[cig-commits] r20436 - in cs/spatialdata/trunk: libsrc libsrc/spatialdb modulesrc/spatialdb spatialdata spatialdata/spatialdb tests/libtests/spatialdb tests/libtests/spatialdb/data tests/pytests/spatialdb tests/pytests/spatialdb/data

brad at geodynamics.org brad at geodynamics.org
Thu Jun 28 21:49:19 PDT 2012

Author: brad
Date: 2012-06-28 21:49:18 -0700 (Thu, 28 Jun 2012)
New Revision: 20436

Changed GeoProjGridDB to SimpleGridDB since it works for any coordinate system. Started work on Python unit tests.

Modified: cs/spatialdata/trunk/libsrc/Makefile.am
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/libsrc/Makefile.am	2012-06-29 03:04:11 UTC (rev 20435)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/libsrc/Makefile.am	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 	spatialdb/GocadVoxet.cc \
 	spatialdb/GravityField.cc \
 	spatialdb/SCECCVMH.cc \
-	spatialdb/GeoProjGridDB.cc \
+	spatialdb/SimpleGridDB.cc \
 	spatialdb/SimpleDB.cc \
 	spatialdb/SpatialDB.cc \
 	spatialdb/SimpleDBData.cc \

Deleted: cs/spatialdata/trunk/libsrc/spatialdb/GeoProjGridDB.cc
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/libsrc/spatialdb/GeoProjGridDB.cc	2012-06-29 03:04:11 UTC (rev 20435)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/libsrc/spatialdb/GeoProjGridDB.cc	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -1,731 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2012 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include <portinfo>
-#include "GeoProjGridDB.hh" // Implementation of class methods
-#include "spatialdata/geocoords/CSGeoProj.hh" // USES CSGeoProj
-#include "spatialdata/geocoords/Projector.hh" // USES Projector
-#include "spatialdata/geocoords/Converter.hh" // USES Converter
-#include "spatialdata/geocoords/CSPicklerAscii.hh" // USES CSPicklerAscii
-#include "spatialdata/utils/LineParser.hh" // USES LineParser
-#include <math.h> // USES pow()
-#include <algorithm> // USES std::sort()
-#include <vector> // USES std::vector
-#include <fstream> // USES std::ifstream
-#include <sstream> // USES std::ostringstream
-#include <stdexcept> // USES std::logic_error
-#include <string.h> // USES memcpy()
-#include <strings.h> // USES strcasecmp()
-#include <assert.h> // USES assert()
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-const char* spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDB::FILEHEADER = "#SPATIAL_GRID.ascii";
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Constructor
-spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDB::GeoProjGridDB(void) :
-  _data(0),
-  _x(0),
-  _y(0),
-  _z(0),
-  _filename(""),
-  _cs(new geocoords::CSGeoProj),
-  _queryVals(0),
-  _querySize(0),
-  _numX(0),
-  _numY(0),
-  _numZ(0),
-  _numValues(0),
-  _names(0),
-  _units(0),
-  _queryType(NEAREST)
-{ // constructor
-} // constructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Destructor
-{ // destructor
-  delete[] _data; _data = 0;
-  delete[] _x; _x = 0;
-  delete[] _y; _y = 0;
-  delete[] _z; _z = 0;
-  _numX = 0;
-  _numY = 0;
-  _numZ = 0;
-  _numValues = 0;
-  delete[] _names; _names = 0;
-  delete[] _units; _units = 0;
-  delete[] _queryVals; _queryVals = 0;
-  _querySize = 0;
-} // destructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Set filename containing data.
-spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDB::filename(const char* value)
-{ // filename
-  _filename = value;
-} // filename
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Open the database and prepare for querying.
-{ // open
-  try {
-    std::ifstream filein(_filename.c_str());
-    if (!filein.is_open() || !filein.good()) {
-      std::ostringstream msg;
-      msg << "Could not open spatial database file '" << _filename
-	  << "' for reading.\n";
-      throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
-    } // if
-    _readHeader(filein);
-    _readData(filein);
-    if (!filein.good())
-      throw std::runtime_error("Unknown error while reading.");
-  } catch (const std::exception& err) {
-    std::ostringstream msg;
-    msg << "Error occurred while reading spatial database file '"
-	<< _filename << "'.\n"
-	<< err.what();
-    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
-  } catch (...) {
-    std::ostringstream msg;
-    msg << "Unknown error occurred while reading spatial database file '"
-	<< _filename << "'.\n";
-    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
-  } // try/catch
-} // open
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Close the database.
-{ // close
-  delete[] _data; _data = 0;
-  delete[] _x; _x = 0;
-  delete[] _y; _y = 0;
-  delete[] _z; _z = 0;
-  _numX = 0;
-  _numY = 0;
-  _numZ = 0;
-  _numValues = 0;
-  delete[] _names; _names = 0;
-  delete[] _units; _units = 0;
-} // close
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Set query type.
-spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDB::queryType(const QueryEnum value)
-{ // queryType
-  _queryType = value;
-} // queryType
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Set values to be returned by queries.
-spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDB::queryVals(const char* const* names,
-						 const int numVals)
-{ // queryVals
-  assert(_data);
-  if (0 == numVals) {
-    std::ostringstream msg;
-    msg
-      << "Number of values for query in spatial database " << label()
-      << "\n must be positive.\n";
-    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
-  } // if
-  assert(names && 0 < numVals);
-  _querySize = numVals;
-  delete[] _queryVals; _queryVals = new int[numVals];
-  for (int iVal=0; iVal < numVals; ++iVal) {
-    int iName = 0;
-    const int numNames = _numValues;
-    while (iName < numNames) {
-      if (0 == strcasecmp(names[iVal], _names[iName].c_str()))
-	break;
-      ++iName;
-    } // while
-    if (iName >= numNames) {
-      std::ostringstream msg;
-      msg
-	<< "Could not find value " << names[iVal] << " in spatial database "
-	<< label() << ". Available values are:";
-      for (int iName=0; iName < numNames; ++iName)
-	msg << "\n  " << _names[iName];
-      msg << "\n";
-      throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
-    } // if
-    _queryVals[iVal] = iName;
-  } // for
-} // queryVals
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Query the database.
-spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDB::query(double* vals,
-					     const int numVals,
-					     const double* coords,
-					     const int numDims,
-					     const spatialdata::geocoords::CoordSys* csQuery)
-{ // query
-  const int querySize = _querySize;
-  if (0 == querySize) {
-    std::ostringstream msg;
-    msg
-      << "Values to be returned by spatial database " << label() << "\n"
-      << "have not been set. Please call queryVals() before query().\n";
-    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
-  } else if (numVals != querySize) {
-    std::ostringstream msg;
-    msg
-      << "Number of values to be returned by spatial database "
-      << label() << "\n"
-      << "(" << querySize << ") does not match size of array provided ("
-      << numVals << ").\n";
-    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
-  } else if (3 != numDims) {
-    std::ostringstream msg;
-    msg
-      << "Spatial dimension (" << numDims
-      << ") when querying SCEC CVM-H must be 3.";
-    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
-  } // if
-  // Convert coordinates
-  assert(numDims <= 3);
-  memcpy(_xyz, coords, numDims*sizeof(double));
-  spatialdata::geocoords::Converter::convert(_xyz, 1, numDims, _cs, csQuery);
-  int queryFlag = 0;
-  const int spaceDim = _spaceDim;
-  double indexX = 0.0;
-  double indexY = 0.0;
-  double indexZ = 0.0;
-  if (spaceDim > 2) {
-    indexX = _search(_xyz[0], _x, _numX);
-    indexY = _search(_xyz[1], _y, _numY);
-    indexZ = _search(_xyz[2], _z, _numZ);
-  } else if (spaceDim > 1) {
-    indexX = _search(_xyz[0], _x, _numX);
-    indexY = _search(_xyz[1], _y, _numY);
-  } else { // else
-    assert(1 == spaceDim);
-    indexX = _search(_xyz[0], _x, _numX);
-  } // if/else
-  if (-1.0 == indexX || -1.0 == indexY || -1.0 == indexZ) {
-    queryFlag = 1;
-    return queryFlag;
-  } // if
-  switch (_queryType) {
-  case LINEAR : 
-    switch (_dataDim) {
-    case 1: {
-      assert(false);
-      throw std::logic_error("GeoProjGridDB::query(): 1 == _dataDim not implemented.");
-      break;
-    } // case 1
-    case 2: {
-      assert(false);
-      throw std::logic_error("GeoProjGridDB::query(): 2 == _dataDim not implemented.");
-      break;
-    } // case 2
-    case 3 : {
-      _interpolate3D(vals, numVals, indexX, indexY, indexZ);
-      break;
-    } // case 3
-    default :
-      assert(false);
-      throw std::logic_error("Unsupported data dimension in GeoProjGridDB::query().");
-    } // switch
-    break;
-  case NEAREST : {
-    const int indexNearestX = int(floor(indexX+0.5));
-    const int indexNearestY = int(floor(indexY+0.5));
-    const int indexNearestZ = int(floor(indexZ+0.5));
-    const int indexData = _dataIndex(indexNearestX, indexNearestY, indexNearestZ);
-    for (int iVal=0; iVal < querySize; ++iVal) {
-      vals[iVal] = _data[indexData+_queryVals[iVal]];
-    } // for
-    break;
-  } // NEAREST
-  default :
-    assert(false);
-    throw std::logic_error("Unsupported query type in GeoProjGridDB::query().");
-  } // switch
-  return queryFlag;
-} // query
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Read data file header.
-spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDB::_readHeader(std::istream& filein)
-{ // _readHeader
-  utils::LineParser parser(filein, "//");
-  parser.eatwhitespace(true);
-  std::istringstream buffer;
-  buffer.str(parser.next());
-  buffer.clear();
-  const int headerLen = strlen(FILEHEADER);
-  std::string hbuffer;
-  hbuffer.resize(headerLen+1);
-  buffer.read((char*) hbuffer.c_str(), sizeof(char)*headerLen);
-  hbuffer[headerLen] = '\0';
-  if (0 != strcasecmp(FILEHEADER, hbuffer.c_str())) {
-    std::ostringstream msg;
-    msg
-      << "Magic header '" << buffer << "' does not match expected header '"
-      << FILEHEADER << "' in spatial database file '" << _filename << "'.\n";
-    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
-  } // if
-  std::string token;
-  const int maxIgnore = 256;
-  buffer.str(parser.next());
-  buffer.clear();
-  buffer >> token;
-  if (0 != strcasecmp(token.c_str(), "GeoProjGridDB")) {
-    std::ostringstream msg;
-    msg << "Could not parse '" << token << "' into 'GeoProjGridDB'.\n";
-    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
-  } // else
-  _numX = 0;
-  _numY = 0;
-  _numZ = 0;
-  delete[] _x; _x = 0;
-  delete[] _y; _y = 0;
-  delete[] _z; _z = 0;
-  _numValues = 0;
-  delete[] _names; _names = 0;
-  delete[] _units; _units = 0;
-  buffer.str(parser.next());
-  buffer.clear();
-  buffer >> token;
-  while (buffer.good() && token != "}") {
-    if (0 == strcasecmp(token.c_str(), "num-x")) {
-      buffer.ignore(maxIgnore, '=');
-      buffer >> _numX;
-    } else if (0 == strcasecmp(token.c_str(), "num-y")) {
-      buffer.ignore(maxIgnore, '=');
-      buffer >> _numY;
-    } else if (0 == strcasecmp(token.c_str(), "num-z")) {
-      buffer.ignore(maxIgnore, '=');
-      buffer >> _numZ;
-    } else if (0 == strcasecmp(token.c_str(), "space-dim")) {
-      buffer.ignore(maxIgnore, '=');
-      buffer >> _spaceDim;
-    } else if (0 == strcasecmp(token.c_str(), "num-values")) {
-      buffer.ignore(maxIgnore, '=');
-      buffer >> _numValues;
-    } else if (0 == strcasecmp(token.c_str(), "value-names")) {
-      if (_numValues > 0) {
-	_names = new std::string[_numValues];
-      } else
-	throw std::runtime_error("Number of values must be specified BEFORE "
-				 "names of values in GeoProjGridDB file.");
-      buffer.ignore(maxIgnore, '=');
-      for (int iVal=0; iVal < _numValues; ++iVal)
-	buffer >> _names[iVal];
-    } else if (0 == strcasecmp(token.c_str(), "value-units")) {
-      if (_numValues > 0) {
-	_units = new std::string[_numValues];
-      } else
-	throw std::runtime_error("Number of values must be specified BEFORE "
-				 "units of values in GeoProjGridDB file.");
-      buffer.ignore(maxIgnore, '=');
-      for (int iVal=0; iVal < _numValues; ++iVal)
-	buffer >> _units[iVal];
-    } else if (0 == strcasecmp(token.c_str(), "cs-data")) {
-      buffer.ignore(maxIgnore, '=');
-      std::string rbuffer(buffer.str());
-      filein.putback('\n');
-      filein.clear();
-      int i = rbuffer.length()-1;
-      while (i >= 0) {
-	filein.putback(rbuffer[i]);
-	if ('=' == rbuffer[i--])
-	  break;
-      } // while
-      filein.clear();
-      spatialdata::geocoords::CSPicklerAscii::unpickle(filein, &_cs);
-    } else {
-      std::ostringstream msg;
-      msg << "Could not parse '" << token << "' into a GeoProjGridDB setting.";
-      throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
-    } // else
-    buffer.str(parser.next());
-    buffer.clear();
-    buffer >> token;
-  } // while
-  if (token != "}" || !filein.good())
-    throw std::runtime_error("I/O error while parsing GeoProjGridDB settings.");
-  bool ok = true;
-  std::ostringstream msg;
-  if (_numValues <= 0) {
-    ok = false;
-    msg << "GeoProjGridDB settings must include 'num-values'.\n";
-  } // if
-  if (_spaceDim > 0 && _numX <= 0) {
-    ok = false;
-    msg << "GeoProjGridDB settings must include 'num-x'.\n";
-  } // if
-  if (_spaceDim > 1 && _numY <= 0) {
-    ok = false;
-    msg << "GeoProjGridDB settings must include 'num-y' with 2-D and 3-D data.\n";
-  } // if
-  if (_spaceDim > 2 && _numZ <= 0) {
-    ok = false;
-    msg << "GeoProjGridDB settings must include 'num-z' with 3-D data.\n";
-  } // if
-  if (!_names) {
-    ok = false;
-    msg << "GeoProjGridDB settings must include 'value-names'.\n";
-  } // if
-  if (!_units) {
-    ok = false;
-    msg << "GeoProjGridDB settings must include 'value-units'.\n";
-  } // if
-  if (!ok)
-    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
-  assert(_cs);
-  _cs->initialize();
-} // _readHeader
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Read data values.
-spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDB::_readData(std::istream& filein)
-{ // _readData
-  delete[] _x; _x = 0;
-  delete[] _y; _y = 0;
-  delete[] _z; _z = 0;
-  delete[] _data; _data = 0;
-  const int numX = _numX;
-  const int numY = _numY;
-  const int numZ = _numZ;
-  const int numValues = _numValues;
-  const int spaceDim = _spaceDim;
-  utils::LineParser parser(filein, "//");
-  parser.eatwhitespace(true);
-  std::istringstream buffer;
-  int numLocs = 1;
-  if (numX > 1) {
-    numLocs *= numX;
-    _x = new double[numX];
-    buffer.str(parser.next());
-    buffer.clear();
-    for (int i=0; i < numX; ++i) {
-      filein >> _x[i];
-    } // for
-    std::vector<double> xVec(numX);
-    for (int i=0; i < numX; ++i)
-      xVec[i] = _x[i];
-    std::sort(xVec.begin(), xVec.end());
-  } // if
-  if (numY > 1) {
-    numLocs *= numY;
-    _y = new double[numY];
-    buffer.str(parser.next());
-    buffer.clear();
-    for (int i=0; i < numY; ++i) {
-      filein >> _y[i];
-    } // for
-    std::vector<double> yVec(numY);
-    for (int i=0; i < numY; ++i)
-      yVec[i] = _y[i];
-    std::sort(yVec.begin(), yVec.end());
-  } // if
-  if (numZ > 1) {
-    numLocs *= numZ;
-    _z = new double[numZ];
-    buffer.str(parser.next());
-    buffer.clear();
-    for (int i=0; i < numZ; ++i) {
-      filein >> _z[i];
-    } // for
-    std::vector<double> zVec(numZ);
-    for (int i=0; i < numZ; ++i)
-      zVec[i] = _z[i];
-    std::sort(zVec.begin(), zVec.end());
-  } // if
-  assert(numLocs > 0);
-  assert(numValues > 0);
-  _data = new double[numLocs*_numValues];
-  assert(spaceDim > 0);
-  double* coords = new double[spaceDim];
-  for (int iLoc=0; iLoc < numLocs; ++iLoc) {
-    buffer.str(parser.next());
-    buffer.clear();
-    for (int iDim=0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim)
-      buffer >> coords[iDim];
-    int indexX = 0;
-    int indexY = 0;
-    int indexZ = 0;
-    if (spaceDim > 2) {
-      indexX = int(floor(_search(coords[0], _x, numX)+0.5));
-      indexY = int(floor(_search(coords[1], _y, numY)+0.5));
-      indexZ = int(floor(_search(coords[2], _z, numZ)+0.5));
-    } else if (spaceDim > 1) {
-      indexX = int(floor(_search(coords[0], _x, numX)+0.5));
-      indexY = int(floor(_search(coords[1], _y, numY)+0.5));
-    } else {
-      assert(1 == spaceDim);
-      indexX = int(floor(_search(coords[0], _x, numX)+0.5));
-    } // if
-    const int indexData = _dataIndex(indexX, indexY, indexZ);
-    for (int iVal=0; iVal < _numValues; ++iVal)
-      buffer >> _data[indexData+iVal];
-    if (buffer.bad()) {
-      throw std::runtime_error("Error reading points.");
-    } // if
-  } // for
-  if (!filein.good())
-    throw std::runtime_error("I/O error while reading GeoProjGridDB data.");
-  // Check compatibility of dimension of data, spatial dimension and
-  // number of points
-  _checkCompatibility();
-  // Convert to SI units
-  SpatialDB::_convertToSI(_data, _units, numLocs, _numValues);  
-} // _readData
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-/// Check compatibility of spatial database parameters.
-spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDB::_checkCompatibility(void) const
-{ // _checkCompatibility
-  const int spaceDim = _spaceDim;
-  const int dataDim = _dataDim;
-  std::ostringstream msg;
-  const int numX = _numX;
-  const int numY = _numY;
-  const int numZ = _numZ;
-  int count1 = 0;
-  if (1 == numX) {
-    count1 += 1;
-  } // if
-  if (1 == numY) {
-    count1 += 1;
-  } // if
-  if (1 == numZ) {
-    count1 += 1;
-  } // if
-  if (0 == dataDim && 3 != count1) {
-    msg << "Dimension of data in spatial distribution (" << dataDim
-	<< ") is incompatible with dimensions of a 0-D grid  ("
-	<< numX << "," << numY << "," << numZ << ").";
-    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
-  } else if (1 == dataDim && 2 != count1) {
-    msg << "Dimension of data in spatial distribution (" << dataDim
-	<< ") is incompatible with dimensions of a 1-D grid  ("
-	<< numX << "," << numY << "," << numZ << ").";
-    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
-  } else if (2 == dataDim && 1 != count1) {
-    msg << "Dimension of data in spatial distribution (" << dataDim
-	<< ") is incompatible with dimensions of a 2-D grid  ("
-	<< numX << "," << numY << "," << numZ << ").";
-    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
-  } else if (3 == dataDim && 0 != count1) {
-    msg << "Dimension of data in spatial distribution (" << dataDim
-	<< ") is incompatible with dimensions of a 3-D grid  ("
-	<< numX << "," << numY << "," << numZ << ").";
-    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
-  } // if/else
-  if (dataDim > spaceDim) {
-    msg << "Dimension of data in spatial distribution (" << dataDim
-	<< ") exceeds the number of dimensions of the coordinates ("
-	<< spaceDim << ").";
-    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
-  } // if
-  if (spaceDim != _cs->spaceDim()) {
-    msg << "Number of dimensions in coordinates of spatial distribution ("
-	<< spaceDim << ") does not match number of dimensions in coordinate "
-	<< "system (" << _cs->spaceDim() << ")";
-    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
-  } // if
-} // _checkCompatibility
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Bilinear search for coordinate.
-spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDB::_search(const double target,
-					       const double* vals,
-					       const int nvals)
-{ // _search
-  assert(vals);
-  assert(nvals > 0);
-  double index = -1.0;
-  if (1 == nvals) {
-    return 0.0;
-  } // if
-  int indexL = 0;
-  int indexR = nvals - 1;
-  const double tolerance = 1.0e-6;
-  if (target >= vals[indexL]-tolerance && target <= vals[indexR]+tolerance) {
-    while (indexR - indexL > 1) {
-      int indexM = indexL + (indexR-indexL) / 2;
-      if (target < vals[indexM]) {
-	indexR = indexM;
-      } else {
-	indexL = indexM;
-      } // if/else
-    } // while
-    assert(target >= vals[indexL]-tolerance);
-    assert(vals[indexR] > vals[indexL]);
-    index = double(indexL) + (target - vals[indexL]) / (vals[indexR] - vals[indexL]);
-  } else if (_queryType == NEAREST) {
-    if (target <= vals[indexL]) {
-      index = 0.0;
-    } else {
-      index = double(nvals-1);
-    } // if/else
-  } // if/else
-  return index;
-} // _search
-#include <iostream>
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Interpolate to get values at target location defined by indices in 3-D.
-spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDB::_interpolate3D(double* vals,
-						      const int numVals,
-						      const double indexX,
-						      const double indexY,
-						      const double indexZ) const
-{ // _interpolate3D
-  const int numX = _numX;
-  const int numY = _numY;
-  const int numZ = _numZ;
-  assert(numX >= 2);
-  const int indexX0 = std::min(numX-2, int(floor(indexX)));
-  const double wtX0 = 1.0 - (indexX - indexX0);
-  const int indexX1 = indexX0 + 1;
-  const double wtX1 = 1.0 - wtX0;
-  assert(0 <= indexX0 && indexX0 < numX);
-  assert(0 <= indexX1 && indexX1 < numX);
-  assert(numY >= 2);
-  const int indexY0 = std::min(numY-2, int(floor(indexY)));
-  const double wtY0 = 1.0 - (indexY - indexY0);
-  const int indexY1 = indexY0 + 1;
-  const double wtY1 = 1.0 - wtY0;
-  assert(0 <= indexY0 && indexY0 < numY);
-  assert(0 <= indexY1 && indexY1 < numY);
-  assert(numZ >= 2);
-  const int indexZ0 = std::min(numZ-2, int(floor(indexZ)));
-  const double wtZ0 = 1.0 - (indexZ - indexZ0);
-  const int indexZ1 = indexZ0 + 1;
-  const double wtZ1 = 1.0 - wtZ0;
-  assert(0 <= indexZ0 && indexZ0 < numZ);
-  assert(0 <= indexZ1 && indexZ1 < numZ);
-  const int index000 = _dataIndex(indexX0, indexY0, indexZ0);
-  const int index001 = _dataIndex(indexX0, indexY0, indexZ1);
-  const int index010 = _dataIndex(indexX0, indexY1, indexZ0);
-  const int index011 = _dataIndex(indexX0, indexY1, indexZ1);
-  const int index100 = _dataIndex(indexX1, indexY0, indexZ0);
-  const int index101 = _dataIndex(indexX1, indexY0, indexZ1);
-  const int index110 = _dataIndex(indexX1, indexY1, indexZ0);
-  const int index111 = _dataIndex(indexX1, indexY1, indexZ1);
-  const double wt000 = wtX0 * wtY0 * wtZ0;
-  const double wt001 = wtX0 * wtY0 * wtZ1;
-  const double wt010 = wtX0 * wtY1 * wtZ0;
-  const double wt011 = wtX0 * wtY1 * wtZ1;
-  const double wt100 = wtX1 * wtY0 * wtZ0;
-  const double wt101 = wtX1 * wtY0 * wtZ1;
-  const double wt110 = wtX1 * wtY1 * wtZ0;
-  const double wt111 = wtX1 * wtY1 * wtZ1;
-  const int querySize = _querySize;
-  for (int iVal=0; iVal < querySize; ++iVal) {
-    const int qVal = _queryVals[iVal];
-    vals[iVal] = 
-      wt000 * _data[index000+qVal] +
-      wt001 * _data[index001+qVal] +
-      wt010 * _data[index010+qVal] +
-      wt011 * _data[index011+qVal] +
-      wt100 * _data[index100+qVal] +
-      wt101 * _data[index101+qVal] +
-      wt110 * _data[index110+qVal] +
-      wt111 * _data[index111+qVal];
-#if 0 // DEBUGGING
-    std::cout << "val["<<iVal<<"]: " << vals[iVal]
-	      << ", wt000: " << wt000 << ", data: " << _data[index000+qVal]
-	      << ", wt001: " << wt001 << ", data: " << _data[index001+qVal]
-	      << ", wt010: " << wt010 << ", data: " << _data[index010+qVal]
-	      << ", wt011: " << wt011 << ", data: " << _data[index011+qVal]
-	      << ", wt100: " << wt100 << ", data: " << _data[index100+qVal]
-	      << ", wt101: " << wt101 << ", data: " << _data[index101+qVal]
-	      << ", wt110: " << wt110 << ", data: " << _data[index110+qVal]
-	      << ", wt111: " << wt111 << ", data: " << _data[index111+qVal]
-	      << std::endl;
-  } // for
-} // _interpolate3D
-// End of file

