[cig-commits] r19952 - in short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/sceccrustdeform/savageprescott: . output utils

willic3 at geodynamics.org willic3 at geodynamics.org
Tue Apr 17 01:05:27 PDT 2012

Author: willic3
Date: 2012-04-17 01:05:27 -0700 (Tue, 17 Apr 2012)
New Revision: 19952

More cleanup.
Still need to finish scripts to generate plots.

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/sceccrustdeform/savageprescott/fieldsplit.cfg
--- short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/sceccrustdeform/savageprescott/fieldsplit.cfg	2012-04-17 04:44:31 UTC (rev 19951)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/sceccrustdeform/savageprescott/fieldsplit.cfg	2012-04-17 08:05:27 UTC (rev 19952)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # -*- Python -*-
+# nodes = 4
 # Field split

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/sceccrustdeform/savageprescott/pylithapp.cfg
--- short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/sceccrustdeform/savageprescott/pylithapp.cfg	2012-04-17 04:44:31 UTC (rev 19951)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/sceccrustdeform/savageprescott/pylithapp.cfg	2012-04-17 08:05:27 UTC (rev 19952)
@@ -191,9 +191,7 @@
 ksp_monitor = true
 ksp_view = true
-ksp_monitor_singular_value = true
 ksp_converged_reason = true
-ksp_monitor_true_residual = true
 log_summary = true
 # start_in_debugger = true

Copied: short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/sceccrustdeform/savageprescott/savpres_ss.cfg (from rev 19950, short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/sceccrustdeform/savageprescott/utils/savpres_ss.cfg)
--- short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/sceccrustdeform/savageprescott/savpres_ss.cfg	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/sceccrustdeform/savageprescott/savpres_ss.cfg	2012-04-17 08:05:27 UTC (rev 19952)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# -*- Python -*-
+# Top-level info
+elas_thick = 40.0*km
+lock_depth = 20.0*km
+recurrence_time = 200.0*year
+viscosity = 2.36682e+19*Pa*s
+shear_modulus = 30.0*GPa
+plate_velocity = 2.0*cm/year
+number_cycles = 10
+number_steps = 40
+number_terms = 100
+number_points = 400
+delta_x = 5.0*km
+x_epsilon = 0.01*m
+output_displ_vtk = False
+output_vel_vtk = False
+output_displ_csv = True
+output_vel_csv = True
+displ_vtk_basename = analytical/savpres_displ.vtk
+displ_csv_filename = analytical/savpres_displ.csv
+vel_vtk_basename = analytical/savpres_vel.vtk
+vel_csv_filename = analytical/savpres_vel.csv
+# Don't convert units
+displ_scale_factor = 1.0
+vel_scale_factor = 1.0
+# Use m for output coordinates
+coord_scale_factor = 1.0
+coord_units = m
+time_units = 1.0*year
+time_stamp_width = 4
+title = Test model with D = 20 km, H = 40 km, and tau0 = 4.0.

Copied: short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/sceccrustdeform/savageprescott/savpres_ss.py (from rev 19950, short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/sceccrustdeform/savageprescott/utils/savpres_ss.py)
--- short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/sceccrustdeform/savageprescott/savpres_ss.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/sceccrustdeform/savageprescott/savpres_ss.py	2012-04-17 08:05:27 UTC (rev 19952)
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#                           Brad T. Aagaard
+#                        U.S. Geological Survey
+# <LicenseText>
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## @file savpres_ss/savpres_ss
+## @brief Python application to compute the Savage and Prescott [1978]
+## solution for an infinitely long strike-slip fault embedded in an
+## elastic layer overlying a viscoelastic half-space.
+import math
+import numpy
+from pyre.applications.Script import Script as Application
+class Savpres_ss(Application):
+  """
+  Python application to compute the Savage and Prescott [1978] solution
+  for an infinitely long strike-slip fault embedded in an elastic layer
+  overlying a viscoelastic half-space.
+  """
+  class Inventory(Application.Inventory):
+    """
+    Python object for managing Savpres_ss facilities and properties.
+    """
+    ## @class Inventory
+    ## Python object for managing Savpres_ss facilities and properties.
+    ##
+    ## \b Properties
+    ## @li \b elas_thick Thickness of elastic layer.
+    ## @li \b lock_depth Fault locking depth (<= elas_thick).
+    ## @li \b recurrence_time Earthquake recurrence time.
+    ## @li \b viscosity Viscosity of viscoelastic half-space.
+    ## @li \b shear_modulus Shear modulus of layer and half-space.
+    ## @li \b plate_velocity Relative plate velocity (left-lateral) across fault.
+    ## @li \b number_cycles Number of earthquake cycles to compute.
+    ## @li \b number_steps Number of time steps to compute for each cycle.
+    ## @li \b number_terms Number of terms to compute for series solution.
+    ## @li \b number_points Number of points at which to compute solution.
+    ## @li \b delta_x Distance between computation points.
+    ## @li \b x_epsilon Offset for computation point closest to the fault.
+    ## @li \b output_displ_vtk Output displacement VTK results?
+    ## @li \b output_displ_csv Output displacement CSV results?
+    ## @li \b output_vel_vtk Output velocity VTK results?
+    ## @li \b output_vel_csv Output velocity CSV results?
+    ## @li \b displ_vtk_basename Base name for VTK displacement output files.
+    ## @li \b displ_csv_filename Filename for CSV displacement output.
+    ## @li \b vel_vtk_basename Base name for VTK velocity output files.
+    ## @li \b vel_csv_filename Filename for CSV velocity output.
+    ## @li \b displ_scale_factor Scaling factor for output displacements.
