[cig-commits] r20522 - seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D

xie.zhinan at geodynamics.org xie.zhinan at geodynamics.org
Fri Jul 13 01:58:42 PDT 2012

Author: xie.zhinan
Date: 2012-07-13 01:58:41 -0700 (Fri, 13 Jul 2012)
New Revision: 20522

clean the code compute_forces_acoustic.f90, add some stop flag to prevent some errors come from allocate dimension

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/compute_forces_acoustic.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/compute_forces_acoustic.f90	2012-07-11 21:26:25 UTC (rev 20521)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/compute_forces_acoustic.f90	2012-07-13 08:58:41 UTC (rev 20522)
@@ -141,14 +141,22 @@
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_PML) :: potential_dot_dot_acoustic_PML
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_PML) ::PML_dux_dxl,PML_dux_dzl,&
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: coef0_x, coef1_x, coef2_x, coef0_z, coef1_z, coef2_z,bb,aa,&
-                            deltat
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: coef0_x, coef1_x, coef2_x, coef0_z, coef1_z, coef2_z,bb,deltat
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8
   ifirstelem = 1
   ilastelem = nspec
+    potential_dot_dot_acoustic_PML = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+    PML_dux_dxl = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+    PML_dux_dzl = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+    PML_dux_dxl_new = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+    PML_dux_dzl_new = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+  endif
 ! loop over spectral elements
   do ispec = ifirstelem,ilastelem
@@ -188,7 +196,6 @@
           if(PML_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS .and. is_PML(ispec))then
           PML_dux_dxl(i,j,ispec_PML) = dux_dxl
@@ -222,38 +229,44 @@
                if ( (which_PML_elem(ILEFT,ispec) .OR. which_PML_elem(IRIGHT,ispec)) .and. &
-                       .not. (which_PML_elem(ITOP,ispec) .OR. which_PML_elem(IBOTTOM,ispec)) ) then
+                     .not. (which_PML_elem(ITOP,ispec) .OR. which_PML_elem(IBOTTOM,ispec)) ) then
+!---------------------------- LEFT & RIGHT ------------------------------------
+                  !---------------------- A8 and A6 --------------------------
+                    A8 = - d_x_store(iPML) / (k_x_store(iPML) ** 2)
+                    A6 = 0.d0
-                 bb = 0.d0 - (d_x_store(iPML) / k_x_store(iPML) + alpha_x_store(iPML))
-                 if(abs(alpha_x_store(iPML)) > 1.d-3) then
-                 aa = - d_x_store(iPML) / &
-                        (k_x_store(iPML) * d_x_store(iPML) + k_x_store(iPML)**2 * alpha_x_store(iPML))
-                 else
-                 aa = - 1.d0 / k_x_store(iPML)
-                 endif
+                    bb = d_x_store(iPML) / k_x_store(iPML) + alpha_x_store(iPML)
+                    coef0_x = exp(-bb * deltat)
+                    if ( abs(bb) > 1.d-3 ) then
+                      coef1_x = (1.d0 - exp(-bb * deltat / 2.d0)) * A8 / bb
+                      coef2_x = (1.d0 - exp(-bb* deltat / 2.d0)) * exp(-bb * deltat / 2.d0) * A8 / bb
+                    else
+                      coef1_x = deltat / 2.0d0 * A8
+                      coef2_x = deltat * A8
+                    end if
-                 coef0_x = exp(bb * deltat)
-                 coef1_x = (1.d0 - exp(bb * deltat / 2.d0)) * aa
-                 coef2_x = (1.d0 - exp(bb* deltat / 2.d0)) * exp(bb * deltat / 2.d0) * aa
                  rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx(1,i,j,ispec_PML) = 0.d0
                  rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx(2,i,j,ispec_PML) = coef0_x*rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx(2,i,j,ispec_PML) &
                  + PML_dux_dxl_new(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef1_x + PML_dux_dxl(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef2_x
-                  if(abs(alpha_x_store(iPML)) > 1.d-3) then
-                   bb = alpha_x_store(iPML)
-                   coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
-                   coef1_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * d_x_store(iPML)/bb
-                   coef2_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2) * &
-                             d_x_store(iPML)/bb
-                 else
-                   bb = alpha_x_store(iPML)
-                  coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
-                  coef1_x = deltat / 2.0d0 * d_x_store(iPML)
-                  coef2_x = deltat / 2.0d0 * d_x_store(iPML)
-                  endif
+                    !---------------------- A5 and A7 --------------------------
+                    A5 = d_x_store(iPML)
+                    A7 = 0.d0
+                    bb = alpha_x_store(iPML)
+                    coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
+                    if ( abs( bb ) > 1.d-3) then
+                      coef1_x = (1.0d0 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2.0d0) ) * A5 / bb
+                      coef2_x = (1.0d0 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2.0d0) ) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2.0d0) * &
+                             A5 / bb
+                    else
+                      coef1_x = deltat / 2.0d0 * A5
+                      coef2_x = deltat * A5 ! Rene Matzen
+                    end if
                   rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz(1,i,j,ispec_PML) = coef0_x * rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz(1,i,j,ispec_PML) &
                   + PML_dux_dzl_new(i,j,ispec_PML) *coef1_x + PML_dux_dzl(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef2_x