Deleted: cs/spatialdata/trunk/libsrc/spatialdb/GeoProjGridDB.hh
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/libsrc/spatialdb/GeoProjGridDB.hh	2012-06-29 03:04:11 UTC (rev 20435)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/libsrc/spatialdb/GeoProjGridDB.hh	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2012 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-/** @file libsrc/spatialdb/GeoProjGridDB.hh
- *
- * @brief C++ object for performing querying of data on a nonuniform
- * (or uniform) grid in a geographic projected coordinate system.
- */
-#if !defined(spatialdata_spatialdb_geoprojgriddb_hh)
-#define spatialdata_spatialdb_geoprojgriddb_hh
-#include "SpatialDB.hh" // ISA SpatialDB
-#include <string> // HASA std::string
-#include <iosfwd> // USES std::istream
-class spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDB : SpatialDB
-{ // GeoProjGridDB
-  friend class TestGeoProjGridDB; // unit testing
- public :
-  // PUBLIC ENUM ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  /** Type of query */
-  enum QueryEnum {
-    NEAREST=0, ///< Nearest interpolation.
-    LINEAR=1, ///< Linear interpolation.
-  };
-// PUBLIC MEMBERS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-public :
-  /// Constructor
-  GeoProjGridDB(void);
-  /// Destructor
-  ~GeoProjGridDB(void);
-  /** Set filename containing data.
-   *
-   * @param dir Directory containing data files.
-   */
-  void filename(const char* value);
-  /// Open the database and prepare for querying.
-  void open(void);
-  /// Close the database.
-  void close(void);
-  /** Set query type.
-   *
-   * @pre Must call Open() before QueryType()
-   *
-   * @param queryType Set type of query
-   */
-  void queryType(const QueryEnum queryType);
-  /** Set values to be returned by queries.
-   *
-   * @pre Must call open() before queryVals()
-   *
-   * @param names Names of values to be returned in queries
-   * @param numVals Number of values to be returned in queries
-   */
-  void queryVals(const char* const* names,
-		 const int numVals);
-  /** Query the database.
-   *
-   * @note pVals should be preallocated to accommodate numVals values.
-   *
-   * @pre Must call open() before query()
-   *
-   * @param vals Array for computed values (output from query), must be
-   *   allocated BEFORE calling query().
-   * @param numVals Number of values expected (size of pVals array)
-   * @param coords Coordinates of point for query
-   * @param numDims Number of dimensions for coordinates
-   * @param pCSQuery Coordinate system of coordinates
-   *
-   * @returns 0 on success, 1 on failure (i.e., could not interpolate)
-   */
-  int query(double* vals,
-	    const int numVals,
-	    const double* coords,
-	    const int numDims,
-	    const spatialdata::geocoords::CoordSys* pCSQuery);
-// PRIVATE METHODS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  /** Read data file header.
-   *
-   * @param filein Input stream.
-   */
-  void _readHeader(std::istream& filein);
-  /** Read data values.
-   *
-   * @param filein Input stream.
-   */
-  void _readData(std::istream& filein);
-  /// Check compatibility of spatial database parameters.
-  void _checkCompatibility(void) const;
-  /** Bilinear search for coordinate.
-   *
-   * Returns index of target as a double.
-   *
-   * @param target Coordinates of target.
-   * @param vals Array of ordered values to search.
-   * @param nvals Number of values.
-   */
-  double _search(const double target,
-		 const double* vals,
-		 const int nvals);
-  /** Interpolate to get values at target location defined by indices.
-   *
-   * @param vals Array for computed values (output from query), must be
-   *   allocated BEFORE calling query().
-   * @param numVals Number of values expected (size of pVals array)
-   * @param indexX Index along x dimension.
-   * @param indexY Index along y dimension.
-   * @param indexZ Index along z dimension.
-   */
-  void _interpolate3D(double* vals,
-		      const int numVals,
-		      const double indexX,
-		      const double indexY,
-		      const double indexZ) const;
-  /** Get index into data array.
-   *
-   * @param indexX Index along x dimension.
-   * @param indexY Index along y dimension.
-   * @param indexZ Index along z dimension.
-   *
-   * @returns Index into data array.
-   */
-  int _dataIndex(const int indexX,
-		 const int indexY,
-		 const int indexZ) const;
-// PRIVATE MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  double* _data; ///< Array of data values.
-  double* _x; ///< Array of x coordinates.
-  double* _y; ///< Array of y coordinates.
-  double* _z; ///< Array of z coordinates.
-  double _xyz[3];
-  int* _queryVals; ///< Indices of values to be returned in queries.
-  int _querySize; ///< Number of values requested to be returned in queries.
-  int _numX; ///< Number of points along x dimension.
-  int _numY; ///< Number of points along y dimension.
-  int _numZ; ///< Number of points along z dimension.
-  int _dataDim; ///< Dimension of data topology.
-  int _spaceDim; ///< Spatial dimension of data.
-  int _numValues; ///< Number of values in database.
-  std::string* _names; ///< Names of data values.
-  std::string* _units; ///< Units of values.  
-  std::string _filename; ///< Filename of data file
-  geocoords::CoordSys* _cs; ///< Coordinate system
-  QueryEnum _queryType; ///< Query type
-  static const char* FILEHEADER;
-// NOT IMPLEMENTED //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  GeoProjGridDB(const GeoProjGridDB&); ///< Not implemented
-  const GeoProjGridDB& operator=(const GeoProjGridDB&); ///< Not implemented
-}; // GeoProjGridDB
-#include "GeoProjGridDB.icc" // inline methods
-#endif // spatialdata_spatialdb_geoprojgriddb_hh
-// End of file 

Deleted: cs/spatialdata/trunk/libsrc/spatialdb/GeoProjGridDB.icc
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/libsrc/spatialdb/GeoProjGridDB.icc	2012-06-29 03:04:11 UTC (rev 20435)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/libsrc/spatialdb/GeoProjGridDB.icc	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-#if !defined(spatialdata_spatialdb_geoprojgriddb_hh)
-#error "GeoProjGridDB.icc must only be included from GeoProjGridDB.hh"
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get index into data array.
-spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDB::_dataIndex(const int indexX,
-						  const int indexY,
-						  const int indexZ) const
-{ // _dataIndex
-  const int locIndex = indexX*_numY*_numZ + indexY*_numZ + indexZ;
-  return locIndex*_numValues;
-} // _dataIndex
-// End of file 

