[cig-commits] r20196 - in seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/utils/unused_routines: . ampuero_implicit_Clayton_now_done_fixed_in_our_official_SVN_code

dkomati1 at geodynamics.org dkomati1 at geodynamics.org
Sun May 20 06:54:07 PDT 2012

Author: dkomati1
Date: 2012-05-20 06:54:06 -0700 (Sun, 20 May 2012)
New Revision: 20196

renamed directory ampuero_implicit_Clayton_now_done_fixed_in_our_official_SVN_code

Copied: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/utils/unused_routines/ampuero_implicit_Clayton_now_done_fixed_in_our_official_SVN_code (from rev 20195, seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/utils/unused_routines/ampuero_implicit_Clayton)

Copied: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/utils/unused_routines/ampuero_implicit_Clayton_now_done_fixed_in_our_official_SVN_code/ampuero_fix_Stacey_Hughes_1987_implicit_ABC_problem_specfem3D.f90 (from rev 20195, seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/utils/unused_routines/ampuero_implicit_Clayton/ampuero_implicit_ABC_specfem3D.f90)
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/utils/unused_routines/ampuero_implicit_Clayton_now_done_fixed_in_our_official_SVN_code/ampuero_fix_Stacey_Hughes_1987_implicit_ABC_problem_specfem3D.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/utils/unused_routines/ampuero_implicit_Clayton_now_done_fixed_in_our_official_SVN_code/ampuero_fix_Stacey_Hughes_1987_implicit_ABC_problem_specfem3D.f90	2012-05-20 13:54:06 UTC (rev 20196)
@@ -0,0 +1,1853 @@
+  program specfem3D
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  B a s i n  V e r s i o n  1 . 1
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!    Princeton University, USA and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA
+!         (c) California Institute of Technology October 2002
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+! United States Government Sponsorship Acknowledged.
+!jpampuero Mon Oct 20 23:09:00 EDT 2003
+!jpampuero I am implementing the FAULT boundary conditions in place of one
+!jpampuero of the absorbing boundaries.
+!jpampuero It is a quick and dirty implementation, for SCEC 1st benchmark test.
+!jpampuero No split nodes need to be implemented.
+!jpampuero The model is restricted to be symetric.
+!jpampuero All lines containing "!jpampuero" were touched.
+!jpampuero Lines containing "!!jpampuero" were only commented out.
+!jpampuero Most of my variables names have ThisFormat
+  implicit none
+! standard include of the MPI library
+  include 'mpif.h'
+  include "constants.h"
+  include "precision.h"
+! include values created by the mesher
+  include "OUTPUT_FILES/values_from_mesher.h"
+!jpampuero Fault parameters
+  include "fault_parameters.h" !jpampuero
+!                                                                       !
+!   specfem3D is a 3-D spectral-element solver for a basin.             !
+!   It uses a mesh generated by program meshfem3D                       !
+!                                                                       !
+! If you use this code for your own research, please send an email
+! to Jeroen Tromp <jtromp at gps.caltech.edu> for information, and cite:
+! @article{KoTr99,
+! author={D. Komatitsch and J. Tromp},
+! year=1999,
+! title={Introduction to the spectral-element method for 3-{D} seismic wave propagation},
+! journal={Geophys. J. Int.},
+! volume=139,
+! pages={806-822}}
+! Evolution of the code:
+! ---------------------
+! MPI v. 1.1 Dimitri Komatitsch, Caltech, October 2002: Zhu's Moho map, scaling
+!  of Vs with depth, Hauksson's regional model, attenuation, oceans, movies
+! MPI v. 1.0 Dimitri Komatitsch, Caltech, May 2002: first MPI version
+!                        based on global code
+! memory variables and standard linear solids for attenuation
+  double precision, dimension(N_SLS) :: tau_mu_dble,tau_sigma_dble,beta_dble
+  double precision factor_scale_dble,one_minus_sum_beta_dble
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NUM_REGIONS_ATTENUATION,N_SLS) :: tau_mu,tau_sigma,beta
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NUM_REGIONS_ATTENUATION) :: factor_scale,one_minus_sum_beta
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NUM_REGIONS_ATTENUATION,N_SLS) :: tauinv,alphaval,betaval,gammaval,factor_common
+  integer iattenuation
+  double precision scale_factor
+    R_xx,R_yy,R_xy,R_xz,R_yz
+    epsilondev_xx,epsilondev_yy,epsilondev_xy,epsilondev_xz,epsilondev_yz
+  integer NPOIN2DMAX_XY
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ibelm_xmin,ibelm_xmax, &
+    ibelm_ymin,ibelm_ymax,ibelm_bottom,ibelm_top
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: &
+    jacobian2D_xmin,jacobian2D_xmax,jacobian2D_ymin,jacobian2D_ymax, &
+    jacobian2D_bottom,jacobian2D_top
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: normal_xmin, &
+    normal_xmax,normal_ymin,normal_ymax, &
+    normal_bottom,normal_top
+! buffers for send and receive between faces of the slices and the chunks
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: buffer_send_faces,buffer_received_faces
+! -----------------
+! mesh parameters
+  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_AB) :: ibool
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,1) :: &
+        xix,xiy,xiz,etax,etay,etaz,gammax,gammay,gammaz,jacobian
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLOB_AB) :: xstore,ystore,zstore
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_AB) :: &
+        kappastore,mustore
+! Stacey
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_AB) :: &
+        rho_vp,rho_vs
+! local to global mapping
+  integer, dimension(NSPEC_AB) :: idoubling
+! mass matrix
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NDIM,NGLOB_AB) :: rmass !jpampuero ABC
+! displacement, velocity, acceleration
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NDIM,NGLOB_AB) :: displ,veloc,accel
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) xixl,xiyl,xizl,etaxl,etayl,etazl,gammaxl,gammayl,gammazl,jacobianl
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) duxdxl,duxdyl,duxdzl,duydxl,duydyl,duydzl,duzdxl,duzdyl,duzdzl
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) duxdxl_plus_duydyl,duxdxl_plus_duzdzl,duydyl_plus_duzdzl
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) duxdyl_plus_duydxl,duzdxl_plus_duxdzl,duzdyl_plus_duydzl
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) sigma_xx,sigma_yy,sigma_zz,sigma_xy,sigma_xz,sigma_yz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) hp1,hp2,hp3
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) fac1,fac2,fac3
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) lambdal,kappal,mul,lambdalplus2mul
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) tempx1l,tempx2l,tempx3l
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) tempy1l,tempy2l,tempy3l
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) tempz1l,tempz2l,tempz3l
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ) :: &
+    tempx1,tempx2,tempx3,tempy1,tempy2,tempy3,tempz1,tempz2,tempz3
+! for attenuation
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) R_xx_val,R_yy_val
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) factor_loc,alphaval_loc,betaval_loc,gammaval_loc,Sn,Snp1
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ) :: epsilondev_xx_loc, &
+    epsilondev_yy_loc, epsilondev_xy_loc, epsilondev_xz_loc, epsilondev_yz_loc
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) epsilon_trace_over_3
+  integer l
+  integer i_SLS
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) one_minus_sum_beta_use,minus_sum_beta
+  integer iselected
+! --------
+! parameters for the source
+  integer it,isource
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: islice_selected_source,ispec_selected_source
+  integer yr,jda,ho,mi
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) stf_used
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: sourcearray
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: sourcearrays
+  double precision sec,stf
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: Mxx,Myy,Mzz,Mxy,Mxz,Myz
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: xi_source,eta_source,gamma_source
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: t_cmt,hdur
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: utm_x_source,utm_y_source
+  double precision, external :: comp_source_time_function
+! time scheme
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) deltat,deltatover2,deltatsqover2
+! receiver information
+  integer nrec,nrec_local,nrec_tot_found
+  integer irec_local
+  integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: islice_selected_rec,ispec_selected_rec,number_receiver_global
+  double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: xi_receiver,eta_receiver
+  double precision hlagrange
+! timing information for the stations
+  double precision, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: nu
+  character(len=8), allocatable, dimension(:) :: station_name,network_name
+! seismograms
+  double precision uxd,uyd,uzd
+  double precision vxd,vyd,vzd
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: seismograms_d,seismograms_v
+  integer i,j,k,ispec,irec,iglob
+! Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points of integration and weights
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX) :: xigll,wxgll
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLY) :: yigll,wygll
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLZ) :: zigll,wzgll
+! array with derivatives of Lagrange polynomials and precalculated products
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLX) :: hprime_xx,hprimewgll_xx
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLY,NGLLY) :: hprime_yy,hprimewgll_yy
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLZ,NGLLZ) :: hprime_zz,hprimewgll_zz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY) :: wgllwgll_xy
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ) :: wgllwgll_xz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLY,NGLLZ) :: wgllwgll_yz
+! Lagrange interpolators at receivers
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: hxir,hetar,hpxir,hpetar
+  double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: hxir_store,hetar_store
+! 2-D addressing and buffers for summation between slices
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: iboolleft_xi, &
+    iboolright_xi,iboolleft_eta,iboolright_eta
+! for addressing of the slices
+  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: addressing
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: iproc_xi_slice,iproc_eta_slice
+! proc numbers for MPI
+  integer myrank,sizeprocs,ier
+  integer npoin2D_xi,npoin2D_eta
+  integer iproc_xi,iproc_eta,iproc,iproc_read
+! maximum of the norm of the displacement
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) Usolidnorm,Usolidnorm_all
+! timer MPI
+  integer ihours,iminutes,iseconds,int_tCPU
+  double precision time_start,tCPU
+! parameters read from parameter file
+  integer NSOURCES
+  double precision DT,LAT_MIN,LAT_MAX,LONG_MIN,LONG_MAX
+  character(len=256) LOCAL_PATH,prname
+! parameters deduced from parameters read from file
+  integer NER
+  integer NSPEC2D_A_XI,NSPEC2D_B_XI, &
+               NSPEC2D_A_ETA,NSPEC2D_B_ETA, &
+               NSPEC2D_BOTTOM,NSPEC2D_TOP, &
+! names of the data files for all the processors in MPI
+  character(len=256) outputname
+! Stacey conditions put back
+  integer nspec2D_xmin,nspec2D_xmax,nspec2D_ymin,nspec2D_ymax,ispec2D
+  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: nimin,nimax,njmin,njmax,nkmin_xi,nkmin_eta
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) vx,vy,vz,nx,ny,nz,tx,ty,tz,vn,weight
+!jpampuero Fault variables
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: FaultStrength,FaultTxInit,FaultTx & !jpampuero
+    , FaultTzInit,FaultTz,FaultMuS,FaultMuD,FaultSWR ,FaultB !jpampuero
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: FaultDisplX,FaultDisplZ & !jpampuero
+                                                        ,FaultVelocX,FaultVelocZ & !jpampuero
+                                                        ,FaultStressX,FaultStressZ !jpampuero
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: FaultDVxFree,FaultDVzFree,FaultZ,va,ta,txa,tza,dirx,dirz !jpampuero
+  integer, dimension(FaultOutputNPTS) :: FaultIglobOut,FaultIgllOut,FaultKgllOut,FaultElmtOut !jpampuero
+  character(len=70) FaultOutputName !jpampuero
+  character(len=70), dimension(FaultOutputNPTS) ::  FaultOutputPtsName !jpampuero
+  logical :: FaultInThisProc,NotInRuptureRegion,InNucleationRegion !jpampuero
+! ************** PROGRAM STARTS HERE **************
+! initialize the MPI communicator and start the NPROC MPI processes.
+! sizeprocs returns number of processes started
+! (should be equal to NPROC)
+! myrank is the rank of each process, between 0 and sizeprocs-1.
+! as usual in MPI, process 0 is in charge of coordinating everything
+! and also takes care of the main output
+  call MPI_INIT(ier)
+  call MPI_COMM_SIZE(MPI_COMM_WORLD,sizeprocs,ier)
+  call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD,myrank,ier)
+! read the parameter file
+  call read_parameter_file(LAT_MIN,LAT_MAX,LONG_MIN,LONG_MAX, &
+! compute other parameters based upon values read
+  call compute_parameters(NER,NEX_XI,NEX_ETA,NPROC_XI,NPROC_ETA, &
+!jpampuero moved this section (used to be right before time loop)
+!jpampuero need some of these during initialization
+! distinguish whether single or double precision for reals
+  if(CUSTOM_REAL == SIZE_REAL) then
+    deltat = sngl(DT)
+  else
+    deltat = DT
+  endif
+  deltatover2 = deltat/2.
+  deltatsqover2 = deltat*deltat/2.
+! open main output file, only written to by process 0
+  if(myrank == 0 .and. IMAIN /= ISTANDARD_OUTPUT) &
+    open(unit=IMAIN,file='OUTPUT_FILES/output_solver.txt',status='unknown')
+  if(myrank == 0) then
+  write(IMAIN,*)
+  write(IMAIN,*) '**********************************************'
+  write(IMAIN,*) '**** Specfem 3-D Solver - MPI version f90 ****'
+  write(IMAIN,*) '**********************************************'
+  write(IMAIN,*)
+  write(IMAIN,*)
+  if(FIX_UNDERFLOW_PROBLEM) write(IMAIN,*) 'Fixing slow underflow trapping problem using small initial field'
+  write(IMAIN,*)
+  write(IMAIN,*) 'There are ',sizeprocs,' MPI processes'
+  write(IMAIN,*) 'Processes are numbered from 0 to ',sizeprocs-1
+  write(IMAIN,*)
+  write(IMAIN,*) 'There are ',NEX_XI,' elements along xi'
+  write(IMAIN,*) 'There are ',NEX_ETA,' elements along eta'
+  write(IMAIN,*)
+  write(IMAIN,*) 'There are ',NPROC_XI,' slices along xi'
+  write(IMAIN,*) 'There are ',NPROC_ETA,' slices along eta'
+  write(IMAIN,*) 'There is a total of ',NPROC,' slices'
+  write(IMAIN,*)
+  write(IMAIN,*) ' NDIM = ',NDIM
+  write(IMAIN,*)
+  write(IMAIN,*) ' NGLLX = ',NGLLX
+  write(IMAIN,*) ' NGLLY = ',NGLLY
+  write(IMAIN,*) ' NGLLZ = ',NGLLZ
+  write(IMAIN,*)
+! write information about precision used for floating-point operations
+  if(CUSTOM_REAL == SIZE_REAL) then
+    write(IMAIN,*) 'using single precision for the calculations'
+  else
+    write(IMAIN,*) 'using double precision for the calculations'
+  endif
+  write(IMAIN,*)
+  write(IMAIN,*) 'smallest and largest possible floating-point numbers are: ',tiny(1._CUSTOM_REAL),huge(1._CUSTOM_REAL)
+  write(IMAIN,*)
+  endif
+! check that the code is running with the requested nb of processes
+  if(sizeprocs /= NPROC) call exit_MPI(myrank,'wrong number of MPI processes')
+! check that we have more than 0 and less than 1000 sources
+  if(NSOURCES < 0 .or. NSOURCES > 999) call exit_MPI(myrank,'invalid number of sources')
+! dynamic allocation of arrays
+! 2-D addressing and buffers for summation between slices, and point codes
+! use number of elements found in the mantle since it is the largest region
+! crust and mantle
+  allocate(iboolleft_xi(NPOIN2DMAX_XMIN_XMAX))
+  allocate(iboolright_xi(NPOIN2DMAX_XMIN_XMAX))
+  allocate(iboolleft_eta(NPOIN2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX))
+  allocate(iboolright_eta(NPOIN2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX))
+! for addressing of the slices
+  allocate(addressing(0:NPROC_XI-1,0:NPROC_ETA-1))
+  allocate(iproc_xi_slice(0:NPROC-1))
+  allocate(iproc_eta_slice(0:NPROC-1))
+! open file with global slice number addressing
+  open(unit=IIN,file='OUTPUT_FILES/addressing.txt',status='old')
+  do iproc = 0,NPROC-1
+    read(IIN,*) iproc_read,iproc_xi,iproc_eta
+    if(iproc_read /= iproc) call exit_MPI(myrank,'incorrect slice number read')
+    addressing(iproc_xi,iproc_eta) = iproc
+    iproc_xi_slice(iproc) = iproc_xi
+    iproc_eta_slice(iproc) = iproc_eta
+  enddo
+  close(IIN)
+! determine local slice coordinates using addressing
+  iproc_xi = iproc_xi_slice(myrank)
+  iproc_eta = iproc_eta_slice(myrank)
+  FaultInThisProc = iproc_eta==0 !jpampuero
+! define maximum size for message buffers
+  allocate(buffer_send_faces(NDIM,NPOIN2DMAX_XY))
+  allocate(buffer_received_faces(NDIM,NPOIN2DMAX_XY))
+! start reading the databases
+! read arrays created by the mesher
+  call read_arrays_solver(myrank,xstore,ystore,zstore, &
+            xix,xiy,xiz,etax,etay,etaz,gammax,gammay,gammaz,jacobian, &
+            rho_vp,rho_vs,kappastore,mustore,ibool,idoubling,rmass(1,:),LOCAL_PATH) !jpampuero ABC
+  rmass(2,:) = rmass(1,:) !jpampuero ABC
+  rmass(3,:) = rmass(1,:) !jpampuero ABC
+! check that the number of points in this slice is correct
+  if(minval(ibool(:,:,:,:)) /= 1 .or. maxval(ibool(:,:,:,:)) /= NGLOB_AB) &
+      call exit_MPI(myrank,'incorrect global numbering: iboolmax does not equal nglob in crust and mantle')
+! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+if (NSOURCES==0) then !jpampuero
+  allocate(hdur(1))
+  allocate(utm_x_source(1))
+  allocate(utm_y_source(1))
+  hdur(1) = 0.d0
+  utm_x_source(1) = 0.d0
+  utm_y_source(1) = 0.d0
+! allocate arrays for source
+  allocate(sourcearray(NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ))
+  allocate(sourcearrays(NSOURCES,NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ))
+  allocate(islice_selected_source(NSOURCES))
+  allocate(ispec_selected_source(NSOURCES))
+  allocate(Mxx(NSOURCES))
+  allocate(Myy(NSOURCES))
+  allocate(Mzz(NSOURCES))
+  allocate(Mxy(NSOURCES))
+  allocate(Mxz(NSOURCES))
+  allocate(Myz(NSOURCES))
+  allocate(xi_source(NSOURCES))
+  allocate(eta_source(NSOURCES))
+  allocate(gamma_source(NSOURCES))
+  allocate(t_cmt(NSOURCES))
+  allocate(hdur(NSOURCES))
+  allocate(utm_x_source(NSOURCES))
+  allocate(utm_y_source(NSOURCES))
+! locate sources in the mesh
+  do isource = 1,NSOURCES
+    call locate_source(ibool,isource,NSOURCES,myrank,NSPEC_AB,NGLOB_AB,xstore,ystore,zstore, &
+            xigll,yigll,zigll,NPROC, &
+            sec,t_cmt(isource),yr,jda,ho,mi,utm_x_source(isource),utm_y_source(isource), &
+            NSTEP,DT,hdur(isource),Mxx(isource),Myy(isource),Mzz(isource),Mxy(isource),Mxz(isource),Myz(isource), &
+            islice_selected_source(isource),ispec_selected_source(isource), &
+            xi_source(isource),eta_source(isource),gamma_source(isource), &
+  enddo
+  if(t_cmt(1) /= 0.) call exit_MPI(myrank,'t_cmt for the first source should be zero')
+  do isource = 2,NSOURCES
+    if(t_cmt(isource) < 0.) call exit_MPI(myrank,'t_cmt should not be less than zero')
+  enddo
+endif !jpampuero
+  open(unit=IIN,file='DATA/STATIONS_FILTERED',status='old')
+  read(IIN,*) nrec
+  close(IIN)
+  if(myrank == 0) then
+    write(IMAIN,*)
+    write(IMAIN,*) 'Total number of receivers = ',nrec
+    write(IMAIN,*)
+  endif
+  if(nrec < 1) call exit_MPI(myrank,'need at least one receiver')
+! allocate memory for receiver arrays
+  allocate(islice_selected_rec(nrec))
+  allocate(ispec_selected_rec(nrec))
+  allocate(xi_receiver(nrec))
+  allocate(eta_receiver(nrec))
+  allocate(station_name(nrec))
+  allocate(network_name(nrec))
+  allocate(nu(NDIM,NDIM,nrec))
+! locate receivers in the crust in the mesh
+  call locate_receivers(ibool,myrank,NSPEC_AB,NGLOB_AB,idoubling, &
+            xstore,ystore,zstore,xigll,yigll, &
+            nrec,islice_selected_rec,ispec_selected_rec, &
+            xi_receiver,eta_receiver,station_name,network_name,nu, &
