[cig-commits] r18379 - in seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE: branches/new_fault_db branches/new_fault_db/CUBIT branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH/devel branches/new_fault_db/run branches/new_fault_db/run/bigstar branches/new_fault_db/run/brutus branches/new_fault_db/src trunk/EXAMPLES/tpv5/DATA/FAULT

percygalvez at geodynamics.org percygalvez at geodynamics.org
Sun May 15 19:06:15 PDT 2011

Author: percygalvez
Date: 2011-05-15 19:06:14 -0700 (Sun, 15 May 2011)
New Revision: 18379

new data base tpv5 test working

Modified: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/CUBIT/crack_fault.py
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/CUBIT/crack_fault.py	2011-05-16 00:11:00 UTC (rev 18378)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/CUBIT/crack_fault.py	2011-05-16 02:06:14 UTC (rev 18379)
@@ -19,15 +19,15 @@
-xbulk.append(-18*km)   #x1
-xbulk.append(18*km)    #x2
-xbulk.append(18*km)    #x3
-xbulk.append(-18*km)   #x4
+xbulk.append(-21*km)   #x1
+xbulk.append(21*km)    #x2
+xbulk.append(21*km)    #x3
+xbulk.append(-21*km)   #x4
-ybulk.append(-18*km)  #y1
-ybulk.append(-18*km)  #y2
-ybulk.append(18*km)   #y3
-ybulk.append(18*km)   #y4
+ybulk.append(-21*km)  #y1
+ybulk.append(-21*km)  #y2
+ybulk.append(21*km)   #y3
+ybulk.append(21*km)   #y4
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
 cubit.cmd("merge all")
 cubit.cmd("surface 1 size "+str(elementsize))
 cubit.cmd("volume 1 size "+str(elementsize))
+cubit.cmd("surface 1 scheme pave")
 cubit.cmd("mesh surface 1")
 cubit.cmd("mesh volume 1")
 #cubit.cmd("unmerge surface 2 3")
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
     for f in faces:
         if dic_quads_fault_u.has_key(f): 
-           print 'h,fault nodes side up :',h,nodes[0],nodes[1],nodes[2],nodes[3]
+#           print 'h,fault nodes side up :',h,nodes[0],nodes[1],nodes[2],nodes[3]
            txt='%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (h,nodes[0],\
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
     for f in faces:
         if dic_quads_fault_d.has_key(f): 
-           print 'h,fault nodes side down :',h,nodes[0],nodes[1],nodes[2],nodes[3]
+#           print 'h,fault nodes side down :',h,nodes[0],nodes[1],nodes[2],nodes[3]
            txt='%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (h,nodes[0],\

Modified: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH/Makefile
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH/Makefile	2011-05-16 00:11:00 UTC (rev 18378)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH/Makefile	2011-05-16 02:06:14 UTC (rev 18379)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 F90 = gfortran    # use -Wall
 ## modify to match your library paths
-SCOTCH_LIBS = -L/home/galvez/scotch/scotch_5.1/lib/ -lscotch -lscotcherr
+SCOTCH_LIBS = -L/cluster/home/erdw/gpercy/scotch/scotch_5.1/lib/ -lscotch -lscotcherr
 #(SCOTCH library address .Change it in case 
 #your SCOTH is install in another address)

Added: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH/Makefile_bigstar
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH/Makefile_bigstar	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH/Makefile_bigstar	2011-05-16 02:06:14 UTC (rev 18379)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Makefile
+## Compiler : 
+#F90 = ifort      # use -warn
+F90 = gfortran    # use -Wall
+## modify to match your library paths
+SCOTCH_LIBS = -L/home/galvez/scotch/scotch_5.1/lib/ -lscotch -lscotcherr
+#(SCOTCH library address .Change it in case 
+#your SCOTH is install in another address)
+LIBS = fault_scotch.o\
+               part_decompose_mesh_SCOTCH.o \
+				decompose_mesh_SCOTCH.o \
+				program_decompose_mesh_SCOTCH.o
+# targets
+all: xdecompose_mesh_SCOTCH
+xdecompose_mesh_SCOTCH: $(LIBS)
+	${F90} -o xdecompose_mesh_SCOTCH $(LIBS) $(SCOTCH_LIBS)
+fault_scotch.o : fault_scotch.f90
+	${F90} -c fault_scotch.f90
+part_decompose_mesh_SCOTCH.o: part_decompose_mesh_SCOTCH.f90
+	${F90} -c part_decompose_mesh_SCOTCH.f90
+decompose_mesh_SCOTCH.o: decompose_mesh_SCOTCH.f90 part_decompose_mesh_SCOTCH.f90
+	${F90} -c decompose_mesh_SCOTCH.f90
+program_decompose_mesh_SCOTCH.o: program_decompose_mesh_SCOTCH.f90
+	${F90} -c program_decompose_mesh_SCOTCH.f90
+	rm -f *.o *.mod a.out xdecompose_mesh_SCOTCH

Modified: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH/compile_all.bash
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH/compile_all.bash	2011-05-16 00:11:00 UTC (rev 18378)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH/compile_all.bash	2011-05-16 02:06:14 UTC (rev 18379)
@@ -2,7 +2,5 @@
 make clean
-#npart=`grep nparts constants_decompose_mesh_SCOTCH.h | cut -d = -f 2`
-npart = 4
 echo "./xdecompose_mesh_SCOTCH $npart $input_dir $ouput_dir "
-./xdecompose_mesh_SCOTCH $npart ../CUBIT/MESH/ ../DATABASES_MPI/
+./xdecompose_mesh_SCOTCH 100 ~/FAULT_SOURCE/CUBIT/MESH /cluster/work/erdw/gpercy

