[cig-commits] r22042 - short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/meshio

knepley at geodynamics.org knepley at geodynamics.org
Fri May 10 20:43:34 PDT 2013

Author: knepley
Date: 2013-05-10 20:43:34 -0700 (Fri, 10 May 2013)
New Revision: 22042

Removed sieve from MeshIO

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/meshio/MeshIO.cc
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/meshio/MeshIO.cc	2013-05-11 03:35:34 UTC (rev 22041)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/libsrc/pylith/meshio/MeshIO.cc	2013-05-11 03:43:34 UTC (rev 22042)
@@ -28,18 +28,11 @@
 #include "spatialdata/geocoords/CoordSys.hh" // USES CoordSys
-#include "Selection.hh" // USES boundary()
 #include <cassert> // USES assert()
 #include <sstream> // USES std::ostringstream
 #include <stdexcept> // USES std::runtime_error
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-typedef pylith::topology::Mesh::SieveMesh SieveMesh;
-typedef pylith::topology::Mesh::RealSection RealSection;
-typedef pylith::topology::Mesh::IntSection IntSection;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Constructor
 pylith::meshio::MeshIO::MeshIO(void) :
@@ -120,40 +113,6 @@
-#if 0 // Sieve
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh>& sieveMesh = _mesh->sieveMesh();
-  assert(!sieveMesh.isNull());
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh::label_sequence>& vertices = sieveMesh->depthStratum(0);
-  assert(!vertices.isNull());
-  const SieveMesh::label_sequence::iterator verticesBegin = vertices->begin();
-  const SieveMesh::label_sequence::iterator verticesEnd = vertices->end();
-  const ALE::Obj<RealSection>& coordsField =
-    sieveMesh->hasRealSection("coordinates_dimensioned") ?
-    sieveMesh->getRealSection("coordinates_dimensioned") :
-    sieveMesh->getRealSection("coordinates");
-  assert(!coordsField.isNull());
-  *numVertices = vertices->size();
-  assert(*numVertices > 0);
-  assert(vertices->size() > 0);
-  *spaceDim = coordsField->getFiberDimension(*vertices->begin());
-  assert(*spaceDim > 0);
-  const int size = (*numVertices) * (*spaceDim);
-  coordinates->resize(size);
-  int i = 0;
-  for (SieveMesh::label_sequence::iterator v_iter=verticesBegin;
-      v_iter != verticesEnd;
-      ++v_iter) {
-    const RealSection::value_type *vertexCoords = 
-      coordsField->restrictPoint(*v_iter);
-    for (int iDim=0; iDim < *spaceDim; ++iDim)
-      (*coordinates)[i++] = vertexCoords[iDim];
-  } // for
   const spatialdata::geocoords::CoordSys* cs = _mesh->coordsys();assert(cs);
   *spaceDim = cs->spaceDim();
@@ -198,44 +157,6 @@
-#if 0 // Sieve
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh>& sieveMesh = _mesh->sieveMesh();
-  assert(!sieveMesh.isNull());
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh::sieve_type>& sieve = sieveMesh->getSieve();
-  assert(!sieve.isNull());
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh::label_sequence>& meshCells = sieveMesh->heightStratum(0);
-  assert(!meshCells.isNull());
-  const SieveMesh::label_sequence::iterator meshCellsBegin = meshCells->begin();
-  const SieveMesh::label_sequence::iterator meshCellsEnd = meshCells->end();
-  *meshDim = _mesh->dimension();
-  *numCells = meshCells->size();
-  *numCorners = sieveMesh->getNumCellCorners();
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh::numbering_type>& vNumbering = 
-    sieveMesh->getFactory()->getLocalNumbering(sieveMesh, 0);
-  const int size = (*numCells) * (*numCorners);
-  cells->resize(size);
-  ALE::ISieveVisitor::PointRetriever<SieveMesh::sieve_type> 
-    pV(sieve->getMaxConeSize());
-  int i = 0;
-  for(SieveMesh::label_sequence::iterator e_iter = meshCellsBegin;
-      e_iter != meshCellsEnd;
-      ++e_iter) {
-    sieve->cone(*e_iter, pV);
-    const SieveMesh::point_type *cone = pV.getPoints();
-    const int coneSize = pV.getSize();
-    assert(coneSize == *numCorners);
-    for(int p = 0; p < coneSize; ++p, ++i) {
-      (*cells)[i] = vNumbering->getIndex(cone[p]);
-    }
