[cig-commits] r21593 - seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D

dkomati1 at geodynamics.org dkomati1 at geodynamics.org
Wed Mar 20 19:20:07 PDT 2013

Author: dkomati1
Date: 2013-03-20 19:20:06 -0700 (Wed, 20 Mar 2013)
New Revision: 21593

added MPI_REDUCE to print statements for PML and Stacey absorbing elements in order to get the right total number of elements printed to the screen when using a parallel MPI simulation

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/Makefile.in
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/Makefile.in	2013-03-21 00:40:20 UTC (rev 21592)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/Makefile.in	2013-03-21 02:20:06 UTC (rev 21593)
@@ -374,8 +374,8 @@
 $O/prepare_source_time_function.o: ${S}/prepare_source_time_function.f90 ${SETUP}/constants.h
 	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/prepare_source_time_function.o ${S}/prepare_source_time_function.f90
-$O/read_databases.o: ${S}/read_databases.f90 ${SETUP}/constants.h
-	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/read_databases.o ${S}/read_databases.f90
+$O/read_databases.o: ${S}/read_databases.F90 ${SETUP}/constants.h
+	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/read_databases.o ${S}/read_databases.F90
 $O/read_external_model.o: ${S}/read_external_model.f90 ${SETUP}/constants.h
 	${F90} $(FLAGS_CHECK) -c -o $O/read_external_model.o ${S}/read_external_model.f90

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/pml_init.F90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/pml_init.F90	2013-03-21 00:40:20 UTC (rev 21592)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/pml_init.F90	2013-03-21 02:20:06 UTC (rev 21593)
@@ -45,9 +45,8 @@
                     nspec_PML,is_PML,which_PML_elem,spec_to_PML, &
-                    SIMULATION_TYPE,PML_interior_interface,nglob_interface,SAVE_FORWARD)
+                    SIMULATION_TYPE,PML_interior_interface,nglob_interface,SAVE_FORWARD,myrank)
   implicit none
   include 'constants.h'
@@ -55,7 +54,7 @@
   include 'mpif.h'
-  integer ::  SIMULATION_TYPE,nglob_interface
+  integer :: SIMULATION_TYPE,nglob_interface,myrank
   integer :: nspec,nglob,nelemabs,nspec_PML,NELEM_PML_THICKNESS
   logical :: anyabs
@@ -77,6 +76,10 @@
   integer, dimension(nspec) :: region_CPML
   logical :: SAVE_FORWARD
+#ifdef USE_MPI
+  integer :: nspec_PML_tot,ier
   !!!detection of PML elements
   if(.not. read_external_mesh) then
@@ -179,7 +182,12 @@
      endif !end of SIMULATION_TYPE == 3
-     write(IOUT,*) "number of PML spectral elements on side ", ibound,":", nspec_PML
+#ifdef USE_MPI
+     call MPI_REDUCE(nspec_PML, nspec_PML_tot, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ier)
+     nspec_PML_tot = nspec_PML
+     if(myrank == 0) write(IOUT,*) "number of PML spectral elements on side ",ibound,":",nspec_PML_tot
      enddo ! end loop on the 4 boundaries
@@ -305,7 +313,12 @@
         end if
-     write(IOUT,*) "number of PML spectral elements :", nspec_PML
+#ifdef USE_MPI
+     call MPI_REDUCE(nspec_PML, nspec_PML_tot, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ier)
+     nspec_PML_tot = nspec_PML
+     if(myrank == 0) write(IOUT,*) "number of PML spectral elements :", nspec_PML_tot
@@ -322,11 +335,17 @@
-  write(IOUT,*) "number of PML spectral elements :", nspec_PML
+#ifdef USE_MPI
+     call MPI_REDUCE(nspec_PML, nspec_PML_tot, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ier)
+     nspec_PML_tot = nspec_PML
+     if(myrank == 0) write(IOUT,*) "number of PML spectral elements :", nspec_PML_tot
   end subroutine pml_init

Copied: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/read_databases.F90 (from rev 21592, seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/read_databases.f90)
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/read_databases.F90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/read_databases.F90	2013-03-21 02:20:06 UTC (rev 21593)
@@ -0,0 +1,1040 @@
+!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 7 . 0
+!                   --------------------------------
+! Copyright CNRS, INRIA and University of Pau, France,
+! and Princeton University / California Institute of Technology, USA.
+! Contributors: Dimitri Komatitsch, dimitri DOT komatitsch aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Nicolas Le Goff, nicolas DOT legoff aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Roland Martin, roland DOT martin aT univ-pau DOT fr
+!               Christina Morency, cmorency aT princeton DOT edu
+!               Pieyre Le Loher, pieyre DOT le-loher aT inria.fr
+! This software is a computer program whose purpose is to solve
+! the two-dimensional viscoelastic anisotropic or poroelastic wave equation
+! using a spectral-element method (SEM).
+! This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
+! abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
+! modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
+! license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
+! "http://www.cecill.info".
+! As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
+! modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
+! with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
+! economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
+! liability.
+! In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
+! with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
+! software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
+! that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
+! therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
+! professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
+! encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
+! requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
+! data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
+! same conditions as regards security.
+! The full text of the license is available in file "LICENSE".
+  subroutine read_databases_init(myrank,ipass, &
+                  simulation_title,SIMULATION_TYPE,NOISE_TOMOGRAPHY,SAVE_FORWARD,npgeo,nproc, &
+                  NSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_WAVE_DUMPS,subsamp_seismos,imagetype_JPEG,imagetype_wavefield_dumps, &
+                  output_postscript_snapshot,output_color_image,colors,numbers, &
+                  meshvect,modelvect,boundvect,cutsnaps,subsamp_postscript,sizemax_arrows, &
+                  anglerec,initialfield,add_Bielak_conditions, &
+                  seismotype,imagetype_postscript,assign_external_model,READ_EXTERNAL_SEP_FILE, &
+                  output_grid_ASCII,output_energy,output_wavefield_dumps,use_binary_for_wavefield_dumps, &
+                  save_binary_seismograms_single,save_binary_seismograms_double, &
+                  DRAW_SOURCES_AND_RECEIVERS,Q0,freq0,p_sv,NSTEP,deltat,NSOURCES, &
+                  factor_subsample_image,USE_SNAPSHOT_NUMBER_IN_FILENAME,DRAW_WATER_IN_BLUE,US_LETTER, &
+                  POWER_DISPLAY_COLOR,PERFORM_CUTHILL_MCKEE,SU_FORMAT,USER_T0,time_stepping_scheme,&
+                  read_external_mesh)
+! starts reading in parameters from input Database file
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  integer :: myrank,ipass
+  character(len=60) simulation_title
+  integer :: SIMULATION_TYPE,NOISE_TOMOGRAPHY,npgeo,nproc
+  integer :: colors,numbers,subsamp_postscript,seismotype,imagetype_postscript
+  logical :: SAVE_FORWARD,output_grid_Gnuplot,interpol,output_postscript_snapshot, &
+    output_color_image
+  logical :: meshvect,modelvect,boundvect,initialfield,add_Bielak_conditions, &
+    assign_external_model,READ_EXTERNAL_SEP_FILE, &
+    output_grid_ASCII,output_energy,output_wavefield_dumps,p_sv,use_binary_for_wavefield_dumps
+             save_ASCII_seismograms,save_binary_seismograms_single,save_binary_seismograms_double,DRAW_SOURCES_AND_RECEIVERS
+  double precision :: ROTATE_PML_ANGLE
+  double precision :: cutsnaps,sizemax_arrows,anglerec
+  double precision :: Q0,freq0
+  double precision :: deltat
+  integer :: NSTEP,NSOURCES
+             subsamp_seismos,imagetype_JPEG,imagetype_wavefield_dumps,NELEM_PML_THICKNESS
+! factor to subsample color images output by the code (useful for very large models)
+  double precision :: factor_subsample_image
+! use snapshot number in the file name of JPG color snapshots instead of the time step
+! display acoustic layers as constant blue, because they likely correspond to water in the case of ocean acoustics
+! or in the case of offshore oil industry experiments.
