hejunzhu at geodynamics.org hejunzhu at geodynamics.org
Fri Sep 28 08:38:06 PDT 2012

Author: hejunzhu
Date: 2012-09-28 08:38:06 -0700 (Fri, 28 Sep 2012)
New Revision: 20790


@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X01_SRC_SUM_KERNELS/exit_mpi.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X01_SRC_SUM_KERNELS/exit_mpi.f90	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  3 . 6
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!                 Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!    Seismological Laboratory - California Institute of Technology
+!       (c) California Institute of Technology September 2006
+!    A signed non-commercial agreement is required to use this program.
+!   Please check http://www.gps.caltech.edu/research/jtromp for details.
+!           Free for non-commercial academic research ONLY.
+!      This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY whatsoever.
+!      Do not redistribute this program without written permission.
+! end the simulation and exit MPI
+! version with rank number printed in the error message
+  subroutine exit_MPI(myrank,error_msg)
+  implicit none
+! standard include of the MPI library
+  include 'mpif.h'
+  include "../XHEADER_FILES/constants.h"
+! identifier for error message file
+  integer, parameter :: IERROR = 30
+  integer myrank
+  character(len=*) error_msg
+  integer ier
+  character(len=80) outputname
+! write error message to screen
+  write(*,*) error_msg(1:len(error_msg))
+  write(*,*) 'Error detected, aborting MPI... proc ',myrank
+! write error message to file
+  write(outputname,"('OUTPUT_FILES/error_message',i6.6,'.txt')") myrank
+  open(unit=IERROR,file=trim(outputname),status='unknown')
+  write(IERROR,*) error_msg(1:len(error_msg))
+  write(IERROR,*) 'Error detected, aborting MPI... proc ',myrank
+  close(IERROR)
+! stop all the MPI processes, and exit
+! on some machines, MPI_FINALIZE needs to be called before MPI_ABORT
+  call MPI_FINALIZE(ier)
+  call MPI_ABORT(ier)
+  stop 'error, program ended in exit_MPI'
+  end subroutine exit_MPI

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X01_SRC_SUM_KERNELS/sum_kernels.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X01_SRC_SUM_KERNELS/sum_kernels.f90	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+! This subroutine is used to sum all event kernels to get misfit kernels 
+! Last modified: Fri Sep 14 08:50:36 EDT 2012
+program sum_kernels
+  implicit none 
+  include 'mpif.h' 
+  include '../XHEADER_FILES/constants.h'
+  include '../XHEADER_FILES/values_from_mesher.h' 
+  integer,parameter:: NSPEC=NSPEC_CRUST_MANTLE 
+  integer,parameter:: NKERNEL=6    !bulk_betah, bulk_betav, bulk_c, eta 
+  integer:: myrank, sizeprocs,ier 
+  integer:: ios,nevent,ievent,iker 
+  character(len=350):: eventid,line,kernel_file,input_dir,output_dir 
+  character(len=150):: event_list(1000), kernel_name(NKERNEL) 
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC):: kernel,total_kernel 
+  call MPI_INIT(ier)
+  call MPI_COMM_SIZE(MPI_COMM_WORLD,sizeprocs,ier)
+  call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD,myrank,ier) 
+  call getarg(1,input_dir) 
+  call getarg(2,output_dir)
+  call getarg(3,eventid) 
+  if (trim(input_dir) == '' & 
+     .or. trim(output_dir) == '' & 
+     .or. trim(eventid) == '' ) then 
+     call exit_MPI(myrank,'USAGE: xsum_kernels input_dir output_dir eventid')
+  end if 
+  if (myrank == 0) then 
+     write(*,*) 'INPUT DIRECTION:',input_dir 
+     write(*,*) 'OUTPUT DIRECTION:',output_dir 
+     write(*,*) 'INPUT EVENTFILE:',eventid 
+  end if 
+  kernel_name=(/"reg1_bulk_betah_kernel","reg1_bulk_betav_kernel","reg1_bulk_c_kernel","reg1_eta_kernel","reg1_rho_kernel","reg1_hess_kernel"/) 
+  nevent=0 
+  open(unit=1001,file=trim(eventid),status='old',iostat=ios) 
+  if ( ios /= 0 ) then 
+     print*, 'ERROR OPENING', trim(eventid)
+     stop 
+  end if 
+  do while ( 1 == 1) 
+     read(1001,'(a)',iostat=ios) line 
+     if ( ios /=0) exit
+     nevent=nevent+1 
+     event_list(nevent)=line 
+  end do 
+  close(1001) 
+  do iker=1,NKERNEL 
+     total_kernel=0.
+     do ievent=1,nevent 
+        if (myrank==0) write(*,*) 'READING IN EVENT KERNEL:',trim(kernel_name(iker)),' FOR ',trim(event_list(ievent)) 
+        write(kernel_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(input_dir)//'/'//trim(event_list(ievent))//'/KERNEL/'//'proc',myrank,'_'//trim(kernel_name(iker))//'.bin' 
+        open(unit=1002,file=trim(kernel_file),status='old',form='unformatted')
+        read(1002) kernel(:,:,:,1:NSPEC) 
+        close(1002)
+        ! sum ther kernel
+        if (iker == 6 ) then ! for hessian , sum the absolute value 
+           total_kernel(:,:,:,1:NSPEC)=total_kernel(:,:,:,1:NSPEC) + abs(kernel(:,:,:,1:NSPEC))
+        else 
+           total_kernel(:,:,:,1:NSPEC)=total_kernel(:,:,:,1:NSPEC) + kernel(:,:,:,1:NSPEC)
+        end if 
+     end do 
+     if (myrank==0) write(*,*) 'WRITING MISFIT KERNELS:',trim(kernel_name(iker))
+     write(kernel_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(output_dir)//'/proc',myrank,'_'//trim(kernel_name(iker))//'.bin'
+     open(1002,file=trim(kernel_file),form='unformatted')
+     write(1002) total_kernel(:,:,:,1:NSPEC)
+     close(1002) 
+  end do
+  if (myrank==0) write(*,*) 'done summing all the kernels' 
+  call MPI_FINALIZE(ier) 
+end program sum_kernels

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X01_SRC_SUM_KERNELS/xcompile.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X01_SRC_SUM_KERNELS/xcompile.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Author: Hejun Zhu, hejunzhu at princeton.edu
+# Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
+# Last modified: Fri Sep 14 10:46:40 EDT 2012
+if [ ! -f ../XHEADER_FILES/constants.h ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO constants.h in XHEADER_FILES
+	exit 
+if [ ! -f ../XHEADER_FILES/values_from_mesher.h ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! values_from_mesher.h in XHEADER_FILES
+	exit
+mpif90 -O3 -o xsum_kernels sum_kernels.f90 exit_mpi.f90 

Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X01_SRC_SUM_KERNELS/xpbs_sum_kernels.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X01_SRC_SUM_KERNELS/xpbs_sum_kernels.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#PBS -q tromp
+#PBS -l nodes=13:ppn=8
+#PBS -l walltime=15:00:00
+#PBS -j oe
+#PBS -k oe
+#PBS -o sum_kernels.log
+# checking directories 
+if [ ! -d $input_dir ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $inputdir 
+	exit
+if [ ! -f $eventid ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $eventid 
+	exit
+# making directories 
+if [ ! -d $output_dir ]; then 
+	echo MKDIR $output_dir 
+	mkdir $output_dir 
+echo submit summing kernels 
+mpiexec -np 100 ./xsum_kernels $input_dir $output_dir $eventid  
+echo done successfully 

(Binary files differ)

Name: svn:executable
   + *
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X02_SRC_PRECOND_KERNELS/exit_mpi.f90	                        (rev 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  3 . 6
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!                 Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!    Seismological Laboratory - California Institute of Technology
+!       (c) California Institute of Technology September 2006
+!    A signed non-commercial agreement is required to use this program.
+!   Please check http://www.gps.caltech.edu/research/jtromp for details.
+!           Free for non-commercial academic research ONLY.
+!      This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY whatsoever.
+!      Do not redistribute this program without written permission.
+! end the simulation and exit MPI
+! version with rank number printed in the error message
+  subroutine exit_MPI(myrank,error_msg)
+  implicit none
+! standard include of the MPI library
+  include 'mpif.h'
+  include "../../SHARE_FILES/constants.h"
+! identifier for error message file
+  integer, parameter :: IERROR = 30
+  integer myrank
+  character(len=*) error_msg
+  integer ier
+  character(len=80) outputname
+! write error message to screen
+  write(*,*) error_msg(1:len(error_msg))
+  write(*,*) 'Error detected, aborting MPI... proc ',myrank
+! write error message to file
+  write(outputname,"('OUTPUT_FILES/error_message',i6.6,'.txt')") myrank
+  open(unit=IERROR,file=trim(outputname),status='unknown')
+  write(IERROR,*) error_msg(1:len(error_msg))
+  write(IERROR,*) 'Error detected, aborting MPI... proc ',myrank
+  close(IERROR)
+! stop all the MPI processes, and exit
+! on some machines, MPI_FINALIZE needs to be called before MPI_ABORT
+  call MPI_FINALIZE(ier)
+  call MPI_ABORT(ier)
+  stop 'error, program ended in exit_MPI'
+  end subroutine exit_MPI

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X02_SRC_PRECOND_KERNELS/precond_kernels.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X02_SRC_PRECOND_KERNELS/precond_kernels.f90	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+! This program is used to precondtion misfit kernels 
+! Last modified: Fri Sep 14 10:35:58 EDT 2012
+program precond_kernels
+  implicit none 
+  include 'mpif.h' 
+  include '../../SHARE_FILES/constants.h'
+  include '../../SHARE_FILES/values_from_mesher.h' 
+  include '../../SHARE_FILES/precision.h'
+  integer,parameter:: NSPEC=NSPEC_CRUST_MANTLE 
+  integer,parameter:: NKERNEL=4    !bulk_betah, bulk_betav, bulk_c, eta 
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),parameter:: THRESHOLD_HESS=5.e-4 
+  integer:: myrank, sizeprocs,ier 
+  integer:: ios,iker 
+  character(len=350):: kernel_file,hess_file,input_dir 
+  character(len=150):: kernel_name(NKERNEL) 
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC):: kernel,hess,kernel_precond
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL):: maxh,maxh_all
+  call MPI_INIT(ier)
+  call MPI_COMM_SIZE(MPI_COMM_WORLD,sizeprocs,ier)
+  call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD,myrank,ier) 
+  call getarg(1,input_dir) 
+  if (trim(input_dir) == '' ) then 
+     call exit_MPI(myrank,'USAGE: xprecond_kernels input_dir') 
+  end if 
+  if (myrank == 0) then 
+  end if 
+  kernel_name=(/"reg1_bulk_betah_kernel","reg1_bulk_betav_kernel","reg1_bulk_c_kernel","reg1_eta_kernel"/) 
+  do iker=1,NKERNEL 
+     kernel_precond=0.
+     hess=0.
+     kernel=0.
+     write(kernel_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(input_dir)//'/proc',myrank,'_'//trim(kernel_name(iker))//'.bin' 
+     write(hess_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(input_dir)//'/proc',myrank,'_reg1_hess_kernel.bin' 
+     if (myrank==0) then  
+        write(*,*) 'READING IN KERNELS:',trim(kernel_name(iker))
+        write(*,*) 'KERNEL FILES:',trim(kernel_file)
+        write(*,*) 'HESSIAN FILES:',trim(hess_file)
+     end if 
+     open(unit=1002,file=trim(kernel_file),status='old',form='unformatted')        
+     read(1002) kernel(:,:,:,1:NSPEC) 
+     close(1002)
+     open(unit=1002,file=trim(hess_file),status='old',form='unformatted')        
+     read(1002) hess(:,:,:,1:NSPEC) 
+     close(1002)
+     maxh=maxval(hess)
+     call mpi_allreduce(maxh,maxh_all,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier) 
+     if ( maxh_all < 1.e-18 ) then 
+          call MPI_ABORT(MPI_COMM_WORLD,30,ier)
+     end if 
+     if (myrank==0) write(*,*) 'MAX HESSIAN FOR ALL PROCESSORS:',maxh_all 
+     ! normalized hess 
+     hess=hess/maxh_all 
+     where(hess(:,:,:,:) > THRESHOLD_HESS ) 
+          hess=1.0_CUSTOM_REAL / hess 
+     elsewhere 
+          hess=1.0_CUSTOM_REAL / THRESHOLD_HESS 
+     endwhere 
+     kernel_precond=kernel*hess
+     if (myrank==0) write(*,*) 'WRITING OUT PRECONDITIONED KERNEL FOR:',trim(kernel_name(iker))
+     write(kernel_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(input_dir)//'/proc',myrank,'_'//trim(kernel_name(iker))//'_precond.bin'
+     open(1002,file=trim(kernel_file),form='unformatted')
+     write(1002) kernel_precond(:,:,:,1:NSPEC)
+     close(1002) 
+     if (iker==1) then 
+        write(hess_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(input_dir)//'/proc',myrank,'_reg1_hess_kernel_precond.bin'
+        open(1002,file=trim(hess_file),form='unformatted')
+        write(1002) hess(:,:,:,1:NSPEC)
+        close(1002)
+     end if 
+  end do
+  if (myrank==0) write(*,*) 'DONE PRECONDITION ALL MISFIT KERNELS' 
+  call MPI_FINALIZE(ier) 
+end program precond_kernels

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X02_SRC_PRECOND_KERNELS/xcompile.sh	                        (rev 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Author: Hejun Zhu, hejunzhu at princeton.edu
+# Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
+# Last modified: Tue Jan 25 17:19:32 EST 2011
+if [ ! -f ../../SHARE_FILES/constants.h ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO constants.h in SHARE_FILES
+	exit 
+if [ ! -f ../../SHARE_FILES/values_from_mesher.h ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! values_from_mesher.h in SHARE_FILES
+	exit
+mpif90 -O3 -o xprecond_kernels precond_kernels.f90 exit_mpi.f90 

Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X02_SRC_PRECOND_KERNELS/xpbs_precond_kernels.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X02_SRC_PRECOND_KERNELS/xpbs_precond_kernels.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#PBS -q tromp
+#PBS -l nodes=13:ppn=8
+#PBS -l walltime=15:00:00
+#PBS -j oe
+#PBS -k oe
+#PBS -o precond_kernels.log
+if [ ! -d $input_dir ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $input_dir 
+	exit
+echo submit precondition kernels 
+mpiexec -np 100 ./xprecond_kernels $input_dir
+echo done successfully 

(Binary files differ)

Name: svn:executable
   + *
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X03_SRC_SMOOTH_KERNELS/exit_mpi.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X03_SRC_SMOOTH_KERNELS/exit_mpi.f90	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  3 . 6
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!                 Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!    Seismological Laboratory - California Institute of Technology
+!       (c) California Institute of Technology September 2006
+!    A signed non-commercial agreement is required to use this program.
+!   Please check http://www.gps.caltech.edu/research/jtromp for details.
+!           Free for non-commercial academic research ONLY.
+!      This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY whatsoever.
+!      Do not redistribute this program without written permission.
+! end the simulation and exit MPI
+! version with rank number printed in the error message
+  subroutine exit_MPI(myrank,error_msg)
+  implicit none
+! standard include of the MPI library
+  include 'mpif.h'
+  include "../constants.h"
+! identifier for error message file
+  integer, parameter :: IERROR = 30
+  integer myrank
+  character(len=*) error_msg
+  integer ier
+  character(len=80) outputname
+! write error message to screen
+  write(*,*) error_msg(1:len(error_msg))
+  write(*,*) 'Error detected, aborting MPI... proc ',myrank
+! write error message to file
+  write(outputname,"('OUTPUT_FILES/error_message',i6.6,'.txt')") myrank
+  open(unit=IERROR,file=trim(outputname),status='unknown')
+  write(IERROR,*) error_msg(1:len(error_msg))
+  write(IERROR,*) 'Error detected, aborting MPI... proc ',myrank
+  close(IERROR)
+! stop all the MPI processes, and exit
+! on some machines, MPI_FINALIZE needs to be called before MPI_ABORT
+  call MPI_FINALIZE(ier)
+  call MPI_ABORT(ier)
+  stop 'error, program ended in exit_MPI'
+  end subroutine exit_MPI

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X03_SRC_SMOOTH_KERNELS/gll_library.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X03_SRC_SMOOTH_KERNELS/gll_library.f90	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+!  Library to compute the Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points and weights
+!  Based on Gauss-Lobatto routines from M.I.T.
+!  Department of Mechanical Engineering
+  double precision function endw1(n,alpha,beta)
+  implicit none
+  integer n
+  double precision alpha,beta
+  double precision, parameter :: zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0,three=3.d0,four=4.d0
+  double precision apb,f1,fint1,fint2,f2,di,abn,abnn,a1,a2,a3,f3
+  double precision, external :: gammaf
+  integer i
+  f3 = zero
+  apb   = alpha+beta
+  if (n == 0) then
+   endw1 = zero
+   return
+  endif
+  f1   = gammaf(alpha+two)*gammaf(beta+one)/gammaf(apb+three)
+  f1   = f1*(apb+two)*two**(apb+two)/two
+  if (n == 1) then
+   endw1 = f1
+   return
+  endif
+  fint1 = gammaf(alpha+two)*gammaf(beta+one)/gammaf(apb+three)
+  fint1 = fint1*two**(apb+two)
+  fint2 = gammaf(alpha+two)*gammaf(beta+two)/gammaf(apb+four)
+  fint2 = fint2*two**(apb+three)
+  f2    = (-two*(beta+two)*fint1 + (apb+four)*fint2) * (apb+three)/four
+  if (n == 2) then
+   endw1 = f2
+   return
+  endif
+  do i=3,n
+   di   = dble(i-1)
+   abn  = alpha+beta+di
+   abnn = abn+di
+   a1   = -(two*(di+alpha)*(di+beta))/(abn*abnn*(abnn+one))
+   a2   =  (two*(alpha-beta))/(abnn*(abnn+two))
+   a3   =  (two*(abn+one))/((abnn+two)*(abnn+one))
+   f3   =  -(a2*f2+a1*f1)/a3
+   f1   = f2
+   f2   = f3
+  enddo
+  endw1  = f3
+  end function endw1
+  double precision function endw2(n,alpha,beta)
+  implicit none
+  integer n
+  double precision alpha,beta
+  double precision, parameter :: zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0,three=3.d0,four=4.d0
+  double precision apb,f1,fint1,fint2,f2,di,abn,abnn,a1,a2,a3,f3
+  double precision, external :: gammaf
+  integer i
+  apb   = alpha+beta
+  f3 = zero
+  if (n == 0) then
+   endw2 = zero
+   return
+  endif
+  f1   = gammaf(alpha+one)*gammaf(beta+two)/gammaf(apb+three)
+  f1   = f1*(apb+two)*two**(apb+two)/two
+  if (n == 1) then
+   endw2 = f1
+   return
+  endif
+  fint1 = gammaf(alpha+one)*gammaf(beta+two)/gammaf(apb+three)
+  fint1 = fint1*two**(apb+two)
+  fint2 = gammaf(alpha+two)*gammaf(beta+two)/gammaf(apb+four)
+  fint2 = fint2*two**(apb+three)
+  f2    = (two*(alpha+two)*fint1 - (apb+four)*fint2) * (apb+three)/four
+  if (n == 2) then
+   endw2 = f2
+   return
+  endif
+  do i=3,n
+   di   = dble(i-1)
+   abn  = alpha+beta+di
+   abnn = abn+di
+   a1   =  -(two*(di+alpha)*(di+beta))/(abn*abnn*(abnn+one))
+   a2   =  (two*(alpha-beta))/(abnn*(abnn+two))
+   a3   =  (two*(abn+one))/((abnn+two)*(abnn+one))
+   f3   =  -(a2*f2+a1*f1)/a3
+   f1   = f2
+   f2   = f3
+  enddo
+  endw2  = f3
+  end function endw2
+  double precision function gammaf (x)
+  implicit none
+  double precision, parameter :: pi = 3.141592653589793d0
+  double precision x
+  double precision, parameter :: half=0.5d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0
+  gammaf = one
+  if (x == -half) gammaf = -two*dsqrt(pi)
+  if (x ==  half) gammaf =  dsqrt(pi)
+  if (x ==  one ) gammaf =  one
+  if (x ==  two ) gammaf =  one
+  if (x ==  1.5d0) gammaf =  dsqrt(pi)/2.d0
+  if (x ==  2.5d0) gammaf =  1.5d0*dsqrt(pi)/2.d0
+  if (x ==  3.5d0) gammaf =  2.5d0*1.5d0*dsqrt(pi)/2.d0
+  if (x ==  3.d0 ) gammaf =  2.d0
+  if (x ==  4.d0 ) gammaf = 6.d0
+  if (x ==  5.d0 ) gammaf = 24.d0
+  if (x ==  6.d0 ) gammaf = 120.d0
+  end function gammaf
+  subroutine jacg (xjac,np,alpha,beta)
+! computes np Gauss points, which are the zeros of the
+! Jacobi polynomial with parameters alpha and beta
+!                  .alpha = beta =  0.0  ->  Legendre points
+!                  .alpha = beta = -0.5  ->  Chebyshev points
+  implicit none
+  integer np
+  double precision alpha,beta
+  double precision xjac(np)
+  integer k,j,i,jmin,jm,n
+  double precision xlast,dth,x,x1,x2,recsum,delx,xmin,swap
+  double precision p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2
+  integer, parameter :: K_MAX_ITER = 10
+  double precision, parameter :: zero = 0.d0, eps = 1.0d-12
+  pm1 = zero
+  pm2 = zero
+  pdm1 = zero
+  pdm2 = zero
+  xlast = 0.d0
+  n   = np-1
+  dth = 4.d0*datan(1.d0)/(2.d0*dble(n)+2.d0)
+  p = 0.d0
+  pd = 0.d0
+  jmin = 0
+  do j=1,np
+   if(j == 1) then
+      x = dcos((2.d0*(dble(j)-1.d0)+1.d0)*dth)
+   else
+      x1 = dcos((2.d0*(dble(j)-1.d0)+1.d0)*dth)
+      x2 = xlast
+      x  = (x1+x2)/2.d0
+   endif
+   do k=1,K_MAX_ITER
+      call jacobf (p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2,np,alpha,beta,x)
+      recsum = 0.d0
+      jm = j-1
+      do i=1,jm
+         recsum = recsum+1.d0/(x-xjac(np-i+1))
+      enddo
+      delx = -p/(pd-recsum*p)
+      x    = x+delx
+      if(abs(delx) < eps) goto 31
+   enddo
+ 31      continue
+   xjac(np-j+1) = x
+   xlast        = x
+  enddo
+  do i=1,np
+   xmin = 2.d0
+   do j=i,np
+      if(xjac(j) < xmin) then
+         xmin = xjac(j)
+         jmin = j
+      endif
+   enddo
+   if(jmin /= i) then
+      swap = xjac(i)
+      xjac(i) = xjac(jmin)
+      xjac(jmin) = swap
+   endif
+  enddo
+  end subroutine jacg
+  subroutine jacobf (poly,pder,polym1,pderm1,polym2,pderm2,n,alp,bet,x)
+! Computes the Jacobi polynomial of degree n and its derivative at x
+  implicit none
+  double precision poly,pder,polym1,pderm1,polym2,pderm2,alp,bet,x
+  integer n
+  double precision apb,polyl,pderl,dk,a1,a2,b3,a3,a4,polyn,pdern,psave,pdsave
+  integer k
+  apb  = alp+bet
+  poly = 1.d0
+  pder = 0.d0
+  psave = 0.d0
+  pdsave = 0.d0
+  if (n == 0) return
+  polyl = poly
+  pderl = pder
+  poly  = (alp-bet+(apb+2.d0)*x)/2.d0
+  pder  = (apb+2.d0)/2.d0
+  if (n == 1) return
+  do k=2,n
+    dk = dble(k)
+    a1 = 2.d0*dk*(dk+apb)*(2.d0*dk+apb-2.d0)
+    a2 = (2.d0*dk+apb-1.d0)*(alp**2-bet**2)
+    b3 = (2.d0*dk+apb-2.d0)
+    a3 = b3*(b3+1.d0)*(b3+2.d0)
+    a4 = 2.d0*(dk+alp-1.d0)*(dk+bet-1.d0)*(2.d0*dk+apb)
+    polyn  = ((a2+a3*x)*poly-a4*polyl)/a1
+    pdern  = ((a2+a3*x)*pder-a4*pderl+a3*poly)/a1
+    psave  = polyl
+    pdsave = pderl
+    polyl  = poly
+    poly   = polyn
+    pderl  = pder
+    pder   = pdern
+  enddo
+  polym1 = polyl
+  pderm1 = pderl
+  polym2 = psave
+  pderm2 = pdsave
+  end subroutine jacobf
+  double precision FUNCTION PNDLEG (Z,N)
+!     Compute the derivative of the Nth order Legendre polynomial at Z.
+!     Based on the recursion formula for the Legendre polynomials.
+  implicit none
+  double precision z
+  integer n
+  double precision P1,P2,P1D,P2D,P3D,FK,P3
+  integer k
+  P1   = 1.d0
+  P2   = Z
+  P1D  = 0.d0
+  P2D  = 1.d0
+  P3D  = 1.d0
+  do K = 1, N-1
+    FK  = dble(K)
+    P3  = ((2.d0*FK+1.d0)*Z*P2 - FK*P1)/(FK+1.d0)
+    P3D = ((2.d0*FK+1.d0)*P2 + (2.d0*FK+1.d0)*Z*P2D - FK*P1D) / (FK+1.d0)
+    P1  = P2
+    P2  = P3
+    P1D = P2D
+    P2D = P3D
+  enddo
+  end function pndleg
+  double precision FUNCTION PNLEG (Z,N)
+!     Compute the value of the Nth order Legendre polynomial at Z.
+!     Based on the recursion formula for the Legendre polynomials.
+  implicit none
+  double precision z
+  integer n
+  double precision P1,P2,P3,FK
+  integer k
+  P1   = 1.d0
+  P2   = Z
+  P3   = P2
+  do K = 1, N-1
+    FK  = dble(K)
+    P3  = ((2.d0*FK+1.d0)*Z*P2 - FK*P1)/(FK+1.d0)
+    P1  = P2
+    P2  = P3
+  enddo
+  PNLEG = P3
+  end function pnleg
+  double precision function pnormj (n,alpha,beta)
+  implicit none
+  double precision alpha,beta
+  integer n
+  double precision one,two,dn,const,prod,dindx,frac
+  double precision, external :: gammaf
+  integer i
+  one   = 1.d0
+  two   = 2.d0
+  dn    = dble(n)
+  const = alpha+beta+one
+  if (n <= 1) then
+    prod   = gammaf(dn+alpha)*gammaf(dn+beta)
+    prod   = prod/(gammaf(dn)*gammaf(dn+alpha+beta))
+    pnormj = prod * two**const/(two*dn+const)
+    return
+  endif
+  prod  = gammaf(alpha+one)*gammaf(beta+one)
+  prod  = prod/(two*(one+const)*gammaf(const+one))
+  prod  = prod*(one+alpha)*(two+alpha)
+  prod  = prod*(one+beta)*(two+beta)
+  do i=3,n
+    dindx = dble(i)
+    frac  = (dindx+alpha)*(dindx+beta)/(dindx*(dindx+alpha+beta))
+    prod  = prod*frac
+  enddo
+  pnormj = prod * two**const/(two*dn+const)
+  end function pnormj
+  subroutine zwgjd(z,w,np,alpha,beta)
+!     Z w g j d : Generate np Gauss-Jacobi points and weights
+!                 associated with Jacobi polynomial of degree n = np-1
+!     Note : Coefficients alpha and beta must be greater than -1.
+!     ----
+  implicit none
+  double precision, parameter :: zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0
+  integer np
+  double precision z(np),w(np)
+  double precision alpha,beta
+  integer n,np1,np2,i
+  double precision p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2
+  double precision apb,dnp1,dnp2,fac1,fac2,fac3,fnorm,rcoef
+  double precision, external :: gammaf,pnormj
+  pd = zero
+  pm1 = zero
+  pm2 = zero
+  pdm1 = zero
+  pdm2 = zero
+  n    = np-1
+  apb  = alpha+beta
+  p    = zero
+  pdm1 = zero
+  if (np <= 0) stop 'minimum number of Gauss points is 1'
+  if ((alpha <= -one) .or. (beta <= -one)) stop 'alpha and beta must be greater than -1'
+  if (np == 1) then
+   z(1) = (beta-alpha)/(apb+two)
+   w(1) = gammaf(alpha+one)*gammaf(beta+one)/gammaf(apb+two) * two**(apb+one)
+   return
+  endif
+  call jacg(z,np,alpha,beta)
+  np1   = n+1
+  np2   = n+2
+  dnp1  = dble(np1)
+  dnp2  = dble(np2)
+  fac1  = dnp1+alpha+beta+one
+  fac2  = fac1+dnp1
+  fac3  = fac2+one
+  fnorm = pnormj(np1,alpha,beta)
+  rcoef = (fnorm*fac2*fac3)/(two*fac1*dnp2)
+  do i=1,np
+    call jacobf(p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2,np2,alpha,beta,z(i))
+    w(i) = -rcoef/(p*pdm1)
+  enddo
+  end subroutine zwgjd
+  subroutine zwgljd(z,w,np,alpha,beta)
+!     Z w g l j d : Generate np Gauss-Lobatto-Jacobi points and the
+!     -----------   weights associated with Jacobi polynomials of degree
+!                   n = np-1.
+!     Note : alpha and beta coefficients must be greater than -1.
+!            Legendre polynomials are special case of Jacobi polynomials
+!            just by setting alpha and beta to 0.
+  implicit none
+  double precision, parameter :: zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0
+  integer np
+  double precision alpha,beta
+  double precision z(np), w(np)
+  integer n,nm1,i
+  double precision p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2
+  double precision alpg,betg
+  double precision, external :: endw1,endw2
+  p = zero
+  pm1 = zero
+  pm2 = zero
+  pdm1 = zero
+  pdm2 = zero
+  n   = np-1
+  nm1 = n-1
+  pd  = zero
+  if (np <= 1) stop 'minimum number of Gauss-Lobatto points is 2'
+! with spectral elements, use at least 3 points
+  if (np <= 2) stop 'minimum number of Gauss-Lobatto points for the SEM is 3'
+  if ((alpha <= -one) .or. (beta <= -one)) stop 'alpha and beta must be greater than -1'
+  if (nm1 > 0) then
+    alpg  = alpha+one
+    betg  = beta+one
+    call zwgjd(z(2),w(2),nm1,alpg,betg)
+  endif
+  z(1)  = - one
+  z(np) =  one
+  do i=2,np-1
+   w(i) = w(i)/(one-z(i)**2)
+  enddo
+  call jacobf(p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2,n,alpha,beta,z(1))
+  w(1)  = endw1(n,alpha,beta)/(two*pd)
+  call jacobf(p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2,n,alpha,beta,z(np))
+  w(np) = endw2(n,alpha,beta)/(two*pd)
+  end subroutine zwgljd