-    pV.clear();
-  } // for
-#endif // Sieve
   PetscDM dmMesh = _mesh->dmMesh();assert(dmMesh);
   topology::Stratum cellsStratum(dmMesh, topology::Stratum::HEIGHT, 0);
   const PetscInt cStart = cellsStratum.begin();
@@ -285,29 +206,6 @@
   PetscErrorCode err;
   if (!_mesh->commRank()) {
-#if 1 // Sieve
-    const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh>& sieveMesh = _mesh->sieveMesh();
-    if (!sieveMesh.isNull()) {
-      const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh::label_type>& labelMaterials = sieveMesh->createLabel("material-id");
-      const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh::label_sequence>& cells = sieveMesh->heightStratum(0);
-      assert(!cells.isNull());
-      const SieveMesh::label_sequence::iterator cellsBegin = cells->begin();
-      const SieveMesh::label_sequence::iterator cellsEnd = cells->end();
-      const int numCells = materialIds.size();
-      if (cells->size() != numCells) {
-        std::ostringstream msg;
-        msg << "Mismatch in size of materials identifier array ("
-            << numCells << ") and number of cells in mesh ("<< cells->size() << ").";
-        throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
-      } // if
-      int i = 0;
-      for(SieveMesh::label_sequence::iterator e_iter = cellsBegin; e_iter != cellsEnd; ++e_iter) {
-        sieveMesh->setValue(labelMaterials, *e_iter, materialIds[i++]);
-      }
-    }
-#endif // Sieve
     PetscDM dmMesh = _mesh->dmMesh();assert(dmMesh);
     topology::Stratum cellsStratum(dmMesh, topology::Stratum::HEIGHT, 0);
     const PetscInt cStart = cellsStratum.begin();
@@ -338,32 +236,6 @@
-#if 0 // Sieve
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh>& sieveMesh = _mesh->sieveMesh();
-  assert(!sieveMesh.isNull());
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh::label_sequence>& cells = 
-    sieveMesh->heightStratum(0);
-  assert(!cells.isNull());
-  const SieveMesh::label_sequence::iterator cellsBegin = cells->begin();
-  const SieveMesh::label_sequence::iterator cellsEnd = cells->end();
-  const int numCells = cells->size();
-  const int size = numCells;
-  materialIds->resize(size);
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh::label_type>& labelMaterials = 
-    sieveMesh->getLabel("material-id");
-  const int idDefault = 0;
-  int i = 0;
-  for(SieveMesh::label_sequence::iterator e_iter = cellsBegin;
-      e_iter != cellsEnd;
-      ++e_iter)
-    (*materialIds)[i++] = 
-      sieveMesh->getValue(labelMaterials, *e_iter, idDefault);
-#endif // Sieve
   PetscDM dmMesh = _mesh->dmMesh();assert(dmMesh);
   topology::Stratum cellsStratum(dmMesh, topology::Stratum::HEIGHT, 0);
   const PetscInt cStart = cellsStratum.begin();
@@ -391,35 +263,6 @@
-#if 1 // Sieve
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh>& sieveMesh = _mesh->sieveMesh();
-  if (!sieveMesh.isNull()) {
-    if (sieveMesh->hasIntSection(name)) {
-      std::ostringstream msg;
-      msg << "Could not setup group '" << name
-          << "'. Group already exists in mesh.";
-      throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
-    } // if
-    const ALE::Obj<IntSection>& groupField = sieveMesh->getIntSection(name);
-    assert(!groupField.isNull());
-    const int numPoints   = points.size();
-    const int numVertices = sieveMesh->depthStratum(0)->size();
-    const int numCells    = sieveMesh->heightStratum(0)->size();
-    if (CELL == type) {
-      groupField->setChart(IntSection::chart_type(0,numCells));
-      for(int i=0; i < numPoints; ++i)
-        groupField->setFiberDimension(points[i], 1);
-    } else if (VERTEX == type) {
-      groupField->setChart(IntSection::chart_type(numCells, numCells+numVertices));
-      for(int i=0; i < numPoints; ++i)
-        groupField->setFiberDimension(numCells+points[i], 1);
-    } // if/else
-    sieveMesh->allocate(groupField);
-  }
-#endif // Sieve
   PetscDM dmMesh = _mesh->dmMesh();assert(dmMesh);
   const PetscInt numPoints = points.size();
