[cig-commits] r20964 - seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/decompose_mesh

dkomati1 at geodynamics.org dkomati1 at geodynamics.org
Sat Oct 27 17:18:01 PDT 2012

Author: dkomati1
Date: 2012-10-27 17:18:00 -0700 (Sat, 27 Oct 2012)
New Revision: 20964

added support for METIS in addition to SCOTCH.
added option to reduce the cost of domain decomposition for very large meshes (not fully tested yet, thus commented out by default).

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/decompose_mesh/Makefile.in
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/decompose_mesh/Makefile.in	2012-10-27 23:38:09 UTC (rev 20963)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/decompose_mesh/Makefile.in	2012-10-28 00:18:00 UTC (rev 20964)
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@
 $O/part_decompose_mesh.o: part_decompose_mesh.f90
 	${FCCOMPILE_CHECK} -c -o $O/part_decompose_mesh.o part_decompose_mesh.f90 $(SCOTCH_INC)
-$O/decompose_mesh.o: decompose_mesh.f90 part_decompose_mesh.f90 $O/part_decompose_mesh.o
-	${FCCOMPILE_CHECK} -c -o $O/decompose_mesh.o decompose_mesh.f90 $(SCOTCH_INC)
+$O/decompose_mesh.o: decompose_mesh.F90 part_decompose_mesh.f90 $O/part_decompose_mesh.o
+	${FCCOMPILE_CHECK} -c -o $O/decompose_mesh.o decompose_mesh.F90 $(SCOTCH_INC)
 $O/program_decompose_mesh.o: program_decompose_mesh.f90 $O/part_decompose_mesh.o $O/decompose_mesh.o
 	${FCCOMPILE_CHECK} -c -o $O/program_decompose_mesh.o program_decompose_mesh.f90 $(SCOTCH_INC)

Copied: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/decompose_mesh/decompose_mesh.F90 (from rev 20963, seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/decompose_mesh/decompose_mesh.f90)
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/decompose_mesh/decompose_mesh.F90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/decompose_mesh/decompose_mesh.F90	2012-10-28 00:18:00 UTC (rev 20964)
@@ -0,0 +1,1016 @@
+!               S p e c f e m 3 D  V e r s i o n  2 . 1
+!               ---------------------------------------
+!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!    Princeton University, USA and CNRS / INRIA / University of Pau
+! (c) Princeton University / California Institute of Technology and CNRS / INRIA / University of Pau
+!                             July 2012
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+!! DK DK Oct 2012: this can significantly reduce the time it takes to decompose the mesh in the case of very large meshes,
+!! DK DK Oct 2012: and in principle it is safe to do that; however it is not fully tested yet
+!! DK DK Oct 2012: and thus I comment it out for now
+!!!! #define USE_TWO_CALLS_TO_mesh2dual
+!! DK DK added support for METIS as well, in addition to SCOTCH
+!! DK DK thus uncomment the define statement below if you want to use METIS instead of SCOTCH
+!! DK DK and then also add the path to the METIS library files in Makefile.in in this directory
+!! DK DK before running the "configure" script
+module decompose_mesh
+  use part_decompose_mesh
+  implicit none
+  include 'scotchf.h'
+! number of partitions
+  integer :: nparts
+! mesh arrays
+  integer :: nspec
+  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable  :: elmnts
+  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable  :: mat
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable  :: part
+  integer :: nnodes
+  double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable  :: nodes_coords
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable  :: xadj
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable  :: adjncy
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable  :: nnodes_elmnts
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable  :: nodes_elmnts
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable  :: elmnts_load
+  integer, dimension(:), pointer  :: glob2loc_elmnts
+  integer, dimension(:), pointer  :: glob2loc_nodes_nparts
+  integer, dimension(:), pointer  :: glob2loc_nodes_parts
+  integer, dimension(:), pointer  :: glob2loc_nodes
+  integer, dimension(:), pointer  :: tab_size_interfaces, tab_interfaces
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable  :: my_interfaces
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable  :: my_nb_interfaces
+  integer  ::  ninterfaces
+  integer  :: my_ninterface
+  integer :: nsize           ! max number of elements that contain the same node
+  integer  :: nb_edges
+  integer  :: ispec, inode
+  integer  :: max_neighbour   ! real maximum number of neighbours per element
+  integer  :: sup_neighbour   ! majoration (overestimate) of the maximum number of neighbours per element
+  integer  :: ipart, nnodes_loc, nspec_local,ncommonnodes
+  integer  :: num_elmnt, num_node, num_mat
+  ! boundaries
+  integer  :: ispec2D
+  integer  :: nspec2D_xmin, nspec2D_xmax, nspec2D_ymin, nspec2D_ymax, nspec2D_bottom, nspec2D_top
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ibelm_xmin, ibelm_xmax, ibelm_ymin, ibelm_ymax, ibelm_bottom, ibelm_top
+  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: nodes_ibelm_xmin, nodes_ibelm_xmax, nodes_ibelm_ymin
+  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: nodes_ibelm_ymax, nodes_ibelm_bottom, nodes_ibelm_top
+  ! moho surface (optional)
+  integer :: nspec2D_moho
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ibelm_moho
+  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: nodes_ibelm_moho
+  character(len=256)  :: prname
+  logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: mask_nodes_elmnts
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: used_nodes_elmnts
+  integer :: edgecut,wgtflag,numflag
+  integer, dimension(0:4) :: dummy_options
+  integer, dimension(1) :: dummy_array
+  double precision, dimension(SCOTCH_GRAPHDIM)  :: scotchgraph
+  double precision, dimension(SCOTCH_STRATDIM)  :: scotchstrat
+!!!!!! character(len=256), parameter :: scotch_strategy='b{job=t,map=t,poli=S,sep=h{pass=30}}'
+  integer  :: ier,idummy
+  !pll
+  double precision , dimension(:,:), allocatable :: mat_prop
+  integer :: count_def_mat,count_undef_mat,imat
+  character (len=30), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: undef_mat_prop
+! default mesh file directory
+  character(len=256) :: localpath_name
+  character(len=256) :: outputpath_name
+  integer :: aniso_flag,idomain_id
+  double precision :: vp,vs,rho,qmu
+! poroelastic parameters read in a new file
+  double precision :: rhos,rhof,phi,tort,kxx,kxy,kxz,kyy,kyz,kzz,kappas,kappaf,kappafr,eta,mufr
+  integer, parameter :: IIN_database = 15
+! for read_parameter_files
+  double precision :: DT
+  character(len=256) LOCAL_PATH
+  integer :: IMODEL
+  contains
+  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! reads in mesh files
+  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine read_mesh_files
+    implicit none
+    character(len=256)  :: line
+    logical :: use_poroelastic_file
+    integer(long) :: nspec_long
+    integer :: inode
+  ! reads node coordinates
+    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/nodes_coords_file',&
+          status='old', form='formatted', iostat = ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) then
+      print*,'could not open file:',localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/nodes_coords_file'
+      stop 'error file open'
+    endif
+    read(98,*) nnodes
+    allocate(nodes_coords(3,nnodes),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array nodes_coords'
+    do inode = 1, nnodes
+    ! format: #id_node #x_coordinate #y_coordinate #z_coordinate
+      read(98,*) num_node, nodes_coords(1,num_node), nodes_coords(2,num_node), nodes_coords(3,num_node)
+    enddo
+    close(98)
+    print*, 'total number of nodes: '
+    print*, '  nnodes = ', nnodes
+    ! reads mesh elements indexing
+    !(CUBIT calls this the connectivity, guess in the sense that it connects with the points index in
+    ! the global coordinate file "nodes_coords_file"; it doesn't tell you which point is connected with others)
+    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/mesh_file', &
+          status='old', form='formatted',iostat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error opening mesh_file'
+    read(98,*) nspec_long
+    ! debug check size limit
+    if( nspec_long > 2147483646 ) then
+      print *,'size exceeds integer 4-byte limit: ',nspec_long
+      print*,'bit size fortran: ',bit_size(nspec)
+      stop 'error number of elements too large'
+    endif
+    ! sets number of elements (integer 4-byte)
+    nspec = nspec_long
+    allocate(elmnts(NGNOD,nspec),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array elmnts'
+    do ispec = 1, nspec
+      ! format: # element_id  #id_node1 ... #id_node8
+      !      or # element_id  #id_node1 ... #id_node27
+      ! note: be aware that here we can have different node ordering for a cube element;
+      !          the ordering from Cubit files might not be consistent for multiple volumes, or uneven, unstructured grids
+      !
+      !          here our code assumes that element ordering is:
+      !          at the bottom of the element, anticlock-wise, i.e.
+      !             point 1 = (0,0,0), point 2 = (0,1,0), point 3 = (1,1,0), point 4 = (1,0,0)
+      !          then top (positive z-direction) of element
+      !             point 5 = (0,0,1), point 6 = (0,1,1), point 7 = (1,1,1), point 8 = (1,0,1)
+      read(98,*,iostat=ier) num_elmnt,(elmnts(inode,num_elmnt), inode=1,NGNOD)
+      if( ier /= 0 ) then
+        print *,'error while attempting to read ',NGNOD,'element data values from the mesh file'
+        if(NGNOD == 8) print *,'check if your mesh file is indeed composed of HEX8 elements'
+        if(NGNOD == 27) print *,'check if your mesh file is indeed composed of HEX27 elements'
+        stop 'error reading element data from the mesh file'
+      endif
+      if((num_elmnt > nspec) .or. (num_elmnt < 1) )  stop "ERROR : Invalid mesh file."
+    enddo
+    close(98)
+    print*, 'total number of spectral elements:'
+    print*, '  nspec = ', nspec
+  ! reads material associations
+    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/materials_file', &
+          status='old', form='formatted',iostat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error opening materials_file'
+    allocate(mat(2,nspec),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array mat'
+    mat(:,:) = 0
+    do ispec = 1, nspec
+      ! format: # id_element #flag
+      ! note: be aware that elements may not be sorted in materials_file
+      read(98,*) num_mat,mat(1,num_mat)
+      if((num_mat > nspec) .or. (num_mat < 1) ) stop "ERROR : Invalid mat file."
+    enddo
+    close(98)
+  ! TODO:
+  ! must be changed, if  mat(1,i) < 0  1 == interface , 2 == tomography
+    mat(2,:) = 1
+  ! reads material definitions
+  !
+  ! note: format of nummaterial_velocity_file must be
+  !
