[cig-commits] r22751 - in seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src: auxiliaries specfem3D

danielpeter at geodynamics.org danielpeter at geodynamics.org
Mon Sep 2 03:52:05 PDT 2013

Author: danielpeter
Date: 2013-09-02 03:52:04 -0700 (Mon, 02 Sep 2013)
New Revision: 22751

updates movie surface routines in solver, and auxiliary programs create_movie_AVS_DX and create_movie_GMT_global to read in new moviedata format

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/auxiliaries/create_movie_AVS_DX.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/auxiliaries/create_movie_AVS_DX.f90	2013-08-31 00:33:04 UTC (rev 22750)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/auxiliaries/create_movie_AVS_DX.f90	2013-09-02 10:52:04 UTC (rev 22751)
@@ -32,74 +32,17 @@
   program xcreate_movie_AVS_DX
-  implicit none
-  integer it1,it2
-  integer iformat
-! parameters read from parameter file
-  integer :: NEX_XI,NEX_ETA
-  logical :: MOVIE_SURFACE
-  integer :: USE_COMPONENT
-! ************** PROGRAM STARTS HERE **************
-  call read_AVS_DX_parameters(NEX_XI,NEX_ETA, &
-  if(.not. MOVIE_SURFACE) stop 'movie frames were not saved by the solver'
-  print *,'1 = create files in OpenDX format'
-  print *,'2 = create files in AVS UCD format with individual files'
-  print *,'3 = create files in AVS UCD format with one time-dependent file'
-  print *,'4 = create files in GMT xyz Ascii long/lat/U format'
-  print *,'any other value = exit'
-  print *
-  print *,'enter value:'
-  read(5,*) iformat
-  if(iformat<1 .or. iformat>4) stop 'exiting...'
-  print *,'movie frames have been saved every ',NTSTEP_BETWEEN_FRAMES,' time steps'
-  print *
-  print *,'enter first time step of movie (e.g. 1)'
-  read(5,*) it1
-  print *,'enter last time step of movie (e.g. ',NSTEP,')'
-  read(5,*) it2
-  print *,'enter component (e.g. 1=Z, 2=N, 3=E)'
-  read(5,*) USE_COMPONENT
-  if( USE_COMPONENT < 1 .or. USE_COMPONENT > 3 ) stop 'component must be 1, 2 or 3'
-! run the main program
-  call create_movie_AVS_DX(iformat,it1,it2, &
-                          NEX_XI,NEX_ETA, &
-                          NSTEP,NTSTEP_BETWEEN_FRAMES, &
-                          USE_COMPONENT)
-  end program xcreate_movie_AVS_DX
-  subroutine create_movie_AVS_DX(iformat,it1,it2, &
-                                NEX_XI,NEX_ETA, &
-                                NSTEP,NTSTEP_BETWEEN_FRAMES, &
-                                NCHUNKS,NPROCTOT,NEX_PER_PROC_XI,NEX_PER_PROC_ETA, &
-                                USE_COMPONENT)
   use constants
+  use shared_parameters,only: &
   implicit none
 ! threshold and normalization parameters
 ! single parameter to turn off all thresholding
@@ -110,8 +53,9 @@
 ! flag to apply non linear scaling to normalized norm of displacement
   logical, parameter :: NONLINEAR_SCALING = .false.
 ! uses fixed max_value to normalize instead of max of current wavefield
-  logical, parameter :: FIX_SCALING = .true.
+  logical, parameter :: FIX_SCALING = .false.
   real,parameter:: MAX_VALUE = 1.0
 ! coefficient of power law used for non linear scaling
@@ -122,53 +66,89 @@
-  integer i,j,it
-  integer it1,it2
-  integer nspectot_AVS_max
-  integer ispec
-  integer ibool_number,ibool_number1,ibool_number2,ibool_number3,ibool_number4
+  ! user input
+  integer :: it1,it2
+  integer :: iformat
+  integer :: USE_COMPONENT
+  integer :: i,j,it
+  integer :: nspectot_AVS_max
+  integer :: ispec
+  integer :: ibool_number,ibool_number1,ibool_number2,ibool_number3,ibool_number4
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: x,y,z,displn
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) xcoord,ycoord,zcoord,rval,thetaval,phival,lat,long
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) displx,disply,displz
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) normal_x,normal_y,normal_z
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) RRval,rhoval
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) thetahat_x,thetahat_y,thetahat_z
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) phihat_x,phihat_y
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: xcoord,ycoord,zcoord,rval,thetaval,phival,lat,long
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: displx,disply,displz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: normal_x,normal_y,normal_z
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: RRval,rhoval
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: thetahat_x,thetahat_y,thetahat_z
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: phihat_x,phihat_y
-  double precision min_field_current,max_field_current,max_absol
+  double precision :: min_field_current,max_field_current,max_absol
-  integer USE_COMPONENT
-  integer iformat,nframes,iframe
+  integer :: nframes,iframe
-  character(len=150) outputname
+  character(len=150) :: outputname
-  integer iproc,ipoin
+  integer :: iproc,ipoin
 ! for sorting routine
-  integer npointot,ilocnum,nglob,ielm,ieoff,ispecloc
+  integer :: npointot,ilocnum,nglob,ielm,ieoff,ispecloc
+  integer :: NIT
   integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: iglob,loc,ireorder
   logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: ifseg,mask_point
   double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: xp,yp,zp,xp_save,yp_save,zp_save,field_display
 ! for dynamic memory allocation
-  integer ierror
+  integer :: ierror
 ! movie files stored by solver
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
          store_val_x,store_val_y,store_val_z, &
-! parameters read from file or deduced from parameters read from file
-  integer NEX_XI,NEX_ETA
-  character(len=150) OUTPUT_FILES
+! ************** PROGRAM STARTS HERE **************
+  call read_AVS_DX_parameters()
+  ! user input
+  print *,'1 = create files in OpenDX format'
+  print *,'2 = create files in AVS UCD format with individual files'
+  print *,'3 = create files in AVS UCD format with one time-dependent file'
+  print *,'4 = create files in GMT xyz Ascii long/lat/U format'
+  print *,'any other value = exit'
+  print *
+  print *,'enter value:'
+  read(5,*) iformat
+  if( iformat < 1 .or. iformat > 4 ) stop 'exiting...'
+  print *,'movie frames have been saved every ',NTSTEP_BETWEEN_FRAMES,' time steps'
+  print *
+  print *,'enter first time step of movie (e.g. 1)'
+  read(5,*) it1
+  print *,'enter last time step of movie (e.g. ',NSTEP,'or -1 for all)'
+  read(5,*) it2
+  print *,'enter component (e.g. 1=Z, 2=N, 3=E)'
+  read(5,*) USE_COMPONENT
+  if( USE_COMPONENT < 1 .or. USE_COMPONENT > 3 ) stop 'component must be 1, 2 or 3'
+  print *
+  print *,'--------'
+  print *
+  ! checks options
+  if( it2 == -1 ) it2 = NSTEP
 ! --------------------------------------
+  ! runs the main program
+  ! sets flags
   if(iformat == 1) then
     USE_OPENDX = .true.
     USE_AVS = .false.
