[cig-commits] r21998 - in seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src: generate_databases specfem3D

xie.zhinan at geodynamics.org xie.zhinan at geodynamics.org
Tue May 7 12:56:47 PDT 2013

Author: xie.zhinan
Date: 2013-05-07 12:56:46 -0700 (Tue, 07 May 2013)
New Revision: 21998

commit the first stable edition of CPML for solid-fluid simulation

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/generate_databases/create_mass_matrices.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/generate_databases/create_mass_matrices.f90	2013-05-07 19:00:15 UTC (rev 21997)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/generate_databases/create_mass_matrices.f90	2013-05-07 19:56:46 UTC (rev 21998)
@@ -92,9 +92,36 @@
      allocate(rmass_acoustic(nglob),stat=ier); if(ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array rmass_acoustic'
      rmass_acoustic(:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+     allocate(rmass_acoustic_interface(nglob),stat=ier); if(ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array rmass_acoustic' 
+     rmass_acoustic_interface(:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL 
      ! returns acoustic mass matrix
      if( PML_CONDITIONS ) then
         call create_mass_matrices_pml_acoustic(nspec,ibool)
+        do ispec=1,nspec    
+         if( ispec_is_acoustic(ispec) ) then
+             do k=1,NGLLZ
+                do j=1,NGLLY
+                   do i=1,NGLLX
+                      iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
+                      weight = wxgll(i)*wygll(j)*wzgll(k)
+                      jacobianl = jacobianstore(i,j,k,ispec)
+                      ! distinguish between single and double precision for reals
+                      if(CUSTOM_REAL == SIZE_REAL) then
+                         rmass_acoustic_interface(iglob) = rmass_acoustic_interface(iglob) + &
+                              sngl( dble(jacobianl) * weight / dble(kappastore(i,j,k,ispec)) )
+                      else
+                         rmass_acoustic_interface(iglob) = rmass_acoustic_interface(iglob) + &
+                              jacobianl * weight / kappastore(i,j,k,ispec)
+                      endif
+                   enddo
+                enddo
+             enddo
+          endif
+        enddo
         do ispec=1,nspec
            if( ispec_is_acoustic(ispec) ) then

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/generate_databases/create_regions_mesh.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/generate_databases/create_regions_mesh.f90	2013-05-07 19:00:15 UTC (rev 21997)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/generate_databases/create_regions_mesh.f90	2013-05-07 19:56:46 UTC (rev 21998)
@@ -300,6 +300,7 @@
+       deallocate(rmass_acoustic_interface) !ZN

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/generate_databases/generate_databases_par.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/generate_databases/generate_databases_par.f90	2013-05-07 19:00:15 UTC (rev 21997)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/generate_databases/generate_databases_par.f90	2013-05-07 19:56:46 UTC (rev 21998)
@@ -203,6 +203,9 @@
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), allocatable :: rmass,rmass_acoustic,&
+! mass matrix for interface !ZN
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), allocatable :: rmass_acoustic_interface !ZN
 ! mass matrix contributions
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), allocatable :: rmassx,rmassy,rmassz
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), allocatable :: rmassz_acoustic

