[cig-commits] r22409 - seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D

elliott.sales.de.andrade at geodynamics.org elliott.sales.de.andrade at geodynamics.org
Mon Jun 24 13:06:48 PDT 2013

Author: elliott.sales.de.andrade
Date: 2013-06-24 13:06:48 -0700 (Mon, 24 Jun 2013)
New Revision: 22409

Remove DOS line endings from gravity perturbation.

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/gravity_perturbation.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/gravity_perturbation.f90	2013-06-24 20:06:39 UTC (rev 22408)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/gravity_perturbation.f90	2013-06-24 20:06:48 UTC (rev 22409)
@@ -1,367 +1,367 @@
-! This module outputs gravity field at required locations
-! Authors:
-! Surendra Somala (Caltech) surendra at caltech.edu - 2013
-! with advice from Jan Harms and Pablo Ampuero (ampuero at gps.caltech.edu)
-module gravity_perturbation
-  implicit none  
-  include 'constants.h'
-  private
-  integer nstat,ntimgap,nstat_local
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), allocatable :: xstat,ystat,zstat
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: accE,accN,accZ
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), allocatable :: rho0_wm
-  logical, save :: GRAVITY_SIMULATION = .false.
-  public :: gravity_init, gravity_timeseries, gravity_output, GRAVITY_SIMULATION
-subroutine gravity_init()
-  use specfem_par, only : NGLOB_AB, NSTEP, NSPEC_AB, mustore, &
-       xstore, ystore, zstore, &
-       xigll, yigll, zigll, &
-       wxgll, wygll, wzgll, &
-       NGNOD, ibool, myrank, IMAIN
-  use specfem_par_elastic, only : rho_vs
-  implicit none
-  integer, parameter :: IIN_G = 367
-  integer ier
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ):: rho_elem,vs_elem
-  integer :: i,j,k,iglob,ispec,istat
-  double precision :: Jac3D
-  ! coordinates of the control points
-  double precision xelm(NGNOD),yelm(NGNOD),zelm(NGNOD)
-  integer ia,iax,iay,iaz
-  integer iaddx(NGNOD),iaddy(NGNOD),iaddz(NGNOD)
-  integer nstep_grav
-  open(unit=IIN_G,file='../DATA/gravity_stations',status='old',iostat=ier)
-  if( ier /= 0 ) then
-    ! user output
-    if( myrank == 0 ) then
-      write(IMAIN,*)
-      write(IMAIN,*) 'no gravity simulation'
-      write(IMAIN,*)
-    endif
-    return
-  endif
-  read(IIN_G,*) nstat,ntimgap
-  ! user output
-  if( myrank == 0 ) then
-    write(IMAIN,*)
-    write(IMAIN,*) 'incorporating gravity simulation'
-    write(IMAIN,*) '    gravity stations: ',nstat
-    write(IMAIN,*)
-  endif
-  allocate(xstat(nstat))
-  allocate(ystat(nstat))
-  allocate(zstat(nstat))
-  do istat=1,nstat
-     read(IIN_G,*) xstat(istat),ystat(istat),zstat(istat)
-  enddo
-  close(IIN_G)
-  nstep_grav = floor(dble(NSTEP/ntimgap))
-  allocate(accE(nstep_grav,nstat))
-  allocate(accN(nstep_grav,nstat))
-  allocate(accZ(nstep_grav,nstat))
-  accE = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-  accN = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-  accZ = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-  allocate(rho0_wm(NGLOB_AB))
