[cig-commits] r19435 - seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/flexwin/scripts

liuqy at geodynamics.org liuqy at geodynamics.org
Tue Jan 24 09:30:36 PST 2012

Author: liuqy
Date: 2012-01-24 09:30:35 -0800 (Tue, 24 Jan 2012)
New Revision: 19435

Update scripts to accomodate more general cases.

Modified: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/flexwin/scripts/extract_event_windowing_stats.sh
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/flexwin/scripts/extract_event_windowing_stats.sh	2012-01-24 17:28:40 UTC (rev 19434)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/flexwin/scripts/extract_event_windowing_stats.sh	2012-01-24 17:30:35 UTC (rev 19435)
@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
 # set output filename
 short_basename=`echo $basename | awk -F"/" '{print $NF}'`
 #evlo=`echo $evlo | awk '{printf "%.0f",  $1}'`
@@ -143,10 +144,11 @@
 mv t1 $out
 echo $out
+ps2pdf $out $outpdf
 # plot window recordsection
@@ -168,6 +170,7 @@
 mv t1 $out2
 echo $out2
+ps2pdf $out2 $out2pdf
 rm -f $t0 $t1 $t2z $t2r $t2t $t3

Modified: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/flexwin/scripts/process_ds.py
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/flexwin/scripts/process_ds.py	2012-01-24 17:28:40 UTC (rev 19434)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/flexwin/scripts/process_ds.py	2012-01-24 17:30:35 UTC (rev 19435)
@@ -9,9 +9,11 @@
 # back up your raw data and synthetics before processing
 # channels may become a command-line option in the future
 # when number of matching files is large, we may face issues of
-# 'argument list too long' (especially when derivatives are includede)
+# 'argument list too long' (especially when derivatives are included)
+# a. data/syn_tmin_tmax are wiped out before processing
-# need process_data_new.pl, process_syn_new.pl, pad_zeros.pl and rotate.pl as well as sac_merge
+# need process_data_new.pl, process_syn_new.pl, pad_zeros.pl and rotate.pl
+# as well as saclst sacch (?), and sac_merge
 # data_list,syn_list -- input data/syn
 # all_syn_list -- input syn+derivative syn (.???)
@@ -24,11 +26,11 @@
   error=os.system("sac2ascii.pl "+dfile+" >/dev/null")
   if (error != 0):
-    print "Error converting sac file"; exit()
+    sys.exit("Error converting sac file")
   t1= str(float(os.popen("saclst t1 f "+dfile).readline().split()[1])-5)
   mm_nl=os.popen("awk '$1< "+ t1 + " {print $0}' " +asc_file+ " | minmax -C").readline().split()
   if (len(mm_nl) != 4):
-    print "Error computing noise level"; exit()
+    sys.exit("Error computing noise level")
   mm_sn=os.popen("minmax -C "+asc_file).readline().split()
@@ -37,80 +39,105 @@
-usage= 'Usage: process_ds.py\n        -d ddir,dext -s sdir,sext (required)\n        -p cmt,sta -t tmin,tmax -m -w -D (optional)\n\n        -m merge sac files from the same (sta,net,cmp,hole)\n        -w generate flexwin input\n        -D allow simultaneous processing of derivative synthetics\n'
+usage= 'Usage: process_ds.py\n        -d ddir,dext,chan -s sdir,sext,chan (required)\n        -p cmt,sta -t tmin,tmax -m -w -D (optional)\n\n        -m merge sac files from the same (sta,net,cmp,hole)\n        -w generate flexwin input\n       -D allow simultaneous processing of derivative synthetics \n        -r (for regional data) -M measure_dir\n'
 preprocess=False; bandpass=False; merge=False; windowing=False; der_syn=False
+regional_data=False; model_name='global'; eps=0.001; pzdir=''; rot_reg='-d'; chan='LH'; synchan=chan; meas_dir='MEASURE'
 # command-line options
-  opts,arg=getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'d:s:p:t:mwD')
+  opts,arg=getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'d:s:p:t:mwDrM:')
 except getopt.GetoptError:
-  print usage; exit()
+  sys.exit(usage)
 if (len(opts) == 0):
-  print usage; exit()
+  sys.exit(usage)
 for o,a in opts:
   if o == '-d':
-    (datadir,dataext)=a.split(',')
+    (datadir,dataext,chan)=a.split(',')
   if o == '-s':
-    (syndir,synext)=a.split(',')
+    aa=a.split(',')
+    syndir=aa[0]
+    if (len(aa) >= 2):
+      synext=aa[1]
+    if (len(aa) == 3):
+      synchan=aa[2]
     if (synext != ''):
+    if (len(aa) == 2):
+      synchan=chan
   if o == '-p':
     if (cmt == '' or st== '' or not os.path.isfile(cmt) or not os.path.isfile(st)):
-      print 'check cmt and sta file'; exit()
+      sys.exit('check cmt and sta file')
   if o == '-t':
-    junk=float(tmin); junk=float(tmax)
+    junk=float(tmin); junk=float(tmax) #?????
