[cig-commits] [commit] : split the forward and the backward calculations into two sets of loops in order to be able to add the Deville et al. (2002) routines later (15830b6)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Thu Nov 14 20:16:18 PST 2013

Repository : ssh://geoshell/specfem3d

On branch  : 
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem2d/compare/1e201257d91c794056b990a43329e05d04f77454...0000000000000000000000000000000000000000


commit 15830b61363dc35355be53a60391bf428a7bb98e
Author: Dimitri Komatitsch <komatitsch at lma.cnrs-mrs.fr>
Date:   Tue Dec 29 19:00:51 2009 +0000

    split the forward and the backward calculations into two sets of loops
    in order to be able to add the Deville et al. (2002) routines later


 Makefile.in                      |   1 +
 create_header_file.f90           |   2 +-
 flags.guess                      |   7 +-
 specfem3D.f90                    | 544 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 todo_list_please_dont_remove.txt |   5 +-
 5 files changed, 390 insertions(+), 169 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile.in b/Makefile.in
index 5c28e08..beb18bd 100644
--- a/Makefile.in
+++ b/Makefile.in
@@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ LIBSPECFEM = $(COND_PYRE_OBJECTS) $O/libspecfem.a
 @COND_PYRE_FALSE@	convolve_source_timefunction \
 @COND_PYRE_FALSE@	create_movie_shakemap_AVS_DX_GMT \
 @COND_PYRE_FALSE@	meshfem3D \
+ at COND_PYRE_FALSE@	specfem3D \
 # default targets for the Pyrized version
diff --git a/create_header_file.f90 b/create_header_file.f90
index b29947b..266db3f 100644
--- a/create_header_file.f90
+++ b/create_header_file.f90
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
   print *
   print *,'edit file OUTPUT_FILES/values_from_mesher.h to see some statistics about the mesh'
   print *
-  print *,'on NEC SX-5 and Earth Simulator, make sure "loopcnt=" parameter'
+  print *,'on NEC SX, make sure "loopcnt=" parameter'
   print *,'in Makefile is greater than max vector length = ',NGLOB_AB
   print *
diff --git a/flags.guess b/flags.guess
index 3d841f7..7ae233e 100644
--- a/flags.guess
+++ b/flags.guess
@@ -26,13 +26,16 @@ case $FC in
         # Intel ifort Fortran90 for Linux
         if test x"$FLAGS_CHECK" = x; then
-            FLAGS_CHECK="-O3 -vec-report0 -e95 -std03 -implicitnone -warn truncated_source -warn argument_checking -warn unused -warn declarations -warn alignments -warn ignore_loc -warn usage -check nobounds -align sequence -assume byterecl -fpe0 -ftz -traceback -ftrapuv" # -mcmodel=medium
+            FLAGS_CHECK="-O3 -vec-report0 -e03 -std03 -implicitnone -warn truncated_source -warn argument_checking -warn unused -warn declarations -warn alignments -warn ignore_loc -warn usage -check nobounds -align sequence -assume byterecl -fpe0 -ftz -traceback -ftrapuv" # -mcmodel=medium
         if test x"$FLAGS_NO_CHECK" = x; then
 # standard options (leave option -ftz, which is *critical* for performance)
 # add -Winline to get information about routines that are inlined
 # add -vec-report3 to get information about loops that are vectorized or not
-            FLAGS_NO_CHECK="-O3 -xP -vec-report0 -e95 -std03 -implicitnone -warn truncated_source -warn argument_checking -warn unused -warn declarations -warn alignments -warn ignore_loc -warn usage -check nobounds -align sequence -assume byterecl -fpe3 -ftz" # -mcmodel=medium
+# use -xP or -xS with Intel version 10, -xSSE4.2 with Intel version 11 (for Intel Nehalem processors; otherwise -xS is fine)
+            FLAGS_NO_CHECK="-O3 -xS -vec-report0 -e03 -std03 -implicitnone -warn truncated_source -warn argument_checking -warn unused -warn declarations -warn alignments -warn ignore_loc -warn usage -check nobounds -align sequence -assume byterecl -fpe3 -ftz" # -mcmodel=medium
         #MPI_LIBS = -Vaxlib
diff --git a/specfem3D.f90 b/specfem3D.f90
index 88fd52c..e399598 100644
--- a/specfem3D.f90
+++ b/specfem3D.f90
@@ -1570,6 +1570,10 @@
+! beginning of nested loops on i,j,k to perform the forward calculations in a given element (ispec)
     do k=1,NGLLZ
       do j=1,NGLLY
         do i=1,NGLLX
@@ -1586,7 +1590,250 @@
           tempz2l = 0.
           tempz3l = 0.
