[cig-commits] r19353 - in seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk: doc/USER_MANUAL src/meshfem3D

dkomati1 at geodynamics.org dkomati1 at geodynamics.org
Fri Jan 13 09:16:35 PST 2012

Author: dkomati1
Date: 2012-01-13 09:16:33 -0800 (Fri, 13 Jan 2012)
New Revision: 19353

fixed a bug detected by Valentin Pavlov: on one line, spacing_x_interface_bottom was used instead of spacing_y_interface_bottom

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/doc/USER_MANUAL/bibliography.bib
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/doc/USER_MANUAL/bibliography.bib	2012-01-13 00:20:31 UTC (rev 19352)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/doc/USER_MANUAL/bibliography.bib	2012-01-13 17:16:33 UTC (rev 19353)
@@ -43,11947 +43,11999 @@
 @STRING{pepi = {Phys. Earth Planet. In.}}
- at ARTICLE{PeKoLuMaLeCaLeMaLiBlNiBaTr11,
-author = {Daniel Peter and Dimitri Komatitsch and Yang Luo and Roland Martin and Nicolas {Le Goff} and Emanuele Casarotti and Pieyre {Le Loher} and Federica Magnoni and Qinya Liu and C\'eline Blitz and Tarje Nissen-Meyer and Piero Basini and Jeroen Tromp},
-title = {Forward and adjoint simulations of seismic wave propagation on fully unstructured hexahedral meshes},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2011},
-volume = {186},
-pages = {721-739},
-number = {2},
-doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05044.x}
-author = {T. \'Arnad\'ottir and S. Hreinsd\'ottir and G. Gudmunsson and P.
-Einarsson and M. Heinert and C. V\"olksen},
-title = {Crustal deformation measured by {GPS} in the {S}outh {I}celand {S}eismic
-{Z}one due to two large earthquakes in {J}une 2000},
-journal = grl,
-year = {2001},
-volume = {28},
-pages = {4031-4033}
+  author = {T. \'Arnad\'ottir and S. Hreinsd\'ottir and G. Gudmunsson and P.
+	Einarsson and M. Heinert and C. V\"olksen},
+  title = {Crustal deformation measured by {GPS} in the {S}outh {I}celand {S}eismic
+	{Z}one due to two large earthquakes in {J}une 2000},
+  journal = grl,
+  year = {2001},
+  volume = {28},
+  pages = {4031-4033}
-author = {\'Etienne, V. and Chaljub, E. and Virieux, J. and Glinsky, N.},
-title = {An hp-adaptive discontinuous {G}alerkin finite-element method for
-3-{D} elastic wave modelling},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2010},
-volume = {183},
-pages = {941-962},
-number = {2},
-doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04764.x}
+  author = {\'Etienne, V. and Chaljub, E. and Virieux, J. and Glinsky, N.},
+  title = {An hp-adaptive discontinuous {G}alerkin finite-element method for
+	3-{D} elastic wave modelling},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2010},
+  volume = {183},
+  pages = {941-962},
+  number = {2},
+  doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04764.x}
-author = {Brad T. Aagaard and John F. Hall and Thomas H. Heaton},
-title = {Characterization of Near-Source Ground Motions with Earthquake Simulations},
-journal = {Earthquake Spectra},
-year = {2001},
-volume = {17},
-pages = {177-207},
-number = {2}
+  author = {Brad T. Aagaard and John F. Hall and Thomas H. Heaton},
+  title = {Characterization of Near-Source Ground Motions with Earthquake Simulations},
+  journal = {Earthquake Spectra},
+  year = {2001},
+  volume = {17},
+  pages = {177-207},
+  number = {2}
-author = {Brad T. Aagaard and Thomas H. Heaton and John F. Hall},
-title = {Dynamic earthquake ruptures in the presence of lithostatic normal
-stresses: implications for Friction Models and Heat Production},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {2001},
-volume = {91},
-pages = {1765-1796},
-number = {6}
+  author = {Brad T. Aagaard and Thomas H. Heaton and John F. Hall},
+  title = {Dynamic earthquake ruptures in the presence of lithostatic normal
+	stresses: implications for Friction Models and Heat Production},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {2001},
+  volume = {91},
+  pages = {1765-1796},
+  number = {6}
-author = {S. Abarbanel and D. Gottlieb},
-title = {On the construction of absorbing layers in {CEM}},
-journal = {Applied Numerical Mathematics},
-year = {1998},
-volume = {27},
-pages = {331-340}
+  author = {S. Abarbanel and D. Gottlieb},
+  title = {On the construction of absorbing layers in {CEM}},
+  journal = {Applied Numerical Mathematics},
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {27},
+  pages = {331-340}
-author = {S. Abarbanel and D. Gottlieb and J. S. Hesthaven},
-title = {Long time behavior of the perfectly matched layer equations in computational
-journal = {Journal of Scientific Computing},
-year = {2002},
-volume = {17},
-pages = {405-422},
-number = {1-4},
-doi = {10.1023/A:1015141823608}
+  author = {S. Abarbanel and D. Gottlieb and J. S. Hesthaven},
+  title = {Long time behavior of the perfectly matched layer equations in computational
+	electromagnetics},
+  journal = {Journal of Scientific Computing},
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {17},
+  pages = {405-422},
+  number = {1-4},
+  doi = {10.1023/A:1015141823608}
-author = {S. Abarbanel and D. Gottlieb and J. S. Hesthaven},
-title = {Well-posed Perfectly Matched Layers for Advective Acoustics},
-journal = jcp,
-year = {1999},
-volume = {154},
-pages = {266-283},
-number = {2},
-doi = {10.1006/jcph.1999.6313}
+  author = {S. Abarbanel and D. Gottlieb and J. S. Hesthaven},
+  title = {Well-posed Perfectly Matched Layers for Advective Acoustics},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {1999},
+  volume = {154},
+  pages = {266-283},
+  number = {2},
+  doi = {10.1006/jcph.1999.6313}
-author = {Rached Abdelkhalek},
-title = {{\'E}valuation des acc\'el\'erateurs de calcul {GPGPU} pour la mod\'elisation
-school = {ENSEIRB, Bordeaux, France},
-year = {2007}
+  author = {Rached Abdelkhalek},
+  title = {{\'E}valuation des acc\'el\'erateurs de calcul {GPGPU} pour la mod\'elisation
+	sismique},
+  school = {ENSEIRB, Bordeaux, France},
+  year = {2007}
-author = {Abdelkhalek, Rached and Calandra, Henri and Coulaud, Olivier and
-Roman, Jean and Latu, Guillaume},
-title = {Fast Seismic Modeling and Reverse Time Migration on a {GPU} Cluster},
-booktitle = {High Performance Computing \& Simulation 2009},
-year = {2009},
-editor = {Waleed W. Smari and John P. McIntire},
-pages = {36--44},
-address = {Leipzig, Germany},
-month = jun,
-note = {http://hal.inria.fr/docs/00/40/39/33/PDF/hpcs.pdf}
+  author = {Abdelkhalek, Rached and Calandra, Henri and Coulaud, Olivier and
+	Roman, Jean and Latu, Guillaume},
+  title = {Fast Seismic Modeling and Reverse Time Migration on a {GPU} Cluster},
+  booktitle = {High Performance Computing \& Simulation 2009},
+  year = {2009},
+  editor = {Waleed W. Smari and John P. McIntire},
+  pages = {36--44},
+  address = {Leipzig, Germany},
+  month = jun,
+  note = {http://hal.inria.fr/docs/00/40/39/33/PDF/hpcs.pdf}
-author = {A. I. Abreu and W. J. Mansur and D. {Soares Jr.} and J. A. M. Carrer},
-title = {Numerical Computation of Space Derivatives by the Complex-Variable-Differentiation
-Method in the Convolution Quadrature-Method-Based {BEM} Formulation},
-journal = cmes,
-year = {2008},
-volume = {30},
-pages = {123-132},
-number = {3}
+  author = {A. I. Abreu and W. J. Mansur and D. {Soares Jr.} and J. A. M. Carrer},
+  title = {Numerical Computation of Space Derivatives by the Complex-Variable-Differentiation
+	Method in the Convolution Quadrature-Method-Based {BEM} Formulation},
+  journal = cmes,
+  year = {2008},
+  volume = {30},
+  pages = {123-132},
+  number = {3}
-title = {Wave Propagation in Elastic Solids},
-publisher = {North-Holland},
-year = {1973},
-author = {J. D. Achenbach},
-address = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands}
+  title = {Wave Propagation in Elastic Solids},
+  publisher = {North-Holland},
+  year = {1973},
+  author = {J. D. Achenbach},
+  address = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands}
-author = {Acosta Minolia, Cesar A. and David A. Kopriva},
-title = {Discontinuous {G}alerkin spectral element approximations on moving
-journal = jcp,
-year = {2011},
-volume = {230},
-pages = {1876-1902},
-number = {5},
-doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2010.11.038}
+  author = {Acosta Minolia, Cesar A. and David A. Kopriva},
+  title = {Discontinuous {G}alerkin spectral element approximations on moving
+	meshes},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {2011},
+  volume = {230},
+  pages = {1876-1902},
+  number = {5},
+  doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2010.11.038}
-author = {S. Adams and J. Payne and R. Boppana},
-title = {Finite Difference Time Domain ({FDTD}) Simulations Using Graphics
-booktitle = {Proceedings of the Department of Defense High Performance Computing
-Modernization Program Users Group Conference},
-year = {2007},
-pages = {334-338},
-address = {Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA},
-publisher = {IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA},
-doi = {10.1109/HPCMP-UGC.2007.34}
+  author = {S. Adams and J. Payne and R. Boppana},
+  title = {Finite Difference Time Domain ({FDTD}) Simulations Using Graphics
+	Processors},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Department of Defense High Performance Computing
+	Modernization Program Users Group Conference},
+  year = {2007},
+  pages = {334-338},
+  address = {Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA},
+  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA},
+  doi = {10.1109/HPCMP-UGC.2007.34}
-author = {Emmanuel Agullo and Jim Demmel and Jack Dongarra and Bilel Hadri
-and Jakub Kurzak and Julien Langou and Hatem Ltaief and Piotr Luszczek
-and Stanimire Tomov},
-title = {Numerical linear algebra on emerging architectures: The {PLASMA}
-and {MAGMA} projects},
-journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series},
-year = {2009},
-volume = {180},
-pages = {012037},
-doi = {10.1088/1742-6596/180/1/012037}
+  author = {Emmanuel Agullo and Jim Demmel and Jack Dongarra and Bilel Hadri
+	and Jakub Kurzak and Julien Langou and Hatem Ltaief and Piotr Luszczek
+	and Stanimire Tomov},
+  title = {Numerical linear algebra on emerging architectures: The {PLASMA}
+	and {MAGMA} projects},
+  journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series},
+  year = {2009},
+  volume = {180},
+  pages = {012037},
+  doi = {10.1088/1742-6596/180/1/012037}
-author = {Ainsworth, M. and Monk, P. and Muniz, W.},
-title = {Dispersive and Dissipative Properties of Discontinuous {G}alerkin
-Finite Element Methods for the Second-Order Wave Equation},
-journal = {Journal of Scientific Computing},
-year = {2006},
-volume = {27},
-pages = {5-40},
-number = {1},
-doi = {10.1007/s10915-005-9044-x}
+  author = {Ainsworth, M. and Monk, P. and Muniz, W.},
+  title = {Dispersive and Dissipative Properties of Discontinuous {G}alerkin
+	Finite Element Methods for the Second-Order Wave Equation},
+  journal = {Journal of Scientific Computing},
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {27},
+  pages = {5-40},
+  number = {1},
+  doi = {10.1007/s10915-005-9044-x}
-author = {K. Aki},
-title = {Local site effects on strong ground motion},
-booktitle = {Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics II- Recent advances in ground
-motion evaluation},
-publisher = {American Society of Civil Engineering},
-year = {1988},
-editor = {J. L. Von Thun},
-volume = {20},
-series = {Geothechnical Special Publication},
-pages = {103-155},
-address = {New York, USA}
+  author = {K. Aki},
+  title = {Local site effects on strong ground motion},
+  booktitle = {Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics II- Recent advances in ground
+	motion evaluation},
+  publisher = {American Society of Civil Engineering},
+  year = {1988},
+  editor = {J. L. Von Thun},
+  volume = {20},
+  series = {Geothechnical Special Publication},
+  pages = {103-155},
+  address = {New York, USA}
-author = {K. Aki and K. L. Larner},
-title = {Surface motion of a layered medium having an irregular interface,
-due to incident plane {{\it SH}} waves},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {1970},
-volume = {75},
-pages = {933-954}
+  author = {K. Aki and K. L. Larner},
+  title = {Surface motion of a layered medium having an irregular interface,
+	due to incident plane {{\it SH}} waves},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {1970},
+  volume = {75},
+  pages = {933-954}
-title = {Quantitative seismology, theory and methods},
-publisher = {W. H. Freeman},
-year = {1980},
-author = {K. Aki and P. G. Richards},
-address = {San Francisco, USA}
+  title = {Quantitative seismology, theory and methods},
+  publisher = {W. H. Freeman},
+  year = {1980},
+  author = {K. Aki and P. G. Richards},
+  address = {San Francisco, USA}
-author = {David Al-Attar and John H. Woodhouse},
-title = {Calculation of seismic displacement fields in self-gravitating earth
-models: applications of minors vectors and symplectic structure},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2008},
-volume = {175},
-pages = {1176-1208},
-number = {3},
-doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2008.03961.x}
+  author = {David Al-Attar and John H. Woodhouse},
+  title = {Calculation of seismic displacement fields in self-gravitating earth
+	models: applications of minors vectors and symplectic structure},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2008},
+  volume = {175},
+  pages = {1176-1208},
+  number = {3},
+  doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2008.03961.x}
-author = {C. M. Alex and K. B. Olsen},
-title = {Lens effect in {S}anta {M}onica?},
-journal = grl,
-year = {1998},
-volume = {25},
-pages = {3441-3444}
+  author = {C. M. Alex and K. B. Olsen},
+  title = {Lens effect in {S}anta {M}onica?},
+  journal = grl,
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {25},
+  pages = {3441-3444}
-author = {F. Alexandre and D. Zerguine and P. Launay and J. L. Benchimol and
-M. Berz and B. Sermage and D. Komatitsch and M. Juhel},
-title = {Quasi-planar {G}allium {A}rsenide heterojunction bipolar transistor
-device entirely grown by {C}hemical {B}eam {E}pitaxy},
-journal = {J. Crystal Growth},
-year = {1994},
-volume = {136},
-pages = {235-240},
-number = {1-4},
-doi = {10.1016/0022-0248(94)90416-2}
+  author = {F. Alexandre and D. Zerguine and P. Launay and J. L. Benchimol and
+	M. Berz and B. Sermage and D. Komatitsch and M. Juhel},
+  title = {Quasi-planar {G}allium {A}rsenide heterojunction bipolar transistor
+	device entirely grown by {C}hemical {B}eam {E}pitaxy},
+  journal = {J. Crystal Growth},
+  year = {1994},
+  volume = {136},
+  pages = {235-240},
+  number = {1-4},
+  doi = {10.1016/0022-0248(94)90416-2}
-author = {R. Alford and K. Kelly and D. Boore},
-title = {Accuracy of finite difference modeling of the acoustic wave equation},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1974},
-volume = {39},
-pages = {834-842}
+  author = {R. Alford and K. Kelly and D. Boore},
+  title = {Accuracy of finite difference modeling of the acoustic wave equation},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1974},
+  volume = {39},
+  pages = {834-842}
-author = {V. I. Alshits and J. Lothe},
-title = {Some basic properties of bulk elastic waves in anisotropic media},
-journal = {Wave Motion},
-year = {2004},
-volume = {40},
-pages = {297-313}
+  author = {V. I. Alshits and J. Lothe},
+  title = {Some basic properties of bulk elastic waves in anisotropic media},
+  journal = {Wave Motion},
+  year = {2004},
+  volume = {40},
+  pages = {297-313}
-author = {V. I. Alshits and J. Lothe},
-title = {Comments on the relation between surface wave theory and the theory
-of reflection},
-journal = {Wave Motion},
-year = {1981},
-volume = {3},
-pages = {297-310}
+  author = {V. I. Alshits and J. Lothe},
+  title = {Comments on the relation between surface wave theory and the theory
+	of reflection},
+  journal = {Wave Motion},
+  year = {1981},
+  volume = {3},
+  pages = {297-310}
-author = {V. I. Alshits and J. Lothe},
-title = {Elastic waves in triclinic crystals: ({I}) {G}eneral theory and the
-degeneracy problem},
-journal = {Soviet Physics Crystallography},
-year = {1979},
-volume = {24},
-pages = {387-392}
+  author = {V. I. Alshits and J. Lothe},
+  title = {Elastic waves in triclinic crystals: ({I}) {G}eneral theory and the
+	degeneracy problem},
+  journal = {Soviet Physics Crystallography},
+  year = {1979},
+  volume = {24},
+  pages = {387-392}
-author = {V. I. Alshits and J. Lothe},
-title = {Elastic waves in triclinic crystals: ({II}) {T}opology of polarization
-fields and some general theorems},
-journal = {Soviet Physics Crystallography},
-year = {1979},
-volume = {24},
-pages = {393-398}
+  author = {V. I. Alshits and J. Lothe},
+  title = {Elastic waves in triclinic crystals: ({II}) {T}opology of polarization
+	fields and some general theorems},
+  journal = {Soviet Physics Crystallography},
+  year = {1979},
+  volume = {24},
+  pages = {393-398}
-author = {V. I. Alshits and J. Lothe},
-title = {Elastic waves in triclinic crystals: ({III}) {T}he problem of existence
-and some general properties of exceptional surface waves},
-journal = {Soviet Physics Crystallography},
-year = {1979},
-volume = {24},
-pages = {644-648}
+  author = {V. I. Alshits and J. Lothe},
+  title = {Elastic waves in triclinic crystals: ({III}) {T}he problem of existence
+	and some general properties of exceptional surface waves},
+  journal = {Soviet Physics Crystallography},
+  year = {1979},
+  volume = {24},
+  pages = {644-648}
-author = {V. I. Alshits and J. Lothe},
-title = {Surface waves in hexagonal crystals},
-journal = {Soviet Physics Crystallography},
-year = {1978},
-volume = {23},
-pages = {509-515}
+  author = {V. I. Alshits and J. Lothe},
+  title = {Surface waves in hexagonal crystals},
+  journal = {Soviet Physics Crystallography},
+  year = {1978},
+  volume = {23},
+  pages = {509-515}
-author = {V. I. Alshits and V. N. Lyubimov},
-title = {Leaky elastic waves in hexagonal crystals},
-journal = {Soviet Physics of Crystallograpy},
-year = {1983},
-volume = {28},
-pages = {130-135},
-number = {2}
+  author = {V. I. Alshits and V. N. Lyubimov},
+  title = {Leaky elastic waves in hexagonal crystals},
+  journal = {Soviet Physics of Crystallograpy},
+  year = {1983},
+  volume = {28},
+  pages = {130-135},
+  number = {2}
-author = {V. I. Alshits and V. N. Lyubimov and N. F. Naumenko and N. V. Perelomova
-and A. L. Shuvalov},
-title = {Exceptional elastic body waves in crystals of various symmetries},
-journal = {Soviet Physics Crystallography},
-year = {1985},
-volume = {30},
-pages = {123-126}
+  author = {V. I. Alshits and V. N. Lyubimov and N. F. Naumenko and N. V. Perelomova
+	and A. L. Shuvalov},
+  title = {Exceptional elastic body waves in crystals of various symmetries},
+  journal = {Soviet Physics Crystallography},
+  year = {1985},
+  volume = {30},
+  pages = {123-126}
-author = {Z. Alterman and F. C. Karal},
-title = {Propagation of elastic waves in layered media by finite difference
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1968},
-volume = {58},
-pages = {367-398}
+  author = {Z. Alterman and F. C. Karal},
+  title = {Propagation of elastic waves in layered media by finite difference
+	methods},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1968},
+  volume = {58},
+  pages = {367-398}
-author = {M. Amara and R. Djellouli and C. Farhat},
-title = {Convergence analysis of a discontinuous {G}alerkin method with plane
-waves and {L}agrange multipliers for the solution of {H}elmholtz
-journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
-year = {2006},
-note = {Submitted}
+  author = {M. Amara and R. Djellouli and C. Farhat},
+  title = {Convergence analysis of a discontinuous {G}alerkin method with plane
+	waves and {L}agrange multipliers for the solution of {H}elmholtz
+	problems},
+  journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
+  year = {2006},
+  note = {Submitted}
-author = {K. Amaratunga and J. R. Williams},
-title = {Wavelet-{G}alerkin solutions for one-dimensional partial differential
-journal = ijnme,
-year = {1994},
-volume = {37},
-pages = {999998-999999}
+  author = {K. Amaratunga and J. R. Williams},
+  title = {Wavelet-{G}alerkin solutions for one-dimensional partial differential
+	equations},
+  journal = ijnme,
+  year = {1994},
+  volume = {37},
+  pages = {999998-999999}
-author = {P. R. Amestoy and I. S. Duff and J. Koster and J.-Y. L'Excellent},
-title = {A Fully Asynchronous Multifrontal Solver Using Distributed Dynamic
-journal = {SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications},
-year = {2001},
-volume = {23},
-pages = {15-41},
-number = {1}
+  author = {P. R. Amestoy and I. S. Duff and J. Koster and J.-Y. L'Excellent},
+  title = {A Fully Asynchronous Multifrontal Solver Using Distributed Dynamic
+	Scheduling},
+  journal = {SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications},
+  year = {2001},
+  volume = {23},
+  pages = {15-41},
+  number = {1}
-author = {C. J. Ammon and C. Ji and H. K. Thio and D. Robinson and S. D. Ni
-and V. Hjorleifsdottir and H. Kanamori and T. Lay and S. Das and
-D. Helmberger and G. Ichinose and J. Polet and D. Wald},
-title = {Rupture process of the 2004 {S}umatra-{A}ndaman earthquake},
-journal = {Science},
-year = {2005},
-volume = {3},
-pages = {1133-1139},
-number = {5725}
+  author = {C. J. Ammon and C. Ji and H. K. Thio and D. Robinson and S. D. Ni
+	and V. Hjorleifsdottir and H. Kanamori and T. Lay and S. Das and
+	D. Helmberger and G. Ichinose and J. Polet and D. Wald},
+  title = {Rupture process of the 2004 {S}umatra-{A}ndaman earthquake},
+  journal = {Science},
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {3},
+  pages = {1133-1139},
+  number = {5725}
-author = {Jean-Paul Ampuero},
-title = {\'Etude physique et num\'erique de la nucl\'eation des s\'eismes
-({A} physical and numerical study of earthquake nucleation)},
-school = {Institut de Physique du Globe},
-year = {2002},
-address = {Paris, France}
+  author = {Jean-Paul Ampuero},
+  title = {\'Etude physique et num\'erique de la nucl\'eation des s\'eismes
+	({A} physical and numerical study of earthquake nucleation)},
+  school = {Institut de Physique du Globe},
+  year = {2002},
+  address = {Paris, France}
-author = {D. L. Anderson},
-title = {A seismic equation of state, {P}art~{II}: {S}hear properties and
-thermodynamics of the lower mantle},
-journal = pepi,
-year = {1987},
-volume = {45},
-pages = {307-323}
+  author = {D. L. Anderson},
+  title = {A seismic equation of state, {P}art~{II}: {S}hear properties and
+	thermodynamics of the lower mantle},
+  journal = pepi,
+  year = {1987},
+  volume = {45},
+  pages = {307-323}
-author = {Joshua A. Anderson and Chris D. Lorenz and Alex Travesset},
-title = {General purpose molecular dynamics simulations fully implemented
-on graphics processing units},
-journal = jcp,
-year = {2008},
-volume = {227},
-pages = {5342--5359},
-number = {10},
-month = may,
-doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2008.01.047}
+  author = {Joshua A. Anderson and Chris D. Lorenz and Alex Travesset},
+  title = {General purpose molecular dynamics simulations fully implemented
+	on graphics processing units},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {2008},
+  volume = {227},
+  pages = {5342--5359},
+  number = {10},
+  month = may,
+  doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2008.01.047}
-author = {J. G. Anderson and Y. Lee and Y. Zeng and S. M. Day},
-title = {Control of strong motion by the upper 30~meters},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {86},
-pages = {1749-1759}
+  author = {J. G. Anderson and Y. Lee and Y. Zeng and S. M. Day},
+  title = {Control of strong motion by the upper 30~meters},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {86},
+  pages = {1749-1759}
-author = {X. Antoine and H. Barucq},
-title = {Approximation by generalized impedance boundary conditions of a transmission
-problem in acoustic scattering},
-journal = {Math. Model. Numer. Anal.},
-year = {2005},
-volume = {39},
-pages = {1041-1059},
-number = {5}
+  author = {X. Antoine and H. Barucq},
+  title = {Approximation by generalized impedance boundary conditions of a transmission
+	problem in acoustic scattering},
+  journal = {Math. Model. Numer. Anal.},
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {39},
+  pages = {1041-1059},
+  number = {5}
-author = {X. Antoine and H. Barucq},
-title = {On the construction of approximate boundary conditions for solving
-the interior problem of the acoustic scattering transmission problem},
-booktitle = {Methods in Science and Engineering},
-year = {2004},
-volume = {40},
-series = {Lecture Notes in computational science and engineering},
-pages = {133-140}
+  author = {X. Antoine and H. Barucq},
+  title = {On the construction of approximate boundary conditions for solving
+	the interior problem of the acoustic scattering transmission problem},
+  booktitle = {Methods in Science and Engineering},
+  year = {2004},
+  volume = {40},
+  series = {Lecture Notes in computational science and engineering},
+  pages = {133-140}
-author = {X. Antoine and H. Barucq},
-title = {Microlocal diagonalization of strictly hyperbolic pseudodifferential
-systems and application to the design of radiation conditions in
-journal = {SIAM J. Appl. Math.},
-year = {2001},
-volume = {6},
-pages = {1877-1905}
+  author = {X. Antoine and H. Barucq},
+  title = {Microlocal diagonalization of strictly hyperbolic pseudodifferential
+	systems and application to the design of radiation conditions in
+	electromagnetism},
+  journal = {SIAM J. Appl. Math.},
+  year = {2001},
+  volume = {6},
+  pages = {1877-1905}
-author = {X. Antoine and H. Barucq and A. Bendali},
-title = {Bayliss-{T}urkel-like radiation conditions on surfaces of arbitrary
-journal = {J. Math. Anal. Appl.},
-year = {1999},
-volume = {229},
-pages = {184-211}
+  author = {X. Antoine and H. Barucq and A. Bendali},
+  title = {Bayliss-{T}urkel-like radiation conditions on surfaces of arbitrary
+	shape},
+  journal = {J. Math. Anal. Appl.},
+  year = {1999},
+  volume = {229},
+  pages = {184-211}
-author = {X. Antoine and H. Barucq and L. Vernhet},
-title = {High-frequency asymptotic analysis of a dissipative transmission
-problem resulting in generalized impedance boundary conditions},
-journal = {Asymptotic Analysis},
-year = {2001},
-volume = {3},
-pages = {257-284},
-number = {4}
+  author = {X. Antoine and H. Barucq and L. Vernhet},
+  title = {High-frequency asymptotic analysis of a dissipative transmission
+	problem resulting in generalized impedance boundary conditions},
+  journal = {Asymptotic Analysis},
+  year = {2001},
+  volume = {3},
+  pages = {257-284},
+  number = {4}
-author = {X. Antoine and A. Bendali and M. Darbas},
-title = {Analytic Preconditioners for the boundary integral solution of the
-scattering of acoustic waves by open surfaces},
-journal = jca,
-year = {2005},
-volume = {13},
-pages = {477-498},
-number = {3}
+  author = {X. Antoine and A. Bendali and M. Darbas},
+  title = {Analytic Preconditioners for the boundary integral solution of the
+	scattering of acoustic waves by open surfaces},
+  journal = jca,
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {13},
+  pages = {477-498},
+  number = {3}
-author = {M. Antolik and S. Larsen and D. Dreger and B. Romanowicz},
-title = {Modeling broadband waveforms in central {C}alifornia using finite
-journal = {Seis. Res. Lett.},
-year = {1996},
-volume = {67},
-pages = {30}
+  author = {M. Antolik and S. Larsen and D. Dreger and B. Romanowicz},
+  title = {Modeling broadband waveforms in central {C}alifornia using finite
+	differences},
+  journal = {Seis. Res. Lett.},
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {67},
+  pages = {30}
-author = {A. Antonioli and M. Cocco and S. Das and C. Henry},
-title = {Dynamic stress triggering during the great 25~{M}arch 1998 {A}ntarctic
-{P}late earthquake},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {2002},
-volume = {92},
-pages = {896-903}
+  author = {A. Antonioli and M. Cocco and S. Das and C. Henry},
+  title = {Dynamic stress triggering during the great 25~{M}arch 1998 {A}ntarctic
+	{P}late earthquake},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {92},
+  pages = {896-903}
-author = {H. Aochi and J. Douglas},
-title = {Testing the validity of simulated strong ground motion from the dynamic
-rupture of a finite fault by using empirical equations},
-journal = {Bull. Earthq. Eng.},
-year = {2006},
-volume = {4},
-pages = {211-229},
-number = {3},
-doi = {10.1007/s10518-006-0001-3}
+  author = {H. Aochi and J. Douglas},
+  title = {Testing the validity of simulated strong ground motion from the dynamic
+	rupture of a finite fault by using empirical equations},
+  journal = {Bull. Earthq. Eng.},
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {4},
+  pages = {211-229},
+  number = {3},
+  doi = {10.1007/s10518-006-0001-3}
-author = {Daniel Appel\"o and Gunilla Kreiss},
-title = {A new absorbing layer for elastic waves},
-journal = jcp,
-year = {2006},
-volume = {215},
-pages = {642-660},
-number = {2},
-doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2005.11.006}
+  author = {Daniel Appel\"o and Gunilla Kreiss},
+  title = {A new absorbing layer for elastic waves},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {215},
+  pages = {642-660},
+  number = {2},
+  doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2005.11.006}
-author = {D. Apprato},
-title = {Approximation de surfaces param\'etr\'ees par \'el\'ements finis},
-school = {Universit\'e de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour},
-year = {1987},
-address = {Pau, France},
-note = {Th\`ese d'Etat, 142 p.}
+  author = {D. Apprato},
+  title = {Approximation de surfaces param\'etr\'ees par \'el\'ements finis},
+  school = {Universit\'e de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour},
+  year = {1987},
+  address = {Pau, France},
+  note = {Th\`ese d'Etat, 142 p.}
-author = {D. Apprato and C. Gout and D. Komatitsch},
-title = {A new method for {{$C^k$-}}surface approximation from a set of curves,
-with application to ship track data in the {M}arianas trench},
-journal = {Math. Geol.},
-year = {2002},
-volume = {34},
-pages = {831-843},
-number = {7},
-doi = {10.1023/A:1020976611029}
+  author = {D. Apprato and C. Gout and D. Komatitsch},
+  title = {A new method for {{$C^k$-}}surface approximation from a set of curves,
+	with application to ship track data in the {M}arianas trench},
+  journal = {Math. Geol.},
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {34},
+  pages = {831-843},
+  number = {7},
+  doi = {10.1023/A:1020976611029}
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-title = {On the {G}reen's functions for a layered half-space},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1983},
-volume = {73},
-pages = {931-951}
+  author = {R. J. Apsel and J. E. Luco},
+  title = {On the {G}reen's functions for a layered half-space},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1983},
+  volume = {73},
+  pages = {931-951}
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-year = {1989},
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-pages = {35-44}
+  author = {R. Arcang\'eli},
+  title = {Some Applications of Discrete {$D^m$}-splines},
+  booktitle = {Mathematical Methods in Computer Aided Geometric Design},
+  publisher = {Academic Press, New York, USA},
+  year = {1989},
+  editor = {T. Lyche and L. L. Schumaker},
+  pages = {35-44}
-author = {R. Arcang\'eli},
-title = {{$D^m$}-splines sur un domaine born\'e de {$R$}},
-institution = {UA 1204 CNRS, Universit\'e de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour},
-year = {1986},
-number = {1986/2},
-address = {Pau, France},
-note = {47 p.}
+  author = {R. Arcang\'eli},
+  title = {{$D^m$}-splines sur un domaine born\'e de {$R$}},
+  institution = {UA 1204 CNRS, Universit\'e de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour},
+  year = {1986},
+  number = {1986/2},
+  address = {Pau, France},
+  note = {47 p.}
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-title = {An Interior Penalty Finite Element Method with Discontinuous Elements},
-journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
-year = {1982},
-volume = {19},
-pages = {742-760},
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-doi = {10.1137/0719052}
+  author = {Douglas N. Arnold},
+  title = {An Interior Penalty Finite Element Method with Discontinuous Elements},
+  journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
+  year = {1982},
+  volume = {19},
+  pages = {742-760},
+  number = {4},
+  doi = {10.1137/0719052}
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-publisher = {C\'epadues \'Editions},
-year = {1990},
-author = {Marc Atteia and Michel Pradel},
-address = {Toulouse}
+  title = {\'El\'ements d'analyse num\'erique},
+  publisher = {C\'epadues \'Editions},
+  year = {1990},
+  author = {Marc Atteia and Michel Pradel},
+  address = {Toulouse}
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-publisher = {Balkema},
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-editor = {T. Kawamoto and Y. Ichikawa},
-pages = {421-428}
+  author = {D. Aubry and D. Chouvet and H. Modaressi and P. Mouroux},
+  title = {Local amplification of a seismic incident field through an elastoplastic
+	sedimentary valley},
+  booktitle = {Numerical methods in geomechanics},
+  publisher = {Balkema},
+  year = {1985},
+  editor = {T. Kawamoto and Y. Ichikawa},
+  pages = {421-428}
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+  author = {Aubry, R. and Houzeaux, G. and V\'azquez, M. and Cela, J. M.},
+  title = {Some useful strategies for unstructured edge-based solvers on shared
+	memory machines},
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+  year = {2011},
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+  number = {5},
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-title = {{StarPU}: {A} Unified Platform for Task Scheduling on Heterogeneous
-Multicore Architectures},
-booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th EuroPar Conference},
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+  author = {C{\'e}dric Augonnet and Samuel Thibault and Raymond Namyst and Pierre-Andr{\'e}
+	Wacrenier},
+  title = {{StarPU}: {A} Unified Platform for Task Scheduling on Heterogeneous
+	Multicore Architectures},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th EuroPar Conference},
+  year = {2009},
+  volume = {5704},
+  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
+  pages = {863-874},
+  address = {Delft, The Netherlands},
+  month = aug,
+  publisher = {Springer},
+  bdsk-url-2 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-03869-3%5C_80},
+  doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-03869-3\_80},
+  url = {http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00384363}
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+  title = {Acoustic fields and waves in solids},
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+  author = {B. A. Auld},
+  volume = {1},
+  edition = {2nd}
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+  author = {P. Auscher},
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-journal = {J. Phys. III},
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+  author = {F. Auzanneau and R. W. Ziolkowski},
+  title = {{{\'E}}tude th\'eorique de mat\'eriaux bianisotropes synth\'etiques
+	contr\^olables},
+  journal = {J. Phys. III},
+  year = {1997},
+  volume = {7},
+  pages = {2405-2418}
-author = {Mejdi Azaiez and Monique Dauge and Yvon Maday},
-title = {M\'ethodes spectrales et des \'el\'ements spectraux},
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-year = {1994},
-address = {Universit\'e de Rennes, France}
+  author = {Mejdi Azaiez and Monique Dauge and Yvon Maday},
+  title = {M\'ethodes spectrales et des \'el\'ements spectraux},
+  institution = {Institut de Recherche Math\'ematique de Rennes},
+  year = {1994},
+  address = {Universit\'e de Rennes, France}
-author = {I. B\'ardi and O. B\'{\i}r\'o and K. Preis},
-title = {{P}erfectly {M}atched {L}ayers in static fields},
-journal = {IEEE transactions on Magnetics},
-year = {1998},
-volume = {34},
-pages = {2433-2436},
-number = {5}
+  author = {I. B\'ardi and O. B\'{\i}r\'o and K. Preis},
+  title = {{P}erfectly {M}atched {L}ayers in static fields},
+  journal = {IEEE transactions on Magnetics},
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {34},
+  pages = {2433-2436},
+  number = {5}
-author = {E. B\'ecache and S. Fauqueux and P. Joly},
-title = {Stability of {P}erfectly {M}atched {L}ayers, group velocities and
-anisotropic waves},
-journal = jcp,
-year = {2003},
-volume = {188},
-pages = {399-433},
-number = {2}
+  author = {E. B\'ecache and S. Fauqueux and P. Joly},
+  title = {Stability of {P}erfectly {M}atched {L}ayers, group velocities and
+	anisotropic waves},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {188},
+  pages = {399-433},
+  number = {2}
-author = {E. B\'ecache and P. Joly},
-title = {On the analysis of {B}\'erenger's perfectly matched layers for {M}axwell's
-journal = {Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis},
-year = {2002},
-volume = {36},
-pages = {87-120},
-number = {1}
+  author = {E. B\'ecache and P. Joly},
+  title = {On the analysis of {B}\'erenger's perfectly matched layers for {M}axwell's
+	equations},
+  journal = {Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis},
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {36},
+  pages = {87-120},
+  number = {1}
-author = {E. B\'ecache and P. Joly and C. Tsogka},
-title = {Fictitious Domains, Mixed Finite Elements and {P}erfectly {M}atched
-{L}ayers for {2-D} Elastic Wave Propagation},
-journal = jca,
-year = {2001},
-volume = {9},
-pages = {1175-1203},
-number = {3}
+  author = {E. B\'ecache and P. Joly and C. Tsogka},
+  title = {Fictitious Domains, Mixed Finite Elements and {P}erfectly {M}atched
+	{L}ayers for {2-D} Elastic Wave Propagation},
+  journal = jca,
+  year = {2001},
+  volume = {9},
+  pages = {1175-1203},
+  number = {3}
-author = {E. B\'ecache and P. G. Petropoulos and S. G. Gedney},
-title = {On the Long-Time Behavior of Unsplit Perfectly Matched Layers},
-journal = {IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation},
-year = {2004},
-volume = {52},
-pages = {1335-1342},
-number = {5},
-doi = {10.1109/TAP.2004.827253}
+  author = {E. B\'ecache and P. G. Petropoulos and S. G. Gedney},
+  title = {On the Long-Time Behavior of Unsplit Perfectly Matched Layers},
+  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation},
+  year = {2004},
+  volume = {52},
+  pages = {1335-1342},
+  number = {5},
+  doi = {10.1109/TAP.2004.827253}
-author = {J. P. B\'erenger},
-title = {Application of the {CFS} {PML} to the absorption of evanescent waves
-in waveguides},
-journal = {IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters},
-year = {2002},
-volume = {12},
-pages = {218-220},
-number = {6},
-doi = {10.1109/LMWC.2002.1010000}
+  author = {J. P. B\'erenger},
+  title = {Application of the {CFS} {PML} to the absorption of evanescent waves
+	in waveguides},
+  journal = {IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters},
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {12},
+  pages = {218-220},
+  number = {6},
+  doi = {10.1109/LMWC.2002.1010000}
-author = {J. P. B\'erenger},
-title = {Numerical reflection from {FDTD-PML}s: A comparison of the split
-{PML} with the unsplit and {CFS PML}s},
-journal = {IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation},
-year = {2002},
-volume = {50},
-pages = {258-265},
-number = {3},
-doi = {10.1109/8.999615}
+  author = {J. P. B\'erenger},
+  title = {Numerical reflection from {FDTD-PML}s: A comparison of the split
+	{PML} with the unsplit and {CFS PML}s},
+  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation},
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {50},
+  pages = {258-265},
+  number = {3},
+  doi = {10.1109/8.999615}
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-title = {Three-dimensional {P}erfectly {M}atched {L}ayer for the absorption
-of electromagnetic waves},
-journal = jcp,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {127},
-pages = {363-379}
+  author = {J. P. B\'erenger},
+  title = {Three-dimensional {P}erfectly {M}atched {L}ayer for the absorption
+	of electromagnetic waves},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {127},
+  pages = {363-379}
-author = {J. P. B\'erenger},
-title = {A {P}erfectly {M}atched {L}ayer for the absorption of electromagnetic
-journal = jcp,
-year = {1994},
-volume = {114},
-pages = {185-200}
+  author = {J. P. B\'erenger},
+  title = {A {P}erfectly {M}atched {L}ayer for the absorption of electromagnetic
+	waves},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {1994},
+  volume = {114},
+  pages = {185-200}
-author = {I. Babu\u{s}ka and M. R. Dorr},
-title = {Error estimates for the combined $h$ and $p$ version of the finite
-element method},
-journal = {Numer. Math.},
-year = {1981},
-volume = {37},
-pages = {257-277}
+  author = {I. Babu\u{s}ka and M. R. Dorr},
+  title = {Error estimates for the combined $h$ and $p$ version of the finite
+	element method},
+  journal = {Numer. Math.},
+  year = {1981},
+  volume = {37},
+  pages = {257-277}
-author = {I. Babu\u{s}ka and B. A. Szab\'o and I. N. Katz},
-title = {The $p$ version of the finite element method},
-journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
-year = {1981},
-volume = {18},
-pages = {512-545}
+  author = {I. Babu\u{s}ka and B. A. Szab\'o and I. N. Katz},
+  title = {The $p$ version of the finite element method},
+  journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
+  year = {1981},
+  volume = {18},
+  pages = {512-545}
-author = {I. Babuska and F. Ihlenburg and E. T. Paik and S. A. Sauter},
-title = {A generalized finite element method for solving the {H}elmholtz equation
-in two dimensions with minimal pollution},
-journal = cmame,
-year = {1995},
-volume = {128},
-pages = {325-359},
-number = {3-4}
+  author = {I. Babuska and F. Ihlenburg and E. T. Paik and S. A. Sauter},
+  title = {A generalized finite element method for solving the {H}elmholtz equation
+	in two dimensions with minimal pollution},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {1995},
+  volume = {128},
+  pages = {325-359},
+  number = {3-4}
-author = {G. A. Backer},
-title = {Error estimates for the finite element method for second order hyperbolic
-journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
-year = {1976},
-volume = {13},
-pages = {564-575}
+  author = {G. A. Backer},
+  title = {Error estimates for the finite element method for second order hyperbolic
+	equations},
+  journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
+  year = {1976},
+  volume = {13},
+  pages = {564-575}
-author = {G. E. Backus},
-title = {Long-wave elastic anisotropy produced by horizontal layering},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {1962},
-volume = {67},
-pages = {4427-4440}
+  author = {G. E. Backus},
+  title = {Long-wave elastic anisotropy produced by horizontal layering},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {1962},
+  volume = {67},
+  pages = {4427-4440}
-author = {Balevic, A. and Rockstroh, L. and Li, W. and Hillebrand, J. and Simon,
-S. and Tausendfreund, A. and Patzelt, S. and Goch, G.},
-title = {Acceleration of a finite-difference method with general purpose {GPU}s:
-{L}esson learned},
-booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Computer
-and Information Technology},
-year = {2008},
-pages = {291-294},
-address = {Sydney, Australia},
-publisher = {IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA},
-doi = {10.1109/CIT.2008.4594689}
+  author = {Balevic, A. and Rockstroh, L. and Li, W. and Hillebrand, J. and Simon,
+	S. and Tausendfreund, A. and Patzelt, S. and Goch, G.},
+  title = {Acceleration of a finite-difference method with general purpose {GPU}s:
+	{L}esson learned},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Computer
+	and Information Technology},
+  year = {2008},
+  pages = {291-294},
+  address = {Sydney, Australia},
+  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA},
+  doi = {10.1109/CIT.2008.4594689}
-author = {A. Balevic and L. Rockstroh and A. Tausendfreund and S. Patzelt and
-G. Goch and S. Simon},
-title = {Accelerating Simulations of Light Scattering Based on a Finite-Difference
-Time-Domain Method with General Purpose {GPU}s},
-booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Computational
-Science and Engineering},
-year = {2008},
-pages = {327-334},
-address = {Sao Paulo, Brazil},
-publisher = {IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA}
+  author = {A. Balevic and L. Rockstroh and A. Tausendfreund and S. Patzelt and
+	G. Goch and S. Simon},
+  title = {Accelerating Simulations of Light Scattering Based on a Finite-Difference
+	Time-Domain Method with General Purpose {GPU}s},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Computational
+	Science and Engineering},
+  year = {2008},
+  pages = {327-334},
+  address = {Sao Paulo, Brazil},
+  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA}
-author = {A. Bamberger and B. Engquist and L. Halpern and P. Joly},
-title = {Higher order paraxial wave equation approximations in heterogeneous
-journal = {SIAM J. Appl. Math.},
-year = {1988},
-volume = {48},
-pages = {129-154}
+  author = {A. Bamberger and B. Engquist and L. Halpern and P. Joly},
+  title = {Higher order paraxial wave equation approximations in heterogeneous
+	media},
+  journal = {SIAM J. Appl. Math.},
+  year = {1988},
+  volume = {48},
+  pages = {129-154}
-author = {A. Bamberger and P. Joly and J. E. Roberts},
-title = {Second order absorbing boundary conditions for the wave equation:
-a solution for the corner problem},
-journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
-year = {1990},
-volume = {27},
-pages = {323-352}
+  author = {A. Bamberger and P. Joly and J. E. Roberts},
+  title = {Second order absorbing boundary conditions for the wave equation:
+	a solution for the corner problem},
+  journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
+  year = {1990},
+  volume = {27},
+  pages = {323-352}
-author = {H. Bao and J. Bielak and O. Ghattas and L. F. Kallivokas and D. R.
-O'Hallaron and J. R. Shewchuk and J. Xu},
-title = {Large-scale simulation of elastic wave propagation in heterogeneous
-media on parallel computers},
-journal = cmame,
-year = {1998},
-volume = {152},
-pages = {85-102}
+  author = {H. Bao and J. Bielak and O. Ghattas and L. F. Kallivokas and D. R.
+	O'Hallaron and J. R. Shewchuk and J. Xu},
+  title = {Large-scale simulation of elastic wave propagation in heterogeneous
+	media on parallel computers},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {152},
+  pages = {85-102}
-author = {P. Y. Bard},
-title = {Diffracted waves and displacement field over two dimensional topographies},
-journal = gjras,
-year = {1982},
-volume = {71},
-pages = {731-760}
+  author = {P. Y. Bard},
+  title = {Diffracted waves and displacement field over two dimensional topographies},
+  journal = gjras,
+  year = {1982},
+  volume = {71},
+  pages = {731-760}
-author = {Pierre-Yves Bard and Michel Bouchon},
-title = {The two-dimensional resonance of sediment-filled valleys},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1985},
-volume = {75},
-pages = {519-541}
+  author = {Pierre-Yves Bard and Michel Bouchon},
+  title = {The two-dimensional resonance of sediment-filled valleys},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1985},
+  volume = {75},
+  pages = {519-541}
-author = {Pierre-Yves Bard and Michel Bouchon},
-title = {The seismic response of sediment-filled valleys, {P}art 1: The case
-of incident {SH} waves},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1980},
-volume = {70},
-pages = {1263-1286}
+  author = {Pierre-Yves Bard and Michel Bouchon},
+  title = {The seismic response of sediment-filled valleys, {P}art 1: The case
+	of incident {SH} waves},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1980},
+  volume = {70},
+  pages = {1263-1286}
-author = {Pierre-Yves Bard and Michel Bouchon},
-title = {The seismic response of sediment-filled valleys, {P}art 2: The case
-of incident {P} and {SV} waves},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1980},
-volume = {70},
-pages = {1921-1941}
+  author = {Pierre-Yves Bard and Michel Bouchon},
+  title = {The seismic response of sediment-filled valleys, {P}art 2: The case
+	of incident {P} and {SV} waves},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1980},
+  volume = {70},
+  pages = {1921-1941}
-author = {C. Bardos and G. Lebeau and J. Rauch},
-title = {Gevrey regularity and distribution of the scattering frequencies},
-journal = {Invent. Math.},
-year = {1987},
-volume = {90},
-pages = {77-114}
+  author = {C. Bardos and G. Lebeau and J. Rauch},
+  title = {Gevrey regularity and distribution of the scattering frequencies},
+  journal = {Invent. Math.},
+  year = {1987},
+  volume = {90},
+  pages = {77-114}
-author = {D. M. Barnett},
-title = {Bulk, surface, and interfacial waves in anisotropic linear elastic
-journal = {International Journal of Solids and Structures},
-year = {2000},
-volume = {37},
-pages = {45-54}
+  author = {D. M. Barnett},
+  title = {Bulk, surface, and interfacial waves in anisotropic linear elastic
+	solids},
+  journal = {International Journal of Solids and Structures},
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {37},
+  pages = {45-54}
-author = {D. M. Barnett},
-title = {On the non-existence of subsonic boundary-polarized two-component
-free surface waves},
-journal = {Physica Scripta},
-year = {1992},
-volume = {T44},
-pages = {98-103}
+  author = {D. M. Barnett},
+  title = {On the non-existence of subsonic boundary-polarized two-component
+	free surface waves},
+  journal = {Physica Scripta},
+  year = {1992},
+  volume = {T44},
+  pages = {98-103}
-author = {D. M. Barnett and P. Chadwick},
-title = {The existence of one-component surface waves and exceptional transonic
-states of types 2, 4 and {E}1 in anisotropic elastic media},
-booktitle = {Modern Theory of Anisotropic Elasticity and Applications},
-publisher = {SIAM},
-year = {1991},
-editor = {J. J. Wu and T. C. T. Ting and D. M. Barnett},
-pages = {199-214},
-address = {Philadelphia, USA}
+  author = {D. M. Barnett and P. Chadwick},
+  title = {The existence of one-component surface waves and exceptional transonic
+	states of types 2, 4 and {E}1 in anisotropic elastic media},
+  booktitle = {Modern Theory of Anisotropic Elasticity and Applications},
+  publisher = {SIAM},
+  year = {1991},
+  editor = {J. J. Wu and T. C. T. Ting and D. M. Barnett},
+  pages = {199-214},
+  address = {Philadelphia, USA}
-author = {D. M. Barnett and P. Chadwick and J. Lothe},
-title = {The behaviour of elastic surface waves polarized in a plane of material
-symmetry. {I}. {A}ddendum},
-journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, United Kingdom},
-year = {1991},
-volume = {A433},
-pages = {699-710}
+  author = {D. M. Barnett and P. Chadwick and J. Lothe},
+  title = {The behaviour of elastic surface waves polarized in a plane of material
+	symmetry. {I}. {A}ddendum},
+  journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, United Kingdom},
+  year = {1991},
+  volume = {A433},
+  pages = {699-710}
-author = {D. M. Barnett and S. D. Gavazza and J. Lothe},
-title = {Slip waves along the interface between two anisotropic elastic half-spaces
-in sliding contact},
-journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, United Kingdom},
-year = {1988},
-volume = {A415},
-pages = {389-419}
+  author = {D. M. Barnett and S. D. Gavazza and J. Lothe},
+  title = {Slip waves along the interface between two anisotropic elastic half-spaces
+	in sliding contact},
+  journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, United Kingdom},
+  year = {1988},
+  volume = {A415},
+  pages = {389-419}
-author = {D. M. Barnett and J. Lothe},
-title = {Free surface ({R}ayleigh) waves in anisotropic elastic halfspaces:
-the surface impedance method},
-journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, United Kingdom},
-year = {1985},
-volume = {A402},
-pages = {135-152}
+  author = {D. M. Barnett and J. Lothe},
+  title = {Free surface ({R}ayleigh) waves in anisotropic elastic halfspaces:
+	the surface impedance method},
+  journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, United Kingdom},
+  year = {1985},
+  volume = {A402},
+  pages = {135-152}
-author = {D. M. Barnett and J. Lothe},
-title = {Consideration of the existence of surface wave ({R}ayleigh wave)
-solutions in anisotropic elastic crystals},
-journal = {Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics},
-year = {1974},
-volume = {4},
-pages = {671-686}
+  author = {D. M. Barnett and J. Lothe},
+  title = {Consideration of the existence of surface wave ({R}ayleigh wave)
+	solutions in anisotropic elastic crystals},
+  journal = {Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics},
+  year = {1974},
+  volume = {4},
+  pages = {671-686}
-author = {D. M. Barnett and J. Lothe},
-title = {Synthesis of the {S}extic and the {I}ntegral {F}ormalism for dislocations,
-{G}reens functions, and surface waves in anisotropic elastic solids},
-journal = {Physica Norvegica},
-year = {1973},
-volume = {7},
-pages = {13-22}
+  author = {D. M. Barnett and J. Lothe},
+  title = {Synthesis of the {S}extic and the {I}ntegral {F}ormalism for dislocations,
+	{G}reens functions, and surface waves in anisotropic elastic solids},
+  journal = {Physica Norvegica},
+  year = {1973},
+  volume = {7},
+  pages = {13-22}
-author = {D. M. Barnett and J. Lothe and K. Nishioka and R. J. Asaro},
-title = {Elastic surface waves in anisotropic crystals: a simplified method
-for calculating {R}ayleigh velocities using dislocation theory},
-journal = {Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics},
-year = {1973},
-volume = {3},
-pages = {1083-1096}
+  author = {D. M. Barnett and J. Lothe and K. Nishioka and R. J. Asaro},
+  title = {Elastic surface waves in anisotropic crystals: a simplified method
+	for calculating {R}ayleigh velocities using dislocation theory},
+  journal = {Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics},
+  year = {1973},
+  volume = {3},
+  pages = {1083-1096}
-author = {Baron, G. S. and Sarris, C. D. and Fiume, E. and Rogers Sr., Edward
-title = {Fast and accurate time-domain simulations with commodity graphics
-booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International
-year = {2005},
-volume = {4A},
-pages = {193-196},
-address = {Seoul, Korea},
-publisher = {IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA},
-doi = {10.1109/APS.2005.1552619}
+  author = {Baron, G. S. and Sarris, C. D. and Fiume, E. and Rogers Sr., Edward
+	S.},
+  title = {Fast and accurate time-domain simulations with commodity graphics
+	hardware},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International
+	Symposium},
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {4A},
+  pages = {193-196},
+  address = {Seoul, Korea},
+  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA},
+  doi = {10.1109/APS.2005.1552619}
-author = {H. Barucq},
-title = {A family of first-order conditions for the long-time stability of
-the {M}axwell system},
-booktitle = {Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation: Waves 2003},
-year = {2003},
-editor = {Gary Cohen and Erkki Heikkola and Patrick Joly and Pekka Neittaanm\"aki},
-series = {Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Mathematical
-and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation},
-address = {Jyv\"askyl\"a, Finland},
-publisher = {Springer-Verlag}
+  author = {H. Barucq},
+  title = {A family of first-order conditions for the long-time stability of
+	the {M}axwell system},
+  booktitle = {Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation: Waves 2003},
+  year = {2003},
+  editor = {Gary Cohen and Erkki Heikkola and Patrick Joly and Pekka Neittaanm\"aki},
+  series = {Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Mathematical
+	and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation},
+  address = {Jyv\"askyl\"a, Finland},
+  publisher = {Springer-Verlag}
-author = {H. Barucq},
-title = {A new family of first-order boundary conditions for the {M}axwell
-system: derivation, well-posedness and long-time behavior},
-journal = {J. Math. Pures Appl.},
-year = {2002},
-volume = {82},
-pages = {67-88}
+  author = {H. Barucq},
+  title = {A new family of first-order boundary conditions for the {M}axwell
+	system: derivation, well-posedness and long-time behavior},
+  journal = {J. Math. Pures Appl.},
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {82},
+  pages = {67-88}
-author = {H. Barucq and C. Bekkey and R. Djellouli},
-title = {Construction of local boundary conditions for an eigenvalue problem
-using micro-local analysis. Application to optical waveguide problem},
-journal = {J. Comp. Phys.},
-year = {2004},
-volume = {193},
-pages = {666-696},
-number = {2},
-note = {to appear}
+  author = {H. Barucq and C. Bekkey and R. Djellouli},
+  title = {Construction of local boundary conditions for an eigenvalue problem
+	using micro-local analysis. Application to optical waveguide problem},
+  journal = {J. Comp. Phys.},
+  year = {2004},
+  volume = {193},
+  pages = {666-696},
+  number = {2},
+  note = {to appear}
-author = {H. Barucq and F. Delaurens and B. Hanouzet},
-title = {Method of Absorbing Boundary conditions: Phenomena of error stabilization},
-journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
-year = {1998},
-volume = {35},
-pages = {1113-1129}
+  author = {H. Barucq and F. Delaurens and B. Hanouzet},
+  title = {Method of Absorbing Boundary conditions: Phenomena of error stabilization},
+  journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {35},
+  pages = {1113-1129}
-author = {H. Barucq and M. Fontes},
-title = {Analysis of the three-dimensional {M}axwell system coupled with strongly
-absorbing layers},
-journal = {Journal de Math\'ematiques Pures et Appliqu\'ees},
-year = {2006}
+  author = {H. Barucq and M. Fontes},
+  title = {Analysis of the three-dimensional {M}axwell system coupled with strongly
+	absorbing layers},
+  journal = {Journal de Math\'ematiques Pures et Appliqu\'ees},
+  year = {2006}
-author = {H. Barucq and B. Hanouzet},
-title = {Asymptotic Behavior of solutions to {M}axwell's system with absorbing
-{S}ilver-{M}uller condition on the exterior boundary},
-journal = {Asympt. Anal.},
-year = {1997},
-volume = {15},
-pages = {465-473}
+  author = {H. Barucq and B. Hanouzet},
+  title = {Asymptotic Behavior of solutions to {M}axwell's system with absorbing
+	{S}ilver-{M}uller condition on the exterior boundary},
+  journal = {Asympt. Anal.},
+  year = {1997},
+  volume = {15},
+  pages = {465-473}
-author = {H. Barucq and M. Madaune-Tort and P. Saint-Macary},
-title = {Asymptotic models in porous media arising from a {B}iot system},
-journal = {Advances in Differential Equations},
-year = {2006},
-volume = {11},
-pages = {61-90},
-number = {1}
+  author = {H. Barucq and M. Madaune-Tort and P. Saint-Macary},
+  title = {Asymptotic models in porous media arising from a {B}iot system},
+  journal = {Advances in Differential Equations},
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {11},
+  pages = {61-90},
+  number = {1}
-author = {H. Barucq and M. Madaune-Tort and P. Saint-Macary},
-title = {Some existence-uniqueness results for a class of one-dimensional
-nonlinear {B}iot models},
-journal = {Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications},
-year = {2005},
-volume = {61},
-pages = {591-612},
-number = {4}
+  author = {H. Barucq and M. Madaune-Tort and P. Saint-Macary},
+  title = {Some existence-uniqueness results for a class of one-dimensional
+	nonlinear {B}iot models},
+  journal = {Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications},
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {61},
+  pages = {591-612},
+  number = {4}
-author = {H. Barucq and M. Madaune-Tort and P. Saint-Macary},
-title = {On nonlinear {B}iot consolidation models},
-journal = {Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications},
-year = {2005},
-volume = {63},
-pages = {e985-e995},
-number = {5-7}
+  author = {H. Barucq and M. Madaune-Tort and P. Saint-Macary},
+  title = {On nonlinear {B}iot consolidation models},
+  journal = {Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications},
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {63},
+  pages = {e985-e995},
+  number = {5-7}
-author = {C. Bassin and G. Laske and G. Masters},
-title = {The Current Limits of Resolution for Surface Wave Tomography in {N}orth
-journal = {EOS},
-year = {2000},
-volume = {81},
-pages = {F897}
+  author = {C. Bassin and G. Laske and G. Masters},
+  title = {The Current Limits of Resolution for Surface Wave Tomography in {N}orth
+	{A}merica},
+  journal = {EOS},
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {81},
+  pages = {F897}
-author = {Ushnish Basu},
-title = {Explicit finite-element perfectly matched layer for transient three-dimensional
-elastic waves},
-journal = ijnme,
-year = {2009},
-volume = {77},
-pages = {151-176},
-doi = {10.1002/nme.2397}
+  author = {Ushnish Basu},
+  title = {Explicit finite-element perfectly matched layer for transient three-dimensional
+	elastic waves},
+  journal = ijnme,
+  year = {2009},
+  volume = {77},
+  pages = {151-176},
+  doi = {10.1002/nme.2397}
-author = {U. Basu and A. K. Chopra},
-title = {Perfectly matched layers for transient elastodynamics of unbounded
-journal = ijnme,
-year = {2004},
-volume = {59},
-pages = {1039-1074}
+  author = {U. Basu and A. K. Chopra},
+  title = {Perfectly matched layers for transient elastodynamics of unbounded
+	domains},
+  journal = ijnme,
+  year = {2004},
+  volume = {59},
+  pages = {1039-1074}
-author = {U. Basu and A. K. Chopra},
-title = {Perfectly matched layers for time-harmonic elastodynamics of unbounded
-domains: theory and finite-element implementation},
-journal = cmame,
-year = {2003},
-volume = {192},
-pages = {1337-1375}
+  author = {U. Basu and A. K. Chopra},
+  title = {Perfectly matched layers for time-harmonic elastodynamics of unbounded
+	domains: theory and finite-element implementation},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {192},
+  pages = {1337-1375}
-author = {G. Battle},
-title = {A block spin construction of wavelets, Part 1: {L}emari\'e functions},
-journal = {Communications in Mathematical Physics},
-year = {1987},
-volume = {110},
-pages = {9999998-9999999}
+  author = {G. Battle},
+  title = {A block spin construction of wavelets, Part 1: {L}emari\'e functions},
+  journal = {Communications in Mathematical Physics},
+  year = {1987},
+  volume = {110},
+  pages = {9999998-9999999}
-author = {A. Bayliss and K. E. Jordan and B. J. Lemesurier and E. Turkel},
-title = {A fourth-order accurate finite-difference scheme for the computation
-of elastic waves},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1986},
-volume = {76},
-pages = {1115-1132}
+  author = {A. Bayliss and K. E. Jordan and B. J. Lemesurier and E. Turkel},
+  title = {A fourth-order accurate finite-difference scheme for the computation
+	of elastic waves},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1986},
+  volume = {76},
+  pages = {1115-1132}
-author = {A. Bayliss and E. Turkel},
-title = {Radiation boundary conditions for wave-like equations},
-journal = {Comm. Pure Appl. Math.},
-year = {1980},
-volume = {33},
-pages = {707-725}
+  author = {A. Bayliss and E. Turkel},
+  title = {Radiation boundary conditions for wave-like equations},
+  journal = {Comm. Pure Appl. Math.},
+  year = {1980},
+  volume = {33},
+  pages = {707-725}
-author = {E. Baysal and D. D. Kosloff and J. W. C. Sherwood},
-title = {Reverse-time migration},
-journal = {Geophysics},
-year = {1983},
-volume = {48},
-pages = {1514-1524}
+  author = {E. Baysal and D. D. Kosloff and J. W. C. Sherwood},
+  title = {Reverse-time migration},
+  journal = {Geophysics},
+  year = {1983},
+  volume = {48},
+  pages = {1514-1524}
-author = {T. W. Becker and L. Boschi},
-title = {A comparison of tomographic and geodynamic mantle models},
-journal = {Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst.},
-year = {2002},
-volume = {3},
-pages = {1003},
-number = {1},
-doi = {10.1029/2001GC000168}
+  author = {T. W. Becker and L. Boschi},
+  title = {A comparison of tomographic and geodynamic mantle models},
+  journal = {Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst.},
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {3},
+  pages = {1003},
+  number = {1},
+  doi = {10.1029/2001GC000168}
-author = {Nathan Bell and Michael Garland},
-title = {Implementing sparse matrix-vector multiplication on throughput-oriented
-booktitle = {SC'09: Proceedings of the 2009 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing},
-year = {2009},
-pages = {1--11},
-address = {New York, USA},
-month = nov,
-publisher = {ACM},
-doi = {10.1145/1654059.1654078},
-location = {Portland, Oregon, USA}
+  author = {Nathan Bell and Michael Garland},
+  title = {Implementing sparse matrix-vector multiplication on throughput-oriented
+	processors},
+  booktitle = {SC'09: Proceedings of the 2009 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing},
+  year = {2009},
+  pages = {1--11},
+  address = {New York, USA},
+  month = nov,
+  publisher = {ACM},
+  doi = {10.1145/1654059.1654078},
+  location = {Portland, Oregon, USA}
-author = {Ted Belytschko and R. Mullen},
-title = {On dispersive properties of finite element solutions},
-booktitle = {Modern problems in elastic wave propagation},
-publisher = {John Wiley and Sons},
-year = {1978},
-editor = {J. Miklowitz and J. D. Achenbach},
-volume = {67},
-address = {New York}
+  author = {Ted Belytschko and R. Mullen},
+  title = {On dispersive properties of finite element solutions},
+  booktitle = {Modern problems in elastic wave propagation},
+  publisher = {John Wiley and Sons},
+  year = {1978},
+  editor = {J. Miklowitz and J. D. Achenbach},
+  volume = {67},
+  address = {New York}
-author = {Ted Belytschko and E. J. Plaskacz and J. M. Kennedy and D. L. Greenwell},
-title = {Finite element analysis on the {C}onnection {M}achine},
-journal = cmame,
-year = {1990},
-volume = {81},
-pages = {229-254}
+  author = {Ted Belytschko and E. J. Plaskacz and J. M. Kennedy and D. L. Greenwell},
+  title = {Finite element analysis on the {C}onnection {M}achine},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {1990},
+  volume = {81},
+  pages = {229-254}
-title = {Seismic waves and sources},
-publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
-year = {1981},
-author = {Ari Ben-Menahem and Sarva Jit. Singh},
-address = {New York}
+  title = {Seismic waves and sources},
+  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
+  year = {1981},
+  author = {Ari Ben-Menahem and Sarva Jit. Singh},
+  address = {New York}
-author = {Rafael Benites and Kim B. Olsen},
-title = {Modeling Strong Ground Motion in the {W}ellington Metropolitan Area,
-{N}ew {Z}ealand},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {2005},
-volume = {95},
-pages = {2180-2196},
-number = {6},
-doi = {10.1785/0120040223}
+  author = {Rafael Benites and Kim B. Olsen},
+  title = {Modeling Strong Ground Motion in the {W}ellington Metropolitan Area,
+	{N}ew {Z}ealand},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {95},
+  pages = {2180-2196},
+  number = {6},
+  doi = {10.1785/0120040223}
-author = {M. Benjemaa and Glinsky-Olivier, N. and Cruz-Atienza, V. M. and Virieux,
-title = {3{D} dynamic rupture simulation by a finite volume method},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2009},
-volume = {178},
-pages = {541-560},
-number = {1},
-doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04088.x}
+  author = {M. Benjemaa and Glinsky-Olivier, N. and Cruz-Atienza, V. M. and Virieux,
+	J.},
+  title = {3{D} dynamic rupture simulation by a finite volume method},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2009},
+  volume = {178},
+  pages = {541-560},
+  number = {1},
+  doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04088.x}
-author = {Benjemaa, M. and Glinsky-Olivier, N. and Cruz-Atienza, V. M. and
-Virieux, J. and Piperno, S.},
-title = {{D}ynamic non-planar crack rupture by a finite volume method},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2007},
-volume = {171},
-pages = {271-285},
-number = {1},
-doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03500.x}
+  author = {Benjemaa, M. and Glinsky-Olivier, N. and Cruz-Atienza, V. M. and
+	Virieux, J. and Piperno, S.},
+  title = {{D}ynamic non-planar crack rupture by a finite volume method},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2007},
+  volume = {171},
+  pages = {271-285},
+  number = {1},
+  doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03500.x}
-author = {P. Berg and F. If and P. Nielsen and O. Skovegaard},
-title = {Analytic reference solutions},
-booktitle = {Modeling the Earth for oil exploration, Final report of the CEC's
-GEOSCIENCE~I Program 1990-1993},
-publisher = {Pergamon Press, Oxford, United Kingdom},
-year = {1994},
-editor = {K. Helbig},
-pages = {421-427}
+  author = {P. Berg and F. If and P. Nielsen and O. Skovegaard},
+  title = {Analytic reference solutions},
+  booktitle = {Modeling the Earth for oil exploration, Final report of the CEC's
+	GEOSCIENCE~I Program 1990-1993},
+  publisher = {Pergamon Press, Oxford, United Kingdom},
+  year = {1994},
+  editor = {K. Helbig},
+  pages = {421-427}
-author = {Ph. Berger and P. Brouaye and J. C. Syre},
-title = {A mesh coloring method for efficient {MIMD} processing in finite
-element problems},
-booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing,
-ICPP'82, August 24-27, 1982, Bellaire, Michigan, USA},
-publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
-year = {1982},
-pages = {41-46}
+  author = {Ph. Berger and P. Brouaye and J. C. Syre},
+  title = {A mesh coloring method for efficient {MIMD} processing in finite
+	element problems},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing,
+	ICPP'82, August 24-27, 1982, Bellaire, Michigan, USA},
+  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
+  year = {1982},
+  pages = {41-46}
-author = {Alfredo Berm\'udez and Luis Hervella-Nieto and Andr\'es Prieto and
-Rodolfo Rodr\'{\i}guez},
-title = {An optimal finite-element/{PML} method for the simulation of acoustic
-wave propagation phenomena},
-booktitle = {Variational Formulations in Mechanics: Theory and Applications},
-year = {2006},
-editor = {E. Taroco and E. A. de Souza Neto and A. A. Novotny},
-address = {Barcelona, Spain},
-publisher = {CIMNE}
+  author = {Alfredo Berm\'udez and Luis Hervella-Nieto and Andr\'es Prieto and
+	Rodolfo Rodr\'{\i}guez},
+  title = {An optimal finite-element/{PML} method for the simulation of acoustic
+	wave propagation phenomena},
+  booktitle = {Variational Formulations in Mechanics: Theory and Applications},
+  year = {2006},
+  editor = {E. Taroco and E. A. de Souza Neto and A. A. Novotny},
+  address = {Barcelona, Spain},
+  publisher = {CIMNE}
-author = {Alfredo Berm\'udez and Luis Hervella-Nieto and Andr\'es Prieto and
-Rodolfo Rodr\'{\i}guez},
-title = {An optimal perfectly matched layer with unbounded absorbing function
-for time-harmonic acoustic scattering problems},
-journal = jcp,
-year = {2007},
-volume = {223},
-pages = {469-488},
-number = {2},
-doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2006.09.018}
+  author = {Alfredo Berm\'udez and Luis Hervella-Nieto and Andr\'es Prieto and
+	Rodolfo Rodr\'{\i}guez},
+  title = {An optimal perfectly matched layer with unbounded absorbing function
+	for time-harmonic acoustic scattering problems},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {2007},
+  volume = {223},
+  pages = {469-488},
+  number = {2},
+  doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2006.09.018}
-author = {A. Berm\'udez and L. Hervella-Nieto and R. Rodriguez},
-title = {Finite-element computation of three-dimensional elastoacoustic vibrations},
-journal = {J. Sound Vibr.},
-year = {1999},
-volume = {219},
-pages = {279-306}
+  author = {A. Berm\'udez and L. Hervella-Nieto and R. Rodriguez},
+  title = {Finite-element computation of three-dimensional elastoacoustic vibrations},
+  journal = {J. Sound Vibr.},
+  year = {1999},
+  volume = {219},
+  pages = {279-306}
-author = {A. Berm\'udez and R. {Rodr\'\i guez}},
-title = {Finite-element computation of the vibration modes of a fluid-solid
-journal = cmame,
-year = {1994},
-volume = {119},
-pages = {355-370}
+  author = {A. Berm\'udez and R. {Rodr\'\i guez}},
+  title = {Finite-element computation of the vibration modes of a fluid-solid
+	system},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {1994},
+  volume = {119},
+  pages = {355-370}
-author = {Marc Bernacki and St\'ephane Lanteri and Serge Piperno},
-title = {Time-Domain Parallel Simulation Of Heterogeneous Wave Propagation
-On Unstructured Grids Using Explicit, Nondiffusive, Discontinuous
-{G}alerkin Methods},
-journal = jca,
-year = {2006},
-volume = {14},
-pages = {57-81},
-number = {1}
+  author = {Marc Bernacki and St\'ephane Lanteri and Serge Piperno},
+  title = {Time-Domain Parallel Simulation Of Heterogeneous Wave Propagation
+	On Unstructured Grids Using Explicit, Nondiffusive, Discontinuous
+	{G}alerkin Methods},
+  journal = jca,
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {14},
+  pages = {57-81},
+  number = {1}
-author = {C. Bernardi and N. Debit and Y. Maday},
-title = {Coupling finite element and spectral methods: first results},
-journal = {Mathematics of Computation},
-year = {1990},
-volume = {54},
-pages = {21-39}
+  author = {C. Bernardi and N. Debit and Y. Maday},
+  title = {Coupling finite element and spectral methods: first results},
+  journal = {Mathematics of Computation},
+  year = {1990},
+  volume = {54},
+  pages = {21-39}
-title = {Approximations spectrales de probl\`emes aux limites elliptiques},
-publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
-year = {1992},
-author = {C. Bernardi and Y. Maday},
-address = {Paris}
+  title = {Approximations spectrales de probl\`emes aux limites elliptiques},
+  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
+  year = {1992},
+  author = {C. Bernardi and Y. Maday},
+  address = {Paris}
-author = {C. Bernardi and Y. Maday and A. T. Patera},
-title = {A new nonconforming approach to domain decomposition: the {M}ortar
-element method},
-booktitle = {Nonlinear partial differential equations and their applications},
-year = {1994},
-editor = {H. Brezis and J. L. Lions},
-series = {S\'eminaires du Coll\`ege de France},
-pages = {13-51},
-address = {Paris},
-publisher = {Pitman}
+  author = {C. Bernardi and Y. Maday and A. T. Patera},
+  title = {A new nonconforming approach to domain decomposition: the {M}ortar
+	element method},
+  booktitle = {Nonlinear partial differential equations and their applications},
+  year = {1994},
+  editor = {H. Brezis and J. L. Lions},
+  series = {S\'eminaires du Coll\`ege de France},
+  pages = {13-51},
+  address = {Paris},
+  publisher = {Pitman}
-author = {C. Bescond and M. Deschamps},
-title = {Dynamical surface response of a semi-infinite anisotropic elastic
-medium to an impulsive force},
-journal = jasa,
-year = {1998},
-volume = {103},
-pages = {114-124},
-number = {1}
+  author = {C. Bescond and M. Deschamps},
+  title = {Dynamical surface response of a semi-infinite anisotropic elastic
+	medium to an impulsive force},
+  journal = jasa,
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {103},
+  pages = {114-124},
+  number = {1}
-author = {C. Bescond and M. Deschamps},
-title = {Erratum to `{D}ynamical surface response of a semi-infinite anisotropic
-elastic medium to an impulsive force'},
-journal = jasa,
-year = {1998},
-volume = {104},
-pages = {599},
-number = {1}
+  author = {C. Bescond and M. Deschamps},
+  title = {Erratum to `{D}ynamical surface response of a semi-infinite anisotropic
+	elastic medium to an impulsive force'},
+  journal = jasa,
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {104},
+  pages = {599},
+  number = {1}
-author = {J. Bielak and P. Christiano},
-title = {On the effective seismic input for non-linear soil-structure interaction
-journal = {Earthquake Eng. Struct. Dyn.},
-year = {1984},
-volume = {12},
-pages = {107-119}
+  author = {J. Bielak and P. Christiano},
+  title = {On the effective seismic input for non-linear soil-structure interaction
+	systems},
+  journal = {Earthquake Eng. Struct. Dyn.},
+  year = {1984},
+  volume = {12},
+  pages = {107-119}
-author = {J. Bielak and O. Ghattas and E. J. Kim},
-title = {Parallel Octree-Based Finite Element Method for Large-Scale Earthquake
-Ground Motion Simulation},
-journal = cmes,
-year = {2005},
-volume = {10},
-pages = {99-112},
-number = {2}
+  author = {J. Bielak and O. Ghattas and E. J. Kim},
+  title = {Parallel Octree-Based Finite Element Method for Large-Scale Earthquake
+	Ground Motion Simulation},
+  journal = cmes,
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {10},
+  pages = {99-112},
+  number = {2}
-author = {J. Bielak and J. Xu and O. Ghattas},
-title = {Earthquake ground motion and structural response in alluvial valleys},
-journal = {J. Geotech. Geoenv. Eng.},
-year = {1999},
-volume = {125},
-pages = {413-423}
+  author = {J. Bielak and J. Xu and O. Ghattas},
+  title = {Earthquake ground motion and structural response in alluvial valleys},
+  journal = {J. Geotech. Geoenv. Eng.},
+  year = {1999},
+  volume = {125},
+  pages = {413-423}
-author = {M. A. Biot},
-title = {Theory of propagation of elastic waves in a fluid-saturated porous
-solid. {I: L}ow-frequency range},
-journal = jasa,
-year = {1956},
-volume = {28},
-pages = {168-178}
+  author = {M. A. Biot},
+  title = {Theory of propagation of elastic waves in a fluid-saturated porous
+	solid. {I: L}ow-frequency range},
+  journal = jasa,
+  year = {1956},
+  volume = {28},
+  pages = {168-178}
-author = {M. A. Biot},
-title = {Theory of propagation of elastic waves in a fluid-saturated porous
-solid. {II: H}igher-frequency range},
-journal = jasa,
-year = {1956},
-volume = {28},
-pages = {179-191}
+  author = {M. A. Biot},
+  title = {Theory of propagation of elastic waves in a fluid-saturated porous
+	solid. {II: H}igher-frequency range},
+  journal = jasa,
+  year = {1956},
+  volume = {28},
+  pages = {179-191}
-author = {M. A. Biot},
-title = {The interaction of {R}ayleigh and {S}toneley waves in the ocean bottom},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1952},
-volume = {42},
-pages = {81-93}
+  author = {M. A. Biot},
+  title = {The interaction of {R}ayleigh and {S}toneley waves in the ocean bottom},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1952},
+  volume = {42},
+  pages = {81-93}
-title = {Surface acoustic waves in inhomogeneous media},
-publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
-year = {1995},
-author = {S. V. Biryukov and Y. V. Gulyaev and V. V. Krylov and V. P. Plessky},
-volume = {20},
-series = {Springer Series on Wave Phenomena},
-address = {Berlin, Germany}
+  title = {Surface acoustic waves in inhomogeneous media},
+  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
+  year = {1995},
+  author = {S. V. Biryukov and Y. V. Gulyaev and V. V. Krylov and V. P. Plessky},
+  volume = {20},
+  series = {Springer Series on Wave Phenomena},
+  address = {Berlin, Germany}
-author = {M. L. Bittencourt},
-title = {Fully tensorial nodal and modal shape functions for triangles and
-journal = ijnme,
-year = {2005},
-volume = {63},
-pages = {1530-1558},
-number = {11},
-doi = {10.1002/nme.1325}
+  author = {M. L. Bittencourt},
+  title = {Fully tensorial nodal and modal shape functions for triangles and
+	tetrahedra},
+  journal = ijnme,
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {63},
+  pages = {1530-1558},
+  number = {11},
+  doi = {10.1002/nme.1325}
-title = {{CUBIT} Mesh Generation Environment Users Manual Vol. 1},
-author = {T.D. Blacker and P. Knupp and R. r. Lober and D. Melander and G.