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X03_SRC_SMOOTH_KERNELS/smooth_sem_globe.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X03_SRC_SMOOTH_KERNELS/smooth_sem_globe.f90	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,645 @@
+! smooth_sem_globe
+! this program can be used for smoothing a (summed) event kernel,
+! where it smooths files with a given input kernel name:
+! Usage:
+!   ./smooth_sem_globe sigma_h(km) sigma_v(km) kernel_file_name scratch_file_dir scratch_topo_dir
+!   e.g.
+!   ./smooth_sem_globe 160 10 bulk_c_kernel OUTPUT_SUM/ topo/
+! where:
+!   sigma_h                - gaussian width for horizontal smoothing (in km)
+!   sigma_v                - gaussian width for vertical smoothing (in km)
+!   kernel_file_name  - takes file with this kernel name,
+!                                     e.g. "bulk_c_kernel"
+!   scratch_file_dir     - directory containing kernel files,
+!                                      e.g. proc***_reg1_bulk_c_kernel.bin
+!   topo_dir                - directory containing mesh topo files:
+!                                       proc***_solver_data1.bin, proc***_solver_data2.bin
+! outputs:
+!    puts the resulting, smoothed kernel files into the same directory as scratch_file_dir/
+!    with a file ending "proc***_kernel_smooth.bin"
+program smooth_sem_globe
+! this is the embarassingly-parallel program that smooths any specfem function (primarily the kernels)
+! notice that it uses the constants_globe.h and precision_globe.h files
+! from the original SPECFEM3D_GLOBE package, and the
+! values_from_mesher_globe.h file from the output of the mesher (or create_header_file),
+! therefore, you need to compile it for your specific case
+! NOTE:  smoothing can be different in radial & horizontal directions; mesh is in spherical geometry.
+!              algorithm uses vector components in radial/horizontal direction
+  implicit none
+  include 'mpif.h'
+  include '../../SHARE_FILES/constants.h'
+  include '../../SHARE_FILES/precision.h'
+  include '../../SHARE_FILES/values_from_mesher.h'
+! ======================================================
+  ! taken from values_from_mesher.h:
+  !   average size of a spectral element in km = ...
+  !   e.g. nproc 12x12, nex 192: element_size = 52.122262
+!  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),parameter:: element_size = 52.12262
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),parameter:: element_size = 41.69810
+! ======================================================
+  !takes region 1 kernels
+  integer, parameter :: NSPEC_MAX = NSPEC_CRUST_MANTLE_ADJOINT
+  integer, parameter :: NGLOB_MAX = NGLOB_CRUST_MANTLE
+  ! only include the neighboring 3 x 3 slices
+  integer, parameter :: NSLICES = 3
+  integer ,parameter :: NSLICES2 = NSLICES * NSLICES
+  character(len=256) :: s_sigma_h, s_sigma_v
+  character(len=256) :: kernel_file_name, scratch_topo_dir, scratch_file_dir
+  integer :: sizeprocs,ier,myrank,ichunk, ixi, ieta, iglob
+  integer :: islice(NSLICES2), islice0(NSLICES2), nums
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: sigma_h, sigma_h2, sigma_h3, sigma_v, sigma_v2, sigma_v3
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: x0, y0, z0, norm, norm_h, norm_v, element_size_m, max_old, max_new
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ) :: factor, exp_val
+  character(len=256) ::  ks_file, reg_name
+  character(len=256), dimension(NSLICES2) :: x_file, y_file, z_file, j_file, k_file, i_file
+  character(len=256), dimension(NSLICES2) :: solver1_file,solver2_file
+  logical :: global_code
+  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_MAX) :: ibool
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_MAX) :: kernel, kernel_smooth
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_MAX) :: tk, bk, jacobian, xl, yl, zl, xx, yy, zz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) xixl,xiyl,xizl,etaxl,etayl,etazl,gammaxl,gammayl,gammazl,jacobianl
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_MAX) :: &
+    xix,xiy,xiz,etax,etay,etaz,gammax,gammay,gammaz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLOB_MAX) :: x, y, z
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NSPEC_MAX) :: cx0, cy0, cz0, cx, cy, cz
+  integer :: i,ii,j,jj,k,kk,ispec,iproc,ispec2,nspec(NSLICES2),nglob(NSLICES2)
+  ! Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points of integration and weights
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX) :: xigll, wxgll
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLY) :: yigll, wygll
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLZ) :: zigll, wzgll
+  ! array with all the weights in the cube
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ) :: wgll_cube
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: dist_h,dist_v
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: r1,theta1
+  ! ============ program starts here =====================
+  ! initialize the MPI communicator and start the NPROCTOT MPI processes
+  call MPI_INIT(ier)
+  call MPI_COMM_SIZE(MPI_COMM_WORLD,sizeprocs,ier)
+  call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD,myrank,ier)
+  if (myrank == 0) print*,"smooth:"
+  call mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  ! arguments
+  call getarg(1,s_sigma_h)
+  call getarg(2,s_sigma_v)
+  call getarg(3,kernel_file_name)
+  call getarg(4,scratch_file_dir)
+  call getarg(5,scratch_topo_dir)
+  if ( trim(s_sigma_h) == '' .or. trim(s_sigma_v) == '' &
+    .or. trim(kernel_file_name) == '' &
+    .or. trim(scratch_file_dir) == '' &
+    .or. trim(scratch_topo_dir) == '') then
+    call exit_MPI(myrank,'Usage: smooth_sem_globe sigma_h(km) sigma_v(km) kernel_file_name scratch_file_dir scratch_topo_dir')
+  endif
+  ! read in parameter information
+  read(s_sigma_h,*) sigma_h
+  read(s_sigma_v,*) sigma_v
+  ! checks if basin code or global code: global code uses nchunks /= 0
+  if (NCHUNKS_VAL == 0) then
+    global_code = .false.
+    call exit_mpi(myrank,'Error nchunks')
+  else
+    global_code = .true.
+    reg_name='_reg1_'
+  endif
+  if (sizeprocs /= NPROC_XI_VAL*NPROC_ETA_VAL*NCHUNKS_VAL) call exit_mpi(myrank,'Error total number of slices')
+  ! user output
+  if (myrank == 0) then
+    print*,"defaults:"
+    print*,"  NCHUNKS                         : ",NCHUNKS_VAL
+    print*,"  element size on surface(km): ",element_size
+    print*,"  smoothing sigma_h , sigma_v: ",sigma_h,sigma_v
+  endif
+  ! synchronizes
+  call mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  ! initializes lengths
+  element_size_m = element_size * 1000  ! e.g. 9 km on the surface, 36 km at CMB
+  if (global_code)  element_size_m = element_size_m/R_EARTH
+  sigma_h = sigma_h * 1000.0 ! m
+  if (global_code) sigma_h = sigma_h / R_EARTH ! scale
+  sigma_v = sigma_v * 1000.0 ! m
+  if (global_code) sigma_v = sigma_v / R_EARTH ! scale
+  sigma_h2 = 2.0 * sigma_h ** 2  ! factor two for gaussian distribution with standard variance sigma
+  sigma_v2 = 2.0 * sigma_v ** 2
+  ! search radius
+  sigma_h3 = 3.0  * sigma_h + element_size_m
+  sigma_v3 = 3.0  * sigma_v + element_size_m
+  ! theoretic normal value
+  ! (see integral over -inf to +inf of exp[- x*x/(2*sigma) ] = sigma * sqrt(2*pi) )
+! note: smoothing is using a gaussian (ellipsoid for sigma_h /= sigma_v),
+!          but in spherical coordinates, we use horizontal distance as epicentral distance
+!          and vertical distance as radial distance?
+! not squared since epicentral distance is taken? values from bk seem to be closer to squared ones...
+  !norm_h = sqrt(2.0*PI) * sigma_h
+  norm_h = 2.0*PI*sigma_h**2
+  norm_v = sqrt(2.0*PI) * sigma_v
+  norm   = norm_h * norm_v
+  !norm = (sqrt(2.0*PI) * sigma) ** 3 ! for sigma_h = sigma_v = sigma
+  ! GLL points weights
+  call zwgljd(xigll,wxgll,NGLLX,GAUSSALPHA,GAUSSBETA)
+  call zwgljd(yigll,wygll,NGLLY,GAUSSALPHA,GAUSSBETA)
+  call zwgljd(zigll,wzgll,NGLLZ,GAUSSALPHA,GAUSSBETA)
+  do k=1,NGLLZ
+    do j=1,NGLLY
+      do i=1,NGLLX
+        wgll_cube(i,j,k) = wxgll(i)*wygll(j)*wzgll(k)
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  ! ---- figure out the neighboring 8 or 7 slices: (ichunk,ixi,ieta) index start at 0------
+  ichunk = myrank / (NPROC_XI_VAL * NPROC_ETA_VAL)
+  ieta = (myrank - ichunk * NPROC_XI_VAL * NPROC_ETA_VAL) / NPROC_XI_VAL
+  ixi = myrank - ichunk * NPROC_XI_VAL * NPROC_ETA_VAL - ieta * NPROC_XI_VAL
+  ! get the neighboring slices:
+  call get_all_eight_slices(ichunk,ixi,ieta,&
+             islice0(1),islice0(2),islice0(3),islice0(4),islice0(5),islice0(6),islice0(7),islice0(8),&
+  ! remove the repeated slices (only 8 for corner slices in global case)
+  islice(1) = myrank; j = 1
+  do i = 1, 8
+    if (.not. any(islice(1:i) == islice0(i)) .and. islice0(i) < sizeprocs) then
+      j = j + 1
+      islice(j) = islice0(i)
+    endif
+  enddo
+  nums = j
+  if( myrank == 0 ) then
+    print *,'slices:',nums
+    print *,'  ',islice(:)
+    print *
+  endif
+  ! read in the topology files of the current and neighboring slices
+  do i = 1, nums
+    write(k_file(i),'(a,i6.6,a)') &
+      trim(scratch_file_dir)//'/proc',islice(i),trim(reg_name)//trim(kernel_file_name)//'.bin'
+    write(solver1_file(i),'(a,i6.6,a)') &
+      trim(scratch_topo_dir)//'/proc',islice(i),trim(reg_name)//'solver_data_1.bin'
+    write(solver2_file(i),'(a,i6.6,a)') &
+      trim(scratch_topo_dir)//'/proc',islice(i),trim(reg_name)//'solver_data_2.bin'
+    nspec(i) = NSPEC_MAX
+    nglob(i) = NGLOB_MAX
+  enddo
+  ! point locations
+  open(11,file=solver2_file(1),status='old',form='unformatted',iostat=ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) call exit_mpi(myrank,'error opening solver2 file')
+  read(11) x(1:nglob(1))
+  read(11) y(1:nglob(1))
+  read(11) z(1:nglob(1))
+  read(11) ibool(:,:,:,1:nspec(1))
+  close(11)
+  ! jacobian
+  open(11,file=solver1_file(1),status='old',form='unformatted',iostat=ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) call exit_mpi(myrank,'error opening solver1 file')
+  read(11) xix
+  read(11) xiy
+  read(11) xiz
+  read(11) etax
+  read(11) etay
+  read(11) etaz
+  read(11) gammax
+  read(11) gammay
+  read(11) gammaz
+  close(11)
+  ! get the location of the center of the elements
+  do ispec = 1, nspec(1)
+    do k = 1, NGLLZ
+      do j = 1, NGLLY
+        do i = 1, NGLLX
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
+          xl(i,j,k,ispec) = x(iglob)
+          yl(i,j,k,ispec) = y(iglob)
+          zl(i,j,k,ispec) = z(iglob)
+          ! build jacobian
+          ! get derivatives of ux, uy and uz with respect to x, y and z
+          xixl = xix(i,j,k,ispec)
+          xiyl = xiy(i,j,k,ispec)
+          xizl = xiz(i,j,k,ispec)
+          etaxl = etax(i,j,k,ispec)
+          etayl = etay(i,j,k,ispec)
+          etazl = etaz(i,j,k,ispec)
+          gammaxl = gammax(i,j,k,ispec)
+          gammayl = gammay(i,j,k,ispec)
+          gammazl = gammaz(i,j,k,ispec)
+          ! compute the jacobian
+          jacobianl = 1._CUSTOM_REAL / (xixl*(etayl*gammazl-etazl*gammayl) &
+                        - xiyl*(etaxl*gammazl-etazl*gammaxl) &
+                        + xizl*(etaxl*gammayl-etayl*gammaxl))
+          jacobian(i,j,k,ispec) = jacobianl
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+    cx0(ispec) = (xl(1,1,1,ispec) + xl(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec))/2.0
+    cy0(ispec) = (yl(1,1,1,ispec) + yl(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec))/2.0
+    cz0(ispec) = (zl(1,1,1,ispec) + zl(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,ispec))/2.0
+  enddo
+  if (myrank == 0) write(*,*) 'start looping over elements and points for smoothing ...'
+  ! smoothed kernel file name
+  write(ks_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(scratch_file_dir)//'/proc',myrank, &
+                          trim(reg_name)//trim(kernel_file_name)//'_smooth.bin'
+  tk = 0.0
+  bk = 0.0
+  kernel_smooth=0.0
+  ! loop over all the slices
+  do iproc = 1, nums
+    ! read in the topology, kernel files, calculate center of elements
+    ! point locations
+    ! given in cartesian coordinates
+    open(11,file=solver2_file(iproc),status='old',form='unformatted',iostat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) call exit_mpi(myrank,'error opening slices: solver2 file')
+    read(11) x(1:nglob(iproc))
+    read(11) y(1:nglob(iproc))
+    read(11) z(1:nglob(iproc))
+    read(11) ibool(:,:,:,1:nspec(iproc))
+    close(11)
+    open(11,file=solver1_file(iproc),status='old',form='unformatted',iostat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) call exit_mpi(myrank,'error opening slices: solver1 file')
+    read(11) xix
+    read(11) xiy
+    read(11) xiz
+    read(11) etax
+    read(11) etay
+    read(11) etaz
+    read(11) gammax
+    read(11) gammay
+    read(11) gammaz
+    close(11)
+    ! get the location of the center of the elements
+    do ispec = 1, nspec(iproc)
+      do k = 1, NGLLZ
+        do j = 1, NGLLY
+          do i = 1, NGLLX
+            ! build jacobian
+            ! get derivatives of ux, uy and uz with respect to x, y and z
+            xixl = xix(i,j,k,ispec)
+            xiyl = xiy(i,j,k,ispec)
+            xizl = xiz(i,j,k,ispec)
+            etaxl = etax(i,j,k,ispec)
+            etayl = etay(i,j,k,ispec)
+            etazl = etaz(i,j,k,ispec)
+            gammaxl = gammax(i,j,k,ispec)
+            gammayl = gammay(i,j,k,ispec)
+            gammazl = gammaz(i,j,k,ispec)
+            ! compute the jacobian
+            jacobianl = 1._CUSTOM_REAL / (xixl*(etayl*gammazl-etazl*gammayl) &
+                          - xiyl*(etaxl*gammazl-etazl*gammaxl) &
+                          + xizl*(etaxl*gammayl-etayl*gammaxl))
+            jacobian(i,j,k,ispec) = jacobianl
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+    ! kernel file
+    open(11,file=k_file(iproc),status='old',form='unformatted',iostat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) call exit_mpi(myrank,'error opening kernel file')
+    read(11) kernel(:,:,:,1:nspec(iproc))
+    close(11)
+    ! get the global maximum value of the original kernel file
+    if (iproc == 1) then
+      call mpi_reduce(maxval(abs(kernel(:,:,:,1:nspec(iproc)))), max_old, 1, &
+                 CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE, MPI_MAX, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+    endif
+    ! calculate element center location
+    do ispec2 = 1, nspec(iproc)
+      do k = 1, NGLLZ
+        do j = 1, NGLLY
+          do i = 1, NGLLX
+            iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec2)
+            xx(i,j,k,ispec2) = x(iglob)
+            yy(i,j,k,ispec2) = y(iglob)
+            zz(i,j,k,ispec2) = z(iglob)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      cx(ispec2) = (xx(1,1,1,ispec2) + xx(NGLLX,NGLLZ,NGLLY,ispec2))/2.0
+      cy(ispec2) = (yy(1,1,1,ispec2) + yy(NGLLX,NGLLZ,NGLLY,ispec2))/2.0
+      cz(ispec2) = (zz(1,1,1,ispec2) + zz(NGLLX,NGLLZ,NGLLY,ispec2))/2.0
+    enddo
+    ! loop over elements to be smoothed in the current slice
+    do ispec = 1, nspec(1)
+      ! --- only double loop over the elements in the search radius ---
+      do ispec2 = 1, nspec(iproc)
+        ! calculates horizontal and vertical distance between two element centers
+        ! vector approximation
+        call get_distance_vec(dist_h,dist_v,cx0(ispec),cy0(ispec),cz0(ispec),&
+                          cx(ispec2),cy(ispec2),cz(ispec2))
+        ! note: distances and sigmah, sigmav are normalized by R_EARTH
+        ! checks distance between centers of elements
+        if ( dist_h > sigma_h3 .or. abs(dist_v) > sigma_v3 ) cycle
+        ! integration factors:
+        ! uses volume assigned to GLL points
+        factor(:,:,:) = jacobian(:,:,:,ispec2) * wgll_cube(:,:,:)
+        ! no volume
+        !factor(:,:,:) = 1.0_CUSTOM_REAL
+        ! loop over GLL points of the elements in current slice (ispec)
+        do k = 1, NGLLZ
+          do j = 1, NGLLY
+            do i = 1, NGLLX
+              ! reference location
+              ! current point (i,j,k,ispec) location, cartesian coordinates
+              x0 = xl(i,j,k,ispec)
+              y0 = yl(i,j,k,ispec)
+              z0 = zl(i,j,k,ispec)
+              ! calculate weights based on gaussian smoothing
+              call smoothing_weights_vec(x0,y0,z0,ispec2,sigma_h2,sigma_v2,exp_val,&
+                      xx(:,:,:,ispec2),yy(:,:,:,ispec2),zz(:,:,:,ispec2))
+              ! adds GLL integration weights
+              exp_val(:,:,:) = exp_val(:,:,:) * factor(:,:,:)
+              ! adds contribution of element ispec2 to smoothed kernel values
+              tk(i,j,k,ispec) = tk(i,j,k,ispec) + sum(exp_val(:,:,:) * kernel(:,:,:,ispec2))
+              ! normalization, integrated values of gaussian smoothing function
+              bk(i,j,k,ispec) = bk(i,j,k,ispec) + sum(exp_val(:,:,:))
+              ! checks number
+              !if( isNaN(tk(i,j,k,ispec)) ) then
+              !  print*,'error tk NaN: ',tk(i,j,k,ispec)
+              !  print*,'rank:',myrank
+              !  print*,'i,j,k,ispec:',i,j,k,ispec
+              !  print*,'tk: ',tk(i,j,k,ispec),'bk:',bk(i,j,k,ispec)
+              !  print*,'sum exp_val: ',sum(exp_val(:,:,:)),'sum factor:',sum(factor(:,:,:))
+              !  print*,'sum kernel:',sum(kernel(:,:,:,ispec2))
+              !  call exit_MPI('error NaN')
+              !endif
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        enddo ! (i,j,k)
+      enddo ! (ispec2)
+    enddo   ! (ispec)
+  enddo     ! islice
+  if (myrank == 0) write(*,*) 'Done with integration ...'
+  ! compute the smoothed kernel values
+  do ispec = 1, nspec(1)
+    do k = 1, NGLLZ
+      do j = 1, NGLLY
+        do i = 1, NGLLX
+          ! checks the normalization criterion
+          ! e.g. sigma_h 160km, sigma_v 40km:
+          !     norm (not squared sigma_h ) ~ 0.001
+          !     norm ( squared sigma_h) ~ 6.23 * e-5
+          if (abs(bk(i,j,k,ispec) - norm) > 1.e-4 ) then
+            print *, 'Problem norm here --- ', myrank, ispec, i, j, k, bk(i,j,k,ispec), norm
+            !call exit_mpi(myrank, 'Error computing Gaussian function on the grid')
+          endif
+          ! normalizes smoothed kernel values by integral value of gaussian weighting
+          kernel_smooth(i,j,k,ispec) = tk(i,j,k,ispec) / bk(i,j,k,ispec)
+          ! checks number
+          if( isNaN(kernel_smooth(i,j,k,ispec)) ) then
+            print*,'error kernel_smooth NaN: ',kernel_smooth(i,j,k,ispec)
+            print*,'rank:',myrank
+            print*,'i,j,k,ispec:',i,j,k,ispec
+            print*,'tk: ',tk(i,j,k,ispec),'bk:',bk(i,j,k,ispec)
+            call exit_MPI('error NaN')
+          endif
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  if (myrank == 0) write(*,*) '  norm: ',norm
+  ! file output
+  open(11,file=trim(ks_file),status='unknown',form='unformatted',iostat=ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) call exit_mpi(myrank,'error opening smoothed kernel file')
+  ! Note: output the following instead of kernel_smooth(:,:,:,1:nspec(1)) to create files of the same sizes
+  write(11) kernel_smooth(:,:,:,:)
+  close(11)
+  if (myrank == 0) print *,'  written:',trim(ks_file)
+  ! the maximum value for the smoothed kernel
+  call mpi_reduce(maxval(abs(kernel_smooth(:,:,:,1:nspec(1)))), max_new, 1, &
+             CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE, MPI_MAX, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  if (myrank == 0) then
+    print *
+    print *, 'Maximum data value before smoothing = ', max_old
+    print *, 'Maximum data value after smoothing = ', max_new
+    print *
+  endif
+! stop all the MPI processes, and exit
+  call MPI_FINALIZE(ier)
+end program smooth_sem_globe
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine smoothing_weights_vec(x0,y0,z0,ispec2,sigma_h2,sigma_v2,exp_val,&
+                              xx_elem,yy_elem,zz_elem)
+  implicit none
+  include "../constants.h"
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ),intent(out) :: exp_val
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ),intent(in) :: xx_elem, yy_elem, zz_elem
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),intent(in) :: x0,y0,z0,sigma_h2,sigma_v2
+  integer,intent(in) :: ispec2
+  ! local parameters
+  integer :: ii,jj,kk
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: dist_h,dist_v
+  !real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: r0,r1,theta1
+  ! >>>>>
+  ! uniform sigma
+  !exp_val(:,:,:) = exp( -((xx(:,:,:,ispec2)-x0)**2+(yy(:,:,:,ispec2)-y0)**2 &
+  !          +(zz(:,:,:,ispec2)-z0)**2 )/(2*sigma2) )*factor(:,:,:)
+  ! from basin code smoothing:
+  ! gaussian function
+  !exp_val(:,:,:) = exp( -(xx(:,:,:,ispec2)-x0)**2/(sigma_h2) &
+  !                      -(yy(:,:,:,ispec2)-y0)**2/(sigma_h2) &
+  !                      -(zz(:,:,:,ispec2)-z0)**2/(sigma_v2) ) * factor(:,:,:)
+  ! >>>>>
+  do kk = 1, NGLLZ
+    do jj = 1, NGLLY
+      do ii = 1, NGLLX
+        ! point in second slice
+        ! vector approximation:
+        call get_distance_vec(dist_h,dist_v,x0,y0,z0, &
+            xx_elem(ii,jj,kk),yy_elem(ii,jj,kk),zz_elem(ii,jj,kk))
+        ! gaussian function
+        exp_val(ii,jj,kk) = exp( - (dist_h*dist_h)/sigma_h2 &
+                                  - (dist_v*dist_v)/sigma_v2 )    ! * factor(ii,jj,kk)
+        ! checks number
+        !if( isNaN(exp_val(ii,jj,kk)) ) then
+        !  print*,'error exp_val NaN: ',exp_val(ii,jj,kk)
+        !  print*,'i,j,k:',ii,jj,kk
+        !  print*,'dist_h: ',dist_h,'dist_v:',dist_v
+        !  print*,'sigma_h2:',sigma_h2,'sigma_v2:',sigma_v2
+        !  call exit_MPI('error NaN')
+        !endif
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  end subroutine smoothing_weights_vec
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  subroutine get_distance_vec(dist_h,dist_v,x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1)
+! returns vector lengths as distances in radial and horizontal direction
+  implicit none
+  include "../constants.h"
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),intent(out) :: dist_h,dist_v
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),intent(in) :: x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1
+  ! local parameters
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: r0,r1
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: theta,ratio
+  !real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: vx,vy,vz,alpha
+  ! vertical distance
+  r0 = sqrt( x0*x0 + y0*y0 + z0*z0 ) ! length of first position vector
+  r1 = sqrt( x1*x1 + y1*y1 + z1*z1 )
+  dist_v = r1 - r0
+  ! only for flat earth with z in depth: dist_v = sqrt( (cz(ispec2)-cz0(ispec))** 2)
+  ! epicentral distance
+  ! (accounting for spherical curvature)
+  ! calculates distance of circular segment
+  ! angle between r0 and r1 in radian
+  ! given by dot-product of two vectors
+  ratio = (x0*x1 + y0*y1 + z0*z1)/(r0 * r1)
+  ! checks boundaries of ratio (due to numerical inaccuracies)
+  if( ratio > 1.0_CUSTOM_REAL ) ratio = 1.0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  if( ratio < -1.0_CUSTOM_REAL ) ratio = -1.0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  theta = acos( ratio )
+  ! segment length at heigth of r1
+  dist_h = r1 * theta
+  ! vector approximation (fast computation): neglects curvature
+  ! horizontal distance
+  ! length of vector from point 0 to point 1
+  ! assuming small earth curvature  (since only for neighboring elements)
+  ! scales r0 to have same length as r1
+  !alpha = r1 / r0
+  !vx = alpha * x0
+  !vy = alpha * y0
+  !vz = alpha * z0
+  ! vector in horizontal between new r0 and r1
+  !vx = x1 - vx
+  !vy = y1 - vy
+  !vz = z1 - vz
+  ! distance is vector length
+  !dist_h = sqrt( vx*vx + vy*vy + vz*vz )
+  end subroutine get_distance_vec

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X03_SRC_SMOOTH_KERNELS/smooth_sub.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X03_SRC_SMOOTH_KERNELS/smooth_sub.f90	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+subroutine get_all_eight_slices(ichunk,ixi,ieta,&
+           ileft,iright,ibot,itop, ilb,ilt,irb,irt,&
+           nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+  implicit none
+  integer, intent(IN) :: ichunk,ixi,ieta,nproc_xi,nproc_eta
+  integer, intent(OUT) :: ileft,iright,ibot,itop,ilb,ilt,irb,irt
+  integer :: get_slice_number
+  integer :: ichunk_left, islice_xi_left, islice_eta_left, &
+           ichunk_right, islice_xi_right, islice_eta_right, &
+           ichunk_bot, islice_xi_bot, islice_eta_bot, &
+           ichunk_top, islice_xi_top, islice_eta_top, &
+           ileft0,iright0,ibot0,itop0, &
+           ichunk_left0, islice_xi_left0, islice_eta_left0, &
+           ichunk_right0, islice_xi_right0, islice_eta_right0, &
+           ichunk_bot0, islice_xi_bot0, islice_eta_bot0, &
+           ichunk_top0, islice_xi_top0, islice_eta_top0
+! get the first 4 immediate slices
+  call get_lrbt_slices(ichunk,ixi,ieta, &
+             ileft, ichunk_left, islice_xi_left, islice_eta_left, &
+             iright, ichunk_right, islice_xi_right, islice_eta_right, &
+             ibot, ichunk_bot, islice_xi_bot, islice_eta_bot, &
+             itop, ichunk_top, islice_xi_top, islice_eta_top, &
+             nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+! get the 4 diagonal neighboring slices (actually 3 diagonal slices at the corners)
+  ilb = get_slice_number(ichunk,ixi-1,ieta-1,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+  ilt = get_slice_number(ichunk,ixi-1,ieta+1,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+  irb = get_slice_number(ichunk,ixi+1,ieta-1,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+  irt = get_slice_number(ichunk,ixi+1,ieta+1,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+  if (ixi==0) then
+    call get_lrbt_slices(ichunk_left,islice_xi_left,islice_eta_left, &
+               ileft0, ichunk_left0, islice_xi_left0, islice_eta_left0, &
+               iright0, ichunk_right0, islice_xi_right0, islice_eta_right0, &
+               ibot0, ichunk_bot0, islice_xi_bot0, islice_eta_bot0, &
+               itop0, ichunk_top0, islice_xi_top0, islice_eta_top0, &
+               nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+    if (ichunk == 0 .or. ichunk == 1 .or. ichunk == 3 .or. ichunk == 5) then
+      ilb = get_slice_number(ichunk_bot0,islice_xi_bot0,islice_eta_bot0,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+      ilt = get_slice_number(ichunk_top0,islice_xi_top0,islice_eta_top0,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+    else if (ichunk == 2) then
+      ilb = get_slice_number(ichunk_right0,islice_xi_right0,islice_eta_right0,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+      ilt = get_slice_number(ichunk_left0,islice_xi_left0,islice_eta_left0,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+    else 
+      ilb = get_slice_number(ichunk_left0,islice_xi_left0,islice_eta_left0,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+      ilt = get_slice_number(ichunk_right0,islice_xi_right0,islice_eta_right0,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+    endif
+  endif
+  if (ixi==nproc_xi-1) then
+    call get_lrbt_slices(ichunk_right,islice_xi_right,islice_eta_right, &
+               ileft0, ichunk_left0, islice_xi_left0, islice_eta_left0, &
+               iright0, ichunk_right0, islice_xi_right0, islice_eta_right0, &
+               ibot0, ichunk_bot0, islice_xi_bot0, islice_eta_bot0, &
+               itop0, ichunk_top0, islice_xi_top0, islice_eta_top0, &
+               nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+    if (ichunk == 0 .or. ichunk == 1 .or. ichunk == 3 .or. ichunk == 5) then
+      irb = get_slice_number(ichunk_bot0,islice_xi_bot0,islice_eta_bot0,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+      irt = get_slice_number(ichunk_top0,islice_xi_top0,islice_eta_top0,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+    else if (ichunk == 2) then
+      irb = get_slice_number(ichunk_left0,islice_xi_left0,islice_eta_left0,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+      irt = get_slice_number(ichunk_right0,islice_xi_right0,islice_eta_right0,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+    else
+      irb = get_slice_number(ichunk_right0,islice_xi_right0,islice_eta_right0,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+      irt = get_slice_number(ichunk_left0,islice_xi_left0,islice_eta_left0,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+    endif
+  endif
+  if (ieta==0) then
+    call get_lrbt_slices(ichunk_bot,islice_xi_bot,islice_eta_bot, &
+               ileft0, ichunk_left0, islice_xi_left0, islice_eta_left0, &
+               iright0, ichunk_right0, islice_xi_right0, islice_eta_right0, &
+               ibot0, ichunk_bot0, islice_xi_bot0, islice_eta_bot0, &
+               itop0, ichunk_top0, islice_xi_top0, islice_eta_top0, &
+               nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+    if (ichunk == 1 .or. ichunk == 2) then
+      ilb = get_slice_number(ichunk_left0,islice_xi_left0,islice_eta_left0,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+      irb = get_slice_number(ichunk_right0,islice_xi_right0,islice_eta_right0,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+    else if (ichunk == 3 .or. ichunk == 4) then
+      ilb = get_slice_number(ichunk_right0,islice_xi_right0,islice_eta_right0,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+      irb = get_slice_number(ichunk_left0,islice_xi_left0,islice_eta_left0,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+    else if (ichunk == 0) then
+      ilb = get_slice_number(ichunk_top0,islice_xi_top0,islice_eta_top0,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+      irb = get_slice_number(ichunk_bot0,islice_xi_bot0,islice_eta_bot0,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+    else
+      ilb = get_slice_number(ichunk_bot0,islice_xi_bot0,islice_eta_bot0,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+      irb = get_slice_number(ichunk_top0,islice_xi_top0,islice_eta_top0,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+    endif
+  endif
+  if (ieta==nproc_eta-1) then
+    call get_lrbt_slices(ichunk_top,islice_xi_top,islice_eta_top, &
+               ileft0, ichunk_left0, islice_xi_left0, islice_eta_left0, &
+               iright0, ichunk_right0, islice_xi_right0, islice_eta_right0, &
+               ibot0, ichunk_bot0, islice_xi_bot0, islice_eta_bot0, &
+               itop0, ichunk_top0, islice_xi_top0, islice_eta_top0, &
+               nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+    if (ichunk == 1 .or. ichunk == 4) then
+      ilt = get_slice_number(ichunk_left0,islice_xi_left0,islice_eta_left0,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+      irt = get_slice_number(ichunk_right0,islice_xi_right0,islice_eta_right0,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+    else if (ichunk == 2 .or. ichunk == 3) then
+      ilt = get_slice_number(ichunk_right0,islice_xi_right0,islice_eta_right0,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+      irt = get_slice_number(ichunk_left0,islice_xi_left0,islice_eta_left0,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+    else if (ichunk == 0) then
+      ilt = get_slice_number(ichunk_bot0,islice_xi_bot0,islice_eta_bot0,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+      irt = get_slice_number(ichunk_top0,islice_xi_top0,islice_eta_top0,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+    else
+      ilt = get_slice_number(ichunk_top0,islice_xi_top0,islice_eta_top0,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+      irt = get_slice_number(ichunk_bot0,islice_xi_bot0,islice_eta_bot0,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+    endif
+  endif
+end subroutine get_all_eight_slices
+subroutine get_lrbt_slices(ichunk,ixi,ieta, &
+           ileft, ichunk_left, islice_xi_left, islice_eta_left, &
+           iright, ichunk_right, islice_xi_right, islice_eta_right, &
+           ibot, ichunk_bot, islice_xi_bot, islice_eta_bot, &
+           itop, ichunk_top, islice_xi_top, islice_eta_top, &
+           nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+  implicit none
+  integer, intent(IN) :: ichunk, ixi, ieta, nproc_xi, nproc_eta
+  integer, intent(OUT) :: ileft, ichunk_left, islice_xi_left, islice_eta_left, &
+           iright, ichunk_right, islice_xi_right, islice_eta_right, &
+           ibot, ichunk_bot, islice_xi_bot, islice_eta_bot, &
+           itop, ichunk_top, islice_xi_top, islice_eta_top
+  integer, parameter :: NCHUNKS = 6
+  integer, dimension(NCHUNKS) :: chunk_left,chunk_right,chunk_bot,chunk_top, &
+             slice_xi_left,slice_eta_left,slice_xi_right,slice_eta_right, &
+             slice_xi_bot,slice_eta_bot,slice_xi_top,slice_eta_top
+  integer :: get_slice_number
+! set up mapping arrays -- assume chunk/slice number starts from 0
+  chunk_left(:) = (/2,6,6,1,6,4/) - 1
+  chunk_right(:) = (/4,1,1,6,1,2/) - 1
+  chunk_bot(:) = (/5,5,2,5,4,5/) - 1
+  chunk_top(:) = (/3,3,4,3,2,3/) - 1
+  slice_xi_left(:) = (/nproc_xi-1,nproc_xi-1,nproc_xi-1-ieta,nproc_xi-1,ieta,nproc_xi-1/)
+  slice_eta_left(:) = (/ieta,ieta,nproc_eta-1,ieta,0,ieta/)
+  slice_xi_right(:) = (/0,0,ieta,0,nproc_xi-1-ieta,0/)
+  slice_eta_right(:) = (/ieta,ieta,nproc_eta-1,ieta,0,ieta/)
+  slice_xi_bot(:) = (/nproc_xi-1,ixi,ixi,nproc_xi-1-ixi,nproc_xi-1-ixi,0/)
+  slice_eta_bot(:) = (/nproc_eta-1-ixi,nproc_eta-1,nproc_eta-1,0,0,ixi/)
+  slice_xi_top(:) = (/nproc_xi-1,ixi,nproc_xi-1-ixi,nproc_xi-1-ixi,ixi,0/)
+  slice_eta_top(:) = (/ixi,0,nproc_eta-1,nproc_eta-1,0,nproc_eta-1-ixi /)
+  ichunk_left = ichunk
+  ichunk_right = ichunk
+  ichunk_bot = ichunk
+  ichunk_top = ichunk
+  islice_xi_left = ixi-1
+  islice_eta_left = ieta
+  islice_xi_right = ixi+1
+  islice_eta_right = ieta
+  islice_xi_bot = ixi
+  islice_eta_bot = ieta-1
+  islice_xi_top = ixi
+  islice_eta_top = ieta+1
+  if (ixi == 0) then
+    ichunk_left=chunk_left(ichunk+1)
+    islice_xi_left=slice_xi_left(ichunk+1)
+    islice_eta_left=slice_eta_left(ichunk+1)
+  endif
+  if (ixi == nproc_xi - 1) then
+    ichunk_right=chunk_right(ichunk+1)
+    islice_xi_right=slice_xi_right(ichunk+1)
+    islice_eta_right=slice_eta_right(ichunk+1)
+  endif
+  if (ieta == 0) then
+    ichunk_bot=chunk_bot(ichunk+1)
+    islice_xi_bot=slice_xi_bot(ichunk+1)
+    islice_eta_bot=slice_eta_bot(ichunk+1)
+  endif
+  if (ieta == nproc_eta - 1) then
+    ichunk_top=chunk_top(ichunk+1)
+    islice_xi_top=slice_xi_top(ichunk+1)
+    islice_eta_top=slice_eta_top(ichunk+1)
+  endif
+  ileft = get_slice_number(ichunk_left,islice_xi_left,islice_eta_left,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+  iright = get_slice_number(ichunk_right,islice_xi_right,islice_eta_right,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+  ibot = get_slice_number(ichunk_bot,islice_xi_bot,islice_eta_bot,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+  itop = get_slice_number(ichunk_top,islice_xi_top,islice_eta_top,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+end subroutine get_lrbt_slices
+! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+integer function get_slice_number(ichunk,ixi,ieta,nproc_xi,nproc_eta)
+  implicit none
+  integer :: ichunk, ixi, ieta, nproc_xi, nproc_eta
+   get_slice_number = ichunk*nproc_xi*nproc_eta+ieta*nproc_xi+ixi
+ end function get_slice_number

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X03_SRC_SMOOTH_KERNELS/xcompile.sh	                        (rev 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Author: Hejun Zhu, hejunzhu at princeton.edu
+# Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
+# Last modified: Tue Jan 25 17:19:32 EST 2011
+if [ ! -f ../constants.h ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO constants.h
+	exit 
+if [ ! -f ../values_from_mesher.h ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO values_from_mesher.h 
+	exit
+if [ ! -f ../precision.h ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO precision.h 
+	exit
+mpif90 -O3 -o xsmooth_sem_globe smooth_sem_globe.f90 smooth_sub.f90 exit_mpi.f90 gll_library.f90

Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X03_SRC_SMOOTH_KERNELS/xpbs_smooth_kernel.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X03_SRC_SMOOTH_KERNELS/xpbs_smooth_kernel.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Author: Hejun Zhu, hejunzhu at princeton.edu
+# Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
+# Last modified: Fri Mar  4 13:16:22 EST 2011
+for tag in bulk_c_kernel_precond bulk_betav_kernel_precond bulk_betah_kernel_precond eta_kernel_precond  
+	echo $tag 
+	title="#PBS -N XSMOOTH_$tag" 
+	sed -e "s/^tag=.*$/tag=$tag/g" \
+	    -e "s/^iter=.*$/iter=$iter/g" \
+	    -e "s/^sigma_h=.*$/sigma_h=$sigma_h/g" \
+	    -e "s/^sigma_v=.*$/sigma_v=$sigma_v/g" \
+	    -e "s/^#PBS -N.*$/$title/g" \
+            xpbs_smooth_kernel_sub.sh > xpbs_smooth_kernel_sub.sh.out 
+	    mv xpbs_smooth_kernel_sub.sh.out xpbs_smooth_kernel_sub.sh 
+	    qsub xpbs_smooth_kernel_sub.sh 
+ 	    sleep 5 

Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X03_SRC_SMOOTH_KERNELS/xpbs_smooth_kernel_sub.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X03_SRC_SMOOTH_KERNELS/xpbs_smooth_kernel_sub.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#PBS -q tromp
+#PBS -N XSMOOTH_eta_kernel_precond
+#PBS -l nodes=13:ppn=8
+#PBS -l walltime=15:00:00
+#PBS -j oe
+#PBS -k oe
+#PBS -o job_src2.log
+echo submit smoothing $tag kernel  
+mpiexec -np 100 ./xsmooth_sem_globe $sigma_h $sigma_v $tag $kernel_path $topo_path  > $output_tag 
+echo smoothing $tag kernel done successfully 

(Binary files differ)

Name: svn:executable
   + *
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X04_SRC_DIRECTION_CG/compute_direction_cg.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X04_SRC_DIRECTION_CG/compute_direction_cg.f90	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+program xcompute_direction_cg 
+  implicit none
+  include 'mpif.h'
+  include '../../SHARE_FILES/constants.h'
+  include '../../SHARE_FILES/values_from_mesher.h'
+  include '../../SHARE_FILES/precision.h' 
+  integer,parameter:: NSPEC=NSPEC_CRUST_MANTLE 
+  integer,parameter:: NKERNEL=4 
+  integer:: myrank, sizeprocs,ier 
+  integer:: iker,ispec,i,j,k 
+  character(len=512):: direction_0_dir, direction_1_dir, gradient_0_dir, gradient_1_dir 
+  character(len=512):: direction_0_file, direction_1_file, gradient_0_file, gradient_1_file 
+  character(len=256):: kernel_name(NKERNEL) 
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC):: direction_0, direction_1,gradient_0,gradient_1
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL)::beta,beta_upper,beta_down,beta_upper_all_tmp,beta_down_all_tmp
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(NKERNEL)::beta_upper_all,beta_down_all
+  call MPI_INIT(ier)
+  call MPI_COMM_SIZE(MPI_COMM_WORLD,sizeprocs,ier)
+  call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD,myrank,ier) 
+  call getarg(1,direction_0_dir)
+  call getarg(2,direction_1_dir)
+  call getarg(3,gradient_0_dir) 
+  call getarg(4,gradient_1_dir) 
+  if (trim(direction_0_dir) == '' .or. trim(direction_1_dir) == '' & 
+        .or. trim(gradient_0_dir) == '' .or. trim(gradient_1_dir) == '') then
+        call exit_MPI(myrank,'USAGE: xcompute_direction_cg direction_0_dir direction_1_dir gradient_0_dir gradient_1_dir') 
+  end if 
+  kernel_name=(/"reg1_bulk_betah_kernel_precond_smooth","reg1_bulk_betav_kernel_precond_smooth","reg1_bulk_c_kernel_precond_smooth","reg1_eta_kernel_precond_smooth"/) 
+  do iker = 1,NKERNEL 
+        write(gradient_0_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(gradient_0_dir)//'/proc',myrank,'_'//trim(kernel_name(iker))//'.bin' 
+        write(gradient_1_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(gradient_1_dir)//'/proc',myrank,'_'//trim(kernel_name(iker))//'.bin' 
+        open(1001,file=trim(gradient_0_file),status='old',form='unformatted',iostat=ier)
+        if (myrank == 0) print*, 'reading gradient0:',trim(gradient_0_file)
+        if ( ier /=0) then 
+                print*, 'error opening:',trim(gradient_0_file)
+                call exit_mpi(myrank,'file not found') 
+        end if 
+        read(1001) gradient_0(:,:,:,1:NSPEC)
+        close(1001)
+        open(1001,file=trim(gradient_1_file),status='old',form='unformatted',iostat=ier) 
+        if (myrank == 0) print*, 'reading gradient1:',trim(gradient_1_file)
+        if (ier/=0) then 
+                print*, 'error opening:',trim(gradient_1_file)
+                call exit_mpi(myrank,'file not found')
+        end if 
+        read(1001) gradient_1(:,:,:,1:NSPEC)
+        close(1001) 
+        beta_upper=sum(gradient_1*(gradient_1-gradient_0))
+        beta_down=sum(gradient_0*gradient_0)
+        call mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+        call mpi_allreduce(beta_upper,beta_upper_all_tmp,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+        call mpi_allreduce(beta_down,beta_down_all_tmp,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+        beta_upper_all(iker)=beta_upper_all_tmp 
+        beta_down_all(iker)=beta_down_all_tmp
+  end do 
+  beta=sum(beta_upper_all)/sum(beta_down_all)
+  if (myrank == 0 ) then 
+        print*,'before zero',myrank,beta
+  end if 
+  if ( beta < 0.0 ) then 
+        beta=0.0
+  end if 
+  if (myrank == 0 ) then 
+        print*,myrank,beta
+  end if 
+  do iker = 1,NKERNEL 
+        direction_1=0._CUSTOM_REAL 
+        write(direction_0_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(direction_0_dir)//'/proc',myrank,'_'//trim(kernel_name(iker))//'.bin'
+        write(direction_1_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(direction_1_dir)//'/proc',myrank,'_'//trim(kernel_name(iker))//'.bin'
+        write(gradient_0_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(gradient_0_dir)//'/proc',myrank,'_'//trim(kernel_name(iker))//'.bin' 
+        write(gradient_1_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(gradient_1_dir)//'/proc',myrank,'_'//trim(kernel_name(iker))//'.bin' 
+        open(1001,file=trim(direction_0_file),status='old',form='unformatted',iostat=ier)
+        if ( myrank == 0) print*,'reading direction0:',trim(direction_0_file)
+        if (ier /= 0 ) then 
+                print*, 'error opening:',trim(direction_0_file) 
+                call exit_mpi(myrank,'file not found') 
+        end if 
+        read(1001) direction_0(:,:,:,1:NSPEC) 
+        close(1001) 
+        open(1001,file=trim(gradient_0_file),status='old',form='unformatted',iostat=ier)
+        if (myrank == 0) print*, 'reading gradient0:',trim(gradient_0_file)
+        if ( ier /=0) then 
+                print*, 'error opening:',trim(gradient_0_file)
+                call exit_mpi(myrank,'file not found') 
+        end if 
+        read(1001) gradient_0(:,:,:,1:NSPEC)
+        close(1001)
+        open(1001,file=trim(gradient_1_file),status='old',form='unformatted',iostat=ier) 
+        if (myrank == 0) print*, 'reading gradient1:',trim(gradient_1_file)
+        if (ier/=0) then 
+                print*, 'error opening:',trim(gradient_1_file)
+                call exit_mpi(myrank,'file not found')
+        end if 
+        read(1001) gradient_1(:,:,:,1:NSPEC)
+        close(1001) 
+        do ispec=1,NSPEC
+           do k = 1,NGLLZ
+              do j = 1,NGLLY
+                 do i = 1,NGLLX 
+                    direction_1(i,j,k,ispec)=-gradient_1(i,j,k,ispec)+beta*direction_0(i,j,k,ispec) 
+                 end do ! i 
+              end do  ! j 
+            end do ! k 
+        end do ! ispec 
+        open(1001,file=trim(direction_1_file),form='unformatted',action='write')
+        if (myrank == 0) print*, 'writing direction1:',direction_1_file 
+        write(1001) direction_1
+        close(1001) 
+  end do ! kernel type 
+  call MPI_FINALIZE(ier) 
+end program xcompute_direction_cg

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X04_SRC_DIRECTION_CG/exit_mpi.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X04_SRC_DIRECTION_CG/exit_mpi.f90	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  3 . 6
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!                 Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!    Seismological Laboratory - California Institute of Technology
+!       (c) California Institute of Technology September 2006
+!    A signed non-commercial agreement is required to use this program.
+!   Please check http://www.gps.caltech.edu/research/jtromp for details.
+!           Free for non-commercial academic research ONLY.
+!      This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY whatsoever.
+!      Do not redistribute this program without written permission.
+! end the simulation and exit MPI
+! version with rank number printed in the error message
+  subroutine exit_MPI(myrank,error_msg)
+  implicit none
+! standard include of the MPI library
+  include 'mpif.h'
+  include "../../SHARE_FILES/constants.h"
+! identifier for error message file
+  integer, parameter :: IERROR = 30
+  integer myrank
+  character(len=*) error_msg
+  integer ier
+  character(len=80) outputname
+! write error message to screen
+  write(*,*) error_msg(1:len(error_msg))
+  write(*,*) 'Error detected, aborting MPI... proc ',myrank
+! write error message to file
+  write(outputname,"('OUTPUT_FILES/error_message',i6.6,'.txt')") myrank
+  open(unit=IERROR,file=trim(outputname),status='unknown')
+  write(IERROR,*) error_msg(1:len(error_msg))
+  write(IERROR,*) 'Error detected, aborting MPI... proc ',myrank
+  close(IERROR)
+! stop all the MPI processes, and exit
+! on some machines, MPI_FINALIZE needs to be called before MPI_ABORT
+  call MPI_FINALIZE(ier)
+  call MPI_ABORT(ier)
+  stop 'error, program ended in exit_MPI'
+  end subroutine exit_MPI

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X04_SRC_DIRECTION_CG/xcompile.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X04_SRC_DIRECTION_CG/xcompile.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Author: Hejun Zhu, hejunzhu at princeton.edu
+# Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
+# Last modified: Tue Jan 25 17:19:32 EST 2011
+if [ ! -f ../../SHARE_FILES/constants.h ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO constants.h
+	exit 
+if [ ! -f ../../SHARE_FILES/values_from_mesher.h ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO values_from_mesher.h 
+	exit
+if [ ! -f ../../SHARE_FILES/precision.h ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO precision.h 
+	exit
+mpif90 -O3 -o xcompute_direction_cg compute_direction_cg.f90 exit_mpi.f90

Name: svn:executable
   + *

(Binary files differ)

Name: svn:executable
   + *
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X04_SRC_DIRECTION_CG/xpbs_compute_direction_cg.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X04_SRC_DIRECTION_CG/xpbs_compute_direction_cg.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#PBS -q tromp
+#PBS -l nodes=13:ppn=8
+#PBS -l walltime=15:00:00
+#PBS -j oe
+#PBS -k oe
+#PBS -o xcompute_direction_cg.log
+if [ ! -d $direction_0 ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $direction_0
+	exit
+if [ ! -d $gradient_0 ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $gradient_0
+	exit
+if [ ! -d $gradient_1 ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $gradient_1
+	exit
+if [ ! -d $direction_1 ]; then 
+	echo MKDIR $direction_1
+	mkdir $direction_1
+echo submit compute cg direction 
+mpiexec -np 100 ./xcompute_direction_cg $direction_0 $direction_1 $gradient_0 $gradient_1  > $xoutput_tag 
+echo done successfully 