-  rho0_wm = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-  call usual_hex_nodes(NGNOD,iaddx,iaddy,iaddz)
-  do ispec=1,NSPEC_AB
-     where( rho_vs(:,:,:,ispec) > TINYVAL )
-        vs_elem(:,:,:) = mustore(:,:,:,ispec) / rho_vs(:,:,:,ispec)
-     elsewhere
-        vs_elem(:,:,:) = 0.0
-     endwhere
-     rho_elem = rho_vs(:,:,:,ispec)/vs_elem
-     ! define coordinates of the control points of the element
-     do ia=1,NGNOD
-        if(iaddx(ia) == 0) then
-           iax = 1
-        else if(iaddx(ia) == 1) then
-           iax = (NGLLX+1)/2
-        else if(iaddx(ia) == 2) then
-           iax = NGLLX
-        else
-           call exit_MPI(myrank,'incorrect value of iaddx')
-        endif
-        if(iaddy(ia) == 0) then
-           iay = 1
-        else if(iaddy(ia) == 1) then
-           iay = (NGLLY+1)/2
-        else if(iaddy(ia) == 2) then
-           iay = NGLLY
-        else
-           call exit_MPI(myrank,'incorrect value of iaddy')
-        endif
-        if(iaddz(ia) == 0) then
-           iaz = 1
-        else if(iaddz(ia) == 1) then
-           iaz = (NGLLZ+1)/2
-        else if(iaddz(ia) == 2) then
-           iaz = NGLLZ
-        else
-           call exit_MPI(myrank,'incorrect value of iaddz')
-        endif
-        iglob = ibool(iax,iay,iaz,ispec)
-        xelm(ia) = dble(xstore(iglob))
-        yelm(ia) = dble(ystore(iglob))
-        zelm(ia) = dble(zstore(iglob))
-     enddo
-     do k = 1,NGLLZ
-        do j = 1,NGLLY
-           do i = 1,NGLLX
-              iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
-              call recompute_jacobian_gravity(xelm,yelm,zelm,xigll(i),yigll(j),zigll(k),Jac3D)
-              rho0_wm(iglob) = rho0_wm(iglob) + Jac3D * wxgll(i) * wygll(j) * wzgll(k) * rho_elem(i,j,k)
-           enddo
-        enddo
-     enddo
-  enddo
-end subroutine gravity_init
-! recompute 3D jacobian at a given point for a 8-node element : modified from recompute_jacobian
-subroutine recompute_jacobian_gravity(xelm,yelm,zelm,xi,eta,gamma,jacobian)
-  use specfem_par, only : NGNOD    
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-  double precision x,y,z
-  double precision xi,eta,gamma,jacobian
-!  integer NGNOD
-! coordinates of the control points
-  double precision xelm(NGNOD),yelm(NGNOD),zelm(NGNOD)
-! 3D shape functions and their derivatives at receiver
-  double precision shape3D(NGNOD)
-  double precision dershape3D(NDIM,NGNOD)
-  double precision xxi,yxi,zxi
-  double precision xeta,yeta,zeta
-  double precision xgamma,ygamma,zgamma
-  double precision ra1,ra2,rb1,rb2,rc1,rc2
-  integer ia
-! for 8-node element
-  double precision, parameter :: ONE_EIGHTH = 0.125d0
-! recompute jacobian for any (xi,eta,gamma) point, not necessarily a GLL point
-! check that the parameter file is correct
-  if(NGNOD /= 8 ) &
-       stop 'elements should have 8  control nodes'
-!  if(NGNOD == 8) then
-! ***
-! *** create the 3D shape functions and the Jacobian for an 8-node element
-! ***
-!--- case of an 8-node 3D element (Dhatt-Touzot p. 115)
-    ra1 = one + xi
-    ra2 = one - xi
-    rb1 = one + eta
