[cig-commits] r22685 - in short/3D/PyLith/trunk: libsrc/pylith libsrc/pylith/topology modulesrc/topology pylith/topology unittests/libtests/topology unittests/libtests/topology/data unittests/pytests/topology

brad at geodynamics.org brad at geodynamics.org
Fri Jul 26 15:13:25 PDT 2013

Author: brad
Date: 2013-07-26 15:13:24 -0700 (Fri, 26 Jul 2013)
New Revision: 22685

Re-enabled refinement. Tests currently fail because mesh interpolation is not turned on.

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/Makefile.am
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/Makefile.am	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/Makefile.am	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -164,23 +164,11 @@
 	topology/SolutionFields.cc \
 	topology/Distributor.cc \
 	topology/ReverseCuthillMcKee.cc \
+	topology/RefineUniform.cc \
 	utils/EventLogger.cc \
-#libpylith_la_SOURCES += \
-#	topology/RefineUniform.cc 
-#	topology/RefineEdges2.cc \
-#	topology/CellRefinerTri3.cc \
-#	topology/CellRefinerTet4.cc \
-#	topology/RefineFace4Edges2.cc \
-#	topology/CellRefinerQuad4.cc \
-#	topology/RefineVol8Face4Edges2.cc \
-#	topology/CellRefinerHex8.cc \
-#	topology/MeshOrder.cc
 libpylith_la_LIBADD = \
 	-lspatialdata \

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/CellRefinerHex8.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/CellRefinerHex8.cc	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/CellRefinerHex8.cc	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,1243 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
-#include <portinfo>
-#include "CellRefinerHex8.hh" // implementation of class methods
-#include "MeshOrder.hh" // USES MeshOrder
-#include <cassert> // USES assert()
-#include <iostream> // TEMPORARY
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// These must match the sizes of the buffers in the header file.
-const int ALE::CellRefinerHex8::_edgesSize = 12;
-const int ALE::CellRefinerHex8::_facesSize = 6;
-const int ALE::CellRefinerHex8::_volumesSize = 1;
-const int ALE::CellRefinerHex8::_cellsSize = 64;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Constructor
-ALE::CellRefinerHex8::CellRefinerHex8(const mesh_type& mesh) :
- RefineVol8Face4Edges2(mesh)
-{ // constructor
-  assert(3 == mesh.getDimension());
-} // constructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Destructor
-{ // destructor
-} // destructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get number of refined cells for each original cell.
-ALE::CellRefinerHex8::numNewCells(const point_type cell)
-{ // numNewCells
-  switch (_cellType(cell)) {
-    return 8;
-    return 4;
-  default:
-    assert(0);
-    throw ALE::Exception("Unknown cell type.");
-  } // switch
-} // numNewCells
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Split cell into smaller cells of same type.
-ALE::CellRefinerHex8::splitCell(const point_type cell,
-				const point_type cone[],
-				const int coneSize,
-				point_type* curNewVertex)
-{ // splitCell
-  assert(curNewVertex);
-  int numEdges = 0;
-  const EdgeType* edges;
-  int numFaces = 0;
-  const FaceType* faces;
-  int numVolumes = 0;
-  const VolumeType* volumes;
-#if 0
-  // Debugging for the solvertest benchmark
-  bool hasA = false, hasB = false;
-  bool hasC = false, hasD = false;
-  for(int i = 0; i < coneSize; ++i) {
-    if      (cone[i] == 5708) {hasA = true;}
-    else if (cone[i] == 8187) {hasB = true;}
-    else if (cone[i] == 4262) {hasC = true;}
-    else if (cone[i] == 8246) {hasD = true;}
-  }
-  if ((hasA && hasB) || (hasC && hasD)) {
-    const char *rankname = hasC && hasD ? "[1]" : "[0]";
-    const char *typeName = _cellType(cell) == HEXAHEDRON ? "hex" : "quadLag";
-    std::cout << rankname<<"Refined cell " << cell << " of type " << typeName << " with cone:" << std::endl;
-    for(int i = 0; i < coneSize; ++i) {
-      std::cout << "  " << cone[i];
-    }
-    std::cout << std::endl;
-  }
-  switch (_cellType(cell)) {
-    _edges_HEXAHEDRON(&edges, &numEdges, cone, coneSize);
-    _faces_HEXAHEDRON(&faces, &numFaces, cone, coneSize);
-    _volumes_HEXAHEDRON(&volumes, &numVolumes, cone, coneSize);
-    break;
-    _edges_QUAD_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(&edges, &numEdges, cone, coneSize);
-    _faces_QUAD_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(&faces, &numFaces, cone, coneSize);
-    break;
-  default:
-    assert(0);
-    throw ALE::Exception("Unknown cell type.");
-  } // switch
-  for(int iEdge=0; iEdge < numEdges; ++iEdge) {
-    if (_edgeToVertex.find(edges[iEdge]) == _edgeToVertex.end()) {
-#if 0
-      // Debugging for the solvertest benchmark
-      point_type min = std::min(edges[iEdge].first, edges[iEdge].second);
-      point_type max = std::max(edges[iEdge].first, edges[iEdge].second);
-      if (min == 5708 && max == 8187) {
-        std::cout << "Refined cell " << cell << " with cone:" << std::endl;
-        for(int i = 0; i < coneSize; ++i) {
-          std::cout << "  " << cone[i];
-        }
-        std::cout << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "  edge " << edges[iEdge] << " new vertex " << *curNewVertex << std::endl;
-      }
-      // if vertex does not exist
-      _edgeToVertex[edges[iEdge]] = *curNewVertex;
-      ++(*curNewVertex);
-    } // if
-  } // for
-  for(int iFace=0; iFace < numFaces; ++iFace) {
-    if (_faceToVertex.find(faces[iFace]) == _faceToVertex.end()) {
-      // if vertex does not exist
-      //std::cout << "Face: " << faces[iFace] << ", new vertex: " << *curNewVertex << std::endl;
-      _faceToVertex[faces[iFace]] = *curNewVertex;
-      ++(*curNewVertex);
-    } // if
-  } // for
-  for(int iVolume=0; iVolume < numVolumes; ++iVolume) {
-    if (_volumeToVertex.find(volumes[iVolume]) == _volumeToVertex.end()) {
-      // if vertex does not exist
-      //std::cout << "Volume: " << volumes[iVolume] << ", new vertex: " << *curNewVertex << std::endl;
-      _volumeToVertex[volumes[iVolume]] = *curNewVertex;
-      ++(*curNewVertex);
-    } // if
-  } // for
-} // splitCell
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Split cell into smaller cells of same type.
-ALE::CellRefinerHex8::splitCellUncensored(const point_type cell,
-					  const point_type cone[],
-					  const int coneSize,
-					  point_type* curNewVertex)
-{ // splitCellUncensored
-  assert(curNewVertex);
-  int numEdges = 0;
-  const EdgeType* edges;
-  int numFaces = 0;
-  const FaceType* faces;
-  const bool uncensored = true;
-  switch (_cellType(cell)) {
-    // No censored vertices on normal cell.
-    break;
-    _edges_QUAD_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(&edges, &numEdges, cone, coneSize, uncensored);
-    _faces_QUAD_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(&faces, &numFaces, cone, coneSize, uncensored);
-    break;
-  default:
-    assert(0);
-    throw ALE::Exception("Unknown cell type.");
-  } // switch
-  for(int iEdge=0; iEdge < numEdges; ++iEdge) {
-    if (_edgeToVertex.find(edges[iEdge]) == _edgeToVertex.end()) {
-      // if vertex does not exist
-      //std::cout << "Edge: " << edges[iEdge] << ", new vertex: " << *curNewVertex << std::endl;
-      _edgeToVertex[edges[iEdge]] = *curNewVertex;
-      ++(*curNewVertex);
-    } // if
-  } // for
-  for(int iFace=0; iFace < numFaces; ++iFace) {
-    if (_faceToVertex.find(faces[iFace]) == _faceToVertex.end()) {
-      // if vertex does not exist
-      //std::cout << "Face: " << faces[iFace] << ", new vertex: " << *curNewVertex << std::endl;
-      _faceToVertex[faces[iFace]] = *curNewVertex;
-      ++(*curNewVertex);
-    } // if
-  } // for
-} // splitCellUncensored
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get refined cells.
-ALE::CellRefinerHex8::getNewCells(const point_type** cells,
-				  int* numCells,
-				  const point_type cell,
-				  const point_type cone[],
-				  const int coneSize,
-				  const MeshOrder& orderOldMesh,
-				  const MeshOrder& orderNewMesh)
-{ // getNewCells
-  assert(cells);
-  assert(numCells);
-  switch (_cellType(cell)) {
-  case HEXAHEDRON: {
-    const int coneVertexOffset = orderNewMesh.verticesNormal().min() - orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().min();
-    _newCells_HEXAHEDRON(cells, numCells, cone, coneSize, coneVertexOffset);
-    break;
-    const int coneVertexOffsetNormal = orderNewMesh.verticesNormal().min() - orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().min();
-    const int coneVertexOffsetCensored = orderNewMesh.verticesCensored().min() - orderOldMesh.verticesCensored().min();
-    _newCells_QUAD_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(cells, numCells, cone, coneSize, coneVertexOffsetNormal, coneVertexOffsetCensored);
-    break;
-  default:
-    assert(0);
-    throw ALE::Exception("Unknown cell type.");
-  } // switch
-} // getNewCells
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get cell type.
-ALE::CellRefinerHex8::_cellType(const point_type cell)
-{ // _cellType
-  assert(!_mesh.getSieve().isNull());
-  switch (_mesh.getSieve()->getConeSize(cell)) {
-  case 8:
-    return HEXAHEDRON;
-  case 12:
-  case 0: {
-    std::ostringstream msg;
-    std::cerr << "Internal error. Cone size for mesh point " << cell << " is zero. May be a vertex.";
-    assert(0);
-    throw ALE::Exception("Could not determine cell type during uniform global refinement.");
-  } // case 0
-  default : {
-    std::ostringstream msg;
-    std::cerr << "Internal error. Unknown cone size for mesh point " << cell << ". Unknown cell type.";
-    assert(0);
-    throw ALE::Exception("Could not determine cell type during uniform global refinement.");
-  } // default
-  } // switch
-} // _cellType
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get edges of hexahedral cell.
-ALE::CellRefinerHex8::_edges_HEXAHEDRON(const EdgeType** edges,
-					int* numEdges,
-					const point_type cone[],
-					const int coneSize)
-{ // _edges_HEXAHEDRON
-  assert(_edgesSize >= 12);
-  assert(coneSize == 8);
-  _edges[0] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[0], cone[1]), std::max(cone[0], cone[1]));
-  _edges[1] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[1], cone[2]), std::max(cone[1], cone[2]));
-  _edges[2] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[2], cone[3]), std::max(cone[2], cone[3]));
-  _edges[3] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[3], cone[0]), std::max(cone[3], cone[0]));
-  _edges[4] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[4], cone[5]), std::max(cone[4], cone[5]));
-  _edges[5] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[5], cone[6]), std::max(cone[5], cone[6]));
-  _edges[6] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[6], cone[7]), std::max(cone[6], cone[7]));
-  _edges[7] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[7], cone[4]), std::max(cone[7], cone[4]));
-  _edges[8] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[0], cone[4]), std::max(cone[0], cone[4]));
-  _edges[9] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[1], cone[5]), std::max(cone[1], cone[5]));
-  _edges[10] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[2], cone[6]), std::max(cone[2], cone[6]));
-  _edges[11] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[3], cone[7]), std::max(cone[3], cone[7]));
-  *numEdges = 12;
-  *edges = _edges;
-} // _edges_HEXAHEDRON
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get edges of quadrilateral cohesive cell with Lagrange multipler
-// vertices.
-ALE::CellRefinerHex8::_edges_QUAD_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(const EdgeType** edges,
-						    int* numEdges,
-						    const point_type cone[],
-						    const int coneSize,
-						    const bool uncensored)
-  if (uncensored) {
-    // Include all edges
-    assert(_edgesSize >= 12);
-    assert(coneSize == 12);
-    _edges[0] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[0], cone[1]),
-			 std::max(cone[0], cone[1]));
-    _edges[1] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[1], cone[2]),
-			 std::max(cone[1], cone[2]));
-    _edges[2] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[2], cone[3]),
-			 std::max(cone[2], cone[3]));
-    _edges[3] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[3], cone[0]),
-			 std::max(cone[3], cone[0]));
-    _edges[4] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[4], cone[5]),
-			 std::max(cone[4], cone[5]));
-    _edges[5] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[5], cone[6]),
-			 std::max(cone[5], cone[6]));
-    _edges[6] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[6], cone[7]),
-			 std::max(cone[6], cone[7]));
-    _edges[7] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[7], cone[4]),
-			 std::max(cone[7], cone[4]));
-    _edges[8] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[8], cone[9]),
-			 std::max(cone[8], cone[9]));
-    _edges[9] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[9], cone[10]),
-			 std::max(cone[9], cone[10]));
-    _edges[10] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[10], cone[11]),
-			  std::max(cone[10], cone[11]));
-    _edges[11] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[11], cone[8]),
-			  std::max(cone[11], cone[8]));
-    *numEdges = 12;
-    *edges = _edges;
-  } else {
-    // Omit edges with censored (Lagrange multiplier) vertices.
-    assert(_edgesSize >= 8);
-    assert(coneSize == 12);
-    _edges[0] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[0], cone[1]),
-			 std::max(cone[0], cone[1]));
-    _edges[1] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[1], cone[2]),
-			 std::max(cone[1], cone[2]));
-    _edges[2] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[2], cone[3]),
-			 std::max(cone[2], cone[3]));
-    _edges[3] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[3], cone[0]),
-			 std::max(cone[3], cone[0]));
-    _edges[4] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[4], cone[5]),
-			 std::max(cone[4], cone[5]));
-    _edges[5] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[5], cone[6]),
-			 std::max(cone[5], cone[6]));
-    _edges[6] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[6], cone[7]),
-			 std::max(cone[6], cone[7]));
-    _edges[7] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[7], cone[4]),
-			 std::max(cone[7], cone[4]));
-    *numEdges = 8;
-    *edges = _edges;
-  } // if/else
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get faces of hexahedral cell.
-ALE::CellRefinerHex8::_faces_HEXAHEDRON(const FaceType** faces,
-					int* numFaces,
-					const point_type cone[],
-					const int coneSize)
-{ // _faces_HEXAHEDRON
-  assert(_facesSize >= 6);
-  assert(coneSize == 8);
-  // Face 0, Vertices 0, 1, 5, 4
-  if (cone[0] < cone[1] &&
-      cone[0] < cone[4] &&
-      cone[0] < cone[5]) {
-    if (cone[1] < cone[4]) {
-      _faces[0] = FaceType(cone[0], cone[1], cone[5], cone[4]);
-    } else {
-      _faces[0] = FaceType(cone[0], cone[4], cone[5], cone[1]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else if (cone[1] < cone[0] &&
-	     cone[1] < cone[4] &&
-	     cone[1] < cone[5]) {
-    if (cone[0] < cone[5]) {
-      _faces[0] = FaceType(cone[1], cone[0], cone[4], cone[5]);
-    } else {
-      _faces[0] = FaceType(cone[1], cone[5], cone[4], cone[0]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else if (cone[4] < cone[0] &&
-	     cone[4] < cone[1] &&
-	     cone[4] < cone[5]) {
-    if (cone[0] < cone[5]) {
-      _faces[0] = FaceType(cone[4], cone[0], cone[1], cone[5]);
-    } else {
-      _faces[0] = FaceType(cone[4], cone[5], cone[1], cone[0]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else if (cone[5] < cone[0] &&
-	     cone[5] < cone[1] &&
-	     cone[5] < cone[4]) {
-    if (cone[1] < cone[4]) {
-      _faces[0] = FaceType(cone[5], cone[1], cone[0], cone[4]);
-    } else {
-      _faces[0] = FaceType(cone[5], cone[4], cone[0], cone[1]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else {
-    assert(0);
-    throw ALE::Exception("Could not determine quad face orientation during uniform global refinement.");
-  } // if/else
-  // Face 1, Vertices 1, 2, 6, 5
-  if (cone[1] < cone[2] &&
-      cone[1] < cone[5] &&
-      cone[1] < cone[6]) {
-    if (cone[2] < cone[5]) {
-      _faces[1] = FaceType(cone[1], cone[2], cone[6], cone[5]);
-    } else {
-      _faces[1] = FaceType(cone[1], cone[5], cone[6], cone[2]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else if (cone[2] < cone[1] &&
-	     cone[2] < cone[5] &&
-	     cone[2] < cone[6]) {
-    if (cone[1] < cone[6]) {
-      _faces[1] = FaceType(cone[2], cone[1], cone[5], cone[6]);
-    } else {
-      _faces[1] = FaceType(cone[2], cone[6], cone[5], cone[1]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else if (cone[5] < cone[1] &&
-	     cone[5] < cone[2] &&
-	     cone[5] < cone[6]) {
-    if (cone[1] < cone[6]) {
-      _faces[1] = FaceType(cone[5], cone[1], cone[2], cone[6]);
-    } else {
-      _faces[1] = FaceType(cone[5], cone[6], cone[2], cone[1]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else if (cone[6] < cone[1] &&
-	     cone[6] < cone[2] &&
-	     cone[6] < cone[5]) {
-    if (cone[2] < cone[5]) {
-      _faces[1] = FaceType(cone[6], cone[2], cone[1], cone[5]);
-    } else {
-      _faces[1] = FaceType(cone[6], cone[5], cone[1], cone[2]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else {
-    assert(0);
-    throw ALE::Exception("Could not determine quad face orientation during uniform global refinement.");
-  } // if/else
-  // Face 2, Vertices 2, 3, 7, 6
-  if (cone[2] < cone[3] &&
-      cone[2] < cone[6] &&
-      cone[2] < cone[7]) {
-    if (cone[3] < cone[6]) {
-      _faces[2] = FaceType(cone[2], cone[3], cone[7], cone[6]);
-    } else {
-      _faces[2] = FaceType(cone[2], cone[6], cone[7], cone[3]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else if (cone[3] < cone[2] &&
-	     cone[3] < cone[6] &&
-	     cone[3] < cone[7]) {
-    if (cone[2] < cone[7]) {
-      _faces[2] = FaceType(cone[3], cone[2], cone[6], cone[7]);
-    } else {
-      _faces[2] = FaceType(cone[3], cone[7], cone[6], cone[2]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else if (cone[6] < cone[2] && 
-	     cone[6] < cone[3] &&
-	     cone[6] < cone[7]) {
-    if (cone[2] < cone[7]) {
-      _faces[2] = FaceType(cone[6], cone[2], cone[3], cone[7]);
-    } else {
-      _faces[2] = FaceType(cone[6], cone[7], cone[3], cone[2]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else if (cone[7] < cone[2] &&
-	     cone[7] < cone[3] &&
-	     cone[7] < cone[6]) {
-    if (cone[3] < cone[6]) {
-      _faces[2] = FaceType(cone[7], cone[3], cone[2], cone[6]);
-    } else {
-      _faces[2] = FaceType(cone[7], cone[6], cone[2], cone[3]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else {
-    assert(0);
-    throw ALE::Exception("Could not determine quad face orientation during uniform global refinement.");
-  } // if/else
-  // Face 3, Vertices 0, 3, 7, 4
-  if (cone[0] < cone[3] &&
-      cone[0] < cone[4] &&
-      cone[0] < cone[7]) {
-    if (cone[3] < cone[4]) {
-      _faces[3] = FaceType(cone[0], cone[3], cone[7], cone[4]);
-    } else {
-      _faces[3] = FaceType(cone[0], cone[4], cone[7], cone[3]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else if (cone[3] < cone[0] &&
-	     cone[3] < cone[4] &&
-	     cone[3] < cone[7]) {
-    if (cone[0] < cone[7]) {
-      _faces[3] = FaceType(cone[3], cone[0], cone[4], cone[7]);
-    } else {
-      _faces[3] = FaceType(cone[3], cone[7], cone[4], cone[0]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else if (cone[4] < cone[0] && 
-	     cone[4] < cone[3] &&
-	     cone[4] < cone[7]) {
-    if (cone[0] < cone[7]) {
-      _faces[3] = FaceType(cone[4], cone[0], cone[3], cone[7]);
-    } else {
-      _faces[3] = FaceType(cone[4], cone[7], cone[3], cone[0]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else if (cone[7] < cone[0] &&
-	     cone[7] < cone[3] &&
-	     cone[7] < cone[4]) {
-    if (cone[3] < cone[4]) {
-      _faces[3] = FaceType(cone[7], cone[3], cone[0], cone[4]);
-    } else {
-      _faces[3] = FaceType(cone[7], cone[4], cone[0], cone[3]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else {
-    assert(0);
-    throw ALE::Exception("Could not determine quad face orientation during uniform global refinement.");
-  } // if/else
-  // Face 4: Vertices 0, 1, 2, 3
-  if (cone[0] < cone[1] &&
-      cone[0] < cone[2] &&
-      cone[0] < cone[3]) {
-    if (cone[1] < cone[3]) {
-      _faces[4] = FaceType(cone[0], cone[1], cone[2], cone[3]);
-    } else {
-      _faces[4] = FaceType(cone[0], cone[3], cone[2], cone[1]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else if (cone[1] < cone[0] &&
-	     cone[1] < cone[2] &&
-	     cone[1] < cone[3]) {
-    if (cone[0] < cone[2]) {
-      _faces[4] = FaceType(cone[1], cone[0], cone[3], cone[2]);
-    } else {
-      _faces[4] = FaceType(cone[1], cone[2], cone[3], cone[0]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else if (cone[2] < cone[0] && 
-	     cone[2] < cone[1] &&
-	     cone[2] < cone[3]) {
-    if (cone[1] < cone[3]) {
-      _faces[4] = FaceType(cone[2], cone[1], cone[0], cone[3]);
-    } else {
-      _faces[4] = FaceType(cone[2], cone[3], cone[0], cone[1]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else if (cone[3] < cone[0] &&
-	     cone[3] < cone[1] &&
-	     cone[3] < cone[2]) {
-    if (cone[0] < cone[2]) {
-      _faces[4] = FaceType(cone[3], cone[0], cone[1], cone[2]);
-    } else {
-      _faces[4] = FaceType(cone[3], cone[2], cone[1], cone[0]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else {
-    assert(0);
-    throw ALE::Exception("Could not determine quad face orientation during uniform global refinement.");
-  } // if/else
-  // Face 5: Vertices 4, 5, 6, 7
-  if (cone[4] < cone[5] &&
-      cone[4] < cone[6] &&
-      cone[4] < cone[7]) {
-    if (cone[5] < cone[7]) {
-      _faces[5] = FaceType(cone[4], cone[5], cone[6], cone[7]);
-    } else {
-      _faces[5] = FaceType(cone[4], cone[7], cone[6], cone[5]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else if (cone[5] < cone[4] &&
-	     cone[5] < cone[6] &&
-	     cone[5] < cone[7]) {
-    if (cone[4] < cone[6]) {
-      _faces[5] = FaceType(cone[5], cone[4], cone[7], cone[6]);
-    } else {
-      _faces[5] = FaceType(cone[5], cone[6], cone[7], cone[4]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else if (cone[6] < cone[4] && 
-	     cone[6] < cone[5] &&
-	     cone[6] < cone[7]) {
-    if (cone[5] < cone[7]) {
-      _faces[5] = FaceType(cone[6], cone[5], cone[4], cone[7]);
-    } else {
-      _faces[5] = FaceType(cone[6], cone[7], cone[4], cone[5]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else if (cone[7] < cone[4] &&
-	     cone[7] < cone[5] &&
-	     cone[7] < cone[6]) {
-    if (cone[4] < cone[6]) {
-      _faces[5] = FaceType(cone[7], cone[4], cone[5], cone[6]);
-    } else {
-      _faces[5] = FaceType(cone[7], cone[6], cone[5], cone[4]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else {
-    assert(0);
-    throw ALE::Exception("Could not determine quad face orientation during uniform global refinement.");
-  } // if/else
-  *numFaces = 6;
-  *faces = _faces;
-} // _faces_HEXAHEDRON
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get faces of quadrilateral cohesive cell with Lagrange multipler
-// vertices.
-ALE::CellRefinerHex8::_faces_QUAD_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(const FaceType** faces,
-						    int* numFaces,
-						    const point_type cone[],
-						    const int coneSize,
-						    const bool uncensored)
-  if (uncensored) {
-    // Include all faces
-    assert(_facesSize >= 3);
-    assert(coneSize == 12);
-    // Face 0, Vertices 0, 1, 2, 3
-    if (cone[0] < cone[1] &&
-	cone[0] < cone[2] &&
-	cone[0] < cone[3]) {
-      if (cone[1] < cone[3]) {
-	_faces[0] = FaceType(cone[0], cone[1], cone[2], cone[3]);
-      } else {
-	_faces[0] = FaceType(cone[0], cone[3], cone[2], cone[1]);
-      } // if/else
-    } else if (cone[1] < cone[0] &&
-	       cone[1] < cone[2] &&
-	       cone[1] < cone[3]) {
-      if (cone[0] < cone[2]) {
-	_faces[0] = FaceType(cone[1], cone[0], cone[3], cone[2]);
-      } else {
-	_faces[0] = FaceType(cone[1], cone[2], cone[3], cone[0]);
-      } // if/else
-    } else if (cone[2] < cone[0] &&
-	       cone[2] < cone[1] &&
-	       cone[2] < cone[3]) {
-      if (cone[1] < cone[3]) {
-	_faces[0] = FaceType(cone[2], cone[1], cone[0], cone[3]);
-      } else {
-	_faces[0] = FaceType(cone[2], cone[3], cone[0], cone[1]);
-      } // if/else
-    } else if (cone[3] < cone[0] &&
-	       cone[3] < cone[1] &&
-	       cone[3] < cone[2]) {
-      if (cone[0] < cone[2]) {
-	_faces[0] = FaceType(cone[3], cone[0], cone[1], cone[2]);
-      } else {
-	_faces[0] = FaceType(cone[3], cone[2], cone[1], cone[0]);
-      } // if/else
-    } else {
-      assert(0);
-      throw ALE::Exception("Could not determine quad face orientation during uniform global refinement.");
-    } // if/else
-    // Face 1: Vertices 4, 5, 6, 7
-    if (cone[4] < cone[5] &&
-	cone[4] < cone[6] &&
-	cone[4] < cone[7]) {
-      if (cone[5] < cone[7]) {
-	_faces[1] = FaceType(cone[4], cone[5], cone[6], cone[7]);
-      } else {
-	_faces[1] = FaceType(cone[4], cone[7], cone[6], cone[5]);
-      } // if/else
-    } else if (cone[5] < cone[4] &&
-	       cone[5] < cone[6] &&
-	       cone[5] < cone[7]) {
-      if (cone[4] < cone[6]) {
-	_faces[1] = FaceType(cone[5], cone[4], cone[7], cone[6]);
-      } else {
-	_faces[1] = FaceType(cone[5], cone[6], cone[7], cone[4]);
-      } // if/else
-    } else if (cone[6] < cone[4] && 
-	       cone[6] < cone[5] &&
-	       cone[6] < cone[7]) {
-      if (cone[5] < cone[7]) {
-	_faces[1] = FaceType(cone[6], cone[5], cone[4], cone[7]);
-      } else {
-	_faces[1] = FaceType(cone[6], cone[7], cone[4], cone[5]);
-      } // if/else
-    } else if (cone[7] < cone[4] &&
-	       cone[7] < cone[5] &&
-	       cone[7] < cone[6]) {
-      if (cone[4] < cone[6]) {
-	_faces[1] = FaceType(cone[7], cone[4], cone[5], cone[6]);
-      } else {
-	_faces[1] = FaceType(cone[7], cone[6], cone[5], cone[4]);
-      } // if/else
-    } else {
-      assert(0);
-      throw ALE::Exception("Could not determine quad face orientation during uniform global refinement.");
-    } // if/else
-    // Face 2: Vertices 8, 9, 10, 11
-    if (cone[8] < cone[9] &&
-	cone[8] < cone[10] &&
-	cone[8] < cone[11]) {
-      if (cone[9] < cone[11]) {
-	_faces[2] = FaceType(cone[8], cone[9], cone[10], cone[11]);
-      } else {
-	_faces[2] = FaceType(cone[8], cone[11], cone[10], cone[9]);
-      } // if/else
-    } else if (cone[9] < cone[8] &&
-	       cone[9] < cone[10] &&
-	       cone[9] < cone[11]) {
-      if (cone[8] < cone[10]) {
-	_faces[2] = FaceType(cone[9], cone[8], cone[11], cone[10]);
-      } else {
-	_faces[2] = FaceType(cone[9], cone[10], cone[11], cone[8]);
-      } // if/else
-    } else if (cone[10] < cone[8] && 
-	       cone[10] < cone[9] &&
-	       cone[10] < cone[11]) {
-      if (cone[9] < cone[11]) {
-	_faces[2] = FaceType(cone[10], cone[9], cone[8], cone[11]);
-      } else {
-	_faces[2] = FaceType(cone[10], cone[11], cone[8], cone[9]);
-      } // if/else
-    } else if (cone[11] < cone[8] &&
-	       cone[11] < cone[9] &&
-	       cone[11] < cone[10]) {
-      if (cone[8] < cone[10]) {
-	_faces[2] = FaceType(cone[11], cone[8], cone[9], cone[10]);
-      } else {
-	_faces[2] = FaceType(cone[11], cone[10], cone[9], cone[8]);
-      } // if/else
-    } else {
-      assert(0);
-      throw ALE::Exception("Could not determine quad face orientation during uniform global refinement.");
-    } // if/else
-    *numFaces = 3;
-    *faces = _faces;
-  } else {
-    // Omit faces with censored (Lagrange multiplier) vertices.
-    assert(_facesSize >= 2);
-    assert(coneSize == 12);
-    // Face 0, Vertices 0, 1, 2, 3
-    if (cone[0] < cone[1] &&
-	cone[0] < cone[2] &&
-	cone[0] < cone[3]) {
-      if (cone[1] < cone[3]) {
-	_faces[0] = FaceType(cone[0], cone[1], cone[2], cone[3]);
-      } else {
-	_faces[0] = FaceType(cone[0], cone[3], cone[2], cone[1]);
-      } // if/else
-    } else if (cone[1] < cone[0] &&
-	       cone[1] < cone[2] &&
-	       cone[1] < cone[3]) {
-      if (cone[0] < cone[2]) {
-	_faces[0] = FaceType(cone[1], cone[0], cone[3], cone[2]);
-      } else {
-	_faces[0] = FaceType(cone[1], cone[2], cone[3], cone[0]);
-      } // if/else
-    } else if (cone[2] < cone[0] &&
-	       cone[2] < cone[1] &&
-	       cone[2] < cone[3]) {
-      if (cone[1] < cone[3]) {
-	_faces[0] = FaceType(cone[2], cone[1], cone[0], cone[3]);
-      } else {
-	_faces[0] = FaceType(cone[2], cone[3], cone[0], cone[1]);
-      } // if/else
-    } else if (cone[3] < cone[0] &&
-	       cone[3] < cone[1] &&
-	       cone[3] < cone[2]) {
-      if (cone[0] < cone[2]) {
-	_faces[0] = FaceType(cone[3], cone[0], cone[1], cone[2]);
-      } else {
-	_faces[0] = FaceType(cone[3], cone[2], cone[1], cone[0]);
-      } // if/else
-    } else {
-      assert(0);
-      throw ALE::Exception("Could not determine quad face orientation during uniform global refinement.");
-    } // if/else
-    // Face 1: Vertices 4, 5, 6, 7
-    if (cone[4] < cone[5] &&
-	cone[4] < cone[6] &&
-	cone[4] < cone[7]) {
-      if (cone[5] < cone[7]) {
-	_faces[1] = FaceType(cone[4], cone[5], cone[6], cone[7]);
-      } else {
-	_faces[1] = FaceType(cone[4], cone[7], cone[6], cone[5]);
-      } // if/else
-    } else if (cone[5] < cone[4] &&
-	       cone[5] < cone[6] &&
-	       cone[5] < cone[7]) {
-      if (cone[4] < cone[6]) {
-	_faces[1] = FaceType(cone[5], cone[4], cone[7], cone[6]);
-      } else {
-	_faces[1] = FaceType(cone[5], cone[6], cone[7], cone[4]);
-      } // if/else
-    } else if (cone[6] < cone[4] && 
-	       cone[6] < cone[5] &&
-	       cone[6] < cone[7]) {
-      if (cone[5] < cone[7]) {
-	_faces[1] = FaceType(cone[6], cone[5], cone[4], cone[7]);
-      } else {
-	_faces[1] = FaceType(cone[6], cone[7], cone[4], cone[5]);
-      } // if/else
-    } else if (cone[7] < cone[4] &&
-	       cone[7] < cone[5] &&
-	       cone[7] < cone[6]) {
-      if (cone[4] < cone[6]) {
-	_faces[1] = FaceType(cone[7], cone[4], cone[5], cone[6]);
-      } else {
-	_faces[1] = FaceType(cone[7], cone[6], cone[5], cone[4]);
-      } // if/else
-    } else {
-      assert(0);
-      throw ALE::Exception("Could not determine quad face orientation during uniform global refinement.");
-    } // if/else
-    *numFaces = 2;
-    *faces = _faces;
-  } // if/else
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get volumes of hexahedral cell.
-ALE::CellRefinerHex8::_volumes_HEXAHEDRON(const VolumeType** volumes,
-					int* numVolumes,
-					const point_type cone[],
-					const int coneSize)
-{ // _volumes_HEXAHEDRON
-  assert(_volumesSize >= 1);
-  assert(coneSize == 8);
-  int sortedCone[8];
-  for (int i=0; i < 8; ++i)
-    sortedCone[i] = cone[i];
-  std::sort(sortedCone, sortedCone+coneSize);
-  if (sortedCone[0] == cone[0]) {
-    if (cone[1] < cone[3] &&
-	cone[1] < cone[4]) {
-      _volumes[0] = VolumeType(cone[0], cone[1], cone[2], cone[3],
-			       cone[4], cone[5], cone[6], cone[7]);
-    } else if (cone[3] < cone[4]) {
-      _volumes[0] = VolumeType(cone[0], cone[3], cone[7], cone[4],
-			       cone[1], cone[2], cone[6], cone[5]);
-    } else {
-      _volumes[0] = VolumeType(cone[0], cone[4], cone[5], cone[1],
-			       cone[3], cone[7], cone[6], cone[2]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else if (sortedCone[0] == cone[1]) {
-    if (cone[0] < cone[2] &&
-	cone[0] < cone[5]) {
-      _volumes[0] = VolumeType(cone[1], cone[0], cone[4], cone[5],
-			       cone[2], cone[3], cone[7], cone[6]);
-    } else if (cone[2] < cone[5]) {
-      _volumes[0] = VolumeType(cone[1], cone[2], cone[3], cone[0],
-			       cone[5], cone[6], cone[7], cone[4]);
-    } else {
-      _volumes[0] = VolumeType(cone[1], cone[5], cone[6], cone[2],
-			       cone[0], cone[4], cone[7], cone[3]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else if (sortedCone[0] == cone[2]) {
-    if (cone[1] < cone[3] &&
-	cone[1] < cone[6]) {
-      _volumes[0] = VolumeType(cone[2], cone[1], cone[5], cone[6],
-			       cone[3], cone[0], cone[4], cone[7]);
-    } else if (cone[3] < cone[6]) {
-      _volumes[0] = VolumeType(cone[2], cone[3], cone[0], cone[1],
-			       cone[6], cone[7], cone[4], cone[5]);
-    } else {
-      _volumes[0] = VolumeType(cone[2], cone[6], cone[7], cone[3],
-			       cone[1], cone[5], cone[4], cone[0]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else if (sortedCone[0] == cone[3]) {
-    if (cone[0] < cone[2] &&
-	cone[0] < cone[7]) {
-      _volumes[0] = VolumeType(cone[3], cone[0], cone[1], cone[2],
-			       cone[7], cone[4], cone[5], cone[6]);
-    } else if (cone[2] < cone[7]) {
-      _volumes[0] = VolumeType(cone[3], cone[2], cone[6], cone[7],
-			       cone[0], cone[1], cone[5], cone[4]);
-    } else {
-      _volumes[0] = VolumeType(cone[3], cone[7], cone[4], cone[0],
-			       cone[2], cone[6], cone[5], cone[1]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else if (sortedCone[0] == cone[4]) {
-    if (cone[0] < cone[5] &&
-	cone[0] < cone[7]) {
-      _volumes[0] = VolumeType(cone[4], cone[0], cone[3], cone[7],
-			       cone[5], cone[1], cone[2], cone[6]);
-    } else if (cone[5] < cone[7]) {
-      _volumes[0] = VolumeType(cone[4], cone[5], cone[1], cone[0],
-			       cone[7], cone[6], cone[2], cone[3]);
-    } else {
-      _volumes[0] = VolumeType(cone[4], cone[7], cone[6], cone[5],
-			       cone[0], cone[3], cone[2], cone[1]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else if (sortedCone[0] == cone[5]) {
-    if (cone[1] < cone[4] &&
-	cone[1] < cone[6]) {
-      _volumes[0] = VolumeType(cone[5], cone[1], cone[0], cone[4],
-			       cone[6], cone[2], cone[3], cone[7]);
-    } else if (cone[4] < cone[6]) {
-      _volumes[0] = VolumeType(cone[5], cone[4], cone[7], cone[6],
-			       cone[1], cone[0], cone[3], cone[2]);
-    } else {
-      _volumes[0] = VolumeType(cone[5], cone[6], cone[2], cone[1],
-			       cone[4], cone[7], cone[3], cone[0]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else if (sortedCone[0] == cone[6]) {
-    if (cone[2] < cone[5] &&
-	cone[2] < cone[7]) {
-      _volumes[0] = VolumeType(cone[6], cone[2], cone[1], cone[5],
-			       cone[7], cone[3], cone[0], cone[4]);
-    } else if (cone[5] < cone[7]) {
-      _volumes[0] = VolumeType(cone[6], cone[5], cone[4], cone[7],
-			       cone[2], cone[1], cone[0], cone[3]);
-    } else {
-      _volumes[0] = VolumeType(cone[6], cone[7], cone[3], cone[2],
-			       cone[5], cone[4], cone[0], cone[1]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else if (sortedCone[0] == cone[7]) {
-    if (cone[3] < cone[4] &&
-	cone[3] < cone[6]) {
-      _volumes[0] = VolumeType(cone[7], cone[3], cone[2], cone[6],
-			       cone[4], cone[0], cone[1], cone[5]);
-    } else if (cone[4] < cone[6]) {
-      _volumes[0] = VolumeType(cone[7], cone[4], cone[0], cone[3],
-			       cone[6], cone[5], cone[1], cone[2]);
-    } else {
-      _volumes[0] = VolumeType(cone[7], cone[6], cone[5], cone[4],
-			       cone[3], cone[2], cone[1], cone[0]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else {
-    assert(0);
-    throw ALE::Exception("Could not determine quad face orientation during uniform global refinement.");
-  } // if/else
-  *numVolumes = 1;
-  *volumes = _volumes;
-} // _volumes_HEXAHEDRON
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get new cells from refinement of a hexahedral cell.
-ALE::CellRefinerHex8::_newCells_HEXAHEDRON(const point_type** cells,
-					   int *numCells,
-					   const point_type cone[],
-					   const int coneSize,
-					   const int coneVertexOffset)
-{ // _newCells_HEXAHEDRON
-  const int coneSizeHex8 = 8;
-  const int numEdgesHex8 = 12;
-  const int numFacesHex8 = 6;
-  const int numVolumesHex8 = 1;
-  const int numNewCells = 8;
-  const int numNewVertices = 19;
-  int numEdges = 0;
-  const EdgeType* edges;
-  _edges_HEXAHEDRON(&edges, &numEdges, cone, coneSize);
-  assert(numEdgesHex8 == numEdges);
-  int numFaces = 0;
-  const FaceType* faces;
-  _faces_HEXAHEDRON(&faces, &numFaces, cone, coneSize);
-  assert(numFacesHex8 == numFaces);
-  int numVolumes = 0;
-  const VolumeType* volumes;
-  _volumes_HEXAHEDRON(&volumes, &numVolumes, cone, coneSize);
-  assert(numVolumesHex8 == numVolumes);
-  assert(_cellsSize >= numNewCells*coneSizeHex8);
-  point_type newVertices[numNewVertices];
-  int iNewVertex = 0;
-  for(int iEdge=0; iEdge < numEdgesHex8; ++iEdge) {
-    if (_edgeToVertex.find(edges[iEdge]) == _edgeToVertex.end()) {
-      throw ALE::Exception("Missing edge in refined mesh");
-    } // if
-    newVertices[iNewVertex++] = _edgeToVertex[edges[iEdge]];
-  } // for
-  for(int iFace=0; iFace < numFacesHex8; ++iFace) {
-    if (_faceToVertex.find(faces[iFace]) == _faceToVertex.end()) {
-      throw ALE::Exception("Missing face in refined mesh");
-    } // if
-    newVertices[iNewVertex++] = _faceToVertex[faces[iFace]];
-  } // for
-  for(int iVolume=0; iVolume < numVolumesHex8; ++iVolume) {
-    if (_volumeToVertex.find(volumes[iVolume]) == _volumeToVertex.end()) {
-      throw ALE::Exception("Missing volume in refined mesh");
-    } // if
-    newVertices[iNewVertex++] = _volumeToVertex[volumes[iVolume]];
-  } // for
-  // new cell 0
-  _cells[0*8+0] = cone[0] + coneVertexOffset;
-  _cells[0*8+1] = newVertices[ 0];
-  _cells[0*8+2] = newVertices[16];
-  _cells[0*8+3] = newVertices[ 3];
-  _cells[0*8+4] = newVertices[ 8];
-  _cells[0*8+5] = newVertices[12];
-  _cells[0*8+6] = newVertices[18];
-  _cells[0*8+7] = newVertices[15];
-  // new cell 1
-  _cells[1*8+0] = cone[1] + coneVertexOffset;
-  _cells[1*8+1] = newVertices[ 1];
-  _cells[1*8+2] = newVertices[16];
-  _cells[1*8+3] = newVertices[ 0];
-  _cells[1*8+4] = newVertices[ 9];
-  _cells[1*8+5] = newVertices[13];
-  _cells[1*8+6] = newVertices[18];
-  _cells[1*8+7] = newVertices[12];
-  // new cell 2
-  _cells[2*8+0] = cone[2] + coneVertexOffset;
-  _cells[2*8+1] = newVertices[ 2];
-  _cells[2*8+2] = newVertices[16];
-  _cells[2*8+3] = newVertices[ 1];
-  _cells[2*8+4] = newVertices[10];
-  _cells[2*8+5] = newVertices[14];
-  _cells[2*8+6] = newVertices[18];
-  _cells[2*8+7] = newVertices[13];
-  // new cell 3
-  _cells[3*8+0] = cone[3] + coneVertexOffset;
-  _cells[3*8+1] = newVertices[ 3];
-  _cells[3*8+2] = newVertices[16];
-  _cells[3*8+3] = newVertices[ 2];
-  _cells[3*8+4] = newVertices[11];
-  _cells[3*8+5] = newVertices[15];
-  _cells[3*8+6] = newVertices[18];
-  _cells[3*8+7] = newVertices[14];
-  // new cell 4
-  _cells[4*8+0] = newVertices[ 8];
-  _cells[4*8+1] = newVertices[12];
-  _cells[4*8+2] = newVertices[18];
-  _cells[4*8+3] = newVertices[15];
-  _cells[4*8+4] = cone[4] + coneVertexOffset;
-  _cells[4*8+5] = newVertices[ 4];
-  _cells[4*8+6] = newVertices[17];
-  _cells[4*8+7] = newVertices[ 7];
-  // new cell 5
-  _cells[5*8+0] = newVertices[ 9];
-  _cells[5*8+1] = newVertices[13];
-  _cells[5*8+2] = newVertices[18];
-  _cells[5*8+3] = newVertices[12];
-  _cells[5*8+4] = cone[5] + coneVertexOffset;
-  _cells[5*8+5] = newVertices[ 5];
-  _cells[5*8+6] = newVertices[17];
-  _cells[5*8+7] = newVertices[ 4];
-  // new cell 6
-  _cells[6*8+0] = newVertices[10];
-  _cells[6*8+1] = newVertices[14];
-  _cells[6*8+2] = newVertices[18];
-  _cells[6*8+3] = newVertices[13];
-  _cells[6*8+4] = cone[6] + coneVertexOffset;
-  _cells[6*8+5] = newVertices[ 6];
-  _cells[6*8+6] = newVertices[17];
-  _cells[6*8+7] = newVertices[ 5];
-  // new cell 7
-  _cells[7*8+0] = newVertices[11];
-  _cells[7*8+1] = newVertices[15];
-  _cells[7*8+2] = newVertices[18];
-  _cells[7*8+3] = newVertices[14];
-  _cells[7*8+4] = cone[7] + coneVertexOffset;
-  _cells[7*8+5] = newVertices[ 7];
-  _cells[7*8+6] = newVertices[17];
-  _cells[7*8+7] = newVertices[ 6];
-  *numCells = numNewCells;
-  *cells = _cells;
-} // _newCells_QUADRILATERAL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get new cells from refinement of a quad cohseive cell with Lagrange
-// multiplier vertices.
-ALE::CellRefinerHex8::_newCells_QUAD_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(const point_type** cells,
-						       int *numCells,
-						       const point_type cone[],
-						       const int coneSize,
-						       const int coneVertexOffsetNormal,
-						       const int coneVertexOffsetCensored)
-  const int coneSizeQuad12 = 12;
-  const int numEdgesQuad12 = 12;
-  const int numFacesQuad12 = 3;
-  const int numNewCells = 4;
-  const int numNewVertices = 15;
-  int numEdges = 0;
-  const EdgeType *edges;
-  _edges_QUAD_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(&edges, &numEdges, cone, coneSize, true);
-  assert(numEdgesQuad12 == numEdges);
-  int numFaces = 0;
-  const FaceType *faces;
-  _faces_QUAD_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(&faces, &numFaces, cone, coneSize, true);
-  assert(numFacesQuad12 == numFaces);
-  assert(_cellsSize >= numNewCells*coneSizeQuad12);
-  point_type newVertices[numNewVertices];
-  int iNewVertex = 0;
-  for(int iEdge=0; iEdge < numEdgesQuad12; ++iEdge) {
-    if (_edgeToVertex.find(edges[iEdge]) == _edgeToVertex.end()) {
-      throw ALE::Exception("Missing edge in refined mesh");
-    } // if
-    newVertices[iNewVertex++] = _edgeToVertex[edges[iEdge]];
-  } // for
-  for(int iFace=0; iFace < numFacesQuad12; ++iFace) {
-    if (_faceToVertex.find(faces[iFace]) == _faceToVertex.end()) {
-      throw ALE::Exception("Missing face in refined mesh");
-    } // if
-    newVertices[iNewVertex++] = _faceToVertex[faces[iFace]];
-  } // for
-  assert(numNewVertices == iNewVertex);
-  // new cell 0
-  _cells[0*12+ 0] = cone[0] + coneVertexOffsetNormal;
-  _cells[0*12+ 1] = newVertices[ 0];
-  _cells[0*12+ 2] = newVertices[12];
-  _cells[0*12+ 3] = newVertices[ 3];
-  _cells[0*12+ 4] = cone[4] + coneVertexOffsetNormal;
-  _cells[0*12+ 5] = newVertices[ 4];
-  _cells[0*12+ 6] = newVertices[13];
-  _cells[0*12+ 7] = newVertices[ 7];
-  _cells[0*12+ 8] = cone[8] + coneVertexOffsetCensored;
-  _cells[0*12+ 9] = newVertices[ 8];
-  _cells[0*12+10] = newVertices[14];
-  _cells[0*12+11] = newVertices[11];
-  // new cell 1
-  _cells[1*12+ 0] = cone[1] + coneVertexOffsetNormal;
-  _cells[1*12+ 1] = newVertices[ 1];
-  _cells[1*12+ 2] = newVertices[12];
-  _cells[1*12+ 3] = newVertices[ 0];
-  _cells[1*12+ 4] = cone[5] + coneVertexOffsetNormal;
-  _cells[1*12+ 5] = newVertices[ 5];
-  _cells[1*12+ 6] = newVertices[13];
-  _cells[1*12+ 7] = newVertices[ 4];
-  _cells[1*12+ 8] = cone[9] + coneVertexOffsetCensored;
-  _cells[1*12+ 9] = newVertices[ 9];
-  _cells[1*12+10] = newVertices[14];
-  _cells[1*12+11] = newVertices[ 8];
-  // new cell 2
-  _cells[2*12+ 0] = cone[2] + coneVertexOffsetNormal;
-  _cells[2*12+ 1] = newVertices[ 2];
-  _cells[2*12+ 2] = newVertices[12];
-  _cells[2*12+ 3] = newVertices[ 1];
-  _cells[2*12+ 4] = cone[6] + coneVertexOffsetNormal;
-  _cells[2*12+ 5] = newVertices[ 6];
-  _cells[2*12+ 6] = newVertices[13];
-  _cells[2*12+ 7] = newVertices[ 5];
-  _cells[2*12+ 8] = cone[10] + coneVertexOffsetCensored;
-  _cells[2*12+ 9] = newVertices[10];
-  _cells[2*12+10] = newVertices[14];
-  _cells[2*12+11] = newVertices[ 9];
-  // new cell 3
-  _cells[3*12+ 0] = cone[3] + coneVertexOffsetNormal;
-  _cells[3*12+ 1] = newVertices[ 3];
-  _cells[3*12+ 2] = newVertices[12];
-  _cells[3*12+ 3] = newVertices[ 2];
-  _cells[3*12+ 4] = cone[7] + coneVertexOffsetNormal;
-  _cells[3*12+ 5] = newVertices[ 7];
-  _cells[3*12+ 6] = newVertices[13];
-  _cells[3*12+ 7] = newVertices[ 6];
-  _cells[3*12+ 8] = cone[11] + coneVertexOffsetCensored;
-  _cells[3*12+ 9] = newVertices[11];
-  _cells[3*12+10] = newVertices[14];
-  _cells[3*12+11] = newVertices[10];
-  *numCells = 4;
-  *cells = _cells;
-// End of file 