+            NPROC,utm_x_source(1),utm_y_source(1),UTM_PROJECTION_ZONE)
+! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+! read 2-D addressing for summation between slices with MPI
+  call read_arrays_buffers_solver(myrank,iboolleft_xi, &
+     iboolright_xi,iboolleft_eta,iboolright_eta, &
+     npoin2D_xi,npoin2D_eta, &
+! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+  if(myrank == 0) then
+    write(IMAIN,*) '******************************************'
+    write(IMAIN,*) 'There are ',NEX_XI,' elements along xi'
+    write(IMAIN,*) 'There are ',NEX_ETA,' elements along eta'
+    write(IMAIN,*)
+    write(IMAIN,*) 'There are ',NPROC_XI,' slices along xi'
+    write(IMAIN,*) 'There are ',NPROC_ETA,' slices along eta'
+    write(IMAIN,*) 'There is a total of ',NPROC,' slices'
+    write(IMAIN,*) '******************************************'
+    write(IMAIN,*)
+  endif
+! set up GLL points, weights and derivation matrices
+  call define_derivation_matrices(xigll,yigll,zigll,wxgll,wygll,wzgll, &
+         hprime_xx,hprime_yy,hprime_zz, &
+         hprimewgll_xx,hprimewgll_yy,hprimewgll_zz, &
+         wgllwgll_xy,wgllwgll_xz,wgllwgll_yz)
+! allocate 1-D Lagrange interpolators and derivatives
+  allocate(hxir(NGLLX))
+  allocate(hpxir(NGLLX))
+  allocate(hetar(NGLLY))
+  allocate(hpetar(NGLLY))
+! create name of database
+  call create_name_database(prname,myrank,LOCAL_PATH)
+! dynamic allocation of arrays
+! boundary parameters locator
+  allocate(ibelm_xmin(NSPEC2DMAX_XMIN_XMAX))
+  allocate(ibelm_xmax(NSPEC2DMAX_XMIN_XMAX))
+  allocate(ibelm_ymin(NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX))
+  allocate(ibelm_ymax(NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX))
+  allocate(ibelm_bottom(NSPEC2D_BOTTOM))
+  allocate(ibelm_top(NSPEC2D_TOP))
+  allocate(jacobian2D_xmin(NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_XMIN_XMAX))
+  allocate(jacobian2D_xmax(NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_XMIN_XMAX))
+  allocate(jacobian2D_ymin(NGLLX,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX))
+  allocate(jacobian2D_ymax(NGLLX,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX))
+  allocate(jacobian2D_bottom(NGLLX,NGLLY,NSPEC2D_BOTTOM))
+  allocate(jacobian2D_top(NGLLX,NGLLY,NSPEC2D_TOP))
+! Stacey put back
+  allocate(nimin(2,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX))
+  allocate(nimax(2,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX))
+  allocate(njmin(2,NSPEC2DMAX_XMIN_XMAX))
+  allocate(njmax(2,NSPEC2DMAX_XMIN_XMAX))
+  allocate(nkmin_xi(2,NSPEC2DMAX_XMIN_XMAX))
+  allocate(nkmin_eta(2,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX))
+! normals
+  allocate(normal_xmin(NDIM,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_XMIN_XMAX))
+  allocate(normal_xmax(NDIM,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_XMIN_XMAX))
+!!jpampuero  allocate(normal_ymin(NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX))
+  allocate(normal_ymax(NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX))
+  allocate(normal_bottom(NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLY,NSPEC2D_BOTTOM))
+  allocate(normal_top(NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLY,NSPEC2D_TOP))
+!jpampuero Fault
+  if (FaultInThisProc) then
+    allocate(FaultB(NGLLX,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX)) !jpampuero
+    allocate(FaultTx(NGLLX,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX)) !jpampuero
+    allocate(FaultTxInit(NGLLX,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX)) !jpampuero
+    allocate(FaultTz(NGLLX,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX)) !jpampuero
+    allocate(FaultTzInit(NGLLX,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX)) !jpampuero
+    allocate(FaultStrength(NGLLX,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX)) !jpampuero
+    allocate(FaultMuS(NGLLX,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX)) !jpampuero
+    allocate(FaultMuD(NGLLX,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX)) !jpampuero
+    allocate(FaultSWR(NGLLX,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX)) !jpampuero
+    allocate(FaultDisplX(FaultOutputNPTS,NSTEP)) !jpampuero
+    allocate(FaultDisplZ(FaultOutputNPTS,NSTEP)) !jpampuero
+    allocate(FaultVelocX(FaultOutputNPTS,NSTEP)) !jpampuero
+    allocate(FaultVelocZ(FaultOutputNPTS,NSTEP)) !jpampuero
+    allocate(FaultStressX(FaultOutputNPTS,NSTEP)) !jpampuero
+    allocate(FaultStressZ(FaultOutputNPTS,NSTEP)) !jpampuero
+  endif
+! boundary parameters
+  open(unit=27,file=prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'ibelm.bin',status='old',form='unformatted')
+  read(27) ibelm_xmin
+  read(27) ibelm_xmax
+  read(27) ibelm_ymin
+  read(27) ibelm_ymax
+  read(27) ibelm_bottom
+  read(27) ibelm_top
+  close(27)
+  open(unit=27,file=prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'normal.bin',status='old',form='unformatted')
+  read(27) normal_xmin
+  read(27) normal_xmax
+!!jpampuero  read(27) normal_ymin
+  read(27) normal_ymax !jpampuero
+  read(27) normal_ymax
+  read(27) normal_bottom
+  read(27) normal_top
+  close(27)
+! Stacey put back
+  open(unit=27,file=prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'nspec2D.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted')
+  read(27) nspec2D_xmin
+  read(27) nspec2D_xmax
+  read(27) nspec2D_ymin
+  read(27) nspec2D_ymax
+  close(27)
+  open(unit=27,file=prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'jacobian2D.bin',status='old',form='unformatted')
+  read(27) jacobian2D_xmin
+  read(27) jacobian2D_xmax
+  read(27) jacobian2D_ymin
+  read(27) jacobian2D_ymax
+  read(27) jacobian2D_bottom
+  read(27) jacobian2D_top
+  close(27)
+! Stacey put back
+! read arrays for Stacey conditions
+      open(unit=27,file=prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'nimin.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted')
+      read(27) nimin
+      close(27)
+      open(unit=27,file=prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'nimax.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted')
+      read(27) nimax
+      close(27)
+      open(unit=27,file=prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'njmin.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted')
+      read(27) njmin
+      close(27)
+      open(unit=27,file=prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'njmax.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted')
+      read(27) njmax
+      close(27)
+      open(unit=27,file=prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'nkmin_xi.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted')
+      read(27) nkmin_xi
+      close(27)
+      open(unit=27,file=prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'nkmin_eta.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted')
+      read(27) nkmin_eta
+      close(27)
+  endif
+!jpampuero ======= BEGIN INITIALIZE FAULT ========================
+  if (FaultInThisProc) then
+    accel(:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+   !OUTPUTS: locate selected fault points
+    call fault_locate_rec(FaultIglobOut,FaultIgllOut,FaultKgllOut,FaultElmtOut,FaultOutputPtsName &
+                         ,nspec2D_ymin,ibelm_ymin,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX,ibool,xstore,zstore) !jpampuero
+   !Set inital stress and strength for fault
+    FaultTzInit = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+    FaultTxInit = BackgroundShearStress
+    do ispec2D=1,nspec2D_ymin
+      ispec=ibelm_ymin(ispec2D)
+      do k=1,NGLLZ
+      do i=1,NGLLX
+        iglob=ibool(i,1,k,ispec)
+        NotInRuptureRegion = abs(zstore(iglob))>RuptureDepth &
+                        .OR. abs(xstore(iglob))>RuptureHalfLength
+        InNucleationRegion = abs(xstore(iglob)-HypoX)<=NucleationHalfSizeX &
+                           .AND. abs(zstore(iglob)-HypoZ)<=NucleationHalfSizeZ
+        if  ( NotInRuptureRegion ) then
+          FaultMuS(i,k,ispec2D) = BarrierStrength
+          FaultMuD(i,k,ispec2D) = BarrierStrength
+        else
+          FaultMuS(i,k,ispec2D) = StaticStrength
+          FaultMuD(i,k,ispec2D) = DynamicStrength
+          if ( InNucleationRegion  ) then
+            FaultTxInit(i,k,ispec2D)   = NucleationShearStress
+          endif
+        endif
+        !WARNING: factor 2 comes from using displacement instead of slip
+        FaultSWR(i,k,ispec2D) = 2._CUSTOM_REAL*(FaultMuS(i,k,ispec2D)-FaultMuD(i,k,ispec2D))/Dc
+        !assemble boundary weights, temporarily store in "accel" global array
+        accel(1,iglob) = accel(1,iglob) + jacobian2D_ymin(i,k,ispec2D)*wgllwgll_xz(i,k)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+    do ispec2D=1,nspec2D_ymin
+      ispec=ibelm_ymin(ispec2D)
+      do k=1,NGLLZ
+      do i=1,NGLLX
+        iglob=ibool(i,1,k,ispec)
+        FaultB(i,k,ispec2D) = accel(1,iglob)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  endif
+!jpampuero ======= END INITIALIZE FAULT ========================
+  do isource = 1,NSOURCES
+!   check that the source slice number is okay
+    if(islice_selected_source(isource) < 0 .or. islice_selected_source(isource) > NPROC-1) &
+      call exit_MPI(myrank,'something is wrong with the source slice number')
+!   compute source arrays in source slice
+    if(myrank == islice_selected_source(isource)) then
+      call compute_arrays_source(ispec_selected_source(isource), &
+             xi_source(isource),eta_source(isource),gamma_source(isource),sourcearray, &
+             Mxx(isource),Myy(isource),Mzz(isource),Mxy(isource),Mxz(isource),Myz(isource), &
+             xix,xiy,xiz,etax,etay,etaz,gammax,gammay,gammaz, &
+             xigll,yigll,zigll,NSPEC_AB)
+      sourcearrays(isource,:,:,:,:) = sourcearray(:,:,:,:)
+    endif
+  enddo
+  if(myrank == 0) then
+    write(IMAIN,*)
+    write(IMAIN,*) 'Total number of samples for seismograms = ',NSTEP
+    write(IMAIN,*)
+  endif
+!--- select local receivers
+! count number of receivers located in this slice
+  nrec_local = 0
+  do irec = 1,nrec
+! check that the receiver slice number is okay
+  if(islice_selected_rec(irec) < 0 .or. islice_selected_rec(irec) > NPROC-1) &
+    call exit_MPI(myrank,'something is wrong with the receiver slice number')
+! write info about that receiver
+  if(myrank == islice_selected_rec(irec)) then
+    nrec_local = nrec_local + 1
+  endif
+  enddo
+! allocate seismogram array
+  allocate(seismograms_d(NDIM,nrec_local,NSTEP))
+  allocate(seismograms_v(NDIM,nrec_local,NSTEP))
+! allocate Lagrange interpolators for receivers
+  allocate(hxir_store(nrec_local,NGLLX))
+  allocate(hetar_store(nrec_local,NGLLY))
+! define local to global receiver numbering mapping
+  allocate(number_receiver_global(nrec_local))
+  irec_local = 0
+  do irec = 1,nrec
+    if(myrank == islice_selected_rec(irec)) then
+      irec_local = irec_local + 1
+      number_receiver_global(irec_local) = irec
+    endif
+  enddo
+! define and store Lagrange interpolators at all the receivers
+  do irec_local = 1,nrec_local
+    irec = number_receiver_global(irec_local)
+    call lagrange_any(xi_receiver(irec),NGLLX,xigll,hxir,hpxir)
+    call lagrange_any(eta_receiver(irec),NGLLY,yigll,hetar,hpetar)
+    hxir_store(irec_local,:) = hxir(:)
+    hetar_store(irec_local,:) = hetar(:)
+  enddo
+! check that the sum of the number of receivers in each slice is nrec
+  call MPI_REDUCE(nrec_local,nrec_tot_found,1,MPI_INTEGER,MPI_SUM,0, &
+                          MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  if(myrank == 0) then
+    write(IMAIN,*)
+    write(IMAIN,*) 'found a total of ',nrec_tot_found,' receivers in all the slices'
+    if(nrec_tot_found /= nrec) then
+      call exit_MPI(myrank,'problem when dispatching the receivers')
+    else
+      write(IMAIN,*) 'this total is okay'
+    endif
+  endif
+! initialize seismograms
+  seismograms_d(:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+  seismograms_v(:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+  if(myrank == 0) then
+  if(NSOURCES > 1) write(IMAIN,*) 'Using ',NSOURCES,' point sources'
+  write(IMAIN,*)
+  if(ATTENUATION) then
+    write(IMAIN,*) 'incorporating attenuation using ',N_SLS,' standard linear solids'
+  else
+    write(IMAIN,*) 'no attenuation'
+  endif
+  write(IMAIN,*)
+  endif
+! synchronize all the processes before assembling the mass matrix
+! to make sure all the nodes have finished to read their databases
+!jpampuero ABC ==== BEGIN modification of mass matrix for ============================
+!jpampuero ABC     IMPLICIT implementation of absorbing boundaries
+!jpampuero ABC     M --> M+dt/2*C
+!jpampuero ABC     where C is related to the boundary term -C*v
+!jpampuero ABC     NOTE: assumes straight edges
+  ! vn=vx*nx+vy*ny+vz*nz
+  ! tx=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vn*nx+rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*(vx-vn*nx)
+  ! ty=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vn*ny+rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*(vy-vn*ny)
+  ! tz=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vn*nz+rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*(vz-vn*nz)
+  ! xmin: (nx,ny,nz) = (-1,0,0)
+  ! vn=-vx
+  ! tx=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vx
+  ! ty=rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*vy
+  ! tz=rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*vz
+    do ispec2D=1,nspec2D_xmin
+      ispec=ibelm_xmin(ispec2D)
+      ! exclude elements that are not on absorbing edges
+      if(nkmin_xi(1,ispec2D) == 0 .or. njmin(1,ispec2D) == 0) cycle
+      i=1
+      do k=nkmin_xi(1,ispec2D),NGLLZ
+        do j=njmin(1,ispec2D),njmax(1,ispec2D)
+          iglob=ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
+          weight=jacobian2D_xmin(j,k,ispec2D)*wgllwgll_yz(j,k)
+          rmass(1,iglob)=rmass(1,iglob) + deltatover2*weight*rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)
+          rmass(2,iglob)=rmass(2,iglob) + deltatover2*weight*rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)
+          rmass(3,iglob)=rmass(3,iglob) + deltatover2*weight*rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  ! xmax: (nx,ny,nz) = (1,0,0)
+  ! vn=vx
+  ! tx=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vx
+  ! ty=rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*vy
+  ! tz=rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*vz
+    do ispec2D=1,nspec2D_xmax
+      ispec=ibelm_xmax(ispec2D)
+      ! exclude elements that are not on absorbing edges
+      if(nkmin_xi(2,ispec2D) == 0 .or. njmin(2,ispec2D) == 0) cycle
+      i=NGLLX
+      do k=nkmin_xi(2,ispec2D),NGLLZ
+        do j=njmin(2,ispec2D),njmax(2,ispec2D)
+          iglob=ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
+          weight=jacobian2D_xmax(j,k,ispec2D)*wgllwgll_yz(j,k)
+          rmass(1,iglob)=rmass(1,iglob) + deltatover2*weight*rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)
+          rmass(2,iglob)=rmass(2,iglob) + deltatover2*weight*rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)
+          rmass(3,iglob)=rmass(3,iglob) + deltatover2*weight*rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  ! ymax: (nx,ny,nz) = (0,1,0)
+  ! vn=vy
+  ! tx=rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*vx
+  ! ty=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vy
+  ! tz=rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*vz
+    do ispec2D=1,nspec2D_ymax
+      ispec=ibelm_ymax(ispec2D)
+      ! exclude elements that are not on absorbing edges
+      if(nkmin_eta(2,ispec2D) == 0 .or. nimin(2,ispec2D) == 0) cycle
+      j=NGLLY
+      do k=nkmin_eta(2,ispec2D),NGLLZ
+        do i=nimin(2,ispec2D),nimax(2,ispec2D)
+          iglob=ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
+          weight=jacobian2D_ymax(i,k,ispec2D)*wgllwgll_xz(i,k)
+          rmass(1,iglob)=rmass(1,iglob) + deltatover2*weight*rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)
+          rmass(2,iglob)=rmass(2,iglob) + deltatover2*weight*rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)
+          rmass(3,iglob)=rmass(3,iglob) + deltatover2*weight*rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  ! zmin: (nx,ny,nz) = (0,0,-1)
+  ! vn=-vz
+  ! tx=rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*vx
+  ! ty=rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*vy
+  ! tz=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vz
+    do ispec2D=1,NSPEC2D_BOTTOM
+      ispec=ibelm_bottom(ispec2D)
+      k=1
+      do j=1,NGLLY
+        do i=1,NGLLX
+          iglob=ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
+          weight=jacobian2D_bottom(i,j,ispec2D)*wgllwgll_xy(i,j)
+          rmass(1,iglob)=rmass(1,iglob) + deltatover2*weight*rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)
+          rmass(2,iglob)=rmass(2,iglob) + deltatover2*weight*rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)
+          rmass(3,iglob)=rmass(3,iglob) + deltatover2*weight*rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  endif
+!jpampuero ABC ======= END modification of mass matrix ====================================
+! the mass matrix needs to be assembled with MPI here once and for all
+  call assemble_MPI_vector(rmass,iproc_xi,iproc_eta,addressing, &  !jpampuero ABC
+            iboolleft_xi,iboolright_xi,iboolleft_eta,iboolright_eta, &
+            buffer_send_faces,buffer_received_faces,npoin2D_xi,npoin2D_eta, &
+  if(myrank == 0) write(IMAIN,*) 'end assembling MPI mass matrix'
+! check that mass matrix is positive
+  if(minval(rmass) <= 0.) call exit_MPI(myrank,'negative mass matrix term')
+! for efficiency, invert final mass matrix once and for all in each slice
+  rmass = 1.0 / rmass
+! if attenuation is on, shift PREM to right frequency
+! rescale mu in PREM to average frequency for attenuation
+  if(ATTENUATION) then
+! get and store PREM attenuation model
+    do iattenuation = 1,NUM_REGIONS_ATTENUATION
+      call get_attenuation_model(myrank,iattenuation,tau_mu_dble, &
+        tau_sigma_dble,beta_dble,one_minus_sum_beta_dble,factor_scale_dble)
+! distinguish whether single or double precision for reals
+      if(CUSTOM_REAL == SIZE_REAL) then
+        tau_mu(iattenuation,:) = sngl(tau_mu_dble(:))
+        tau_sigma(iattenuation,:) = sngl(tau_sigma_dble(:))
+        beta(iattenuation,:) = sngl(beta_dble(:))
+        factor_scale(iattenuation) = sngl(factor_scale_dble)
+        one_minus_sum_beta(iattenuation) = sngl(one_minus_sum_beta_dble)
+      else
+        tau_mu(iattenuation,:) = tau_mu_dble(:)
+        tau_sigma(iattenuation,:) = tau_sigma_dble(:)
+        beta(iattenuation,:) = beta_dble(:)
+        factor_scale(iattenuation) = factor_scale_dble
+        one_minus_sum_beta(iattenuation) = one_minus_sum_beta_dble
+      endif
+    enddo
+! rescale shear modulus according to attenuation model
+    do ispec = 1,NSPEC_AB
+      do k=1,NGLLZ
+        do j=1,NGLLY
+          do i=1,NGLLX
+            scale_factor = factor_scale(IATTENUATION_UNIFORM)
+            mustore(i,j,k,ispec) = mustore(i,j,k,ispec) * scale_factor
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  endif
+! initialize arrays to zero
+  displ(:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+  veloc(:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+  accel(:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+! put negligible initial value to avoid very slow underflow trapping
+! synchronize all processes to make sure everybody is ready to start time loop
+  if(myrank == 0) write(IMAIN,*) 'All processes are synchronized before time loop'
+!   s t a r t   t i m e   i t e r a t i o n s
+  if(myrank == 0) then
+    write(IMAIN,*)
+    write(IMAIN,*) '           time step: ',sngl(DT),' s'
+    write(IMAIN,*) 'number of time steps: ',NSTEP
+    write(IMAIN,*) 'total simulated time: ',sngl(NSTEP*DT),' seconds'
+    write(IMAIN,*)
+  endif
+! precompute Runge-Kutta coefficients if attenuation
+  if(ATTENUATION) then
+    tauinv(:,:) = - 1. / tau_sigma(:,:)
+    factor_common(:,:) = 2. * beta(:,:) * tauinv(:,:)
+    alphaval(:,:) = 1 + deltat*tauinv(:,:) + deltat**2*tauinv(:,:)**2 / 2. + &
+      deltat**3*tauinv(:,:)**3 / 6. + deltat**4*tauinv(:,:)**4 / 24.
