[cig-commits] commit: Add support for OneToMany, fix a bug when computing greatestCoord, and add back in picSwarm for backwards compatibility

Mercurial hg at geodynamics.org
Sat Nov 19 10:21:25 PST 2011

changeset:   815:a0b110d7f7d3
tag:         tip
user:        Walter Landry <wlandry at caltech.edu>
date:        Sat Nov 19 10:21:12 2011 -0800
files:       SLE/ProvidedSystems/AdvectionDiffusion/src/Residual.cxx SLE/ProvidedSystems/AdvectionDiffusion/src/Residual.h SLE/ProvidedSystems/AdvectionDiffusion/src/UpwindParameter.cxx SLE/ProvidedSystems/AdvectionDiffusion/src/UpwindParameter.h
Add support for OneToMany, fix a bug when computing greatestCoord, and add back in picSwarm for backwards compatibility

diff -r 7ce5ed512871 -r a0b110d7f7d3 SLE/ProvidedSystems/AdvectionDiffusion/src/Residual.cxx
--- a/SLE/ProvidedSystems/AdvectionDiffusion/src/Residual.cxx	Sat Nov 19 10:17:16 2011 -0800
+++ b/SLE/ProvidedSystems/AdvectionDiffusion/src/Residual.cxx	Sat Nov 19 10:21:12 2011 -0800
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ AdvDiffResidualForceTerm_New(Name name,
                              Stg_Component* sle, 
                              FeVariable* velocityField,
                              double defaultDiffusivity,
+                             Swarm* picSwarm,
                              void* materials_Register,
                              upwindFuncType )
@@ -77,7 +78,8 @@ AdvDiffResidualForceTerm_New(Name name,
   self->isConstructed = True;
   _ForceTerm_Init( self, context, forceVector, swarm, sle );
-                                 materials_Register,upwindFuncType );
+                                 picSwarm, materials_Register,upwindFuncType );
+  self->picSwarm=picSwarm;
   return self;
@@ -171,6 +173,7 @@ void _AdvDiffResidualForceTerm_Init(void
 void _AdvDiffResidualForceTerm_Init(void* residual,
                                     FeVariable* velocityField,
                                     double defaultDiffusivity,
+                                    Swarm* picSwarm,
                                     void* materials_Register,
@@ -181,6 +184,7 @@ void _AdvDiffResidualForceTerm_Init(void
   self->defaultDiffusivity = defaultDiffusivity;
   self->materials_Register  = materials_Register;
   self->upwindParamType = upwindFuncType;
+  self->picSwarm = picSwarm;
 void _AdvDiffResidualForceTerm_Delete( void* residual ) {
@@ -220,6 +224,8 @@ void _AdvDiffResidualForceTerm_AssignFro
 	velocityField = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByKey( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"VelocityField", FeVariable, True, data  );
 	upwindParamFuncName = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetString( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"UpwindXiFunction", "Exact"  );
+	Swarm *picSwarm = (Swarm*)Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByKey( cf, self->name, (Name)"picSwarm", IntegrationPointsSwarm, False, data  ) ;
 	if ( strcasecmp( upwindParamFuncName, "DoublyAsymptoticAssumption" ) == 0 )
 		upwindFuncType = DoublyAsymptoticAssumption;
@@ -234,6 +240,7 @@ void _AdvDiffResidualForceTerm_AssignFro
 	materials_Register = ((PICelleratorContext*)(self->context))->materials_Register;
 	_AdvDiffResidualForceTerm_Init( self, velocityField, defaultDiffusivity,
+                                        picSwarm,
                                         upwindFuncType );
@@ -250,6 +257,19 @@ void _AdvDiffResidualForceTerm_Build( vo
 	Stg_ComponentFactory*            cf;
 	char*                            name;
+        if(self->picSwarm)
+          {
+            swarm=(IntegrationPointsSwarm*)self->picSwarm;
+          }
+        else if(Stg_Class_IsInstance(swarm->mapper,OneToManyMapper_Type))
+          {
