[cig-commits] r18489 - in short/3D/PyLith/trunk: libsrc/pylith libsrc/pylith/materials modulesrc/materials pylith pylith/materials unittests/libtests/materials unittests/libtests/materials/data

willic3 at geodynamics.org willic3 at geodynamics.org
Sun May 29 16:59:03 PDT 2011

Author: willic3
Date: 2011-05-29 16:59:03 -0700 (Sun, 29 May 2011)
New Revision: 18489

Added GenMaxwellPlaneStrain and made some changes to MaxwellPlaneStrain.
Primarily, added initial stress in the out-of-plane direction as a state

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/Makefile.am
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/Makefile.am	2011-05-29 15:46:39 UTC (rev 18488)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/Makefile.am	2011-05-29 23:59:03 UTC (rev 18489)
@@ -115,6 +115,7 @@
 	materials/ElasticIsotropic3D.cc \
 	materials/ViscoelasticMaxwell.cc \
 	materials/GenMaxwellIsotropic3D.cc \
+	materials/GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.cc \
 	materials/GenMaxwellQpQsIsotropic3D.cc \
 	materials/MaxwellIsotropic3D.cc \
 	materials/MaxwellPlaneStrain.cc \

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/materials/GenMaxwellIsotropic3D.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/materials/GenMaxwellIsotropic3D.hh	2011-05-29 15:46:39 UTC (rev 18488)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/materials/GenMaxwellIsotropic3D.hh	2011-05-29 23:59:03 UTC (rev 18489)
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
  * the value is less than one, the remainder of the total shear
  * modulus is associated with a spring in parallel with the Maxwell
  * models.  The physical properties are stored internally using
- * density, lambdaTot, muTot, which are directly related to the
+ * density, lambdaEff, muEff, which are directly related to the
  * elasticity constants used in the finite-element integration. The
  * viscosity for each model is stored using Maxwell Time
  * (viscosity/mu), and the shear ratio is also stored for each Maxwell
@@ -424,12 +424,16 @@
   /** Update state variables after solve as a viscoelastic material.
+   * @param stateVars State variables at location.
+   * @param numStateVars Number of state variables.
    * @param properties Properties at location.
    * @param numProperties Number of properties.
    * @param totalStrain Total strain at location.
    * @param strainSize Size of strain tensor.
-   * @param initialState Initial state values.
-   * @param initialStateSize Size of initial state array.
+   * @param initialStress Initial stress tensor at location.
+   * @param initialStressSize Size of initial stress array.
+   * @param initialStrain Initial strain values.
+   * @param initialStrainSize Size of initial strain array.
   void _updateStateVarsViscoelastic(double* const stateVars,
 				    const int numStateVars,

