[cig-commits] r21511 - seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SUNFLOWER_ADIOS/src/specfem3D

lefebvre at geodynamics.org lefebvre at geodynamics.org
Tue Mar 12 13:39:18 PDT 2013

Author: lefebvre
Date: 2013-03-12 13:39:17 -0700 (Tue, 12 Mar 2013)
New Revision: 21511

Do not use xml file anymore to define variable. Do not use the autogenerated adios code as well.
	modified:   ../../src/specfem3D/write_par_header_ADIOS.F90

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SUNFLOWER_ADIOS/src/specfem3D/write_par_header_ADIOS.F90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SUNFLOWER_ADIOS/src/specfem3D/write_par_header_ADIOS.F90	2013-03-12 20:39:10 UTC (rev 21510)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SUNFLOWER_ADIOS/src/specfem3D/write_par_header_ADIOS.F90	2013-03-12 20:39:17 UTC (rev 21511)
@@ -25,43 +25,6 @@
-!> @brief Write solver name and version into ADIOS result file header.
-!! The solver name, version name, version number are written down inside
-!! the xml file.
-!subroutine write_solver_info_header_ADIOS()
-!  use mpi
-!  use adios_write_mod
-!  use specfem_par, only : myrank
-  !-------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! local parameters
-  !-------------------------------------------------------------------
-!  integer                 :: comm, ier, NUMBER_MPI_PROCESSES
-  ! Adios variables
-!  integer                 :: adios_err
-!  integer*8               :: adios_handle
-!  integer*8               :: adios_groupsize, adios_totalsize ! for the .fh file
-  ! TODO : find a better name once the use of ADIOS is more completely
-  ! implemented
-!  character(len=27)       :: filename = "OUTPUT_FILES/header_tmp.bp" 
-!    call MPI_COMM_DUP(MPI_COMM_WORLD, comm, ier)
-!    call world_size(NUMBER_MPI_PROCESSES)
-!  if(myrank == 0) then
-!    call adios_open (adios_handle, "solver_info", filename, "w", &
-!                     MPI_COMM_SELF, adios_err);
-!                     comm, adios_err);
-    ! Automatically generated Fortran code by ADIOS gpp.py script:
-    ! $> $ADIOS_DIR/bin/gpp.py par_header.xml
-    ! Re-run each time the xml file is modified.
-!#include "gwrite_solver_info.fh"
-!    call adios_close (adios_handle, adios_err)
-!  endif
-!end subroutine write_solver_info_header_ADIOS
@@ -106,7 +69,7 @@
   integer,           dimension(NSOURCES) :: yr, mo, da, ho, mi
   double precision,  dimension(NSOURCES) :: sec, t_shift, hdur, lat, long, depth
   double precision,  dimension(NSOURCES) :: mrr, mtt, mpp, mrt, mrp, mtp 
-  integer :: datasources_length
+  integer :: datasource_length
   character(len=5) :: datasource_tmp
   character(len=16):: event_name
   character(len=:), allocatable  :: datasource
@@ -114,6 +77,7 @@
   ! values from STATIONS
   integer :: NSTATIONS
+  integer :: station_name_length, network_name_length
   character(len=MAX_LENGTH_STATION_NAME) :: station_name_tmp
   character(len=MAX_LENGTH_NETWORK_NAME) :: network_name_tmp
   character(len=:),   allocatable :: station_name, network_name 
@@ -125,14 +89,21 @@
   integer                 :: isource, irec, ier
   ! Adios variables
   integer                 :: adios_err
-  integer*8               :: adios_handle
+  integer*8               :: adios_group, adios_handle, varid
   integer*8               :: adios_groupsize, adios_totalsize ! for the .fh file
   ! TODO : find a better name once the use of ADIOS is more completely
   ! implemented
   character(len=27)       :: filename = "OUTPUT_FILES/header_tmp.bp" 
+  integer*8 :: group_size_inc
   ! ensure that only the master open the adios handle inside MPI_COMM_SELF
   if(myrank == 0) then
+    call adios_declare_group (adios_group, "SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_HEADER", "", 0, adios_err)
+    call adios_select_method (adios_group, "MPI", "", "", adios_err)
+    group_size_inc = 0
+    !--*** Values read from DATA/Par_file ***
     ! extract all unmodified values from the Par_file
     call read_parameter_file(OUTPUT_FILES,                                                                    & 
                              LOCAL_PATH,LOCAL_TMP_PATH,MODEL,                                                 & 
@@ -152,14 +123,71 @@
                              ROTATE_SEISMOGRAMS_RT,WRITE_SEISMOGRAMS_BY_MASTER,                               & 
+    ! define adios variables for the Par_file