+  ! #(1)material_domain_id #(2)material_id  #(3)rho  #(4)vp   #(5)vs   #(6)Q_mu  #(7)anisotropy_flag
+  !
+  ! where
+  !     material_domain_id : 1=acoustic / 2=elastic / 3=poroelastic
+  !     material_id               : number of material/volume
+  !     rho                           : density
+  !     vp                             : P-velocity
+  !     vs                             : S-velocity
+  !     Q_mu                      : 0=no attenuation
+  !     anisotropy_flag        : 0=no anisotropy/ 1,2,.. check with implementation in aniso_model.f90
+  ! Note that when poroelastic material, this file is a dummy except for material_domain_id & material_id,
+  ! and that poroelastic materials are actually read from nummaterial_poroelastic_file, because CUBIT
+  ! cannot support more than 10 attributes
+    count_def_mat = 0
+    count_undef_mat = 0
+    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/nummaterial_velocity_file',&
+          status='old', form='formatted',iostat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error opening nummaterial_velocity_file'
+    ! note: format #material_domain_id #material_id #...
+    read(98,*,iostat=ier) idummy,num_mat
+    print *,'materials:'
+    ! counts materials (defined/undefined)
+    do while (ier == 0)
+       print*, '  num_mat = ',num_mat
+       if(num_mat > 0 ) then
+          ! positive materials_id: velocity values will be defined
+          count_def_mat = count_def_mat + 1
+       else
+          ! negative materials_id: undefined material properties yet
+          count_undef_mat = count_undef_mat + 1
+       endif
+       read(98,*,iostat=ier) idummy,num_mat
+    enddo
+    close(98)
+    print*, '  defined = ',count_def_mat, 'undefined = ',count_undef_mat
+    ! check with material flags
+    if( count_def_mat > 0 .and. maxval(mat(1,:)) > count_def_mat ) then
+      print*,'error material definitions:'
+      print*,'  materials associated in materials_file:',maxval(mat(1,:))
+      print*,'  larger than defined materials in nummaterial_velocity_file:',count_def_mat
+      stop 'error materials'
+    endif
+    allocate(mat_prop(16,count_def_mat),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array mat_prop'
+    allocate(undef_mat_prop(6,count_undef_mat),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array undef_mat_prop'
+    mat_prop(:,:) = 0.d0
+    undef_mat_prop(:,:) = ''
+    ! reads in defined material properties
+    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/nummaterial_velocity_file', &
+          status='old', form='formatted', iostat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error opening nummaterial_velocity_file'
+  ! modif to read poro parameters, added if loop on idomain_id
+  ! note: format of nummaterial_poroelastic_file located in MESH must be
+  !
+  ! #(1)rhos,#(2)rhof,#(3)phi,#(4)tort,#(5)kxx,#(6)kxy,#(7)kxz,#(8)kyy,#(9)kyz,#(10)kzz,
+  ! #(11)kappas,#(12)kappaf,#(13)kappafr,#(14)eta,#(15)mufr
+  !
+  ! where
+  !     rhos, rhof : solid & fluid density
+  !     phi : porosity
+  !     tort : tortuosity
+  !     k : permeability tensor
+  !     kappas, kappaf, kappafr : solid, fluid and frame bulk moduli
+  !     eta : fluid viscosity
+  !     mufr : frame shear modulus
+    open(unit=97, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/nummaterial_poroelastic_file', &
+          status='old', form='formatted', iostat=ier)
+    ! checks if we can use file
+    if( ier /= 0 ) then
+      use_poroelastic_file = .false.
+      !stop 'error opening nummaterial_poroelastic_file'
+    else
+      use_poroelastic_file = .true.
+      print*, '  poroelastic material file found'
+    endif
+    ier = 0
+    ! note: entries in nummaterial_velocity_file can be an unsorted list of all
+    !          defined materials (material_id > 0) and undefined materials (material_id < 0 )
+    do imat=1,count_def_mat
+       ! material definitions
+       !
+       ! format: note that we save the arguments in a slightly different order in mat_prop(:,:)
+       !              #(6) material_domain_id #(0) material_id  #(1) rho #(2) vp #(3) vs #(4) Q_mu #(5) anisotropy_flag
+       !
+       ! reads lines unti it reaches a defined material
+       num_mat = -1
+       do while( num_mat < 0 .and. ier == 0)
+         read(98,'(A256)',iostat=ier) line
+         read(line,*) idomain_id,num_mat
+       enddo
+       if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error reading in defined materials in nummaterial_velocity_file'
+       ! reads in defined material properties
+       read(line,*) idomain_id,num_mat,rho,vp,vs,qmu,aniso_flag
+       ! checks material_id bounds
+       if(num_mat < 1 .or. num_mat > count_def_mat)  stop "ERROR : Invalid nummaterial_velocity_file file."
+       if(idomain_id == 1 .or. idomain_id == 2) then
+         ! material is elastic or acoustic
+         mat_prop(1,num_mat) = rho
+         mat_prop(2,num_mat) = vp
+         mat_prop(3,num_mat) = vs
+         mat_prop(4,num_mat) = qmu
+         mat_prop(5,num_mat) = aniso_flag
+         mat_prop(6,num_mat) = idomain_id
+       else
+         ! material is poroelastic
+         if( use_poroelastic_file .eqv. .false. ) stop 'error poroelastic material requires nummaterial_poroelastic_file'
+         read(97,*) rhos,rhof,phi,tort,kxx,kxy,kxz,kyy,kyz,kzz,kappas,kappaf,kappafr,eta,mufr
+         mat_prop(1,num_mat) = rhos
+         mat_prop(2,num_mat) = rhof
+         mat_prop(3,num_mat) = phi
+         mat_prop(4,num_mat) = tort
+         mat_prop(5,num_mat) = eta
+         mat_prop(6,num_mat) = idomain_id
+         mat_prop(7,num_mat) = kxx
+         mat_prop(8,num_mat) = kxy
+         mat_prop(9,num_mat) = kxz
+         mat_prop(10,num_mat) = kyy
+         mat_prop(11,num_mat) = kyz
+         mat_prop(12,num_mat) = kzz
+         mat_prop(13,num_mat) = kappas
+         mat_prop(14,num_mat) = kappaf
+         mat_prop(15,num_mat) = kappafr
+         mat_prop(16,num_mat) = mufr
+       endif !if(idomain_id == 1 .or. idomain_id == 2)
+    enddo
+    ! reads in undefined material properties
+    rewind(98,iostat=ier) ! back to the beginning of the file
+    do imat=1,count_undef_mat
+       !  undefined materials: have to be listed in decreasing order of material_id (start with -1, -2, etc...)
+       !  format:
+       !   - for interfaces
+       !    #material_domain_id #material_id(<0) #type_name (="interface")
+       !     #material_id_for_material_below #material_id_for_material_above
+       !        example:     2  -1 interface 1 2
+       !   - for tomography models
+       !    #material_domain_id #material_id (<0) #type_name (="tomography") #block_name
+       !        example:     2  -1 tomography elastic tomography_model.xyz 1
+       ! reads lines until it reaches a defined material
+       num_mat = 1
+       do while( num_mat >= 0 .and. ier == 0 )
+         read(98,'(A256)',iostat=ier) line
+         read(line,*) idomain_id,num_mat
+       enddo
+       if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error reading in undefined materials in nummaterial_velocity_file'
+       ! checks if interface or tomography definition
+       read(line,*) undef_mat_prop(6,imat),undef_mat_prop(1,imat),undef_mat_prop(2,imat)
+       if( trim(undef_mat_prop(2,imat)) == 'interface' ) then
+         ! line will have 5 arguments, e.g.: 2  -1 interface 1 2
+         read(line,*) undef_mat_prop(6,imat),undef_mat_prop(1,imat),undef_mat_prop(2,imat),&
+                     undef_mat_prop(3,imat),undef_mat_prop(4,imat)
+         undef_mat_prop(5,imat) = "0" ! dummy value
+       else if( trim(undef_mat_prop(2,imat)) == 'tomography' ) then
+         ! line will have 6 arguments, e.g.: 2  -1 tomography elastic tomography_model.xyz 1
+         read(line,*) undef_mat_prop(6,imat),undef_mat_prop(1,imat),undef_mat_prop(2,imat),&
+                        undef_mat_prop(3,imat),undef_mat_prop(4,imat),undef_mat_prop(5,imat)
+       else
+         stop "ERROR: invalid line in nummaterial_velocity_file for undefined material"
+       endif
+       ! checks material_id
+       read(undef_mat_prop(1,imat),*) num_mat
+       if(num_mat > 0 .or. -num_mat > count_undef_mat)  &
+            stop "ERROR : Invalid nummaterial_velocity_file for undefined materials."
+       if(num_mat /= -imat)  &
+            stop "ERROR : Invalid material_id in nummaterial_velocity_file for undefined materials."
+       ! checks interface: flag_down/flag_up
+       if( trim(undef_mat_prop(2,imat)) == 'interface' ) then
+         ! flag_down
+         read( undef_mat_prop(3,imat),*) num_mat
+         if( num_mat > 0 ) then
+          ! must point to a defined material
+          if( num_mat > count_def_mat) &
+               stop "ERROR: invalid flag_down in interface definition in nummaterial_velocity_file"
+         else
+          ! must point to an undefined material
+          if( -num_mat > count_undef_mat) &
+               stop "ERROR: invalid flag_down in interface definition in nummaterial_velocity_file"
+         endif
+         ! flag_up
+         read( undef_mat_prop(4,imat),*) num_mat
+         if( num_mat > 0 ) then
+          ! must point to a defined material
+          if( num_mat > count_def_mat) &
+               stop "ERROR: invalid flag_up in interface definition in nummaterial_velocity_file"
+         else
+          ! must point to an undefined material
+          if( -num_mat > count_undef_mat) &
+               stop "ERROR: invalid flag_up in interface definition in nummaterial_velocity_file"
+         endif
+       endif
+    enddo
+    if( use_poroelastic_file ) close(97)
+    close(98)
+    ! TODO:
+    ! must be changed, if  mat(1,i) < 0  1 == interface , 2 == tomography
+    do ispec=1,nspec
+      ! get material_id
+      num_mat = mat(1,ispec)
+      if( num_mat < 0 ) then
+        ! finds undefined material property
+        do imat=1,count_undef_mat
+          if( -imat == num_mat ) then
+            ! interface
+            if( trim(undef_mat_prop(2,imat)) == 'interface' ) then
+              mat(2,ispec) = 1
+            ! tomography
+            elseif( trim(undef_mat_prop(2,imat)) == 'tomography' ) then
+              mat(2,ispec) = 2
+            else
+              ! shouldn't encounter this case
+              stop "error undefined material: type name not recognized"
+            endif
+          endif
+        enddo
+      else
+        ! ispec belongs to a defined material
+        mat(2,ispec) = 0
+      endif
+    enddo
+  ! reads in absorbing boundary files
+    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/absorbing_surface_file_xmin', &
+          status='old', form='formatted',iostat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) then
+      nspec2D_xmin = 0
+    else
+      read(98,*) nspec2D_xmin
+    endif
+    allocate(ibelm_xmin(nspec2D_xmin),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array ibelm_xmin'
+    allocate(nodes_ibelm_xmin(NGNOD2D,nspec2D_xmin),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array nodes_ibelm_xmin'
+    do ispec2D = 1,nspec2D_xmin
+      ! format: #id_(element containing the face) #id_node1_face .. #id_node4_face
+      ! note: ordering for CUBIT seems such that the normal of the face points outward of the element the face belongs to;
+      !         in other words, nodes are in increasing order such that when looking from within the element outwards,
+      !         they are ordered clockwise
+      !