+    betaval(:,:) = deltat / 2. + deltat**2*tauinv(:,:) / 3. + deltat**3*tauinv(:,:)**2 / 8. + deltat**4*tauinv(:,:)**3 / 24.
+    gammaval(:,:) = deltat / 2. + deltat**2*tauinv(:,:) / 6. + deltat**3*tauinv(:,:)**2 / 24.
+  endif
+  if(myrank == 0) then
+    write(IMAIN,*)
+    write(IMAIN,*) 'Starting time iteration loop...'
+    write(IMAIN,*)
+  endif
+! create an empty file to monitor the start of the simulation
+  if(myrank == 0) then
+    open(unit=IOUT,file='OUTPUT_FILES/starttimeloop.txt',status='unknown')
+    write(IOUT,*) 'starting time loop'
+    close(IOUT)
+  endif
+! get MPI starting time
+  time_start = MPI_WTIME()
+! clear memory variables if attenuation
+  if(ATTENUATION) then
+    R_xx(:,:,:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+    R_yy(:,:,:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+    R_xy(:,:,:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+    R_xz(:,:,:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+    R_yz(:,:,:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+      R_xx(:,:,:,:,:) = VERYSMALLVAL
+      R_yy(:,:,:,:,:) = VERYSMALLVAL
+      R_xy(:,:,:,:,:) = VERYSMALLVAL
+      R_xz(:,:,:,:,:) = VERYSMALLVAL
+      R_yz(:,:,:,:,:) = VERYSMALLVAL
+    endif
+  endif
+! *********************************************************
+! ************* MAIN LOOP OVER THE TIME STEPS *************
+! *********************************************************
+  do it=1,NSTEP
+! compute the maximum of the norm of the displacement
+! in all the slices using an MPI reduction
+! and output timestamp file to check that simulation is running fine
+  if(mod(it,ITAFF_TIME_STEPS) == 0 .or. it == 5) then
+! compute maximum of norm of displacement in each slice
+    Usolidnorm = sqrt(maxval(displ(1,:)**2 + displ(2,:)**2 + displ(3,:)**2))
+! compute the maximum of the maxima for all the slices using an MPI reduction
+    call MPI_REDUCE(Usolidnorm,Usolidnorm_all,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0, &
+                          MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+    if(myrank == 0) then
+      write(IMAIN,*) 'Time step # ',it
+      write(IMAIN,*) 'Time: ',sngl((it-1)*DT-hdur(1)),' seconds'
+! elapsed time since beginning of the simulation
+      tCPU = MPI_WTIME() - time_start
+      int_tCPU = int(tCPU)
+      ihours = int_tCPU / 3600
+      iminutes = (int_tCPU - 3600*ihours) / 60
+      iseconds = int_tCPU - 3600*ihours - 60*iminutes
+      write(IMAIN,*) 'Elapsed time in seconds = ',tCPU
+      write(IMAIN,"(' Elapsed time in hh:mm:ss = ',i4,' h ',i2.2,' m ',i2.2,' s')") ihours,iminutes,iseconds
+      write(IMAIN,*) 'Mean elapsed time per time step in seconds = ',tCPU/dble(it)
+      write(IMAIN,*) 'Max norm displacement vector U in solid in all slices (m) = ',Usolidnorm_all
+      write(IMAIN,*)
+! write time stamp file to give information about progression of simulation
+      write(outputname,"('OUTPUT_FILES/timestamp',i6.6)") it
+      open(unit=IOUT,file=outputname,status='unknown')
+      write(IOUT,*) 'Time step # ',it
+      write(IOUT,*) 'Time: ',sngl((it-1)*DT-hdur(1)),' seconds'
+      write(IOUT,*) 'Elapsed time in seconds = ',tCPU
+      write(IOUT,"(' Elapsed time in hh:mm:ss = ',i4,' h ',i2.2,' m ',i2.2,' s')") ihours,iminutes,iseconds
+      write(IOUT,*) 'Mean elapsed time per time step in seconds = ',tCPU/dble(it)
+      write(IOUT,*) 'Max norm displacement vector U in solid in all slices (m) = ',Usolidnorm_all
+      close(IOUT)
+! check stability of the code, exit if unstable
+      if(Usolidnorm_all > STABILITY_THRESHOLD) call exit_MPI(myrank,'code became unstable and blew up')
+    endif
+  endif
+! update displacement using finite difference time scheme
+ do i=1,NGLOB_AB
+   displ(:,i) = displ(:,i) + deltat*veloc(:,i) + deltatsqover2*accel(:,i)
+   veloc(:,i) = veloc(:,i) + deltatover2*accel(:,i)
+   accel(:,i) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+ enddo
+  do ispec = 1,NSPEC_AB
+    do k=1,NGLLZ
+      do j=1,NGLLY
+        do i=1,NGLLX
+          tempx1l = 0.
+          tempx2l = 0.
+          tempx3l = 0.
+          tempy1l = 0.
+          tempy2l = 0.
+          tempy3l = 0.
+          tempz1l = 0.
+          tempz2l = 0.
+          tempz3l = 0.
+          do l=1,NGLLX
+            hp1 = hprime_xx(l,i)
+            iglob = ibool(l,j,k,ispec)
+            tempx1l = tempx1l + displ(1,iglob)*hp1
+            tempy1l = tempy1l + displ(2,iglob)*hp1
+            tempz1l = tempz1l + displ(3,iglob)*hp1
+          enddo
+          do l=1,NGLLY
+            hp2 = hprime_yy(l,j)
+            iglob = ibool(i,l,k,ispec)
+            tempx2l = tempx2l + displ(1,iglob)*hp2
+            tempy2l = tempy2l + displ(2,iglob)*hp2
+            tempz2l = tempz2l + displ(3,iglob)*hp2
+          enddo
+          do l=1,NGLLZ
+            hp3 = hprime_zz(l,k)
+            iglob = ibool(i,j,l,ispec)
+            tempx3l = tempx3l + displ(1,iglob)*hp3
+            tempy3l = tempy3l + displ(2,iglob)*hp3
+            tempz3l = tempz3l + displ(3,iglob)*hp3
+          enddo
+!         get derivatives of ux, uy and uz with respect to x, y and z
+!! DK DK NOJACOBIAN          xixl = xix(i,j,k,ispec)
+!! DK DK NOJACOBIAN          xiyl = xiy(i,j,k,ispec)
+!! DK DK NOJACOBIAN          xizl = xiz(i,j,k,ispec)
+!! DK DK NOJACOBIAN          etaxl = etax(i,j,k,ispec)
+!! DK DK NOJACOBIAN          etayl = etay(i,j,k,ispec)
+!! DK DK NOJACOBIAN          etazl = etaz(i,j,k,ispec)
+!! DK DK NOJACOBIAN          gammaxl = gammax(i,j,k,ispec)
+!! DK DK NOJACOBIAN          gammayl = gammay(i,j,k,ispec)
+!! DK DK NOJACOBIAN          gammazl = gammaz(i,j,k,ispec)
+!! DK DK NOJACOBIAN          jacobianl = jacobian(i,j,k,ispec)
+          xixl = xix(i,j,k,1)
+          xiyl = xiy(i,j,k,1)
+          xizl = xiz(i,j,k,1)
+          etaxl = etax(i,j,k,1)
+          etayl = etay(i,j,k,1)
+          etazl = etaz(i,j,k,1)
+          gammaxl = gammax(i,j,k,1)
+          gammayl = gammay(i,j,k,1)
+          gammazl = gammaz(i,j,k,1)
+          jacobianl = jacobian(i,j,k,1)
+          duxdxl = xixl*tempx1l + etaxl*tempx2l + gammaxl*tempx3l
+          duxdyl = xiyl*tempx1l + etayl*tempx2l + gammayl*tempx3l
+          duxdzl = xizl*tempx1l + etazl*tempx2l + gammazl*tempx3l
+          duydxl = xixl*tempy1l + etaxl*tempy2l + gammaxl*tempy3l
+          duydyl = xiyl*tempy1l + etayl*tempy2l + gammayl*tempy3l
+          duydzl = xizl*tempy1l + etazl*tempy2l + gammazl*tempy3l
+          duzdxl = xixl*tempz1l + etaxl*tempz2l + gammaxl*tempz3l
+          duzdyl = xiyl*tempz1l + etayl*tempz2l + gammayl*tempz3l
+          duzdzl = xizl*tempz1l + etazl*tempz2l + gammazl*tempz3l
+! precompute some sums to save CPU time
+          duxdxl_plus_duydyl = duxdxl + duydyl
+          duxdxl_plus_duzdzl = duxdxl + duzdzl
+          duydyl_plus_duzdzl = duydyl + duzdzl
+          duxdyl_plus_duydxl = duxdyl + duydxl
+          duzdxl_plus_duxdzl = duzdxl + duxdzl
+          duzdyl_plus_duydzl = duzdyl + duydzl
+! precompute terms for attenuation if needed
+  if(ATTENUATION) then
+! compute deviatoric strain
+    epsilon_trace_over_3 = ONE_THIRD * (duxdxl + duydyl + duzdzl)
+    epsilondev_xx_loc(i,j,k) = duxdxl - epsilon_trace_over_3
+    epsilondev_yy_loc(i,j,k) = duydyl - epsilon_trace_over_3
+    epsilondev_xy_loc(i,j,k) = 0.5 * duxdyl_plus_duydxl
+    epsilondev_xz_loc(i,j,k) = 0.5 * duzdxl_plus_duxdzl
+    epsilondev_yz_loc(i,j,k) = 0.5 * duzdyl_plus_duydzl
+! distinguish attenuation factors
+    one_minus_sum_beta_use = one_minus_sum_beta(iselected)
+    minus_sum_beta =  one_minus_sum_beta_use - 1.
+  endif
+    kappal = kappastore(i,j,k,ispec)
+    mul = mustore(i,j,k,ispec)
+! use unrelaxed parameters if attenuation
+    if(ATTENUATION) mul = mul * one_minus_sum_beta_use
+          lambdalplus2mul = kappal + FOUR_THIRDS * mul
+          lambdal = lambdalplus2mul - 2.*mul
+! compute stress sigma
+          sigma_xx = lambdalplus2mul*duxdxl + lambdal*duydyl_plus_duzdzl
+          sigma_yy = lambdalplus2mul*duydyl + lambdal*duxdxl_plus_duzdzl
+          sigma_zz = lambdalplus2mul*duzdzl + lambdal*duxdxl_plus_duydyl
+          sigma_xy = mul*duxdyl_plus_duydxl
+          sigma_xz = mul*duzdxl_plus_duxdzl
+          sigma_yz = mul*duzdyl_plus_duydzl
+! subtract memory variables if attenuation
+  if(ATTENUATION) then
+    do i_sls = 1,N_SLS
+      R_xx_val = R_xx(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
+      R_yy_val = R_yy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
+      sigma_xx = sigma_xx - R_xx_val
+      sigma_yy = sigma_yy - R_yy_val
+      sigma_zz = sigma_zz + R_xx_val + R_yy_val
+      sigma_xy = sigma_xy - R_xy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
+      sigma_xz = sigma_xz - R_xz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
+      sigma_yz = sigma_yz - R_yz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
+    enddo
+  endif
+! form dot product with test vector, symmetric form
+      tempx1(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xx*xixl + sigma_xy*xiyl + sigma_xz*xizl)
+      tempy1(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xy*xixl + sigma_yy*xiyl + sigma_yz*xizl)
+      tempz1(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xz*xixl + sigma_yz*xiyl + sigma_zz*xizl)
+      tempx2(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xx*etaxl + sigma_xy*etayl + sigma_xz*etazl)
+      tempy2(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xy*etaxl + sigma_yy*etayl + sigma_yz*etazl)
+      tempz2(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xz*etaxl + sigma_yz*etayl + sigma_zz*etazl)
+      tempx3(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xx*gammaxl + sigma_xy*gammayl + sigma_xz*gammazl)
+      tempy3(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xy*gammaxl + sigma_yy*gammayl + sigma_yz*gammazl)
+      tempz3(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xz*gammaxl + sigma_yz*gammayl + sigma_zz*gammazl)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    do k=1,NGLLZ
+      do j=1,NGLLY
+        do i=1,NGLLX
+          tempx1l = 0.
+          tempy1l = 0.
+          tempz1l = 0.
+          tempx2l = 0.
+          tempy2l = 0.
+          tempz2l = 0.
+          tempx3l = 0.
+          tempy3l = 0.
+          tempz3l = 0.
+          do l=1,NGLLX
+            fac1 = hprimewgll_xx(i,l)
+            tempx1l = tempx1l + tempx1(l,j,k)*fac1
+            tempy1l = tempy1l + tempy1(l,j,k)*fac1
+            tempz1l = tempz1l + tempz1(l,j,k)*fac1
+          enddo
+          do l=1,NGLLY
+            fac2 = hprimewgll_yy(j,l)
+            tempx2l = tempx2l + tempx2(i,l,k)*fac2
+            tempy2l = tempy2l + tempy2(i,l,k)*fac2
+            tempz2l = tempz2l + tempz2(i,l,k)*fac2
+          enddo
+          do l=1,NGLLZ
+            fac3 = hprimewgll_zz(k,l)
+            tempx3l = tempx3l + tempx3(i,j,l)*fac3
+            tempy3l = tempy3l + tempy3(i,j,l)*fac3
+            tempz3l = tempz3l + tempz3(i,j,l)*fac3
+          enddo
+          fac1 = wgllwgll_yz(j,k)
+          fac2 = wgllwgll_xz(i,k)
+          fac3 = wgllwgll_xy(i,j)
+! sum contributions from each element to the global mesh and add gravity terms
+  iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
+  accel(1,iglob) = accel(1,iglob) - (fac1*tempx1l + fac2*tempx2l + fac3*tempx3l)
+  accel(2,iglob) = accel(2,iglob) - (fac1*tempy1l + fac2*tempy2l + fac3*tempy3l)
+  accel(3,iglob) = accel(3,iglob) - (fac1*tempz1l + fac2*tempz2l + fac3*tempz3l)
+! update memory variables based upon the Runge-Kutta scheme
+  if(ATTENUATION) then
+! use Runge-Kutta scheme to march in time
+  do i_sls = 1,N_SLS
+! get coefficients for that standard linear solid
+  factor_loc = mustore(i,j,k,ispec) * factor_common(iselected,i_sls)
+  alphaval_loc = alphaval(iselected,i_sls)
+  betaval_loc = betaval(iselected,i_sls)
+  gammaval_loc = gammaval(iselected,i_sls)
+! term in xx
+  Sn   = factor_loc * epsilondev_xx(i,j,k,ispec)
+  Snp1   = factor_loc * epsilondev_xx_loc(i,j,k)
+  R_xx(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) = alphaval_loc * R_xx(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) + betaval_loc * Sn + gammaval_loc * Snp1
+! term in yy
+  Sn   = factor_loc * epsilondev_yy(i,j,k,ispec)
+  Snp1   = factor_loc * epsilondev_yy_loc(i,j,k)
+  R_yy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) = alphaval_loc * R_yy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) + betaval_loc * Sn + gammaval_loc * Snp1
+! term in zz not computed since zero trace
+! term in xy
+  Sn   = factor_loc * epsilondev_xy(i,j,k,ispec)
+  Snp1   = factor_loc * epsilondev_xy_loc(i,j,k)
+  R_xy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) = alphaval_loc * R_xy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) + betaval_loc * Sn + gammaval_loc * Snp1
+! term in xz
+  Sn   = factor_loc * epsilondev_xz(i,j,k,ispec)
+  Snp1   = factor_loc * epsilondev_xz_loc(i,j,k)
+  R_xz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) = alphaval_loc * R_xz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) + betaval_loc * Sn + gammaval_loc * Snp1
+! term in yz
+  Sn   = factor_loc * epsilondev_yz(i,j,k,ispec)
+  Snp1   = factor_loc * epsilondev_yz_loc(i,j,k)
+  R_yz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) = alphaval_loc * R_yz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) + betaval_loc * Sn + gammaval_loc * Snp1
+    enddo   ! end of loop on memory variables
+  endif  !  end attenuation
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+! save deviatoric strain for Runge-Kutta scheme
+  if(ATTENUATION) then
+    epsilondev_xx(:,:,:,ispec) = epsilondev_xx_loc(:,:,:)
+    epsilondev_yy(:,:,:,ispec) = epsilondev_yy_loc(:,:,:)
+    epsilondev_xy(:,:,:,ispec) = epsilondev_xy_loc(:,:,:)
+    epsilondev_xz(:,:,:,ispec) = epsilondev_xz_loc(:,:,:)
+    epsilondev_yz(:,:,:,ispec) = epsilondev_yz_loc(:,:,:)
+  endif
+  enddo   ! spectral element loop
+!jpampuero *********** BEGIN ABSORBING BOUNDARY CONDITIONS ******************
+! add Stacey conditions
+!   xmin
+    do ispec2D=1,nspec2D_xmin
+      ispec=ibelm_xmin(ispec2D)
+! exclude elements that are not on absorbing edges
+    if(nkmin_xi(1,ispec2D) == 0 .or. njmin(1,ispec2D) == 0) cycle
+      i=1
+      do k=nkmin_xi(1,ispec2D),NGLLZ
+        do j=njmin(1,ispec2D),njmax(1,ispec2D)
+          iglob=ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
+          vx=veloc(1,iglob)
+          vy=veloc(2,iglob)
+          vz=veloc(3,iglob)
+          nx=normal_xmin(1,j,k,ispec2D)
+          ny=normal_xmin(2,j,k,ispec2D)
+          nz=normal_xmin(3,j,k,ispec2D)
+          vn=vx*nx+vy*ny+vz*nz
+          tx=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vn*nx+rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*(vx-vn*nx)
+          ty=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vn*ny+rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*(vy-vn*ny)
+          tz=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vn*nz+rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*(vz-vn*nz)
+          weight=jacobian2D_xmin(j,k,ispec2D)*wgllwgll_yz(j,k)
+          accel(1,iglob)=accel(1,iglob) - tx*weight
+          accel(2,iglob)=accel(2,iglob) - ty*weight
+          accel(3,iglob)=accel(3,iglob) - tz*weight
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+!   xmax
+    do ispec2D=1,nspec2D_xmax
+      ispec=ibelm_xmax(ispec2D)
+! exclude elements that are not on absorbing edges
+    if(nkmin_xi(2,ispec2D) == 0 .or. njmin(2,ispec2D) == 0) cycle
+      i=NGLLX
+      do k=nkmin_xi(2,ispec2D),NGLLZ
+        do j=njmin(2,ispec2D),njmax(2,ispec2D)
+          iglob=ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
+          vx=veloc(1,iglob)
+          vy=veloc(2,iglob)
+          vz=veloc(3,iglob)
+          nx=normal_xmax(1,j,k,ispec2D)
+          ny=normal_xmax(2,j,k,ispec2D)
+          nz=normal_xmax(3,j,k,ispec2D)
+          vn=vx*nx+vy*ny+vz*nz
+          tx=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vn*nx+rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*(vx-vn*nx)
+          ty=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vn*ny+rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*(vy-vn*ny)
+          tz=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vn*nz+rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*(vz-vn*nz)
+          weight=jacobian2D_xmax(j,k,ispec2D)*wgllwgll_yz(j,k)
+          accel(1,iglob)=accel(1,iglob) - tx*weight
+          accel(2,iglob)=accel(2,iglob) - ty*weight
+          accel(3,iglob)=accel(3,iglob) - tz*weight
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+!jpampuero ================ BEGIN DYNAMIC FAULT =========================
+!jpampuero I am implementing the FAULT boundary conditions in place of one
+!jpampuero of the absorbing boundaries.