-          if (SIMULATION_TYPE == 3) then
+          do l=1,NGLLX
+            hp1 = hprime_xx(i,l)
+            iglob = ibool(l,j,k,ispec)
+            tempx1l = tempx1l + displ(1,iglob)*hp1
+            tempy1l = tempy1l + displ(2,iglob)*hp1
+            tempz1l = tempz1l + displ(3,iglob)*hp1
+!!! can merge these loops because NGLLX = NGLLY = NGLLZ          enddo
+!!! can merge these loops because NGLLX = NGLLY = NGLLZ          do l=1,NGLLY
+            hp2 = hprime_yy(j,l)
+            iglob = ibool(i,l,k,ispec)
+            tempx2l = tempx2l + displ(1,iglob)*hp2
+            tempy2l = tempy2l + displ(2,iglob)*hp2
+            tempz2l = tempz2l + displ(3,iglob)*hp2
+!!! can merge these loops because NGLLX = NGLLY = NGLLZ          enddo
+!!! can merge these loops because NGLLX = NGLLY = NGLLZ          do l=1,NGLLZ
+            hp3 = hprime_zz(k,l)
+            iglob = ibool(i,j,l,ispec)
+            tempx3l = tempx3l + displ(1,iglob)*hp3
+            tempy3l = tempy3l + displ(2,iglob)*hp3
+            tempz3l = tempz3l + displ(3,iglob)*hp3
+          enddo
+!         get derivatives of ux, uy and uz with respect to x, y and z
+          xixl = xix(i,j,k,ispec)
+          xiyl = xiy(i,j,k,ispec)
+          xizl = xiz(i,j,k,ispec)
+          etaxl = etax(i,j,k,ispec)
+          etayl = etay(i,j,k,ispec)
+          etazl = etaz(i,j,k,ispec)
+          gammaxl = gammax(i,j,k,ispec)
+          gammayl = gammay(i,j,k,ispec)
+          gammazl = gammaz(i,j,k,ispec)
+          jacobianl = jacobian(i,j,k,ispec)
+          duxdxl = xixl*tempx1l + etaxl*tempx2l + gammaxl*tempx3l
+          duxdyl = xiyl*tempx1l + etayl*tempx2l + gammayl*tempx3l
+          duxdzl = xizl*tempx1l + etazl*tempx2l + gammazl*tempx3l
+          duydxl = xixl*tempy1l + etaxl*tempy2l + gammaxl*tempy3l
+          duydyl = xiyl*tempy1l + etayl*tempy2l + gammayl*tempy3l
+          duydzl = xizl*tempy1l + etazl*tempy2l + gammazl*tempy3l
+          duzdxl = xixl*tempz1l + etaxl*tempz2l + gammaxl*tempz3l
+          duzdyl = xiyl*tempz1l + etayl*tempz2l + gammayl*tempz3l
+          duzdzl = xizl*tempz1l + etazl*tempz2l + gammazl*tempz3l
+! precompute some sums to save CPU time
+          duxdxl_plus_duydyl = duxdxl + duydyl
+          duxdxl_plus_duzdzl = duxdxl + duzdzl
+          duydyl_plus_duzdzl = duydyl + duzdzl
+          duxdyl_plus_duydxl = duxdyl + duydxl
+          duzdxl_plus_duxdzl = duzdxl + duxdzl
+          duzdyl_plus_duydzl = duzdyl + duydzl
+! precompute terms for attenuation if needed
+  if(ATTENUATION_VAL .and. not_fully_in_bedrock(ispec)) then
+! compute deviatoric strain
+    epsilon_trace_over_3 = ONE_THIRD * (duxdxl + duydyl + duzdzl)
+    epsilondev_xx_loc(i,j,k) = duxdxl - epsilon_trace_over_3
+    epsilondev_yy_loc(i,j,k) = duydyl - epsilon_trace_over_3
+    epsilondev_xy_loc(i,j,k) = 0.5 * duxdyl_plus_duydxl
+    epsilondev_xz_loc(i,j,k) = 0.5 * duzdxl_plus_duxdzl
+    epsilondev_yz_loc(i,j,k) = 0.5 * duzdyl_plus_duydzl
+! distinguish attenuation factors
+    if(flag_sediments(i,j,k,ispec)) then
+! use constant attenuation of Q = 90
+! or use scaling rule similar to Olsen et al. (2003)
+       vs_val = mustore(i,j,k,ispec) / rho_vs(i,j,k,ispec)
+! use rule Q_mu = constant * v_s
+       Q_mu = OLSEN_ATTENUATION_RATIO * vs_val
+       int_Q_mu = 10 * nint(Q_mu / 10.)
+       if(int_Q_mu < 40) int_Q_mu = 40
+       if(int_Q_mu > 150) int_Q_mu = 150
+       if(int_Q_mu == 40) then
+         iattenuation_sediments = IATTENUATION_SEDIMENTS_40
+       else if(int_Q_mu == 50) then
+         iattenuation_sediments = IATTENUATION_SEDIMENTS_50
+       else if(int_Q_mu == 60) then
+         iattenuation_sediments = IATTENUATION_SEDIMENTS_60
+       else if(int_Q_mu == 70) then
+         iattenuation_sediments = IATTENUATION_SEDIMENTS_70
+       else if(int_Q_mu == 80) then
+         iattenuation_sediments = IATTENUATION_SEDIMENTS_80
+       else if(int_Q_mu == 90) then
+         iattenuation_sediments = IATTENUATION_SEDIMENTS_90
+       else if(int_Q_mu == 100) then
+         iattenuation_sediments = IATTENUATION_SEDIMENTS_100
+       else if(int_Q_mu == 110) then
+         iattenuation_sediments = IATTENUATION_SEDIMENTS_110
+       else if(int_Q_mu == 120) then
+         iattenuation_sediments = IATTENUATION_SEDIMENTS_120
+       else if(int_Q_mu == 130) then
+         iattenuation_sediments = IATTENUATION_SEDIMENTS_130
+       else if(int_Q_mu == 140) then
+         iattenuation_sediments = IATTENUATION_SEDIMENTS_140
+       else if(int_Q_mu == 150) then
+         iattenuation_sediments = IATTENUATION_SEDIMENTS_150
+       else
+         stop 'incorrect attenuation coefficient'
+       endif
+     else
+       iattenuation_sediments = IATTENUATION_SEDIMENTS_90
+     endif
+      iselected = iattenuation_sediments
+    else
+      iselected = IATTENUATION_BEDROCK
+    endif
+    one_minus_sum_beta_use = one_minus_sum_beta(iselected)
+    minus_sum_beta =  one_minus_sum_beta_use - 1.