+    ## @li \b coord_scale_factor Scaling factor for output coordinates.
+    ## @li \b vel_scale_factor Scaling factor for output velocities.
+    ## @li \b coord_units Units used for output coordinates.
+    ## @li \b time_units Time units to use for output filenames.
+    ## @li \b time_stamp_width Width of time stamp in output filenames.
+    ## @li \b title Title to appear at the top of VTK files.
+    import pyre.inventory
+    from pyre.units.length import m
+    from pyre.units.length import km
+    from pyre.units.length import cm
+    from pyre.units.time import s
+    from pyre.units.time import year
+    from pyre.units.pressure import Pa
+    from pyre.units.pressure import MPa
+    from pyre.units.pressure import GPa
+    elasThick = pyre.inventory.dimensional("elas_thick", default=20.0*km)
+    elasThick.meta['tip'] = "Thickness of elastic layer."
+    lockDepth = pyre.inventory.dimensional("lock_depth", default=10.0*km)
+    lockDepth.meta['tip'] = "Fault locking depth (<= elastic thickness)."
+    recurrenceTime = pyre.inventory.dimensional("recurrence_time",
+                                                default=100.0*year)
+    recurrenceTime.meta['tip'] = "Earthquake recurrence time."
+    viscosity = pyre.inventory.dimensional("viscosity", default=1.0e18*Pa*s)
+    viscosity.meta['tip'] = "Half-space viscosity."
+    shearModulus = pyre.inventory.dimensional("shear_modulus", default=30.0*GPa)
+    shearModulus.meta['tip'] = "Shear modulus of layer and half-space."
+    plateVelocity = pyre.inventory.dimensional("plate_velocity",
+                                               default=2.0*cm/year)
+    plateVelocity.meta['tip'] = "Relative velocity (left-lateral) across the fault."
+    numberCycles = pyre.inventory.int("number_cycles", default=10)
+    numberCycles.meta['tip'] = "Number of earthquake cycles."
+    numberSteps = pyre.inventory.int("number_steps", default=10)
+    numberSteps.meta['tip'] = "Number of steps to compute for each cycle."
+    numberTerms = pyre.inventory.int("number_terms", default=20)
+    numberTerms.meta['tip'] = "Number of terms to compute for series."
+    numberPoints = pyre.inventory.int("number_points", default=100)
+    numberPoints.meta['tip'] = "Number of points at which to compute solution."
+    deltaX = pyre.inventory.dimensional("delta_x", default=2.0*km)
+    deltaX.meta['tip'] = "Distance between computation points."
+    xEpsilon = pyre.inventory.dimensional("x_epsilon", default=0.001*m)
+    xEpsilon.meta['tip'] = "Offset for computation point closest to the fault."
+    outputDisplVTK = pyre.inventory.bool("output_displ_vtk", default=False)
+    outputDisplVTK.meta['tip'] = "Output displacement VTK files?"
+    outputDisplCSV = pyre.inventory.bool("output_displ_csv", default=True)
+    outputDisplCSV.meta['tip'] = "Output displacement CSV file?"
+    outputVelVTK = pyre.inventory.bool("output_vel_vtk", default=False)
+    outputVelVTK.meta['tip'] = "Output velocity VTK files?"
+    outputVelCSV = pyre.inventory.bool("output_vel_csv", default=True)
+    outputVelCSV.meta['tip'] = "Output velocity CSV file?"
+    displVTKBaseName = pyre.inventory.str("displ_vtk_basename",
+                                          default="savpres_ss_displ.vtk")
+    displVTKBaseName.meta['tip'] = "Base filename of VTK displacement output."
+    displCSVFileName = pyre.inventory.str("displ_csv_filename",
+                                          default="savpres_ss_displ.csv")
+    displCSVFileName.meta['tip'] = "Filename for CSV displacement output."
+    velVTKBaseName = pyre.inventory.str("vel_vtk_basename",
+                                        default="savpres_ss_vel.vtk")
+    velVTKBaseName.meta['tip'] = "Base filename of VTK velocity output."
+    velCSVFileName = pyre.inventory.str("vel_csv_filename",
+                                        default="savpres_ss_vel.csv")
+    velCSVFileName.meta['tip'] = "Filename for CSV velocity output."
+    displScaleFactor = pyre.inventory.float("displ_scale_factor", default=1.0)
+    displScaleFactor.meta['tip'] = "Scale factor for displacement output."
+    velScaleFactor = pyre.inventory.float("vel_scale_factor", default=1.0)
+    velScaleFactor.meta['tip'] = "Scale factor for velocity output."
+    coordScaleFactor = pyre.inventory.float("coord_scale_factor", default=1.0)
+    coordScaleFactor.meta['tip'] = "Scale factor for output coordinates."
+    coordUnits = pyre.inventory.str("coord_units", default="m")
+    coordUnits.meta['tip'] = "Units used for output coordinates."
+    timeUnits = pyre.inventory.dimensional("time_units", default=1.0*year)
+    timeUnits.meta['tip'] = "Time units to use for output filenames."
+    timeStampWidth = pyre.inventory.int("time_stamp_width", default=4)
+    timeStampWidth.meta['tip'] = "Number digits in output filename time stamp."
+    title = pyre.inventory.str("title",
+                               default="Savage & Prescott strike-slip solution")
+    title.meta['tip'] = "Title to appear at the top of VTK files."