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/CellRefinerHex8.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/CellRefinerHex8.hh	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/CellRefinerHex8.hh	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
- * @file libsrc/topology/CellRefinerHex8.hh
- *
- * @brief Object for hex8 refinement of cells.
- */
-#if !defined(pylith_topology_cellrefinerhex8_hh)
-#define pylith_topology_cellrefinerhex8_hh
-// Include directives ---------------------------------------------------
-#include "RefineVol8Face4Edges2.hh" // ISA RefineVol8Face4Edges2
-// CellRefinerHex8 ------------------------------------------------------
-/// Object for hex8 refinement of cells.
-class ALE::CellRefinerHex8 : public RefineVol8Face4Edges2
-{ // CellRefinerHex8
-// PUBLIC MEMBERS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-public :
-  /** Constructor
-   *
-   * @param mesh Finite-element mesh.
-   */
-  CellRefinerHex8(const mesh_type& mesh);
-  /// Destructor
-  ~CellRefinerHex8(void);
-  /** Get number of refined cells for each original cell.
-   *
-   * @param cell Original cell.
-   *
-   * @returns Number of refined cells.
-   */
-  int numNewCells(const point_type cell);
-  /** Split cell into smaller cells of same type. Do not create
-   * censored vertices on censored cells.
-   *
-   * @param cell Original cell.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   * @param curNewVertex Value for next new vertex.
-   */
-  void splitCell(const point_type cell,
-		 const point_type cone[],
-		 const int coneSize,
-		 point_type* curNewVertex);
-  /** Split cell into smaller cells of same type. Create only censored
-   * vertices on censored cells.
-   *
-   * @param cell Original cell.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   * @param curNewVertex Value for next new vertex.
-   */
-  void splitCellUncensored(const point_type cell,
-			   const point_type cone[],
-			   const int coneSize,
-			   point_type* curNewVertex);
-  /** Get refined cells.
-   *
-   * @param cells Vertices in refined cells (refined mesh).
-   * @param numCells Number of refined cells.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   * @param orderOldMesh Order in old mesh.
-   * @param orderNewMesh Order in new mesh.
-   */
-  void getNewCells(const point_type** cells,
-		   int* numCells,
-		   const point_type cell,
-		   const point_type cone[],
-		   const int coneSize,
-		   const MeshOrder& orderOldMesh,
-		   const MeshOrder& orderNewMesh);
-// PRIVATE ENUMS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  enum CellEnum { 
-    HEXAHEDRON, // Normal hexahedral cell
-    QUAD_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE, // Cohesive cell with Lagrange multiplier vertices
-  };
-// PRIVATE METHODS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  /** Get cell type.
-   *
-   * @param cell Cell in original mesh.
-   * @returns Cell type.
-   */
-  CellEnum _cellType(const point_type cell);
-  /** Get edges of hexahedral cell.
-   *
-   * @param edges Edges of cell.
-   * @param numEdges Number of edges.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   */
-  void _edges_HEXAHEDRON(const EdgeType** edges,
-			 int* numEdges,
-			 const point_type cone[],
-			 const int coneSize);
-  /** Get edges of quadrilateral cohesive cell with Lagrange multipler
-   * vertices.
-   *
-   * @param edges Edges of cell.
-   * @param numEdges Number of edges.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   * @param uncensored True if including edges with censored vertices.
-   */
-  void _edges_QUAD_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(const EdgeType** edges,
-				     int* numEdges,
-				     const point_type cone[],
-				     const int coneSize,
-				     const bool uncensored =false);
-  /** Get faces of hexahedral cell.
-   *
-   * @param faces Faces of cell.
-   * @param numFaces Number of faces.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   */
-  void _faces_HEXAHEDRON(const FaceType** faces,
-			 int* numFaces,
-			 const point_type cone[],
-			 const int coneSize);
-  /** Get faces of quadrilateral cohesive cell with Lagrange multipler
-   * vertices.
-   *
-   * @param faces Faces of cell.
-   * @param numFaces Number of faces.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   * @param uncensored True if including faces with censored vertices.
-   */
-  void _faces_QUAD_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(const FaceType** faces,
-				     int* numFaces,
-				     const point_type cone[],
-				     const int coneSize,
-				     const bool uncensored =false);
-  /** Get volumes of hexahedral cell.
-   *
-   * @param volumes Volumes of cell.
-   * @param numFaces Number of faces.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   */
-  void _volumes_HEXAHEDRON(const VolumeType** volumes,
-			   int* numVoplumes,
-			   const point_type cone[],
-			   const int coneSize);
-  /** Get new cells from refinement of a hexahedral cell.
-   *
-   * @param cells Vertices in refined cells (refined mesh).
-   * @param numCells Number of refined cells.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   * @param coneVertexOffset Offset for cone vertices.
-   */
-  void _newCells_HEXAHEDRON(const point_type** cells,
-			    int *numCells,
-			    const point_type cone[],
-			    const int coneSize,
-			    const int coneVertexOffset);
-  /** Get new cells from refinement of a quadrilateral cohseive cell
-   * with Lagrange multiplier vertices.
-   *
-   * @param cells Vertices in refined cells (refined mesh).
-   * @param numCells Number of refined cells.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   * @param coneVertexOffsetNormal Offset for normal cone vertices.
-   * @param coneVertexOffset Offset for censored cone vertices.
-   */
-  void _newCells_QUAD_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(const point_type** cells,
-					int *numCells,
-					const point_type cone[],
-					const int coneSize,
-					const int coneVertexOffsetNormal,
-					const int coneVertexOffsetCensored);
-// PRIVATE MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  static const int _edgesSize;
-  static const int _facesSize;
-  static const int _volumesSize;
-  static const int _cellsSize;
-  EdgeType _edges[12]; ///< Buffer for edges
-  FaceType _faces[6]; ///< Buffer for faces
-  VolumeType _volumes[1]; ///< Buffer for volumes
-  point_type _cells[64]; ///< Buffer for cells
-// NOT IMPLEMENTED //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  CellRefinerHex8(const CellRefinerHex8&); ///< Not implemented
-  const CellRefinerHex8& operator=(const CellRefinerHex8&); ///< Not implemented
-}; // CellRefinerHex8
-#endif // pylith_topology_cellrefinerhex8_hh
-// End of file 

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/CellRefinerQuad4.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/CellRefinerQuad4.cc	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/CellRefinerQuad4.cc	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,428 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
-#include <portinfo>
-#include "CellRefinerQuad4.hh" // implementation of class methods
-#include "MeshOrder.hh" // USES MeshOrder
-#include <cassert> // USES assert()
-#include <iostream> // TEMPORARY
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// These must match the sizes of the buffers in the header file.
-const int ALE::CellRefinerQuad4::_edgesSize = 4;
-const int ALE::CellRefinerQuad4::_facesSize = 1;
-const int ALE::CellRefinerQuad4::_cellsSize = 16;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Constructor
-ALE::CellRefinerQuad4::CellRefinerQuad4(const mesh_type& mesh) :
- RefineFace4Edges2(mesh)
-{ // constructor
-  assert(2 == mesh.getDimension());
-} // constructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Destructor
-{ // destructor
-} // destructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get number of refined cells for each original cell.
-ALE::CellRefinerQuad4::numNewCells(const point_type cell)
-{ // numNewCells
-  switch (_cellType(cell)) {
-    return 4;
-    return 2;
-  default:
-    assert(0);
-    throw ALE::Exception("Unknown cell type.");
-  } // switch
-} // numNewCells
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Split cell into smaller cells of same type.
-ALE::CellRefinerQuad4::splitCell(const point_type cell,
-				const point_type cone[],
-				const int coneSize,
-				point_type* curNewVertex)
-{ // splitCell
-  assert(curNewVertex);
-  int numEdges = 0;
-  const EdgeType* edges;
-  int numFaces = 0;
-  const FaceType* faces;
-  switch (_cellType(cell)) {
-    _edges_QUADRILATERAL(&edges, &numEdges, cone, coneSize);
-    _faces_QUADRILATERAL(&faces, &numFaces, cone, coneSize);
-    break;
-    _edges_LINE_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(&edges, &numEdges, cone, coneSize);
-    break;
-  default:
-    throw ALE::Exception("Unknown cell type.");
-  } // switch
-  for(int iEdge=0; iEdge < numEdges; ++iEdge) {
-    if (_edgeToVertex.find(edges[iEdge]) == _edgeToVertex.end()) {
-      // if vertex does not exist
-      //std::cout << "Edge: " << edges[iEdge] << ", new vertex: " << *curNewVertex << std::endl;
-      _edgeToVertex[edges[iEdge]] = *curNewVertex;
-      ++(*curNewVertex);
-    } // if
-  } // for
-  for(int iFace=0; iFace < numFaces; ++iFace) {
-    if (_faceToVertex.find(faces[iFace]) == _faceToVertex.end()) {
-      // if vertex does not exist
-      //std::cout << "Face: " << faces[iFace] << ", new vertex: " << *curNewVertex << std::endl;
-      _faceToVertex[faces[iFace]] = *curNewVertex;
-      ++(*curNewVertex);
-    } // if
-  } // for
-} // splitCell
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Split cell into smaller cells of same type.
-ALE::CellRefinerQuad4::splitCellUncensored(const point_type cell,
-					  const point_type cone[],
-					  const int coneSize,
-					  point_type* curNewVertex)
-{ // splitCellUncensored
-  assert(curNewVertex);
-  int numEdges = 0;
-  const EdgeType* edges;
-  const bool uncensored = true;
-  switch (_cellType(cell)) {
-    // No censored vertices on normal cell.
-    break;
-    _edges_LINE_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(&edges, &numEdges, cone, coneSize, uncensored);
-    break;
-  default:
-    throw ALE::Exception("Unknown cell type.");
-  } // switch
-  for(int iEdge=0; iEdge < numEdges; ++iEdge) {
-    if (_edgeToVertex.find(edges[iEdge]) == _edgeToVertex.end()) {
-      // if vertex does not exist
-      //std::cout << "Edge: " << edges[iEdge] << ", new vertex: " << *curNewVertex << std::endl;
-      _edgeToVertex[edges[iEdge]] = *curNewVertex;
-      ++(*curNewVertex);
-    } // if
-  } // for
-} // splitCellUncensored
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get refined cells.
-ALE::CellRefinerQuad4::getNewCells(const point_type** cells,
-				  int* numCells,
-				  const point_type cell,
-				  const point_type cone[],
-				  const int coneSize,
-				  const MeshOrder& orderOldMesh,
-				  const MeshOrder& orderNewMesh)
-{ // getNewCells
-  assert(cells);
-  assert(numCells);
-  switch (_cellType(cell)) {
-    const int coneVertexOffset = orderNewMesh.verticesNormal().min() - orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().min();
-    _newCells_QUADRILATERAL(cells, numCells, cone, coneSize, coneVertexOffset);
-    break;
-    const int coneVertexOffsetNormal = orderNewMesh.verticesNormal().min() - orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().min();
-    const int coneVertexOffsetCensored = orderNewMesh.verticesCensored().min() - orderOldMesh.verticesCensored().min();
-    _newCells_LINE_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(cells, numCells, cone, coneSize, coneVertexOffsetNormal, coneVertexOffsetCensored);
-    break;
-  default:
-    throw ALE::Exception("Unknown cell type.");
-  } // switch
-} // getNewCells
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get cell type.
-ALE::CellRefinerQuad4::_cellType(const point_type cell)
-{ // _cellType
-  assert(!_mesh.getSieve().isNull());
-  switch (_mesh.getSieve()->getConeSize(cell)) {
-  case 4:
-    return QUADRILATERAL;
-  case 6:
-  case 0: {
-    std::ostringstream msg;
-    std::cerr << "Internal error. Cone size for mesh point " << cell << " is zero. May be a vertex.";
-    assert(0);
-    throw ALE::Exception("Could not determine cell type during uniform global refinement.");
-  } // case 0
-  default : {
-    std::ostringstream msg;
-    std::cerr << "Internal error. Unknown cone size for mesh point " << cell << ". Unknown cell type.";
-    assert(0);
-    throw ALE::Exception("Could not determine cell type during uniform global refinement.");
-  } // default
-  } // switch
-} // _cellType
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get edges of quadrilateral cell.
-ALE::CellRefinerQuad4::_edges_QUADRILATERAL(const EdgeType** edges,
-					    int* numEdges,
-					    const point_type cone[],
-					    const int coneSize)
-{ // _edges_QUADRILATERAL
-  assert(_edgesSize >= 4);
-  assert(coneSize == 4);
-  _edges[0] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[0], cone[1]), std::max(cone[0], cone[1]));
-  _edges[1] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[1], cone[2]), std::max(cone[1], cone[2]));
-  _edges[2] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[2], cone[3]), std::max(cone[2], cone[3]));
-  _edges[3] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[3], cone[0]), std::max(cone[3], cone[0]));
-  *numEdges = 4;
-  *edges = _edges;
-} // _edges_QUADRILATERAL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get edges of line cohesive cell with Lagrange multipler vertices.
-ALE::CellRefinerQuad4::_edges_LINE_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(const EdgeType** edges,
-						    int* numEdges,
-						    const point_type cone[],
-						    const int coneSize,
-						    const bool uncensored)
-  if (uncensored) {
-    // Include all edges
-    assert(_edgesSize >= 3);
-    assert(coneSize == 6);
-    _edges[0] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[0], cone[1]), std::max(cone[0], cone[1]));
-    _edges[1] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[2], cone[3]), std::max(cone[2], cone[3]));
-    _edges[2] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[4], cone[5]), std::max(cone[4], cone[5]));
-    *numEdges = 3;
-    *edges = _edges;
-  } else {
-    // Omit edges with censored (Lagrange multiplier) vertices.
-    assert(_edgesSize >= 2);
-    assert(coneSize == 6);
-    _edges[0] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[0], cone[1]), std::max(cone[0], cone[1]));
-    _edges[1] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[2], cone[3]), std::max(cone[2], cone[3]));
-    *numEdges = 2;
-    *edges = _edges;
-  } // if/else
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get faces of quadrilateral cell.
-ALE::CellRefinerQuad4::_faces_QUADRILATERAL(const FaceType** faces,
-					    int* numFaces,
-					    const point_type cone[],
-					    const int coneSize)
-{ // _faces_QUADRILATERAL
-  assert(_facesSize >= 1);
-  assert(coneSize == 4);
-  int sortedCone[4];
-  for (int i=0; i < 4; ++i)
-    sortedCone[i] = cone[i];
-  std::sort(sortedCone, sortedCone+coneSize);
-  if (sortedCone[0] == cone[0]) {
-    if (cone[1] < cone[3]) {
-      _faces[0] = FaceType(cone[0], cone[1], cone[2], cone[3]);
-    } else {
-      _faces[0] = FaceType(cone[0], cone[3], cone[2], cone[1]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else if (sortedCone[0] == cone[1]) {
-    if (cone[2] < cone[0]) {
-      _faces[0] = FaceType(cone[1], cone[2], cone[3], cone[0]);
-    } else {
-      _faces[0] = FaceType(cone[1], cone[0], cone[3], cone[2]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else if (sortedCone[0] == cone[2]) {
-    if (cone[3] < cone[1]) {
-      _faces[0] = FaceType(cone[2], cone[3], cone[0], cone[1]);
-    } else {
-      _faces[0] = FaceType(cone[2], cone[1], cone[3], cone[0]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else if (sortedCone[0] == cone[3]) {
-    if (cone[0] < cone[2]) {
-      _faces[0] = FaceType(cone[3], cone[0], cone[1], cone[2]);
-    } else {
-      _faces[0] = FaceType(cone[3], cone[2], cone[1], cone[0]);
-    } // if/else
-  } else {
-    assert(0);
-    throw ALE::Exception("Could not determine quad face orientation during uniform global refinement.");
-  } // if/else
-  *numFaces = 1;
-  *faces = _faces;
-} // _faces_QUADRILATERAL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get new cells from refinement of a triangular cell.
-  ALE::CellRefinerQuad4::_newCells_QUADRILATERAL(const point_type** cells,
-						 int *numCells,
-						 const point_type cone[],
-						 const int coneSize,
-						 const int coneVertexOffset)
-{ // _newCells_QUADRILATERAL
-  const int coneSizeQuad4 = 4;
-  const int numEdgesQuad4 = 4;
-  const int numFacesQuad4 = 1;
-  const int numNewCells = 4;
-  const int numNewVertices = 5;
-  int numEdges = 0;
-  const EdgeType* edges;
-  _edges_QUADRILATERAL(&edges, &numEdges, cone, coneSize);
-  assert(numEdgesQuad4 == numEdges);
-  int numFaces = 0;
-  const FaceType* faces;
-  _faces_QUADRILATERAL(&faces, &numFaces, cone, coneSize);
-  assert(numFacesQuad4 == numFaces);
-  assert(_cellsSize >= numNewCells*coneSizeQuad4);
-  point_type newVertices[numNewVertices];
-  int iNewVertex = 0;
-  for(int iEdge=0; iEdge < numEdgesQuad4; ++iEdge) {
-    if (_edgeToVertex.find(edges[iEdge]) == _edgeToVertex.end()) {
-      throw ALE::Exception("Missing edge in refined mesh");
-    } // if
-    newVertices[iNewVertex++] = _edgeToVertex[edges[iEdge]];
-  } // for
-  for(int iFace=0; iFace < numFacesQuad4; ++iFace) {
-    if (_faceToVertex.find(faces[iFace]) == _faceToVertex.end()) {
-      throw ALE::Exception("Missing face in refined mesh");
-    } // if
-    newVertices[iNewVertex++] = _faceToVertex[faces[iFace]];
-  } // for
-  // new cell 0
-  _cells[0*4+0] = cone[0] + coneVertexOffset;
-  _cells[0*4+1] = newVertices[0];
-  _cells[0*4+2] = newVertices[4];
-  _cells[0*4+3] = newVertices[3];
-  // new cell 1
-  _cells[1*4+0] = cone[1] + coneVertexOffset;
-  _cells[1*4+1] = newVertices[1];
-  _cells[1*4+2] = newVertices[4];
-  _cells[1*4+3] = newVertices[0];
-  // new cell 2
-  _cells[2*4+0] = cone[3] + coneVertexOffset;
-  _cells[2*4+1] = newVertices[3];
-  _cells[2*4+2] = newVertices[4];
-  _cells[2*4+3] = newVertices[2];
-  // new cell 3
-  _cells[3*4+0] = cone[2] + coneVertexOffset;
-  _cells[3*4+1] = newVertices[2];
-  _cells[3*4+2] = newVertices[4];
-  _cells[3*4+3] = newVertices[1];
-  *numCells = numNewCells;
-  *cells = _cells;
-} // _newCells_QUADRILATERAL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get new cells from refinement of a line cohseive cell with Lagrange
-// multiplier vertices.
-ALE::CellRefinerQuad4::_newCells_LINE_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(const point_type** cells,
-						       int *numCells,
-						       const point_type cone[],
-						       const int coneSize,
-						       const int coneVertexOffsetNormal,
-						       const int coneVertexOffsetCensored)
-  const int coneSizeLine6 = 6;
-  const int numEdgesLine6 = 3;
-  const int numNewCells = 2;
-  const int numNewVertices = 3;
-  int numEdges = 0;
-  const EdgeType *edges;
-  _edges_LINE_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(&edges, &numEdges, cone, coneSize, true);
-  assert(numEdgesLine6 == numEdges);
-  assert(_cellsSize >= numNewCells*coneSizeLine6);
-  point_type newVertices[numNewVertices];
-  for(int iEdge=0, iNewVertex=0; iEdge < numEdgesLine6; ++iEdge) {
-    if (_edgeToVertex.find(edges[iEdge]) == _edgeToVertex.end()) {
-      throw ALE::Exception("Missing edge in refined mesh");
-    } // if
-    newVertices[iNewVertex++] = _edgeToVertex[edges[iEdge]];
-  } // for
-  // new cell 0
-  _cells[0*6+0] = cone[0] + coneVertexOffsetNormal;
-  _cells[0*6+1] = newVertices[0];
-  _cells[0*6+2] = cone[2] + coneVertexOffsetNormal;
-  _cells[0*6+3] = newVertices[1];
-  _cells[0*6+4] = cone[4] + coneVertexOffsetCensored;
-  _cells[0*6+5] = newVertices[2];
-  // new cell 1
-  _cells[1*6+0] = newVertices[0];
-  _cells[1*6+1] = cone[1] + coneVertexOffsetNormal;
-  _cells[1*6+2] = newVertices[1];
-  _cells[1*6+3] = cone[3] + coneVertexOffsetNormal;
-  _cells[1*6+4] = newVertices[2];
-  _cells[1*6+5] = cone[5] + coneVertexOffsetCensored;
-  *numCells = 2;
-  *cells = _cells;
-// End of file 

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/CellRefinerQuad4.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/CellRefinerQuad4.hh	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/CellRefinerQuad4.hh	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
- * @file libsrc/topology/CellRefinerQuad4.hh
- *
- * @brief Object for quad4 refinement of cells.
- */
-#if !defined(pylith_topology_cellrefinerquad4_hh)
-#define pylith_topology_cellrefinerquad4_hh
-// Include directives ---------------------------------------------------
-#include "RefineFace4Edges2.hh" // ISA RefineFace4Edges2
-// CellRefinerQuad4 ------------------------------------------------------
-/// Object for quad4 refinement of cells.
-class ALE::CellRefinerQuad4 : public RefineFace4Edges2
-{ // CellRefinerQuad4
-// PUBLIC MEMBERS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-public :
-  /** Constructor
-   *
-   * @param mesh Finite-element mesh.
-   */
-  CellRefinerQuad4(const mesh_type& mesh);
-  /// Destructor
-  ~CellRefinerQuad4(void);
-  /** Get number of refined cells for each original cell.
-   *
-   * @param cell Original cell.
-   *
-   * @returns Number of refined cells.
-   */
-  int numNewCells(const point_type cell);
-  /** Split cell into smaller cells of same type. Do not create
-   * censored vertices on censored cells.
-   *
-   * @param cell Original cell.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   * @param curNewVertex Value for next new vertex.
-   */
-  void splitCell(const point_type cell,
-		 const point_type cone[],
-		 const int coneSize,
-		 point_type* curNewVertex);
-  /** Split cell into smaller cells of same type. Create only censored
-   * vertices on censored cells.
-   *
-   * @param cell Original cell.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   * @param curNewVertex Value for next new vertex.
-   */
-  void splitCellUncensored(const point_type cell,
-			   const point_type cone[],
-			   const int coneSize,
-			   point_type* curNewVertex);
-  /** Get refined cells.
-   *
-   * @param cells Vertices in refined cells (refined mesh).
-   * @param numCells Number of refined cells.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   * @param orderOldMesh Order in old mesh.
-   * @param orderNewMesh Order in new mesh.
-   */
-  void getNewCells(const point_type** cells,
-		   int* numCells,
-		   const point_type cell,
-		   const point_type cone[],
-		   const int coneSize,
-		   const MeshOrder& orderOldMesh,
-		   const MeshOrder& orderNewMesh);
-// PRIVATE ENUMS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  enum CellEnum { 
-    QUADRILATERAL, // Normal quadrilateral cell
-    LINE_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE, // Cohesive cell with Lagrange multiplier vertices
-  };
-// PRIVATE METHODS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  /** Get cell type.
-   *
-   * @param cell Cell in original mesh.
-   * @returns Cell type.
-   */
-  CellEnum _cellType(const point_type cell);
-  /** Get edges of quadrilateral cell.
-   *
-   * @param edges Edges of cell.
-   * @param numEdges Number of edges.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   */
-  void _edges_QUADRILATERAL(const EdgeType** edges,
-			    int* numEdges,
-			    const point_type cone[],
-			    const int coneSize);
-  /** Get edges of line cohesive cell with Lagrange multipler vertices.
-   *
-   * @param edges Edges of cell.
-   * @param numEdges Number of edges.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   * @param uncensored True if including edges with censored vertices.
-   */
-  void _edges_LINE_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(const EdgeType** edges,
-				     int* numEdges,
-				     const point_type cone[],
-				     const int coneSize,
-				     const bool uncensored =false);
-  /** Get faces of quadrilateral cell.
-   *
-   * @param faces Faces of cell.
-   * @param numFaces Number of faces.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   */
-  void _faces_QUADRILATERAL(const FaceType** faces,
-			    int* numFaces,
-			    const point_type cone[],
-			    const int coneSize);
-  /** Get new cells from refinement of a quadrilateral cell.
-   *
-   * @param cells Vertices in refined cells (refined mesh).
-   * @param numCells Number of refined cells.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   * @param coneVertexOffset Offset for cone vertices.
-   */
-  void _newCells_QUADRILATERAL(const point_type** cells,
-			       int *numCells,
-			       const point_type cone[],
-			       const int coneSize,
-			       const int coneVertexOffset);
-  /** Get new cells from refinement of a line cohseive cell with
-   * Lagrange multiplier vertices.
-   *
-   * @param cells Vertices in refined cells (refined mesh).
-   * @param numCells Number of refined cells.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   * @param coneVertexOffsetNormal Offset for normal cone vertices.
-   * @param coneVertexOffset Offset for censored cone vertices.
-   */
-  void _newCells_LINE_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(const point_type** cells,
-					int *numCells,
-					const point_type cone[],
-					const int coneSize,
-					const int coneVertexOffsetNormal,
-					const int coneVertexOffsetCensored);
-// PRIVATE MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  static const int _edgesSize;
-  static const int _facesSize;
-  static const int _cellsSize;
-  EdgeType _edges[4]; ///< Buffer for edges
-  FaceType _faces[1]; ///< Buffer for faces
-  point_type _cells[16]; ///< Buffer for cells
-// NOT IMPLEMENTED //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  CellRefinerQuad4(const CellRefinerQuad4&); ///< Not implemented
-  const CellRefinerQuad4& operator=(const CellRefinerQuad4&); ///< Not implemented
-}; // CellRefinerQuad4
-#endif // pylith_topology_cellrefinerquad4_hh
-// End of file 

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/CellRefinerTet4.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/CellRefinerTet4.cc	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/CellRefinerTet4.cc	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
-#include <portinfo>
-#include "CellRefinerTet4.hh" // implementation of class methods
-#include "MeshOrder.hh" // USES MeshOrder
-#include <cassert> // USES assert()
-#include <iostream> // TEMPORARY
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// These must match the sizes of the buffers in the header file.
-const int ALE::CellRefinerTet4::_edgesSize = 9;
-const int ALE::CellRefinerTet4::_cellsSize = 36;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Constructor
-ALE::CellRefinerTet4::CellRefinerTet4(const mesh_type& mesh) :
-  RefineEdges2(mesh)
-{ // constructor
-  assert(3 == mesh.getDimension());
-} // constructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Destructor
-{ // destructor
-} // destructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get number of refined cells for each original cell.
-ALE::CellRefinerTet4::numNewCells(const point_type cell)
-{ // numNewCells
-  switch (_cellType(cell)) {
-    return 8;
-    return 4;
-  default:
-    assert(0);
-    throw ALE::Exception("Unknown cell type.");
-  } // switch
-} // numNewCells
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Split cell into smaller cells of same type.
-ALE::CellRefinerTet4::splitCell(const point_type cell,
-				const point_type cone[],
-				const int coneSize,
-				point_type* curNewVertex)
-{ // splitCell
-  assert(curNewVertex);
-  int numEdges = 0;
-  const EdgeType* edges;
-  switch (_cellType(cell)) {
-    _edges_TETRAHEDRON(&edges, &numEdges, cone, coneSize);
-    break;
-    _edges_TRIANGLE_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(&edges, &numEdges, cone, coneSize);
-    break;
-  default:
-    throw ALE::Exception("Unknown cell type.");
-  } // switch
-  for(int iEdge=0; iEdge < numEdges; ++iEdge) {
-    if (_edgeToVertex.find(edges[iEdge]) == _edgeToVertex.end()) {
-      // if vertex does not exist
-      //std::cout << "Edge: " << edges[iEdge] << ", new vertex: " << *curNewVertex << std::endl;
-      _edgeToVertex[edges[iEdge]] = *curNewVertex;
-      ++(*curNewVertex);
-    } // if
-  } // for
-} // splitCell
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Split cell into smaller cells of same type.
-ALE::CellRefinerTet4::splitCellUncensored(const point_type cell,
-					  const point_type cone[],
-					  const int coneSize,
-					  point_type* curNewVertex)
-{ // splitCellUncensored
-  assert(curNewVertex);
-  int numEdges = 0;
-  const EdgeType* edges;
-  const bool uncensored = true;
-  switch (_cellType(cell)) {
-    // No censored vertices on normal cell.
-    break;
-    _edges_TRIANGLE_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(&edges, &numEdges, cone, coneSize, uncensored);
-    break;
-  default:
-    throw ALE::Exception("Unknown cell type.");
-  } // switch
-  for(int iEdge=0; iEdge < numEdges; ++iEdge) {
-    if (_edgeToVertex.find(edges[iEdge]) == _edgeToVertex.end()) {
-      // if vertex does not exist
-      //std::cout << "Edge: " << edges[iEdge] << ", new vertex: " << *curNewVertex << std::endl;
-      _edgeToVertex[edges[iEdge]] = *curNewVertex;
-      ++(*curNewVertex);
-    } // if
-  } // for
-} // splitCellUncensored
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get refined cells.
-ALE::CellRefinerTet4::getNewCells(const point_type** cells,
-				  int* numCells,
-				  const point_type cell,
-				  const point_type cone[],
-				  const int coneSize,
-				  const MeshOrder& orderOldMesh,
-				  const MeshOrder& orderNewMesh)
-{ // getNewCells
-  assert(cells);
-  assert(numCells);
-  switch (_cellType(cell)) {
-  case TETRAHEDRON: {
-    const int coneVertexOffset = orderNewMesh.verticesNormal().min() - orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().min();
-    _newCells_TETRAHEDRON(cells, numCells, cone, coneSize, coneVertexOffset);
-    break;
-    const int coneVertexOffsetNormal = orderNewMesh.verticesNormal().min() - orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().min();
-    const int coneVertexOffsetCensored = orderNewMesh.verticesCensored().min() - orderOldMesh.verticesCensored().min();
-    _newCells_TRIANGLE_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(cells, numCells, cone, coneSize, coneVertexOffsetNormal, coneVertexOffsetCensored);
-    break;
-  default:
-    throw ALE::Exception("Unknown cell type.");
-  } // switch
-} // getNewCells
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get cell type.
-ALE::CellRefinerTet4::_cellType(const point_type cell)
-{ // _cellType
-  assert(!_mesh.getSieve().isNull());
-  switch (_mesh.getSieve()->getConeSize(cell)) {
-  case 4:
-    return TETRAHEDRON;
-  case 9:
-  case 0: {
-    std::ostringstream msg;
-    std::cerr << "Internal error. Cone size for mesh point " << cell << " is zero. May be a vertex.";
-    assert(0);
-    throw ALE::Exception("Could not determine cell type during uniform global refinement.");
-  } // case 0
-  default : {
-    std::ostringstream msg;
-    std::cerr << "Internal error. Unknown cone size for mesh point " << cell << ". Unknown cell type.";
-    assert(0);
-    throw ALE::Exception("Could not determine cell type during uniform global refinement.");
-  } // default
-  } // switch
-} // _cellType
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get edges of triangular cell.
-ALE::CellRefinerTet4::_edges_TETRAHEDRON(const EdgeType** edges,
-					 int* numEdges,
-					 const point_type cone[],
-					 const int coneSize)
-{ // _edges_TETRAHEDRON
-  assert(_edgesSize >= 6);
-  assert(coneSize == 4);
-  _edges[0] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[0], cone[1]), std::max(cone[0], cone[1]));
-  _edges[1] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[1], cone[2]), std::max(cone[1], cone[2]));
-  _edges[2] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[2], cone[0]), std::max(cone[2], cone[0]));
-  _edges[3] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[0], cone[3]), std::max(cone[0], cone[3]));
-  _edges[4] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[1], cone[3]), std::max(cone[1], cone[3]));
-  _edges[5] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[2], cone[3]), std::max(cone[2], cone[3]));
-  *numEdges = 6;
-  *edges = _edges;
-} // _edges_TETRAHEDRON
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get edges of line cohesive cell with Lagrange multipler vertices.
-ALE::CellRefinerTet4::_edges_TRIANGLE_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(const EdgeType** edges,
-							int* numEdges,
-							const point_type cone[],
-							const int coneSize,
-							const bool uncensored)
-  if (uncensored) {
-    // Use all vertices
-    assert(_edgesSize >= 9);
-    assert(coneSize == 9);
-    _edges[0] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[0], cone[1]), std::max(cone[0], cone[1]));
-    _edges[1] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[1], cone[2]), std::max(cone[1], cone[2]));
-    _edges[2] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[2], cone[0]), std::max(cone[2], cone[0]));
-    _edges[3] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[3], cone[4]), std::max(cone[3], cone[4]));
-    _edges[4] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[4], cone[5]), std::max(cone[4], cone[5]));
-    _edges[5] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[5], cone[3]), std::max(cone[5], cone[3]));
-    _edges[6] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[6], cone[7]), std::max(cone[6], cone[7]));
-    _edges[7] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[7], cone[8]), std::max(cone[7], cone[8]));
-    _edges[8] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[8], cone[6]), std::max(cone[8], cone[6]));
-    *numEdges = 9;
-    *edges = _edges;
-  } else {
-    // Omit edges with censored (Lagrange multipler) vertices.
-    assert(_edgesSize >= 6);
-    assert(coneSize == 9);
-    _edges[0] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[0], cone[1]), std::max(cone[0], cone[1]));
-    _edges[1] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[1], cone[2]), std::max(cone[1], cone[2]));
-    _edges[2] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[2], cone[0]), std::max(cone[2], cone[0]));
-    _edges[3] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[3], cone[4]), std::max(cone[3], cone[4]));
-    _edges[4] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[4], cone[5]), std::max(cone[4], cone[5]));
-    _edges[5] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[5], cone[3]), std::max(cone[5], cone[3]));
-    *numEdges = 6;
-    *edges = _edges;
-  } // if/else
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get new cells from refinement of a triangular cell.
-ALE::CellRefinerTet4::_newCells_TETRAHEDRON(const point_type** cells,
-					    int *numCells,
-					    const point_type cone[],
-					    const int coneSize,
-					    const int coneVertexOffset)
-{ // _newCells_TETRAHEDRON
-  const int coneSizeTet4 = 4;
-  const int numEdgesTet4 = 6;
-  const int numNewCells = 8;
-  const int numNewVertices = 6;
-  int numEdges = 0;
-  const EdgeType* edges;
-  _edges_TETRAHEDRON(&edges, &numEdges, cone, coneSize);
-  assert(numEdgesTet4 == numEdges);
-  assert(_cellsSize >= numNewCells*coneSizeTet4);
-  point_type newVertices[numNewVertices];
-  for(int iEdge=0, iNewVertex=0; iEdge < numEdgesTet4; ++iEdge) {
-    if (_edgeToVertex.find(edges[iEdge]) == _edgeToVertex.end()) {
-      throw ALE::Exception("Missing edge in refined mesh");
-    } // if
-    newVertices[iNewVertex++] = _edgeToVertex[edges[iEdge]];
-  } // for
-  // new cell 0
-  _cells[0*4+0] = cone[0]+coneVertexOffset;
-  _cells[0*4+1] = newVertices[3];
-  _cells[0*4+2] = newVertices[0];
-  _cells[0*4+3] = newVertices[2];
-  // new cell 1
-  _cells[1*4+0] = newVertices[0];
-  _cells[1*4+1] = newVertices[1];
-  _cells[1*4+2] = newVertices[2];
-  _cells[1*4+3] = newVertices[3];
-  // new cell 2
-  _cells[2*4+0] = newVertices[0];
-  _cells[2*4+1] = newVertices[3];
-  _cells[2*4+2] = newVertices[4];
-  _cells[2*4+3] = newVertices[1];
-  // new cell 3
-  _cells[3*4+0] = cone[1]+coneVertexOffset;
-  _cells[3*4+1] = newVertices[4];
-  _cells[3*4+2] = newVertices[1];
-  _cells[3*4+3] = newVertices[0];
-  // new cell 4
-  _cells[4*4+0] = newVertices[2];
-  _cells[4*4+1] = newVertices[5];
-  _cells[4*4+2] = newVertices[3];
-  _cells[4*4+3] = newVertices[1];
-  // new cell 5
-  _cells[5*4+0] = cone[2]+coneVertexOffset;
-  _cells[5*4+1] = newVertices[5];
-  _cells[5*4+2] = newVertices[2];
-  _cells[5*4+3] = newVertices[1];
-  // new cell 6
-  _cells[6*4+0] = newVertices[1];
-  _cells[6*4+1] = newVertices[4];
-  _cells[6*4+2] = newVertices[5];
-  _cells[6*4+3] = newVertices[3];
-  // new cell 7
-  _cells[7*4+0] = cone[3]+coneVertexOffset;
-  _cells[7*4+1] = newVertices[3];
-  _cells[7*4+2] = newVertices[5];
-  _cells[7*4+3] = newVertices[4];
-  *numCells = numNewCells;
-  *cells = _cells;
-} // _newCells_TETRAHEDRON
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get new cells from refinement of a line cohseive cell with Lagrange
-// multiplier vertices.
-ALE::CellRefinerTet4::_newCells_TRIANGLE_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(const point_type** cells,
-							   int *numCells,
-							   const point_type cone[],
-							   const int coneSize,
-							   const int coneVertexOffsetNormal,
-							   const int coneVertexOffsetCensored)
-  const int coneSizeTriPrism9 = 9;
-  const int numEdgesTriPrism9 = 9;
-  const int numNewCells = 4;
-  const int numNewVertices = 9;
-  int numEdges = 0;
-  const EdgeType *edges;
-  _edges_TRIANGLE_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(&edges, &numEdges, cone, coneSize, true);
-  assert(numEdgesTriPrism9 == numEdges);
-  assert(_cellsSize >= numNewCells*coneSizeTriPrism9);
-  point_type newVertices[numNewVertices];
-  for(int iEdge=0, iNewVertex=0; iEdge < numEdgesTriPrism9; ++iEdge) {
-    if (_edgeToVertex.find(edges[iEdge]) == _edgeToVertex.end()) {
-      throw ALE::Exception("Missing edge in refined mesh");
-    } // if
-    newVertices[iNewVertex++] = _edgeToVertex[edges[iEdge]];
-  } // for
-  _cells[0*9+0] = cone[0]+coneVertexOffsetNormal; // New cell 0
-  _cells[0*9+1] = newVertices[0];
-  _cells[0*9+2] = newVertices[2];
-  _cells[0*9+3] = cone[3]+coneVertexOffsetNormal;
-  _cells[0*9+4] = newVertices[3];
-  _cells[0*9+5] = newVertices[5];
-  _cells[0*9+6] = cone[6]+coneVertexOffsetCensored;
-  _cells[0*9+7] = newVertices[6];
-  _cells[0*9+8] = newVertices[8];
-  _cells[1*9+0] = newVertices[0]; // New cell 1
-  _cells[1*9+1] = newVertices[1];
-  _cells[1*9+2] = newVertices[2];
-  _cells[1*9+3] = newVertices[3];
-  _cells[1*9+4] = newVertices[4];
-  _cells[1*9+5] = newVertices[5];
-  _cells[1*9+6] = newVertices[6];
-  _cells[1*9+7] = newVertices[7];
-  _cells[1*9+8] = newVertices[8];
-  _cells[2*9+0] = cone[1]+coneVertexOffsetNormal; // New cell 2
-  _cells[2*9+1] = newVertices[1];
-  _cells[2*9+2] = newVertices[0];
-  _cells[2*9+3] = cone[4]+coneVertexOffsetNormal;
-  _cells[2*9+4] = newVertices[4];
-  _cells[2*9+5] = newVertices[3];
-  _cells[2*9+6] = cone[7]+coneVertexOffsetCensored;
-  _cells[2*9+7] = newVertices[7];
-  _cells[2*9+8] = newVertices[6];
-  _cells[3*9+0] = cone[2]+coneVertexOffsetNormal; // New cell 3
-  _cells[3*9+1] = newVertices[2];
-  _cells[3*9+2] = newVertices[1];
-  _cells[3*9+3] = cone[5]+coneVertexOffsetNormal;
-  _cells[3*9+4] = newVertices[5];
-  _cells[3*9+5] = newVertices[4];
-  _cells[3*9+6] = cone[8]+coneVertexOffsetCensored;
-  _cells[3*9+7] = newVertices[8];
-  _cells[3*9+8] = newVertices[7];
-  *numCells = numNewCells;
-  *cells = _cells;
-// End of file 

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/CellRefinerTet4.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/CellRefinerTet4.hh	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/CellRefinerTet4.hh	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
- * @file libsrc/topology/CellRefinerTet4.hh
- *
- * @brief Object for tet4 refinement of cells.
- */
-#if !defined(pylith_topology_cellrefinertet4_hh)
-#define pylith_topology_cellrefinertet4_hh
-// Include directives ---------------------------------------------------
-#include "RefineEdges2.hh" // ISA RefineEdges2
-// CellRefinerTet4 ------------------------------------------------------
-/// Object for tet4 refinement of cells.
-class ALE::CellRefinerTet4 : public RefineEdges2
-{ // CellRefinerTet4
-// PUBLIC MEMBERS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-public :
-  /** Constructor
-   *
-   * @param mesh Finite-element mesh.
-   */
-  CellRefinerTet4(const mesh_type& mesh);
-  /// Destructor
-  ~CellRefinerTet4(void);
-  /** Get number of refined cells for each original cell.
-   *
-   * @param cell Original cell.
-   *
-   * @returns Number of refined cells.
-   */
-  int numNewCells(const point_type cell);
-  /** Split cell into smaller cells of same type. Do not create
-   * censored vertices on censored cells.
-   *
-   * @param cell Original cell.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   * @param curNewVertex Value for next new vertex.
-   */
-  void splitCell(const point_type cell,
-		 const point_type cone[],
-		 const int coneSize,
-		 point_type* curNewVertex);
-  /** Split cell into smaller cells of same type. Create only censored
-   * vertices on censored cells.
-   *
-   * @param cell Original cell.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   * @param curNewVertex Value for next new vertex.
-   */
-  void splitCellUncensored(const point_type cell,
-			   const point_type cone[],
-			   const int coneSize,
-			   point_type* curNewVertex);
-  /** Get refined cells.
-   *
-   * @param cells Vertices in refined cells (refined mesh).
-   * @param numCells Number of refined cells.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   * @param orderOldMesh Order in old mesh.
-   * @param orderNewMesh Order in new mesh.
-   */
-  void getNewCells(const point_type** cells,
-		   int* numCells,
-		   const point_type cell,
-		   const point_type cone[],
-		   const int coneSize,
-		   const MeshOrder& orderOldMesh,
-		   const MeshOrder& orderNewMesh);
-// PRIVATE ENUMS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  enum CellEnum { 
-    TETRAHEDRON, // Normal tetrahedral cell
-    TRIANGLE_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE, // Cohesive cell with Lagrange multiplier vertices
-  };
-// PRIVATE METHODS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  /** Get cell type.
-   *
-   * @param cell Cell in original mesh.
-   * @returns Cell type.
-   */
-  CellEnum _cellType(const point_type cell);
-  /** Get edges of triangular cell.
-   *
-   * @param edges Edges of cell.
-   * @param numEdges Number of edges.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   */
-  void _edges_TETRAHEDRON(const EdgeType** edges,
-		       int* numEdges,
-		       const point_type cone[],
-		       const int coneSize);
-  /** Get edges of line cohesive cell with Lagrange multipler vertices.
-   *
-   * @param edges Edges of cell.
-   * @param numEdges Number of edges.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   * @param uncensored True if including edges with censored vertices.
-   */
-  void _edges_TRIANGLE_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(const EdgeType** edges,
-					 int* numEdges,
-					 const point_type cone[],
-					 const int coneSize,
-					 const bool uncensored =false);
-  /** Get new cells from refinement of a triangular cell.
-   *
-   * @param cells Vertices in refined cells (refined mesh).
-   * @param numCells Number of refined cells.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   * @param coneVertexOffset Offset for cone vertices.
-   */
-  void _newCells_TETRAHEDRON(const point_type** cells,
-			  int *numCells,
-			  const point_type cone[],
-			  const int coneSize,
-			  const int coneVertexOffset);
-  /** Get new cells from refinement of a line cohseive cell with
-   * Lagrange multiplier vertices.
-   *
-   * @param cells Vertices in refined cells (refined mesh).
-   * @param numCells Number of refined cells.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   * @param coneVertexOffsetNormal Offset for normal cone vertices.
-   * @param coneVertexOffset Offset for censored cone vertices.
-   */
-  void _newCells_TRIANGLE_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(const point_type** cells,
-					    int *numCells,
-					    const point_type cone[],
-					    const int coneSize,
-					    const int coneVertexOffsetNormal,
-					    const int coneVertexOffsetCensored);
-// PRIVATE MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  static const int _edgesSize;
-  static const int _cellsSize;
-  EdgeType _edges[9]; ///< Buffer for edges
-  point_type _cells[36]; ///< Buffer for cells
-// NOT IMPLEMENTED //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  CellRefinerTet4(const CellRefinerTet4&); ///< Not implemented
-  const CellRefinerTet4& operator=(const CellRefinerTet4&); ///< Not implemented
-}; // CellRefinerTet4
-#endif // pylith_topology_cellrefinertet4_hh
-// End of file 