+  endif
+    kappal = kappastore(i,j,k,ispec)
+    mul = mustore(i,j,k,ispec)
+! For fully anisotropic case
+    if(ANISOTROPY_VAL) then
+       c11 = c11store(i,j,k,ispec)
+       c12 = c12store(i,j,k,ispec)
+       c13 = c13store(i,j,k,ispec)
+       c14 = c14store(i,j,k,ispec)
+       c15 = c15store(i,j,k,ispec)
+       c16 = c16store(i,j,k,ispec)
+       c22 = c22store(i,j,k,ispec)
+       c23 = c23store(i,j,k,ispec)
+       c24 = c24store(i,j,k,ispec)
+       c25 = c25store(i,j,k,ispec)
+       c26 = c26store(i,j,k,ispec)
+       c33 = c33store(i,j,k,ispec)
+       c34 = c34store(i,j,k,ispec)
+       c35 = c35store(i,j,k,ispec)
+       c36 = c36store(i,j,k,ispec)
+       c44 = c44store(i,j,k,ispec)
+       c45 = c45store(i,j,k,ispec)
+       c46 = c46store(i,j,k,ispec)
+       c55 = c55store(i,j,k,ispec)
+       c56 = c56store(i,j,k,ispec)
+       c66 = c66store(i,j,k,ispec)
+       !if(ATTENUATION_VAL.and. not_fully_in_bedrock(ispec)) then
+       !   mul = c44
+       !   c11 = c11 + FOUR_THIRDS * minus_sum_beta * mul
+       !   c12 = c12 - TWO_THIRDS * minus_sum_beta * mul
+       !   c13 = c13 - TWO_THIRDS * minus_sum_beta * mul
+       !   c22 = c22 + FOUR_THIRDS * minus_sum_beta * mul
+       !   c23 = c23 - TWO_THIRDS * minus_sum_beta * mul
+       !   c33 = c33 + FOUR_THIRDS * minus_sum_beta * mul
+       !   c44 = c44 + minus_sum_beta * mul
+       !   c55 = c55 + minus_sum_beta * mul
+       !   c66 = c66 + minus_sum_beta * mul
+       !endif
+       sigma_xx = c11*duxdxl + c16*duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c12*duydyl + &
+            c15*duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c14*duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c13*duzdzl
+       sigma_yy = c12*duxdxl + c26*duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c22*duydyl + &
+            c25*duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c24*duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c23*duzdzl
+       sigma_zz = c13*duxdxl + c36*duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c23*duydyl + &
+            c35*duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c34*duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c33*duzdzl
+       sigma_xy = c16*duxdxl + c66*duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c26*duydyl + &
+            c56*duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c46*duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c36*duzdzl
+       sigma_xz = c15*duxdxl + c56*duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c25*duydyl + &
+            c55*duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c45*duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c35*duzdzl
+       sigma_yz = c14*duxdxl + c46*duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c24*duydyl + &
+            c45*duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c44*duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c34*duzdzl
+    else
+! For isotropic case
+! use unrelaxed parameters if attenuation
+       if(ATTENUATION_VAL .and. not_fully_in_bedrock(ispec)) mul = mul * one_minus_sum_beta_use
+       lambdalplus2mul = kappal + FOUR_THIRDS * mul
+       lambdal = lambdalplus2mul - 2.*mul
+! compute stress sigma
+       sigma_xx = lambdalplus2mul*duxdxl + lambdal*duydyl_plus_duzdzl
+       sigma_yy = lambdalplus2mul*duydyl + lambdal*duxdxl_plus_duzdzl
+       sigma_zz = lambdalplus2mul*duzdzl + lambdal*duxdxl_plus_duydyl
+       sigma_xy = mul*duxdyl_plus_duydxl
+       sigma_xz = mul*duzdxl_plus_duxdzl
+       sigma_yz = mul*duzdyl_plus_duydzl
+    endif
+! subtract memory variables if attenuation
+    if(ATTENUATION_VAL .and. not_fully_in_bedrock(ispec)) then
+      do i_sls = 1,N_SLS
+        R_xx_val = R_xx(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
+        R_yy_val = R_yy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
+        sigma_xx = sigma_xx - R_xx_val
+        sigma_yy = sigma_yy - R_yy_val
+        sigma_zz = sigma_zz + R_xx_val + R_yy_val
+        sigma_xy = sigma_xy - R_xy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
+        sigma_xz = sigma_xz - R_xz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
+        sigma_yz = sigma_yz - R_yz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
+      enddo
+    endif
+! form dot product with test vector, symmetric form
+      tempx1(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xx*xixl + sigma_xy*xiyl + sigma_xz*xizl)
+      tempy1(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xy*xixl + sigma_yy*xiyl + sigma_yz*xizl)
+      tempz1(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xz*xixl + sigma_yz*xiyl + sigma_zz*xizl)
+      tempx2(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xx*etaxl + sigma_xy*etayl + sigma_xz*etazl)
+      tempy2(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xy*etaxl + sigma_yy*etayl + sigma_yz*etazl)
+      tempz2(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xz*etaxl + sigma_yz*etayl + sigma_zz*etazl)
+      tempx3(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xx*gammaxl + sigma_xy*gammayl + sigma_xz*gammazl)
+      tempy3(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xy*gammaxl + sigma_yy*gammayl + sigma_yz*gammazl)
+      tempz3(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xz*gammaxl + sigma_yz*gammayl + sigma_zz*gammazl)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+! end of nested loops on i,j,k to perform the forward calculations in a given element (ispec)
+! beginning of nested loops on i,j,k to perform the backward calculations in a given element (ispec)
+    if (SIMULATION_TYPE == 3) then
+    do k=1,NGLLZ
+      do j=1,NGLLY
+        do i=1,NGLLX
             b_tempx1l = 0.