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/generate_databases/pml_set_local_dampingcoeff.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/generate_databases/pml_set_local_dampingcoeff.f90	2013-05-07 19:00:15 UTC (rev 21997)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/generate_databases/pml_set_local_dampingcoeff.f90	2013-05-07 19:56:46 UTC (rev 21998)
@@ -33,17 +33,16 @@
   use generate_databases_par, only: ibool,NGLOB_AB,d_store_x,d_store_y,d_store_z, &
                                     K_store_x,K_store_y,K_store_z,alpha_store,CPML_to_spec, &
                                     CPML_width_x,CPML_width_y,CPML_width_z,NPOWER,K_MAX_PML, &
-                                    CUSTOM_REAL,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec_cpml,PML_INSTEAD_OF_FREE_SURFACE, &
+                                    CUSTOM_REAL,SIZE_REAL,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec_cpml,PML_INSTEAD_OF_FREE_SURFACE, &
                                     IMAIN,FOUR_THIRDS,CPML_REGIONS,f0_FOR_PML,PI, &
-  use create_regions_mesh_ext_par, only: kappastore,mustore,rhostore,rho_vp,ispec_is_acoustic,ispec_is_elastic, &
+  use create_regions_mesh_ext_par, only: rhostore,rho_vp,ispec_is_acoustic,ispec_is_elastic, &
                                          ELASTIC_SIMULATION, ACOUSTIC_SIMULATION
   implicit none
   integer, intent(in) :: myrank
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLOB_AB), intent(in) :: xstore,ystore,zstore
   ! local parameters
@@ -68,7 +67,8 @@
                             CPML_width_x_left_max_all, CPML_width_x_right_max_all,&
-                            CPML_width_z_top_max_all,CPML_width_z_bottom_max_all
+                            CPML_width_z_top_max_all,CPML_width_z_bottom_max_all,&  
+                            vp_elastic,vp_acoustic,vp_max,vp_max_all  
   ! stores damping profiles
@@ -101,6 +101,8 @@
 ! from Festa and Vilotte (2005)
+! Assuming the computational domain is convex and can be approximatly seen as a box
+! Calculation of origin of whole computational domain
   x_min = minval(xstore(:))
   x_max = maxval(xstore(:))
   y_min = minval(ystore(:))
@@ -108,13 +110,24 @@
   z_min = minval(zstore(:))
   z_max = maxval(zstore(:))
-  x_min_all = 10.e30
-  x_max_all = -10.e30
-  y_min_all = 10.e30
-  y_max_all = -10.e30
-  z_min_all = 10.e30
-  z_max_all = -10.e30
+  if(CUSTOM_REAL == SIZE_REAL) then
+     x_min_all = 10.e30
+     y_min_all = 10.e30
+     z_min_all = 10.e30
+     x_max_all = -10.e30
+     y_max_all = -10.e30
+     z_max_all = -10.e30
+  else
+     x_min_all = 10.d30
+     y_min_all = 10.d30
+     z_min_all = 10.d30
+     x_max_all = -10.d30
+     y_max_all = -10.d30
+     z_max_all = -10.d30
+  endif
   call min_all_all_cr(x_min,x_min_all)
   call min_all_all_cr(y_min,y_min_all)
   call min_all_all_cr(z_min,z_min_all)
@@ -123,20 +136,19 @@
   call max_all_all_cr(y_max,y_max_all)
   call max_all_all_cr(z_max,z_max_all)
-  x_origin = (x_min_all + x_max_all)/2.0
-  y_origin = (y_min_all + y_max_all)/2.0
-  z_origin = (z_max_all + z_min_all)/2.0
+  x_origin = (x_min_all + x_max_all)/2._CUSTOM_REAL
+  y_origin = (y_min_all + y_max_all)/2._CUSTOM_REAL
+  z_origin = (z_max_all + z_min_all)/2._CUSTOM_REAL
-!Calculation of CPML_width_x,CPML_width_y,CPML_width_Z
-!we assume CPML_width_x,CPML_width_y,CPML_width_Z are constants inside PML layer
+! Assuming CPML_width_x,CPML_width_y,CPML_width_Z are constants inside PML layer
+! Calculation of width of PML along x, y and z direction, such as CPML_width_x,CPML_width_y,CPML_width_Z
+  CPML_width_x_left = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+  CPML_width_x_right = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+  CPML_width_y_front = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+  CPML_width_y_back = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+  CPML_width_z_top = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+  CPML_width_z_bottom = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-  CPML_width_x_left = 0.0
-  CPML_width_x_right = 0.0
-  CPML_width_y_front = 0.0
-  CPML_width_y_back = 0.0
-  CPML_width_z_top = 0.0
-  CPML_width_z_bottom = 0.0
   CPML_x_right = x_max_all
   CPML_x_left = x_min_all
   CPML_y_front = y_max_all
@@ -151,7 +163,7 @@
            do i=1,NGLLX
             iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
             if( CPML_regions(ispec_CPML) == CPML_X_ONLY ) then
-             if(xstore(iglob) - x_origin > 0.d0)then
+             if(xstore(iglob) - x_origin > 0._CUSTOM_REAL)then
                 if(xstore(iglob) - x_origin <= CPML_x_right - x_origin )then
                    CPML_x_right = xstore(iglob)
@@ -163,7 +175,7 @@
             if( CPML_regions(ispec_CPML) == CPML_Y_ONLY ) then
-              if(ystore(iglob) - y_origin > 0.d0)then
+              if(ystore(iglob) - y_origin > 0._CUSTOM_REAL)then
                 if(ystore(iglob) - y_origin <= CPML_y_front - y_origin )then
                    CPML_y_front = ystore(iglob)
@@ -175,7 +187,7 @@
             if( CPML_regions(ispec_CPML) == CPML_Z_ONLY ) then
-              if(zstore(iglob) - z_origin > 0.d0)then
+              if(zstore(iglob) - z_origin > 0._CUSTOM_REAL)then
                 if(zstore(iglob) - z_origin <= CPML_z_top - z_origin )then
                    CPML_z_top = zstore(iglob)
@@ -219,6 +231,31 @@
      zorigintop = z_max_all - CPML_width_z_top_max_all
+! Calculation of maximum p velocity inside PML
+  vp_max = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+  do ispec_CPML=1,nspec_cpml
+     ispec = CPML_to_spec(ispec_CPML)
+     do k=1,NGLLZ
+        do j=1,NGLLY
+           do i=1,NGLLX
+              vp_elastic = rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)/rhostore(i,j,k,ispec)
+              vp_acoustic = rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)/rhostore(i,j,k,ispec)
+              if(vp_acoustic .ge. vp_max)then
+                 vp_max = vp_acoustic
+              endif
+              if(vp_elastic .ge. vp_max)then
+                 vp_max = vp_acoustic
+              endif
+           enddo
+        enddo
+     enddo
+  enddo
+  call max_all_all_cr(vp_max,vp_max_all)
   ! user output
   if( myrank == 0 ) then
@@ -250,9 +287,15 @@
            do i=1,NGLLX
               ! calculates P-velocity
               if( ispec_is_acoustic(ispec) ) then
-                 vp = sqrt( kappastore(i,j,k,ispec)/rhostore(i,j,k,ispec) )
+!                vp = rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)/rhostore(i,j,k,ispec)
+! For convenience only, when computing the damping profile inside PML, 
+! we set the required variable "vp" to be constant and equal to "vp_max_all"
+                 vp = vp_max_all
               else if( ispec_is_elastic(ispec) ) then
-                 vp = (FOUR_THIRDS * mustore(i,j,k,ispec) + kappastore(i,j,k,ispec)) / rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)
+!                vp = rho_vp(i,j,k,ispec)/rhostore(i,j,k,ispec)
+! For convenience only, when computing the damping profile inside PML, 
+! we set the required variable "vp" to be constant and equal to "vp_max_all"
+                 vp = vp_max_all
                  print*,'element index',ispec
                  print*,'C-PML element index ',ispec_CPML
@@ -266,7 +309,7 @@
                  !---------------------------- X-surface C-PML ---------------------------------
-                 if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin > 0.d0 ) then
+                 if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin > 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                     abscissa_in_PML_x = xstore(iglob) - xoriginright
@@ -276,20 +319,21 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                     d_x = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_x)
-                    alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_x = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
-                    if( d_x < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_x = 0.d0
-                       K_x = 1.d0
+                    ! avoid d_x to be less than zero due to 
+                    if( d_x < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_x < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_x = 0.d0
-                       K_x = 1.d0
+                    if( K_x < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                 else if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin < 0.d0 ) then
+                 else if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                     abscissa_in_PML_x = xoriginleft - xstore(iglob)
@@ -298,17 +342,17 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML grid point
                     d_x = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_x)
-                    alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_x = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
-                    if( d_x < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_x = 0.d0
-                       K_x = 1.d0
+                    if( d_x < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_x < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_x = 0.d0
-                       K_x = 1.d0
+                    if( K_x < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
@@ -320,11 +364,11 @@
                  K_store_x(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = K_x
                  d_store_x(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = d_x
-                 K_store_y(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 1.d0
-                 d_store_y(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 0.d0
+                 K_store_y(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
+                 d_store_y(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-                 K_store_z(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 1.d0
-                 d_store_z(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 0.d0
+                 K_store_z(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
+                 d_store_z(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
                  alpha_store(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = alpha_x
@@ -333,7 +377,7 @@
                  !---------------------------- Y-surface C-PML ---------------------------------
-                 if( ystore(iglob) - y_origin > 0.d0 ) then
+                 if( ystore(iglob) - y_origin > 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                     abscissa_in_PML_y = ystore(iglob) - yoriginfront
@@ -342,20 +386,20 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                     d_y = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_y)
-                    alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_y = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
-                    if( d_y < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_y = 0.d0
-                       K_y = 1.d0
+                    if( d_y < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_y < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_y = 0.d0
-                       K_y = 1.d0
+                    if( K_y < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                 else if( ystore(iglob) - y_origin < 0.d0 ) then
+                 else if( ystore(iglob) - y_origin < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                     abscissa_in_PML_y = yoriginback - ystore(iglob)
@@ -364,17 +408,17 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                     d_y = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_y)
-                    alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_y = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
-                    if( d_y < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_y = 0.d0
-                       K_y = 1.d0
+                    if( d_y < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_y < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_y = 0.d0
-                       K_y = 1.d0
+                    if( K_y < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
@@ -384,14 +428,14 @@
                  !! DK DK define an alias for y and z variable names (which are the same)
                  !  stores damping profiles and auxiliary coefficients at the C-PML element's GLL points
-                 K_store_x(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 1.d0
-                 d_store_x(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 0.d0
+                 K_store_x(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
+                 d_store_x(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
                  K_store_y(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = K_y
                  d_store_y(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = d_y
-                 K_store_z(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 1.d0
-                 d_store_z(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 0.d0
+                 K_store_z(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
+                 d_store_z(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
                  alpha_store(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = alpha_y
@@ -400,7 +444,7 @@
                  !---------------------------- Z-surface C-PML ---------------------------------
-                 if( zstore(iglob) - z_origin > 0.d0 ) then
+                 if( zstore(iglob) - z_origin > 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
                     if( PML_INSTEAD_OF_FREE_SURFACE ) then
                        ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                        abscissa_in_PML_z = zstore(iglob) - zorigintop
@@ -410,20 +454,20 @@
                        ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                        d_z = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_z)
-                       alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                       K_z = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                       alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
-                       if( d_z < 0.d0 ) then
-                          d_z = 0.d0
-                          K_z = 1.d0
+                       if( d_z < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( K_z < 1.d0 ) then
-                          d_z = 0.d0
-                          K_z = 1.d0
+                       if( K_z < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                 else if( zstore(iglob) - z_origin < 0.d0 ) then
+                 else if( zstore(iglob) - z_origin < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                     abscissa_in_PML_z = zoriginbottom - zstore(iglob)
@@ -432,17 +476,17 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                     d_z = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_z)
-                    alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_z = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
-                    if( d_z < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_z = 0.d0
-                       K_z = 1.d0
+                    if( d_z < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_z < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_z = 0.d0
-                       K_z = 1.d0
+                    if( K_z < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
@@ -451,11 +495,11 @@
                  !! DK DK define an alias for y and z variable names (which are the same)
                  !  stores damping profiles and auxiliary coefficients at the C-PML element's GLL points
-                 K_store_x(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 1.d0
-                 d_store_x(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 0.d0
+                 K_store_x(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
+                 d_store_x(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-                 K_store_y(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 1.d0
-                 d_store_y(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 0.d0
+                 K_store_y(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
+                 d_store_y(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
                  K_store_z(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = K_z
                  d_store_z(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = d_z
@@ -467,7 +511,7 @@
                  !---------------------------- XY-edge C-PML -----------------------------------
-                 if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin>0.d0 .and. ystore(iglob) - y_origin>0.d0 ) then
+                 if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin>0._CUSTOM_REAL .and. ystore(iglob) - y_origin>0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                     abscissa_in_PML_x = xstore(iglob) - xoriginright
@@ -476,8 +520,8 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                     d_x = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_x)
-                    alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_x = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                     abscissa_in_PML_y = ystore(iglob) - yoriginfront
@@ -487,30 +531,30 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                     d_y = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_y)
-                    alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_y = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
-                    if( d_x < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_x = 0.d0
-                       K_x = 1.d0
+                    if( d_x < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_x < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_x = 0.d0
-                       K_x = 1.d0
+                    if( K_x < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( d_y < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_y = 0.d0
-                       K_y = 1.d0
+                    if( d_y < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_y < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_y = 0.d0
-                       K_y = 1.d0
+                    if( K_y < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                 else if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin>0.d0 .and. ystore(iglob) - y_origin<0.d0 ) then
+                 else if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin>0._CUSTOM_REAL .and. ystore(iglob) - y_origin<0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                     abscissa_in_PML_x = xstore(iglob) - xoriginright
@@ -519,8 +563,8 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                     d_x = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_x)
-                    alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_x = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                     abscissa_in_PML_y = yoriginback - ystore(iglob)
@@ -530,30 +574,30 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                     d_y = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_y)
-                    alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_y = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
-                    if( d_x < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_x = 0.d0
-                       K_x = 1.d0
+                    if( d_x < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_x < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_x = 0.d0
-                       K_x = 1.d0
+                    if( K_x < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( d_y < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_y = 0.d0
-                       K_y = 1.d0
+                    if( d_y < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_y < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_y = 0.d0
-                       K_y = 1.d0
+                    if( K_y < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                 else if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin<0.d0 .and. ystore(iglob) - y_origin>0.d0 ) then
+                 else if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin<0._CUSTOM_REAL .and. ystore(iglob) - y_origin>0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                     abscissa_in_PML_x = xoriginleft - xstore(iglob)
@@ -562,8 +606,8 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                     d_x = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_x)
-                    alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_x = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                     abscissa_in_PML_y = ystore(iglob) - yoriginfront
@@ -573,30 +617,30 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                     d_y = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_y)
-                    alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_y = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
-                    if( d_x < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_x = 0.d0
-                       K_x = 1.d0
+                    if( d_x < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_x < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_x = 0.d0
-                       K_x = 1.d0
+                    if( K_x < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( d_y < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_y = 0.d0
-                       K_y = 1.d0
+                    if( d_y < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_y < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_y = 0.d0
-                       K_y = 1.d0
+                    if( K_y < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                 else if( xstore(iglob)  - x_origin <0.d0 .and. ystore(iglob)  - y_origin <0.d0 ) then
+                 else if( xstore(iglob)  - x_origin <0._CUSTOM_REAL .and. ystore(iglob)  - y_origin <0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                     abscissa_in_PML_x = xoriginleft - xstore(iglob)
@@ -605,8 +649,8 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                     d_x = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_x)
-                    alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_x = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                     abscissa_in_PML_y = yoriginback - ystore(iglob)
@@ -616,27 +660,27 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                     d_y = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_y)
-                    alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_y = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
-                    if( d_x < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_x = 0.d0
-                       K_x = 1.d0
+                    if( d_x < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_x < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_x = 0.d0
-                       K_x = 1.d0
+                    if( K_x < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( d_y < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_y = 0.d0
-                       K_y = 1.d0
+                    if( d_y < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_y < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_y = 0.d0
-                       K_y = 1.d0
+                    if( K_y < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
@@ -652,17 +696,17 @@
                  d_store_y(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = d_y
-                 K_store_z(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 1.d0
-                 d_store_z(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 0.d0
+                 K_store_z(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
+                 d_store_z(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-                 alpha_store(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
+                 alpha_store(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
               else if( CPML_regions(ispec_CPML) == CPML_XZ_ONLY ) then
                  !---------------------------- XZ-edge C-PML -----------------------------------
-                 if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin>0.d0 .and. zstore(iglob) - z_origin>0.d0 ) then
+                 if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin>0._CUSTOM_REAL .and. zstore(iglob) - z_origin>0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
                     if( PML_INSTEAD_OF_FREE_SURFACE ) then
                        ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                        abscissa_in_PML_x = xstore(iglob) - xoriginright
@@ -672,8 +716,8 @@
                        ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                        d_x = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_x)
-                       alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                       K_x = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                       alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
                        ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                        abscissa_in_PML_z = zstore(iglob) - zorigintop
@@ -683,32 +727,32 @@
                        ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                        d_z = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_z)
-                       alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                       K_z = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                       alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
-                       if( d_x < 0.d0 ) then
-                          d_x = 0.d0
-                          K_x = 1.d0
+                       if( d_x < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( K_x < 1.d0 ) then
-                          d_x = 0.d0
-                          K_x = 1.d0
+                       if( K_x < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( d_z < 0.d0 ) then
-                          d_z = 0.d0
-                          K_z = 1.d0
+                       if( d_z < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( K_z < 1.d0 ) then
-                          d_z = 0.d0
-                          K_z = 1.d0
+                       if( K_z < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                 else if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin>0.d0 .and. zstore(iglob) - z_origin<0.d0 ) then
+                 else if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin>0._CUSTOM_REAL .and. zstore(iglob) - z_origin<0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                     abscissa_in_PML_x = xstore(iglob) - xoriginright
@@ -717,8 +761,8 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                     d_x = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_x)
-                    alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_x = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                     abscissa_in_PML_z = zoriginbottom - zstore(iglob)
@@ -728,30 +772,30 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                     d_z = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_z)
-                    alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_z = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
-                    if( d_x < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_x = 0.d0
-                       K_x = 1.d0
+                    if( d_x < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_x < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_x = 0.d0
-                       K_x = 1.d0
+                    if( K_x < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( d_z < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_z = 0.d0
-                       K_z = 1.d0
+                    if( d_z < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_z < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_z = 0.d0
-                       K_z = 1.d0
+                    if( K_z < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                 else if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin<0.d0 .and. zstore(iglob) - z_origin>0.d0 ) then
+                 else if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin<0._CUSTOM_REAL .and. zstore(iglob) - z_origin>0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
                     if( PML_INSTEAD_OF_FREE_SURFACE ) then
                        ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                        abscissa_in_PML_x = xoriginleft - xstore(iglob)
@@ -761,8 +805,8 @@
                        ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                        d_x = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_x)
-                       alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                       K_x = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                       alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
                        ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                        abscissa_in_PML_z = zstore(iglob) - zorigintop
@@ -772,32 +816,32 @@
                        ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                        d_z = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_z)
-                       alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                       K_z = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                       alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
-                       if( d_x < 0.d0 ) then
-                          d_x = 0.d0
-                          K_x = 1.d0
+                       if( d_x < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( K_x < 1.d0 ) then
-                          d_x = 0.d0
-                          K_x = 1.d0
+                       if( K_x < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( d_z < 0.d0 ) then
-                          d_z = 0.d0
-                          K_z = 1.d0
+                       if( d_z < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( K_z < 1.d0 ) then
-                          d_z = 0.d0
-                          K_z = 1.d0
+                       if( K_z < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                 else if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin<0.d0 .and. zstore(iglob) - z_origin<0.d0 ) then
+                 else if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin<0._CUSTOM_REAL .and. zstore(iglob) - z_origin<0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                     abscissa_in_PML_x = xoriginleft - xstore(iglob)
@@ -806,8 +850,8 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                     d_x = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_x)
-                    alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_x = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                     abscissa_in_PML_z = zoriginbottom - zstore(iglob)
@@ -817,27 +861,27 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                     d_z = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_z)
-                    alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_z = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
-                    if( d_x < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_x = 0.d0
-                       K_x = 1.d0
+                    if( d_x < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_x < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_x = 0.d0
-                       K_x = 1.d0
+                    if( K_x < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( d_z < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_z = 0.d0
-                       K_z = 1.d0
+                    if( d_z < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_z < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_z = 0.d0
-                       K_z = 1.d0
+                    if( K_z < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
@@ -849,20 +893,20 @@
                  K_store_x(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = K_x
                  d_store_x(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = d_x
-                 K_store_y(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 1.d0
-                 d_store_y(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 0.d0
+                 K_store_y(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
+                 d_store_y(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
                  K_store_z(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = K_z
                  d_store_z(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = d_z
-                 alpha_store(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
+                 alpha_store(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
               else if( CPML_regions(ispec_CPML) == CPML_YZ_ONLY ) then
                  !---------------------------- YZ-edge C-PML -----------------------------------
-                 if( ystore(iglob) - y_origin>0.d0 .and. zstore(iglob) - z_origin>0.d0 ) then
+                 if( ystore(iglob) - y_origin>0._CUSTOM_REAL .and. zstore(iglob) - z_origin>0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
                     if( PML_INSTEAD_OF_FREE_SURFACE ) then
                        ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                        abscissa_in_PML_y = ystore(iglob) - yoriginfront
@@ -872,8 +916,8 @@
                        ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                        d_y = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_y)
-                       alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                       K_y = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                       alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