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X04_SRC_DIRECTION_LBFGS/compute_direction_lbfgs.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X04_SRC_DIRECTION_LBFGS/compute_direction_lbfgs.f90	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+! This program is used to compute lbfgs update direction 
+! Author: Hejun Zhu, hejunzhu at princeton.edu
+! Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
+! Last modified: Tue Aug 21 17:48:28 EDT 2012
+module globe_parameter
+  include '../../SHARE_FILES/constants.h'
+  include '../../SHARE_FILES/values_from_mesher.h'
+  integer,parameter:: NSPEC=NSPEC_CRUST_MANTLE 
+  integer,parameter:: NGLOB=NGLOB_CRUST_MANTLE
+  integer,parameter:: NKERNEL=4
+  integer,parameter:: m_store=5   ! stored model step 3<=m_store<=7
+  integer:: myrank, sizeprocs,ier 
+  integer::iker,ispec,i,j,k
+  character(len=512)::filename,dirname
+  character(len=256):: kernel_name(NKERNEL)
+  character(len=256):: model_name(NKERNEL)
+  integer,dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC):: ibool
+end module globe_parameter
+program xcompute_direction_lbfgs 
+  use globe_parameter
+  implicit none 
+  include 'mpif.h'
+  include '../../SHARE_FILES/precision.h'
+  integer:: iter_start,iter_current,iter_store,istore
+  character(len=128):: s_iter_start,s_iter_current
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(NKERNEL*NGLOB):: q_vector,r_vector
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(NKERNEL*NGLOB):: gradient1,gradient0,model1,model0
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(NKERNEL*NGLOB):: gradient_diff,model_diff
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(128):: p,a
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL):: p_tmp,p_sum,a_tmp,a_sum,b_tmp,b_sum
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL):: b,p_k_up,p_k_down,p_k_up_sum,p_k_down_sum,p_k
+  call MPI_INIT(ier)
+  call MPI_COMM_SIZE(MPI_COMM_WORLD,sizeprocs,ier)
+  call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD,myrank,ier) 
+  ! read in parameters 
+  call getarg(1,s_iter_start)
+  call getarg(2,s_iter_current)
+  read(s_iter_start,*) iter_start
+  read(s_iter_current,*) iter_current
+  if (myrank ==0) print*, 'starting iteration for this period band:',iter_start
+  if (myrank ==0) print*, 'current iteration:',iter_current 
+  iter_store = iter_current-m_store 
+  if ( iter_store <= iter_start ) then 
+        iter_store = iter_start 
+  end if 
+  if (myrank==0) print*, 'stored iteration:',iter_store  
+  kernel_name=(/"reg1_bulk_betah_kernel_precond_smooth","reg1_bulk_betav_kernel_precond_smooth","reg1_eta_kernel_precond_smooth","reg1_bulk_c_kernel_precond_smooth"/) 
+  model_name=(/"reg1_vsh","reg1_vsv","reg1_eta","reg1_bulk"/)
+  ! initialize arrays
+  a(:)=0.0
+  p(:)=0.0
+  gradient1(:)=0.0
+  gradient0(:)=0.0
+  model1(:)=0.0
+  model0(:)=0.0
+  gradient_diff(:)=0.0
+  model_diff(:)=0.0
+  q_vector(:)=0.0
+  r_vector(:)=0.0
+  call get_ibool
+  call get_gradient(iter_current,q_vector)
+  if (myrank == 0) then 
+     print*,'************************************************'
+     print*,'*******starting backward store *****************'
+     print*,'************************************************'
+  end if 
+  do istore=iter_current-1,iter_store,-1
+     call get_gradient(istore+1,gradient1)
+     call get_gradient(istore,gradient0)
+     call get_model(istore+1,model1)
+     call get_model(istore,model0)
+     gradient_diff=gradient1-gradient0 
+     model_diff=model1-model0
+     p_tmp=sum(gradient_diff*model_diff)
+     call mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+     call mpi_allreduce(p_tmp,p_sum,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+     p(istore)=1.0/p_sum 
+     a_tmp=sum(model_diff*q_vector) 
+     call mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+     call mpi_allreduce(a_tmp,a_sum,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+     a(istore)=p(istore)*a_sum
+     if (myrank == 0) print*,'a,p:',a(istore),p(istore)
+     q_vector=q_vector-a(istore)*gradient_diff 
+  end do 
+  p_k_up=sum(gradient_diff*model_diff)
+  p_k_down=sum(gradient_diff*gradient_diff)
+  call mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_allreduce(p_k_up,p_k_up_sum,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_allreduce(p_k_down,p_k_down_sum,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  p_k=p_k_up_sum/p_k_down_sum
+  if ( myrank == 0) print*,'p_k:',p_k
+  r_vector=p_k*q_vector
+  !r_vector=1.0*q_vector
+  if (myrank == 0) then 
+     print*,'******************************************'
+     print*,'********starting forward store ***********'
+     print*,'******************************************'
+  end if 
+  do istore=iter_store,iter_current-1,1
+     call get_gradient(istore+1,gradient1)
+     call get_gradient(istore,gradient0)
+     call get_model(istore+1,model1)
+     call get_model(istore,model0)
+     gradient_diff=gradient1-gradient0
+     model_diff=model1-model0
+     b_tmp=sum(gradient_diff*r_vector)
+     call mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+     call mpi_allreduce(b_tmp,b_sum,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier) 
+     b=p(istore)*b_sum
+     if (myrank==0) print*,'a,b:',a(istore),b
+     r_vector=r_vector+model_diff*(a(istore)-b)
+  end do 
+  r_vector=-1.0*r_vector
+  call write_gradient(iter_current,r_vector)
+  call MPI_FINALIZE(ier) 
+end program xcompute_direction_lbfgs
+subroutine get_ibool 
+  use globe_parameter 
+  implicit none 
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(NGLOB)::tmp 
+  write(dirname,'(a)') '/scratch/lustre/hejunzhu/2012SHEAR_ATTENUATION_ITERATION_UPDATE/EUROPE_TOPOLOGY_FILE'
+  write(filename,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(dirname)//'/proc',myrank,'_reg1_solver_data_2.bin' 
+  open(1001,file=trim(filename),status='old',form='unformatted',iostat=ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) call exit_mpi(myrank,'error opening solver2 file')
+  read(1001) tmp(1:NGLOB)
+  read(1001) tmp(1:NGLOB)
+  read(1001) tmp(1:NGLOB)
+  read(1001) ibool(:,:,:,1:NSPEC)
+  close(1001)
+end subroutine get_ibool
+subroutine get_gradient(iter,gradient)
+  use globe_parameter
+  implicit none 
+  integer::iter,iglob
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(NKERNEL*NGLOB)::gradient 
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC)::vector 
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(NKERNEL,NGLOB)::vector_gll
+  do iker=1,NKERNEL
+     write(dirname,'(a,i2.2)') '/scratch/lustre/hejunzhu/2012SHEAR_ATTENUATION_ITERATION_UPDATE/SUMMED_KERNEL_M',iter
+     write(filename,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(dirname)//'/proc',myrank,'_'//trim(kernel_name(iker))//'.bin'
+     open(1001,file=trim(filename),status='old',form='unformatted',iostat=ier) 
+     if ( myrank == 0) print*,'reading gradient:',trim(filename)
+     if (ier /= 0 ) then 
+        print*,'error reading:',trim(filename)
+        call exit_mpi(myrank,'file not found') 
+     end if 
+     read(1001) vector(:,:,:,1:NSPEC)
+     close(1001)
+     do ispec=1,NSPEC
+        do k=1,NGLLZ
+           do j=1,NGLLY
+              do i=1,NGLLX
+                 iglob=ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
+                 vector_gll(iker,iglob)=vector(i,j,k,ispec)
+              end do 
+            end do 
+         end do 
+      end do 
+  end do 
+  gradient(1:NGLOB)=vector_gll(1,1:NGLOB)
+  gradient(NGLOB+1:2*NGLOB)=vector_gll(2,1:NGLOB)
+  gradient(2*NGLOB+1:3*NGLOB)=vector_gll(3,1:NGLOB)
+  gradient(3*NGLOB+1:4*NGLOB)=vector_gll(4,1:NGLOB)
+end subroutine get_gradient
+subroutine get_model(iter,model)
+  use globe_parameter
+  implicit none 
+  integer::iter,iglob
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(NKERNEL*NGLOB):: model
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(NKERNEL,NGLOB):: vector_gll 
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC):: vector 
+  do iker=1,NKERNEL
+     write(dirname,'(a,i2.2)') '/scratch/lustre/hejunzhu/2012SHEAR_ATTENUATION_ITERATION_UPDATE/MODEL_M',iter
+     write(filename,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(dirname)//'/proc',myrank,'_'//trim(model_name(iker))//'.bin'
+     open(1001,file=trim(filename),status='old',form='unformatted',iostat=ier) 
+     if ( myrank == 0) print*,'reading model:',trim(filename) 
+     if ( ier /=0) then 
+        print*,'error reading:',trim(filename) 
+        call exit_mpi(myrank,'file not found') 
+     end if 
+     read(1001) vector(:,:,:,1:NSPEC) 
+     close(1001)
+     do ispec=1,NSPEC
+        do k=1,NGLLZ
+           do j=1,NGLLY
+              do i=1,NGLLX
+                 iglob=ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
+                 vector_gll(iker,iglob)=vector(i,j,k,ispec)
+              end do 
+           end do 
+        end do 
+     end do
+  end do 
+  model(1:NGLOB)=log(vector_gll(1,1:NGLOB))
+  model(NGLOB+1:2*NGLOB)=log(vector_gll(2,1:NGLOB))
+  model(2*NGLOB+1:3*NGLOB)=log(vector_gll(3,1:NGLOB))
+  model(3*NGLOB+1:4*NGLOB)=log(vector_gll(4,1:NGLOB))
+end subroutine get_model
+subroutine write_gradient(iter,gradient)
+  use globe_parameter
+  implicit none 
+  integer::iter,iglob 
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(NKERNEL*NGLOB)::gradient 
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(NKERNEL,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC)::vector 
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(NKERNEL,NGLOB)::vector_gll
+  vector_gll(1,1:NGLOB)=gradient(1:NGLOB)
+  vector_gll(2,1:NGLOB)=gradient(NGLOB+1:2*NGLOB)
+  vector_gll(3,1:NGLOB)=gradient(2*NGLOB+1:3*NGLOB)
+  vector_gll(4,1:NGLOB)=gradient(3*NGLOB+1:4*NGLOB)
+  do iker=1,NKERNEL 
+     do ispec=1,NSPEC
+        do k=1,NGLLZ
+           do j=1,NGLLY
+              do i=1,NGLLX
+                 iglob=ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
+                 vector(iker,i,j,k,ispec)=vector_gll(iker,iglob)
+              end do 
+            end do
+         end do 
+      end do 
+      write(dirname,'(a,i2.2)') '/scratch/lustre/hejunzhu/2012SHEAR_ATTENUATION_ITERATION_UPDATE/DIRECTION_LBFGS_M',iter
+      write(filename,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(dirname)//'/proc',myrank,'_'//trim(kernel_name(iker))//'.bin'
+      open(1001,file=trim(filename),form='unformatted',action='write')
+      if ( myrank == 0) print*,'writing direct:',filename
+      write(1001) vector(iker,:,:,:,1:NSPEC) 
+      close(1001)
+  end do 
+end subroutine write_gradient 

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X04_SRC_DIRECTION_LBFGS/exit_mpi.f90	                        (rev 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  3 . 6
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!                 Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!    Seismological Laboratory - California Institute of Technology
+!       (c) California Institute of Technology September 2006
+!    A signed non-commercial agreement is required to use this program.
+!   Please check http://www.gps.caltech.edu/research/jtromp for details.
+!           Free for non-commercial academic research ONLY.
+!      This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY whatsoever.
+!      Do not redistribute this program without written permission.
+! end the simulation and exit MPI
+! version with rank number printed in the error message
+  subroutine exit_MPI(myrank,error_msg)
+  implicit none
+! standard include of the MPI library
+  include 'mpif.h'
+  include "../../SHARE_FILES/constants.h"
+! identifier for error message file
+  integer, parameter :: IERROR = 30
+  integer myrank
+  character(len=*) error_msg
+  integer ier
+  character(len=80) outputname
+! write error message to screen
+  write(*,*) error_msg(1:len(error_msg))
+  write(*,*) 'Error detected, aborting MPI... proc ',myrank
+! write error message to file
+  write(outputname,"('OUTPUT_FILES/error_message',i6.6,'.txt')") myrank
+  open(unit=IERROR,file=trim(outputname),status='unknown')
+  write(IERROR,*) error_msg(1:len(error_msg))
+  write(IERROR,*) 'Error detected, aborting MPI... proc ',myrank
+  close(IERROR)
+! stop all the MPI processes, and exit
+! on some machines, MPI_FINALIZE needs to be called before MPI_ABORT
+  call MPI_FINALIZE(ier)
+  call MPI_ABORT(ier)
+  stop 'error, program ended in exit_MPI'
+  end subroutine exit_MPI

(Binary files differ)

Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X04_SRC_DIRECTION_LBFGS/xcompile.sh	                        (rev 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Author: Hejun Zhu, hejunzhu at princeton.edu
+# Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
+# Last modified: Tue Jan 25 17:19:32 EST 2011
+if [ ! -f ../../SHARE_FILES/constants.h ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO constants.h
+	exit 
+if [ ! -f ../../SHARE_FILES/values_from_mesher.h ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO values_from_mesher.h 
+	exit
+if [ ! -f ../../SHARE_FILES/precision.h ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO precision.h 
+	exit
+mpif90 -O3 -o xcompute_direction_lbfgs compute_direction_lbfgs.f90 exit_mpi.f90

Name: svn:executable
   + *

(Binary files differ)

Name: svn:executable
   + *
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X04_SRC_DIRECTION_LBFGS/xpbs_compute_direction_lbfgs.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X04_SRC_DIRECTION_LBFGS/xpbs_compute_direction_lbfgs.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#PBS -q tromp
+#PBS -l nodes=13:ppn=8
+#PBS -l walltime=15:00:00
+#PBS -j oe
+#PBS -k oe
+#PBS -o job_src2.log
+# check directories
+if [ ! -d $model_0 ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $model_0
+	exit
+if [ ! -d $model_1 ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $model_1
+	exit
+if [ ! -d $gradient_1 ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $gradient_1
+	exit
+if [ ! -d $gradient_0 ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $gradient_0
+	exit
+if [ ! -d $direction ]; then 
+	echo MKDIR $direction
+	mkdir $direction
+# submit job
+echo submit compute direction lbfgs
+mpiexec -np 100 ./xcompute_direction_lbfgs $iter_start $iter_current  > $xoutput_tag 
+echo done successfully 

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X04_SRC_DIRECTION_SD/compute_direction_sd.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X04_SRC_DIRECTION_SD/compute_direction_sd.f90	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+program xcompute_direction_sd 
+  implicit none
+  include 'mpif.h'
+  include '../../SHARE_FILES/constants.h'
+  include '../../SHARE_FILES/values_from_mesher.h'
+  include '../../SHARE_FILES/precision.h' 
+  integer,parameter:: NSPEC=NSPEC_CRUST_MANTLE 
+  integer,parameter:: NKERNEL=4 
+  integer:: myrank, sizeprocs,ier 
+  integer:: iker,ispec,i,j,k 
+  character(len=512):: direction_dir, gradient_dir 
+  character(len=512):: direction_file, gradient_file 
+  character(len=256):: kernel_name(NKERNEL) 
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC):: direction,gradient
+  call MPI_INIT(ier)
+  call MPI_COMM_SIZE(MPI_COMM_WORLD,sizeprocs,ier)
+  call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD,myrank,ier) 
+  call getarg(1,direction_dir)
+  call getarg(2,gradient_dir) 
+  if (trim(direction_dir) == ''.or. trim(gradient_dir) == '') then
+        call exit_MPI(myrank,'USAGE: xcompute_direction_sd direction_dir gradient_dir') 
+  end if 
+  kernel_name=(/"reg1_bulk_betah_kernel_precond_smooth","reg1_bulk_betav_kernel_precond_smooth","reg1_bulk_c_kernel_precond_smooth","reg1_eta_kernel_precond_smooth"/) 
+  do iker = 1,NKERNEL 
+     direction=0._CUSTOM_REAL 
+     write(direction_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(direction_dir)//'/proc',myrank,'_'//trim(kernel_name(iker))//'.bin'
+     write(gradient_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(gradient_dir)//'/proc',myrank,'_'//trim(kernel_name(iker))//'.bin' 
+     open(1001,file=trim(gradient_file),status='old',form='unformatted',iostat=ier) 
+     if (myrank == 0) print*, 'reading gradient1:',trim(gradient_file)
+     if (ier/=0) then 
+        print*, 'error opening:',trim(gradient_file)
+        call exit_mpi(myrank,'file not found')
+     end if 
+     read(1001) gradient(:,:,:,1:NSPEC)
+     close(1001) 
+     direction=-gradient
+     open(1001,file=trim(direction_file),form='unformatted',action='write')
+     if (myrank == 0) print*, 'writing direction1:',direction_file 
+     write(1001) direction
+     close(1001) 
+  end do ! kernel type 
+call MPI_FINALIZE(ier) 
+end program xcompute_direction_sd

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X04_SRC_DIRECTION_SD/exit_mpi.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X04_SRC_DIRECTION_SD/exit_mpi.f90	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  3 . 6
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!                 Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!    Seismological Laboratory - California Institute of Technology
+!       (c) California Institute of Technology September 2006
+!    A signed non-commercial agreement is required to use this program.
+!   Please check http://www.gps.caltech.edu/research/jtromp for details.
+!           Free for non-commercial academic research ONLY.
+!      This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY whatsoever.
+!      Do not redistribute this program without written permission.
+! end the simulation and exit MPI
+! version with rank number printed in the error message
+  subroutine exit_MPI(myrank,error_msg)
+  implicit none
+! standard include of the MPI library
+  include 'mpif.h'
+  include "../../SHARE_FILES/constants.h"
+! identifier for error message file
+  integer, parameter :: IERROR = 30
+  integer myrank
+  character(len=*) error_msg
+  integer ier
+  character(len=80) outputname
+! write error message to screen
+  write(*,*) error_msg(1:len(error_msg))
+  write(*,*) 'Error detected, aborting MPI... proc ',myrank
+! write error message to file
+  write(outputname,"('OUTPUT_FILES/error_message',i6.6,'.txt')") myrank
+  open(unit=IERROR,file=trim(outputname),status='unknown')
+  write(IERROR,*) error_msg(1:len(error_msg))
+  write(IERROR,*) 'Error detected, aborting MPI... proc ',myrank
+  close(IERROR)
+! stop all the MPI processes, and exit
+! on some machines, MPI_FINALIZE needs to be called before MPI_ABORT
+  call MPI_FINALIZE(ier)
+  call MPI_ABORT(ier)
+  stop 'error, program ended in exit_MPI'
+  end subroutine exit_MPI

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X04_SRC_DIRECTION_SD/xcompile.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X04_SRC_DIRECTION_SD/xcompile.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Author: Hejun Zhu, hejunzhu at princeton.edu
+# Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
+# Last modified: Tue Jan 25 17:19:32 EST 2011
+if [ ! -f ../../SHARE_FILES/constants.h ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO constants.h in SHARE_FILES
+	exit 
+if [ ! -f ../../SHARE_FILES/values_from_mesher.h ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO values_from_mesher.h in SHARE_FILES
+	exit
+if [ ! -f ../../SHARE_FILES/precision.h ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO precision.h in SHARE_FILES
+	exit
+mpif90 -O3 -o xcompute_direction_sd compute_direction_sd.f90 exit_mpi.f90

Name: svn:executable
   + *

(Binary files differ)

Name: svn:executable
   + *
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X04_SRC_DIRECTION_SD/xpbs_compute_direction_sd.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X04_SRC_DIRECTION_SD/xpbs_compute_direction_sd.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#PBS -q tromp
+#PBS -l nodes=13:ppn=8
+#PBS -l walltime=15:00:00
+#PBS -j oe
+#PBS -k oe
+#PBS -o xcompute_direction_sd.log
+if [ ! -d $gradient_dir ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $gradient_dir
+	exit
+if [ ! -d $direction_dir ]; then 
+	echo MKDIR $direction_dir
+	mkdir $direction_dir
+echo submit compute sd direction  
+mpiexec -np 100 ./xcompute_direction_sd $direction $gradient  > $xoutput_tag 
+echo done successfully 

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X05_SRC_UPDATE_MODELS/add_model_globe.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X05_SRC_UPDATE_MODELS/add_model_globe.f90	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,1135 @@
+! add_model_globe_tiso
+! this program can be used to update TRANSVERSE ISOTROPIC model files
+! based on smoothed event kernels.
+! the kernels are given for tranverse isotropic parameters (bulk_c,bulk_betav,bulk_betah,eta).
+! the algorithm uses a steepest descent method with a step length
+! determined by the given maximum update percentage.
+! input:
+!    - step_fac : step length to update the models, f.e. 0.03 for plusminus 3%
+! setup:
+!- INPUT_MODEL/  contains:
+!       proc000***_reg1_vsv.bin &
+!       proc000***_reg1_vsh.bin &
+!       proc000***_reg1_vpv.bin &
+!       proc000***_reg1_vph.bin &
+!       proc000***_reg1_eta.bin &
+!       proc000***_reg1_rho.bin
+!- INPUT_GRADIENT/ contains:
+!       proc000***_reg1_bulk_c_kernel_smooth.bin &
+!       proc000***_reg1_bulk_betav_kernel_smooth.bin &
+!       proc000***_reg1_bulk_betah_kernel_smooth.bin &
+!       proc000***_reg1_eta_kernel_smooth.bin
+!- topo/ contains:
+!       proc000***_reg1_solver_data_1.bin
+! new models are stored in
+!   proc000***_reg1_vpv_new.bin &
+!   proc000***_reg1_vph_new.bin &
+!   proc000***_reg1_vsv_new.bin &
+!   proc000***_reg1_vsh_new.bin &
+!   proc000***_reg1_eta_new.bin &
+!   proc000***_reg1_rho_new.bin
+! USAGE: ./add_model_globe_tiso 0.3
+module model_update_tiso
+  include 'mpif.h'
+  include '../XHEADER_FILES/constants.h'
+  include '../XHEADER_FILES/precision.h'
+  include '../XHEADER_FILES/values_from_mesher.h'
+  ! ======================================================
+  ! density scaling factor with shear perturbations
+  ! see e.g. Montagner & Anderson (1989), Panning & Romanowicz (2006)
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),parameter :: RHO_SCALING = 0.33_CUSTOM_REAL
+  ! constraint on eta model
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),parameter :: LIMIT_ETA_MIN = 0.5_CUSTOM_REAL
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),parameter :: LIMIT_ETA_MAX = 1.5_CUSTOM_REAL
+  ! ======================================================
+  integer, parameter :: NSPEC = NSPEC_CRUST_MANTLE
+  integer, parameter :: NGLOB = NGLOB_CRUST_MANTLE
+  ! transverse isotropic model files
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC) :: &
+        model_vpv,model_vph,model_vsv,model_vsh,model_eta,model_rho
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC) :: &
+        model_vpv_new,model_vph_new,model_vsv_new,model_vsh_new,model_eta_new,model_rho_new
+  ! model updates
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC) :: &
+        model_dbulk,model_dbetah,model_dbetav,model_deta
+  ! kernels
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC) :: &
+        kernel_bulk,kernel_betav,kernel_betah,kernel_eta
+  ! volume
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLOB) :: x, y, z
+  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC) :: ibool
+  integer, dimension(NSPEC) :: idoubling
+  ! gradient vector norm ( v^T * v )
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: norm_bulk,norm_betav,norm_betah,norm_eta
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: norm_bulk_sum,norm_betav_sum, &
+    norm_betah_sum,norm_eta_sum
+  ! model update length
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: step_fac,step_length
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: min_vpv,min_vph,min_vsv,min_vsh, &
+    max_vpv,max_vph,max_vsv,max_vsh,min_eta,max_eta,min_bulk,max_bulk, &
+    min_rho,max_rho,max,minmax(4)
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: betav1,betah1,betav0,betah0,rho1,rho0, &
+    betaiso1,betaiso0,eta1,eta0,alphav1,alphav0,alphah1,alphah0
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: dbetaiso,dbulk
+  integer :: nfile, myrank, sizeprocs,  ier
+  integer :: i, j, k,ispec, iglob, ishell, n, it, j1, ib, npts_sem, ios
+  character(len=256) :: sline, m_file, fname
+  character(len=256) :: input_model,input_kernel,output_model
+end module model_update_tiso
+program add_model
+  use model_update_tiso
+  implicit none
+  ! ============ program starts here =====================
+  ! initializes arrays
+  call initialize()
+  ! reads in parameters needed
+  call read_parameters()
+  ! reads in current transverse isotropic model files: vpv.. & vsv.. & eta & rho
+  call read_model()
+  ! reads in smoothed kernels: bulk, betav, betah, eta
+  call read_kernels()
+  ! computes volume element associated with points, calculates kernel integral for statistics
+  call compute_volume()
+  ! calculates gradient
+  ! steepest descent method
+  call get_gradient()
+  ! compute new model in terms of alpha, beta, eta and rho
+  ! (see also Carl's Latex notes)
+  ! model update:
+  !   transverse isotropic update only in layer Moho to 220 (where SPECFEM3D_GLOBE considers TISO)
+  !   everywhere else uses an isotropic update
+  do ispec = 1, NSPEC
+    do k = 1, NGLLZ
+      do j = 1, NGLLY
+        do i = 1, NGLLX
+          ! initial model values
+          eta0 = model_eta(i,j,k,ispec)
+          betav0 = model_vsv(i,j,k,ispec)
+          betah0 = model_vsh(i,j,k,ispec)
+          rho0 = model_rho(i,j,k,ispec)
+          alphav0 = model_vpv(i,j,k,ispec)
+          alphah0 = model_vph(i,j,k,ispec)
+          eta1 = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+          betav1 = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+          betah1 = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+          rho1 = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+          alphav1 = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+          alphah1 = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+          ! do not use transverse isotropy except if element is between d220 and Moho
+          if(.not. ( idoubling(ispec)== IFLAG_670_220 .or.idoubling(ispec)==IFLAG_220_80 .or. idoubling(ispec)==IFLAG_80_MOHO) ) then
+            ! isotropic model update
+            ! no eta perturbation, since eta = 1 in isotropic media
+            eta1 = eta0
+            ! shear values
+            ! isotropic kernel K_beta = K_betav + K_betah
+            ! with same scaling step_length the model update dbeta_iso = dbetav + dbetah
+            ! note:
+            !   this step length can be twice as big as that given by the input
+            dbetaiso = model_dbetav(i,j,k,ispec) + model_dbetah(i,j,k,ispec)
+            betav1 = betav0 * exp( dbetaiso )
+            betah1 = betah0 * exp( dbetaiso )
+            ! note: betah is probably not really used in isotropic layers
+            !         (see SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/get_model.f90)
+            ! density: uses scaling relation with isotropic shear perturbations
+            !               dln rho = RHO_SCALING * dln betaiso
+            rho1 = rho0 * exp( RHO_SCALING * dbetaiso )
+            ! alpha values
+            dbulk = model_dbulk(i,j,k,ispec)
+            alphav1 = sqrt( alphav0**2 * exp(2.0*dbulk) + FOUR_THIRDS * betav0**2 * ( &
+                                exp(2.0*dbetaiso) - exp(2.0*dbulk) ) )
+            alphah1 = sqrt( alphah0**2 * exp(2.0*dbulk) + FOUR_THIRDS * betah0**2 * ( &
+                                exp(2.0*dbetaiso) - exp(2.0*dbulk) ) )
+            ! note: alphah probably not used in SPECFEM3D_GLOBE
+          else
+            ! transverse isotropic model update
+            ! eta value : limits updated values for eta range constraint
+            eta1 = eta0 * exp( model_deta(i,j,k,ispec) )
+            if( eta1 < LIMIT_ETA_MIN ) eta1 = LIMIT_ETA_MIN
+            if( eta1 > LIMIT_ETA_MAX ) eta1 = LIMIT_ETA_MAX
+            ! shear values
+            betav1 = betav0 * exp( model_dbetav(i,j,k,ispec) )
+            betah1 = betah0 * exp( model_dbetah(i,j,k,ispec) )
+            ! density: uses scaling relation with Voigt average of shear perturbations
+            betaiso0 = sqrt(  ( 2.0 * betav0**2 + betah0**2 ) / 3.0 )
+            betaiso1 = sqrt(  ( 2.0 * betav1**2 + betah1**2 ) / 3.0 )
+            dbetaiso = log( betaiso1 / betaiso0 )
+            rho1 = rho0 * exp( RHO_SCALING * dbetaiso )
+            ! alpha values
+            dbulk = model_dbulk(i,j,k,ispec)
+            alphav1 = sqrt( alphav0**2 * exp(2.0*dbulk) &
+                            + FOUR_THIRDS * betav0**2 * ( &
+                                exp(2.0*model_dbetav(i,j,k,ispec)) - exp(2.0*dbulk) ) )
+            alphah1 = sqrt( alphah0**2 * exp(2.0*dbulk) &
+                            + FOUR_THIRDS * betah0**2 * ( &
+                                exp(2.0*model_dbetah(i,j,k,ispec)) - exp(2.0*dbulk) ) )
+          endif
+          ! stores new model values
+          model_vpv_new(i,j,k,ispec) = alphav1
+          model_vph_new(i,j,k,ispec) = alphah1
+          model_vsv_new(i,j,k,ispec) = betav1
+          model_vsh_new(i,j,k,ispec) = betah1
+          model_eta_new(i,j,k,ispec) = eta1
+          model_rho_new(i,j,k,ispec) = rho1
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  ! stores new model in files
+  call store_new_model()
+  ! stores relative model perturbations 
+  call store_perturbations()
+  ! stop all the MPI processes, and exit
+  call MPI_FINALIZE(ier)
+end program add_model
+subroutine initialize()
+! initializes arrays
+  use model_update_tiso
+  implicit none
+  ! initialize the MPI communicator and start the NPROCTOT MPI processes
+  call MPI_INIT(ier)
+  call MPI_COMM_SIZE(MPI_COMM_WORLD,sizeprocs,ier)
+  call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD,myrank,ier)
+  if( sizeprocs /= nchunks_val*nproc_xi_val*nproc_eta_val ) then
+    print*,'sizeprocs:',sizeprocs,nchunks_val,nproc_xi_val,nproc_eta_val
+    call exit_mpi(myrank,'error number sizeprocs')
+  endif
+  ! model
+  model_vpv = 0.0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  model_vph = 0.0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  model_vsv = 0.0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  model_vsh = 0.0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  model_eta = 0.0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  model_rho = 0.0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  model_vpv_new = 0.0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  model_vph_new = 0.0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  model_vsv_new = 0.0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  model_vsh_new = 0.0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  model_eta_new = 0.0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  model_rho_new = 0.0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  ! model updates
+  model_dbulk = 0.0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  model_dbetah = 0.0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  model_dbetav = 0.0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  model_deta = 0.0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  ! gradients
+  kernel_bulk = 0.0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  kernel_betav = 0.0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  kernel_betah = 0.0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  kernel_eta = 0.0_CUSTOM_REAL
+end subroutine initialize
+subroutine read_parameters()
+! reads in parameters needed
+  use model_update_tiso
+  implicit none
+  character(len=150) :: s_step_fac
+  ! subjective step length to multiply to the gradient
+  !step_fac = 0.03
+  call getarg(1,s_step_fac)
+!> Hejun Zhu
+  call getarg(2,input_model)
+  call getarg(3,input_kernel)
+  call getarg(4,output_model)
+!< Hejun Zhu 
+!> Hejun Zhu 
+!  if (trim(s_step_fac) == '') then
+!    call exit_MPI(myrank,'Usage: add_model_globe_tiso step_factor')
+!  endif
+  if (trim(s_step_fac) == '' .or. trim(input_model) == '' &
+      .or. trim(input_kernel) == ''.or. trim(output_model) == '') then 
+      call exit_MPI(myrank, 'Usage: add model_globe_tiso step_factor input_model input_kernel output_model') 
+  endif
+!< Hejun Zhu 
+  ! read in parameter information
+  read(s_step_fac,*) step_fac
+  !if( abs(step_fac) < 1.e-10) then
+  !  print*,'error: step factor ',step_fac
+  !  call exit_MPI(myrank,'error step factor')
+  !endif
+  if (myrank == 0) then
+    print*,'defaults'
+    print*,'  NPROC_XI , NPROC_ETA: ',nproc_xi_val,nproc_eta_val
+    print*,'  NCHUNKS: ',nchunks_val
+    print*
+    print*,'model update for vsv,vsh,vpv,vph,eta,rho:'
+    print*,'  step_fac = ',step_fac
+    print*,' input model dir = ', trim(input_model)
+    print*,' input gradient dir=', trim(input_kernel)
+    print*,' output model dir= ', trim(output_model)
+    print*
+  endif
+end subroutine read_parameters
+subroutine read_model()
+! reads in current transverse isotropic model: vpv.. & vsv.. & eta & rho
+  use model_update_tiso
+  implicit none
+  ! vpv model
+  write(m_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(input_model)//'/proc',myrank,'_reg1_vpv.bin'
+  open(12,file=trim(m_file),status='old',form='unformatted',iostat=ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) then
+    print*,'error opening: ',trim(m_file)
+    call exit_mpi(myrank,'file not found')
+  endif
+  read(12) model_vpv(:,:,:,1:nspec)
+  close(12)
+  ! vph model
+  write(m_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(input_model)//'/proc',myrank,'_reg1_vph.bin'
+  open(12,file=trim(m_file),status='old',form='unformatted',iostat=ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) then
+    print*,'error opening: ',trim(m_file)
+    call exit_mpi(myrank,'file not found')
+  endif
+  read(12) model_vph(:,:,:,1:nspec)
+  close(12)
+  ! vsv model
+  write(m_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(input_model)//'/proc',myrank,'_reg1_vsv.bin'
+  open(12,file=trim(m_file),status='old',form='unformatted',iostat=ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) then
+    print*,'error opening: ',trim(m_file)
+    call exit_mpi(myrank,'file not found')
+  endif
+  read(12) model_vsv(:,:,:,1:nspec)
+  close(12)
+  ! vsh model
+  write(m_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(input_model)//'/proc',myrank,'_reg1_vsh.bin'
+  open(12,file=trim(m_file),status='old',form='unformatted',iostat=ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) then
+    print*,'error opening: ',trim(m_file)
+    call exit_mpi(myrank,'file not found')
+  endif
+  read(12) model_vsh(:,:,:,1:nspec)
+  close(12)
+  ! eta model
+  write(m_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(input_model)//'/proc',myrank,'_reg1_eta.bin'
+  open(12,file=trim(m_file),status='old',form='unformatted',iostat=ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) then
+    print*,'error opening: ',trim(m_file)
+    call exit_mpi(myrank,'file not found')
+  endif
+  read(12) model_eta(:,:,:,1:nspec)
+  close(12)
+  ! rho model
+  write(m_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(input_model)//'/proc',myrank,'_reg1_rho.bin'
+  open(12,file=trim(m_file),status='old',form='unformatted',iostat=ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) then
+    print*,'error opening: ',trim(m_file)
+    call exit_mpi(myrank,'file not found')
+  endif
+  read(12) model_rho(:,:,:,1:nspec)
+  close(12)
+  ! statistics
+  call mpi_reduce(minval(model_vpv),min_vpv,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MIN,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(maxval(model_vpv),max_vpv,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(minval(model_vph),min_vph,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MIN,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(maxval(model_vph),max_vph,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(minval(model_vsv),min_vsv,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MIN,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(maxval(model_vsv),max_vsv,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(minval(model_vsh),min_vsh,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MIN,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(maxval(model_vsh),max_vsh,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(minval(model_eta),min_eta,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MIN,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(maxval(model_eta),max_eta,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(minval(model_rho),min_rho,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MIN,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(maxval(model_rho),max_rho,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  if( myrank == 0 ) then
+    print*,'initial models:'
+    print*,'  vpv min/max: ',min_vpv,max_vpv
+    print*,'  vph min/max: ',min_vph,max_vph
+    print*,'  vsv min/max: ',min_vsv,max_vsv
+    print*,'  vsh min/max: ',min_vsh,max_vsh
+    print*,'  eta min/max: ',min_eta,max_eta
+    print*,'  rho min/max: ',min_rho,max_rho
+    print*
+  endif
+end subroutine read_model
+subroutine read_kernels()
+! reads in smoothed kernels: bulk, betav, betah, eta
+  use model_update_tiso
+  implicit none
+  ! bulk kernel
+  write(m_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(input_kernel)//'/proc',myrank,'_reg1_bulk_c_kernel_precond_smooth.bin'
+  open(12,file=trim(m_file),status='old',form='unformatted',iostat=ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) then
+    print*,'error opening: ',trim(m_file)
+    call exit_mpi(myrank,'file not found')
+  endif
+  read(12) kernel_bulk(:,:,:,1:nspec)
+  close(12)
+  ! betav kernel
+  write(m_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(input_kernel)//'/proc',myrank,'_reg1_bulk_betav_kernel_precond_smooth.bin'
+  open(12,file=trim(m_file),status='old',form='unformatted',iostat=ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) then
+    print*,'error opening: ',trim(m_file)
+    call exit_mpi(myrank,'file not found')
+  endif
+  read(12) kernel_betav(:,:,:,1:nspec)
+  close(12)
+  ! betah kernel
+  write(m_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(input_kernel)//'/proc',myrank,'_reg1_bulk_betah_kernel_precond_smooth.bin'
+  open(12,file=trim(m_file),status='old',form='unformatted',iostat=ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) then
+    print*,'error opening: ',trim(m_file)
+    call exit_mpi(myrank,'file not found')
+  endif
+  read(12) kernel_betah(:,:,:,1:nspec)
+  close(12)
+  ! eta kernel
+  write(m_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(input_kernel)//'/proc',myrank,'_reg1_eta_kernel_precond_smooth.bin'
+  open(12,file=trim(m_file),status='old',form='unformatted',iostat=ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) then
+    print*,'error opening: ',trim(m_file)
+    call exit_mpi(myrank,'file not found')
+  endif
+  read(12) kernel_eta(:,:,:,1:nspec)
+  close(12)
+  ! statistics
+  call mpi_reduce(minval(kernel_bulk),min_bulk,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MIN,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(maxval(kernel_bulk),max_bulk,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(minval(kernel_betah),min_vsh,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MIN,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(maxval(kernel_betah),max_vsh,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(minval(kernel_betav),min_vsv,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MIN,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(maxval(kernel_betav),max_vsv,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(minval(kernel_eta),min_eta,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MIN,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(maxval(kernel_eta),max_eta,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  if( myrank == 0 ) then
+    print*,'initial kernels:'
+    print*,'  bulk min/max : ',min_bulk,max_bulk
+    print*,'  betav min/max: ',min_vsv,max_vsv
+    print*,'  betah min/max: ',min_vsh,max_vsh
+    print*,'  eta min/max  : ',min_eta,max_eta
+    print*
+  endif
+end subroutine read_kernels
+subroutine compute_volume()
+! computes volume element associated with points
+  use model_update_tiso
+  implicit none
+  ! jacobian
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC) :: jacobian
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC) :: &
+    xix,xiy,xiz,etax,etay,etaz,gammax,gammay,gammaz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) xixl,xiyl,xizl,etaxl,etayl,etazl,gammaxl,gammayl,gammazl, &
+    jacobianl,volumel
+  ! integration values
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: integral_bulk_sum,integral_betav_sum, &
+    integral_betah_sum,integral_eta_sum
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: integral_bulk,integral_betav,&
+    integral_betah,integral_eta
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: volume_glob,volume_glob_sum
+  ! Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points of integration and weights
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX) :: xigll, wxgll
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLY) :: yigll, wygll
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLZ) :: zigll, wzgll
+  ! array with all the weights in the cube
+  double precision, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ) :: wgll_cube
+  ! GLL points
+  wgll_cube = 0.0d0
+  call zwgljd(xigll,wxgll,NGLLX,GAUSSALPHA,GAUSSBETA)
+  call zwgljd(yigll,wygll,NGLLY,GAUSSALPHA,GAUSSBETA)
+  call zwgljd(zigll,wzgll,NGLLZ,GAUSSALPHA,GAUSSBETA)
+  do k=1,NGLLZ
+    do j=1,NGLLY
+      do i=1,NGLLX
+        wgll_cube(i,j,k) = wxgll(i)*wygll(j)*wzgll(k)
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  ! global addressing
+  write(m_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') & 
+      '/tigress-hsm/hejunzhu/2011EUROPE_ITERATION_UPDATE/EUROPE_TOPOLOGY_FILE/proc',myrank,'_reg1_solver_data_2.bin'
+  open(11,file=trim(m_file),status='old',form='unformatted',iostat=ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) then
+    print*,'error opening: ',trim(m_file)
+    call exit_mpi(myrank,'file not found')
+  endif
+  read(11) x(1:nglob)
+  read(11) y(1:nglob)
+  read(11) z(1:nglob)
+  read(11) ibool(:,:,:,1:nspec)
+  read(11) idoubling(1:nspec)
+  close(11)
+  ! builds jacobian
+  write(m_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') &
+      '/tigress-hsm/hejunzhu/2011EUROPE_ITERATION_UPDATE/EUROPE_TOPOLOGY_FILE/proc',myrank,'_reg1_solver_data_1.bin'
+  open(11,file=trim(m_file),status='old',form='unformatted',iostat=ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) then
+    print*,'error opening: ',trim(m_file)
+    call exit_mpi(myrank,'file not found')
+  endif
+  read(11) xix
+  read(11) xiy
+  read(11) xiz
+  read(11) etax
+  read(11) etay
+  read(11) etaz
+  read(11) gammax
+  read(11) gammay
+  read(11) gammaz
+  close(11)
+  jacobian = 0.0
+  do ispec = 1, NSPEC
+    do k = 1, NGLLZ
+      do j = 1, NGLLY
+        do i = 1, NGLLX
+          ! gets derivatives of ux, uy and uz with respect to x, y and z
+          xixl = xix(i,j,k,ispec)
+          xiyl = xiy(i,j,k,ispec)
+          xizl = xiz(i,j,k,ispec)
+          etaxl = etax(i,j,k,ispec)
+          etayl = etay(i,j,k,ispec)
+          etazl = etaz(i,j,k,ispec)
+          gammaxl = gammax(i,j,k,ispec)
+          gammayl = gammay(i,j,k,ispec)
+          gammazl = gammaz(i,j,k,ispec)
+          ! computes the jacobian
+          jacobianl = 1._CUSTOM_REAL / (xixl*(etayl*gammazl-etazl*gammayl) &
+                        - xiyl*(etaxl*gammazl-etazl*gammaxl) &
+                        + xizl*(etaxl*gammayl-etayl*gammaxl))
+          jacobian(i,j,k,ispec) = jacobianl
+          !if( abs(jacobianl) < 1.e-8 ) then
+          !  print*,'rank ',myrank,'jacobian: ',jacobianl,i,j,k,wgll_cube(i,j,k)
+          !endif
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  ! volume associated with global point
+  volume_glob = 0.0
+  integral_bulk = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+  integral_betav = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+  integral_betah = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+  integral_eta = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+  norm_bulk = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+  norm_betav = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+  norm_betah = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+  norm_eta = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+  do ispec = 1, NSPEC
+    do k = 1, NGLLZ
+      do j = 1, NGLLY
+        do i = 1, NGLLX
+          iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
+          if( iglob == 0 ) then
+            print*,'iglob zero',i,j,k,ispec
+            print*
+            print*,'ibool:',ispec
+            print*,ibool(:,:,:,ispec)
+            print*
+            call exit_MPI(myrank,'error ibool')
+          endif
+          ! volume associated with GLL point
+          volumel = jacobian(i,j,k,ispec)*wgll_cube(i,j,k)
+          volume_glob = volume_glob + volumel
+          ! kernel integration: for each element
+          integral_bulk = integral_bulk &
+                                 + volumel * kernel_bulk(i,j,k,ispec)
+          integral_betav = integral_betav &
+                                 + volumel * kernel_betav(i,j,k,ispec)
+          integral_betah = integral_betah &
+                                 + volumel * kernel_betah(i,j,k,ispec)
+          integral_eta = integral_eta &
+                                 + volumel * kernel_eta(i,j,k,ispec)
+          ! gradient vector norm sqrt(  v^T * v )
+          norm_bulk = norm_bulk + kernel_bulk(i,j,k,ispec)*kernel_bulk(i,j,k,ispec)
+          norm_betav = norm_betav + kernel_betav(i,j,k,ispec)*kernel_betav(i,j,k,ispec)
+          norm_betah = norm_betah + kernel_betah(i,j,k,ispec)*kernel_betah(i,j,k,ispec)
+          norm_eta = norm_eta + kernel_eta(i,j,k,ispec)*kernel_eta(i,j,k,ispec)
+          ! checks number
+          if( isNaN(integral_bulk) ) then
+            print*,'error NaN: ',integral_bulk
+            print*,'rank:',myrank
+            print*,'i,j,k,ispec:',i,j,k,ispec
+            print*,'volumel: ',volumel,'kernel_bulk:',kernel_bulk(i,j,k,ispec)
+            call exit_MPI(myrank,'error NaN')
+          endif
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  ! statistics
+  ! kernel integration: for whole volume
+  call mpi_reduce(integral_bulk,integral_bulk_sum,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_SUM,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(integral_betav,integral_betav_sum,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_SUM,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(integral_betah,integral_betah_sum,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_SUM,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(integral_eta,integral_eta_sum,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_SUM,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(volume_glob,volume_glob_sum,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_SUM,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  if( myrank == 0 ) then
+    print*,'integral kernels:'
+    print*,'  bulk : ',integral_bulk_sum
+    print*,'  betav : ',integral_betav_sum
+    print*,'  betah : ',integral_betah_sum
+    print*,'  eta : ',integral_eta_sum
+    print*
+    print*,'  total volume:',volume_glob_sum
+    print*
+  endif
+  ! norms: for whole volume
+  call mpi_reduce(norm_bulk,norm_bulk_sum,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_SUM,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(norm_betav,norm_betav_sum,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_SUM,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(norm_betah,norm_betah_sum,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_SUM,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(norm_eta,norm_eta_sum,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_SUM,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  norm_bulk = sqrt(norm_bulk_sum)
+  norm_betav = sqrt(norm_betav_sum)
+  norm_betah = sqrt(norm_betah_sum)
+  norm_eta = sqrt(norm_eta_sum)
+  if( myrank == 0 ) then
+    print*,'norm kernels:'
+    print*,'  bulk : ',norm_bulk
+    print*,'  betav : ',norm_betav
+    print*,'  betah : ',norm_betah
+    print*,'  eta : ',norm_eta
+    print*
+  endif
+end subroutine compute_volume
+subroutine get_gradient()
+! calculates gradient by steepest descent method
+  use model_update_tiso
+  implicit none
+  ! local parameters
+  ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! sets maximum update in this depth range
+  logical,parameter :: use_depth_maximum = .false.
+  ! normalized radii
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),parameter :: R_top = (6371.0 - 50.0 ) / R_EARTH_KM ! shallow depth
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),parameter :: R_bottom = (6371.0 - 600.0 ) / R_EARTH_KM ! deep depth
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL):: r,depth_max
+  ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! initializes kernel maximum
+  max = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+  ! gradient in negative direction for steepest descent
+  do ispec = 1, NSPEC
+    do k = 1, NGLLZ
+      do j = 1, NGLLY
+        do i = 1, NGLLX
+            ! for bulk
+            model_dbulk(i,j,k,ispec) =  kernel_bulk(i,j,k,ispec) ! no negative sign, in conjugate direction subroutine 
+            ! for shear
+            model_dbetav(i,j,k,ispec) =  kernel_betav(i,j,k,ispec)
+            model_dbetah(i,j,k,ispec) =  kernel_betah(i,j,k,ispec)
+            ! for eta
+            model_deta(i,j,k,ispec) =  kernel_eta(i,j,k,ispec)
+            ! determines maximum kernel betav value within given radius
+            if( use_depth_maximum ) then
+              ! get radius of point
+              iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
+              r = sqrt( x(iglob)*x(iglob) + y(iglob)*y(iglob) + z(iglob)*z(iglob) )
+              ! stores maximum kernel betav value in this depth slice, since betav is most likely dominating
+              if( r < R_top .and. r > R_bottom ) then
+                ! kernel betav value
+                max_vsv = abs( kernel_betav(i,j,k,ispec) )
+                if( max < max_vsv ) then
+                  max = max_vsv
+                  depth_max = r
+                endif
+              endif
+            endif
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+!> Hejun Zhu   
+  ! stores model_dbulk, ... arrays
+!  call store_kernel_updates()
+!< Hejun Zhu 
+  ! statistics
+  call mpi_reduce(minval(model_dbulk),min_bulk,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MIN,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(maxval(model_dbulk),max_bulk,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(minval(model_dbetav),min_vsv,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MIN,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(maxval(model_dbetav),max_vsv,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(minval(model_dbetah),min_vsh,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MIN,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(maxval(model_dbetah),max_vsh,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(minval(model_deta),min_eta,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MIN,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(maxval(model_deta),max_eta,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  if( myrank == 0 ) then
+    print*,'initial gradients:'
+    print*,'  bulk min/max : ',min_bulk,max_bulk
+    print*,'  betav min/max: ',min_vsv,max_vsv
+    print*,'  betah min/max: ',min_vsh,max_vsh
+    print*,'  eta min/max  : ',min_eta,max_eta
+    print*
+  endif
+  ! determines maximum kernel betav value within given radius
+  if( use_depth_maximum ) then
+    ! maximum of all processes stored in max_vsv
+    call mpi_reduce(max,max_vsv,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+    max = max_vsv
+    depth_max = 6371.0 *( 1.0 - depth_max )
+  endif
+  ! determines step length
+  ! based on maximum gradient value (either vsv or vsh)
+  if( myrank == 0 ) then
+    ! determines maximum kernel betav value within given radius
+    if( use_depth_maximum ) then
+        print*,'  using depth maximum between 50km and 100km: ',max
+        print*,'  approximate depth maximum: ',depth_max
+        print*
+    else
+        ! maximum gradient values
+        minmax(1) = abs(min_vsv)
+        minmax(2) = abs(max_vsv)
+        minmax(3) = abs(min_vsh)
+        minmax(4) = abs(max_vsh)
+        ! maximum value of all kernel maxima
+        max = maxval(minmax)
+        print*,'  using maximum: ',max
+        print*
+    endif
+    ! chooses step length such that it becomes the desired, given step factor as inputted
+    step_length = step_fac/max
+    print*,'  step length : ',step_length
+    print*
+  endif
+  call mpi_bcast(step_length,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  ! gradient length sqrt( v^T * v )
+  norm_bulk = sum( model_dbulk * model_dbulk )
+  norm_betav = sum( model_dbetav * model_dbetav )
+  norm_betah = sum( model_dbetah * model_dbetah )
+  norm_eta = sum( model_deta * model_deta )
+  call mpi_reduce(norm_bulk,norm_bulk_sum,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_SUM,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(norm_betav,norm_betav_sum,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_SUM,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(norm_betah,norm_betah_sum,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_SUM,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(norm_eta,norm_eta_sum,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_SUM,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  norm_bulk = sqrt(norm_bulk_sum)
+  norm_betav = sqrt(norm_betav_sum)
+  norm_betah = sqrt(norm_betah_sum)
+  norm_eta = sqrt(norm_eta_sum)
+  if( myrank == 0 ) then
+    print*,'norm model updates:'
+    print*,'  bulk : ',norm_bulk
+    print*,'  betav: ',norm_betav
+    print*,'  betah: ',norm_betah
+    print*,'  eta  : ',norm_eta
+    print*
+  endif
+  ! multiply model updates by a subjective factor that will change the step
+  model_dbulk(:,:,:,:) = step_length * model_dbulk(:,:,:,:)
+  model_dbetav(:,:,:,:) = step_length * model_dbetav(:,:,:,:)
+  model_dbetah(:,:,:,:) = step_length * model_dbetah(:,:,:,:)  
+  model_deta(:,:,:,:) = step_length * model_deta(:,:,:,:)
+  ! statistics
+  call mpi_reduce(minval(model_dbulk),min_bulk,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MIN,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(maxval(model_dbulk),max_bulk,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(minval(model_dbetav),min_vsv,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MIN,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(maxval(model_dbetav),max_vsv,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(minval(model_dbetah),min_vsh,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MIN,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(maxval(model_dbetah),max_vsh,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(minval(model_deta),min_eta,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MIN,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(maxval(model_deta),max_eta,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  if( myrank == 0 ) then
+    print*,'scaled gradients:'
+    print*,'  bulk min/max : ',min_bulk,max_bulk
+    print*,'  betav min/max: ',min_vsv,max_vsv
+    print*,'  betah min/max: ',min_vsh,max_vsh
+    print*,'  eta min/max  : ',min_eta,max_eta
+    print*
+  endif
+end subroutine get_gradient
+subroutine store_kernel_updates()
+! file output for new model
+  use model_update_tiso
+  implicit none
+  ! kernel updates
+  fname = 'dbulk_c'
+  write(m_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(input_kernel)//'/proc',myrank,'_reg1_'//trim(fname)//'.bin'
+  open(12,file=trim(m_file),form='unformatted',action='write')
+  write(12) model_dbulk
+  close(12)
+  fname = 'dbetav'
+  write(m_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(input_kernel)//'/proc',myrank,'_reg1_'//trim(fname)//'.bin'
+  open(12,file=trim(m_file),form='unformatted',action='write')
+  write(12) model_dbetav
+  close(12)
+  fname = 'dbetah'
+  write(m_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(input_kernel)//'/proc',myrank,'_reg1_'//trim(fname)//'.bin'
+  open(12,file=trim(m_file),form='unformatted',action='write')
+  write(12) model_dbetah
+  close(12)
+  fname = 'deta'
+  write(m_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(input_kernel)//'/proc',myrank,'_reg1_'//trim(fname)//'.bin'
+  open(12,file=trim(m_file),form='unformatted',action='write')
+  write(12) model_deta
+  close(12)
+end subroutine store_kernel_updates
+subroutine store_new_model()
+! file output for new model
+  use model_update_tiso
+  implicit none
+  ! vpv model
+  call mpi_reduce(maxval(model_vpv_new),max_vpv,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(minval(model_vpv_new),min_vpv,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MIN,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  fname = 'vpv'
+  write(m_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(output_model)//'/proc',myrank,'_reg1_'//trim(fname)//'.bin'
+  open(12,file=trim(m_file),form='unformatted',action='write')
+  write(12) model_vpv_new
+  close(12)
+  ! vph model
+  call mpi_reduce(maxval(model_vph_new),max_vph,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(minval(model_vph_new),min_vph,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MIN,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  fname = 'vph'
+  write(m_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(output_model)//'/proc',myrank,'_reg1_'//trim(fname)//'.bin'
+  open(12,file=trim(m_file),form='unformatted',action='write')
+  write(12) model_vph_new
+  close(12)
+  ! vsv model
+  call mpi_reduce(maxval(model_vsv_new),max_vsv,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(minval(model_vsv_new),min_vsv,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MIN,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  fname = 'vsv'
+  write(m_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(output_model)//'/proc',myrank,'_reg1_'//trim(fname)//'.bin'
+  open(12,file=trim(m_file),form='unformatted',action='write')
+  write(12) model_vsv_new
+  close(12)
+  ! vsh model
+  call mpi_reduce(maxval(model_vsh_new),max_vsh,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(minval(model_vsh_new),min_vsh,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MIN,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  fname = 'vsh'
+  write(m_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(output_model)//'/proc',myrank,'_reg1_'//trim(fname)//'.bin'
+  open(12,file=trim(m_file),form='unformatted',action='write')
+  write(12) model_vsh_new
+  close(12)
+  ! eta model
+  call mpi_reduce(maxval(model_eta_new),max_eta,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(minval(model_eta_new),min_eta,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MIN,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  fname = 'eta'
+  write(m_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(output_model)//'/proc',myrank,'_reg1_'//trim(fname)//'.bin'
+  open(12,file=trim(m_file),form='unformatted',action='write')
+  write(12) model_eta_new
+  close(12)
+  ! rho model
+  call mpi_reduce(maxval(model_rho_new),max_rho,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(minval(model_rho_new),min_rho,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MIN,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  fname = 'rho'
+  write(m_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(output_model)//'/proc',myrank,'_reg1_'//trim(fname)//'.bin'
+  open(12,file=trim(m_file),form='unformatted',action='write')
+  write(12) model_rho_new
+  close(12)
+  if( myrank == 0 ) then
+    print*,'new models:'
+    print*,'  vpv min/max: ',min_vpv,max_vpv
+    print*,'  vph min/max: ',min_vph,max_vph
+    print*,'  vsv min/max: ',min_vsv,max_vsv
+    print*,'  vsh min/max: ',min_vsh,max_vsh
+    print*,'  eta min/max: ',min_eta,max_eta
+    print*,'  rho min/max: ',min_rho,max_rho
+    print*
+  endif
+end subroutine store_new_model
+subroutine store_perturbations()
+! file output for new model
+  use model_update_tiso
+  implicit none
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC) :: total_model
+  ! vpv relative perturbations
+  ! logarithmic perturbation: log( v_new) - log( v_old) = log( v_new / v_old )
+  total_model = 0.0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  where( model_vpv /= 0.0 ) total_model = log( model_vpv_new / model_vpv)
+  ! or
+  ! linear approximation: (v_new - v_old) / v_old
+  !where( model_vpv /= 0.0 ) total_model = ( model_vpv_new - model_vpv) / model_vpv
+  write(m_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(output_model)//'/proc',myrank,'_reg1_dvpvvpv.bin'
+  open(12,file=trim(m_file),form='unformatted',action='write')
+  write(12) total_model
+  close(12)
+  call mpi_reduce(maxval(total_model),max_vpv,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(minval(total_model),min_vpv,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MIN,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  ! vph relative perturbations
+  total_model = 0.0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  where( model_vph /= 0.0 ) total_model = log( model_vph_new / model_vph)
+  write(m_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(output_model)//'/proc',myrank,'_reg1_dvphvph.bin'
+  open(12,file=trim(m_file),form='unformatted',action='write')
+  write(12) total_model
+  close(12)
+  call mpi_reduce(maxval(total_model),max_vph,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(minval(total_model),min_vph,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MIN,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  ! vsv relative perturbations
+  total_model = 0.0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  where( model_vsv /= 0.0 ) total_model = log( model_vsv_new / model_vsv)
+  write(m_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(output_model)//'/proc',myrank,'_reg1_dvsvvsv.bin'
+  open(12,file=trim(m_file),form='unformatted',action='write')
+  write(12) total_model
+  close(12)
+  call mpi_reduce(maxval(total_model),max_vsv,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(minval(total_model),min_vsv,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MIN,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  ! vsh relative perturbations
+  total_model = 0.0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  where( model_vsh /= 0.0 ) total_model = log( model_vsh_new / model_vsh)
+  write(m_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(output_model)//'/proc',myrank,'_reg1_dvshvsh.bin'
+  open(12,file=trim(m_file),form='unformatted',action='write')
+  write(12) total_model
+  close(12)
+  call mpi_reduce(maxval(total_model),max_vsh,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(minval(total_model),min_vsh,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MIN,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  ! eta relative perturbations
+  total_model = 0.0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  where( model_eta /= 0.0 ) total_model = log( model_eta_new / model_eta)
+  write(m_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(output_model)//'/proc',myrank,'_reg1_detaeta.bin'
+  open(12,file=trim(m_file),form='unformatted',action='write')
+  write(12) total_model
+  close(12)
+  call mpi_reduce(maxval(total_model),max_eta,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(minval(total_model),min_eta,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MIN,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  ! rho relative model perturbations
+  total_model = 0.0_CUSTOM_REAL
+  where( model_rho /= 0.0 ) total_model = log( model_rho_new / model_rho)
+  write(m_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(output_model)//'/proc',myrank,'_reg1_drhorho.bin'
+  open(12,file=trim(m_file),form='unformatted',action='write')
+  write(12) total_model
+  close(12)
+  call mpi_reduce(maxval(total_model),max_rho,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MAX,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  call mpi_reduce(minval(total_model),min_rho,1,CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE,MPI_MIN,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ier)
+  if( myrank == 0 ) then
+    print*,'relative update:'
+    print*,'  dvpv/vpv min/max: ',min_vpv,max_vpv
+    print*,'  dvph/vph min/max: ',min_vph,max_vph
+    print*,'  dvsv/vsv min/max: ',min_vsv,max_vsv
+    print*,'  dvsh/vsh min/max: ',min_vsh,max_vsh
+    print*,'  deta/eta min/max: ',min_eta,max_eta
+    print*,'  drho/rho min/max: ',min_rho,max_rho
+    print*
+  endif
+end subroutine store_perturbations