-D. Sjaardema and W. A. Sample and M. K. Smith and T. J. Tautges and
-D. R. White and S. Benzley and R. Kerr and S. R. Jankovich and D.
-B. McRae and M. Panthaki},
-organization = {Sandia National Laboratories},
-address = {Albuquerque, NM},
-year = {1994}
+  title = {{CUBIT} Mesh Generation Environment Users Manual Vol. 1},
+  author = {T.D. Blacker and P. Knupp and R. r. Lober and D. Melander and G.
+	D. Sjaardema and W. A. Sample and M. K. Smith and T. J. Tautges and
+	D. R. White and S. Benzley and R. Kerr and S. R. Jankovich and D.
+	B. McRae and M. Panthaki},
+  organization = {Sandia National Laboratories},
+  address = {Albuquerque, NM},
+  year = {1994}
-author = {C\'eline Blitz and Philippe Lognonn\'e and Dimitri Komatitsch and
-David Baratoux},
-title = {Effects of ejecta accumulation on the crater population of asteroid
-433 {E}ros},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {2009},
-volume = {114},
-pages = {E06006},
-doi = {10.1029/2008JE003229}
+  author = {C\'eline Blitz and Philippe Lognonn\'e and Dimitri Komatitsch and
+	David Baratoux},
+  title = {Effects of ejecta accumulation on the crater population of asteroid
+	433 {E}ros},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {2009},
+  volume = {114},
+  pages = {E06006},
+  doi = {10.1029/2008JE003229}
-author = {Thomas Bohlen and Erik H. Saenger},
-title = {Accuracy of heterogeneous staggered-grid finite-difference modeling
-of {R}ayleigh waves},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {2006},
-volume = {71},
-pages = {T109-T115},
-number = {4},
-doi = {10.1190/1.2213051}
+  author = {Thomas Bohlen and Erik H. Saenger},
+  title = {Accuracy of heterogeneous staggered-grid finite-difference modeling
+	of {R}ayleigh waves},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {71},
+  pages = {T109-T115},
+  number = {4},
+  doi = {10.1190/1.2213051}
-author = {B. A. Bolt and R. A. Hansen},
-title = {The upthrow of objects in earthquakes},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1977},
-volume = {67},
-pages = {1415-1427}
+  author = {B. A. Bolt and R. A. Hansen},
+  title = {The upthrow of objects in earthquakes},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1977},
+  volume = {67},
+  pages = {1415-1427}
-author = {Jeff Bolz and Ian Farmer and Eitan Grinspun and Peter Schr{\"o}der},
-title = {Sparse matrix solvers on the {GPU}: {C}onjugate Gradients and Multigrid},
-journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics},
-year = {2003},
-volume = {22},
-pages = {917--924},
-number = {3},
-month = jul,
-doi = {10.1145/882262.882364}
+  author = {Jeff Bolz and Ian Farmer and Eitan Grinspun and Peter Schr{\"o}der},
+  title = {Sparse matrix solvers on the {GPU}: {C}onjugate Gradients and Multigrid},
+  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics},
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {22},
+  pages = {917--924},
+  number = {3},
+  month = jul,
+  doi = {10.1145/882262.882364}
-author = {O. Bonamassa and J. E. Vidale},
-title = {Directional site resonances observed from aftershocks of the 18 october
-1989 {L}oma {P}rieta earthquake},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1991},
-volume = {81},
-pages = {1945-1957}
+  author = {O. Bonamassa and J. E. Vidale},
+  title = {Directional site resonances observed from aftershocks of the 18 october
+	1989 {L}oma {P}rieta earthquake},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1991},
+  volume = {81},
+  pages = {1945-1957}
-title = {\'Equations int\'egrales et \'el\'ements de fronti\`ere},
-publisher = {CNRS \'Editions, Eyrolles},
-year = {1995},
-author = {M. Bonnet},
-address = {Paris}
+  title = {\'Equations int\'egrales et \'el\'ements de fronti\`ere},
+  publisher = {CNRS \'Editions, Eyrolles},
+  year = {1995},
+  author = {M. Bonnet},
+  address = {Paris}
-author = {D. M. Boore},
-title = {Finite difference methods for seismic wave propagation in heterogeneous
-booktitle = {Methods in Computational Physics},
-publisher = {Academic Press},
-year = {1972},
-volume = {11},
-address = {New York}
+  author = {D. M. Boore},
+  title = {Finite difference methods for seismic wave propagation in heterogeneous
+	materials},
+  booktitle = {Methods in Computational Physics},
+  publisher = {Academic Press},
+  year = {1972},
+  volume = {11},
+  address = {New York}
-author = {D. M. Boore},
-title = {A note on the effect of simple topography on seismic {{\it SH}} waves},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1972},
-volume = {62},
-pages = {275-284}
+  author = {D. M. Boore},
+  title = {A note on the effect of simple topography on seismic {{\it SH}} waves},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1972},
+  volume = {62},
+  pages = {275-284}
-author = {D. M. Boore and S. C. Harmsen and S. T. Harding},
-title = {Wave scattering from a steep change in surface topography},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1981},
-volume = {71},
-pages = {117-125}
+  author = {D. M. Boore and S. C. Harmsen and S. T. Harding},
+  title = {Wave scattering from a steep change in surface topography},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1981},
+  volume = {71},
+  pages = {117-125}
-author = {D. C. Booth and S. Crampin},
-title = {The anisotropic reflectivity technique: theory},
-journal = {Geophys. J. R. Astr. Soc.},
-year = {1983},
-volume = {72},
-pages = {755-766}
+  author = {D. C. Booth and S. Crampin},
+  title = {The anisotropic reflectivity technique: theory},
+  journal = {Geophys. J. R. Astr. Soc.},
+  year = {1983},
+  volume = {72},
+  pages = {755-766}
-author = {L. Bos},
-title = {On certain configurations of points in {{\rm I\kern -0.18 em R}$^n$}
-which are unisolvent for polynomial interpolation},
-journal = {J. Approx. Theory},
-year = {1991},
-volume = {64},
-pages = {271-280}
+  author = {L. Bos},
+  title = {On certain configurations of points in {{\rm I\kern -0.18 em R}$^n$}
+	which are unisolvent for polynomial interpolation},
+  journal = {J. Approx. Theory},
+  year = {1991},
+  volume = {64},
+  pages = {271-280}
-author = {L. P. Bos and M. A. Taylor and B. A. Wingate},
-title = {Tensor Product {G}auss-{L}obatto Points are {F}ekete Points for the
-journal = {Math. Comp.},
-year = {2001},
-volume = {70},
-pages = {1543-1547}
+  author = {L. P. Bos and M. A. Taylor and B. A. Wingate},
+  title = {Tensor Product {G}auss-{L}obatto Points are {F}ekete Points for the
+	Cube},
+  journal = {Math. Comp.},
+  year = {2001},
+  volume = {70},
+  pages = {1543-1547}
-author = {A. Bossavit and G. Griso and B. Miara},
-title = {Modelling of periodic electromagnetic structures bianosotropic materials
-with memory effects},
-journal = {Journal de Math\'ematiques Pures et Appliqu\'ees},
-year = {2005},
-volume = {84},
-pages = {819-850},
-number = {7}
+  author = {A. Bossavit and G. Griso and B. Miara},
+  title = {Modelling of periodic electromagnetic structures bianosotropic materials
+	with memory effects},
+  journal = {Journal de Math\'ematiques Pures et Appliqu\'ees},
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {84},
+  pages = {819-850},
+  number = {7}
-author = {M. G. Bostock},
-title = {Kirchhoff-approximate inversion of teleseismic wavefields},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2002},
-volume = {149},
-pages = {787-795}
+  author = {M. G. Bostock},
+  title = {Kirchhoff-approximate inversion of teleseismic wavefields},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {149},
+  pages = {787-795}
-author = {M. G. Bostock and S. Rondenay},
-title = {Migration of scattered teleseismic body waves},
-journal = gji,
-year = {1999},
-volume = {137},
-pages = {732-746}
+  author = {M. G. Bostock and S. Rondenay},
+  title = {Migration of scattered teleseismic body waves},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1999},
+  volume = {137},
+  pages = {732-746}
-author = {M. G. Bostock and S. Rondenay and J. Shragge},
-title = {Multiparameter two-dimensional inversion of scattered teleseismic
-body waves - 1. {T}heory for oblique incidence},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {2001},
-volume = {106},
-pages = {30771-30782}
+  author = {M. G. Bostock and S. Rondenay and J. Shragge},
+  title = {Multiparameter two-dimensional inversion of scattered teleseismic
+	body waves - 1. {T}heory for oblique incidence},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {2001},
+  volume = {106},
+  pages = {30771-30782}
-author = {M. Bouchon},
-title = {The discrete wave number formulation of boundary integral equations
-and boundary element methods: a review with applications to the simulation
-of seismic wave propagation in complex geological structures},
-journal = pageoph,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {148},
-pages = {3-20},
-number = {1}
+  author = {M. Bouchon},
+  title = {The discrete wave number formulation of boundary integral equations
+	and boundary element methods: a review with applications to the simulation
+	of seismic wave propagation in complex geological structures},
+  journal = pageoph,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {148},
+  pages = {3-20},
+  number = {1}
-author = {M. Bouchon},
-title = {A simple complete numerical solution of the problem of diffraction
-of {{\it SH}} waves by an irregular surface},
-journal = jasa,
-year = {1985},
-volume = {77},
-pages = {1-5}
+  author = {M. Bouchon},
+  title = {A simple complete numerical solution of the problem of diffraction
+	of {{\it SH}} waves by an irregular surface},
+  journal = jasa,
+  year = {1985},
+  volume = {77},
+  pages = {1-5}
-author = {M. Bouchon},
-title = {A simple method to calculate {G}reen's functions for elastic layered
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1981},
-volume = {71},
-pages = {959-971}
+  author = {M. Bouchon},
+  title = {A simple method to calculate {G}reen's functions for elastic layered
+	media},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1981},
+  volume = {71},
+  pages = {959-971}
-author = {M. Bouchon},
-title = {Discrete wavenumber representation of elastic wave fields in three
-space dimensions},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {1979},
-volume = {84},
-pages = {3609-3614}
+  author = {M. Bouchon},
+  title = {Discrete wavenumber representation of elastic wave fields in three
+	space dimensions},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {1979},
+  volume = {84},
+  pages = {3609-3614}
-author = {M. Bouchon},
-title = {The importance of the surface interface {{\it P}} wave in near-earthquake
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1978},
-volume = {68},
-pages = {1293-1311}
+  author = {M. Bouchon},
+  title = {The importance of the surface interface {{\it P}} wave in near-earthquake
+	studies},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1978},
+  volume = {68},
+  pages = {1293-1311}
-author = {M. Bouchon},
-title = {Effect of topography on surface motion},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1973},
-volume = {63},
-pages = {615-632}
+  author = {M. Bouchon},
+  title = {Effect of topography on surface motion},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1973},
+  volume = {63},
+  pages = {615-632}
-author = {M. Bouchon and K. Aki},
-title = {Discrete wavenumber representation of seismic-source wave fields},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1977},
-volume = {67},
-pages = {259-277}
+  author = {M. Bouchon and K. Aki},
+  title = {Discrete wavenumber representation of seismic-source wave fields},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1977},
+  volume = {67},
+  pages = {259-277}
-author = {M. Bouchon and J. S. Barker},
-title = {Seismic response of a hill: the example of {T}arzana, {C}alifornia},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {86},
-pages = {66-72},
-number = {1A}
+  author = {M. Bouchon and J. S. Barker},
+  title = {Seismic response of a hill: the example of {T}arzana, {C}alifornia},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {86},
+  pages = {66-72},
+  number = {1A}
-author = {M. Bouchon and M. Campillo and S. Gaffet},
-title = {A boundary integral equation-discrete wavenumber representation method
-to study wave propagation in multilayered media having irregular
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1989},
-volume = {54},
-pages = {1134-1140}
+  author = {M. Bouchon and M. Campillo and S. Gaffet},
+  title = {A boundary integral equation-discrete wavenumber representation method
+	to study wave propagation in multilayered media having irregular
+	interfaces},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1989},
+  volume = {54},
+  pages = {1134-1140}
-author = {M. Bouchon and F. J. S\'anchez-Sesma},
-title = {Boundary-integral equations and boundary-element methods in elastodynamics},
-booktitle = {Advances in wave propagation in heterogeneous media},
-publisher = {Elsevier},
-year = {2006},
-editor = {Ru-Shan Wu and Val\'erie Maupin},
-series = {Advances in Geophysics}
+  author = {M. Bouchon and F. J. S\'anchez-Sesma},
+  title = {Boundary-integral equations and boundary-element methods in elastodynamics},
+  booktitle = {Advances in wave propagation in heterogeneous media},
+  publisher = {Elsevier},
+  year = {2006},
+  editor = {Ru-Shan Wu and Val\'erie Maupin},
+  series = {Advances in Geophysics}
-author = {M. Bouchon and C. A. Schultz and M. Nafi T\"oksoz},
-title = {Effect of three-dimensional topography on seismic motion},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {101},
-pages = {5835-5846}
+  author = {M. Bouchon and C. A. Schultz and M. Nafi T\"oksoz},
+  title = {Effect of three-dimensional topography on seismic motion},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {101},
+  pages = {5835-5846}
-author = {M. Bouchon and C. A. Schultz and M. Nafi T\"oksoz},
-title = {A fast implementation of boundary integral equation methods to calculate
-the propagation of seismic waves in laterally varying layered media},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1995},
-volume = {85},
-pages = {1679-1687}
+  author = {M. Bouchon and C. A. Schultz and M. Nafi T\"oksoz},
+  title = {A fast implementation of boundary integral equation methods to calculate
+	the propagation of seismic waves in laterally varying layered media},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1995},
+  volume = {85},
+  pages = {1679-1687}
-author = {A. Bouhamidi},
-title = {Interpolation et approximation par des fonctions splines radiales
-\`a plusieurs variables},
-school = {Universit\'e de Nantes},
-year = {1992},
-address = {Nantes, France},
-note = {190 p.}
+  author = {A. Bouhamidi},
+  title = {Interpolation et approximation par des fonctions splines radiales
+	\`a plusieurs variables},
+  school = {Universit\'e de Nantes},
+  year = {1992},
+  address = {Nantes, France},
+  note = {190 p.}
-title = {Bivectors and waves in {M}echanics and {O}ptics},
-publisher = {Chapman and Hall},
-year = {1993},
-author = {Ph. Boulanger and M. Hayes},
-address = {London, United Kingdom}
+  title = {Bivectors and waves in {M}echanics and {O}ptics},
+  publisher = {Chapman and Hall},
+  year = {1993},
+  author = {Ph. Boulanger and M. Hayes},
+  address = {London, United Kingdom}
-author = {Tobias Brandvik and Graham Pullan},
-title = {Acceleration of a two-dimensional {E}uler flow solver using commodity
-Graphics Hardware},
-journal = {Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal
-of Mechanical Engineering Science},
-year = {2007},
-volume = {221},
-pages = {1745--1748},
-number = {12},
-doi = {10.1243/09544062JMES813FT}
+  author = {Tobias Brandvik and Graham Pullan},
+  title = {Acceleration of a two-dimensional {E}uler flow solver using commodity
+	Graphics Hardware},
+  journal = {Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal
+	of Mechanical Engineering Science},
+  year = {2007},
+  volume = {221},
+  pages = {1745--1748},
+  number = {12},
+  doi = {10.1243/09544062JMES813FT}
-title = {Acoustics of layered media {I}},
-publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
-year = {1990},
-author = {L. M. Brekhovskikh and O. A. Godin},
-volume = {5},
-series = {Springer Series on Wave phenomena},
-address = {Berlin, Germany}
+  title = {Acoustics of layered media {I}},
+  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
+  year = {1990},
+  author = {L. M. Brekhovskikh and O. A. Godin},
+  volume = {5},
+  series = {Springer Series on Wave phenomena},
+  address = {Berlin, Germany}
-author = {H. Bremmer},
-title = {The {WKB} approximation as the first term of a geometric-optical
-journal = {Comm. Pure Appl. Math.},
-year = {1951},
-volume = {9999999},
-pages = {105-115}
+  author = {H. Bremmer},
+  title = {The {WKB} approximation as the first term of a geometric-optical
+	series},
+  journal = {Comm. Pure Appl. Math.},
+  year = {1951},
+  volume = {9999999},
+  pages = {105-115}
-author = {F. Brezzi and M. Fortin},
-title = {Mixed and Hybrid Finite Element Methods},
-booktitle = {Springer Series in Computational Mathematics},
-publisher = {Springer},
-year = {1991},
-volume = {15},
-address = {New York, USA}
+  author = {F. Brezzi and M. Fortin},
+  title = {Mixed and Hybrid Finite Element Methods},
+  booktitle = {Springer Series in Computational Mathematics},
+  publisher = {Springer},
+  year = {1991},
+  volume = {15},
+  address = {New York, USA}
-title = {Tensors in Mechanics and Elasticity},
-publisher = {Academic Press},
-year = {1964},
-author = {L. Brillouin},
-address = {New York, USA},
-edition = {3rd}
+  title = {Tensors in Mechanics and Elasticity},
+  publisher = {Academic Press},
+  year = {1964},
+  author = {L. Brillouin},
+  address = {New York, USA},
+  edition = {3rd}
-author = {V. T. Buchwald},
-title = {Rayleigh waves in anisotropic media},
-journal = {Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics},
-year = {1961},
-volume = {14},
-pages = {461-468},
-number = {4}
+  author = {V. T. Buchwald},
+  title = {Rayleigh waves in anisotropic media},
+  journal = {Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics},
+  year = {1961},
+  volume = {14},
+  pages = {461-468},
+  number = {4}
-author = {V. T. Buchwald},
-title = {Elastic waves in anisotropic media},
-journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, United Kingdom},
-year = {1959},
-volume = {A253},
-pages = {563-580}
+  author = {V. T. Buchwald},
+  title = {Elastic waves in anisotropic media},
+  journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, United Kingdom},
+  year = {1959},
+  volume = {A253},
+  pages = {563-580}
-author = {V. T. Buchwald and A. Davis},
-title = {Surface waves in elastic media with cubic symmetry},
-journal = {Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics},
-year = {1963},
-volume = {16},
-pages = {283-293}
+  author = {V. T. Buchwald and A. Davis},
+  title = {Surface waves in elastic media with cubic symmetry},
+  journal = {Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics},
+  year = {1963},
+  volume = {16},
+  pages = {283-293}
-author = {Ian Buck},
-title = {Ge{F}orce 8800 and {NVIDIA CUDA}: A New Architecture for Computing
-on the {GPU}},
-booktitle = {Proceedings of the Supercomputing'06 Workshop on "General-Purpose
-GPU Computing: Practice And Experience"},
-year = {2006},
-pages = {1-29},
-url = {www.gpgpu.org/sc2006/workshop/presentations/Buck\_NVIDIA\_Cuda.pdf}
+  author = {Ian Buck},
+  title = {Ge{F}orce 8800 and {NVIDIA CUDA}: A New Architecture for Computing
+	on the {GPU}},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Supercomputing'06 Workshop on "General-Purpose
+	GPU Computing: Practice And Experience"},
+  year = {2006},
+  pages = {1-29},
+  url = {www.gpgpu.org/sc2006/workshop/presentations/Buck\_NVIDIA\_Cuda.pdf}
-author = {Ian Buck and Tim Foley and Daniel R. Horn and Jeremy Sugerman and
-Kayvon Fatahalian and Mike Houston and Pat Hanrahan},
-title = {Brook for {GPUs}: {S}tream computing on graphics hardware},
-journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics},
-year = {2004},
-volume = {23},
-pages = {777--786},
-number = {3},
-month = aug,
-doi = {10.1145/1015706.1015800}
+  author = {Ian Buck and Tim Foley and Daniel R. Horn and Jeremy Sugerman and
+	Kayvon Fatahalian and Mike Houston and Pat Hanrahan},
+  title = {Brook for {GPUs}: {S}tream computing on graphics hardware},
+  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics},
+  year = {2004},
+  volume = {23},
+  pages = {777--786},
+  number = {3},
+  month = aug,
+  doi = {10.1145/1015706.1015800}
-author = {R. Burridge},
-title = {Lamb's problem for an anisotropic half-space},
-journal = {Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics},
-year = {1971},
-volume = {24},
-pages = {81-98},
-number = {1}
+  author = {R. Burridge},
+  title = {Lamb's problem for an anisotropic half-space},
+  journal = {Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics},
+  year = {1971},
+  volume = {24},
+  pages = {81-98},
+  number = {1}
-author = {R. Burridge},
-title = {The directions in which {R}ayleigh waves may be propagated on crystals},
-journal = {Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics},
-year = {1970},
-volume = {23},
-pages = {217-224},
-number = {2}
+  author = {R. Burridge},
+  title = {The directions in which {R}ayleigh waves may be propagated on crystals},
+  journal = {Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics},
+  year = {1970},
+  volume = {23},
+  pages = {217-224},
+  number = {2}
-title = {R\'eflexion et R\'efraction des Ondes Sismiques Progressives},
-publisher = {Gauthiers-Villars},
-year = {1939},
-author = {L. Cagniard},
-address = {Paris}
+  title = {R\'eflexion et R\'efraction des Ondes Sismiques Progressives},
+  publisher = {Gauthiers-Villars},
+  year = {1939},
+  author = {L. Cagniard},
+  address = {Paris}
-author = {M. Calvet},
-title = {Apport des noyaux de sensibilit\'e des ondes {PKP} et {P} diffract\'ees
-pour l'\'etude de la graine anisotrope et de la couche {D}''},
-school = {Universit\'e Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France},
-year = {2006}
+  author = {M. Calvet},
+  title = {Apport des noyaux de sensibilit\'e des ondes {PKP} et {P} diffract\'ees
+	pour l'\'etude de la graine anisotrope et de la couche {D}''},
+  school = {Universit\'e Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France},
+  year = {2006}
-author = {M. Calvet and S. Chevrot},
-title = {Traveltime sensitivity kernels for {PKP} phases in the mantle},
-journal = pepi,
-year = {2005},
-volume = {153},
-pages = {21-31}
+  author = {M. Calvet and S. Chevrot},
+  title = {Traveltime sensitivity kernels for {PKP} phases in the mantle},
+  journal = pepi,
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {153},
+  pages = {21-31}
-author = {M. Calvet and S. Chevrot and A. Souriau},
-title = {P wave propagation in transversely isotropic media: {I}. {F}inite-frequency
-journal = pepi,
-year = {2006},
-volume = {156},
-pages = {12-20}
+  author = {M. Calvet and S. Chevrot and A. Souriau},
+  title = {P wave propagation in transversely isotropic media: {I}. {F}inite-frequency
+	theory},
+  journal = pepi,
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {156},
+  pages = {12-20}
-author = {M. Calvet and S. Chevrot and A. Souriau},
-title = {P wave propagation in transversely isotropic media: {II}. {A}pplication
-to inner core anisotropy: {E}ffects of data averaging, parameterization
-and a priori information},
-journal = pepi,
-year = {2006},
-volume = {156},
-pages = {21-40}
+  author = {M. Calvet and S. Chevrot and A. Souriau},
+  title = {P wave propagation in transversely isotropic media: {II}. {A}pplication
+	to inner core anisotropy: {E}ffects of data averaging, parameterization
+	and a priori information},
+  journal = pepi,
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {156},
+  pages = {21-40}
-author = {R. E. Camley and A. A. Maradudin},
-title = {Phonon focusing at surfaces},
-journal = {Physical Review B},
-year = {1983},
-volume = {27},
-pages = {1959-1964},
-number = {4}
+  author = {R. E. Camley and A. A. Maradudin},
+  title = {Phonon focusing at surfaces},
+  journal = {Physical Review B},
+  year = {1983},
+  volume = {27},
+  pages = {1959-1964},
+  number = {4}
-author = {M. Campillo},
-title = {{$L_g$} wave propagation in a laterally varying crust and the distribution
-of the apparent quality factor in {C}entre {F}rance},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {1987},
-volume = {92},
-pages = {12604-12614}
+  author = {M. Campillo},
+  title = {{$L_g$} wave propagation in a laterally varying crust and the distribution
+	of the apparent quality factor in {C}entre {F}rance},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {1987},
+  volume = {92},
+  pages = {12604-12614}
-author = {M. Campillo and M. Bouchon},
-title = {Synthetic {{\it SH}} seismograms in laterally varying medium by discrete
-wavenumber method},
-journal = gjras,
-year = {1985},
-volume = {83},
-pages = {307-317}
+  author = {M. Campillo and M. Bouchon},
+  title = {Synthetic {{\it SH}} seismograms in laterally varying medium by discrete
+	wavenumber method},
+  journal = gjras,
+  year = {1985},
+  volume = {83},
+  pages = {307-317}
-author = {E. J. Cand\`es and D. L. Donoho},
-title = {Curvelets: A Surprisingly Effective Nonadaptive Representation for
-Objects with Edges, Curves and Surfaces},
-booktitle = {Curve and Surface Fitting},
-publisher = {Vanderbilt University Press},
-year = {1999},
-editor = {A. Cohen and C. Rabut and L. L. Schumaker},
-address = {Nashville, Tennessee, USA}
+  author = {E. J. Cand\`es and D. L. Donoho},
+  title = {Curvelets: A Surprisingly Effective Nonadaptive Representation for
+	Objects with Edges, Curves and Surfaces},
+  booktitle = {Curve and Surface Fitting},
+  publisher = {Vanderbilt University Press},
+  year = {1999},
+  editor = {A. Cohen and C. Rabut and L. L. Schumaker},
+  address = {Nashville, Tennessee, USA}
-author = {C. Canuto and D. Funaro},
-title = {The {S}chwarz algorithm for spectral methods},
-journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
-year = {1988},
-volume = {25},
-pages = {24-40}
+  author = {C. Canuto and D. Funaro},
+  title = {The {S}chwarz algorithm for spectral methods},
+  journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
+  year = {1988},
+  volume = {25},
+  pages = {24-40}
-title = {Spectral methods in fluid dynamics},
-publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
-year = {1988},
-author = {C. Canuto and M. Y. Hussaini and A. Quarteroni and T. A. Zang},
-address = {New York, USA}
+  title = {Spectral methods in fluid dynamics},
+  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
+  year = {1988},
+  author = {C. Canuto and M. Y. Hussaini and A. Quarteroni and T. A. Zang},
+  address = {New York, USA}
-author = {C. Canuto and A. Quarteroni},
-title = {Approximation results for orthogonal polynomials in {S}obolev spaces},
-journal = {Math. Comp.},
-year = {1982},
-volume = {38},
-pages = {67-86}
+  author = {C. Canuto and A. Quarteroni},
+  title = {Approximation results for orthogonal polynomials in {S}obolev spaces},
+  journal = {Math. Comp.},
+  year = {1982},
+  volume = {38},
+  pages = {67-86}
-author = {Y. Capdeville},
-title = {M\'ethode coupl\'ee \'el\'ements spectraux - solution modale pour
-la propagation d'ondes dans la {T}erre \`a l'\'echelle globale ({A}
-coupled method using spectral elements and normal modes for global
-wave propagation in the {E}arth)},
-school = {Universit\'e Paris {\sc VII} Denis Diderot},
-year = {2000},
-address = {Paris, France}
+  author = {Y. Capdeville},
+  title = {M\'ethode coupl\'ee \'el\'ements spectraux - solution modale pour
+	la propagation d'ondes dans la {T}erre \`a l'\'echelle globale ({A}
+	coupled method using spectral elements and normal modes for global
+	wave propagation in the {E}arth)},
+  school = {Universit\'e Paris {\sc VII} Denis Diderot},
+  year = {2000},
+  address = {Paris, France}
-author = {Y. Capdeville and E. Chaljub and J. P. Vilotte and J. P. Montagner},
-title = {Coupling the spectral element method with a modal solution for elastic
-wave propagation in global {E}arth models},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2003},
-volume = {152},
-pages = {34-67}
+  author = {Y. Capdeville and E. Chaljub and J. P. Vilotte and J. P. Montagner},
+  title = {Coupling the spectral element method with a modal solution for elastic
+	wave propagation in global {E}arth models},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {152},
+  pages = {34-67}
-author = {Y. Capdeville and Y. Gung and B. Romanowicz},
-title = {Towards global {E}arth tomography using the spectral element method:
-a technique based on source stacking},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2005},
-volume = {162},
-pages = {541-554}
+  author = {Y. Capdeville and Y. Gung and B. Romanowicz},
+  title = {Towards global {E}arth tomography using the spectral element method:
+	a technique based on source stacking},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {162},
+  pages = {541-554}
-author = {Y. Capdeville and E. Stutzmann and J.P. Montagner},
-title = {Effect of a plume on long-period surface waves computed with normal-mode
-journal = pepi,
-year = {2000},
-volume = {119},
-pages = {54-71}
+  author = {Y. Capdeville and E. Stutzmann and J.P. Montagner},
+  title = {Effect of a plume on long-period surface waves computed with normal-mode
+	coupling},
+  journal = pepi,
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {119},
+  pages = {54-71}
-author = {Yann Capdeville and A. To and Barbara Romanowicz},
-title = {Coupling spectral elements and modes in a spherical {E}arth: an extension
-to the `sandwich' case},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2003},
-volume = {154},
-pages = {44-57}
+  author = {Yann Capdeville and A. To and Barbara Romanowicz},
+  title = {Coupling spectral elements and modes in a spherical {E}arth: an extension
+	to the `sandwich' case},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {154},
+  pages = {44-57}
-title = {Wave fields in real media: {T}heory and numerical simulation of wave
-propagation in anisotropic, anelastic, porous and electromagnetic
-publisher = {Elsevier Science},
-year = {2007},
-author = {Jos\'e M. Carcione},
-address = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands},
-edition = {Second}
+  title = {Wave fields in real media: {T}heory and numerical simulation of wave
+	propagation in anisotropic, anelastic, porous and electromagnetic
+	media},
+  publisher = {Elsevier Science},
+  year = {2007},
+  author = {Jos\'e M. Carcione},
+  address = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands},
+  edition = {Second}
-author = {J. M. Carcione},
-title = {Staggered mesh for the anisotropic and viscoelastic wave equation},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1999},
-volume = {64},
-pages = {1863-1866}
+  author = {J. M. Carcione},
+  title = {Staggered mesh for the anisotropic and viscoelastic wave equation},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1999},
+  volume = {64},
+  pages = {1863-1866}
-author = {J. M. Carcione},
-title = {A 2{D} {C}hebyshev differential operator for the elastic wave equation},
-journal = cmame,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {130},
-pages = {33-45}
+  author = {J. M. Carcione},
+  title = {A 2{D} {C}hebyshev differential operator for the elastic wave equation},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {130},
+  pages = {33-45}
-author = {J. M. Carcione},
-title = {Elastodynamic of a non-ideal interface: application to crack and
-fracture scattering},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {101},
-pages = {28177-28188},
-number = {B12}
+  author = {J. M. Carcione},
+  title = {Elastodynamic of a non-ideal interface: application to crack and
+	fracture scattering},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {101},
+  pages = {28177-28188},
+  number = {B12}
-author = {J. M. Carcione},
-title = {The wave equation in generalized coordinates},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1994},
-volume = {59},
-pages = {1911-1919}
+  author = {J. M. Carcione},
+  title = {The wave equation in generalized coordinates},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1994},
+  volume = {59},
+  pages = {1911-1919}
-author = {Jos\'e M. Carcione},
-title = {Seismic modeling in viscoelastic media},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1993},
-volume = {58},
-pages = {110-120},
-number = {1},
-doi = {10.1190/1.1443340}
+  author = {Jos\'e M. Carcione},
+  title = {Seismic modeling in viscoelastic media},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1993},
+  volume = {58},
+  pages = {110-120},
+  number = {1},
+  doi = {10.1190/1.1443340}
-author = {J. M. Carcione},
-title = {Modeling anelastic singular surface waves in the {E}arth},
-journal = {Geophysics},
-year = {1992},
-volume = {57},
-pages = {781-792},
-number = {6}
+  author = {J. M. Carcione},
+  title = {Modeling anelastic singular surface waves in the {E}arth},
+  journal = {Geophysics},
+  year = {1992},
+  volume = {57},
+  pages = {781-792},
+  number = {6}
-author = {J. M. Carcione},
-title = {Domain decomposition for wave propagation problems},
-journal = {J. Sci. Comp.},
-year = {1991},
-volume = {6},
-pages = {453-472},
-number = {4}
+  author = {J. M. Carcione},
+  title = {Domain decomposition for wave propagation problems},
+  journal = {J. Sci. Comp.},
+  year = {1991},
+  volume = {6},
+  pages = {453-472},
+  number = {4}
-author = {J. M. Carcione},
-title = {Wave propagation in anisotropic linear viscoelastic media: theory
-and simulated wavefields},
-journal = gji,
-year = {1990},
-volume = {101},
-pages = {739-750}
+  author = {J. M. Carcione},
+  title = {Wave propagation in anisotropic linear viscoelastic media: theory
+	and simulated wavefields},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1990},
+  volume = {101},
+  pages = {739-750}
-author = {J. M. Carcione and H. B. Helle},
-title = {On the physics and simulation of wave propagation at the ocean bottom},
-journal = {Geophysics},
-year = {2004},
-volume = {69},
-pages = {825-839}
+  author = {J. M. Carcione and H. B. Helle},
+  title = {On the physics and simulation of wave propagation at the ocean bottom},
+  journal = {Geophysics},
+  year = {2004},
+  volume = {69},
+  pages = {825-839}
-author = {J. M. Carcione and G. Herman and F. P. E. {ten Kroode}},
-title = {Seismic modeling},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {2002},
-volume = {67},
-pages = {1304-1325}
+  author = {J. M. Carcione and G. Herman and F. P. E. {ten Kroode}},
+  title = {Seismic modeling},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {67},
+  pages = {1304-1325}
-author = {J. M. Carcione and D. Kosloff and A. Behle and G. Seriani},
-title = {A spectral scheme for wave propagation simulation in 3-{D} elastic-anisotropic
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1992},
-volume = {57},
-pages = {1593-1607},
-number = {12}
+  author = {J. M. Carcione and D. Kosloff and A. Behle and G. Seriani},
+  title = {A spectral scheme for wave propagation simulation in 3-{D} elastic-anisotropic
+	media},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1992},
+  volume = {57},
+  pages = {1593-1607},
+  number = {12}
-author = {J. M. Carcione and D. Kosloff and R. Kosloff},
-title = {Wave propagation simulation in an elastic anisotropic (transversely
-isotropic) solid},
-journal = {Q. J. Mech. Appl. Math.},
-year = {1988},
-volume = {41},
-pages = {319-345},
-number = {3}
+  author = {J. M. Carcione and D. Kosloff and R. Kosloff},
+  title = {Wave propagation simulation in an elastic anisotropic (transversely
+	isotropic) solid},
+  journal = {Q. J. Mech. Appl. Math.},
+  year = {1988},
+  volume = {41},
+  pages = {319-345},
+  number = {3}
-author = {J. M. Carcione and D. Kosloff and R. Kosloff},
-title = {Wave propagation simulation in a linear viscoelastic medium},
-journal = gji,
-year = {1988},
-volume = {95},
-pages = {597-611}
+  author = {J. M. Carcione and D. Kosloff and R. Kosloff},
+  title = {Wave propagation simulation in a linear viscoelastic medium},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1988},
+  volume = {95},
+  pages = {597-611}
-author = {J. M. Carcione and F. Poletto and D. Gei},
-title = {3-{D} wave simulation in anelastic media using the {K}elvin-{V}oigt
-constitutive equation},
-journal = jcp,
-year = {2004},
-volume = {196},
-pages = {282-297}
+  author = {J. M. Carcione and F. Poletto and D. Gei},
+  title = {3-{D} wave simulation in anelastic media using the {K}elvin-{V}oigt
+	constitutive equation},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {2004},
+  volume = {196},
+  pages = {282-297}
-author = {J. M. Carcione and P. J. Wang},
-title = {A {C}hebyshev Collocation Method for the Wave Equation in Generalized
-journal = {Comp. Fluid Dyn. J.},
-year = {1993},
-volume = {2},
-pages = {269-290}
+  author = {J. M. Carcione and P. J. Wang},
+  title = {A {C}hebyshev Collocation Method for the Wave Equation in Generalized
+	Coordinates},
+  journal = {Comp. Fluid Dyn. J.},
+  year = {1993},
+  volume = {2},
+  pages = {269-290}
-author = {Laura Carrington and Dimitri Komatitsch and Michael Laurenzano and
-Mustafa Tikir and David Mich\'ea and Nicolas {Le Goff} and Allan
-Snavely and Jeroen Tromp},
-title = {High-frequency simulations of global seismic wave propagation using
-{SPECFEM3D\_GLOBE} on 62 thousand processor cores},
-journal = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Supercomputing SC'2008 conference},
-year = {2008},
-pages = {1-11},
-note = {Article \#60, {G}ordon {B}ell {P}rize finalist article},
-doi = {10.1145/1413370.1413432}
+  author = {Laura Carrington and Dimitri Komatitsch and Michael Laurenzano and
+	Mustafa Tikir and David Mich\'ea and Nicolas {Le Goff} and Allan
+	Snavely and Jeroen Tromp},
+  title = {High-frequency simulations of global seismic wave propagation using
+	{SPECFEM3D\_GLOBE} on 62 thousand processor cores},
+  journal = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Supercomputing SC'2008 conference},
+  year = {2008},
+  pages = {1-11},
+  note = {Article \#60, {G}ordon {B}ell {P}rize finalist article},
+  doi = {10.1145/1413370.1413432}
-author = {D. L. Carver and K. W. King and E. Cranswick and D. W. Worley and
-P. Spudich and C. Mueller},
-title = {Digital recordings of aftershocks of the {O}ctober 17, 1989, {L}oma
-{P}rieta, {C}alifornia, earthquake: {S}anta {C}ruz, {L}os {G}atos,
-and surrounding areas},
-journal = {U.S. Geol. Surv. Open File Rep.},
-year = {1990},
-volume = {90},
-pages = {90-683}
+  author = {D. L. Carver and K. W. King and E. Cranswick and D. W. Worley and
+	P. Spudich and C. Mueller},
+  title = {Digital recordings of aftershocks of the {O}ctober 17, 1989, {L}oma
+	{P}rieta, {C}alifornia, earthquake: {S}anta {C}ruz, {L}os {G}atos,
+	and surrounding areas},
+  journal = {U.S. Geol. Surv. Open File Rep.},
+  year = {1990},
+  volume = {90},
+  pages = {90-683}
-author = {F. Casadei and E. Gabellini},
-title = {Implementation of a 3{D} coupled {S}pectral {E}lement solver for
-wave propagation and soil-structure interaction simulations},
-institution = {European Commission Joint Research Center Report EUR17730EN},
-year = {1997},
-address = {Ispra, Italy}
+  author = {F. Casadei and E. Gabellini},
+  title = {Implementation of a 3{D} coupled {S}pectral {E}lement solver for
+	wave propagation and soil-structure interaction simulations},
+  institution = {European Commission Joint Research Center Report EUR17730EN},
+  year = {1997},
+  address = {Ispra, Italy}
-author = {Folco Casadei and Jean-Pierre Halleux},
-title = {Binary spatial partitioning of the central-difference time integration
-scheme for explicit fast transient dynamics},
-journal = ijnme,
-year = {2009},
-volume = {78},
-pages = {1436-1473},
-number = {12},
-doi = {10.1002/nme.2533}
+  author = {Folco Casadei and Jean-Pierre Halleux},
+  title = {Binary spatial partitioning of the central-difference time integration
+	scheme for explicit fast transient dynamics},
+  journal = ijnme,
+  year = {2009},
+  volume = {78},
+  pages = {1436-1473},
+  number = {12},
+  doi = {10.1002/nme.2533}
-author = {E. Casarotti and M. Stupazzini and S. Lee and D. Komatitsch and A.
-Piersanti and J. Tromp},
-title = {CUBIT and Seismic Wave Propagation Based Upon the Spectral-Element
-Method: An Advanced Unstructured Mesher for Complex 3D Geological
-booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th International Meshing Roundtable},
-year = {2008},
-volume = {5B.4},
-pages = {579-597}
+  author = {E. Casarotti and M. Stupazzini and S. Lee and D. Komatitsch and A.
+	Piersanti and J. Tromp},
+  title = {CUBIT and Seismic Wave Propagation Based Upon the Spectral-Element
+	Method: An Advanced Unstructured Mesher for Complex 3D Geological
+	Media},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th International Meshing Roundtable},
+  year = {2008},
+  volume = {5B.4},
+  pages = {579-597}
-author = {V. Caselles and R. Kimmel and G. Sapiro},
-title = {Geodesic {A}ctive {C}ontours},
-journal = {Int. J. Comput. Vis.},
-year = {1997},
-volume = {22},
-pages = {61-79},
-number = {1}
+  author = {V. Caselles and R. Kimmel and G. Sapiro},
+  title = {Geodesic {A}ctive {C}ontours},
+  journal = {Int. J. Comput. Vis.},
+  year = {1997},
+  volume = {22},
+  pages = {61-79},
+  number = {1}
-author = {B. Castagn\`ede and Y. Berthelot},
-title = {Photoacoustic interactions by modulation and laser impact: applications
-in mechanics and physics of anisotropic solids},
-journal = {Journal d'Acoustique},
-year = {1992},
-volume = {5},
-pages = {417-453}
+  author = {B. Castagn\`ede and Y. Berthelot},
+  title = {Photoacoustic interactions by modulation and laser impact: applications
+	in mechanics and physics of anisotropic solids},
+  journal = {Journal d'Acoustique},
+  year = {1992},
+  volume = {5},
+  pages = {417-453}
-author = {C. E. Castro and M. K\"aser and G. B. Brietzke},
-title = {Seismic waves in heterogeneous material: subcell resolution of the
-discontinuous Galerkin method},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2010},
-volume = {182},
-pages = {250-264},
-number = {1}
+  author = {C. E. Castro and M. K\"aser and G. B. Brietzke},
+  title = {Seismic waves in heterogeneous material: subcell resolution of the
+	discontinuous Galerkin method},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2010},
+  volume = {182},
+  pages = {250-264},
+  number = {1}
-author = {R. D. Catchings and W. H. K. Lee},
-title = {Shallow velocity structure and {P}oisson's ratio at the {T}arzana,
-{C}alifornia, strong-motion accelerometer site},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {86},
-pages = {1704-1713}
+  author = {R. D. Catchings and W. H. K. Lee},
+  title = {Shallow velocity structure and {P}oisson's ratio at the {T}arzana,
+	{C}alifornia, strong-motion accelerometer site},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {86},
+  pages = {1704-1713}
-author = {Elena Celledoni and Robert I. McLachlan and David I. McLaren and
-Brynjulf Owren and G. Reinout W. Quispel and William M. Wright},
-title = {Energy-preserving {R}unge-{K}utta methods},
-journal = {M2AN},
-year = {2009},
-volume = {43},
-pages = {645-649},
-doi = {10.1051/m2an/2009020}
+  author = {Elena Celledoni and Robert I. McLachlan and David I. McLaren and
+	Brynjulf Owren and G. Reinout W. Quispel and William M. Wright},
+  title = {Energy-preserving {R}unge-{K}utta methods},
+  journal = {M2AN},
+  year = {2009},
+  volume = {43},
+  pages = {645-649},
+  doi = {10.1051/m2an/2009020}
-author = {C. Cerjan and D. Kosloff and R. Kosloff and M. Reshef},
-title = {A nonreflecting boundary condition for discrete acoustic and elastic
-wave equation},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1985},
-volume = {50},
-pages = {705-708}
+  author = {C. Cerjan and D. Kosloff and R. Kosloff and M. Reshef},
+  title = {A nonreflecting boundary condition for discrete acoustic and elastic
+	wave equation},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1985},
+  volume = {50},
+  pages = {705-708}
-title = {Seismic Ray Theory},
-publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
-year = {2001},
-author = {V. Cerven\'{y}},
-address = {Cambridge, UK}
+  title = {Seismic Ray Theory},
+  publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+  year = {2001},
+  author = {V. Cerven\'{y}},
+  address = {Cambridge, UK}
-author = {Ali Cevahir and Akira Nukada and Satoshi Matsuoka},
-title = {High performance conjugate gradient solver on multi-{GPU} clusters
-using hypergraph partitioning},
-journal = {Computer Science Research and Development},
-year = {2010},
-volume = {25},
-pages = {83-91},
-number = {1-2},
-doi = {10.1007/s00450-010-0112-6}
+  author = {Ali Cevahir and Akira Nukada and Satoshi Matsuoka},
+  title = {High performance conjugate gradient solver on multi-{GPU} clusters
+	using hypergraph partitioning},
+  journal = {Computer Science Research and Development},
+  year = {2010},
+  volume = {25},
+  pages = {83-91},
+  number = {1-2},
+  doi = {10.1007/s00450-010-0112-6}
-author = {F. J. Ch\'avez-Garc\'{\i}a and L. S\'anchez and D. Hatzfeld},
-title = {Topographic site effects and HVSR. A comparison between observation
-and theory},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {86},
-pages = {1559-1573}
+  author = {F. J. Ch\'avez-Garc\'{\i}a and L. S\'anchez and D. Hatzfeld},
+  title = {Topographic site effects and HVSR. A comparison between observation
+	and theory},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {86},
+  pages = {1559-1573}
-author = {P. Chadwick},
-title = {Some remarks on the existence of one-component surface waves in elastic
-materials with symmetry},
-journal = {Physica Scripta},
-year = {1992},
-volume = {T44},
-pages = {94-97}
+  author = {P. Chadwick},
+  title = {Some remarks on the existence of one-component surface waves in elastic
+	materials with symmetry},
+  journal = {Physica Scripta},
+  year = {1992},
+  volume = {T44},
+  pages = {94-97}
-author = {P. Chadwick},
-title = {The behaviour of elastic surface waves polarized in a plane of material
-symmetry. {I}. {G}eneral analysis},
-journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, United Kingdom},
-year = {1990},
-volume = {A430},
-pages = {213-240}
+  author = {P. Chadwick},
+  title = {The behaviour of elastic surface waves polarized in a plane of material
+	symmetry. {I}. {G}eneral analysis},
+  journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, United Kingdom},
+  year = {1990},
+  volume = {A430},
+  pages = {213-240}
-author = {P. Chadwick},
-title = {Wave propagation in transversely isotropic elastic media. {II}. {S}urface
-journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, United Kingdom},
-year = {1989},
-volume = {A422},
-pages = {67-101}
+  author = {P. Chadwick},
+  title = {Wave propagation in transversely isotropic elastic media. {II}. {S}urface
+	waves},
+  journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, United Kingdom},
+  year = {1989},
+  volume = {A422},
+  pages = {67-101}
-author = {P. Chadwick and G. D. Smith},
-title = {Surface waves in cubic elastic materials},
-booktitle = {Mechanics of solids},
-publisher = {Pergamon Press},
-year = {1982},
-editor = {H. G. Hopkins and M. J. Sewell},
-pages = {47-100},
-address = {Oxford, United Kingdom}
+  author = {P. Chadwick and G. D. Smith},
+  title = {Surface waves in cubic elastic materials},
+  booktitle = {Mechanics of solids},
+  publisher = {Pergamon Press},
+  year = {1982},
+  editor = {H. G. Hopkins and M. J. Sewell},
+  pages = {47-100},
+  address = {Oxford, United Kingdom}
-author = {P. Chadwick and G. D. Smith},
-title = {Foundations of the theory of surface waves in anisotropic elastic
-booktitle = {Advances in Applied Mechanics},
-publisher = {Academic Press, New York, USA},
-year = {1977},
-editor = {C. S. Yih},
-volume = {17},
-pages = {303-376}
+  author = {P. Chadwick and G. D. Smith},
+  title = {Foundations of the theory of surface waves in anisotropic elastic
+	materials},
+  booktitle = {Advances in Applied Mechanics},
+  publisher = {Academic Press, New York, USA},
+  year = {1977},
+  editor = {C. S. Yih},
+  volume = {17},
+  pages = {303-376}
-author = {P. Chadwick and N. J. Wilson},
-title = {The behaviour of elastic surface waves polarized in a plane of material
-symmetry. {II}. {M}onoclinic media},
-journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, United Kingdom},
-year = {1992},
-volume = {A438},
-pages = {207-223}
+  author = {P. Chadwick and N. J. Wilson},
+  title = {The behaviour of elastic surface waves polarized in a plane of material
+	symmetry. {II}. {M}onoclinic media},
+  journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, United Kingdom},
+  year = {1992},
+  volume = {A438},
+  pages = {207-223}
-author = {P. Chadwick and N. J. Wilson},
-title = {The behaviour of elastic surface waves polarized in a plane of material
-symmetry. {III}. {O}rthorhombic and cubic media},
-journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, United Kingdom},
-year = {1992},
-volume = {A438},
-pages = {225-247}
+  author = {P. Chadwick and N. J. Wilson},
+  title = {The behaviour of elastic surface waves polarized in a plane of material
+	symmetry. {III}. {O}rthorhombic and cubic media},
+  journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, United Kingdom},
+  year = {1992},
+  volume = {A438},
+  pages = {225-247}
-author = {J. F. Chai and T. T. Wu},
-title = {Determination of anisotropic elastic constants using laser-generated
-surface waves},
-journal = jasa,
-year = {1994},
-volume = {95},
-pages = {3232-3241}
+  author = {J. F. Chai and T. T. Wu},
+  title = {Determination of anisotropic elastic constants using laser-generated
+	surface waves},
+  journal = jasa,
+  year = {1994},
+  volume = {95},
+  pages = {3232-3241}
-author = {St\'{e}phanie Chaillat and Marc Bonnet and Jean-Fran\c{c}ois Semblat},
-title = {A multi-level fast multipole {BEM} for {3-D} elastodynamics in the
-frequency domain},
-journal = cmame,
-year = {2008},
-volume = {197},
-pages = {4233-4249},
-number = {49-50},
-doi = {10.1016/j.cma.2008.04.024}
+  author = {St\'{e}phanie Chaillat and Marc Bonnet and Jean-Fran\c{c}ois Semblat},
+  title = {A multi-level fast multipole {BEM} for {3-D} elastodynamics in the
+	frequency domain},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {2008},
+  volume = {197},
+  pages = {4233-4249},
+  number = {49-50},
+  doi = {10.1016/j.cma.2008.04.024}
-author = {E. Chaljub},
-title = {Mod\'elisation num\'erique de la propagation d'ondes sismiques en
-g\'eom\'etrie sph\'erique : application \`a la sismologie globale
-({N}umerical modeling of the propagation of seismic waves in spherical
-geometry: {a}pplication to global seismology)},
-school = {Universit\'e Paris {\sc VII} Denis Diderot},
-year = {2000},
-address = {Paris, France}
+  author = {E. Chaljub},
+  title = {Mod\'elisation num\'erique de la propagation d'ondes sismiques en
+	g\'eom\'etrie sph\'erique : application \`a la sismologie globale
+	({N}umerical modeling of the propagation of seismic waves in spherical
+	geometry: {a}pplication to global seismology)},
+  school = {Universit\'e Paris {\sc VII} Denis Diderot},
+  year = {2000},
+  address = {Paris, France}
-author = {E. Chaljub and Y. Capdeville and J. P. Vilotte},
-title = {Solving Elastodynamics in a Fluid-Solid Heterogeneous Sphere: a Parallel
-Spectral-Element Approximation on Non-Conforming Grids},
-journal = jcp,
-year = {2003},
-volume = {187},
-pages = {457-491},
-number = {2}
+  author = {E. Chaljub and Y. Capdeville and J. P. Vilotte},
+  title = {Solving Elastodynamics in a Fluid-Solid Heterogeneous Sphere: a Parallel
+	Spectral-Element Approximation on Non-Conforming Grids},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {187},
+  pages = {457-491},
+  number = {2}
-author = {Emmanuel Chaljub and C\'ecile Cornou and Philippe Gu\'eguen and Mathieu
-Causse and Dimitri Komatitsch},
-title = {Spectral-element modeling of 3{D} wave propagation in the alpine
-valley of {G}renoble, {F}rance},
-booktitle = {Geophysical Research Abstracts},
-year = {2005},
-volume = {7, 05225},
-publisher = {EGU 2nd general assembly, Wien, Austria}
+  author = {Emmanuel Chaljub and C\'ecile Cornou and Philippe Gu\'eguen and Mathieu
+	Causse and Dimitri Komatitsch},
+  title = {Spectral-element modeling of 3{D} wave propagation in the alpine
+	valley of {G}renoble, {F}rance},
+  booktitle = {Geophysical Research Abstracts},
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {7, 05225},
+  publisher = {EGU 2nd general assembly, Wien, Austria}
-author = {Emmanuel Chaljub and Dimitri Komatitsch and Jean Pierre Vilotte and
-Yann Capdeville and Bernard Valette and Gaetano Festa},
-title = {Spectral Element Analysis in Seismology},
-booktitle = {Advances in wave propagation in heterogeneous media},
-publisher = {Elsevier - Academic Press, London, UK},
-year = {2007},
-editor = {Ru-Shan Wu and Val\'erie Maupin},
-volume = {48},
-series = {Advances in Geophysics},
-pages = {365-419}
+  author = {Emmanuel Chaljub and Dimitri Komatitsch and Jean Pierre Vilotte and
+	Yann Capdeville and Bernard Valette and Gaetano Festa},
+  title = {Spectral Element Analysis in Seismology},
+  booktitle = {Advances in wave propagation in heterogeneous media},
+  publisher = {Elsevier - Academic Press, London, UK},
+  year = {2007},
+  editor = {Ru-Shan Wu and Val\'erie Maupin},
+  volume = {48},
+  series = {Advances in Geophysics},
+  pages = {365-419}
-author = {E. Chaljub and P. Moczo and S. Tsuno and P.-Y. Bard and J. Kristek
-and M. K\"aser and M. Stupazzini and M. Kristekova},
-title = {Quantitative Comparison of Four Numerical Predictions of 3D Ground
-Motion in the Grenoble Valley, France},
-journal = {Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am.},
-year = {2010},
-volume = {100},
-pages = {1427-1455},
-number = {4}
+  author = {E. Chaljub and P. Moczo and S. Tsuno and P.-Y. Bard and J. Kristek
+	and M. K\"aser and M. Stupazzini and M. Kristekova},
+  title = {Quantitative Comparison of Four Numerical Predictions of 3D Ground
+	Motion in the Grenoble Valley, France},
+  journal = {Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am.},
+  year = {2010},
+  volume = {100},
+  pages = {1427-1455},
+  number = {4}
-author = {E. Chaljub and A. Tarantola},
-title = {Sensitivity of {SS} precursors to topography on the upper-mantle
-660-km discontinuity},
-journal = grl,
-year = {1997},
-volume = {24},
-pages = {2613-2616},
-number = {21}
+  author = {E. Chaljub and A. Tarantola},
+  title = {Sensitivity of {SS} precursors to topography on the upper-mantle
+	660-km discontinuity},
+  journal = grl,
+  year = {1997},
+  volume = {24},
+  pages = {2613-2616},
+  number = {21}
-author = {E. Chaljub and B. Valette},
-title = {Spectral element modelling of three-dimensional wave propagation
-in a self-gravitating {E}arth with an arbitrarily stratified outer
-journal = gji,
-year = {2004},
-volume = {158},
-pages = {131-141}
+  author = {E. Chaljub and B. Valette},
+  title = {Spectral element modelling of three-dimensional wave propagation
+	in a self-gravitating {E}arth with an arbitrarily stratified outer
+	core},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2004},
+  volume = {158},
+  pages = {131-141}
-title = {Parallel Programming in {O}pen{MP}},
-publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann, Elsevier},
-year = {2000},
-author = {Rohit Chandra and Ramesh Menon and Leo Dagum and David Kohr and Dror
-Maydan and Jeff McDonald},
-address = {San Francisco, USA}
+  title = {Parallel Programming in {O}pen{MP}},
+  publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann, Elsevier},
+  year = {2000},
+  author = {Rohit Chandra and Ramesh Menon and Leo Dagum and David Kohr and Dror
+	Maydan and Jeff McDonald},
+  address = {San Francisco, USA}
-author = {C. Chapman and R. G. Pratt},
-title = {Traveltime tomography in anisotropic media -{I}: Theory},
-journal = gji,
-year = {1992},
-volume = {109},
-pages = {1-19}
+  author = {C. Chapman and R. G. Pratt},
+  title = {Traveltime tomography in anisotropic media -{I}: Theory},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1992},
+  volume = {109},
+  pages = {1-19}
-author = {C. H. Chapman and R. A. Phinney},
-title = {Diffracted seismic signals and their numerical solution},
-journal = {Methods Comput. Phys.},
-year = {1972},
-volume = {12},
-pages = {165-230}
+  author = {C. H. Chapman and R. A. Phinney},
+  title = {Diffracted seismic signals and their numerical solution},
+  journal = {Methods Comput. Phys.},
+  year = {1972},
+  volume = {12},
+  pages = {165-230}
-author = {Shuai Che and Michael Boyer and Jiayuan Meng and David Tarjan and
-Jeremy W. Sheaffer and Kevin Skadron},
-title = {A performance study of general-purpose applications on graphics processors
-using {CUDA}},
-journal = {Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing},
-year = {2008},
-volume = {68},
-pages = {1370--1380},
-number = {10},
-month = jun,
-doi = {10.1016/j.jpdc.2008.05.014}
+  author = {Shuai Che and Michael Boyer and Jiayuan Meng and David Tarjan and
+	Jeremy W. Sheaffer and Kevin Skadron},
+  title = {A performance study of general-purpose applications on graphics processors
+	using {CUDA}},
+  journal = {Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing},
+  year = {2008},
+  volume = {68},
+  pages = {1370--1380},
+  number = {10},
+  month = jun,
+  doi = {10.1016/j.jpdc.2008.05.014}
-author = {Min Chen and Jeroen Tromp},
-title = {Theoretical and numerical investigations of global and regional seismic
-wave propagation in weakly anisotropic earth models},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2007},
-volume = {168},
-pages = {1130-1152},
-number = {3},
-doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03218.x}
+  author = {Min Chen and Jeroen Tromp},
+  title = {Theoretical and numerical investigations of global and regional seismic
+	wave propagation in weakly anisotropic earth models},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2007},
+  volume = {168},
+  pages = {1130-1152},
+  number = {3},
+  doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03218.x}
-author = {M. Chen and J. Tromp and D. Helmberger and H. Kanamori},
-title = {Waveform modeling of the slab beneath {J}apan},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {2007},
-volume = {112},
-pages = {B02305},
-doi = {10.1029/2006JB004394}
+  author = {M. Chen and J. Tromp and D. Helmberger and H. Kanamori},
+  title = {Waveform modeling of the slab beneath {J}apan},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {2007},
+  volume = {112},
+  pages = {B02305},
+  doi = {10.1029/2006JB004394}
-author = {Q. Chen and I. Babu{\v s}ka},
-title = {The optimal symmetrical points for polynomial interpolation of real
-functions in the tetrahedron},
-journal = cmame,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {137},
-pages = {89-94}
+  author = {Q. Chen and I. Babu{\v s}ka},
+  title = {The optimal symmetrical points for polynomial interpolation of real
+	functions in the tetrahedron},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {137},
+  pages = {89-94}
-author = {Q. Chen and I. Babu{\v s}ka},
-title = {Approximate optimal points for polynomial interpolation of real functions
-in an interval and in a triangle},
-journal = cmame,
-year = {1995},
-volume = {128},
-pages = {405-417}
+  author = {Q. Chen and I. Babu{\v s}ka},
+  title = {Approximate optimal points for polynomial interpolation of real functions
+	in an interval and in a triangle},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {1995},
+  volume = {128},
+  pages = {405-417}
-author = {X. Chen},
-title = {Generation and propagation of seismic {SH} waves in multilayered
-media with irregular interfaces},
-booktitle = {Advances in wave propagation in heterogeneous media},
-publisher = {Elsevier},
-year = {2006},
-editor = {Ru-Shan Wu and Val\'erie Maupin},
-series = {Advances in Geophysics}
+  author = {X. Chen},
+  title = {Generation and propagation of seismic {SH} waves in multilayered
+	media with irregular interfaces},
+  booktitle = {Advances in wave propagation in heterogeneous media},
+  publisher = {Elsevier},
+  year = {2006},
+  editor = {Ru-Shan Wu and Val\'erie Maupin},
+  series = {Advances in Geophysics}
-author = {C. Chevalier and F. Pellegrini},
-title = {{PT-SCOTCH}: a tool for efficient parallel graph ordering},
-journal = {Parallel Computing},
-year = {2008},
-volume = {34},
-pages = {318-331},
-number = {6-8}
+  author = {C. Chevalier and F. Pellegrini},
+  title = {{PT-SCOTCH}: a tool for efficient parallel graph ordering},
+  journal = {Parallel Computing},
+  year = {2008},
+  volume = {34},
+  pages = {318-331},
+  number = {6-8}
-author = {S. Chevrot},
-title = {Finite-frequency vectorial tomography: a new method for high-resolution
-imaging of upper mantle anisotropy},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2006},
-volume = {165},
-pages = {641-657},
-number = {2},
-doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.02982.x}
+  author = {S. Chevrot},
+  title = {Finite-frequency vectorial tomography: a new method for high-resolution
+	imaging of upper mantle anisotropy},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {165},
+  pages = {641-657},
+  number = {2},
+  doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.02982.x}
-author = {S. Chevrot and N. Favier and D. Komatitsch},
-title = {Shear wave splitting in three-dimensional anisotropic media},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2004},
-volume = {159},
-pages = {711-720},
-number = {2},
-doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2004.02432.x}
+  author = {S. Chevrot and N. Favier and D. Komatitsch},
+  title = {Shear wave splitting in three-dimensional anisotropic media},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2004},
+  volume = {159},
+  pages = {711-720},
+  number = {2},
+  doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2004.02432.x}
-author = {W. C. Chew and Q. Liu},
-title = {{P}erfectly {M}atched {L}ayers for elastodynamics: a new absorbing
-boundary condition},
-journal = jca,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {4},
-pages = {341-359},
-number = {4}
+  author = {W. C. Chew and Q. Liu},
+  title = {{P}erfectly {M}atched {L}ayers for elastodynamics: a new absorbing
+	boundary condition},
+  journal = jca,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {4},
+  pages = {341-359},
+  number = {4}
-author = {W. C. Chew and W. H. Weedon},
-title = {A {3-D} perfectly matched medium from modified {M}axwell's equations
-with stretched coordinates},
-journal = {Microwave Opt. Technol. Lett.},
-year = {1994},
-volume = {7},
-pages = {599-604},
-number = {13}
+  author = {W. C. Chew and W. H. Weedon},
+  title = {A {3-D} perfectly matched medium from modified {M}axwell's equations
+	with stretched coordinates},
+  journal = {Microwave Opt. Technol. Lett.},
+  year = {1994},
+  volume = {7},
+  pages = {599-604},
+  number = {13}
-author = {Alexandre Joel Chorin},
-title = {Numerical solution of the {N}avier-{S}tokes equations},
-journal = {Math. Comput.},
-year = {1968},
-volume = {22},
-pages = {745-762}
+  author = {Alexandre Joel Chorin},
+  title = {Numerical solution of the {N}avier-{S}tokes equations},
+  journal = {Math. Comput.},
+  year = {1968},
+  volume = {22},
+  pages = {745-762}
-title = {Introduction to Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimisation},
-publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
-year = {1989},
-author = {P. G. Ciarlet},
-series = {Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics},
-address = {Cambridge}
+  title = {Introduction to Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimisation},
+  publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+  year = {1989},
+  author = {P. G. Ciarlet},
+  series = {Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics},
+  address = {Cambridge}
-title = {The Finite Element Method for Elliptic Problems},
-publisher = {North Holland},
-year = {1978},
-author = {P. G. Ciarlet},
-address = {Amsterdam},
-note = {530 p.}
+  title = {The Finite Element Method for Elliptic Problems},
+  publisher = {North Holland},
+  year = {1978},
+  author = {P. G. Ciarlet},
+  address = {Amsterdam},
+  note = {530 p.}
-author = {Eric Cl\'ev\'ed\'e and Charles M\'egnin and Barabara Romanowicz and
-Philippe Lognonn\'e},
-title = {Seismic waveform modeling and surface wave tomography in a three-dimensional
-{E}arth: asymptotic and non-asymptotic approaches},
-journal = pepi,
-year = {2000},
-volume = {119(1)},
-pages = {37-56}
+  author = {Eric Cl\'ev\'ed\'e and Charles M\'egnin and Barabara Romanowicz and
+	Philippe Lognonn\'e},
+  title = {Seismic waveform modeling and surface wave tomography in a three-dimensional
+	{E}arth: asymptotic and non-asymptotic approaches},
+  journal = pepi,
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {119(1)},
+  pages = {37-56}
-author = {M. N. Clark},
-title = {Intensity of shaking estimated from displaced stones},
-journal = {U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap.},
-year = {1972},
-volume = {787},
-pages = {175-182}
+  author = {M. N. Clark},
+  title = {Intensity of shaking estimated from displaced stones},
+  journal = {U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap.},
+  year = {1972},
+  volume = {787},
+  pages = {175-182}
-author = {T. J. Clarke and P. G. Silver and Y. L. Yeh and D. E. James and T.