@@ -196,20 +176,28 @@
   print *
   print *,'Recombining all movie frames to create a movie'
   print *
-! get the base pathname for output files
-  call get_value_string(OUTPUT_FILES, 'OUTPUT_FILES', 'OUTPUT_FILES')
   print *
   print *,'There are ',NPROCTOT,' slices numbered from 0 to ',NPROCTOT-1
   print *
+  if(MOVIE_COARSE) then
+    ! note:
+    ! nex_per_proc_xi*nex_per_proc_eta = nex_xi*nex_eta/nproc = nspec2d_top(iregion_crust_mantle)
+    ! used in specfem3D.f90
+    ! and ilocnum = nmovie_points = 2 * 2 * NEX_XI * NEX_ETA / NPROC
+    ilocnum = 2 * 2 * NEX_PER_PROC_XI*NEX_PER_PROC_ETA
+    NIT = NGLLX-1
+  else
+    NIT = 1
+  endif
   print *
-  print *,'Allocating arrays of size ',ilocnum*NPROCTOT
+  print *,'Allocating arrays for reading data of size ',ilocnum*NPROCTOT,'=', &
+                            6*ilocnum*NPROCTOT*CUSTOM_REAL/1024./1024.,'MB'
   print *
   if(ierror /= 0) stop 'error while allocating store_val_x'
@@ -257,13 +245,17 @@
 ! spectral element one should have (NGLL-1)^2 OpenDX "elements"
 ! define the total number of OpenDX "elements" at the surface
-  nspectot_AVS_max = NCHUNKS * NEX_XI * NEX_ETA * (NGLLX-1) * (NGLLY-1)
+  if(MOVIE_COARSE) then
+    nspectot_AVS_max = NCHUNKS * NEX_XI * NEX_ETA
+  else
+    nspectot_AVS_max = NCHUNKS * NEX_XI * NEX_ETA * (NGLLX-1) * (NGLLY-1)
+  endif
   print *
   print *,'there are a total of ',nspectot_AVS_max,' OpenDX "elements" at the surface'
   print *
-! maximum theoretical number of points at the surface
+  ! maximum theoretical number of points at the surface
   npointot = NGNOD2D_AVS_DX * nspectot_AVS_max
   print *
@@ -317,26 +309,12 @@
 ! --------------------------------------
-  iframe = 0
-! loop on all the time steps in the range entered
-  do it = it1,it2
-! check if time step corresponds to a movie frame
-  if(mod(it,NTSTEP_BETWEEN_FRAMES) == 0) then
-  iframe = iframe + 1
-  print *
-  print *,'reading snapshot time step ',it,' out of ',NSTEP
-  print *
-! read all the elements from the same file
-  write(outputname,"('/moviedata',i6.6)") it
-  open(unit=IOUT,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//outputname, &
+  ! movie point locations
+  outputname = "/moviedata_xyz.bin"
+  open(unit=IOUT,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//trim(outputname), &
   if(ierror /= 0 ) then
-    print*,'error opening file: ',trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//outputname
+    print*,'error opening file: ',trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//trim(outputname)
     stop 'error opening moviedata file'
@@ -345,434 +323,507 @@
   read(IOUT) store_val_x
   read(IOUT) store_val_y
   read(IOUT) store_val_z
+  close(IOUT)
-  ! reads in associated values (displacement or velocity..)
-  read(IOUT) store_val_ux
-  read(IOUT) store_val_uy
-  read(IOUT) store_val_uz
+! --------------------------------------
-  close(IOUT)
+  iframe = 0
-  !debug
-  print*
-  print*,"data ux min/max: ",minval(store_val_ux),maxval(store_val_ux)
-  print*,"data uy min/max: ",minval(store_val_uy),maxval(store_val_uy)
-  print*,"data uz min/max: ",minval(store_val_uz),maxval(store_val_uz)
-  print*
+  ! loop on all the time steps in the range entered
+  do it = it1,it2
-! clear number of elements kept
-  ispec = 0
+    ! check if time step corresponds to a movie frame
+    if(mod(it,NTSTEP_BETWEEN_FRAMES) /= 0) cycle
-! read points for all the slices
-  do iproc = 0,NPROCTOT-1
+    iframe = iframe + 1
-! reset point number
-    ipoin = 0
+    print *
+    print *,'reading snapshot time step ',it,' out of ',NSTEP
+    print *
-    do ispecloc = 1,NEX_PER_PROC_XI*NEX_PER_PROC_ETA
+    ! read all the elements from the same file
+    write(outputname,"('/moviedata',i6.6)") it
+    open(unit=IOUT,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//outputname, &
+         status='old',action='read',form='unformatted',iostat=ierror)
+    if(ierror /= 0 ) then
+      print*,'error opening file: ',trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//outputname
+      stop 'error opening moviedata file'
+    endif
-      do j = 1,NGLLY
-        do i = 1,NGLLX
+    ! reads in associated values (displacement or velocity..)
+    read(IOUT) store_val_ux
+    read(IOUT) store_val_uy
+    read(IOUT) store_val_uz
-          ipoin = ipoin + 1
+    close(IOUT)
-          ! coordinates actually contain r theta phi
-          xcoord = store_val_x(ipoin,iproc)
-          ycoord = store_val_y(ipoin,iproc)
-          zcoord = store_val_z(ipoin,iproc)
+    print *,'  file ',trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//trim(outputname)
+    print *
+    !debug
+    print *,"  data ux min/max: ",minval(store_val_ux),maxval(store_val_ux)
+    print *,"  data uy min/max: ",minval(store_val_uy),maxval(store_val_uy)
+    print *,"  data uz min/max: ",minval(store_val_uz),maxval(store_val_uz)
+    print *
-          displx = store_val_ux(ipoin,iproc)
-          disply = store_val_uy(ipoin,iproc)
-          displz = store_val_uz(ipoin,iproc)
+    ! clear number of elements kept
+    ispec = 0
-          ! coordinates actually contain r theta phi, therefore convert back to x y z
-          rval = xcoord
-          thetaval = ycoord
-          phival = zcoord
-          call rthetaphi_2_xyz(xcoord,ycoord,zcoord,rval,thetaval,phival)
+    ! read points for all the slices
+    do iproc = 0,NPROCTOT-1
-          ! save the results for this element
-          x(i,j) = xcoord
-          y(i,j) = ycoord
-          z(i,j) = zcoord
+      ! reset point number
+      ipoin = 0
-          ! saves the desired component
-          if(USE_COMPONENT == 1) then
-             ! compute unit normal vector to the surface
-             RRval = sqrt(xcoord**2 + ycoord**2 + zcoord**2)
-             if( RRval < 1.e-10 ) stop 'error unit normal vector'
-             normal_x = xcoord / RRval
-             normal_y = ycoord / RRval
-             normal_z = zcoord / RRval
+      do ispecloc = 1,NEX_PER_PROC_XI*NEX_PER_PROC_ETA
-             displn(i,j) = displx*normal_x + disply*normal_y + displz*normal_z
+        ! gets element values
+        do j = 1,NGLLY,NIT
+          do i = 1,NGLLX,NIT
+            ipoin = ipoin + 1
-          else if(USE_COMPONENT == 2) then
+            ! coordinates actually contain r theta phi
+            xcoord = store_val_x(ipoin,iproc)
+            ycoord = store_val_y(ipoin,iproc)
+            zcoord = store_val_z(ipoin,iproc)
-             ! compute unit tangent vector to the surface (N-S)
-             RRval = sqrt(xcoord**2 + ycoord**2 + zcoord**2)
-             if( RRval < 1.e-10 ) stop 'error unit normal vector'
-             rhoval = sqrt(xcoord**2 + ycoord**2)
-             if( rhoval < 1.e-10 ) then
-              ! location at pole
-              thetahat_x = 0.0
-              thetahat_y = 0.0
-             else
-              thetahat_x = (zcoord*xcoord) / (rhoval*RRval)
-              thetahat_y = (zcoord*ycoord) / (rhoval*RRval)
-             endif
-             thetahat_z = - rhoval/RRval
+            displx = store_val_ux(ipoin,iproc)
+            disply = store_val_uy(ipoin,iproc)
+            displz = store_val_uz(ipoin,iproc)
-             displn(i,j) = - (displx*thetahat_x + disply*thetahat_y + displz*thetahat_z)
+            ! coordinates actually contain r theta phi, therefore convert back to x y z
+            rval = xcoord
+            thetaval = ycoord
+            phival = zcoord
+            call rthetaphi_2_xyz(xcoord,ycoord,zcoord,rval,thetaval,phival)
-          else if(USE_COMPONENT == 3) then
+            ! save the results for this element
+            x(i,j) = xcoord
+            y(i,j) = ycoord
+            z(i,j) = zcoord
-             ! compute unit tangent to the surface (E-W)
-             rhoval = sqrt(xcoord**2 + ycoord**2)
-             if( rhoval < 1.e-10 ) then
-              ! location at pole
-              phihat_x = 0.0
-              phihat_y = 0.0
-             else
-              phihat_x = -ycoord / rhoval
-              phihat_y = xcoord / rhoval
-             endif
+            ! saves the desired component
+            if(USE_COMPONENT == 1) then
+               ! compute unit normal vector to the surface
+               RRval = sqrt(xcoord**2 + ycoord**2 + zcoord**2)
+               if( RRval < 1.e-10 ) stop 'error unit normal vector'
+               normal_x = xcoord / RRval
+               normal_y = ycoord / RRval
+               normal_z = zcoord / RRval
-             displn(i,j) = displx*phihat_x + disply*phihat_y
-          endif
+               displn(i,j) = displx*normal_x + disply*normal_y + displz*normal_z
+            else if(USE_COMPONENT == 2) then
+               ! compute unit tangent vector to the surface (N-S)
+               RRval = sqrt(xcoord**2 + ycoord**2 + zcoord**2)
+               if( RRval < 1.e-10 ) stop 'error unit normal vector'
+               rhoval = sqrt(xcoord**2 + ycoord**2)
+               if( rhoval < 1.e-10 ) then
+                ! location at pole
+                thetahat_x = 0.0
+                thetahat_y = 0.0
+               else
+                thetahat_x = (zcoord*xcoord) / (rhoval*RRval)
+                thetahat_y = (zcoord*ycoord) / (rhoval*RRval)
+               endif
+               thetahat_z = - rhoval/RRval
+               displn(i,j) = - (displx*thetahat_x + disply*thetahat_y + displz*thetahat_z)
+            else if(USE_COMPONENT == 3) then
+               ! compute unit tangent to the surface (E-W)
