLY=NGLLZ)
-! only defining local variables... 
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(NGNOD2D) :: xcoord,ycoord,zcoord    
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: jacobian2Dw_face(NGLLX,NGLLY)
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: normal_face(NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLY)
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: tmp_normal
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: tmp_jacobian2Dw
-  integer :: ijk_face(3,NGLLX,NGLLY)
-  integer,dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: tmp_ijk
-  integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: tmp_ispec
-  integer,dimension(NGNOD2D) :: iglob_corners_ref !,iglob_corners
-  integer :: ispec,i,j,k,igll,ier,iglob
-  integer :: inum,iface_ref,icorner,iglob_midpoint ! iface,ispec_neighbor
-  integer :: count_domain1,count_domain2    
-  ! mpi interface communication
-  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: test_flag
-  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: ibool_interfaces_ext_mesh_dummy
-  integer :: max_nibool_interfaces_ext_mesh
-  logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: mask_ibool
-  ! corners indices of reference cube faces
-  integer,dimension(3,4),parameter :: iface1_corner_ijk = &
-             reshape( (/ 1,1,1, 1,NGLLY,1, 1,NGLLY,NGLLZ, 1,1,NGLLZ /),(/3,4/))   ! xmin
-  integer,dimension(3,4),parameter :: iface2_corner_ijk = &
-             reshape( (/ NGLLX,1,1, NGLLX,NGLLY,1, NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ, NGLLX,1,NGLLZ  /),(/3,4/))   ! xmax
-  integer,dimension(3,4),parameter :: iface3_corner_ijk = &
-             reshape( (/ 1,1,1, 1,1,NGLLZ, NGLLX,1,NGLLZ, NGLLX,1,1  /),(/3,4/))   ! ymin
-  integer,dimension(3,4),parameter :: iface4_corner_ijk = &
-             reshape( (/ 1,NGLLY,1, NGLLX,NGLLY,1, NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ, 1,NGLLY,NGLLZ /),(/3,4/))   ! ymax
-  integer,dimension(3,4),parameter :: iface5_corner_ijk = &
-             reshape( (/ 1,1,1, 1,NGLLY,1, NGLLX,NGLLY,1, NGLLX,1,1 /),(/3,4/))  ! bottom
-  integer,dimension(3,4),parameter :: iface6_corner_ijk = &
-             reshape( (/ 1,1,NGLLZ, NGLLX,1,NGLLZ, NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ, 1,NGLLY,NGLLZ  /),(/3,4/))   ! top  
-  integer,dimension(3,4,6),parameter :: iface_all_corner_ijk = &
-             reshape( (/ iface1_corner_ijk,iface2_corner_ijk, &
-                 iface3_corner_ijk,iface4_corner_ijk, &
-                 iface5_corner_ijk,iface6_corner_ijk /),(/3,4,6/))   ! all faces
-  ! midpoint indices for each face (xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax)               
-  integer,dimension(3,6),parameter :: iface_all_midpointijk = &
-             reshape( (/ 1,2,2, NGLLX,2,2, 2,1,2, 2,NGLLY,2, 2,2,1, 2,2,NGLLZ  /),(/3,6/))   ! top  
-  ! test vtk output
-  !integer,dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC) :: gll_data
-  !character(len=256):: prname_file
-! allocates temporary arrays  
-  allocate(tmp_normal(NDIM,NGLLSQUARE,nspec*6))
-  allocate(tmp_jacobian2Dw(NGLLSQUARE,nspec*6))  
-  allocate(tmp_ijk(3,NGLLSQUARE,nspec*6))
-  allocate(tmp_ispec(nspec*6))
-  tmp_ispec(:) = 0
-  tmp_ijk(:,:,:) = 0
-  tmp_normal(:,:,:) = 0.0
-  tmp_jacobian2Dw(:,:) = 0.0
-  ! sets flags for domain2 / domain1 on global points
-  allocate(domain1_flag(nglob),stat=ier)
-  allocate(domain2_flag(nglob),stat=ier)
- ! what is this test_flag is for .
-  allocate(test_flag(nglob),stat=ier)  
-  allocate(mask_ibool(nglob),stat=ier)
-  if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocate flag array'  
-  domain1_flag(:) = 0
-  domain2_flag(:) = 0
-  test_flag(:) = 0
-  count_domain1 = 0
-  count_domain2 = 0
-!!!! running onver all the elements over each block.
-  do ispec = 1, nspec
-    ! counts elements
-!!!change this variable.. my_tag(ispec)==domain2+_tag)
-!!!change this variable.. my_tag(ispec)==domain2-_tag)
-!!!! allocate my_tag
-! my_tag =  mat_ext_mesh(1,ispec)
-    my_tag(ispec)=mat_ext_mesh(1,ispec)
-    if( my_tag(ispec)==domain1_tag ) count_domain1 = count_domain1 + 1
-    if( my_tag(ispec)==domain2_tag ) count_domain2 = count_domain2 + 1
-!!!!!! inserting domains into processor , one by one. ...