+      !          doesn't necessarily have to start on top-rear, then bottom-rear, bottom-front, and finally top-front i.e.:
+      !          point 1 = (0,1,1), point 2 = (0,1,0), point 3 = (0,0,0), point 4 = (0,0,1)
+      read(98,*) ibelm_xmin(ispec2D), (nodes_ibelm_xmin(inode,ispec2D), inode=1,NGNOD2D)
+    enddo
+    close(98)
+    print*, 'absorbing boundaries:'
+    print*, '  nspec2D_xmin = ', nspec2D_xmin
+  ! reads in absorbing boundary files
+    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/absorbing_surface_file_xmax', &
+          status='old', form='formatted',iostat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) then
+      nspec2D_xmax = 0
+    else
+      read(98,*) nspec2D_xmax
+    endif
+    allocate(ibelm_xmax(nspec2D_xmax),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array ibelm_xmax'
+    allocate(nodes_ibelm_xmax(NGNOD2D,nspec2D_xmax),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array nodes_ibelm_xmax'
+    do ispec2D = 1,nspec2D_xmax
+      ! format: #id_(element containing the face) #id_node1_face .. #id_node4_face
+      read(98,*) ibelm_xmax(ispec2D), (nodes_ibelm_xmax(inode,ispec2D), inode=1,NGNOD2D)
+    enddo
+    close(98)
+    print*, '  nspec2D_xmax = ', nspec2D_xmax
+  ! reads in absorbing boundary files
+    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/absorbing_surface_file_ymin', &
+          status='old', form='formatted',iostat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) then
+      nspec2D_ymin = 0
+    else
+      read(98,*) nspec2D_ymin
+    endif
+    allocate(ibelm_ymin(nspec2D_ymin),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array ibelm_ymin'
+    allocate(nodes_ibelm_ymin(NGNOD2D,nspec2D_ymin),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array nodes_ibelm_ymin'
+    do ispec2D = 1,nspec2D_ymin
+      ! format: #id_(element containing the face) #id_node1_face .. #id_node4_face
+      read(98,*) ibelm_ymin(ispec2D), (nodes_ibelm_ymin(inode,ispec2D), inode=1,NGNOD2D)
+    enddo
+    close(98)
+    print*, '  nspec2D_ymin = ', nspec2D_ymin
+  ! reads in absorbing boundary files
+    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/absorbing_surface_file_ymax', &
+          status='old', form='formatted',iostat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) then
+      nspec2D_ymax = 0
+    else
+      read(98,*) nspec2D_ymax
+    endif
+    allocate(ibelm_ymax(nspec2D_ymax),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array ibelm_ymax'
+    allocate(nodes_ibelm_ymax(NGNOD2D,nspec2D_ymax),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array nodes_ibelm_ymax'
+    do ispec2D = 1,nspec2D_ymax
+      ! format: #id_(element containing the face) #id_node1_face .. #id_node4_face
+      read(98,*) ibelm_ymax(ispec2D), (nodes_ibelm_ymax(inode,ispec2D), inode=1,NGNOD2D)
+    enddo
+    close(98)
+    print*, '  nspec2D_ymax = ', nspec2D_ymax
+  ! reads in absorbing boundary files
+    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/absorbing_surface_file_bottom', &
+          status='old', form='formatted',iostat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) then
+      nspec2D_bottom = 0
+    else
+      read(98,*) nspec2D_bottom
+    endif
+    allocate(ibelm_bottom(nspec2D_bottom),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array ibelm_bottom'
+    allocate(nodes_ibelm_bottom(NGNOD2D,nspec2D_bottom),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array nodes_ibelm_bottom'
+    do ispec2D = 1,nspec2D_bottom
+      ! format: #id_(element containing the face) #id_node1_face .. #id_node4_face
+      read(98,*) ibelm_bottom(ispec2D), (nodes_ibelm_bottom(inode,ispec2D), inode=1,NGNOD2D)
+    enddo
+    close(98)
+    print*, '  nspec2D_bottom = ', nspec2D_bottom
+  ! reads in free_surface boundary files
+    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/free_surface_file', &
+          status='old', form='formatted',iostat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) then
+      nspec2D_top = 0
+    else
+      read(98,*) nspec2D_top
+    endif
+    allocate(ibelm_top(nspec2D_top),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array ibelm_top'
+    allocate(nodes_ibelm_top(NGNOD2D,nspec2D_top),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array nodes_ibelm_top'
+    do ispec2D = 1,nspec2D_top
+      ! format: #id_(element containing the face) #id_node1_face .. #id_node4_face
+      read(98,*) ibelm_top(ispec2D), (nodes_ibelm_top(inode,ispec2D), inode=1,NGNOD2D)
+    enddo
+    close(98)
+    print*, '  nspec2D_top = ', nspec2D_top
+  ! reads in moho_surface boundary files (optional)
+    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/moho_surface_file', &
+          status='old', form='formatted',iostat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) then
+      nspec2D_moho = 0
+    else
+      read(98,*) nspec2D_moho
+    endif
+    allocate(ibelm_moho(nspec2D_moho),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array ibelm_moho'
+    allocate(nodes_ibelm_moho(NGNOD2D,nspec2D_moho),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array nodes_ibelm_moho'
+    do ispec2D = 1,nspec2D_moho
+      ! format: #id_(element containing the face) #id_node1_face .. #id_node4_face
+      read(98,*) ibelm_moho(ispec2D), (nodes_ibelm_moho(inode,ispec2D), inode=1,NGNOD2D)
+    enddo
+    close(98)
+    if( nspec2D_moho > 0 ) print*, '  nspec2D_moho = ', nspec2D_moho
+  end subroutine read_mesh_files
+  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! checks valence of nodes
+  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine check_valence
+    allocate(mask_nodes_elmnts(nnodes),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array mask_nodes_elmnts'
+    allocate(used_nodes_elmnts(nnodes),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array used_nodes_elmnts'
+    mask_nodes_elmnts(:) = .false.
+    used_nodes_elmnts(:) = 0
+    do ispec = 1, nspec
+      do inode = 1, NGNOD
+        mask_nodes_elmnts(elmnts(inode,ispec)) = .true.
+        used_nodes_elmnts(elmnts(inode,ispec)) = used_nodes_elmnts(elmnts(inode,ispec)) + 1
+      enddo
+    enddo
+    print *, 'node valence:'
+    print *, '  min = ',minval(used_nodes_elmnts(:)),' max = ', maxval(used_nodes_elmnts(:))
+    do inode = 1, nnodes
+      if (.not. mask_nodes_elmnts(inode)) then
+        stop 'ERROR: found some unused nodes (weird, but not necessarily fatal; your mesher may have created extra nodes).'
+      endif
+    enddo
+! max number of elements that contain the same node
+    nsize = maxval(used_nodes_elmnts(:))
+! majoration (overestimate) of the maximum number of neighbours per element
+!! DK DK nfaces is a constant equal to 6 (number of faces of a cube).
+!! DK DK I have no idea how this formula works; it was designed by Nicolas Le Goff
+    sup_neighbour = NGNOD_EIGHT_CORNERS * nsize - (NGNOD_EIGHT_CORNERS + (NGNOD_EIGHT_CORNERS/2 - 1)*nfaces)
+    ! debug check size limit
+!! DK DK this check will likely fail because sup_neighbour itself may become negative if going over the 4-byte integer limit;
+!! DK DK but this should never happen in practice (by far)...
+    if( sup_neighbour > 2147483646 ) then
+      print *,'size exceeds integer 4-byte limit: ',sup_neighbour,nsize
+      print *,'bit size fortran: ',bit_size(sup_neighbour)
+      stop 'ERROR: sup_neighbour is too large'
+    endif
+    print *, '  nsize = ',nsize, 'sup_neighbour = ', sup_neighbour
+  end subroutine check_valence
+  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! divides model into partitions using scotch library functions
+  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine scotch_partitioning
+    implicit none
+    ! local parameters
+    integer, dimension(:), allocatable  :: num_material
+    integer :: ier
+    ! starts from 0
+    elmnts(:,:) = elmnts(:,:) - 1
+    ! determines maximum neighbors based on 1 common node
+    allocate(xadj(1:nspec+1),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array xadj'
+    allocate(adjncy(1:sup_neighbour*nspec),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array adjncy'
+    allocate(nnodes_elmnts(1:nnodes),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array nnodes_elmnts'
+    allocate(nodes_elmnts(1:nsize*nnodes),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array nodes_elmnts'
+!!!! DK DK added this in Oct 2012 to see if we first do 4 and then 1
+#ifdef USE_TWO_CALLS_TO_mesh2dual
+    ncommonnodes = NGNOD2D_FOUR_CORNERS
+    ncommonnodes = 1
+    call mesh2dual_ncommonnodes(nspec, nnodes, nsize, sup_neighbour, elmnts, xadj, adjncy, nnodes_elmnts, &
+         nodes_elmnts, max_neighbour, ncommonnodes, NGNOD)
+#ifdef USE_TWO_CALLS_TO_mesh2dual
+    print*, 'mesh2dual first call:'
+    print*, 'mesh2dual:'
+    print*, '  max_neighbour = ',max_neighbour
+!!!! DK DK added this in Oct 2012 to see if we first do 4 and then 1
+!! DK DK Oct 2012: added this safety test
+    if(max_neighbour > sup_neighbour) stop 'found max_neighbour > sup_neighbour in domain decomposition'
+    nb_edges = xadj(nspec+1)
+    ! allocates & initializes partioning of elements
+    allocate(part(1:nspec),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array part'
+    part(:) = -1
+    ! initializes
+    ! elements load array
+    allocate(elmnts_load(1:nspec),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array elmnts_load'
+    ! gets materials id associations
+    allocate(num_material(1:nspec),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array num_material'
+    ! note: num_material can be negative for tomographic material elements
+    !       (which are counted then as elastic elements)
+    num_material(:) = mat(1,:)
+!! DK DK Oct 2012: this should include CPML weights as well in the future
+    ! uniform load by default
+    elmnts_load(:) = ACOUSTIC_LOAD
+    ! then in case of acoustic/elastic/poro simulation, assign different weights to elements accordingly
+    call acoustic_elastic_poro_load(elmnts_load,nspec,count_def_mat,count_undef_mat, &
+                                  num_material,mat_prop,undef_mat_prop,ATTENUATION)
+    ! METIS partitioning
+    edgecut = 0
+    dummy_options(0:4) = 0
+    wgtflag = 2
+    numflag = 0
+!! DK DK Metis4.0 syntax
+!! DK DK we should find a way of testing the return code of this function in Fortran
+    call METIS_PartGraphKway(nspec, xadj, adjncy, elmnts_load, dummy_array, wgtflag, numflag, nparts, &
+                                  dummy_options, edgecut, part)
+    print *
+    print *,'total edgecut created by METIS = ',edgecut
+    print *
+    ! SCOTCH partitioning
+    ! we use default strategy for partitioning, thus omit specifing explicit strategy.
