[cig-commits] r20481 - seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D

xie.zhinan at geodynamics.org xie.zhinan at geodynamics.org
Sat Jul 7 04:56:24 PDT 2012

Author: xie.zhinan
Date: 2012-07-07 04:56:23 -0700 (Sat, 07 Jul 2012)
New Revision: 20481

add pml for fluid and fluid-solid simulation. add some flags to stop using PML in poroelastic case and in mpiversion of the code.

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/compute_forces_acoustic.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/compute_forces_acoustic.f90	2012-07-07 02:09:18 UTC (rev 20480)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/compute_forces_acoustic.f90	2012-07-07 11:56:23 UTC (rev 20481)
@@ -54,7 +54,13 @@
                nspec_bottom,nspec_top,ib_left,ib_right,ib_bottom,ib_top, &
                b_absorb_acoustic_left,b_absorb_acoustic_right, &
-               b_absorb_acoustic_bottom,b_absorb_acoustic_top,IS_BACKWARD_FIELD)
+               b_absorb_acoustic_bottom,b_absorb_acoustic_top,IS_BACKWARD_FIELD,&
+            is_PML,nspec_PML,npoin_PML,ibool_PML,spec_to_PML,which_PML_elem,&
+            K_x_store,K_z_store,d_x_store,d_z_store,alpha_x_store,alpha_z_store,&
+            rmemory_potential_acoustic,rmemory_potential_acoustic_corner,&
+            rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx,rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz,&
+            rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx_corner,rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz_corner,deltat,&
 ! compute forces for the acoustic elements
@@ -121,6 +127,28 @@
   integer :: ifirstelem,ilastelem
+!CPML coefficients and memory variables
+  integer :: nspec_PML,npoin_PML,iPML,ispec_PML
+  logical, dimension(4,nspec) :: which_PML_elem  
+  logical, dimension(nspec) :: is_PML
+  integer, dimension(nspec) :: spec_to_PML
+  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: ibool_PML
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(2,NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_PML) :: rmemory_potential_acoustic,rmemory_potential_acoustic_corner
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(2,NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_PML) :: &
+    rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx,rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz,&
+    rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx_corner,rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz_corner
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(npoin_PML) :: K_x_store,K_z_store,d_x_store,d_z_store,alpha_x_store,alpha_z_store
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_PML) :: potential_dot_dot_acoustic_PML, &
+                                                                potential_dot_dot_acoustic_PML_corner
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_PML) ::PML_dux_dxl,PML_dux_dzl,&    
+                           PML_dux_dxl_new,PML_dux_dzl_new
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: coef0_x, coef1_x, coef2_x, coef0_z, coef1_z, coef2_z,bb,aa,&
+                            deltat
   ifirstelem = 1
   ilastelem = nspec
@@ -157,6 +185,278 @@
           ! derivatives of potential
           dux_dxl = dux_dxi*xixl + dux_dgamma*gammaxl
           dux_dzl = dux_dxi*xizl + dux_dgamma*gammazl
+          ! derivative along x and along z
+          if(PML_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS .and. is_PML(ispec))then
+          ispec_PML=spec_to_PML(ispec)
+          PML_dux_dxl(i,j,ispec_PML) = dux_dxl
+          PML_dux_dzl(i,j,ispec_PML)=dux_dzl
+          dux_dxi = ZERO
+          dux_dgamma = ZERO
+          ! first double loop over GLL points to compute and store gradients
+          ! we can merge the two loops because NGLLX == NGLLZ
+          do k = 1,NGLLX
+            dux_dxi = dux_dxi &
+            +(potential_acoustic(ibool(k,j,ispec))+deltat*potential_dot_acoustic(ibool(k,j,ispec)))*hprime_xx(i,k)
+            dux_dgamma = dux_dgamma &
+            +(potential_acoustic(ibool(i,k,ispec))+deltat*potential_dot_acoustic(ibool(i,k,ispec)))*hprime_zz(j,k)
+          enddo
+          xixl = xix(i,j,ispec)
+          xizl = xiz(i,j,ispec)
+          gammaxl = gammax(i,j,ispec)
+          gammazl = gammaz(i,j,ispec)
+          ! derivatives of potential
+          dux_dxl = dux_dxi*xixl + dux_dgamma*gammaxl
+          dux_dzl = dux_dxi*xizl + dux_dgamma*gammazl
+          PML_dux_dxl_new(i,j,ispec_PML) = dux_dxl
+          PML_dux_dzl_new(i,j,ispec_PML) = dux_dzl
+          endif
+             if(PML_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS .and. is_PML(ispec))then
+               ispec_PML=spec_to_PML(ispec)
+               iPML=ibool_PML(i,j,ispec) 
+               if (which_PML_elem(ILEFT,ispec) .or. which_PML_elem(IRIGHT,ispec)) then 
+                 bb = 0.d0 - (d_x_store(iPML) / k_x_store(iPML) + alpha_x_store(iPML))
+                 if(abs(alpha_x_store(iPML)) > 1.d-3) then                
+                 aa = - d_x_store(iPML) / &
+                        (k_x_store(iPML) * d_x_store(iPML) + k_x_store(iPML)**2 * alpha_x_store(iPML))
+                 else
+                 aa = - 1.d0 / k_x_store(iPML)
+                 endif
+                 coef0_x = exp(bb * deltat)
+                 coef1_x = (1.d0 - exp(bb * deltat / 2.d0)) * aa
+                 coef2_x = (1.d0 - exp(bb* deltat / 2.d0)) * exp(bb * deltat / 2.d0) * aa
+                 rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx(1,i,j,ispec_PML) = 0.d0 
+                 rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx(2,i,j,ispec_PML) = coef0_x*rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx(2,i,j,ispec_PML) &  
+                 + PML_dux_dxl_new(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef1_x + PML_dux_dxl(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef2_x
+                  if(abs(alpha_x_store(iPML)) > 1.d-3) then
+                   bb = alpha_x_store(iPML)
+                   coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
+                   coef1_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * d_x_store(iPML)/bb
+                   coef2_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2) * &
+                             d_x_store(iPML)/bb
