[cig-commits] r21048 - seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D

dkomati1 at geodynamics.org dkomati1 at geodynamics.org
Sun Nov 18 14:44:38 PST 2012

Author: dkomati1
Date: 2012-11-18 14:44:38 -0800 (Sun, 18 Nov 2012)
New Revision: 21048

removed some CTRL-LF characters coming from a Windows editor

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/prepare_source_time_function.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/prepare_source_time_function.f90	2012-11-18 22:34:16 UTC (rev 21047)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/prepare_source_time_function.f90	2012-11-18 22:44:38 UTC (rev 21048)
@@ -1,205 +1,205 @@
-!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 7 . 0
-!                   --------------------------------
-! Copyright CNRS, INRIA and University of Pau, France,
-! and Princeton University / California Institute of Technology, USA.
-! Contributors: Dimitri Komatitsch, dimitri DOT komatitsch aT univ-pau DOT fr
-!               Nicolas Le Goff, nicolas DOT legoff aT univ-pau DOT fr
-!               Roland Martin, roland DOT martin aT univ-pau DOT fr
-!               Christina Morency, cmorency aT princeton DOT edu
-!               Pieyre Le Loher, pieyre DOT le-loher aT inria.fr
-! This software is a computer program whose purpose is to solve
-! the two-dimensional viscoelastic anisotropic or poroelastic wave equation
-! using a spectral-element method (SEM).
-! This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
-! abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
-! modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
-! license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
-! "http://www.cecill.info".
-! As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
-! modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
-! with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
-! economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
-! liability.
-! In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
-! with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
-! software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
-! that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
-! therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
-! professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
-! encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
-! requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
-! data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
-! same conditions as regards security.
-! The full text of the license is available in file "LICENSE".
-  subroutine prepare_source_time_function(myrank,NSTEP,NSOURCES,source_time_function, &
-                          time_function_type,f0,tshift_src,factor,aval, &
-                          t0,nb_proc_source,deltat,stage_time_scheme,c_LDDRK)
-! prepares source_time_function array
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-  integer :: myrank,NSTEP
-  integer :: NSOURCES
-  integer, dimension(NSOURCES) :: time_function_type
-  double precision, dimension(NSOURCES) :: f0,tshift_src,factor
-  double precision, dimension(NSOURCES) :: aval
-  double precision :: t0
-  integer,dimension(NSOURCES) :: nb_proc_source
-  double precision :: deltat
-  integer :: stage_time_scheme
-  double precision, dimension(Nstages) :: c_LDDRK
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(NSOURCES,NSTEP,stage_time_scheme) :: source_time_function
-  ! local parameters
-  double precision :: stf_used, time, DecT, Tc, omegat
-  double precision, dimension(NSOURCES) :: hdur,hdur_gauss
-  double precision, external :: netlib_specfun_erf
-  integer :: it,i_source
-  integer :: i_stage
-  double precision, dimension(4) :: c_RK
-  if(stage_time_scheme == 4)then
-   c_RK(1)=0.0d0*deltat
-   c_RK(2)=0.5d0*deltat
-   c_RK(3)=0.5d0*deltat
-   c_RK(4)=1.0d0*deltat
-  endif
-  ! user output
-  if (myrank == 0) then
-    write(IOUT,*)
-    write(IOUT,*) 'Saving the source time function in a text file...'
-    write(IOUT,*)
-    open(unit=55,file='OUTPUT_FILES/source.txt',status='unknown')
-  endif
-  !    ! loop on all the sources
-  !    do i_source=1,NSOURCES
-  ! loop on all the time steps
-  do it = 1,NSTEP
-    ! note: t0 is the simulation start time, tshift_src is the time shift of the source
-    !          relative to this start time
-    do i_stage = 1,stage_time_scheme
-    ! compute current time
-    if(stage_time_scheme == 1)then
-    time = (it-1)*deltat
-    endif
-    if(stage_time_scheme == 4)then
-     time = (it-1)*deltat+c_RK(i_stage)*deltat
-    endif
-    if(stage_time_scheme == 6)then
-     time = (it-1)*deltat+c_LDDRK(i_stage)*deltat
-    endif
-    stf_used = 0.d0
-    ! loop on all the sources
-    do i_source=1,NSOURCES
-      if( time_function_type(i_source) == 1 ) then
-        ! Ricker (second derivative of a Gaussian) source time function
-        source_time_function(i_source,it,i_stage) = - factor(i_source) * &
-                  (ONE-TWO*aval(i_source)*(time-t0-tshift_src(i_source))**2) * &
-                  exp(-aval(i_source)*(time-t0-tshift_src(i_source))**2)
-        ! source_time_function(i_source,it) = - factor(i_source) *  &
-        !               TWO*aval(i_source)*sqrt(aval(i_source))*&