     new_datadir=datadir+ext; new_syndir=syndir+ext
     if (not os.path.isdir(new_datadir)):
-    else:
-      os.system('rm -rf '+new_datadir+'/*')
     if (not os.path.isdir(new_syndir)):
-    else:
-      os.system('rm -rf '+new_syndir+'/*')
+    os.system('rm -rf '+new_datadir+'/*')
+    os.system('rm -rf '+new_syndir+'/*')
   if o == '-m':
   if o == '-w':
   if o == '-D':
+  if o == '-r':
+    regional_data=True
+    model_name='socal'
+    pzdir='/opt/seismo/datalib/CALIFORNIA_PZS'; rot_reg=''
+  if o == '-M':
+    meas_dir=a
 if (not os.path.isdir(datadir) or not os.path.isdir(syndir)):
-  print datadir, ' ', syndir, 'exist or not';  exit()
+  sys.exit(datadir+' '+syndir+' exist or not')
 if merge:
   if (not os.path.isdir(merge_dir)):
-# clean tmp files
-os.system('rm -f data.tmp '+datadir+'/*.c '+syndir+'/*.c '+syndir+'/*.c??') 
+if (windowing and not bandpass):
+  sys.exit('pass bands -t has to be set before windowing (-w)')
+if (windowing):
+  meas_dir=meas_dir+ext
+  input_flexwin='INPUT_FLEXWIN'+ext 
+#if (preprocess and bandpass): # only clean up directories if preprocessing is done
+#  os.system('rm -rf '+new_datadir+'/*')
+#  os.system('rm -rf '+new_syndir+'/*')
 #channel name
-chan='LH'; sps='1.0';
+if chan == 'LH':
+  sps='20'
+  sps='1'
+  resp_dir='/data2/Datalib/global_resp/'
 #padding zeros
+if (regional_data):
+  bb=-40
+  bb=-100 
 if (bandpass):
-#########  obtain data/syn list##################
-os.system('rm -f data.tmp '+datadir+'/*.c '+syndir+'/*.c '+syndir+'/*.c??')
+bb2=bb+1.0 # to make sure cut range is inside [b,e]
+#########  obtain data/syn list (sort by station) ##################
+nfile=0; outfile='out_ds.tmp'; os.system('rm -f '+outfile)
 data_list=[]; syn_list=[]; all_syn_list=[]; hole_list=[]; comp_list=[]
-print '**** Data/syn list for the same (sta,net,LH?,khole) ****'
+print '**** Data/syn list for the same (sta,net,'+chan+'?,khole) ****'
 for dd in os.popen('saclst kstnm knetwk kcmpnm khole f '+datadir+'/*'+chan+'[ZEN12]*'+dataext+"| awk '{print $2,$3,$4,$5}' | sort -k 1 | uniq").readlines():
   if (len(tmp) > 3):
+    if abs(float(hole)+12345)<0.1:
+      hole=''
     [sta,net,cmp]=tmp; hole=''
   if (list(cmp)[2] == '1'):
@@ -119,126 +146,132 @@
-  dat=glob.glob(datadir+'/*'+net+'.'+sta+'.'+hole+'.'+cmp+'*'+dataext)
-  syn=glob.glob(syndir+'/'+sta+'.'+net+'.'+scmp+synext)
+  if regional_data: # the naming convention is subject to change
+    dat=glob.glob(datadir+'/*'+net+'.'+sta+'.'+cmp+'*'+dataext)
+  else:
+    dat=glob.glob(datadir+'/*'+net+'.'+sta+'.'+hole+'.'+cmp+'*'+dataext)
+  syn=glob.glob(syndir+'/'+sta+'.'+net+'.'+synchan+list(scmp)[2]+synext)
   if len(syn) != 1:
-    print 'no matching syn. for ', dat[0]
+   print 'no matching syn. for ', dat[0], ':', syndir+'/'+sta+'.'+net+'.'+synchan+list(scmp)[2]+synext
     if len(dat) > 1:
       print 'multiple files for merging ===', dd.rstrip()
       if merge:
-        os.system('process_data_new.pl -m '+cmt+' '+' '.join(dat)+'>/dev/null')
-        error=os.system('sac_merge '+' '.join(dat)+' merge_tmp.sac')
-        if error != 0:
+        os.system('process_data_new.pl -m '+cmt+' '+' '.join(dat)+'>>'+outfile)
+        if os.system('sac_merge '+' '.join(dat)+' merge_tmp.sac') != 0:
           print 'cannot merge sac files ', dat
           os.system('mv -f '+' '.join(dat[1:])+' '+merge_dir)
           print 'successfully merging sac files ', dat
           os.system('mv -f '+' '.join(dat)+' '+merge_dir+';mv -f merge_tmp.sac '+dat[0]);
-        print 'sac files need to be merged or resolved', ' '.join(dat), ' use -m'; exit()
-    data_list.append(dat[0]); syn_list.append(syn[0])
+        sys.exit('sac files need to be merged or resolved', ' '.join(dat), ' use -m');
+    data_list.append(dat[0]); syn_list.append(syn[0]) # ENZ components
     hole_list.append(hole); comp_list.append(cmp)
-    nsta=nsta+1
+    nfile=nfile+1
 if der_syn:
   for i in range(0,len(syn_list)):
     all_syn_list.append(syn_list[i]+' '+' '.join(glob.glob(syn_list[i]+'.???')))
