[cig-commits] r21020 - in seismo/3D: SPECFEM3D/trunk SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/setup SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/specfem3D

elliott.sales.de.andrade at geodynamics.org elliott.sales.de.andrade at geodynamics.org
Mon Nov 12 03:51:41 PST 2012

Author: elliott.sales.de.andrade
Date: 2012-11-12 03:51:41 -0800 (Mon, 12 Nov 2012)
New Revision: 21020

Remove an old TODO item that's finished a while ago.

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/todo_list_please_dont_remove.txt
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/todo_list_please_dont_remove.txt	2012-11-12 08:57:29 UTC (rev 21019)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/todo_list_please_dont_remove.txt	2012-11-12 11:51:41 UTC (rev 21020)
@@ -442,18 +442,6 @@
-sensitivity kernel output:
-- suggestion 31:
-Elliott Sales de Andrade and Qinya will implement a routine to interpolate and output the sensitiviy kernels on a topologically-regular grid
-instead of the non-structured SEM grid (this can be useful for many processing packages that require a topologically-regular grid
-of points as input).
 databases in SPECFEM2D:

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/setup/constants.h.in
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/setup/constants.h.in	2012-11-12 08:57:29 UTC (rev 21019)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/setup/constants.h.in	2012-11-12 11:51:41 UTC (rev 21020)
@@ -279,6 +279,18 @@
 ! (default is to use transverse isotropy only between MOHO and 220 )
   logical, parameter :: USE_FULL_TISO_MANTLE = .false.
+! output kernels on a regular grid instead of on the mesh points
+  logical, parameter :: SAVE_REGULAR_KL = .false.
+! regular kernel parameters
+  character(len=*), parameter :: PATHNAME_KL_REG = 'DATA/kl_reg_grid.txt'
+  integer, parameter :: NM_KL_REG_LAYER = 100
+  integer, parameter :: NM_KL_REG_PTS = 300000
+  real, parameter :: KL_REG_MIN_LON = 0.0
+  real, parameter :: KL_REG_MAX_LON = 360.0
+  real, parameter :: KL_REG_MIN_LAT = -90.0
+  real, parameter :: KL_REG_MAX_LAT = +90.0
 !! time stamp information

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/specfem3D/Makefile.in
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/specfem3D/Makefile.in	2012-11-12 08:57:29 UTC (rev 21019)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/specfem3D/Makefile.in	2012-11-12 11:51:41 UTC (rev 21020)
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@
 	$O/intgrl.o \
 	$O/lagrange_poly.o \
 	$O/locate_receivers.o \
+	$O/locate_regular_points.o \
 	$O/locate_sources.o \
 	$O/make_ellipticity.o \
 	$O/make_gravity.o \
@@ -119,6 +120,7 @@
 	$O/recompute_jacobian.o \
 	$O/reduce.o \
 	$O/rthetaphi_xyz.o \
+	$O/save_regular_kernels.o \
 	$O/write_c_binary.o \
 	$O/write_seismograms.o \
 	$O/write_output_ASCII.o \
@@ -379,6 +381,9 @@
 $O/save_kernels.o: ${SETUP}/constants.h ${OUTPUT}/values_from_mesher.h $S/save_kernels.f90
 	${FCCOMPILE_NO_CHECK} -c -o $O/save_kernels.o ${FCFLAGS_f90} $S/save_kernels.f90
+$O/save_regular_kernels.o: ${SETUP}/constants.h ${OUTPUT}/values_from_mesher.h $S/save_regular_kernels.f90
+	${FCCOMPILE_NO_CHECK} -c -o $O/save_regular_kernels.o ${FCFLAGS_f90} $S/save_regular_kernels.f90
 ### specfem3D - regular compilation options here
@@ -485,6 +490,9 @@
 $O/locate_receivers.o: ${SETUP}/constants.h $S/locate_receivers.f90
 	${MPIFCCOMPILE_CHECK} -c -o $O/locate_receivers.o ${FCFLAGS_f90} $S/locate_receivers.f90
+$O/locate_regular_points.o: ${SETUP}/constants.h $S/locate_regular_points.f90
+	${MPIFCCOMPILE_CHECK} -c -o $O/locate_regular_points.o ${FCFLAGS_f90} $S/locate_regular_points.f90
 $O/locate_sources.o: ${SETUP}/constants.h $S/locate_sources.f90
 	${MPIFCCOMPILE_CHECK} -c -o $O/locate_sources.o ${FCFLAGS_f90} $S/locate_sources.f90

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/specfem3D/locate_regular_points.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/specfem3D/locate_regular_points.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/specfem3D/locate_regular_points.f90	2012-11-12 11:51:41 UTC (rev 21020)
@@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  5 . 1
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!                        Princeton University, USA
+!             and CNRS / INRIA / University of Pau, France
+! (c) Princeton University and CNRS / INRIA / University of Pau
+!                            April 2011
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+subroutine read_kl_regular_grid(GRID)
+  implicit none
+  include 'constants.h'
+  type kl_reg_grid_variables
+    sequence
+    real dlat
+    real dlon
+    integer nlayer
+    real rlayer(NM_KL_REG_LAYER)
+    integer ndoubling(NM_KL_REG_LAYER)
+    integer nlat(NM_KL_REG_LAYER)
+    integer nlon(NM_KL_REG_LAYER)
+    integer npts_total
+    integer npts_before_layer(NM_KL_REG_LAYER+1)
+  end type kl_reg_grid_variables
+  type (kl_reg_grid_variables), intent(inout) :: GRID
+  integer :: ios,nlayer,i,nlat,nlon,npts_this_layer
+  ! improvements to make: read-in by master and broadcast to all slaves
+  open(10,file=PATHNAME_KL_REG,iostat=ios,status='old',action='read')
+  read(10,*) GRID%dlat, GRID%dlon
+  nlayer = 1
+  do while (nlayer <= NM_KL_REG_LAYER)
+    read(10,*,iostat=ios) GRID%rlayer(nlayer), GRID%ndoubling(nlayer)
+    if (ios.ne.0) exit
+    nlayer = nlayer + 1
+  enddo
+  close(10)
+  if (nlayer > NM_KL_REG_LAYER) then
+    call exit_MPI('Increase NM_KL_REG_LAYER limit')
+  endif
+  GRID%nlayer = nlayer
+  GRID%npts_total = 0
+  GRID%npts_before_layer = 0
+  do i = 1, nlayer
+    nlon = floor((KL_REG_MAX_LON-KL_REG_MIN_LON)/(GRID%dlon*GRID%ndoubling(i)))+1
+    GRID%nlon(i) = nlon
+    nlat = floor((KL_REG_MAX_LAT-KL_REG_MIN_LAT)/(GRID%dlat*GRID%ndoubling(i)))+1
+    GRID%nlat(i) = nlat
+    npts_this_layer = nlon * nlat
+    GRID%npts_total = GRID%npts_total + npts_this_layer
+    GRID%npts_before_layer(i+1) = GRID%npts_before_layer(i) + npts_this_layer
+  enddo
+  if (GRID%npts_total <= 0) then
+    call exit_MPI('No Model points read in')
+  endif
+end subroutine read_kl_regular_grid
+subroutine find_regular_grid_slice_number(slice_number, GRID, &
+                                          NCHUNKS, NPROC_XI, NPROC_ETA)
+  implicit none
+  include 'constants.h'
+  integer, intent(out) :: slice_number(*)
+  type kl_reg_grid_variables
+    sequence
+    real dlat