                   rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz(2,i,j,ispec_PML) = 0.d0
@@ -265,147 +278,150 @@
                  elseif ( (which_PML_elem(ILEFT,ispec) .OR. which_PML_elem(IRIGHT,ispec)) .and. &
                           (which_PML_elem(ITOP,ispec) .OR. which_PML_elem(IBOTTOM,ispec)) ) then
+!---------------------------- CORNER ------------------------------------------
+                      !----------------------- A7 ------------------------------
+                      if ( abs( alpha_z_store(iPML) ) < 1.d-3 .AND. &
+                          abs( d_z_store(iPML) )     < 1.d-3       &
+                        ) then
+                        A7 = 0.d0
+                      elseif ( abs( alpha_x_store(iPML) ) < 1.d-3 .AND. &
+                          abs( d_x_store(iPML) )     < 1.d-3       &
+                        ) then
+                        A7 = d_z_store(iPML)
+                      elseif ( abs( alpha_x_store(iPML) - alpha_z_store(iPML) ) < 1.d-3 .AND. &
+                          abs( d_x_store(iPML) - d_z_store(iPML) )         < 1.d-3 .AND. &
+                          abs( k_x_store(iPML) - k_z_store(iPML) )         < 1.d-3       &
+                        ) then
+                        A7 = 0.d0
+                      else
+                        A7 = d_z_store(iPML) * ( alpha_x_store(iPML) - alpha_z_store(iPML) ) &
+                           / ( k_x_store(iPML) * ( alpha_x_store(iPML) - alpha_z_store(iPML) ) + d_x_store(iPML) )
+                      end if
+                      bb = alpha_z_store(iPML)
+                      coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
-                         if(abs(alpha_z_store(iPML)) .lt. 1.d-3)then
-                            bb = alpha_z_store(iPML)
-                            if(abs(k_x_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))+d_x_store(iPML)) .lt. 1.d-3)then
-                            aa=d_z_store(iPML)/k_x_store(iPML)
-                            else
-                            aa = d_z_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))/&
-                                     (k_x_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))+d_x_store(iPML))
-                            endif
-                            coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
-                            coef1_x = deltat / 2.0d0 * aa
-                            coef2_x = deltat / 2.0d0 * aa
-                         else
-                            if(abs(k_x_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))+d_x_store(iPML)) .lt. 1.d-3)then
-                            aa=d_z_store(iPML)/k_x_store(iPML)
-                            else
-                            aa = d_z_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))/&
-                                     (k_x_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))+d_x_store(iPML))
-                            endif
-                            bb = alpha_z_store(iPML)
-                            coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
-                            coef1_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * aa/bb
-                            coef2_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2) * aa /bb
-                         endif
+                      if ( abs(bb) > 1.d-3 ) then
+                        coef1_x = ( 1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2) ) * A7 / bb
+                        coef2_x = ( 1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2) ) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2) * A7 / bb
+                      else
+                        coef1_x = deltat / 2.0d0 * A7
+                        coef2_x = deltat * A7 ! Rene Matzen
+                      end if
                   rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx(1,i,j,ispec_PML) = coef0_x*rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx(1,i,j,ispec_PML) &
                   + PML_dux_dxl_new(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef1_x + PML_dux_dxl(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef2_x
-                        if(abs(d_x_store(iPML)*&
-                                       (k_x_store(iPML)*k_z_store(iPML)*(alpha_z_store(iPML)-alpha_x_store(iPML))+&
-                                        k_x_store(iPML)*d_z_store(iPML)-k_z_store(iPML)*d_x_store(iPML))/&
-                                       (k_x_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))+d_x_store(iPML))/&
-                                       k_x_store(iPML)**2) .lt. 1.d-3 .and. &
-                        abs(k_x_store(iPML)*alpha_x_store(iPML)+d_x_store(iPML)) .lt. 1.d-3)then
-                            coef0_z = 1.d0
-                            coef1_z = 0.d0
-                            coef2_z = 0.d0
+                      !---------------------------- A8 ----------------------------
+                      if ( abs( alpha_z_store(iPML) ) < 1.d-3 .AND. &
+                          abs( d_z_store(iPML) )     < 1.d-3       &
+                        ) then
+                        A8 = - d_x_store(iPML) / ( k_x_store(iPML) ** 2 )
+                      elseif ( abs( alpha_x_store(iPML) ) < 1.d-3 .AND. &
+                          abs( d_x_store(iPML) )     < 1.d-3       &
+                        ) then
+                        A8 = 0.d0
+                      elseif ( abs( alpha_x_store(iPML) - alpha_z_store(iPML) ) < 1.d-3 .AND. &
+                          abs( d_x_store(iPML) - d_z_store(iPML) )         < 1.d-3 .AND. &
+                          abs( k_x_store(iPML) - k_z_store(iPML) )         < 1.d-3       &
+                        ) then
+                        A8 = 0.d0
+                      else
+                        A8 = d_x_store(iPML) * &