+                 else
+                   bb = alpha_x_store(iPML)
+                  coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
+                  coef1_x = deltat / 2.0d0 * d_x_store(iPML)
+                  coef2_x = deltat / 2.0d0 * d_x_store(iPML)
+                  endif
+                  rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz(1,i,j,ispec_PML) = coef0_x * rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz(1,i,j,ispec_PML) &  
+                  + PML_dux_dzl_new(i,j,ispec_PML) *coef1_x + PML_dux_dzl(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef2_x
+                  rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz(2,i,j,ispec_PML) = 0.d0
+                 dux_dxl = PML_dux_dxl(i,j,ispec_PML)  + rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx(1,i,j,ispec_PML) &
+                                                       + rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx(2,i,j,ispec_PML)  
+                 dux_dzl = PML_dux_dzl(i,j,ispec_PML)  + rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz(1,i,j,ispec_PML) &
+                                                       + rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz(2,i,j,ispec_PML)   
+                    if (which_PML_elem(ITOP,ispec) .or. which_PML_elem(IBOTTOM,ispec)) then
+                        ispec_PML=spec_to_PML(ispec)
+                        iPML=ibool_PML(i,j,ispec)
+                         if(abs(alpha_z_store(iPML)) .lt. 1.d-3)then
+                            bb = alpha_z_store(iPML)
+                            if(abs(k_x_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))+d_x_store(iPML)) .lt. 1.d-3)then
+                            aa=d_z_store(iPML)/k_x_store(iPML)
+                            else
+                            aa = d_z_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))/&
+                                     (k_x_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))+d_x_store(iPML))
+                            endif
+                            coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
+                            coef1_x = deltat / 2.0d0 * aa
+                            coef2_x = deltat / 2.0d0 * aa
+                         else
+                            if(abs(k_x_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))+d_x_store(iPML)) .lt. 1.d-3)then
+                            aa=d_z_store(iPML)/k_x_store(iPML)
+                            else
+                            aa = d_z_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))/&
+                                     (k_x_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))+d_x_store(iPML))
+                            endif
+                            bb = alpha_z_store(iPML)
+                            coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
+                            coef1_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * aa/bb
+                            coef2_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2) * aa /bb
+                         endif
+                  rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx_corner(1,i,j,ispec_PML) = coef0_x*rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx_corner(1,i,j,ispec_PML) &  
+                  + PML_dux_dxl_new(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef1_x + PML_dux_dxl(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef2_x
+                        if(abs(d_x_store(iPML)*&
+                                       (k_x_store(iPML)*k_z_store(iPML)*(alpha_z_store(iPML)-alpha_x_store(iPML))+&
+                                        k_x_store(iPML)*d_z_store(iPML)-k_z_store(iPML)*d_x_store(iPML))/&
+                                       (k_x_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))+d_x_store(iPML))/&
+                                       k_x_store(iPML)**2) .lt. 1.d-3 .and. &
+                        abs(k_x_store(iPML)*alpha_x_store(iPML)+d_x_store(iPML)) .lt. 1.d-3)then  
+                            coef0_z = 1.d0
+                            coef1_z = 0.d0
+                            coef2_z = 0.d0 
+                  rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx_corner(2,i,j,ispec_PML) = coef0_z*rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx_corner(2,i,j,ispec_PML) &  
+                  + PML_dux_dxl_new(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef1_z + PML_dux_dxl(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef2_z
+                        elseif(abs(k_x_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))+d_x_store(iPML)) .lt. 1.d-3 .and. &
+                        abs(k_x_store(iPML)*alpha_x_store(iPML)+d_x_store(iPML)) .lt. 1.d-3)then
+                            bb=(k_x_store(iPML)*alpha_x_store(iPML)+d_x_store(iPML))/k_x_store(iPML)
+                            aa=d_z_store(iPML)/k_x_store(iPML)
+                            coef0_z = 1.d0
+                            coef1_z = 0.5d0 *deltat
+                            coef2_z = 0.5d0 *deltat
+                  rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx_corner(2,i,j,ispec_PML) = coef0_z*rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx_corner(2,i,j,ispec_PML) &  
+                  + PML_dux_dxl_new(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef1_z*aa + PML_dux_dxl(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef2_z*aa
+                        else
+                            bb=(k_x_store(iPML)*alpha_x_store(iPML)+d_x_store(iPML))/k_x_store(iPML)
+                            aa=d_x_store(iPML)*&
+                                       (k_x_store(iPML)*k_z_store(iPML)*(alpha_z_store(iPML)-alpha_x_store(iPML))+&
+                                        k_x_store(iPML)*d_z_store(iPML)-k_z_store(iPML)*d_x_store(iPML))/&
+                                       (k_x_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))+d_x_store(iPML))/&
+                                       k_x_store(iPML)**2
+                            coef0_z = exp(- bb * deltat)
+                            coef1_z = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * aa/bb
+                            coef2_z = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2) * aa /bb
