[cig-commits] r20902 - seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src

surendra at geodynamics.org surendra at geodynamics.org
Wed Oct 24 07:09:25 PDT 2012

Author: surendra
Date: 2012-10-24 07:09:25 -0700 (Wed, 24 Oct 2012)
New Revision: 20902

Parallelized kinematic fault solver

Modified: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_solver.f90
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_solver.f90	2012-10-24 13:48:12 UTC (rev 20901)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_solver.f90	2012-10-24 14:09:25 UTC (rev 20902)
@@ -617,15 +617,6 @@
 !  call init_dataT(bc%dataT,bc%coord,bc%nglob,NT,iflt)
   call init_dataXZ(bc%dataXZ,bc)
-!JPA for debugging: test write_dataXZ by printing a snapshot at it=0 with processor id in place of d1 
-  if (PARALLEL_FAULT) then
-    if(bc%nglob > 0) bc%dataXZ%d1 = myrank
-    call gather_dataXZ(bc)
-    if (myrank==0) call write_dataXZ(bc%dataXZ_all,0,iflt)
-    if(bc%nglob > 0) bc%dataXZ%d1 = 0.e0_CUSTOM_REAL
-  endif
 end subroutine init_one_fault

Modified: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_solver_kinematic.f90
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_solver_kinematic.f90	2012-10-24 13:48:12 UTC (rev 20901)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_solver_kinematic.f90	2012-10-24 14:09:25 UTC (rev 20902)
@@ -139,128 +139,128 @@
   NAMELIST / KINPAR / kindt
   read(IIN_BIN) bc%nspec,bc%nglob
-  if (bc%nspec==0) return
+  if (.NOT.PARALLEL_FAULT .and. bc%nspec==0) return
+  if (bc%nspec>0) then
-  allocate( bc%ibulk1(bc%nglob) )
-  allocate( bc%ibulk2(bc%nglob) )
-  allocate( ibool1(NGLLSQUARE,bc%nspec) )
-  allocate(normal(NDIM,NGLLSQUARE,bc%nspec))
-  allocate(jacobian2Dw(NGLLSQUARE,bc%nspec))
-  allocate(bc%coord(3,bc%nglob))
+    allocate( bc%ibulk1(bc%nglob) )
+    allocate( bc%ibulk2(bc%nglob) )
+    allocate( ibool1(NGLLSQUARE,bc%nspec) )
+    allocate(normal(NDIM,NGLLSQUARE,bc%nspec))
+    allocate(jacobian2Dw(NGLLSQUARE,bc%nspec))
+    allocate(bc%coord(3,bc%nglob))
-  read(IIN_BIN) ibool1
-  read(IIN_BIN) jacobian2Dw
-  read(IIN_BIN) normal
-  read(IIN_BIN) bc%ibulk1
-  read(IIN_BIN) bc%ibulk2
-  read(IIN_BIN) bc%coord(1,:)
-  read(IIN_BIN) bc%coord(2,:)
-  read(IIN_BIN) bc%coord(3,:)
-  bc%dt = dt
+    read(IIN_BIN) ibool1
+    read(IIN_BIN) jacobian2Dw
+    read(IIN_BIN) normal
+    read(IIN_BIN) bc%ibulk1
+    read(IIN_BIN) bc%ibulk2
+    read(IIN_BIN) bc%coord(1,:)
+    read(IIN_BIN) bc%coord(2,:)
+    read(IIN_BIN) bc%coord(3,:)
+    bc%dt = dt
-  allocate( bc%B(bc%nglob) ) 
-  bc%B = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
-  allocate( nx(bc%nglob),ny(bc%nglob),nz(bc%nglob) )
-  nx = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
-  ny = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
-  nz = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
-  do e=1,bc%nspec
-    do ij = 1,NGLLSQUARE
-      k = ibool1(ij,e)
-      nx(k) = nx(k) + normal(1,ij,e)
-      ny(k) = ny(k) + normal(2,ij,e)
-      nz(k) = nz(k) + normal(3,ij,e)
-      bc%B(k) = bc%B(k) + jacobian2Dw(ij,e)
+    allocate( bc%B(bc%nglob) ) 
+    bc%B = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+    allocate( nx(bc%nglob),ny(bc%nglob),nz(bc%nglob) )
+    nx = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+    ny = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+    nz = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+    do e=1,bc%nspec
+      do ij = 1,NGLLSQUARE
+        k = ibool1(ij,e)
+        nx(k) = nx(k) + normal(1,ij,e)
+        ny(k) = ny(k) + normal(2,ij,e)
