[cig-commits] commit: gfortran fixes and waf adjustments

Mercurial hg at geodynamics.org
Fri Oct 21 17:03:30 PDT 2011

changeset:   35:de8630bbadef
user:        Walter Landry <wlandry at caltech.edu>
date:        Thu Oct 20 12:03:36 2011 -0700
files:       export.f90 getopt.f90 getopt_m.f90 include.f90 input.f90 types.f90
gfortran fixes and waf adjustments

diff -r 617b7e74fbfb -r de8630bbadef export.f90
--- a/export.f90	Thu Oct 20 12:03:14 2011 -0700
+++ b/export.f90	Thu Oct 20 12:03:36 2011 -0700
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 ! along with RELAX.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include 'include.f90'
+#include "include.f90"
 MODULE export
@@ -1034,10 +1034,10 @@ END SUBROUTINE exportcreep
                  +sx1*dx1/2, -sx2*dx2/2, sx3*dx3/2, &
                  +sx1*dx1/2, +sx2*dx2/2, sx3*dx3/2, &   
                  -sx1*dx1/2, +sx2*dx2/2, sx3*dx3/2, &
-                 -sx1*dx1/2, -sx2*dx2/2, 0, &
-                 +sx1*dx1/2, -sx2*dx2/2, 0, &
-                 +sx1*dx1/2, +sx2*dx2/2, 0, &
-                 -sx1*dx1/2, +sx2*dx2/2, 0
+                 -sx1*dx1/2, -sx2*dx2/2, 0.0, &
+                 +sx1*dx1/2, -sx2*dx2/2, 0.0, &
+                 +sx1*dx1/2, +sx2*dx2/2, 0.0, &
+                 -sx1*dx1/2, +sx2*dx2/2, 0.0
     WRITE (15,'("        </DataArray>")')
     WRITE (15,'("      </Points>")')
     WRITE (15,'("      <Polys>")')
@@ -1826,14 +1826,14 @@ END SUBROUTINE exportcreep
     ! fault edge coordinates
     WRITE (15,'(24ES11.2)') &
-                  x1-d(1)*W/2.d0-s(1)*L/2.d0-n(1)*T/2.d0, x2-d(2)*W/2.d0-s(2)*L/2.d0-n(2)*T/2.d0, x3-d(3)*W/2-s(3)*L/2-n(3)*T/2.d0, &
-                  x1-d(1)*W/2.d0+s(1)*L/2.d0-n(1)*T/2.d0, x2-d(2)*W/2.d0+s(2)*L/2.d0-n(2)*T/2.d0, x3-d(3)*W/2+s(3)*L/2-n(3)*T/2.d0, &
-                  x1+d(1)*W/2.d0+s(1)*L/2.d0-n(1)*T/2.d0, x2+d(2)*W/2.d0+s(2)*L/2.d0-n(2)*T/2.d0, x3+d(3)*W/2+s(3)*L/2-n(3)*T/2.d0, &
-                  x1+d(1)*W/2.d0-s(1)*L/2.d0-n(1)*T/2.d0, x2+d(2)*W/2.d0-s(2)*L/2.d0-n(2)*T/2.d0, x3+d(3)*W/2-s(3)*L/2-n(3)*T/2.d0, &
-                  x1+d(1)*W/2.d0-s(1)*L/2.d0+n(1)*T/2.d0, x2+d(2)*W/2.d0-s(2)*L/2.d0+n(2)*T/2.d0, x3+d(3)*W/2-s(3)*L/2+n(3)*T/2.d0, &
-                  x1-d(1)*W/2.d0-s(1)*L/2.d0+n(1)*T/2.d0, x2-d(2)*W/2.d0-s(2)*L/2.d0+n(2)*T/2.d0, x3-d(3)*W/2-s(3)*L/2+n(3)*T/2.d0, &
-                  x1-d(1)*W/2.d0+s(1)*L/2.d0+n(1)*T/2.d0, x2-d(2)*W/2.d0+s(2)*L/2.d0+n(2)*T/2.d0, x3-d(3)*W/2+s(3)*L/2+n(3)*T/2.d0, &