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/materials/GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/materials/GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.cc	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/materials/GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.cc	2011-05-29 23:59:03 UTC (rev 18489)
@@ -0,0 +1,951 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
+// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <portinfo>
+#include "GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.hh" // implementation of object methods
+#include "ViscoelasticMaxwell.hh" // USES computeVisStrain
+#include "Metadata.hh" // USES Metadata
+#include "pylith/utils/array.hh" // USES double_array
+#include "pylith/utils/constdefs.h" // USES MAXDOUBLE
+#include "spatialdata/units/Nondimensional.hh" // USES Nondimensional
+#include "petsc.h" // USES PetscLogFlops
+#include <cassert> // USES assert()
+#include <cstring> // USES memcpy()
+#include <sstream> // USES std::ostringstream
+#include <stdexcept> // USES std::runtime_error
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+namespace pylith {
+  namespace materials {
+    namespace _GenMaxwellPlaneStrain{
+      /// Number of Maxwell models in parallel.
+      const int numMaxwellModels = 3;
+      // Dimension of material.
+      const int dimension = 2;
+      /// Number of entries in stress/strain tensors.
+      const int tensorSize = 3;
+      /// Number of entries in derivative of elasticity matrix.
+      const int numElasticConsts = 9;
+      /// Number of physical properties.
+      const int numProperties = 5;
+      /// Physical properties.
+      const Metadata::ParamDescription properties[numProperties] = {
+	{ "density", 1, pylith::topology::FieldBase::SCALAR },
+	{ "mu", 1, pylith::topology::FieldBase::SCALAR },
+	{ "lambda", 1, pylith::topology::FieldBase::SCALAR },
+	{ "shear_ratio", numMaxwellModels, pylith::topology::FieldBase::OTHER },
+	{ "maxwell_time", numMaxwellModels, pylith::topology::FieldBase::OTHER },
+      };
+      // Values expected in properties spatial database.  :KLUDGE: Not
+      // generalized over number of models.
+      const int numDBProperties = 3 + 2 * numMaxwellModels;
+      const char* dbProperties[numDBProperties] = {
+	"density", "vs", "vp",
+	"shear-ratio-1",
+	"shear-ratio-2",
+	"shear-ratio-3",
+	"viscosity-1",
+	"viscosity-2",
+	"viscosity-3",
+      };
+      /// Number of state variables.
+      const int numStateVars = 2 + numMaxwellModels;
+      /// State variables. :KLUDGE: Not generalized over number of models.
+      const Metadata::ParamDescription stateVars[numStateVars] = {
+	{ "stress_zz_initial", 1, pylith::topology::FieldBase::SCALAR },
+	{ "total_strain", tensorSize, pylith::topology::FieldBase::TENSOR },
+	{ "viscous_strain_1", 4, pylith::topology::FieldBase::OTHER },
+	{ "viscous_strain_2", 4, pylith::topology::FieldBase::OTHER },
+	{ "viscous_strain_3", 4, pylith::topology::FieldBase::OTHER },
+      };
+      // Values expected in state variables spatial database
+      const int numDBStateVars = 1 + tensorSize + numMaxwellModels * 4;
+      const char* dbStateVars[numDBStateVars] = {"stress-zz-initial",
+						 "total-strain-xx",
+						 "total-strain-yy",
+						 "total-strain-xy",
+						 "viscous-strain-1-xx",
+						 "viscous-strain-1-yy",
+						 "viscous-strain-1-zz",
+						 "viscous-strain-1-xy",
+						 "viscous-strain-2-xx",
+						 "viscous-strain-2-yy",
+						 "viscous-strain-2-zz",
+						 "viscous-strain-2-xy",
+						 "viscous-strain-3-xx",
+						 "viscous-strain-3-yy",
+						 "viscous-strain-3-zz",
+						 "viscous-strain-3-xy",
+      };
+    } // _GenMaxwellPlaneStrain
+  } // materials
+} // pylith
+// Indices of physical properties
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::p_density = 0;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::p_muEff =
+  pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::p_density + 1;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::p_lambdaEff =
+  pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::p_muEff + 1;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::p_shearRatio =
+  pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::p_lambdaEff + 1;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::p_maxwellTime =
+  pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::p_shearRatio +
+  pylith::materials::_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::numMaxwellModels;
+// Indices of database values (order must match dbProperties)
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::db_density = 0;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::db_vs =
+  pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::db_density + 1;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::db_vp =
+  pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::db_vs + 1;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::db_shearRatio =
+  pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::db_vp + 1;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::db_viscosity =
+  pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::db_shearRatio + 
+  pylith::materials::_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::numMaxwellModels;
+// Indices of state variables
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::s_stressZZInitial = 0;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::s_totalStrain =
+  pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::s_stressZZInitial + 1;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::s_viscousStrain1 = 
+  pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::s_totalStrain +
+  pylith::materials::_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::tensorSize;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::s_viscousStrain2 = 
+  pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::s_viscousStrain1 + 4;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::s_viscousStrain3 = 
+  pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::s_viscousStrain2 + 4;
+// Indices of database values (order must match dbStateVars)
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::db_stressZZInitial = 0;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::db_totalStrain =
+  pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::db_stressZZInitial + 1;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::db_viscousStrain1 =
+  pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::db_totalStrain +
+  pylith::materials::_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::tensorSize;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::db_viscousStrain2 =
+  pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::db_viscousStrain1 + 4;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::db_viscousStrain3 =
+  pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::db_viscousStrain2 + 4;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Default constructor.
+pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain(void) :
+  ElasticMaterial(_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::dimension,
+		  _GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::tensorSize,
+		  _GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::numElasticConsts,
+		  Metadata(_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::properties,
+			   _GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::numProperties,
+			   _GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::dbProperties,
+			   _GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::numDBProperties,
+			   _GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::stateVars,
+			   _GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::numStateVars,
+			   _GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::dbStateVars,
+			   _GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::numDBStateVars)),
+  _calcElasticConstsFn(0),
+  _calcStressFn(0),
+  _updateStateVarsFn(0)  
+{ // constructor
+  useElasticBehavior(true);
+  _viscousStrain.resize(_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::numMaxwellModels * 4);
+} // constructor
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor.
+{ // destructor
+} // destructor
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Set whether elastic or inelastic constitutive relations are used.
+pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::useElasticBehavior(const bool flag)
+{ // useElasticBehavior
+  if (flag) {
+    _calcStressFn = 
+      &pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::_calcStressElastic;
+    _calcElasticConstsFn = 
+      &pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::_calcElasticConstsElastic;
+    _updateStateVarsFn = 
+      &pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::_updateStateVarsElastic;
+  } else {
+    _calcStressFn = 
+      &pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::_calcStressViscoelastic;
+    _calcElasticConstsFn = 
+      &pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::_calcElasticConstsViscoelastic;
+    _updateStateVarsFn = 
+      &pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::_updateStateVarsViscoelastic;
+  } // if/else
+} // useElasticBehavior
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Compute parameters from values in spatial database.
+					    double* const propValues,
+					    const double_array& dbValues)
+{ // _dbToProperties
+  assert(0 != propValues);
+  const int numDBValues = dbValues.size();
+  assert(_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::numDBProperties == numDBValues);
+  const double density = dbValues[db_density];
+  const double vs = dbValues[db_vs];
+  const double vp = dbValues[db_vp];
+  const int numMaxwellModels = _GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::numMaxwellModels;
+  if (density <= 0.0 || vs <= 0.0 || vp <= 0.0) {
+    std::ostringstream msg;
+    msg << "Spatial database returned nonpositive value for physical "
+	<< "properties.\n"
+	<< "density: " << density << "\n"
+	<< "vp: " << vp << "\n"
+	<< "vs: " << vs << "\n";
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } // if
+  const double mu = density * vs * vs;
+  const double lambda = density * vp * vp - 2.0 * mu;
+  if (lambda <= 0.0) {
+    std::ostringstream msg;
+    msg << "Attempted to set Lame's constant lambda to nonpositive value.\n"
+	<< "density: " << density << "\n"
+	<< "vp: " << vp << "\n"
+	<< "vs: " << vs << "\n";
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } // if
+  assert(mu > 0);
+  propValues[p_density] = density;
+  propValues[p_muEff] = mu;
+  propValues[p_lambdaEff] = lambda;
+  double visFrac = 0.0;
+  for (int imodel = 0; imodel < numMaxwellModels; ++imodel) 
+    visFrac += dbValues[db_shearRatio + imodel];
+  if (visFrac > 1.0) {
+    std::ostringstream msg;
+    msg << "Shear modulus ratios sum to a value greater than 1.0 for\n"
+	<< "Generalized Maxwell model.\n"
+	<< "Ratio 1: " << propValues[db_shearRatio  ] << "\n"
+	<< "Ratio 2: " << propValues[db_shearRatio+1] << "\n"
+	<< "Ratio 3: " << propValues[db_shearRatio+2] << "\n"
+	<< "Total:   " << visFrac << "\n";
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } // if
+  // Loop over number of Maxwell models.
+  for (int imodel = 0; imodel < numMaxwellModels; ++imodel) {
+    double muRatio = dbValues[db_shearRatio + imodel];
+    double viscosity = dbValues[db_viscosity + imodel];
+    double muFac = muRatio * mu;
+    double maxwellTime = pylith::PYLITH_MAXDOUBLE;
+    if (muFac > 0.0)
+      maxwellTime = viscosity / muFac;
+    if (muRatio < 0.0 || viscosity < 0.0 || muFac < 0.0 || maxwellTime < 0.0) {
+      std::ostringstream msg;
+      msg << "Found negative value(s) for physical properties.\n"
+	  << "muRatio: " << muRatio << "\n"
+	  << "viscosity: " << viscosity << "\n"
+	  << "muFac: " << muFac << "\n"
+	  << "maxwellTime: " << maxwellTime << "\n";
+      throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+    } // if
+    propValues[p_shearRatio + imodel] = muRatio;
+    propValues[p_maxwellTime + imodel] = maxwellTime;
+  } // for
+  PetscLogFlops(6 + 2 * numMaxwellModels);
+} // _dbToProperties
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Nondimensionalize properties.
+pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::_nondimProperties(double* const values,
+							 const int nvalues) const
+{ // _nondimProperties
+  assert(0 != _normalizer);
+  assert(0 != values);
+  assert(nvalues == _numPropsQuadPt);
+  const double densityScale = _normalizer->densityScale();
+  const double pressureScale = _normalizer->pressureScale();
+  const double timeScale = _normalizer->timeScale();
+  values[p_density] = 
+    _normalizer->nondimensionalize(values[p_density], densityScale);
+  values[p_muEff] = 
+    _normalizer->nondimensionalize(values[p_muEff], pressureScale);
+  values[p_lambdaEff] = 
+    _normalizer->nondimensionalize(values[p_lambdaEff], pressureScale);
+  const int numMaxwellModels = _GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::numMaxwellModels;
+  _normalizer->nondimensionalize(&values[p_maxwellTime],
+				 numMaxwellModels, timeScale);
+  PetscLogFlops(3 + 1 * numMaxwellModels);
+} // _nondimProperties
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Dimensionalize properties.
+pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::_dimProperties(double* const values,
+						      const int nvalues) const
+{ // _dimProperties
+  assert(0 != _normalizer);
+  assert(0 != values);
+  assert(nvalues == _numPropsQuadPt);
+  const double densityScale = _normalizer->densityScale();
+  const double pressureScale = _normalizer->pressureScale();
+  const double timeScale = _normalizer->timeScale();
+  values[p_density] = 
+    _normalizer->dimensionalize(values[p_density], densityScale);
+  values[p_muEff] = 
+    _normalizer->dimensionalize(values[p_muEff], pressureScale);
+  values[p_lambdaEff] = 
+    _normalizer->dimensionalize(values[p_lambdaEff], pressureScale);
+  const int numMaxwellModels = _GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::numMaxwellModels;
+  _normalizer->dimensionalize(&values[p_maxwellTime],
+			      numMaxwellModels, timeScale);
+  PetscLogFlops(3 + 1 * numMaxwellModels);
+} // _dimProperties
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Compute initial state variables from values in spatial database.
+					double* const stateValues,
+					const double_array& dbValues)
+{ // _dbToStateVars
+  assert(0 != stateValues);
+  const int numDBValues = dbValues.size();
+  assert(_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::numDBStateVars == numDBValues);
+  const int numMaxwellModels = _GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::numMaxwellModels;
+  const int totalSize = 1 + _tensorSize + 4 * numMaxwellModels;
+  assert(totalSize == _numVarsQuadPt);
+  assert(totalSize == numDBValues);
+  for (int i=0; i < totalSize; ++i)
+    stateValues[i] = dbValues[i];
+  PetscLogFlops(0);
+} // _dbToStateVars
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Nondimensionalize state variables.
+		                            double* const values,
+		                            const int nvalues) const
+{ // _nondimStateVars
+  assert(0 != _normalizer);
+  assert(0 != values);
+  assert(nvalues == _numVarsQuadPt);
+  const double pressureScale = _normalizer->pressureScale();
+  _normalizer->nondimensionalize(&values[s_stressZZInitial], 1, pressureScale);
+  PetscLogFlops(1);
+} // _nondimStateVars
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Dimensionalize state variables.
+						double* const values,
+						const int nvalues) const
+{ // _dimStateVars
+  assert(0 != _normalizer);
+  assert(0 != values);
+  assert(nvalues == _numVarsQuadPt);
+  const double pressureScale = _normalizer->pressureScale();
+  _normalizer->dimensionalize(&values[s_stressZZInitial], 1, pressureScale);
+  PetscLogFlops(1);
+} // _dimStateVars
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Compute density at location from properties.
+pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::_calcDensity(double* const density,
+						    const double* properties,
+						    const int numProperties,
+						    const double* stateVars,
+						    const int numStateVars)
+{ // _calcDensity
+  assert(0 != density);
+  assert(0 != properties);
+  assert(_numPropsQuadPt == numProperties);
+  density[0] = properties[p_density];
+} // _calcDensity
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Compute stress tensor at location from properties as an elastic
+// material.
+					     double* const stress,
+					     const int stressSize,
+					     const double* properties,
+					     const int numProperties,
+					     const double* stateVars,
+					     const int numStateVars,
+					     const double* totalStrain,
+					     const int strainSize,
+					     const double* initialStress,
+					     const int initialStressSize,
+					     const double* initialStrain,
+					     const int initialStrainSize,
+					     const bool computeStateVars)
+{ // _calcStressElastic
+  assert(0 != stress);
+  assert(_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::tensorSize == stressSize);
+  assert(0 != properties);
+  assert(_numPropsQuadPt == numProperties);
+  assert(0 != stateVars);
+  assert(_numVarsQuadPt == numStateVars);
+  assert(0 != totalStrain);
+  assert(_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::tensorSize == strainSize);
+  assert(0 != initialStress);
+  assert(_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::tensorSize == initialStressSize);
+  assert(0 != initialStrain);
+  assert(_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::tensorSize == initialStrainSize);
+  const double mu = properties[p_muEff];
+  const double lambda = properties[p_lambdaEff];
+  const double mu2 = 2.0 * mu;
+  // :TODO: Need to consider initial state variables????
+  const double e11 = totalStrain[0] - initialStrain[0];
+  const double e22 = totalStrain[1] - initialStrain[1];
+  const double e12 = totalStrain[2] - initialStrain[2];
+  const double s12 = lambda * (e11 + e22);
+  stress[0] = s12 + mu2 * e11 + initialStress[0];
+  stress[1] = s12 + mu2 * e22 + initialStress[1];
+  stress[2] = mu2 * e12 + initialStress[2];
+  PetscLogFlops(14);
+} // _calcStressElastic
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Compute stress tensor at location from properties as a viscoelastic
+// material.
+					     double* const stress,
+					     const int stressSize,
+					     const double* properties,
+					     const int numProperties,
+					     const double* stateVars,
+					     const int numStateVars,
+					     const double* totalStrain,
+					     const int strainSize,
+					     const double* initialStress,
+					     const int initialStressSize,
+					     const double* initialStrain,
+					     const int initialStrainSize,
+					     const bool computeStateVars)
+{ // _calcStressViscoelastic
+  assert(0 != stress);
+  assert(_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::tensorSize == stressSize);
+  assert(0 != properties);
+  assert(_numPropsQuadPt == numProperties);
+  assert(0 != stateVars);
+  assert(_numVarsQuadPt == numStateVars);
+  assert(0 != totalStrain);
+  assert(_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::tensorSize == strainSize);
+  assert(0 != initialStress);
+  assert(_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::tensorSize == initialStressSize);
+  assert(0 != initialStrain);
+  assert(_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::tensorSize == initialStrainSize);
+  const int numMaxwellModels = _GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::numMaxwellModels;
+  const int tensorSize = _GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::tensorSize;
+  const double mu = properties[p_muEff];
+  const double lambda = properties[p_lambdaEff];
+  const double muRatio[numMaxwellModels] = {
+    properties[p_shearRatio  ],
+    properties[p_shearRatio+1],
+    properties[p_shearRatio+2]
+  };
+  const double stressZZInitial = stateVars[s_stressZZInitial];
+  const double mu2 = 2.0 * mu;
+  const double bulkModulus = lambda + mu2/3.0;
+  // Initial stress and strain values
+  const double meanStrainInitial = (initialStrain[0] + initialStrain[1]) / 3.0;
+  const double meanStressInitial = (initialStress[0] + initialStress[1] +
+				    stressZZInitial) / 3.0;
+  const double devStrainInitial[] = {initialStrain[0] - meanStrainInitial,
+				     initialStrain[1] - meanStrainInitial,
+				     initialStrain[2]};
+  const double devStressInitial[] = {initialStress[0] - meanStressInitial,
+				     initialStress[1] - meanStressInitial,
+				     initialStress[2]};
+  // Mean stress and strain for t + dt
+  const double meanStrainTpdt = (totalStrain[0] + totalStrain[1]) / 3.0;
+  const double meanStressTpdt = 3.0 * bulkModulus *
+    (meanStrainTpdt - meanStrainInitial) + meanStressInitial;
+  const double diag[] = { 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 };
+  double visFrac = 0.0;
+  for (int imodel=0; imodel < numMaxwellModels; ++imodel) 
+    visFrac += muRatio[imodel];
+  assert(visFrac <= 1.0);
+  const double elasFrac = 1.0 - visFrac;
+  PetscLogFlops(18 + numMaxwellModels);
+  // Get viscous strains
+  if (computeStateVars) {
+    _computeStateVars(stateVars, numStateVars,
+		      properties, numProperties,
+		      totalStrain, strainSize,
+		      initialStress, initialStressSize,
+		      initialStrain, initialStrainSize);
+  } else {
+    int index = 0;
+    for (int iComp=0; iComp < 4; ++iComp)
+      _viscousStrain[index++] = stateVars[s_viscousStrain1+iComp];
+    for (int iComp=0; iComp < 4; ++iComp)
+      _viscousStrain[index++] = stateVars[s_viscousStrain2+iComp];
+    for (int iComp=0; iComp < 4; ++iComp)
+      _viscousStrain[index++] = stateVars[s_viscousStrain3+iComp];
+  } // else
+  // Compute new stresses
+  double devStrainTpdt = 0.0;
+  double devStressTpdt = 0.0;
+  const int visIndex[] = {0, 1, 3};
+  for (int iComp=0; iComp < tensorSize; ++iComp) {
+    devStrainTpdt = totalStrain[iComp] - diag[iComp] * meanStrainTpdt -
+      devStrainInitial[iComp];
+    devStressTpdt = elasFrac * devStrainTpdt;
+    for (int model=0; model < numMaxwellModels; ++model) {
+      devStressTpdt += muRatio[model] *
+	_viscousStrain[4 * model + visIndex[iComp]];
+    } // for
+    devStressTpdt = mu2 * devStressTpdt + devStressInitial[iComp];
+    stress[iComp] = diag[iComp] * (meanStressTpdt + meanStressInitial) +
+      devStressTpdt;
+  } // for
+  PetscLogFlops((9 + 2 * numMaxwellModels) * tensorSize);
+} // _calcStressViscoelastic
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Compute derivative of elasticity matrix at location from properties.
+					double* const elasticConsts,
+					const int numElasticConsts,
+					const double* properties,
+					const int numProperties,
+					const double* stateVars,
+					const int numStateVars,
+					const double* totalStrain,
+					const int strainSize,
+					const double* initialStress,
+					const int initialStressSize,
+					const double* initialStrain,
+					const int initialStrainSize)
+{ // _calcElasticConstsElastic
+  assert(0 != elasticConsts);
+  assert(_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::numElasticConsts == numElasticConsts);
+  assert(0 != properties);
+  assert(_numPropsQuadPt == numProperties);
+  assert(0 != stateVars);
+  assert(_numVarsQuadPt == numStateVars);
+  assert(0 != totalStrain);
+  assert(_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::tensorSize == strainSize);
+  assert(0 != initialStress);
+  assert(_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::tensorSize == initialStressSize);
+  assert(0 != initialStrain);
+  assert(_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::tensorSize == initialStrainSize);
+  const double mu = properties[p_muEff];
+  const double lambda = properties[p_lambdaEff];
+  const double mu2 = 2.0 * mu;
+  const double lambda2mu = lambda + mu2;
+  elasticConsts[ 0] = lambda2mu; // C1111
+  elasticConsts[ 1] = lambda; // C1122
+  elasticConsts[ 2] = 0; // C1112
+  elasticConsts[ 3] = lambda; // C2211
+  elasticConsts[ 4] = lambda2mu; // C2222
+  elasticConsts[ 5] = 0; // C2212
+  elasticConsts[ 6] = 0; // C1211
+  elasticConsts[ 7] = 0; // C1222
+  elasticConsts[ 8] = mu2; // C1212
+  PetscLogFlops(2);
+} // _calcElasticConstsElastic
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Compute derivative of elasticity matrix at location from properties
+// as a viscoelastic material.
+					double* const elasticConsts,
+					const int numElasticConsts,
+					const double* properties,
+					const int numProperties,
+					const double* stateVars,
+					const int numStateVars,
+					const double* totalStrain,
+					const int strainSize,
+					const double* initialStress,
+					const int initialStressSize,
+					const double* initialStrain,
+					const int initialStrainSize)
+{ // _calcElasticConstsViscoelastic
+  assert(0 != elasticConsts);
+  assert(_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::numElasticConsts == numElasticConsts);
+  assert(0 != properties);
+  assert(_numPropsQuadPt == numProperties);
+  assert(0 != stateVars);
+  assert(_numVarsQuadPt == numStateVars);
+  assert(0 != totalStrain);
+  assert(_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::tensorSize == strainSize);
+  assert(0 != initialStress);
+  assert(_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::tensorSize == initialStressSize);
+  assert(0 != initialStrain);
+  assert(_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::tensorSize == initialStrainSize);
+  const int numMaxwellModels = _GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::numMaxwellModels;
+  const double mu = properties[p_muEff];
+  const double lambda = properties[p_lambdaEff];
+  const double mu2 = 2.0 * mu;
+  const double bulkModulus = lambda + mu2 / 3.0;
+  // Compute viscous contribution.
+  double visFac = 0.0;
+  double visFrac = 0.0;
+  double shearRatio = 0.0;
+  for (int imodel = 0; imodel < numMaxwellModels; ++imodel) {
+    shearRatio = properties[p_shearRatio + imodel];
+    double maxwellTime = pylith::PYLITH_MAXDOUBLE;
+    visFrac += shearRatio;
+    if (shearRatio != 0.0) {
+      maxwellTime = properties[p_maxwellTime + imodel];
+      visFac +=
+	shearRatio * ViscoelasticMaxwell::viscousStrainParam(_dt, maxwellTime);
+    } // if
+  } // for
+  double elasFrac = 1.0 - visFrac;
+  double shearFac = elasFrac + visFac;
+  elasticConsts[ 0] = bulkModulus + 4.0 * mu / 3.0 * shearFac; // C1111
+  elasticConsts[ 1] = bulkModulus - 2.0 * mu / 3.0 * shearFac; // C1122
+  elasticConsts[ 2] = 0; // C1112
+  elasticConsts[ 3] = elasticConsts[1]; // C2211
+  elasticConsts[ 4] = elasticConsts[0]; // C2222
+  elasticConsts[ 5] = 0; // C2212
+  elasticConsts[ 6] = 0; // C1211
+  elasticConsts[ 7] = 0; // C1222
+  elasticConsts[ 8] = 2.0 * mu * shearFac; // C1212
+  PetscLogFlops(15 + 3 * numMaxwellModels);
+} // _calcElasticConstsViscoelastic
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Update state variables.
+					    double* const stateVars,
+					    const int numStateVars,
+					    const double* properties,
+					    const int numProperties,
+					    const double* totalStrain,
+					    const int strainSize,
+					    const double* initialStress,
+					    const int initialStressSize,
+					    const double* initialStrain,
+					    const int initialStrainSize)
+{ // _updateStateVarsElastic
+  assert(0 != stateVars);
+  assert(_numVarsQuadPt == numStateVars);
+  assert(0 != properties);
+  assert(_numPropsQuadPt == numProperties);
+  assert(0 != totalStrain);
+  assert(_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::tensorSize == strainSize);
+  assert(0 != initialStress);
+  assert(_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::tensorSize == initialStressSize);
+  assert(0 != initialStrain);
+  assert(_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::tensorSize == initialStrainSize);
+  const int tensorSize = _tensorSize;
+  const double strainTpdt[] = {totalStrain[0] - initialStrain[0],
+			       totalStrain[1] - initialStrain[1],
+			       0.0,
+			       totalStrain[2] - initialStrain[2]};
+  const double meanStrainTpdt = (strainTpdt[0] + strainTpdt[1])/3.0;
+  const double diag[] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0};
+  // Update total strain
+  for (int iComp=0; iComp < tensorSize; ++iComp)
+    stateVars[s_totalStrain+iComp] = totalStrain[iComp];
+  // Initialize all viscous strains to deviatoric elastic strains.
+  double devStrain = 0.0;
+  double shearRatio = 0.0;
+  for (int iComp=0; iComp < 4; ++iComp) {
+    devStrain = strainTpdt[iComp] - diag[iComp] * meanStrainTpdt;
+    // Maxwell model 1
+    stateVars[s_viscousStrain1+iComp] = devStrain;
+    // Maxwell model 2
+    stateVars[s_viscousStrain2+iComp] = devStrain;
+    // Maxwell model 3
+    stateVars[s_viscousStrain3+iComp] = devStrain;
+  } // for
+  PetscLogFlops(2 + 2 * 4);
+  _needNewJacobian = true;
+} // _updateStateVarsElastic
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Update state variables.
+					    double* const stateVars,
+					    const int numStateVars,
+					    const double* properties,
+					    const int numProperties,
+					    const double* totalStrain,
+					    const int strainSize,
+					    const double* initialStress,
+					    const int initialStressSize,
+					    const double* initialStrain,
+					    const int initialStrainSize)
+{ // _updateStateVarsViscoelastic
+  assert(0 != stateVars);
+  assert(_numVarsQuadPt == numStateVars);
+  assert(0 != properties);
+  assert(_numPropsQuadPt == numProperties);
+  assert(0 != totalStrain);
+  assert(_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::tensorSize == strainSize);
+  assert(0 != initialStress);
+  assert(_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::tensorSize == initialStressSize);
+  assert(0 != initialStrain);
+  assert(_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::tensorSize == initialStrainSize);
+  _computeStateVars(stateVars, numStateVars,
+		    properties, numProperties,
+		    totalStrain, strainSize,
+		    initialStress, initialStressSize,
+		    initialStrain, initialStrainSize);
+  const int tensorSize = _tensorSize;
+  // Total strain
+  for (int iComp=0; iComp < tensorSize; ++iComp)
+    stateVars[s_totalStrain+iComp] = totalStrain[iComp];
+  // Viscous strain
+  int index = 0;
+  for (int iComp=0; iComp < 4; ++iComp)
+    stateVars[s_viscousStrain1+iComp] = _viscousStrain[index++];
+  for (int iComp=0; iComp < 4; ++iComp)
+    stateVars[s_viscousStrain2+iComp] = _viscousStrain[index++];
+  for (int iComp=0; iComp < 4; ++iComp)
+    stateVars[s_viscousStrain3+iComp] = _viscousStrain[index++];
+  _needNewJacobian = false;
+} // _updateStateVarsViscoelastic
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Get stable time step for implicit time integration.
+					   const double* properties,
+					   const int numProperties,
+					   const double* stateVars,
+					   const int numStateVars) const
+{ // _stableTimeStepImplicit
+  assert(0 != properties);
+  assert(_numPropsQuadPt == numProperties);
+  assert(0 != stateVars);
+  assert(_numVarsQuadPt == numStateVars);
+  double dtStable = pylith::PYLITH_MAXDOUBLE;
+  const int numMaxwellModels = _GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::numMaxwellModels;
+  for (int i=0; i < numMaxwellModels; ++i) {
+    const double maxwellTime = properties[p_maxwellTime+i];
+    const double dt = 0.2*maxwellTime;
+    if (dt < dtStable)
+      dtStable = dt;
+  } // for
+  return dtStable;
+} // _stableTimeStepImplicit
+#include <iostream>
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Compute viscous strain for current time step.
+					       const double* stateVars,
+					       const int numStateVars,
+					       const double* properties,
+					       const int numProperties,
+					       const double* totalStrain,
+					       const int strainSize,
+					       const double* initialStress,
+					       const int initialStressSize,
+					       const double* initialStrain,
+					       const int initialStrainSize)
+{ // _computeStateVars
+  assert(0 != stateVars);
+  assert(_numVarsQuadPt == numStateVars);
+  assert(0 != properties);
+  assert(_numPropsQuadPt == numProperties);
+  assert(0 != totalStrain);
+  assert(_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::tensorSize == strainSize);
+  assert(0 != initialStress);
+  assert(_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::tensorSize == initialStressSize);
+  assert(0 != initialStrain);
+  assert(_GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::tensorSize == initialStrainSize);
+  const int tensorSize = _tensorSize;
+  const int numMaxwellModels = _GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::numMaxwellModels;
+  const double muRatio[numMaxwellModels] = {
+    properties[p_shearRatio  ],
+    properties[p_shearRatio+1],
+    properties[p_shearRatio+2]
+  };
+  const double maxwellTime[numMaxwellModels] = {
+    properties[p_maxwellTime  ],
+    properties[p_maxwellTime+1],
+    properties[p_maxwellTime+2]
+  };
+  const double strainTpdt[] = {totalStrain[0],
+			       totalStrain[1],
+			       0.0,
+			       totalStrain[2]};
+  const double strainT[] = {stateVars[s_totalStrain+0],
+			    stateVars[s_totalStrain+1],
+			    0.0,
+			    stateVars[s_totalStrain+2]};
+  const double meanStrainTpdt = (strainTpdt[0] + strainTpdt[1])/3.0;
+  const double meanStrainT = (strainT[0] + strainT[1]) / 3.0;
+  const double diag[] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 };
+  PetscLogFlops(4);
+  // Compute Prony series terms
+  double_array dq(numMaxwellModels);
+  dq = 0.0;
+  for (int i=0; i < numMaxwellModels; ++i)
+    if (muRatio[i] != 0.0)
+      dq[i] = ViscoelasticMaxwell::viscousStrainParam(_dt, maxwellTime[i]);
+  // Compute new viscous strains
+  double devStrainTpdt = 0.0;
+  double devStrainT = 0.0;
+  double deltaStrain = 0.0;
+  for (int iComp=0; iComp < 4; ++iComp) {
+    devStrainTpdt = strainTpdt[iComp] - diag[iComp] * meanStrainTpdt;
+    devStrainT = strainT[iComp] - diag[iComp] * meanStrainT;
+    deltaStrain = devStrainTpdt - devStrainT;
+    // Maxwell model 1
+    int imodel = 0;
+    if (0.0 != muRatio[imodel]) {
+      _viscousStrain[imodel * 4 + iComp] = exp(-_dt / maxwellTime[imodel]) *
+	stateVars[s_viscousStrain1 + iComp] + dq[imodel] * deltaStrain;
+      PetscLogFlops(6);
+    } // if
+    // Maxwell model 2
+    imodel = 1;
+    if (0.0 != muRatio[imodel]) {
+      _viscousStrain[imodel * 4 + iComp] = exp(-_dt / maxwellTime[imodel]) *
+	stateVars[s_viscousStrain2 + iComp] + dq[imodel] * deltaStrain;
+      PetscLogFlops(6);
+    } // if
+    // Maxwell model 3
+    imodel = 2;
+    if (0.0 != muRatio[imodel]) {
+      _viscousStrain[imodel * 4 + iComp] = exp(-_dt / maxwellTime[imodel]) *
+	stateVars[s_viscousStrain3 + iComp] + dq[imodel] * deltaStrain;
+      PetscLogFlops(6);
+    } // if
+  } // for
+  PetscLogFlops(numMaxwellModels * (4 * (5 + 18)));
+} // _computeStateVars
+// End of file 