+                             (  k_x_store(iPML) * k_z_store(iPML) * ( alpha_z_store(iPML) - alpha_x_store(iPML) ) &
+                              + k_x_store(iPML) * d_z_store(iPML) - k_z_store(iPML) * d_x_store(iPML) &
+                             ) &
+                           / (   k_x_store(iPML)**2 * (  k_x_store(iPML) * ( alpha_x_store(iPML) - alpha_z_store(iPML) ) &
+                               + d_x_store(iPML) ) &
+                             )
+                      end if
+                      bb = d_x_store(iPML) / k_x_store(iPML) + alpha_x_store(iPML)
+                      coef0_z = exp(- bb * deltat)
-                  rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx(2,i,j,ispec_PML) = coef0_z*rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx(2,i,j,ispec_PML) &
-                  + PML_dux_dxl_new(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef1_z + PML_dux_dxl(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef2_z
+                      if ( abs(bb) > 1.d-3 ) then
+                        coef1_z = ( 1.d0 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2.d0) ) * A8 / bb
+                        coef2_z = ( 1.d0 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2.d0) ) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2.d0) * A8 / bb
+                      else
+                        coef1_z = deltat / 2.0d0 * A8
+                        coef2_z = deltat * A8 ! Rene Matzen
+                      end if
-                        elseif(abs(k_x_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))+d_x_store(iPML)) .lt. 1.d-3 .and. &
-                        abs(k_x_store(iPML)*alpha_x_store(iPML)+d_x_store(iPML)) .lt. 1.d-3)then
-                            bb=(k_x_store(iPML)*alpha_x_store(iPML)+d_x_store(iPML))/k_x_store(iPML)
-                            aa=d_z_store(iPML)/k_x_store(iPML)
-                            coef0_z = 1.d0
-                            coef1_z = 0.5d0 *deltat
-                            coef2_z = 0.5d0 *deltat
                   rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx(2,i,j,ispec_PML) = coef0_z*rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx(2,i,j,ispec_PML) &
-                  + PML_dux_dxl_new(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef1_z*aa + PML_dux_dxl(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef2_z*aa
-                        else
-                            bb=(k_x_store(iPML)*alpha_x_store(iPML)+d_x_store(iPML))/k_x_store(iPML)
-                            aa=d_x_store(iPML)*&
-                                       (k_x_store(iPML)*k_z_store(iPML)*(alpha_z_store(iPML)-alpha_x_store(iPML))+&
-                                        k_x_store(iPML)*d_z_store(iPML)-k_z_store(iPML)*d_x_store(iPML))/&
-                                       (k_x_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))+d_x_store(iPML))/&
-                                       k_x_store(iPML)**2
-                            coef0_z = exp(- bb * deltat)
-                            coef1_z = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * aa/bb
-                            coef2_z = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2) * aa /bb
-                  rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx(2,i,j,ispec_PML) = coef0_z*rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx(2,i,j,ispec_PML) &
                   + PML_dux_dxl_new(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef1_z + PML_dux_dxl(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef2_z
-                        endif
+                      !---------------------------- A5 ----------------------------
+                      if ( abs( alpha_z_store(iPML) ) < 1.d-3 .AND. &
+                          abs( d_z_store(iPML) )     < 1.d-3       &
+                        ) then
+                        A5 = d_x_store(iPML)
+                      elseif ( abs( alpha_x_store(iPML) ) < 1.d-3 .AND. &
+                          abs( d_x_store(iPML) )     < 1.d-3       &
+                        ) then
+                        A5 = 0.d0
+                      elseif ( abs( alpha_x_store(iPML) - alpha_z_store(iPML) ) < 1.d-3 .AND. &
+                          abs( d_x_store(iPML) - d_z_store(iPML) )         < 1.d-3 .AND. &
+                          abs( k_x_store(iPML) - k_z_store(iPML) )         < 1.d-3       &
+                        ) then
+                        A5 = 0.d0
+                      else
+                        A5 = d_x_store(iPML) * ( alpha_z_store(iPML) - alpha_x_store(iPML) ) &
+                           / ( k_z_store(iPML) * ( alpha_z_store(iPML) - alpha_x_store(iPML) ) + d_z_store(iPML) )
+                      end if
+                      bb = alpha_x_store(iPML)
+                      coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
-                         if(abs(alpha_x_store(iPML)) .lt. 1.d-3)then
-                            bb = alpha_x_store(iPML)
-                            if(abs(k_z_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))-d_z_store(iPML)) .lt. 1.d-3)then
-                            aa=d_x_store(iPML)/k_z_store(iPML)
-                            else
-                            aa = d_x_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))/&
-                                     (k_z_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))-d_z_store(iPML))
-                            endif
-                            coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
-                            coef1_x = deltat / 2.0d0 * aa
-                            coef2_x = deltat / 2.0d0 * aa
-                         else
-                            if(abs(k_z_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))-d_z_store(iPML)) .lt. 1.d-3)then
-                            aa=d_x_store(iPML)/k_z_store(iPML)