Modified: cs/spatialdata/trunk/libsrc/spatialdb/Makefile.am
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/libsrc/spatialdb/Makefile.am	2012-06-29 03:04:11 UTC (rev 20435)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/libsrc/spatialdb/Makefile.am	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
 	SimpleDBQuery.hh \
 	SimpleDBData.hh \
 	SimpleDBData.icc \
-	GeoProjGridDB.hh \
-	GeoProjGridDB.icc \
+	SimpleGridDB.hh \
+	SimpleGridDB.icc \
 	GravityField.hh \
 	GravityField.icc \

Copied: cs/spatialdata/trunk/libsrc/spatialdb/SimpleGridDB.cc (from rev 20435, cs/spatialdata/trunk/libsrc/spatialdb/GeoProjGridDB.cc)
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/libsrc/spatialdb/SimpleGridDB.cc	                        (rev 0)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/libsrc/spatialdb/SimpleGridDB.cc	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -0,0 +1,736 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2012 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <portinfo>
+#include "SimpleGridDB.hh" // Implementation of class methods
+#include "spatialdata/geocoords/CSGeoProj.hh" // USES CSGeoProj
+#include "spatialdata/geocoords/Projector.hh" // USES Projector
+#include "spatialdata/geocoords/Converter.hh" // USES Converter
+#include "spatialdata/geocoords/CSPicklerAscii.hh" // USES CSPicklerAscii
+#include "spatialdata/utils/LineParser.hh" // USES LineParser
+#include <math.h> // USES pow()
+#include <algorithm> // USES std::sort()
+#include <vector> // USES std::vector
+#include <fstream> // USES std::ifstream
+#include <sstream> // USES std::ostringstream
+#include <stdexcept> // USES std::logic_error
+#include <string.h> // USES memcpy()
+#include <strings.h> // USES strcasecmp()
+#include <assert.h> // USES assert()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+const char* spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDB::FILEHEADER = "#SPATIAL_GRID.ascii";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Constructor
+spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDB::SimpleGridDB(void) :
+  _data(0),
+  _x(0),
+  _y(0),
+  _z(0),
+  _filename(""),
+  _cs(new geocoords::CSGeoProj),
+  _queryVals(0),
+  _querySize(0),
+  _numX(0),
+  _numY(0),
+  _numZ(0),
+  _numValues(0),
+  _names(0),
+  _units(0),
+  _queryType(NEAREST)
+{ // constructor
+} // constructor
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor
+{ // destructor
+  delete[] _data; _data = 0;
+  delete[] _x; _x = 0;
+  delete[] _y; _y = 0;
+  delete[] _z; _z = 0;
+  _numX = 0;
+  _numY = 0;
+  _numZ = 0;
+  _numValues = 0;
+  delete[] _names; _names = 0;
+  delete[] _units; _units = 0;
+  delete[] _queryVals; _queryVals = 0;
+  _querySize = 0;
+} // destructor
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Set filename containing data.
+spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDB::filename(const char* value)
+{ // filename
+  _filename = value;
+} // filename
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Open the database and prepare for querying.
+{ // open
+  try {
+    std::ifstream filein(_filename.c_str());
+    if (!filein.is_open() || !filein.good()) {
+      std::ostringstream msg;
+      msg << "Could not open spatial database file '" << _filename
+	  << "' for reading.\n";
+      throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+    } // if
+    _readHeader(filein);
+    _readData(filein);
+    if (!filein.good())
+      throw std::runtime_error("Unknown error while reading.");
+  } catch (const std::exception& err) {
+    std::ostringstream msg;
+    msg << "Error occurred while reading spatial database file '"
+	<< _filename << "'.\n"
+	<< err.what();
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } catch (...) {
+    std::ostringstream msg;
+    msg << "Unknown error occurred while reading spatial database file '"
+	<< _filename << "'.\n";
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } // try/catch
+} // open
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Close the database.
+{ // close
+  delete[] _data; _data = 0;
+  delete[] _x; _x = 0;
+  delete[] _y; _y = 0;
+  delete[] _z; _z = 0;
+  _numX = 0;
+  _numY = 0;
+  _numZ = 0;
+  _numValues = 0;
+  delete[] _names; _names = 0;
+  delete[] _units; _units = 0;
+} // close
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Set query type.
+spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDB::queryType(const QueryEnum value)
+{ // queryType
+  _queryType = value;
+} // queryType
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Set values to be returned by queries.
+spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDB::queryVals(const char* const* names,
+						 const int numVals)
+{ // queryVals
+  assert(_data);
+  if (0 == numVals) {
+    std::ostringstream msg;
+    msg
+      << "Number of values for query in spatial database " << label()
+      << "\n must be positive.\n";
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } // if
+  assert(names && 0 < numVals);
+  _querySize = numVals;
+  delete[] _queryVals; _queryVals = new int[numVals];
+  for (int iVal=0; iVal < numVals; ++iVal) {
+    int iName = 0;
+    const int numNames = _numValues;
+    while (iName < numNames) {
+      if (0 == strcasecmp(names[iVal], _names[iName].c_str()))
+	break;
+      ++iName;
+    } // while
+    if (iName >= numNames) {
+      std::ostringstream msg;
+      msg
+	<< "Could not find value " << names[iVal] << " in spatial database "
+	<< label() << ". Available values are:";
+      for (int iName=0; iName < numNames; ++iName)
+	msg << "\n  " << _names[iName];
+      msg << "\n";
+      throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+    } // if
+    _queryVals[iVal] = iName;
+  } // for
+} // queryVals
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Query the database.
+spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDB::query(double* vals,
+					     const int numVals,
+					     const double* coords,
+					     const int numDims,
+					     const spatialdata::geocoords::CoordSys* csQuery)
+{ // query
+  const int querySize = _querySize;
+  if (0 == querySize) {
+    std::ostringstream msg;
+    msg
+      << "Values to be returned by spatial database " << label() << "\n"
+      << "have not been set. Please call queryVals() before query().\n";
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } else if (numVals != querySize) {
+    std::ostringstream msg;
+    msg
+      << "Number of values to be returned by spatial database "
+      << label() << "\n"
+      << "(" << querySize << ") does not match size of array provided ("
+      << numVals << ").\n";
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } else if (3 != numDims) {
+    std::ostringstream msg;
+    msg
+      << "Spatial dimension (" << numDims
+      << ") when querying SCEC CVM-H must be 3.";
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } // if
+  // Convert coordinates
+  assert(numDims <= 3);
+  memcpy(_xyz, coords, numDims*sizeof(double));
+  spatialdata::geocoords::Converter::convert(_xyz, 1, numDims, _cs, csQuery);
+  int queryFlag = 0;
+  const int spaceDim = _spaceDim;
+  double indexX = 0.0;
+  double indexY = 0.0;
+  double indexZ = 0.0;
+  if (spaceDim > 2) {
+    indexX = _search(_xyz[0], _x, _numX);
+    indexY = _search(_xyz[1], _y, _numY);
+    indexZ = _search(_xyz[2], _z, _numZ);
+  } else if (spaceDim > 1) {
+    indexX = _search(_xyz[0], _x, _numX);
+    indexY = _search(_xyz[1], _y, _numY);
+  } else { // else
+    assert(1 == spaceDim);
+    indexX = _search(_xyz[0], _x, _numX);
+  } // if/else
+  if (-1.0 == indexX || -1.0 == indexY || -1.0 == indexZ) {
+    queryFlag = 1;
+    return queryFlag;
+  } // if
+  switch (_queryType) {
+  case LINEAR : 
+    switch (_dataDim) {
+    case 1: {
+      assert(false);
+      throw std::logic_error("SimpleGridDB::query(): 1 == _dataDim not implemented.");
+      break;
+    } // case 1
+    case 2: {
+      assert(false);
+      throw std::logic_error("SimpleGridDB::query(): 2 == _dataDim not implemented.");
+      break;
+    } // case 2
+    case 3 : {
+      _interpolate3D(vals, numVals, indexX, indexY, indexZ);
+      break;
+    } // case 3
+    default :
+      assert(false);
+      throw std::logic_error("Unsupported data dimension in SimpleGridDB::query().");
+    } // switch
+    break;
+  case NEAREST : {
+    const int indexNearestX = int(floor(indexX+0.5));
+    const int indexNearestY = int(floor(indexY+0.5));
+    const int indexNearestZ = int(floor(indexZ+0.5));
+    const int indexData = _dataIndex(indexNearestX, indexNearestY, indexNearestZ);
+    for (int iVal=0; iVal < querySize; ++iVal) {
+      vals[iVal] = _data[indexData+_queryVals[iVal]];
+    } // for
+    break;
+  } // NEAREST
+  default :
+    assert(false);
+    throw std::logic_error("Unsupported query type in SimpleGridDB::query().");
+  } // switch
+  return queryFlag;
+} // query
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Read data file header.
+spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDB::_readHeader(std::istream& filein)
+{ // _readHeader
+  utils::LineParser parser(filein, "//");
+  parser.eatwhitespace(true);
+  std::istringstream buffer;
+  buffer.str(parser.next());
+  buffer.clear();
+  const int headerLen = strlen(FILEHEADER);
+  std::string hbuffer;
+  hbuffer.resize(headerLen+1);
+  buffer.read((char*) hbuffer.c_str(), sizeof(char)*headerLen);
+  hbuffer[headerLen] = '\0';
+  if (0 != strcasecmp(FILEHEADER, hbuffer.c_str())) {
+    std::ostringstream msg;
+    msg
+      << "Magic header '" << buffer << "' does not match expected header '"
+      << FILEHEADER << "' in spatial database file '" << _filename << "'.\n";
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } // if
+  std::string token;
+  const int maxIgnore = 256;
+  buffer.str(parser.next());
+  buffer.clear();
+  buffer >> token;
+  if (0 != strcasecmp(token.c_str(), "SimpleGridDB")) {
+    std::ostringstream msg;
+    msg << "Could not parse '" << token << "' into 'SimpleGridDB'.\n";
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } // else
+  _numX = 0;
+  _numY = 0;
+  _numZ = 0;
+  delete[] _x; _x = 0;
+  delete[] _y; _y = 0;
+  delete[] _z; _z = 0;
+  _numValues = 0;
+  delete[] _names; _names = 0;
+  delete[] _units; _units = 0;
+  buffer.str(parser.next());
+  buffer.clear();
+  buffer >> token;
+  while (buffer.good() && token != "}") {
+    if (0 == strcasecmp(token.c_str(), "num-x")) {
+      buffer.ignore(maxIgnore, '=');
+      buffer >> _numX;
+    } else if (0 == strcasecmp(token.c_str(), "num-y")) {
+      buffer.ignore(maxIgnore, '=');
+      buffer >> _numY;
+    } else if (0 == strcasecmp(token.c_str(), "num-z")) {
+      buffer.ignore(maxIgnore, '=');
+      buffer >> _numZ;
+    } else if (0 == strcasecmp(token.c_str(), "space-dim")) {
+      buffer.ignore(maxIgnore, '=');
+      buffer >> _spaceDim;
+    } else if (0 == strcasecmp(token.c_str(), "num-values")) {
+      buffer.ignore(maxIgnore, '=');
+      buffer >> _numValues;
+    } else if (0 == strcasecmp(token.c_str(), "value-names")) {
+      if (_numValues > 0) {
+	_names = new std::string[_numValues];
+      } else
+	throw std::runtime_error("Number of values must be specified BEFORE "
+				 "names of values in SimpleGridDB file.");
+      buffer.ignore(maxIgnore, '=');
+      for (int iVal=0; iVal < _numValues; ++iVal)
+	buffer >> _names[iVal];
+    } else if (0 == strcasecmp(token.c_str(), "value-units")) {
+      if (_numValues > 0) {
+	_units = new std::string[_numValues];
+      } else
+	throw std::runtime_error("Number of values must be specified BEFORE "
+				 "units of values in SimpleGridDB file.");
+      buffer.ignore(maxIgnore, '=');
+      for (int iVal=0; iVal < _numValues; ++iVal)
+	buffer >> _units[iVal];
+    } else if (0 == strcasecmp(token.c_str(), "cs-data")) {
+      buffer.ignore(maxIgnore, '=');
+      std::string rbuffer(buffer.str());
+      filein.putback('\n');
+      filein.clear();
+      int i = rbuffer.length()-1;
+      while (i >= 0) {
+	filein.putback(rbuffer[i]);
+	if ('=' == rbuffer[i--])
+	  break;
+      } // while
+      filein.clear();
+      spatialdata::geocoords::CSPicklerAscii::unpickle(filein, &_cs);
+    } else {
+      std::ostringstream msg;
+      msg << "Could not parse '" << token << "' into a SimpleGridDB setting.";
+      throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+    } // else
+    buffer.str(parser.next());
+    buffer.clear();
+    buffer >> token;
+  } // while
+  if (token != "}" || !filein.good())
+    throw std::runtime_error("I/O error while parsing SimpleGridDB settings.");
+  bool ok = true;
+  std::ostringstream msg;
+  if (_numValues <= 0) {
+    ok = false;
+    msg << "SimpleGridDB settings must include 'num-values'.\n";
+  } // if
+  if (_spaceDim <= 0) {
+    ok = false;
+    msg << "SimpleGridDB settings must include positive 'space-dim'.\n";
+  } // if
+  if (_spaceDim > 0 && _numX <= 0) {
+    ok = false;
+    msg << "SimpleGridDB settings must include 'num-x'.\n";
+  } // if
+  if (_spaceDim > 1 && _numY <= 0) {
+    ok = false;
+    msg << "SimpleGridDB settings must include 'num-y' with 2-D and 3-D data.\n";
+  } // if
+  if (_spaceDim > 2 && _numZ <= 0) {
+    ok = false;
+    msg << "SimpleGridDB settings must include 'num-z' with 3-D data.\n";
+  } // if
+  if (!_names) {
+    ok = false;
+    msg << "SimpleGridDB settings must include 'value-names'.\n";
+  } // if
+  if (!_units) {
+    ok = false;
+    msg << "SimpleGridDB settings must include 'value-units'.\n";
+  } // if
+  if (!ok)
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  assert(_cs);
+  _cs->initialize();
+} // _readHeader
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Read data values.
+spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDB::_readData(std::istream& filein)
+{ // _readData
+  delete[] _x; _x = 0;
+  delete[] _y; _y = 0;
+  delete[] _z; _z = 0;
+  delete[] _data; _data = 0;
+  const int numX = _numX;
+  const int numY = _numY;
+  const int numZ = _numZ;
+  const int numValues = _numValues;
+  const int spaceDim = _spaceDim;
+  utils::LineParser parser(filein, "//");
+  parser.eatwhitespace(true);
+  std::istringstream buffer;
+  int numLocs = 1;
+  if (numX > 1) {
+    numLocs *= numX;
+    _x = new double[numX];
+    buffer.str(parser.next());
+    buffer.clear();
+    for (int i=0; i < numX; ++i) {
+      filein >> _x[i];
+    } // for
+    std::vector<double> xVec(numX);
+    for (int i=0; i < numX; ++i)
+      xVec[i] = _x[i];
+    std::sort(xVec.begin(), xVec.end());
+  } // if
+  if (numY > 1) {
+    numLocs *= numY;
+    _y = new double[numY];
+    buffer.str(parser.next());
+    buffer.clear();
+    for (int i=0; i < numY; ++i) {
+      filein >> _y[i];
+    } // for
+    std::vector<double> yVec(numY);
+    for (int i=0; i < numY; ++i)
+      yVec[i] = _y[i];
+    std::sort(yVec.begin(), yVec.end());
+  } // if
+  if (numZ > 1) {
+    numLocs *= numZ;
+    _z = new double[numZ];
+    buffer.str(parser.next());
+    buffer.clear();
+    for (int i=0; i < numZ; ++i) {
+      filein >> _z[i];
+    } // for
+    std::vector<double> zVec(numZ);
+    for (int i=0; i < numZ; ++i)
+      zVec[i] = _z[i];
+    std::sort(zVec.begin(), zVec.end());
+  } // if
+  assert(numLocs > 0);
+  assert(numValues > 0);
+  _data = new double[numLocs*_numValues];
+  assert(spaceDim > 0);
+  double* coords = new double[spaceDim];
+  for (int iLoc=0; iLoc < numLocs; ++iLoc) {
+    buffer.str(parser.next());
+    buffer.clear();
+    for (int iDim=0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim)
+      buffer >> coords[iDim];
+    int indexX = 0;
+    int indexY = 0;
+    int indexZ = 0;
+    if (spaceDim > 2) {
+      indexX = int(floor(_search(coords[0], _x, numX)+0.5));
+      indexY = int(floor(_search(coords[1], _y, numY)+0.5));
+      indexZ = int(floor(_search(coords[2], _z, numZ)+0.5));
+    } else if (spaceDim > 1) {
+      indexX = int(floor(_search(coords[0], _x, numX)+0.5));
+      indexY = int(floor(_search(coords[1], _y, numY)+0.5));
+    } else {
+      assert(1 == spaceDim);
+      indexX = int(floor(_search(coords[0], _x, numX)+0.5));
+    } // if
+    const int indexData = _dataIndex(indexX, indexY, indexZ);
+    for (int iVal=0; iVal < _numValues; ++iVal)
+      buffer >> _data[indexData+iVal];
+    if (buffer.bad()) {
+      throw std::runtime_error("Error reading points.");
+    } // if
+  } // for
+  if (!filein.good())
+    throw std::runtime_error("I/O error while reading SimpleGridDB data.");
+  // Check compatibility of dimension of data, spatial dimension and
+  // number of points
+  _checkCompatibility();
+  // Convert to SI units
+  SpatialDB::_convertToSI(_data, _units, numLocs, _numValues);  
+} // _readData
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+/// Check compatibility of spatial database parameters.
+spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDB::_checkCompatibility(void) const
+{ // _checkCompatibility
+  const int spaceDim = _spaceDim;
+  const int dataDim = _dataDim;
+  std::ostringstream msg;
+  const int numX = _numX;
+  const int numY = _numY;
+  const int numZ = _numZ;
+  int count1 = 0;
+  if (1 == numX) {
+    count1 += 1;
+  } // if
+  if (1 == numY) {
+    count1 += 1;
+  } // if
+  if (1 == numZ) {
+    count1 += 1;
+  } // if
+  if (0 == dataDim && 3 != count1) {
+    msg << "Dimension of data in spatial distribution (" << dataDim
+	<< ") is incompatible with dimensions of a 0-D grid  ("
+	<< numX << "," << numY << "," << numZ << ").";
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } else if (1 == dataDim && 2 != count1) {
+    msg << "Dimension of data in spatial distribution (" << dataDim
+	<< ") is incompatible with dimensions of a 1-D grid  ("
+	<< numX << "," << numY << "," << numZ << ").";
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } else if (2 == dataDim && 1 != count1) {
+    msg << "Dimension of data in spatial distribution (" << dataDim
+	<< ") is incompatible with dimensions of a 2-D grid  ("
+	<< numX << "," << numY << "," << numZ << ").";
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } else if (3 == dataDim && 0 != count1) {
+    msg << "Dimension of data in spatial distribution (" << dataDim
+	<< ") is incompatible with dimensions of a 3-D grid  ("
+	<< numX << "," << numY << "," << numZ << ").";
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } // if/else
+  if (dataDim > spaceDim) {
+    msg << "Dimension of data in spatial distribution (" << dataDim
+	<< ") exceeds the number of dimensions of the coordinates ("
+	<< spaceDim << ").";
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } // if
+  if (spaceDim != _cs->spaceDim()) {
+    msg << "Number of dimensions in coordinates of spatial distribution ("
+	<< spaceDim << ") does not match number of dimensions in coordinate "
+	<< "system (" << _cs->spaceDim() << ")";
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } // if
+} // _checkCompatibility
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Bilinear search for coordinate.
+spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDB::_search(const double target,
+					       const double* vals,
+					       const int nvals)
+{ // _search
+  assert(vals);
+  assert(nvals > 0);
+  double index = -1.0;
+  if (1 == nvals) {
+    return 0.0;
+  } // if
+  int indexL = 0;
+  int indexR = nvals - 1;
+  const double tolerance = 1.0e-6;
+  if (target >= vals[indexL]-tolerance && target <= vals[indexR]+tolerance) {
+    while (indexR - indexL > 1) {
+      int indexM = indexL + (indexR-indexL) / 2;
+      if (target < vals[indexM]) {
+	indexR = indexM;
+      } else {
+	indexL = indexM;
+      } // if/else
+    } // while
+    assert(target >= vals[indexL]-tolerance);
+    assert(vals[indexR] > vals[indexL]);
+    index = double(indexL) + (target - vals[indexL]) / (vals[indexR] - vals[indexL]);
+  } else if (_queryType == NEAREST) {
+    if (target <= vals[indexL]) {
+      index = 0.0;
+    } else {
+      index = double(nvals-1);
+    } // if/else
+  } // if/else
+  return index;
+} // _search
+#include <iostream>
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Interpolate to get values at target location defined by indices in 3-D.
+spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDB::_interpolate3D(double* vals,
+						      const int numVals,
+						      const double indexX,
+						      const double indexY,
+						      const double indexZ) const
+{ // _interpolate3D
+  const int numX = _numX;
+  const int numY = _numY;
+  const int numZ = _numZ;
+  assert(numX >= 2);
+  const int indexX0 = std::min(numX-2, int(floor(indexX)));
+  const double wtX0 = 1.0 - (indexX - indexX0);
+  const int indexX1 = indexX0 + 1;
+  const double wtX1 = 1.0 - wtX0;
+  assert(0 <= indexX0 && indexX0 < numX);
+  assert(0 <= indexX1 && indexX1 < numX);
+  assert(numY >= 2);
+  const int indexY0 = std::min(numY-2, int(floor(indexY)));
+  const double wtY0 = 1.0 - (indexY - indexY0);
+  const int indexY1 = indexY0 + 1;
+  const double wtY1 = 1.0 - wtY0;
+  assert(0 <= indexY0 && indexY0 < numY);
+  assert(0 <= indexY1 && indexY1 < numY);
+  assert(numZ >= 2);
+  const int indexZ0 = std::min(numZ-2, int(floor(indexZ)));
+  const double wtZ0 = 1.0 - (indexZ - indexZ0);
+  const int indexZ1 = indexZ0 + 1;
+  const double wtZ1 = 1.0 - wtZ0;
+  assert(0 <= indexZ0 && indexZ0 < numZ);
+  assert(0 <= indexZ1 && indexZ1 < numZ);
+  const int index000 = _dataIndex(indexX0, indexY0, indexZ0);
+  const int index001 = _dataIndex(indexX0, indexY0, indexZ1);
+  const int index010 = _dataIndex(indexX0, indexY1, indexZ0);
+  const int index011 = _dataIndex(indexX0, indexY1, indexZ1);
+  const int index100 = _dataIndex(indexX1, indexY0, indexZ0);
+  const int index101 = _dataIndex(indexX1, indexY0, indexZ1);
+  const int index110 = _dataIndex(indexX1, indexY1, indexZ0);
+  const int index111 = _dataIndex(indexX1, indexY1, indexZ1);
+  const double wt000 = wtX0 * wtY0 * wtZ0;
+  const double wt001 = wtX0 * wtY0 * wtZ1;
+  const double wt010 = wtX0 * wtY1 * wtZ0;
+  const double wt011 = wtX0 * wtY1 * wtZ1;
+  const double wt100 = wtX1 * wtY0 * wtZ0;
+  const double wt101 = wtX1 * wtY0 * wtZ1;
+  const double wt110 = wtX1 * wtY1 * wtZ0;
+  const double wt111 = wtX1 * wtY1 * wtZ1;
+  const int querySize = _querySize;
+  for (int iVal=0; iVal < querySize; ++iVal) {
+    const int qVal = _queryVals[iVal];
+    vals[iVal] = 
+      wt000 * _data[index000+qVal] +
+      wt001 * _data[index001+qVal] +
+      wt010 * _data[index010+qVal] +
+      wt011 * _data[index011+qVal] +
+      wt100 * _data[index100+qVal] +
+      wt101 * _data[index101+qVal] +
+      wt110 * _data[index110+qVal] +
+      wt111 * _data[index111+qVal];
+#if 0 // DEBUGGING
+    std::cout << "val["<<iVal<<"]: " << vals[iVal]
+	      << ", wt000: " << wt000 << ", data: " << _data[index000+qVal]
+	      << ", wt001: " << wt001 << ", data: " << _data[index001+qVal]
+	      << ", wt010: " << wt010 << ", data: " << _data[index010+qVal]
+	      << ", wt011: " << wt011 << ", data: " << _data[index011+qVal]
+	      << ", wt100: " << wt100 << ", data: " << _data[index100+qVal]
+	      << ", wt101: " << wt101 << ", data: " << _data[index101+qVal]
+	      << ", wt110: " << wt110 << ", data: " << _data[index110+qVal]
+	      << ", wt111: " << wt111 << ", data: " << _data[index111+qVal]
+	      << std::endl;
+  } // for
+} // _interpolate3D
+// End of file

