[cig-commits] r20970 - in seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE: . branches/new_fault_db/src

ampuero at geodynamics.org ampuero at geodynamics.org
Mon Oct 29 22:30:39 PDT 2012

Author: ampuero
Date: 2012-10-29 22:30:39 -0700 (Mon, 29 Oct 2012)
New Revision: 20970

refactored dataT; added statelaw to call funcd

Modified: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/TO_DO
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/TO_DO	2012-10-29 18:56:50 UTC (rev 20969)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/TO_DO	2012-10-30 05:30:39 UTC (rev 20970)
@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@
 + fault_solver_dynamic:
 	- many hard-coded ad hoc features need to be set instead as user options
-+ dataT: move common stuff to fault_solver_common, use inheritance in the dyn/kin modules
 + rate-and-state friction:
 	- make it a user-friendly option (currently a flag in fault_solver)

Modified: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_solver_common.f90
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_solver_common.f90	2012-10-29 18:56:50 UTC (rev 20969)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_solver_common.f90	2012-10-30 05:30:39 UTC (rev 20970)
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 ! Base module for kinematic and dynamic fault solvers
-! Written by: Percy Galvez, Surendra Somala and Jean-Paul Ampuero 
+! Authors: 
+! Percy Galvez, Surendra Somala, Jean-Paul Ampuero 
 module fault_solver_common
@@ -9,22 +10,31 @@
   include 'constants.h'
   type fault_type
     integer :: nspec=0, nglob=0
-    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), pointer    :: T=>null(),V=>null(),D=>null()
-    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), pointer    :: coord=>null() 
-    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:), pointer  :: R=>null()
-    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), pointer      :: B=>null(),invM1=>null(),invM2=>null(),Z=>null()
-    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL)         :: dt
+    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:),   pointer :: T=>null(),V=>null(),D=>null(),coord=>null()
+    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: R=>null()
+    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:),     pointer :: B=>null(),invM1=>null(),invM2=>null(),Z=>null()
+    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: dt
     integer, dimension(:), pointer :: ibulk1=>null(), ibulk2=>null()
-    integer, dimension(:), pointer :: poin_offset=>null(),npoin_perproc=>null()
   end type fault_type
+ ! outputs on selected fault nodes at every time step:
+  type dataT_type
+    integer :: npoin=0, ndat=0, nt=0
+    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: dt
+    integer, dimension(:), pointer :: iglob=>null()   ! on-fault global index of output nodes
+    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: dat=>null()
+    character(len=70), dimension(:), pointer :: name=>null(),longFieldNames=>null()
+    character(len=100) :: shortFieldNames
+  end type dataT_type
   logical, save :: PARALLEL_FAULT = .false.
   public :: fault_type, PARALLEL_FAULT, &
-            initialize_fault, get_jump, get_weighted_jump, rotate, add_BT
+            initialize_fault, get_jump, get_weighted_jump, rotate, add_BT, &
+            dataT, init_dataT, store_dataT, SCEC_write_dataT
@@ -179,6 +189,7 @@
 end subroutine compute_R
 function get_jump (bc,v) result(dv)
@@ -255,4 +266,213 @@
 end subroutine add_BT
+! dataT outputs
+subroutine init_dataT(dataT,coord,nglob,NT,DT,ndat,iflt)
+  use specfem_par, only : NPROC,myrank
+  integer, intent(in) :: nglob,NT,iflt,ndat
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(in) :: coord(3,nglob),DT
+  class (dataT_type), intent(out) :: dataT
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: dist_all
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), allocatable :: dist_loc
+  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: iglob_all
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: iproc,iglob_tmp,glob_indx
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: xtarget,ytarget,ztarget,dist,distkeep
+  integer :: i, iglob , IIN, ier, jflt, np, k
+  character(len=70) :: tmpname
+  character(len=70), dimension(:), allocatable :: name_tmp
+  integer :: ipoin, ipoin_local, npoin_local
+  !  1. read fault output coordinates from user file, 
+  !  2. define iglob: the fault global index of the node nearest to user
+  !     requested coordinate
+  IIN = 251 ! WARNING: not safe, should check that unit is not aleady opened
+ ! count the number of output points on the current fault (#iflt)
+  open(IIN,file='DATA/FAULT_STATIONS',status='old',action='read',iostat=ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error opening FAULT_STATIONS file'
+  read(IIN,*) np
+  dataT%npoin =0
+  do i=1,np
+    read(IIN,*) xtarget,ytarget,ztarget,tmpname,jflt
+    if (jflt==iflt) dataT%npoin = dataT%npoin +1
+  enddo
+  close(IIN)
+  if (dataT%npoin == 0) return
+  allocate(dataT%iglob(dataT%npoin))
+  allocate(dataT%name(dataT%npoin))
+  allocate(dist_loc(dataT%npoin)) !Surendra : for parallel fault
+  open(IIN,file='DATA/FAULT_STATIONS',status='old',action='read')
+  read(IIN,*) np
+  k = 0
+  do i=1,np
+    read(IIN,*) xtarget,ytarget,ztarget,tmpname,jflt
+    if (jflt/=iflt) cycle
+    k = k+1
+    dataT%name(k) = tmpname
+   ! search nearest node
+    distkeep = huge(distkeep)
+    do iglob=1,nglob
+      dist = sqrt( (coord(1,iglob)-xtarget)**2 &
+                 + (coord(2,iglob)-ytarget)**2 &
+                 + (coord(3,iglob)-ztarget)**2 )
+      if (dist < distkeep) then
+        distkeep = dist
+        dataT%iglob(k) = iglob   
+      endif
+    enddo
+    dist_loc(k) = distkeep
+  enddo
+  close(IIN)
+  if (PARALLEL_FAULT) then
+   ! For each output point, find the processor that contains the nearest node
+    allocate(iproc(dataT%npoin)) 