+!jpampuero It is a quick and dirty implementation, for SCEC 1st benchmark test.
+!jpampuero No split nodes need to be implemented.
+!jpampuero The model is symmetric.
+!jpampuero Assume only ONE proc contains the fault: NPROC_XI=1
+!jpampuero Fault located at y=ymin
+    if (FaultInThisProc) then
+    do ispec2D=1,nspec2D_ymin
+      ! exclude elements that are not on absorbing edges
+      if(nkmin_eta(1,ispec2D) == 0 .or. nimin(1,ispec2D) == 0) cycle
+      !ispec = bulk element associated to the ispec2D'th boundary element
+      ispec=ibelm_ymin(ispec2D)
+      !skip element if its center is not in rupture region
+      ! iglob=ibool(3,1,3,ispec)
+      ! if (-zstore(iglob)>RuptureDepth .OR. abs(xstore(iglob))>RuptureHalfLength) cycle
+      j=1
+      do k=nkmin_eta(1,ispec2D),NGLLZ
+        do i=nimin(1,ispec2D),nimax(1,ispec2D)
+!      do k=1,NGLLZ
+!        do i=1,NGLLX
+          iglob=ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
+          ! Update strength :
+          ! For symmetry reasons slip=2*displ
+          FaultStrength(i,k,ispec2D) = max(FaultMuD(i,k,ispec2D), &
+            FaultMuS(i,k,ispec2D)-FaultSWR(i,k,ispec2D)*sqrt(displ(1,iglob)**2+displ(3,iglob)**2) )
+          ! From Newmark: v_new = v_pred +dt/2*a_new
+          ! so: a_new = (v_new-v_pred)*2/dt = M^(-1) *( -K*d_new -B*t_new )
+          !velocity assuming the fault is stress free during this timestep (t_new=0)
+          !v_free = v_pred - dt/2 *M^(-1) *K*d_new
+          FaultDVxFree = veloc(1,iglob)+deltatover2*rmass(1,iglob)*accel(1,iglob)
+          FaultDVzFree = veloc(3,iglob)+deltatover2*rmass(3,iglob)*accel(3,iglob)
+          !NOTE: I assume that only ONE proc contains the fault plane
+          !      else accel=-K*d needs to be MPI assembled prior to compute V_free
+          !"stick" or trial stress, assuming v_new = 0 during this timestep
+          !T_trial = B^(-1) * M * 2/dt*V_free
+          weight=FaultB(i,k,ispec2D) ! assembled
+          tx = FaultDVxFree/(deltatover2*weight*rmass(1,iglob))
+          tz = FaultDVzFree/(deltatover2*weight*rmass(3,iglob))
+!          !test yield on magnitude of absolute stress (+initial)
+!          txa = tx+FaultTxInit(i,k,ispec2D)
+!          tza = tz+FaultTzInit(i,k,ispec2D)
+!          ta = sqrt( txa*txa + tza*tza )
+!          if ( ta>FaultStrength(i,k,ispec2D) ) then
+!            va = sqrt(FaultDVxFree**2+ FaultDVzFree**2)
+!            if ( va<VERYSMALLVAL ) then
+!              dirx = txa/ta
+!              dirz = tza/ta
+!            else
+!              dirx = FaultDVxFree/va
+!              dirz = FaultDVzFree/va
+!            endif
+!            ta = FaultStrength(i,k,ispec2D)
+!            tx = ta*dirx -FaultTxInit(i,k,ispec2D)
+!            tz = ta*dirz -FaultTzInit(i,k,ispec2D)
+!          endif
+          tx = min(tx, FaultStrength(i,k,ispec2D) -FaultTxInit(i,k,ispec2D))
+          FaultTx(i,k,ispec2D) = tx !store relative shear stress
+          FaultTz(i,k,ispec2D) = tz !store relative shear stress
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+    do ispec2D=1,nspec2D_ymin
+      if(nkmin_eta(1,ispec2D) == 0 .or. nimin(1,ispec2D) == 0) cycle
+      ispec=ibelm_ymin(ispec2D)
+      j=1
+      do k=nkmin_eta(1,ispec2D),NGLLZ
+        do i=nimin(1,ispec2D),nimax(1,ispec2D)
+          iglob=ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
+          weight=jacobian2D_ymin(i,k,ispec2D)*wgllwgll_xz(i,k) ! not assembled
+          accel(1,iglob)=accel(1,iglob) - FaultTx(i,k,ispec2D)*weight
+          !accel(2,iglob): Stress-free on the Y direction (normal to the fault plane): do nothing
+!          accel(3,iglob)=accel(3,iglob) - FaultTz(i,k,ispec2D)*weight ! VECTORIAL friction
+          accel(3,iglob)=0._CUSTOM_REAL ! if SCALAR friction
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+    endif
+!jpampuero ================ END DYNAMIC FAULT =========================
+!   ymax
+    do ispec2D=1,nspec2D_ymax
+      ispec=ibelm_ymax(ispec2D)
+! exclude elements that are not on absorbing edges
+    if(nkmin_eta(2,ispec2D) == 0 .or. nimin(2,ispec2D) == 0) cycle
+      j=NGLLY
+      do k=nkmin_eta(2,ispec2D),NGLLZ
+        do i=nimin(2,ispec2D),nimax(2,ispec2D)
+          iglob=ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
+          vx=veloc(1,iglob)
+          vy=veloc(2,iglob)
+          vz=veloc(3,iglob)
+          nx=normal_ymax(1,i,k,ispec2D)
+          ny=normal_ymax(2,i,k,ispec2D)
+          nz=normal_ymax(3,i,k,ispec2D)
+          vn=vx*nx+vy*ny+vz*nz
+          tx=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vn*nx+rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*(vx-vn*nx)
+          ty=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vn*ny+rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*(vy-vn*ny)
+          tz=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vn*nz+rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*(vz-vn*nz)
+          weight=jacobian2D_ymax(i,k,ispec2D)*wgllwgll_xz(i,k)
+          accel(1,iglob)=accel(1,iglob) - tx*weight
+          accel(2,iglob)=accel(2,iglob) - ty*weight
+          accel(3,iglob)=accel(3,iglob) - tz*weight
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+!   bottom (zmin)
+    do ispec2D=1,NSPEC2D_BOTTOM
+      ispec=ibelm_bottom(ispec2D)
+      k=1
+      do j=1,NGLLY
+        do i=1,NGLLX
+          iglob=ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
+          vx=veloc(1,iglob)
+          vy=veloc(2,iglob)
+          vz=veloc(3,iglob)
+          nx=normal_bottom(1,i,j,ispec2D)
+          ny=normal_bottom(2,i,j,ispec2D)
+          nz=normal_bottom(3,i,j,ispec2D)
+          vn=vx*nx+vy*ny+vz*nz
+          tx=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vn*nx+rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*(vx-vn*nx)
+          ty=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vn*ny+rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*(vy-vn*ny)
+          tz=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vn*nz+rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*(vz-vn*nz)
+          weight=jacobian2D_bottom(i,j,ispec2D)*wgllwgll_xy(i,j)
+          accel(1,iglob)=accel(1,iglob) - tx*weight
+          accel(2,iglob)=accel(2,iglob) - ty*weight
+          accel(3,iglob)=accel(3,iglob) - tz*weight
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  endif  ! end of Stacey conditions
+!jpampuero ************* END OF ABSORBING BOUNDARY CONDITIONS *********************
+  do isource = 1,NSOURCES
+!   add the source (only if this proc carries the source)
+    if(myrank == islice_selected_source(isource)) then
+      stf = comp_source_time_function(dble(it-1)*DT-hdur(isource)-t_cmt(isource),hdur(isource))
+!     distinguish whether single or double precision for reals
+      if(CUSTOM_REAL == SIZE_REAL) then
+        stf_used = sngl(stf)
+      else
+        stf_used = stf
+      endif
+!     add source array
+      do k=1,NGLLZ
+        do j=1,NGLLY
+          do i=1,NGLLX
+            iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec_selected_source(isource))
+            accel(:,iglob) = accel(:,iglob) + sourcearrays(isource,:,i,j,k)*stf_used
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    endif
+  enddo
+! assemble all the contributions between slices using MPI
+  call assemble_MPI_vector(accel,iproc_xi,iproc_eta,addressing, &
+            iboolleft_xi,iboolright_xi,iboolleft_eta,iboolright_eta, &
+            buffer_send_faces,buffer_received_faces,npoin2D_xi,npoin2D_eta, &
+  do i=1,NGLOB_AB
+    accel(1,i) = accel(1,i)*rmass(1,i) !jpampuero ABC
+    accel(2,i) = accel(2,i)*rmass(2,i) !jpampuero ABC
+    accel(3,i) = accel(3,i)*rmass(3,i) !jpampuero ABC
+    veloc(:,i) = veloc(:,i) + deltatover2*accel(:,i)
+  enddo
+! write the seismograms with time shift
+  do irec_local = 1,nrec_local
+! get global number of that receiver
+    irec = number_receiver_global(irec_local)
+! perform the general interpolation using Lagrange polynomials
+        uxd = ZERO
+        uyd = ZERO
+        uzd = ZERO
+        vxd = ZERO
+        vyd = ZERO
+        vzd = ZERO
+        do j = 1,NGLLY
+          do i = 1,NGLLX
+! receivers are always located at the surface in the crustal region of the mesh
+            iglob = ibool(i,j,NGLLZ,ispec_selected_rec(irec))
+            hlagrange = hxir_store(irec_local,i)*hetar_store(irec_local,j)
+! save displacement
+            uxd = uxd + dble(displ(1,iglob))*hlagrange
+            uyd = uyd + dble(displ(2,iglob))*hlagrange
+            uzd = uzd + dble(displ(3,iglob))*hlagrange
+! save velocity
+            vxd = vxd + dble(veloc(1,iglob))*hlagrange
+            vyd = vyd + dble(veloc(2,iglob))*hlagrange
+            vzd = vzd + dble(veloc(3,iglob))*hlagrange
+          enddo
+        enddo
+! store North, East and Vertical components
+! distinguish whether single or double precision for reals
+      if(CUSTOM_REAL == SIZE_REAL) then
+        seismograms_d(:,irec_local,it) = sngl((nu(:,1,irec)*uxd + nu(:,2,irec)*uyd + nu(:,3,irec)*uzd))
+        seismograms_v(:,irec_local,it) = sngl((nu(:,1,irec)*vxd + nu(:,2,irec)*vyd + nu(:,3,irec)*vzd))
+      else
+        seismograms_d(:,irec_local,it) = (nu(:,1,irec)*uxd + nu(:,2,irec)*uyd + nu(:,3,irec)*uzd)
+        seismograms_v(:,irec_local,it) = (nu(:,1,irec)*vxd + nu(:,2,irec)*vyd + nu(:,3,irec)*vzd)
+      endif
+  enddo
+! write the current seismograms
+  if(mod(it,NSEIS) == 0) then
+      call write_seismograms_d(myrank,seismograms_d,number_receiver_global,station_name, &
+           network_name,nrec,nrec_local,it,DT,NSTEP,hdur(1),LOCAL_PATH)
+          !network_name,nrec,nrec_local,it,DT,NSTEP,hdur(1),'OUTPUT_FILES') !jpampuero
+      call write_seismograms_v(myrank,seismograms_v,number_receiver_global,station_name, &
+           network_name,nrec,nrec_local,it,DT,NSTEP,hdur(1),LOCAL_PATH)
+          !network_name,nrec,nrec_local,it,DT,NSTEP,hdur(1),'OUTPUT_FILES') !jpampuero
+  endif
+!jpampuero =========== BEGIN OUTPUT FAULT SNAPSHOTS ================
+  if (FaultInThisProc) then
+   !OUTPUT: time series at selected fault points
+    FaultDisplX(:,it) = 2.0*displ(1,FaultIglobOut)
+    FaultDisplZ(:,it) = 2.0*displ(3,FaultIglobOut)
+    FaultVelocX(:,it) = 2.0*veloc(1,FaultIglobOut)
+    FaultVelocZ(:,it) = 2.0*veloc(3,FaultIglobOut)
+    do i=1,FaultOutputNPTS
+      FaultStressX(i,it) = FaultTx(FaultIgllOut(i),FaultKgllOut(i),FaultElmtOut(i))
+      FaultStressZ(i,it) = FaultTz(FaultIgllOut(i),FaultKgllOut(i),FaultElmtOut(i))
+    enddo
+   !OUTPUT: slip rate snapshot
+    if (mod(it,FaultSnapshotNDT) == 0) then
+      !write(FaultOutputName,'(A,'/Snapshot',I2.2,'_',I3.3,'.bin')') LOCAL_PATH,it/FaultSnapshotNDT,myrank
+      write(FaultOutputName,"('OUTPUT_FILES/Snapshot',I0,'.bin')") it/FaultSnapshotNDT
+      open(unit=IOUT, file= trim(FaultOutputName), status='replace', form='unformatted')
+      do ispec2D=1,nspec2D_ymin
+        ispec=ibelm_ymin(ispec2D)
+        j=1
+       !skip element if its center is not in rupture region
+        iglob=ibool(3,j,3,ispec)
+        if (-zstore(iglob)>RuptureDepth .OR. abs(xstore(iglob))>RuptureHalfLength) cycle
+        do k=1,NGLLZ-1,2 ! watch out: do not repeat a node
+        do i=1,NGLLX-1,2 ! assuming NGLL=5
+          iglob=ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
+          write(IOUT) xstore(iglob),zstore(iglob) &
+                     ,2.*veloc(1,iglob),2.*veloc(3,iglob) &
+                     ,2.*displ(1,iglob),2.*displ(3,iglob) &
+                     ,FaultTx(i,k,ispec2D),FaultTz(i,k,ispec2D)
+        enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      close(IOUT)
+     !intermediate output at selected fault points
+      do i=1,FaultOutputNPTS
+      open(IOUT,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//FaultOutputPtsName(i),status='replace')
+      write(IOUT,*) "# author=Jean-Paul Ampuero (am)"
+      write(IOUT,*) "# date=2004/09/08"
+      write(IOUT,*) "# code=SPECFEM3D (se)"
+      write(IOUT,*) "# code_version=0904"
+      write(IOUT,*) "# element_size=333.33 m  (5 nodes per element edge)"
+      write(IOUT,*) "# time_step=",DT
+      write(IOUT,*) "# num_time_steps=",NSTEP
+      write(IOUT,*) "# location=",FaultOutputPtsName(i)
+      write(IOUT,*) "# Time series in 7 column of E14.6"
+      write(IOUT,*) "# Column #1 = Time (s)"
+      write(IOUT,*) "# Column #2 = horizontal right-lateral slip (m)"
+      write(IOUT,*) "# Column #3 = horizontal right-lateral slip rate (m/s)"
+      write(IOUT,*) "# Column #4 = horizontal right-lateral shear stress (MPa)"
+      write(IOUT,*) "# Column #5 = vertical up-dip slip (m)"
+      write(IOUT,*) "# Column #6 = vertical up-dip slip rate (m/s)"
+      write(IOUT,*) "# Column #7 = vertical up-dip shear stress (MPa)"
+      do k=1,NSTEP
+        write(IOUT,'(7(E14.6))') k*DT,FaultDisplX(i,k),FaultVelocX(i,k),FaultStressX(i,k)/1e6 &
+                           ,FaultDisplZ(i,k),FaultVelocZ(i,k),FaultStressZ(i,k)/1e6
+      enddo
+      close(IOUT)
+      enddo
+    endif
+  endif
+!jpampuero =========== END OUTPUT FAULT SNAPSHOTS ================
+!---- end of time iteration loop
+  enddo   ! end of main time loop
+! write the final seismograms
+  call write_seismograms_d(myrank,seismograms_d,number_receiver_global,station_name, &
+          network_name,nrec,nrec_local,it,DT,NSTEP,hdur(1),LOCAL_PATH)
+          !network_name,nrec,nrec_local,it,DT,NSTEP,hdur(1),'OUTPUT_FILES') !jpampuero
+  call write_seismograms_v(myrank,seismograms_v,number_receiver_global,station_name, &
+          network_name,nrec,nrec_local,it,DT,NSTEP,hdur(1),LOCAL_PATH)
+          !network_name,nrec,nrec_local,it,DT,NSTEP,hdur(1),'OUTPUT_FILES') !jpampuero
+!jpampuero === BEGIN OUTPUT: time series at selected fault points ===
+  if (FaultInThisProc) then
+    FaultStressX = FaultStressX/1e6
+    FaultStressZ = FaultStressZ/1e6
+    do i=1,FaultOutputNPTS
+      open(IOUT,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//FaultOutputPtsName(i),status='replace')
+      write(IOUT,*) "# author=Jean-Paul Ampuero (am)"
+      write(IOUT,*) "# date=2004/09/08"
+      write(IOUT,*) "# code=SPECFEM3D (se)"
+      write(IOUT,*) "# code_version=0904"
+      write(IOUT,*) "# element_size=333.33 m  (5 nodes per element edge)"
+      write(IOUT,*) "# time_step=",DT
+      write(IOUT,*) "# num_time_steps=",NSTEP
+      write(IOUT,*) "# location=",FaultOutputPtsName(i)
+      write(IOUT,*) "# Time series in 7 column of E14.6"
+      write(IOUT,*) "# Column #1 = Time (s)"
+      write(IOUT,*) "# Column #2 = horizontal right-lateral slip (m)"
+      write(IOUT,*) "# Column #3 = horizontal right-lateral slip rate (m/s)"
+      write(IOUT,*) "# Column #4 = horizontal right-lateral shear stress (MPa)"
+      write(IOUT,*) "# Column #5 = vertical up-dip slip (m)"
+      write(IOUT,*) "# Column #6 = vertical up-dip slip rate (m/s)"
+      write(IOUT,*) "# Column #7 = vertical up-dip shear stress (MPa)"
+      do it=1,NSTEP
+        write(IOUT,'(7(E14.6))') it*DT,FaultDisplX(i,it),FaultVelocX(i,it),FaultStressX(i,it) &
+                           ,FaultDisplZ(i,it),FaultVelocZ(i,it),FaultStressZ(i,it)
+      enddo
+      close(IOUT)
+    enddo
+!    open(unit=IOUT,file='OUTPUT_FILES/FaultDispl.bin',status='replace',form='unformatted')
+!    write(IOUT) FaultDispl
+!    close(IOUT)
+!    open(unit=IOUT,file='OUTPUT_FILES/FaultVeloc.bin',status='replace',form='unformatted')
+!    write(IOUT) FaultVeloc
+!    close(IOUT)
+  endif
+!jpampuero === END OUTPUT: time series at selected fault points ===
+! close the main output file
+  if(myrank == 0) then
+    write(IMAIN,*)
+    write(IMAIN,*) 'End of the simulation'
+    write(IMAIN,*)
+    close(IMAIN)
+  endif
+! synchronize all the processes to make sure everybody has finished
+! stop all the MPI processes, and exit
+  call MPI_FINALIZE(ier)
+  end program specfem3D

Deleted: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/utils/unused_routines/ampuero_implicit_Clayton_now_done_fixed_in_our_official_SVN_code/ampuero_implicit_ABC_specfem3D.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/utils/unused_routines/ampuero_implicit_Clayton/ampuero_implicit_ABC_specfem3D.f90	2012-05-20 02:25:14 UTC (rev 20195)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/utils/unused_routines/ampuero_implicit_Clayton_now_done_fixed_in_our_official_SVN_code/ampuero_implicit_ABC_specfem3D.f90	2012-05-20 13:54:06 UTC (rev 20196)
@@ -1,1853 +0,0 @@
-  program specfem3D
-!          S p e c f e m 3 D  B a s i n  V e r s i o n  1 . 1
-!          --------------------------------------------------
-!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
-!    Princeton University, USA and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA
-!         (c) California Institute of Technology October 2002
-! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-! (at your option) any later version.
-! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-! GNU General Public License for more details.
-! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-! United States Government Sponsorship Acknowledged.
-!jpampuero Mon Oct 20 23:09:00 EDT 2003
-!jpampuero I am implementing the FAULT boundary conditions in place of one
-!jpampuero of the absorbing boundaries.
-!jpampuero It is a quick and dirty implementation, for SCEC 1st benchmark test.
-!jpampuero No split nodes need to be implemented.
-!jpampuero The model is restricted to be symetric.
-!jpampuero All lines containing "!jpampuero" were touched.
-!jpampuero Lines containing "!!jpampuero" were only commented out.
-!jpampuero Most of my variables names have ThisFormat
-  implicit none
-! standard include of the MPI library
-  include 'mpif.h'
-  include "constants.h"
-  include "precision.h"
-! include values created by the mesher
-  include "OUTPUT_FILES/values_from_mesher.h"
-!jpampuero Fault parameters
-  include "fault_parameters.h" !jpampuero
-!                                                                       !
-!   specfem3D is a 3-D spectral-element solver for a basin.             !
-!   It uses a mesh generated by program meshfem3D                       !
-!                                                                       !
-! If you use this code for your own research, please send an email
-! to Jeroen Tromp <jtromp at gps.caltech.edu> for information, and cite:
-! @article{KoTr99,
-! author={D. Komatitsch and J. Tromp},
-! year=1999,
-! title={Introduction to the spectral-element method for 3-{D} seismic wave propagation},
-! journal={Geophys. J. Int.},
-! volume=139,
-! pages={806-822}}
-! Evolution of the code:
-! ---------------------
-! MPI v. 1.1 Dimitri Komatitsch, Caltech, October 2002: Zhu's Moho map, scaling
-!  of Vs with depth, Hauksson's regional model, attenuation, oceans, movies
-! MPI v. 1.0 Dimitri Komatitsch, Caltech, May 2002: first MPI version
-!                        based on global code
-! memory variables and standard linear solids for attenuation
-  double precision, dimension(N_SLS) :: tau_mu_dble,tau_sigma_dble,beta_dble
-  double precision factor_scale_dble,one_minus_sum_beta_dble
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NUM_REGIONS_ATTENUATION,N_SLS) :: tau_mu,tau_sigma,beta
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NUM_REGIONS_ATTENUATION) :: factor_scale,one_minus_sum_beta
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NUM_REGIONS_ATTENUATION,N_SLS) :: tauinv,alphaval,betaval,gammaval,factor_common
-  integer iattenuation
-  double precision scale_factor
-    R_xx,R_yy,R_xy,R_xz,R_yz
-    epsilondev_xx,epsilondev_yy,epsilondev_xy,epsilondev_xz,epsilondev_yz
-  integer NPOIN2DMAX_XY
-  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ibelm_xmin,ibelm_xmax, &
-    ibelm_ymin,ibelm_ymax,ibelm_bottom,ibelm_top
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: &
-    jacobian2D_xmin,jacobian2D_xmax,jacobian2D_ymin,jacobian2D_ymax, &
-    jacobian2D_bottom,jacobian2D_top
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: normal_xmin, &
-    normal_xmax,normal_ymin,normal_ymax, &
-    normal_bottom,normal_top
-! buffers for send and receive between faces of the slices and the chunks
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: buffer_send_faces,buffer_received_faces
-! -----------------
-! mesh parameters
-  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_AB) :: ibool
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,1) :: &
-        xix,xiy,xiz,etax,etay,etaz,gammax,gammay,gammaz,jacobian
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLOB_AB) :: xstore,ystore,zstore
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_AB) :: &
-        kappastore,mustore
-! Stacey
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_AB) :: &
-        rho_vp,rho_vs
-! local to global mapping
-  integer, dimension(NSPEC_AB) :: idoubling
-! mass matrix
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NDIM,NGLOB_AB) :: rmass !jpampuero ABC
-! displacement, velocity, acceleration
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NDIM,NGLOB_AB) :: displ,veloc,accel
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) xixl,xiyl,xizl,etaxl,etayl,etazl,gammaxl,gammayl,gammazl,jacobianl
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) duxdxl,duxdyl,duxdzl,duydxl,duydyl,duydzl,duzdxl,duzdyl,duzdzl
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) duxdxl_plus_duydyl,duxdxl_plus_duzdzl,duydyl_plus_duzdzl
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) duxdyl_plus_duydxl,duzdxl_plus_duxdzl,duzdyl_plus_duydzl
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) sigma_xx,sigma_yy,sigma_zz,sigma_xy,sigma_xz,sigma_yz
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) hp1,hp2,hp3
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) fac1,fac2,fac3
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) lambdal,kappal,mul,lambdalplus2mul
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) tempx1l,tempx2l,tempx3l
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) tempy1l,tempy2l,tempy3l
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) tempz1l,tempz2l,tempz3l
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ) :: &
-    tempx1,tempx2,tempx3,tempy1,tempy2,tempy3,tempz1,tempz2,tempz3
-! for attenuation
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) R_xx_val,R_yy_val
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) factor_loc,alphaval_loc,betaval_loc,gammaval_loc,Sn,Snp1
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ) :: epsilondev_xx_loc, &
-    epsilondev_yy_loc, epsilondev_xy_loc, epsilondev_xz_loc, epsilondev_yz_loc
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) epsilon_trace_over_3
-  integer l
-  integer i_SLS
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) one_minus_sum_beta_use,minus_sum_beta
-  integer iselected
-! --------
-! parameters for the source
-  integer it,isource
-  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: islice_selected_source,ispec_selected_source
-  integer yr,jda,ho,mi
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) stf_used
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: sourcearray
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: sourcearrays
-  double precision sec,stf
-  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: Mxx,Myy,Mzz,Mxy,Mxz,Myz
-  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: xi_source,eta_source,gamma_source
-  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: t_cmt,hdur
-  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: utm_x_source,utm_y_source
-  double precision, external :: comp_source_time_function
-! time scheme
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) deltat,deltatover2,deltatsqover2
-! receiver information
-  integer nrec,nrec_local,nrec_tot_found
-  integer irec_local
-  integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: islice_selected_rec,ispec_selected_rec,number_receiver_global
-  double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: xi_receiver,eta_receiver
-  double precision hlagrange
-! timing information for the stations
-  double precision, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: nu
-  character(len=8), allocatable, dimension(:) :: station_name,network_name
-! seismograms
-  double precision uxd,uyd,uzd
-  double precision vxd,vyd,vzd
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: seismograms_d,seismograms_v
-  integer i,j,k,ispec,irec,iglob
-! Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points of integration and weights
-  double precision, dimension(NGLLX) :: xigll,wxgll
-  double precision, dimension(NGLLY) :: yigll,wygll
-  double precision, dimension(NGLLZ) :: zigll,wzgll
-! array with derivatives of Lagrange polynomials and precalculated products
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLX) :: hprime_xx,hprimewgll_xx
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLY,NGLLY) :: hprime_yy,hprimewgll_yy
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLZ,NGLLZ) :: hprime_zz,hprimewgll_zz
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY) :: wgllwgll_xy
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ) :: wgllwgll_xz
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLY,NGLLZ) :: wgllwgll_yz
-! Lagrange interpolators at receivers
-  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: hxir,hetar,hpxir,hpetar
-  double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: hxir_store,hetar_store
-! 2-D addressing and buffers for summation between slices
-  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: iboolleft_xi, &
-    iboolright_xi,iboolleft_eta,iboolright_eta
-! for addressing of the slices
-  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: addressing
-  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: iproc_xi_slice,iproc_eta_slice
-! proc numbers for MPI
-  integer myrank,sizeprocs,ier
-  integer npoin2D_xi,npoin2D_eta
-  integer iproc_xi,iproc_eta,iproc,iproc_read
-! maximum of the norm of the displacement
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) Usolidnorm,Usolidnorm_all
-! timer MPI
-  integer ihours,iminutes,iseconds,int_tCPU
-  double precision time_start,tCPU
-! parameters read from parameter file
-  integer NSOURCES
-  double precision DT,LAT_MIN,LAT_MAX,LONG_MIN,LONG_MAX
-  character(len=256) LOCAL_PATH,prname
-! parameters deduced from parameters read from file
-  integer NER
-  integer NSPEC2D_A_XI,NSPEC2D_B_XI, &
-               NSPEC2D_A_ETA,NSPEC2D_B_ETA, &
-               NSPEC2D_BOTTOM,NSPEC2D_TOP, &
-! names of the data files for all the processors in MPI
-  character(len=256) outputname
-! Stacey conditions put back
-  integer nspec2D_xmin,nspec2D_xmax,nspec2D_ymin,nspec2D_ymax,ispec2D
-  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: nimin,nimax,njmin,njmax,nkmin_xi,nkmin_eta
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) vx,vy,vz,nx,ny,nz,tx,ty,tz,vn,weight
-!jpampuero Fault variables
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: FaultStrength,FaultTxInit,FaultTx & !jpampuero
-    , FaultTzInit,FaultTz,FaultMuS,FaultMuD,FaultSWR ,FaultB !jpampuero
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: FaultDisplX,FaultDisplZ & !jpampuero
-                                                        ,FaultVelocX,FaultVelocZ & !jpampuero
-                                                        ,FaultStressX,FaultStressZ !jpampuero
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: FaultDVxFree,FaultDVzFree,FaultZ,va,ta,txa,tza,dirx,dirz !jpampuero
-  integer, dimension(FaultOutputNPTS) :: FaultIglobOut,FaultIgllOut,FaultKgllOut,FaultElmtOut !jpampuero
-  character(len=70) FaultOutputName !jpampuero
-  character(len=70), dimension(FaultOutputNPTS) ::  FaultOutputPtsName !jpampuero
-  logical :: FaultInThisProc,NotInRuptureRegion,InNucleationRegion !jpampuero
-! ************** PROGRAM STARTS HERE **************
-! initialize the MPI communicator and start the NPROC MPI processes.
-! sizeprocs returns number of processes started
-! (should be equal to NPROC)
-! myrank is the rank of each process, between 0 and sizeprocs-1.
-! as usual in MPI, process 0 is in charge of coordinating everything
-! and also takes care of the main output
-  call MPI_INIT(ier)
-  call MPI_COMM_SIZE(MPI_COMM_WORLD,sizeprocs,ier)
-  call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD,myrank,ier)
-! read the parameter file
-  call read_parameter_file(LAT_MIN,LAT_MAX,LONG_MIN,LONG_MAX, &
-! compute other parameters based upon values read
-  call compute_parameters(NER,NEX_XI,NEX_ETA,NPROC_XI,NPROC_ETA, &
-!jpampuero moved this section (used to be right before time loop)
-!jpampuero need some of these during initialization
-! distinguish whether single or double precision for reals
-  if(CUSTOM_REAL == SIZE_REAL) then
-    deltat = sngl(DT)
-  else
-    deltat = DT
-  endif
-  deltatover2 = deltat/2.
-  deltatsqover2 = deltat*deltat/2.
-! open main output file, only written to by process 0
-  if(myrank == 0 .and. IMAIN /= ISTANDARD_OUTPUT) &
-    open(unit=IMAIN,file='OUTPUT_FILES/output_solver.txt',status='unknown')
-  if(myrank == 0) then
-  write(IMAIN,*)
-  write(IMAIN,*) '**********************************************'
-  write(IMAIN,*) '**** Specfem 3-D Solver - MPI version f90 ****'
-  write(IMAIN,*) '**********************************************'
-  write(IMAIN,*)
-  write(IMAIN,*)
-  if(FIX_UNDERFLOW_PROBLEM) write(IMAIN,*) 'Fixing slow underflow trapping problem using small initial field'
-  write(IMAIN,*)
-  write(IMAIN,*) 'There are ',sizeprocs,' MPI processes'
-  write(IMAIN,*) 'Processes are numbered from 0 to ',sizeprocs-1
-  write(IMAIN,*)
-  write(IMAIN,*) 'There are ',NEX_XI,' elements along xi'
-  write(IMAIN,*) 'There are ',NEX_ETA,' elements along eta'
-  write(IMAIN,*)
-  write(IMAIN,*) 'There are ',NPROC_XI,' slices along xi'
-  write(IMAIN,*) 'There are ',NPROC_ETA,' slices along eta'
-  write(IMAIN,*) 'There is a total of ',NPROC,' slices'
-  write(IMAIN,*)
-  write(IMAIN,*) ' NDIM = ',NDIM
-  write(IMAIN,*)
-  write(IMAIN,*) ' NGLLX = ',NGLLX
-  write(IMAIN,*) ' NGLLY = ',NGLLY
-  write(IMAIN,*) ' NGLLZ = ',NGLLZ
-  write(IMAIN,*)
-! write information about precision used for floating-point operations
-  if(CUSTOM_REAL == SIZE_REAL) then
-    write(IMAIN,*) 'using single precision for the calculations'
-  else
-    write(IMAIN,*) 'using double precision for the calculations'
-  endif
-  write(IMAIN,*)
-  write(IMAIN,*) 'smallest and largest possible floating-point numbers are: ',tiny(1._CUSTOM_REAL),huge(1._CUSTOM_REAL)
-  write(IMAIN,*)
-  endif
-! check that the code is running with the requested nb of processes
-  if(sizeprocs /= NPROC) call exit_MPI(myrank,'wrong number of MPI processes')
-! check that we have more than 0 and less than 1000 sources
-  if(NSOURCES < 0 .or. NSOURCES > 999) call exit_MPI(myrank,'invalid number of sources')
-! dynamic allocation of arrays
-! 2-D addressing and buffers for summation between slices, and point codes
-! use number of elements found in the mantle since it is the largest region
-! crust and mantle
-  allocate(iboolleft_xi(NPOIN2DMAX_XMIN_XMAX))
-  allocate(iboolright_xi(NPOIN2DMAX_XMIN_XMAX))
-  allocate(iboolleft_eta(NPOIN2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX))
-  allocate(iboolright_eta(NPOIN2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX))
-! for addressing of the slices
-  allocate(addressing(0:NPROC_XI-1,0:NPROC_ETA-1))
-  allocate(iproc_xi_slice(0:NPROC-1))
-  allocate(iproc_eta_slice(0:NPROC-1))
-! open file with global slice number addressing
-  open(unit=IIN,file='OUTPUT_FILES/addressing.txt',status='old')
-  do iproc = 0,NPROC-1
-    read(IIN,*) iproc_read,iproc_xi,iproc_eta
-    if(iproc_read /= iproc) call exit_MPI(myrank,'incorrect slice number read')
-    addressing(iproc_xi,iproc_eta) = iproc
-    iproc_xi_slice(iproc) = iproc_xi
-    iproc_eta_slice(iproc) = iproc_eta
-  enddo
-  close(IIN)
-! determine local slice coordinates using addressing
-  iproc_xi = iproc_xi_slice(myrank)
-  iproc_eta = iproc_eta_slice(myrank)
-  FaultInThisProc = iproc_eta==0 !jpampuero
-! define maximum size for message buffers
-  allocate(buffer_send_faces(NDIM,NPOIN2DMAX_XY))
-  allocate(buffer_received_faces(NDIM,NPOIN2DMAX_XY))
-! start reading the databases
-! read arrays created by the mesher
-  call read_arrays_solver(myrank,xstore,ystore,zstore, &
-            xix,xiy,xiz,etax,etay,etaz,gammax,gammay,gammaz,jacobian, &
-            rho_vp,rho_vs,kappastore,mustore,ibool,idoubling,rmass(1,:),LOCAL_PATH) !jpampuero ABC
-  rmass(2,:) = rmass(1,:) !jpampuero ABC
-  rmass(3,:) = rmass(1,:) !jpampuero ABC
-! check that the number of points in this slice is correct
-  if(minval(ibool(:,:,:,:)) /= 1 .or. maxval(ibool(:,:,:,:)) /= NGLOB_AB) &
-      call exit_MPI(myrank,'incorrect global numbering: iboolmax does not equal nglob in crust and mantle')
-! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
-if (NSOURCES==0) then !jpampuero
-  allocate(hdur(1))
-  allocate(utm_x_source(1))
-  allocate(utm_y_source(1))
-  hdur(1) = 0.d0
-  utm_x_source(1) = 0.d0
-  utm_y_source(1) = 0.d0
-! allocate arrays for source
-  allocate(sourcearray(NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ))
-  allocate(sourcearrays(NSOURCES,NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ))
-  allocate(islice_selected_source(NSOURCES))
-  allocate(ispec_selected_source(NSOURCES))
-  allocate(Mxx(NSOURCES))
-  allocate(Myy(NSOURCES))
-  allocate(Mzz(NSOURCES))
-  allocate(Mxy(NSOURCES))
-  allocate(Mxz(NSOURCES))
-  allocate(Myz(NSOURCES))
-  allocate(xi_source(NSOURCES))
-  allocate(eta_source(NSOURCES))
-  allocate(gamma_source(NSOURCES))
-  allocate(t_cmt(NSOURCES))
-  allocate(hdur(NSOURCES))
-  allocate(utm_x_source(NSOURCES))
-  allocate(utm_y_source(NSOURCES))
-! locate sources in the mesh
-  do isource = 1,NSOURCES
-    call locate_source(ibool,isource,NSOURCES,myrank,NSPEC_AB,NGLOB_AB,xstore,ystore,zstore, &
-            xigll,yigll,zigll,NPROC, &
-            sec,t_cmt(isource),yr,jda,ho,mi,utm_x_source(isource),utm_y_source(isource), &
-            NSTEP,DT,hdur(isource),Mxx(isource),Myy(isource),Mzz(isource),Mxy(isource),Mxz(isource),Myz(isource), &
-            islice_selected_source(isource),ispec_selected_source(isource), &
-            xi_source(isource),eta_source(isource),gamma_source(isource), &
-  enddo
-  if(t_cmt(1) /= 0.) call exit_MPI(myrank,'t_cmt for the first source should be zero')
-  do isource = 2,NSOURCES
-    if(t_cmt(isource) < 0.) call exit_MPI(myrank,'t_cmt should not be less than zero')
-  enddo
-endif !jpampuero
-  open(unit=IIN,file='DATA/STATIONS_FILTERED',status='old')
-  read(IIN,*) nrec
-  close(IIN)
-  if(myrank == 0) then
-    write(IMAIN,*)
-    write(IMAIN,*) 'Total number of receivers = ',nrec
-    write(IMAIN,*)
-  endif
-  if(nrec < 1) call exit_MPI(myrank,'need at least one receiver')
-! allocate memory for receiver arrays
-  allocate(islice_selected_rec(nrec))
-  allocate(ispec_selected_rec(nrec))
-  allocate(xi_receiver(nrec))
-  allocate(eta_receiver(nrec))
-  allocate(station_name(nrec))
-  allocate(network_name(nrec))
-  allocate(nu(NDIM,NDIM,nrec))
-! locate receivers in the crust in the mesh
-  call locate_receivers(ibool,myrank,NSPEC_AB,NGLOB_AB,idoubling, &
-            xstore,ystore,zstore,xigll,yigll, &
-            nrec,islice_selected_rec,ispec_selected_rec, &
-            xi_receiver,eta_receiver,station_name,network_name,nu, &
-            NPROC,utm_x_source(1),utm_y_source(1),UTM_PROJECTION_ZONE)
-! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
-! read 2-D addressing for summation between slices with MPI
-  call read_arrays_buffers_solver(myrank,iboolleft_xi, &
-     iboolright_xi,iboolleft_eta,iboolright_eta, &
-     npoin2D_xi,npoin2D_eta, &
-! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
-  if(myrank == 0) then
-    write(IMAIN,*) '******************************************'
-    write(IMAIN,*) 'There are ',NEX_XI,' elements along xi'
-    write(IMAIN,*) 'There are ',NEX_ETA,' elements along eta'
-    write(IMAIN,*)
-    write(IMAIN,*) 'There are ',NPROC_XI,' slices along xi'
-    write(IMAIN,*) 'There are ',NPROC_ETA,' slices along eta'
-    write(IMAIN,*) 'There is a total of ',NPROC,' slices'
-    write(IMAIN,*) '******************************************'
-    write(IMAIN,*)
-  endif
-! set up GLL points, weights and derivation matrices
-  call define_derivation_matrices(xigll,yigll,zigll,wxgll,wygll,wzgll, &