+               rhoval = sqrt(xcoord**2 + ycoord**2)
+               if( rhoval < 1.e-10 ) then
+                ! location at pole
+                phihat_x = 0.0
+                phihat_y = 0.0
+               else
+                phihat_x = -ycoord / rhoval
+                phihat_y = xcoord / rhoval
+               endif
+               displn(i,j) = displx*phihat_x + disply*phihat_y
+            endif
+          enddo
-      enddo
-! assign the values of the corners of the OpenDX "elements"
-      ispec = ispec + 1
-      ielm = (NGLLX-1)*(NGLLY-1)*(ispec-1)
-      do j = 1,NGLLY-1
-        do i = 1,NGLLX-1
-          ieoff = NGNOD2D_AVS_DX*(ielm+(i-1)+(j-1)*(NGLLX-1))
-          do ilocnum = 1,NGNOD2D_AVS_DX
-            if(ilocnum == 1) then
-              xp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(x(i,j))
-              yp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(y(i,j))
-              zp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(z(i,j))
-              field_display(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(displn(i,j))
-            else if(ilocnum == 2) then
-              xp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(x(i+1,j))
-              yp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(y(i+1,j))
-              zp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(z(i+1,j))
-              field_display(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(displn(i+1,j))
-            else if(ilocnum == 3) then
-              xp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(x(i+1,j+1))
-              yp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(y(i+1,j+1))
-              zp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(z(i+1,j+1))
-              field_display(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(displn(i+1,j+1))
+        ! assign the values of the corners of the OpenDX "elements"
+        ispec = ispec + 1
+        if(MOVIE_COARSE) then
+          ielm = ispec-1
+        else
+          ielm = (NGLLX-1)*(NGLLY-1)*(ispec-1)
+        endif
+        do j = 1,NGLLY-NIT
+          do i = 1,NGLLX-NIT
+            ! offset (starts at 0)
+            if(MOVIE_COARSE) then
+              ieoff = NGNOD2D_AVS_DX * ielm
-              xp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(x(i,j+1))
-              yp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(y(i,j+1))
-              zp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(z(i,j+1))
-              field_display(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(displn(i,j+1))
+              ieoff = NGNOD2D_AVS_DX * (ielm+(i-1)+(j-1)*(NGLLX-1))
+            ! stores 4 points as element corners
+            do ilocnum = 1,NGNOD2D_AVS_DX
+              ! for movie_coarse e.g. x(i,j) is defined at x(1,1), x(1,NGLLY), x(NGLLX,1) and x(NGLLX,NGLLY)
+              ! be aware that for the cubed sphere, the mapping changes for different chunks,
+              ! i.e. e.g. x(1,1) and x(5,5) flip left and right sides of the elements in geographical coordinates
+              if(MOVIE_COARSE) then
+                if(ilocnum == 1) then
+                  xp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(x(1,1))
+                  yp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(y(1,1))
+                  zp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(z(1,1))
+                  field_display(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(displn(1,1))
+                else if(ilocnum == 2) then
+                  xp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(x(NGLLX,1))
+                  yp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(y(NGLLX,1))
+                  zp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(z(NGLLX,1))
+                  field_display(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(displn(NGLLX,1))
+                else if(ilocnum == 3) then
+                  xp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(x(NGLLX,NGLLY))
+                  yp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(y(NGLLX,NGLLY))
+                  zp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(z(NGLLX,NGLLY))
+                  field_display(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(displn(NGLLX,NGLLY))
+                else
+                  xp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(x(1,NGLLY))
+                  yp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(y(1,NGLLY))
+                  zp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(z(1,NGLLY))
+                  field_display(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(displn(1,NGLLY))
+                endif
+              else
+                ! movie saved on fine grid (all gll points)
+                if(ilocnum == 1) then
+                  xp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(x(i,j))
+                  yp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(y(i,j))
+                  zp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(z(i,j))
+                  field_display(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(displn(i,j))
+                else if(ilocnum == 2) then
+                  xp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(x(i+1,j))
+                  yp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(y(i+1,j))
+                  zp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(z(i+1,j))
+                  field_display(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(displn(i+1,j))
+                else if(ilocnum == 3) then
+                  xp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(x(i+1,j+1))
+                  yp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(y(i+1,j+1))
+                  zp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(z(i+1,j+1))
+                  field_display(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(displn(i+1,j+1))
+                else
+                  xp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(x(i,j+1))
+                  yp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(y(i,j+1))
+                  zp(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(z(i,j+1))
+                  field_display(ieoff+ilocnum) = dble(displn(i,j+1))
+                endif
+              endif ! MOVIE_COARSE
+            enddo ! ilocnum
-      enddo
+      enddo ! ispecloc
-  enddo
+    !---------------------------------
+    ! apply normalization and thresholding, if desired
-! apply normalization and thresholding, if desired
+    if (.not. ALL_THRESHOLD_OFF) then
-  if (.not. ALL_THRESHOLD_OFF) then
+      ! compute min and max of data value to normalize
+      min_field_current = minval(field_display(:))
+      max_field_current = maxval(field_display(:))
-    ! compute min and max of data value to normalize
-    min_field_current = minval(field_display(:))
-    max_field_current = maxval(field_display(:))
+      ! make sure range is always symmetric and center is in zero
+      ! this assumption works only for fields that can be negative
+      ! would not work for norm of vector for instance
+      ! (we would lose half of the color palette if no negative values)
+      max_absol = max(abs(min_field_current),abs(max_field_current))
+      min_field_current = - max_absol
+      max_field_current = + max_absol
-    ! make sure range is always symmetric and center is in zero
-    ! this assumption works only for fields that can be negative
-    ! would not work for norm of vector for instance
-    ! (we would lose half of the color palette if no negative values)
-    max_absol = max(abs(min_field_current),abs(max_field_current))
-    min_field_current = - max_absol
-    max_field_current = + max_absol
+      ! print minimum and maximum amplitude in current snapshot
+      print *
+      print *,'minimum amplitude in current snapshot = ',min_field_current
+      print *,'maximum amplitude in current snapshot = ',max_field_current
+      if( FIX_SCALING ) then
+        print *,'  to be normalized by : ',MAX_VALUE
+        if( max_field_current > MAX_VALUE ) stop 'increase MAX_VALUE'
+      endif
+      print *
-    ! print minimum and maximum amplitude in current snapshot
-    print *
-    print *,'minimum amplitude in current snapshot = ',min_field_current
-    print *,'maximum amplitude in current snapshot = ',max_field_current
-    if( FIX_SCALING ) then
-      print *,'  to be normalized by : ',MAX_VALUE
-      if( max_field_current > MAX_VALUE ) stop 'increase MAX_VALUE'
-    endif
-    print *
+      ! normalize field to [0:1]
+      print *,'normalizing... '
+      if( FIX_SCALING ) then
+        field_display(:) = (field_display(:) + MAX_VALUE) / (2.0*MAX_VALUE)
+      else
+        field_display(:) = (field_display(:) - min_field_current) / (max_field_current - min_field_current)
+      endif
+      ! rescale to [-1,1]
+      field_display(:) = 2.*field_display(:) - 1.
-    ! normalize field to [0:1]
-    print *,'normalizing... '
-    if( FIX_SCALING ) then
-      field_display(:) = (field_display(:) + MAX_VALUE) / (2.0*MAX_VALUE)
-    else
-      field_display(:) = (field_display(:) - min_field_current) / (max_field_current - min_field_current)
-    endif
-    ! rescale to [-1,1]
-    field_display(:) = 2.*field_display(:) - 1.