+  # PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  def __init__(self, name="savpres_ss"):
+    Application.__init__(self, name)
+    return
+  def main(self):
+    # import pdb
+    # pdb.set_trace()
+    self._genPoints()
+    self._genSolution()
+    self.points *= self.coordScaleFactor
+    if self.outputDisplVTK:
+      self._writeSolutionVTK("displacement")
+    if self.outputVelVTK:
+      self._writeSolutionVTK("velocity")
+    if self.outputDisplCSV:
+      self._writeSolutionCSV("displacement")
+    if self.outputVelCSV:
+      self._writeSolutionCSV("velocity")
+    return
+  # PRIVATE METHODS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  def _configure(self):
+    """
+    Setup members using inventory.
+    """
+    Application._configure(self)
+    self.elasThick = self.inventory.elasThick.value
+    self.lockDepth = self.inventory.lockDepth.value
+    self.recurrenceTime = self.inventory.recurrenceTime.value
+    self.viscosity = self.inventory.viscosity.value
+    self.shearModulus = self.inventory.shearModulus.value
+    self.velocity = self.inventory.plateVelocity.value/2.0
+    self.numberCycles = self.inventory.numberCycles
+    self.numberSteps = self.inventory.numberSteps
+    self.numberTerms = self.inventory.numberTerms
+    self.numberPoints = self.inventory.numberPoints
+    self.deltaX = self.inventory.deltaX.value
+    self.xEpsilon = self.inventory.xEpsilon.value
+    self.outputDisplVTK = self.inventory.outputDisplVTK
+    self.outputDisplCSV = self.inventory.outputDisplCSV
+    self.outputVelVTK = self.inventory.outputVelVTK
+    self.outputVelCSV = self.inventory.outputVelCSV
+    self.displVTKBaseName = self.inventory.displVTKBaseName
+    self.displCSVFileName = self.inventory.displCSVFileName
+    self.velVTKBaseName = self.inventory.velVTKBaseName
+    self.velCSVFileName = self.inventory.velCSVFileName
+    self.displScaleFactor = self.inventory.displScaleFactor
+    self.velScaleFactor = self.inventory.velScaleFactor
+    self.coordScaleFactor = self.inventory.coordScaleFactor
+    self.coordUnits = self.inventory.coordUnits
+    self.timeUnits = self.inventory.timeUnits.value
+    self.timeStampWidth = self.inventory.timeStampWidth
+    self.title = self.inventory.title
+    self.deltaT = self.recurrenceTime/self.numberSteps
+    self.tauFac = 0.5*self.shearModulus/self.viscosity
+    self.tau0 = self.recurrenceTime * self.tauFac
+    return
+  def _genPoints(self):
+    """
+    Create array of points for output along with series terms
+    for each point.
+    """
+    self.points = numpy.zeros(self.numberPoints, dtype=numpy.float64)
+    self.pointCoeff = numpy.zeros((self.numberPoints, self.numberTerms),
+                                  dtype=numpy.float64)
+    for point in range(self.numberPoints):
+      self.points[point] = max(self.xEpsilon, point*self.deltaX)
+      for term in range(self.numberTerms):
+        n = term + 1
+        self.pointCoeff[point, term] = 2.0 * self.lockDepth * \
+                                       self.points[point]/ \
+                                       (4.0 * n**2 * self.elasThick**2 - \
+                                        self.lockDepth**2 + \
+                                        self.points[point]**2)
+    self.pointCoeff = numpy.arctan(self.pointCoeff)
+    return
+  def _genSolution(self):
+    """
+    Compute transient solution.
+    """
+    solutionU2 = numpy.zeros((self.numberCycles,
+                              self.numberSteps + 1,
+                              self.numberPoints),
+                             dtype=numpy.float64)
+    self.solutionUTot = numpy.zeros((self.numberCycles,
+                                     self.numberSteps + 1,
+                                     self.numberPoints),
+                                    dtype=numpy.float64)
+    solutionV2 = numpy.zeros((self.numberCycles,
+                              self.numberSteps + 1,
+                              self.numberPoints),
+                             dtype=numpy.float64)
+    self.solutionVTot = numpy.zeros((self.numberCycles,
+                                     self.numberSteps + 1,
+                                     self.numberPoints),
+                                    dtype=numpy.float64)
+    oneArray = numpy.ones(self.numberPoints, dtype=numpy.float64)
+    for cycle in range(self.numberCycles):
+      time = cycle * self.numberSteps * self.deltaT
+      tau = time * self.tauFac
+      if cycle > 0:
+        solutionU2[cycle, :, :] += solutionU2[cycle - 1, :, :]
+        solutionV2[cycle, :, :] += solutionV2[cycle - 1, :, :]
+      for step in range(self.numberSteps + 1):
+        if cycle == 0:
+          solutionUT, solutionVT = self._u2A(tau)
+        else:
+          solutionUT, solutionVT = self._u2B(tau)
+        solutionU2[cycle, step, :] += solutionUT
+        solutionV2[cycle, step, :] += solutionVT
+        self.solutionUTot[cycle, step, :] = solutionU2[cycle, step, :] + \
+                                            time * self.velocity * oneArray
+        self.solutionVTot[cycle, step, :] = self.tauFac * \
+                                            solutionV2[cycle, step, :] + \
+                                            self.velocity * oneArray
+        time = time + self.deltaT
+        tau = time * self.tauFac
+    self.solutionUTot *= self.displScaleFactor
+    self.solutionVTot *= self.velScaleFactor
+    return
+  def _timeCoeff(self, term, tau, aPrev, bPrev, factPrev):
+    """
+    Computes coefficients for term term and time tau.
+    """
+    if term == 0:
+      factN = 1.0
+      aN = 1.0 - math.exp(-tau)
+      bN = (tau - aN)/self.tau0
+    else:
+      factN = term * factPrev
+      aN = aPrev - tau**term * math.exp(-tau)/factN
+      bN = bPrev - aN/self.tau0
+    return aN, bN, factN
+  def _u2A(self, tau):
+    """
+    Computes viscoelastic solution for times less than the recurrence time.