+    real dlon
+    integer nlayer
+    real rlayer(NM_KL_REG_LAYER)
+    integer ndoubling(NM_KL_REG_LAYER)
+    integer nlat(NM_KL_REG_LAYER)
+    integer nlon(NM_KL_REG_LAYER)
+    integer npts_total
+    integer npts_before_layer(NM_KL_REG_LAYER+1)
+  end type kl_reg_grid_variables
+  type (kl_reg_grid_variables), intent(in) :: GRID
+  integer, intent(in) :: NCHUNKS,NPROC_XI,NPROC_ETA
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: xi_width, eta_width
+  integer :: nproc, ilayer, isp, ilat, ilon, k, chunk_isp
+  integer :: iproc_xi, iproc_eta
+  real :: lat,lon,th,ph,x,y,z,xik,etak,xi_isp,eta_isp,xi1,eta1
+  ! assuming 6 chunks full global simulations right now
+  if (NCHUNKS /= 6 .or. NPROC_XI /= NPROC_ETA) then
+    call exit_MPI('Only deal with 6 chunks at this moment')
+  endif
+  xi_width=PI/2; eta_width=PI/2; nproc=NPROC_XI
+  ilayer=0
+  do isp = 1,GRID%npts_total
+    if (isp == GRID%npts_before_layer(ilayer+1)+1) ilayer=ilayer+1
+    ilat = (isp - GRID%npts_before_layer(ilayer) - 1) / GRID%nlat(ilayer)
+    ilon = (isp - GRID%npts_before_layer(ilayer) - 1) - ilat * GRID%nlat(ilayer)
+    ! (lat,lon,radius) for isp point
+    lat = KL_REG_MIN_LAT + ilat * GRID%dlat * GRID%ndoubling(ilayer)
+    th = (90 - lat) * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS
+    lon = KL_REG_MIN_LON + ilon * GRID%dlon * GRID%ndoubling(ilayer)
+    ph = lon * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS
+    x = sin(th) * cos(ph); y = sin(th) * sin(ph); z = cos(th)
+    ! figure out slice number
+    chunk_isp = 1; xi_isp = 0; eta_isp = 0
+    do k = 1, NCHUNKS
+      call chunk_map(k, x, y, z, xik, etak)
+      if (abs(xik) <= PI/4 .and. abs(etak) <= PI/4) then
+        chunk_isp = k;  xi_isp = xik; eta_isp = etak; exit
+      endif
+    enddo
+    xi1 = xi_isp / xi_width * 2; eta1 = eta_isp / eta_width * 2
+    iproc_xi = floor((xi1+1)/2 * nproc)
+    iproc_eta = floor((eta1+1)/2 * nproc)
+    slice_number(isp) = nproc * nproc * (chunk_isp-1) + nproc * iproc_eta + iproc_xi
+  enddo
+end subroutine find_regular_grid_slice_number
+! how about using single precision for the iterations?
+subroutine locate_reg_points(myrank,npoints_slice,points_slice,GRID, &
+                             NEX_XI,nspec,xstore,ystore,zstore,ibool, &
+                             xigll,yigll,zigll,ispec_reg, &
+                             hxir_reg,hetar_reg,hgammar_reg)
+  implicit none
+  include 'constants.h'
+  ! declarations of regular grid model
+  integer, intent(in) :: myrank, npoints_slice
+  integer, dimension(NM_KL_REG_PTS), intent(in) :: points_slice
+  type kl_reg_grid_variables
+    sequence
+    real dlat
+    real dlon
+    integer nlayer
+    real rlayer(NM_KL_REG_LAYER)
+    integer ndoubling(NM_KL_REG_LAYER)
+    integer nlat(NM_KL_REG_LAYER)
+    integer nlon(NM_KL_REG_LAYER)
+    integer npts_total
+    integer npts_before_layer(NM_KL_REG_LAYER+1)
+  end type kl_reg_grid_variables
+  type (kl_reg_grid_variables), intent(in) :: GRID
+  ! simulation geometry
+  integer, intent(in) :: NEX_XI, nspec
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(*), intent(in) :: xstore,ystore,zstore
+  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,*), intent(in) :: ibool
+  ! Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points of integration and weights
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX), intent(in) :: xigll
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLY), intent(in) :: yigll
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLZ), intent(in) :: zigll
+  ! output
+  integer, dimension(NM_KL_REG_PTS), intent(out) :: ispec_reg
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NM_KL_REG_PTS), intent(out) :: hxir_reg
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLY,NM_KL_REG_PTS), intent(out) :: hetar_reg
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLZ,NM_KL_REG_PTS), intent(out) :: hgammar_reg
+  ! GLL number of anchors
+  integer, dimension(NGNOD) :: iaddx, iaddy, iaddr
+  integer :: i, j, k, isp, ilayer, ilat, ilon, iglob, ix_in, iy_in, iz_in
+  integer :: ispec_in, ispec, iter_loop, ia, ipoint
+  double precision :: lat, lon, radius, th, ph, x,y,z
+  double precision :: x_target, y_target, z_target
+  double precision :: distmin,dist,typical_size
+  double precision :: xi,eta,gamma,dx,dy,dz,dxi,deta,dgamma
+  double precision :: xix,xiy,xiz
+  double precision :: etax,etay,etaz
+  double precision :: gammax,gammay,gammaz
+  logical locate_target
+  double precision, dimension(NGNOD) :: xelm, yelm, zelm
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX) :: hxir
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLY) :: hetar
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLZ) :: hgammar
+  ! DEBUG
+  !real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(npoints_slice) :: dist_final
+  !---------------------------
+  call hex_nodes2(iaddx,iaddy,iaddr)
+  ! compute typical size of elements at the surface
+  typical_size = TWO_PI * R_UNIT_SPHERE / (4.*NEX_XI)
+  ! use 10 times the distance as a criterion for source detection
+  typical_size = 10. * typical_size
+  ! DEBUG
+  !dist_final=HUGEVAL
+  do ipoint = 1, npoints_slice
+    isp = points_slice(ipoint)
+    do ilayer = 1, GRID%nlayer
+      if (isp <= GRID%npts_before_layer(ilayer+1)) exit
+    enddo
+    ilat = (isp - GRID%npts_before_layer(ilayer) - 1) / GRID%nlat(ilayer)
+    ilon = (isp - GRID%npts_before_layer(ilayer) - 1) - ilat * GRID%nlat(ilayer)
+    ! (lat,lon,radius) for isp point
+    lat = KL_REG_MIN_LAT + ilat * GRID%dlat * GRID%ndoubling(ilayer)
+    lon = KL_REG_MIN_LON + ilon * GRID%dlon * GRID%ndoubling(ilayer)
+    ! convert radius to meters and then scale
+    radius = GRID%rlayer(ilayer) * 1000.0 / R_EARTH
+    ! (x,y,z) for isp point
+    th = (90 - lat) * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS; ph = lon * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS
+    x_target = radius * sin(th) * cos(ph)
+    y_target = radius * sin(th) * sin(ph)
+    z_target = radius * cos(th)
+    ! first exclude elements too far away
+    locate_target = .false.;  distmin = HUGEVAL
+    do ispec = 1,nspec
+      iglob = ibool(1,1,1,ispec)
+      dist = dsqrt((x_target - xstore(iglob))**2 &
+                 + (y_target - ystore(iglob))**2 &
+                 + (z_target - zstore(iglob))**2)
+      if (dist > typical_size) cycle
+      locate_target = .true.