-C. Wallace and S. L. Beck},
-title = {Close in {ScS} and {sScS} reverberations from the 9 {J}une 1994 {B}olivian
-journal = grl,
-year = {1995},
-volume = {22},
-pages = {2313-2316},
-number = {16}
+  author = {T. J. Clarke and P. G. Silver and Y. L. Yeh and D. E. James and T.
+	C. Wallace and S. L. Beck},
+  title = {Close in {ScS} and {sScS} reverberations from the 9 {J}une 1994 {B}olivian
+	earthquake},
+  journal = grl,
+  year = {1995},
+  volume = {22},
+  pages = {2313-2316},
+  number = {16}
-author = {R. Clayton and B. Engquist},
-title = {Absorbing boundary conditions for acoustic and elastic wave equations},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1977},
-volume = {67},
-pages = {1529-1540}
+  author = {R. Clayton and B. Engquist},
+  title = {Absorbing boundary conditions for acoustic and elastic wave equations},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1977},
+  volume = {67},
+  pages = {1529-1540}
-author = {R. H. Clouser and C. A. Langston},
-title = {Modeling observed {$P$-$R_g$} conversions from isolated topographic
-features near the {NORESS} array},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1995},
-volume = {85},
-pages = {859-873}
+  author = {R. H. Clouser and C. A. Langston},
+  title = {Modeling observed {$P$-$R_g$} conversions from isolated topographic
+	features near the {NORESS} array},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1995},
+  volume = {85},
+  pages = {859-873}
-author = {R. T. Coates and M. Schoenberg},
-title = {Finite-difference modelling of faults and fractures},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1995},
-volume = {60},
-pages = {1514-1526}
+  author = {R. T. Coates and M. Schoenberg},
+  title = {Finite-difference modelling of faults and fractures},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1995},
+  volume = {60},
+  pages = {1514-1526}
-author = {M. Cocco and J. R. Rice},
-title = {Pore pressure and poroelasticity effects in {C}oulomb stress analysis
-of earthquake interaction},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {2002},
-volume = {107},
-pages = {2-1 - 2-17}
+  author = {M. Cocco and J. R. Rice},
+  title = {Pore pressure and poroelasticity effects in {C}oulomb stress analysis
+	of earthquake interaction},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {107},
+  pages = {2-1 - 2-17}
-title = {Discontinuous {G}alerkin Methods: Theory, Computation and Applications},
-publisher = {Springer},
-year = {2000},
-author = {Bernardo Cockburn and George E. Karniadakis and Chi-Wang Shu},
-address = {Heidelberg, Germany}
+  title = {Discontinuous {G}alerkin Methods: Theory, Computation and Applications},
+  publisher = {Springer},
+  year = {2000},
+  author = {Bernardo Cockburn and George E. Karniadakis and Chi-Wang Shu},
+  address = {Heidelberg, Germany}
-title = {Ondelettes et traitement num\'erique du signal},
-publisher = {Masson},
-year = {1992},
-author = {A. Cohen},
-address = {Paris}
+  title = {Ondelettes et traitement num\'erique du signal},
+  publisher = {Masson},
+  year = {1992},
+  author = {A. Cohen},
+  address = {Paris}
-title = {Higher-order numerical methods for transient wave equations},
-publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
-year = {2002},
-author = {Gary Cohen},
-address = {Berlin, Germany}
+  title = {Higher-order numerical methods for transient wave equations},
+  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
+  year = {2002},
+  author = {Gary Cohen},
+  address = {Berlin, Germany}
-author = {G. Cohen},
-title = {Schemes fourth-order in time and space for 2{D} elastodynamics equations},
-booktitle = {Expanded abstracts of the Soc. Expl. Geophys.},
-year = {1988},
-pages = {1288-1291},
-note = {58th international meeting of the SEG}
+  author = {G. Cohen},
+  title = {Schemes fourth-order in time and space for 2{D} elastodynamics equations},
+  booktitle = {Expanded abstracts of the Soc. Expl. Geophys.},
+  year = {1988},
+  pages = {1288-1291},
+  note = {58th international meeting of the SEG}
-author = {G. Cohen and S. Fauqueux},
-title = {Mixed Spectral Finite Elements for the Linear Elasticity System in
-Unbounded Domains},
-journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing},
-year = {2005},
-volume = {26},
-pages = {864-884},
-number = {3},
-doi = {10.1137/S1064827502407457}
+  author = {G. Cohen and S. Fauqueux},
+  title = {Mixed Spectral Finite Elements for the Linear Elasticity System in
+	Unbounded Domains},
+  journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing},
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {26},
+  pages = {864-884},
+  number = {3},
+  doi = {10.1137/S1064827502407457}
-author = {G. Cohen and S. Fauqueux},
-title = {Mixed finite elements with mass lumping for the transient wave equation},
-journal = jca,
-year = {2000},
-volume = {8},
-pages = {171-188},
-number = {1},
-doi = {10.1142/S0218396X0000011X}
+  author = {G. Cohen and S. Fauqueux},
+  title = {Mixed finite elements with mass lumping for the transient wave equation},
+  journal = jca,
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {8},
+  pages = {171-188},
+  number = {1},
+  doi = {10.1142/S0218396X0000011X}
-author = {G. Cohen and P. Joly},
-title = {Fourth-order schemes for the heterogeneous acoustics equation},
-journal = cmame,
-year = {1990},
-volume = {80},
-pages = {397-407}
+  author = {G. Cohen and P. Joly},
+  title = {Fourth-order schemes for the heterogeneous acoustics equation},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {1990},
+  volume = {80},
+  pages = {397-407}
-author = {G. Cohen and P. Joly and J. E. Roberts and N. Tordjman},
-title = {Higher-Order Triangular Finite Elements with Mass Lumping for the
-Wave Equation},
-journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
-year = {2001},
-volume = {38},
-pages = {2047-2078},
-number = {6},
-doi = {10.1137/S0036142997329554}
+  author = {G. Cohen and P. Joly and J. E. Roberts and N. Tordjman},
+  title = {Higher-Order Triangular Finite Elements with Mass Lumping for the
+	Wave Equation},
+  journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
+  year = {2001},
+  volume = {38},
+  pages = {2047-2078},
+  number = {6},
+  doi = {10.1137/S0036142997329554}
-author = {G. Cohen and P. Joly and N. Tordjman},
-title = {Construction and analysis of higher-order finite elements with mass
-lumping for the wave equation},
-booktitle = {Proceedings of the second international conference on mathematical
-and numerical aspects of wave propagation},
-year = {1993},
-editor = {R. Kleinman},
-pages = {152-160},
-publisher = {SIAM, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA}
+  author = {G. Cohen and P. Joly and N. Tordjman},
+  title = {Construction and analysis of higher-order finite elements with mass
+	lumping for the wave equation},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the second international conference on mathematical
+	and numerical aspects of wave propagation},
+  year = {1993},
+  editor = {R. Kleinman},
+  pages = {152-160},
+  publisher = {SIAM, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA}
-author = {F. Collino},
-title = {{P}erfectly matched absorbing layers for the paraxial equations},
-journal = jcp,
-year = {1997},
-volume = {131},
-pages = {164-180}
+  author = {F. Collino},
+  title = {{P}erfectly matched absorbing layers for the paraxial equations},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {1997},
+  volume = {131},
+  pages = {164-180}
-author = {Collino, F. and Fouquet, T. and Joly, P.},
-title = {A conservative space-time mesh refinement method for the 1-{D} wave
-equation. {I}. {C}onstruction},
-journal = {Numerische Mathematik},
-year = {2003},
-volume = {95},
-pages = {197-221},
-number = {2}
+  author = {Collino, F. and Fouquet, T. and Joly, P.},
+  title = {A conservative space-time mesh refinement method for the 1-{D} wave
+	equation. {I}. {C}onstruction},
+  journal = {Numerische Mathematik},
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {95},
+  pages = {197-221},
+  number = {2}
-author = {Collino, F. and Fouquet, T. and Joly, P.},
-title = {A conservative space-time mesh refinement method for the 1-{D} wave
-equation. {II}. {A}nalysis},
-journal = {Numerische Mathematik},
-year = {2003},
-volume = {95},
-pages = {223-251},
-number = {2}
+  author = {Collino, F. and Fouquet, T. and Joly, P.},
+  title = {A conservative space-time mesh refinement method for the 1-{D} wave
+	equation. {II}. {A}nalysis},
+  journal = {Numerische Mathematik},
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {95},
+  pages = {223-251},
+  number = {2}
-author = {F. Collino and T. Fouquet and P. Joly},
-title = {Analyse num\'erique d'une m\'ethode de raffinement de maillage espace-temps
-pour l'\'equation des ondes},
-institution = {INRIA},
-year = {1998},
-note = {Research report RR-3474}
+  author = {F. Collino and T. Fouquet and P. Joly},
+  title = {Analyse num\'erique d'une m\'ethode de raffinement de maillage espace-temps
+	pour l'\'equation des ondes},
+  institution = {INRIA},
+  year = {1998},
+  note = {Research report RR-3474}
-author = {F. Collino and P. Monk},
-title = {Optimizing the {P}erfectly {M}atched {L}ayer},
-journal = cmame,
-year = {1998},
-volume = {164},
-pages = {157-171}
+  author = {F. Collino and P. Monk},
+  title = {Optimizing the {P}erfectly {M}atched {L}ayer},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {164},
+  pages = {157-171}
-author = {F. Collino and P. Monk},
-title = {The {P}erfectly {M}atched {L}ayer in curvilinear coordinates},
-journal = {SIAM J. Sci. Comput.},
-year = {1998},
-volume = {19},
-pages = {2061-2090},
-number = {6}
+  author = {F. Collino and P. Monk},
+  title = {The {P}erfectly {M}atched {L}ayer in curvilinear coordinates},
+  journal = {SIAM J. Sci. Comput.},
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {19},
+  pages = {2061-2090},
+  number = {6}
-author = {F. Collino and C. Tsogka},
-title = {Application of the {PML} absorbing layer model to the linear elastodynamic
-problem in anisotropic heterogeneous media},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {2001},
-volume = {66},
-pages = {294-307},
-number = {1}
+  author = {F. Collino and C. Tsogka},
+  title = {Application of the {PML} absorbing layer model to the linear elastodynamic
+	problem in anisotropic heterogeneous media},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {2001},
+  volume = {66},
+  pages = {294-307},
+  number = {1}
-author = {V. F. Cormier},
-title = {Anisotropy of heterogeneity scale lengths in the lower mantle from
-PKIKP precursors},
-journal = gji,
-year = {1999},
-volume = {136},
-pages = {373-384}
+  author = {V. F. Cormier},
+  title = {Anisotropy of heterogeneity scale lengths in the lower mantle from
+	PKIKP precursors},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1999},
+  volume = {136},
+  pages = {373-384}
-author = {V. F. Cormier},
-title = {Synthesis of body waves in transversely isotropic {E}arth models},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1986},
-volume = {76},
-pages = {231-240}
+  author = {V. F. Cormier},
+  title = {Synthesis of body waves in transversely isotropic {E}arth models},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1986},
+  volume = {76},
+  pages = {231-240}
-author = {C\'ecile Cornou and Pierre-Yves Bard and Michel Dietrich},
-title = {Contribution of Dense Array Analysis to the identification and quantification
-of basin-edge-induced waves, {P}art {II}: {A}pplication to the {G}renoble
-basin ({F}rench {A}lps)},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {2003},
-volume = {93},
-pages = {2624-2648},
-number = {6}
+  author = {C\'ecile Cornou and Pierre-Yves Bard and Michel Dietrich},
+  title = {Contribution of Dense Array Analysis to the identification and quantification
+	of basin-edge-induced waves, {P}art {II}: {A}pplication to the {G}renoble
+	basin ({F}rench {A}lps)},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {93},
+  pages = {2624-2648},
+  number = {6}
-author = {J. Corones},
-title = {Bremmer Series That Correct Parabolic Approximations},
-journal = {J. Math. Anal. Appl.},
-year = {1975},
-volume = {50},
-pages = {361-372}
+  author = {J. Corones},
+  title = {Bremmer Series That Correct Parabolic Approximations},
+  journal = {J. Math. Anal. Appl.},
+  year = {1975},
+  volume = {50},
+  pages = {361-372}
-author = {Andrew Corrigan and Fernando Camelli and Rainald L{\"o}hner and John
-title = {Running unstructured grid based {CFD} solvers on modern graphics
-booktitle = {19th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference},
-year = {2009},
-pages = {1-11},
-month = jun,
-note = {AIAA 2009-4001}
+  author = {Andrew Corrigan and Fernando Camelli and Rainald L{\"o}hner and John
+	Wallin},
+  title = {Running unstructured grid based {CFD} solvers on modern graphics
+	hardware},
+  booktitle = {19th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference},
+  year = {2009},
+  pages = {1-11},
+  month = jun,
+  note = {AIAA 2009-4001}
-author = {R. Courant and K. O. Friedrichs and H. Lewy},
-title = {\"{U}ber die partiellen {D}ifferenzengleichungen der mathematischen
-journal = {Mathematische Annalen},
-year = {1928},
-volume = {100},
-pages = {32-74}
+  author = {R. Courant and K. O. Friedrichs and H. Lewy},
+  title = {\"{U}ber die partiellen {D}ifferenzengleichungen der mathematischen
+	{P}hysik},
+  journal = {Mathematische Annalen},
+  year = {1928},
+  volume = {100},
+  pages = {32-74}
-author = {R. Courant and E. Isaacson and M. Rees},
-title = {On the solution of nonlinear hyperbolic differential equations by
-finite differences},
-journal = {Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics},
-year = {1952},
-volume = {5},
-pages = {243-255}
+  author = {R. Courant and E. Isaacson and M. Rees},
+  title = {On the solution of nonlinear hyperbolic differential equations by
+	finite differences},
+  journal = {Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics},
+  year = {1952},
+  volume = {5},
+  pages = {243-255}
-author = {T. G. Cowling},
-title = {The non-radial oscillations of polytropic stars},
-journal = {Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.},
-year = {1941},
-volume = {101},
-pages = {369-373}
+  author = {T. G. Cowling},
+  title = {The non-radial oscillations of polytropic stars},
+  journal = {Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.},
+  year = {1941},
+  volume = {101},
+  pages = {369-373}
-author = {A. Craggs},
-title = {The transient response of a coupled plate-acoustic system using plate
-and acoustic finite elements},
-journal = {J. Sound Vib.},
-year = {1971},
-volume = {15},
-pages = {509-528}
+  author = {A. Craggs},
+  title = {The transient response of a coupled plate-acoustic system using plate
+	and acoustic finite elements},
+  journal = {J. Sound Vib.},
+  year = {1971},
+  volume = {15},
+  pages = {509-528}
-author = {S. Crampin},
-title = {An introduction to wave propagation in anisotropic media},
-journal = gjras,
-year = {1984},
-volume = {76},
-pages = {17-28}
+  author = {S. Crampin},
+  title = {An introduction to wave propagation in anisotropic media},
+  journal = gjras,
+  year = {1984},
+  volume = {76},
+  pages = {17-28}
-author = {S. Crampin and E. M. Chesnokov and R. G. Hipkin},
-title = {Seismic anisotropy - the state of the art {II}},
-journal = gjras,
-year = {1984},
-volume = {76},
-pages = {1-16}
+  author = {S. Crampin and E. M. Chesnokov and R. G. Hipkin},
+  title = {Seismic anisotropy - the state of the art {II}},
+  journal = gjras,
+  year = {1984},
+  volume = {76},
+  pages = {1-16}
-author = {S. Crampin and D. B. Taylor},
-title = {The propagation of surface waves in anisotropic media},
-journal = gji,
-year = {1977},
-volume = {25},
-pages = {71-87},
-number = {1-3}
+  author = {S. Crampin and D. B. Taylor},
+  title = {The propagation of surface waves in anisotropic media},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1977},
+  volume = {25},
+  pages = {71-87},
+  number = {1-3}
-author = {E. Crase and A. Pica and M. Noble and J. McDonald and A. Tarantola},
-title = {Robust elastic non-linear waveform inversion: application to real
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1990},
-volume = {55},
-pages = {527-538}
+  author = {E. Crase and A. Pica and M. Noble and J. McDonald and A. Tarantola},
+  title = {Robust elastic non-linear waveform inversion: application to real
+	data},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1990},
+  volume = {55},
+  pages = {527-538}
-author = {K. C. Creager},
-title = {Anisotropy of the inner core from differential travel times of the
-phase {PKP} and {PKIKP}},
-journal = {Nature},
-year = {1992},
-volume = {356},
-pages = {309-314}
+  author = {K. C. Creager},
+  title = {Anisotropy of the inner core from differential travel times of the
+	phase {PKP} and {PKIKP}},
+  journal = {Nature},
+  year = {1992},
+  volume = {356},
+  pages = {309-314}
-author = {P. Cristini and F. Jensen and D. Morisset and J. Piraux and J. P.
-title = {Experimental benchmarks for numerical propagation models: comparison
-between numerical results and tank experiments for deep and shallow
-water environments},
-booktitle = {Theoretical and Computational Acoustics' 97},
-publisher = {World Scientific Publisher},
-year = {1999},
-editor = {Y H Pao and E C Shang and Y C Teng},
-pages = {999998-999999}
+  author = {P. Cristini and F. Jensen and D. Morisset and J. Piraux and J. P.
+	Sessarego},
+  title = {Experimental benchmarks for numerical propagation models: comparison
+	between numerical results and tank experiments for deep and shallow
+	water environments},
+  booktitle = {Theoretical and Computational Acoustics' 97},
+  publisher = {World Scientific Publisher},
+  year = {1999},
+  editor = {Y H Pao and E C Shang and Y C Teng},
+  pages = {999998-999999}
-author = {P. Cummins and L. R. Johnson},
-title = {Short-period body wave constraints on properties of the {E}arth's
-Inner Core Boundary},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {1988},
-volume = {93},
-pages = {9058-9074}
+  author = {P. Cummins and L. R. Johnson},
+  title = {Short-period body wave constraints on properties of the {E}arth's
+	Inner Core Boundary},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {1988},
+  volume = {93},
+  pages = {9058-9074}
-author = {P. K. Currie},
-title = {The secular equation for {R}ayleigh waves on elastic crystals},
-journal = {Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics},
-year = {1979},
-volume = {32},
-pages = {163-173}
+  author = {P. K. Currie},
+  title = {The secular equation for {R}ayleigh waves on elastic crystals},
+  journal = {Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics},
+  year = {1979},
+  volume = {32},
+  pages = {163-173}
-author = {E. Cuthill and J. McKee},
-title = {Reducing the bandwidth of sparse symmetric matrices},
-booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th National ACM Conference},
-year = {1969},
-pages = {157-172},
-address = {New York, USA},
-publisher = {ACM Press}
+  author = {E. Cuthill and J. McKee},
+  title = {Reducing the bandwidth of sparse symmetric matrices},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th National ACM Conference},
+  year = {1969},
+  pages = {157-172},
+  address = {New York, USA},
+  publisher = {ACM Press}
-author = {M. A. Dablain},
-title = {The application of high-order differencing to the scalar wave equation},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1986},
-volume = {51},
-pages = {54-66},
-number = {1}
+  author = {M. A. Dablain},
+  title = {The application of high-order differencing to the scalar wave equation},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1986},
+  volume = {51},
+  pages = {54-66},
+  number = {1}
-author = {F. A. Dahlen and A. M. Baig},
-title = {Fr\'echet kernels for body-wave amplitudes},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2002},
-volume = {150},
-pages = {440-466}
+  author = {F. A. Dahlen and A. M. Baig},
+  title = {Fr\'echet kernels for body-wave amplitudes},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {150},
+  pages = {440-466}
-title = {Theoretical Global Seismology},
-publisher = {Princeton University Press},
-year = {1998},
-author = {F. A. Dahlen and J. Tromp},
-address = {Princeton, New-Jersey, USA}
+  title = {Theoretical Global Seismology},
+  publisher = {Princeton University Press},
+  year = {1998},
+  author = {F. A. Dahlen and J. Tromp},
+  address = {Princeton, New-Jersey, USA}
-author = {N. Dai and A. Vafidis and E. R. Kanasevich},
-title = {Wave propagation in heterogeneous, porous media: {A} velocity-stress,
-finite-difference method},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1995},
-volume = {60},
-pages = {327-340}
+  author = {N. Dai and A. Vafidis and E. R. Kanasevich},
+  title = {Wave propagation in heterogeneous, porous media: {A} velocity-stress,
+	finite-difference method},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1995},
+  volume = {60},
+  pages = {327-340}
-author = {C. A. Dalton and G. Ekstr\"{o}m and A. M. Dziewo\'nski},
-title = {The global attenuation structure of the upper mantle},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {2008},
-volume = {113},
-pages = {B05317},
-doi = {10.1029/2006JB004394}
+  author = {C. A. Dalton and G. Ekstr\"{o}m and A. M. Dziewo\'nski},
+  title = {The global attenuation structure of the upper mantle},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {2008},
+  volume = {113},
+  pages = {B05317},
+  doi = {10.1029/2006JB004394}
-author = {E. Danicki},
-title = {Resonant phenomena in bulk-wave scattering by in-plane periodic cracks},
-journal = jasa,
-year = {1999},
-volume = {105},
-pages = {84-92},
-number = {1}
+  author = {E. Danicki},
+  title = {Resonant phenomena in bulk-wave scattering by in-plane periodic cracks},
+  journal = jasa,
+  year = {1999},
+  volume = {105},
+  pages = {84-92},
+  number = {1}
-author = {E. Danicki},
-title = {Interfacial waves in an elastic body fractured by periodic cracks},
-journal = jasa,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {100},
-pages = {2942-2948},
-number = {5}
+  author = {E. Danicki},
+  title = {Interfacial waves in an elastic body fractured by periodic cracks},
+  journal = jasa,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {100},
+  pages = {2942-2948},
+  number = {5}
-author = {K. T. Danielson and R. R. Namburu},
-title = {Nonlinear dynamic finite element analysis on parallel computers using
-{F}ortran90 and {MPI}},
-journal = {Advances in Engineering Software},
-year = {1998},
-volume = {29},
-pages = {179-186},
-number = {3-6}
+  author = {K. T. Danielson and R. R. Namburu},
+  title = {Nonlinear dynamic finite element analysis on parallel computers using
+	{F}ortran90 and {MPI}},
+  journal = {Advances in Engineering Software},
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {29},
+  pages = {179-186},
+  number = {3-6}
-author = {A. N. Darinskii},
-title = {Quasi-bulk {R}ayleigh waves in semi-infinite media of arbitrary anisotropy},
-journal = {Wave Motion},
-year = {1998},
-volume = {27},
-pages = {79-93}
+  author = {A. N. Darinskii},
+  title = {Quasi-bulk {R}ayleigh waves in semi-infinite media of arbitrary anisotropy},
+  journal = {Wave Motion},
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {27},
+  pages = {79-93}
-author = {A. N. Darinskii},
-title = {Leaky waves and the elastic wave resonance reflection on a crystal-thin
-solid layer interface. {II} {L}eaky waves given rise to by exceptional
-bulk waves},
-journal = jasa,
-year = {1998},
-volume = {103},
-pages = {1845-1854}
+  author = {A. N. Darinskii},
+  title = {Leaky waves and the elastic wave resonance reflection on a crystal-thin
+	solid layer interface. {II} {L}eaky waves given rise to by exceptional
+	bulk waves},
+  journal = jasa,
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {103},
+  pages = {1845-1854}
-author = {A. N. Darinskii},
-title = {On the theory of leaky waves in crystals},
-journal = {Wave Motion},
-year = {1997},
-volume = {25},
-pages = {35-49}
+  author = {A. N. Darinskii},
+  title = {On the theory of leaky waves in crystals},
+  journal = {Wave Motion},
+  year = {1997},
+  volume = {25},
+  pages = {35-49}
-author = {A. N. Darinskii and V. I. Alshits and J. Lothe},
-title = {Simple reflection and leaky waves in the vicinity of a line of exceptional
-bulk waves},
-journal = {Wave Motion},
-year = {1999},
-volume = {30},
-pages = {253-274}
+  author = {A. N. Darinskii and V. I. Alshits and J. Lothe},
+  title = {Simple reflection and leaky waves in the vicinity of a line of exceptional
+	bulk waves},
+  journal = {Wave Motion},
+  year = {1999},
+  volume = {30},
+  pages = {253-274}
-author = {A. N. Darinskii and V. I. Alshits and J. Lothe and V. N. Lyubimov
-and A. L. Shuvalov},
-title = {An existence criterion for the branch of two-component surface waves
-in anisotropic elastic media},
-journal = {Wave Motion},
-year = {1998},
-volume = {28},
-pages = {241-257}
+  author = {A. N. Darinskii and V. I. Alshits and J. Lothe and V. N. Lyubimov
+	and A. L. Shuvalov},
+  title = {An existence criterion for the branch of two-component surface waves
+	in anisotropic elastic media},
+  journal = {Wave Motion},
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {28},
+  pages = {241-257}
-author = {A. N. Darinskii and M. Weihnacht},
-title = {Acoustic waves in bounded anisotropic media: theorems, estimations,
-and computations},
-journal = {IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control},
-year = {2005},
-volume = {52},
-pages = {792-801},
-number = {5}
+  author = {A. N. Darinskii and M. Weihnacht},
+  title = {Acoustic waves in bounded anisotropic media: theorems, estimations,
+	and computations},
+  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control},
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {52},
+  pages = {792-801},
+  number = {5}
-author = {E. Darrigrand},
-title = {Coupling of {F}ast {M}ultipole {M}ethod and {M}icrolocal {D}iscretization
-for the 3{D} {H}elmholtz {E}quation},
-journal = jcp,
-year = {2003},
-volume = {9999999},
-pages = {9999998-9999999}
+  author = {E. Darrigrand},
+  title = {Coupling of {F}ast {M}ultipole {M}ethod and {M}icrolocal {D}iscretization
+	for the 3{D} {H}elmholtz {E}quation},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {9999999},
+  pages = {9999998-9999999}
-author = {I. Daubechies},
-title = {Orthonormal bases of supported wavelets},
-journal = {Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics},
-year = {1988},
-volume = {41},
-pages = {9999998-9999999},
-number = {7}
+  author = {I. Daubechies},
+  title = {Orthonormal bases of supported wavelets},
+  journal = {Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics},
+  year = {1988},
+  volume = {41},
+  pages = {9999998-9999999},
+  number = {7}
-author = {L. L. Davis and L. R. West},
-title = {Observed effects of topography on ground motion},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1973},
-volume = {63},
-pages = {283-298}
+  author = {L. L. Davis and L. R. West},
+  title = {Observed effects of topography on ground motion},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1973},
+  volume = {63},
+  pages = {283-298}
-author = {P. M. Davis and J. L. Rubinstein and K. H. Liu and S. S. Gao and
-L. Knopoff},
-title = {Northridge earthquake damage caused by geologic focusing of seismic
-journal = {Science},
-year = {2000},
-volume = {289},
-pages = {1746-1750}
+  author = {P. M. Davis and J. L. Rubinstein and K. H. Liu and S. S. Gao and
+	L. Knopoff},
+  title = {Northridge earthquake damage caused by geologic focusing of seismic
+	waves},
+  journal = {Science},
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {289},
+  pages = {1746-1750}
-author = {T. L. Davis and J. Namson and R. F. Yerkes},
-title = {A cross-section of the {L}os {A}ngeles area: seismically active fold-and-thrust
-belt, the 1987 {W}hittier {N}arrows Earthquake and earthquake hazard},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {1989},
-volume = {94},
-pages = {9644-9664}
+  author = {T. L. Davis and J. Namson and R. F. Yerkes},
+  title = {A cross-section of the {L}os {A}ngeles area: seismically active fold-and-thrust
+	belt, the 1987 {W}hittier {N}arrows Earthquake and earthquake hazard},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {1989},
+  volume = {94},
+  pages = {9644-9664}
-author = {S. M. Day},
-title = {Efficient simulation of constant {{\it Q}} using coarse-grained memory
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1998},
-volume = {88},
-pages = {1051-1062}
+  author = {S. M. Day},
+  title = {Efficient simulation of constant {{\it Q}} using coarse-grained memory
+	variables},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {88},
+  pages = {1051-1062}
-author = {S. M. Day and C. Bradley},
-title = {Memory-efficient simulation of anelastic wave propagation},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {2001},
-volume = {91},
-pages = {520-531}
+  author = {S. M. Day and C. Bradley},
+  title = {Memory-efficient simulation of anelastic wave propagation},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {2001},
+  volume = {91},
+  pages = {520-531}
-author = {De Basabe, J. D. and Sen, M. K. and Wheeler, M. F.},
-title = {The interior penalty discontinuous {G}alerkin method for elastic
-wave propagation: grid dispersion},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2008},
-volume = {175},
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+  author = {De Basabe, J. D. and Sen, M. K. and Wheeler, M. F.},
+  title = {The interior penalty discontinuous {G}alerkin method for elastic
+	wave propagation: grid dispersion},
+  journal = gji,
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+  author = {Jon{\'a}s D. {De Basabe} and Mrinal K. Sen},
+  title = {Stability of the high-order finite elements for acoustic or elastic
+	wave propagation with high-order time stepping},
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+  author = {Jon{\'a}s D. {De Basabe} and Mrinal K. Sen},
+  title = {Grid dispersion and stability criteria of some common finite-element
+	methods for acoustic and elastic wave equations},
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+  year = {2007},
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+	in the Caracas basin},
+  booktitle = {Proc. of the Third International Symposium on the Effects of Surface
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+  author = {H. Deresiewicz and R. D. Mindlin},
+  title = {Waves on the surface of a crystal},
+  journal = {Journal of Applied Physics},
+  year = {1957},
+  volume = {28},
+  pages = {669-671},
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-title = {Complex surface rays associated with inhomogeneous skimming and {R}ayleigh
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+  author = {M. Deschamps and G. Huet},
+  title = {Complex surface rays associated with inhomogeneous skimming and {R}ayleigh
+	waves},
+  journal = {Int. J. Nonlinear Mech.},
+  year = {2009},
+  volume = {44},
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+  author = {M. Deschamps and O. Poncelet},
+  title = {Inhomogeneous plane wave and the most energetic complex ray},
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+  author = {J. X. Dessa and G. Pascal},
+  title = {Combined traveltime and frequency-domain seismic waveform inversion:
+	a case study on multi-offset ultrasonic data},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {154},
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+  author = {M. Destrade},
+  title = {Rayleigh waves in symmetry planes of crystals: explicit secular equations
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+  year = {2003},
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+  title = {The explicit secular equation for surface acoustic waves in monoclinic
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+  title = {Surface waves in orthotropic incompressible materials},
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+  author = {Julien Diaz and Abdela\^aziz Ezziani},
+  title = {A semi-analytical solution for a two-layer non dissipative poroelastic
+	medium},
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+  year = {2008},
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+  author = {Julien Diaz and Marcus J. Grote},
+  title = {Energy Conserving Explicit Local Time Stepping for Second-Order Wave
+	Equations},
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+  year = {2009},
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+  title = {A time-domain analysis of {PML} models in acoustics},
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+  title = {A robust high-order non-conforming finite-element formulation for
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+	Processing Units (GPGPU'2007)},
+  year = {2007},
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+  title = {An eigenvalue decomposition method to construct absorbing boundary
+	conditions for acoustic and elastic wave equations},
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+  author = {Francis H. Drossaert and Antonios Giannopoulos},
+  title = {A nonsplit complex frequency-shifted {PML} based on recursive integration
+	for {FDTD} modeling of elastic waves},
+  journal = geophysics,
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+  title = {Complex frequency shifted convolution {PML} for {FDTD} modelling
+	of elastic waves},
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+  title = {An algorithm to optimally color a mesh},
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+  author = {L. Dubois and Kurt L. Feigl and Dimitri Komatitsch and T. \'Arnad\'ottir
+	and Freysteinn Sigmundsson},
+  title = {Three-dimensional mechanical models for the {J}une 2000 earthquake
+	sequence in the south {I}celand seismic zone},
+  journal = {Tectonophysics},
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+  author = {N. Dubos and A. Souriau and C. Ponsolles and J. F. Fels and G. S\'en\'echal},
+  title = {{\'E}tude des effets de sites dans la ville de {L}ourdes ({P}yr\'en\'ees,
+	{F}rance) par la m\'ethode des rapports spectraux},
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+  author = {Th. S. Duffy},
+  title = {Some recent advances in understanding the mineralogy of {E}arth's
+	deep mantle},
+  journal = {Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A},
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-year = {2006},
-volume = {167},
-pages = {319-336},
-number = {1},
-doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03120.x}
+  author = {M. Dumbser and M. K\"aser},
+  title = {An arbitrary high-order discontinuous {G}alerkin method for elastic
+	waves on unstructured meshes-{II}. {T}he three-dimensional isotropic
+	case},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {167},
+  pages = {319-336},
+  number = {1},
+  doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03120.x}
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-title = {An arbitrary high-order discontinuous {G}alerkin method for elastic
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-volume = {171},
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-number = {2},
-doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03427.x}
+  author = {Michael Dumbser and Martin K\"aser and Eleuterio Toro},
+  title = {An arbitrary high-order discontinuous {G}alerkin method for elastic
+	waves on unstructured meshes, {P}art {V}: Local time stepping and
+	$p$-adaptivity},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2007},
+  volume = {171},
+  pages = {695-717},
+  number = {2},
+  doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03427.x}
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-journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
-year = {1973},
-volume = {10},
-pages = {880-891}
+  author = {T. Dupond},
+  title = {A {$L^2$} estimate of {G}alerkin methods for second order hyperbolic
+	equations},
+  journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
+  year = {1973},
+  volume = {10},
+  pages = {880-891}
-author = {Fabrice Dupros and de Martin, Florent and Evelyne Foerster and Dimitri
-Komatitsch and Jean Roman},
-title = {High-performance finite-element simulations of seismic wave propagation
-in three-dimensional non linear inelastic geological media},
-journal = {Parallel Computing},
-year = {2010},
-volume = {36},
-pages = {308-325},
-number = {5-6},
-doi = {10.1016/j.parco.2009.12.011}
+  author = {Fabrice Dupros and de Martin, Florent and Evelyne Foerster and Dimitri
+	Komatitsch and Jean Roman},
+  title = {High-performance finite-element simulations of seismic wave propagation
+	in three-dimensional non linear inelastic geological media},
+  journal = {Parallel Computing},
+  year = {2010},
+  volume = {36},
+  pages = {308-325},
+  number = {5-6},
+  doi = {10.1016/j.parco.2009.12.011}
-author = {Fabrice Dupros and Christiane Pousa-Ribeiro and Hideo Aochi and Jean-Fran\c{c}ois
-M\'{e}haut and Dimitri Komatitsch and Jean Roman},
-title = {Efficient stencil computation on multicore architectures: {A}pplication
-to the finite-difference method for seismic wave propagation},
-journal = {Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience},
-year = {2011},
-note = {Submitted in October 2010.}
+  author = {Fabrice Dupros and Christiane Pousa-Ribeiro and Hideo Aochi and Jean-Fran\c{c}ois
+	M\'{e}haut and Dimitri Komatitsch and Jean Roman},
+  title = {Efficient stencil computation on multicore architectures: {A}pplication
+	to the finite-difference method for seismic wave propagation},
+  journal = {Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience},
+  year = {2011},
+  note = {Submitted in October 2010.}
-author = {Guilhem Dupuy and Bruno Jobard and Sebastien Guillon and Noomane
-Keskes and Dimitri Komatitsch},
-title = {Parallel extraction and simplification of large isosurfaces using
-an extended tandem algorithm},
-journal = {Computer-Aided Design},
-year = {2010},
-volume = {42},
-pages = {129-138},
-number = {2},
-doi = {10.1016/j.cad.2009.04.016}
+  author = {Guilhem Dupuy and Bruno Jobard and Sebastien Guillon and Noomane
+	Keskes and Dimitri Komatitsch},
+  title = {Parallel extraction and simplification of large isosurfaces using
+	an extended tandem algorithm},
+  journal = {Computer-Aided Design},
+  year = {2010},
+  volume = {42},
+  pages = {129-138},
+  number = {2},
+  doi = {10.1016/j.cad.2009.04.016}
-author = {B. Duquet and B. Lavaud and F. Prat},
-title = {Improving {GSP} Extrapolators},
-booktitle = {Proceedings of the SEG},
-year = {2003},
-note = {submitted.}
+  author = {B. Duquet and B. Lavaud and F. Prat},
+  title = {Improving {GSP} Extrapolators},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the SEG},
+  year = {2003},
+  note = {submitted.}
-title = {M\'ecanique des milieux continus},
-publisher = {Masson},
-year = {1990},
-author = {G. Duvaut},
-address = {Paris}
+  title = {M\'ecanique des milieux continus},
+  publisher = {Masson},
+  year = {1990},
+  author = {G. Duvaut},
+  address = {Paris}
-author = {A. Dynin},
-title = {A rigorous path integral construction in any dimension},
-journal = {Letters in Mathematical Physics},
-year = {1998},
-volume = {44},
-pages = {317-330},
-number = {4}
+  author = {A. Dynin},
+  title = {A rigorous path integral construction in any dimension},
+  journal = {Letters in Mathematical Physics},
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {44},
+  pages = {317-330},
+  number = {4}
-author = {A. M. Dziewo\'nski},
-title = {Global seismic tomography: past, present, and future},
-booktitle = {Problems in Geophysics for the New Millennium},
-publisher = {INGV},
-year = {2000},
-editor = {E. Boschi and G. Ekstr\"{o}m and A. Morelli},
-pages = {289-350},
-address = {Roma, Italy}
+  author = {A. M. Dziewo\'nski},
+  title = {Global seismic tomography: past, present, and future},
+  booktitle = {Problems in Geophysics for the New Millennium},
+  publisher = {INGV},
+  year = {2000},
+  editor = {E. Boschi and G. Ekstr\"{o}m and A. Morelli},
+  pages = {289-350},
+  address = {Roma, Italy}
-author = {A. M. Dziewo\'nski and D. L. Anderson},
-title = {Preliminary reference {E}arth model},
-journal = pepi,
-year = {1981},
-volume = {25},
-pages = {297-356}
+  author = {A. M. Dziewo\'nski and D. L. Anderson},
+  title = {Preliminary reference {E}arth model},
+  journal = pepi,
+  year = {1981},
+  volume = {25},
+  pages = {297-356}
-author = {Dziewo\'nski, A. M. and B. H. Hager and R. J. O'Connell},
-title = {Large-scale heterogeneities in the lower mantle},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {1977},
-volume = {82},
-pages = {239--255}
+  author = {Dziewo\'nski, A. M. and B. H. Hager and R. J. O'Connell},
+  title = {Large-scale heterogeneities in the lower mantle},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {1977},
+  volume = {82},
+  pages = {239--255}
-author = {D. Eberhart-Phillips and P. J. Haeussler and J. T. Freymueller and
-A. D. Frankel and C. M. Rubin and P. Craw and N. A. Ratchkovski and
-G. Anderson and G. A. Carver and A. J. Crone and T. E. Dawson and
-H. Fletcher and R. Hansen and E. L. Harp and R. A. Harris and D.
-P. Hill and S. Hreinsdottir and R. W. Jibson and L. M. Jones and
-R. Kayen and D. K. Keefer and C. F. Larsen and S. C. Moran and S.
-F. Personius and G. Plafker and B. Sherrod and K. Sieh and N. Sitar
-and W. K. Wallace},
-title = {The 2002 {D}enali Fault Earthquake, {A}laska: a Large Magnitude,
-Slip-Partitioned Event},
-journal = {Science},
-year = {2003},
-volume = {300},
-pages = {1113-1118}
+  author = {D. Eberhart-Phillips and P. J. Haeussler and J. T. Freymueller and
+	A. D. Frankel and C. M. Rubin and P. Craw and N. A. Ratchkovski and
+	G. Anderson and G. A. Carver and A. J. Crone and T. E. Dawson and
+	H. Fletcher and R. Hansen and E. L. Harp and R. A. Harris and D.
+	P. Hill and S. Hreinsdottir and R. W. Jibson and L. M. Jones and
+	R. Kayen and D. K. Keefer and C. F. Larsen and S. C. Moran and S.
+	F. Personius and G. Plafker and B. Sherrod and K. Sieh and N. Sitar
+	and W. K. Wallace},
+  title = {The 2002 {D}enali Fault Earthquake, {A}laska: a Large Magnitude,
+	Slip-Partitioned Event},
+  journal = {Science},
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {300},
+  pages = {1113-1118}
-author = {L. Eisner and R. W. Clayton},
-title = {A full waveform test of the southern {C}alifornia velocity model
-by the reciprocity method},
-journal = pageoph,
-year = {2002},
-volume = {159},
-pages = {1691-1706}
+  author = {L. Eisner and R. W. Clayton},
+  title = {A full waveform test of the southern {C}alifornia velocity model
+	by the reciprocity method},
+  journal = pageoph,
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {159},
+  pages = {1691-1706}
-author = {G. Ekstr\"{o}m},
-title = {Calculation of static deformation following the {B}olivia earthquake
-by summation of {E}arth's normal modes},
-journal = grl,
-year = {1995},
-volume = {22},
-pages = {2289-2292},
-number = {16}
+  author = {G. Ekstr\"{o}m},
+  title = {Calculation of static deformation following the {B}olivia earthquake
+	by summation of {E}arth's normal modes},
+  journal = grl,
+  year = {1995},
+  volume = {22},
+  pages = {2289-2292},
+  number = {16}
-author = {G. Ekstr\"{o}m and A. M. Dziewo\'nski},
-title = {The unique anisotropy of the {P}acific upper mantle},
-journal = {Nature},
-year = {1998},
-volume = {394},
-pages = {168-172}
+  author = {G. Ekstr\"{o}m and A. M. Dziewo\'nski},
+  title = {The unique anisotropy of the {P}acific upper mantle},
+  journal = {Nature},
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {394},
+  pages = {168-172}
-author = {Ch. P. {El Soueidy} and A. Younes and P. Ackerer},
-title = {Solving the advection-diffusion equation on unstructured meshes with
-discontinuous/mixed finite elements and a local time stepping procedure},
-journal = ijnme,
-year = {2009},
-volume = {79},
-pages = {1068-1093},
-number = {9},
-doi = {10.1002/nme.2609}
+  author = {Ch. P. {El Soueidy} and A. Younes and P. Ackerer},
+  title = {Solving the advection-diffusion equation on unstructured meshes with
+	discontinuous/mixed finite elements and a local time stepping procedure},
+  journal = ijnme,
+  year = {2009},
+  volume = {79},
+  pages = {1068-1093},
+  number = {9},
+  doi = {10.1002/nme.2609}
-author = {Erich Elsen and Patrick LeGresley and Eric Darve},
-title = {Large calculation of the flow over a hypersonic vehicle using a {GPU}},
-journal = jcp,
-year = {2008},
-volume = {227},
-pages = {10148--10161},
-number = {24},
-month = dec,
-doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2008.08.023}
+  author = {Erich Elsen and Patrick LeGresley and Eric Darve},
+  title = {Large calculation of the flow over a hypersonic vehicle using a {GPU}},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {2008},
+  volume = {227},
+  pages = {10148--10161},
+  number = {24},
+  month = dec,
+  doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2008.08.023}
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-year = {1999},
-volume = {139},
-pages = {325-344},
-number = {2}
+  author = {V. Emery and V. Maupin and H. C. Nataf},
+  title = {Scattering of {S} waves diffracted at the core-mantle boundary: forward
+	modelling},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1999},
+  volume = {139},
+  pages = {325-344},
+  number = {2}
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-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1987},
-volume = {52},
-pages = {1252-1264}
+  author = {H. Emmerich and M. Korn},
+  title = {Incorporation of attenuation into time-domain computations of seismic
+	wave fields},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1987},
+  volume = {52},
+  pages = {1252-1264}
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-journal = {Applied Physics Letters},
-year = {1967},
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-pages = {311-313}
+  author = {H. Engan and K. A. Ingebrigtsen and A. Tonning},
+  title = {Elastic surface waves in alpha-quartz: observation of leaky surface
+	waves},
+  journal = {Applied Physics Letters},
+  year = {1967},
+  volume = {10},
+  pages = {311-313}
-author = {E. R. Engdahl and R. van der Hilst and R. Buland},
-title = {Global teleseismic earthquake relocation with improved travel times
-and procedures for depth determination},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1998},
-volume = {88},
-pages = {722-743}
+  author = {E. R. Engdahl and R. van der Hilst and R. Buland},
+  title = {Global teleseismic earthquake relocation with improved travel times
+	and procedures for depth determination},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {88},
+  pages = {722-743}
-author = {B. Engquist and A. Majda},
-title = {Absorbing boundary conditions for the numerical simulation of waves},
-journal = {Math. Comp.},
-year = {1977},
-volume = {31},
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+  author = {B. Engquist and A. Majda},
+  title = {Absorbing boundary conditions for the numerical simulation of waves},
+  journal = {Math. Comp.},
+  year = {1977},
+  volume = {31},
+  pages = {629-651}
-author = {J. D. Eshelby},
-title = {Elastic Inclusions and Inhomogenities},
-booktitle = {Progress in solid mechanics},
-publisher = {North-Holland},
-year = {1961},
-editor = {I. N. Sneddon and R. Hill},
-volume = {2},
-chapter = {III},
-pages = {89-140},
-address = {Amsterdam}
+  author = {J. D. Eshelby},
+  title = {Elastic Inclusions and Inhomogenities},
+  booktitle = {Progress in solid mechanics},
+  publisher = {North-Holland},
+  year = {1961},
+  editor = {I. N. Sneddon and R. Hill},
+  volume = {2},
+  chapter = {III},
+  pages = {89-140},
+  address = {Amsterdam}
-title = {R\'esolution num\'erique des \'equations aux d\'eriv\'ees partielles
-- Diff\'erences finies, \'el\'ements finis, probl\`emes en domaine
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-publisher = {Masson},
-year = {1994},
-author = {Daniel Euvrard},
-address = {Paris},
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+  title = {R\'esolution num\'erique des \'equations aux d\'eriv\'ees partielles
+	- Diff\'erences finies, \'el\'ements finis, probl\`emes en domaine
+	non born\'e},
+  publisher = {Masson},
+  year = {1994},
+  author = {Daniel Euvrard},
+  address = {Paris},
+  edition = {3rd}
-author = {G. C. Everstine},
-title = {A symmetric potential formulation for fluid-structure interaction},
-journal = {ASME J. Sound Vib.},
-year = {1981},
-volume = {79},
-pages = {157-160},
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+  author = {G. C. Everstine},
+  title = {A symmetric potential formulation for fluid-structure interaction},
+  journal = {ASME J. Sound Vib.},
+  year = {1981},
+  volume = {79},
+  pages = {157-160},
+  number = {1}
-author = {A. G. Every},
-title = {Measurement of the near-surface elastic properties of solids and
-thin supported films},
-journal = {Measurement Science Technology},
-year = {2002},
-volume = {13},
-pages = {R21-R39}
+  author = {A. G. Every},
+  title = {Measurement of the near-surface elastic properties of solids and
+	thin supported films},
+  journal = {Measurement Science Technology},
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {13},
+  pages = {R21-R39}
-author = {A. G. Every and M. Deschamps},
-title = {Principal surface wave velocities in the point focus acoustic materials
-signature {V}(z) of an anisotropic solid},
-journal = {Ultrasonics},
-year = {2003},
-volume = {41},
-pages = {581-591}
+  author = {A. G. Every and M. Deschamps},
+  title = {Principal surface wave velocities in the point focus acoustic materials
+	signature {V}(z) of an anisotropic solid},
+  journal = {Ultrasonics},
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {41},
+  pages = {581-591}
-author = {A. G. Every and K. Y. Kim and A. A. Maznev},
-title = {Surface dynamic response functions of anisotropic solids},
-journal = {Ultrasonics},
-year = {1998},
-volume = {36},
-pages = {349-353}
+  author = {A. G. Every and K. Y. Kim and A. A. Maznev},
+  title = {Surface dynamic response functions of anisotropic solids},
+  journal = {Ultrasonics},
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {36},
+  pages = {349-353}
-author = {A. G. Every and K. Y. Kim and A. A. Maznev},
-title = {The elastodynamic response of a semi-infinite anisotropic solid to
-sudden surface loading},
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-year = {1997},
-volume = {102},
-pages = {1346-1354},
-number = {3}
+  author = {A. G. Every and K. Y. Kim and A. A. Maznev},
+  title = {The elastodynamic response of a semi-infinite anisotropic solid to
+	sudden surface loading},
+  journal = jasa,
+  year = {1997},
+  volume = {102},
+  pages = {1346-1354},
+  number = {3}
-author = {A. Ezziani},
-title = {Ondes dans les milieux poro\'elastiques : analyse du mod\`ele de
-journal = {Revue Africaine de la Recherche en Informatique et Math\'ematiques
-Appliqu\'ees ARIMA},
-year = {2006},
-volume = {5},
-pages = {95-109}
+  author = {A. Ezziani},
+  title = {Ondes dans les milieux poro\'elastiques : analyse du mod\`ele de
+	{B}iot},
+  journal = {Revue Africaine de la Recherche en Informatique et Math\'ematiques
+	Appliqu\'ees ARIMA},
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {5},
+  pages = {95-109}
-author = {A. Ezziani},
-title = {Mod\'elisation math\'ematique et num\'erique de la propagation d'ondes
-dans des milieux visco\'elastiques et poro\'elastiques},
-school = {Universit\'e Paris IX, France},
-year = {2005},
-address = {Paris, France}
+  author = {A. Ezziani},
+  title = {Mod\'elisation math\'ematique et num\'erique de la propagation d'ondes
+	dans des milieux visco\'elastiques et poro\'elastiques},
+  school = {Universit\'e Paris IX, France},
+  year = {2005},
+  address = {Paris, France}
-author = {E. Faccioli and F. Maggio and R. Paolucci and A. Quarteroni},
-title = {2{D} and 3{D} elastic wave propagation by a pseudo-spectral domain
-decomposition method},
-journal = {J. Seismol.},
-year = {1997},
-volume = {1},
-pages = {237-251}
+  author = {E. Faccioli and F. Maggio and R. Paolucci and A. Quarteroni},
+  title = {2{D} and 3{D} elastic wave propagation by a pseudo-spectral domain
+	decomposition method},
+  journal = {J. Seismol.},
+  year = {1997},
+  volume = {1},
+  pages = {237-251}
-author = {E. Faccioli and F. Maggio and A. Quarteroni and A. Tagliani},
-title = {Spectral-domain decomposition methods for the solution of acoustic
-and elastic wave equations},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {61},
-pages = {1160-1174},
-number = {4}
+  author = {E. Faccioli and F. Maggio and A. Quarteroni and A. Tagliani},
+  title = {Spectral-domain decomposition methods for the solution of acoustic
+	and elastic wave equations},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {61},
+  pages = {1160-1174},
+  number = {4}
-author = {Falk, Richard S. and Richter, Gerard R.},
-title = {Explicit Finite Element Methods for Symmetric Hyperbolic Equations},
-journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
-year = {1999},
-volume = {36},
-pages = {935-952},
-number = {3},
-doi = {10.1137/S0036142997329463}
+  author = {Falk, Richard S. and Richter, Gerard R.},
+  title = {Explicit Finite Element Methods for Symmetric Hyperbolic Equations},
+  journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
+  year = {1999},
+  volume = {36},
+  pages = {935-952},
+  number = {3},
+  doi = {10.1137/S0036142997329463}
-author = {G. X. Fan and Q. H. Liu and J. S. Hesthaven},
-title = {Multidomain pseudospectral time-domain simulations of scattering
-by objects buried in lossy media},
-journal = {IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens.},
-year = {2002},
-volume = {GE-40},
-pages = {1366-1373}
+  author = {G. X. Fan and Q. H. Liu and J. S. Hesthaven},
+  title = {Multidomain pseudospectral time-domain simulations of scattering
+	by objects buried in lossy media},
+  journal = {IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens.},
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {GE-40},
+  pages = {1366-1373}
-author = {Zhe Fan and Feng Qiu and Arie E. Kaufman},
-title = {Zippy: A Framework for Computation and Visualization on a {GPU} Cluster},
-booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eurographics'2008 Symposium on Parallel Graphics
-and Visualization (EGPGV'08)},
-year = {2008},
-editor = {G. Drettakis and R. Scopigno},
-volume = {27(2)},
-pages = {341-350},
-address = {Hersonissos, Crete, Greece},
-month = {April}
+  author = {Zhe Fan and Feng Qiu and Arie E. Kaufman},
+  title = {Zippy: A Framework for Computation and Visualization on a {GPU} Cluster},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eurographics'2008 Symposium on Parallel Graphics
+	and Visualization (EGPGV'08)},
+  year = {2008},
+  editor = {G. Drettakis and R. Scopigno},
+  volume = {27(2)},
+  pages = {341-350},
+  address = {Hersonissos, Crete, Greece},
+  month = {April}
-author = {Zhe Fan and Feng Qiu and Arie E. Kaufman and Suzanne Yoakum-Stover},
-title = {{GPU} Cluster for High Performance Computing},
-booktitle = {{SC '04}: Proceedings of the 2004 {ACM/IEEE} conference on Supercomputing},
-year = {2004},
-pages = {47},
-month = nov,
-doi = {10.1109/SC.2004.26}
+  author = {Zhe Fan and Feng Qiu and Arie E. Kaufman and Suzanne Yoakum-Stover},
+  title = {{GPU} Cluster for High Performance Computing},
+  booktitle = {{SC '04}: Proceedings of the 2004 {ACM/IEEE} conference on Supercomputing},
+  year = {2004},
+  pages = {47},
+  month = nov,
+  doi = {10.1109/SC.2004.26}
-author = {C. Farhat and L. Crivelli},
-title = {A general approach to nonlinear finite-element computations on shared-memory
-journal = cmame,
-year = {1989},
-volume = {72},
-pages = {153-171},
-number = {2}
+  author = {C. Farhat and L. Crivelli},
+  title = {A general approach to nonlinear finite-element computations on shared-memory
+	multiprocessors},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {1989},
+  volume = {72},
+  pages = {153-171},
+  number = {2}
-author = {C. Farhat and I. Harari and L. P. Franca},
-title = {The discontinuous enrichment method},
-journal = cmame,
-year = {2001},
-volume = {190},
-pages = {6455-6479}
+  author = {C. Farhat and I. Harari and L. P. Franca},
+  title = {The discontinuous enrichment method},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {2001},
+  volume = {190},
+  pages = {6455-6479}
-author = {C. Farhat and I. Harari and U. Hetmaniuk},
-title = {A discontinuous {G}alerkin method with {L}agrange multipliers for
-the solution of {H}elmholtz problems in the mid-frequency regime},
-journal = cmame,
-year = {2003},
-volume = {192},
-pages = {1389-1419}
+  author = {C. Farhat and I. Harari and U. Hetmaniuk},
+  title = {A discontinuous {G}alerkin method with {L}agrange multipliers for
+	the solution of {H}elmholtz problems in the mid-frequency regime},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {192},
+  pages = {1389-1419}
-author = {C. Farhat and I. Harari and U. Hetmaniuk},
-title = {The discontinuous enrichment method for multiscale analysis},
-journal = cmame,
-year = {2003},
-volume = {192},
-pages = {3195-3209}
+  author = {C. Farhat and I. Harari and U. Hetmaniuk},
+  title = {The discontinuous enrichment method for multiscale analysis},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {192},
+  pages = {3195-3209}
-author = {C. H. Farhat},
-title = {A simple and efficient automatic {FEM} domain decomposer},
-institution = {University of Colorado},
-year = {1987},
-address = {Boulder, Colorado}
+  author = {C. H. Farhat},
+  title = {A simple and efficient automatic {FEM} domain decomposer},
+  institution = {University of Colorado},
+  year = {1987},
+  address = {Boulder, Colorado}
-author = {G. W. Farnell},
-title = {Properties of elastic surface waves},
-booktitle = {Physical Acoustics},
-publisher = {Academic Press, New York, USA},
-year = {1970},
-editor = {W. P. Mason and R. N. Thurston},
-volume = {6},
-chapter = {3},
-pages = {109-166}
+  author = {G. W. Farnell},
+  title = {Properties of elastic surface waves},
+  booktitle = {Physical Acoustics},
+  publisher = {Academic Press, New York, USA},
+  year = {1970},
+  editor = {W. P. Mason and R. N. Thurston},
+  volume = {6},
+  chapter = {3},
+  pages = {109-166}
-author = {G. W. Farnell},
-title = {Review of pseudo-surface waves},
-booktitle = {Proceedings of the "Surface waves in solids and layered structures
-(ISSWAS86)" International Symposium},
-year = {1986},
-volume = {3},
-pages = {7-20},
-address = {Novosibirsk, Russia}
+  author = {G. W. Farnell},
+  title = {Review of pseudo-surface waves},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the "Surface waves in solids and layered structures
+	(ISSWAS86)" International Symposium},
+  year = {1986},
+  volume = {3},
+  pages = {7-20},
+  address = {Novosibirsk, Russia}
-author = {V. Farra},
-title = {Computation of second-order travel-time perturbation by {H}amiltonian
-ray theory},
-journal = gji,
-year = {1999},
-volume = {136},
-pages = {205-217}
+  author = {V. Farra},
+  title = {Computation of second-order travel-time perturbation by {H}amiltonian
+	ray theory},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1999},
+  volume = {136},
+  pages = {205-217}
-author = {V. Farra},
-title = {Ray tracing in complex media},
-journal = {J. Appl. Geophys.},
-year = {1993},
-volume = {30},
-pages = {55-73}
+  author = {V. Farra},
+  title = {Ray tracing in complex media},
+  journal = {J. Appl. Geophys.},
+  year = {1993},
+  volume = {30},
+  pages = {55-73}
-author = {V. Farra},
-title = {Amplitude computation in heterogeneous media by ray perturbation
-theory: a finite element approach},
-journal = gji,
-year = {1990},
-volume = {103},
-pages = {341-354}
+  author = {V. Farra},
+  title = {Amplitude computation in heterogeneous media by ray perturbation
+	theory: a finite element approach},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1990},
+  volume = {103},
+  pages = {341-354}
-author = {Kayvon Fatahalian and Mike Houston},
-title = {A Closer Look at {GPUs}},
-journal = {Communications of the ACM},
-year = {2008},
-volume = {51},
-pages = {50--57},
-number = {10},
-month = oct,
-doi = {10.1145/1400181.1400197}
+  author = {Kayvon Fatahalian and Mike Houston},
+  title = {A Closer Look at {GPUs}},
+  journal = {Communications of the ACM},
+  year = {2008},
+  volume = {51},
+  pages = {50--57},
+  number = {10},
+  month = oct,
+  doi = {10.1145/1400181.1400197}
-author = {Massimiliano Fatica},
-title = {Accelerating {L}inpack with {CUDA} on heterogenous clusters},
-booktitle = {GPGPU-2: Proceedings of 2nd Workshop on General Purpose Processing
-on Graphics Processing Units},
-year = {2009},
-editor = {David Kaeli and Miriam Leeser},
-number = {383},
-series = {ACM International Conference Proceeding Series},
-pages = {46--51},
-month = mar,
-doi = {10.1145/1513895.1513901}
+  author = {Massimiliano Fatica},
+  title = {Accelerating {L}inpack with {CUDA} on heterogenous clusters},
+  booktitle = {GPGPU-2: Proceedings of 2nd Workshop on General Purpose Processing
+	on Graphics Processing Units},
+  year = {2009},
+  editor = {David Kaeli and Miriam Leeser},
+  number = {383},
+  series = {ACM International Conference Proceeding Series},
+  pages = {46--51},
+  month = mar,
+  doi = {10.1145/1513895.1513901}
-author = {Sandrine Fauqueux},
-title = {El\'ements finis mixtes spectraux et couches absorbantes parfaitement
-adapt\'ees pour la propagation d'ondes \'elastiques en r\'egime transitoire},
-school = {Universit\'e Paris-Dauphine},
-year = {2003},
-address = {Paris, France},
-month = {February}
+  author = {Sandrine Fauqueux},
+  title = {El\'ements finis mixtes spectraux et couches absorbantes parfaitement
+	adapt\'ees pour la propagation d'ondes \'elastiques en r\'egime transitoire},
+  school = {Universit\'e Paris-Dauphine},
+  year = {2003},
+  address = {Paris, France},
+  month = {February}
-author = {N. Favier and S. Chevrot},
-title = {Sensitivity kernels for shear wave splitting in transverse isotropic
-journal = gji,
-year = {2003},
-volume = {153},
-pages = {213-228},
-number = {1}
+  author = {N. Favier and S. Chevrot},
+  title = {Sensitivity kernels for shear wave splitting in transverse isotropic
+	media},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {153},
+  pages = {213-228},
+  number = {1}
-author = {N. Favier and S. Chevrot and D. Komatitsch},
-title = {Near-field influences on shear wave splitting and traveltime sensitivity
-journal = gji,
-year = {2004},
-volume = {156},
-pages = {467-482},
-number = {3},
-doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2004.02178.x}
+  author = {N. Favier and S. Chevrot and D. Komatitsch},
+  title = {Near-field influences on shear wave splitting and traveltime sensitivity
+	kernels},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2004},
+  volume = {156},
+  pages = {467-482},
+  number = {3},
+  doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2004.02178.x}
-author = {N. Favretto-Cristini and E. de Bazelaire},
-title = {P{P} amplitude bias caused by interface scattering: are diffracted
-waves guilty?},
-journal = {Geophysical Prospecting},
-year = {2003},
-volume = {51},
-pages = {99-115}
+  author = {N. Favretto-Cristini and E. de Bazelaire},
+  title = {P{P} amplitude bias caused by interface scattering: are diffracted
+	waves guilty?},
+  journal = {Geophysical Prospecting},
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {51},
+  pages = {99-115}
-author = {Nathalie Favretto-Cristini and Dimitri Komatitsch and Jos\'e Carcione
-and Fabio Cavallini},
-title = {Elastic surface waves in crystals: {R}eview of the physics and cross-check
-of two full-wave modeling methods},
-journal = jasa,
-year = {2011},
-note = {Submitted in October 2010.}
+  author = {Nathalie Favretto-Cristini and Dimitri Komatitsch and Jos\'e Carcione
+	and Fabio Cavallini},
+  title = {Elastic surface waves in crystals: {P}art {I} : Review of the physics},
+  journal = {Ultrasonics},
+  year = {2011},
+  volume = {51},
+  pages = {653-660},
+  number = {6},
+  doi = {10.1016/j.ultras.2011.02.007}
-author = {L. Fej\'er},
-title = {Bestimmung derjenigen {A}bszissen eines {I}ntervalles f\"ur welche
-die {Q}uadratsumme der {G}rundfunktionen der {L}agrangeschen {I}nterpolation
-im {I}ntervalle $[-1,1]$ ein m\"oglichst kleines {M}aximum besitzt},
-journal = {Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Sci. Fis. Mt. Ser. II},
-year = {1932},
-volume = {1},
-pages = {263-276}
+  author = {L. Fej\'er},
+  title = {Bestimmung derjenigen {A}bszissen eines {I}ntervalles f\"ur welche
+	die {Q}uadratsumme der {G}rundfunktionen der {L}agrangeschen {I}nterpolation
+	im {I}ntervalle $[-1,1]$ ein m\"oglichst kleines {M}aximum besitzt},
+  journal = {Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Sci. Fis. Mt. Ser. II},
+  year = {1932},
+  volume = {1},
+  pages = {263-276}
-author = {C. A. Felippa and J. A. Deruntz},
-title = {Finite-element analysis of shock-induced hull cavitation},
-journal = cmame,
-year = {1984},
-volume = {44},
-pages = {297-337}
+  author = {C. A. Felippa and J. A. Deruntz},
+  title = {Finite-element analysis of shock-induced hull cavitation},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {1984},
+  volume = {44},
+  pages = {297-337}
-author = {L. B. Felsen},
-title = {Geometrical Theory of Diffraction, Evanescent Waves, Complex Rays
-and {G}aussian Beams},
-journal = gjras,
-year = {1984},
-volume = {79},
-pages = {77-88}
+  author = {L. B. Felsen},
+  title = {Geometrical Theory of Diffraction, Evanescent Waves, Complex Rays
+	and {G}aussian Beams},
+  journal = gjras,
+  year = {1984},
+  volume = {79},
+  pages = {77-88}
-author = {Clark H. Fenton and Julian J. Bommer},
-title = {The {M}w7 {M}achaze, {M}ozambique, Earthquake of 23 {F}ebruary 2006},
-journal = {Seismological Research Letters},
-year = {2006},
-volume = {77},
-pages = {426-439},
-number = {4}
+  author = {Clark H. Fenton and Julian J. Bommer},
+  title = {The {M}w7 {M}achaze, {M}ozambique, Earthquake of 23 {F}ebruary 2006},
+  journal = {Seismological Research Letters},
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {77},
+  pages = {426-439},
+  number = {4}
-author = {G. Festa and E. Delavaud and J. P. Vilotte},
-title = {Interaction between surface waves and absorbing boundaries for wave
-propagation in geological basins: {2D} numerical simulations},
-journal = grl,
-year = {2005},
-volume = {32},
-pages = {L20306},
-number = {20},
-doi = {10.1029/2005GL024091}
+  author = {G. Festa and E. Delavaud and J. P. Vilotte},
+  title = {Interaction between surface waves and absorbing boundaries for wave
+	propagation in geological basins: {2D} numerical simulations},
+  journal = grl,
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {32},
+  pages = {L20306},
+  number = {20},
+  doi = {10.1029/2005GL024091}
-author = {Gaetano Festa and Stefan Nielsen},
-title = {{PML} absorbing boundaries},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {2003},
-volume = {93},
-pages = {891-903}
+  author = {Gaetano Festa and Stefan Nielsen},
+  title = {{PML} absorbing boundaries},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {93},
+  pages = {891-903}
-author = {G. Festa and J. P. Vilotte},
-title = {The {N}ewmark scheme as velocity-stress time-staggering: an efficient
-{PML} implementation for spectral-element simulations of elastodynamics},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2005},
-volume = {161},
-pages = {789-812},
-doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2005.02601.x}
+  author = {G. Festa and J. P. Vilotte},
+  title = {The {N}ewmark scheme as velocity-stress time-staggering: an efficient
+	{PML} implementation for spectral-element simulations of elastodynamics},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {161},
+  pages = {789-812},
+  doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2005.02601.x}
-author = {Andreas Fichtner and Heiner Igel and Hans-Peter Bunge and Brian L.