+! (if off, display them as greyscale, as for elastic or poroelastic elements)
+  logical :: DRAW_WATER_IN_BLUE
+! US letter paper or European A4
+  logical :: US_LETTER
+! non linear display to enhance small amplitudes in color images
+  double precision :: POWER_DISPLAY_COLOR
+! perform inverse Cuthill-McKee (1969) permutation for mesh numbering
+! output seismograms in Seismic Unix format (adjoint traces will be read in the same format)
+  logical :: SU_FORMAT
+! use this t0 as earliest starting time rather than the automatically calculated one
+! (must be positive and bigger than the automatically one to be effective;
+!  simulation will start at t = - t0)
+  double precision :: USER_T0
+! value of time_stepping_scheme to decide which time scheme will be used
+! # 1 = Newmark (2nd order), 2 = LDDRK4-6 (4th-order 6-stage low storage Runge-Kutta)
+! 3 = classical 4th-order 4-stage Runge-Kutta
+  integer :: time_stepping_scheme
+!! DK DK for add spring to stacey absorbing boundary condition
+  logical :: ADD_SPRING_TO_STACEY
+!! DK DK for horizontal periodic conditions: detect common points between left and right edges
+!! DK DK horizontal periodicity distance for periodic conditions
+  double precision :: PERIODIC_horiz_dist
+!! DK DK grid point detection tolerance for periodic conditions
+  double precision :: PERIODIC_DETECT_TOL
+!!! DK DK for CPML_element_file
+   logical :: read_external_mesh
+  ! local parameters
+  integer :: ier
+  character(len=80) :: datlin
+  character(len=256)  :: prname
+  ! opens Database file
+  write(prname,230) myrank
+  open(unit=IIN,file=prname,status='old',action='read',iostat=ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) call exit_MPI('error opening file OUTPUT/Database***')
+  !---  read job title and skip remaining titles of the input file
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a50)") simulation_title
+  !---- print the date, time and start-up banner
+  if (myrank == 0 .and. ipass == 1) call datim(simulation_title)
+  if (myrank == 0 .and. ipass == 1) then
+    write(IOUT,*)
+    write(IOUT,*)
+    write(IOUT,*) '*********************'
+    write(IOUT,*) '****             ****'
+    write(IOUT,*) '****  SPECFEM2D  ****'
+    write(IOUT,*) '****             ****'
+    write(IOUT,*) '*********************'
+  endif
+  !---- read parameters from input file
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) npgeo,nproc
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) output_grid_Gnuplot,interpol
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) read_external_mesh
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) subsamp_seismos,imagetype_JPEG,imagetype_wavefield_dumps
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) output_postscript_snapshot,output_color_image,colors,numbers
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) meshvect,modelvect,boundvect,cutsnaps,subsamp_postscript,sizemax_arrows
+  cutsnaps = cutsnaps / 100.d0
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) anglerec
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) initialfield,add_Bielak_conditions
+  if(add_Bielak_conditions .and. .not. initialfield) &
+    stop 'need to have an initial field to add Bielak plane wave conditions'
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) seismotype,imagetype_postscript
+  if(seismotype < 1 .or. seismotype > 6) call exit_MPI('Wrong type for seismogram output')
+  if(imagetype_postscript < 1 .or. imagetype_postscript > 4) call exit_MPI('Wrong type for PostScript snapshots')
+  if(SAVE_FORWARD .and. (seismotype /= 1 .and. seismotype /= 6)) then
+    print*, '***** WARNING *****'
+    print*, 'seismotype =',seismotype
+    print*, 'Save forward wavefield => seismogram must be in displacement for (poro)elastic or potential for acoustic'
+    print*, 'Seismotype must be changed to 1 (elastic/poroelastic adjoint source) or 6 (acoustic adjoint source)'
+    stop
+  endif
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) assign_external_model,READ_EXTERNAL_SEP_FILE
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) output_grid_ASCII,output_energy,output_wavefield_dumps
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) use_binary_for_wavefield_dumps
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) save_ASCII_seismograms
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) save_binary_seismograms_single,save_binary_seismograms_double
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) Q0,freq0
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) p_sv
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) factor_subsample_image
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) US_LETTER
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) SU_FORMAT
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) USER_T0
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) time_stepping_scheme
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) PERIODIC_horiz_dist
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  !---- check parameters read
+  if (myrank == 0 .and. ipass == 1) then
+    write(IOUT,200) npgeo,NDIM
+    write(IOUT,600) NSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_INFO,colors,numbers
+    write(IOUT,700) seismotype,anglerec
+    write(IOUT,750) initialfield,add_Bielak_conditions,assign_external_model,&
+                    output_grid_ASCII,output_energy
+    write(IOUT,800) imagetype_postscript,100.d0*cutsnaps,subsamp_postscript
+  endif
+  !---- read time step
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) NSTEP,deltat
+  if (myrank == 0 .and. ipass == 1) write(IOUT,703) NSTEP,deltat,NSTEP*deltat
+  if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 1 .and. SAVE_FORWARD .and. &
+    print *, '*************** error ***************'
+    stop 'Anisotropy & Attenuation & Viscous damping are not presently implemented for adjoint calculations'
+  endif
+! make sure NSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_SEISMOS is a multiple of subsamp_seismos
+  if(mod(NSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_SEISMOS,subsamp_seismos) /= 0) &
+    stop 'error: NSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_SEISMOS must be a multiple of subsamp_seismos'
+! make sure NSTEP is a multiple of subsamp_seismos
+! if not, increase it a little bit, to the next multiple
+  if(mod(NSTEP,subsamp_seismos) /= 0) then
+    if (myrank == 0) then
+      print *,'NSTEP is not a multiple of subsamp_seismos'
+      NSTEP = (NSTEP/subsamp_seismos + 1)*subsamp_seismos
+      print *,'thus increasing it automatically to the next multiple, which is ',NSTEP
+      print *
+    endif
+  endif
+! output seismograms at least once at the end of the simulation
+  !----  read source information
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) NSOURCES
+  ! output formats
+230 format('./OUTPUT_FILES/Database',i5.5)
+200 format(//1x,'C o n t r o l',/1x,13('='),//5x,&
+  'Number of spectral element control nodes. . .(npgeo) =',i8/5x, &
+  'Number of space dimensions. . . . . . . . . . (NDIM) =',i8)
+600 format(//1x,'C o n t r o l',/1x,13('='),//5x, &
+  'Display frequency . . . .(NSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_INFO) = ',i6/ 5x, &
+  'Color display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (colors) = ',i6/ 5x, &
+  '        ==  0     black and white display              ',  / 5x, &
+  '        ==  1     color display                        ',  /5x, &
+  'Numbered mesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(numbers) = ',i6/ 5x, &
+  '        ==  0     do not number the mesh               ',  /5x, &
+  '        ==  1     number the mesh                      ')
+700 format(//1x,'C o n t r o l',/1x,13('='),//5x, &
+  'Seismograms recording type . . . . . . .(seismotype) = ',i6/5x, &
+  'Angle for first line of receivers. . . . .(anglerec) = ',f6.2)
+750 format(//1x,'C o n t r o l',/1x,13('='),//5x, &
+  'Read external initial field. . . . . .(initialfield) = ',l6/5x, &
+  'Add Bielak conditions . . . .(add_Bielak_conditions) = ',l6/5x, &
+  'Assign external model . . . .(assign_external_model) = ',l6/5x, &
+  'Read external SEP file . . .(READ_EXTERNAL_SEP_FILE) = ',l6/5x, &
+  'Attenuation on/off .(ATTENUATION_VISCOELASTIC_SOLID) = ',l6/5x, &
+  'Save grid in ASCII file or not . (output_grid_ASCII) = ',l6/5x, &
+  'Save a file with total energy or not.(output_energy) = ',l6)
+800 format(//1x,'C o n t r o l',/1x,13('='),//5x, &
+  'Vector display type . . . . . . . . .(imagetype_postscript) = ',i6/5x, &
+  'Percentage of cut for vector plots. . . . . . . .(cutsnaps) = ',f6.2/5x, &
+  'Subsampling of velocity model display. (subsamp_postscript) = ',i6)
+703 format(//' I t e r a t i o n s '/1x,19('='),//5x, &
+      'Number of time iterations . . . . .(NSTEP) =',i8,/5x, &
+      'Time step increment. . . . . . . .(deltat) =',1pe15.6,/5x, &
+      'Total simulation duration . . . . . (ttot) =',1pe15.6)
+  end subroutine read_databases_init
+  subroutine read_databases_sources(NSOURCES,source_type,time_function_type, &
+                      x_source,z_source,Mxx,Mzz,Mxz,f0,tshift_src,factor,anglesource)
+! reads source parameters
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  integer :: NSOURCES
+  integer, dimension(NSOURCES) :: source_type,time_function_type