+      ! loop only on points inside the element
+      ! exclude edges to ensure this point is not
+      ! shared with other elements
+      ! can be improved if we have a better algorithm of determining if a point
+      ! exists inside a 3x3x3 specfem element ???
+      do k = 2, NGLLZ-1
+        do j = 2, NGLLY-1
+          do i = 2, NGLLX-1
+            iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
+            dist = dsqrt((x_target - xstore(iglob))**2 &
+                        +(y_target - ystore(iglob))**2 &
+                        +(z_target - zstore(iglob))**2)
+            if (dist < distmin) then
+              ix_in=i; iy_in=j; iz_in=k; ispec_in=ispec; distmin=dist
+            endif
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+    if (.not. locate_target) stop 'error in point_source() array'
+    xi = xigll(ix_in)
+    eta = yigll(iy_in)
+    gamma = zigll(iz_in)
+    ispec_reg(ipoint) = ispec_in
+    ! anchors
+    do ia = 1, NGNOD
+      iglob = ibool(iaddx(ia), iaddy(ia), iaddr(ia), ispec_in)
+      xelm(ia) = dble(xstore(iglob))
+      yelm(ia) = dble(ystore(iglob))
+      zelm(ia) = dble(zstore(iglob))
+    enddo
+    ! iterate to solve the nonlinear system
+    do iter_loop = 1,NUM_ITER
+      ! recompute jacobian for the new point
+      call recompute_jacobian(xelm,yelm,zelm, xi,eta,gamma, x,y,z, &
+                              xix,xiy,xiz, etax,etay,etaz, gammax,gammay,gammaz)
+      ! compute distance to target location
+      dx = - (x - x_target)
+      dy = - (y - y_target)
+      dz = - (z - z_target)
+      ! compute increments
+      dxi  = xix*dx + xiy*dy + xiz*dz
+      deta = etax*dx + etay*dy + etaz*dz
+      dgamma = gammax*dx + gammay*dy + gammaz*dz
+      ! update values
+      xi = xi + dxi
+      eta = eta + deta
+      gamma = gamma + dgamma
+      ! Debugging
+      !if (abs(xi) > 1.d0+TINYVAL .or. abs(eta) > 1.d0+TINYVAL &
+      !     .or. abs(gamma) > 1.0d0+TINYVAL) then
+      !   print *, 'Outside the element ', myrank, ipoint,' : ', &
+      !        iter_loop,xi,eta,gamma
+      !endif
+      ! impose that we stay in that element
+      ! (useful if user gives a source outside the mesh for instance)
+      if (xi > 1.d0) xi = 1.d0
+      if (xi < -1.d0) xi = -1.d0
+      if (eta > 1.d0) eta = 1.d0
+      if (eta < -1.d0) eta = -1.d0
+      if (gamma > 1.d0) gamma = 1.d0
+      if (gamma < -1.d0) gamma = -1.d0
+    enddo
+    ! DEBUG: recompute jacobian for the new point (can be commented after debug)
+    !call recompute_jacobian(xelm,yelm,zelm,xi,eta,gamma,x,y,z,xix,xiy,xiz,etax,etay,etaz,gammax,gammay,gammaz)
+    !dist_final(ipoint)=dsqrt((x_target-x)**2+(y_target-y)**2+(z_target-z)**2)
+    ! store l(xi),l(eta),l(gamma)
+    call lagrange_any2(xi, NGLLX, xigll, hxir)
+    call lagrange_any2(eta, NGLLY, yigll, hetar)
+    call lagrange_any2(gamma, NGLLZ, zigll, hgammar)
+    hxir_reg(:,ipoint) = hxir
+    hetar_reg(:,ipoint) = hetar
+    hgammar_reg(:,ipoint) = hgammar
+  enddo ! ipoint
+!  print *, 'Maximum distance discrepancy ', maxval(dist_final(1:npoints_slice))
+end subroutine locate_reg_points
+subroutine hex_nodes2(iaddx,iaddy,iaddz)
+  implicit none
+  include 'constants.h'
+  integer, dimension(NGNOD), intent(out) :: iaddx,iaddy,iaddz
+  integer :: ia
+  ! define topology of the control element
+  call hex_nodes(iaddx,iaddy,iaddz)
+  ! define coordinates of the control points of the element
+  do ia=1,NGNOD
+     if (iaddx(ia) == 0) then
+        iaddx(ia) = 1
+     else if (iaddx(ia) == 1) then
+        iaddx(ia) = (NGLLX+1)/2
+     else if (iaddx(ia) == 2) then
+        iaddx(ia) = NGLLX
+     else
+        stop 'incorrect value of iaddx'
+     endif
+     if (iaddy(ia) == 0) then
+        iaddy(ia) = 1
+     else if (iaddy(ia) == 1) then
+        iaddy(ia) = (NGLLY+1)/2
+     else if (iaddy(ia) == 2) then
+        iaddy(ia) = NGLLY
+     else
+        stop 'incorrect value of iaddy'
+     endif
+     if (iaddz(ia) == 0) then
+        iaddz(ia) = 1
+     else if (iaddz(ia) == 1) then
+        iaddz(ia) = (NGLLZ+1)/2
+     else if (iaddz(ia) == 2) then
+        iaddz(ia) = NGLLZ
+     else
+        stop 'incorrect value of iaddz'
+     endif
+  enddo
+end subroutine hex_nodes2
+subroutine lagrange_any2(xi,NGLL,xigll,h)
+! subroutine to compute the Lagrange interpolants based upon the GLL points
+! and their first derivatives at any point xi in [-1,1]
+  implicit none
+  double precision, intent(in) :: xi
+  integer, intent(in) :: NGLL
+  double precision, dimension(NGLL), intent(in) :: xigll
+  double precision, dimension(NGLL), intent(out) :: h
+  integer :: dgr,i
+  double precision :: prod1,prod2
+  do dgr=1,NGLL
+     prod1 = 1.0d0
+     prod2 = 1.0d0
+     do i=1,NGLL
+        if (i /= dgr) then
+           prod1 = prod1 * (xi         - xigll(i))
+           prod2 = prod2 * (xigll(dgr) - xigll(i))
+        endif
+     enddo
+     h(dgr) = prod1 / prod2
+  enddo
+end subroutine lagrange_any2
+subroutine chunk_map(k,xx,yy,zz,xi,eta)
+  ! this program get the xi,eta for (xx,yy,zz)
+  ! point under the k'th chunk coordinate
+  ! transformation
+  implicit none
+  include 'constants.h'
+  integer, intent(in) :: k
+  real, intent(in) :: xx, yy, zz
+  real, intent(out) :: xi, eta
+  real :: x, y, z
+  real, parameter :: EPS=1e-6
+  x = xx; y = yy; z = zz
+  if (0 <= x .and. x < EPS)  x = EPS
+  if (-EPS < x .and. x < 0)  x = -EPS
+  if (0 <= y .and. y < EPS)  y = EPS
+  if (-EPS < y .and. y < 0)  y = -EPS
+  if (0 <= z .and. z < EPS)  z = EPS
+  if (-EPS < z .and. z < 0)  z = -EPS
+  if (k == CHUNK_AB) then
+     xi = atan(y/z); eta = atan(-x/z)
+     if (z < 0)  xi = 10
+  else if (k == CHUNK_AC) then
+     xi = atan(-z/y); eta = atan(x/y)
+     if (y > 0)  xi = 10
+  else if (k == CHUNK_BC) then
+     xi = atan(-z/x); eta = atan(-y/x)
+     if (x > 0)  xi = 10
+  else if (k == CHUNK_AC_ANTIPODE) then
+     xi = atan(-z/y); eta = atan(-x/y)
+     if (y < 0)  xi = 10
+  else if (k == CHUNK_BC_ANTIPODE) then
+     xi = atan(z/x); eta = atan(-y/x)
+     if (x < 0)  xi = 10
+  else if (k == CHUNK_AB_ANTIPODE) then
+     xi = atan(y/z); eta = atan(x/z)
+     if (z > 0)  xi = 10
+  else
+     stop 'chunk number k < 6'
+  end if
+end subroutine chunk_map

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/specfem3D/save_regular_kernels.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/specfem3D/save_regular_kernels.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/specfem3D/save_regular_kernels.f90	2012-11-12 11:51:41 UTC (rev 21020)