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/materials/GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/materials/GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.hh	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/materials/GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.hh	2011-05-29 23:59:03 UTC (rev 18489)
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
+// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+/** @file libsrc/materials/GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.hh
+ *
+ * @brief 2-D, isotropic, generalized linear Maxwell viscoelastic material for
+ * plane strain.  
+ */
+#if !defined(pylith_materials_genmaxwellplanestrain_hh)
+#define pylith_materials_genmaxwellplanestrain_hh
+// Include directives ---------------------------------------------------
+#include "ElasticMaterial.hh" // ISA ElasticMaterial
+// GenMaxwellPlaneStrain ---------------------------------------------------
+/** @brief 2-D, isotropic, generalized linear Maxwell viscoelastic material for
+ * plane strain.
+ *
+ * This consists of several Maxwell models in parallel. At present,
+ * the number of models is fixed at 3, but this will be changed in the
+ * future. The physical properties are specified using density,
+ * shear-wave speed, and compressional-wave speed. A viscosity and a
+ * shear ratio are also given for each Maxwell model. The shear ratio
+ * specifies how much of the total shear modulus is associated with
+ * that model. The shear ratios must sum to a value less than one. If
+ * the value is less than one, the remainder of the total shear
+ * modulus is associated with a spring in parallel with the Maxwell
+ * models.  The physical properties are stored internally using
+ * density, lambdaEff, muEff, which are directly related to the
+ * elasticity constants used in the finite-element integration. The
+ * viscosity for each model is stored using Maxwell Time
+ * (viscosity/mu), and the shear ratio is also stored for each Maxwell
+ * model.
+ */
+class pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain : public ElasticMaterial
+{ // class GenMaxwellPlaneStrain
+  friend class TestGenMaxwellPlaneStrain; // unit testing
+  // PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+public :
+  /// Default constructor
+  GenMaxwellPlaneStrain(void);
+  /// Destructor
+  ~GenMaxwellPlaneStrain(void);
+  /** Set current time step.
+   *
+   * @param dt Current time step.
+   */
+  void timeStep(const double dt);
+  /** Set whether elastic or inelastic constitutive relations are used.
+   *
+   * @param flag True to use elastic, false to use inelastic.
+   */
+  void useElasticBehavior(const bool flag);
+  // PROTECTED METHODS //////////////////////////////////////////////////
+protected :
+  /** Compute properties from values in spatial database.
+   *
+   * Order of values in arrays matches order used in dbValues() and
+   * parameterNames().
+   *
+   * @param propValues Array of property values.
+   * @param dbValues Array of database values.
+   */
+  void _dbToProperties(double* const propValues,
+		       const double_array& dbValues);
+  /** Nondimensionalize properties.
+   *
+   * @param values Array of property values.
+   * @param nvalues Number of values.
+   */
+  void _nondimProperties(double* const values,
+			 const int nvalues) const;
+  /** Dimensionalize properties.
+   *
+   * @param values Array of property values.
+   * @param nvalues Number of values.
+   */
+  void _dimProperties(double* const values,
+		      const int nvalues) const;
+  /** Compute initial state variables from values in spatial database.
+   *
+   * @param stateValues Array of state variable values.
+   * @param dbValues Array of database values.
+   */
+  void _dbToStateVars(double* const stateValues,
+		      const double_array& dbValues);
+  /** Nondimensionalize state variables..
+   *
+   * @param values Array of state variables.
+   * @param nvalues Number of values.
+   */
+  void _nondimStateVars(double* const values,
+                        const int nvalues) const;
+  /** Dimensionalize state variables.
+   *
+   * @param values Array of state variables.
+   * @param nvalues Number of values.
+   */
+  void _dimStateVars(double* const values,
+                     const int nvalues) const;
+  /** Compute density from properties.
+   *
+   * @param density Array for density.
+   * @param properties Properties at location.
+   * @param numProperties Number of properties.
+   * @param stateVars Number of state variables.
+   * @param numStateVars Number of state variables.
+   */
+  void _calcDensity(double* const density,
+		    const double* properties,
+		    const int numProperties,
+		    const double* stateVars,
+		    const int numStateVars);
+  /** Compute stress tensor from properties and state variables. If
+   * the state variables are from the previous time step, then the
+   * computeStateVars flag should be set to true so that the state
+   * variables are updated (but not stored) when computing the stresses.
+   *
+   * @param stress Array for stress tensor.
+   * @param stressSize Size of stress tensor.
+   * @param properties Properties at location.
+   * @param numProperties Number of properties.
+   * @param stateVars State variables at location.
+   * @param numStateVars Number of state variables.
+   * @param totalStrain Total strain at location.
+   * @param strainSize Size of strain tensor.
+   * @param initialStress Initial stress tensor at location.
+   * @param initialStressSize Size of initial stress array.
+   * @param initialStrain Initial strain tensor at location.
+   * @param initialStrainSize Size of initial strain array.
+   * @param computeStateVars Flag indicating to compute updated state variables.
+   */
+  void _calcStress(double* const stress,
+		   const int stressSize,
+		   const double* properties,
+		   const int numProperties,
+		   const double* stateVars,
+		   const int numStateVars,
+		   const double* totalStrain,
+		   const int strainSize,
+		   const double* initialStress,
+		   const int initialStressSize,
+		   const double* initialStrain,
+		   const int initialStrainSize,
+		   const bool computeStateVars);
+  /** Compute derivatives of elasticity matrix from properties.
+   *
+   * @param elasticConsts Array for elastic constants.
+   * @param numElasticConsts Number of elastic constants.
+   * @param properties Properties at location.
+   * @param numProperties Number of properties.
+   * @param stateVars State variables at location.
+   * @param numStateVars Number of state variables.
+   * @param totalStrain Total strain at location.
+   * @param strainSize Size of strain tensor.
+   * @param initialStress Initial stress tensor at location.
+   * @param initialStressSize Size of initial stress array.
+   * @param initialStrain Initial strain tensor at location.
+   * @param initialStrainSize Size of initial strain array.
+   */
+  void _calcElasticConsts(double* const elasticConsts,
+			  const int numElasticConsts,
+			  const double* properties,
+			  const int numProperties,
+			  const double* stateVars,
+			  const int numStateVars,
+			  const double* totalStrain,
+			  const int strainSize,
+		          const double* initialStress,
+		          const int initialStressSize,
+		          const double* initialStrain,
+		          const int initialStrainSize);
+  /** Update state variables (for next time step).
+   *
+   * @param stateVars State variables at location.
+   * @param numStateVars Number of state variables.
+   * @param properties Properties at location.
+   * @param numProperties Number of properties.
+   * @param totalStrain Total strain at location.
+   * @param strainSize Size of strain tensor.
+   * @param initialStress Initial stress tensor at location.
+   * @param initialStressSize Size of initial stress array.
+   * @param initialStrain Initial strain tensor at location.
+   * @param initialStrainSize Size of initial strain array.
+   */
+  void _updateStateVars(double* const stateVars,
+			const int numStateVars,
+			const double* properties,
+			const int numProperties,
+			const double* totalStrain,
+			const int strainSize,
+			const double* initialStress,
+			const int initialStressSize,
+			const double* initialStrain,
+			const int initialStrainSize);
+  /** Get stable time step for implicit time integration.
+   *
+   * @param properties Properties at location.
+   * @param numProperties Number of properties.
+   * @param stateVars State variables at location.
+   * @param numStateVars Number of state variables.
+   *
+   * @returns Time step
+   */
+  double _stableTimeStepImplicit(const double* properties,
+				 const int numProperties,
+				 const double* stateVars,
+				 const int numStateVars) const;
+  // PRIVATE TYPEDEFS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
+private :
+  /// Member prototype for _calcStress()
+  typedef void (pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::*calcStress_fn_type)
+    (double* const,
+     const int,
+     const double*,
+     const int,
+     const double*,
+     const int,
+     const double*,
+     const int,
+     const double*,
+     const int,
+     const double*,
+     const int,
+     const bool);
+  /// Member prototype for _calcElasticConsts()
+  typedef void (pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::*calcElasticConsts_fn_type)
+    (double* const,
+     const int,
+     const double*,
+     const int,
+     const double*,
+     const int,
+     const double*,
+     const int,
+     const double*,
+     const int,
+     const double*,
+     const int);
+  /// Member prototype for _updateStateVars()
+  typedef void (pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::*updateStateVars_fn_type)
+    (double* const,
+     const int,
+     const double*,
+     const int,
+     const double*,
+     const int,
+     const double*,
+     const int,
+     const double*,
+     const int);
+  // PRIVATE METHODS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+private :
+  /** Compute stress tensor from properties as an elastic material.
+   *
+   * @param stress Array for stress tensor.
+   * @param stressSize Size of stress tensor.
+   * @param properties Properties at locations.
+   * @param numProperties Number of properties.
+   * @param stateVars State variables at locations.
+   * @param numStateVars Number of state variables.
+   * @param totalStrain Total strain at locations.
+   * @param strainSize Size of strain tensor.
+   * @param initialStress Initial stress tensor at location.
+   * @param initialStressSize Size of initial stress array.
+   * @param initialStrain Initial strain tensor at location.
+   * @param initialStrainSize Size of initial strain array.
+   * @param computeStateVars Flag indicating to compute updated state vars.
+   */
+  void _calcStressElastic(double* const stress,
+			  const int stressSize,
+			  const double* properties,
+			  const int numProperties,
+			  const double* stateVars,
+			  const int numStateVars,
+			  const double* totalStrain,
+			  const int strainSize,
+			  const double* initialStress,
+			  const int initialStressSize,
+			  const double* initialStrain,
+			  const int initialStrainSize,
+			  const bool computeStateVars);
+  /** Compute stress tensor from properties as a viscoelastic material.
+   *
+   * @param stress Array for stress tensor.
+   * @param stressSize Size of stress tensor.
+   * @param properties Properties at locations.
+   * @param numProperties Number of properties.
+   * @param stateVars State variables at locations.
+   * @param numStateVars Number of state variables.
+   * @param totalStrain Total strain at locations.
+   * @param strainSize Size of strain tensor.
+   * @param initialStress Initial stress tensor at location.
+   * @param initialStressSize Size of initial stress array.
+   * @param initialStrain Initial strain tensor at location.
+   * @param initialStrainSize Size of initial strain array.
+   * @param computeStateVars Flag indicating to compute updated state vars.
+   */
+  void _calcStressViscoelastic(double* const stress,
+			       const int stressSize,
+			       const double* properties,
+			       const int numProperties,
+			       const double* stateVars,
+			       const int numStateVars,
+			       const double* totalStrain,
+			       const int strainSize,
+			       const double* initialStress,
+			       const int initialStressSize,
+			       const double* initialStrain,
+			       const int initialStrainSize,
+			       const bool computeStateVars);
+  /** Compute derivatives of elasticity matrix from properties as an
+   * elastic material.
+   *
+   * @param elasticConsts Array for elastic constants.
+   * @param numElasticConsts Number of elastic constants.
+   * @param properties Properties at location.
+   * @param numProperties Number of properties.
+   * @param stateVars State variables at location.
+   * @param numStateVars Number of state variables.
+   * @param totalStrain Total strain at location.
+   * @param strainSize Size of strain tensor.
+   * @param initialStress Initial stress tensor at location.
+   * @param initialStressSize Size of initial stress array.
+   * @param initialStrain Initial strain tensor at location.
+   * @param initialStrainSize Size of initial strain array.
+   */
+  void _calcElasticConstsElastic(double* const elasticConsts,
+				 const int numElasticConsts,
+				 const double* properties,
+				 const int numProperties,
+				 const double* stateVars,
+				 const int numStateVars,
+				 const double* totalStrain,
+				 const int strainSize,
+			         const double* initialStress,
+			         const int initialStressSize,
+			         const double* initialStrain,
+			         const int initialStrainSize);
+  /** Compute derivatives of elasticity matrix from properties as a
+   * viscoelastic material.
+   *
+   * @param elasticConsts Array for elastic constants.
+   * @param numElasticConsts Number of elastic constants.
+   * @param properties Properties at location.
+   * @param numProperties Number of properties.
+   * @param stateVars State variables at location.
+   * @param numStateVars Number of state variables.
+   * @param totalStrain Total strain at location.
+   * @param strainSize Size of strain tensor.
+   * @param initialStress Initial stress tensor at location.
+   * @param initialStressSize Size of initial stress array.
+   * @param initialStrain Initial strain tensor at location.
+   * @param initialStrainSize Size of initial strain array.
+   */
+  void _calcElasticConstsViscoelastic(double* const elasticConsts,
+				      const int numElasticConsts,
+				      const double* properties,
+				      const int numProperties,
+				      const double* stateVars,
+				      const int numStateVars,
+				      const double* totalStrain,
+				      const int strainSize,
+			              const double* initialStress,
+			              const int initialStressSize,
+			              const double* initialStrain,
+			              const int initialStrainSize);
+  /** Update state variables after solve as an elastic material.
+   *
+   * @param stateVars State variables at location.
+   * @param numStateVars Number of state variables.
+   * @param properties Properties at location.
+   * @param numProperties Number of properties.
+   * @param totalStrain Total strain at location.
+   * @param strainSize Size of strain tensor.
+   * @param initialStress Initial stress tensor at location.
+   * @param initialStressSize Size of initial stress array.
+   * @param initialStrain Initial strain tensor at location.
+   * @param initialStrainSize Size of initial strain array.
+   */
+  void _updateStateVarsElastic(double* const stateVars,
+			       const int numStateVars,
+			       const double* properties,
+			       const int numProperties,
+			       const double* totalStrain,
+			       const int strainSize,
+			       const double* initialStress,
+			       const int initialStressSize,
+			       const double* initialStrain,
+			       const int initialStrainSize);
+  /** Update state variables after solve as a viscoelastic material.
+   *
+   * @param stateVars State variables at location.
+   * @param numStateVars Number of state variables.
+   * @param properties Properties at location.
+   * @param numProperties Number of properties.
+   * @param totalStrain Total strain at location.
+   * @param strainSize Size of strain tensor.
+   * @param initialStress Initial stress tensor at location.
+   * @param initialStressSize Size of initial stress array.
+   * @param initialStrain Initial strain tensor at location.
+   * @param initialStrainSize Size of initial strain array.
+   */
+  void _updateStateVarsViscoelastic(double* const stateVars,
+				    const int numStateVars,
+				    const double* properties,
+				    const int numProperties,
+				    const double* totalStrain,
+				    const int strainSize,
+				    const double* initialStress,
+				    const int initialStressSize,
+				    const double* initialStrain,
+				    const int initialStrainSize);
+  /** Compute viscous strains (state variables) for the current time
+   * step.
+   *
+   * @param stateVars State variables at location.
+   * @param numStateVars Number of state variables.
+   * @param properties Properties at location.
+   * @param numProperties Number of properties.
+   * @param totalStrain Total strain at location.
+   * @param strainSize Size of strain tensor.
+   * @param initialStress Initial stress tensor at location.
+   * @param initialStressSize Size of initial stress array.
+   * @param initialStrain Initial strain tensor at location.
+   * @param initialStrainSize Size of initial strain array.
+   */
+  void _computeStateVars(const double* stateVars,
+			 const int numStateVars,
+			 const double* properties,
+			 const int numProperties,
+			 const double* totalStrain,
+			 const int strainSize,
+			 const double* initialStress,
+			 const int initialStressSize,
+			 const double* initialStrain,
+			 const int initialStrainSize);
+  // PRIVATE MEMBERS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+private :
+  /// Viscous strain array.
+  double_array _viscousStrain;
+  /// Method to use for _calcElasticConsts().
+  calcElasticConsts_fn_type _calcElasticConstsFn;
+  /// Method to use for _calcStress().
+  calcStress_fn_type _calcStressFn;
+  /// Method to use for _updateStateVars().
+  updateStateVars_fn_type _updateStateVarsFn;
+  // PRIVATE MEMBERS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+private :
+  static const int p_density;
+  static const int p_muEff;
+  static const int p_lambdaEff;
+  static const int p_shearRatio;
+  static const int p_maxwellTime;
+  static const int db_density;
+  static const int db_vs;
+  static const int db_vp;
+  static const int db_shearRatio;
+  static const int db_viscosity;
+  static const int s_stressZZInitial;
+  static const int s_totalStrain;
+  static const int s_viscousStrain1;
+  static const int s_viscousStrain2;
+  static const int s_viscousStrain3;
+  static const int db_stressZZInitial;
+  static const int db_totalStrain;
+  static const int db_viscousStrain1;
+  static const int db_viscousStrain2;
+  static const int db_viscousStrain3;
+  // NOT IMPLEMENTED ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+private :
+  /// Not implemented
+  GenMaxwellPlaneStrain(const GenMaxwellPlaneStrain&);
+  /// Not implemented
+  const GenMaxwellPlaneStrain& operator=(const GenMaxwellPlaneStrain&);
+}; // class GenMaxwellPlaneStrain
+#include "GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.icc" // inline methods
+#endif // pylith_materials_genmaxwellplanestrain_hh
+// End of file 