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/CellRefinerTri3.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/CellRefinerTri3.cc	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/CellRefinerTri3.cc	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
-#include <portinfo>
-#include "CellRefinerTri3.hh" // implementation of class methods
-#include "MeshOrder.hh" // USES MeshOrder
-#include <cassert> // USES assert()
-#include <iostream> // TEMPORARY
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// These must match the sizes of the buffers in the header file.
-const int ALE::CellRefinerTri3::_edgesSize = 3;
-const int ALE::CellRefinerTri3::_cellsSize = 12;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Constructor
-ALE::CellRefinerTri3::CellRefinerTri3(const mesh_type& mesh) :
- RefineEdges2(mesh)
-{ // constructor
-  assert(2 == mesh.getDimension());
-} // constructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Destructor
-{ // destructor
-} // destructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get number of refined cells for each original cell.
-ALE::CellRefinerTri3::numNewCells(const point_type cell)
-{ // numNewCells
-  switch (_cellType(cell)) {
-  case TRIANGLE:
-    return 4;
-    return 2;
-  default:
-    assert(0);
-    throw ALE::Exception("Unknown cell type.");
-  } // switch
-} // numNewCells
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Split cell into smaller cells of same type.
-ALE::CellRefinerTri3::splitCell(const point_type cell,
-				const point_type cone[],
-				const int coneSize,
-				point_type* curNewVertex)
-{ // splitCell
-  assert(curNewVertex);
-  int numEdges = 0;
-  const EdgeType* edges;
-  switch (_cellType(cell)) {
-  case TRIANGLE:
-    _edges_TRIANGLE(&edges, &numEdges, cone, coneSize);
-    break;
-    _edges_LINE_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(&edges, &numEdges, cone, coneSize);
-    break;
-  default:
-    throw ALE::Exception("Unknown cell type.");
-  } // switch
-  for(int iEdge=0; iEdge < numEdges; ++iEdge) {
-    if (_edgeToVertex.find(edges[iEdge]) == _edgeToVertex.end()) {
-      // if vertex does not exist
-      //std::cout << "Edge: " << edges[iEdge] << ", new vertex: " << *curNewVertex << std::endl;
-      _edgeToVertex[edges[iEdge]] = *curNewVertex;
-      ++(*curNewVertex);
-    } // if
-  } // for
-} // splitCell
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Split cell into smaller cells of same type.
-ALE::CellRefinerTri3::splitCellUncensored(const point_type cell,
-					  const point_type cone[],
-					  const int coneSize,
-					  point_type* curNewVertex)
-{ // splitCellUncensored
-  assert(curNewVertex);
-  int numEdges = 0;
-  const EdgeType* edges;
-  const bool uncensored = true;
-  switch (_cellType(cell)) {
-  case TRIANGLE:
-    // No censored vertices on normal cell.
-    break;
-    _edges_LINE_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(&edges, &numEdges, cone, coneSize, uncensored);
-    break;
-  default:
-    throw ALE::Exception("Unknown cell type.");
-  } // switch
-  for(int iEdge=0; iEdge < numEdges; ++iEdge) {
-    if (_edgeToVertex.find(edges[iEdge]) == _edgeToVertex.end()) {
-      // if vertex does not exist
-      //std::cout << "Edge: " << edges[iEdge] << ", new vertex: " << *curNewVertex << std::endl;
-      _edgeToVertex[edges[iEdge]] = *curNewVertex;
-      ++(*curNewVertex);
-    } // if
-  } // for
-} // splitCellUncensored
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get refined cells.
-ALE::CellRefinerTri3::getNewCells(const point_type** cells,
-				  int* numCells,
-				  const point_type cell,
-				  const point_type cone[],
-				  const int coneSize,
-				  const MeshOrder& orderOldMesh,
-				  const MeshOrder& orderNewMesh)
-{ // getNewCells
-  assert(cells);
-  assert(numCells);
-  switch (_cellType(cell)) {
-  case TRIANGLE: {
-    const int coneVertexOffset = orderNewMesh.verticesNormal().min() - orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().min();
-    _newCells_TRIANGLE(cells, numCells, cone, coneSize, coneVertexOffset);
-    break;
-  } // TRIANGLE
-    const int coneVertexOffsetNormal = orderNewMesh.verticesNormal().min() - orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().min();
-    const int coneVertexOffsetCensored = orderNewMesh.verticesCensored().min() - orderOldMesh.verticesCensored().min();
-    _newCells_LINE_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(cells, numCells, cone, coneSize, coneVertexOffsetNormal, coneVertexOffsetCensored);
-    break;
-  default:
-    throw ALE::Exception("Unknown cell type.");
-  } // switch
-} // getNewCells
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get cell type.
-ALE::CellRefinerTri3::_cellType(const point_type cell)
-{ // _cellType
-  assert(!_mesh.getSieve().isNull());
-  switch (_mesh.getSieve()->getConeSize(cell)) {
-  case 3:
-    return TRIANGLE;
-  case 6:
-  case 0: {
-    std::ostringstream msg;
-    std::cerr << "Internal error. Cone size for mesh point " << cell << " is zero. May be a vertex.";
-    assert(0);
-    throw ALE::Exception("Could not determine cell type during uniform global refinement.");
-  } // case 0
-  default : {
-    std::ostringstream msg;
-    std::cerr << "Internal error. Unknown cone size for mesh point " << cell << ". Unknown cell type.";
-    assert(0);
-    throw ALE::Exception("Could not determine cell type during uniform global refinement.");
-  } // default
-  } // switch
-} // _cellType
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get edges of triangular cell.
-ALE::CellRefinerTri3::_edges_TRIANGLE(const EdgeType** edges,
-				      int* numEdges,
-				      const point_type cone[],
-				      const int coneSize)
-{ // _edges_TRIANGLE
-  assert(_edgesSize >= 3);
-  assert(coneSize == 3);
-  _edges[0] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[0], cone[1]), std::max(cone[0], cone[1]));
-  _edges[1] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[1], cone[2]), std::max(cone[1], cone[2]));
-  _edges[2] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[2], cone[0]), std::max(cone[2], cone[0]));
-  *numEdges = 3;
-  *edges = _edges;
-} // _edges_TRIANGLE
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get edges of line cohesive cell with Lagrange multipler vertices.
-ALE::CellRefinerTri3::_edges_LINE_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(const EdgeType** edges,
-						    int* numEdges,
-						    const point_type cone[],
-						    const int coneSize,
-						    const bool uncensored)
-  if (uncensored) {
-    // Include all edges
-    assert(_edgesSize >= 3);
-    assert(coneSize == 6);
-    _edges[0] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[0], cone[1]), std::max(cone[0], cone[1]));
-    _edges[1] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[2], cone[3]), std::max(cone[2], cone[3]));
-    _edges[2] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[4], cone[5]), std::max(cone[4], cone[5]));
-    *numEdges = 3;
-    *edges = _edges;
-  } else {
-    // Omit edges with censored (Lagrange multiplier) vertices.
-  assert(_edgesSize >= 2);
-    assert(coneSize == 6);
-    _edges[0] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[0], cone[1]), std::max(cone[0], cone[1]));
-    _edges[1] = EdgeType(std::min(cone[2], cone[3]), std::max(cone[2], cone[3]));
-    *numEdges = 2;
-    *edges = _edges;
-  } // if/else
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get new cells from refinement of a triangular cell.
-ALE::CellRefinerTri3::_newCells_TRIANGLE(const point_type** cells,
-					 int *numCells,
-					 const point_type cone[],
-					 const int coneSize,
-					 const int coneVertexOffset)
-{ // _newCells_TRIANGLE
-  const int coneSizeTri3 = 3;
-  const int numEdgesTri3 = 3;
-  const int numNewCells = 4;
-  const int numNewVertices = 3;
-  int numEdges = 0;
-  const EdgeType* edges;
-  _edges_TRIANGLE(&edges, &numEdges, cone, coneSize);
-  assert(numEdgesTri3 == numEdges);
-  assert(_cellsSize >= numNewCells*coneSizeTri3);
-  point_type newVertices[numNewVertices];
-  for(int iEdge=0, iNewVertex=0; iEdge < numEdgesTri3; ++iEdge) {
-    if (_edgeToVertex.find(edges[iEdge]) == _edgeToVertex.end()) {
-      throw ALE::Exception("Missing edge in refined mesh");
-    } // if
-    newVertices[iNewVertex++] = _edgeToVertex[edges[iEdge]];
-  } // for
-  // new cell 0
-  _cells[0*3+0] = cone[0] + coneVertexOffset;
-  _cells[0*3+1] = newVertices[0];
-  _cells[0*3+2] = newVertices[2];
-  // new cell 1
-  _cells[1*3+0] = newVertices[0];
-  _cells[1*3+1] = newVertices[1];
-  _cells[1*3+2] = newVertices[2];
-  // new cell 2
-  _cells[2*3+0] = cone[1] + coneVertexOffset;
-  _cells[2*3+1] = newVertices[1];
-  _cells[2*3+2] = newVertices[0];
-  // new cell 3
-  _cells[3*3+0] = cone[2] + coneVertexOffset;
-  _cells[3*3+1] = newVertices[2];
-  _cells[3*3+2] = newVertices[1];
-  *numCells = numNewCells;
-  *cells = _cells;
-} // _newCells_TRIANGLE
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get new cells from refinement of a line cohseive cell with Lagrange
-// multiplier vertices.
-ALE::CellRefinerTri3::_newCells_LINE_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(const point_type** cells,
-						       int *numCells,
-						       const point_type cone[],
-						       const int coneSize,
-						       const int coneVertexOffsetNormal,
-						       const int coneVertexOffsetCensored)
-  const int coneSizeLine6 = 6;
-  const int numEdgesLine6 = 3;
-  const int numNewCells = 2;
-  const int numNewVertices = 3;
-  int numEdges = 0;
-  const EdgeType* edges;
-  _edges_LINE_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(&edges, &numEdges, cone, coneSize, true);
-  assert(numEdgesLine6 == numEdges);
-  assert(_cellsSize >= numNewCells*coneSizeLine6);
-  point_type newVertices[numNewVertices];
-  for(int iEdge=0, iNewVertex=0; iEdge < numEdgesLine6; ++iEdge) {
-    if (_edgeToVertex.find(edges[iEdge]) == _edgeToVertex.end()) {
-      throw ALE::Exception("Missing edge in refined mesh");
-    } // if
-    newVertices[iNewVertex++] = _edgeToVertex[edges[iEdge]];
-  } // for
-  // new cell 0
-  _cells[0*6+0] = cone[0] + coneVertexOffsetNormal;
-  _cells[0*6+1] = newVertices[0];
-  _cells[0*6+2] = cone[2] + coneVertexOffsetNormal;
-  _cells[0*6+3] = newVertices[1];
-  _cells[0*6+4] = cone[4] + coneVertexOffsetCensored;
-  _cells[0*6+5] = newVertices[2];
-  // new cell 1
-  _cells[1*6+0] = newVertices[0];
-  _cells[1*6+1] = cone[1] + coneVertexOffsetNormal;
-  _cells[1*6+2] = newVertices[1];
-  _cells[1*6+3] = cone[3] + coneVertexOffsetNormal;
-  _cells[1*6+4] = newVertices[2];
-  _cells[1*6+5] = cone[5] + coneVertexOffsetCensored;
-  *numCells = 2;
-  *cells = _cells;
-// End of file 

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/CellRefinerTri3.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/CellRefinerTri3.hh	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/CellRefinerTri3.hh	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
- * @file libsrc/topology/CellRefinerTri3.hh
- *
- * @brief Object for tri3 refinement of cells.
- */
-#if !defined(pylith_topology_cellrefinertri3_hh)
-#define pylith_topology_cellrefinertri3_hh
-// Include directives ---------------------------------------------------
-#include "RefineEdges2.hh" // ISA RefineEdges2
-// CellRefinerTri3 ------------------------------------------------------
-/// Object for tri3 refinement of cells.
-class ALE::CellRefinerTri3 : public RefineEdges2
-{ // CellRefinerTri3
-// PUBLIC MEMBERS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-public :
-  /** Constructor
-   *
-   * @param mesh Finite-element mesh.
-   */
-  CellRefinerTri3(const mesh_type& mesh);
-  /// Destructor
-  ~CellRefinerTri3(void);
-  /** Get number of refined cells for each original cell.
-   *
-   * @param cell Original cell.
-   *
-   * @returns Number of refined cells.
-   */
-  int numNewCells(const point_type cell);
-  /** Split cell into smaller cells of same type. Do not create
-   * censored vertices on censored cells.
-   *
-   * @param cell Original cell.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   * @param curNewVertex Value for next new vertex.
-   */
-  void splitCell(const point_type cell,
-		 const point_type cone[],
-		 const int coneSize,
-		 point_type* curNewVertex);
-  /** Split cell into smaller cells of same type. Create only censored
-   * vertices on censored cells.
-   *
-   * @param cell Original cell.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   * @param curNewVertex Value for next new vertex.
-   */
-  void splitCellUncensored(const point_type cell,
-			   const point_type cone[],
-			   const int coneSize,
-			   point_type* curNewVertex);
-  /** Get refined cells.
-   *
-   * @param cells Vertices in refined cells (refined mesh).
-   * @param numCells Number of refined cells.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   * @param orderOldMesh Order in old mesh.
-   * @param orderNewMesh Order in new mesh.
-   */
-  void getNewCells(const point_type** cells,
-		   int* numCells,
-		   const point_type cell,
-		   const point_type cone[],
-		   const int coneSize,
-		   const MeshOrder& orderOldMesh,
-		   const MeshOrder& orderNewMesh);
-// PRIVATE ENUMS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  enum CellEnum { 
-    TRIANGLE, // Normal triangular cell
-    LINE_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE, // Cohesive cell with Lagrange multiplier vertices
-  };
-// PRIVATE METHODS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  /** Get cell type.
-   *
-   * @param cell Cell in original mesh.
-   * @returns Cell type.
-   */
-  CellEnum _cellType(const point_type cell);
-  /** Get edges of triangular cell.
-   *
-   * @param edges Edges of cell.
-   * @param numEdges Number of edges.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   */
-  void _edges_TRIANGLE(const EdgeType** edges,
-		       int* numEdges,
-		       const point_type cone[],
-		       const int coneSize);
-  /** Get edges of line cohesive cell with Lagrange multipler vertices.
-   *
-   * @param edges Edges of cell.
-   * @param numEdges Number of edges.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   * @param uncensored True if including edges with censored vertices.
-   */
-  void _edges_LINE_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(const EdgeType** edges,
-				     int* numEdges,
-				     const point_type cone[],
-				     const int coneSize,
-				     const bool uncensored =false);
-  /** Get new cells from refinement of a triangular cell.
-   *
-   * @param cells Vertices in refined cells (refined mesh).
-   * @param numCells Number of refined cells.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   * @param coneVertexOffset Offset for cone vertices.
-   */
-  void _newCells_TRIANGLE(const point_type** cells,
-			  int *numCells,
-			  const point_type cone[],
-			  const int coneSize,
-			  const int coneVertexOffset);
-  /** Get new cells from refinement of a line cohseive cell with
-   * Lagrange multiplier vertices.
-   *
-   * @param cells Vertices in refined cells (refined mesh).
-   * @param numCells Number of refined cells.
-   * @param cone Vertices in cell (original mesh).
-   * @param coneSize Number of vertices in cell.
-   * @param coneVertexOffsetNormal Offset for normal cone vertices.
-   * @param coneVertexOffset Offset for censored cone vertices.
-   */
-  void _newCells_LINE_COHESIVE_LAGRANGE(const point_type** cells,
-					int *numCells,
-					const point_type cone[],
-					const int coneSize,
-					const int coneVertexOffsetNormal,
-					const int coneVertexOffsetCensored);
-// PRIVATE MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  static const int _edgesSize;
-  static const int _cellsSize;
-  EdgeType _edges[3]; ///< Buffer for edges
-  point_type _cells[12]; ///< Buffer for cells
-// NOT IMPLEMENTED //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  CellRefinerTri3(const CellRefinerTri3&); ///< Not implemented
-  const CellRefinerTri3& operator=(const CellRefinerTri3&); ///< Not implemented
-}; // CellRefinerTri3
-#endif // pylith_topology_cellrefinertri3_hh
-// End of file 

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/Makefile.am
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/Makefile.am	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/Makefile.am	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -39,24 +39,10 @@
 	VisitorMesh.icc \
 	VisitorSubMesh.hh \
 	VisitorSubMesh.icc \
+	RefineUniform.hh \
 noinst_HEADERS =
-#noinst_HEADERS += \
-#	RefineUniform.hh
-#	MeshRefiner.hh \
-#	MeshRefiner.cc \
-#	RefineEdges2.hh \
-#	CellRefinerTri3.hh \
-#	CellRefinerTet4.hh \
-#	RefineFace4Edges2.hh \
-#	CellRefinerQuad4.hh \
-#	RefineVol8Face4Edges2.hh \
-#	CellRefinerHex8.hh \
-#	MeshOrder.hh
 # End of file 

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/MeshOrder.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/MeshOrder.cc	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/MeshOrder.cc	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
-#include <portinfo>
-#include "MeshOrder.hh" // implementation of class methods
-#include <cassert> // USES assert()
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Constructor
-{ // constructor
-} // constructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Destructor
-{ // destructor
-} // destructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Determine order from pre-existing mesh.
-ALE::MeshOrder::initialize(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type>& mesh)
-{ // initialize
-  assert(!mesh.isNull());
-  const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::label_sequence>& cells = mesh->heightStratum(0);
-  assert(!cells.isNull());
-  const Obj<mesh_type::label_sequence>& vertices = mesh->depthStratum(0);
-  assert(!vertices.isNull());
-  if (mesh->hasLabel("censored depth")) {
-    // Count number of cells in censored depth (normal cells).
-    const Obj<mesh_type::label_sequence>& cellsNormal = mesh->getLabelStratum("censored depth", mesh->depth());
-    assert(!cellsNormal.isNull());
-    const mesh_type::label_sequence::iterator cellsNormalEnd = cellsNormal->end();
-    const int numCellsNormal = cellsNormal->size();
-    // Count number of remaining cells (censored cells).
-    const int numCellsCensored = cells->size() - numCellsNormal;
-    // Get number of normal vertices.
-    assert(!mesh->getFactory().isNull());
-    Obj<mesh_type::numbering_type> vNumbering = mesh->getFactory()->getNumbering(mesh, "censored depth", 0);
-    assert(!vNumbering.isNull());
-    const int numVerticesNormal = vNumbering->size();
-    // Count number of remaining vertices (censored vertices).
-    const int numVerticesCensored = vertices->size() - numVerticesNormal;
-    _cellsNormal = ALE::Interval<point_type>(0, numCellsNormal);
-    _verticesNormal = ALE::Interval<point_type>(numCellsNormal, numCellsNormal+numVerticesNormal);
-    _verticesCensored = ALE::Interval<point_type>(numCellsNormal+numVerticesNormal, numCellsNormal+numVerticesNormal+numVerticesCensored);
-    _cellsCensored = ALE::Interval<point_type>(numCellsNormal+numVerticesNormal+numVerticesCensored,
-					       numCellsNormal+numVerticesNormal+numVerticesCensored+numCellsCensored);
-  } else {
-    const int numCells = cells->size();    
-    const int numVertices = vertices->size();
-    _cellsNormal = ALE::Interval<point_type>(0, numCells);
-    _verticesNormal = ALE::Interval<point_type>(numCells, numCells+numVertices);
-    _verticesCensored = ALE::Interval<point_type>(numCells+numVertices, numCells+numVertices);
-    _cellsCensored = ALE::Interval<point_type>(numCells+numVertices, numCells+numVertices);
-  } // if/else
-} // initialize
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Set range for normal cells.
-ALE::MeshOrder::cellsNormal(const point_type min, const point_type max)
-{ // cellsNormal
-  _cellsNormal = ALE::Interval<point_type>(min, max);
-} // cellsNormal
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get range for normal cells.
-const ALE::Interval<ALE::MeshOrder::point_type>&
-ALE::MeshOrder::cellsNormal(void) const
-{ // cellsNormal
-  return _cellsNormal;
-} // cellsNormal
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Set range for normal vertices.
-ALE::MeshOrder::verticesNormal(const point_type min, const point_type max)
-{ // verticesNormal
-  _verticesNormal = ALE::Interval<point_type>(min, max);
-} // verticesNormal
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get range for normal vertices.
-const ALE::Interval<ALE::MeshOrder::point_type>&
-ALE::MeshOrder::verticesNormal(void) const
-{ // verticesNormal
-  return _verticesNormal;
-} // verticesNormal
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Set range for censored cells.
-ALE::MeshOrder::cellsCensored(const point_type min, const point_type max)
-{ // cellsCensored
-  _cellsCensored = ALE::Interval<point_type>(min, max);
-} // cellsCensored
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get range for censored cells.
-const ALE::Interval<ALE::MeshOrder::point_type>&
-ALE::MeshOrder::cellsCensored(void) const
-{ // cellsCensored
-  return _cellsCensored;
-} // cellsCensored
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Set range for censored vertices.
-ALE::MeshOrder::verticesCensored(const point_type min, const point_type max)
-{ // verticesCensored
-  _verticesCensored = ALE::Interval<point_type>(min, max);
-} // verticesCensored
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get range for censored vertices.
-const ALE::Interval<ALE::MeshOrder::point_type>&
-ALE::MeshOrder::verticesCensored(void) const
-{ // verticesCensored
-  return _verticesCensored;
-} // verticesCensored
-// End of file 

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/MeshOrder.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/MeshOrder.hh	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/MeshOrder.hh	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
- * @file libsrc/topology/MeshOrder.hh
- *
- * @brief Object for managing order of mesh entities.
- *
- * Entities are stored in contiguous ranges.
- */
-#if !defined(pylith_topology_meshorder_hh)
-#define pylith_topology_meshorder_hh
-// Include directives ---------------------------------------------------
-#include "topologyfwd.hh" // forward declarations
-// MeshOrder ------------------------------------------------------------
-/// Object for managing order of mesh entities.
-class ALE::MeshOrder
-{ // MeshOrder
-  typedef int point_type;
-  typedef ALE::IMesh<PylithInt,PylithScalar> mesh_type;
-// PUBLIC MEMBERS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-public :
-  /// Constructor
-  MeshOrder(void);
-  /// Destructor
-  ~MeshOrder(void);
-  /** Determine order from pre-existing mesh.
-   *
-   * @param mesh Finite-element mesh.
-   */
-  void initialize(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type>& mesh);
-  /** Set range for normal cells.
-   *
-   * @param min Minimum cell label.
-   * @param max Maximum cell label.
-   */
-  void cellsNormal(const point_type min, const point_type max); 
-  /** Get range for normal cells.
-   *
-   * @returns Interval with range of normal cells.
-   */
-  const ALE::Interval<point_type>& cellsNormal(void) const;
-  /** Set range for normal vertices.
-   *
-   * @param min Minimum vertex label.
-   * @param max Maximum vertex label.
-   */
-  void verticesNormal(const point_type min, const point_type max); 
-  /** Get range for normal vertices.
-   *
-   * @returns Interval with range of normal vertices.
-   */
-  const ALE::Interval<point_type>& verticesNormal(void) const;
-  /** Set range for censored cells.
-   *
-   * @param min Minimum cell label.
-   * @param max Maximum cell label.
-   */
-  void cellsCensored(const point_type min, const point_type max); 
-  /** Get range for censored cells.
-   *
-   * @returns Interval with range of censored cells.
-   */
-  const ALE::Interval<point_type>& cellsCensored(void) const;
-  /** Set range for censored vertices.
-   *
-   * @param min Minimum vertex label.
-   * @param max Maximum vertex label.
-   */
-  void verticesCensored(const point_type min, const point_type max); 
-  /** Get range for censored vertices.
-   *
-   * @returns Interval with range of censored vertices.
-   */
-  const ALE::Interval<point_type>& verticesCensored(void) const;
-// PRIVATE MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  ALE::Interval<point_type> _cellsNormal;
-  ALE::Interval<point_type> _verticesNormal;
-  ALE::Interval<point_type> _verticesCensored;
-  ALE::Interval<point_type> _cellsCensored;
-// NOT IMPLEMENTED //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  MeshOrder(const MeshOrder&); ///< Not implemented
-  const MeshOrder& operator=(const MeshOrder&); ///< Not implemented
-}; // MeshOrder
-#endif // pylith_topology_meshorder_hh
-// End of file 

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/MeshOrder.icc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/MeshOrder.icc	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/MeshOrder.icc	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
-#if !defined(pylith_topology_meshorder_hh)
-#error "MeshOrder.icc must be included only from MeshOrder.hh"
-// End of file