-         hprime_xx,hprime_yy,hprime_zz, &
-         hprimewgll_xx,hprimewgll_yy,hprimewgll_zz, &
-         wgllwgll_xy,wgllwgll_xz,wgllwgll_yz)
-! allocate 1-D Lagrange interpolators and derivatives
-  allocate(hxir(NGLLX))
-  allocate(hpxir(NGLLX))
-  allocate(hetar(NGLLY))
-  allocate(hpetar(NGLLY))
-! create name of database
-  call create_name_database(prname,myrank,LOCAL_PATH)
-! dynamic allocation of arrays
-! boundary parameters locator
-  allocate(ibelm_xmin(NSPEC2DMAX_XMIN_XMAX))
-  allocate(ibelm_xmax(NSPEC2DMAX_XMIN_XMAX))
-  allocate(ibelm_ymin(NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX))
-  allocate(ibelm_ymax(NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX))
-  allocate(ibelm_bottom(NSPEC2D_BOTTOM))
-  allocate(ibelm_top(NSPEC2D_TOP))
-  allocate(jacobian2D_xmin(NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_XMIN_XMAX))
-  allocate(jacobian2D_xmax(NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_XMIN_XMAX))
-  allocate(jacobian2D_ymin(NGLLX,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX))
-  allocate(jacobian2D_ymax(NGLLX,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX))
-  allocate(jacobian2D_bottom(NGLLX,NGLLY,NSPEC2D_BOTTOM))
-  allocate(jacobian2D_top(NGLLX,NGLLY,NSPEC2D_TOP))
-! Stacey put back
-  allocate(nimin(2,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX))
-  allocate(nimax(2,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX))
-  allocate(njmin(2,NSPEC2DMAX_XMIN_XMAX))
-  allocate(njmax(2,NSPEC2DMAX_XMIN_XMAX))
-  allocate(nkmin_xi(2,NSPEC2DMAX_XMIN_XMAX))
-  allocate(nkmin_eta(2,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX))
-! normals
-  allocate(normal_xmin(NDIM,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_XMIN_XMAX))
-  allocate(normal_xmax(NDIM,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_XMIN_XMAX))
-!!jpampuero  allocate(normal_ymin(NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX))
-  allocate(normal_ymax(NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX))
-  allocate(normal_bottom(NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLY,NSPEC2D_BOTTOM))
-  allocate(normal_top(NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLY,NSPEC2D_TOP))
-!jpampuero Fault
-  if (FaultInThisProc) then
-    allocate(FaultB(NGLLX,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX)) !jpampuero
-    allocate(FaultTx(NGLLX,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX)) !jpampuero
-    allocate(FaultTxInit(NGLLX,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX)) !jpampuero
-    allocate(FaultTz(NGLLX,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX)) !jpampuero
-    allocate(FaultTzInit(NGLLX,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX)) !jpampuero
-    allocate(FaultStrength(NGLLX,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX)) !jpampuero
-    allocate(FaultMuS(NGLLX,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX)) !jpampuero
-    allocate(FaultMuD(NGLLX,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX)) !jpampuero
-    allocate(FaultSWR(NGLLX,NGLLZ,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX)) !jpampuero
-    allocate(FaultDisplX(FaultOutputNPTS,NSTEP)) !jpampuero
-    allocate(FaultDisplZ(FaultOutputNPTS,NSTEP)) !jpampuero
-    allocate(FaultVelocX(FaultOutputNPTS,NSTEP)) !jpampuero
-    allocate(FaultVelocZ(FaultOutputNPTS,NSTEP)) !jpampuero
-    allocate(FaultStressX(FaultOutputNPTS,NSTEP)) !jpampuero
-    allocate(FaultStressZ(FaultOutputNPTS,NSTEP)) !jpampuero
-  endif
-! boundary parameters
-  open(unit=27,file=prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'ibelm.bin',status='old',form='unformatted')
-  read(27) ibelm_xmin
-  read(27) ibelm_xmax
-  read(27) ibelm_ymin
-  read(27) ibelm_ymax
-  read(27) ibelm_bottom
-  read(27) ibelm_top
-  close(27)
-  open(unit=27,file=prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'normal.bin',status='old',form='unformatted')
-  read(27) normal_xmin
-  read(27) normal_xmax
-!!jpampuero  read(27) normal_ymin
-  read(27) normal_ymax !jpampuero
-  read(27) normal_ymax
-  read(27) normal_bottom
-  read(27) normal_top
-  close(27)
-! Stacey put back
-  open(unit=27,file=prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'nspec2D.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted')
-  read(27) nspec2D_xmin
-  read(27) nspec2D_xmax
-  read(27) nspec2D_ymin
-  read(27) nspec2D_ymax
-  close(27)
-  open(unit=27,file=prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'jacobian2D.bin',status='old',form='unformatted')
-  read(27) jacobian2D_xmin
-  read(27) jacobian2D_xmax
-  read(27) jacobian2D_ymin
-  read(27) jacobian2D_ymax
-  read(27) jacobian2D_bottom
-  read(27) jacobian2D_top
-  close(27)
-! Stacey put back
-! read arrays for Stacey conditions
-      open(unit=27,file=prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'nimin.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted')
-      read(27) nimin
-      close(27)
-      open(unit=27,file=prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'nimax.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted')
-      read(27) nimax
-      close(27)
-      open(unit=27,file=prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'njmin.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted')
-      read(27) njmin
-      close(27)
-      open(unit=27,file=prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'njmax.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted')
-      read(27) njmax
-      close(27)
-      open(unit=27,file=prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'nkmin_xi.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted')
-      read(27) nkmin_xi
-      close(27)
-      open(unit=27,file=prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'nkmin_eta.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted')
-      read(27) nkmin_eta
-      close(27)
-  endif
-!jpampuero ======= BEGIN INITIALIZE FAULT ========================
-  if (FaultInThisProc) then
-    accel(:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-   !OUTPUTS: locate selected fault points
-    call fault_locate_rec(FaultIglobOut,FaultIgllOut,FaultKgllOut,FaultElmtOut,FaultOutputPtsName &
-                         ,nspec2D_ymin,ibelm_ymin,NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX,ibool,xstore,zstore) !jpampuero
-   !Set inital stress and strength for fault
-    FaultTzInit = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-    FaultTxInit = BackgroundShearStress
-    do ispec2D=1,nspec2D_ymin
-      ispec=ibelm_ymin(ispec2D)
-      do k=1,NGLLZ
-      do i=1,NGLLX
-        iglob=ibool(i,1,k,ispec)
-        NotInRuptureRegion = abs(zstore(iglob))>RuptureDepth &
-                        .OR. abs(xstore(iglob))>RuptureHalfLength
-        InNucleationRegion = abs(xstore(iglob)-HypoX)<=NucleationHalfSizeX &
-                           .AND. abs(zstore(iglob)-HypoZ)<=NucleationHalfSizeZ
-        if  ( NotInRuptureRegion ) then
-          FaultMuS(i,k,ispec2D) = BarrierStrength
-          FaultMuD(i,k,ispec2D) = BarrierStrength
-        else
-          FaultMuS(i,k,ispec2D) = StaticStrength
-          FaultMuD(i,k,ispec2D) = DynamicStrength
-          if ( InNucleationRegion  ) then
-            FaultTxInit(i,k,ispec2D)   = NucleationShearStress
-          endif
-        endif
-        !WARNING: factor 2 comes from using displacement instead of slip
-        FaultSWR(i,k,ispec2D) = 2._CUSTOM_REAL*(FaultMuS(i,k,ispec2D)-FaultMuD(i,k,ispec2D))/Dc
-        !assemble boundary weights, temporarily store in "accel" global array
-        accel(1,iglob) = accel(1,iglob) + jacobian2D_ymin(i,k,ispec2D)*wgllwgll_xz(i,k)
-      enddo
-      enddo
-    enddo
-    do ispec2D=1,nspec2D_ymin
-      ispec=ibelm_ymin(ispec2D)
-      do k=1,NGLLZ
-      do i=1,NGLLX
-        iglob=ibool(i,1,k,ispec)
-        FaultB(i,k,ispec2D) = accel(1,iglob)
-      enddo
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  endif
-!jpampuero ======= END INITIALIZE FAULT ========================
-  do isource = 1,NSOURCES
-!   check that the source slice number is okay
-    if(islice_selected_source(isource) < 0 .or. islice_selected_source(isource) > NPROC-1) &
-      call exit_MPI(myrank,'something is wrong with the source slice number')
-!   compute source arrays in source slice
-    if(myrank == islice_selected_source(isource)) then
-      call compute_arrays_source(ispec_selected_source(isource), &
-             xi_source(isource),eta_source(isource),gamma_source(isource),sourcearray, &
-             Mxx(isource),Myy(isource),Mzz(isource),Mxy(isource),Mxz(isource),Myz(isource), &
-             xix,xiy,xiz,etax,etay,etaz,gammax,gammay,gammaz, &
-             xigll,yigll,zigll,NSPEC_AB)
-      sourcearrays(isource,:,:,:,:) = sourcearray(:,:,:,:)
-    endif
-  enddo
-  if(myrank == 0) then
-    write(IMAIN,*)
-    write(IMAIN,*) 'Total number of samples for seismograms = ',NSTEP
-    write(IMAIN,*)
-  endif
-!--- select local receivers
-! count number of receivers located in this slice
-  nrec_local = 0
-  do irec = 1,nrec
-! check that the receiver slice number is okay
-  if(islice_selected_rec(irec) < 0 .or. islice_selected_rec(irec) > NPROC-1) &
-    call exit_MPI(myrank,'something is wrong with the receiver slice number')
-! write info about that receiver
-  if(myrank == islice_selected_rec(irec)) then
-    nrec_local = nrec_local + 1
-  endif
-  enddo
-! allocate seismogram array
-  allocate(seismograms_d(NDIM,nrec_local,NSTEP))
-  allocate(seismograms_v(NDIM,nrec_local,NSTEP))
-! allocate Lagrange interpolators for receivers
-  allocate(hxir_store(nrec_local,NGLLX))
-  allocate(hetar_store(nrec_local,NGLLY))
-! define local to global receiver numbering mapping
-  allocate(number_receiver_global(nrec_local))
-  irec_local = 0
-  do irec = 1,nrec
-    if(myrank == islice_selected_rec(irec)) then
-      irec_local = irec_local + 1
-      number_receiver_global(irec_local) = irec
-    endif
-  enddo
-! define and store Lagrange interpolators at all the receivers
-  do irec_local = 1,nrec_local
-    irec = number_receiver_global(irec_local)
-    call lagrange_any(xi_receiver(irec),NGLLX,xigll,hxir,hpxir)
-    call lagrange_any(eta_receiver(irec),NGLLY,yigll,hetar,hpetar)
-    hxir_store(irec_local,:) = hxir(:)
-    hetar_store(irec_local,:) = hetar(:)
-  enddo
-! check that the sum of the number of receivers in each slice is nrec
-  call MPI_REDUCE(nrec_local,nrec_tot_found,1,MPI_INTEGER,MPI_SUM,0, &
-                          MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
-  if(myrank == 0) then
-    write(IMAIN,*)
-    write(IMAIN,*) 'found a total of ',nrec_tot_found,' receivers in all the slices'
-    if(nrec_tot_found /= nrec) then
-      call exit_MPI(myrank,'problem when dispatching the receivers')
-    else
-      write(IMAIN,*) 'this total is okay'
-    endif
-  endif
-! initialize seismograms
-  seismograms_d(:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-  seismograms_v(:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-  if(myrank == 0) then
-  if(NSOURCES > 1) write(IMAIN,*) 'Using ',NSOURCES,' point sources'
-  write(IMAIN,*)
-  if(ATTENUATION) then
-    write(IMAIN,*) 'incorporating attenuation using ',N_SLS,' standard linear solids'
-  else
-    write(IMAIN,*) 'no attenuation'
-  endif
-  write(IMAIN,*)
-  endif
-! synchronize all the processes before assembling the mass matrix
-! to make sure all the nodes have finished to read their databases
-!jpampuero ABC ==== BEGIN modification of mass matrix for ============================
-!jpampuero ABC     IMPLICIT implementation of absorbing boundaries
-!jpampuero ABC     M --> M+dt/2*C
-!jpampuero ABC     where C is related to the boundary term -C*v
-!jpampuero ABC     NOTE: assumes straight edges
-  ! vn=vx*nx+vy*ny+vz*nz
-  ! tx=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vn*nx+rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*(vx-vn*nx)
-  ! ty=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vn*ny+rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*(vy-vn*ny)
-  ! tz=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vn*nz+rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*(vz-vn*nz)
-  ! xmin: (nx,ny,nz) = (-1,0,0)
-  ! vn=-vx
-  ! tx=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vx
-  ! ty=rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*vy
-  ! tz=rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*vz
-    do ispec2D=1,nspec2D_xmin
-      ispec=ibelm_xmin(ispec2D)
-      ! exclude elements that are not on absorbing edges
-      if(nkmin_xi(1,ispec2D) == 0 .or. njmin(1,ispec2D) == 0) cycle
-      i=1
-      do k=nkmin_xi(1,ispec2D),NGLLZ
-        do j=njmin(1,ispec2D),njmax(1,ispec2D)
-          iglob=ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
-          weight=jacobian2D_xmin(j,k,ispec2D)*wgllwgll_yz(j,k)
-          rmass(1,iglob)=rmass(1,iglob) + deltatover2*weight*rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)
-          rmass(2,iglob)=rmass(2,iglob) + deltatover2*weight*rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)
-          rmass(3,iglob)=rmass(3,iglob) + deltatover2*weight*rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)
-        enddo
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  ! xmax: (nx,ny,nz) = (1,0,0)
-  ! vn=vx
-  ! tx=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vx
-  ! ty=rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*vy
-  ! tz=rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*vz
-    do ispec2D=1,nspec2D_xmax
-      ispec=ibelm_xmax(ispec2D)
-      ! exclude elements that are not on absorbing edges
-      if(nkmin_xi(2,ispec2D) == 0 .or. njmin(2,ispec2D) == 0) cycle
-      i=NGLLX
-      do k=nkmin_xi(2,ispec2D),NGLLZ
-        do j=njmin(2,ispec2D),njmax(2,ispec2D)
-          iglob=ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
-          weight=jacobian2D_xmax(j,k,ispec2D)*wgllwgll_yz(j,k)
-          rmass(1,iglob)=rmass(1,iglob) + deltatover2*weight*rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)
-          rmass(2,iglob)=rmass(2,iglob) + deltatover2*weight*rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)
-          rmass(3,iglob)=rmass(3,iglob) + deltatover2*weight*rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)
-        enddo
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  ! ymax: (nx,ny,nz) = (0,1,0)
-  ! vn=vy
-  ! tx=rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*vx
-  ! ty=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vy
-  ! tz=rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*vz
-    do ispec2D=1,nspec2D_ymax
-      ispec=ibelm_ymax(ispec2D)
-      ! exclude elements that are not on absorbing edges
-      if(nkmin_eta(2,ispec2D) == 0 .or. nimin(2,ispec2D) == 0) cycle
-      j=NGLLY
-      do k=nkmin_eta(2,ispec2D),NGLLZ
-        do i=nimin(2,ispec2D),nimax(2,ispec2D)
-          iglob=ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
-          weight=jacobian2D_ymax(i,k,ispec2D)*wgllwgll_xz(i,k)
-          rmass(1,iglob)=rmass(1,iglob) + deltatover2*weight*rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)
-          rmass(2,iglob)=rmass(2,iglob) + deltatover2*weight*rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)
-          rmass(3,iglob)=rmass(3,iglob) + deltatover2*weight*rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)
-        enddo
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  ! zmin: (nx,ny,nz) = (0,0,-1)
-  ! vn=-vz
-  ! tx=rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*vx
-  ! ty=rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*vy
-  ! tz=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vz
-    do ispec2D=1,NSPEC2D_BOTTOM
-      ispec=ibelm_bottom(ispec2D)
-      k=1
-      do j=1,NGLLY
-        do i=1,NGLLX
-          iglob=ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
-          weight=jacobian2D_bottom(i,j,ispec2D)*wgllwgll_xy(i,j)
-          rmass(1,iglob)=rmass(1,iglob) + deltatover2*weight*rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)
-          rmass(2,iglob)=rmass(2,iglob) + deltatover2*weight*rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)
-          rmass(3,iglob)=rmass(3,iglob) + deltatover2*weight*rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)
-        enddo
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  endif
-!jpampuero ABC ======= END modification of mass matrix ====================================
-! the mass matrix needs to be assembled with MPI here once and for all
-  call assemble_MPI_vector(rmass,iproc_xi,iproc_eta,addressing, &  !jpampuero ABC
-            iboolleft_xi,iboolright_xi,iboolleft_eta,iboolright_eta, &
-            buffer_send_faces,buffer_received_faces,npoin2D_xi,npoin2D_eta, &
-  if(myrank == 0) write(IMAIN,*) 'end assembling MPI mass matrix'
-! check that mass matrix is positive
-  if(minval(rmass) <= 0.) call exit_MPI(myrank,'negative mass matrix term')
-! for efficiency, invert final mass matrix once and for all in each slice
-  rmass = 1.0 / rmass
-! if attenuation is on, shift PREM to right frequency
-! rescale mu in PREM to average frequency for attenuation
-  if(ATTENUATION) then
-! get and store PREM attenuation model
-    do iattenuation = 1,NUM_REGIONS_ATTENUATION
-      call get_attenuation_model(myrank,iattenuation,tau_mu_dble, &
-        tau_sigma_dble,beta_dble,one_minus_sum_beta_dble,factor_scale_dble)
-! distinguish whether single or double precision for reals
-      if(CUSTOM_REAL == SIZE_REAL) then
-        tau_mu(iattenuation,:) = sngl(tau_mu_dble(:))
-        tau_sigma(iattenuation,:) = sngl(tau_sigma_dble(:))
-        beta(iattenuation,:) = sngl(beta_dble(:))
-        factor_scale(iattenuation) = sngl(factor_scale_dble)
-        one_minus_sum_beta(iattenuation) = sngl(one_minus_sum_beta_dble)
-      else
-        tau_mu(iattenuation,:) = tau_mu_dble(:)
-        tau_sigma(iattenuation,:) = tau_sigma_dble(:)
-        beta(iattenuation,:) = beta_dble(:)
-        factor_scale(iattenuation) = factor_scale_dble
-        one_minus_sum_beta(iattenuation) = one_minus_sum_beta_dble
-      endif
-    enddo
-! rescale shear modulus according to attenuation model
-    do ispec = 1,NSPEC_AB
-      do k=1,NGLLZ
-        do j=1,NGLLY
-          do i=1,NGLLX
-            scale_factor = factor_scale(IATTENUATION_UNIFORM)
-            mustore(i,j,k,ispec) = mustore(i,j,k,ispec) * scale_factor
-          enddo
-        enddo
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  endif
-! initialize arrays to zero
-  displ(:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-  veloc(:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-  accel(:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-! put negligible initial value to avoid very slow underflow trapping
-! synchronize all processes to make sure everybody is ready to start time loop
-  if(myrank == 0) write(IMAIN,*) 'All processes are synchronized before time loop'
-!   s t a r t   t i m e   i t e r a t i o n s
-  if(myrank == 0) then
-    write(IMAIN,*)
-    write(IMAIN,*) '           time step: ',sngl(DT),' s'
-    write(IMAIN,*) 'number of time steps: ',NSTEP
-    write(IMAIN,*) 'total simulated time: ',sngl(NSTEP*DT),' seconds'
-    write(IMAIN,*)
-  endif
-! precompute Runge-Kutta coefficients if attenuation
-  if(ATTENUATION) then
-    tauinv(:,:) = - 1. / tau_sigma(:,:)
-    factor_common(:,:) = 2. * beta(:,:) * tauinv(:,:)
-    alphaval(:,:) = 1 + deltat*tauinv(:,:) + deltat**2*tauinv(:,:)**2 / 2. + &
-      deltat**3*tauinv(:,:)**3 / 6. + deltat**4*tauinv(:,:)**4 / 24.