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/materials/GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.icc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/materials/GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.icc	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/materials/GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.icc	2011-05-29 23:59:03 UTC (rev 18489)
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
+// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#if !defined(pylith_materials_genmaxwellplanestrain_hh)
+#error "GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.icc can only be included from GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.hh"
+#include <assert.h> // USES assert()
+#include "pylith/utils/macrodefs.h" // USES CALL_MEMBER_FN
+// Set current time step.
+pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::timeStep(const double dt) {
+  // Jacobian needs to be reformed if the time step size changes.
+  if (_dt > 0.0 && dt != _dt)
+    _needNewJacobian = true;
+  _dt = dt;
+} // timeStep
+// Compute stress tensor from parameters.
+						double* const stress,
+						const int stressSize,
+						const double* properties,
+						const int numProperties,
+						const double* stateVars,
+						const int numStateVars,
+						const double* totalStrain,
+						const int strainSize,
+						const double* initialStress,
+						const int initialStressSize,
+						const double* initialStrain,
+						const int initialStrainSize,
+						const bool computeStateVars) {
+  assert(0 != _calcStressFn);
+  CALL_MEMBER_FN(*this, _calcStressFn)(stress, stressSize, 
+				       properties, numProperties,
+				       stateVars, numStateVars,
+				       totalStrain, strainSize,
+				       initialStress, initialStressSize,
+				       initialStrain, initialStrainSize,
+				       computeStateVars);
+} // _calcStress
+// Compute derivatives of elasticity matrix from parameters.
+						 double* const elasticConsts,
+						 const int numElasticConsts,
+						 const double* properties,
+						 const int numProperties,
+						 const double* stateVars,
+						 const int numStateVars,
+						 const double* totalStrain,
+						 const int strainSize,
+						 const double* initialStress,
+						 const int initialStressSize,
+						 const double* initialStrain,
+						 const int initialStrainSize) {
+  assert(0 != _calcElasticConstsFn);
+  CALL_MEMBER_FN(*this, _calcElasticConstsFn)(elasticConsts, numElasticConsts,
+					      properties, numProperties,
+					      stateVars, numStateVars,
+					      totalStrain, strainSize,
+					      initialStress, initialStressSize,
+					      initialStrain, initialStrainSize);
+} // _calcElasticConsts
+// Update state variables after solve.
+pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::_updateStateVars(double* const stateVars,
+						  const int numStateVars,
+						  const double* properties,
+						  const int numProperties,
+						  const double* totalStrain,
+						  const int strainSize,
+						  const double* initialStress,
+						  const int initialStressSize,
+						  const double* initialStrain,
+						  const int initialStrainSize) {
+  assert(0 != _updateStateVarsFn);
+  CALL_MEMBER_FN(*this, _updateStateVarsFn)(stateVars, numStateVars,
+					    properties, numProperties,
+					     totalStrain, strainSize,
+					     initialStress, initialStressSize,
+					     initialStrain, initialStrainSize);
+} // _updateStateVars
+// End of file 

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/materials/Makefile.am
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/materials/Makefile.am	2011-05-29 15:46:39 UTC (rev 18488)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/materials/Makefile.am	2011-05-29 23:59:03 UTC (rev 18489)
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
 	ElasticPlaneStress.hh \
 	GenMaxwellIsotropic3D.hh \
 	GenMaxwellIsotropic3D.icc \
+	GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.hh \
+	GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.icc \
 	GenMaxwellQpQsIsotropic3D.hh \
 	GenMaxwellQpQsIsotropic3D.icc \
 	MaxwellIsotropic3D.hh \

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/materials/materialsfwd.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/materials/materialsfwd.hh	2011-05-29 15:46:39 UTC (rev 18488)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/materials/materialsfwd.hh	2011-05-29 23:59:03 UTC (rev 18489)
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
     class MaxwellIsotropic3D;
     class MaxwellPlaneStrain;
     class GenMaxwellIsotropic3D;
+    class GenMaxwellPlaneStrain;
     class GenMaxwellQpQsIsotropic3D;
     class PowerLaw3D;
     class DruckerPrager3D;

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/modulesrc/materials/GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.i
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/modulesrc/materials/GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.i	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/modulesrc/materials/GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.i	2011-05-29 23:59:03 UTC (rev 18489)
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
+// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+/** @file modulesrc/materials/GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.i
+ *
+ * @brief Python interface to C++ GenMaxwellPlaneStrain object.
+ */
+namespace pylith {
+  namespace materials {
+    class pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain : public ElasticMaterial
+    { // class GenMaxwellPlaneStrain
+      // PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    public :
+      /// Default constructor
+      GenMaxwellPlaneStrain(void);
+      /// Destructor
+      ~GenMaxwellPlaneStrain(void);
+      /** Set current time step.
+       *
+       * @param dt Current time step.
+       */
+      void timeStep(const double dt);
+      /** Set whether elastic or inelastic constitutive relations are used.
+       *
+       * @param flag True to use elastic, false to use inelastic.
+       */
+      void useElasticBehavior(const bool flag);
+      // PROTECTED METHODS //////////////////////////////////////////////
+    protected :
+      /** Compute properties from values in spatial database.
+       *
+       * Order of values in arrays matches order used in dbValues() and
+       * parameterNames().
+       *
+       * @param propValues Array of property values.
+       * @param dbValues Array of database values.
+       */
+      void _dbToProperties(double* const propValues,
+			   const pylith::double_array& dbValues);
+      /** Nondimensionalize properties.
+       *
+       * @param values Array of property values.
+       * @param nvalues Number of values.
+       */
+      void _nondimProperties(double* const values,
+			     const int nvalues) const;
+      /** Dimensionalize properties.
+       *
+       * @param values Array of property values.
+       * @param nvalues Number of values.
+       */
+      void _dimProperties(double* const values,
+			  const int nvalues) const;
+      /** Compute initial state variables from values in spatial database.
+       *
+       * @param stateValues Array of state variable values.
+       * @param dbValues Array of database values.
+       */
+      void _dbToStateVars(double* const stateValues,
+			  const pylith::double_array& dbValues);
+      /** Compute density from properties.
+       *
+       * @param density Array for density.
+       * @param properties Properties at location.
+       * @param numProperties Number of properties.
+       * @param stateVars State variables at location.
+       * @param numStateVars Number of state variables.
+       */
+      void _calcDensity(double* const density,
+			const double* properties,
+			const int numProperties,
+			const double* stateVars,
+			const int numStateVars);
+      /** Compute stress tensor from properties and state variables. If
+       * the state variables are from the previous time step, then the
+       * computeStateVars flag should be set to true so that the state
+       * variables are updated (but not stored) when computing the stresses.
+       *
+       * @param stress Array for stress tensor.
+       * @param stressSize Size of stress tensor.
+       * @param properties Properties at location.
+       * @param numProperties Number of properties.
+       * @param stateVars State variables at location.
+       * @param numStateVars Number of state variables.
+       * @param totalStrain Total strain at location.
+       * @param strainSize Size of strain tensor.
+       * @param initialStress Initial stress values.
+       * @param initialStressSize Size of initial stress array.
+       * @param initialStrain Initial strain values.
+       * @param initialStrainSize Size of initial strain array.
+       * @param computeStateVars Flag indicating to compute updated
+       * state variables.
+       */
+      void _calcStress(double* const stress,
+		       const int stressSize,
+		       const double* properties,
+		       const int numProperties,
+		       const double* stateVars,
+		       const int numStateVars,
+		       const double* totalStrain,
+		       const int strainSize,
+		       const double* initialStress,
+		       const int initialStressSize,
+		       const double* initialStrain,
+		       const int initialStrainSize,
+		       const bool computeStateVars);
+      /** Compute derivatives of elasticity matrix from properties.
+       *
+       * @param elasticConsts Array for elastic constants.
+       * @param numElasticConsts Number of elastic constants.
+       * @param properties Properties at location.
+       * @param numProperties Number of properties.
+       * @param stateVars State variables at location.
+       * @param numStateVars Number of state variables.
+       * @param totalStrain Total strain at location.
+       * @param strainSize Size of strain tensor.
+       * @param initialStress Initial stress values.
+       * @param initialStressSize Size of initial stress array.
+       * @param initialStrain Initial strain values.
+       * @param initialStrainSize Size of initial strain array.
+       */
+      void _calcElasticConsts(double* const elasticConsts,
+			      const int numElasticConsts,
+			      const double* properties,
+			      const int numProperties,
+			      const double* stateVars,
+			      const int numStateVars,
+			      const double* totalStrain,
+			      const int strainSize,
+			      const double* initialStress,
+			      const int initialStressSize,
+			      const double* initialStrain,
+			      const int initialStrainSize);
+      /** Update state variables (for next time step).
+       *
+       * @param stateVars State variables at location.
+       * @param numStateVars Number of state variables.
+       * @param properties Properties at location.
+       * @param numProperties Number of properties.
+       * @param totalStrain Total strain at location.
+       * @param strainSize Size of strain tensor.
+       * @param initialStress Initial stress values.
+       * @param initialStressSize Size of initial stress array.
+       * @param initialStrain Initial strain values.
+       * @param initialStrainSize Size of initial strain array.
+       */
+      void _updateStateVars(double* const stateVars,
+			    const int numStateVars,
+			    const double* properties,
+			    const int numProperties,
+			    const double* totalStrain,
+			    const int strainSize,
+			    const double* initialStress,
+			    const int initialStressSize,
+			    const double* initialStrain,
+			    const int initialStrainSize);
+      /** Get stable time step for implicit time integration.
+       *
+       * @param properties Properties at location.
+       * @param numProperties Number of properties.
+       * @param stateVars State variables at location.
+       * @param numStateVars Number of state variables.
+       *
+       * @returns Time step
+       */
+      double _stableTimeStepImplicit(const double* properties,
+				     const int numProperties,
+				     const double* stateVars,
+				     const int numStateVars) const;
+    }; // class GenMaxwellPlaneStrain
+  } // materials
+} // pylith
+// End of file 

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/modulesrc/materials/Makefile.am
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/modulesrc/materials/Makefile.am	2011-05-29 15:46:39 UTC (rev 18488)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/modulesrc/materials/Makefile.am	2011-05-29 23:59:03 UTC (rev 18489)
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
 	MaxwellIsotropic3D.i \
 	MaxwellPlaneStrain.i \
 	GenMaxwellIsotropic3D.i \
+	GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.i \
 	GenMaxwellQpQsIsotropic3D.i \
 	PowerLaw3D.i \

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/modulesrc/materials/materials.i
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/modulesrc/materials/materials.i	2011-05-29 15:46:39 UTC (rev 18488)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/modulesrc/materials/materials.i	2011-05-29 23:59:03 UTC (rev 18489)
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
 #include "pylith/materials/MaxwellIsotropic3D.hh"
 #include "pylith/materials/MaxwellPlaneStrain.hh"
 #include "pylith/materials/GenMaxwellIsotropic3D.hh"
+#include "pylith/materials/GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.hh"
 #include "pylith/materials/GenMaxwellQpQsIsotropic3D.hh"
 #include "pylith/materials/PowerLaw3D.hh"
 #include "pylith/materials/DruckerPrager3D.hh"
@@ -77,6 +78,7 @@
 %include "MaxwellIsotropic3D.i"
 %include "MaxwellPlaneStrain.i"
 %include "GenMaxwellIsotropic3D.i"
+%include "GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.i"
 %include "GenMaxwellQpQsIsotropic3D.i"
 %include "PowerLaw3D.i"
 %include "DruckerPrager3D.i"

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/pylith/Makefile.am
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/pylith/Makefile.am	2011-05-29 15:46:39 UTC (rev 18488)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/pylith/Makefile.am	2011-05-29 23:59:03 UTC (rev 18489)
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
 	materials/ElasticStrain1D.py \
 	materials/ElasticStress1D.py \
 	materials/GenMaxwellIsotropic3D.py \
+	materials/GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.py \
 	materials/GenMaxwellQpQsIsotropic3D.py \
 	materials/Homogeneous.py \
 	materials/Material.py \

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/pylith/materials/GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.py
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/pylith/materials/GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/pylith/materials/GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.py	2011-05-29 23:59:03 UTC (rev 18489)
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+# Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
+# Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
+# This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+# for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+# Copyright (c) 2010 University of California, Davis
+# See COPYING for license information.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## @file pylith/materials/GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.py
+## @brief Python object implementing 3-D isotropic linear GenMaxwell
+## viscoelastic material.
+## Factory: material.
+from ElasticMaterial import ElasticMaterial
+from materials import GenMaxwellPlaneStrain as ModuleGenMaxwellPlaneStrain
+# GenMaxwellPlaneStrain class
+class GenMaxwellPlaneStrain(ElasticMaterial, ModuleGenMaxwellPlaneStrain):
+  """
+  Python object implementing plane strain isotropic linear GenMaxwell
+  viscoelastic material.
+  Factory: material.
+  """
+  # PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  def __init__(self, name="genmaxwellplanestrain"):
+    """
+    Constructor.
+    """
+    ElasticMaterial.__init__(self, name)
+    self.availableFields = \
+        {'vertex': \
+           {'info': [],
+            'data': []},
+         'cell': \
+           {'info': ["mu", "lambda", "density",
+                     "shear_ratio", "maxwell_time"],
+            'data': ["stress_zz_initial",
+                     "total_strain", "stress",
+                     "viscous_strain_1", 
+                     "viscous_strain_2", 
+                     "viscous_strain_3",
+                     ]}}
+    self._loggingPrefix = "MaMx2D "
+    return
+  def _createModuleObj(self):
+    """
+    Call constructor for module object for access to C++ object.
+    """
+    ModuleGenMaxwellPlaneStrain.__init__(self)
+    return
+# FACTORIES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+def material():
+  """
+  Factory associated with GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.
+  """
+  return GenMaxwellPlaneStrain()
+# End of file 

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/Makefile.am
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/Makefile.am	2011-05-29 15:46:39 UTC (rev 18488)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/Makefile.am	2011-05-29 23:59:03 UTC (rev 18489)
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
 	TestMaxwellIsotropic3D.cc \
 	TestMaxwellPlaneStrain.cc \
 	TestGenMaxwellIsotropic3D.cc \
+	TestGenMaxwellPlaneStrain.cc \
 	TestGenMaxwellQpQsIsotropic3D.cc \
 	TestPowerLaw3D.cc \
 	TestDruckerPrager3D.cc \
@@ -55,6 +56,7 @@
 	TestElasticPlaneStress.hh \
 	TestElasticIsotropic3D.hh \
 	TestGenMaxwellIsotropic3D.hh \
+	TestGenMaxwellPlaneStrain.hh \
 	TestGenMaxwellQpQsIsotropic3D.hh \
 	TestMaxwellIsotropic3D.hh \
 	TestMaxwellPlaneStrain.hh \
@@ -77,6 +79,8 @@
 	data/MaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData.cc \
 	data/GenMaxwellIsotropic3DElasticData.cc \
 	data/GenMaxwellIsotropic3DTimeDepData.cc \
+	data/GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData.cc \
+	data/GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData.cc \
 	data/GenMaxwellQpQsIsotropic3DElasticData.cc \
 	data/GenMaxwellQpQsIsotropic3DTimeDepData.cc \
 	data/PowerLaw3DElasticData.cc \
@@ -95,6 +99,8 @@
 	data/ElasticStress1DData.hh \
 	data/GenMaxwellIsotropic3DElasticData.hh \
 	data/GenMaxwellIsotropic3DTimeDepData.hh \
+	data/GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData.hh \
+	data/GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData.hh \
 	data/GenMaxwellQpQsIsotropic3DElasticData.hh \
 	data/GenMaxwellQpQsIsotropic3DTimeDepData.hh \
 	data/MaxwellIsotropic3DElasticData.hh \