             b_tempx2l = 0.
             b_tempx3l = 0.
@@ -1598,45 +1845,29 @@
             b_tempz1l = 0.
             b_tempz2l = 0.
             b_tempz3l = 0.
-          endif
           do l=1,NGLLX
             hp1 = hprime_xx(i,l)
             iglob = ibool(l,j,k,ispec)
-            tempx1l = tempx1l + displ(1,iglob)*hp1
-            tempy1l = tempy1l + displ(2,iglob)*hp1
-            tempz1l = tempz1l + displ(3,iglob)*hp1
-            if (SIMULATION_TYPE == 3) then
-              b_tempx1l = b_tempx1l + b_displ(1,iglob)*hp1
-              b_tempy1l = b_tempy1l + b_displ(2,iglob)*hp1
-              b_tempz1l = b_tempz1l + b_displ(3,iglob)*hp1
-            endif
+            b_tempx1l = b_tempx1l + b_displ(1,iglob)*hp1
+            b_tempy1l = b_tempy1l + b_displ(2,iglob)*hp1
+            b_tempz1l = b_tempz1l + b_displ(3,iglob)*hp1
 !!! can merge these loops because NGLLX = NGLLY = NGLLZ          enddo
 !!! can merge these loops because NGLLX = NGLLY = NGLLZ          do l=1,NGLLY
             hp2 = hprime_yy(j,l)
             iglob = ibool(i,l,k,ispec)
-            tempx2l = tempx2l + displ(1,iglob)*hp2
-            tempy2l = tempy2l + displ(2,iglob)*hp2
-            tempz2l = tempz2l + displ(3,iglob)*hp2
-            if (SIMULATION_TYPE == 3) then
-              b_tempx2l = b_tempx2l + b_displ(1,iglob)*hp2
-              b_tempy2l = b_tempy2l + b_displ(2,iglob)*hp2
-              b_tempz2l = b_tempz2l + b_displ(3,iglob)*hp2
-            endif
+            b_tempx2l = b_tempx2l + b_displ(1,iglob)*hp2
+            b_tempy2l = b_tempy2l + b_displ(2,iglob)*hp2
+            b_tempz2l = b_tempz2l + b_displ(3,iglob)*hp2
 !!! can merge these loops because NGLLX = NGLLY = NGLLZ          enddo
 !!! can merge these loops because NGLLX = NGLLY = NGLLZ          do l=1,NGLLZ
             hp3 = hprime_zz(k,l)
             iglob = ibool(i,j,l,ispec)
-            tempx3l = tempx3l + displ(1,iglob)*hp3
-            tempy3l = tempy3l + displ(2,iglob)*hp3
-            tempz3l = tempz3l + displ(3,iglob)*hp3
-            if (SIMULATION_TYPE == 3) then
-              b_tempx3l = b_tempx3l + b_displ(1,iglob)*hp3
-              b_tempy3l = b_tempy3l + b_displ(2,iglob)*hp3
-              b_tempz3l = b_tempz3l + b_displ(3,iglob)*hp3
-            endif
+            b_tempx3l = b_tempx3l + b_displ(1,iglob)*hp3
+            b_tempy3l = b_tempy3l + b_displ(2,iglob)*hp3
+            b_tempz3l = b_tempz3l + b_displ(3,iglob)*hp3
 !         get derivatives of ux, uy and uz with respect to x, y and z
@@ -1664,7 +1895,7 @@
           duzdzl = xizl*tempz1l + etazl*tempz2l + gammazl*tempz3l
 ! save strain on the Moho boundary
-          if (SAVE_MOHO_MESH .and. SIMULATION_TYPE == 3) then
+          if (SAVE_MOHO_MESH) then
             if (is_moho_top(ispec)) then
               dsdx_top(1,1,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_top) = duxdxl
               dsdx_top(1,2,i,j,k,ispec2D_moho_top) = duxdyl
@@ -1696,7 +1927,6 @@
           duzdxl_plus_duxdzl = duzdxl + duxdzl
           duzdyl_plus_duydzl = duzdyl + duydzl
-          if (SIMULATION_TYPE == 3) then
             dsxx = duxdxl
             dsxy = 0.5_CUSTOM_REAL * duxdyl_plus_duydxl
             dsxz = 0.5_CUSTOM_REAL * duzdxl_plus_duxdzl
@@ -1760,27 +1990,16 @@
-          endif
 ! precompute terms for attenuation if needed
   if(ATTENUATION_VAL .and. not_fully_in_bedrock(ispec)) then
 ! compute deviatoric strain
-    epsilon_trace_over_3 = ONE_THIRD * (duxdxl + duydyl + duzdzl)
-    epsilondev_xx_loc(i,j,k) = duxdxl - epsilon_trace_over_3
-    epsilondev_yy_loc(i,j,k) = duydyl - epsilon_trace_over_3
-    epsilondev_xy_loc(i,j,k) = 0.5 * duxdyl_plus_duydxl
-    epsilondev_xz_loc(i,j,k) = 0.5 * duzdxl_plus_duxdzl
-    epsilondev_yz_loc(i,j,k) = 0.5 * duzdyl_plus_duydzl
-   if (SIMULATION_TYPE == 3) then
-      b_epsilon_trace_over_3 = ONE_THIRD * (b_duxdxl + b_duydyl + b_duzdzl)
-      b_epsilondev_xx_loc(i,j,k) = b_duxdxl - b_epsilon_trace_over_3
-      b_epsilondev_yy_loc(i,j,k) = b_duydyl - b_epsilon_trace_over_3
-      b_epsilondev_xy_loc(i,j,k) = 0.5 * b_duxdyl_plus_duydxl
-      b_epsilondev_xz_loc(i,j,k) = 0.5 * b_duzdxl_plus_duxdzl
-      b_epsilondev_yz_loc(i,j,k) = 0.5 * b_duzdyl_plus_duydzl
-    endif
+    b_epsilon_trace_over_3 = ONE_THIRD * (b_duxdxl + b_duydyl + b_duzdzl)
+    b_epsilondev_xx_loc(i,j,k) = b_duxdxl - b_epsilon_trace_over_3
+    b_epsilondev_yy_loc(i,j,k) = b_duydyl - b_epsilon_trace_over_3
+    b_epsilondev_xy_loc(i,j,k) = 0.5 * b_duxdyl_plus_duydxl
+    b_epsilondev_xz_loc(i,j,k) = 0.5 * b_duzdxl_plus_duxdzl
+    b_epsilondev_yz_loc(i,j,k) = 0.5 * b_duzdyl_plus_duydzl
 ! distinguish attenuation factors
     if(flag_sediments(i,j,k,ispec)) then
@@ -1876,43 +2095,24 @@
        !   c66 = c66 + minus_sum_beta * mul
-       sigma_xx = c11*duxdxl + c16*duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c12*duydyl + &
-            c15*duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c14*duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c13*duzdzl