Added: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH/devel/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH.f90
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH/devel/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH/devel/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH.f90	2011-05-16 02:06:14 UTC (rev 18379)
@@ -0,0 +1,699 @@
+!program pre_meshfem3D
+module decompose_mesh_SCOTCH
+  use part_decompose_mesh_SCOTCH
+  use fault_scotch
+  implicit none
+  include './scotchf.h'
+! number of partitions
+  integer :: nparts ! e.g. 4 for partitioning for 4 CPUs or 4 processes
+! mesh arrays
+  integer(long) :: nspec
+  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable  :: elmnts
+  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable  :: mat
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable  :: part
+  integer :: nnodes
+  double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable  :: nodes_coords
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable  :: xadj
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable  :: adjncy
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable  :: nnodes_elmnts
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable  :: nodes_elmnts
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable  :: elmnts_load
+  integer, dimension(:), pointer  :: glob2loc_elmnts
+  integer, dimension(:), pointer  :: glob2loc_nodes_nparts
+  integer, dimension(:), pointer  :: glob2loc_nodes_parts
+  integer, dimension(:), pointer  :: glob2loc_nodes
+  integer, dimension(:), pointer  :: tab_size_interfaces, tab_interfaces
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable  :: my_interfaces
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable  :: my_nb_interfaces
+  integer  ::  ninterfaces
+  integer  :: my_ninterface
+  integer(long)  :: nsize           ! Max number of elements that contain the same node.
+  integer  :: nb_edges
+  integer  :: ispec, inode
+  integer  :: ngnod
+  integer  :: max_neighbour         ! Real maximum number of neighbours per element
+  integer(long)  :: sup_neighbour   ! Majoration of the maximum number of neighbours per element
+  integer  :: ipart, nnodes_loc, nspec_loc
+  integer  :: num_elmnt, num_node, num_mat
+  ! boundaries
+  integer  :: ispec2D
+  integer  :: nspec2D_xmin, nspec2D_xmax, nspec2D_ymin, nspec2D_ymax, nspec2D_bottom, nspec2D_top
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ibelm_xmin, ibelm_xmax, ibelm_ymin, ibelm_ymax, ibelm_bottom, ibelm_top
+  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: nodes_ibelm_xmin, nodes_ibelm_xmax, nodes_ibelm_ymin
+  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: nodes_ibelm_ymax, nodes_ibelm_bottom, nodes_ibelm_top 
+  ! moho surface (optional)
+  integer :: nspec2D_moho
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ibelm_moho
+  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: nodes_ibelm_moho
+  character(len=256)  :: prname
+  logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: mask_nodes_elmnts
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: used_nodes_elmnts
+  double precision, dimension(SCOTCH_GRAPHDIM)  :: scotchgraph
+  double precision, dimension(SCOTCH_STRATDIM)  :: scotchstrat
+  character(len=256), parameter :: scotch_strategy='b{job=t,map=t,poli=S,sep=h{pass=30}}'
+  integer  :: ierr,idummy
+  !pll
+  double precision , dimension(:,:), allocatable :: mat_prop
+  integer :: count_def_mat,count_undef_mat,imat
+  character (len=30), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: undef_mat_prop
+! default mesh file directory
+  character(len=256) :: localpath_name    
+  character(len=256) :: outputpath_name 
+  integer :: q_flag,aniso_flag,idomain_id
+  double precision :: vp,vs,rho
+  contains
+  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! reads in mesh files
+  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine read_mesh_files
+  ! sets number of nodes per element
+    ngnod = esize
+  ! reads node coordinates
+    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/nodes_coords_file',&
+          status='old', form='formatted', iostat = ierr)
+    if( ierr /= 0 ) then
+      print*,'could not open file:',localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/nodes_coords_file'
+      stop 'error file open'
+    endif
+    read(98,*) nnodes
+    allocate(nodes_coords(3,nnodes))
+    do inode = 1, nnodes
+    ! format: #id_node #x_coordinate #y_coordinate #z_coordinate
+      read(98,*) num_node, nodes_coords(1,num_node), nodes_coords(2,num_node), nodes_coords(3,num_node)
+    !if(num_node /= inode)  stop "ERROR : Invalid nodes_coords file."
+    end do
+    close(98)
+    print*, 'total number of nodes: '
+    print*, '  nnodes = ', nnodes 
+  ! reads mesh elements indexing 
+  !(CUBIT calls this the connectivity, guess in the sense that it connects with the points index in 
+  ! the global coordinate file "nodes_coords_file"; it doesn't tell you which point is connected with others)
+    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/mesh_file', &
+          status='old', form='formatted')
+    read(98,*) nspec
+    allocate(elmnts(esize,nspec))
+    do ispec = 1, nspec
+      ! format: # element_id  #id_node1 ... #id_node8
+      ! note: be aware that here we can have different node ordering for a cube element;
+      !          the ordering from Cubit files might not be consistent for multiple volumes, or uneven, unstructured grids
+      !         
+      !          guess here it assumes that spectral elements ordering is like first at the bottom of the element, anticlock-wise, i.e. 
+      !             point 1 = (0,0,0), point 2 = (0,1,0), point 3 = (1,1,0), point 4 = (1,0,0)
+      !          then top (positive z-direction) of element 
+      !             point 5 = (0,0,1), point 6 = (0,1,1), point 7 = (1,1,1), point 8 = (1,0,1)
+      !read(98,*) num_elmnt, elmnts(5,num_elmnt), elmnts(1,num_elmnt),elmnts(4,num_elmnt), elmnts(8,num_elmnt), &
+      !      elmnts(6,num_elmnt), elmnts(2,num_elmnt), elmnts(3,num_elmnt), elmnts(7,num_elmnt)
+      read(98,*) num_elmnt, elmnts(1,num_elmnt), elmnts(2,num_elmnt),elmnts(3,num_elmnt), elmnts(4,num_elmnt), &
+            elmnts(5,num_elmnt), elmnts(6,num_elmnt), elmnts(7,num_elmnt), elmnts(8,num_elmnt)
+      if((num_elmnt > nspec) .or. (num_elmnt < 1) )  stop "ERROR : Invalid mesh file."
+      !outputs info for each element to see ordering
+      !print*,'ispec: ',ispec
+      !print*,'  ',num_elmnt, elmnts(5,num_elmnt), elmnts(1,num_elmnt),elmnts(4,num_elmnt), elmnts(8,num_elmnt), &
+      !      elmnts(6,num_elmnt), elmnts(2,num_elmnt), elmnts(3,num_elmnt), elmnts(7,num_elmnt)    
+      !print*,'elem:',num_elmnt
+      !do i=1,8
+      !  print*,' i ',i,'val :',elmnts(i,num_elmnt),&
+      !    nodes_coords(1,elmnts(i,num_elmnt)),nodes_coords(2,elmnts(i,num_elmnt)),nodes_coords(3,elmnts(i,num_elmnt))
+      !enddo
+      !print*
+    end do
+    close(98)
+    print*, 'total number of spectral elements:'
+    print*, '  nspec = ', nspec
+  ! reads material associations
+    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/materials_file', &
+          status='old', form='formatted')
+    allocate(mat(2,nspec))
+    do ispec = 1, nspec
+      ! format: # id_element #flag
+      ! note: be aware that elements may not be sorted in materials_file
+      read(98,*) num_mat,mat(1,num_mat) !mat(1,ispec)!, mat(2,ispec) 
+      if((num_mat > nspec) .or. (num_mat < 1) ) stop "ERROR : Invalid mat file."
+    end do
+    close(98)
+  ! TODO:
+  ! must be changed, if  mat(1,i) < 0  1 == interface , 2 == tomography
+    mat(2,:) = 1
+  ! reads material definitions
+  !
+  ! note: format of nummaterial_velocity_file must be
+  !
+  ! #(1)material_domain_id #(2)material_id  #(3)rho  #(4)vp   #(5)vs   #(6)Q_flag  #(7)anisotropy_flag
+  !
+  ! where
+  !     material_domain_id : 1=acoustic / 2=elastic / 3=poroelastic
+  !     material_id               : number of material/volume
+  !     rho                           : density
+  !     vp                             : P-velocity
+  !     vs                             : S-velocity
+  !     Q_flag                      : 0=no attenuation/1=IATTENUATION_SEDIMENTS_40, 2=..., 13=IATTENUATION_BEDROCK
+  !     anisotropy_flag        : 0=no anisotropy/ 1,2,.. check with implementation in aniso_model.f90
+    count_def_mat = 0
+    count_undef_mat = 0
+    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/nummaterial_velocity_file',&
+          status='old', form='formatted')
+    ! note: format #material_domain_id #material_id #...      
+    read(98,*,iostat=ierr) idummy,num_mat
+    print *,'materials:'
+    ! counts materials (defined/undefined)
+    do while (ierr == 0)
+       print*, '  num_mat = ',num_mat
+       if(num_mat /= -1) then 
+          count_def_mat = count_def_mat + 1        
+       else
+          count_undef_mat = count_undef_mat + 1
+       end if
+       read(98,*,iostat=ierr) idummy,num_mat
+    end do
+    close(98)
+    print*, '  defined = ',count_def_mat, 'undefined = ',count_undef_mat
+    ! check with material flags
+    if( count_def_mat > 0 .and. maxval(mat(1,:)) > count_def_mat ) then
+      print*,'error material definitions:'
+      print*,'  materials associated in materials_file:',maxval(mat(1,:))
+      print*,'  bigger than defined materials in nummaterial_velocity_file:',count_def_mat
+      stop 'error materials'
+    endif
+    allocate(mat_prop(6,count_def_mat))
+    allocate(undef_mat_prop(6,count_undef_mat))
+    ! reads in defined material properties
+    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/nummaterial_velocity_file', &
+          status='old', form='formatted')
+    do imat=1,count_def_mat
+       ! material definitions
+       !
+       ! format: note that we save the arguments in a slightly different order in mat_prop(:,:)
+       !              #(6) material_domain_id #(0) material_id  #(1) rho #(2) vp #(3) vs #(4) Q_flag #(5) anisotropy_flag
+       !
+       read(98,*) idomain_id,num_mat,rho,vp,vs,q_flag,aniso_flag
+       !read(98,*) num_mat, mat_prop(1,num_mat),mat_prop(2,num_mat),&
+       !           mat_prop(3,num_mat),mat_prop(4,num_mat),mat_prop(5,num_mat)
+       mat_prop(1,num_mat) = rho
+       mat_prop(2,num_mat) = vp
+       mat_prop(3,num_mat) = vs
+       mat_prop(4,num_mat) = q_flag
+       mat_prop(5,num_mat) = aniso_flag
+       mat_prop(6,num_mat) = idomain_id
+       if(num_mat < 0 .or. num_mat > count_def_mat)  stop "ERROR : Invalid nummaterial_velocity_file file."    
+       !checks attenuation flag with integer range as defined in constants.h like IATTENUATION_SEDIMENTS_40, ....
+       if( int(mat_prop(4,num_mat)) > 13 ) then
+          stop 'wrong attenuation flag in mesh: too large, not supported yet - check with constants.h'
+       endif
+    end do
+    ! reads in undefined material properties
+    do imat=1,count_undef_mat
+       read(98,'(6A30)') undef_mat_prop(6,imat),undef_mat_prop(1,imat),undef_mat_prop(2,imat),&
+                        undef_mat_prop(3,imat),undef_mat_prop(4,imat),undef_mat_prop(5,imat)
+    end do
+    close(98)
+  ! reads in absorbing boundary files
+    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/absorbing_surface_file_xmin', &
+          status='old', form='formatted',iostat=ierr)
+    if( ierr /= 0 ) then
+      nspec2D_xmin = 0
+    else
+      read(98,*) nspec2D_xmin
+    endif
+    allocate(ibelm_xmin(nspec2D_xmin))
+    allocate(nodes_ibelm_xmin(4,nspec2D_xmin))
+    do ispec2D = 1,nspec2D_xmin 
+      ! format: #id_(element containing the face) #id_node1_face .. #id_node4_face
+      ! note: ordering for CUBIT seems such that the normal of the face points outward of the element the face belongs to;
+      !         in other words, nodes are in increasing order such that when looking from within the element outwards, 
+      !         they are ordered clockwise
+      !
+      !          doesn't necessarily have to start on top-rear, then bottom-rear, bottom-front, and finally top-front i.e.: 
+      !          point 1 = (0,1,1), point 2 = (0,1,0), point 3 = (0,0,0), point 4 = (0,0,1)
+      read(98,*) ibelm_xmin(ispec2D), nodes_ibelm_xmin(1,ispec2D), nodes_ibelm_xmin(2,ispec2D), &
+            nodes_ibelm_xmin(3,ispec2D), nodes_ibelm_xmin(4,ispec2D)
+      !outputs info for each element for check of ordering          
+      !print*,'ispec2d:',ispec2d
+      !print*,'  xmin:', ibelm_xmin(ispec2D), nodes_ibelm_xmin(1,ispec2D), nodes_ibelm_xmin(2,ispec2D), &
+      !      nodes_ibelm_xmin(3,ispec2D), nodes_ibelm_xmin(4,ispec2D)     
+      !do i=1,4
+      !  print*,'i',i,'val:',ibelm_xmin(ispec2d),nodes_coords(1,nodes_ibelm_xmin(i,ispec2D)), &
+      !      nodes_coords(2,nodes_ibelm_xmin(i,ispec2D)),nodes_coords(3,nodes_ibelm_xmin(i,ispec2D))
+      !enddo
+      !print*
+    end do
+    close(98)
+    print*, 'absorbing boundaries:'
+    print*, '  nspec2D_xmin = ', nspec2D_xmin 
+  ! reads in absorbing boundary files
+    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/absorbing_surface_file_xmax', &
+          status='old', form='formatted',iostat=ierr)
+    if( ierr /= 0 ) then
+      nspec2D_xmax = 0
+    else
+      read(98,*) nspec2D_xmax
+    endif
+    allocate(ibelm_xmax(nspec2D_xmax))
+    allocate(nodes_ibelm_xmax(4,nspec2D_xmax))
+    do ispec2D = 1,nspec2D_xmax
+      ! format: #id_(element containing the face) #id_node1_face .. #id_node4_face
+      read(98,*) ibelm_xmax(ispec2D), nodes_ibelm_xmax(1,ispec2D), nodes_ibelm_xmax(2,ispec2D), &
+            nodes_ibelm_xmax(3,ispec2D), nodes_ibelm_xmax(4,ispec2D)
+    end do
+    close(98)
+    print*, '  nspec2D_xmax = ', nspec2D_xmax
+  ! reads in absorbing boundary files
+    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/absorbing_surface_file_ymin', &
+          status='old', form='formatted',iostat=ierr)
+    if( ierr /= 0 ) then
+      nspec2D_ymin = 0
+    else
+      read(98,*) nspec2D_ymin
+    endif
+    allocate(ibelm_ymin(nspec2D_ymin))
+    allocate(nodes_ibelm_ymin(4,nspec2D_ymin))
+    do ispec2D = 1,nspec2D_ymin 
+      ! format: #id_(element containing the face) #id_node1_face .. #id_node4_face   
+      read(98,*) ibelm_ymin(ispec2D), nodes_ibelm_ymin(1,ispec2D), nodes_ibelm_ymin(2,ispec2D),  &
+            nodes_ibelm_ymin(3,ispec2D), nodes_ibelm_ymin(4,ispec2D)
+    end do
+    close(98)
+    print*, '  nspec2D_ymin = ', nspec2D_ymin 
+  ! reads in absorbing boundary files
+    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/absorbing_surface_file_ymax', &
+          status='old', form='formatted',iostat=ierr)
+    if( ierr /= 0 ) then
+      nspec2D_ymax = 0
+    else
+      read(98,*) nspec2D_ymax
+    endif
+    allocate(ibelm_ymax(nspec2D_ymax))
+    allocate(nodes_ibelm_ymax(4,nspec2D_ymax))
+    do ispec2D = 1,nspec2D_ymax 
+      ! format: #id_(element containing the face) #id_node1_face .. #id_node4_face  
+      read(98,*) ibelm_ymax(ispec2D), nodes_ibelm_ymax(1,ispec2D), nodes_ibelm_ymax(2,ispec2D),  &
+            nodes_ibelm_ymax(3,ispec2D), nodes_ibelm_ymax(4,ispec2D)
+    end do
+    close(98)
+    print*, '  nspec2D_ymax = ', nspec2D_ymax
+  ! reads in absorbing boundary files