Copied: cs/spatialdata/trunk/libsrc/spatialdb/SimpleGridDB.hh (from rev 20433, cs/spatialdata/trunk/libsrc/spatialdb/GeoProjGridDB.hh)
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/libsrc/spatialdb/SimpleGridDB.hh	                        (rev 0)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/libsrc/spatialdb/SimpleGridDB.hh	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2012 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+/** @file libsrc/spatialdb/SimpleGridDB.hh
+ *
+ * @brief C++ object for performing querying of data on a nonuniform
+ * (or uniform) grid in a geographic projected coordinate system.
+ */
+#if !defined(spatialdata_spatialdb_simplegriddb_hh)
+#define spatialdata_spatialdb_simplegriddb_hh
+#include "SpatialDB.hh" // ISA SpatialDB
+#include <string> // HASA std::string
+#include <iosfwd> // USES std::istream
+class spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDB : SpatialDB
+{ // SimpleGridDB
+  friend class TestSimpleGridDB; // unit testing
+ public :
+  // PUBLIC ENUM ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  /** Type of query */
+  enum QueryEnum {
+    NEAREST=0, ///< Nearest interpolation.
+    LINEAR=1, ///< Linear interpolation.
+  };
+// PUBLIC MEMBERS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+public :
+  /// Constructor
+  SimpleGridDB(void);
+  /// Destructor
+  ~SimpleGridDB(void);
+  /** Set filename containing data.
+   *
+   * @param dir Directory containing data files.
+   */
+  void filename(const char* value);
+  /// Open the database and prepare for querying.
+  void open(void);
+  /// Close the database.
+  void close(void);
+  /** Set query type.
+   *
+   * @pre Must call Open() before QueryType()
+   *
+   * @param queryType Set type of query
+   */
+  void queryType(const QueryEnum queryType);
+  /** Set values to be returned by queries.
+   *
+   * @pre Must call open() before queryVals()
+   *
+   * @param names Names of values to be returned in queries
+   * @param numVals Number of values to be returned in queries
+   */
+  void queryVals(const char* const* names,
+		 const int numVals);
+  /** Query the database.
+   *
+   * @note pVals should be preallocated to accommodate numVals values.
+   *
+   * @pre Must call open() before query()
+   *
+   * @param vals Array for computed values (output from query), must be
+   *   allocated BEFORE calling query().
+   * @param numVals Number of values expected (size of pVals array)
+   * @param coords Coordinates of point for query
+   * @param numDims Number of dimensions for coordinates
+   * @param pCSQuery Coordinate system of coordinates
+   *
+   * @returns 0 on success, 1 on failure (i.e., could not interpolate)
+   */
+  int query(double* vals,
+	    const int numVals,
+	    const double* coords,
+	    const int numDims,
+	    const spatialdata::geocoords::CoordSys* pCSQuery);
+// PRIVATE METHODS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+private :
+  /** Read data file header.
+   *
+   * @param filein Input stream.
+   */
+  void _readHeader(std::istream& filein);
+  /** Read data values.
+   *
+   * @param filein Input stream.
+   */
+  void _readData(std::istream& filein);
+  /// Check compatibility of spatial database parameters.
+  void _checkCompatibility(void) const;
+  /** Bilinear search for coordinate.
+   *
+   * Returns index of target as a double.
+   *
+   * @param target Coordinates of target.
+   * @param vals Array of ordered values to search.
+   * @param nvals Number of values.
+   */
+  double _search(const double target,
+		 const double* vals,
+		 const int nvals);
+  /** Interpolate to get values at target location defined by indices.
+   *
+   * @param vals Array for computed values (output from query), must be
+   *   allocated BEFORE calling query().
+   * @param numVals Number of values expected (size of pVals array)
+   * @param indexX Index along x dimension.
+   * @param indexY Index along y dimension.
+   * @param indexZ Index along z dimension.
+   */
+  void _interpolate3D(double* vals,
+		      const int numVals,
+		      const double indexX,
+		      const double indexY,
+		      const double indexZ) const;
+  /** Get index into data array.
+   *
+   * @param indexX Index along x dimension.
+   * @param indexY Index along y dimension.
+   * @param indexZ Index along z dimension.
+   *
+   * @returns Index into data array.
+   */
+  int _dataIndex(const int indexX,
+		 const int indexY,
+		 const int indexZ) const;
+// PRIVATE MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+private :
+  double* _data; ///< Array of data values.
+  double* _x; ///< Array of x coordinates.
+  double* _y; ///< Array of y coordinates.
+  double* _z; ///< Array of z coordinates.
+  double _xyz[3];
+  int* _queryVals; ///< Indices of values to be returned in queries.
+  int _querySize; ///< Number of values requested to be returned in queries.
+  int _numX; ///< Number of points along x dimension.
+  int _numY; ///< Number of points along y dimension.
+  int _numZ; ///< Number of points along z dimension.
+  int _dataDim; ///< Dimension of data topology.
+  int _spaceDim; ///< Spatial dimension of data.
+  int _numValues; ///< Number of values in database.
+  std::string* _names; ///< Names of data values.
+  std::string* _units; ///< Units of values.  
+  std::string _filename; ///< Filename of data file
+  geocoords::CoordSys* _cs; ///< Coordinate system
+  QueryEnum _queryType; ///< Query type
+  static const char* FILEHEADER;
+// NOT IMPLEMENTED //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+private :
+  SimpleGridDB(const SimpleGridDB&); ///< Not implemented
+  const SimpleGridDB& operator=(const SimpleGridDB&); ///< Not implemented
+}; // SimpleGridDB
+#include "SimpleGridDB.icc" // inline methods
+#endif // spatialdata_spatialdb_simplegriddb_hh
+// End of file 

Copied: cs/spatialdata/trunk/libsrc/spatialdb/SimpleGridDB.icc (from rev 20433, cs/spatialdata/trunk/libsrc/spatialdb/GeoProjGridDB.icc)
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/libsrc/spatialdb/SimpleGridDB.icc	                        (rev 0)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/libsrc/spatialdb/SimpleGridDB.icc	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#if !defined(spatialdata_spatialdb_simplegriddb_hh)
+#error "SimpleGridDB.icc must only be included from SimpleGridDB.hh"
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Get index into data array.
+spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDB::_dataIndex(const int indexX,
+						 const int indexY,
+						 const int indexZ) const
+{ // _dataIndex
+  const int locIndex = indexX*_numY*_numZ + indexY*_numZ + indexZ;
+  return locIndex*_numValues;
+} // _dataIndex
+// End of file 