-                  x1+d(1)*W/2.d0+s(1)*L/2.d0+n(1)*T/2.d0, x2+d(2)*W/2.d0+s(2)*L/2.d0+n(2)*T/2.d0, x3+d(3)*W/2+s(3)*L/2+n(3)*T/2.d0
+                  x1-d(1)*W/2.d0-s(1)*L/2.d0-n(1)*T/2.d0, x2-d(2)*W/2.d0-s(2)*L/2.d0-n(2)*T/2.d0,x3-d(3)*W/2-s(3)*L/2-n(3)*T/2.d0, &
+                  x1-d(1)*W/2.d0+s(1)*L/2.d0-n(1)*T/2.d0, x2-d(2)*W/2.d0+s(2)*L/2.d0-n(2)*T/2.d0,x3-d(3)*W/2+s(3)*L/2-n(3)*T/2.d0, &
+                  x1+d(1)*W/2.d0+s(1)*L/2.d0-n(1)*T/2.d0, x2+d(2)*W/2.d0+s(2)*L/2.d0-n(2)*T/2.d0,x3+d(3)*W/2+s(3)*L/2-n(3)*T/2.d0, &
+                  x1+d(1)*W/2.d0-s(1)*L/2.d0-n(1)*T/2.d0, x2+d(2)*W/2.d0-s(2)*L/2.d0-n(2)*T/2.d0,x3+d(3)*W/2-s(3)*L/2-n(3)*T/2.d0, &
+                  x1+d(1)*W/2.d0-s(1)*L/2.d0+n(1)*T/2.d0, x2+d(2)*W/2.d0-s(2)*L/2.d0+n(2)*T/2.d0,x3+d(3)*W/2-s(3)*L/2+n(3)*T/2.d0, &
+                  x1-d(1)*W/2.d0-s(1)*L/2.d0+n(1)*T/2.d0, x2-d(2)*W/2.d0-s(2)*L/2.d0+n(2)*T/2.d0,x3-d(3)*W/2-s(3)*L/2+n(3)*T/2.d0, &
+                  x1-d(1)*W/2.d0+s(1)*L/2.d0+n(1)*T/2.d0, x2-d(2)*W/2.d0+s(2)*L/2.d0+n(2)*T/2.d0,x3-d(3)*W/2+s(3)*L/2+n(3)*T/2.d0, &
+                  x1+d(1)*W/2.d0+s(1)*L/2.d0+n(1)*T/2.d0, x2+d(2)*W/2.d0+s(2)*L/2.d0+n(2)*T/2.d0,x3+d(3)*W/2+s(3)*L/2+n(3)*T/2.d0
     WRITE (15,'("        </DataArray>")')
     WRITE (15,'("      </Points>")')
@@ -2019,8 +2019,8 @@ END SUBROUTINE exportcreep
     ! open file for mixed binary/ascii writing in VTK legacy format
-         BUFFERED='YES',IOSTAT=iostatus)
+         IOSTAT=iostatus)
     IF (iostatus>0) THEN
        PRINT '(a)', vcfilename
@@ -2088,8 +2088,8 @@ END SUBROUTINE exportcreep
     ! open file for mixed binary/ascii writing in VTK legacy format
-         BUFFERED='YES',IOSTAT=iostatus)
+         IOSTAT=iostatus)
     IF (iostatus>0) THEN
        PRINT '(a)', vcfilename
diff -r 617b7e74fbfb -r de8630bbadef getopt.f90
--- a/getopt.f90	Thu Oct 20 12:03:14 2011 -0700
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-! ------------------------------------------------------------
-! Copyright 2008 by Mark Gates
-! This program is free software; you can redistribute or modify it under
-! the terms of the GNU general public license (GPL), version 2 or later.
-! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-! WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-! merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
-! If you wish to incorporate this into non-GPL software, please contact
-! me regarding licensing terms.