+                  rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx_corner(2,i,j,ispec_PML) = coef0_z*rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx_corner(2,i,j,ispec_PML) & 
+                  + PML_dux_dxl_new(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef1_z + PML_dux_dxl(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef2_z
+                        endif
+                         if(abs(alpha_x_store(iPML)) .lt. 1.d-3)then
+                            bb = alpha_x_store(iPML)
+                            if(abs(k_z_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))-d_z_store(iPML)) .lt. 1.d-3)then
+                            aa=d_x_store(iPML)/k_z_store(iPML)
+                            else
+                            aa = d_x_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))/&
+                                     (k_z_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))-d_z_store(iPML))
+                            endif
+                            coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
+                            coef1_x = deltat / 2.0d0 * aa
+                            coef2_x = deltat / 2.0d0 * aa
+                         else
+                            if(abs(k_z_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))-d_z_store(iPML)) .lt. 1.d-3)then
+                            aa=d_x_store(iPML)/k_z_store(iPML)
+                            else
+                            aa = d_x_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))/&
+                                     (k_z_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))-d_z_store(iPML))
+                            endif
+                            bb = alpha_x_store(iPML)
+                            coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
+                            coef1_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * aa/bb
+                            coef2_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2) * aa /bb
+                         endif
+                  rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz_corner(1,i,j,ispec_PML) = coef0_x * rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz_corner(1,i,j,ispec_PML) &  
+                  + PML_dux_dzl_new(i,j,ispec_PML) *coef1_x + PML_dux_dzl(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef2_x
+                        if(abs(d_z_store(iPML)*&
+                                       (k_x_store(iPML)*k_z_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))+&
+                                        k_z_store(iPML)*d_x_store(iPML)-k_x_store(iPML)*d_z_store(iPML))/&
+                                       (k_z_store(iPML)*(alpha_z_store(iPML)-alpha_x_store(iPML))+d_z_store(iPML))/&
+                                       k_z_store(iPML)**2) .lt. 1.d-3 .and. &
+                        abs(k_z_store(iPML)*alpha_z_store(iPML)+d_z_store(iPML)) .lt. 1.d-3)then  
+                            coef0_z = 1.d0
+                            coef1_z = 0.d0
+                            coef2_z = 0.d0 
+                  rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz_corner(2,i,j,ispec_PML) = coef0_z * rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz_corner(2,i,j,ispec_PML) &  
+                  + PML_dux_dzl_new(i,j,ispec_PML) *coef1_z + PML_dux_dzl(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef2_z
+                        elseif(abs(k_z_store(iPML)*(alpha_z_store(iPML)-alpha_x_store(iPML))+d_z_store(iPML)) .lt. 1.d-3 .and. &
+                        abs(k_z_store(iPML)*alpha_z_store(iPML)+d_z_store(iPML)) .lt. 1.d-3)then
+                            bb=(k_z_store(iPML)*alpha_z_store(iPML)+d_z_store(iPML))/k_z_store(iPML)
+                            aa=d_x_store(iPML)/k_z_store(iPML)
+                            coef0_z = 1.d0
+                            coef1_z = 0.5d0 *deltat
+                            coef2_z = 0.5d0 *deltat
+                  rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz_corner(2,i,j,ispec_PML) = coef0_z * rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz_corner(2,i,j,ispec_PML) &  
+                  + PML_dux_dzl_new(i,j,ispec_PML) *coef1_z*aa + PML_dux_dzl(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef2_z*aa
+                        else
+                            bb=(k_z_store(iPML)*alpha_z_store(iPML)+d_z_store(iPML))/k_z_store(iPML)
+                            aa=d_z_store(iPML)*&
+                                       (k_x_store(iPML)*k_z_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))+&
+                                        k_z_store(iPML)*d_x_store(iPML)-k_x_store(iPML)*d_z_store(iPML))/&
+                                       (k_z_store(iPML)*(alpha_z_store(iPML)-alpha_x_store(iPML))+d_z_store(iPML))/&
+                                       k_z_store(iPML)**2
+                            coef0_z = exp(- bb * deltat)
+                            coef1_z = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * aa/bb
+                            coef2_z = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2) * aa /bb
+                  rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz_corner(2,i,j,ispec_PML) = coef0_z * rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz_corner(2,i,j,ispec_PML) &  
+                  + PML_dux_dzl_new(i,j,ispec_PML) *coef1_z + PML_dux_dzl(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef2_z
+                        endif
+                 dux_dxl = PML_dux_dxl(i,j,ispec_PML)  + rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx_corner(1,i,j,ispec_PML) +&
+                           rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx_corner(2,i,j,ispec_PML)  
+                 dux_dzl = PML_dux_dzl(i,j,ispec_PML)  + rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz_corner(1,i,j,ispec_PML) + &
+                           rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz_corner(2,i,j,ispec_PML)  
+                    endif
+               else
+                  if(abs(alpha_z_store(iPML)) > 1.d-3) then
+                   bb = alpha_z_store(iPML)
+                   coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
+                   coef1_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * d_z_store(iPML)/bb