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X05_SRC_UPDATE_MODELS/exit_mpi.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X05_SRC_UPDATE_MODELS/exit_mpi.f90	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  3 . 6
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!                 Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!    Seismological Laboratory - California Institute of Technology
+!       (c) California Institute of Technology September 2006
+!    A signed non-commercial agreement is required to use this program.
+!   Please check http://www.gps.caltech.edu/research/jtromp for details.
+!           Free for non-commercial academic research ONLY.
+!      This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY whatsoever.
+!      Do not redistribute this program without written permission.
+! end the simulation and exit MPI
+! version with rank number printed in the error message
+  subroutine exit_MPI(myrank,error_msg)
+  implicit none
+! standard include of the MPI library
+  include 'mpif.h'
+  include "../XHEADER_FILES/constants.h"
+! identifier for error message file
+  integer, parameter :: IERROR = 30
+  integer myrank
+  character(len=*) error_msg
+  integer ier
+  character(len=80) outputname
+! write error message to screen
+  write(*,*) error_msg(1:len(error_msg))
+  write(*,*) 'Error detected, aborting MPI... proc ',myrank
+! write error message to file
+  write(outputname,"('OUTPUT_FILES/error_message',i6.6,'.txt')") myrank
+  open(unit=IERROR,file=trim(outputname),status='unknown')
+  write(IERROR,*) error_msg(1:len(error_msg))
+  write(IERROR,*) 'Error detected, aborting MPI... proc ',myrank
+  close(IERROR)
+! stop all the MPI processes, and exit
+! on some machines, MPI_FINALIZE needs to be called before MPI_ABORT
+  call MPI_FINALIZE(ier)
+  call MPI_ABORT(ier)
+  stop 'error, program ended in exit_MPI'
+  end subroutine exit_MPI

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X05_SRC_UPDATE_MODELS/gll_library.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X05_SRC_UPDATE_MODELS/gll_library.f90	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+!  Library to compute the Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points and weights
+!  Based on Gauss-Lobatto routines from M.I.T.
+!  Department of Mechanical Engineering
+  double precision function endw1(n,alpha,beta)
+  implicit none
+  integer n
+  double precision alpha,beta
+  double precision, parameter :: zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0,three=3.d0,four=4.d0
+  double precision apb,f1,fint1,fint2,f2,di,abn,abnn,a1,a2,a3,f3
+  double precision, external :: gammaf
+  integer i
+  f3 = zero
+  apb   = alpha+beta
+  if (n == 0) then
+   endw1 = zero
+   return
+  endif
+  f1   = gammaf(alpha+two)*gammaf(beta+one)/gammaf(apb+three)
+  f1   = f1*(apb+two)*two**(apb+two)/two
+  if (n == 1) then
+   endw1 = f1
+   return
+  endif
+  fint1 = gammaf(alpha+two)*gammaf(beta+one)/gammaf(apb+three)
+  fint1 = fint1*two**(apb+two)
+  fint2 = gammaf(alpha+two)*gammaf(beta+two)/gammaf(apb+four)
+  fint2 = fint2*two**(apb+three)
+  f2    = (-two*(beta+two)*fint1 + (apb+four)*fint2) * (apb+three)/four
+  if (n == 2) then
+   endw1 = f2
+   return
+  endif
+  do i=3,n
+   di   = dble(i-1)
+   abn  = alpha+beta+di
+   abnn = abn+di
+   a1   = -(two*(di+alpha)*(di+beta))/(abn*abnn*(abnn+one))
+   a2   =  (two*(alpha-beta))/(abnn*(abnn+two))
+   a3   =  (two*(abn+one))/((abnn+two)*(abnn+one))
+   f3   =  -(a2*f2+a1*f1)/a3
+   f1   = f2
+   f2   = f3
+  enddo
+  endw1  = f3
+  end function endw1
+  double precision function endw2(n,alpha,beta)
+  implicit none
+  integer n
+  double precision alpha,beta
+  double precision, parameter :: zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0,three=3.d0,four=4.d0
+  double precision apb,f1,fint1,fint2,f2,di,abn,abnn,a1,a2,a3,f3
+  double precision, external :: gammaf
+  integer i
+  apb   = alpha+beta
+  f3 = zero
+  if (n == 0) then
+   endw2 = zero
+   return
+  endif
+  f1   = gammaf(alpha+one)*gammaf(beta+two)/gammaf(apb+three)
+  f1   = f1*(apb+two)*two**(apb+two)/two
+  if (n == 1) then
+   endw2 = f1
+   return
+  endif
+  fint1 = gammaf(alpha+one)*gammaf(beta+two)/gammaf(apb+three)
+  fint1 = fint1*two**(apb+two)
+  fint2 = gammaf(alpha+two)*gammaf(beta+two)/gammaf(apb+four)
+  fint2 = fint2*two**(apb+three)
+  f2    = (two*(alpha+two)*fint1 - (apb+four)*fint2) * (apb+three)/four
+  if (n == 2) then
+   endw2 = f2
+   return
+  endif
+  do i=3,n
+   di   = dble(i-1)
+   abn  = alpha+beta+di
+   abnn = abn+di
+   a1   =  -(two*(di+alpha)*(di+beta))/(abn*abnn*(abnn+one))
+   a2   =  (two*(alpha-beta))/(abnn*(abnn+two))
+   a3   =  (two*(abn+one))/((abnn+two)*(abnn+one))
+   f3   =  -(a2*f2+a1*f1)/a3
+   f1   = f2
+   f2   = f3
+  enddo
+  endw2  = f3
+  end function endw2
+  double precision function gammaf (x)
+  implicit none
+  double precision, parameter :: pi = 3.141592653589793d0
+  double precision x
+  double precision, parameter :: half=0.5d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0
+  gammaf = one
+  if (x == -half) gammaf = -two*dsqrt(pi)
+  if (x ==  half) gammaf =  dsqrt(pi)
+  if (x ==  one ) gammaf =  one
+  if (x ==  two ) gammaf =  one
+  if (x ==  1.5d0) gammaf =  dsqrt(pi)/2.d0
+  if (x ==  2.5d0) gammaf =  1.5d0*dsqrt(pi)/2.d0
+  if (x ==  3.5d0) gammaf =  2.5d0*1.5d0*dsqrt(pi)/2.d0
+  if (x ==  3.d0 ) gammaf =  2.d0
+  if (x ==  4.d0 ) gammaf = 6.d0
+  if (x ==  5.d0 ) gammaf = 24.d0
+  if (x ==  6.d0 ) gammaf = 120.d0
+  end function gammaf
+  subroutine jacg (xjac,np,alpha,beta)
+! computes np Gauss points, which are the zeros of the
+! Jacobi polynomial with parameters alpha and beta
+!                  .alpha = beta =  0.0  ->  Legendre points
+!                  .alpha = beta = -0.5  ->  Chebyshev points
+  implicit none
+  integer np
+  double precision alpha,beta
+  double precision xjac(np)
+  integer k,j,i,jmin,jm,n
+  double precision xlast,dth,x,x1,x2,recsum,delx,xmin,swap
+  double precision p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2
+  integer, parameter :: K_MAX_ITER = 10
+  double precision, parameter :: zero = 0.d0, eps = 1.0d-12
+  pm1 = zero
+  pm2 = zero
+  pdm1 = zero
+  pdm2 = zero
+  xlast = 0.d0
+  n   = np-1
+  dth = 4.d0*datan(1.d0)/(2.d0*dble(n)+2.d0)
+  p = 0.d0
+  pd = 0.d0
+  jmin = 0
+  do j=1,np
+   if(j == 1) then
+      x = dcos((2.d0*(dble(j)-1.d0)+1.d0)*dth)
+   else
+      x1 = dcos((2.d0*(dble(j)-1.d0)+1.d0)*dth)
+      x2 = xlast
+      x  = (x1+x2)/2.d0
+   endif
+   do k=1,K_MAX_ITER
+      call jacobf (p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2,np,alpha,beta,x)
+      recsum = 0.d0
+      jm = j-1
+      do i=1,jm
+         recsum = recsum+1.d0/(x-xjac(np-i+1))
+      enddo
+      delx = -p/(pd-recsum*p)
+      x    = x+delx
+      if(abs(delx) < eps) goto 31
+   enddo
+ 31      continue
+   xjac(np-j+1) = x
+   xlast        = x
+  enddo
+  do i=1,np
+   xmin = 2.d0
+   do j=i,np
+      if(xjac(j) < xmin) then
+         xmin = xjac(j)
+         jmin = j
+      endif
+   enddo
+   if(jmin /= i) then
+      swap = xjac(i)
+      xjac(i) = xjac(jmin)
+      xjac(jmin) = swap
+   endif
+  enddo
+  end subroutine jacg
+  subroutine jacobf (poly,pder,polym1,pderm1,polym2,pderm2,n,alp,bet,x)
+! Computes the Jacobi polynomial of degree n and its derivative at x
+  implicit none
+  double precision poly,pder,polym1,pderm1,polym2,pderm2,alp,bet,x
+  integer n
+  double precision apb,polyl,pderl,dk,a1,a2,b3,a3,a4,polyn,pdern,psave,pdsave
+  integer k
+  apb  = alp+bet
+  poly = 1.d0
+  pder = 0.d0
+  psave = 0.d0
+  pdsave = 0.d0
+  if (n == 0) return
+  polyl = poly
+  pderl = pder
+  poly  = (alp-bet+(apb+2.d0)*x)/2.d0
+  pder  = (apb+2.d0)/2.d0
+  if (n == 1) return
+  do k=2,n
+    dk = dble(k)
+    a1 = 2.d0*dk*(dk+apb)*(2.d0*dk+apb-2.d0)
+    a2 = (2.d0*dk+apb-1.d0)*(alp**2-bet**2)
+    b3 = (2.d0*dk+apb-2.d0)
+    a3 = b3*(b3+1.d0)*(b3+2.d0)
+    a4 = 2.d0*(dk+alp-1.d0)*(dk+bet-1.d0)*(2.d0*dk+apb)
+    polyn  = ((a2+a3*x)*poly-a4*polyl)/a1
+    pdern  = ((a2+a3*x)*pder-a4*pderl+a3*poly)/a1
+    psave  = polyl
+    pdsave = pderl
+    polyl  = poly
+    poly   = polyn
+    pderl  = pder
+    pder   = pdern
+  enddo
+  polym1 = polyl
+  pderm1 = pderl
+  polym2 = psave
+  pderm2 = pdsave
+  end subroutine jacobf
+  double precision FUNCTION PNDLEG (Z,N)
+!     Compute the derivative of the Nth order Legendre polynomial at Z.
+!     Based on the recursion formula for the Legendre polynomials.
+  implicit none
+  double precision z
+  integer n
+  double precision P1,P2,P1D,P2D,P3D,FK,P3
+  integer k
+  P1   = 1.d0
+  P2   = Z
+  P1D  = 0.d0
+  P2D  = 1.d0
+  P3D  = 1.d0
+  do K = 1, N-1
+    FK  = dble(K)
+    P3  = ((2.d0*FK+1.d0)*Z*P2 - FK*P1)/(FK+1.d0)
+    P3D = ((2.d0*FK+1.d0)*P2 + (2.d0*FK+1.d0)*Z*P2D - FK*P1D) / (FK+1.d0)
+    P1  = P2
+    P2  = P3
+    P1D = P2D
+    P2D = P3D
+  enddo
+  end function pndleg
+  double precision FUNCTION PNLEG (Z,N)
+!     Compute the value of the Nth order Legendre polynomial at Z.
+!     Based on the recursion formula for the Legendre polynomials.
+  implicit none
+  double precision z
+  integer n
+  double precision P1,P2,P3,FK
+  integer k
+  P1   = 1.d0
+  P2   = Z
+  P3   = P2
+  do K = 1, N-1
+    FK  = dble(K)
+    P3  = ((2.d0*FK+1.d0)*Z*P2 - FK*P1)/(FK+1.d0)
+    P1  = P2
+    P2  = P3
+  enddo
+  PNLEG = P3
+  end function pnleg
+  double precision function pnormj (n,alpha,beta)
+  implicit none
+  double precision alpha,beta
+  integer n
+  double precision one,two,dn,const,prod,dindx,frac
+  double precision, external :: gammaf
+  integer i
+  one   = 1.d0
+  two   = 2.d0
+  dn    = dble(n)
+  const = alpha+beta+one
+  if (n <= 1) then
+    prod   = gammaf(dn+alpha)*gammaf(dn+beta)
+    prod   = prod/(gammaf(dn)*gammaf(dn+alpha+beta))
+    pnormj = prod * two**const/(two*dn+const)
+    return
+  endif
+  prod  = gammaf(alpha+one)*gammaf(beta+one)
+  prod  = prod/(two*(one+const)*gammaf(const+one))
+  prod  = prod*(one+alpha)*(two+alpha)
+  prod  = prod*(one+beta)*(two+beta)
+  do i=3,n
+    dindx = dble(i)
+    frac  = (dindx+alpha)*(dindx+beta)/(dindx*(dindx+alpha+beta))
+    prod  = prod*frac
+  enddo
+  pnormj = prod * two**const/(two*dn+const)
+  end function pnormj
+  subroutine zwgjd(z,w,np,alpha,beta)
+!     Z w g j d : Generate np Gauss-Jacobi points and weights
+!                 associated with Jacobi polynomial of degree n = np-1
+!     Note : Coefficients alpha and beta must be greater than -1.
+!     ----
+  implicit none
+  double precision, parameter :: zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0
+  integer np
+  double precision z(np),w(np)
+  double precision alpha,beta
+  integer n,np1,np2,i
+  double precision p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2
+  double precision apb,dnp1,dnp2,fac1,fac2,fac3,fnorm,rcoef
+  double precision, external :: gammaf,pnormj
+  pd = zero
+  pm1 = zero
+  pm2 = zero
+  pdm1 = zero
+  pdm2 = zero
+  n    = np-1
+  apb  = alpha+beta
+  p    = zero
+  pdm1 = zero
+  if (np <= 0) stop 'minimum number of Gauss points is 1'
+  if ((alpha <= -one) .or. (beta <= -one)) stop 'alpha and beta must be greater than -1'
+  if (np == 1) then
+   z(1) = (beta-alpha)/(apb+two)
+   w(1) = gammaf(alpha+one)*gammaf(beta+one)/gammaf(apb+two) * two**(apb+one)
+   return
+  endif
+  call jacg(z,np,alpha,beta)
+  np1   = n+1
+  np2   = n+2
+  dnp1  = dble(np1)
+  dnp2  = dble(np2)
+  fac1  = dnp1+alpha+beta+one
+  fac2  = fac1+dnp1
+  fac3  = fac2+one
+  fnorm = pnormj(np1,alpha,beta)
+  rcoef = (fnorm*fac2*fac3)/(two*fac1*dnp2)
+  do i=1,np
+    call jacobf(p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2,np2,alpha,beta,z(i))
+    w(i) = -rcoef/(p*pdm1)
+  enddo
+  end subroutine zwgjd
+  subroutine zwgljd(z,w,np,alpha,beta)
+!     Z w g l j d : Generate np Gauss-Lobatto-Jacobi points and the
+!     -----------   weights associated with Jacobi polynomials of degree
+!                   n = np-1.
+!     Note : alpha and beta coefficients must be greater than -1.
+!            Legendre polynomials are special case of Jacobi polynomials
+!            just by setting alpha and beta to 0.
+  implicit none
+  double precision, parameter :: zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,two=2.d0
+  integer np
+  double precision alpha,beta
+  double precision z(np), w(np)
+  integer n,nm1,i
+  double precision p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2
+  double precision alpg,betg
+  double precision, external :: endw1,endw2
+  p = zero
+  pm1 = zero
+  pm2 = zero
+  pdm1 = zero
+  pdm2 = zero
+  n   = np-1
+  nm1 = n-1
+  pd  = zero
+  if (np <= 1) stop 'minimum number of Gauss-Lobatto points is 2'
+! with spectral elements, use at least 3 points
+  if (np <= 2) stop 'minimum number of Gauss-Lobatto points for the SEM is 3'
+  if ((alpha <= -one) .or. (beta <= -one)) stop 'alpha and beta must be greater than -1'
+  if (nm1 > 0) then
+    alpg  = alpha+one
+    betg  = beta+one
+    call zwgjd(z(2),w(2),nm1,alpg,betg)
+  endif
+  z(1)  = - one
+  z(np) =  one
+  do i=2,np-1
+   w(i) = w(i)/(one-z(i)**2)
+  enddo
+  call jacobf(p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2,n,alpha,beta,z(1))
+  w(1)  = endw1(n,alpha,beta)/(two*pd)
+  call jacobf(p,pd,pm1,pdm1,pm2,pdm2,n,alpha,beta,z(np))
+  w(np) = endw2(n,alpha,beta)/(two*pd)
+  end subroutine zwgljd

(Binary files differ)

Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

(Binary files differ)

Name: svn:executable
   + *
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X05_SRC_UPDATE_MODELS/xcompile.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X05_SRC_UPDATE_MODELS/xcompile.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Author: Hejun Zhu, hejunzhu at princeton.edu
+# Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
+# Last modified: Tue Jan 25 17:19:32 EST 2011
+if [ ! -f ../XHEADER_FILES/constants.h ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO constants.h
+	exit 
+if [ ! -f ../XHEADER_FILES/values_from_mesher.h ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO values_from_mesher.h 
+	exit
+if [ ! -f ../XHEADER_FILES/precision.h ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO precision.h 
+	exit
+mpif90 -O3 -o xadd_model_globe add_model_globe.f90 exit_mpi.f90 gll_library.f90

Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X05_SRC_UPDATE_MODELS/xpbs_update_model.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/X05_SRC_UPDATE_MODELS/xpbs_update_model.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#PBS -q tromp
+#PBS -l nodes=13:ppn=8
+#PBS -l walltime=15:00:00
+#PBS -j oe
+#PBS -k oe
+#PBS -o job_src2.log
+if [ $method == SD ]; then 
+   input_kernel=../DIRECTION_SD_$iter_old
+elif [ $method == CG ]; then 
+   input_kernel=../DIRECTION_CG_$iter_old
+elif [ $method == LBFGS ]; then 
+   input_kernel=../DIRECTION_LBFGS_$iter_old
+if [ ! -d $input_model ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $input_model 
+	exit
+if [ ! -d $input_kernel ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $input_kernel
+	exit
+if [ ! -d $output_model ]; then 
+	echo MKDIR $output_model
+	mkdir $output_model 
+echo submit updata model  
+mpiexec -np 100 ./xadd_model_globe $step_len $input_model $input_kernel $output_model > $xoutput_tag 
+echo done successfully 

