[cig-commits] [commit] Hiro_latest: Add new structures for basic boundary conditions for future replacement (29555ed)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Mon Nov 18 16:21:42 PST 2013

Repository : ssh://geoshell/calypso

On branch  : Hiro_latest
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/calypso/compare/93e9f8f974c7a247c8f02e54ec18de063f86c8fb...3c548304673360ddedd7d68c8095b3fb74a2b9ce


commit 29555edd1a7044c496eff774502555cc35ba8eaa
Author: Hiroaki Matsui <h_kemono at mac.com>
Date:   Tue Nov 12 09:04:39 2013 -0800

    Add new structures for basic boundary conditions for future replacement


 .../MHD_src/sph_MHD/cal_fdm_coefs_4_boundaries.f90 | 288 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../MHD_src/sph_MHD/cal_sph_bc_fdm_matrix.f90      |  13 +-
 .../MHD_src/sph_MHD/m_boundary_params_sph_MHD.f90  |  66 +++++
 .../MHD_src/sph_MHD/m_coef_fdm_fixed_CMB.f90       |  82 ------
 .../MHD_src/sph_MHD/m_coef_fdm_fixed_ICB.f90       |  81 ------
 .../MHD_src/sph_MHD/t_boundary_params_sph_MHD.f90  | 217 ++++++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 580 insertions(+), 167 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Fortran_libraries/MHD_src/sph_MHD/cal_fdm_coefs_4_boundaries.f90 b/src/Fortran_libraries/MHD_src/sph_MHD/cal_fdm_coefs_4_boundaries.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8700cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Fortran_libraries/MHD_src/sph_MHD/cal_fdm_coefs_4_boundaries.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+!>@file   cal_fdm_coefs_4_boundaries.f90
+!!@brief  module cal_fdm_coefs_4_boundaries
+!!@author H. Matsui
+!!@date Programmed in Jan., 2010
+!!@n    Modified in Nov., 2013
+!>@brief Obtain FDM matrix for basic boundary conditions  at boundaries
+!!      subroutine cal_fdm2_coef_fix_fld_ICB(r_from_ICB,                &
+!!     &          fdm2_fix_fld_ICB)
+!!      subroutine cal_fdm2_coef_fix_df_ICB(r_from_ICB,                 &
+!!     &          fdm2_fix_dr_ICB)
+!!      subroutine cal_fdm2_coef_fix_fld_CMB(r_from_CMB2,               &
+!!     &          fdm2_fix_fld_CMB)
+!!      subroutine cal_fdm2_coef_fix_df_CMB(r_from_CMB1,                &
+!!     &          fdm2_fix_dr_CMB)
+!!   Matrix for derivatives with fixed field
+!!    at inner boundary of the shell
+!!      dfdr =      fdm2_fix_fld_ICB( 0,2) * d_rj(ICB  )
+!!                + fdm2_fix_fld_ICB( 1,2) * d_rj(ICB+1)
+!!                + fdm2_fix_fld_ICB( 2,2) * d_rj(ICB+2)
+!!      d2fdr2 =    fdm2_fix_fld_ICB( 0,3) * d_rj(ICB  )
+!!                + fdm2_fix_fld_ICB( 1,3) * d_rj(ICB+1)
+!!                + fdm2_fix_fld_ICB( 2,3) * d_rj(ICB+2)
+!!   Matrix for field and 2nd derivatives with fixed gradient
+!!    at inner boundary of the shell
+!!      d_rj(k) =   fdm2_fix_dr_ICB(-1,2) * dfdr(ICB)
+!!                + fdm2_fix_dr_ICB( 0,2) * d_rj(ICB  )
+!!                + fdm2_fix_dr_ICB( 1,2) * d_rj(ICB+1)
+!!      d2fdr2 =    fdm2_fix_dr_ICB(-1,3) * dfdr(ICB)
+!!                + fdm2_fix_dr_ICB( 0,3) * d_rj(ICB  )
+!!                + fdm2_fix_dr_ICB( 1,3) * d_rj(ICB+1)
+!!   Matrix for derivatives with fixed field
+!!    at outer boundary of the shell
+!!      dfdr =      fdm2_fix_fld_CMB( 2,2) * d_rj(CMB-2)
+!!                + fdm2_fix_fld_CMB( 1,2) * d_rj(CMB-1)
+!!                + fdm2_fix_fld_CMB( 0,2) * d_rj(CMB  )
+!!      d2fdr2 =    fdm2_fix_fld_CMB( 2,3) * d_rj(CMB-2)
+!!                + fdm2_fix_fld_CMB( 1,3) * d_rj(CMB-1)
+!!                + fdm2_fix_fld_CMB( 0,3) * d_rj(CMB  )
+!!   Matrix for field and 2nd derivatives with fixed gradient