+       b_sigma_xx = c11*b_duxdxl + c16*b_duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c12*b_duydyl + &
+             c15*b_duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c14*b_duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c13*b_duzdzl
-       sigma_yy = c12*duxdxl + c26*duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c22*duydyl + &
-            c25*duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c24*duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c23*duzdzl
+       b_sigma_yy = c12*b_duxdxl + c26*b_duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c22*b_duydyl + &
+             c25*b_duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c24*b_duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c23*b_duzdzl
-       sigma_zz = c13*duxdxl + c36*duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c23*duydyl + &
-            c35*duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c34*duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c33*duzdzl
-       sigma_xy = c16*duxdxl + c66*duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c26*duydyl + &
-            c56*duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c46*duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c36*duzdzl
-       sigma_xz = c15*duxdxl + c56*duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c25*duydyl + &
-            c55*duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c45*duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c35*duzdzl
-       sigma_yz = c14*duxdxl + c46*duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c24*duydyl + &
-            c45*duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c44*duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c34*duzdzl
-       if (SIMULATION_TYPE == 3) then
-         b_sigma_xx = c11*b_duxdxl + c16*b_duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c12*b_duydyl + &
-               c15*b_duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c14*b_duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c13*b_duzdzl
-         b_sigma_yy = c12*b_duxdxl + c26*b_duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c22*b_duydyl + &
-               c25*b_duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c24*b_duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c23*b_duzdzl
+       b_sigma_zz = c13*b_duxdxl + c36*b_duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c23*b_duydyl + &
+             c35*b_duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c34*b_duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c33*b_duzdzl
-         b_sigma_zz = c13*b_duxdxl + c36*b_duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c23*b_duydyl + &
-               c35*b_duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c34*b_duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c33*b_duzdzl
+       b_sigma_xy = c16*b_duxdxl + c66*b_duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c26*b_duydyl + &
+             c56*b_duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c46*b_duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c36*b_duzdzl
-         b_sigma_xy = c16*b_duxdxl + c66*b_duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c26*b_duydyl + &
-               c56*b_duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c46*b_duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c36*b_duzdzl
+       b_sigma_xz = c15*b_duxdxl + c56*b_duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c25*b_duydyl + &
+             c55*b_duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c45*b_duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c35*b_duzdzl
-         b_sigma_xz = c15*b_duxdxl + c56*b_duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c25*b_duydyl + &
-               c55*b_duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c45*b_duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c35*b_duzdzl
+       b_sigma_yz = c14*b_duxdxl + c46*b_duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c24*b_duydyl + &
+             c45*b_duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c44*b_duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c34*b_duzdzl
-         b_sigma_yz = c14*b_duxdxl + c46*b_duxdyl_plus_duydxl + c24*b_duydyl + &
-               c45*b_duzdxl_plus_duxdzl + c44*b_duzdyl_plus_duydzl + c34*b_duzdzl
-       endif
 ! For isotropic case
 ! use unrelaxed parameters if attenuation
@@ -1922,63 +2122,31 @@
        lambdal = lambdalplus2mul - 2.*mul
 ! compute stress sigma
-       sigma_xx = lambdalplus2mul*duxdxl + lambdal*duydyl_plus_duzdzl
-       sigma_yy = lambdalplus2mul*duydyl + lambdal*duxdxl_plus_duzdzl
-       sigma_zz = lambdalplus2mul*duzdzl + lambdal*duxdxl_plus_duydyl
-       sigma_xy = mul*duxdyl_plus_duydxl
-       sigma_xz = mul*duzdxl_plus_duxdzl
-       sigma_yz = mul*duzdyl_plus_duydzl
+       b_sigma_xx = lambdalplus2mul*b_duxdxl + lambdal*b_duydyl_plus_duzdzl