+    allocate(iglob_all(dataT%npoin,0:NPROC-1))
+    allocate(dist_all(dataT%npoin,0:NPROC-1))
+    call gather_all_i(dataT%iglob,dataT%npoin,iglob_all,dataT%npoin,NPROC)
+    call gather_all_cr(dist_loc,dataT%npoin,dist_all,dataT%npoin,NPROC)
+    if (myrank==0) then
+     ! NOTE: output points lying at an interface between procs are assigned to a unique proc
+      iproc = minloc(dist_all,2) - 1
+      dataT%iglob = iglob_all(:,iproc)
+    endif
+    call bcast_all_i(iproc,dataT%npoin)
+    call bcast_all_i(dataT%iglob,dataT%npoin)
+   ! Number of output points contained in the current processor
+    npoin_local = count( iproc == myrank )
+    if (npoin_local>0) then
+     ! Make a list of output points contained in the current processor
+      allocate(glob_indx(npoin_local))
+      ipoin_local = 0
+      do ipoin = 1,dataT%npoin
+        if (myrank == iproc(ipoin)) then
+          ipoin_local = ipoin_local + 1
+          glob_indx(ipoin_local) = ipoin
+        endif
+      enddo
+     ! Consolidate the output information (remove output points outside current proc)
+      allocate(iglob_tmp(dataT%npoin))
+      allocate(name_tmp(dataT%npoin))
+      iglob_tmp = dataT%iglob
+      name_tmp = dataT%name
+      deallocate(dataT%iglob)
+      deallocate(dataT%name)
+      dataT%npoin = npoin_local
+      allocate(dataT%iglob(dataT%npoin))
+      allocate(dataT%name(dataT%npoin))
+      dataT%iglob = iglob_tmp(glob_indx)
+      dataT%name = name_tmp(glob_indx)
+      deallocate(glob_indx,iglob_tmp,name_tmp)
+    else
+      dataT%npoin = 0
+      deallocate(dataT%iglob)
+      deallocate(dataT%name)
+    endif
+    deallocate(iproc,iglob_all,dist_all)
+  endif 
+ !  3. initialize arrays 
+  if (dataT%npoin>0) then 
+    dataT%ndat = ndat
+    dataT%nt = NT
+    dataT%dt = DT
+    allocate(dataT%dat(dataT%ndat,dataT%nt,dataT%npoin))
+    dataT%dat = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
+    allocate(dataT%longFieldNames(dataT%ndat))
+    dataT%longFieldNames(1) = "horizontal right-lateral slip (m)"
+    dataT%longFieldNames(2) = "horizontal right-lateral slip rate (m/s)"
+    dataT%longFieldNames(3) = "horizontal right-lateral shear stress (MPa)"
+    dataT%longFieldNames(4) = "vertical up-dip slip (m)"
+    dataT%longFieldNames(5) = "vertical up-dip slip rate (m/s)"
+    dataT%longFieldNames(6) = "vertical up-dip shear stress (MPa)"
+    dataT%longFieldNames(7) = "normal stress (MPa)"
+    dataT%shortFieldNames = "h-slip h-slip-rate h-shear-stress v-slip v-slip-rate v-shear-stress n-stress"
+  endif
+end subroutine init_dataT
+subroutine store_dataT(dataT,d,v,t,itime)
+  class(dataT_type), intent(inout) :: dataT
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: d,v,t
+  integer, intent(in) :: itime
+  integer :: i,k
+  do i=1,dataT%npoin
+    k = dataT%iglob(i)
+    dataT%dat(1,itime,i) = d(1,k)
+    dataT%dat(3,itime,i) = v(1,k)
+    dataT%dat(5,itime,i) = t(1,k)/1.0e6_CUSTOM_REAL
+    dataT%dat(2,itime,i) = -d(2,k)
+    dataT%dat(4,itime,i) = -v(2,k)
+    dataT%dat(6,itime,i) = -t(2,k)/1.0e6_CUSTOM_REAL
+    dataT%dat(7,itime,i) = t(3,k)/1.0e6_CUSTOM_REAL
+  enddo
+end subroutine store_dataT
+subroutine SCEC_write_dataT(dataT)
+  class(my_dataT_type), intent(in) :: dataT
+  integer   :: i,k,IOUT
+  character(len=10) :: my_fmt
+  integer ::  today(3), now(3)
+  call idate(today)   ! today(1)=day, (2)=month, (3)=year
+  call itime(now)     ! now(1)=hour, (2)=minute, (3)=second
+  IOUT = 121 !WARNING: not very robust. Could instead look for an available ID
+  write(my_fmt,'(a,i1,a)') '(',dataT%ndat,'(E15.7))'
+  do i=1,dataT%npoin
+    open(IOUT,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//trim(dataT%name(i))//'.dat',status='replace')
+    write(IOUT,*) "# problem=TPV104" ! WARNING: this should be a user input
+    write(IOUT,*) "# author=Surendra Nadh Somala" ! WARNING: this should be a user input
+    write(IOUT,1000) today(2), today(1), today(3), now
+    write(IOUT,*) "# code=SPECFEM3D_SESAME (split nodes)"
+    write(IOUT,*) "# code_version=1.1"
+    write(IOUT,*) "# element_size=100 m  (*5 GLL nodes)" ! WARNING: this should be a user input
+    write(IOUT,*) "# time_step=",dataT%dt
+    write(IOUT,*) "# location=",trim(dataT%name(i))
+    write(IOUT,*) "# Column #1 = Time (s)"
+    do k=1,dataT%ndat
+      write(IOUT,1100) k+1,dataT%longFieldNames(k)
+    enddo
+    write(IOUT,*) "#"
+    write(IOUT,*) "# The line below lists the names of the data fields:"
+    write(IOUT,*) "# t ", dataT%shortFieldNames
+    write(IOUT,*) "#"
+    do k=1,dataT%nt
+      write(IOUT,my_fmt) k*dataT%dt, dataT%dat(:,k,i)
+    enddo
+    close(IOUT)
+  enddo
+1000 format ( ' # Date = ', i2.2, '/', i2.2, '/', i4.4, '; time = ',i2.2, ':', i2.2, ':', i2.2 )
+1100 format ( ' # Column #', i1, ' = ',a )
+end subroutine SCEC_write_dataT
 end module fault_solver_common

Modified: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_solver_dynamic.f90
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_solver_dynamic.f90	2012-10-29 18:56:50 UTC (rev 20969)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_solver_dynamic.f90	2012-10-30 05:30:39 UTC (rev 20970)
@@ -1,34 +1,13 @@
+! This module implements dynamic faults: spontaneous rupture with prescribed
+! friction laws (slip-weakening or rate-and-state) and heterogeneous initial conditions
-!               s p e c f e m 3 d  v e r s i o n  1 . 4
-!               ---------------------------------------
+! Authors:
+! Percy Galvez, Jean-Paul Ampuero, Tarje Nissen-Meyer, Surendra Somala
-!                 dimitri komatitsch and jeroen tromp
-!    seismological laboratory - california institute of technology
-!         (c) california institute of technology september 2006
-! this program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-! it under the terms of the gnu general public license as published by
-! the free software foundation; either version 2 of the license, or
-! (at your option) any later version.