+  double precision, dimension(NSOURCES) :: x_source,z_source, &
+    Mxx,Mzz,Mxz,f0,tshift_src,factor,anglesource
+  ! local parameters
+  integer :: i_source
+  character(len=80) :: datlin
+  ! initializes
+  source_type(:) = 0
+  time_function_type(:) = 0
+  x_source(:) = 0.d0
+  z_source(:) = 0.d0
+  Mxx(:) = 0.d0
+  Mzz(:) = 0.d0
+  Mxz(:) = 0.d0
+  f0(:) = 0.d0
+  tshift_src(:) = 0.d0
+  factor(:) = 0.d0
+  anglesource(:) = 0.d0
+  ! reads in source info from Database file
+  do i_source=1,NSOURCES
+     read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+     read(IIN,*) source_type(i_source),time_function_type(i_source), &
+                 x_source(i_source),z_source(i_source),f0(i_source),tshift_src(i_source), &
+                 factor(i_source),anglesource(i_source),Mxx(i_source),Mzz(i_source),Mxz(i_source)
+  enddo
+  end subroutine read_databases_sources
+  subroutine read_databases_atten(N_SLS,f0_attenuation)
+! reads attenuation information
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  integer :: N_SLS
+  double precision :: f0_attenuation
+  ! local parameters
+  character(len=80) :: datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) N_SLS, f0_attenuation
+  if(N_SLS < 1) stop 'must have N_SLS >= 1 even if attenuation if off because it is used to assign some arrays'
+  end subroutine read_databases_atten
+  subroutine read_databases_coorg_elem(myrank,ipass,npgeo,coorg,numat,ngnod,nspec, &
+                              pointsdisp,plot_lowerleft_corner_only, &
+                              nelemabs,nelem_acoustic_surface, &
+                              num_fluid_solid_edges,num_fluid_poro_edges, &
+                              num_solid_poro_edges,nnodes_tangential_curve)
+! reads the spectral macrobloc nodal coordinates
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  integer :: myrank,ipass,npgeo
+  double precision, dimension(NDIM,npgeo) :: coorg
+  integer :: numat,ngnod,nspec
+  integer :: pointsdisp
+  logical :: plot_lowerleft_corner_only
+  integer :: nelemabs,nelem_acoustic_surface, &
+    num_fluid_solid_edges,num_fluid_poro_edges, &
+    num_solid_poro_edges,nnodes_tangential_curve
+  ! local parameters
+  integer :: ipoin,ip,id
+  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: coorgread
+  character(len=80) :: datlin
+  ! initializes
+  coorg(:,:) = 0.d0
+  ! reads the spectral macrobloc nodal coordinates
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  ! reads in values
+  ipoin = 0
+  allocate(coorgread(NDIM))
+  do ip = 1,npgeo
+    ! reads coordinates
+    read(IIN,*) ipoin,(coorgread(id),id =1,NDIM)
+    if(ipoin<1 .or. ipoin>npgeo) call exit_MPI('Wrong control point number')
+    ! saves coordinate array
+    coorg(:,ipoin) = coorgread
+  enddo
+  deallocate(coorgread)
+  !---- read the basic properties of the spectral elements
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) numat,ngnod,nspec,pointsdisp,plot_lowerleft_corner_only
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) nelemabs,nelem_acoustic_surface,num_fluid_solid_edges,num_fluid_poro_edges,&
+              num_solid_poro_edges,nnodes_tangential_curve
+  !---- print element group main parameters
+  if (myrank == 0 .and. ipass == 1) then
+    write(IOUT,107)
+    write(IOUT,207) nspec,ngnod,NGLLX,NGLLZ,NGLLX*NGLLZ,pointsdisp,numat,nelemabs
+  endif
+  ! output formats
+107 format(/5x,'--> Spectral Elements (for mesh slice 0 only if using MPI runs) <--',//)
+207 format(5x,'Number of spectral elements . . . . .  (nspec) =',i7,/5x, &
+               'Number of control nodes per element .  (ngnod) =',i7,/5x, &
+               'Number of points in X-direction . . .  (NGLLX) =',i7,/5x, &
+               'Number of points in Y-direction . . .  (NGLLZ) =',i7,/5x, &
+               'Number of points per element. . .(NGLLX*NGLLZ) =',i7,/5x, &
+               'Number of points for display . . .(pointsdisp) =',i7,/5x, &
+               'Number of element material sets . . .  (numat) =',i7,/5x, &
+               'Number of absorbing elements . . . .(nelemabs) =',i7)
+  end subroutine read_databases_coorg_elem
+  subroutine read_databases_mato(ipass,nspec,ngnod,kmato,knods, &
+                                perm,antecedent_list,region_CPML)
+! reads spectral macrobloc data
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  integer :: ipass,ngnod,nspec
+  integer, dimension(nspec) :: kmato
+  integer, dimension(nspec) :: region_CPML
+  integer, dimension(ngnod,nspec) :: knods
+  integer, dimension(nspec) :: perm,antecedent_list
+  ! local parameters
+  integer :: n,k,ispec,kmato_read,pml_read
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: knods_read
+  character(len=80) :: datlin
+  ! initializes
+  kmato(:) = 0
+  knods(:,:) = 0
+  region_CPML(:) = 0
+  ! reads spectral macrobloc data
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  ! reads in values
+  allocate(knods_read(ngnod))
+  n = 0
+  do ispec = 1,nspec
+    ! format: #element_id  #material_id #node_id1 #node_id2 #...
+    read(IIN,*) n,kmato_read,(knods_read(k), k=1,ngnod),pml_read
+    if(ipass == 1) then
+      ! material association
+      kmato(n) = kmato_read
+      region_CPML(n) = pml_read
+      ! element control node indices
+      knods(:,n)= knods_read(:)
+    else if(ipass == 2) then
+      kmato(perm(antecedent_list(n))) = kmato_read
+      region_CPML(perm(antecedent_list(n))) = pml_read
+      knods(:,perm(antecedent_list(n)))= knods_read(:)
+    else
+      call exit_MPI('error: maximum is 2 passes')
+    endif
+  enddo
+  deallocate(knods_read)
+  end subroutine read_databases_mato
+  subroutine read_databases_ninterface(ninterface,max_interface_size)
+! reads in interface dimensions
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  integer :: ninterface,max_interface_size
+  ! local parameters
+  character(len=80) :: datlin
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) ninterface, max_interface_size
+  end subroutine read_databases_ninterface
+  subroutine read_databases_interfaces(ipass,ninterface,nspec,max_interface_size, &
+                              my_neighbours,my_nelmnts_neighbours,my_interfaces, &
+                              perm,antecedent_list)
+! reads in interfaces
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  integer :: ipass,nspec
+  integer :: ninterface,max_interface_size
+  integer, dimension(ninterface) :: my_neighbours,my_nelmnts_neighbours
+  integer, dimension(4,max_interface_size,ninterface) :: my_interfaces
+  integer, dimension(nspec) :: perm,antecedent_list
+  ! local parameters
+  integer :: num_interface,ie,my_interfaces_read
+  ! initializes
+  my_neighbours(:) = -1
+  my_nelmnts_neighbours(:) = 0
+  my_interfaces(:,:,:) = -1
+  ! reads in interfaces
+  do num_interface = 1, ninterface
+    ! format: #process_interface_id  #number_of_elements_on_interface
+    ! where
+    !     process_interface_id = rank of (neighbor) process to share MPI interface with
+    !     number_of_elements_on_interface = number of interface elements
+    read(IIN,*) my_neighbours(num_interface), my_nelmnts_neighbours(num_interface)
+    ! loops over interface elements
+    do ie = 1, my_nelmnts_neighbours(num_interface)
+      ! format: #(1)spectral_element_id  #(2)interface_type  #(3)node_id1  #(4)node_id2
+      !
+      ! interface types:
+      !     1  -  corner point only
+      !     2  -  element edge
+      read(IIN,*) my_interfaces_read, my_interfaces(2,ie,num_interface), &
+              my_interfaces(3,ie,num_interface), my_interfaces(4,ie,num_interface)
+      if(ipass == 1) then
+        my_interfaces(1,ie,num_interface) = my_interfaces_read
+      else if(ipass == 2) then
+        my_interfaces(1,ie,num_interface) = perm(antecedent_list(my_interfaces_read))
+      else
+        call exit_MPI('error: maximum number of passes is 2')
+      endif
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  end subroutine read_databases_interfaces
+  subroutine read_databases_absorbing(myrank,ipass,nelemabs,nspec,anyabs, &
+                            ibegin_edge1,iend_edge1,ibegin_edge2,iend_edge2, &
+                            ibegin_edge3,iend_edge3,ibegin_edge4,iend_edge4, &
+                            numabs,codeabs,typeabs,perm,antecedent_list, &
+                            nspec_left,nspec_right,nspec_bottom,nspec_top, &
+                            ib_right,ib_left,ib_bottom,ib_top)
+! reads in absorbing edges
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+#ifdef USE_MPI
+  include 'mpif.h'
+  integer :: myrank,ipass,nspec
+  integer :: nelemabs
+  integer, dimension(nelemabs) :: numabs,ibegin_edge1,iend_edge1, &
+    ibegin_edge3,iend_edge3,ibegin_edge4,iend_edge4,ibegin_edge2,iend_edge2
+  logical, dimension(4,nelemabs) :: codeabs
+  integer, dimension(nelemabs) :: typeabs
+  logical :: anyabs
+  integer, dimension(nspec) :: perm,antecedent_list
+  integer :: nspec_left,nspec_right,nspec_bottom,nspec_top
+  integer, dimension(nelemabs) :: ib_right,ib_left,ib_bottom,ib_top
+  ! local parameters
+  integer :: inum,numabsread,typeabsread
+  logical :: codeabsread(4)
+  character(len=80) :: datlin
+#ifdef USE_MPI
+  integer :: nelemabs_tot,nspec_left_tot,nspec_right_tot,nspec_bottom_tot,nspec_top_tot,ier
+  ! initializes
+  codeabs(:,:) = .false.