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/TestGenMaxwellPlaneStrain.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/TestGenMaxwellPlaneStrain.cc	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/TestGenMaxwellPlaneStrain.cc	2011-05-29 23:59:03 UTC (rev 18489)
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
+// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <portinfo>
+#include "TestGenMaxwellPlaneStrain.hh" // Implementation of class methods
+#include "data/GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData.hh" // USES GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData
+#include "data/GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData.hh" // USES GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData
+#include "pylith/materials/GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.hh" // USES GenMaxwellPlaneStrain
+#include <cstring> // USES memcpy()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION( pylith::materials::TestGenMaxwellPlaneStrain );
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Setup testing data.
+{ // setUp
+  _material = new GenMaxwellPlaneStrain();
+  _matElastic = new GenMaxwellPlaneStrain();
+  _data = new GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData();
+  _dataElastic = new GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData();
+  setupNormalizer();
+} // setUp
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test timeStep()
+{ // testTimeStep
+  GenMaxwellPlaneStrain material;
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, material._needNewJacobian);
+  const double dt1 = 1.0;
+  material.timeStep(dt1);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(dt1, material.Material::timeStep());
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(false, material.needNewJacobian());
+  const double dt2 = 2.0;
+  material.timeStep(dt2);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(dt2, material.Material::timeStep());
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, material.needNewJacobian());
+} // testTimeStep
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test useElasticBehavior()
+{ // testUseElasticBehavior
+  GenMaxwellPlaneStrain material;
+  material.useElasticBehavior(true);
+  // Some compilers/operating systems (cygwin) don't allow comparing
+  // pointers. Use first test to determine if we can compare pointers.
+  if (&pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::_calcStressElastic == 
+      material._calcStressFn) {
+    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(&pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::_calcStressElastic ==
+		   material._calcStressFn);
+    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(&pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::_calcElasticConstsElastic ==
+		   material._calcElasticConstsFn);
+    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(&pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::_updateStateVarsElastic ==
+		   material._updateStateVarsFn);
+    material.useElasticBehavior(false);
+    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(&pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::_calcStressViscoelastic ==
+		   material._calcStressFn);
+    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(&pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::_calcElasticConstsViscoelastic == 
+		   material._calcElasticConstsFn);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(&pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrain::_updateStateVarsViscoelastic ==
+		 material._updateStateVarsFn);
+  } // if
+} // testUseElasticBehavior
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test usesHasStateVars()
+{ // testHasStateVars
+  GenMaxwellPlaneStrain material;
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, material.hasStateVars());
+} // testHasStateVars
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test calcStressElastic()
+{ // testCalcStressElastic
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _matElastic);
+  _matElastic->useElasticBehavior(true);
+  test_calcStress();
+} // testCalcStressElastic
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test calcElasticConstsElastic()
+{ // testElasticConstsElastic
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _matElastic);
+  _matElastic->useElasticBehavior(true);
+  test_calcElasticConsts();
+} // testElasticConstsElastic
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test updateStateVarsElastic()
+{ // testUpdateStateVarsElastic
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _matElastic);
+  _matElastic->useElasticBehavior(true);
+  test_updateStateVars();
+} // testUpdateStateVarsElastic
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test calcStressTimeDep()
+{ // testCalcStressTimeDep
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _matElastic);
+  _matElastic->useElasticBehavior(false);
+  delete _dataElastic; _dataElastic = new GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData();
+  double dt = 2.0e+5;
+  _matElastic->timeStep(dt);
+  test_calcStress();
+} // testCalcStressTimeDep
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test calcElasticConstsTimeDep()
+{ // testElasticConstsTimeDep
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _matElastic);
+  _matElastic->useElasticBehavior(false);
+  delete _dataElastic; _dataElastic = new GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData();
+  double dt = 2.0e+5;
+  _matElastic->timeStep(dt);
+  test_calcElasticConsts();
+} // testElasticConstsTimeDep
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test updateStateVarsTimeDep()
+{ // testUpdateStateVarsTimeDep
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _matElastic);
+   _matElastic->useElasticBehavior(false);
+  delete _dataElastic; _dataElastic = new GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData();
+  double dt = 2.0e+5;
+  _matElastic->timeStep(dt);
+  test_updateStateVars();
+} // testUpdateStateVarsTimeDep
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test _stableTimeStepImplicit()
+{ // test_stableTimeStepImplicit
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != _matElastic);
+  delete _dataElastic; _dataElastic = new GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData();
+  TestElasticMaterial::test_stableTimeStepImplicit();
+} // test_stableTimeStepImplicit
+// End of file 

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/TestGenMaxwellPlaneStrain.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/TestGenMaxwellPlaneStrain.hh	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/TestGenMaxwellPlaneStrain.hh	2011-05-29 23:59:03 UTC (rev 18489)
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
+// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * @file unittests/libtests/materials/TestGenMaxwellPlaneStrain.hh
+ *
+ * @brief C++ TestGenMaxwellPlaneStrain object
+ *
+ * C++ unit testing for GenMaxwellPlaneStrain.
+ */
+#if !defined(pylith_materials_testgenmaxwellplanestrain_hh)
+#define pylith_materials_testgenmaxwellplanestrain_hh
+#include "TestElasticMaterial.hh"
+/// Namespace for pylith package
+namespace pylith {
+  namespace materials {
+    class TestGenMaxwellPlaneStrain;
+    class GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData;
+    class GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData;
+  } // materials
+} // pylith
+/// C++ unit testing for GenMaxwellPlaneStrain
+class pylith::materials::TestGenMaxwellPlaneStrain : public TestElasticMaterial
+{ // class TestGenMaxwellPlaneStrain
+  // CPPUNIT TEST SUITE /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( TestGenMaxwellPlaneStrain );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( testDimension );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( testTensorSize );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( testDBToProperties );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( testNonDimProperties );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( testDimProperties );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( testDBToStateVars );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( testNonDimStateVars );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( testDimStateVars );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( test_calcDensity );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( test_stableTimeStepImplicit );
+  // Need to test Maxwell viscoelastic specific behavior.
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( testTimeStep );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( testUseElasticBehavior );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( testHasStateVars );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( test_calcStressElastic );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( test_calcStressTimeDep );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( test_calcElasticConstsElastic );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( test_calcElasticConstsTimeDep );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( test_updateStateVarsElastic );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( test_updateStateVarsTimeDep );
+  // PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+public :
+  /// Setup testing data.
+  void setUp(void);
+  /// Test timeStep()
+  void testTimeStep(void);
+  /// Test useElasticBehavior()
+  void testUseElasticBehavior(void);
+  /// Test hasStateVars()
+  void testHasStateVars(void);
+  /// Test _calcStressElastic()
+  void test_calcStressElastic(void);
+  /// Test _calcElasticConstsElastic()
+  void test_calcElasticConstsElastic(void);
+  /// Test _updateStateVarsElastic()
+  void test_updateStateVarsElastic(void);
+  /// Test _calcStressTimeDep()
+  void test_calcStressTimeDep(void);
+  /// Test _calcElasticConstsTimeDep()
+  void test_calcElasticConstsTimeDep(void);
+  /// Test _updateStatevarsTimeDep()
+  void test_updateStateVarsTimeDep(void);
+  /// Test _stableTimeStepImplicit()
+  void test_stableTimeStepImplicit(void);
+}; // class TestGenMaxwellPlaneStrain
+#endif // pylith_materials_testgenmaxwellplanestrain_hh
+// End of file 

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/data/GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElastic.py
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/data/GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElastic.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/data/GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElastic.py	2011-05-29 23:59:03 UTC (rev 18489)
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+# Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
+# Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
+# This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+# for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+# Copyright (c) 2010 University of California, Davis
+# See COPYING for license information.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## @file unittests/libtests/materials/data/GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElastic.py
+## @brief Python application for generating C++ data files for testing
+## C++ GenMaxwellPlaneStrain object with elastic behavior.
+from ElasticMaterialApp import ElasticMaterialApp
+import numpy
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+dimension = 2
+numElasticConsts = 9
+tensorSize = 3
+numMaxwellModels = 3
+# GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElastic class
+class GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElastic(ElasticMaterialApp):
+  """
+  Python application for generating C++ data files for testing C++
+  GenMaxwellPlaneStrain object with elastic behavior.
+  """
+  # PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  def __init__(self, name="genmaxwellplanestrainelastic"):
+    """
+    Constructor.
+    """
+    ElasticMaterialApp.__init__(self, name)
+    import pdb
+    pdb.set_trace()
+    numLocs = 2
+    self.dimension = dimension
+    self.numLocs = numLocs
+    self.dbPropertyValues = ["density", "vs", "vp",
+                             "shear-ratio-1", "shear-ratio-2", "shear-ratio-3",
+                             "viscosity-1", "viscosity-2", "viscosity-3"]
+    self.numPropertyValues = numpy.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+                                         dtype=numpy.int32)
+    self.dbStateVarValues = ["stress-zz-initial",
+                             "total-strain-xx",
+                             "total-strain-yy",
+                             "total-strain-xy",
+                             "viscous-strain-1-xx",
+                             "viscous-strain-1-yy",
+                             "viscous-strain-1-zz",
+                             "viscous-strain-1-xy",
+                             "viscous-strain-2-xx",
+                             "viscous-strain-2-yy",
+                             "viscous-strain-2-zz",
+                             "viscous-strain-2-xy",
+                             "viscous-strain-3-xx",
+                             "viscous-strain-3-yy",
+                             "viscous-strain-3-zz",
+                             "viscous-strain-3-xy"
+                             ]
+    self.numStateVarValues = numpy.array([1, tensorSize, 4, 4, 4],
+                                         dtype=numpy.int32)
+    densityA = 2500.0
+    vsA = 3000.0
+    vpA = vsA*3**0.5
+    shearRatioA = [0.5, 0.1, 0.2]
+    viscosityA = [1.0e18, 1.0e17, 1.0e19]
+    strainA = [1.1e-4, 1.2e-4, 1.4e-4]
+    initialStressA = [2.1e4, 2.2e4, 2.4e4]
+    initialStrainA = [3.1e-5, 3.2e-5, 3.4e-5]
+    muA = vsA*vsA*densityA
+    lambdaA = vpA*vpA*densityA - 2.0*muA
+    stressInitialZZA = numpy.array([1.5e4], dtype=numpy.float64)
+    densityB = 2000.0
+    vsB = 1200.0
+    vpB = vsB*3**0.5
+    shearRatioB = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2]
+    viscosityB = [1.0e18, 1.0e19, 1.0e20]
+    strainB = [4.1e-4, 4.2e-4, 4.4e-4]
+    initialStressB = [5.1e4, 5.2e4, 5.4e4]
+    initialStrainB = [6.1e-5, 6.2e-5, 6.4e-5]
+    muB = vsB*vsB*densityB
+    lambdaB = vpB*vpB*densityB - 2.0*muB
+    stressInitialZZB = numpy.array([4.5e4], dtype=numpy.float64)
+    maxwellTimeA = [1.0e30, 1.0e30, 1.0e30]
+    maxwellTimeB = [1.0e30, 1.0e30, 1.0e30]
+    for i in xrange(numMaxwellModels):
+      if shearRatioA[i] != 0.0:
+        maxwellTimeA[i] = viscosityA[i]/(muA*shearRatioA[i])
+      if shearRatioB[i] != 0.0:
+        maxwellTimeB[i] = viscosityB[i]/(muB*shearRatioB[i])
+    self.lengthScale = 1.0e+3
+    self.pressureScale = muA
+    self.timeScale = 1.0
+    self.densityScale = 1.0e+3
+    propA = [densityA, vsA, vpA] + shearRatioA + viscosityA
+    propB = [densityB, vsB, vpB] + shearRatioB + viscosityB
+    self.dbProperties = numpy.array([propA, propB], dtype=numpy.float64)
+    propA = [densityA, muA, lambdaA] + shearRatioA + maxwellTimeA
+    propB = [densityB, muB, lambdaB] + shearRatioB + maxwellTimeB
+    self.properties = numpy.array([propA, propB], dtype=numpy.float64)
+    # TEMPORARY, need to determine how to use initial state variables
+    # At present, only the first (stressInitialZZ) is being used.
+    self.dbStateVars = numpy.zeros( (numLocs,
+                                     1 + tensorSize + 4 * numMaxwellModels),
+                                    dtype=numpy.float64)
+    self.dbStateVars[0, 0] = stressInitialZZA
+    self.dbStateVars[1, 0] = stressInitialZZB
+    self.stateVars = numpy.zeros( (numLocs,
+                                   1 + tensorSize + 4 * numMaxwellModels),
+                                  dtype=numpy.float64)
+    self.stateVars[0, 0] = stressInitialZZA
+    self.stateVars[1, 0] = stressInitialZZB
+    mu0 = self.pressureScale
+    density0 = self.densityScale
+    time0 = self.timeScale
+    self.propertiesNondim = \
+        numpy.array([ [densityA/density0, muA/mu0, lambdaA/mu0,
+                       shearRatioA[0], shearRatioA[1], shearRatioA[2],
+                       maxwellTimeA[0]/time0, maxwellTimeA[1]/time0,
+                       maxwellTimeA[2]/time0],
+                      [densityB/density0, muB/mu0, lambdaB/mu0,
+                       shearRatioB[0], shearRatioB[1], shearRatioB[2],
+                       maxwellTimeB[0]/time0, maxwellTimeB[1]/time0,
+                       maxwellTimeB[2]/time0] ],
+                    dtype=numpy.float64)
+    stressInitialZZANondim = stressInitialZZA/mu0
+    stressInitialZZBNondim = stressInitialZZB/mu0
+    self.stateVarsNondim = numpy.zeros( (numLocs,
+                                         1 + tensorSize + 4 * numMaxwellModels),
+                                        dtype=numpy.float64)
+    self.stateVarsNondim[0, 0] = stressInitialZZANondim
+    self.stateVarsNondim[1, 0] = stressInitialZZBNondim
+    self.initialStress = numpy.array([initialStressA,
+                                      initialStressB],
+                                    dtype=numpy.float64)
+    self.initialStrain = numpy.array([initialStrainA,
+                                      initialStrainB],
+                                    dtype=numpy.float64)
+    self.density = numpy.array([densityA,
+                                densityB],
+                               dtype=numpy.float64)
+    self.strain = numpy.array([strainA,
+                               strainB],
+                               dtype=numpy.float64)
+    self.stress = numpy.zeros( (numLocs, tensorSize), dtype=numpy.float64)
+    self.elasticConsts = numpy.zeros( (self.numLocs, numElasticConsts), \
+                                        dtype=numpy.float64)
+    self.stateVarsUpdated = numpy.zeros((self.numLocs,
+                                         1 + tensorSize + 4 * numMaxwellModels),
+                                        dtype=numpy.float64)
+    (self.elasticConsts[0,:], self.stress[0,:], self.stateVarsUpdated[0,:]) = \
+                              self._calcStress(strainA, muA, lambdaA,
+                                               initialStressA, initialStrainA,
+                                               self.stateVars[0,:])
+    (self.elasticConsts[1,:], self.stress[1,:], self.stateVarsUpdated[1,:]) = \
+                              self._calcStress(strainB, muB, lambdaB,
+                                               initialStressB, initialStrainB,
+                                               self.stateVars[1,:])
+    self.dtStableImplicit = 0.2*min(min(maxwellTimeA), min(maxwellTimeB))
+    return
+  def _calcStress(self, strainV, muV, lambdaV, initialStressV, initialStrainV,
+                  stateVars):
+    """
+    Compute stress and derivative of elasticity matrix.
+    """
+    C1111 = lambdaV + 2.0 * muV
+    C1122 = lambdaV
+    C1112 = 0.0
+    C2211 = lambdaV
+    C2222 = lambdaV + 2.0 * muV
+    C2212 = 0.0
+    C1211 = 0.0
+    C1222 = 0.0
+    C1212 = 2.0 * muV
+    elasticConsts = numpy.array([C1111, C1122, C1112,
+                                 C2211, C2222, C2212,
+                                 C1211, C1222, C1212],
+                                dtype=numpy.float64)
+    initialStress = numpy.reshape(initialStressV, (tensorSize,1))
+    initialStrain = numpy.reshape(initialStrainV, (tensorSize,1))
+    stressZZInitial = numpy.array([stateVars[0]], dtype=numpy.float64)
+    strain = numpy.reshape(strainV, (tensorSize,1)) - initialStrain
+    elastic = numpy.array([ [C1111, C1122, C1112],
+                            [C2211, C2222, C2212],
+                            [C1211, C1222, C1212] ],
+                          dtype=numpy.float64)
+    stress = numpy.dot(elastic, strain) + initialStress
+    meanStrain = (strain[0,0] + strain[1,0])/3.0
+    viscousStrain = numpy.array([strain[0,0] - meanStrain,
+                                 strain[1,0] - meanStrain,
+                                 -meanStrain,
+                                 strain[2,0]],
+                                dtype=numpy.float64)
+    viscousStrainVec = numpy.ravel(viscousStrain)
+    strainVec = numpy.array(strainV, dtype=numpy.float64)
+    stateVarsUpdated = numpy.concatenate((stressZZInitial, strainVec,
+                                          viscousStrainVec, viscousStrainVec,
+                                          viscousStrainVec))
+    return (elasticConsts, numpy.ravel(stress), numpy.ravel(stateVarsUpdated))
+# MAIN /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  app = GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElastic()
+  app.run()
+# End of file 