-    betaval(:,:) = deltat / 2. + deltat**2*tauinv(:,:) / 3. + deltat**3*tauinv(:,:)**2 / 8. + deltat**4*tauinv(:,:)**3 / 24.
-    gammaval(:,:) = deltat / 2. + deltat**2*tauinv(:,:) / 6. + deltat**3*tauinv(:,:)**2 / 24.
-  endif
-  if(myrank == 0) then
-    write(IMAIN,*)
-    write(IMAIN,*) 'Starting time iteration loop...'
-    write(IMAIN,*)
-  endif
-! create an empty file to monitor the start of the simulation
-  if(myrank == 0) then
-    open(unit=IOUT,file='OUTPUT_FILES/starttimeloop.txt',status='unknown')
-    write(IOUT,*) 'starting time loop'
-    close(IOUT)
-  endif
-! get MPI starting time
-  time_start = MPI_WTIME()
-! clear memory variables if attenuation
-  if(ATTENUATION) then
-    R_xx(:,:,:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-    R_yy(:,:,:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-    R_xy(:,:,:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-    R_xz(:,:,:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-    R_yz(:,:,:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-      R_xx(:,:,:,:,:) = VERYSMALLVAL
-      R_yy(:,:,:,:,:) = VERYSMALLVAL
-      R_xy(:,:,:,:,:) = VERYSMALLVAL
-      R_xz(:,:,:,:,:) = VERYSMALLVAL
-      R_yz(:,:,:,:,:) = VERYSMALLVAL
-    endif
-  endif
-! *********************************************************
-! ************* MAIN LOOP OVER THE TIME STEPS *************
-! *********************************************************
-  do it=1,NSTEP
-! compute the maximum of the norm of the displacement
-! in all the slices using an MPI reduction
-! and output timestamp file to check that simulation is running fine
-  if(mod(it,ITAFF_TIME_STEPS) == 0 .or. it == 5) then
-! compute maximum of norm of displacement in each slice
-    Usolidnorm = sqrt(maxval(displ(1,:)**2 + displ(2,:)**2 + displ(3,:)**2))
-! compute the maximum of the maxima for all the slices using an MPI reduction
-    call MPI_REDUCE(Usolidnorm,Usolidnorm_all,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0, &
-                          MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
-    if(myrank == 0) then
-      write(IMAIN,*) 'Time step # ',it
-      write(IMAIN,*) 'Time: ',sngl((it-1)*DT-hdur(1)),' seconds'
-! elapsed time since beginning of the simulation
-      tCPU = MPI_WTIME() - time_start
-      int_tCPU = int(tCPU)
-      ihours = int_tCPU / 3600
-      iminutes = (int_tCPU - 3600*ihours) / 60
-      iseconds = int_tCPU - 3600*ihours - 60*iminutes
-      write(IMAIN,*) 'Elapsed time in seconds = ',tCPU
-      write(IMAIN,"(' Elapsed time in hh:mm:ss = ',i4,' h ',i2.2,' m ',i2.2,' s')") ihours,iminutes,iseconds
-      write(IMAIN,*) 'Mean elapsed time per time step in seconds = ',tCPU/dble(it)
-      write(IMAIN,*) 'Max norm displacement vector U in solid in all slices (m) = ',Usolidnorm_all
-      write(IMAIN,*)
-! write time stamp file to give information about progression of simulation
-      write(outputname,"('OUTPUT_FILES/timestamp',i6.6)") it
-      open(unit=IOUT,file=outputname,status='unknown')
-      write(IOUT,*) 'Time step # ',it
-      write(IOUT,*) 'Time: ',sngl((it-1)*DT-hdur(1)),' seconds'
-      write(IOUT,*) 'Elapsed time in seconds = ',tCPU
-      write(IOUT,"(' Elapsed time in hh:mm:ss = ',i4,' h ',i2.2,' m ',i2.2,' s')") ihours,iminutes,iseconds
-      write(IOUT,*) 'Mean elapsed time per time step in seconds = ',tCPU/dble(it)
-      write(IOUT,*) 'Max norm displacement vector U in solid in all slices (m) = ',Usolidnorm_all
-      close(IOUT)
-! check stability of the code, exit if unstable
-      if(Usolidnorm_all > STABILITY_THRESHOLD) call exit_MPI(myrank,'code became unstable and blew up')
-    endif
-  endif
-! update displacement using finite difference time scheme
- do i=1,NGLOB_AB
-   displ(:,i) = displ(:,i) + deltat*veloc(:,i) + deltatsqover2*accel(:,i)
-   veloc(:,i) = veloc(:,i) + deltatover2*accel(:,i)
-   accel(:,i) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
- enddo
-  do ispec = 1,NSPEC_AB
-    do k=1,NGLLZ
-      do j=1,NGLLY
-        do i=1,NGLLX
-          tempx1l = 0.
-          tempx2l = 0.
-          tempx3l = 0.
-          tempy1l = 0.
-          tempy2l = 0.
-          tempy3l = 0.
-          tempz1l = 0.
-          tempz2l = 0.
-          tempz3l = 0.
-          do l=1,NGLLX
-            hp1 = hprime_xx(l,i)
-            iglob = ibool(l,j,k,ispec)
-            tempx1l = tempx1l + displ(1,iglob)*hp1
-            tempy1l = tempy1l + displ(2,iglob)*hp1
-            tempz1l = tempz1l + displ(3,iglob)*hp1
-          enddo
-          do l=1,NGLLY
-            hp2 = hprime_yy(l,j)
-            iglob = ibool(i,l,k,ispec)
-            tempx2l = tempx2l + displ(1,iglob)*hp2
-            tempy2l = tempy2l + displ(2,iglob)*hp2
-            tempz2l = tempz2l + displ(3,iglob)*hp2
-          enddo
-          do l=1,NGLLZ
-            hp3 = hprime_zz(l,k)
-            iglob = ibool(i,j,l,ispec)
-            tempx3l = tempx3l + displ(1,iglob)*hp3
-            tempy3l = tempy3l + displ(2,iglob)*hp3
-            tempz3l = tempz3l + displ(3,iglob)*hp3
-          enddo
-!         get derivatives of ux, uy and uz with respect to x, y and z
-!! DK DK NOJACOBIAN          xixl = xix(i,j,k,ispec)
-!! DK DK NOJACOBIAN          xiyl = xiy(i,j,k,ispec)
-!! DK DK NOJACOBIAN          xizl = xiz(i,j,k,ispec)
-!! DK DK NOJACOBIAN          etaxl = etax(i,j,k,ispec)
-!! DK DK NOJACOBIAN          etayl = etay(i,j,k,ispec)
-!! DK DK NOJACOBIAN          etazl = etaz(i,j,k,ispec)
-!! DK DK NOJACOBIAN          gammaxl = gammax(i,j,k,ispec)
-!! DK DK NOJACOBIAN          gammayl = gammay(i,j,k,ispec)
-!! DK DK NOJACOBIAN          gammazl = gammaz(i,j,k,ispec)
-!! DK DK NOJACOBIAN          jacobianl = jacobian(i,j,k,ispec)
-          xixl = xix(i,j,k,1)
-          xiyl = xiy(i,j,k,1)
-          xizl = xiz(i,j,k,1)
-          etaxl = etax(i,j,k,1)
-          etayl = etay(i,j,k,1)
-          etazl = etaz(i,j,k,1)
-          gammaxl = gammax(i,j,k,1)
-          gammayl = gammay(i,j,k,1)
-          gammazl = gammaz(i,j,k,1)
-          jacobianl = jacobian(i,j,k,1)
-          duxdxl = xixl*tempx1l + etaxl*tempx2l + gammaxl*tempx3l
-          duxdyl = xiyl*tempx1l + etayl*tempx2l + gammayl*tempx3l
-          duxdzl = xizl*tempx1l + etazl*tempx2l + gammazl*tempx3l
-          duydxl = xixl*tempy1l + etaxl*tempy2l + gammaxl*tempy3l
-          duydyl = xiyl*tempy1l + etayl*tempy2l + gammayl*tempy3l
-          duydzl = xizl*tempy1l + etazl*tempy2l + gammazl*tempy3l
-          duzdxl = xixl*tempz1l + etaxl*tempz2l + gammaxl*tempz3l
-          duzdyl = xiyl*tempz1l + etayl*tempz2l + gammayl*tempz3l
-          duzdzl = xizl*tempz1l + etazl*tempz2l + gammazl*tempz3l
-! precompute some sums to save CPU time
-          duxdxl_plus_duydyl = duxdxl + duydyl
-          duxdxl_plus_duzdzl = duxdxl + duzdzl
-          duydyl_plus_duzdzl = duydyl + duzdzl
-          duxdyl_plus_duydxl = duxdyl + duydxl
-          duzdxl_plus_duxdzl = duzdxl + duxdzl
-          duzdyl_plus_duydzl = duzdyl + duydzl
-! precompute terms for attenuation if needed
-  if(ATTENUATION) then
-! compute deviatoric strain
-    epsilon_trace_over_3 = ONE_THIRD * (duxdxl + duydyl + duzdzl)
-    epsilondev_xx_loc(i,j,k) = duxdxl - epsilon_trace_over_3
-    epsilondev_yy_loc(i,j,k) = duydyl - epsilon_trace_over_3
-    epsilondev_xy_loc(i,j,k) = 0.5 * duxdyl_plus_duydxl
-    epsilondev_xz_loc(i,j,k) = 0.5 * duzdxl_plus_duxdzl
-    epsilondev_yz_loc(i,j,k) = 0.5 * duzdyl_plus_duydzl
-! distinguish attenuation factors
-    one_minus_sum_beta_use = one_minus_sum_beta(iselected)
-    minus_sum_beta =  one_minus_sum_beta_use - 1.
-  endif
-    kappal = kappastore(i,j,k,ispec)
-    mul = mustore(i,j,k,ispec)
-! use unrelaxed parameters if attenuation
-    if(ATTENUATION) mul = mul * one_minus_sum_beta_use
-          lambdalplus2mul = kappal + FOUR_THIRDS * mul
-          lambdal = lambdalplus2mul - 2.*mul
-! compute stress sigma
-          sigma_xx = lambdalplus2mul*duxdxl + lambdal*duydyl_plus_duzdzl
-          sigma_yy = lambdalplus2mul*duydyl + lambdal*duxdxl_plus_duzdzl
-          sigma_zz = lambdalplus2mul*duzdzl + lambdal*duxdxl_plus_duydyl
-          sigma_xy = mul*duxdyl_plus_duydxl
-          sigma_xz = mul*duzdxl_plus_duxdzl
-          sigma_yz = mul*duzdyl_plus_duydzl
-! subtract memory variables if attenuation
-  if(ATTENUATION) then
-    do i_sls = 1,N_SLS
-      R_xx_val = R_xx(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
-      R_yy_val = R_yy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
-      sigma_xx = sigma_xx - R_xx_val
-      sigma_yy = sigma_yy - R_yy_val
-      sigma_zz = sigma_zz + R_xx_val + R_yy_val
-      sigma_xy = sigma_xy - R_xy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
-      sigma_xz = sigma_xz - R_xz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
-      sigma_yz = sigma_yz - R_yz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
-    enddo
-  endif
-! form dot product with test vector, symmetric form
-      tempx1(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xx*xixl + sigma_xy*xiyl + sigma_xz*xizl)
-      tempy1(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xy*xixl + sigma_yy*xiyl + sigma_yz*xizl)
-      tempz1(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xz*xixl + sigma_yz*xiyl + sigma_zz*xizl)
-      tempx2(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xx*etaxl + sigma_xy*etayl + sigma_xz*etazl)
-      tempy2(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xy*etaxl + sigma_yy*etayl + sigma_yz*etazl)
-      tempz2(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xz*etaxl + sigma_yz*etayl + sigma_zz*etazl)
-      tempx3(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xx*gammaxl + sigma_xy*gammayl + sigma_xz*gammazl)
-      tempy3(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xy*gammaxl + sigma_yy*gammayl + sigma_yz*gammazl)
-      tempz3(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xz*gammaxl + sigma_yz*gammayl + sigma_zz*gammazl)
-          enddo
-        enddo
-      enddo
-    do k=1,NGLLZ
-      do j=1,NGLLY
-        do i=1,NGLLX
-          tempx1l = 0.
-          tempy1l = 0.
-          tempz1l = 0.
-          tempx2l = 0.
-          tempy2l = 0.
-          tempz2l = 0.
-          tempx3l = 0.
-          tempy3l = 0.
-          tempz3l = 0.
-          do l=1,NGLLX
-            fac1 = hprimewgll_xx(i,l)
-            tempx1l = tempx1l + tempx1(l,j,k)*fac1
-            tempy1l = tempy1l + tempy1(l,j,k)*fac1
-            tempz1l = tempz1l + tempz1(l,j,k)*fac1
-          enddo
-          do l=1,NGLLY
-            fac2 = hprimewgll_yy(j,l)
-            tempx2l = tempx2l + tempx2(i,l,k)*fac2
-            tempy2l = tempy2l + tempy2(i,l,k)*fac2
-            tempz2l = tempz2l + tempz2(i,l,k)*fac2
-          enddo
-          do l=1,NGLLZ
-            fac3 = hprimewgll_zz(k,l)
-            tempx3l = tempx3l + tempx3(i,j,l)*fac3
-            tempy3l = tempy3l + tempy3(i,j,l)*fac3
-            tempz3l = tempz3l + tempz3(i,j,l)*fac3
-          enddo
-          fac1 = wgllwgll_yz(j,k)
-          fac2 = wgllwgll_xz(i,k)
-          fac3 = wgllwgll_xy(i,j)
-! sum contributions from each element to the global mesh and add gravity terms
-  iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
-  accel(1,iglob) = accel(1,iglob) - (fac1*tempx1l + fac2*tempx2l + fac3*tempx3l)
-  accel(2,iglob) = accel(2,iglob) - (fac1*tempy1l + fac2*tempy2l + fac3*tempy3l)
-  accel(3,iglob) = accel(3,iglob) - (fac1*tempz1l + fac2*tempz2l + fac3*tempz3l)
-! update memory variables based upon the Runge-Kutta scheme
-  if(ATTENUATION) then
-! use Runge-Kutta scheme to march in time
-  do i_sls = 1,N_SLS
-! get coefficients for that standard linear solid
-  factor_loc = mustore(i,j,k,ispec) * factor_common(iselected,i_sls)
-  alphaval_loc = alphaval(iselected,i_sls)
-  betaval_loc = betaval(iselected,i_sls)
-  gammaval_loc = gammaval(iselected,i_sls)
-! term in xx
-  Sn   = factor_loc * epsilondev_xx(i,j,k,ispec)
-  Snp1   = factor_loc * epsilondev_xx_loc(i,j,k)
-  R_xx(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) = alphaval_loc * R_xx(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) + betaval_loc * Sn + gammaval_loc * Snp1
-! term in yy
-  Sn   = factor_loc * epsilondev_yy(i,j,k,ispec)
-  Snp1   = factor_loc * epsilondev_yy_loc(i,j,k)
-  R_yy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) = alphaval_loc * R_yy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) + betaval_loc * Sn + gammaval_loc * Snp1
-! term in zz not computed since zero trace
-! term in xy
-  Sn   = factor_loc * epsilondev_xy(i,j,k,ispec)
-  Snp1   = factor_loc * epsilondev_xy_loc(i,j,k)
-  R_xy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) = alphaval_loc * R_xy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) + betaval_loc * Sn + gammaval_loc * Snp1
-! term in xz
-  Sn   = factor_loc * epsilondev_xz(i,j,k,ispec)
-  Snp1   = factor_loc * epsilondev_xz_loc(i,j,k)
-  R_xz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) = alphaval_loc * R_xz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) + betaval_loc * Sn + gammaval_loc * Snp1
-! term in yz
-  Sn   = factor_loc * epsilondev_yz(i,j,k,ispec)
-  Snp1   = factor_loc * epsilondev_yz_loc(i,j,k)
-  R_yz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) = alphaval_loc * R_yz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) + betaval_loc * Sn + gammaval_loc * Snp1
-    enddo   ! end of loop on memory variables
-  endif  !  end attenuation
-        enddo
-      enddo
-    enddo
-! save deviatoric strain for Runge-Kutta scheme
-  if(ATTENUATION) then
-    epsilondev_xx(:,:,:,ispec) = epsilondev_xx_loc(:,:,:)
-    epsilondev_yy(:,:,:,ispec) = epsilondev_yy_loc(:,:,:)
-    epsilondev_xy(:,:,:,ispec) = epsilondev_xy_loc(:,:,:)
-    epsilondev_xz(:,:,:,ispec) = epsilondev_xz_loc(:,:,:)
-    epsilondev_yz(:,:,:,ispec) = epsilondev_yz_loc(:,:,:)
-  endif
-  enddo   ! spectral element loop
-!jpampuero *********** BEGIN ABSORBING BOUNDARY CONDITIONS ******************
-! add Stacey conditions
-!   xmin
-    do ispec2D=1,nspec2D_xmin
-      ispec=ibelm_xmin(ispec2D)
-! exclude elements that are not on absorbing edges
-    if(nkmin_xi(1,ispec2D) == 0 .or. njmin(1,ispec2D) == 0) cycle
-      i=1
-      do k=nkmin_xi(1,ispec2D),NGLLZ
-        do j=njmin(1,ispec2D),njmax(1,ispec2D)
-          iglob=ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
-          vx=veloc(1,iglob)
-          vy=veloc(2,iglob)
-          vz=veloc(3,iglob)
-          nx=normal_xmin(1,j,k,ispec2D)
-          ny=normal_xmin(2,j,k,ispec2D)
-          nz=normal_xmin(3,j,k,ispec2D)
-          vn=vx*nx+vy*ny+vz*nz
-          tx=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vn*nx+rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*(vx-vn*nx)
-          ty=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vn*ny+rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*(vy-vn*ny)
-          tz=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vn*nz+rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*(vz-vn*nz)
-          weight=jacobian2D_xmin(j,k,ispec2D)*wgllwgll_yz(j,k)
-          accel(1,iglob)=accel(1,iglob) - tx*weight
-          accel(2,iglob)=accel(2,iglob) - ty*weight
-          accel(3,iglob)=accel(3,iglob) - tz*weight
-        enddo
-      enddo
-    enddo
-!   xmax
-    do ispec2D=1,nspec2D_xmax
-      ispec=ibelm_xmax(ispec2D)
-! exclude elements that are not on absorbing edges
-    if(nkmin_xi(2,ispec2D) == 0 .or. njmin(2,ispec2D) == 0) cycle
-      i=NGLLX
-      do k=nkmin_xi(2,ispec2D),NGLLZ
-        do j=njmin(2,ispec2D),njmax(2,ispec2D)
-          iglob=ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
-          vx=veloc(1,iglob)
-          vy=veloc(2,iglob)
-          vz=veloc(3,iglob)
-          nx=normal_xmax(1,j,k,ispec2D)
-          ny=normal_xmax(2,j,k,ispec2D)
-          nz=normal_xmax(3,j,k,ispec2D)
-          vn=vx*nx+vy*ny+vz*nz
-          tx=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vn*nx+rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*(vx-vn*nx)
-          ty=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vn*ny+rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*(vy-vn*ny)
-          tz=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vn*nz+rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*(vz-vn*nz)
-          weight=jacobian2D_xmax(j,k,ispec2D)*wgllwgll_yz(j,k)
-          accel(1,iglob)=accel(1,iglob) - tx*weight
-          accel(2,iglob)=accel(2,iglob) - ty*weight
-          accel(3,iglob)=accel(3,iglob) - tz*weight
-        enddo
-      enddo
-    enddo
-!jpampuero ================ BEGIN DYNAMIC FAULT =========================
-!jpampuero I am implementing the FAULT boundary conditions in place of one
-!jpampuero of the absorbing boundaries.