+    """
+    solutionU = numpy.zeros(self.numberPoints, dtype=numpy.float64)
+    solutionV = numpy.zeros(self.numberPoints, dtype=numpy.float64)
+    for point in range(self.numberPoints):
+      solution = (-0.5 * math.pi + \
+                  numpy.arctan(self.points[point]/self.lockDepth))/self.tau0
+      solutionU[point] = tau * solution
+      solutionV[point] = solution
+      aPrev = 0.0
+      bPrev = 0.0
+      factPrev = 1.0
+      for term in range(self.numberTerms):
+        aN, bN, factN = self._timeCoeff(term, tau, aPrev, bPrev, factPrev)
+        solutionU[point] -= bN * self.pointCoeff[point, term]
+        solutionV[point] -= aN * self.pointCoeff[point, term]/self.tau0
+        aPrev = aN
+        bPrev = bN
+        factPrev = factN
+    solutionU *= 2.0 * self.velocity * self.recurrenceTime/math.pi
+    solutionV *= 2.0 * self.velocity * self.recurrenceTime/math.pi
+    return [solutionU, solutionV]
+  def _u2B(self, tau):
+    """
+    Computes viscoelastic solution for times greater than the recurrence time.
+    """
+    solutionU = numpy.zeros(self.numberPoints, dtype=numpy.float64)
+    solutionV = numpy.zeros(self.numberPoints, dtype=numpy.float64)
+    tau2 = tau - self.tau0
+    for point in range(self.numberPoints):
+      a1Prev = 0.0
+      b1Prev = 0.0
+      fact1Prev = 1.0
+      a2Prev = 0.0
+      b2Prev = 0.0
+      fact2Prev = 1.0
+      for term in range(self.numberTerms):
+        a1N, b1N, fact1N = self._timeCoeff(term, tau, a1Prev, b1Prev, fact1Prev)
+        a2N, b2N, fact2N = self._timeCoeff(term, tau2, a2Prev, b2Prev,
+                                           fact2Prev)
+        daDt = tau2**term * math.exp(-tau2)/fact2N
+        solutionU[point] += self.pointCoeff[point, term] * \
+                           (b2N - b1N + a2N)
+        solutionV[point] += self.pointCoeff[point, term] * \
+                            (a2N/self.tau0 - a1N/self.tau0 + daDt)
+        a1Prev = a1N
+        b1Prev = b1N
+        fact1Prev = fact1N
+        a2Prev = a2N
+        b2Prev = b2N
+        fact2Prev = fact2N
+    solutionU *= 2.0 * self.velocity * self.recurrenceTime/math.pi
+    solutionV *= 2.0 * self.velocity * self.recurrenceTime/math.pi
+    return [solutionU, solutionV]
+  def _writeSolutionVTK(self, solutionType):
+    """
+    Generate VTK filename and write results to file.
+    """
+    if solutionType == "displacement":
+      VTKBaseName = self.displVTKBaseName
+      solution = self.solutionUTot
+    else:
+      VTKBaseName = self.velVTKBaseName
+      solution = self.solutionVTot
+    if VTKBaseName.endswith('.vtk'):
+      fileBase = VTKBaseName[:VTKBaseName.rfind('.vtk')]
+    elif VTKBaseName.endswith('.VTK'):
+      fileBase = VTKBaseName[:VTKBaseName.rfind('.VTK')]
+    else:
+      fileBase = VTKBaseName
+    for cycle in range(self.numberCycles):
+      fileBaseCycle = fileBase + "_c" + str(cycle) + "_t"
+      time = 0.0
+      for step in range(self.numberSteps + 1):
+        timeStampInt = int(time/self.timeUnits)
+        timeStampString = repr(timeStampInt).rjust(self.timeStampWidth, '0')
+        VTKFile = fileBaseCycle + timeStampString + ".vtk"
+        f = open(VTKFile, 'w')
+        self._writeVTK(f, solution, solutionType, cycle, step)
+        f.close()
+        time += self.deltaT
+    return
+  def _writeVTK(self, f, solution, solutionType, cycle, step):
+    """
+    Writes solution to VTK file as a set of points.
+    """
+    f.write('# vtk DataFile Version 2.0\n')
+    f.write(self.title + '\n')
+    f.write('ASCII\n')
+    f.write('DATASET POLYDATA\n')
+    f.write('POINTS '+str(self.numberPoints)+' double\n')
+    y = 0.0
+    z = 0.0
+    for point in self.points:
+      f.write(' %.12g   %.12g   %.12g\n' % (point, y, z))
+    f.write('\n')
+    f.write('POINT_DATA '+str(self.numberPoints)+'\n')
+    f.write('SCALARS '+solutionType+' double 3\n')
+    f.write('LOOKUP_TABLE default\n')
+    uX = 0.0
+    uZ = 0.0
+    for point in range(self.numberPoints):
+      f.write(' %.12g   %.12g   %.12g\n' %
+              (uX, solution[cycle, step, point], uZ))
+    return
+  def _writeSolutionCSV(self, solutionType):
+    """
+    Write solution to a CSV file.