-    rb2 = one - eta
-    rc1 = one + gamma
-    rc2 = one - gamma
-    shape3D(1) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra2*rb2*rc2
-    shape3D(2) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra1*rb2*rc2
-    shape3D(3) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra1*rb1*rc2
-    shape3D(4) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra2*rb1*rc2
-    shape3D(5) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra2*rb2*rc1
-    shape3D(6) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra1*rb2*rc1
-    shape3D(7) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra1*rb1*rc1
-    shape3D(8) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra2*rb1*rc1
-    dershape3D(1,1) = - ONE_EIGHTH*rb2*rc2
-    dershape3D(1,2) = ONE_EIGHTH*rb2*rc2
-    dershape3D(1,3) = ONE_EIGHTH*rb1*rc2
-    dershape3D(1,4) = - ONE_EIGHTH*rb1*rc2
-    dershape3D(1,5) = - ONE_EIGHTH*rb2*rc1
-    dershape3D(1,6) = ONE_EIGHTH*rb2*rc1
-    dershape3D(1,7) = ONE_EIGHTH*rb1*rc1
-    dershape3D(1,8) = - ONE_EIGHTH*rb1*rc1
-    dershape3D(2,1) = - ONE_EIGHTH*ra2*rc2
-    dershape3D(2,2) = - ONE_EIGHTH*ra1*rc2
-    dershape3D(2,3) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra1*rc2
-    dershape3D(2,4) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra2*rc2
-    dershape3D(2,5) = - ONE_EIGHTH*ra2*rc1
-    dershape3D(2,6) = - ONE_EIGHTH*ra1*rc1
-    dershape3D(2,7) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra1*rc1
-    dershape3D(2,8) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra2*rc1
-    dershape3D(3,1) = - ONE_EIGHTH*ra2*rb2
-    dershape3D(3,2) = - ONE_EIGHTH*ra1*rb2
-    dershape3D(3,3) = - ONE_EIGHTH*ra1*rb1
-    dershape3D(3,4) = - ONE_EIGHTH*ra2*rb1
-    dershape3D(3,5) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra2*rb2
-    dershape3D(3,6) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra1*rb2
-    dershape3D(3,7) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra1*rb1
-    dershape3D(3,8) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra2*rb1
-! compute coordinates and jacobian matrix
-  x=ZERO
-  y=ZERO
-  z=ZERO
-  xxi=ZERO
-  xeta=ZERO
-  xgamma=ZERO
-  yxi=ZERO
-  yeta=ZERO
-  ygamma=ZERO
-  zxi=ZERO
-  zeta=ZERO
-  zgamma=ZERO
-  do ia=1,NGNOD
-    x=x+shape3D(ia)*xelm(ia)
-    y=y+shape3D(ia)*yelm(ia)
-    z=z+shape3D(ia)*zelm(ia)
-    xxi=xxi+dershape3D(1,ia)*xelm(ia)
-    xeta=xeta+dershape3D(2,ia)*xelm(ia)
-    xgamma=xgamma+dershape3D(3,ia)*xelm(ia)
-    yxi=yxi+dershape3D(1,ia)*yelm(ia)
-    yeta=yeta+dershape3D(2,ia)*yelm(ia)
-    ygamma=ygamma+dershape3D(3,ia)*yelm(ia)
-    zxi=zxi+dershape3D(1,ia)*zelm(ia)
-    zeta=zeta+dershape3D(2,ia)*zelm(ia)
-    zgamma=zgamma+dershape3D(3,ia)*zelm(ia)
-  enddo
-  jacobian = xxi*(yeta*zgamma-ygamma*zeta) - xeta*(yxi*zgamma-ygamma*zxi) + xgamma*(yxi*zeta-yeta*zxi)
-  if(jacobian <= ZERO) stop '3D Jacobian undefined'
-end subroutine recompute_jacobian_gravity
-subroutine gravity_timeseries()
-  use specfem_par, only : xstore, ystore, zstore, it, NGLOB_AB
-  use specfem_par_elastic, only : displ
-  implicit none