+        nz(k) = nz(k) + normal(3,ij,e)
+        bc%B(k) = bc%B(k) + jacobian2Dw(ij,e)
+      enddo
-  enddo
-  ! TO DO: assemble B and n across processors
-  do k=1,bc%nglob
-    norm = sqrt( nx(k)*nx(k) + ny(k)*ny(k) + nz(k)*nz(k) )
-    nx(k) = nx(k) / norm
-    ny(k) = ny(k) / norm 
-    nz(k) = nz(k) / norm 
-  enddo
-  allocate( bc%R(3,3,bc%nglob) )
-  call compute_R(bc%R,bc%nglob,nx,ny,nz)
-  deallocate(nx,ny,nz)
-  ! inverse M needed in dA_Free = -K2*d2/M2 + K1*d1/M1
-  allocate(bc%invM1(bc%nglob))
-  allocate(bc%invM2(bc%nglob))
-  bc%invM1 = Minv(bc%ibulk1)
-  bc%invM2 = Minv(bc%ibulk2)
+  endif
-  ! Fault impedance, Z in :  Trac=T_Stick-Z*dV
-  !   Z = 1/( B1/M1 + B2/M2 ) / (0.5*dt)
-  ! T_Stick = Z*Vfree traction as if the fault was stuck (no displ discontinuity) 
-  ! NOTE: same Bi on both sides, see note above
-  allocate(bc%Z(bc%nglob))
-  bc%Z = 1.e0_CUSTOM_REAL/(0.5e0_CUSTOM_REAL*dt * bc%B *( bc%invM1 + bc%invM2 ))
-  ! WARNING: In non-split nodes at fault edges Minv is assembled across the fault 
-  !          hence invM1+invM2=2/(M1+M2) instead of 1/M1+1/M2
-  !          For instance, in a symmetric mesh (M1=M2) Z is twice its intended value
+  if (PARALLEL_FAULT) then
-  allocate(bc%T(3,bc%nglob))
-  allocate(bc%D(3,bc%nglob))
-  allocate(bc%V(3,bc%nglob))
-  bc%T = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
-  bc%D = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
-  bc%V = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
-  ! time interval between two loaded slip rates
-  read(IIN_PAR,nml=KINPAR) 
-  bc%kin_dt = kindt
-  bc%kin_it=0
-  ! Always have in memory the slip-rate model at two times, t1 and t2, 
-  ! spatially interpolated in the spectral element grid
-  allocate(bc%v_kin_t1(2,bc%nglob))
-  allocate(bc%v_kin_t2(2,bc%nglob))
-  bc%v_kin_t1 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
-  bc%v_kin_t2 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+    accel=0._CUSTOM_REAL
+    if (bc%nspec>0)  accel(1,bc%ibulk1) = bc%B
+    ! assembles with other MPI processes
+    call assemble_MPI_vector_ext_mesh(NPROC,NGLOB_AB,accel, &
+       num_interfaces_ext_mesh,max_nibool_interfaces_ext_mesh, &
+       nibool_interfaces_ext_mesh,ibool_interfaces_ext_mesh, &
+       my_neighbours_ext_mesh)
+    if (bc%nspec>0)  bc%B = accel(1,bc%ibulk1)
+    accel=0._CUSTOM_REAL
+    if (bc%nspec>0) then
+      accel(1,bc%ibulk1) = nx
+      accel(2,bc%ibulk1) = ny
+      accel(3,bc%ibulk1) = nz
+    endif
+    ! assembles with other MPI processes
+    call assemble_MPI_vector_ext_mesh(NPROC,NGLOB_AB,accel, &
+       num_interfaces_ext_mesh,max_nibool_interfaces_ext_mesh, &
+       nibool_interfaces_ext_mesh,ibool_interfaces_ext_mesh, &
+       my_neighbours_ext_mesh)
+    if (bc%nspec>0) then
+      nx = accel(1,bc%ibulk1)
+      ny = accel(2,bc%ibulk1)
+      nz = accel(3,bc%ibulk1)
+    endif
-  call init_dataT(bc%dataT,bc%coord,bc%nglob,NT,iflt)
-  call init_dataXZ(bc%dataXZ,bc%nglob)
+  endif
-end subroutine init_one_fault
+  if (bc%nspec>0) then
+    do k=1,bc%nglob
+      norm = sqrt( nx(k)*nx(k) + ny(k)*ny(k) + nz(k)*nz(k) )
+      nx(k) = nx(k) / norm
+      ny(k) = ny(k) / norm 
+      nz(k) = nz(k) / norm 
+    enddo
+    allocate( bc%R(3,3,bc%nglob) )
+    call compute_R(bc%R,bc%nglob,nx,ny,nz)
+    deallocate(nx,ny,nz)
-subroutine compute_R(R,nglob,nx,ny,nz)
+    ! inverse M needed in dA_Free = -K2*d2/M2 + K1*d1/M1
+    allocate(bc%invM1(bc%nglob))
+    allocate(bc%invM2(bc%nglob))
+    bc%invM1 = Minv(bc%ibulk1)
+    bc%invM2 = Minv(bc%ibulk2)
-  integer :: nglob 