+    """
+    if solutionType == "displacement":
+      CSVFileName = self.displCSVFileName
+      solution = self.solutionUTot
+    else:
+      CSVFileName = self.velCSVFileName
+      solution = self.solutionVTot
+    f = open(CSVFileName, 'w')
+    head = "#Distance from Fault (" + self.coordUnits + ")"
+    for cycle in range(self.numberCycles):
+      cycleHead = "Cycle " + str(cycle) + " t = "
+      time = 0.0
+      for step in range(self.numberSteps + 1):
+        timeStampInt = int(time/self.timeUnits)
+        timeStampString = repr(timeStampInt) + " years"
+        head += "," + cycleHead + timeStampString
+        time += self.deltaT
+    f.write('%s\n' % head)
+    for point in range(self.numberPoints):
+      f.write(' %.12g' % (self.points[point]))
+      for cycle in range(self.numberCycles):
+        for step in range(self.numberSteps + 1):
+          f.write(', %.12g' % solution[cycle, step, point])
+      f.write('\n')
+    f.close()
+    return
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  app = Savpres_ss()
+  app.run()
+# End of file

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/sceccrustdeform/savageprescott/utils/savpres_ss.cfg
--- short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/sceccrustdeform/savageprescott/utils/savpres_ss.cfg	2012-04-17 04:44:31 UTC (rev 19951)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/sceccrustdeform/savageprescott/utils/savpres_ss.cfg	2012-04-17 08:05:27 UTC (rev 19952)
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Python -*-
-# Top-level info
-elas_thick = 40.0*km
-lock_depth = 40.0*km
-recurrence_time = 200.0*year
-viscosity = 1.64730672e19*Pa*s
-shear_modulus = 30.0*GPa
-plate_velocity = 2.0*cm/year
-number_cycles = 10
-number_steps = 40
-number_terms = 100
-number_points = 400
-delta_x = 5.0*km
-x_epsilon = 0.01*m
-output_displ_vtk = False
-output_vel_vtk = False
-output_displ_csv = True
-output_vel_csv = True
-# displ_vtk_basename = vtk_results/savpres_displ.vtk
-displ_csv_filename = savpres2_displ.csv
-# vel_vtk_basename = vtk_results/savpres_vel.vtk
-vel_csv_filename = savpres2_vel.csv
-# Convert meters to cm and m/s to cm/year
-displ_scale_factor = 100.0
-vel_scale_factor = 3.15576e7
-# Use km for output coordinates
-coord_scale_factor = 1.0
-coord_units = m
-time_units = 1.0*year
-time_stamp_width = 4
-title = Test model with D = 40 km, H = 40 km, and tau0 = 0.5.

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/sceccrustdeform/savageprescott/utils/savpres_ss.py
--- short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/sceccrustdeform/savageprescott/utils/savpres_ss.py	2012-04-17 04:44:31 UTC (rev 19951)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/benchmarks/trunk/quasistatic/sceccrustdeform/savageprescott/utils/savpres_ss.py	2012-04-17 08:05:27 UTC (rev 19952)
@@ -1,494 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-#                           Brad T. Aagaard
-#                        U.S. Geological Survey
-# <LicenseText>
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-## @file savpres_ss/savpres_ss
-## @brief Python application to compute the Savage and Prescott [1978]
-## solution for an infinitely long strike-slip fault embedded in an
-## elastic layer overlying a viscoelastic half-space.
-import math
-import numpy
-from pyre.applications.Script import Script as Application
-class Savpres_ss(Application):
-  """
-  Python application to compute the Savage and Prescott [1978] solution
-  for an infinitely long strike-slip fault embedded in an elastic layer
-  overlying a viscoelastic half-space.
-  """
-  class Inventory(Application.Inventory):
-    """
-    Python object for managing Savpres_ss facilities and properties.
-    """
-    ## @class Inventory
-    ## Python object for managing Savpres_ss facilities and properties.
-    ##
-    ## \b Properties
-    ## @li \b elas_thick Thickness of elastic layer.
-    ## @li \b lock_depth Fault locking depth (<= elas_thick).
-    ## @li \b recurrence_time Earthquake recurrence time.
-    ## @li \b viscosity Viscosity of viscoelastic half-space.
-    ## @li \b shear_modulus Shear modulus of layer and half-space.
-    ## @li \b plate_velocity Relative plate velocity (left-lateral) across fault.
-    ## @li \b number_cycles Number of earthquake cycles to compute.
-    ## @li \b number_steps Number of time steps to compute for each cycle.
-    ## @li \b number_terms Number of terms to compute for series solution.
-    ## @li \b number_points Number of points at which to compute solution.
-    ## @li \b delta_x Distance between computation points.
-    ## @li \b x_epsilon Offset for computation point closest to the fault.
-    ## @li \b output_displ_vtk Output displacement VTK results?
-    ## @li \b output_displ_csv Output displacement CSV results?
-    ## @li \b output_vel_vtk Output velocity VTK results?
-    ## @li \b output_vel_csv Output velocity CSV results?
-    ## @li \b displ_vtk_basename Base name for VTK displacement output files.
-    ## @li \b displ_csv_filename Filename for CSV displacement output.
-    ## @li \b vel_vtk_basename Base name for VTK velocity output files.
-    ## @li \b vel_csv_filename Filename for CSV velocity output.
-    ## @li \b displ_scale_factor Scaling factor for output displacements.
-    ## @li \b coord_scale_factor Scaling factor for output coordinates.
-    ## @li \b vel_scale_factor Scaling factor for output velocities.
-    ## @li \b coord_units Units used for output coordinates.
-    ## @li \b time_units Time units to use for output filenames.
-    ## @li \b time_stamp_width Width of time stamp in output filenames.
-    ## @li \b title Title to appear at the top of VTK files.
-    import pyre.inventory
-    from pyre.units.length import m
-    from pyre.units.length import km
-    from pyre.units.length import cm
-    from pyre.units.time import s
-    from pyre.units.time import year
-    from pyre.units.pressure import Pa
-    from pyre.units.pressure import MPa
-    from pyre.units.pressure import GPa
-    elasThick = pyre.inventory.dimensional("elas_thick", default=20.0*km)
-    elasThick.meta['tip'] = "Thickness of elastic layer."