@@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  5 . 1
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!                        Princeton University, USA
+!             and CNRS / INRIA / University of Pau, France
+! (c) Princeton University and CNRS / INRIA / University of Pau
+!                            April 2011
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+  subroutine save_regular_kernels_crust_mantle(myrank, &
+                  GRID, npoints_slice, &
+                  hxir_reg, hetar_reg, hgammar_reg, ispec_reg, &
+                  scale_t,scale_displ, &
+                  cijkl_kl_crust_mantle,rho_kl_crust_mantle, &
+                  alpha_kl_crust_mantle,beta_kl_crust_mantle, &
+                  ystore_crust_mantle,zstore_crust_mantle, &
+                  rhostore_crust_mantle,muvstore_crust_mantle, &
+                  kappavstore_crust_mantle,ibool_crust_mantle, &
+                  kappahstore_crust_mantle,muhstore_crust_mantle, &
+                  eta_anisostore_crust_mantle,ispec_is_tiso_crust_mantle, &
+              ! --idoubling_crust_mantle, &
+                  LOCAL_PATH)
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  include "OUTPUT_FILES/values_from_mesher.h"
+  integer myrank
+  type kl_reg_grid_variables
+    sequence
+    real dlat
+    real dlon
+    integer nlayer
+    real rlayer(NM_KL_REG_LAYER)
+    integer ndoubling(NM_KL_REG_LAYER)
+    integer nlat(NM_KL_REG_LAYER)
+    integer nlon(NM_KL_REG_LAYER)
+    integer npts_total
+    integer npts_before_layer(NM_KL_REG_LAYER+1)
+  end type kl_reg_grid_variables
+  type (kl_reg_grid_variables), intent(in) :: GRID
+  integer, intent(in) :: npoints_slice
+  real, dimension(NGLLX, NM_KL_REG_PTS), intent(in) :: hxir_reg
+  real, dimension(NGLLY, NM_KL_REG_PTS), intent(in) :: hetar_reg
+  real, dimension(NGLLZ, NM_KL_REG_PTS), intent(in) :: hgammar_reg
+  integer, dimension(NM_KL_REG_PTS), intent(in) :: ispec_reg
+  double precision :: scale_t,scale_displ
+    cijkl_kl_crust_mantle
+    rho_kl_crust_mantle, beta_kl_crust_mantle, alpha_kl_crust_mantle
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLOB_CRUST_MANTLE) :: &
+        ystore_crust_mantle,zstore_crust_mantle
+        rhostore_crust_mantle,kappavstore_crust_mantle,muvstore_crust_mantle
+        kappahstore_crust_mantle,muhstore_crust_mantle,eta_anisostore_crust_mantle
+!  integer, dimension(NSPEC_CRUST_MANTLE) :: idoubling_crust_mantle
+  logical, dimension(NSPEC_CRUST_MANTLE) :: ispec_is_tiso_crust_mantle
+  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_CRUST_MANTLE) :: ibool_crust_mantle
+  character(len=150) LOCAL_PATH
+  ! local parameters
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: &
+    cijkl_kl_crust_mantle_reg
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: &
+    rho_kl_crust_mantle_reg, beta_kl_crust_mantle_reg, alpha_kl_crust_mantle_reg
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: &
+    mu_kl_crust_mantle, kappa_kl_crust_mantle, rhonotprime_kl_crust_mantle
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(21) ::  cijkl_kl_local
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: scale_kl,scale_kl_ani,scale_kl_rho
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: rhol,mul,kappal,rho_kl,alpha_kl,beta_kl
+  integer :: ispec,i,j,k,iglob
+  character(len=150) prname
+  double precision :: hlagrange
+  integer :: ipoint
+  ! transverse isotropic parameters
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(21) :: an_kl
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:,:),allocatable :: &
+    alphav_kl_crust_mantle,alphah_kl_crust_mantle, &
+    betav_kl_crust_mantle,betah_kl_crust_mantle, &
+    eta_kl_crust_mantle
+  ! bulk parameterization
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:,:),allocatable :: &
+    bulk_c_kl_crust_mantle,bulk_beta_kl_crust_mantle, &
+    bulk_betav_kl_crust_mantle,bulk_betah_kl_crust_mantle
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: A,C,F,L,N,eta
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: muvl,kappavl,muhl,kappahl
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: alphav_sq,alphah_sq,betav_sq,betah_sq,bulk_sq
+  ! scaling factors
+  scale_kl = scale_t/scale_displ * 1.d9
+  ! For anisotropic kernels
+  ! final unit : [s km^(-3) GPa^(-1)]
+  scale_kl_ani = scale_t**3 / (RHOAV*R_EARTH**3) * 1.d18
+  ! final unit : [s km^(-3) (kg/m^3)^(-1)]
+  scale_kl_rho = scale_t / scale_displ / RHOAV * 1.d9
+  ! allocates temporary arrays
+  allocate(cijkl_kl_crust_mantle_reg(21,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,npoints_slice), &
+           rho_kl_crust_mantle_reg(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,npoints_slice), &
+           beta_kl_crust_mantle_reg(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,npoints_slice), &
+           alpha_kl_crust_mantle_reg(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,npoints_slice))
+  if( SAVE_TRANSVERSE_KL ) then
+    ! transverse isotropic kernel arrays for file output
+    allocate(alphav_kl_crust_mantle(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,npoints_slice), &
+      alphah_kl_crust_mantle(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,npoints_slice), &
+      betav_kl_crust_mantle(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,npoints_slice), &
+      betah_kl_crust_mantle(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,npoints_slice), &
+      eta_kl_crust_mantle(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,npoints_slice))
+    ! isotropic kernel arrays for file output
+    allocate(bulk_c_kl_crust_mantle(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,npoints_slice), &
+      bulk_betav_kl_crust_mantle(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,npoints_slice), &
+      bulk_betah_kl_crust_mantle(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,npoints_slice), &
+      bulk_beta_kl_crust_mantle(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,npoints_slice))
+  endif
+  if( .not. ANISOTROPIC_KL ) then
+    ! allocates temporary isotropic kernel arrays for file output
+    allocate(bulk_c_kl_crust_mantle(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,npoints_slice), &
+      bulk_beta_kl_crust_mantle(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,npoints_slice))