+            swarm=((OneToManyMapper*)(swarm->mapper))->swarm;
+          }
+        else if(Stg_Class_IsInstance(swarm->mapper,NearestNeighborMapper_Type))
+          {
+            swarm=((NearestNeighborMapper*)(swarm->mapper))->swarm;
+          }
 	cf = self->context->CF;
 	_ForceTerm_Build( self, data );
@@ -322,120 +342,172 @@ void _AdvDiffResidualForceTerm_Destroy( 
 	_ForceTerm_Destroy( self, data );
-void _AdvDiffResidualForceTerm_AssembleElement( void* forceTerm, ForceVector* forceVector, Element_LocalIndex lElement_I, double* elementResidual ) {
-	AdvDiffResidualForceTerm*  self               = Stg_CheckType( forceTerm, AdvDiffResidualForceTerm );
-	AdvectionDiffusionSLE*     sle                = Stg_CheckType( self->extraInfo, AdvectionDiffusionSLE );
-	Swarm*                     swarm              = self->integrationSwarm;
-	Particle_Index             lParticle_I;
-	Particle_Index             cParticle_I;
-	Particle_Index             cellParticleCount;
-	Cell_Index                 cell_I;    
-	IntegrationPoint*          particle;
-	FeVariable*                phiField           = sle->phiField;
-	Dimension_Index            dim                = forceVector->dim;
-	double                     velocity[3];
-	double                     phi, phiDot;
-	double                     detJac;
-	double*                    xi;
-	double                     totalDerivative, diffusionTerm;
-	double                     diffusivity         = self->defaultDiffusivity;
-	ElementType*               elementType         = FeMesh_GetElementType( phiField->feMesh, lElement_I );
-	Node_Index                 elementNodeCount    = elementType->nodeCount;
-	Node_Index                 node_I;
-	double                     factor;
+void _AdvDiffResidualForceTerm_AssembleElement(void* forceTerm,
+                                               ForceVector* forceVector,
+                                               Element_LocalIndex lElement_I,
+                                               double* elementResidual)
+  AdvDiffResidualForceTerm* self=Stg_CheckType(forceTerm,
+                                               AdvDiffResidualForceTerm);
+  AdvectionDiffusionSLE* sle=Stg_CheckType(self->extraInfo,
+                                           AdvectionDiffusionSLE);
+  IntegrationPointsSwarm* swarm((IntegrationPointsSwarm*)(self->integrationSwarm));
+  Particle_Index             lParticle_I;
+  Particle_Index             cParticle_I;
+  Particle_Index             cellParticleCount;
+  Cell_Index                 cell_I;    
+  IntegrationPoint*          particle;
+  FeVariable*                phiField           = sle->phiField;
+  Dimension_Index            dim                = forceVector->dim;
+  double                     velocity[3];
+  double                     phi, phiDot;
+  double                     detJac;
+  double*                    xi;
+  double                     totalDerivative, diffusionTerm;
+  double                     diffusivity         = self->defaultDiffusivity;
+  ElementType* elementType=FeMesh_GetElementType(phiField->feMesh,lElement_I);
+  Node_Index                 elementNodeCount    = elementType->nodeCount;
+  Node_Index                 node_I;
+  double                     factor;
-	double**                   GNx;
-	double*                    phiGrad;
-	double*                    Ni;
-	double*                    SUPGNi;
-	double                     supgfactor;
-	double                     udotu, perturbation;
-	double                     upwindDiffusivity;
+  double**                   GNx;
+  double*                    phiGrad;
+  double*                    Ni;
+  double*                    SUPGNi;
+  double                     supgfactor;
+  double                     udotu, perturbation;
+  double                     upwindDiffusivity;