-    lockDepth = pyre.inventory.dimensional("lock_depth", default=10.0*km)
-    lockDepth.meta['tip'] = "Fault locking depth (<= elastic thickness)."
-    recurrenceTime = pyre.inventory.dimensional("recurrence_time",
-                                                default=100.0*year)
-    recurrenceTime.meta['tip'] = "Earthquake recurrence time."
-    viscosity = pyre.inventory.dimensional("viscosity", default=1.0e18*Pa*s)
-    viscosity.meta['tip'] = "Half-space viscosity."
-    shearModulus = pyre.inventory.dimensional("shear_modulus", default=30.0*GPa)
-    shearModulus.meta['tip'] = "Shear modulus of layer and half-space."
-    plateVelocity = pyre.inventory.dimensional("plate_velocity",
-                                               default=2.0*cm/year)
-    plateVelocity.meta['tip'] = "Relative velocity (left-lateral) across the fault."
-    numberCycles = pyre.inventory.int("number_cycles", default=10)
-    numberCycles.meta['tip'] = "Number of earthquake cycles."
-    numberSteps = pyre.inventory.int("number_steps", default=10)
-    numberSteps.meta['tip'] = "Number of steps to compute for each cycle."
-    numberTerms = pyre.inventory.int("number_terms", default=20)
-    numberTerms.meta['tip'] = "Number of terms to compute for series."
-    numberPoints = pyre.inventory.int("number_points", default=100)
-    numberPoints.meta['tip'] = "Number of points at which to compute solution."
-    deltaX = pyre.inventory.dimensional("delta_x", default=2.0*km)
-    deltaX.meta['tip'] = "Distance between computation points."
-    xEpsilon = pyre.inventory.dimensional("x_epsilon", default=0.001*m)
-    xEpsilon.meta['tip'] = "Offset for computation point closest to the fault."
-    outputDisplVTK = pyre.inventory.bool("output_displ_vtk", default=False)
-    outputDisplVTK.meta['tip'] = "Output displacement VTK files?"
-    outputDisplCSV = pyre.inventory.bool("output_displ_csv", default=True)
-    outputDisplCSV.meta['tip'] = "Output displacement CSV file?"
-    outputVelVTK = pyre.inventory.bool("output_vel_vtk", default=False)
-    outputVelVTK.meta['tip'] = "Output velocity VTK files?"
-    outputVelCSV = pyre.inventory.bool("output_vel_csv", default=True)
-    outputVelCSV.meta['tip'] = "Output velocity CSV file?"
-    displVTKBaseName = pyre.inventory.str("displ_vtk_basename",
-                                          default="savpres_ss_displ.vtk")
-    displVTKBaseName.meta['tip'] = "Base filename of VTK displacement output."
-    displCSVFileName = pyre.inventory.str("displ_csv_filename",
-                                          default="savpres_ss_displ.csv")
-    displCSVFileName.meta['tip'] = "Filename for CSV displacement output."
-    velVTKBaseName = pyre.inventory.str("vel_vtk_basename",
-                                        default="savpres_ss_vel.vtk")
-    velVTKBaseName.meta['tip'] = "Base filename of VTK velocity output."
-    velCSVFileName = pyre.inventory.str("vel_csv_filename",
-                                        default="savpres_ss_vel.csv")
-    velCSVFileName.meta['tip'] = "Filename for CSV velocity output."
-    displScaleFactor = pyre.inventory.float("displ_scale_factor", default=1.0)
-    displScaleFactor.meta['tip'] = "Scale factor for displacement output."
-    velScaleFactor = pyre.inventory.float("vel_scale_factor", default=1.0)
-    velScaleFactor.meta['tip'] = "Scale factor for velocity output."
-    coordScaleFactor = pyre.inventory.float("coord_scale_factor", default=1.0)
-    coordScaleFactor.meta['tip'] = "Scale factor for output coordinates."
-    coordUnits = pyre.inventory.str("coord_units", default="m")
-    coordUnits.meta['tip'] = "Units used for output coordinates."
-    timeUnits = pyre.inventory.dimensional("time_units", default=1.0*year)
-    timeUnits.meta['tip'] = "Time units to use for output filenames."
-    timeStampWidth = pyre.inventory.int("time_stamp_width", default=4)
-    timeStampWidth.meta['tip'] = "Number digits in output filename time stamp."
-    title = pyre.inventory.str("title",
-                               default="Savage & Prescott strike-slip solution")
-    title.meta['tip'] = "Title to appear at the top of VTK files."
-  # PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  def __init__(self, name="savpres_ss"):
-    Application.__init__(self, name)
-    return
-  def main(self):
-    # import pdb
-    # pdb.set_trace()
-    self._genPoints()
-    self._genSolution()
-    self.points *= self.coordScaleFactor
-    if self.outputDisplVTK:
-      self._writeSolutionVTK("displacement")
-    if self.outputVelVTK:
-      self._writeSolutionVTK("velocity")
-    if self.outputDisplCSV:
-      self._writeSolutionCSV("displacement")
-    if self.outputVelCSV:
-      self._writeSolutionCSV("velocity")
-    return
-  # PRIVATE METHODS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  def _configure(self):
-    """
-    Setup members using inventory.