-print "**** Total number of matching traces ", nsta, " *****"
+print "**** Total number of matching traces ", nfile, " *****"
 ############ preprocessing data and synthetics ################
 if preprocess:
   print '**** pre-processing data and synthetics ****'
-  error1=os.system('process_data_new.pl -m '+cmt+' -p -s '+sps+' '+' '.join(data_list)+'>/dev/null')
-  error2=os.system('process_syn_new.pl -S -m '+cmt+' -a '+st+' -p -s '+sps+' '+' '.join(all_syn_list)+'>/dev/null')
-  if (error1 != 0 or error2 != 0):
-    print 'Error pre-processing data and syn'; exit()
-  error1=os.system('pad_zeros.pl -s -l '+str(bb)+' '+' '.join(all_syn_list)+'> /dev/null')
-  if (error1 != 0):
-    print 'Error padding zeros to syn'; exit()
+  data_cmd='process_data_new.pl -m '+cmt+' -p --model='+model_name
+  print data_cmd+' data_files'
+  error=os.system(data_cmd+' '+' '.join(data_list)+'>>'+outfile)
+  if error != 0:
+    sys.exit('Error pre-processing data')
+  # why can't we run this separately, because of the limitation on arg length?
+  f=open('syn.command','w')
+  syn_cmd='process_syn_new.pl -S -m '+cmt+' -a '+st+' -p --model='+model_name
+  print syn_cmd+' all_syn_files'
+  f.write(syn_cmd+' '+' '.join(all_syn_list)+' >> '+outfile+'\n')
+  pad_cmd='pad_zeros.pl -s -l '+str(bb)
+  print pad_cmd+' all_syn_files'
+  f.write(pad_cmd+' '+' '.join(all_syn_list)+' >>'+outfile+'\n')
+  f.close()
+  if os.system('chmod a+x syn.command; syn.command') != 0:
+    sys.exit('Error pre-processing syn and padding synthetics')
 ########### cutting and band-passing data and synthetics #############
-new_data_list=[]; new_syn_list=[]
-cdata_list=''; csyn_list=''; rdata_list=''; rsyn_list=''
 if bandpass:
   print '**** cutting data and synthetics ****'
-  sac_input='cuterr fillz\n'
-  for i in range(0,nsta):
-    data=data_list[i]; syn=syn_list[i]; allsyn=all_syn_list[i].rstrip()
-    new_data_list.append(new_datadir+'/'+os.path.basename(data)+'.c')
-    new_syn_list.append(new_syndir+'/'+os.path.basename(syn)+'.c'+hole_list[i])
-    hole_ext='.c'+hole_list[i]+' '
+  sac_input='cuterr fillz\n' # this should be redundant
+  for i in range(0,nfile):
+    data=data_list[i]; syn=syn_list[i]; allsyn=all_syn_list[i].rstrip()   
     [db,de,ddt]=os.popen('saclst b e delta f '+data).readline().split()[1:]
     [sb,se,sdt]=os.popen('saclst b e delta f '+syn).readline().split()[1:]
-    if (float(ddt)-float(sdt)) > 0.001:
-      print 'check dt for',data, ' and ', syn; exit()
+    if (float(ddt)-float(sdt)) > eps:
+      sys.exit('check dt for '+data+' and '+syn)
-#      b=min(float(db),float(sb),bb); e=max(float(de),float(se))
-      b=max(float(db),float(sb),bb); e=max(min(float(de),float(se)),b+30)
-      sac_input=sac_input + 'cut '+str(b)+' '+str(e)+'\n' \
-                 +'r '+data+' '+allsyn+'\n cut off\n w ' \
-                 + data_list[i]+'.c '+hole_ext.join(allsyn.split(' ')+[''])+'\n'
-      cdata_list=cdata_list+data_list[i]+'.c '
-      csyn_list=csyn_list+' '+hole_ext.join(allsyn.split(' ')+[''])