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/data/GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/data/GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData.cc	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/data/GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData.cc	2011-05-29 23:59:03 UTC (rev 18489)
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
+// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ======================================================================
+// This file was generated from python application genmaxwellplanestrainelastic.
+#include "GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData.hh"
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_dimension = 2;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_numLocs = 2;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_numProperties = 9;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_numStateVars = 5;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_numDBProperties = 9;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_numDBStateVars = 16;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_numPropsQuadPt = 9;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_numVarsQuadPt = 16;
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_lengthScale =   1.00000000e+03;
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_timeScale =   1.00000000e+00;
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_pressureScale =   2.25000000e+10;
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_densityScale =   1.00000000e+03;
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_dtStableImplicit =   8.88888889e+06;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_numPropertyValues[] = {
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_numStateVarValues[] = {
+const char* pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_dbPropertyValues[] = {
+const char* pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_dbStateVarValues[] = {
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_dbProperties[] = {
+  2.50000000e+03,
+  3.00000000e+03,
+  5.19615242e+03,
+  5.00000000e-01,
+  1.00000000e-01,
+  2.00000000e-01,
+  1.00000000e+18,
+  1.00000000e+17,
+  1.00000000e+19,
+  2.00000000e+03,
+  1.20000000e+03,
+  2.07846097e+03,
+  2.00000000e-01,
+  2.00000000e-01,
+  2.00000000e-01,
+  1.00000000e+18,
+  1.00000000e+19,
+  1.00000000e+20,
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_dbStateVars[] = {
+  1.50000000e+04,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  4.50000000e+04,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_properties[] = {
+  2.50000000e+03,
+  2.25000000e+10,
+  2.25000000e+10,
+  5.00000000e-01,
+  1.00000000e-01,
+  2.00000000e-01,
+  8.88888889e+07,
+  4.44444444e+07,
+  2.22222222e+09,
+  2.00000000e+03,
+  2.88000000e+09,
+  2.88000000e+09,
+  2.00000000e-01,
+  2.00000000e-01,
+  2.00000000e-01,
+  1.73611111e+09,
+  1.73611111e+10,
+  1.73611111e+11,
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_stateVars[] = {
+  1.50000000e+04,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  4.50000000e+04,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_propertiesNondim[] = {
+  2.50000000e+00,
+  1.00000000e+00,
+  1.00000000e+00,
+  5.00000000e-01,
+  1.00000000e-01,
+  2.00000000e-01,
+  8.88888889e+07,
+  4.44444444e+07,
+  2.22222222e+09,
+  2.00000000e+00,
+  1.28000000e-01,
+  1.28000000e-01,
+  2.00000000e-01,
+  2.00000000e-01,
+  2.00000000e-01,
+  1.73611111e+09,
+  1.73611111e+10,
+  1.73611111e+11,
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_stateVarsNondim[] = {
+  6.66666667e-07,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  2.00000000e-06,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_density[] = {
+  2.50000000e+03,
+  2.00000000e+03,
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_strain[] = {
+  1.10000000e-04,
+  1.20000000e-04,
+  1.40000000e-04,
+  4.10000000e-04,
+  4.20000000e-04,
+  4.40000000e-04,
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_stress[] = {
+  7.33350000e+06,
+  7.73950000e+06,
+  4.79400000e+06,
+  4.09740000e+06,
+  4.15024000e+06,
+  2.21976000e+06,
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_elasticConsts[] = {
+  6.75000000e+10,
+  2.25000000e+10,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  2.25000000e+10,
+  6.75000000e+10,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  4.50000000e+10,
+  8.64000000e+09,
+  2.88000000e+09,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  2.88000000e+09,
+  8.64000000e+09,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  5.76000000e+09,
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_initialStress[] = {
+  2.10000000e+04,
+  2.20000000e+04,
+  2.40000000e+04,
+  5.10000000e+04,
+  5.20000000e+04,
+  5.40000000e+04,
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_initialStrain[] = {
+  3.10000000e-05,
+  3.20000000e-05,
+  3.40000000e-05,
+  6.10000000e-05,
+  6.20000000e-05,
+  6.40000000e-05,
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_stateVarsUpdated[] = {
+  1.50000000e+04,
+  1.10000000e-04,
+  1.20000000e-04,
+  1.40000000e-04,
+  2.33333333e-05,
+  3.23333333e-05,
+ -5.56666667e-05,
+  1.06000000e-04,
+  2.33333333e-05,
+  3.23333333e-05,
+ -5.56666667e-05,
+  1.06000000e-04,
+  2.33333333e-05,
+  3.23333333e-05,
+ -5.56666667e-05,
+  1.06000000e-04,
+  4.50000000e+04,
+  4.10000000e-04,
+  4.20000000e-04,
+  4.40000000e-04,
+  1.13333333e-04,
+  1.22333333e-04,
+ -2.35666667e-04,
+  3.76000000e-04,
+  1.13333333e-04,
+  1.22333333e-04,
+ -2.35666667e-04,
+  3.76000000e-04,
+  1.13333333e-04,
+  1.22333333e-04,
+ -2.35666667e-04,
+  3.76000000e-04,
+{ // constructor
+  dimension = _dimension;
+  numLocs = _numLocs;
+  numProperties = _numProperties;
+  numStateVars = _numStateVars;
+  numDBProperties = _numDBProperties;
+  numDBStateVars = _numDBStateVars;
+  numPropsQuadPt = _numPropsQuadPt;
+  numVarsQuadPt = _numVarsQuadPt;
+  lengthScale = _lengthScale;
+  timeScale = _timeScale;
+  pressureScale = _pressureScale;
+  densityScale = _densityScale;
+  dtStableImplicit = _dtStableImplicit;
+  numPropertyValues = const_cast<int*>(_numPropertyValues);
+  numStateVarValues = const_cast<int*>(_numStateVarValues);
+  dbPropertyValues = const_cast<char**>(_dbPropertyValues);
+  dbStateVarValues = const_cast<char**>(_dbStateVarValues);
+  dbProperties = const_cast<double*>(_dbProperties);
+  dbStateVars = const_cast<double*>(_dbStateVars);
+  properties = const_cast<double*>(_properties);
+  stateVars = const_cast<double*>(_stateVars);
+  propertiesNondim = const_cast<double*>(_propertiesNondim);
+  stateVarsNondim = const_cast<double*>(_stateVarsNondim);
+  density = const_cast<double*>(_density);
+  strain = const_cast<double*>(_strain);
+  stress = const_cast<double*>(_stress);
+  elasticConsts = const_cast<double*>(_elasticConsts);
+  initialStress = const_cast<double*>(_initialStress);
+  initialStrain = const_cast<double*>(_initialStrain);
+  stateVarsUpdated = const_cast<double*>(_stateVarsUpdated);
+} // constructor
+// End of file

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/data/GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/data/GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData.hh	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/data/GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData.hh	2011-05-29 23:59:03 UTC (rev 18489)
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
+// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ======================================================================
+// This file was generated from python application genmaxwellplanestrainelastic.
+#if !defined(pylith_materials_genmaxwellplanestrainelasticdata_hh)
+#define pylith_materials_genmaxwellplanestrainelasticdata_hh
+#include "ElasticMaterialData.hh"
+namespace pylith {
+  namespace materials {
+     class GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData;
+  } // pylith
+} // materials
+class pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData : public ElasticMaterialData
+  /// Constructor
+  GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData(void);
+  /// Destructor
+  ~GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData(void);
+  static const int _dimension;
+  static const int _numLocs;
+  static const int _numProperties;
+  static const int _numStateVars;
+  static const int _numDBProperties;
+  static const int _numDBStateVars;
+  static const int _numPropsQuadPt;
+  static const int _numVarsQuadPt;
+  static const double _lengthScale;
+  static const double _timeScale;
+  static const double _pressureScale;
+  static const double _densityScale;
+  static const double _dtStableImplicit;
+  static const int _numPropertyValues[];
+  static const int _numStateVarValues[];
+  static const char* _dbPropertyValues[];
+  static const char* _dbStateVarValues[];
+  static const double _dbProperties[];
+  static const double _dbStateVars[];
+  static const double _properties[];
+  static const double _stateVars[];
+  static const double _propertiesNondim[];
+  static const double _stateVarsNondim[];
+  static const double _density[];
+  static const double _strain[];
+  static const double _stress[];
+  static const double _elasticConsts[];
+  static const double _initialStress[];
+  static const double _initialStrain[];
+  static const double _stateVarsUpdated[];
+#endif // pylith_materials_genmaxwellplanestrainelasticdata_hh
+// End of file

