[cig-commits] commit: Make Q2 XDMF output work

Mercurial hg at geodynamics.org
Sun Oct 2 12:22:52 PDT 2011

changeset:   873:f4fe195bb604
tag:         tip
user:        Walter Landry <wlandry at caltech.edu>
date:        Sun Oct 02 12:21:15 2011 -0700
files:       Utils/src/XDMFGenerator.cxx
Make Q2 XDMF output work

diff -r f5bd1cb7d3f6 -r f4fe195bb604 Utils/src/XDMFGenerator.cxx
--- a/Utils/src/XDMFGenerator.cxx	Thu Sep 29 15:09:34 2011 -0700
+++ b/Utils/src/XDMFGenerator.cxx	Sun Oct 02 12:21:15 2011 -0700
@@ -111,185 +111,247 @@ void XDMFGenerator_GenerateAll( void* _c
 void _XDMFGenerator_WriteFieldSchema( UnderworldContext* context, Stream* stream ) {
-   FieldVariable*       fieldVar = NULL;
-   FeVariable*          feVar    = NULL;
-   Mesh*                mesh     = NULL;
-   FeMesh*              feMesh   = NULL;
-   unsigned             nDims;
-   unsigned             totalVerts;
-   Index                maxNodes;
-   Index                elementGlobalSize;
-   Element_GlobalIndex  gElement_I;
-	Index                var_I = 0;
-   Bool                 saveCoords  = Dictionary_GetBool_WithDefault( context->dictionary, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"saveCoordsWithFields", False  );
-   Stream*              errorStream = Journal_Register( Error_Type, (Name)CURR_MODULE_NAME );
-   char*                variableType = NULL;
-   char*                topologyType = NULL;
-   unsigned             componentCount = LiveComponentRegister_GetCount(stgLiveComponentRegister);
-   unsigned             compI;
-   Stg_Component*       stgComp;
+  FieldVariable*       fieldVar = NULL;
+  FeVariable*          feVar    = NULL;
+  Mesh*                mesh     = NULL;
+  FeMesh*              feMesh   = NULL;
+  unsigned             nDims;
+  unsigned             totalVerts;
+  Index                maxNodes;
+  Index                elementGlobalSize;
+  Element_GlobalIndex  gElement_I;
+  Index                var_I = 0;
+  Bool                 saveCoords  = Dictionary_GetBool_WithDefault( context->dictionary, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"saveCoordsWithFields", False  );
+  Stream*              errorStream = Journal_Register( Error_Type, (Name)CURR_MODULE_NAME );
+  char*                variableType = NULL;
+  char*                topologyType = NULL;
+  unsigned             componentCount = LiveComponentRegister_GetCount(stgLiveComponentRegister);
+  unsigned             compI;
+  Stg_Component*       stgComp;
-   /** search for entire live component register for feMesh types  **/
-   for( compI = 0 ; compI < componentCount ; compI++ ){
-      stgComp = LiveComponentRegister_At( stgLiveComponentRegister, compI );
-      /* check that component is of type FeMesh, and that its element family is linear */
-      if ( Stg_Class_IsInstance( stgComp, FeMesh_Type ) && !strcmp( ((FeMesh*)stgComp)->feElFamily, "linear" ) ) {
-         mesh   = (  Mesh*)stgComp;
-         feMesh = (FeMesh*)stgComp;
+  /** search for entire live component register for feMesh types  **/
+  for( compI = 0 ; compI < componentCount ; compI++ ){
+    stgComp = LiveComponentRegister_At( stgLiveComponentRegister, compI );
+    /* check that component is of type FeMesh, and that its element family is linear */
+    if(Stg_Class_IsInstance(stgComp,FeMesh_Type)
+       && (!strcmp(((FeMesh*)stgComp)->feElFamily,"linear")
+           || !strcmp(((FeMesh*)stgComp)->feElFamily,"quadratic"))) {
+      mesh   = (  Mesh*)stgComp;
+      feMesh = (FeMesh*)stgComp;
-         nDims             = Mesh_GetDimSize( mesh );
-         totalVerts        = Mesh_GetGlobalSize( mesh, (MeshTopology_Dim)0 );
-         elementGlobalSize = FeMesh_GetElementGlobalSize(mesh);
+      nDims             = Mesh_GetDimSize( mesh );
+      totalVerts        = Mesh_GetGlobalSize( mesh, (MeshTopology_Dim)0 );
+      elementGlobalSize = FeMesh_GetElementGlobalSize(mesh);
-         /* get connectivity array size */
-         if (mesh->nElTypes == 1)
-            maxNodes = FeMesh_GetElementNodeSize( mesh, 0);