-      if (list(comp_list[i])[2] == 'E' or list(comp_list[i])[2] == '1'):
-        rdata_list=rdata_list+new_data_list[i]+' '
-        rsyn_list=rsyn_list+new_syn_list[i]+' '
-        if der_syn:
-          rsyn_list=rsyn_list+' '+new_syndir+'/'+os.path.basename(syn)+'.???.c'+hole_list[i]+' '
-  sac_input=sac_input+'quit\n'
-  f = open('sac.cmd', "w"); f.write('#!/bin/bash\nsac<<EOF\n')
-  f.write(''.join(sac_input)); f.write('EOF\n'); f.close()
-  if (os.system('chmod a+rx sac.cmd; sac.cmd') != 0):
-    print 'error cutting data and synthetics '+str(nerror); exit()
+      b=max(float(db),float(sb),bb2); e=max(min(float(de),float(se)),b+30)
+      if (os.system('sacch t3 '+str(b)+' t4 '+str(e)+' f '+data+' '+allsyn+'>>'+outfile)!=0):
+        sys.exit('error setting start and end time to t3 and t4')
+      cdata_list.append(new_datadir+'/'+os.path.basename(data));
   # further band-pass filtering data and all syn
   print '**** band-passing data and synthetics ****'
-#  error1=os.system('process_data_new.pl -R '+resp_dir+' -d '+new_datadir+' -t '+tmin+'/'+tmax+' '+cdata_list+'>/dev/null ')
-  error1=os.system('process_data_new.pl -i -d '+new_datadir+' -t '+tmin+'/'+tmax+' '+cdata_list+'>/dev/null ')
-  error2=os.system('process_syn_new.pl -S -d '+new_syndir+' -t'+tmin+'/'+tmax+' '+csyn_list+'>/dev/null')
-  if (error1 != 0 or error2 != 0):
-    print 'Error bandpass filtering data and syn', error1, error2; exit()
+  data_cmd= 'process_data_new.pl -l t3/t4 -d '+new_datadir+' -t '+tmin+'/'+tmax+' -i '+pzdir+' -f -s '+sps+' --model='+model_name
+  print data_cmd+' data_files'
+  error=os.system(data_cmd+' '+' '.join(data_list)+'>>'+outfile)
+  if (error != 0):
+    sys.exit('Error bandpass filtering data '+str(error1))
+  f=open('syn.command','w')
+  syn_cmd='process_syn_new.pl -S -l t3/t4 -d '+new_syndir+' -t '+tmin+'/'+tmax+' -f -s '+sps+' --model='+model_name
+  print syn_cmd+' all_syn_files'
+  f.write(syn_cmd+' '+' '.join(all_syn_list)+'>>'+ outfile+'\n')
+  f.close()
+  if os.system('chmod a+x syn.command; syn.command') != 0:
+    sys.exit('Error filtering syn ')
   # rotating LHE and LH1 components
   print '**** rotating processed data and synthetics ****'
-  error1=os.system('rotate.pl -d '+rdata_list+' >/dev/null ')
-  error2=os.system('rotate.pl '+rsyn_list+' >/dev/null')
+  rot_cmd='rotate.pl '+rot_reg+' '+new_datadir+'/*'+chan+'[E1]*'+dataext
+  print rot_cmd
+  error1=os.system(rot_cmd+' >>'+outfile)
+  rot_cmd='rotate.pl '+new_syndir+'/*'+synchan+'[E1]'+synext+'*'# '+new_syndir+'/*'+synchan+'[E1]'+synext+'.???'
+  print rot_cmd
+  error2=os.system(rot_cmd+' >>'+outfile)
   if (error1 != 0 or error2 != 0):
-    print 'Error rotating raw data and syn', error1, error2; exit()
+    sys.exit('Error rotating raw data and syn '+str(error1)+' '+str(error2))
-  # correct derivative extension
-  if (der_syn):
-    for ext in ['Mrr','Mtt','Mpp','Mrt','Mrp','Mtp','dep','lat','lon']:
-      for file in glob.glob(new_syndir+'/*'+ext+'.c')+glob.glob(new_syndir+'/*'+ext+'.c??'):
-        file_list=os.path.basename(file).split('.')