-N. Kennett},
-title = {Simulation and inversion of seismic wave propagation on continental
-scales based on a spectral-element method},
-journal = {Journal of Numerical Analysis, Industrial and Applied Mathematics},
-year = {2009},
-volume = {4},
-pages = {11-22},
-number = {1-2}
+  author = {Andreas Fichtner and Heiner Igel and Hans-Peter Bunge and Brian L.
+	N. Kennett},
+  title = {Simulation and inversion of seismic wave propagation on continental
+	scales based on a spectral-element method},
+  journal = {Journal of Numerical Analysis, Industrial and Applied Mathematics},
+  year = {2009},
+  volume = {4},
+  pages = {11-22},
+  number = {1-2}
-author = {M. Fink},
-title = {Time-reversed acoutics},
-journal = {Scientific American},
-year = {1999},
-pages = {91-97},
-month = {November}
+  author = {M. Fink},
+  title = {Time-reversed acoutics},
+  journal = {Scientific American},
+  year = {1999},
+  pages = {91-97},
+  month = {November}
-author = {P. F. Fischer},
-title = {Analysis and application of a parallel spectral element method for
-the solution of the {N}avier-{S}tokes equations},
-journal = cmame,
-year = {1990},
-volume = {80},
-pages = {483-491}
+  author = {P. F. Fischer},
+  title = {Analysis and application of a parallel spectral element method for
+	the solution of the {N}avier-{S}tokes equations},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {1990},
+  volume = {80},
+  pages = {483-491}
-author = {P. F. Fischer},
-title = {Spectral element solution of the {N}avier-{S}tokes equations on high
-performance distributed-memory parallel processors},
-school = {Massachusetts Institute of Technology},
-year = {1989},
-address = {Cambridge, Massachusetts}
+  author = {P. F. Fischer},
+  title = {Spectral element solution of the {N}avier-{S}tokes equations on high
+	performance distributed-memory parallel processors},
+  school = {Massachusetts Institute of Technology},
+  year = {1989},
+  address = {Cambridge, Massachusetts}
-author = {P. F. Fischer and L. W. Ho and G. E. Karniadakis and E. M. R{\o}nquist
-and A. T. Patera},
-title = {Recent advances in parallel spectral element simulation of unsteady
-incompressible flows},
-journal = {Computers and Structures},
-year = {1988},
-volume = {30},
-pages = {217-231}
+  author = {P. F. Fischer and L. W. Ho and G. E. Karniadakis and E. M. R{\o}nquist
+	and A. T. Patera},
+  title = {Recent advances in parallel spectral element simulation of unsteady
+	incompressible flows},
+  journal = {Computers and Structures},
+  year = {1988},
+  volume = {30},
+  pages = {217-231}
-author = {P. F. Fischer and E. M. R{\o}nquist},
-title = {{S}pectral-element Methods for Large Scale Parallel {N}avier-{S}tokes
-journal = cmame,
-year = {1994},
-volume = {116},
-pages = {69-76}
+  author = {P. F. Fischer and E. M. R{\o}nquist},
+  title = {{S}pectral-element Methods for Large Scale Parallel {N}avier-{S}tokes
+	Calculations},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {1994},
+  volume = {116},
+  pages = {69-76}
-author = {L. Fishman},
-title = {Applications of {D}irectional {W}avefield {D}ecomposition, {P}hase
-{S}pace and {P}ath {I}ntegral {M}ethods to {S}eismic {W}ave {P}ropagation
-and {I}nversion},
-journal = {Pure and Applied Geophysics},
-year = {2002},
-volume = {159},
-pages = {1637-1679}
+  author = {L. Fishman},
+  title = {Applications of {D}irectional {W}avefield {D}ecomposition, {P}hase
+	{S}pace and {P}ath {I}ntegral {M}ethods to {S}eismic {W}ave {P}ropagation
+	and {I}nversion},
+  journal = {Pure and Applied Geophysics},
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {159},
+  pages = {1637-1679}
-author = {L. Fishman},
-title = {Exact and {O}perator {R}ational {A}pproximate {S}olutions of the
-{H}elmholtz, {W}eyl {C}omposition {E}quation in {U}nderwater {A}coustics
-- the {Q}uadratic {P}rofile},
-journal = {J. Math. Phys.},
-year = {1992},
-volume = {33},
-pages = {1887-1914}
+  author = {L. Fishman},
+  title = {Exact and {O}perator {R}ational {A}pproximate {S}olutions of the
+	{H}elmholtz, {W}eyl {C}omposition {E}quation in {U}nderwater {A}coustics
+	- the {Q}uadratic {P}rofile},
+  journal = {J. Math. Phys.},
+  year = {1992},
+  volume = {33},
+  pages = {1887-1914}
-author = {L. Fishman and J. J. McCoy and S. C. Wales},
-title = {Factorization and Path Integration of the {H}elmholtz Equation :
-{N}umerical Algorithms},
-journal = {J. Acoust. Soc. Am.},
-year = {1987},
-volume = {81},
-pages = {1355-1376}
+  author = {L. Fishman and J. J. McCoy and S. C. Wales},
+  title = {Factorization and Path Integration of the {H}elmholtz Equation :
+	{N}umerical Algorithms},
+  journal = {J. Acoust. Soc. Am.},
+  year = {1987},
+  volume = {81},
+  pages = {1355-1376}
-title = {Computational Fluid Dynamics},
-publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
-year = {1991},
-author = {C. A. J. Fletcher},
-address = {New York}
+  title = {Computational Fluid Dynamics},
+  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
+  year = {1991},
+  author = {C. A. J. Fletcher},
+  address = {New York}
-author = {T. A. Foley},
-title = {Weighted bicubic spline interpolation to rapidly varying data},
-journal = {ACM Trans. Graphics},
-year = {1987},
-volume = {6},
-pages = {1-18}
+  author = {T. A. Foley},
+  title = {Weighted bicubic spline interpolation to rapidly varying data},
+  journal = {ACM Trans. Graphics},
+  year = {1987},
+  volume = {6},
+  pages = {1-18}
-author = {Mathieu Fontes},
-title = {Propri\'et\'es math\'ematiques de mod\`eles g\'eophysiques pour l'absorption
-des ondes. {A}pplication aux conditions de bords absorbants. ({M}athematical
-properties of geophysical models for the absorption of waves. {A}pplication
-to absorbing boundary conditions)},
-school = {Universit\'e de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour},
-year = {2006},
-address = {Pau, France},
-month = {July}
+  author = {Mathieu Fontes},
+  title = {Propri\'et\'es math\'ematiques de mod\`eles g\'eophysiques pour l'absorption
+	des ondes. {A}pplication aux conditions de bords absorbants. ({M}athematical
+	properties of geophysical models for the absorption of waves. {A}pplication
+	to absorbing boundary conditions)},
+  school = {Universit\'e de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour},
+  year = {2006},
+  address = {Pau, France},
+  month = {July}
-author = {B. Fornberg},
-title = {The pseudospectral method: accurate representation of interfaces
-in elastic wave calculations},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1988},
-volume = {53},
-pages = {625-637}
+  author = {B. Fornberg},
+  title = {The pseudospectral method: accurate representation of interfaces
+	in elastic wave calculations},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1988},
+  volume = {53},
+  pages = {625-637}
-author = {D. W. Forsyth},
-title = {The early structural evolution and anisotropy of the oceanic upper
-journal = gjras,
-year = {1975},
-volume = {43},
-pages = {103-162}
+  author = {D. W. Forsyth},
+  title = {The early structural evolution and anisotropy of the oceanic upper
+	mantle},
+  journal = gjras,
+  year = {1975},
+  volume = {43},
+  pages = {103-162}
-author = {M. J. Fouch and K. M. Fischer and M. E. Wysession},
-title = {Lowermost mantle anisotropy beneath the {P}acific: {I}maging the
-source of the {H}awaiian plume},
-journal = epsl,
-year = {2001},
-volume = {190},
-pages = {167-180}
+  author = {M. J. Fouch and K. M. Fischer and M. E. Wysession},
+  title = {Lowermost mantle anisotropy beneath the {P}acific: {I}maging the
+	source of the {H}awaiian plume},
+  journal = epsl,
+  year = {2001},
+  volume = {190},
+  pages = {167-180}
-author = {R. Franke},
-title = {Thin plate spline with tension},
-journal = {Computer Aided Geometric Design},
-year = {1985},
-volume = {2},
-pages = {87-95}
+  author = {R. Franke},
+  title = {Thin plate spline with tension},
+  journal = {Computer Aided Geometric Design},
+  year = {1985},
+  volume = {2},
+  pages = {87-95}
-author = {A. Frankel},
-title = {Three-dimensional simulations of ground motions in the {S}an {B}ernardino
-valley, {C}alifornia, for hypothetical earthquakes on the {S}an {A}ndreas
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1993},
-volume = {83},
-pages = {1020-1041}
+  author = {A. Frankel},
+  title = {Three-dimensional simulations of ground motions in the {S}an {B}ernardino
+	valley, {C}alifornia, for hypothetical earthquakes on the {S}an {A}ndreas
+	fault},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1993},
+  volume = {83},
+  pages = {1020-1041}
-author = {A. Frankel and W. Leith},
-title = {Evaluation of topographic effects on {{\it P}} and {{\it S}} waves
-of explosions at the northern {N}ovaya {Z}emlya test site using 3-{D}
-numerical simulations},
-journal = grl,
-year = {1992},
-volume = {19},
-pages = {1887-1890}
+  author = {A. Frankel and W. Leith},
+  title = {Evaluation of topographic effects on {{\it P}} and {{\it S}} waves
+	of explosions at the northern {N}ovaya {Z}emlya test site using 3-{D}
+	numerical simulations},
+  journal = grl,
+  year = {1992},
+  volume = {19},
+  pages = {1887-1890}
-author = {A. Frankel and J. Vidale},
-title = {A three-dimensional simulation of seismic waves in the {S}anta {C}lara
-valley, {C}alifornia, from the {L}oma {P}rieta aftershock},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1992},
-volume = {82},
-pages = {2045-2074}
+  author = {A. Frankel and J. Vidale},
+  title = {A three-dimensional simulation of seismic waves in the {S}anta {C}lara
+	valley, {C}alifornia, from the {L}oma {P}rieta aftershock},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1992},
+  volume = {82},
+  pages = {2045-2074}
-author = {Wolfgang Friederich and J\"org Dalkolmo},
-title = {Complete synthetic seismograms for a spherically-symmetric {E}arth
-by a numerical computation of the {G}reen's function in the frequency
-journal = gji,
-year = {1995},
-volume = {122},
-pages = {537-550},
-number = {2},
-doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.1995.tb07012.x}
+  author = {Wolfgang Friederich and J\"org Dalkolmo},
+  title = {Complete synthetic seismograms for a spherically-symmetric {E}arth
+	by a numerical computation of the {G}reen's function in the frequency
+	domain},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1995},
+  volume = {122},
+  pages = {537-550},
+  number = {2},
+  doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.1995.tb07012.x}
-author = {K. Fuchs and G. Muller},
-title = {Computation of synthetic seismograms with the reflectivity method
-and comparison of observations},
-journal = gjras,
-year = {1971},
-volume = {23},
-pages = {417-433}
+  author = {K. Fuchs and G. Muller},
+  title = {Computation of synthetic seismograms with the reflectivity method
+	and comparison of observations},
+  journal = gjras,
+  year = {1971},
+  volume = {23},
+  pages = {417-433}
-author = {G. S. Fuis and R. W. Clayton and P. M. Davis and T. Ryberg and W.
-J. Lutter and D. A. Okaya and E. Hauksson and C. Prodehl and J. M.
-Murphy and M. L. Benthien and S. A. Baher and M. D. Kohler and K.
-Thygesen and G. Simila and G. R. Keller},
-title = {Fault systems of the 1971 {S}an {F}ernando and 1994 {N}orthridge
-earthquakes, {S}outhern {C}alifornia: relocated aftershocks and seismic
-images from {LARSE~II}},
-journal = {Geology},
-year = {2003},
-volume = {31},
-pages = {171-174}
+  author = {G. S. Fuis and R. W. Clayton and P. M. Davis and T. Ryberg and W.
+	J. Lutter and D. A. Okaya and E. Hauksson and C. Prodehl and J. M.
+	Murphy and M. L. Benthien and S. A. Baher and M. D. Kohler and K.
+	Thygesen and G. Simila and G. R. Keller},
+  title = {Fault systems of the 1971 {S}an {F}ernando and 1994 {N}orthridge
+	earthquakes, {S}outhern {C}alifornia: relocated aftershocks and seismic
+	images from {LARSE~II}},
+  journal = {Geology},
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {31},
+  pages = {171-174}
-title = {Polynomial approximation of differential equations},
-publisher = {Springer Verlag},
-year = {1992},
-author = {D. Funaro},
-volume = {8},
-series = {Lecture Notes in Physics},
-address = {Heidelberg, Germany}
+  title = {Polynomial approximation of differential equations},
+  publisher = {Springer Verlag},
+  year = {1992},
+  author = {D. Funaro},
+  volume = {8},
+  series = {Lecture Notes in Physics},
+  address = {Heidelberg, Germany}
-author = {M. Furumura and B. L. N. Kennett and T. Furumura},
-title = {Seismic wavefield calculation for laterally heterogeneous {E}arth
-models-{II}. The influence of upper mantle heterogeneity},
-journal = gji,
-year = {1999},
-volume = {139},
-pages = {623-644},
-number = {3},
-doi = {10.1046/j.1365-246x.1999.00962.x}
+  author = {M. Furumura and B. L. N. Kennett and T. Furumura},
+  title = {Seismic wavefield calculation for laterally heterogeneous {E}arth
+	models-{II}. The influence of upper mantle heterogeneity},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1999},
+  volume = {139},
+  pages = {623-644},
+  number = {3},
+  doi = {10.1046/j.1365-246x.1999.00962.x}
-author = {T. Furumura and B. L. N. Kennett and M. Furumura},
-title = {Seismic wavefield calculation for laterally heterogeneous whole {E}arth
-models using the pseudospectral method},
-journal = gji,
-year = {1998},
-volume = {135},
-pages = {845-860},
-number = {3},
-doi = {10.1046/j.1365-246X.1998.00682.x}
+  author = {T. Furumura and B. L. N. Kennett and M. Furumura},
+  title = {Seismic wavefield calculation for laterally heterogeneous whole {E}arth
+	models using the pseudospectral method},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {135},
+  pages = {845-860},
+  number = {3},
+  doi = {10.1046/j.1365-246X.1998.00682.x}
-author = {Dominik G\"oddeke and Robert Strzodka and Jamaludin Mohd-Yusof and
-Patrick McCormick and Sven H. M. Buijssen and Matthias Grajewski
-and Stefan Turek},
-title = {Exploring weak scalability for {FEM} calculations on a {GPU}-enhanced
-journal = {Parallel Computing},
-year = {2007},
-volume = {33},
-pages = {685-699},
-number = {10-11}
+  author = {Dominik G\"oddeke and Robert Strzodka and Jamaludin Mohd-Yusof and
+	Patrick McCormick and Sven H. M. Buijssen and Matthias Grajewski
+	and Stefan Turek},
+  title = {Exploring weak scalability for {FEM} calculations on a {GPU}-enhanced
+	cluster},
+  journal = {Parallel Computing},
+  year = {2007},
+  volume = {33},
+  pages = {685-699},
+  number = {10-11}
-author = {Dominik G\"oddeke and Robert Strzodka and Stefan Turek},
-title = {Performance and accuracy of hardware-oriented native-, emulated-
-and mixed-precision solvers in {FEM} simulations},
-journal = {International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems},
-year = {2007},
-volume = {22},
-pages = {221-256},
-number = {4}
+  author = {Dominik G\"oddeke and Robert Strzodka and Stefan Turek},
+  title = {Performance and accuracy of hardware-oriented native-, emulated-
+	and mixed-precision solvers in {FEM} simulations},
+  journal = {International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems},
+  year = {2007},
+  volume = {22},
+  pages = {221-256},
+  number = {4}
-author = {L. G\'eli and P. Y. Bard and B. Julien},
-title = {The effect of topography on earthquake ground motion: a review and
-new results},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1988},
-volume = {78},
-pages = {42-63}
+  author = {L. G\'eli and P. Y. Bard and B. Julien},
+  title = {The effect of topography on earthquake ground motion: a review and
+	new results},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1988},
+  volume = {78},
+  pages = {42-63}
-author = {S. Gaffet and M. Bouchon},
-title = {Effects of two-dimensional topographies using the discrete wavenumber-boundary
-integral equation method in {{\it P-SV}} cases},
-journal = jasa,
-year = {1989},
-volume = {85},
-pages = {2277-2283}
+  author = {S. Gaffet and M. Bouchon},
+  title = {Effects of two-dimensional topographies using the discrete wavenumber-boundary
+	integral equation method in {{\it P-SV}} cases},
+  journal = jasa,
+  year = {1989},
+  volume = {85},
+  pages = {2277-2283}
-author = {M. J. Gander and F. Magoul\`es and F. Nataf},
-title = {Optimized {S}chwarz method without overlap for the {H}elmholtz equation},
-institution = {CMAP, UMR CNRS 67641},
-year = {2001}
+  author = {M. J. Gander and F. Magoul\`es and F. Nataf},
+  title = {Optimized {S}chwarz method without overlap for the {H}elmholtz equation},
+  institution = {CMAP, UMR CNRS 67641},
+  year = {2001}
-author = {L. Gao and Y. M. Li and X. R. Chen and K. Q. Yang},
-title = {An attempt to seismic ray tracing with symplectic algorithm},
-journal = {Chinese J. Geophys.},
-year = {2000},
-volume = {43},
-pages = {433-440},
-number = {3}
+  author = {L. Gao and Y. M. Li and X. R. Chen and K. Q. Yang},
+  title = {An attempt to seismic ray tracing with symplectic algorithm},
+  journal = {Chinese J. Geophys.},
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {43},
+  pages = {433-440},
+  number = {3}
-author = {S. Gao and H. Liu and P. M. Davis and L. Knopoff},
-title = {Localized amplification of seismic waves and correlation with damage
-due to the {N}orthridge earthquake: evidence for focusing in {S}anta
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {86},
-pages = {S209-S230},
-number = {1B}
+  author = {S. Gao and H. Liu and P. M. Davis and L. Knopoff},
+  title = {Localized amplification of seismic waves and correlation with damage
+	due to the {N}orthridge earthquake: evidence for focusing in {S}anta
+	{M}onica},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {86},
+  pages = {S209-S230},
+  number = {1B}
-author = {Kazuteru Garatani and Hisashi Nakamura and Hiroshi Okuda and Genki
-title = {Geo{FEM}: a High Performance Parallel finite element method for the
-Solid {E}arth},
-journal = {J. Future Generation Computer Systems},
-year = {2001},
-volume = {18},
-pages = {107-114}
+  author = {Kazuteru Garatani and Hisashi Nakamura and Hiroshi Okuda and Genki
+	Yagawa},
+  title = {Geo{FEM}: a High Performance Parallel finite element method for the
+	Solid {E}arth},
+  journal = {J. Future Generation Computer Systems},
+  year = {2001},
+  volume = {18},
+  pages = {107-114}
-author = {Kazuteru Garatani and Hisashi Nakamura and Hiroshi Okuda and Genki
-title = {Large-Scale Parallel Wave Propagation Analysis by {G}eo{FEM}},
-journal = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
-year = {2000},
-volume = {1823},
-pages = {445-453}
+  author = {Kazuteru Garatani and Hisashi Nakamura and Hiroshi Okuda and Genki
+	Yagawa},
+  title = {Large-Scale Parallel Wave Propagation Analysis by {G}eo{FEM}},
+  journal = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {1823},
+  pages = {445-453}
-author = {R. Garcia},
-title = {Constraints on upper inner core structure by waveform inversion of
-core phases},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2002},
-volume = {150},
-pages = {651-664}
+  author = {R. Garcia},
+  title = {Constraints on upper inner core structure by waveform inversion of
+	core phases},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {150},
+  pages = {651-664}
-author = {R. Garcia and S. Chevrot and M. Weber},
-title = {Non-linear waveform and delay time analysis of triplicated core phases},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {2004},
-volume = {109},
-pages = {B01306},
-doi = {10.1029/2003JB002429}
+  author = {R. Garcia and S. Chevrot and M. Weber},
+  title = {Non-linear waveform and delay time analysis of triplicated core phases},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {2004},
+  volume = {109},
+  pages = {B01306},
+  doi = {10.1029/2003JB002429}
-author = {R. Garcia and A. Souriau},
-title = {Inner core anisotropy and heterogeneity level},
-journal = grl,
-year = {2000},
-volume = {27},
-pages = {3121-3125}
+  author = {R. Garcia and A. Souriau},
+  title = {Inner core anisotropy and heterogeneity level},
+  journal = grl,
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {27},
+  pages = {3121-3125}
-author = {R. Garcia and H. Tkalcic and S. Chevrot},
-title = {A new global {PKP} dataset to study {E}arth's core and deep mantle},
-journal = pepi,
-year = {2006},
-volume = {159},
-pages = {15-31}
+  author = {R. Garcia and H. Tkalcic and S. Chevrot},
+  title = {A new global {PKP} dataset to study {E}arth's core and deep mantle},
+  journal = pepi,
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {159},
+  pages = {15-31}
-author = {Michael Garland and Scott Le Grand and John Nickolls and Joshua A.
-Anderson and Jim Hardwick and Scott Morton and Everett H. Phillips
-and Yao Zhang and Vasily Volkov},
-title = {Parallel Computing Experiences with {CUDA}},
-journal = {IEEE Micro},
-year = {2008},
-volume = {28},
-pages = {13--27},
-number = {4},
-month = jul,
-doi = {10.1109/MM.2008.57}
+  author = {Michael Garland and Scott Le Grand and John Nickolls and Joshua A.
+	Anderson and Jim Hardwick and Scott Morton and Everett H. Phillips
+	and Yao Zhang and Vasily Volkov},
+  title = {Parallel Computing Experiences with {CUDA}},
+  journal = {IEEE Micro},
+  year = {2008},
+  volume = {28},
+  pages = {13--27},
+  number = {4},
+  month = jul,
+  doi = {10.1109/MM.2008.57}
-author = {E. Garnero and T. Lay},
-title = {Lateral variations in lowermost mantle shear wave anisotropy beneath
-the north {P}acific and {A}laska},
-journal = {J. Geophys. Res.},
-year = {1997},
-volume = {102},
-pages = {8121-8135}
+  author = {E. Garnero and T. Lay},
+  title = {Lateral variations in lowermost mantle shear wave anisotropy beneath
+	the north {P}acific and {A}laska},
+  journal = {J. Geophys. Res.},
+  year = {1997},
+  volume = {102},
+  pages = {8121-8135}
-author = {E. J. Garnero},
-title = {Heterogeneity of the lowermost mantle},
-journal = {Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences},
-year = {2000},
-volume = {33},
-pages = {1-66}
+  author = {E. J. Garnero},
+  title = {Heterogeneity of the lowermost mantle},
+  journal = {Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences},
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {33},
+  pages = {1-66}
-author = {W. W. Garvin},
-title = {Exact transient solution of the buried line source problem},
-journal = {Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. A},
-year = {1956},
-volume = {234},
-pages = {528-541}
+  author = {W. W. Garvin},
+  title = {Exact transient solution of the buried line source problem},
+  journal = {Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. A},
+  year = {1956},
+  volume = {234},
+  pages = {528-541}
-author = {O. Gauthier and J. Virieux and A. Tarantola},
-title = {Two-dimensional non-linear inversion of seismic waveforms: numerical
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1986},
-volume = {51},
-pages = {1387-1403}
+  author = {O. Gauthier and J. Virieux and A. Tarantola},
+  title = {Two-dimensional non-linear inversion of seismic waveforms: numerical
+	results},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1986},
+  volume = {51},
+  pages = {1387-1403}
-author = {J. Gazdag},
-title = {Modeling of the acoustic wave equation with transform methods},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1981},
-volume = {46},
-pages = {854-859}
+  author = {J. Gazdag},
+  title = {Modeling of the acoustic wave equation with transform methods},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1981},
+  volume = {46},
+  pages = {854-859}
-author = {D. C. Gazis and R. Herman and R. F. Wallis},
-title = {Surface elastic waves in cubic crystals},
-journal = {Physical Review},
-year = {1960},
-volume = {119},
-pages = {533-544},
-number = {2}
+  author = {D. C. Gazis and R. Herman and R. F. Wallis},
+  title = {Surface elastic waves in cubic crystals},
+  journal = {Physical Review},
+  year = {1960},
+  volume = {119},
+  pages = {533-544},
+  number = {2}
-author = {D. C. Gazis and R. Herman and R. F. Wallis},
-title = {Surface elastic waves in semiconductors},
-journal = {Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids},
-year = {1960},
-volume = {14},
-pages = {268-270}
+  author = {D. C. Gazis and R. Herman and R. F. Wallis},
+  title = {Surface elastic waves in semiconductors},
+  journal = {Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids},
+  year = {1960},
+  volume = {14},
+  pages = {268-270}
-author = {D. C. Gazis and R. F. Wallis},
-title = {Surface elastic waves in body-centered cubic lattices},
-journal = {Surface Science},
-year = {1966},
-volume = {5},
-pages = {482-492}
+  author = {D. C. Gazis and R. F. Wallis},
+  title = {Surface elastic waves in body-centered cubic lattices},
+  journal = {Surface Science},
+  year = {1966},
+  volume = {5},
+  pages = {482-492}
-author = {S. D. Gedney},
-title = {The {P}erfectly {M}atched {L}ayer absorbing medium},
-booktitle = {Advances in Computational Electrodynamics: the Finite-Difference
-Time-Domain method},
-publisher = {Artech House},
-year = {1998},
-editor = {Allen Taflove},
-chapter = {5},
-pages = {263-343},
-address = {Boston, USA}
+  author = {S. D. Gedney},
+  title = {The {P}erfectly {M}atched {L}ayer absorbing medium},
+  booktitle = {Advances in Computational Electrodynamics: the Finite-Difference
+	Time-Domain method},
+  publisher = {Artech House},
+  year = {1998},
+  editor = {Allen Taflove},
+  chapter = {5},
+  pages = {263-343},
+  address = {Boston, USA}
-author = {S. D. Gedney},
-title = {An anisotropic perfectly matched layer-absorbing medium for the truncation
-of {FDTD} lattices},
-journal = {IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation},
-year = {1996},
-volume = {44},
-pages = {1630-1639},
-number = {12},
-doi = {10.1109/8.546249}
+  author = {S. D. Gedney},
+  title = {An anisotropic perfectly matched layer-absorbing medium for the truncation
+	of {FDTD} lattices},
+  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation},
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {44},
+  pages = {1630-1639},
+  number = {12},
+  doi = {10.1109/8.546249}
-author = {S. D. Gedney and B. Zhao},
-title = {An Auxiliary Differential Equation Formulation for the Complex-Frequency
-Shifted {PML}},
-journal = {IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation},
-year = {2010},
-volume = {58},
-pages = {838-847},
-number = {3},
-doi = {10.1109/TAP.2009.2037765}
+  author = {S. D. Gedney and B. Zhao},
+  title = {An Auxiliary Differential Equation Formulation for the Complex-Frequency
+	Shifted {PML}},
+  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation},
+  year = {2010},
+  volume = {58},
+  pages = {838-847},
+  number = {3},
+  doi = {10.1109/TAP.2009.2037765}
-author = {R. J. Geller and T. Ohminato},
-title = {Computation of synthetic seismograms and their partial derivatives
-for heterogeneous media with arbitrary natural boundary conditions
-using the {D}irect {S}olution {M}ethod},
-journal = gji,
-year = {1994},
-volume = {116},
-pages = {421-446}
+  author = {R. J. Geller and T. Ohminato},
+  title = {Computation of synthetic seismograms and their partial derivatives
+	for heterogeneous media with arbitrary natural boundary conditions
+	using the {D}irect {S}olution {M}ethod},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1994},
+  volume = {116},
+  pages = {421-446}
-author = {Luigi Genovese and Matthieu Ospici and Thierry Deutsch and Jean-Fran\c{c}ois
-M\'{e}haut and Alexey Neelov and Stefan Goedecker},
-title = {Density functional theory calculation on many-cores hybrid central
-processing unit-graphic processing unit architectures},
-journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
-year = {2009},
-volume = {131},
-pages = {034103},
-number = {3},
-doi = {10.1063/1.3166140}
+  author = {Luigi Genovese and Matthieu Ospici and Thierry Deutsch and Jean-Fran\c{c}ois
+	M\'{e}haut and Alexey Neelov and Stefan Goedecker},
+  title = {Density functional theory calculation on many-cores hybrid central
+	processing unit-graphic processing unit architectures},
+  journal = {Journal of Chemical Physics},
+  year = {2009},
+  volume = {131},
+  pages = {034103},
+  number = {3},
+  doi = {10.1063/1.3166140}
-title = {Introduction \`a la m\'ecanique des milieux continus},
-publisher = {Masson},
-year = {1994},
-author = {P. Germain and P. Muller},
-address = {Paris},
-edition = {2nd}
+  title = {Introduction \`a la m\'ecanique des milieux continus},
+  publisher = {Masson},
+  year = {1994},
+  author = {P. Germain and P. Muller},
+  address = {Paris},
+  edition = {2nd}
-author = {C. Geuzaine and J. F. Remacle},
-title = {Gmsh: a three-dimensional finite element mesh generator with built-in
-pre- and post-processing facilities},
-journal = ijnme,
-year = {2009},
-volume = {79},
-pages = {1309-1331},
-number = {11},
-owner = {komatits},
-timestamp = {2011.01.23}
+  author = {C. Geuzaine and J. F. Remacle},
+  title = {Gmsh: a three-dimensional finite element mesh generator with built-in
+	pre- and post-processing facilities},
+  journal = ijnme,
+  year = {2009},
+  volume = {79},
+  pages = {1309-1331},
+  number = {11},
+  owner = {komatits},
+  timestamp = {2011.01.23}
-author = {F. Gilbert},
-title = {Excitation of the normal modes of the {E}arth by earthquake sources},
-journal = gjras,
-year = {1970},
-volume = {22},
-pages = {223-226}
+  author = {F. Gilbert},
+  title = {Excitation of the normal modes of the {E}arth by earthquake sources},
+  journal = gjras,
+  year = {1970},
+  volume = {22},
+  pages = {223-226}
-author = {F. Gilbert and A. M. Dziewo\'nski},
-title = {An Application of Normal Mode Theory to the Retrieval of Structural
-Parameters and Source Mechanisms from Seismic Spectra},
-journal = {Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London A},
-year = {1975},
-volume = {278},
-pages = {187-269}
+  author = {F. Gilbert and A. M. Dziewo\'nski},
+  title = {An Application of Normal Mode Theory to the Retrieval of Structural
+	Parameters and Source Mechanisms from Seismic Spectra},
+  journal = {Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London A},
+  year = {1975},
+  volume = {278},
+  pages = {187-269}
-author = {F. Gilbert and D. V. Helmberger},
-title = {Generalized ray theory for a layered sphere},
-journal = gjras,
-year = {1972},
-volume = {27},
-pages = {57-80}
+  author = {F. Gilbert and D. V. Helmberger},
+  title = {Generalized ray theory for a layered sphere},
+  journal = gjras,
+  year = {1972},
+  volume = {27},
+  pages = {57-80}
-author = {F. Gilbert and L. Knopoff},
-title = {The directivity problem of a burried line source},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1961},
-volume = {26},
-pages = {626-634}
+  author = {F. Gilbert and L. Knopoff},
+  title = {The directivity problem of a burried line source},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1961},
+  volume = {26},
+  pages = {626-634}
-author = {F. Gilbert and L. Knopoff},
-title = {Seismic scattering from topographic irregularities},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {1960},
-volume = {65},
-pages = {3437-3444}
+  author = {F. Gilbert and L. Knopoff},
+  title = {Seismic scattering from topographic irregularities},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {1960},
+  volume = {65},
+  pages = {3437-3444}
-author = {F. Gilbert and S. J. Laster},
-title = {Excitation and propagation of pulses on an interface},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1962},
-volume = {52},
-pages = {299-319}
+  author = {F. Gilbert and S. J. Laster},
+  title = {Excitation and propagation of pulses on an interface},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1962},
+  volume = {52},
+  pages = {299-319}
-author = {A. Gillman and R. Djellouli and M. Amara},
-title = {A Mixed Hybrid Formulation Based on Oscillated Finite Element Polynomials
-for Solving {H}elmholtz Problems},
-journal = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics},
-year = {2006},
-note = {Accepted in February 2006}
+  author = {A. Gillman and R. Djellouli and M. Amara},
+  title = {A Mixed Hybrid Formulation Based on Oscillated Finite Element Polynomials
+	for Solving {H}elmholtz Problems},
+  journal = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics},
+  year = {2006},
+  note = {Accepted in February 2006}
-author = {F. X. Giraldo and J. S. Hesthaven and T. Warburton},
-title = {Nodal High-Order Discontinuous {G}alerkin Methods for the Spherical
-Shallow Water Equations},
-journal = jcp,
-year = {2002},
-volume = {181},
-pages = {499-525},
-number = {2},
-doi = {10.1006/jcph.2002.7139}
+  author = {F. X. Giraldo and J. S. Hesthaven and T. Warburton},
+  title = {Nodal High-Order Discontinuous {G}alerkin Methods for the Spherical
+	Shallow Water Equations},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {181},
+  pages = {499-525},
+  number = {2},
+  doi = {10.1006/jcph.2002.7139}
-author = {F. X. Giraldo and T. Warburton},
-title = {A nodal triangle-based spectral element method for the shallow water
-equations on the sphere},
-journal = jcp,
-year = {2005},
-volume = {207},
-pages = {129-150},
-number = {1},
-doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2005.01.004}
+  author = {F. X. Giraldo and T. Warburton},
+  title = {A nodal triangle-based spectral element method for the shallow water
+	equations on the sphere},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {207},
+  pages = {129-150},
+  number = {1},
+  doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2005.01.004}
-author = {L. Giraud and J. Langou and G. Sylvand},
-title = {On The Parallel Solution Of Large Industrial Wave Propagation Problems},
-journal = jca,
-year = {2006},
-volume = {14},
-pages = {83-111},
-number = {1}
+  author = {L. Giraud and J. Langou and G. Sylvand},
+  title = {On The Parallel Solution Of Large Industrial Wave Propagation Problems},
+  journal = jca,
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {14},
+  pages = {83-111},
+  number = {1}
-author = {D. Givoli},
-title = {Computational Absorbing Boundaries},
-booktitle = {Computational acoustics noise propagation in fluids},
-publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
-year = {2008},
-editor = {S. Marburg and B. Nolte},
-volume = {5},
-pages = {145-166},
-address = {Berlin, Germany}
+  author = {D. Givoli},
+  title = {Computational Absorbing Boundaries},
+  booktitle = {Computational acoustics noise propagation in fluids},
+  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
+  year = {2008},
+  editor = {S. Marburg and B. Nolte},
+  volume = {5},
+  pages = {145-166},
+  address = {Berlin, Germany}
-author = {D. Givoli},
-title = {High-Order Local Non-Reflecting Boundary Conditions: A Review},
-journal = {Wave Motion},
-year = {2004},
-volume = {39},
-pages = {319-326}
+  author = {D. Givoli},
+  title = {High-Order Local Non-Reflecting Boundary Conditions: A Review},
+  journal = {Wave Motion},
+  year = {2004},
+  volume = {39},
+  pages = {319-326}
-title = {Numerical Methods for Problems in Infinite Domains},
-publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers},
-year = {1992},
-author = {Dan Givoli},
-address = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands}
+  title = {Numerical Methods for Problems in Infinite Domains},
+  publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers},
+  year = {1992},
+  author = {Dan Givoli},
+  address = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands}
-author = {D. Givoli},
-title = {Non-reflecting boundary conditions: review article},
-journal = jcp,
-year = {1991},
-volume = {94},
-pages = {1-29}
+  author = {D. Givoli},
+  title = {Non-reflecting boundary conditions: review article},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {1991},
+  volume = {94},
+  pages = {1-29}
-author = {D. Givoli and J. B. Keller},
-title = {Non-reflecting finite elements},
-booktitle = {The mathematics of finite elements and applications},
-publisher = {John Wiley and sons},
-year = {1994},
-address = {New York}
+  author = {D. Givoli and J. B. Keller},
+  title = {Non-reflecting finite elements},
+  booktitle = {The mathematics of finite elements and applications},
+  publisher = {John Wiley and sons},
+  year = {1994},
+  address = {New York}
-author = {D. Givoli and J. B. Keller},
-title = {Non-reflecting boundary conditions for elastic waves},
-journal = {Wave motion},
-year = {1990},
-volume = {12},
-pages = {261-279}
+  author = {D. Givoli and J. B. Keller},
+  title = {Non-reflecting boundary conditions for elastic waves},
+  journal = {Wave motion},
+  year = {1990},
+  volume = {12},
+  pages = {261-279}
-author = {D. Givoli and B. Neta},
-title = {High-order non-reflecting boundary scheme for time-dependent waves},
-journal = {J. Comput. Phys.},
-year = {2003},
-volume = {186},
-pages = {24-46}
+  author = {D. Givoli and B. Neta},
+  title = {High-order non-reflecting boundary scheme for time-dependent waves},
+  journal = {J. Comput. Phys.},
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {186},
+  pages = {24-46}
-author = {D. Givoli and S. Vidgergauz},
-title = {Artificial boundary conditions for 2{D} problems in geophysics},
-journal = cmame,
-year = {1993},
-volume = {110},
-pages = {87-101}
+  author = {D. Givoli and S. Vidgergauz},
+  title = {Artificial boundary conditions for 2{D} problems in geophysics},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {1993},
+  volume = {110},
+  pages = {87-101}
-author = {R. Glowinski and W. Lawton and M. Ravachol and E. Tenebaum},
-title = {Wavelet solution of linear and nonlinear elliptic, parabolic and
-hyperbolic problems in one space dimension},
-booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Numerical Methods
-in Applied Sciences and Engineering},
-year = {1990},
-address = {SIAM, Philadelphia}
+  author = {R. Glowinski and W. Lawton and M. Ravachol and E. Tenebaum},
+  title = {Wavelet solution of linear and nonlinear elliptic, parabolic and
+	hyperbolic problems in one space dimension},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Numerical Methods
+	in Applied Sciences and Engineering},
+  year = {1990},
+  address = {SIAM, Philadelphia}
-author = {L. Godinho and P. Amado Mendes and A. Tadeu and A. Cadena-Isaza and
-C. Smerzini and F. J. S\'anchez-Sesma and R. Madec and Dimitri Komatitsch},
-title = {Numerical simulation of ground rotations along {2D} topographical
-profiles under the incidence of elastic plane waves},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {2009},
-volume = {99},
-pages = {1147-1161},
-number = {2B},
-doi = {10.1785/0120080096}
+  author = {L. Godinho and P. Amado Mendes and A. Tadeu and A. Cadena-Isaza and
+	C. Smerzini and F. J. S\'anchez-Sesma and R. Madec and Dimitri Komatitsch},
+  title = {Numerical simulation of ground rotations along {2D} topographical
+	profiles under the incidence of elastic plane waves},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {2009},
+  volume = {99},
+  pages = {1147-1161},
+  number = {2B},
+  doi = {10.1785/0120080096}
-author = {L. Gold},
-title = {Rayleigh wave propagation on anisotropic (cubic) media},
-journal = {Physical Review},
-year = {1956},
-volume = {104},
-pages = {1532-1536},
-number = {6}
+  author = {L. Gold},
+  title = {Rayleigh wave propagation on anisotropic (cubic) media},
+  journal = {Physical Review},
+  year = {1956},
+  volume = {104},
+  pages = {1532-1536},
+  number = {6}
-author = {Nolan Goodnight and Cliff Woolley and Gregory Lewin and David P.
-Luebke and Greg Humphreys},
-title = {A Multigrid Solver for Boundary Value Problems Using Programmable
-Graphics Hardware},
-booktitle = {Graphics Hardware 2003},
-year = {2003},
-editor = {Michael Doggett and Wolfgang Heidrich and William R. Mark and Andreas
-pages = {102--111},
-month = jul
+  author = {Nolan Goodnight and Cliff Woolley and Gregory Lewin and David P.
+	Luebke and Greg Humphreys},
+  title = {A Multigrid Solver for Boundary Value Problems Using Programmable
+	Graphics Hardware},
+  booktitle = {Graphics Hardware 2003},
+  year = {2003},
+  editor = {Michael Doggett and Wolfgang Heidrich and William R. Mark and Andreas
+	Schilling},
+  pages = {102--111},
+  month = jul
-author = {W. J. Gordon and C. A. Hall},
-title = {Geometric aspects of the finite element method},
-booktitle = {Mathematical Foundations of the Finite Element Method with Applications
-to Partial Differential Equations},
-year = {1972},
-editor = {A. K. Aziz},
-pages = {769-784},
-address = {New York, USA},
-publisher = {Academic Press}
+  author = {W. J. Gordon and C. A. Hall},
+  title = {Geometric aspects of the finite element method},
+  booktitle = {Mathematical Foundations of the Finite Element Method with Applications
+	to Partial Differential Equations},
+  year = {1972},
+  editor = {A. K. Aziz},
+  pages = {769-784},
+  address = {New York, USA},
+  publisher = {Academic Press}
-author = {D. Gottlieb},
-title = {The stability of pseudospectral {C}hebyshev methods},
-journal = {Math. Comp.},
-year = {1981},
-volume = {36},
-pages = {107-118}
+  author = {D. Gottlieb},
+  title = {The stability of pseudospectral {C}hebyshev methods},
+  journal = {Math. Comp.},
+  year = {1981},
+  volume = {36},
+  pages = {107-118}
-author = {C. Gout},
-title = {Approximation using scale transformations},
-booktitle = {Approximation Theory {IX}},
-publisher = {Vanderbilt University Press},
-year = {1999},
-editor = {C. K. Chui and L. L. Schumaker},
-volume = {1},
-pages = {151-158},
-address = {Nashville}
+  author = {C. Gout},
+  title = {Approximation using scale transformations},
+  booktitle = {Approximation Theory {IX}},
+  publisher = {Vanderbilt University Press},
+  year = {1999},
+  editor = {C. K. Chui and L. L. Schumaker},
+  volume = {1},
+  pages = {151-158},
+  address = {Nashville}
-author = {C. Gout},
-title = {Approximation of curves and surfaces from rapidly varying data},
-institution = {Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics},
-year = {1998},
-number = {1001},
-address = {University of California at Berkeley, USA},
-note = {36 p.}
+  author = {C. Gout},
+  title = {Approximation of curves and surfaces from rapidly varying data},
+  institution = {Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics},
+  year = {1998},
+  number = {1001},
+  address = {University of California at Berkeley, USA},
+  note = {36 p.}
-author = {C. Gout},
-title = {Etude de changements d'\'echelle en approximation - ajustement spline
-sur des morceaux de surfaces},
-school = {Universit\'e de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour},
-year = {1997},
-address = {Pau, France},
-note = {203 p.}
+  author = {C. Gout},
+  title = {Etude de changements d'\'echelle en approximation - ajustement spline
+	sur des morceaux de surfaces},
+  school = {Universit\'e de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour},
+  year = {1997},
+  address = {Pau, France},
+  note = {203 p.}
-author = {C. Gout and C. Le Guyader and L. Vese},
-title = {Image segmentation under interpolation conditions},
-institution = {Univ. of California, Los Angeles},
-year = {2005},
-note = {CAM 03-44}
+  author = {C. Gout and C. Le Guyader and L. Vese},
+  title = {Image segmentation under interpolation conditions},
+  institution = {Univ. of California, Los Angeles},
+  year = {2005},
+  note = {CAM 03-44}
-author = {C. Gout and D. Komatitsch},
-title = {Surface fitting of rapidly varying data using rank coding: application
-to geophysical surfaces},
-journal = {Math. Geol.},
-year = {2000},
-volume = {32},
-pages = {873-888},
-number = {7},
-doi = {10.1023/A:1007500624487}
+  author = {C. Gout and D. Komatitsch},
+  title = {Surface fitting of rapidly varying data using rank coding: application
+	to geophysical surfaces},
+  journal = {Math. Geol.},
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {32},
+  pages = {873-888},
+  number = {7},
+  doi = {10.1023/A:1007500624487}
-author = {C. Gout and S. Vieira-Test\'e},
-title = {An algorithm for segmentation under interpolation conditions using
-deformable models},
-journal = {Int. J. Comput. Math.},
-year = {2003},
-volume = {80},
-pages = {47-54},
-number = {1}
+  author = {C. Gout and S. Vieira-Test\'e},
+  title = {An algorithm for segmentation under interpolation conditions using
+	deformable models},
+  journal = {Int. J. Comput. Math.},
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {80},
+  pages = {47-54},
+  number = {1}
-author = {Naga K. Govindaraju and Dinesh Manocha},
-title = {Cache-Efficient Numerical Algorithms using Graphics Hardware},
-journal = {Parallel Computing},
-year = {2007},
-volume = {33},
-pages = {663-684}
+  author = {Naga K. Govindaraju and Dinesh Manocha},
+  title = {Cache-Efficient Numerical Algorithms using Graphics Hardware},
+  journal = {Parallel Computing},
+  year = {2007},
+  volume = {33},
+  pages = {663-684}
-author = {R. W. Graves},
-title = {Three-dimensional computer simulations of realistic earthquake ground
-motions in regions of deep sedimentary basin},
-booktitle = {The Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion},
-publisher = {Balkema},
-year = {1999},
-editor = {K. Irikura and K. Kudo and H. Okada and T. Sasatani},
-volume = {1},
-pages = {103-120},
-address = {Rotterdam, The Netherlands}
+  author = {R. W. Graves},
+  title = {Three-dimensional computer simulations of realistic earthquake ground
+	motions in regions of deep sedimentary basin},
+  booktitle = {The Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion},
+  publisher = {Balkema},
+  year = {1999},
+  editor = {K. Irikura and K. Kudo and H. Okada and T. Sasatani},
+  volume = {1},
+  pages = {103-120},
+  address = {Rotterdam, The Netherlands}
-author = {R. W. Graves},
-title = {Simulating seismic wave propagation in 3{D} elastic media using staggered-grid
-finite differences},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {86},
-pages = {1091-1106},
-number = {4}
+  author = {R. W. Graves},
+  title = {Simulating seismic wave propagation in 3{D} elastic media using staggered-grid
+	finite differences},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {86},
+  pages = {1091-1106},
+  number = {4}
-author = {R. W. Graves},
-title = {Simulating realistic earthquake ground motions in regions of deep
-sedimentary basins},
-booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering},
-year = {1996},
-address = {Acapulco, Mexico}
+  author = {R. W. Graves},
+  title = {Simulating realistic earthquake ground motions in regions of deep
+	sedimentary basins},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering},
+  year = {1996},
+  address = {Acapulco, Mexico}
-author = {R. W. Graves and S. M. Day},
-title = {Stability and accuracy of coarse-grain viscoelastic simulations},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {2003},
-volume = {93},
-pages = {283-300}
+  author = {R. W. Graves and S. M. Day},
+  title = {Stability and accuracy of coarse-grain viscoelastic simulations},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {93},
+  pages = {283-300}
-author = {Michael Griebel and Peter Zaspel},
-title = {A multi-{GPU} accelerated solver for the three-dimensional two-phase
-incompressible {N}avier-{S}tokes equations},
-journal = {Computer Science Research and Development},
-year = {2010},
-volume = {25},
-pages = {65-73},
-number = {1-2},
-doi = {10.1007/s00450-010-0111-7}
+  author = {Michael Griebel and Peter Zaspel},
+  title = {A multi-{GPU} accelerated solver for the three-dimensional two-phase
+	incompressible {N}avier-{S}tokes equations},
+  journal = {Computer Science Research and Development},
+  year = {2010},
+  volume = {25},
+  pages = {65-73},
+  number = {1-2},
+  doi = {10.1007/s00450-010-0111-7}
-author = {D. W. Griffiths and G. A. Bollinger},
-title = {The effect of {A}ppalachian mountain topography on seismic waves},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1979},
-volume = {69},
-pages = {1081-1105}
+  author = {D. W. Griffiths and G. A. Bollinger},
+  title = {The effect of {A}ppalachian mountain topography on seismic waves},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1979},
+  volume = {69},
+  pages = {1081-1105}
-author = {W. Gropp and E. Lusk and N. Doss and A. Skjellum},
-title = {A high-performance, portable implementation of the {MPI} message
-passing interface standard},
-journal = {Parallel Computing},
-year = {1996},
-volume = {22},
-pages = {789-828},
-number = {6}
+  author = {W. Gropp and E. Lusk and N. Doss and A. Skjellum},
+  title = {A high-performance, portable implementation of the {MPI} message
+	passing interface standard},
+  journal = {Parallel Computing},
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {22},
+  pages = {789-828},
+  number = {6}
-title = {Using {MPI}, portable parallel programming with the {M}essage-{P}assing
-publisher = {MIT Press},
-year = {1994},
-author = {W. Gropp and E. Lusk and A. Skjellum},
-address = {Cambridge, USA}
+  title = {Using {MPI}, portable parallel programming with the {M}essage-{P}assing
+	{I}nterface},
+  publisher = {MIT Press},
+  year = {1994},
+  author = {W. Gropp and E. Lusk and A. Skjellum},
+  address = {Cambridge, USA}
-author = {M. J. Grote},
-title = {Nonreflecting boundary conditions for elastodynamics scattering},
-journal = jcp,
-year = {2000},
-volume = {161},
-pages = {331-353}
+  author = {M. J. Grote},
+  title = {Nonreflecting boundary conditions for elastodynamics scattering},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {161},
+  pages = {331-353}
-author = {Marcus J. Grote and Anna Schneebeli and Dominik Sch\"{o}tzau},
-title = {Discontinuous {G}alerkin Finite Element Method for the Wave Equation},
-journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
-year = {2006},
-volume = {44},
-pages = {2408-2431},
-number = {6},
-doi = {10.1137/05063194X}
+  author = {Marcus J. Grote and Anna Schneebeli and Dominik Sch\"{o}tzau},
+  title = {Discontinuous {G}alerkin Finite Element Method for the Wave Equation},
+  journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {44},
+  pages = {2408-2431},
+  number = {6},
+  doi = {10.1137/05063194X}
-author = {Murthy N. Guddati and Keng Wit Lim},
-title = {Continued fraction absorbing boundary conditions for convex polygonal
-journal = ijnme,
-year = {2006},
-volume = {66},
-pages = {949-977},
-number = {6},
-doi = {10.1002/nme.1574}
+  author = {Murthy N. Guddati and Keng Wit Lim},
+  title = {Continued fraction absorbing boundary conditions for convex polygonal
+	domains},
+  journal = ijnme,
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {66},
+  pages = {949-977},
+  number = {6},
+  doi = {10.1002/nme.1574}
-author = {W. Gui and I. Babu\u{s}ka},
-title = {The {\it h}, {\it p} and {\it h-p} versions of the finite element
-method in one dimension},
-journal = {Numer. Math.},
-year = {1986},
-volume = {49},
-pages = {577-683}
+  author = {W. Gui and I. Babu\u{s}ka},
+  title = {The {\it h}, {\it p} and {\it h-p} versions of the finite element
+	method in one dimension},
+  journal = {Numer. Math.},
+  year = {1986},
+  volume = {49},
+  pages = {577-683}
-author = {Nail A. Gumerov and Ramani Duraiswami},
-title = {Fast multipole methods on graphics processors},
-journal = jcp,
-year = {2008},
-volume = {227},
-pages = {8290-8313},
-doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2008.05.023}
+  author = {Nail A. Gumerov and Ramani Duraiswami},
+  title = {Fast multipole methods on graphics processors},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {2008},
+  volume = {227},
+  pages = {8290-8313},
+  doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2008.05.023}
-author = {S. A. Gundersen and L. Wang and J. Lothe},
-title = {Secluded supersonic elastic surface waves},
-journal = {Wave Motion},
-year = {1991},
-volume = {14},
-pages = {129-143}
+  author = {S. A. Gundersen and L. Wang and J. Lothe},
+  title = {Secluded supersonic elastic surface waves},
+  journal = {Wave Motion},
+  year = {1991},
+  volume = {14},
+  pages = {129-143}
-author = {B. Guo and I. Babu\u{s}ka},
-title = {The {\it h-p} version of the finite element method},
-journal = {Comput. Mech.},
-year = {1986},
-volume = {1},
-pages = {21-41}
+  author = {B. Guo and I. Babu\u{s}ka},
+  title = {The {\it h-p} version of the finite element method},
+  journal = {Comput. Mech.},
+  year = {1986},
+  volume = {1},
+  pages = {21-41}
-author = {C. Le Guyader and D. Apprato and C. Gout},
-title = {Using a level set approach for image segmentation under interpolation
-journal = {Numer. Algorithms},
-year = {2005},
-volume = {39},
-pages = {221-235}
+  author = {C. Le Guyader and D. Apprato and C. Gout},
+  title = {Using a level set approach for image segmentation under interpolation
+	conditions},
+  journal = {Numer. Algorithms},
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {39},
+  pages = {221-235}
-author = {Dominik G{\"o}ddeke},
-title = {Fast and Accurate Finite-Element Multigrid Solvers for {PDE} Simulations
-on {GPU} Clusters},
-school = {{T}echnische {U}niversit{\"a}t Dortmund, {F}akult{\"a}t f{\"u}r {M}athematik},
-year = {2010},
-month = may,
-note = {\url{http://hdl.handle.net/2003/27243}}
+  author = {Dominik G{\"o}ddeke},
+  title = {Fast and Accurate Finite-Element Multigrid Solvers for {PDE} Simulations
+	on {GPU} Clusters},
+  school = {{T}echnische {U}niversit{\"a}t Dortmund, {F}akult{\"a}t f{\"u}r {M}athematik},
+  year = {2010},
+  month = may,
+  note = {\url{http://hdl.handle.net/2003/27243}}
-author = {Dominik G{\"o}ddeke and Sven H.M. Buijssen and Hilmar Wobker and
-Stefan Turek},
-title = {{GPU} Acceleration of an Unmodified Parallel Finite Element {N}avier-{S}tokes
-booktitle = {High Performance Computing \& Simulation 2009},
-year = {2009},
-editor = {Waleed W. Smari and John P. McIntire},
-pages = {12-21},
-address = {Leipzig, Germany},
-month = jun
+  author = {Dominik G{\"o}ddeke and Sven H.M. Buijssen and Hilmar Wobker and
+	Stefan Turek},
+  title = {{GPU} Acceleration of an Unmodified Parallel Finite Element {N}avier-{S}tokes
+	Solver},
+  booktitle = {High Performance Computing \& Simulation 2009},
+  year = {2009},
+  editor = {Waleed W. Smari and John P. McIntire},
+  pages = {12-21},
+  address = {Leipzig, Germany},
+  month = jun
-author = {Dominik G{\"o}ddeke and Hilmar Wobker and Robert Strzodka and Jamaludin
-Mohd-Yusof and Patrick S. McCormick and Stefan Turek},
-title = {Co-Processor Acceleration of an Unmodified Parallel Solid Mechanics
-Code with {FEASTGPU}},
-journal = {International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering},
-year = {2009},
-volume = {4},
-pages = {254--269},
-number = {4},
-month = oct,
-editor = {Hans Petter Langtangen and Michael Thun{\'e}}
+  author = {Dominik G{\"o}ddeke and Hilmar Wobker and Robert Strzodka and Jamaludin
+	Mohd-Yusof and Patrick S. McCormick and Stefan Turek},
+  title = {Co-Processor Acceleration of an Unmodified Parallel Solid Mechanics
+	Code with {FEASTGPU}},
+  journal = {International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering},
+  year = {2009},
+  volume = {4},
+  pages = {254--269},
+  number = {4},
+  month = oct,
+  editor = {Hans Petter Langtangen and Michael Thun{\'e}}
-author = {H. Barucq, B. Duquet and F. Prat},
-title = {True-amplitude one way propagation in heterogeneous media},
-journal = {J. of Scientific Computing},
-year = {2006},
-note = {Submitted, available at lma.univ-pau.fr/publis/publis\_pre.php}
+  author = {H. Barucq, B. Duquet and F. Prat},
+  title = {True-amplitude one way propagation in heterogeneous media},
+  journal = {J. of Scientific Computing},
+  year = {2006},
+  note = {Submitted, available at lma.univ-pau.fr/publis/publis\_pre.php}
-author = {L. H\o{}rmander},
-title = {Pseudo-differential Operators and Non Elliptic Boundary Problems},
-journal = {Ann. of Math.},
-year = {1966},
-volume = {83},
-pages = {129-209}
+  author = {L. H\o{}rmander},
+  title = {Pseudo-differential Operators and Non Elliptic Boundary Problems},
+  journal = {Ann. of Math.},
+  year = {1966},
+  volume = {83},
+  pages = {129-209}
-author = {L. H\o{}rmander},
-title = {Pseudo-differential Operators},
-journal = {Comm. Pure Appl. Math.},
-year = {1965},
-volume = {18},
-pages = {501-517}
+  author = {L. H\o{}rmander},
+  title = {Pseudo-differential Operators},
+  journal = {Comm. Pure Appl. Math.},
+  year = {1965},
+  volume = {18},
+  pages = {501-517}
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-author = {A. Haar},
-address = {G\"ottingen},
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+  title = {Zur Theorie der orthogonalen Funktionensysteme},
+  author = {A. Haar},
+  address = {G\"ottingen},
+  year = {1909}
-author = {D. Hadley and H. Kanamori},
-title = {Seismic structure of the {T}ransverse {R}anges, {C}alifornia},
-journal = {Geol. Soc. Am. Bull.},
-year = {1977},
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-pages = {1469-1478}
+  author = {D. Hadley and H. Kanamori},
+  title = {Seismic structure of the {T}ransverse {R}anges, {C}alifornia},
+  journal = {Geol. Soc. Am. Bull.},
+  year = {1977},
+  volume = {88},
+  pages = {1469-1478}
-author = {Hager, B. H. and R. W. Clayton and M. A. Richards and R. P. Comer
-and A. M. Dziewo\'nski},
-title = {Lower mantle heterogeneity, dynamic topography and the geoid},
-journal = {Nature},
-year = {1985},
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-pages = {541--546}
+  author = {Hager, B. H. and R. W. Clayton and M. A. Richards and R. P. Comer
+	and A. M. Dziewo\'nski},
+  title = {Lower mantle heterogeneity, dynamic topography and the geoid},
+  journal = {Nature},
+  year = {1985},
+  volume = {313},
+  pages = {541--546}
-author = {T. Hagstrom},
-title = {Perfectly matched layers for hyperbolic systems with applications
-to the linearized {E}uler equations},
-booktitle = {Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation: Waves 2003},
-year = {2003},
-editor = {Gary Cohen and Erkki Heikkola and Patrick Joly and Pekka Neittaanm\"aki},
-series = {Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Mathematical
-and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation},
-pages = {125-129},
-address = {Jyv\"askyl\"a, Finland},
-publisher = {Springer-Verlag}
+  author = {T. Hagstrom},
+  title = {Perfectly matched layers for hyperbolic systems with applications
+	to the linearized {E}uler equations},
+  booktitle = {Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation: Waves 2003},
+  year = {2003},
+  editor = {Gary Cohen and Erkki Heikkola and Patrick Joly and Pekka Neittaanm\"aki},
+  series = {Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Mathematical
+	and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation},
+  pages = {125-129},
+  address = {Jyv\"askyl\"a, Finland},
+  publisher = {Springer-Verlag}
-author = {T. Hagstrom},
-title = {Radiation boundary conditions for the numerical simulation of waves},
-journal = {Acta Numerica},
-year = {1999},
-volume = {8},
-pages = {47-106}
+  author = {T. Hagstrom},
+  title = {Radiation boundary conditions for the numerical simulation of waves},
+  journal = {Acta Numerica},
+  year = {1999},
+  volume = {8},
+  pages = {47-106}
-author = {T. Hagstrom and S. I. Hariharan},
-title = {A formulation of asymptotic and exact boundary conditions using local
-journal = {Appl. Num. Math.},
-year = {1998},
-volume = {27},
-pages = {403-416}
+  author = {T. Hagstrom and S. I. Hariharan},
+  title = {A formulation of asymptotic and exact boundary conditions using local
+	operators},
+  journal = {Appl. Num. Math.},
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {27},
+  pages = {403-416}
-title = {Geometric numerical integration},
-publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
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-author = {Hairer, Ernst and Lubich, Christian and Wanner, Gerhard},
-volume = {31},
-series = {Springer Series in Computational Mathematics},
-address = {Berlin, Germany},
-edition = {Second}
+  title = {Geometric numerical integration},
+  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
+  year = {2006},
+  author = {Hairer, Ernst and Lubich, Christian and Wanner, Gerhard},
+  volume = {31},
+  series = {Springer Series in Computational Mathematics},
+  address = {Berlin, Germany},
+  edition = {Second}
-author = {L. Halpern},
-title = {Artificial boundary conditions for incompletely parabolic perturbations
-of hyperbolic systems},
-journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
-year = {1991},
-volume = {22},
-pages = {1256-1283},
-number = {5}
+  author = {L. Halpern},
+  title = {Artificial boundary conditions for incompletely parabolic perturbations
+	of hyperbolic systems},
+  journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
+  year = {1991},
+  volume = {22},
+  pages = {1256-1283},
+  number = {5}
-author = {M. A. Hamdi and Y. Ousset and G. Verchery},
-title = {A displacement method for the analysis of vibrations of coupled fluid-structure
-journal = ijnme,
-year = {1978},
-volume = {13},
-pages = {139-150}
+  author = {M. A. Hamdi and Y. Ousset and G. Verchery},
+  title = {A displacement method for the analysis of vibrations of coupled fluid-structure
+	systems},
+  journal = ijnme,
+  year = {1978},
+  volume = {13},
+  pages = {139-150}
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-doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/201014345}
+  author = {Shravan M. Hanasoge and Dimitri Komatitsch and Laurent Gizon},
+  title = {An absorbing boundary formulation for the stratified, linearized,
+	ideal {MHD} equations based on an unsplit, convolutional perfectly
+	matched layer},
+  journal = {Astronomy and Astrophysics},
+  year = {2010},
+  volume = {522},
+  pages = {1-8},
+  number = {A87},
+  doi = {10.1051/0004-6361/201014345}
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-journal = {Notes on Numerical Fluid Dynamics},
-year = {1993},
-volume = {43},
-pages = {315-322}
+  author = {B. Hanouzet and M. Sesques},
+  title = {Absorbing boundary conditions for {M}axwell's equations},
+  journal = {Notes on Numerical Fluid Dynamics},
+  year = {1993},
+  volume = {43},
+  pages = {315-322}
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+  author = {T. Hara and S. Tsuboi and R.J. Geller},
+  title = {Inversion for laterally heterogeneous {E}arth structure using a laterally
+	heterogeneous starting model: preliminary results},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1991},
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-year = {2006},
-volume = {195},
-pages = {1594-1607}
+  author = {I. Harari},
+  title = {A survey of finite element methods for time-harmonic acoustics},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {195},
+  pages = {1594-1607}
-author = {I. Harari and M. Slavutin and E. Turkel},
-title = {Analytical and numerical studies of a finite element {PML} for the
-{H}elmholtz equation},
-journal = jca,
-year = {2000},
-volume = {8},
-pages = {121-137},
-number = {1}
+  author = {I. Harari and M. Slavutin and E. Turkel},
+  title = {Analytical and numerical studies of a finite element {PML} for the
+	{H}elmholtz equation},
+  journal = jca,
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {8},
+  pages = {121-137},
+  number = {1}
-title = {Elastic waves in solids, with application to non destructive testing
-of pipelines},
-publisher = {British Gas Editions},
-year = {1988},
-author = {A. H. Harker},
-address = {Bristol}
+  title = {Elastic waves in solids, with application to non destructive testing
+	of pipelines},
+  publisher = {British Gas Editions},
+  year = {1988},
+  author = {A. H. Harker},
+  address = {Bristol}
-author = {Mark J. Harris},
-title = {Real-Time Cloud Simulation and Rendering},
-school = {University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA},
-year = {2003},
-month = sep
+  author = {Mark J. Harris},
+  title = {Real-Time Cloud Simulation and Rendering},
+  school = {University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA},
+  year = {2003},
+  month = sep
-author = {R. A. Harris and S. M. Day},
-title = {Dynamic 3{D} simulations of earthquakes on en-echelon faults},
-journal = grl,
-year = {1999},
-volume = {26},
-pages = {2089-2092}
+  author = {R. A. Harris and S. M. Day},
+  title = {Dynamic 3{D} simulations of earthquakes on en-echelon faults},
+  journal = grl,
+  year = {1999},
+  volume = {26},
+  pages = {2089-2092}
-author = {S. Hartzell and S. Harmsen and A. Frankel and D. Carver and E. Cranswick
-and M. Meremonte and J. Michael},
-title = {First-generation site-response maps for the {L}os {A}ngeles region
-based on earthquake ground motions},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1998},
-volume = {88},
-pages = {463-472}
+  author = {S. Hartzell and S. Harmsen and A. Frankel and D. Carver and E. Cranswick
+	and M. Meremonte and J. Michael},
+  title = {First-generation site-response maps for the {L}os {A}ngeles region
+	based on earthquake ground motions},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {88},
+  pages = {463-472}
-author = {S. H. Hartzell and D. L. Carver and K. W. King},
-title = {Initial investigation of site and topographic effects at {R}obinwood
-ridge, {C}alifornia},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1994},
-volume = {84},
-pages = {1336-1349}
+  author = {S. H. Hartzell and D. L. Carver and K. W. King},
+  title = {Initial investigation of site and topographic effects at {R}obinwood
+	ridge, {C}alifornia},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1994},
+  volume = {84},
+  pages = {1336-1349}
-author = {S. H. Hartzell and A. Leeds and A. Frankel and J. Michael},
-title = {Site response for urban {L}os {A}ngeles using aftershocks of the
-{N}orthridge earthquake},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {86},
-pages = {S168-S192},
-number = {1B}
+  author = {S. H. Hartzell and A. Leeds and A. Frankel and J. Michael},
+  title = {Site response for urban {L}os {A}ngeles using aftershocks of the
+	{N}orthridge earthquake},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {86},
+  pages = {S168-S192},
+  number = {1B}
-author = {F. D. Hastings and J. B. Schneider and S. L. Broschat},
-title = {Application of the {P}erfectly {M}atched {L}ayer {(PML)} absorbing
-boundary condition to elastic wave propagation},
-journal = jasa,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {100},
-pages = {3061-3069},
-number = {5}
+  author = {F. D. Hastings and J. B. Schneider and S. L. Broschat},
+  title = {Application of the {P}erfectly {M}atched {L}ayer {(PML)} absorbing
+	boundary condition to elastic wave propagation},
+  journal = jasa,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {100},
+  pages = {3061-3069},
+  number = {5}
-author = {E. Hauksson},
-title = {Crustal structure and seismicity distribution adjacent to the {P}acific
-and {N}orth {A}merica plate boundary in {S}outhern {C}alifornia},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {2000},
-volume = {105},
-pages = {13875-13903}
+  author = {E. Hauksson},
+  title = {Crustal structure and seismicity distribution adjacent to the {P}acific
+	and {N}orth {A}merica plate boundary in {S}outhern {C}alifornia},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {105},
+  pages = {13875-13903}
-author = {E. Hauksson},
-title = {Earthquakes, faulting, and stress in the {L}os {A}ngeles basin},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {1990},
-volume = {95},
-pages = {15365-15394}
+  author = {E. Hauksson},
+  title = {Earthquakes, faulting, and stress in the {L}os {A}ngeles basin},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {1990},
+  volume = {95},
+  pages = {15365-15394}
-author = {E. Hauksson and J. S. Haase},
-title = {Three-dimensional {$V_p$} and {$V_p/V_s$} velocity models of the
-{L}os {A}ngeles basin and central {T}ransverse {R}anges, {C}alifornia},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {1997},
-volume = {102},
-pages = {5423-5453}
+  author = {E. Hauksson and J. S. Haase},
+  title = {Three-dimensional {$V_p$} and {$V_p/V_s$} velocity models of the
+	{L}os {A}ngeles basin and central {T}ransverse {R}anges, {C}alifornia},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {1997},
+  volume = {102},
+  pages = {5423-5453}
-author = {E. Hauksson and T. L. Teng and T. L. Henyey},
-title = {Results from a 1500~m deep, three-level downhole seismometer array:
-site response, low {$Q$} values, and $f_{max}$},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1987},
-volume = {77},
-pages = {1883-1904}
+  author = {E. Hauksson and T. L. Teng and T. L. Henyey},
+  title = {Results from a 1500~m deep, three-level downhole seismometer array:
+	site response, low {$Q$} values, and $f_{max}$},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1987},
+  volume = {77},
+  pages = {1883-1904}
-author = {P. Hav\'e and M. Kern and Ch. Lemuet},
-title = {R\'esolution num\'erique de l'\'equation des ondes par une m\'ethode
-d'\'el\'ements finis d'ordre \'elev\'e sur calculateur parall\`ele},
-institution = {INRIA},
-year = {2002},
-number = {RR 4381},
-address = {France},
-month = {February}
+  author = {P. Hav\'e and M. Kern and Ch. Lemuet},
+  title = {R\'esolution num\'erique de l'\'equation des ondes par une m\'ethode
+	d'\'el\'ements finis d'ordre \'elev\'e sur calculateur parall\`ele},
+  institution = {INRIA},
+  year = {2002},
+  number = {RR 4381},
+  address = {France},
+  month = {February}
-title = {Beowulf, a new verse translation, bilingual edition},
-publisher = {Farrar, Straus and Giroux Publishers},
-year = {2000},
-author = {S. Heaney},
-address = {New York}
+  title = {Beowulf, a new verse translation, bilingual edition},
+  publisher = {Farrar, Straus and Giroux Publishers},
+  year = {2000},
+  author = {S. Heaney},
+  address = {New York}
-author = {K. Helbig},
-title = {Foundations of anisotropy for exploration seismics},
-booktitle = {Handbook of Geophysical exploration, section I: Seismic exploration},
-publisher = {Pergamon},
-year = {1994},
-editor = {K. Helbig and S. Treitel},
-volume = {22},
-address = {Oxford, England}
+  author = {K. Helbig},
+  title = {Foundations of anisotropy for exploration seismics},
+  booktitle = {Handbook of Geophysical exploration, section I: Seismic exploration},
+  publisher = {Pergamon},
+  year = {1994},
+  editor = {K. Helbig and S. Treitel},
+  volume = {22},
+  address = {Oxford, England}
-author = {D. V. Helmberger and L. J. Burdick},
-title = {Synthetics seismograms},
-journal = {Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences},
-year = {1979},
-volume = {7},
-pages = {417-442}
+  author = {D. V. Helmberger and L. J. Burdick},
+  title = {Synthetics seismograms},
+  journal = {Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences},
+  year = {1979},
+  volume = {7},
+  pages = {417-442}
-author = {D. V. Helmberger and E. J. Garnero and X. Ding},
-title = {Modeling two-dimensional structure at the core-mantle boundary},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {101},
-pages = {13,963-13,972}
+  author = {D. V. Helmberger and E. J. Garnero and X. Ding},
+  title = {Modeling two-dimensional structure at the core-mantle boundary},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {101},
+  pages = {13,963-13,972}
-author = {C. Hemon},
-title = {Equations d'onde et mod\`{e}les},
-journal = {Geophys. Prosp.},
-year = {1978},
-volume = {26},
-pages = {790-821}
+  author = {C. Hemon},
+  title = {Equations d'onde et mod\`{e}les},
+  journal = {Geophys. Prosp.},
+  year = {1978},
+  volume = {26},
+  pages = {790-821}
-author = {R. D. Henderson and G. E. Karniadakis},
-title = {Unstructured spectral element methods for the incompressible {N}avier-{S}tokes
-booktitle = {Finite elements in fluids},
-publisher = {Pineridge Press},
-year = {1993},
-editor = {K. Morgan and E. Onate and J. Periaux and J. Peraire and O. C. Zienkiewicz},
-address = {Swansea}
+  author = {R. D. Henderson and G. E. Karniadakis},
+  title = {Unstructured spectral element methods for the incompressible {N}avier-{S}tokes
+	equations},
+  booktitle = {Finite elements in fluids},
+  publisher = {Pineridge Press},
+  year = {1993},
+  editor = {K. Morgan and E. Onate and J. Periaux and J. Peraire and O. C. Zienkiewicz},
+  address = {Swansea}
-author = {J. S. Hesthaven},
-title = {From electrostatics to almost optimal nodal sets for polynomial interpolation
-in a simplex},
-journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
-year = {1998},
-volume = {35},
-pages = {655-676}
+  author = {J. S. Hesthaven},
+  title = {From electrostatics to almost optimal nodal sets for polynomial interpolation
+	in a simplex},
+  journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {35},
+  pages = {655-676}
-author = {J. S. Hesthaven},
-title = {On the analysis and construction of perfectly matched layers for
-the linearized {E}uler equations},
-journal = jcp,
-year = {1998},
-volume = {142},
-pages = {129-147},
-number = {1}
+  author = {J. S. Hesthaven},
+  title = {On the analysis and construction of perfectly matched layers for
+	the linearized {E}uler equations},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {142},
+  pages = {129-147},
+  number = {1}
-author = {J. S. Hesthaven and C. H. Teng},
-title = {Stable spectral methods on tetrahedral elements},
-journal = {SIAM J. Sci. Comput.},
-year = {2000},
-volume = {21},
-pages = {2352-2380}
+  author = {J. S. Hesthaven and C. H. Teng},
+  title = {Stable spectral methods on tetrahedral elements},
+  journal = {SIAM J. Sci. Comput.},
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {21},
+  pages = {2352-2380}
-author = {S. Hestholm and B. Ruud},
-title = {2{D} finite-difference elastic wave modelling including surface topography},
-journal = gp,
-year = {1994},
-volume = {42},
-pages = {371-390}
+  author = {S. Hestholm and B. Ruud},
+  title = {2{D} finite-difference elastic wave modelling including surface topography},
+  journal = gp,
+  year = {1994},
+  volume = {42},
+  pages = {371-390}
-author = {C. J. Hickey and J. M. Sabatier},
-title = {Choosing {B}iot parameters for modeling water-saturated sand},
-journal = jasa,
-year = {1997},
-volume = {102},
-pages = {1480-1484}
+  author = {C. J. Hickey and J. M. Sabatier},
+  title = {Choosing {B}iot parameters for modeling water-saturated sand},
+  journal = jasa,
+  year = {1997},
+  volume = {102},
+  pages = {1480-1484}
-author = {R. L. Higdon},
-title = {Absorbing boundary conditions for elastic waves},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1991},
-volume = {56},
-pages = {231-241}
+  author = {R. L. Higdon},
+  title = {Absorbing boundary conditions for elastic waves},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1991},
+  volume = {56},
+  pages = {231-241}
-author = {R. L. Higdon},
-title = {Radiation boundary conditions for elastic wave propagation},
-journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
-year = {1990},
-volume = {27},
-pages = {831-870}
+  author = {R. L. Higdon},
+  title = {Radiation boundary conditions for elastic wave propagation},
+  journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
+  year = {1990},
+  volume = {27},
+  pages = {831-870}
-title = {Propagation of transient elastic waves in stratified anisotropic
-publisher = {North-Holland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands},
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-author = {van der Hijden, J. H. M. T.}
+  title = {Propagation of transient elastic waves in stratified anisotropic
+	media},
+  publisher = {North-Holland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands},
+  year = {1987},
+  author = {van der Hijden, J. H. M. T.}
-author = {D. P. Hill and {et al.}},
-title = {Seismicity remotely triggered by the magnitude~7.3 {L}anders, {C}alifornia
-journal = {Science},
-year = {1993},
-volume = {260},
-pages = {1617-1623}
+  author = {D. P. Hill and {et al.}},
+  title = {Seismicity remotely triggered by the magnitude~7.3 {L}anders, {C}alifornia
+	earthquake},
+  journal = {Science},
+  year = {1993},
+  volume = {260},
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+  author = {L. W. Ho and E. M. R{\o}nquist},
+  title = {Spectral-Element Solution of Steady Incompressible Viscous Free-Surface
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+  journal = {Finite Elements in Analysis and Design},
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+  title = {Computational aspects of the choice of operator and sampling interval
+	for numerical differentiation in large-scale simulation of wave phenomena},
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+  author = {A. T. de Hoop},
+  title = {A modification of {C}agniard's method for solving seismic pulse problems},
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+  author = {M. V. de Hoop},
+  title = {Generalization of the {B}remmer coupling series},
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+  year = {1996},
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+  author = {M. V. De Hoop and J. H. Le Rousseau},
+  title = {Scalar Generalized-Screen Algorithms in Transversely Isotropic Media
+	with a Vertical Symmetry Axis},
+  journal = {Geophysics},
+  year = {2001},
+  volume = {66},
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-author = {M. V. De Hoop and J. H. Le Rousseau and R. S. Wu},
-title = {Generalization of the phase-screen approximation for the scattering
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-journal = {Wave Motion},
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+  author = {M. V. De Hoop and J. H. Le Rousseau and R. S. Wu},
+  title = {Generalization of the phase-screen approximation for the scattering
+	of acoustic waves},
+  journal = {Wave Motion},
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {31},
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+  author = {M. V. De Hoop and C. Spencer and R. Burridge},
+  title = {The Resolving Power of Seismic Amplitude Data: An Isotropic Inversion/Migration
+	Approach},
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+  title = {Seismic response in three dimensional sedimentary basin due to plane
+	{{\it S}} wave incidence},
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-author = {R. A. Horn and C. R. Johnson},
-address = {Cambridge}
+  title = {Matrix analysis},
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+  title = {Virtual knot technique for curve fitting of rapidly varying data},
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+  year = {1994},
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-title = {A Stable Perfectly Matched Layer for Linearized {E}uler Equations
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-journal = jcp,
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-doi = {10.1006/jcph.2001.6887}
+  author = {Fang Q. Hu},
+  title = {A Stable Perfectly Matched Layer for Linearized {E}uler Equations
+	in Unsplit Physical Variables},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {2001},
+  volume = {173},
+  pages = {455-480},
+  number = {2},
+  doi = {10.1006/jcph.2001.6887}
-author = {Hu, Fang Q. and Hussaini, M. Y. and Rasetarinera, Patrick},
-title = {An analysis of the discontinuous {G}alerkin method for wave propagation
-journal = jcp,
-year = {1999},
-volume = {151},
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-doi = {10.1006/jcph.1999.6227}
+  author = {Hu, Fang Q. and Hussaini, M. Y. and Rasetarinera, Patrick},
+  title = {An analysis of the discontinuous {G}alerkin method for wave propagation
+	problems},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {1999},
+  volume = {151},
+  pages = {921-946},
+  number = {2},
+  doi = {10.1006/jcph.1999.6227}
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+  author = {J. Y. Huang},
+  title = {Interaction of {$SH$} waves with a finite crack in half space},
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+  year = {1995},
+  volume = {51},
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+  author = {J. A. Hudson},
+  title = {Scattered surface waves from a surface obstacle},
+  journal = gjras,
+  year = {1967},
+  volume = {13},
+  pages = {441-458}
-author = {J. A. Hudson and D. M. Boore},
-title = {Comments on ``Scattered surface waves from a surface obstacle''},
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-year = {1980},
-volume = {60},
-pages = {123-127}
+  author = {J. A. Hudson and D. M. Boore},
+  title = {Comments on ``Scattered surface waves from a surface obstacle''},
+  journal = gjras,
+  year = {1980},
+  volume = {60},
+  pages = {123-127}
-author = {J. A. Hudson and L. Knopoff},
-title = {Transmission and reflection of surface waves at a corner, part 1:
-{L}ove waves},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {1964},
-volume = {69},
-pages = {275-280}
+  author = {J. A. Hudson and L. Knopoff},
+  title = {Transmission and reflection of surface waves at a corner, part 1:
+	{L}ove waves},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {1964},
+  volume = {69},
+  pages = {275-280}
-author = {J. A. Hudson and L. Knopoff},
-title = {Transmission and reflection of surface waves at a corner, part 2:
-{R}ayleigh waves (theoretical)},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {1964},
-volume = {69},
-pages = {281-289}
+  author = {J. A. Hudson and L. Knopoff},
+  title = {Transmission and reflection of surface waves at a corner, part 2:
+	{R}ayleigh waves (theoretical)},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {1964},
+  volume = {69},
+  pages = {281-289}
-author = {J. A. Hudson and E. Liu and S. Crampin},
-title = {The mechanical properties of materials with interconnected cracks
-and pores},
-journal = gji,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {124},
-pages = {105-112}
+  author = {J. A. Hudson and E. Liu and S. Crampin},
+  title = {The mechanical properties of materials with interconnected cracks
+	and pores},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {124},
+  pages = {105-112}
-author = {G. J. Huftile and R. S. Yeats},
-title = {Convergence rates across a displacement transfer zone in the western
-{T}ransverse {R}anges, {V}entura Basin, {C}alifornia},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {1995},
-volume = {100},
-pages = {2043-2067},
-number = {2}
+  author = {G. J. Huftile and R. S. Yeats},
+  title = {Convergence rates across a displacement transfer zone in the western
+	{T}ransverse {R}anges, {V}entura Basin, {C}alifornia},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {1995},
+  volume = {100},
+  pages = {2043-2067},
+  number = {2}
-title = {The finite element method, linear static and dynamic finite element
-publisher = {Prentice-Hall International},
-year = {1987},
-author = {Thomas J. R. Hughes},
-address = {Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA}
+  title = {The finite element method, linear static and dynamic finite element
+	analysis},
+  publisher = {Prentice-Hall International},
+  year = {1987},
+  author = {Thomas J. R. Hughes},
+  address = {Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA}
-author = {T. J. R. Hughes and R. M. Ferencz and J. O. Hallquist},
-title = {Large-scale vectorized implicit calculations in solid mechanics on
-a {Cray X-MP/48} utilizing {EBE} preconditioned conjugate gradients},
-journal = cmame,
-year = {1987},
-volume = {61},
-pages = {215-248},
-number = {2}
+  author = {T. J. R. Hughes and R. M. Ferencz and J. O. Hallquist},
+  title = {Large-scale vectorized implicit calculations in solid mechanics on
+	a {Cray X-MP/48} utilizing {EBE} preconditioned conjugate gradients},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {1987},
+  volume = {61},
+  pages = {215-248},
+  number = {2}
-author = {T. J. R. Hughes and G. M. Hulbert},
-title = {Space-time finite element methods for elastodynamics, formulation
-and error estimates},
-journal = cmame,
-year = {1988},
-volume = {66},
-pages = {339-363}
+  author = {T. J. R. Hughes and G. M. Hulbert},
+  title = {Space-time finite element methods for elastodynamics, formulation
+	and error estimates},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {1988},
+  volume = {66},
+  pages = {339-363}
-author = {T. J. R. Hughes and J. E. Marsden},
-title = {Classical elastodynamics as a linear symmetric hyperbolic system},
-journal = {Journal of Elasticity},
-year = {1978},
-volume = {8},
-pages = {97-110},
-number = {1}
+  author = {T. J. R. Hughes and J. E. Marsden},
+  title = {Classical elastodynamics as a linear symmetric hyperbolic system},
+  journal = {Journal of Elasticity},
+  year = {1978},
+  volume = {8},
+  pages = {97-110},
+  number = {1}
-author = {G. M. Hulbert},
-title = {Space-time finite element methods for second-order hyperbolic equations},
-school = {Stanford University},
-year = {1989},
-address = {Stanford}
+  author = {G. M. Hulbert},
+  title = {Space-time finite element methods for second-order hyperbolic equations},
+  school = {Stanford University},
+  year = {1989},
+  address = {Stanford}
-author = {G. M. Hulbert and J. Chung},
-title = {A new explicit time integration method for structural dynamics: the
-explicit generalized $\alpha$-method},
-journal = {New Methods in Transient Analysis},
-year = {1992},
-volume = {143},
-pages = {73-78}
+  author = {G. M. Hulbert and J. Chung},
+  title = {A new explicit time integration method for structural dynamics: the
+	explicit generalized $\alpha$-method},
+  journal = {New Methods in Transient Analysis},
+  year = {1992},
+  volume = {143},
+  pages = {73-78}
-author = {G. M. Hulbert and T. J. R. Hughes},
-title = {Space-time finite element methods for second-order hyperbolic equations},
-journal = cmame,
-year = {1990},
-volume = {84},
-pages = {327-348}
+  author = {G. M. Hulbert and T. J. R. Hughes},
+  title = {Space-time finite element methods for second-order hyperbolic equations},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {1990},
+  volume = {84},
+  pages = {327-348}
-author = {John R. Humphrey and Daniel K. Price and James P. Durbano and Eric
-J. Kelmelis and Richard D. Martin},
-title = {High performance {2D} and {3D FDTD} solvers on {GPU}s},
-booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on Applied
-publisher = {World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)},
-year = {2006},
-pages = {547-550},
-address = {Dallas, Texas, USA}
+  author = {John R. Humphrey and Daniel K. Price and James P. Durbano and Eric
+	J. Kelmelis and Richard D. Martin},
+  title = {High performance {2D} and {3D FDTD} solvers on {GPU}s},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on Applied
+	Mathematics},
+  publisher = {World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)},
+  year = {2006},
+  pages = {547-550},
+  address = {Dallas, Texas, USA}
-author = {S. H. Hung and D. Forsyth},
-title = {Modelling anisotropic wave propagation in oceanic inhomogeneous structures
-using the parallel multidomain pseudo-spectral method},
-journal = gji,
-year = {1998},
-volume = {133},
-pages = {726-740},
-number = {3}
+  author = {S. H. Hung and D. Forsyth},
+  title = {Modelling anisotropic wave propagation in oceanic inhomogeneous structures
+	using the parallel multidomain pseudo-spectral method},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {133},
+  pages = {726-740},
+  number = {3}
-author = {D. C. Hurley and V. K. Tewary and A. J. Richards},
-title = {Surface acoustic wave methods to determine the anisotropic elastic
-properties of thin films},
-journal = {Measurement Science Technology},
-year = {2001},
-volume = {12},
-pages = {1486-1494}
+  author = {D. C. Hurley and V. K. Tewary and A. J. Richards},
+  title = {Surface acoustic wave methods to determine the anisotropic elastic
+	properties of thin films},
+  journal = {Measurement Science Technology},
+  year = {2001},
+  volume = {12},
+  pages = {1486-1494}
-author = {D. C. Hurley and J. P. Wolfe},
-title = {Phonon focusing in cubic crystals},
-journal = {Physical Review B},
-year = {1985},
-volume = {32},
-pages = {2568-2587},
-number = {4}
+  author = {D. C. Hurley and J. P. Wolfe},
+  title = {Phonon focusing in cubic crystals},
+  journal = {Physical Review B},
+  year = {1985},
+  volume = {32},
+  pages = {2568-2587},
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-author = {Pascal H{\'e}non and Yousef Saad},
-title = {A Parallel Multistage {ILU} Factorization Based on a Hierarchical
-Graph Decomposition},
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-year = {2006},
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-number = {6}
+  author = {Pascal H{\'e}non and Yousef Saad},
+  title = {A Parallel Multistage {ILU} Factorization Based on a Hierarchical
+	Graph Decomposition},
+  journal = {SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing},
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {28},
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-author = {C. Ianculescu and L. L. Thompson},
-title = {Parallel iterative solution for the {H}elmholtz equation with exact
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+  author = {C. Ianculescu and L. L. Thompson},
+  title = {Parallel iterative solution for the {H}elmholtz equation with exact
+	non-reflecting boundary conditions},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {195},
+  pages = {3709-3741}
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-title = {Crustal thickness variations beneath the {P}eninsular {R}anges, southern
-journal = grl,
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+  author = {G. A. Ichinose and S. M. Day and H. Magistrale and T. Prush and F.