                        ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                        abscissa_in_PML_z = zstore(iglob) - zorigintop
@@ -883,31 +927,31 @@
                        ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                        d_z = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_z)
-                       alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                       K_z = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                       alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
-                       if( d_y < 0.d0 ) then
-                          d_y = 0.d0
-                          K_y = 1.d0
+                       if( d_y < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( K_y < 1.d0 ) then
-                          d_y = 0.d0
-                          K_y = 1.d0
+                       if( K_y < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( d_z < 0.d0 ) then
-                          d_z = 0.d0
-                          K_z = 1.d0
+                       if( d_z < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( K_z < 1.d0 ) then
-                          d_z = 0.d0
-                          K_z = 1.d0
+                       if( K_z < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                 else if( ystore(iglob) - y_origin>0.d0 .and. zstore(iglob) - z_origin<0.d0 ) then
+                 else if( ystore(iglob) - y_origin>0._CUSTOM_REAL .and. zstore(iglob) - z_origin<0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                     abscissa_in_PML_y = ystore(iglob) - yoriginfront
@@ -916,8 +960,8 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                     d_y = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_y)
-                    alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_y = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                     abscissa_in_PML_z = zoriginbottom - zstore(iglob)
@@ -927,30 +971,30 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                     d_z = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_z)
-                    alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_z = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
-                    if( d_y < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_y = 0.d0
-                       K_y = 1.d0
+                    if( d_y < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_y < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_y = 0.d0
-                       K_y = 1.d0
+                    if( K_y < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( d_z < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_z = 0.d0
-                       K_z = 1.d0
+                    if( d_z < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_z < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_z = 0.d0
-                       K_z = 1.d0
+                    if( K_z < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                 else if( ystore(iglob) - y_origin<0.d0 .and. zstore(iglob) - z_origin>0.d0 ) then
+                 else if( ystore(iglob) - y_origin<0._CUSTOM_REAL .and. zstore(iglob) - z_origin>0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
                     if( PML_INSTEAD_OF_FREE_SURFACE ) then
                        ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                        abscissa_in_PML_y = yoriginback - ystore(iglob)
@@ -960,8 +1004,8 @@
                        ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                        d_y = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_y)
-                       alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                       K_y = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                       alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
                        ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                        abscissa_in_PML_z = zstore(iglob) - zorigintop
@@ -971,32 +1015,32 @@
                        ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                        d_z = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_z)
-                       alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                       K_z = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                       alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
-                       if( d_y < 0.d0 ) then
-                          d_y = 0.d0
-                          K_y = 1.d0
+                       if( d_y < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( K_y < 1.d0 ) then
-                          d_y = 0.d0
-                          K_y = 1.d0
+                       if( K_y < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( d_z < 0.d0 ) then
-                          d_z = 0.d0
-                          K_z = 1.d0
+                       if( d_z < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( K_z < 1.d0 ) then
-                          d_z = 0.d0
-                          K_z = 1.d0
+                       if( K_z < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                 else if( ystore(iglob) - y_origin<0.d0 .and. zstore(iglob) - z_origin<0.d0 ) then
+                 else if( ystore(iglob) - y_origin<0._CUSTOM_REAL .and. zstore(iglob) - z_origin<0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                     abscissa_in_PML_y = yoriginback - ystore(iglob)
@@ -1005,8 +1049,8 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                     d_y = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_y)
-                    alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_y = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                     abscissa_in_PML_z = zoriginbottom - zstore(iglob)
@@ -1016,27 +1060,27 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                     d_z = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_z)
-                    alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_z = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
-                    if( d_y < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_y = 0.d0
-                       K_y = 1.d0
+                    if( d_y < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_y < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_y = 0.d0
-                       K_y = 1.d0
+                    if( K_y < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( d_z < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_z = 0.d0
-                       K_z = 1.d0
+                    if( d_z < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_z < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_z = 0.d0
-                       K_z = 1.d0
+                    if( K_z < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
@@ -1044,8 +1088,8 @@
                  !! DK DK define an alias for y and z variable names (which are the same)
-                 K_store_x(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 1.d0
-                 d_store_x(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 0.d0
+                 K_store_x(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
+                 d_store_x(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
                  K_store_y(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = K_y
                  d_store_y(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = d_y
@@ -1053,16 +1097,16 @@
                  K_store_z(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = K_z
                  d_store_z(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = d_z
-                 alpha_store(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
+                 alpha_store(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
               else if( CPML_regions(ispec_CPML) == CPML_XYZ ) then
                  !---------------------------- XYZ-corner C-PML --------------------------------
-                 if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin>0.d0 .and. &
-                     ystore(iglob) - y_origin>0.d0 .and. &
-                     zstore(iglob) - z_origin>0.d0 ) then
+                 if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin>0._CUSTOM_REAL .and. &
+                     ystore(iglob) - y_origin>0._CUSTOM_REAL .and. &
+                     zstore(iglob) - z_origin>0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
                     if( PML_INSTEAD_OF_FREE_SURFACE ) then
                        ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                        abscissa_in_PML_x = xstore(iglob) - xoriginright
@@ -1072,8 +1116,8 @@
                        ! gets damping profile at the C-PML grid point
                        d_x = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_x)
-                       alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                       K_x = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                       alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
                        ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                        abscissa_in_PML_y = ystore(iglob) - yoriginfront
@@ -1083,8 +1127,8 @@
                        ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                        d_y = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_y)
-                       alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                       K_y = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                       alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
                        ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                        abscissa_in_PML_z = zstore(iglob) - zorigintop
@@ -1094,43 +1138,43 @@
                        ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                        d_z = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_z)
-                       alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                       K_z = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                       alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
-                       if( d_x < 0.d0 ) then
-                          d_x = 0.d0
-                          K_x = 1.d0
+                       if( d_x < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( K_x < 1.d0 ) then
-                          d_x = 0.d0
-                          K_x = 1.d0
+                       if( K_x < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( d_y < 0.d0 ) then
-                          d_y = 0.d0
-                          K_y = 1.d0
+                       if( d_y < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( K_y < 1.d0 ) then
-                          d_y = 0.d0
-                          K_y = 1.d0
+                       if( K_y < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( d_z < 0.d0 ) then
-                          d_z = 0.d0
-                          K_z = 1.d0
+                       if( d_z < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( K_z < 1.d0 ) then
-                          d_z = 0.d0
-                          K_z = 1.d0
+                       if( K_z < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                 else if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin>0.d0 .and. &
-                          ystore(iglob) - y_origin>0.d0 .and. &
-                          zstore(iglob) - z_origin<0.d0 ) then
+                 else if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin>0._CUSTOM_REAL .and. &
+                          ystore(iglob) - y_origin>0._CUSTOM_REAL .and. &
+                          zstore(iglob) - z_origin<0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                     abscissa_in_PML_x = xstore(iglob) - xoriginright
@@ -1139,8 +1183,8 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML grid point
                     d_x = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_x)
-                    alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_x = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                     abscissa_in_PML_y = ystore(iglob) - yoriginfront
@@ -1150,8 +1194,8 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                     d_y = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_y)
-                    alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_y = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                     abscissa_in_PML_z = zoriginbottom - zstore(iglob)
@@ -1161,43 +1205,43 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                     d_z = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_z)
-                    alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_z = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
-                    if( d_x < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_x = 0.d0
-                       K_x = 1.d0
+                    if( d_x < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_x < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_x = 0.d0
-                       K_x = 1.d0
+                    if( K_x < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( d_y < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_y = 0.d0
-                       K_y = 1.d0
+                    if( d_y < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_y < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_y = 0.d0
-                       K_y = 1.d0
+                    if( K_y < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( d_z < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_z = 0.d0
-                       K_z = 1.d0
+                    if( d_z < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_z < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_z = 0.d0
-                       K_z = 1.d0
+                    if( K_z < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                 else if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin>0.d0 .and. &
-                          ystore(iglob) - y_origin<0.d0 .and. &
-                          zstore(iglob) - z_origin>0.d0 ) then
+                 else if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin>0._CUSTOM_REAL .and. &
+                          ystore(iglob) - y_origin<0._CUSTOM_REAL .and. &
+                          zstore(iglob) - z_origin>0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
                     if( PML_INSTEAD_OF_FREE_SURFACE ) then
                        ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                        abscissa_in_PML_x = xstore(iglob) - xoriginright
@@ -1207,8 +1251,8 @@
                        ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                        d_x = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_x)
-                       alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                       K_x = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                       alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
                        ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                        abscissa_in_PML_y = yoriginback - ystore(iglob)
@@ -1218,8 +1262,8 @@
                        ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                        d_y = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_y)
-                       alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                       K_y = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                       alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
                        ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
@@ -1230,44 +1274,44 @@
                        ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                        d_z = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_z)
-                       alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                       K_z = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                       alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
-                       if( d_x < 0.d0 ) then
-                          d_x = 0.d0
-                          K_x = 1.d0
+                       if( d_x < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( K_x < 1.d0 ) then
-                          d_x = 0.d0
-                          K_x = 1.d0
+                       if( K_x < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( d_y < 0.d0 ) then
-                          d_y = 0.d0
-                          K_y = 1.d0
+                       if( d_y < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( K_y < 1.d0 ) then
-                          d_y = 0.d0
-                          K_y = 1.d0
+                       if( K_y < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( d_z < 0.d0 ) then
-                          d_z = 0.d0
-                          K_z = 1.d0
+                       if( d_z < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( K_z < 1.d0 ) then
-                          d_z = 0.d0
-                          K_z = 1.d0
+                       if( K_z < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                 else if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin>0.d0 .and. &
-                          ystore(iglob) - y_origin<0.d0 .and. &
-                          zstore(iglob) - z_origin < 0.d0 ) then
+                 else if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin>0._CUSTOM_REAL .and. &
+                          ystore(iglob) - y_origin<0._CUSTOM_REAL .and. &
+                          zstore(iglob) - z_origin < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                     abscissa_in_PML_x = xstore(iglob) - xoriginright
@@ -1276,8 +1320,8 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                     d_x = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_x)
-                    alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_x = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
@@ -1288,8 +1332,8 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                     d_y = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_y)
-                    alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_y = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
@@ -1300,42 +1344,42 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                     d_z = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_z)
-                    alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_z = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
-                    if( d_x < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_x = 0.d0
-                       K_x = 1.d0
+                    if( d_x < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_x < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_x = 0.d0
-                       K_x = 1.d0
+                    if( K_x < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( d_y < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_y = 0.d0
-                       K_y = 1.d0
+                    if( d_y < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_y < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_y = 0.d0
-                       K_y = 1.d0
+                    if( K_y < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( d_z < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_z = 0.d0
-                       K_z = 1.d0
+                    if( d_z < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_z < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_z = 0.d0
-                       K_z = 1.d0
+                    if( K_z < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                 else if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin<0.d0 .and. &
-                          ystore(iglob) - y_origin>0.d0 .and. &
-                          zstore(iglob) - z_origin>0.d0 ) then
+                 else if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin<0._CUSTOM_REAL .and. &
+                          ystore(iglob) - y_origin>0._CUSTOM_REAL .and. &
+                          zstore(iglob) - z_origin>0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
                     if( PML_INSTEAD_OF_FREE_SURFACE ) then
                        ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                        abscissa_in_PML_x = xoriginleft - xstore(iglob)
@@ -1345,8 +1389,8 @@
                        ! gets damping profile at the C-PML grid point
                        d_x = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_x)
-                       alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                       K_x = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                       alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
                        ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                        abscissa_in_PML_y = ystore(iglob) - yoriginfront
@@ -1356,8 +1400,8 @@
                        ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                        d_y = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_y)
-                       alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                       K_y = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                       alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
                        ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                        abscissa_in_PML_z = zstore(iglob) - zorigintop
@@ -1367,44 +1411,44 @@
                        ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                        d_z = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_z)
-                       alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                       K_z = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                       alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
-                       if( d_x < 0.d0 ) then
-                          d_x = 0.d0
-                          K_x = 1.d0
+                       if( d_x < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( K_x < 1.d0 ) then
-                          d_x = 0.d0
-                          K_x = 1.d0
+                       if( K_x < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( d_y < 0.d0 ) then
-                          d_y = 0.d0
-                          K_y = 1.d0
+                       if( d_y < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( K_y < 1.d0 ) then
-                          d_y = 0.d0
-                          K_y = 1.d0
+                       if( K_y < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( d_z < 0.d0 ) then
-                          d_z = 0.d0
-                          K_z = 1.d0
+                       if( d_z < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( K_z < 1.d0 ) then
-                          d_z = 0.d0
-                          K_z = 1.d0
+                       if( K_z < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                 else if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin<0.d0 .and. &
-                          ystore(iglob) - y_origin>0.d0 .and. &
-                          zstore(iglob) - z_origin<0.d0 ) then
+                 else if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin<0._CUSTOM_REAL .and. &
+                          ystore(iglob) - y_origin>0._CUSTOM_REAL .and. &
+                          zstore(iglob) - z_origin<0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                     abscissa_in_PML_x = xoriginleft - xstore(iglob)
@@ -1413,8 +1457,8 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML grid point
                     d_x = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_x)
-                    alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_x = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                     abscissa_in_PML_y = ystore(iglob) - yoriginfront
@@ -1424,8 +1468,8 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                     d_y = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_y)
-                    alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_y = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                     abscissa_in_PML_z = zoriginbottom - zstore(iglob)
@@ -1435,42 +1479,42 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                     d_z = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_z)
-                    alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_z = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
-                    if( d_x < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_x = 0.d0
-                       K_x = 1.d0
+                    if( d_x < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_x < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_x = 0.d0
-                       K_x = 1.d0
+                    if( K_x < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( d_y < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_y = 0.d0
-                       K_y = 1.d0
+                    if( d_y < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_y < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_y = 0.d0
-                       K_y = 1.d0
+                    if( K_y < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( d_z < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_z = 0.d0
-                       K_z = 1.d0
+                    if( d_z < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_z < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_z = 0.d0
-                       K_z = 1.d0
+                    if( K_z < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                 else if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin<0.d0 .and. &
-                          ystore(iglob) - y_origin<0.d0 .and. &
-                          zstore(iglob) - z_origin>0.d0 ) then
+                 else if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin<0._CUSTOM_REAL .and. &
+                          ystore(iglob) - y_origin<0._CUSTOM_REAL .and. &
+                          zstore(iglob) - z_origin>0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
                     if( PML_INSTEAD_OF_FREE_SURFACE ) then
                        ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                        abscissa_in_PML_x = xoriginleft - xstore(iglob)
@@ -1480,8 +1524,8 @@
                        ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                        d_x = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_x)
-                       alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                       K_x = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                       alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
                        ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                        abscissa_in_PML_y = yoriginback - ystore(iglob)
@@ -1491,8 +1535,8 @@
                        ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                        d_y = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_y)
-                       alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                       K_y = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                       alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
                        ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                        abscissa_in_PML_z = zstore(iglob) - zorigintop
@@ -1502,44 +1546,44 @@
                        ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                        d_z = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_z)
-                       alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                       K_z = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                       alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
-                       if( d_x < 0.d0 ) then
-                          d_x = 0.d0
-                          K_x = 1.d0
+                       if( d_x < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( K_x < 1.d0 ) then
-                          d_x = 0.d0
-                          K_x = 1.d0
+                       if( K_x < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( d_y < 0.d0 ) then
-                          d_y = 0.d0
-                          K_y = 1.d0
+                       if( d_y < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( K_y < 1.d0 ) then
-                          d_y = 0.d0
-                          K_y = 1.d0
+                       if( K_y < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( d_z < 0.d0 ) then
-                          d_z = 0.d0
-                          K_z = 1.d0
+                       if( d_z < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                       if( K_z < 1.d0 ) then
-                          d_z = 0.d0
-                          K_z = 1.d0
+                       if( K_z < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                          d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                          K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                 else if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin<0.d0 .and. &
-                          ystore(iglob) - y_origin<0.d0 .and. &
-                          zstore(iglob) - z_origin < 0.d0 ) then
+                 else if( xstore(iglob) - x_origin<0._CUSTOM_REAL .and. &
+                          ystore(iglob) - y_origin<0._CUSTOM_REAL .and. &
+                          zstore(iglob) - z_origin < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                     abscissa_in_PML_x = xoriginleft - xstore(iglob)
@@ -1548,8 +1592,8 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                     d_x = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_x)
-                    alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_x = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_x = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                     abscissa_in_PML_y = yoriginback - ystore(iglob)
@@ -1559,8 +1603,8 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                     d_y = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_y)
-                    alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_y = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_y = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
                     ! gets abscissa of current grid point along the damping profile
                     abscissa_in_PML_z = zoriginbottom - zstore(iglob)
@@ -1570,37 +1614,37 @@
                     ! gets damping profile at the C-PML element's GLL point
                     d_z = pml_damping_profile_l(myrank,iglob,dist,vp,CPML_width_z)
-                    alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
-                    K_z = 1.d0 + (K_MAX_PML - 1.d0) * dist**NPOWER
+                    alpha_z = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
+                    K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL + (K_MAX_PML - 1._CUSTOM_REAL) * dist**NPOWER
-                    if( d_x < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_x = 0.d0
-                       K_x = 1.d0
+                    if( d_x < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_x < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_x = 0.d0
-                       K_x = 1.d0
+                    if( K_x < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_x = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_x = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( d_y < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_y = 0.d0
-                       K_y = 1.d0
+                    if( d_y < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_y < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_y = 0.d0
-                       K_y = 1.d0
+                    if( K_y < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_y = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_y = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( d_z < 0.d0 ) then
-                       d_z = 0.d0
-                       K_z = 1.d0
+                    if( d_z < 0._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-                    if( K_z < 1.d0 ) then
-                       d_z = 0.d0
-                       K_z = 1.d0
+                    if( K_z < 1._CUSTOM_REAL ) then
+                       d_z = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
+                       K_z = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
@@ -1617,7 +1661,7 @@
                  K_store_z(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = K_z
                  d_store_z(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = d_z
-                 alpha_store(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2.d0
+                 alpha_store(i,j,k,ispec_CPML) = ALPHA_MAX_PML / 2._CUSTOM_REAL
@@ -1651,9 +1695,10 @@
   ! gets damping profile
   if( NPOWER >= 1 ) then
      ! In INRIA research report section 6.1:  http://hal.inria.fr/docs/00/07/32/19/PDF/RR-3471.pdf
-     ! pml_damping_profile_l = - ((NPOWER + 1) * vp * log(CPML_Rcoef) / (2.d0 * delta)) * dist**(NPOWER)
+     ! pml_damping_profile_l = - ((NPOWER + 1) * vp * log(CPML_Rcoef) / (2._CUSTOM_REAL * delta)) * dist**(NPOWER)
      ! due to tests it is more accurate to use following definition in case NPOWER = 1 defined in constants.h.in 
-     pml_damping_profile_l = - ((NPOWER + 1) * vp * log(CPML_Rcoef) / (2.d0 * delta)) * dist**(1.2*NPOWER)
+     pml_damping_profile_l = - ((NPOWER + 1) * vp * log(CPML_Rcoef) / (2._CUSTOM_REAL * delta)) &
+                             * dist**(1.2_CUSTOM_REAL*NPOWER)
      call exit_mpi(myrank,'C-PML error: NPOWER must be greater than or equal to 1')

