[cig-commits] r20657 - seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/utils/Cubit_or_Gmsh_export

dkomati1 at geodynamics.org dkomati1 at geodynamics.org
Sat Sep 1 10:07:36 PDT 2012

Author: dkomati1
Date: 2012-09-01 10:07:36 -0700 (Sat, 01 Sep 2012)
New Revision: 20657

added Thomas Curtelin's script to convert 3D Gmsh meshes to SPECFEM3D format

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/utils/Cubit_or_Gmsh_export/gmsh2specfem3d.py
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/utils/Cubit_or_Gmsh_export/gmsh2specfem3d.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/utils/Cubit_or_Gmsh_export/gmsh2specfem3d.py	2012-09-01 17:07:36 UTC (rev 20657)
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+#     GMSH mesh convertion for SPECFEM3D
+#     by Thomas CURTELIN
+#       Centrale Marseille, France, July 2012
+#     Based on Paul Cristini's equivalent script for 2D meshes
+#     /!\ IMPORTANT REMARKS /!\
+#     - Only first order hexahedral 3D-elements are handled by this script
+#     - Boundary 2D-elements must thus be first order quadrangles
+#     - "xmax", "xmin", "ymax", "ymin", "top" and "bottom" boundaries must be defined as physical surfaces in GMSH
+#     - Propagation media "M1", "M2", ... must be defined as physical volumes in GMSH
+import sys, string, time
+from os.path import splitext, isfile
+    from numpy import *
+except ImportError:
+    print "error: package python-numpy is not installed"
+#     Save file function (ASCII format)
+def SauvFicSpecfem(Ng, Ct, Var, Fv):
+    # Ng is the name of the file to be written
+    # Ct is the number of lines to read
+    # Var is the name of the variable containing data to be written
+    # Fv is data format (%i for indexes and %f for coordinates)
+    savetxt(Ng,(Ct,), fmt='%i')
+    fd = open(Ng,'a')
+    savetxt(fd, Var, fmt=Fv, delimiter=' ')
+    fd.close()
+    return
+#     Read mesh function
+def OuvreGmsh(Dir,Nom):
+      #   Get mesh name
+      if splitext(Nom)[-1]=='.msh':
+            fic=Nom
+      elif splitext(Nom)[-1]=='':
+            fic=Nom+'.msh'
+      else:
+            print 'File extension is not correct'
+            print 'script aborted'
+            sys.exit()
+      #
+      # Open the file and get the lines
+      ####################################################
+      f = file(Dir+fic,'r')
+      lignes= f.readlines()
+      f.close()
+      # Locate information (elements, nodes and physical entities)
+      ####################################################
+      for ii in range(len(lignes)):
+            if lignes[ii]=='$Nodes\n': PosNodes=ii
+            if lignes[ii]=='$PhysicalNames\n': PosPhys=ii
+            if lignes[ii]=='$Elements\n':
+                  PosElem=ii
+                  break
+      # Element type : second order ONLY
+      # 2D elt = 4-node quadrangle : GMSH flag = 3
+      # 3D elt = 8-node hexahedron : GMSH flag = 5
+      # cf. GMSH documentation available online
+      ####################################################
+      Ngnod, surfElem, volElem = 4, 3, 5
+      len2D, len3D = 4, 8                       #     number of nodes per element according to type
+      ###################################################
+      ###################################################
+      #   Get physical surfaces names (borders) and physical volumes names (propagation volumes)
+      NbPhysNames = int(string.split(lignes[PosPhys+1])[0])
+      # Variable type
+      dt = dtype([('dimension',int), ('zone', int), ('name', str, 16)])
+      PhysCar=zeros((NbPhysNames,), dtype=dt)
+      for Ip in range(NbPhysNames):
+            Dim = int(string.split(lignes[PosPhys+2+Ip])[0])    #   2D or 3D
+            Zon = int(string.split(lignes[PosPhys+2+Ip])[1])    #   Physical number
+            Nam = string.split(lignes[PosPhys+2+Ip])[2][1:-1]   #   Name (xmax, xmin ...)