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: G_const = 6.674e-11_CUSTOM_REAL
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLOB_AB) :: accEdV,accNdV,accZdV
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: E_local,N_local,Z_local,E_all,N_all,Z_all
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), allocatable :: Rg,dotP
-  integer :: istat, it_grav
-  if( mod(it,ntimgap)==0 ) then
-     it_grav = nint(dble(it/ntimgap))
-     allocate(Rg(NGLOB_AB))
-     allocate(dotP(NGLOB_AB))
-     do istat=1,nstat
-        Rg = sqrt((xstore-xstat(istat))**2+(ystore-ystat(istat))**2+(zstore-zstat(istat))**2)
-        dotP = (xstore-xstat(istat))*displ(1,:)+(ystore-ystat(istat))*displ(2,:)+(zstore-zstat(istat))*displ(3,:)
-        accEdV = G_const*rho0_wm/Rg**3*(displ(1,:)-3._CUSTOM_REAL*(dotP*(xstore-xstat(istat)))/Rg**2)
-        E_local = sum(accEdV(:))
-        call sum_all_all_cr(E_local,E_all)
-        accE(it_grav,istat) = E_all
-        accNdV = G_const*rho0_wm/Rg**3*(displ(2,:)-3._CUSTOM_REAL*(dotP*(ystore-ystat(istat)))/Rg**2)
-        N_local = sum(accNdV(:))
-        call sum_all_all_cr(N_local,N_all)
-        accN(it_grav,istat) = N_all
-        accZdV = G_const*rho0_wm/Rg**3*(displ(3,:)-3._CUSTOM_REAL*(dotP*(zstore-zstat(istat)))/Rg**2)
-        Z_local = sum(accZdV(:))
-        call sum_all_all_cr(Z_local,Z_all)
-        accZ(it_grav,istat) = Z_all
-     enddo
-  endif
-end subroutine gravity_timeseries
-subroutine gravity_output()
-  use specfem_par, only : myrank,NPROC,NSTEP
-  implicit none
-  integer :: isample,istat,nstep_grav
-  character(len=150) sisname
-  nstep_grav = floor(dble(NSTEP/ntimgap))
-  nstat_local = nint(dble(nstat/NPROC))
-  do istat=1,nstat
-     if(istat < myrank*nstat_local+1 .or. istat > (myrank+1)*nstat_local) cycle
-     write(sisname,"('../OUTPUT_FILES/stat',I0,'.grav')") istat
-     open(unit=IOUT,file=sisname,status='replace')
-     do isample = 1,nstep_grav
-        write(IOUT,*) accE(isample,istat),accN(isample,istat),accZ(isample,istat)
-     enddo
-     close(IOUT)
-  enddo
-  if(myrank==0) then !left-over stations
-     do istat=NPROC*nstat_local,nstat
-        write(sisname,"('../OUTPUT_FILES/stat',I0,'.grav')") istat
-        open(unit=IOUT,file=sisname,status='replace')
-        do isample = 1,nstep_grav
-           write(IOUT,*) accE(isample,istat),accN(isample,istat),accZ(isample,istat)
-        enddo
-        close(IOUT)
-     enddo
-  endif
-end subroutine gravity_output
-end module gravity_perturbation
+! This module outputs gravity field at required locations
+! Authors:
+! Surendra Somala (Caltech) surendra at caltech.edu - 2013
+! with advice from Jan Harms and Pablo Ampuero (ampuero at gps.caltech.edu)
+module gravity_perturbation
+  implicit none
+  include 'constants.h'
+  private
+  integer nstat,ntimgap,nstat_local
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), allocatable :: xstat,ystat,zstat
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: accE,accN,accZ
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), allocatable :: rho0_wm
+  logical, save :: GRAVITY_SIMULATION = .false.
