[cig-commits] r21417 - in seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D: . older_not_maintained_partial_OpenMP_port

dkomati1 at geodynamics.org dkomati1 at geodynamics.org
Thu Feb 28 02:27:30 PST 2013

Author: dkomati1
Date: 2013-02-28 02:27:30 -0800 (Thu, 28 Feb 2013)
New Revision: 21417

moved src/specfem3D/older_not_maintained_compute_forces_viscoelastic_Dev_openmp.f90 to src/specfem3D/older_not_maintained_partial_OpenMP_port

Deleted: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/older_not_maintained_compute_forces_viscoelastic_Dev_openmp.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/older_not_maintained_compute_forces_viscoelastic_Dev_openmp.f90	2013-02-28 06:40:09 UTC (rev 21416)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/older_not_maintained_compute_forces_viscoelastic_Dev_openmp.f90	2013-02-28 10:27:30 UTC (rev 21417)
@@ -1,984 +0,0 @@
-!               S p e c f e m 3 D  V e r s i o n  2 . 1
-!               ---------------------------------------
-!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
-!    Princeton University, USA and CNRS / INRIA / University of Pau
-! (c) Princeton University / California Institute of Technology and CNRS / INRIA / University of Pau
-!                            October 2011
-! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-! (at your option) any later version.
-! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-! GNU General Public License for more details.
-! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-! OpenMP Threaded variant by John Levesque, Max Rietmann and Olaf Schenk
-!! DK DK Jan 2013: beware, that OpenMP version is not maintained / supported and thus probably does not work
-  subroutine compute_forces_viscoelastic_Dev_openmp(iphase ,NSPEC_AB,NGLOB_AB, &
-                             displ,veloc,accel, &
-                             xix,xiy,xiz,etax,etay,etaz,gammax,gammay,gammaz, &
-                             hprime_xx,hprime_xxT, &
-                             hprimewgll_xx,hprimewgll_xxT, &
-                             wgllwgll_xy,wgllwgll_xz,wgllwgll_yz, &
-                             kappastore,mustore,jacobian,ibool, &
-                             ATTENUATION,deltat, &
-                             one_minus_sum_beta,factor_common,alphaval,betaval,gammaval,&
-                             NSPEC_ATTENUATION_AB, &
-                             R_xx,R_yy,R_xy,R_xz,R_yz, &
-                             epsilondev_xx,epsilondev_yy,epsilondev_xy, &
-                             epsilondev_xz,epsilondev_yz,epsilon_trace_over_3, &
-                             ANISOTROPY,NSPEC_ANISO, &
-                             c11store,c12store,c13store,c14store,c15store,c16store,&
-                             c22store,c23store,c24store,c25store,c26store,c33store,&
-                             c34store,c35store,c36store,c44store,c45store,c46store,&
-                             c55store,c56store,c66store, &
-                             NSPEC_BOUN,NSPEC2D_MOHO,NSPEC_ADJOINT, &
-                             is_moho_top,is_moho_bot, &
-                             dsdx_top,dsdx_bot, &
-                             ispec2D_moho_top,ispec2D_moho_bot, &
-                             num_phase_ispec_elastic,&
-                             phase_ispec_inner_elastic,&
-                             num_colors_outer_elastic,num_colors_inner_elastic)
-  ! computes elastic tensor term
-  use constants,only: CUSTOM_REAL,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NDIM, &
-  ! Trying to pass these variables as subroutine arguments ran into
-  ! problems, so we reference them from their module, making them
-  ! accessible from this subroutine
-  use specfem_par_elastic, only:dummyx_loc,dummyy_loc,dummyz_loc,newtempx1,newtempx2,newtempx3, &
-       newtempy1,newtempy2,newtempy3,newtempz1,newtempz2,newtempz3, &
-       tempx1,tempx2,tempx3,tempy1,tempy2,tempy3,tempz1,tempz2,tempz3,num_elem_colors_elastic, &
-       dummyx_loc_att,dummyy_loc_att,dummyz_loc_att,tempx1_att,tempx2_att,tempx3_att, &
-       tempy1_att,tempy2_att,tempy3_att,tempz1_att,tempz2_att,tempz3_att
-  use fault_solver_dynamic, only : Kelvin_Voigt_eta
-  implicit none
-  integer :: NSPEC_AB,NGLOB_AB
-  ! displacement and acceleration
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NDIM,NGLOB_AB) :: displ,accel
-  ! arrays with mesh parameters per slice
-  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_AB) :: ibool
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_AB) :: &
-       xix,xiy,xiz,etax,etay,etaz,gammax,gammay,gammaz
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_AB) :: &
-       kappastore,mustore,jacobian
-  ! array with derivatives of Lagrange polynomials and precalculated products
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLX) :: hprime_xx,hprime_xxT,hprimewgll_xx,hprimewgll_xxT
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY) :: wgllwgll_xy
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ) :: wgllwgll_xz
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLY,NGLLZ) :: wgllwgll_yz
-  ! memory variables and standard linear solids for attenuation
-  logical :: ATTENUATION
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_ATTENUATION_AB) :: one_minus_sum_beta
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(N_SLS,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_ATTENUATION_AB) :: factor_common
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(N_SLS) :: alphaval,betaval,gammaval
-       R_xx,R_yy,R_xy,R_xz,R_yz
-       epsilondev_xx,epsilondev_yy,epsilondev_xy,epsilondev_xz,epsilondev_yz
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_ADJOINT) :: epsilon_trace_over_3
-  ! anisotropy
-  logical :: ANISOTROPY
-  integer :: NSPEC_ANISO
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_ANISO) :: &
-       c11store,c12store,c13store,c14store,c15store,c16store, &
-       c22store,c23store,c24store,c25store,c26store,c33store, &
-       c34store,c35store,c36store,c44store,c45store,c46store, &
-       c55store,c56store,c66store
-  integer :: iphase
-  integer :: num_phase_ispec_elastic
-  integer, dimension(num_phase_ispec_elastic,2) :: phase_ispec_inner_elastic
-  ! adjoint simulations
-  integer :: SIMULATION_TYPE
-  ! moho kernel
-       dsdx_top,dsdx_bot
-  logical,dimension(NSPEC_BOUN) :: is_moho_top,is_moho_bot
-  integer :: ispec2D_moho_top, ispec2D_moho_bot
-  ! local attenuation parameters
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ) :: epsilondev_xx_loc, &
-       epsilondev_yy_loc, epsilondev_xy_loc, epsilondev_xz_loc, epsilondev_yz_loc
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) R_xx_val1,R_yy_val1,R_xx_val2,R_yy_val2,R_xx_val3,R_yy_val3
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) factor_loc,alphaval_loc,betaval_loc,gammaval_loc
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) Sn,Snp1
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) templ
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) xixl,xiyl,xizl,etaxl,etayl,etazl,gammaxl,gammayl,gammazl,jacobianl
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) duxdxl,duxdyl,duxdzl,duydxl,duydyl,duydzl,duzdxl,duzdyl,duzdzl
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) duxdxl_plus_duydyl,duxdxl_plus_duzdzl,duydyl_plus_duzdzl
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) duxdyl_plus_duydxl,duzdxl_plus_duxdzl,duzdyl_plus_duydzl
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) sigma_xx,sigma_yy,sigma_zz,sigma_xy,sigma_xz,sigma_yz
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) fac1,fac2,fac3
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) lambdal,mul,lambdalplus2mul
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) kappal
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) duxdxl_att,duxdyl_att,duxdzl_att,duydxl_att
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) duydyl_att,duydzl_att,duzdxl_att,duzdyl_att,duzdzl_att;
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) duxdyl_plus_duydxl_att,duzdxl_plus_duxdzl_att,duzdyl_plus_duydzl_att;
-  integer OMP_get_thread_num
-  ! timing
-  !double precision omp_get_wtime
-  !double precision start_time
-  !double precision end_time
-  !double precision accumulate_time_start
-  !double precision accumulate_time_stop
-  ! local anisotropy parameters
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) c11,c12,c13,c14,c15,c16,c22,c23,c24,c25,c26,&
-       c33,c34,c35,c36,c44,c45,c46,c55,c56,c66
-  integer i_SLS,imodulo_N_SLS
-  integer ispec,iglob,ispec_p,num_elements
-  integer i,j,k
-  integer thread_id
-  integer NUM_THREADS
-  !integer omp_get_num_threads ! function
-  ! coloring additions
-  ! integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: num_elem_colors_elastic
-  integer istart, estart, number_of_colors
-  integer num_colors_outer_elastic, num_colors_inner_elastic
-  integer icolor
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: eta
-  ! write(*,*) "num_elem_colors_elastic(1) = ",num_elem_colors_elastic(1)
-  imodulo_N_SLS = mod(N_SLS,3)
-  ! NUM_THREADS = 1
-  ! choses inner/outer elements
-  if( iphase == 1 ) then
-     number_of_colors = num_colors_outer_elastic
-     istart = 1
-  else
-     number_of_colors = num_colors_inner_elastic + num_colors_outer_elastic
-     istart = num_colors_outer_elastic+1
-     ! istart = num_colors_outer_elastic
-  endif
-  ! "start" timer
-  ! start_time = omp_get_wtime()
-  ! The mesh coloring algorithm provides disjoint sets of elements that
-  ! do not share degrees of freedom which is required for the assembly
-  ! step at the "accel(iglob) += update" step. The coloring is
-  ! implemented, such that the element and node indices are ordered by
-  ! color. This requires then only to iterate through the elements in
-  ! order, stopping to synchronize threads after all the elements in a
-  ! color are finished.