-! this program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-! but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-! merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  see the
-! gnu general public license for more details.
-! you should have received a copy of the gnu general public license along
-! with this program; if not, write to the free software foundation, inc.,
-! 51 franklin street, fifth floor, boston, ma 02110-1301 usa.
+! Surendra Nadh Somala : heterogenous initial stress capabilities (based on TPV16)
+! Surendra Nadh Somala : rate and state friction
+! Somala & Ampuero : fault parallelization
-! This module was written by:
-! Percy Galvez, Jean-Paul Ampuero and Tarje Nissen-Meyer
-! Surendra Nadh Somala : Added Heterogenous initial stress capabilities (based on TPV16)
-! Surendra Nadh Somala : Added Rate and State Friction
-! Somala/Ampuero : fault parallelization
 module fault_solver_dynamic
   use fault_solver_common
@@ -39,17 +18,6 @@
-  ! outputs on selected fault nodes at every time step:
-  ! slip, slip velocity, fault stresses
-  type dataT_type
-    integer :: npoin=0
-    integer, dimension(:), pointer :: iglob=>null()   ! on-fault global index of output nodes
-    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), pointer  :: d1=>null(),v1=>null(),t1=>null(), &
-                                                        d2=>null(),v2=>null(),t2=>null(), &
-                                                        t3=>null(),theta=>null()
-    character(len=70), dimension(:), pointer   :: name=>null()
-  end type dataT_type
   ! outputs(dyn) /inputs (kind) at selected times for all fault nodes:
   ! strength, state, slip, slip velocity, fault stresses, rupture time, process zone time
   ! rupture time = first time when slip velocity = threshold V_RUPT (defined below)
@@ -82,12 +50,13 @@
   type, extends (fault_type) :: bc_dynflt_type
     real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), pointer :: T0=>null()
-    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), pointer :: MU=>null(), Fload=>null()
-    type(dataT_type)               :: dataT
-    type(dataXZ_type)              :: dataXZ,dataXZ_all
-    type(swf_type), pointer        :: swf => null()
-    type(rsf_type), pointer        :: rsf => null()
-    logical                        :: allow_opening = .false. ! default : do not allow opening
+    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:),   pointer :: MU=>null(), Fload=>null()
+    integer, dimension(:),   pointer :: npoin_perproc=>null(), npoin_offset=>null()
+    type(dataT_type)        :: dataT
+    type(dataXZ_type)       :: dataXZ,dataXZ_all
+    type(swf_type), pointer :: swf => null()
+    type(rsf_type), pointer :: rsf => null()
+    logical                 :: allow_opening = .false. ! default : do not allow opening
   end type bc_dynflt_type
   type(bc_dynflt_type), allocatable, save :: faults(:)
@@ -267,7 +236,17 @@
-  call init_dataT(bc%dataT,bc%coord,bc%nglob,NT,iflt)
+  if (RATE_AND_STATE) then
+    call init_dataT(bc%dataT,bc%coord,bc%nglob,NT,dt,8,iflt)
+    bc%dataT%longFieldNames(8) = "log10 of state variable (log-seconds)" 
+    if (bc%rsf%StateLaw==1) then 
+      bc%dataT%shortFieldNames = trim(bc%dataT%shortFieldNames)//" log-theta"
+    else
+      bc%dataT%shortFieldNames = trim(bc%dataT%shortFieldNames)//" psi"
+    endif   
+  else
+    call init_dataT(bc%dataT,bc%coord,bc%nglob,NT,dt,7,iflt)
+  endif
   call init_dataXZ(bc%dataXZ,bc)
@@ -578,11 +557,19 @@
     call store_dataXZ(bc%dataXZ, strength, theta_old, theta_new, dc, &
          Vf_old, Vf_new, it*bc%dt,bc%dt)
-    call store_dataT(bc%dataT,bc%D,bc%V,bc%T,theta_new,it)
+    call store_dataT(bc%dataT,bc%D,bc%V,bc%T,it)
+    if (RATE_AND_STATE) then
+      if (bc%rsf%StateLaw==1) then
+        bc%dataT%dat(8,it,:) = log10(theta_new(bc%dataT%iglob))
+      else
+        bc%dataT%dat(8,it,:) = theta_new(bc%dataT%iglob)
+      endif
+    endif
     !-- outputs --
     ! write dataT every NTOUT time step or at the end of simulation
-    if ( mod(it,NTOUT) == 0 .or. it==NSTEP) call SCEC_write_dataT(bc%dataT,bc%dt,it,bc%rsf%StateLaw)
+    if ( mod(it,NTOUT) == 0 .or. it==NSTEP) call SCEC_write_dataT(bc%dataT,it)
@@ -892,6 +879,7 @@
   fn = tStick - Z*x - a*Seff*asinh(x*arg)
   df = -Z - a*Seff/sqrt(ONE + (x*arg)**2)*arg
 end subroutine funcd
@@ -906,8 +894,8 @@
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: tStick,Seff,Z,f0,V0,a,b,L,theta
   integer :: statelaw
-  call funcd(dble(x1),fl,df,tStick,Seff,Z,f0,V0,a,b,L,theta)
-  call funcd(dble(x2),fh,df,tStick,Seff,Z,f0,V0,a,b,L,theta)
+  call funcd(dble(x1),fl,df,tStick,Seff,Z,f0,V0,a,b,L,theta,statelaw)
+  call funcd(dble(x2),fh,df,tStick,Seff,Z,f0,V0,a,b,L,theta,statelaw)