+!!    at outer boundary of the shell
+!!      d_rj(k) =  fdm2_fix_dr_CMB(-1,1) * d_rj(CMB-1)
+!!               + fdm2_fix_dr_CMB( 0,1) * d_rj(CMB  )
+!!               + fdm2_fix_dr_CMB( 1,1) * dfdr(CMB)
+!!      d2fdr2 =   fdm2_fix_dr_CMB(-1,3) * d_rj(CMB-1)
+!!               + fdm2_fix_dr_CMB( 0,3) * d_rj(CMB  )
+!!               + fdm2_fix_dr_CMB( 1,3) * dfdr(CMB)
+!!@n @param r_from_ICB(0:2) radius to teo next points of ICB
+!!@n @param r_from_CMB2(-2:0) radius from two next points to CMB
+!!@n @param r_from_CMB1(-1:0) radius from next points to CMB
+      module cal_fdm_coefs_4_boundaries
+      use m_precision
+      use m_constants
+!      use m_spheric_parameter
+      use cal_inverse_small_matrix
+      implicit none
+!>      Work matrix to evaluate fdm2_fix_fld_ICB(0:2,3)
+!!      dfdr =      mat_fdm_ICB_fix_2(2,1) * d_rj(ICB  )
+!!                + mat_fdm_ICB_fix_2(2,2) * d_rj(ICB+1)
+!!                + mat_fdm_ICB_fix_2(2,3) * d_rj(ICB+2)
+!!      d2fdr2 =    mat_fdm_ICB_fix_2(3,1) * d_rj(ICB  )
+!!                + mat_fdm_ICB_fix_2(3,2) * d_rj(ICB+1)
+!!                + mat_fdm_ICB_fix_2(3,3) * d_rj(ICB+2)
+      real(kind = kreal) :: mat_fdm_ICB_fix_2(3,3)
+!>      Work matrix to evaluate fdm2_fix_dr_ICB(-1:1,3)
+!!      d_rj(k) =  mat_fdm_ICB_fix_dr_2(2,1) * d_rj(ICB  )
+!!               + mat_fdm_ICB_fix_dr_2(2,2) * dfdr(ICB)
+!!               + mat_fdm_ICB_fix_dr_2(2,3) * d_rj(ICB+1)
+!!      d2fdr2 =   mat_fdm_ICB_fix_dr_2(3,1) * d_rj(ICB  )
+!!               + mat_fdm_ICB_fix_dr_2(3,2) * dfdr(ICB)
+!!               + mat_fdm_ICB_fix_dr_2(3,3) * d_rj(ICB+1)
+      real(kind = kreal) :: mat_fdm_ICB_fix_dr_2(3,3)
+!>      Work matrix to evaluate fdm2_fix_fld_CMB(0:2,3)
+!!      dfdr =      mat_fdm_CMB_fix_2(2,1) * d_rj(CMB  )
+!!                + mat_fdm_CMB_fix_2(2,2) * d_rj(CMB-1)
+!!                + mat_fdm_CMB_fix_2(2,3) * d_rj(CMB-2)
+!!      d2fdr2 =    mat_fdm_CMB_fix_2(3,1) * d_rj(CMB  )
+!!                + mat_fdm_CMB_fix_2(3,2) * d_rj(CMB-1)
+!!                + mat_fdm_CMB_fix_2(3,3) * d_rj(CMB-2)
+      real(kind = kreal) :: mat_fdm_CMB_fix_2(3,3)
+!>      Work matrix to evaluate fdm2_fix_dr_CMB(-1:1,3)
+!!      d_rj(k) =  mat_fdm_CMB_fix_dr_2(1,1) * d_rj(CMB  )
+!!               + mat_fdm_CMB_fix_dr_2(1,2) * dfdr(CMB)
+!!               + mat_fdm_CMB_fix_dr_2(1,3) * d_rj(CMB-1)
+!!      d2fdr2 =   mat_fdm_CMB_fix_dr_2(3,1) * d_rj(CMB  )
+!!               + mat_fdm_CMB_fix_dr_2(3,2) * dfdr(CMB)
+!!               + mat_fdm_CMB_fix_dr_2(3,3) * d_rj(CMB-1)
+      real(kind = kreal) :: mat_fdm_CMB_fix_dr_2(3,3)
+      private :: mat_fdm_ICB_fix_2, mat_fdm_ICB_fix_dr_2
+      private :: mat_fdm_CMB_fix_2, mat_fdm_CMB_fix_dr_2
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      contains
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine cal_fdm2_coef_fix_fld_ICB(r_from_ICB,                  &
+     &          fdm2_fix_fld_ICB)
+      real(kind = kreal), intent(in) :: r_from_ICB(0:2)
+      real(kind = kreal), intent(inout) :: fdm2_fix_fld_ICB(0:2,3)
+      integer(kind = kint) :: ierr
+      real(kind = kreal) :: mat_taylor_3(3,3)
+      real(kind = kreal) :: dr_p1, dr_p2
+      dr_p1 = r_from_ICB(1) - r_from_ICB(0)
+      dr_p2 = r_from_ICB(2) - r_from_ICB(0)
+      mat_taylor_3(1,1) = one
+      mat_taylor_3(1,2) = zero
+      mat_taylor_3(1,3) = zero
+      mat_taylor_3(2,1) = one
+      mat_taylor_3(2,2) = dr_p1
+      mat_taylor_3(2,3) = dr_p1*dr_p1 / two
+      mat_taylor_3(3,1) = one
+      mat_taylor_3(3,2) = dr_p2
+      mat_taylor_3(3,3) = dr_p2*dr_p2 / two
+      call cal_inverse_33_matrix(mat_taylor_3, mat_fdm_ICB_fix_2, ierr)