Modified: cs/spatialdata/trunk/libsrc/spatialdb/spatialdbfwd.hh
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/libsrc/spatialdb/spatialdbfwd.hh	2012-06-29 03:04:11 UTC (rev 20435)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/libsrc/spatialdb/spatialdbfwd.hh	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
     class SimpleIO;
     class SimpleIOAscii;
     class UniformDB;
-    class GeoProjGridDB;
+    class SimpleGridDB;
     class CompositeDB;
     class SCECCVMH;
     class GocadVoxet;

Modified: cs/spatialdata/trunk/modulesrc/spatialdb/Makefile.am
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/modulesrc/spatialdb/Makefile.am	2012-06-29 03:04:11 UTC (rev 20435)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/modulesrc/spatialdb/Makefile.am	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 	SimpleIO.i \
 	SimpleIOAscii.i \
 	UniformDB.i \
+	SimpleGridDB.i \
 	CompositeDB.i \
 	GravityField.i \

Added: cs/spatialdata/trunk/modulesrc/spatialdb/SimpleGridDB.i
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/modulesrc/spatialdb/SimpleGridDB.i	                        (rev 0)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/modulesrc/spatialdb/SimpleGridDB.i	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2012 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+/** @file modulesrc/spatialdb/SimpleGridDB.i
+ *
+ * @brief SWIG interface to C++ SimpleGridDB object.
+ */
+namespace spatialdata {
+  namespace spatialdb {
+    class SimpleIO; // USES SimpleIO
+    class SimpleGridDB : public SpatialDB
+    { // class SimpleGridDB
+    public :
+      // PUBLIC ENUM ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      /** Type of query */
+      enum QueryEnum {
+      };
+    public :
+      // PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+      /// Default constructor.
+      SimpleGridDB(void);
+      /// Default destructor.
+      ~SimpleGridDB(void);
+      /** Set filename containing data.
+       *
+       * @param dir Directory containing data files.
+       */
+      void filename(const char* value);
+      /// Open the database and prepare for querying.
+      void open(void);
+      /// Close the database.
+      void close(void);
+      /** Set query type.
+       *
+       * @pre Must call Open() before QueryType()
+       *
+       * @param queryType Set type of query
+       */
+      void queryType(const SimpleGridDB::QueryEnum queryType);
+      /** Set values to be returned by queries.
+       *
+       * @pre Must call open() before queryVals()
+       *
+       * @param names Names of values to be returned in queries
+       * @param numVals Number of values to be returned in queries
+       */
+      %apply(const char* const* string_list, const int list_len){
+	(const char* const* names,
+	 const int numVals)
+	  };
+      void queryVals(const char* const* names,
+		     const int numVals);
+      %clear(const char* const* names, const int numVals);
+      /** Query the database.
+       *
+       * @pre Must call open() before query()
+       *
+       * @param vals Array for computed values (output from query), vals
+       *   must be allocated BEFORE calling query().
+       * @param numVals Number of values expected (size of pVals array)
+       * @param coords Coordinates of point for query
+       * @param numDims Number of dimensions for coordinates
+       * @param pCSQuery Coordinate system of coordinates
+       *
+       * @returns 0 on success, 1 on failure (i.e., could not interpolate
+       *   so values set to 0)
+       */
+      %apply(double* INPLACE_ARRAY1, int DIM1) {
+	(double* vals,
+	 const int numVals)
+	  };
+      %apply(double* IN_ARRAY1, int DIM1) {
+	(const double* coords,
+	 const int numDims)
+	  };
+      int query(double* vals,
+		const int numVals,
+		const double* coords,
+		const int numDims,
+		const spatialdata::geocoords::CoordSys* pCSQuery);
+      %clear(double* vals, const int numVals);
+      %clear(const double* coords, const int numDims);
+    }; // class SimpleGridDB
+  } // spatialdb
+} // spatialdata
+// End of file 

Modified: cs/spatialdata/trunk/modulesrc/spatialdb/spatialdb.i
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/modulesrc/spatialdb/spatialdb.i	2012-06-29 03:04:11 UTC (rev 20435)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/modulesrc/spatialdb/spatialdb.i	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 #include "spatialdata/spatialdb/SimpleIO.hh"
 #include "spatialdata/spatialdb/SimpleIOAscii.hh"
 #include "spatialdata/spatialdb/UniformDB.hh"
+#include "spatialdata/spatialdb/SimpleGridDB.hh"
 #include "spatialdata/spatialdb/CompositeDB.hh"
 #include "spatialdata/spatialdb/SCECCVMH.hh"
 #include "spatialdata/spatialdb/GravityField.hh"
@@ -67,6 +68,7 @@
 %include "SimpleIO.i"
 %include "SimpleIOAscii.i"
 %include "UniformDB.i"
+%include "SimpleGridDB.i"
 %include "CompositeDB.i"
 %include "SCECCVMH.i"
 %include "GravityField.i"

Modified: cs/spatialdata/trunk/spatialdata/Makefile.am
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/spatialdata/Makefile.am	2012-06-29 03:04:11 UTC (rev 20435)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/spatialdata/Makefile.am	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 	spatialdb/TimeHistory.py \
 	spatialdb/TimeHistoryIO.py \
 	spatialdb/UniformDB.py \
+	spatialdb/SimpleGridDB.py \
 	spatialdb/__init__.py \
 	spatialdb/generator/Shaper.py \
 	spatialdb/generator/Shapers.py \

Added: cs/spatialdata/trunk/spatialdata/spatialdb/SimpleGridDB.py
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/spatialdata/spatialdb/SimpleGridDB.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/spatialdata/spatialdb/SimpleGridDB.py	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+# This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+# for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+# Copyright (c) 2010-2012 University of California, Davis
+# See COPYING for license information.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## @file spatialdata/spatialdb/SimpleGridDB.py
+## @brief Python manager for simple spatial database.
+## Factory: spatial_database
+from SpatialDBObj import SpatialDBObj
+from spatialdb import SimpleGridDB as ModuleSimpleGridDB
+# Validator for filename
+def validateFilename(value):
+  """
+  Validate filename.
+  """
+  if 0 == len(value):
+    raise ValueError("Name of SimpleGridDB file must be specified.")
+  return value
+# SimpleGridDB class
+class SimpleGridDB(SpatialDBObj, ModuleSimpleGridDB):
+  """
+  Python manager for simple spatial database.
+  Factory: spatial_database
+  """
+  # INVENTORY //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  class Inventory(SpatialDBObj.Inventory):
+    """
+    Python object for managing SimpleGridDB facilities and properties.
+    """
+    ## @class Inventory
+    ## Python object for managing SimpleGridDB facilities and properties.
+    ##
+    ## \b Properties
+    ## @li \b filename Name for data file.
+    ## @li \b query_type Type of query to perform
+    ##
+    ## \b Facilities
+    ## @li None
+    import pyre.inventory
+    filename = pyre.inventory.str("filename", default="", validator=validateFilename)
+    filename.meta['tip'] = "Name for data file."
+    queryType = pyre.inventory.str("query_type", default="nearest")
+    queryType.validator = pyre.inventory.choice(["nearest", "linear"])
+    queryType.meta['tip'] = "Type of query to perform."
+  # PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  def __init__(self, name="simplegriddb"):
+    """
+    Constructor.
+    """
+    SpatialDBObj.__init__(self, name)
+    return
+  # PRIVATE METHODS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  def _configure(self):
+    """
+    Set members based on inventory.
+    """
+    SpatialDBObj._configure(self)
+    ModuleSimpleGridDB.filename(self, self.inventory.filename)
+    ModuleSimpleGridDB.queryType(self, self._parseQueryString(self.inventory.queryType))
+    return
+  def _createModuleObj(self):
+    """
+    Create Python module object.
+    """
+    ModuleSimpleGridDB.__init__(self)
+    return
+  def _parseQueryString(self, label):
+    if label.lower() == "nearest":
+      value = ModuleSimpleGridDB.NEAREST
+    elif label.lower() == "linear":
+      value = ModuleSimpleGridDB.LINEAR
+    else:
+      raise ValueError("Unknown value for query type '%s'." % label)
+    return value
+# FACTORIES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+def spatial_database():
+  """
+  Factory associated with SimpleGridDB.
+  """
+  return SimpleGridDB()
+# End of file 

Modified: cs/spatialdata/trunk/spatialdata/spatialdb/SpatialDBObj.py
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/spatialdata/spatialdb/SpatialDBObj.py	2012-06-29 03:04:11 UTC (rev 20435)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/spatialdata/spatialdb/SpatialDBObj.py	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 # Validator for label
 def validateLabel(value):
-  Validate label for group/nodeset/pset.
+  Validate label for spatial database.
   if 0 == len(value):
     raise ValueError("Descriptive label for spatial database not specified.")

Modified: cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/Makefile.am
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/Makefile.am	2012-06-29 03:04:11 UTC (rev 20435)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/Makefile.am	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
 	TestTimeHistory.cc \
 	TestTimeHistoryIO.cc \
 	TestUniformDB.cc \
-	TestGeoProjGridDB.cc \
-	TestGeoProjGridDBCases.cc \
+	TestSimpleGridDB.cc \
+	TestSimpleGridDBCases.cc \
 	testcquery.c \
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
 	TestTimeHistory.hh \
 	TestTimeHistoryIO.hh \
 	TestUniformDB.hh \
-	TestGeoProjGridDB.hh \
-	TestGeoProjGridDBCases.hh \
+	TestSimpleGridDB.hh \
+	TestSimpleGridDBCases.hh \
 	testcquery.h \
@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@
 	data/SimpleDBTestDataLine3D.cc \
 	data/SimpleDBTestDataArea3D.cc \
 	data/SimpleDBTestDataVolume3D.cc \
-	data/GeoProjGridDBTestData.cc \
-	data/GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D.cc
+	data/SimpleGridDBTestData.cc \
+	data/SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D.cc
 noinst_HEADERS += \
 	data/SimpleDBQueryData.hh \
@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@
 	data/SimpleDBTestDataLine3D.hh \
 	data/SimpleDBTestDataArea3D.hh \
 	data/SimpleDBTestDataVolume3D.hh \
-	data/GeoProjGridDBTestData.hh \
-	data/GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D.hh
+	data/SimpleGridDBTestData.hh \
+	data/SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D.hh
 # End of file 

Deleted: cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestGeoProjGridDB.cc
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestGeoProjGridDB.cc	2012-06-29 03:04:11 UTC (rev 20435)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestGeoProjGridDB.cc	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2012 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include <portinfo>
-#include "TestGeoProjGridDB.hh" // Implementation of class methods
-#include "spatialdata/spatialdb/GeoProjGridDB.hh" // USES GeoProjGridDB
-#include "data/GeoProjGridDBTestData.hh" // USES GeoProjGridDBTestData
-#include "spatialdata/geocoords/CSCart.hh" // USE CSCart
-#include <string.h> // USES strcmp() and memcpy()
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION( spatialdata::spatialdb::TestGeoProjGridDB );
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test constructor
-{ // testConstructor
-  GeoProjGridDB db;
-} // testConstructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test label()
-{ // testLabel
-  GeoProjGridDB db;
-  const char* label = "database 2";
-  db.label(label);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(label, db.label()));
-} // testLabel
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test filename()
-{ // testFilename
-  GeoProjGridDB db;
-  const std::string& filename = "mydb.spatialdb";
-  db.filename(filename.c_str());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(filename, db._filename);
-} // testFilename
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test queryType()
-{ // testQueryType
-  GeoProjGridDB db;
-  // Test default (nearest)
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(GeoProjGridDB::NEAREST, db._queryType);
-  db.queryType(GeoProjGridDB::LINEAR);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(GeoProjGridDB::LINEAR, db._queryType);
-  db.queryType(GeoProjGridDB::NEAREST);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(GeoProjGridDB::NEAREST, db._queryType);
-} // testQueryType
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test _search()
-{ // testSearch
-  const int numX = 5;
-  const double x[numX] = {
-    -3.0, -1.0, 0.0, 5.0, 8.0,
-  };
-  const double tolerance = 1.0e-6;
-  GeoProjGridDB db;
-  db.queryType(GeoProjGridDB::NEAREST);
-  // Test data and expected results
-  const double xA = -20.0;
-  const double indexA = 0.0;
-  const double xB = -1.0;
-  const double indexB = 1.0;
-  const double xC = +3.0;
-  const double indexC = 2.6;
-  const double xD = -20.0;
-  const double indexD = 0.0;
-  double index = db._search(xA, x, numX);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(indexA, index, tolerance);
-  index = db._search(xB, x, numX);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(indexB, index, tolerance);
-  index = db._search(xC, x, numX);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(indexC, index, tolerance);
-  index = db._search(xD, x, numX);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(indexD, index, tolerance);
-  db.queryType(GeoProjGridDB::LINEAR);
-  // Test data and expected results
-  const double xE = -20.0;
-  const double indexE = -1.0;
-  const double xF = -1.0;
-  const double indexF = 1.0;
-  const double xG = +3.0;
-  const double indexG = 2.6;
-  const double xH = -20.0;
-  const double indexH = -1.0;
-  index = db._search(xE, x, numX);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(indexE, index, tolerance);
-  index = db._search(xF, x, numX);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(indexF, index, tolerance);
-  index = db._search(xG, x, numX);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(indexG, index, tolerance);
-  index = db._search(xH, x, numX);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(indexH, index, tolerance);
-} // testSearch
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test _dataIndex()
-{ // testDataIndex
-  GeoProjGridDB db;
-  db._numX = 4;
-  db._numY = 3;
-  db._numZ = 5;
-  db._numValues = 10;
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, db._dataIndex(0, 0, 0));
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(10, db._dataIndex(0, 0, 1));
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(50, db._dataIndex(0, 1, 0));
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(50+40, db._dataIndex(0, 1, 4));
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(150, db._dataIndex(1, 0, 0));
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(2*150+1*50+30, db._dataIndex(2, 1, 3));
-} // testDataIndex
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test query() using nearest neighbor
-spatialdata::spatialdb::TestGeoProjGridDB::_testQueryNearest(const GeoProjGridDBTestData& data)
-{ // _testQueryNearest
-  GeoProjGridDB db;
-  _setupDB(&db, data);
-  db.queryType(GeoProjGridDB::NEAREST);
-  _checkQuery(db, data.names, data.queryNearest, 0,
-	      data.numQueries, data.spaceDim, data.numVals);
-} // _testQueryNearest
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test query() using linear interpolation
-spatialdata::spatialdb::TestGeoProjGridDB::_testQueryLinear(const GeoProjGridDBTestData& data)
-{ // _testQueryLinear
-  GeoProjGridDB db;
-  _setupDB(&db, data);
-  db.queryType(GeoProjGridDB::LINEAR);
-  _checkQuery(db, data.names, data.queryLinear, data.errFlags,
-	      data.numQueries, data.spaceDim, data.numVals);
-} // _testQueryLinear
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Populate database with data.
-spatialdata::spatialdb::TestGeoProjGridDB::_setupDB(GeoProjGridDB* const db,
-						    const GeoProjGridDBTestData& data)
-{ // _setupDB
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(data.numVals > 0);
-  delete[] db->_x; db->_x = 0;
-  delete[] db->_y; db->_y = 0;
-  delete[] db->_z; db->_z = 0;
-  delete[] db->_data; db->_data = 0;
-  delete[] db->_names; db->_names = 0;
-  delete[] db->_units; db->_units = 0;
-  db->label("GeoProjGrid test database");
-  db->_numValues = data.numVals;
-  db->_spaceDim = data.spaceDim;
-  db->_dataDim = data.dataDim;
-  db->_numX = data.numX;
-  db->_numY = data.numY;
-  db->_numZ = data.numZ;
-  int numLocs = 1;
-  if (data.numX > 1) {
-    numLocs *= data.numX;
-    db->_x = new double[data.numX];
-    for (int i=0; i < data.numX; ++i) {
-      db->_x[i] = data.dbX[i];
-    } // for
-  } // if
-  if (data.numY > 1) {
-    numLocs *= data.numY;
-    db->_y = new double[data.numY];
-    for (int i=0; i < data.numY; ++i) {
-      db->_y[i] = data.dbY[i];
-    } // for
-  } // if
-  if (data.numZ > 1) {
-    numLocs *= data.numZ;
-    db->_z = new double[data.numZ];
-    for (int i=0; i < data.numZ; ++i) {
-      db->_z[i] = data.dbZ[i];
-    } // for
-  } // if
-  db->_data = (numLocs > 0) ? new double[numLocs*data.numVals] : 0;
-  for (int i=0; i < numLocs*data.numVals; ++i) {
-    db->_data[i] = data.dbData[i];
-  } // for
-  db->_names = (data.numVals > 0) ? new std::string[data.numVals] : 0;
-  for (int i=0; i < data.numVals; ++i) {
-    db->_names[i] = data.names[i];
-  } // for
-  db->_units = (data.numVals > 0) ? new std::string[data.numVals] : 0;
-  for (int i=0; i < data.numVals; ++i) {
-    db->_units[i] = data.units[i];
-  } // for
-  db->_cs = new spatialdata::geocoords::CSCart();
-  db->_cs->setSpaceDim(data.spaceDim);
-} // _setupDB
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test query method by doing query and checking values returned.
-spatialdata::spatialdb::TestGeoProjGridDB::_checkQuery(GeoProjGridDB& db,
-						       char** const names,
-						       const double* queryData,
-						       const int* flagsE,
-						       const int numQueries,
-						       const int spaceDim,
-						       const int numVals)
-{ // _checkQuery
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(queryData);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(numQueries);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(spaceDim);
-  // reverse order of vals in queries
-  const char* valNames[numVals];
-  for (int i=0; i < numVals; ++i)
-    valNames[numVals-i-1] = names[i];
-  db.queryVals(valNames, numVals);
-  double* vals = (0 < numVals) ? new double[numVals] : 0;
-  const double tolerance = 1.0e-06;
-  const int locSize = spaceDim + numVals;
-  spatialdata::geocoords::CSCart csCart;
-  csCart.setSpaceDim(spaceDim);
-  for (int iQuery=0; iQuery < numQueries; ++iQuery) {
-    const double* coords = &queryData[iQuery*locSize];
-    const double* valsE = &queryData[iQuery*locSize+spaceDim];
-    const int err = db.query(vals, numVals, coords, spaceDim, &csCart);
-    if (0 != flagsE)
-      CPPUNIT_ASSERT(err == flagsE[iQuery]);
-    else {
-      CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 == err);
-      for (int iVal=0; iVal < numVals; ++iVal) {
-	if (valsE[numVals-iVal-1] > tolerance) {
-	  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(1.0, vals[iVal]/valsE[numVals-iVal-1],
-				       tolerance);
-	} else {
-	  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(valsE[numVals-iVal-1], vals[iVal],
-				       tolerance);
-	} // if/else
-      } // for
-    } // if/else
-  } // for
-  delete[] vals; vals = 0;
-} // _checkQuery
-// End of file 