+    !-- double precision variables
+    call define_adios_double_scalar (adios_group, "ANGULAR_WIDTH_XI_IN_DEGREES", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_double_scalar (adios_group, "ANGULAR_WIDTH_ETA_IN_DEGREES", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_double_scalar (adios_group, "CENTER_LONGITUDE_IN_DEGREES", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_double_scalar (adios_group, "CENTER_LATITUDE_IN_DEGREES", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_double_scalar (adios_group, "GAMMA_ROTATION_AZIMUTH", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_double_scalar (adios_group, "HDUR_MOVIE", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_double_scalar (adios_group, "MOVIE_TOP_KM", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_double_scalar (adios_group, "MOVIE_BOTTOM_KM", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_double_scalar (adios_group, "MOVIE_EAST_DEG", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_double_scalar (adios_group, "MOVIE_WEST_DEG", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_double_scalar (adios_group, "MOVIE_NORTH_DEG", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_double_scalar (adios_group, "MOVIE_SOUTH_DEG", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_double_scalar (adios_group, "RECORD_LENGTH_IN_MINUTES", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    !-- integer variables 
+    call define_adios_integer_scalar (adios_group, "NTSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_SEISMOS", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_integer_scalar (adios_group, "NTSTEP_BETWEEN_READ_ADJSRC", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_integer_scalar (adios_group, "NTSTEP_BETWEEN_FRAMES", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_integer_scalar (adios_group, "NTSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_INFO", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_integer_scalar (adios_group, "NUMBER_OF_RUNS", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_integer_scalar (adios_group, "NUMBER_OF_THIS_RUN", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_integer_scalar (adios_group, "NCHUNKS", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_integer_scalar (adios_group, "SIMULATION_TYPE", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_integer_scalar (adios_group, "MOVIE_VOLUME_TYPE", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_integer_scalar (adios_group, "MOVIE_START", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_integer_scalar (adios_group, "MOVIE_STOP", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_integer_scalar (adios_group, "NEX_XI", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_integer_scalar (adios_group, "NEX_ETA", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_integer_scalar (adios_group, "NPROC_XI", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_integer_scalar (adios_group, "NPROC_ETA", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_integer_scalar (adios_group, "NOISE_TOMOGRAPHY", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    !-- logical variables
+    call define_adios_byte_scalar (adios_group, "ELLIPTICITY", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_byte_scalar (adios_group, "GRAVITY", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_byte_scalar (adios_group, "ROTATION", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_byte_scalar (adios_group, "TOPOGRAPHY", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_byte_scalar (adios_group, "OCEANS", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_byte_scalar (adios_group, "MOVIE_SURFACE", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_byte_scalar (adios_group, "MOVIE_VOLUME", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_byte_scalar (adios_group, "MOVIE_COARSE", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_byte_scalar (adios_group, "RECEIVERS_CAN_BE_BURIED", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_byte_scalar (adios_group, "PRINT_SOURCE_TIME_FUNCTION", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_byte_scalar (adios_group, "SAVE_MESH_FILES", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_byte_scalar (adios_group, "ATTENUATION", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_byte_scalar (adios_group, "ATTENUATION_NEW", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_byte_scalar (adios_group, "ABSORBING_CONDITIONS", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_byte_scalar (adios_group, "SAVE_FORWARD", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_byte_scalar (adios_group, "OUTPUT_SEISMOS_ASCII_TEXT", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_byte_scalar (adios_group, "OUTPUT_SEISMOS_SAC_ALPHANUM", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_byte_scalar (adios_group, "OUTPUT_SEISMOS_SAC_BINARY", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_byte_scalar (adios_group, "ROTATE_SEISMOGRAMS_RT", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_byte_scalar (adios_group, "WRITE_SEISMOGRAMS_BY_MASTER", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_byte_scalar (adios_group, "SAVE_ALL_SEISMOS_IN_ONE_FILE", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_byte_scalar (adios_group, "USE_BINARY_FOR_LARGE_FILE", "/specfem3D_globe_parameter_file", group_size_inc)
+    !--*** Values read from DATA/CMTSOLUTION ***--
     ! extract all unmodified values from CMTSOLUTION
     ! get_cmt() routine modify the read values
     ! TODO factorize what follows and get_cmt.f90 and probably one or two other
     !      routines
     call get_value_string(CMTSOLUTION, 'solver.CMTSOLUTION', 'DATA/CMTSOLUTION')
-    datasources_length = 4*NSOURCES
-    allocate(character(len=(datasources_length)) :: datasource, stat=ier)
+    datasource_length = 4*NSOURCES
+    allocate(character(len=(datasource_length)) :: datasource, stat=ier)
     if (ier /=0) &
         call exit_MPI (myrank, "error allocating datasource string for adios header")
     datasource = ""
@@ -217,7 +245,34 @@
       read(string(5:len_trim(string)),*) mtp(isource)
+    ! define adios variables for the CMTSOLUTION 
+    !-- Number of SOURCES inside the CMTSOLUTION file
+    call define_adios_integer_scalar (adios_group, "NSOURCES", "/CMTSOLUTION", group_size_inc)
+    !-- double precision arrays
+    call define_adios_double_local_array1D (adios_group, "second", "/CMTSOLUTION", NSOURCES, "NSOURCES", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_double_local_array1D (adios_group, "time_shift", "/CMTSOLUTION", NSOURCES, "NSOURCES", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_double_local_array1D (adios_group, "half_duration", "/CMTSOLUTION", NSOURCES, "NSOURCES", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_double_local_array1D (adios_group, "latitude", "/CMTSOLUTION", NSOURCES, "NSOURCES", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_double_local_array1D (adios_group, "longitude", "/CMTSOLUTION", NSOURCES, "NSOURCES", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_double_local_array1D (adios_group, "depth", "/CMTSOLUTION", NSOURCES, "NSOURCES", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_double_local_array1D (adios_group, "mrr", "/CMTSOLUTION", NSOURCES, "NSOURCES", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_double_local_array1D (adios_group, "mtt", "/CMTSOLUTION", NSOURCES, "NSOURCES", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_double_local_array1D (adios_group, "mpp", "/CMTSOLUTION", NSOURCES, "NSOURCES", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_double_local_array1D (adios_group, "mrt", "/CMTSOLUTION", NSOURCES, "NSOURCES", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_double_local_array1D (adios_group, "mrp", "/CMTSOLUTION", NSOURCES, "NSOURCES", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_double_local_array1D (adios_group, "mtp", "/CMTSOLUTION", NSOURCES, "NSOURCES", group_size_inc)
+    !-- integer arrays
+    call define_adios_integer_local_array1D (adios_group, "year", "/CMTSOLUTION", NSOURCES, "NSOURCES", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_integer_local_array1D (adios_group, "month", "/CMTSOLUTION", NSOURCES, "NSOURCES", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_integer_local_array1D (adios_group, "day", "/CMTSOLUTION", NSOURCES, "NSOURCES", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_integer_local_array1D (adios_group, "hour", "/CMTSOLUTION", NSOURCES, "NSOURCES", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_integer_local_array1D (adios_group, "minute", "/CMTSOLUTION", NSOURCES, "NSOURCES", group_size_inc)
+    !-- string