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/XHEADER_FILES/constants.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/XHEADER_FILES/constants.h	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  5 . 0
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!                        Princeton University, USA
+!             and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA, France
+! (c) Princeton University / California Institute of Technology and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA
+!                            March 2010
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+! constants.h.  Generated from constants.h.in by configure.
+!--- user can modify parameters below
+! solver in single or double precision depending on the machine (4 or 8 bytes)
+  integer, parameter :: SIZE_REAL = 4, SIZE_DOUBLE = 8
+! usually the size of integer and logical variables is the same as regular single-precision real variable
+  integer, parameter :: SIZE_INTEGER = SIZE_REAL
+  integer, parameter :: SIZE_LOGICAL = SIZE_REAL
+! set to SIZE_REAL to run in single precision
+! set to SIZE_DOUBLE to run in double precision (increases memory size by 2)
+  integer, parameter :: CUSTOM_REAL = SIZE_REAL
+! if files on a local path on each node are also seen as global with same path
+! set to .true. typically on a shared-memory machine with a common file system
+! set to .false. typically on a cluster of nodes with local disks
+! if running on a cluster of nodes with local disks, also customize global path
+! to local files in create_serial_name_database.f90 ("20 format ...")
+! Flag is used only when one checks the mesh with the serial codes
+! ("xcheck_buffers_1D" etc.), ignore it if you do not plan to use them
+  logical, parameter :: LOCAL_PATH_IS_ALSO_GLOBAL = .true.
+! input, output and main MPI I/O files
+  integer, parameter :: ISTANDARD_OUTPUT = 6
+  integer, parameter :: IIN = 40,IOUT = 41,IOUT_SAC = 903
+  integer, parameter :: IIN_NOISE = 43,IOUT_NOISE = 44
+! local file unit for output of buffers
+  integer, parameter :: IOUT_BUFFERS = 35
+! uncomment this to write messages to a text file
+  integer, parameter :: IMAIN = 42
+! uncomment this to write messages to the screen (slows down the code)
+! integer, parameter :: IMAIN = ISTANDARD_OUTPUT
+! I/O unit for source and receiver vtk file
+  integer, parameter :: IOVTK = 98
+! R_EARTH is the radius of the bottom of the oceans (radius of Earth in m)
+  double precision, parameter :: R_EARTH = 6371000.d0
+! uncomment line below for PREM with oceans
+! double precision, parameter :: R_EARTH = 6368000.d0
+! average density in the full Earth to normalize equation
+  double precision, parameter :: RHOAV = 5514.3d0
+! for topography/bathymetry model
+!!--- ETOPO5 5-minute model, smoothed Harvard version
+!! size of topography and bathymetry file
+!  integer, parameter :: NX_BATHY = 4320,NY_BATHY = 2160
+!! resolution of topography file in minutes
+!  integer, parameter :: RESOLUTION_TOPO_FILE = 5
+!! pathname of the topography file
+!  character (len=*), parameter :: PATHNAME_TOPO_FILE = 'DATA/topo_bathy/topo_bathy_etopo5_smoothed_Harvard.dat'
+!---  ETOPO4 4-minute model created by subsampling and smoothing etopo-2
+! size of topography and bathymetry file
+!  integer, parameter :: NX_BATHY = 5400,NY_BATHY = 2700
+! resolution of topography file in minutes
+!  integer, parameter :: RESOLUTION_TOPO_FILE = 4
+! pathname of the topography file
+!  character (len=*), parameter :: PATHNAME_TOPO_FILE = 'DATA/topo_bathy/topo_bathy_etopo4_smoothed_window_7.dat'
+!!--- ETOPO2 2-minute model, not implemented yet
+!! size of topography and bathymetry file
+!  integer, parameter :: NX_BATHY = 10800,NY_BATHY = 5400
+!! resolution of topography file in minutes
+!  integer, parameter :: RESOLUTION_TOPO_FILE = 2
+!! pathname of the topography file
+!  character (len=*), parameter :: PATHNAME_TOPO_FILE = 'DATA/topo_bathy/topo_bathy_etopo2_smoothed_window7.dat'
+!!--- ETOPO1 1-minute model, implemented now, but data file must be created first 
+!! size of topography and bathymetry file
+  integer, parameter :: NX_BATHY = 21600,NY_BATHY = 10800
+!! resolution of topography file in minutes
+  integer, parameter :: RESOLUTION_TOPO_FILE = 1
+!! pathname of the topography file (un-smoothed)
+  character (len=*), parameter :: PATHNAME_TOPO_FILE = '/scratch/lustre/hejunzhu/DATA/Global_topo/ETOPO1.xyz'
+! Use GLL points to capture TOPOGRAPHY and ELLIPTICITY (experimental feature)
+  logical,parameter :: USE_GLL = .false.
+! maximum depth of the oceans in trenches and height of topo in mountains
+! to avoid taking into account spurious oscillations in global model ETOPO
+  logical, parameter :: USE_MAXIMUM_HEIGHT_TOPO = .false.
+  integer, parameter :: MAXIMUM_HEIGHT_TOPO = +20000
+  logical, parameter :: USE_MAXIMUM_DEPTH_OCEANS = .false.
+  integer, parameter :: MAXIMUM_DEPTH_OCEANS = -20000
+! minimum thickness in meters to include the effect of the oceans and topo
+  double precision, parameter :: MINIMUM_THICKNESS_3D_OCEANS = 100.d0
+!-- crustal models 
+  integer, parameter :: ICRUST_CRUST2 = 1
+  integer, parameter :: ICRUST_CRUSTMAPS = 2
+!> Hejun Zhu
+  integer, parameter :: ICRUST_EPCRUST=3
+!< Hejun Zhu
+! increase smoothing for critical regions  (increases mesh stability)
+  logical, parameter :: SMOOTH_CRUST = .true.  
+! use sedimentary layers in crustal model
+  logical, parameter :: INCLUDE_SEDIMENTS_CRUST = .true.
+  double precision, parameter :: MINIMUM_SEDIMENT_THICKNESS = 2.d0 ! minimim thickness in km
+!-- uncomment for using Crust2.0 (used when CRUSTAL flag is set for simulation)
+!  integer, parameter :: ITYPE_CRUSTAL_MODEL = ICRUST_CRUST2
+!!-- uncomment for using General Crustmaps instead
+!!  integer, parameter :: ITYPE_CRUSTAL_MODEL = ICRUST_CRUSTMAPS
+!> Hejun Zhu
+   integer, parameter :: ITYPE_CRUSTAL_MODEL = ICRUST_EPCRUST
+!< Hejun Zhu
+! number of GLL points in each direction of an element (degree plus one)
+  integer, parameter :: NGLLX = 5
+  integer, parameter :: NGLLY = NGLLX
+  integer, parameter :: NGLLZ = NGLLX
+! flag to exclude elements that are too far from target in source detection
+  logical, parameter :: USE_DISTANCE_CRITERION = .true.
+! flag to display detailed information about location of stations
+  logical, parameter :: DISPLAY_DETAILS_STATIONS = .false.
+! maximum length of station and network name for receivers
+  integer, parameter :: MAX_LENGTH_STATION_NAME = 32
+  integer, parameter :: MAX_LENGTH_NETWORK_NAME = 8
+! we mimic a triangle of half duration equal to half_duration_triangle
+! using a Gaussian having a very close shape, as explained in Figure 4.2
+! of the manual. This source decay rate to mimic an equivalent triangle
+! was found by trial and error
+  double precision, parameter :: SOURCE_DECAY_MIMIC_TRIANGLE = 1.628d0
+! maximum number of sources to locate simultaneously
+  integer, parameter :: NSOURCES_SUBSET_MAX = 1000
+! distance threshold (in km) above which we consider that a receiver
+! is located outside the mesh and therefore excluded from the station list
+  double precision, parameter :: THRESHOLD_EXCLUDE_STATION = 50.d0
+! the first doubling is implemented right below the Moho
+! it seems optimal to implement the three other doublings at these depths
+! in the mantle
+  double precision, parameter :: DEPTH_SECOND_DOUBLING_OPTIMAL = 1650000.d0
+! in the outer core
+  double precision, parameter :: DEPTH_THIRD_DOUBLING_OPTIMAL  = 3860000.d0
+! in the outer core
+  double precision, parameter :: DEPTH_FOURTH_DOUBLING_OPTIMAL = 5000000.d0
+! Boundary Mesh -- save Moho, 400, 670 km discontinuity topology files (in
+! the mesher) and use them for the computation of boundary kernel (in the solver)
+  logical, parameter :: SAVE_BOUNDARY_MESH = .false.
+! this parameter must be set to .true. to compute anisotropic kernels
+! in crust and mantle (related to the 21 Cij in geographical coordinates)
+! default is .false. to compute isotropic kernels (related to alpha and beta)
+  logical, parameter :: ANISOTROPIC_KL = .true.
+! output only transverse isotropic kernels (alpha_v,alpha_h,beta_v,beta_h,eta,rho) 
+! rather than fully anisotropic kernels in case ANISOTROPIC_KL is set to .true. 
+  logical, parameter :: SAVE_TRANSVERSE_KL = .true.
+! print date and time estimate of end of run in another country,
+! in addition to local time.
+! For instance: the code runs at Caltech in California but the person
+! running the code is connected remotely from France, which has 9 hours more.
+! The time difference with that remote location can be positive or negative
+  logical, parameter :: ADD_TIME_ESTIMATE_ELSEWHERE = .false.
+  integer, parameter :: HOURS_TIME_DIFFERENCE = +9
+  integer, parameter :: MINUTES_TIME_DIFFERENCE = +0
+!--- debugging flags
+! flags to actually assemble with MPI or not
+! and to actually match fluid and solid regions of the Earth or not
+! should always be set to true except when debugging code
+  logical, parameter :: ACTUALLY_ASSEMBLE_MPI_SLICES = .true.
+  logical, parameter :: ACTUALLY_ASSEMBLE_MPI_CHUNKS = .true.
+  logical, parameter :: ACTUALLY_COUPLE_FLUID_CMB = .true.
+  logical, parameter :: ACTUALLY_COUPLE_FLUID_ICB = .true.
+! flag to turn off the conversion of geographic to geocentric coordinates for
+! the seismic source and the stations; i.e. assume a perfect sphere, which
+! can be useful for benchmarks of a spherical Earth with fictitious sources and stations
+  logical, parameter :: ASSUME_PERFECT_SPHERE = .false.
+!----------- do not modify anything below -------------
+! on some processors (e.g. Pentiums) it is necessary to suppress underflows
+! by using a small initial field instead of zero
+  logical, parameter :: FIX_UNDERFLOW_PROBLEM = .true.
+! some useful constants
+  double precision, parameter :: PI = 3.141592653589793d0
+  double precision, parameter :: TWO_PI = 2.d0 * PI
+  double precision, parameter :: PI_OVER_FOUR = PI / 4.d0
+! to convert angles from degrees to radians
+  double precision, parameter :: DEGREES_TO_RADIANS = PI / 180.d0
+! 3-D simulation
+  integer, parameter :: NDIM = 3
+! dimension of the boundaries of the slices
+  integer, parameter :: NDIM2D = 2
+! number of nodes for 2D and 3D shape functions for hexahedra with 27 nodes
+  integer, parameter :: NGNOD = 27, NGNOD2D = 9
+! Deville routines optimized for NGLLX = NGLLY = NGLLZ = 5
+  integer, parameter :: m1 = NGLLX, m2 = NGLLX * NGLLY
+! gravitational constant
+  double precision, parameter :: GRAV = 6.6723d-11
+! a few useful constants
+  double precision, parameter :: ZERO = 0.d0,ONE = 1.d0,TWO = 2.d0,HALF = 0.5d0
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), parameter :: &
+! very large and very small values
+  double precision, parameter :: HUGEVAL = 1.d+30,TINYVAL = 1.d-9
+! very large real value declared independently of the machine
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), parameter :: HUGEVAL_SNGL = 1.e+30_CUSTOM_REAL
+! very large integer value
+  integer, parameter :: HUGEINT = 100000000
+! normalized radius of free surface
+  double precision, parameter :: R_UNIT_SPHERE = ONE
+! same radius in km
+  double precision, parameter :: R_EARTH_KM = R_EARTH / 1000.d0
+! fixed thickness of 3 km for PREM oceans
+  double precision, parameter :: THICKNESS_OCEANS_PREM = 3000.d0 / R_EARTH
+! shortest radius at which crust is implemented (80 km depth)
+! to be constistent with the D80 discontinuity, we impose the crust only above it
+  double precision, parameter :: R_DEEPEST_CRUST = (R_EARTH - 80000.d0) / R_EARTH
+! maximum number of chunks (full sphere)
+  integer, parameter :: NCHUNKS_MAX = 6
+! define block type based upon chunk number (between 1 and 6)
+! do not change this numbering, chunk AB must be number 1 for central cube
+  integer, parameter :: CHUNK_AB = 1
+  integer, parameter :: CHUNK_AC = 2
+  integer, parameter :: CHUNK_BC = 3
+  integer, parameter :: CHUNK_AC_ANTIPODE = 4
+  integer, parameter :: CHUNK_BC_ANTIPODE = 5
+  integer, parameter :: CHUNK_AB_ANTIPODE = 6
+! maximum number of regions in the mesh
+  integer, parameter :: MAX_NUM_REGIONS = 3
+! define flag for regions of the global Earth mesh
+  integer, parameter :: IREGION_CRUST_MANTLE = 1
+  integer, parameter :: IREGION_OUTER_CORE = 2
+  integer, parameter :: IREGION_INNER_CORE = 3
+! define flag for elements
+  integer, parameter :: IFLAG_CRUST = 1
+  integer, parameter :: IFLAG_80_MOHO = 2
+  integer, parameter :: IFLAG_220_80 = 3
+  integer, parameter :: IFLAG_670_220 = 4
+  integer, parameter :: IFLAG_MANTLE_NORMAL = 5
+  integer, parameter :: IFLAG_OUTER_CORE_NORMAL = 6
+  integer, parameter :: IFLAG_INNER_CORE_NORMAL = 7
+  integer, parameter :: IFLAG_MIDDLE_CENTRAL_CUBE = 8
+  integer, parameter :: IFLAG_BOTTOM_CENTRAL_CUBE = 9
+  integer, parameter :: IFLAG_TOP_CENTRAL_CUBE = 10
+  integer, parameter :: IFLAG_IN_FICTITIOUS_CUBE = 11
+  integer, parameter :: NSPEC2D_XI_SUPERBRICK = 8
+  integer, parameter :: NSPEC2D_ETA_SUPERBRICK = 8
+  integer, parameter :: NSPEC2D_XI_SUPERBRICK_1L = 6
+  integer, parameter :: NSPEC2D_ETA_SUPERBRICK_1L = 6
+! dummy flag used for mesh display purposes only
+  integer, parameter :: IFLAG_DUMMY = 100
+! max number of layers that are used in the radial direction to build the full mesh
+  integer, parameter :: MAX_NUMBER_OF_MESH_LAYERS = 15
+! define number of spectral elements and points in basic symmetric mesh doubling superbrick
+  integer, parameter :: NSPEC_DOUBLING_SUPERBRICK = 32
+  integer, parameter :: NGLOB_DOUBLING_SUPERBRICK = 67
+  integer, parameter :: NSPEC_SUPERBRICK_1L = 28
+  integer, parameter :: NGLOB_SUPERBRICK_1L = 58
+  integer, parameter :: NGNOD_EIGHT_CORNERS = 8
+! define flag for reference 1D Earth model
+  integer, parameter :: REFERENCE_MODEL_PREM   = 1
+  integer, parameter :: REFERENCE_MODEL_IASP91 = 2
+  integer, parameter :: REFERENCE_MODEL_1066A  = 3
+  integer, parameter :: REFERENCE_MODEL_AK135  = 4
+  integer, parameter :: REFERENCE_MODEL_1DREF  = 5
+  integer, parameter :: REFERENCE_MODEL_JP1D  = 6
+  integer, parameter :: REFERENCE_MODEL_SEA1D  = 7
+! define flag for 3D Earth model
+  integer, parameter :: THREE_D_MODEL_S20RTS   = 1
+  integer, parameter :: THREE_D_MODEL_S362ANI   = 2
+  integer, parameter :: THREE_D_MODEL_S362WMANI = 3
+  integer, parameter :: THREE_D_MODEL_S362ANI_PREM  = 4
+  integer, parameter :: THREE_D_MODEL_S29EA  = 5
+  integer, parameter :: THREE_D_MODEL_SEA99_JP3D  = 6
+  integer, parameter :: THREE_D_MODEL_SEA99  = 7
+  integer, parameter :: THREE_D_MODEL_JP3D  = 8
+  integer, parameter :: THREE_D_MODEL_PPM  = 9     ! format for point profile models
+  integer, parameter :: THREE_D_MODEL_GLL  = 10    ! format for iterations with GLL mesh
+  integer, parameter :: THREE_D_MODEL_S40RTS = 11
+  integer, parameter :: THREE_D_MODEL_GAPP2  = 12
+! define flag for regions of the global Earth for attenuation
+  integer, parameter :: NUM_REGIONS_ATTENUATION = 5
+  integer, parameter :: IREGION_ATTENUATION_INNER_CORE = 1
+  integer, parameter :: IREGION_ATTENUATION_CMB_670 = 2
+  integer, parameter :: IREGION_ATTENUATION_670_220 = 3
+  integer, parameter :: IREGION_ATTENUATION_220_80 = 4
+  integer, parameter :: IREGION_ATTENUATION_80_SURFACE = 5
+  integer, parameter :: IREGION_ATTENUATION_UNDEFINED = 6
+! number of standard linear solids for attenuation
+  integer, parameter :: N_SLS = 3
+! computation of standard linear solids in meshfem3D
+! ATTENUATION_COMP_RESOLUTION: Number of Digits after decimal
+  integer, parameter :: ATTENUATION_COMP_RESOLUTION = 1
+  integer, parameter :: ATTENUATION_COMP_MAXIMUM    = 5000
+! for lookup table for attenuation every 100 m in radial direction of Earth model
+  integer, parameter          :: NRAD_ATTENUATION  = 70000
+  double precision, parameter :: TABLE_ATTENUATION = R_EARTH_KM * 10.0d0
+! for determination of the attenuation period range
+! if this is set to .true. then the hardcoded values will be used
+! otherwise they are computed automatically from the Number of elements
+! This *may* be a useful parameter for Benchmarking against older versions
+  logical, parameter           :: ATTENUATION_RANGE_PREDEFINED = .false.
+! flag for the four edges of each slice and for the bottom edge
+  integer, parameter :: XI_MIN  = 1
+  integer, parameter :: XI_MAX  = 2
+  integer, parameter :: ETA_MIN = 3
+  integer, parameter :: ETA_MAX = 4
+  integer, parameter :: BOTTOM  = 5
+! flags to select the right corner in each slice
+  integer, parameter :: ILOWERLOWER = 1
+  integer, parameter :: ILOWERUPPER = 2
+  integer, parameter :: IUPPERLOWER = 3
+  integer, parameter :: IUPPERUPPER = 4
+! number of points in each AVS or OpenDX quadrangular cell for movies
+  integer, parameter :: NGNOD2D_AVS_DX = 4
+! number of faces a given slice can share with other slices
+! this is at most 2, except when there is only once slice per chunk
+! in which case it is 4
+  integer, parameter :: NUMFACES_SHARED = 2 !!!!!  DK DK removed support for one slice only, was 4
+! number of corners a given slice can share with other slices
+! this is at most 1, except when there is only once slice per chunk
+! in which case it is 4
+  integer, parameter :: NUMCORNERS_SHARED = 1 !!!!!!  DK DK removed support for one slice only, was 4
+! number of slaves per corner
+  integer, parameter :: NUMSLAVES = 2
+! number of layers in PREM
+  integer, parameter :: NR = 640
+! smallest real number on many machines =  1.1754944E-38
+! largest real number on many machines =  3.4028235E+38
+! small negligible initial value to avoid very slow underflow trapping
+! but not too small to avoid trapping on velocity and acceleration in Newmark
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), parameter :: VERYSMALLVAL = 1.E-24_CUSTOM_REAL
+! displacement threshold above which we consider that the code became unstable
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), parameter :: STABILITY_THRESHOLD = 1.E+25_CUSTOM_REAL
+! geometrical tolerance for boundary detection
+  double precision, parameter :: SMALLVAL = 0.00001d0
+! small tolerance for conversion from x y z to r theta phi
+  double precision, parameter :: SMALL_VAL_ANGLE = 1.d-10
+! geometry tolerance parameter to calculate number of independent grid points
+! sensitive to actual size of model, assumes reference sphere of radius 1
+! this is an absolute value for normalized coordinates in the Earth
+  double precision, parameter :: SMALLVALTOL = 1.d-10
+! do not use tags for MPI messages, use dummy tag instead
+  integer, parameter :: itag = 0,itag2 = 0
+! for the Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points and weights
+  double precision, parameter :: GAUSSALPHA = 0.d0,GAUSSBETA = 0.d0
+! number of lines per source in CMTSOLUTION file
+  integer, parameter :: NLINES_PER_CMTSOLUTION_SOURCE = 13
+! number of iterations to solve the non linear system for xi and eta
+  integer, parameter :: NUM_ITER = 4
+! number of hours per day for rotation rate of the Earth
+  double precision, parameter :: HOURS_PER_DAY = 24.d0
+! for lookup table for gravity every 100 m in radial direction of Earth model
+  integer, parameter :: NRAD_GRAVITY = 70000
+!!!!!!!!!!!!!! parameters added for the thread-safe version of the code
+! number of layers in DATA/1066a/1066a.dat
+  integer, parameter :: NR_1066A = 160
+! number of layers in DATA/ak135/ak135.dat
+  integer, parameter :: NR_AK135 = 136
+! number of layers in DATA/s362ani/REF
+  integer, parameter :: NR_REF = 750
+! number of layers in DATA/Lebedev_sea99 1D model
+  integer, parameter :: NR_SEA1D = 163
+! three_d_mantle_model_constants
+  integer, parameter :: NK_20 = 20,NS_20 = 20,NS_40 = 40, ND = 1
+! heterogen_mantle_model_constants
+  integer, parameter :: N_R = 256,N_THETA = 256,N_PHI = 256
+! Japan 3D model (Zhao, 1994) constants
+  integer, parameter :: MPA=42,MRA=48,MHA=21,MPB=42,MRB=48,MHB=18
+  integer, parameter :: MKA=2101,MKB=2101
+!QRFSI12 constants
+  integer,parameter :: NKQ=8,MAXL_Q=12
+  integer,parameter :: NSQ=(MAXL_Q+1)**2,NDEPTHS_REFQ=913
+! The meaningful range of Zhao et al.'s model (1994) is as follows:
+!        latitude : 32 - 45 N
+!        longitude: 130-145 E
+!        depth    : 0  - 500 km
+! The deepest Moho beneath Japan is 40 km
+  double precision,parameter :: LAT_MAX = 45.d0
+  double precision,parameter :: LAT_MIN = 32.d0
+  double precision,parameter :: LON_MAX = 145.d0
+  double precision,parameter :: LON_MIN = 130.d0
+  double precision,parameter :: DEP_MAX = 500.d0
+! crustal_model_constants
+! crustal model parameters for crust2.0
+  integer, parameter :: NKEYS_CRUST = 359
+  integer, parameter :: NLAYERS_CRUST = 8
+  integer, parameter :: NCAP_CRUST = 180
+! General Crustmaps parameters
+  integer, parameter :: CRUSTMAP_RESOLUTION = 4 !means 1/4 degrees
+  integer, parameter :: NLAYERS_CRUSTMAP = 5 
+!> Hejun Zhu, parameters for EPCRUST , from Molinari et al's model(2010) 
+!       latitude :  9.0N - 89.5N
+!       longitude:  56.0W - 70.0E
+  character(len=*), parameter:: PATHNAME_EPCRUST='DATA/EPCRUST_EXTEND/EPcrust_0_5.txt'
+  integer, parameter :: EPCRUST_NLON=253, EPCRUST_NLAT=162, EPCRUST_NLAYER=3
+  double precision, parameter:: EPCRUST_LON_MIN=-56.0d0
+  double precision, parameter:: EPCRUST_LON_MAX=70.0d0
+  double precision, parameter:: EPCRUST_LAT_MIN=9.0d0
+  double precision, parameter:: EPCRUST_LAT_MAX=89.5d0 
+  double precision, parameter:: EPCRUST_SAMPLE=0.5d0 
+  logical, parameter:: flag_smooth_epcrust=.true.
+  integer, parameter:: NTHETA_EP=4, NPHI_EP=20
+  double precision, parameter:: cap_degree_EP=0.2d0 
+!< Hejun Zhu
+!!!!!!!!!!!!!! end of parameters added for the thread-safe version of the code
+! for the stretching of crustal elements in the case of 3D models
+! (values are chosen for 3D models to have RMOHO_FICTICIOUS at 35 km
+!  and RMIDDLE_CRUST to become 15 km with stretching function stretch_tab)
+  double precision, parameter :: MAX_RATIO_CRUST_STRETCHING = 0.75d0
+!  double precision, parameter :: RMOHO_STRETCH_ADJUSTEMENT = 5000.d0 ! moho up to 35km
+  double precision, parameter :: R80_STRETCH_ADJUSTEMENT = -40000.d0 ! r80 down to 120km
+! adapted regional moho stretching
+! 1 chunk simulations, 3-layer crust
+  logical, parameter :: REGIONAL_MOHO_MESH = .true.
+  logical, parameter :: REGIONAL_MOHO_MESH_EUROPE = .true. ! used only for fixing time step
+  logical, parameter :: REGIONAL_MOHO_MESH_ASIA = .false.   ! used only for fixing time step
+  logical, parameter :: HONOR_DEEP_MOHO = .false.
+! uncomment for e.g. Europe case, where deep moho is rare
+  double precision, parameter :: RMOHO_STRETCH_ADJUSTEMENT = -15000.d0  ! moho mesh boundary down to 55km  
+! uncomment for deep moho cases, e.g. Asia case (Himalayan moho)
+!!  double precision, parameter :: RMOHO_STRETCH_ADJUSTEMENT = -20000.d0  ! moho mesh boundary down to 60km 
+! to suppress the crustal layers 
+! (replaced by an extension of the mantle: R_EARTH is not modified, but no more crustal doubling)
+  logical, parameter :: SUPPRESS_CRUSTAL_MESH = .false.
+! to inflate the central cube (set to 0.d0 for a non-inflated cube)
+  double precision, parameter :: CENTRAL_CUBE_INFLATE_FACTOR = 0.41d0
+! to add a fourth doubling at the bottom of the outer core
+  logical, parameter :: ADD_4TH_DOUBLING = .false.
+! parameters to cut the doubling brick
+! this to cut the superbrick: 3 possibilities, 4 cases max / possibility
+! three possibilities: (cut in xi and eta) or (cut in xi) or (cut in eta)
+! case 1: (ximin and etamin) or ximin or etamin
+! case 2: (ximin and etamax) or ximax or etamax
+! case 3: ximax and etamin
+! case 4: ximax and etamax
+  integer, parameter :: NB_CUT_CASE = 4
+! corner 1: ximin and etamin
+! corner 2: ximax and etamin
+! corner 3: ximax and etamax
+! corner 4: ximin and etamax
+  integer, parameter :: NB_SQUARE_CORNERS = 4
+! two possibilities: xi or eta
+! face 1: ximin or etamin
+! face 2: ximax or etamax
+  integer, parameter :: NB_SQUARE_EDGES_ONEDIR = 2
+! this for the geometry of the basic doubling brick
+  integer, parameter :: NSPEC_DOUBLING_BASICBRICK = 8
+  integer, parameter :: NGLOB_DOUBLING_BASICBRICK = 27

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/XHEADER_FILES/precision.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/XHEADER_FILES/precision.h	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  5 . 0
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!                        Princeton University, USA
+!             and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA, France
+! (c) Princeton University / California Institute of Technology and University of Pau / CNRS / INRIA
+!                            March 2010
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+! precision.h.  Generated from precision.h.in by configure.
+! solver in single or double precision depending on the machine
+! set to MPI_REAL to run in single precision
+! set to MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION to run in double precision
+  integer, parameter :: CUSTOM_MPI_TYPE = MPI_REAL
+  integer, parameter :: CUSTOM_MPI_2REAL = MPI_2REAL

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/XHEADER_FILES/values_from_mesher.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/XHEADER_FILES/values_from_mesher.h	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+ !
+ ! this is the parameter file for static compilation of the solver
+ !
+ ! mesh statistics:
+ ! ---------------
+ !
+ !
+ ! number of chunks =            1
+ !
+ ! these statistics do not include the central cube
+ !
+ ! number of processors =          100
+ !
+ ! maximum number of points per region =       475797
+ !
+ ! on NEC SX, make sure "loopcnt=" parameter
+ ! in Makefile is greater than max vector length =      1427391
+ !
+ ! total elements per slice =         7821
+ ! total points per slice =       528135
+ !
+ ! total for full 6-chunk mesh:
+ ! ---------------------------
+ !
+ ! exact total number of spectral elements in entire mesh = 
+ !    4692600.00000000     
+ ! approximate total number of points in entire mesh = 
+ !    316881000.000000     
+ ! approximate total number of degrees of freedom in entire mesh = 
+ !    892096200.000000     
+ !
+ ! position of the mesh chunk at the surface:
+ ! -----------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! angular size in first direction in degrees =    68.00000    
+ ! angular size in second direction in degrees =    68.00000    
+ !
+ ! longitude of center in degrees =    7.000000    
+ ! latitude of center in degrees =    52.00000    
+ !
+ ! angle of rotation of the first chunk =    45.00000    
+ !
+ ! corner            1
+ ! longitude in degrees =    6.99999999999999     
+ ! latitude in degrees =    8.40726023480213     
+ !
+ ! corner            2
+ ! longitude in degrees =    64.1611658328499     
+ ! latitude in degrees =    34.9449365466497     
+ !
+ ! corner            3
+ ! longitude in degrees =   -50.1611658328499     
+ ! latitude in degrees =    34.9449365466497     
+ !
+ ! corner            4
+ ! longitude in degrees =   -173.000000000000     
+ ! latitude in degrees =    84.3892903527184     
+ !
+ ! resolution of the mesh at the surface:
+ ! -------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! spectral elements along a great circle =          960
+ ! GLL points along a great circle =         3840
+ ! average distance between points in degrees =   9.3750000E-02
+ ! average distance between points in km =    10.42452    
+ ! average size of a spectral element in km =    41.69810    
+ !
+ ! number of time steps =        10600
+ !
+ ! number of seismic sources =            1
+ !
+ ! approximate static memory needed by the solver:
+ ! ----------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! size of static arrays per slice =   0.260327711701393       GB
+ !
+ !   (should be below and typically equal to 80% or 90%
+ !    of the memory installed per core)
+ !   (if significantly more, the job will not run by lack of memory)
+ !   (if significantly less, you waste a significant amount of memory)
+ !
+ ! size of static arrays for all slices =    26.0327711701393       GB
+ !                                      =   2.542262809583917E-002  TB
+ !
+ integer, parameter :: NEX_XI_VAL =          240
+ integer, parameter :: NEX_ETA_VAL =          240
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC_CRUST_MANTLE =         7092
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC_OUTER_CORE =          684
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC_INNER_CORE =           45
+ integer, parameter :: NGLOB_CRUST_MANTLE =       475797
+ integer, parameter :: NGLOB_OUTER_CORE =        48789
+ integer, parameter :: NGLOB_INNER_CORE =         3549
+ integer, parameter :: NSPECMAX_ANISO_IC =            1
+ integer, parameter :: NSPECMAX_ISO_MANTLE =         7092
+ integer, parameter :: NSPECMAX_TISO_MANTLE =         7092
+ integer, parameter :: NSPECMAX_ANISO_MANTLE =            1
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC_CRUST_MANTLE_ATTENUAT =         7092
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC_INNER_CORE_ATTENUATION =           45
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC_CRUST_MANTLE_STR_OR_ATT =         7092
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC_INNER_CORE_STR_OR_ATT =           45
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC_CRUST_MANTLE_STR_AND_ATT =         7092
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC_INNER_CORE_STR_AND_ATT =           45
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC_CRUST_MANTLE_STRAIN_ONLY =         7092
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC_INNER_CORE_STRAIN_ONLY =           45
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC_CRUST_MANTLE_ADJOINT =         7092
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC_OUTER_CORE_ADJOINT =          684
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC_INNER_CORE_ADJOINT =           45
+ integer, parameter :: NGLOB_CRUST_MANTLE_ADJOINT =       475797
+ integer, parameter :: NGLOB_OUTER_CORE_ADJOINT =        48789
+ integer, parameter :: NGLOB_INNER_CORE_ADJOINT =         3549
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC_OUTER_CORE_ROT_ADJOINT =          684
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC_CRUST_MANTLE_STACEY =         7092
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC_OUTER_CORE_STACEY =          684
+ integer, parameter :: NGLOB_CRUST_MANTLE_OCEANS =       475797
+ logical, parameter :: TRANSVERSE_ISOTROPY_VAL = .true.
+ logical, parameter :: ANISOTROPIC_3D_MANTLE_VAL = .false.
+ logical, parameter :: ANISOTROPIC_INNER_CORE_VAL = .false.
+ logical, parameter :: ATTENUATION_VAL = .true.
+ logical, parameter :: ATTENUATION_3D_VAL = .false.
+ logical, parameter :: ELLIPTICITY_VAL = .true.
+ logical, parameter :: GRAVITY_VAL = .true.
+ logical, parameter :: OCEANS_VAL = .true.
+ logical, parameter :: ROTATION_VAL = .true.
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC_OUTER_CORE_ROTATION =          684
+ integer, parameter :: NGLOB1D_RADIAL_CM =          189
+ integer, parameter :: NGLOB1D_RADIAL_OC =          133
+ integer, parameter :: NGLOB1D_RADIAL_IC =           21
+ integer, parameter :: NGLOB2DMAX_XMIN_XMAX_CM =        10274
+ integer, parameter :: NGLOB2DMAX_XMIN_XMAX_OC =         2862
+ integer, parameter :: NGLOB2DMAX_XMIN_XMAX_IC =          314
+ integer, parameter :: NGLOB2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX_CM =        10274
+ integer, parameter :: NGLOB2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX_OC =         2862
+ integer, parameter :: NGLOB2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX_IC =          314
+ integer, parameter :: NPROC_XI_VAL =           10
+ integer, parameter :: NPROC_ETA_VAL =           10
+ integer, parameter :: NCHUNKS_VAL =            1
+ integer, parameter :: NPROCTOT_VAL =          100
+ integer, parameter :: NGLOB2DMAX_XY_VAL =        10274
+ integer, parameter :: NUMMSGS_FACES_VAL =           10
+ integer, parameter :: NCORNERSCHUNKS_VAL =            1
+ integer, parameter :: ATT1 =            5
+ integer, parameter :: ATT2 =            5
+ integer, parameter :: ATT3 =            5
+ integer, parameter :: ATT4 =         7092
+ integer, parameter :: ATT5 =           45
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC2DMAX_XMIN_XMAX_CM =          522
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX_CM =          522
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC2D_BOTTOM_CM =           36
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC2D_TOP_CM =          576
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC2DMAX_XMIN_XMAX_IC =           15
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX_IC =           15
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC2D_BOTTOM_IC =            9
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC2D_TOP_IC =            9
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC2DMAX_XMIN_XMAX_OC =          141
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC2DMAX_YMIN_YMAX_OC =          144
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC2D_BOTTOM_OC =            9
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC2D_TOP_OC =           36
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC2D_MOHO =            1
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC2D_400 =            1
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC2D_670 =            1
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC2D_CMB =            1
+ integer, parameter :: NSPEC2D_ICB =            1
+ logical, parameter :: USE_DEVILLE_PRODUCTS_VAL = .true.
+ logical, parameter :: USE_ATTENUATION_MIMIC = .true.
+ logical, parameter :: COMPUTE_AND_STORE_STRAIN = .true. 

@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@

(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/xcombine_vol_data
Name: svn:executable
   + *
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/xcopy_model_to_mesher.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/xcopy_model_to_mesher.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Author: Hejun Zhu, hejunzhu at princeton.edu
+# Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
+# Last modified: Mon Mar  7 15:56:47 EST 2011
+if [ ! -d $model ]; then
+	echo WRONG! NO $model 
+	exit
+if [ ! -d $dest ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $dest 
+	exit
+echo copy vpv from $model ...
+cp $model/proc*_reg1_vpv.bin  $dest 
+echo copy vph from $model ... 
+cp $model/proc*_reg1_vph.bin  $dest 
+echo copy vsv from $model ...
+cp $model/proc*_reg1_vsv.bin  $dest
+echo copy vsh from $model ...
+cp $model/proc*_reg1_vsh.bin  $dest 
+echo copy rho from $model ...
+cp $model/proc*_reg1_rho.bin  $dest 
+echo copy eta from $model ... 
+cp $model/proc*_reg1_eta.bin  $dest 

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/xcopy_model_to_mesher.sh
Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/xgen_single_kernel_vtu.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/xgen_single_kernel_vtu.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# Author: Hejun Zhu, hejunzhu at princeton.edu
+# Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
+# Last modified: Sat Jan 22 18:47:49 EST 2011
+if [ ! -f $eventfile ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $eventfile 
+	exit
+if [ ! -f $slicefile ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $slicefile 
+	exit 
+if [ ! -f xcombine_vol_data ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO xcombine_vol_data 
+	exit
+if [ ! -d $savedir ]; then 
+	echo MKDIR $savedir
+	mkdir $savedir 
+if [ ! -d $topo_path1 ]; then 
+	echo WRONG !NO $topo_path 1
+	exit
+while read line 
+	cmtid=`echo $line | awk -F"_" '{print $2}'`
+	local_path1=../MODEL_INVERSION/ADJOINT_$iter/$line/KERNEL/ 
+	local_path2="..\/MODEL_INVERSION\/ADJOINT_$iter\/$line\/KERNEL\/" 
+	out_path1=VTU_SINGLE_KERNEL_$iter/$line 
+	out_path2="VTU_SINGLE_KERNEL_$iter\/$line" 
+	proctag="#PBS -N XCOMBINE_KERNEL_$cmtid" 
+	if [ ! -d $out_path1 ] ;then 
+		echo MKDIR $out_path1 
+		mkdir $out_path1 
+	fi 
+	if [ ! -d $local_path1 ]; then 
+		echo WRONG! NO $local_path1 
+		exit
+	fi 
+	sed -e "s/^#PBS -N.*$/$proctag/g" \
+	    -e "s/^slicefile=.*$/slicefile=$slicefile/g" \
+	    -e "s/^topo_path=.*$/topo_path=$topo_path2/g" \
+	    -e "s/^local_path=.*$/local_path=$local_path2/g" \
+	    -e "s/^out_path=.*$/out_path=$out_path2/g" \
+	    xgen_single_kernel_vtu_pbs.sh > xgen_single_kernel_vtu_pbs.sh.out 
+	    mv xgen_single_kernel_vtu_pbs.sh.out xgen_single_kernel_vtu_pbs.sh 
+	echo qsub $line 
+	qsub xgen_single_kernel_vtu_pbs.sh 
+	sleep 5 
+done < $eventfile 

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/xgen_single_kernel_vtu.sh
Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/xgen_single_kernel_vtu_pbs.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/xgen_single_kernel_vtu_pbs.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#PBS -q tromp
+#PBS -N XCOMBINE_KERNEL_200704090832A
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
+#PBS -l walltime=5:00:00
+#PBS -j oe
+#PBS -k oe
+#PBS -o job_src2.log
+#for tag in bulk_c_kernel bulk_betav_kernel bulk_betah_kernel eta_kernel rho_kernel hess_kernel 
+for tag in bulk_betav_kernel
+	./xcombine_vol_data $slicefile $tag $topo_path $local_path $out_path 0 1 
+echo combine kernels successfully  

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/xgen_vtu_file.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/xgen_vtu_file.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# Author: Hejun Zhu, hejunzhu at princeton.edu
+# Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
+# Last modified: Fri Sep 14 15:08:23 EDT 2012
+# This script is used to generate vtu file from bin file 
+if [ $vtu == DIRECTION ]; then 
+	method=CG
+if [ $vtu == KERNEL ]; then 
+	local_path=SUMMED_KERNEL_$iter 
+	out_path=VTU_SUMMED_KERNEL_$iter 
+elif [ $vtu == DIRECTION ]; then 
+	if [ $method == SD ]; then 
+		local_path=DIRECTION_SD_$iter 
+		output_path=VTU_DIRECTION_SD_$iter 
+	elif [ $method == CG ]; then 
+		local_path=DIRECTION_CG_$iter 
+		output_path=VTU_DIRECTION_CG_$iter 
+	elif [ $method == LBFGS ]; then 
+		local_path=DIRECTION_LBFGS_$iter 
+		output_path=VTU_DIRECTION_LBFGS_$iter 
+	else 
+		echo WRONG! NO $method 
+	fi 
+elif [ $vtu == MODEL ]; then 
+	local_path=MODEL_$iter 
+	output_path=VTU_MODEL_$iter 
+elif [ $vtu == MODEL_PERT ]; then 
+	local_path=MODEL_$iter"_PERT_STW" 
+	output_path=VTU_MODEL_$iter"_PERT_STW"
+	echo WRONG! NO $vtu 
+	exit
+if [ $vtu == KERNEL ]; then 
+	for tag in bulk_betav_kernel_precond_smooth bulk_betah_kernel_precond_smooth bulk_c_kernel_precond_smooth eta_kernel_precond_smooth 
+	do 
+		./xcombine_vol_data $slicefile $tag $topo_path $local_path $out_path 0 1 
+	done 
+elif [ $vtu == DIRECTION ]; then 
+	for tag in bulk_c_kernel_precond bulk_betav_kernel_precond bulk_betah_kernel_precond eta_kernel_precond rho_kernel_precond hess_kernel_precond 
+	do 
+		./xcombine_vol_data $slicefile $tag $topo_path $local_path $out_path 0 1 
+	done 
+elif [ $vtu == MODEL ]; then 
+	for tag in vpv vph vsv vsh eta rho 
+	do 
+		./xcombine_vol_data $slicefile $tag $topo_path $local_path $out_path 0 1 
+	done 
+elif [ $vtu == MODEL_PERT ]; then 
+	for tag in dvsh dvpv dvph deta drho
+	do 
+		./xcombine_vol_data $slicefile $tag $topo_path $local_path $out_path 0 1 
+	done 
+	echo WRONG! NO $vtu 
+	exit

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/xold/xgen_direction_vtu.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/xold/xgen_direction_vtu.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# Author: Hejun Zhu, hejunzhu at princeton.edu
+# Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
+# Last modified: Tue Feb 22 09:34:05 EST 2011
+if [ $method == SD ]; then 
+	local_path=DIRECTION_SD_$iter
+	out_path=VTU_DIRECTION_SD_$iter
+elif [ $method == CG ]; then 
+	local_path=DIRECTION_CG_$iter
+	out_path=VTU_DIRECTION_CG_$iter
+elif [ $method == LBFGS ]; then 
+	local_path=DIRECTION_LBFGS_$iter
+	out_path=VTU_DIRECTION_LBFGS_$iter
+	echo WRONG! NO $method 
+	exit
+if [ ! -f $slicefile ] ;then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $slicefile 
+	exit
+if [ ! -d $topo_path ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $topo_path 
+	exit
+if [ ! -d $local_path ]; then 
+	echo WROGN! NO $local_path 
+	exit
+if [ ! -d $out_path ]; then
+	echo MKDIR $out_path 
+	mkdir $out_path 
+for tag in bulk_c_kernel_precond bulk_betav_kernel_precond bulk_betah_kernel_precond eta_kernel_precond rho_kernel_precond hess_kernel_precond 
+	./xcombine_vol_data $slicefile $tag $topo_path $local_path $out_path 0 1 
+echo combine kernels successfully  

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/xold/xgen_direction_vtu.sh
Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/xold/xgen_model_vtu.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/xold/xgen_model_vtu.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Author: Hejun Zhu, hejunzhu at princeton.edu
+# Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
+# Last modified: Thu Feb 17 21:56:34 EST 2011
+if [ ! -f $slicefile ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $slicefile 
+	exit
+if [ ! -d $topo_path ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $topo_path 
+	exit
+if [ ! -d $local_path ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $local_path 
+	exit
+if [ ! -d $out_path ]; then 
+	echo MKDIR $out_path 
+	mkdir $out_path 
+#for tag in vpv vph vsv vsh eta rho 
+#for tag in vsv vsh dvsvvsv dvshvsh
+#for tag in dvsvvsv dvshvsh dvpvvpv dvphvph detaeta drhorho 
+for tag in vsv 
+#for tag in dvsvvsv
+	./xcombine_vol_data $slicefile $tag $topo_path $local_path $out_path 0 1 
+echo combine kernels successfully  