   if( (fl>0 .and. fh>0) .or. (fl<0 .and. fh<0) ) stop 'root must be bracketed in rtsafe'
   if(fl==0.) then
@@ -926,7 +914,7 @@
-  call funcd(rtsafe,f,df,tStick,Seff,Z,f0,V0,a,b,L,theta)
+  call funcd(rtsafe,f,df,tStick,Seff,Z,f0,V0,a,b,L,theta,statelaw)
   do j=1,MAXIT
     if( ((rtsafe-xh)*df-f)*((rtsafe-xl)*df-f)>0 .or. abs(2.*f)>abs(dxold*df)  ) then
@@ -941,7 +929,7 @@
       if(temp==rtsafe) return
     if(abs(dx)<xacc) return
-    call funcd(rtsafe,f,df,tStick,Seff,Z,f0,V0,a,b,L,theta)
+    call funcd(rtsafe,f,df,tStick,Seff,Z,f0,V0,a,b,L,theta,statelaw)
     if(f<0.) then
@@ -991,268 +979,7 @@
-subroutine init_dataT(dataT,coord,nglob,NT,iflt)
-  use specfem_par, only : NPROC,myrank
-  ! NT = total number of time steps
-  integer, intent(in) :: nglob,NT,iflt
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(in) :: coord(3,nglob)
-  type (dataT_type), intent(out) :: dataT
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: dist_all
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), allocatable :: dist_loc
-  integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: iglob_all
-  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: iproc,iglob_tmp,glob_indx
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: xtarget,ytarget,ztarget,dist,distkeep
-  integer :: i, iglob , IIN, ier, jflt, np, k
-  character(len=70) :: tmpname
-  character(len=70), dimension(:), allocatable :: name_tmp
-  integer :: ipoin, ipoin_local, npoin_local
-  !  1. read fault output coordinates from user file, 
-  !  2. define iglob: the fault global index of the node nearest to user
-  !     requested coordinate
-  IIN = 251 ! WARNING: not safe, should check that unit is not aleady opened
- ! count the number of output points on the current fault (#iflt)
-  open(IIN,file='DATA/FAULT_STATIONS',status='old',action='read',iostat=ier)
-  if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error opening FAULT_STATIONS file'
-  read(IIN,*) np
-  dataT%npoin =0
-  do i=1,np
-    read(IIN,*) xtarget,ytarget,ztarget,tmpname,jflt
-    if (jflt==iflt) dataT%npoin = dataT%npoin +1
-  enddo
-  close(IIN)
-  if (dataT%npoin == 0) return
-  allocate(dataT%iglob(dataT%npoin))
-  allocate(dataT%name(dataT%npoin))
-  allocate(dist_loc(dataT%npoin)) !Surendra : for parallel fault
-  open(IIN,file='DATA/FAULT_STATIONS',status='old',action='read')
-  read(IIN,*) np
-  k = 0
-  do i=1,np
-    read(IIN,*) xtarget,ytarget,ztarget,tmpname,jflt
-    if (jflt/=iflt) cycle
-    k = k+1
-    dataT%name(k) = tmpname
-   ! search nearest node
-    distkeep = huge(distkeep)
-    do iglob=1,nglob
-      dist = sqrt( (coord(1,iglob)-xtarget)**2 &
-                 + (coord(2,iglob)-ytarget)**2 &
-                 + (coord(3,iglob)-ztarget)**2 )
-      if (dist < distkeep) then
-        distkeep = dist
-        dataT%iglob(k) = iglob   
-      endif
-    enddo
-    dist_loc(k) = distkeep
-  enddo
-  close(IIN)
-  if (PARALLEL_FAULT) then
-   ! For each output point, find the processor that contains the nearest node
-    allocate(iproc(dataT%npoin)) 
-    allocate(iglob_all(dataT%npoin,0:NPROC-1))
-    allocate(dist_all(dataT%npoin,0:NPROC-1))
-    call gather_all_i(dataT%iglob,dataT%npoin,iglob_all,dataT%npoin,NPROC)
-    call gather_all_cr(dist_loc,dataT%npoin,dist_all,dataT%npoin,NPROC)
-    if (myrank==0) then
-     ! NOTE: output points lying at an interface between procs are assigned to a unique proc
-      iproc = minloc(dist_all,2) - 1
-      dataT%iglob = iglob_all(:,iproc)
-    endif
-    call bcast_all_i(iproc,dataT%npoin)
-    call bcast_all_i(dataT%iglob,dataT%npoin)
-   ! Number of output points contained in the current processor
-    npoin_local = count( iproc == myrank )
-    if (npoin_local>0) then
-     ! Make a list of output points contained in the current processor
-      allocate(glob_indx(npoin_local))
-      ipoin_local = 0
-      do ipoin = 1,dataT%npoin
-        if (myrank == iproc(ipoin)) then
-          ipoin_local = ipoin_local + 1
-          glob_indx(ipoin_local) = ipoin
-        endif
-      enddo
-     ! Consolidate the output information (remove output points outside current proc)
-      allocate(iglob_tmp(dataT%npoin))
-      allocate(name_tmp(dataT%npoin))
-      iglob_tmp = dataT%iglob
-      name_tmp = dataT%name
-      deallocate(dataT%iglob)
-      deallocate(dataT%name)
-      dataT%npoin = npoin_local
-      allocate(dataT%iglob(dataT%npoin))
-      allocate(dataT%name(dataT%npoin))
-      dataT%iglob = iglob_tmp(glob_indx)
-      dataT%name = name_tmp(glob_indx)
-      deallocate(glob_indx,iglob_tmp,name_tmp)
-    else
-      dataT%npoin = 0
-      deallocate(dataT%iglob)
-      deallocate(dataT%name)
-    endif
-    deallocate(iproc,iglob_all,dist_all)
-  endif 
- !  3. allocate arrays and set to zero
-  if (dataT%npoin>0) then 