+      if(ierr .eq. 1) then
+        write(*,*) 'singular matrix cal_fdm2_coef_fix_fld_ICB ',        &
+     &            r_from_ICB(0)
+      end if
+      fdm2_fix_fld_ICB(0,1:3) = mat_fdm_ICB_fix_2(1:3,1)
+      fdm2_fix_fld_ICB(1,1:3) = mat_fdm_ICB_fix_2(1:3,2)
+      fdm2_fix_fld_ICB(2,1:3) = mat_fdm_ICB_fix_2(1:3,3)
+      end subroutine cal_fdm2_coef_fix_fld_ICB
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine cal_fdm2_coef_fix_df_ICB(r_from_ICB,                   &
+     &          fdm2_fix_dr_ICB)
+      real(kind = kreal), intent(in) :: r_from_ICB(0:1)
+      real(kind = kreal), intent(inout) :: fdm2_fix_dr_ICB(-1:1,3)
+      integer(kind = kint) :: ierr
+      real(kind = kreal) :: mat_taylor_3(3,3)
+      real(kind = kreal) :: dr_p1
+      dr_p1 = r_from_ICB(1) - r_from_ICB(0)
+      mat_taylor_3(1,1) = one
+      mat_taylor_3(1,2) = zero
+      mat_taylor_3(1,3) = zero
+      mat_taylor_3(2,1) = zero
+      mat_taylor_3(2,2) = one
+      mat_taylor_3(2,3) = zero
+      mat_taylor_3(3,1) = dr_p1
+      mat_taylor_3(3,2) = one
+      mat_taylor_3(3,3) = dr_p1*dr_p1 / two
+      call cal_inverse_33_matrix(mat_taylor_3, mat_fdm_ICB_fix_dr_2,    &
+     &      ierr)
+      if(ierr .eq. 1) then
+        write(*,*) 'singular matrix cal_fdm2_coef_fix_df_ICB ',         &
+     &             r_from_ICB(0)
+      end if
+      fdm2_fix_dr_ICB(-1,1:3) = mat_fdm_ICB_fix_dr_2(1:3,1)
+      fdm2_fix_dr_ICB( 0,1:3) = mat_fdm_ICB_fix_dr_2(1:3,2)
+      fdm2_fix_dr_ICB( 1,1:3) = mat_fdm_ICB_fix_dr_2(1:3,3)
+      end subroutine cal_fdm2_coef_fix_df_ICB
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine cal_fdm2_coef_fix_fld_CMB(r_from_CMB2,                 &
+     &          fdm2_fix_fld_CMB)
+      real(kind = kreal), intent(in) :: r_from_CMB2(-2:0)
+      real(kind = kreal), intent(inout) :: fdm2_fix_fld_CMB(0:2,3)
+      integer(kind = kint) :: ierr
+      real(kind = kreal) :: mat_taylor_3(3,3)
+      real(kind = kreal) :: dr_n1, dr_n2
+      dr_n1 = r_from_CMB2(0) - r_from_CMB2(-1)
+      dr_n2 = r_from_CMB2(0) - r_from_CMB2(-2)
+      mat_taylor_3(1,1) = one
+      mat_taylor_3(1,2) = zero
+      mat_taylor_3(1,3) = zero
+      mat_taylor_3(2,1) = one
+      mat_taylor_3(2,2) =-dr_n1
+      mat_taylor_3(2,3) = dr_n1*dr_n1 / two
+      mat_taylor_3(3,1) = one
+      mat_taylor_3(3,2) =-dr_n2
+      mat_taylor_3(3,3) = dr_n2*dr_n2 / two
+      call cal_inverse_33_matrix(mat_taylor_3, mat_fdm_CMB_fix_2, ierr)
+      if(ierr .eq. 1) then
+        write(*,*) 'singular matrix cal_fdm2_coef_fix_fld_CMB ',        &
+     &            r_from_CMB2(0)
+      end if
+      fdm2_fix_fld_CMB(2,1:3) = mat_fdm_CMB_fix_2(1:3,3)
+      fdm2_fix_fld_CMB(1,1:3) = mat_fdm_CMB_fix_2(1:3,2)
+      fdm2_fix_fld_CMB(0,1:3) = mat_fdm_CMB_fix_2(1:3,1)
+      end subroutine cal_fdm2_coef_fix_fld_CMB
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine cal_fdm2_coef_fix_df_CMB(r_from_CMB1,                  &
+     &          fdm2_fix_dr_CMB)
+      real(kind = kreal), intent(in) :: r_from_CMB1(-1:0)
+      real(kind = kreal), intent(inout) :: fdm2_fix_dr_CMB(-1:1,3)
+      integer(kind = kint) :: ierr
+      real(kind = kreal) :: mat_taylor_3(3,3)
+      real(kind = kreal) :: dr_n1
+      dr_n1 = r_from_CMB1(0) - r_from_CMB1(-1)
+      mat_taylor_3(1,1) = one
+      mat_taylor_3(1,2) = zero
+      mat_taylor_3(1,3) = zero
+      mat_taylor_3(2,1) = zero
+      mat_taylor_3(2,2) = one
+      mat_taylor_3(2,3) = zero
+      mat_taylor_3(3,1) = one
+      mat_taylor_3(3,2) =-dr_n1
+      mat_taylor_3(3,3) = dr_n1*dr_n1 / two