+	Vernon and A. Edelman},
+  title = {Crustal thickness variations beneath the {P}eninsular {R}anges, southern
+	{C}alifornia},
+  journal = grl,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {23},
+  pages = {3095-3098}
-author = {H. Igel},
-title = {Wave propagation in three-dimensional spherical sections by the {C}hebyshev
-spectral method},
-journal = gji,
-year = {1999},
-volume = {136},
-pages = {559-566}
+  author = {H. Igel},
+  title = {Wave propagation in three-dimensional spherical sections by the {C}hebyshev
+	spectral method},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1999},
+  volume = {136},
+  pages = {559-566}
-author = {Heiner Igel},
-title = {Seismic modeling and inversion},
-school = {Universit\'e Paris {\sc VII} Jussieu},
-year = {1993},
-address = {Paris}
+  author = {Heiner Igel},
+  title = {Seismic modeling and inversion},
+  school = {Universit\'e Paris {\sc VII} Jussieu},
+  year = {1993},
+  address = {Paris}
-author = {H. Igel and R. J. Geller},
-title = {Numerical modeling of global seismic wave propagation: algorithms,
-accuracy, verification},
-journal = pepi,
-year = {2000},
-volume = {119},
-pages = {1-2}
+  author = {H. Igel and R. J. Geller},
+  title = {Numerical modeling of global seismic wave propagation: algorithms,
+	accuracy, verification},
+  journal = pepi,
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {119},
+  pages = {1-2}
-author = {H. Igel and P. Mora and B. Riollet},
-title = {Anisotropic wave propagation through finite-difference grids},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1995},
-volume = {60},
-pages = {1203-1216},
-number = {4}
+  author = {H. Igel and P. Mora and B. Riollet},
+  title = {Anisotropic wave propagation through finite-difference grids},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1995},
+  volume = {60},
+  pages = {1203-1216},
+  number = {4}
-author = {H. Igel and M. Weber},
-title = {{P-SV} wave propagation in the whole mantle using high-order finite
-differences: application to lowermost mantle structure},
-journal = grl,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {23},
-pages = {415-418}
+  author = {H. Igel and M. Weber},
+  title = {{P-SV} wave propagation in the whole mantle using high-order finite
+	differences: application to lowermost mantle structure},
+  journal = grl,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {23},
+  pages = {415-418}
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-title = {{SH}-wave propagation in the whole mantle using high-order finite
-journal = grl,
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-pages = {731-734}
+  author = {H. Igel and M. Weber},
+  title = {{SH}-wave propagation in the whole mantle using high-order finite
+	differences},
+  journal = grl,
+  year = {1995},
+  volume = {22},
+  pages = {731-734}
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+  author = {K. A. Ingebrigtsen and A. Tonning},
+  title = {Elastic surface waves in crystals},
+  journal = {Physical Review},
+  year = {1969},
+  volume = {184},
+  pages = {942-951},
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-title = {Optimization and parameter exploration using {GPU} based {FDTD} solvers},
-booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium},
-year = {2008},
-pages = {149-152},
-address = {Atlanta, Georgia, USA},
-month = {June},
-doi = {10.1109/MWSYM.2008.4633125}
+  author = {Inman, M. J. and Elsherbeni, A. Z.},
+  title = {Optimization and parameter exploration using {GPU} based {FDTD} solvers},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium},
+  year = {2008},
+  pages = {149-152},
+  address = {Atlanta, Georgia, USA},
+  month = {June},
+  doi = {10.1109/MWSYM.2008.4633125}
-author = {Inman, M. J. and Elsherbeni, A. Z. and Maloney, J. G. and Baker,
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-booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International
-year = {2007},
-pages = {5255-5258},
-address = {Honolulu, Hawaii, USA},
-month = {June},
-doi = {10.1109/APS.2007.4396732}
+  author = {Inman, M. J. and Elsherbeni, A. Z. and Maloney, J. G. and Baker,
+	B. N.},
+  title = {{GPU} based {FDTD} solver with {CPML} boundaries},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International
+	Symposium},
+  year = {2007},
+  pages = {5255-5258},
+  address = {Honolulu, Hawaii, USA},
+  month = {June},
+  doi = {10.1109/APS.2007.4396732}
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-year = {1990},
-editor = {J. H. Fink},
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+  author = {K. Ishihara and M. Iguchi and K. Kamo},
+  title = {Numerical simulation of lava flows on some volcanoes in {J}apan},
+  booktitle = {Lava flows and domes},
+  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
+  year = {1990},
+  editor = {J. H. Fink},
+  pages = {174-207},
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+  title = {An Introduction to Applied Geostatistics},
+  publisher = {Oxford University Press},
+  year = {1989},
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+  address = {Oxford},
+  note = {560 p.}
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-title = {Site Amplification of Ground motions during aftershocks of the 1995
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-journal = {J. Phys. Earth},
-year = {1996},
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+  author = {T. Iwata and K. Hatayama and H. Kawase and K. Irikura},
+  title = {Site Amplification of Ground motions during aftershocks of the 1995
+	{H}yogo-ken {N}anbu earthquake in severely damaged zone - {A}rray
+	observation of ground motions at {H}igashinada {W}ard, {K}obe city,
+	{J}apan},
+  journal = {J. Phys. Earth},
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {44},
+  pages = {553-561}
-author = {S. J\'onsson},
-title = {Modeling volcano and earthquake deformation from satellite {R}adar
-interferometric observations},
-school = {Stanford University},
-year = {2002},
-address = {California}
+  author = {S. J\'onsson},
+  title = {Modeling volcano and earthquake deformation from satellite {R}adar
+	interferometric observations},
+  school = {Stanford University},
+  year = {2002},
+  address = {California}
-author = {R. K. Jaiman and X. Jiao and P. H. Geubelle and E. Loth},
-title = {Conservative load transfer along curved fluid-solid interface with
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-journal = jcp,
-year = {2006},
-volume = {218},
-pages = {372-397},
-number = {1},
-doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2006.02.016}
+  author = {R. K. Jaiman and X. Jiao and P. H. Geubelle and E. Loth},
+  title = {Conservative load transfer along curved fluid-solid interface with
+	non-matching meshes},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {218},
+  pages = {372-397},
+  number = {1},
+  doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2006.02.016}
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+  author = {A. Jarvis and H.I. Reuter and A. Nelson and E. Guevara},
+  lastchecked = {2008},
+  title = {Hole-filled seamless SRTM data V4},
+  url = {http://srtm.csi.cgiar.org},
+  urldate = {http://srtm.csi.cgiar.org},
+  year = {2008}
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-title = {Acoustic modeling on a grid of vertically varying spacing},
-journal = gp,
-year = {1992},
-volume = {40},
-pages = {157-169}
+  author = {C. Jastram and A. Behle},
+  title = {Acoustic modeling on a grid of vertically varying spacing},
+  journal = gp,
+  year = {1992},
+  volume = {40},
+  pages = {157-169}
-author = {C. Jastram and E. Tessmer},
-title = {Elastic modelling on a grid with vertically varying spacing},
-journal = gp,
-year = {1992},
-volume = {42},
-pages = {357-370}
+  author = {C. Jastram and E. Tessmer},
+  title = {Elastic modelling on a grid with vertically varying spacing},
+  journal = gp,
+  year = {1992},
+  volume = {42},
+  pages = {357-370}
-title = {The {E}arth},
-publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
-year = {1959},
-author = {Harold Jeffreys},
-address = {New York, USA}
+  title = {The {E}arth},
+  publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+  year = {1959},
+  author = {Harold Jeffreys},
+  address = {New York, USA}
-author = {P. Jennings},
-title = {Fault map of {C}alifornia with volcanoes, thermal springs and thermal
-wells at 1:750,000 scale},
-booktitle = {Geological Data Map 1},
-publisher = {California Division of Mines and Geology},
-year = {1975},
-address = {Sacramento, California}
+  author = {P. Jennings},
+  title = {Fault map of {C}alifornia with volcanoes, thermal springs and thermal
+	wells at 1:750,000 scale},
+  booktitle = {Geological Data Map 1},
+  publisher = {California Division of Mines and Geology},
+  year = {1975},
+  address = {Sacramento, California}
+ at BOOK{COA2011,
+  title = {Computational Ocean Acoustics},
+  publisher = {Springer},
+  year = {2011},
+  author = {F. B. Jensen and W. Kuperman and M. Porter and H. Schmidt},
+  edition = {2nd}
+ at INPROCEEDINGS{Jensen2008,
+  author = {F. B. Jensen and P. L. Nielsen and M. Zampolli and M. D. Collins
+	and W. L. Siegmann},
+  title = {Benchmark scenarios for range-dependent seismo-acoustic models},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Theoretical and
+	Computational Acoustics (ICTCA)},
+  year = {2007},
+  editor = {M. Taroudakis and P. Papadakis}
-author = {Chen Ji and Don V. Helmberger and David J. Wald},
-title = {A Teleseismic Study of the 2002 {D}enali Fault, {A}laska, Earthquake
-and Implications for Rapid Strong-Motion Estimation},
-journal = {Earthquake Spectra},
-year = {2004},
-volume = {20},
-pages = {617-637},
-number = {3}
+  author = {Chen Ji and Don V. Helmberger and David J. Wald},
+  title = {A Teleseismic Study of the 2002 {D}enali Fault, {A}laska, Earthquake
+	and Implications for Rapid Strong-Motion Estimation},
+  journal = {Earthquake Spectra},
+  year = {2004},
+  volume = {20},
+  pages = {617-637},
+  number = {3}
-author = {C. Ji and D. V. Helmberger and D. J. Wald},
-title = {Basin structure estimation by waveform modeling: forward and inverse
-journal = bssa,
-year = {2000},
-volume = {90},
-pages = {964-976}
+  author = {C. Ji and D. V. Helmberger and D. J. Wald},
+  title = {Basin structure estimation by waveform modeling: forward and inverse
+	methods},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {90},
+  pages = {964-976}
-author = {Chen Ji and Seiji Tsuboi and Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp},
-title = {Rayleigh-Wave Multipathing along the West Coast of North America},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {2005},
-volume = {95},
-pages = {2115-2124},
-number = {6},
-doi = {10.1785/0120040180}
+  author = {Chen Ji and Seiji Tsuboi and Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp},
+  title = {Rayleigh-Wave Multipathing along the West Coast of North America},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {95},
+  pages = {2115-2124},
+  number = {6},
+  doi = {10.1785/0120040180}
-author = {C. Ji and D. J. Wald and D. V. Helmberger},
-title = {Source description of the 1999 {Hector Mine, California} earthquake;
-{Part I: Wavelet} Domain Inversion Theory and Resolution Analysis},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {2002},
-volume = {92},
-pages = {1192-1207}
+  author = {C. Ji and D. J. Wald and D. V. Helmberger},
+  title = {Source description of the 1999 {Hector Mine, California} earthquake;
+	{Part I: Wavelet} Domain Inversion Theory and Resolution Analysis},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {92},
+  pages = {1192-1207}
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-title = {Quadrangle-grid velocity-stress finite difference method for poroelastic
-wave equations},
-journal = gji,
-year = {1999},
-volume = {139},
-pages = {171-182}
+  author = {Zhang Jianfeng},
+  title = {Quadrangle-grid velocity-stress finite difference method for poroelastic
+	wave equations},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1999},
+  volume = {139},
+  pages = {171-182}
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-title = {Evidence for static displacements from the {J}une 9, 1994 deep {B}olivian
-journal = grl,
-year = {1995},
-volume = {22},
-pages = {2285-2288},
-number = {16}
+  author = {W. Jiao and T. C. Wallace and S. L. Beck},
+  title = {Evidence for static displacements from the {J}une 9, 1994 deep {B}olivian
+	earthquake},
+  journal = grl,
+  year = {1995},
+  volume = {22},
+  pages = {2285-2288},
+  number = {16}
-author = {R. S. Jih and K. L. McLaughlin and Z. A Der},
-title = {Free-boundary conditions of arbitrary polygonal topography in a two-dimensional
-explicit elastic finite-difference scheme},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1988},
-volume = {53},
-pages = {1045-1055}
+  author = {R. S. Jih and K. L. McLaughlin and Z. A Der},
+  title = {Free-boundary conditions of arbitrary polygonal topography in a two-dimensional
+	explicit elastic finite-difference scheme},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1988},
+  volume = {53},
+  pages = {1045-1055}
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-journal = gji,
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+  author = {S. Jin and R. Madariaga and J. Virieux and G. Lambar\'e},
+  title = {Two dimensional asymptotic iterative elastic inversion},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1992},
+  volume = {108},
+  pages = {575-588}
-author = {N. Jobert and R. Gaulon and A. Dieulin and G. Roult},
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-journal = {Comptes rendus Acad. Sci. Paris},
-year = {1977},
-volume = {S\'erie B, 285},
-pages = {49-51}
+  author = {N. Jobert and R. Gaulon and A. Dieulin and G. Roult},
+  title = {Sur les ondes de tr\`es longue p\'eriode, caract\'eristiques du manteau
+	sup\'erieur},
+  journal = {Comptes rendus Acad. Sci. Paris},
+  year = {1977},
+  volume = {S\'erie B, 285},
+  pages = {49-51}
-author = {Z. Johan and T. J. R. Hughes and K. K. Mathur and S. L. Johnsson},
-title = {A data parallel finite element method for computational fluid dynamics
-on the {C}onnection {M}achine system},
-journal = cmame,
-year = {1992},
-volume = {99},
-pages = {113-134}
+  author = {Z. Johan and T. J. R. Hughes and K. K. Mathur and S. L. Johnsson},
+  title = {A data parallel finite element method for computational fluid dynamics
+	on the {C}onnection {M}achine system},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {1992},
+  volume = {99},
+  pages = {113-134}
-author = {Z. Johan and K. K. Mathur and S. L. Johnsson and T. J. R. Hughes},
-title = {An efficient communications strategy for finite element methods on
-the {C}onnection {Machine} {CM-5} system},
-journal = cmame,
-year = {1994},
-volume = {113},
-pages = {363-387}
+  author = {Z. Johan and K. K. Mathur and S. L. Johnsson and T. J. R. Hughes},
+  title = {An efficient communications strategy for finite element methods on
+	the {C}onnection {Machine} {CM-5} system},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {1994},
+  volume = {113},
+  pages = {363-387}
-author = {P. Joly},
-title = {R\'esolution de l'\'equation de {B}urgers par paquets d'ondelettes},
-institution = {Laboratoire d'Analyse Num\'erique},
-year = {1995},
-address = {Universit\'e Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris}
+  author = {P. Joly},
+  title = {R\'esolution de l'\'equation de {B}urgers par paquets d'ondelettes},
+  institution = {Laboratoire d'Analyse Num\'erique},
+  year = {1995},
+  address = {Universit\'e Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris}
-author = {P. Joly and D. Komatitsch and J. P. Vilotte},
-title = {Solution of the wave equation by a wavelet basis approximation},
-booktitle = {Proceedings of the Enumath'1995 conference},
-year = {1995},
-pages = {12-24},
-address = {Paris, France}
+  author = {P. Joly and D. Komatitsch and J. P. Vilotte},
+  title = {Solution of the wave equation by a wavelet basis approximation},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Enumath'1995 conference},
+  year = {1995},
+  pages = {12-24},
+  address = {Paris, France}
-author = {P. Joly and Y. Maday and V. Perrier},
-title = {Towards a method for solving partial differential equations by using
-wavelet packet bases},
-journal = cmame,
-year = {1994},
-volume = {116},
-pages = {9999998-9999999}
+  author = {P. Joly and Y. Maday and V. Perrier},
+  title = {Towards a method for solving partial differential equations by using
+	wavelet packet bases},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {1994},
+  volume = {116},
+  pages = {9999998-9999999}
-author = {P. M. Jordan},
-title = {{C}omment on \textit{{E}xact Constructions of Square-root {H}elmholtz
-Operator Symbols: The Focusing Quadratic Profile}},
-journal = {J. Math. Phys.},
-year = {2000},
-volume = {42},
-pages = {4618-4623}
+  author = {P. M. Jordan},
+  title = {{C}omment on \textit{{E}xact Constructions of Square-root {H}elmholtz
+	Operator Symbols: The Focusing Quadratic Profile}},
+  journal = {J. Math. Phys.},
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {42},
+  pages = {4618-4623}
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-Memory Architectures},
-booktitle = {Proceedings of the IPDPS'2003 International Parallel and Distributed
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-doi = {10.1109/IPDPS.2003.1213183},
-url = {www.cepba.upc.es/paraver}
+  author = {Gabriele Jost and Haoquian Jin and Jesus Labarta and Judit Gim\'enez
+	and Jordi Caubet},
+  title = {Performance Analysis of Multilevel Parallel Applications on Shared
+	Memory Architectures},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the IPDPS'2003 International Parallel and Distributed
+	Processing Symposium},
+  year = {2003},
+  pages = {80.2},
+  address = {Nice, France},
+  month = apr,
+  bdsk-url-2 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IPDPS.2003.1213183},
+  doi = {10.1109/IPDPS.2003.1213183},
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-title = {Calculation of nonlinear ground response on earthquakes},
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+  author = {Martin K\"aser and Michael Dumbser},
+  title = {A Highly Accurate Discontinuous {G}alerkin Method for Complex Interfaces
+	Between Solids and Moving Fluids},
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+  year = {2008},
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+  title = {An arbitrary high-order discontinuous {G}alerkin method for elastic
+	waves on unstructured meshes-{I}. {T}he two-dimensional isotropic
+	case with external source terms},
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+  title = {Time-domain analysis of transient structural acoustics problems based
+	on the finite element method and a novel boundary element},
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+  year = {1993},
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-journal = ijnme,
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-pages = {755-773}
+  author = {A. Kamel and P. Sguazzero and M. Kindelan},
+  title = {Cost-effective staggered schemes for the numerical simulation of
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+  author = {C. Kane and J. E. Marsden and M. Ortiz and M. West},
+  title = {Variational integrators and the {N}ewmark algorithm for conservative
+	and dissipative mechanical systems},
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+  title = {Finite-Difference Seismic Simulation Combining Discontinuous Grids
+	with Locally Variable Timesteps},
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+  year = {2004},
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+  author = {A. V. Kaptsov and S. V. Kuznetsov},
+  title = {Spectral properties of {C}hristoffel equation for {R}ayleigh waves},
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+  author = {George Karypis and Vipin Kumar},
+  title = {A Fast and High-Quality Multilevel Scheme for Partitioning Irregular
+	Graphs},
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+  title = {Multilevel {$k$}-way Partitioning Scheme for Irregular Graphs},
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+  year = {1998},
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+  author = {George Karypis and Vipin Kumar},
+  title = {A Parallel Algorithm for Multilevel Graph Partitioning and Sparse
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+  journal = {Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing},
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+  author = {Kass, M. and Witkin, A.P. and Terzopoulos, D. and Snakes},
+  title = {Active contour models},
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+  author = {Theodoros K. Katsibas and Christos S. Antonopoulos},
+  title = {An efficient {PML} absorbing medium in {FDTD} simulations of acoustic
+	scattering in lossy media},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE ultrasonics symposium},
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {1},
+  pages = {551-554},
+  address = {Munich, Germany},
+  month = {October},
+  organization = {IEEE}
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+  author = {K. Kawai and N. Takeuchi and R. J. Geller},
+  title = {Complete synthetic seismograms up to 2~{H}z for transversely-isotropic
+	spherically-symmetric media},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {164},
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+  number = {2},
+  doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2005.02829.x}
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-title = {Time-domain response of a semi-circular canyon for incident {{\it
-SV}}, {{\it P}} and {R}ayleigh waves calculated by the discrete wavenumber
-boundary element method},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1988},
-volume = {78},
-pages = {1415-1437}
+  author = {H. Kawase},
+  title = {Time-domain response of a semi-circular canyon for incident {{\it
+	SV}}, {{\it P}} and {R}ayleigh waves calculated by the discrete wavenumber
+	boundary element method},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1988},
+  volume = {78},
+  pages = {1415-1437}
-author = {H. Kawase and K. Aki},
-title = {Topography effect at the critical {{\it SV}} wave incidence: possible
-explanation of damage pattern by the {W}hittier {N}arrows, {C}alifornia,
-earthquake of 1 {O}ctober 1987},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1990},
-volume = {80},
-pages = {1-22}
+  author = {H. Kawase and K. Aki},
+  title = {Topography effect at the critical {{\it SV}} wave incidence: possible
+	explanation of damage pattern by the {W}hittier {N}arrows, {C}alifornia,
+	earthquake of 1 {O}ctober 1987},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1990},
+  volume = {80},
+  pages = {1-22}
-author = {H. Kawase and K. Aki},
-title = {A study on the response of a soft sedimentary basin for incident
-{{\it S}}, {{\it P}} and {R}ayleigh waves, with special reference
-to the long duration observed in {M}exico {C}ity},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1989},
-volume = {79},
-pages = {1361-1382}
+  author = {H. Kawase and K. Aki},
+  title = {A study on the response of a soft sedimentary basin for incident
+	{{\it S}}, {{\it P}} and {R}ayleigh waves, with special reference
+	to the long duration observed in {M}exico {C}ity},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1989},
+  volume = {79},
+  pages = {1361-1382}
-author = {I. Kay and E. S. Krebes},
-title = {Applying finite element analysis to the memory variable formulation
-of wave propagation in anelastic media},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1999},
-volume = {64},
-pages = {300-307}
+  author = {I. Kay and E. S. Krebes},
+  title = {Applying finite element analysis to the memory variable formulation
+	of wave propagation in anelastic media},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1999},
+  volume = {64},
+  pages = {300-307}
-author = {K. R. Kelly and R. W. Ward and S. Treitel and R. M. Alford},
-title = {Synthetic seismograms: a Finite Difference approach},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1976},
-volume = {41},
-pages = {2-27}
+  author = {K. R. Kelly and R. W. Ward and S. Treitel and R. M. Alford},
+  title = {Synthetic seismograms: a Finite Difference approach},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1976},
+  volume = {41},
+  pages = {2-27}
-author = {J. M. Kendall and P. G. Silver},
-title = {Constraints from seismic anisotropy on the nature of the lowermost
-journal = {Nature},
-year = {1996},
-volume = {381},
-pages = {409}
+  author = {J. M. Kendall and P. G. Silver},
+  title = {Constraints from seismic anisotropy on the nature of the lowermost
+	mantle},
+  journal = {Nature},
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {381},
+  pages = {409}
-title = {Seismic wave propagation in stratified media},
-publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
-year = {1983},
-author = {B. L. N. Kennett},
-address = {Cambridge}
+  title = {Seismic wave propagation in stratified media},
+  publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+  year = {1983},
+  author = {B. L. N. Kennett},
+  address = {Cambridge}
-author = {B. L. N. Kennett and E. R. Engdahl},
-title = {Traveltimes for global earthquake location and phase identification},
-journal = gji,
-year = {1991},
-volume = {105},
-pages = {429-465}
+  author = {B. L. N. Kennett and E. R. Engdahl},
+  title = {Traveltimes for global earthquake location and phase identification},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1991},
+  volume = {105},
+  pages = {429-465}
-author = {B. L. N. Kennett and E. R. Engdahl and R. Buland},
-title = {Constraints on seismic velocities in the {E}arth from traveltimes},
-journal = gji,
-year = {1995},
-volume = {122},
-pages = {108-124}
+  author = {B. L. N. Kennett and E. R. Engdahl and R. Buland},
+  title = {Constraints on seismic velocities in the {E}arth from traveltimes},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1995},
+  volume = {122},
+  pages = {108-124}
-author = {{Khronos OpenCL Working Group}},
-title = {The {OpenCL} {S}pecification, Version 1.0},
-note = {\url{http://www.khronos.org/opencl}},
-month = dec,
-year = {2008},
-editor = {Aaftab Munshi}
+  author = {{Khronos OpenCL Working Group}},
+  title = {The {OpenCL} {S}pecification, Version 1.0},
+  note = {\url{http://www.khronos.org/opencl}},
+  month = dec,
+  year = {2008},
+  editor = {Aaftab Munshi}
-author = {M. J. Khun},
-title = {A numerical study of {L}amb's problem},
-journal = gp,
-year = {1985},
-volume = {33},
-pages = {1103-1137}
+  author = {M. J. Khun},
+  title = {A numerical study of {L}amb's problem},
+  journal = gp,
+  year = {1985},
+  volume = {33},
+  pages = {1103-1137}
-author = {L. Kiefling and G. C. Feng},
-title = {Fluid-structure finite-element vibrational analysis},
-journal = {AIAA J.},
-year = {1976},
-volume = {14},
-pages = {199-203},
-number = {2}
+  author = {L. Kiefling and G. C. Feng},
+  title = {Fluid-structure finite-element vibrational analysis},
+  journal = {AIAA J.},
+  year = {1976},
+  volume = {14},
+  pages = {199-203},
+  number = {2}
-author = {M. Kikuchi and Y. Yamanaka},
-title = {Source rupture process of the central {A}laska earthquake of {N}ovember
-3, 2002, inferred from teleseismic body waves},
-year = {2002},
-note = {ERI, University of Tokyo, Japan, wwweic.eri.u-tokyo.ac.jp/EIC/EIC\_News/021103AL-e.html}
+  author = {M. Kikuchi and Y. Yamanaka},
+  title = {Source rupture process of the central {A}laska earthquake of {N}ovember
+	3, 2002, inferred from teleseismic body waves},
+  year = {2002},
+  note = {ERI, University of Tokyo, Japan, wwweic.eri.u-tokyo.ac.jp/EIC/EIC\_News/021103AL-e.html}
-author = {J. Kim and A. Papageorgiou},
-title = {Discrete wavenumber boundary element method for 3{D} scattering problems},
-journal = {J. Eng. Mech. ASCE},
-year = {1993},
-volume = {119},
-pages = {603-624}
+  author = {J. Kim and A. Papageorgiou},
+  title = {Discrete wavenumber boundary element method for 3{D} scattering problems},
+  journal = {J. Eng. Mech. ASCE},
+  year = {1993},
+  volume = {119},
+  pages = {603-624}
-author = {Theodore Kim},
-title = {Hardware-Aware Analysis and Optimization of `{S}table {F}luids'},
-booktitle = {I3D '08: Proceedings of the 2008 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics
-and games},
-year = {2008},
-pages = {99--106},
-doi = {10.1145/1342250.1342265}
+  author = {Theodore Kim},
+  title = {Hardware-Aware Analysis and Optimization of `{S}table {F}luids'},
+  booktitle = {I3D '08: Proceedings of the 2008 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics
+	and games},
+  year = {2008},
+  pages = {99--106},
+  doi = {10.1145/1342250.1342265}
-author = {M. Kindelan and G. Seriani and P. Sguazzero},
-title = {Elastic modeling and its application to amplitude versus angle interpretation},
-journal = gp,
-year = {1989},
-volume = {37},
-pages = {3-30}
+  author = {M. Kindelan and G. Seriani and P. Sguazzero},
+  title = {Elastic modeling and its application to amplitude versus angle interpretation},
+  journal = gp,
+  year = {1989},
+  volume = {37},
+  pages = {3-30}
-author = {Volodymyr V. Kindratenko and Jeremy J. Enos and Guochun Shi and Michael
-T. Showerman and Galen W. Arnold and John E. Stone and James C. Phillips
-and Wen{-}mei Hwu},
-title = {{GPU} Clusters for High-Performance Computing},
-booktitle = {Proceedings on the IEEE Cluster'2009 Workshop on Parallel Programming
-on Accelerator Clusters (PPAC'09)},
-year = {2009},
-pages = {1-8},
-address = {New Orleans, Louisiana, USA},
-month = aug
+  author = {Volodymyr V. Kindratenko and Jeremy J. Enos and Guochun Shi and Michael
+	T. Showerman and Galen W. Arnold and John E. Stone and James C. Phillips
+	and Wen{-}mei Hwu},
+  title = {{GPU} Clusters for High-Performance Computing},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings on the IEEE Cluster'2009 Workshop on Parallel Programming
+	on Accelerator Clusters (PPAC'09)},
+  year = {2009},
+  pages = {1-8},
+  address = {New Orleans, Louisiana, USA},
+  month = aug
-title = {Programming Massively Parallel Processors: A Hands-on Approach},
-publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
-year = {2010},
-author = {Kirk, David B. and Hwu, Wen-mei W.},
-address = {Boston, Massachusetts, USA}
+  title = {Programming Massively Parallel Processors: A Hands-on Approach},
+  publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
+  year = {2010},
+  author = {Kirk, David B. and Hwu, Wen-mei W.},
+  address = {Boston, Massachusetts, USA}
-author = {D. A. Kiyashchenko and R. E. Plessix},
-title = {True amplitude multi-one-way migration: comparison of different imaging
-booktitle = {Expanded abstracts of the Soc. Expl. Geophys.},
-year = {2005},
-note = {75th international meeting of the SEG}
+  author = {D. A. Kiyashchenko and R. E. Plessix},
+  title = {True amplitude multi-one-way migration: comparison of different imaging
+	principles},
+  booktitle = {Expanded abstracts of the Soc. Expl. Geophys.},
+  year = {2005},
+  note = {75th international meeting of the SEG}
-author = {A. Kl\"ockner and T. Warburton and J. Bridge and J. S. Hesthaven},
-title = {Nodal discontinuous {G}alerkin methods on graphics processors},
-journal = jcp,
-year = {2009},
-volume = {228},
-pages = {7863-7882},
-doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2009.06.041}
+  author = {A. Kl\"ockner and T. Warburton and J. Bridge and J. S. Hesthaven},
+  title = {Nodal discontinuous {G}alerkin methods on graphics processors},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {2009},
+  volume = {228},
+  pages = {7863-7882},
+  doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2009.06.041}
-author = {E. M. C. Klien and J. P. Vilotte},
-title = {Perfectly matched layers in the spectral element method},
-institution = {Lithos Scientific Report},
-year = {2002},
-number = {4},
-note = {Unpublished}
+  author = {E. M. C. Klien and J. P. Vilotte},
+  title = {Perfectly matched layers in the spectral element method},
+  institution = {Lithos Scientific Report},
+  year = {2002},
+  number = {4},
+  note = {Unpublished}
-author = {L. Klimes},
-title = {Accuracy of elastic finite differences in smooth media},
-journal = pageoph,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {148},
-pages = {39-76},
-number = {1}
+  author = {L. Klimes},
+  title = {Accuracy of elastic finite differences in smooth media},
+  journal = pageoph,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {148},
+  pages = {39-76},
+  number = {1}
-author = {L. Knopoff},
-title = {On {R}ayleigh wave velocities},
-journal = {Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America},
-year = {1952},
-volume = {42},
-pages = {307-308}
+  author = {L. Knopoff},
+  title = {On {R}ayleigh wave velocities},
+  journal = {Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America},
+  year = {1952},
+  volume = {42},
+  pages = {307-308}
-author = {Patrick M. Knupp},
-title = {Applications of mesh smoothing: copy, morph, and sweep on unstructured
-quadrilateral meshes},
-journal = ijnme,
-year = {1999},
-volume = {45},
-pages = {37-45},
-number = {1}
+  author = {Patrick M. Knupp},
+  title = {Applications of mesh smoothing: copy, morph, and sweep on unstructured
+	quadrilateral meshes},
+  journal = ijnme,
+  year = {1999},
+  volume = {45},
+  pages = {37-45},
+  number = {1}
-author = {S. Kobayashi},
-title = {Fundamentals of boundary integral equations methods in elastodynamics},
-booktitle = {Boundary element research},
-publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
-year = {1984},
-editor = {C. A. Brebbia},
-volume = {2},
-address = {New York}
+  author = {S. Kobayashi},
+  title = {Fundamentals of boundary integral equations methods in elastodynamics},
+  booktitle = {Boundary element research},
+  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
+  year = {1984},
+  editor = {C. A. Brebbia},
+  volume = {2},
+  address = {New York}
-title = {Elastodynamics in boundary element methods in mechanics},
-publisher = {North-Holland},
-year = {1987},
-author = {S. Kobayashi},
-address = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands}
+  title = {Elastodynamics in boundary element methods in mechanics},
+  publisher = {North-Holland},
+  year = {1987},
+  author = {S. Kobayashi},
+  address = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands}
-author = {J. J. Kohn and L. Nirenberg},
-title = {On the Algebra of Pseudo-Differential Operators},
-journal = {Comm. Pure Appl. Math.},
-year = {1965},
-volume = {18},
-pages = {269-305}
+  author = {J. J. Kohn and L. Nirenberg},
+  title = {On the Algebra of Pseudo-Differential Operators},
+  journal = {Comm. Pure Appl. Math.},
+  year = {1965},
+  volume = {18},
+  pages = {269-305}
-author = {Al. A. Kolomenskii and A. A. Maznev},
-title = {Phonon-focusing effect with laser-generated ultrasonic surface waves},
-journal = {Physical Review B},
-year = {1993},
-volume = {48},
-pages = {14502-14512},
-number = {19}
+  author = {Al. A. Kolomenskii and A. A. Maznev},
+  title = {Phonon-focusing effect with laser-generated ultrasonic surface waves},
+  journal = {Physical Review B},
+  year = {1993},
+  volume = {48},
+  pages = {14502-14512},
+  number = {19}
-author = {Dimitri Komatitsch},
-title = {Fluid-solid coupling on a cluster of {GPU} graphics cards for seismic
-wave propagation},
-journal = {Comptes Rendus de l'Acad\'emie des Sciences - M\'ecanique},
-year = {2011},
-doi = {10.1016/j.crme.2010.11.007},
-volume = {339},
-pages = {125-135}
+  author = {Dimitri Komatitsch},
+  title = {Fluid-solid coupling on a cluster of {GPU} graphics cards for seismic
+	wave propagation},
+  journal = {Comptes Rendus de l'Acad\'emie des Sciences - M\'ecanique},
+  year = {2011},
+  volume = {339},
+  pages = {125-135},
+  doi = {10.1016/j.crme.2010.11.007}
-author = {Dimitri Komatitsch},
-title = {Comment on ``{M}ultidomain {P}seudospectral {T}ime-{D}omain ({PSTD})
-method for acoustic waves in lossy media'' by {Y. Q. Zeng, Q. H.
-Liu and G. Zhao, Journal of Computational Acoustics, vol. 12, no.
-3, pp 277-299 (2004)}},
-journal = jca,
-year = {2008},
-volume = {16},
-pages = {465-467},
-number = {3}
+  author = {Dimitri Komatitsch},
+  title = {Comment on ``{M}ultidomain {P}seudospectral {T}ime-{D}omain ({PSTD})
+	method for acoustic waves in lossy media'' by {Y. Q. Zeng, Q. H.
+	Liu and G. Zhao, Journal of Computational Acoustics, vol. 12, no.
+	3, pp 277-299 (2004)}},
+  journal = jca,
+  year = {2008},
+  volume = {16},
+  pages = {465-467},
+  number = {3}
-author = {Dimitri Komatitsch},
-title = {Advanced numerical modeling in geophysics ({M}od\'elisation num\'erique
-avanc\'ee pour la g\'eophysique)},
-school = {Universit\'e de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour},
-year = {2003},
-address = {Pau, France},
-month = {September},
-note = {Habilitation Thesis (Habilitation \`a {D}iriger des {R}echerches,
-{H.D.R.}), 114 pages}
+  author = {Dimitri Komatitsch},
+  title = {Advanced numerical modeling in geophysics ({M}od\'elisation num\'erique
+	avanc\'ee pour la g\'eophysique)},
+  school = {Universit\'e de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour},
+  year = {2003},
+  address = {Pau, France},
+  month = {September},
+  note = {Habilitation Thesis (Habilitation \`a {D}iriger des {R}echerches,
+	{H.D.R.}), 114 pages}
-author = {Dimitri Komatitsch},
-title = {M\'ethodes spectrales et \'el\'ements spectraux pour l'\'equation
-de l'\'elastodynamique 2{D} et 3{D} en milieu h\'et\'erog\`ene ({S}pectral
-and spectral-element methods for the 2{D} and 3{D} elastodynamics
-equations in heterogeneous media)},
-school = {Institut de Physique du Globe},
-year = {1997},
-address = {Paris, France},
-month = {May},
-note = {187 pages}
+  author = {Dimitri Komatitsch},
+  title = {M\'ethodes spectrales et \'el\'ements spectraux pour l'\'equation
+	de l'\'elastodynamique 2{D} et 3{D} en milieu h\'et\'erog\`ene ({S}pectral
+	and spectral-element methods for the 2{D} and 3{D} elastodynamics
+	equations in heterogeneous media)},
+  school = {Institut de Physique du Globe},
+  year = {1997},
+  address = {Paris, France},
+  month = {May},
+  note = {187 pages}
- at PHDTHESIS{Mad09,
-author = {Ronan Madec},
-title = {M\'ethode des \'el\'ements spectraux pour la propagation d'ondes sismiques en milieu g\'eologique fluide-solide avec pas de temps locaux et couches absorbantes parfaitement adapt\'ees C-PML},
-school = {Universit\'e de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour},
-year = {2009},
-address = {Pau, France},
-month = {December}
-author = {D. Komatitsch and C. Barnes and J. Tromp},
-title = {Wave propagation near a fluid-solid interface: a spectral element
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {2000},
-volume = {65},
-pages = {623-631},
-number = {2},
-doi = {10.1190/1.1444758}
+  author = {D. Komatitsch and C. Barnes and J. Tromp},
+  title = {Wave propagation near a fluid-solid interface: a spectral element
+	approach},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {65},
+  pages = {623-631},
+  number = {2},
+  doi = {10.1190/1.1444758}
-author = {D. Komatitsch and C. Barnes and J. Tromp},
-title = {Simulation of anisotropic wave propagation based upon a spectral
-element method},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {2000},
-volume = {65},
-pages = {1251-1260},
-number = {4},
-doi = {10.1190/1.1444816}
+  author = {D. Komatitsch and C. Barnes and J. Tromp},
+  title = {Simulation of anisotropic wave propagation based upon a spectral
+	element method},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {65},
+  pages = {1251-1260},
+  number = {4},
+  doi = {10.1190/1.1444816}
+ at ARTICLE{KoCaCaFa11,
+  author = {Dimitri Komatitsch and Jos\'e Carcione and Fabio Cavallini and Nathalie
+	Favretto-Cristini},
+  title = {Elastic surface waves in crystals: {P}art {II} : Cross-check of two
+	full-wave numerical modeling methods},
+  journal = {Ultrasonics},
+  year = {2011},
+  volume = {51},
+  pages = {878-889},
+  number = {8},
+  doi = {10.1016/j.ultras.2011.05.001}
-author = {D. Komatitsch and F. Coutel and P. Mora},
-title = {Tensorial formulation of the wave equation for modelling curved interfaces},
-journal = gji,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {127},
-pages = {156-168},
-number = {1},
-doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.1996.tb01541.x}
+  author = {D. Komatitsch and F. Coutel and P. Mora},
+  title = {Tensorial formulation of the wave equation for modelling curved interfaces},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {127},
+  pages = {156-168},
+  number = {1},
+  doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.1996.tb01541.x}
-author = {Dimitri Komatitsch and Gordon Erlebacher and Dominik G\"oddeke and
-David Mich\'ea},
-title = {High-order finite-element seismic wave propagation modeling with
-{MPI} on a large {GPU} cluster},
-journal = jcp,
-year = {2010},
-volume = {229},
-pages = {7692-7714},
-number = {20},
-doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2010.06.024}
+  author = {Dimitri Komatitsch and Gordon Erlebacher and Dominik G\"oddeke and
+	David Mich\'ea},
+  title = {High-order finite-element seismic wave propagation modeling with
+	{MPI} on a large {GPU} cluster},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {2010},
+  volume = {229},
+  pages = {7692-7714},
+  number = {20},
+  doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2010.06.024}
-author = {Dimitri Komatitsch and Dominik G\"oddeke and Gordon Erlebacher and
-David Mich\'ea},
-title = {Modeling the propagation of elastic waves using spectral elements
-on a cluster of 192 {GPU}s},
-journal = {Computer Science Research and Development},
-year = {2010},
-volume = {25},
-pages = {75-82},
-number = {1-2},
-doi = {10.1007/s00450-010-0109-1}
+  author = {Dimitri Komatitsch and Dominik G\"oddeke and Gordon Erlebacher and
+	David Mich\'ea},
+  title = {Modeling the propagation of elastic waves using spectral elements
+	on a cluster of 192 {GPU}s},
+  journal = {Computer Science Research and Development},
+  year = {2010},
+  volume = {25},
+  pages = {75-82},
+  number = {1-2},
+  doi = {10.1007/s00450-010-0109-1}
-author = {Dimitri Komatitsch and Jes\'us Labarta and David Mich\'ea},
-title = {A simulation of seismic wave propagation at high resolution in the
-inner core of the {E}arth on 2166 processors of {M}are{N}ostrum},
-journal = lncs,
-year = {2008},
-volume = {5336},
-pages = {364-377}
+  author = {Dimitri Komatitsch and Jes\'us Labarta and David Mich\'ea},
+  title = {A simulation of seismic wave propagation at high resolution in the
+	inner core of the {E}arth on 2166 processors of {M}are{N}ostrum},
+  journal = lncs,
+  year = {2008},
+  volume = {5336},
+  pages = {364-377}
-author = {Dimitri Komatitsch and Jes\'us Labarta and David Mich\'ea},
-title = {A 21 billion degrees of freedom, 2.5 terabyte simulation of seismic
-wave propagation in the inner core of the {E}arth on {M}are{N}ostrum},
-booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics
-(WCCM8) and the 5th. European Congress on Computational Methods in
-Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2008)},
-year = {2008},
-address = {Venice, Italy},
-note = {30 June - 4 July 2008}
+  author = {Dimitri Komatitsch and Jes\'us Labarta and David Mich\'ea},
+  title = {A 21 billion degrees of freedom, 2.5 terabyte simulation of seismic
+	wave propagation in the inner core of the {E}arth on {M}are{N}ostrum},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics
+	(WCCM8) and the 5th. European Congress on Computational Methods in
+	Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2008)},
+  year = {2008},
+  address = {Venice, Italy},
+  note = {30 June - 4 July 2008}
-author = {Dimitri Komatitsch and Qinya Liu and Jeroen Tromp and Peter S\"{u}ss
-and Christiane Stidham and John H. Shaw},
-title = {Simulations of Ground Motion in the {L}os {A}ngeles Basin based upon
-the Spectral-Element Method},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {2004},
-volume = {94},
-pages = {187-206},
-number = {1},
-doi = {10.1785/0120030077}
+  author = {Dimitri Komatitsch and Qinya Liu and Jeroen Tromp and Peter S\"{u}ss
+	and Christiane Stidham and John H. Shaw},
+  title = {Simulations of Ground Motion in the {L}os {A}ngeles Basin based upon
+	the Spectral-Element Method},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {2004},
+  volume = {94},
+  pages = {187-206},
+  number = {1},
+  doi = {10.1785/0120030077}
-author = {Dimitri Komatitsch and Roland Martin},
-title = {An unsplit convolutional {P}erfectly {M}atched {L}ayer improved at
-grazing incidence for the seismic wave equation},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {2007},
-volume = {72},
-pages = {SM155-SM167},
-number = {5},
-doi = {10.1190/1.2757586}
+  author = {Dimitri Komatitsch and Roland Martin},
+  title = {An unsplit convolutional {P}erfectly {M}atched {L}ayer improved at
+	grazing incidence for the seismic wave equation},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {2007},
+  volume = {72},
+  pages = {SM155-SM167},
+  number = {5},
+  doi = {10.1190/1.2757586}
-author = {D. Komatitsch and R. Martin and J. Tromp and M. A. Taylor and B.
-A. Wingate},
-title = {Wave propagation in 2-{D} elastic media using a spectral element
-method with triangles and quadrangles},
-journal = jca,
-year = {2001},
-volume = {9},
-pages = {703-718},
-number = {2},
-doi = {10.1142/S0218396X01000796}
+  author = {D. Komatitsch and R. Martin and J. Tromp and M. A. Taylor and B.
+	A. Wingate},
+  title = {Wave propagation in 2-{D} elastic media using a spectral element
+	method with triangles and quadrangles},
+  journal = jca,
+  year = {2001},
+  volume = {9},
+  pages = {703-718},
+  number = {2},
+  doi = {10.1142/S0218396X01000796}
-author = {Dimitri Komatitsch and David Mich\'ea and Gordon Erlebacher},
-title = {Porting a high-order finite-element earthquake modeling application
-to {NVIDIA} graphics cards using {CUDA}},
-journal = jpdc,
-year = {2009},
-volume = {69},
-pages = {451-460},
-number = {5},
-doi = {10.1016/j.jpdc.2009.01.006}
+  author = {Dimitri Komatitsch and David Mich\'ea and Gordon Erlebacher},
+  title = {Porting a high-order finite-element earthquake modeling application
+	to {NVIDIA} graphics cards using {CUDA}},
+  journal = jpdc,
+  year = {2009},
+  volume = {69},
+  pages = {451-460},
+  number = {5},
+  doi = {10.1016/j.jpdc.2009.01.006}
-author = {D. Komatitsch and J. Ritsema and J. Tromp},
-title = {The Spectral-Element Method, {B}eowulf Computing, and Global Seismology},
-journal = {Science},
-year = {2002},
-volume = {298},
-pages = {1737-1742},
-number = {5599},
-doi = {10.1126/science.1076024}
+  author = {D. Komatitsch and J. Ritsema and J. Tromp},
+  title = {The Spectral-Element Method, {B}eowulf Computing, and Global Seismology},
+  journal = {Science},
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {298},
+  pages = {1737-1742},
+  number = {5599},
+  doi = {10.1126/science.1076024}
-author = {D. Komatitsch and J. Tromp},
-title = {Propagaci{\'o}n de ondas s{\'\i}smicas en modelos de tierra global
-3-{D} usando elementos espectrales},
-booktitle = {M\'etodos num\'ericos en ingenieria y ciencias aplicadas},
-publisher = {CIMNE},
-year = {2002},
-editor = {{E. O{\~{n}}ate et al.}},
-pages = {676-686},
-address = {Barcelona, Espa{\~{n}}a}
+  author = {D. Komatitsch and J. Tromp},
+  title = {Propagaci{\'o}n de ondas s{\'\i}smicas en modelos de tierra global
+	3-{D} usando elementos espectrales},
+  booktitle = {M\'etodos num\'ericos en ingenieria y ciencias aplicadas},
+  publisher = {CIMNE},
+  year = {2002},
+  editor = {{E. O{\~{n}}ate et al.}},
+  pages = {676-686},
+  address = {Barcelona, Espa{\~{n}}a}
-author = {D. Komatitsch and J. Tromp},
-title = {A {P}erfectly {M}atched {L}ayer absorbing boundary condition for
-the second-order seismic wave equation},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2003},
-volume = {154},
-pages = {146-153},
-number = {1},
-doi = {10.1046/j.1365-246X.2003.01950.x}
+  author = {D. Komatitsch and J. Tromp},
+  title = {A {P}erfectly {M}atched {L}ayer absorbing boundary condition for
+	the second-order seismic wave equation},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {154},
+  pages = {146-153},
+  number = {1},
+  doi = {10.1046/j.1365-246X.2003.01950.x}
-author = {D. Komatitsch and J. Tromp},
-title = {Spectral-Element Simulations of Global Seismic Wave Propagation{-I.
-journal = gji,
-year = {2002},
-volume = {149},
-pages = {390-412},
-number = {2},
-doi = {10.1046/j.1365-246X.2002.01653.x}
+  author = {D. Komatitsch and J. Tromp},
+  title = {Spectral-Element Simulations of Global Seismic Wave Propagation{-I.
+	V}alidation},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {149},
+  pages = {390-412},
+  number = {2},
+  doi = {10.1046/j.1365-246X.2002.01653.x}
-author = {D. Komatitsch and J. Tromp},
-title = {Spectral-Element Simulations of Global Seismic Wave Propagation{-II.
-3-D} Models, Oceans, Rotation, and Self-Gravitation},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2002},
-volume = {150},
-pages = {303-318},
-number = {1},
-doi = {10.1046/j.1365-246X.2002.01716.x}
+  author = {D. Komatitsch and J. Tromp},
+  title = {Spectral-Element Simulations of Global Seismic Wave Propagation{-II.