-    allocate(dataT%d1(NT,dataT%npoin))
-    allocate(dataT%v1(NT,dataT%npoin))
-    allocate(dataT%t1(NT,dataT%npoin))
-    allocate(dataT%d2(NT,dataT%npoin))
-    allocate(dataT%v2(NT,dataT%npoin))
-    allocate(dataT%t2(NT,dataT%npoin))
-    allocate(dataT%t3(NT,dataT%npoin))
-    allocate(dataT%theta(NT,dataT%npoin))
-    dataT%d1 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
-    dataT%v1 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
-    dataT%t1 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
-    dataT%d2 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
-    dataT%v2 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
-    dataT%t2 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
-    dataT%t3 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
-    dataT%theta = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
-  endif
-end subroutine init_dataT
-subroutine store_dataT(dataT,d,v,t,theta,itime)
-  type(dataT_type), intent(inout) :: dataT
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: d,v,t
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), intent(in) :: theta
-  integer, intent(in) :: itime
-  integer :: i,k
-  do i=1,dataT%npoin
-    k = dataT%iglob(i)
-    dataT%d1(itime,i) = d(1,k)
-    dataT%d2(itime,i) = d(2,k)
-    dataT%v1(itime,i) = v(1,k)
-    dataT%v2(itime,i) = v(2,k)
-    dataT%t1(itime,i) = t(1,k)
-    dataT%t2(itime,i) = t(2,k)
-    dataT%t3(itime,i) = t(3,k)
-    dataT%theta(itime,i) = theta(k)
-  enddo
-end subroutine store_dataT
-subroutine write_dataT_all(nt,statelaw)
-  integer, intent(in) :: nt
-  integer, intent(in) :: statelaw
-  integer :: i
-  if (.not.allocated(faults)) return
-  do i = 1,size(faults)
-    call SCEC_write_dataT(faults(i)%dataT,faults(i)%dt,nt,statelaw)
-  enddo
-end subroutine write_dataT_all
-subroutine SCEC_write_dataT(dataT,DT,NT,statelaw)
-  type(dataT_type), intent(in) :: dataT
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(in) :: DT
-  integer, intent(in) :: NT
-  integer, intent(in) :: statelaw
-  integer   :: i,k,IOUT
-  character :: NTchar*5
-  integer ::  today(3), now(3)
-  call idate(today)   ! today(1)=day, (2)=month, (3)=year
-  call itime(now)     ! now(1)=hour, (2)=minute, (3)=second
-  IOUT = 121 !WARNING: not very robust. Could instead look for an available ID
-  write(NTchar,1) NT
-1 format(I5)  
-  NTchar = adjustl(NTchar)
-  do i=1,dataT%npoin
-    open(IOUT,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//trim(dataT%name(i))//'.dat',status='replace')
-    write(IOUT,*) "# problem=TPV104"
-    write(IOUT,*) "# author=Surendra Nadh Somala"
-    write(IOUT,1000) today(2), today(1), today(3), now
-    write(IOUT,*) "# code=SPECFEM3D_SESAME (split nodes)"
-    write(IOUT,*) "# code_version=1.1"
-    write(IOUT,*) "# element_size=100 m  (*5 GLL nodes)"
-    write(IOUT,*) "# time_step=",DT
-    write(IOUT,*) "# location=",trim(dataT%name(i))
-    write(IOUT,*) "# Column #1 = Time (s)"
-    write(IOUT,*) "# Column #2 = horizontal right-lateral slip (m)"
-    write(IOUT,*) "# Column #3 = horizontal right-lateral slip rate (m/s)"
-    write(IOUT,*) "# Column #4 = horizontal right-lateral shear stress (MPa)"
-    write(IOUT,*) "# Column #5 = vertical up-dip slip (m)"
-    write(IOUT,*) "# Column #6 = vertical up-dip slip rate (m/s)"
-    write(IOUT,*) "# Column #7 = vertical up-dip shear stress (MPa)"
-    write(IOUT,*) "# Column #8 = normal stress (MPa)"
-    if (RATE_AND_STATE) write(IOUT,*) "# Column #9 = log10 of state variable (log-seconds)" 
-    write(IOUT,*) "#"
-    write(IOUT,*) "# The line below lists the names of the data fields:"
-    if (.not. RATE_AND_STATE) then
-      write(IOUT,*) "t h-slip h-slip-rate h-shear-stress v-slip v-slip-rate v-shear-stress n-stress"
-      write(IOUT,*) "#"
-      do k=1,NT
-        write(IOUT,'(8(E15.7))') k*DT, dataT%d1(k,i), dataT%v1(k,i), dataT%t1(k,i)/1.0e6_CUSTOM_REAL, &
-           -dataT%d2(k,i), -dataT%v2(k,i), -dataT%t2(k,i)/1.0e6_CUSTOM_REAL, &
-           dataT%t3(k,i)/1.0e6_CUSTOM_REAL
-      enddo
-    else
-      if(statelaw == 1) then 
-      write(IOUT,*) "t h-slip h-slip-rate h-shear-stress v-slip v-slip-rate v-shear-stress n-stress log-theta"
-      write(IOUT,*) "#"
-      do k=1,NT
-        write(IOUT,'(9(E15.7))') k*DT, dataT%d1(k,i), dataT%v1(k,i), dataT%t1(k,i)/1.0e6_CUSTOM_REAL, &
-           -dataT%d2(k,i), -dataT%v2(k,i), -dataT%t2(k,i)/1.0e6_CUSTOM_REAL, &
-           dataT%t3(k,i)/1.0e6_CUSTOM_REAL, log10(dataT%theta(k,i))
-      enddo
-      else
-      write(IOUT,*) "t h-slip h-slip-rate h-shear-stress v-slip v-slip-rate v-shear-stress n-stress psi"
-      write(IOUT,*) "#"
-      do k=1,NT
-        write(IOUT,'(9(E15.7))') k*DT, dataT%d1(k,i), dataT%v1(k,i), dataT%t1(k,i)/1.0e6_CUSTOM_REAL, &
-           -dataT%d2(k,i), -dataT%v2(k,i), -dataT%t2(k,i)/1.0e6_CUSTOM_REAL, &