-! ------------------------------------------------------------
-! Fortran 95 getopt() and getopt_long(), similar to those in standard C library.
-! ch = getopt( optstring, [longopts] )
-! Returns next option character from command line arguments.
-! If an option is not recognized, it returns '?'.
-! If no options are left, it returns a null character, char(0).
-! optstring contains characters that are recognized as options.
-! If a character is followed by a colon, then it takes a required argument.
-! For example, "x" recognizes "-x", while "x:" recognizes "-x arg" or "-xarg".
-! optopt is set to the option character, even if it isn't recognized.
-! optarg is set to the option's argument.
-! optind has the index of the next argument to process. Initially optind=1.
-! Errors are printed by default. Set opterr=.false. to suppress them.
-! Grouped options are allowed, so "-abc" is the same as "-a -b -c".
-! If longopts is present, it is an array of type(option_s), where each entry
-! describes one long option.
-!    type option_s
-!        character(len=80) :: name
-!        logical           :: has_arg
-!        character         :: val
-!    end type
-! The name field is the option name, without the leading -- double dash.
-! Set the has_arg field to true if it requires an argument, false if not.
-! The val field is returned. Typically this is set to the corresponding short
-! option, so short and long options can be processed together. (But there
-! is no requirement that every long option has a short option, or vice-versa.)
-! -----
-! program test
-!     use getopt_m
-!     implicit none
-!     character:: ch
-!     type(option_s):: opts(2)
-!     opts(1) = option_s( "alpha", .false., 'a' )
-!     opts(2) = option_s( "beta",  .true.,  'b' )
-!     do
-!         select case( getopt( "ab:c", opts ))
-!             case( char(0))
-!                 exit
-!             case( 'a' )
-!                 print *, 'option alpha/a'
-!             case( 'b' )
-!                 print *, 'option beta/b=', optarg
-!             case( '?' )
-!                 print *, 'unknown option ', optopt
-!                 stop
-!             case default
-!                 print *, 'unhandled option ', optopt, ' (this is a bug)'
-!         end select
-!     end do
-! end program test
-! Differences from C version:
-! - when options are finished, C version returns -1 instead of char(0),
-!   and thus stupidly requires an int instead of a char.
-! - does not support optreset
-! - does not support "--" as last argument
-! - if no argument, optarg is blank, not NULL
-! - argc and argv are implicit
-! Differences for long options:
-! - optional argument to getopt(), rather than separate function getopt_long()
-! - has_arg is logical, and does not support optional_argument
-! - does not support flag field (and thus always returns val)
-! - does not support longindex
-! - does not support "--opt=value" syntax, only "--opt value"
-! - knows the length of longopts, so does not need an empty last record
-module getopt_m
-	implicit none
-	character(len=80):: optarg
-	character:: optopt
-	integer:: optind=1
-	logical:: opterr=.true.
-	type option_s
-		character(len=80) :: name
-		logical           :: has_arg
-		character         :: val
-	end type
-	! grpind is index of next option within group; always >= 2
-	integer, private:: grpind=2
-! ----------------------------------------
-! Return str(i:j) if 1 <= i <= j <= len(str),
-! else return empty string.