-        !               (time-t0-tshift_src(i_source))/pi * exp(-aval(i_source)*(time-t0-tshift_src(i_source))**2)
-      else if( time_function_type(i_source) == 2 ) then
-        ! first derivative of a Gaussian source time function
-        source_time_function(i_source,it,i_stage) = - factor(i_source) * &
-                  TWO*aval(i_source)*(time-t0-tshift_src(i_source)) * &
-                  exp(-aval(i_source)*(time-t0-tshift_src(i_source))**2)
-      else if(time_function_type(i_source) == 3 .or. time_function_type(i_source) == 4) then
-        ! Gaussian or Dirac (we use a very thin Gaussian instead) source time function
-        source_time_function(i_source,it,i_stage) = factor(i_source) * &
-                  exp(-aval(i_source)*(time-t0-tshift_src(i_source))**2)
-      else if(time_function_type(i_source) == 5) then
-        ! Heaviside source time function (we use a very thin error function instead)
-        hdur(i_source) = 1.d0 / f0(i_source)
-        hdur_gauss(i_source) = hdur(i_source) * 5.d0 / 3.d0
-        source_time_function(i_source,it,i_stage) = factor(i_source) * 0.5d0*(1.0d0 + &
-            netlib_specfun_erf(SOURCE_DECAY_MIMIC_TRIANGLE*(time-t0-tshift_src(i_source))/hdur_gauss(i_source)))
-      else if(time_function_type(i_source) == 6) then
-        DecT = t0 + tshift_src(i_source)
-        Tc = 4.d0 / f0(i_source) + DecT
-        if ( time > DecT .and. time < Tc ) then
-           ! source time function from Computational Ocean Acoustics
-           omegat = TWO * PI * f0(i_source) * ( time - DecT )
-           source_time_function(i_source,it,i_stage) = factor(i_source) * HALF * &
-                 sin( omegat ) * ( ONE - cos( QUART * omegat ) )
-        else
-           source_time_function(i_source,it,i_stage) = ZERO
-        endif
-      else
-        call exit_MPI('unknown source time function')
-      endif
-      stf_used = stf_used + source_time_function(i_source,it,i_stage)
-    enddo
-    ! output relative time in third column, in case user wants to check it as well
-    ! if (myrank == 0 .and. i_source==1 ) write(55,*) sngl(time-t0-tshift_src(1)),real(source_time_function(1,it),4),sngl(time)
-    if (myrank == 0) then
-        ! note: earliest start time of the simulation is: (it-1)*deltat - t0
-        write(55,*) sngl(time-t0),sngl(stf_used),sngl(time)
-    endif
-    enddo
-  enddo
-  if (myrank == 0) close(55)
-  ! nb_proc_source is the number of processes that own the source (the nearest point). It can be greater
-  ! than one if the nearest point is on the interface between several partitions with an explosive source.
-  ! since source contribution is linear, the source_time_function is cut down by that number (it would have been similar
-  ! if we just had elected one of those processes).
-  do i_source=1,NSOURCES
-    source_time_function(i_source,:,:) = source_time_function(i_source,:,:) / nb_proc_source(i_source)
-  enddo
-  end subroutine prepare_source_time_function
+!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 7 . 0
+!                   --------------------------------
+! Copyright CNRS, INRIA and University of Pau, France,
+! and Princeton University / California Institute of Technology, USA.
+! Contributors: Dimitri Komatitsch, dimitri DOT komatitsch aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Nicolas Le Goff, nicolas DOT legoff aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Roland Martin, roland DOT martin aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Christina Morency, cmorency aT princeton DOT edu
+!               Pieyre Le Loher, pieyre DOT le-loher aT inria.fr
+! This software is a computer program whose purpose is to solve
+! the two-dimensional viscoelastic anisotropic or poroelastic wave equation
+! using a spectral-element method (SEM).
+! This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
+! abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
+! modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
+! license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
+! "http://www.cecill.info".
+! As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
+! modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
+! with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
+! economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
+! liability.
+! In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
+! with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
+! software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
+! that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
+! therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
+! professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
+! encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
+! requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
+! data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
+! same conditions as regards security.
+! The full text of the license is available in file "LICENSE".
+  subroutine prepare_source_time_function(myrank,NSTEP,NSOURCES,source_time_function, &
+                          time_function_type,f0,tshift_src,factor,aval, &
+                          t0,nb_proc_source,deltat,stage_time_scheme,c_LDDRK)
+! prepares source_time_function array
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  integer :: myrank,NSTEP
+  integer :: NSOURCES