-         else {
-            /* determine the maximum number of nodes each element has */
-            maxNodes = 0;
-            for ( gElement_I = 0 ; gElement_I < FeMesh_GetElementGlobalSize(mesh); gElement_I++ ) {
-               unsigned numNodes;
-               numNodes = FeMesh_GetElementNodeSize( mesh, gElement_I);
-               if( maxNodes < numNodes ) maxNodes = numNodes;
+      /* get connectivity array size */
+      if (mesh->nElTypes == 1)
+        maxNodes = FeMesh_GetElementNodeSize( mesh, 0);
+      else {
+        /* determine the maximum number of nodes each element has */
+        maxNodes = 0;
+        for ( gElement_I = 0 ; gElement_I < FeMesh_GetElementGlobalSize(mesh); gElement_I++ ) {
+          unsigned numNodes;
+          numNodes = FeMesh_GetElementNodeSize( mesh, gElement_I);
+          if( maxNodes < numNodes ) maxNodes = numNodes;
+        }
+      }
+      /** now write all the xdmf geometry info **/
+      /**----------------------- START GEOMETRY   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **/
+      if(nDims==2 && (maxNodes==4 || maxNodes==9)){
+        Stg_asprintf( &topologyType, "Quadrilateral" );
+      } else if(nDims==3 && (maxNodes==8 || maxNodes==27)) {
+        Stg_asprintf( &topologyType, "Hexahedron" );
+      } else {
+        Journal_DPrintf( errorStream, "\n\n Error: number of element nodes %u not supported by XDMF generator...\n should be 4 or 9 (2D quadrilateral) " 
+                         "or should be 8 or 27 (3D hexahedron). \n\n", maxNodes );
+        Stg_asprintf( &topologyType, "UNKNOWN_POSSIBLY_ERROR" );
+      }
+      /** first create the grid which is applicable to the checkpointed fevariables **/
+      Journal_Printf( stream, "  <Grid Name=\"FEM_Grid_%s\">\n\n", feMesh->name);
+      Journal_Printf( stream, "    <Time Value=\"%f\" />\n\n", context->currentTime );
+      /** now print out topology info, only quadrilateral elements are supported at the moment **/
+      if(maxNodes==9 || maxNodes==27)
+        {
+          for(uint i=0;i<maxNodes;++i)
+            {
+              Journal_Printf(stream,"    <DataItem ItemType=\"HyperSlab\" Dimensions=\"%u 1\" Name=\"C%u\">\n",
+                             elementGlobalSize, i);
+              Journal_Printf(stream,"      <DataItem Dimensions=\"3 2\" Format=\"XML\"> 0 %u 1 1 %u 1 </DataItem>\n",
+                             i, elementGlobalSize);
+              Journal_Printf(stream,"      <DataItem Format=\"HDF\" DataType=\"Int\"  Dimensions=\"%u %u\">Mesh.%s.%05d.h5:/connectivity</DataItem>\n",
+                             elementGlobalSize, maxNodes, feMesh->name, context->timeStep );
+              Journal_Printf(stream,"    </DataItem>\n");
-         }
-         /** now write all the xdmf geometry info **/
-         /**----------------------- START GEOMETRY   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **/
-         if(         maxNodes == 4 ){
-            Stg_asprintf( &topologyType, "Quadrilateral" );
-         } else if ( maxNodes == 8  ) {
-            Stg_asprintf( &topologyType, "Hexahedron" );
-         } else {
-            Journal_DPrintf( errorStream, "\n\n Error: number of element nodes %u not supported by XDMF generator...\n should be 4 (2D quadrilateral) " 
-                                    "or should be 8 (3D hexahedron). \n\n", maxNodes );
-            Stg_asprintf( &topologyType, "UNKNOWN_POSSIBLY_ERROR" );
-         }
-         /** first create the grid which is applicable to the checkpointed fevariables **/
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "   <Grid Name=\"FEM_Grid_%s\">\n\n", feMesh->name);
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "      <Time Value=\"%f\" />\n\n", context->currentTime );
-         /** now print out topology info, only quadrilateral elements are supported at the moment **/
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "         <Topology Type=\"%s\" NumberOfElements=\"%u\"> \n", topologyType, elementGlobalSize );