-                            else
-                            aa = d_x_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))/&
-                                     (k_z_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))-d_z_store(iPML))
-                            endif
-                            bb = alpha_x_store(iPML)
-                            coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
-                            coef1_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * aa/bb
-                            coef2_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2) * aa /bb
-                         endif
+                      if ( abs(bb) > 1.d-3 ) then
+                        coef1_x = ( 1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2) ) * A5 / bb
+                        coef2_x = ( 1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2) ) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2) * A5 / bb
+                      else
+                        coef1_x = deltat / 2.0d0 * A5
+                        coef2_x = deltat * A5 ! Rene Matzen
+                      end if
                   rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz(1,i,j,ispec_PML) = coef0_x * rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz(1,i,j,ispec_PML) &
                   + PML_dux_dzl_new(i,j,ispec_PML) *coef1_x + PML_dux_dzl(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef2_x
-                        if(abs(d_z_store(iPML)*&
-                                       (k_x_store(iPML)*k_z_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))+&
-                                        k_z_store(iPML)*d_x_store(iPML)-k_x_store(iPML)*d_z_store(iPML))/&
-                                       (k_z_store(iPML)*(alpha_z_store(iPML)-alpha_x_store(iPML))+d_z_store(iPML))/&
-                                       k_z_store(iPML)**2) .lt. 1.d-3 .and. &
-                        abs(k_z_store(iPML)*alpha_z_store(iPML)+d_z_store(iPML)) .lt. 1.d-3)then
-                            coef0_z = 1.d0
-                            coef1_z = 0.d0
-                            coef2_z = 0.d0
+                      !---------------------------- A6 ----------------------------
+                      if ( abs( alpha_z_store(iPML) ) < 1.d-3 .AND. &
+                          abs( d_z_store(iPML) )     < 1.d-3       &
+                        ) then
+                        A6 = 0.d0
+                      elseif ( abs( alpha_x_store(iPML) ) < 1.d-3 .AND. &
+                          abs( d_x_store(iPML) )     < 1.d-3       &
+                         ) then
+                         A6 = - d_z_store(iPML) / ( k_z_store(iPML) ** 2 )
+                      elseif ( abs( alpha_x_store(iPML) - alpha_z_store(iPML) ) < 1.d-3 .AND. &
+                           abs( d_x_store(iPML) - d_z_store(iPML) )         < 1.d-3 .AND. &
+                           abs( k_x_store(iPML) - k_z_store(iPML) )         < 1.d-3       &
+                         ) then
+                         A6 = 0.d0
+                      else
+                         A6 = d_z_store(iPML) * &
+                              (  k_z_store(iPML) * k_x_store(iPML) * ( alpha_x_store(iPML) - alpha_z_store(iPML) ) &
+                               + k_z_store(iPML) * d_x_store(iPML) - k_x_store(iPML) * d_z_store(iPML) &
+                              ) &
+                            / (   k_z_store(iPML)**2 * (  k_z_store(iPML) * ( alpha_z_store(iPML) - alpha_x_store(iPML) ) &
+                               + d_z_store(iPML) ) &
+                              )
+                      end if
+                      bb = d_z_store(iPML) / k_z_store(iPML) + alpha_z_store(iPML)
+                      coef0_z = exp(- bb * deltat)
-                  rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz(2,i,j,ispec_PML) = coef0_z * rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz(2,i,j,ispec_PML) &
-                  + PML_dux_dzl_new(i,j,ispec_PML) *coef1_z + PML_dux_dzl(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef2_z
+                      if ( abs(bb) > 1.d-3 ) then
+                        coef1_z = ( 1.d0 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2.d0) ) * A6 / bb
+                        coef2_z = ( 1.d0 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2.d0) ) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2.d0) * A6 / bb
+                      else
+                        coef1_z = deltat / 2.0d0 * A6
+                        coef2_z = deltat * A6 ! Rene Matzen
+                      end if
-                        elseif(abs(k_z_store(iPML)*(alpha_z_store(iPML)-alpha_x_store(iPML))+d_z_store(iPML)) .lt. 1.d-3 .and. &
-                        abs(k_z_store(iPML)*alpha_z_store(iPML)+d_z_store(iPML)) .lt. 1.d-3)then
-                            bb=(k_z_store(iPML)*alpha_z_store(iPML)+d_z_store(iPML))/k_z_store(iPML)
-                            aa=d_x_store(iPML)/k_z_store(iPML)
-                            coef0_z = 1.d0
-                            coef1_z = 0.5d0 *deltat
-                            coef2_z = 0.5d0 *deltat
                   rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz(2,i,j,ispec_PML) = coef0_z * rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz(2,i,j,ispec_PML) &
-                  + PML_dux_dzl_new(i,j,ispec_PML) *coef1_z*aa + PML_dux_dzl(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef2_z*aa
-                        else
-                            bb=(k_z_store(iPML)*alpha_z_store(iPML)+d_z_store(iPML))/k_z_store(iPML)
-                            aa=d_z_store(iPML)*&
-                                       (k_x_store(iPML)*k_z_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))+&
-                                        k_z_store(iPML)*d_x_store(iPML)-k_x_store(iPML)*d_z_store(iPML))/&