-  estart = 1
-  do icolor = istart, number_of_colors
-    !$OMP R_xx_val1,R_yy_val1,R_xx_val2,R_yy_val2,R_xx_val3,R_yy_val3,&
-    !$OMP factor_loc,alphaval_loc,betaval_loc,gammaval_loc,&
-    !$OMP Sn,Snp1,&
-    !$OMP templ,&
-    !$OMP xixl,xiyl,xizl,etaxl,etayl,etazl,gammaxl,gammayl,gammazl,jacobianl,&
-    !$OMP duxdxl,duxdyl,duxdzl,duydxl,duydyl,duydzl,duzdxl,duzdyl,duzdzl,&
-    !$OMP duxdxl_plus_duydyl,duxdxl_plus_duzdzl,duydyl_plus_duzdzl,&
-    !$OMP duxdyl_plus_duydxl,duzdxl_plus_duxdzl,duzdyl_plus_duydzl,&
-    !$OMP sigma_xx,sigma_yy,sigma_zz,sigma_xy,sigma_xz,sigma_yz,&
-    !$OMP fac1,fac2,fac3,&
-    !$OMP lambdal,mul,lambdalplus2mul,kappal,&
-    !$OMP c11,c12,c13,c14,c15,c16,c22,c23,c24,c25,c26,&
-    !$OMP c33,c34,c35,c36,c44,c45,c46,c55,c56,c66,&
-    !$OMP i_SLS,&
-    !$OMP ispec,iglob,ispec_p,&
-    !$OMP i,j,k,&
-    !$OMP thread_id)
-    thread_id = OMP_get_thread_num()+1
-    ! we retrive the subset of the total elements determined by the mesh
-    ! coloring. This number changes as we iterate through the colors
-    num_elements = num_elem_colors_elastic(icolor)
-    !$OMP DO
-    do ispec_p = estart,(estart-1)+num_elements
-       ! returns element id from stored element list
-       ispec = phase_ispec_inner_elastic(ispec_p,iphase)
-       ! adjoint simulations: moho kernel
-       if( SIMULATION_TYPE == 3 .and. SAVE_MOHO_MESH ) then
-          if (is_moho_top(ispec)) then
-             ispec2D_moho_top = ispec2D_moho_top + 1
-          else if (is_moho_bot(ispec)) then
-             ispec2D_moho_bot = ispec2D_moho_bot + 1
-          endif
-       endif ! adjoint
-       ! Kelvin Voigt damping: artificial viscosity around dynamic faults
-        ! stores displacment values in local array
-        if (allocated(Kelvin_Voigt_eta)) then
-          eta = Kelvin_Voigt_eta(ispec)   
-          do k=1,NGLLZ
-            do j=1,NGLLY
-              do i=1,NGLLX
-                iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
-                dummyx_loc(i,j,k,thread_id) = displ(1,iglob) + eta*veloc(1,iglob)
-                dummyy_loc(i,j,k,thread_id) = displ(2,iglob) + eta*veloc(2,iglob)
-                dummyz_loc(i,j,k,thread_id) = displ(3,iglob) + eta*veloc(3,iglob)
-              enddo
-            enddo
-          enddo
-        else
-          do k=1,NGLLZ
-            do j=1,NGLLY
-              do i=1,NGLLX
-                iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
-                dummyx_loc(i,j,k,thread_id) = displ(1,iglob)
-                dummyy_loc(i,j,k,thread_id) = displ(2,iglob)
-                dummyz_loc(i,j,k,thread_id) = displ(3,iglob)
-              enddo
-            enddo
-          enddo
-        endif
-       ! stores velocity values in local array
-       do k=1,NGLLZ
-          do j=1,NGLLY
-             do i=1,NGLLX
-                iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
-                dummyx_loc_att(i,j,k,thread_id) = veloc(1,iglob)
-                dummyy_loc_att(i,j,k,thread_id) = veloc(2,iglob)
-                dummyz_loc_att(i,j,k,thread_id) = veloc(3,iglob)
-             enddo
-          enddo
-       enddo
-       ! subroutines adapted from Deville, Fischer and Mund, High-order methods
-       ! for incompressible fluid flow, Cambridge University Press (2002),
-       ! pages 386 and 389 and Figure 8.3.1
-       ! call mxm_m1_m2_5points(hprime_xx,dummyx_loc,dummyy_loc,dummyz_loc,tempx1,tempy1,tempz1)
-       do j=1,m2
-          do i=1,m1
-             tempx1(i,j,1,thread_id) = &
-                  hprime_xx(i,1)*dummyx_loc(1,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                  hprime_xx(i,2)*dummyx_loc(2,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                  hprime_xx(i,3)*dummyx_loc(3,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                  hprime_xx(i,4)*dummyx_loc(4,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                  hprime_xx(i,5)*dummyx_loc(5,j,1,thread_id)
-             tempy1(i,j,1,thread_id) = &
-                  hprime_xx(i,1)*dummyy_loc(1,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                  hprime_xx(i,2)*dummyy_loc(2,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                  hprime_xx(i,3)*dummyy_loc(3,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                  hprime_xx(i,4)*dummyy_loc(4,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                  hprime_xx(i,5)*dummyy_loc(5,j,1,thread_id)
-             tempz1(i,j,1,thread_id) = &
-                  hprime_xx(i,1)*dummyz_loc(1,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                  hprime_xx(i,2)*dummyz_loc(2,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                  hprime_xx(i,3)*dummyz_loc(3,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                  hprime_xx(i,4)*dummyz_loc(4,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                  hprime_xx(i,5)*dummyz_loc(5,j,1,thread_id)
-          enddo
-       enddo
-       !   call mxm_m1_m1_5points(dummyx_loc(1,1,k),dummyy_loc(1,1,k),dummyz_loc(1,1,k), &
-       !          hprime_xxT,tempx2(1,1,k),tempy2(1,1,k),tempz2(1,1,k))
-       do j=1,m1
-          do i=1,m1
-             ! for efficiency it is better to leave this loop on k inside, it leads to slightly faster code
-             do k = 1,NGLLX
-                tempx2(i,j,k,thread_id) = dummyx_loc(i,1,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(1,j) + &
-                     dummyx_loc(i,2,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(2,j) + &
-                     dummyx_loc(i,3,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(3,j) + &
-                     dummyx_loc(i,4,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(4,j) + &
-                     dummyx_loc(i,5,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(5,j)
-                tempy2(i,j,k,thread_id) = dummyy_loc(i,1,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(1,j) + &
-                     dummyy_loc(i,2,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(2,j) + &
-                     dummyy_loc(i,3,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(3,j) + &
-                     dummyy_loc(i,4,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(4,j) + &
-                     dummyy_loc(i,5,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(5,j)
-                tempz2(i,j,k,thread_id) = dummyz_loc(i,1,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(1,j) + &
-                     dummyz_loc(i,2,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(2,j) + &
-                     dummyz_loc(i,3,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(3,j) + &
-                     dummyz_loc(i,4,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(4,j) + &
-                     dummyz_loc(i,5,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(5,j)
-             enddo
-          enddo
-       enddo
-       ! call mxm_m2_m1_5points(dummyx_loc,dummyy_loc,dummyz_loc,tempx3,tempy3,tempz3)
-       do j=1,m1
-          do i=1,m2
-             tempx3(i,1,j,thread_id) = &
-                  dummyx_loc(i,1,1,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(1,j) + &
-                  dummyx_loc(i,1,2,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(2,j) + &
-                  dummyx_loc(i,1,3,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(3,j) + &
-                  dummyx_loc(i,1,4,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(4,j) + &
-                  dummyx_loc(i,1,5,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(5,j)
-             tempy3(i,1,j,thread_id) = &
-                  dummyy_loc(i,1,1,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(1,j) + &
-                  dummyy_loc(i,1,2,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(2,j) + &
-                  dummyy_loc(i,1,3,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(3,j) + &
-                  dummyy_loc(i,1,4,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(4,j) + &
-                  dummyy_loc(i,1,5,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(5,j)
-             tempz3(i,1,j,thread_id) = &
-                  dummyz_loc(i,1,1,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(1,j) + &
-                  dummyz_loc(i,1,2,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(2,j) + &
-                  dummyz_loc(i,1,3,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(3,j) + &
-                  dummyz_loc(i,1,4,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(4,j) + &
-                  dummyz_loc(i,1,5,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(5,j)
-          enddo
-       enddo
-          do j=1,m2
-             do i=1,m1
-                tempx1_att(i,j,1,thread_id) = tempx1(i,j,1,thread_id)
-                tempy1_att(i,j,1,thread_id) = tempy1(i,j,1,thread_id)
-                tempz1_att(i,j,1,thread_id) = tempz1(i,j,1,thread_id)
-             enddo
-          enddo
-          do j=1,m1
-             do i=1,m1
-                do k=1,NGLLX
-                   tempx2_att(i,j,k,thread_id) = tempx2(i,j,k,thread_id)
-                   tempy2_att(i,j,k,thread_id) = tempy2(i,j,k,thread_id)
-                   tempz2_att(i,j,k,thread_id) = tempz2(i,j,k,thread_id)
-                enddo
-             enddo
-          enddo
-          do j=1,m1
-             do i=1,m2
-                tempx3_att(i,1,j,thread_id) = tempx3(i,1,j,thread_id)
-                tempy3_att(i,1,j,thread_id) = tempy3(i,1,j,thread_id)
-                tempz3_att(i,1,j,thread_id) = tempz3(i,1,j,thread_id)
-             enddo
-          enddo
-          ! use first order Taylor expansion of displacement for local storage of stresses 
-          ! at this current time step, to fix attenuation in a consistent way
-          do j=1,m2
-             do i=1,m1
-                tempx1l_att(i,j,1,thread_id) = tempx1l_att(i,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                     deltat*hprime_xx(i,1)*dummyx_loc_att(1,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                     deltat*hprime_xx(i,2)*dummyx_loc_att(2,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                     deltat*hprime_xx(i,3)*dummyx_loc_att(3,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                     deltat*hprime_xx(i,4)*dummyx_loc_att(4,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                     deltat*hprime_xx(i,5)*dummyx_loc_att(5,j,1,thread_id)
-                tempy1l_att(i,j,1,thread_id) = tempy1l_att(i,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                     deltat*hprime_xx(i,1)*dummyy_loc_att(1,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                     deltat*hprime_xx(i,2)*dummyy_loc_att(2,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                     deltat*hprime_xx(i,3)*dummyy_loc_att(3,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                     deltat*hprime_xx(i,4)*dummyy_loc_att(4,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                     deltat*hprime_xx(i,5)*dummyy_loc_att(5,j,1,thread_id)
-                tempz1l_att(i,j,1,thread_id) = tempz1l_att(i,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                     deltat*hprime_xx(i,1)*dummyz_loc_att(1,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                     deltat*hprime_xx(i,2)*dummyz_loc_att(2,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                     deltat*hprime_xx(i,3)*dummyz_loc_att(3,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                     deltat*hprime_xx(i,4)*dummyz_loc_att(4,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                     deltat*hprime_xx(i,5)*dummyz_loc_att(5,j,1,thread_id)
-             enddo
-          enddo
-          do j=1,m1
-             do i=1,m1
-                do k=1,NGLLX
-                   tempx2l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) = tempx2l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + &
-                        deltat*dummyx_loc_att(i,1,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(1,j) + &
-                        deltat*dummyx_loc_att(i,2,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(2,j) + &
-                        deltat*dummyx_loc_att(i,3,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(3,j) + &
-                        deltat*dummyx_loc_att(i,4,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(4,j) + &
-                        deltat*dummyx_loc_att(i,5,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(5,j)
-                   tempy2l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) = tempy2l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + &
-                        deltat*dummyy_loc_att(i,1,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(1,j) + &
-                        deltat*dummyy_loc_att(i,2,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(2,j) + &
-                        deltat*dummyy_loc_att(i,3,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(3,j) + &
-                        deltat*dummyy_loc_att(i,4,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(4,j) + &
-                        deltat*dummyy_loc_att(i,5,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(5,j)
-                   tempz2l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) = tempz2l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + &
-                        deltat*dummyz_loc_att(i,1,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(1,j) + &
-                        deltat*dummyz_loc_att(i,2,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(2,j) + &
-                        deltat*dummyz_loc_att(i,3,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(3,j) + &
-                        deltat*dummyz_loc_att(i,4,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(4,j) + &
-                        deltat*dummyz_loc_att(i,5,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(5,j)
-                enddo
-             enddo
-          enddo
-          do j=1,m1
-             do i=1,m2
-                tempx3l_att(i,1,j,thread_id) = tempx3l_att(i,1,j,thread_id) + &
-                     deltat*dummyx_loc_att(i,1,1,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(1,j) + &
-                     deltat*dummyx_loc_att(i,1,2,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(2,j) + &
-                     deltat*dummyx_loc_att(i,1,3,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(3,j) + &