+	3-D} Models, Oceans, Rotation, and Self-Gravitation},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {150},
+  pages = {303-318},
+  number = {1},
+  doi = {10.1046/j.1365-246X.2002.01716.x}
-author = {D. Komatitsch and J. Tromp},
-title = {Modeling of seismic wave propagation at the scale of the {E}arth
-on a large {B}eowulf},
-journal = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Supercomputing SC'2001 conference},
-year = {2001},
-pages = {33-41},
-doi = {10.1109/SC.2001.10003}
+  author = {D. Komatitsch and J. Tromp},
+  title = {Modeling of seismic wave propagation at the scale of the {E}arth
+	on a large {B}eowulf},
+  journal = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Supercomputing SC'2001 conference},
+  year = {2001},
+  pages = {33-41},
+  doi = {10.1109/SC.2001.10003}
-author = {D. Komatitsch and J. Tromp},
-title = {Modeling Seismic Wave Propagation on a 156~{GB PC} Cluster},
-journal = {Linux Journal},
-year = {2001},
-volume = {90},
-pages = {38-45}
+  author = {D. Komatitsch and J. Tromp},
+  title = {Modeling Seismic Wave Propagation on a 156~{GB PC} Cluster},
+  journal = {Linux Journal},
+  year = {2001},
+  volume = {90},
+  pages = {38-45}
-author = {D. Komatitsch and J. Tromp},
-title = {Introduction to the spectral-element method for 3-{D} seismic wave
-journal = gji,
-year = {1999},
-volume = {139},
-pages = {806-822},
-number = {3},
-doi = {10.1046/j.1365-246x.1999.00967.x}
+  author = {D. Komatitsch and J. Tromp},
+  title = {Introduction to the spectral-element method for 3-{D} seismic wave
+	propagation},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1999},
+  volume = {139},
+  pages = {806-822},
+  number = {3},
+  doi = {10.1046/j.1365-246x.1999.00967.x}
-author = {Dimitri Komatitsch and Seiji Tsuboi and Chen Ji and Jeroen Tromp},
-title = {A 14.6~billion degrees of freedom, 5~teraflops, 2.5~terabyte earthquake
-simulation on the {E}arth~{S}imulator},
-journal = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Supercomputing SC'2003 conference},
-year = {2003},
-pages = {4-11},
-note = {{G}ordon {B}ell {P}rize winner article},
-doi = {10.1109/SC.2003.10023}
+  author = {Dimitri Komatitsch and Seiji Tsuboi and Chen Ji and Jeroen Tromp},
+  title = {A 14.6~billion degrees of freedom, 5~teraflops, 2.5~terabyte earthquake
+	simulation on the {E}arth~{S}imulator},
+  journal = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Supercomputing SC'2003 conference},
+  year = {2003},
+  pages = {4-11},
+  note = {{G}ordon {B}ell {P}rize winner article},
+  doi = {10.1109/SC.2003.10023}
-author = {D. Komatitsch and S. Tsuboi and J. Tromp},
-title = {The Spectral-Element Method in Seismology},
-booktitle = {Seismic Earth: Array Analysis of Broadband Seismograms},
-publisher = {American Geophysical Union},
-year = {2005},
-editor = {Alan Levander and Guust Nolet},
-volume = {157},
-series = {Geophysical Monograph},
-pages = {205-228},
-address = {Washington DC, USA}
+  author = {D. Komatitsch and S. Tsuboi and J. Tromp},
+  title = {The Spectral-Element Method in Seismology},
+  booktitle = {Seismic Earth: Array Analysis of Broadband Seismograms},
+  publisher = {American Geophysical Union},
+  year = {2005},
+  editor = {Alan Levander and Guust Nolet},
+  volume = {157},
+  series = {Geophysical Monograph},
+  pages = {205-228},
+  address = {Washington DC, USA}
-author = {D. Komatitsch and J. P. Vilotte},
-title = {The spectral-element method: an efficient tool to simulate the seismic
-response of 2{D} and 3{D} geological structures},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1998},
-volume = {88},
-pages = {368-392},
-number = {2}
+  author = {D. Komatitsch and J. P. Vilotte},
+  title = {The spectral-element method: an efficient tool to simulate the seismic
+	response of 2{D} and 3{D} geological structures},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {88},
+  pages = {368-392},
+  number = {2}
-author = {D. Komatitsch and J. P. Vilotte and R. Vai and J. M. Castillo-Covarrubias
-and F. J. S\'anchez-Sesma},
-title = {The spectral-element method for elastic wave equations: application
-to 2{D} and 3{D} seismic problems},
-journal = ijnme,
-year = {1999},
-volume = {45},
-pages = {1139-1164},
-number = {9},
-doi = {10.1002/(SICI)1097-0207(19990730)45:9<1139::AID-NME617>3.0.CO;2-T}
+  author = {D. Komatitsch and J. P. Vilotte and R. Vai and J. M. Castillo-Covarrubias
+	and F. J. S\'anchez-Sesma},
+  title = {The spectral-element method for elastic wave equations: application
+	to 2{D} and 3{D} seismic problems},
+  journal = ijnme,
+  year = {1999},
+  volume = {45},
+  pages = {1139-1164},
+  number = {9},
+  doi = {10.1002/(SICI)1097-0207(19990730)45:9<1139::AID-NME617>3.0.CO;2-T}
-author = {D. Komatitsch and L. P. Vinnik and S. Chevrot},
-title = {{SH}diff/{SV}diff splitting in an isotropic {E}arth},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {2010},
-volume = {115},
-pages = {B07312},
-number = {B7},
-doi = {10.1029/2009JB006795}
+  author = {D. Komatitsch and L. P. Vinnik and S. Chevrot},
+  title = {{SH}diff/{SV}diff splitting in an isotropic {E}arth},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {2010},
+  volume = {115},
+  pages = {B07312},
+  number = {B7},
+  doi = {10.1029/2009JB006795}
-author = {V. Komornik},
-title = {Stabilisation fronti\`ere des \'equations de {M}axwell},
-journal = {C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris S\'er. I},
-year = {1994},
-volume = {318},
-pages = {535-540}
+  author = {V. Komornik},
+  title = {Stabilisation fronti\`ere des \'equations de {M}axwell},
+  journal = {C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris S\'er. I},
+  year = {1994},
+  volume = {318},
+  pages = {535-540}
-author = {D. A. Kopriva},
-title = {Metric identities and the discontinuous spectral element method on
-curvilinear meshes},
-journal = {Journal of Scientific Computing},
-year = {2006},
-volume = {26},
-pages = {301-327},
-number = {3},
-doi = {10.1007/s10915-005-9070-8}
+  author = {D. A. Kopriva},
+  title = {Metric identities and the discontinuous spectral element method on
+	curvilinear meshes},
+  journal = {Journal of Scientific Computing},
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {26},
+  pages = {301-327},
+  number = {3},
+  doi = {10.1007/s10915-005-9070-8}
-author = {D. A. Kopriva},
-title = {A conservative staggered-grid {C}hebyshev multidomain method for
-compressible flows: {P}art {II}, a semi-structured method},
-journal = jcp,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {128},
-pages = {475-488}
+  author = {D. A. Kopriva},
+  title = {A conservative staggered-grid {C}hebyshev multidomain method for
+	compressible flows: {P}art {II}, a semi-structured method},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {128},
+  pages = {475-488}
-author = {David A. Kopriva},
-title = {Computation of Hyperbolic Equations on Complicated Domains with Patched
-and Overset {C}hebyshev Grids},
-journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing},
-year = {1989},
-volume = {10},
-pages = {120-132},
-number = {1},
-doi = {10.1137/0910010}
+  author = {David A. Kopriva},
+  title = {Computation of Hyperbolic Equations on Complicated Domains with Patched
+	and Overset {C}hebyshev Grids},
+  journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing},
+  year = {1989},
+  volume = {10},
+  pages = {120-132},
+  number = {1},
+  doi = {10.1137/0910010}
-author = {David A. Kopriva},
-title = {A spectral multidomain method for the solution of hyperbolic systems},
-journal = {Applied Numerical Mathematics},
-year = {1986},
-volume = {2},
-pages = {221-241},
-number = {3-5},
-doi = {10.1016/0168-9274(86)90030-9}
+  author = {David A. Kopriva},
+  title = {A spectral multidomain method for the solution of hyperbolic systems},
+  journal = {Applied Numerical Mathematics},
+  year = {1986},
+  volume = {2},
+  pages = {221-241},
+  number = {3-5},
+  doi = {10.1016/0168-9274(86)90030-9}
-author = {D. A. Kopriva and S. L. Woodruff and M. Y. Hussaini},
-title = {Computation of electromagnetic scattering with a non-conforming discontinuous
-spectral element method},
-journal = ijnme,
-year = {2002},
-volume = {53},
-pages = {105-122},
-number = {1},
-doi = {10.1002/nme.394}
+  author = {D. A. Kopriva and S. L. Woodruff and M. Y. Hussaini},
+  title = {Computation of electromagnetic scattering with a non-conforming discontinuous
+	spectral element method},
+  journal = ijnme,
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {53},
+  pages = {105-122},
+  number = {1},
+  doi = {10.1002/nme.394}
-author = {A. M. Kosevich and Yu. A. Kosevich and E. S. Syrkin},
-title = {Generalized {R}ayleigh waves and the geometry of isofrequency surfaces
-of sound oscillation waves in crystals},
-journal = {Soviet Physics - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics},
-year = {1985},
-volume = {61},
-pages = {639-644}
+  author = {A. M. Kosevich and Yu. A. Kosevich and E. S. Syrkin},
+  title = {Generalized {R}ayleigh waves and the geometry of isofrequency surfaces
+	of sound oscillation waves in crystals},
+  journal = {Soviet Physics - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics},
+  year = {1985},
+  volume = {61},
+  pages = {639-644}
-author = {Yu. A. Kosevich and E. S. Syrkin},
-title = {Existence criterion and properties of deeply penetrating {R}ayleigh
-waves in crystals},
-journal = {Soviet Physics - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics},
-year = {1985},
-volume = {62},
-pages = {1282-1286},
-number = {6}
+  author = {Yu. A. Kosevich and E. S. Syrkin},
+  title = {Existence criterion and properties of deeply penetrating {R}ayleigh
+	waves in crystals},
+  journal = {Soviet Physics - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics},
+  year = {1985},
+  volume = {62},
+  pages = {1282-1286},
+  number = {6}
-author = {Yu. A. Kosevich and E. S. Syrkin and A. M. Kosevich},
-title = {Vibrations localized near surfaces and interfaces in non-traditional
-journal = {Progress in Surface Science},
-year = {1997},
-volume = {55},
-pages = {59-111},
-number = {1}
+  author = {Yu. A. Kosevich and E. S. Syrkin and A. M. Kosevich},
+  title = {Vibrations localized near surfaces and interfaces in non-traditional
+	crystals},
+  journal = {Progress in Surface Science},
+  year = {1997},
+  volume = {55},
+  pages = {59-111},
+  number = {1}
-author = {D. Kosloff and E. Baysal},
-title = {Forward modeling by the {F}ourier method},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1982},
-volume = {47},
-pages = {1402-1412}
+  author = {D. Kosloff and E. Baysal},
+  title = {Forward modeling by the {F}ourier method},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1982},
+  volume = {47},
+  pages = {1402-1412}
-author = {D. Kosloff and D. Kessler and A. Q. Filho and E. Tessmer and A. Behle
-and R. Strahilevitz},
-title = {Solution of the equations of dynamic elasticity by a {C}hebychev
-spectral method},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1990},
-volume = {55},
-pages = {734-748},
-doi = {10.1190/1.1442885}
+  author = {D. Kosloff and D. Kessler and A. Q. Filho and E. Tessmer and A. Behle
+	and R. Strahilevitz},
+  title = {Solution of the equations of dynamic elasticity by a {C}hebychev
+	spectral method},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1990},
+  volume = {55},
+  pages = {734-748},
+  doi = {10.1190/1.1442885}
-author = {D. Kosloff and M. Reshef and D. Loewenthal},
-title = {Elastic wave calculations by the {F}ourier method},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1984},
-volume = {74},
-pages = {875-891}
+  author = {D. Kosloff and M. Reshef and D. Loewenthal},
+  title = {Elastic wave calculations by the {F}ourier method},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1984},
+  volume = {74},
+  pages = {875-891}
-author = {D. Kosloff and H. Tal-Ezer},
-title = {A modified {C}hebyshev pseudospectral method with an {{$O(N^{-1})$}}
-time step restriction},
-journal = jcp,
-year = {1993},
-volume = {104},
-pages = {457-469}
+  author = {D. Kosloff and H. Tal-Ezer},
+  title = {A modified {C}hebyshev pseudospectral method with an {{$O(N^{-1})$}}
+	time step restriction},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {1993},
+  volume = {104},
+  pages = {457-469}
-author = {T. I. Kosmanis and T. V. Yioultsis and T. D. Tsiboukis},
-title = {Perfectly matched anisotropic layer for the numerical analysis of
-unbounded eddy-current problems},
-journal = {IEEE transactions on Magnetics},
-year = {1999},
-volume = {35},
-pages = {4452-4458},
-number = {6}
+  author = {T. I. Kosmanis and T. V. Yioultsis and T. D. Tsiboukis},
+  title = {Perfectly matched anisotropic layer for the numerical analysis of
+	unbounded eddy-current problems},
+  journal = {IEEE transactions on Magnetics},
+  year = {1999},
+  volume = {35},
+  pages = {4452-4458},
+  number = {6}
-author = {Sean E. Krakiwsky and Laurence E. Turner and Michal M. Okoniewski},
-title = {Graphics processor unit ({GPU}) acceleration of a finite-difference
-time-domain ({FDTD}) algorithm},
-journal = {Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits
-and Systems},
-year = {2004},
-pages = {265-268},
-address = {Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada}
+  author = {Sean E. Krakiwsky and Laurence E. Turner and Michal M. Okoniewski},
+  title = {Graphics processor unit ({GPU}) acceleration of a finite-difference
+	time-domain ({FDTD}) algorithm},
+  journal = {Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits
+	and Systems},
+  year = {2004},
+  pages = {265-268},
+  address = {Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada}
-author = {S. E. Krakiwsky and L. E. Turner and M. M. Okoniewski},
-title = {Acceleration of finite-difference time-domain ({FDTD}) using graphics
-processor units ({GPU})},
-journal = {IEEE 2004 MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest},
-year = {2004},
-volume = {2},
-pages = {1033-1036},
-doi = {10.1109/MWSYM.2004.1339160}
+  author = {S. E. Krakiwsky and L. E. Turner and M. M. Okoniewski},
+  title = {Acceleration of finite-difference time-domain ({FDTD}) using graphics
+	processor units ({GPU})},
+  journal = {IEEE 2004 MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest},
+  year = {2004},
+  volume = {2},
+  pages = {1033-1036},
+  doi = {10.1109/MWSYM.2004.1339160}
-author = {E. Kraut},
-title = {Review of theories of scattering of elastic waves by cracks},
-journal = {IEEE Trans. S. U.},
-year = {1976},
-volume = {3},
-pages = {162-167}
+  author = {E. Kraut},
+  title = {Review of theories of scattering of elastic waves by cracks},
+  journal = {IEEE Trans. S. U.},
+  year = {1976},
+  volume = {3},
+  pages = {162-167}
-author = {E. A. Kraut},
-title = {Advances in the theory of anisotropic elastic wave propagation},
-journal = {Reviews of Geophysics},
-year = {1963},
-volume = {1},
-pages = {401-448},
-number = {3}
+  author = {E. A. Kraut},
+  title = {Advances in the theory of anisotropic elastic wave propagation},
+  journal = {Reviews of Geophysics},
+  year = {1963},
+  volume = {1},
+  pages = {401-448},
+  number = {3}
-author = {Steen Krenk},
-title = {Energy conservation in {N}ewmark based time integration algorithms},
-journal = cmame,
-year = {2006},
-pages = {6110-6124},
-doi = {10.1016/j.cma.2005.12.001}
+  author = {Steen Krenk},
+  title = {Energy conservation in {N}ewmark based time integration algorithms},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {2006},
+  pages = {6110-6124},
+  doi = {10.1016/j.cma.2005.12.001}
-author = {Swaminathan Krishnan and Chen Ji and Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen
-title = {Case Studies of Damage to Tall Steel Moment-Frame Buildings in {S}outhern
-{C}alifornia during Large {S}an {A}ndreas Earthquakes},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {2006},
-volume = {96},
-pages = {1523-1537},
-number = {4A},
-doi = {10.1785/0120050145}
+  author = {Swaminathan Krishnan and Chen Ji and Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen
+	Tromp},
+  title = {Case Studies of Damage to Tall Steel Moment-Frame Buildings in {S}outhern
+	{C}alifornia during Large {S}an {A}ndreas Earthquakes},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {96},
+  pages = {1523-1537},
+  number = {4A},
+  doi = {10.1785/0120050145}
-author = {Swaminathan Krishnan and Chen Ji and Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen
-title = {Performance of two 18-story steel moment-frame buildings in {S}outhern
-{C}alifornia during two large simulated {S}an {A}ndreas Earthquakes},
-journal = {Earthquake Spectra},
-year = {2006},
-volume = {22},
-pages = {1035-1061},
-number = {4},
-doi = {10.1193/1.2360698}
+  author = {Swaminathan Krishnan and Chen Ji and Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen
+	Tromp},
+  title = {Performance of two 18-story steel moment-frame buildings in {S}outhern
+	{C}alifornia during two large simulated {S}an {A}ndreas Earthquakes},
+  journal = {Earthquake Spectra},
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {22},
+  pages = {1035-1061},
+  number = {4},
+  doi = {10.1193/1.2360698}
-author = {Swaminathan Krishnan and Chen Ji and Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen
-title = {Impact of a large {S}an {A}ndreas fault earthquake on tall buildings
-in {S}outhern {C}alifornia},
-booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering},
-year = {2006},
-pages = {1-12},
-month = {April 18-22},
-note = {Paper No. 154, available on CD-ROM.}
+  author = {Swaminathan Krishnan and Chen Ji and Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen
+	Tromp},
+  title = {Impact of a large {S}an {A}ndreas fault earthquake on tall buildings
+	in {S}outhern {C}alifornia},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering},
+  year = {2006},
+  pages = {1-12},
+  month = {April 18-22},
+  note = {Paper No. 154, available on CD-ROM.}
-author = {J. Kristek and P. Moczo},
-title = {Seismic-Wave Propagation in Viscoelastic Media with Material Discontinuities:
-{A 3D} Fourth-Order Staggered-Grid Finite-Difference Modeling},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {2003},
-volume = {93},
-pages = {2273-2280},
-number = {5}
+  author = {J. Kristek and P. Moczo},
+  title = {Seismic-Wave Propagation in Viscoelastic Media with Material Discontinuities:
+	{A 3D} Fourth-Order Staggered-Grid Finite-Difference Modeling},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {93},
+  pages = {2273-2280},
+  number = {5}
-author = {Jozef Kristek and Peter Moczo and Martin Galis},
-title = {A brief summary of some {PML} formulations and discretizations for
-the velocity-stress equation of seismic motion},
-journal = {Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica},
-year = {2009},
-volume = {53},
-pages = {459-474},
-number = {4},
-doi = {10.1007/s11200-009-0034-6}
+  author = {Jozef Kristek and Peter Moczo and Martin Galis},
+  title = {A brief summary of some {PML} formulations and discretizations for
+	the velocity-stress equation of seismic motion},
+  journal = {Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica},
+  year = {2009},
+  volume = {53},
+  pages = {459-474},
+  number = {4},
+  doi = {10.1007/s11200-009-0034-6}
-author = {J. Kristek and P. Moczo and K. Irikura and T. Iwata and H. Sekiguchi},
-title = {The 1995 {K}obe mainshock simulated by {3D} finite differences},
-booktitle = {The Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion},
-publisher = {Balkema},
-year = {1999},
-editor = {K. Irikura and K. Kudo and H. Okada and T. Sasatani},
-volume = {3},
-pages = {1361-1368},
-address = {Rotterdam, The Netherlands}
+  author = {J. Kristek and P. Moczo and K. Irikura and T. Iwata and H. Sekiguchi},
+  title = {The 1995 {K}obe mainshock simulated by {3D} finite differences},
+  booktitle = {The Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion},
+  publisher = {Balkema},
+  year = {1999},
+  editor = {K. Irikura and K. Kudo and H. Okada and T. Sasatani},
+  volume = {3},
+  pages = {1361-1368},
+  address = {Rotterdam, The Netherlands}
-author = {F. Krueger and M. Weber and F. Scherbaum and J. Schlittenhardt},
-title = {Evidence for normal and inhomogeneous lowermost mantle and core-mantle
-boundary structure under the {A}rctic and northern {C}anada},
-journal = gji,
-year = {1995},
-volume = {122},
-pages = {637-657},
-number = {2}
+  author = {F. Krueger and M. Weber and F. Scherbaum and J. Schlittenhardt},
+  title = {Evidence for normal and inhomogeneous lowermost mantle and core-mantle
+	boundary structure under the {A}rctic and northern {C}anada},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1995},
+  volume = {122},
+  pages = {637-657},
+  number = {2}
-author = {Jens Kr{\"u}ger},
-title = {A {GPU} Framework for Interactive Simulation and Rendering of Fluid
-school = {Technische Universit{\"a}t M{\"u}nchen, Germany},
-year = {2006},
-month = dec
+  author = {Jens Kr{\"u}ger},
+  title = {A {GPU} Framework for Interactive Simulation and Rendering of Fluid
+	Effects},
+  school = {Technische Universit{\"a}t M{\"u}nchen, Germany},
+  year = {2006},
+  month = dec
-author = {Jens Kr{\"u}ger and R{\"u}diger Westermann},
-title = {Linear algebra operators for {GPU} implementation of numerical algorithms},
-journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics},
-year = {2003},
-volume = {22},
-pages = {908--916},
-number = {3},
-month = jul,
-doi = {10.1145/882262.882363}
+  author = {Jens Kr{\"u}ger and R{\"u}diger Westermann},
+  title = {Linear algebra operators for {GPU} implementation of numerical algorithms},
+  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics},
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {22},
+  pages = {908--916},
+  number = {3},
+  month = jul,
+  doi = {10.1145/882262.882363}
-author = {M. Kumazawa and O. L. Anderson},
-title = {Elastic Moduli, Pressure Derivates and Temperature Derivates of Single-Crystal
-Olivine and Single-Crystal Forstite},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {1969},
-volume = {74},
-pages = {5961-5972}
+  author = {M. Kumazawa and O. L. Anderson},
+  title = {Elastic Moduli, Pressure Derivates and Temperature Derivates of Single-Crystal
+	Olivine and Single-Crystal Forstite},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {1969},
+  volume = {74},
+  pages = {5961-5972}
-author = {B. Kummer and A. Behle},
-title = {Fast modeling of seismic waves in laterally inhomogeneous media},
-booktitle = {Expanded abstracts of the Soc. Expl. Geophys.},
-year = {1988},
-pages = {1175-1177},
-note = {58th international meeting of the SEG}
+  author = {B. Kummer and A. Behle},
+  title = {Fast modeling of seismic waves in laterally inhomogeneous media},
+  booktitle = {Expanded abstracts of the Soc. Expl. Geophys.},
+  year = {1988},
+  pages = {1175-1177},
+  note = {58th international meeting of the SEG}
-author = {B. Kustowski and A. M. Dziewo\'nski and G. Ekstrom},
-title = {Modeling the anisotropic shear-wave velocity structure in the {E}arth's
-mantle on global and regional scales},
-journal = {EOS},
-year = {2006},
-volume = {87},
-pages = {Abstract S41E-02},
-number = {52},
-note = {Fall Meet. Suppl.}
+  author = {B. Kustowski and A. M. Dziewo\'nski and G. Ekstrom},
+  title = {Modeling the anisotropic shear-wave velocity structure in the {E}arth's
+	mantle on global and regional scales},
+  journal = {EOS},
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {87},
+  pages = {Abstract S41E-02},
+  number = {52},
+  note = {Fall Meet. Suppl.}
-author = {S. V. Kuznetsov},
-title = {"Forbidden" planes for {R}ayleigh waves},
-journal = {Quarterly of Applied Mathematics},
-year = {2002},
-volume = {60},
-pages = {87-97}
+  author = {S. V. Kuznetsov},
+  title = {"Forbidden" planes for {R}ayleigh waves},
+  journal = {Quarterly of Applied Mathematics},
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {60},
+  pages = {87-97}
-author = {M. Kuzuoglu and R. Mittra},
-title = {Frequency dependence of the constitutive parameters of causal perfectly
-matched anisotropic absorbers},
-journal = {IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters},
-year = {1996},
-volume = {6},
-pages = {447-449},
-number = {12}
+  author = {M. Kuzuoglu and R. Mittra},
+  title = {Frequency dependence of the constitutive parameters of causal perfectly
+	matched anisotropic absorbers},
+  journal = {IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters},
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {6},
+  pages = {447-449},
+  number = {12}
-author = {D. J. P. Lahaye and F. Maggio and A. Quarteroni},
-title = {Hybrid finite element-spectral element approximation of wave propagation
-journal = {East-West J. Numer. Math.},
-year = {1997},
-volume = {5},
-pages = {265-289},
-number = {4}
+  author = {D. J. P. Lahaye and F. Maggio and A. Quarteroni},
+  title = {Hybrid finite element-spectral element approximation of wave propagation
+	problems},
+  journal = {East-West J. Numer. Math.},
+  year = {1997},
+  volume = {5},
+  pages = {265-289},
+  number = {4}
-author = {R. Lakes},
-title = {Foam structures with a negative {P}oisson's ratio},
-journal = {Science},
-year = {1987},
-volume = {235},
-pages = {1038-1040}
+  author = {R. Lakes},
+  title = {Foam structures with a negative {P}oisson's ratio},
+  journal = {Science},
+  year = {1987},
+  volume = {235},
+  pages = {1038-1040}
-title = {Le\c cons sur la th\'eorie math\'ematique de l'\'elasticit\'e des
-corps solides},
-publisher = {Gauthier-Villars},
-year = {1852},
-author = {Gabriel Lam\'e},
-address = {Paris}
+  title = {Le\c cons sur la th\'eorie math\'ematique de l'\'elasticit\'e des
+	corps solides},
+  publisher = {Gauthier-Villars},
+  year = {1852},
+  author = {Gabriel Lam\'e},
+  address = {Paris}
-author = {H. Lamb},
-title = {On the propagation of tremors over the surface of an elastic solid},
-journal = {Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London. Ser. A},
-year = {1904},
-volume = {203},
-pages = {1-42}
+  author = {H. Lamb},
+  title = {On the propagation of tremors over the surface of an elastic solid},
+  journal = {Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London. Ser. A},
+  year = {1904},
+  volume = {203},
+  pages = {1-42}
-author = {Gilles Lambar\'e and Jean Virieux and Raul Madariaga and Side Jin},
-title = {Iterative asymptotic inversion in the acoustic approximation},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1992},
-volume = {57},
-pages = {1138-1154},
-number = {9}
+  author = {Gilles Lambar\'e and Jean Virieux and Raul Madariaga and Side Jin},
+  title = {Iterative asymptotic inversion in the acoustic approximation},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1992},
+  volume = {57},
+  pages = {1138-1154},
+  number = {9}
-title = {Th\'eorie de l'\'elasticit\'e ({T}heory of {E}lasticity)},
-publisher = {Mir},
-year = {1953},
-author = {L. Landau and E. Lifchitz},
-address = {Moscow, Russia},
-edition = {2nd}
+  title = {Th\'eorie de l'\'elasticit\'e ({T}heory of {E}lasticity)},
+  publisher = {Mir},
+  year = {1953},
+  author = {L. Landau and E. Lifchitz},
+  address = {Moscow, Russia},
+  edition = {2nd}
-title = {Fluid mechanics},
-publisher = {Pergamon Press},
-year = {1959},
-author = {L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz},
-address = {New York}
+  title = {Fluid mechanics},
+  publisher = {Pergamon Press},
+  year = {1959},
+  author = {L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz},
+  address = {New York}
-author = {E. R. Lapwood},
-title = {The transmission of a {R}ayleigh pulse round a corner},
-journal = {Geophys. J.},
-year = {1961},
-volume = {4},
-pages = {174-196}
+  author = {E. R. Lapwood},
+  title = {The transmission of a {R}ayleigh pulse round a corner},
+  journal = {Geophys. J.},
+  year = {1961},
+  volume = {4},
+  pages = {174-196}
-author = {S. Larsen and M. Antolik and D. Dreger and C. Stidham and C. Schultz
-and A. Lomax and B. Romanowicz},
-title = {3-{D} Models of Seismic Wave Propagation: Simulating Scenario Earthquakes
-Along the {H}ayward Fault},
-journal = {Seis. Res. Lett.},
-year = {1997},
-volume = {68},
-pages = {328}
+  author = {S. Larsen and M. Antolik and D. Dreger and C. Stidham and C. Schultz
+	and A. Lomax and B. Romanowicz},
+  title = {3-{D} Models of Seismic Wave Propagation: Simulating Scenario Earthquakes
+	Along the {H}ayward Fault},
+  journal = {Seis. Res. Lett.},
+  year = {1997},
+  volume = {68},
+  pages = {328}
-author = {Konstantin Latychev and Jerry X. Mitrovica and Jeroen Tromp and Mark
-E. Tamisiea and Dimitri Komatitsch and Christina C. Christara},
-title = {Glacial isostatic adjustment on 3-{D} {E}arth models: a finite-volume
-journal = gji,
-year = {2005},
-volume = {161},
-pages = {421-444},
-number = {2},
-doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2005.02536.x}
+  author = {Konstantin Latychev and Jerry X. Mitrovica and Jeroen Tromp and Mark
+	E. Tamisiea and Dimitri Komatitsch and Christina C. Christara},
+  title = {Glacial isostatic adjustment on 3-{D} {E}arth models: a finite-volume
+	formulation},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {161},
+  pages = {421-444},
+  number = {2},
+  doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2005.02536.x}
-author = {T. Lay and H. Kanamori and C.J. Ammon and M. Nettles and S. N. Ward
-and R. C. Aster and S. L. Beck and S. L. Bilek and M. R. Brudzinski
-and R. Butler and H. R. DeShon and G. Ekstrom and K. Satake and S.
-title = {The great {S}umatra-{A}ndaman earthquake of 26 {D}ecember 2004},
-journal = {Science},
-year = {2005},
-volume = {3},
-pages = {1127-1133},
-number = {5725}
+  author = {T. Lay and H. Kanamori and C.J. Ammon and M. Nettles and S. N. Ward
+	and R. C. Aster and S. L. Beck and S. L. Bilek and M. R. Brudzinski
+	and R. Butler and H. R. DeShon and G. Ekstrom and K. Satake and S.
+	Sipkin},
+  title = {The great {S}umatra-{A}ndaman earthquake of 26 {D}ecember 2004},
+  journal = {Science},
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {3},
+  pages = {1127-1133},
+  number = {5725}
-author = {T. Lay and C. Young},
-title = {Analysis of seismic {SV} waves in the core's penumbra},
-journal = grl,
-year = {1991},
-volume = {18},
-pages = {1373-1376}
+  author = {T. Lay and C. Young},
+  title = {Analysis of seismic {SV} waves in the core's penumbra},
+  journal = grl,
+  year = {1991},
+  volume = {18},
+  pages = {1373-1376}
-author = {J. H. {Le Rousseau}},
-title = {Microlocal analysis of wave-equation imaging and generalized-screen
-school = {Center for Wave Phenomena, Colorado School of Mines},
-year = {2001}
+  author = {J. H. {Le Rousseau}},
+  title = {Microlocal analysis of wave-equation imaging and generalized-screen
+	propagators},
+  school = {Center for Wave Phenomena, Colorado School of Mines},
+  year = {2001}
-author = {Joon Ho Lee and Qing Huo Liu},
-title = {A {3-D} Spectral-Element Time-Domain Method for Electromagnetic Simulation},
-journal = {IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques},
-year = {2007},
-volume = {55},
-pages = {983-991},
-number = {5},
-doi = {10.1109/TMTT.2007.895398}
+  author = {Joon Ho Lee and Qing Huo Liu},
+  title = {A {3-D} Spectral-Element Time-Domain Method for Electromagnetic Simulation},
+  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques},
+  year = {2007},
+  volume = {55},
+  pages = {983-991},
+  number = {5},
+  doi = {10.1109/TMTT.2007.895398}
-author = {Joon Ho Lee and Qing Huo Liu},
-title = {An efficient {3-D} spectral element method for {S}chr\"odinger equation
-in nanodevice simulation},
-journal = {IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits
-and Systems},
-year = {2005},
-volume = {24},
-pages = {1848-1858},
-number = {12}
+  author = {Joon Ho Lee and Qing Huo Liu},
+  title = {An efficient {3-D} spectral element method for {S}chr\"odinger equation
+	in nanodevice simulation},
+  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits
+	and Systems},
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {24},
+  pages = {1848-1858},
+  number = {12}
-author = {Shiann Jong Lee and Yu Chang Chan and Dimitri Komatitsch and Bor
-Shouh Huang and Jeroen Tromp},
-title = {Effects of realistic surface topography on seismic ground motion
-in the {Y}angminshan region of {T}aiwan based upon the spectral-element
-method and {LiDAR DTM}},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {2009},
-volume = {99},
-pages = {681-693},
-number = {2A},
-doi = {10.1785/0120080264}
+  author = {Shiann Jong Lee and Yu Chang Chan and Dimitri Komatitsch and Bor
+	Shouh Huang and Jeroen Tromp},
+  title = {Effects of realistic surface topography on seismic ground motion
+	in the {Y}angminshan region of {T}aiwan based upon the spectral-element
+	method and {LiDAR DTM}},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {2009},
+  volume = {99},
+  pages = {681-693},
+  number = {2A},
+  doi = {10.1785/0120080264}
-author = {Shiann Jong Lee and How Wei Chen and Qinya Liu and Dimitri Komatitsch
-and Bor Shouh Huang and Jeroen Tromp},
-title = {Three-Dimensional Simulations of Seismic Wave Propagation in the
-{T}aipei Basin with Realistic Topography Based upon the Spectral-Element
-journal = bssa,
-year = {2008},
-volume = {98},
-pages = {253-264},
-number = {1},
-doi = {10.1785/0120070033}
+  author = {Shiann Jong Lee and How Wei Chen and Qinya Liu and Dimitri Komatitsch
+	and Bor Shouh Huang and Jeroen Tromp},
+  title = {Three-Dimensional Simulations of Seismic Wave Propagation in the
+	{T}aipei Basin with Realistic Topography Based upon the Spectral-Element
+	Method},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {2008},
+  volume = {98},
+  pages = {253-264},
+  number = {1},
+  doi = {10.1785/0120070033}
-author = {S. J. Lee and Dimitri Komatitsch and B. S. Huang and J. Tromp},
-title = {Effects of topography on seismic wave propagation: An example from
-northern {T}aiwan},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {2009},
-volume = {99},
-pages = {314-325},
-number = {1},
-doi = {10.1785/0120080020}
+  author = {S. J. Lee and Dimitri Komatitsch and B. S. Huang and J. Tromp},
+  title = {Effects of topography on seismic wave propagation: An example from
+	northern {T}aiwan},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {2009},
+  volume = {99},
+  pages = {314-325},
+  number = {1},
+  doi = {10.1785/0120080020}
-author = {A. Legay and H. W. Wang and T. Belytschko},
-title = {Strong and weak arbitrary discontinuities in spectral finite elements},
-journal = ijnme,
-year = {2005},
-volume = {64},
-pages = {991-1008},
-number = {8},
-doi = {10.1002/nme.1388}
+  author = {A. Legay and H. W. Wang and T. Belytschko},
+  title = {Strong and weak arbitrary discontinuities in spectral finite elements},
+  journal = ijnme,
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {64},
+  pages = {991-1008},
+  number = {8},
+  doi = {10.1002/nme.1388}
-title = {M\'ecanique des mat\'eriaux solides},
-publisher = {Dunod},
-year = {1985},
-author = {J. Lemaitre and J. L. Chaboche},
-address = {Paris}
+  title = {M\'ecanique des mat\'eriaux solides},
+  publisher = {Dunod},
+  year = {1985},
+  author = {J. Lemaitre and J. L. Chaboche},
+  address = {Paris}
-author = {P. G. Lemari\'e},
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-journal = {Journal de Math\'ematiques Pures et Appliqu\'ees},
-year = {1988},
-volume = {67},
-pages = {9999998-9999999}
+  author = {P. G. Lemari\'e},
+  title = {Ondelettes \`a localisation exponentielle},
+  journal = {Journal de Math\'ematiques Pures et Appliqu\'ees},
+  year = {1988},
+  volume = {67},
+  pages = {9999998-9999999}
-title = {Turbulence in fluids},
-publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
-year = {1997},
-author = {M. Lesieur},
-address = {Dordrecht}
+  title = {Turbulence in fluids},
+  publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
+  year = {1997},
+  author = {M. Lesieur},
+  address = {Dordrecht}
-author = {Alan Levander and Fenglin Niu and Cin-Ty A. Lee and Xin Cheng},
-title = {Imag(in)ing the continental lithosphere},
-journal = {Tectonophysics},
-year = {2006},
-volume = {416},
-pages = {167-185},
-number = {1-4},
-doi = {10.1016/j.tecto.2005.11.018}
+  author = {Alan Levander and Fenglin Niu and Cin-Ty A. Lee and Xin Cheng},
+  title = {Imag(in)ing the continental lithosphere},
+  journal = {Tectonophysics},
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {416},
+  pages = {167-185},
+  number = {1-4},
+  doi = {10.1016/j.tecto.2005.11.018}
-author = {A. Levander and F. Niu and W. W. Symes},
-title = {Imaging teleseismic {P} to {S} scattered waves using the {K}irchhoff
-booktitle = {Seismic Earth: Array Analysis of Broadband Seismograms},
-publisher = {American Geophysical Union},
-year = {2005},
-editor = {Alan Levander and Guust Nolet},
-volume = {157},
-series = {Geophysical Monograph},
-pages = {149-170},
-address = {Washington DC, USA}
+  author = {A. Levander and F. Niu and W. W. Symes},
+  title = {Imaging teleseismic {P} to {S} scattered waves using the {K}irchhoff
+	integral},
+  booktitle = {Seismic Earth: Array Analysis of Broadband Seismograms},
+  publisher = {American Geophysical Union},
+  year = {2005},
+  editor = {Alan Levander and Guust Nolet},
+  volume = {157},
+  series = {Geophysical Monograph},
+  pages = {149-170},
+  address = {Washington DC, USA}
-author = {A. R. Levander},
-title = {Fourth-order finite-difference {{\it P-SV}} seismograms},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1988},
-volume = {53},
-pages = {1425-1436}
+  author = {A. R. Levander},
+  title = {Fourth-order finite-difference {{\it P-SV}} seismograms},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1988},
+  volume = {53},
+  pages = {1425-1436}
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-from teleseismic receiver functions},
-journal = {Geology},
-year = {2000},
-volume = {28},
-pages = {303-306}
+  author = {J. Lewis and S. M. Day and H. Magistrale and J. Eakins and F. L.
+	Vernon},
+  title = {Crustal thickness of the {P}eninsular {R}anges, southern {C}alifornia,
+	from teleseismic receiver functions},
+  journal = {Geology},
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {28},
+  pages = {303-306}
-author = {X. Li and J. Bielak and O. Ghattas},
-title = {Three-dimensional earthquake response on a {CM}2},
-booktitle = {Proc. 10th World Conf. Earthquake Eng.},
-year = {1992},
-pages = {959-964},
-note = {Madrid, Spain}
+  author = {X. Li and J. Bielak and O. Ghattas},
+  title = {Three-dimensional earthquake response on a {CM}2},
+  booktitle = {Proc. 10th World Conf. Earthquake Eng.},
+  year = {1992},
+  pages = {959-964},
+  note = {Madrid, Spain}
-author = {X. Li and V. F. Cormier},
-title = {Frequency-dependent seismic attenuation in the inner core 1. {A}
-viscoelastic interpretation},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {2002},
-volume = {107},
-pages = {2361-2380},
-number = {B12},
-doi = {10.1029/2002JB001795}
+  author = {X. Li and V. F. Cormier},
+  title = {Frequency-dependent seismic attenuation in the inner core 1. {A}
+	viscoelastic interpretation},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {107},
+  pages = {2361-2380},
+  number = {B12},
+  doi = {10.1029/2002JB001795}
-author = {X. D. Li and B. Romanowicz},
-title = {Comparison of global waveform inversions with and without considering
-cross-branch modal coupling},
-journal = gji,
-year = {1995},
-volume = {121},
-pages = {695-709}
+  author = {X. D. Li and B. Romanowicz},
+  title = {Comparison of global waveform inversions with and without considering
+	cross-branch modal coupling},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1995},
+  volume = {121},
+  pages = {695-709}
-author = {X. D. Li and T. Tanimoto},
-title = {Waveforms of long-period body waves in a slightly aspherical {E}arth
-journal = gji,
-year = {1993},
-volume = {112},
-pages = {92-102}
+  author = {X. D. Li and T. Tanimoto},
+  title = {Waveforms of long-period body waves in a slightly aspherical {E}arth
+	model},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1993},
+  volume = {112},
+  pages = {92-102}
-author = {J. Liandrat and V. Perrier and P. Tchamitchian},
-title = {Numerical resolution of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
-using the Wavelet approach},
-booktitle = {Wavelets and their Applications},
-publisher = {Edited by Ruskai, Jones and Barlett},
-year = {1992},
-address = {New York}
+  author = {J. Liandrat and V. Perrier and P. Tchamitchian},
+  title = {Numerical resolution of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
+	using the Wavelet approach},
+  booktitle = {Wavelets and their Applications},
+  publisher = {Edited by Ruskai, Jones and Barlett},
+  year = {1992},
+  address = {New York}
-author = {T. C. Lim and G. W. Farnell},
-title = {Character of pseudo-surface waves on anisotropic crystals},
-journal = jasa,
-year = {1969},
-volume = {45},
-pages = {845-851},
-number = {4}
+  author = {T. C. Lim and G. W. Farnell},
+  title = {Character of pseudo-surface waves on anisotropic crystals},
+  journal = jasa,
+  year = {1969},
+  volume = {45},
+  pages = {845-851},
+  number = {4}
-author = {T. C. Lim and G. W. Farnell},
-title = {Search for forbidden directions of elastic surface wave propagation
-in anisotropic crystals},
-journal = {Journal of Applied Physics},
-year = {1968},
-volume = {39},
-pages = {4319-4325},
-number = {9}
+  author = {T. C. Lim and G. W. Farnell},
+  title = {Search for forbidden directions of elastic surface wave propagation
+	in anisotropic crystals},
+  journal = {Journal of Applied Physics},
+  year = {1968},
+  volume = {39},
+  pages = {4319-4325},
+  number = {9}
-author = {Erik Lindholm and John Nickolls and Stuart Oberman and John Montrym},
-title = {{NVIDIA} {T}esla: {A} Unified Graphics and Computing Architecture},
-journal = {IEEE Micro},
-year = {2008},
-volume = {28},
-pages = {39--55},
-number = {2},
-month = mar # {\slash } # apr,
-doi = {10.1109/MM.2008.31}
+  author = {Erik Lindholm and John Nickolls and Stuart Oberman and John Montrym},
+  title = {{NVIDIA} {T}esla: {A} Unified Graphics and Computing Architecture},
+  journal = {IEEE Micro},
+  year = {2008},
+  volume = {28},
+  pages = {39--55},
+  number = {2},
+  month = mar # {\slash } # apr,
+  doi = {10.1109/MM.2008.31}
-author = {Joseph M. Lindquist and Beny Neta and Francis X. Giraldo},
-title = {A spectral element solution of the {K}lein-{G}ordon equation with
-high-order treatment of time and non-reflecting boundary},
-journal = {Wave Motion},
-year = {2010},
-volume = {47},
-pages = {289-298},
-number = {5}
+  author = {Joseph M. Lindquist and Beny Neta and Francis X. Giraldo},
+  title = {A spectral element solution of the {K}lein-{G}ordon equation with
+	high-order treatment of time and non-reflecting boundary},
+  journal = {Wave Motion},
+  year = {2010},
+  volume = {47},
+  pages = {289-298},
+  number = {5}
-author = {H. P. Liu and D. L. Anderson and H. Kanamori},
-title = {Velocity dispersion due to anelasticity: implications for seismology
-and mantle composition},
-journal = gjras,
-year = {1976},
-volume = {47},
-pages = {41-58}
+  author = {H. P. Liu and D. L. Anderson and H. Kanamori},
+  title = {Velocity dispersion due to anelasticity: implications for seismology
+	and mantle composition},
+  journal = gjras,
+  year = {1976},
+  volume = {47},
+  pages = {41-58}
-author = {K. Liu and Xiao Bing Wang and Yang Zhang and Cheng Liao},
-title = {Acceleration of Time-Domain Finite Element Method ({TD-FEM}) Using
-{Graphics Processor Units (GPU)}},
-booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation
-\& EM Theory (ISAPE '06)},
-year = {2006},
-pages = {1-4},
-address = {Guilin, China},
-month = {October},
-doi = {10.1109/ISAPE.2006.353223},
-journal = {Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory}
+  author = {K. Liu and Xiao Bing Wang and Yang Zhang and Cheng Liao},
+  title = {Acceleration of Time-Domain Finite Element Method ({TD-FEM}) Using
+	{Graphics Processor Units (GPU)}},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation
+	\& EM Theory (ISAPE '06)},
+  year = {2006},
+  pages = {1-4},
+  address = {Guilin, China},
+  month = {October},
+  doi = {10.1109/ISAPE.2006.353223},
+  journal = {Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory}
-author = {Qinya Liu and Jascha Polet and Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp},
-title = {Spectral-element moment tensor inversions for earthquakes in {S}outhern
-journal = bssa,
-year = {2004},
-volume = {94},
-pages = {1748-1761},
-number = {5},
-doi = {10.1785/012004038}
+  author = {Qinya Liu and Jascha Polet and Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp},
+  title = {Spectral-element moment tensor inversions for earthquakes in {S}outhern
+	{C}alifornia},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {2004},
+  volume = {94},
+  pages = {1748-1761},
+  number = {5},
+  doi = {10.1785/012004038}
-author = {Q. Liu and J. Tao},
-title = {The perfectly matched layer for acoustic waves in absorptive media},
-journal = jasa,
-year = {1997},
-volume = {102},
-pages = {2072-2082},
-number = {4}
+  author = {Q. Liu and J. Tao},
+  title = {The perfectly matched layer for acoustic waves in absorptive media},
+  journal = jasa,
+  year = {1997},
+  volume = {102},
+  pages = {2072-2082},
+  number = {4}
-author = {Q. Liu and J. Tromp},
-title = {Finite-frequency sensitivity kernels for global seismic wave propagation
-based upon adjoint methods},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2008},
-volume = {174},
-pages = {265-286},
-number = {1},
-doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2008.03798.x}
+  author = {Q. Liu and J. Tromp},
+  title = {Finite-frequency sensitivity kernels for global seismic wave propagation
+	based upon adjoint methods},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2008},
+  volume = {174},
+  pages = {265-286},
+  number = {1},
+  doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2008.03798.x}
-author = {Qinya Liu and Jeroen Tromp},
-title = {Finite-Frequency Kernels Based on Adjoint Methods},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {2006},
-volume = {96},
-pages = {2383-2397},
-number = {6},
-doi = {10.1785/0120060041}
+  author = {Qinya Liu and Jeroen Tromp},
+  title = {Finite-Frequency Kernels Based on Adjoint Methods},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {96},
+  pages = {2383-2397},
+  number = {6},
+  doi = {10.1785/0120060041}
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-title = {Normal modes and seismograms in an anelastic rotating {E}arth},
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-year = {1991},
-volume = {91},
-pages = {20309-20319}
+  author = {P. Lognonn\'{e}},
+  title = {Normal modes and seismograms in an anelastic rotating {E}arth},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {1991},
+  volume = {91},
+  pages = {20309-20319}
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-journal = gji,
-year = {1990},
-volume = {102},
-pages = {365-395}
+  author = {P. Lognonn\'{e} and B. Romanowicz},
+  title = {Modeling of coupled normal modes of the {E}arth: the spectral method},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1990},
+  volume = {102},
+  pages = {365-395}
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-title = {Numerical treatment of two-dimensional interfaces for acoustic and
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-journal = jcp,
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-volume = {195},
-pages = {90-116},
-number = {1},
-doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2003.09.024}
+  author = {B. Lombard and J. Piraux},
+  title = {Numerical treatment of two-dimensional interfaces for acoustic and
+	elastic waves},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {2004},
+  volume = {195},
+  pages = {90-116},
+  number = {1},
+  doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2003.09.024}
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-title = {Free and smooth boundaries in 2-{D} finite-difference schemes for
-transient elastic waves},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2008},
-volume = {172},
-pages = {252-261},
-number = {1},
-doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03620.x}
+  author = {B. Lombard and J. Piraux and C. G\'elis and J. Virieux},
+  title = {Free and smooth boundaries in 2-{D} finite-difference schemes for
+	transient elastic waves},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2008},
+  volume = {172},
+  pages = {252-261},
+  number = {1},
+  doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03620.x}
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-title = {The core-mantle boundary region},
-journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth},
-year = {1995},
-volume = {100},
-pages = {6397-6420}
+  author = {D. E. Loper and T. Lay},
+  title = {The core-mantle boundary region},
+  journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth},
+  year = {1995},
+  volume = {100},
+  pages = {6397-6420}
-author = {J. Lothe and V.I. Alshits},
-title = {Surface waves, limiting waves and exceptional waves: David Barnett's
-role in the development of the theory},
-journal = {Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids},
-year = {2009},
-volume = {14},
-pages = {16-37}
+  author = {J. Lothe and V.I. Alshits},
+  title = {Surface waves, limiting waves and exceptional waves: David Barnett's
+	role in the development of the theory},
+  journal = {Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids},
+  year = {2009},
+  volume = {14},
+  pages = {16-37}
-author = {J. Lothe and V. I. Alshits},
-title = {Existence criterion for quasi-bulk surface waves},
-journal = {Soviet Physics Crystallography},
-year = {1977},
-volume = {22},
-pages = {519-525}
+  author = {J. Lothe and V. I. Alshits},
+  title = {Existence criterion for quasi-bulk surface waves},
+  journal = {Soviet Physics Crystallography},
+  year = {1977},
+  volume = {22},
+  pages = {519-525}
-author = {J. Lothe and D. M. Barnett},
-title = {On the existence of surface-wave solutions for anisotropic elastic
-half-spaces with free surface},
-journal = {Journal of Applied Physics},
-year = {1976},
-volume = {47},
-pages = {428-433}
+  author = {J. Lothe and D. M. Barnett},
+  title = {On the existence of surface-wave solutions for anisotropic elastic
+	half-spaces with free surface},
+  journal = {Journal of Applied Physics},
+  year = {1976},
+  volume = {47},
+  pages = {428-433}
-author = {J. Lothe and L. Wang},
-title = {Self-orthogonal sextic formalism for anisotropic elastic media: spaces
-of simple reflection and two-component surface waves},
-journal = {Wave Motion},
-year = {1995},
-volume = {21},
-pages = {163-181}
+  author = {J. Lothe and L. Wang},
+  title = {Self-orthogonal sextic formalism for anisotropic elastic media: spaces
+	of simple reflection and two-component surface waves},
+  journal = {Wave Motion},
+  year = {1995},
+  volume = {21},
+  pages = {163-181}
-author = {J. Lothe and L. Wang},
-title = {Properties of {T}ype 6 transonic states with respect to grazing incidence
-reflection of bulk waves at planar free or clamped surfaces of half-infinite
-elastically anisotropic media},
-journal = {Wave Motion},
-year = {1994},
-volume = {20},
-pages = {41-56}
+  author = {J. Lothe and L. Wang},
+  title = {Properties of {T}ype 6 transonic states with respect to grazing incidence
+	reflection of bulk waves at planar free or clamped surfaces of half-infinite
+	elastically anisotropic media},
+  journal = {Wave Motion},
+  year = {1994},
+  volume = {20},
+  pages = {41-56}
-title = {Some problems of geodynamics},
-publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
-year = {1911},
-author = {A. E. H. Love},
-address = {Cambridge}
+  title = {Some problems of geodynamics},
+  publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+  year = {1911},
+  author = {A. E. H. Love},
+  address = {Cambridge}
-author = {P. Lovely and J. Shaw and Q. Liu and J. Tromp},
-title = {A structural model of the {S}alton {T}rough and its implications
-for seismic hazard},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {2006},
-volume = {96},
-pages = {1882-1896}
+  author = {P. Lovely and J. Shaw and Q. Liu and J. Tromp},
+  title = {A structural model of the {S}alton {T}rough and its implications
+	for seismic hazard},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {96},
+  pages = {1882-1896}
-author = {Jing Lu and Jie Pan and Boling Xu},
-title = {Time-domain calculation of acoustical wave propagation in discontinuous
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-journal = jasa,
-year = {2005},
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-pages = {3408-3419},
-number = {6},
-doi = {10.1121/1.2114627}
+  author = {Jing Lu and Jie Pan and Boling Xu},
+  title = {Time-domain calculation of acoustical wave propagation in discontinuous
+	media using acoustical wave propagator with mapped pseudospectral
+	method},
+  journal = jasa,
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {118},
+  pages = {3408-3419},
+  number = {6},
+  doi = {10.1121/1.2114627}
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-title = {Perfectly matched layer for acoustic waveguide modeling - {B}enchmark
-calculations and perturbation analysis},
-journal = cmes,
-year = {2007},
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-pages = {235-248},
-number = {3}
+  author = {Y. Y. Lu and J. Zhu},
+  title = {Perfectly matched layer for acoustic waveguide modeling - {B}enchmark
+	calculations and perturbation analysis},
+  journal = cmes,
+  year = {2007},
+  volume = {22},
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-address = {New York}
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+  publisher = {Macmillan Publishing Company},
+  year = {1990},
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+  address = {New York}
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-journal = eesd,
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+  author = {J. E. Luco and F. C. P. de Barros},
+  title = {Three-dimensional response of a layered valley embedded in a layered
+	half-space},
+  journal = eesd,
+  year = {1995},
+  volume = {24},
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-title = {Introduction au calcul scientifique},
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-year = {1996},
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-address = {Paris}
+  title = {Introduction au calcul scientifique},
+  publisher = {Masson},
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+  author = {Brigitte Lucquin and Olivier Pironneau},
+  address = {Paris}
-author = {R. J. Luebbers and F. Hunsberger},
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-pages = {1297-1301},
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+  author = {R. J. Luebbers and F. Hunsberger},
+  title = {{FDTD} for {N}th-Order Dispersive Media},
+  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation},
+  year = {1992},
+  volume = {40},
+  pages = {1297-1301},
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-boundary from multipathed {PKP}ab},
-journal = epsl,
-year = {2001},
-volume = {189},
-pages = {155-164}
+  author = {Luo, S-N. and S. Ni and D. V. Helmberger},
+  title = {Evidence for a sharp lateral variation of velocity at the core-mantle
+	boundary from multipathed {PKP}ab},
+  journal = epsl,
+  year = {2001},
+  volume = {189},
+  pages = {155-164}
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-title = {Parsimonious staggered grid finite-differencing of the wave equation},
-journal = grl,
-year = {1990},
-volume = {17},
-pages = {155-158}
+  author = {Y. Luo and G. Schuster},
+  title = {Parsimonious staggered grid finite-differencing of the wave equation},
+  journal = grl,
+  year = {1990},
+  volume = {17},
+  pages = {155-158}
-author = {B. P. Luyendyk and J. S. Hornafius},
-title = {Neogene crustal rotations, fault slip and basin development in southern
-booktitle = {Cenozoic basin development of coastal {C}alifornia},
-publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
-year = {1987},
-editor = {R. V. Ingersoll and W. G. Ernst},
-pages = {259-283},
-address = {Old Tappan, New Jersey}
+  author = {B. P. Luyendyk and J. S. Hornafius},
+  title = {Neogene crustal rotations, fault slip and basin development in southern
+	{C}alifornia},
+  booktitle = {Cenozoic basin development of coastal {C}alifornia},
+  publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
+  year = {1987},
+  editor = {R. V. Ingersoll and W. G. Ernst},
+  pages = {259-283},
+  address = {Old Tappan, New Jersey}
-author = {F. Luz\'on and S. A. Gil-Zepeda and F. J. S\'anchez-Sesma and C.
-title = {Three-dimensional simulation of ground motion in the {Z}afarraya
-basin (southern {S}pain) up to 1.335~{H}z under incident plane waves},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2004},
-volume = {156},
-pages = {584-594}
+  author = {F. Luz\'on and S. A. Gil-Zepeda and F. J. S\'anchez-Sesma and C.
+	Ortiz-Alem\'an},
+  title = {Three-dimensional simulation of ground motion in the {Z}afarraya
+	basin (southern {S}pain) up to 1.335~{H}z under incident plane waves},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2004},
+  volume = {156},
+  pages = {584-594}
-author = {F. Luz\'on and F. J. S\'anchez-Sesma and J. L. Rodr{\'\i}guez-Z\'u{\~{n}}iga
-and A. M. Posadas and J. M. Garc{\'\i}a and J. Mart{\'\i}n and M.
-D. Romacho and M. Navarro},
-title = {Diffraction of {{\it P}}, {{\it S}} and {R}ayleigh waves by three-dimensional
-journal = gji,
-year = {1997},
-volume = {129},
-pages = {571-578}
+  author = {F. Luz\'on and F. J. S\'anchez-Sesma and J. L. Rodr{\'\i}guez-Z\'u{\~{n}}iga
+	and A. M. Posadas and J. M. Garc{\'\i}a and J. Mart{\'\i}n and M.
+	D. Romacho and M. Navarro},
+  title = {Diffraction of {{\it P}}, {{\it S}} and {R}ayleigh waves by three-dimensional
+	topographies},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1997},
+  volume = {129},
+  pages = {571-578}
-author = {J. Lyness and R. Cools},
-title = {A survey of numerical cubature over triangles},
-journal = {Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics},
-year = {1994},
-volume = {48},
-pages = {127-150}
+  author = {J. Lyness and R. Cools},
+  title = {A survey of numerical cubature over triangles},
+  journal = {Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics},
+  year = {1994},
+  volume = {48},
+  pages = {127-150}
-author = {J. Lysmer and L. A. Drake},
-title = {A finite element method for seismology},
-booktitle = {Methods in Computational Physics},
-publisher = {Academic Press},
-year = {1972},
-editor = {B. Alder and S. Fernbach and B. A. Bolt},
-volume = {11},
-chapter = {6},
-pages = {181-216},
-address = {New York, USA}
+  author = {J. Lysmer and L. A. Drake},
+  title = {A finite element method for seismology},
+  booktitle = {Methods in Computational Physics},
+  publisher = {Academic Press},
+  year = {1972},
+  editor = {B. Alder and S. Fernbach and B. A. Bolt},
+  volume = {11},
+  chapter = {6},
+  pages = {181-216},
+  address = {New York, USA}
-author = {J. Lysmer and R. L. Kuhlemeyer},
-title = {Finite dynamic model for infinite media},
-journal = {J. Eng. Mech. Div. ASCE 95 EM},
-year = {1969},
-volume = {4},
-pages = {859-877}
+  author = {J. Lysmer and R. L. Kuhlemeyer},
+  title = {Finite dynamic model for infinite media},
+  journal = {J. Eng. Mech. Div. ASCE 95 EM},
+  year = {1969},
+  volume = {4},
+  pages = {859-877}
-author = {V. N. Lyubimov and D. G. Sannikov},
-title = {Surface quasi-bulk waves in the neighbourhood of exceptional directions
-and surfaces in crystals},
-journal = {Soviet Solid State Physics},
-year = {1975},
-volume = {17},
-pages = {478-483},
-number = {2}
+  author = {V. N. Lyubimov and D. G. Sannikov},
+  title = {Surface quasi-bulk waves in the neighbourhood of exceptional directions
+	and surfaces in crystals},
+  journal = {Soviet Solid State Physics},
+  year = {1975},
+  volume = {17},
+  pages = {478-483},
+  number = {2}
- at article{Maggi2009,
-     AUTHOR = {A. Maggi and C. Tape and M. Chen and D. Chao and J. Tromp},
-     TITLE = {{An automated time-window selection algorithm for seismic tomography}},
-     JOURNAL = gji,
-     VOLUME = {178},
-     PAGES = {257--281},
-     YEAR = {2009}
-author = {G. M\"{u}ller},
-title = {The reflectivity method: a tutorial},
-journal = {Journal of Geophysics},
-year = {1985},
-volume = {58},
-pages = {153-174}
+  author = {G. M\"{u}ller},
+  title = {The reflectivity method: a tutorial},
+  journal = {Journal of Geophysics},
+  year = {1985},
+  volume = {58},
+  pages = {153-174}
-author = {Charles M\'{e}gnin and Barabara Romanowicz},
-title = {The 3{D} shear velocity structure of the mantle from the inversion
-of body, surface and higher modes wave forms},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2000},
-volume = {143},
-pages = {709-728}
+  author = {Charles M\'{e}gnin and Barabara Romanowicz},
+  title = {The 3{D} shear velocity structure of the mantle from the inversion
+	of body, surface and higher modes wave forms},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {143},
+  pages = {709-728}
-author = {Shuo Ma and Pengcheng Liu},
-title = {Modeling of the Perfectly Matched Layer Absorbing Boundaries and
-Intrinsic Attenuation in Explicit Finite-Element Methods},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {2006},
-volume = {96},
-pages = {1779-1794},
-number = {5},
-doi = {10.1785/0120050219}
+  author = {Shuo Ma and Pengcheng Liu},
+  title = {Modeling of the Perfectly Matched Layer Absorbing Boundaries and
+	Intrinsic Attenuation in Explicit Finite-Element Methods},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {96},
+  pages = {1779-1794},
+  number = {5},
+  doi = {10.1785/0120050219}
-author = {R. Madariaga},
-title = {Earthquake source theory: a review},
-booktitle = {Earthquakes, Observation Theory and Interpretation},
-publisher = {North-Holland},
-year = {1983},
-editor = {H. Kanamori and E. Boschi},
-address = {Amsterdam},
-note = {The Enrico Fermi Summer School of Physics, 55th course}
+  author = {R. Madariaga},
+  title = {Earthquake source theory: a review},
+  booktitle = {Earthquakes, Observation Theory and Interpretation},
+  publisher = {North-Holland},
+  year = {1983},
+  editor = {H. Kanamori and E. Boschi},
+  address = {Amsterdam},
+  note = {The Enrico Fermi Summer School of Physics, 55th course}
-author = {R. Madariaga},
-title = {Seismology, theoretical},
-journal = {Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology},
-year = {1987},
-volume = {12},
-pages = {519-533}
+  author = {R. Madariaga},
+  title = {Seismology, theoretical},
+  journal = {Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology},
+  year = {1987},
+  volume = {12},
+  pages = {519-533}
-author = {R. Madariaga},
-title = {Dynamics of an expanding circular fault},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1976},
-volume = {66},
-pages = {639-666},
-number = {3}
+  author = {R. Madariaga},
+  title = {Dynamics of an expanding circular fault},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1976},
+  volume = {66},
+  pages = {639-666},
+  number = {3}
-author = {Y. Maday and D. Meiron and A. T. Patera and E. M. R{\o}nquist},
-title = {Analysis of Iterative Methods for the Steady and Unsteady {S}tokes
-Problem: Application to {S}pectral {E}lement Discretizations},
-journal = {SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comput.},
-year = {1993},
-volume = {14},
-pages = {310-337}
+  author = {Y. Maday and D. Meiron and A. T. Patera and E. M. R{\o}nquist},
+  title = {Analysis of Iterative Methods for the Steady and Unsteady {S}tokes
+	Problem: Application to {S}pectral {E}lement Discretizations},
+  journal = {SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comput.},
+  year = {1993},
+  volume = {14},
+  pages = {310-337}
-author = {Y. Maday and A. T. Patera},
-title = {Spectral-element methods for the incompressible {N}avier-{S}tokes
-booktitle = {State of the art survey in computational mechanics},
-year = {1989},
-pages = {71-143},
-note = {{A}. K. Noor and J. T. Oden editors}
+  author = {Y. Maday and A. T. Patera},
+  title = {Spectral-element methods for the incompressible {N}avier-{S}tokes
+	equations},
+  booktitle = {State of the art survey in computational mechanics},
+  year = {1989},
+  pages = {71-143},
+  note = {{A}. K. Noor and J. T. Oden editors}
-author = {Y. Maday and A. Quarteroni},
-title = {Approximation of {B}urgers equation by pseudospectral methods},
-journal = {RAIRO Anal. Numer.},
-year = {1982},
-volume = {16},
-pages = {375-404}
+  author = {Y. Maday and A. Quarteroni},
+  title = {Approximation of {B}urgers equation by pseudospectral methods},
+  journal = {RAIRO Anal. Numer.},
+  year = {1982},
+  volume = {16},
+  pages = {375-404}
-author = {Y. Maday and E. M. R{\o}nquist},
-title = {Optimal error analysis of spectral methods with emphasis on non-constant
-coefficients and deformed geometries},
-journal = cmame,
-year = {1990},
-volume = {80},
-pages = {91-115}
+  author = {Y. Maday and E. M. R{\o}nquist},
+  title = {Optimal error analysis of spectral methods with emphasis on non-constant
+	coefficients and deformed geometries},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {1990},
+  volume = {80},
+  pages = {91-115}
+ at PHDTHESIS{Mad09,
+  author = {Ronan Madec},
+  title = {M\'ethode des \'el\'ements spectraux pour la propagation d'ondes
+	sismiques en milieu g\'eologique fluide-solide avec pas de temps
+	locaux et couches absorbantes parfaitement adapt\'ees C-PML},
+  school = {Universit\'e de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour},
+  year = {2009},
+  address = {Pau, France},
+  month = {December}
-author = {Ronan Madec and Dimitri Komatitsch and Julien Diaz},
-title = {Energy-conserving local time stepping based on high-order finite
-elements for seismic wave propagation across a fluid-solid interface},
-journal = cmes,
-year = {2009},
-volume = {49},
-pages = {163-189},
-number = {2}
+  author = {Ronan Madec and Dimitri Komatitsch and Julien Diaz},
+  title = {Energy-conserving local time stepping based on high-order finite
+	elements for seismic wave propagation across a fluid-solid interface},
+  journal = cmes,
+  year = {2009},
+  volume = {49},
+  pages = {163-189},
+  number = {2}
-author = {H. Magistrale and S. Day and R. W. Clayton and R. Graves},
-title = {The {SCEC} {S}outhern {C}alifornia reference three-dimensional seismic
-velocity model version~2},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {2000},
-volume = {90},
-pages = {S65-S76}
+  author = {H. Magistrale and S. Day and R. W. Clayton and R. Graves},
+  title = {The {SCEC} {S}outhern {C}alifornia reference three-dimensional seismic
+	velocity model version~2},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {90},
+  pages = {S65-S76}
-author = {H. Magistrale and K. McLaughlin and S. Day},
-title = {A geology based 3-{D} velocity model of the {L}os {A}ngeles basin
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {86},
-pages = {1161-1166}
+  author = {H. Magistrale and K. McLaughlin and S. Day},
+  title = {A geology based 3-{D} velocity model of the {L}os {A}ngeles basin
+	sediments},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {86},
+  pages = {1161-1166}
-author = {S. A. Magnier and P. Mora and A. Tarantola},
-title = {Finite differences on minimal grids},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1994},
-volume = {59},
-pages = {1435-1443}
+  author = {S. A. Magnier and P. Mora and A. Tarantola},
+  title = {Finite differences on minimal grids},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1994},
+  volume = {59},
+  pages = {1435-1443}
-author = {K. D. Mahrer},
-title = {Numerical time step instability and {S}tacey's and {C}layton-{E}ngquist's
-absorbing boundary conditions},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1990},
-volume = {80},
-pages = {213-217}
+  author = {K. D. Mahrer},
+  title = {Numerical time step instability and {S}tacey's and {C}layton-{E}ngquist's
+	absorbing boundary conditions},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1990},
+  volume = {80},
+  pages = {213-217}
-author = {Mainprice, D. and A. Tommasi and D. Ferre and P. Carrez and P. Cordier},
-title = {Predicted glide systems and crystal preferred orientations of polycrystalline
-silicate {M}g-Perovskite at high pressure: {I}mplications for the
-seismic anisotropy in the lower mantle},
-journal = epsl,
-year = {2008},
-volume = {271},
-pages = {135--144}
+  author = {Mainprice, D. and A. Tommasi and D. Ferre and P. Carrez and P. Cordier},
+  title = {Predicted glide systems and crystal preferred orientations of polycrystalline
+	silicate {M}g-Perovskite at high pressure: {I}mplications for the
+	seismic anisotropy in the lower mantle},
+  journal = epsl,
+  year = {2008},
+  volume = {271},
+  pages = {135--144}
-author = {A. K. Mal and L. Knopoff},
-title = {Transmission of {R}ayleigh waves at a corner},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1966},
-volume = {56},
-pages = {455-466}
+  author = {A. K. Mal and L. Knopoff},
+  title = {Transmission of {R}ayleigh waves at a corner},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1966},
+  volume = {56},
+  pages = {455-466}
-author = {S. G. Mallat},
-title = {Multiresolution approximation and wavelet orthonormal bases of ${L}^2({R})$},
-journal = {Transactions of the AMS},
-year = {1989},
-volume = {135},
-pages = {9999998-9999999}
+  author = {S. G. Mallat},
+  title = {Multiresolution approximation and wavelet orthonormal bases of ${L}^2({R})$},
+  journal = {Transactions of the AMS},
+  year = {1989},
+  volume = {135},
+  pages = {9999998-9999999}
-author = {S. G. Mallat},
-title = {A theory for multiresolution signal decomposition: the wavelet representation},
-journal = {Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics},
-year = {1988},
-volume = {41},
-pages = {9999998-9999999}
+  author = {S. G. Mallat},
+  title = {A theory for multiresolution signal decomposition: the wavelet representation},
+  journal = {Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics},
+  year = {1988},
+  volume = {41},
+  pages = {9999998-9999999}
-author = {J. L. Mallet},
-title = {Discrete modeling for natural objects},
-journal = {Math. Geol.},
-year = {1997},
-volume = {29},
-pages = {199-219}
+  author = {J. L. Mallet},
+  title = {Discrete modeling for natural objects},
+  journal = {Math. Geol.},
+  year = {1997},
+  volume = {29},
+  pages = {199-219}
-author = {J. L. Mallet},
-title = {Discrete smooth interpolation in geometric modeling},
-journal = {Computer-Aided Design},
-year = {1992},
-volume = {24},
-pages = {178-191}
+  author = {J. L. Mallet},
+  title = {Discrete smooth interpolation in geometric modeling},
+  journal = {Computer-Aided Design},
+  year = {1992},
+  volume = {24},
+  pages = {178-191}
-title = {Boundary element methods in elastodynamics},
-publisher = {Umwin Hyman},
-year = {1988},
-author = {G. Manolis and D. E. Beskos},
-address = {London}
+  title = {Boundary element methods in elastodynamics},
+  publisher = {Umwin Hyman},
+  year = {1988},
+  author = {G. Manolis and D. E. Beskos},
+  address = {London}
-author = {Carey Marcinkovich and Kim Bak Olsen},
-title = {On the implementation of perfectly matched layers in a three-dimensional
-fourth-order velocity-stress finite-difference scheme},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {2003},
-volume = {108},
-pages = {2276},
-number = {B5},
-doi = {10.1029/2002JB002235}
+  author = {Carey Marcinkovich and Kim Bak Olsen},
+  title = {On the implementation of perfectly matched layers in a three-dimensional
+	fourth-order velocity-stress finite-difference scheme},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {108},
+  pages = {2276},
+  number = {B5},
+  doi = {10.1029/2002JB002235}
-author = {K. J. Marfurt},
-title = {Accuracy of finite-difference and finite-element modeling of the
-scalar and elastic wave equation},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1984},
-volume = {49},
-pages = {533-549},
-number = {5}
+  author = {K. J. Marfurt},
+  title = {Accuracy of finite-difference and finite-element modeling of the
+	scalar and elastic wave equation},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1984},
+  volume = {49},
+  pages = {533-549},
+  number = {5}
-author = {L. Martel and S. K. Gupta},
-title = {{\`A} propos des ondes de {R}ayleigh sur une surface courbe},
-journal = {Ann. G\'eophys.},
-year = {1969},
-volume = {25},
-pages = {973-979},
-number = {4}
+  author = {L. Martel and S. K. Gupta},
+  title = {{\`A} propos des ondes de {R}ayleigh sur une surface courbe},
+  journal = {Ann. G\'eophys.},
+  year = {1969},
+  volume = {25},
+  pages = {973-979},
+  number = {4}
-author = {Roland Martin and Dimitri Komatitsch},
-title = {An unsplit convolutional perfectly matched layer technique improved
-at grazing incidence for the viscoelastic wave equation},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2009},
-volume = {179},
-pages = {333-344},
-number = {1},
-doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04278.x}
+  author = {Roland Martin and Dimitri Komatitsch},
+  title = {An unsplit convolutional perfectly matched layer technique improved
+	at grazing incidence for the viscoelastic wave equation},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2009},
+  volume = {179},
+  pages = {333-344},
+  number = {1},
+  doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04278.x}
-author = {Roland Martin and Dimitri Komatitsch},
-title = {An optimized Convolution-Perfectly Matched Layer {(C-PML)} absorbing
-technique for {3D} seismic wave simulation based on a finite-difference
-journal = {Geophysical Research Abstracts},
-year = {2006},
-volume = {8},
-pages = {03988},
-month = {April},
-note = {Abstract EGU06-A-03988, www.cosis.net/abstracts/EGU06/03988/EGU06-J-03988-1.pdf}
+  author = {Roland Martin and Dimitri Komatitsch},
+  title = {An optimized Convolution-Perfectly Matched Layer {(C-PML)} absorbing
+	technique for {3D} seismic wave simulation based on a finite-difference
+	method},
+  journal = {Geophysical Research Abstracts},
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {8},
+  pages = {03988},
+  month = {April},
+  note = {Abstract EGU06-A-03988, www.cosis.net/abstracts/EGU06/03988/EGU06-J-03988-1.pdf}
-author = {Roland Martin and Dimitri Komatitsch and H\'el\`ene Barucq},
-title = {An optimized Convolution-Perfectly Matched Layer {(C-PML)} absorbing
-technique for {3D} seismic wave simulation based on a finite-difference
-journal = {Eos Trans. AGU},
-year = {2005},
-volume = {86},
-pages = {Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NG43B-0574},
-number = {52},
-month = {December},
-note = {www.agu.org/meetings/fm05/waisfm05.html}
+  author = {Roland Martin and Dimitri Komatitsch and H\'el\`ene Barucq},
+  title = {An optimized Convolution-Perfectly Matched Layer {(C-PML)} absorbing
+	technique for {3D} seismic wave simulation based on a finite-difference
+	method},
+  journal = {Eos Trans. AGU},
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {86},
+  pages = {Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NG43B-0574},
+  number = {52},
+  month = {December},
+  note = {www.agu.org/meetings/fm05/waisfm05.html}
-author = {Roland Martin and Dimitri Komatitsch and C\'eline Blitz and Nicolas
-{Le Goff}},
-title = {Simulation of seismic wave propagation in an asteroid based upon
-an unstructured {MPI} spectral-element method: blocking and non-blocking
-communication strategies},
-journal = lncs,
-year = {2008},
-volume = {5336},
-pages = {350-363}
+  author = {Roland Martin and Dimitri Komatitsch and C\'eline Blitz and Nicolas
+	{Le Goff}},
+  title = {Simulation of seismic wave propagation in an asteroid based upon
+	an unstructured {MPI} spectral-element method: blocking and non-blocking
+	communication strategies},
+  journal = lncs,
+  year = {2008},
+  volume = {5336},
+  pages = {350-363}
-author = {Roland Martin and Dimitri Komatitsch and Abdela\^aziz Ezziani},
-title = {An unsplit convolutional perfectly matched layer improved at grazing
-incidence for seismic wave equation in poroelastic media},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {2008},
-volume = {73},
-pages = {T51-T61},
-number = {4},
-doi = {10.1190/1.2939484}
+  author = {Roland Martin and Dimitri Komatitsch and Abdela\^aziz Ezziani},
+  title = {An unsplit convolutional perfectly matched layer improved at grazing
+	incidence for seismic wave equation in poroelastic media},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {2008},
+  volume = {73},
+  pages = {T51-T61},
+  number = {4},
+  doi = {10.1190/1.2939484}
-author = {Roland Martin and Dimitri Komatitsch and Stephen D. Gedney},
-title = {A variational formulation of a stabilized unsplit convolutional perfectly
-matched layer for the isotropic or anisotropic seismic wave equation},
-journal = cmes,
-year = {2008},
-volume = {37},
-pages = {274-304},
-number = {3}
+  author = {Roland Martin and Dimitri Komatitsch and Stephen D. Gedney},
+  title = {A variational formulation of a stabilized unsplit convolutional perfectly
+	matched layer for the isotropic or anisotropic seismic wave equation},
+  journal = cmes,
+  year = {2008},
+  volume = {37},
+  pages = {274-304},
+  number = {3}
-author = {Roland Martin and Dimitri Komatitsch and Stephen D. Gedney and Emilien
-title = {A high-order time and space formulation of the unsplit perfectly
-matched layer for the seismic wave equation using {Auxiliary Differential
-Equations (ADE-PML)}},
-journal = cmes,
-year = {2010},
-volume = {56},
-pages = {17-42},
-number = {1}
+  author = {Roland Martin and Dimitri Komatitsch and Stephen D. Gedney and Emilien
+	Bruthiaux},
+  title = {A high-order time and space formulation of the unsplit perfectly
+	matched layer for the seismic wave equation using {Auxiliary Differential
+	Equations (ADE-PML)}},
+  journal = cmes,
+  year = {2010},
+  volume = {56},
+  pages = {17-42},
+  number = {1}
-author = {Roland Martin and Dimitri Komatitsch and Ronan Madec},
-title = {An improved perfectly matched layer for high-order finite element
-fluid-viscoelastic wave propagation and sensitivity kernel construction},
-journal = grl,
-year = {2011},
-note = {Submitted in October 2010.}
+  author = {Roland Martin and Dimitri Komatitsch and Ronan Madec},
+  title = {An improved perfectly matched layer for high-order finite element
+	fluid-viscoelastic wave propagation and sensitivity kernel construction},
+  journal = grl,
+  year = {2011},
+  note = {Submitted in October 2010.}
-author = {Y. J. Masson and S. R. Pride},
-title = {Poroelastic finite-difference modeling of seismic attenuation and
-dispersion due to mesoscopic-scale heterogeneity},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {2007},
-volume = {112},
-pages = {B03204},
-number = {B3},
-doi = {10.1029/2006JB004592}
+  author = {Y. J. Masson and S. R. Pride},
+  title = {Poroelastic finite-difference modeling of seismic attenuation and
+	dispersion due to mesoscopic-scale heterogeneity},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {2007},
+  volume = {112},
+  pages = {B03204},
+  number = {B3},
+  doi = {10.1029/2006JB004592}
-author = {Y. J. Masson and S. R. Pride and K. T. Nihei},
-title = {Finite-difference modelling of {B}iot's poroelastic equations at
-seismic frequencies},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {2006},
-volume = {111},
-pages = {B10305},
-doi = {10.1029/2006JB004366}
+  author = {Y. J. Masson and S. R. Pride and K. T. Nihei},
+  title = {Finite-difference modelling of {B}iot's poroelastic equations at
+	seismic frequencies},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {111},
+  pages = {B10305},
+  doi = {10.1029/2006JB004366}
-author = {D. Massonnet and Kurt L. Feigl},
-title = {Radar interferometry and its application to changes in the {E}arth's
-journal = {Reviews of Geophysics},
-year = {1998},
-volume = {36},
-pages = {441-500}
+  author = {D. Massonnet and Kurt L. Feigl},
+  title = {Radar interferometry and its application to changes in the {E}arth's
+	surface},
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+  author = {E. Matzel and M. K. Sen and S. P. Grand},
+  title = {Evidence for anisotropy in the deep mantle beneath {A}laska},
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+  year = {1996},
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+  author = {Ren\'e Matzen},
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-year = {1994},
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+  author = {V. Maupin},
+  title = {On the possibility of anisotropy in the {D}'' layer as inferred from
+	the polarization of diffracted {S} waves},
+  journal = pepi,
+  year = {1994},
+  volume = {87},
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-title = {Time-domain dynamic surface response of an anisotropic elastic solid
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-year = {1997},
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+  author = {A. A. Maznev and A. G. Every},
+  title = {Time-domain dynamic surface response of an anisotropic elastic solid
+	to an impulsive line force},
+  journal = {International Journal of Engineering Science},
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-journal = {Physics Letters},
-year = {1995},
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-pages = {423-427}
+  author = {A. A. Maznev and A. G. Every},
+  title = {Secluded supersonic surface waves in germanium},
+  journal = {Physics Letters},
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+  volume = {A197},
+  pages = {423-427}
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-title = {Ray surface and focusing of surface acoustic waves on the basal plane
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-journal = {Acta Acustica},
-year = {1994},
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-pages = {137-143}
+  author = {A. A. Maznev and A. G. Every},
+  title = {Ray surface and focusing of surface acoustic waves on the basal plane
+	of cubic crystals},
+  journal = {Acta Acustica},
+  year = {1994},
+  volume = {1},
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-pulses on (111) {G}allium {A}rsenide},
-journal = {Physics Review Letters},
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-volume = {75},
-pages = {3332-3335},
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+  author = {A. A. Maznev and Al. A. Kolomenskii and P. Hess},
+  title = {Time-resolved cuspidal structure in the wavefront of surface acoustic
+	pulses on (111) {G}allium {A}rsenide},
+  journal = {Physics Review Letters},
+  year = {1995},
+  volume = {75},
+  pages = {3332-3335},
+  number = {18}
-author = {A.A. Maznev and A. M. Lomonosov and P. Hess and Al. A. Kolomenskii},
-title = {Anisotropic effects in surface acoustic wave propagation from a point
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-journal = {The European Physical Journal B},
-year = {2003},
-volume = {35},
-pages = {429-439}
+  author = {A.A. Maznev and A. M. Lomonosov and P. Hess and Al. A. Kolomenskii},
+  title = {Anisotropic effects in surface acoustic wave propagation from a point
+	source in a crystal},
+  journal = {The European Physical Journal B},
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {35},
+  pages = {429-439}
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-address = {New York}
+  title = {Applications of tensor analysis},
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-number = {3},
-month = aug,
-doi = {10.1145/1015706.1015801}
+  author = {Michael McCool and Stefanus {Du Toit} and Tiberiu S. Popa and Bryan
+	Chan and Kevin Moule},
+  title = {Shader Algebra},
+  journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics},
+  year = {2004},
+  volume = {23},
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+  number = {3},
+  month = aug,
+  doi = {10.1145/1015706.1015801}
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+  author = {Patrick McCormick and Jeff Inman and James Ahrens and Jamaludin Mohd-Yusof
+	and Greg Roth and Sharen Cummins},
+  title = {Scout: a data-parallel programming language for graphics processors},
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+	{C}alifornia},
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+  year = {1967},
+  volume = {72},
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-journal = gji,
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-volume = {111},
-pages = {291-308}
+  author = {K. L. McLaughlin and T. G. Barker and S. M. Day and B. Shkoller and
+	J. L. Stevens},
+  title = {Effects of subduction zone structure on explosion-generated {R}ayleigh
+	waves: 3{D} numerical simulations},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1992},
+  volume = {111},
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+  author = {K. L. McLaughlin and S. M. Day},
+  title = {3-{D} elastic finite-difference seismic wave simulations},
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+  year = {1994},
+  volume = {8},
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+  author = {K. L. McLaughlin and R. S. Jih},
+  title = {Scattering from near-source topography: teleseismic observations
+	and numerical simulations},
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+  author = {E. D. Mercerat and J. P. Vilotte and F. J. S\'anchez-Sesma},
+  title = {Triangular spectral-element simulation of two-dimensional elastic
+	wave propagation using unstructured triangular grids},
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+  author = {Merkel, S. and A. K. McNamara and A. Kubo and S. Speziale and L.