Deleted: cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestGeoProjGridDB.hh
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestGeoProjGridDB.hh	2012-06-29 03:04:11 UTC (rev 20435)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestGeoProjGridDB.hh	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2012 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-/** @file tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestGeoProjGridDB.hh
- *
- * @brief C++ TestGeoProjGridDB object
- *
- * C++ unit testing for GeoProjGridDB. This object is an abstract base
- * class with children classes specific to the type of data in the database.
- */
-#if !defined(spatialdata_spatialdb_testgeoprojgriddb_hh)
-#define spatialdata_spatialdb_testgeoprojgriddb_hh
-#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
-#include "spatialdata/spatialdb/spatialdbfwd.hh"
-/// Namespace for spatial package
-namespace spatialdata {
-  namespace spatialdb {
-    class TestGeoProjGridDB;
-    class GeoProjGridDBTestData; // USES GeoProjGridDBTestData
-  } // spatialdb
-} // spatialdata
-/// C++ unit testing for GeoProjGridDB
-class spatialdata::spatialdb::TestGeoProjGridDB : public CppUnit::TestFixture
-{ // class TestGeoProjGridDB
-  // CPPUNIT TEST SUITE /////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( testConstructor );
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( testLabel );
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( testFilename );
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( testQueryType );
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( testSearch );
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( testDataIndex );
-  // PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-public :
-  /// Test constructor
-  void testConstructor(void);
-  /// Test label()
-  void testLabel(void);
-  /// Test filename()
-  void testFilename(void);
-  /// Test queryType()
-  void testQueryType(void);
-  /// Test _search()
-  void testSearch(void);
-  /// Test _dataIndex()
-  void testDataIndex(void);
-protected :
-  // PROTECTED METHODS //////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  /** Test query() using nearest neighbor
-   *
-   * @param data Data for database
-   */
-  void _testQueryNearest(const GeoProjGridDBTestData& data);
-  /** Test query() using linear interpolation
-   *
-   * @param data Data for database
-   */
-  void _testQueryLinear(const GeoProjGridDBTestData& data);
-  // PRIVATE METHODS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  /** Populate database with data.
-   *
-   * @param db Database
-   * @param data Data for database
-   */
-  void _setupDB(GeoProjGridDB* const db,
-		const GeoProjGridDBTestData& data);
-  /** Test query method by doing query and checking values returned.
-   * 
-   * @param db Database to query
-   * @param names Names of values in database
-   * @param queryData Query locations and expected values
-   * @param flagsE Array of expected return values
-   * @param numQueries Number of queries
-   * @param spaceDim Number of coordinates per location
-   * @param numVals Number of values in database
-   */
-  void _checkQuery(GeoProjGridDB& db,
-		   char** const names,
-		   const double* queryData,
-		   const int* flagsE,
-		   const int numQueries,
-		   const int spaceDim,
-		   const int numVals);
-}; // class TestGeoProjGridDB
-#endif // spatialdata_spatialdb_testgeoprojgriddb_hh
-// End of file 

Deleted: cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestGeoProjGridDBCases.cc
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestGeoProjGridDBCases.cc	2012-06-29 03:04:11 UTC (rev 20435)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestGeoProjGridDBCases.cc	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2012 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include <portinfo>
-#include "TestGeoProjGridDBCases.hh" // Implementation of class methods
-#include "data/GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D.hh"
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION( spatialdata::spatialdb::TestGeoProjGridDBVolume3D );
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test queryLinear()
-{ // testQueryLinear
-  GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D data;
-  _testQueryLinear(data);
-} // testQueryLinear
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Test queryNearest()
-{ // testQueryNearest
-  GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D data;
-  _testQueryNearest(data);
-} // testQueryNearest
-// End of file 

Deleted: cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestGeoProjGridDBCases.hh
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestGeoProjGridDBCases.hh	2012-06-29 03:04:11 UTC (rev 20435)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestGeoProjGridDBCases.hh	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2012 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-/** @file tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestGeoProjGridDBCases.hh
- *
- * @brief C++ TestGeoProjGridDBVolume3D object
- *
- * C++ unit testing for GeoProjGridDB. 
- */
-#if !defined(spatialdata_spatialdb_testgeoprojgriddbcases_hh)
-#define spatialdata_spatialdb_testgeoprojgriddbcases_hh
-#include "TestGeoProjGridDB.hh" // ISA TestGeoProjGridDB
-/// Namespace for spatial package
-namespace spatialdata {
-  namespace spatialdb {
-    class TestGeoProjGridDBVolume3D;
-  } // spatialdb
-} // spatialdata
-/// C++ unit testing for GeoProjGridDB with volume data.
-class spatialdata::spatialdb::TestGeoProjGridDBVolume3D : public TestGeoProjGridDB
-{ // class TestGeoProjGridDBVolume3D
-  // CPPUNIT TEST SUITE /////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( TestGeoProjGridDBVolume3D );
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( testQueryNearest );
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( testQueryLinear );
-  // PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-public :
-  /// Test queryNearest()
-  void testQueryNearest(void);
-  /// Test queryLinear()
-  void testQueryLinear(void);
-}; // class TestGeoProjGridDBVolume3D
-#endif // spatialdata_spatialdb_testgeoprojgriddbvolume3d_hh
-// End of file 

Copied: cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestSimpleGridDB.cc (from rev 20435, cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestGeoProjGridDB.cc)
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestSimpleGridDB.cc	                        (rev 0)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestSimpleGridDB.cc	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2012 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <portinfo>
+#include "TestSimpleGridDB.hh" // Implementation of class methods
+#include "spatialdata/spatialdb/SimpleGridDB.hh" // USES SimpleGridDB
+#include "data/SimpleGridDBTestData.hh" // USES SimpleGridDBTestData
+#include "spatialdata/geocoords/CSCart.hh" // USE CSCart
+#include <string.h> // USES strcmp() and memcpy()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION( spatialdata::spatialdb::TestSimpleGridDB );
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test constructor
+{ // testConstructor
+  SimpleGridDB db;
+} // testConstructor
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test label()
+{ // testLabel
+  SimpleGridDB db;
+  const char* label = "database 2";
+  db.label(label);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(label, db.label()));
+} // testLabel
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test filename()
+{ // testFilename
+  SimpleGridDB db;
+  const std::string& filename = "mydb.spatialdb";
+  db.filename(filename.c_str());
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(filename, db._filename);
+} // testFilename
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test queryType()
+{ // testQueryType
+  SimpleGridDB db;
+  // Test default (nearest)
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(SimpleGridDB::NEAREST, db._queryType);
+  db.queryType(SimpleGridDB::LINEAR);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(SimpleGridDB::LINEAR, db._queryType);
+  db.queryType(SimpleGridDB::NEAREST);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(SimpleGridDB::NEAREST, db._queryType);
+} // testQueryType
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test _search()
+{ // testSearch
+  const int numX = 5;
+  const double x[numX] = {
+    -3.0, -1.0, 0.0, 5.0, 8.0,
+  };
+  const double tolerance = 1.0e-6;
+  SimpleGridDB db;
+  db.queryType(SimpleGridDB::NEAREST);
+  // Test data and expected results
+  const double xA = -20.0;
+  const double indexA = 0.0;
+  const double xB = -1.0;
+  const double indexB = 1.0;
+  const double xC = +3.0;
+  const double indexC = 2.6;
+  const double xD = -20.0;
+  const double indexD = 0.0;
+  double index = db._search(xA, x, numX);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(indexA, index, tolerance);
+  index = db._search(xB, x, numX);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(indexB, index, tolerance);
+  index = db._search(xC, x, numX);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(indexC, index, tolerance);
+  index = db._search(xD, x, numX);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(indexD, index, tolerance);
+  db.queryType(SimpleGridDB::LINEAR);
+  // Test data and expected results
+  const double xE = -20.0;
+  const double indexE = -1.0;
+  const double xF = -1.0;
+  const double indexF = 1.0;
+  const double xG = +3.0;
+  const double indexG = 2.6;
+  const double xH = -20.0;
+  const double indexH = -1.0;
+  index = db._search(xE, x, numX);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(indexE, index, tolerance);
+  index = db._search(xF, x, numX);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(indexF, index, tolerance);
+  index = db._search(xG, x, numX);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(indexG, index, tolerance);
+  index = db._search(xH, x, numX);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(indexH, index, tolerance);
+} // testSearch
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test _dataIndex()
+{ // testDataIndex
+  SimpleGridDB db;
+  db._numX = 4;
+  db._numY = 3;
+  db._numZ = 5;
+  db._numValues = 10;
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, db._dataIndex(0, 0, 0));
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(10, db._dataIndex(0, 0, 1));
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(50, db._dataIndex(0, 1, 0));
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(50+40, db._dataIndex(0, 1, 4));
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(150, db._dataIndex(1, 0, 0));
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(2*150+1*50+30, db._dataIndex(2, 1, 3));
+} // testDataIndex
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test query() using nearest neighbor
+spatialdata::spatialdb::TestSimpleGridDB::_testQueryNearest(const SimpleGridDBTestData& data)
+{ // _testQueryNearest
+  SimpleGridDB db;
+  _setupDB(&db, data);
+  db.queryType(SimpleGridDB::NEAREST);
+  _checkQuery(db, data.names, data.queryNearest, 0,
+	      data.numQueries, data.spaceDim, data.numVals);
+} // _testQueryNearest
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test query() using linear interpolation
+spatialdata::spatialdb::TestSimpleGridDB::_testQueryLinear(const SimpleGridDBTestData& data)
+{ // _testQueryLinear
+  SimpleGridDB db;
+  _setupDB(&db, data);
+  db.queryType(SimpleGridDB::LINEAR);
+  _checkQuery(db, data.names, data.queryLinear, data.errFlags,
+	      data.numQueries, data.spaceDim, data.numVals);
+} // _testQueryLinear
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Populate database with data.
+spatialdata::spatialdb::TestSimpleGridDB::_setupDB(SimpleGridDB* const db,
+						    const SimpleGridDBTestData& data)
+{ // _setupDB
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(data.numVals > 0);
+  delete[] db->_x; db->_x = 0;
+  delete[] db->_y; db->_y = 0;
+  delete[] db->_z; db->_z = 0;
+  delete[] db->_data; db->_data = 0;
+  delete[] db->_names; db->_names = 0;
+  delete[] db->_units; db->_units = 0;
+  db->label("GeoProjGrid test database");
+  db->_numValues = data.numVals;
+  db->_spaceDim = data.spaceDim;
+  db->_dataDim = data.dataDim;
+  db->_numX = data.numX;
+  db->_numY = data.numY;
+  db->_numZ = data.numZ;
+  int numLocs = 1;
+  if (data.numX > 1) {
+    numLocs *= data.numX;
+    db->_x = new double[data.numX];
+    for (int i=0; i < data.numX; ++i) {
+      db->_x[i] = data.dbX[i];
+    } // for
+  } // if
+  if (data.numY > 1) {
+    numLocs *= data.numY;
+    db->_y = new double[data.numY];
+    for (int i=0; i < data.numY; ++i) {
+      db->_y[i] = data.dbY[i];
+    } // for
+  } // if
+  if (data.numZ > 1) {
+    numLocs *= data.numZ;
+    db->_z = new double[data.numZ];
+    for (int i=0; i < data.numZ; ++i) {
+      db->_z[i] = data.dbZ[i];
+    } // for
+  } // if
+  db->_data = (numLocs > 0) ? new double[numLocs*data.numVals] : 0;
+  for (int i=0; i < numLocs*data.numVals; ++i) {
+    db->_data[i] = data.dbData[i];
+  } // for
+  db->_names = (data.numVals > 0) ? new std::string[data.numVals] : 0;
+  for (int i=0; i < data.numVals; ++i) {
+    db->_names[i] = data.names[i];
+  } // for
+  db->_units = (data.numVals > 0) ? new std::string[data.numVals] : 0;
+  for (int i=0; i < data.numVals; ++i) {
+    db->_units[i] = data.units[i];
+  } // for
+  db->_cs = new spatialdata::geocoords::CSCart();
+  db->_cs->setSpaceDim(data.spaceDim);
+} // _setupDB
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test query method by doing query and checking values returned.
+spatialdata::spatialdb::TestSimpleGridDB::_checkQuery(SimpleGridDB& db,
+						       char** const names,
+						       const double* queryData,
+						       const int* flagsE,
+						       const int numQueries,
+						       const int spaceDim,
+						       const int numVals)
+{ // _checkQuery
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(queryData);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(numQueries);
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(spaceDim);
+  // reverse order of vals in queries
+  const char* valNames[numVals];
+  for (int i=0; i < numVals; ++i)
+    valNames[numVals-i-1] = names[i];
+  db.queryVals(valNames, numVals);
+  double* vals = (0 < numVals) ? new double[numVals] : 0;
+  const double tolerance = 1.0e-06;
+  const int locSize = spaceDim + numVals;
+  spatialdata::geocoords::CSCart csCart;
+  csCart.setSpaceDim(spaceDim);
+  for (int iQuery=0; iQuery < numQueries; ++iQuery) {
+    const double* coords = &queryData[iQuery*locSize];
+    const double* valsE = &queryData[iQuery*locSize+spaceDim];
+    const int err = db.query(vals, numVals, coords, spaceDim, &csCart);
+    if (0 != flagsE)
+      CPPUNIT_ASSERT(err == flagsE[iQuery]);
+    else {
+      CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 == err);
+      for (int iVal=0; iVal < numVals; ++iVal) {
+	if (valsE[numVals-iVal-1] > tolerance) {
+	  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(1.0, vals[iVal]/valsE[numVals-iVal-1],
+				       tolerance);
+	} else {
+	  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(valsE[numVals-iVal-1], vals[iVal],
+				       tolerance);
+	} // if/else
+      } // for
+    } // if/else
+  } // for
+  delete[] vals; vals = 0;
+} // _checkQuery
+// End of file 