-! This is needed because Fortran standard allows but doesn't *require* short-circuited
-! logical AND and OR operators. So this sometimes fails:
-!     if ( i < len(str) .and. str(i+1:i+1) == ':' ) then
-! but this works:
-!     if ( substr(str, i+1, i+1) == ':' ) then
-character function substr( str, i, j )
-	! arguments
-	character(len=*), intent(in):: str
-	integer, intent(in):: i, j
-	if ( 1 <= i .and. i <= j .and. j <= len(str)) then
-		substr = str(i:j)
-	else
-		substr = ''
-	endif
-end function substr
-! ----------------------------------------
-character function getopt( optstring, longopts )
-	! arguments
-	character(len=*), intent(in):: optstring
-	type(option_s),   intent(in), optional:: longopts(:)
-	! local variables
-	character(len=80):: arg
-	optarg = ''
-	if ( optind > iargc()) then
-		getopt = char(0)
-	endif
-	call getarg( optind, arg )
-	if ( present( longopts ) .and. arg(1:2) == '--' ) then
-		getopt = process_long( longopts, arg )
-	elseif ( arg(1:1) == '-' ) then
-		getopt = process_short( optstring, arg )
-	else
-		getopt = char(0)
-	endif
-end function getopt
-! ----------------------------------------
-character function process_long( longopts, arg )
-	! arguments
-	type(option_s),   intent(in):: longopts(:)
-	character(len=*), intent(in):: arg
-	! local variables
-	integer:: i
-	! search for matching long option
-	optind = optind + 1
-	do i = 1, size(longopts)
-		if ( arg(3:) == longopts(i)%name ) then
-			optopt = longopts(i)%val
-			process_long = optopt
-			if ( longopts(i)%has_arg ) then
-				if ( optind <= iargc()) then
-					call getarg( optind, optarg )
-					optind = optind + 1
-				elseif ( opterr ) then
-					 WRITE (0,'(a,a,a)')  "error: option '", trim(arg), "' requires an argument"
-				endif
-			endif
-			return
-		endif
-	end do
-	! else not found
-	process_long = '?'
-	if ( opterr ) then
-		WRITE (0,'(a,a,a)'), "error: unrecognized option '", trim(arg), "'"
-	endif
-end function process_long
-! ----------------------------------------
-character function process_short( optstring, arg )
-	! arguments
-	character(len=*), intent(in):: optstring, arg
-	! local variables
-	integer:: i, arglen
-	arglen = len( trim( arg ))
-	optopt = arg(grpind:grpind)
-	process_short = optopt
-	i = index( optstring, optopt )
-	if ( i == 0 ) then
-		! unrecognized option
-		process_short = '?'
-		if ( opterr ) then
-			print '(a,a,a)', "Error: unrecognized option '-", optopt, "'"
-		endif
-	endif
-	if ( i > 0 .and. substr( optstring, i+1, i+1 ) == ':' ) then
-		! required argument
-		optind = optind + 1
-		if ( arglen > grpind ) then
-			! -xarg, return remainder of arg
-			optarg = arg(grpind+1:arglen)
-		elseif ( optind <= iargc()) then
-			! -x arg, return next arg
-			call getarg( optind, optarg )
-			optind = optind + 1
-		elseif ( opterr ) then
-			WRITE (0,'(a,a,a)') "error: option '-", optopt, "' requires an argument"
-		endif
-		grpind = 2
-	elseif ( arglen > grpind ) then
-		! no argument (or unrecognized), go to next option in argument (-xyz)
-		grpind = grpind + 1
-	else
-		! no argument (or unrecognized), go to next argument
-		grpind = 2
-		optind = optind + 1
-	endif
-end function process_short
-end module getopt_m
diff -r 617b7e74fbfb -r de8630bbadef getopt_m.f90
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/getopt_m.f90	Thu Oct 20 12:03:36 2011 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+! ------------------------------------------------------------
+! Copyright 2008 by Mark Gates
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute or modify it under
+! the terms of the GNU general public license (GPL), version 2 or later.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+! WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
+! If you wish to incorporate this into non-GPL software, please contact
+! me regarding licensing terms.
+! ------------------------------------------------------------
+! Fortran 95 getopt() and getopt_long(), similar to those in standard C library.
+! ch = getopt( optstring, [longopts] )
+! Returns next option character from command line arguments.
+! If an option is not recognized, it returns '?'.
+! If no options are left, it returns a null character, char(0).
+! optstring contains characters that are recognized as options.
+! If a character is followed by a colon, then it takes a required argument.
+! For example, "x" recognizes "-x", while "x:" recognizes "-x arg" or "-xarg".
+! optopt is set to the option character, even if it isn't recognized.
+! optarg is set to the option's argument.
+! optind has the index of the next argument to process. Initially optind=1.