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(out) :: R(3,3,nglob)
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(nglob), intent(in) :: nx,ny,nz
+    ! Fault impedance, Z in :  Trac=T_Stick-Z*dV
+    !   Z = 1/( B1/M1 + B2/M2 ) / (0.5*dt)
+    ! T_Stick = Z*Vfree traction as if the fault was stuck (no displ discontinuity) 
+    ! NOTE: same Bi on both sides, see note above
+    allocate(bc%Z(bc%nglob))
+    bc%Z = 1.e0_CUSTOM_REAL/(0.5e0_CUSTOM_REAL*dt * bc%B *( bc%invM1 + bc%invM2 ))
+    ! WARNING: In non-split nodes at fault edges Minv is assembled across the fault 
+    !          hence invM1+invM2=2/(M1+M2) instead of 1/M1+1/M2
+    !          For instance, in a symmetric mesh (M1=M2) Z is twice its intended value
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(nglob) :: sx,sy,sz,dx,dy,dz,norm
+    allocate(bc%T(3,bc%nglob))
+    allocate(bc%D(3,bc%nglob))
+    allocate(bc%V(3,bc%nglob))
+    bc%T = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+    bc%D = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+    bc%V = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+    ! time interval between two loaded slip rates
+    read(IIN_PAR,nml=KINPAR) 
+    bc%kin_dt = kindt
+    bc%kin_it=0
+    ! Always have in memory the slip-rate model at two times, t1 and t2, 
+    ! spatially interpolated in the spectral element grid
+    allocate(bc%v_kin_t1(2,bc%nglob))
+    allocate(bc%v_kin_t2(2,bc%nglob))
+    bc%v_kin_t1 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+    bc%v_kin_t2 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
-  ! Percy: defining fault directions following with SCEC conventions
-  !   fault coordinates (s,d,n) = (1,2,3)
-  !   s = strike , d = dip , n = n. 
-  !   1 = strike , 2 = dip , 3 = n.  
-  norm = sqrt(nx*nx+ny*ny)
-  sx =  ny/norm  
-  sy = -nx/norm     
-  sz = 0.e0_CUSTOM_REAL  
+    call init_dataT(bc%dataT,bc%coord,bc%nglob,NT,iflt)
+    call init_dataXZ(bc%dataXZ,bc%nglob)
-  norm = sqrt(sy*sy*nz*nz+sx*sx*nz*nz+(sy*nx-ny*sx)*(nx*sy-ny*sx))
-  dx = -sy*nz/norm
-  dy =  sx*nz/norm
-  dz = (sy*nx-ny*sx)/norm
-  !Percy, dz is always dipwards = -1/norm , because (nx*sy-ny*sx)= - 1 
+  endif
-  R(1,1,:)=sx
-  R(1,2,:)=sy
-  R(1,3,:)=sz
-  R(2,1,:)=dx
-  R(2,2,:)=dy
-  R(2,3,:)=dz
-  R(3,1,:)=nx
-  R(3,2,:)=ny
-  R(3,3,:)=nz
+end subroutine init_one_fault
-end subroutine compute_R
 ! adds boundary term Bt to Force array for each fault.
@@ -299,103 +299,105 @@
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: t1,t2
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: half_dt,time
-  half_dt = 0.5e0_CUSTOM_REAL*bc%dt
+  if (bc%nspec > 0) then !Surendra : for parallel faults
-  ! get predicted values
-  dD = get_jump(bc,D) ! dD_predictor
-  dV = get_jump(bc,V) ! dV_predictor
-  dA = get_weighted_jump(bc,MxA) ! dA_free
+    half_dt = 0.5e0_CUSTOM_REAL*bc%dt
-  ! rotate to fault frame (tangent,normal)
-  ! component 3 is normal to the fault
-  dD = rotate(bc,dD,1)
-  dV = rotate(bc,dV,1) 
-  dA = rotate(bc,dA,1)   
+    ! get predicted values
+    dD = get_jump(bc,D) ! dD_predictor
+    dV = get_jump(bc,V) ! dV_predictor
+    dA = get_weighted_jump(bc,MxA) ! dA_free
-  ! Time marching
-  time = it*bc%dt
-  ! Slip_rate step "it_kin"
-  it_kin = bc%kin_it*nint(bc%kin_dt/bc%dt)
-  ! (nint : fortran round (nearest whole number) , 
-  !  if nint(a)=0.5 then "a" get upper bound )
+    ! rotate to fault frame (tangent,normal)
+    ! component 3 is normal to the fault
+    dD = rotate(bc,dD,1)
+    dV = rotate(bc,dV,1) 
+    dA = rotate(bc,dA,1)   
-  ! Loading the next slip_rate one ahead it.