Copied: cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestSimpleGridDB.hh (from rev 20433, cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestGeoProjGridDB.hh)
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestSimpleGridDB.hh	                        (rev 0)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestSimpleGridDB.hh	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2012 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+/** @file tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestSimpleGridDB.hh
+ *
+ * @brief C++ TestSimpleGridDB object
+ *
+ * C++ unit testing for SimpleGridDB. This object is an abstract base
+ * class with children classes specific to the type of data in the database.
+ */
+#if !defined(spatialdata_spatialdb_testsimplegriddb_hh)
+#define spatialdata_spatialdb_testsimplegriddb_hh
+#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
+#include "spatialdata/spatialdb/spatialdbfwd.hh"
+/// Namespace for spatial package
+namespace spatialdata {
+  namespace spatialdb {
+    class TestSimpleGridDB;
+    class SimpleGridDBTestData; // USES SimpleGridDBTestData
+  } // spatialdb
+} // spatialdata
+/// C++ unit testing for SimpleGridDB
+class spatialdata::spatialdb::TestSimpleGridDB : public CppUnit::TestFixture
+{ // class TestSimpleGridDB
+  // CPPUNIT TEST SUITE /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( TestSimpleGridDB );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( testConstructor );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( testLabel );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( testFilename );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( testQueryType );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( testSearch );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( testDataIndex );
+  // PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+public :
+  /// Test constructor
+  void testConstructor(void);
+  /// Test label()
+  void testLabel(void);
+  /// Test filename()
+  void testFilename(void);
+  /// Test queryType()
+  void testQueryType(void);
+  /// Test _search()
+  void testSearch(void);
+  /// Test _dataIndex()
+  void testDataIndex(void);
+protected :
+  // PROTECTED METHODS //////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  /** Test query() using nearest neighbor
+   *
+   * @param data Data for database
+   */
+  void _testQueryNearest(const SimpleGridDBTestData& data);
+  /** Test query() using linear interpolation
+   *
+   * @param data Data for database
+   */
+  void _testQueryLinear(const SimpleGridDBTestData& data);
+  // PRIVATE METHODS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+private :
+  /** Populate database with data.
+   *
+   * @param db Database
+   * @param data Data for database
+   */
+  void _setupDB(SimpleGridDB* const db,
+		const SimpleGridDBTestData& data);
+  /** Test query method by doing query and checking values returned.
+   * 
+   * @param db Database to query
+   * @param names Names of values in database
+   * @param queryData Query locations and expected values
+   * @param flagsE Array of expected return values
+   * @param numQueries Number of queries
+   * @param spaceDim Number of coordinates per location
+   * @param numVals Number of values in database
+   */
+  void _checkQuery(SimpleGridDB& db,
+		   char** const names,
+		   const double* queryData,
+		   const int* flagsE,
+		   const int numQueries,
+		   const int spaceDim,
+		   const int numVals);
+}; // class TestSimpleGridDB
+#endif // spatialdata_spatialdb_testsimplegriddb_hh
+// End of file 

Copied: cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestSimpleGridDBCases.cc (from rev 20433, cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestGeoProjGridDBCases.cc)
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestSimpleGridDBCases.cc	                        (rev 0)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestSimpleGridDBCases.cc	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2012 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <portinfo>
+#include "TestSimpleGridDBCases.hh" // Implementation of class methods
+#include "data/SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D.hh"
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION( spatialdata::spatialdb::TestSimpleGridDBVolume3D );
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test queryLinear()
+{ // testQueryLinear
+  SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D data;
+  _testQueryLinear(data);
+} // testQueryLinear
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test queryNearest()
+{ // testQueryNearest
+  SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D data;
+  _testQueryNearest(data);
+} // testQueryNearest
+// End of file 

Copied: cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestSimpleGridDBCases.hh (from rev 20433, cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestGeoProjGridDBCases.hh)
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestSimpleGridDBCases.hh	                        (rev 0)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestSimpleGridDBCases.hh	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2012 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+/** @file tests/libtests/spatialdb/TestSimpleGridDBCases.hh
+ *
+ * @brief C++ TestSimpleGridDBVolume3D object
+ *
+ * C++ unit testing for SimpleGridDB. 
+ */
+#if !defined(spatialdata_spatialdb_testsimplegriddbcases_hh)
+#define spatialdata_spatialdb_testsimplegriddbcases_hh
+#include "TestSimpleGridDB.hh" // ISA TestSimpleGridDB
+/// Namespace for spatial package
+namespace spatialdata {
+  namespace spatialdb {
+    class TestSimpleGridDBVolume3D;
+  } // spatialdb
+} // spatialdata
+/// C++ unit testing for SimpleGridDB with volume data.
+class spatialdata::spatialdb::TestSimpleGridDBVolume3D : public TestSimpleGridDB
+{ // class TestSimpleGridDBVolume3D
+  // CPPUNIT TEST SUITE /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( TestSimpleGridDBVolume3D );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( testQueryNearest );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( testQueryLinear );
+  // PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+public :
+  /// Test queryNearest()
+  void testQueryNearest(void);
+  /// Test queryLinear()
+  void testQueryLinear(void);
+}; // class TestSimpleGridDBVolume3D
+#endif // spatialdata_spatialdb_testsimplegriddbvolume3d_hh
+// End of file 

Deleted: cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/data/GeoProjGridDBTestData.cc
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/data/GeoProjGridDBTestData.cc	2012-06-29 03:04:11 UTC (rev 20435)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/data/GeoProjGridDBTestData.cc	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2012 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "GeoProjGridDBTestData.hh"
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Constructor
-spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDBTestData::GeoProjGridDBTestData(void) :
-  numX(0),
-  numY(0),
-  numZ(0),
-  spaceDim(0),
-  numVals(0),
-  dataDim(0),
-  dbX(0),
-  dbY(0),
-  dbZ(0),
-  dbData(0),
-  errFlags(0),
-  names(0),
-  units(0),
-  numQueries(0),
-  queryNearest(0),
-  queryLinear(0)
-{ // constructor
-} // constructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Destructor
-{ // destructor
-} // destructor
-// End of file

Deleted: cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/data/GeoProjGridDBTestData.hh
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/data/GeoProjGridDBTestData.hh	2012-06-29 03:04:11 UTC (rev 20435)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/data/GeoProjGridDBTestData.hh	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2012 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-#if !defined(spatialdata_spatialdb_geoprojgriddbtestdata_hh)
-#define spatialdata_spatialdb_geoprojgriddbtestdata_hh
-namespace spatialdata {
-  namespace spatialdb {
-     class GeoProjGridDBTestData;
-  } // spatialdb
-} // spatialdata
-class spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDBTestData
-// PUBLIC METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-public :
-  /// Constructor
-  GeoProjGridDBTestData(void);
-  /// Destructor
-  ~GeoProjGridDBTestData(void);
-// PUBLIC MEMBERS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  /// @name Database information
-  //@{
-  int numX; ///< Number of locations in x dimension.
-  int numY; ///< Number of locations in x dimension.
-  int numZ; ///< Number of locations in x dimension.
-  int spaceDim; ///< Spatial dimension for coordinates of locations
-  int numVals; ///< Number of values per location in database
-  int dataDim; ///< Spatial dimension of data in database
-  double* dbX; ///< Coordinates along x dimension.
-  double* dbY; ///< Coordinates along x dimension.
-  double* dbZ; ///< Coordinates along x dimension.
-  double* dbData; ///< Database data
-  char** names; ///< Names of values in database
-  char** units; ///< Units of values in database
-  //@}
-  /// @name Query information
-  //@{
-  int numQueries; ///< Number of queries
-  double* queryNearest; ///< Data for nearest neighbor queries
-  double* queryLinear; ///< Data for linear interpolation queries
-  int* errFlags; ///< Expected return values for queries
-  //@}
-#endif // spatialdata_spatialdb_geoprojgriddbtestdata_hh
-// End of file

Deleted: cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/data/GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D.cc
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/data/GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D.cc	2012-06-29 03:04:11 UTC (rev 20435)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/data/GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D.cc	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2012 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-#include "GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D.hh"
-const int spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_numX = 3;
-const int spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_numY = 2;
-const int spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_numZ = 4;
-const int spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_spaceDim = 3;
-const int spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_numVals = 2;
-const int spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_dataDim = 3;
-const int spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_numQueries = 5;
-const double spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_dbX[_numX] = {
-  -3.0, 1.0, 2.0,
-const double spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_dbY[_numY] = {
-  2.0, 4.0,
-const double spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_dbZ[_numZ] = {
-  -0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 4.0,
-const double spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_dbData[_numX*_numY*_numZ*_numVals] = {
-  1.00000000e-01,  1.10000000e+00, // 0,0,0
-  3.00000000e-01,  3.30000000e+00, // 0,0,1
-  2.00000000e-01,  2.20000000e+00, // 0,0,2
-  1.00000000e-01,  1.10000000e+00, // 0,0,3
-  4.00000000e-01,  4.60000000e+00, // 0,1,0
-  3.00000000e-01,  3.20000000e+00, // 0,1,1
-  7.00000000e-01,  5.20000000e+00, // 0,1,2
-  5.00000000e-01,  4.60000000e+00, // 0,1,3
-  0.00000000e-01,  1.20000000e+00, // 1,0,0
-  1.00000000e-01,  3.40000000e+00, // 1,0,1
-  2.00000000e-01,  2.10000000e+00, // 1,0,2
-  6.00000000e-01,  1.40000000e+00, // 1,0,3
-  9.00000000e-01,  4.70000000e+00, // 1,1,0
-  4.00000000e-01,  3.30000000e+00, // 1,1,1
-  7.00000000e-01,  5.50000000e+00, // 1,1,2
-  6.00000000e-01,  4.70000000e+00, // 1,1,3
-  5.00000000e-01,  1.60000000e+00, // 2,0,0
-  3.00000000e-01,  3.30000000e+00, // 2,0,1
-  8.00000000e-01,  2.80000000e+00, // 2,0,2
-  3.00000000e-01,  1.50000000e+00, // 2,0,3
-  7.00000000e-01,  4.80000000e+00, // 2,1,0
-  4.00000000e-01,  3.40000000e+00, // 2,1,1
-  3.00000000e-01,  5.70000000e+00, // 2,1,2
-  4.00000000e-01,  4.50000000e+00, // 2,1,3
-const char* spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_names[_numVals] = {
-  "One",
-  "Two",
-const char* spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_units[_numVals] = {
-  "m",
-  "m",
-const double spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_queryNearest[_numQueries*(_spaceDim+_numVals)] = {
-  -3.2,  3.8,  2.0,  7.00000000e-01,  5.20000000e+00, // (0,1,2)
-   1.1,  1.3, -0.1,  1.00000000e-01,  3.40000000e+00, // (1,0,1)
-   0.0, -6.0,  5.0,  6.00000000e-01,  1.40000000e+00, // (1,0,3)
-   1.6,  3.4, -0.6,  7.00000000e-01,  4.80000000e+00, // (2,1,0)
-  -2.0,  3.5,  0.9,  7.00000000e-01,  5.20000000e+00, // (0,1,2)
-const double spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_queryLinear[_numQueries*(_spaceDim+_numVals)] = {
-  -3.0,  4.0,  1.0,   7.00000000e-01,  5.20000000e+00, // (0,1,2)
-  -1.0,  2.5,  2.5,   3.62500000e-01,  2.52500000e+00, // (0,5, 0.25, 2.5)
-   1.25, 3.0,  0.25,  3.25000000e-01,  3.49062500e+00, // (1.25, 0.5, 1.25)
-   0.0,  4.1,  0.0,   0.0, 0.0, // not found
-   1.0,  2.0, -0.6,   0.0, 0.0, // not fount
-const int spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_errFlags[_numQueries] = {
- 0, 0, 0, 1, 1,};
-{ // constructor
-  numX = _numX;
-  numY = _numY;
-  numZ = _numZ;
-  spaceDim = _spaceDim;
-  numVals = _numVals;
-  dataDim = _dataDim;
-  numQueries = _numQueries;
-  dbX = const_cast<double*>(_dbX);
-  dbY = const_cast<double*>(_dbY);
-  dbZ = const_cast<double*>(_dbZ);
-  dbData = const_cast<double*>(_dbData);
-  names = const_cast<char**>(_names);
-  units = const_cast<char**>(_units);
-  queryNearest = const_cast<double*>(_queryNearest);
-  queryLinear = const_cast<double*>(_queryLinear);
-  errFlags = const_cast<int*>(_errFlags);
-} // constructor
-// End of file

Deleted: cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/data/GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D.hh
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/data/GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D.hh	2012-06-29 03:04:11 UTC (rev 20435)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/data/GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D.hh	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2012 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-#if !defined(spatialdata_spatialdb_geoprojgriddbtestdatavolume3d_hh)
-#define spatialdata_spatialdb_geoprojgriddbtestdatavolume3d_hh
-#include "GeoProjGridDBTestData.hh"
-namespace spatialdata {
-  namespace spatialdb {
-     class GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D;
-  } // spatialdata
-} // spatialdb
-class spatialdata::spatialdb::GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D : public GeoProjGridDBTestData
-  /// Constructor
-  GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D(void);
-  /// Destructor
-  ~GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D(void);
-  static const int _numX;
-  static const int _numY;
-  static const int _numZ;
-  static const int _spaceDim;
-  static const int _numVals;
-  static const int _dataDim;
-  static const int _numQueries;
-  static const double _dbX[];
-  static const double _dbY[];
-  static const double _dbZ[];
-  static const double _dbData[];
-  static const char* _names[];
-  static const char* _units[];
-  static const double _queryNearest[];
-  static const double _queryLinear[];
-  static const int _errFlags[];
-#endif // spatialdata_spatialdb_geoprojgriddbtestdatavolume3d_hh
-// End of file

Copied: cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/data/SimpleGridDBTestData.cc (from rev 20433, cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/data/GeoProjGridDBTestData.cc)
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/data/SimpleGridDBTestData.cc	                        (rev 0)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/data/SimpleGridDBTestData.cc	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2012 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "SimpleGridDBTestData.hh"
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Constructor
+spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDBTestData::SimpleGridDBTestData(void) :
+  numX(0),
+  numY(0),
+  numZ(0),
+  spaceDim(0),
+  numVals(0),
+  dataDim(0),
+  dbX(0),
+  dbY(0),
+  dbZ(0),
+  dbData(0),
+  errFlags(0),
+  names(0),
+  units(0),
+  numQueries(0),
+  queryNearest(0),
+  queryLinear(0)
+{ // constructor
+} // constructor
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor
+{ // destructor
+} // destructor
+// End of file

