[cig-commits] commit: improve xyz2vtk.sh to also read from standard input.

Mercurial hg at geodynamics.org
Mon Jul 2 20:29:36 PDT 2012

changeset:   133:78e39e657aca
tag:         tip
user:        Sylvain Barbot <sbarbot at caltech.edu>
date:        Mon Jul 02 20:29:30 2012 -0700
files:       util/xyz2vtk.sh
improve xyz2vtk.sh to also read from standard input.

diff -r 266d7f8a3506 -r 78e39e657aca util/xyz2vtk.sh
--- a/util/xyz2vtk.sh	Sun Jul 01 06:16:45 2012 -0700
+++ b/util/xyz2vtk.sh	Mon Jul 02 20:29:30 2012 -0700
@@ -4,58 +4,7 @@ self=$(basename $0)
 self=$(basename $0)
 trap 'echo $self: Some errors occurred. Exiting.; exit' ERR
-if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
-        echo "$self converts an xyz file to a vtp line polydata"
-	echo "file in xml format for visualization in Paraview"
-	echo ""
-	echo "usage: $self [-c com] file.xyz "
-	echo "       $self file1.xyz file2.xyz file3.xyz"
-	echo ""
-	echo "options:"
-	echo "         -c com sets the segment separator [default >]"
-	echo ""
-	echo "file foo.xyz is converted to foo.vtp"
-	echo "files foo.ext are converted to foo.ext.vtp"
-	echo "note that the 3rd column of the .xyz file is"
-	echo "interpreted as height in Paraview."
-	echo ""
-	exit
-# optional command-line parameters
-while getopts "c:" flag
-  case "$flag" in
-    c) cset=1;com=$OPTARG;;
-  esac
-for item in $cset ;do
-	shift;shift
-if [ "$cset" != "1" ]; then
-	com=">"
-	echo $self: using separator $com
-# loop over list of files to convert
-while [ $# -ne 0 ];do
-if [ ! -e $XYZFILE ]; then
-	echo $self: could not find $XYZFILE. exiting.
-	exit 2
-EXT=`echo $1 | awk '{print substr($0,length($0)-2,3)}'`
-# define output file name (file.xyz is converted to file.vtp, file.ext to file.ext.vtp)
-VTKFILE=$(dirname $1)/$(basename $1 .xyz).vtp
-echo $self: converting $1 to $VTKFILE
 cat $XYZFILE | awk -v c=$com '
@@ -115,6 +64,71 @@ cat $XYZFILE | awk -v c=$com '
 	printf("  </PolyData>\n");
 	}' > $VTKFILE
-	shift
+        echo "$self converts an xyz file (or standard input) to"
+	echo "a vtp line polydata file in xml format for"
+	echo "visualization in Paraview"
+	echo ""
+	echo "usage: $self [-c com] file.xyz "
+	echo "       $self file1.xyz file2.xyz file3.xyz"
+	echo ""
+	echo "or from the standard input"
+	echo ""
+	echo "       cat file.xyz | $self"
+	echo ""
+	echo "options:"
+	echo "         -c com sets the segment separator [default >]"
+	echo ""
+	echo "file foo.xyz is converted to foo.vtp"
+	echo "files foo.ext are converted to foo.ext.vtp"
+	echo "note that the 3rd column of the .xyz file is"
+	echo "interpreted as height in Paraview."
+	echo ""
+# print usage is no arguments are supplied
+if [ -t 0 ] && [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+	usage
+	exit
+# optional command-line parameters
+while getopts "c:" flag
+  case "$flag" in
+    c) cset=1;com=$OPTARG;;
+  esac
+for item in $cset ;do
+	shift;shift
+if [ "$cset" != "1" ]; then
+	com=">"
+	echo $self: using separator $com
+if [ ! -t 0 ]; then
+	# reading standard input, printing to standard output
+	VTKFILE=/dev/stdout
+	xyz2vtk
+	# loop over list of files to convert
+	while [ $# -ne 0 ];do
+		# define output file name (file.xyz is converted to file.vtp, file.ext to file.ext.vtp)
+		VTKFILE=$(dirname $1)/$(basename $1 .xyz).vtp
+		if [ ! -e $XYZFILE ]; then
+			echo $self: could not find $XYZFILE. exiting.
+			exit 2
+		fi
+		echo $self: converting $1 to $VTKFILE
+		xyz2vtk
+		shift
+	done

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