+  typeabs(:) = 0
+  ibegin_edge1(:) = 0
+  iend_edge1(:) = 0
+  ibegin_edge3(:) = 0
+  iend_edge3(:) = 0
+  ibegin_edge4(:) = 0
+  iend_edge4(:) = 0
+  ibegin_edge2(:) = 0
+  iend_edge2(:) = 0
+  nspec_left = 0
+  nspec_right = 0
+  nspec_bottom = 0
+  nspec_top = 0
+  ib_right(:) = 0
+  ib_left(:) = 0
+  ib_bottom(:) = 0
+  ib_top(:) = 0
+  ! reads in absorbing edges
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  ! reads in values
+  if( anyabs ) then
+    ! reads absorbing boundaries
+    do inum = 1,nelemabs
+! beware here and below that external meshes (for instance coming from CUBIT or Gmsh)
+! may have rotated elements and thus edge 1 may not correspond to the bottom,
+! edge 2 may not correspond to the right, edge 3 may not correspond to the top,
+! and edge 4 may not correspond to the left.
+      read(IIN,*) numabsread,codeabsread(1),codeabsread(2),codeabsread(3),&
+                  codeabsread(4), typeabsread, ibegin_edge1(inum), iend_edge1(inum), &
+                  ibegin_edge2(inum), iend_edge2(inum), ibegin_edge3(inum), &
+                  iend_edge3(inum), ibegin_edge4(inum), iend_edge4(inum)
+      if(numabsread < 1 .or. numabsread > nspec) &
+        call exit_MPI('Wrong absorbing element number')
+      if(ipass == 1) then
+        numabs(inum) = numabsread
+      else if(ipass == 2) then
+        numabs(inum) = perm(antecedent_list(numabsread))
+      else
+        call exit_MPI('error: maximum number of passes is 2')
+      endif
+      codeabs(IEDGE1,inum) = codeabsread(1)
+      codeabs(IEDGE2,inum) = codeabsread(2)
+      codeabs(IEDGE3,inum) = codeabsread(3)
+      codeabs(IEDGE4,inum) = codeabsread(4)
+      typeabs(inum) = typeabsread
+! check that a single edge is defined for each element cited
+! (since elements with two absorbing edges MUST be cited twice, each time with a different "typeabs()" code
+      if(count(codeabs(:,inum) .eqv. .true.) /= 1) then
+        print *,'error for absorbing element inum = ',inum
+        stop 'must have one and only one absorbing edge per absorbing line cited'
+      endif
+    enddo
+    ! boundary element numbering
+    do inum = 1,nelemabs
+      if (typeabs(inum) == IBOTTOM) then
+        nspec_bottom = nspec_bottom + 1
+        ib_bottom(inum) =  nspec_bottom
+      else if (typeabs(inum) == IRIGHT) then
+        nspec_right = nspec_right + 1
+        ib_right(inum) =  nspec_right
+      else if (typeabs(inum) == ITOP) then
+        nspec_top = nspec_top + 1
+        ib_top(inum) = nspec_top
+      else if (typeabs(inum) == ILEFT) then
+        nspec_left = nspec_left + 1
+        ib_left(inum) =  nspec_left
+      else
+        stop 'incorrect absorbing boundary element type read'
+      endif
+    enddo
+#ifdef USE_MPI
+    if (ipass == 1) then
+      call MPI_REDUCE(nelemabs, nelemabs_tot, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ier)
+      call MPI_REDUCE(nspec_left, nspec_left_tot, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ier)
+      call MPI_REDUCE(nspec_right, nspec_right_tot, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ier)
+      call MPI_REDUCE(nspec_bottom, nspec_bottom_tot, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ier)
+      call MPI_REDUCE(nspec_top, nspec_top_tot, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ier)
+    endif
+    if (ipass == 1) then
+      nelemabs_tot = nelemabs
+      nspec_left_tot = nspec_left
+      nspec_right_tot = nspec_right
+      nspec_bottom_tot = nspec_bottom
+      nspec_top_tot = nspec_top
+    endif
+    if (myrank == 0 .and. ipass == 1) then
+      write(IOUT,*)
+      write(IOUT,*) 'Number of absorbing elements: ',nelemabs_tot
+      write(IOUT,*) '  nspec_left = ',nspec_left_tot
+      write(IOUT,*) '  nspec_right = ',nspec_right_tot
+      write(IOUT,*) '  nspec_bottom = ',nspec_bottom_tot
+      write(IOUT,*) '  nspec_top = ',nspec_top_tot
+      write(IOUT,*)
+    endif
+  endif
+  end subroutine read_databases_absorbing
+  subroutine read_databases_free_surf(ipass,nelem_acoustic_surface,nspec, &
+                            acoustic_edges,perm,antecedent_list,any_acoustic_edges)
+! reads acoustic free surface data
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  integer :: ipass,nspec
+  integer :: nelem_acoustic_surface
+  integer, dimension(4,nelem_acoustic_surface) :: acoustic_edges
+  logical :: any_acoustic_edges
+  integer, dimension(nspec) :: perm,antecedent_list
+  ! local parameters
+  integer :: inum,acoustic_edges_read
+  character(len=80) :: datlin
+  ! initializes
+  acoustic_edges(:,:) = 0
+  ! reads in any possible free surface edges
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  if( any_acoustic_edges ) then
+    do inum = 1,nelem_acoustic_surface
+      read(IIN,*) acoustic_edges_read, acoustic_edges(2,inum), acoustic_edges(3,inum), &
+           acoustic_edges(4,inum)
+      if(ipass == 1) then
+        acoustic_edges(1,inum) = acoustic_edges_read
+      else if(ipass == 2) then
+        acoustic_edges(1,inum) = perm(antecedent_list(acoustic_edges_read))
+      else
+        call exit_MPI('error: maximum number of passes is 2')
+      endif
+    enddo
+  endif
+  end subroutine read_databases_free_surf
+  subroutine read_databases_coupled(ipass,nspec,num_fluid_solid_edges,any_fluid_solid_edges, &
+                            fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec,fluid_solid_elastic_ispec, &
+                            num_fluid_poro_edges,any_fluid_poro_edges, &
+                            fluid_poro_acoustic_ispec,fluid_poro_poroelastic_ispec, &
+                            num_solid_poro_edges,any_solid_poro_edges, &
+                            solid_poro_elastic_ispec,solid_poro_poroelastic_ispec, &
+                            perm,antecedent_list)
+! reads acoustic elastic coupled edges
+! reads acoustic poroelastic coupled edges
+! reads poroelastic elastic coupled edges
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  integer :: ipass,nspec
+  integer :: num_fluid_solid_edges
+  logical :: any_fluid_solid_edges
+  integer, dimension(num_fluid_solid_edges) :: fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec,fluid_solid_elastic_ispec
+  integer :: num_fluid_poro_edges
+  logical :: any_fluid_poro_edges
+  integer, dimension(num_fluid_poro_edges) :: fluid_poro_acoustic_ispec,fluid_poro_poroelastic_ispec
+  integer :: num_solid_poro_edges
+  logical :: any_solid_poro_edges
+  integer, dimension(num_solid_poro_edges) :: solid_poro_elastic_ispec,solid_poro_poroelastic_ispec
+  integer, dimension(nspec) :: perm,antecedent_list
+  ! local parameters
+  integer :: inum
+  integer :: fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec_read,fluid_solid_elastic_ispec_read, &
+    fluid_poro_acoustic_ispec_read,fluid_poro_poro_ispec_read, &
+    solid_poro_poro_ispec_read,solid_poro_elastic_ispec_read
+  character(len=80) :: datlin
+  ! initializes
+  fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec(:) = 0
+  fluid_solid_elastic_ispec(:) = 0
+  fluid_poro_acoustic_ispec(:) = 0
+  fluid_poro_poroelastic_ispec(:) = 0
+  solid_poro_elastic_ispec(:) = 0
+  solid_poro_poroelastic_ispec(:) = 0
+  ! reads acoustic elastic coupled edges
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  if ( any_fluid_solid_edges ) then
+    do inum = 1, num_fluid_solid_edges
+      read(IIN,*) fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec_read,fluid_solid_elastic_ispec_read
+      if(ipass == 1) then
+        fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec(inum) = fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec_read
+        fluid_solid_elastic_ispec(inum) = fluid_solid_elastic_ispec_read
+      else if(ipass == 2) then
+        fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec(inum) = perm(antecedent_list(fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec_read))
+        fluid_solid_elastic_ispec(inum) = perm(antecedent_list(fluid_solid_elastic_ispec_read))
+      else
+        call exit_MPI('error: maximum number of passes is 2')
+      endif
+    enddo
+  endif
+  ! reads acoustic poroelastic coupled edges
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  if ( any_fluid_poro_edges ) then
+    do inum = 1, num_fluid_poro_edges
+      read(IIN,*) fluid_poro_acoustic_ispec_read,fluid_poro_poro_ispec_read
+      if(ipass == 1) then
+        fluid_poro_acoustic_ispec(inum) = fluid_poro_acoustic_ispec_read
+        fluid_poro_poroelastic_ispec(inum) = fluid_poro_poro_ispec_read
+      else if(ipass == 2) then
+        fluid_poro_acoustic_ispec(inum) = perm(antecedent_list(fluid_poro_acoustic_ispec_read))
+        fluid_poro_poroelastic_ispec(inum) = perm(antecedent_list(fluid_poro_poro_ispec_read))
+      else
+        call exit_MPI('error: maximum number of passes is 2')
+      endif
+    enddo
+  endif
+  ! reads poroelastic elastic coupled edges
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  if ( any_solid_poro_edges ) then
+    do inum = 1, num_solid_poro_edges
+      read(IIN,*) solid_poro_poro_ispec_read,solid_poro_elastic_ispec_read
+      if(ipass == 1) then
+        solid_poro_elastic_ispec(inum) = solid_poro_elastic_ispec_read
+        solid_poro_poroelastic_ispec(inum) = solid_poro_poro_ispec_read
+      else if(ipass == 2) then
+        solid_poro_elastic_ispec(inum) = perm(antecedent_list(solid_poro_elastic_ispec_read))
+        solid_poro_poroelastic_ispec(inum) = perm(antecedent_list(solid_poro_poro_ispec_read))
+      else
+        call exit_MPI('error: maximum number of passes is 2')
+      endif
+    enddo
+  endif
+  end subroutine read_databases_coupled
+  subroutine read_databases_final(nnodes_tangential_curve,nodes_tangential_curve, &
+                                force_normal_to_surface,rec_normal_to_surface, &
+                                any_tangential_curve )
+! reads tangential detection curve
+! and closes Database file
+  implicit none
+  include "constants.h"
+  integer :: nnodes_tangential_curve
+  logical :: any_tangential_curve
+  double precision, dimension(2,nnodes_tangential_curve) :: nodes_tangential_curve
+  logical :: force_normal_to_surface,rec_normal_to_surface
+  ! local parameters
+  integer :: i
+  character(len=80) :: datlin
+  ! initializes
+  nodes_tangential_curve(:,:) = 0.d0
+  ! reads tangential detection curve
+  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
+  read(IIN,*) force_normal_to_surface,rec_normal_to_surface
+  if( any_tangential_curve ) then
+    do i = 1, nnodes_tangential_curve
+      read(IIN,*) nodes_tangential_curve(1,i),nodes_tangential_curve(2,i)
+    enddo
+  else
+    force_normal_to_surface = .false.