-    """
-    Application._configure(self)
-    self.elasThick = self.inventory.elasThick.value
-    self.lockDepth = self.inventory.lockDepth.value
-    self.recurrenceTime = self.inventory.recurrenceTime.value
-    self.viscosity = self.inventory.viscosity.value
-    self.shearModulus = self.inventory.shearModulus.value
-    self.velocity = self.inventory.plateVelocity.value/2.0
-    self.numberCycles = self.inventory.numberCycles
-    self.numberSteps = self.inventory.numberSteps
-    self.numberTerms = self.inventory.numberTerms
-    self.numberPoints = self.inventory.numberPoints
-    self.deltaX = self.inventory.deltaX.value
-    self.xEpsilon = self.inventory.xEpsilon.value
-    self.outputDisplVTK = self.inventory.outputDisplVTK
-    self.outputDisplCSV = self.inventory.outputDisplCSV
-    self.outputVelVTK = self.inventory.outputVelVTK
-    self.outputVelCSV = self.inventory.outputVelCSV
-    self.displVTKBaseName = self.inventory.displVTKBaseName
-    self.displCSVFileName = self.inventory.displCSVFileName
-    self.velVTKBaseName = self.inventory.velVTKBaseName
-    self.velCSVFileName = self.inventory.velCSVFileName
-    self.displScaleFactor = self.inventory.displScaleFactor
-    self.velScaleFactor = self.inventory.velScaleFactor
-    self.coordScaleFactor = self.inventory.coordScaleFactor
-    self.coordUnits = self.inventory.coordUnits
-    self.timeUnits = self.inventory.timeUnits.value
-    self.timeStampWidth = self.inventory.timeStampWidth
-    self.title = self.inventory.title
-    self.deltaT = self.recurrenceTime/self.numberSteps
-    self.tauFac = 0.5*self.shearModulus/self.viscosity
-    self.tau0 = self.recurrenceTime * self.tauFac
-    return
-  def _genPoints(self):
-    """
-    Create array of points for output along with series terms
-    for each point.
-    """
-    self.points = numpy.zeros(self.numberPoints, dtype=numpy.float64)
-    self.pointCoeff = numpy.zeros((self.numberPoints, self.numberTerms),
-                                  dtype=numpy.float64)
-    for point in range(self.numberPoints):
-      self.points[point] = max(self.xEpsilon, point*self.deltaX)
-      for term in range(self.numberTerms):
-        n = term + 1
-        self.pointCoeff[point, term] = 2.0 * self.lockDepth * \
-                                       self.points[point]/ \
-                                       (4.0 * n**2 * self.elasThick**2 - \
-                                        self.lockDepth**2 + \
-                                        self.points[point]**2)
-    self.pointCoeff = numpy.arctan(self.pointCoeff)
-    return
-  def _genSolution(self):
-    """
-    Compute transient solution.
-    """
-    solutionU2 = numpy.zeros((self.numberCycles,
-                              self.numberSteps + 1,
-                              self.numberPoints),
-                             dtype=numpy.float64)
-    self.solutionUTot = numpy.zeros((self.numberCycles,
-                                     self.numberSteps + 1,
-                                     self.numberPoints),
-                                    dtype=numpy.float64)
-    solutionV2 = numpy.zeros((self.numberCycles,
-                              self.numberSteps + 1,
-                              self.numberPoints),
-                             dtype=numpy.float64)
-    self.solutionVTot = numpy.zeros((self.numberCycles,
-                                     self.numberSteps + 1,
-                                     self.numberPoints),
-                                    dtype=numpy.float64)
-    oneArray = numpy.ones(self.numberPoints, dtype=numpy.float64)
-    for cycle in range(self.numberCycles):
-      time = cycle * self.numberSteps * self.deltaT
-      tau = time * self.tauFac
-      if cycle > 0:
-        solutionU2[cycle, :, :] += solutionU2[cycle - 1, :, :]
-        solutionV2[cycle, :, :] += solutionV2[cycle - 1, :, :]
-      for step in range(self.numberSteps + 1):
-        if cycle == 0:
-          solutionUT, solutionVT = self._u2A(tau)
-        else:
-          solutionUT, solutionVT = self._u2B(tau)
-        solutionU2[cycle, step, :] += solutionUT
-        solutionV2[cycle, step, :] += solutionVT
-        self.solutionUTot[cycle, step, :] = solutionU2[cycle, step, :] + \
-                                            time * self.velocity * oneArray
-        self.solutionVTot[cycle, step, :] = self.tauFac * \
-                                            solutionV2[cycle, step, :] + \
-                                            self.velocity * oneArray
-        time = time + self.deltaT
-        tau = time * self.tauFac
-    self.solutionUTot *= self.displScaleFactor
-    self.solutionVTot *= self.velScaleFactor
-    return
-  def _timeCoeff(self, term, tau, aPrev, bPrev, factPrev):
-    """
-    Computes coefficients for term term and time tau.
-    """
-    if term == 0:
-      factN = 1.0
-      aN = 1.0 - math.exp(-tau)
-      bN = (tau - aN)/self.tau0
-    else:
-      factN = term * factPrev
-      aN = aPrev - tau**term * math.exp(-tau)/factN
-      bN = bPrev - aN/self.tau0
-    return aN, bN, factN
-  def _u2A(self, tau):
-    """
-    Computes viscoelastic solution for times less than the recurrence time.