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/MeshRefiner.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/MeshRefiner.cc	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/MeshRefiner.cc	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,883 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
-#include <portinfo>
-#include "MeshRefiner.hh" // implementation of class methods
-#include "MeshOrder.hh" // USES MeshOrder
-#include "pylith/utils/error.h" // USES PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR
-#include <cassert> // USES assert()
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Constructor
-template<typename cellrefiner_type>
-ALE::MeshRefiner<cellrefiner_type>::MeshRefiner(void) :
-  _orderOldMesh(new MeshOrder),
-  _orderNewMesh(new MeshOrder)
-{ // constructor
-} // constructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Destructor
-template<typename cellrefiner_type>
-{ // destructor
-  delete _orderOldMesh; _orderOldMesh = PETSC_NULL;
-  delete _orderNewMesh; _orderNewMesh = PETSC_NULL;
-} // destructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Refine mesh.
-template<typename cellrefiner_type>
-ALE::MeshRefiner<cellrefiner_type>::refine(const Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh, 
-				      const Obj<mesh_type>& mesh, 
-				      cellrefiner_type& refiner)
-{ // refine
-  assert(!mesh.isNull());
-  ALE::MemoryLogger& logger = ALE::MemoryLogger::singleton();
-  //logger.setDebug(1);
-  logger.stagePush("RefinedMesh");
-  if (mesh->hasLabel("censored depth")) {
-    _refineCensored(newMesh, mesh, refiner);
-  } else {
-    _refine(newMesh, mesh, refiner);
-  } // if/else
-  logger.stagePush("RefinedMeshStratification");
-  _stratify(newMesh);
-  logger.stagePop();
-  logger.stagePush("RefinedMeshOverlap");
-  _calcNewOverlap(newMesh, mesh, refiner);
-  logger.stagePop();
-  logger.stagePush("RefinedMeshIntSections");
-  _createIntSections(newMesh, mesh, refiner);
-  logger.stagePop();
-  logger.stagePush("RefinedMeshLabels");
-  _createLabels(newMesh, mesh, refiner);
-  logger.stagePop();
-  logger.stagePop(); // RefinedMesh
-} // refine
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Refine mesh.
-template<typename cellrefiner_type>
-ALE::MeshRefiner<cellrefiner_type>::_refine(const Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh, 
-				       const Obj<mesh_type>& mesh, 
-				       cellrefiner_type& refiner)
-{ // _refine
-  typedef Interval<point_type> interval_type;
-  assert(_orderOldMesh);
-  assert(_orderNewMesh);
-  ALE::MemoryLogger& logger = ALE::MemoryLogger::singleton();
-  //logger.setDebug(1);
-  logger.stagePush("RefinedMeshCreation");
-  // Calculate order in old mesh.
-  _orderOldMesh->initialize(mesh);
-  assert(!mesh.isNull());
-  assert(!newMesh.isNull());
-  // Get original mesh stuff.
-  const Obj<mesh_type::label_sequence>& cells = mesh->heightStratum(0);
-  assert(!cells.isNull());
-  const mesh_type::label_sequence::iterator cellsEnd = cells->end();
-  const Obj<mesh_type::label_sequence>& vertices = mesh->depthStratum(0);
-  assert(!vertices.isNull());
-  const Obj<mesh_type::sieve_type>& sieve = mesh->getSieve();
-  assert(!sieve.isNull());
-  ALE::ISieveVisitor::PointRetriever<mesh_type::sieve_type> cV(std::max(1, sieve->getMaxConeSize()));
-  // Count number of cells.
-  int newNumCells = 0;
-  for (mesh_type::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cells->begin(); c_iter != cellsEnd; ++c_iter) {
-    newNumCells += refiner.numNewCells(*c_iter);
-  } // for
-  // Count number of vertices.
-  const int oldNumVertices = vertices->size();
-  int counterBegin = newNumCells + oldNumVertices;
-  point_type curNewVertex = counterBegin;
-  for(mesh_type::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cells->begin(); c_iter != cellsEnd; ++c_iter) {
-    cV.clear();
-    sieve->cone(*c_iter, cV);
-    refiner.splitCell(*c_iter, cV.getPoints(), cV.getSize(), &curNewVertex);
-  } // for
-  const int newNumVertices = oldNumVertices + curNewVertex - counterBegin;
-  _orderNewMesh->cellsNormal(0, newNumCells);
-  _orderNewMesh->verticesNormal(newNumCells, newNumCells+newNumVertices);
-  _orderNewMesh->verticesCensored(newNumCells+newNumVertices, newNumCells+newNumVertices);
-  _orderNewMesh->cellsCensored(newNumCells+newNumVertices, newNumCells+newNumVertices);
-  // Allocate chart for new sieve.
-  const Obj<mesh_type::sieve_type>& newSieve = newMesh->getSieve();
-  assert(!newSieve.isNull());
-  newSieve->setChart(mesh_type::sieve_type::chart_type(0, _orderNewMesh->cellsCensored().max()));
-  // Create new sieve with correct sizes for refined cells
-  point_type curNewCell = _orderNewMesh->cellsNormal().min();
-  const interval_type::const_iterator oldCellsEnd = _orderOldMesh->cellsNormal().end();
-  for (interval_type::const_iterator c_iter=_orderOldMesh->cellsNormal().begin(); c_iter != oldCellsEnd; ++c_iter) {
-    // Set new cone and support sizes
-    cV.clear();
-    sieve->cone(*c_iter, cV);
-    const point_type* cone = cV.getPoints();
-    const int coneSize = cV.getSize();
-    const point_type* newCells;
-    int numNewCells = 0;
-    refiner.getNewCells(&newCells, &numNewCells, *c_iter, cone, coneSize, *_orderOldMesh, *_orderNewMesh);
-    for(int iCell=0; iCell < numNewCells; ++iCell, ++curNewCell) {
-      newSieve->setConeSize(curNewCell, coneSize);
-      for(int iVertex=0; iVertex < coneSize; ++iVertex) {
-	newSieve->addSupportSize(newCells[iCell*coneSize+iVertex], 1);
-      } // for
-    } // for
-  } // for
-  newSieve->allocate();
-  // Create refined cells in new sieve.
-  curNewCell = _orderNewMesh->cellsNormal().min();
-  for (interval_type::const_iterator c_iter=_orderOldMesh->cellsNormal().begin(); c_iter != oldCellsEnd; ++c_iter) {
-    cV.clear();
-    sieve->cone(*c_iter, cV);
-    const point_type *cone = cV.getPoints();
-    const int coneSize = cV.getSize();
-    const point_type* newCells;
-    int numNewCells = 0;
-    refiner.getNewCells(&newCells, &numNewCells, *c_iter, cone, coneSize, *_orderOldMesh, *_orderNewMesh);
-    for(int iCell=0; iCell < numNewCells; ++iCell, ++curNewCell) {
-      newSieve->setCone(&newCells[iCell*coneSize], curNewCell);
-    } // for
-  } // for
-  newSieve->symmetrize();
-  logger.stagePop();
-  //logger.setDebug(0);
-  logger.stagePush("RefinedMeshCoordinates");
-  // Set coordinates in refined mesh.
-  const Obj<mesh_type::real_section_type>& coordinates = mesh->getRealSection("coordinates");
-  assert(!coordinates.isNull());
-  const Obj<mesh_type::real_section_type>& newCoordinates = newMesh->getRealSection("coordinates");
-  assert(!newCoordinates.isNull());
-  const mesh_type::label_sequence::const_iterator verticesEnd = vertices->end();
-  assert(vertices->size() > 0);
-  const int spaceDim = coordinates->getFiberDimension(*vertices->begin());
-  assert(spaceDim > 0);
-  newCoordinates->setChart(mesh_type::sieve_type::chart_type(_orderNewMesh->verticesNormal().min(), _orderNewMesh->verticesCensored().max()));
-  interval_type::const_iterator newVerticesEnd = _orderNewMesh->verticesCensored().end();
-  for (interval_type::const_iterator v_iter=_orderNewMesh->verticesNormal().begin(); v_iter != newVerticesEnd; ++v_iter) {
-    newCoordinates->setFiberDimension(*v_iter, spaceDim);
-  } // for
-  newCoordinates->allocatePoint();
-  const interval_type::const_iterator oldVerticesEnd = _orderOldMesh->verticesCensored().end();
-  for (interval_type::const_iterator vOld_iter=_orderOldMesh->verticesNormal().begin(), vNew_iter=_orderNewMesh->verticesNormal().begin(); vOld_iter != oldVerticesEnd; ++vOld_iter, ++vNew_iter) {
-    //std::cout << "Copy coordinates from old vertex " << *vOld_iter << " to new vertex " << *vNew_iter << std::endl;
-    newCoordinates->updatePoint(*vNew_iter, coordinates->restrictPoint(*vOld_iter));
-  } // for
-  refiner.setCoordsNewVertices(newCoordinates, coordinates);
-  logger.stagePop();
-} // _refine
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Refine mesh with a censored depth.
-template<typename cellrefiner_type>
-ALE::MeshRefiner<cellrefiner_type>::_refineCensored(const Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh, 
-					       const Obj<mesh_type>& mesh, 
-					       cellrefiner_type& refiner)
-{ // _refineCensored
-  typedef Interval<point_type> interval_type;
-  assert(_orderOldMesh);
-  assert(_orderNewMesh);
-  // Calculate order in old mesh.
-  _orderOldMesh->initialize(mesh);
-  assert(!mesh.isNull());
-  assert(!newMesh.isNull());
-  // Get original mesh stuff.
-  const Obj<mesh_type::label_sequence>& cells = mesh->heightStratum(0);
-  assert(!cells.isNull());
-  const mesh_type::label_sequence::iterator cellsEnd = cells->end();
-  const Obj<mesh_type::label_sequence>& vertices = mesh->depthStratum(0);
-  assert(!vertices.isNull());
-  const Obj<mesh_type::sieve_type>& sieve = mesh->getSieve();
-  assert(!sieve.isNull());
-  ALE::ISieveVisitor::PointRetriever<mesh_type::sieve_type> cV(std::max(1, sieve->getMaxConeSize()));
-  // Count number of cells in censored depth (normal cells).
-  const Obj<mesh_type::label_sequence>& cellsNormal = mesh->getLabelStratum("censored depth", mesh->depth());
-  assert(!cellsNormal.isNull());
-  const mesh_type::label_sequence::iterator cellsNormalEnd = cellsNormal->end();
-  int newNumCellsNormal = 0;
-  for(mesh_type::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cellsNormal->begin(); c_iter != cellsNormalEnd; ++c_iter)
-    newNumCellsNormal += refiner.numNewCells(*c_iter);
-  // Count number of remaining cells (other cells).
-  const int numSkip = cellsNormal->size();  
-  mesh_type::label_sequence::const_iterator c_iter = cells->begin();
-  for (int i=0; i < numSkip; ++i)
-    ++c_iter;
-  const mesh_type::label_sequence::const_iterator cellsCensoredBegin = c_iter;
-  int newNumCellsCensored = 0;
-  for (; c_iter != cellsEnd; ++c_iter)
-    newNumCellsCensored += refiner.numNewCells(*c_iter);
-  // Count number of normal vertices.
-  assert(!mesh->getFactory().isNull());
-  Obj<mesh_type::numbering_type> vNumbering = mesh->getFactory()->getNumbering(mesh, "censored depth", 0);
-  assert(!vNumbering.isNull());
-  const int oldNumVerticesNormal = vNumbering->size();
-  int counterBegin = newNumCellsNormal + oldNumVerticesNormal;
-  point_type curNewVertex = counterBegin;
-  for(mesh_type::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cellsNormal->begin(); c_iter != cellsNormalEnd; ++c_iter) {
-    cV.clear();
-    sieve->cone(*c_iter, cV);
-    refiner.splitCell(*c_iter, cV.getPoints(), cV.getSize(), &curNewVertex);
-  } // for
-  for(mesh_type::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cellsCensoredBegin; c_iter != cellsEnd; ++c_iter) {
-    cV.clear();
-    sieve->cone(*c_iter, cV);
-    refiner.splitCell(*c_iter, cV.getPoints(), cV.getSize(), &curNewVertex);
-  } // for
-  const int newNumVerticesNormal = curNewVertex - counterBegin + oldNumVerticesNormal;
-  // Count number of remaining vertices (other vertices).
-  const int oldNumVerticesCensored = vertices->size() - oldNumVerticesNormal;
-  counterBegin = newNumCellsNormal + newNumVerticesNormal + oldNumVerticesCensored;
-  curNewVertex = counterBegin;
-  for(mesh_type::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cellsCensoredBegin; c_iter != cellsEnd; ++c_iter) {
-    cV.clear();
-    sieve->cone(*c_iter, cV);
-    refiner.splitCellUncensored(*c_iter, cV.getPoints(), cV.getSize(), &curNewVertex);
-  } // for
-  const int newNumVerticesCensored = curNewVertex - counterBegin + oldNumVerticesCensored;
-  _orderNewMesh->cellsNormal(0, newNumCellsNormal);
-  _orderNewMesh->verticesNormal(newNumCellsNormal, newNumCellsNormal+newNumVerticesNormal);
-  _orderNewMesh->verticesCensored(newNumCellsNormal+newNumVerticesNormal, newNumCellsNormal+newNumVerticesNormal+newNumVerticesCensored);
-  _orderNewMesh->cellsCensored(newNumCellsNormal+newNumVerticesNormal+newNumVerticesCensored,
-			       newNumCellsNormal+newNumVerticesNormal+newNumVerticesCensored+newNumCellsCensored);
-#if 0
-  PetscErrorCode err;
-  int oldNumCellsNormal   = _orderOldMesh->cellsNormal().max();
-  int oldNumCellsCensored = _orderOldMesh->cellsCensored().max() - _orderOldMesh->cellsCensored().min();
-  err = PetscSynchronizedPrintf(mesh->comm(), "[%d]Old normal cells    [%d, %d)\n", mesh->commRank(), 0, oldNumCellsNormal);
-  err = PetscSynchronizedPrintf(mesh->comm(), "[%d]Old fault  cells    [%d, %d)\n", mesh->commRank(), oldNumCellsNormal+oldNumVerticesNormal+oldNumVerticesCensored, oldNumCellsNormal+oldNumVerticesNormal+oldNumVerticesCensored+oldNumCellsCensored);
-  err = PetscSynchronizedPrintf(mesh->comm(), "[%d]Old normal vertices [%d, %d)\n", mesh->commRank(), oldNumCellsNormal, oldNumCellsNormal+oldNumVerticesNormal);
-  err = PetscSynchronizedPrintf(mesh->comm(), "[%d]Old fault  vertices [%d, %d)\n", mesh->commRank(), oldNumCellsNormal+oldNumVerticesNormal, oldNumCellsNormal+oldNumVerticesNormal+oldNumVerticesCensored);
-  err = PetscSynchronizedPrintf(mesh->comm(), "[%d]New normal cells    [%d, %d)\n", mesh->commRank(), 0, newNumCellsNormal);
-  err = PetscSynchronizedPrintf(mesh->comm(), "[%d]New fault  cells    [%d, %d)\n", mesh->commRank(), newNumCellsNormal+newNumVerticesNormal+newNumVerticesCensored, newNumCellsNormal+newNumVerticesNormal+newNumVerticesCensored+newNumCellsCensored);
-  err = PetscSynchronizedPrintf(mesh->comm(), "[%d]New normal vertices [%d, %d)\n", mesh->commRank(), newNumCellsNormal, newNumCellsNormal+newNumVerticesNormal);
-  err = PetscSynchronizedPrintf(mesh->comm(), "[%d]New fault  vertices [%d, %d)\n", mesh->commRank(), newNumCellsNormal+newNumVerticesNormal, newNumCellsNormal+newNumVerticesNormal+newNumVerticesCensored);
-  err = PetscSynchronizedFlush(mesh->comm());
-  // Allocate chart for new sieve.
-  const Obj<mesh_type::sieve_type>& newSieve = newMesh->getSieve();
-  assert(!newSieve.isNull());
-  newSieve->setChart(mesh_type::sieve_type::chart_type(0, _orderNewMesh->cellsCensored().max()));
-  // Create new sieve with correct sizes for refined cells
-  point_type curNewCell = _orderNewMesh->cellsNormal().min();
-  interval_type::const_iterator oldCellsEnd = _orderOldMesh->cellsNormal().end();
-  for (interval_type::const_iterator c_iter=_orderOldMesh->cellsNormal().begin(); c_iter != oldCellsEnd; ++c_iter) {
-    // Set new cone and support sizes
-    cV.clear();
-    sieve->cone(*c_iter, cV);
-    const point_type* cone = cV.getPoints();
-    const int coneSize = cV.getSize();
-    const point_type* newCells;
-    int numNewCells = 0;
-    refiner.getNewCells(&newCells, &numNewCells, *c_iter, cone, coneSize, *_orderOldMesh, *_orderNewMesh);
-    for(int iCell=0; iCell < numNewCells; ++iCell, ++curNewCell) {
-      newSieve->setConeSize(curNewCell, coneSize);
-      for(int iVertex=0; iVertex < coneSize; ++iVertex) {
-	newSieve->addSupportSize(newCells[iCell*coneSize+iVertex], 1);
-      } // for
-    } // for
-  } // for
-  // Reset current new cell value and loop over censored cells.
-  curNewCell = _orderNewMesh->cellsCensored().min();
-  oldCellsEnd = _orderOldMesh->cellsCensored().end();
-  for (interval_type::const_iterator c_iter=_orderOldMesh->cellsCensored().begin(); c_iter != oldCellsEnd; ++c_iter) {
-    // Set new cone and support sizes
-    cV.clear();
-    sieve->cone(*c_iter, cV);
-    const point_type* cone = cV.getPoints();
-    const int coneSize = cV.getSize();
-    const point_type* newCells;
-    int numNewCells = 0;
-    refiner.getNewCells(&newCells, &numNewCells, *c_iter, cone, coneSize, *_orderOldMesh, *_orderNewMesh);
-    for(int iCell=0; iCell < numNewCells; ++iCell, ++curNewCell) {
-      newSieve->setConeSize(curNewCell, coneSize);
-      for(int iVertex=0; iVertex < coneSize; ++iVertex) {
-	newSieve->addSupportSize(newCells[iCell*coneSize+iVertex], 1);
-      } // for
-    } // for
-  } // for
-  newSieve->allocate();
-  // Create refined cells in new sieve.
-  curNewCell = _orderNewMesh->cellsNormal().min();
-  oldCellsEnd = _orderOldMesh->cellsNormal().end();
-  for (interval_type::const_iterator c_iter=_orderOldMesh->cellsNormal().begin(); c_iter != oldCellsEnd; ++c_iter) {
-    cV.clear();
-    sieve->cone(*c_iter, cV);
-    const point_type *cone = cV.getPoints();
-    const int coneSize = cV.getSize();
-    const point_type* newCells;
-    int numNewCells = 0;
-    refiner.getNewCells(&newCells, &numNewCells, *c_iter, cone, coneSize, *_orderOldMesh, *_orderNewMesh);
-    for(int iCell=0; iCell < numNewCells; ++iCell, ++curNewCell) {
-      newSieve->setCone(&newCells[iCell*coneSize], curNewCell);
-    } // for
-  } // for
-  curNewCell = _orderNewMesh->cellsCensored().min();
-  oldCellsEnd = _orderOldMesh->cellsCensored().end();
-  for (interval_type::const_iterator c_iter=_orderOldMesh->cellsCensored().begin(); c_iter != oldCellsEnd; ++c_iter) {
-    cV.clear();
-    sieve->cone(*c_iter, cV);
-    const point_type *cone = cV.getPoints();
-    const int coneSize = cV.getSize();
-    const point_type* newCells;
-    int numNewCells = 0;
-    refiner.getNewCells(&newCells, &numNewCells, *c_iter, cone, coneSize, *_orderOldMesh, *_orderNewMesh);
-    for(int iCell=0; iCell < numNewCells; ++iCell, ++curNewCell) {
-      newSieve->setCone(&newCells[iCell*coneSize], curNewCell);
-    } // for
-  } // for
-  newSieve->symmetrize();
-  // Set coordinates in refined mesh.
-  const Obj<mesh_type::real_section_type>& coordinates = mesh->getRealSection("coordinates");
-  assert(!coordinates.isNull());
-  const Obj<mesh_type::real_section_type>& newCoordinates = newMesh->getRealSection("coordinates");
-  assert(!newCoordinates.isNull());
-  const mesh_type::label_sequence::const_iterator verticesEnd = vertices->end();
-  assert(vertices->size() > 0);
-  const int spaceDim = coordinates->getFiberDimension(*vertices->begin());
-  assert(spaceDim > 0);
-  newCoordinates->setChart(mesh_type::sieve_type::chart_type(_orderNewMesh->verticesNormal().min(), _orderNewMesh->verticesCensored().max()));
-  const interval_type::const_iterator newVerticesEnd = _orderNewMesh->verticesCensored().end();
-  for (interval_type::const_iterator v_iter=_orderNewMesh->verticesNormal().begin(); v_iter != newVerticesEnd; ++v_iter) {
-    newCoordinates->setFiberDimension(*v_iter, spaceDim);
-  } // for
-  newCoordinates->allocatePoint();
-  interval_type::const_iterator oldVerticesEnd = _orderOldMesh->verticesNormal().end();
-  for (interval_type::const_iterator vOld_iter=_orderOldMesh->verticesNormal().begin(), vNew_iter=_orderNewMesh->verticesNormal().begin(); vOld_iter != oldVerticesEnd; ++vOld_iter, ++vNew_iter) {
-    //std::cout << "Copy coordinates from old vertex " << *vOld_iter << " to new vertex " << *vNew_iter << std::endl;
-    newCoordinates->updatePoint(*vNew_iter, coordinates->restrictPoint(*vOld_iter));
-  } // for
-  oldVerticesEnd = _orderOldMesh->verticesCensored().end();
-  for (interval_type::const_iterator vOld_iter=_orderOldMesh->verticesCensored().begin(), vNew_iter=_orderNewMesh->verticesCensored().begin(); vOld_iter != oldVerticesEnd; ++vOld_iter, ++vNew_iter) {
-    //std::cout << "Copy coordinates from old vertex " << *vOld_iter << " to new vertex " << *vNew_iter << std::endl;
-    newCoordinates->updatePoint(*vNew_iter, coordinates->restrictPoint(*vOld_iter));
-  } // for
-  refiner.setCoordsNewVertices(newCoordinates, coordinates);
-  // Create sensored depth
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveFlexMesh::label_type>& censoredLabel = newMesh->createLabel("censored depth");
-  assert(!censoredLabel.isNull());
-  mesh_type::DepthVisitor depthVisitor(*newSieve, _orderNewMesh->verticesCensored().min(), *censoredLabel);
-  newSieve->roots(depthVisitor);
-  while(depthVisitor.isModified()) {
-    // FIX: Avoid the copy here somehow by fixing the traversal
-    std::vector<mesh_type::point_type> modifiedPoints(depthVisitor.getModifiedPoints().begin(), depthVisitor.getModifiedPoints().end());
-    depthVisitor.clear();
-    newSieve->support(modifiedPoints, depthVisitor);
-  } // while
-} // _refineCensored
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Stratify mesh.
-template<typename cellrefiner_type>
-ALE::MeshRefiner<cellrefiner_type>::_stratify(const Obj<mesh_type>& mesh)
-{ // _stratify
-  typedef Interval<point_type> interval_type;
-  assert(_orderNewMesh);
-  assert(_orderOldMesh);
-  // Fast stratification
-  const Obj<mesh_type::label_type>& height = mesh->createLabel("height");
-  const Obj<mesh_type::label_type>& depth  = mesh->createLabel("depth");
-  // Set height/depth of cells
-  interval_type::const_iterator cellsEnd = _orderNewMesh->cellsNormal().end();
-  for (interval_type::const_iterator c_iter = _orderNewMesh->cellsNormal().begin(); c_iter != cellsEnd; ++c_iter) {
-    height->setCone(0, *c_iter);
-    depth->setCone(1, *c_iter);
-  } // for
-  cellsEnd = _orderNewMesh->cellsCensored().end();
-  for (interval_type::const_iterator c_iter = _orderNewMesh->cellsCensored().begin(); c_iter != cellsEnd; ++c_iter) {
-    height->setCone(0, *c_iter);
-    depth->setCone(1, *c_iter);
-  } // for
-  // Set height/depth of vertices
-  interval_type::const_iterator verticesEnd = _orderNewMesh->verticesNormal().end();
-  for (interval_type::const_iterator v_iter = _orderNewMesh->verticesNormal().begin(); v_iter != verticesEnd; ++v_iter) {
-    height->setCone(1, *v_iter);
-    depth->setCone(0, *v_iter);
-  } // for
-  verticesEnd = _orderNewMesh->verticesCensored().end();
-  for (interval_type::const_iterator v_iter = _orderNewMesh->verticesCensored().begin(); v_iter != verticesEnd; ++v_iter) {
-    height->setCone(1, *v_iter);
-    depth->setCone(0, *v_iter);
-  } // for
-  mesh->setHeight(1);
-  mesh->setDepth(1);
-} // _stratify
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Create integer sections in new mesh.
-template<typename cellrefiner_type>
-ALE::MeshRefiner<cellrefiner_type>::_createIntSections(const Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh,
-						  const Obj<mesh_type>& mesh,
-						  cellrefiner_type& refiner)
-{ // _createIntSections
-  assert(!newMesh.isNull());
-  assert(!mesh.isNull());
-  const ALE::Obj<std::set<std::string> >& sectionNames =
-    mesh->getIntSections();  
-  const std::set<std::string>::const_iterator namesBegin = 
-    sectionNames->begin();
-  const std::set<std::string>::const_iterator namesEnd = 
-    sectionNames->end();
-  for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator name=namesBegin;
-      name != namesEnd;
-      ++name) {
-    const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& group = mesh->getIntSection(*name);
-    const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& newGroup = newMesh->getIntSection(*name);
-    const mesh_type::int_section_type::chart_type& chart = group->getChart();
-    // :WARNING: Only implemented for integer sections containing vertices.
-    const point_type oldVerticesStart = _orderOldMesh->verticesNormal().min();
-    const point_type oldVerticesCensoredStart = _orderOldMesh->verticesCensored().min();
-    const point_type oldVerticesEnd = _orderOldMesh->verticesCensored().max();
-    const point_type newVerticesStart = _orderNewMesh->verticesNormal().min();
-    const point_type newVerticesCensoredStart = _orderNewMesh->verticesCensored().min();
-    const point_type newVerticesEnd = _orderNewMesh->verticesCensored().max();
-    newGroup->setChart(mesh_type::int_section_type::chart_type(newVerticesStart, newVerticesEnd));
-    const mesh_type::int_section_type::chart_type& newChart = newGroup->getChart();
-    //std::cout << "VERTICES start: " << newVerticesStart << ", end: " << newVerticesEnd << std::endl;
-    const point_type chartMax = chart.max();
-    for (point_type pOld=chart.min(); pOld < chartMax; ++pOld) {
-      if (group->getFiberDimension(pOld)) {
-	if (_orderOldMesh->verticesNormal().hasPoint(pOld)) {
-	  const point_type pNew = newVerticesStart + pOld - oldVerticesStart;
-	  newGroup->setFiberDimension(pNew, 1);
-	} else if (_orderOldMesh->verticesCensored().hasPoint(pOld)) {
-	  const point_type pNew = newVerticesCensoredStart + pOld - oldVerticesCensoredStart;
-	  newGroup->setFiberDimension(pNew, 1);
-	} else {
-	  throw ALE::Exception("Creating integer sections during refinement containing entities other than vertices not implemented.");
-	} // if/else
-      } // if
-    } // for
-    refiner.groupAddNewVertices(newGroup, group);
-    newGroup->allocatePoint();
-    for (point_type pOld=chart.min(); pOld < chartMax; ++pOld) {
-      if (group->getFiberDimension(pOld)) {
-	if (_orderOldMesh->verticesNormal().hasPoint(pOld)) {
-	  const point_type pNew = newVerticesStart + pOld - oldVerticesStart;
-	  newGroup->updatePoint(pNew, group->restrictPoint(pOld));
-	} else if (_orderOldMesh->verticesCensored().hasPoint(pOld)) {
-	  const point_type pNew = newVerticesCensoredStart + pOld - oldVerticesCensoredStart;
-	  newGroup->updatePoint(pNew, group->restrictPoint(pOld));
-	} else {
-	  throw ALE::Exception("Creating integer sections during refinement containing entities other than vertices not implemented.");
-	} // if/else
-      } // if
-    } // for
-    refiner.groupSetNewVertices(newGroup, group);
-  } // for
-} // _createIntSections
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Create labels in new mesh.
-template<typename cellrefiner_type>
-ALE::MeshRefiner<cellrefiner_type>::_createLabels(const Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh,
-					     const Obj<mesh_type>& mesh,
-					     cellrefiner_type& refiner)
-{ // _createLabels
-  assert(!newMesh.isNull());
-  assert(!mesh.isNull());
-  assert(_orderOldMesh);
-  assert(_orderNewMesh);
-  typedef ALE::Interval<point_type> interval_type;
-  const mesh_type::labels_type labels = mesh->getLabels();
-  const mesh_type::labels_type::const_iterator labelsEnd = labels.end();
-  for (mesh_type::labels_type::const_iterator l_iter=labels.begin(); l_iter != labelsEnd; ++l_iter) {
-    // Handle censored depth separately.
-    if ("censored depth" == l_iter->first || "depth" == l_iter->first || "height" == l_iter->first) {
-      continue;
-    } // if
-    const Obj<mesh_type::label_type>& oldLabel = l_iter->second;
-    assert(!oldLabel.isNull());
-    const Obj<mesh_type::label_type>& newLabel = newMesh->createLabel(l_iter->first);
-    assert(!newLabel.isNull());
-    const int defaultValue = -999;
-    // Update cells
-    // Normal cells
-    interval_type::const_iterator pointsEnd = _orderOldMesh->cellsNormal().end();
-    for (interval_type::const_iterator p_iter = _orderOldMesh->cellsNormal().begin(); p_iter != pointsEnd; ++p_iter) {
-      const int value = mesh->getValue(oldLabel, *p_iter, defaultValue);
-      if (defaultValue == value)
-	continue;
-      const int numNewCellsPerCell = refiner.numNewCells(*p_iter);
-      mesh_type::point_type pNew = _orderNewMesh->cellsNormal().min() + (*p_iter - _orderOldMesh->cellsNormal().min())*numNewCellsPerCell;
-      for(int i=0; i < numNewCellsPerCell; ++i, ++pNew)
-	newMesh->setValue(newLabel, pNew, value);
-    } // for
-    // Censored cells
-    pointsEnd = _orderOldMesh->cellsCensored().end();
-    for (interval_type::const_iterator p_iter = _orderOldMesh->cellsCensored().begin(); p_iter != pointsEnd; ++p_iter) {
-      const int value = mesh->getValue(oldLabel, *p_iter, defaultValue);
-      if (defaultValue == value)
-	continue;
-      const int numNewCellsPerCell = refiner.numNewCells(*p_iter);
-      mesh_type::point_type pNew = _orderNewMesh->cellsCensored().min() + (*p_iter - _orderOldMesh->cellsCensored().min())*numNewCellsPerCell;
-      for(int i=0; i < numNewCellsPerCell; ++i, ++pNew)
-	newMesh->setValue(newLabel, pNew, value);
-    } // for
-    // Normal vertices
-    pointsEnd = _orderOldMesh->verticesNormal().end();
-    for (interval_type::const_iterator p_iter = _orderOldMesh->verticesNormal().begin(); p_iter != pointsEnd; ++p_iter) {
-      const int value = mesh->getValue(oldLabel, *p_iter, defaultValue);
-      if (defaultValue == value)
-	continue;
-      const mesh_type::point_type pNew = _orderNewMesh->verticesNormal().min() + (*p_iter - _orderOldMesh->verticesNormal().min());
-      newMesh->setValue(newLabel, pNew, value);
-    } // for
-    // Censored vertices
-    pointsEnd = _orderOldMesh->verticesCensored().end();
-    for (interval_type::const_iterator p_iter = _orderOldMesh->verticesCensored().begin(); p_iter != pointsEnd; ++p_iter) {
-      const int value = mesh->getValue(oldLabel, *p_iter, defaultValue);
-      if (defaultValue == value)
-	continue;
-      const mesh_type::point_type pNew = _orderNewMesh->verticesCensored().min() + (*p_iter - _orderOldMesh->verticesCensored().min());
-      newMesh->setValue(newLabel, pNew, value);
-    } // for
-    refiner.labelAddNewVertices(newMesh, mesh, l_iter->first.c_str());
-  } // for
-} // _createLabels
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Calculate new overlap.
-template<typename cellrefiner_type>
-ALE::MeshRefiner<cellrefiner_type>::_calcNewOverlap(const Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh,
-						    const Obj<mesh_type>& mesh,
-						    cellrefiner_type& refiner)
-{ // _calcNewOverlap
-  assert(!newMesh.isNull());
-  assert(!mesh.isNull());
-  // Exchange new boundary vertices
-  //   We can convert endpoints, and then just match to new vertex on this side
-  //   1) Create the overlap of edges which are vertex pairs (do not need for interpolated meshes)
-  //   2) Create a section of overlap edge --> new vertex (this will generalize to other split points in interpolated meshes)
-  //   3) Copy across new overlap
-  //   4) Fuse matches new vertex pairs and inserts them into the old overlap
-  // Create the parallel overlap
-  // Get offsets for points across processors and add points in overlap from original mesh to new overlap
-  int* oldVerticesStartNormalP = (mesh->commSize() > 0) ? new int[mesh->commSize()] : 0;
-  int* oldVerticesStartFaultP  = (mesh->commSize() > 0) ? new int[mesh->commSize()] : 0;
-  int* newVerticesStartNormalP = (newMesh->commSize() > 0) ? new int[newMesh->commSize()] : 0;
-  int* newVerticesStartFaultP  = (newMesh->commSize() > 0) ? new int[newMesh->commSize()] : 0;
-  int ierr = 0;
-  const int oldVerticesStartNormal = _orderOldMesh->verticesNormal().min();
-  const int oldVerticesStartFault  = _orderOldMesh->verticesCensored().min();
-  const int newVerticesStartNormal = _orderNewMesh->verticesNormal().min();
-  const int newVerticesStartFault  = _orderNewMesh->verticesCensored().min();
-  ierr = MPI_Allgather((void *) &oldVerticesStartNormal, 1, MPI_INT, oldVerticesStartNormalP, 1, MPI_INT, mesh->comm());CHKERRXX(ierr);
-  ierr = MPI_Allgather((void *) &oldVerticesStartFault,  1, MPI_INT, oldVerticesStartFaultP,  1, MPI_INT, mesh->comm());CHKERRXX(ierr);
-  ierr = MPI_Allgather((void *) &newVerticesStartNormal, 1, MPI_INT, newVerticesStartNormalP, 1, MPI_INT, newMesh->comm());CHKERRXX(ierr);
-  ierr = MPI_Allgather((void *) &newVerticesStartFault,  1, MPI_INT, newVerticesStartFaultP,  1, MPI_INT, newMesh->comm());CHKERRXX(ierr);
-  Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type> newSendOverlap = newMesh->getSendOverlap();
-  Obj<mesh_type::recv_overlap_type> newRecvOverlap = newMesh->getRecvOverlap();
-  const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type>& sendOverlap = mesh->getSendOverlap();
-  const Obj<mesh_type::recv_overlap_type>& recvOverlap = mesh->getRecvOverlap();
-  const mesh_type::send_overlap_type::source_type localOffsetNormal = newVerticesStartNormal - oldVerticesStartNormal;
-  const mesh_type::send_overlap_type::source_type localOffsetFault  = newVerticesStartFault  - oldVerticesStartFault;
-#if 0
-  Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type::traits::capSequence> sendPoints  = sendOverlap->cap();
-  for(mesh_type::send_overlap_type::traits::capSequence::iterator p_iter = sendPoints->begin(); p_iter != sendPoints->end(); ++p_iter) {
-    const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type::traits::supportSequence>& ranks      = sendOverlap->support(*p_iter);
-    const mesh_type::send_overlap_type::source_type&                  localPoint = *p_iter;
-    for(mesh_type::send_overlap_type::traits::supportSequence::iterator r_iter = ranks->begin(); r_iter != ranks->end(); ++r_iter) {
-      const int                                   rank         = *r_iter;
-      const mesh_type::send_overlap_type::source_type& remotePoint  = r_iter.color();
-      const mesh_type::send_overlap_type::source_type  remoteOffsetNormal = newVerticesStartNormalP[rank] - oldVerticesStartNormalP[rank];
-      const mesh_type::send_overlap_type::source_type  remoteOffsetFault  = newVerticesStartFaultP[rank]  - oldVerticesStartFaultP[rank];
-      if (localPoint >= oldVerticesStartNormal && localPoint < oldVerticesStartFault) {
-        assert(remotePoint >= oldVerticesStartNormalP[rank] && remotePoint < oldVerticesStartFaultP[rank]);
-	assert(remotePoint+remoteOffsetNormal >= 0);
-        newSendOverlap->addArrow(localPoint+localOffsetNormal, rank, remotePoint+remoteOffsetNormal);
-      } else {
-        assert(localPoint  >= oldVerticesStartFault);
-        assert(remotePoint >= oldVerticesStartFaultP[rank]);
-	assert(remotePoint+remoteOffsetFault >= 0);
-        newSendOverlap->addArrow(localPoint+localOffsetFault,  rank, remotePoint+remoteOffsetFault);
-      }
-    } // for
-  } // for
-  Obj<mesh_type::recv_overlap_type::traits::baseSequence> recvPoints = recvOverlap->base();
-  for(mesh_type::recv_overlap_type::traits::baseSequence::iterator p_iter = recvPoints->begin(); p_iter != recvPoints->end(); ++p_iter) {
-    const Obj<mesh_type::recv_overlap_type::traits::coneSequence>& ranks      = recvOverlap->cone(*p_iter);
-    const mesh_type::recv_overlap_type::target_type&               localPoint = *p_iter;
-    for(mesh_type::recv_overlap_type::traits::coneSequence::iterator r_iter = ranks->begin(); r_iter != ranks->end(); ++r_iter) {
-      const int                                        rank         = *r_iter;
-      const mesh_type::recv_overlap_type::target_type& remotePoint  = r_iter.color();
-      const mesh_type::send_overlap_type::source_type  remoteOffsetNormal = newVerticesStartNormalP[rank] - oldVerticesStartNormalP[rank];
-      const mesh_type::send_overlap_type::source_type  remoteOffsetFault  = newVerticesStartFaultP[rank]  - oldVerticesStartFaultP[rank];
-      if (localPoint >= oldVerticesStartNormal && localPoint < oldVerticesStartFault) {
-        assert(remotePoint >= oldVerticesStartNormalP[rank] && remotePoint < oldVerticesStartFaultP[rank]);
-        newRecvOverlap->addArrow(rank, localPoint+localOffsetNormal, remotePoint+remoteOffsetNormal);
-      } else {
-        assert(localPoint  >= oldVerticesStartFault);
-        assert(remotePoint >= oldVerticesStartFaultP[rank]);
-        newRecvOverlap->addArrow(rank, localPoint+localOffsetFault, remotePoint+remoteOffsetFault);
-      }
-    } // for
-  } // for
-  mesh_type::send_overlap_type::baseSequence::iterator sendRanksBegin = sendOverlap->baseBegin();
-  mesh_type::send_overlap_type::baseSequence::iterator sendRanksEnd   = sendOverlap->baseEnd();
-  for(mesh_type::send_overlap_type::baseSequence::iterator r_iter = sendRanksBegin; r_iter != sendRanksEnd; ++r_iter) {
-    const int                                                  rank               = *r_iter;
-    const mesh_type::send_overlap_type::source_type            remoteOffsetNormal = newVerticesStartNormalP[rank] - oldVerticesStartNormalP[rank];
-    const mesh_type::send_overlap_type::source_type            remoteOffsetFault  = newVerticesStartFaultP[rank]  - oldVerticesStartFaultP[rank];
-    const mesh_type::send_overlap_type::coneSequence::iterator pointsBegin        = sendOverlap->coneBegin(rank);
-    const mesh_type::send_overlap_type::coneSequence::iterator pointsEnd          = sendOverlap->coneEnd(rank);
-    for(mesh_type::send_overlap_type::coneSequence::iterator p_iter = pointsBegin; p_iter != pointsEnd; ++p_iter) {
-      const mesh_type::send_overlap_type::source_type& localPoint  = *p_iter;
-      const mesh_type::send_overlap_type::source_type& remotePoint = p_iter.color();
-      if (localPoint >= oldVerticesStartNormal && localPoint < oldVerticesStartFault) {
-        assert(remotePoint >= oldVerticesStartNormalP[rank] && remotePoint < oldVerticesStartFaultP[rank]);
-	assert(remotePoint+remoteOffsetNormal >= 0);
-        newSendOverlap->addArrow(localPoint+localOffsetNormal, rank, remotePoint+remoteOffsetNormal);
-      } else {
-        assert(localPoint  >= oldVerticesStartFault);
-        assert(remotePoint >= oldVerticesStartFaultP[rank]);
-	assert(remotePoint+remoteOffsetFault >= 0);
-        newSendOverlap->addArrow(localPoint+localOffsetFault,  rank, remotePoint+remoteOffsetFault);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  mesh_type::recv_overlap_type::capSequence::iterator recvRanksBegin = recvOverlap->capBegin();
-  mesh_type::recv_overlap_type::capSequence::iterator recvRanksEnd   = recvOverlap->capEnd();
-  for(mesh_type::recv_overlap_type::capSequence::iterator r_iter = recvRanksBegin; r_iter != recvRanksEnd; ++r_iter) {
-    const int                                                     rank               = *r_iter;
-    const mesh_type::send_overlap_type::source_type               remoteOffsetNormal = newVerticesStartNormalP[rank] - oldVerticesStartNormalP[rank];
-    const mesh_type::send_overlap_type::source_type               remoteOffsetFault  = newVerticesStartFaultP[rank]  - oldVerticesStartFaultP[rank];
-    const mesh_type::recv_overlap_type::supportSequence::iterator pointsBegin        = recvOverlap->supportBegin(rank);
-    const mesh_type::recv_overlap_type::supportSequence::iterator pointsEnd          = recvOverlap->supportEnd(rank);
-    for(mesh_type::recv_overlap_type::supportSequence::iterator p_iter = pointsBegin; p_iter != pointsEnd; ++p_iter) {
-      const mesh_type::send_overlap_type::source_type& localPoint  = *p_iter;
-      const mesh_type::send_overlap_type::source_type& remotePoint = p_iter.color();
-      if (localPoint >= oldVerticesStartNormal && localPoint < oldVerticesStartFault) {
-        assert(remotePoint >= oldVerticesStartNormalP[rank] && remotePoint < oldVerticesStartFaultP[rank]);
-        newRecvOverlap->addArrow(rank, localPoint+localOffsetNormal, remotePoint+remoteOffsetNormal);
-      } else {
-        assert(localPoint  >= oldVerticesStartFault);
-        assert(remotePoint >= oldVerticesStartFaultP[rank]);
-        newRecvOverlap->addArrow(rank, localPoint+localOffsetFault, remotePoint+remoteOffsetFault);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  newMesh->setCalculatedOverlap(true);
-  delete [] oldVerticesStartNormalP; oldVerticesStartNormalP = PETSC_NULL;
-  delete [] oldVerticesStartFaultP;  oldVerticesStartFaultP  = PETSC_NULL;
-  delete [] newVerticesStartNormalP; newVerticesStartNormalP = PETSC_NULL;
-  delete [] newVerticesStartFaultP;  newVerticesStartFaultP  = PETSC_NULL;
-  refiner.overlapAddNewVertices(newMesh, *_orderNewMesh, mesh, *_orderOldMesh);
-  // We have to do flexible assembly since we add the new vertices separately
-  newSendOverlap->assemble();
-  newRecvOverlap->assemble();
-  // Clear out renumbering
-  newMesh->getRenumbering().clear();
-  // Verify size of new send/recv overlaps are at least as big as the
-  // original ones.
-  PetscErrorCode err = 0;
-  if (newSendOverlap->getNumRanks() != sendOverlap->getNumRanks() ||
-      newRecvOverlap->getNumRanks() != recvOverlap->getNumRanks() ||
-      newSendOverlap->getNumRanks() != newRecvOverlap->getNumRanks()) {
-    throw std::logic_error("Error in constructing new overlaps during mesh "
-			   "refinement.\nMismatch in number of ranks.");
-  } // if
-  const int numRanks = newSendOverlap->getNumRanks();
-  for (int isend=0; isend < numRanks; ++isend) {
-    int rank = 0;
-    err = newSendOverlap->getRank(isend, &rank); PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    int irecv = 0;
-    err = newRecvOverlap->getRankIndex(rank, &irecv);
-    int sendRank = 0;
-    int recvRank = 0;
-    err = sendOverlap->getRank(isend, &sendRank); PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    err = recvOverlap->getRank(irecv, &recvRank); PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    if (rank != sendRank || rank != recvRank) {
-      throw std::logic_error("Error in constructing new overlaps during mesh "
-			     "refinement.\nMismatch in ranks.");
-    } // if
-    int newSendNumPoints = 0;
-    int oldSendNumPoints = 0;
-    int newRecvNumPoints = 0;
-    int oldRecvNumPoints = 0;
-    err = sendOverlap->getNumPointsByRank(rank, &oldSendNumPoints); PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    err = newSendOverlap->getNumPointsByRank(rank, &newSendNumPoints); PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    err = recvOverlap->getNumPointsByRank(rank, &oldRecvNumPoints); PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    err = newRecvOverlap->getNumPointsByRank(rank, &newRecvNumPoints); PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    if (newSendNumPoints < oldSendNumPoints || newRecvNumPoints < oldRecvNumPoints) {
-      throw std::logic_error("Error in constructing new overlaps during mesh "
-			     "refinement.\nInvalid size for new overlaps.");
-    } // if
-  } // for
-  if (mesh->debug()) {
-    sendOverlap->view("OLD SEND OVERLAP");
-    recvOverlap->view("OLD RECV OVERLAP");
-    newSendOverlap->view("NEW SEND OVERLAP");
-    newRecvOverlap->view("NEW RECV OVERLAP");
-    int rank = 0;
-    int nprocs = 0;
-    MPI_Comm_rank(mesh->comm(), &rank);
-    MPI_Comm_size(mesh->comm(), &nprocs);
-    MPI_Barrier(mesh->comm());
-    for (int i=0; i < nprocs; ++i) {
-      if (rank == i) {
-	int numNeighbors = newSendOverlap->getNumRanks();
-	assert(numNeighbors == newRecvOverlap->getNumRanks());
-	for (int j=0; j < numNeighbors; ++j) {
-	  int sendRank = 0;
-	  int recvRank = 0;
-	  err = newSendOverlap->getRank(j, &sendRank);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-	  err = newRecvOverlap->getRank(j, &recvRank);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-	  std::cout << "["<<rank<<"]: "
-		    << "send: " << sendRank
-		    << ", npts: " << newSendOverlap->getNumPoints(j)
-		    << "; recv: " << recvRank
-		    << ", npts: " << newRecvOverlap->getNumPoints(j)
-		    << std::endl;
-	} // for
-      } // if
-      MPI_Barrier(mesh->comm());
-    } // for
-  } // if  
-} // _calcNewOverlap
-// End of file 

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/MeshRefiner.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/MeshRefiner.hh	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/MeshRefiner.hh	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
- * @file libsrc/topology/MeshRefiner.hh
- *
- * @brief Object for refinement of cells.
- */
-#if !defined(pylith_topology_meshrefiner_hh)
-#define pylith_topology_meshrefiner_hh
-// Include directives ---------------------------------------------------
-#include "topologyfwd.hh" // forward declarations
-#include "pylith/utils/sievetypes.hh" // USE Obj
-// RefineTri3 --------------------------------------------------------
-/// Object for refinement of cells.
-template<typename cellrefiner_type>
-class ALE::MeshRefiner
-{ // MeshRefiner
-  typedef IMesh<PetscInt,PetscScalar> mesh_type;
-  typedef mesh_type::point_type point_type;
-  typedef pylith::SieveFlexMesh SieveFlexMesh;
-// PUBLIC MEMBERS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-public :
-  /** Constructor
-   *
-   * @param mesh Finite-element mesh.
-   */
-  MeshRefiner(void);
-  /// Destructor
-  ~MeshRefiner(void);
-  /** Refine mesh.
-   *
-   * @param newMesh New mesh.
-   * @param mesh Current mesh.
-   * @param refiner Cell refiner.
-   */
-  void refine(const Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh, 
-	      const Obj<mesh_type>& mesh, 
-	      cellrefiner_type& refiner);
-// PRIVATE METHODS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  /** Refine mesh.
-   *
-   * @param newMesh New mesh.
-   * @param mesh Current mesh.
-   * @param refiner Cell refiner.
-   */
-  void _refine(const Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh, 
-	       const Obj<mesh_type>& mesh, 
-	       cellrefiner_type& refiner);
-  /** Refine mesh with a censored depth.
-   *
-   * @param newMesh New mesh.
-   * @param mesh Current mesh.
-   * @param refiner Cell refiner.
-   */
-  void _refineCensored(const Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh, 
-		       const Obj<mesh_type>& mesh, 
-		       cellrefiner_type& refiner);
-  /** Stratify mesh.
-   *
-   * @param mesh Mesh to stratify.
-   */
-  void _stratify(const Obj<mesh_type>& mesh);
-  /** Create integer sections in new mesh.
-   *
-   * :WARNING: Only implemented for integer sections containing vertices.
-   *
-   * @param newMesh New (refined) mesh.
-   * @param mesh Current (unrefined) mesh with integer sections.
-   * @param refiner Cell refiner.
-   */
-  void _createIntSections(const Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh,
-			  const Obj<mesh_type>& mesh,
-			  cellrefiner_type& refiner);
-  /** Create labels in new mesh.
-   *
-   * :WARNING: Only implemented for integer sections containing vertices.
-   *
-   * @param newMesh New (refined) mesh.
-   * @param mesh Current (unrefined) mesh with integer sections.
-   * @param refiner Cell refiner.
-   */
-  void _createLabels(const Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh,
-		     const Obj<mesh_type>& mesh,
-		     cellrefiner_type& refiner);
-  /** Calculate new overlap.
-   *
-   * @param newMesh New (refined) mesh.
-   * @param mesh Current (unrefined) mesh with overlap.
-   * @param refiner Cell refiner.
-   */
-  void _calcNewOverlap(const Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh,
-		       const Obj<mesh_type>& mesh,
-		       cellrefiner_type& refiner);
-// PRIVATE MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  MeshOrder* _orderOldMesh; ///< Order of entities in old mesh.
-  MeshOrder* _orderNewMesh; ///< Order of entities in new mesh.
-// NOT IMPLEMENTED //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  MeshRefiner(const MeshRefiner&); ///< Not implemented
-  const MeshRefiner& operator=(const MeshRefiner&); ///< Not implemented
-}; // MeshRefiner
-#include "MeshRefiner.cc"
-#endif // pylith_topology_meshrefiner_hh
-// End of file 

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/RefineEdges2.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/RefineEdges2.cc	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/RefineEdges2.cc	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
-#include <portinfo>
-#include "RefineEdges2.hh" // implementation of class methods
-#include "MeshOrder.hh" // USES MeshOrder
-#include <cassert> // USES assert()
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Constructor
-ALE::RefineEdges2::RefineEdges2(const mesh_type& mesh) :
-  _mesh(mesh)
-{ // constructor
-} // constructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Destructor
-{ // destructor
-} // destructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Set coordinates of new vertices.
-ALE::RefineEdges2::setCoordsNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::real_section_type>& newCoordsSection,
-					   const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::real_section_type>& oldCoordsSection)
-{ // setCoordsNewVertices
-  assert(!newCoordsSection.isNull());
-  assert(!oldCoordsSection.isNull());
-  PylithScalar coordinatesVertex[3];
-  assert(_edgeToVertex.size() > 0);
-  const int spaceDim = newCoordsSection->getFiberDimension(_edgeToVertex.begin()->second);
-  assert(spaceDim > 0 && spaceDim <= 3);
-  const edge_map_type::const_iterator edgesEnd = _edgeToVertex.end();
-  for (edge_map_type::const_iterator e_iter = _edgeToVertex.begin(); e_iter != edgesEnd; ++e_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = e_iter->second;
-    const point_type edgeVertexA = e_iter->first.first;
-    const point_type edgeVertexB = e_iter->first.second;
-    assert(spaceDim == oldCoordsSection->getFiberDimension(edgeVertexA));
-    assert(spaceDim == oldCoordsSection->getFiberDimension(edgeVertexB));
-    assert(spaceDim == newCoordsSection->getFiberDimension(newVertex));
-    const mesh_type::real_section_type::value_type* coordsA = oldCoordsSection->restrictPoint(edgeVertexA);
-    const mesh_type::real_section_type::value_type* coordsB = oldCoordsSection->restrictPoint(edgeVertexB);
-    for (int i=0; i < spaceDim; ++i)
-      coordinatesVertex[i] = 0.5*(coordsA[i] + coordsB[i]);
-    newCoordsSection->updatePoint(newVertex, coordinatesVertex);
-  } // for
-} // setCoordsNewVertices
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Add space for new vertices in group.
-ALE::RefineEdges2::groupAddNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& newGroup,
-					  const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& oldGroup)
-{ // groupAddNewVertices
-  assert(!newGroup.isNull());
-  assert(!oldGroup.isNull());
-  const edge_map_type::const_iterator edgesEnd = _edgeToVertex.end();
-  for (edge_map_type::const_iterator e_iter = _edgeToVertex.begin(); e_iter != edgesEnd; ++e_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = e_iter->second;
-    const point_type edgeVertexA = e_iter->first.first;
-    const point_type edgeVertexB = e_iter->first.second;
-    if (oldGroup->getFiberDimension(edgeVertexA) && oldGroup->getFiberDimension(edgeVertexB)) {
-      if (oldGroup->restrictPoint(edgeVertexA)[0] == oldGroup->restrictPoint(edgeVertexB)[0]) {
-	  newGroup->setFiberDimension(newVertex, 1);
-      } // if
-    } // if
-  } // for
-} // groupAddNewVertices
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Set new vertices in group.
-ALE::RefineEdges2::groupSetNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& newGroup,
-					  const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& oldGroup)
-{ // groupSetNewVertices
-  assert(!newGroup.isNull());
-  assert(!oldGroup.isNull());
-  const edge_map_type::const_iterator edgesEnd = _edgeToVertex.end();
-  for (edge_map_type::const_iterator e_iter = _edgeToVertex.begin(); e_iter != edgesEnd; ++e_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = e_iter->second;
-    const point_type edgeVertex = e_iter->first.first;
-    if (1 == newGroup->getFiberDimension(newVertex)) {
-      newGroup->updatePoint(newVertex, oldGroup->restrictPoint(edgeVertex));
-      //std::cout << "Adding new vertex: " << newVertex << " based on edge " << e_iter->first << std::endl;
-    } // if
-  } // for
-} // groupSetNewVertices
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Add new vertices to label.
-ALE::RefineEdges2::labelAddNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh,
-					  const ALE::Obj<mesh_type>& oldMesh,
-					  const char* labelName)
-{ // labelAddNewVertices
-  assert(!newMesh.isNull());
-  assert(!oldMesh.isNull());
-  const Obj<mesh_type::label_sequence>& oldLabelVertices = oldMesh->getLabelStratum(labelName, 0);
-  assert(!oldLabelVertices.isNull());
-  const Obj<mesh_type::label_type>& oldLabel = oldMesh->getLabel(labelName);
-  assert(!oldLabel.isNull());
-  const Obj<mesh_type::label_type>& newLabel = newMesh->getLabel(labelName);
-  assert(!newLabel.isNull());
-  const int defaultValue = -999;
-  const edge_map_type::const_iterator edgesEnd = _edgeToVertex.end();
-  for (edge_map_type::const_iterator e_iter = _edgeToVertex.begin(); e_iter != edgesEnd; ++e_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = e_iter->second;
-    const point_type edgeVertexA = e_iter->first.first;
-    const point_type edgeVertexB = e_iter->first.second;
-    const int valueA = oldMesh->getValue(oldLabel, edgeVertexA, defaultValue);
-    const int valueB = oldMesh->getValue(oldLabel, edgeVertexB, defaultValue);
-    if (valueA != defaultValue && valueA == valueB) {
-      newMesh->setValue(newLabel, newVertex, valueA);
-    } // if
-  } // for
-} // labelAddNewVertices
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Calculate new overlap.
-ALE::RefineEdges2::overlapAddNewVertices(const Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh,
-					    const MeshOrder& orderNewMesh,
-					    const Obj<mesh_type>& oldMesh,
-					    const MeshOrder& orderOldMesh)
-{ // overlapAddNewVertices
-  assert(!newMesh.isNull());
-  assert(!oldMesh.isNull());
-  Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type> newSendOverlap = newMesh->getSendOverlap();
-  assert(!newSendOverlap.isNull());
-  Obj<mesh_type::recv_overlap_type> newRecvOverlap = newMesh->getRecvOverlap();
-  assert(!newRecvOverlap.isNull());
-  const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type>& oldSendOverlap = oldMesh->getSendOverlap();
-  assert(!oldSendOverlap.isNull());
-  const Obj<mesh_type::recv_overlap_type>& oldRecvOverlap = oldMesh->getRecvOverlap();
-  assert(!oldRecvOverlap.isNull());
-  const int commRank = oldMesh->commRank();
-  // Check edges in edgeToVertex for both endpoints sent to same process
-  //   Put it in section with point being the lowest numbered vertex and value (other endpoint, new vertex)
-  Obj<ALE::Section<point_type, EdgeType> > newVerticesSection = new ALE::Section<point_type, EdgeType>(oldMesh->comm());
-  assert(!newVerticesSection.isNull());
-  std::map<EdgeType, std::vector<int> > bndryEdgeToRank; // Ranks of processes sharing the edge (both vertices)
-  const int localNormalOffset = orderNewMesh.verticesNormal().min() - orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().min();
-  const int localCensoredOffset = orderNewMesh.verticesCensored().min() - orderOldMesh.verticesCensored().min();
-  for(std::map<EdgeType, point_type>::const_iterator e_iter = _edgeToVertex.begin(); e_iter != _edgeToVertex.end(); ++e_iter) {
-    const point_type left  = e_iter->first.first;
-    const point_type right = e_iter->first.second;
-    if (oldSendOverlap->capContains(left) && oldSendOverlap->capContains(right)) {
-      const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type::supportSequence>& leftRanksSeq = oldSendOverlap->support(left);
-      assert(!leftRanksSeq.isNull());
-      std::set<int> leftRanks(leftRanksSeq->begin(), leftRanksSeq->end());
-      const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type::supportSequence>& rightRanksSeq = oldSendOverlap->support(right);
-      assert(!rightRanksSeq.isNull());
-      std::set<int> rightRanks(rightRanksSeq->begin(), rightRanksSeq->end());
-      std::set<int> ranks;
-      std::set_intersection(leftRanks.begin(), leftRanks.end(), rightRanks.begin(), rightRanks.end(),
-                            std::insert_iterator<std::set<int> >(ranks, ranks.begin()));
-#if 0 // DEBUGGING
-      std::cout << "[" << commRank << "]   Checking edge " << e_iter->first << std::endl;
-      for(std::set<int>::const_iterator r_iter = leftRanks.begin(); r_iter != leftRanks.end(); ++r_iter) {
-        std::cout << "[" << commRank << "]     left rank " << *r_iter << std::endl;
-      }
-      for(std::set<int>::const_iterator r_iter = rightRanks.begin(); r_iter != rightRanks.end(); ++r_iter) {
-        std::cout << "[" << commRank << "]     right rank " << *r_iter << std::endl;
-      }
-      if (ranks.size()) {
-        const point_type edgeMin = std::min(e_iter->first.first, e_iter->first.second);
-        const int localMinOffset = (orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().hasPoint(edgeMin)) ? localNormalOffset : localCensoredOffset;
-        newVerticesSection->addFiberDimension(edgeMin+localMinOffset, 1);
-        for(std::set<int>::const_iterator r_iter = ranks.begin(); r_iter != ranks.end(); ++r_iter) {
-          bndryEdgeToRank[e_iter->first].push_back(*r_iter);
-#if 0 // DEBUGGING
-	  const point_type edgeMax = std::max(e_iter->first.first, e_iter->first.second);
-	  const int localMaxOffset = (orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().hasPoint(edgeMax)) ? localNormalOffset : localCensoredOffset;
-          std::cout << "[" << commRank << "] Added edge " << e_iter->first << " now (" << edgeMin+localMinOffset << ", " << edgeMax+localMaxOffset << ") with rank " << *r_iter << std::endl;
-        } // for
-      } // if
-    } // if
-  } // for
-  newVerticesSection->allocatePoint();
-  const ALE::Section<point_type, EdgeType>::chart_type& chart = newVerticesSection->getChart();
-  for(ALE::Section<point_type, EdgeType>::chart_type::const_iterator c_iter = chart.begin(); c_iter != chart.end(); ++c_iter) {
-    typedef ALE::Section<point_type, EdgeType>::value_type value_type;
-    const point_type p      = *c_iter;
-    const int        dim    = newVerticesSection->getFiberDimension(p);
-    int              v      = 0;
-    value_type* values = (dim > 0) ? new value_type[dim] : 0;
-    for(std::map<EdgeType, std::vector<int> >::const_iterator e_iter = bndryEdgeToRank.begin(); e_iter != bndryEdgeToRank.end() && v < dim; ++e_iter) {
-	const point_type edgeMin = std::min(e_iter->first.first, e_iter->first.second);
-	const int localMinOffset = (orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().hasPoint(edgeMin)) ? localNormalOffset : localCensoredOffset;
-	const point_type edgeMax = std::max(e_iter->first.first, e_iter->first.second);
-	const int localMaxOffset = (orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().hasPoint(edgeMax)) ? localNormalOffset : localCensoredOffset;
-      if (edgeMin+localMinOffset == p) {
-        values[v++] = EdgeType(edgeMax+localMaxOffset, _edgeToVertex[e_iter->first]);
-      } // if
-    } // for
-    newVerticesSection->updatePoint(p, values);
-    delete [] values;
-  } // for
-  // Copy across overlap
-  typedef ALE::Pair<int, point_type> overlap_point_type;
-  Obj<ALE::Section<overlap_point_type, EdgeType> > overlapVertices = new ALE::Section<overlap_point_type, EdgeType>(oldMesh->comm());
-  ALE::Pullback::SimpleCopy::copy(newSendOverlap, newRecvOverlap, newVerticesSection, overlapVertices);
-#if 0 // DEBUGGING
-  newVerticesSection->view("NEW VERTICES");
-  overlapVertices->view("OVERLAP VERTICES");
-  // Merge by translating edge to local points, finding edge in _edgeToVertex, and adding (local new vetex, remote new vertex) to overlap
-  for(std::map<EdgeType, std::vector<int> >::const_iterator e_iter = bndryEdgeToRank.begin(); e_iter != bndryEdgeToRank.end(); ++e_iter) {
-    const point_type newLocalPoint = _edgeToVertex[e_iter->first];
-    for(std::vector<int>::const_iterator r_iter = e_iter->second.begin(); r_iter != e_iter->second.end(); ++r_iter) {
-      point_type remoteLeft = -1, remoteRight = -1;
-      const int  rank       = *r_iter;
-      const int localFirstOffset = (orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().hasPoint(e_iter->first.first)) ? localNormalOffset : localCensoredOffset;
-      const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type::supportSequence>& leftRanks = newSendOverlap->support(e_iter->first.first+localFirstOffset);
-      for(mesh_type::send_overlap_type::supportSequence::iterator lr_iter = leftRanks->begin(); lr_iter != leftRanks->end(); ++lr_iter) {
-        if (rank == *lr_iter) {
-          remoteLeft = lr_iter.color();
-          break;
-        } // if
-      } // for
-      const int localSecondOffset = (orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().hasPoint(e_iter->first.second)) ? localNormalOffset : localCensoredOffset;
-      const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type::supportSequence>& rightRanks = newSendOverlap->support(e_iter->first.second+localSecondOffset);
-      for(mesh_type::send_overlap_type::supportSequence::iterator rr_iter = rightRanks->begin(); rr_iter != rightRanks->end(); ++rr_iter) {
-        if (rank == *rr_iter) {
-          remoteRight = rr_iter.color();
-          break;
-        } // if
-      } // for
-      const point_type remoteMin   = std::min(remoteLeft, remoteRight);
-      const point_type remoteMax   = std::max(remoteLeft, remoteRight);
-      const int        remoteSize  = overlapVertices->getFiberDimension(overlap_point_type(rank, remoteMin));
-      const EdgeType  *remoteVals  = overlapVertices->restrictPoint(overlap_point_type(rank, remoteMin));
-      point_type       newRemotePoint = -1;
-      for(int d = 0; d < remoteSize; ++d) {
-        if (remoteVals[d].first == remoteMax) {
-          newRemotePoint = remoteVals[d].second;
-          break;
-        } // if
-      } // for
-#if 0 // DEBUGGING
-      if (-1 == newRemotePoint) {
-        std::cout << "["<< commRank << "] DISMISSING newLocalPoint: " << newLocalPoint
-		  << ", remoteLeft: " << remoteLeft
-                  << ", remoteRight: " << remoteRight
-                  << ", rank: " << rank
-                  << ", remoteSize: " << remoteSize
-                  << std::endl;
-      } // if
-      //assert(-1 != newRemotePoint);
-      if (-1 != newRemotePoint) {
-        newSendOverlap->addArrow(newLocalPoint, rank, newRemotePoint);
-        newRecvOverlap->addArrow(rank, newLocalPoint, newRemotePoint);
-      } // if
-    } // for
-  } // for
-} // overlapAddNewVertces
-// End of file 

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/RefineEdges2.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/RefineEdges2.hh	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/RefineEdges2.hh	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
- * @file libsrc/topology/RefineEdges2.hh
- *
- * @brief Object for refinement of cells via refinement of edges
- * comprised of two vertices.
- */
-#if !defined(pylith_topology_refineedges2_hh)
-#define pylith_topology_refineedges2_hh
-// Include directives ---------------------------------------------------
-#include "topologyfwd.hh" // forward declarations
-#include <list> // USES std::pair
-// RefineEdges2 ------------------------------------------------------
-/// Object for tri3 refinement of cells.
-class ALE::RefineEdges2
-{ // RefineEdges2
-  typedef ALE::IMesh<PetscInt,PetscScalar> mesh_type;
-  typedef mesh_type::point_type point_type;
-// PUBLIC MEMBERS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-public :
-  /** Constructor
-   *
-   * @param mesh Finite-element mesh.
-   */
-  RefineEdges2(const mesh_type& mesh);
-  /// Destructor
-  ~RefineEdges2(void);
-  /** Set coordinates of new vertices.
-   *
-   * @param newCoordsSection Coordinates of vertices in new mesh.
-   * @param oldCoordsSection Coordinates of vertices in original mesh.
-   */
-  void setCoordsNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::real_section_type>& newCoordsSection,
-			    const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::real_section_type>& oldCoordsSection);
-  /** Add space for new vertices in group.
-   *
-   * @param newGroup Group in refine mesh.
-   * @param oldGroup Group in original mesh.
-   */
-  void groupAddNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& newGroup,
-			   const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& oldGroup);
-  /** Set new vertices in group.
-   *
-   * @param newGroup Group in refine mesh.
-   * @param oldGroup Group in original mesh.
-   */
-  void groupSetNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& newGroup,
-			   const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& oldGroup);
-  /** Add new vertices to label.
-   *
-   * @param newMesh Mesh with refined cells.
-   * @param oldMesh Original mesh.
-   * @param labelName Name of label.
-   */
-  void labelAddNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh,
-			   const ALE::Obj<mesh_type>& oldMesh,
-			   const char* labelName);
-  /** Calculate new overlap.
-   *
-   * @param newMesh New (refined) mesh.
-   * @param orderNewMesh Order in new mesh.
-   * @param oldMesh Current (unrefined) mesh with overlap.
-   * @param orderOldMesh Order in old mesh.
-   */
-  void overlapAddNewVertices(const Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh,
-			     const MeshOrder& orderNewMesh,
-			     const Obj<mesh_type>& oldMesh,
-			     const MeshOrder& orderOldMesh);
-// PROTECTED TYPEDEFS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-protected :
-  template<typename Point>
-  class Edge : public std::pair<Point, Point> {
-  public:
-    Edge() : std::pair<Point, Point>() {};
-    Edge(const Point l) : std::pair<Point, Point>(l, l) {};
-    Edge(const Point l, const Point r) : std::pair<Point, Point>(l, r) {};
-    ~Edge() {};
-    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const Edge& edge) {
-      stream << "(" << edge.first << ", " << edge.second << ")";
-      return stream;
-    };
-  };
-  typedef Edge<point_type> EdgeType;
-  typedef std::map<EdgeType, point_type> edge_map_type;
-// PROTECTED MEMBERS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-protected :
-  const mesh_type& _mesh;
-  edge_map_type _edgeToVertex;
-// NOT IMPLEMENTED //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  RefineEdges2(const RefineEdges2&); ///< Not implemented
-  const RefineEdges2& operator=(const RefineEdges2&); ///< Not implemented
-}; // RefineEdges2
-#endif // pylith_topology_refineedges2_hh
-// End of file 