+                   coef2_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2) * &
+                             d_z_store(iPML) / bb
+                 else
+                   bb = alpha_z_store(iPML)
+                  coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
+                  coef1_x = deltat / 2.0d0 * d_z_store(iPML)
+                  coef2_x = deltat / 2.0d0 * d_z_store(iPML)
+                  endif
+                  rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx(1,i,j,ispec_PML) = coef0_x*rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx(1,i,j,ispec_PML) &  
+                  + PML_dux_dxl_new(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef1_x + PML_dux_dxl(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef2_x
+                  rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx(2,i,j,ispec_PML) = 0.d0
+                 bb = 0.d0 - (d_z_store(iPML) / k_z_store(iPML) + alpha_z_store(iPML))
+                 if(abs(alpha_z_store(iPML)) > 1.d-3) then                
+                 aa = - d_z_store(iPML) * k_x_store(iPML) / &
+                        (k_z_store(iPML) * d_z_store(iPML) + k_z_store(iPML)**2 * alpha_z_store(iPML))
+                 else
+                 aa = - k_x_store(iPML) / k_z_store(iPML)
+                 endif
+                 coef0_x = exp(bb * deltat)
+                 coef1_x = (1.d0 - exp(bb * deltat / 2.d0)) * aa
+                 coef2_x = (1.d0 - exp(bb* deltat / 2.d0)) * exp(bb * deltat / 2.d0) * aa
+                  rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz(1,i,j,ispec_PML) = 0.d0
+                  rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz(2,i,j,ispec_PML) = coef0_x * rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz(2,i,j,ispec_PML) &  
+                  + PML_dux_dzl_new(i,j,ispec_PML) *coef1_x + PML_dux_dzl(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef2_x
+                 dux_dxl = dux_dxl  + rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx(1,i,j,ispec_PML) + rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx(2,i,j,ispec_PML)  
+                 dux_dzl = dux_dzl  + rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz(1,i,j,ispec_PML) + rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz(2,i,j,ispec_PML)  
+               endif
+             endif
           jacobianl = jacobian(i,j,ispec)
           ! if external density model
@@ -169,6 +469,159 @@
+        ! first double loop over GLL points to compute and store gradients
+        do j = 1,NGLLZ
+           do i = 1,NGLLX
+            if(assign_external_model) then
+              rhol = rhoext(i,j,ispec)
+            else
+!              rhol = density(1,kmato(ispec))
+        lambdal_relaxed = poroelastcoef(1,1,kmato(ispec))
+        mul_relaxed = poroelastcoef(2,1,kmato(ispec))
+        kappal  = lambdal_relaxed + TWO*mul_relaxed/3._CUSTOM_REAL
+        rhol = density(1,kmato(ispec))
+            endif
+             if(is_PML(ispec))then
+                        iPML=ibool_PML(i,j,ispec)
+                        iglob=ibool(i,j,ispec)
+               if (which_PML_elem(ILEFT,ispec) .or. which_PML_elem(IRIGHT,ispec)) then   
+                        ispec_PML=spec_to_PML(ispec)
+                        iPML=ibool_PML(i,j,ispec)
+                        iglob=ibool(i,j,ispec)
+                        bb = alpha_x_store(iPML)
+                        coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
+                        coef1_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * (k_z_store(iPML)*d_x_store(iPML)*(bb))
+                        coef2_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2) * &
+                                  (k_z_store(iPML)*d_x_store(iPML)*(bb))
+                        rmemory_potential_acoustic(1,i,j,ispec_PML)=coef0_x * rmemory_potential_acoustic(1,i,j,ispec_PML) &
+                         + (potential_acoustic(iglob)+deltat*potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)) * coef1_x &
+                         + potential_acoustic(iglob) * coef2_x 
+                        rmemory_potential_acoustic(2,i,j,ispec_PML)=0.0   
+                    if (which_PML_elem(ITOP,ispec) .or. which_PML_elem(IBOTTOM,ispec)) then
+                        ispec_PML=spec_to_PML(ispec)
+                        iPML=ibool_PML(i,j,ispec)
+                        if(abs(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML)).lt. 1.d-3)then
+                          bb = alpha_x_store(iPML)
+                          aa = (k_z_store(iPML)*d_x_store(iPML)*(bb))
+                          coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
+                          coef1_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * aa 
+                          coef2_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2) * aa  
+                         rmemory_potential_acoustic_corner(1,i,j,ispec_PML)=&
+                            coef0_x * rmemory_potential_acoustic_corner(1,i,j,ispec_PML) &
+                          + (potential_acoustic(iglob)+deltat*potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)) * coef1_x &
+                          + potential_acoustic(iglob) * coef2_x
+                        else
+                          bb = alpha_x_store(iPML)
+                          aa = bb*d_x_store(iPML)*(k_z_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))-d_z_store(iPML))/&
+                               (alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))
+                          coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
+                          coef1_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * aa 
+                          coef2_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2) * aa 
+                         rmemory_potential_acoustic_corner(1,i,j,ispec_PML)=&
+                            coef0_x * rmemory_potential_acoustic_corner(1,i,j,ispec_PML) &
+                          + (potential_acoustic(iglob)+deltat*potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)) * coef1_x &
+                          + potential_acoustic(iglob) * coef2_x
+                        endif
+                        if(abs(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML)).lt. 1.d-3)then