-        os.rename(file,new_syndir+'/'+'.'.join(file_list[:-2]+[file_list[-1],file_list[-2]]))
 # ############### flexwin input file ##########################
 if windowing:
   if (not bandpass):
-    print "use -t tmin,tmax before -w (flexwin input)"; exit()
+    sys.exit("make sure -t tmin,tmax is used before -w (flexwin input)")
   print '**** writing flexwin input file ****'
-  for i in range(0,nsta):
+  for i in range(0,nfile):
     # flexwin input file
-    [sta,net,cmp]=os.popen('saclst kstnm knetwk kcmpnm f '+new_data_list[i]).readline().split()[1:]
+    [sta,net,cmp]=os.popen('saclst kstnm knetwk kcmpnm f '+cdata_list[i]).readline().split()[1:]
     if (list(cmp)[2] == 'E' or list(cmp)[2] == '1'):
     elif (list(cmp)[2] == 'N' or list(cmp)[2] == '2'):
-    new_data=glob.glob(new_datadir+'/*'+net+'.'+sta+'.'+hole_list[i]+'.'+cmp+'*'+dataext+'.c')
-    new_syn=glob.glob(new_syndir+'/'+sta+'.'+net+'.'+cmp+synext+'.c'+hole_list[i])
+    if (not regional_data):
+      new_data=glob.glob(new_datadir+'/*'+net+'.'+sta+'.'+hole_list[i]+'.'+cmp+'*'+dataext)
+    else:
+      new_data=glob.glob(new_datadir+'/*'+net+'.'+sta+'.'+cmp+'*'+dataext)
+    new_syn=glob.glob(new_syndir+'/'+sta+'.'+net+'.'+cmp+synext)
     if (len(new_data) == 1 and len(new_syn) == 1):
-      string.append(new_data[0]+'\n'+new_syn[0]+'\n'+'MEASURE/'+sta+'.'+net+'.'+cmp+'\n')
+      string.append(new_data[0]+'\n'+new_syn[0]+'\n'+meas_dir+'/'+sta+'.'+net+'.'+cmp+'\n')
       if (key in flexwin_dict.keys()):
@@ -255,21 +288,21 @@
       print "No exact matching for ", sta, net, cmp, hole_list[i]
+# check the beginning and end times
   for key in sorted(flexwin_dict,key=flexwin_dict.__getitem__):
-  f=open('INPUT_flexwin','w')
-  f.write(outstring.rstrip('\n'))
+  f=open(input_flexwin,'w')
+  f.write(outstring)
-  if (not os.path.isdir('MEASURE')):
-    os.mkdir('MEASURE')
+  if (not os.path.isdir(meas_dir)):
+    os.mkdir(meas_dir)
-os.system('rm -f data.tmp sac.cmd '+datadir+'/*.c '+syndir+'/*.c '+syndir+'/*.c??')
+#os.system('rm -f sac.cmd syn.command')
 print '**** Done ****'

Added: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/flexwin/scripts/write_flexwin_manual_pick.py
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/flexwin/scripts/write_flexwin_manual_pick.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/flexwin/scripts/write_flexwin_manual_pick.py	2012-01-24 17:30:35 UTC (rev 19435)
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# similar to Carl's prepare_meas_all.pl script
+# Qinya Liu, Oct 2009, UofT
+# adding capability to apply a manual pick file, Nov 2009
+# manual pick file format
+# input_flexwin  --- line 1
+# - KIEV.IU.LHZ 1      --- delete window 1 pick for KIEV.IU.LHZ
+# + UCH.KN.LHR 400 725 --- add window pick between [400,725] for UCH.KN.LHR
+# possibly can be used for automation after manual picking in a GUI interface
+import os,sys,glob
+if (len(sys.argv) != 3 and len(sys.argv) != 4):
+  sys.exit("write_flexwin_out.py measure_dirs out_filename [manual-pick-file]")
+dir=sys.argv[1]; outfile=sys.argv[2]
+if (not os.path.isdir(dir)):
+  sys.exit('check if '+dir+' exists or not')
+if (len(sys.argv) == 4):
+  manual_pick=True
+  manual_file=sys.argv[3]
+  if (not os.path.isfile(manual_file)):
+    sys.exit('Check if '+manual_file+' exists or not')
+  manual_lines=open(manual_file,'r').readlines()
+  flexwin_input = manual_lines[0].rstrip('\n');
+  print '*** Adding manual pick info from '+ manual_file+ ' ***'
+if len(files) <= 0:
+  sys.exit('No such file as '+dir+'/*mt*')
+for file in files:
+  if (not manual_pick):
+    nfiles=nfiles+1
+    output=output+''.join(os.popen('cat '+file).readlines())
+  else:  # manual pick file
+    basefile='.'.join(os.path.basename(file).split('.')[0:3])
+#    print 'processing '+basefile+' ...'