-	GNx     = self->GNx;
-	phiGrad = self->phiGrad;
-	Ni = self->Ni;
-	SUPGNi = self->SUPGNi;
+  if(self->picSwarm)
+    swarm=(IntegrationPointsSwarm*)(self->picSwarm);
+  GNx     = self->GNx;
+  phiGrad = self->phiGrad;
+  Ni = self->Ni;
+  SUPGNi = self->SUPGNi;
-	upwindDiffusivity  = AdvDiffResidualForceTerm_UpwindDiffusivity( self, sle, swarm, phiField->feMesh, lElement_I, dim );
+  upwindDiffusivity=AdvDiffResidualForceTerm_UpwindDiffusivity(self,sle,
+                                                               phiField->feMesh,
+                                                               lElement_I,dim);
+  /* Use an average diffusivity for OneToMany mapper */
+  bool one_to_many=Stg_Class_IsInstance(swarm->mapper,OneToManyMapper_Type);
+  if(one_to_many)
+    {
+      OneToManyMapper *mapper=(OneToManyMapper*)(swarm->mapper);
+      IntegrationPointsSwarm* OneToMany_swarm=mapper->swarm;
+      int OneToMany_cell=
+        CellLayout_MapElementIdToCellId(OneToMany_swarm->cellLayout,
+                                        lElement_I);
+      int num_particles=OneToMany_swarm->cellParticleCountTbl[OneToMany_cell];
-	/* Determine number of particles in element */
-	cell_I = CellLayout_MapElementIdToCellId( swarm->cellLayout, lElement_I );
-	cellParticleCount = swarm->cellParticleCountTbl[ cell_I ];
+      double weight(0);
+      diffusivity=0;
+      for(int ii=0;ii<num_particles;++ii)
+        {
+          IntegrationPoint *OneToMany_particle=
+            (IntegrationPoint*)Swarm_ParticleInCellAt(OneToMany_swarm,
+                                                      OneToMany_cell,ii);
+          weight+=OneToMany_particle->weight;
+          double temp = IntegrationPointMapper_GetDoubleFromMaterial
+            (OneToMany_swarm->mapper, OneToMany_particle,
+             self->materialExtHandle,
+             offsetof(AdvDiffResidualForceTerm_MaterialExt, diffusivity));
+          diffusivity+=temp*OneToMany_particle->weight;
+        }
+      diffusivity/=weight;
+    }
+  /* Determine number of particles in element */
+  cell_I = CellLayout_MapElementIdToCellId( swarm->cellLayout, lElement_I );
+  cellParticleCount = swarm->cellParticleCountTbl[ cell_I ];
-	for ( cParticle_I = 0 ; cParticle_I < cellParticleCount ; cParticle_I++ ) {
-		lParticle_I     = swarm->cellParticleTbl[cell_I][cParticle_I];
+  for(cParticle_I=0; cParticle_I<cellParticleCount; cParticle_I++)
+    {
+      lParticle_I=swarm->cellParticleTbl[cell_I][cParticle_I];
-		particle        = (IntegrationPoint*) Swarm_ParticleAt( swarm, lParticle_I );
-		xi              = particle->xi;
+      particle=(IntegrationPoint*) Swarm_ParticleAt(swarm,lParticle_I);
+      xi=particle->xi;
-		/* Evaluate Shape Functions */
-		ElementType_EvaluateShapeFunctionsAt(elementType, xi, Ni);
+      /* Evaluate Shape Functions */
+      ElementType_EvaluateShapeFunctionsAt(elementType,xi,Ni);
-		/* Calculate Global Shape Function Derivatives */
-		ElementType_ShapeFunctionsGlobalDerivs( 
-			elementType,
-			phiField->feMesh, lElement_I,
-			xi, dim, &detJac, GNx );
+      /* Calculate Global Shape Function Derivatives */
+      ElementType_ShapeFunctionsGlobalDerivs(elementType,phiField->feMesh,
+                                             lElement_I,xi,dim,&detJac,GNx );
-		/* Calculate Velocity */
-		FeVariable_InterpolateFromMeshLocalCoord( self->velocityField, phiField->feMesh, lElement_I, xi, velocity );
+      /* Calculate Velocity */
+      FeVariable_InterpolateFromMeshLocalCoord(self->velocityField,
+                                               phiField->feMesh,lElement_I,
+                                               xi,velocity);
-		/* Build the SUPG shape functions */
-		udotu = velocity[I_AXIS]*velocity[I_AXIS] + velocity[J_AXIS]*velocity[J_AXIS];