+                          bb = alpha_z_store(iPML)
+                          aa = k_x_store(iPML)*d_z_store(iPML)*(bb)
+                          coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
+                          coef1_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * aa 
+                          coef2_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2) * aa    
+                        rmemory_potential_acoustic_corner(2,i,j,ispec_PML)=&
+                           coef0_x * rmemory_potential_acoustic_corner(2,i,j,ispec_PML) &
+                         + (potential_acoustic(iglob)+deltat*potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)) * coef1_x &
+                         + potential_acoustic(iglob) * coef2_x    
+                        else
+                          bb = alpha_z_store(iPML)
+                          aa = bb*d_z_store(iPML)*(k_x_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))+d_x_store(iPML))/&
+                               (alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))
+                          coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
+                          coef1_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * aa 
+                          coef2_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2) * aa  
+                         rmemory_potential_acoustic_corner(2,i,j,ispec_PML)=&
+                            coef0_x * rmemory_potential_acoustic_corner(2,i,j,ispec_PML) &
+                          + (potential_acoustic(iglob)+deltat*potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)) * coef1_x &
+                          + potential_acoustic(iglob) * coef2_x
+                        endif
+                    endif
+               else
+                        ispec_PML=spec_to_PML(ispec)
+                        iPML=ibool_PML(i,j,ispec)
+                        iglob=ibool(i,j,ispec)
+                        bb = alpha_z_store(iPML)
+                        coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
+                        coef1_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * (k_x_store(iPML)*d_z_store(iPML)*(bb))
+                        coef2_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2) * &
+                                  (k_x_store(iPML)*d_z_store(iPML)*(bb))
+                        rmemory_potential_acoustic(1,i,j,ispec_PML)=0.d0  
+                        rmemory_potential_acoustic(2,i,j,ispec_PML)=coef0_x * rmemory_potential_acoustic(2,i,j,ispec_PML) &
+                         + (potential_acoustic(iglob)+deltat*potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)) * coef1_x &
+                         + potential_acoustic(iglob) * coef2_x    
+               endif
+               if (which_PML_elem(ILEFT,ispec) .or. which_PML_elem(IRIGHT,ispec)) then   
+                        ispec_PML=spec_to_PML(ispec)
+                        iPML=ibool_PML(i,j,ispec)
+                        iglob=ibool(i,j,ispec)
+                    potential_dot_dot_acoustic_PML(i,j,ispec_PML)= wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)/ kappal*jacobian(i,j,ispec) * &
+                      ((d_x_store(iPML)*k_z_store(iPML))*potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)+ &
+                      rmemory_potential_acoustic(1,i,j,ispec_PML)+rmemory_potential_acoustic(2,i,j,ispec_PML)&
+                      -k_z_store(iPML)*d_x_store(iPML)*alpha_x_store(iPML)*potential_acoustic(iglob))
+                    if (which_PML_elem(ITOP,ispec) .or. which_PML_elem(IBOTTOM,ispec)) then
+                        ispec_PML=spec_to_PML(ispec)
+                        iPML=ibool_PML(i,j,ispec)
+                    potential_dot_dot_acoustic_PML_corner(i,j,ispec_PML)= wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)/ kappal*jacobian(i,j,ispec) * &
+                      ((d_x_store(iPML)*k_z_store(iPML)+d_z_store(iPML)*k_x_store(iPML))*potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)+ &
+                      rmemory_potential_acoustic_corner(1,i,j,ispec_PML)+rmemory_potential_acoustic_corner(2,i,j,ispec_PML)&
+                      -k_z_store(iPML)*d_x_store(iPML)*alpha_x_store(iPML)*potential_acoustic(iglob)-&
+                       k_x_store(iPML)*d_z_store(iPML)*alpha_z_store(iPML)*potential_acoustic(iglob)+&
+                       d_z_store(iPML)*d_x_store(iPML)*potential_acoustic(iglob))
+                    endif
+               else
+                        ispec_PML=spec_to_PML(ispec)
+                        iPML=ibool_PML(i,j,ispec)
+                        iglob=ibool(i,j,ispec)
+                    potential_dot_dot_acoustic_PML(i,j,ispec_PML)= wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)/ kappal*jacobian(i,j,ispec) * &
+                      ((d_z_store(iPML)*k_x_store(iPML))*potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)+ &
+                      rmemory_potential_acoustic(1,i,j,ispec_PML)+rmemory_potential_acoustic(2,i,j,ispec_PML)&
+                      -k_x_store(iPML)*d_z_store(iPML)*alpha_z_store(iPML)*potential_acoustic(iglob))
+               endif
+             endif
+           enddo
+        enddo
 ! second double-loop over GLL to compute all the terms
@@ -184,6 +637,32 @@
                            (tempx1(k,j)*hprimewgll_xx(k,i) + tempx2(i,k)*hprimewgll_zz(k,j))
+            if(is_PML(ispec))then
+                if (which_PML_elem(ILEFT,ispec) .or. which_PML_elem(IRIGHT,ispec)) then   
+                        ispec_PML=spec_to_PML(ispec)
+                        iPML=ibool_PML(i,j,ispec)
+                      potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) &
+                                                         - potential_dot_dot_acoustic_PML(i,j,ispec_PML)
+                    if (which_PML_elem(ITOP,ispec) .or. which_PML_elem(IBOTTOM,ispec)) then
+                        ispec_PML=spec_to_PML(ispec)
+                        iPML=ibool_PML(i,j,ispec)
+                      potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) &
+                                                          + potential_dot_dot_acoustic_PML(i,j,ispec_PML)
+                      potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) &