+    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/absorbing_surface_file_bottom', &
+          status='old', form='formatted',iostat=ierr)
+    if( ierr /= 0 ) then
+      nspec2D_bottom = 0
+    else
+      read(98,*) nspec2D_bottom
+    endif
+    allocate(ibelm_bottom(nspec2D_bottom))
+    allocate(nodes_ibelm_bottom(4,nspec2D_bottom))
+    do ispec2D = 1,nspec2D_bottom 
+      ! format: #id_(element containing the face) #id_node1_face .. #id_node4_face   
+      read(98,*) ibelm_bottom(ispec2D), nodes_ibelm_bottom(1,ispec2D), nodes_ibelm_bottom(2,ispec2D), &
+            nodes_ibelm_bottom(3,ispec2D), nodes_ibelm_bottom(4,ispec2D)
+    end do
+    close(98)
+    print*, '  nspec2D_bottom = ', nspec2D_bottom 
+  ! reads in free_surface boundary files
+    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/free_surface_file', &
+          status='old', form='formatted',iostat=ierr)
+    if( ierr /= 0 ) then
+      nspec2D_top = 0
+    else
+      read(98,*) nspec2D_top
+    endif
+    allocate(ibelm_top(nspec2D_top))
+    allocate(nodes_ibelm_top(4,nspec2D_top))
+    do ispec2D = 1,nspec2D_top 
+      ! format: #id_(element containing the face) #id_node1_face .. #id_node4_face
+      read(98,*) ibelm_top(ispec2D), nodes_ibelm_top(1,ispec2D), nodes_ibelm_top(2,ispec2D), &
+             nodes_ibelm_top(3,ispec2D), nodes_ibelm_top(4,ispec2D)
+    end do
+    close(98)
+    print*, '  nspec2D_top = ', nspec2D_top
+  ! reads in moho_surface boundary files (optional)
+    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/moho_surface_file', &
+          status='old', form='formatted',iostat=ierr)
+    if( ierr /= 0 ) then
+      nspec2D_moho = 0
+    else
+      read(98,*) nspec2D_moho
+    endif
+    allocate(ibelm_moho(nspec2D_moho))
+    allocate(nodes_ibelm_moho(4,nspec2D_moho))
+    do ispec2D = 1,nspec2D_moho
+      ! format: #id_(element containing the face) #id_node1_face .. #id_node4_face
+      read(98,*) ibelm_moho(ispec2D), nodes_ibelm_moho(1,ispec2D), nodes_ibelm_moho(2,ispec2D), &
+             nodes_ibelm_moho(3,ispec2D), nodes_ibelm_moho(4,ispec2D)
+    end do
+    close(98)
+    if( nspec2D_moho > 0 ) print*, '  nspec2D_moho = ', nspec2D_moho
+    call read_fault_files(localpath_name)
+    if (allocated(faults)) then 
+      call save_nodes_coords(nodes_coords,nnodes)
+      call close_faults(nodes_coords,nnodes)    
+    end if 
+  end subroutine read_mesh_files
+  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! checks valence of nodes
+  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine check_valence
+    allocate(mask_nodes_elmnts(nnodes))
+    allocate(used_nodes_elmnts(nnodes))
+    mask_nodes_elmnts(:) = .false.
+    used_nodes_elmnts(:) = 0
+    do ispec = 1, nspec
+      do inode = 1, ESIZE
+        mask_nodes_elmnts(elmnts(inode,ispec)) = .true.
+        used_nodes_elmnts(elmnts(inode,ispec)) = used_nodes_elmnts(elmnts(inode,ispec)) + 1
+      enddo
+    enddo
+    print *, 'nodes valence: '
+    print *, '  min = ',minval(used_nodes_elmnts(:)),'max = ', maxval(used_nodes_elmnts(:))
+    do inode = 1, nnodes
+      if (.not. mask_nodes_elmnts(inode)) then
+        stop 'ERROR : nodes not used.'
+      endif
+    enddo
+    nsize = maxval(used_nodes_elmnts(:))
+    sup_neighbour = ngnod * nsize - (ngnod + (ngnod/2 - 1)*nfaces)
+    print*, '  nsize = ',nsize, 'sup_neighbour = ', sup_neighbour
+  end subroutine check_valence
+  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! divides model into partitions using scotch library functions
+  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine scotch_partitioning
+    implicit none
+    elmnts(:,:) = elmnts(:,:) - 1
+    ! determines maximum neighbors based on 1 common node
+    allocate(xadj(1:nspec+1))
+    allocate(adjncy(1:sup_neighbour*nspec))
+    allocate(nnodes_elmnts(1:nnodes))
+    allocate(nodes_elmnts(1:nsize*nnodes))    
+    call mesh2dual_ncommonnodes(nspec, nnodes, nsize, sup_neighbour, elmnts, xadj, adjncy, nnodes_elmnts, &
+         nodes_elmnts, max_neighbour, 1)
+    print*, 'mesh2dual: '
+    print*, '  max_neighbour = ',max_neighbour
+    nb_edges = xadj(nspec+1)
+  ! allocates & initializes partioning of elements
+    allocate(part(1:nspec))
+    part(:) = -1
+  ! initializes
+  ! elements load array
+    allocate(elmnts_load(1:nspec))
+    ! uniform load
+    elmnts_load(:) = 1 
+    ! in case of acoustic/elastic simulation, weights elements accordingly
+    call acoustic_elastic_load(elmnts_load,nspec,count_def_mat,mat(1,:),mat_prop)
+  ! SCOTCH partitioning
+    call scotchfstratinit (scotchstrat(1), ierr)
+     if (ierr /= 0) then
+       stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Cannot initialize strat'
+    endif
+    call scotchfstratgraphmap (scotchstrat(1), trim(scotch_strategy), ierr)
+     if (ierr /= 0) then
+       stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Cannot build strat'
+    endif
+    call scotchfgraphinit (scotchgraph (1), ierr)
+    if (ierr /= 0) then
+       stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Cannot initialize graph'
+    endif
+    ! fills graph structure : see user manual (scotch_user5.1.pdf, page 72/73)
+    ! arguments: #(1) graph_structure       #(2) baseval(either 0/1)    #(3) number_of_vertices
+    !                    #(4) adjacency_index_array         #(5) adjacency_end_index_array (optional)
+    !                    #(6) vertex_load_array (optional) #(7) vertex_label_array
+    !                    #(7) number_of_arcs                    #(8) adjacency_array 
+    !                    #(9) arc_load_array (optional)      #(10) ierror
+    call scotchfgraphbuild (scotchgraph (1), 0, nspec, &
+                          xadj (1), xadj (1), &
+                          elmnts_load (1), xadj (1), &
+                          nb_edges, adjncy (1), &
+                          adjncy (1), ierr)
+    ! w/out element load, but adjacency array
+    !call scotchfgraphbuild (scotchgraph (1), 0, nspec, &
+    !                      xadj (1), xadj (1), &
+    !                      xadj (1), xadj (1), &
+    !                      nb_edges, adjncy (1), &
+    !                      adjncy (1), ierr)
+    if (ierr /= 0) then
+       stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Cannot build graph'
+    endif
+    call scotchfgraphcheck (scotchgraph (1), ierr)
+    if (ierr /= 0) then
+       stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Invalid check'
+    endif
+    call scotchfgraphpart (scotchgraph (1), nparts, scotchstrat(1),part(1),ierr)
+    if (ierr /= 0) then
+       stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Cannot part graph'
+    endif
+    call scotchfgraphexit (scotchgraph (1), ierr)
+    if (ierr /= 0) then
+       stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Cannot destroy graph'
+    endif
+    call scotchfstratexit (scotchstrat(1), ierr)
+    if (ierr /= 0) then
+       stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Cannot destroy strat'
+    endif
+  ! re-partitioning puts acoustic-elastic coupled elements into same partition
+  !  integer  :: nfaces_coupled
+  !  integer, dimension(:,:), pointer  :: faces_coupled
+  !    call acoustic_elastic_repartitioning (nspec, nnodes, elmnts, &
+  !                   count_def_mat, mat(1,:) , mat_prop, &
+  !                   sup_neighbour, nsize, &
+  !                   nparts, part, nfaces_coupled, faces_coupled)
+  ! move all fault elements to the same partition (proc=0)
+    call fault_collect_elements(nspec,nnodes,elmnts, &
+                                sup_neighbour,esize,nsize,nparts,part)
+  ! re-partitioning puts moho-surface coupled elements into same partition
+    call moho_surface_repartitioning (nspec, nnodes, elmnts, &
+                     sup_neighbour, nsize, nparts, part, &
+                     nspec2D_moho,ibelm_moho,nodes_ibelm_moho )
+  ! local number of each element for each partition
+    call Construct_glob2loc_elmnts(nspec, part, glob2loc_elmnts,nparts)
+  ! local number of each node for each partition
+    call Construct_glob2loc_nodes(nspec, nnodes,nsize, nnodes_elmnts, nodes_elmnts, part, &
+         glob2loc_nodes_nparts, glob2loc_nodes_parts, glob2loc_nodes, nparts)
+  ! mpi interfaces 
+    ! acoustic/elastic boundaries WILL BE SEPARATED into different MPI partitions
+    call Construct_interfaces(nspec, sup_neighbour, part, elmnts, &
+                             xadj, adjncy, tab_interfaces, &
+                             tab_size_interfaces, ninterfaces, &
+                             nparts)
+    !or: uncomment if you want acoustic/elastic boundaries NOT to be separated into different MPI partitions
+    !call Construct_interfaces_no_ac_el_sep(nspec, sup_neighbour, part, elmnts, &
+    !                          xadj, adjncy, tab_interfaces, &
+    !                          tab_size_interfaces, ninterfaces, &
+    !                          count_def_mat, mat_prop(3,:), mat(1,:), nparts)
+  end subroutine scotch_partitioning
+  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! writes out new Databases files for each partition
+  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine write_mesh_databases
+    allocate(my_interfaces(0:ninterfaces-1))
+    allocate(my_nb_interfaces(0:ninterfaces-1))
+    ! writes out Database file for each partition
+    do ipart = 0, nparts-1
+       ! opens output file
+       write(prname, "(i6.6,'_Database')") ipart
+       open(unit=15,file=outputpath_name(1:len_trim(outputpath_name))//'/proc'//prname,&
+            status='unknown', action='write', form='formatted', iostat = ierr)
+       if( ierr /= 0 ) then
+        print*,'error file open:',outputpath_name(1:len_trim(outputpath_name))//'/proc'//prname
+        print*
+        print*,'check if path exists:',outputpath_name(1:len_trim(outputpath_name))
+        stop 'error file open Database'
+       endif
+       ! gets number of nodes 
+       call write_glob2loc_nodes_database(15, ipart, nnodes_loc, nodes_coords, &
+                                  glob2loc_nodes_nparts, glob2loc_nodes_parts, &
+                                  glob2loc_nodes, nnodes, 1) 
+       ! gets number of spectral elements                           
+       call write_partition_database(15, ipart, nspec_loc, nspec, elmnts, &
+                                  glob2loc_elmnts, glob2loc_nodes_nparts, &
+                                  glob2loc_nodes_parts, glob2loc_nodes, part, mat, ngnod, 1)
+       ! writes out node coordinate locations 
+       write(15,*) nnodes_loc
+       call write_glob2loc_nodes_database(15, ipart, nnodes_loc, nodes_coords,&
+                                  glob2loc_nodes_nparts, glob2loc_nodes_parts, &
+                                  glob2loc_nodes, nnodes, 2)
+       call write_material_properties_database(15,count_def_mat,count_undef_mat, &
+                                  mat_prop, undef_mat_prop) 
+       ! writes out spectral element indices 
+       write(15,*) nspec_loc
+       call write_partition_database(15, ipart, nspec_loc, nspec, elmnts, &
+                                  glob2loc_elmnts, glob2loc_nodes_nparts, &
+                                  glob2loc_nodes_parts, glob2loc_nodes, part, mat, ngnod, 2)
+       ! writes out absorbing/free-surface boundaries
+       call write_boundaries_database(15, ipart, nspec, nspec2D_xmin, nspec2D_xmax, nspec2D_ymin, &
+                                  nspec2D_ymax, nspec2D_bottom, nspec2D_top, &
+                                  ibelm_xmin, ibelm_xmax, ibelm_ymin, &
+                                  ibelm_ymax, ibelm_bottom, ibelm_top, &
+                                  nodes_ibelm_xmin, nodes_ibelm_xmax, nodes_ibelm_ymin, &
+                                  nodes_ibelm_ymax, nodes_ibelm_bottom, nodes_ibelm_top, &
+                                  glob2loc_elmnts, glob2loc_nodes_nparts, &
+                                  glob2loc_nodes_parts, glob2loc_nodes, part)
+       ! gets number of MPI interfaces                           
+       call Write_interfaces_database(15, tab_interfaces, tab_size_interfaces, ipart, ninterfaces, &
+                                  my_ninterface, my_interfaces, my_nb_interfaces, &
+                                  glob2loc_elmnts, glob2loc_nodes_nparts, glob2loc_nodes_parts, &
+                                  glob2loc_nodes, 1, nparts)
+       ! writes out MPI interfaces elements
+       write(15,*) my_ninterface, maxval(my_nb_interfaces)
+       call Write_interfaces_database(15, tab_interfaces, tab_size_interfaces, ipart, ninterfaces, &
+                                  my_ninterface, my_interfaces, my_nb_interfaces, &
+                                  glob2loc_elmnts, glob2loc_nodes_nparts, glob2loc_nodes_parts, &
+                                  glob2loc_nodes, 2, nparts)       
+       ! writes out moho surface (optional) 
+       call write_moho_surface_database(15, ipart, nspec, &
+                                  glob2loc_elmnts, glob2loc_nodes_nparts, &
+                                  glob2loc_nodes_parts, glob2loc_nodes, part, &
+                                  nspec2D_moho,ibelm_moho,nodes_ibelm_moho)
+       close(15)
+       if (.not. allocated(faults)) cycle 
+          ! write fault database
+          write(prname, "(i6.6,'_Database_fault')") ipart
+          open(unit=16,file=outputpath_name(1:len_trim(outputpath_name))//'/proc'//prname,&
+               status='unknown', action='write', form='formatted', iostat = ierr)
+          if( ierr /= 0 ) then
+            print*,'error file open:',outputpath_name(1:len_trim(outputpath_name))//'/proc'//prname
+            print*
+            print*,'check if path exists:',outputpath_name(1:len_trim(outputpath_name))
+            stop 
+          endif
+          call write_fault_database(16, ipart, nspec, &
+                                    glob2loc_elmnts, glob2loc_nodes_nparts, glob2loc_nodes_parts, &
+                                    glob2loc_nodes, part)
+!          close(16)
+         ! write nodes coordinates with fault open crack  
+!          write(prname, "(i6.6,'_Database_fault_nodes')") ipart
+!          open(unit=16,file=outputpath_name(1:len_trim(outputpath_name))//'/proc'//prname,&
+!               status='unknown', action='write', form='formatted', iostat = ierr)
+!          if( ierr /= 0 ) then
+!            print*,'error file open:',outputpath_name(1:len_trim(outputpath_name))//'/proc'//prname
+!            print*
+!            print*,'check if path exists:',outputpath_name(1:len_trim(outputpath_name))
+!            stop 
+!          endif
+          write(16,*) nnodes_loc
+          call write_glob2loc_nodes_database(16, ipart, nnodes_loc, nodes_coords_open,&
+                                  glob2loc_nodes_nparts, glob2loc_nodes_parts, &
+                                  glob2loc_nodes, nnodes, 2)
+          close(16)
+    end do
+    print*, 'partitions: '
+    print*, '  num = ',nparts
+    print*
+    print*, 'Databases files in directory: ',outputpath_name(1:len_trim(outputpath_name))
+    print*, 'finished successfully'
+    print*
+  end subroutine write_mesh_databases
+!end program pre_meshfem3D
+end module decompose_mesh_SCOTCH

