[cig-commits] r20783 - in seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db: decompose_mesh_SCOTCH src

ampuero at geodynamics.org ampuero at geodynamics.org
Wed Sep 26 16:15:02 PDT 2012

Author: ampuero
Date: 2012-09-26 16:15:02 -0700 (Wed, 26 Sep 2012)
New Revision: 20783

fixed close_faults, now based on inodes; some clean up

Modified: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH.f90
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH.f90	2012-09-26 22:01:09 UTC (rev 20782)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH.f90	2012-09-26 23:15:02 UTC (rev 20783)
@@ -83,8 +83,6 @@
   integer :: q_flag,aniso_flag,idomain_id
   double precision :: vp,vs,rho
-  logical, parameter :: PARALLEL_FAULT = .false.
@@ -391,11 +389,9 @@
     if( nspec2D_moho > 0 ) print*, '  nspec2D_moho = ', nspec2D_moho
     call read_fault_files(localpath_name)
-    if (allocated(faults)) then 
+    if (ANY_FAULT) then 
       call save_nodes_coords(nodes_coords,nnodes)
-      call close_faults(nodes_coords,elmnts,nspec,nnodes,esize)    
-      !SNS
-      if (PARALLEL_FAULT) call reorder_fault_elements(nodes_coords,nnodes)
+      call close_faults(nodes_coords,nnodes)    
     end if 
   end subroutine read_mesh_files
@@ -533,11 +529,11 @@
   !                   count_def_mat, mat(1,:) , mat_prop, &
   !                   sup_neighbour, nsize, &
   !                   nparts, part, nfaces_coupled, faces_coupled)
-    if(.not. PARALLEL_FAULT) then 
+    if (PARALLEL_FAULT) then 
+      call fault_repartition_parallel (nspec,part,nodes_coords,nnodes)
+    else
      ! move all fault elements to the same partition (proc=0)
       call fault_repartition (nspec, nnodes, elmnts, nsize, nparts, part, esize)
-    else
-      call fault_repartition_parallel (nspec,part)
   ! re-partitioning puts moho-surface coupled elements into same partition
@@ -655,8 +651,8 @@
-       if (.not. allocated(faults)) cycle 
-          ! write fault database
+       ! write fault database
+       if (ANY_FAULT) then
           write(prname, "(i6.6,'_Database_fault')") ipart
                status='replace', action='write', form='formatted', iostat = ierr)
@@ -666,31 +662,18 @@
             print*,'check if path exists:',outputpath_name(1:len_trim(outputpath_name))
           call write_fault_database(16, ipart, nspec, &
                                     glob2loc_elmnts, glob2loc_nodes_nparts, glob2loc_nodes_parts, &
                                     glob2loc_nodes, part)
-!          close(16)
-         ! write nodes coordinates with fault open crack  
-!          write(prname, "(i6.6,'_Database_fault_nodes')") ipart
-!          open(unit=16,file=outputpath_name(1:len_trim(outputpath_name))//'/proc'//prname,&
-!               status='unknown', action='write', form='formatted', iostat = ierr)
-!          if( ierr /= 0 ) then
-!            print*,'error file open:',outputpath_name(1:len_trim(outputpath_name))//'/proc'//prname
-!            print*
-!            print*,'check if path exists:',outputpath_name(1:len_trim(outputpath_name))
-!            stop 
-!          endif
           write(16,*) nnodes_loc
           call write_glob2loc_nodes_database(16, ipart, nnodes_loc, nodes_coords_open,&
                                   glob2loc_nodes_nparts, glob2loc_nodes_parts, &
                                   glob2loc_nodes, nnodes, 2)
+       endif
     end do
     print*, 'partitions: '
     print*, '  num = ',nparts