+    ! workflow preferred by F. Pellegrini (SCOTCH):
+    !!This comes from the fact that, in version 5.1.8, the name
+    !!for the "recursive bisection" method has changed from "b"
+    !!("bipartitioning") to "r" ("recursive").
+    !!
+    !!As a general rule, do not try to set up strategies by
+    !!yourself. The default strategy in Scotch will most probably
+    !!provide better results. To use it, just call:
+    !!
+    !!SCOTCHFstratInit (),
+    !!
+    !!and use this "empty" strategy in the mapping routine
+    !!(consequently, no call to SCOTCHFstratGraphMap () is
+    !!required).
+    !!
+    !!This will make you independent from further changes
+    !!(improvements) in the strategy syntax.
+    !!And you should see an improvement in performance, too,
+    !!as your hand-made strategy did not make use of the
+    !!multi-level framework.
+    call scotchfstratinit (scotchstrat(1), ier)
+     if (ier /= 0) then
+       stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Cannot initialize strategy'
+    endif
+    !call scotchfstratgraphmap (scotchstrat(1), trim(scotch_strategy), ier)
+    ! if (ier /= 0) then
+    !   stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Cannot build strategy'
+    !endif
+    call scotchfgraphinit (scotchgraph (1), ier)
+    if (ier /= 0) then
+       stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Cannot initialize graph'
+    endif
+    ! fills graph structure : see user manual (scotch_user5.1.pdf, page 72/73)
+    ! arguments: #(1) graph_structure       #(2) baseval(either 0/1)    #(3) number_of_vertices
+    !                    #(4) adjacency_index_array         #(5) adjacency_end_index_array (optional)
+    !                    #(6) vertex_load_array (optional) #(7) vertex_label_array
+    !                    #(7) number_of_arcs                    #(8) adjacency_array
+    !                    #(9) arc_load_array (optional)      #(10) ierror
+    call scotchfgraphbuild (scotchgraph (1), 0, nspec, &
+                          xadj (1), xadj (1), &
+                          elmnts_load (1), xadj (1), &
+                          nb_edges, adjncy (1), &
+                          adjncy (1), ier)
+    if (ier /= 0) then
+       stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Cannot build graph'
+    endif
+    call scotchfgraphcheck (scotchgraph (1), ier)
+    if (ier /= 0) then
+       stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Invalid check'
+    endif
+    call scotchfgraphpart (scotchgraph (1), nparts, scotchstrat(1),part(1),ier)
+    if (ier /= 0) then
+       stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Cannot part graph'
+    endif
+    call scotchfgraphexit (scotchgraph (1), ier)
+    if (ier /= 0) then
+       stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Cannot destroy graph'
+    endif
+    call scotchfstratexit (scotchstrat(1), ier)
+    if (ier /= 0) then
+       stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Cannot destroy strategy'
+    endif
+    ! re-partitioning puts poroelastic-elastic coupled elements into same partition
+    !  integer  :: nfaces_coupled
+    !  integer, dimension(:,:), pointer  :: faces_coupled
+    ! TODO: supposed to rebalance, but currently broken
+    call poro_elastic_repartitioning (nspec, nnodes, elmnts, &
+                     count_def_mat, num_material , mat_prop, &
+                     sup_neighbour, nsize, &
+                     nparts, part, NGNOD)
+    deallocate(num_material)
+    ! re-partitioning puts moho-surface coupled elements into same partition
+    call moho_surface_repartitioning (nspec, nnodes, elmnts, &
+                     sup_neighbour, nsize, nparts, part, &
+                     nspec2D_moho,ibelm_moho,nodes_ibelm_moho, NGNOD, NGNOD2D)
+!!!! DK DK added this in Oct 2012 to see if we first do 4 and then 1
+#ifdef USE_TWO_CALLS_TO_mesh2dual
+    ncommonnodes = 1
+    call mesh2dual_ncommonnodes(nspec, nnodes, nsize, sup_neighbour, elmnts, xadj, adjncy, nnodes_elmnts, &
+         nodes_elmnts, max_neighbour, ncommonnodes, NGNOD)
+    print*, 'mesh2dual second call:'
+    print*, '  max_neighbour = ',max_neighbour
+!! DK DK Oct 2012: added this safety test
+    if(max_neighbour > sup_neighbour) stop 'found max_neighbour > sup_neighbour in domain decomposition'
+    nb_edges = xadj(nspec+1)
+!!!! DK DK added this in Oct 2012 to see if we first do 4 and then 1
+    ! local number of each element for each partition
+    call build_glob2loc_elmnts(nspec, part, glob2loc_elmnts,nparts)
+    ! local number of each node for each partition
+    call build_glob2loc_nodes(nspec, nnodes,nsize, nnodes_elmnts, nodes_elmnts, part, &
+         glob2loc_nodes_nparts, glob2loc_nodes_parts, glob2loc_nodes, nparts)
+    ! mpi interfaces
+    ! acoustic/elastic/poroelastic boundaries will be split into different MPI partitions
+    call build_interfaces(nspec, sup_neighbour, part, elmnts, &
+                             xadj, adjncy, tab_interfaces, &
+                             tab_size_interfaces, ninterfaces, &
+                             nparts, NGNOD)
+    ! obsolete: from when we wanted acoustic/elastic boundaries NOT to be separated into different MPI partitions
+    ! call build_interfaces_no_ac_el_sep(nspec, sup_neighbour, part, elmnts, &
+    !                           xadj, adjncy, tab_interfaces, &
+    !                           tab_size_interfaces, ninterfaces, &
+    !                           count_def_mat, mat_prop(3,:), mat(1,:), nparts, NGNOD)
+  end subroutine scotch_partitioning
+  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! writes out new Databases files for each partition
+  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine write_mesh_databases
+    implicit none
+    !local parameters
+    allocate(my_interfaces(0:ninterfaces-1),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array my_interfaces'
+    allocate(my_nb_interfaces(0:ninterfaces-1),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array my_nb_interfaces'
+    ! writes out Database file for each partition
+    do ipart = 0, nparts-1
+       ! opens output file
+       write(prname, "(i6.6,'_Database')") ipart
+       open(unit=IIN_database,file=outputpath_name(1:len_trim(outputpath_name))//'/proc'//prname,&
+            status='unknown', action='write', form='unformatted', iostat = ier)
+       if( ier /= 0 ) then
+        print*,'error file open:',outputpath_name(1:len_trim(outputpath_name))//'/proc'//prname
+        print*
+        print*,'check if path exists:',outputpath_name(1:len_trim(outputpath_name))
+        stop 'error file open Database'
+       endif
+       ! gets number of nodes
+       call write_glob2loc_nodes_database(IIN_database, ipart, nnodes_loc, nodes_coords, &
+                                  glob2loc_nodes_nparts, glob2loc_nodes_parts, &
+                                  glob2loc_nodes, nnodes, 1)
+       call write_partition_database(IIN_database, ipart, nspec_local, nspec, elmnts, &
+                                  glob2loc_elmnts, glob2loc_nodes_nparts, &
+                                  glob2loc_nodes_parts, glob2loc_nodes, part, mat, NGNOD, 1)
+       !debug
+       !print*, ipart,": nspec_local=",nspec_local, " nnodes_local=", nnodes_loc
+       ! writes out node coordinate locations
+       write(IIN_database) nnodes_loc
+       call write_glob2loc_nodes_database(IIN_database, ipart, nnodes_loc, nodes_coords,&
+                                  glob2loc_nodes_nparts, glob2loc_nodes_parts, &
+                                  glob2loc_nodes, nnodes, 2)
+       call write_material_props_database(IIN_database,count_def_mat,count_undef_mat, &
+                                  mat_prop, undef_mat_prop)
+       ! writes out spectral element indices
+       write(IIN_database) nspec_local
+       call write_partition_database(IIN_database, ipart, nspec_local, nspec, elmnts, &
+                                  glob2loc_elmnts, glob2loc_nodes_nparts, &
+                                  glob2loc_nodes_parts, glob2loc_nodes, part, mat, NGNOD, 2)
+       ! writes out absorbing/free-surface boundaries
+       call write_boundaries_database(IIN_database, ipart, nspec, nspec2D_xmin, nspec2D_xmax, nspec2D_ymin, &
+                                  nspec2D_ymax, nspec2D_bottom, nspec2D_top, &
+                                  ibelm_xmin, ibelm_xmax, ibelm_ymin, &
+                                  ibelm_ymax, ibelm_bottom, ibelm_top, &
+                                  nodes_ibelm_xmin, nodes_ibelm_xmax, nodes_ibelm_ymin, &
+                                  nodes_ibelm_ymax, nodes_ibelm_bottom, nodes_ibelm_top, &
+                                  glob2loc_elmnts, glob2loc_nodes_nparts, &
+                                  glob2loc_nodes_parts, glob2loc_nodes, part, NGNOD2D)
+       ! gets number of MPI interfaces
+       call Write_interfaces_database(IIN_database, tab_interfaces, tab_size_interfaces, ipart, ninterfaces, &
+                                  my_ninterface, my_interfaces, my_nb_interfaces, &
+                                  glob2loc_elmnts, glob2loc_nodes_nparts, glob2loc_nodes_parts, &
+                                  glob2loc_nodes, 1, nparts)
+       ! writes out MPI interfaces elements
+       !print*,' my interfaces:',my_ninterface,maxval(my_nb_interfaces)
+       if( my_ninterface == 0 ) then
+        write(IIN_database) my_ninterface, 0       ! avoids problem with maxval for empty array my_nb_interfaces
+       else
+        write(IIN_database) my_ninterface, maxval(my_nb_interfaces)
+       endif
+       call Write_interfaces_database(IIN_database, tab_interfaces, tab_size_interfaces, ipart, ninterfaces, &
+                                  my_ninterface, my_interfaces, my_nb_interfaces, &
+                                  glob2loc_elmnts, glob2loc_nodes_nparts, glob2loc_nodes_parts, &
+                                  glob2loc_nodes, 2, nparts)
+       ! writes out moho surface (optional)
+       call write_moho_surface_database(IIN_database, ipart, nspec, &
+                                  glob2loc_elmnts, glob2loc_nodes_nparts, &
+                                  glob2loc_nodes_parts, glob2loc_nodes, part, &
+                                  nspec2D_moho, ibelm_moho, nodes_ibelm_moho, NGNOD2D)
+       close(IIN_database)
+    enddo
+    print*, 'partitions: '
+    print*, '  num = ',nparts
+    print*
+    print*, 'Databases files in directory: ',outputpath_name(1:len_trim(outputpath_name))
+    print*, 'finished successfully'
+    print*
+  end subroutine write_mesh_databases
+end module decompose_mesh

Deleted: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/decompose_mesh/decompose_mesh.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/decompose_mesh/decompose_mesh.f90	2012-10-27 23:38:09 UTC (rev 20963)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/decompose_mesh/decompose_mesh.f90	2012-10-28 00:18:00 UTC (rev 20964)
@@ -1,939 +0,0 @@
-!               S p e c f e m 3 D  V e r s i o n  2 . 1
-!               ---------------------------------------
-!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
-!    Princeton University, USA and CNRS / INRIA / University of Pau
-! (c) Princeton University / California Institute of Technology and CNRS / INRIA / University of Pau
-!                             July 2012
-! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-! (at your option) any later version.
-! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-! GNU General Public License for more details.
-! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-module decompose_mesh
-  use part_decompose_mesh
-  implicit none
-  include 'scotchf.h'
-! number of partitions
-  integer :: nparts
-! mesh arrays
-  integer :: nspec
-  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable  :: elmnts
-  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable  :: mat
-  integer, dimension(:), allocatable  :: part
-  integer :: nnodes
-  double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable  :: nodes_coords
-  integer, dimension(:), allocatable  :: xadj
-  integer, dimension(:), allocatable  :: adjncy
-  integer, dimension(:), allocatable  :: nnodes_elmnts
-  integer, dimension(:), allocatable  :: nodes_elmnts
-  integer, dimension(:), allocatable  :: elmnts_load
-  integer, dimension(:), pointer  :: glob2loc_elmnts
-  integer, dimension(:), pointer  :: glob2loc_nodes_nparts
-  integer, dimension(:), pointer  :: glob2loc_nodes_parts
-  integer, dimension(:), pointer  :: glob2loc_nodes
-  integer, dimension(:), pointer  :: tab_size_interfaces, tab_interfaces
-  integer, dimension(:), allocatable  :: my_interfaces
-  integer, dimension(:), allocatable  :: my_nb_interfaces
-  integer  ::  ninterfaces
-  integer  :: my_ninterface
-  integer :: nsize           ! max number of elements that contain the same node
-  integer  :: nb_edges
-  integer  :: ispec, inode
-  integer  :: max_neighbour   ! real maximum number of neighbours per element
-  integer  :: sup_neighbour   ! majoration (overestimate) of the maximum number of neighbours per element
-  integer  :: ipart, nnodes_loc, nspec_local
-  integer  :: num_elmnt, num_node, num_mat
-  ! boundaries
-  integer  :: ispec2D
-  integer  :: nspec2D_xmin, nspec2D_xmax, nspec2D_ymin, nspec2D_ymax, nspec2D_bottom, nspec2D_top
-  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ibelm_xmin, ibelm_xmax, ibelm_ymin, ibelm_ymax, ibelm_bottom, ibelm_top
-  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: nodes_ibelm_xmin, nodes_ibelm_xmax, nodes_ibelm_ymin
-  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: nodes_ibelm_ymax, nodes_ibelm_bottom, nodes_ibelm_top
-  ! moho surface (optional)
-  integer :: nspec2D_moho
-  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ibelm_moho
-  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: nodes_ibelm_moho
-  character(len=256)  :: prname
-  logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: mask_nodes_elmnts
-  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: used_nodes_elmnts
-  double precision, dimension(SCOTCH_GRAPHDIM)  :: scotchgraph
-  double precision, dimension(SCOTCH_STRATDIM)  :: scotchstrat
-!!!!!! character(len=256), parameter :: scotch_strategy='b{job=t,map=t,poli=S,sep=h{pass=30}}'
-  integer  :: ier,idummy
-  !pll
-  double precision , dimension(:,:), allocatable :: mat_prop
-  integer :: count_def_mat,count_undef_mat,imat
-  character (len=30), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: undef_mat_prop
-! default mesh file directory
-  character(len=256) :: localpath_name
-  character(len=256) :: outputpath_name
-  integer :: aniso_flag,idomain_id
-  double precision :: vp,vs,rho,qmu
-! poroelastic parameters read in a new file
-  double precision :: rhos,rhof,phi,tort,kxx,kxy,kxz,kyy,kyz,kzz,kappas,kappaf,kappafr,eta,mufr
-  integer, parameter :: IIN_database = 15
-! for read_parameter_files
-  double precision :: DT
-  character(len=256) LOCAL_PATH
-  integer :: IMODEL
-  contains
-  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! reads in mesh files
-  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  subroutine read_mesh_files
-    implicit none
-    character(len=256)  :: line
-    logical :: use_poroelastic_file
-    integer(long) :: nspec_long
-    integer :: inode
-  ! reads node coordinates
-    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/nodes_coords_file',&
-          status='old', form='formatted', iostat = ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) then
-      print*,'could not open file:',localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/nodes_coords_file'
-      stop 'error file open'
-    endif
-    read(98,*) nnodes
-    allocate(nodes_coords(3,nnodes),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array nodes_coords'
-    do inode = 1, nnodes
-    ! format: #id_node #x_coordinate #y_coordinate #z_coordinate
-      read(98,*) num_node, nodes_coords(1,num_node), nodes_coords(2,num_node), nodes_coords(3,num_node)
-    enddo
-    close(98)
-    print*, 'total number of nodes: '
-    print*, '  nnodes = ', nnodes
-    ! reads mesh elements indexing
-    !(CUBIT calls this the connectivity, guess in the sense that it connects with the points index in
-    ! the global coordinate file "nodes_coords_file"; it doesn't tell you which point is connected with others)
-    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/mesh_file', &
-          status='old', form='formatted',iostat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error opening mesh_file'
-    read(98,*) nspec_long
-    ! debug check size limit
-    if( nspec_long > 2147483646 ) then
-      print *,'size exceeds integer 4-byte limit: ',nspec_long
-      print*,'bit size fortran: ',bit_size(nspec)
-      stop 'error number of elements too large'
-    endif
-    ! sets number of elements (integer 4-byte)
-    nspec = nspec_long
-    allocate(elmnts(NGNOD,nspec),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array elmnts'
-    do ispec = 1, nspec
-      ! format: # element_id  #id_node1 ... #id_node8
-      !      or # element_id  #id_node1 ... #id_node27
-      ! note: be aware that here we can have different node ordering for a cube element;
-      !          the ordering from Cubit files might not be consistent for multiple volumes, or uneven, unstructured grids
-      !
-      !          here our code assumes that element ordering is:
-      !          at the bottom of the element, anticlock-wise, i.e.
-      !             point 1 = (0,0,0), point 2 = (0,1,0), point 3 = (1,1,0), point 4 = (1,0,0)
-      !          then top (positive z-direction) of element
-      !             point 5 = (0,0,1), point 6 = (0,1,1), point 7 = (1,1,1), point 8 = (1,0,1)
-      read(98,*,iostat=ier) num_elmnt,(elmnts(inode,num_elmnt), inode=1,NGNOD)
-      if( ier /= 0 ) then
-        print *,'error while attempting to read ',NGNOD,'element data values from the mesh file'
-        if(NGNOD == 8) print *,'check if your mesh file is indeed composed of HEX8 elements'
-        if(NGNOD == 27) print *,'check if your mesh file is indeed composed of HEX27 elements'
-        stop 'error reading element data from the mesh file'
-      endif
-      if((num_elmnt > nspec) .or. (num_elmnt < 1) )  stop "ERROR : Invalid mesh file."
-    enddo
-    close(98)
-    print*, 'total number of spectral elements:'
-    print*, '  nspec = ', nspec
-  ! reads material associations
-    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/materials_file', &
-          status='old', form='formatted',iostat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error opening materials_file'
-    allocate(mat(2,nspec),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array mat'
-    mat(:,:) = 0
-    do ispec = 1, nspec
-      ! format: # id_element #flag
-      ! note: be aware that elements may not be sorted in materials_file
-      read(98,*) num_mat,mat(1,num_mat)
-      if((num_mat > nspec) .or. (num_mat < 1) ) stop "ERROR : Invalid mat file."
-    enddo
-    close(98)
-  ! TODO:
-  ! must be changed, if  mat(1,i) < 0  1 == interface , 2 == tomography
-    mat(2,:) = 1
-  ! reads material definitions
-  !
-  ! note: format of nummaterial_velocity_file must be
-  !
-  ! #(1)material_domain_id #(2)material_id  #(3)rho  #(4)vp   #(5)vs   #(6)Q_mu  #(7)anisotropy_flag
-  !
