[cig-commits] commit: Add obsres.py to the repository.

Mercurial hg at geodynamics.org
Wed Nov 21 00:46:07 PST 2012

changeset:   153:69212db58b85
tag:         tip
user:        Sylvain Barbot <sbarbot at caltech.edu>
date:        Wed Nov 21 00:46:02 2012 -0800
files:       util/obsres.py
Add obsres.py to the repository.

diff -r c8970edd9a45 -r 69212db58b85 util/obsres.py
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/util/obsres.py	Wed Nov 21 00:46:02 2012 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+# computes the norm of the residuals between relax prediction and GPS time series
+import getopt
+import numpy as np
+import os
+import sys
+import math
+def usage():
+    print 'obsres.py computes residuals between Relax and GPS data time series'
+    print ''
+    print 'usage: obsres.py --bounds=0/7.1 --ddir=./data --range=0/0/1 \\'
+    print '                 --network=opts.dat --weight=0/0/1 wdir'
+    print ''
+    print 'options:'
+    print '  -b --bounds:  time interval to consider'
+    print '  -n --network: file containing list of stations names'
+    print '  -r --range:   power exponents of the interval of time scales'
+    print '  --relax:      use time series of postseismic deformation'
+    print '  --vscale:     automatically scales the amplitude of model deformation'
+    print '  -w --weight:  relative weight of north, east and down components'
+    print ''
+    print 'example:'
+    print './obsres.py --ddir=../gps/GPS_Nepal_Tibet --weight=0/0/1 G64_H{20,30,40}_g{0.1,1,10}'
+    print ''
+def main():
+    # default parameters
+    wn=1
+    we=1
+    wd=1
+    ddir='./'
+    exp1=0
+    exp2=0
+    exp3=1
+    network='opts.dat'
+    index=1
+    t1=-np.inf
+    t2=+np.inf
+    isrelax=False
+    isvscale=False
+    try:
+        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hb:d:n:r:w:", ["help","bounds=","ddir=","network=","relax","range=","weight="])
+    except getopt.GetoptError, err:
+        # print help information and exit:
+        print >> sys.stderr, 'obsres.py:', str(err) # will print something like "option -a not recognized"
+        print ''
+        usage()
+        sys.exit(2)
+    if 0==len(args):
+	usage()
+	sys.exit(2)
+    for o, a in opts:
+        if o in ("-h","--help"):
+            usage()
+            sys.exit()
+        elif o in ("-b", "--bounds"):
+            str1, str2 = a.split('/')
+            t1=float(str1)
+            t2=float(str2)
+        elif o in ("-d", "--ddir"):
+            ddir = a
+        elif o in ("-r", "--range"):
+            str1, str2, str3 = a.split('/')
+            exp1=float(str1)
+            exp2=float(str2)
+	    exp3=float(str3)
+        elif o == "--relax":
+	    isrelax=True
+        elif o == "--vscale":
+	    isvscale=True
+        elif o in ("-w", "--weight"):
+            str1, str2, str3 = a.split('/')
+            wn=float(str1)
+            we=float(str2)
+            wd=float(str3)
+        elif o in ("-n", "--network"):
+            network = a
+        else:
+            print >> sys.stderr, 'obsres.py: unhandled option:', o, a
+            assert False, "unhandled option"
+    exprange=1+int((exp2-exp1)/exp3+0.5)
+    print '# obsres.py '+" ".join(sys.argv[1:])
+    if 1==exprange:
+        print '# '+'model'.ljust(max(map(len,args)))+'  residuals'
+    else:
+        print '# '+'model'.ljust(max(map(len,args)))+'  residuals time_scale coverage'
+    sys.stdout.flush()
+    # loop over the models
+    for i in xrange(len(args)):
+        wdir=args[i]
+        fname=wdir+'/'+network