+  public :: gravity_init, gravity_timeseries, gravity_output, GRAVITY_SIMULATION
+subroutine gravity_init()
+  use specfem_par, only : NGLOB_AB, NSTEP, NSPEC_AB, mustore, &
+       xstore, ystore, zstore, &
+       xigll, yigll, zigll, &
+       wxgll, wygll, wzgll, &
+       NGNOD, ibool, myrank, IMAIN
+  use specfem_par_elastic, only : rho_vs
+  implicit none
+  integer, parameter :: IIN_G = 367
+  integer ier
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ):: rho_elem,vs_elem
+  integer :: i,j,k,iglob,ispec,istat
+  double precision :: Jac3D
+  ! coordinates of the control points
+  double precision xelm(NGNOD),yelm(NGNOD),zelm(NGNOD)
+  integer ia,iax,iay,iaz
+  integer iaddx(NGNOD),iaddy(NGNOD),iaddz(NGNOD)
+  integer nstep_grav
+  open(unit=IIN_G,file='../DATA/gravity_stations',status='old',iostat=ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) then
+    ! user output
+    if( myrank == 0 ) then
+      write(IMAIN,*)
+      write(IMAIN,*) 'no gravity simulation'
+      write(IMAIN,*)
+    endif
+    return
+  endif
+  read(IIN_G,*) nstat,ntimgap
+  ! user output
+  if( myrank == 0 ) then
+    write(IMAIN,*)
+    write(IMAIN,*) 'incorporating gravity simulation'
+    write(IMAIN,*) '    gravity stations: ',nstat
+    write(IMAIN,*)
+  endif
+  allocate(xstat(nstat))
+  allocate(ystat(nstat))
+  allocate(zstat(nstat))
+  do istat=1,nstat
+     read(IIN_G,*) xstat(istat),ystat(istat),zstat(istat)
+  enddo
+  close(IIN_G)
+  nstep_grav = floor(dble(NSTEP/ntimgap))
+  allocate(accE(nstep_grav,nstat))
+  allocate(accN(nstep_grav,nstat))
+  allocate(accZ(nstep_grav,nstat))
+  accE = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+  accN = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+  accZ = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+  allocate(rho0_wm(NGLOB_AB))
+  rho0_wm = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+  call usual_hex_nodes(NGNOD,iaddx,iaddy,iaddz)
+  do ispec=1,NSPEC_AB
+     where( rho_vs(:,:,:,ispec) > TINYVAL )
+        vs_elem(:,:,:) = mustore(:,:,:,ispec) / rho_vs(:,:,:,ispec)
+     elsewhere
+        vs_elem(:,:,:) = 0.0
+     endwhere
+     rho_elem = rho_vs(:,:,:,ispec)/vs_elem
+     ! define coordinates of the control points of the element
+     do ia=1,NGNOD
+        if(iaddx(ia) == 0) then
+           iax = 1
+        else if(iaddx(ia) == 1) then
+           iax = (NGLLX+1)/2
+        else if(iaddx(ia) == 2) then
+           iax = NGLLX
+        else
+           call exit_MPI(myrank,'incorrect value of iaddx')
+        endif
+        if(iaddy(ia) == 0) then
+           iay = 1
+        else if(iaddy(ia) == 1) then
+           iay = (NGLLY+1)/2
+        else if(iaddy(ia) == 2) then
+           iay = NGLLY
+        else
+           call exit_MPI(myrank,'incorrect value of iaddy')
+        endif
+        if(iaddz(ia) == 0) then
+           iaz = 1
+        else if(iaddz(ia) == 1) then
+           iaz = (NGLLZ+1)/2
+        else if(iaddz(ia) == 2) then
+           iaz = NGLLZ
+        else
+           call exit_MPI(myrank,'incorrect value of iaddz')
+        endif
+        iglob = ibool(iax,iay,iaz,ispec)
+        xelm(ia) = dble(xstore(iglob))
+        yelm(ia) = dble(ystore(iglob))
+        zelm(ia) = dble(zstore(iglob))
+     enddo
+     do k = 1,NGLLZ
+        do j = 1,NGLLY
+           do i = 1,NGLLX
+              iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
+              call recompute_jacobian_gravity(xelm,yelm,zelm,xigll(i),yigll(j),zigll(k),Jac3D)