-		if(dim == 3) udotu += velocity[ K_AXIS ] * velocity[ K_AXIS ];
+      /* Build the SUPG shape functions */
+      udotu=velocity[I_AXIS]*velocity[I_AXIS]+velocity[J_AXIS]*velocity[J_AXIS];
+      if(dim==3)
+        udotu+=velocity[K_AXIS]*velocity[K_AXIS];
-		supgfactor = upwindDiffusivity / udotu;
-		for ( node_I = 0 ; node_I < elementNodeCount ; node_I++ ) {
-			/* In the case of per diffusion - just build regular shape functions */
-			if ( fabs(upwindDiffusivity) < SUPG_MIN_DIFFUSIVITY ) {
-				SUPGNi[node_I] = Ni[node_I];
-				continue;
-			}
+      supgfactor = upwindDiffusivity / udotu;
+      for(node_I=0; node_I<elementNodeCount; node_I++)
+        {
+          /* In the case of per diffusion - just build regular shape functions */
+          if(fabs(upwindDiffusivity)<SUPG_MIN_DIFFUSIVITY)
+            {
+              SUPGNi[node_I] = Ni[node_I];
+              continue;
+            }
-			perturbation = velocity[ I_AXIS ] * GNx[ I_AXIS ][ node_I ] + velocity[ J_AXIS ] * GNx[ J_AXIS ][ node_I ];
-			if (dim == 3)
-					perturbation = perturbation + velocity[ K_AXIS ] * GNx[ K_AXIS ][ node_I ];
+          perturbation=velocity[I_AXIS]*GNx[I_AXIS][node_I]
+            + velocity[J_AXIS]*GNx[J_AXIS][node_I];
+          if(dim==3)
+            perturbation=perturbation+velocity[K_AXIS]*GNx[K_AXIS][node_I];
-			/* p = \frac{\bar \kappa \hat u_j w_j }{ ||u|| } -  Eq. 3.2.25 */
-			perturbation = supgfactor * perturbation;
+          /* p = \frac{\bar \kappa \hat u_j w_j }{ ||u|| } -  Eq. 3.2.25 */
+          perturbation = supgfactor * perturbation;
-			SUPGNi[node_I] = Ni[node_I] + perturbation;
-		}  
+          SUPGNi[node_I] = Ni[node_I] + perturbation;
+        }  
-		/* Calculate phi on particle */
-		_FeVariable_InterpolateNodeValuesToElLocalCoord( phiField, lElement_I, xi, &phi );
+      /* Calculate phi on particle */
+      _FeVariable_InterpolateNodeValuesToElLocalCoord(phiField,lElement_I,
+                                                      xi,&phi);
-		/* Calculate Gradients of Phi */
-		FeVariable_InterpolateDerivatives_WithGNx( phiField, lElement_I, GNx, phiGrad );
+      /* Calculate Gradients of Phi */
+      FeVariable_InterpolateDerivatives_WithGNx(phiField,lElement_I,GNx,phiGrad);
-		/* Calculate time derivative of phi */
-		_FeVariable_InterpolateNodeValuesToElLocalCoord( sle->phiDotField, lElement_I, xi, &phiDot );
+      /* Calculate time derivative of phi */
+      _FeVariable_InterpolateNodeValuesToElLocalCoord(sle->phiDotField,
+                                                      lElement_I,xi,&phiDot);
-		/* Calculate total derivative (i.e. Dphi/Dt = \dot \phi + u . \grad \phi) */
-		totalDerivative = phiDot + StGermain_VectorDotProduct( velocity, phiGrad, dim );
+      /* Calculate total derivative
+         (i.e. Dphi/Dt = \dot \phi + u . \grad \phi) */
+      totalDerivative=phiDot+StGermain_VectorDotProduct(velocity,phiGrad,dim);
-		/* Get Diffusivity */
-                IntegrationPointsSwarm* NNswarm((IntegrationPointsSwarm*)swarm);
-                IntegrationPoint* NNparticle(particle);
-                NearestNeighbor_Replace(&NNswarm,&NNparticle,lElement_I,dim);
+      if(!one_to_many)
+        {
+          /* Get Diffusivity */
+          IntegrationPointsSwarm* NNswarm((IntegrationPointsSwarm*)swarm);
+          IntegrationPoint* NNparticle(particle);
+          NearestNeighbor_Replace(&NNswarm,&NNparticle,lElement_I,dim);
-		diffusivity = IntegrationPointMapper_GetDoubleFromMaterial
-                  (NNswarm->mapper, NNparticle, self->materialExtHandle,
-                   offsetof(AdvDiffResidualForceTerm_MaterialExt, diffusivity));
+          diffusivity = IntegrationPointMapper_GetDoubleFromMaterial
+            (NNswarm->mapper, NNparticle, self->materialExtHandle,