-  ! where
-  !     material_domain_id : 1=acoustic / 2=elastic / 3=poroelastic
-  !     material_id               : number of material/volume
-  !     rho                           : density
-  !     vp                             : P-velocity
-  !     vs                             : S-velocity
-  !     Q_mu                      : 0=no attenuation
-  !     anisotropy_flag        : 0=no anisotropy/ 1,2,.. check with implementation in aniso_model.f90
-  ! Note that when poroelastic material, this file is a dummy except for material_domain_id & material_id,
-  ! and that poroelastic materials are actually read from nummaterial_poroelastic_file, because CUBIT
-  ! cannot support more than 10 attributes
-    count_def_mat = 0
-    count_undef_mat = 0
-    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/nummaterial_velocity_file',&
-          status='old', form='formatted',iostat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error opening nummaterial_velocity_file'
-    ! note: format #material_domain_id #material_id #...
-    read(98,*,iostat=ier) idummy,num_mat
-    print *,'materials:'
-    ! counts materials (defined/undefined)
-    do while (ier == 0)
-       print*, '  num_mat = ',num_mat
-       if(num_mat > 0 ) then
-          ! positive materials_id: velocity values will be defined
-          count_def_mat = count_def_mat + 1
-       else
-          ! negative materials_id: undefined material properties yet
-          count_undef_mat = count_undef_mat + 1
-       endif
-       read(98,*,iostat=ier) idummy,num_mat
-    enddo
-    close(98)
-    print*, '  defined = ',count_def_mat, 'undefined = ',count_undef_mat
-    ! check with material flags
-    if( count_def_mat > 0 .and. maxval(mat(1,:)) > count_def_mat ) then
-      print*,'error material definitions:'
-      print*,'  materials associated in materials_file:',maxval(mat(1,:))
-      print*,'  larger than defined materials in nummaterial_velocity_file:',count_def_mat
-      stop 'error materials'
-    endif
-    allocate(mat_prop(16,count_def_mat),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array mat_prop'
-    allocate(undef_mat_prop(6,count_undef_mat),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array undef_mat_prop'
-    mat_prop(:,:) = 0.d0
-    undef_mat_prop(:,:) = ''
-    ! reads in defined material properties
-    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/nummaterial_velocity_file', &
-          status='old', form='formatted', iostat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error opening nummaterial_velocity_file'
-  ! modif to read poro parameters, added if loop on idomain_id
-  ! note: format of nummaterial_poroelastic_file located in MESH must be
-  !
-  ! #(1)rhos,#(2)rhof,#(3)phi,#(4)tort,#(5)kxx,#(6)kxy,#(7)kxz,#(8)kyy,#(9)kyz,#(10)kzz,
-  ! #(11)kappas,#(12)kappaf,#(13)kappafr,#(14)eta,#(15)mufr
-  !
-  ! where
-  !     rhos, rhof : solid & fluid density
-  !     phi : porosity
-  !     tort : tortuosity
-  !     k : permeability tensor
-  !     kappas, kappaf, kappafr : solid, fluid and frame bulk moduli
-  !     eta : fluid viscosity
-  !     mufr : frame shear modulus
-    open(unit=97, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/nummaterial_poroelastic_file', &
-          status='old', form='formatted', iostat=ier)
-    ! checks if we can use file
-    if( ier /= 0 ) then
-      use_poroelastic_file = .false.
-      !stop 'error opening nummaterial_poroelastic_file'
-    else
-      use_poroelastic_file = .true.
-      print*, '  poroelastic material file found'
-    endif
-    ier = 0
-    ! note: entries in nummaterial_velocity_file can be an unsorted list of all
-    !          defined materials (material_id > 0) and undefined materials (material_id < 0 )
-    do imat=1,count_def_mat
-       ! material definitions
-       !
-       ! format: note that we save the arguments in a slightly different order in mat_prop(:,:)
-       !              #(6) material_domain_id #(0) material_id  #(1) rho #(2) vp #(3) vs #(4) Q_mu #(5) anisotropy_flag
-       !
-       ! reads lines unti it reaches a defined material
-       num_mat = -1
-       do while( num_mat < 0 .and. ier == 0)
-         read(98,'(A256)',iostat=ier) line
-         read(line,*) idomain_id,num_mat
-       enddo
-       if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error reading in defined materials in nummaterial_velocity_file'
-       ! reads in defined material properties
-       read(line,*) idomain_id,num_mat,rho,vp,vs,qmu,aniso_flag
-       ! checks material_id bounds
-       if(num_mat < 1 .or. num_mat > count_def_mat)  stop "ERROR : Invalid nummaterial_velocity_file file."
-       if(idomain_id == 1 .or. idomain_id == 2) then
-         ! material is elastic or acoustic
-         mat_prop(1,num_mat) = rho
-         mat_prop(2,num_mat) = vp
-         mat_prop(3,num_mat) = vs
-         mat_prop(4,num_mat) = qmu
-         mat_prop(5,num_mat) = aniso_flag
-         mat_prop(6,num_mat) = idomain_id
-       else
-         ! material is poroelastic
-         if( use_poroelastic_file .eqv. .false. ) stop 'error poroelastic material requires nummaterial_poroelastic_file'
-         read(97,*) rhos,rhof,phi,tort,kxx,kxy,kxz,kyy,kyz,kzz,kappas,kappaf,kappafr,eta,mufr
-         mat_prop(1,num_mat) = rhos
-         mat_prop(2,num_mat) = rhof
-         mat_prop(3,num_mat) = phi
-         mat_prop(4,num_mat) = tort
-         mat_prop(5,num_mat) = eta
-         mat_prop(6,num_mat) = idomain_id
-         mat_prop(7,num_mat) = kxx
-         mat_prop(8,num_mat) = kxy
-         mat_prop(9,num_mat) = kxz
-         mat_prop(10,num_mat) = kyy
-         mat_prop(11,num_mat) = kyz
-         mat_prop(12,num_mat) = kzz
-         mat_prop(13,num_mat) = kappas
-         mat_prop(14,num_mat) = kappaf
-         mat_prop(15,num_mat) = kappafr
-         mat_prop(16,num_mat) = mufr
-       endif !if(idomain_id == 1 .or. idomain_id == 2)
-    enddo
-    ! reads in undefined material properties
-    rewind(98,iostat=ier) ! back to the beginning of the file
-    do imat=1,count_undef_mat
-       !  undefined materials: have to be listed in decreasing order of material_id (start with -1, -2, etc...)
-       !  format:
-       !   - for interfaces
-       !    #material_domain_id #material_id(<0) #type_name (="interface")
-       !     #material_id_for_material_below #material_id_for_material_above
-       !        example:     2  -1 interface 1 2
-       !   - for tomography models
-       !    #material_domain_id #material_id (<0) #type_name (="tomography") #block_name
-       !        example:     2  -1 tomography elastic tomography_model.xyz 1
-       ! reads lines until it reaches a defined material
-       num_mat = 1
-       do while( num_mat >= 0 .and. ier == 0 )
-         read(98,'(A256)',iostat=ier) line
-         read(line,*) idomain_id,num_mat
-       enddo
-       if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error reading in undefined materials in nummaterial_velocity_file'
-       ! checks if interface or tomography definition
-       read(line,*) undef_mat_prop(6,imat),undef_mat_prop(1,imat),undef_mat_prop(2,imat)
-       if( trim(undef_mat_prop(2,imat)) == 'interface' ) then
-         ! line will have 5 arguments, e.g.: 2  -1 interface 1 2
-         read(line,*) undef_mat_prop(6,imat),undef_mat_prop(1,imat),undef_mat_prop(2,imat),&
-                     undef_mat_prop(3,imat),undef_mat_prop(4,imat)
-         undef_mat_prop(5,imat) = "0" ! dummy value
-       else if( trim(undef_mat_prop(2,imat)) == 'tomography' ) then
-         ! line will have 6 arguments, e.g.: 2  -1 tomography elastic tomography_model.xyz 1
-         read(line,*) undef_mat_prop(6,imat),undef_mat_prop(1,imat),undef_mat_prop(2,imat),&
-                        undef_mat_prop(3,imat),undef_mat_prop(4,imat),undef_mat_prop(5,imat)
-       else
-         stop "ERROR: invalid line in nummaterial_velocity_file for undefined material"
-       endif
-       ! checks material_id
-       read(undef_mat_prop(1,imat),*) num_mat
-       if(num_mat > 0 .or. -num_mat > count_undef_mat)  &
-            stop "ERROR : Invalid nummaterial_velocity_file for undefined materials."
-       if(num_mat /= -imat)  &
-            stop "ERROR : Invalid material_id in nummaterial_velocity_file for undefined materials."
-       ! checks interface: flag_down/flag_up
-       if( trim(undef_mat_prop(2,imat)) == 'interface' ) then
-         ! flag_down
-         read( undef_mat_prop(3,imat),*) num_mat
-         if( num_mat > 0 ) then
-          ! must point to a defined material
-          if( num_mat > count_def_mat) &
-               stop "ERROR: invalid flag_down in interface definition in nummaterial_velocity_file"
-         else
-          ! must point to an undefined material
-          if( -num_mat > count_undef_mat) &
-               stop "ERROR: invalid flag_down in interface definition in nummaterial_velocity_file"
-         endif
-         ! flag_up
-         read( undef_mat_prop(4,imat),*) num_mat
-         if( num_mat > 0 ) then
-          ! must point to a defined material
-          if( num_mat > count_def_mat) &
-               stop "ERROR: invalid flag_up in interface definition in nummaterial_velocity_file"
-         else
-          ! must point to an undefined material
-          if( -num_mat > count_undef_mat) &
-               stop "ERROR: invalid flag_up in interface definition in nummaterial_velocity_file"
-         endif
-       endif
-    enddo
-    if( use_poroelastic_file ) close(97)
-    close(98)
-    ! TODO:
-    ! must be changed, if  mat(1,i) < 0  1 == interface , 2 == tomography
-    do ispec=1,nspec
-      ! get material_id
-      num_mat = mat(1,ispec)
-      if( num_mat < 0 ) then
-        ! finds undefined material property
-        do imat=1,count_undef_mat
-          if( -imat == num_mat ) then
-            ! interface
-            if( trim(undef_mat_prop(2,imat)) == 'interface' ) then
-              mat(2,ispec) = 1
-            ! tomography
-            elseif( trim(undef_mat_prop(2,imat)) == 'tomography' ) then
-              mat(2,ispec) = 2
-            else
-              ! shouldn't encounter this case
-              stop "error undefined material: type name not recognized"
-            endif
-          endif
-        enddo
-      else
-        ! ispec belongs to a defined material
-        mat(2,ispec) = 0
-      endif
-    enddo
-  ! reads in absorbing boundary files
-    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/absorbing_surface_file_xmin', &
-          status='old', form='formatted',iostat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) then
-      nspec2D_xmin = 0
-    else
-      read(98,*) nspec2D_xmin
-    endif
-    allocate(ibelm_xmin(nspec2D_xmin),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array ibelm_xmin'
-    allocate(nodes_ibelm_xmin(NGNOD2D,nspec2D_xmin),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array nodes_ibelm_xmin'
-    do ispec2D = 1,nspec2D_xmin
-      ! format: #id_(element containing the face) #id_node1_face .. #id_node4_face
-      ! note: ordering for CUBIT seems such that the normal of the face points outward of the element the face belongs to;
-      !         in other words, nodes are in increasing order such that when looking from within the element outwards,
-      !         they are ordered clockwise
-      !