-    """
-    solutionU = numpy.zeros(self.numberPoints, dtype=numpy.float64)
-    solutionV = numpy.zeros(self.numberPoints, dtype=numpy.float64)
-    for point in range(self.numberPoints):
-      solution = (-0.5 * math.pi + \
-                  numpy.arctan(self.points[point]/self.lockDepth))/self.tau0
-      solutionU[point] = tau * solution
-      solutionV[point] = solution
-      aPrev = 0.0
-      bPrev = 0.0
-      factPrev = 1.0
-      for term in range(self.numberTerms):
-        aN, bN, factN = self._timeCoeff(term, tau, aPrev, bPrev, factPrev)
-        solutionU[point] -= bN * self.pointCoeff[point, term]
-        solutionV[point] -= aN * self.pointCoeff[point, term]/self.tau0
-        aPrev = aN
-        bPrev = bN
-        factPrev = factN
-    solutionU *= 2.0 * self.velocity * self.recurrenceTime/math.pi
-    solutionV *= 2.0 * self.velocity * self.recurrenceTime/math.pi
-    return [solutionU, solutionV]
-  def _u2B(self, tau):
-    """
-    Computes viscoelastic solution for times greater than the recurrence time.
-    """
-    solutionU = numpy.zeros(self.numberPoints, dtype=numpy.float64)
-    solutionV = numpy.zeros(self.numberPoints, dtype=numpy.float64)
-    tau2 = tau - self.tau0
-    for point in range(self.numberPoints):
-      a1Prev = 0.0
-      b1Prev = 0.0
-      fact1Prev = 1.0
-      a2Prev = 0.0
-      b2Prev = 0.0
-      fact2Prev = 1.0
-      for term in range(self.numberTerms):
-        a1N, b1N, fact1N = self._timeCoeff(term, tau, a1Prev, b1Prev, fact1Prev)
-        a2N, b2N, fact2N = self._timeCoeff(term, tau2, a2Prev, b2Prev,
-                                           fact2Prev)
-        daDt = tau2**term * math.exp(-tau2)/fact2N
-        solutionU[point] += self.pointCoeff[point, term] * \
-                           (b2N - b1N + a2N)
-        solutionV[point] += self.pointCoeff[point, term] * \
-                            (a2N/self.tau0 - a1N/self.tau0 + daDt)
-        a1Prev = a1N
-        b1Prev = b1N
-        fact1Prev = fact1N
-        a2Prev = a2N
-        b2Prev = b2N
-        fact2Prev = fact2N
-    solutionU *= 2.0 * self.velocity * self.recurrenceTime/math.pi
-    solutionV *= 2.0 * self.velocity * self.recurrenceTime/math.pi
-    return [solutionU, solutionV]
-  def _writeSolutionVTK(self, solutionType):
-    """
-    Generate VTK filename and write results to file.
-    """
-    if solutionType == "displacement":
-      VTKBaseName = self.displVTKBaseName
-      solution = self.solutionUTot
-    else:
-      VTKBaseName = self.velVTKBaseName
-      solution = self.solutionVTot
-    if VTKBaseName.endswith('.vtk'):
-      fileBase = VTKBaseName[:VTKBaseName.rfind('.vtk')]
-    elif VTKBaseName.endswith('.VTK'):
-      fileBase = VTKBaseName[:VTKBaseName.rfind('.VTK')]
-    else:
-      fileBase = VTKBaseName
-    for cycle in range(self.numberCycles):
-      fileBaseCycle = fileBase + "_c" + str(cycle) + "_t"
-      time = 0.0
-      for step in range(self.numberSteps + 1):
-        timeStampInt = int(time/self.timeUnits)
-        timeStampString = repr(timeStampInt).rjust(self.timeStampWidth, '0')
-        VTKFile = fileBaseCycle + timeStampString + ".vtk"
-        f = open(VTKFile, 'w')
-        self._writeVTK(f, solution, solutionType, cycle, step)
-        f.close()
-        time += self.deltaT
-    return
-  def _writeVTK(self, f, solution, solutionType, cycle, step):
-    """
-    Writes solution to VTK file as a set of points.
-    """
-    f.write('# vtk DataFile Version 2.0\n')
-    f.write(self.title + '\n')
-    f.write('ASCII\n')
-    f.write('DATASET POLYDATA\n')
-    f.write('POINTS '+str(self.numberPoints)+' double\n')
-    y = 0.0
-    z = 0.0
-    for point in self.points:
-      f.write(' %.12g   %.12g   %.12g\n' % (point, y, z))
-    f.write('\n')
-    f.write('POINT_DATA '+str(self.numberPoints)+'\n')
-    f.write('SCALARS '+solutionType+' double 3\n')
-    f.write('LOOKUP_TABLE default\n')
-    uX = 0.0
-    uZ = 0.0
-    for point in range(self.numberPoints):
-      f.write(' %.12g   %.12g   %.12g\n' %
-              (uX, solution[cycle, step, point], uZ))
-    return
-  def _writeSolutionCSV(self, solutionType):
-    """
-    Write solution to a CSV file.
-    """
-    if solutionType == "displacement":
-      CSVFileName = self.displCSVFileName
-      solution = self.solutionUTot
-    else:
-      CSVFileName = self.velCSVFileName
-      solution = self.solutionVTot
-    f = open(CSVFileName, 'w')
-    head = "#Distance from Fault (" + self.coordUnits + ")"
-    for cycle in range(self.numberCycles):
-      cycleHead = "Cycle " + str(cycle) + " t = "
-      time = 0.0
-      for step in range(self.numberSteps + 1):
-        timeStampInt = int(time/self.timeUnits)
-        timeStampString = repr(timeStampInt) + " years"
-        head += "," + cycleHead + timeStampString
-        time += self.deltaT
-    f.write('%s\n' % head)
-    for point in range(self.numberPoints):
-      f.write(' %.12g' % (self.points[point]))
-      for cycle in range(self.numberCycles):
-        for step in range(self.numberSteps + 1):
-          f.write(', %.12g' % solution[cycle, step, point])
-      f.write('\n')
-    f.close()
-    return
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  app = Savpres_ss()
-  app.run()
-# End of file

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