+      call cal_inverse_33_matrix(mat_taylor_3, mat_fdm_CMB_fix_dr_2,    &
+     &      ierr)
+      if(ierr .eq. 1) then
+        write(*,*) 'singular matrix cal_fdm2_coef_fix_df_CMB ',       &
+     &             r_from_CMB1(0)
+      end if
+      fdm2_fix_dr_CMB(-1,1:3) = mat_fdm_CMB_fix_dr_2(1:3,3)
+      fdm2_fix_dr_CMB( 0,1:3) = mat_fdm_CMB_fix_dr_2(1:3,1)
+      fdm2_fix_dr_CMB( 1,1:3) = mat_fdm_CMB_fix_dr_2(1:3,2)
+      end subroutine cal_fdm2_coef_fix_df_CMB
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      end module cal_fdm_coefs_4_boundaries
diff --git a/src/Fortran_libraries/MHD_src/sph_MHD/cal_sph_bc_fdm_matrix.f90 b/src/Fortran_libraries/MHD_src/sph_MHD/cal_sph_bc_fdm_matrix.f90
index f623251..cf55107 100644
--- a/src/Fortran_libraries/MHD_src/sph_MHD/cal_sph_bc_fdm_matrix.f90
+++ b/src/Fortran_libraries/MHD_src/sph_MHD/cal_sph_bc_fdm_matrix.f90
@@ -32,13 +32,18 @@
       use m_coef_fdm_free_ICB
       use m_coef_fdm_free_CMB
       use m_coef_fdm_to_center
+      use cal_fdm_coefs_4_boundaries
-      call cal_2nd_nod_ICB_fixed_fdm(radius_1d_rj_r(nlayer_ICB))
-      call cal_2nd_nod_ICB_fix_df_fdm(radius_1d_rj_r(nlayer_ICB))
+      call cal_fdm2_coef_fix_fld_ICB(radius_1d_rj_r(nlayer_ICB),        &
+     &    coef_fdm_fix_ICB_2)
+      call cal_fdm2_coef_fix_df_ICB(radius_1d_rj_r(nlayer_ICB),         &
+     &    coef_fdm_fix_dr_ICB_2)
-      call cal_2nd_nod_CMB_fixed_fdm(radius_1d_rj_r(nlayer_CMB-2))
-      call cal_2nd_nod_CMB_fix_df_fdm(radius_1d_rj_r(nlayer_CMB-1))
+      call cal_fdm2_coef_fix_fld_CMB(radius_1d_rj_r(nlayer_CMB-2),      &
+     &    coef_fdm_fix_CMB_2)
+      call cal_fdm2_coef_fix_df_CMB(radius_1d_rj_r(nlayer_CMB-1),       &
+     &    coef_fdm_fix_dr_CMB_2)
       call cal_2nd_ICB_free_vp_bc_fdm(radius_1d_rj_r(nlayer_ICB))
diff --git a/src/Fortran_libraries/MHD_src/sph_MHD/m_boundary_params_sph_MHD.f90 b/src/Fortran_libraries/MHD_src/sph_MHD/m_boundary_params_sph_MHD.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..565dfad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Fortran_libraries/MHD_src/sph_MHD/m_boundary_params_sph_MHD.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+!>@file   m_boundary_params_sph_MHD.f90
+!!@brief  module m_boundary_params_sph_MHD
+!!@author H. Matsui
+!!@date Programmed in Oct., 2009
+!>@brief  Structure for basic boundary conditions for spherical dynamo
+!!      subroutine alloc_fixed_bc_array(jmax, bc_param)
+!!      subroutine dealloc_fixed_bc_array(bc_param)
+!!      subroutine cal_fdm_coefs_4_BCs(nri, radius, bc_param)
+!!      subroutine check_fdm_coefs_4_BC2(label, bc_param)
+!!        type(sph_boundary_type), intent(inout) :: bc_param
+!!@n @param jmax    number of modes for spherical harmonics @f$L*(L+2)@f$
+!!@n @param nri     number of radial grid points
+!!@n @param radius  radius
+      module m_boundary_params_sph_MHD
+      use m_precision
+      use t_boundary_params_sph_MHD
+      implicit none
+!>      Structure for basic velocity boundary condition parameters
+      type(sph_boundary_type), save :: sph_bc_U
+!>      Structure for basic magnetic boundary condition parameters
+      type(sph_boundary_type), save :: sph_bc_B
+!>      Structure for basic thermal boundary condition parameters
+      type(sph_boundary_type), save :: sph_bc_T
+!>      Structure for basic compositional boundary condition parameters
+      type(sph_boundary_type), save :: sph_bc_C
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      contains
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine set_radial_range_by_BC(iflag_icb_bc, kr_in, kr_out)