+      ! apply threshold to normalized field
+      if(APPLY_THRESHOLD) then
+        print *,'thresholding... '
+        where(abs(field_display(:)) <= THRESHOLD) field_display = 0.
+      endif
-    ! apply threshold to normalized field
-    if(APPLY_THRESHOLD) then
-      print *,'thresholding... '
-      where(abs(field_display(:)) <= THRESHOLD) field_display = 0.
-    endif
+      ! apply non linear scaling to normalized field if needed
+      if(NONLINEAR_SCALING) then
+        print *,'nonlinear scaling... '
+        where(field_display(:) >= 0.)
+          field_display = field_display ** POWER_SCALING
+        elsewhere
+          field_display = - abs(field_display) ** POWER_SCALING
+        endwhere
+      endif
-    ! apply non linear scaling to normalized field if needed
-      print *,'nonlinear scaling... '
-      where(field_display(:) >= 0.)
-        field_display = field_display ** POWER_SCALING
-      elsewhere
-        field_display = - abs(field_display) ** POWER_SCALING
-      endwhere
-    endif
+      print *,'color scaling... '
+      ! map back to [0,1]
+      field_display(:) = (field_display(:) + 1.) / 2.
-    print *,'color scaling... '
-    ! map back to [0,1]
-    field_display(:) = (field_display(:) + 1.) / 2.
+      ! map field to [0:255] for AVS color scale
+      field_display(:) = 255. * field_display(:)
-    ! map field to [0:255] for AVS color scale
-    field_display(:) = 255. * field_display(:)
+    else
-  else
+      ! compute min and max of data value
+      min_field_current = minval(field_display(:))
+      max_field_current = maxval(field_display(:))
-    ! compute min and max of data value
-    min_field_current = minval(field_display(:))
-    max_field_current = maxval(field_display(:))
+      ! print minimum and maximum amplitude in current snapshot
+      print *
+      print *,'minimum amplitude in current snapshot = ',min_field_current
+      print *,'maximum amplitude in current snapshot = ',max_field_current
+      print *
-    ! print minimum and maximum amplitude in current snapshot
-    print *
-    print *,'minimum amplitude in current snapshot = ',min_field_current
-    print *,'maximum amplitude in current snapshot = ',max_field_current
-    print *
+    endif
-  endif
+    !---------------------------------
+    ! copy coordinate arrays since the sorting routine does not preserve them
+    print *,'sorting... '
+    xp_save(:) = xp(:)
+    yp_save(:) = yp(:)
+    zp_save(:) = zp(:)
-! copy coordinate arrays since the sorting routine does not preserve them
-  print *,'sorting... '
-  xp_save(:) = xp(:)
-  yp_save(:) = yp(:)
-  zp_save(:) = zp(:)
+    !--- sort the list based upon coordinates to get rid of multiples
+    print *,'sorting list of points'
+    call get_global_AVS(nspectot_AVS_max,xp,yp,zp,iglob,loc,ifseg,nglob,npointot)
-!--- sort the list based upon coordinates to get rid of multiples
-  print *,'sorting list of points'
-  call get_global_AVS(nspectot_AVS_max,xp,yp,zp,iglob,loc,ifseg,nglob,npointot)
+    !--- print total number of points found
+    print *
+    print *,'found a total of ',nglob,' points'
+    print *,'initial number of points (with multiples) was ',npointot
-!--- print total number of points found
-  print *
-  print *,'found a total of ',nglob,' points'
-  print *,'initial number of points (with multiples) was ',npointot
+    !--- ****** create AVS file using sorted list ******
-!--- ****** create AVS file using sorted list ******
-! create file name and open file
-  if(USE_OPENDX) then
-    if( USE_COMPONENT == 1) then
-      write(outputname,"('/DX_movie_',i6.6,'.Z.dx')") it
-    else if( USE_COMPONENT == 2) then
-      write(outputname,"('/DX_movie_',i6.6,'.N.dx')") it
-    else if( USE_COMPONENT == 3) then
-      write(outputname,"('/DX_movie_',i6.6,'.E.dx')") it
-    endif
-    open(unit=11,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//trim(outputname),status='unknown')
-    write(11,*) 'object 1 class array type float rank 1 shape 3 items ',nglob,' data follows'
-  else if(USE_AVS) then
-    if(UNIQUE_FILE .and. iframe == 1) then
+    ! create file name and open file
+    if(USE_OPENDX) then
       if( USE_COMPONENT == 1) then
-        outputname = '/AVS_movie_all.Z.inp'
+        write(outputname,"('/DX_movie_',i6.6,'.Z.dx')") it
       else if( USE_COMPONENT == 2) then
-        outputname = '/AVS_movie_all.N.inp'
+        write(outputname,"('/DX_movie_',i6.6,'.N.dx')") it
       else if( USE_COMPONENT == 3) then
-        outputname = '/AVS_movie_all.E.inp'
+        write(outputname,"('/DX_movie_',i6.6,'.E.dx')") it
-      write(11,*) nframes
-      write(11,*) 'data'
-      write(11,"('step',i1,' image',i1)") 1,1
-      write(11,*) nglob,' ',nspectot_AVS_max
-    else if(.not. UNIQUE_FILE) then
+      write(11,*) 'object 1 class array type float rank 1 shape 3 items ',nglob,' data follows'
+    else if(USE_AVS) then
+      if(UNIQUE_FILE .and. iframe == 1) then
+        if( USE_COMPONENT == 1) then
+          outputname = '/AVS_movie_all.Z.inp'
+        else if( USE_COMPONENT == 2) then
+          outputname = '/AVS_movie_all.N.inp'
+        else if( USE_COMPONENT == 3) then
+          outputname = '/AVS_movie_all.E.inp'
+        endif
+        open(unit=11,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//trim(outputname),status='unknown')
+        write(11,*) nframes
+        write(11,*) 'data'
+        write(11,"('step',i1,' image',i1)") 1,1
+        write(11,*) nglob,' ',nspectot_AVS_max
+      else if(.not. UNIQUE_FILE) then
+        if( USE_COMPONENT == 1) then
+          write(outputname,"('/AVS_movie_',i6.6,'.Z.inp')") it
+        else if( USE_COMPONENT == 2) then
+          write(outputname,"('/AVS_movie_',i6.6,'.N.inp')") it
+        else if( USE_COMPONENT == 3) then
+          write(outputname,"('/AVS_movie_',i6.6,'.E.inp')") it
+        endif
+        open(unit=11,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//trim(outputname),status='unknown')
+        write(11,*) nglob,' ',nspectot_AVS_max,' 1 0 0'
+      endif
+    else if(USE_GMT) then
       if( USE_COMPONENT == 1) then
-        write(outputname,"('/AVS_movie_',i6.6,'.Z.inp')") it
+        write(outputname,"('/gmt_movie_',i6.6,'.Z.xyz')") it
       else if( USE_COMPONENT == 2) then
-        write(outputname,"('/AVS_movie_',i6.6,'.N.inp')") it
+        write(outputname,"('/gmt_movie_',i6.6,'.N.xyz')") it
       else if( USE_COMPONENT == 3) then
-        write(outputname,"('/AVS_movie_',i6.6,'.E.inp')") it
+        write(outputname,"('/gmt_movie_',i6.6,'.E.xyz')") it
-      write(11,*) nglob,' ',nspectot_AVS_max,' 1 0 0'
+    else
+      stop 'wrong output format selected'
-  else if(USE_GMT) then
-    if( USE_COMPONENT == 1) then
-      write(outputname,"('/gmt_movie_',i6.6,'.Z.xyz')") it
-    else if( USE_COMPONENT == 2) then
-      write(outputname,"('/gmt_movie_',i6.6,'.N.xyz')") it
-    else if( USE_COMPONENT == 3) then
-      write(outputname,"('/gmt_movie_',i6.6,'.E.xyz')") it
-    endif
-    open(unit=11,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//trim(outputname),status='unknown')
-  else
-    stop 'wrong output format selected'
-  endif
-  if(USE_GMT) then
+    if(USE_GMT) then
-    ! output list of points
-    mask_point = .false.