+    rec_normal_to_surface = .false.
+  endif
+  ! closes input Database file
+  close(IIN)
+  end subroutine read_databases_final

Deleted: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/read_databases.f90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/read_databases.f90	2013-03-21 00:40:20 UTC (rev 21592)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/read_databases.f90	2013-03-21 02:20:06 UTC (rev 21593)
@@ -1,1014 +0,0 @@
-!                   S P E C F E M 2 D  Version 7 . 0
-!                   --------------------------------
-! Copyright CNRS, INRIA and University of Pau, France,
-! and Princeton University / California Institute of Technology, USA.
-! Contributors: Dimitri Komatitsch, dimitri DOT komatitsch aT univ-pau DOT fr
-!               Nicolas Le Goff, nicolas DOT legoff aT univ-pau DOT fr
-!               Roland Martin, roland DOT martin aT univ-pau DOT fr
-!               Christina Morency, cmorency aT princeton DOT edu
-!               Pieyre Le Loher, pieyre DOT le-loher aT inria.fr
-! This software is a computer program whose purpose is to solve
-! the two-dimensional viscoelastic anisotropic or poroelastic wave equation
-! using a spectral-element method (SEM).
-! This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
-! abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
-! modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
-! license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
-! "http://www.cecill.info".
-! As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
-! modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
-! with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
-! economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
-! liability.
-! In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
-! with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
-! software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
-! that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
-! therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
-! professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
-! encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
-! requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
-! data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
-! same conditions as regards security.
-! The full text of the license is available in file "LICENSE".
-  subroutine read_databases_init(myrank,ipass, &
-                  simulation_title,SIMULATION_TYPE,NOISE_TOMOGRAPHY,SAVE_FORWARD,npgeo,nproc, &
-                  NSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_WAVE_DUMPS,subsamp_seismos,imagetype_JPEG,imagetype_wavefield_dumps, &
-                  output_postscript_snapshot,output_color_image,colors,numbers, &
-                  meshvect,modelvect,boundvect,cutsnaps,subsamp_postscript,sizemax_arrows, &
-                  anglerec,initialfield,add_Bielak_conditions, &
-                  seismotype,imagetype_postscript,assign_external_model,READ_EXTERNAL_SEP_FILE, &
-                  output_grid_ASCII,output_energy,output_wavefield_dumps,use_binary_for_wavefield_dumps, &
-                  save_binary_seismograms_single,save_binary_seismograms_double, &
-                  DRAW_SOURCES_AND_RECEIVERS,Q0,freq0,p_sv,NSTEP,deltat,NSOURCES, &
-                  factor_subsample_image,USE_SNAPSHOT_NUMBER_IN_FILENAME,DRAW_WATER_IN_BLUE,US_LETTER, &
-                  POWER_DISPLAY_COLOR,PERFORM_CUTHILL_MCKEE,SU_FORMAT,USER_T0,time_stepping_scheme,&
-                  read_external_mesh)
-! starts reading in parameters from input Database file
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-  integer :: myrank,ipass
-  character(len=60) simulation_title
-  integer :: SIMULATION_TYPE,NOISE_TOMOGRAPHY,npgeo,nproc
-  integer :: colors,numbers,subsamp_postscript,seismotype,imagetype_postscript
-  logical :: SAVE_FORWARD,output_grid_Gnuplot,interpol,output_postscript_snapshot, &
-    output_color_image
-  logical :: meshvect,modelvect,boundvect,initialfield,add_Bielak_conditions, &
-    assign_external_model,READ_EXTERNAL_SEP_FILE, &
-    output_grid_ASCII,output_energy,output_wavefield_dumps,p_sv,use_binary_for_wavefield_dumps
-             save_ASCII_seismograms,save_binary_seismograms_single,save_binary_seismograms_double,DRAW_SOURCES_AND_RECEIVERS
-  double precision :: ROTATE_PML_ANGLE
-  double precision :: cutsnaps,sizemax_arrows,anglerec
-  double precision :: Q0,freq0
-  double precision :: deltat
-  integer :: NSTEP,NSOURCES
-             subsamp_seismos,imagetype_JPEG,imagetype_wavefield_dumps,NELEM_PML_THICKNESS
-! factor to subsample color images output by the code (useful for very large models)
-  double precision :: factor_subsample_image
-! use snapshot number in the file name of JPG color snapshots instead of the time step
-! display acoustic layers as constant blue, because they likely correspond to water in the case of ocean acoustics
-! or in the case of offshore oil industry experiments.
-! (if off, display them as greyscale, as for elastic or poroelastic elements)
-  logical :: DRAW_WATER_IN_BLUE
-! US letter paper or European A4
-  logical :: US_LETTER
-! non linear display to enhance small amplitudes in color images
-  double precision :: POWER_DISPLAY_COLOR
-! perform inverse Cuthill-McKee (1969) permutation for mesh numbering
-! output seismograms in Seismic Unix format (adjoint traces will be read in the same format)
-  logical :: SU_FORMAT
-! use this t0 as earliest starting time rather than the automatically calculated one
-! (must be positive and bigger than the automatically one to be effective;
-!  simulation will start at t = - t0)
-  double precision :: USER_T0
-! value of time_stepping_scheme to decide which time scheme will be used
-! # 1 = Newmark (2nd order), 2 = LDDRK4-6 (4th-order 6-stage low storage Runge-Kutta)
-! 3 = classical 4th-order 4-stage Runge-Kutta
-  integer :: time_stepping_scheme
-!! DK DK for add spring to stacey absorbing boundary condition
-  logical :: ADD_SPRING_TO_STACEY
-!! DK DK for horizontal periodic conditions: detect common points between left and right edges
-!! DK DK horizontal periodicity distance for periodic conditions
-  double precision :: PERIODIC_horiz_dist
-!! DK DK grid point detection tolerance for periodic conditions
-  double precision :: PERIODIC_DETECT_TOL
-!!! DK DK for CPML_element_file
-   logical :: read_external_mesh
-  ! local parameters
-  integer :: ier
-  character(len=80) :: datlin
-  character(len=256)  :: prname
-  ! opens Database file
-  write(prname,230) myrank
-  open(unit=IIN,file=prname,status='old',action='read',iostat=ier)
-  if( ier /= 0 ) call exit_MPI('error opening file OUTPUT/Database***')
-  !---  read job title and skip remaining titles of the input file
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,"(a50)") simulation_title
-  !---- print the date, time and start-up banner
-  if (myrank == 0 .and. ipass == 1) call datim(simulation_title)
-  if (myrank == 0 .and. ipass == 1) then
-    write(IOUT,*)
-    write(IOUT,*)
-    write(IOUT,*) '*********************'
-    write(IOUT,*) '****             ****'
-    write(IOUT,*) '****  SPECFEM2D  ****'
-    write(IOUT,*) '****             ****'
-    write(IOUT,*) '*********************'
-  endif
-  !---- read parameters from input file
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) npgeo,nproc
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) output_grid_Gnuplot,interpol
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) read_external_mesh
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) subsamp_seismos,imagetype_JPEG,imagetype_wavefield_dumps
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) output_postscript_snapshot,output_color_image,colors,numbers
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) meshvect,modelvect,boundvect,cutsnaps,subsamp_postscript,sizemax_arrows
-  cutsnaps = cutsnaps / 100.d0
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) anglerec
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) initialfield,add_Bielak_conditions
-  if(add_Bielak_conditions .and. .not. initialfield) &
-    stop 'need to have an initial field to add Bielak plane wave conditions'
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) seismotype,imagetype_postscript
-  if(seismotype < 1 .or. seismotype > 6) call exit_MPI('Wrong type for seismogram output')
-  if(imagetype_postscript < 1 .or. imagetype_postscript > 4) call exit_MPI('Wrong type for PostScript snapshots')
-  if(SAVE_FORWARD .and. (seismotype /= 1 .and. seismotype /= 6)) then
-    print*, '***** WARNING *****'
-    print*, 'seismotype =',seismotype
-    print*, 'Save forward wavefield => seismogram must be in displacement for (poro)elastic or potential for acoustic'
-    print*, 'Seismotype must be changed to 1 (elastic/poroelastic adjoint source) or 6 (acoustic adjoint source)'
-    stop
-  endif
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) assign_external_model,READ_EXTERNAL_SEP_FILE
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) output_grid_ASCII,output_energy,output_wavefield_dumps
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) use_binary_for_wavefield_dumps
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) save_ASCII_seismograms
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) save_binary_seismograms_single,save_binary_seismograms_double
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) Q0,freq0
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) p_sv
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) factor_subsample_image
