[cig-commits] r20395 - short/3D/PyLith/branches/v1.7-stable/doc/userguide

sue at geodynamics.org sue at geodynamics.org
Wed Jun 20 10:59:20 PDT 2012

Author: sue
Date: 2012-06-20 10:59:19 -0700 (Wed, 20 Jun 2012)
New Revision: 20395


Modified: short/3D/PyLith/branches/v1.7-stable/doc/userguide/userguide.lyx
--- short/3D/PyLith/branches/v1.7-stable/doc/userguide/userguide.lyx	2012-06-20 01:15:49 UTC (rev 20394)
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-Aagaard, B.T., J.F.
- Hall, and T.H.
- Heaton (2001), Characterization of near-source ground motions with earthquake
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-Earthquake Spectra, 17
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- Heaton, and J.F.
- Hall (2001), Dynamic earthquake ruptures in the presence of lithostatic
- normal stresses: Implications for friction models and heat production,
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- Knepley (2007), PyLith: A finite-element code for modeling quasi-static
- and dynamic crustal deformation, 
-\emph on
-Eos Trans.
- AGU, 88
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- Suppl., Abstract T21B-0592.
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- Knepley (2008), PyLith: A finite-element code for modeling quasi-static
- and dynamic crustal deformation, 
-\emph on
-Eos Trans.
-\emph default
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-53), Fall Meet.
- Suppl., Abstract T41A-1925.
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-Bathe, K.-J.
- (1995), 
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- and J.R.
- Rice (1997), Dynamic simulations of slip on a smooth fault in an elastic
- solid, J.
- Geophys.
- Res., 102, 17,771–17,784.
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- (1970), Tectonic stress and spectra of seismic shear waves from earthquakes,
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-Day, S.M.
- and G.P.
- Ely (2002), Effct of a shallow weak zone on fault rupture: Numerical simulation
- of scale-model experiments, 
-\shape italic
- Seismol.
- Soc.
- Am.
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-, 92(8), 3022-3041, doi: 10.1785/0120010273.
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- and Prager, W.
- (1952).
- Soil mechanics and plastic analysis for limit design, 
-\shape italic
-Quarterly of Applied Mathematics
-\shape default
-\shape italic
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-, 157–165.
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-Liu, P., R.J.
- Archuleta, S.H.
- Hartzell (2006), Prediction of broadband ground-motion time histories:
- Hybrid low/high-frequency method with correlated random source parameters,
-\shape italic
- Seismol.
- Soc.
- Am.
-\shape default
-, 96, 2118-2130.
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-Kaneko, Y., N.
- Lapusta, and J.-P.
- Ampuero (2008), Spectral element modeling of spontaneous earthquake rupture
- on rate and state faults: Effect of velocity-strengthening friction at
- shallow depths, 
-\shape italic
-Journal of Geophysical Research
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-, 113, B09317, doi:10.1029/2007JB005553.
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-Kirby, S.
- H.
- and A.
- K.
- Kronenberg (1987), Rheology of the lithosphere: Selected topics, 
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-Reviews of Geophysics, 25
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-, 1219-1244.
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-Knopoff, L.
- and X.X.
- Ni (2001), Numerical instability at the edge of a dynamic fracture, 
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-Geophysical Journal International, 
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-147(3), 1-6, doi: 10.1046/j.1365-246x.2001.01567.x.
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-label "Kojic and Bathe, 1987"
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-Kojic, M.
- and K.-J.
- Bathe (1987), The `Effective Stress-Function' Algorithm for Thermo-Elasto-Plast
-icity and Creep, 
-\emph on
- J.
- Num.
- Meth.
- Eng
-\emph default
-\emph on
-, 24
-\emph default
-, 1509-1532.
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-label "McGarr, 1988"
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-McGarr, A.
- (1988), On the state of lithospheric stress in the absence of applied tectonic
- forces, 
-\shape italic
-Journal of Geophysical Research
-\shape default
-\shape italic
-\shape default
-, 13,609-13,617.
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-label "Menke, 1984"
-key "Menke:1984"
-Menke, W.
- (1984), 
-\shape italic
-Geophysical Data Analysis: Discrete Inverse Theory
-\shape default
-, Academic Press, Inc., Orlando, 260 pp.
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-label "Okada, 1992"
-key "Okada:1992"
-Okada, Y., Internal deformation due to shear and tensile faults in a half-space
- (1992), 
-\shape italic
- Seismol.
- Soc.
- Am.
-\shape default
-\shape italic
-\shape default
-, 1018-1040.