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/generate_databases/save_arrays_solver.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/generate_databases/save_arrays_solver.f90	2013-05-07 19:00:15 UTC (rev 21997)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/generate_databases/save_arrays_solver.f90	2013-05-07 19:56:46 UTC (rev 21998)
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@
 ! acoustic
     write(IOUT) rmass_acoustic
+    write(IOUT) rmass_acoustic_interface !ZN
 ! this array is needed for acoustic simulations but also for elastic simulations with CPML,

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/compute_coupling_acoustic_el.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/compute_coupling_acoustic_el.f90	2013-05-07 19:00:15 UTC (rev 21997)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/compute_coupling_acoustic_el.f90	2013-05-07 19:56:46 UTC (rev 21998)
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
                         coupling_ac_el_normal, &
                         coupling_ac_el_jacobian2Dw, &
-                        PML_CONDITIONS,spec_to_CPML,is_CPML) 
+                        PML_CONDITIONS,spec_to_CPML,is_CPML,potential_dot_dot_acoustic_interface) 
 ! returns the updated pressure array: potential_dot_dot_acoustic
@@ -44,7 +44,8 @@
 ! displacement and pressure
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NDIM,NGLOB_AB) :: displ 
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLOB_AB) :: potential_dot_dot_acoustic
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLOB_AB) :: potential_dot_dot_acoustic,&
+                                                 potential_dot_dot_acoustic_interface
 ! global indexing
   integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_AB) :: ibool
@@ -130,6 +131,8 @@
         !          it also means you have to calculate and update this here first before
         !          calculating the coupling on the elastic side for the acceleration...
         potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) + jacobianw*displ_n
+        potential_dot_dot_acoustic_interface(iglob) = potential_dot_dot_acoustic_interface(iglob) &
+                                                      + jacobianw*displ_n
       enddo ! igll