+                                                          - potential_dot_dot_acoustic_PML_corner(i,j,ispec_PML)
+                    endif
+               else
+                      ispec_PML=spec_to_PML(ispec)
+                      iPML=ibool_PML(i,j,ispec)
+                      potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) &
+                                                         - potential_dot_dot_acoustic_PML(i,j,ispec_PML)
+               endif
+             endif
         enddo ! second loop over the GLL points
@@ -191,10 +670,71 @@
   enddo ! end of loop over all spectral elements
+ if(PML_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS .and. anyabs) then
+! we have to put Dirichlet on the boundary of the PML
+     do ispecabs = 1,nelemabs
+       ispec = numabs(ispecabs)
+       if (is_PML(ispec)) then
+      ispec_PML=spec_to_PML(ispec)
+!--- left absorbing boundary
+      if(codeabs(ILEFT,ispecabs)) then
+        i = 1
+        do j = 1,NGLLZ
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+          potential_acoustic(iglob) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+          potential_dot_acoustic(iglob) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+          potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+       enddo
+      endif
+!--- right absorbing boundary
+      if(codeabs(IRIGHT,ispecabs)) then
+        i = NGLLX
+        do j = 1,NGLLZ
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+          potential_acoustic(iglob) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+          potential_dot_acoustic(iglob) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+          potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+        enddo
+      endif
+!--- bottom absorbing boundary
+      if(codeabs(IBOTTOM,ispecabs)) then
+        j = 1
+! exclude corners to make sure there is no contradiction on the normal
+        ibegin = 1
+        iend = NGLLX
+        do i = ibegin,iend
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+          potential_acoustic(iglob) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+          potential_dot_acoustic(iglob) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+          potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+        enddo
+      endif
+!--- top absorbing boundary
+      if(codeabs(ITOP,ispecabs)) then
+        j = NGLLZ
+! exclude corners to make sure there is no contradiction on the normal
+        ibegin = 1
+        iend = NGLLX
+        do i = ibegin,iend
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,ispec)
+          potential_acoustic(iglob) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+          potential_dot_acoustic(iglob) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+          potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+        enddo
+      endif  !  end of top absorbing boundary
+      endif ! end of is_PML
+    enddo ! end specabs loop
+  endif  ! end of absorbing boundaries
 !--- absorbing boundaries
-  if(anyabs) then
+  if(.not. PML_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS .and. anyabs) then
     do ispecabs=1,nelemabs

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/compute_forces_viscoelastic.F90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/compute_forces_viscoelastic.F90	2012-07-07 02:09:18 UTC (rev 20480)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/compute_forces_viscoelastic.F90	2012-07-07 11:56:23 UTC (rev 20481)
@@ -970,11 +970,9 @@
                             abs( d_x_store(iPML) )     < 1.d-3       &
                           ) then
                           A3 = 0.d0
-                       elseif ( abs( alpha_x_store(iPML) - alpha_z_store(iPML) ) < 1.d-3 .AND. &
-                            abs( d_x_store(iPML) - d_z_store(iPML) )         < 1.d-3 .AND. &
-                            abs( k_x_store(iPML) - k_z_store(iPML) )         < 1.d-3       &
+                       elseif ( abs( alpha_x_store(iPML) - alpha_z_store(iPML) ) < 1.d-3 & 
                           ) then
-                          A3 = 0.d0
+                          A3 = alpha_x_store(iPML) ** 2 * d_x_store(iPML) * k_z_store(iPML)
                           A3 = alpha_x_store(iPML) ** 2 * d_x_store(iPML) * &
                                ( k_z_store(iPML) * ( alpha_x_store(iPML) - alpha_z_store(iPML) ) - d_z_store(iPML) ) &
@@ -990,7 +988,6 @@
                           coef1_x = deltat / 2.0d0 * A3
                           coef2_x = deltat * A3 ! Rene Matzen
                        end if
                        rmemory_displ_elastic_corner(1,1,i,j,ispec_PML)= &
                         coef0_x * rmemory_displ_elastic_corner(1,1,i,j,ispec_PML) &
                         + displ_elastic_new(1,iglob) * coef1_x + displ_elastic(1,iglob) * coef2_x
@@ -1008,11 +1005,9 @@
                              abs( d_x_store(iPML) )     < 1.d-3       &
                            ) then
                           A4 = d_z_store(iPML) * alpha_z_store(iPML) ** 2
-                       elseif ( abs( alpha_x_store(iPML) - alpha_z_store(iPML) ) < 1.d-3 .AND. &
-                             abs( d_x_store(iPML) - d_z_store(iPML) )         < 1.d-3 .AND. &
-                             abs( k_x_store(iPML) - k_z_store(iPML) )         < 1.d-3       &
+                       elseif ( abs( alpha_x_store(iPML) - alpha_z_store(iPML) ) < 1.d-3 & 
                            ) then
-                          A4 = 0.d0
+                          A4 = alpha_z_store(iPML) ** 2 * d_z_store(iPML) * k_x_store(iPML)
                           A4 = alpha_z_store(iPML) ** 2 * d_z_store(iPML) * &
                                ( k_x_store(iPML) * ( alpha_z_store(iPML) - alpha_x_store(iPML) ) - d_x_store(iPML) ) &
@@ -1740,7 +1735,7 @@
   !--- absorbing boundaries
+  if( PML_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS .and. anyabs) then
 ! we have to put Dirichlet on the boundary of the PML
      do ispecabs = 1,nelemabs
@@ -1748,7 +1743,7 @@
        ispec = numabs(ispecabs)
        if (is_PML(ispec)) then
- ispec_PML=spec_to_PML(ispec)
+      ispec_PML=spec_to_PML(ispec)
 !--- left absorbing boundary
       if(codeabs(ILEFT,ispecabs)) then
         i = 1