-      !          doesn't necessarily have to start on top-rear, then bottom-rear, bottom-front, and finally top-front i.e.:
-      !          point 1 = (0,1,1), point 2 = (0,1,0), point 3 = (0,0,0), point 4 = (0,0,1)
-      read(98,*) ibelm_xmin(ispec2D), (nodes_ibelm_xmin(inode,ispec2D), inode=1,NGNOD2D)
-    enddo
-    close(98)
-    print*, 'absorbing boundaries:'
-    print*, '  nspec2D_xmin = ', nspec2D_xmin
-  ! reads in absorbing boundary files
-    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/absorbing_surface_file_xmax', &
-          status='old', form='formatted',iostat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) then
-      nspec2D_xmax = 0
-    else
-      read(98,*) nspec2D_xmax
-    endif
-    allocate(ibelm_xmax(nspec2D_xmax),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array ibelm_xmax'
-    allocate(nodes_ibelm_xmax(NGNOD2D,nspec2D_xmax),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array nodes_ibelm_xmax'
-    do ispec2D = 1,nspec2D_xmax
-      ! format: #id_(element containing the face) #id_node1_face .. #id_node4_face
-      read(98,*) ibelm_xmax(ispec2D), (nodes_ibelm_xmax(inode,ispec2D), inode=1,NGNOD2D)
-    enddo
-    close(98)
-    print*, '  nspec2D_xmax = ', nspec2D_xmax
-  ! reads in absorbing boundary files
-    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/absorbing_surface_file_ymin', &
-          status='old', form='formatted',iostat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) then
-      nspec2D_ymin = 0
-    else
-      read(98,*) nspec2D_ymin
-    endif
-    allocate(ibelm_ymin(nspec2D_ymin),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array ibelm_ymin'
-    allocate(nodes_ibelm_ymin(NGNOD2D,nspec2D_ymin),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array nodes_ibelm_ymin'
-    do ispec2D = 1,nspec2D_ymin
-      ! format: #id_(element containing the face) #id_node1_face .. #id_node4_face
-      read(98,*) ibelm_ymin(ispec2D), (nodes_ibelm_ymin(inode,ispec2D), inode=1,NGNOD2D)
-    enddo
-    close(98)
-    print*, '  nspec2D_ymin = ', nspec2D_ymin
-  ! reads in absorbing boundary files
-    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/absorbing_surface_file_ymax', &
-          status='old', form='formatted',iostat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) then
-      nspec2D_ymax = 0
-    else
-      read(98,*) nspec2D_ymax
-    endif
-    allocate(ibelm_ymax(nspec2D_ymax),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array ibelm_ymax'
-    allocate(nodes_ibelm_ymax(NGNOD2D,nspec2D_ymax),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array nodes_ibelm_ymax'
-    do ispec2D = 1,nspec2D_ymax
-      ! format: #id_(element containing the face) #id_node1_face .. #id_node4_face
-      read(98,*) ibelm_ymax(ispec2D), (nodes_ibelm_ymax(inode,ispec2D), inode=1,NGNOD2D)
-    enddo
-    close(98)
-    print*, '  nspec2D_ymax = ', nspec2D_ymax
-  ! reads in absorbing boundary files
-    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/absorbing_surface_file_bottom', &
-          status='old', form='formatted',iostat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) then
-      nspec2D_bottom = 0
-    else
-      read(98,*) nspec2D_bottom
-    endif
-    allocate(ibelm_bottom(nspec2D_bottom),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array ibelm_bottom'
-    allocate(nodes_ibelm_bottom(NGNOD2D,nspec2D_bottom),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array nodes_ibelm_bottom'
-    do ispec2D = 1,nspec2D_bottom
-      ! format: #id_(element containing the face) #id_node1_face .. #id_node4_face
-      read(98,*) ibelm_bottom(ispec2D), (nodes_ibelm_bottom(inode,ispec2D), inode=1,NGNOD2D)
-    enddo
-    close(98)
-    print*, '  nspec2D_bottom = ', nspec2D_bottom
-  ! reads in free_surface boundary files
-    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/free_surface_file', &
-          status='old', form='formatted',iostat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) then
-      nspec2D_top = 0
-    else
-      read(98,*) nspec2D_top
-    endif
-    allocate(ibelm_top(nspec2D_top),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array ibelm_top'
-    allocate(nodes_ibelm_top(NGNOD2D,nspec2D_top),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array nodes_ibelm_top'
-    do ispec2D = 1,nspec2D_top
-      ! format: #id_(element containing the face) #id_node1_face .. #id_node4_face
-      read(98,*) ibelm_top(ispec2D), (nodes_ibelm_top(inode,ispec2D), inode=1,NGNOD2D)
-    enddo
-    close(98)
-    print*, '  nspec2D_top = ', nspec2D_top
-  ! reads in moho_surface boundary files (optional)
-    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/moho_surface_file', &
-          status='old', form='formatted',iostat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) then
-      nspec2D_moho = 0
-    else
-      read(98,*) nspec2D_moho
-    endif
-    allocate(ibelm_moho(nspec2D_moho),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array ibelm_moho'
-    allocate(nodes_ibelm_moho(NGNOD2D,nspec2D_moho),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array nodes_ibelm_moho'
-    do ispec2D = 1,nspec2D_moho
-      ! format: #id_(element containing the face) #id_node1_face .. #id_node4_face
-      read(98,*) ibelm_moho(ispec2D), (nodes_ibelm_moho(inode,ispec2D), inode=1,NGNOD2D)
-    enddo
-    close(98)
-    if( nspec2D_moho > 0 ) print*, '  nspec2D_moho = ', nspec2D_moho
-  end subroutine read_mesh_files
-  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! checks valence of nodes
-  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  subroutine check_valence
-    allocate(mask_nodes_elmnts(nnodes),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array mask_nodes_elmnts'
-    allocate(used_nodes_elmnts(nnodes),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array used_nodes_elmnts'
-    mask_nodes_elmnts(:) = .false.
-    used_nodes_elmnts(:) = 0
-    do ispec = 1, nspec
-      do inode = 1, NGNOD
-        mask_nodes_elmnts(elmnts(inode,ispec)) = .true.
-        used_nodes_elmnts(elmnts(inode,ispec)) = used_nodes_elmnts(elmnts(inode,ispec)) + 1
-      enddo
-    enddo
-    print *, 'node valence:'
-    print *, '  min = ',minval(used_nodes_elmnts(:)),' max = ', maxval(used_nodes_elmnts(:))
-    do inode = 1, nnodes
-      if (.not. mask_nodes_elmnts(inode)) then
-        stop 'ERROR: found some unused nodes (weird, but not necessarily fatal; your mesher may have created extra nodes).'
-      endif
-    enddo
-! max number of elements that contain the same node
-    nsize = maxval(used_nodes_elmnts(:))
-! majoration (overestimate) of the maximum number of neighbours per element
-!! DK DK nfaces is a constant equal to 6 (number of faces of a cube).
-!! DK DK I have no idea how this formula works; it was designed by Nicolas Le Goff
-    sup_neighbour = NGNOD_EIGHT_CORNERS * nsize - (NGNOD_EIGHT_CORNERS + (NGNOD_EIGHT_CORNERS/2 - 1)*nfaces)
-    ! debug check size limit
-!! DK DK this check will likely fail because sup_neighbour itself may become negative if going over the 4-byte integer limit;
-!! DK DK but this should never happen in practice (by far)...
-    if( sup_neighbour > 2147483646 ) then
-      print *,'size exceeds integer 4-byte limit: ',sup_neighbour,nsize
-      print *,'bit size fortran: ',bit_size(sup_neighbour)
-      stop 'ERROR: sup_neighbour is too large'
-    endif
-    print *, '  nsize = ',nsize, 'sup_neighbour = ', sup_neighbour
-  end subroutine check_valence
-  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! divides model into partitions using scotch library functions
-  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  subroutine scotch_partitioning
-    implicit none
-    ! local parameters
-    integer, dimension(:), allocatable  :: num_material
-    integer :: ier
-    ! starts from 0
-    elmnts(:,:) = elmnts(:,:) - 1
-    ! determines maximum neighbors based on 1 common node
-    allocate(xadj(1:nspec+1),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array xadj'
-    allocate(adjncy(1:sup_neighbour*nspec),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array adjncy'
-    allocate(nnodes_elmnts(1:nnodes),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array nnodes_elmnts'
-    allocate(nodes_elmnts(1:nsize*nnodes),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array nodes_elmnts'
-    call mesh2dual_ncommonnodes(nspec, nnodes, nsize, sup_neighbour, elmnts, xadj, adjncy, nnodes_elmnts, &
-         nodes_elmnts, max_neighbour, 1, NGNOD)
-    print*, 'mesh2dual:'
-    print*, '  max_neighbour = ',max_neighbour
-!! DK DK Oct 2012: added this safety test
-    if(max_neighbour > sup_neighbour) stop 'found max_neighbour > sup_neighbour in domain decomposition'
-    nb_edges = xadj(nspec+1)
-    ! allocates & initializes partioning of elements
-    allocate(part(1:nspec),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array part'
-    part(:) = -1
-    ! initializes
-    ! elements load array
-    allocate(elmnts_load(1:nspec),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array elmnts_load'
-    ! gets materials id associations
-    allocate(num_material(1:nspec),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array num_material'
-    ! note: num_material can be negative for tomographic material elements
-    !       (which are counted then as elastic elements)
-    num_material(:) = mat(1,:)
-!! DK DK Oct 2012: this should include CPML weights as well in the future
-    ! uniform load by default
-    elmnts_load(:) = ACOUSTIC_LOAD
-    ! then in case of acoustic/elastic/poro simulation, assign different weights to elements accordingly
-    call acoustic_elastic_poro_load(elmnts_load,nspec,count_def_mat,count_undef_mat, &
-                                  num_material,mat_prop,undef_mat_prop,ATTENUATION)
-    ! SCOTCH partitioning
-    ! we use default strategy for partitioning, thus omit specifing explicit strategy .