-  ! This is done in case bc%kin_dt 
-  ! if (it_kin == it) it_kin=it_kin+1 ! 
+    ! Time marching
+    time = it*bc%dt
+    ! Slip_rate step "it_kin"
+    it_kin = bc%kin_it*nint(bc%kin_dt/bc%dt)
+    ! (nint : fortran round (nearest whole number) , 
+    !  if nint(a)=0.5 then "a" get upper bound )
+    ! Loading the next slip_rate one ahead it.
+    ! This is done in case bc%kin_dt 
+    ! if (it_kin == it) it_kin=it_kin+1 ! 
-  !NOTE : it and it_kin is being used due to integers are exact numbers.
-  if (it > it_kin) then
-    print*, 'it :'
-    print*, it
-    print*, 'it_kin'
-    print*, it_kin
+    !NOTE : it and it_kin is being used due to integers are exact numbers.
+    if (it > it_kin) then
-    bc%kin_it = bc%kin_it +1
-    bc%v_kin_t1 = bc%v_kin_t2
-    print*, 'loading v_kin_t2'
-    !Temporal : just for snapshots file names kin_dt=0.1 , dt=0.0001 
-    !snapshot(100=itime).. : itime=kin_it*(kin_dt/dt)             
-    itime = bc%kin_it*nint(bc%kin_dt/bc%dt)
-    call load_vslip_snapshots(bc%dataXZ,itime,bc%nglob,iflt)
-!   loading slip rates 
-    bc%v_kin_t2(1,:)=bc%dataXZ%v1
-    bc%v_kin_t2(2,:)=bc%dataXZ%v2
+      print*, 'it :', it
+      print*, 'it_kin :', it_kin
+      bc%kin_it = bc%kin_it +1
+      bc%v_kin_t1 = bc%v_kin_t2
+      print*, 'loading v_kin_t2'
+      !Temporal : just for snapshots file names kin_dt=0.1 , dt=0.0001 
+      !snapshot(100=itime).. : itime=kin_it*(kin_dt/dt)             
+      itime = bc%kin_it*nint(bc%kin_dt/bc%dt)
+      call load_vslip_snapshots(bc%dataXZ,itime,bc%nglob,iflt)
+!     loading slip rates 
+      bc%v_kin_t2(1,:)=bc%dataXZ%v1
+      bc%v_kin_t2(2,:)=bc%dataXZ%v2
-    !linear interpolation in time between t1 and t2
-    !REMARK , bc%kin_dt is the delta "t" between two snapshots.
+      !linear interpolation in time between t1 and t2
+      !REMARK , bc%kin_dt is the delta "t" between two snapshots.
-  endif
+    endif
-  t1 = (bc%kin_it-1) * bc%kin_dt
-  t2 = bc%kin_it * bc%kin_dt
+    t1 = (bc%kin_it-1) * bc%kin_dt
+    t2 = bc%kin_it * bc%kin_dt
-  ! Kinematic velocity_rate
-  ! bc%V : Imposed a priori and read from slip rate snapshots (from time reversal)
-  !        Linear interpolation between consecutive kinematic time steps.
-  !        V will be given at each time step.
-  bc%V(1,:) = ( (t2 - time)*bc%v_kin_t1(1,:) + (time - t1)*bc%v_kin_t2(1,:) )/ bc%kin_dt
-  bc%V(2,:) = ( (t2 - time)*bc%v_kin_t1(2,:) + (time - t1)*bc%v_kin_t2(2,:) )/ bc%kin_dt
+    ! Kinematic velocity_rate
+    ! bc%V : Imposed a priori and read from slip rate snapshots (from time reversal)
+    !        Linear interpolation between consecutive kinematic time steps.
+    !        V will be given at each time step.