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/xold/xgen_model_vtu.sh
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/xold/xgen_pert_model_ref_vtu.sh
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/xold/xgen_pert_model_ref_vtu.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/xold/xgen_pert_model_ref_vtu.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# Author: Hejun Zhu, hejunzhu at princeton.edu
+# Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
+# Last modified: Thu Feb 17 21:56:34 EST 2011
+if [ ! -f $slicefile ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $slicefile 
+	exit
+if [ ! -d $topo_path ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $topo_path 
+	exit
+if [ ! -d $local_path ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $local_path 
+	exit
+if [ ! -d $out_path ]; then 
+	echo MKDIR $out_path 
+	mkdir $out_path 
+#for tag in dvsv dvsh dvpv dvph deta drho 
+for tag in dvsh dvpv dvph deta drho
+	./xcombine_vol_data $slicefile $tag $topo_path $local_path $out_path 0 1 
+echo combine kernels successfully  

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/xold/xgen_pert_model_ref_vtu.sh
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/xold/xgen_summed_kernel_vtu.sh
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/xold/xgen_summed_kernel_vtu.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/xold/xgen_summed_kernel_vtu.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# Author: Hejun Zhu, hejunzhu at princeton.edu
+# Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
+# Last modified: Tue Feb 22 09:34:05 EST 2011
+if [ ! -f $slicefile ] ;then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $slicefile 
+	exit
+if [ ! -d $topo_path ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $topo_path 
+	exit
+if [ ! -d $local_path ]; then 
+	echo WROGN! NO $local_path 
+	exit
+if [ ! -d $out_path ]; then
+	echo MKDIR $out_path 
+	mkdir $out_path 
+#for tag in bulk_c_kernel bulk_betav_kernel bulk_betah_kernel eta_kernel rho_kernel hess_kernel
+#for tag in bulk_betav_kernel bulk_betah_kernel hess_kernel
+#for tag in bulk_betah_kernel
+#for tag in bulk_c_kernel_precond bulk_betav_kernel_precond bulk_betah_kernel_precond eta_kernel_precond rho_kernel_precond #hess_kernel_precond 
+#for tag in bulk_betav_kernel_precond bulk_betah_kernel_precond hess_kernel_precond 
+#for tag in bulk_betah_kernel_precond 
+#for tag in bulk_betav_kernel_precond_smooth bulk_betah_kernel_precond_smooth bulk_c_kernel_precond_smooth eta_kernel_precond_smooth 
+for tag in bulk_betav_kernel_precond_smooth bulk_betah_kernel_precond_smooth
+#for tag in bulk_betav_kernel_precond_smooth
+	./xcombine_vol_data $slicefile $tag $topo_path $local_path $out_path 0 1 
+echo combine kernels successfully  

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/ITERATION_UPDATE/xold/xgen_summed_kernel_vtu.sh
Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/COPY_LOCAL/copy_local.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/COPY_LOCAL/copy_local.f90	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+program xcopy_local
+  implicit none
+  include 'mpif.h'
+  integer myrank,sizeprocs,ier
+  integer iregion_code
+  character(len=256) :: command,filename,procname  
+  character(len=256) :: databases,scratchdir
+  character(len=8) cp
+  ! forward mesh databases
+  !databases = "/tigress-hsm/dpeter/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/DATABASES_MPI.middle_east"
+  ! forward mesh databases (better filesystem for parallel i/o)
+  databases = "/scratch/lustre/hejunzhu/XEUROPE_MODEL/MESH"
+  ! local node scratch directory
+  scratchdir = "/scratch/hejunzhu/"
+  ! initialize the MPI communicator and start the NPROCTOT MPI processes.
+  call MPI_INIT(ier)
+  ! run the main program
+  call MPI_COMM_SIZE(MPI_COMM_WORLD,sizeprocs,ier)
+  call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD,myrank,ier)
+  ! creates local scratch directory
+  !command = 'rm -rf '//trim(scratchdir)
+  !call system(trim(command))   
+  !command = 'mkdir -p '//trim(scratchdir)
+  !call system(trim(command)) 
+  ! copy command
+  if( myrank == 0 ) then
+    cp = "cp -v"
+  else
+    cp = "cp"
+  endif
+  do iregion_code=1,3
+    ! process name
+    write(procname,"('/proc',i6.6,'_reg',i1,'_')") myrank,iregion_code  
+    ! database files
+    filename = trim(databases)//trim(procname)//'array_dims.txt'
+    command =  trim(cp)//' '//trim(filename)//' '//trim(scratchdir)  
+    call system(trim(command))         
+    filename = trim(databases)//trim(procname)//'attenuation.bin'
+    command =  trim(cp)//' '//trim(filename)//' '//trim(scratchdir)  
+    call system(trim(command))         
+    filename = trim(databases)//trim(procname)//'boundary.bin'
+    command =  trim(cp)//' '//trim(filename)//' '//trim(scratchdir)  
+    call system(trim(command))         
+    filename = trim(databases)//trim(procname)//'ibool*.txt'
+    command =  trim(cp)//' '//trim(filename)//' '//trim(scratchdir)  
+    call system(trim(command))         
+    filename = trim(databases)//trim(procname)//'solver_data_1.bin'
+    command =  trim(cp)//' '//trim(filename)//' '//trim(scratchdir)  
+    call system(trim(command)) 
+    filename = trim(databases)//trim(procname)//'solver_data_2.bin'
+    command =  trim(cp)//' '//trim(filename)//' '//trim(scratchdir)  
+    call system(trim(command))         
+    filename = trim(databases)//trim(procname)//'stacey.bin'
+    command =  trim(cp)//' '//trim(filename)//' '//trim(scratchdir)  
+    call system(trim(command))         
+    !filename = trim(databases)//trim(procname)//'absorb*.bin'
+    !
+    !command =  trim(cp)//' '//trim(filename)//' '//trim(scratchdir)  
+    !call system(trim(command))         
+    !filename = trim(databases)//trim(procname)//'boundary_disc.bin'
+    !
+    !command =  trim(cp)//' '//trim(filename)//' '//trim(scratchdir)  
+    !call system(trim(command))         
+  enddo
+  ! stop all the MPI processes, and exit
+  call MPI_FINALIZE(ier)
+end program

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/COPY_LOCAL/xcompile.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/COPY_LOCAL/xcompile.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Author: Hejun Zhu, hejunzhu at princeton.edu
+# Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
+# Last modified: Mon Jan 24 20:34:14 EST 2011
+if [ -f xcopy_local_forward ]; then 
+	echo RM xcopy_local_forward 
+	rm xcopy_local_forward 
+mpif90 -o xcopy_local_forward -O3  copy_local.f90

Name: svn:executable
   + *

(Binary files differ)

Name: svn:executable
   + *
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/PERL_CENTER/change_simulation_type.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/PERL_CENTER/change_simulation_type.pl	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# change the SIMULATION_TYPE setting in DATA/Par_file 
+# Qinya Liu, Caltech, May 2007
+use Time::Local;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use POSIX;
+sub Usage{
+print STDERR <<END;
+Usage:   change_simulation_type.pl  [-a|-f|-b|-F]
+         Changes SIMULATION_TYPE in DATA/Par_file
+         -a -- change type to run adjoint calculation(2)
+         -f -- change type to run forward calculation(1)
+         -b -- change type to run both simultaneously(3)
+         -F -- change type to run forward calculation(1) with save_forward = .true.
+ at ARGV == 1 or Usage();
+if(!getopts('abfF')) {die(" check input arguments\n");}
+ at vfm=<IN>;
+foreach $vfm (@vfm){
+  if($vfm=~/SIMULATION_TYPE/){
+    if(${opt_a}){
+      print "Changed simulation_type to 2 in Par_file \n";
+      $vfm=~s/= 1/= 2/;
+      $vfm=~s/= 3/= 2/;
+    }
+    elsif(${opt_f}){
+      print "Changed simulation_type to 1 in Par_file \n";
+      $vfm=~s/= 2/= 1/;
+      $vfm=~s/= 3/= 1/;
+    }
+    elsif(${opt_b}){
+      print "Changed simulation_type to 3 in Par_file \n";
+      $vfm=~s/= 1/= 3/;
+      $vfm=~s/= 2/= 3/;
+    }
+    elsif(${opt_F}){
+      print "Changed simulation_type to 1 and save_forward = .true. in Par_file \n";
+      $vfm=~s/= 2/= 1/;
+      $vfm=~s/= 3/= 1/;
+    }
+  }
+  if ($vfm=~/SAVE_FORWARD/) {
+    if ($opt_F) { $vfm=~s/false/true/; } 
+    else {$vfm=~s/true/false/;}
+  }
+foreach $vfm (@vfm){
+  print OUT "$vfm";

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/PERL_CENTER/change_simulation_type.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/PERL_CENTER/cut_data_syn.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/PERL_CENTER/cut_data_syn.pl	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+use Time::Local;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use POSIX;
+sub Usage{
+print STDERR <<END;
+Usage:  cut_seis.pl -d SynDir data_files
+	where
+    		-d SynDir -- directory of synthetic seismogram, like SYN/CMTSOLUTION200904060132A
+    		data_files -- name of data files to be processed (SAC format), the data like sta.net.comp.sac.bandpass
+ at ARGV > 1 or Usage();
+if (!getopts('f:cd:l')) {die(" check input arguments\n");}
+if ($opt_d and not -d $opt_d) {die("No such directory as $opt_d\n");}
+foreach $file_dat (@ARGV) {
+	if (! -f $file_dat) {die("No such file: $file_dat\n");}
+	($datname) = split(" ",`basename $file_dat`);
+	($sta,$net,$comp,undef,$ext)=split(/\./,$datname);
+	$cmp=substr($comp,2,3);
+	$file_syn="$opt_d/$sta.$net.LH$cmp.sem.sac.$ext";
+	if ( -f $file_syn ) {
+		print "Cutting file $file_syn\n";
+		open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null");
+     		print SAC "r $file_dat $file_syn \n";
+     		print SAC "cut off \n";
+     		print SAC "eval to cutbeg ( (max &1,b &2,b ) ) \n";
+     		print SAC "eval to cutend ( (min &1,e &2,e ) ) \n";
+     		print SAC "cut %cutbeg %cutend \n";
+     		print SAC "cut on \n";
+     		print SAC "r \n";
+     		print SAC "ch SCALE 1 \n";
+     		print SAC "w $file_dat $file_syn  \nquit\n";
+		close(SAC);
+	}

Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/PERL_CENTER/global_slice_number.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/PERL_CENTER/global_slice_number.pl	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+#  This program figures out the global slice number for given simulation parameters
+#  uses xglobal_slice_number and xnormal_plane, compile first from global_slice_util/
+# Qinya Liu, May 2007, Caltech
+# modify the following line for the correct location of perl libs (UTILS/lib)
+use lib '/opt/seismo-util/lib/perl';
+if (@ARGV != 3) {die("Usage: global_slice_number.pl CMTSOLUTION STATIONS_ADJOINT Par_file\n");}
+$cmt = $ARGV[0];
+$sta = $ARGV[1];
+$par_file = $ARGV[2];
+# obtain event location
+($elat,$elon) = get_cmt_location($cmt);
+# obtain station location
+($slat,$slon) = split(" ",`awk 'NR == 1 {print \$3, \$4}' $sta`);
+print "event = ($elat,$elon);  station = ($slat,$slon) \n";
+# obtain simulation parameters
+if (not -f $par_file) {die("Check if $par_file exists or not\n");}
+($nchunk) = split(" ",`grep NCHUNKS $par_file|awk '{print \$3}'`);
+($nproc) = split(" ",`grep NPROC_XI $par_file|awk '{print \$3}'`);
+print "NCHUNKS = $nchunk, nproc = $nproc\n";
+if ($nchunk != 6) {
+  ($xi_width) = split(" ",`grep ANGULAR_WIDTH_XI_IN_DEGREES $par_file|awk '{print \$3}'`);
+  ($eta_width) = split(" ",`grep ANGULAR_WIDTH_ETA_IN_DEGREES $par_file|awk '{print \$3}'`);
+  ($clat) = split(" ",`grep CENTER_LATITUDE_IN_DEGREES $par_file|awk '{print \$3}'`);
+  ($clon) = split(" ",`grep CENTER_LONGITUDE_IN_DEGREES $par_file|awk '{print \$3}'`);
+  ($grot) = split(" ",`grep GAMMA_ROTATION_AZIMUTH $par_file|awk '{print \$3}'`);
+  print "xi_width = $xi_width, eta_width = $eta_width; clat = $clat, clon = $clon; grot = $grot\n";
+# minor 
+print "compute slices along minor arc ...\n";
+if ($nchunk == 6) {
+  $command = "./xglobal_slice_number $elon $elat $slon $slat $nproc 0";
+}else {
+  $command = "./xglobal_slice_number $elon $elat $slon $slat $nproc 0 $nchunk $xi_width $eta_width $clon $clat $grot";}
+system(" $command > slices_minor ");
+# major
+print "compute slices along major arc ...\n";
+if ($nchunk == 6) {
+  $command = "./xglobal_slice_number $elon $elat $slon $slat $nproc 1";
+}else {
+  $command = "./xglobal_slice_number $elon $elat $slon $slat $nproc 1 $nchunk $xi_width $eta_width $clon $clat $grot";}
+system(" $command > slices_major ");
+if ($nchunk == 6) {
+  print "output slices_ic file\n";
+  $nslice = $nproc * $nproc;
+  `cat slices_minor slices_major | sort -g | awk '\$1 < $nslice {print \$1}' > slice_ab_old`;
+  open(SLICE,"slice_ab_old");
+  @tmp=<SLICE>;
+  close(SLICE);
+  open(SLICE_IC,">slices_ic");
+  for ($i = 0; $i < $nslice; $i ++ ) {
+    for ($j = 0; $j < @tmp; $j ++ ){
+      if ($i == $tmp[$j]) {last;}
+      if ($j == @tmp - 1) {print SLICE_IC "$i\n";}
+    }
+  }
+  close(SLICE_IC);
+# figure out the normal to the source-receiver plane
+print "calculate normal to source and receiver plane\n";
+$command = "./xnormal_plane $elat $elon $slat $slon";
+$result = `$command`;
+print "$result\n";
+# clean up temp files
+system(" rm -f slice_ab_old gcarc_station.txt xsection_translate.txt");

Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/PERL_CENTER/mesh2vtu.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/PERL_CENTER/mesh2vtu.pl	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+use Getopt::Std;
+use File::Basename;
+$progname = basename($0);
+### Please modify the following variables according to your own system setting ###
+$mesh2vtu = "/opt/seismo-util/source/mesh2vtu/mesh2vtu";
+$REQLIBS  = "env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/seismo-util/lib/vtk";
+sub Usage {
+    print STDERR <<END;
+Usage: $progname -i input-file -o output-file
+    Takes an input file (binary) with a number of points and a number of cells
+    and transforms them into an unstructured grid file
+    -i input-file (Binary file)
+    -o output-file (XML Unstructured Grid File)
+    Input Binary files have this structure:
+      number_of_points          integer (4 bytes)
+      x_1, y_1, z_1, scalar_1   4 reals (4 bytes each)
+      ...
+      x_n, y_n, z_n, scalar_n   4 reals (4 bytes each)
+      number_of_cells           integer (4 bytes)
+      cell_1 (eight points)     8 integers (4 bytes each)
+      ...
+      cell_n                    8 integers (4 bytes each)
+    This is a wrapper around mesh2vtu
+    Brian Savage 6/26/2004
+    exit(-1);
+if(@ARGV == 0) {
+    Usage ();
+if(!getopts('i:o:')){die "Check input paramaters \n";}
+if(!defined($opt_i)) {
+    die "$progname: Must specify input file -i input-file\n";
+if(!defined($opt_o)) {
+    die "$progname: Must specify output file -o output-file\n";
+#print "$REQLIBS $mesh2vtu $opt_i $opt_o\n";
+system("$REQLIBS $mesh2vtu $opt_i $opt_o");

Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/PERL_CENTER/process_data.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/PERL_CENTER/process_data.pl	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+use Time::Local;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use POSIX;
+sub Usage{
+  print STDERR <<END;
+  process_data_new.pl -m CMTFILE -l Start/End -t Ts/Tl -f -i -R resp_dir
+                      -p -s Sps -P n/p -T Taper_width -c -y t1/v1/...
+                      -x Ext -d OutDir
+                      data_sac_files
+  with
+       -m -- use CMTSOLUTION file to set event info
+       -a STAFILE -- add station information from STAFILE, use '-a none' to get
+            information from Vala''s station file.
+       -l Start/End -- start and end of record from o
+       -t Ts/Tl -- shortest and longest period
+       -f -- do not apply butterworth filter before deconvolution
+       -i -- transfer record to displacement
+       -R resp_dir -- transfer record using RESP file in resp_dir
+       -p -- pick event p and s first arrival into sac headers (t1 and t2)
+       -x Ext -- extension of new file name
+       -d Dir -- directory to put the output files (default .)
+       -s Sps -- sample per second (default 1.0)
+       -P n/p -- number of poles and passes for butterworth filter (default 4/2)
+       -T taper_width -- taper width to use in 'taper' command of SAC
+       -c check sac output on the screen, otherwise print out summary
+       -y t0/vel/t0/vel... --- pick times into headers t3/t4/... (rayleigh = 0/3.8; love = 0/4.0)
+       data_sac_files --- names of the data sac files to be processed
+ Notice:
+  1. We require that polezero files in the same directory as the sac 
+     data files which is generally satisfied. We require that resp dir
+     be specified even if it is current(.). All the needed info is
+     taken from sac headers
+  2. Origin time is set to PDE + time_shift (given by the CMTSOLUTION)
+  3. The displacement outputs after -i option are in the unit of meters
+  4. For BH? components, please set -s 20, otherwise interpolation to
+     1 sample/second will be performed
+ NOTE: Please make sure that SAC, saclst and IASP91 packages are installed properly on 
+       your system, and that all the environment variables are set properly before
+       running the script.
+  Qinya Liu, Originally written in Oct 2002; updated in Feb 2010
+  exit(1);
+if (@ARGV == 0) { Usage(); }
+if (!getopts('m:a:l:t:fiR:px:d:s:P:T:y:c')) {die('Check input arguments\n');}
+if ($opt_m and not -f $opt_m) {die("Check if file $opt_m exists\n");}
+if ($opt_a and not -f $opt_a) {$opt_a="/opt/seismo-util/data/STATIONS_new";}
+if ($opt_R and not -d $opt_R) {die("Check if dir $opt_R exists\n");}
+if ($opt_t) {($tmin, $tmax) = split(/\//,$opt_t);
+	     $f1 = 1./$tmax;  $f2=1./$tmin;}
+if ($opt_d) {
+  $out_dir=$opt_d; if (not -d $out_dir) {mkdir($out_dir,0777);}
+if ($opt_x) {$ext='.'.$opt_x;}else {$ext="";}
+if (!$opt_s) {$dt=1.0;} else {$dt = 1.0/$opt_s;}
+if (!$opt_P) {$poles=4;$pass=2;}
+     if(not defined $pass or $pass < 1) {$pass=2;}
+if (!$opt_T) {$opt_T = 0.05;}
+if ($opt_l) {($lmin,$lmax) = split(/\//,$opt_l);} else {$lmin = 0; $lmax = 3600;}
+if ($opt_f and not ($opt_R or $opt_i)) {die("-f option goes together with -i or -R\n");}
+$eps=1e-5; $undef=-12345.0; $cundef="-12345";
+foreach $file (@ARGV) {
+  $no_resp=0;
+  if (! -f $file) {die("No such file $file to be processed!!\n"); }
+  print "Processing data file $file \n";
+  if (not $opt_d) {$outfile = $file.$ext;}
+  else { ($filename) = split(" ",`basename $file`);
+	 $outfile = "$out_dir/${filename}${ext}";}
+  ($filedir) = split(" ",`dirname $file`);
+  if ($ext or $opt_d) {system("\\cp -f $file $outfile");}
+  # process data
+  if ($opt_c) {open(SAC,"|sac ") || die("Can't open sac\n");}
+  else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null") || die("Can't open sac\n");}
+  print SAC "echo on\n";
+  print SAC "r $outfile\n";
+  if ($opt_m) {  # add event information from CMTSOLUTION FILE
+    print "    Adding event info from $opt_m\n";
+    ($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tshift,undef,
+     $elat,$elon,$edep,undef) = get_cmt($opt_m);
+    ($oyear1,$ojday1,$ohr1,$omin1,$osec1,$omsec1)
+      =tdiff($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tshift);
+    print SAC "ch o gmt $oyear1 $ojday1 $ohr1 $omin1 $osec1 $omsec1\n";
+    print SAC "evaluate to tmp 0 - &1,o\n";
+    print SAC "ch allt %tmp% iztype io\n";
+    print SAC "ch evla $elat evlo $elon evdp $edep \n";
+    print SAC "w $outfile\nquit\n";
+    close(SAC);
+    if ($opt_c) {open(SAC,"|sac ") || die("Can't open sac\n");}
+    else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null") || die("Can't open sac\n");}
+    print SAC "echo on\n";
+    print SAC "r $outfile\n";}
+   if ($opt_a) { # add station information
+     print "Add station information\n";
+     (undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,$net,$sta,undef,$comp)=split(/\./,$file);
+     print SAC "ch kstnm $sta knetwk $net kcmpnm $comp\n ";
+     ($sta_name,$sta_net,$sta_lat,$sta_lon,$sta_ele,$sta_bur)=split(" ",`egrep '$sta +$net' $opt_a`);
+     if (not defined $sta_name) {
+       print("No such station $sta+$net in $opt_a file\n");
+       ($sta_name,$sta_net,$sta_lat,$sta_lon,$sta_ele,$sta_bur)=split(" ",`egrep '$sta' $opt_a`);
+       if (not defined $sta_name) {
+          print " No such station as $sta in the $opt_a file\n";
+          $sta_text .="$sta ";}}
+     print SAC "ch stla $sta_lat stlo $sta_lon stel $sta_ele stdp $sta_bur\nwh\n";
+     print SAC "w $outfile\nquit\n";
+     close(SAC);
+     if ($opt_c) {open(SAC,"|sac ") || die("Can't open sac\n");}
+     else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null") || die("Can't open sac\n");}
+     print SAC "echo on\n";
+     print SAC "r $outfile\n";}
+  if ($opt_l){  # cut record 
+    print "    Cut the record from o+$lmin to o+$lmax\n";
+    (undef,$tmp_o)=split(" ",`$saclst o f $outfile`);
+    if (abs($tmp_o-$undef) < $eps) {die("O has not been set to cut record\n");}
+    print SAC "setbb begin ( max &1,b ( &1,o + $lmin ) ) \n";
+    print SAC "setbb end   ( min &1,e ( &1,o + $lmax ) ) \n";
+    print SAC "cut %begin% %end% \n";
+    print SAC "r $outfile\n cut off\n  w over \nquit\n";
+    close (SAC);
+    if ($opt_c) {open(SAC,"|sac ") || die("Can't open sac\n");}
+    else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null") || die("Can't open sac\n");}
+    print SAC "echo on\n";
+    print SAC "r $outfile\n";}
+  if ($opt_t and not $opt_f) {# filter records
+    print "    Filter record at periods $tmin and $tmax\n";
+    print SAC "rtrend\n rmean\n taper width $opt_T\n";
+    printf SAC ("bp n %4d p $pass cor %12.6f %12.6f\n",$poles,$f1,$f2);
+    printf SAC " rtrend\n rmean\n taper width $opt_T\n";}
+  if ($opt_i or $opt_R) {  # transfer instrument response
+    if (! $opt_t) {die(" Specify bandpass range by -t\n");}
+    $f0=$f1*0.8;
+    $f3=$f2*1.2;
+    print SAC "rtrend\n rmean\n taper width $opt_T\n";
+    (undef,$network,$sta,$comp,$khole)=split(" ",`$saclst knetwk kstnm kcmpnm khole f $outfile`);
+    if ($network eq $cundef or $sta eq $cundef or $comp eq $cundef or $khole eq $cundef) {
+      die("No network station name or component name or khole defined in $outfile\n");}
+    if ($opt_i) { # assume pz file in the same dir
+      $pzfile=`ls -1 $filedir/PZFILES/SAC_PZs_${network}_${sta}_${comp}_${khole}* | head -1`;
+      chomp($pzfile);
+      if (!-f $pzfile) {print " **** No pzfile $pzfile **** \n"; $no_resp=1;}   
+      else {
+	    ############ Hejun Zhu for rdseed5 pzfile without header ##############
+	    #$pzfile_new=$pzfile."_new";
+	    #`awk 'NR>18' $pzfile > $pzfile_new`;
+	    ########################################
+	    print "    Transfer instrument response using pz file $pzfile\n";
+	    printf SAC ("trans from polezero s %20s to none freq %12.6f%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f \n",
+			$pzfile,$f0,$f1,$f2,$f3);}
+    } else { # assume resp file in opt_R
+      @respfiles=glob("$opt_R/${network}.${sta}.${khole}.${comp}*.RESP");
+      $respfile = find_resp_file($outfile, at respfiles);
+      if (! -f $respfile or @respfiles == 0) {print " **** No respfile $respfiles for $network, $sta, $khole, $comp ****\n";  $no_resp=1;}
+      else {
+	print "    Transfer instrument response using response file $respfile\n";
+	printf SAC ("trans from evalresp fname $respfile to none freq %12.6f%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f \n",
+		  $f0,$f1,$f2,$f3);
+	printf SAC "mul 1e-9\n"; }}
+    printf SAC " rtrend\n rmean\n taper width $opt_T\n";
+  }
+  if ($opt_s)  {print SAC "interp delta $dt\n";
+                print SAC "w over\n";}
+  if ($opt_p) { # add p and s arrival info
+    print "    Add first P and S arrival information\n";
+    (undef,$gcarc,$edep)=split(" ",`$saclst gcarc evdp f $outfile`);
+    if (abs($gcarc-$undef) < $eps or abs($edep-$undef) < $eps) {die("No gcarc and depth info\n");}
+    ($Pph,$Ptime)=split(" ",`$phtimes $edep $gcarc P`);
+    ($Sph,$Stime)=split(" ",`$phtimes $edep $gcarc S`);
+    if (not $opt_m) {$tshift = 0;}
+    print SAC "evaluate to tmp1 $Ptime - $tshift\n";
+    print SAC "evaluate to tmp2 $Stime - $tshift\n";
+    print SAC "ch t1 %tmp1% t2 %tmp2%\n";
+    print SAC "ch kt1 $Pph kt2 $Sph\n";}
+  if ($opt_y) { # add arrival times to headers
+    @numbers=split(/\//,$opt_y); $npairs = floor(@numbers/2);
+    if (@numbers != $npairs*2) {die("Enter -y t0/Vel/t0/Vel/...\n");}
+    for ($i=0;$i<$npairs;$i++) {
+      $int = $numbers[$i*2]; $slope = $numbers[$i*2+1];
+      print "   Add arrival time for waves with group velocity: $slope\n";
+      (undef,$dist,$begin,$end)=split(" ",`$saclst dist b e f $outfile`);
+      if (abs($dist-$undef) < $eps) {die("Not defined dist\n");}
+      $h1 = 3+$i;  $h1 = "t$h1"; $k1 = "k$h1"; $v1 = $int + $dist/$slope;
+      (undef,$v1,undef) = sort {$a <=> $b} ($begin, $v1 ,$end);
+      printf SAC ("ch $h1 %12.2f\n",$v1);
+      print SAC "ch $k1 $h1\n";}}
+#  print "   write file $outfile\n";
+  print SAC "w $outfile\n";
+  print SAC "echo off\nquit\n";
+  close(SAC);
+  if ($no_resp and defined $opt_d) {
+    print "Deleting $outfile\n"; 
+    system("rm -f $outfile");}
+print "  Done! \n";
+sub mday2jday {
+  my($oyear,$omonth,$oday)=@_;
+  $omonth = $omonth-1;  #months range from 0..11
+  $time_sec = timegm(3,3,3,$oday,$omonth,$oyear);
+  @t = gmtime($time_sec);
+  my($jday) = $t[7];
+  $jday += 1;
+  return ($jday);
+sub tdiff{
+  my ($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tadd)=@_;
+  $time = timegm($osec, $omin, $ohr, $oday , $omonth-1, $oyear);
+  $time += ($tadd +$omsec/1000); #event_time in machine format
+  $msec = sprintf("%03.0f",($time - (floor($time)))*1000);
+  $time = floor($time);
+  my($sec, $min, $hr, $day , $month, $year,$weekday,$jday) = gmtime($time);
+  $month += 1;
+  $year += 1900;
+  $jday +=1;
+  return ($year,$jday,$hr,$min,$sec,$msec);
+sub get_cmt {
+  my ($cmt_file)=@_;
+  open(CMT, "$cmt_file") or die("Error opening $cmt_file\n");
+  @cmt = <CMT>;
+  my($pde,$oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec1)=split(" ",$cmt[0]);
+  my($osec,$omsec)=split(/\./,$osec1); $omsec=$omsec*10;
+  my(undef,undef,$tshift)=split(" ",$cmt[2]);
+  my(undef,undef,$hdur)=split(" ",$cmt[3]);
+  my(undef,$elat)=split(" ",$cmt[4]);
+  my(undef,$elon)=split(" ",$cmt[5]);
+  my(undef,$edep)=split(" ",$cmt[6]);
+  my(undef,$Mrr)=split(" ",$cmt[7]);
+  my(undef,$Mtt)=split(" ",$cmt[8]);
+  my(undef,$Mpp)=split(" ",$cmt[9]);
+  my(undef,$Mrt)=split(" ",$cmt[10]);
+  my(undef,$Mrp)=split(" ",$cmt[11]);
+  my(undef,$Mtp)=split(" ",$cmt[12]);
+  close(CMT);
+  return ($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tshift,$hdur,$elat,$elon,$edep,$Mrr,$Mtt,$Mpp,$Mrt,$Mrp,$Mtp);
+sub  find_resp_file {
+  my($file, at resp)=@_;
+  # using sac own saclst
+  my(undef,$year,$jday,$hr,$min,$sec,$msec)=split(" ",`saclst nzyear nzjday nzhour nzmin nzsec nzmsec f $file`);
+  $f_date=sprintf("%04d.%03d.%02d.%02d.%02d.%04d",$year,$jday,$hr,$min,$sec,$msec);
+#  print "$f_date\n";
+  my($resp_file)="";
+  foreach $resp (@resp) {
+    ($rs_date) = split(" ", `grep 'Start date' $resp | awk '{print \$4}' | tr , . | tr : .`);
+    ($re_date) = split(" ", `grep 'End date' $resp | awk '{print \$4}' | tr , . | tr : .`);
+#    print "$rs_date; $re_date\n";
+    if ($rs_date le $f_date and $re_date ge $f_date) {
+      $resp_file=$resp; last;}
+  }
+  return($resp_file);

Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/PERL_CENTER/process_syn.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/PERL_CENTER/process_syn.pl	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+use Time::Local;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use POSIX;
+sub Usage{
+print STDERR <<END;
+Usage:   process_syn_new.pl
+     -S -m CMTFILE -h -o offset -lStart/End -tTmin/Tmax -f -P n/p
+     -i Dir -A amp_factor -p -a STAFILE -s sps -y t0/V0/t1/V1...
+     -c -d OutDir -x Ext  synthetics_files
+    -S already sac file, will not apply ascii2sac.csh
+    -m CMTSOLUTION file for event origin, location and half duration
+    -h convolve a triangle stf with half duration from -m
+    -o moves the synthetics back by 'offset' from centroid time.
+    -l lmin/lmax   start/end cut of trace
+    -t Tmin/Tmax -- shortest/longest period of bandpass filter
+    -f -- apply transfer filter instead of butterworth filter for -t
+    -P -- number of poles and passes in butterworth filter(default 4/2)
+    -i Dir -- convolve synthetics with instrument response in Dir
+    -A amp_factor -- multiple all files with an amplification factor
+    -p -- pick P and S arrivals according to iasp91 model to t1/t2 headers
+    -a STAFILE -- add station information from STAFILE, use "-a none"
+       to get information from Vala''s station file
+    -s sps -- resampling rate for synthetics (default is 1.0)
+    -y t0/V0/t1/V1 -- add to t3/t4 the arrival times of t + dist/V
+    -c -- show sac output
+    -d OutDir -- directory to dump output (default: same as input files)
+    -x Ext -- add extension Ext
+    names of files -- name of syn files to be processed
+ NOTE: Please make sure that SAC, saclst and IASP91 packages are installed properly on 
+       your system, and that all the environment variables are set properly before
+       running the script.
+    Qinya Liu, originally written in Oct 2002, most recently updated in Feb 2010.
+ at ARGV > 1 or Usage();
+if (!getopts('Sm:ho:l:t:fi:pP:a:cd:x:vs:y:A:')) {die(" check input arguments\n");}
+if ($opt_t) {($tmin, $tmax) = split(/\//,$opt_t);
+             $f1 = 1./$tmax;  $f2=1./$tmin;}
+if ($opt_x) {$ext=".".$opt_x;} else {$ext="";}
+if (!$opt_s) {$dt=1.0;} else {$dt = 1.0/$opt_s;}
+if (!$opt_P) {$poles=4;$pass=2;}
+     if(not defined $pass or $pass<1){$pass=2;}}
+if ($opt_l) {($lmin,$lmax) = split(/\//,$opt_l);} 
+else {$lmin = 0; $lmax = 3600;}
+if ($opt_a and not -f $opt_a) {$opt_a="/opt/seismo/data/STATIONS_new";}
+if ($opt_o and not $opt_m) {die("Specify centroid time first\n");}
+if ($opt_d and not -d $opt_d) {die("No such directory as $opt_d\n");}
+if ($opt_i and not -d $opt_i) {die("No such directory as $opt_i\n");}
+if ($opt_A) {if ($opt_A !~ /^\d/) {die("-A option should be numbers\n");}}
+if ($opt_f) {
+  if (not $opt_t) {die("-t tmin/tmax has to be specified for -f\n");}
+  else {$f0=$f1*0.8;  $f3=$f2*1.2;}}
+$undef = -12345;
+$eps = 0.1;
+#if (! -e $saclst)  {die(" No $saclst file\n");}
+#if (! -e $phtimes) {die("No $phtimes file\n");}
+#if (! -e $asc2sac) {die("No $asc2sac file\n");}
+if ($opt_m) { # extract event information from CMTSOLUTION
+  if (!-f $opt_m) {die(" No cmtsolution file $opt_m\n");}
+  ($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tshift,$hdur,$elat,$elon,$edep) = get_cmt($opt_m);
+  ($oyear1,$ojday1,$ohr1,$omin1,$osec1,$omsec1) = tdiff($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tshift);}
+foreach $file (@ARGV) {
+  print "\nProcessing file            $file\n"; 
+  if (! -f $file) {die(" No such file : $file\n");}
+  # transfer ascii file to sac file according to name of files
+  if (not $opt_S) {# ascii file
+    print "Transfer ascii file to sac file\n";
+    system("$asc2sac $file >/dev/null");
+    $file = $file.".sac";}
+  (undef,$begin_time) = split(" ",`$saclst b f $file`);
+  if (not defined $begin_time) {die("Check if the file is SAC format\n")};
+  ($filename) = split(" ",`basename $file`);
+  ($net,$sta,$comp)=split(/\./,$filename);
+  if (not $opt_d) {$outfile = $file.$ext;}
+  else {$outfile = "$opt_d/${filename}${ext}";}
+  if ($ext or $opt_d) {system("\\cp -f $file $outfile");}
+  print "Output to file $outfile\n";
+  if ($opt_c) { open(SAC,"|sac");}else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null");}
+  print SAC "echo on\n";
+  print SAC "r $outfile\n";
+  if ($opt_m) { # add event location and original time
+    print "Add event information\n";
+    if($opt_o){$tmp_o = -$opt_o; print SAC "ch allt $tmp_o\n";}
+    print SAC "ch nzyear $oyear1 nzjday $ojday1 nzhour $ohr1 nzmin $omin1 nzsec $osec1 nzmsec $omsec1\n";
+    print SAC "ch o 0\n";
+    print SAC "ch evla $elat evlo $elon evdp $edep \n wh\n";
+    print SAC "w over \nquit\n";
+    close(SAC);
+    if ($opt_c) {open(SAC,"|sac");}else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null");}
+    print SAC "echo on\n r $outfile\n";}
+  if ($opt_h and $hdur > $min_hdur) { # convolve source time function
+    print SAC "quit\n";
+    close(SAC);
+    system("/opt/seismo-util/bin/convolve_stf g $hdur $outfile");
+    system("mv ${outfile}.conv ${outfile}");
+    if ($opt_c) {open(SAC,"|sac");}else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null");}
+    print SAC "echo on\n r $outfile\n";}
+  if ($opt_a) { # add station information
+    print "Add station information\n";
+    print SAC "ch kstnm $sta knetwk $net kcmpnm $comp\n ";
+    if    ($comp=~/E/) {print SAC "ch cmpaz 90 cmpinc 90\n";}
+    elsif ($comp=~/N/) {print SAC "ch cmpaz 0 cmpinc 90\n";}
+    elsif ($comp=~/Z/) {print SAC "ch cmpaz 0 cmpinc 0 \n";}
+    if (! -f $opt_a ) {die(" No such files: $opt_a");}
+    ($sta_name,$sta_net,$sta_lat,$sta_lon,$sta_ele,$sta_bur)=split(" ",`egrep '$sta +$net' $opt_a`);
+    if (not defined $sta_name) {
+      print("No such station $sta+$net in $opt_a file\n");
+      ($sta_name,$sta_net,$sta_lat,$sta_lon,$sta_ele,$sta_bur)=split(" ",`egrep '$sta' $opt_a`);
+      if (not defined $sta_name) {
+         print " No such station as $sta in the $opt_a file\n";
+         $sta_text .="$sta ";}}
+    print SAC "ch stla $sta_lat stlo $sta_lon stel $sta_ele stdp $sta_bur\nwh\n";}
+  if ($opt_l) { #cut record
+     print SAC "setbb begin ( max &1,b ( &1,o + $lmin ) ) \n";
+     print SAC "setbb end   ( min &1,e ( &1,o + $lmax ) ) \n";
+     print SAC "cut %begin% %end% \n";
+     print SAC "r $outfile\n";
+     print SAC "cut off\n";}
+  if ($opt_A) {print SAC "mul $opt_A\n";}
+  if ($opt_t)  { # filter record
+    print "Filtering records...\n";
+    print SAC "rtrend\n rmean\n taper\n";
+    if ($opt_f) {
+      printf SAC ("trans from none to none freq %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f\n",$f0,$f1,$f2,$f3);}
+    else {
+      printf SAC ("bp n $poles p $pass co %10.5f %10.5f\n",$f1,$f2);}
+    print SAC "rtrend\n rmean\n taper\n";}
+  if ($opt_i) {# convolve with instrument response
+    print "Convolving instrument response...\n";
+    $pzfile="SAC_PZs_${net}_${sta}_${comp}_";
+    @nfiles=`ls -l $opt_i/${pzfile}* | awk '{print \$9}'`;
+    if (@nfiles != 1) {die("Pzfile is incorrect: \n at nfiles files\n");}
+    $pz=$nfiles[0]; chomp($pz);
+    if (! -f $pz) {die("Not a pz file $pz\n");}
+    print SAC "transfer from none to polezero s ${pz}\n";
+    print SAC "w over\n";}
+  if ($opt_s) {print SAC "interp delta $dt\n";}
+   print SAC "w over\nquit\n";
+   close(SAC);
+   if ($opt_c) { open(SAC,"|sac");}else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null");}
+   print SAC "echo on\n r $outfile\n ";
+  if ($opt_p) { # pick arrival
+    print "Picking arrivals...\n";
+    (undef,$gcarc)=split(" ",`$saclst gcarc f $outfile`);
+    if (abs($gcarc-$undef)< $eps) {die("No gcarc is defined\n");}
+    ($Pph,$Ptime)=split(" ",`$phtimes $edep $gcarc P`);
+    ($Sph,$Stime)=split(" ",`$phtimes $edep $gcarc S`);
+    print SAC "evaluate to tmp1 $Ptime - $tshift\n";
+    print SAC "evaluate to tmp2 $Stime - $tshift\n";
+    print SAC "ch t1 %tmp1% t2 %tmp2%\n";
+    print SAC "ch kt1 $Pph kt2 $Sph\n wh\n";}
+  if ($opt_y) { # add arrival time for surface waves
+    @numbers=split(/\//,$opt_y); $npairs = floor(@numbers/2);
+    if (@numbers != $npairs*2) {die("Enter -y in1/slope1/in2/slope2/...\n");}
+    for ($i=0;$i<$npairs;$i++) {
+      $int = $numbers[$i*2]; $slope = $numbers[$i*2+1];
+      print "Add arrival time for waves with group velocity: $slope\n";
+      (undef,$dist,$begin,$end)=split(" ",`$saclst dist b e f $outfile`);
+      if (abs($dist-$undef) < $eps) {die("Not defined dist\n");}
+      $h1 = 3+$i;  $h1 = "t$h1"; $k1 = "k$h1"; $v1 = $int + $dist/$slope;
+      (undef,$v1,undef) = sort {$a <=> $b} ($begin, $v1 ,$end);
+      printf SAC ("ch $h1 %12.2f\n",$v1);
+      print SAC "ch $k1 $h1\n";}}
+  print SAC "w over\nquit\n";
+  close(SAC);
+if ($sta_text) {
+   print "\n\nNotice the following stations are not found in the station file\n   $sta_text\n\n";}
+print "DONE\n";
+sub mday2jday {
+    my($oyear,$omonth,$oday)=@_;
+    $omonth = $omonth-1;  #months range from 0..11
+    $time_sec = timegm(3,3,3,$oday,$omonth,$oyear);
+    @t = gmtime($time_sec);
+    $jday = @t[7];
+    $jday += 1;
+    return ($jday);
+sub tdiff {
+    my ($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tadd)=@_;
+    #  die("$oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tadd\n");
+    $time = timegm($osec, $omin, $ohr, $oday , $omonth-1, $oyear);
+    $time += ($tadd +$omsec/1000); #event_time in machine format
+    $msec = sprintf("%03.0f",($time - (floor($time)))*1000);
+    $time = floor($time);
+    #event-time:
+    ($sec, $min, $hr, $day , $month, $year,$weekday,$jday) = gmtime($time);
+    $month += 1;
+    $year += 1900;
+    $jday +=1;
+    return ($year,$jday,$hr,$min,$sec,$msec);
+sub get_cmt {
+    local ($cmt_file)=@_;
+    open(CMT, "$cmt_file") or die("Error opening $cmt_file\n");
+    @cmt = <CMT>;
+    local($pde,$oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec1)=split(" ",$cmt[0]);
+    local($osec,$omsec)=split(/\./,$osec1); $omsec=$omsec*10;
+    local(undef,undef,$tshift)=split(" ",$cmt[2]);
+    local(undef,undef,$hdur)=split(" ",$cmt[3]);
+    local(undef,$elat)=split(" ",$cmt[4]);
+    local(undef,$elon)=split(" ",$cmt[5]);
+    local(undef,$edep)=split(" ",$cmt[6]);
+    local(undef,$Mrr)=split(" ",$cmt[7]);
+    local(undef,$Mtt)=split(" ",$cmt[8]);
+    local(undef,$Mpp)=split(" ",$cmt[9]);
+    local(undef,$Mrt)=split(" ",$cmt[10]);
+    local(undef,$Mrp)=split(" ",$cmt[11]);
+    local(undef,$Mtp)=split(" ",$cmt[12]);
+    close(CMT);
+    return ($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tshift,$hdur,$elat,$elon,$edep,$Mrr,$Mtt,$Mpp,$Mrt,$Mrp,$Mtp);

Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/PERL_CENTER/rotate.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/PERL_CENTER/rotate.pl	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+use Getopt::Std;
+use POSIX;
+sub Usage {
+  print STDERR <<EOF;
+ Usage: rotate.pl -lStart -LEnd -c -d  [East|1]_Component_file_name
+    rotate.pl rotates iris data(-d), trinet data and synthetics (with
+    out -d option)
+    -l -L specifies the start and end point of the traces to rotate
+    -c check SAC output on screen
+       ex. rotate.pl -d *.LHE.SAC for iris data
+           rotate.pl PAS.*.LHE.sac for synthetics
+    For iris data (with -d), the timing part of the name will be ignored
+    and only the component part of the name will be changed correspondingly
+    Make sure you have sac, saclst in the PATH before execution
+    Qinya Liu, Caltech, May 2007
+if (!getopts('l:L:cdts')) {die('Check input arguments\n');}
+ at ARGV > 0 or Usage();
+if (!$opt_l) {$opt_l = 0;}
+#$saclst = "/opt/seismo-util/bin/saclst";
+$saclst = "saclst";
+#if (not -f $saclst) {die("No such file as $saclst\n");}
+foreach $file (@ARGV) {
+  print "processing $file\n";
+  if (! -f $file) {die (" check to see if $file exists or not\n");}
+  (undef,$comp)=split(" ",`$saclst kcmpnm f $file`);
+  if ($comp eq "-12345") {die("No component name defined in the file\n");}
+  if (not ($comp=~/E/ or $comp=~/1/)) {die("Please input only E/1 comp\n");}
+  $ecomp = $comp; $ncomp = $ecomp; $rcomp = $ecomp; $tcomp = $ecomp;
+  $ncomp=~s/E/N/; $ncomp =~s/1/2/;
+  $tcomp=~s/E/T/; $tcomp =~s/1/T/;
+  $rcomp=~s/E/R/; $rcomp =~s/1/R/;
+  ($dir) = split(" ",`dirname $file`);$east = $file;
+  if ($opt_d) {
+    (undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,$network,undef)=split(/\./,`basename $file`);
+    (undef,$east1) = split(/\.$network\./,$file);
+    $east1 = "$network.$east1";
+    $north1 = $east1; $north1=~s/$ecomp/$ncomp/;
+    ($north) = split(" ",`ls -1 $dir/*$north1`);
+    $tang1=$east1;$radial1=$east1;
+    $tang1=~s/$ecomp/$tcomp/; $radial1=~s/$ecomp/$rcomp/;
+    $tang = "$dir/$tang1"; $radial = "$dir/$radial1";
+  } else {
+    $north = $east; $north =~s/$ecomp/$ncomp/;
+    $tang = $east; $tang =~s/$ecomp/$tcomp/;
+    $radial = $east; $radial =~s/$ecomp/$rcomp/;
+#  print "   rotate $north $east \n   to $tang $radial\n";
+  if (!-f $north or !-f $east ) {
+    print " no such files: $north and $east, check if -d option is missing\n";
+    next;}
+# check some header variables
+  @tmp=`$saclst b kcmpnm npts gcarc cmpinc cmpaz nzyear nzjday nzhour nzmin nzsec nzmsec f $north $east`;
+  (undef,$nb,$ncomp,$npts_n,$gcarc_n,$ninc,$naz,$ny,$nj,$nh,$nm,$ns,$nms)=split(" ",$tmp[0]);
+  (undef,$eb,$ecomp,$npts_e,$gcarc_e,$einc,$eaz,$ey,$ej,$eh,$em,$es,$ems)=split(" ",$tmp[1]);
+  if (abs($ninc-$undef)<$eps or abs($einc-$undef)<$eps or abs($naz-$undef)<$eps or abs($eaz-$undef)<$eps ) {die("Check header cmpinc and cmpaz for $north and $east\n");}
+#  if ($ny != $ey or $nj != $ej or $nh != $eh or $nm != $em or $ns != $es or $nms != $ems)
+  if ($ny != $ey or $nj != $ej or $nh != $eh or $nm != $em)
+    {die(" Not same reference time for $north and $east\n");}
+  if (abs($gcarc_e-$undef)<$eps or abs($gcarc_n-$undef)<$eps )
+    {die(" Check to see if GCARC is defined in the header\n");}
+  # check if the reference time is the same or not!
+  if ($opt_c) {open(SAC,"|sac");}
+  else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null");}
+  print SAC "echo on\n";
+  print SAC "r $north $east\n ";
+  if ($opt_L or $npts_n != $npts_e or abs($nb-$eb) > $eps) { #cut properly
+    if(!$opt_L){
+      print SAC "setbb begin ( max &1,b &2,b ) \n";
+      print SAC "setbb end   ( min &1,e &2,e ) \n";}
+    else{
+      print SAC "setbb begin ( max &1,b &2,b ( &1,o + $opt_l ) ( &2,o + $opt_l ) ) \n";
+      print SAC "setbb end   ( min &1,e &2,e ( &1,o + $opt_L ) ( &2,o + $opt_L ) ) \n"; }
+    print SAC "cut %begin% %end%\n r $north $east\n cut off\n";
+  }
+  print SAC "rot\n";           # this is the default rotate to normal
+  print SAC "ch file 1 kcmpnm $rcomp\n";
+  print SAC "ch file 2 kcmpnm $tcomp\n";
+  print SAC "w $radial $tang\nquit\n";
+  close(SAC);
+print "   Done !\n";

Name: svn:executable
   + *

(Binary files differ)

Name: svn:executable
   + *
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

(Binary files differ)

Name: svn:executable
   + *
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

(Binary files differ)

Name: svn:executable
   + *
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/PERL_CENTER/xold/process_data_old.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/PERL_CENTER/xold/process_data_old.pl	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+use Time::Local;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use POSIX;
+sub Usage{
+  print STDERR <<END;
+  process_data_new.pl -m CMTFILE -l Start/End -t Ts/Tl -f -i -R resp_dir
+                      -p -s Sps -P n/p -T Taper_width -c -y t1/v1/...
+                      -x Ext -d OutDir
+                      data_sac_files
+  with
+       -m -- use CMTSOLUTION file to set event info
+       -a STAFILE -- add station information from STAFILE, use '-a none' to get
+            information from Vala''s station file.
+       -l Start/End -- start and end of record from o
+       -t Ts/Tl -- shortest and longest period
+       -f -- do not apply butterworth filter before deconvolution
+       -i -- transfer record to displacement
+       -R resp_dir -- transfer record using RESP file in resp_dir
+       -p -- pick event p and s first arrival into sac headers (t1 and t2)
+       -x Ext -- extension of new file name
+       -d Dir -- directory to put the output files (default .)
+       -s Sps -- sample per second (default 1.0)
+       -P n/p -- number of poles and passes for butterworth filter (default 4/2)
+       -T taper_width -- taper width to use in 'taper' command of SAC
+       -c check sac output on the screen, otherwise print out summary
+       -y t0/vel/t0/vel... --- pick times into headers t3/t4/... (rayleigh = 0/3.8; love = 0/4.0)
+       data_sac_files --- names of the data sac files to be processed
+ Notice:
+  1. We require that polezero files in the same directory as the sac 
+     data files which is generally satisfied. We require that resp dir
+     be specified even if it is current(.). All the needed info is
+     taken from sac headers
+  2. Origin time is set to PDE + time_shift (given by the CMTSOLUTION)
+  3. The displacement outputs after -i option are in the unit of meters
+  4. For BH? components, please set -s 20, otherwise interpolation to
+     1 sample/second will be performed
+ NOTE: Please make sure that SAC, saclst and IASP91 packages are installed properly on 
+       your system, and that all the environment variables are set properly before
+       running the script.
+  Qinya Liu, Originally written in Oct 2002; updated in Feb 2010
+  exit(1);
+if (@ARGV == 0) { Usage(); }
+if (!getopts('m:a:l:t:fiR:px:d:s:P:T:y:c')) {die('Check input arguments\n');}
+if ($opt_m and not -f $opt_m) {die("Check if file $opt_m exists\n");}
+if ($opt_a and not -f $opt_a) {$opt_a="/opt/seismo-util/data/STATIONS_new";}
+if ($opt_R and not -d $opt_R) {die("Check if dir $opt_R exists\n");}
+if ($opt_t) {($tmin, $tmax) = split(/\//,$opt_t);
+	     $f1 = 1./$tmax;  $f2=1./$tmin;}
+if ($opt_d) {
+  $out_dir=$opt_d; if (not -d $out_dir) {mkdir($out_dir,0777);}
+if ($opt_x) {$ext='.'.$opt_x;}else {$ext="";}
+if (!$opt_s) {$dt=1.0;} else {$dt = 1.0/$opt_s;}
+if (!$opt_P) {$poles=4;$pass=2;}
+     if(not defined $pass or $pass < 1) {$pass=2;}
+if (!$opt_T) {$opt_T = 0.05;}
+if ($opt_l) {($lmin,$lmax) = split(/\//,$opt_l);} else {$lmin = 0; $lmax = 3600;}
+if ($opt_f and not ($opt_R or $opt_i)) {die("-f option goes together with -i or -R\n");}
+$eps=1e-5; $undef=-12345.0; $cundef="-12345";
+foreach $file (@ARGV) {
+  $no_resp=0;
+  if (! -f $file) {die("No such file $file to be processed!!\n"); }
+  print "Processing data file $file \n";
+  if (not $opt_d) {$outfile = $file.$ext;}
+  else { ($filename) = split(" ",`basename $file`);
+	 $outfile = "$out_dir/${filename}${ext}";}
+  ($filedir) = split(" ",`dirname $file`);
+  if ($ext or $opt_d) {system("\\cp -f $file $outfile");}
+  # process data
+  if ($opt_c) {open(SAC,"|sac ") || die("Can't open sac\n");}
+  else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null") || die("Can't open sac\n");}
+  print SAC "echo on\n";
+  print SAC "r $outfile\n";
+  if ($opt_m) {  # add event information from CMTSOLUTION FILE
+    print "    Adding event info from $opt_m\n";
+    ($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tshift,undef,
+     $elat,$elon,$edep,undef) = get_cmt($opt_m);
+    ($oyear1,$ojday1,$ohr1,$omin1,$osec1,$omsec1)
+      =tdiff($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tshift);
+    print SAC "ch o gmt $oyear1 $ojday1 $ohr1 $omin1 $osec1 $omsec1\n";
+    print SAC "evaluate to tmp 0 - &1,o\n";
+    print SAC "ch allt %tmp% iztype io\n";
+    print SAC "ch evla $elat evlo $elon evdp $edep \n";
+    print SAC "w $outfile\nquit\n";
+    close(SAC);
+    if ($opt_c) {open(SAC,"|sac ") || die("Can't open sac\n");}
+    else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null") || die("Can't open sac\n");}
+    print SAC "echo on\n";
+    print SAC "r $outfile\n";}
+   if ($opt_a) { # add station information
+     print "Add station information\n";
+     (undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,$net,$sta,undef,$comp)=split(/\./,$file);
+     print SAC "ch kstnm $sta knetwk $net kcmpnm $comp\n ";
+     ($sta_name,$sta_net,$sta_lat,$sta_lon,$sta_ele,$sta_bur)=split(" ",`egrep '$sta +$net' $opt_a`);
+     if (not defined $sta_name) {
+       print("No such station $sta+$net in $opt_a file\n");
+       ($sta_name,$sta_net,$sta_lat,$sta_lon,$sta_ele,$sta_bur)=split(" ",`egrep '$sta' $opt_a`);
+       if (not defined $sta_name) {
+          print " No such station as $sta in the $opt_a file\n";
+          $sta_text .="$sta ";}}
+     print SAC "ch stla $sta_lat stlo $sta_lon stel $sta_ele stdp $sta_bur\nwh\n";
+     print SAC "w $outfile\nquit\n";
+     close(SAC);
+     if ($opt_c) {open(SAC,"|sac ") || die("Can't open sac\n");}
+     else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null") || die("Can't open sac\n");}
+     print SAC "echo on\n";
+     print SAC "r $outfile\n";}
+  if ($opt_s)  {print SAC "interp delta $dt\n";
+                print SAC "w over\n";}
+  if ($opt_l){  # cut record 
+    print "    Cut the record from o+$lmin to o+$lmax\n";
+    (undef,$tmp_o)=split(" ",`$saclst o f $outfile`);
+    if (abs($tmp_o-$undef) < $eps) {die("O has not been set to cut record\n");}
+    print SAC "setbb begin ( max &1,b ( &1,o + $lmin ) ) \n";
+    print SAC "setbb end   ( min &1,e ( &1,o + $lmax ) ) \n";
+    print SAC "cut %begin% %end% \n";
+    print SAC "r $outfile\n cut off\n  w over \nquit\n";
+    close (SAC);
+    if ($opt_c) {open(SAC,"|sac ") || die("Can't open sac\n");}
+    else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null") || die("Can't open sac\n");}
+    print SAC "echo on\n";
+    print SAC "r $outfile\n";}
+  if ($opt_t and not $opt_f) {# filter records
+    print "    Filter record at periods $tmin and $tmax\n";
+    print SAC "rtrend\n rmean\n taper width $opt_T\n";
+    printf SAC ("bp n %4d p $pass cor %12.6f %12.6f\n",$poles,$f1,$f2);
+    printf SAC " rtrend\n rmean\n taper width $opt_T\n";}
+  if ($opt_i or $opt_R) {  # transfer instrument response
+    if (! $opt_t) {die(" Specify bandpass range by -t\n");}
+    $f0=$f1*0.8;
+    $f3=$f2*1.2;
+    print SAC "rtrend\n rmean\n taper width $opt_T\n";
+    (undef,$network,$sta,$comp,$khole)=split(" ",`$saclst knetwk kstnm kcmpnm khole f $outfile`);
+    if ($network eq $cundef or $sta eq $cundef or $comp eq $cundef or $khole eq $cundef) {
+      die("No network station name or component name or khole defined in $outfile\n");}
+    if ($opt_i) { # assume pz file in the same dir
+      $pzfile=`ls -1 $filedir/PZFILES/SAC_PZs_${network}_${sta}_${comp}_${khole}* | head -1`;
+      chomp($pzfile);
+      if (!-f $pzfile) {print " **** No pzfile $pzfile **** \n"; $no_resp=1;}   
+      else {
+	    ############ Hejun Zhu for rdseed5 pzfile without header ##############
+	    #$pzfile_new=$pzfile."_new";
+	    #`awk 'NR>18' $pzfile > $pzfile_new`;
+	    ########################################
+	    print "    Transfer instrument response using pz file $pzfile\n";
+	    printf SAC ("trans from polezero s %20s to none freq %12.6f%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f \n",
+			$pzfile,$f0,$f1,$f2,$f3);}
+    } else { # assume resp file in opt_R
+      @respfiles=glob("$opt_R/${network}.${sta}.${khole}.${comp}*.RESP");
+      $respfile = find_resp_file($outfile, at respfiles);
+      if (! -f $respfile or @respfiles == 0) {print " **** No respfile $respfiles for $network, $sta, $khole, $comp ****\n";  $no_resp=1;}
+      else {
+	print "    Transfer instrument response using response file $respfile\n";
+	printf SAC ("trans from evalresp fname $respfile to none freq %12.6f%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f \n",
+		  $f0,$f1,$f2,$f3);
+	printf SAC "mul 1e-9\n"; }}
+    printf SAC " rtrend\n rmean\n taper width $opt_T\n";
+  }
+  if ($opt_p) { # add p and s arrival info
+    print "    Add first P and S arrival information\n";
+    (undef,$gcarc,$edep)=split(" ",`$saclst gcarc evdp f $outfile`);
+    if (abs($gcarc-$undef) < $eps or abs($edep-$undef) < $eps) {die("No gcarc and depth info\n");}
+    ($Pph,$Ptime)=split(" ",`$phtimes $edep $gcarc P`);
+    ($Sph,$Stime)=split(" ",`$phtimes $edep $gcarc S`);
+    if (not $opt_m) {$tshift = 0;}
+    print SAC "evaluate to tmp1 $Ptime - $tshift\n";
+    print SAC "evaluate to tmp2 $Stime - $tshift\n";
+    print SAC "ch t1 %tmp1% t2 %tmp2%\n";
+    print SAC "ch kt1 $Pph kt2 $Sph\n";}
+  if ($opt_y) { # add arrival times to headers
+    @numbers=split(/\//,$opt_y); $npairs = floor(@numbers/2);
+    if (@numbers != $npairs*2) {die("Enter -y t0/Vel/t0/Vel/...\n");}
+    for ($i=0;$i<$npairs;$i++) {
+      $int = $numbers[$i*2]; $slope = $numbers[$i*2+1];
+      print "   Add arrival time for waves with group velocity: $slope\n";
+      (undef,$dist,$begin,$end)=split(" ",`$saclst dist b e f $outfile`);
+      if (abs($dist-$undef) < $eps) {die("Not defined dist\n");}
+      $h1 = 3+$i;  $h1 = "t$h1"; $k1 = "k$h1"; $v1 = $int + $dist/$slope;
+      (undef,$v1,undef) = sort {$a <=> $b} ($begin, $v1 ,$end);
+      printf SAC ("ch $h1 %12.2f\n",$v1);
+      print SAC "ch $k1 $h1\n";}}
+#  print "   write file $outfile\n";
+  print SAC "w $outfile\n";
+  print SAC "echo off\nquit\n";
+  close(SAC);
+  if ($no_resp and defined $opt_d) {
+    print "Deleting $outfile\n"; 
+    system("rm -f $outfile");}
+print "  Done! \n";
+sub mday2jday {
+  my($oyear,$omonth,$oday)=@_;
+  $omonth = $omonth-1;  #months range from 0..11
+  $time_sec = timegm(3,3,3,$oday,$omonth,$oyear);
+  @t = gmtime($time_sec);
+  my($jday) = $t[7];
+  $jday += 1;
+  return ($jday);
+sub tdiff{
+  my ($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tadd)=@_;
+  $time = timegm($osec, $omin, $ohr, $oday , $omonth-1, $oyear);
+  $time += ($tadd +$omsec/1000); #event_time in machine format
+  $msec = sprintf("%03.0f",($time - (floor($time)))*1000);
+  $time = floor($time);
+  my($sec, $min, $hr, $day , $month, $year,$weekday,$jday) = gmtime($time);
+  $month += 1;
+  $year += 1900;
+  $jday +=1;
+  return ($year,$jday,$hr,$min,$sec,$msec);
+sub get_cmt {
+  my ($cmt_file)=@_;
+  open(CMT, "$cmt_file") or die("Error opening $cmt_file\n");
+  @cmt = <CMT>;
+  my($pde,$oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec1)=split(" ",$cmt[0]);
+  my($osec,$omsec)=split(/\./,$osec1); $omsec=$omsec*10;
+  my(undef,undef,$tshift)=split(" ",$cmt[2]);
+  my(undef,undef,$hdur)=split(" ",$cmt[3]);
+  my(undef,$elat)=split(" ",$cmt[4]);
+  my(undef,$elon)=split(" ",$cmt[5]);
+  my(undef,$edep)=split(" ",$cmt[6]);
+  my(undef,$Mrr)=split(" ",$cmt[7]);
+  my(undef,$Mtt)=split(" ",$cmt[8]);
+  my(undef,$Mpp)=split(" ",$cmt[9]);
+  my(undef,$Mrt)=split(" ",$cmt[10]);
+  my(undef,$Mrp)=split(" ",$cmt[11]);
+  my(undef,$Mtp)=split(" ",$cmt[12]);
+  close(CMT);
+  return ($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tshift,$hdur,$elat,$elon,$edep,$Mrr,$Mtt,$Mpp,$Mrt,$Mrp,$Mtp);
+sub  find_resp_file {
+  my($file, at resp)=@_;
+  # using sac own saclst
+  my(undef,$year,$jday,$hr,$min,$sec,$msec)=split(" ",`saclst nzyear nzjday nzhour nzmin nzsec nzmsec f $file`);
+  $f_date=sprintf("%04d.%03d.%02d.%02d.%02d.%04d",$year,$jday,$hr,$min,$sec,$msec);
+#  print "$f_date\n";
+  my($resp_file)="";
+  foreach $resp (@resp) {
+    ($rs_date) = split(" ", `grep 'Start date' $resp | awk '{print \$4}' | tr , . | tr : .`);
+    ($re_date) = split(" ", `grep 'End date' $resp | awk '{print \$4}' | tr , . | tr : .`);
+#    print "$rs_date; $re_date\n";
+    if ($rs_date le $f_date and $re_date ge $f_date) {
+      $resp_file=$resp; last;}
+  }
+  return($resp_file);

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/PERL_CENTER/xold/process_data_old.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/PERL_CENTER/xold/process_syn_old.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/PERL_CENTER/xold/process_syn_old.pl	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+use Time::Local;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use POSIX;
+sub Usage{
+print STDERR <<END;
+Usage:   process_syn_new.pl
+     -S -m CMTFILE -h -o offset -lStart/End -tTmin/Tmax -f -P n/p
+     -i Dir -A amp_factor -p -a STAFILE -s sps -y t0/V0/t1/V1...
+     -c -d OutDir -x Ext  synthetics_files
+    -S already sac file, will not apply ascii2sac.csh
+    -m CMTSOLUTION file for event origin, location and half duration
+    -h convolve a triangle stf with half duration from -m
+    -o moves the synthetics back by 'offset' from centroid time.
+    -l lmin/lmax   start/end cut of trace
+    -t Tmin/Tmax -- shortest/longest period of bandpass filter
+    -f -- apply transfer filter instead of butterworth filter for -t
+    -P -- number of poles and passes in butterworth filter(default 4/2)
+    -i Dir -- convolve synthetics with instrument response in Dir
+    -A amp_factor -- multiple all files with an amplification factor
+    -p -- pick P and S arrivals according to iasp91 model to t1/t2 headers
+    -a STAFILE -- add station information from STAFILE, use "-a none"
+       to get information from Vala''s station file
+    -s sps -- resampling rate for synthetics (default is 1.0)
+    -y t0/V0/t1/V1 -- add to t3/t4 the arrival times of t + dist/V
+    -c -- show sac output
+    -d OutDir -- directory to dump output (default: same as input files)
+    -x Ext -- add extension Ext
+    names of files -- name of syn files to be processed
+ NOTE: Please make sure that SAC, saclst and IASP91 packages are installed properly on 
+       your system, and that all the environment variables are set properly before
+       running the script.
+    Qinya Liu, originally written in Oct 2002, most recently updated in Feb 2010.
+ at ARGV > 1 or Usage();
+if (!getopts('Sm:ho:l:t:fi:pP:a:cd:x:vs:y:A:')) {die(" check input arguments\n");}
+if ($opt_t) {($tmin, $tmax) = split(/\//,$opt_t);
+             $f1 = 1./$tmax;  $f2=1./$tmin;}
+if ($opt_x) {$ext=".".$opt_x;} else {$ext="";}
+if (!$opt_s) {$dt=1.0;} else {$dt = 1.0/$opt_s;}
+if (!$opt_P) {$poles=4;$pass=2;}
+     if(not defined $pass or $pass<1){$pass=2;}}
+if ($opt_l) {($lmin,$lmax) = split(/\//,$opt_l);} 
+else {$lmin = 0; $lmax = 3600;}
+if ($opt_a and not -f $opt_a) {$opt_a="/opt/seismo/data/STATIONS_new";}
+if ($opt_o and not $opt_m) {die("Specify centroid time first\n");}
+if ($opt_d and not -d $opt_d) {die("No such directory as $opt_d\n");}
+if ($opt_i and not -d $opt_i) {die("No such directory as $opt_i\n");}
+if ($opt_A) {if ($opt_A !~ /^\d/) {die("-A option should be numbers\n");}}
+if ($opt_f) {
+  if (not $opt_t) {die("-t tmin/tmax has to be specified for -f\n");}
+  else {$f0=$f1*0.8;  $f3=$f2*1.2;}}
+$undef = -12345;
+$eps = 0.1;
+#if (! -e $saclst)  {die(" No $saclst file\n");}
+#if (! -e $phtimes) {die("No $phtimes file\n");}
+#if (! -e $asc2sac) {die("No $asc2sac file\n");}
+if ($opt_m) { # extract event information from CMTSOLUTION
+  if (!-f $opt_m) {die(" No cmtsolution file $opt_m\n");}
+  ($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tshift,$hdur,$elat,$elon,$edep) = get_cmt($opt_m);
+  ($oyear1,$ojday1,$ohr1,$omin1,$osec1,$omsec1) = tdiff($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tshift);}
+foreach $file (@ARGV) {
+  print "\nProcessing file            $file\n"; 
+  if (! -f $file) {die(" No such file : $file\n");}
+  # transfer ascii file to sac file according to name of files
+  if (not $opt_S) {# ascii file
+    print "Transfer ascii file to sac file\n";
+    system("$asc2sac $file >/dev/null");
+    $file = $file.".sac";}
+  (undef,$begin_time) = split(" ",`$saclst b f $file`);
+  if (not defined $begin_time) {die("Check if the file is SAC format\n")};
+  ($filename) = split(" ",`basename $file`);
+  ($net,$sta,$comp)=split(/\./,$filename);
+  if (not $opt_d) {$outfile = $file.$ext;}
+  else {$outfile = "$opt_d/${filename}${ext}";}
+  if ($ext or $opt_d) {system("\\cp -f $file $outfile");}
+  print "Output to file $outfile\n";
+  if ($opt_c) { open(SAC,"|sac");}else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null");}
+  print SAC "echo on\n";
+  print SAC "r $outfile\n";
+  if ($opt_m) { # add event location and original time
+    print "Add event information\n";
+    if($opt_o){$tmp_o = -$opt_o; print SAC "ch allt $tmp_o\n";}
+    print SAC "ch nzyear $oyear1 nzjday $ojday1 nzhour $ohr1 nzmin $omin1 nzsec $osec1 nzmsec $omsec1\n";
+    print SAC "ch o 0\n";
+    print SAC "ch evla $elat evlo $elon evdp $edep \n wh\n";
+    print SAC "w over \nquit\n";
+    close(SAC);
+    if ($opt_c) {open(SAC,"|sac");}else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null");}
+    print SAC "echo on\n r $outfile\n";}
+  if ($opt_h and $hdur > $min_hdur) { # convolve source time function
+    print SAC "quit\n";
+    close(SAC);
+    system("/opt/seismo-util/bin/convolve_stf g $hdur $outfile");
+    system("mv ${outfile}.conv ${outfile}");
+    if ($opt_c) {open(SAC,"|sac");}else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null");}
+    print SAC "echo on\n r $outfile\n";}
+  if ($opt_a) { # add station information
+    print "Add station information\n";
+    print SAC "ch kstnm $sta knetwk $net kcmpnm $comp\n ";
+    if    ($comp=~/E/) {print SAC "ch cmpaz 90 cmpinc 90\n";}
+    elsif ($comp=~/N/) {print SAC "ch cmpaz 0 cmpinc 90\n";}
+    elsif ($comp=~/Z/) {print SAC "ch cmpaz 0 cmpinc 0 \n";}
+    if (! -f $opt_a ) {die(" No such files: $opt_a");}
+    ($sta_name,$sta_net,$sta_lat,$sta_lon,$sta_ele,$sta_bur)=split(" ",`egrep '$sta +$net' $opt_a`);
+    if (not defined $sta_name) {
+      print("No such station $sta+$net in $opt_a file\n");
+      ($sta_name,$sta_net,$sta_lat,$sta_lon,$sta_ele,$sta_bur)=split(" ",`egrep '$sta' $opt_a`);
+      if (not defined $sta_name) {
+         print " No such station as $sta in the $opt_a file\n";
+         $sta_text .="$sta ";}}
+    print SAC "ch stla $sta_lat stlo $sta_lon stel $sta_ele stdp $sta_bur\nwh\n";}
+  if ($opt_s) {print SAC "interp delta $dt\n";}
+   print SAC "w over\nquit\n";
+   close(SAC);
+   if ($opt_c) { open(SAC,"|sac");}else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null");}
+   print SAC "echo on\n r $outfile\n ";
+  if ($opt_l) { #cut record
+     print SAC "setbb begin ( max &1,b ( &1,o + $lmin ) ) \n";
+     print SAC "setbb end   ( min &1,e ( &1,o + $lmax ) ) \n";
+     print SAC "cut %begin% %end% \n";
+     print SAC "r $outfile\n";
+     print SAC "cut off\n";}
+  if ($opt_A) {print SAC "mul $opt_A\n";}
+  if ($opt_t)  { # filter record
+    print "Filtering records...\n";
+    print SAC "rtrend\n rmean\n taper\n";
+    if ($opt_f) {
+      printf SAC ("trans from none to none freq %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f\n",$f0,$f1,$f2,$f3);}
+    else {
+      printf SAC ("bp n $poles p $pass co %10.5f %10.5f\n",$f1,$f2);}
+    print SAC "rtrend\n rmean\n taper\n";}
+  if ($opt_i) {# convolve with instrument response
+    print "Convolving instrument response...\n";
+    $pzfile="SAC_PZs_${net}_${sta}_${comp}_";
+    @nfiles=`ls -l $opt_i/${pzfile}* | awk '{print \$9}'`;
+    if (@nfiles != 1) {die("Pzfile is incorrect: \n at nfiles files\n");}
+    $pz=$nfiles[0]; chomp($pz);
+    if (! -f $pz) {die("Not a pz file $pz\n");}
+    print SAC "transfer from none to polezero s ${pz}\n";
+    print SAC "w over\n";}
+  if ($opt_p) { # pick arrival
+    print "Picking arrivals...\n";
+    (undef,$gcarc)=split(" ",`$saclst gcarc f $outfile`);
+    if (abs($gcarc-$undef)< $eps) {die("No gcarc is defined\n");}
+    ($Pph,$Ptime)=split(" ",`$phtimes $edep $gcarc P`);
+    ($Sph,$Stime)=split(" ",`$phtimes $edep $gcarc S`);
+    print SAC "evaluate to tmp1 $Ptime - $tshift\n";
+    print SAC "evaluate to tmp2 $Stime - $tshift\n";
+    print SAC "ch t1 %tmp1% t2 %tmp2%\n";
+    print SAC "ch kt1 $Pph kt2 $Sph\n wh\n";}
+  if ($opt_y) { # add arrival time for surface waves
+    @numbers=split(/\//,$opt_y); $npairs = floor(@numbers/2);
+    if (@numbers != $npairs*2) {die("Enter -y in1/slope1/in2/slope2/...\n");}
+    for ($i=0;$i<$npairs;$i++) {
+      $int = $numbers[$i*2]; $slope = $numbers[$i*2+1];
+      print "Add arrival time for waves with group velocity: $slope\n";
+      (undef,$dist,$begin,$end)=split(" ",`$saclst dist b e f $outfile`);
+      if (abs($dist-$undef) < $eps) {die("Not defined dist\n");}
+      $h1 = 3+$i;  $h1 = "t$h1"; $k1 = "k$h1"; $v1 = $int + $dist/$slope;
+      (undef,$v1,undef) = sort {$a <=> $b} ($begin, $v1 ,$end);
+      printf SAC ("ch $h1 %12.2f\n",$v1);
+      print SAC "ch $k1 $h1\n";}}
+  print SAC "w over\nquit\n";
+  close(SAC);
+if ($sta_text) {
+   print "\n\nNotice the following stations are not found in the station file\n   $sta_text\n\n";}
+print "DONE\n";
+sub mday2jday {
+    my($oyear,$omonth,$oday)=@_;
+    $omonth = $omonth-1;  #months range from 0..11
+    $time_sec = timegm(3,3,3,$oday,$omonth,$oyear);
+    @t = gmtime($time_sec);
+    $jday = @t[7];
+    $jday += 1;
+    return ($jday);
+sub tdiff {
+    my ($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tadd)=@_;
+    #  die("$oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tadd\n");
+    $time = timegm($osec, $omin, $ohr, $oday , $omonth-1, $oyear);
+    $time += ($tadd +$omsec/1000); #event_time in machine format
+    $msec = sprintf("%03.0f",($time - (floor($time)))*1000);
+    $time = floor($time);
+    #event-time:
+    ($sec, $min, $hr, $day , $month, $year,$weekday,$jday) = gmtime($time);
+    $month += 1;
+    $year += 1900;
+    $jday +=1;
+    return ($year,$jday,$hr,$min,$sec,$msec);
+sub get_cmt {
+    local ($cmt_file)=@_;
+    open(CMT, "$cmt_file") or die("Error opening $cmt_file\n");
+    @cmt = <CMT>;
+    local($pde,$oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec1)=split(" ",$cmt[0]);
+    local($osec,$omsec)=split(/\./,$osec1); $omsec=$omsec*10;
+    local(undef,undef,$tshift)=split(" ",$cmt[2]);
+    local(undef,undef,$hdur)=split(" ",$cmt[3]);
+    local(undef,$elat)=split(" ",$cmt[4]);
+    local(undef,$elon)=split(" ",$cmt[5]);
+    local(undef,$edep)=split(" ",$cmt[6]);
+    local(undef,$Mrr)=split(" ",$cmt[7]);
+    local(undef,$Mtt)=split(" ",$cmt[8]);
+    local(undef,$Mpp)=split(" ",$cmt[9]);
+    local(undef,$Mrt)=split(" ",$cmt[10]);
+    local(undef,$Mrp)=split(" ",$cmt[11]);
+    local(undef,$Mtp)=split(" ",$cmt[12]);
+    close(CMT);
+    return ($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tshift,$hdur,$elat,$elon,$edep,$Mrr,$Mtt,$Mpp,$Mrt,$Mrp,$Mtp);

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/PERL_CENTER/xold/process_syn_old.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/PERL_CENTER/xold/xprocess_dat_pbs.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/PERL_CENTER/xold/xprocess_dat_pbs.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#PBS -q tromp
+#PBS -N XPROC_DAT_201006030432A
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
+#PBS -l walltime=5:00:00
+#PBS -j oe
+#PBS -k oe
+#PBS -o job_src2.log
+if [ $opt == 1 ]; then 
+	./PERL_SRC/process_data.pl -m $cmtfile -s 1.0 -l $tstart/$tend -t $fmin/$fmax -f -i -p -x $ext $datdir/*.sac
+	./PERL_SRC/rotate.pl -l $tstart -L $tend $datdir/*.BHE.sac.$ext
+elif [ $opt == 2 ]; then 
+	./PERL_SRC/process_syn.pl -S -m $cmtfile -s 1.0 -l $tstart/$tend -t $fmin/$fmax -f -x $ext $syndir/*.sac
+	./PERL_SRC/rotate.pl -l $tstart -L $tend $syndir/*.LHE.sem.sac.$ext
+elif [ $opt == 3 ]; then 
+	./PERL_SRC/cut_data_syn.pl -d $syndir $datdir/*BH[ZRT]*.$ext

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/STATIONS_CENTER/.gmtcommands4	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/STATIONS_CENTER/.gmtcommands4	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# GMT common arguments shelf

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/STATIONS_CENTER/.gmtdefaults4	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/STATIONS_CENTER/.gmtdefaults4	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+#	GMT-SYSTEM 4.3.1 [64-bit] Defaults file
+#-------- Plot Media Parameters -------------
+PAGE_COLOR		= 255/255/255
+PAPER_MEDIA		= letter
+#-------- Basemap Annotation Parameters ------
+HEADER_FONT		= Helvetica
+HEADER_OFFSET		= 0.508c
+LABEL_FONT		= Helvetica
+PLOT_DATE_FORMAT	= yyyy-mm-dd
+Y_AXIS_TYPE		= hor_text
+#-------- Basemap Layout Parameters ---------
+BASEMAP_TYPE		= fancy
+FRAME_PEN		= 1.25p
+FRAME_WIDTH		= 0.2c
+POLAR_CAP		= 85/90
+TICK_LENGTH		= 0.2c
+TICK_PEN		= 0.5p
+X_ORIGIN		= 2.5c
+Y_ORIGIN		= 2.5c
+UNIX_TIME_POS		= BL/-2c/-2c
+UNIX_TIME_FORMAT	= %Y %b %d %H:%M:%S
+#-------- Color System Parameters -----------
+COLOR_FOREGROUND	= 255/255/255
+COLOR_NAN		= 128/128/128
+COLOR_IMAGE		= adobe
+#-------- PostScript Parameters -------------
+DOTS_PR_INCH		= 300
+N_COPIES		= 1
+PS_COLOR		= rgb
+PS_LINE_CAP		= butt
+PS_LINE_JOIN		= miter
+#-------- I/O Format Parameters -------------
+D_FORMAT		= %lg
+INPUT_DATE_FORMAT	= yyyy-mm-dd
+OUTPUT_DATE_FORMAT	= yyyy-mm-dd
+#-------- Projection Parameters -------------
+#-------- Calendar/Time Parameters ----------
+TIME_EPOCH		= 2000-01-01T12:00:00
+Y2K_OFFSET_YEAR		= 1950
+#-------- Miscellaneous Parameters ----------
+LINE_STEP		= 0.025c

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/XSRC_FLEXWIN/xcheck_finish_flexwin.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/XSRC_FLEXWIN/xcheck_finish_flexwin.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Author: Hejun Zhu, hejunzhu at princeton.edu
+# Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
+# Last modified: Mon Oct  4 15:48:11 EDT 2010
+# This script is used to check whether FLEXWIN finish completely
+ext1=`printf "%03i\n" $fmin`
+ext2=`printf "%03i\n" $fmax`
+if [ ! -f $eventfile ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $eventfile 
+	exit
+while read line 
+	cmtid=`echo $line | awk -F"_" '{print $NF}'`
+	flexwin_output="XFLEXWIN_OUTPUT_"$iter"/OUTPUT_FLEXWIN_"$cmtid"_"$ext
+	if [ ! -f $flexwin_output ]; then 
+		echo WRONG! NO $flexwin_output
+		exit
+	fi 
+	if [ ! -f $mefile ]; then 
+		echo WRONG! NO $mefile 
+		exit
+	fi 
+	lastline=`tail -1 $mefile`
+	tag=`echo $lastline| awk -F" " '{print $1}'`
+	exist=`grep $tag $flexwin_output | awk '{print $1}'`
+	echo $line $exist 
+done < $eventfile 