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "            <DataItem Format=\"HDF\" DataType=\"Int\"  Dimensions=\"%u %u\">Mesh.%s.%05d.h5:/connectivity</DataItem>\n", elementGlobalSize, maxNodes, feMesh->name, context->timeStep );
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "         </Topology>\n\n" );
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "         <Geometry Type=\"XYZ\">\n" );
+          int num_nodes=(maxNodes==9) ? 4 : 8;
+          Journal_Printf(stream,"    <Topology Type=\"%s\" NumberOfElements=\"%u\"> \n",
+                         topologyType,elementGlobalSize*num_nodes);
+          Journal_Printf(stream,"      <DataItem ItemType=\"Function\"  Dimensions=\"%u %u\" Function=\"JOIN(",
+                         elementGlobalSize*num_nodes, num_nodes);
+          for(int j=0;j<num_nodes-1;++j)
+            {
+              Journal_Printf(stream,"$%u; ",j);
+            }
+          Journal_Printf(stream,"$%u)\">\n",num_nodes-1);
-         Stg_asprintf( &variableType, "NumberType=\"Float\" Precision=\"8\"" );                              
-         if(         nDims == 2 ){
-            /** note that for 2d, we feed back a quasi 3d array, with the 3rd Dof zeroed.  so in effect we always work in 3d.
-                this is done because paraview in particular seems to do everything in 3d, and if you try and give it a 2d vector 
-                or array, it complains.... and hence the verbosity of the following 2d definitions**/
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "            <DataItem ItemType=\"Function\"  Dimensions=\"%u 3\" Function=\"JOIN($0, $1, 0*$1)\">\n", totalVerts );
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "               <DataItem ItemType=\"HyperSlab\" Dimensions=\"%u 1\" Name=\"XCoords\">\n", totalVerts );
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "                  <DataItem Dimensions=\"3 2\" Format=\"XML\"> 0 0 1 1 %u 1 </DataItem>\n", totalVerts );
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "                  <DataItem Format=\"HDF\" %s Dimensions=\"%u 2\">Mesh.%s.%05d.h5:/vertices</DataItem>\n", variableType, totalVerts, feMesh->name,  context->timeStep );
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "               </DataItem>\n" );
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "               <DataItem ItemType=\"HyperSlab\" Dimensions=\"%u 1\" Name=\"YCoords\">\n", totalVerts );
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "                  <DataItem Dimensions=\"3 2\" Format=\"XML\"> 0 1 1 1 %u 1 </DataItem>\n", totalVerts );
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "                  <DataItem Format=\"HDF\" %s Dimensions=\"%u 2\">Mesh.%s.%05d.h5:/vertices</DataItem>\n", variableType, totalVerts, feMesh->name, context->timeStep );
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "               </DataItem>\n" );
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "            </DataItem>\n" );
-         } else if ( nDims == 3 ) {
-            /** in 3d we simply feed back the 3d hdf5 array, nice and easy **/
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "            <DataItem Format=\"HDF\" %s Dimensions=\"%u 3\">Mesh.%s.%05d.h5:/vertices</DataItem>\n", variableType, totalVerts, feMesh->name, context->timeStep );
-         } else {
-            Journal_DPrintf( errorStream, "\n\n Error: Mesh vertex location is not of dofCount 2 or 3.\n\n" );
-         }
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "         </Geometry>\n\n" );
-         /**----------------------- FINISH GEOMETRY  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **/
+          int first_mapping[8]={0,1,4,3,9,10,13,12};
+          int mapping[8][8];
+          for(int i=0;i<8;++i)
+            {
+              mapping[0][i]=first_mapping[i];
+              mapping[1][i]=first_mapping[i]+1;
+              mapping[2][i]=first_mapping[i]+3;
+              mapping[3][i]=first_mapping[i]+4;
+              mapping[4][i]=first_mapping[i]+9;
+              mapping[5][i]=first_mapping[i]+10;