+              rho0_wm(iglob) = rho0_wm(iglob) + Jac3D * wxgll(i) * wygll(j) * wzgll(k) * rho_elem(i,j,k)
+           enddo
+        enddo
+     enddo
+  enddo
+end subroutine gravity_init
+! recompute 3D jacobian at a given point for a 8-node element : modified from recompute_jacobian
+subroutine recompute_jacobian_gravity(xelm,yelm,zelm,xi,eta,gamma,jacobian)
+  use specfem_par, only : NGNOD
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  double precision x,y,z
+  double precision xi,eta,gamma,jacobian
+!  integer NGNOD
+! coordinates of the control points
+  double precision xelm(NGNOD),yelm(NGNOD),zelm(NGNOD)
+! 3D shape functions and their derivatives at receiver
+  double precision shape3D(NGNOD)
+  double precision dershape3D(NDIM,NGNOD)
+  double precision xxi,yxi,zxi
+  double precision xeta,yeta,zeta
+  double precision xgamma,ygamma,zgamma
+  double precision ra1,ra2,rb1,rb2,rc1,rc2
+  integer ia
+! for 8-node element
+  double precision, parameter :: ONE_EIGHTH = 0.125d0
+! recompute jacobian for any (xi,eta,gamma) point, not necessarily a GLL point
+! check that the parameter file is correct
+  if(NGNOD /= 8 ) &
+       stop 'elements should have 8  control nodes'
+!  if(NGNOD == 8) then
+! ***
+! *** create the 3D shape functions and the Jacobian for an 8-node element
+! ***
+!--- case of an 8-node 3D element (Dhatt-Touzot p. 115)
+    ra1 = one + xi
+    ra2 = one - xi
+    rb1 = one + eta
+    rb2 = one - eta
+    rc1 = one + gamma
+    rc2 = one - gamma
+    shape3D(1) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra2*rb2*rc2
+    shape3D(2) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra1*rb2*rc2
+    shape3D(3) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra1*rb1*rc2
+    shape3D(4) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra2*rb1*rc2
+    shape3D(5) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra2*rb2*rc1
+    shape3D(6) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra1*rb2*rc1
+    shape3D(7) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra1*rb1*rc1
+    shape3D(8) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra2*rb1*rc1
+    dershape3D(1,1) = - ONE_EIGHTH*rb2*rc2
+    dershape3D(1,2) = ONE_EIGHTH*rb2*rc2
+    dershape3D(1,3) = ONE_EIGHTH*rb1*rc2
+    dershape3D(1,4) = - ONE_EIGHTH*rb1*rc2
+    dershape3D(1,5) = - ONE_EIGHTH*rb2*rc1
+    dershape3D(1,6) = ONE_EIGHTH*rb2*rc1
+    dershape3D(1,7) = ONE_EIGHTH*rb1*rc1
+    dershape3D(1,8) = - ONE_EIGHTH*rb1*rc1
+    dershape3D(2,1) = - ONE_EIGHTH*ra2*rc2
+    dershape3D(2,2) = - ONE_EIGHTH*ra1*rc2
+    dershape3D(2,3) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra1*rc2
+    dershape3D(2,4) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra2*rc2
+    dershape3D(2,5) = - ONE_EIGHTH*ra2*rc1
+    dershape3D(2,6) = - ONE_EIGHTH*ra1*rc1
+    dershape3D(2,7) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra1*rc1
+    dershape3D(2,8) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra2*rc1
+    dershape3D(3,1) = - ONE_EIGHTH*ra2*rb2
+    dershape3D(3,2) = - ONE_EIGHTH*ra1*rb2
+    dershape3D(3,3) = - ONE_EIGHTH*ra1*rb1
+    dershape3D(3,4) = - ONE_EIGHTH*ra2*rb1
+    dershape3D(3,5) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra2*rb2
+    dershape3D(3,6) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra1*rb2
+    dershape3D(3,7) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra1*rb1
+    dershape3D(3,8) = ONE_EIGHTH*ra2*rb1
+! compute coordinates and jacobian matrix
+  x=ZERO
+  y=ZERO
+  z=ZERO
+  xxi=ZERO