-    ! sets flags on global points
-    do k = 1, NGLLZ
-      do j = 1, NGLLY
-        do i = 1, NGLLX
-          ! global index
-          iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)         
-          ! sets domain1 flag1
-          if( ispec_is_domain1(ispec) ) domain1_flag(iglob) =  myrank+1
-          ! sets domain2 flag2
-          if( ispec_is_domain2(ispec) ) domain2_flag(iglob) =  myrank+1
-          ! sets test flag
-          test_flag(iglob) = myrank+1
-        enddo
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  enddo
-!!! counting number of domains and assigning them into each processors.
-  call sum_all_i(count_domain2,inum)
-  if( myrank == 0 ) then
-    write(IMAIN,*) '     total domain2 elements:',inum
-  endif   
-  call sum_all_i(count_domain1,inum)
-  if( myrank == 0 ) then
-    write(IMAIN,*) '     total domain1 elements :',inum
-  endif   
-  ! collects contributions from different MPI partitions
-  ! sets up MPI communications
-  max_nibool_interfaces_ext_mesh = maxval( nibool_interfaces_ext_mesh(:) )
-  allocate(ibool_interfaces_ext_mesh_dummy(max_nibool_interfaces_ext_mesh,num_interfaces_ext_mesh),stat=ier)
-  if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array'  
-  do i = 1, num_interfaces_ext_mesh
-     ibool_interfaces_ext_mesh_dummy(:,i) = ibool_interfaces_ext_mesh(1:max_nibool_interfaces_ext_mesh,i)
-  enddo  
-  ! sums domain1 flags
-  call assemble_MPI_scalar_i_ext_mesh(NPROC,nglob,domain1_flag, &
-                        num_interfaces_ext_mesh,max_nibool_interfaces_ext_mesh, &
-                        nibool_interfaces_ext_mesh,ibool_interfaces_ext_mesh_dummy,&
-                        my_neighbours_ext_mesh)
-  ! sums domain2 flags
-  call assemble_MPI_scalar_i_ext_mesh(NPROC,nglob,domain2_flag, &
-                        num_interfaces_ext_mesh,max_nibool_interfaces_ext_mesh, &
-                        nibool_interfaces_ext_mesh,ibool_interfaces_ext_mesh_dummy,&
-                        my_neighbours_ext_mesh)
-  ! sums test flags
-  call assemble_MPI_scalar_i_ext_mesh(NPROC,nglob,test_flag, &
-                        num_interfaces_ext_mesh,max_nibool_interfaces_ext_mesh, &
-                        nibool_interfaces_ext_mesh,ibool_interfaces_ext_mesh_dummy,&
-                        my_neighbours_ext_mesh)
-  ! loops over all element faces and 
-  ! counts number of coupling faces between domain2 and domain1 elements
-  mask_ibool(:) = .false.
-  inum = 0    
-  do ispec=1,nspec
-    ! loops over each face
-    do iface_ref= 1, 6      
-      ! takes indices of corners of reference face
-      do icorner = 1,NGNOD2D
-        i = iface_all_corner_ijk(1,icorner,iface_ref)
-        j = iface_all_corner_ijk(2,icorner,iface_ref)
-        k = iface_all_corner_ijk(3,icorner,iface_ref)
-        ! global reference indices
-        iglob_corners_ref(icorner) = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
-        ! reference corner coordinates
-        xcoord(icorner) = xstore_dummy(iglob_corners_ref(icorner))
-        ycoord(icorner) = ystore_dummy(iglob_corners_ref(icorner))
-        zcoord(icorner) = zstore_dummy(iglob_corners_ref(icorner))                  
-      enddo
-      ! checks if face has domain2 side
-      if( domain2_flag( iglob_corners_ref(1) ) >= 1 .and. &
-         domain2_flag( iglob_corners_ref(2) ) >= 1 .and. &
-         domain2_flag( iglob_corners_ref(3) ) >= 1 .and. &
-         domain2_flag( iglob_corners_ref(4) ) >= 1) then     
-        ! checks if face is has an domain1 side 
-        if( domain1_flag( iglob_corners_ref(1) ) >= 1 .and. &
-           domain1_flag( iglob_corners_ref(2) ) >= 1 .and. &
-           domain1_flag( iglob_corners_ref(3) ) >= 1 .and. &
-           domain1_flag( iglob_corners_ref(4) ) >= 1) then
-          ! reference midpoint on face (used to avoid redundant face counting)
-          i = iface_all_midpointijk(1,iface_ref)
-          j = iface_all_midpointijk(2,iface_ref)
-          k = iface_all_midpointijk(3,iface_ref)      
-          iglob_midpoint = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
-          ! checks if points on this face are masked already
-          if( .not. mask_ibool(iglob_midpoint) ) then
-            ! gets face GLL points i,j,k indices from element face