+! Errors are printed by default. Set opterr=.false. to suppress them.
+! Grouped options are allowed, so "-abc" is the same as "-a -b -c".
+! If longopts is present, it is an array of type(option_s), where each entry
+! describes one long option.
+!    type option_s
+!        character(len=80) :: name
+!        logical           :: has_arg
+!        character         :: val
+!    end type
+! The name field is the option name, without the leading -- double dash.
+! Set the has_arg field to true if it requires an argument, false if not.
+! The val field is returned. Typically this is set to the corresponding short
+! option, so short and long options can be processed together. (But there
+! is no requirement that every long option has a short option, or vice-versa.)
+! -----
+! program test
+!     use getopt_m
+!     implicit none
+!     character:: ch
+!     type(option_s):: opts(2)
+!     opts(1) = option_s( "alpha", .false., 'a' )
+!     opts(2) = option_s( "beta",  .true.,  'b' )
+!     do
+!         select case( getopt( "ab:c", opts ))
+!             case( char(0))
+!                 exit
+!             case( 'a' )
+!                 print *, 'option alpha/a'
+!             case( 'b' )
+!                 print *, 'option beta/b=', optarg
+!             case( '?' )
+!                 print *, 'unknown option ', optopt
+!                 stop
+!             case default
+!                 print *, 'unhandled option ', optopt, ' (this is a bug)'
+!         end select
+!     end do
+! end program test
+! Differences from C version:
+! - when options are finished, C version returns -1 instead of char(0),
+!   and thus stupidly requires an int instead of a char.
+! - does not support optreset
+! - does not support "--" as last argument
+! - if no argument, optarg is blank, not NULL
+! - argc and argv are implicit
+! Differences for long options:
+! - optional argument to getopt(), rather than separate function getopt_long()
+! - has_arg is logical, and does not support optional_argument
+! - does not support flag field (and thus always returns val)
+! - does not support longindex
+! - does not support "--opt=value" syntax, only "--opt value"
+! - knows the length of longopts, so does not need an empty last record
+module getopt_m
+	implicit none
+	character(len=80):: optarg
+	character:: optopt
+	integer:: optind=1
+	logical:: opterr=.true.
+	type option_s
+		character(len=80) :: name
+		logical           :: has_arg
+		character         :: val
+	end type
+	! grpind is index of next option within group; always >= 2
+	integer, private:: grpind=2
+! ----------------------------------------
+! Return str(i:j) if 1 <= i <= j <= len(str),
+! else return empty string.
+! This is needed because Fortran standard allows but doesn't *require* short-circuited
+! logical AND and OR operators. So this sometimes fails:
+!     if ( i < len(str) .and. str(i+1:i+1) == ':' ) then
+! but this works:
+!     if ( substr(str, i+1, i+1) == ':' ) then
+character function substr( str, i, j )
+	! arguments
+	character(len=*), intent(in):: str
+	integer, intent(in):: i, j
+	if ( 1 <= i .and. i <= j .and. j <= len(str)) then
+		substr = str(i:j)
+	else
+		substr = ''
+	endif
+end function substr
+! ----------------------------------------
+character function getopt( optstring, longopts )
+	! arguments
+	character(len=*), intent(in):: optstring
+	type(option_s),   intent(in), optional:: longopts(:)
+	! local variables
+	character(len=80):: arg
+	optarg = ''
+	if ( optind > iargc()) then
+		getopt = char(0)
+	endif
+	call getarg( optind, arg )
+	if ( present( longopts ) .and. arg(1:2) == '--' ) then
+		getopt = process_long( longopts, arg )
+	elseif ( arg(1:1) == '-' ) then
+		getopt = process_short( optstring, arg )
+	else
+		getopt = char(0)
+	endif
+end function getopt
+! ----------------------------------------
+character function process_long( longopts, arg )
+	! arguments
+	type(option_s),   intent(in):: longopts(:)
+	character(len=*), intent(in):: arg
+	! local variables
+	integer:: i
+	! search for matching long option
+	optind = optind + 1
+	do i = 1, size(longopts)
+		if ( arg(3:) == longopts(i)%name ) then
+			optopt = longopts(i)%val
+			process_long = optopt
+			if ( longopts(i)%has_arg ) then
+				if ( optind <= iargc()) then
+					call getarg( optind, optarg )
+					optind = optind + 1
+				elseif ( opterr ) then
+					 WRITE (0,'(a,a,a)')  "error: option '", trim(arg), "' requires an argument"
+				endif
+			endif
+			return
+		endif
+	end do
+	! else not found
+	process_long = '?'