+    call define_adios_integer_scalar (adios_group, "datasource_length", "/CMTSOLUTION", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_string (adios_group, "datasource", "/CMTSOLUTION", datasource_length, group_size_inc)
+    !--*** Values read from DATA/STATIONS
     ! Extract values from STATIONS File
     call get_value_string(STATIONS, 'solver.STATIONS', 'DATA/STATIONS')
@@ -250,15 +305,114 @@
     station_name = trim(station_name)
     network_name = trim(network_name)
+    station_name_length = len(station_name)
+    network_name_length = len(network_name)
+    !-- Number of STATIONS inside the STATIONS file 
+    call define_adios_integer_scalar (adios_group, "NSTATIONS", "/STATIONS", group_size_inc)
+   !-- double precision arrays 
+    call define_adios_double_local_array1D (adios_group, "station_latitude", "/STATIONS", NSTATIONS, "NSTATIONS", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_double_local_array1D (adios_group, "station_longitude", "/STATIONS", NSTATIONS, "NSTATIONS", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_double_local_array1D (adios_group, "station_elevation", "/STATIONS", NSTATIONS, "NSTATIONS", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_double_local_array1D (adios_group, "station_burial", "/STATIONS", NSTATIONS, "NSTATIONS", group_size_inc)
+    !-- string
+    call define_adios_integer_scalar (adios_group, "station_name_length", "/STATIONS", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_integer_scalar (adios_group, "network_name_length", "/STATIONS", group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_string (adios_group, "station_name", "/CMTSOLUTION", station_name_length, group_size_inc)
+    call define_adios_string (adios_group, "network_name", "/CMTSOLUTION", network_name_length, group_size_inc)
     call adios_open (adios_handle, "SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_HEADER", filename, "w", &
                      MPI_COMM_SELF, adios_err);
     ! Automatically generated Fortran code by ADIOS gpp.py script:
     ! $> $ADIOS_DIR/bin/gpp.py par_header.xml
     ! Re-run each time the xml file is modified.
-#include "gwrite_SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_HEADER.fh"
+    ! #include "gwrite_SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_HEADER.fh"
+    adios_groupsize = group_size_inc
+    call adios_group_size (adios_handle, adios_groupsize, adios_totalsize, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "ANGULAR_WIDTH_XI_IN_DEGREES", ANGULAR_WIDTH_XI_IN_DEGREES, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "ANGULAR_WIDTH_ETA_IN_DEGREES", ANGULAR_WIDTH_ETA_IN_DEGREES, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "CENTER_LONGITUDE_IN_DEGREES", CENTER_LONGITUDE_IN_DEGREES, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "CENTER_LATITUDE_IN_DEGREES", CENTER_LATITUDE_IN_DEGREES, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "GAMMA_ROTATION_AZIMUTH", GAMMA_ROTATION_AZIMUTH, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "HDUR_MOVIE", HDUR_MOVIE, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "MOVIE_TOP_KM", MOVIE_TOP_KM, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "MOVIE_BOTTOM_KM", MOVIE_BOTTOM_KM, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "MOVIE_EAST_DEG", MOVIE_EAST_DEG, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "MOVIE_WEST_DEG", MOVIE_WEST_DEG, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "MOVIE_NORTH_DEG", MOVIE_NORTH_DEG, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "MOVIE_SOUTH_DEG", MOVIE_SOUTH_DEG, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "RECORD_LENGTH_IN_MINUTES", RECORD_LENGTH_IN_MINUTES, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "NTSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_SEISMOS", NTSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_SEISMOS, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "NTSTEP_BETWEEN_READ_ADJSRC", NTSTEP_BETWEEN_READ_ADJSRC, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "NTSTEP_BETWEEN_FRAMES", NTSTEP_BETWEEN_FRAMES, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "NTSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_INFO", NTSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_INFO, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "NUMBER_OF_RUNS", NUMBER_OF_RUNS, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "NUMBER_OF_THIS_RUN", NUMBER_OF_THIS_RUN, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "NCHUNKS", NCHUNKS, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "SIMULATION_TYPE", SIMULATION_TYPE, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "MOVIE_VOLUME_TYPE", MOVIE_VOLUME_TYPE, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "MOVIE_START", MOVIE_START, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "MOVIE_STOP", MOVIE_STOP, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "NEX_XI", NEX_XI, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "NEX_ETA", NEX_ETA, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "NPROC_XI", NPROC_XI, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "NPROC_ETA", NPROC_ETA, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "NOISE_TOMOGRAPHY", NOISE_TOMOGRAPHY, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "ELLIPTICITY", ELLIPTICITY, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "GRAVITY", GRAVITY, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "ROTATION", ROTATION, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "TOPOGRAPHY", TOPOGRAPHY, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "OCEANS", OCEANS, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "MOVIE_SURFACE", MOVIE_SURFACE, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "MOVIE_VOLUME", MOVIE_VOLUME, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "MOVIE_COARSE", MOVIE_COARSE, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "RECEIVERS_CAN_BE_BURIED", RECEIVERS_CAN_BE_BURIED, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "PRINT_SOURCE_TIME_FUNCTION", PRINT_SOURCE_TIME_FUNCTION, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "SAVE_MESH_FILES", SAVE_MESH_FILES, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "ATTENUATION", ATTENUATION, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "ATTENUATION_NEW", ATTENUATION_NEW, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "ABSORBING_CONDITIONS", ABSORBING_CONDITIONS, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "SAVE_FORWARD", SAVE_FORWARD, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "OUTPUT_SEISMOS_ASCII_TEXT", OUTPUT_SEISMOS_ASCII_TEXT, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "OUTPUT_SEISMOS_SAC_ALPHANUM", OUTPUT_SEISMOS_SAC_ALPHANUM, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "OUTPUT_SEISMOS_SAC_BINARY", OUTPUT_SEISMOS_SAC_BINARY, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "ROTATE_SEISMOGRAMS_RT", ROTATE_SEISMOGRAMS_RT, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "WRITE_SEISMOGRAMS_BY_MASTER", WRITE_SEISMOGRAMS_BY_MASTER, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "SAVE_ALL_SEISMOS_IN_ONE_FILE", SAVE_ALL_SEISMOS_IN_ONE_FILE, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "USE_BINARY_FOR_LARGE_FILE", USE_BINARY_FOR_LARGE_FILE, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "NSOURCES", NSOURCES, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "year", yr, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "month", mo, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "day", da, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "hour", ho, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "minute", mi, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "second", sec, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "time_shift", t_shift, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "half_duration", hdur, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "latitude", lat, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "longitude", long, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "depth", depth, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "mrr", mrr, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "mtt", mtt, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "mpp", mpp, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "mrt", mrt, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "mrp", mrp, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "mtp", mtp, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "datasource_length", datasource_length, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "datasource", datasource, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "NSTATIONS", NSTATIONS, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "station_latitude", stlat, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "station_longitude", stlon, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "station_elevation", stele, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "station_burial", stbur, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "station_name_length", station_name_length, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "network_name_length", network_name_length, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "station_name", station_name, adios_err)