+  endif
+  ! crust_mantle
+  do ipoint = 1, npoints_slice
+    ispec = ispec_reg(ipoint)
+    do k = 1, NGLLZ
+      do j = 1, NGLLY
+        do i = 1, NGLLX
+          hlagrange = hxir_reg(i,ipoint)*hetar_reg(j,ipoint)*hgammar_reg(k,ipoint)
+          if (ANISOTROPIC_KL) then
+            ! For anisotropic kernels
+            iglob = ibool_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ispec)
+            ! The cartesian global cijkl_kl are rotated into the spherical local cijkl_kl
+            ! ystore and zstore are thetaval and phival (line 2252) -- dangerous
+            call rotate_kernels_dble(cijkl_kl_crust_mantle(:,i,j,k,ispec),cijkl_kl_local, &
+                                     ystore_crust_mantle(iglob),zstore_crust_mantle(iglob))
+            cijkl_kl_crust_mantle_reg(:,i,j,k,ipoint) = cijkl_kl_local * scale_kl_ani * hlagrange
+            rho_kl_crust_mantle_reg(i,j,k,ipoint) = rho_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ispec) * scale_kl_rho * hlagrange
+            ! transverse isotropic kernel calculations
+            if( SAVE_TRANSVERSE_KL ) then
+              ! note: transverse isotropic kernels are calculated for all elements
+              !
+              !          however, the factors A,C,L,N,F are based only on transverse elements
+              !          in between Moho and 220 km layer, otherwise they are taken from isotropic values
+              rhol = rhostore_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ispec)
+              ! transverse isotropic parameters from compute_force_crust_mantle.f90
+              ! C=rhovpvsq A=rhovphsq L=rhovsvsq N=rhovshsq eta=F/(A - 2 L)
+              ! Get A,C,F,L,N,eta from kappa,mu
+              ! element can have transverse isotropy if between d220 and Moho
+              !if( .not. (TRANSVERSE_ISOTROPY_VAL .and. &
+              !    (idoubling_crust_mantle(ispec) == IFLAG_80_MOHO .or. &
+              !     idoubling_crust_mantle(ispec) == IFLAG_220_80))) then
+              if( .not. ispec_is_tiso_crust_mantle(ispec) ) then
+                ! layer with no transverse isotropy
+                ! A,C,L,N,F from isotropic model
+                mul = muvstore_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ispec)
+                kappal = kappavstore_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ispec)
+                muvl = mul
+                muhl = mul
+                kappavl = kappal
+                kappahl = kappal
+                A = kappal + FOUR_THIRDS * mul
+                C = A
+                L = mul
+                N = mul
+                F = kappal - 2._CUSTOM_REAL/3._CUSTOM_REAL * mul
+                eta = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
+              else
+                ! A,C,L,N,F from transverse isotropic model
+                kappavl = kappavstore_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ispec)
+                kappahl = kappahstore_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ispec)
+                muvl = muvstore_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ispec)
+                muhl = muhstore_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ispec)
+                kappal = kappavl
+                A = kappahl + FOUR_THIRDS * muhl
+                C = kappavl + FOUR_THIRDS * muvl
+                L = muvl
+                N = muhl
+                eta = eta_anisostore_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ispec)  ! that is  F / (A - 2 L)
+                F = eta * ( A - 2._CUSTOM_REAL * L )
+              endif
+              ! note: cijkl_kl_local() is fully anisotropic C_ij kernel components (non-dimensionalized)
+              !          for GLL point at (i,j,k,ispec)
+              ! Purpose : compute the kernels for the An coeffs (an_kl)
+              ! from the kernels for Cij (cijkl_kl_local)
+              ! At r,theta,phi fixed
+              ! kernel def : dx = kij * dcij + krho * drho
+              !                = kAn * dAn  + krho * drho
+              ! Definition of the input array cij_kl :
+              ! cij_kl(1) = C11 ; cij_kl(2) = C12 ; cij_kl(3) = C13
+              ! cij_kl(4) = C14 ; cij_kl(5) = C15 ; cij_kl(6) = C16
+              ! cij_kl(7) = C22 ; cij_kl(8) = C23 ; cij_kl(9) = C24
+              ! cij_kl(10) = C25 ; cij_kl(11) = C26 ; cij_kl(12) = C33
+              ! cij_kl(13) = C34 ; cij_kl(14) = C35 ; cij_kl(15) = C36
+              ! cij_kl(16) = C44 ; cij_kl(17) = C45 ; cij_kl(18) = C46
+              ! cij_kl(19) = C55 ; cij_kl(20) = C56 ; cij_kl(21) = C66
+              ! where the Cij (Voigt's notation) are defined as function of
+              ! the components of the elastic tensor in spherical coordinates
+              ! by eq. (A.1) of Chen & Tromp, GJI 168 (2007)
+              ! From the relations giving Cij in function of An
+              ! Checked with Min Chen's results (routine build_cij)
+              an_kl(1) = cijkl_kl_local(1)+cijkl_kl_local(2)+cijkl_kl_local(7)  !A
+              an_kl(2) = cijkl_kl_local(12)                                     !C
+              an_kl(3) = -2*cijkl_kl_local(2)+cijkl_kl_local(21)                !N
+              an_kl(4) = cijkl_kl_local(16)+cijkl_kl_local(19)                  !L
+              an_kl(5) = cijkl_kl_local(3)+cijkl_kl_local(8)                    !F
+              ! not used yet
+              !an_kl(6)=2*cijkl_kl_local(5)+2*cijkl_kl_local(10)+2*cijkl_kl_local(14)          !Jc
+              !an_kl(7)=2*cijkl_kl_local(4)+2*cijkl_kl_local(9)+2*cijkl_kl_local(13)           !Js
+              !an_kl(8)=-2*cijkl_kl_local(14)                                  !Kc
+              !an_kl(9)=-2*cijkl_kl_local(13)                                  !Ks
+              !an_kl(10)=-2*cijkl_kl_local(10)+cijkl_kl_local(18)                      !Mc
+              !an_kl(11)=2*cijkl_kl_local(4)-cijkl_kl_local(20)                        !Ms
+              !an_kl(12)=cijkl_kl_local(1)-cijkl_kl_local(7)                           !Bc
+              !an_kl(13)=-1./2.*(cijkl_kl_local(6)+cijkl_kl_local(11))                 !Bs
+              !an_kl(14)=cijkl_kl_local(3)-cijkl_kl_local(8)                           !Hc
+              !an_kl(15)=-cijkl_kl_local(15)                                   !Hs
+              !an_kl(16)=-cijkl_kl_local(16)+cijkl_kl_local(19)                        !Gc