+  xeta=ZERO
+  xgamma=ZERO
+  yxi=ZERO
+  yeta=ZERO
+  ygamma=ZERO
+  zxi=ZERO
+  zeta=ZERO
+  zgamma=ZERO
+  do ia=1,NGNOD
+    x=x+shape3D(ia)*xelm(ia)
+    y=y+shape3D(ia)*yelm(ia)
+    z=z+shape3D(ia)*zelm(ia)
+    xxi=xxi+dershape3D(1,ia)*xelm(ia)
+    xeta=xeta+dershape3D(2,ia)*xelm(ia)
+    xgamma=xgamma+dershape3D(3,ia)*xelm(ia)
+    yxi=yxi+dershape3D(1,ia)*yelm(ia)
+    yeta=yeta+dershape3D(2,ia)*yelm(ia)
+    ygamma=ygamma+dershape3D(3,ia)*yelm(ia)
+    zxi=zxi+dershape3D(1,ia)*zelm(ia)
+    zeta=zeta+dershape3D(2,ia)*zelm(ia)
+    zgamma=zgamma+dershape3D(3,ia)*zelm(ia)
+  enddo
+  jacobian = xxi*(yeta*zgamma-ygamma*zeta) - xeta*(yxi*zgamma-ygamma*zxi) + xgamma*(yxi*zeta-yeta*zxi)
+  if(jacobian <= ZERO) stop '3D Jacobian undefined'
+end subroutine recompute_jacobian_gravity
+subroutine gravity_timeseries()
+  use specfem_par, only : xstore, ystore, zstore, it, NGLOB_AB
+  use specfem_par_elastic, only : displ
+  implicit none
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: G_const = 6.674e-11_CUSTOM_REAL
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLOB_AB) :: accEdV,accNdV,accZdV
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: E_local,N_local,Z_local,E_all,N_all,Z_all
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), allocatable :: Rg,dotP
+  integer :: istat, it_grav
+  if( mod(it,ntimgap)==0 ) then
+     it_grav = nint(dble(it/ntimgap))
+     allocate(Rg(NGLOB_AB))
+     allocate(dotP(NGLOB_AB))
+     do istat=1,nstat
+        Rg = sqrt((xstore-xstat(istat))**2+(ystore-ystat(istat))**2+(zstore-zstat(istat))**2)
+        dotP = (xstore-xstat(istat))*displ(1,:)+(ystore-ystat(istat))*displ(2,:)+(zstore-zstat(istat))*displ(3,:)
+        accEdV = G_const*rho0_wm/Rg**3*(displ(1,:)-3._CUSTOM_REAL*(dotP*(xstore-xstat(istat)))/Rg**2)
+        E_local = sum(accEdV(:))
+        call sum_all_all_cr(E_local,E_all)
+        accE(it_grav,istat) = E_all
+        accNdV = G_const*rho0_wm/Rg**3*(displ(2,:)-3._CUSTOM_REAL*(dotP*(ystore-ystat(istat)))/Rg**2)
+        N_local = sum(accNdV(:))
+        call sum_all_all_cr(N_local,N_all)
+        accN(it_grav,istat) = N_all
+        accZdV = G_const*rho0_wm/Rg**3*(displ(3,:)-3._CUSTOM_REAL*(dotP*(zstore-zstat(istat)))/Rg**2)
+        Z_local = sum(accZdV(:))
+        call sum_all_all_cr(Z_local,Z_all)
+        accZ(it_grav,istat) = Z_all
+     enddo
+  endif
+end subroutine gravity_timeseries
+subroutine gravity_output()
+  use specfem_par, only : myrank,NPROC,NSTEP
+  implicit none
+  integer :: isample,istat,nstep_grav
+  character(len=150) sisname
+  nstep_grav = floor(dble(NSTEP/ntimgap))
+  nstat_local = nint(dble(nstat/NPROC))
+  do istat=1,nstat
+     if(istat < myrank*nstat_local+1 .or. istat > (myrank+1)*nstat_local) cycle
+     write(sisname,"('../OUTPUT_FILES/stat',I0,'.grav')") istat
+     open(unit=IOUT,file=sisname,status='replace')
+     do isample = 1,nstep_grav
+        write(IOUT,*) accE(isample,istat),accN(isample,istat),accZ(isample,istat)
+     enddo
+     close(IOUT)
+  enddo
+  if(myrank==0) then !left-over stations
+     do istat=NPROC*nstat_local,nstat
+        write(sisname,"('../OUTPUT_FILES/stat',I0,'.grav')") istat
+        open(unit=IOUT,file=sisname,status='replace')
+        do isample = 1,nstep_grav
+           write(IOUT,*) accE(isample,istat),accN(isample,istat),accZ(isample,istat)
+        enddo
+        close(IOUT)
+     enddo
+  endif
+end subroutine gravity_output
+end module gravity_perturbation

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