+	if ( opterr ) then
+		WRITE (0,'(a,a,a)'), "error: unrecognized option '", trim(arg), "'"
+	endif
+end function process_long
+! ----------------------------------------
+character function process_short( optstring, arg )
+	! arguments
+	character(len=*), intent(in):: optstring, arg
+	! local variables
+	integer:: i, arglen
+	arglen = len( trim( arg ))
+	optopt = arg(grpind:grpind)
+	process_short = optopt
+	i = index( optstring, optopt )
+	if ( i == 0 ) then
+		! unrecognized option
+		process_short = '?'
+		if ( opterr ) then
+			print '(a,a,a)', "Error: unrecognized option '-", optopt, "'"
+		endif
+	endif
+	if ( i > 0 .and. substr( optstring, i+1, i+1 ) == ':' ) then
+		! required argument
+		optind = optind + 1
+		if ( arglen > grpind ) then
+			! -xarg, return remainder of arg
+			optarg = arg(grpind+1:arglen)
+		elseif ( optind <= iargc()) then
+			! -x arg, return next arg
+			call getarg( optind, optarg )
+			optind = optind + 1
+		elseif ( opterr ) then
+			WRITE (0,'(a,a,a)') "error: option '-", optopt, "' requires an argument"
+		endif
+		grpind = 2
+	elseif ( arglen > grpind ) then
+		! no argument (or unrecognized), go to next option in argument (-xyz)
+		grpind = grpind + 1
+	else
+		! no argument (or unrecognized), go to next argument
+		grpind = 2
+		optind = optind + 1
+	endif
+end function process_short
+end module getopt_m
diff -r 617b7e74fbfb -r de8630bbadef include.f90
--- a/include.f90	Thu Oct 20 12:03:14 2011 -0700
+++ b/include.f90	Thu Oct 20 12:03:36 2011 -0700
@@ -1,11 +1,4 @@
-! implement the Intel Math Kernel Library
-#define IMKL_FFT
-! implement the Fastest Fourier Transform of the West, version 3
-!#define FFTW3 1
-! use multithreaded libraries
-!#define FFTW3_THREADS 1
+#include "config.h"
 ! implement SGI Fast Fourier Transforms library
 !#define SGI_FFT 1
diff -r 617b7e74fbfb -r de8630bbadef input.f90
--- a/input.f90	Thu Oct 20 12:03:14 2011 -0700
+++ b/input.f90	Thu Oct 20 12:03:36 2011 -0700
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 ! along with RELAX.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include 'include.f90'
+#include "include.f90"
 MODULE input
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ CONTAINS
        PRINT '(2ES9.2E1,I3.2,ES9.2E1)',in%lon0,in%lat0,in%zone,in%umult
        IF (in%zone.GT.60 .OR. in%zone.LT.1) THEN
-          WRITE (0,'("invalid UTM zone ",I," (1<=zone<=60. exiting.)")') in%zone
+          WRITE (0,'("invalid UTM zone ",I3," (1<=zone<=60. exiting.)")') in%zone
           STOP 1
        END IF
     END IF
diff -r 617b7e74fbfb -r de8630bbadef types.f90
--- a/types.f90	Thu Oct 20 12:03:14 2011 -0700
+++ b/types.f90	Thu Oct 20 12:03:36 2011 -0700
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 ! along with RELAX.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include 'include.f90'
+#include "include.f90"
 MODULE types

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