+              !an_kl(17)=-cijkl_kl_local(17)                                   !Gs
+              !an_kl(18)=cijkl_kl_local(5)-cijkl_kl_local(10)-cijkl_kl_local(18)               !Dc
+              !an_kl(19)=cijkl_kl_local(4)-cijkl_kl_local(9)+cijkl_kl_local(20)                !Ds
+              !an_kl(20)=cijkl_kl_local(1)-cijkl_kl_local(2)+cijkl_kl_local(7)-cijkl_kl_local(21)      !Ec
+              !an_kl(21)=-cijkl_kl_local(6)+cijkl_kl_local(11)                         !Es
+              ! K_rho (primary kernel, for a parameterization (A,C,L,N,F,rho) )
+              rhonotprime_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) = rhol * rho_kl_crust_mantle_reg(i,j,k,ipoint) / scale_kl_rho
+              ! note: transverse isotropic kernels are calculated for ALL elements,
+              !          and not just transverse elements
+              !
+              ! note: the kernels are for relative perturbations (delta ln (m_i) = (m_i - m_0)/m_i )
+              !
+              ! Gets transverse isotropic kernels
+              ! (see Appendix B of Sieminski et al., GJI 171, 2007)
+              ! for parameterization: ( alpha_v, alpha_h, beta_v, beta_h, eta, rho )
+              ! K_alpha_v
+              alphav_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) = 2*C*an_kl(2) * hlagrange
+              ! K_alpha_h
+              alphah_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) = (2*A*an_kl(1) + 2*A*eta*an_kl(5)) * hlagrange
+              ! K_beta_v
+              betav_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) = (2*L*an_kl(4) - 4*L*eta*an_kl(5)) * hlagrange
+              ! K_beta_h
+              betah_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) = 2*N*an_kl(3) * hlagrange
+              ! K_eta
+              eta_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) = F*an_kl(5) * hlagrange
+              ! K_rhoprime  (for a parameterization (alpha_v, ..., rho) )
+              rho_kl_crust_mantle_reg(i,j,k,ipoint) = (A*an_kl(1) + C*an_kl(2) &
+                                                 + N*an_kl(3) + L*an_kl(4) + F*an_kl(5)) * hlagrange &
+                                                 + rhonotprime_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint)
+              ! write the kernel in physical units (01/05/2006)
+              rhonotprime_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) = - rhonotprime_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ispec) * scale_kl * hlagrange
+              alphav_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) = - alphav_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) * scale_kl
+              alphah_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) = - alphah_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) * scale_kl
+              betav_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) = - betav_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) * scale_kl
+              betah_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) = - betah_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) * scale_kl
+              eta_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) = - eta_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) * scale_kl
+              rho_kl_crust_mantle_reg(i,j,k,ipoint) = - rho_kl_crust_mantle_reg(i,j,k,ipoint) * scale_kl
+              ! for parameterization: ( bulk, beta_v, beta_h, eta, rho )
+              ! where kappa_v = kappa_h = kappa and bulk c = sqrt( kappa / rho )
+              betav_sq = muvl / rhol
+              betah_sq = muhl / rhol
+              alphav_sq = ( kappal + FOUR_THIRDS * muvl ) / rhol
+              alphah_sq = ( kappal + FOUR_THIRDS * muhl ) / rhol
+              bulk_sq = kappal / rhol
+              bulk_c_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) = &
+                bulk_sq / alphav_sq * alphav_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) + &
+                bulk_sq / alphah_sq * alphah_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint)
+              bulk_betah_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) = &
+                betah_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) + &
+                FOUR_THIRDS * betah_sq / alphah_sq * alphah_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint)
+              bulk_betav_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) = &
+                betav_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) + &
+                FOUR_THIRDS * betav_sq / alphav_sq * alphav_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint)
+              ! the rest, K_eta and K_rho are the same as above
+              ! to check: isotropic kernels from transverse isotropic ones
+              alpha_kl_crust_mantle_reg(i,j,k,ipoint) = alphav_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) &
+                                                      + alphah_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint)
+              beta_kl_crust_mantle_reg(i,j,k,ipoint) = betav_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) &
+                                                     + betah_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint)
+              !rho_kl_crust_mantle_reg(i,j,k,ipoint) = rhonotprime_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) &
+              !                                      + alpha_kl_crust_mantle_reg(i,j,k,ipoint) &
+              !                                      + beta_kl_crust_mantle_reg(i,j,k,ipoint)
+              bulk_beta_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) = bulk_betah_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) &
+                                                      + bulk_betav_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint)
+            endif ! SAVE_TRANSVERSE_KL
+          else
+            ! isotropic kernels
+            rhol = rhostore_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ispec)
+            mul = muvstore_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ispec)
+            kappal = kappavstore_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ispec)
+            ! kernel values for rho, kappa, mu (primary kernel values)
+            rho_kl = - rhol * rho_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ispec)
+            alpha_kl = - kappal * alpha_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ispec) ! note: alpha_kl corresponds to K_kappa