+    bc%V(1,:) = ( (t2 - time)*bc%v_kin_t1(1,:) + (time - t1)*bc%v_kin_t2(1,:) )/ bc%kin_dt
+    bc%V(2,:) = ( (t2 - time)*bc%v_kin_t1(2,:) + (time - t1)*bc%v_kin_t2(2,:) )/ bc%kin_dt
-  !dV_free = dV_predictor + (dt/2)*dA_free 
-  dV_free(1,:) = dV(1,:) + half_dt*dA(1,:)
-  dV_free(2,:) = dV(2,:) + half_dt*dA(2,:)
-  dV_free(3,:) = dV(3,:) + half_dt*dA(3,:)
+    !dV_free = dV_predictor + (dt/2)*dA_free 
+    dV_free(1,:) = dV(1,:) + half_dt*dA(1,:)
+    dV_free(2,:) = dV(2,:) + half_dt*dA(2,:)
+    dV_free(3,:) = dV(3,:) + half_dt*dA(3,:)
-  ! T = Z*( dV_free - V) , V known apriori as input.
-  ! CONVENTION : T(ibulk1)=T=-T(ibulk2)
-  T(1,:) = bc%Z * ( dV_free(1,:) - bc%V(1,:) )
-  T(2,:) = bc%Z * ( dV_free(2,:) - bc%V(2,:) )
-  T(3,:) = bc%Z * ( dV_free(3,:) )
+    ! T = Z*( dV_free - V) , V known apriori as input.
+    ! CONVENTION : T(ibulk1)=T=-T(ibulk2)
+    T(1,:) = bc%Z * ( dV_free(1,:) - bc%V(1,:) )
+    T(2,:) = bc%Z * ( dV_free(2,:) - bc%V(2,:) )
+    T(3,:) = bc%Z * ( dV_free(3,:) )
-  ! Save tractions
-  bc%T = T
+    ! Save tractions
+    bc%T = T
-  ! Update slip in fault frame
-  bc%D = dD
+    ! Update slip in fault frame
+    bc%D = dD
-  ! Rotate tractions back to (x,y,z) frame 
-  T = rotate(bc,T,-1)
+    ! Rotate tractions back to (x,y,z) frame 
+    T = rotate(bc,T,-1)
-  ! Add boundary term B*T to M*a
-  MxA(1,bc%ibulk1) = MxA(1,bc%ibulk1) + bc%B*T(1,:)
-  MxA(2,bc%ibulk1) = MxA(2,bc%ibulk1) + bc%B*T(2,:)
-  MxA(3,bc%ibulk1) = MxA(3,bc%ibulk1) + bc%B*T(3,:)
+    ! Add boundary term B*T to M*a
+    MxA(1,bc%ibulk1) = MxA(1,bc%ibulk1) + bc%B*T(1,:)
+    MxA(2,bc%ibulk1) = MxA(2,bc%ibulk1) + bc%B*T(2,:)
+    MxA(3,bc%ibulk1) = MxA(3,bc%ibulk1) + bc%B*T(3,:)
-  MxA(1,bc%ibulk2) = MxA(1,bc%ibulk2) - bc%B*T(1,:)
-  MxA(2,bc%ibulk2) = MxA(2,bc%ibulk2) - bc%B*T(2,:)
-  MxA(3,bc%ibulk2) = MxA(3,bc%ibulk2) - bc%B*T(3,:)
+    MxA(1,bc%ibulk2) = MxA(1,bc%ibulk2) - bc%B*T(1,:)
+    MxA(2,bc%ibulk2) = MxA(2,bc%ibulk2) - bc%B*T(2,:)
+    MxA(3,bc%ibulk2) = MxA(3,bc%ibulk2) - bc%B*T(3,:)
-  !-- intermediate storage of outputs --
-  call store_dataT(bc%dataT,bc%D,bc%V,bc%T,it)
+    !-- intermediate storage of outputs --
+    call store_dataT(bc%dataT,bc%D,bc%V,bc%T,it)
-  !-- OUTPUTS --
-  ! write dataT every NTOUT time steps or at the end of simulation
-  if ( mod(it,NTOUT) == 0 .or. it==NSTEP) call SCEC_write_dataT(bc%dataT,bc%dt,it)
-  ! write dataXZ every NSNAP time steps
-  ! if ( mod(it,NSNAP) == 0) call write_dataXZ(bc,it,iflt)
+    !-- OUTPUTS --
+    ! write dataT every NTOUT time steps or at the end of simulation
+    if ( mod(it,NTOUT) == 0 .or. it==NSTEP) call SCEC_write_dataT(bc%dataT,bc%dt,it)
+    ! write dataXZ every NSNAP time steps
+    ! if ( mod(it,NSNAP) == 0) call write_dataXZ(bc,it,iflt)
+  endif
 end subroutine BC_KINFLT_set_single

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