+            PhysCar[Ip] = (Dim, Zon, Nam)                       #   Sorting data
+            if Nam == 'xmax':
+                  Bord_xmax=Zon
+            if Nam == 'xmin':
+                  Bord_xmin=Zon
+            if Nam == 'ymin':
+                  Bord_ymax=Zon
+            if Nam == 'ymax':
+                  Bord_ymin=Zon
+            if Nam == 'bottom':
+                  Bord_bottom=Zon
+            if Nam == 'top' :
+                  Bord_top=Zon
+      ###################################################
+      print 'Physical Names', PhysCar
+      ###################################################
+      # GMSH file info
+      ####################################################
+      Ver=float(string.split(lignes[1])[0])
+      File_Type=int(string.split(lignes[1])[1])
+      Data_Size=int(string.split(lignes[1])[2])
+      ####################################################
+      # Nodes
+      ####################################################
+      NbNodes=int(string.split(lignes[PosNodes+1])[0])    #   Total number of nodes
+      print 'Number of nodes: ',NbNodes
+      Nodes=zeros((NbNodes,4),dtype=float)                #   Array receiving nodes index and coordinates
+      for Ninc in range(NbNodes):
+            Nodes[Ninc][0] = int(Ninc+1)
+            Nodes[Ninc][1:4] = [float(val) for val in (string.split(lignes[PosNodes+2+Ninc])[1:4])]
+      # Save in SPECFEM file format
+      ####################################################
+      SauvFicSpecfem('nodes_coords_file', NbNodes, Nodes, ['%i','%.9f','%.9f','%.9f'])
+      ####################################################
+      # Elements
+      ####################################################
+      NbElements=int(string.split(lignes[PosElem+1])[0])      #   Total number of elements
+      #   Initializing arrays
+      Elements        = empty((NbElements,len3D+1),dtype=int)   #   3D elements
+      Milieu          = empty((NbElements,2),dtype=int)       #   Media index
+      Elements3DBord  = empty((NbElements),dtype=int)         #   Volume element next to borders
+      Elements2D      = empty((NbElements,len2D),dtype=int)   #   Surface elements (borders)
+      #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      Elements2DBordTop       = empty((NbElements,len2D),dtype=int)
+      Elements2DBordBottom    = empty((NbElements,len2D),dtype=int)
+      Elements3DBordTop       = zeros((NbElements,len2D+1),dtype=int)
+      Elements3DBordBottom    = zeros((NbElements,len2D+1),dtype=int)
+      Elements2DBordxmin      = empty((NbElements,len2D),dtype=int)
+      Elements2DBordxmax      = empty((NbElements,len2D),dtype=int)
+      Elements3DBordxmin      = zeros((NbElements,len2D+1),dtype=int)
+      Elements3DBordxmax      = zeros((NbElements,len2D+1),dtype=int)
+      Elements2DBordymin      = empty((NbElements,len2D),dtype=int)
+      Elements2DBordymax      = empty((NbElements,len2D),dtype=int)
+      Elements3DBordymin      = zeros((NbElements,len2D+1),dtype=int)
+      Elements3DBordymax      = zeros((NbElements,len2D+1),dtype=int)
+      #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      # Initializing run through elements (surfaces and volumes)
+      Ninc2D, Ninc3D = 0, 0
+      # Initializing run through boundaries
+      Ninc2DBordTop, Ninc2DBordBottom, Ninc2DBordxmax, Ninc2DBordxmin, Ninc2DBordymax, Ninc2DBordymin, = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+      print 'Number of elements: ', NbElements
+      for Ninc in range(NbElements):
+            #   Line position
+            Pos = PosElem+Ninc+2
+            #   Element type position on line
+            TypElem = int(string.split(lignes[Pos])[1])
+            #   Physical entity number position on line
+            ZonP    = int(string.split(lignes[Pos])[3])
+            # Initializing material index for Materials_file
+            Milieu[Ninc3D]= 1
+            #       First case : Surface element
+            if TypElem==surfElem:
+                  #   Get nodes indexes of the surface element
+                  Elements2D[Ninc2D] = [int(val) for val in (string.split(lignes[Pos])[6:])]
+                  # Choosing boundary
+                  if ZonP==Bord_xmax:
+                        Elements2DBordxmax[Ninc2DBordxmax] = Elements2D[Ninc2D]
+                        Ninc2DBordxmax+=1
+                  if ZonP==Bord_xmin:
+                        Elements2DBordxmin[Ninc2DBordxmin] = Elements2D[Ninc2D]