+      use m_spheric_parameter
+      integer(kind = kint), intent(in) :: iflag_icb_bc
+      integer(kind = kint), intent(inout) :: kr_in, kr_out
+      if      (iflag_icb_bc .eq. iflag_sph_fill_center                  &
+     &    .or. iflag_icb_bc .eq. iflag_sph_fix_center) then
+        kr_in = nlayer_2_center
+      else
+        kr_in = nlayer_ICB
+      end if
+      kr_out =  nlayer_CMB
+      end subroutine set_radial_range_by_BC
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      end module m_boundary_params_sph_MHD
diff --git a/src/Fortran_libraries/MHD_src/sph_MHD/m_coef_fdm_fixed_CMB.f90 b/src/Fortran_libraries/MHD_src/sph_MHD/m_coef_fdm_fixed_CMB.f90
index 6555f66..80d2bb0 100644
--- a/src/Fortran_libraries/MHD_src/sph_MHD/m_coef_fdm_fixed_CMB.f90
+++ b/src/Fortran_libraries/MHD_src/sph_MHD/m_coef_fdm_fixed_CMB.f90
@@ -7,9 +7,6 @@
 !>@brief Matrix to evaluate radial derivative at CMB 
-!!      subroutine cal_2nd_nod_CMB_fixed_fdm(r_from_CMB2)
-!!      subroutine cal_2nd_nod_CMB_fix_df_fdm(r_from_CMB1)
 !!      subroutine check_coef_fdm_fix_dr_CMB
 !!   Matrix for derivatives with fixed field
@@ -79,85 +76,6 @@
 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-      subroutine cal_2nd_nod_CMB_fixed_fdm(r_from_CMB2)
-      real(kind = kreal) :: r_from_CMB2(-2:0)
-      integer(kind = kint) :: ierr
-      real(kind = kreal) :: mat_taylor_3(3,3)
-      real(kind = kreal) :: dr_n1, dr_n2
-      dr_n1 = r_from_CMB2(0) - r_from_CMB2(-1)
-      dr_n2 = r_from_CMB2(0) - r_from_CMB2(-2)
-      mat_taylor_3(1,1) = one
-      mat_taylor_3(1,2) = zero
-      mat_taylor_3(1,3) = zero
-      mat_taylor_3(2,1) = one
-      mat_taylor_3(2,2) =-dr_n1
-      mat_taylor_3(2,3) = dr_n1*dr_n1 / two
-      mat_taylor_3(3,1) = one
-      mat_taylor_3(3,2) =-dr_n2
-      mat_taylor_3(3,3) = dr_n2*dr_n2 / two
-      call cal_inverse_33_matrix(mat_taylor_3, mat_fdm_CMB_fix_2, ierr)
-      if(ierr .eq. 1) then
-        write(*,*) 'singular matrix cal_2nd_nod_CMB_fixed_fdm ',        &
-     &            r_from_CMB2(0)
-      end if
-      coef_fdm_fix_CMB_2(2,1:3) = mat_fdm_CMB_fix_2(1:3,3)
-      coef_fdm_fix_CMB_2(1,1:3) = mat_fdm_CMB_fix_2(1:3,2)
-      coef_fdm_fix_CMB_2(0,1:3) = mat_fdm_CMB_fix_2(1:3,1)
-      end subroutine cal_2nd_nod_CMB_fixed_fdm
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-      subroutine cal_2nd_nod_CMB_fix_df_fdm(r_from_CMB1)
-      real(kind = kreal) :: r_from_CMB1(-1:0)
-      integer(kind = kint) :: ierr
-      real(kind = kreal) :: mat_taylor_3(3,3)
-      real(kind = kreal) :: dr_n1
-      dr_n1 = r_from_CMB1(0) - r_from_CMB1(-1)
-      mat_taylor_3(1,1) = one
-      mat_taylor_3(1,2) = zero
-      mat_taylor_3(1,3) = zero
-      mat_taylor_3(2,1) = zero
-      mat_taylor_3(2,2) = one
-      mat_taylor_3(2,3) = zero
-      mat_taylor_3(3,1) = one
-      mat_taylor_3(3,2) =-dr_n1
-      mat_taylor_3(3,3) = dr_n1*dr_n1 / two
-      call cal_inverse_33_matrix(mat_taylor_3, mat_fdm_CMB_fix_dr_2,    &
-     &      ierr)
-      if(ierr .eq. 1) then
-        write(*,*) 'singular matrix cal_2nd_nod_CMB_fix_df_fdm ',       &
-     &             r_from_CMB1(0)
-      end if
-      coef_fdm_fix_dr_CMB_2(-1,1:3) = mat_fdm_CMB_fix_dr_2(1:3,3)
-      coef_fdm_fix_dr_CMB_2( 0,1:3) = mat_fdm_CMB_fix_dr_2(1:3,1)
-      coef_fdm_fix_dr_CMB_2( 1,1:3) = mat_fdm_CMB_fix_dr_2(1:3,2)
-      end subroutine cal_2nd_nod_CMB_fix_df_fdm
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
       subroutine check_coef_fdm_fix_dr_CMB
diff --git a/src/Fortran_libraries/MHD_src/sph_MHD/m_coef_fdm_fixed_ICB.f90 b/src/Fortran_libraries/MHD_src/sph_MHD/m_coef_fdm_fixed_ICB.f90