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) US_LETTER
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) SU_FORMAT
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) USER_T0
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) time_stepping_scheme
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) PERIODIC_horiz_dist
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  !---- check parameters read
-  if (myrank == 0 .and. ipass == 1) then
-    write(IOUT,200) npgeo,NDIM
-    write(IOUT,600) NSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_INFO,colors,numbers
-    write(IOUT,700) seismotype,anglerec
-    write(IOUT,750) initialfield,add_Bielak_conditions,assign_external_model,&
-                    output_grid_ASCII,output_energy
-    write(IOUT,800) imagetype_postscript,100.d0*cutsnaps,subsamp_postscript
-  endif
-  !---- read time step
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) NSTEP,deltat
-  if (myrank == 0 .and. ipass == 1) write(IOUT,703) NSTEP,deltat,NSTEP*deltat
-  if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 1 .and. SAVE_FORWARD .and. &
-    print *, '*************** error ***************'
-    stop 'Anisotropy & Attenuation & Viscous damping are not presently implemented for adjoint calculations'
-  endif
-! make sure NSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_SEISMOS is a multiple of subsamp_seismos
-  if(mod(NSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_SEISMOS,subsamp_seismos) /= 0) &
-    stop 'error: NSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_SEISMOS must be a multiple of subsamp_seismos'
-! make sure NSTEP is a multiple of subsamp_seismos
-! if not, increase it a little bit, to the next multiple
-  if(mod(NSTEP,subsamp_seismos) /= 0) then
-    if (myrank == 0) then
-      print *,'NSTEP is not a multiple of subsamp_seismos'
-      NSTEP = (NSTEP/subsamp_seismos + 1)*subsamp_seismos
-      print *,'thus increasing it automatically to the next multiple, which is ',NSTEP
-      print *
-    endif
-  endif
-! output seismograms at least once at the end of the simulation
-  !----  read source information
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) NSOURCES
-  ! output formats
-230 format('./OUTPUT_FILES/Database',i5.5)
-200 format(//1x,'C o n t r o l',/1x,13('='),//5x,&
-  'Number of spectral element control nodes. . .(npgeo) =',i8/5x, &
-  'Number of space dimensions. . . . . . . . . . (NDIM) =',i8)
-600 format(//1x,'C o n t r o l',/1x,13('='),//5x, &
-  'Display frequency . . . .(NSTEP_BETWEEN_OUTPUT_INFO) = ',i6/ 5x, &
-  'Color display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (colors) = ',i6/ 5x, &
-  '        ==  0     black and white display              ',  / 5x, &
-  '        ==  1     color display                        ',  /5x, &
-  'Numbered mesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(numbers) = ',i6/ 5x, &
-  '        ==  0     do not number the mesh               ',  /5x, &
-  '        ==  1     number the mesh                      ')
-700 format(//1x,'C o n t r o l',/1x,13('='),//5x, &
-  'Seismograms recording type . . . . . . .(seismotype) = ',i6/5x, &
-  'Angle for first line of receivers. . . . .(anglerec) = ',f6.2)
-750 format(//1x,'C o n t r o l',/1x,13('='),//5x, &
-  'Read external initial field. . . . . .(initialfield) = ',l6/5x, &
-  'Add Bielak conditions . . . .(add_Bielak_conditions) = ',l6/5x, &
-  'Assign external model . . . .(assign_external_model) = ',l6/5x, &
-  'Read external SEP file . . .(READ_EXTERNAL_SEP_FILE) = ',l6/5x, &
-  'Attenuation on/off .(ATTENUATION_VISCOELASTIC_SOLID) = ',l6/5x, &
-  'Save grid in ASCII file or not . (output_grid_ASCII) = ',l6/5x, &
-  'Save a file with total energy or not.(output_energy) = ',l6)
-800 format(//1x,'C o n t r o l',/1x,13('='),//5x, &
-  'Vector display type . . . . . . . . .(imagetype_postscript) = ',i6/5x, &
-  'Percentage of cut for vector plots. . . . . . . .(cutsnaps) = ',f6.2/5x, &
-  'Subsampling of velocity model display. (subsamp_postscript) = ',i6)
-703 format(//' I t e r a t i o n s '/1x,19('='),//5x, &
-      'Number of time iterations . . . . .(NSTEP) =',i8,/5x, &
-      'Time step increment. . . . . . . .(deltat) =',1pe15.6,/5x, &
-      'Total simulation duration . . . . . (ttot) =',1pe15.6)
-  end subroutine read_databases_init
-  subroutine read_databases_sources(NSOURCES,source_type,time_function_type, &
-                      x_source,z_source,Mxx,Mzz,Mxz,f0,tshift_src,factor,anglesource)
-! reads source parameters
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-  integer :: NSOURCES
-  integer, dimension(NSOURCES) :: source_type,time_function_type
-  double precision, dimension(NSOURCES) :: x_source,z_source, &
-    Mxx,Mzz,Mxz,f0,tshift_src,factor,anglesource
-  ! local parameters
-  integer :: i_source
-  character(len=80) :: datlin
-  ! initializes
-  source_type(:) = 0
-  time_function_type(:) = 0
-  x_source(:) = 0.d0
-  z_source(:) = 0.d0
-  Mxx(:) = 0.d0
-  Mzz(:) = 0.d0
-  Mxz(:) = 0.d0
-  f0(:) = 0.d0
-  tshift_src(:) = 0.d0
-  factor(:) = 0.d0
-  anglesource(:) = 0.d0
-  ! reads in source info from Database file
-  do i_source=1,NSOURCES
-     read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-     read(IIN,*) source_type(i_source),time_function_type(i_source), &
-                 x_source(i_source),z_source(i_source),f0(i_source),tshift_src(i_source), &
-                 factor(i_source),anglesource(i_source),Mxx(i_source),Mzz(i_source),Mxz(i_source)
-  enddo
-  end subroutine read_databases_sources
-  subroutine read_databases_atten(N_SLS,f0_attenuation)
-! reads attenuation information
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-  integer :: N_SLS
-  double precision :: f0_attenuation
-  ! local parameters
-  character(len=80) :: datlin
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) N_SLS, f0_attenuation
-  if(N_SLS < 1) stop 'must have N_SLS >= 1 even if attenuation if off because it is used to assign some arrays'
-  end subroutine read_databases_atten
-  subroutine read_databases_coorg_elem(myrank,ipass,npgeo,coorg,numat,ngnod,nspec, &
-                              pointsdisp,plot_lowerleft_corner_only, &
-                              nelemabs,nelem_acoustic_surface, &
-                              num_fluid_solid_edges,num_fluid_poro_edges, &
-                              num_solid_poro_edges,nnodes_tangential_curve)
-! reads the spectral macrobloc nodal coordinates
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-  integer :: myrank,ipass,npgeo
-  double precision, dimension(NDIM,npgeo) :: coorg
-  integer :: numat,ngnod,nspec
-  integer :: pointsdisp
-  logical :: plot_lowerleft_corner_only
-  integer :: nelemabs,nelem_acoustic_surface, &
-    num_fluid_solid_edges,num_fluid_poro_edges, &
-    num_solid_poro_edges,nnodes_tangential_curve
-  ! local parameters
-  integer :: ipoin,ip,id
-  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: coorgread
-  character(len=80) :: datlin
-  ! initializes
-  coorg(:,:) = 0.d0
-  ! reads the spectral macrobloc nodal coordinates
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  ! reads in values
-  ipoin = 0
-  allocate(coorgread(NDIM))
-  do ip = 1,npgeo
-    ! reads coordinates
-    read(IIN,*) ipoin,(coorgread(id),id =1,NDIM)
-    if(ipoin<1 .or. ipoin>npgeo) call exit_MPI('Wrong control point number')
-    ! saves coordinate array
-    coorg(:,ipoin) = coorgread
-  enddo
-  deallocate(coorgread)
-  !---- read the basic properties of the spectral elements
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) numat,ngnod,nspec,pointsdisp,plot_lowerleft_corner_only
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) nelemabs,nelem_acoustic_surface,num_fluid_solid_edges,num_fluid_poro_edges,&
-              num_solid_poro_edges,nnodes_tangential_curve
-  !---- print element group main parameters
-  if (myrank == 0 .and. ipass == 1) then
-    write(IOUT,107)
-    write(IOUT,207) nspec,ngnod,NGLLX,NGLLZ,NGLLX*NGLLZ,pointsdisp,numat,nelemabs
-  endif
-  ! output formats
-107 format(/5x,'--> Spectral Elements <--',//)
-207 format(5x,'Number of spectral elements . . . . .  (nspec) =',i7,/5x, &
-               'Number of control nodes per element .  (ngnod) =',i7,/5x, &
-               'Number of points in X-direction . . .  (NGLLX) =',i7,/5x, &
-               'Number of points in Y-direction . . .  (NGLLZ) =',i7,/5x, &
-               'Number of points per element. . .(NGLLX*NGLLZ) =',i7,/5x, &
-               'Number of points for display . . .(pointsdisp) =',i7,/5x, &
-               'Number of element material sets . . .  (numat) =',i7,/5x, &
-               'Number of absorbing elements . . . .(nelemabs) =',i7)
-  end subroutine read_databases_coorg_elem
-  subroutine read_databases_mato(ipass,nspec,ngnod,kmato,knods, &
-                                perm,antecedent_list,region_CPML)
-! reads spectral macrobloc data
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-  integer :: ipass,ngnod,nspec
-  integer, dimension(nspec) :: kmato
-  integer, dimension(nspec) :: region_CPML
-  integer, dimension(ngnod,nspec) :: knods
-  integer, dimension(nspec) :: perm,antecedent_list
-  ! local parameters
-  integer :: n,k,ispec,kmato_read,pml_read
-  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: knods_read
-  character(len=80) :: datlin
-  ! initializes
-  kmato(:) = 0
-  knods(:,:) = 0
-  region_CPML(:) = 0
-  ! reads spectral macrobloc data
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  ! reads in values
-  allocate(knods_read(ngnod))
-  n = 0
-  do ispec = 1,nspec
-    ! format: #element_id  #material_id #node_id1 #node_id2 #...