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/RefineFace4Edges2.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/RefineFace4Edges2.cc	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/RefineFace4Edges2.cc	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
-#include <portinfo>
-#include "RefineFace4Edges2.hh" // implementation of class methods
-#include "MeshOrder.hh" // USES MeshOrder
-#include <cassert> // USES assert()
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Constructor
-ALE::RefineFace4Edges2::RefineFace4Edges2(const mesh_type& mesh) :
-  _mesh(mesh)
-{ // constructor
-} // constructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Destructor
-{ // destructor
-} // destructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Set coordinates of new vertices.
-ALE::RefineFace4Edges2::setCoordsNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::real_section_type>& newCoordsSection,
-					   const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::real_section_type>& oldCoordsSection)
-{ // setCoordsNewVertices
-  assert(!newCoordsSection.isNull());
-  assert(!oldCoordsSection.isNull());
-  PylithScalar coordinatesVertex[3];
-  assert(_edgeToVertex.size() > 0);
-  const int spaceDim = newCoordsSection->getFiberDimension(_edgeToVertex.begin()->second);
-  assert(spaceDim > 0 && spaceDim <= 3);
-  const edge_map_type::const_iterator edgesEnd = _edgeToVertex.end();
-  for (edge_map_type::const_iterator e_iter = _edgeToVertex.begin(); e_iter != edgesEnd; ++e_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = e_iter->second;
-    const point_type edgeVertexA = e_iter->first.first;
-    const point_type edgeVertexB = e_iter->first.second;
-    assert(spaceDim == oldCoordsSection->getFiberDimension(edgeVertexA));
-    assert(spaceDim == oldCoordsSection->getFiberDimension(edgeVertexB));
-    assert(spaceDim == newCoordsSection->getFiberDimension(newVertex));
-    const mesh_type::real_section_type::value_type* coordsA = oldCoordsSection->restrictPoint(edgeVertexA);
-    const mesh_type::real_section_type::value_type* coordsB = oldCoordsSection->restrictPoint(edgeVertexB);
-    for (int i=0; i < spaceDim; ++i)
-      coordinatesVertex[i] = 0.5*(coordsA[i] + coordsB[i]);
-    newCoordsSection->updatePoint(newVertex, coordinatesVertex);
-  } // for
-  const face_map_type::const_iterator facesEnd = _faceToVertex.end();
-  for (face_map_type::const_iterator f_iter = _faceToVertex.begin(); f_iter != facesEnd; ++f_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = f_iter->second;
-    assert(spaceDim == newCoordsSection->getFiberDimension(newVertex));
-    for (int iDim=0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim)
-      coordinatesVertex[iDim] = 0.0;
-    for (int iVertex=0; iVertex < 4; ++iVertex) {
-      const point_type faceVertex = f_iter->first.points[iVertex];
-      assert(spaceDim == oldCoordsSection->getFiberDimension(faceVertex));
-      const mesh_type::real_section_type::value_type* coords = oldCoordsSection->restrictPoint(faceVertex);
-      for (int iDim=0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim)
-	coordinatesVertex[iDim] += 0.25*coords[iDim];
-    } // for
-    newCoordsSection->updatePoint(newVertex, coordinatesVertex);
-  } // for
-} // setCoordsNewVertices
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Add space for new vertices in group.
-ALE::RefineFace4Edges2::groupAddNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& newGroup,
-					  const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& oldGroup)
-{ // groupAddNewVertices
-  assert(!newGroup.isNull());
-  assert(!oldGroup.isNull());
-  const edge_map_type::const_iterator edgesEnd = _edgeToVertex.end();
-  for (edge_map_type::const_iterator e_iter = _edgeToVertex.begin(); e_iter != edgesEnd; ++e_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = e_iter->second;
-    const point_type edgeVertexA = e_iter->first.first;
-    const point_type edgeVertexB = e_iter->first.second;
-    if (oldGroup->getFiberDimension(edgeVertexA) && oldGroup->getFiberDimension(edgeVertexB)) {
-      if (oldGroup->restrictPoint(edgeVertexA)[0] == oldGroup->restrictPoint(edgeVertexB)[0]) {
-	  newGroup->setFiberDimension(newVertex, 1);
-      } // if
-    } // if
-  } // for
-  const face_map_type::const_iterator facesEnd = _faceToVertex.end();
-  for (face_map_type::const_iterator f_iter = _faceToVertex.begin(); f_iter != facesEnd; ++f_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = f_iter->second;
-    bool hasFace = true;
-    for (int iVertex=0; iVertex < 4; ++iVertex) {
-      const point_type faceVertex = f_iter->first.points[iVertex];
-      if (!oldGroup->getFiberDimension(faceVertex)) {
-	hasFace = false;
-	break;
-      } // if
-    } // for
-    if (hasFace) {
-      newGroup->setFiberDimension(newVertex, 1);
-    } // if
-  } // for
-} // groupAddNewVertices
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Set new vertices in group.
-ALE::RefineFace4Edges2::groupSetNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& newGroup,
-					  const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& oldGroup)
-{ // groupSetNewVertices
-  assert(!newGroup.isNull());
-  assert(!oldGroup.isNull());
-  const edge_map_type::const_iterator edgesEnd = _edgeToVertex.end();
-  for (edge_map_type::const_iterator e_iter = _edgeToVertex.begin(); e_iter != edgesEnd; ++e_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = e_iter->second;
-    const point_type edgeVertex = e_iter->first.first;
-    if (1 == newGroup->getFiberDimension(newVertex)) {
-      newGroup->updatePoint(newVertex, oldGroup->restrictPoint(edgeVertex));
-      //std::cout << "Adding new vertex: " << newVertex << " based on edge " << e_iter->first << std::endl;
-    } // if
-  } // for
-  const face_map_type::const_iterator facesEnd = _faceToVertex.end();
-  for (face_map_type::const_iterator f_iter = _faceToVertex.begin(); f_iter != facesEnd; ++f_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = f_iter->second;
-    const point_type faceVertex = f_iter->first.points[0];
-    if (1 == newGroup->getFiberDimension(newVertex)) {
-      newGroup->updatePoint(newVertex, oldGroup->restrictPoint(faceVertex));
-      //std::cout << "Adding new vertex: " << newVertex << " based on face " << f_iter->first << std::endl;
-    } // if
-  } // for
-} // groupSetNewVertices
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Add new vertices to label.
-ALE::RefineFace4Edges2::labelAddNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh,
-					  const ALE::Obj<mesh_type>& oldMesh,
-					  const char* labelName)
-{ // labelAddNewVertices
-  assert(!newMesh.isNull());
-  assert(!oldMesh.isNull());
-  const Obj<mesh_type::label_sequence>& oldLabelVertices = oldMesh->getLabelStratum(labelName, 0);
-  assert(!oldLabelVertices.isNull());
-  const Obj<mesh_type::label_type>& oldLabel = oldMesh->getLabel(labelName);
-  assert(!oldLabel.isNull());
-  const Obj<mesh_type::label_type>& newLabel = newMesh->getLabel(labelName);
-  assert(!newLabel.isNull());
-  const int defaultValue = -999;
-  const edge_map_type::const_iterator edgesEnd = _edgeToVertex.end();
-  for (edge_map_type::const_iterator e_iter = _edgeToVertex.begin(); e_iter != edgesEnd; ++e_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = e_iter->second;
-    const point_type edgeVertexA = e_iter->first.first;
-    const point_type edgeVertexB = e_iter->first.second;
-    const int valueA = oldMesh->getValue(oldLabel, edgeVertexA, defaultValue);
-    const int valueB = oldMesh->getValue(oldLabel, edgeVertexB, defaultValue);
-    if (valueA != defaultValue && valueA == valueB) {
-      newMesh->setValue(newLabel, newVertex, valueA);
-    } // if
-  } // for
-  const face_map_type::const_iterator facesEnd = _faceToVertex.end();
-  for (face_map_type::const_iterator f_iter = _faceToVertex.begin(); f_iter != facesEnd; ++f_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = f_iter->second;
-    const point_type faceVertex = f_iter->first.points[0];
-    const int value = oldMesh->getValue(oldLabel, faceVertex, defaultValue);
-    if (value != defaultValue) {
-      bool hasFace = true;
-      for (int iVertex=1; iVertex < 4; ++iVertex) {
-	const point_type faceVertex2 = f_iter->first.points[iVertex];
-	const int value2 = oldMesh->getValue(oldLabel, faceVertex2, defaultValue);
-	if (value2 != value) {
-	  hasFace = false;
-	  break;
-	} // if
-      } // for
-      if (hasFace) {
-	newMesh->setValue(newLabel, newVertex, value);
-      } // if
-    } // if
-  } // for
-} // labelAddNewVertices
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Calculate new overlap.
-ALE::RefineFace4Edges2::overlapAddNewVertices(const Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh,
-					    const MeshOrder& orderNewMesh,
-					    const Obj<mesh_type>& oldMesh,
-					    const MeshOrder& orderOldMesh)
-{ // overlapAddNewVertices
-  assert(!newMesh.isNull());
-  assert(!oldMesh.isNull());
-  // :TODO: Add face vertices
-  Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type> newSendOverlap = newMesh->getSendOverlap();
-  assert(!newSendOverlap.isNull());
-  Obj<mesh_type::recv_overlap_type> newRecvOverlap = newMesh->getRecvOverlap();
-  assert(!newRecvOverlap.isNull());
-  const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type>& oldSendOverlap = oldMesh->getSendOverlap();
-  assert(!oldSendOverlap.isNull());
-  const Obj<mesh_type::recv_overlap_type>& oldRecvOverlap = oldMesh->getRecvOverlap();
-  assert(!oldRecvOverlap.isNull());
-  // Offset used when converting from old mesh numbering to new
-  const int localNormalOffset   = orderNewMesh.verticesNormal().min()   - orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().min();
-  const int localCensoredOffset = orderNewMesh.verticesCensored().min() - orderOldMesh.verticesCensored().min();
-  // Check edges in edgeToVertex for both endpoints sent to same process
-  //   Put it in section with point being the lowest numbered vertex and value (other endpoint, new vertex)
-  Obj<ALE::Section<point_type, EdgeType> > newVerticesSection = new ALE::Section<point_type, EdgeType>(oldMesh->comm());
-  assert(!newVerticesSection.isNull());
-  std::map<EdgeType, std::vector<int> > bndryEdgeToRank;
-  for(std::map<EdgeType, point_type>::const_iterator e_iter = _edgeToVertex.begin(); e_iter != _edgeToVertex.end(); ++e_iter) {
-    const point_type left  = e_iter->first.first;
-    const point_type right = e_iter->first.second;
-    if (oldSendOverlap->capContains(left) && oldSendOverlap->capContains(right)) {
-      const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type::supportSequence>& leftRanksSeq  = oldSendOverlap->support(left);
-      assert(!leftRanksSeq.isNull());
-      std::set<int> leftRanks(leftRanksSeq->begin(), leftRanksSeq->end());
-      const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type::supportSequence>& rightRanksSeq = oldSendOverlap->support(right);
-      assert(!rightRanksSeq.isNull());
-      std::set<int> rightRanks(rightRanksSeq->begin(), rightRanksSeq->end());
-      std::set<int> ranks;
-      std::set_intersection(leftRanks.begin(), leftRanks.end(), rightRanks.begin(), rightRanks.end(),
-			    std::insert_iterator<std::set<int> >(ranks, ranks.begin()));
-      if(ranks.size()) {
-        const int localOffset = orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().hasPoint(e_iter->first.first) ? localNormalOffset : localCensoredOffset;
-        assert(orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().hasPoint(e_iter->first.first) == orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().hasPoint(e_iter->first.second));
-        newVerticesSection->addFiberDimension(std::min(e_iter->first.first, e_iter->first.second)+localOffset, 1);
-        for(std::set<int>::const_iterator r_iter = ranks.begin(); r_iter != ranks.end(); ++r_iter) {
-          bndryEdgeToRank[e_iter->first].push_back(*r_iter);
-        } // fora
-      } // if
-    } // if
-  } // for
-  newVerticesSection->allocatePoint();
-  const ALE::Section<point_type, EdgeType>::chart_type& chart = newVerticesSection->getChart();
-  for(ALE::Section<point_type, EdgeType>::chart_type::const_iterator c_iter = chart.begin(); c_iter != chart.end(); ++c_iter) {
-    typedef ALE::Section<point_type, EdgeType>::value_type value_type;
-    const point_type p      = *c_iter;
-    const int        dim    = newVerticesSection->getFiberDimension(p);
-    int              v      = 0;
-    value_type* values = (dim > 0) ? new value_type[dim] : 0;
-    for(std::map<EdgeType, std::vector<int> >::const_iterator e_iter = bndryEdgeToRank.begin(); e_iter != bndryEdgeToRank.end() && v < dim; ++e_iter) {
-      const int localOffset = orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().hasPoint(e_iter->first.first) ? localNormalOffset : localCensoredOffset;
-      assert(orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().hasPoint(e_iter->first.first) == orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().hasPoint(e_iter->first.second));
-      if (std::min(e_iter->first.first, e_iter->first.second)+localOffset == p) {
-        values[v++] = EdgeType(std::max(e_iter->first.first, e_iter->first.second)+localOffset, _edgeToVertex[e_iter->first]);
-      } // if
-    } // for
-    newVerticesSection->updatePoint(p, values);
-    delete [] values;
-  } // for
-  // Copy across overlap
-  typedef ALE::Pair<int, point_type> overlap_point_type;
-  Obj<ALE::Section<overlap_point_type, EdgeType> > overlapVertices = new ALE::Section<overlap_point_type, EdgeType>(oldMesh->comm());
-  ALE::Pullback::SimpleCopy::copy(newSendOverlap, newRecvOverlap, newVerticesSection, overlapVertices);
-  // Merge by translating edge to local points, finding edge in _edgeToVertex, and adding (local new vetex, remote new vertex) to overlap
-  for(std::map<EdgeType, std::vector<int> >::const_iterator e_iter = bndryEdgeToRank.begin(); e_iter != bndryEdgeToRank.end(); ++e_iter) {
-    const point_type localPoint = _edgeToVertex[e_iter->first];
-    for(std::vector<int>::const_iterator r_iter = e_iter->second.begin(); r_iter != e_iter->second.end(); ++r_iter) {
-      point_type remoteLeft   = -1, remoteRight = -1;
-      const int  rank         = *r_iter;
-      const int  localOffsetL = orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().hasPoint(e_iter->first.first) ? localNormalOffset : localCensoredOffset;
-      const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type::supportSequence>& leftRanks = newSendOverlap->support(e_iter->first.first+localOffsetL);
-      for(mesh_type::send_overlap_type::supportSequence::iterator lr_iter = leftRanks->begin(); lr_iter != leftRanks->end(); ++lr_iter) {
-        if (rank == *lr_iter) {
-          remoteLeft = lr_iter.color();
-          break;
-        } // if
-      } // for
-      const int  localOffsetR = orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().hasPoint(e_iter->first.second) ? localNormalOffset : localCensoredOffset;
-      const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type::supportSequence>& rightRanks = newSendOverlap->support(e_iter->first.second+localOffsetR);
-      for(mesh_type::send_overlap_type::supportSequence::iterator rr_iter = rightRanks->begin(); rr_iter != rightRanks->end(); ++rr_iter) {
-        if (rank == *rr_iter) {
-          remoteRight = rr_iter.color();
-          break;
-        } // if
-      } // for
-      const point_type remoteMin   = std::min(remoteLeft, remoteRight);
-      const point_type remoteMax   = std::max(remoteLeft, remoteRight);
-      const int        remoteSize  = overlapVertices->getFiberDimension(overlap_point_type(rank, remoteMin));
-      const EdgeType  *remoteVals  = overlapVertices->restrictPoint(overlap_point_type(rank, remoteMin));
-      point_type       remotePoint = -1;
-      for(int d = 0; d < remoteSize; ++d) {
-        if (remoteVals[d].first == remoteMax) {
-          remotePoint = remoteVals[d].second;
-          break;
-        } // if
-      } // for
-      // TODO: Remove this when we fix refinement along fault boundaries
-      if (remotePoint >= 0) {
-        newSendOverlap->addArrow(localPoint, rank, remotePoint);
-        newRecvOverlap->addArrow(rank, localPoint, remotePoint);
-      }
-    } // for
-  } // for
-} // overlapAddNewVertces
-// End of file 

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/RefineFace4Edges2.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/RefineFace4Edges2.hh	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/RefineFace4Edges2.hh	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
- * @file libsrc/topology/RefineFace4Edges2.hh
- *
- * @brief Object for refinement of cells via refinement of edges
- * comprised of two vertices.
- */
-#if !defined(pylith_topology_refineface4edges2_hh)
-#define pylith_topology_refineface4edges2_hh
-// Include directives ---------------------------------------------------
-#include "topologyfwd.hh" // forward declarations
-#include <list> // USES std::pair
-// RefineFace4Edges2 ------------------------------------------------------
-/// Object for tri3 refinement of cells.
-class ALE::RefineFace4Edges2
-{ // RefineFace4Edges2
-  typedef IMesh<PetscInt,PetscScalar> mesh_type;
-  typedef mesh_type::point_type point_type;
-// PUBLIC MEMBERS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-public :
-  /** Constructor
-   *
-   * @param mesh Finite-element mesh.
-   */
-  RefineFace4Edges2(const mesh_type& mesh);
-  /// Destructor
-  ~RefineFace4Edges2(void);
-  /** Set coordinates of new vertices.
-   *
-   * @param newCoordsSection Coordinates of vertices in new mesh.
-   * @param oldCoordsSection Coordinates of vertices in original mesh.
-   */
-  void setCoordsNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::real_section_type>& newCoordsSection,
-			    const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::real_section_type>& oldCoordsSection);
-  /** Add space for new vertices in group.
-   *
-   * @param newGroup Group in refine mesh.
-   * @param oldGroup Group in original mesh.
-   */
-  void groupAddNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& newGroup,
-			   const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& oldGroup);
-  /** Set new vertices in group.
-   *
-   * @param newGroup Group in refine mesh.
-   * @param oldGroup Group in original mesh.
-   */
-  void groupSetNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& newGroup,
-			   const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& oldGroup);
-  /** Add new vertices to label.
-   *
-   * @param newMesh Mesh with refined cells.
-   * @param oldMesh Original mesh.
-   * @param labelName Name of label.
-   */
-  void labelAddNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh,
-			   const ALE::Obj<mesh_type>& oldMesh,
-			   const char* labelName);
-  /** Calculate new overlap.
-   *
-   * @param newMesh New (refined) mesh.
-   * @param orderNewMesh Order in new mesh.
-   * @param oldMesh Current (unrefined) mesh with overlap.
-   * @param orderOldMesh Order in old mesh.
-   */
-  void overlapAddNewVertices(const Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh,
-			     const MeshOrder& orderNewMesh,
-			     const Obj<mesh_type>& oldMesh,
-			     const MeshOrder& orderOldMesh);
-// PROTECTED TYPEDEFS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-protected :
-  template<typename Point>
-  class Edge : public std::pair<Point, Point> {
-  public:
-    Edge(void) : std::pair<Point, Point>() {};
-    Edge(const Point l) : std::pair<Point, Point>(l, l) {};
-    Edge(const Point l, const Point r) : std::pair<Point, Point>(l, r) {};
-    ~Edge(void) {};
-    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const Edge& edge) {
-      stream << "(" << edge.first << ", " << edge.second << ")";
-      return stream;
-    };
-  };
-  typedef Edge<point_type> EdgeType;
-  typedef std::map<EdgeType, point_type> edge_map_type;
-  template<typename Point>
-  class Face {
-  public:
-    Face(void) {};
-    Face(const Point p) {
-      points[0] = p;
-      points[1] = p;
-      points[2] = p;
-      points[3] = p;
-    };
-    Face(const Point p0,	 
-	 const Point p1,
-	 const Point p2,
-	 const Point p3) {
-      points[0] = p0;
-      points[1] = p1;
-      points[2] = p2;
-      points[3] = p3;      
-    };
-    ~Face(void) {};
-    friend bool operator==(const Face<Point>& a, 
-			   const Face<Point>& b) {
-      const bool result = 
-	a.points[0] == b.points[0] &&
-	a.points[1] == b.points[1] &&
-	a.points[2] == b.points[2] &&
-	a.points[3] == b.points[3];
-      return result;
-    };
-    friend bool operator<(const Face<Point>& a, 
-			  const Face<Point>& b) {
-      if (a.points[0] < b.points[0]) {
-	return true;
-      } else if (a.points[0] == b.points[0]) {
-	if (a.points[1] < b.points[1]) {
-	  return true;
-	} else if (a.points[1] == b.points[1]) {
-	  if (a.points[2] < b.points[2]) {
-	    return true;
-	  } else if (a.points[2] == b.points[2]) {
-	    if (a.points[3] < b.points[3]) {
-	      return true;
-	    } // if
-	  } // if/else
-	} // if/else
-      } // if/else
-      return false;
-    };
-    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, 
-				    const Face<Point>& face) {
-      stream << "(" << face.points[0]
-	     << ", " << face.points[1]
-	     << ", " << face.points[2]
-	     << ", " << face.points[3]
-	     << ")";
-      return stream;
-    };
-  public:
-    int points[4];
-  };
-  template<typename Point>
-  class FaceCmp { // for compatibility with gcc 3.4.6
-  public :
-    bool operator() (const Face<Point>& a, 
-		     const Face<Point>& b) const {
-      if (a.points[0] < b.points[0]) {
-	return true;
-      } else if (a.points[0] == b.points[0]) {
-	if (a.points[1] < b.points[1]) {
-	  return true;
-	} else if (a.points[1] == b.points[1]) {
-	  if (a.points[2] < b.points[2]) {
-	    return true;
-	  } else if (a.points[2] == b.points[2]) {
-	    if (a.points[3] < b.points[3]) {
-	      return true;
-	    } // if
-	  } // if/else
-	} // if/else
-      } // if/else
-      return false;
-    };
-  };
-  typedef Face<point_type> FaceType;
-  typedef std::map<FaceType, point_type, FaceCmp<point_type> > face_map_type;
-// PROTECTED MEMBERS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-protected :
-  const mesh_type& _mesh;
-  edge_map_type _edgeToVertex;
-  face_map_type _faceToVertex;
-// NOT IMPLEMENTED //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  RefineFace4Edges2(const RefineFace4Edges2&); ///< Not implemented
-  const RefineFace4Edges2& operator=(const RefineFace4Edges2&); ///< Not implemented
-}; // RefineFace4Edges2
-#endif // pylith_topology_refineface4edges2_hh
-// End of file 

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/RefineUniform.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/RefineUniform.cc	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/RefineUniform.cc	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -22,20 +22,11 @@
 #include "Mesh.hh" // USES Mesh
-#include "CellRefinerTri3.hh" // USES CellRefinerTri3
-#include "CellRefinerQuad4.hh" // USES CellRefinerQuad4
-#include "CellRefinerTet4.hh" // USES CellRefinerTet4
-#include "CellRefinerHex8.hh" // USES CellRefinerHex8
-#include "MeshRefiner.hh" // USES MeshRefiner
-#include <stdexcept> // USES std::runtime_error
-#include <sstream> // USES std::ostringstream
 #include <cassert> // USES assert()
+#include <sstream> // USES std::ostringstream
+#include <stdexcept> // USES std::runtime_error
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-typedef pylith::topology::Mesh::SieveMesh SieveMesh;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Constructor
 { // constructor
@@ -62,75 +53,30 @@
 					const Mesh& mesh,
 					const int levels)
 { // refine
-  assert(0 != newMesh);
+  assert(newMesh);
-  typedef SieveMesh::point_type point_type;
+  PetscErrorCode err;
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh>& sieveMesh = mesh.sieveMesh();
-  assert(!sieveMesh.isNull());
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh>& newSieveMesh = newMesh->sieveMesh();
-  assert(!newSieveMesh.isNull());
-  ALE::Obj<SieveMesh::sieve_type> newSieve =
-    new SieveMesh::sieve_type(mesh.comm(), mesh.debug());
-  newSieveMesh->setSieve(newSieve);
+  PetscDM dmNew = newMesh->dmMesh();
+  PetscDM dmOrig = mesh.dmMesh();
+  PetscInt meshDepth = 0;
+  err = DMPlexGetDepth(dmOrig, &meshDepth);
-  const Obj<SieveMesh::label_sequence>& cells = sieveMesh->heightStratum(0);
-  assert(!cells.isNull());
-  assert(cells->size() > 0);
+  const int meshDim = mesh.dimension();
+  if (meshDim > 0 && meshDepth !=  meshDim) {
+    std::ostringstream msg;
+    msg << "Mesh refinement for uninterpolated meshes not supported.\n"
+	<< "Turn on interpolated meshes using 'interpolate' mesh generator property.";
+    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
+  } // if
-  const int numCorners = sieveMesh->getNumCellCorners();
-  const int dim = mesh.dimension();
+  err = DMPlexSetRefinementUniform(dmOrig, PETSC_TRUE);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  switch (dim) {
-  case 0:
-  case 1:
-    throw std::runtime_error("Uniform refinement not implemented.");
-    break;
+  for (int i=0; i < levels; ++i) {
+    err = DMRefine(dmOrig, mesh.comm(), &dmNew);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
+  } // for
-  case 2:
-    switch (numCorners) {
-    case 3: {
-      ALE::CellRefinerTri3 cellSplitter(*sieveMesh);
-      ALE::MeshRefiner<ALE::CellRefinerTri3> refinement;
-      refinement.refine(newSieveMesh, sieveMesh, cellSplitter);
-      break;
-    } // case 3
-    case 4: {
-      ALE::CellRefinerQuad4 cellSplitter(*sieveMesh);
-      ALE::MeshRefiner<ALE::CellRefinerQuad4> refinement;
-      refinement.refine(newSieveMesh, sieveMesh, cellSplitter);
-      break;
-    } // case 4
-    default :
-      throw std::runtime_error("Unknown number of corners for cells.");
-    } // switch
-    break;
-  case 3:
-    switch (numCorners) {
-    case 4: {
-      ALE::CellRefinerTet4 cellSplitter(*sieveMesh);
-      ALE::MeshRefiner<ALE::CellRefinerTet4> refinement;
-      refinement.refine(newSieveMesh, sieveMesh, cellSplitter);
-      break;
-    } // case 4
-    case 8: {
-      ALE::CellRefinerHex8 cellSplitter(*sieveMesh);
-      ALE::MeshRefiner<ALE::CellRefinerHex8> refinement;
-      refinement.refine(newSieveMesh, sieveMesh, cellSplitter);
-      break;
-    } // case 8
-    default :
-      assert(0);
-      throw std::runtime_error("Unknown number of corners for cells.");
-    } // switch
-    break;
-  default :
-    assert(0);
-    throw std::logic_error("Unknown dimension.");
-  } // switch
   // newMesh->view("REFINED MESH");
 } // refine

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/RefineUniform.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/RefineUniform.hh	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/RefineUniform.hh	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
   void refine(Mesh* const newMesh,
 	      const Mesh& mesh,
-	      const int levels =2);
+	      const int levels =1);
 // NOT IMPLEMENTED //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 private :

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/RefineVol8Face4Edges2.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/RefineVol8Face4Edges2.cc	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/RefineVol8Face4Edges2.cc	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,603 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
-#include <portinfo>
-#include "RefineVol8Face4Edges2.hh" // implementation of class methods
-#include "MeshOrder.hh" // USES MeshOrder
-#include <cassert> // USES assert()
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Constructor
-ALE::RefineVol8Face4Edges2::RefineVol8Face4Edges2(const mesh_type& mesh) :
-  _mesh(mesh)
-{ // constructor
-} // constructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Destructor
-{ // destructor
-} // destructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Set coordinates of new vertices.
-ALE::RefineVol8Face4Edges2::setCoordsNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::real_section_type>& newCoordsSection,
-						 const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::real_section_type>& oldCoordsSection)
-{ // setCoordsNewVertices
-  assert(!newCoordsSection.isNull());
-  assert(!oldCoordsSection.isNull());
-  PylithScalar coordinatesVertex[3];
-  assert(_edgeToVertex.size() > 0);
-  const int spaceDim = newCoordsSection->getFiberDimension(_edgeToVertex.begin()->second);
-  assert(spaceDim > 0 && spaceDim <= 3);
-  const edge_map_type::const_iterator edgesEnd = _edgeToVertex.end();
-  for (edge_map_type::const_iterator e_iter = _edgeToVertex.begin(); e_iter != edgesEnd; ++e_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = e_iter->second;
-    const point_type edgeVertexA = e_iter->first.first;
-    const point_type edgeVertexB = e_iter->first.second;
-    assert(spaceDim == oldCoordsSection->getFiberDimension(edgeVertexA));
-    assert(spaceDim == oldCoordsSection->getFiberDimension(edgeVertexB));
-    assert(spaceDim == newCoordsSection->getFiberDimension(newVertex));
-    const mesh_type::real_section_type::value_type* coordsA = oldCoordsSection->restrictPoint(edgeVertexA);
-    const mesh_type::real_section_type::value_type* coordsB = oldCoordsSection->restrictPoint(edgeVertexB);
-    for (int i=0; i < spaceDim; ++i)
-      coordinatesVertex[i] = 0.5*(coordsA[i] + coordsB[i]);
-    newCoordsSection->updatePoint(newVertex, coordinatesVertex);
-  } // for
-  const face_map_type::const_iterator facesEnd = _faceToVertex.end();
-  for (face_map_type::const_iterator f_iter = _faceToVertex.begin(); f_iter != facesEnd; ++f_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = f_iter->second;
-    assert(spaceDim == newCoordsSection->getFiberDimension(newVertex));
-    for (int iDim=0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim)
-      coordinatesVertex[iDim] = 0.0;
-    for (int iVertex=0; iVertex < 4; ++iVertex) {
-      const point_type faceVertex = f_iter->first.points[iVertex];
-      assert(spaceDim == oldCoordsSection->getFiberDimension(faceVertex));
-      const mesh_type::real_section_type::value_type* coords = oldCoordsSection->restrictPoint(faceVertex);
-      for (int iDim=0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim)
-	coordinatesVertex[iDim] += 0.25*coords[iDim];
-    } // for
-    newCoordsSection->updatePoint(newVertex, coordinatesVertex);
-  } // for
-  const volume_map_type::const_iterator volumesEnd = _volumeToVertex.end();
-  for (volume_map_type::const_iterator v_iter = _volumeToVertex.begin(); v_iter != volumesEnd; ++v_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = v_iter->second;
-    assert(spaceDim == newCoordsSection->getFiberDimension(newVertex));
-    for (int iDim=0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim)
-      coordinatesVertex[iDim] = 0.0;
-    for (int iVertex=0; iVertex < 8; ++iVertex) {
-      const point_type volumeVertex = v_iter->first.points[iVertex];
-      assert(spaceDim == oldCoordsSection->getFiberDimension(volumeVertex));
-      const mesh_type::real_section_type::value_type* coords = oldCoordsSection->restrictPoint(volumeVertex);
-      for (int iDim=0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim)
-	coordinatesVertex[iDim] += 0.125*coords[iDim];
-    } // for
-    newCoordsSection->updatePoint(newVertex, coordinatesVertex);
-  } // for
-} // setCoordsNewVertices
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Add space for new vertices in group.
-ALE::RefineVol8Face4Edges2::groupAddNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& newGroup,
-					  const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& oldGroup)
-{ // groupAddNewVertices
-  assert(!newGroup.isNull());
-  assert(!oldGroup.isNull());
-  const edge_map_type::const_iterator edgesEnd = _edgeToVertex.end();
-  for (edge_map_type::const_iterator e_iter = _edgeToVertex.begin(); e_iter != edgesEnd; ++e_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = e_iter->second;
-    const point_type edgeVertexA = e_iter->first.first;
-    const point_type edgeVertexB = e_iter->first.second;
-    if (oldGroup->getFiberDimension(edgeVertexA) && oldGroup->getFiberDimension(edgeVertexB)) {
-      if (oldGroup->restrictPoint(edgeVertexA)[0] == oldGroup->restrictPoint(edgeVertexB)[0]) {
-	  newGroup->setFiberDimension(newVertex, 1);
-      } // if
-    } // if
-  } // for
-  const face_map_type::const_iterator facesEnd = _faceToVertex.end();
-  for (face_map_type::const_iterator f_iter = _faceToVertex.begin(); f_iter != facesEnd; ++f_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = f_iter->second;
-    bool hasFace = true;
-    for (int iVertex=0; iVertex < 4; ++iVertex) {
-      const point_type faceVertex = f_iter->first.points[iVertex];
-      if (!oldGroup->getFiberDimension(faceVertex)) {
-	hasFace = false;
-	break;
-      } // if
-    } // for
-    if (hasFace) {
-      newGroup->setFiberDimension(newVertex, 1);
-    } // if
-  } // for
-  const volume_map_type::const_iterator volumesEnd = _volumeToVertex.end();
-  for (volume_map_type::const_iterator v_iter = _volumeToVertex.begin(); v_iter != volumesEnd; ++v_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = v_iter->second;
-    bool hasVolume = true;
-    for (int iVertex=0; iVertex < 8; ++iVertex) {
-      const point_type volumeVertex = v_iter->first.points[iVertex];
-      if (!oldGroup->getFiberDimension(volumeVertex)) {
-	hasVolume = false;
-	break;
-      } // if
-    } // for
-    if (hasVolume) {
-      newGroup->setFiberDimension(newVertex, 1);
-    } // if
-  } // for
-} // groupAddNewVertices
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Set new vertices in group.
-ALE::RefineVol8Face4Edges2::groupSetNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& newGroup,
-						const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& oldGroup)
-{ // groupSetNewVertices
-  assert(!newGroup.isNull());
-  assert(!oldGroup.isNull());
-  const edge_map_type::const_iterator edgesEnd = _edgeToVertex.end();
-  for (edge_map_type::const_iterator e_iter = _edgeToVertex.begin(); e_iter != edgesEnd; ++e_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = e_iter->second;
-    const point_type edgeVertex = e_iter->first.first;
-    if (1 == newGroup->getFiberDimension(newVertex)) {
-      newGroup->updatePoint(newVertex, oldGroup->restrictPoint(edgeVertex));
-      //std::cout << "Adding new vertex: " << newVertex << " based on edge " << e_iter->first << std::endl;
-    } // if
-  } // for
-  const face_map_type::const_iterator facesEnd = _faceToVertex.end();
-  for (face_map_type::const_iterator f_iter = _faceToVertex.begin(); f_iter != facesEnd; ++f_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = f_iter->second;
-    const point_type faceVertex = f_iter->first.points[0];
-    if (1 == newGroup->getFiberDimension(newVertex)) {
-      newGroup->updatePoint(newVertex, oldGroup->restrictPoint(faceVertex));
-      //std::cout << "Adding new vertex: " << newVertex << " based on face " << f_iter->first << std::endl;
-    } // if
-  } // for
-  const volume_map_type::const_iterator volumesEnd = _volumeToVertex.end();
-  for (volume_map_type::const_iterator v_iter = _volumeToVertex.begin(); v_iter != volumesEnd; ++v_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = v_iter->second;
-    const point_type volumeVertex = v_iter->first.points[0];
-    if (1 == newGroup->getFiberDimension(newVertex)) {
-      newGroup->updatePoint(newVertex, oldGroup->restrictPoint(volumeVertex));
-      //std::cout << "Adding new vertex: " << newVertex << " based on volume " << v_iter->first << std::endl;
-    } // if
-  } // for
-} // groupSetNewVertices
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Add new vertices to label.
-ALE::RefineVol8Face4Edges2::labelAddNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh,
-					  const ALE::Obj<mesh_type>& oldMesh,
-					  const char* labelName)
-{ // labelAddNewVertices
-  assert(!newMesh.isNull());
-  assert(!oldMesh.isNull());
-  const Obj<mesh_type::label_sequence>& oldLabelVertices = oldMesh->getLabelStratum(labelName, 0);
-  assert(!oldLabelVertices.isNull());
-  const Obj<mesh_type::label_type>& oldLabel = oldMesh->getLabel(labelName);
-  assert(!oldLabel.isNull());
-  const Obj<mesh_type::label_type>& newLabel = newMesh->getLabel(labelName);
-  assert(!newLabel.isNull());
-  const int defaultValue = -999;
-  const edge_map_type::const_iterator edgesEnd = _edgeToVertex.end();
-  for (edge_map_type::const_iterator e_iter = _edgeToVertex.begin(); e_iter != edgesEnd; ++e_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = e_iter->second;
-    const point_type edgeVertexA = e_iter->first.first;
-    const point_type edgeVertexB = e_iter->first.second;
-    const int valueA = oldMesh->getValue(oldLabel, edgeVertexA, defaultValue);
-    const int valueB = oldMesh->getValue(oldLabel, edgeVertexB, defaultValue);
-    if (valueA != defaultValue && valueA == valueB) {
-      newMesh->setValue(newLabel, newVertex, valueA);
-    } // if
-  } // for
-  const face_map_type::const_iterator facesEnd = _faceToVertex.end();
-  for (face_map_type::const_iterator f_iter = _faceToVertex.begin(); f_iter != facesEnd; ++f_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = f_iter->second;
-    const point_type faceVertex = f_iter->first.points[0];
-    const int value = oldMesh->getValue(oldLabel, faceVertex, defaultValue);
-    if (value != defaultValue) {
-      bool hasFace = true;
-      for (int iVertex=1; iVertex < 4; ++iVertex) {
-	const point_type faceVertex2 = f_iter->first.points[iVertex];
-	const int value2 = oldMesh->getValue(oldLabel, faceVertex2, defaultValue);
-	if (value2 != value) {
-	  hasFace = false;
-	  break;
-	} // if
-      } // for
-      if (hasFace) {
-	newMesh->setValue(newLabel, newVertex, value);
-      } // if
-    } // if
-  } // for
-  const volume_map_type::const_iterator volumesEnd = _volumeToVertex.end();
-  for (volume_map_type::const_iterator v_iter = _volumeToVertex.begin(); v_iter != volumesEnd; ++v_iter) {
-    const point_type newVertex = v_iter->second;
-    const point_type volumeVertex = v_iter->first.points[0];
-    const int value = oldMesh->getValue(oldLabel, volumeVertex, defaultValue);
-    if (value != defaultValue) {
-      bool hasVolume = true;
-      for (int iVertex=1; iVertex < 8; ++iVertex) {
-	const point_type volumeVertex2 = v_iter->first.points[iVertex];
-	const int value2 = oldMesh->getValue(oldLabel, volumeVertex2, defaultValue);
-	if (value2 != value) {
-	  hasVolume = false;
-	  break;
-	} // if
-      } // for
-      if (hasVolume) {
-	newMesh->setValue(newLabel, newVertex, value);
-      } // if
-    } // if
-  } // for
-} // labelAddNewVertices
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Calculate new overlap.
-ALE::RefineVol8Face4Edges2::overlapAddNewVertices(const Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh,
-					    const MeshOrder& orderNewMesh,
-					    const Obj<mesh_type>& oldMesh,
-					    const MeshOrder& orderOldMesh)
-{ // overlapAddNewVertices
-  assert(!newMesh.isNull());
-  assert(!oldMesh.isNull());
-  // :TODO: Add face vertices
-  Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type> newSendOverlap = newMesh->getSendOverlap();
-  assert(!newSendOverlap.isNull());
-  Obj<mesh_type::recv_overlap_type> newRecvOverlap = newMesh->getRecvOverlap();
-  assert(!newRecvOverlap.isNull());
-  const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type>& oldSendOverlap = oldMesh->getSendOverlap();
-  assert(!oldSendOverlap.isNull());
-  const Obj<mesh_type::recv_overlap_type>& oldRecvOverlap = oldMesh->getRecvOverlap();
-  assert(!oldRecvOverlap.isNull());
-  // Check edges in edgeToVertex for both endpoints sent to same process
-  //   Put it in section with point being the lowest numbered vertex and value (other endpoint, new vertex)
-  //     Notice that points are converted to the new numbering with refined cells
-  Obj<ALE::Section<point_type, EdgeType> > newVerticesSection = new ALE::Section<point_type, EdgeType>(oldMesh->comm());
-  assert(!newVerticesSection.isNull());
-  std::map<EdgeType, std::vector<int> > bndryEdgeToRank; // Maps an edge to a set of ranks who share it
-  const int localNormalOffset   = orderNewMesh.verticesNormal().min()   - orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().min();
-  const int localCensoredOffset = orderNewMesh.verticesCensored().min() - orderOldMesh.verticesCensored().min();
-  for(std::map<EdgeType, point_type>::const_iterator e_iter = _edgeToVertex.begin(); e_iter != _edgeToVertex.end(); ++e_iter) {
-    const point_type left  = e_iter->first.first;
-    const point_type right = e_iter->first.second;
-    if (oldSendOverlap->capContains(left) && oldSendOverlap->capContains(right)) {
-      const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type::supportSequence>& leftRanksSeq  = oldSendOverlap->support(left);
-      assert(!leftRanksSeq.isNull());
-      std::set<int> leftRanks(leftRanksSeq->begin(), leftRanksSeq->end());
-      const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type::supportSequence>& rightRanksSeq = oldSendOverlap->support(right);
-      assert(!rightRanksSeq.isNull());
-      std::set<int> rightRanks(rightRanksSeq->begin(), rightRanksSeq->end());
-      std::set<int> ranks;
-      std::set_intersection(leftRanks.begin(), leftRanks.end(), rightRanks.begin(), rightRanks.end(),
-			    std::insert_iterator<std::set<int> >(ranks, ranks.begin()));
-      if(ranks.size()) {
-        const int localOffset = orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().hasPoint(e_iter->first.first) ? localNormalOffset : localCensoredOffset;
-        assert(orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().hasPoint(e_iter->first.first) == orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().hasPoint(e_iter->first.second));
-        newVerticesSection->addFiberDimension(std::min(e_iter->first.first, e_iter->first.second)+localOffset, 1);
-        for(std::set<int>::const_iterator r_iter = ranks.begin(); r_iter != ranks.end(); ++r_iter) {
-          bndryEdgeToRank[e_iter->first].push_back(*r_iter);
-        } // for
-      } // if
-    } // if
-  } // for
-  newVerticesSection->allocatePoint();
-  const ALE::Section<point_type, EdgeType>::chart_type& edgeChart = newVerticesSection->getChart();
-  for(ALE::Section<point_type, EdgeType>::chart_type::const_iterator c_iter = edgeChart.begin(); c_iter != edgeChart.end(); ++c_iter) {
-    typedef ALE::Section<point_type, EdgeType>::value_type value_type;
-    const point_type p      = *c_iter;
-    const int        dim    = newVerticesSection->getFiberDimension(p);
-    int              v      = 0;
-    value_type* values = (dim > 0) ? new value_type[dim] : 0;
-    for(std::map<EdgeType, std::vector<int> >::const_iterator e_iter = bndryEdgeToRank.begin(); e_iter != bndryEdgeToRank.end() && v < dim; ++e_iter) {
-      const int localOffset = orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().hasPoint(e_iter->first.first) ? localNormalOffset : localCensoredOffset;
-      assert(orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().hasPoint(e_iter->first.first) == orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().hasPoint(e_iter->first.second));
-      if (std::min(e_iter->first.first, e_iter->first.second)+localOffset == p) {
-        values[v++] = EdgeType(std::max(e_iter->first.first, e_iter->first.second)+localOffset, _edgeToVertex[e_iter->first]);
-      } // if
-    } // for
-    newVerticesSection->updatePoint(p, values);
-    delete [] values;
-  } // for
-  // Check faces in faceToVertex for all corners sent to same process
-  //   Put it in section with point being the lowest numbered vertex and value (other endpoints, new vertex)
-  //     Notice that points are converted to the new numbering with refined cells
-  Obj<ALE::Section<point_type, FaceType> > newFaceVerticesSection = new ALE::Section<point_type, FaceType>(oldMesh->comm());
-  assert(!newFaceVerticesSection.isNull());
-  std::map<FaceType, std::vector<int>, FaceCmp<point_type>  > bndryFaceToRank;
-  for(std::map<FaceType, point_type>::const_iterator f_iter = _faceToVertex.begin(); f_iter != _faceToVertex.end(); ++f_iter) {
-    bool isRemote = true;
-    for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
-      if (!oldSendOverlap->capContains(f_iter->first.points[i])) {
-        isRemote = false;
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    if (isRemote) {
-      const point_type first     = f_iter->first.points[0];
-      point_type       minVertex = first;
-      const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type::supportSequence>& firstRanksSeq  = oldSendOverlap->support(first);
-      assert(!firstRanksSeq.isNull());
-      std::set<int> firstRanks(firstRanksSeq->begin(), firstRanksSeq->end());
-      std::set<int> ranks, curRanks;
-      curRanks = firstRanks;
-      for(int i = 1; i < 4; ++i) {
-        const point_type nextVertex = f_iter->first.points[i];
-        const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type::supportSequence>& nextRanksSeq = oldSendOverlap->support(nextVertex);
-        assert(!nextRanksSeq.isNull());
-        std::set<int> nextRanks(nextRanksSeq->begin(), nextRanksSeq->end());
-        ranks.clear();
-        std::set_intersection(curRanks.begin(), curRanks.end(), nextRanks.begin(), nextRanks.end(),
-                              std::insert_iterator<std::set<int> >(ranks, ranks.begin()));
-        curRanks = ranks;
-        minVertex = std::min(nextVertex, minVertex);
-      }
-      if (ranks.size()) {
-        const int localOffset = orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().hasPoint(minVertex) ? localNormalOffset : localCensoredOffset;
-        assert(orderNewMesh.verticesNormal().hasPoint(f_iter->second));
-        newFaceVerticesSection->addFiberDimension(minVertex+localOffset, 1);
-        for(std::set<int>::const_iterator r_iter = ranks.begin(); r_iter != ranks.end(); ++r_iter) {
-          bndryFaceToRank[f_iter->first].push_back(*r_iter);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  newFaceVerticesSection->allocatePoint();
-  const ALE::Section<point_type, FaceType>::chart_type& faceChart = newFaceVerticesSection->getChart();
-  for(ALE::Section<point_type, FaceType>::chart_type::const_iterator c_iter = faceChart.begin(); c_iter != faceChart.end(); ++c_iter) {
-    typedef ALE::Section<point_type, FaceType>::value_type value_type;
-    const point_type p      = *c_iter;
-    const int        dim    = newFaceVerticesSection->getFiberDimension(p);
-    int              v      = 0;
-    value_type* values = (dim > 0) ? new value_type[dim] : 0;
-    for(std::map<FaceType, std::vector<int> >::const_iterator f_iter = bndryFaceToRank.begin(); f_iter != bndryFaceToRank.end() && v < dim; ++f_iter) {
-      const point_type first     = f_iter->first.points[0];
-      point_type       minVertex = first;
-      int              localOffset;
-      for(int i = 1; i < 4; ++i) {
-        const point_type nextVertex = f_iter->first.points[i];
-        minVertex = std::min(nextVertex, minVertex);
-      }
-      localOffset = orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().hasPoint(minVertex) ? localNormalOffset : localCensoredOffset;
-      if (minVertex+localOffset == p) {
-        FaceType face;
-        int      k = 0;
-        for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
-          if (f_iter->first.points[i] != minVertex) {
-            localOffset = orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().hasPoint(f_iter->first.points[i]) ? localNormalOffset : localCensoredOffset;
-            face.points[k++] = f_iter->first.points[i]+localOffset;
-          }
-        }
-        assert(k == 3);
-        std::sort(&face.points[0], &face.points[3]);
-        face.points[3] = _faceToVertex[f_iter->first];
-        values[v++] = face;
-      } // if
-    } // for
-    assert(v == dim);
-    newFaceVerticesSection->updatePoint(p, values);
-    delete [] values;
-  } // for
-  // Copy across overlap
-  typedef ALE::Pair<int, point_type> overlap_point_type;
-  // This maps (remote rank, remote min point) --> (remote max point, new remote vertex)
-  Obj<ALE::Section<overlap_point_type, EdgeType> > overlapVertices     = new ALE::Section<overlap_point_type, EdgeType>(oldMesh->comm());
-  // This maps (remote rank, remote min point) --> (other remote points..., new remote vertex)
-  Obj<ALE::Section<overlap_point_type, FaceType> > overlapFaceVertices = new ALE::Section<overlap_point_type, FaceType>(oldMesh->comm());
-  ALE::Pullback::SimpleCopy::copy(newSendOverlap, newRecvOverlap, newVerticesSection,     overlapVertices);
-  ALE::Pullback::SimpleCopy::copy(newSendOverlap, newRecvOverlap, newFaceVerticesSection, overlapFaceVertices);
-  // Merge by translating edge to local points, finding edge in _edgeToVertex, and adding (local new vetex, remote new vertex) to overlap
-  //   Loop over all shared edges
-  for(std::map<EdgeType, std::vector<int> >::const_iterator e_iter = bndryEdgeToRank.begin(); e_iter != bndryEdgeToRank.end(); ++e_iter) {
-    // Point added on this edge by refinement
-    const point_type localPoint = _edgeToVertex[e_iter->first];
-    // Loop over all ranks which share this edge
-    for(std::vector<int>::const_iterator r_iter = e_iter->second.begin(); r_iter != e_iter->second.end(); ++r_iter) {
-      point_type remoteLeft   = -1, remoteRight = -1;
-      const int  rank         = *r_iter;
-      // Offset for left edge point in the new mesh (check whether edge is between Lagrange vertices)
-      const int  localOffsetL = orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().hasPoint(e_iter->first.first) ? localNormalOffset : localCensoredOffset;
-      // Find the rank which owns the left edge point, and return the remotePoint in the new mesh
-      const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type::supportSequence>& leftRanks = newSendOverlap->support(e_iter->first.first+localOffsetL);
-      for(mesh_type::send_overlap_type::supportSequence::iterator lr_iter = leftRanks->begin(); lr_iter != leftRanks->end(); ++lr_iter) {
-        if (rank == *lr_iter) {
-          remoteLeft = lr_iter.color();
-          break;
-        } // if
-      } // for
-      // Offset for right edge point in the new mesh (check whether edge is between Lagrange vertices)
-      const int  localOffsetR = orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().hasPoint(e_iter->first.second) ? localNormalOffset : localCensoredOffset;
-      // Find the rank which owns the right edge point, and return the remotePoint in the new mesh
-      const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type::supportSequence>& rightRanks = newSendOverlap->support(e_iter->first.second+localOffsetR);
-      for(mesh_type::send_overlap_type::supportSequence::iterator rr_iter = rightRanks->begin(); rr_iter != rightRanks->end(); ++rr_iter) {
-        if (rank == *rr_iter) {
-          remoteRight = rr_iter.color();
-          break;
-        } // if
-      } // for
-      const point_type remoteMin   = std::min(remoteLeft, remoteRight);
-      const point_type remoteMax   = std::max(remoteLeft, remoteRight);
-      const int        remoteSize  = overlapVertices->getFiberDimension(overlap_point_type(rank, remoteMin));
-      const EdgeType  *remoteVals  = overlapVertices->restrictPoint(overlap_point_type(rank, remoteMin));
-      point_type       remotePoint = -1;
-      // Loop over all shared edges from rank with endpoint remoteMin
-      for(int d = 0; d < remoteSize; ++d) {
-        if (remoteVals[d].first == remoteMax) {
-          remotePoint = remoteVals[d].second;
-          break;
-        } // if
-      } // for
-#if 0
-      // Debugging for fault edge problem
-      if (remotePoint < 0) {
-        std::cout << "["<<oldMesh->commRank()<<"]Failed to find remote partner for edge " << e_iter->first << " from rank " << rank << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "["<<oldMesh->commRank()<<"]   remote edge ("<<remoteLeft<<","<<remoteRight<<") had remoteSize " << remoteSize << std::endl;
-        for(int d = 0; d < remoteSize; ++d) {
-          std::cout << "["<<oldMesh->commRank()<<"]     remote val " << remoteVals[d] << std::endl;
-        }
-        const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type::supportSequence>& leftRanks2 = oldSendOverlap->support(e_iter->first.first);
-        for(mesh_type::send_overlap_type::supportSequence::iterator lr_iter = leftRanks2->begin(); lr_iter != leftRanks2->end(); ++lr_iter) {
-          if (rank == *lr_iter) {
-            std::cout << "["<<oldMesh->commRank()<<"]     left match:  old vertex " << lr_iter.color() << std::endl;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type::supportSequence>& rightRanks2 = oldSendOverlap->support(e_iter->first.second);
-        for(mesh_type::send_overlap_type::supportSequence::iterator rr_iter = rightRanks2->begin(); rr_iter != rightRanks2->end(); ++rr_iter) {
-          if (rank == *rr_iter) {
-            std::cout << "["<<oldMesh->commRank()<<"]     right match: old vertex " << rr_iter.color() << std::endl;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      assert(remotePoint >= 0);
-      if (remotePoint >= 0) {
-        newSendOverlap->addArrow(localPoint, rank, remotePoint);
-        newRecvOverlap->addArrow(rank, localPoint, remotePoint);
-      }
-    } // for
-  } // for
-  // Merge by translating face to local points, finding face in _faceToVertex, and adding (local new vetex, remote new vertex) to overlap
-  for(std::map<FaceType, std::vector<int> >::const_iterator f_iter = bndryFaceToRank.begin(); f_iter != bndryFaceToRank.end(); ++f_iter) {
-    const point_type localPoint = _faceToVertex[f_iter->first];
-    for(std::vector<int>::const_iterator r_iter = f_iter->second.begin(); r_iter != f_iter->second.end(); ++r_iter) {
-      FaceType  remoteVertices(-1); // These are the remote vertices on process 'rank' for this face
-      const int rank = *r_iter;
-      for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
-        const int localOffset = orderOldMesh.verticesNormal().hasPoint(f_iter->first.points[i]) ? localNormalOffset : localCensoredOffset;
-        const Obj<mesh_type::send_overlap_type::supportSequence>& faceRanks = newSendOverlap->support(f_iter->first.points[i]+localOffset);
-        for(mesh_type::send_overlap_type::supportSequence::iterator fr_iter = faceRanks->begin(); fr_iter != faceRanks->end(); ++fr_iter) {
-          if (rank == *fr_iter) {
-            remoteVertices.points[i] = fr_iter.color();
-            break;
-          } // if
-        } // for
-        assert(remoteVertices.points[i] >= 0);
-      }
-      const point_type remoteMin   = std::min(std::min(std::min(remoteVertices.points[0], remoteVertices.points[1]), remoteVertices.points[2]), remoteVertices.points[3]);
-      const int        remoteSize  = overlapFaceVertices->getFiberDimension(overlap_point_type(rank, remoteMin));
-      const FaceType  *remoteVals  = overlapFaceVertices->restrictPoint(overlap_point_type(rank, remoteMin));
-      point_type       remotePoint = -1;
-      int              k           = 0;
-      FaceType         remoteMax;
-      for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
-        if (remoteVertices.points[i] == remoteMin) continue;
-        remoteMax.points[k++] = remoteVertices.points[i];
-      }
-      assert(k == 3);
-      std::sort(&remoteMax.points[0], &remoteMax.points[3]);
-      for(int d = 0; d < remoteSize; ++d) {
-        int i = 0;
-        for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
-          if (remoteVals[d].points[i] != remoteMax.points[i]) break;
-        }
-        if (i == 3) {
-          remotePoint = remoteVals[d].points[3];
-          break;
-        } // if
-      } // for
-      assert(localPoint >= orderNewMesh.verticesNormal().min() && localPoint < orderNewMesh.verticesNormal().max());
-#if 0 // Debugging for fault edge problem
-      assert(remotePoint >= 0);
-      if (remotePoint >= 0) {
-        newSendOverlap->addArrow(localPoint, rank, remotePoint);
-        newRecvOverlap->addArrow(rank, localPoint, remotePoint);
-      }
-    } // for
-  } // for
-} // overlapAddNewVertces
-// End of file 