+                        Ninc2DBordxmin+=1
+                  if ZonP==Bord_ymax:
+                        Elements2DBordymax[Ninc2DBordymax] = Elements2D[Ninc2D]
+                        Ninc2DBordymax+=1
+                  if ZonP==Bord_ymin:
+                        Elements2DBordymin[Ninc2DBordymin] = Elements2D[Ninc2D]
+                        Ninc2DBordymin+=1
+                  if ZonP==Bord_top:
+                        Elements2DBordTop[Ninc2DBordTop] = Elements2D[Ninc2D]
+                        Ninc2DBordTop+=1
+                  if ZonP==Bord_bottom:
+                        Elements2DBordBottom[Ninc2DBordBottom] = Elements2D[Ninc2D]
+                        Ninc2DBordBottom+=1
+                  Ninc2D+=1
+                #       Second case : Volume element
+            elif TypElem==volElem:
+                  Elements[Ninc3D,0] = Ninc3D+1
+                  Elements[Ninc3D,1:]= [int(val) for val in (string.split(lignes[Pos])[6:])]
+                  Milieu[Ninc3D,0] = Ninc3D+1
+                  Milieu[Ninc3D,1] = ZonP-6
+                  Ninc3D+=1
+            else:
+                  print "ERROR : wrong element type flag (3 or 5 only)"
+                #       Reduce arrays (exclude zeros elements)
+      Elements                =   Elements[:Ninc3D,:]
+      Milieu                  =   Milieu[:Ninc3D,:]
+      Elements2D              =   Elements2D[:Ninc2D,:]
+      Elements2DBordxmin      =   Elements2DBordxmin[:Ninc2DBordxmin,:]
+      Elements2DBordxmax      =   Elements2DBordxmax[:Ninc2DBordxmax,:]
+      Elements2DBordymin      =   Elements2DBordymin[:Ninc2DBordymin,:]
+      Elements2DBordymax      =   Elements2DBordymax[:Ninc2DBordymax,:]
+      Elements2DBordTop       =   Elements2DBordTop[:Ninc2DBordTop,:]
+      Elements2DBordBottom    =   Elements2DBordBottom[:Ninc2DBordBottom,:]
+      # Get nodes from 2D boundary elements
+      Elements2DBordFlat=ravel(Elements2D)
+      NodesBordC=set(Elements2DBordFlat)
+      #-------------------------------------------------------
+      NodesBordxmax   = set(ravel(Elements2DBordxmax))
+      NodesBordxmin   = set(ravel(Elements2DBordxmin))
+      NodesBordymax   = set(ravel(Elements2DBordymax))
+      NodesBordymin   = set(ravel(Elements2DBordxmin))
+      NodesBordTop    = set(ravel(Elements2DBordTop))
+      NodesBordBottom = set(ravel(Elements2DBordBottom))
+      #-------------------------------------------------------
+      ctBord=0
+      ctxmax, ctxmin, ctymax, ctymin, ctt, ctb = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+      for Ct3D in xrange(Ninc3D):
+            #   Test if 3D element contains nodes on boundary
+            nodes3DcurrentElement = set(Elements[Ct3D,1:])
+            if not set.isdisjoint(nodes3DcurrentElement, NodesBordC):   #   True if there is nodes in common
+                #   Choose boundary
+                  if not set.isdisjoint(nodes3DcurrentElement, NodesBordxmax):
+                                #   Nodes in common between 3D current element and boundary
+                        rr = set.intersection(nodes3DcurrentElement, NodesBordxmax)
+                        if len(rr) != 4:
+                              print "WARNING : wrong 2D boundary element type : ONLY QUADRANGLES"
+                              print "Size of wrong intersection :"+str(len(rr))
+                              print "Nodes :"
+                              print rr
+                              sys.exit()
+                        else:
+                              el = concatenate(([Ct3D+1], list(rr)))
+                              Elements3DBordxmax[ctxmax,:] = el
+                              ctxmax+=1
+              if not set.isdisjoint(nodes3DcurrentElement, NodesBordxmin):
+                        rr = set.intersection(nodes3DcurrentElement, NodesBordxmin)
+                        if len(rr) != 4:
+                              print "WARNING : wrong 2D boundary element type : ONLY QUADRANGLES"
+                              print "Size of wrong intersection :"+str(len(rr))
+                              print "Nodes :"
+                              print rr
+                              sys.exit()
+                        else:
+                              el = concatenate(([Ct3D+1], list(rr)))
+                              Elements3DBordxmin[ctxmin,:] = el
+                              ctxmin+=1