+             offsetof(AdvDiffResidualForceTerm_MaterialExt, diffusivity));
+        }
-		/* Add to element residual */
-		factor = particle->weight * detJac;
-		for ( node_I = 0 ; node_I < elementNodeCount ; node_I++ ) {
-			/* Calculate Diffusion Term */
-			diffusionTerm = diffusivity * ( GNx[0][node_I] * phiGrad[0] + GNx[1][node_I] * phiGrad[1] );
-			if (dim == 3)
-				diffusionTerm += diffusivity * GNx[2][ node_I ] * phiGrad[2] ;
+      /* Add to element residual */
+      factor = particle->weight * detJac;
+      for(node_I=0; node_I<elementNodeCount; node_I++)
+        {
+          /* Calculate Diffusion Term */
+          diffusionTerm=
+            diffusivity*(GNx[0][node_I]*phiGrad[0]+GNx[1][node_I]*phiGrad[1]);
+          if(dim==3)
+            diffusionTerm+=diffusivity*GNx[2][node_I]*phiGrad[2];
-			elementResidual[ node_I ] -=  factor * ( SUPGNi[ node_I ] * totalDerivative + diffusionTerm );
-		}
-	}
+          elementResidual[node_I]-=
+            factor*(SUPGNi[node_I]*totalDerivative+diffusionTerm);
+      }
+    }
 /* Virtual Function Implementations */
diff -r 7ce5ed512871 -r a0b110d7f7d3 SLE/ProvidedSystems/AdvectionDiffusion/src/Residual.h
--- a/SLE/ProvidedSystems/AdvectionDiffusion/src/Residual.h	Sat Nov 19 10:17:16 2011 -0800
+++ b/SLE/ProvidedSystems/AdvectionDiffusion/src/Residual.h	Sat Nov 19 10:21:12 2011 -0800
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ typedef struct {
   ExtensionInfo_Index materialExtHandle; \
   void** diffusivitySwarmVariables; \
   Index materialSwarmCount; \
+  Swarm* picSwarm; \
   /* AdvDiffResidualForceTerm info */ \
   FeVariable* velocityField; \
   double defaultDiffusivity; \
@@ -91,6 +92,7 @@ AdvDiffResidualForceTerm_New(Name name,
                              Stg_Component* sle, 
                              FeVariable* velocityField,
                              double defaultDiffusivity,
+                             Swarm* picSwarm,
                              void* materials_Register,
                              upwindFuncType );
@@ -113,6 +115,7 @@ void _AdvDiffResidualForceTerm_Init(void
 void _AdvDiffResidualForceTerm_Init(void* residual,
                                     FeVariable* velocityField,
                                     double defaultDiffusivity,
+                                    Swarm* picSwarm,
                                     void* materials_Register,
                                     upwindFuncType );
diff -r 7ce5ed512871 -r a0b110d7f7d3 SLE/ProvidedSystems/AdvectionDiffusion/src/UpwindParameter.cxx
--- a/SLE/ProvidedSystems/AdvectionDiffusion/src/UpwindParameter.cxx	Sat Nov 19 10:17:16 2011 -0800
+++ b/SLE/ProvidedSystems/AdvectionDiffusion/src/UpwindParameter.cxx	Sat Nov 19 10:21:12 2011 -0800
@@ -60,100 +60,104 @@
 /** AdvectionDiffusion_UpwindDiffusivity - See Brooks, Hughes 1982 Section 3.3 
  * All equations refer to this paper if not otherwise indicated */
-double AdvDiffResidualForceTerm_UpwindDiffusivity( 
-		AdvDiffResidualForceTerm* self, 
-		AdvectionDiffusionSLE* sle, 
-		Swarm* swarm, 
-		FeMesh* mesh, 
-		Element_LocalIndex lElement_I, 
-		Dimension_Index dim )
+double AdvDiffResidualForceTerm_UpwindDiffusivity(AdvDiffResidualForceTerm* self, 
+                                                  AdvectionDiffusionSLE* sle, 
+                                                  FeMesh* mesh, 
+                                                  Element_LocalIndex lElement_I, 
+                                                  Dimension_Index dim)
-	FeVariable*                velocityField   = self->velocityField;
-	Coord                      xiElementCentre = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
-	double                     xiUpwind;
-	double                     velocityCentre[3];
