[cig-commits] r21165 - seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT

hejunzhu at geodynamics.org hejunzhu at geodynamics.org
Fri Dec 14 12:50:05 PST 2012

Author: hejunzhu
Date: 2012-12-14 12:50:04 -0800 (Fri, 14 Dec 2012)
New Revision: 21165

add latex

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/HowtoUseToolkit.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/HowtoUseToolkit.tex	2012-12-14 20:50:04 UTC (rev 21165)
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+\usepackage{geometry}                % See geometry.pdf to learn the layout options. There are lots.
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+\title{How to use the tomography toolkit of SPECFEM3D}
+\author{The Author}
+%\date{}                                           % Activate to display a given date or no date
+\section{Future plan}
+\item check in the latest version of measurement code, add a flag to decide whether new or old strategy you use
+\item implement full attenuation for the reconstructed original wavefields 
+\item export models or gradients on a regular grid instead of a unstructured mesh
+\item add Qinya's GUI for flexwin window selection part 
+\item add Qinya's CMT source inversion package to the SOURCE\_INVERSION directory
+\item start to prepare a document for this toolkit 
+\item start to think about one example for the inversion (may be a subset of dataset) 
+\item start to use routine to interpolate back and forth between the SEM mesh and a regular mesh
+\item start to incorporate noise tomography in the toolkit
+\section{Modifications of measurement code}
+We changed the scheme about how to generate adjoint sources. 
+Right now, we use synthetic seismograms with physical dispersion to construct adjoint source for banana-dougnut kernels. 
+Frequency-dependent phase and amplitude anomalies are measured based on data and synthetics with full attenuation. 
+Thus, we changed the measurement code to read in three traces: data, synthetics with full attenuation and synthetics with physical dispersion. 
+One more forward simulation is required for each source. 
+\item adjoint sources for BD kernels: data + synthetics with physical dispersion 
+\item measurements: data + synthetics with full attenuation. 
+1D test to take care of full attenuation is being designed. 
+\section{Source correction for origin time and scalar moment}
+We use a 2D grid search to make correction for origin time and scalar moment. 
+Basic idea is that we perturbate synthetic seismograms by using origin time shift $\delta t_0$ and scalar moment change $\delta M_0$. 
+Then calculate misfit functions (cross-correlation phase and amplitude anomalies between data and synthetics) for each pair of ($\delta t_0$, $\delta M_0$) in a 2D searching domain, select the one with minimal misfit value. Then use this origin time and scalar moment to correct 
+your synthetic seismograms. 
+\item 2D grid search for origin time and scalar moment 
+\item correct your synthetic seismograms using new origin time and scalar moment 
+\item reprocessing your data and synthetic seismograms by using new source files.
+\section{Basic structure of adjoint toolkit} 
+This directory is used to launch forward and adjoint simulations, and process data, it includes: 
+\item XSRC\_SEM, specfem package for forward and adjoint simulations
+\item XSRC\_FLEXWIN, flexwin for window selection 
+\item XSRC\_MEASURE\_ADJ, generate adjoint sources and make measurements
+\item PERL\_CENTER, processing scripts for data and synthetics 
+\item xsubmit\_forward\_simulation.sh, a script used to submit forward simulations 
+\item xsubmit\_adjoint\_simulation.sh, a script used to submit adjoint simulations 
+\item XSHELL\_process\_dat.sh, a script used to process data and synthetics 
+This directory is used to perform gradient summation, precondition, smoothing and update models, it includes: 
+\item X01\_SRC\_SUM\_KERNELS, sum event kernels 
+\item X02\_SRC\_PRECOND\_KERNELS, precondition summed kernels
+\item X03\_SRC\_SMOOTH\_KERNELS, smooth kernels 
+\item X04\_SRC\_DIRECTION\_CG, calculate search directions using conjugate gradient method 
+\item X04\_SRC\_DIRECTION\_SD, calculate search directions using steepest descent method 
+\item X04\_SRC\_DIRECTION\_LBFGS, calculate search directions using L-BFGS method 
+\item X05\_SRC\_UPDATE\_MODELS, update model parameters based on search directions 
+This directory is used to extract xyz files from your models or gradients, and plot them based on GMT. 
+\item SRC\_GEN\_XYZ\_HORIZ\_VERT, matlab scripts used to generate xyz files (matlab scripts will be transfered to fortran code soon)
+\item SRC\_MODEL\_SLICE\_HORIZ, subroutines used to extract xyz files from models for horizontal cross sections 
+\item SRC\_MODEL\_SLICE\_VERT, subroutines used to extract xyz files from modes for vertical cross sections 
+This directory contains several common files which are used by other directories, such as FORWARD\_ADJOINT, ITERATION\_UPDATE.
+\item EVENTID\_CENTER, contains eventid used to submit jobs 
+\item HEADER\_FILES, contains header files generated by specfem package 
+\item STATIONS\_CENTER, contains all station files
+This directory is used to perform source correction for origin time and scalar moment. 
+\item SRC\_GRIDSEARCH\_INITIALTIME\_MOMENT, perform 2D grid search for origin time and scalar moment
+\item SRC\_CORRECT\_INITIALTIME\_MOMENT, correct synthetics based on grid search 
+This directory contains useful scripts, such as checking scripts to check whether your jobs are finished or not. 
+\section{Other issues}
+\subsection{name convention for data and synthetic seismograms} 
+At current stage, we rename all data and synthetics by using convention such as Network.Station.Comp.sac, which are easy to manipulate. 
+\subsection{name convention for scripts}
+We use XSHELL\_**.sh as a main shell script which will submit XPBS\_**.sh on the cluster, such as in FORWARD\_ADJOINT, we use XSHELL\_process\_data.sh to submit XPBS\_process\_dat.sh iteratively. 
\ No newline at end of file

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