+              mapping[6][i]=first_mapping[i]+12;
+              mapping[7][i]=first_mapping[i]+13;
+            }
+          for(int j=0;j<num_nodes;++j)
+            {
+              Journal_Printf(stream,"        <DataItem ItemType=\"Function\"  Dimensions=\"%u %u\" Function=\"JOIN(",
+                             elementGlobalSize, num_nodes);
+              for(int k=0;k<num_nodes-1;++k)
+                {
+                  Journal_Printf(stream,"$%u, ",k);
+                }
+              Journal_Printf(stream,"$%u)\">\n",num_nodes-1);
+              for(int k=0;k<num_nodes;++k)
+                {
+                  Journal_Printf(stream,"          <DataItem Reference=\"XML\">/Xdmf/Domain/Grid[@Name=\"FEM_Grid_%s\"]/DataItem[@Name=\"C%u\"] </DataItem>\n",
+                                 feMesh->name, mapping[j][k]);
+                }
+              Journal_Printf(stream,"        </DataItem>\n");
+            }
+          Journal_Printf(stream,"      </DataItem>\n");
+          Journal_Printf(stream,"      </Topology>\n\n" );
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          Journal_Printf( stream, "         <Topology Type=\"%s\" NumberOfElements=\"%u\"> \n", topologyType, elementGlobalSize );
+          Journal_Printf( stream, "            <DataItem Format=\"HDF\" DataType=\"Int\"  Dimensions=\"%u %u\">Mesh.%s.%05d.h5:/connectivity</DataItem>\n", elementGlobalSize, maxNodes, feMesh->name, context->timeStep );
+          Journal_Printf( stream, "         </Topology>\n\n" );
+        }
+      Journal_Printf( stream, "         <Geometry Type=\"XYZ\">\n" );
+      Stg_asprintf( &variableType, "NumberType=\"Float\" Precision=\"8\"" );                              
+      if(         nDims == 2 ){
+        /** note that for 2d, we feed back a quasi 3d array, with the 3rd Dof zeroed.  so in effect we always work in 3d.
+            this is done because paraview in particular seems to do everything in 3d, and if you try and give it a 2d vector 
+            or array, it complains.... and hence the verbosity of the following 2d definitions**/
+        Journal_Printf( stream, "            <DataItem ItemType=\"Function\"  Dimensions=\"%u 3\" Function=\"JOIN($0, $1, 0*$1)\">\n", totalVerts );
+        Journal_Printf( stream, "               <DataItem ItemType=\"HyperSlab\" Dimensions=\"%u 1\" Name=\"XCoords\">\n", totalVerts );
+        Journal_Printf( stream, "                  <DataItem Dimensions=\"3 2\" Format=\"XML\"> 0 0 1 1 %u 1 </DataItem>\n", totalVerts );
+        Journal_Printf( stream, "                  <DataItem Format=\"HDF\" %s Dimensions=\"%u 2\">Mesh.%s.%05d.h5:/vertices</DataItem>\n", variableType, totalVerts, feMesh->name,  context->timeStep );
+        Journal_Printf( stream, "               </DataItem>\n" );
+        Journal_Printf( stream, "               <DataItem ItemType=\"HyperSlab\" Dimensions=\"%u 1\" Name=\"YCoords\">\n", totalVerts );
+        Journal_Printf( stream, "                  <DataItem Dimensions=\"3 2\" Format=\"XML\"> 0 1 1 1 %u 1 </DataItem>\n", totalVerts );
+        Journal_Printf( stream, "                  <DataItem Format=\"HDF\" %s Dimensions=\"%u 2\">Mesh.%s.%05d.h5:/vertices</DataItem>\n", variableType, totalVerts, feMesh->name, context->timeStep );
+        Journal_Printf( stream, "               </DataItem>\n" );
+        Journal_Printf( stream, "            </DataItem>\n" );
+      } else if ( nDims == 3 ) {
+        /** in 3d we simply feed back the 3d hdf5 array, nice and easy **/
+        Journal_Printf( stream, "            <DataItem Format=\"HDF\" %s Dimensions=\"%u 3\">Mesh.%s.%05d.h5:/vertices</DataItem>\n", variableType, totalVerts, feMesh->name, context->timeStep );
+      } else {
+        Journal_DPrintf( errorStream, "\n\n Error: Mesh vertex location is not of dofCount 2 or 3.\n\n" );
+      }
+      Journal_Printf( stream, "         </Geometry>\n\n" );
+      /**----------------------- FINISH GEOMETRY  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **/
       /** now write FeVariable data **/   