+    out=os.popen('grep '+basefile+' '+manual_file).readlines()
+    if (len(out) == 0):
+      output=output+''.join(os.popen('cat '+file).readlines())
+      nfiles=nfiles+1
+    elif (len(out) == 1):
+      out2=out[0].rstrip('\n').split(' ') # manual pick info
+      mtfile=os.popen('cat '+file).readlines()
+      nwin=int(mtfile[2])
+      if (out2[0] == '-'):  # delete window(s)
+        nwin_subtract=len(out2)-2
+        print 'Deleting windows from '+file, nwin, nwin_subtract
+        if (nwin > nwin_subtract): # delete some windows
+          nfiles=nfiles+1
+          output=output+mtfile[0]+mtfile[1]+'           '+str(nwin-nwin_subtract)+'\n'
+          for i in range(0,nwin):
+            if not (str(i+1) in out2[2:]):
+              output=output+mtfile[i+3]
+      elif (out2[0] == '+'): # add windows
+        nwin_add=(len(out2)-2)/2
+        nfiles=nfiles+1
+        print 'Adding windows for '+file, nwin, nwin_add
+        output=output+mtfile[0]+mtfile[1]+'           '+str(nwin+nwin_add)+'\n'
+        output=output+''.join(mtfile[3:])
+        for i in range(0,nwin_add):
+          if (float(out2[i*2+2]) < float(out2[i*2+3])):
+            output=output+'  '+out2[i*2+2]+'   '+out2[i*2+3]+'\n'
+          else:
+            print 'End time < start time in line: '+ out[0]; exit()
+      else:
+        print 'Format error in line: '+out[0]; exit()
+    else:
+      print 'Multiple lines for '+basefile; exit()
+# now add files that did not have mt_input
+if manual_pick:
+  print ' *** Adding missing data and syn pairs *** '
+  f=open(outfile, 'w')
+  f.write(output)
+  f.close()
+  for i in range(1,len(manual_lines)):
+    out2=manual_lines[i].split(' ')
+    if (os.system('cat '+outfile+' | grep '+out2[1]+'>/dev/null') != 0 and out2[0] == '+'): # not an existing window
+      out3=os.popen('grep -n "'+dir+'.*'+out2[1]+'" '+flexwin_input).readlines()
+      if (len(out3) != 1):
+        print 'Error grep '+out2[1]+' from '+flexwin_input+' : '+synfile; exit()
+      else:
+        line_num=int(out3[0].split(':')[0])
+        datafile=os.popen("awk 'NR=="+str(line_num-2)+" {print $0}' "+flexwin_input).readline()
+        synfile=os.popen("awk 'NR=="+str(line_num-1)+" {print $0}' "+flexwin_input).readline()
+        print 'Adding windows to '+datafile+' and '+synfile
+        nfiles=nfiles+1
+        nwin_add=(len(out2)-2)/2
+        output=output+datafile+synfile+str(nwin_add)+'\n'
+        for i in range(0,nwin_add):
+          output=output+'  '+out2[i*2+2]+'   '+out2[i*2+3]+'\n'
+f=open(outfile, 'w')

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/flexwin/scripts/write_flexwin_manual_pick.py
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Modified: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/flexwin/scripts/write_flexwin_out.py
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/flexwin/scripts/write_flexwin_out.py	2012-01-24 17:28:40 UTC (rev 19434)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/flexwin/scripts/write_flexwin_out.py	2012-01-24 17:30:35 UTC (rev 19435)
@@ -2,104 +2,30 @@
 # similar to Carl's prepare_meas_all.pl script
 # Qinya Liu, Oct 2009, UofT
-# adding capability to apply a manual pick file, Nov 2009
-# manual pick file format
-# input_flexwin  --- line 1
-# - KIEV.IU.LHZ 1      --- delete window 1 pick for KIEV.IU.LHZ
-# + UCH.KN.LHR 400 725 --- add window pick between [400,725] for UCH.KN.LHR
-# possibly can be used for automation after manual picking in a GUI interface
 import os,sys,glob
-if (len(sys.argv) != 3 and len(sys.argv) != 4):
-  sys.exit("write_flexwin_out.py measure_dir out_filename [manual-pick-file]")
+if (len(sys.argv) < 3):
+  sys.exit("write_flexwin_out.py measure_dirs out_filename ")
-dir=sys.argv[1]; outfile=sys.argv[2]
-if (not os.path.isdir(dir)):
-  sys.exit('check if '+dir+' exists or not')
+dirs=sys.argv[1:-1]; outfile=sys.argv[-1]
+f=open(outfile, 'w')
-if (len(sys.argv) == 4):
-  manual_pick=True
-  manual_file=sys.argv[3]
-  if (not os.path.isfile(manual_file)):
-    sys.exit('Check if '+manual_file+' exists or not')
-  manual_lines=open(manual_file,'r').readlines()
-  flexwin_input = manual_lines[0].rstrip('\n');
-  print '*** Adding manual pick info from '+ manual_file+ ' ***'
-if len(files) <= 0:
-  sys.exit('No such file as '+dir+'/*mt*')
+for dir in dirs:
+  if (not os.path.isdir(dir)):
+    sys.exit('check if '+dir+' exists or not')
+  files=glob.glob(dir+'/*mt*')
+  if len(files) <= 0:
+    sys.exit('No such file as '+dir+'/*mt*')
-for file in files:
-  if (not manual_pick):
+  for file in files:
     output=output+''.join(os.popen('cat '+file).readlines())
-  else:  # manual pick file
-    basefile='.'.join(os.path.basename(file).split('.')[0:3])
-#    print 'processing '+basefile+' ...'