Added: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH/devel/fault_scotch.f90
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH/devel/fault_scotch.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH/devel/fault_scotch.f90	2011-05-16 02:06:14 UTC (rev 18379)
@@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
+module fault_scotch
+  implicit none
+  private 
+  type fault_type
+    private 
+    integer :: nspec
+    integer, dimension(:), pointer  :: ispec1, ispec2 !, iface1, iface2 
+    integer, dimension(:,:), pointer  :: inodes1, inodes2 
+  end type fault_type
+  type(fault_type), allocatable, save :: faults(:) 
+  double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable, save :: nodes_coords_open
+  integer, parameter :: long = SELECTED_INT_KIND(18)
+  double precision, parameter :: FAULT_GAP_TOLERANCE = 1.0d0 ! JPA: are you sure 1 meter is small enough?
+                                                             ! PGB: for a simple test is fine .For SCEC lower values.
+  public :: read_fault_files, fault_collect_elements, close_faults, write_fault_database, &
+            save_nodes_coords, nodes_coords_open, faults
+  Subroutine read_fault_files(localpath_name)
+  character(len=256),intent(in) :: localpath_name    
+  integer :: nbfaults, iflt, ier 
+  open(101,file='../DATA/FAULT/Par_file_faults.in',status='old',action='read',iostat=ier)
+  if (ier==0) then 
+    read(101,*) nbfaults
+  else
+    nbfaults = 0
+    print *, 'Par_file.in not found: assume no faults'
+  endif
+  close(101)
+  if (nbfaults>0) then
+    allocate(faults(nbfaults))
+    do iflt = 1 , nbfaults 
+     call read_single_fault_file(faults(iflt),iflt,localpath_name)
+    enddo
+  endif
+  end subroutine read_fault_files
+  Subroutine read_single_fault_file(f,ifault,localpath_name)
+  type(fault_type), intent(inout) :: f
+  character(len=256),intent(in) :: localpath_name 
+  character(len=256) :: filename  
+  integer,intent(in) :: ifault
+  character(len=5) :: NTchar
+  integer :: e,ier,nspec_side1,nspec_side2 
+  write(NTchar,'(I5)') ifault
+  NTchar = adjustl(NTchar)
+  filename = localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/fault_file_'//&
+             NTchar(1:len_trim(NTchar))//'.dat'
+  filename = adjustl(filename)
+  ! reads fault elements and nodes
+  open(unit=101, file=filename, status='old', form='formatted', iostat = ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) then
+    write(6,*) 'Fatal error: file '//filename//' not found' 
+    write(6,*) 'Abort'
+    stop
+  endif
+  read(101,*) nspec_side1,nspec_side2
+  if (nspec_side1 /= nspec_side2) stop 'Number of fault nodes at do not match.'
+  f%nspec = nspec_side1
+  allocate(f%ispec1(f%nspec))
+  allocate(f%ispec2(f%nspec))
+  allocate(f%inodes1(4,f%nspec))
+  allocate(f%inodes2(4,f%nspec))
+ ! format: 
+ ! number of elements side at side 1 and side 2 
+ ! #id_(element containing the face) #id_node1_face .. #id_node4_face
+ ! First for all faces on side 1, then side 2
+ ! Note: element ids start at 1, not 0. Check that in cubit2specfem3d.py
+  do e=1,f%nspec
+    read(101,*) f%ispec1(e),f%inodes1(:,e)
+!      print*, f%ispec1(e),f%inodes1(:,e) !TEST
+  enddo
+  do e=1,f%nspec
+    read(101,*) f%ispec2(e),f%inodes2(:,e)
+!      print*, f%ispec2(e),f%inodes2(:,e) !TEST
+  enddo
+ ! If we ever figure out how to export "ifaces" from CUBIT:
+  !allocate(f%iface1(f%nspec))
+  !allocate(f%iface2(f%nspec))
+  !do e=1,f%nspec
+  !  read(101,*) f%ispec1(e),f%ispec2(e),f%iface1(e),f%iface2(e)
+  !enddo
+  close(101)
+  end Subroutine read_single_fault_file
+! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! Saving nodes_coords to be used in SESAME for ibool_fault_side1 and side2
+   subroutine save_nodes_coords(nodes_coords,nnodes)
+   integer, intent(in) :: nnodes
+   double precision, dimension(3,nnodes), intent(in) :: nodes_coords
+   allocate(nodes_coords_open(3,nnodes)) 
+   nodes_coords_open = nodes_coords 
+   end subroutine save_nodes_coords   
+! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine close_faults(nodes_coords,nnodes)
+  integer ,intent(in) :: nnodes
+  double precision, dimension(3,nnodes), intent(inout) :: nodes_coords
+  integer  :: iflt
+  do iflt=1,size(faults)
+    call close_fault_single(faults(iflt),nodes_coords,nnodes)
+  enddo
+  end subroutine close_faults
+! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+!jpa: to do this much faster:
+!     1. create a list of unique nodes from inodes1 and inodes2, 
+!          inodes1_u = unique(isort1)
+!          inodes2_u = unique(isort2)
+!     2. sort the nodes by coordinates. Now both faces correspond.
+!          [coord,k1] = sort(coords(inodes1_u))
+!          k1 = inodes1_u(k1)
+!          [coord,k2] = sort(coords(inodes2_u))
+!          k2 = inodes2_u(k2)
+!     3. set the coordinates on both sides equal to their average
+!          coords(k1) = 0.5*( coords(k1)+coords(k2) )
+!          coords(k2) = coords(k1)
+  subroutine close_fault_single(fb,nodes_coords,nnodes)
+  integer ,intent(in)  :: nnodes
+  type(fault_type),intent(in) :: fb
+  double precision,dimension(3,nnodes), intent(inout) :: nodes_coords 
+  double precision, dimension(3) :: xyz_1, xyz_2 
+  double precision, dimension(3) :: xyz
+  double precision :: dist
+  integer :: iglob1, iglob2, i, j, k1, k2
+  logical :: found_it
+  do e = 1,fb%nspec
+    do k2=1,4
+      iglob2 = fb%inodes2(k2,e)
+      found_it = .false.
+      xyz_2 = nodes_coords(:,iglob2)
+      do j = 1,fb%nspec
+        do k1=1,4
+          iglob1 = fb%inodes1(k1,e)
+          xyz_1 = nodes_coords(:,iglob1)
+          xyz = xyz_2-xyz_1
+          dist = xyz(1)*xyz(1) + xyz(2)*xyz(2) + xyz(3)*xyz(3)
+          dist = sqrt(dist)
+       !jpa: Closing nodes that are already closed is not a problem
+       !jpa: I process them again to leave the loop as early as possible
+       !jpa: and to test if a facing node was found (See below). 
+          if (dist <= FAULT_GAP_TOLERANCE) then
+            xyz =  (xyz_1 + xyz_2)*0.5d0
+            nodes_coords(:,iglob2) = xyz
+            nodes_coords(:,iglob1) = xyz
+            found_it = .true.
+            exit 
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if (found_it) exit 
+      enddo
+        if (.not.found_it) then
+       ! If the fault is very complicated (non-planar) the meshes of the two fault sides 
+       ! can be very unstructured and might not match (unless you enforce it in CUBIT). 
+       ! That is unlikely because the fault gap is tiny, but we never know.
+          stop 'Inconsistent fault mesh: corresponding node in the other fault face was not found'
+        endif
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  end subroutine close_fault_single
+! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !--------------------------------------------------
+  ! Repartitioning : two coupled faultside1/side2 elements are transfered to the same partition
+  !--------------------------------------------------
+ Subroutine fault_collect_elements(nelmnts,nnodes,elmnts, &
+                                   sup_neighbour,esize,nsize,nproc,part)
+  integer(long), intent(in) :: nelmnts,nsize,sup_neighbour 
+  integer, dimension(0:esize*nelmnts-1),intent(in)  :: elmnts
+  integer, intent(in)  :: nnodes, nproc, esize
+  integer, dimension(0:nelmnts-1),intent(inout)    :: part
+  logical, dimension(nelmnts)  :: is_on_fault
+  integer :: iflt
+  is_on_fault = .false.
+  do iflt=1,size(faults)
+    is_on_fault(faults(iflt)%ispec1) = .true.
+    is_on_fault(faults(iflt)%ispec2) = .true.
+  end do
+  call fault_repartition (nelmnts, nnodes, elmnts, sup_neighbour, nsize, &
+                          nproc, part, is_on_fault,esize)
+  end Subroutine fault_collect_elements
+! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Subroutine fault_repartition (nelmnts, nnodes, elmnts, sup_neighbour, nsize, &
+                        nproc, part, is_on_fault, esize)
+!     part : iproc number of processor partioned. It will altered patching fault elements into the same partion.  
+!     Part, once is altered , will be input for write_partition_database.
+  integer(long), intent(in) :: nelmnts,sup_neighbour,nsize
+  integer, intent(in)  :: nnodes, nproc, esize 
+  integer, dimension(0:esize*nelmnts-1), intent(in) :: elmnts
+  logical , dimension(nelmnts), intent(in) :: is_on_fault
+  integer, dimension(0:nelmnts-1), intent(inout)    :: part
+  integer, dimension(0:nelmnts)                  :: xadj
+  integer, dimension(0:sup_neighbour*nelmnts-1)  :: adjncy
+  integer, dimension(0:nnodes-1)                 :: nnodes_elmnts
+  integer, dimension(0:nsize*nnodes-1)           :: nodes_elmnts
+  integer  :: max_neighbour       
+  integer  :: i,j, ipart,nproc_null,nproc_null_final
+  integer  :: el, el_1, el_2, k1, k2
+  logical  :: is_repartitioned
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: elem_proc_null
+ ! downloading processor 0
+  nproc_null = count( part == 0 )
+  print*, 'Elements proc = 0 redistributed in [{nproc}- nproc0] :'
+  print*, nproc_null
+  if ( nproc_null /= 0 ) then
+    allocate(elem_proc_null(nproc_null))
+   ! Filling up proc = 0 elements
+    nproc_null = 0
+    do i = 1,nelmnts
+      if ( part(i) == 0 ) then
+        nproc_null = nproc_null + 1
+        elem_proc_null(nproc_null) = i
+      end if
+    end do     
+   ! Redistributing proc-0 elements on the rest of processors
+   !jpa: why do this? does it always help balancing ?
+   !pgb: Yes, bulk elements in processor 0 are taken out and redistributed.
+   !pgb: leaving more space for fault elements. 
+   !jpa: But if the number of fault elements is much smaller than nproc_null
+   !     we will end up with a very UNbalanced proc 0 !
+    ipart=0
+    do i = 1, nproc_null
+      if ( ipart == nproc ) ipart = 0
+      ipart = ipart +1
+      part(elem_proc_null(i)) = ipart
+    end do
+  endif
+  call mesh2dual_ncommonnodes_fault(nelmnts, nnodes, nsize, sup_neighbour, &
+                                elmnts, xadj, adjncy, nnodes_elmnts, &
+                                nodes_elmnts, max_neighbour, 4, esize)
+    ! coupled elements
+    !  ---------------
+    ! Allocating neighbours with shared fault faces.
+    ! This is done in order to not break MPI interfaces.
+    ! Dirty implementation.
+    ! Fault faces are shield by double coarse neighbours.
+    !              
+    !                 1   2
+    !             1   1   2   2
+    !          1  1  [1] [2]  2  2
+    !             1  1    2   2      
+    !                1    2   
+    ! Allocating elements with double shield layer
+  print *, "Fault shield double-layer :"
+  do el = 0, nelmnts-1
+    if ( is_on_fault(el+1) ) then
+      part(el) = 0
+      do k1 = xadj(el), xadj(el+1) - 1
+        el_1 = adjncy(k1) 
+        part(el_1) = 0
+        do k2 = xadj(el_1), xadj(el_1+1) - 1
+          el_2 = adjncy(k2) 
+          part(el_2) = 0
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    endif
+  enddo
+  nproc_null_final = count( part == 0 )
+  print *, nproc_null_final 
+  end subroutine fault_repartition
+! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! See subroutine write_boundaries_database in part_decompose_mesh_SCOTCH.f90
+! File format: 
+! one block for each fault
+! first line of each block = number of fault elements in this processor
+! next lines: #id_(element containing the face) #id_node1_face .. #id_node4_face
+! first for all faces on side 1, then side 2
+  subroutine write_fault_database(IIN_database, iproc, nelmnts, glob2loc_elmnts, &
+                          glob2loc_nodes_nparts, glob2loc_nodes_parts, glob2loc_nodes, part)
+  integer, intent(in)  :: IIN_database
+  integer, intent(in)  :: iproc
+  integer(long), intent(in) :: nelmnts
+  integer, dimension(0:nelmnts-1), intent(in)  :: part
+  integer, dimension(0:nelmnts-1), intent(in)  :: glob2loc_elmnts
+  integer, dimension(0:), intent(in) :: glob2loc_nodes_nparts
+  integer, dimension(0:), intent(in) :: glob2loc_nodes_parts
+  integer, dimension(0:), intent(in) :: glob2loc_nodes
+  integer  :: i,j,k,iflt,e
+  integer  :: nspec_fault_1,nspec_fault_2
+  integer :: loc_nodes(4),inodes(4)
+  do iflt=1,size(faults)
+   ! get number of fault elements in this partition
+    nspec_fault_1 = count( part(faults(iflt)%ispec1-1) == iproc )
+    nspec_fault_2 = count( part(faults(iflt)%ispec2-1) == iproc )
+    if (nspec_fault_1 /= nspec_fault_2) then
+      print *, 'Fault # ',iflt,', proc # ',iproc
+      print *, '  ispec1 : ', nspec_fault_1
+      print *, '  ispec2 : ', nspec_fault_2
+      print *, 'Fatal error: Number of fault elements do not coincide. Abort.'
+      stop 
+    end if
+    write(IIN_database,*) nspec_fault_1
+   ! if no fault element in this partition, move to next fault
+    if (nspec_fault_1==0) cycle 
+   ! export fault element data, side 1
+    do i=1,faults(iflt)%nspec
+      e = faults(iflt)%ispec1(i)
+      if (part(e-1) == iproc) then
+        inodes = faults(iflt)%inodes1(:,i)
+        do k=1,4
+          do j = glob2loc_nodes_nparts(inodes(k)-1), glob2loc_nodes_nparts(inodes(k))-1
+            if (glob2loc_nodes_parts(j) == iproc ) then
+              loc_nodes(k) = glob2loc_nodes(j) + 1
+            end if
+          end do
+        end do
+        write(IIN_database,*) glob2loc_elmnts(e-1)+1, loc_nodes
+      end if
+    enddo
+   ! export fault element data, side 2
+    do i=1,faults(iflt)%nspec
+      e = faults(iflt)%ispec2(i)
+      if(part(e-1) == iproc) then
+        inodes = faults(iflt)%inodes2(:,i)
+        do k=1,4
+          do j = glob2loc_nodes_nparts(inodes(k)-1), glob2loc_nodes_nparts(inodes(k))-1
+            if (glob2loc_nodes_parts(j) == iproc ) then
+              loc_nodes(k) = glob2loc_nodes(j)+1
+            end if
+          end do
+        end do
+        write(IIN_database,*) glob2loc_elmnts(e-1)+1, loc_nodes
+      end if
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  end subroutine write_fault_database
+! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+! Creating dual graph (adjacency is defined by 'ncommonnodes' between two elements).
+! Taken from part_decomposition_SCOTCH.f90 routine.
+  subroutine mesh2dual_ncommonnodes_fault(nelmnts, nnodes, nsize, sup_neighbour, elmnts,&
+                        xadj, adjncy, &
+                        nnodes_elmnts, nodes_elmnts, &
+                        max_neighbour, ncommonnodes,esize)
+    integer(long), intent(in)  :: nelmnts
+    integer, intent(in)  :: nnodes
+    integer(long), intent(in)  :: nsize
+    integer(long), intent(in)  :: sup_neighbour
+    integer, dimension(0:esize*nelmnts-1), intent(in)  :: elmnts    
+    integer, dimension(0:nelmnts)  :: xadj
+    integer, dimension(0:sup_neighbour*nelmnts-1)  :: adjncy
+    integer, dimension(0:nnodes-1)  :: nnodes_elmnts
+    integer, dimension(0:nsize*nnodes-1)  :: nodes_elmnts
+    integer, intent(out) :: max_neighbour
+    integer, intent(in)  :: ncommonnodes,esize
+    ! local parameters
+    integer  :: i, j, k, l, m, nb_edges
+    logical  ::  is_neighbour
+    integer  :: num_node, n
+    integer  :: elem_base, elem_target
+    integer  :: connectivity
+    ! initializes
+    xadj(:) = 0
+    adjncy(:) = 0
+    nnodes_elmnts(:) = 0
+    nodes_elmnts(:) = 0
+    nb_edges = 0
+    ! list of elements per node
+    do i = 0, esize*nelmnts-1
+       nodes_elmnts(elmnts(i)*nsize+nnodes_elmnts(elmnts(i))) = i/esize
+       nnodes_elmnts(elmnts(i)) = nnodes_elmnts(elmnts(i)) + 1
+    end do
+    ! checking which elements are neighbours ('ncommonnodes' criteria)
+    do j = 0, nnodes-1
+       do k = 0, nnodes_elmnts(j)-1
+          do l = k+1, nnodes_elmnts(j)-1
+             connectivity = 0
+             elem_base = nodes_elmnts(k+j*nsize)
+             elem_target = nodes_elmnts(l+j*nsize)
+             do n = 1, esize
+                num_node = elmnts(esize*elem_base+n-1)
+                do m = 0, nnodes_elmnts(num_node)-1
+                   if ( nodes_elmnts(m+num_node*nsize) == elem_target ) then
+                      connectivity = connectivity + 1
+                   end if
+                end do
+             end do
+             if ( connectivity >=  ncommonnodes) then
+                is_neighbour = .false.
+                do m = 0, xadj(nodes_elmnts(k+j*nsize))
+                   if ( .not.is_neighbour ) then
+                      if ( adjncy(nodes_elmnts(k+j*nsize)*sup_neighbour+m) == nodes_elmnts(l+j*nsize) ) then
+                         is_neighbour = .true.
+                      end if
+                   end if
+                end do
+                if ( .not.is_neighbour ) then
+                   adjncy(nodes_elmnts(k+j*nsize)*sup_neighbour+xadj(nodes_elmnts(k+j*nsize))) = nodes_elmnts(l+j*nsize)
+                   xadj(nodes_elmnts(k+j*nsize)) = xadj(nodes_elmnts(k+j*nsize)) + 1
+                   if (xadj(nodes_elmnts(k+j*nsize))>sup_neighbour) stop 'ERROR : too much neighbours per element, modify the mesh.'
+                   adjncy(nodes_elmnts(l+j*nsize)*sup_neighbour+xadj(nodes_elmnts(l+j*nsize))) = nodes_elmnts(k+j*nsize)
+                   xadj(nodes_elmnts(l+j*nsize)) = xadj(nodes_elmnts(l+j*nsize)) + 1
+                   if (xadj(nodes_elmnts(l+j*nsize))>sup_neighbour) stop 'ERROR : too much neighbours per element, modify the mesh.'
+                end if
+             end if
+          end do
+       end do
+    end do
+    max_neighbour = maxval(xadj)
+    ! making adjacency arrays compact (to be used for partitioning)
+    do i = 0, nelmnts-1
+       k = xadj(i)
+       xadj(i) = nb_edges
+       do j = 0, k-1
+          adjncy(nb_edges) = adjncy(i*sup_neighbour+j)
+          nb_edges = nb_edges + 1
+       end do
+    end do
+    xadj(nelmnts) = nb_edges
+  end subroutine mesh2dual_ncommonnodes_fault
+!  subroutine write_fault_database_iface(IIN_database, iproc, nelmnts, &
+!                                      glob2loc_elmnts, part)
+!  integer, intent(in)  :: IIN_database
+!  integer, intent(in)  :: iproc
+!  integer(long), intent(in) :: nelmnts
+!  integer, dimension(0:nelmnts-1), intent(in)  :: part,glob2loc_elmnts
+!  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ispec1, ispec2, iface1, iface2 
+!  integer  :: i,iflt,ispec_fault 
+!  integer  :: nspec_fault_1,nspec_fault_2,nspec_fault
+!  integer  :: k1,k2
+!  do iflt=1,size(faults)
+!   ! check number of fault elements in this partition
+!    nspec_fault_1 = count( part(faults(iflt)%ispec1-1) == iproc )
+!    nspec_fault_2 = count( part(faults(iflt)%ispec2-1) == iproc )
+!    print *, 'Fault # ',iflt
+!    print *, '  ispec1 : ', nspec_fault_1
+!    print *, '  ispec2 : ', nspec_fault_2
+!    if (nspec_fault_1 /= nspec_fault_2) then
+!      print *, 'Fatal error: Number of fault elements on ',iproc,' do not coincide. Abort.'
+!      stop 
+!    end if
+!    nspec_fault = nspec_fault_1 
+!    write(IIN_database,*) nspec_fault
+!    if (nspec_fault==0) cycle 
+!    allocate(ispec1(nspec_fault))
+!    allocate(iface1(nspec_fault))
+!    allocate(ispec2(nspec_fault))
+!    allocate(iface2(nspec_fault))
+!    k1 = 0
+!    k2 = 0
+!    do i = 1,faults(iflt)%nspec   
+!      if ( part(faults(iflt)%ispec1(i)-1) == iproc ) then
+!        k1 = k1 + 1
+!        ispec1(k1)=glob2loc_elmnts(faults(iflt)%ispec1(i))
+!        iface1(k1)=faults(iflt)%iface1(i)
+!      endif
+!      if ( part(faults(iflt)%ispec2(i)-1) == iproc ) then
+!        k2 = k2 + 1
+!        ispec2(k2)=glob2loc_elmnts(faults(iflt)%ispec2(i))
+!        iface2(k2)=faults(iflt)%iface2(i)
+!      endif
+!    enddo
+!   ! Writes ispec1 , ispec2 , iface1 , iface2
+!    do i = 1,nspec_fault
+!      write(IIN_database,*) ispec1(i), ispec2(i), iface1(i), iface2(i)
+!    enddo
+!   ! NOTE: the solver does not need ispec1 and ispec2 to be facing each other across the fault
+!    deallocate(ispec1,ispec2,iface1,iface2)
+!  enddo
+!  end subroutine write_fault_database_iface
+end module fault_scotch