-	double                     pecletNumber;
-	double                     lengthScale;
-	double                     upwindDiffusivity;
-	Dimension_Index            dim_I;
-	double*                    leastCoord;
-	double*                    greatestCoord;
-	Node_LocalIndex            nodeIndex_LeastValues, nodeIndex_GreatestValues;
-	unsigned                   *inc;
-	IArray*		 incArray;
+  FeVariable*                velocityField   = self->velocityField;
+  Coord                      xiElementCentre = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
+  double                     xiUpwind;
+  double                     velocityCentre[3];
+  double                     pecletNumber;
+  double                     lengthScale;
+  double                     upwindDiffusivity;
+  Dimension_Index            dim_I;
+  double*                    leastCoord;
+  double*                    greatestCoord;
+  Node_LocalIndex            nodeIndex_LeastValues, nodeIndex_GreatestValues;
+  unsigned                   *inc;
+  IArray*		 incArray;
-	Cell_Index                 cell_I;
-	IntegrationPoint*          particle;
-	Particle_Index             lParticle_I;
-	double                     averageDiffusivity;
-	Particle_InCellIndex       cParticle_I;
-	Particle_InCellIndex       particleCount;
+  Cell_Index                 cell_I;
+  IntegrationPoint*          particle;
+  Particle_Index             lParticle_I;
+  Particle_InCellIndex       cParticle_I;
+  Particle_InCellIndex       particleCount;
-	/* Compute the average diffusivity */
-	/* Find Number of Particles in Element */
-	cell_I = CellLayout_MapElementIdToCellId( self->integrationSwarm->cellLayout, lElement_I );
-	particleCount = self->integrationSwarm->cellParticleCountTbl[ cell_I ];
+  IntegrationPointsSwarm* swarm((IntegrationPointsSwarm*)(self->integrationSwarm));
+  if(self->picSwarm)
+    swarm=(IntegrationPointsSwarm*)(self->picSwarm);
-	/* Average diffusivity for element */
-        averageDiffusivity = 0.0;
-        for ( cParticle_I = 0 ; cParticle_I < particleCount ; cParticle_I++ ) {
-          lParticle_I = self->integrationSwarm->cellParticleTbl[cell_I][cParticle_I];
-          particle = (IntegrationPoint*) Swarm_ParticleAt( self->integrationSwarm, lParticle_I );
+  bool one_to_many=Stg_Class_IsInstance(swarm->mapper,OneToManyMapper_Type);
+  if(one_to_many)
+    swarm=((OneToManyMapper*)(swarm->mapper))->swarm;
-          IntegrationPointsSwarm*
-            NNswarm((IntegrationPointsSwarm*)(self->integrationSwarm));
-          IntegrationPoint* NNparticle(particle);
-          NearestNeighbor_Replace(&NNswarm,&NNparticle,lElement_I,dim);
+  /* Compute the average diffusivity */
+  /* Find Number of Particles in Element */
+  cell_I=CellLayout_MapElementIdToCellId(swarm->cellLayout,lElement_I);
+  particleCount=swarm->cellParticleCountTbl[cell_I];
-          averageDiffusivity +=
-            IntegrationPointMapper_GetDoubleFromMaterial(NNswarm->mapper, NNparticle, self->materialExtHandle,
-		    offsetof(AdvDiffResidualForceTerm_MaterialExt, diffusivity));
-        }
-        averageDiffusivity /= (double)particleCount;
+  double averageDiffusivity(0), weight(0);
+  for(cParticle_I=0; cParticle_I<particleCount; cParticle_I++)
+    {
+      lParticle_I=swarm->cellParticleTbl[cell_I][cParticle_I];
+      particle=(IntegrationPoint*) Swarm_ParticleAt(swarm,lParticle_I);
+      IntegrationPointsSwarm* NNswarm(swarm);
+      IntegrationPoint* NNparticle(particle);
+      NearestNeighbor_Replace(&NNswarm,&NNparticle,lElement_I,dim);
+      double temp=IntegrationPointMapper_GetDoubleFromMaterial
+        (NNswarm->mapper,NNparticle,self->materialExtHandle,
+         offsetof(AdvDiffResidualForceTerm_MaterialExt,diffusivity));
+      averageDiffusivity+=temp*particle->weight;