+              if not set.isdisjoint(nodes3DcurrentElement, NodesBordymax):
+                        rr = set.intersection(nodes3DcurrentElement, NodesBordymax)
+                        if len(rr) != 4:
+                              print "WARNING : wrong 2D boundary element type : ONLY QUADRANGLES"
+                              print "Size of wrong intersection :"+str(len(rr))
+                              print "Nodes :"
+                              print rr
+                              sys.exit()
+                        else:
+                              el = concatenate(([Ct3D+1], list(rr)))
+                              Elements3DBordymax[ctymax,:] = el
+                              ctymax+=1
+              if not set.isdisjoint(nodes3DcurrentElement, NodesBordymin):
+                        rr = set.intersection(nodes3DcurrentElement, NodesBordymin)
+                        if len(rr) != 4:
+                              print "WARNING : wrong 2D boundary element type : ONLY QUADRANGLES"
+                              print "Size of wrong intersection :"+str(len(rr))
+                              print "Nodes :"
+                              print rr
+                              sys.exit()
+                        else:
+                              el = concatenate(([Ct3D+1], list(rr)))
+                              Elements3DBordymin[ctymin,:] = el
+                              ctymin+=1
+              if not set.isdisjoint(nodes3DcurrentElement, NodesBordTop):
+                        rr = set.intersection(nodes3DcurrentElement, NodesBordTop)
+                        if len(rr) != 4:
+                              print "WARNING : wrong 2D boundary element type : ONLY QUADRANGLES"
+                              print "Size of wrong intersection :"+str(len(rr))
+                              print "Nodes :"
+                              print rr
+                              sys.exit()
+                        else:
+                              el = concatenate(([Ct3D+1], list(rr)))
+                              Elements3DBordTop[ctt,:] = el
+                              ctt+=1
+              if not set.isdisjoint(nodes3DcurrentElement, NodesBordBottom):
+                        rr = set.intersection(nodes3DcurrentElement, NodesBordBottom)
+                        if len(rr) != 4:
+                              print "WARNING : wrong 2D boundary element type : ONLY QUADRANGLES"
+                              print "Size of wrong intersection :"+str(len(rr))
+                              print "Nodes :"
+                              print rr
+                              sys.exit()
+                        else:
+                              el = concatenate(([Ct3D+1], list(rr)))
+                              Elements3DBordBottom[ctb,:] = el
+                              ctb+=1
+      #       Reducing arrays (exclude zeros elements)
+      Elements3DBord=Elements3DBord[:ctBord]
+      #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      Elements3DBordTop   = Elements3DBordTop[:ctt,:]
+      Elements3DBordxmax    = Elements3DBordxmax[:ctxmax,:]
+      Elements3DBordxmin    = Elements3DBordxmin[:ctxmin,:]
+      Elements3DBordymax = Elements3DBordymax[:ctymax,:]
+      Elements3DBordymin  = Elements3DBordymin[:ctymin,:]
+      Elements3DBordBottom   = Elements3DBordBottom[:ctb,:]
+      #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      # Save in SPECFEM file format
+      SauvFicSpecfem('mesh_file', Ninc3D, Elements, '%i')
+      #
+      savetxt('materials_file',Milieu, fmt='%i')
+      #
+      SauvFicSpecfem('free_surface_file', ctt, Elements3DBordTop, '%i')
+      #
+      SauvFicSpecfem('absorbing_surface_file_xmax', ctxmax, Elements3DBordxmax, '%i')
+      #
+      SauvFicSpecfem('absorbing_surface_file_xmin', ctxmin, Elements3DBordxmin, '%i')
+      #
+      SauvFicSpecfem('absorbing_surface_file_ymax', ctymax, Elements3DBordymax, '%i')
+      #
+      SauvFicSpecfem('absorbing_surface_file_ymin', ctymin, Elements3DBordymin, '%i')
+      #
+      SauvFicSpecfem('absorbing_surface_file_bottom', ctb, Elements3DBordBottom, '%i')
+      return
+if __name__=='__main__':
+    set_printoptions(precision=6, threshold=None, edgeitems=None, linewidth=200, suppress=None, nanstr=None, infstr=None)
+    #
+    Fic = sys.argv[1];                          del sys.argv[1]
+    #
+    OuvreGmsh('',Fic)

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