-                                       (k_z_store(iPML)*(alpha_z_store(iPML)-alpha_x_store(iPML))+d_z_store(iPML))/&
-                                       k_z_store(iPML)**2
-                            coef0_z = exp(- bb * deltat)
-                            coef1_z = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * aa/bb
-                            coef2_z = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2) * aa /bb
-                  rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz(2,i,j,ispec_PML) = coef0_z * rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz(2,i,j,ispec_PML) &
                   + PML_dux_dzl_new(i,j,ispec_PML) *coef1_z + PML_dux_dzl(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef2_z
-                        endif
                  dux_dxl = PML_dux_dxl(i,j,ispec_PML)  + rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx(1,i,j,ispec_PML) +&
                  dux_dzl = PML_dux_dzl(i,j,ispec_PML)  + rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz(1,i,j,ispec_PML) + &
@@ -413,35 +429,42 @@
-                  if(abs(alpha_z_store(iPML)) > 1.d-3) then
-                   bb = alpha_z_store(iPML)
-                   coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
-                   coef1_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * d_z_store(iPML)/bb
-                   coef2_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2) * &
-                             d_z_store(iPML) / bb
-                 else
-                   bb = alpha_z_store(iPML)
-                  coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
-                  coef1_x = deltat / 2.0d0 * d_z_store(iPML)
-                  coef2_x = deltat / 2.0d0 * d_z_store(iPML)
-                  endif
+!---------------------------- TOP & BOTTOM ------------------------------------
+                    !---------------------- A5 and A7 --------------------------
+                    A7 = d_z_store(iPML)
+                    A5 = 0.d0
+                    bb = alpha_z_store(iPML)
+                    coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
+                    if ( abs( bb ) > 1.d-3) then
+                      coef1_x = (1.0d0 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2.0d0) ) * A7 / bb
+                      coef2_x = (1.0d0 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2.0d0) ) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2.0d0) * &
+                             A7 / bb
+                    else
+                      coef1_x = deltat / 2.0d0 * A7
+                      coef2_x = deltat * A7 ! Rene Matzen
+                    end if
                   rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx(1,i,j,ispec_PML) = coef0_x*rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx(1,i,j,ispec_PML) &
                   + PML_dux_dxl_new(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef1_x + PML_dux_dxl(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef2_x
                   rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx(2,i,j,ispec_PML) = 0.d0
-                 bb = 0.d0 - (d_z_store(iPML) / k_z_store(iPML) + alpha_z_store(iPML))
-                 if(abs(alpha_z_store(iPML)) > 1.d-3) then
-                 aa = - d_z_store(iPML) * k_x_store(iPML) / &
-                        (k_z_store(iPML) * d_z_store(iPML) + k_z_store(iPML)**2 * alpha_z_store(iPML))
-                 else
-                 aa = - k_x_store(iPML) / k_z_store(iPML)
-                 endif
-                 coef0_x = exp(bb * deltat)
-                 coef1_x = (1.d0 - exp(bb * deltat / 2.d0)) * aa
-                 coef2_x = (1.d0 - exp(bb* deltat / 2.d0)) * exp(bb * deltat / 2.d0) * aa
+                    !---------------------- A8 and A6 --------------------------
+                    A6 = - d_z_store(iPML) / ( k_z_store(iPML) ** 2 )
+                    A8 = 0.d0
+                    bb = d_z_store(iPML) / k_z_store(iPML) + alpha_z_store(iPML)
+                    coef0_x = exp(-bb * deltat)
+                    if ( abs(bb) > 1.d-3 ) then
+                      coef1_x = (1.d0 - exp(-bb * deltat / 2.d0)) * A6 / bb
+                      coef2_x = (1.d0 - exp(-bb* deltat / 2.d0)) * exp(-bb * deltat / 2.d0) * A6 / bb
+                    else
+                      coef1_x = deltat / 2.0d0 * A6
+                      coef2_x = deltat * A6
+                    end if
                   rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz(1,i,j,ispec_PML) = 0.d0
                   rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz(2,i,j,ispec_PML) = coef0_x * rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz(2,i,j,ispec_PML) &
                   + PML_dux_dzl_new(i,j,ispec_PML) *coef1_x + PML_dux_dzl(i,j,ispec_PML) * coef2_x
@@ -485,13 +508,25 @@
                if ( (which_PML_elem(ILEFT,ispec) .OR. which_PML_elem(IRIGHT,ispec)) .and. &
                        .not. (which_PML_elem(ITOP,ispec) .OR. which_PML_elem(IBOTTOM,ispec)) ) then
+!---------------------------- LEFT & RIGHT ------------------------------------
-                        bb = alpha_x_store(iPML)
-                        coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
-                        coef1_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * (d_x_store(iPML)*(bb))
-                        coef2_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2) * &
-                                  (d_x_store(iPML)*(bb))
+                    !---------------------- A3 and A4 --------------------------
+                    A3 = d_x_store(iPML ) * alpha_x_store(iPML) ** 2
+                    A4 = 0.d0
+                    bb = alpha_x_store(iPML)
+                    coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