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/XSRC_FLEXWIN/xcheck_finish_flexwin.sh
Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/XSRC_FLEXWIN/xprepare_flexwin.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/XSRC_FLEXWIN/xprepare_flexwin.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# Author: Hejun Zhu, hejunzhu at princeton.edu
+# Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
+# Last modified: Wed Aug 18 10:02:23 EDT 2010
+# This script is used to prepare flexwin input file 
+# flexwin.input
+# 	cmtid:    cmtid from Harvard Solution
+# 	iter:     iteration number
+# 	fmin:     minimum period
+# 	fmax:     maximum period (Tmin and Tmax are used to generate file extension)
+# Name: 
+# 	datdir:   data directory
+# 	syndir:   syn directory
+# 	windir:   win directory (save all output from FLEXWIN)
+ext1=`printf "%03i\n" $fmin`
+ext2=`printf "%03i\n" $fmax`
+if [ ! -f $eventfile ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $eventfile 
+	exit
+if [ -f t1 ] ; then 
+	echo deleting t1
+	rm t1
+if [ ! -d $flexwin_input_dir ]; then 
+	echo MKDIR $flexwin_input_dir
+	mkdir $flexwin_input_dir
+if [ ! -d $flexwin_output_dir ]; then 
+	echo MKDIR $flexwin_output_dir
+	mkdir $flexwin_output_dir 
+while read name 
+	cmtid=`echo $name | awk -F"_" '{print $NF}'`
+	datdir=$datpnm"/CMTSOLUTION_"$cmtid
+	syndir=$synpnm"/CMTSOLUTION_"$cmtid
+	windir=$synpnm"/CMTSOLUTION_"$cmtid"_WIN_"$ext
+	flexwin_input=$flexwin_input_dir"/INPUT_FLEXWIN_"$cmtid"_"$ext
+	echo checking INPUT
+	echo DATDIR:   		$datdir
+	echo SYNDIR:   		$syndir
+	echo WINDIR:   		$windir
+	echo MEASURE:           $mefile
+	if [ ! -f $mefile ]; then 
+		echo WRONG! NO $mefile
+		exit
+	fi 
+	nsta=`wc -l $mefile | awk '{print $1}'`
+	echo found $nsta stations 
+	n=0
+	while read line 
+	do
+		sta=`echo $line | awk '{print $1}'| awk -F"." '{print $1}'`
+		net=`echo $line | awk '{print $1}'| awk -F"." '{print $2}'`
+		datz=$datdir"/"$sta"."$net".BHZ.sac."$ext  
+		datr=$datdir"/"$sta"."$net".BHR.sac."$ext  
+		datt=$datdir"/"$sta"."$net".BHT.sac."$ext  
+		synz=$syndir"/"$sta"."$net".LHZ.sem.sac."$ext
+		synr=$syndir"/"$sta"."$net".LHR.sem.sac."$ext
+		synt=$syndir"/"$sta"."$net".LHT.sem.sac."$ext
+		if [ ! -f $datz ]; then 
+			echo WRONG! NO $datz
+			exit
+		fi 
+		if [ ! -f $datr ]; then 
+			echo WRONG! NO $datr
+			exit
+		fi 
+		if [ ! -f $datt ]; then 
+			echo WRONG! NO $datt
+			exit
+		fi 
+		if [ ! -f $synz ]; then 
+			echo WRONG! NO $synz 
+			exit
+		fi 
+		if [ ! -f $synr ]; then 
+			echo WRONG! NO $synr 
+			exit
+		fi 
+		if [ ! -f $synt ]; then 
+			echo WRONG! NO $synt 
+			exit
+		fi 
+		winz=$windir"/"$sta"."$net".LHZ"
+		winr=$windir"/"$sta"."$net".LHR"
+		wint=$windir"/"$sta"."$net".LHT"
+		n=`echo $n | awk '{print $n+1}'`
+		echo $datz >> t1
+		echo $synz >> t1
+		echo $winz >> t1
+		n=`echo $n | awk '{print $n+1}'`
+		echo $datr >> t1
+		echo $synr >> t1
+		echo $winr >> t1
+		n=`echo $n | awk '{print $n+1}'`
+		echo $datt >> t1
+		echo $synt >> t1
+		echo $wint >> t1
+	done < $mefile 
+	echo $n > $flexwin_input
+	cat t1 >> $flexwin_input
+	rm t1 
+done < $eventfile

Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/XSRC_FLEXWIN/xrun_flexwin.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/XSRC_FLEXWIN/xrun_flexwin.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# Author: Hejun Zhu, hejunzhu at princeton.edu
+# Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
+# Last modified: Wed Aug 18 10:00:14 EDT 2010
+# This script is used to run flexwin 
+# using flexwin.input in XFLEXWIN_INPUT_OUTPUT
+# and generate flexwin.output in XFLEXWIN_INPUT_OUTPUT
+ext1=`printf "%03i\n" $fmin`
+ext2=`printf "%03i\n" $fmax`
+if [ ! -f $eventfile ] ;then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $eventfile
+	exit
+while read line 
+	cmtid=`echo $line | awk -F"_" '{print $NF}'`
+	flexwin_input="XFLEXWIN_INPUT_"$iter"\/INPUT_FLEXWIN_"$cmtid"_"$ext
+	flexwin_output="XFLEXWIN_OUTPUT_"$iter"\/OUTPUT_FLEXWIN_"$cmtid"_"$ext
+	flexwin_tag="#PBS -N XFLEXWIN_$cmtid"
+	syndir="..\/SYN_$iter"
+	dir="CMTSOLUTION_"$cmtid"_WIN_"$ext
+	dir2=../SYN_$iter/$dir
+	if [ ! -d $dir2 ]; then 
+		echo MKDIR $dir2
+		mkdir $dir2
+	fi 
+	sed -e "s/^#PBS -N.*$/$flexwin_tag/g" \
+	    -e "s/^input=.*$/input=$flexwin_input/g" \
+	    -e "s/^output=.*$/output=$flexwin_output/g" \
+	    -e "s/^syndir=.*$/syndir=$syndir/g" \
+	    -e "s/^dir=.*$/dir=$dir/g" \
+	    xrun_flexwin_pbs.sh > xrun_flexwin_pbs.sh.out
+	    mv xrun_flexwin_pbs.sh.out xrun_flexwin_pbs.sh 
+	# change PAR_FILE 
+	#echo replace PAR_FILE with fmax = $fmax and fmin = $fmin
+	#tag_min="WIN_MIN_PERIOD			= $fmin.0"
+	#tag_max="WIN_MAX_PERIOD			= $fmax.0"
+	#sed -e "24s/^.*$/$tag_min/g" PAR_FILE > PAR_FILE.sed
+	#sed -e "25s/^.*$/$tag_max/g" PAR_FILE > PAR_FILE.sed
+	echo running flexwin for fmax = $fmax and fmin = $fmin for $cmtid
+	#./flexwin < $flexwin_input > $flexwin_output 
+	qsub xrun_flexwin_pbs.sh 
+	sleep 10
+done < $eventfile

Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/XSRC_FLEXWIN/xrun_flexwin_pbs.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/XSRC_FLEXWIN/xrun_flexwin_pbs.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#PBS -q tromp
+#PBS -N XFLEXWIN_200604121652A
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
+#PBS -l walltime=5:00:00
+#PBS -j oe
+#PBS -k oe
+#PBS -o job_src2.log
+./flexwin < $input > $output
+cd $syndir
+if [ -f $dir.tar.gz ]; then 
+	echo rm $dir.tar.gz
+	rm $dir.tar.gz 
+tar -czvf $dir.tar.gz $dir
+rm -rf $dir
+echo flexwin done successfully

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/XSRC_MEASURE_ADJ/xcheck_finish_measure.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/XSRC_MEASURE_ADJ/xcheck_finish_measure.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Author: Hejun Zhu, hejunzhu at princeton.edu
+# Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
+# Last modified: Fri Feb 11 14:03:25 EST 2011
+ext1=`printf "%03i\n" $fmin`
+ext2=`printf "%03i\n" $fmax`
+if [ ! -f $eventfile ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $eventfile 
+	exit
+while read line 
+	cmtid=`echo $line | awk -F"_" '{print $NF}'`
+	mea_input="XMEASUREMENT_INPUT_"$iter"/MEASUREMENT_"$cmtid"_"$ext
+	mea_output="../SYN_"$iter"/"$line"_MT_"$ext 
+	nwin=`sed -n '5p' $mea_input`
+	nadj=`ls $mea_output/*.adj | wc -l` 
+	echo $line $nwin $nadj
+	if [ $nwin -ne $nadj ]; then 
+		echo WRONG!!!!
+	fi 
+done < $eventfile 

Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/XSRC_MEASURE_ADJ/xcheck_finish_rotation.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/XSRC_MEASURE_ADJ/xcheck_finish_rotation.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Author: Hejun Zhu, hejunzhu at princeton.edu
+# Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
+# Last modified: Fri Feb 11 14:03:25 EST 2011
+ext1=`printf "%03i\n" $fmin`
+ext2=`printf "%03i\n" $fmax`
+if [ ! -f $eventfile ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $eventfile 
+	exit
+while read line 
+	cmtid=`echo $line | awk -F"_" '{print $NF}'`
+	mea_output="../SYN_"$iter"/"$line"_ADJ_"$ext 
+	adjstafile="../SYN_"$iter"/"$line"_ADJ_"$ext"/STATIONS_ADJOINT"
+	if [ ! -f $adjstafile ] ;then 
+		echo WRONG!!!
+	fi 
+	n=`wc -l $adjstafile | awk '{print $1}'`
+	n1=`echo "($n*3)" | bc -l`
+	nadj=`ls $mea_output/*LH[ENZ].adj | wc -l` 
+	echo $line $n1 $nadj 
+	if [ $n1 -ne $nadj ]; then 
+		echo WRONG!!!!
+	fi 
+done < $eventfile 

Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/XSRC_MEASURE_ADJ/xcombine_adj_src.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/XSRC_MEASURE_ADJ/xcombine_adj_src.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Author: Hejun Zhu, hejunzhu at princeton.edu
+# Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
+# Last modified: Thu Aug 26 15:08:23 EDT 2010
+# This script uses combine_adj_src.pl to combine two 
+# sets of adjoint sources
+while read line 
+	echo $line 
+	cmtid=`echo $line | awk -F"_" '{print $NF}'`
+	adjdir1="../SYN_"$iter"/CMTSOLUTION_"$cmtid"_ADJ_T015_040"
+	adjdir2="../SYN_"$iter"/CMTSOLUTION_"$cmtid"_ADJ_T025_150"
+	adjdir_new="../SYN_"$iter"/CMTSOLUTION_"$cmtid"_ADJ_comb"
+	stafile1="../SYN_"$iter"/CMTSOLUTION_"$cmtid"_ADJ_T015_040/STATIONS_ADJOINT"
+	stafile2="../SYN_"$iter"/CMTSOLUTION_"$cmtid"_ADJ_T025_150/STATIONS_ADJOINT"
+	stafile_new="../SYN_"$iter"/CMTSOLUTION_"$cmtid"_ADJ_comb/STATIONS_ADJOINT"
+	if [ ! -d $adjdir1 ]; then 
+		echo WRONG! NO $adjdir1
+		exit
+	fi 
+	if [ ! -d $adjdir2 ]; then 
+		echo WRONG! NO $adjdir2
+		exit
+	fi 
+	if [ ! -f $stafile1 ]; then 
+		echo WRONG! NO $stafile1
+		exit
+	fi
+	if [ ! -f $stafile2 ]; then 
+		echo WRONG! NO $stafile2
+		exit
+	fi 
+	if [ ! -d $adjdir_new ]; then 
+		echo mkdir $adjdir_new 
+		mkdir $adjdir_new
+	fi 
+	./combine_adj_src.pl $adjdir1 $adjdir2 $adjdir_new $stafile1 $stafile2 $stafile_new
+done < $eventfile 

Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/XSRC_MEASURE_ADJ/xrotate_adj_src.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/XSRC_MEASURE_ADJ/xrotate_adj_src.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# Author: Hejun Zhu, hejunzhu at princeton.edu
+# Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
+# Last modified: Fri Jan 21 14:54:09 EST 2011
+# This script is used to generate adjoint source for ENZ component 
+ext1=`printf "%03i\n" $fmin`
+ext2=`printf "%03i\n" $fmax`
+if [ ! -f $eventfile ] ;then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $eventfile
+	exit
+while read line 
+	echo $line 
+	cmtid=`echo $line | awk -F"_" '{print $NF}'`
+	meaoutput="../SYN_"$iter"/CMTSOLUTION_"$cmtid"_MT_"$ext  
+	adjoutput="../SYN_"$iter"/CMTSOLUTION_"$cmtid"_ADJ_"$ext
+#	datdir="../DATASET_EUROPE/CMTSOLUTION_"$cmtid 
+#	syndir="../SYN_"$iter"/CMTSOLUTION_"$cmtid
+#	mefile="XMEASUREMENT_INPUT_"$iter"/MEASUREMENT_"$cmtid"_"$ext 
+	if [ ! -f $cmtfile ]; then 
+		echo WRONG! NO $cmtfile 
+		exit
+	fi 
+	if [ ! -f $stafile ]; then 
+		echo WRONG! NO $stafile 
+		exit
+	fi 
+	if [ ! -d $meaoutput ]; then 
+		echo WRONG! NO $meaoutput 
+		exit
+	fi 
+	if [ ! -d $adjoutput ]; then 
+		echo MKDIR $adjoutput 
+		mkdir $adjoutput 
+	fi
+#	if [ ! -d $datdir ] ;then 
+#		echo WRONG! NO $datdir 
+#		exit
+#	fi 
+#	if [ ! -d $syndir ]; then 
+#		echo WRONG! NO $syndir 
+#		exit
+#	fi
+#	if [ ! -f $mefile ]; then 
+#		echo WRONG! NO $mefile 
+#		exit
+#	fi 
+	# rotate adjoint source 
+	./prepare_adj_src.pl -m $cmtfile -s $stafile -z LH -o $adjoutput $meaoutput/*.adj 
+	# plot adjoint source 
+	while read name
+	do
+		sta=`echo $name | awk '{print $1}'`
+		net=`echo $name | awk '{print $2}'`
+		for comp in Z E N R T 
+		do
+			#if [ $ext == "T050_150" ]; then 
+			#if [ $ext == "T040_150" ]; then 
+				fileold=$adjoutput"/"$sta"."$net".LH"$comp".iker07.adj"
+			#elif [ $ext == "T015_050" ]; then 
+			#elif [ $ext == "T015_040" ]; then 
+			#	fileold=$adjoutput"/"$sta"."$net".LH"$comp".iker05.adj"
+			#else 
+			#	echo WRONG! $ext
+			#	exit
+			#fi
+			#if [ ! -f $fileold ]; then
+			#	echo WRONG! NO $fileold 
+			#	exit
+			#fi 
+			filenew=$adjoutput"/"$sta"."$net".LH"$comp".adj"
+			if [ -f $fileold ]; then
+				mv $fileold $filenew
+			fi
+		done 
+	# remove station file 
+	mv STATIONS_ADJOINT $adjoutput/  
+done < $eventfile

Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/XSRC_MEASURE_ADJ/xrun_measure_adj.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/XSRC_MEASURE_ADJ/xrun_measure_adj.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# Author: Hejun Zhu, hejunzhu at princeton.edu
+# Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
+# Last modified: Fri Jan 21 13:18:09 EST 2011
+# this script is used to run measure_adj parallelly
+# INPUT :  measurement from FLEXWIN as, XMEASUREMENT_INPUT_M00/MEASUREMENT_012202A_T050_120 
+# OUTPUT:  adjoint source saved in as, ../SYN_M00/CMTSOLUTION_012204A_MT_T050_120 
+#          window_chi and window_index in XWINDOW_OUTPUT_M00/WINDOW_CHI_012202A_T050_120 and XWINDOW_OUTPUT_M00/WINDOW_INDEX_012202A_T050_120 
+#          outputtag in XOUTPUT_TAG_M00/OUTPUT_012202A_T050_120 
+ext1=`printf "%03i\n" $fmin`
+ext2=`printf "%03i\n" $fmax`
+if [ ! -f $eventfile ] ;then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $eventfile
+	exit
+if [ ! -d XOUTPUT_TAG_$iter ]; then 
+	echo mkdir XOUTPUT_TAG_$iter 
+	mkdir XOUTPUT_TAG_$iter 
+if [ ! -d XWINDOW_OUTPUT_$iter ]; then 
+	echo mkdir XWINDOW_OUTPUT_$iter 
+	mkdir XWINDOW_OUTPUT_$iter 
+while read line 
+	echo $line 
+	cmtid=`echo $line | awk -F"_" '{print $NF}'`
+	# input for measure_adj
+	inputfile="XMEASUREMENT_INPUT_"$iter"/MEASUREMENT_"$cmtid"_"$ext 
+	inputfile_tag="XMEASUREMENT_INPUT_"$iter"\/MEASUREMENT_"$cmtid"_"$ext 
+	if [ ! -f $inputfile ]; then 
+		echo WRONG! NO $inputfile 
+		exit
+	fi 
+	outdir=`sed -n '2p' $inputfile`
+	if [ ! -d $outdir ]; then 
+		echo mkdir $outdir 
+		mkdir $outdir 
+	fi 
+	output="XOUTPUT_TAG_"$iter"\/OUTPUT_"$cmtid"_"$ext 
+	meatag="#PBS -N XMEASURE_$cmtid"
+	syndir="..\/SYN_"$iter 
+	mtdir="CMTSOLUTION_"$cmtid"_MT_"$ext 
+	sed -e "s/^#PBS -N.*$/$meatag/g" \
+	    -e "s/^inputfile=.*$/inputfile=$inputfile_tag/g" \
+	    -e "s/^output=.*$/output=$output/g" \
+	    -e "s/^syndir=.*$/syndir=$syndir/g" \
+	    -e "s/^mtdir=.*$/mtdir=$mtdir/g" \
+	    xrun_measure_adj_pbs.sh > xrun_measure_adj_pbs.sh.out
+	    mv xrun_measure_adj_pbs.sh.out xrun_measure_adj_pbs.sh 
+	qsub xrun_measure_adj_pbs.sh 
+	sleep 10 
+done < $eventfile 

Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/XSRC_MEASURE_ADJ/xrun_measure_adj_pbs.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/XSRC_MEASURE_ADJ/xrun_measure_adj_pbs.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#PBS -q tromp
+#PBS -N XMEASURE_201006030432A
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
+#PBS -l walltime=10:00:00
+#PBS -j oe
+#PBS -k oe
+#PBS -o job_src2.log
+# input and output for mt_measure_adj 
+echo run mt_measure_adj...
+./mt_measure_adj < $inputfile > $output 
+echo delete useless files 
+cd $syndir"/"$mtdir 
+rm *.err_* 
+#cd $syndir 
+#if [ -f $mtdir.tar.gz ]; then 
+#	echo rm $mtdir.tar.gz
+#	rm $mtdir.tar.gz 
+#tar -czvf $mtdir.tar.gz $mtdir 
+#rm $mtdir/*
+echo measurement done successfully 

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/XSRC_SEM/xparallel_adjoint_solver.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/XSRC_SEM/xparallel_adjoint_solver.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#PBS -q tromp
+#PBS -l nodes=13:ppn=8
+#PBS -l walltime=15:00:00
+#PBS -j oe
+#PBS -k oe
+#PBS -o job_src2.log
+local_dir=`grep LOCAL_PATH DATA/Par_file | cut -d '=' -f 2`
+# obtain lsf job information
+cat $PBS_NODEFILE > OUTPUT_FILES/compute_nodes
+echo "$PBS_JOBID" > OUTPUT_FILES/jobid
+if [ -d /scratch/hejunzhu ]; then
+	echo rm /scratch/hejunzhu
+	pbsdsh -u rm -rf /scratch/hejunzhu
+echo mkdir local dir...
+pbsdsh -u mkdir -p /scratch/hejunzhu 
+echo change simulation type...
+./change_simulation_type.pl -F 
+echo copying mesh file...
+mpiexec -np 100 ./xcopy_local_forward 
+echo submit job...
+mpiexec -np 100 ./xspecfem3D
+echo solver done 
+echo tar the synthetics 
+#tar -czvf SEM.forward.tar.gz *.sac 
+rm *.sac
+cd ../
+echo end tar 
+echo change simulation type again...
+./change_simulation_type.pl -b 
+echo sumit adjoint simulation 
+mpiexec -np 100 ./xspecfem3D 
+echo tar the synthetics 
+#tar -czvf SEM.backward.tar.gz *.sac 
+rm *.sac 
+cd ../ 
+echo end tar 
+echo collect kernels...
+pbsdsh -u bash -c 'cp -p /scratch/hejunzhu/proc*_reg1_bulk_betav_kernel.bin $PBS_O_WORKDIR/KERNEL/'
+pbsdsh -u bash -c 'cp -p /scratch/hejunzhu/proc*_reg1_bulk_betah_kernel.bin $PBS_O_WORKDIR/KERNEL/'
+pbsdsh -u bash -c 'cp -p /scratch/hejunzhu/proc*_reg1_bulk_c_kernel.bin $PBS_O_WORKDIR/KERNEL/'
+pbsdsh -u bash -c 'cp -p /scratch/hejunzhu/proc*_reg1_eta_kernel.bin $PBS_O_WORKDIR/KERNEL/'
+pbsdsh -u bash -c 'cp -p /scratch/hejunzhu/proc*_reg1_rho_kernel.bin $PBS_O_WORKDIR/KERNEL/'
+pbsdsh -u bash -c 'cp -p /scratch/hejunzhu/proc*_reg1_hess_kernel.bin $PBS_O_WORKDIR/KERNEL/' 
+echo cleaning nodes...
+pbsdsh -u rm -rf /scratch/hejunzhu
+echo done sucessfully

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/XSRC_SEM/xparallel_forward_solver.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/XSRC_SEM/xparallel_forward_solver.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#PBS -q tromp
+#PBS -l nodes=13:ppn=8
+#PBS -l walltime=15:00:00
+#PBS -j oe
+#PBS -k oe
+#PBS -o job_src2.log
+local_dir=`grep LOCAL_PATH DATA/Par_file | cut -d '=' -f 2`
+# obtain lsf job information
+cat $PBS_NODEFILE > OUTPUT_FILES/compute_nodes
+echo "$PBS_JOBID" > OUTPUT_FILES/jobid
+if [ -d /scratch/hejunzhu ]; then
+	echo rm /scratch/hejunzhu
+	pbsdsh -u rm -rf /scratch/hejunzhu
+echo mkdir local dir...
+pbsdsh -u mkdir -p /scratch/hejunzhu 
+echo copying mesh file...
+mpiexec -np 100 ./xcopy_local_forward 
+echo submit job...
+mpiexec -np 100 ./xspecfem3D
+echo solver done successfully
+#echo clean the folder 
+#mv OUTPUT_FILES/*.sac SYN/tmp/
+echo cleaning nodes...
+pbsdsh -u rm -rf /scratch/hejunzhu
+echo done sucessfully

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/XSRC_SEM/xparallel_mesher.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/XSRC_SEM/xparallel_mesher.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#PBS -q tromp
+#PBS -l nodes=13:ppn=8
+#PBS -l walltime=2:00:00
+#PBS -j oe
+#PBS -k oe
+#PBS -o job_src2.log
+#module load openmpi
+local_dir=`grep LOCAL_PATH DATA/Par_file | cut -d '=' -f 2`
+if [ ! -d $local_dir ]; then
+	mkdir $local_dir
+	echo create $local_dir
+mpiexec -np 100 ./xmeshfem3D
+echo mesher done successfully

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/xcheck_process_dat.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/xcheck_process_dat.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+for line in XPROC_DAT_*
+	n=`wc -l $line | awk '{print $1}'`
+	ntot=`echo $ntot +1 | bc -l`
+	tag="successfully"
+	tag1="DONE"
+	text=`grep $tag $line`
+	text1=`grep $tag1 $line`
+	echo $line   $text  $text1 $n 
+echo found $ntot finshed

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/xcheck_process_dat.sh
Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/xcollect_syn.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/xcollect_syn.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# Author: Hejun Zhu, hejunzhu at princeton.edu
+# Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
+# Last modified: Thu Nov 18 15:31:44 EST 2010
+# Check files 
+if [ ! -f $eventfile ]; then
+	echo WRONG! NO $eventfile
+	exit
+if [ ! -d SYN_$iter ]; then
+	echo mkdir SYN_$iter
+	mkdir SYN_$iter 
+while read line 
+	echo $line 
+	cmtid=`echo $line | awk -F"_" '{print $2}'`
+	dir="SYN_"$iter"/"$line
+	if [ ! -d $dir ]; then
+		echo mkdir $dir 
+		mkdir $dir 
+	fi 
+	if [ ! -f $mefile ]; then 
+		echo WRONG! NO $mefile 
+		exit
+	fi 
+	while read name
+	do 
+		if [ ! -f FORWARD_$iter/$line/OUTPUT_FILES/$name.LHZ.sem.sac ]; then 
+			echo WRONG! NO FORWARD_$iter/$line/OUTPUT_FILES/$name.LHZ.sem.sac 
+			exit
+		fi 
+		if [ ! -f FORWARD_$iter/$line/OUTPUT_FILES/$name.LHE.sem.sac ]; then 
+			echo WRONG! NO FORWARD_$iter/$line/OUTPUT_FILES/$name.LHE.sem.sac
+			exit
+		fi 
+		if [ ! -f FORWARD_$iter/$line/OUTPUT_FILES/$name.LHN.sem.sac ]; then 
+			echo WRONG! NO FORWARD_$iter/$line/OUTPUT_FILES/$name.LHN.sem.sac
+			exit
+		fi 
+		cp FORWARD_$iter/$line/OUTPUT_FILES/$name.*.sac SYN_$iter/$line
+	done < $mefile 
+done < $eventfile 

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/xcollect_syn.sh
Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/xgen_measurement.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/xgen_measurement.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# This script is used to generate a file which contain the same 
+# data and synthetics 
+# format for MEASUREMENT file is sta.net  stlo   stla   dist  az 
+# Hejun Zhu, Jun 24, 2010
+while read line
+	echo $line 
+	eid=`echo $line | awk -F"_" '{print $NF}'`
+	datdir=DATASET_EUROPE/$line
+	syndir="SYN_"$iter"/"$line
+	if [ -f $mefile ]; then
+		echo deleting $mefile
+		rm $mefile
+	fi
+	if [ ! -d $datdir ]; then 
+		echo WRONG! NO $datdir
+		exit
+	fi 
+	if [ ! -d $syndir ]; then 
+		echo WRONG! NO $syndir
+		exit
+	fi 
+	for file1 in $datdir/*BHE.sac; do
+		sta=`echo $file1 | awk -F"/" '{print $NF}' | awk -F"." '{print $1}'`
+		net=`echo $file1 | awk -F"/" '{print $NF}' | awk -F"." '{print $2}'`
+		file2=$datdir"/"$sta"."$net".BHE.sac"
+		file4=$syndir"/"$sta"."$net".LHE.sem.sac"
+		if [ -f $file4 ] ; then
+			#echo found $sta $net for $line  
+			#echo $sta"."$net	$stlo	$stla 	$dist	$az >> $mefile
+			echo $sta"."$net  >> $mefile
+		fi 
+	done 
+done < $eventfile

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/xgen_measurement.sh
Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/xprocess_dat.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/xprocess_dat.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# This script is used to process data and syn 
+# It used process_data.pl process_syn.pl 
+# Hejun Zhu Jun 07 2010 
+# fmin :   minimum period 
+# fmax :   maximum period 
+# tstart:  cut start time
+# tend:    cut end time
+# cmtid:   event id 
+# opt:     1=process dat; 2=process syn; 3=cut data and synthetics
+# Bandpass 15-25sec, 20-34sec, 26-56sec, 50-120sec (15-35sec, 50-120sec) 
+# Input
+# Get names 
+ext1=`printf "%03i\n" $fmin`
+ext2=`printf "%03i\n" $fmax`
+# Check files 
+if [ ! -f $eventfile ]; then
+	echo WRONG! NO $eventfile
+	exit
+while read line 
+	cmtfile="CMTSOLUTION_CENTER/$line" 
+	cmtfiletag="CMTSOLUTION_CENTER\/$line" 
+	cmtid=`echo $line | awk -F"_" '{print $2}'`
+	proctag="#PBS -N XPROC_DAT_$cmtid"
+	datdir="$datpnm\/CMTSOLUTION_$cmtid" 
+	syndir="$synpnm\/$line"
+	if [ ! -f $cmtfile ]; then 
+		echo WRONG! NO $cmtfile 
+		exit
+	fi
+	sed -e "s/^#PBS -N.*$/$proctag/g" \
+	    -e "s/^cmtfile=.*$/cmtfile=$cmtfiletag/g" \
+	    -e "s/^tstart=.*$/tstart=$tstart/g" \
+	    -e "s/^tend=.*$/tend=$tend/g" \
+	    -e "s/^fmin=.*$/fmin=$fmin/g" \
+	    -e "s/^fmax=.*$/fmax=$fmax/g" \
+	    -e "s/^ext=.*$/ext=$ext/g" \
+	    -e "s/^datdir=.*$/datdir=$datdir/g" \
+	    -e "s/^syndir=.*$/syndir=$syndir/g" \
+	    -e "s/^opt=.*$/opt=$opt/g" \
+	    xprocess_dat_pbs.sh > xprocess_dat_pbs.sh.out
+	    mv xprocess_dat_pbs.sh.out xprocess_dat_pbs.sh 
+	echo qsub $line 
+	qsub xprocess_dat_pbs.sh
+	sleep 5
+done < $eventfile 

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/xprocess_dat.sh
Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/xprocess_dat_pbs.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/xprocess_dat_pbs.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#PBS -q tromp
+#PBS -N XPROC_DAT_200604121652A
+#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
+#PBS -l walltime=10:00:00
+#PBS -j oe
+#PBS -k oe
+#PBS -o job_src2.log
+if [ $opt == 1 ]; then 
+	./PERL_CENTER/process_data.pl -m $cmtfile -s 10.0 -l $tstart/$tend -t $fmin/$fmax -f -i -p -x $ext $datdir/*.sac
+	./PERL_CENTER/rotate.pl -l $tstart -L $tend $datdir/*.BHE.sac.$ext
+	echo delete N E bandpass component 
+	cd $datdir 
+	rm *.BHN.sac.$ext
+	rm *.BHE.sac.$ext 
+elif [ $opt == 2 ]; then 
+	./PERL_CENTER/process_syn.pl -S -m $cmtfile -s 10.0 -l $tstart/$tend -t $fmin/$fmax -f -x $ext $syndir/*.sac
+	./PERL_CENTER/rotate.pl -l $tstart -L $tend $syndir/*.LHE.sem.sac.$ext
+	./PERL_CENTER/cut_data_syn.pl -d $syndir $datdir/*BH[ZRT]*.$ext
+	echo delete N E bandpass component 
+	cd $syndir 
+	rm *.LHN.sem.sac.$ext
+	rm *.LHE.sem.sac.$ext 
+echo PROCESSING DATA successfully 

Added: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/xsubmit_adjoint_simulation.sh
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/xsubmit_adjoint_simulation.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/xsubmit_adjoint_simulation.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+# This script is used to submit adjoint simulation 
+# require adjoint source and station file first 
+# Hejun Zhu, Aug 25, 2010
+#ext1=`printf "%03i\n" $fmin`
+#ext2=`printf "%03i\n" $fmax`
+if [ ! -f $eventfile ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $eventfile 
+	exit
+if [ ! -d $pnm ]; then
+	echo mkdir $pnm ...
+	mkdir $pnm
+if [ ! -d $cmtcenter ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $cmtcenter
+	exit
+if [ ! -f $xcopy ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $xcopy
+	exit
+if [ ! -f $xchange ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $xchange 
+	exit
+while read line 
+	dir=$pnm"/"$line 
+	if [ ! -d $dir ]; then 
+		echo "   make dir...   "
+		mkdir $dir 
+	fi
+	if [ ! -d $dir/DATA ]; then 
+		echo " make DATA ... "
+		mkdir $dir/DATA 
+	fi 
+	adjdir="SYN_"$iter"/"$line"_ADJ_"$ext 
+	if [ ! -d $adjdir ]; then 
+		echo WRONG! NO $adjdir 
+		exit
+	fi 
+	# only copy useful part of the code to sub directory
+	cp -r $parent/DATA/Par_file  $dir/DATA 
+	cp -r $parent/DATA/STATIONS  $dir/DATA
+	cp -r $parent/DATA/CMTSOLUTION  $dir/DATA 
+	cp -r $parent/OUTPUT_FILES $dir/
+	cp -r $parent/SEM $dir/
+	cp -r $parent/KERNEL $dir/
+	cp $parent/xparallel_adjoint_solver.sh $dir/
+	cp $parent/xspecfem3D $dir/
+	cp $xcopy $dir/
+	cp $xchange $dir/
+	# distribute adjoint source and stations
+	echo distribute adjoint sources and stations
+	if [ ! -f $adjdir/STATIONS_ADJOINT ]; then 
+		exit
+	fi 
+	cp $adjdir/*.LH[ZEN].adj $dir/SEM/
+	cp $adjdir/STATIONS_ADJOINT $dir/DATA
+	cd $dir/DATA
+	echo "   copy CMTSOLUTION...   "
+	########sed -e "s/^half duration.*$/half duration:   0.0/g" $line > CMTSOLUTION
+	########mv CMTSOLUTION ../
+	cat $cmtcenter/$line > CMTSOLUTION
+	if [ ! -f Par_file ]; then 
+		echo WRONG! NO Par_file 
+		exit
+	fi 
+	echo "   change Par_file...   "
+	path="\/scratch\/hejunzhu"
+	sed -e "s/^LOCAL_PATH.*$/LOCAL_PATH               = $path/g" \
+	    Par_file > Par_file_out
+	mv Par_file_out Par_file 
+	cd ..
+	if [ ! -f xparallel_adjoint_solver.sh ]; then 
+		echo WRONG! NO xparallel_adjoint_solver.sh 
+		exit
+	fi 
+	echo "    changing pbs file   "
+	tag="#PBS -N  $line"
+	sed -e "s/^#PBS -N.*$/$tag/g" xparallel_adjoint_solver.sh > xparallel_adjoint_solver_out.sh
+	mv xparallel_adjoint_solver_out.sh xparallel_adjoint_solver.sh
+	# check code exist 
+	if [ ! -f xspecfem3D ] ;then 
+		echo WRONG! NO xspecfem3D 
+		exit
+	fi 
+	if [ ! -f xcopy_local_forward ]; then 
+		echo WRONG! NO xcopy_local_forward 
+		exit 
+	fi 
+	if [ ! -f change_simulation_type.pl ]; then 
+		echo WRONG! NO change_simulation_type.pl 
+		exit
+	fi
+	mimic=`grep USE_ATTENUATION_MIMIC OUTPUT_FILES/values_from_mesher.h | awk -F"=" '{print $NF}'`
+	if [ $mimic != ".true." ]; then 
+		echo WRONG! NEED reompile solver with MIMIC attenuation 
+		exit
+	fi 
+	echo submitting job
+	qsub xparallel_adjoint_solver.sh
+	sleep 5 
+	cd ../../
+done < $eventfile 

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/xsubmit_adjoint_simulation.sh
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/xsubmit_forward_simulation.sh
--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/xsubmit_forward_simulation.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/xsubmit_forward_simulation.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# generate and clean code dir for several simulations
+# Input: cmtid: CMTSOLUTION id
+#        iter: iteration number
+# 	 opt: 1-generate code
+#      	      2-clean code 
+#      	      3-clean /scratch/lustre/hejunzhu/*** directory
+# Hejun Zhu, Mar 23, 2010
+if [ ! -f $eventfile ]; then
+	echo WRONG! NO $eventfile
+	exit
+if [ ! -d $pnm ]; then
+	echo mkdir $pnm ...
+	mkdir $pnm
+if [ ! -d $cmtcenter ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $cmtcenter
+	exit
+if [ ! -f $xcopy ]; then 
+	echo WRONG! NO $xcopy
+	exit
+while read line
+	echo "*** processing $line ***"
+	dir=$pnm"/"$line
+	if [ ! -d $dir ]; then
+		echo "   make dir...   "
+		mkdir $dir 
+	fi
+	if [ ! -d $dir/DATA ]; then 
+		echo " make DATA" 
+		mkdir $dir/DATA
+	fi 
+	# only copy useful part of the code to sub directory
+	cp -r $parent/DATA/Par_file  $dir/DATA/
+	cp -r $parent/DATA/STATIONS  $dir/DATA/
+	cp -r $parent/DATA/CMTSOLUTION  $dir/DATA/
+	cp -r $parent/OUTPUT_FILES $dir/
+	cp $parent/xparallel_forward_solver.sh $dir/
+	cp $parent/xspecfem3D $dir/
+	cp $xcopy $dir/
+	cd $dir/DATA
+	echo "   copy CMTSOLUTION...   "
+	########sed -e "s/^half duration.*$/half duration:   0.0/g" $line > CMTSOLUTION
+	########mv CMTSOLUTION ../
+	cat $cmtcenter/$line > CMTSOLUTION
+	if [ ! -f Par_file ]; then 
+		echo WRONG! NO Par_file 
+		exit
+	fi 
+	echo "   change Par_file...   "
+	path="\/scratch\/hejunzhu"
+	sed -e "s/^LOCAL_PATH.*$/LOCAL_PATH               = $path/g" Par_file >Par_file_out
+	mv Par_file_out Par_file
+	cd ..
+	if [ ! -f xparallel_forward_solver.sh ]; then 
+		echo WRONG! NO xparallel_forward_solver.sh 
+		exit
+	fi 
+	echo "    changing pbs file   "
+	tag="#PBS -N  $line"
+	sed -e "s/^#PBS -N.*$/$tag/g" xparallel_forward_solver.sh > xparallel_forward_solver_out.sh
+	mv xparallel_forward_solver_out.sh xparallel_forward_solver.sh
+	if [ ! -f xspecfem3D ] ;then 
+		echo WRONG! NO xspecfem3D 
+		exit
+	fi 
+	if [ ! -f xcopy_local_forward ]; then 
+		echo WRONG! NO xcopy_local_forward 
+		exit 
+	fi
+	mimic=`grep USE_ATTENUATION_MIMIC OUTPUT_FILES/values_from_mesher.h | awk -F"=" '{print $NF}'`
+	if [ $mimic != ".false." ]; then 
+		echo WRONG! NEED reompile solver with MIMIC attenuation 
+		exit
+	fi 
+	echo submitting job
+	qsub xparallel_forward_solver.sh
+	cd ../../
+done < $eventfile

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/MODEL_INVERSION/xsubmit_forward_simulation.sh
Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/XUTIL/xcheck_finish.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/XUTIL/xcheck_finish.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Author: Hejun Zhu, hejunzhu at princeton.edu
+# Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
+# Last modified: Wed Feb 22 20:58:13 EST 2012
+for dir in CMTSOLUTION_*
+	file=$dir/job_src2.log
+	if [ -f $file ]; then 
+		ntot=`echo $ntot + 1| bc -l`
+		tag="successfully"
+		n=`wc -l $file | awk '{print $1}'`
+		text=`grep $tag $file`
+		echo $dir   $text    $n
+	fi 
+echo found total $ntot events

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/XUTIL/xcheck_finish.sh
Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/XUTIL/xcheck_kernel.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/XUTIL/xcheck_kernel.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Author: Hejun Zhu, hejunzhu at princeton.edu
+# Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
+# Last modified: Fri Feb 17 16:39:24 EST 2012
+for dir in CMTSOLUTION_*
+	n=`ls $dir/KERNEL/*.bin | wc -l`
+	echo $dir $n

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/XUTIL/xcheck_kernel.sh
Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/XUTIL/xcheck_seismo.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/XUTIL/xcheck_seismo.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Author: Hejun Zhu, hejunzhu at princeton.edu
+# Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
+# Last modified: Thu Feb 23 17:27:34 EST 2012
+for dir in CMTSOLUTION_*
+	n=`ls $dir/OUTPUT_FILES/*.sem.sac | wc -l`
+	echo $dir $n

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/XUTIL/xcheck_seismo.sh
Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/XUTIL/xdecompress.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/XUTIL/xdecompress.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Author: Hejun Zhu, hejunzhu at princeton.edu
+# Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
+# Last modified: Wed Mar 16 14:57:17 EDT 2011
+for dir in CMTSOLUTION_*
+	tar -xzvf $dir 

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/XUTIL/xdecompress.sh
Name: svn:executable
   + *

--- seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/XUTIL/xtar_mt.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/XUTIL/xtar_mt.sh	2012-09-28 15:38:06 UTC (rev 20790)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Author: Hejun Zhu, hejunzhu at princeton.edu
+# Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
+# Last modified: Wed Mar 16 14:57:17 EDT 2011
+for dir in CMTSOLUTION_*
+	echo $dir 
+	tar -czvf $dir.tar.gz $dir 
+	rm -rf $dir 

Property changes on: seismo/3D/ADJOINT_TOMO/ADJOINT_TOMOGRAPHY_TOOLKIT/XUTIL/xtar_mt.sh
Name: svn:executable
   + *

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