-           dataT%t3(k,i)/1.0e6_CUSTOM_REAL, dataT%theta(k,i)
-      enddo
-      endif   
-    endif
-    close(IOUT)
-1000 format ( ' # Date = ', i2.2, '/', i2.2, '/', i4.4, '; time = ',i2.2, ':', i2.2, ':', i2.2 )
-  enddo
-end subroutine SCEC_write_dataT
 subroutine SCEC_Write_RuptureTime(dataXZ,DT,NT,iflt)
   type(dataXZ_type), intent(in) :: dataXZ

Modified: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_solver_kinematic.f90
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_solver_kinematic.f90	2012-10-29 18:56:50 UTC (rev 20969)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_solver_kinematic.f90	2012-10-30 05:30:39 UTC (rev 20970)
@@ -1,87 +1,47 @@
+! This module implements kinematic faults: prescribed spatio-temporal slip history
-!               s p e c f e m 3 d  v e r s i o n  1 . 4
-!               ---------------------------------------
-!                 dimitri komatitsch and jeroen tromp
-!    seismological laboratory - california institute of technology
-!         (c) california institute of technology september 2006
-! this program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-! it under the terms of the gnu general public license as published by
-! the free software foundation; either version 2 of the license, or
-! (at your option) any later version.
-! this program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-! but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
-! merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  see the
-! gnu general public license for more details.
-! you should have received a copy of the gnu general public license along
-! with this program; if not, write to the free software foundation, inc.,
-! 51 franklin street, fifth floor, boston, ma 02110-1301 usa.
+! Authors:
+! Percy Galvez, Jean-Paul Ampuero, Javier Ruiz, Surendra Somala
-! This module was written by:
-! Percy Galvez , Jean-Paul Ampuero and Javier Ruiz
-! based on fault_solver.f90
 module fault_solver_kinematic
- use fault_solver_common
+  use fault_solver_common
- implicit none  
+  implicit none  
- include 'constants.h'
+  include 'constants.h'
- private
+  private
-  ! outputs on selected fault nodes at every time step:
-  ! slip, slip velocity, fault stresses
-  type dataT_type
-    integer :: npoin=0,npoin_local=0
-    integer, dimension(:), pointer :: iglob=>null()   ! on-fault global index of output nodes
-    integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: iglob_all=>null()
-    integer, dimension(:), pointer :: islice=>null(),glob_indx=>null()
-    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), pointer  :: dist=>null()
-    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), pointer  :: dist_all=>null()
-    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), pointer  :: d1=>null(),v1=>null(),t1=>null(), &
-                                                        d2=>null(),v2=>null(),t2=>null(), &
-                                                        t3=>null()
-    character(len=70), dimension(:), pointer   :: name=>null()
-  end type dataT_type
   ! outputs(dyn) /inputs (kind) at selected times for all fault nodes:
   ! strength, state, slip, slip velocity, fault stresses, rupture time, process zone time
   ! rupture time = first time when slip velocity = threshold V_RUPT (defined below)
   ! process zone time = first time when slip = Dc
   type dataXZ_type
-    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), pointer :: d1=>null(), d2=>null(), v1=>null(), v2=>null(), & 
-                                                     t1=>null(), t2=>null(), t3=>null()
-    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), pointer :: xcoord=>null(), ycoord=>null(), zcoord=>null()  
-    integer                                       :: npoin=0
+    integer :: npoin=0
+    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), pointer :: d1=>null(), d2=>null(), &
+                                                     v1=>null(), v2=>null(), & 
+                                                     t1=>null(), t2=>null(), t3=>null(), &
+                                                     xcoord=>null(), ycoord=>null(), zcoord=>null()
   end type dataXZ_type
- type, extends (fault_type) ::  bc_kinflt_type
-   private
-   type(dataT_type) :: dataT
-   type(dataXZ_type) :: dataXZ,dataXZ_all
-   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: kin_dt
-   integer :: kin_it
-   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), pointer :: v_kin_t1,v_kin_t2
- end type bc_kinflt_type
- type(bc_kinflt_type), allocatable, save        :: faults(:)
- !Number of time steps defined by the user : NTOUT
- integer, save                :: NTOUT,NSNAP
- logical, save :: SIMULATION_TYPE_KIN = .false.