index bfab75f..c9bec4e 100644
--- a/src/Fortran_libraries/MHD_src/sph_MHD/m_coef_fdm_fixed_ICB.f90
+++ b/src/Fortran_libraries/MHD_src/sph_MHD/m_coef_fdm_fixed_ICB.f90
@@ -7,9 +7,6 @@
 !>@brief Matrix to evaluate radial derivative at ICB
-!!      subroutine cal_2nd_nod_ICB_fixed_fdm(r_from_ICB)
-!!      subroutine cal_2nd_nod_ICB_fix_df_fdm(r_from_ICB)
 !!      subroutine check_coef_fdm_fix_dr_ICB
 !!   Matrix for derivatives with fixed field
@@ -36,7 +33,6 @@
       use m_precision
       use m_constants
-!      use m_spheric_parameter
       use cal_inverse_small_matrix
       implicit none
@@ -78,83 +74,6 @@
 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-      subroutine cal_2nd_nod_ICB_fixed_fdm(r_from_ICB)
-      real(kind = kreal) :: r_from_ICB(0:2)
-      integer(kind = kint) :: ierr
-      real(kind = kreal) :: mat_taylor_3(3,3)
-      real(kind = kreal) :: dr_p1, dr_p2
-      dr_p1 = r_from_ICB(1) - r_from_ICB(0)
-      dr_p2 = r_from_ICB(2) - r_from_ICB(0)
-      mat_taylor_3(1,1) = one
-      mat_taylor_3(1,2) = zero
-      mat_taylor_3(1,3) = zero
-      mat_taylor_3(2,1) = one
-      mat_taylor_3(2,2) = dr_p1
-      mat_taylor_3(2,3) = dr_p1*dr_p1 / two
-      mat_taylor_3(3,1) = one
-      mat_taylor_3(3,2) = dr_p2
-      mat_taylor_3(3,3) = dr_p2*dr_p2 / two
-      call cal_inverse_33_matrix(mat_taylor_3, mat_fdm_ICB_fix_2, ierr)
-      if(ierr .eq. 1) then
-        write(*,*) 'singular matrix cal_2nd_nod_ICB_fixed_fdm ',        &
-     &            r_from_ICB(0)
-      end if
-      coef_fdm_fix_ICB_2(0,1:3) = mat_fdm_ICB_fix_2(1:3,1)
-      coef_fdm_fix_ICB_2(1,1:3) = mat_fdm_ICB_fix_2(1:3,2)
-      coef_fdm_fix_ICB_2(2,1:3) = mat_fdm_ICB_fix_2(1:3,3)
-      end subroutine cal_2nd_nod_ICB_fixed_fdm
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-      subroutine cal_2nd_nod_ICB_fix_df_fdm(r_from_ICB)
-      real(kind = kreal) :: r_from_ICB(0:1)
-      integer(kind = kint) :: ierr
-      real(kind = kreal) :: mat_taylor_3(3,3)
-      real(kind = kreal) :: dr_p1
-      dr_p1 = r_from_ICB(1) - r_from_ICB(0)
-      mat_taylor_3(1,1) = one
-      mat_taylor_3(1,2) = zero
-      mat_taylor_3(1,3) = zero
-      mat_taylor_3(2,1) = zero
-      mat_taylor_3(2,2) = one
-      mat_taylor_3(2,3) = zero
-      mat_taylor_3(3,1) = dr_p1
-      mat_taylor_3(3,2) = one
-      mat_taylor_3(3,3) = dr_p1*dr_p1 / two
-      call cal_inverse_33_matrix(mat_taylor_3, mat_fdm_ICB_fix_dr_2,    &
-     &      ierr)
-      if(ierr .eq. 1) then
-        write(*,*) 'singular matrix cal_2nd_nod_ICB_fix_df_fdm ',       &
-     &             r_from_ICB(0)
-      end if
-      coef_fdm_fix_dr_ICB_2(-1,1:3) = mat_fdm_ICB_fix_dr_2(1:3,1)
-      coef_fdm_fix_dr_ICB_2( 0,1:3) = mat_fdm_ICB_fix_dr_2(1:3,2)
-      coef_fdm_fix_dr_ICB_2( 1,1:3) = mat_fdm_ICB_fix_dr_2(1:3,3)
-      end subroutine cal_2nd_nod_ICB_fix_df_fdm
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
       subroutine check_coef_fdm_fix_dr_ICB
diff --git a/src/Fortran_libraries/MHD_src/sph_MHD/t_boundary_params_sph_MHD.f90 b/src/Fortran_libraries/MHD_src/sph_MHD/t_boundary_params_sph_MHD.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15e3f5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Fortran_libraries/MHD_src/sph_MHD/t_boundary_params_sph_MHD.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+!>@file   t_boundary_params_sph_MHD.f90
+!!@brief  module t_boundary_params_sph_MHD
+!!@author H. Matsui
+!!@date Programmed in Oct., 2009
+!>@brief  Structure for basic boundary conditions for spherical dynamo