-    read(IIN,*) n,kmato_read,(knods_read(k), k=1,ngnod),pml_read
-    if(ipass == 1) then
-      ! material association
-      kmato(n) = kmato_read
-      region_CPML(n) = pml_read
-      ! element control node indices
-      knods(:,n)= knods_read(:)
-    else if(ipass == 2) then
-      kmato(perm(antecedent_list(n))) = kmato_read
-      region_CPML(perm(antecedent_list(n))) = pml_read
-      knods(:,perm(antecedent_list(n)))= knods_read(:)
-    else
-      call exit_MPI('error: maximum is 2 passes')
-    endif
-  enddo
-  deallocate(knods_read)
-  end subroutine read_databases_mato
-  subroutine read_databases_ninterface(ninterface,max_interface_size)
-! reads in interface dimensions
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-  integer :: ninterface,max_interface_size
-  ! local parameters
-  character(len=80) :: datlin
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) ninterface, max_interface_size
-  end subroutine read_databases_ninterface
-  subroutine read_databases_interfaces(ipass,ninterface,nspec,max_interface_size, &
-                              my_neighbours,my_nelmnts_neighbours,my_interfaces, &
-                              perm,antecedent_list)
-! reads in interfaces
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-  integer :: ipass,nspec
-  integer :: ninterface,max_interface_size
-  integer, dimension(ninterface) :: my_neighbours,my_nelmnts_neighbours
-  integer, dimension(4,max_interface_size,ninterface) :: my_interfaces
-  integer, dimension(nspec) :: perm,antecedent_list
-  ! local parameters
-  integer :: num_interface,ie,my_interfaces_read
-  ! initializes
-  my_neighbours(:) = -1
-  my_nelmnts_neighbours(:) = 0
-  my_interfaces(:,:,:) = -1
-  ! reads in interfaces
-  do num_interface = 1, ninterface
-    ! format: #process_interface_id  #number_of_elements_on_interface
-    ! where
-    !     process_interface_id = rank of (neighbor) process to share MPI interface with
-    !     number_of_elements_on_interface = number of interface elements
-    read(IIN,*) my_neighbours(num_interface), my_nelmnts_neighbours(num_interface)
-    ! loops over interface elements
-    do ie = 1, my_nelmnts_neighbours(num_interface)
-      ! format: #(1)spectral_element_id  #(2)interface_type  #(3)node_id1  #(4)node_id2
-      !
-      ! interface types:
-      !     1  -  corner point only
-      !     2  -  element edge
-      read(IIN,*) my_interfaces_read, my_interfaces(2,ie,num_interface), &
-              my_interfaces(3,ie,num_interface), my_interfaces(4,ie,num_interface)
-      if(ipass == 1) then
-        my_interfaces(1,ie,num_interface) = my_interfaces_read
-      else if(ipass == 2) then
-        my_interfaces(1,ie,num_interface) = perm(antecedent_list(my_interfaces_read))
-      else
-        call exit_MPI('error: maximum number of passes is 2')
-      endif
-    enddo
-  enddo
-  end subroutine read_databases_interfaces
-  subroutine read_databases_absorbing(myrank,ipass,nelemabs,nspec,anyabs, &
-                            ibegin_edge1,iend_edge1,ibegin_edge2,iend_edge2, &
-                            ibegin_edge3,iend_edge3,ibegin_edge4,iend_edge4, &
-                            numabs,codeabs,typeabs,perm,antecedent_list, &
-                            nspec_left,nspec_right,nspec_bottom,nspec_top, &
-                            ib_right,ib_left,ib_bottom,ib_top)
-! reads in absorbing edges
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-  integer :: myrank,ipass,nspec
-  integer :: nelemabs
-  integer, dimension(nelemabs) :: numabs,ibegin_edge1,iend_edge1, &
-    ibegin_edge3,iend_edge3,ibegin_edge4,iend_edge4,ibegin_edge2,iend_edge2
-  logical, dimension(4,nelemabs) :: codeabs
-  integer, dimension(nelemabs) :: typeabs
-  logical :: anyabs
-  integer, dimension(nspec) :: perm,antecedent_list
-  integer :: nspec_left,nspec_right,nspec_bottom,nspec_top
-  integer, dimension(nelemabs) :: ib_right,ib_left,ib_bottom,ib_top
-  ! local parameters
-  integer :: inum,numabsread,typeabsread
-  logical :: codeabsread(4)
-  character(len=80) :: datlin
-  ! initializes
-  codeabs(:,:) = .false.
-  typeabs(:) = 0
-  ibegin_edge1(:) = 0
-  iend_edge1(:) = 0
-  ibegin_edge3(:) = 0
-  iend_edge3(:) = 0
-  ibegin_edge4(:) = 0
-  iend_edge4(:) = 0
-  ibegin_edge2(:) = 0
-  iend_edge2(:) = 0
-  nspec_left = 0
-  nspec_right = 0
-  nspec_bottom = 0
-  nspec_top = 0
-  ib_right(:) = 0
-  ib_left(:) = 0
-  ib_bottom(:) = 0
-  ib_top(:) = 0
-  ! reads in absorbing edges
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  ! reads in values
-  if( anyabs ) then
-    ! reads absorbing boundaries
-    do inum = 1,nelemabs
-! beware here and below that external meshes (for instance coming from CUBIT or Gmsh)
-! may have rotated elements and thus edge 1 may not correspond to the bottom,
-! edge 2 may not correspond to the right, edge 3 may not correspond to the top,
-! and edge 4 may not correspond to the left.