-    do ispec=1,nspectot_AVS_max
-      ieoff = NGNOD2D_AVS_DX*(ispec-1)
-      ! four points for each element
-      do ilocnum = 1,NGNOD2D_AVS_DX
-        ibool_number = iglob(ilocnum+ieoff)
-        if(.not. mask_point(ibool_number)) then
-          xcoord = sngl(xp_save(ilocnum+ieoff))
-          ycoord = sngl(yp_save(ilocnum+ieoff))
-          zcoord = sngl(zp_save(ilocnum+ieoff))
-          call xyz_2_rthetaphi(xcoord,ycoord,zcoord,rval,thetaval,phival)
-          ! note: converts the geocentric colatitude to a geographic colatitude
-          if(.not. ASSUME_PERFECT_SPHERE) then
-            thetaval = PI_OVER_TWO - &
-                    datan(1.006760466d0*dcos(dble(thetaval))/dmax1(TINYVAL,dble(sin(thetaval))))
-          endif
-          lat = (PI_OVER_TWO-thetaval)*RADIANS_TO_DEGREES
-          long = phival*RADIANS_TO_DEGREES
-          if(long > 180.0) long = long-360.0
-          write(11,*) long,lat,sngl(field_display(ilocnum+ieoff))
-        endif
-        mask_point(ibool_number) = .true.
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  else
-! if unique file, output geometry only once
-    if(.not. UNIQUE_FILE .or. iframe == 1) then
-! output list of points
+      ! output list of points
       mask_point = .false.
-      ipoin = 0
       do ispec=1,nspectot_AVS_max
         ieoff = NGNOD2D_AVS_DX*(ispec-1)
-! four points for each element
+        ! four points for each element
         do ilocnum = 1,NGNOD2D_AVS_DX
           ibool_number = iglob(ilocnum+ieoff)
           if(.not. mask_point(ibool_number)) then
-            ipoin = ipoin + 1
-            ireorder(ibool_number) = ipoin
-            if(USE_OPENDX) then
-              write(11,"(f10.7,1x,f10.7,1x,f10.7)") &
-                xp_save(ilocnum+ieoff),yp_save(ilocnum+ieoff),zp_save(ilocnum+ieoff)
-            else if(USE_AVS) then
-              write(11,"(i10,1x,f10.7,1x,f10.7,1x,f10.7)") ireorder(ibool_number), &
-                xp_save(ilocnum+ieoff),yp_save(ilocnum+ieoff),zp_save(ilocnum+ieoff)
+            ! gets cartesian coordinates
+            xcoord = sngl(xp_save(ilocnum+ieoff))
+            ycoord = sngl(yp_save(ilocnum+ieoff))
+            zcoord = sngl(zp_save(ilocnum+ieoff))
+            ! location latitude/longitude (with geocentric colatitude theta )
+            call xyz_2_rthetaphi(xcoord,ycoord,zcoord,rval,thetaval,phival)
+            ! note: converts the geocentric colatitude to a geographic colatitude
+            if(.not. ASSUME_PERFECT_SPHERE) then
+              thetaval = PI_OVER_TWO - &
+                      datan(1.006760466d0*dcos(dble(thetaval))/dmax1(TINYVAL,dble(sin(thetaval))))
+            ! gets geographic latitude and longitude in degrees
+            lat = (PI_OVER_TWO-thetaval)*RADIANS_TO_DEGREES
+            long = phival*RADIANS_TO_DEGREES
+            if(long > 180.0) long = long-360.0
+            write(11,*) long,lat,sngl(field_display(ilocnum+ieoff))
           mask_point(ibool_number) = .true.
-      if(USE_OPENDX) &
-        write(11,*) 'object 2 class array type int rank 1 shape 4 items ',nspectot_AVS_max,' data follows'
+    else
+      ! if unique file, output geometry only once
+      if(.not. UNIQUE_FILE .or. iframe == 1) then
-! output list of elements
-      do ispec=1,nspectot_AVS_max
-        ieoff = NGNOD2D_AVS_DX*(ispec-1)
-! four points for each element
-        ibool_number1 = iglob(ieoff + 1)
-        ibool_number2 = iglob(ieoff + 2)
-        ibool_number3 = iglob(ieoff + 3)
-        ibool_number4 = iglob(ieoff + 4)
-        if(USE_OPENDX) then
-! point order in OpenDX is 1,4,2,3 *not* 1,2,3,4 as in AVS
-          write(11,"(i10,1x,i10,1x,i10,1x,i10)") ireorder(ibool_number1)-1, &
-            ireorder(ibool_number4)-1,ireorder(ibool_number2)-1,ireorder(ibool_number3)-1
-        else
-          write(11,"(i10,' 1 quad ',i10,1x,i10,1x,i10,1x,i10)") ispec,ireorder(ibool_number1), &
-            ireorder(ibool_number2),ireorder(ibool_number3),ireorder(ibool_number4)
-        endif
-      enddo
+        ! output list of points
+        mask_point = .false.
+        ipoin = 0
+        do ispec=1,nspectot_AVS_max
+          ieoff = NGNOD2D_AVS_DX*(ispec-1)
+          ! four points for each element
+          do ilocnum = 1,NGNOD2D_AVS_DX
+            ibool_number = iglob(ilocnum+ieoff)
+            if(.not. mask_point(ibool_number)) then
+              ipoin = ipoin + 1
+              ireorder(ibool_number) = ipoin
+              if(USE_OPENDX) then
+                write(11,"(f10.7,1x,f10.7,1x,f10.7)") &
+                  xp_save(ilocnum+ieoff),yp_save(ilocnum+ieoff),zp_save(ilocnum+ieoff)
+              else if(USE_AVS) then
+                write(11,"(i10,1x,f10.7,1x,f10.7,1x,f10.7)") ireorder(ibool_number), &
+                  xp_save(ilocnum+ieoff),yp_save(ilocnum+ieoff),zp_save(ilocnum+ieoff)
+              endif
+            endif
+            mask_point(ibool_number) = .true.
+          enddo
+        enddo
-    endif
+        if(USE_OPENDX) &
+          write(11,*) 'object 2 class array type int rank 1 shape 4 items ',nspectot_AVS_max,' data follows'
-    if(USE_OPENDX) then
-      write(11,*) 'attribute "element type" string "quads"'
-      write(11,*) 'attribute "ref" string "positions"'
-      write(11,*) 'object 3 class array type float rank 0 items ',nglob,' data follows'
-    else
-      if(UNIQUE_FILE) then
-! step number for AVS multistep file
-        if(iframe > 1) then
-          if(iframe < 10) then
-            write(11,"('step',i1,' image',i1)") iframe,iframe
-          else if(iframe < 100) then
-            write(11,"('step',i2,' image',i2)") iframe,iframe
-          else if(iframe < 1000) then
-            write(11,"('step',i3,' image',i3)") iframe,iframe
+        ! output list of elements
+        do ispec=1,nspectot_AVS_max
+          ieoff = NGNOD2D_AVS_DX*(ispec-1)
+          ! four points for each element
+          ibool_number1 = iglob(ieoff + 1)
+          ibool_number2 = iglob(ieoff + 2)
+          ibool_number3 = iglob(ieoff + 3)
+          ibool_number4 = iglob(ieoff + 4)
+          if(USE_OPENDX) then
+            ! point order in OpenDX is 1,4,2,3 *not* 1,2,3,4 as in AVS
+            write(11,"(i10,1x,i10,1x,i10,1x,i10)") ireorder(ibool_number1)-1, &
+              ireorder(ibool_number4)-1,ireorder(ibool_number2)-1,ireorder(ibool_number3)-1
-            write(11,"('step',i4,' image',i4)") iframe,iframe
+            write(11,"(i10,' 1 quad ',i10,1x,i10,1x,i10,1x,i10)") ispec,ireorder(ibool_number1), &
+              ireorder(ibool_number2),ireorder(ibool_number3),ireorder(ibool_number4)
+        enddo
+      endif
+      if(USE_OPENDX) then
+        write(11,*) 'attribute "element type" string "quads"'
+        write(11,*) 'attribute "ref" string "positions"'
+        write(11,*) 'object 3 class array type float rank 0 items ',nglob,' data follows'
+      else
+        if(UNIQUE_FILE) then
+          ! step number for AVS multistep file
+          if(iframe > 1) then
+            if(iframe < 10) then
+              write(11,"('step',i1,' image',i1)") iframe,iframe
+            else if(iframe < 100) then
+              write(11,"('step',i2,' image',i2)") iframe,iframe
+            else if(iframe < 1000) then
+              write(11,"('step',i3,' image',i3)") iframe,iframe
+            else
+              write(11,"('step',i4,' image',i4)") iframe,iframe
+            endif
+          endif
+          write(11,*) '1 0'
-        write(11,*) '1 0'
+        ! dummy text for labels
+        write(11,*) '1 1'
+        write(11,*) 'a, b'
-! dummy text for labels
-      write(11,*) '1 1'
-      write(11,*) 'a, b'
-    endif
-! output data values
-    mask_point = .false.