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/RefineVol8Face4Edges2.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/RefineVol8Face4Edges2.hh	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/RefineVol8Face4Edges2.hh	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
- * @file libsrc/topology/RefineVol8Face4Edges2.hh
- *
- * @brief Object for refinement of cells via refinement of volumes
- * with 8 vertices, faces with 4 vertices, and edges with two
- * vertices.
- */
-#if !defined(pylith_topology_refinevol8face4edges2_hh)
-#define pylith_topology_refinevol8face4edges2_hh
-// Include directives ---------------------------------------------------
-#include "topologyfwd.hh" // forward declarations
-#include <list> // USES std::pair
-// RefineVol8Face4Edges2 ------------------------------------------------------
-/// Object for tri3 refinement of cells.
-class ALE::RefineVol8Face4Edges2
-{ // RefineVol8Face4Edges2
-  typedef IMesh<PetscInt,PetscScalar> mesh_type;
-  typedef mesh_type::point_type point_type;
-// PUBLIC MEMBERS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-public :
-  /** Constructor
-   *
-   * @param mesh Finite-element mesh.
-   */
-  RefineVol8Face4Edges2(const mesh_type& mesh);
-  /// Destructor
-  ~RefineVol8Face4Edges2(void);
-  /** Set coordinates of new vertices.
-   *
-   * @param newCoordsSection Coordinates of vertices in new mesh.
-   * @param oldCoordsSection Coordinates of vertices in original mesh.
-   */
-  void setCoordsNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::real_section_type>& newCoordsSection,
-			    const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::real_section_type>& oldCoordsSection);
-  /** Add space for new vertices in group.
-   *
-   * @param newGroup Group in refine mesh.
-   * @param oldGroup Group in original mesh.
-   */
-  void groupAddNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& newGroup,
-			   const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& oldGroup);
-  /** Set new vertices in group.
-   *
-   * @param newGroup Group in refine mesh.
-   * @param oldGroup Group in original mesh.
-   */
-  void groupSetNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& newGroup,
-			   const ALE::Obj<mesh_type::int_section_type>& oldGroup);
-  /** Add new vertices to label.
-   *
-   * @param newMesh Mesh with refined cells.
-   * @param oldMesh Original mesh.
-   * @param labelName Name of label.
-   */
-  void labelAddNewVertices(const ALE::Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh,
-			   const ALE::Obj<mesh_type>& oldMesh,
-			   const char* labelName);
-  /** Calculate new overlap.
-   *
-   * @param newMesh New (refined) mesh.
-   * @param orderNewMesh Order in new mesh.
-   * @param oldMesh Current (unrefined) mesh with overlap.
-   * @param orderOldMesh Order in old mesh.
-   */
-  void overlapAddNewVertices(const Obj<mesh_type>& newMesh,
-			     const MeshOrder& orderNewMesh,
-			     const Obj<mesh_type>& oldMesh,
-			     const MeshOrder& orderOldMesh);
-// PROTECTED TYPEDEFS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
-protected :
-  template<typename Point>
-  class Edge : public std::pair<Point, Point> {
-  public:
-    Edge(void) : std::pair<Point, Point>() {};
-    Edge(const Point l) : std::pair<Point, Point>(l, l) {};
-    Edge(const Point l, const Point r) : std::pair<Point, Point>(l, r) {};
-    ~Edge(void) {};
-    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const Edge& edge) {
-      stream << "(" << edge.first << ", " << edge.second << ")";
-      return stream;
-    };
-  };
-  typedef Edge<point_type> EdgeType;
-  typedef std::map<EdgeType, point_type> edge_map_type;
-  template<typename Point>
-  class Face {
-  public:
-    Face(void) {};
-    Face(const Point p) {
-      points[0] = p;
-      points[1] = p;
-      points[2] = p;
-      points[3] = p;
-    };
-    Face(const Point p0,	 
-	 const Point p1,
-	 const Point p2,
-	 const Point p3) {
-      points[0] = p0;
-      points[1] = p1;
-      points[2] = p2;
-      points[3] = p3;      
-    };
-    ~Face(void) {};
-    friend bool operator==(const Face<Point>& a, 
-			   const Face<Point>& b) {
-      const bool result = 
-	a.points[0] == b.points[0] &&
-	a.points[1] == b.points[1] &&
-	a.points[2] == b.points[2] &&
-	a.points[3] == b.points[3];
-      return result;
-    };
-    friend bool operator<(const Face<Point>& a, 
-			  const Face<Point>& b) {
-      if (a.points[0] < b.points[0]) {
-	return true;
-      } else if (a.points[0] == b.points[0]) {
-	if (a.points[1] < b.points[1]) {
-	  return true;
-	} else if (a.points[1] == b.points[1]) {
-	  if (a.points[2] < b.points[2]) {
-	    return true;
-	  } else if (a.points[2] == b.points[2]) {
-	    if (a.points[3] < b.points[3]) {
-	      return true;
-	    } // if
-	  } // if/else
-	} // if/else
-      } // if/else
-      return false;
-    };
-    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, 
-				    const Face<Point>& face) {
-      stream << "(" << face.points[0]
-	     << ", " << face.points[1]
-	     << ", " << face.points[2]
-	     << ", " << face.points[3]
-	     << ")";
-      return stream;
-    };
-  public:
-    int points[4];
-  };
-  template<typename Point>
-  class FaceCmp { // for compatibility with gcc 3.4.6
-  public :
-    bool operator() (const Face<Point>& a, 
-		     const Face<Point>& b) const {
-      if (a.points[0] < b.points[0]) {
-	return true;
-      } else if (a.points[0] == b.points[0]) {
-	if (a.points[1] < b.points[1]) {
-	  return true;
-	} else if (a.points[1] == b.points[1]) {
-	  if (a.points[2] < b.points[2]) {
-	    return true;
-	  } else if (a.points[2] == b.points[2]) {
-	    if (a.points[3] < b.points[3]) {
-	      return true;
-	    } // if
-	  } // if/else
-	} // if/else
-      } // if/else
-      return false;
-    };
-  };
-  typedef Face<point_type> FaceType;
-  typedef std::map<FaceType, point_type, FaceCmp<point_type> > face_map_type;
-  template<typename Point>
-  class Volume {
-  public:
-    Volume(void) {};
-    Volume(const Point p) {
-      points[0] = p;
-      points[1] = p;
-      points[2] = p;
-      points[3] = p;
-      points[4] = p;
-      points[5] = p;
-      points[6] = p;
-      points[7] = p;
-    };
-    Volume(const Point p0,	 
-	   const Point p1,
-	   const Point p2,
-	   const Point p3,
-	   const Point p4,	 
-	   const Point p5,
-	   const Point p6,
-	   const Point p7) {
-      points[0] = p0;
-      points[1] = p1;
-      points[2] = p2;
-      points[3] = p3;      
-      points[4] = p4;
-      points[5] = p5;
-      points[6] = p6;
-      points[7] = p7;      
-    };
-    ~Volume(void) {};
-    friend bool operator==(const Volume<Point>& a, 
-			   const Volume<Point>& b) {
-      const bool result = 
-	a.points[0] == b.points[0] &&
-	a.points[1] == b.points[1] &&
-	a.points[2] == b.points[2] &&
-	a.points[3] == b.points[3] &&
-	a.points[4] == b.points[4] &&
-	a.points[5] == b.points[5] &&
-	a.points[6] == b.points[6] &&
-	a.points[7] == b.points[7];
-      return result;
-    };
-    friend bool operator<(const Volume<Point>& a, 
-			  const Volume<Point>& b) {
-      if (a.points[0] < b.points[0]) {
-	return true;
-      } else if (a.points[0] == b.points[0]) {
-	if (a.points[1] < b.points[1]) {
-	  return true;
-	} else if (a.points[1] == b.points[1]) {
-	  if (a.points[2] < b.points[2]) {
-	    return true;
-	  } else if (a.points[2] == b.points[2]) {
-	    if (a.points[3] < b.points[3]) {
-	      return true;
-	    } else if (a.points[3] == b.points[3]) {
-	      if (a.points[4] < b.points[4]) {
-		return true;
-	      } else if (a.points[4] == b.points[4]) {
-		if (a.points[5] < b.points[5]) {
-		  return true;
-		} else if (a.points[6] == b.points[6]) {
-		  if (a.points[7] < b.points[7]) {
-		    return true;
-		  } // if
-		} // if/else
-	      } // if/else
-	    } // if/else
-	  } // if/else
-	} // if/else
-      } // if/else
-      return false;
-    };
-    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, 
-				    const Volume<Point>& v) {
-      stream << "(" << v.points[0]
-	     << ", " << v.points[1]
-	     << ", " << v.points[2]
-	     << ", " << v.points[3]
-	     << ", " << v.points[4]
-	     << ", " << v.points[5]
-	     << ", " << v.points[6]
-	     << ", " << v.points[7]
-	     << ")";
-      return stream;
-    };
-  public:
-    int points[8];
-  };
-  template<typename Point>
-  class VolumeCmp { // for compatibility with gcc 3.4.6
-  public :
-    bool operator() (const Volume<Point>& a, 
-		     const Volume<Point>& b) {
-      if (a.points[0] < b.points[0]) {
-	return true;
-      } else if (a.points[0] == b.points[0]) {
-	if (a.points[1] < b.points[1]) {
-	  return true;
-	} else if (a.points[1] == b.points[1]) {
-	  if (a.points[2] < b.points[2]) {
-	    return true;
-	  } else if (a.points[2] == b.points[2]) {
-	    if (a.points[3] < b.points[3]) {
-	      return true;
-	    } else if (a.points[3] == b.points[3]) {
-	      if (a.points[4] < b.points[4]) {
-		return true;
-	      } else if (a.points[4] == b.points[4]) {
-		if (a.points[5] < b.points[5]) {
-		  return true;
-		} else if (a.points[6] == b.points[6]) {
-		  if (a.points[7] < b.points[7]) {
-		    return true;
-		  } // if
-		} // if/else
-	      } // if/else
-	    } // if/else
-	  } // if/else
-	} // if/else
-      } // if/else
-      return false;
-    };
-  };
-  typedef Volume<point_type> VolumeType;
-  typedef std::map<VolumeType, point_type, VolumeCmp<point_type> > volume_map_type;
-// PROTECTED MEMBERS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-protected :
-  const mesh_type& _mesh;
-  edge_map_type _edgeToVertex;
-  face_map_type _faceToVertex;
-  volume_map_type _volumeToVertex;
-// NOT IMPLEMENTED //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-private :
-  RefineVol8Face4Edges2(const RefineVol8Face4Edges2&); ///< Not implemented
-  const RefineVol8Face4Edges2& operator=(const RefineVol8Face4Edges2&); ///< Not implemented
-}; // RefineVol8Face4Edges2
-#endif // pylith_topology_refinevol8face4edges2_hh
-// End of file 

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/topologyfwd.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/topologyfwd.hh	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/topology/topologyfwd.hh	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -29,23 +29,6 @@
 #include "pylith/utils/types.hh"
-#if 0 // :TODO: Update this for PETSc DM.
-namespace ALE {
-  template<typename cellrefiner_type> class MeshRefiner;
-  class RefineEdges2;
-  class CellRefinerTri3;
-  class CellRefinerTet4;
-  class RefineFace4Edges2;
-  class CellRefinerQuad4;
-  class RefineVol8Face4Edges2;
-  class CellRefinerHex8;
-  class MeshOrder;
-} // ALE
 namespace pylith {
   namespace topology {

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/modulesrc/topology/topology.i
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/modulesrc/topology/topology.i	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/modulesrc/topology/topology.i	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 #include "pylith/topology/SolutionFields.hh"
 #include "pylith/topology/Jacobian.hh"
 #include "pylith/topology/Distributor.hh"
-//#include "pylith/topology/RefineUniform.hh" // Not yet updated
+#include "pylith/topology/RefineUniform.hh"
 #include "pylith/topology/ReverseCuthillMcKee.hh"
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
 %include "SolutionFields.i"
 %include "Jacobian.i"
 %include "Distributor.i"
-//%include "RefineUniform.i" // not yet updated
+%include "RefineUniform.i"
 %include "ReverseCuthillMcKee.i"
 // End of file

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/pylith/topology/RefineUniform.py
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/pylith/topology/RefineUniform.py	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/pylith/topology/RefineUniform.py	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -24,11 +24,10 @@
 ## Factory: mesh_refiner.
 from MeshRefiner import MeshRefiner
-#from topology import RefineUniform as ModuleRefineUniform # TEMPORARY
+from topology import RefineUniform as ModuleRefineUniform
 # RefineUniform class
-#class RefineUniform(MeshRefiner, ModuleRefineUniform): # TEMPORARY
-class RefineUniform(MeshRefiner):
+class RefineUniform(MeshRefiner, ModuleRefineUniform):
   Python manager for uniform global refinement of mesh in parallel.
@@ -39,8 +38,7 @@
   import pyre.inventory
-  levels = pyre.inventory.int("levels", default=2,
-                              validator=pyre.inventory.choice([2, 4]))
+  levels = pyre.inventory.int("levels", default=1, validator=pyre.inventory.greaterEqual(1))
   levels.meta['tip'] = "Number of refinement levels."
@@ -63,20 +61,19 @@
     logEvent = "%srefine" % self._loggingPrefix
-    print "WARNING: RefineUniform not yet implemented in v2.0.0."
     newMesh = mesh
-    #from Mesh import Mesh
-    #newMesh = Mesh(dim=mesh.dimension(), comm=mesh.comm())
-    #newMesh.debug(mesh.debug())
-    #newMesh.coordsys(mesh.coordsys())
-    #ModuleRefineUniform.refine(self, newMesh, mesh, self.levels)
-    #if not newMesh == mesh:
-    #  #from pylith.utils.petsc import MemoryLogger
-    #  #memoryLogger =  MemoryLogger.singleton()
-    #
-    #  #memoryLogger.stagePush(mesh.memLoggingStage)      
-    #  mesh.cleanup()
-    #  #memoryLogger.stagePop()
+    from Mesh import Mesh
+    newMesh = Mesh(dim=mesh.dimension(), comm=mesh.comm())
+    newMesh.debug(mesh.debug())
+    newMesh.coordsys(mesh.coordsys())
+    ModuleRefineUniform.refine(self, newMesh, mesh, self.levels)
+    if not newMesh == mesh:
+      #from pylith.utils.petsc import MemoryLogger
+      #memoryLogger =  MemoryLogger.singleton()
+      #memoryLogger.stagePush(mesh.memLoggingStage)      
+      mesh.cleanup()
+      #memoryLogger.stagePop()
     return newMesh
@@ -97,7 +94,7 @@
     Create handle to C++ object.
-    #ModuleRefineUniform.__init__(self) # TEMPORARY
+    ModuleRefineUniform.__init__(self)

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/Makefile.am
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/Makefile.am	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/Makefile.am	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@
 	TestFieldsSubMesh.cc \
 	TestSolutionFields.cc \
 	TestJacobian.cc \
+	TestRefineUniform.cc \
-#	TestRefineUniform.cc 
 noinst_HEADERS = \
@@ -52,33 +52,33 @@
 	TestFieldsMesh.hh \
 	TestFieldsSubMesh.hh \
 	TestSolutionFields.hh \
+	TestRefineUniform.hh \
-#	TestRefineUniform.hh
 # Source files associated with testing data
 testtopology_SOURCES += \
 	data/MeshDataCohesive.cc \
-	data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2.cc \
-	data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1.cc \
-	data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2.cc \
-	data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1.cc \
-	data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2.cc \
-	data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1.cc \
-	data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2.cc \
-	data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1.cc
+	data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1.cc \
+	data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1.cc \
+	data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1.cc \
+	data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1.cc \
+	data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1.cc \
+	data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1.cc \
+	data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1.cc \
+	data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1.cc
 noinst_HEADERS += \
 	data/MeshDataCohesive.hh \
-	data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2.hh \
-	data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1.hh \
-	data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2.hh \
-	data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1.hh \
-	data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2.hh \
-	data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1.hh \
-	data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2.hh \
-	data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1.hh
+	data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1.hh \
+	data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1.hh \
+	data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1.hh \
+	data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1.hh \
+	data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1.hh \
+	data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1.hh \
+	data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1.hh \
+	data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1.hh

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/TestRefineUniform.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/TestRefineUniform.cc	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/TestRefineUniform.cc	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -23,28 +23,26 @@
 #include "pylith/topology/RefineUniform.hh" // USES RefineUniform
 #include "pylith/topology/Mesh.hh" // USES Mesh
+#include "pylith/topology/Stratum.hh" // USES Stratum
+#include "pylith/topology/CoordsVisitor.hh" // USES CoordsVisitor
 #include "pylith/meshio/MeshIOAscii.hh" // USES MeshIOAscii
 #include "pylith/faults/FaultCohesiveKin.hh" // USES FaultCohesiveKin
 #include "pylith/utils/array.hh" // USES int_array
-#include "data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2.hh"
-#include "data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1.hh"
-#include "data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2.hh"
-#include "data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1.hh"
-#include "data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2.hh"
-#include "data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1.hh"
-#include "data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2.hh"
-#include "data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1.hh"
+#include "data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1.hh"
+#include "data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1.hh"
+#include "data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1.hh"
+#include "data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1.hh"
+#include "data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1.hh"
+#include "data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1.hh"
+#include "data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1.hh"
+#include "data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1.hh"
 #include <strings.h> // USES strcasecmp()
 #include <stdexcept> // USES std::logic_error
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-typedef pylith::topology::Mesh::SieveMesh SieveMesh;
-typedef pylith::topology::Mesh::RealSection RealSection;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION( pylith::topology::TestRefineUniform );
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -58,74 +56,74 @@
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Test refine() with level 2, tri3 cells, and no fault.
-{ // testRefineTri3Level2
-  MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2 data;
+{ // testRefineTri3Level1
+  MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1 data;
-} // testRefineTri3Level2
+} // testRefineTri3Level1
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Test refine() with level 2, tri3 cells, and one fault.
-{ // testRefineTri3Level2Fault1
-  MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1 data;
+{ // testRefineTri3Level1Fault1
+  MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1 data;
-} // testRefineTri3Level2Fault1
+} // testRefineTri3Level1Fault1
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Test refine() with level 2, quad4 cells, and no fault.
-{ // testRefineQuad4Level2
-  MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2 data;
+{ // testRefineQuad4Level1
+  MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1 data;
-} // testRefineQuad4Level2
+} // testRefineQuad4Level1
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Test refine() with level 2, quad4 cells, and one fault.
-{ // testRefineQuad4Level2Fault1
-  MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1 data;
+{ // testRefineQuad4Level1Fault1
+  MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1 data;
-} // testRefineQuad4Level2Fault1
+} // testRefineQuad4Level1Fault1
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Test refine() with level 2, tet4 cells, and no fault.
-{ // testRefineTet4Level2
-  MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2 data;
+{ // testRefineTet4Level1
+  MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1 data;
-} // testRefineTet4Level2
+} // testRefineTet4Level1
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Test refine() with level 2, tet4 cells, and one fault.
-{ // testRefineTet4Level2Fault1
-  MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1 data;
+{ // testRefineTet4Level1Fault1
+  MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1 data;
-} // testRefineTet4Level2Fault1
+} // testRefineTet4Level1Fault1
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Test refine() with level 2, hex8 cells, and no fault.
-{ // testRefineHex8Level2
-  MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2 data;
+{ // testRefineHex8Level1
+  MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1 data;
-} // testRefineHex8Level2
+} // testRefineHex8Level1
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Test refine() with level 2, hex8 cells, and one fault.
-{ // testRefineHex8Level2Fault1
-  MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1 data;
+{ // testRefineHex8Level1Fault1
+  MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1 data;
-} // testRefineHex8Level2Fault1
+} // testRefineHex8Level1Fault1
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -140,13 +138,13 @@
   // Adjust topology if necessary.
-  if (0 != data.faultA || 0 != data.faultB) {
+  if (data.faultA || data.faultB) {
     int firstLagrangeVertex = 0;
     int firstFaultCell = 0;
     faults::FaultCohesiveKin faultA;
-    if (0 != data.faultA) {
+    if (data.faultA) {
       const int nvertices = faultA.numVerticesNoMesh(*mesh);
       firstLagrangeVertex += nvertices;
@@ -155,7 +153,7 @@
     faults::FaultCohesiveKin faultB;
-    if (0 != data.faultB) {
+    if (data.faultB) {
       const int nvertices = faultB.numVerticesNoMesh(*mesh);
       firstLagrangeVertex += nvertices;
@@ -163,12 +161,12 @@
     } // if
     int firstFaultVertex = 0;
-    if (0 != data.faultA)
-      faultA.adjustTopology(mesh, &firstFaultVertex, 
-			    &firstLagrangeVertex, &firstFaultCell);
-    if (0 != data.faultB)
-      faultB.adjustTopology(mesh, &firstFaultVertex, 
-			    &firstLagrangeVertex, &firstFaultCell);
+    if (data.faultA) {
+      faultA.adjustTopology(mesh, &firstFaultVertex, &firstLagrangeVertex, &firstFaultCell);
+    } // if
+    if (data.faultB) {
+      faultB.adjustTopology(mesh, &firstFaultVertex, &firstLagrangeVertex, &firstFaultCell);
+    } // if
   } // if
 } // _setupMesh
@@ -177,7 +175,6 @@
 pylith::topology::TestRefineUniform::_testRefine(const MeshDataCohesive& data)
 { // _testRefine
-  typedef SieveMesh::int_section_type::chart_type chart_type;
   Mesh mesh(data.cellDim);
   _setupMesh(&mesh, data);
@@ -189,125 +186,130 @@
   // Check mesh dimension
   CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.cellDim, newMesh.dimension());
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh>& sieveMesh = newMesh.sieveMesh();
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!sieveMesh.isNull());
+  const PetscDM& dmMesh = newMesh.dmMesh();CPPUNIT_ASSERT(dmMesh);
   // Check vertices
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh::label_sequence>& vertices = 
-    sieveMesh->depthStratum(0);
-  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& coordinates =
-    sieveMesh->getRealSection("coordinates");
-  const int numVertices = vertices->size();
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!vertices.isNull());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!coordinates.isNull());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.numVertices, numVertices);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.spaceDim, 
-		       coordinates->getFiberDimension(*vertices->begin()));
-  int i = 0;
+  topology::Stratum verticesStratum(dmMesh, topology::Stratum::DEPTH, 0);
+  const PetscInt vStart = verticesStratum.begin();
+  const PetscInt vEnd = verticesStratum.end();
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.numVertices, verticesStratum.size());
+  topology::CoordsVisitor coordsVisitor(dmMesh);
+  const PetscScalar* coordsArray = coordsVisitor.localArray();
+  const PylithScalar tolerance = 1.0e-06;
   const int spaceDim = data.spaceDim;
-  for(SieveMesh::label_sequence::iterator v_iter = 
-	vertices->begin();
-      v_iter != vertices->end();
-      ++v_iter) {
-    const PylithScalar* vertexCoords = coordinates->restrictPoint(*v_iter);
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 != vertexCoords);
-    const PylithScalar tolerance = 1.0e-06;
-    for (int iDim=0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim)
-      if (data.vertices[i] < 1.0) {
-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(data.vertices[i++], vertexCoords[iDim],
-				     tolerance);
+  for (PetscInt v = vStart, index = 0; v < vEnd; ++v) {
+    const PetscInt off = coordsVisitor.sectionOffset(v);
+    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(spaceDim, coordsVisitor.sectionDof(v));
+    for (int iDim=0; iDim < spaceDim; ++iDim, ++index) {
+      if (data.vertices[index] < 1.0) {
+        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(data.vertices[index], coordsArray[off+iDim], tolerance);
       } else {
-        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(1.0, vertexCoords[iDim]/data.vertices[i++],
-				     tolerance);
-      }
+        CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(1.0, coordsArray[off+iDim]/data.vertices[index], tolerance);
+      } // if/else
+    } // for
   } // for
-  // check cells
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh::sieve_type>& sieve = sieveMesh->getSieve();
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh::label_sequence>& cells = 
-    sieveMesh->heightStratum(0);
+  // Check cells
+  topology::Stratum cellsStratum(dmMesh, topology::Stratum::HEIGHT, 0);
+  const PetscInt cStart = cellsStratum.begin();
+  const PetscInt cEnd = cellsStratum.end();
+  const PetscInt numCells = cellsStratum.size();
-  const int numCells = cells->size();
   CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.numCells+data.numCellsCohesive, numCells);
+  const int offset = numCells;
+  const PetscInt* cone = NULL;
+  PetscInt coneSize = 0;
+  PetscErrorCode err = 0;
   // Normal cells
-  ALE::ISieveVisitor::PointRetriever<SieveMesh::sieve_type> pV(sieve->getMaxConeSize());
-  SieveMesh::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cells->begin();
-  for(int iCell=0, i=0; iCell < data.numCells; ++iCell, ++c_iter) {
-    pV.clear();
-    sieve->cone(*c_iter, pV);
-    const SieveMesh::point_type *cone = pV.getPoints();
-    const int coneSize = pV.getSize();
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.numCorners, coneSize);
-    for(int p = 0; p < coneSize; ++p, ++i)
-      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.cells[i], cone[p]);
+  for(PetscInt c = cStart, index = 0; c < data.numCells; ++c) {
+    PetscInt *closure = PETSC_NULL;
+    PetscInt  closureSize, numCorners = 0;
+    err = DMPlexGetTransitiveClosure(dmMesh, c, PETSC_TRUE, &closureSize, &closure);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
+    for(PetscInt p = 0; p < closureSize*2; p += 2) {
+      const PetscInt point = closure[p];
+      if ((point >= vStart) && (point < vEnd)) {
+        closure[numCorners++] = point;
+      } // if
+    } // for
+    err = DMPlexInvertCell(data.cellDim, numCorners, closure);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
+    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.numCorners, numCorners);
+    for(PetscInt p = 0; p < numCorners; ++p, ++index) {
+      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.cells[index], closure[p]-offset);
+    } // for
+    err = DMPlexRestoreTransitiveClosure(dmMesh, c, PETSC_TRUE, &closureSize, &closure);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
   } // for
   // Cohesive cells
-  for (int iCell=0, i=0; iCell < data.numCellsCohesive; ++iCell, ++c_iter) {
-    pV.clear();
-    sieve->cone(*c_iter, pV);
-    const SieveMesh::point_type *cone = pV.getPoints();
-    const int coneSize = pV.getSize();
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.numCornersCohesive, coneSize);
-    for(int p = 0; p < coneSize; ++p, ++i)
-      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.cellsCohesive[i], cone[p]);
+  for(PetscInt c = data.numCells, index = 0; c < cEnd; ++c) {
+    PetscInt *closure = PETSC_NULL;
+    PetscInt  closureSize, numCorners = 0;
+    err = DMPlexGetTransitiveClosure(dmMesh, c, PETSC_TRUE, &closureSize, &closure);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
+    for(PetscInt p = 0; p < closureSize*2; p += 2) {
+      const PetscInt point = closure[p];
+      if ((point >= vStart) && (point < vEnd)) {
+        closure[numCorners++] = point;
+      } // if
+    } // for
+    err = DMPlexInvertCell(data.cellDim, numCorners, closure);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
+    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.numCornersCohesive, numCorners);
+    for(PetscInt p = 0; p < numCorners; ++p, ++index) {
+      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.cellsCohesive[index], closure[p]-offset);
+    } // for
+    err = DMPlexRestoreTransitiveClosure(dmMesh, c, PETSC_TRUE, &closureSize, &closure);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
   } // for
   // check materials
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh::label_type>& labelMaterials = 
-    sieveMesh->getLabel("material-id");
-  const int idDefault = -999;
-  const int size = numCells;
-  i = 0;
-  for(SieveMesh::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cells->begin();
-      c_iter != cells->end();
-      ++c_iter) {
-    const int id = sieveMesh->getValue(labelMaterials, *c_iter, idDefault);
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.materialIds[i++], id);
+  PetscInt matId = 0;
+  for(PetscInt c = cStart; c < cEnd; ++c) {
+    err = DMPlexGetLabelValue(dmMesh, "material-id", c, &matId);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
+    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.materialIds[c-cStart], matId);
   } // for
   // Check groups
-  const ALE::Obj<std::set<std::string> >& groupNames = 
-    sieveMesh->getIntSections();
-  if (data.numGroups > 0) {
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!groupNames.isNull());
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.numGroups, int(groupNames->size()));
-  } // if
-  int iGroup = 0;
-  int index = 0;
-  for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator name=groupNames->begin();
-       name != groupNames->end();
-       ++name, ++iGroup) {
-    const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh::int_section_type>& groupField = 
-      sieveMesh->getIntSection(*name);
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!groupField.isNull());
-    const chart_type& chart = groupField->getChart();
-    SieveMesh::point_type firstPoint;
-    for(chart_type::const_iterator c_iter = chart.begin();
-	c_iter != chart.end();
-	++c_iter) {
-      if (groupField->getFiberDimension(*c_iter)) {
-	firstPoint = *c_iter;
-	break;
+  PetscInt numGroups, pStart, pEnd;
+  err = DMPlexGetChart(dmMesh, &pStart, &pEnd);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
+  err = DMPlexGetNumLabels(dmMesh, &numGroups);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
+  numGroups -= 2; // Remove depth and material labels.
+  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.numGroups, numGroups);
+  PetscInt index  = 0;
+  for(PetscInt iGroup = 0, iLabel = numGroups-1; iGroup < numGroups; ++iGroup, --iLabel) {
+    const char *name = NULL;
+    PetscInt firstPoint = 0;
+    err = DMPlexGetLabelName(dmMesh, iLabel, &name);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
+    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string(data.groupNames[iGroup]), std::string(name));
+    for(PetscInt p = pStart; p < pEnd; ++p) {
+      PetscInt val;
+      err = DMPlexGetLabelValue(dmMesh, name, p, &val);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
+      if (val >= 0) {
+        firstPoint = p;
+        break;
       } // if
     } // for
-    std::string groupType = 
-      (sieveMesh->height(firstPoint) == 0) ? "cell" : "vertex";
-    const int numPoints = groupField->size();
-    int_array points(numPoints);
-    int i = 0;
-    for(chart_type::const_iterator c_iter = chart.begin();
-	c_iter != chart.end();
-	++c_iter)
-      if (groupField->getFiberDimension(*c_iter))
-	points[i++] = *c_iter;
-    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string(data.groupNames[iGroup]), *name);
+    std::string groupType = (firstPoint >= cStart && firstPoint < cEnd) ? "cell" : "vertex";
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::string(data.groupTypes[iGroup]), groupType);
+    PetscInt numPoints;
+    err = DMPlexGetStratumSize(dmMesh, name, 1, &numPoints);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
     CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.groupSizes[iGroup], numPoints);
-    for (int i=0; i < numPoints; ++i)
-      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.groups[index++], points[i]);
+    PetscIS pointIS = NULL;
+    const PetscInt *points = NULL;
+    const PetscInt offset = ("vertex" == groupType) ? numCells : 0;
+    err = DMPlexGetStratumIS(dmMesh, name, 1, &pointIS);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
+    err = ISGetIndices(pointIS, &points);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
+    for(PetscInt p = 0; p < numPoints; ++p) {
+      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.groups[index++], points[p]-offset);
+    } // for
+    err = ISRestoreIndices(pointIS, &points);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
+    err = ISDestroy(&pointIS);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
   } // for
 } // _testRefine

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/TestRefineUniform.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/TestRefineUniform.hh	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/TestRefineUniform.hh	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -51,17 +51,17 @@
   CPPUNIT_TEST( testConstructor );
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( testRefineTri3Level2 );
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( testRefineTri3Level2Fault1 );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( testRefineTri3Level1 );
+  //CPPUNIT_TEST( testRefineTri3Level1Fault1 );
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( testRefineQuad4Level2 );
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( testRefineQuad4Level2Fault1 );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( testRefineQuad4Level1 );
+  //CPPUNIT_TEST( testRefineQuad4Level1Fault1 );
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( testRefineTet4Level2 );
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( testRefineTet4Level2Fault1 );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( testRefineTet4Level1 );
+  //CPPUNIT_TEST( testRefineTet4Level1Fault1 );
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( testRefineHex8Level2 );
-  CPPUNIT_TEST( testRefineHex8Level2Fault1 );
+  CPPUNIT_TEST( testRefineHex8Level1 );
+  //CPPUNIT_TEST( testRefineHex8Level1Fault1 );
@@ -72,28 +72,28 @@
   void testConstructor(void);
   /// Test refine() with level 2, tri3 cells, and no fault.
-  void testRefineTri3Level2(void);
+  void testRefineTri3Level1(void);
   /// Test refine() with level 2, tri3 cells, and one fault.
-  void testRefineTri3Level2Fault1(void);
+  void testRefineTri3Level1Fault1(void);
   /// Test refine() with level 2, quad4 cells, and no fault.
-  void testRefineQuad4Level2(void);
+  void testRefineQuad4Level1(void);
   /// Test refine() with level 2, quad4 cells, and one fault.
-  void testRefineQuad4Level2Fault1(void);
+  void testRefineQuad4Level1Fault1(void);
   /// Test refine() with level 2, tet4 cells, and no fault.
-  void testRefineTet4Level2(void);
+  void testRefineTet4Level1(void);
   /// Test refine() with level 2, tet4 cells, and one fault.
-  void testRefineTet4Level2Fault1(void);
+  void testRefineTet4Level1Fault1(void);
   /// Test refine() with level 2, hex8 cells, and no fault.
-  void testRefineHex8Level2(void);
+  void testRefineHex8Level1(void);
   /// Test refine() with level 2, hex8 cells, and one fault.
-  void testRefineHex8Level2Fault1(void);
+  void testRefineHex8Level1Fault1(void);
 // PRIVATE METHODS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 private :

Copied: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1.cc (from rev 22647, short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2.cc)
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1.cc	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1.cc	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
+// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ======================================================================
+#include "MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1.hh"
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1::_filename = 
+  "data/twohex8.mesh";
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1::_refineLevel = 2;
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1::_faultA = 0;
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1::_faultB = 0;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1::_numVertices = 45;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1::_spaceDim = 3;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1::_numCells = 16;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1::_numCellsCohesive = 0;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1::_cellDim = 3;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1::_numCorners = 8;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1::_numCornersCohesive = 6;
+const PylithScalar pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1::_vertices[] = {
+  -2.0, -1.0, -1.0, // 26
+  -2.0, +1.0, -1.0,
+  -2.0, -1.0, +1.0,
+  -2.0, +1.0, +1.0,
+   0.0, -1.0, -1.0,
+   0.0, +1.0, -1.0,
+   0.0, -1.0, +1.0,
+   0.0, +1.0, +1.0,
+  +2.0, -1.0, -1.0,
+  +2.0, +1.0, -1.0,
+  +2.0, -1.0, +1.0,
+  +2.0, +1.0, +1.0,
+  -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, // 28 (edges)
+   0.0,  0.0, -1.0,
+  -1.0, +1.0, -1.0,
+  -2.0,  0.0, -1.0,
+  -1.0, -1.0, +1.0, // 32
+   0.0,  0.0, +1.0,
+  -1.0, +1.0, +1.0,
+  -2.0,  0.0, +1.0,
+  -2.0, -1.0, +0.0, // 36
+  +0.0, -1.0, +0.0,
+  +0.0, +1.0, +0.0,
+  -2.0, +1.0, +0.0,
+  -1.0, -1.0, +0.0, // 40 (faces)
+  +0.0, +0.0, +0.0,
+  -1.0, +1.0, +0.0,
+  -2.0, +0.0, +0.0,
+  -1.0, +0.0, -1.0,
+  -1.0, +0.0, +1.0,
+  -1.0, +0.0, +0.0, // 46 (volume)
+  +2.0, +0.0, -1.0, // 47 (edges)
+  +1.0, +1.0, -1.0,
+  +1.0, -1.0, -1.0,
+  +2.0, +0.0, +1.0, // 50
+  +1.0, +1.0, +1.0,
+  +1.0, -1.0, +1.0,
+  +2.0, -1.0, +0.0, // 53
+  +2.0, +1.0, +0.0,
+  +2.0, +0.0, +0.0, // 55 (faces)
+  +1.0, +1.0, +0.0,
+  +1.0, -1.0, +0.0,
+  +1.0, +0.0, -1.0,
+  +1.0, +0.0, +1.0,
+  +1.0, +0.0, +0.0, // 60 (volume)
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1::_cells[] = {
+  16,   28,   44,   31,   36,   40,   46,   43,
+  20,   29,   44,   28,   37,   41,   46,   40, 
+  21,   30,   44,   29,   38,   42,   46,   41, 
+  17,   31,   44,   30,   39,   43,   46,   42, 
+  36,   40,   46,   43,   18,   32,   45,   35, 
+  37,   41,   46,   40,   22,   33,   45,   32, 
+  38,   42,   46,   41,   23,   34,   45,   33, 
+  39,   43,   46,   42,   19,   35,   45,   34, 
+  24,   47,   58,   49,   53,   55,   60,   57, 
+  25,   48,   58,   47,   54,   56,   60,   55, 
+  21,   29,   58,   48,   38,   41,   60,   56, 
+  20,   49,   58,   29,   37,   57,   60,   41, 
+  53,   55,   60,   57,   26,   50,   59,   52, 
+  54,   56,   60,   55,   27,   51,   59,   50, 
+  38,   41,   60,   56,   23,   33,   59,   51, 
+  37,   57,   60,   41,   22,   52,   59,   33, 
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1::_cellsCohesive[] = {
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1::_materialIds[] = {
+  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+  2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1::_numGroups = 4;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1::_groupSizes[] = {
+  2, 9, 9, 9,
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1::_groups[] = {
+  16, 24,
+  16, 17, 18, 19, 31, 35, 36, 39, 43,
+  20, 22, 24, 26, 37, 49, 52, 53, 57,
+  20, 21, 22, 23, 29, 33, 37, 38, 41,
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1::_groupNames[] = {
+  "end points",
+  "face 1",
+  "face 2",
+  "fault",
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1::_groupTypes[] = {
+  "vertex",
+  "vertex",
+  "vertex",
+  "vertex",
+{ // constructor
+  filename = const_cast<char*>(_filename);
+  refineLevel = _refineLevel;
+  faultA = const_cast<char*>(_faultA);
+  faultB = const_cast<char*>(_faultB);
+  numVertices = _numVertices;
+  spaceDim = _spaceDim;
+  cellDim = _cellDim;
+  numCells = _numCells;
+  numCorners = _numCorners;
+  numCellsCohesive = _numCellsCohesive;
+  numCornersCohesive = _numCornersCohesive;
+  vertices = const_cast<PylithScalar*>(_vertices);
+  cells = const_cast<int*>(_cells);
+  cellsCohesive = const_cast<int*>(_cellsCohesive);
+  materialIds = const_cast<int*>(_materialIds);
+  groups = const_cast<int*>(_groups);
+  groupSizes = const_cast<int*>(_groupSizes);
+  groupNames = const_cast<char**>(_groupNames);
+  groupTypes = const_cast<char**>(_groupTypes);
+  numGroups = _numGroups;
+} // constructor
+// End of file