       for ( var_I = 0; var_I < context->fieldVariable_Register->objects->count; var_I++ ) {
-         fieldVar = FieldVariable_Register_GetByIndex( context->fieldVariable_Register, var_I );
+        fieldVar = FieldVariable_Register_GetByIndex( context->fieldVariable_Register, var_I );
-         if ( Stg_Class_IsInstance( fieldVar, FeVariable_Type ) ) {
-            feVar = (FeVariable*)fieldVar;
-            if ( (feVar->isCheckpointedAndReloaded && (context->timeStep % context->checkpointEvery == 0))                                     || 
-                 (feVar->isCheckpointedAndReloaded && (context->checkpointAtTimeInc && (context->currentTime >= context->nextCheckpointTime))) ||
-                 (feVar->isSavedData               && (context->timeStep % context->saveDataEvery   == 0)) ){
-               FeMesh* feVarMesh = NULL;
-               /** check what type of generator was used to know where elementMesh is **/
-               if( Stg_Class_IsInstance( feVar->feMesh->generator, C0Generator_Type))        feVarMesh = (FeMesh*)(((C0Generator*)feVar->feMesh->generator)->elMesh);
-               if( Stg_Class_IsInstance( feVar->feMesh->generator, CartesianGenerator_Type)) feVarMesh = feVar->feMesh;
-               if( Stg_Class_IsInstance( feVar->feMesh->generator, MeshAdaptor_Type))        feVarMesh = feVar->feMesh;
-               /** make sure that the fevariable femesh is the same as that used above for the geometry definition, if so proceed **/
-               if( feVarMesh == feMesh ){
-                 char*   centering = NULL;
-                     Index  offset = 0;
-                     Index  meshSize = Mesh_GetGlobalSize( feVar->feMesh, (MeshTopology_Dim)0 );
-                     Index  dofCountIndex;
-                     Index  dofAtEachNodeCount;
+        if ( Stg_Class_IsInstance( fieldVar, FeVariable_Type ) ) {
+          feVar = (FeVariable*)fieldVar;
+          if ( (feVar->isCheckpointedAndReloaded && (context->timeStep % context->checkpointEvery == 0))                                     || 
+               (feVar->isCheckpointedAndReloaded && (context->checkpointAtTimeInc && (context->currentTime >= context->nextCheckpointTime))) ||
+               (feVar->isSavedData               && (context->timeStep % context->saveDataEvery   == 0)) ){
+            FeMesh* feVarMesh = NULL;
+            /** check what type of generator was used to know where elementMesh is **/
+            if( Stg_Class_IsInstance( feVar->feMesh->generator, C0Generator_Type))        feVarMesh = (FeMesh*)(((C0Generator*)feVar->feMesh->generator)->elMesh);
+            if( Stg_Class_IsInstance( feVar->feMesh->generator, CartesianGenerator_Type)) feVarMesh = feVar->feMesh;
+            if( Stg_Class_IsInstance( feVar->feMesh->generator, MeshAdaptor_Type))        feVarMesh = feVar->feMesh;
+            /** make sure that the fevariable femesh is the same as that used above for the geometry definition, if so proceed **/
+            if( feVarMesh == feMesh ){
+              char*   centering = NULL;
+              Index  offset = 0;
+              Index  meshSize = Mesh_GetGlobalSize( feVar->feMesh, (MeshTopology_Dim)0 );
+              Index  dofCountIndex;
+              Index  dofAtEachNodeCount;
-               /**----------------------- START ATTRIBUTES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **/
-                     /** if coordinates are being stored with feVariable, account for this **/
-                     if( saveCoords) offset = nDims; 
-                     /** all feVariables are currently stored as doubles **/
-                     Stg_asprintf( &variableType, "NumberType=\"Float\" Precision=\"8\"" );
-                     /** determine whether feVariable data is cell centered (like Pressure), or on the nodes (like Velocity) **/
-                     if(        meshSize == elementGlobalSize ){
-                        Stg_asprintf( &centering, "Cell" );
-                     } else if( meshSize == totalVerts ) {