+                    if ( abs( bb ) > 1.d-3) then
+                       coef1_x = (1.0d0 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2.0d0) ) * A3 / bb
+                       coef2_x = (1.0d0 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2.0d0) ) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2.0d0) * &
+                             A3 / bb
+                    else
+                       coef1_x = deltat / 2.0d0 * A3
+                       coef2_x = deltat * A3 ! Rene Matzen
+                    end if
                         rmemory_potential_acoustic(1,i,j,ispec_PML)=coef0_x * rmemory_potential_acoustic(1,i,j,ispec_PML) &
                          + (potential_acoustic(iglob)+deltat*potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)) * coef1_x &
                          + potential_acoustic(iglob) * coef2_x
@@ -501,67 +536,99 @@
                elseif ((which_PML_elem(ILEFT,ispec) .OR. which_PML_elem(IRIGHT,ispec)) .and. &
                        (which_PML_elem(ITOP,ispec) .OR. which_PML_elem(IBOTTOM,ispec)) ) then
-                        if(abs(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML)).lt. 1.d-3)then
-                          bb = alpha_x_store(iPML)
-                          aa = (k_z_store(iPML)*d_x_store(iPML)*(bb))
-                          coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
-                          coef1_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * aa
-                          coef2_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2) * aa
+!-------------------------------- CORNER --------------------------------------
-                         rmemory_potential_acoustic(1,i,j,ispec_PML)=&
-                            coef0_x * rmemory_potential_acoustic(1,i,j,ispec_PML) &
-                          + (potential_acoustic(iglob)+deltat*potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)) * coef1_x &
-                          + potential_acoustic(iglob) * coef2_x
-                        else
-                          bb = alpha_x_store(iPML)
-                          aa = bb*d_x_store(iPML)*(k_z_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))-d_z_store(iPML))/&
-                               (alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))
-                          coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
-                          coef1_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * aa
-                          coef2_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2) * aa
+                       !---------------------------- A3 ----------------------------
+                       if ( abs( alpha_z_store(iPML) ) < 1.d-3 .AND. &
+                            abs( d_z_store(iPML) )     < 1.d-3       &
+                          ) then
+                          A3 = d_x_store(iPML) * alpha_x_store(iPML) ** 2
+                       elseif ( abs( alpha_x_store(iPML) ) < 1.d-3 .AND. &
+                            abs( d_x_store(iPML) )     < 1.d-3       &
+                          ) then
+                          A3 = 0.d0
+                       elseif ( abs( alpha_x_store(iPML) - alpha_z_store(iPML) ) < 1.d-3 &
+                          ) then
+                          A3 = alpha_x_store(iPML) ** 2 * d_x_store(iPML) * k_z_store(iPML)
+                       else
+                          A3 = alpha_x_store(iPML) ** 2 * d_x_store(iPML) * &
+                               ( k_z_store(iPML) * ( alpha_x_store(iPML) - alpha_z_store(iPML) ) - d_z_store(iPML) ) &
+                             / ( alpha_x_store(iPML) - alpha_z_store(iPML) )
+                       end if
+                       bb = alpha_x_store(iPML)
+                       coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
+                       if ( abs(bb) > 1.d-3 ) then
+                          coef1_x = ( 1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2) ) * A3 / bb
+                          coef2_x = ( 1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2) ) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2) * A3 / bb
+                       else
+                          coef1_x = deltat / 2.0d0 * A3
+                          coef2_x = deltat * A3 ! Rene Matzen
+                       end if
                             coef0_x * rmemory_potential_acoustic(1,i,j,ispec_PML) &
-                          + (potential_acoustic(iglob)+deltat*potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)) * coef1_x &
+                         + (potential_acoustic(iglob)+deltat*potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)) * coef1_x &
                           + potential_acoustic(iglob) * coef2_x
-                        endif
+                       !---------------------------- A4 ----------------------------
+                       if ( abs( alpha_z_store(iPML) ) < 1.d-3 .AND. &
+                            abs( d_z_store(iPML) )     < 1.d-3       &
+                          ) then
+                          A4 = 0.d0
+                       elseif ( abs( alpha_x_store(iPML) ) < 1.d-3 .AND. &
+                             abs( d_x_store(iPML) )     < 1.d-3       &
+                           ) then
+                          A4 = d_z_store(iPML) * alpha_z_store(iPML) ** 2
+                       elseif ( abs( alpha_x_store(iPML) - alpha_z_store(iPML) ) < 1.d-3 &
+                           ) then
+                          A4 = alpha_z_store(iPML) ** 2 * d_z_store(iPML) * k_x_store(iPML)
+                       else
+                          A4 = alpha_z_store(iPML) ** 2 * d_z_store(iPML) * &
+                               ( k_x_store(iPML) * ( alpha_z_store(iPML) - alpha_x_store(iPML) ) - d_x_store(iPML) ) &
+                             / ( alpha_z_store(iPML) - alpha_x_store(iPML) )