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/compute_coupling_viscoelastic_ac.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/compute_coupling_viscoelastic_ac.f90	2013-05-07 19:00:15 UTC (rev 21997)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/compute_coupling_viscoelastic_ac.f90	2013-05-07 19:56:46 UTC (rev 21998)
@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@
                         coupling_ac_el_ispec,coupling_ac_el_ijk, &
                         coupling_ac_el_normal, &
                         coupling_ac_el_jacobian2Dw, &
-                        ispec_is_inner,phase_is_inner)
+                        ispec_is_inner,phase_is_inner,&
+                        PML_CONDITIONS,is_CPML,potential_dot_dot_acoustic_interface)
 ! returns the updated acceleration array: accel
@@ -43,7 +44,8 @@
 ! displacement and pressure
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NDIM,NGLOB_AB) :: accel
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLOB_AB) :: potential_dot_dot_acoustic
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLOB_AB) :: potential_dot_dot_acoustic,&
+                                                 potential_dot_dot_acoustic_interface
 ! global indexing
   integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_AB) :: ibool
@@ -66,6 +68,10 @@
   integer :: iface,igll,ispec,iglob
   integer :: i,j,k
+! CPML 
+  logical :: PML_CONDITIONS 
+  logical :: is_CPML(NSPEC_AB)  
 ! loops on all coupling faces
   do iface = 1,num_coupling_ac_el_faces
@@ -87,7 +93,15 @@
         iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
         ! acoustic pressure on global point
-        pressure = - potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob)
+        if(PML_CONDITIONS)then  
+           if(is_CPML(ispec))then
+              pressure = - potential_dot_dot_acoustic_interface(iglob)
+           else
+              pressure = - potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob)
+           endif
+        else
+           pressure = - potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob)
+        endif
         ! gets associated normal on GLL point
         ! (note convention: pointing outwards of acoustic element)