+!!      subroutine alloc_fixed_bc_array(jmax, sph_bc)
+!!      subroutine dealloc_fixed_bc_array(sph_bc)
+!!      subroutine cal_fdm_coefs_4_BCs(nri, radius, sph_bc)
+!!      subroutine check_fdm_coefs_4_BC2(label, sph_bc)
+!!      subroutine check_sph_boundary_spectra(label, jmax, j_rj, sph_bc)
+!!        type(sph_boundary_type), intent(inout) :: sph_bc
+!!@n @param jmax    number of modes for spherical harmonics @f$L*(L+2)@f$
+!!@n @param nri     number of radial grid points
+!!@n @param radius  radius
+!!@n @param j_rj    local spherical harmionics modes for f(r,j)
+      module t_boundary_params_sph_MHD
+      use m_precision
+      implicit none
+!>      integer flag for fixed velocity boundary
+      integer(kind = kint), parameter :: iflag_fixed_field = 0
+!>      integer flag for free-slip boundary
+      integer(kind = kint), parameter :: iflag_fixed_flux =  1
+!>      integer flag for whole sphere model
+      integer(kind = kint), parameter :: iflag_sph_fill_center = 41
+!>      integer flag for whole sphere model
+      integer(kind = kint), parameter :: iflag_sph_fix_center =  42
+!>      Structure for basic boundary condition parameters
+      type sph_boundary_type
+!>        boundary condition flag at ICB
+        integer(kind = kint) :: iflag_icb = iflag_fixed_field
+!>        boundary condition flag at CMB
+        integer(kind = kint) :: iflag_cmb = iflag_fixed_field
+!>        Start radial address of fluid shell for @f$ f(r,j) @f$
+        integer(kind = kint) :: kr_in =   1
+!>        End radial address of fluid shell for @f$ f(r,j) @f$
+        integer(kind = kint) :: kr_out =  1
+!>        Fixed composition spectrum for ICB
+        real(kind= kreal), allocatable :: ICB_fld(:)
+!>        Fixed composition flux spectrum for ICB
+        real(kind= kreal), allocatable :: ICB_flux(:)
+!>        Fixed composition spectrum for CMB
+        real(kind= kreal), allocatable :: CMB_fld(:)
+!>        Fixed composition flux spectrum for CMB
+        real(kind= kreal), allocatable :: CMB_flux(:)
+!>        Matrix to evaluate radial derivative at ICB with fiexed field
+        real(kind = kreal) :: fdm2_fix_fld_ICB(0:2,3)
+!>        Matrix to evaluate field at ICB with fiexed radial derivative
+        real(kind = kreal) :: fdm2_fix_dr_ICB(-1:1,3)
+!>        Matrix to evaluate radial derivative at CMB with fiexed field
+        real(kind = kreal) :: fdm2_fix_fld_CMB(0:2,3)
+!>        Matrix to evaluate field at CMB with fiexed radial derivative
+        real(kind = kreal) :: fdm2_fix_dr_CMB(-1:1,3)
+      end type sph_boundary_type
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      contains
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine alloc_fixed_bc_array(jmax, sph_bc)
+      integer(kind= kint), intent(in) :: jmax
+      type(sph_boundary_type), intent(inout) :: sph_bc
+      allocate(sph_bc%ICB_fld(jmax))
+      allocate(sph_bc%CMB_fld(jmax))
+      allocate(sph_bc%ICB_flux(jmax))
+      allocate(sph_bc%CMB_flux(jmax))
+      sph_bc%ICB_fld = 0.0d0
+      sph_bc%CMB_fld = 0.0d0
+      sph_bc%ICB_flux = 0.0d0
+      sph_bc%CMB_flux = 0.0d0
+      end subroutine alloc_fixed_bc_array
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine dealloc_fixed_bc_array(sph_bc)
+      type(sph_boundary_type), intent(inout) :: sph_bc
+      deallocate(sph_bc%ICB_fld,  sph_bc%CMB_fld)
+      deallocate(sph_bc%ICB_flux, sph_bc%CMB_flux)
+      end subroutine dealloc_fixed_bc_array
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine cal_fdm_coefs_4_BCs(nri, radius, sph_bc)
+      use cal_fdm_coefs_4_boundaries
+      integer(kind = kint), intent(in) :: nri