-            call get_element_face_gll_indices(iface_ref,ijk_face,NGLLX,NGLLY)
-            ! takes each element face only once, if it lies on an MPI interface
-            ! note: this is not exactly load balanced
-            !          lowest rank process collects as many faces as possible, second lowest as so forth
-            if( (test_flag(iglob_midpoint) == myrank+1) .or. &
-               (test_flag(iglob_midpoint) > 2*(myrank+1)) ) then
-              ! gets face GLL 2Djacobian, weighted from element face
-              call get_jacobian_boundary_face(myrank,nspec, &
-                        xstore_dummy,ystore_dummy,zstore_dummy,ibool,nglob, &
-                        dershape2D_x,dershape2D_y,dershape2D_bottom,dershape2D_top, &
-                        wgllwgll_xy,wgllwgll_xz,wgllwgll_yz, &
-                        ispec,iface_ref,jacobian2Dw_face,normal_face,NGLLX,NGLLY)
-              ! normal convention: points away from domain2, reference element
-              !                                switch normal direction if necessary
-              do j=1,NGLLY
-                do i=1,NGLLX
-                    ! directs normals such that they point outwards of element
-                    call get_element_face_normal(ispec,iface_ref,xcoord,ycoord,zcoord, &
-                                                ibool,nspec,nglob, &
-                                                xstore_dummy,ystore_dummy,zstore_dummy, &
-                                                normal_face(:,i,j) )
-                    ! makes sure that it always points away from domain2 element, 
-                    ! otherwise switch direction
-                    if( ispec_is_domain1(ispec) ) normal_face(:,i,j) = - normal_face(:,i,j)
-                enddo
-              enddo
-              ! stores informations about this face
-              inum = inum + 1
-              tmp_ispec(inum) = ispec
-              igll = 0
-              do j=1,NGLLY
-                do i=1,NGLLX
-                  ! adds all gll points on this face
-                  igll = igll + 1
-                  ! do we need to store local i,j,k,ispec info? or only global indices iglob?
-                  tmp_ijk(:,igll,inum) = ijk_face(:,i,j)
-                  ! stores weighted jacobian and normals
-                  tmp_jacobian2Dw(igll,inum) = jacobian2Dw_face(i,j)
-                  tmp_normal(:,igll,inum) = normal_face(:,i,j)
-                  ! masks global points ( to avoid redundant counting of faces)
-                  iglob = ibool(ijk_face(1,i,j),ijk_face(2,i,j),ijk_face(3,i,j),ispec)
-                  mask_ibool(iglob) = .true.
-                enddo
-              enddo
-            else
-              ! assumes to be already collected by lower rank process, masks face points
-              do j=1,NGLLY
-                do i=1,NGLLX
-                  iglob = ibool(ijk_face(1,i,j),ijk_face(2,i,j),ijk_face(3,i,j),ispec)
-                  mask_ibool(iglob) = .true. 
-                enddo
-              enddo
-            endif ! test_flag
-          endif ! mask_ibool          
-        endif ! domain1_flag
-      endif ! domain2_flag
-    enddo ! iface_ref
-  enddo ! ispec
-! stores completed coupling domain2-domain1 face informations  
-! note: no need to store material parameters on these coupling points 
-!          for domain2-domain1 interface
-! defining new parameter , renaming coupling_fa_el_normal .. 
-  coupling%num_faces = inum
-  allocate(coupling%normal(NDIM,NGLLSQUARE,coupling%num_faces))
-  allocate(coupling%jacobian2Dw(NGLLSQUARE,coupling%num_faces))
-  allocate(coupling%ijk(3,NGLLSQUARE,coupling%num_faces))
-  allocate(coupling%ispec(coupling%num_faces))
-  do inum = 1,coupling%num_faces
-    coupling%normal(:,:,inum) = tmp_normal(:,:,inum)
-    coupling%jacobian2Dw(:,inum) = tmp_jacobian2Dw(:,inum)
-    coupling%ijk(:,:,inum) = tmp_ijk(:,:,inum)
-    coupling%ispec(inum) = tmp_ispec(inum)    
-  enddo
-! user output
-  call sum_all_i(coupling%num_faces,inum)
-  if( myrank == 0 ) then
-    write(IMAIN,*) '     domain2-domain1 coupling:'
-    write(IMAIN,*) '     total number of faces = ',inum
-  endif  
-  end subroutine get_coupling_surfaces_domain2_domain1

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