-                     deltat*dummyx_loc_att(i,1,4,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(4,j) + &
-                     deltat*dummyx_loc_att(i,1,5,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(5,j)
-                tempy3l_att(i,1,j,thread_id) = tempy3l_att(i,1,j,thread_id) + &
-                     deltat*dummyy_loc_att(i,1,1,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(1,j) + &
-                     deltat*dummyy_loc_att(i,1,2,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(2,j) + &
-                     deltat*dummyy_loc_att(i,1,3,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(3,j) + &
-                     deltat*dummyy_loc_att(i,1,4,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(4,j) + &
-                     deltat*dummyy_loc_att(i,1,5,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(5,j)
-                tempz3l_att(i,1,j,thread_id) = tempz3l_att(i,1,j,thread_id) + &
-                     deltat*dummyz_loc_att(i,1,1,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(1,j) + &
-                     deltat*dummyz_loc_att(i,1,2,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(2,j) + &
-                     deltat*dummyz_loc_att(i,1,3,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(3,j) + &
-                     deltat*dummyz_loc_att(i,1,4,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(4,j) + &
-                     deltat*dummyz_loc_att(i,1,5,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(5,j)
-             enddo
-          endif
-       endif
-       do k=1,NGLLZ
-          do j=1,NGLLY
-             do i=1,NGLLX
-                ! get derivatives of ux, uy and uz with respect to x, y and z
-                xixl = xix(i,j,k,ispec)
-                xiyl = xiy(i,j,k,ispec)
-                xizl = xiz(i,j,k,ispec)
-                etaxl = etax(i,j,k,ispec)
-                etayl = etay(i,j,k,ispec)
-                etazl = etaz(i,j,k,ispec)
-                gammaxl = gammax(i,j,k,ispec)
-                gammayl = gammay(i,j,k,ispec)
-                gammazl = gammaz(i,j,k,ispec)
-                jacobianl = jacobian(i,j,k,ispec)
-                duxdxl = xixl*tempx1(i,j,k,thread_id) + etaxl*tempx2(i,j,k,thread_id) + gammaxl*tempx3(i,j,k,thread_id)
-                duxdyl = xiyl*tempx1(i,j,k,thread_id) + etayl*tempx2(i,j,k,thread_id) + gammayl*tempx3(i,j,k,thread_id)
-                duxdzl = xizl*tempx1(i,j,k,thread_id) + etazl*tempx2(i,j,k,thread_id) + gammazl*tempx3(i,j,k,thread_id)
-                duydxl = xixl*tempy1(i,j,k,thread_id) + etaxl*tempy2(i,j,k,thread_id) + gammaxl*tempy3(i,j,k,thread_id)
-                duydyl = xiyl*tempy1(i,j,k,thread_id) + etayl*tempy2(i,j,k,thread_id) + gammayl*tempy3(i,j,k,thread_id)
-                duydzl = xizl*tempy1(i,j,k,thread_id) + etazl*tempy2(i,j,k,thread_id) + gammazl*tempy3(i,j,k,thread_id)
-                duzdxl = xixl*tempz1(i,j,k,thread_id) + etaxl*tempz2(i,j,k,thread_id) + gammaxl*tempz3(i,j,k,thread_id)
-                duzdyl = xiyl*tempz1(i,j,k,thread_id) + etayl*tempz2(i,j,k,thread_id) + gammayl*tempz3(i,j,k,thread_id)
-                duzdzl = xizl*tempz1(i,j,k,thread_id) + etazl*tempz2(i,j,k,thread_id) + gammazl*tempz3(i,j,k,thread_id)
-                ! save strain on the Moho boundary
-                if (SAVE_MOHO_MESH ) then
-                   if (is_moho_top(ispec)) then
-                      dsdx_top(1,1,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_top) = duxdxl
-                      dsdx_top(1,2,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_top) = duxdyl
-                      dsdx_top(1,3,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_top) = duxdzl
-                      dsdx_top(2,1,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_top) = duydxl
-                      dsdx_top(2,2,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_top) = duydyl
-                      dsdx_top(2,3,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_top) = duydzl
-                      dsdx_top(3,1,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_top) = duzdxl
-                      dsdx_top(3,2,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_top) = duzdyl
-                      dsdx_top(3,3,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_top) = duzdzl
-                   else if (is_moho_bot(ispec)) then
-                      dsdx_bot(1,1,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_bot) = duxdxl
-                      dsdx_bot(1,2,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_bot) = duxdyl
-                      dsdx_bot(1,3,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_bot) = duxdzl
-                      dsdx_bot(2,1,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_bot) = duydxl
-                      dsdx_bot(2,2,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_bot) = duydyl
-                      dsdx_bot(2,3,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_bot) = duydzl
-                      dsdx_bot(3,1,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_bot) = duzdxl
-                      dsdx_bot(3,2,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_bot) = duzdyl
-                      dsdx_bot(3,3,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_bot) = duzdzl
-                   endif
-                endif
-                ! precompute some sums to save CPU time
-                duxdxl_plus_duydyl = duxdxl + duydyl
-                duxdxl_plus_duzdzl = duxdxl + duzdzl
-                duydyl_plus_duzdzl = duydyl + duzdzl
-                duxdyl_plus_duydxl = duxdyl + duydxl
-                duzdxl_plus_duxdzl = duzdxl + duxdzl
-                duzdyl_plus_duydzl = duzdyl + duydzl
-                if( ATTENUATION .and. COMPUTE_AND_STORE_STRAIN ) then
-                   ! temporary variables used for fixing attenuation in a consistent way
-                   duxdxl_att = xixl*tempx1l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + etaxl*tempx2l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + &
-                        gammaxl*tempx3l_att(i,j,k,thread_id)
-                   duxdyl_att = xiyl*tempx1l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + etayl*tempx2l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + &
-                        gammayl*tempx3l_att(i,j,k,thread_id)
-                   duxdzl_att = xizl*tempx1l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + etazl*tempx2l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + &
-                        gammazl*tempx3l_att(i,j,k,thread_id)
-                   duydxl_att = xixl*tempy1l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + etaxl*tempy2l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + &
-                        gammaxl*tempy3l_att(i,j,k,thread_id)
-                   duydyl_att = xiyl*tempy1l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + etayl*tempy2l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + &
-                        gammayl*tempy3l_att(i,j,k,thread_id)
-                   duydzl_att = xizl*tempy1l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + etazl*tempy2l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + &
-                        gammazl*tempy3l_att(i,j,k,thread_id)
-                   duzdxl_att = xixl*tempz1l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + etaxl*tempz2l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + &
-                        gammaxl*tempz3l_att(i,j,k,thread_id)
-                   duzdyl_att = xiyl*tempz1l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + etayl*tempz2l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + &
-                        gammayl*tempz3l_att(i,j,k,thread_id)
-                   duzdzl_att = xizl*tempz1l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + etazl*tempz2l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + &
-                        gammazl*tempz3l_att(i,j,k,thread_id)
-                   ! precompute some sums to save CPU time
-                   duxdyl_plus_duydxl_att = duxdyl_att + duydxl_att
-                   duzdxl_plus_duxdzl_att = duzdxl_att + duxdzl_att
-                   duzdyl_plus_duydzl_att = duzdyl_att + duydzl_att
-                   ! compute deviatoric strain
-                   if( SIMULATION_TYPE == 3 ) &
-                        epsilon_trace_over_3(i,j,k,ispec) = ONE_THIRD * (duxdxl_att + duydyl_att + duzdzl_att)
-                   epsilondev_xx_loc(i,j,k) = duxdxl_att - epsilon_trace_over_3(i,j,k,ispec)
-                   epsilondev_yy_loc(i,j,k) = duydyl_att - epsilon_trace_over_3(i,j,k,ispec)
-                   epsilondev_xy_loc(i,j,k) = 0.5 * duxdyl_plus_duydxl_att
-                   epsilondev_xz_loc(i,j,k) = 0.5 * duzdxl_plus_duxdzl_att
-                   epsilondev_yz_loc(i,j,k) = 0.5 * duzdyl_plus_duydzl_att
-                else
-                   ! computes deviatoric strain attenuation and/or for kernel calculations
-                   if (COMPUTE_AND_STORE_STRAIN) then
-                      templ = ONE_THIRD * (duxdxl + duydyl + duzdzl)
-                      if( SIMULATION_TYPE == 3 ) epsilon_trace_over_3(i,j,k,ispec) = templ
-                      epsilondev_xx_loc(i,j,k) = duxdxl - templ
-                      epsilondev_yy_loc(i,j,k) = duydyl - templ
-                      epsilondev_xy_loc(i,j,k) = 0.5 * duxdyl_plus_duydxl
-                      epsilondev_xz_loc(i,j,k) = 0.5 * duzdxl_plus_duxdzl
-                      epsilondev_yz_loc(i,j,k) = 0.5 * duzdyl_plus_duydzl
-                   endif
-                endif
-                kappal = kappastore(i,j,k,ispec)
-                mul = mustore(i,j,k,ispec)
-                ! attenuation
-                if(ATTENUATION) then
-                   ! use unrelaxed parameters if attenuation
-                   mul  = mul * one_minus_sum_beta(i,j,k,ispec)
-                endif
-                ! full anisotropic case, stress calculations
-                if(ANISOTROPY) then
-                   c11 = c11store(i,j,k,ispec)
-                   c12 = c12store(i,j,k,ispec)
-                   c13 = c13store(i,j,k,ispec)
-                   c14 = c14store(i,j,k,ispec)
-                   c15 = c15store(i,j,k,ispec)
-                   c16 = c16store(i,j,k,ispec)
-                   c22 = c22store(i,j,k,ispec)
-                   c23 = c23store(i,j,k,ispec)
-                   c24 = c24store(i,j,k,ispec)
-                   c25 = c25store(i,j,k,ispec)
-                   c26 = c26store(i,j,k,ispec)
-                   c33 = c33store(i,j,k,ispec)
-                   c34 = c34store(i,j,k,ispec)
-                   c35 = c35store(i,j,k,ispec)
-                   c36 = c36store(i,j,k,ispec)
-                   c44 = c44store(i,j,k,ispec)
-                   c45 = c45store(i,j,k,ispec)
-                   c46 = c46store(i,j,k,ispec)
-                   c55 = c55store(i,j,k,ispec)
-                   c56 = c56store(i,j,k,ispec)
-                   c66 = c66store(i,j,k,ispec)
-                   sigma_xx = c11*duxdxl + c16*duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c12*duydyl + &
-                        c15*duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c14*duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c13*duzdzl
-                   sigma_yy = c12*duxdxl + c26*duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c22*duydyl + &
-                        c25*duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c24*duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c23*duzdzl
-                   sigma_zz = c13*duxdxl + c36*duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c23*duydyl + &
-                        c35*duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c34*duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c33*duzdzl
-                   sigma_xy = c16*duxdxl + c66*duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c26*duydyl + &
-                        c56*duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c46*duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c36*duzdzl
-                   sigma_xz = c15*duxdxl + c56*duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c25*duydyl + &
-                        c55*duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c45*duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c35*duzdzl
-                   sigma_yz = c14*duxdxl + c46*duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c24*duydyl + &
-                        c45*duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c44*duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c34*duzdzl
-                else
-                   ! isotropic case
-                   lambdalplus2mul = kappal + FOUR_THIRDS * mul
-                   lambdal = lambdalplus2mul - 2.*mul
-                   ! compute stress sigma
-                   sigma_xx = lambdalplus2mul*duxdxl + lambdal*duydyl_plus_duzdzl
-                   sigma_yy = lambdalplus2mul*duydyl + lambdal*duxdxl_plus_duzdzl
-                   sigma_zz = lambdalplus2mul*duzdzl + lambdal*duxdxl_plus_duydyl
-                   sigma_xy = mul*duxdyl_plus_duydxl
-                   sigma_xz = mul*duzdxl_plus_duxdzl
-                   sigma_yz = mul*duzdyl_plus_duydzl
-                endif ! ANISOTROPY
-                ! subtract memory variables if attenuation
-                if(ATTENUATION) then
-                   ! way 1
-                   !                do i_sls = 1,N_SLS
-                   !                  R_xx_val = R_xx(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
-                   !                  R_yy_val = R_yy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
-                   !                  sigma_xx = sigma_xx - R_xx_val
-                   !                  sigma_yy = sigma_yy - R_yy_val
-                   !                  sigma_zz = sigma_zz + R_xx_val + R_yy_val
-                   !                  sigma_xy = sigma_xy - R_xy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
-                   !                  sigma_xz = sigma_xz - R_xz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
-                   !                  sigma_yz = sigma_yz - R_yz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
-                   !                enddo
-                   ! way 2
-                   ! note: this should help compilers to pipeline the code and make better use of the cache;
-                   !          depending on compilers, it can further decrease the computation time by ~ 30%.