+            beta_kl =  - 2 * mul * beta_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ispec) ! note: beta_kl corresponds to K_mu
+            ! for a parameterization: (rho,mu,kappa) "primary" kernels
+            rhonotprime_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) = rho_kl * scale_kl * hlagrange
+            mu_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) = beta_kl * scale_kl * hlagrange
+            kappa_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) = alpha_kl * scale_kl * hlagrange
+            ! for a parameterization: (rho,alpha,beta)
+            ! kernels rho^prime, beta, alpha
+            rho_kl_crust_mantle_reg(i,j,k,ipoint) = (rho_kl + alpha_kl + beta_kl) * scale_kl * hlagrange
+            beta_kl_crust_mantle_reg(i,j,k,ipoint) = &
+              2._CUSTOM_REAL * (beta_kl - FOUR_THIRDS * mul * alpha_kl / kappal) * scale_kl * hlagrange
+            alpha_kl_crust_mantle_reg(i,j,k,ipoint) = &
+              2._CUSTOM_REAL * (1 +  FOUR_THIRDS * mul / kappal) * alpha_kl * scale_kl * hlagrange
+            ! for a parameterization: (rho,bulk, beta)
+            ! where bulk wave speed is c = sqrt( kappa / rho)
+            ! note: rhoprime is the same as for (rho,alpha,beta) parameterization
+            bulk_c_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) = 2._CUSTOM_REAL * alpha_kl * scale_kl * hlagrange
+            bulk_beta_kl_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ipoint) = 2._CUSTOM_REAL * beta_kl * scale_kl * hlagrange
+          endif
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  call create_name_database(prname,myrank,IREGION_CRUST_MANTLE,LOCAL_PATH)
+  ! For anisotropic kernels
+  if (ANISOTROPIC_KL) then
+    ! outputs transverse isotropic kernels only
+    if( SAVE_TRANSVERSE_KL ) then
+      ! transverse isotropic kernels
+      ! (alpha_v, alpha_h, beta_v, beta_h, eta, rho ) parameterization
+      open(unit=27,file=trim(prname)//'alphav_kernel.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted',action='write')
+      write(27) alphav_kl_crust_mantle
+      close(27)
+      open(unit=27,file=trim(prname)//'alphah_kernel.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted',action='write')
+      write(27) alphah_kl_crust_mantle
+      close(27)
+      open(unit=27,file=trim(prname)//'betav_kernel.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted',action='write')
+      write(27) betav_kl_crust_mantle
+      close(27)
+      open(unit=27,file=trim(prname)//'betah_kernel.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted',action='write')
+      write(27) betah_kl_crust_mantle
+      close(27)
+      open(unit=27,file=trim(prname)//'eta_kernel.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted',action='write')
+      write(27) eta_kl_crust_mantle
+      close(27)
+      open(unit=27,file=trim(prname)//'rho_kernel.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted',action='write')
+      write(27) rho_kl_crust_mantle_reg
+      close(27)
+      ! in case one is interested in primary kernel K_rho
+      !open(unit=27,file=trim(prname)//'rhonotprime_kernel.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted',action='write')
+      !write(27) rhonotprime_kl_crust_mantle
+      !close(27)
+      ! (bulk, beta_v, beta_h, eta, rho ) parameterization: K_eta and K_rho same as above
+      open(unit=27,file=trim(prname)//'bulk_c_kernel.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted',action='write')
+      write(27) bulk_c_kl_crust_mantle
+      close(27)
+      open(unit=27,file=trim(prname)//'bulk_betav_kernel.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted',action='write')
+      write(27) bulk_betav_kl_crust_mantle
+      close(27)
+      open(unit=27,file=trim(prname)//'bulk_betah_kernel.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted',action='write')
+      write(27) bulk_betah_kl_crust_mantle
+      close(27)
+      ! to check: isotropic kernels
+      open(unit=27,file=trim(prname)//'alpha_kernel.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted',action='write')
+      write(27) alpha_kl_crust_mantle_reg
+      close(27)
+      open(unit=27,file=trim(prname)//'beta_kernel.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted',action='write')
+      write(27) beta_kl_crust_mantle_reg
+      close(27)
+      open(unit=27,file=trim(prname)//'bulk_beta_kernel.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted',action='write')
+      write(27) bulk_beta_kl_crust_mantle
+      close(27)
+    else
+      ! fully anisotropic kernels
+      ! note: the C_ij and density kernels are not for relative perturbations (delta ln( m_i) = delta m_i / m_i),
+      !          but absolute perturbations (delta m_i = m_i - m_0)
+      open(unit=27,file=trim(prname)//'rho_kernel.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted',action='write')
+      write(27) - rho_kl_crust_mantle_reg
+      close(27)
+      open(unit=27,file=trim(prname)//'cijkl_kernel.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted',action='write')
+      write(27) - cijkl_kl_crust_mantle_reg
+      close(27)
+    endif
+  else
+    ! primary kernels: (rho,kappa,mu) parameterization
+    open(unit=27,file=trim(prname)//'rhonotprime_kernel.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted',action='write')
+    write(27) rhonotprime_kl_crust_mantle
+    close(27)
+    open(unit=27,file=trim(prname)//'kappa_kernel.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted',action='write')
+    write(27) kappa_kl_crust_mantle
+    close(27)
+    open(unit=27,file=trim(prname)//'mu_kernel.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted',action='write')
+    write(27) mu_kl_crust_mantle
+    close(27)
+    ! (rho, alpha, beta ) parameterization
+    open(unit=27,file=trim(prname)//'rho_kernel.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted',action='write')
+    write(27) rho_kl_crust_mantle_reg
+    close(27)
+    open(unit=27,file=trim(prname)//'alpha_kernel.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted',action='write')
+    write(27) alpha_kl_crust_mantle_reg
+    close(27)
+    open(unit=27,file=trim(prname)//'beta_kernel.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted',action='write')
+    write(27) beta_kl_crust_mantle_reg
+    close(27)
+    ! (rho, bulk, beta ) parameterization, K_rho same as above