Modified: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH/fault_scotch.f90
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH/fault_scotch.f90	2012-09-26 22:01:09 UTC (rev 20782)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/decompose_mesh_SCOTCH/fault_scotch.f90	2012-09-26 23:15:02 UTC (rev 20783)
@@ -12,8 +12,9 @@
   type(fault_type), allocatable, save :: faults(:) 
   double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable, save :: nodes_coords_open
+  logical, save :: ANY_FAULT = .false.
+  logical, parameter :: PARALLEL_FAULT = .false.
   integer, parameter :: long = SELECTED_INT_KIND(18)
   double precision, parameter :: FAULT_GAP_TOLERANCE = 1.0d0 
@@ -21,7 +22,8 @@
                               ! but smaller than the smallest element size
   public :: read_fault_files, fault_repartition, fault_repartition_parallel, close_faults, write_fault_database, &
-            save_nodes_coords, nodes_coords_open, faults, reorder_fault_elements
+            save_nodes_coords, nodes_coords_open, ANY_FAULT, PARALLEL_FAULT
@@ -39,13 +41,14 @@
-  if (nbfaults>0) then
-    allocate(faults(nbfaults))
-    do iflt = 1 , nbfaults 
-     call read_single_fault_file(faults(iflt),iflt,localpath_name)
-    enddo
-  endif
+  ANY_FAULT = (nbfaults>0)
+  if (.not. ANY_FAULT)  return  
+  allocate(faults(nbfaults))
+  do iflt = 1 , nbfaults 
+   call read_single_fault_file(faults(iflt),iflt,localpath_name)
+  enddo
   end subroutine read_fault_files
@@ -68,6 +71,13 @@
   filename = adjustl(filename)
   ! reads fault elements and nodes
+ ! File format: 
+ ! Line 1: 
+ !   number_of_elements_in_side_1   number_of_elements_in_side_2
+ ! Then for all elements that have a face on side 1:
+ !   #id_element #id_global_node1 .. #id_global_node4
+ ! Then the same for side 2.
+ ! Note: element ids start at 1, not 0 (see cubit2specfem3d.py)
   open(unit=101, file=filename, status='old', form='formatted', iostat = ier)
   if( ier /= 0 ) then
     write(6,*) 'Fatal error: file '//filename//' not found' 
@@ -82,11 +92,6 @@
- ! format: 
- ! number of elements side at side 1 and side 2 
- ! #id_(element containing the face) #id_node1_face .. #id_node4_face
- ! First for all faces on side 1, then side 2
- ! Note: element ids start at 1, not 0. Check that in cubit2specfem3d.py
   do e=1,f%nspec
     read(101,*) f%ispec1(e),f%inodes1(:,e)
@@ -119,18 +124,15 @@
 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  subroutine close_faults(nodes_coords,elmnts,nelmnts,nnodes,esize)
+  subroutine close_faults(nodes_coords,nnodes)
-  integer ,intent(in) :: nnodes, esize
-  integer(long), intent(in) :: nelmnts
+  integer, intent(in) :: nnodes
   double precision, dimension(3,nnodes), intent(inout) :: nodes_coords
-  integer, dimension(esize,nelmnts), intent(in) :: elmnts
-  integer  :: iflt
+  integer  :: i
-  do iflt=1,size(faults)
-    call close_fault_single(faults(iflt)%ispec1,faults(iflt)%ispec2,&
-                            elmnts,nodes_coords,nnodes,esize,nelmnts)
+  do i=1,size(faults)
+    call close_fault_single(faults(i),nodes_coords,nnodes)
   end subroutine close_faults
@@ -148,34 +150,30 @@
 !     3. set the coordinates on both sides equal to their average
 !          coords(k1) = 0.5*( coords(k1)+coords(k2) )
 !          coords(k2) = coords(k1)
-  subroutine close_fault_single(ispec1,ispec2,elmnts,nodes_coords,nnodes,esize,nelmnts)
+  subroutine close_fault_single(f,nodes_coords,nnodes)
-  integer ,intent(in)  :: nnodes, esize
-  integer(long), intent(in) :: nelmnts
-  integer, dimension(esize,nelmnts), intent(in) :: elmnts
-  integer , dimension(:), intent(in) :: ispec1,ispec2
-  double precision,dimension(3,nnodes), intent(inout) :: nodes_coords 
+  type(fault_type), intent(in) :: f
+  integer, intent(in)  :: nnodes
+  double precision, dimension(3,nnodes), intent(inout) :: nodes_coords 
-  double precision, dimension(3) :: xyz_1, xyz_2 
-  double precision, dimension(3) :: xyz
+  double precision, dimension(3) :: xyz_1, xyz_2, xyz 
   double precision :: dist
   integer :: iglob1, iglob2, i, j, k1, k2
   logical :: found_it
-  do i = 1,size(ispec2)
-    do k2=1,esize
-      iglob2 = elmnts(k2,ispec2(i))
+  do i = 1,f%nspec
+    do k2=1,4
+      iglob2 = f%inodes2(k2,i)
       found_it = .false.
       xyz_2 = nodes_coords(:,iglob2)
-      do j = 1,size(ispec1)
-        do k1=1,esize
-          iglob1 = elmnts(k1,ispec1(j))
+      do j = 1,f%nspec
+        do k1=1,4
+          iglob1 = f%inodes1(k1,j)
           xyz_1 = nodes_coords(:,iglob1)
           xyz = xyz_2-xyz_1
-          dist = xyz(1)*xyz(1) + xyz(2)*xyz(2) + xyz(3)*xyz(3)
-          dist = sqrt(dist)
+          dist = sqrt(xyz(1)*xyz(1) + xyz(2)*xyz(2) + xyz(3)*xyz(3))
          !jpa: Closing nodes that are already closed is not a problem
          !jpa: I process them again to leave the loop as early as possible
@@ -202,6 +200,9 @@
   end subroutine close_fault_single
+! Lexicographic reordering of fault elements (based on their centroid)
+! to make sure both sides are ordered in the same way
+! and hence elements facing each other have the same index
   subroutine reorder_fault_elements(nodes_coords,nnodes)
   integer, intent(in)  :: nnodes
@@ -430,13 +431,18 @@
   end subroutine fault_repartition
 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  subroutine fault_repartition_parallel (nelmnts, part)
+  subroutine fault_repartition_parallel (nelmnts, part, nodes_coords,nnodes)
   integer(long), intent(in) :: nelmnts
   integer, dimension(0:nelmnts-1), intent(inout) :: part
+  integer, intent(in) :: nnodes
+  double precision,dimension(3,nnodes), intent(in) :: nodes_coords
   integer  :: i,iflt,e,e1,e2,proc1,proc2
+ ! Reorder both fault sides so that elements facing each other have the same index
+  call reorder_fault_elements(nodes_coords,nnodes)
 !JPA loop over all faults 	 
 !JPA loop over all fault element pairs
 !JPA assign both elements to the processor with lowest rank among the pair

Modified: seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_object.f90
--- seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_object.f90	2012-09-26 22:01:09 UTC (rev 20782)
+++ seismo/3D/FAULT_SOURCE/branches/new_fault_db/src/fault_object.f90	2012-09-26 23:15:02 UTC (rev 20783)
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
   integer, save :: nnodes_coords_open
   logical, save :: ANY_FAULT_IN_THIS_PROC = .false.
   logical, save :: ANY_FAULT = .false.
-  logical, save :: PARALLEL_FAULT = .false.
+  logical, parameter :: PARALLEL_FAULT = .false.
   ! corners indices of reference cube faces
   integer,dimension(3,4),parameter :: iface1_corner_ijk = &

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