-                   !          by default, N_SLS = 3, therefore we take steps of 3
-                   if(imodulo_N_SLS >= 1) then
-                      do i_sls = 1,imodulo_N_SLS
-                         R_xx_val1 = R_xx(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
-                         R_yy_val1 = R_yy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
-                         sigma_xx = sigma_xx - R_xx_val1
-                         sigma_yy = sigma_yy - R_yy_val1
-                         sigma_zz = sigma_zz + R_xx_val1 + R_yy_val1
-                         sigma_xy = sigma_xy - R_xy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
-                         sigma_xz = sigma_xz - R_xz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
-                         sigma_yz = sigma_yz - R_yz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
-                      enddo
-                   endif
-                   if(N_SLS >= imodulo_N_SLS+1) then
-                      do i_sls = imodulo_N_SLS+1,N_SLS,3
-                         R_xx_val1 = R_xx(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
-                         R_yy_val1 = R_yy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
-                         sigma_xx = sigma_xx - R_xx_val1
-                         sigma_yy = sigma_yy - R_yy_val1
-                         sigma_zz = sigma_zz + R_xx_val1 + R_yy_val1
-                         sigma_xy = sigma_xy - R_xy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
-                         sigma_xz = sigma_xz - R_xz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
-                         sigma_yz = sigma_yz - R_yz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
-                         R_xx_val2 = R_xx(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls+1)
-                         R_yy_val2 = R_yy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls+1)
-                         sigma_xx = sigma_xx - R_xx_val2
-                         sigma_yy = sigma_yy - R_yy_val2
-                         sigma_zz = sigma_zz + R_xx_val2 + R_yy_val2
-                         sigma_xy = sigma_xy - R_xy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls+1)
-                         sigma_xz = sigma_xz - R_xz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls+1)
-                         sigma_yz = sigma_yz - R_yz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls+1)
-                         R_xx_val3 = R_xx(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls+2)
-                         R_yy_val3 = R_yy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls+2)
-                         sigma_xx = sigma_xx - R_xx_val3
-                         sigma_yy = sigma_yy - R_yy_val3
-                         sigma_zz = sigma_zz + R_xx_val3 + R_yy_val3
-                         sigma_xy = sigma_xy - R_xy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls+2)
-                         sigma_xz = sigma_xz - R_xz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls+2)
-                         sigma_yz = sigma_yz - R_yz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls+2)
-                      enddo
-                   endif
-                endif
-                ! form dot product with test vector, symmetric form
-                tempx1(i,j,k,thread_id) = jacobianl * (sigma_xx*xixl + sigma_xy*xiyl + sigma_xz*xizl)
-                tempy1(i,j,k,thread_id) = jacobianl * (sigma_xy*xixl + sigma_yy*xiyl + sigma_yz*xizl)
-                tempz1(i,j,k,thread_id) = jacobianl * (sigma_xz*xixl + sigma_yz*xiyl + sigma_zz*xizl)
-                tempx2(i,j,k,thread_id) = jacobianl * (sigma_xx*etaxl + sigma_xy*etayl + sigma_xz*etazl)
-                tempy2(i,j,k,thread_id) = jacobianl * (sigma_xy*etaxl + sigma_yy*etayl + sigma_yz*etazl)
-                tempz2(i,j,k,thread_id) = jacobianl * (sigma_xz*etaxl + sigma_yz*etayl + sigma_zz*etazl)
-                tempx3(i,j,k,thread_id) = jacobianl * (sigma_xx*gammaxl + sigma_xy*gammayl + sigma_xz*gammazl)
-                tempy3(i,j,k,thread_id) = jacobianl * (sigma_xy*gammaxl + sigma_yy*gammayl + sigma_yz*gammazl)
-                tempz3(i,j,k,thread_id) = jacobianl * (sigma_xz*gammaxl + sigma_yz*gammayl + sigma_zz*gammazl)
-             enddo
-          enddo
-       enddo
-       ! subroutines adapted from Deville, Fischer and Mund, High-order methods
-       ! for incompressible fluid flow, Cambridge University Press (2002),
-       ! pages 386 and 389 and Figure 8.3.1
-       ! call mxm_m1_m2_5points(hprimewgll_xxT,tempx1,tempy1,tempz1,newtempx1,newtempy1,newtempz1)
-       do j=1,m2
-          do i=1,m1
-             newtempx1(i,j,1,thread_id) = &
-                  hprimewgll_xxT(i,1)*tempx1(1,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                  hprimewgll_xxT(i,2)*tempx1(2,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                  hprimewgll_xxT(i,3)*tempx1(3,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                  hprimewgll_xxT(i,4)*tempx1(4,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                  hprimewgll_xxT(i,5)*tempx1(5,j,1,thread_id)
-             newtempy1(i,j,1,thread_id) = &
-                  hprimewgll_xxT(i,1)*tempy1(1,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                  hprimewgll_xxT(i,2)*tempy1(2,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                  hprimewgll_xxT(i,3)*tempy1(3,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                  hprimewgll_xxT(i,4)*tempy1(4,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                  hprimewgll_xxT(i,5)*tempy1(5,j,1,thread_id)
-             newtempz1(i,j,1,thread_id) = &
-                  hprimewgll_xxT(i,1)*tempz1(1,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                  hprimewgll_xxT(i,2)*tempz1(2,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                  hprimewgll_xxT(i,3)*tempz1(3,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                  hprimewgll_xxT(i,4)*tempz1(4,j,1,thread_id) + &
-                  hprimewgll_xxT(i,5)*tempz1(5,j,1,thread_id)
-          enddo
-       enddo
-       !   call mxm_m1_m1_5points(tempx2(1,1,k),tempy2(1,1,k),tempz2(1,1,k), &
-       !         hprimewgll_xx,newtempx2(1,1,k),newtempy2(1,1,k),newtempz2(1,1,k))
-       do i=1,m1
-          do j=1,m1
-             ! for efficiency it is better to leave this loop on k inside, it leads to slightly faster code
-             do k = 1,NGLLX
-                newtempx2(i,j,k,thread_id) = tempx2(i,1,k,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(1,j) + &
-                     tempx2(i,2,k,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(2,j) + &
-                     tempx2(i,3,k,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(3,j) + &
-                     tempx2(i,4,k,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(4,j) + &
-                     tempx2(i,5,k,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(5,j)
-                newtempy2(i,j,k,thread_id) = tempy2(i,1,k,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(1,j) + &
-                     tempy2(i,2,k,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(2,j) + &
-                     tempy2(i,3,k,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(3,j) + &
-                     tempy2(i,4,k,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(4,j) + &
-                     tempy2(i,5,k,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(5,j)
-                newtempz2(i,j,k,thread_id) = tempz2(i,1,k,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(1,j) + &
-                     tempz2(i,2,k,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(2,j) + &
-                     tempz2(i,3,k,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(3,j) + &
-                     tempz2(i,4,k,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(4,j) + &
-                     tempz2(i,5,k,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(5,j)
-             enddo
-          enddo
-       enddo
-       ! call mxm_m2_m1_5points(tempx3,tempy3,tempz3,hprimewgll_xx,newtempx3,newtempy3,newtempz3)
-       do j=1,m1
-          do i=1,m2
-             newtempx3(i,1,j,thread_id) = &
-                  tempx3(i,1,1,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(1,j) + &
-                  tempx3(i,1,2,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(2,j) + &
-                  tempx3(i,1,3,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(3,j) + &
-                  tempx3(i,1,4,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(4,j) + &
-                  tempx3(i,1,5,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(5,j)
-             newtempy3(i,1,j,thread_id) = &
-                  tempy3(i,1,1,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(1,j) + &
-                  tempy3(i,1,2,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(2,j) + &
-                  tempy3(i,1,3,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(3,j) + &
-                  tempy3(i,1,4,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(4,j) + &
-                  tempy3(i,1,5,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(5,j)
-             newtempz3(i,1,j,thread_id) = &
-                  tempz3(i,1,1,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(1,j) + &
-                  tempz3(i,1,2,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(2,j) + &
-                  tempz3(i,1,3,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(3,j) + &
-                  tempz3(i,1,4,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(4,j) + &
-                  tempz3(i,1,5,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(5,j)
-          enddo
-       enddo
-       do k=1,NGLLZ
-          do j=1,NGLLY
-             do i=1,NGLLX
-                fac1 = wgllwgll_yz(j,k)
-                fac2 = wgllwgll_xz(i,k)
-                fac3 = wgllwgll_xy(i,j)
-                ! sum contributions from each element to the global mesh using indirect addressing
-                iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
-                ! accel_omp(1,iglob,thread_id) = accel_omp(1,iglob,thread_id)&
-                !      - fac1*newtempx1(i,j,k,thread_id) - fac2*newtempx2(i,j,k,thread_id)&
-                !      - fac3*newtempx3(i,j,k,thread_id)
-                ! accel_omp(2,iglob,thread_id) = accel_omp(2,iglob,thread_id)&
-                !      - fac1*newtempy1(i,j,k,thread_id) - fac2*newtempy2(i,j,k,thread_id)&
-                !      - fac3*newtempy3(i,j,k,thread_id)
-                ! accel_omp(3,iglob,thread_id) = accel_omp(3,iglob,thread_id)&
-                !      - fac1*newtempz1(i,j,k,thread_id) - fac2*newtempz2(i,j,k,thread_id)&
-                !      - fac3*newtempz3(i,j,k,thread_id)
-                ! Assembly of shared degrees of freedom fixed through mesh coloring
-                !! !$OMP ATOMIC
-                accel(1,iglob) = accel(1,iglob) &
-                                  - (fac1*newtempx1(i,j,k,thread_id) &
-                                   + fac2*newtempx2(i,j,k,thread_id) &
-                                   + fac3*newtempx3(i,j,k,thread_id))
-                !! !$OMP ATOMIC
-                accel(2,iglob) = accel(2,iglob) &
-                                  - (fac1*newtempy1(i,j,k,thread_id) &
-                                   + fac2*newtempy2(i,j,k,thread_id) &
-                                   + fac3*newtempy3(i,j,k,thread_id))
-                !! !$OMP ATOMIC
-                accel(3,iglob) = accel(3,iglob) &
-                                  - (fac1*newtempz1(i,j,k,thread_id) &
-                                   + fac2*newtempz2(i,j,k,thread_id) &
-                                   + fac3*newtempz3(i,j,k,thread_id))
-                ! accel(1,iglob) = accel(1,iglob) - &
-                ! (fac1*newtempx1(i,j,k,thread_id) + fac2*newtempx2(i,j,k,thread_id) + fac3*newtempx3(i,j,k,thread_id))
-                ! accel(2,iglob) = accel(2,iglob) - &
-                ! (fac1*newtempy1(i,j,k,thread_id) + fac2*newtempy2(i,j,k,thread_id) + fac3*newtempy3(i,j,k,thread_id))
-                ! accel(3,iglob) = accel(3,iglob) - &
-                ! (fac1*newtempz1(i,j,k,thread_id) + fac2*newtempz2(i,j,k,thread_id) + fac3*newtempz3(i,j,k,thread_id))
-                ! accel_omp(1,iglob,thread_id) = accel_omp(1,iglob,thread_id) - fac1*newtempx1(i,j,k,thread_id) - &
-                !                   fac2*newtempx2(i,j,k,thread_id) - fac3*newtempx3(i,j,k,thread_id)
-                ! accel_omp(2,iglob,thread_id) = accel_omp(2,iglob,thread_id) - fac1*newtempy1(i,j,k,thread_id) - &
-                !                   fac2*newtempy2(i,j,k,thread_id) - fac3*newtempy3(i,j,k,thread_id)
-                ! accel_omp(3,iglob,thread_id) = accel_omp(3,iglob,thread_id) - fac1*newtempz1(i,j,k,thread_id) - &
-                !      fac2*newtempz2(i,j,k,thread_id) - fac3*newtempz3(i,j,k,thread_id)
-                !  update memory variables based upon the Runge-Kutta scheme
-                if(ATTENUATION) then
-                   ! use Runge-Kutta scheme to march in time
-                   do i_sls = 1,N_SLS
-                      factor_loc = mustore(i,j,k,ispec) * factor_common(i_sls,i,j,k,ispec)
-                      alphaval_loc = alphaval(i_sls)
-                      betaval_loc = betaval(i_sls)
-                      gammaval_loc = gammaval(i_sls)
-                      ! term in xx
-                      Sn   = factor_loc * epsilondev_xx(i,j,k,ispec)
-                      Snp1   = factor_loc * epsilondev_xx_loc(i,j,k)
-                      R_xx(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) = alphaval_loc * R_xx(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) + &
-                           betaval_loc * Sn + gammaval_loc * Snp1
-                      ! term in yy
-                      Sn   = factor_loc * epsilondev_yy(i,j,k,ispec)
-                      Snp1   = factor_loc * epsilondev_yy_loc(i,j,k)
-                      R_yy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) = alphaval_loc * R_yy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) + &
-                           betaval_loc * Sn + gammaval_loc * Snp1
-                      ! term in zz not computed since zero trace
-                      ! term in xy
-                      Sn   = factor_loc * epsilondev_xy(i,j,k,ispec)
-                      Snp1   = factor_loc * epsilondev_xy_loc(i,j,k)
-                      R_xy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) = alphaval_loc * R_xy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) + &
-                           betaval_loc * Sn + gammaval_loc * Snp1
-                      ! term in xz
-                      Sn   = factor_loc * epsilondev_xz(i,j,k,ispec)
-                      Snp1   = factor_loc * epsilondev_xz_loc(i,j,k)
-                      R_xz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) = alphaval_loc * R_xz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) + &
-                           betaval_loc * Sn + gammaval_loc * Snp1
-                      ! term in yz
-                      Sn   = factor_loc * epsilondev_yz(i,j,k,ispec)
-                      Snp1   = factor_loc * epsilondev_yz_loc(i,j,k)
-                      R_yz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) = alphaval_loc * R_yz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) + &
-                           betaval_loc * Sn + gammaval_loc * Snp1
-                   enddo   ! end of loop on memory variables
-                endif  !  end attenuation
-             enddo
-          enddo
-       enddo
-       ! save deviatoric strain for Runge-Kutta scheme
-       if ( COMPUTE_AND_STORE_STRAIN ) then
-          epsilondev_xx(:,:,:,ispec) = epsilondev_xx_loc(:,:,:)
-          epsilondev_yy(:,:,:,ispec) = epsilondev_yy_loc(:,:,:)
-          epsilondev_xy(:,:,:,ispec) = epsilondev_xy_loc(:,:,:)
-          epsilondev_xz(:,:,:,ispec) = epsilondev_xz_loc(:,:,:)
-          epsilondev_yz(:,:,:,ispec) = epsilondev_yz_loc(:,:,:)
-       endif
-    enddo  ! spectral element loop
-    !$OMP END DO
-    ! The elements are in order of color. First we do color 1 elements,
-    ! then color 2, etc. The ispec has to moved to start at the next
-    ! color.
-    estart = estart + num_elements
-  enddo ! loop over colors
-  ! "stop" timer
-  ! end_time = omp_get_wtime()
-  ! write(*,*) "Total Elapsed time: ", (end_time-start_time) , "seconds. (Threads=",NUM_THREADS,")"
-  ! write(*,*) "Accumulate Elapsed time: ", (accumulate_time_stop-accumulate_time_start) , "seconds"
-  ! These are now allocated at the beginning and never deallocated
-  ! because the program just finishes at the end.