-                        Stg_asprintf( &centering, "Node" );
-                     } else {
-                        /* unknown/unsupported type */
-                        Stg_asprintf( &centering, "UNKNOWN_POSSIBLY_ERROR" );
-                     }
-                     /** how many degrees of freedom does the fevariable have? **/
-                     dofAtEachNodeCount = feVar->fieldComponentCount;
-                     if (        dofAtEachNodeCount == 1 ) {
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "         <Attribute Type=\"Scalar\" Center=\"%s\" Name=\"%s\">\n", centering,  feVar->name);
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "            <DataItem ItemType=\"HyperSlab\" Dimensions=\"%u 1\" >\n", meshSize );
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "               <DataItem Dimensions=\"3 2\" Format=\"XML\"> 0 %u 1 1 %u 1 </DataItem>\n", offset, meshSize );
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "               <DataItem Format=\"HDF\" %s Dimensions=\"%u %u\">%s.%05d.h5:/data</DataItem>\n", variableType, meshSize, (offset + dofAtEachNodeCount), feVar->name, context->timeStep);
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "            </DataItem>\n" );
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "         </Attribute>\n\n" );
-                     } else if ( dofAtEachNodeCount == 2 ){
-                        /** note that for 2d, we feed back a quasi 3d array, with the 3rd Dof zeroed.  so in effect we always work in 3d.
-                            this is done because paraview in particular seems to do everything in 3d, and if you try and give it a 2d vector 
-                            or array, it complains.... and hence the verbosity of the following 2d definitions **/
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "         <Attribute Type=\"Vector\" Center=\"%s\" Name=\"%s\">\n", centering,  feVar->name);
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "            <DataItem ItemType=\"Function\"  Dimensions=\"%u 3\" Function=\"JOIN($0, $1, 0*$1)\">\n", meshSize );
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "               <DataItem ItemType=\"HyperSlab\" Dimensions=\"%u 1\" Name=\"XValue\">\n", meshSize );
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "                  <DataItem Dimensions=\"3 2\" Format=\"XML\"> 0 %u 1 1 %u 1 </DataItem>\n", offset, meshSize );
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "                  <DataItem Format=\"HDF\" %s Dimensions=\"%u %u\">%s.%05d.h5:/data</DataItem>\n", variableType, meshSize, (offset + dofAtEachNodeCount), feVar->name, context->timeStep);
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "               </DataItem>\n" );
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "               <DataItem ItemType=\"HyperSlab\" Dimensions=\"%u 1\" Name=\"YValue\">\n", meshSize );
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "                  <DataItem Dimensions=\"3 2\" Format=\"XML\"> 0 %u 1 1 %u 1 </DataItem>\n", (offset+1), meshSize );
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "                  <DataItem Format=\"HDF\" %s Dimensions=\"%u %u\">%s.%05d.h5:/data</DataItem>\n", variableType, meshSize, (offset + dofAtEachNodeCount), feVar->name, context->timeStep);
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "               </DataItem>\n" );
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "            </DataItem>\n" );
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "         </Attribute>\n\n" );
-                     } else if ( dofAtEachNodeCount == 3 ) {
-                        /** in 3d we simply feed back the 3d hdf5 array, nice and easy **/
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "         <Attribute Type=\"Vector\" Center=\"%s\" Name=\"%s\">\n", centering,  feVar->name);
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "            <DataItem ItemType=\"HyperSlab\" Dimensions=\"%u 3\" >\n", meshSize );