-    out=os.popen('grep '+basefile+' '+manual_file).readlines()
-    if (len(out) == 0):
-      output=output+''.join(os.popen('cat '+file).readlines())
-      nfiles=nfiles+1
-    elif (len(out) == 1):
-      out2=out[0].rstrip('\n').split(' ') # manual pick info
-      mtfile=os.popen('cat '+file).readlines()
-      nwin=int(mtfile[2])
-      if (out2[0] == '-'):  # delete window(s)
-        nwin_subtract=len(out2)-2
-        print 'Deleting windows from '+file, nwin, nwin_subtract
-        if (nwin > nwin_subtract): # delete some windows
-          nfiles=nfiles+1
-          output=output+mtfile[0]+mtfile[1]+'           '+str(nwin-nwin_subtract)+'\n'
-          for i in range(0,nwin):
-            if not (str(i+1) in out2[2:]):
-              output=output+mtfile[i+3]
-      elif (out2[0] == '+'): # add windows
-        nwin_add=(len(out2)-2)/2
-        nfiles=nfiles+1
-        print 'Adding windows for '+file, nwin, nwin_add
-        output=output+mtfile[0]+mtfile[1]+'           '+str(nwin+nwin_add)+'\n'
-        output=output+''.join(mtfile[3:])
-        for i in range(0,nwin_add):
-          if (float(out2[i*2+2]) < float(out2[i*2+3])):
-            output=output+'  '+out2[i*2+2]+'   '+out2[i*2+3]+'\n'
-          else:
-            print 'End time < start time in line: '+ out[0]; exit()
-      else:
-        print 'Format error in line: '+out[0]; exit()
-    else:
-      print 'Multiple lines for '+basefile; exit()
-# now add files that did not have mt_input
-if manual_pick:
-  print ' *** Adding missing data and syn pairs *** '
-  f=open(outfile, 'w')
-  f.write(output)
-  f.close()
-  for i in range(1,len(manual_lines)):
-    out2=manual_lines[i].split(' ')
-    if (os.system('cat '+outfile+' | grep '+out2[1]+'>/dev/null') != 0 and out2[0] == '+'): # not an existing window
-      out3=os.popen('grep -n "'+dir+'.*'+out2[1]+'" '+flexwin_input).readlines()
-      if (len(out3) != 1):
-        print 'Error grep '+out2[1]+' from '+flexwin_input+' : '+synfile; exit()
-      else:
-        line_num=int(out3[0].split(':')[0])
-        datafile=os.popen("awk 'NR=="+str(line_num-2)+" {print $0}' "+flexwin_input).readline()
-        synfile=os.popen("awk 'NR=="+str(line_num-1)+" {print $0}' "+flexwin_input).readline()
-        print 'Adding windows to '+datafile+' and '+synfile
-        nfiles=nfiles+1
-        nwin_add=(len(out2)-2)/2
-        output=output+datafile+synfile+str(nwin_add)+'\n'
-        for i in range(0,nwin_add):
-          output=output+'  '+out2[i*2+2]+'   '+out2[i*2+3]+'\n'
-f=open(outfile, 'w')

Modified: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/flexwin/scripts/write_flexwin_shift_weight.py
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/flexwin/scripts/write_flexwin_shift_weight.py	2012-01-24 17:28:40 UTC (rev 19434)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/flexwin/scripts/write_flexwin_shift_weight.py	2012-01-24 17:30:35 UTC (rev 19435)
@@ -2,18 +2,22 @@
 # note: geometrical spreading factor needs to be significantly improved,
 # right now only scale by 1/dist**exp
 from numpy import *
-import os,sys,commands,glob,getopt
+import os,sys,commands,glob,getopt,re
 # command-line options
 write_flexwin_shift_weight.py  [-C]
      [-c Z/R/T  -d B/R/L -a az_weight -r corr_weight -t ]
-     -s MEASURE/  [-o adj-dir]
+     -D data_dir -s measure_dir  [-o adj-dir] 
      flexwin_summary_file new_flexwin_summary_file
+   -c Z/R/T component weights; -d B/R/L body/rayleigh/love wave weights
+   -a azimuthal weight -r correlation weight -t apply time shift
+   -C socal (regional) weight scheme in which -d pnl/rayleigh/love waves
+   -D and -s gives data and measure dir prefixes
-  opts,args=getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'c:d:a:s:r:o:tC')
+  opts,args=getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'c:d:a:D:s:r:o:tC')
 except getopt.GetoptError:
 if len(args) != 2:
@@ -22,7 +26,7 @@
 # default weight values
 comp_z_weight=1.; comp_r_weight=1.; comp_t_weight=1.
 pnl_dist_weigth=0.; rayleigh_dist_weight=0.; love_dist_weight=0.