+      weight+=particle->weight;
+    }
+  averageDiffusivity/=weight;
-	if (sle->maxDiffusivity < averageDiffusivity)
-		sle->maxDiffusivity = averageDiffusivity;
+  if(sle->maxDiffusivity<averageDiffusivity)
+    sle->maxDiffusivity=averageDiffusivity;
+  /* Change Diffusivity if it is too small */
+  if(averageDiffusivity<SUPG_MIN_DIFFUSIVITY)
+    averageDiffusivity = SUPG_MIN_DIFFUSIVITY;
+  /* Calculate Velocity At Middle of Element - See Eq. 3.3.6 */
+  FeVariable_InterpolateFromMeshLocalCoord(velocityField,mesh,lElement_I,
+                                           xiElementCentre,velocityCentre);
+  /* Calculate Length Scales - See Fig 3.4 - ASSUMES BOX MESH TODO - fix */
+  incArray = self->incarray;
+  FeMesh_GetElementNodes( mesh, lElement_I, incArray );
+  inc = (unsigned*)IArray_GetPtr( incArray );
+  nodeIndex_LeastValues = inc[0];
+  nodeIndex_GreatestValues = inc[IArray_GetSize(incArray)-1];
+  leastCoord    = Mesh_GetVertex( mesh, nodeIndex_LeastValues );
+  greatestCoord = Mesh_GetVertex( mesh, nodeIndex_GreatestValues );
+  upwindDiffusivity = 0.0;
+  for(dim_I=0; dim_I<dim; dim_I++)
+    {
+      lengthScale=greatestCoord[dim_I]-leastCoord[dim_I];
+      /* Calculate Peclet Number (alpha) - See Eq. 3.3.5 */
+      pecletNumber=velocityCentre[dim_I]*lengthScale/(2.0*averageDiffusivity);
+      /* Calculate Upwind Local Coordinate - See Eq. 3.3.4 and (2.4.2,
+         3.3.1 and 3.3.2) */
+      xiUpwind=AdvDiffResidualForceTerm_UpwindParam(self,pecletNumber);
+      /* Calculate Upwind Thermal Diffusivity - See Eq. 3.3.3  */
+      upwindDiffusivity+=xiUpwind*velocityCentre[dim_I]*lengthScale;
+    }
+  upwindDiffusivity*=ISQRT15;         /* See Eq. 3.3.11 */
-	/* Change Diffusivity if it is too small */
-	if ( averageDiffusivity < SUPG_MIN_DIFFUSIVITY ) 
-		averageDiffusivity = SUPG_MIN_DIFFUSIVITY;
-	/* Calculate Velocity At Middle of Element - See Eq. 3.3.6 */
-	FeVariable_InterpolateFromMeshLocalCoord( velocityField, mesh, lElement_I, xiElementCentre, velocityCentre );
-	/* Calculate Length Scales - See Fig 3.4 - ASSUMES BOX MESH TODO - fix */
-	incArray = self->incarray;
-	FeMesh_GetElementNodes( mesh, lElement_I, incArray );
-	inc = (unsigned*)IArray_GetPtr( incArray );
-	nodeIndex_LeastValues = inc[0];
-	nodeIndex_GreatestValues = (dim == 2) ? inc[3] : inc[7];
-	leastCoord    = Mesh_GetVertex( mesh, nodeIndex_LeastValues );
-	greatestCoord = Mesh_GetVertex( mesh, nodeIndex_GreatestValues );
-	upwindDiffusivity = 0.0;
-	for ( dim_I = 0 ; dim_I < dim ; dim_I++ ) {
-		lengthScale = greatestCoord[ dim_I ] - leastCoord[ dim_I ];
-		/* Calculate Peclet Number (alpha) - See Eq. 3.3.5 */
-		pecletNumber = velocityCentre[ dim_I ] * lengthScale / (2.0 * averageDiffusivity);
-		/* Calculate Upwind Local Coordinate - See Eq. 3.3.4 and (2.4.2, 3.3.1 and 3.3.2) */
-		xiUpwind = AdvDiffResidualForceTerm_UpwindParam( self, pecletNumber );
-		/* Calculate Upwind Thermal Diffusivity - See Eq. 3.3.3  */
-		upwindDiffusivity += xiUpwind * velocityCentre[ dim_I ] * lengthScale;
-	}
-	upwindDiffusivity *= ISQRT15;         /* See Eq. 3.3.11 */
-	return upwindDiffusivity;
+  return upwindDiffusivity;
diff -r 7ce5ed512871 -r a0b110d7f7d3 SLE/ProvidedSystems/AdvectionDiffusion/src/UpwindParameter.h
--- a/SLE/ProvidedSystems/AdvectionDiffusion/src/UpwindParameter.h	Sat Nov 19 10:17:16 2011 -0800
+++ b/SLE/ProvidedSystems/AdvectionDiffusion/src/UpwindParameter.h	Sat Nov 19 10:21:12 2011 -0800
@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@
         double AdvDiffResidualForceTerm_UpwindDiffusivity( 
 		AdvDiffResidualForceTerm* self, 
 		AdvectionDiffusionSLE* sle, 
-		Swarm* swarm, 
 		FeMesh* mesh, 
 		Element_LocalIndex lElement_I, 
 		Dimension_Index dim );

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