+                       end if
+                       bb = alpha_z_store(iPML)
+                       coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
-                        if(abs(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML)).lt. 1.d-3)then
-                          bb = alpha_z_store(iPML)
-                          aa = k_x_store(iPML)*d_z_store(iPML)*(bb)
-                          coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
-                          coef1_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * aa
-                          coef2_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2) * aa
+                       if ( abs(bb) > 1.d-3 ) then
+                          coef1_x = ( 1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2) ) * A4 / bb
+                          coef2_x = ( 1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2) ) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2) * A4 / bb
+                       else
+                          coef1_x = deltat / 2.0d0 * A4
+                          coef2_x = deltat * A4 ! Rene Matzen
+                       end if
-                        rmemory_potential_acoustic(2,i,j,ispec_PML)=&
-                           coef0_x * rmemory_potential_acoustic(2,i,j,ispec_PML) &
-                         + (potential_acoustic(iglob)+deltat*potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)) * coef1_x &
-                         + potential_acoustic(iglob) * coef2_x
-                        else
-                          bb = alpha_z_store(iPML)
-                          aa = bb*d_z_store(iPML)*(k_x_store(iPML)*(alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))+d_x_store(iPML))/&
-                               (alpha_x_store(iPML)-alpha_z_store(iPML))
-                          coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
-                          coef1_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * aa
-                          coef2_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2) * aa
                             coef0_x * rmemory_potential_acoustic(2,i,j,ispec_PML) &
                           + (potential_acoustic(iglob)+deltat*potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)) * coef1_x &
                           + potential_acoustic(iglob) * coef2_x
-                        endif
-                        bb = alpha_z_store(iPML)
-                        coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
-                        coef1_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * (d_z_store(iPML)*bb)
-                        coef2_x = (1 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2)) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2) * &
-                                  (d_z_store(iPML)* bb )
+!-------------------------------- TOP & BOTTOM --------------------------------
+                    !---------------------- A3 and A4 ----------------------------
+                    A4 = d_z_store(iPML ) * alpha_z_store(iPML) ** 2
+                    A3 = 0.d0
+                    bb = alpha_z_store(iPML)
+                    coef0_x = exp(- bb * deltat)
+                    if ( abs( bb ) > 1.d-3) then
+                       coef1_x = (1.0d0 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2.0d0) ) * A4 / bb
+                       coef2_x = (1.0d0 - exp(- bb * deltat / 2.0d0) ) * exp(- bb * deltat / 2.0d0) * &
+                              A4 / bb
+                    else
+                       coef1_x = deltat / 2.0d0 * A4
+                       coef2_x = deltat * A4 ! Rene Matzen
+                    end if
                         rmemory_potential_acoustic(2,i,j,ispec_PML)=coef0_x * rmemory_potential_acoustic(2,i,j,ispec_PML) &
                          + (potential_acoustic(iglob)+deltat*potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)) * coef1_x &
@@ -572,30 +639,50 @@
                if ( (which_PML_elem(ILEFT,ispec) .OR. which_PML_elem(IRIGHT,ispec)) .and. &
                        .not. (which_PML_elem(ITOP,ispec) .OR. which_PML_elem(IBOTTOM,ispec)) ) then
+!---------------------------- LEFT & RIGHT ------------------------------------
+                  A0 = - alpha_x_store( iPML ) * d_x_store(iPML)
+                  A1 = d_x_store(iPML) 
+                  A2 = k_x_store(iPML)
                     potential_dot_dot_acoustic_PML(i,j,ispec_PML)= wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)/ kappal*jacobian(i,j,ispec) * &
-                      (d_x_store(iPML)*potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)+ &
+                      (A1*potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)+ &
-                      -d_x_store(iPML)*alpha_x_store(iPML)*potential_acoustic(iglob))
+                      +A0*potential_acoustic(iglob))
                 elseif ((which_PML_elem(ILEFT,ispec) .OR. which_PML_elem(IRIGHT,ispec)) .and. &
                        (which_PML_elem(ITOP,ispec) .OR. which_PML_elem(IBOTTOM,ispec))) then
+!-------------------------------- CORNER --------------------------------------
+                     A0 = d_x_store(iPML) * d_z_store(iPML) &
+                        - alpha_x_store( iPML ) * d_x_store(iPML) * k_z_store(iPML) &
+                        - alpha_z_store( iPML ) * d_z_store(iPML) * k_x_store(iPML)
+                     A1 = d_x_store(iPML) * k_z_store(iPML) + d_z_store(iPML) * k_x_store(iPML)
+                     A2 = k_x_store(iPML) * k_z_store(iPML)
                     potential_dot_dot_acoustic_PML(i,j,ispec_PML)= wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)/ kappal*jacobian(i,j,ispec) * &
-                      ((d_x_store(iPML)*k_z_store(iPML)+d_z_store(iPML)*k_x_store(iPML))*potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)+ &