-      read(IIN,*) numabsread,codeabsread(1),codeabsread(2),codeabsread(3),&
-                  codeabsread(4), typeabsread, ibegin_edge1(inum), iend_edge1(inum), &
-                  ibegin_edge2(inum), iend_edge2(inum), ibegin_edge3(inum), &
-                  iend_edge3(inum), ibegin_edge4(inum), iend_edge4(inum)
-      if(numabsread < 1 .or. numabsread > nspec) &
-        call exit_MPI('Wrong absorbing element number')
-      if(ipass == 1) then
-        numabs(inum) = numabsread
-      else if(ipass == 2) then
-        numabs(inum) = perm(antecedent_list(numabsread))
-      else
-        call exit_MPI('error: maximum number of passes is 2')
-      endif
-      codeabs(IEDGE1,inum) = codeabsread(1)
-      codeabs(IEDGE2,inum) = codeabsread(2)
-      codeabs(IEDGE3,inum) = codeabsread(3)
-      codeabs(IEDGE4,inum) = codeabsread(4)
-      typeabs(inum) = typeabsread
-! check that a single edge is defined for each element cited
-! (since elements with two absorbing edges MUST be cited twice, each time with a different "typeabs()" code
-      if(count(codeabs(:,inum) .eqv. .true.) /= 1) then
-        print *,'error for absorbing element inum = ',inum
-        stop 'must have one and only one absorbing edge per absorbing line cited'
-      endif
-    enddo
-    ! boundary element numbering
-    do inum = 1,nelemabs
-      if (typeabs(inum) == IBOTTOM) then
-        nspec_bottom = nspec_bottom + 1
-        ib_bottom(inum) =  nspec_bottom
-      else if (typeabs(inum) == IRIGHT) then
-        nspec_right = nspec_right + 1
-        ib_right(inum) =  nspec_right
-      else if (typeabs(inum) == ITOP) then
-        nspec_top = nspec_top + 1
-        ib_top(inum) = nspec_top
-      else if (typeabs(inum) == ILEFT) then
-        nspec_left = nspec_left + 1
-        ib_left(inum) =  nspec_left
-      else
-        stop 'incorrect absorbing boundary element type read'
-      endif
-    enddo
-    if (myrank == 0 .and. ipass == 1) then
-      write(IOUT,*)
-      write(IOUT,*) 'Number of absorbing elements: ',nelemabs
-      write(IOUT,*) '  nspec_left = ',nspec_left
-      write(IOUT,*) '  nspec_right = ',nspec_right
-      write(IOUT,*) '  nspec_bottom = ',nspec_bottom
-      write(IOUT,*) '  nspec_top = ',nspec_top
-      write(IOUT,*)
-    endif
-  endif
-  end subroutine read_databases_absorbing
-  subroutine read_databases_free_surf(ipass,nelem_acoustic_surface,nspec, &
-                            acoustic_edges,perm,antecedent_list,any_acoustic_edges)
-! reads acoustic free surface data
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-  integer :: ipass,nspec
-  integer :: nelem_acoustic_surface
-  integer, dimension(4,nelem_acoustic_surface) :: acoustic_edges
-  logical :: any_acoustic_edges
-  integer, dimension(nspec) :: perm,antecedent_list
-  ! local parameters
-  integer :: inum,acoustic_edges_read
-  character(len=80) :: datlin
-  ! initializes
-  acoustic_edges(:,:) = 0
-  ! reads in any possible free surface edges
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  if( any_acoustic_edges ) then
-    do inum = 1,nelem_acoustic_surface
-      read(IIN,*) acoustic_edges_read, acoustic_edges(2,inum), acoustic_edges(3,inum), &
-           acoustic_edges(4,inum)
-      if(ipass == 1) then
-        acoustic_edges(1,inum) = acoustic_edges_read
-      else if(ipass == 2) then
-        acoustic_edges(1,inum) = perm(antecedent_list(acoustic_edges_read))
-      else
-        call exit_MPI('error: maximum number of passes is 2')
-      endif
-    enddo
-  endif
-  end subroutine read_databases_free_surf
-  subroutine read_databases_coupled(ipass,nspec,num_fluid_solid_edges,any_fluid_solid_edges, &
-                            fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec,fluid_solid_elastic_ispec, &
-                            num_fluid_poro_edges,any_fluid_poro_edges, &
-                            fluid_poro_acoustic_ispec,fluid_poro_poroelastic_ispec, &
-                            num_solid_poro_edges,any_solid_poro_edges, &
-                            solid_poro_elastic_ispec,solid_poro_poroelastic_ispec, &
-                            perm,antecedent_list)
-! reads acoustic elastic coupled edges
-! reads acoustic poroelastic coupled edges
-! reads poroelastic elastic coupled edges
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-  integer :: ipass,nspec
-  integer :: num_fluid_solid_edges
-  logical :: any_fluid_solid_edges
-  integer, dimension(num_fluid_solid_edges) :: fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec,fluid_solid_elastic_ispec
-  integer :: num_fluid_poro_edges
-  logical :: any_fluid_poro_edges
-  integer, dimension(num_fluid_poro_edges) :: fluid_poro_acoustic_ispec,fluid_poro_poroelastic_ispec
-  integer :: num_solid_poro_edges
-  logical :: any_solid_poro_edges
-  integer, dimension(num_solid_poro_edges) :: solid_poro_elastic_ispec,solid_poro_poroelastic_ispec
-  integer, dimension(nspec) :: perm,antecedent_list
-  ! local parameters
-  integer :: inum
-  integer :: fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec_read,fluid_solid_elastic_ispec_read, &
-    fluid_poro_acoustic_ispec_read,fluid_poro_poro_ispec_read, &
-    solid_poro_poro_ispec_read,solid_poro_elastic_ispec_read
-  character(len=80) :: datlin
-  ! initializes
-  fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec(:) = 0
-  fluid_solid_elastic_ispec(:) = 0
-  fluid_poro_acoustic_ispec(:) = 0
-  fluid_poro_poroelastic_ispec(:) = 0
-  solid_poro_elastic_ispec(:) = 0
-  solid_poro_poroelastic_ispec(:) = 0
-  ! reads acoustic elastic coupled edges
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  if ( any_fluid_solid_edges ) then
-    do inum = 1, num_fluid_solid_edges
-      read(IIN,*) fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec_read,fluid_solid_elastic_ispec_read
-      if(ipass == 1) then
-        fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec(inum) = fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec_read
-        fluid_solid_elastic_ispec(inum) = fluid_solid_elastic_ispec_read
-      else if(ipass == 2) then
-        fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec(inum) = perm(antecedent_list(fluid_solid_acoustic_ispec_read))
-        fluid_solid_elastic_ispec(inum) = perm(antecedent_list(fluid_solid_elastic_ispec_read))
-      else
-        call exit_MPI('error: maximum number of passes is 2')
-      endif
-    enddo
-  endif
-  ! reads acoustic poroelastic coupled edges
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  if ( any_fluid_poro_edges ) then
-    do inum = 1, num_fluid_poro_edges
-      read(IIN,*) fluid_poro_acoustic_ispec_read,fluid_poro_poro_ispec_read
-      if(ipass == 1) then
-        fluid_poro_acoustic_ispec(inum) = fluid_poro_acoustic_ispec_read
-        fluid_poro_poroelastic_ispec(inum) = fluid_poro_poro_ispec_read
-      else if(ipass == 2) then
-        fluid_poro_acoustic_ispec(inum) = perm(antecedent_list(fluid_poro_acoustic_ispec_read))
-        fluid_poro_poroelastic_ispec(inum) = perm(antecedent_list(fluid_poro_poro_ispec_read))
-      else
-        call exit_MPI('error: maximum number of passes is 2')
-      endif
-    enddo
-  endif
-  ! reads poroelastic elastic coupled edges
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  if ( any_solid_poro_edges ) then
-    do inum = 1, num_solid_poro_edges
-      read(IIN,*) solid_poro_poro_ispec_read,solid_poro_elastic_ispec_read
-      if(ipass == 1) then
-        solid_poro_elastic_ispec(inum) = solid_poro_elastic_ispec_read
-        solid_poro_poroelastic_ispec(inum) = solid_poro_poro_ispec_read
-      else if(ipass == 2) then
-        solid_poro_elastic_ispec(inum) = perm(antecedent_list(solid_poro_elastic_ispec_read))
-        solid_poro_poroelastic_ispec(inum) = perm(antecedent_list(solid_poro_poro_ispec_read))
-      else
-        call exit_MPI('error: maximum number of passes is 2')
-      endif
-    enddo
-  endif
-  end subroutine read_databases_coupled
-  subroutine read_databases_final(nnodes_tangential_curve,nodes_tangential_curve, &
-                                force_normal_to_surface,rec_normal_to_surface, &
-                                any_tangential_curve )
-! reads tangential detection curve
-! and closes Database file
-  implicit none
-  include "constants.h"
-  integer :: nnodes_tangential_curve
-  logical :: any_tangential_curve
-  double precision, dimension(2,nnodes_tangential_curve) :: nodes_tangential_curve
-  logical :: force_normal_to_surface,rec_normal_to_surface
-  ! local parameters
-  integer :: i
-  character(len=80) :: datlin
-  ! initializes
-  nodes_tangential_curve(:,:) = 0.d0
-  ! reads tangential detection curve
-  read(IIN,"(a80)") datlin
-  read(IIN,*) force_normal_to_surface,rec_normal_to_surface
-  if( any_tangential_curve ) then
-    do i = 1, nnodes_tangential_curve
-      read(IIN,*) nodes_tangential_curve(1,i),nodes_tangential_curve(2,i)
-    enddo
-  else
-    force_normal_to_surface = .false.
-    rec_normal_to_surface = .false.
-  endif
-  ! closes input Database file
-  close(IIN)
-  end subroutine read_databases_final

Modified: seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/specfem2D.F90
--- seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/specfem2D.F90	2013-03-21 00:40:20 UTC (rev 21592)
+++ seismo/2D/SPECFEM2D/trunk/src/specfem2D/specfem2D.F90	2013-03-21 02:20:06 UTC (rev 21593)
@@ -2946,7 +2946,7 @@
                   nspec_PML,is_PML,which_PML_elem,spec_to_PML, &
-                  SIMULATION_TYPE,PML_interior_interface,nglob_interface,SAVE_FORWARD)
+                  SIMULATION_TYPE,PML_interior_interface,nglob_interface,SAVE_FORWARD,myrank)

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