+  integer, dimension(NSOURCES) :: time_function_type
+  double precision, dimension(NSOURCES) :: f0,tshift_src,factor
+  double precision, dimension(NSOURCES) :: aval
+  double precision :: t0
+  integer,dimension(NSOURCES) :: nb_proc_source
+  double precision :: deltat
+  integer :: stage_time_scheme
+  double precision, dimension(Nstages) :: c_LDDRK
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(NSOURCES,NSTEP,stage_time_scheme) :: source_time_function
+  ! local parameters
+  double precision :: stf_used, time, DecT, Tc, omegat
+  double precision, dimension(NSOURCES) :: hdur,hdur_gauss
+  double precision, external :: netlib_specfun_erf
+  integer :: it,i_source
+  integer :: i_stage
+  double precision, dimension(4) :: c_RK
+  if(stage_time_scheme == 4)then
+   c_RK(1)=0.0d0*deltat
+   c_RK(2)=0.5d0*deltat
+   c_RK(3)=0.5d0*deltat
+   c_RK(4)=1.0d0*deltat
+  endif
+  ! user output
+  if (myrank == 0) then
+    write(IOUT,*)
+    write(IOUT,*) 'Saving the source time function in a text file...'
+    write(IOUT,*)
+    open(unit=55,file='OUTPUT_FILES/source.txt',status='unknown')
+  endif
+  !    ! loop on all the sources
+  !    do i_source=1,NSOURCES
+  ! loop on all the time steps
+  do it = 1,NSTEP
+    ! note: t0 is the simulation start time, tshift_src is the time shift of the source
+    !          relative to this start time
+    do i_stage = 1,stage_time_scheme
+    ! compute current time
+    if(stage_time_scheme == 1)then
+    time = (it-1)*deltat
+    endif
+    if(stage_time_scheme == 4)then
+     time = (it-1)*deltat+c_RK(i_stage)*deltat
+    endif
+    if(stage_time_scheme == 6)then
+     time = (it-1)*deltat+c_LDDRK(i_stage)*deltat
+    endif
+    stf_used = 0.d0
+    ! loop on all the sources
+    do i_source=1,NSOURCES
+      if( time_function_type(i_source) == 1 ) then
+        ! Ricker (second derivative of a Gaussian) source time function
+        source_time_function(i_source,it,i_stage) = - factor(i_source) * &
+                  (ONE-TWO*aval(i_source)*(time-t0-tshift_src(i_source))**2) * &
+                  exp(-aval(i_source)*(time-t0-tshift_src(i_source))**2)
+        ! source_time_function(i_source,it) = - factor(i_source) *  &
+        !               TWO*aval(i_source)*sqrt(aval(i_source))*&
+        !               (time-t0-tshift_src(i_source))/pi * exp(-aval(i_source)*(time-t0-tshift_src(i_source))**2)
+      else if( time_function_type(i_source) == 2 ) then
+        ! first derivative of a Gaussian source time function
+        source_time_function(i_source,it,i_stage) = - factor(i_source) * &
+                  TWO*aval(i_source)*(time-t0-tshift_src(i_source)) * &
+                  exp(-aval(i_source)*(time-t0-tshift_src(i_source))**2)
+      else if(time_function_type(i_source) == 3 .or. time_function_type(i_source) == 4) then
+        ! Gaussian or Dirac (we use a very thin Gaussian instead) source time function
+        source_time_function(i_source,it,i_stage) = factor(i_source) * &
+                  exp(-aval(i_source)*(time-t0-tshift_src(i_source))**2)
+      else if(time_function_type(i_source) == 5) then
+        ! Heaviside source time function (we use a very thin error function instead)
+        hdur(i_source) = 1.d0 / f0(i_source)
+        hdur_gauss(i_source) = hdur(i_source) * 5.d0 / 3.d0
+        source_time_function(i_source,it,i_stage) = factor(i_source) * 0.5d0*(1.0d0 + &
+            netlib_specfun_erf(SOURCE_DECAY_MIMIC_TRIANGLE*(time-t0-tshift_src(i_source))/hdur_gauss(i_source)))
+      else if(time_function_type(i_source) == 6) then
+        DecT = t0 + tshift_src(i_source)
+        Tc = 4.d0 / f0(i_source) + DecT
+        if ( time > DecT .and. time < Tc ) then
+           ! source time function from Computational Ocean Acoustics
+           omegat = TWO * PI * f0(i_source) * ( time - DecT )
+           source_time_function(i_source,it,i_stage) = factor(i_source) * HALF * &
+                 sin( omegat ) * ( ONE - cos( QUART * omegat ) )
+        else
+           source_time_function(i_source,it,i_stage) = ZERO
+        endif
+      else
+        call exit_MPI('unknown source time function')
+      endif
+      stf_used = stf_used + source_time_function(i_source,it,i_stage)
+    enddo
+    ! output relative time in third column, in case user wants to check it as well
+    ! if (myrank == 0 .and. i_source==1 ) write(55,*) sngl(time-t0-tshift_src(1)),real(source_time_function(1,it),4),sngl(time)
+    if (myrank == 0) then
+        ! note: earliest start time of the simulation is: (it-1)*deltat - t0
+        write(55,*) sngl(time-t0),sngl(stf_used),sngl(time)
+    endif
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  if (myrank == 0) close(55)
+  ! nb_proc_source is the number of processes that own the source (the nearest point). It can be greater
+  ! than one if the nearest point is on the interface between several partitions with an explosive source.
+  ! since source contribution is linear, the source_time_function is cut down by that number (it would have been similar
+  ! if we just had elected one of those processes).
+  do i_source=1,NSOURCES
+    source_time_function(i_source,:,:) = source_time_function(i_source,:,:) / nb_proc_source(i_source)
+  enddo
+  end subroutine prepare_source_time_function

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