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-label "Paterson, 1994"
-key "Paterson:1994"
-Paterson, W.
- S.
- B.
- (1994), 
-\shape italic
-The Physics of Glaciers, Third Edition
-\shape default
-, Elsevier Science Ltd., Oxford, 480 pp.
-\begin_layout Bibliography
-\labelwidthstring Bibliography
-\begin_inset CommandInset bibitem
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-label "Prentice, 1968"
-key "Prentice:1968"
-Prentice, J.
- H, (1968), Dimensional problem of the power law in rheology, 
-\shape italic
-\shape default
-\shape italic
-\shape default
-, 157.
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-\labelwidthstring Bibliography
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-label "Savage and Prescott, 1978"
-key "Savage:Prescott:1978"
-Savage, J.
- C.
- and W.
- H.
- Prescott (1978), Asthenosphere readjustment and the earthquake cycle, 
-\shape italic
-Journal of Geophysical
-\shape default
-\shape italic
-\shape default
-\emph on
-, 83
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-, 3369-3376.
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-label "Taylor, 2003"
-key "Taylor:2003"
-Taylor, R.L.
- (2003), `FEAP--A Finite Element Analysis Program', 
-\shape italic
-Version 7.5 Theory Manual
-\shape default
-, 154 pp.
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-\labelwidthstring Bibliography
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-label "Timoshenko and Goodier, 1987"
-key "Timoshenko:Goodier:1987"
-Timoshenko, S.P.
- and J.N.
- Goodier (1987), 
-\shape italic
-Theory of Elasticity, Third Edition
-\shape default
-, McGraw-Hill, New York, 567 pp.
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-label "Williams et al., 2005"
-key "Williams:etal:2005"
-Williams, C.A., B.
- Aagaard, and M.G.
- Knepley (2005), Development of software for studying earthquakes across
- multiple spatial and temporal scales by coupling quasi-static and dynamic
- simulations, 
-\emph on
-Eos Trans.
- AGU, 86
-\emph default
-(52), Fall Meet.
- Suppl., Abstract S53A-1072.
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-label "Williams, 2006"
-key "Williams:2006"
-Williams, C.A.
- (2006), Development of a package for modeling stress in the lithosphere,
-\emph on
-Eos Trans.
- AGU,
-\emph default
-\emph on
-\emph default
-(36), Jt.
- Assem.
- Suppl., Abstract T24A-01 Invited.
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-label "Zienkiewicz and Taylor, 2000"
-key "Zienkiewicz:Taylor:2000"
-Zienkiewicz, O.C.
- and R.L.
- Taylor (2000), 
-\shape italic
-The Finite Element Method, Fifth Edition, Volume 2: Solid Mechanics
-\shape default
-, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 459 pp.125
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+ Hall (2001), Dynamic earthquake ruptures in the presence of lithostatic
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+ and dynamic crustal deformation, 
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+ AGU, 88
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+ Williams, and M.
+ Knepley (2008), PyLith: A finite-element code for modeling quasi-static
+ and dynamic crustal deformation, 
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+Eos Trans.
+\emph default
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+53), Fall Meet.
+ Suppl., Abstract T41A-1925.
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+ (1995), 
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+, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 1037 pp.
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+ and J.R.
+ Rice (1997), Dynamic simulations of slip on a smooth fault in an elastic
+ solid, J.
+ Geophys.
+ Res., 102, 17,771–17,784.
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+ (1970), Tectonic stress and spectra of seismic shear waves from earthquakes,
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+ Ely (2002), Effct of a shallow weak zone on fault rupture: Numerical simulation
+ of scale-model experiments, 
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+ Seismol.
+ Soc.
+ Am.
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+, 92(8), 3022-3041, doi: 10.1785/0120010273.
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+ and Prager, W.
+ (1952).
+ Soil mechanics and plastic analysis for limit design, 
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+ Archuleta, S.H.
+ Hartzell (2006), Prediction of broadband ground-motion time histories:
+ Hybrid low/high-frequency method with correlated random source parameters,
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+ Seismol.
+ Soc.
+ Am.
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+ Lapusta, and J.-P.
+ Ampuero (2008), Spectral element modeling of spontaneous earthquake rupture
+ on rate and state faults: Effect of velocity-strengthening friction at
+ shallow depths, 
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+, 113, B09317, doi:10.1029/2007JB005553.
+\begin_layout Bibliography
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