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/invert_mass_matrix.F90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/invert_mass_matrix.F90	2012-07-07 02:09:18 UTC (rev 20480)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/invert_mass_matrix.F90	2012-07-07 11:56:23 UTC (rev 20481)
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
                                 ,coord &
-                                d_x_store,d_z_store,alpha_x_store,alpha_z_store,PML_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS)
+                                d_x_store,d_z_store,PML_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS)
 !  builds the global mass matrix
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
 !!!!!!!!!!!!! DK DK added this
   integer :: npoin_PML,iPML
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(npoin_PML) :: K_x_store,K_z_store,d_x_store,d_z_store,alpha_x_store,alpha_z_store
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(npoin_PML) :: K_x_store,K_z_store,d_x_store,d_z_store
   integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: ibool_PML
   logical, dimension(nspec) :: is_PML
   logical :: PML_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS, anyabs_local
@@ -232,8 +232,18 @@
           ! for acoustic medium
+!          rmass_inverse_acoustic(iglob) = rmass_inverse_acoustic(iglob) &
+!                  + wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobian(i,j,ispec) / kappal
+        if (is_PML(ispec)) then
+          iPML=ibool_PML(i,j,ispec)
+          rmass_inverse_acoustic(iglob) = rmass_inverse_acoustic(iglob)  &
+                  + wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)/ kappal*jacobian(i,j,ispec) * (K_x_store(iPML) * K_z_store(iPML)&
+                  + (d_x_store(iPML)*k_z_store(iPML)+d_z_store(iPML)*k_x_store(iPML)) * deltat / 2.d0)
+         else
           rmass_inverse_acoustic(iglob) = rmass_inverse_acoustic(iglob) &
                   + wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)*jacobian(i,j,ispec) / kappal
+         endif

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/pml_init.F90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/pml_init.F90	2012-07-07 02:09:18 UTC (rev 20480)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/pml_init.F90	2012-07-07 11:56:23 UTC (rev 20481)
@@ -222,12 +222,12 @@
   integer nspec, npoin, i, j,numat, ispec,iglob,npoin_PML,iPML
-  double precision :: f0_temp !xiezhinan
+  double precision :: f0_temp 
   logical, dimension(nspec) :: is_PML
   logical, dimension(4,nspec) :: which_PML_elem
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(npoin_PML) ::  &
-                    K_x_store,K_z_store,d_x_store,d_z_store,alpha_x_store,alpha_z_store  !xiezhinan
+                    K_x_store,K_z_store,d_x_store,d_z_store,alpha_x_store,alpha_z_store  
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NDIM,npoin) ::  coord
   integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec) :: ibool, ibool_PML
@@ -237,7 +237,6 @@
   double precision :: d_x, d_z, K_x, K_z, alpha_x, alpha_z
 ! define an alias for y and z variable names (which are the same)
-  double precision :: d_y, alpha_y, K_y
   double precision :: d0_z_bottom, d0_x_right, d0_z_top, d0_x_left
   double precision :: abscissa_in_PML, abscissa_normalized
@@ -254,16 +253,16 @@
 #ifdef USE_MPI
 ! for MPI and partitioning
   integer  :: ier
-  integer  :: nproc
-  integer  :: iproc
-  character(len=256)  :: prname
+!  integer  :: nproc
+!  integer  :: iproc
+!  character(len=256)  :: prname
   double precision :: thickness_PML_z_min_bottom_glob,thickness_PML_z_max_bottom_glob,&
-       thickness_PML_x_min_left_glob,thickness_PML_x_max_left_glob,&
-       thickness_PML_z_bottom_glob,thickness_PML_x_right_glob,&
-       thickness_PML_z_top_glob,thickness_PML_x_left_glob
+       thickness_PML_x_min_left_glob,thickness_PML_x_max_left_glob
+!       thickness_PML_z_bottom_glob,thickness_PML_x_right_glob,&
+!       thickness_PML_z_top_glob,thickness_PML_x_left_glob
   double precision :: xmin_glob, xmax_glob, zmin_glob, zmax_glob, vpmax_glob, d0
@@ -445,6 +444,7 @@
   zoriginbottom = thickness_PML_z_bottom + zmin
   zorigintop = zmax-thickness_PML_z_top
  do ispec = 1,nspec
     if (is_PML(ispec)) then
@@ -462,11 +462,9 @@
              if (which_PML_elem(IBOTTOM,ispec)) then
                 ! define damping profile at the grid points
                 abscissa_in_PML = zoriginbottom - zval
-                if(abscissa_in_PML > 0.d0) then
+                if(abscissa_in_PML >= 0.d0) then
                    abscissa_normalized = abscissa_in_PML / thickness_PML_z_bottom
                    d_z = d0_z_bottom / 0.6d0 * abscissa_normalized**NPOWER
-!                   alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML * (1.d0 - abscissa_normalized)
-!                   write(IOUT,*)d0_z_bottom,"d0_z_bottom"
                    alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML * (1.d0 - abscissa_normalized) &
                    + ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
@@ -489,12 +487,9 @@
              if (which_PML_elem(ITOP,ispec)) then
                 ! define damping profile at the grid points
                 abscissa_in_PML = zval - zorigintop
-                if(abscissa_in_PML > 0.d0) then
+                if(abscissa_in_PML >= 0.d0) then
                    abscissa_normalized = abscissa_in_PML / thickness_PML_z_top
                    d_z = d0_z_top / 0.6d0 * abscissa_normalized**NPOWER
-!                   alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML * (1.d0 - abscissa_normalized)
-!                   write(IOUT,*)d0_z_top,"d0_z_top"
                    alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML * (1.d0 - abscissa_normalized) &
                    + ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
@@ -516,12 +511,9 @@
              if (which_PML_elem(IRIGHT,ispec)) then
                 ! define damping profile at the grid points
                 abscissa_in_PML = xval - xoriginright
-                if(abscissa_in_PML > 0.d0) then
+                if(abscissa_in_PML >= 0.d0) then
                    abscissa_normalized = abscissa_in_PML / thickness_PML_x_right
                    d_x = d0_x_right / 0.6d0 * abscissa_normalized**NPOWER
-!                   write(IOUT,*)d0_x_right,"d0_x_right"