Modified: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH/fault_scotch.f90
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH/fault_scotch.f90	2011-05-16 00:11:00 UTC (rev 18378)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH/fault_scotch.f90	2011-05-16 02:06:14 UTC (rev 18379)
@@ -189,20 +189,19 @@
             nodes_coords(:,iglob1) = xyz
             found_it = .true.
-          endif 
+          endif
+        if (found_it) exit 
+      enddo
-        if (found_it) then
-          exit
-        else
+    enddo
+       ! if (.not.found_it) then
        ! If the fault is very complicated (non-planar) the meshes of the two fault sides 
        ! can be very unstructured and might not match (unless you enforce it in CUBIT). 
        ! That is unlikely because the fault gap is tiny, but we never know.
-          stop 'Inconsistent fault mesh: corresponding node in the other fault face was not found'
-        endif
-      enddo
-    enddo
+       !   stop 'Inconsistent fault mesh: corresponding node in the other fault face was not found'
+       ! endif
   end subroutine close_fault_single

Added: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/lap_to_brutus
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/lap_to_brutus	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/lap_to_brutus	2011-05-16 02:06:14 UTC (rev 18379)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+rsync -avuze ssh --delete . gpercy at brutus.ethz.ch:~/FAULT_SOURCE/
+## v : verbose , u : preserve newer existing files from overwritting.
+## b : backup existing files before overwritting.
+## e : allows to do remote login ssh.
+## delete : delete different files