+      ! output data values
+      mask_point = .false.
-! output point data
-    do ispec=1,nspectot_AVS_max
-      ieoff = NGNOD2D_AVS_DX*(ispec-1)
-! four points for each element
-      do ilocnum = 1,NGNOD2D_AVS_DX
-        ibool_number = iglob(ilocnum+ieoff)
-        if(.not. mask_point(ibool_number)) then
-          if( .not. ALL_THRESHOLD_OFF ) then
-            if(USE_OPENDX) then
-              write(11,"(f7.2)") field_display(ilocnum+ieoff)
+      ! output point data
+      do ispec=1,nspectot_AVS_max
+        ieoff = NGNOD2D_AVS_DX*(ispec-1)
+        ! four points for each element
+        do ilocnum = 1,NGNOD2D_AVS_DX
+          ibool_number = iglob(ilocnum+ieoff)
+          if(.not. mask_point(ibool_number)) then
+            if( .not. ALL_THRESHOLD_OFF ) then
+              if(USE_OPENDX) then
+                write(11,"(f7.4)") field_display(ilocnum+ieoff)
+              else
+                write(11,"(i10,1x,f7.2)") ireorder(ibool_number),field_display(ilocnum+ieoff)
+              endif
-              write(11,"(i10,1x,f7.2)") ireorder(ibool_number),field_display(ilocnum+ieoff)
+              if(USE_OPENDX) then
+                write(11,"(e7.4)") field_display(ilocnum+ieoff)
+              else
+                ! format spezifier has problems w/ very small values
+                !write(11,"(i10,1x,e7.4)") ireorder(ibool_number),field_display(ilocnum+ieoff)
+                write(11,*) ireorder(ibool_number),field_display(ilocnum+ieoff)
+              endif
-          else
-            if(USE_OPENDX) then
-              write(11,"(e7.4)") field_display(ilocnum+ieoff)
-            else
-              write(11,"(i10,1x,e7.4)") ireorder(ibool_number),field_display(ilocnum+ieoff)
-            endif
-        endif
-        mask_point(ibool_number) = .true.
+          mask_point(ibool_number) = .true.
+        enddo
-    enddo
-! define OpenDX field
-    if(USE_OPENDX) then
-      write(11,*) 'attribute "dep" string "positions"'
-      write(11,*) 'object "irregular positions irregular connections" class field'
-      write(11,*) 'component "positions" value 1'
-      write(11,*) 'component "connections" value 2'
-      write(11,*) 'component "data" value 3'
-      write(11,*) 'end'
+      ! define OpenDX field
+      if(USE_OPENDX) then
+        write(11,*) 'attribute "dep" string "positions"'
+        write(11,*) 'object "irregular positions irregular connections" class field'
+        write(11,*) 'component "positions" value 1'
+        write(11,*) 'component "connections" value 2'
+        write(11,*) 'component "data" value 3'
+        write(11,*) 'end'
+      endif
+    ! end of test for GMT format
-! end of test for GMT format
-  endif
+    if(.not. UNIQUE_FILE) close(11)
-  if(.not. UNIQUE_FILE) close(11)
-! end of loop and test on all the time steps for all the movie images
-  endif
+  ! end of loop and test on all the time steps for all the movie images
   if(UNIQUE_FILE) close(11)
@@ -785,57 +836,39 @@
   if(USE_GMT) print *,'GMT files are stored in ', trim(OUTPUT_FILES), '/gmt_*.xyz'
   print *
-  end subroutine create_movie_AVS_DX
+  end program xcreate_movie_AVS_DX
-  subroutine read_AVS_DX_parameters(NEX_XI_out,NEX_ETA_out, &
-                                    NSTEP_out,NTSTEP_BETWEEN_FRAMES_out, &
-                                    NCHUNKS_out,MOVIE_SURFACE_out, &
-                                    NPROCTOT_out,NEX_PER_PROC_XI_out,NEX_PER_PROC_ETA_out)
+  subroutine read_AVS_DX_parameters()
   use constants
   use shared_parameters
   implicit none
-! parameters deduced from parameters read from file
-  integer :: NPROCTOT_out,NCHUNKS_out
-  integer :: NEX_PER_PROC_XI_out,NEX_PER_PROC_ETA_out
-  integer :: NEX_XI_out,NEX_ETA_out
-  logical :: MOVIE_SURFACE_out
-  integer :: NSTEP_out,NTSTEP_BETWEEN_FRAMES_out
   print *
   print *,'reading parameter file'
   print *
-! read the parameter file and compute additional parameters
+  ! read the parameter file and compute additional parameters
   call read_compute_parameters()
-  if(MOVIE_COARSE) stop 'create_movie_AVS_DX does not work with MOVIE_COARSE'
-  ! return values
+  ! checks
+  if(.not. MOVIE_SURFACE) stop 'movie frames were not saved by the solver'
-  NEX_XI_out = NEX_XI
-  NEX_ETA_out = NEX_ETA
+!  if(MOVIE_COARSE) stop 'create_movie_AVS_DX does not work with MOVIE_COARSE'
-  NSTEP_out = NSTEP
   end subroutine read_AVS_DX_parameters
-! ------------------------------------------------------------------
   subroutine get_global_AVS(nspec,xp,yp,zp,iglob,loc,ifseg,nglob,npointot)
 ! this routine MUST be in double precision to avoid sensitivity

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/auxiliaries/create_movie_GMT_global.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/auxiliaries/create_movie_GMT_global.f90	2013-08-31 00:33:04 UTC (rev 22750)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/auxiliaries/create_movie_GMT_global.f90	2013-09-02 10:52:04 UTC (rev 22751)
@@ -64,36 +64,37 @@
-  integer i,j,it
-  integer it1,it2
-  integer ispec
+  integer :: i,j,it
+  integer :: it1,it2
+  integer :: ispec
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: x,y,z,displn
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) xcoord,ycoord,zcoord,rval,thetaval,phival
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) RRval,rhoval
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) displx,disply,displz
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) normal_x,normal_y,normal_z
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) thetahat_x,thetahat_y,thetahat_z
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) phihat_x,phihat_y
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: xcoord,ycoord,zcoord,rval,thetaval,phival
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: RRval,rhoval
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: displx,disply,displz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: normal_x,normal_y,normal_z
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: thetahat_x,thetahat_y,thetahat_z
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: phihat_x,phihat_y
   ! to average maxima over past few steps
-  double precision min_field_current,max_field_current,max_absol,max_average
+  double precision :: min_field_current,max_field_current,max_absol,max_average
   double precision,dimension(:),allocatable :: max_history
   integer :: nmax_history,imax
-  real disp,lat,long
-  integer nframes,iframe,USE_COMPONENT
+  real :: disp,lat,long
+  integer :: nframes,iframe,USE_COMPONENT
-  character(len=150) outputname
+  character(len=150) :: outputname
-  integer iproc,ipoin
+  integer :: iproc,ipoin
 ! for sorting routine
-  integer npointot,ilocnum,ielm,ieoff,ispecloc,NIT
+  integer :: npointot,ilocnum,ielm,ieoff,ispecloc
+  integer :: NIT
   double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: xp,yp,zp,field_display
 ! for dynamic memory allocation
-  integer ierror
+  integer :: ierror
 ! movie files stored by solver
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
@@ -104,11 +105,13 @@
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: dist_lon,dist_lat,distance,mute_factor,val
-  character(len=256) line
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: cmt_hdur,cmt_t_shift,t0,hdur
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: xmesh,ymesh,zmesh
   integer :: istamp1,istamp2
+  character(len=256) :: line
+  character(len=150) :: CMTSOLUTION
 ! ************** PROGRAM STARTS HERE **************
   print *
@@ -124,9 +127,35 @@
   if(.not. MOVIE_SURFACE) stop 'movie frames were not saved by the solver'
+  ! user input
+  print *,'movie frames have been saved every ',NTSTEP_BETWEEN_FRAMES,' time steps'