+        f=file(fname,'r')
+        name=np.loadtxt(f,comments='#',unpack=True,dtype='S4',usecols=[3])
+	coverage=np.zeros(len(name))
+        #print name
+        for e in xrange(exprange):
+            n=exp1+float(e)*exp3
+            tscale=pow(10,n)
+	    # initialize norm of residuals
+	    norm=0
+	    index=0
+            for s in name:
+                # load data (test upper and lower case)
+                fname=ddir+'/'+s.upper()+'.txt'
+		try:
+		    with open(fname) as f: pass
+		except IOError as e:
+                    fname=ddir+'/'+s.lower()+'.txt'
+		    try:
+		        with open(fname) as f: pass
+		    except IOError as e:
+                        # skipping station s
+                        print >> sys.stderr, 'obsres.py: could not fine '+fname+', skipping.'
+			continue
+                f=file(fname,'r')
+		try:
+                    tr,nr,er,dr,sn,se,sd=np.loadtxt(f,comments='#',unpack=True,usecols=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6])
+                    tr=np.atleast_1d(tr)
+                    nr=np.atleast_1d(nr)
+                    er=np.atleast_1d(er)
+                    dr=np.atleast_1d(dr)
+                    sn=np.atleast_1d(sn)
+                    se=np.atleast_1d(se)
+                    sd=np.atleast_1d(sd)
+		except:
+                    print >> sys.stderr, 'obsres.py: error loading file '+s+'. skipping.'
+		    coverage[index]=1
+		    index+=1
+		    continue
+   		pos=np.logical_and(np.logical_and(np.isfinite(nr+er+dr),tr>=t1),tr<=t2)
+		tr=tr[pos]
+		nr=nr[pos]
+		er=er[pos]
+		dr=dr[pos]
+		sn=sn[pos]
+		se=se[pos]
+		sd=sd[pos]
+		pos=[]
+		if 0==len(tr):
+                    print >> sys.stderr, 'obsres.py: skipping station '+s+' because of insufficient data coverage.'
+		    continue
+                # load model
+                fname=wdir+'/'+s+'.txt'
+                f=file(fname,'r')
+                tm,nm,em,dm=np.loadtxt(f,comments='#',unpack=True,usecols=[0,1,2,3])
+                tm=np.atleast_1d(tm)
+                nm=np.atleast_1d(nm)
+                em=np.atleast_1d(em)
+                dm=np.atleast_1d(dm)
+		tm=tm/tscale
+                # time interval
+                tmax=min([max(tm),max(tr)])
+                pos=tr<=tmax
+                coverage[index]=float(sum(pos))/float(len(pos))
+		index+=1
+		tr=tr[pos]
+		nr=nr[pos]
+		er=er[pos]
+		dr=dr[pos]
+		sn=sn[pos]
+		se=se[pos]
+		sd=sd[pos]
+		pos=[]
+		if 0==len(tr):
+                    print >> sys.stderr, 'obsres.py: skipping station '+s+' because of insufficient model coverage. Try reducing scaling.'
+		    continue
+		if isrelax:
+		    nm-=nm[0]
+		    em-=em[0]
+		    dm-=dm[0]
+		#print [tr,tm]
+		nm=np.interp(tr,tm,nm)
+		em=np.interp(tr,tm,em)
+		dm=np.interp(tr,tm,dm)
+                if isvscale:
+                    if 0<len(tr):
+                        scale=(np.std(nm)/np.std(nr)*wn+np.std(em)/np.std(er)*we+np.std(dm)/np.std(dr)*wd)/(wn+we+wd)
+                        nm/=scale
+                        em/=scale
+                        dm/=scale
+		dnorm=sum(pow(nr-nm,2)/sn*wn+pow(er-em,2)/se*we+pow(dr-dm,2)/sd*wd)
+		norm+=dnorm
+		#print '{0:8.2e}'.format(dnorm)
+    	    if 1==exprange:
+	        print '{0}    {1:8.2e}'.format(wdir.ljust(max(map(len,args))+1),norm)
+            else:
+	        print '{0}    {1:8.2e}  {2:9.2e} {3:8.2e}'.format(wdir.ljust(max(map(len,args))+1),norm,tscale,sum(coverage)/float(len(coverage)))
+	    sys.stdout.flush()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

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