-az_exp_weigth=0.; corr_exp_weight = 0.
+az_exp_weigth=0.; corr_exp_weight = 0.; data_dir='data'
 adj_dir='.'; write_tshift=False; write_adj_dir=False; socal=False
@@ -30,12 +34,12 @@
   if o == '-c':
     if len(tmp)!=3:
-      sys.exit('-c Z/R/T')
+      sys.exit('-c Z/R/T '+a)
     comp_z_weight=float(tmp[0]); comp_r_weight=float(tmp[1]); comp_t_weight=float(tmp[2])
   if o == '-d':
     if len(tmp)!=3:
-      sys.exit('-c P/R/L')
+      sys.exit('-d P/R/L '+a)
     pnl_dist_weight =float(tmp[0]); rayleigh_dist_weight=float(tmp[1]); love_dist_weight=float(tmp[2])
   if o == '-a':
@@ -43,8 +47,8 @@
   if o == '-s':
-    if not os.path.isdir(measure_dir):
-      sys.exit('Check if '+measure_dir+' exist or not')
+#    if not os.path.isdir(measure_dir): # measure_dir is just a prefix
+#      sys.exit('Check if '+measure_dir+' exist or not')
   if o == '-o':
@@ -54,6 +58,8 @@
   if o == '-C':
+  if o == '-D':
+    data_dir=a # data_dir is a prefix 
 infile=args[0]; outfile=args[1]
@@ -71,12 +77,12 @@
   ref_dist=60 # degree
   vr=3.1; vl=4.1
 naz=10; daz=360/naz;
-eps=1.0e-4; pi=3.1416926
+eps=1.0e-2; pi=3.1416926;
-alldata=commands.getoutput('grep data '+infile).split('\n')
+alldata=commands.getoutput('grep '+data_dir+'  '+infile).split('\n')
 if (len(alldata) == 0):
-  sys.exit('Right now I assume data directories contain the name "data"')
+  sys.exit('No selected files of '+data_dir+' in '+infile)
 output=commands.getoutput('saclst az f '+' '.join(alldata)+"|awk '{print $2}'").split('\n')
 for i in range(0,nfile_az):
@@ -105,13 +111,14 @@
   # read data and synthetics, check headers
   [status1,out1]=commands.getstatusoutput('saclst kstnm knetwk kcmpnm az dist gcarc f '+datfile)
-  [status2,out2]=commands.getstatusoutput('saclst kstnm knetwk kcmpnm az dist f '+synfile)
+  [status2,out2]=commands.getstatusoutput('saclst kstnm knetwk kcmpnm az dist gcarc f '+synfile)
   if status1 != 0 or status2 != 0:
     sys.exit('Error taking kcmpnm az dist from '+datfile+' and '+synfile)
   az=float(az); dist=float(dist); gcarc=float(gcarc)
-  [sta2,net2,comp2,az2,dist2]=out2.split()[1:6]; az2=float(az2); dist2=float(dist2)
-  if (sta != sta2 or net != net2 or comp != comp2 or abs(az-az2) >eps or abs(dist-dist2) > eps):
+  [sta2,net2,comp2,az2,dist2,gcarc2]=out2.split()[1:7]
+  az2=float(az2); dist2=float(dist2); gcarc2=float(gcarc2)
+  if (sta != sta2 or net != net2 or comp != comp2 or abs(az-az2) >eps or abs(dist-dist2)/dist > eps):
 #    sys.exit('Check if kstnm knetwk kcmpnm az dist are the same for '+datfile+' and '+synfile)
     print 'Unmatching sta, net, comp, az, dist for =====\n',out1, '\n', out2
@@ -125,7 +132,7 @@
     sys.exit('Only deal with Z/R/T components right now')
-  filename=sta+'.'+net+'.'+comp+'.win.qual'
+  filename=re.sub(data_dir,measure_dir,os.path.dirname(datfile))+'/'+ sta+'.'+net+'.'+comp+'.win.qual'
   if write_adj_dir:
@@ -158,7 +165,7 @@
     # azimuth
-    [istat,out]=commands.getstatusoutput("awk 'NF == 6 {print $2,$3,$4,$5}' "+measure_dir+'/'+filename)
+    [istat,out]=commands.getstatusoutput("awk 'NF == 6 {print $2,$3,$4,$5}' "+filename)
     if (istat != 0  or len(out)== 0):
       sys.exit('Error with '+"awk 'NF == 6 {print $2,$3,$4,$5}' "+measure_dir+'/'+filename)

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