   print *
+  print *,'enter first time step of movie (e.g. 1)'
+  read(5,*) it1
+  print *,'enter last time step of movie (e.g. ',NSTEP,'or -1 for all)'
+  read(5,*) it2
+  print *,'enter component (e.g. 1=Z, 2=N, 3=E)'
+  read(5,*) USE_COMPONENT
+  if( USE_COMPONENT < 1 .or. USE_COMPONENT > 3 ) stop 'component must be 1, 2 or 3'
+  print *,'enter output ascii (F) or binary (T)'
+  read(5,*) OUTPUT_BINARY
+  print *
+  print *,'--------'
+  print *
+  ! checks options
+  if( it2 == -1 ) it2 = NSTEP
+  print *
   print *,'There are ',NPROCTOT,' slices numbered from 0 to ',NPROCTOT-1
   print *
   if(MOVIE_COARSE) then
     ! note:
     ! nex_per_proc_xi*nex_per_proc_eta = nex_xi*nex_eta/nproc = nspec2d_top(iregion_crust_mantle)
@@ -138,9 +167,10 @@
     NIT = 1
   print *
   print *,'Allocating arrays for reading data of size ',ilocnum*NPROCTOT,'=', &
-                            6*ilocnum*NPROCTOT*CUSTOM_REAL/1000000,'MB'
+                            6*ilocnum*NPROCTOT*CUSTOM_REAL/1024./1024.,'MB'
   print *
   ! allocates movie arrays
@@ -174,28 +204,7 @@
   if(ierror /= 0) stop 'error while allocating displn'
-  print *,'movie frames have been saved every ',NTSTEP_BETWEEN_FRAMES,' time steps'
-  print *
-  ! user input
-  print *,'--------'
-  print *,'enter first time step of movie (e.g. 1)'
-  read(5,*) it1
-  print *,'enter last time step of movie (e.g. ',NSTEP,'or -1 for all)'
-  read(5,*) it2
-  print *,'enter component (e.g. 1=Z, 2=N, 3=E)'
-  read(5,*) USE_COMPONENT
-  if( USE_COMPONENT < 1 .or. USE_COMPONENT > 3 ) stop 'component must be 1, 2 or 3'
-  print *,'enter output ascii (F) or binary (T)'
-  read(5,*) OUTPUT_BINARY
-  print *,'--------'
-  ! checks options
-  if( it2 == -1 ) it2 = NSTEP
   print *
   print *,'looping from ',it1,' to ',it2,' every ',NTSTEP_BETWEEN_FRAMES,' time steps'
@@ -221,8 +230,8 @@
   print *
-  print *,'Allocating 4 outputdata arrays of size 4*CUSTOM_REAL',npointot,'=', &
-                                      4*npointot*CUSTOM_REAL/1000000,' MB'
+  print *,'Allocating 4 outputdata arrays of size 4 * CUSTOM_REAL *',npointot,'=', &
+                                      4*npointot*CUSTOM_REAL/1024.0/1024.0,' MB'
   print *
@@ -264,28 +273,30 @@
     cmt_t_shift = 0.0
     cmt_hdur = 0.0
+    call get_value_string(CMTSOLUTION, 'solver.CMTSOLUTION','DATA/CMTSOLUTION')
     ! reads in source lat/lon
-    open(22,file="DATA/CMTSOLUTION",status='old',action='read',iostat=ierror )
+    open(IIN,file=trim(CMTSOLUTION),status='old',action='read',iostat=ierror )
     if( ierror == 0 ) then
       ! skip first line, event name,timeshift,half duration
-      read(22,*,iostat=ierror ) line ! PDE line
-      read(22,*,iostat=ierror ) line ! event name
+      read(IIN,*,iostat=ierror ) line ! PDE line
+      read(IIN,*,iostat=ierror ) line ! event name
       ! timeshift
-      read(22,'(a256)',iostat=ierror ) line
+      read(IIN,'(a256)',iostat=ierror ) line
       if( ierror == 0 ) read(line(12:len_trim(line)),*) cmt_t_shift
       ! halfduration
-      read(22,'(a256)',iostat=ierror ) line
+      read(IIN,'(a256)',iostat=ierror ) line
       if( ierror == 0 ) read(line(15:len_trim(line)),*) cmt_hdur
       ! latitude
-      read(22,'(a256)',iostat=ierror ) line
+      read(IIN,'(a256)',iostat=ierror ) line
       if( ierror == 0 ) read(line(10:len_trim(line)),*) LAT_SOURCE
       ! longitude
-      read(22,'(a256)',iostat=ierror ) line
+      read(IIN,'(a256)',iostat=ierror ) line
       if( ierror == 0 ) read(line(11:len_trim(line)),*) LON_SOURCE
       ! depth
-      read(22,'(a256)',iostat=ierror ) line
+      read(IIN,'(a256)',iostat=ierror ) line
       if( ierror == 0 ) read(line(7:len_trim(line)),*) DEP_SOURCE
-      close(22)
+      close(IIN)
     ! effective half duration in movie runs
     hdur = sqrt( cmt_hdur**2 + HDUR_MOVIE**2)
@@ -328,537 +339,567 @@
 !--- ****** read data saved by solver ******
+  ! movie point locations
+  outputname = "/moviedata_xyz.bin"
+  open(unit=IOUT,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//trim(outputname), &
+       status='old',action='read',form='unformatted',iostat=ierror)
+  if(ierror /= 0 ) then
+    print*,'error opening file: ',trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//trim(outputname)
+    stop 'error opening moviedata file'
+  endif
+  ! reads in point locations
+  ! (given as r theta phi for geocentric coordinate system)
+  read(IOUT) store_val_x
+  read(IOUT) store_val_y
+  read(IOUT) store_val_z
+  close(IOUT)
 ! --------------------------------------
   istamp1 = 0
   istamp2 = 0
   iframe = 0
 ! loop on all the time steps in the range entered
   do it = it1,it2
-     ! check if time step corresponds to a movie frame
-     if(mod(it,NTSTEP_BETWEEN_FRAMES) == 0) then
-        iframe = iframe + 1
+    ! check if time step corresponds to a movie frame
+    if(mod(it,NTSTEP_BETWEEN_FRAMES) /= 0) cycle
-        ! read all the elements from the same file
-        write(outputname,"('OUTPUT_FILES/moviedata',i6.6)") it
-        open(unit=IOUT,file=outputname,status='old',form='unformatted')
+    iframe = iframe + 1
-        print *
-        print *,'reading snapshot time step ',it,' out of ',NSTEP,' file ',outputname
-        !print *
+    print *
+    print *,'reading snapshot time step ',it,' out of ',NSTEP
+    print *
-        ! reads in point locations
-        ! (given as r theta phi for geocentric coordinate system)
-        read(IOUT) store_val_x
-        read(IOUT) store_val_y
-        read(IOUT) store_val_z
+    ! read all the elements from the same file
+    write(outputname,"('/moviedata',i6.6)") it
+    open(unit=IOUT,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//trim(outputname), &
+        status='old',action='read',form='unformatted',iostat=ierror)
+    if(ierror /= 0 ) then
+      print*,'error opening file: ',trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//trim(outputname)
+      stop 'error opening moviedata file'
+    endif
-        ! reads in associated values (displacement or velocity..)
-        read(IOUT) store_val_ux
-        read(IOUT) store_val_uy
-        read(IOUT) store_val_uz
+    ! reads in associated values (displacement or velocity..)
+    read(IOUT) store_val_ux
+    read(IOUT) store_val_uy
+    read(IOUT) store_val_uz
-        close(IOUT)
-        !print *, 'finished reading ',outputname
+    close(IOUT)
-        ! mutes source region
-        if( MUTE_SOURCE ) then
-          ! initialize factor
-          mute_factor = 1.0
+    print *,'  file ',trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//trim(outputname)
+    print *
+    !debug
+    print *,"  data ux min/max: ",minval(store_val_ux),maxval(store_val_ux)
+    print *,"  data uy min/max: ",minval(store_val_uy),maxval(store_val_uy)
+    print *,"  data uz min/max: ",minval(store_val_uz),maxval(store_val_uz)
+    print *
-          print*,'simulation time: ',(it-1)*DT - t0,'(s)'
+    ! mutes source region
+    if( MUTE_SOURCE ) then
+      ! initialize factor
+      mute_factor = 1.0
-          ! muting radius grows/shrinks with time
-          if( (it-1)*DT - t0 > STARTTIME_TO_MUTE  ) then
+      print*,'simulation time: ',(it-1)*DT - t0,'(s)'
-            ! approximate wavefront travel distance in degrees
-            ! (~3.5 km/s wave speed for surface waves)
-            distance = 3.5 * ((it-1)*DT-t0) / 6371.0 * RADIANS_TO_DEGREES
+      ! muting radius grows/shrinks with time
+      if( (it-1)*DT - t0 > STARTTIME_TO_MUTE  ) then
-            ! approximate distance to source (in degrees)
-            ! (shrinks if waves travel back from antipode)
-            !do while ( distance > 360. )
-            !  distance = distance - 360.