+	Miyagi and Y. Meng and T. S. Duffy and H. R. Wenk},
+  title = {Deformation of ({M}g,{F}e){S}i{O}3 post-perovskite and {D}'' anisotropy},
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+  author = {Peter Messmer and Paul J. Mullowney and Brian E. Granger},
+  title = {{GPULib: GPU} Computing in High-Level Languages},
+  journal = {Computing in Science and Engineering},
+  year = {2008},
+  volume = {10},
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+  author = {H. W. Meuer and E. Strohmaier and J. J. Dongarra and H. D. Simon},
+  title = {Top500 list of Supercomputer Sites},
+  institution = {University of Mannheim},
+  year = {2002},
+  address = {Mannheim, Germany},
+  note = {{{\tt www.top500.org}}}
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+  title = {A nonconvolutional, split-field, perfectly matched layer for wave
+	propagation in isotropic and anisotropic elastic media: Stability
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+  title = {Accelerating a 3{D} finite-difference wave propagation code using
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+  title = {{3D} finite-difference computation on {GPUs} using {CUDA}},
+  booktitle = {GPGPU-2: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on General Purpose Processing
+	on Graphics Processing Units},
+  year = {2009},
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+  author = {Susan E. Minkoff},
+  title = {Spatial Parallelism of a 3{D} Finite-Difference Velocity-Stress Elastic
+	Wave Propagation Code},
+  journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing},
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+  author = {S. Mitchell},
+  title = {A characterization of the quadrilateral meshes of a surface which
+	admit a compatible hexahedral mesh of the enclosed volume},
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+  publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg},
+  year = {1996},
+  editor = {Puech, Claude and Reischuk, R{\"u}diger},
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+  title = {A complete formalism for the inversion of post-glacial rebound data:
+	resolving power analysis},
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+  author = {P. Moczo},
+  title = {Finite-difference technique for {{\it SH}} waves in 2-{D} media using
+	irregular grids, application to the seismic response problem},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1989},
+  volume = {99},
+  pages = {321-329}
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+  author = {P. Moczo and E. Bystrick{\'y} and J. Kristek and J. M. Carcione and
+	M. Bouchon},
+  title = {Hybrid modeling of {{\it P-SV}} seismic motion at inhomogeneous viscoelastic
+	topographic structures},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1997},
+  volume = {87},
+  pages = {1305-1323}
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-doi = {10.1029/2004GL021598}
+  author = {P. Moczo and J. Kristek},
+  title = {On the rheological models used for time-domain methods of seismic
+	wave propagation},
+  journal = grl,
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {32},
+  pages = {L01306},
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+  author = {P. Moczo and J. Kristek and E. Bystrick{\'y}},
+  title = {Efficiency and optimization of the {3-D} finite-difference modeling
+	of seismic ground motion},
+  journal = jca,
+  year = {2001},
+  volume = {9},
+  pages = {593-609},
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-doi = {10.1785/0119990119}
+  author = {P. Moczo and J. Kristek and L. Halada},
+  title = {3-{D} fourth-order staggered-grid finite-difference schemes: stability
+	and grid dispersion},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {90},
+  pages = {587-603},
+  number = {3},
+  doi = {10.1785/0119990119}
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-series = {Advances in Geophysics},
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+  author = {P. Moczo and J. Robertsson and L. Eisner},
+  title = {The Finite-difference Time-domain method for Modeling of Seismic
+	Wave Propagation},
+  booktitle = {Advances in wave propagation in heterogeneous media},
+  publisher = {Elsevier - Academic Press, London, UK},
+  year = {2007},
+  editor = {Ru-Shan Wu and Val\'erie Maupin},
+  volume = {48},
+  series = {Advances in Geophysics},
+  chapter = {8},
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-address = {Paris}
+  author = {H. Modaressi},
+  title = {Mod\'elisation par \'el\'ements finis de la propagation des ondes
+	en milieu poreux satur\'e, application au g\'enie parasismique},
+  school = {\'Ecole Centrale de Paris},
+  year = {1986},
+  address = {Paris}
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+  title = {Paraxial approximation for poroelastic media},
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+  year = {1994},
+  volume = {13},
+  pages = {117-129}
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+  author = {Peter Monk and Gerard R. Richter},
+  title = {A Discontinuous {G}alerkin Method for Linear Symmetric Hyperbolic
+	Systems in Inhomogeneous Media},
+  journal = {Journal of Scientific Computing},
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {22-23},
+  pages = {443-477},
+  number = {1-3},
+  doi = {10.1007/s10915-004-4132-5}
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+  author = {J. P. Montagner},
+  title = {Upper mantle low anisotropy channels below the {P}acific {P}late},
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+  year = {2002},
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+  title = {Lamb's problem for an anisotropic half-space studied by the {C}agniard-de
+	{H}oop method},
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+  volume = {97},
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+  author = {A. Mourad and M. Deschamps and B. Castagn\`ede},
+  title = {Acoustic waves generated by a transient line source in an anisotropic
+	half-space},
+  journal = {Acustica - Acta Acustica},
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+  volume = {82},
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+  author = {F. Muir and J. Dellinger and J. Etgen and D. Nichols},
+  title = {Modelling elastic fields across irregular boundaries},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1992},
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-journal = ijnme,
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+  author = {Robert Mullen and Ted Belytschko},
+  title = {Dispersion analysis of finite element semidiscretizations of the
+	two-dimensional wave equation},
+  journal = ijnme,
+  year = {1982},
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+  title = {Crystal {A}coustics - {I}ntroduction to the study of elastic waves
+	and vibrations in crystals},
+  publisher = {Holden-Day},
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+  address = {San Francisco, USA}
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-note = {unpublished report}
+  author = {J. Namson and T. L. Davis},
+  title = {Late {C}enozoic thrust ramps of Southern {C}alifornia},
+  institution = {Davis \& Namson Consulting Geologists},
+  year = {1992},
+  address = {Valencia, California, USA},
+  note = {unpublished report}
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-title = {Seismic imaging of mantle plumes},
-journal = {Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences},
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+  author = {H.-C. Nataf},
+  title = {Seismic imaging of mantle plumes},
+  journal = {Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences},
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {28},
+  pages = {391-417}
-author = {N. F. Naumenko},
-title = {Application of exceptional wave theory to materials used in surface
-acoustic wave devices},
-journal = {Journal of Applied Physics},
-year = {1996},
-volume = {79},
-pages = {8936-8943},
-number = {12}
+  author = {N. F. Naumenko},
+  title = {Application of exceptional wave theory to materials used in surface
+	acoustic wave devices},
+  journal = {Journal of Applied Physics},
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {79},
+  pages = {8936-8943},
+  number = {12}
-author = {I. M. Navon and B. Neta and M. Y. Hussaini},
-title = {A {P}erfectly {M}atched {L}ayer formulation for the nonlinear shallow
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-journal = {Monthly Weather Review},
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+  author = {I. M. Navon and B. Neta and M. Y. Hussaini},
+  title = {A {P}erfectly {M}atched {L}ayer formulation for the nonlinear shallow
+	water equation models: the split equation approach},
+  journal = {Monthly Weather Review},
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+  volume = {9999999},
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-title = {Les m\'ethodes directes en th\'eorie des \'equations elliptiques},
-publisher = {Masson},
-year = {1967},
-author = {J. Necas},
-address = {Paris},
-note = {351 p.}
+  title = {Les m\'ethodes directes en th\'eorie des \'equations elliptiques},
+  publisher = {Masson},
+  year = {1967},
+  author = {J. Necas},
+  address = {Paris},
+  note = {351 p.}
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+  author = {N. M. Newmark},
+  title = {A method of computation for structural dynamics},
+  booktitle = {Engineering mechanics division: Proceedings of the American Society
+	of Civil Engineers},
+  year = {1959},
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-title = {Constructing synthetics from deep {E}arth tomographic models},
-journal = gji,
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-pages = {71-82}
+  author = {S. D. Ni and X. M. Ding and D. V. Helmberger},
+  title = {Constructing synthetics from deep {E}arth tomographic models},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {140},
+  pages = {71-82}
-author = {S. D. Ni and E. Tan and M. Gurnis and D. V. Helmberger},
-title = {Sharp sides to the African superplume},
-journal = {Science},
-year = {2002},
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+  author = {S. D. Ni and E. Tan and M. Gurnis and D. V. Helmberger},
+  title = {Sharp sides to the African superplume},
+  journal = {Science},
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {296},
+  pages = {1850-1852}
-author = {John Nickolls and Ian Buck and Michael Garland and Kevin Skadron},
-title = {Scalable Parallel Programming with {CUDA}},
-journal = {ACM Queue},
-year = {2008},
-volume = {6},
-pages = {40--53},
-number = {2},
-month = mar # {\slash } # apr,
-doi = {10.1145/1365490.1365500}
+  author = {John Nickolls and Ian Buck and Michael Garland and Kevin Skadron},
+  title = {Scalable Parallel Programming with {CUDA}},
+  journal = {ACM Queue},
+  year = {2008},
+  volume = {6},
+  pages = {40--53},
+  number = {2},
+  month = mar # {\slash } # apr,
+  doi = {10.1145/1365490.1365500}
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+  author = {G. Nicoud and G. Royer and J.-C. Corbin and F. Lemeille and A. Paillet},
+  title = {Creusement et remplissage de la vall\'ee de l'{I}s\`ere au {Q}uaternaire
+	r\'ecent: apports nouveaux du forage {GMB}1 (1999) dans la r\'egion
+	de {G}renoble ({F}rance)},
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+  volume = {4},
+  pages = {39-49}
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+  author = {P. Nielsen and F. If and P. Berg and O. Skovgaard},
+  title = {Using the pseudospectral technique on curved grids for 2{D} acoustic
+	forward modelling},
+  journal = gp,
+  year = {1994},
+  volume = {42},
+  pages = {321-341}
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-title = {The effect of using non-orthogonal boundary-fitted grids for solving
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-year = {1990},
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+  author = {P. Nielsen and O. Skovgaard},
+  title = {The effect of using non-orthogonal boundary-fitted grids for solving
+	the shallow water equations},
+  journal = {Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids},
+  year = {1990},
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-booktitle = {Reg. Conf. Ser. in Math. n 17},
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+  author = {L. Nirenberg},
+  title = {Lectures on Linear Partial Differential Equations},
+  booktitle = {Reg. Conf. Ser. in Math. n 17},
+  publisher = {A.M.S. Providence},
+  year = {1972}
-author = {Tarje Nissen-Meyer and F. A. Dahlen and Alexandre Fournier},
-title = {Spherical-earth {F}r\'echet sensitivity kernels},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2007},
-volume = {168},
-pages = {1051-1066},
-number = {3},
-doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03123.x}
+  author = {Tarje Nissen-Meyer and F. A. Dahlen and Alexandre Fournier},
+  title = {Spherical-earth {F}r\'echet sensitivity kernels},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2007},
+  volume = {168},
+  pages = {1051-1066},
+  number = {3},
+  doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03123.x}
-author = {Tarje Nissen-Meyer and Alexandre Fournier and F. A. Dahlen},
-title = {A 2-{D} spectral-element method for computing spherical-earth seismograms
-- {II. W}aves in solid-fluid media},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2008},
-volume = {174},
-pages = {873-888},
-doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2008.03813.x}
+  author = {Tarje Nissen-Meyer and Alexandre Fournier and F. A. Dahlen},
+  title = {A 2-{D} spectral-element method for computing spherical-earth seismograms
+	- {II. W}aves in solid-fluid media},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2008},
+  volume = {174},
+  pages = {873-888},
+  doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2008.03813.x}
-author = {Tarje Nissen-Meyer and Alexandre Fournier and F. A. Dahlen},
-title = {A two-dimensional spectral-element method for computing spherical-earth
-seismograms - {I. M}oment-tensor source},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2007},
-volume = {168},
-pages = {1067-1092},
-number = {3},
-doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03121.x}
+  author = {Tarje Nissen-Meyer and Alexandre Fournier and F. A. Dahlen},
+  title = {A two-dimensional spectral-element method for computing spherical-earth
+	seismograms - {I. M}oment-tensor source},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2007},
+  volume = {168},
+  pages = {1067-1092},
+  number = {3},
+  doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03121.x}
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-title = {Hemispherical variations in seismic velocity at the top of the {E}arth's
-inner core},
-journal = {Nature},
-year = {2001},
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+  author = {F. Niu and L. Wen},
+  title = {Hemispherical variations in seismic velocity at the top of the {E}arth's
+	inner core},
+  journal = {Nature},
+  year = {2001},
+  volume = {410},
+  pages = {1081-1084}
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-year = {1988},
-address = {Washington D.C., USA},
-note = {171 pages}
+  author = {NOAA},
+  title = {National {O}ceanic and {A}tmospheric {A}dministration {(NOAA)} Product
+	Information Catalog - {ETOPO5} {E}arth {T}opography 5-minute digital
+	model},
+  institution = {U.S. Department of Commerce},
+  year = {1988},
+  address = {Washington D.C., USA},
+  note = {171 pages}
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-year = {2000},
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+  author = {G. Nolet and F. A. Dahlen},
+  title = {Wavefront healing and the evolution of seismic delay times},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {105},
+  pages = {19,043-19,054}
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-title = {Wavefront singularities associated with the conical point in elastic
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+  author = {A. N. Norris},
+  title = {Wavefront singularities associated with the conical point in elastic
+	solids with cubic symmetry},
+  journal = {Wave Motion},
+  year = {2007},
+  volume = {44},
+  pages = {513-527}
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+  author = {A. N. Norris},
+  title = {One-component surface waves in materials with symmetry},
+  journal = {Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids},
+  year = {1992},
+  volume = {40},
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-title = {{NVIDIA CUDA} Programming Guide version 2.3},
-author = {{NVIDIA Corporation}},
-address = {Santa Clara, California, USA},
-month = jul,
-year = {2009},
-note = {139 pages},
-url = {http://www.nvidia.com/cuda}
+  title = {{NVIDIA CUDA} Programming Guide version 2.3},
+  author = {{NVIDIA Corporation}},
+  address = {Santa Clara, California, USA},
+  month = jul,
+  year = {2009},
+  note = {139 pages},
+  url = {http://www.nvidia.com/cuda}
-author = {{NVIDIA Corporation}},
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-institution = {NVIDIA},
-year = {2009},
-address = {Santa Clara, California, USA},
-month = sep,
-note = {22 pages},
-url = {http://www.nvidia.com/object/fermi\_architecture.html}
+  author = {{NVIDIA Corporation}},
+  title = {{NVIDIA's} Next Generation {CUDA} Compute Architecture: {FERMI}},
+  institution = {NVIDIA},
+  year = {2009},
+  address = {Santa Clara, California, USA},
+  month = sep,
+  note = {22 pages},
+  url = {http://www.nvidia.com/object/fermi\_architecture.html}
-author = {{NVIDIA Corporation}},
-title = {{NVIDIA} {G}e{F}orce {GTX} 200 {GPU} Architectural Overview, Second-Generation
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-institution = {NVIDIA},
-year = {2008},
-pages = {1-23},
-url = {www.nvidia.com/docs/IO/55506/GeForce\_GTX\_200\_GPU\_Technical\_Brief.pdf}
+  author = {{NVIDIA Corporation}},
+  title = {{NVIDIA} {G}e{F}orce {GTX} 200 {GPU} Architectural Overview, Second-Generation
+	Unified {GPU} Architecture for Visual Computing},
+  institution = {NVIDIA},
+  year = {2008},
+  pages = {1-23},
+  url = {www.nvidia.com/docs/IO/55506/GeForce\_GTX\_200\_GPU\_Technical\_Brief.pdf}
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-publisher = {Addison-Wesley Professional, Boston, MA, USA},
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+  author = {Lars Nyland and Mark Harris and Jan Prins},
+  title = {Fast {N}-body simulation with {CUDA}},
+  booktitle = {GPU Gems 3},
+  publisher = {Addison-Wesley Professional, Boston, MA, USA},
+  year = {2007},
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+  title = {Theoretical and experimental evidence for a post-perovskite phase
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+  title = {A free-surface boundary condition for including 3{D} topography in
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-to incident plane waves},
-journal = {J. Phys. Earthquake},
-year = {1992},
-volume = {40},
-pages = {209-222}
+  author = {M. Ohori and K. Koketsu and T. Minomi},
+  title = {Seismic response of three dimensional sediment filled valleys due
+	to incident plane waves},
+  journal = {J. Phys. Earthquake},
+  year = {1992},
+  volume = {40},
+  pages = {209-222}
-author = {A. Ohtsuki and K. Harumi},
-title = {Effects of topography and subsurface inhomogeneities on seismic {{\it
-SV}} waves},
-journal = {Earth. Engrg. Structl. Dyn.},
-year = {1983},
-volume = {11},
-pages = {441-462}
+  author = {A. Ohtsuki and K. Harumi},
+  title = {Effects of topography and subsurface inhomogeneities on seismic {{\it
+	SV}} waves},
+  journal = {Earth. Engrg. Structl. Dyn.},
+  year = {1983},
+  volume = {11},
+  pages = {441-462}
-author = {S. P. Oliveira and G. Seriani},
-title = {Effect of element distortion on the numerical dispersion of spectral
-element methods},
-journal = {Communications in Computational Physics},
-year = {2011},
-volume = {9},
-pages = {937-958},
-number = {4}
+  author = {S. P. Oliveira and G. Seriani},
+  title = {Effect of element distortion on the numerical dispersion of spectral
+	element methods},
+  journal = {Communications in Computational Physics},
+  year = {2011},
+  volume = {9},
+  pages = {937-958},
+  number = {4}
-author = {K. B. Olsen},
-title = {Site amplification in the {L}os {A}ngeles basin from three-dimensional
-modeling of ground motion},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {2000},
-volume = {90},
-pages = {S77-S94}
+  author = {K. B. Olsen},
+  title = {Site amplification in the {L}os {A}ngeles basin from three-dimensional
+	modeling of ground motion},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {90},
+  pages = {S77-S94}
-author = {K. B. Olsen and A. Akinci and A. Rovelli and F. Marra and L. Malagnini},
-title = {3{D} Ground-Motion Estimation in {R}ome, {I}taly},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {2006},
-volume = {96},
-pages = {133-146},
-number = {1},
-doi = {10.1785/0120030243}
+  author = {K. B. Olsen and A. Akinci and A. Rovelli and F. Marra and L. Malagnini},
+  title = {3{D} Ground-Motion Estimation in {R}ome, {I}taly},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {96},
+  pages = {133-146},
+  number = {1},
+  doi = {10.1785/0120030243}
-author = {K. B. Olsen and R. J. Archuleta},
-title = {3-{D} simulation of earthquakes on the {L}os {A}ngeles fault system},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {86},
-pages = {575-596},
-number = {3}
+  author = {K. B. Olsen and R. J. Archuleta},
+  title = {3-{D} simulation of earthquakes on the {L}os {A}ngeles fault system},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {86},
+  pages = {575-596},
+  number = {3}
-author = {K. B. Olsen and S. M. Day and C. R. Bradley},
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-journal = bssa,
-year = {2003},
-volume = {93},
-pages = {627-638},
-number = {2}
+  author = {K. B. Olsen and S. M. Day and C. R. Bradley},
+  title = {Estimation of {$Q$} for long-period (>2 sec) waves in the {L}os {A}ngeles
+	basin},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {93},
+  pages = {627-638},
+  number = {2}
-author = {K. B. Olsen and S. M. Day and J. B. Minster and Y. Cui and A. Chourasia
-and M. Faerman and R. Moore and P. Maechling and T. Jordan},
-title = {Strong shaking in {L}os {A}ngeles expected from southern {S}an {A}ndreas
-journal = grl,
-year = {2006},
-volume = {33},
-pages = {L07305},
-doi = {10.1029/2005GL025472}
+  author = {K. B. Olsen and S. M. Day and J. B. Minster and Y. Cui and A. Chourasia
+	and M. Faerman and R. Moore and P. Maechling and T. Jordan},
+  title = {Strong shaking in {L}os {A}ngeles expected from southern {S}an {A}ndreas
+	earthquake},
+  journal = grl,
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {33},
+  pages = {L07305},
+  doi = {10.1029/2005GL025472}
-author = {K. B. Olsen and R. Madariaga and R. J. Archuleta},
-title = {Three-dimensional dynamic simulation of the 1992 {L}anders earthquake},
-journal = {Science},
-year = {1997},
-volume = {278},
-pages = {834-838}
+  author = {K. B. Olsen and R. Madariaga and R. J. Archuleta},
+  title = {Three-dimensional dynamic simulation of the 1992 {L}anders earthquake},
+  journal = {Science},
+  year = {1997},
+  volume = {278},
+  pages = {834-838}
-author = {K. B. Olsen and J. C. Pechmann and G. T. Schuster},
-title = {Simulation of 3-{D} elastic wave propagation in the {S}alt {L}ake
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1995},
-volume = {85},
-pages = {1688-1710}
+  author = {K. B. Olsen and J. C. Pechmann and G. T. Schuster},
+  title = {Simulation of 3-{D} elastic wave propagation in the {S}alt {L}ake
+	basin},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1995},
+  volume = {85},
+  pages = {1688-1710}
-author = {S. A. Orszag},
-title = {Spectral methods for problems in complex geometries},
-journal = jcp,
-year = {1980},
-volume = {37},
-pages = {70-92}
+  author = {S. A. Orszag},
+  title = {Spectral methods for problems in complex geometries},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {1980},
+  volume = {37},
+  pages = {70-92}
-author = {S. Osher and J. A. Sethian},
-title = {Fronts propagating with curvature dependent speed: algorithms based
-on {H}amilton-{J}acobi formulations},
-journal = jcp,
-year = {1988},
-volume = {79},
-pages = {12-49}
+  author = {S. Osher and J. A. Sethian},
+  title = {Fronts propagating with curvature dependent speed: algorithms based
+	on {H}amilton-{J}acobi formulations},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {1988},
+  volume = {79},
+  pages = {12-49}
-author = {M. Ottaviani},
-title = {Elastic wave propagation in two evenly-welded quarter-spaces},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1971},
-volume = {61},
-pages = {1119-1152},
-number = {5}
+  author = {M. Ottaviani},
+  title = {Elastic wave propagation in two evenly-welded quarter-spaces},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1971},
+  volume = {61},
+  pages = {1119-1152},
+  number = {5}
-author = {John D. Owens and Mike Houston and David P. Luebke and Simon Green
-and John E. Stone and James C. Phillips},
-title = {{GPU} Computing},
-journal = {Proceedings of the IEEE},
-year = {2008},
-volume = {96},
-pages = {879--899},
-number = {5},
-month = may,
-doi = {10.1109/JPROC.2008.917757}
+  author = {John D. Owens and Mike Houston and David P. Luebke and Simon Green
+	and John E. Stone and James C. Phillips},
+  title = {{GPU} Computing},
+  journal = {Proceedings of the IEEE},
+  year = {2008},
+  volume = {96},
+  pages = {879--899},
+  number = {5},
+  month = may,
+  doi = {10.1109/JPROC.2008.917757}
-author = {John D. Owens AND David P. Luebke AND Naga K. Govindaraju AND Mark
-J. Harris AND Jens Kr{\"u}ger AND Aaron E. Lefohn AND Timothy J.
-title = {A Survey of General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Hardware},
-journal = {Computer Graphics Forum},
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-volume = {26},
-pages = {80--113},
-number = {1},
-month = mar,
-doi = {10.1111/j.1467-8659.2007.01012.x}
+  author = {John D. Owens AND David P. Luebke AND Naga K. Govindaraju AND Mark
+	J. Harris AND Jens Kr{\"u}ger AND Aaron E. Lefohn AND Timothy J.
+	Purcell},
+  title = {A Survey of General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Hardware},
+  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum},
+  year = {2007},
+  volume = {26},
+  pages = {80--113},
+  number = {1},
+  month = mar,
+  doi = {10.1111/j.1467-8659.2007.01012.x}
-author = {John D. Owens and David P. Luebke and Naga K. Govindaraju and Mark
-J. Harris and Jens Kr{\"{u}}ger and Aaron E. Lefohn and Timothy J.
-title = {A Survey of General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Hardware},
-booktitle = {Eurographics 2005, State of the Art Reports},
-year = {2005},
-pages = {21--51},
-month = sep
+  author = {John D. Owens and David P. Luebke and Naga K. Govindaraju and Mark
+	J. Harris and Jens Kr{\"{u}}ger and Aaron E. Lefohn and Timothy J.
+	Purcell},
+  title = {A Survey of General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Hardware},
+  booktitle = {Eurographics 2005, State of the Art Reports},
+  year = {2005},
+  pages = {21--51},
+  month = sep
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-year = {1997},
-author = {P. S. Pacheco},
-address = {San Francisco}
+  title = {Parallel programming with {MPI}},
+  publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann Press},
+  year = {1997},
+  author = {P. S. Pacheco},
+  address = {San Francisco}
-author = {R. A. Page and G. Plafker and H. Pulpan},
-title = {Block rotation in east-central {A}laska: a framework for evaluating
-earthquake potential?},
-journal = {Geology},
-year = {1995},
-volume = {23},
-pages = {629-632}
+  author = {R. A. Page and G. Plafker and H. Pulpan},
+  title = {Block rotation in east-central {A}laska: a framework for evaluating
+	earthquake potential?},
+  journal = {Geology},
+  year = {1995},
+  volume = {23},
+  pages = {629-632}
-author = {M. Panning and B. Romanowicz},
-title = {Inferences on flow at the base of {E}arth's mantle based on seismic
-journal = {Science},
-year = {2004},
-volume = {303},
-pages = {351-353}
+  author = {M. Panning and B. Romanowicz},
+  title = {Inferences on flow at the base of {E}arth's mantle based on seismic
+	anisotropy},
+  journal = {Science},
+  year = {2004},
+  volume = {303},
+  pages = {351-353}
-author = {R. Paolucci and E. Faccioli and F. Maggio},
-title = {3{D} response analysis of an instrumented hill at {M}atsuzaki, {J}apan,
-by a spectral method},
-journal = {J. Seismol.},
-year = {1999},
-volume = {3},
-pages = {191-209}
+  author = {R. Paolucci and E. Faccioli and F. Maggio},
+  title = {3{D} response analysis of an instrumented hill at {M}atsuzaki, {J}apan,
+	by a spectral method},
+  journal = {J. Seismol.},
+  year = {1999},
+  volume = {3},
+  pages = {191-209}
-author = {A. S. Papageorgiou and D. Pei},
-title = {3{D} response of cylindrical valleys of arbitrary cross-section to
-seismic waves incident from any azimuthal direction},
-booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering},
-year = {1994},
-volume = {3},
-pages = {45-54},
-note = {Chicago, Illinois, July 1994}
+  author = {A. S. Papageorgiou and D. Pei},
+  title = {3{D} response of cylindrical valleys of arbitrary cross-section to
+	seismic waves incident from any azimuthal direction},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering},
+  year = {1994},
+  volume = {3},
+  pages = {45-54},
+  note = {Chicago, Illinois, July 1994}
-author = {J. Park},
-title = {Synthetic seismograms from coupled free oscillations: the effects
-of lateral structure and rotation},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {1986},
-volume = {91},
-pages = {6441-6464}
+  author = {J. Park},
+  title = {Synthetic seismograms from coupled free oscillations: the effects
+	of lateral structure and rotation},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {1986},
+  volume = {91},
+  pages = {6441-6464}
-author = {J. Park and F. Gilbert},
-title = {Coupled free oscillations of an aspherical, dissipative, rotating
-{E}arth: {G}alerkin theory},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {1986},
-volume = {91},
-pages = {7241-7260}
+  author = {J. Park and F. Gilbert},
+  title = {Coupled free oscillations of an aspherical, dissipative, rotating
+	{E}arth: {G}alerkin theory},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {1986},
+  volume = {91},
+  pages = {7241-7260}
-author = {J. Park and T. R. A. Song and J. Tromp and E. Okal and S. Stein and
-G. Roult and E. Clevede and G. Laske and H. Kanamori and P. Davis
-and J. Berger and C. Braitenberg and M. Van Camp and X. Lei and H.
-P. Sun and H. Z. Xu and S. Rosat},
-title = {Earth's free oscillations excited by the 26 {D}ecember 2004 {S}umatra-{A}ndaman
-journal = {Science},
-year = {2005},
-volume = {3},
-pages = {1139-1144},
-number = {5725}
+  author = {J. Park and T. R. A. Song and J. Tromp and E. Okal and S. Stein and
+	G. Roult and E. Clevede and G. Laske and H. Kanamori and P. Davis
+	and J. Berger and C. Braitenberg and M. Van Camp and X. Lei and H.
+	P. Sun and H. Z. Xu and S. Rosat},
+  title = {Earth's free oscillations excited by the 26 {D}ecember 2004 {S}umatra-{A}ndaman
+	earthquake},
+  journal = {Science},
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {3},
+  pages = {1139-1144},
+  number = {5725}
-author = {J. Park and Y. Yu},
-title = {Anisotropy and coupled free oscillations: simplified models and surface
-wave observations},
-journal = gji,
-year = {1992},
-volume = {110},
-pages = {401-420}
+  author = {J. Park and Y. Yu},
+  title = {Anisotropy and coupled free oscillations: simplified models and surface
+	wave observations},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1992},
+  volume = {110},
+  pages = {401-420}
-author = {K. C. Park and C. A. Felippa},
-title = {Partitioned transient analysis procedures for coupled field problems:
-accuracy analysis},
-journal = {J. Appl. Mech.},
-year = {1980},
-volume = {47},
-pages = {916-926}
+  author = {K. C. Park and C. A. Felippa},
+  title = {Partitioned transient analysis procedures for coupled field problems:
+	accuracy analysis},
+  journal = {J. Appl. Mech.},
+  year = {1980},
+  volume = {47},
+  pages = {916-926}
-author = {Richard Pasquetti and Francesca Rapetti},
-title = {Spectral element methods on triangles and quadrilaterals: comparisons
-and applications},
-journal = jcp,
-year = {2004},
-volume = {198},
-pages = {349-362},
-number = {1},
-doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2004.01.010}
+  author = {Richard Pasquetti and Francesca Rapetti},
+  title = {Spectral element methods on triangles and quadrilaterals: comparisons
+	and applications},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {2004},
+  volume = {198},
+  pages = {349-362},
+  number = {1},
+  doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2004.01.010}
-author = {A. T. Patera},
-title = {A spectral element method for fluid dynamics: laminar flow in a channel
-journal = jcp,
-year = {1984},
-volume = {54},
-pages = {468-488}
+  author = {A. T. Patera},
+  title = {A spectral element method for fluid dynamics: laminar flow in a channel
+	expansion},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {1984},
+  volume = {54},
+  pages = {468-488}
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-editor = {Alan Levander and Guust Nolet},
-volume = {157},
-series = {Geophysical Monograph},
-pages = {171-186},
-address = {Washington DC, USA}
+  author = {G. L. Pavlis},
+  title = {Direct imaging of the coda of teleseismic {P} waves},
+  booktitle = {Seismic Earth: Array Analysis of Broadband Seismograms},
+  publisher = {American Geophysical Union},
+  year = {2005},
+  editor = {Alan Levander and Guust Nolet},
+  volume = {157},
+  series = {Geophysical Monograph},
+  pages = {171-186},
+  address = {Washington DC, USA}
-title = {Elastic wave propagation in transversely isotropic media},
-publisher = {Martinus Nijhoff},
-year = {1983},
-author = {R. G. Payton},
-address = {The Hague, The Netherlands}
+  title = {Elastic wave propagation in transversely isotropic media},
+  publisher = {Martinus Nijhoff},
+  year = {1983},
+  author = {R. G. Payton},
+  address = {The Hague, The Netherlands}
-author = {R. G. Payton},
-title = {Epicenter and epicentral-axis motion of a transversely isotropic
-elastic half-space},
-journal = {SIAM J. Appl. Math.},
-year = {1981},
-volume = {40},
-pages = {373-389}
+  author = {R. G. Payton},
+  title = {Epicenter and epicentral-axis motion of a transversely isotropic
+	elastic half-space},
+  journal = {SIAM J. Appl. Math.},
+  year = {1981},
+  volume = {40},
+  pages = {373-389}
-author = {H. A. Pedersen},
-title = {{\'E}tude de la diffraction tridimensionnelle des ondes sismiques
-dans des structures \`a g\'eom\'etrie bidimensionnelle, d\'eveloppement
-th\'eorique et applications},
-school = {Universit\'e Joseph Fourier},
-year = {1994},
-address = {Grenoble}
+  author = {H. A. Pedersen},
+  title = {{\'E}tude de la diffraction tridimensionnelle des ondes sismiques
+	dans des structures \`a g\'eom\'etrie bidimensionnelle, d\'eveloppement
+	th\'eorique et applications},
+  school = {Universit\'e Joseph Fourier},
+  year = {1994},
+  address = {Grenoble}
-author = {H. A. Pedersen and B. LeBrun and D. Hatzfeld and M. Campillo and
-P.Y. Bard},
-title = {Ground motion amplitude across ridges},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1994},
-volume = {84},
-pages = {1786-1800}
+  author = {H. A. Pedersen and B. LeBrun and D. Hatzfeld and M. Campillo and
+	P.Y. Bard},
+  title = {Ground motion amplitude across ridges},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1994},
+  volume = {84},
+  pages = {1786-1800}
-author = {H. A. Pedersen and F. J. S\'anchez-Sesma and M. Campillo},
-title = {Three-dimensional scattering by two-dimensional topographies},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1994},
-volume = {84},
-pages = {1169-1183}
+  author = {H. A. Pedersen and F. J. S\'anchez-Sesma and M. Campillo},
+  title = {Three-dimensional scattering by two-dimensional topographies},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1994},
+  volume = {84},
+  pages = {1169-1183}
-author = {R. Pedersen and S. J\'onsson and T. \'Arnad\'ottir and F. Sigmundsson
-and K. L. Feigl},
-title = {Fault slip distribution estimated from joint inversion of {InSAR}
-and {GPS} measurements of two {J}une 2000 {M$_w$}=6.5 earthquakes
-in {S}outh {I}celand},
-journal = {Earth and Planetary Science Letters},
-year = {2003},
-volume = {9999999},
-pages = {999998-999999},
-note = {submitted}
+  author = {R. Pedersen and S. J\'onsson and T. \'Arnad\'ottir and F. Sigmundsson
+	and K. L. Feigl},
+  title = {Fault slip distribution estimated from joint inversion of {InSAR}
+	and {GPS} measurements of two {J}une 2000 {M$_w$}=6.5 earthquakes
+	in {S}outh {I}celand},
+  journal = {Earth and Planetary Science Letters},
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {9999999},
+  pages = {999998-999999},
+  note = {submitted}
-author = {R. Pedersen and F. Sigmundsson and K. L. Feigl and T. \'Arnad\'ottir},
-title = {Coseismic interferograms of two {M}s=6.6 earthquakes in the {S}outh
-{I}celand {S}eismic {Z}one, {J}une 2000},
-journal = grl,
-year = {2001},
-volume = {28},
-pages = {3341-3344}
+  author = {R. Pedersen and F. Sigmundsson and K. L. Feigl and T. \'Arnad\'ottir},
+  title = {Coseismic interferograms of two {M}s=6.6 earthquakes in the {S}outh
+	{I}celand {S}eismic {Z}one, {J}une 2000},
+  journal = grl,
+  year = {2001},
+  volume = {28},
+  pages = {3341-3344}
-author = {F. Pellegrini and J. Roman},
-title = {{SCOTCH}: A Software Package for Static Mapping by Dual Recursive
-Bipartitioning of Process and Architecture Graphs},
-journal = lncs,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {1067},
-pages = {493-498}
+  author = {F. Pellegrini and J. Roman},
+  title = {{SCOTCH}: A Software Package for Static Mapping by Dual Recursive
+	Bipartitioning of Process and Architecture Graphs},
+  journal = lncs,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {1067},
+  pages = {493-498}
-author = {W. R. Peltier},
-title = {Glacial isostatic adjustment: {II - T}he inverse problem},
-journal = gjras,
-year = {1976},
-volume = {46},
-pages = {669-706}
+  author = {W. R. Peltier},
+  title = {Glacial isostatic adjustment: {II - T}he inverse problem},
+  journal = gjras,
+  year = {1976},
+  volume = {46},
+  pages = {669-706}
-author = {Ch. Pelties and M. K\"aser and V. Hermann and C. E. Castro},
-title = {Regular versus irregular meshing for complicated models and their
-effect on synthetic seismograms},
-journal = {Geophys. J. Int.},
-year = {2010},
-volume = {183},
-pages = {1031-1051}
+  author = {Ch. Pelties and M. K\"aser and V. Hermann and C. E. Castro},
+  title = {Regular versus irregular meshing for complicated models and their
+	effect on synthetic seismograms},
+  journal = {Geophys. J. Int.},
+  year = {2010},
+  volume = {183},
+  pages = {1031-1051}
-author = {R. B. Pelz},
-title = {Pseudospectral methods on massively parallel computers},
-journal = cmame,
-year = {1990},
-volume = {80},
-pages = {493-503}
+  author = {R. B. Pelz},
+  title = {Pseudospectral methods on massively parallel computers},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {1990},
+  volume = {80},
+  pages = {493-503}
-author = {C. B. Peng and M. Nafi T\"oksoz},
-title = {An optimal absorbing boundary condition for elastic wave modeling},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1995},
-volume = {60},
-pages = {296-301}
+  author = {C. B. Peng and M. Nafi T\"oksoz},
+  title = {An optimal absorbing boundary condition for elastic wave modeling},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1995},
+  volume = {60},
+  pages = {296-301}
-author = {V. Perrier and C. Basdevant},
-title = {La d\'ecomposition en ondelettes p\'eriodiques, un outil pour l'analyse
-de champs inhomog\`enes},
-journal = {La Recherche A\'erospatiale},
-year = {1989},
-volume = {3},
-pages = {99999998-99999999}
+  author = {V. Perrier and C. Basdevant},
+  title = {La d\'ecomposition en ondelettes p\'eriodiques, un outil pour l'analyse
+	de champs inhomog\`enes},
+  journal = {La Recherche A\'erospatiale},
+  year = {1989},
+  volume = {3},
+  pages = {99999998-99999999}
+ at ARTICLE{PeKoLuMaLeCaLeMaLiBlNiBaTr11,
+  author = {Daniel Peter and Dimitri Komatitsch and Yang Luo and Roland Martin
+	and Nicolas {Le Goff} and Emanuele Casarotti and Pieyre {Le Loher}
+	and Federica Magnoni and Qinya Liu and C\'eline Blitz and Tarje Nissen-Meyer
+	and Piero Basini and Jeroen Tromp},
+  title = {Forward and adjoint simulations of seismic wave propagation on fully
+	unstructured hexahedral meshes},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2011},
+  volume = {186},
+  pages = {721-739},
+  number = {2},
+  doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05044.x}
-author = {E. Petit and F. Bodin},
-title = {Extracting Threads Using Traces for System on a Chip},
-booktitle = {Proceedings of the Compilers for Parallel Computers (CPC'2006)},
-year = {2006},
-address = {La Coru{\~{n}}a, Spain},
-month = {January}
+  author = {E. Petit and F. Bodin},
+  title = {Extracting Threads Using Traces for System on a Chip},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Compilers for Parallel Computers (CPC'2006)},
+  year = {2006},
+  address = {La Coru{\~{n}}a, Spain},
+  month = {January}
-author = {S. Peyrat and K. B. Olsen and R. Madariaga},
-title = {Dynamic modeling of the 1992 {L}anders earthquake},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {2001},
-volume = {106},
-pages = {26467-26482}
+  author = {S. Peyrat and K. B. Olsen and R. Madariaga},
+  title = {Dynamic modeling of the 1992 {L}anders earthquake},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {2001},
+  volume = {106},
+  pages = {26467-26482}
-author = {Everett H. Phillips and Yao Zhang and Roger L. Davis and John D.
-title = {Rapid Aerodynamic Performance Prediction on a Cluster of Graphics
-Processing Units},
-booktitle = {Proceedings of the 47th {AIAA} Aerospace Sciences Meeting},
-year = {2009},
-pages = {1-11},
-month = jan
+  author = {Everett H. Phillips and Yao Zhang and Roger L. Davis and John D.
+	Owens},
+  title = {Rapid Aerodynamic Performance Prediction on a Cluster of Graphics
+	Processing Units},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 47th {AIAA} Aerospace Sciences Meeting},
+  year = {2009},
+  pages = {1-11},
+  month = jan
-author = {James C. Phillips and John E. Stone and Klaus Schulten},
-title = {Adapting a message-driven parallel application to {GPU}-accelerated
-booktitle = {SC '08: Proceedings of the 2008 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing},
-year = {2008},
-pages = {1--9},
-month = nov,
-doi = {10.1145/1413370.1413379}
+  author = {James C. Phillips and John E. Stone and Klaus Schulten},
+  title = {Adapting a message-driven parallel application to {GPU}-accelerated
+	clusters},
+  booktitle = {SC '08: Proceedings of the 2008 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing},
+  year = {2008},
+  pages = {1--9},
+  month = nov,
+  doi = {10.1145/1413370.1413379}
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-title = {P wave diffraction theory and the structure of the core-mantle boundary},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {1966},
-volume = {71},
-pages = {5959-5975}
+  author = {Phinney, R. A and Alexander, S. S.},
+  title = {P wave diffraction theory and the structure of the core-mantle boundary},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {1966},
+  volume = {71},
+  pages = {5959-5975}
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-title = {Representation of Elastic-Gravitational Excitation of a Spherical
-{E}arth Model by Generalized Spherical Harmonics},
-journal = gjras,
-year = {1973},
-volume = {34},
-pages = {451-487}
+  author = {R. A. Phinney and R. Burridge},
+  title = {Representation of Elastic-Gravitational Excitation of a Spherical
+	{E}arth Model by Generalized Spherical Harmonics},
+  journal = gjras,
+  year = {1973},
+  volume = {34},
+  pages = {451-487}
-author = {K. D. Phung},
-title = {Controllability and stabilization of electromagnetic waves},
-journal = {ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var.},
-year = {2000},
-volume = {5},
-pages = {87-137}
+  author = {K. D. Phung},
+  title = {Controllability and stabilization of electromagnetic waves},
+  journal = {ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var.},
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {5},
+  pages = {87-137}
-title = {Elastic waves in the {E}arth},
-publisher = {Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company},
-year = {1979},
-author = {Walter L. Pilant},
-volume = {11 of "Developments in Solid Earth Geophysics" Series},
-address = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands}
+  title = {Elastic waves in the {E}arth},
+  publisher = {Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company},
+  year = {1979},
+  author = {Walter L. Pilant},
+  volume = {11 of "Developments in Solid Earth Geophysics" Series},
+  address = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands}
-author = {W. L. Pilant and L. Knopoff and F. Schwab},
-title = {Transmission and reflection of surface waves at a corner, part 3:
-{R}ayleigh waves (experimental)},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {1964},
-volume = {69},
-pages = {291-297}
+  author = {W. L. Pilant and L. Knopoff and F. Schwab},
+  title = {Transmission and reflection of surface waves at a corner, part 3:
+	{R}ayleigh waves (experimental)},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {1964},
+  volume = {69},
+  pages = {291-297}
-author = {A. Pitarka and K. Irikura},
-title = {Modeling 3{D} surface topography by a finite-difference method: {K}obe-{JMA}
-station site, {J}apan, case study},
-journal = grl,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {23},
-pages = {2729-2732}
+  author = {A. Pitarka and K. Irikura},
+  title = {Modeling 3{D} surface topography by a finite-difference method: {K}obe-{JMA}
+	station site, {J}apan, case study},
+  journal = grl,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {23},
+  pages = {2729-2732}
-author = {A. Pitarka and K. Irikura},
-title = {Basin structure effects on long period strong motions in the {S}an
-{F}ernando valley and the {L}os {A}ngeles basin from the 1994 {N}orthridge
-earthquake and aftershocks},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {86},
-pages = {S126-S137},
-number = {1B}
+  author = {A. Pitarka and K. Irikura},
+  title = {Basin structure effects on long period strong motions in the {S}an
+	{F}ernando valley and the {L}os {A}ngeles basin from the 1994 {N}orthridge
+	earthquake and aftershocks},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {86},
+  pages = {S126-S137},
+  number = {1B}
-author = {A. Pitarka and K. Irikura and T. Iwata and T. Kagawa},
-title = {Basin structure effects in the {K}obe area inferred from modelling
-of ground motions from two aftershocks of the {J}anuary 17, 1995,
-{H}yogo-ken {N}anbu earthquake},
-journal = {J. Phys. Earth},
-year = {1996},
-volume = {44},
-pages = {563-576}
+  author = {A. Pitarka and K. Irikura and T. Iwata and T. Kagawa},
+  title = {Basin structure effects in the {K}obe area inferred from modelling
+	of ground motions from two aftershocks of the {J}anuary 17, 1995,
+	{H}yogo-ken {N}anbu earthquake},
+  journal = {J. Phys. Earth},
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {44},
+  pages = {563-576}
-author = {A. Pitarka and K. Irikura and T. Iwata and H. Sekiguchi},
-title = {Three-dimensional simulation of the near-fault ground motion for
-the 1995 {H}yogo-ken {N}anbu ({K}obe), {J}apan, earthquake},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1998},
-volume = {88},
-pages = {428-440}
+  author = {A. Pitarka and K. Irikura and T. Iwata and H. Sekiguchi},
+  title = {Three-dimensional simulation of the near-fault ground motion for
+	the 1995 {H}yogo-ken {N}anbu ({K}obe), {J}apan, earthquake},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {88},
+  pages = {428-440}
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-year = {2009},
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-doi = {10.1177/1094342009106195}
+  author = {Judit Planas and Rosa M. Badia and Eduard Ayguad\'{e} and Jesus Labarta},
+  title = {Hierarchical Task-Based Programming With {StarSs}},
+  journal = {International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications},
+  year = {2009},
+  volume = {23},
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+  number = {3},
+  doi = {10.1177/1094342009106195}
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-title = {A conservative {E}ulerian formulation of the equations for elastic
-journal = {Advances in Applied Mathematics},
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-volume = {9},
-pages = {481-499}
+  author = {B. J. Plohr and D. H. Sharp},
+  title = {A conservative {E}ulerian formulation of the equations for elastic
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+  journal = {Advances in Applied Mathematics},
+  year = {1988},
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+  title = {Numerical modelling of seismic waves scattered by hydrofractures:
+	application of the indirect boundary method},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {135},
+  pages = {289-303}
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+  author = {O. Poncelet and M. Deschamps and A.G. Every and B. Audoin},
+  title = {Extension to cuspidal edges of wave surfaces of anisotropic solids:
+	treatment of near cusp behavior},
+  journal = {Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation},
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+  volume = {20},
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-pages = {1480-1510}
+  author = {D. J. Ponti and R. E. Wells},
+  title = {Off-fault ground ruptures in the {S}anta-{C}ruz mountains, {C}alifornia:
+	ridge-top spreading versus tectonic extension during the 1989 {L}oma
+	{P}rieta earthquake},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1991},
+  volume = {81},
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+  title = {Possible heterogeneity of the {E}arth's core deduced from {PKIKP}
+	travel times},
+  journal = {Nature},
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+  title = {Analyse du Generalized Screen Propagator},
+  school = {Universit\'{e} de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour},
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+  author = {R. Gerhard Pratt},
+  title = {Seismic waveform inversion in the frequency domain, {P}art 1: Theory
+	and verification in a physical scale model},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1999},
+  volume = {64},
+  pages = {888-901},
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+  author = {R. G. Pratt and C. Chapman},
+  title = {Traveltime tomography in anisotropic media -{II}: Application},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1992},
+  volume = {109},
+  pages = {20-37}
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+  author = {R. Gerhard Pratt and Changsoo Shin and G. J. Hicks},
+  title = {Gauss-{N}ewton and full {N}ewton methods in frequency-space seismic
+	waveform inversion},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {133},
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+  number = {2},
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-title = {Seismic waveform inversion in the frequency domain, {P}art 2: Fault
-delineation in sediments using crosshole data},
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+  title = {Seismic waveform inversion in the frequency domain, {P}art 2: Fault
+	delineation in sediments using crosshole data},
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+  year = {1999},
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+  title = {{GPU} accelerated {M}onte {C}arlo simulation of the {2D} and {3D}
+	{I}sing model},
+  journal = jcp,
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+  title = {{GPU}-based accelerated {2D} and {3D FDTD} solvers},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the SPIE Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic
+	Devices XV Conference},
+  publisher = {SPIE and the International Society for Optical Engineering},
+  year = {2007},
+  volume = {6468},
+  address = {San Jose, California, USA},
+  doi = {10.1117/12.715044}
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+  title = {Numerical simulation of interface waves by high-order spectral modeling
+	techniques},
+  journal = jasa,
+  year = {1994},
+  volume = {95},
+  pages = {681-693},
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-journal = jgr,
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-doi = {10.1029/2008JB006271}
+  author = {de la Puente, J. and Ampuero, J. P. and K\"aser, M.},
+  title = {Dynamic rupture modeling on unstructured meshes using a discontinuous
+	{G}alerkin method},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {2009},
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+  pages = {B10302},
+  doi = {10.1029/2008JB006271}
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+  title = {Seismic anisotropy in the core-mantle transition zone},
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-title = {Evaluation of the {P}erfectly {M}atched {L}ayer for computational
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+  title = {Evaluation of the {P}erfectly {M}atched {L}ayer for computational
+	acoustics},
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+  title = {Maslov asymptotic theory and symplectic algorithm},
+  journal = {Chinese J. Geophys.},
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+  volume = {43},
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-title = {Generalized {G}alerkin approximations of elastic waves with absorbing
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+  author = {A. Quarteroni and A. Tagliani and E. Zampieri},
+  title = {Generalized {G}alerkin approximations of elastic waves with absorbing
+	boundary conditions},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {163},
+  pages = {323-341}
-author = {G. Quiroga-Goode and S. Jim\'enez-Hern\'andez and M. A. P\'erez-Flores
-and R. Padilla-Hern\'andez},
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-journal = jgr,
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-volume = {110},
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-doi = {10.1029/2004JB003347}
+  author = {G. Quiroga-Goode and S. Jim\'enez-Hern\'andez and M. A. P\'erez-Flores
+	and R. Padilla-Hern\'andez},
+  title = {Computational study of seismic waves in homogeneous dynamic-porosity
+	media with thermal and fluid relaxation: {G}auging {B}iot theory},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {110},
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+  author = {G. R\"umpker and T. Ryberg},
+  title = {New "Fresnel-zone" estimates for shear-wave splitting observations
+	from finite-difference modeling},
+  journal = grl,
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {27},
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-year = {2009},
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-pages = {789-801},
-number = {5},
-doi = {10.1109/TVCG.2009.28}
+  author = {Nikunj Raghuvanshi and Rahul Narain and Ming C. Lin},
+  title = {Efficient and Accurate Sound Propagation Using Adaptive Rectangular
+	Decomposition},
+  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
+  year = {2009},
+  volume = {15},
+  pages = {789-801},
+  number = {5},
+  doi = {10.1109/TVCG.2009.28}
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-title = {Un mod\`ele {PML} bien pos\'e pour l'\'elastodynamique anisotrope
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-journal = {C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I},
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-pages = {963-968}
+  author = {A. N. Rahmouni},
+  title = {Un mod\`ele {PML} bien pos\'e pour l'\'elastodynamique anisotrope
+	({A} well-posed {PML} model for anisotropic elastodynamics)},
+  journal = {C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I},
+  year = {2004},
+  volume = {338},
+  pages = {963-968}
-author = {A. N. Rahmouni},
-title = {Des mod\`eles {PML} bien pos\'es pour divers probl\`emes hyperboliques
-({S}ome well-posed {PML} models for several hyperbolic problems)},
-school = {University of Paris XIII, France},
-year = {2000}
+  author = {A. N. Rahmouni},
+  title = {Des mod\`eles {PML} bien pos\'es pour divers probl\`emes hyperboliques
+	({S}ome well-posed {PML} models for several hyperbolic problems)},
+  school = {University of Paris XIII, France},
+  year = {2000}
-title = {The theory of sound},
-publisher = {Dover Publications},
-year = {1945},
-author = {L. J. W. S. Rayleigh},
-address = {New York},
-edition = {2nd}
+  title = {The theory of sound},
+  publisher = {Dover Publications},
+  year = {1945},
+  author = {L. J. W. S. Rayleigh},
+  address = {New York},
+  edition = {2nd}
-author = {L. J. W. S. Rayleigh},
-title = {The problem of the whispering gallery},
-journal = {Philosophical Magazine Ser. 6},
-year = {1910},
-volume = {20},
-pages = {1001-1004}
+  author = {L. J. W. S. Rayleigh},
+  title = {The problem of the whispering gallery},
+  journal = {Philosophical Magazine Ser. 6},
+  year = {1910},
+  volume = {20},
+  pages = {1001-1004}
-author = {Lord J. W. S. Rayleigh},
-title = {On waves propagated along the plane surface of an elastic solid},
-journal = {Proc. London Math. Soc.},
-year = {1887},
-volume = {17},
-pages = {4-11}
+  author = {Lord J. W. S. Rayleigh},
+  title = {On waves propagated along the plane surface of an elastic solid},
+  journal = {Proc. London Math. Soc.},
+  year = {1887},
+  volume = {17},
+  pages = {4-11}
-author = {W. H. Reed and T. R. Hill},
-title = {Triangular mesh methods for the neutron transport equation},
-institution = {Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory},
-year = {1973},
-number = {LA-UR-73-479},
-address = {Los Alamos, USA}
+  author = {W. H. Reed and T. R. Hill},
+  title = {Triangular mesh methods for the neutron transport equation},
+  institution = {Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory},
+  year = {1973},
+  number = {LA-UR-73-479},
+  address = {Los Alamos, USA}
-author = {F. J. L. Reid and J. H. Woodhouse and H. J. van Heijst},
-title = {Upper mantle attenuation and velocity structure from measurements
-of differential S phases},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2001},
-volume = {145},
-pages = {615-630}
+  author = {F. J. L. Reid and J. H. Woodhouse and H. J. van Heijst},
+  title = {Upper mantle attenuation and velocity structure from measurements
+	of differential S phases},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2001},
+  volume = {145},
+  pages = {615-630}
-author = {M. Reshef and D. Kosloff and M. Edwards and C. Hsiung},
-title = {Three dimensional acoustic modeling by the {F}ourier method},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1988},
-volume = {53},
-pages = {1175-1183}
+  author = {M. Reshef and D. Kosloff and M. Edwards and C. Hsiung},
+  title = {Three dimensional acoustic modeling by the {F}ourier method},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1988},
+  volume = {53},
+  pages = {1175-1183}
-author = {J. A. Rial},
-title = {The anomalous seismic response of the ground at the {T}arzana {H}ill
-site during the {N}orthridge 1994 {S}outhern {C}alifornia earthquake:
-a resonant, sliding block?},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {86},
-pages = {1714-1723}
+  author = {J. A. Rial},
+  title = {The anomalous seismic response of the ground at the {T}arzana {H}ill
+	site during the {N}orthridge 1994 {S}outhern {C}alifornia earthquake:
+	a resonant, sliding block?},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {86},
+  pages = {1714-1723}
-author = {J. A. Rial},
-title = {On the focusing of seismic body waves at the epicenter's antipode},
-journal = gjras,
-year = {1978},
-volume = {55},
-pages = {737-743}
+  author = {J. A. Rial},
+  title = {On the focusing of seismic body waves at the epicenter's antipode},
+  journal = gjras,
+  year = {1978},
+  volume = {55},
+  pages = {737-743}
-author = {J. A. Rial and V. F. Cormier},
-title = {Seismic waves at the epicenter's antipode},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {1980},
-volume = {85},
-pages = {2661-2668}
+  author = {J. A. Rial and V. F. Cormier},
+  title = {Seismic waves at the epicenter's antipode},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {1980},
+  volume = {85},
+  pages = {2661-2668}
-author = {J. E. Richardson and H. J. Melosh and R. J. Greenberg and D. P. O'Brien},
-title = {The global effects of impact-induced seismic activity on fractured
-asteroid surface morphology},
-journal = {Icarus},
-year = {2005},
-volume = {179},
-pages = {325-349}
+  author = {J. E. Richardson and H. J. Melosh and R. J. Greenberg and D. P. O'Brien},
+  title = {The global effects of impact-induced seismic activity on fractured
+	asteroid surface morphology},
+  journal = {Icarus},
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {179},
+  pages = {325-349}
-author = {G. R. Richter},
-title = {An explicit finite element method for the wave equation},
-journal = {Appl. Num. Math.},
-year = {1994},
-volume = {16},
-pages = {65-80}
+  author = {G. R. Richter},
+  title = {An explicit finite element method for the wave equation},
+  journal = {Appl. Num. Math.},
+  year = {1994},
+  volume = {16},
+  pages = {65-80}
-author = {Bruno Riollet},
-title = {Simulation num\'erique de la propagation d'ondes sismiques en milieu
-fractur\'e ({N}umerical simulation of wave propagation in media with
-school = {Universit\'e Paris {\sc VII} Jussieu},
-year = {1997},
-address = {Paris}
+  author = {Bruno Riollet},
+  title = {Simulation num\'erique de la propagation d'ondes sismiques en milieu
+	fractur\'e ({N}umerical simulation of wave propagation in media with
+	cracks)},
+  school = {Universit\'e Paris {\sc VII} Jussieu},
+  year = {1997},
+  address = {Paris}
-author = {J. Ritsema},
-title = {Global seismic structure maps},
-booktitle = {Plates, Plumes, and Paradigms},
-publisher = {Geological Soc. Amer. special paper},
-year = {2005},
-editor = {G. R. Foulger and J. H. Natland and D. C. Presnall and D. L. Anderson},
-volume = {388},
-pages = {11-18},
-doi = {10.1130/2005.2388}
+  author = {J. Ritsema},
+  title = {Global seismic structure maps},
+  booktitle = {Plates, Plumes, and Paradigms},
+  publisher = {Geological Soc. Amer. special paper},
+  year = {2005},
+  editor = {G. R. Foulger and J. H. Natland and D. C. Presnall and D. L. Anderson},
+  volume = {388},
+  pages = {11-18},
+  doi = {10.1130/2005.2388}
-author = {J. Ritsema and A. Deuss and H. J. {Van Heijst} and J. H. Woodhouse},
-title = {{S40RTS}: a degree-40 shear-velocity model for the mantle from new
-Rayleigh wave dispersion, teleseismic traveltime and normal-mode
-splitting function measurements},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2010},
-doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04884.x}
+  author = {J. Ritsema and A. Deuss and H. J. {Van Heijst} and J. H. Woodhouse},
+  title = {{S40RTS}: a degree-40 shear-velocity model for the mantle from new
+	Rayleigh wave dispersion, teleseismic traveltime and normal-mode
+	splitting function measurements},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2010},
+  doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04884.x}
-author = {J. Ritsema and H. J. van Heijst},
-title = {Constraints on the correlation of P- and S-wave velocity heterogeneity
-in the mantle from P, PP, PPP, and PKPab traveltimes},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2002},
-volume = {149},
-pages = {482-489}
+  author = {J. Ritsema and H. J. van Heijst},
+  title = {Constraints on the correlation of P- and S-wave velocity heterogeneity
+	in the mantle from P, PP, PPP, and PKPab traveltimes},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {149},
+  pages = {482-489}
-author = {J. Ritsema and T. Lay and E. J. Garnero and H. Benz},
-title = {Seismic anisotropy in the lowermost mantle beneath the {P}acific},
-journal = grl,
-year = {1998},
-volume = {25},
-pages = {1229-1232}
+  author = {J. Ritsema and T. Lay and E. J. Garnero and H. Benz},
+  title = {Seismic anisotropy in the lowermost mantle beneath the {P}acific},
+  journal = grl,
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {25},
+  pages = {1229-1232}
-author = {J. Ritsema and L. A. Rivera and D. Komatitsch and J. Tromp and H.