+       b_sigma_yy = lambdalplus2mul*b_duydyl + lambdal*b_duxdxl_plus_duzdzl
+       b_sigma_zz = lambdalplus2mul*b_duzdzl + lambdal*b_duxdxl_plus_duydyl
-       if (SIMULATION_TYPE == 3) then
-         b_sigma_xx = lambdalplus2mul*b_duxdxl + lambdal*b_duydyl_plus_duzdzl
-         b_sigma_yy = lambdalplus2mul*b_duydyl + lambdal*b_duxdxl_plus_duzdzl
-         b_sigma_zz = lambdalplus2mul*b_duzdzl + lambdal*b_duxdxl_plus_duydyl
+       b_sigma_xy = mul*b_duxdyl_plus_duydxl
+       b_sigma_xz = mul*b_duzdxl_plus_duxdzl
+       b_sigma_yz = mul*b_duzdyl_plus_duydzl
-         b_sigma_xy = mul*b_duxdyl_plus_duydxl
-         b_sigma_xz = mul*b_duzdxl_plus_duxdzl
-         b_sigma_yz = mul*b_duzdyl_plus_duydzl
-       endif
 ! subtract memory variables if attenuation
     if(ATTENUATION_VAL .and. not_fully_in_bedrock(ispec)) then
       do i_sls = 1,N_SLS
-        R_xx_val = R_xx(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
-        R_yy_val = R_yy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
-        sigma_xx = sigma_xx - R_xx_val
-        sigma_yy = sigma_yy - R_yy_val
-        sigma_zz = sigma_zz + R_xx_val + R_yy_val
-        sigma_xy = sigma_xy - R_xy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
-        sigma_xz = sigma_xz - R_xz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
-        sigma_yz = sigma_yz - R_yz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
-        if (SIMULATION_TYPE == 3) then
-          b_R_xx_val = b_R_xx(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
-          b_R_yy_val = b_R_yy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
-          b_sigma_xx = b_sigma_xx - b_R_xx_val
-          b_sigma_yy = b_sigma_yy - b_R_yy_val
-          b_sigma_zz = b_sigma_zz + b_R_xx_val + b_R_yy_val
-          b_sigma_xy = b_sigma_xy - b_R_xy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
-          b_sigma_xz = b_sigma_xz - b_R_xz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
-          b_sigma_yz = b_sigma_yz - b_R_yz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
-        endif
+        b_R_xx_val = b_R_xx(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
+        b_R_yy_val = b_R_yy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
+        b_sigma_xx = b_sigma_xx - b_R_xx_val
+        b_sigma_yy = b_sigma_yy - b_R_yy_val
+        b_sigma_zz = b_sigma_zz + b_R_xx_val + b_R_yy_val
+        b_sigma_xy = b_sigma_xy - b_R_xy(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
+        b_sigma_xz = b_sigma_xz - b_R_xz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
+        b_sigma_yz = b_sigma_yz - b_R_yz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls)
 ! form dot product with test vector, symmetric form
-      tempx1(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xx*xixl + sigma_xy*xiyl + sigma_xz*xizl)
-      tempy1(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xy*xixl + sigma_yy*xiyl + sigma_yz*xizl)
-      tempz1(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xz*xixl + sigma_yz*xiyl + sigma_zz*xizl)
-      tempx2(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xx*etaxl + sigma_xy*etayl + sigma_xz*etazl)
-      tempy2(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xy*etaxl + sigma_yy*etayl + sigma_yz*etazl)
-      tempz2(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xz*etaxl + sigma_yz*etayl + sigma_zz*etazl)
-      tempx3(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xx*gammaxl + sigma_xy*gammayl + sigma_xz*gammazl)
-      tempy3(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xy*gammaxl + sigma_yy*gammayl + sigma_yz*gammazl)
-      tempz3(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (sigma_xz*gammaxl + sigma_yz*gammayl + sigma_zz*gammazl)
-      if (SIMULATION_TYPE == 3) then
         b_tempx1(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (b_sigma_xx*xixl + b_sigma_xy*xiyl + b_sigma_xz*xizl)
         b_tempy1(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (b_sigma_xy*xixl + b_sigma_yy*xiyl + b_sigma_yz*xizl)
         b_tempz1(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (b_sigma_xz*xixl + b_sigma_yz*xiyl + b_sigma_zz*xizl)
@@ -1990,12 +2158,21 @@
         b_tempx3(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (b_sigma_xx*gammaxl + b_sigma_xy*gammayl + b_sigma_xz*gammazl)
         b_tempy3(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (b_sigma_xy*gammaxl + b_sigma_yy*gammayl + b_sigma_yz*gammazl)
         b_tempz3(i,j,k) = jacobianl * (b_sigma_xz*gammaxl + b_sigma_yz*gammayl + b_sigma_zz*gammazl)
-      endif
+      endif ! of test if SIMULATION_TYPE == 3
+! end of nested loops on i,j,k to perform the backward calculations in a given element (ispec)
+! beginning of nested loops on i,j,k to perform the forward calculations in a given element (ispec)
     do k=1,NGLLZ
       do j=1,NGLLY
         do i=1,NGLLX
@@ -2012,30 +2189,11 @@
           tempy3l = 0.