Copied: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1.hh (from rev 22647, short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2.hh)
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1.hh	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1.hh	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
+// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ======================================================================
+#if !defined(pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivehex8level1_hh)
+#define pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivehex8level1_hh
+#include "MeshDataCohesive.hh"
+namespace pylith {
+  namespace topology {
+     class MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1;
+  } // pylith
+} // topology
+class pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1 : public MeshDataCohesive
+{ // MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1
+// PUBLIC METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  /// Constructor
+  MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1(void);
+  /// Destructor
+  ~MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1(void);
+// PRIVATE MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  static const char* _filename; ///< Filename of mesh file.
+  static const int _refineLevel; ///< Refinement level.
+  static const char* _faultA; ///< Vertex group associated with fault A (0 if no fault).
+  static const char* _faultB; ///< Vertex group associated with fault B (0 if no fault).
+  static const int _numVertices; ///< Number of vertices
+  static const int _spaceDim; ///< Number of dimensions in vertex coordinates
+  static const int _cellDim; ///< Number of dimensions associated with cell
+  static const int _numCells; ///< Number of cells
+  static const int _numCorners; ///< Number of vertices in cell
+  static const int _numCellsCohesive; ///< Number of cohesive cells.
+  static const int _numCornersCohesive; ///< Number of vertices in cohesive cell.
+  static const PylithScalar _vertices[]; ///< Pointer to coordinates of vertices
+  static const int _cells[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cells
+  static const int _cellsCohesive[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cohseive cells
+  static const int _materialIds[]; ///< Pointer to cell material identifiers
+  static const int _groups[]; ///< Groups of points
+  static const int _groupSizes[]; ///< Sizes of groups
+  static const char* _groupNames[]; ///< Array of group names
+  static const char* _groupTypes[]; ///< Array of group types
+  static const int _numGroups; ///< Number of groups
+}; // MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1
+#endif // pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivehex8level1_hh
+// End of file

Copied: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1.cc (from rev 22647, short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1.cc)
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1.cc	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1.cc	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
+// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ======================================================================
+#include "MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1.hh"
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1::_filename = 
+  "data/twohex8.mesh";
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1::_refineLevel = 2;
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1::_faultA = 
+  "fault";
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1::_faultB = 0;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1::_numVertices = 63;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1::_spaceDim = 3;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1::_numCells = 16;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1::_numCellsCohesive = 4;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1::_cellDim = 3;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1::_numCorners = 8;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1::_numCornersCohesive = 12;
+const PylithScalar pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1::_vertices[] = {
+  -2.0, -1.0, -1.0, // 16
+  -2.0, +1.0, -1.0,
+  -2.0, -1.0, +1.0,
+  -2.0, +1.0, +1.0,
+   0.0, -1.0, -1.0,
+   0.0, +1.0, -1.0,
+   0.0, -1.0, +1.0,
+   0.0, +1.0, +1.0,
+  +2.0, -1.0, -1.0,
+  +2.0, +1.0, -1.0,
+  +2.0, -1.0, +1.0,
+  +2.0, +1.0, +1.0,
+   0.0, -1.0, -1.0,
+   0.0, +1.0, -1.0,
+   0.0, -1.0, +1.0,
+   0.0, +1.0, +1.0,
+  -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, // 32 (edges)
+   0.0,  0.0, -1.0,
+  -1.0, +1.0, -1.0,
+  -2.0,  0.0, -1.0,
+  -1.0, -1.0, +1.0, // 36
+   0.0,  0.0, +1.0,
+  -1.0, +1.0, +1.0,
+  -2.0,  0.0, +1.0,
+  -2.0, -1.0, +0.0, // 40
+  +0.0, -1.0, +0.0,
+  +0.0, +1.0, +0.0,
+  -2.0, +1.0, +0.0,
+  -1.0, -1.0, +0.0, // 44 (faces)
+  +0.0, +0.0, +0.0,
+  -1.0, +1.0, +0.0,
+  -2.0, +0.0, +0.0,
+  -1.0, +0.0, -1.0,
+  -1.0, +0.0, +1.0,
+  -1.0, +0.0, +0.0, // 50 (volume)
+  +2.0, +0.0, -1.0, // 51 (edges)
+  +1.0, +1.0, -1.0,
+  +0.0,  0.0, -1.0,
+  +1.0, -1.0, -1.0,
+  +2.0, +0.0, +1.0, // 55
+  +1.0, +1.0, +1.0,
+  +0.0,  0.0, +1.0,
+  +1.0, -1.0, +1.0,
+  +2.0, -1.0, +0.0, // 59
+  +2.0, +1.0, +0.0,
+  +0.0, +1.0, +0.0,
+  +0.0, -1.0, +0.0,
+  +2.0, +0.0, +0.0, // 63 (faces)
+  +1.0, +1.0, +0.0,
+   0.0, +0.0, +0.0,
+  +1.0, -1.0, +0.0,
+  +1.0, +0.0, -1.0,
+  +1.0, +0.0, +1.0,
+  +1.0, +0.0, +0.0, // 69 (volume)
+   0.0, -1.0, -1.0, // 70 (Lagrange vertices)
+   0.0, +1.0, -1.0,
+   0.0, -1.0, +1.0,
+   0.0, +1.0, +1.0,
+   0.0,  0.0, -1.0, // 74 (edges)
+   0.0, +1.0,  0.0,
+   0.0,  0.0, +1.0,
+   0.0, -1.0,  0.0,
+   0.0,  0.0,  0.0, // 78 (face)
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1::_cells[] = {
+  16, 32, 48, 35, 40, 44, 50, 47, 
+  20, 33, 48, 32, 41, 45, 50, 44, 
+  21, 34, 48, 33, 42, 46, 50, 45, 
+  17, 35, 48, 34, 43, 47, 50, 46, 
+  40, 44, 50, 47, 18, 36, 49, 39, 
+  41, 45, 50, 44, 22, 37, 49, 36, 
+  42, 46, 50, 45, 23, 38, 49, 37, 
+  43, 47, 50, 46, 19, 39, 49, 38, 
+  24, 51, 67, 54, 59, 63, 69, 66, 
+  25, 52, 67, 51, 60, 64, 69, 63, 
+  29, 53, 67, 52, 61, 65, 69, 64, 
+  28, 54, 67, 53, 62, 66, 69, 65, 
+  59, 63, 69, 66, 26, 55, 68, 58, 
+  60, 64, 69, 63, 27, 56, 68, 55, 
+  61, 65, 69, 64, 31, 57, 68, 56, 
+  62, 66, 69, 65, 30, 58, 68, 57, 
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1::_cellsCohesive[] = {
+  20, 33, 45, 41, 28, 53, 65, 62, 70, 74, 78, 77, 
+  21, 42, 45, 33, 29, 61, 65, 53, 71, 75, 78, 74, 
+  23, 37, 45, 42, 31, 57, 65, 61, 73, 76, 78, 75, 
+  22, 41, 45, 37, 30, 62, 65, 57, 72, 77, 78, 76, 
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1::_materialIds[] = {
+  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+  2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+  100, 100, 100, 100,
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1::_numGroups = 4;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1::_groupSizes[] = {
+  2, 9, 12, 27,
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1::_groups[] = {
+  16, 24,
+  16, 17, 18, 19, 35, 39, 40, 43, 47,
+  20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 41, 54, 58, 59, 62, 66,
+  20, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 37, 41, 42, 45, 53, 57, 61, 62, 65,
+  70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78,
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1::_groupNames[] = {
+  "end points",
+  "face 1",
+  "face 2",
+  "fault",
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1::_groupTypes[] = {
+  "vertex",
+  "vertex",
+  "vertex",
+  "vertex",
+{ // constructor
+  filename = const_cast<char*>(_filename);
+  refineLevel = _refineLevel;
+  faultA = const_cast<char*>(_faultA);
+  faultB = const_cast<char*>(_faultB);
+  numVertices = _numVertices;
+  spaceDim = _spaceDim;
+  cellDim = _cellDim;
+  numCells = _numCells;
+  numCorners = _numCorners;
+  numCellsCohesive = _numCellsCohesive;
+  numCornersCohesive = _numCornersCohesive;
+  vertices = const_cast<PylithScalar*>(_vertices);
+  cells = const_cast<int*>(_cells);
+  cellsCohesive = const_cast<int*>(_cellsCohesive);
+  materialIds = const_cast<int*>(_materialIds);
+  groups = const_cast<int*>(_groups);
+  groupSizes = const_cast<int*>(_groupSizes);
+  groupNames = const_cast<char**>(_groupNames);
+  groupTypes = const_cast<char**>(_groupTypes);
+  numGroups = _numGroups;
+} // constructor
+// End of file

Copied: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1.hh (from rev 22647, short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1.hh)
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1.hh	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1.hh	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
+// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ======================================================================
+#if !defined(pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivehex8level1fault1_hh)
+#define pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivehex8level1fault1_hh
+#include "MeshDataCohesive.hh"
+namespace pylith {
+  namespace topology {
+     class MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1;
+  } // pylith
+} // topology
+class pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1 : public MeshDataCohesive
+{ // MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1
+// PUBLIC METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  /// Constructor
+  MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1(void);
+  /// Destructor
+  ~MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1(void);
+// PRIVATE MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  static const char* _filename; ///< Filename of mesh file.
+  static const int _refineLevel; ///< Refinement level.
+  static const char* _faultA; ///< Vertex group associated with fault A (0 if no fault).
+  static const char* _faultB; ///< Vertex group associated with fault B (0 if no fault).
+  static const int _numVertices; ///< Number of vertices
+  static const int _spaceDim; ///< Number of dimensions in vertex coordinates
+  static const int _cellDim; ///< Number of dimensions associated with cell
+  static const int _numCells; ///< Number of cells
+  static const int _numCorners; ///< Number of vertices in cell
+  static const int _numCellsCohesive; ///< Number of cohesive cells.
+  static const int _numCornersCohesive; ///< Number of vertices in cohesive cell.
+  static const PylithScalar _vertices[]; ///< Pointer to coordinates of vertices
+  static const int _cells[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cells
+  static const int _cellsCohesive[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cohseive cells
+  static const int _materialIds[]; ///< Pointer to cell material identifiers
+  static const int _groups[]; ///< Groups of points
+  static const int _groupSizes[]; ///< Sizes of groups
+  static const char* _groupNames[]; ///< Array of group names
+  static const char* _groupTypes[]; ///< Array of group types
+  static const int _numGroups; ///< Number of groups
+}; // MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level1Fault1
+#endif // pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivehex8level1fault1_hh
+// End of file

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2.cc	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2.cc	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
-#include "MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2.hh"
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2::_filename = 
-  "data/twohex8.mesh";
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2::_refineLevel = 2;
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2::_faultA = 0;
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2::_faultB = 0;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2::_numVertices = 45;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2::_spaceDim = 3;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2::_numCells = 16;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2::_numCellsCohesive = 0;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2::_cellDim = 3;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2::_numCorners = 8;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2::_numCornersCohesive = 6;
-const PylithScalar pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2::_vertices[] = {
-  -2.0, -1.0, -1.0, // 26
-  -2.0, +1.0, -1.0,
-  -2.0, -1.0, +1.0,
-  -2.0, +1.0, +1.0,
-   0.0, -1.0, -1.0,
-   0.0, +1.0, -1.0,
-   0.0, -1.0, +1.0,
-   0.0, +1.0, +1.0,
-  +2.0, -1.0, -1.0,
-  +2.0, +1.0, -1.0,
-  +2.0, -1.0, +1.0,
-  +2.0, +1.0, +1.0,
-  -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, // 28 (edges)
-   0.0,  0.0, -1.0,
-  -1.0, +1.0, -1.0,
-  -2.0,  0.0, -1.0,
-  -1.0, -1.0, +1.0, // 32
-   0.0,  0.0, +1.0,
-  -1.0, +1.0, +1.0,
-  -2.0,  0.0, +1.0,
-  -2.0, -1.0, +0.0, // 36
-  +0.0, -1.0, +0.0,
-  +0.0, +1.0, +0.0,
-  -2.0, +1.0, +0.0,
-  -1.0, -1.0, +0.0, // 40 (faces)
-  +0.0, +0.0, +0.0,
-  -1.0, +1.0, +0.0,
-  -2.0, +0.0, +0.0,
-  -1.0, +0.0, -1.0,
-  -1.0, +0.0, +1.0,
-  -1.0, +0.0, +0.0, // 46 (volume)
-  +2.0, +0.0, -1.0, // 47 (edges)
-  +1.0, +1.0, -1.0,
-  +1.0, -1.0, -1.0,
-  +2.0, +0.0, +1.0, // 50
-  +1.0, +1.0, +1.0,
-  +1.0, -1.0, +1.0,
-  +2.0, -1.0, +0.0, // 53
-  +2.0, +1.0, +0.0,
-  +2.0, +0.0, +0.0, // 55 (faces)
-  +1.0, +1.0, +0.0,
-  +1.0, -1.0, +0.0,
-  +1.0, +0.0, -1.0,
-  +1.0, +0.0, +1.0,
-  +1.0, +0.0, +0.0, // 60 (volume)
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2::_cells[] = {
-  16,   28,   44,   31,   36,   40,   46,   43,
-  20,   29,   44,   28,   37,   41,   46,   40, 
-  21,   30,   44,   29,   38,   42,   46,   41, 
-  17,   31,   44,   30,   39,   43,   46,   42, 
-  36,   40,   46,   43,   18,   32,   45,   35, 
-  37,   41,   46,   40,   22,   33,   45,   32, 
-  38,   42,   46,   41,   23,   34,   45,   33, 
-  39,   43,   46,   42,   19,   35,   45,   34, 
-  24,   47,   58,   49,   53,   55,   60,   57, 
-  25,   48,   58,   47,   54,   56,   60,   55, 
-  21,   29,   58,   48,   38,   41,   60,   56, 
-  20,   49,   58,   29,   37,   57,   60,   41, 
-  53,   55,   60,   57,   26,   50,   59,   52, 
-  54,   56,   60,   55,   27,   51,   59,   50, 
-  38,   41,   60,   56,   23,   33,   59,   51, 
-  37,   57,   60,   41,   22,   52,   59,   33, 
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2::_cellsCohesive[] = {
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2::_materialIds[] = {
-  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
-  2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2::_numGroups = 4;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2::_groupSizes[] = {
-  2, 9, 9, 9,
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2::_groups[] = {
-  16, 24,
-  16, 17, 18, 19, 31, 35, 36, 39, 43,
-  20, 22, 24, 26, 37, 49, 52, 53, 57,
-  20, 21, 22, 23, 29, 33, 37, 38, 41,
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2::_groupNames[] = {
-  "end points",
-  "face 1",
-  "face 2",
-  "fault",
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2::_groupTypes[] = {
-  "vertex",
-  "vertex",
-  "vertex",
-  "vertex",
-{ // constructor
-  filename = const_cast<char*>(_filename);
-  refineLevel = _refineLevel;
-  faultA = const_cast<char*>(_faultA);
-  faultB = const_cast<char*>(_faultB);
-  numVertices = _numVertices;
-  spaceDim = _spaceDim;
-  cellDim = _cellDim;
-  numCells = _numCells;
-  numCorners = _numCorners;
-  numCellsCohesive = _numCellsCohesive;
-  numCornersCohesive = _numCornersCohesive;
-  vertices = const_cast<PylithScalar*>(_vertices);
-  cells = const_cast<int*>(_cells);
-  cellsCohesive = const_cast<int*>(_cellsCohesive);
-  materialIds = const_cast<int*>(_materialIds);
-  groups = const_cast<int*>(_groups);
-  groupSizes = const_cast<int*>(_groupSizes);
-  groupNames = const_cast<char**>(_groupNames);
-  groupTypes = const_cast<char**>(_groupTypes);
-  numGroups = _numGroups;
-} // constructor
-// End of file

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2.hh	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2.hh	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
-#if !defined(pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivehex8level2_hh)
-#define pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivehex8level2_hh
-#include "MeshDataCohesive.hh"
-namespace pylith {
-  namespace topology {
-     class MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2;
-  } // pylith
-} // topology
-class pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2 : public MeshDataCohesive
-{ // MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2
-// PUBLIC METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  /// Constructor
-  MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2(void);
-  /// Destructor
-  ~MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2(void);
-// PRIVATE MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  static const char* _filename; ///< Filename of mesh file.
-  static const int _refineLevel; ///< Refinement level.
-  static const char* _faultA; ///< Vertex group associated with fault A (0 if no fault).
-  static const char* _faultB; ///< Vertex group associated with fault B (0 if no fault).
-  static const int _numVertices; ///< Number of vertices
-  static const int _spaceDim; ///< Number of dimensions in vertex coordinates
-  static const int _cellDim; ///< Number of dimensions associated with cell
-  static const int _numCells; ///< Number of cells
-  static const int _numCorners; ///< Number of vertices in cell
-  static const int _numCellsCohesive; ///< Number of cohesive cells.
-  static const int _numCornersCohesive; ///< Number of vertices in cohesive cell.
-  static const PylithScalar _vertices[]; ///< Pointer to coordinates of vertices
-  static const int _cells[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cells
-  static const int _cellsCohesive[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cohseive cells
-  static const int _materialIds[]; ///< Pointer to cell material identifiers
-  static const int _groups[]; ///< Groups of points
-  static const int _groupSizes[]; ///< Sizes of groups
-  static const char* _groupNames[]; ///< Array of group names
-  static const char* _groupTypes[]; ///< Array of group types
-  static const int _numGroups; ///< Number of groups
-}; // MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2
-#endif // pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivehex8level2_hh
-// End of file

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1.cc	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1.cc	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
-#include "MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1.hh"
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1::_filename = 
-  "data/twohex8.mesh";
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1::_refineLevel = 2;
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1::_faultA = 
-  "fault";
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1::_faultB = 0;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1::_numVertices = 63;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1::_spaceDim = 3;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1::_numCells = 16;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1::_numCellsCohesive = 4;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1::_cellDim = 3;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1::_numCorners = 8;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1::_numCornersCohesive = 12;
-const PylithScalar pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1::_vertices[] = {
-  -2.0, -1.0, -1.0, // 16
-  -2.0, +1.0, -1.0,
-  -2.0, -1.0, +1.0,
-  -2.0, +1.0, +1.0,
-   0.0, -1.0, -1.0,
-   0.0, +1.0, -1.0,
-   0.0, -1.0, +1.0,
-   0.0, +1.0, +1.0,
-  +2.0, -1.0, -1.0,
-  +2.0, +1.0, -1.0,
-  +2.0, -1.0, +1.0,
-  +2.0, +1.0, +1.0,
-   0.0, -1.0, -1.0,
-   0.0, +1.0, -1.0,
-   0.0, -1.0, +1.0,
-   0.0, +1.0, +1.0,
-  -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, // 32 (edges)
-   0.0,  0.0, -1.0,
-  -1.0, +1.0, -1.0,
-  -2.0,  0.0, -1.0,
-  -1.0, -1.0, +1.0, // 36
-   0.0,  0.0, +1.0,
-  -1.0, +1.0, +1.0,
-  -2.0,  0.0, +1.0,
-  -2.0, -1.0, +0.0, // 40
-  +0.0, -1.0, +0.0,
-  +0.0, +1.0, +0.0,
-  -2.0, +1.0, +0.0,
-  -1.0, -1.0, +0.0, // 44 (faces)
-  +0.0, +0.0, +0.0,
-  -1.0, +1.0, +0.0,
-  -2.0, +0.0, +0.0,
-  -1.0, +0.0, -1.0,
-  -1.0, +0.0, +1.0,
-  -1.0, +0.0, +0.0, // 50 (volume)
-  +2.0, +0.0, -1.0, // 51 (edges)
-  +1.0, +1.0, -1.0,
-  +0.0,  0.0, -1.0,
-  +1.0, -1.0, -1.0,
-  +2.0, +0.0, +1.0, // 55
-  +1.0, +1.0, +1.0,
-  +0.0,  0.0, +1.0,
-  +1.0, -1.0, +1.0,
-  +2.0, -1.0, +0.0, // 59
-  +2.0, +1.0, +0.0,
-  +0.0, +1.0, +0.0,
-  +0.0, -1.0, +0.0,
-  +2.0, +0.0, +0.0, // 63 (faces)
-  +1.0, +1.0, +0.0,
-   0.0, +0.0, +0.0,
-  +1.0, -1.0, +0.0,
-  +1.0, +0.0, -1.0,
-  +1.0, +0.0, +1.0,
-  +1.0, +0.0, +0.0, // 69 (volume)
-   0.0, -1.0, -1.0, // 70 (Lagrange vertices)
-   0.0, +1.0, -1.0,
-   0.0, -1.0, +1.0,
-   0.0, +1.0, +1.0,
-   0.0,  0.0, -1.0, // 74 (edges)
-   0.0, +1.0,  0.0,
-   0.0,  0.0, +1.0,
-   0.0, -1.0,  0.0,
-   0.0,  0.0,  0.0, // 78 (face)
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1::_cells[] = {
-  16, 32, 48, 35, 40, 44, 50, 47, 
-  20, 33, 48, 32, 41, 45, 50, 44, 
-  21, 34, 48, 33, 42, 46, 50, 45, 
-  17, 35, 48, 34, 43, 47, 50, 46, 
-  40, 44, 50, 47, 18, 36, 49, 39, 
-  41, 45, 50, 44, 22, 37, 49, 36, 
-  42, 46, 50, 45, 23, 38, 49, 37, 
-  43, 47, 50, 46, 19, 39, 49, 38, 
-  24, 51, 67, 54, 59, 63, 69, 66, 
-  25, 52, 67, 51, 60, 64, 69, 63, 
-  29, 53, 67, 52, 61, 65, 69, 64, 
-  28, 54, 67, 53, 62, 66, 69, 65, 
-  59, 63, 69, 66, 26, 55, 68, 58, 
-  60, 64, 69, 63, 27, 56, 68, 55, 
-  61, 65, 69, 64, 31, 57, 68, 56, 
-  62, 66, 69, 65, 30, 58, 68, 57, 
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1::_cellsCohesive[] = {
-  20, 33, 45, 41, 28, 53, 65, 62, 70, 74, 78, 77, 
-  21, 42, 45, 33, 29, 61, 65, 53, 71, 75, 78, 74, 
-  23, 37, 45, 42, 31, 57, 65, 61, 73, 76, 78, 75, 
-  22, 41, 45, 37, 30, 62, 65, 57, 72, 77, 78, 76, 
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1::_materialIds[] = {
-  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
-  2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
-  100, 100, 100, 100,
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1::_numGroups = 4;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1::_groupSizes[] = {
-  2, 9, 12, 27,
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1::_groups[] = {
-  16, 24,
-  16, 17, 18, 19, 35, 39, 40, 43, 47,
-  20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 41, 54, 58, 59, 62, 66,
-  20, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 37, 41, 42, 45, 53, 57, 61, 62, 65,
-  70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78,
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1::_groupNames[] = {
-  "end points",
-  "face 1",
-  "face 2",
-  "fault",
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1::_groupTypes[] = {
-  "vertex",
-  "vertex",
-  "vertex",
-  "vertex",
-{ // constructor
-  filename = const_cast<char*>(_filename);
-  refineLevel = _refineLevel;
-  faultA = const_cast<char*>(_faultA);
-  faultB = const_cast<char*>(_faultB);
-  numVertices = _numVertices;
-  spaceDim = _spaceDim;
-  cellDim = _cellDim;
-  numCells = _numCells;
-  numCorners = _numCorners;
-  numCellsCohesive = _numCellsCohesive;
-  numCornersCohesive = _numCornersCohesive;
-  vertices = const_cast<PylithScalar*>(_vertices);
-  cells = const_cast<int*>(_cells);
-  cellsCohesive = const_cast<int*>(_cellsCohesive);
-  materialIds = const_cast<int*>(_materialIds);
-  groups = const_cast<int*>(_groups);
-  groupSizes = const_cast<int*>(_groupSizes);
-  groupNames = const_cast<char**>(_groupNames);
-  groupTypes = const_cast<char**>(_groupTypes);
-  numGroups = _numGroups;
-} // constructor
-// End of file

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1.hh	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1.hh	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
-#if !defined(pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivehex8level2fault1_hh)
-#define pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivehex8level2fault1_hh
-#include "MeshDataCohesive.hh"
-namespace pylith {
-  namespace topology {
-     class MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1;
-  } // pylith
-} // topology
-class pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1 : public MeshDataCohesive
-{ // MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1
-// PUBLIC METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  /// Constructor
-  MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1(void);
-  /// Destructor
-  ~MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1(void);
-// PRIVATE MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  static const char* _filename; ///< Filename of mesh file.
-  static const int _refineLevel; ///< Refinement level.
-  static const char* _faultA; ///< Vertex group associated with fault A (0 if no fault).
-  static const char* _faultB; ///< Vertex group associated with fault B (0 if no fault).
-  static const int _numVertices; ///< Number of vertices
-  static const int _spaceDim; ///< Number of dimensions in vertex coordinates
-  static const int _cellDim; ///< Number of dimensions associated with cell
-  static const int _numCells; ///< Number of cells
-  static const int _numCorners; ///< Number of vertices in cell
-  static const int _numCellsCohesive; ///< Number of cohesive cells.
-  static const int _numCornersCohesive; ///< Number of vertices in cohesive cell.
-  static const PylithScalar _vertices[]; ///< Pointer to coordinates of vertices
-  static const int _cells[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cells
-  static const int _cellsCohesive[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cohseive cells
-  static const int _materialIds[]; ///< Pointer to cell material identifiers
-  static const int _groups[]; ///< Groups of points
-  static const int _groupSizes[]; ///< Sizes of groups
-  static const char* _groupNames[]; ///< Array of group names
-  static const char* _groupTypes[]; ///< Array of group types
-  static const int _numGroups; ///< Number of groups
-}; // MeshDataCohesiveHex8Level2Fault1
-#endif // pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivehex8level2fault1_hh
-// End of file

Copied: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1.cc (from rev 22647, short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2.cc)
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1.cc	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1.cc	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
+// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ======================================================================
+#include "MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1.hh"
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1::_filename = 
+  "data/fourquad4.mesh";
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1::_refineLevel = 2;
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1::_faultA = 0;
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1::_faultB = 0;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1::_numVertices = 25;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1::_spaceDim = 2;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1::_numCells = 16;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1::_numCellsCohesive = 0;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1::_cellDim = 2;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1::_numCorners = 4;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1::_numCornersCohesive = 6;
+const PylithScalar pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1::_vertices[] = {
+  -1.0, -1.0,
+  -1.0,  0.0,
+  -1.0,  1.0,
+   0.0, -1.0,
+   0.0,  0.0,
+   0.0,  1.0,
+   1.0, -1.0,
+   1.0,  0.0,
+   1.0,  1.0,
+  -0.5, -1.0,
+   0.0, -0.5,
+  -0.5,  0.0,
+  -1.0, -0.5,
+  -0.5, -0.5,
+   1.0, -0.5,
+   0.5,  0.0,
+   0.5, -1.0,
+   0.5, -0.5,
+  -1.0,  0.5,
+   0.0,  0.5,
+  -0.5,  1.0,
+  -0.5,  0.5,
+   0.5,  1.0,
+   1.0,  0.5,
+   0.5,  0.5,
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1::_cells[] = {
+  16,  25,  29,  28,
+  19,  26,  29,  25,
+  17,  28,  29,  27,
+  20,  27,  29,  26,
+  22,  30,  33,  32,
+  23,  31,  33,  30,
+  19,  32,  33,  26,
+  20,  26,  33,  31,
+  18,  34,  37,  36,
+  17,  27,  37,  34,
+  21,  36,  37,  35,
+  20,  35,  37,  27,
+  24,  38,  40,  39,
+  21,  35,  40,  38,
+  23,  39,  40,  31,
+  20,  31,  40,  35,
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1::_cellsCohesive[] = {
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1::_materialIds[] = {
+  1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+  1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1::_numGroups = 3;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1::_groupSizes[] = {
+  5, 5, 5,
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1::_groups[] = {
+  16, 19, 22, 25, 32,
+  16, 17, 18, 28, 34,
+  19, 20, 21, 26, 35,
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1::_groupNames[] = {
+  "edge 1",
+  "end points",
+  "fault",
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1::_groupTypes[] = {
+  "vertex",
+  "vertex",
+  "vertex",
+{ // constructor
+  filename = const_cast<char*>(_filename);
+  refineLevel = _refineLevel;
+  faultA = const_cast<char*>(_faultA);
+  faultB = const_cast<char*>(_faultB);
+  numVertices = _numVertices;
+  spaceDim = _spaceDim;
+  cellDim = _cellDim;
+  numCells = _numCells;
+  numCorners = _numCorners;
+  numCellsCohesive = _numCellsCohesive;
+  numCornersCohesive = _numCornersCohesive;
+  vertices = const_cast<PylithScalar*>(_vertices);
+  cells = const_cast<int*>(_cells);
+  cellsCohesive = const_cast<int*>(_cellsCohesive);
+  materialIds = const_cast<int*>(_materialIds);
+  groups = const_cast<int*>(_groups);
+  groupSizes = const_cast<int*>(_groupSizes);
+  groupNames = const_cast<char**>(_groupNames);
+  groupTypes = const_cast<char**>(_groupTypes);
+  numGroups = _numGroups;
+} // constructor
+// End of file

Copied: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1.hh (from rev 22647, short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2.hh)
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1.hh	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1.hh	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
+// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ======================================================================
+#if !defined(pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivequad4level1_hh)
+#define pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivequad4level1_hh
+#include "MeshDataCohesive.hh"
+namespace pylith {
+  namespace topology {
+     class MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1;
+  } // pylith
+} // topology
+class pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1 : public MeshDataCohesive
+{ // MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1
+// PUBLIC METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  /// Constructor
+  MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1(void);
+  /// Destructor
+  ~MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1(void);
+// PRIVATE MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  static const char* _filename; ///< Filename of mesh file.
+  static const int _refineLevel; ///< Refinement level.
+  static const char* _faultA; ///< Vertex group associated with fault A (0 if no fault).
+  static const char* _faultB; ///< Vertex group associated with fault B (0 if no fault).
+  static const int _numVertices; ///< Number of vertices
+  static const int _spaceDim; ///< Number of dimensions in vertex coordinates
+  static const int _cellDim; ///< Number of dimensions associated with cell
+  static const int _numCells; ///< Number of cells
+  static const int _numCorners; ///< Number of vertices in cell
+  static const int _numCellsCohesive; ///< Number of cohesive cells.
+  static const int _numCornersCohesive; ///< Number of vertices in cohesive cell.
+  static const PylithScalar _vertices[]; ///< Pointer to coordinates of vertices
+  static const int _cells[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cells
+  static const int _cellsCohesive[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cohseive cells
+  static const int _materialIds[]; ///< Pointer to cell material identifiers
+  static const int _groups[]; ///< Groups of points
+  static const int _groupSizes[]; ///< Sizes of groups
+  static const char* _groupNames[]; ///< Array of group names
+  static const char* _groupTypes[]; ///< Array of group types
+  static const int _numGroups; ///< Number of groups
+}; // MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1
+#endif // pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivequad4level1_hh
+// End of file

Copied: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1.cc (from rev 22647, short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1.cc)
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1.cc	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1.cc	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
+// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ======================================================================
+#include "MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1.hh"
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1::_filename = 
+  "data/fourquad4.mesh";
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1::_refineLevel = 2;
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1::_faultA = "fault";
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1::_faultB = 0;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1::_numVertices = 35;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1::_spaceDim = 2;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1::_numCells = 16;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1::_numCellsCohesive = 4;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1::_cellDim = 2;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1::_numCorners = 4;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1::_numCornersCohesive = 6;
+const PylithScalar pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1::_vertices[] = {
+  -1.0, -1.0,
+  -1.0,  0.0,
+  -1.0,  1.0,
+   0.0, -1.0,
+   0.0,  0.0,
+   0.0,  1.0,
+   1.0, -1.0,
+   1.0,  0.0,
+   1.0,  1.0,
+   0.0, -1.0,
+   0.0,  0.0,
+   0.0,  1.0,
+  -0.5, -1.0,
+   0.0, -0.5,
+  -0.5,  0.0,
+  -1.0, -0.5,
+  -0.5, -0.5,
+   1.0, -0.5,
+   0.5,  0.0,
+   0.0, -0.5,
+   0.5, -1.0,
+   0.5, -0.5,
+  -1.0,  0.5,
+   0.0,  0.5,
+  -0.5,  1.0,
+  -0.5,  0.5,
+   0.5,  1.0,
+   0.0,  0.5,
+   1.0,  0.5,
+   0.5,  0.5,
+   0.0, -1.0,
+   0.0,  0.0,
+   0.0,  1.0,
+   0.0, -0.5,
+   0.0,  0.5,
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1::_cells[] = {
+  16,  28,  32,  31,
+  19,  29,  32,  28,
+  17,  31,  32,  30,
+  20,  30,  32,  29,
+  22,  33,  37,  36,
+  23,  34,  37,  33,
+  25,  36,  37,  35,
+  26,  35,  37,  34,
+  18,  38,  41,  40,
+  17,  30,  41,  38,
+  21,  40,  41,  39,
+  20,  39,  41,  30,
+  24,  42,  45,  44,
+  27,  43,  45,  42,
+  23,  44,  45,  34,
+  26,  34,  45,  43,
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1::_cellsCohesive[] = {
+  19,  29,  25,  35,  46,  49,
+  29,  20,  35,  26,  49,  47,
+  20,  39,  26,  43,  47,  50,
+  39,  21,  43,  27,  50,  48,
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1::_materialIds[] = {
+  1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+  1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+  100, 100, 100, 100,
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1::_numGroups = 3;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1::_groupSizes[] = {
+  6, 5, 15,
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1::_groups[] = {
+  16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 36,
+  16, 17, 18, 31, 38,
+  19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27, 29, 35, 39, 43, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50,
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1::_groupNames[] = {
+  "edge 1",
+  "end points",
+  "fault",
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1::_groupTypes[] = {
+  "vertex",
+  "vertex",
+  "vertex",
+{ // constructor
+  filename = const_cast<char*>(_filename);
+  refineLevel = _refineLevel;
+  faultA = const_cast<char*>(_faultA);
+  faultB = const_cast<char*>(_faultB);
+  numVertices = _numVertices;
+  spaceDim = _spaceDim;
+  cellDim = _cellDim;
+  numCells = _numCells;
+  numCorners = _numCorners;
+  numCellsCohesive = _numCellsCohesive;
+  numCornersCohesive = _numCornersCohesive;
+  vertices = const_cast<PylithScalar*>(_vertices);
+  cells = const_cast<int*>(_cells);
+  cellsCohesive = const_cast<int*>(_cellsCohesive);
+  materialIds = const_cast<int*>(_materialIds);
+  groups = const_cast<int*>(_groups);
+  groupSizes = const_cast<int*>(_groupSizes);
+  groupNames = const_cast<char**>(_groupNames);
+  groupTypes = const_cast<char**>(_groupTypes);
+  numGroups = _numGroups;
+} // constructor
+// End of file

Copied: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1.hh (from rev 22647, short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1.hh)
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1.hh	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1.hh	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
+// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ======================================================================
+#if !defined(pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivequad4level1fault1_hh)
+#define pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivequad4level1fault1_hh
+#include "MeshDataCohesive.hh"
+namespace pylith {
+  namespace topology {
+     class MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1;
+  } // pylith
+} // topology
+class pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1 : public MeshDataCohesive
+{ // MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1
+// PUBLIC METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  /// Constructor
+  MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1(void);
+  /// Destructor
+  ~MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1(void);
+// PRIVATE MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  static const char* _filename; ///< Filename of mesh file.
+  static const int _refineLevel; ///< Refinement level.
+  static const char* _faultA; ///< Vertex group associated with fault A (0 if no fault).
+  static const char* _faultB; ///< Vertex group associated with fault B (0 if no fault).
+  static const int _numVertices; ///< Number of vertices
+  static const int _spaceDim; ///< Number of dimensions in vertex coordinates
+  static const int _cellDim; ///< Number of dimensions associated with cell
+  static const int _numCells; ///< Number of cells
+  static const int _numCorners; ///< Number of vertices in cell
+  static const int _numCellsCohesive; ///< Number of cohesive cells.
+  static const int _numCornersCohesive; ///< Number of vertices in cohesive cell.
+  static const PylithScalar _vertices[]; ///< Pointer to coordinates of vertices
+  static const int _cells[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cells
+  static const int _cellsCohesive[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cohseive cells
+  static const int _materialIds[]; ///< Pointer to cell material identifiers
+  static const int _groups[]; ///< Groups of points
+  static const int _groupSizes[]; ///< Sizes of groups
+  static const char* _groupNames[]; ///< Array of group names
+  static const char* _groupTypes[]; ///< Array of group types
+  static const int _numGroups; ///< Number of groups
+}; // MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level1Fault1
+#endif // pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivequad4level1fault1_hh
+// End of file

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2.cc	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2.cc	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
-#include "MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2.hh"
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2::_filename = 
-  "data/fourquad4.mesh";
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2::_refineLevel = 2;
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2::_faultA = 0;
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2::_faultB = 0;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2::_numVertices = 25;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2::_spaceDim = 2;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2::_numCells = 16;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2::_numCellsCohesive = 0;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2::_cellDim = 2;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2::_numCorners = 4;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2::_numCornersCohesive = 6;
-const PylithScalar pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2::_vertices[] = {
-  -1.0, -1.0,
-  -1.0,  0.0,
-  -1.0,  1.0,
-   0.0, -1.0,
-   0.0,  0.0,
-   0.0,  1.0,
-   1.0, -1.0,
-   1.0,  0.0,
-   1.0,  1.0,
-  -0.5, -1.0,
-   0.0, -0.5,
-  -0.5,  0.0,
-  -1.0, -0.5,
-  -0.5, -0.5,
-   1.0, -0.5,
-   0.5,  0.0,
-   0.5, -1.0,
-   0.5, -0.5,
-  -1.0,  0.5,
-   0.0,  0.5,
-  -0.5,  1.0,
-  -0.5,  0.5,
-   0.5,  1.0,
-   1.0,  0.5,
-   0.5,  0.5,
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2::_cells[] = {
-  16,  25,  29,  28,
-  19,  26,  29,  25,
-  17,  28,  29,  27,
-  20,  27,  29,  26,
-  22,  30,  33,  32,
-  23,  31,  33,  30,
-  19,  32,  33,  26,
-  20,  26,  33,  31,
-  18,  34,  37,  36,
-  17,  27,  37,  34,
-  21,  36,  37,  35,
-  20,  35,  37,  27,
-  24,  38,  40,  39,
-  21,  35,  40,  38,
-  23,  39,  40,  31,
-  20,  31,  40,  35,
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2::_cellsCohesive[] = {
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2::_materialIds[] = {
-  1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2,
-  1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2,
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2::_numGroups = 3;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2::_groupSizes[] = {
-  5, 5, 5,
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2::_groups[] = {
-  16, 19, 22, 25, 32,
-  16, 17, 18, 28, 34,
-  19, 20, 21, 26, 35,
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2::_groupNames[] = {
-  "edge 1",
-  "end points",
-  "fault",
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2::_groupTypes[] = {
-  "vertex",
-  "vertex",
-  "vertex",
-{ // constructor
-  filename = const_cast<char*>(_filename);
-  refineLevel = _refineLevel;
-  faultA = const_cast<char*>(_faultA);
-  faultB = const_cast<char*>(_faultB);
-  numVertices = _numVertices;
-  spaceDim = _spaceDim;
-  cellDim = _cellDim;
-  numCells = _numCells;
-  numCorners = _numCorners;
-  numCellsCohesive = _numCellsCohesive;
-  numCornersCohesive = _numCornersCohesive;
-  vertices = const_cast<PylithScalar*>(_vertices);
-  cells = const_cast<int*>(_cells);
-  cellsCohesive = const_cast<int*>(_cellsCohesive);
-  materialIds = const_cast<int*>(_materialIds);
-  groups = const_cast<int*>(_groups);
-  groupSizes = const_cast<int*>(_groupSizes);
-  groupNames = const_cast<char**>(_groupNames);
-  groupTypes = const_cast<char**>(_groupTypes);
-  numGroups = _numGroups;
-} // constructor
-// End of file

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2.hh	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2.hh	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
-#if !defined(pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivequad4level2_hh)
-#define pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivequad4level2_hh
-#include "MeshDataCohesive.hh"
-namespace pylith {
-  namespace topology {
-     class MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2;
-  } // pylith
-} // topology
-class pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2 : public MeshDataCohesive
-{ // MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2
-// PUBLIC METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  /// Constructor
-  MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2(void);
-  /// Destructor
-  ~MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2(void);
-// PRIVATE MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  static const char* _filename; ///< Filename of mesh file.
-  static const int _refineLevel; ///< Refinement level.
-  static const char* _faultA; ///< Vertex group associated with fault A (0 if no fault).
-  static const char* _faultB; ///< Vertex group associated with fault B (0 if no fault).
-  static const int _numVertices; ///< Number of vertices
-  static const int _spaceDim; ///< Number of dimensions in vertex coordinates
-  static const int _cellDim; ///< Number of dimensions associated with cell
-  static const int _numCells; ///< Number of cells
-  static const int _numCorners; ///< Number of vertices in cell
-  static const int _numCellsCohesive; ///< Number of cohesive cells.
-  static const int _numCornersCohesive; ///< Number of vertices in cohesive cell.
-  static const PylithScalar _vertices[]; ///< Pointer to coordinates of vertices
-  static const int _cells[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cells
-  static const int _cellsCohesive[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cohseive cells
-  static const int _materialIds[]; ///< Pointer to cell material identifiers
-  static const int _groups[]; ///< Groups of points
-  static const int _groupSizes[]; ///< Sizes of groups
-  static const char* _groupNames[]; ///< Array of group names
-  static const char* _groupTypes[]; ///< Array of group types
-  static const int _numGroups; ///< Number of groups
-}; // MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2
-#endif // pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivequad4level2_hh
-// End of file

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1.cc	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1.cc	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
-#include "MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1.hh"
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1::_filename = 
-  "data/fourquad4.mesh";
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1::_refineLevel = 2;
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1::_faultA = "fault";
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1::_faultB = 0;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1::_numVertices = 35;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1::_spaceDim = 2;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1::_numCells = 16;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1::_numCellsCohesive = 4;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1::_cellDim = 2;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1::_numCorners = 4;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1::_numCornersCohesive = 6;
-const PylithScalar pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1::_vertices[] = {
-  -1.0, -1.0,
-  -1.0,  0.0,
-  -1.0,  1.0,
-   0.0, -1.0,
-   0.0,  0.0,
-   0.0,  1.0,
-   1.0, -1.0,
-   1.0,  0.0,
-   1.0,  1.0,
-   0.0, -1.0,
-   0.0,  0.0,
-   0.0,  1.0,
-  -0.5, -1.0,
-   0.0, -0.5,
-  -0.5,  0.0,
-  -1.0, -0.5,
-  -0.5, -0.5,
-   1.0, -0.5,
-   0.5,  0.0,
-   0.0, -0.5,
-   0.5, -1.0,
-   0.5, -0.5,
-  -1.0,  0.5,
-   0.0,  0.5,
-  -0.5,  1.0,
-  -0.5,  0.5,
-   0.5,  1.0,
-   0.0,  0.5,
-   1.0,  0.5,
-   0.5,  0.5,
-   0.0, -1.0,
-   0.0,  0.0,
-   0.0,  1.0,
-   0.0, -0.5,
-   0.0,  0.5,
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1::_cells[] = {
-  16,  28,  32,  31,
-  19,  29,  32,  28,
-  17,  31,  32,  30,
-  20,  30,  32,  29,
-  22,  33,  37,  36,
-  23,  34,  37,  33,
-  25,  36,  37,  35,
-  26,  35,  37,  34,
-  18,  38,  41,  40,
-  17,  30,  41,  38,
-  21,  40,  41,  39,
-  20,  39,  41,  30,
-  24,  42,  45,  44,
-  27,  43,  45,  42,
-  23,  44,  45,  34,
-  26,  34,  45,  43,
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1::_cellsCohesive[] = {
-  19,  29,  25,  35,  46,  49,
-  29,  20,  35,  26,  49,  47,
-  20,  39,  26,  43,  47,  50,
-  39,  21,  43,  27,  50,  48,
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1::_materialIds[] = {
-  1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2,
-  1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2,
-  100, 100, 100, 100,
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1::_numGroups = 3;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1::_groupSizes[] = {
-  6, 5, 15,
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1::_groups[] = {
-  16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 36,
-  16, 17, 18, 31, 38,
-  19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27, 29, 35, 39, 43, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50,
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1::_groupNames[] = {
-  "edge 1",
-  "end points",
-  "fault",
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1::_groupTypes[] = {
-  "vertex",
-  "vertex",
-  "vertex",
-{ // constructor
-  filename = const_cast<char*>(_filename);
-  refineLevel = _refineLevel;
-  faultA = const_cast<char*>(_faultA);
-  faultB = const_cast<char*>(_faultB);
-  numVertices = _numVertices;
-  spaceDim = _spaceDim;
-  cellDim = _cellDim;
-  numCells = _numCells;
-  numCorners = _numCorners;
-  numCellsCohesive = _numCellsCohesive;
-  numCornersCohesive = _numCornersCohesive;
-  vertices = const_cast<PylithScalar*>(_vertices);
-  cells = const_cast<int*>(_cells);
-  cellsCohesive = const_cast<int*>(_cellsCohesive);
-  materialIds = const_cast<int*>(_materialIds);
-  groups = const_cast<int*>(_groups);
-  groupSizes = const_cast<int*>(_groupSizes);
-  groupNames = const_cast<char**>(_groupNames);
-  groupTypes = const_cast<char**>(_groupTypes);
-  numGroups = _numGroups;
-} // constructor
-// End of file