-  ! deallocate(dummyx_loc)
-  ! deallocate(dummyy_loc)
-  ! deallocate(dummyz_loc)
-  ! deallocate(dummyx_loc_att)
-  ! deallocate(dummyy_loc_att)
-  ! deallocate(dummyz_loc_att)
-  ! deallocate(newtempx1)
-  ! deallocate(newtempx2)
-  ! deallocate(newtempx3)
-  ! deallocate(newtempy1)
-  ! deallocate(newtempy2)
-  ! deallocate(newtempy3)
-  ! deallocate(newtempz1)
-  ! deallocate(newtempz2)
-  ! deallocate(newtempz3)
-  ! deallocate(tempx1)
-  ! deallocate(tempx2)
-  ! deallocate(tempx3)
-  ! deallocate(tempy1)
-  ! deallocate(tempy2)
-  ! deallocate(tempy3)
-  ! deallocate(tempz1)
-  ! deallocate(tempz2)
-  ! deallocate(tempz3)
-  ! deallocate(tempx1_att)
-  ! deallocate(tempx2_att)
-  ! deallocate(tempx3_att)
-  ! deallocate(tempy1_att)
-  ! deallocate(tempy2_att)
-  ! deallocate(tempy3_att)
-  ! deallocate(tempz1_att)
-  ! deallocate(tempz2_att)
-  ! deallocate(tempz3_att)
-  ! accel(:,:) = accel_omp(:,:,1)
-  end subroutine compute_forces_viscoelastic_Dev_openmp

Copied: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/older_not_maintained_partial_OpenMP_port/older_not_maintained_compute_forces_viscoelastic_Dev_openmp.f90 (from rev 21416, seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/older_not_maintained_compute_forces_viscoelastic_Dev_openmp.f90)
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/older_not_maintained_partial_OpenMP_port/older_not_maintained_compute_forces_viscoelastic_Dev_openmp.f90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/older_not_maintained_partial_OpenMP_port/older_not_maintained_compute_forces_viscoelastic_Dev_openmp.f90	2013-02-28 10:27:30 UTC (rev 21417)
@@ -0,0 +1,984 @@
+!               S p e c f e m 3 D  V e r s i o n  2 . 1
+!               ---------------------------------------
+!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!    Princeton University, USA and CNRS / INRIA / University of Pau
+! (c) Princeton University / California Institute of Technology and CNRS / INRIA / University of Pau
+!                            October 2011
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+! OpenMP Threaded variant by John Levesque, Max Rietmann and Olaf Schenk
+!! DK DK Jan 2013: beware, that OpenMP version is not maintained / supported and thus probably does not work
+  subroutine compute_forces_viscoelastic_Dev_openmp(iphase ,NSPEC_AB,NGLOB_AB, &
+                             displ,veloc,accel, &
+                             xix,xiy,xiz,etax,etay,etaz,gammax,gammay,gammaz, &
+                             hprime_xx,hprime_xxT, &
+                             hprimewgll_xx,hprimewgll_xxT, &
+                             wgllwgll_xy,wgllwgll_xz,wgllwgll_yz, &
+                             kappastore,mustore,jacobian,ibool, &
+                             ATTENUATION,deltat, &
+                             one_minus_sum_beta,factor_common,alphaval,betaval,gammaval,&
+                             NSPEC_ATTENUATION_AB, &
+                             R_xx,R_yy,R_xy,R_xz,R_yz, &
+                             epsilondev_xx,epsilondev_yy,epsilondev_xy, &
+                             epsilondev_xz,epsilondev_yz,epsilon_trace_over_3, &
+                             ANISOTROPY,NSPEC_ANISO, &
+                             c11store,c12store,c13store,c14store,c15store,c16store,&
+                             c22store,c23store,c24store,c25store,c26store,c33store,&
+                             c34store,c35store,c36store,c44store,c45store,c46store,&
+                             c55store,c56store,c66store, &
+                             NSPEC_BOUN,NSPEC2D_MOHO,NSPEC_ADJOINT, &
+                             is_moho_top,is_moho_bot, &
+                             dsdx_top,dsdx_bot, &
+                             ispec2D_moho_top,ispec2D_moho_bot, &
+                             num_phase_ispec_elastic,&
+                             phase_ispec_inner_elastic,&
+                             num_colors_outer_elastic,num_colors_inner_elastic)
+  ! computes elastic tensor term
+  use constants,only: CUSTOM_REAL,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NDIM, &
+  ! Trying to pass these variables as subroutine arguments ran into
+  ! problems, so we reference them from their module, making them
+  ! accessible from this subroutine
+  use specfem_par_elastic, only:dummyx_loc,dummyy_loc,dummyz_loc,newtempx1,newtempx2,newtempx3, &
+       newtempy1,newtempy2,newtempy3,newtempz1,newtempz2,newtempz3, &
+       tempx1,tempx2,tempx3,tempy1,tempy2,tempy3,tempz1,tempz2,tempz3,num_elem_colors_elastic, &
+       dummyx_loc_att,dummyy_loc_att,dummyz_loc_att,tempx1_att,tempx2_att,tempx3_att, &
+       tempy1_att,tempy2_att,tempy3_att,tempz1_att,tempz2_att,tempz3_att
+  use fault_solver_dynamic, only : Kelvin_Voigt_eta
+  implicit none
+  integer :: NSPEC_AB,NGLOB_AB
+  ! displacement and acceleration
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NDIM,NGLOB_AB) :: displ,accel
+  ! arrays with mesh parameters per slice
+  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_AB) :: ibool
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_AB) :: &
+       xix,xiy,xiz,etax,etay,etaz,gammax,gammay,gammaz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_AB) :: &
+       kappastore,mustore,jacobian
+  ! array with derivatives of Lagrange polynomials and precalculated products
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLX) :: hprime_xx,hprime_xxT,hprimewgll_xx,hprimewgll_xxT
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY) :: wgllwgll_xy
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLZ) :: wgllwgll_xz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLY,NGLLZ) :: wgllwgll_yz
+  ! memory variables and standard linear solids for attenuation
+  logical :: ATTENUATION
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_ATTENUATION_AB) :: one_minus_sum_beta
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(N_SLS,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_ATTENUATION_AB) :: factor_common
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(N_SLS) :: alphaval,betaval,gammaval
+       R_xx,R_yy,R_xy,R_xz,R_yz
+       epsilondev_xx,epsilondev_yy,epsilondev_xy,epsilondev_xz,epsilondev_yz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_ADJOINT) :: epsilon_trace_over_3
+  ! anisotropy
+  logical :: ANISOTROPY
+  integer :: NSPEC_ANISO
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_ANISO) :: &
+       c11store,c12store,c13store,c14store,c15store,c16store, &
+       c22store,c23store,c24store,c25store,c26store,c33store, &
+       c34store,c35store,c36store,c44store,c45store,c46store, &
+       c55store,c56store,c66store
+  integer :: iphase
+  integer :: num_phase_ispec_elastic
+  integer, dimension(num_phase_ispec_elastic,2) :: phase_ispec_inner_elastic
+  ! adjoint simulations
+  integer :: SIMULATION_TYPE
+  ! moho kernel
+       dsdx_top,dsdx_bot
+  logical,dimension(NSPEC_BOUN) :: is_moho_top,is_moho_bot
+  integer :: ispec2D_moho_top, ispec2D_moho_bot
+  ! local attenuation parameters
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ) :: epsilondev_xx_loc, &
+       epsilondev_yy_loc, epsilondev_xy_loc, epsilondev_xz_loc, epsilondev_yz_loc
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) R_xx_val1,R_yy_val1,R_xx_val2,R_yy_val2,R_xx_val3,R_yy_val3
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) factor_loc,alphaval_loc,betaval_loc,gammaval_loc
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) Sn,Snp1
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) templ
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) xixl,xiyl,xizl,etaxl,etayl,etazl,gammaxl,gammayl,gammazl,jacobianl
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) duxdxl,duxdyl,duxdzl,duydxl,duydyl,duydzl,duzdxl,duzdyl,duzdzl
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) duxdxl_plus_duydyl,duxdxl_plus_duzdzl,duydyl_plus_duzdzl
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) duxdyl_plus_duydxl,duzdxl_plus_duxdzl,duzdyl_plus_duydzl
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) sigma_xx,sigma_yy,sigma_zz,sigma_xy,sigma_xz,sigma_yz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) fac1,fac2,fac3
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) lambdal,mul,lambdalplus2mul
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) kappal
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) duxdxl_att,duxdyl_att,duxdzl_att,duydxl_att
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) duydyl_att,duydzl_att,duzdxl_att,duzdyl_att,duzdzl_att;
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) duxdyl_plus_duydxl_att,duzdxl_plus_duxdzl_att,duzdyl_plus_duydzl_att;
+  integer OMP_get_thread_num
+  ! timing
+  !double precision omp_get_wtime
+  !double precision start_time
+  !double precision end_time
+  !double precision accumulate_time_start
+  !double precision accumulate_time_stop
+  ! local anisotropy parameters
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) c11,c12,c13,c14,c15,c16,c22,c23,c24,c25,c26,&
+       c33,c34,c35,c36,c44,c45,c46,c55,c56,c66
+  integer i_SLS,imodulo_N_SLS
+  integer ispec,iglob,ispec_p,num_elements
+  integer i,j,k
+  integer thread_id
+  integer NUM_THREADS
+  !integer omp_get_num_threads ! function
+  ! coloring additions
+  ! integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: num_elem_colors_elastic
+  integer istart, estart, number_of_colors
+  integer num_colors_outer_elastic, num_colors_inner_elastic
+  integer icolor
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: eta
+  ! write(*,*) "num_elem_colors_elastic(1) = ",num_elem_colors_elastic(1)
+  imodulo_N_SLS = mod(N_SLS,3)
+  ! NUM_THREADS = 1
+  ! choses inner/outer elements
+  if( iphase == 1 ) then
+     number_of_colors = num_colors_outer_elastic
+     istart = 1
+  else
+     number_of_colors = num_colors_inner_elastic + num_colors_outer_elastic
+     istart = num_colors_outer_elastic+1
+     ! istart = num_colors_outer_elastic
+  endif
+  ! "start" timer
+  ! start_time = omp_get_wtime()
+  ! The mesh coloring algorithm provides disjoint sets of elements that
+  ! do not share degrees of freedom which is required for the assembly
+  ! step at the "accel(iglob) += update" step. The coloring is
+  ! implemented, such that the element and node indices are ordered by
+  ! color. This requires then only to iterate through the elements in
+  ! order, stopping to synchronize threads after all the elements in a
+  ! color are finished.