   PetscErrorCode err;
@@ -449,49 +292,8 @@
   // dmMesh does not need to broadcast the label names. They come from proc 0.
-#if 1 // Sieve
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh>& sieveMesh = _mesh->sieveMesh();
-  if (!sieveMesh.isNull()) {
-    if (!sieveMesh->commRank()) {
-      const ALE::Obj<std::set<std::string> >& sectionNames = 
-        sieveMesh->getIntSections();
-      int numGroups = sectionNames->size();
-      MPI_Bcast(&numGroups, 1, MPI_INT, 0, sieveMesh->comm());
-      const std::set<std::string>::const_iterator namesEnd = sectionNames->end();
-      for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator name=sectionNames->begin();
-           name != namesEnd;
-           ++name) {
-        int len = name->size();
-        MPI_Bcast(&len, 1, MPI_INT, 0, sieveMesh->comm());
-        MPI_Bcast((void *) name->c_str(), len, MPI_CHAR, 0, sieveMesh->comm());
-      }
-    } else {
-      int numGroups;
-      MPI_Bcast(&numGroups, 1, MPI_INT, 0, sieveMesh->comm());
-      for(int g = 0; g < numGroups; ++g) {
-        char *name;
-        int   len;
-        MPI_Bcast(&len, 1, MPI_INT, 0, sieveMesh->comm());
-        name = new char[len+1];
-        MPI_Bcast(name, len, MPI_CHAR, 0, sieveMesh->comm());
-        name[len] = 0;
-        const ALE::Obj<IntSection>& groupField = sieveMesh->getIntSection(name);
-        assert(!groupField.isNull());
-        sieveMesh->allocate(groupField);
-        delete [] name;
-      } // for
-    } // if/else
-  }
-#endif // Sieve
 } // _distributeGroups
@@ -505,23 +307,6 @@
-#if 0 // Sieve
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh>& sieveMesh = _mesh->sieveMesh();
-  assert(!sieveMesh.isNull());
-  const ALE::Obj<std::set<std::string> >& sectionNames = 
-    sieveMesh->getIntSections();
-  const int numGroups = sectionNames->size();
-  names->resize(numGroups);
-  const std::set<std::string>::const_iterator namesEnd = sectionNames->end();
-  int i=0;
-  for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator name=sectionNames->begin();
-       name != namesEnd;
-       ++name)
-    (*names)[i++] = *name;
-#endif // Sieve
   PetscDM dmMesh = _mesh->dmMesh();assert(dmMesh);
   PetscInt numGroups = 0;
   PetscErrorCode err = 0;
@@ -551,53 +336,6 @@
-#if 0
-  const ALE::Obj<SieveMesh>& sieveMesh = _mesh->sieveMesh();
-  assert(!sieveMesh.isNull());
-  if (!sieveMesh->hasIntSection(name)) {
-    std::ostringstream msg;
-    msg << "Could not get group '" << name
-	<< "'. Group missing from mesh.";
-    throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
-  } // if
-  const ALE::Obj<IntSection>& groupField = sieveMesh->getIntSection(name);
-  assert(!groupField.isNull());
-  const IntSection::chart_type& chart = groupField->getChart();
-  SieveMesh::point_type firstPoint;
-  IntSection::chart_type::const_iterator chartEnd = chart.end();
-  for(IntSection::chart_type::const_iterator c_iter=chart.begin();
-      c_iter != chartEnd;
-      ++c_iter) {
-    if (groupField->getFiberDimension(*c_iter)) {
-      firstPoint = *c_iter;
-      break;
-    } // if
-  }
-  ALE::Obj<SieveMesh::numbering_type> numbering;
-  if (sieveMesh->height(firstPoint) == 0) {
-    *groupType = CELL;
-    numbering = sieveMesh->getFactory()->getNumbering(sieveMesh, 
-						      sieveMesh->depth());
-  } else {
-    *groupType = VERTEX;
-    numbering = sieveMesh->getFactory()->getNumbering(sieveMesh, 0);
-  } // if/else
-  const int numPoints = groupField->size();
-  points->resize(numPoints);
-  int i = 0;
-  for(IntSection::chart_type::const_iterator c_iter=chart.begin();
-      c_iter != chartEnd;
-      ++c_iter) {
-    assert(!numbering.isNull());
-    if (groupField->getFiberDimension(*c_iter)) (*points)[i++] = 
-      numbering->getIndex(*c_iter);
-  } // for
   PetscDM dmMesh = _mesh->dmMesh();assert(dmMesh);
   topology::Stratum cellsStratum(dmMesh, topology::Stratum::HEIGHT, 0);
   const PetscInt cStart = cellsStratum.begin();

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