-!jpampuero It is a quick and dirty implementation, for SCEC 1st benchmark test.
-!jpampuero No split nodes need to be implemented.
-!jpampuero The model is symmetric.
-!jpampuero Assume only ONE proc contains the fault: NPROC_XI=1
-!jpampuero Fault located at y=ymin
-    if (FaultInThisProc) then
-    do ispec2D=1,nspec2D_ymin
-      ! exclude elements that are not on absorbing edges
-      if(nkmin_eta(1,ispec2D) == 0 .or. nimin(1,ispec2D) == 0) cycle
-      !ispec = bulk element associated to the ispec2D'th boundary element
-      ispec=ibelm_ymin(ispec2D)
-      !skip element if its center is not in rupture region
-      ! iglob=ibool(3,1,3,ispec)
-      ! if (-zstore(iglob)>RuptureDepth .OR. abs(xstore(iglob))>RuptureHalfLength) cycle
-      j=1
-      do k=nkmin_eta(1,ispec2D),NGLLZ
-        do i=nimin(1,ispec2D),nimax(1,ispec2D)
-!      do k=1,NGLLZ
-!        do i=1,NGLLX
-          iglob=ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
-          ! Update strength :
-          ! For symmetry reasons slip=2*displ
-          FaultStrength(i,k,ispec2D) = max(FaultMuD(i,k,ispec2D), &
-            FaultMuS(i,k,ispec2D)-FaultSWR(i,k,ispec2D)*sqrt(displ(1,iglob)**2+displ(3,iglob)**2) )
-          ! From Newmark: v_new = v_pred +dt/2*a_new
-          ! so: a_new = (v_new-v_pred)*2/dt = M^(-1) *( -K*d_new -B*t_new )
-          !velocity assuming the fault is stress free during this timestep (t_new=0)
-          !v_free = v_pred - dt/2 *M^(-1) *K*d_new
-          FaultDVxFree = veloc(1,iglob)+deltatover2*rmass(1,iglob)*accel(1,iglob)
-          FaultDVzFree = veloc(3,iglob)+deltatover2*rmass(3,iglob)*accel(3,iglob)
-          !NOTE: I assume that only ONE proc contains the fault plane
-          !      else accel=-K*d needs to be MPI assembled prior to compute V_free
-          !"stick" or trial stress, assuming v_new = 0 during this timestep
-          !T_trial = B^(-1) * M * 2/dt*V_free
-          weight=FaultB(i,k,ispec2D) ! assembled
-          tx = FaultDVxFree/(deltatover2*weight*rmass(1,iglob))
-          tz = FaultDVzFree/(deltatover2*weight*rmass(3,iglob))
-!          !test yield on magnitude of absolute stress (+initial)
-!          txa = tx+FaultTxInit(i,k,ispec2D)
-!          tza = tz+FaultTzInit(i,k,ispec2D)
-!          ta = sqrt( txa*txa + tza*tza )
-!          if ( ta>FaultStrength(i,k,ispec2D) ) then
-!            va = sqrt(FaultDVxFree**2+ FaultDVzFree**2)
-!            if ( va<VERYSMALLVAL ) then
-!              dirx = txa/ta
-!              dirz = tza/ta
-!            else
-!              dirx = FaultDVxFree/va
-!              dirz = FaultDVzFree/va
-!            endif
-!            ta = FaultStrength(i,k,ispec2D)
-!            tx = ta*dirx -FaultTxInit(i,k,ispec2D)
-!            tz = ta*dirz -FaultTzInit(i,k,ispec2D)
-!          endif
-          tx = min(tx, FaultStrength(i,k,ispec2D) -FaultTxInit(i,k,ispec2D))
-          FaultTx(i,k,ispec2D) = tx !store relative shear stress
-          FaultTz(i,k,ispec2D) = tz !store relative shear stress
-        enddo
-      enddo
-    enddo
-    do ispec2D=1,nspec2D_ymin
-      if(nkmin_eta(1,ispec2D) == 0 .or. nimin(1,ispec2D) == 0) cycle
-      ispec=ibelm_ymin(ispec2D)
-      j=1
-      do k=nkmin_eta(1,ispec2D),NGLLZ
-        do i=nimin(1,ispec2D),nimax(1,ispec2D)
-          iglob=ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
-          weight=jacobian2D_ymin(i,k,ispec2D)*wgllwgll_xz(i,k) ! not assembled
-          accel(1,iglob)=accel(1,iglob) - FaultTx(i,k,ispec2D)*weight
-          !accel(2,iglob): Stress-free on the Y direction (normal to the fault plane): do nothing
-!          accel(3,iglob)=accel(3,iglob) - FaultTz(i,k,ispec2D)*weight ! VECTORIAL friction
-          accel(3,iglob)=0._CUSTOM_REAL ! if SCALAR friction
-        enddo
-      enddo
-    enddo
-    endif
-!jpampuero ================ END DYNAMIC FAULT =========================
-!   ymax
-    do ispec2D=1,nspec2D_ymax
-      ispec=ibelm_ymax(ispec2D)
-! exclude elements that are not on absorbing edges
-    if(nkmin_eta(2,ispec2D) == 0 .or. nimin(2,ispec2D) == 0) cycle
-      j=NGLLY
-      do k=nkmin_eta(2,ispec2D),NGLLZ
-        do i=nimin(2,ispec2D),nimax(2,ispec2D)
-          iglob=ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
-          vx=veloc(1,iglob)
-          vy=veloc(2,iglob)
-          vz=veloc(3,iglob)
-          nx=normal_ymax(1,i,k,ispec2D)
-          ny=normal_ymax(2,i,k,ispec2D)
-          nz=normal_ymax(3,i,k,ispec2D)
-          vn=vx*nx+vy*ny+vz*nz
-          tx=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vn*nx+rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*(vx-vn*nx)
-          ty=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vn*ny+rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*(vy-vn*ny)
-          tz=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vn*nz+rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*(vz-vn*nz)
-          weight=jacobian2D_ymax(i,k,ispec2D)*wgllwgll_xz(i,k)
-          accel(1,iglob)=accel(1,iglob) - tx*weight
-          accel(2,iglob)=accel(2,iglob) - ty*weight
-          accel(3,iglob)=accel(3,iglob) - tz*weight
-        enddo
-      enddo
-    enddo
-!   bottom (zmin)
-    do ispec2D=1,NSPEC2D_BOTTOM
-      ispec=ibelm_bottom(ispec2D)
-      k=1
-      do j=1,NGLLY
-        do i=1,NGLLX
-          iglob=ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
-          vx=veloc(1,iglob)
-          vy=veloc(2,iglob)
-          vz=veloc(3,iglob)
-          nx=normal_bottom(1,i,j,ispec2D)
-          ny=normal_bottom(2,i,j,ispec2D)
-          nz=normal_bottom(3,i,j,ispec2D)
-          vn=vx*nx+vy*ny+vz*nz
-          tx=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vn*nx+rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*(vx-vn*nx)
-          ty=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vn*ny+rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*(vy-vn*ny)
-          tz=rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)*vn*nz+rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)*(vz-vn*nz)
-          weight=jacobian2D_bottom(i,j,ispec2D)*wgllwgll_xy(i,j)
-          accel(1,iglob)=accel(1,iglob) - tx*weight
-          accel(2,iglob)=accel(2,iglob) - ty*weight
-          accel(3,iglob)=accel(3,iglob) - tz*weight
-        enddo
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  endif  ! end of Stacey conditions
-!jpampuero ************* END OF ABSORBING BOUNDARY CONDITIONS *********************
-  do isource = 1,NSOURCES
-!   add the source (only if this proc carries the source)
-    if(myrank == islice_selected_source(isource)) then
-      stf = comp_source_time_function(dble(it-1)*DT-hdur(isource)-t_cmt(isource),hdur(isource))
-!     distinguish whether single or double precision for reals
-      if(CUSTOM_REAL == SIZE_REAL) then
-        stf_used = sngl(stf)
-      else
-        stf_used = stf
-      endif
-!     add source array
-      do k=1,NGLLZ
-        do j=1,NGLLY
-          do i=1,NGLLX
-            iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec_selected_source(isource))
-            accel(:,iglob) = accel(:,iglob) + sourcearrays(isource,:,i,j,k)*stf_used
-          enddo
-        enddo
-      enddo
-    endif
-  enddo
-! assemble all the contributions between slices using MPI
-  call assemble_MPI_vector(accel,iproc_xi,iproc_eta,addressing, &
-            iboolleft_xi,iboolright_xi,iboolleft_eta,iboolright_eta, &
-            buffer_send_faces,buffer_received_faces,npoin2D_xi,npoin2D_eta, &
-  do i=1,NGLOB_AB
-    accel(1,i) = accel(1,i)*rmass(1,i) !jpampuero ABC
-    accel(2,i) = accel(2,i)*rmass(2,i) !jpampuero ABC
-    accel(3,i) = accel(3,i)*rmass(3,i) !jpampuero ABC
-    veloc(:,i) = veloc(:,i) + deltatover2*accel(:,i)
-  enddo
-! write the seismograms with time shift
-  do irec_local = 1,nrec_local
-! get global number of that receiver
-    irec = number_receiver_global(irec_local)
-! perform the general interpolation using Lagrange polynomials
-        uxd = ZERO
-        uyd = ZERO
-        uzd = ZERO
-        vxd = ZERO
-        vyd = ZERO
-        vzd = ZERO
-        do j = 1,NGLLY
-          do i = 1,NGLLX
-! receivers are always located at the surface in the crustal region of the mesh
-            iglob = ibool(i,j,NGLLZ,ispec_selected_rec(irec))
-            hlagrange = hxir_store(irec_local,i)*hetar_store(irec_local,j)
-! save displacement
-            uxd = uxd + dble(displ(1,iglob))*hlagrange
-            uyd = uyd + dble(displ(2,iglob))*hlagrange
-            uzd = uzd + dble(displ(3,iglob))*hlagrange
-! save velocity
-            vxd = vxd + dble(veloc(1,iglob))*hlagrange
-            vyd = vyd + dble(veloc(2,iglob))*hlagrange
-            vzd = vzd + dble(veloc(3,iglob))*hlagrange
-          enddo
-        enddo
-! store North, East and Vertical components
-! distinguish whether single or double precision for reals
-      if(CUSTOM_REAL == SIZE_REAL) then
-        seismograms_d(:,irec_local,it) = sngl((nu(:,1,irec)*uxd + nu(:,2,irec)*uyd + nu(:,3,irec)*uzd))
-        seismograms_v(:,irec_local,it) = sngl((nu(:,1,irec)*vxd + nu(:,2,irec)*vyd + nu(:,3,irec)*vzd))
-      else
-        seismograms_d(:,irec_local,it) = (nu(:,1,irec)*uxd + nu(:,2,irec)*uyd + nu(:,3,irec)*uzd)
-        seismograms_v(:,irec_local,it) = (nu(:,1,irec)*vxd + nu(:,2,irec)*vyd + nu(:,3,irec)*vzd)
-      endif
-  enddo
-! write the current seismograms
-  if(mod(it,NSEIS) == 0) then
-      call write_seismograms_d(myrank,seismograms_d,number_receiver_global,station_name, &
-           network_name,nrec,nrec_local,it,DT,NSTEP,hdur(1),LOCAL_PATH)
-          !network_name,nrec,nrec_local,it,DT,NSTEP,hdur(1),'OUTPUT_FILES') !jpampuero
-      call write_seismograms_v(myrank,seismograms_v,number_receiver_global,station_name, &
-           network_name,nrec,nrec_local,it,DT,NSTEP,hdur(1),LOCAL_PATH)
-          !network_name,nrec,nrec_local,it,DT,NSTEP,hdur(1),'OUTPUT_FILES') !jpampuero
-  endif
-!jpampuero =========== BEGIN OUTPUT FAULT SNAPSHOTS ================
-  if (FaultInThisProc) then
-   !OUTPUT: time series at selected fault points
-    FaultDisplX(:,it) = 2.0*displ(1,FaultIglobOut)
-    FaultDisplZ(:,it) = 2.0*displ(3,FaultIglobOut)
-    FaultVelocX(:,it) = 2.0*veloc(1,FaultIglobOut)
-    FaultVelocZ(:,it) = 2.0*veloc(3,FaultIglobOut)
-    do i=1,FaultOutputNPTS
-      FaultStressX(i,it) = FaultTx(FaultIgllOut(i),FaultKgllOut(i),FaultElmtOut(i))
-      FaultStressZ(i,it) = FaultTz(FaultIgllOut(i),FaultKgllOut(i),FaultElmtOut(i))
-    enddo
-   !OUTPUT: slip rate snapshot
-    if (mod(it,FaultSnapshotNDT) == 0) then
-      !write(FaultOutputName,'(A,'/Snapshot',I2.2,'_',I3.3,'.bin')') LOCAL_PATH,it/FaultSnapshotNDT,myrank
-      write(FaultOutputName,"('OUTPUT_FILES/Snapshot',I0,'.bin')") it/FaultSnapshotNDT
-      open(unit=IOUT, file= trim(FaultOutputName), status='replace', form='unformatted')
-      do ispec2D=1,nspec2D_ymin
-        ispec=ibelm_ymin(ispec2D)
-        j=1
-       !skip element if its center is not in rupture region
-        iglob=ibool(3,j,3,ispec)
-        if (-zstore(iglob)>RuptureDepth .OR. abs(xstore(iglob))>RuptureHalfLength) cycle
-        do k=1,NGLLZ-1,2 ! watch out: do not repeat a node
-        do i=1,NGLLX-1,2 ! assuming NGLL=5
-          iglob=ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
-          write(IOUT) xstore(iglob),zstore(iglob) &
-                     ,2.*veloc(1,iglob),2.*veloc(3,iglob) &
-                     ,2.*displ(1,iglob),2.*displ(3,iglob) &
-                     ,FaultTx(i,k,ispec2D),FaultTz(i,k,ispec2D)
-        enddo
-        enddo
-      enddo
-      close(IOUT)
-     !intermediate output at selected fault points
-      do i=1,FaultOutputNPTS
-      open(IOUT,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//FaultOutputPtsName(i),status='replace')
-      write(IOUT,*) "# author=Jean-Paul Ampuero (am)"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# date=2004/09/08"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# code=SPECFEM3D (se)"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# code_version=0904"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# element_size=333.33 m  (5 nodes per element edge)"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# time_step=",DT
-      write(IOUT,*) "# num_time_steps=",NSTEP
-      write(IOUT,*) "# location=",FaultOutputPtsName(i)
-      write(IOUT,*) "# Time series in 7 column of E14.6"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# Column #1 = Time (s)"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# Column #2 = horizontal right-lateral slip (m)"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# Column #3 = horizontal right-lateral slip rate (m/s)"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# Column #4 = horizontal right-lateral shear stress (MPa)"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# Column #5 = vertical up-dip slip (m)"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# Column #6 = vertical up-dip slip rate (m/s)"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# Column #7 = vertical up-dip shear stress (MPa)"
-      do k=1,NSTEP
-        write(IOUT,'(7(E14.6))') k*DT,FaultDisplX(i,k),FaultVelocX(i,k),FaultStressX(i,k)/1e6 &
-                           ,FaultDisplZ(i,k),FaultVelocZ(i,k),FaultStressZ(i,k)/1e6
-      enddo
-      close(IOUT)
-      enddo
-    endif
-  endif
-!jpampuero =========== END OUTPUT FAULT SNAPSHOTS ================
-!---- end of time iteration loop
-  enddo   ! end of main time loop
-! write the final seismograms
-  call write_seismograms_d(myrank,seismograms_d,number_receiver_global,station_name, &
-          network_name,nrec,nrec_local,it,DT,NSTEP,hdur(1),LOCAL_PATH)
-          !network_name,nrec,nrec_local,it,DT,NSTEP,hdur(1),'OUTPUT_FILES') !jpampuero
-  call write_seismograms_v(myrank,seismograms_v,number_receiver_global,station_name, &
-          network_name,nrec,nrec_local,it,DT,NSTEP,hdur(1),LOCAL_PATH)
-          !network_name,nrec,nrec_local,it,DT,NSTEP,hdur(1),'OUTPUT_FILES') !jpampuero
-!jpampuero === BEGIN OUTPUT: time series at selected fault points ===
-  if (FaultInThisProc) then
-    FaultStressX = FaultStressX/1e6
-    FaultStressZ = FaultStressZ/1e6
-    do i=1,FaultOutputNPTS
-      open(IOUT,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//FaultOutputPtsName(i),status='replace')
-      write(IOUT,*) "# author=Jean-Paul Ampuero (am)"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# date=2004/09/08"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# code=SPECFEM3D (se)"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# code_version=0904"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# element_size=333.33 m  (5 nodes per element edge)"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# time_step=",DT
-      write(IOUT,*) "# num_time_steps=",NSTEP
-      write(IOUT,*) "# location=",FaultOutputPtsName(i)
-      write(IOUT,*) "# Time series in 7 column of E14.6"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# Column #1 = Time (s)"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# Column #2 = horizontal right-lateral slip (m)"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# Column #3 = horizontal right-lateral slip rate (m/s)"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# Column #4 = horizontal right-lateral shear stress (MPa)"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# Column #5 = vertical up-dip slip (m)"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# Column #6 = vertical up-dip slip rate (m/s)"
-      write(IOUT,*) "# Column #7 = vertical up-dip shear stress (MPa)"
-      do it=1,NSTEP
-        write(IOUT,'(7(E14.6))') it*DT,FaultDisplX(i,it),FaultVelocX(i,it),FaultStressX(i,it) &
-                           ,FaultDisplZ(i,it),FaultVelocZ(i,it),FaultStressZ(i,it)
-      enddo
-      close(IOUT)
-    enddo
-!    open(unit=IOUT,file='OUTPUT_FILES/FaultDispl.bin',status='replace',form='unformatted')
-!    write(IOUT) FaultDispl
-!    close(IOUT)
-!    open(unit=IOUT,file='OUTPUT_FILES/FaultVeloc.bin',status='replace',form='unformatted')
-!    write(IOUT) FaultVeloc
-!    close(IOUT)
-  endif
-!jpampuero === END OUTPUT: time series at selected fault points ===
-! close the main output file
-  if(myrank == 0) then
-    write(IMAIN,*)
-    write(IMAIN,*) 'End of the simulation'
-    write(IMAIN,*)
-    close(IMAIN)
-  endif
-! synchronize all the processes to make sure everybody has finished
-! stop all the MPI processes, and exit
-  call MPI_FINALIZE(ier)
-  end program specfem3D

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