+    call adios_write (adios_handle, "network_name", network_name, adios_err)
     call adios_close (adios_handle, adios_err)
@@ -271,3 +425,96 @@
 end subroutine write_par_file_header_ADIOS
+!subroutine define_adios_header_par_file (adios_group, group_size_inc)
+!  implicit none
+!end subroutine define_adios_header_par_file
+subroutine define_adios_double_scalar (adios_group, name, path, group_size_inc)
+  use adios_write_mod
+  implicit none
+  ! Arguments
+  integer(kind=8),  intent(in)   :: adios_group
+  character(len=*), intent(in)   :: name, path
+  integer(kind=8),  intent(out)  :: group_size_inc
+  ! Local Variables
+  integer(kind=8)                :: varid ! dummy variable, adios use var name
+  call adios_define_var (adios_group, trim(name), trim(path), 6,  "", "", "", varid)
+  group_size_inc = group_size_inc + 8
+end subroutine define_adios_double_scalar
+subroutine define_adios_integer_scalar (adios_group, name, path, group_size_inc)
+  use adios_write_mod
+  implicit none
+  ! Arguments
+  integer(kind=8),  intent(in)   :: adios_group
+  character(len=*), intent(in)   :: name, path
+  integer(kind=8),  intent(out)  :: group_size_inc
+  ! Local Variables
+  integer(kind=8)                :: varid ! dummy variable, adios use var name
+  call adios_define_var (adios_group, trim(name), trim(path), 2,  "", "", "", varid)
+  group_size_inc = group_size_inc + 4
+end subroutine define_adios_integer_scalar
+subroutine define_adios_byte_scalar (adios_group, name, path, group_size_inc)
+  use adios_write_mod
+  implicit none
+  ! Arguments
+  integer(kind=8),  intent(in)   :: adios_group
+  character(len=*), intent(in)   :: name, path
+  integer(kind=8),  intent(out)  :: group_size_inc
+  ! Local Variables
+  integer(kind=8)                :: varid ! dummy variable, adios use var name
+  call adios_define_var (adios_group, trim(name), trim(path), 0,  "", "", "", varid)
+  group_size_inc = group_size_inc + 1
+end subroutine define_adios_byte_scalar
+subroutine define_adios_integer_local_array1D (adios_group, name, path, dim, dim_str, group_size_inc)
+  use adios_write_mod
+  implicit none
+  ! Arguments
+  integer(kind=8),  intent(in)   :: adios_group
+  character(len=*), intent(in)   :: name, path, dim_str
+  integer(kind=8),  intent(out)  :: group_size_inc
+  integer, intent(in)            :: dim
+  ! Local Variables
+  integer(kind=8)                :: varid ! dummy variable, adios use var name
+  call adios_define_var (adios_group, name, path, 2,  dim_str, "", "", varid)
+  group_size_inc = group_size_inc + 4*dim
+end subroutine define_adios_integer_local_array1D
+subroutine define_adios_double_local_array1D (adios_group, name, path, dim, dim_str, group_size_inc)
+  use adios_write_mod
+  implicit none
+  ! Arguments
+  integer(kind=8),  intent(in)   :: adios_group
+  character(len=*), intent(in)   :: name, path, dim_str
+  integer(kind=8),  intent(out)  :: group_size_inc
+  integer, intent(in)            :: dim
+  ! Local Variables
+  integer(kind=8)                :: varid ! dummy variable, adios use var name
+  call adios_define_var (adios_group, name, path, 6, dim_str, "", "", varid)
+  group_size_inc = group_size_inc + 8*dim
+end subroutine define_adios_double_local_array1D
+subroutine define_adios_string (adios_group, name, path, length, group_size_inc)
+  use adios_write_mod
+  implicit none
+  ! Arguments
+  integer(kind=8),  intent(in)   :: adios_group
+  character(len=*), intent(in)   :: name, path
+  integer(kind=8),  intent(out)  :: group_size_inc
+  integer                        :: length
+  ! Local Variables
+  integer(kind=8)                :: varid ! dummy variable, adios use var name
+  call adios_define_var (adios_group, name, path, 9,  "", "", "", varid)
+  group_size_inc = group_size_inc + 1*length 
+end subroutine define_adios_string

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