+    open(unit=27,file=trim(prname)//'bulk_c_kernel.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted',action='write')
+    write(27) bulk_c_kl_crust_mantle
+    close(27)
+    open(unit=27,file=trim(prname)//'bulk_beta_kernel.bin',status='unknown',form='unformatted',action='write')
+    write(27) bulk_beta_kl_crust_mantle
+    close(27)
+  endif
+  ! cleans up temporary kernel arrays
+  if( SAVE_TRANSVERSE_KL ) then
+    deallocate(alphav_kl_crust_mantle,alphah_kl_crust_mantle, &
+        betav_kl_crust_mantle,betah_kl_crust_mantle, &
+        eta_kl_crust_mantle)
+    deallocate(bulk_c_kl_crust_mantle,bulk_betah_kl_crust_mantle, &
+        bulk_betav_kl_crust_mantle,bulk_beta_kl_crust_mantle)
+  endif
+  if( .not. ANISOTROPIC_KL ) then
+    deallocate(bulk_c_kl_crust_mantle,bulk_beta_kl_crust_mantle)
+  endif
+  deallocate(cijkl_kl_crust_mantle_reg, &
+             rho_kl_crust_mantle_reg, &
+             beta_kl_crust_mantle_reg, &
+             alpha_kl_crust_mantle_reg)
+  end subroutine save_regular_kernels_crust_mantle

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/specfem3D/specfem3D.F90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/specfem3D/specfem3D.F90	2012-11-12 08:57:29 UTC (rev 21019)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/specfem3D/specfem3D.F90	2012-11-12 11:51:41 UTC (rev 21020)
@@ -671,6 +671,29 @@
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_INNER_CORE_ADJOINT) :: rho_kl_inner_core, &
      beta_kl_inner_core, alpha_kl_inner_core
+! For saving kernels on a regular grid
+  type kl_reg_grid_variables
+    sequence
+    real dlat
+    real dlon
+    integer nlayer
+    real rlayer(NM_KL_REG_LAYER)
+    integer ndoubling(NM_KL_REG_LAYER)
+    integer nlat(NM_KL_REG_LAYER)
+    integer nlon(NM_KL_REG_LAYER)
+    integer npts_total
+    integer npts_before_layer(NM_KL_REG_LAYER+1)
+  end type kl_reg_grid_variables
+  type (kl_reg_grid_variables) KL_REG_GRID
+  integer isp, npoints_slice
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: slice_number
+  integer, dimension(NM_KL_REG_PTS) :: points_slice
+  integer, dimension(NM_KL_REG_PTS) :: ispec_reg
+  real, dimension(NGLLX, NM_KL_REG_PTS) :: hxir_reg
+  real, dimension(NGLLY, NM_KL_REG_PTS) :: hetar_reg
+  real, dimension(NGLLZ, NM_KL_REG_PTS) :: hgammar_reg
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: absorb_xmin_crust_mantle5, &
      absorb_xmax_crust_mantle5, absorb_ymin_crust_mantle5, absorb_ymax_crust_mantle5
@@ -943,9 +966,10 @@
   logical :: you_can_start_doing_IOs
   integer msg_status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
+! *************************************************
 ! ************** PROGRAM STARTS HERE **************
@@ -1317,6 +1341,63 @@
+  if (SAVE_REGULAR_KL) then
+    call read_kl_regular_grid(KL_REG_GRID)
+    if (myrank==0) then
+      allocate(slice_number(KL_REG_GRID%npts_total))
+!      print *, 'slice npts =', KL_REG_GRID%npts_total
+      call find_regular_grid_slice_number(slice_number, KL_REG_GRID, NCHUNKS_VAL, &
+                                          NPROC_XI_VAL, NPROC_ETA_VAL)
+      do i = NPROCTOT_VAL-1,0,-1
+        npoints_slice = 0
+        do isp = 1,KL_REG_GRID%npts_total
+          if (slice_number(isp) == i) then
+            npoints_slice = npoints_slice + 1
+            if (npoints_slice > NM_KL_REG_PTS) stop 'Exceeding NM_KL_REG_PTS limit'
+            points_slice(npoints_slice) = isp
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if (i /= 0) then
+          call MPI_Send(npoints_slice,1,MPI_INTEGER,i,i,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+          if (npoints_slice > 0) then
+            call MPI_Send(points_slice,npoints_slice,MPI_INTEGER,i,2*i,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      open(unit=IOUT,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//'/kl_grid_slice.txt',status='unknown',action='write')
+      write(IOUT,*) slice_number
+      close(IOUT)
+      deallocate(slice_number)
+    else
+      call MPI_Recv(npoints_slice,1,MPI_INTEGER,0,myrank,MPI_COMM_WORLD,msg_status,ier)
+      if (npoints_slice > 0) then
+        call MPI_Recv(points_slice,npoints_slice,MPI_INTEGER,0,2*myrank,MPI_COMM_WORLD,msg_status,ier)
+      endif
+    endif
+    ! this is the core part that takes up most of the computation time,
+    ! and presumably the more processors involved the faster.
+    if (npoints_slice > 0) then
+      call locate_reg_points(myrank, npoints_slice, points_slice, KL_REG_GRID, &
+                             NEX_XI, NSPEC_CRUST_MANTLE, &
+                             xstore_crust_mantle, ystore_crust_mantle, zstore_crust_mantle, &
+                             ibool_crust_mantle, &
+                             xigll, yigll, zigll, &
+                             ispec_reg, hxir_reg, hetar_reg, hgammar_reg)
+    endif
+    if (myrank==0) then
+      write(IMAIN,*) ' '
+      write(IMAIN,*) 'Finish locating kernel output regular grid'
+      write(IMAIN,*) ' '
+    endif
+  endif
     you_can_start_doing_IOs = .true.
     if (myrank < NPROC_XI_VAL*NPROC_ETA_VAL-1) &
@@ -4671,7 +4752,22 @@
   ! dump kernel arrays
   if (SIMULATION_TYPE == 3) then
     ! crust mantle
+    if (SAVE_REGULAR_KL) then
+    call save_regular_kernels_crust_mantle(myrank, &
+                  KL_REG_GRID, npoints_slice, hxir_reg, hetar_reg, hgammar_reg, &
+                  scale_t,scale_displ, &
+                  cijkl_kl_crust_mantle,rho_kl_crust_mantle, &
+                  alpha_kl_crust_mantle,beta_kl_crust_mantle, &
+                  ystore_crust_mantle,zstore_crust_mantle, &
+                  rhostore_crust_mantle,muvstore_crust_mantle, &
+                  kappavstore_crust_mantle,ibool_crust_mantle, &
+                  kappahstore_crust_mantle,muhstore_crust_mantle, &
+                  eta_anisostore_crust_mantle,ispec_is_tiso_crust_mantle, &
+              ! --idoubling_crust_mantle, &
+                  LOCAL_PATH)
+    else
     call save_kernels_crust_mantle(myrank,scale_t,scale_displ, &
                   cijkl_kl_crust_mantle,rho_kl_crust_mantle, &
                   alpha_kl_crust_mantle,beta_kl_crust_mantle, &
@@ -4682,6 +4778,7 @@
                   eta_anisostore_crust_mantle,ispec_is_tiso_crust_mantle, &
               ! --idoubling_crust_mantle, &
+    endif
     ! noise strength kernel

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