[cig-commits] commit: fix the adaptivity.

Mercurial hg at geodynamics.org
Thu Jun 7 13:35:39 PDT 2012

changeset:   258:39366675b6ee
user:        Sylvain Barbot <sbarbot at caltech.edu>
date:        Tue Apr 10 16:52:35 2012 -0700
files:       input/sinker.input src/FACStokes/applyGradientDetector.C
fix the adaptivity.

diff -r 47bb8c85e9aa -r 39366675b6ee input/sinker.input
--- a/input/sinker.input	Tue Apr 10 13:39:52 2012 -0700
+++ b/input/sinker.input	Tue Apr 10 16:52:35 2012 -0700
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ FACStokes {
     // It owns the solver and contains the code to set up the solver.
     // The inputs for FACStokes is simply the inputs for the individual
     // parts owned by the FACStokes class.
-    adaption_threshold = 1.0e-3
-    min_full_refinement_level = 5
+    adaption_threshold = 1.0e-2
+    min_full_refinement_level = 3
     lambda_ijk= 2, 2
     lambda_coord_min= -0.001, -0.001
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ PatchHierarchy {
     //              [level 0 entry]
     //   etc....                       
     // }
-    max_levels = 7
+    max_levels = 6
     proper_nesting_buffer = 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
     ratio_to_coarser {
         level_1            = 2, 2
diff -r 47bb8c85e9aa -r 39366675b6ee src/FACStokes/applyGradientDetector.C
--- a/src/FACStokes/applyGradientDetector.C	Tue Apr 10 13:39:52 2012 -0700
+++ b/src/FACStokes/applyGradientDetector.C	Tue Apr 10 16:52:35 2012 -0700
@@ -34,39 +34,47 @@ void SAMRAI::FACStokes::applyGradientDet
           TBOX_ERROR("Data index " << tag_index << " is not cell int data.\n");
-      tbox::Pointer<hier::PatchData> soln_data = patch.getPatchData(p_id);
+      tbox::Pointer<hier::PatchData> soln_data = patch.getPatchData(v_id);
       if (soln_data.isNull())
-          TBOX_ERROR("Data index " << p_id << " does not exist for patch.\n");
+          TBOX_ERROR("Data index " << v_id << " does not exist for patch.\n");
-      tbox::Pointer<pdat::CellData<double> > soln_cell_data_ = soln_data;
-      if (soln_cell_data_.isNull())
+      tbox::Pointer<pdat::SideData<double> > soln_side_data_ = soln_data;
+      if (soln_side_data_.isNull())
-          TBOX_ERROR("Data index " << p_id << " is not cell int data.\n");
+          TBOX_ERROR("Data index " << v_id << " is not side data.\n");
-      pdat::CellData<double>& soln_cell_data = *soln_cell_data_;
+      pdat::SideData<double>& v = *soln_side_data_;
       pdat::CellData<int>& tag_cell_data = *tag_cell_data_;
-      pdat::CellData<double> estimate_data(patch.getBox(),1,
-                                           hier::IntVector(d_dim, 0));
-      computeAdaptionEstimate(estimate_data,soln_cell_data);
       for (pdat::CellIterator ci(patch.getBox()); ci; ci++)
           const pdat::CellIndex cell_index(*ci);
-          if (maxestimate < estimate_data(cell_index))
-            maxestimate=estimate_data(cell_index);
-          // tbox::plog << "estimate "
-          //            << cell_index << " "
-          //            << d_adaptation_threshold << " "
-          //            << estimate_data(cell_index) << " "
-          //            << std::boolalpha
-          //            << (estimate_data(cell_index) > d_adaptation_threshold)
-          //            << " "
-          //            << "\n";
-          if (estimate_data(cell_index) > d_adaption_threshold
-              || ln<min_full_refinement_level)
+	  double curve(0.);
+	  for (int ix=0; ix<d_dim.getValue(); ++ix)
+	  {
+            const pdat::SideIndex x(cell_index,ix,pdat::SideIndex::Lower);
+	    for (int d=0; d<d_dim.getValue(); ++d){
+              const hier::Index ip(1,0), jp(0,1);
+              const hier::Index pp[]={ip,jp};
+	      curve=std::max(curve,std::abs(v(x+pp[ix]+pp[ix])-v(x+pp[ix])-v(x)+v(x-pp[ix])));
+	    }
+	  }
+          tbox::plog << "estimate "
+                     << cell_index << " "
+                     << d_adaption_threshold << " "
+                     << curve << " "
+                     << std::boolalpha
+                     << (curve > d_adaption_threshold)
+                     << " "
+                     << "\n";
+          if (maxestimate < curve)
+               maxestimate=curve;
+          if (curve > d_adaption_threshold || ln<min_full_refinement_level)
               tag_cell_data(cell_index) = 1;
@@ -79,89 +87,3 @@ void SAMRAI::FACStokes::applyGradientDet
   tbox::plog << "Max estimate is " << maxestimate << "\n";
-void SAMRAI::FACStokes::computeAdaptionEstimate
-(pdat::CellData<double>& estimate_data,
- const pdat::CellData<double>& soln_cell_data) const