-J. van Heijst},
-title = {The effects of crust and mantle heterogeneity on {PP/P} and {SS/S}
-amplitude ratios},
-journal = grl,
-year = {2002},
-volume = {29},
-pages = {1430},
-number = {10},
-doi = {10.1029/2001GL013831}
+  author = {J. Ritsema and L. A. Rivera and D. Komatitsch and J. Tromp and H.
+	J. van Heijst},
+  title = {The effects of crust and mantle heterogeneity on {PP/P} and {SS/S}
+	amplitude ratios},
+  journal = grl,
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {29},
+  pages = {1430},
+  number = {10},
+  doi = {10.1029/2001GL013831}
-author = {J. Ritsema and H. J. {Van Heijst}},
-title = {Seismic imaging of structural heterogeneity in {E}arth's mantle:
-Evidence for large-scale mantle flow},
-journal = {Science Progress},
-year = {2000},
-volume = {83},
-pages = {243-259}
+  author = {J. Ritsema and H. J. {Van Heijst}},
+  title = {Seismic imaging of structural heterogeneity in {E}arth's mantle:
+	Evidence for large-scale mantle flow},
+  journal = {Science Progress},
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {83},
+  pages = {243-259}
-author = {J. Ritsema and H. J. {Van Heijst} and J. H. Woodhouse},
-title = {Complex shear velocity structure imaged beneath {A}frica and {I}celand},
-journal = {Science},
-year = {1999},
-volume = {286},
-pages = {1925-1928}
+  author = {J. Ritsema and H. J. {Van Heijst} and J. H. Woodhouse},
+  title = {Complex shear velocity structure imaged beneath {A}frica and {I}celand},
+  journal = {Science},
+  year = {1999},
+  volume = {286},
+  pages = {1925-1928}
-author = {M. H. Ritzwoller and E. M. Lavely},
-title = {Three-dimensional models of the {E}arth's mantle},
-journal = {Reviews of Geophysics},
-year = {1995},
-volume = {33},
-pages = {1-66}
+  author = {M. H. Ritzwoller and E. M. Lavely},
+  title = {Three-dimensional models of the {E}arth's mantle},
+  journal = {Reviews of Geophysics},
+  year = {1995},
+  volume = {33},
+  pages = {1-66}
-author = {B. Rivi\`ere and M. F. Wheeler},
-title = {Discontinuous Finite Element Methods for Acoustic and Elastic Wave
-journal = {Contemporary Mathematics},
-year = {2003},
-volume = {329},
-pages = {271-282}
+  author = {B. Rivi\`ere and M. F. Wheeler},
+  title = {Discontinuous Finite Element Methods for Acoustic and Elastic Wave
+	Problems},
+  journal = {Contemporary Mathematics},
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {329},
+  pages = {271-282}
-author = {J. O. A. Robertsson},
-title = {A numerical free-surface condition for elastic/viscoelastic finite-difference
-modeling in the presence of topography},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {61},
-pages = {1921-1934}
+  author = {J. O. A. Robertsson},
+  title = {A numerical free-surface condition for elastic/viscoelastic finite-difference
+	modeling in the presence of topography},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {61},
+  pages = {1921-1934}
-author = {J. O. A. Robertsson and J. O. Blanch and W. W. Symes},
-title = {Viscoelastic finite-difference modeling},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1994},
-volume = {59},
-pages = {1444-1456}
+  author = {J. O. A. Robertsson and J. O. Blanch and W. W. Symes},
+  title = {Viscoelastic finite-difference modeling},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1994},
+  volume = {59},
+  pages = {1444-1456}
-author = {M. S. Robinson and P. C. Thomas and J. Veverka and S. L. Murchie
-and B. B. Wilcox},
-title = {The geology of 433 Eros},
-journal = {Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences},
-year = {2002},
-volume = {37},
-pages = {1651-1684}
+  author = {M. S. Robinson and P. C. Thomas and J. Veverka and S. L. Murchie
+	and B. B. Wilcox},
+  title = {The geology of 433 Eros},
+  journal = {Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences},
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {37},
+  pages = {1651-1684}
-author = {J. A. Roden and S. D. Gedney},
-title = {Convolution {PML} ({CPML}): {A}n Efficient {FDTD} Implementation
-of the {CFS}-{PML} for Arbitrary Media},
-journal = {Microwave and Optical Technology Letters},
-year = {2000},
-volume = {27},
-pages = {334-339},
-number = {5},
-doi = {10.1002/1098-2760(20001205)27:5<334::AID-MOP14>3.0.CO;2-A}
+  author = {J. A. Roden and S. D. Gedney},
+  title = {Convolution {PML} ({CPML}): {A}n Efficient {FDTD} Implementation
+	of the {CFS}-{PML} for Arbitrary Media},
+  journal = {Microwave and Optical Technology Letters},
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {27},
+  pages = {334-339},
+  number = {5},
+  doi = {10.1002/1098-2760(20001205)27:5<334::AID-MOP14>3.0.CO;2-A}
-author = {Jer\'onimo Rodr\'{\i}guez},
-title = {Raffinement de maillage spatio-temporel pour les \'equations de l'\'elastodynamique},
-school = {Universit\'e Paris IX-Dauphine},
-year = {2004},
-address = {Paris, France}
+  author = {Jer\'onimo Rodr\'{\i}guez},
+  title = {Raffinement de maillage spatio-temporel pour les \'equations de l'\'elastodynamique},
+  school = {Universit\'e Paris IX-Dauphine},
+  year = {2004},
+  address = {Paris, France}
-author = {A. Rodr\'{\i}guez-Castellanos and F.J. S\'anchez-Sesma and F. Luz\'on
-and R. Martin},
-title = {Multiple scattering of elastic waves by subsurface fractures and
-journal = bssa,
-year = {2006},
-volume = {96},
-pages = {1359-1374},
-number = {4A}
+  author = {A. Rodr\'{\i}guez-Castellanos and F.J. S\'anchez-Sesma and F. Luz\'on
+	and R. Martin},
+  title = {Multiple scattering of elastic waves by subsurface fractures and
+	cavities},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {96},
+  pages = {1359-1374},
+  number = {4A}
-author = {Christopher I. Rodrigues and David J. Hardy and John E. Stone and
-Klaus Schulten and Wen{-}mei W. Hwu},
-title = {{GPU} acceleration of cutoff pair potentials for molecular modeling
-booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2008 conference on Computing Frontiers},
-year = {2008},
-pages = {273--282},
-address = {New York, USA},
-publisher = {ACM}
+  author = {Christopher I. Rodrigues and David J. Hardy and John E. Stone and
+	Klaus Schulten and Wen{-}mei W. Hwu},
+  title = {{GPU} acceleration of cutoff pair potentials for molecular modeling
+	applications},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2008 conference on Computing Frontiers},
+  year = {2008},
+  pages = {273--282},
+  address = {New York, USA},
+  publisher = {ACM}
-author = {Dominique Rodrigues},
-title = {Simulation de la propagation d'ondes sismiques sur machine massivement
-school = {\'Ecole Centrale de Paris},
-year = {1993},
-address = {Paris, France}
+  author = {Dominique Rodrigues},
+  title = {Simulation de la propagation d'ondes sismiques sur machine massivement
+	parall\`ele},
+  school = {\'Ecole Centrale de Paris},
+  year = {1993},
+  address = {Paris, France}
-author = {D. Rodrigues and P. Mora},
-title = {Implementation of the free surface boundary condition in 2-{D} and
-3-{D} elastic cases},
-booktitle = {Expanded abstracts of the Soc. Expl. Geophys.},
-year = {1993},
-pages = {215-217},
-note = {63rd international meeting of the SEG}
+  author = {D. Rodrigues and P. Mora},
+  title = {Implementation of the free surface boundary condition in 2-{D} and
+	3-{D} elastic cases},
+  booktitle = {Expanded abstracts of the Soc. Expl. Geophys.},
+  year = {1993},
+  pages = {215-217},
+  note = {63rd international meeting of the SEG}
-author = {D. Rodrigues and P. Mora},
-title = {Analysis of a finite difference solution to 3-{D} elastic wave propagation},
-booktitle = {Expanded abstracts of the Soc. Expl. Geophys.},
-year = {1992},
-pages = {1247-1250},
-note = {62nd international meeting of the SEG}
+  author = {D. Rodrigues and P. Mora},
+  title = {Analysis of a finite difference solution to 3-{D} elastic wave propagation},
+  booktitle = {Expanded abstracts of the Soc. Expl. Geophys.},
+  year = {1992},
+  pages = {1247-1250},
+  note = {62nd international meeting of the SEG}
-author = {A. A. Rodriguez and A. Valli},
-title = {Domain Decomposition Algorithms for Time-harmonic {M}axwell Equations
-with Damping},
-journal = {Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis},
-year = {2001},
-volume = {35},
-pages = {825-848},
-number = {4}
+  author = {A. A. Rodriguez and A. Valli},
+  title = {Domain Decomposition Algorithms for Time-harmonic {M}axwell Equations
+	with Damping},
+  journal = {Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis},
+  year = {2001},
+  volume = {35},
+  pages = {825-848},
+  number = {4}
-author = {J. M. Rokosky and T. Lay and E. J. Garnero and S. A. Russel},
-title = {High-resolution investigation of shear wave anisotropy in {D}'' beneath
-the {C}ocos plate},
-journal = grl,
-year = {2004},
-volume = {31},
-pages = {L07605},
-doi = {10.1029/2003GL018902}
+  author = {J. M. Rokosky and T. Lay and E. J. Garnero and S. A. Russel},
+  title = {High-resolution investigation of shear wave anisotropy in {D}'' beneath
+	the {C}ocos plate},
+  journal = grl,
+  year = {2004},
+  volume = {31},
+  pages = {L07605},
+  doi = {10.1029/2003GL018902}
-author = {F. R. {Rollins Jr}},
-title = {Ultrasonic examination of liquid-solid boundaries using a right-angle
-reflector technique},
-journal = jasa,
-year = {1968},
-volume = {44},
-pages = {431-434},
-number = {2}
+  author = {F. R. {Rollins Jr}},
+  title = {Ultrasonic examination of liquid-solid boundaries using a right-angle
+	reflector technique},
+  journal = jasa,
+  year = {1968},
+  volume = {44},
+  pages = {431-434},
+  number = {2}
-author = {F. R. {Rollins Jr} and T. C. Lim and G. W. Farnell},
-title = {Ultrasonic reflectivity and surface wave phenomena on surfaces of
-copper single crystals},
-journal = {Applied Physics Letters},
-year = {1968},
-volume = {12},
-pages = {236-238},
-number = {7}
+  author = {F. R. {Rollins Jr} and T. C. Lim and G. W. Farnell},
+  title = {Ultrasonic reflectivity and surface wave phenomena on surfaces of
+	copper single crystals},
+  journal = {Applied Physics Letters},
+  year = {1968},
+  volume = {12},
+  pages = {236-238},
+  number = {7}
-author = {B. Romanowicz},
-title = {Using seismic waves to image {E}arth's internal structure},
-journal = {Nature},
-year = {2008},
-volume = {451},
-pages = {266-268}
+  author = {B. Romanowicz},
+  title = {Using seismic waves to image {E}arth's internal structure},
+  journal = {Nature},
+  year = {2008},
+  volume = {451},
+  pages = {266-268}
-author = {B. Romanowicz},
-title = {Attenuation tomography of the {E}arth's mantle: a review of current
-journal = pageoph,
-year = {1998},
-volume = {153},
-pages = {257-272}
+  author = {B. Romanowicz},
+  title = {Attenuation tomography of the {E}arth's mantle: a review of current
+	status},
+  journal = pageoph,
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {153},
+  pages = {257-272}
-author = {B. Romanowicz and Y. C. Gung},
-title = {Superplumes from the core-mantle boundary to the lithosphere: implications
-for heat flux},
-journal = {Science},
-year = {2002},
-volume = {296},
-pages = {513-516}
+  author = {B. Romanowicz and Y. C. Gung},
+  title = {Superplumes from the core-mantle boundary to the lithosphere: implications
+	for heat flux},
+  journal = {Science},
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {296},
+  pages = {513-516}
-author = {C. Ronchi and R. Ianoco and P. S. Paolucci},
-title = {The ``{C}ubed {S}phere'': a new method for the solution of partial
-differential equations in spherical geometry},
-journal = jcp,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {124},
-pages = {93-114}
+  author = {C. Ronchi and R. Ianoco and P. S. Paolucci},
+  title = {The ``{C}ubed {S}phere'': a new method for the solution of partial
+	differential equations in spherical geometry},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {124},
+  pages = {93-114}
-author = {S. Rondenay and M. G. Bostock and K. M. Fischer},
-title = {Multichannel inversion of scattered teleseismic body waves: practical
-booktitle = {Seismic Earth: Array Analysis of Broadband Seismograms},
-publisher = {American Geophysical Union},
-year = {2005},
-editor = {Alan Levander and Guust Nolet},
-volume = {157},
-series = {Geophysical Monograph},
-pages = {187-204},
-address = {Washington DC, USA}
+  author = {S. Rondenay and M. G. Bostock and K. M. Fischer},
+  title = {Multichannel inversion of scattered teleseismic body waves: practical
+	considerations},
+  booktitle = {Seismic Earth: Array Analysis of Broadband Seismograms},
+  publisher = {American Geophysical Union},
+  year = {2005},
+  editor = {Alan Levander and Guust Nolet},
+  volume = {157},
+  series = {Geophysical Monograph},
+  pages = {187-204},
+  address = {Washington DC, USA}
-author = {S\'everine Rosat and Jacques Hinderer and Luis Rivera},
-title = {First observation of ${}_2{S}_1$ and study of the splitting of the
-football mode ${}_0{S}_2$ after the {J}une 2001 {P}eru earthquake
-of magnitude 8.4},
-journal = grl,
-year = {2003},
-volume = {30},
-pages = {2111},
-number = {21},
-doi = {10.1029/2003GL018304}
+  author = {S\'everine Rosat and Jacques Hinderer and Luis Rivera},
+  title = {First observation of ${}_2{S}_1$ and study of the splitting of the
+	football mode ${}_0{S}_2$ after the {J}une 2001 {P}eru earthquake
+	of magnitude 8.4},
+  journal = grl,
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {30},
+  pages = {2111},
+  number = {21},
+  doi = {10.1029/2003GL018304}
-author = {Diego Rossinelli and Michael Bergdorf and Georges-Henri Cottet and
-Petros Koumoutsakos},
-title = {{GPU} accelerated simulations of bluff body flows using vortex particle
-journal = jcp,
-year = {2010},
-volume = {229},
-pages = {3316-3333},
-number = {9},
-doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2010.01.004}
+  author = {Diego Rossinelli and Michael Bergdorf and Georges-Henri Cottet and
+	Petros Koumoutsakos},
+  title = {{GPU} accelerated simulations of bluff body flows using vortex particle
+	methods},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {2010},
+  volume = {229},
+  pages = {3316-3333},
+  number = {9},
+  doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2010.01.004}
-author = {D. Royer},
-title = {Stresses and displacements for some Rayleigh-type surface acoustic
-waves propagating on an anisotropic half space (L)},
-journal = jasa,
-year = {2008},
-volume = {123},
-pages = {599-601},
-number = {2}
+  author = {D. Royer},
+  title = {Stresses and displacements for some Rayleigh-type surface acoustic
+	waves propagating on an anisotropic half space (L)},
+  journal = jasa,
+  year = {2008},
+  volume = {123},
+  pages = {599-601},
+  number = {2}
-title = {Ondes elastiques dans les solides},
-publisher = {Masson (Paris)},
-year = {1996},
-author = {D. Royer and E. Dieulesaint},
-volume = {1. Propagation libre et guid\'ee}
+  title = {Ondes elastiques dans les solides},
+  publisher = {Masson (Paris)},
+  year = {1996},
+  author = {D. Royer and E. Dieulesaint},
+  volume = {1. Propagation libre et guid\'ee}
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-title = {Rayleigh wave velocity and displacement in orthorhombic, tetragonal,
-hexagonal, and cubic crystals},
-journal = jasa,
-year = {1984},
-volume = {76},
-pages = {1438-1444},
-number = {5}
+  author = {D. Royer and E. Dieulesaint},
+  title = {Rayleigh wave velocity and displacement in orthorhombic, tetragonal,
+	hexagonal, and cubic crystals},
+  journal = jasa,
+  year = {1984},
+  volume = {76},
+  pages = {1438-1444},
+  number = {5}
-author = {B. Rulf},
-title = {Rayleigh waves on curved surfaces},
-journal = jasa,
-year = {1969},
-volume = {45},
-pages = {493-499}
+  author = {B. Rulf},
+  title = {Rayleigh waves on curved surfaces},
+  journal = jasa,
+  year = {1969},
+  volume = {45},
+  pages = {493-499}
-author = {M. Rumpf and R. Strzodka},
-title = {Graphics {P}rocessor {U}nits: {N}ew prospects for parallel computing},
-booktitle = {Numerical Solution to Partial Differential Equations on Parallel
-year = {2006},
-volume = {51},
-series = {Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering},
-pages = {89-134},
-address = {Germany},
-publisher = {Springer-Verlag}
+  author = {M. Rumpf and R. Strzodka},
+  title = {Graphics {P}rocessor {U}nits: {N}ew prospects for parallel computing},
+  booktitle = {Numerical Solution to Partial Differential Equations on Parallel
+	Computers},
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {51},
+  series = {Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering},
+  pages = {89-134},
+  address = {Germany},
+  publisher = {Springer-Verlag}
-author = {Martin Rumpf and Robert Strzodka},
-title = {Nonlinear Diffusion in Graphics Hardware},
-booktitle = {{Proceedings of EG/IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization (VisSym '01)}},
-year = {2001},
-pages = {75--84},
-month = may
+  author = {Martin Rumpf and Robert Strzodka},
+  title = {Nonlinear Diffusion in Graphics Hardware},
+  booktitle = {{Proceedings of EG/IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization (VisSym '01)}},
+  year = {2001},
+  pages = {75--84},
+  month = may
-author = {S. A. Russell and T. Lay and E. J. Garnero},
-title = {Small-scale lateral shear velocity and anisotropy heterogeneity near
-the core-mantle boundary beneath the central {P}acific imaged using
-broadband {ScS} waves},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {1999},
-volume = {104},
-pages = {13,183-13,199},
-number = {B6}
+  author = {S. A. Russell and T. Lay and E. J. Garnero},
+  title = {Small-scale lateral shear velocity and anisotropy heterogeneity near
+	the core-mantle boundary beneath the central {P}acific imaged using
+	broadband {ScS} waves},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {1999},
+  volume = {104},
+  pages = {13,183-13,199},
+  number = {B6}
-author = {R. L. Ryan},
-title = {Pulse propagation in a transversely isotropic half-space},
-journal = {Journal of Sound and Vibration},
-year = {1971},
-volume = {14},
-pages = {511-524},
-number = {4}
+  author = {R. L. Ryan},
+  title = {Pulse propagation in a transversely isotropic half-space},
+  journal = {Journal of Sound and Vibration},
+  year = {1971},
+  volume = {14},
+  pages = {511-524},
+  number = {4}
-author = {G. Ryskin and L. G. Leal},
-title = {Orthogonal mapping},
-journal = jcp,
-year = {1983},
-volume = {50},
-pages = {71-100}
+  author = {G. Ryskin and L. G. Leal},
+  title = {Orthogonal mapping},
+  journal = jcp,
+  year = {1983},
+  volume = {50},
+  pages = {71-100}
-author = {E. M. R{\o}nquist},
-title = {Convection treatment using spectral elements of different order},
-journal = {Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids},
-year = {1996},
-volume = {22},
-pages = {241-264}
+  author = {E. M. R{\o}nquist},
+  title = {Convection treatment using spectral elements of different order},
+  journal = {Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids},
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {22},
+  pages = {241-264}
-author = {E. M. R{\o}nquist},
-title = {Optimal spectral element methods for the unsteady three-dimensional
-incompressible {N}avier-{S}tokes equations},
-school = {Massachussets Institute of Technology},
-year = {1988},
-address = {Massachussets}
+  author = {E. M. R{\o}nquist},
+  title = {Optimal spectral element methods for the unsteady three-dimensional
+	incompressible {N}avier-{S}tokes equations},
+  school = {Massachussets Institute of Technology},
+  year = {1988},
+  address = {Massachussets}
-author = {E. M. R{\o}nquist and A. T. Patera},
-title = {A {L}egendre Spectral-Element Method for the Incompressible {N}avier-{S}tokes
-booktitle = {Proc. of the Seventh GAMM Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid
-year = {1988},
-editor = {M. Deville},
-pages = {318-326},
-address = {Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium}
+  author = {E. M. R{\o}nquist and A. T. Patera},
+  title = {A {L}egendre Spectral-Element Method for the Incompressible {N}avier-{S}tokes
+	Equations},
+  booktitle = {Proc. of the Seventh GAMM Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid
+	Mechanics},
+  year = {1988},
+  editor = {M. Deville},
+  pages = {318-326},
+  address = {Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium}
-author = {E. M. R{\o}nquist and A. T. Patera},
-title = {A {L}egendre {S}pectral {E}lement Method for the {S}tefan Problem},
-journal = ijnme,
-year = {1987},
-volume = {24},
-pages = {2273-2299}
+  author = {E. M. R{\o}nquist and A. T. Patera},
+  title = {A {L}egendre {S}pectral {E}lement Method for the {S}tefan Problem},
+  journal = ijnme,
+  year = {1987},
+  volume = {24},
+  pages = {2273-2299}
-author = {M. P. S\"uss and J. H. Shaw},
-title = {P wave seismic velocity structure derived from sonic logs and industry
-reflection data in the {L}os {A}ngeles basin, {C}alifornia},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {2003},
-volume = {108},
-pages = {2170},
-number = {B3},
-doi = {10.1029/2001JB001628}
+  author = {M. P. S\"uss and J. H. Shaw},
+  title = {P wave seismic velocity structure derived from sonic logs and industry
+	reflection data in the {L}os {A}ngeles basin, {C}alifornia},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {2003},
+  volume = {108},
+  pages = {2170},
+  number = {B3},
+  doi = {10.1029/2001JB001628}
-author = {F. J. S\'anchez-Sesma},
-title = {Strong ground motion and site effects},
-booktitle = {Computer Analysis and Design of Earthquake resistant structures},
-publisher = {Comp. Mech. Publications},
-year = {1997},
-editor = {D.E. Beskos and S.A. Angnostopoulos},
-pages = {201-239},
-address = {Southampton}
+  author = {F. J. S\'anchez-Sesma},
+  title = {Strong ground motion and site effects},
+  booktitle = {Computer Analysis and Design of Earthquake resistant structures},
+  publisher = {Comp. Mech. Publications},
+  year = {1997},
+  editor = {D.E. Beskos and S.A. Angnostopoulos},
+  pages = {201-239},
+  address = {Southampton}
-author = {F. J. S\'anchez-Sesma},
-title = {Diffraction of elastic waves by three-dimensional surface irregularities},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1983},
-volume = {73},
-pages = {1621-1636},
-number = {6}
+  author = {F. J. S\'anchez-Sesma},
+  title = {Diffraction of elastic waves by three-dimensional surface irregularities},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1983},
+  volume = {73},
+  pages = {1621-1636},
+  number = {6}
-author = {F. J. S\'anchez-Sesma and R. Benites and J. Bielak},
-title = {The assessment of strong ground motion: what lies ahead?},
-booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering},
-year = {1996},
-pages = {1-19},
-note = {Acapulco, Mexico, June 1996}
+  author = {F. J. S\'anchez-Sesma and R. Benites and J. Bielak},
+  title = {The assessment of strong ground motion: what lies ahead?},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering},
+  year = {1996},
+  pages = {1-19},
+  note = {Acapulco, Mexico, June 1996}
-author = {F. J. S\'anchez-Sesma and M. Campillo},
-title = {Topographic effects for incident {{\it P, SV}} and {R}ayleigh waves},
-journal = {Tectonophysics},
-year = {1993},
-volume = {218},
-pages = {113-125}
+  author = {F. J. S\'anchez-Sesma and M. Campillo},
+  title = {Topographic effects for incident {{\it P, SV}} and {R}ayleigh waves},
+  journal = {Tectonophysics},
+  year = {1993},
+  volume = {218},
+  pages = {113-125}
-author = {F. J. S\'anchez-Sesma and M. Campillo},
-title = {Diffraction of {{\it P}}, {{\it SV}} and {R}ayleigh waves by topographic
-features: a boundary integral formulation},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1991},
-volume = {81},
-pages = {2234-2253}
+  author = {F. J. S\'anchez-Sesma and M. Campillo},
+  title = {Diffraction of {{\it P}}, {{\it SV}} and {R}ayleigh waves by topographic
+	features: a boundary integral formulation},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1991},
+  volume = {81},
+  pages = {2234-2253}
-author = {F. J. S\'anchez-Sesma and F. Luz\'on},
-title = {Can horizontal {{\it P}} waves be trapped and resonate in a shallow
-sedimentary basin?},
-journal = gji,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {124},
-pages = {209-214}
+  author = {F. J. S\'anchez-Sesma and F. Luz\'on},
+  title = {Can horizontal {{\it P}} waves be trapped and resonate in a shallow
+	sedimentary basin?},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {124},
+  pages = {209-214}
-author = {F. J. S\'anchez-Sesma and J. Ramos-Martinez and M. Campillo},
-title = {An indirect boundary element method applied to simulate the seismic
-response of alluvial valleys for incident {{\it P, SV}} and {R}ayleigh
-journal = eesd,
-year = {1993},
-volume = {22},
-pages = {279-295}
+  author = {F. J. S\'anchez-Sesma and J. Ramos-Martinez and M. Campillo},
+  title = {An indirect boundary element method applied to simulate the seismic
+	response of alluvial valleys for incident {{\it P, SV}} and {R}ayleigh
+	waves},
+  journal = eesd,
+  year = {1993},
+  volume = {22},
+  pages = {279-295}
-author = {F. J. S\'anchez-Sesma and E. Rosenblueth},
-title = {Ground motion at canyons of arbitrary shape under incident {{\it
-SH}} waves},
-journal = eesd,
-year = {1979},
-volume = {7},
-pages = {441-450}
+  author = {F. J. S\'anchez-Sesma and E. Rosenblueth},
+  title = {Ground motion at canyons of arbitrary shape under incident {{\it
+	SH}} waves},
+  journal = eesd,
+  year = {1979},
+  volume = {7},
+  pages = {441-450}
-author = {Z. S. Sacks and D. M. Kingsland and R. Lee and J. F. Lee},
-title = {A {P}erfectly {M}atched anisotropic absorber for use as an absorbing
-boundary condition},
-journal = {IEEE transactions on Antennas and Propagation},
-year = {1995},
-volume = {43},
-pages = {1460-1463},
-number = {12}
+  author = {Z. S. Sacks and D. M. Kingsland and R. Lee and J. F. Lee},
+  title = {A {P}erfectly {M}atched anisotropic absorber for use as an absorbing
+	boundary condition},
+  journal = {IEEE transactions on Antennas and Propagation},
+  year = {1995},
+  volume = {43},
+  pages = {1460-1463},
+  number = {12}
-author = {R. Sadourny},
-title = {Conservative finite-difference approximations of the primitive equations
-on quasi-uniform spherical grids},
-journal = {Monthly Weather Review},
-year = {1972},
-volume = {100},
-pages = {136-144}
+  author = {R. Sadourny},
+  title = {Conservative finite-difference approximations of the primitive equations
+	on quasi-uniform spherical grids},
+  journal = {Monthly Weather Review},
+  year = {1972},
+  volume = {100},
+  pages = {136-144}
-author = {Erik H. Saenger and Thomas Bohlen},
-title = {Finite-difference modeling of viscoelastic and anisotropic wave propagation
-using the rotated staggered grid},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {2004},
-volume = {69},
-pages = {583-591},
-number = {2},
-doi = {10.1190/1.1707078}
+  author = {Erik H. Saenger and Thomas Bohlen},
+  title = {Finite-difference modeling of viscoelastic and anisotropic wave propagation
+	using the rotated staggered grid},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {2004},
+  volume = {69},
+  pages = {583-591},
+  number = {2},
+  doi = {10.1190/1.1707078}
-author = {E. H. Saenger and N. Gold and S. A. Shapiro},
-title = {Modeling the propagation of elastic waves using a modified finite-difference
-journal = {Wave Motion},
-year = {2000},
-volume = {31},
-pages = {77-92(16)},
-number = {1}
+  author = {E. H. Saenger and N. Gold and S. A. Shapiro},
+  title = {Modeling the propagation of elastic waves using a modified finite-difference
+	grid},
+  journal = {Wave Motion},
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {31},
+  pages = {77-92(16)},
+  number = {1}
-author = {E. H. Saenger and S. A. Shapiro},
-title = {Effective velocities in fractured media: a numerical study using
-the rotated staggered finite-difference grid},
-journal = {Geophysical Prospecting},
-year = {2002},
-volume = {50},
-pages = {183-194}
+  author = {E. H. Saenger and S. A. Shapiro},
+  title = {Effective velocities in fractured media: a numerical study using
+	the rotated staggered finite-difference grid},
+  journal = {Geophysical Prospecting},
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {50},
+  pages = {183-194}
-author = {A. Safjan and J. T. Oden},
-title = {High-order {T}aylor-{G}alerkin and adaptative {\it h-p} methods for
-second-order hyperbolic systems: application to elastodynamics},
-journal = cmame,
-year = {1993},
-volume = {103},
-pages = {187-230}
+  author = {A. Safjan and J. T. Oden},
+  title = {High-order {T}aylor-{G}alerkin and adaptative {\it h-p} methods for
+	second-order hyperbolic systems: application to elastodynamics},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {1993},
+  volume = {103},
+  pages = {187-230}
-author = {K. Salkauskas},
-title = {{$C^1$} splines for interpolation of rapidly varying data},
-journal = {Rocky Mountain J. Math.},
-year = {1974},
-volume = {14},
-pages = {239-250}
+  author = {K. Salkauskas},
+  title = {{$C^1$} splines for interpolation of rapidly varying data},
+  journal = {Rocky Mountain J. Math.},
+  year = {1974},
+  volume = {14},
+  pages = {239-250}
-author = {Toshimi Satoh and Hiroshi Kawase and Toshiaki Sato and Arben Pitarka},
-title = {Three-Dimensional Finite-Difference Waveform Modeling of Strong Motions
-Observed in the {S}endai Basin, {J}apan},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {2001},
-volume = {91},
-pages = {365-380}
+  author = {Toshimi Satoh and Hiroshi Kawase and Toshiaki Sato and Arben Pitarka},
+  title = {Three-Dimensional Finite-Difference Waveform Modeling of Strong Motions
+	Observed in the {S}endai Basin, {J}apan},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {2001},
+  volume = {91},
+  pages = {365-380}
-author = {Brian Savage and Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp},
-title = {Effects of {3D} attenuation on seismic wave amplitude and phase measurements},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {2010},
-volume = {100},
-pages = {1241-1251},
-number = {3},
-doi = {10.1785/0120090263}
+  author = {Brian Savage and Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp},
+  title = {Effects of {3D} attenuation on seismic wave amplitude and phase measurements},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {2010},
+  volume = {100},
+  pages = {1241-1251},
+  number = {3},
+  doi = {10.1785/0120090263}
-author = {Savage, B. and D. A. Wiens and J. Tromp},
-title = {Effects of 3{D} Velocity and Attenuation in the {T}onga-{F}iji Subduction
-booktitle = {Expanded abstracts of the American Geophysical Union},
-year = {Fall Meeting 2005},
-note = {abstract T31D-04}
+  author = {Savage, B. and D. A. Wiens and J. Tromp},
+  title = {Effects of 3{D} Velocity and Attenuation in the {T}onga-{F}iji Subduction
+	Zone},
+  booktitle = {Expanded abstracts of the American Geophysical Union},
+  year = {Fall Meeting 2005},
+  note = {abstract T31D-04}
-author = {C. L. Schneider and C. Hummon and R. S. Yeats and G. J. Huftile},
-title = {Structural evolution of the northern {L}os {A}ngeles basin, {C}alifornia,
-based on growth strata},
-journal = {Tectonics},
-year = {1996},
-volume = {15},
-pages = {341-355}
+  author = {C. L. Schneider and C. Hummon and R. S. Yeats and G. J. Huftile},
+  title = {Structural evolution of the northern {L}os {A}ngeles basin, {C}alifornia,
+	based on growth strata},
+  journal = {Tectonics},
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {15},
+  pages = {341-355}
-author = {M. Schoenberg and F. Muir},
-title = {A calculus for finely layered anisotropic media},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1989},
-volume = {54},
-pages = {581-589},
-number = {5}
+  author = {M. Schoenberg and F. Muir},
+  title = {A calculus for finely layered anisotropic media},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1989},
+  volume = {54},
+  pages = {581-589},
+  number = {5}
-author = {Bianca Schroeder and Eduardo Pinheiro and Wolf-Dietrich Weber},
-title = {{DRAM} errors in the wild: {A} large-scale field study},
-booktitle = {SIGMETRICS/Performance '09: Proceedings of the 2009 Joint International
-Conference on Measurement \& Modeling of Computer Systems},
-year = {2009},
-pages = {193--204},
-month = jun,
-doi = {10.1145/1555349.1555372}
+  author = {Bianca Schroeder and Eduardo Pinheiro and Wolf-Dietrich Weber},
+  title = {{DRAM} errors in the wild: {A} large-scale field study},
+  booktitle = {SIGMETRICS/Performance '09: Proceedings of the 2009 Joint International
+	Conference on Measurement \& Modeling of Computer Systems},
+  year = {2009},
+  pages = {193--204},
+  month = jun,
+  doi = {10.1145/1555349.1555372}
-author = {B. Schubert},
-title = {The spectral-element method for seismic wave propagation: theory,
-implementation and comparison to finite-difference methods},
-institution = {University of Munich},
-year = {2003},
-address = {Germany},
-note = {unpublished report, 165 p.}
+  author = {B. Schubert},
+  title = {The spectral-element method for seismic wave propagation: theory,
+	implementation and comparison to finite-difference methods},
+  institution = {University of Munich},
+  year = {2003},
+  address = {Germany},
+  note = {unpublished report, 165 p.}
-author = {G. Seriani},
-title = {Double-grid {C}hebyshev spectral elements for acoustic wave modeling},
-journal = {Wave Motion},
-year = {2004},
-volume = {39},
-pages = {351-360}
+  author = {G. Seriani},
+  title = {Double-grid {C}hebyshev spectral elements for acoustic wave modeling},
+  journal = {Wave Motion},
+  year = {2004},
+  volume = {39},
+  pages = {351-360}
-author = {G\'eza Seriani},
-title = {3-{D} large-scale wave propagation modeling by a spectral element
-method on a {C}ray {T3E} multiprocessor},
-journal = cmame,
-year = {1998},
-volume = {164},
-pages = {235-247}
+  author = {G\'eza Seriani},
+  title = {3-{D} large-scale wave propagation modeling by a spectral element
+	method on a {C}ray {T3E} multiprocessor},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {1998},
+  volume = {164},
+  pages = {235-247}
-author = {G\'eza Seriani},
-title = {A parallel spectral element method for acoustic wave modeling},
-journal = jca,
-year = {1997},
-volume = {5},
-pages = {53-69}
+  author = {G\'eza Seriani},
+  title = {A parallel spectral element method for acoustic wave modeling},
+  journal = jca,
+  year = {1997},
+  volume = {5},
+  pages = {53-69}
-author = {G. Seriani and S. P. Oliveira},
-title = {Dispersion analysis of spectral-element methods for elastic wave
-journal = {Wave Motion},
-year = {2008},
-volume = {45},
-pages = {729-744},
-doi = {10.1016/j.wavemoti.2007.11.007}
+  author = {G. Seriani and S. P. Oliveira},
+  title = {Dispersion analysis of spectral-element methods for elastic wave
+	propagation},
+  journal = {Wave Motion},
+  year = {2008},
+  volume = {45},
+  pages = {729-744},
+  doi = {10.1016/j.wavemoti.2007.11.007}
-author = {G. Seriani and E. Priolo},
-title = {A spectral element method for acoustic wave simulation in heterogeneous
-journal = {Finite Elements in Analysis and Design},
-year = {1994},
-volume = {16},
-pages = {337-348}
+  author = {G. Seriani and E. Priolo},
+  title = {A spectral element method for acoustic wave simulation in heterogeneous
+	media},
+  journal = {Finite Elements in Analysis and Design},
+  year = {1994},
+  volume = {16},
+  pages = {337-348}
-author = {G. Seriani and E. Priolo},
-title = {High-order spectral element method for acoustic wave modeling},
-booktitle = {Expanded abstracts of the Soc. Expl. Geophys.},
-year = {1991},
-series = {61st international meeting of the SEG},
-pages = {1561-1564},
-address = {Houston, Texas, USA}
+  author = {G. Seriani and E. Priolo},
+  title = {High-order spectral element method for acoustic wave modeling},
+  booktitle = {Expanded abstracts of the Soc. Expl. Geophys.},
+  year = {1991},
+  series = {61st international meeting of the SEG},
+  pages = {1561-1564},
+  address = {Houston, Texas, USA}
-author = {G. Seriani and E. Priolo and J. M. Carcione and E. Padovani},
-title = {High-order spectral element method for elastic wave modeling},
-booktitle = {Expanded abstracts of the Soc. Expl. Geophys.},
-year = {1992},
-series = {62nd international meeting of the SEG},
-pages = {1285-1288},
-address = {New-Orleans, Louisiana, USA}
+  author = {G. Seriani and E. Priolo and J. M. Carcione and E. Padovani},
+  title = {High-order spectral element method for elastic wave modeling},
+  booktitle = {Expanded abstracts of the Soc. Expl. Geophys.},
+  year = {1992},
+  series = {62nd international meeting of the SEG},
+  pages = {1285-1288},
+  address = {New-Orleans, Louisiana, USA}
-author = {G. Seriani and E. Priolo and A. Pregarz},
-title = {Modelling waves in anisotropic media by a spectral element method},
-booktitle = {Proceedings of the third international conference on mathematical
-and numerical aspects of wave propagation},
-year = {1995},
-editor = {G. Cohen},
-pages = {289-298},
-publisher = {SIAM, Philadephia, PA}
+  author = {G. Seriani and E. Priolo and A. Pregarz},
+  title = {Modelling waves in anisotropic media by a spectral element method},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the third international conference on mathematical
+	and numerical aspects of wave propagation},
+  year = {1995},
+  editor = {G. Cohen},
+  pages = {289-298},
+  publisher = {SIAM, Philadephia, PA}
-author = {G{\'e}za Seriani and Saulo P. Oliveira},
-title = {Optimal blended spectral-element operators for acoustic wave modeling},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {2007},
-volume = {72},
-pages = {SM95-SM106},
-number = {5},
-doi = {10.1190/1.2750715}
+  author = {G{\'e}za Seriani and Saulo P. Oliveira},
+  title = {Optimal blended spectral-element operators for acoustic wave modeling},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {2007},
+  volume = {72},
+  pages = {SM95-SM106},
+  number = {5},
+  doi = {10.1190/1.2750715}
-author = {Nikolai M. Shapiro and Kim B. Olsen and Shri K. Singh},
-title = {On the duration of seismic motion incident onto the Valley of {M}exico
-for subduction zone earthquakes},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2002},
-volume = {151},
-pages = {501-510}
+  author = {Nikolai M. Shapiro and Kim B. Olsen and Shri K. Singh},
+  title = {On the duration of seismic motion incident onto the Valley of {M}exico
+	for subduction zone earthquakes},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {151},
+  pages = {501-510}
-author = {M. D. Sharma},
-title = {Spatial dispersion of surface waves at the free surface of a general
-anisotropic elastic medium},
-journal = {Journal of Seismology},
-year = {2007},
-volume = {11},
-pages = {187-197}
+  author = {M. D. Sharma},
+  title = {Spatial dispersion of surface waves at the free surface of a general
+	anisotropic elastic medium},
+  journal = {Journal of Seismology},
+  year = {2007},
+  volume = {11},
+  pages = {187-197}
-author = {J. H. Shaw and P. S\"uss and C. Rivero},
-title = {Structural and seismologic investigations of concealed earthquake
-sources in the {L}os {A}ngeles metropolitan area},
-booktitle = {SCEC Annual Meeting},
-year = {1999},
-address = {Palm Springs, California}
+  author = {J. H. Shaw and P. S\"uss and C. Rivero},
+  title = {Structural and seismologic investigations of concealed earthquake
+	sources in the {L}os {A}ngeles metropolitan area},
+  booktitle = {SCEC Annual Meeting},
+  year = {1999},
+  address = {Palm Springs, California}
-author = {J. H. Shaw and P. Shearer},
-title = {An elusive blind-thrust fault beneath metropolitan {L}os {A}ngeles},
-journal = {Science},
-year = {1999},
-volume = {283},
-pages = {1516-1518}
+  author = {J. H. Shaw and P. Shearer},
+  title = {An elusive blind-thrust fault beneath metropolitan {L}os {A}ngeles},
+  journal = {Science},
+  year = {1999},
+  volume = {283},
+  pages = {1516-1518}
-author = {John H. Shaw and J. Suppe},
-title = {Earthquake hazards of active blind-thrust faults under the central
-{L}os {A}ngeles basin, {C}alifornia},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {101},
-pages = {8623-8642}
+  author = {John H. Shaw and J. Suppe},
+  title = {Earthquake hazards of active blind-thrust faults under the central
+	{L}os {A}ngeles basin, {C}alifornia},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {101},
+  pages = {8623-8642}
-author = {Jeremy W. Sheaffer and David P. Luebke and Kevin Skadron},
-title = {A Hardware Redundancy and Recovery Mechanism for Reliable Scientific
-Computation on Graphics Processors},
-booktitle = {Graphics Hardware 2007},
-year = {2007},
-editor = {Timo Aila and Mark Segal},
-pages = {55--64},
-month = aug
+  author = {Jeremy W. Sheaffer and David P. Luebke and Kevin Skadron},
+  title = {A Hardware Redundancy and Recovery Mechanism for Reliable Scientific
+	Computation on Graphics Processors},
+  booktitle = {Graphics Hardware 2007},
+  year = {2007},
+  editor = {Timo Aila and Mark Segal},
+  pages = {55--64},
+  month = aug
-author = {P. M. Shearer},
-title = {Constraints on inner core anisotropy from {PKP(DF)} travel times},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {1994},
-volume = {99},
-pages = {19647-19659}
+  author = {P. M. Shearer},
+  title = {Constraints on inner core anisotropy from {PKP(DF)} travel times},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {1994},
+  volume = {99},
+  pages = {19647-19659}
-author = {Dong-Hoon Sheen and Kagan Tuncay and Chang-Eob Baag and Peter J.
-title = {Parallel implementation of a velocity-stress staggered-grid finite-difference
-method for 2-{D} poroelastic wave propagation},
-journal = {Computers and Geosciences},
-year = {2006},
-volume = {32},
-pages = {1182-1191},
-doi = {10.1016/j.cageo.2005.11.001}
+  author = {Dong-Hoon Sheen and Kagan Tuncay and Chang-Eob Baag and Peter J.
+	Ortoleva},
+  title = {Parallel implementation of a velocity-stress staggered-grid finite-difference
+	method for 2-{D} poroelastic wave propagation},
+  journal = {Computers and Geosciences},
+  year = {2006},
+  volume = {32},
+  pages = {1182-1191},
+  doi = {10.1016/j.cageo.2005.11.001}
-author = {J. F. Shepherd and Ch. R. Johnson},
-title = {Hexahedral mesh generation constraints},
-journal = {Engineering with Computers},
-year = {2008},
-volume = {24},
-pages = {195 - 213},
-number = {3},
-doi = {10.1007/s00366-008-0091-4}
+  author = {J. F. Shepherd and Ch. R. Johnson},
+  title = {Hexahedral mesh generation constraints},
+  journal = {Engineering with Computers},
+  year = {2008},
+  volume = {24},
+  pages = {195 - 213},
+  number = {3},
+  doi = {10.1007/s00366-008-0091-4}
-title = {Exploration seismology: history, theory and data acquisition},
-publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
-year = {1982},
-author = {R. E. Sheriff and L. P. Geldart},
-address = {Cambridge}
+  title = {Exploration seismology: history, theory and data acquisition},
+  publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
+  year = {1982},
+  author = {R. E. Sheriff and L. P. Geldart},
+  address = {Cambridge}
-author = {S. J. Sherwin and G. E. Karniadakis},
-title = {A triangular spectral element method: applications to the incompressible
-{N}avier-{S}tokes equations},
-journal = cmame,
-year = {1995},
-volume = {123},
-pages = {189-229}
+  author = {S. J. Sherwin and G. E. Karniadakis},
+  title = {A triangular spectral element method: applications to the incompressible
+	{N}avier-{S}tokes equations},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {1995},
+  volume = {123},
+  pages = {189-229}
-author = {Satoru Shingu and Hiroshi Takahara and Hiromitsu Fuchigami and Masayuki
-Yamada and Yoshinori Tsuda and Wataru Ohfuchi and Yuji Sasaki and
-Kazuo Kobayashi and Takashi Hagiwara and Shin-Ichi Habata and Mitsuo
-Yokokawa and Hiroyuki Itoh and Kiyoshi Otsuka},
-title = {A 26.58 teraflops Global Atmospheric Simulation with the Spectral
-Transform Method on the {E}arth {S}imulator},
-journal = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Supercomputing SC'2002 conference},
-year = {2002},
-note = {Published on CD-ROM and at www.sc-conference.org/sc2002}
+  author = {Satoru Shingu and Hiroshi Takahara and Hiromitsu Fuchigami and Masayuki
+	Yamada and Yoshinori Tsuda and Wataru Ohfuchi and Yuji Sasaki and
+	Kazuo Kobayashi and Takashi Hagiwara and Shin-Ichi Habata and Mitsuo
+	Yokokawa and Hiroyuki Itoh and Kiyoshi Otsuka},
+  title = {A 26.58 teraflops Global Atmospheric Simulation with the Spectral
+	Transform Method on the {E}arth {S}imulator},
+  journal = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Supercomputing SC'2002 conference},
+  year = {2002},
+  note = {Published on CD-ROM and at www.sc-conference.org/sc2002}
-author = {A. L. Shuvalov},
-title = {Erratum: {O}n the theory of plane inhomogeneous waves in anisotropic
-elastic media},
-journal = {Wave Motion},
-year = {2002},
-volume = {36},
-pages = {305}
+  author = {A. L. Shuvalov},
+  title = {Erratum: {O}n the theory of plane inhomogeneous waves in anisotropic
+	elastic media},
+  journal = {Wave Motion},
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {36},
+  pages = {305}
-author = {A. L. Shuvalov},
-title = {On the theory of plane inhomogeneous waves in anisotropic elastic
-journal = {Wave Motion},
-year = {2001},
-volume = {34},
-pages = {401-429}
+  author = {A. L. Shuvalov},
+  title = {On the theory of plane inhomogeneous waves in anisotropic elastic
+	media},
+  journal = {Wave Motion},
+  year = {2001},
+  volume = {34},
+  pages = {401-429}
-author = {A. L. Shuvalov and A. G. Every},
-title = {Transverse curvature of the acoustic slowness surface in crystal
-symmetry planes and associated phonon focusing cusps},
-journal = jasa,
-year = {2000},
-volume = {108},
-pages = {2107-2113},
-number = {5}
+  author = {A. L. Shuvalov and A. G. Every},
+  title = {Transverse curvature of the acoustic slowness surface in crystal
+	symmetry planes and associated phonon focusing cusps},
+  journal = jasa,
+  year = {2000},
+  volume = {108},
+  pages = {2107-2113},
+  number = {5}
-author = {A. L. Shuvalov and A. G. Every},
-title = {Shape of the acoustic slowness surface of anisotropic solids near
-points of conical degeneracy},
-journal = jasa,
-year = {1997},
-volume = {101},
-pages = {2381-2383},
-number = {4}
+  author = {A. L. Shuvalov and A. G. Every},
+  title = {Shape of the acoustic slowness surface of anisotropic solids near
+	points of conical degeneracy},
+  journal = jasa,
+  year = {1997},
+  volume = {101},
+  pages = {2381-2383},
+  number = {4}
-author = {A. L. Shuvalov and O. Poncelet and M. Deschamps},
-title = {Plane inhomogeneous elastic waves in transversely isotropic media:
-explicit analysis of different types of degeneracy},
-journal = {Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids},
-year = {2005},
-volume = {10},
-pages = {249-279}
+  author = {A. L. Shuvalov and O. Poncelet and M. Deschamps},
+  title = {Plane inhomogeneous elastic waves in transversely isotropic media:
+	explicit analysis of different types of degeneracy},
+  journal = {Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids},
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {10},
+  pages = {249-279}
-author = {Anne Sieminski and Qinya Liu and Jeannot Trampert and Jeroen Tromp},
-title = {Finite-frequency sensitivity of surface waves to anisotropy based
-upon adjoint methods},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2007},
-volume = {168},
-pages = {1153-1174},
-number = {3},
-doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03261.x}
+  author = {Anne Sieminski and Qinya Liu and Jeannot Trampert and Jeroen Tromp},
+  title = {Finite-frequency sensitivity of surface waves to anisotropy based
+	upon adjoint methods},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2007},
+  volume = {168},
+  pages = {1153-1174},
+  number = {3},
+  doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03261.x}
-author = {Anne Sieminski and Qinya Liu and Jeannot Trampert and Jeroen Tromp},
-title = {Finite-frequency sensitivity of body waves to anisotropy based upon
-adjoint methods},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2007},
-volume = {171},
-pages = {368-389},
-doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03528.x}
+  author = {Anne Sieminski and Qinya Liu and Jeannot Trampert and Jeroen Tromp},
+  title = {Finite-frequency sensitivity of body waves to anisotropy based upon
+	adjoint methods},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2007},
+  volume = {171},
+  pages = {368-389},
+  doi = {10.1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03528.x}
-author = {P. G. Silver},
-title = {Seismic anisotropy beneath the continents: Probing the depths of
-journal = {Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences},
-year = {1996},
-volume = {24},
-pages = {385-xxx}
+  author = {P. G. Silver},
+  title = {Seismic anisotropy beneath the continents: Probing the depths of
+	geology},
+  journal = {Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences},
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {24},
+  pages = {385-xxx}
-author = {J. C. Simo},
-title = {Algorithms for static and dynamic multiplicative plasticity that
-preserve the classical return mapping schemes of the infinitesimal
-journal = cmame,
-year = {1992},
-volume = {99},
-pages = {61-112}
+  author = {J. C. Simo},
+  title = {Algorithms for static and dynamic multiplicative plasticity that
+	preserve the classical return mapping schemes of the infinitesimal
+	theory},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {1992},
+  volume = {99},
+  pages = {61-112}
-author = {J. C. Simo and N. Tarnow and K. K. Wong},
-title = {Exact energy-momentum conserving algorithms and symplectic schemes
-for nonlinear dynamics},
-journal = cmame,
-year = {1992},
-volume = {100},
-pages = {63-116}
+  author = {J. C. Simo and N. Tarnow and K. K. Wong},
+  title = {Exact energy-momentum conserving algorithms and symplectic schemes
+	for nonlinear dynamics},
+  journal = cmame,
+  year = {1992},
+  volume = {100},
+  pages = {63-116}
-author = {F. J. Simons and R. D. van der Hilst and J. P. Montagner and A. Zielhuis},
-title = {Multimode {R}ayleigh wave inversion for heterogeneity and azimuthal
-anisotropy of the {A}ustralian upper mantle},
-journal = gji,
-year = {2002},
-volume = {151},
-pages = {738-754},
-number = {3}
+  author = {F. J. Simons and R. D. van der Hilst and J. P. Montagner and A. Zielhuis},
+  title = {Multimode {R}ayleigh wave inversion for heterogeneity and azimuthal
+	anisotropy of the {A}ustralian upper mantle},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {2002},
+  volume = {151},
+  pages = {738-754},
+  number = {3}
-author = {S. K. Singh and F. J. Sabina},
-title = {Ground-motion amplification by topographic depressions for incident
-{{\it P}} wave under acoustic approximation},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1977},
-volume = {67},
-pages = {345-352}
+  author = {S. K. Singh and F. J. Sabina},
+  title = {Ground-motion amplification by topographic depressions for incident
+	{{\it P}} wave under acoustic approximation},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1977},
+  volume = {67},
+  pages = {345-352}
-author = {Laurent Sirgue and R. Gerhard Pratt},
-title = {Efficient waveform inversion and imaging: A strategy for selecting
-temporal frequencies},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {2004},
-volume = {69},
-pages = {231-248},
-number = {1}
+  author = {Laurent Sirgue and R. Gerhard Pratt},
+  title = {Efficient waveform inversion and imaging: A strategy for selecting
+	temporal frequencies},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {2004},
+  volume = {69},
+  pages = {231-248},
+  number = {1}
-author = {J. Sj\o{}strand},
-title = {Fourier Integral Operators with Complex-Valued Phase Functions},
-journal = {Lecture Notes},
-year = {1974},
-volume = {459},
-pages = {120-223}
+  author = {J. Sj\o{}strand},
+  title = {Fourier Integral Operators with Complex-Valued Phase Functions},
+  journal = {Lecture Notes},
+  year = {1974},
+  volume = {459},
+  pages = {120-223}
-author = {Elizabeth A. Skelton and S. D. M. Adams and R. V. Craster},
-title = {Guided elastic waves and perfectly matched layers},
-journal = {Wave Motion},
-year = {2007},
-volume = {44},
-pages = {573-592}
+  author = {Elizabeth A. Skelton and S. D. M. Adams and R. V. Craster},
+  title = {Guided elastic waves and perfectly matched layers},
+  journal = {Wave Motion},
+  year = {2007},
+  volume = {44},
+  pages = {573-592}
-author = {M. L. Smith and F. A. Dahlen},
-title = {The azimuthal dependence of {L}ove and {R}ayleigh wave propagation
-in a slightly anisotropic medium},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {1973},
-volume = {78},
-pages = {3321-3333}
+  author = {M. L. Smith and F. A. Dahlen},
+  title = {The azimuthal dependence of {L}ove and {R}ayleigh wave propagation
+	in a slightly anisotropic medium},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {1973},
+  volume = {78},
+  pages = {3321-3333}
-author = {Thomas M. Smith and S. Scott Collis and Curtis C. Ober and James
-R. Overfelt and Hans F. Schwaiger},
-title = {Elastic Wave Propagation in Variable Media using a Discontinuous
-Galerkin Method},
-journal = {SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts},
-year = {2010},
-volume = {29},
-pages = {2982-2987},
-number = {1},
-doi = {10.1190/1.3513466},
-publisher = {SEG}
+  author = {Thomas M. Smith and S. Scott Collis and Curtis C. Ober and James
+	R. Overfelt and Hans F. Schwaiger},
+  title = {Elastic Wave Propagation in Variable Media using a Discontinuous
+	Galerkin Method},
+  journal = {SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts},
+  year = {2010},
+  volume = {29},
+  pages = {2982-2987},
+  number = {1},
+  doi = {10.1190/1.3513466},
+  publisher = {SEG}
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-title = {Acoustic modelling by {BEM-FEM} coupling procedures taking into account
-explicit and implicit multi-domain decomposition techniques},
-journal = ijnme,
-year = {2009},
-volume = {78},
-pages = {1076-1093},
-number = {9},
-doi = {10.1002/nme.2522}
+  author = {Soares Jr., Delfim},
+  title = {Acoustic modelling by {BEM-FEM} coupling procedures taking into account
+	explicit and implicit multi-domain decomposition techniques},
+  journal = ijnme,
+  year = {2009},
+  volume = {78},
+  pages = {1076-1093},
+  number = {9},
+  doi = {10.1002/nme.2522}
-author = {Soares Jr., D. and W. J. Mansur},
-title = {An Efficient Time-Domain {BEM-FEM} Coupling for Acoustic-Elastodynamic
-Interaction Problems},
-journal = cmes,
-year = {2005},
-volume = {8},
-pages = {153-164},
-number = {2}
+  author = {Soares Jr., D. and W. J. Mansur},
+  title = {An Efficient Time-Domain {BEM-FEM} Coupling for Acoustic-Elastodynamic
+	Interaction Problems},
+  journal = cmes,
+  year = {2005},
+  volume = {8},
+  pages = {153-164},
+  number = {2}
-author = {Soares Jr., D. and W. J. Mansur and D. L. Lima},
-title = {An Explicit Multi-Level Time-Step Algorithm to Model the Propagation
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-Coupled Procedures},
-journal = cmes,
-year = {2007},
-volume = {17},
-pages = {19-34},
-number = {1}
+  author = {Soares Jr., D. and W. J. Mansur and D. L. Lima},
+  title = {An Explicit Multi-Level Time-Step Algorithm to Model the Propagation
+	of Interacting Acoustic-Elastic Waves Using Finite-Element/Finite-Difference
+	Coupled Procedures},
+  journal = cmes,
+  year = {2007},
+  volume = {17},
+  pages = {19-34},
+  number = {1}
-author = {J. Sochacki and R. Kubichek and J. George and W. R. Fletcher and
-S. Smithson},
-title = {Absorbing boundary conditions and surface waves},
-journal = geophysics,
-year = {1987},
-volume = {52},
-pages = {60-71},
-number = {1}
+  author = {J. Sochacki and R. Kubichek and J. George and W. R. Fletcher and
+	S. Smithson},
+  title = {Absorbing boundary conditions and surface waves},
+  journal = geophysics,
+  year = {1987},
+  volume = {52},
+  pages = {60-71},
+  number = {1}
-author = {X. Song and D. V. Helmberger},
-title = {Depth dependence of anisotropy of {E}arth's inner core},
-journal = jgr,
-year = {1995},
-volume = {100},
-pages = {9805-9816}
+  author = {X. Song and D. V. Helmberger},
+  title = {Depth dependence of anisotropy of {E}arth's inner core},
+  journal = jgr,
+  year = {1995},
+  volume = {100},
+  pages = {9805-9816}
-author = {X. Song and D. V. Helmberger},
-title = {Anisotropy of {E}arth's inner core},
-journal = grl,
-year = {1993},
-volume = {20},
-pages = {2591-2594}
+  author = {X. Song and D. V. Helmberger},
+  title = {Anisotropy of {E}arth's inner core},
+  journal = grl,
+  year = {1993},
+  volume = {20},
+  pages = {2591-2594}
-author = {X. J. Song and D. V. Helmberger},
-title = {Source estimation of finite faults from broadband regional networks},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {86},
-pages = {797-804}
+  author = {X. J. Song and D. V. Helmberger},
+  title = {Source estimation of finite faults from broadband regional networks},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {86},
+  pages = {797-804}
-author = {A. Souriau and B. Romanowicz},
-title = {Anisotropy in inner core attenuation: a new type of data to constrain
-the nature of the solid core},
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-year = {1997},
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-pages = {1-4}
+  author = {A. Souriau and B. Romanowicz},
+  title = {Anisotropy in inner core attenuation: a new type of data to constrain
+	the nature of the solid core},
+  journal = grl,
+  year = {1997},
+  volume = {23},
+  pages = {1-4}
-title = {Tensor Calculus},
-publisher = {John Wiley and sons},
-year = {1965},
-author = {B. Spain},
-address = {New York}
+  title = {Tensor Calculus},
+  publisher = {John Wiley and sons},
+  year = {1965},
+  author = {B. Spain},
+  address = {New York}
-author = {J. Spetzler and J. Trampert and R. Snieder},
-title = {{Are we exceeding the limits of the great circle approximation in
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-journal = grl,
-year = {2001},
-volume = {28},
-pages = {2341-2344}
+  author = {J. Spetzler and J. Trampert and R. Snieder},
+  title = {{Are we exceeding the limits of the great circle approximation in
+	global surface wave tomography?}},
+  journal = grl,
+  year = {2001},
+  volume = {28},
+  pages = {2341-2344}
-author = {P. Spudich and M. Hellweg and W. H. K. Lee},
-title = {Directional topographic site response at {T}arzana observed in aftershocks
-of the 1994 {N}orthridge, {C}alifornia, earthquake: implications
-for mainshock motions},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1996},
-volume = {86},
-pages = {S193-S208},
-number = {1B}
+  author = {P. Spudich and M. Hellweg and W. H. K. Lee},
+  title = {Directional topographic site response at {T}arzana observed in aftershocks
+	of the 1994 {N}orthridge, {C}alifornia, earthquake: implications
+	for mainshock motions},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1996},
+  volume = {86},
+  pages = {S193-S208},
+  number = {1B}
-title = {Physics of the Earth},
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-year = {1992},
-author = {Franck D. Stacey},
-address = {Brisbane},
-edition = {3rd}
+  title = {Physics of the Earth},
+  publisher = {Brookfield Press},
+  year = {1992},
+  author = {Franck D. Stacey},
+  address = {Brisbane},
+  edition = {3rd}
-author = {R. Stacey},
-title = {Improved transparent boundary formulations for the elastic wave equation},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1988},
-volume = {78},
-pages = {2089-2097},
-number = {6}
+  author = {R. Stacey},
+  title = {Improved transparent boundary formulations for the elastic wave equation},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1988},
+  volume = {78},
+  pages = {2089-2097},
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-title = {Unconstrained plastering---Hexahedral mesh generation via advancing-front
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-journal = {International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering},
-year = {2010},
-volume = {81},
-pages = {135-171}
+  author = {M. L. Staten and R. A. Kerr and S. J. Owen and T. D. Blacker and
+	M. Stupazzini and K. Shimada},
+  title = {Unconstrained plastering---Hexahedral mesh generation via advancing-front
+	geometry decomposition},
+  journal = {International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering},
+  year = {2010},
+  volume = {81},
+  pages = {135-171}
-author = {G.I. Stegeman},
-title = {Normal-mode surface waves in pseudo-branch on (001) plane of gallium
-journal = {Journal of Applied Physics},
-year = {1976},
-volume = {47},
-pages = {1712-1713}
+  author = {G.I. Stegeman},
+  title = {Normal-mode surface waves in pseudo-branch on (001) plane of gallium
+	arsenide},
+  journal = {Journal of Applied Physics},
+  year = {1976},
+  volume = {47},
+  pages = {1712-1713}
-author = {T. L. Sterling},
-title = {Petaflops Computing: looking Back at the Future},
-institution = {California Institute of Technology},
-year = {2000},
-address = {Pasadena, California},
-note = {presented at the Supercomputing'2000 conference, Dallas, Texas, Nov.
+  author = {T. L. Sterling},
+  title = {Petaflops Computing: looking Back at the Future},
+  institution = {California Institute of Technology},
+  year = {2000},
+  address = {Pasadena, California},
+  note = {presented at the Supercomputing'2000 conference, Dallas, Texas, Nov.
+	2000}
-title = {Enabling technologies for {P}etaflops computing},
-publisher = {MIT Press},
-year = {1995},
-author = {T. L. Sterling and P. C. Messina},
-address = {Cambridge}
+  title = {Enabling technologies for {P}etaflops computing},
+  publisher = {MIT Press},
+  year = {1995},
+  author = {T. L. Sterling and P. C. Messina},
+  address = {Cambridge}
-title = {How to build a {B}eowulf, a guide to the implementation and application
-of {PC} clusters},
-publisher = {MIT Press},
-year = {1999},
-author = {T. L. Sterling and J. Salmon and D. J. Becker and D. F. Savarese},
-address = {Cambridge}
+  title = {How to build a {B}eowulf, a guide to the implementation and application
+	of {PC} clusters},
+  publisher = {MIT Press},
+  year = {1999},
+  author = {T. L. Sterling and J. Salmon and D. J. Becker and D. F. Savarese},
+  address = {Cambridge}
-author = {J. L. Stevens and K. L. McLaughlin and B. Shkoller and S. M. Day},
-title = {2-{D} axisymmetric calculations of surface waves generated by an
-explosion in an island, mountain and sedimentary basin},
-journal = gji,
-year = {1993},
-volume = {114},
-pages = {548-560}
+  author = {J. L. Stevens and K. L. McLaughlin and B. Shkoller and S. M. Day},
+  title = {2-{D} axisymmetric calculations of surface waves generated by an
+	explosion in an island, mountain and sedimentary basin},
+  journal = gji,
+  year = {1993},
+  volume = {114},
+  pages = {548-560}
-author = {C. Stidham and M. Antolik and D. Dreger and S. Larsen and B. Romanowicz},
-title = {Three-dimensional Structure Influences on the Strong Motion Wavefield
-of the 1989 {L}oma {P}rieta Earthquake},
-journal = bssa,
-year = {1999},
-volume = {89},
-pages = {1184-1202}
+  author = {C. Stidham and M. Antolik and D. Dreger and S. Larsen and B. Romanowicz},
+  title = {Three-dimensional Structure Influences on the Strong Motion Wavefield
+	of the 1989 {L}oma {P}rieta Earthquake},
+  journal = bssa,
+  year = {1999},
+  volume = {89},
+  pages = {1184-1202}
-author = {C. Stidham and M. P. S\"uss and J. H. Shaw},
-title = {3{D} density and velocity model of the {L}os {A}ngeles basin},
-booktitle = {Geological Society of America 2001 annual meeting abstracts},
-year = {2001},
-volume = {33},
-pages = {299},
-publisher = {Geological Society of America}
+  author = {C. Stidham and M. P. S\"uss and J. H. Shaw},
+  title = {3{D} density and velocity model of the {L}os {A}ngeles basin},
+  booktitle = {Geological Society of America 2001 annual meeting abstracts},
+  year = {2001},
+  volume = {33},
+  pages = {299},
+  publisher = {Geological Society of America}
-author = {John E. Stone and James C. Phillips and Peter L. Freddolino and David
+  author = {John E. Stone and James C. Phillips and Peter L. Freddolino and David
 	J. Hardy and Leonardo G. Trabuco and Klaus Schulten},
   title = {Accelerating molecular modeling applications with graphics processors},
   journal = {Journal of Computational Chemistry},
@@ -13861,16 +13913,6 @@
   pages = {1-16}
- at ARTICLE{Mat11,
-  author = {Ren\'e Matzen},
-  title = {An efficient finite element time-domain formulation for the elastic second-order wave equation: {A} non-split complex frequency shifted convolutional {PML}},
-  journal = ijnme,
-  year = {2011},
-  volume = {999999},
-  pages = {999998-999999},
-doi = {10.1002/nme.3205}
   title = {The finite element method: v.2, solid and fluid mechanics},
   publisher = {McGraw-Hill},
@@ -13955,14 +13997,3 @@
 	less than plus or minus one~second}
- at article{AuHoVaCe11,
-author = {Aubry, R. and Houzeaux, G. and V\'azquez, M. and Cela, J. M.},
-title = {Some useful strategies for unstructured edge-based solvers on shared memory machines},
-journal = ijnme,
-volume = {85},
-number = {5},
-doi = {10.1002/nme.2973},
-pages = {537-561},
-year = {2011},

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/meshfem3D/meshfem3D.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/meshfem3D/meshfem3D.f90	2012-01-13 00:20:31 UTC (rev 19352)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/meshfem3D/meshfem3D.f90	2012-01-13 17:16:33 UTC (rev 19353)
@@ -622,7 +622,7 @@
 ! get coordinate of corner in bathy/topo model
         icornerlong = int((long - orig_x_interface_bottom) / spacing_x_interface_bottom) + 1
-        icornerlat = int((lat - orig_y_interface_bottom) / spacing_x_interface_bottom) + 1
+        icornerlat = int((lat - orig_y_interface_bottom) / spacing_y_interface_bottom) + 1
 ! avoid edge effects and extend with identical point if outside model
         if(icornerlong < 1) icornerlong = 1

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