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/data/GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDep.py
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/data/GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDep.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/data/GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDep.py	2011-05-29 23:59:03 UTC (rev 18489)
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+# Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
+# Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
+# This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+# for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+# Copyright (c) 2010 University of California, Davis
+# See COPYING for license information.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## @file unittests/libtests/materials/data/GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDep.py
+## @brief Python application for generating C++ data files for testing
+## C++ GenMaxwellPlaneStrain object with viscoelastic behavior.
+from ElasticMaterialApp import ElasticMaterialApp
+import numpy
+import math
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+dimension = 2
+numElasticConsts = 9
+tensorSize = 3
+numMaxwellModels = 3
+# GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDep class
+class GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDep(ElasticMaterialApp):
+  """
+  Python application for generating C++ data files for testing C++
+  GenMaxwellPlaneStrain object using viscoelastic behavior.
+  """
+  # PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  def __init__(self, name="genmaxwellplanestraintimedep"):
+    """
+    Constructor.
+    """
+    ElasticMaterialApp.__init__(self, name)
+    import pdb
+    pdb.set_trace()
+    numLocs = 2
+    self.dt = 2.0e5
+    self.dimension = dimension
+    self.numLocs = numLocs
+    self.dbPropertyValues = ["density", "vs", "vp",
+                             "shear-ratio-1", "shear-ratio-2", "shear-ratio-3",
+                             "viscosity-1", "viscosity-2", "viscosity-3"]
+    self.numPropertyValues = numpy.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
+                                         dtype=numpy.int32)
+    self.dbStateVarValues = ["stress-zz-initial",
+                             "total-strain-xx",
+                             "total-strain-yy",
+                             "total-strain-xy",
+                             "viscous-strain-1-xx",
+                             "viscous-strain-1-yy",
+                             "viscous-strain-1-zz",
+                             "viscous-strain-1-xy",
+                             "viscous-strain-2-xx",
+                             "viscous-strain-2-yy",
+                             "viscous-strain-2-zz",
+                             "viscous-strain-2-xy",
+                             "viscous-strain-3-xx",
+                             "viscous-strain-3-yy",
+                             "viscous-strain-3-zz",
+                             "viscous-strain-3-xy"
+                             ]
+    self.numStateVarValues = numpy.array([1, tensorSize, 4, 4, 4],
+                                         dtype=numpy.int32)
+    densityA = 2500.0
+    vsA = 3000.0
+    vpA = vsA*3**0.5
+    shearRatioA = [0.5, 0.1, 0.2]
+    viscosityA = [1.0e18, 1.0e17, 1.0e19]
+    strainA = [1.1e-4, 1.2e-4, 1.4e-4]
+    initialStressA = [2.1e4, 2.2e4, 2.4e4]
+    initialStrainA = [3.6e-5, 3.5e-5, 3.3e-5]
+    muA = vsA*vsA*densityA
+    lambdaA = vpA*vpA*densityA - 2.0*muA
+    meanStrainA = (strainA[0] + strainA[1])/3.0
+    stressInitialZZA = numpy.array([2.0e4], dtype=numpy.float64)
+    densityB = 2000.0
+    vsB = 1200.0
+    vpB = vsB*3**0.5
+    shearRatioB = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2]
+    viscosityB = [1.0e18, 1.0e19, 1.0e20]
+    strainB = [4.1e-4, 4.2e-4, 4.4e-4]
+    initialStressB = [5.1e4, 5.2e4, 5.4e4]
+    initialStrainB = [6.1e-5, 6.2e-5, 6.6e-5]
+    muB = vsB*vsB*densityB
+    lambdaB = vpB*vpB*densityB - 2.0*muB
+    meanStrainB = (strainB[0] + strainB[1])/3.0
+    stressInitialZZB = numpy.array([5.0e4], dtype=numpy.float64)
+    # Compute Maxwell time and viscous strain.
+    diag = numpy.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0], dtype=numpy.float64)
+    strainTA = [strainA[0], strainA[1], 0.0, strainA[2]]
+    strainTB = [strainB[0], strainB[1], 0.0, strainB[2]]
+    maxwellTimeA = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
+    maxwellTimeB = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
+    visStrainA = numpy.zeros( (numMaxwellModels, 4), dtype=numpy.float64)
+    visStrainB = numpy.zeros( (numMaxwellModels, 4), dtype=numpy.float64)
+    for imodel in xrange(numMaxwellModels):
+      if shearRatioA[imodel] != 0.0:
+        maxwellTimeA[imodel] = viscosityA[imodel]/(muA*shearRatioA[imodel])
+        visStrainA[imodel,:] = numpy.array(strainTA, dtype=numpy.float64) - \
+                               diag * meanStrainA
+      if shearRatioB[imodel] != 0.0:
+        maxwellTimeB[imodel] = viscosityB[imodel]/(muB*shearRatioB[imodel])
+        visStrainB[imodel,:] = numpy.array(strainTB, dtype=numpy.float64) - \
+                               diag * meanStrainB
+    dbPropA = [densityA, vsA, vpA] + shearRatioA + viscosityA
+    dbPropB = [densityB, vsB, vpB] + shearRatioB + viscosityB
+    self.dbProperties = numpy.array([dbPropA, dbPropB], dtype=numpy.float64)
+    propA = [densityA, muA, lambdaA] + shearRatioA + maxwellTimeA
+    propB = [densityB, muB, lambdaB] + shearRatioB + maxwellTimeB
+    self.properties = numpy.array([propA, propB], dtype=numpy.float64)
+    # TEMPORARY, need to determine how to use initial state variables
+    # At present, only the first (stressInitialZZ) is being used.
+    self.dbStateVars = numpy.zeros((numLocs,
+                                    1 + tensorSize + 4 * numMaxwellModels),
+                                   dtype=numpy.float64)
+    self.dbStateVars[0, 0] = stressInitialZZA
+    self.dbStateVars[1, 0] = stressInitialZZB
+    self.lengthScale = 1.0e+3
+    self.pressureScale = muA
+    self.timeScale = 1.0
+    self.densityScale = 1.0e+3
+    mu0 = self.pressureScale
+    density0 = self.densityScale
+    time0 = self.timeScale
+    self.propertiesNondim = \
+        numpy.array([ [densityA/density0, muA/mu0, lambdaA/mu0,
+                       shearRatioA[0], shearRatioA[1], shearRatioA[2],
+                       maxwellTimeA[0]/time0, maxwellTimeA[1]/time0,
+                       maxwellTimeA[2]/time0],
+                      [densityB/density0, muB/mu0, lambdaB/mu0,
+                       shearRatioB[0], shearRatioB[1], shearRatioB[2],
+                       maxwellTimeB[0]/time0, maxwellTimeB[1]/time0,
+                       maxwellTimeB[2]/time0] ],
+                    dtype=numpy.float64)
+    self.initialStress = numpy.array([initialStressA,
+                                      initialStressB],
+                                    dtype=numpy.float64)
+    self.initialStrain = numpy.array([initialStrainA,
+                                      initialStrainB],
+                                    dtype=numpy.float64)
+    self.density = numpy.array([densityA,
+                                densityB],
+                               dtype=numpy.float64)
+    # Simplest approach for now is to assume this is the first step
+    # after the elastic solution.  In that case, both the total strain
+    # from the last step (total_strain) and the total viscous strain
+    # (viscous_strain) are defined by the assigned elastic strain.
+    # Revised approach.  For a better test, I am setting the total strain
+    # for the current time step to be equal to the strain from the previous
+    # time step plus a constant amount.
+    totalStrainA = [strainA[0] + 1.0e-5,
+                    strainA[1] + 1.0e-5,
+                    strainA[2] + 1.0e-5]
+    totalStrainB = [strainB[0] + 1.0e-5,
+                    strainB[1] + 1.0e-5,
+                    strainB[2] + 1.0e-5]
+    visStrainVecA = numpy.ravel(visStrainA)
+    visStrainVecB = numpy.ravel(visStrainB)
+    strainVecA = numpy.array(strainA, dtype=numpy.float64)
+    strainVecB = numpy.array(strainB, dtype=numpy.float64)
+    stateVarsA = numpy.concatenate((stressInitialZZA, strainVecA,
+                                    visStrainVecA))
+    stateVarsB = numpy.concatenate((stressInitialZZB, strainVecB,
+                                    visStrainVecB))
+    self.stateVars = numpy.array([stateVarsA, stateVarsB], dtype=numpy.float64)
+    stressInitialZZANondim = stressInitialZZA/mu0
+    stressInitialZZBNondim = stressInitialZZB/mu0
+    self.stateVarsNondim = numpy.zeros( (numLocs,
+                                         1 + tensorSize + 4 * numMaxwellModels),
+                                        dtype=numpy.float64)
+    self.stateVarsNondim[:] = self.stateVars[:] # no scaling
+    # Scale stressInitialZZ
+    self.stateVarsNondim[0, 0] = stressInitialZZANondim
+    self.stateVarsNondim[1, 0] = stressInitialZZBNondim
+    self.strain = numpy.array([totalStrainA, totalStrainB], dtype=numpy.float64)
+    self.stress = numpy.zeros( (numLocs, tensorSize), dtype=numpy.float64)
+    self.stateVarsUpdated = numpy.zeros((numLocs,
+                                         1 + tensorSize + 4 * numMaxwellModels),
+                                        dtype=numpy.float64)
+    self.elasticConsts = numpy.zeros((numLocs, numElasticConsts), \
+                                     dtype=numpy.float64)
+    (self.elasticConsts[0,:], self.stress[0,:], self.stateVarsUpdated[0,:]) = \
+                              self._calcStress(strainA, muA, lambdaA,
+                                               shearRatioA, maxwellTimeA,
+                                               totalStrainA, visStrainA,
+                                               initialStressA, initialStrainA,
+                                               stateVarsA)
+    (self.elasticConsts[1,:], self.stress[1,:], self.stateVarsUpdated[1,:]) = \
+                              self._calcStress(strainB, muB, lambdaB,
+                                               shearRatioB, maxwellTimeB,
+                                               totalStrainB, visStrainB,
+                                               initialStressB, initialStrainB,
+                                               stateVarsB)
+    self.dtStableImplicit = 0.2*min(min(maxwellTimeA), min(maxwellTimeB))
+    return
+  def _calcStressComponent(self, strainVal, strainComp, stressComp, strainTpdt,
+                           muV, lambdaV, shearRatioV, maxwellTimeV, dqV,
+                           totalStrainT, viscousStrainT,
+                           initialStress, initialStrain,
+                           stateVars):
+    """
+    Function to compute a particular stress component as a function of a
+    strain component.
+    """
+    strainTest = numpy.array(strainTpdt, dtype=numpy.float64)
+    strainTest[strainComp] = strainVal
+    stressTpdt, viscousStrainTpdt = self._computeStress(strainTest,
+                                                        muV,
+                                                        lambdaV,
+                                                        shearRatioV,
+                                                        maxwellTimeV,
+                                                        dqV,
+                                                        totalStrainT,
+                                                        viscousStrainT,
+                                                        initialStress,
+                                                        initialStrain,
+                                                        stateVars)
+    return stressTpdt[stressComp]
+  def _computeStress(self, strainTpdt, muV, lambdaV, shearRatioV, maxwellTimeV,
+                     dqV, strainT, viscousStrainT,
+                     initialStress, initialStrain, stateVars):
+    """
+    Function to compute stresses and viscous strains for a given strain.
+    """
+    bulkModulus = lambdaV + 2.0 * muV / 3.0
+    diag = numpy.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0], dtype=numpy.float64)
+    # Initial stresses and strains
+    meanStrainInitial = (initialStrain[0] + initialStrain[1]) / 3.0
+    meanStressInitial = \
+    (initialStress[0] + initialStress[1] + stateVars[0]) / 3.0
+    initialStressV = numpy.array([initialStress[0],
+                                  initialStress[1],
+                                  stateVars[0],
+                                  initialStress[2]], dtype=numpy.float64)
+    initialStrainV = numpy.array([initialStrain[0],
+                                  initialStrain[1],
+                                  0.0,
+                                  initialStrain[2]], dtype=numpy.float64)
+    devStrainInitial = initialStrainV - diag * meanStrainInitial
+    devStressInitial = initialStressV - diag * meanStressInitial
+    # Strains from previous time step
+    strainTV = numpy.array([strainT[0], strainT[1], 0.0, strainT[2]],
+                           dtype=numpy.float64)
+    meanStrainT = (strainT[0] + strainT[1]) / 3.0
+    devStrainT = strainTV - diag * meanStrainT - devStrainInitial
+    # Strains and mean stress for current time step
+    strainTpdtV = numpy.array([strainTpdt[0], strainTpdt[1], 0.0,
+                               strainTpdt[2]], dtype=numpy.float64)
+    meanStrainTpdt = (strainTpdt[0] + strainTpdt[1]) / 3.0
+    devStrainTpdt = strainTpdtV - diag * meanStrainTpdt - devStrainInitial
+    meanStressTpdt = 3.0 * bulkModulus * \
+                     (meanStrainTpdt - meanStrainInitial) + meanStressInitial
+    # Compute viscous factors
+    visFrac = 0.0
+    visFac = 0.0
+    expFac = numpy.zeros((numMaxwellModels), dtype=numpy.float64)
+    for model in range(numMaxwellModels):
+      visFrac += shearRatioV[model]
+      visFac += shearRatioV[model] * dqV[model]
+      expFac[model] = math.exp(-self.dt/maxwellTimeV[model])
+    elasFrac = 1.0 - visFrac
+    stressTpdt = numpy.zeros( (4), dtype=numpy.float64)
+    viscousStrainTpdt = numpy.zeros( (3, 4), dtype=numpy.float64)
+    elasFac = 2.0 * muV
+    # Compute viscous strain and stress
+    for iComp in range(4):
+      deltaStrain = devStrainTpdt[iComp] - devStrainT[iComp]
+      devStressTpdt = elasFrac * devStrainTpdt[iComp]
+      for model in range(numMaxwellModels):
+        if shearRatioV[model] != 0.0:
+          viscousStrainTpdt[model, iComp] = expFac[model] * \
+                                            viscousStrainT[model, iComp] + \
+                                            dqV[model] * deltaStrain
+          devStressTpdt += shearRatioV[model] * viscousStrainTpdt[model, iComp]
+      devStressTpdt = elasFac * devStressTpdt + devStressInitial[iComp]
+      stressTpdt[iComp] = diag[iComp] * (meanStressTpdt + meanStressInitial) + \
+                          devStressTpdt
+    stressTpdtV = numpy.array([stressTpdt[0], stressTpdt[1], stressTpdt[3]],
+                              dtype=numpy.float64)
+    return stressTpdtV, viscousStrainTpdt
+  def _computeViscousFactor(self, maxwellTime):
+    """
+    Compute viscous strain factor for a given Maxwell time.
+    """
+    timeFrac = 1.0e-5
+    numTerms = 5
+    dq = 0.0
+    if maxwellTime < timeFrac*self.dt:
+      fSign = 1.0
+      factorial = 1.0
+      fraction = 1.0
+      dq = 1.0
+      for iTerm in range(2, numTerms + 1):
+        factorial *= iTerm
+        fSign *= -1.0
+        fraction *= self.dt/maxwellTime
+        dq += fSign*fraction/factorial
+    else:
+      dq = maxwellTime*(1.0-math.exp(-self.dt/maxwellTime))/self.dt
+    return dq
+  def _calcStress(self, strainV, muV, lambdaV, shearRatioV, maxwellTimeV,
+                  totalStrainV, viscousStrainV, initialStressV, initialStrainV,
+                  stateVars):
+    """
+    Compute stress and derivative of elasticity matrix.
+    This assumes behavior is always viscoelastic.
+    """
+    import scipy.misc
+    # Define some numpy arrays
+    strainTpdt = numpy.array(totalStrainV, dtype=numpy.float64)
+    strainT = numpy.array(strainV, dtype=numpy.float64)
+    viscousStrainT = numpy.array(viscousStrainV, dtype=numpy.float64)
+    initialStress = numpy.array(initialStressV, dtype=numpy.float64)
+    initialStrain = numpy.array(initialStrainV, dtype=numpy.float64)
+    stressZZInitial = numpy.array([stateVars[0]], dtype=numpy.float64)
+    # Compute viscous factors for each Maxwell model
+    dqV = numpy.zeros(numMaxwellModels, dtype=numpy.float64)
+    for model in range(numMaxwellModels):
+      dqV[model] = self._computeViscousFactor(maxwellTimeV[model])
+    # Compute current stress and viscous strain
+    stressTpdt, viscousStrainTpdt = self._computeStress(strainTpdt,
+                                                        muV,
+                                                        lambdaV,
+                                                        shearRatioV,
+                                                        maxwellTimeV,
+                                                        dqV,
+                                                        strainT,
+                                                        viscousStrainT,
+                                                        initialStress,
+                                                        initialStrain,
+                                                        stateVars)
+    # Form updated state variables
+    strainTpdtVec = numpy.ravel(strainTpdt)
+    viscousStrainTpdtVec = numpy.ravel(viscousStrainTpdt)
+    stateVarsUpdated = numpy.concatenate((stressZZInitial, strainTpdtVec,
+                                          viscousStrainTpdtVec))
+    # Compute components of tangent constitutive matrix using numerical
+    # derivatives.
+    derivDx = 1.0e-12
+    derivOrder = 3
+    elasticConstsList = []
+    for stressComp in range(tensorSize):
+      for strainComp in range(tensorSize):
+        dStressDStrain = stressComp + strainComp
+        dStressDStrain = scipy.misc.derivative(self._calcStressComponent,
+                                               strainTpdt[strainComp],
+                                               dx=derivDx,
+                                               args=(strainComp,
+                                                     stressComp,
+                                                     strainTpdt,
+                                                     muV,
+                                                     lambdaV,
+                                                     shearRatioV,
+                                                     maxwellTimeV,
+                                                     dqV,
+                                                     strainT,
+                                                     viscousStrainT,
+                                                     initialStress,
+                                                     initialStrain,
+                                                     stateVars),
+                                               order=derivOrder)
+        elasticConstsList.append(dStressDStrain)
+    elasticConsts = numpy.array(elasticConstsList, dtype=numpy.float64)
+    return (elasticConsts, numpy.ravel(stressTpdt),
+            numpy.ravel(stateVarsUpdated))
+# MAIN /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  app = GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDep()
+  app.run()
+# End of file 

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/data/GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/data/GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData.cc	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/data/GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData.cc	2011-05-29 23:59:03 UTC (rev 18489)
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
+// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ======================================================================
+// This file was generated from python application genmaxwellplanestraintimedep.
+#include "GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData.hh"
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData::_dimension = 2;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData::_numLocs = 2;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData::_numProperties = 9;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData::_numStateVars = 5;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData::_numDBProperties = 9;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData::_numDBStateVars = 16;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData::_numPropsQuadPt = 9;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData::_numVarsQuadPt = 16;
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData::_lengthScale =   1.00000000e+03;
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData::_timeScale =   1.00000000e+00;
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData::_pressureScale =   2.25000000e+10;
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData::_densityScale =   1.00000000e+03;
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData::_dtStableImplicit =   8.88888889e+06;
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData::_numPropertyValues[] = {
+const int pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData::_numStateVarValues[] = {
+const char* pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData::_dbPropertyValues[] = {
+const char* pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData::_dbStateVarValues[] = {
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData::_dbProperties[] = {
+  2.50000000e+03,
+  3.00000000e+03,
+  5.19615242e+03,
+  5.00000000e-01,
+  1.00000000e-01,
+  2.00000000e-01,
+  1.00000000e+18,
+  1.00000000e+17,
+  1.00000000e+19,
+  2.00000000e+03,
+  1.20000000e+03,
+  2.07846097e+03,
+  2.00000000e-01,
+  2.00000000e-01,
+  2.00000000e-01,
+  1.00000000e+18,
+  1.00000000e+19,
+  1.00000000e+20,
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData::_dbStateVars[] = {
+  2.00000000e+04,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  5.00000000e+04,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData::_properties[] = {
+  2.50000000e+03,
+  2.25000000e+10,
+  2.25000000e+10,
+  5.00000000e-01,
+  1.00000000e-01,
+  2.00000000e-01,
+  8.88888889e+07,
+  4.44444444e+07,
+  2.22222222e+09,
+  2.00000000e+03,
+  2.88000000e+09,
+  2.88000000e+09,
+  2.00000000e-01,
+  2.00000000e-01,
+  2.00000000e-01,
+  1.73611111e+09,
+  1.73611111e+10,
+  1.73611111e+11,
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData::_stateVars[] = {
+  2.00000000e+04,
+  1.10000000e-04,
+  1.20000000e-04,
+  1.40000000e-04,
+  3.33333333e-05,
+  4.33333333e-05,
+ -7.66666667e-05,
+  1.40000000e-04,
+  3.33333333e-05,
+  4.33333333e-05,
+ -7.66666667e-05,
+  1.40000000e-04,
+  3.33333333e-05,
+  4.33333333e-05,
+ -7.66666667e-05,
+  1.40000000e-04,
+  5.00000000e+04,
+  4.10000000e-04,
+  4.20000000e-04,
+  4.40000000e-04,
+  1.33333333e-04,
+  1.43333333e-04,
+ -2.76666667e-04,
+  4.40000000e-04,
+  1.33333333e-04,
+  1.43333333e-04,
+ -2.76666667e-04,
+  4.40000000e-04,
+  1.33333333e-04,
+  1.43333333e-04,
+ -2.76666667e-04,
+  4.40000000e-04,
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData::_propertiesNondim[] = {
+  2.50000000e+00,
+  1.00000000e+00,
+  1.00000000e+00,
+  5.00000000e-01,
+  1.00000000e-01,
+  2.00000000e-01,
+  8.88888889e+07,
+  4.44444444e+07,
+  2.22222222e+09,
+  2.00000000e+00,
+  1.28000000e-01,
+  1.28000000e-01,
+  2.00000000e-01,
+  2.00000000e-01,
+  2.00000000e-01,
+  1.73611111e+09,
+  1.73611111e+10,
+  1.73611111e+11,
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData::_stateVarsNondim[] = {
+  8.88888889e-07,
+  1.10000000e-04,
+  1.20000000e-04,
+  1.40000000e-04,
+  3.33333333e-05,
+  4.33333333e-05,
+ -7.66666667e-05,
+  1.40000000e-04,
+  3.33333333e-05,
+  4.33333333e-05,
+ -7.66666667e-05,
+  1.40000000e-04,
+  3.33333333e-05,
+  4.33333333e-05,
+ -7.66666667e-05,
+  1.40000000e-04,
+  2.22222222e-06,
+  4.10000000e-04,
+  4.20000000e-04,
+  4.40000000e-04,
+  1.33333333e-04,
+  1.43333333e-04,
+ -2.76666667e-04,
+  4.40000000e-04,
+  1.33333333e-04,
+  1.43333333e-04,
+ -2.76666667e-04,
+  4.40000000e-04,
+  1.33333333e-04,
+  1.43333333e-04,
+ -2.76666667e-04,
+  4.40000000e-04,
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData::_density[] = {
+  2.50000000e+03,
+  2.00000000e+03,
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData::_strain[] = {
+  1.20000000e-04,
+  1.30000000e-04,
+  1.50000000e-04,
+  4.20000000e-04,
+  4.30000000e-04,
+  4.50000000e-04,
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData::_stress[] = {
+  8.29099455e+06,
+  8.75027873e+06,
+  6.46662036e+06,
+  4.33270011e+06,
+  4.38899464e+06,
+  2.49387045e+06,
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData::_elasticConsts[] = {
+  6.74761273e+10,
+  2.25119358e+10,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  2.25119358e+10,
+  6.74761273e+10,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  4.49641915e+10,
+  8.63995077e+09,
+  2.88002472e+09,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  2.88002472e+09,
+  8.63995124e+09,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  0.00000000e+00,
+  5.75992628e+09,
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData::_initialStress[] = {
+  2.10000000e+04,
+  2.20000000e+04,
+  2.40000000e+04,
+  5.10000000e+04,
+  5.20000000e+04,
+  5.40000000e+04,
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData::_initialStrain[] = {
+  3.60000000e-05,
+  3.50000000e-05,
+  3.30000000e-05,
+  6.10000000e-05,
+  6.20000000e-05,
+  6.60000000e-05,
+const double pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData::_stateVarsUpdated[] = {
+  2.00000000e+04,
+  1.20000000e-04,
+  1.30000000e-04,
+  1.50000000e-04,
+  3.65880038e-05,
+  4.65655291e-05,
+ -8.31535329e-05,
+  1.49674113e-04,
+  3.65095149e-05,
+  4.64646160e-05,
+ -8.29741309e-05,
+  1.49348949e-04,
+  3.66635168e-05,
+  4.66626168e-05,
+ -8.33261337e-05,
+  1.49986951e-04,
+  5.00000000e+04,
+  4.20000000e-04,
+  4.30000000e-04,
+  4.50000000e-04,
+  1.36651116e-04,
+  1.46649964e-04,
+ -2.83301079e-04,
+  4.49948739e-04,
+  1.36665111e-04,
+  1.46664996e-04,
+ -2.83330108e-04,
+  4.49994874e-04,
+  1.36666511e-04,
+  1.46666500e-04,
+ -2.83333011e-04,
+  4.49999487e-04,
+{ // constructor
+  dimension = _dimension;
+  numLocs = _numLocs;
+  numProperties = _numProperties;
+  numStateVars = _numStateVars;
+  numDBProperties = _numDBProperties;
+  numDBStateVars = _numDBStateVars;
+  numPropsQuadPt = _numPropsQuadPt;
+  numVarsQuadPt = _numVarsQuadPt;
+  lengthScale = _lengthScale;
+  timeScale = _timeScale;
+  pressureScale = _pressureScale;
+  densityScale = _densityScale;
+  dtStableImplicit = _dtStableImplicit;
+  numPropertyValues = const_cast<int*>(_numPropertyValues);
+  numStateVarValues = const_cast<int*>(_numStateVarValues);
+  dbPropertyValues = const_cast<char**>(_dbPropertyValues);
+  dbStateVarValues = const_cast<char**>(_dbStateVarValues);
+  dbProperties = const_cast<double*>(_dbProperties);
+  dbStateVars = const_cast<double*>(_dbStateVars);
+  properties = const_cast<double*>(_properties);
+  stateVars = const_cast<double*>(_stateVars);
+  propertiesNondim = const_cast<double*>(_propertiesNondim);
+  stateVarsNondim = const_cast<double*>(_stateVarsNondim);
+  density = const_cast<double*>(_density);
+  strain = const_cast<double*>(_strain);
+  stress = const_cast<double*>(_stress);
+  elasticConsts = const_cast<double*>(_elasticConsts);
+  initialStress = const_cast<double*>(_initialStress);
+  initialStrain = const_cast<double*>(_initialStrain);
+  stateVarsUpdated = const_cast<double*>(_stateVarsUpdated);
+} // constructor
+// End of file