+                      (A1*potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)+ &
-                      -k_z_store(iPML)*d_x_store(iPML)*alpha_x_store(iPML)*potential_acoustic(iglob)-&
-                       k_x_store(iPML)*d_z_store(iPML)*alpha_z_store(iPML)*potential_acoustic(iglob)+&
-                       d_z_store(iPML)*d_x_store(iPML)*potential_acoustic(iglob))
+                       +A0*potential_acoustic(iglob))
+!-------------------------------- TOP & BOTTOM --------------------------------
+                  A0 = - alpha_z_store( iPML ) * d_z_store(iPML)
+                  A1 = d_z_store(iPML) 
+                  A2 = k_z_store(iPML)
                     potential_dot_dot_acoustic_PML(i,j,ispec_PML)= wxgll(i)*wzgll(j)/ kappal*jacobian(i,j,ispec) * &
-                      (d_z_store(iPML)*potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)+ &
+                      (A1*potential_dot_acoustic(iglob)+ &
-                      -d_z_store(iPML)*alpha_z_store(iPML)*potential_acoustic(iglob))
+                      +A0*potential_acoustic(iglob))
@@ -623,18 +710,14 @@
             if(is_PML(ispec) .and. PML_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS)then
-                if ((which_PML_elem(ILEFT,ispec) .OR. which_PML_elem(IRIGHT,ispec)) .and. &
+               if ((which_PML_elem(ILEFT,ispec) .OR. which_PML_elem(IRIGHT,ispec)) .and. &
                        .not. (which_PML_elem(ITOP,ispec) .OR. which_PML_elem(IBOTTOM,ispec))) then
                       potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) &
                                                          - potential_dot_dot_acoustic_PML(i,j,ispec_PML)
-                 elseif ((which_PML_elem(ILEFT,ispec) .OR. which_PML_elem(IRIGHT,ispec)) .and. &
+               elseif ((which_PML_elem(ILEFT,ispec) .OR. which_PML_elem(IRIGHT,ispec)) .and. &
                        (which_PML_elem(ITOP,ispec) .OR. which_PML_elem(IBOTTOM,ispec))) then
                       potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) &
-                                                          + potential_dot_dot_acoustic_PML(i,j,ispec_PML)
-                      potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) &
                                                           - potential_dot_dot_acoustic_PML(i,j,ispec_PML)
                       potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) &
                                                          - potential_dot_dot_acoustic_PML(i,j,ispec_PML)

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/specfem2D.F90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/specfem2D.F90	2012-07-11 21:26:25 UTC (rev 20521)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/specfem2D.F90	2012-07-13 08:58:41 UTC (rev 20522)
@@ -2859,13 +2859,17 @@
       !elastic PML memory variables
       if (any_elastic .and. nspec_PML>0) then
-        allocate(rmemory_displ_elastic(2,3,NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_PML))
+        allocate(rmemory_displ_elastic(2,3,NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_PML),stat=ier)
+        if(ier /= 0) stop 'error: not enough memory to allocate array rmemory_displ_elastic'
+        allocate(rmemory_dux_dx(2,NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_PML),stat=ier)
+        if(ier /= 0) stop 'error: not enough memory to allocate array rmemory_dux_dx'
+        allocate(rmemory_dux_dz(2,NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_PML),stat=ier)
+        if(ier /= 0) stop 'error: not enough memory to allocate array rmemory_dux_dz'
+        allocate(rmemory_duz_dx(2,NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_PML),stat=ier)
+        if(ier /= 0) stop 'error: not enough memory to allocate array rmemory_duz_dx'
+        allocate(rmemory_duz_dz(2,NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_PML),stat=ier)
+        if(ier /= 0) stop 'error: not enough memory to allocate array rmemory_duz_dz'        
-        allocate(rmemory_dux_dx(2,NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_PML))
-        allocate(rmemory_dux_dz(2,NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_PML))
-        allocate(rmemory_duz_dx(2,NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_PML))
-        allocate(rmemory_duz_dz(2,NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_PML))
         rmemory_displ_elastic(:,:,:,:,:) = ZERO
         rmemory_dux_dx(:,:,:,:) = ZERO
         rmemory_dux_dz(:,:,:,:) = ZERO
@@ -2875,7 +2879,6 @@
@@ -2885,9 +2888,12 @@
       if (any_acoustic .and. nspec_PML>0) then
-        allocate(rmemory_potential_acoustic(2,NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_PML))
-        allocate(rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx(2,NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_PML))
-        allocate(rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz(2,NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_PML))
+        allocate(rmemory_potential_acoustic(2,NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_PML),stat=ier)
+        if(ier /= 0) stop 'error: not enough memory to allocate array rmemory_potential_acoustic'
+        allocate(rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx(2,NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_PML),stat=ier)
+        if(ier /= 0) stop 'error: not enough memory to allocate array rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx'
+        allocate(rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz(2,NGLLX,NGLLZ,nspec_PML),stat=ier)
+        if(ier /= 0) stop 'error: not enough memory to allocate array rmemory_acoustic_dux_dz'
         rmemory_potential_acoustic = ZERO
         rmemory_acoustic_dux_dx = ZERO
@@ -2896,7 +2902,6 @@
@@ -2911,11 +2916,8 @@

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