Copied: cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/data/SimpleGridDBTestData.hh (from rev 20433, cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/data/GeoProjGridDBTestData.hh)
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/data/SimpleGridDBTestData.hh	                        (rev 0)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/data/SimpleGridDBTestData.hh	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2012 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#if !defined(spatialdata_spatialdb_simplegriddbtestdata_hh)
+#define spatialdata_spatialdb_simplegriddbtestdata_hh
+namespace spatialdata {
+  namespace spatialdb {
+     class SimpleGridDBTestData;
+  } // spatialdb
+} // spatialdata
+class spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDBTestData
+// PUBLIC METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+public :
+  /// Constructor
+  SimpleGridDBTestData(void);
+  /// Destructor
+  ~SimpleGridDBTestData(void);
+// PUBLIC MEMBERS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  /// @name Database information
+  //@{
+  int numX; ///< Number of locations in x dimension.
+  int numY; ///< Number of locations in x dimension.
+  int numZ; ///< Number of locations in x dimension.
+  int spaceDim; ///< Spatial dimension for coordinates of locations
+  int numVals; ///< Number of values per location in database
+  int dataDim; ///< Spatial dimension of data in database
+  double* dbX; ///< Coordinates along x dimension.
+  double* dbY; ///< Coordinates along x dimension.
+  double* dbZ; ///< Coordinates along x dimension.
+  double* dbData; ///< Database data
+  char** names; ///< Names of values in database
+  char** units; ///< Units of values in database
+  //@}
+  /// @name Query information
+  //@{
+  int numQueries; ///< Number of queries
+  double* queryNearest; ///< Data for nearest neighbor queries
+  double* queryLinear; ///< Data for linear interpolation queries
+  int* errFlags; ///< Expected return values for queries
+  //@}
+#endif // spatialdata_spatialdb_simplegriddbtestdata_hh
+// End of file

Copied: cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/data/SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D.cc (from rev 20435, cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/data/GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D.cc)
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/data/SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D.cc	                        (rev 0)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/data/SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D.cc	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2012 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D.hh"
+const int spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_numX = 3;
+const int spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_numY = 2;
+const int spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_numZ = 4;
+const int spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_spaceDim = 3;
+const int spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_numVals = 2;
+const int spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_dataDim = 3;
+const int spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_numQueries = 5;
+const double spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_dbX[_numX] = {
+  -3.0, 1.0, 2.0,
+const double spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_dbY[_numY] = {
+  2.0, 4.0,
+const double spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_dbZ[_numZ] = {
+  -0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 4.0,
+const double spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_dbData[_numX*_numY*_numZ*_numVals] = {
+  1.00000000e-01,  1.10000000e+00, // 0,0,0
+  3.00000000e-01,  3.30000000e+00, // 0,0,1
+  2.00000000e-01,  2.20000000e+00, // 0,0,2
+  1.00000000e-01,  1.10000000e+00, // 0,0,3
+  4.00000000e-01,  4.60000000e+00, // 0,1,0
+  3.00000000e-01,  3.20000000e+00, // 0,1,1
+  7.00000000e-01,  5.20000000e+00, // 0,1,2
+  5.00000000e-01,  4.60000000e+00, // 0,1,3
+  0.00000000e-01,  1.20000000e+00, // 1,0,0
+  1.00000000e-01,  3.40000000e+00, // 1,0,1
+  2.00000000e-01,  2.10000000e+00, // 1,0,2
+  6.00000000e-01,  1.40000000e+00, // 1,0,3
+  9.00000000e-01,  4.70000000e+00, // 1,1,0
+  4.00000000e-01,  3.30000000e+00, // 1,1,1
+  7.00000000e-01,  5.50000000e+00, // 1,1,2
+  6.00000000e-01,  4.70000000e+00, // 1,1,3
+  5.00000000e-01,  1.60000000e+00, // 2,0,0
+  3.00000000e-01,  3.30000000e+00, // 2,0,1
+  8.00000000e-01,  2.80000000e+00, // 2,0,2
+  3.00000000e-01,  1.50000000e+00, // 2,0,3
+  7.00000000e-01,  4.80000000e+00, // 2,1,0
+  4.00000000e-01,  3.40000000e+00, // 2,1,1
+  3.00000000e-01,  5.70000000e+00, // 2,1,2
+  4.00000000e-01,  4.50000000e+00, // 2,1,3
+const char* spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_names[_numVals] = {
+  "One",
+  "Two",
+const char* spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_units[_numVals] = {
+  "m",
+  "m",
+const double spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_queryNearest[_numQueries*(_spaceDim+_numVals)] = {
+  -3.2,  3.8,  2.0,  7.00000000e-01,  5.20000000e+00, // (0,1,2)
+   1.1,  1.3, -0.1,  1.00000000e-01,  3.40000000e+00, // (1,0,1)
+   0.0, -6.0,  5.0,  6.00000000e-01,  1.40000000e+00, // (1,0,3)
+   1.6,  3.4, -0.6,  7.00000000e-01,  4.80000000e+00, // (2,1,0)
+  -2.0,  3.5,  0.9,  7.00000000e-01,  5.20000000e+00, // (0,1,2)
+const double spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_queryLinear[_numQueries*(_spaceDim+_numVals)] = {
+  -3.0,  4.0,  1.0,   7.00000000e-01,  5.20000000e+00, // (0,1,2)
+  -1.0,  2.5,  2.5,   3.62500000e-01,  2.52500000e+00, // (0,5, 0.25, 2.5)
+   1.25, 3.0,  0.25,  3.25000000e-01,  3.49062500e+00, // (1.25, 0.5, 1.25)
+   0.0,  4.1,  0.0,   0.0, 0.0, // not found
+   1.0,  2.0, -0.6,   0.0, 0.0, // not fount
+const int spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D::_errFlags[_numQueries] = {
+ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1,};
+{ // constructor
+  numX = _numX;
+  numY = _numY;
+  numZ = _numZ;
+  spaceDim = _spaceDim;
+  numVals = _numVals;
+  dataDim = _dataDim;
+  numQueries = _numQueries;
+  dbX = const_cast<double*>(_dbX);
+  dbY = const_cast<double*>(_dbY);
+  dbZ = const_cast<double*>(_dbZ);
+  dbData = const_cast<double*>(_dbData);
+  names = const_cast<char**>(_names);
+  units = const_cast<char**>(_units);
+  queryNearest = const_cast<double*>(_queryNearest);
+  queryLinear = const_cast<double*>(_queryLinear);
+  errFlags = const_cast<int*>(_errFlags);
+} // constructor
+// End of file

Copied: cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/data/SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D.hh (from rev 20433, cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/data/GeoProjGridDBTestDataVolume3D.hh)
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/data/SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D.hh	                        (rev 0)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/libtests/spatialdb/data/SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D.hh	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2012 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#if !defined(spatialdata_spatialdb_simplegriddbtestdatavolume3d_hh)
+#define spatialdata_spatialdb_simplegriddbtestdatavolume3d_hh
+#include "SimpleGridDBTestData.hh"
+namespace spatialdata {
+  namespace spatialdb {
+     class SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D;
+  } // spatialdata
+} // spatialdb
+class spatialdata::spatialdb::SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D : public SimpleGridDBTestData
+  /// Constructor
+  SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D(void);
+  /// Destructor
+  ~SimpleGridDBTestDataVolume3D(void);
+  static const int _numX;
+  static const int _numY;
+  static const int _numZ;
+  static const int _spaceDim;
+  static const int _numVals;
+  static const int _dataDim;
+  static const int _numQueries;
+  static const double _dbX[];
+  static const double _dbY[];
+  static const double _dbZ[];
+  static const double _dbData[];
+  static const char* _names[];
+  static const char* _units[];
+  static const double _queryNearest[];
+  static const double _queryLinear[];
+  static const int _errFlags[];
+#endif // spatialdata_spatialdb_simplegriddbtestdatavolume3d_hh
+// End of file

Modified: cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/pytests/spatialdb/Makefile.am
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/pytests/spatialdb/Makefile.am	2012-06-29 03:04:11 UTC (rev 20435)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/pytests/spatialdb/Makefile.am	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 	TestSimpleIOAscii.py \
 	TestSimpleDB.py \
 	TestUniformDB.py \
+	TestGeoProjGridDB.py \
 	TestTimeHistory.py \

Modified: cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/pytests/spatialdb/TestSimpleDB.py
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/pytests/spatialdb/TestSimpleDB.py	2012-06-29 03:04:11 UTC (rev 20435)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/pytests/spatialdb/TestSimpleDB.py	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
     db = SimpleDB()
     db.inventory.label = "test"
     db.inventory.queryType = "nearest"
-    db.inventory.iohandler.inventory.filename = "data/spatialdb.dat"
+    db.inventory.iohandler.inventory.filename = "data/simple.spatialdb"
     self._db = db

Added: cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/pytests/spatialdb/TestSimpleGridDB.py
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/pytests/spatialdb/TestSimpleGridDB.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/pytests/spatialdb/TestSimpleGridDB.py	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# ======================================================================
+# Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+# This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+# for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+# Copyright (c) 2010-2012 University of California, Davis
+# See COPYING for license information.
+# ======================================================================
+import unittest
+import numpy
+from spatialdata.geocoords.CSCart import CSCart
+class TestSimpleGridDB(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    from spatialdata.spatialdb.SimpleGridDB import SimpleGridDB
+    db = SimpleGridDB()
+    db.inventory.label = "test"
+    db.inventory.queryType = "nearest"
+    db.inventory.filename = "data/grid.spatialdb"
+    db._configure()
+    self._db = db
+    return
+  def test_database(self):
+    locs = numpy.array( [[1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
+                         [5.6, 4.2, 8.6]],
+                        numpy.float64)
+    cs = CSCart()
+    cs._configure()
+    queryVals = ["two", "one"]
+    dataE = numpy.array( [[4.7, 6.3]]*2, numpy.float64)
+    errE = [0, 0]
+    db = self._db
+    db.open()
+    db.queryVals(queryVals)
+    data = numpy.zeros(dataE.shape, dtype=numpy.float64)
+    err = []
+    nlocs = locs.shape[0]
+    for i in xrange(nlocs):
+      e = db.query(data[i,:], locs[i,:], cs)
+      err.append(e)
+    db.close()    
+    self.assertEqual(len(errE), len(err))
+    for vE, v in zip(errE, err):
+      self.assertEqual(vE, v)
+    self.assertEqual(len(dataE.shape), len(data.shape))
+    for dE, d in zip(dataE.shape, data.shape):
+      self.assertEqual(dE, d)
+    for vE, v in zip(numpy.reshape(dataE, -1), numpy.reshape(data, -1)):
+      self.assertAlmostEqual(vE, v, 6)
+    return
+  def test_databasemulti(self):
+    locs = numpy.array( [[1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
+                         [5.6, 4.2, 8.6]],
+                        numpy.float64)
+    cs = CSCart()
+    cs._configure()
+    queryVals = ["two", "one"]
+    dataE = numpy.array( [[4.7, 6.3]]*2, numpy.float64)
+    errE = numpy.array([0, 0], numpy.int32)
+    db = self._db
+    db.open()
+    db.queryVals(queryVals)
+    data = numpy.zeros(dataE.shape, dtype=numpy.float64)
+    err = numpy.zeros(errE.shape, dtype=numpy.int32)
+    db.multiquery(data, err, locs, cs)
+    db.close()    
+    self.assertEqual(len(errE), len(err))
+    for vE, v in zip(errE, err):
+      self.assertEqual(vE, v)
+    self.assertEqual(len(dataE.shape), len(data.shape))
+    for dE, d in zip(dataE.shape, data.shape):
+      self.assertEqual(dE, d)
+    for vE, v in zip(numpy.reshape(dataE, -1), numpy.reshape(data, -1)):
+      self.assertAlmostEqual(vE, v, 6)
+    return
+# End of file 

Modified: cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/pytests/spatialdb/data/Makefile.am
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/pytests/spatialdb/data/Makefile.am	2012-06-29 03:04:11 UTC (rev 20435)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/pytests/spatialdb/data/Makefile.am	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@
 data_DATA = \
-	spatialdb.dat \
+	simple.spatialdb \
+	grid.spatialdb \
 	test_okay.timedb \
 	timehistory.timedb \
 	gen1Din2D_one_bg.spatialdb \

Added: cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/pytests/spatialdb/data/grid.spatialdb
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/pytests/spatialdb/data/grid.spatialdb	                        (rev 0)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/pytests/spatialdb/data/grid.spatialdb	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+#SPATIAL_GRID.ascii 1
+SimpleGridDB {
+  num-x = 2
+  num-y = 4
+  num-z = 3
+  num-values = 2
+  space-dim = 3
+  value-names =  One  Two
+  value-units =  m  cm
+  cs-data = cartesian {
+    to-meters = 1.0
+  }
+// x
+2.0  4.0
+// y
+4.0  -0.5  1.0  0.0
+// z
+1.0  -3.0  2.0
+// data
+4.0  -0.5  -3.0    1.00  2.24
+4.0  -0.5   1.0    1.01  2.23
+4.0  -0.5   2.0    1.02  2.22
+4.0   0.0  -3.0    1.03  2.21
+4.0   0.0   1.0    1.04  2.20
+4.0   0.0   2.0    1.05  2.19
+4.0   1.0  -3.0    1.06  2.18
+4.0   1.0   1.0    1.07  2.17
+4.0   1.0   2.0    1.08  2.16
+4.0   4.0  -3.0    1.09  2.15
+4.0   4.0   1.0    1.10  2.14
+4.0   4.0   2.0    1.11  2.13
+2.0  -0.5  -3.0    1.12  2.12
+2.0  -0.5   1.0    1.13  2.11
+2.0  -0.5   2.0    1.14  2.10
+2.0   0.0  -3.0    1.15  2.09
+2.0   0.0   1.0    1.16  2.08
+2.0   0.0   2.0    1.17  2.07
+2.0   1.0  -3.0    1.18  2.06
+2.0   1.0   1.0    1.19  2.05
+2.0   1.0   2.0    1.20  2.04
+2.0   4.0  -3.0    1.21  2.03
+2.0   4.0   1.0    1.22  2.02
+2.0   4.0   2.0    1.23  2.01

Copied: cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/pytests/spatialdb/data/simple.spatialdb (from rev 20433, cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/pytests/spatialdb/data/spatialdb.dat)
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/pytests/spatialdb/data/simple.spatialdb	                        (rev 0)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/pytests/spatialdb/data/simple.spatialdb	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#SPATIAL.ascii 1
+SimpleDB {
+  num-values = 2
+  value-names =  One  Two
+  value-units =  m  m
+  num-locs = 1
+  data-dim = 0
+  cs-data = cartesian {
+    to-meters = 1.0
+  }
+  6.000000e-01  1.000000e-01  2.000000e-01  6.300000e+00  4.700000e+00

Deleted: cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/pytests/spatialdb/data/spatialdb.dat
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/pytests/spatialdb/data/spatialdb.dat	2012-06-29 03:04:11 UTC (rev 20435)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/pytests/spatialdb/data/spatialdb.dat	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#SPATIAL.ascii 1
-SimpleDB {
-  num-values = 2
-  value-names =  One  Two
-  value-units =  m  m
-  num-locs = 1
-  data-dim = 0
-  cs-data = cartesian {
-    to-meters = 1.0
-  }
-  6.000000e-01  1.000000e-01  2.000000e-01  6.300000e+00  4.700000e+00

Modified: cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/pytests/spatialdb/testspatial.py
--- cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/pytests/spatialdb/testspatial.py	2012-06-29 03:04:11 UTC (rev 20435)
+++ cs/spatialdata/trunk/tests/pytests/spatialdb/testspatial.py	2012-06-29 04:49:18 UTC (rev 20436)
@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@
   from TestUniformDB import TestUniformDB
+  from TestSimpleGridDB import TestSimpleGridDB
+  suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestSimpleGridDB))
   from TestCompositeDB import TestCompositeDB

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