+      real(kind = kreal), intent(in) :: radius(nri)
+      type(sph_boundary_type), intent(inout) :: sph_bc
+      call cal_fdm2_coef_fix_fld_ICB(radius(sph_bc%kr_in),              &
+     &     sph_bc%fdm2_fix_fld_ICB)
+      call cal_fdm2_coef_fix_df_ICB(radius(sph_bc%kr_in),               &
+     &     sph_bc%fdm2_fix_dr_ICB)
+      call cal_fdm2_coef_fix_fld_CMB(radius(sph_bc%kr_out-2),           &
+     &     sph_bc%fdm2_fix_fld_ICB)
+      call cal_fdm2_coef_fix_df_CMB(radius(sph_bc%kr_out-1),            &
+     &     sph_bc%fdm2_fix_dr_ICB)
+      end subroutine cal_fdm_coefs_4_BCs
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine check_fdm_coefs_4_BC2(label, sph_bc)
+      character(len=kchara), intent(in) :: label
+      type(sph_boundary_type), intent(in) :: sph_bc
+      write(50,*) ' Boundary condition matrix for ', trim(label)
+      write(50,*) ' fdm2_fix_fld_ICB'
+      write(50,*) ' mat_fdm21,  mat_fdm22,  mat_fdm23'
+      write(50,'(1p9E25.15e3)') sph_bc%fdm2_fix_fld_ICB(0:2,2)
+      write(50,*) ' mat_fdm31,  mat_fdm32,  mat_fdm33'
+      write(50,'(1p9E25.15e3)') sph_bc%fdm2_fix_fld_ICB(0:2,3)
+      write(50,*) ' fdm2_fix_dr_ICB'
+      write(50,*) ' mat_fdm21,  mat_fdm22,  mat_fdm23'
+      write(50,'(1p9E25.15e3)') sph_bc%fdm2_fix_dr_ICB(-1:1,2)
+      write(50,*) ' mat_fdm31,  mat_fdm32,  mat_fdm33'
+      write(50,'(1p9E25.15e3)') sph_bc%fdm2_fix_dr_ICB(-1:1,3)
+      write(50,*) ' fdm2_fix_fld_CMB'
+      write(50,*) ' mat_fdm21,  mat_fdm22,  mat_fdm23'
+      write(50,'(1p9E25.15e3)') sph_bc%fdm2_fix_fld_CMB(0:2,2)
+      write(50,*) ' mat_fdm31,  mat_fdm32,  mat_fdm33'
+      write(50,'(1p9E25.15e3)') sph_bc%fdm2_fix_fld_CMB(0:2,3)
+      write(50,*) ' fdm2_fix_dr_CMB'
+      write(50,*) ' mat_fdm11,  mat_fdm12,  mat_fdm13'
+      write(50,'(1p9E25.15e3)') sph_bc%fdm2_fix_dr_CMB(-1:1,1)
+      write(50,*) ' mat_fdm31,  mat_fdm32,  mat_fdm33'
+      write(50,'(1p9E25.15e3)') sph_bc%fdm2_fix_dr_CMB(-1:1,3)
+      end subroutine check_fdm_coefs_4_BC2
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine check_sph_boundary_spectra(label, jmax, j_rj, sph_bc)
+      use m_spheric_parameter
+      use m_bc_data_list
+      use m_surf_data_list
+      integer(kind = kint), intent(in) :: jmax
+      integer(kind = kint), intent(in) :: j_rj(jmax,3)
+      character(len=kchara), intent(in) :: label
+      type(sph_boundary_type), intent(in) :: sph_bc
+      integer(kind = kint) :: j
+      write(50,*) ' Boundary condition spectra for ', trim(label)
+      write(50,*) 'iflag_icb', sph_bc%iflag_icb
+      if(sph_bc%iflag_icb .eq. iflag_fixed_field) then
+        write(50,*) 'field at ICB '
+        do j = 1, jmax
+          write(50,*) j_rj(j,1:3), sph_bc%ICB_fld(j)
+        end do
+      end if
+      if(sph_bc%iflag_icb .eq. iflag_fixed_flux) then
+        write(50,*) 'flux at ICB '
+        do j = 1, jmax
+          write(50,*) j_rj(j,1:3),  sph_bc%ICB_flux(j)
+        end do
+      end if
+      write(50,*) 'iflag_cmb', sph_bc%iflag_cmb
+      if(sph_bc%iflag_cmb .eq. iflag_fixed_field) then
+        do j = 1, jmax
+          write(50,*)  j_rj(j,1:3), sph_bc%CMB_fld(j)
+        end do
+      end if
+      if(sph_bc%iflag_cmb .eq. iflag_fixed_flux) then
+        write(50,*) 'flux at CMB '
+        do j = 1, jmax
+          write(50,*) j_rj(j,1:3), sph_bc%CMB_flux(j)
+        end do
+      end if
+      end subroutine check_sph_boundary_spectra
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      end module t_boundary_params_sph_MHD

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