           tempz3l = 0.
-          if (SIMULATION_TYPE == 3) then
-            b_tempx1l = 0.
-            b_tempy1l = 0.
-            b_tempz1l = 0.
-            b_tempx2l = 0.
-            b_tempy2l = 0.
-            b_tempz2l = 0.
-            b_tempx3l = 0.
-            b_tempy3l = 0.
-            b_tempz3l = 0.
-          endif
           do l=1,NGLLX
             fac1 = hprimewgll_xx(l,i)
             tempx1l = tempx1l + tempx1(l,j,k)*fac1
             tempy1l = tempy1l + tempy1(l,j,k)*fac1
             tempz1l = tempz1l + tempz1(l,j,k)*fac1
-            if (SIMULATION_TYPE == 3) then
-              b_tempx1l = b_tempx1l + b_tempx1(l,j,k)*fac1
-              b_tempy1l = b_tempy1l + b_tempy1(l,j,k)*fac1
-              b_tempz1l = b_tempz1l + b_tempz1(l,j,k)*fac1
-            endif
 !!! can merge these loops because NGLLX = NGLLY = NGLLZ          enddo
 !!! can merge these loops because NGLLX = NGLLY = NGLLZ          do l=1,NGLLY
@@ -2043,11 +2201,6 @@
             tempx2l = tempx2l + tempx2(i,l,k)*fac2
             tempy2l = tempy2l + tempy2(i,l,k)*fac2
             tempz2l = tempz2l + tempz2(i,l,k)*fac2
-            if (SIMULATION_TYPE == 3) then
-              b_tempx2l = b_tempx2l + b_tempx2(i,l,k)*fac2
-              b_tempy2l = b_tempy2l + b_tempy2(i,l,k)*fac2
-              b_tempz2l = b_tempz2l + b_tempz2(i,l,k)*fac2
-            endif
 !!! can merge these loops because NGLLX = NGLLY = NGLLZ          enddo
 !!! can merge these loops because NGLLX = NGLLY = NGLLZ          do l=1,NGLLZ
@@ -2055,11 +2208,6 @@
             tempx3l = tempx3l + tempx3(i,j,l)*fac3
             tempy3l = tempy3l + tempy3(i,j,l)*fac3
             tempz3l = tempz3l + tempz3(i,j,l)*fac3
-            if (SIMULATION_TYPE == 3) then
-              b_tempx3l = b_tempx3l + b_tempx3(i,j,l)*fac3
-              b_tempy3l = b_tempy3l + b_tempy3(i,j,l)*fac3
-              b_tempz3l = b_tempz3l + b_tempz3(i,j,l)*fac3
-            endif
           fac1 = wgllwgll_yz(j,k)
@@ -2067,17 +2215,10 @@
           fac3 = wgllwgll_xy(i,j)
 ! sum contributions from each element to the global mesh
   iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
   accel(1,iglob) = accel(1,iglob) - (fac1*tempx1l + fac2*tempx2l + fac3*tempx3l)
   accel(2,iglob) = accel(2,iglob) - (fac1*tempy1l + fac2*tempy2l + fac3*tempy3l)
   accel(3,iglob) = accel(3,iglob) - (fac1*tempz1l + fac2*tempz2l + fac3*tempz3l)
-  if (SIMULATION_TYPE == 3) then
-    b_accel(1,iglob) = b_accel(1,iglob) - (fac1*b_tempx1l + fac2*b_tempx2l + fac3*b_tempx3l)
-    b_accel(2,iglob) = b_accel(2,iglob) - (fac1*b_tempy1l + fac2*b_tempy2l + fac3*b_tempy3l)
-    b_accel(3,iglob) = b_accel(3,iglob) - (fac1*b_tempz1l + fac2*b_tempz2l + fac3*b_tempz3l)
-  endif
 ! update memory variables based upon the Runge-Kutta scheme
@@ -2126,7 +2267,80 @@
   Snp1   = factor_loc * epsilondev_yz_loc(i,j,k)
   R_yz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) = alphaval_loc * R_yz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) + betaval_loc * Sn + gammaval_loc * Snp1
-  if (SIMULATION_TYPE == 3) then
+    enddo   ! end of loop on memory variables
+  endif  !  end attenuation
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+! end of nested loops on i,j,k to perform the forward calculations in a given element (ispec)
+! beginning of nested loops on i,j,k to perform the backward calculations in a given element (ispec)
+    if (SIMULATION_TYPE == 3) then
+    do k=1,NGLLZ
+      do j=1,NGLLY
+        do i=1,NGLLX
+          b_tempx1l = 0.
