[cig-commits] r20261 - short/3D/PyLith/branches/v1.7-trunk/examples/2d/greensfns/strikeslip

willic3 at geodynamics.org willic3 at geodynamics.org
Thu May 31 18:15:09 PDT 2012

Author: willic3
Date: 2012-05-31 18:15:09 -0700 (Thu, 31 May 2012)
New Revision: 20261

Added simple inversion code to make use of GF.
Still need to update README and include code to plot results.

Added: short/3D/PyLith/branches/v1.7-trunk/examples/2d/greensfns/strikeslip/penalty_params.txt
--- short/3D/PyLith/branches/v1.7-trunk/examples/2d/greensfns/strikeslip/penalty_params.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/branches/v1.7-trunk/examples/2d/greensfns/strikeslip/penalty_params.txt	2012-06-01 01:15:09 UTC (rev 20261)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

Added: short/3D/PyLith/branches/v1.7-trunk/examples/2d/greensfns/strikeslip/run-inv.sh
--- short/3D/PyLith/branches/v1.7-trunk/examples/2d/greensfns/strikeslip/run-inv.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/branches/v1.7-trunk/examples/2d/greensfns/strikeslip/run-inv.sh	2012-06-01 01:15:09 UTC (rev 20261)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+./simple_invert.py --impulse_file=output/greensfns-fault.h5 --response_file=output/greensfns-points.h5 --data_file=output/eqsim-points.h5 --penalty_file=penalty_params.txt --output_file=strikeslip_inversion.txt

Property changes on: short/3D/PyLith/branches/v1.7-trunk/examples/2d/greensfns/strikeslip/run-inv.sh
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: short/3D/PyLith/branches/v1.7-trunk/examples/2d/greensfns/strikeslip/simple_invert.py
--- short/3D/PyLith/branches/v1.7-trunk/examples/2d/greensfns/strikeslip/simple_invert.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/branches/v1.7-trunk/examples/2d/greensfns/strikeslip/simple_invert.py	2012-06-01 01:15:09 UTC (rev 20261)
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+This is an extremely simple example showing how to set up and inversion using
+PyLith-generated Green's functions. In this simple example, there are no data
+uncertainties, and as a penalty function we use a simple minimum moment.
+# The code requires the numpy and h5py packages.
+import numpy
+import h5py
+# import pdb
+def getImpResp():
+  """
+  Function to get impulse and response coordinates and values. Both are sorted
+  along the y-dimension of the fault.
+  """
+  # Open impulse file and determine which fault vertices were used.
+  impulses = h5py.File(impulseFile, "r")
+  impC = impulses['geometry/vertices'][:]
+  impV = impulses['vertex_fields/slip'][:,:,0]
+  impInds = numpy.nonzero(impV != 0.0)
+  impCUsed = impC[impInds[1]]
+  impVUsed = impV[impInds[0], impInds[1]]
+  # Sort by y-coordinate.
+  impInds = numpy.argsort(impCUsed[:,1])
+  impCSort = impCUsed[impInds,:]
+  impVSort = impVUsed[impInds]
+  # Close impulse file and get responses.
+  impulses.close()
+  responses = h5py.File(responseFile, "r")
+  respC = responses['geometry/vertices'][:]
+  respV = responses['vertex_fields/displacement'][:]
+  respVIsort = respV[impInds,:,:]
+  responses.close()
+  return (impCSort, impVSort, respC, respVIsort)
+def getData():
+  """
+  Function to get data values and coordinates.
+  """
+  # Open data file. Since the response and data coordinates are in the same
+  # order, we don't have to worry about sorting.
+  data = h5py.File(dataFile, "r")
+  dataC = data['geometry/vertices'][:]
+  dataV = data['vertex_fields/displacement'][:]
+  data.close()
+  return (dataC, dataV)
+# pdb.set_trace()
+# The main part of the code is below.
+# Get command-line arguments.
+from optparse import OptionParser
+parser = OptionParser()
+parser.add_option("-i", "--impulse_file", action="store", type="string",
+                  dest="impulse_file", help="HDF5 file with fault GF info")
+parser.add_option("-r", "--response_file", action="store", type="string",
+                  dest="response_file", help="HDF5 file with GF responses")
+parser.add_option("-d", "--data_file", action="store", type="string",
+                  dest="data_file", help="HDF5 file with data")
+parser.add_option("-p", "--penalty_file", action="store", type="string",
+                  dest="penalty_file", help="text file with penalty parameters")
+parser.add_option("-o", "--output_file", action="store", type="string",
+                  dest="output_file", help="text file with estimated slip")
+(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+if (not options.impulse_file):
+  parser.error("impulse input file must be specified")
+if (not options.response_file):
+  parser.error("response input file must be specified")
+if (not options.data_file):
+  parser.error("data input file must be specified")
+if (not options.penalty_file):
+  parser.error("penalty input file must be specified")
+if (not options.output_file):
+  parser.error("output file must be specified")
+impulseFile = options.impulse_file
+responseFile = options.response_file
+dataFile = options.data_file
+penaltyFile = options.penalty_file
+outputFile = options.output_file
+# Get GF info.
+(impCoords, impVals, respCoords, respVals) = getImpResp()
+# Get observed displacements and observation locations.
+(dataCoords, dataVals) = getData()
+# Get penalty parameters.
+penalties = numpy.loadtxt(penaltyFile, dtype=numpy.float64)
+# Determine matrix sizes and set up A-matrix.
+numParams = impVals.shape[0]
+numObs = 2 * dataVals.shape[1]
+aMat = respVals.reshape((numParams, numObs)).transpose()
+# Create diagonal matrix to use as the penalty.
+parDiag = numpy.eye(numParams, dtype=numpy.float64)
+# Data vector is a flattened version of the dataVals, plus the a priori
+# values of the parameters (assumed to be zero).
+dataVec = numpy.concatenate((dataVals.flatten(),
+                             numpy.zeros(numParams, dtype=numpy.float64)))
+# Determine number of inversions and create empty array to hold results.
+numInv = penalties.shape[0]
+invResults = numpy.zeros((numParams, 2 + numInv))
+invResults[:,0:2] = impCoords
+head = "X_Coord\tY_Coord"
+# Loop over number of inversions.
+for inversion in range(numInv):
+  penalty = penalties[inversion]
+  head += "\tPenalty=%g" % penalty
+  # Scale diagonal by penalty parameter, and stack A-matrix with penalty matrix.
+  penMat = penalty * parDiag
+  designMat = numpy.vstack((aMat, penMat))
+  designMatTrans = designMat.transpose()
+  # Form generalized inverse matrix.
+  genInv = numpy.dot(numpy.linalg.inv(numpy.dot(designMatTrans, designMat)),
+                                      designMatTrans)
+  # Solution is matrix-vector product of generalized inverse with data vector.
+  solution = numpy.dot(genInv, dataVec)
+  invResults[:,2 + inversion] = solution
+  # Compute predicted results and residual.
+  predicted = numpy.dot(aMat, solution)
+  residual = dataVals.flatten() - predicted
+  residualNorm = numpy.linalg.norm(residual)
+  print "Penalty parameter:  %g" % penalty
+  print "  Residual norm:    %g" % residualNorm
+head += "\n"
+# Output results.
+f = open(outputFile, "w")
+numpy.savetxt(f, invResults, delimiter="\t")

Property changes on: short/3D/PyLith/branches/v1.7-trunk/examples/2d/greensfns/strikeslip/simple_invert.py
Name: svn:executable
   + *

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