+  estart = 1
+  do icolor = istart, number_of_colors
+    !$OMP R_xx_val1,R_yy_val1,R_xx_val2,R_yy_val2,R_xx_val3,R_yy_val3,&
+    !$OMP factor_loc,alphaval_loc,betaval_loc,gammaval_loc,&
+    !$OMP Sn,Snp1,&
+    !$OMP templ,&
+    !$OMP xixl,xiyl,xizl,etaxl,etayl,etazl,gammaxl,gammayl,gammazl,jacobianl,&
+    !$OMP duxdxl,duxdyl,duxdzl,duydxl,duydyl,duydzl,duzdxl,duzdyl,duzdzl,&
+    !$OMP duxdxl_plus_duydyl,duxdxl_plus_duzdzl,duydyl_plus_duzdzl,&
+    !$OMP duxdyl_plus_duydxl,duzdxl_plus_duxdzl,duzdyl_plus_duydzl,&
+    !$OMP sigma_xx,sigma_yy,sigma_zz,sigma_xy,sigma_xz,sigma_yz,&
+    !$OMP fac1,fac2,fac3,&
+    !$OMP lambdal,mul,lambdalplus2mul,kappal,&
+    !$OMP c11,c12,c13,c14,c15,c16,c22,c23,c24,c25,c26,&
+    !$OMP c33,c34,c35,c36,c44,c45,c46,c55,c56,c66,&
+    !$OMP i_SLS,&
+    !$OMP ispec,iglob,ispec_p,&
+    !$OMP i,j,k,&
+    !$OMP thread_id)
+    thread_id = OMP_get_thread_num()+1
+    ! we retrive the subset of the total elements determined by the mesh
+    ! coloring. This number changes as we iterate through the colors
+    num_elements = num_elem_colors_elastic(icolor)
+    !$OMP DO
+    do ispec_p = estart,(estart-1)+num_elements
+       ! returns element id from stored element list
+       ispec = phase_ispec_inner_elastic(ispec_p,iphase)
+       ! adjoint simulations: moho kernel
+       if( SIMULATION_TYPE == 3 .and. SAVE_MOHO_MESH ) then
+          if (is_moho_top(ispec)) then
+             ispec2D_moho_top = ispec2D_moho_top + 1
+          else if (is_moho_bot(ispec)) then
+             ispec2D_moho_bot = ispec2D_moho_bot + 1
+          endif
+       endif ! adjoint
+       ! Kelvin Voigt damping: artificial viscosity around dynamic faults
+        ! stores displacment values in local array
+        if (allocated(Kelvin_Voigt_eta)) then
+          eta = Kelvin_Voigt_eta(ispec)   
+          do k=1,NGLLZ
+            do j=1,NGLLY
+              do i=1,NGLLX
+                iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
+                dummyx_loc(i,j,k,thread_id) = displ(1,iglob) + eta*veloc(1,iglob)
+                dummyy_loc(i,j,k,thread_id) = displ(2,iglob) + eta*veloc(2,iglob)
+                dummyz_loc(i,j,k,thread_id) = displ(3,iglob) + eta*veloc(3,iglob)
+              enddo
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        else
+          do k=1,NGLLZ
+            do j=1,NGLLY
+              do i=1,NGLLX
+                iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
+                dummyx_loc(i,j,k,thread_id) = displ(1,iglob)
+                dummyy_loc(i,j,k,thread_id) = displ(2,iglob)
+                dummyz_loc(i,j,k,thread_id) = displ(3,iglob)
+              enddo
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        endif
+       ! stores velocity values in local array
+       do k=1,NGLLZ
+          do j=1,NGLLY
+             do i=1,NGLLX
+                iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
+                dummyx_loc_att(i,j,k,thread_id) = veloc(1,iglob)
+                dummyy_loc_att(i,j,k,thread_id) = veloc(2,iglob)
+                dummyz_loc_att(i,j,k,thread_id) = veloc(3,iglob)
+             enddo
+          enddo
+       enddo
+       ! subroutines adapted from Deville, Fischer and Mund, High-order methods
+       ! for incompressible fluid flow, Cambridge University Press (2002),
+       ! pages 386 and 389 and Figure 8.3.1
+       ! call mxm_m1_m2_5points(hprime_xx,dummyx_loc,dummyy_loc,dummyz_loc,tempx1,tempy1,tempz1)
+       do j=1,m2
+          do i=1,m1
+             tempx1(i,j,1,thread_id) = &
+                  hprime_xx(i,1)*dummyx_loc(1,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                  hprime_xx(i,2)*dummyx_loc(2,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                  hprime_xx(i,3)*dummyx_loc(3,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                  hprime_xx(i,4)*dummyx_loc(4,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                  hprime_xx(i,5)*dummyx_loc(5,j,1,thread_id)
+             tempy1(i,j,1,thread_id) = &
+                  hprime_xx(i,1)*dummyy_loc(1,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                  hprime_xx(i,2)*dummyy_loc(2,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                  hprime_xx(i,3)*dummyy_loc(3,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                  hprime_xx(i,4)*dummyy_loc(4,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                  hprime_xx(i,5)*dummyy_loc(5,j,1,thread_id)
+             tempz1(i,j,1,thread_id) = &
+                  hprime_xx(i,1)*dummyz_loc(1,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                  hprime_xx(i,2)*dummyz_loc(2,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                  hprime_xx(i,3)*dummyz_loc(3,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                  hprime_xx(i,4)*dummyz_loc(4,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                  hprime_xx(i,5)*dummyz_loc(5,j,1,thread_id)
+          enddo
+       enddo
+       !   call mxm_m1_m1_5points(dummyx_loc(1,1,k),dummyy_loc(1,1,k),dummyz_loc(1,1,k), &
+       !          hprime_xxT,tempx2(1,1,k),tempy2(1,1,k),tempz2(1,1,k))
+       do j=1,m1
+          do i=1,m1
+             ! for efficiency it is better to leave this loop on k inside, it leads to slightly faster code
+             do k = 1,NGLLX
+                tempx2(i,j,k,thread_id) = dummyx_loc(i,1,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(1,j) + &
+                     dummyx_loc(i,2,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(2,j) + &
+                     dummyx_loc(i,3,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(3,j) + &
+                     dummyx_loc(i,4,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(4,j) + &
+                     dummyx_loc(i,5,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(5,j)
+                tempy2(i,j,k,thread_id) = dummyy_loc(i,1,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(1,j) + &
+                     dummyy_loc(i,2,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(2,j) + &
+                     dummyy_loc(i,3,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(3,j) + &
+                     dummyy_loc(i,4,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(4,j) + &
+                     dummyy_loc(i,5,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(5,j)
+                tempz2(i,j,k,thread_id) = dummyz_loc(i,1,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(1,j) + &
+                     dummyz_loc(i,2,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(2,j) + &
+                     dummyz_loc(i,3,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(3,j) + &
+                     dummyz_loc(i,4,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(4,j) + &
+                     dummyz_loc(i,5,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(5,j)
+             enddo
+          enddo
+       enddo
+       ! call mxm_m2_m1_5points(dummyx_loc,dummyy_loc,dummyz_loc,tempx3,tempy3,tempz3)
+       do j=1,m1
+          do i=1,m2
+             tempx3(i,1,j,thread_id) = &
+                  dummyx_loc(i,1,1,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(1,j) + &
+                  dummyx_loc(i,1,2,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(2,j) + &
+                  dummyx_loc(i,1,3,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(3,j) + &
+                  dummyx_loc(i,1,4,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(4,j) + &
+                  dummyx_loc(i,1,5,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(5,j)
+             tempy3(i,1,j,thread_id) = &
+                  dummyy_loc(i,1,1,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(1,j) + &
+                  dummyy_loc(i,1,2,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(2,j) + &
+                  dummyy_loc(i,1,3,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(3,j) + &
+                  dummyy_loc(i,1,4,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(4,j) + &
+                  dummyy_loc(i,1,5,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(5,j)
+             tempz3(i,1,j,thread_id) = &
+                  dummyz_loc(i,1,1,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(1,j) + &
+                  dummyz_loc(i,1,2,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(2,j) + &
+                  dummyz_loc(i,1,3,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(3,j) + &
+                  dummyz_loc(i,1,4,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(4,j) + &
+                  dummyz_loc(i,1,5,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(5,j)
+          enddo
+       enddo
+          do j=1,m2
+             do i=1,m1
+                tempx1_att(i,j,1,thread_id) = tempx1(i,j,1,thread_id)
+                tempy1_att(i,j,1,thread_id) = tempy1(i,j,1,thread_id)
+                tempz1_att(i,j,1,thread_id) = tempz1(i,j,1,thread_id)
+             enddo
+          enddo
+          do j=1,m1
+             do i=1,m1
+                do k=1,NGLLX
+                   tempx2_att(i,j,k,thread_id) = tempx2(i,j,k,thread_id)
+                   tempy2_att(i,j,k,thread_id) = tempy2(i,j,k,thread_id)
+                   tempz2_att(i,j,k,thread_id) = tempz2(i,j,k,thread_id)
+                enddo
+             enddo
+          enddo
+          do j=1,m1
+             do i=1,m2
+                tempx3_att(i,1,j,thread_id) = tempx3(i,1,j,thread_id)
+                tempy3_att(i,1,j,thread_id) = tempy3(i,1,j,thread_id)
+                tempz3_att(i,1,j,thread_id) = tempz3(i,1,j,thread_id)
+             enddo
+          enddo
+          ! use first order Taylor expansion of displacement for local storage of stresses 
+          ! at this current time step, to fix attenuation in a consistent way
+          do j=1,m2
+             do i=1,m1
+                tempx1l_att(i,j,1,thread_id) = tempx1l_att(i,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                     deltat*hprime_xx(i,1)*dummyx_loc_att(1,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                     deltat*hprime_xx(i,2)*dummyx_loc_att(2,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                     deltat*hprime_xx(i,3)*dummyx_loc_att(3,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                     deltat*hprime_xx(i,4)*dummyx_loc_att(4,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                     deltat*hprime_xx(i,5)*dummyx_loc_att(5,j,1,thread_id)
+                tempy1l_att(i,j,1,thread_id) = tempy1l_att(i,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                     deltat*hprime_xx(i,1)*dummyy_loc_att(1,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                     deltat*hprime_xx(i,2)*dummyy_loc_att(2,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                     deltat*hprime_xx(i,3)*dummyy_loc_att(3,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                     deltat*hprime_xx(i,4)*dummyy_loc_att(4,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                     deltat*hprime_xx(i,5)*dummyy_loc_att(5,j,1,thread_id)
+                tempz1l_att(i,j,1,thread_id) = tempz1l_att(i,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                     deltat*hprime_xx(i,1)*dummyz_loc_att(1,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                     deltat*hprime_xx(i,2)*dummyz_loc_att(2,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                     deltat*hprime_xx(i,3)*dummyz_loc_att(3,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                     deltat*hprime_xx(i,4)*dummyz_loc_att(4,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                     deltat*hprime_xx(i,5)*dummyz_loc_att(5,j,1,thread_id)
+             enddo
+          enddo
+          do j=1,m1
+             do i=1,m1
+                do k=1,NGLLX
+                   tempx2l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) = tempx2l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + &
+                        deltat*dummyx_loc_att(i,1,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(1,j) + &
+                        deltat*dummyx_loc_att(i,2,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(2,j) + &
+                        deltat*dummyx_loc_att(i,3,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(3,j) + &
+                        deltat*dummyx_loc_att(i,4,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(4,j) + &
+                        deltat*dummyx_loc_att(i,5,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(5,j)
+                   tempy2l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) = tempy2l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + &
+                        deltat*dummyy_loc_att(i,1,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(1,j) + &
+                        deltat*dummyy_loc_att(i,2,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(2,j) + &
+                        deltat*dummyy_loc_att(i,3,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(3,j) + &
+                        deltat*dummyy_loc_att(i,4,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(4,j) + &
+                        deltat*dummyy_loc_att(i,5,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(5,j)
+                   tempz2l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) = tempz2l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + &
+                        deltat*dummyz_loc_att(i,1,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(1,j) + &
+                        deltat*dummyz_loc_att(i,2,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(2,j) + &
+                        deltat*dummyz_loc_att(i,3,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(3,j) + &
+                        deltat*dummyz_loc_att(i,4,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(4,j) + &
+                        deltat*dummyz_loc_att(i,5,k,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(5,j)
+                enddo
+             enddo
+          enddo
+          do j=1,m1
+             do i=1,m2
+                tempx3l_att(i,1,j,thread_id) = tempx3l_att(i,1,j,thread_id) + &
+                     deltat*dummyx_loc_att(i,1,1,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(1,j) + &
+                     deltat*dummyx_loc_att(i,1,2,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(2,j) + &
+                     deltat*dummyx_loc_att(i,1,3,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(3,j) + &
+                     deltat*dummyx_loc_att(i,1,4,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(4,j) + &
+                     deltat*dummyx_loc_att(i,1,5,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(5,j)
+                tempy3l_att(i,1,j,thread_id) = tempy3l_att(i,1,j,thread_id) + &
+                     deltat*dummyy_loc_att(i,1,1,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(1,j) + &
+                     deltat*dummyy_loc_att(i,1,2,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(2,j) + &
+                     deltat*dummyy_loc_att(i,1,3,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(3,j) + &
+                     deltat*dummyy_loc_att(i,1,4,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(4,j) + &
+                     deltat*dummyy_loc_att(i,1,5,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(5,j)
+                tempz3l_att(i,1,j,thread_id) = tempz3l_att(i,1,j,thread_id) + &
+                     deltat*dummyz_loc_att(i,1,1,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(1,j) + &