Property changes on: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/lap_to_brutus
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/bigstar/run.xgenerate_databases
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/bigstar/run.xgenerate_databases	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/bigstar/run.xgenerate_databases	2011-05-16 02:06:14 UTC (rev 18379)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#	d=`date`
+#	echo "Starting compilation $d"
+#        make generate_databases
+#	d=`date`
+#	echo "Finished compilation $d"
+# compute total number of nodes needed
+NPROC=`grep NPROC DATA/Par_file | cut -d = -f 2`
+# total number of nodes is the product of the values read
+echo "Submitting job"
+echo $NPROC
+echo "running mesh" 
+LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib mpirun -np $NPROC ./xgenerate_databases 
+echo "database done"
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/bigstar/run.xgenerate_databases
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/bigstar/run.xspecfem3d
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/bigstar/run.xspecfem3d	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/bigstar/run.xspecfem3d	2011-05-16 02:06:14 UTC (rev 18379)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#	d=`date`
+#	echo "Starting compilation $d"
+#        make specfem3D
+#	d=`date`
+#	echo "Finished compilation $d"
+# compute total number of nodes needed
+NPROC=`grep NPROC DATA/Par_file | cut -d = -f 2`
+# total number of nodes is the product of the values read
+echo "Submitting job"
+echo $NPROC
+echo "running solver"
+LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib mpirun -np $NPROC ./xspecfem3D &
+echo "solver done"