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1.hh	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1.hh	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
-#if !defined(pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivequad4level2fault1_hh)
-#define pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivequad4level2fault1_hh
-#include "MeshDataCohesive.hh"
-namespace pylith {
-  namespace topology {
-     class MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1;
-  } // pylith
-} // topology
-class pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1 : public MeshDataCohesive
-{ // MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1
-// PUBLIC METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  /// Constructor
-  MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1(void);
-  /// Destructor
-  ~MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1(void);
-// PRIVATE MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  static const char* _filename; ///< Filename of mesh file.
-  static const int _refineLevel; ///< Refinement level.
-  static const char* _faultA; ///< Vertex group associated with fault A (0 if no fault).
-  static const char* _faultB; ///< Vertex group associated with fault B (0 if no fault).
-  static const int _numVertices; ///< Number of vertices
-  static const int _spaceDim; ///< Number of dimensions in vertex coordinates
-  static const int _cellDim; ///< Number of dimensions associated with cell
-  static const int _numCells; ///< Number of cells
-  static const int _numCorners; ///< Number of vertices in cell
-  static const int _numCellsCohesive; ///< Number of cohesive cells.
-  static const int _numCornersCohesive; ///< Number of vertices in cohesive cell.
-  static const PylithScalar _vertices[]; ///< Pointer to coordinates of vertices
-  static const int _cells[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cells
-  static const int _cellsCohesive[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cohseive cells
-  static const int _materialIds[]; ///< Pointer to cell material identifiers
-  static const int _groups[]; ///< Groups of points
-  static const int _groupSizes[]; ///< Sizes of groups
-  static const char* _groupNames[]; ///< Array of group names
-  static const char* _groupTypes[]; ///< Array of group types
-  static const int _numGroups; ///< Number of groups
-}; // MeshDataCohesiveQuad4Level2Fault1
-#endif // pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivequad4level2fault1_hh
-// End of file

Copied: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1.cc (from rev 22647, short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2.cc)
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1.cc	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1.cc	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
+// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ======================================================================
+#include "MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1.hh"
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1::_filename = 
+  "data/twotet4.mesh";
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1::_refineLevel = 2;
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1::_faultA = 0;
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1::_faultB = 0;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1::_numVertices = 14;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1::_spaceDim = 3;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1::_numCells = 16;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1::_numCellsCohesive = 0;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1::_cellDim = 3;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1::_numCorners = 4;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1::_numCornersCohesive = 9;
+const PylithScalar pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1::_vertices[] = {
+  -1.000000e+00,      0.000000e+00,      0.000000e+00,
+   0.000000e+00,     -1.000000e+00,      0.000000e+00,
+   0.000000e+00,      0.000000e+00,      1.000000e+00,
+   0.000000e+00,      1.000000e+00,      0.000000e+00,
+   1.000000e+00,      0.000000e+00,      0.000000e+00,
+   0.000000e+00,     -5.000000e-01,      5.000000e-01,
+   0.000000e+00,      5.000000e-01,      5.000000e-01,
+   0.000000e+00,      0.000000e+00,      0.000000e+00,
+  -5.000000e-01,     -5.000000e-01,      0.000000e+00,
+  -5.000000e-01,      0.000000e+00,      5.000000e-01,
+  -5.000000e-01,      5.000000e-01,      0.000000e+00,
+   5.000000e-01,     -5.000000e-01,      0.000000e+00,
+   5.000000e-01,      5.000000e-01,      0.000000e+00,
+   5.000000e-01,      0.000000e+00,      5.000000e-01,
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1::_cells[] = {
+  17,  24,  21,  23,
+  21,  22,  23,  24,
+  21,  24,  25,  22,
+  18,  25,  22,  21,
+  23,  26,  24,  22,
+  19,  26,  23,  22,
+  22,  25,  26,  24,
+  16,  24,  26,  25,
+  17,  27,  23,  21,
+  23,  22,  21,  27,
+  23,  27,  28,  22,
+  19,  28,  22,  23,
+  21,  29,  27,  22,
+  18,  29,  21,  22,
+  22,  28,  29,  27,
+  20,  27,  29,  28,
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1::_cellsCohesive[] = {
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1::_materialIds[] = {
+  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+  2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1::_numGroups = 4;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1::_groupSizes[] = {
+  3, 3, 2, 6,
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1::_groups[] = {
+  16, 17, 24,
+  18, 20, 29,
+  16, 20,
+  17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23,
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1::_groupNames[] = {
+  "edge 1",
+  "edge 2",
+  "end points",
+  "fault",
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1::_groupTypes[] = {
+  "vertex", 
+  "vertex",
+  "vertex",
+  "vertex",
+{ // constructor
+  filename = const_cast<char*>(_filename);
+  refineLevel = _refineLevel;
+  faultA = const_cast<char*>(_faultA);
+  faultB = const_cast<char*>(_faultB);
+  numVertices = _numVertices;
+  spaceDim = _spaceDim;
+  cellDim = _cellDim;
+  numCells = _numCells;
+  numCorners = _numCorners;
+  numCellsCohesive = _numCellsCohesive;
+  numCornersCohesive = _numCornersCohesive;
+  vertices = const_cast<PylithScalar*>(_vertices);
+  cells = const_cast<int*>(_cells);
+  cellsCohesive = const_cast<int*>(_cellsCohesive);
+  materialIds = const_cast<int*>(_materialIds);
+  groups = const_cast<int*>(_groups);
+  groupSizes = const_cast<int*>(_groupSizes);
+  groupNames = const_cast<char**>(_groupNames);
+  groupTypes = const_cast<char**>(_groupTypes);
+  numGroups = _numGroups;
+} // constructor
+// End of file

Copied: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1.hh (from rev 22647, short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2.hh)
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1.hh	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1.hh	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
+// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ======================================================================
+#if !defined(pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivetet4level1_hh)
+#define pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivetet4level1_hh
+#include "MeshDataCohesive.hh"
+namespace pylith {
+  namespace topology {
+     class MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1;
+  } // pylith
+} // topology
+class pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1 : public MeshDataCohesive
+{ // MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1
+// PUBLIC METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  /// Constructor
+  MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1(void);
+  /// Destructor
+  ~MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1(void);
+// PRIVATE MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  static const char* _filename; ///< Filename of mesh file.
+  static const int _refineLevel; ///< Refinement level.
+  static const char* _faultA; ///< Vertex group associated with fault A (0 if no fault).
+  static const char* _faultB; ///< Vertex group associated with fault B (0 if no fault).
+  static const int _numVertices; ///< Number of vertices
+  static const int _spaceDim; ///< Number of dimensions in vertex coordinates
+  static const int _cellDim; ///< Number of dimensions associated with cell
+  static const int _numCells; ///< Number of cells
+  static const int _numCorners; ///< Number of vertices in cell
+  static const int _numCellsCohesive; ///< Number of cohesive cells.
+  static const int _numCornersCohesive; ///< Number of vertices in cohesive cell.
+  static const PylithScalar _vertices[]; ///< Pointer to coordinates of vertices
+  static const int _cells[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cells
+  static const int _cellsCohesive[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cohseive cells
+  static const int _materialIds[]; ///< Pointer to cell material identifiers
+  static const int _groups[]; ///< Groups of points
+  static const int _groupSizes[]; ///< Sizes of groups
+  static const char* _groupNames[]; ///< Array of group names
+  static const char* _groupTypes[]; ///< Array of group types
+  static const int _numGroups; ///< Number of groups
+}; // MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1
+#endif // pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivetet4level1_hh
+// End of file

Copied: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1.cc (from rev 22647, short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1.cc)
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1.cc	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1.cc	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
+// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ======================================================================
+#include "MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1.hh"
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1::_filename = 
+  "data/twotet4.mesh";
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1::_refineLevel = 2;
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1::_faultA = 
+  "fault";
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1::_faultB = 0;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1::_numVertices = 26;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1::_spaceDim = 3;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1::_numCells = 16;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1::_numCellsCohesive = 4;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1::_cellDim = 3;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1::_numCorners = 4;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1::_numCornersCohesive = 9;
+const PylithScalar pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1::_vertices[] = {
+  -1.0,  0.0, 0.0,
+   0.0, -1.0, 0.0,
+   0.0,  0.0, 1.0,
+   0.0,  1.0, 0.0,
+   1.0,  0.0, 0.0,
+   0.0, -1.0, 0.0,
+   0.0,  0.0, 1.0,
+   0.0,  1.0, 0.0,
+   0.0, -0.5, 0.5,
+   0.0,  0.5, 0.5,
+   0.0,  0.0, 0.0,
+  -0.5, -0.5, 0.0,
+  -0.5,  0.0, 0.5,
+  -0.5,  0.5, 0.0,
+   0.0,  0.0, 0.0,
+   0.0,  0.5, 0.5,
+   0.0, -0.5, 0.5,
+   0.5, -0.5, 0.0,
+   0.5,  0.5, 0.0,
+   0.5,  0.0, 0.5,
+   0.0, -1.0, 0.0,
+   0.0,  0.0, 1.0,
+   0.0,  1.0, 0.0,
+   0.0, -0.5, 0.5,
+   0.0,  0.0, 0.0,
+   0.0,  0.5, 0.5,
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1::_cells[] = {
+  17,  27,  24,  26,
+  24,  25,  26,  27,
+  24,  27,  28,  25,
+  18,  28,  25,  24,
+  26,  29,  27,  25,
+  19,  29,  26,  25,
+  25,  28,  29,  27,
+  16,  27,  29,  28,
+  21,  33,  30,  32,
+  30,  31,  32,  33,
+  30,  33,  34,  31,
+  23,  34,  31,  30,
+  32,  35,  33,  31,
+  22,  35,  32,  31,
+  31,  34,  35,  33,
+  20,  33,  35,  34,
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1::_cellsCohesive[] = {
+  18,  24,  25,  22,  32,  31,  37,  39,  41,
+  24,  26,  25,  32,  30,  31,  39,  40,  41,
+  17,  26,  24,  21,  30,  32,  36,  40,  39,
+  19,  25,  26,  23,  31,  30,  38,  41,  40,
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1::_materialIds[] = {
+  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+  2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+  100, 100, 100, 100,
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1::_numGroups = 4;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1::_groupSizes[] = {
+  4, 4, 2, 18,
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1::_groups[] = {
+ 16, 17, 21, 27,
+ 18, 20, 22, 35,
+ 16, 20,
+ 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31, 32, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41,
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1::_groupNames[] = {
+  "edge 1",
+  "edge 2",
+  "end points",
+  "fault",
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1::_groupTypes[] = {
+  "vertex", 
+  "vertex",
+  "vertex",
+  "vertex",
+{ // constructor
+  filename = const_cast<char*>(_filename);
+  refineLevel = _refineLevel;
+  faultA = const_cast<char*>(_faultA);
+  faultB = const_cast<char*>(_faultB);
+  numVertices = _numVertices;
+  spaceDim = _spaceDim;
+  cellDim = _cellDim;
+  numCells = _numCells;
+  numCorners = _numCorners;
+  numCellsCohesive = _numCellsCohesive;
+  numCornersCohesive = _numCornersCohesive;
+  vertices = const_cast<PylithScalar*>(_vertices);
+  cells = const_cast<int*>(_cells);
+  cellsCohesive = const_cast<int*>(_cellsCohesive);
+  materialIds = const_cast<int*>(_materialIds);
+  groups = const_cast<int*>(_groups);
+  groupSizes = const_cast<int*>(_groupSizes);
+  groupNames = const_cast<char**>(_groupNames);
+  groupTypes = const_cast<char**>(_groupTypes);
+  numGroups = _numGroups;
+} // constructor
+// End of file

Copied: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1.hh (from rev 22647, short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1.hh)
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1.hh	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1.hh	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
+// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ======================================================================
+#if !defined(pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivetet4level1fault1_hh)
+#define pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivetet4level1fault1_hh
+#include "MeshDataCohesive.hh"
+namespace pylith {
+  namespace topology {
+     class MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1;
+  } // pylith
+} // topology
+class pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1 : public MeshDataCohesive
+{ // MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1
+// PUBLIC METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  /// Constructor
+  MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1(void);
+  /// Destructor
+  ~MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1(void);
+// PRIVATE MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  static const char* _filename; ///< Filename of mesh file.
+  static const int _refineLevel; ///< Refinement level.
+  static const char* _faultA; ///< Vertex group associated with fault A (0 if no fault).
+  static const char* _faultB; ///< Vertex group associated with fault B (0 if no fault).
+  static const int _numVertices; ///< Number of vertices
+  static const int _spaceDim; ///< Number of dimensions in vertex coordinates
+  static const int _cellDim; ///< Number of dimensions associated with cell
+  static const int _numCells; ///< Number of cells
+  static const int _numCorners; ///< Number of vertices in cell
+  static const int _numCellsCohesive; ///< Number of cohesive cells.
+  static const int _numCornersCohesive; ///< Number of vertices in cohesive cell.
+  static const PylithScalar _vertices[]; ///< Pointer to coordinates of vertices
+  static const int _cells[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cells
+  static const int _cellsCohesive[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cohseive cells
+  static const int _materialIds[]; ///< Pointer to cell material identifiers
+  static const int _groups[]; ///< Groups of points
+  static const int _groupSizes[]; ///< Sizes of groups
+  static const char* _groupNames[]; ///< Array of group names
+  static const char* _groupTypes[]; ///< Array of group types
+  static const int _numGroups; ///< Number of groups
+}; // MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level1Fault1
+#endif // pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivetet4level1fault1_hh
+// End of file

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2.cc	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2.cc	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
-#include "MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2.hh"
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2::_filename = 
-  "data/twotet4.mesh";
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2::_refineLevel = 2;
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2::_faultA = 0;
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2::_faultB = 0;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2::_numVertices = 14;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2::_spaceDim = 3;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2::_numCells = 16;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2::_numCellsCohesive = 0;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2::_cellDim = 3;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2::_numCorners = 4;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2::_numCornersCohesive = 9;
-const PylithScalar pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2::_vertices[] = {
-  -1.000000e+00,      0.000000e+00,      0.000000e+00,
-   0.000000e+00,     -1.000000e+00,      0.000000e+00,
-   0.000000e+00,      0.000000e+00,      1.000000e+00,
-   0.000000e+00,      1.000000e+00,      0.000000e+00,
-   1.000000e+00,      0.000000e+00,      0.000000e+00,
-   0.000000e+00,     -5.000000e-01,      5.000000e-01,
-   0.000000e+00,      5.000000e-01,      5.000000e-01,
-   0.000000e+00,      0.000000e+00,      0.000000e+00,
-  -5.000000e-01,     -5.000000e-01,      0.000000e+00,
-  -5.000000e-01,      0.000000e+00,      5.000000e-01,
-  -5.000000e-01,      5.000000e-01,      0.000000e+00,
-   5.000000e-01,     -5.000000e-01,      0.000000e+00,
-   5.000000e-01,      5.000000e-01,      0.000000e+00,
-   5.000000e-01,      0.000000e+00,      5.000000e-01,
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2::_cells[] = {
-  17,  24,  21,  23,
-  21,  22,  23,  24,
-  21,  24,  25,  22,
-  18,  25,  22,  21,
-  23,  26,  24,  22,
-  19,  26,  23,  22,
-  22,  25,  26,  24,
-  16,  24,  26,  25,
-  17,  27,  23,  21,
-  23,  22,  21,  27,
-  23,  27,  28,  22,
-  19,  28,  22,  23,
-  21,  29,  27,  22,
-  18,  29,  21,  22,
-  22,  28,  29,  27,
-  20,  27,  29,  28,
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2::_cellsCohesive[] = {
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2::_materialIds[] = {
-  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
-  2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2::_numGroups = 4;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2::_groupSizes[] = {
-  3, 3, 2, 6,
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2::_groups[] = {
-  16, 17, 24,
-  18, 20, 29,
-  16, 20,
-  17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23,
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2::_groupNames[] = {
-  "edge 1",
-  "edge 2",
-  "end points",
-  "fault",
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2::_groupTypes[] = {
-  "vertex", 
-  "vertex",
-  "vertex",
-  "vertex",
-{ // constructor
-  filename = const_cast<char*>(_filename);
-  refineLevel = _refineLevel;
-  faultA = const_cast<char*>(_faultA);
-  faultB = const_cast<char*>(_faultB);
-  numVertices = _numVertices;
-  spaceDim = _spaceDim;
-  cellDim = _cellDim;
-  numCells = _numCells;
-  numCorners = _numCorners;
-  numCellsCohesive = _numCellsCohesive;
-  numCornersCohesive = _numCornersCohesive;
-  vertices = const_cast<PylithScalar*>(_vertices);
-  cells = const_cast<int*>(_cells);
-  cellsCohesive = const_cast<int*>(_cellsCohesive);
-  materialIds = const_cast<int*>(_materialIds);
-  groups = const_cast<int*>(_groups);
-  groupSizes = const_cast<int*>(_groupSizes);
-  groupNames = const_cast<char**>(_groupNames);
-  groupTypes = const_cast<char**>(_groupTypes);
-  numGroups = _numGroups;
-} // constructor
-// End of file

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2.hh	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2.hh	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
-#if !defined(pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivetet4level2_hh)
-#define pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivetet4level2_hh
-#include "MeshDataCohesive.hh"
-namespace pylith {
-  namespace topology {
-     class MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2;
-  } // pylith
-} // topology
-class pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2 : public MeshDataCohesive
-{ // MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2
-// PUBLIC METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  /// Constructor
-  MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2(void);
-  /// Destructor
-  ~MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2(void);
-// PRIVATE MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  static const char* _filename; ///< Filename of mesh file.
-  static const int _refineLevel; ///< Refinement level.
-  static const char* _faultA; ///< Vertex group associated with fault A (0 if no fault).
-  static const char* _faultB; ///< Vertex group associated with fault B (0 if no fault).
-  static const int _numVertices; ///< Number of vertices
-  static const int _spaceDim; ///< Number of dimensions in vertex coordinates
-  static const int _cellDim; ///< Number of dimensions associated with cell
-  static const int _numCells; ///< Number of cells
-  static const int _numCorners; ///< Number of vertices in cell
-  static const int _numCellsCohesive; ///< Number of cohesive cells.
-  static const int _numCornersCohesive; ///< Number of vertices in cohesive cell.
-  static const PylithScalar _vertices[]; ///< Pointer to coordinates of vertices
-  static const int _cells[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cells
-  static const int _cellsCohesive[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cohseive cells
-  static const int _materialIds[]; ///< Pointer to cell material identifiers
-  static const int _groups[]; ///< Groups of points
-  static const int _groupSizes[]; ///< Sizes of groups
-  static const char* _groupNames[]; ///< Array of group names
-  static const char* _groupTypes[]; ///< Array of group types
-  static const int _numGroups; ///< Number of groups
-}; // MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2
-#endif // pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivetet4level2_hh
-// End of file

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1.cc	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1.cc	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
-#include "MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1.hh"
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1::_filename = 
-  "data/twotet4.mesh";
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1::_refineLevel = 2;
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1::_faultA = 
-  "fault";
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1::_faultB = 0;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1::_numVertices = 26;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1::_spaceDim = 3;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1::_numCells = 16;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1::_numCellsCohesive = 4;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1::_cellDim = 3;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1::_numCorners = 4;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1::_numCornersCohesive = 9;
-const PylithScalar pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1::_vertices[] = {
-  -1.0,  0.0, 0.0,
-   0.0, -1.0, 0.0,
-   0.0,  0.0, 1.0,
-   0.0,  1.0, 0.0,
-   1.0,  0.0, 0.0,
-   0.0, -1.0, 0.0,
-   0.0,  0.0, 1.0,
-   0.0,  1.0, 0.0,
-   0.0, -0.5, 0.5,
-   0.0,  0.5, 0.5,
-   0.0,  0.0, 0.0,
-  -0.5, -0.5, 0.0,
-  -0.5,  0.0, 0.5,
-  -0.5,  0.5, 0.0,
-   0.0,  0.0, 0.0,
-   0.0,  0.5, 0.5,
-   0.0, -0.5, 0.5,
-   0.5, -0.5, 0.0,
-   0.5,  0.5, 0.0,
-   0.5,  0.0, 0.5,
-   0.0, -1.0, 0.0,
-   0.0,  0.0, 1.0,
-   0.0,  1.0, 0.0,
-   0.0, -0.5, 0.5,
-   0.0,  0.0, 0.0,
-   0.0,  0.5, 0.5,
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1::_cells[] = {
-  17,  27,  24,  26,
-  24,  25,  26,  27,
-  24,  27,  28,  25,
-  18,  28,  25,  24,
-  26,  29,  27,  25,
-  19,  29,  26,  25,
-  25,  28,  29,  27,
-  16,  27,  29,  28,
-  21,  33,  30,  32,
-  30,  31,  32,  33,
-  30,  33,  34,  31,
-  23,  34,  31,  30,
-  32,  35,  33,  31,
-  22,  35,  32,  31,
-  31,  34,  35,  33,
-  20,  33,  35,  34,
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1::_cellsCohesive[] = {
-  18,  24,  25,  22,  32,  31,  37,  39,  41,
-  24,  26,  25,  32,  30,  31,  39,  40,  41,
-  17,  26,  24,  21,  30,  32,  36,  40,  39,
-  19,  25,  26,  23,  31,  30,  38,  41,  40,
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1::_materialIds[] = {
-  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
-  2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
-  100, 100, 100, 100,
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1::_numGroups = 4;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1::_groupSizes[] = {
-  4, 4, 2, 18,
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1::_groups[] = {
- 16, 17, 21, 27,
- 18, 20, 22, 35,
- 16, 20,
- 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31, 32, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41,
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1::_groupNames[] = {
-  "edge 1",
-  "edge 2",
-  "end points",
-  "fault",
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1::_groupTypes[] = {
-  "vertex", 
-  "vertex",
-  "vertex",
-  "vertex",
-{ // constructor
-  filename = const_cast<char*>(_filename);
-  refineLevel = _refineLevel;
-  faultA = const_cast<char*>(_faultA);
-  faultB = const_cast<char*>(_faultB);
-  numVertices = _numVertices;
-  spaceDim = _spaceDim;
-  cellDim = _cellDim;
-  numCells = _numCells;
-  numCorners = _numCorners;
-  numCellsCohesive = _numCellsCohesive;
-  numCornersCohesive = _numCornersCohesive;
-  vertices = const_cast<PylithScalar*>(_vertices);
-  cells = const_cast<int*>(_cells);
-  cellsCohesive = const_cast<int*>(_cellsCohesive);
-  materialIds = const_cast<int*>(_materialIds);
-  groups = const_cast<int*>(_groups);
-  groupSizes = const_cast<int*>(_groupSizes);
-  groupNames = const_cast<char**>(_groupNames);
-  groupTypes = const_cast<char**>(_groupTypes);
-  numGroups = _numGroups;
-} // constructor
-// End of file

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1.hh	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1.hh	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
-#if !defined(pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivetet4level2fault1_hh)
-#define pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivetet4level2fault1_hh
-#include "MeshDataCohesive.hh"
-namespace pylith {
-  namespace topology {
-     class MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1;
-  } // pylith
-} // topology
-class pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1 : public MeshDataCohesive
-{ // MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1
-// PUBLIC METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  /// Constructor
-  MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1(void);
-  /// Destructor
-  ~MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1(void);
-// PRIVATE MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  static const char* _filename; ///< Filename of mesh file.
-  static const int _refineLevel; ///< Refinement level.
-  static const char* _faultA; ///< Vertex group associated with fault A (0 if no fault).
-  static const char* _faultB; ///< Vertex group associated with fault B (0 if no fault).
-  static const int _numVertices; ///< Number of vertices
-  static const int _spaceDim; ///< Number of dimensions in vertex coordinates
-  static const int _cellDim; ///< Number of dimensions associated with cell
-  static const int _numCells; ///< Number of cells
-  static const int _numCorners; ///< Number of vertices in cell
-  static const int _numCellsCohesive; ///< Number of cohesive cells.
-  static const int _numCornersCohesive; ///< Number of vertices in cohesive cell.
-  static const PylithScalar _vertices[]; ///< Pointer to coordinates of vertices
-  static const int _cells[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cells
-  static const int _cellsCohesive[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cohseive cells
-  static const int _materialIds[]; ///< Pointer to cell material identifiers
-  static const int _groups[]; ///< Groups of points
-  static const int _groupSizes[]; ///< Sizes of groups
-  static const char* _groupNames[]; ///< Array of group names
-  static const char* _groupTypes[]; ///< Array of group types
-  static const int _numGroups; ///< Number of groups
-}; // MeshDataCohesiveTet4Level2Fault1
-#endif // pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivetet4level2fault1_hh
-// End of file

Copied: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1.cc (from rev 22647, short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2.cc)
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1.cc	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1.cc	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
+// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ======================================================================
+#include "MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1.hh"
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1::_filename = 
+  "data/fourtri3.mesh";
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1::_refineLevel = 2;
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1::_faultA = 0;
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1::_faultB = 0;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1::_numVertices = 13;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1::_spaceDim = 2;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1::_numCells = 16;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1::_numCellsCohesive = 0;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1::_cellDim = 2;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1::_numCorners = 3;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1::_numCornersCohesive = 6;
+const PylithScalar pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1::_vertices[] = {
+  -1.0,  0.0,
+   0.0, -1.0,
+   0.0,  0.0,
+   0.0,  1.0,
+   1.0,  0.0,
+  -0.5, -0.5,
+   0.0, -0.5,
+  -0.5,  0.0,
+   0.0,  0.5,
+  -0.5,  0.5,
+   0.5, -0.5,
+   0.5,  0.0,
+   0.5,  0.5,
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1::_cells[] = {
+  16,  21,  23,
+  21,  22,  23,
+  17,  22,  21,
+  18,  23,  22,
+  18,  24,  23,
+  24,  25,  23,
+  19,  25,  24,
+  16,  23,  25,
+  18,  22,  27,
+  22,  26,  27,
+  17,  26,  22,
+  20,  27,  26,
+  18,  27,  24,
+  27,  28,  24,
+  20,  28,  27,
+  19,  24,  28,
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1::_cellsCohesive[] = {
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1::_materialIds[] = {
+  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+  2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1::_numGroups = 4;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1::_groupSizes[] = {
+  5, 3, 2, 5,
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1::_groups[] = {
+  16, 17, 19, 21, 25,
+  17, 20, 26,
+  16, 20,
+  17, 18, 19, 22, 24,
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1::_groupNames[] = {
+  "edge 1",
+  "edge 2",
+  "end points",
+  "fault",
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1::_groupTypes[] = {
+  "vertex", 
+  "vertex",
+  "vertex",
+  "vertex",
+{ // constructor
+  filename = const_cast<char*>(_filename);
+  refineLevel = _refineLevel;
+  faultA = const_cast<char*>(_faultA);
+  faultB = const_cast<char*>(_faultB);
+  numVertices = _numVertices;
+  spaceDim = _spaceDim;
+  cellDim = _cellDim;
+  numCells = _numCells;
+  numCorners = _numCorners;
+  numCellsCohesive = _numCellsCohesive;
+  numCornersCohesive = _numCornersCohesive;
+  vertices = const_cast<PylithScalar*>(_vertices);
+  cells = const_cast<int*>(_cells);
+  cellsCohesive = const_cast<int*>(_cellsCohesive);
+  materialIds = const_cast<int*>(_materialIds);
+  groups = const_cast<int*>(_groups);
+  groupSizes = const_cast<int*>(_groupSizes);
+  groupNames = const_cast<char**>(_groupNames);
+  groupTypes = const_cast<char**>(_groupTypes);
+  numGroups = _numGroups;
+} // constructor
+// End of file

Copied: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1.hh (from rev 22647, short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2.hh)
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1.hh	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1.hh	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
+// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ======================================================================
+#if !defined(pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivetri3level1_hh)
+#define pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivetri3level1_hh
+#include "MeshDataCohesive.hh"
+namespace pylith {
+  namespace topology {
+     class MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1;
+  } // pylith
+} // topology
+class pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1 : public MeshDataCohesive
+{ // MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1
+// PUBLIC METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  /// Constructor
+  MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1(void);
+  /// Destructor
+  ~MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1(void);
+// PRIVATE MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  static const char* _filename; ///< Filename of mesh file.
+  static const int _refineLevel; ///< Refinement level.
+  static const char* _faultA; ///< Vertex group associated with fault A (0 if no fault).
+  static const char* _faultB; ///< Vertex group associated with fault B (0 if no fault).
+  static const int _numVertices; ///< Number of vertices
+  static const int _spaceDim; ///< Number of dimensions in vertex coordinates
+  static const int _cellDim; ///< Number of dimensions associated with cell
+  static const int _numCells; ///< Number of cells
+  static const int _numCorners; ///< Number of vertices in cell
+  static const int _numCellsCohesive; ///< Number of cohesive cells.
+  static const int _numCornersCohesive; ///< Number of vertices in cohesive cell.
+  static const PylithScalar _vertices[]; ///< Pointer to coordinates of vertices
+  static const int _cells[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cells
+  static const int _cellsCohesive[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cohseive cells
+  static const int _materialIds[]; ///< Pointer to cell material identifiers
+  static const int _groups[]; ///< Groups of points
+  static const int _groupSizes[]; ///< Sizes of groups
+  static const char* _groupNames[]; ///< Array of group names
+  static const char* _groupTypes[]; ///< Array of group types
+  static const int _numGroups; ///< Number of groups
+}; // MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1
+#endif // pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivetri3level1_hh
+// End of file

Copied: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1.cc (from rev 22647, short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1.cc)
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1.cc	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1.cc	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
+// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ======================================================================
+#include "MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1.hh"
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1::_filename = 
+  "data/fourtri3.mesh";
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1::_refineLevel = 2;
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1::_faultA = 
+  "fault";
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1::_faultB = 0;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1::_numVertices = 23;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1::_spaceDim = 2;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1::_numCells = 16;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1::_numCellsCohesive = 4;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1::_cellDim = 2;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1::_numCorners = 3;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1::_numCornersCohesive = 6;
+const PylithScalar pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1::_vertices[] = {
+  -1.0,  0.0,
+   0.0, -1.0,
+   0.0,  0.0,
+   0.0,  1.0,
+   1.0,  0.0,
+   0.0, -1.0,
+   0.0,  0.0,
+   0.0,  1.0,
+  -0.5, -0.5,
+   0.0, -0.5,
+  -0.5,  0.0,
+   0.0,  0.5,
+  -0.5,  0.5,
+   0.0, -0.5,
+   0.5, -0.5,
+   0.5,  0.0,
+   0.5,  0.5,
+   0.0,  0.5,
+   0.0, -1.0,
+   0.0,  0.0,
+   0.0,  1.0,
+   0.0, -0.5,
+   0.0,  0.5,
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1::_cells[] = {
+  16,  24,  26,
+  24,  25,  26,
+  17,  25,  24,
+  18,  26,  25,
+  18,  27,  26,
+  27,  28,  26,
+  19,  28,  27,
+  16,  26,  28,
+  22,  29,  31,
+  29,  30,  31,
+  21,  30,  29,
+  20,  31,  30,
+  22,  31,  33,
+  31,  32,  33,
+  20,  32,  31,
+  23,  33,  32,
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1::_cellsCohesive[] = {
+  17,  25,  21,  29,  34,  37,
+  25,  18,  29,  22,  37,  35,
+  18,  27,  22,  33,  35,  38,
+  27,  19,  33,  23,  38,  36,
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1::_materialIds[] = {
+  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+  2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+  100, 100, 100, 100,
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1::_numGroups = 4;
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1::_groupSizes[] = {
+  7, 4, 2, 15,
+const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1::_groups[] = {
+  16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 24, 28,
+  17, 20, 21, 30,
+  16, 20,
+  17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38,
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1::_groupNames[] = {
+  "edge 1",
+  "edge 2",
+  "end points",
+  "fault",
+const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1::_groupTypes[] = {
+  "vertex", 
+  "vertex",
+  "vertex",
+  "vertex",
+{ // constructor
+  filename = const_cast<char*>(_filename);
+  refineLevel = _refineLevel;
+  faultA = const_cast<char*>(_faultA);
+  faultB = const_cast<char*>(_faultB);
+  numVertices = _numVertices;
+  spaceDim = _spaceDim;
+  cellDim = _cellDim;
+  numCells = _numCells;
+  numCorners = _numCorners;
+  numCellsCohesive = _numCellsCohesive;
+  numCornersCohesive = _numCornersCohesive;
+  vertices = const_cast<PylithScalar*>(_vertices);
+  cells = const_cast<int*>(_cells);
+  cellsCohesive = const_cast<int*>(_cellsCohesive);
+  materialIds = const_cast<int*>(_materialIds);
+  groups = const_cast<int*>(_groups);
+  groupSizes = const_cast<int*>(_groupSizes);
+  groupNames = const_cast<char**>(_groupNames);
+  groupTypes = const_cast<char**>(_groupTypes);
+  numGroups = _numGroups;
+} // constructor
+// End of file

Copied: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1.hh (from rev 22647, short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1.hh)
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1.hh	                        (rev 0)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1.hh	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// ======================================================================
+// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
+// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
+// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
+// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
+// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
+// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
+// See COPYING for license information.
+// ======================================================================
+#if !defined(pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivetri3level1fault1_hh)
+#define pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivetri3level1fault1_hh
+#include "MeshDataCohesive.hh"
+namespace pylith {
+  namespace topology {
+     class MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1;
+  } // pylith
+} // topology
+class pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1 : public MeshDataCohesive
+{ // MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1
+// PUBLIC METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  /// Constructor
+  MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1(void);
+  /// Destructor
+  ~MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1(void);
+// PRIVATE MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+  static const char* _filename; ///< Filename of mesh file.
+  static const int _refineLevel; ///< Refinement level.
+  static const char* _faultA; ///< Vertex group associated with fault A (0 if no fault).
+  static const char* _faultB; ///< Vertex group associated with fault B (0 if no fault).
+  static const int _numVertices; ///< Number of vertices
+  static const int _spaceDim; ///< Number of dimensions in vertex coordinates
+  static const int _cellDim; ///< Number of dimensions associated with cell
+  static const int _numCells; ///< Number of cells
+  static const int _numCorners; ///< Number of vertices in cell
+  static const int _numCellsCohesive; ///< Number of cohesive cells.
+  static const int _numCornersCohesive; ///< Number of vertices in cohesive cell.
+  static const PylithScalar _vertices[]; ///< Pointer to coordinates of vertices
+  static const int _cells[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cells
+  static const int _cellsCohesive[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cohseive cells
+  static const int _materialIds[]; ///< Pointer to cell material identifiers
+  static const int _groups[]; ///< Groups of points
+  static const int _groupSizes[]; ///< Sizes of groups
+  static const char* _groupNames[]; ///< Array of group names
+  static const char* _groupTypes[]; ///< Array of group types
+  static const int _numGroups; ///< Number of groups
+}; // MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level1Fault1
+#endif // pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivetri3level1fault1_hh
+// End of file

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2.cc	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2.cc	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
-#include "MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2.hh"
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2::_filename = 
-  "data/fourtri3.mesh";
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2::_refineLevel = 2;
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2::_faultA = 0;
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2::_faultB = 0;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2::_numVertices = 13;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2::_spaceDim = 2;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2::_numCells = 16;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2::_numCellsCohesive = 0;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2::_cellDim = 2;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2::_numCorners = 3;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2::_numCornersCohesive = 6;
-const PylithScalar pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2::_vertices[] = {
-  -1.0,  0.0,
-   0.0, -1.0,
-   0.0,  0.0,
-   0.0,  1.0,
-   1.0,  0.0,
-  -0.5, -0.5,
-   0.0, -0.5,
-  -0.5,  0.0,
-   0.0,  0.5,
-  -0.5,  0.5,
-   0.5, -0.5,
-   0.5,  0.0,
-   0.5,  0.5,
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2::_cells[] = {
-  16,  21,  23,
-  21,  22,  23,
-  17,  22,  21,
-  18,  23,  22,
-  18,  24,  23,
-  24,  25,  23,
-  19,  25,  24,
-  16,  23,  25,
-  18,  22,  27,
-  22,  26,  27,
-  17,  26,  22,
-  20,  27,  26,
-  18,  27,  24,
-  27,  28,  24,
-  20,  28,  27,
-  19,  24,  28,
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2::_cellsCohesive[] = {
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2::_materialIds[] = {
-  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
-  2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2::_numGroups = 4;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2::_groupSizes[] = {
-  5, 3, 2, 5,
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2::_groups[] = {
-  16, 17, 19, 21, 25,
-  17, 20, 26,
-  16, 20,
-  17, 18, 19, 22, 24,
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2::_groupNames[] = {
-  "edge 1",
-  "edge 2",
-  "end points",
-  "fault",
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2::_groupTypes[] = {
-  "vertex", 
-  "vertex",
-  "vertex",
-  "vertex",
-{ // constructor
-  filename = const_cast<char*>(_filename);
-  refineLevel = _refineLevel;
-  faultA = const_cast<char*>(_faultA);
-  faultB = const_cast<char*>(_faultB);
-  numVertices = _numVertices;
-  spaceDim = _spaceDim;
-  cellDim = _cellDim;
-  numCells = _numCells;
-  numCorners = _numCorners;
-  numCellsCohesive = _numCellsCohesive;
-  numCornersCohesive = _numCornersCohesive;
-  vertices = const_cast<PylithScalar*>(_vertices);
-  cells = const_cast<int*>(_cells);
-  cellsCohesive = const_cast<int*>(_cellsCohesive);
-  materialIds = const_cast<int*>(_materialIds);
-  groups = const_cast<int*>(_groups);
-  groupSizes = const_cast<int*>(_groupSizes);
-  groupNames = const_cast<char**>(_groupNames);
-  groupTypes = const_cast<char**>(_groupTypes);
-  numGroups = _numGroups;
-} // constructor
-// End of file

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2.hh	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2.hh	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
-#if !defined(pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivetri3level2_hh)
-#define pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivetri3level2_hh
-#include "MeshDataCohesive.hh"
-namespace pylith {
-  namespace topology {
-     class MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2;
-  } // pylith
-} // topology
-class pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2 : public MeshDataCohesive
-{ // MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2
-// PUBLIC METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  /// Constructor
-  MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2(void);
-  /// Destructor
-  ~MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2(void);
-// PRIVATE MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  static const char* _filename; ///< Filename of mesh file.
-  static const int _refineLevel; ///< Refinement level.
-  static const char* _faultA; ///< Vertex group associated with fault A (0 if no fault).
-  static const char* _faultB; ///< Vertex group associated with fault B (0 if no fault).
-  static const int _numVertices; ///< Number of vertices
-  static const int _spaceDim; ///< Number of dimensions in vertex coordinates
-  static const int _cellDim; ///< Number of dimensions associated with cell
-  static const int _numCells; ///< Number of cells
-  static const int _numCorners; ///< Number of vertices in cell
-  static const int _numCellsCohesive; ///< Number of cohesive cells.
-  static const int _numCornersCohesive; ///< Number of vertices in cohesive cell.
-  static const PylithScalar _vertices[]; ///< Pointer to coordinates of vertices
-  static const int _cells[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cells
-  static const int _cellsCohesive[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cohseive cells
-  static const int _materialIds[]; ///< Pointer to cell material identifiers
-  static const int _groups[]; ///< Groups of points
-  static const int _groupSizes[]; ///< Sizes of groups
-  static const char* _groupNames[]; ///< Array of group names
-  static const char* _groupTypes[]; ///< Array of group types
-  static const int _numGroups; ///< Number of groups
-}; // MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2
-#endif // pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivetri3level2_hh
-// End of file

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1.cc	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1.cc	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
-#include "MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1.hh"
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1::_filename = 
-  "data/fourtri3.mesh";
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1::_refineLevel = 2;
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1::_faultA = 
-  "fault";
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1::_faultB = 0;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1::_numVertices = 23;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1::_spaceDim = 2;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1::_numCells = 16;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1::_numCellsCohesive = 4;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1::_cellDim = 2;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1::_numCorners = 3;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1::_numCornersCohesive = 6;
-const PylithScalar pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1::_vertices[] = {
-  -1.0,  0.0,
-   0.0, -1.0,
-   0.0,  0.0,
-   0.0,  1.0,
-   1.0,  0.0,
-   0.0, -1.0,
-   0.0,  0.0,
-   0.0,  1.0,
-  -0.5, -0.5,
-   0.0, -0.5,
-  -0.5,  0.0,
-   0.0,  0.5,
-  -0.5,  0.5,
-   0.0, -0.5,
-   0.5, -0.5,
-   0.5,  0.0,
-   0.5,  0.5,
-   0.0,  0.5,
-   0.0, -1.0,
-   0.0,  0.0,
-   0.0,  1.0,
-   0.0, -0.5,
-   0.0,  0.5,
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1::_cells[] = {
-  16,  24,  26,
-  24,  25,  26,
-  17,  25,  24,
-  18,  26,  25,
-  18,  27,  26,
-  27,  28,  26,
-  19,  28,  27,
-  16,  26,  28,
-  22,  29,  31,
-  29,  30,  31,
-  21,  30,  29,
-  20,  31,  30,
-  22,  31,  33,
-  31,  32,  33,
-  20,  32,  31,
-  23,  33,  32,
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1::_cellsCohesive[] = {
-  17,  25,  21,  29,  34,  37,
-  25,  18,  29,  22,  37,  35,
-  18,  27,  22,  33,  35,  38,
-  27,  19,  33,  23,  38,  36,
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1::_materialIds[] = {
-  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
-  2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
-  100, 100, 100, 100,
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1::_numGroups = 4;
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1::_groupSizes[] = {
-  7, 4, 2, 15,
-const int pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1::_groups[] = {
-  16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 24, 28,
-  17, 20, 21, 30,
-  16, 20,
-  17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38,
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1::_groupNames[] = {
-  "edge 1",
-  "edge 2",
-  "end points",
-  "fault",
-const char* pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1::_groupTypes[] = {
-  "vertex", 
-  "vertex",
-  "vertex",
-  "vertex",
-{ // constructor
-  filename = const_cast<char*>(_filename);
-  refineLevel = _refineLevel;
-  faultA = const_cast<char*>(_faultA);
-  faultB = const_cast<char*>(_faultB);
-  numVertices = _numVertices;
-  spaceDim = _spaceDim;
-  cellDim = _cellDim;
-  numCells = _numCells;
-  numCorners = _numCorners;
-  numCellsCohesive = _numCellsCohesive;
-  numCornersCohesive = _numCornersCohesive;
-  vertices = const_cast<PylithScalar*>(_vertices);
-  cells = const_cast<int*>(_cells);
-  cellsCohesive = const_cast<int*>(_cellsCohesive);
-  materialIds = const_cast<int*>(_materialIds);
-  groups = const_cast<int*>(_groups);
-  groupSizes = const_cast<int*>(_groupSizes);
-  groupNames = const_cast<char**>(_groupNames);
-  groupTypes = const_cast<char**>(_groupTypes);
-  numGroups = _numGroups;
-} // constructor
-// End of file

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1.hh
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1.hh	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/data/MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1.hh	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-// ======================================================================
-// Brad T. Aagaard, U.S. Geological Survey
-// Charles A. Williams, GNS Science
-// Matthew G. Knepley, University of Chicago
-// This code was developed as part of the Computational Infrastructure
-// for Geodynamics (http://geodynamics.org).
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2013 University of California, Davis
-// See COPYING for license information.
-// ======================================================================
-#if !defined(pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivetri3level2fault1_hh)
-#define pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivetri3level2fault1_hh
-#include "MeshDataCohesive.hh"
-namespace pylith {
-  namespace topology {
-     class MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1;
-  } // pylith
-} // topology
-class pylith::topology::MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1 : public MeshDataCohesive
-{ // MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1
-// PUBLIC METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  /// Constructor
-  MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1(void);
-  /// Destructor
-  ~MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1(void);
-// PRIVATE MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  static const char* _filename; ///< Filename of mesh file.
-  static const int _refineLevel; ///< Refinement level.
-  static const char* _faultA; ///< Vertex group associated with fault A (0 if no fault).
-  static const char* _faultB; ///< Vertex group associated with fault B (0 if no fault).
-  static const int _numVertices; ///< Number of vertices
-  static const int _spaceDim; ///< Number of dimensions in vertex coordinates
-  static const int _cellDim; ///< Number of dimensions associated with cell
-  static const int _numCells; ///< Number of cells
-  static const int _numCorners; ///< Number of vertices in cell
-  static const int _numCellsCohesive; ///< Number of cohesive cells.
-  static const int _numCornersCohesive; ///< Number of vertices in cohesive cell.
-  static const PylithScalar _vertices[]; ///< Pointer to coordinates of vertices
-  static const int _cells[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cells
-  static const int _cellsCohesive[]; ///< Pointer to indices of vertices in cohseive cells
-  static const int _materialIds[]; ///< Pointer to cell material identifiers
-  static const int _groups[]; ///< Groups of points
-  static const int _groupSizes[]; ///< Sizes of groups
-  static const char* _groupNames[]; ///< Array of group names
-  static const char* _groupTypes[]; ///< Array of group types
-  static const int _numGroups; ///< Number of groups
-}; // MeshDataCohesiveTri3Level2Fault1
-#endif // pylith_topology_meshdatacohesivetri3level2fault1_hh
-// End of file

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/test_topology.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/test_topology.cc	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/libtests/topology/test_topology.cc	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 #include <stdlib.h> // USES abort()
-#define MALLOC_DUMP
+//#define MALLOC_DUMP
 main(int argc,

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/pytests/topology/TestRefineUniform.py
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/pytests/topology/TestRefineUniform.py	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/pytests/topology/TestRefineUniform.py	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@
 from pylith.topology.RefineUniform import RefineUniform
-from pylith.topology.RefineUniform import RefineUniform
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 class TestRefineUniform(unittest.TestCase):

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/pytests/topology/testtopology.py
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/pytests/topology/testtopology.py	2013-07-26 01:21:51 UTC (rev 22684)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/unittests/pytests/topology/testtopology.py	2013-07-26 22:13:24 UTC (rev 22685)
@@ -90,9 +90,9 @@
     from TestMeshImporter import TestMeshImporter
-    print "WARNING: TestRefineUniform NOT IMPLEMENTED"
-    #from TestRefineUniform import TestRefineUniform
-    #suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestRefineUniform))
+    #print "WARNING: TestRefineUniform NOT IMPLEMENTED"
+    from TestRefineUniform import TestRefineUniform
+    suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestRefineUniform))
     return suite

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