-  const int* lower = &estimate_data.getBox().lower()[0];
-  const int* upper = &estimate_data.getBox().upper()[0];
-  if (d_dim == tbox::Dimension(2))
-    {
-      MDA_AccessConst<double, 2, MDA_OrderColMajor<2> > co =
-        pdat::ArrayDataAccess::access<2, double>(soln_cell_data.getArrayData());
-      MDA_Access<double, 2, MDA_OrderColMajor<2> > es =
-        pdat::ArrayDataAccess::access<2, double>(estimate_data.getArrayData());
-      int i, j;
-      double estimate, est0, est1, est2, est3, est4, est5;
-      for (j = lower[1]; j <= upper[1]; ++j)
-        {
-          for (i = lower[0]; i <= upper[0]; ++i)
-            {
-              est0=tbox::MathUtilities<double>::Abs(co(i+1,j) + co(i-1,j)
-                                                    - 2*co(i,j));
-              est1=tbox::MathUtilities<double>::Abs(co(i,j+1) + co(i,j-1)
-                                                    - 2*co(i,j));
-              est2=0.5 * tbox::MathUtilities<double>::Abs(co(i+1,j+1)
-                                                          + co(i-1,j-1)
-                                                          - 2*co(i,j));
-              est3=0.5 * tbox::MathUtilities<double>::Abs(co(i+1,j-1)
-                                                          + co(i-1,j+1)
-                                                          - 2*co(i,j));
-              est4=tbox::MathUtilities<double>::Max(est0,est1);
-              est5=tbox::MathUtilities<double>::Max(est2,est3);
-              estimate=tbox::MathUtilities<double>::Max(est4,est5);
-              es(i,j)=estimate;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-  else if (d_dim == tbox::Dimension(3))
-    {
-      MDA_AccessConst<double, 3, MDA_OrderColMajor<3> > co =
-        pdat::ArrayDataAccess::access<3, double>(soln_cell_data.getArrayData());
-      MDA_Access<double, 3, MDA_OrderColMajor<3> > es =
-        pdat::ArrayDataAccess::access<3, double>(estimate_data.getArrayData());
-      int i, j, k;
-      double estimate, est0, est1, est2, est3, est4, est5, est6, est7, est8,
-        esta, estb, estc, estd, este, estf, estg;
-      for (k = lower[2]; k <= upper[2]; ++k)
-        for (j = lower[1]; j <= upper[1]; ++j)
-          for (i = lower[0]; i <= upper[0]; ++i)
-            {
-              est0=tbox::MathUtilities<double>::Abs(co(i+1,j,k) + co(i-1,j,k)
-                                                    - 2*co(i,j,k));
-              est1=tbox::MathUtilities<double>::Abs(co(i,j+1,k) + co(i,j-1,k)
-                                                    - 2*co(i,j,k));
-              est2=tbox::MathUtilities<double>::Abs(co(i,j,k+1) + co(i,j,k-1)
-                                                    - 2*co(i,j,k));
-              est3=0.5 * tbox::MathUtilities<double>::Abs(co(i,j+1,k+1)
-                                                          + co(i,j-1,k-1)
-                                                          - 2*co(i,j,k));
-              est4=0.5 * tbox::MathUtilities<double>::Abs(co(i,j+1,k-1)
-                                                          + co(i,j-1,k+1)
-                                                          - 2*co(i,j,k));
-              est5=0.5 * tbox::MathUtilities<double>::Abs(co(i+1,j,k+1)
-                                                          + co(i-1,j,k-1)
-                                                          - 2*co(i,j,k));
-              est6=0.5 * tbox::MathUtilities<double>::Abs(co(i+1,j,k-1)
-                                                          + co(i-1,j,k+1)
-                                                          - 2*co(i,j,k));
-              est7=0.5 * tbox::MathUtilities<double>::Abs(co(i+1,j+1,k)
-                                                          + co(i-1,j-1,k)
-                                                          - 2*co(i,j,k));
-              est8=0.5 * tbox::MathUtilities<double>::Abs(co(i+1,j-1,k)
-                                                          + co(i-1,j+1,k)
-                                                          - 2*co(i,j,k));
-              esta=tbox::MathUtilities<double>::Max(est0,est1);
-              estb=tbox::MathUtilities<double>::Max(est2,est3);
-              estc=tbox::MathUtilities<double>::Max(est4,est5);
-              estd=tbox::MathUtilities<double>::Max(est6,est7);
-              este=tbox::MathUtilities<double>::Max(esta,estb);
-              estf=tbox::MathUtilities<double>::Max(estc,estd);
-              estg=tbox::MathUtilities<double>::Max(este,estf);
-              estimate=tbox::MathUtilities<double>::Max(estg,est8);
-              es(i,j,k)=estimate;
-            }
-    }

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