-!                   alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML * (1.d0 - abscissa_normalized)
                    alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML * (1.d0 - abscissa_normalized) &
                    + ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
@@ -543,12 +535,9 @@
              if (which_PML_elem(ILEFT,ispec)) then
                 ! define damping profile at the grid points
                 abscissa_in_PML = xoriginleft - xval
-                if(abscissa_in_PML > 0.d0) then
+                if(abscissa_in_PML >= 0.d0) then
                    abscissa_normalized = abscissa_in_PML / thickness_PML_x_left
                    d_x = d0_x_left / 0.6d0 * abscissa_normalized**NPOWER
-!                   write(IOUT,*)d0_x_left,"d0_x_left"
-!                   alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML * (1.d0 - abscissa_normalized)
                    alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML * (1.d0 - abscissa_normalized) &
                    + ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
@@ -566,33 +555,17 @@
-!! DK DK define an alias for y and z variable names (which are the same)
-             K_y = K_z
-             d_y = d_z
-             alpha_y = alpha_z
           K_x_store(iPML) = K_x
-          K_z_store(iPML) = K_y
+          K_z_store(iPML) = K_z
           d_x_store(iPML) = d_x
-          d_z_store(iPML) = d_y
+          d_z_store(iPML) = d_z
           alpha_x_store(iPML) = alpha_x
-          alpha_z_store(iPML) = alpha_y
+          alpha_z_store(iPML) = alpha_z
-!        write(IOUT,*)K_x_store(iPML),K_z_store(iPML),'K_store'
-!        write(IOUT,*)d_x_store(iPML),d_z_store(iPML),'d_store'
-!        write(IOUT,*)alpha_x_store(iPML),alpha_z_store(iPML),'alpha_store'
-!!!!!!!  write(IOUT,*) 'max bx',maxval(b_x),'min bx', minval(b_x)
-!!!!!!!  write(IOUT,*) 'max ax',maxval(a_x),'min ax', minval(a_x)
-!!!!!!!  write(IOUT,*) 'max by',maxval(b_z),'min by', minval(b_z)
-!!!!!!!  write(IOUT,*) 'max ay',maxval(a_z),'min ay', minval(a_z)
   end subroutine define_PML_coefficients

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/specfem2D.F90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/specfem2D.F90	2012-07-07 02:09:18 UTC (rev 20480)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/specfem2D.F90	2012-07-07 11:56:23 UTC (rev 20481)
@@ -973,7 +973,7 @@
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: rmemory_displ_elastic_corner
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: rmemory_potential_acoustic,&
-    rmemory_potential_ac_corner,&
+    rmemory_potential_acoustic_corner,&
@@ -1018,11 +1018,18 @@
   if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2 .and.(time_stepping_scheme == 2 .or. time_stepping_scheme == 3)) &
                                   stop 'RK and LDDRK time scheme not supported for adjoint inversion'
   if(nproc /= nproc_read_from_database) stop 'must always have nproc == nproc_read_from_database'
+#ifdef USE_MPI
+   stop 'PML_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS do not ready for mpi version of the code'
+  endif
 !! DK DK Dec 2011: add a small crack (discontinuity) in the medium manually
   npgeo_ori = npgeo
-#ifndef USE_MPI
+#ifdef USE_MPI
@@ -1278,6 +1285,10 @@
                                 anisotropic,elastic,poroelastic,porosity,anisotropy,kmato,numat, &
+  if(PML_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS .and. any_poroelastic) then
+    stop 'PML boundary conditions do not ready for poroelastic simulation'
+  endif
   ! allocate memory variables for attenuation
   if(ipass == 1) then
@@ -2148,8 +2159,9 @@
 ! compute source array for adjoint source
+  if(ipass == 1) nadj_rec_local = 0
   if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 2) then  ! adjoint calculation
-    nadj_rec_local = 0
     do irec = 1,nrec
       if(myrank == which_proc_receiver(irec)) then
         ! check that the source proc number is okay
@@ -2868,7 +2880,7 @@
       if (any_acoustic .and. nspec_PML>0) then
-        allocate(rmemory_potential_ac_corner(2,NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_PML))
+        allocate(rmemory_potential_acoustic_corner(2,NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_PML))
@@ -2879,7 +2891,7 @@
-        allocate(rmemory_potential_ac_corner(1,1,1,1))
+        allocate(rmemory_potential_acoustic_corner(1,1,1,1))
@@ -4869,7 +4881,13 @@
                nspec_bottom,nspec_top,ib_left,ib_right,ib_bottom,ib_top, &
                b_absorb_acoustic_left,b_absorb_acoustic_right, &
-               b_absorb_acoustic_bottom,b_absorb_acoustic_top,.false.)
+               b_absorb_acoustic_bottom,b_absorb_acoustic_top,.false.,&
+            is_PML,nspec_PML,npoin_PML,ibool_PML,spec_to_PML,which_PML_elem,&
+            K_x_store,K_z_store,d_x_store,d_z_store,alpha_x_store,alpha_z_store,&
+            rmemory_potential_acoustic,rmemory_potential_acoustic_corner,&
+            rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx,rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz,&
+            rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx_corner,rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz_corner,deltat,&
       if( SIMULATION_TYPE == 2 ) then
         call compute_forces_acoustic(nglob,nspec,nelemabs,numat,it,NSTEP, &
                anyabs,assign_external_model,ibool,kmato,numabs, &
@@ -4883,7 +4901,13 @@
                nspec_bottom,nspec_top,ib_left,ib_right,ib_bottom,ib_top, &
                b_absorb_acoustic_left,b_absorb_acoustic_right, &
-               b_absorb_acoustic_bottom,b_absorb_acoustic_top,.true.)
+               b_absorb_acoustic_bottom,b_absorb_acoustic_top,.true.,&
+            is_PML,nspec_PML,npoin_PML,ibool_PML,spec_to_PML,which_PML_elem,&
+            K_x_store,K_z_store,d_x_store,d_z_store,alpha_x_store,alpha_z_store,&
+            rmemory_potential_acoustic,rmemory_potential_acoustic_corner,&
+            rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx,rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz,&
+            rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx_corner,rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz_corner,deltat,&

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