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/compute_forces_acoustic_calling_routine.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/compute_forces_acoustic_calling_routine.f90	2013-05-07 19:00:15 UTC (rev 21997)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/compute_forces_acoustic_calling_routine.f90	2013-05-07 19:56:46 UTC (rev 21998)
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
   implicit none
   ! local parameters
-  integer:: iphase
+  integer:: iphase,iface,ispec,iglob,igll,i,j,k 
   logical:: phase_is_inner
   ! enforces free surface (zeroes potentials at free surface)
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
                         wgllwgll_xy,wgllwgll_xz,wgllwgll_yz, &
                         rhostore,jacobian,ibool,deltat, &
-                        phase_ispec_inner_acoustic)
+                        phase_ispec_inner_acoustic,ELASTIC_SIMULATION,potential_dot_dot_acoustic_interface)
       ! adjoint simulations
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
                         wgllwgll_xy,wgllwgll_xz,wgllwgll_yz, &
                         rhostore,jacobian,ibool,deltat, &
-                        phase_ispec_inner_acoustic)
+                        phase_ispec_inner_acoustic,ELASTIC_SIMULATION,potential_dot_dot_acoustic_interface)
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
                               coupling_ac_el_normal, &
                               coupling_ac_el_jacobian2Dw, &
-                              PML_CONDITIONS,spec_to_CPML,is_CPML) 
+                              PML_CONDITIONS,spec_to_CPML,is_CPML,potential_dot_dot_acoustic_interface) 
             ! handles adjoint runs coupling between adjoint potential and adjoint elastic wavefield
             ! adjoint definition: \partial_t^2 \bfs^\dagger=-\frac{1}{\rho}\bfnabla\phi^\dagger
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
                               coupling_ac_el_normal, &
                               coupling_ac_el_jacobian2Dw, &
-                              PML_CONDITIONS,spec_to_CPML,is_CPML) 
+                              PML_CONDITIONS,spec_to_CPML,is_CPML,potential_dot_dot_acoustic_interface) 
           ! adjoint/kernel simulations
           if( SIMULATION_TYPE == 3 ) &
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
                             coupling_ac_el_normal, &
                             coupling_ac_el_jacobian2Dw, &
-                            PML_CONDITIONS,spec_to_CPML,is_CPML) 
+                            PML_CONDITIONS,spec_to_CPML,is_CPML,potential_dot_dot_acoustic_interface) 
           ! on GPU
@@ -346,6 +346,13 @@
   if(.NOT. GPU_MODE) then
     ! divides pressure with mass matrix
     potential_dot_dot_acoustic(:) = potential_dot_dot_acoustic(:) * rmass_acoustic(:)
+    if(PML_CONDITIONS)then
+      if(ELASTIC_SIMULATION ) then
+        potential_dot_dot_acoustic_interface(:) = potential_dot_dot_acoustic_interface(:) * & 
+                                                  rmass_acoustic_interface(:) 
+      endif
+    endif
     ! adjoint simulations
     if (SIMULATION_TYPE == 3) &
@@ -355,6 +362,44 @@
     call kernel_3_a_acoustic_cuda(Mesh_pointer,NGLOB_AB)
+! The outer boundary condition to use for PML elements in fluid layers is Neumann for the potential
+! because we need Dirichlet conditions for the displacement vector, which means Neumann for the potential.
+! Thus, there is nothing to enforce explicitly here.
+! There is something to enforce explicitly only in the case of elastic elements, for which a Dirichlet
+! condition is needed for the displacement vector, which is the vectorial unknown for these elements.
+! However, enforcing explicitly potential_dot_dot_acoustic, potential_dot_acoustic, potential_acoustic
+! to be zero on outer boundary of PML help to improve the accuracy of absorbing low-frequency wave components 
+! in case of long-time simulation
+  ! C-PML boundary
+    if(PML_CONDITIONS)then
+       do iface=1,num_abs_boundary_faces
+           ispec = abs_boundary_ispec(iface)
+           if (ispec_is_inner(ispec) .eqv. phase_is_inner) then
+              if( ispec_is_acoustic(ispec) .and. is_CPML(ispec) ) then
+                 ! reference gll points on boundary face
+                 do igll = 1,NGLLSQUARE
+                    ! gets local indices for GLL point
+                    i = abs_boundary_ijk(1,igll,iface)
+                    j = abs_boundary_ijk(2,igll,iface)
+                    k = abs_boundary_ijk(3,igll,iface)
+                    iglob=ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
+                    potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = 0.0
+                    potential_dot_acoustic(iglob) = 0.0
+                    potential_acoustic(iglob) = 0.0
+                    if(ELASTIC_SIMULATION ) then  
+                         potential_dot_dot_acoustic_interface(iglob) = 0.0
+                    endif
+                 enddo
+             endif ! ispec_is_acoustic
+            endif
+        enddo
+     endif
 ! update velocity
 ! note: Newmark finite-difference time scheme with acoustic domains:
 ! (see e.g. Hughes, 1987; Chaljub et al., 2003)
@@ -365,7 +410,6 @@
 ! where
 !   chi, chi_dot, chi_dot_dot are acoustic (fluid) potentials ( dotted with respect to time)
-!   u, v, a are displacement,velocity & acceleration
 !   M is mass matrix, K stiffness matrix and B boundary term
 !   f denotes a source term

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/compute_forces_acoustic_noDev.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/compute_forces_acoustic_noDev.f90	2013-05-07 19:00:15 UTC (rev 21997)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/compute_forces_acoustic_noDev.f90	2013-05-07 19:56:46 UTC (rev 21998)
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
                         wgllwgll_xy,wgllwgll_xz,wgllwgll_yz, &
                         rhostore,jacobian,ibool,deltat, &
-                        phase_ispec_inner_acoustic)
+                        phase_ispec_inner_acoustic,ELASTIC_SIMULATION,potential_dot_dot_acoustic_interface) 
 ! computes forces for acoustic elements
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
   ! acoustic potentials
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLOB_AB) :: &
-        potential_acoustic,potential_dot_acoustic,potential_dot_dot_acoustic
+        potential_acoustic,potential_dot_acoustic,potential_dot_dot_acoustic 
 ! time step
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: deltat
@@ -75,6 +75,10 @@
   integer :: num_phase_ispec_acoustic,nspec_inner_acoustic,nspec_outer_acoustic
   integer, dimension(num_phase_ispec_acoustic,2) :: phase_ispec_inner_acoustic
+!CPML fluid-solid interface
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NGLOB_AB) :: potential_dot_dot_acoustic_interface 
 ! local variables
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: hp1,hp2,hp3
@@ -93,7 +97,6 @@
   ! local C-PML absorbing boundary conditions parameters
   integer :: ispec_CPML
   if( iphase == 1 ) then
     num_elements = nspec_outer_acoustic
@@ -252,6 +255,9 @@
              ! do not merge this second line with the first using an ".and." statement
              ! because array is_CPML() is unallocated when PML_CONDITIONS is false
              if(is_CPML(ispec)) then
+                if(ELASTIC_SIMULATION)then
+                   potential_dot_dot_acoustic_interface(iglob) = potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob)
+                endif
                 potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) = potential_dot_dot_acoustic(iglob) - &
@@ -263,11 +269,6 @@
   enddo ! end of loop over all spectral elements
-! The outer boundary condition to use for PML elements in fluid layers is Neumann for the potential
-! because we need Dirichlet conditions for the displacement vector, which means Neumann for the potential.
-! Thus, there is nothing to enforce explicitly here.
-! There is something to enforce explicitly only in the case of elastic elements, for which a Dirichlet
-! condition is needed for the displacement vector, which is the vectorial unknown for these elements.
   end subroutine compute_forces_acoustic_noDev