+  type, extends (fault_type) ::  bc_kinflt_type
+    private
+    type(dataT_type) :: dataT
+    type(dataXZ_type) :: dataXZ
+    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: kin_dt
+    integer :: kin_it
+    real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), pointer :: v_kin_t1,v_kin_t2
+  end type bc_kinflt_type
- public :: BC_KINFLT_init, BC_KINFLT_set_all, SIMULATION_TYPE_KIN
+  type(bc_kinflt_type), allocatable, save :: faults(:)
+  !Number of time steps defined by the user : NTOUT
+  integer, save :: NTOUT,NSNAP
+  logical, save :: SIMULATION_TYPE_KIN = .false.
+  public :: BC_KINFLT_init, BC_KINFLT_set_all, SIMULATION_TYPE_KIN
@@ -190,7 +150,7 @@
     bc%v_kin_t1 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
     bc%v_kin_t2 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
-    call init_dataT(bc%dataT,bc%coord,bc%nglob,NT,iflt)
+    call init_dataT(bc%dataT,bc%coord,bc%nglob,NT,dt,7,iflt)
     call init_dataXZ(bc%dataXZ,bc%nglob)
@@ -323,7 +283,7 @@
     !-- OUTPUTS --
     ! write dataT every NTOUT time steps or at the end of simulation
-    if ( mod(it,NTOUT) == 0 .or. it==NSTEP) call SCEC_write_dataT(bc%dataT,bc%dt,it)
+    if ( mod(it,NTOUT) == 0 .or. it==NSTEP) call SCEC_write_dataT(bc%dataT,it)
     ! write dataXZ every NSNAP time steps
     ! if ( mod(it,NSNAP) == 0) call write_dataXZ(bc,it,iflt)
@@ -390,225 +350,4 @@
 end subroutine load_vslip_snapshots
-subroutine init_dataT(DataT,coord,nglob,NT,iflt)
-  use specfem_par, only : NPROC,myrank
-  ! NT = total number of time steps
-  integer, intent(in) :: nglob,NT,iflt
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(in) :: coord(3,nglob)
-  type (dataT_type), intent(out) :: DataT
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: xtarget,ytarget,ztarget,dist,distkeep
-  integer :: i, iglob , IIN, ier, jflt, np, k
-  character(len=70) :: tmpname
-  integer :: ipoin, ipoin_local, iproc
-  !  1. read fault output coordinates from user file, 
-  !  2. define iglob: the fault global index of the node nearest to user
-  !     requested coordinate
-  IIN = 251
-  open(IIN,file='DATA/FAULT_STATIONS',status='old',action='read',iostat=ier)
-  read(IIN,*) np
-  DataT%npoin =0
-  do i=1,np
-    read(IIN,*) xtarget,ytarget,ztarget,tmpname,jflt
-    if (jflt==iflt) DataT%npoin = DataT%npoin +1
-  enddo
-  close(IIN)
-  if (DataT%npoin == 0) return
-  allocate(DataT%iglob(DataT%npoin))
-  allocate(DataT%name(DataT%npoin))
-  allocate(DataT%dist(DataT%npoin)) !Surendra : for parallel fault
-  open(IIN,file='DATA/FAULT_STATIONS',status='old',action='read',iostat=ier)
-  if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error opening FAULT_STATIONS file'
-  read(IIN,*) np
-  k = 0
-  do i=1,np
-    read(IIN,*) xtarget,ytarget,ztarget,tmpname,jflt
-    if (jflt/=iflt) cycle
-    k = k+1
-    DataT%name(k) = tmpname
-    !search nearest node
-    distkeep = huge(distkeep)
-    do iglob=1,nglob
-      dist = sqrt((coord(1,iglob)-xtarget)**2   &
-           + (coord(2,iglob)-ytarget)**2 &
-           + (coord(3,iglob)-ztarget)**2)  
-      if (dist < distkeep) then
-        distkeep = dist
-        DataT%iglob(k) = iglob   
-      endif
-    enddo
-    DataT%dist(k) = distkeep !Surendra : for parallel fault
-  enddo
- !Surendra : for parallel fault
-  if (PARALLEL_FAULT) then
-    allocate(DataT%islice(DataT%npoin)) 
-    allocate(DataT%iglob_all(DataT%npoin,0:NPROC-1))
-    allocate(DataT%dist_all(DataT%npoin,0:NPROC-1))
-    call gather_all_i(DataT%iglob,DataT%npoin,DataT%iglob_all,DataT%npoin,NPROC)
-    call gather_all_cr(DataT%dist,DataT%npoin,DataT%dist_all,DataT%npoin,NPROC)
-    if(myrank==0) then
-      do ipoin = 1,DataT%npoin
-        iproc = minloc(DataT%dist_all(ipoin,:), 1) - 1
-        DataT%islice(ipoin) = iproc
-        DataT%iglob(ipoin) = DataT%iglob_all(ipoin,iproc)
-      enddo
-    endif
-    call bcast_all_i(DataT%islice,DataT%npoin)
-    call bcast_all_i(DataT%iglob,DataT%npoin)
-    DataT%npoin_local = 0
-    do ipoin = 1,DataT%npoin
-      if(myrank == DataT%islice(ipoin)) DataT%npoin_local = DataT%npoin_local + 1
-    enddo
-    allocate(DataT%glob_indx(DataT%npoin_local)) 
-    do ipoin = 1,DataT%npoin
-      if(myrank == DataT%islice(ipoin)) then