Property changes on: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/bigstar/run.xspecfem3d
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/brutus/go_generate_databases_lsf.bash
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/brutus/go_generate_databases_lsf.bash	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/brutus/go_generate_databases_lsf.bash	2011-05-16 02:06:14 UTC (rev 18379)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+## job name and output file
+#BSUB -J go_generate_databases
+if [ -z $USER ]; then
+	echo "could not run go_mesher_...bash as no USER env is set"
+	exit 2
+# script to run the mesher and the solver
+# read DATA/Par_file to get information about the run
+# compute total number of nodes needed
+NPROC=`grep NPROC DATA/Par_file | cut -d = -f 2 `
+# total number of nodes is the product of the values read
+# obtain lsf job information
+cat $LSB_DJOB_HOSTFILE > OUTPUT_FILES/compute_nodes
+echo "$LSB_JOBID" > OUTPUT_FILES/jobid
+echo starting MPI mesher on $numnodes processors
+echo " "
+sleep 2 
+mpirun $PWD/xgenerate_databases
+echo "done "

Property changes on: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/brutus/go_generate_databases_lsf.bash
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/brutus/go_specfem3D_lsf.bash
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/brutus/go_specfem3D_lsf.bash	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/brutus/go_specfem3D_lsf.bash	2011-05-16 02:06:14 UTC (rev 18379)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+## job name and output file
+#BSUB -J go_generate_databases
+if [ -z $USER ]; then
+	echo "could not run go_mesher_...bash as no USER env is set"
+	exit 2
+# script to run the mesher and the solver
+# read DATA/Par_file to get information about the run
+# compute total number of nodes needed
+NPROC=`grep NPROC DATA/Par_file | cut -d = -f 2 `
+# total number of nodes is the product of the values read
+# obtain lsf job information
+cat $LSB_DJOB_HOSTFILE > OUTPUT_FILES/compute_nodes
+echo "$LSB_JOBID" > OUTPUT_FILES/jobid
+echo starting MPI mesher on $numnodes processors
+echo " "
+sleep 2 
+mpirun $PWD/xspecfem3D
+echo "done "

Property changes on: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/brutus/go_specfem3D_lsf.bash
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/brutus/run_generate_database.bash
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/brutus/run_generate_database.bash	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/brutus/run_generate_database.bash	2011-05-16 02:06:14 UTC (rev 18379)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# this script launches the specfem simulation
+# Percy Galvez, ETH-zurich.Brutus.. 2010.
+# use the normal queue unless otherwise directed
+if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
+	echo "Setting the queue to $1"
+	queue="-q $1"
+echo "Starting compilation $d"
+make clean
+echo "Finished compilation $d"
+# total number of nodes is the product of the values read
+numnodes=`grep NPROC DATA/Par_file | cut -d = -f 2`
+echo "Submitting job"
+echo "bsub $queue -R ib  -n $numnodes -W 60 < go_generate_databases_lsf.bash"
+# Intel version of open MPI needs infiniBand libraries (librdmacm.so),even
+#therefore  nodes with this characteristic are required, in that sense option  
+# -R ib will take infiniband nodes.
+bsub -R ib -n $numnodes -W 60 < go_generate_databases_lsf.bash

Property changes on: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/brutus/run_generate_database.bash
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/brutus/run_specfem3d.bash
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/brutus/run_specfem3d.bash	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/brutus/run_specfem3d.bash	2011-05-16 02:06:14 UTC (rev 18379)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# this script launches the specfem simulation
+# Percy Galvez, ETH-zurich.Brutus.. 2010.
+# use the normal queue unless otherwise directed
+if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
+	echo "Setting the queue to $1"
+	queue="-q $1"
+echo "Starting compilation $d"
+make clean
+echo "Finished compilation $d"
+# total number of nodes is the product of the values read
+numnodes=`grep NPROC DATA/Par_file | cut -d = -f 2`
+echo "Submitting job"
+echo "bsub $queue -R ib  -n $numnodes -W 360 < go_specfem3D_lsf.bash"
+# Intel version of open MPI needs infiniBand libraries (librdmacm.so),even
+#therefore  nodes with this characteristic are required, in that sense option  
+# -R ib will take infiniband nodes.
+bsub -R ib -n $numnodes -W 360 < go_specfem3D_lsf.bash

Property changes on: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/brutus/run_specfem3d.bash
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/go_generate_databases_lsf.bash
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/go_generate_databases_lsf.bash	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/go_generate_databases_lsf.bash	2011-05-16 02:06:14 UTC (rev 18379)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+## job name and output file
+#BSUB -J go_generate_databases
+if [ -z $USER ]; then
+	echo "could not run go_mesher_...bash as no USER env is set"
+	exit 2
+# script to run the mesher and the solver
+# read DATA/Par_file to get information about the run
+# compute total number of nodes needed
+NPROC=`grep NPROC DATA/Par_file | cut -d = -f 2 `
+# total number of nodes is the product of the values read
+# obtain lsf job information
+cat $LSB_DJOB_HOSTFILE > OUTPUT_FILES/compute_nodes
+echo "$LSB_JOBID" > OUTPUT_FILES/jobid
+echo starting MPI mesher on $numnodes processors
+echo " "
+sleep 2 
+mpirun $PWD/xgenerate_databases
+echo "done "

Property changes on: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/go_generate_databases_lsf.bash
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/go_specfem3D_lsf.bash
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/go_specfem3D_lsf.bash	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/go_specfem3D_lsf.bash	2011-05-16 02:06:14 UTC (rev 18379)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+## job name and output file
+#BSUB -J go_generate_databases
+if [ -z $USER ]; then
+	echo "could not run go_mesher_...bash as no USER env is set"
+	exit 2
+# script to run the mesher and the solver
+# read DATA/Par_file to get information about the run
+# compute total number of nodes needed
+NPROC=`grep NPROC DATA/Par_file | cut -d = -f 2 `
+# total number of nodes is the product of the values read
+# obtain lsf job information
+cat $LSB_DJOB_HOSTFILE > OUTPUT_FILES/compute_nodes
+echo "$LSB_JOBID" > OUTPUT_FILES/jobid
+echo starting MPI mesher on $numnodes processors
+echo " "
+sleep 2 
+mpirun $PWD/xspecfem3D
+echo "done "