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/compute_forces_viscoelastic_calling_routine.F90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/compute_forces_viscoelastic_calling_routine.F90	2013-05-07 19:00:15 UTC (rev 21997)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/compute_forces_viscoelastic_calling_routine.F90	2013-05-07 19:56:46 UTC (rev 21998)
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
   use specfem_par_acoustic
   use specfem_par_elastic
   use specfem_par_poroelastic
+  use pml_par
   use fault_solver_dynamic, only : bc_dynflt_set3d_all,SIMULATION_TYPE_DYN
   use fault_solver_kinematic, only : bc_kinflt_set_all,SIMULATION_TYPE_KIN
@@ -39,6 +40,7 @@
   integer:: iphase
   logical:: phase_is_inner
+  integer:: iface,ispec,igll,i,j,k,iglob
 ! distinguishes two runs: for points on MPI interfaces, and points within the partitions
   do iphase=1,2
@@ -88,8 +90,7 @@
                         dsdx_top,dsdx_bot, &
                         ispec2D_moho_top,ispec2D_moho_bot, &
                         num_phase_ispec_elastic,nspec_inner_elastic,nspec_outer_elastic, &
-                        phase_ispec_inner_elastic,ispec_is_elastic,&
-                        abs_boundary_ijk,num_abs_boundary_faces,phase_is_inner,ispec_is_inner,abs_boundary_ispec)
+                        phase_ispec_inner_elastic)
         ! adjoint simulations: backward/reconstructed wavefield
         if( SIMULATION_TYPE == 3 ) &
@@ -119,8 +120,7 @@
                         b_dsdx_top,b_dsdx_bot, &
                         ispec2D_moho_top,ispec2D_moho_bot, &
                         num_phase_ispec_elastic,nspec_inner_elastic,nspec_outer_elastic, &
-                        phase_ispec_inner_elastic,ispec_is_elastic,&
-                        abs_boundary_ijk,num_abs_boundary_faces,phase_is_inner,ispec_is_inner,abs_boundary_ispec)
+                        phase_ispec_inner_elastic)
@@ -184,7 +184,8 @@
                         coupling_ac_el_ispec,coupling_ac_el_ijk, &
                         coupling_ac_el_normal, &
                         coupling_ac_el_jacobian2Dw, &
-                        ispec_is_inner,phase_is_inner)
+                        ispec_is_inner,phase_is_inner,& 
+                        PML_CONDITIONS,is_CPML,potential_dot_dot_acoustic_interface) 
             ! handles adjoint runs coupling between adjoint potential and adjoint elastic wavefield
             ! adoint definition: pressure^\dagger=potential^\dagger
@@ -194,7 +195,8 @@
                               coupling_ac_el_ispec,coupling_ac_el_ijk, &
                               coupling_ac_el_normal, &
                               coupling_ac_el_jacobian2Dw, &
-                              ispec_is_inner,phase_is_inner)
+                              ispec_is_inner,phase_is_inner,& 
+                              PML_CONDITIONS,is_CPML,potential_dot_dot_acoustic_interface) 
         ! adjoint simulations
@@ -205,7 +207,8 @@
                         coupling_ac_el_ispec,coupling_ac_el_ijk, &
                         coupling_ac_el_normal, &
                         coupling_ac_el_jacobian2Dw, &
-                        ispec_is_inner,phase_is_inner)
+                        ispec_is_inner,phase_is_inner,& 
+                        PML_CONDITIONS,is_CPML,potential_dot_dot_acoustic_interface) 
           ! on GPU
@@ -367,6 +370,32 @@
+  ! C-PML boundary
+    if(PML_CONDITIONS)then
+       do iface=1,num_abs_boundary_faces
+           ispec = abs_boundary_ispec(iface)
+           if (ispec_is_inner(ispec) .eqv. phase_is_inner) then
+              if( ispec_is_elastic(ispec) .and. is_CPML(ispec)) then
+                 ! reference gll points on boundary face
+                 do igll = 1,NGLLSQUARE
+                    ! gets local indices for GLL point
+                    i = abs_boundary_ijk(1,igll,iface)
+                    j = abs_boundary_ijk(2,igll,iface)
+                    k = abs_boundary_ijk(3,igll,iface)
+                    iglob=ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
+                    accel(:,iglob) = 0.0
+                    veloc(:,iglob) = 0.0
+                    displ(:,iglob) = 0.0
+                 enddo
+             endif ! ispec_is_elastic
+           endif
+        enddo
+      endif
 ! updates velocities
 ! Newmark finite-difference time scheme with elastic domains:
 ! (see e.g. Hughes, 1987; Chaljub et al., 2003)

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/compute_forces_viscoelastic_noDev.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/compute_forces_viscoelastic_noDev.f90	2013-05-07 19:00:15 UTC (rev 21997)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/compute_forces_viscoelastic_noDev.f90	2013-05-07 19:56:46 UTC (rev 21998)
@@ -50,10 +50,9 @@
                         dsdx_top,dsdx_bot, &
                         ispec2D_moho_top,ispec2D_moho_bot, &
                         num_phase_ispec_elastic,nspec_inner_elastic,nspec_outer_elastic, &
-                        phase_ispec_inner_elastic,ispec_is_elastic,&
-                        abs_boundary_ijk,num_abs_boundary_faces,phase_is_inner,ispec_is_inner,abs_boundary_ispec)
+                        phase_ispec_inner_elastic)
   use pml_par
   use fault_solver_dynamic, only : Kelvin_Voigt_eta
   use specfem_par, only : FULL_ATTENUATION_SOLID
@@ -128,8 +127,6 @@
 ! C-PML absorbing boundary conditions
   logical :: PML_CONDITIONS
-  logical, dimension(NSPEC_AB) :: ispec_is_elastic
 ! local parameters
   integer :: i_SLS,imodulo_N_SLS
   integer :: ispec,iglob,ispec_p,num_elements
@@ -181,16 +178,6 @@
   ! local C-PML absorbing boundary conditions parameters
   integer :: ispec_CPML
-! communication overlap
-  logical, dimension(NSPEC_AB) :: ispec_is_inner
-  logical :: phase_is_inner
-! outer boundary of CPML
-  integer :: num_abs_boundary_faces
-  integer :: abs_boundary_ijk(3,NGLLSQUARE,num_abs_boundary_faces)
-  integer :: abs_boundary_ispec(num_abs_boundary_faces)
-  integer :: igll,iface
   imodulo_N_SLS = mod(N_SLS,3)
   ! choses inner/outer elements
@@ -869,40 +856,6 @@
   enddo  ! spectral element loop
-!! DK DK to Jo, to debug CPML, 22 March 2013:
-!! DK DK I think that there is an error in the loops below, you should also check if ispec is a CPML element,
-!! DK DK and also if ispec is an elastic or viscoelastic element (and NOT for instance an acoustic element)
-!! DK DK
-!! DK DK thus test something like:   if (is_CPML(ispec) .and. elastic(ispec)) then
-!! DK DK or something like that
-  ! C-PML boundary
-    if(PML_CONDITIONS)then
-       do iface=1,num_abs_boundary_faces
-           ispec = abs_boundary_ispec(iface)
-           if (ispec_is_inner(ispec) .eqv. phase_is_inner) then
-              if( ispec_is_elastic(ispec) .and. is_CPML(ispec)) then
-                 ! reference gll points on boundary face
-                 do igll = 1,NGLLSQUARE
-                    ! gets local indices for GLL point
-                    i = abs_boundary_ijk(1,igll,iface)
-                    j = abs_boundary_ijk(2,igll,iface)
-                    k = abs_boundary_ijk(3,igll,iface)
-                    iglob=ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
-                    accel(:,iglob) = 0.0
-                    veloc(:,iglob) = 0.0
-                    displ(:,iglob) = 0.0
-                 enddo
-             endif ! ispec_is_elastic
-           endif
-        enddo
-      endif
 end subroutine compute_forces_viscoelastic_noDev

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/initialize_simulation.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/initialize_simulation.f90	2013-05-07 19:00:15 UTC (rev 21997)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/initialize_simulation.f90	2013-05-07 19:56:46 UTC (rev 21998)
@@ -277,9 +277,6 @@
   if( .not. GPU_MODE .and. GRAVITY ) &
     stop 'GRAVITY only supported in GPU mode'
-    stop 'STACEY_ABSORBING_CONDITIONS and PML_CONDITIONS are mutually exclusive but are both set to .true.'
   ! absorbing surfaces
      ! for arbitrary orientation of elements, which face belongs to xmin,xmax,etc... -
@@ -288,23 +285,26 @@
      ! just to be sure for now..
      if( NGLLX /= NGLLY .and. NGLLY /= NGLLZ ) &
-        print*, 'please modify Par_file'
+     if( PML_CONDITIONS ) then
+        print*, 'please modify Par_file and recompile solver'
+        stop 'STACEY_ABSORBING_CONDITIONS and PML_CONDITIONS are both set to .true.'
+     else if( PML_INSTEAD_OF_FREE_SURFACE ) then
+        print*, 'please modify Par_file and recompile solver'
         stop 'PML_INSTEAD_OF_FREE_SURFACE = .true. is incompatible with STACEY_ABSORBING_CONDITIONS = .true.'
-        print*, 'please modify Par_file'
+        print*, 'please modify Par_file and recompile solver'
         stop 'STACEY_ABSORBING_CONDITIONS must be activated when STACEY_INSTEAD_OF_FREE_SURFACE is set to .true.'
   if( PML_CONDITIONS ) then
-        print*, 'please modify Par_file'
+        print*, 'please modify Par_file and recompile solver'
         stop 'STACEY_INSTEAD_OF_FREE_SURFACE = .true. is incompatible with PML_CONDITIONS = .true.'
      else if( .not. SUPPRESS_UTM_PROJECTION ) then
-        print*, 'please modify Par_file'
+        print*, 'please modify Par_file and recompile solver'
         stop 'SUPPRESS_UTM_PROJECTION must be activated when PML_CONDITIONS is set to .true.'
@@ -313,13 +313,13 @@
-     print*, 'please modify Par_file'
+     print*, 'please modify Par_file and recompile solver'
      stop 'error: STACEY_INSTEAD_OF_FREE_SURFACE and PML_INSTEAD_OF_FREE_SURFACE are both set to .true.'
   ! checks the MOVIE_TYPE parameter
   if( MOVIE_TYPE /= 1 .and. MOVIE_TYPE /= 2 ) then
-     stop 'error: MOVIE_TYPE must be either 1 or 2! Please modify Par_file'
+     stop 'error: MOVIE_TYPE must be either 1 or 2! Please modify Par_file and recompile solver'
   ! check that the code has been compiled with the right values