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "               <DataItem Dimensions=\"3 2\" Format=\"XML\"> 0 %u 1 1 %u 3 </DataItem>\n", offset, meshSize );
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "               <DataItem Format=\"HDF\" %s Dimensions=\"%u %u\">%s.%05d.h5:/data</DataItem>\n", variableType, meshSize, (offset + dofAtEachNodeCount), feVar->name, context->timeStep);
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "            </DataItem>\n" );
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "         </Attribute>\n\n" );
-                     } else {
-                        /** where there are more than 3 components, we write each one out as a scalar **/
-                        for(dofCountIndex = 0 ; dofCountIndex < dofAtEachNodeCount ; ++dofCountIndex){
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "         <Attribute Type=\"Scalar\" Center=\"%s\" Name=\"%s-Component-%u\">\n", centering,  feVar->name, dofCountIndex);
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "            <DataItem ItemType=\"HyperSlab\" Dimensions=\"%u 1\" >\n", meshSize );
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "               <DataItem Dimensions=\"3 2\" Format=\"XML\"> 0 %u 1 1 %u 1 </DataItem>\n", (offset+dofCountIndex), meshSize );
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "               <DataItem Format=\"HDF\" %s Dimensions=\"%u %u\">%s.%05d.h5:/data</DataItem>\n", variableType, meshSize, (offset + dofAtEachNodeCount), feVar->name, context->timeStep);
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "            </DataItem>\n" );
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "         </Attribute>\n" );
-                        }
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "\n" );
-                     }
-               /**----------------------- END ATTRIBUTES   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **/
-               if(centering) Memory_Free( centering );
-               }
-               }
-         }
+              /**----------------------- START ATTRIBUTES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **/
+              /** if coordinates are being stored with feVariable, account for this **/
+              if( saveCoords) offset = nDims; 
+              /** all feVariables are currently stored as doubles **/
+              Stg_asprintf( &variableType, "NumberType=\"Float\" Precision=\"8\"" );
+              /** determine whether feVariable data is cell centered (like Pressure), or on the nodes (like Velocity) **/
+              if(        meshSize == elementGlobalSize ){
+                Stg_asprintf( &centering, "Cell" );
+              } else if( meshSize == totalVerts ) {
+                Stg_asprintf( &centering, "Node" );
+              } else {
+                /* unknown/unsupported type */
+                Stg_asprintf( &centering, "UNKNOWN_POSSIBLY_ERROR" );
+              }
+              /** how many degrees of freedom does the fevariable have? **/
+              dofAtEachNodeCount = feVar->fieldComponentCount;
+              if (        dofAtEachNodeCount == 1 ) {
+                Journal_Printf( stream, "         <Attribute Type=\"Scalar\" Center=\"%s\" Name=\"%s\">\n", centering,  feVar->name);
+                Journal_Printf( stream, "            <DataItem ItemType=\"HyperSlab\" Dimensions=\"%u 1\" >\n", meshSize );
+                Journal_Printf( stream, "               <DataItem Dimensions=\"3 2\" Format=\"XML\"> 0 %u 1 1 %u 1 </DataItem>\n", offset, meshSize );
+                Journal_Printf( stream, "               <DataItem Format=\"HDF\" %s Dimensions=\"%u %u\">%s.%05d.h5:/data</DataItem>\n", variableType, meshSize, (offset + dofAtEachNodeCount), feVar->name, context->timeStep);
+                Journal_Printf( stream, "            </DataItem>\n" );
+                Journal_Printf( stream, "         </Attribute>\n\n" );
+              } else if ( dofAtEachNodeCount == 2 ){
+                /** note that for 2d, we feed back a quasi 3d array, with the 3rd Dof zeroed.  so in effect we always work in 3d.