-    ! workflow preferred by F. Pellegrini (SCOTCH):
-    !!This comes from the fact that, in version 5.1.8, the name
-    !!for the "recursive bisection" method has changed from "b"
-    !!("bipartitioning") to "r" ("recursive").
-    !!
-    !!As a general rule, do not try to set up strategies by
-    !!yourself. The default strategy in Scotch will most probably
-    !!provide better results. To use it, just call:
-    !!
-    !!SCOTCHFstratInit (),
-    !!
-    !!and use this "empty" strategy in the mapping routine
-    !!(consequently, no call to SCOTCHFstratGraphMap () is
-    !!required).
-    !!
-    !!This will make you independent from further changes (most
-    !!probably improvements !;-)   ) in the strategy syntax.
-    !!And you should see an improvement in performance, too,
-    !!as your hand-made strategy did not make use of the
-    !!multi-level framework.
-    call scotchfstratinit (scotchstrat(1), ier)
-     if (ier /= 0) then
-       stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Cannot initialize strategy'
-    endif
-    !call scotchfstratgraphmap (scotchstrat(1), trim(scotch_strategy), ier)
-    ! if (ier /= 0) then
-    !   stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Cannot build strategy'
-    !endif
-    call scotchfgraphinit (scotchgraph (1), ier)
-    if (ier /= 0) then
-       stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Cannot initialize graph'
-    endif
-    ! fills graph structure : see user manual (scotch_user5.1.pdf, page 72/73)
-    ! arguments: #(1) graph_structure       #(2) baseval(either 0/1)    #(3) number_of_vertices
-    !                    #(4) adjacency_index_array         #(5) adjacency_end_index_array (optional)
-    !                    #(6) vertex_load_array (optional) #(7) vertex_label_array
-    !                    #(7) number_of_arcs                    #(8) adjacency_array
-    !                    #(9) arc_load_array (optional)      #(10) ierror
-    call scotchfgraphbuild (scotchgraph (1), 0, nspec, &
-                          xadj (1), xadj (1), &
-                          elmnts_load (1), xadj (1), &
-                          nb_edges, adjncy (1), &
-                          adjncy (1), ier)
-    if (ier /= 0) then
-       stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Cannot build graph'
-    endif
-    call scotchfgraphcheck (scotchgraph (1), ier)
-    if (ier /= 0) then
-       stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Invalid check'
-    endif
-    call scotchfgraphpart (scotchgraph (1), nparts, scotchstrat(1),part(1),ier)
-    if (ier /= 0) then
-       stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Cannot part graph'
-    endif
-    call scotchfgraphexit (scotchgraph (1), ier)
-    if (ier /= 0) then
-       stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Cannot destroy graph'
-    endif
-    call scotchfstratexit (scotchstrat(1), ier)
-    if (ier /= 0) then
-       stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Cannot destroy strategy'
-    endif
-    ! re-partitioning puts poroelastic-elastic coupled elements into same partition
-    !  integer  :: nfaces_coupled
-    !  integer, dimension(:,:), pointer  :: faces_coupled
-    ! TODO: supposed to rebalance, but currently broken
-    call poro_elastic_repartitioning (nspec, nnodes, elmnts, &
-                     count_def_mat, num_material , mat_prop, &
-                     sup_neighbour, nsize, &
-                     nparts, part, NGNOD)
-    deallocate(num_material)
-    ! re-partitioning puts moho-surface coupled elements into same partition
-    call moho_surface_repartitioning (nspec, nnodes, elmnts, &
-                     sup_neighbour, nsize, nparts, part, &
-                     nspec2D_moho,ibelm_moho,nodes_ibelm_moho, NGNOD, NGNOD2D)
-    ! local number of each element for each partition
-    call build_glob2loc_elmnts(nspec, part, glob2loc_elmnts,nparts)
-    ! local number of each node for each partition
-    call build_glob2loc_nodes(nspec, nnodes,nsize, nnodes_elmnts, nodes_elmnts, part, &
-         glob2loc_nodes_nparts, glob2loc_nodes_parts, glob2loc_nodes, nparts)
-    ! mpi interfaces
-    ! acoustic/elastic/poroelastic boundaries will be split into different MPI partitions
-    call build_interfaces(nspec, sup_neighbour, part, elmnts, &
-                             xadj, adjncy, tab_interfaces, &
-                             tab_size_interfaces, ninterfaces, &
-                             nparts, NGNOD)
-    ! obsolete: from when we wanted acoustic/elastic boundaries NOT to be separated into different MPI partitions
-    ! call build_interfaces_no_ac_el_sep(nspec, sup_neighbour, part, elmnts, &
-    !                           xadj, adjncy, tab_interfaces, &
-    !                           tab_size_interfaces, ninterfaces, &
-    !                           count_def_mat, mat_prop(3,:), mat(1,:), nparts, NGNOD)
-  end subroutine scotch_partitioning
-  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! writes out new Databases files for each partition
-  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  subroutine write_mesh_databases
-    implicit none
-    !local parameters
-    allocate(my_interfaces(0:ninterfaces-1),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array my_interfaces'
-    allocate(my_nb_interfaces(0:ninterfaces-1),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array my_nb_interfaces'
-    ! writes out Database file for each partition
-    do ipart = 0, nparts-1
-       ! opens output file
-       write(prname, "(i6.6,'_Database')") ipart
-       open(unit=IIN_database,file=outputpath_name(1:len_trim(outputpath_name))//'/proc'//prname,&
-            status='unknown', action='write', form='unformatted', iostat = ier)
-       if( ier /= 0 ) then
-        print*,'error file open:',outputpath_name(1:len_trim(outputpath_name))//'/proc'//prname
-        print*
-        print*,'check if path exists:',outputpath_name(1:len_trim(outputpath_name))
-        stop 'error file open Database'
-       endif
-       ! gets number of nodes
-       call write_glob2loc_nodes_database(IIN_database, ipart, nnodes_loc, nodes_coords, &
-                                  glob2loc_nodes_nparts, glob2loc_nodes_parts, &
-                                  glob2loc_nodes, nnodes, 1)
-       call write_partition_database(IIN_database, ipart, nspec_local, nspec, elmnts, &
-                                  glob2loc_elmnts, glob2loc_nodes_nparts, &
-                                  glob2loc_nodes_parts, glob2loc_nodes, part, mat, NGNOD, 1)
-       !debug
-       !print*, ipart,": nspec_local=",nspec_local, " nnodes_local=", nnodes_loc
-       ! writes out node coordinate locations
-       write(IIN_database) nnodes_loc
-       call write_glob2loc_nodes_database(IIN_database, ipart, nnodes_loc, nodes_coords,&
-                                  glob2loc_nodes_nparts, glob2loc_nodes_parts, &
-                                  glob2loc_nodes, nnodes, 2)
-       call write_material_props_database(IIN_database,count_def_mat,count_undef_mat, &
-                                  mat_prop, undef_mat_prop)
-       ! writes out spectral element indices
-       write(IIN_database) nspec_local
-       call write_partition_database(IIN_database, ipart, nspec_local, nspec, elmnts, &
-                                  glob2loc_elmnts, glob2loc_nodes_nparts, &
-                                  glob2loc_nodes_parts, glob2loc_nodes, part, mat, NGNOD, 2)
-       ! writes out absorbing/free-surface boundaries
-       call write_boundaries_database(IIN_database, ipart, nspec, nspec2D_xmin, nspec2D_xmax, nspec2D_ymin, &
-                                  nspec2D_ymax, nspec2D_bottom, nspec2D_top, &
-                                  ibelm_xmin, ibelm_xmax, ibelm_ymin, &
-                                  ibelm_ymax, ibelm_bottom, ibelm_top, &
-                                  nodes_ibelm_xmin, nodes_ibelm_xmax, nodes_ibelm_ymin, &
-                                  nodes_ibelm_ymax, nodes_ibelm_bottom, nodes_ibelm_top, &
-                                  glob2loc_elmnts, glob2loc_nodes_nparts, &
-                                  glob2loc_nodes_parts, glob2loc_nodes, part, NGNOD2D)
-       ! gets number of MPI interfaces
-       call Write_interfaces_database(IIN_database, tab_interfaces, tab_size_interfaces, ipart, ninterfaces, &
-                                  my_ninterface, my_interfaces, my_nb_interfaces, &
-                                  glob2loc_elmnts, glob2loc_nodes_nparts, glob2loc_nodes_parts, &
-                                  glob2loc_nodes, 1, nparts)
-       ! writes out MPI interfaces elements
-       !print*,' my interfaces:',my_ninterface,maxval(my_nb_interfaces)
-       if( my_ninterface == 0 ) then
-        write(IIN_database) my_ninterface, 0       ! avoids problem with maxval for empty array my_nb_interfaces
-       else
-        write(IIN_database) my_ninterface, maxval(my_nb_interfaces)
-       endif
-       call Write_interfaces_database(IIN_database, tab_interfaces, tab_size_interfaces, ipart, ninterfaces, &
-                                  my_ninterface, my_interfaces, my_nb_interfaces, &
-                                  glob2loc_elmnts, glob2loc_nodes_nparts, glob2loc_nodes_parts, &
-                                  glob2loc_nodes, 2, nparts)
-       ! writes out moho surface (optional)
-       call write_moho_surface_database(IIN_database, ipart, nspec, &
-                                  glob2loc_elmnts, glob2loc_nodes_nparts, &
-                                  glob2loc_nodes_parts, glob2loc_nodes, part, &
-                                  nspec2D_moho, ibelm_moho, nodes_ibelm_moho, NGNOD2D)
-       close(IIN_database)
-    enddo
-    print*, 'partitions: '
-    print*, '  num = ',nparts
-    print*
-    print*, 'Databases files in directory: ',outputpath_name(1:len_trim(outputpath_name))
-    print*, 'finished successfully'
-    print*
-  end subroutine write_mesh_databases
-end module decompose_mesh

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