-        ipoin_local = ipoin_local + 1
-        DataT%glob_indx(ipoin_local) = ipoin
-      endif
-    enddo
-  else
-    DataT%npoin_local = DataT%npoin
-  endif !Parallel_fault
-  !  3. allocate arrays and set to zero
-  allocate(DataT%d1(NT,DataT%npoin))
-  allocate(DataT%v1(NT,DataT%npoin))
-  allocate(DataT%t1(NT,DataT%npoin))
-  allocate(DataT%d2(NT,DataT%npoin))
-  allocate(DataT%v2(NT,DataT%npoin))
-  allocate(DataT%t2(NT,DataT%npoin))
-  allocate(DataT%t3(NT,DataT%npoin))
-  DataT%d1 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
-  DataT%v1 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
-  DataT%t1 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
-  DataT%d2 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
-  DataT%v2 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
-  DataT%t2 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
-  DataT%t3 = 0e0_CUSTOM_REAL
-  close(IIN)
-end subroutine init_dataT
-subroutine store_dataT(dataT,d,v,t,itime)
-  type(dataT_type), intent(inout) :: dataT
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: d,v,t
-  integer, intent(in) :: itime
-  integer :: i,k,ipoin
-  do ipoin=1,dataT%npoin_local
-    if (PARALLEL_FAULT) then
-      i = DataT%glob_indx(ipoin)
-    else
-      i = ipoin
-    endif
-    k = dataT%iglob(i)
-    dataT%d1(itime,i) = d(1,k)
-    dataT%d2(itime,i) = d(2,k)
-    dataT%v1(itime,i) = v(1,k)
-    dataT%v2(itime,i) = v(2,k)
-    dataT%t1(itime,i) = t(1,k)
-    dataT%t2(itime,i) = t(2,k)
-    dataT%t3(itime,i) = t(3,k)
-  enddo
-end subroutine store_dataT
-subroutine write_dataT_all(nt)
-  integer, intent(in) :: nt
-  integer :: i
-  if (.not.allocated(faults)) return
-  do i = 1,size(faults)
-    call SCEC_write_dataT(faults(i)%dataT,faults(i)%dt,nt)
-  enddo
-end subroutine write_dataT_all
-subroutine SCEC_write_dataT(dataT,DT,NT)
-  type(dataT_type), intent(in) :: dataT
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), intent(in) :: DT
-  integer, intent(in) :: NT
-  integer   :: i,k,IOUT,ipoin
-  character :: NTchar*5
-  integer ::  today(3), now(3)
-  call idate(today)   ! today(1)=day, (2)=month, (3)=year
-  call itime(now)     ! now(1)=hour, (2)=minute, (3)=second
-  IOUT = 121 !WARNING: not very robust. Could instead look for an available ID
-  write(NTchar,1) NT
-  NTchar = adjustl(NTchar)
-1 format(I5)  
-  do ipoin=1,dataT%npoin_local
-    if (PARALLEL_FAULT) then
-      i = DataT%glob_indx(ipoin)
-    else
-      i = ipoin
-    endif
-    open(IOUT,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//trim(dataT%name(i))//'.dat',status='replace')
-    write(IOUT,*) "# problem=Kinmeatic solver"
-    write(IOUT,*) "# author=Surendra Nadh Somala"
-    write(IOUT,1000) today(2), today(1), today(3), now
-    write(IOUT,*) "# code=SPECFEM3D_SESAME (split nodes)"
-    write(IOUT,*) "# code_version=1.1"
-    write(IOUT,*) "# element_size=100 m  (*5 GLL nodes)"
-    write(IOUT,*) "# time_step=",DT
-    write(IOUT,*) "# location=",trim(dataT%name(i))
-    write(IOUT,*) "# Column #1 = Time (s)"
-    write(IOUT,*) "# Column #2 = horizontal right-lateral slip (m)"
-    write(IOUT,*) "# Column #3 = horizontal right-lateral slip rate (m/s)"
-    write(IOUT,*) "# Column #4 = horizontal right-lateral shear stress (MPa)"
-    write(IOUT,*) "# Column #5 = vertical up-dip slip (m)"
-    write(IOUT,*) "# Column #6 = vertical up-dip slip rate (m/s)"
-    write(IOUT,*) "# Column #7 = vertical up-dip shear stress (MPa)"
-    write(IOUT,*) "# Column #8 = normal stress (MPa)"
-    write(IOUT,*) "#"
-    write(IOUT,*) "# The line below lists the names of the data fields:"
-    write(IOUT,*) "t h-slip h-slip-rate h-shear-stress v-slip v-slip-rate v-shear-stress n-stress"
-    write(IOUT,*) "#"
-     do k=1,NT
-       write(IOUT,'(8(E15.7))') k*DT, dataT%d1(k,i), dataT%v1(k,i), dataT%t1(k,i)/1.0e6_CUSTOM_REAL, &
-          -dataT%d2(k,i), -dataT%v2(k,i), -dataT%t2(k,i)/1.0e6_CUSTOM_REAL, &
-           dataT%t3(k,i)/1.0e6_CUSTOM_REAL
-      enddo
-    close(IOUT)
-1000 format ( ' # Date = ', i2.2, '/', i2.2, '/', i4.4, '; time = ',i2.2, ':', i2.2, ':', i2.2 )
-  enddo
-end subroutine SCEC_write_dataT
 end module fault_solver_kinematic

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