+          b_tempy1l = 0.
+          b_tempz1l = 0.
+          b_tempx2l = 0.
+          b_tempy2l = 0.
+          b_tempz2l = 0.
+          b_tempx3l = 0.
+          b_tempy3l = 0.
+          b_tempz3l = 0.
+          do l=1,NGLLX
+            fac1 = hprimewgll_xx(l,i)
+            b_tempx1l = b_tempx1l + b_tempx1(l,j,k)*fac1
+            b_tempy1l = b_tempy1l + b_tempy1(l,j,k)*fac1
+            b_tempz1l = b_tempz1l + b_tempz1(l,j,k)*fac1
+!!! can merge these loops because NGLLX = NGLLY = NGLLZ          enddo
+!!! can merge these loops because NGLLX = NGLLY = NGLLZ          do l=1,NGLLY
+            fac2 = hprimewgll_yy(l,j)
+            b_tempx2l = b_tempx2l + b_tempx2(i,l,k)*fac2
+            b_tempy2l = b_tempy2l + b_tempy2(i,l,k)*fac2
+            b_tempz2l = b_tempz2l + b_tempz2(i,l,k)*fac2
+!!! can merge these loops because NGLLX = NGLLY = NGLLZ          enddo
+!!! can merge these loops because NGLLX = NGLLY = NGLLZ          do l=1,NGLLZ
+            fac3 = hprimewgll_zz(l,k)
+            b_tempx3l = b_tempx3l + b_tempx3(i,j,l)*fac3
+            b_tempy3l = b_tempy3l + b_tempy3(i,j,l)*fac3
+            b_tempz3l = b_tempz3l + b_tempz3(i,j,l)*fac3
+          enddo
+          fac1 = wgllwgll_yz(j,k)
+          fac2 = wgllwgll_xz(i,k)
+          fac3 = wgllwgll_xy(i,j)
+! sum contributions from each element to the global mesh
+  iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
+  b_accel(1,iglob) = b_accel(1,iglob) - (fac1*b_tempx1l + fac2*b_tempx2l + fac3*b_tempx3l)
+  b_accel(2,iglob) = b_accel(2,iglob) - (fac1*b_tempy1l + fac2*b_tempy2l + fac3*b_tempy3l)
+  b_accel(3,iglob) = b_accel(3,iglob) - (fac1*b_tempz1l + fac2*b_tempz2l + fac3*b_tempz3l)
+! update memory variables based upon the Runge-Kutta scheme
+  if(ATTENUATION_VAL .and. not_fully_in_bedrock(ispec)) then
+! use Runge-Kutta scheme to march in time
+  do i_sls = 1,N_SLS
+! get coefficients for that standard linear solid
+    factor_loc = mustore(i,j,k,ispec) * factor_common(iselected,i_sls)
     b_alphaval_loc = b_alphaval(iselected,i_sls)
     b_betaval_loc = b_betaval(iselected,i_sls)
     b_gammaval_loc = b_gammaval(iselected,i_sls)
@@ -2158,8 +2372,6 @@
     b_Snp1   = factor_loc * b_epsilondev_yz_loc(i,j,k)
     b_R_yz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) = b_alphaval_loc * b_R_yz(i,j,k,ispec,i_sls) + b_betaval_loc * b_Sn + b_gammaval_loc * b_Snp1
-  endif
     enddo   ! end of loop on memory variables
   endif  !  end attenuation
@@ -2168,6 +2380,12 @@
+    endif ! of test if SIMULATION_TYPE == 3
+! end of nested loops on i,j,k to perform the backward calculations in a given element (ispec)
 ! save deviatoric strain for Runge-Kutta scheme
   if(ATTENUATION_VAL .and. not_fully_in_bedrock(ispec)) then
     epsilondev_xx(:,:,:,ispec) = epsilondev_xx_loc(:,:,:)
@@ -2184,7 +2402,7 @@
-  enddo   ! spectral element loop
+  enddo   ! of the spectral element loop
 ! add Stacey conditions
diff --git a/todo_list_please_dont_remove.txt b/todo_list_please_dont_remove.txt
index bff0039..c3ff3f5 100644
--- a/todo_list_please_dont_remove.txt
+++ b/todo_list_please_dont_remove.txt
@@ -2,9 +2,7 @@
 To-do list for SPECFEM3D, by Dimitri Komatitsch
-- Pieyre should add C-PML following Elise Delavaud's implementation
-- etudier comment lire un maillage CUBIT stocké au format natif de CUBIT (Exodus, basé sur netCDF) depuis SPECFEM3D. On pourrait utiliser la commande "ncdump" dans CUBIT si nécessaire d'après Emanuele Casarotti. Une autre option serait d'utiliser le format de stockage ABAQUS dans CUBIT.
+- Pieyre Le Loher should add C-PML following Elise Delavaud's implementation
@@ -13,6 +11,7 @@ To-do list for SPECFEM3D, by Dimitri Komatitsch
 Things to add later to the manual:
 - Add the description of using basin_slice_number.pl and basin_normal.pl to
   get the slice numbers to combine for a specific source/receiver pair 
   (LQY, Jan 9, 2008)

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