Property changes on: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/go_specfem3D_lsf.bash
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/run_generate_database.bash
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/run_generate_database.bash	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/run_generate_database.bash	2011-05-16 02:06:14 UTC (rev 18379)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# this script launches the specfem simulation
+# Percy Galvez, ETH-zurich.Brutus.. 2010.
+# use the normal queue unless otherwise directed
+if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
+	echo "Setting the queue to $1"
+	queue="-q $1"
+echo "Starting compilation $d"
+make clean
+echo "Finished compilation $d"
+# total number of nodes is the product of the values read
+numnodes=`grep NPROC DATA/Par_file | cut -d = -f 2`
+echo "Submitting job"
+echo "bsub $queue -R ib  -n $numnodes -W 60 < go_generate_databases_lsf.bash"
+# Intel version of open MPI needs infiniBand libraries (librdmacm.so),even
+#therefore  nodes with this characteristic are required, in that sense option  
+# -R ib will take infiniband nodes.
+bsub -R ib -n $numnodes -W 60 < go_generate_databases_lsf.bash

Property changes on: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/run_generate_database.bash
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/run_lsf.bash
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/run_lsf.bash	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/run_lsf.bash	2011-05-16 02:06:14 UTC (rev 18379)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# this script launches the specfem simulation
+# Percy Galvez, ETH-zurich.Brutus.. 2010.
+# use the normal queue unless otherwise directed
+if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
+	echo "Setting the queue to $1"
+	queue="-q $1"
+echo "Starting compilation $d"
+make clean
+echo "Finished compilation $d"
+# total number of nodes is the product of the values read
+numnodes=`grep NPROC DATA/Par_file | cut -d = -f 2`
+echo "Submitting job"
+echo "bsub $queue -R ib  -n $numnodes -W 360 < go_specfem3D_lsf.bash"
+# Intel version of open MPI needs infiniBand libraries (librdmacm.so),even
+#therefore  nodes with this characteristic are required, in that sense option  
+# -R ib will take infiniband nodes.
+bsub -R ib -n $numnodes -W 360 < go_specfem3D_lsf.bash

Property changes on: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/run_lsf.bash
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/run_specfem3d.bash
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/run_specfem3d.bash	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/run_specfem3d.bash	2011-05-16 02:06:14 UTC (rev 18379)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# this script launches the specfem simulation
+# Percy Galvez, ETH-zurich.Brutus.. 2010.
+# use the normal queue unless otherwise directed
+if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
+	echo "Setting the queue to $1"
+	queue="-q $1"
+echo "Starting compilation $d"
+make clean
+echo "Finished compilation $d"
+# total number of nodes is the product of the values read
+numnodes=`grep NPROC DATA/Par_file | cut -d = -f 2`
+echo "Submitting job"
+echo "bsub $queue -R ib  -n $numnodes -W 360 < go_specfem3D_lsf.bash"
+# Intel version of open MPI needs infiniBand libraries (librdmacm.so),even
+#therefore  nodes with this characteristic are required, in that sense option  
+# -R ib will take infiniband nodes.
+bsub -R ib -n $numnodes -W 360 < go_specfem3D_lsf.bash

Property changes on: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/run/run_specfem3d.bash
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Modified: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_object.f90
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_object.f90	2011-05-16 00:11:00 UTC (rev 18378)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_object.f90	2011-05-16 02:06:14 UTC (rev 18379)
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
                  iface3_corner_ijk,iface4_corner_ijk, &
                  iface5_corner_ijk,iface6_corner_ijk /),(/3,4,6/))   ! all faces
-  public :: fault_read_input, fault_setup, fault_save_arrays_test, fault_save_arrays, fault_db, &
+  public :: fault_read_input, fault_setup, fault_save_arrays_test, fault_save_arrays, &
             nodes_coords_open, nnodes_coords_open, ANY_FAULT_IN_THIS_PROC
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@
     call setup_Kelvin_Voigt_eta(fault_db(iflt),nspec)
-    call save_fault_xyzcoord_ibulk(fault_db(iflt),ibool,nspec)
+    call save_fault_xyzcoord_ibulk(fault_db(iflt))
     call setup_normal_jacobian(fault_db(iflt),ibool,nspec,nglob,myrank)
@@ -201,61 +201,6 @@
-! We only close *store_dummy. Closing *store is more difficult.
-! Fortunately only *store_dummy is needed to compute jacobians and normals
-subroutine close_fault(fdb) !,xstore,ystore,zstore,nspec)
-  use create_regions_mesh_ext_par, only: xstore_dummy,ystore_dummy,zstore_dummy
-  type(fault_db_type), intent(inout) :: fdb  
-!  integer, intent(in) :: nspec
-!  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec), intent(inout) :: xstore,ystore,zstore
-  integer :: i,K1,K2
-  do i=1,fdb%nglob
-    K1 = fdb%ibulk1(i)
-    K2 = fdb%ibulk2(i)
-    xstore_dummy(K1) = 0.5d0*( xstore_dummy(K1) + xstore_dummy(K2) )
-    xstore_dummy(K2) = xstore_dummy(K1)
-    ystore_dummy(K1) = 0.5d0*( ystore_dummy(K1) + ystore_dummy(K2) )
-    ystore_dummy(K2) = ystore_dummy(K1)
-    zstore_dummy(K1) = 0.5d0*( zstore_dummy(K1) + zstore_dummy(K2) )
-    zstore_dummy(K2) = zstore_dummy(K1)
-  enddo
-! Closing *store is not easy ...
-! The following would work only if ispec1 and ispec2 were always facing each other
-! and if igll corresponded to the same node in both element faces.
-! That would require reordering isepcs, e.g. sorting them by coordinate of the middle point of the face,
-! and then, within each face, searching the nearest node (by coordinate)
-!  do e=1,fdb%nspec
-!    e1 = fdb%ispec1(e)
-!    e2 = fdb%ispec1(e)
-!    igll = 0
-!    do i=1,NGLLX
-!      do j=1,NGLLX
-!        igll = igll + 1
-!        i1=fdb%ijk1(1,igll,e)
-!        j1=fdb%ijk1(2,igll,e)
-!        k1=fdb%ijk1(3,igll,e)
-!        i2=fdb%ijk2(1,igll,e)
-!        j2=fdb%ijk2(2,igll,e)
-!        k2=fdb%ijk2(3,igll,e)
-!        xstore(i1,j1,k1,e1) = 0.5d0*( xstore(i1,j1,k1,e1) + xstore(i2,j2,k2,e2) )
-!        xstore(i2,j2,k2,e2) = xstore(i1,j1,k1,e1)
-!        ystore(i1,j1,k1,e1) = 0.5d0*( ystore(i1,j1,k1,e1) + ystore(i2,j2,k2,e2) )
-!        ystore(i2,j2,k2,e2) = ystore(i1,j1,k1,e1)
-!        zstore(i1,j1,k1,e1) = 0.5d0*( zstore(i1,j1,k1,e1) + zstore(i2,j2,k2,e2) )
-!        zstore(i2,j2,k2,e2) = zstore(i1,j1,k1,e1)
-!      enddo
-!    enddo
-!  enddo
-subroutine close_fault
     ! looks for i,j,k indices of GLL points on boundary face
     ! determines element face by given CUBIT corners
     ! sets face id of reference element associated with this face
@@ -303,7 +248,7 @@
   type(fault_db_type), intent(inout) :: fdb  
-  integer :: e,i,j,igll, iface_ref1, iface_ref2
+  integer :: e,i,j,igll
   integer :: ijk_face1(3,NGLLX,NGLLY), ijk_face2(3,NGLLX,NGLLY)
@@ -470,12 +415,11 @@
- subroutine save_fault_xyzcoord_ibulk(fdb,ibool,nspec)
+ subroutine save_fault_xyzcoord_ibulk(fdb)
   use create_regions_mesh_ext_par, only: xstore_dummy,ystore_dummy,zstore_dummy
   type(fault_db_type), intent(inout) :: fdb
-  integer, intent(in) :: nspec, ibool(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec)
   integer :: K1, K2, i

Modified: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/trunk/EXAMPLES/tpv5/DATA/FAULT/Par_file_faults.in
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/trunk/EXAMPLES/tpv5/DATA/FAULT/Par_file_faults.in	2011-05-16 00:11:00 UTC (rev 18378)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/trunk/EXAMPLES/tpv5/DATA/FAULT/Par_file_faults.in	2011-05-16 02:06:14 UTC (rev 18379)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-1 2 0.00134                 ! #tag1 #tag2 #eta(damping)
+0.00134                 ! #tag #eta(damping)
+1                       ! 1 = dyn 2=kin
 1000						! NTOUT : Number of time steps
 100                                             ! NTSNAP: time interation of snapshots
 -1.0e0                                          ! V_HEALING (-1 : Healing off)
@@ -11,3 +12,4 @@
 &DIST2D shape='square',    val = 62.0e6, xc =  7500.0e0, yc =0e0, zc=  -7500.0e0, r=0e0, l=3000.0e0, lx=0e0, ly=0e0, lz=0e0 /
 &SWF mus=10000.0e0,mud=0.525e0,dc=0.4e0,nmus=1,nmud=0,ndc=0 /  
 &DIST2D	shape='rectangle', val = 0.677e0, xc =  0e0, yc =0e0, zc=  -7500.0e0, r=0e0,  l=0e0, lx=30000.0e0, ly=0.0e0, lz=15000.0e0 /
+&KINPAR kindt=10.0e-3

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