+                    this is done because paraview in particular seems to do everything in 3d, and if you try and give it a 2d vector 
+                    or array, it complains.... and hence the verbosity of the following 2d definitions **/
+                Journal_Printf( stream, "         <Attribute Type=\"Vector\" Center=\"%s\" Name=\"%s\">\n", centering,  feVar->name);
+                Journal_Printf( stream, "            <DataItem ItemType=\"Function\"  Dimensions=\"%u 3\" Function=\"JOIN($0, $1, 0*$1)\">\n", meshSize );
+                Journal_Printf( stream, "               <DataItem ItemType=\"HyperSlab\" Dimensions=\"%u 1\" Name=\"XValue\">\n", meshSize );
+                Journal_Printf( stream, "                  <DataItem Dimensions=\"3 2\" Format=\"XML\"> 0 %u 1 1 %u 1 </DataItem>\n", offset, meshSize );
+                Journal_Printf( stream, "                  <DataItem Format=\"HDF\" %s Dimensions=\"%u %u\">%s.%05d.h5:/data</DataItem>\n", variableType, meshSize, (offset + dofAtEachNodeCount), feVar->name, context->timeStep);
+                Journal_Printf( stream, "               </DataItem>\n" );
+                Journal_Printf( stream, "               <DataItem ItemType=\"HyperSlab\" Dimensions=\"%u 1\" Name=\"YValue\">\n", meshSize );
+                Journal_Printf( stream, "                  <DataItem Dimensions=\"3 2\" Format=\"XML\"> 0 %u 1 1 %u 1 </DataItem>\n", (offset+1), meshSize );
+                Journal_Printf( stream, "                  <DataItem Format=\"HDF\" %s Dimensions=\"%u %u\">%s.%05d.h5:/data</DataItem>\n", variableType, meshSize, (offset + dofAtEachNodeCount), feVar->name, context->timeStep);
+                Journal_Printf( stream, "               </DataItem>\n" );
+                Journal_Printf( stream, "            </DataItem>\n" );
+                Journal_Printf( stream, "         </Attribute>\n\n" );
+              } else if ( dofAtEachNodeCount == 3 ) {
+                /** in 3d we simply feed back the 3d hdf5 array, nice and easy **/
+                Journal_Printf( stream, "         <Attribute Type=\"Vector\" Center=\"%s\" Name=\"%s\">\n", centering,  feVar->name);
+                Journal_Printf( stream, "            <DataItem ItemType=\"HyperSlab\" Dimensions=\"%u 3\" >\n", meshSize );
+                Journal_Printf( stream, "               <DataItem Dimensions=\"3 2\" Format=\"XML\"> 0 %u 1 1 %u 3 </DataItem>\n", offset, meshSize );
+                Journal_Printf( stream, "               <DataItem Format=\"HDF\" %s Dimensions=\"%u %u\">%s.%05d.h5:/data</DataItem>\n", variableType, meshSize, (offset + dofAtEachNodeCount), feVar->name, context->timeStep);
+                Journal_Printf( stream, "            </DataItem>\n" );
+                Journal_Printf( stream, "         </Attribute>\n\n" );
+              } else {
+                /** where there are more than 3 components, we write each one out as a scalar **/
+                for(dofCountIndex = 0 ; dofCountIndex < dofAtEachNodeCount ; ++dofCountIndex){
+                  Journal_Printf( stream, "         <Attribute Type=\"Scalar\" Center=\"%s\" Name=\"%s-Component-%u\">\n", centering,  feVar->name, dofCountIndex);
+                  Journal_Printf( stream, "            <DataItem ItemType=\"HyperSlab\" Dimensions=\"%u 1\" >\n", meshSize );
+                  Journal_Printf( stream, "               <DataItem Dimensions=\"3 2\" Format=\"XML\"> 0 %u 1 1 %u 1 </DataItem>\n", (offset+dofCountIndex), meshSize );
+                  Journal_Printf( stream, "               <DataItem Format=\"HDF\" %s Dimensions=\"%u %u\">%s.%05d.h5:/data</DataItem>\n", variableType, meshSize, (offset + dofAtEachNodeCount), feVar->name, context->timeStep);
+                  Journal_Printf( stream, "            </DataItem>\n" );
+                  Journal_Printf( stream, "         </Attribute>\n" );
+                }
+                Journal_Printf( stream, "\n" );
+              }
+              /**----------------------- END ATTRIBUTES   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **/
+              if(centering) Memory_Free( centering );
+            }
+          }
+        }
-                                 Journal_Printf( stream, "   </Grid>\n\n" );
+      Journal_Printf( stream, "   </Grid>\n\n" );
       if(variableType) Memory_Free( variableType );
       if(topologyType) Memory_Free( topologyType );
-      }
-   }
+    }
+  }
 void _XDMFGenerator_WriteSwarmSchema( UnderworldContext* context, Stream* stream ) {

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