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/data/GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/data/GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData.hh	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/data/GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData.hh	2011-05-29 23:59:03 UTC (rev 18489)
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
+// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ======================================================================
+// This file was generated from python application genmaxwellplanestraintimedep.
+#if !defined(pylith_materials_genmaxwellplanestraintimedepdata_hh)
+#define pylith_materials_genmaxwellplanestraintimedepdata_hh
+#include "ElasticMaterialData.hh"
+namespace pylith {
+  namespace materials {
+     class GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData;
+  } // pylith
+} // materials
+class pylith::materials::GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData : public ElasticMaterialData
+  /// Constructor
+  GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData(void);
+  /// Destructor
+  ~GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData(void);
+  static const int _dimension;
+  static const int _numLocs;
+  static const int _numProperties;
+  static const int _numStateVars;
+  static const int _numDBProperties;
+  static const int _numDBStateVars;
+  static const int _numPropsQuadPt;
+  static const int _numVarsQuadPt;
+  static const double _lengthScale;
+  static const double _timeScale;
+  static const double _pressureScale;
+  static const double _densityScale;
+  static const double _dtStableImplicit;
+  static const int _numPropertyValues[];
+  static const int _numStateVarValues[];
+  static const char* _dbPropertyValues[];
+  static const char* _dbStateVarValues[];
+  static const double _dbProperties[];
+  static const double _dbStateVars[];
+  static const double _properties[];
+  static const double _stateVars[];
+  static const double _propertiesNondim[];
+  static const double _stateVarsNondim[];
+  static const double _density[];
+  static const double _strain[];
+  static const double _stress[];
+  static const double _elasticConsts[];
+  static const double _initialStress[];
+  static const double _initialStrain[];
+  static const double _stateVarsUpdated[];
+#endif // pylith_materials_genmaxwellplanestraintimedepdata_hh
+// End of file

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/data/MaxwellPlaneStrainElastic.py
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/data/MaxwellPlaneStrainElastic.py	2011-05-29 15:46:39 UTC (rev 18488)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/data/MaxwellPlaneStrainElastic.py	2011-05-29 23:59:03 UTC (rev 18489)
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
     muA = vsA*vsA*densityA
     lambdaA = vpA*vpA*densityA - 2.0*muA
     maxwellTimeA = viscosityA / muA
+    stressInitialZZA = numpy.array([1.5e4], dtype=numpy.float64)
     densityB = 2000.0
     vsB = 1200.0
@@ -88,6 +89,7 @@
     muB = vsB*vsB*densityB
     lambdaB = vpB*vpB*densityB - 2.0*muB
     maxwellTimeB = viscosityB / muB
+    stressInitialZZB = numpy.array([4.5e4], dtype=numpy.float64)
     self.lengthScale = 1.0e+3
     self.pressureScale = muA
@@ -102,21 +104,36 @@
     # TEMPORARY, need to determine how to use initial state variables
-    self.dbStateVars = numpy.zeros( (numLocs, tensorSize+5),
+    # At present, only the first (stressInitialZZ) is being used.
+    self.dbStateVars = numpy.zeros( (numLocs, 1 + tensorSize + 4),
-    self.stateVars = numpy.zeros( (numLocs, tensorSize+5),
+    self.dbStateVars[0, 0] = stressInitialZZA
+    self.dbStateVars[1, 0] = stressInitialZZB
+    self.stateVars = numpy.zeros( (numLocs, 1 + tensorSize + 4),
+    self.stateVars[0, 0] = stressInitialZZA
+    self.stateVars[1, 0] = stressInitialZZB
     mu0 = self.pressureScale
     density0 = self.densityScale
     time0 = self.timeScale
     self.propertiesNondim = \
-        numpy.array([ [densityA/density0, muA/mu0, lambdaA/mu0, maxwellTimeA/time0],
-                      [densityB/density0, muB/mu0, lambdaB/mu0, maxwellTimeB/time0] ],
+        numpy.array([ [densityA/density0, muA/mu0, lambdaA/mu0,
+                       maxwellTimeA/time0],
+                      [densityB/density0, muB/mu0, lambdaB/mu0,
+                       maxwellTimeB/time0] ],
-    self.stateVarsNondim = self.stateVars # no scaling
+    stressInitialZZANondim = stressInitialZZA/mu0
+    stressInitialZZBNondim = stressInitialZZB/mu0
+    self.stateVarsNondim = numpy.zeros( (numLocs, 1 + tensorSize + 4),
+                                        dtype=numpy.float64)
+    self.stateVarsNondim[0, 0] = stressInitialZZANondim
+    self.stateVarsNondim[1, 0] = stressInitialZZBNondim
     self.initialStress = numpy.array([initialStressA,
@@ -135,32 +152,35 @@
     self.stress = numpy.zeros( (numLocs, tensorSize), dtype=numpy.float64)
     self.elasticConsts = numpy.zeros( (numLocs, numElasticConsts), \
-    self.stateVarsUpdated = numpy.zeros( (numLocs, tensorSize + 5), \
+    self.stateVarsUpdated = numpy.zeros( (numLocs, 1 + tensorSize + 4), \
     (self.elasticConsts[0,:], self.stress[0,:], self.stateVarsUpdated[0,:]) = \
-        self._calcStress(strainA, muA, lambdaA, \
-                           initialStressA, initialStrainA)
+                              self._calcStress(strainA, muA, lambdaA,
+                                               initialStressA, initialStrainA,
+                                               self.stateVars[0,:])
     (self.elasticConsts[1,:], self.stress[1,:], self.stateVarsUpdated[1,:]) = \
-        self._calcStress(strainB, muB, lambdaB, \
-                           initialStressB, initialStrainB)
+                              self._calcStress(strainB, muB, lambdaB,
+                                               initialStressB, initialStrainB,
+                                               self.stateVars[1,:])
     self.dtStableImplicit = 0.2*min(maxwellTimeA, maxwellTimeB)
-  def _calcStress(self, strainV, muV, lambdaV, initialStressV, initialStrainV):
+  def _calcStress(self, strainV, muV, lambdaV, initialStressV, initialStrainV,
+                  stateVars):
     Compute stress and derivative of elasticity matrix.
-    C1111 = lambdaV + 2.0*muV
+    C1111 = lambdaV + 2.0 * muV
     C1122 = lambdaV
     C1112 = 0.0
     C2211 = lambdaV
-    C2222 = lambdaV + 2.0*muV
+    C2222 = lambdaV + 2.0 * muV
     C2212 = 0.0
     C1211 = 0.0
     C1222 = 0.0
-    C1212 = 2.0*muV
+    C1212 = 2.0 * muV
     elasticConsts = numpy.array([C1111, C1122, C1112,
                                  C2211, C2222, C2212,
                                  C1211, C1222, C1212], dtype=numpy.float64)
@@ -168,6 +188,8 @@
     strain = numpy.reshape(strainV, (tensorSize,1))
     initialStress = numpy.reshape(initialStressV, (tensorSize,1))
     initialStrain = numpy.reshape(initialStrainV, (tensorSize,1))
+    stressZZInitial = numpy.array([stateVars[0]], dtype=numpy.float64)
     elastic = numpy.array([ [C1111, C1122, C1112],
                             [C2211, C2222, C2212],
                             [C1211, C1222, C1212] ], dtype=numpy.float64)
@@ -180,7 +202,6 @@
     viscousStrainVec = numpy.ravel(viscousStrain)
     strainVec = numpy.ravel(strain)
-    stressZZInitial = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=numpy.float64)
     stateVarsUpdated = numpy.concatenate((stressZZInitial, strainVec,

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/data/MaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/data/MaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData.cc	2011-05-29 15:46:39 UTC (rev 18488)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/data/MaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData.cc	2011-05-29 23:59:03 UTC (rev 18489)
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@
 const double pylith::materials::MaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_dbStateVars[] = {
+  1.50000000e+04,
@@ -97,6 +98,7 @@
+  4.50000000e+04,
@@ -104,8 +106,6 @@
-  0.00000000e+00,
-  0.00000000e+00,
 const double pylith::materials::MaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_properties[] = {
@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@
 const double pylith::materials::MaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_stateVars[] = {
+  1.50000000e+04,
@@ -127,6 +128,7 @@
+  4.50000000e+04,
@@ -134,8 +136,6 @@
-  0.00000000e+00,
-  0.00000000e+00,
 const double pylith::materials::MaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_propertiesNondim[] = {
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@
 const double pylith::materials::MaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_stateVarsNondim[] = {
+  6.66666667e-07,
@@ -157,6 +158,7 @@
+  2.00000000e-06,
@@ -164,8 +166,6 @@
-  0.00000000e+00,
-  0.00000000e+00,
 const double pylith::materials::MaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_density[] = {
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@
 const double pylith::materials::MaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData::_stateVarsUpdated[] = {
-  0.00000000e+00,
+  1.50000000e+04,
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@
-  0.00000000e+00,
+  4.50000000e+04,

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/data/MaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDep.py
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/data/MaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDep.py	2011-05-29 15:46:39 UTC (rev 18488)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/data/MaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDep.py	2011-05-29 23:59:03 UTC (rev 18489)
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 from ElasticMaterialApp import ElasticMaterialApp
 import numpy
+import math
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 dimension = 2
@@ -66,7 +67,6 @@
-    self.stateVarValues = ["stress-zz-initial","total-strain", "viscous-strain"]
     self.numStateVarValues = numpy.array([1, 3, 4], dtype=numpy.int32)
     self.dt = 2.0e5
@@ -97,8 +97,7 @@
     meanStrainB = (strainB[0] + strainB[1])/3.0
     stressInitialZZB = numpy.array([5.0e4], dtype=numpy.float64)
-    diag = numpy.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0],
-                       dtype=numpy.float64)
+    diag = numpy.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0], dtype=numpy.float64)
     strainTA = [strainA[0], strainA[1], 0.0, strainA[2]]
     strainTB = [strainB[0], strainB[1], 0.0, strainB[2]]
@@ -117,7 +116,7 @@
     # TEMPORARY, need to determine how to use initial state variables
     # At present, only the first (stressInitialZZ) is being used.
-    self.dbStateVars = numpy.zeros( (numLocs, tensorSize+5),
+    self.dbStateVars = numpy.zeros( (numLocs, 1 + tensorSize + 4),
     self.dbStateVars[0, 0] = stressInitialZZA
     self.dbStateVars[1, 0] = stressInitialZZB
@@ -156,32 +155,32 @@
     totalStrainB = [strainB[0] + 1.0e-5,
                     strainB[1] + 1.0e-5,
                     strainB[2] + 1.0e-5]
     viscousStrainA = numpy.array(strainTA) - diag * meanStrainA
     viscousStrainB = numpy.array(strainTB) - diag * meanStrainB
     viscousStrainVecA = numpy.ravel(viscousStrainA)
     viscousStrainVecB = numpy.ravel(viscousStrainB)
     strainVecA = numpy.array(strainA, dtype=numpy.float64)
     strainVecB = numpy.array(strainB, dtype=numpy.float64)
     stateVarsA = numpy.concatenate((stressInitialZZA, strainVecA,
     stateVarsB = numpy.concatenate((stressInitialZZB, strainVecB,
-    self.stateVars = numpy.array([ stateVarsA,
-                                   stateVarsB ],
-                                 dtype=numpy.float64)
+    self.stateVars = numpy.array([stateVarsA, stateVarsB], dtype=numpy.float64)
     stressInitialZZANondim = stressInitialZZA/mu0
     stressInitialZZBNondim = stressInitialZZB/mu0
-    self.stateVarsNondim = numpy.zeros( (numLocs, tensorSize + 5),
+    self.stateVarsNondim = numpy.zeros( (numLocs, 1 + tensorSize + 4),
     self.stateVarsNondim[:] = self.stateVars[:] # no scaling
     # Scale stressInitialZZ
     self.stateVarsNondim[0, 0] = stressInitialZZANondim
     self.stateVarsNondim[1, 0] = stressInitialZZBNondim
-    self.strain = numpy.array([totalStrainA, totalStrainB],
-                               dtype=numpy.float64)
+    self.strain = numpy.array([totalStrainA, totalStrainB], dtype=numpy.float64)
     self.stress = numpy.zeros( (numLocs, tensorSize), dtype=numpy.float64)
-    self.stateVarsUpdated = numpy.zeros( (numLocs, tensorSize + 5),
+    self.stateVarsUpdated = numpy.zeros( (numLocs, 1 + tensorSize + 4),
     self.elasticConsts = numpy.zeros( (numLocs, numElasticConsts),
@@ -199,9 +198,6 @@
                                                initialStressB, initialStrainB,
-    self.stateVarsUpdated[0, 0] = stressInitialZZA
-    self.stateVarsUpdated[1, 0] = stressInitialZZB
     self.dtStableImplicit = 0.2*min(maxwellTimeA, maxwellTimeB)
@@ -235,14 +231,12 @@
     Function to compute stresses and viscous strains for a given strain.
-    import math
     bulkModulus = lambdaV + 2.0 * muV / 3.0
     diag = [1.0, 1.0, 0.0]
     # Initial stresses and strains
-    meanStrainInitial = \
-    (initialStrain[0] + initialStrain[1]) / 3.0
+    meanStrainInitial = (initialStrain[0] + initialStrain[1]) / 3.0
     meanStressInitial = \
     (initialStress[0] + initialStress[1] + stateVars[0]) / 3.0
@@ -301,7 +295,6 @@
     Compute viscous strain factor for a given Maxwell time.
-    import math
     timeFrac = 1.0e-5
     numTerms = 5

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/data/generate.sh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/data/generate.sh	2011-05-29 15:46:39 UTC (rev 18488)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/materials/data/generate.sh	2011-05-29 23:59:03 UTC (rev 18489)
@@ -73,6 +73,11 @@
     --data.object=MaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData \
+  python GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElastic.py \
+    --data.namespace=pylith,materials \
+    --data.object=GenMaxwellPlaneStrainElasticData \
+    --data.parent=ElasticMaterialData
   # 1-D ----------------------------------------------------------------
   python ElasticStrain1D.py \
@@ -105,6 +110,11 @@
     --data.object=MaxwellIsotropic3DTimeDepData \
+  python GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDep.py \
+    --data.namespace=pylith,materials \
+    --data.object=GenMaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData \
+    --data.parent=ElasticMaterialData
   python MaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDep.py \
     --data.namespace=pylith,materials \
     --data.object=MaxwellPlaneStrainTimeDepData \

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