+                     deltat*dummyz_loc_att(i,1,2,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(2,j) + &
+                     deltat*dummyz_loc_att(i,1,3,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(3,j) + &
+                     deltat*dummyz_loc_att(i,1,4,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(4,j) + &
+                     deltat*dummyz_loc_att(i,1,5,thread_id)*hprime_xxT(5,j)
+             enddo
+          endif
+       endif
+       do k=1,NGLLZ
+          do j=1,NGLLY
+             do i=1,NGLLX
+                ! get derivatives of ux, uy and uz with respect to x, y and z
+                xixl = xix(i,j,k,ispec)
+                xiyl = xiy(i,j,k,ispec)
+                xizl = xiz(i,j,k,ispec)
+                etaxl = etax(i,j,k,ispec)
+                etayl = etay(i,j,k,ispec)
+                etazl = etaz(i,j,k,ispec)
+                gammaxl = gammax(i,j,k,ispec)
+                gammayl = gammay(i,j,k,ispec)
+                gammazl = gammaz(i,j,k,ispec)
+                jacobianl = jacobian(i,j,k,ispec)
+                duxdxl = xixl*tempx1(i,j,k,thread_id) + etaxl*tempx2(i,j,k,thread_id) + gammaxl*tempx3(i,j,k,thread_id)
+                duxdyl = xiyl*tempx1(i,j,k,thread_id) + etayl*tempx2(i,j,k,thread_id) + gammayl*tempx3(i,j,k,thread_id)
+                duxdzl = xizl*tempx1(i,j,k,thread_id) + etazl*tempx2(i,j,k,thread_id) + gammazl*tempx3(i,j,k,thread_id)
+                duydxl = xixl*tempy1(i,j,k,thread_id) + etaxl*tempy2(i,j,k,thread_id) + gammaxl*tempy3(i,j,k,thread_id)
+                duydyl = xiyl*tempy1(i,j,k,thread_id) + etayl*tempy2(i,j,k,thread_id) + gammayl*tempy3(i,j,k,thread_id)
+                duydzl = xizl*tempy1(i,j,k,thread_id) + etazl*tempy2(i,j,k,thread_id) + gammazl*tempy3(i,j,k,thread_id)
+                duzdxl = xixl*tempz1(i,j,k,thread_id) + etaxl*tempz2(i,j,k,thread_id) + gammaxl*tempz3(i,j,k,thread_id)
+                duzdyl = xiyl*tempz1(i,j,k,thread_id) + etayl*tempz2(i,j,k,thread_id) + gammayl*tempz3(i,j,k,thread_id)
+                duzdzl = xizl*tempz1(i,j,k,thread_id) + etazl*tempz2(i,j,k,thread_id) + gammazl*tempz3(i,j,k,thread_id)
+                ! save strain on the Moho boundary
+                if (SAVE_MOHO_MESH ) then
+                   if (is_moho_top(ispec)) then
+                      dsdx_top(1,1,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_top) = duxdxl
+                      dsdx_top(1,2,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_top) = duxdyl
+                      dsdx_top(1,3,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_top) = duxdzl
+                      dsdx_top(2,1,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_top) = duydxl
+                      dsdx_top(2,2,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_top) = duydyl
+                      dsdx_top(2,3,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_top) = duydzl
+                      dsdx_top(3,1,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_top) = duzdxl
+                      dsdx_top(3,2,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_top) = duzdyl
+                      dsdx_top(3,3,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_top) = duzdzl
+                   else if (is_moho_bot(ispec)) then
+                      dsdx_bot(1,1,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_bot) = duxdxl
+                      dsdx_bot(1,2,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_bot) = duxdyl
+                      dsdx_bot(1,3,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_bot) = duxdzl
+                      dsdx_bot(2,1,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_bot) = duydxl
+                      dsdx_bot(2,2,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_bot) = duydyl
+                      dsdx_bot(2,3,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_bot) = duydzl
+                      dsdx_bot(3,1,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_bot) = duzdxl
+                      dsdx_bot(3,2,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_bot) = duzdyl
+                      dsdx_bot(3,3,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_bot) = duzdzl
+                   endif
+                endif
+                ! precompute some sums to save CPU time
+                duxdxl_plus_duydyl = duxdxl + duydyl
+                duxdxl_plus_duzdzl = duxdxl + duzdzl
+                duydyl_plus_duzdzl = duydyl + duzdzl
+                duxdyl_plus_duydxl = duxdyl + duydxl
+                duzdxl_plus_duxdzl = duzdxl + duxdzl
+                duzdyl_plus_duydzl = duzdyl + duydzl
+                if( ATTENUATION .and. COMPUTE_AND_STORE_STRAIN ) then
+                   ! temporary variables used for fixing attenuation in a consistent way
+                   duxdxl_att = xixl*tempx1l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + etaxl*tempx2l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + &
+                        gammaxl*tempx3l_att(i,j,k,thread_id)
+                   duxdyl_att = xiyl*tempx1l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + etayl*tempx2l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + &
+                        gammayl*tempx3l_att(i,j,k,thread_id)
+                   duxdzl_att = xizl*tempx1l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + etazl*tempx2l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + &
+                        gammazl*tempx3l_att(i,j,k,thread_id)
+                   duydxl_att = xixl*tempy1l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + etaxl*tempy2l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + &
+                        gammaxl*tempy3l_att(i,j,k,thread_id)
+                   duydyl_att = xiyl*tempy1l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + etayl*tempy2l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + &
+                        gammayl*tempy3l_att(i,j,k,thread_id)
+                   duydzl_att = xizl*tempy1l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + etazl*tempy2l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + &
+                        gammazl*tempy3l_att(i,j,k,thread_id)
+                   duzdxl_att = xixl*tempz1l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + etaxl*tempz2l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + &
+                        gammaxl*tempz3l_att(i,j,k,thread_id)
+                   duzdyl_att = xiyl*tempz1l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + etayl*tempz2l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + &
+                        gammayl*tempz3l_att(i,j,k,thread_id)
+                   duzdzl_att = xizl*tempz1l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + etazl*tempz2l_att(i,j,k,thread_id) + &
+                        gammazl*tempz3l_att(i,j,k,thread_id)
+                   ! precompute some sums to save CPU time
+                   duxdyl_plus_duydxl_att = duxdyl_att + duydxl_att
+                   duzdxl_plus_duxdzl_att = duzdxl_att + duxdzl_att
+                   duzdyl_plus_duydzl_att = duzdyl_att + duydzl_att
+                   ! compute deviatoric strain
+                   if( SIMULATION_TYPE == 3 ) &
+                        epsilon_trace_over_3(i,j,k,ispec) = ONE_THIRD * (duxdxl_att + duydyl_att + duzdzl_att)
+                   epsilondev_xx_loc(i,j,k) = duxdxl_att - epsilon_trace_over_3(i,j,k,ispec)
+                   epsilondev_yy_loc(i,j,k) = duydyl_att - epsilon_trace_over_3(i,j,k,ispec)
+                   epsilondev_xy_loc(i,j,k) = 0.5 * duxdyl_plus_duydxl_att
+                   epsilondev_xz_loc(i,j,k) = 0.5 * duzdxl_plus_duxdzl_att
+                   epsilondev_yz_loc(i,j,k) = 0.5 * duzdyl_plus_duydzl_att
+                else
+                   ! computes deviatoric strain attenuation and/or for kernel calculations
+                   if (COMPUTE_AND_STORE_STRAIN) then
+                      templ = ONE_THIRD * (duxdxl + duydyl + duzdzl)
+                      if( SIMULATION_TYPE == 3 ) epsilon_trace_over_3(i,j,k,ispec) = templ
+                      epsilondev_xx_loc(i,j,k) = duxdxl - templ
+                      epsilondev_yy_loc(i,j,k) = duydyl - templ
+                      epsilondev_xy_loc(i,j,k) = 0.5 * duxdyl_plus_duydxl
+                      epsilondev_xz_loc(i,j,k) = 0.5 * duzdxl_plus_duxdzl
+                      epsilondev_yz_loc(i,j,k) = 0.5 * duzdyl_plus_duydzl
+                   endif
+                endif
+                kappal = kappastore(i,j,k,ispec)
+                mul = mustore(i,j,k,ispec)
+                ! attenuation
+                if(ATTENUATION) then
+                   ! use unrelaxed parameters if attenuation
+                   mul  = mul * one_minus_sum_beta(i,j,k,ispec)
+                endif
+                ! full anisotropic case, stress calculations
+                if(ANISOTROPY) then
+                   c11 = c11store(i,j,k,ispec)
+                   c12 = c12store(i,j,k,ispec)
+                   c13 = c13store(i,j,k,ispec)
+                   c14 = c14store(i,j,k,ispec)
+                   c15 = c15store(i,j,k,ispec)
+                   c16 = c16store(i,j,k,ispec)
+                   c22 = c22store(i,j,k,ispec)
+                   c23 = c23store(i,j,k,ispec)
+                   c24 = c24store(i,j,k,ispec)
+                   c25 = c25store(i,j,k,ispec)
+                   c26 = c26store(i,j,k,ispec)
+                   c33 = c33store(i,j,k,ispec)
+                   c34 = c34store(i,j,k,ispec)
+                   c35 = c35store(i,j,k,ispec)
+                   c36 = c36store(i,j,k,ispec)
+                   c44 = c44store(i,j,k,ispec)
+                   c45 = c45store(i,j,k,ispec)
+                   c46 = c46store(i,j,k,ispec)
+                   c55 = c55store(i,j,k,ispec)
+                   c56 = c56store(i,j,k,ispec)
+                   c66 = c66store(i,j,k,ispec)
+                   sigma_xx = c11*duxdxl + c16*duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c12*duydyl + &
+                        c15*duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c14*duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c13*duzdzl
+                   sigma_yy = c12*duxdxl + c26*duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c22*duydyl + &
+                        c25*duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c24*duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c23*duzdzl
+                   sigma_zz = c13*duxdxl + c36*duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c23*duydyl + &
+                        c35*duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c34*duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c33*duzdzl
+                   sigma_xy = c16*duxdxl + c66*duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c26*duydyl + &
+                        c56*duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c46*duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c36*duzdzl
+                   sigma_xz = c15*duxdxl + c56*duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c25*duydyl + &
+                        c55*duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c45*duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c35*duzdzl
+                   sigma_yz = c14*duxdxl + c46*duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c24*duydyl + &
+                        c45*duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c44*duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c34*duzdzl
+                else
+                   ! isotropic case
+                   lambdalplus2mul = kappal + FOUR_THIRDS * mul
+                   lambdal = lambdalplus2mul - 2.*mul
+                   ! compute stress sigma
+                   sigma_xx = lambdalplus2mul*duxdxl + lambdal*duydyl_plus_duzdzl
+                   sigma_yy = lambdalplus2mul*duydyl + lambdal*duxdxl_plus_duzdzl
+                   sigma_zz = lambdalplus2mul*duzdzl + lambdal*duxdxl_plus_duydyl
+                   sigma_xy = mul*duxdyl_plus_duydxl
+                   sigma_xz = mul*duzdxl_plus_duxdzl
+                   sigma_yz = mul*duzdyl_plus_duydzl
+                endif ! ANISOTROPY
+                ! subtract memory variables if attenuation
+                if(ATTENUATION) then
+                   ! way 1
+                   !                do i_sls = 1,N_SLS
+                   !                  R_xx_val = R_xx(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
+                   !                  R_yy_val = R_yy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
+                   !                  sigma_xx = sigma_xx - R_xx_val
+                   !                  sigma_yy = sigma_yy - R_yy_val
+                   !                  sigma_zz = sigma_zz + R_xx_val + R_yy_val
+                   !                  sigma_xy = sigma_xy - R_xy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
+                   !                  sigma_xz = sigma_xz - R_xz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
+                   !                  sigma_yz = sigma_yz - R_yz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
+                   !                enddo
+                   ! way 2
+                   ! note: this should help compilers to pipeline the code and make better use of the cache;
+                   !          depending on compilers, it can further decrease the computation time by ~ 30%.
+                   !          by default, N_SLS = 3, therefore we take steps of 3
+                   if(imodulo_N_SLS >= 1) then
+                      do i_sls = 1,imodulo_N_SLS
+                         R_xx_val1 = R_xx(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
+                         R_yy_val1 = R_yy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
+                         sigma_xx = sigma_xx - R_xx_val1
+                         sigma_yy = sigma_yy - R_yy_val1
+                         sigma_zz = sigma_zz + R_xx_val1 + R_yy_val1
+                         sigma_xy = sigma_xy - R_xy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
+                         sigma_xz = sigma_xz - R_xz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
+                         sigma_yz = sigma_yz - R_yz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
+                      enddo
+                   endif
+                   if(N_SLS >= imodulo_N_SLS+1) then
+                      do i_sls = imodulo_N_SLS+1,N_SLS,3
+                         R_xx_val1 = R_xx(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
+                         R_yy_val1 = R_yy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
+                         sigma_xx = sigma_xx - R_xx_val1
+                         sigma_yy = sigma_yy - R_yy_val1
+                         sigma_zz = sigma_zz + R_xx_val1 + R_yy_val1
+                         sigma_xy = sigma_xy - R_xy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
+                         sigma_xz = sigma_xz - R_xz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
+                         sigma_yz = sigma_yz - R_yz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
+                         R_xx_val2 = R_xx(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls+1)
+                         R_yy_val2 = R_yy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls+1)
+                         sigma_xx = sigma_xx - R_xx_val2
+                         sigma_yy = sigma_yy - R_yy_val2
+                         sigma_zz = sigma_zz + R_xx_val2 + R_yy_val2
+                         sigma_xy = sigma_xy - R_xy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls+1)