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/prepare_timerun.F90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/prepare_timerun.F90	2013-05-07 19:00:15 UTC (rev 21997)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/prepare_timerun.F90	2013-05-07 19:56:46 UTC (rev 21998)
@@ -243,14 +243,22 @@
-    call assemble_MPI_scalar_ext_mesh(NPROC,NGLOB_AB,rmass_acoustic, &
+    call assemble_MPI_scalar_ext_mesh(NPROC,NGLOB_AB,rmass_acoustic,&
                         num_interfaces_ext_mesh,max_nibool_interfaces_ext_mesh, &
+    call assemble_MPI_scalar_ext_mesh(NPROC,NGLOB_AB,rmass_acoustic_interface, &
+                        num_interfaces_ext_mesh,max_nibool_interfaces_ext_mesh, &
+                        nibool_interfaces_ext_mesh,ibool_interfaces_ext_mesh,&
+                        my_neighbours_ext_mesh)
     ! fill mass matrix with fictitious non-zero values to make sure it can be inverted globally
     where(rmass_acoustic <= 0._CUSTOM_REAL) rmass_acoustic = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
     rmass_acoustic(:) = 1._CUSTOM_REAL / rmass_acoustic(:)
+    where(rmass_acoustic_interface <= 0._CUSTOM_REAL) rmass_acoustic_interface = 1._CUSTOM_REAL 
+    rmass_acoustic_interface(:) = 1._CUSTOM_REAL / rmass_acoustic_interface(:) 
@@ -462,7 +470,7 @@
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL):: scale_factorl
   integer :: i,j,k,ispec,ier
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: scale_factor,scale_factor_kappa !ZN
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: scale_factor,scale_factor_kappa 
   ! if attenuation is on, shift shear moduli to center frequency of absorption period band, i.e.
   ! rescale mu to average (central) frequency for attenuation
@@ -476,13 +484,12 @@
     if( ier /= 0 ) call exit_mpi(myrank,'error allocation scale_factor')
     scale_factor(:,:,:,:) = 1._CUSTOM_REAL
-    one_minus_sum_beta_kappa(:,:,:,:) = 1._CUSTOM_REAL  !ZN
-    factor_common_kappa(:,:,:,:,:) = 1._CUSTOM_REAL  !ZN
-    allocate( scale_factor_kappa(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_ATTENUATION_AB_kappa),stat=ier)  !ZN
-    if( ier /= 0 ) call exit_mpi(myrank,'error allocation scale_factor_kappa')  !ZN
-    scale_factor_kappa(:,:,:,:) = 1._CUSTOM_REAL  !ZN
+    one_minus_sum_beta_kappa(:,:,:,:) = 1._CUSTOM_REAL  
+    factor_common_kappa(:,:,:,:,:) = 1._CUSTOM_REAL  
+    allocate( scale_factor_kappa(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_ATTENUATION_AB_kappa),stat=ier)  
+    if( ier /= 0 ) call exit_mpi(myrank,'error allocation scale_factor_kappa')  
+    scale_factor_kappa(:,:,:,:) = 1._CUSTOM_REAL  
     ! reads in attenuation arrays
     open(unit=27, file=prname(1:len_trim(prname))//'attenuation.bin', &
@@ -500,11 +507,11 @@
     read(27) factor_common
     read(27) scale_factor
-      read(27) one_minus_sum_beta_kappa !ZN
-      read(27) factor_common_kappa !ZN
-      read(27) scale_factor_kappa !ZN
-    endif !ZN
+      read(27) one_minus_sum_beta_kappa 
+      read(27) factor_common_kappa 
+      read(27) scale_factor_kappa 
+    endif 
@@ -538,11 +545,11 @@
             scale_factorl = scale_factor(i,j,k,ispec)
             mustore(i,j,k,ispec) = mustore(i,j,k,ispec) * scale_factorl
-            if(FULL_ATTENUATION_SOLID)then  !ZN
+            if(FULL_ATTENUATION_SOLID)then  
               ! scales kappa moduli
               scale_factorl = scale_factor_kappa(i,j,k,ispec)
               kappastore(i,j,k,ispec) = kappastore(i,j,k,ispec) * scale_factorl
-            endif  !ZN
+            endif  
@@ -550,7 +557,7 @@
-    deallocate(scale_factor_kappa) !ZN
+    deallocate(scale_factor_kappa) 
     ! statistics
     ! user output
@@ -567,14 +574,14 @@
     ! clear memory variables if attenuation
     ! initialize memory variables for attenuation
-    epsilondev_trace(:,:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL !ZN
+    epsilondev_trace(:,:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL 
     epsilondev_xx(:,:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
     epsilondev_yy(:,:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
     epsilondev_xy(:,:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
     epsilondev_xz(:,:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
     epsilondev_yz(:,:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-    R_trace(:,:,:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL !ZN
+    R_trace(:,:,:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL 
     R_xx(:,:,:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
     R_yy(:,:,:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
     R_xy(:,:,:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
@@ -582,7 +589,7 @@
     R_yz(:,:,:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-      R_trace(:,:,:,:,:) = VERYSMALLVAL !ZN
+      R_trace(:,:,:,:,:) = VERYSMALLVAL 
       R_xx(:,:,:,:,:) = VERYSMALLVAL
       R_yy(:,:,:,:,:) = VERYSMALLVAL
       R_xy(:,:,:,:,:) = VERYSMALLVAL
@@ -841,13 +848,13 @@
       ! memory variables if attenuation
       if( ATTENUATION ) then
-         b_R_trace = 0._CUSTOM_REAL !ZN
+         b_R_trace = 0._CUSTOM_REAL 
          b_R_xx = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
          b_R_yy = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
          b_R_xy = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
          b_R_xz = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
          b_R_yz = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
-         b_epsilondev_trace = 0._CUSTOM_REAL !ZN
+         b_epsilondev_trace = 0._CUSTOM_REAL 
          b_epsilondev_xx = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
          b_epsilondev_yy = 0._CUSTOM_REAL
          b_epsilondev_xy = 0._CUSTOM_REAL

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/read_mesh_databases.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/read_mesh_databases.f90	2013-05-07 19:00:15 UTC (rev 21997)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/read_mesh_databases.f90	2013-05-07 19:56:46 UTC (rev 21998)
@@ -92,6 +92,8 @@
     if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array potential_dot_acoustic'
     if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array potential_dot_dot_acoustic'
+    allocate(potential_dot_dot_acoustic_interface(NGLOB_AB),stat=ier) 
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array potential_dot_dot_acoustic_interface' 
     if( SIMULATION_TYPE /= 1 ) then
       if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array potential_acoustic_adj_coupling'
@@ -99,7 +101,10 @@
     ! mass matrix, density
     if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array rmass_acoustic'
+    allocate(rmass_acoustic_interface(NGLOB_AB),stat=ier)  
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array rmass_acoustic_interface' 
     read(27) rmass_acoustic
+    read(27) rmass_acoustic_interface  
     ! initializes mass matrix contribution
@@ -741,13 +746,11 @@
     if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array kappa_kl'
     ! anisotropic kernels
-    if ( ANISOTROPIC_KL ) then 
-      allocate(cijkl_kl(21,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_ADJOINT),stat=ier)
-      if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array cijkl_kl'
-    else 
-      allocate(cijkl_kl(1,1,1,1,1),stat=ier)
-      if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array cijkl_kl'
-    endif    
+!! DK DK commented this out for now; must be made optional
+!   allocate(cijkl_kl(21,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_ADJOINT),stat=ier)
+!   if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating array cijkl_kl'
+!! DK DK added this for now
+    allocate(cijkl_kl(1,1,1,1,1),stat=ier)
     ! derived kernels
     ! density prime kernel

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/specfem3D_par.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/specfem3D_par.f90	2013-05-07 19:00:15 UTC (rev 21997)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/src/specfem3D/specfem3D_par.f90	2013-05-07 19:56:46 UTC (rev 21998)
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: Veloc_dsm_boundary,Tract_dsm_boundary
 ! attenuation
   character(len=256) prname_Q
 ! additional mass matrix for ocean load
@@ -296,17 +296,17 @@
   implicit none
   ! memory variables and standard linear solids for attenuation
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: one_minus_sum_beta,one_minus_sum_beta_kappa !ZN
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: factor_common,factor_common_kappa !ZN
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: one_minus_sum_beta,one_minus_sum_beta_kappa 
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: factor_common,factor_common_kappa 
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(N_SLS) :: tau_sigma
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: min_resolved_period
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(N_SLS) :: &
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: &
-    R_trace,R_xx,R_yy,R_xy,R_xz,R_yz  !ZN
+    R_trace,R_xx,R_yy,R_xy,R_xz,R_yz  
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: &
-    epsilondev_trace,epsilondev_xx,epsilondev_yy,epsilondev_xy,epsilondev_xz,epsilondev_yz !ZN
+    epsilondev_trace,epsilondev_xx,epsilondev_yy,epsilondev_xy,epsilondev_xz,epsilondev_yz 
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: epsilon_trace_over_3
 ! displacement, velocity, acceleration
@@ -353,9 +353,9 @@
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(N_SLS) :: &
     b_alphaval, b_betaval, b_gammaval
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: &
-    b_R_trace,b_R_xx,b_R_yy,b_R_xy,b_R_xz,b_R_yz !ZN
+    b_R_trace,b_R_xx,b_R_yy,b_R_xy,b_R_xz,b_R_yz 
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: &
-    b_epsilondev_trace,b_epsilondev_xx,b_epsilondev_yy,b_epsilondev_xy,b_epsilondev_xz,b_epsilondev_yz !ZN
+    b_epsilondev_trace,b_epsilondev_xx,b_epsilondev_yy,b_epsilondev_xy,b_epsilondev_xz,b_epsilondev_yz 
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: b_epsilon_trace_over_3
   ! adjoint kernels
@@ -396,12 +396,13 @@
   implicit none
 ! potential
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), allocatable :: potential_acoustic, &
-                        potential_dot_acoustic,potential_dot_dot_acoustic
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), allocatable :: potential_acoustic,potential_dot_acoustic, &
+                                    potential_dot_dot_acoustic,potential_dot_dot_acoustic_interface 
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), allocatable :: potential_acoustic_adj_coupling
 ! mass matrix
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), allocatable :: rmass_acoustic
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), allocatable :: rmass_acoustic_interface 
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), allocatable :: rmassz_acoustic
 ! acoustic-elastic coupling surface

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