[cig-commits] r22103 - in short/3D/PyLith/trunk/doc/userguide/tutorials/shearwave: . figs

brad at geodynamics.org brad at geodynamics.org
Fri May 17 17:21:58 PDT 2013

Author: brad
Date: 2013-05-17 17:21:58 -0700 (Fri, 17 May 2013)
New Revision: 22103

Switch eps to pdf files.

Deleted: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/doc/userguide/tutorials/shearwave/figs/bar.eps
(Binary files differ)

Added: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/doc/userguide/tutorials/shearwave/figs/bar.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/doc/userguide/tutorials/shearwave/figs/bar.pdf
Added: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Modified: short/3D/PyLith/trunk/doc/userguide/tutorials/shearwave/shearwave.lyx
--- short/3D/PyLith/trunk/doc/userguide/tutorials/shearwave/shearwave.lyx	2013-05-18 00:19:26 UTC (rev 22102)
+++ short/3D/PyLith/trunk/doc/userguide/tutorials/shearwave/shearwave.lyx	2013-05-18 00:21:58 UTC (rev 22103)
@@ -1,180 +1,179 @@
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-Shear Wave in a Bar
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-This suite of examples focuses on the dynamics of a shear wave propagating
- down an 8 km-long bar with a 400 m-wide cross-section.
- Motion is limited to shear deformation by fixing the longitudinal degree
- of freedom.
- For each cell type (tri3, quad4, tet4, and hex8) we generate a shear wave
- using a kinematic fault rupture with simultaneous slip over the fault surface,
- which we place at the center of the bar.
- The discretization size is 200 m in all cases.
- The slip-time histories follow the integral of Brune's far-field time function
- with slip initiating at 0.1 s, a left-lateral final slip of 1.0 m, and a
- rise time of 2.0 s.
- The shear wave speed in the bar is 1.0 km/s, so the shear wave reaches each
- end of the bar at 4.1 s.
- Absorbing boundaries on the ends of the bar prevent significant reflections.
- The bar comes to a rest with a static offset.
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-\begin_layout Plain Layout
-Domain for shear wave propagation in a 8.0 km bar with 400 m cross-section.
- We generate a shear wave via slip on a fault located in the middle of the
- bar while limiting deformation to the transverse direction.
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-name "fig:shearwave:domain"
-\begin_layout Standard
-For the bar discretized with quad4 cells we also consider the fault subjected
- to frictional sliding controlled by static friction, linear slip-weakening
- friction, and rate- and state-friction.
- We use initial tractions applied to the fault to drive the dislocation
- and generate the shear wave.
- Because the fault tractions are constant in time, they continue to drive
- the motion even after the shear wave reaches the absorbing boundary, leading
- to a steady state solution with uniform shear deformation in the bar and
- a constant slip rate on the fault.
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+\begin_layout Section
+Shear Wave in a Bar
+\begin_layout Standard
+This suite of examples focuses on the dynamics of a shear wave propagating
+ down an 8 km-long bar with a 400 m-wide cross-section.
+ Motion is limited to shear deformation by fixing the longitudinal degree
+ of freedom.
+ For each cell type (tri3, quad4, tet4, and hex8) we generate a shear wave
+ using a kinematic fault rupture with simultaneous slip over the fault surface,
+ which we place at the center of the bar.
+ The discretization size is 200 m in all cases.
+ The slip-time histories follow the integral of Brune's far-field time function
+ with slip initiating at 0.1 s, a left-lateral final slip of 1.0 m, and a
+ rise time of 2.0 s.
+ The shear wave speed in the bar is 1.0 km/s, so the shear wave reaches each
+ end of the bar at 4.1 s.
+ Absorbing boundaries on the ends of the bar prevent significant reflections.
+ The bar comes to a rest with a static offset.
+\begin_layout Standard
+\begin_inset Float figure
+wide false
+sideways false
+status open
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+\align center
+\begin_inset Graphics
+	filename figs/bar.pdf
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+\begin_inset Caption
+\begin_layout Plain Layout
+Domain for shear wave propagation in a 8.0 km bar with 400 m cross-section.
+ We generate a shear wave via slip on a fault located in the middle of the
+ bar while limiting deformation to the transverse direction.
+\begin_inset CommandInset label
+LatexCommand label
+name "fig:shearwave:domain"
+\begin_layout Standard
+For the bar discretized with quad4 cells we also consider the fault subjected
+ to frictional sliding controlled by static friction, linear slip-weakening
+ friction, and rate- and state-friction.
+ We use initial tractions applied to the fault to drive the dislocation
+ and generate the shear wave.
+ Because the fault tractions are constant in time, they continue to drive
+ the motion even after the shear wave reaches the absorbing boundary, leading
+ to a steady state solution with uniform shear deformation in the bar and
+ a constant slip rate on the fault.
+\begin_layout Standard
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+LatexCommand input
+filename "tri3.lyx"
+\begin_inset CommandInset include
+LatexCommand input
+filename "tet4.lyx"
+\begin_inset CommandInset include
+LatexCommand input
+filename "hex8.lyx"
+\begin_inset CommandInset include
+LatexCommand input
+filename "quad4.lyx"

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