+                         sigma_xz = sigma_xz - R_xz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls+1)
+                         sigma_yz = sigma_yz - R_yz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls+1)
+                         R_xx_val3 = R_xx(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls+2)
+                         R_yy_val3 = R_yy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls+2)
+                         sigma_xx = sigma_xx - R_xx_val3
+                         sigma_yy = sigma_yy - R_yy_val3
+                         sigma_zz = sigma_zz + R_xx_val3 + R_yy_val3
+                         sigma_xy = sigma_xy - R_xy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls+2)
+                         sigma_xz = sigma_xz - R_xz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls+2)
+                         sigma_yz = sigma_yz - R_yz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls+2)
+                      enddo
+                   endif
+                endif
+                ! form dot product with test vector, symmetric form
+                tempx1(i,j,k,thread_id) = jacobianl * (sigma_xx*xixl + sigma_xy*xiyl + sigma_xz*xizl)
+                tempy1(i,j,k,thread_id) = jacobianl * (sigma_xy*xixl + sigma_yy*xiyl + sigma_yz*xizl)
+                tempz1(i,j,k,thread_id) = jacobianl * (sigma_xz*xixl + sigma_yz*xiyl + sigma_zz*xizl)
+                tempx2(i,j,k,thread_id) = jacobianl * (sigma_xx*etaxl + sigma_xy*etayl + sigma_xz*etazl)
+                tempy2(i,j,k,thread_id) = jacobianl * (sigma_xy*etaxl + sigma_yy*etayl + sigma_yz*etazl)
+                tempz2(i,j,k,thread_id) = jacobianl * (sigma_xz*etaxl + sigma_yz*etayl + sigma_zz*etazl)
+                tempx3(i,j,k,thread_id) = jacobianl * (sigma_xx*gammaxl + sigma_xy*gammayl + sigma_xz*gammazl)
+                tempy3(i,j,k,thread_id) = jacobianl * (sigma_xy*gammaxl + sigma_yy*gammayl + sigma_yz*gammazl)
+                tempz3(i,j,k,thread_id) = jacobianl * (sigma_xz*gammaxl + sigma_yz*gammayl + sigma_zz*gammazl)
+             enddo
+          enddo
+       enddo
+       ! subroutines adapted from Deville, Fischer and Mund, High-order methods
+       ! for incompressible fluid flow, Cambridge University Press (2002),
+       ! pages 386 and 389 and Figure 8.3.1
+       ! call mxm_m1_m2_5points(hprimewgll_xxT,tempx1,tempy1,tempz1,newtempx1,newtempy1,newtempz1)
+       do j=1,m2
+          do i=1,m1
+             newtempx1(i,j,1,thread_id) = &
+                  hprimewgll_xxT(i,1)*tempx1(1,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                  hprimewgll_xxT(i,2)*tempx1(2,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                  hprimewgll_xxT(i,3)*tempx1(3,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                  hprimewgll_xxT(i,4)*tempx1(4,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                  hprimewgll_xxT(i,5)*tempx1(5,j,1,thread_id)
+             newtempy1(i,j,1,thread_id) = &
+                  hprimewgll_xxT(i,1)*tempy1(1,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                  hprimewgll_xxT(i,2)*tempy1(2,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                  hprimewgll_xxT(i,3)*tempy1(3,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                  hprimewgll_xxT(i,4)*tempy1(4,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                  hprimewgll_xxT(i,5)*tempy1(5,j,1,thread_id)
+             newtempz1(i,j,1,thread_id) = &
+                  hprimewgll_xxT(i,1)*tempz1(1,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                  hprimewgll_xxT(i,2)*tempz1(2,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                  hprimewgll_xxT(i,3)*tempz1(3,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                  hprimewgll_xxT(i,4)*tempz1(4,j,1,thread_id) + &
+                  hprimewgll_xxT(i,5)*tempz1(5,j,1,thread_id)
+          enddo
+       enddo
+       !   call mxm_m1_m1_5points(tempx2(1,1,k),tempy2(1,1,k),tempz2(1,1,k), &
+       !         hprimewgll_xx,newtempx2(1,1,k),newtempy2(1,1,k),newtempz2(1,1,k))
+       do i=1,m1
+          do j=1,m1
+             ! for efficiency it is better to leave this loop on k inside, it leads to slightly faster code
+             do k = 1,NGLLX
+                newtempx2(i,j,k,thread_id) = tempx2(i,1,k,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(1,j) + &
+                     tempx2(i,2,k,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(2,j) + &
+                     tempx2(i,3,k,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(3,j) + &
+                     tempx2(i,4,k,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(4,j) + &
+                     tempx2(i,5,k,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(5,j)
+                newtempy2(i,j,k,thread_id) = tempy2(i,1,k,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(1,j) + &
+                     tempy2(i,2,k,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(2,j) + &
+                     tempy2(i,3,k,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(3,j) + &
+                     tempy2(i,4,k,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(4,j) + &
+                     tempy2(i,5,k,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(5,j)
+                newtempz2(i,j,k,thread_id) = tempz2(i,1,k,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(1,j) + &
+                     tempz2(i,2,k,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(2,j) + &
+                     tempz2(i,3,k,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(3,j) + &
+                     tempz2(i,4,k,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(4,j) + &
+                     tempz2(i,5,k,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(5,j)
+             enddo
+          enddo
+       enddo
+       ! call mxm_m2_m1_5points(tempx3,tempy3,tempz3,hprimewgll_xx,newtempx3,newtempy3,newtempz3)
+       do j=1,m1
+          do i=1,m2
+             newtempx3(i,1,j,thread_id) = &
+                  tempx3(i,1,1,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(1,j) + &
+                  tempx3(i,1,2,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(2,j) + &
+                  tempx3(i,1,3,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(3,j) + &
+                  tempx3(i,1,4,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(4,j) + &
+                  tempx3(i,1,5,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(5,j)
+             newtempy3(i,1,j,thread_id) = &
+                  tempy3(i,1,1,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(1,j) + &
+                  tempy3(i,1,2,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(2,j) + &
+                  tempy3(i,1,3,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(3,j) + &
+                  tempy3(i,1,4,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(4,j) + &
+                  tempy3(i,1,5,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(5,j)
+             newtempz3(i,1,j,thread_id) = &
+                  tempz3(i,1,1,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(1,j) + &
+                  tempz3(i,1,2,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(2,j) + &
+                  tempz3(i,1,3,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(3,j) + &
+                  tempz3(i,1,4,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(4,j) + &
+                  tempz3(i,1,5,thread_id)*hprimewgll_xx(5,j)
+          enddo
+       enddo
+       do k=1,NGLLZ
+          do j=1,NGLLY
+             do i=1,NGLLX
+                fac1 = wgllwgll_yz(j,k)
+                fac2 = wgllwgll_xz(i,k)
+                fac3 = wgllwgll_xy(i,j)
+                ! sum contributions from each element to the global mesh using indirect addressing
+                iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
+                ! accel_omp(1,iglob,thread_id) = accel_omp(1,iglob,thread_id)&
+                !      - fac1*newtempx1(i,j,k,thread_id) - fac2*newtempx2(i,j,k,thread_id)&
+                !      - fac3*newtempx3(i,j,k,thread_id)
+                ! accel_omp(2,iglob,thread_id) = accel_omp(2,iglob,thread_id)&
+                !      - fac1*newtempy1(i,j,k,thread_id) - fac2*newtempy2(i,j,k,thread_id)&
+                !      - fac3*newtempy3(i,j,k,thread_id)
+                ! accel_omp(3,iglob,thread_id) = accel_omp(3,iglob,thread_id)&
+                !      - fac1*newtempz1(i,j,k,thread_id) - fac2*newtempz2(i,j,k,thread_id)&
+                !      - fac3*newtempz3(i,j,k,thread_id)
+                ! Assembly of shared degrees of freedom fixed through mesh coloring
+                !! !$OMP ATOMIC
+                accel(1,iglob) = accel(1,iglob) &
+                                  - (fac1*newtempx1(i,j,k,thread_id) &
+                                   + fac2*newtempx2(i,j,k,thread_id) &
+                                   + fac3*newtempx3(i,j,k,thread_id))
+                !! !$OMP ATOMIC
+                accel(2,iglob) = accel(2,iglob) &
+                                  - (fac1*newtempy1(i,j,k,thread_id) &
+                                   + fac2*newtempy2(i,j,k,thread_id) &
+                                   + fac3*newtempy3(i,j,k,thread_id))
+                !! !$OMP ATOMIC
+                accel(3,iglob) = accel(3,iglob) &
+                                  - (fac1*newtempz1(i,j,k,thread_id) &
+                                   + fac2*newtempz2(i,j,k,thread_id) &
+                                   + fac3*newtempz3(i,j,k,thread_id))
+                ! accel(1,iglob) = accel(1,iglob) - &
+                ! (fac1*newtempx1(i,j,k,thread_id) + fac2*newtempx2(i,j,k,thread_id) + fac3*newtempx3(i,j,k,thread_id))
+                ! accel(2,iglob) = accel(2,iglob) - &
+                ! (fac1*newtempy1(i,j,k,thread_id) + fac2*newtempy2(i,j,k,thread_id) + fac3*newtempy3(i,j,k,thread_id))
+                ! accel(3,iglob) = accel(3,iglob) - &
+                ! (fac1*newtempz1(i,j,k,thread_id) + fac2*newtempz2(i,j,k,thread_id) + fac3*newtempz3(i,j,k,thread_id))
+                ! accel_omp(1,iglob,thread_id) = accel_omp(1,iglob,thread_id) - fac1*newtempx1(i,j,k,thread_id) - &
+                !                   fac2*newtempx2(i,j,k,thread_id) - fac3*newtempx3(i,j,k,thread_id)
+                ! accel_omp(2,iglob,thread_id) = accel_omp(2,iglob,thread_id) - fac1*newtempy1(i,j,k,thread_id) - &
+                !                   fac2*newtempy2(i,j,k,thread_id) - fac3*newtempy3(i,j,k,thread_id)
+                ! accel_omp(3,iglob,thread_id) = accel_omp(3,iglob,thread_id) - fac1*newtempz1(i,j,k,thread_id) - &
+                !      fac2*newtempz2(i,j,k,thread_id) - fac3*newtempz3(i,j,k,thread_id)
+                !  update memory variables based upon the Runge-Kutta scheme
+                if(ATTENUATION) then
+                   ! use Runge-Kutta scheme to march in time
+                   do i_sls = 1,N_SLS
+                      factor_loc = mustore(i,j,k,ispec) * factor_common(i_sls,i,j,k,ispec)
+                      alphaval_loc = alphaval(i_sls)
+                      betaval_loc = betaval(i_sls)
+                      gammaval_loc = gammaval(i_sls)
+                      ! term in xx
+                      Sn   = factor_loc * epsilondev_xx(i,j,k,ispec)
+                      Snp1   = factor_loc * epsilondev_xx_loc(i,j,k)
+                      R_xx(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) = alphaval_loc * R_xx(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) + &
+                           betaval_loc * Sn + gammaval_loc * Snp1
+                      ! term in yy
+                      Sn   = factor_loc * epsilondev_yy(i,j,k,ispec)
+                      Snp1   = factor_loc * epsilondev_yy_loc(i,j,k)
+                      R_yy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) = alphaval_loc * R_yy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) + &
+                           betaval_loc * Sn + gammaval_loc * Snp1
+                      ! term in zz not computed since zero trace
+                      ! term in xy
+                      Sn   = factor_loc * epsilondev_xy(i,j,k,ispec)
+                      Snp1   = factor_loc * epsilondev_xy_loc(i,j,k)
+                      R_xy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) = alphaval_loc * R_xy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) + &
+                           betaval_loc * Sn + gammaval_loc * Snp1
+                      ! term in xz
+                      Sn   = factor_loc * epsilondev_xz(i,j,k,ispec)
+                      Snp1   = factor_loc * epsilondev_xz_loc(i,j,k)
+                      R_xz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) = alphaval_loc * R_xz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) + &
+                           betaval_loc * Sn + gammaval_loc * Snp1
+                      ! term in yz
+                      Sn   = factor_loc * epsilondev_yz(i,j,k,ispec)
+                      Snp1   = factor_loc * epsilondev_yz_loc(i,j,k)
+                      R_yz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) = alphaval_loc * R_yz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) + &
+                           betaval_loc * Sn + gammaval_loc * Snp1
+                   enddo   ! end of loop on memory variables
+                endif  !  end attenuation
+             enddo
+          enddo
+       enddo
+       ! save deviatoric strain for Runge-Kutta scheme
+       if ( COMPUTE_AND_STORE_STRAIN ) then
+          epsilondev_xx(:,:,:,ispec) = epsilondev_xx_loc(:,:,:)
+          epsilondev_yy(:,:,:,ispec) = epsilondev_yy_loc(:,:,:)
+          epsilondev_xy(:,:,:,ispec) = epsilondev_xy_loc(:,:,:)
+          epsilondev_xz(:,:,:,ispec) = epsilondev_xz_loc(:,:,:)
+          epsilondev_yz(:,:,:,ispec) = epsilondev_yz_loc(:,:,:)
+       endif
+    enddo  ! spectral element loop
+    !$OMP END DO
+    ! The elements are in order of color. First we do color 1 elements,
+    ! then color 2, etc. The ispec has to moved to start at the next
+    ! color.
+    estart = estart + num_elements
+  enddo ! loop over colors
+  ! "stop" timer
+  ! end_time = omp_get_wtime()
+  ! write(*,*) "Total Elapsed time: ", (end_time-start_time) , "seconds. (Threads=",NUM_THREADS,")"
+  ! write(*,*) "Accumulate Elapsed time: ", (accumulate_time_stop-accumulate_time_start) , "seconds"
+  ! These are now allocated at the beginning and never deallocated
+  ! because the program just finishes at the end.
+  ! deallocate(dummyx_loc)
+  ! deallocate(dummyy_loc)
+  ! deallocate(dummyz_loc)
+  ! deallocate(dummyx_loc_att)
+  ! deallocate(dummyy_loc_att)
+  ! deallocate(dummyz_loc_att)
+  ! deallocate(newtempx1)
+  ! deallocate(newtempx2)
+  ! deallocate(newtempx3)
+  ! deallocate(newtempy1)
+  ! deallocate(newtempy2)
+  ! deallocate(newtempy3)
+  ! deallocate(newtempz1)
+  ! deallocate(newtempz2)
+  ! deallocate(newtempz3)
+  ! deallocate(tempx1)
+  ! deallocate(tempx2)
+  ! deallocate(tempx3)
+  ! deallocate(tempy1)
+  ! deallocate(tempy2)
+  ! deallocate(tempy3)
+  ! deallocate(tempz1)
+  ! deallocate(tempz2)
+  ! deallocate(tempz3)
+  ! deallocate(tempx1_att)
+  ! deallocate(tempx2_att)
+  ! deallocate(tempx3_att)
+  ! deallocate(tempy1_att)
+  ! deallocate(tempy2_att)
+  ! deallocate(tempy3_att)
+  ! deallocate(tempz1_att)
+  ! deallocate(tempz2_att)
+  ! deallocate(tempz3_att)
+  ! accel(:,:) = accel_omp(:,:,1)
+  end subroutine compute_forces_viscoelastic_Dev_openmp

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