-            !enddo
-            ! waves are back at origin, no source tapering anymore
-            if( distance > 360.0 ) distance = 0.0
-            ! shrinks when waves reached antipode
-            !if( distance > 180. ) distance = 360. - distance
-            ! shrinks when waves reached half-way to antipode
-            if( distance > 90.0 ) distance = 90.0 - distance
+        ! approximate wavefront travel distance in degrees
+        ! (~3.5 km/s wave speed for surface waves)
+        distance = 3.5 * ((it-1)*DT-t0) / 6371.0 * RADIANS_TO_DEGREES
-            ! limit size around source (in degrees)
-            if( distance < 0.0 ) distance = 0.0
-            if( distance > 80.0 ) distance = 80.0
+        ! approximate distance to source (in degrees)
+        ! (shrinks if waves travel back from antipode)
+        !do while ( distance > 360. )
+        !  distance = distance - 360.
+        !enddo
+        ! waves are back at origin, no source tapering anymore
+        if( distance > 360.0 ) distance = 0.0
+        ! shrinks when waves reached antipode
+        !if( distance > 180. ) distance = 360. - distance
+        ! shrinks when waves reached half-way to antipode
+        if( distance > 90.0 ) distance = 90.0 - distance
-            print*,'muting radius: ',0.7 * distance,'(degrees)'
+        ! limit size around source (in degrees)
+        if( distance < 0.0 ) distance = 0.0
+        if( distance > 80.0 ) distance = 80.0
-            ! new radius of mute area (in rad)
-            RADIUS_TO_MUTE = 0.7 * distance * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS
-          else
-            ! mute_factor used at the beginning for scaling displacement values
-            if( STARTTIME_TO_MUTE > TINYVAL ) then
-              ! mute factor 1: no masking out
-              !                     0: masks out values (within mute radius)
-              ! linear scaling between [0,1]:
-              ! from 0 (simulation time equal to zero )
-              ! to 1 (simulation time equals starttime_to_mute)
-              mute_factor = 1.0 - ( STARTTIME_TO_MUTE - ((it-1)*DT-t0) ) / (STARTTIME_TO_MUTE+t0)
-              ! threshold value for mute_factor
-              if( mute_factor < TINYVAL ) mute_factor = TINYVAL
-              if( mute_factor > 1.0 ) mute_factor = 1.0
-            endif
-          endif
+        print*,'muting radius: ',0.7 * distance,'(degrees)'
+        ! new radius of mute area (in rad)
+        RADIUS_TO_MUTE = 0.7 * distance * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS
+      else
+        ! mute_factor used at the beginning for scaling displacement values
+        if( STARTTIME_TO_MUTE > TINYVAL ) then
+          ! mute factor 1: no masking out
+          !                     0: masks out values (within mute radius)
+          ! linear scaling between [0,1]:
+          ! from 0 (simulation time equal to zero )
+          ! to 1 (simulation time equals starttime_to_mute)
+          mute_factor = 1.0 - ( STARTTIME_TO_MUTE - ((it-1)*DT-t0) ) / (STARTTIME_TO_MUTE+t0)
+          ! threshold value for mute_factor
+          if( mute_factor < TINYVAL ) mute_factor = TINYVAL
+          if( mute_factor > 1.0 ) mute_factor = 1.0
+      endif
+    endif
-        ! clear number of elements kept
-        ispec = 0
+    ! clear number of elements kept
+    ispec = 0
-        ! read points for all the slices
-        print *,'Converting to geo-coordinates'
-        do iproc = 0,NPROCTOT-1
-           ! reset point number
-           ipoin = 0
-           do ispecloc = 1,NEX_PER_PROC_XI*NEX_PER_PROC_ETA
-              do j = 1,NGLLY,NIT
-                 do i = 1,NGLLX,NIT
-                    ipoin = ipoin + 1
+    print *,'Converting to geo-coordinates'
-                    ! coordinates actually contain r theta phi
-                    xcoord = store_val_x(ipoin,iproc)
-                    ycoord = store_val_y(ipoin,iproc)
-                    zcoord = store_val_z(ipoin,iproc)
+    ! read points for all the slices
+    do iproc = 0,NPROCTOT-1
-                    displx = store_val_ux(ipoin,iproc)
-                    disply = store_val_uy(ipoin,iproc)
-                    displz = store_val_uz(ipoin,iproc)
+       ! reset point number
+       ipoin = 0
-                    ! coordinates actually contain r theta phi, therefore convert back to x y z
-                    rval = xcoord
-                    thetaval = ycoord
-                    phival = zcoord
-                    call rthetaphi_2_xyz(xcoord,ycoord,zcoord,rval,thetaval,phival)
+       do ispecloc = 1,NEX_PER_PROC_XI*NEX_PER_PROC_ETA
-                    ! save the results for this element
-                    x(i,j) = xcoord
-                    y(i,j) = ycoord
-                    z(i,j) = zcoord
+          ! gets element values
+          do j = 1,NGLLY,NIT
+             do i = 1,NGLLX,NIT
+                ipoin = ipoin + 1
-                    ! saves the desired component
-                    if(USE_COMPONENT == 1) then
-                       ! compute unit normal vector to the surface
-                       RRval = sqrt(xcoord**2 + ycoord**2 + zcoord**2)
-                       if( RRval < 1.e-10 ) stop 'error unit normal vector'
-                       normal_x = xcoord / RRval
-                       normal_y = ycoord / RRval
-                       normal_z = zcoord / RRval
+                ! coordinates actually contain r theta phi
+                xcoord = store_val_x(ipoin,iproc)
+                ycoord = store_val_y(ipoin,iproc)
+                zcoord = store_val_z(ipoin,iproc)
-                       displn(i,j) = displx*normal_x + disply*normal_y + displz*normal_z
+                displx = store_val_ux(ipoin,iproc)
+                disply = store_val_uy(ipoin,iproc)
+                displz = store_val_uz(ipoin,iproc)
-                    else if(USE_COMPONENT == 2) then
+                ! coordinates actually contain r theta phi, therefore convert back to x y z
+                rval = xcoord
+                thetaval = ycoord
+                phival = zcoord
+                call rthetaphi_2_xyz(xcoord,ycoord,zcoord,rval,thetaval,phival)
-                       ! compute unit tangent vector to the surface (N-S)
-                       RRval = sqrt(xcoord**2 + ycoord**2 + zcoord**2)
-                       if( RRval < 1.e-10 ) stop 'error unit normal vector'
-                       rhoval = sqrt(xcoord**2 + ycoord**2)
-                       if( rhoval < 1.e-10 ) then
-                        ! location at pole
-                        thetahat_x = 0.0
-                        thetahat_y = 0.0
-                       else
-                        thetahat_x = (zcoord*xcoord) / (rhoval*RRval)
-                        thetahat_y = (zcoord*ycoord) / (rhoval*RRval)
-                       endif
-                       thetahat_z = - rhoval/RRval
+                ! save the results for this element
+                x(i,j) = xcoord
+                y(i,j) = ycoord
+                z(i,j) = zcoord
-                       displn(i,j) = - (displx*thetahat_x + disply*thetahat_y + displz*thetahat_z)
+                ! saves the desired component
+                if(USE_COMPONENT == 1) then
+                   ! compute unit normal vector to the surface
+                   RRval = sqrt(xcoord**2 + ycoord**2 + zcoord**2)
+                   if( RRval < 1.e-10 ) stop 'error unit normal vector'
+                   normal_x = xcoord / RRval
+                   normal_y = ycoord / RRval
+                   normal_z = zcoord / RRval
-                    else if(USE_COMPONENT == 3) then
+                   displn(i,j) = displx*normal_x + disply*normal_y + displz*normal_z
-                       ! compute unit tangent to the surface (E-W)
-                       rhoval = sqrt(xcoord**2 + ycoord**2)
-                       if( rhoval < 1.e-10 ) then
-                        ! location at pole
-                        phihat_x = 0.0
-                        phihat_y = 0.0
-                       else
-                        phihat_x = -ycoord / rhoval
-                        phihat_y = xcoord / rhoval
-                       endif
+                else if(USE_COMPONENT == 2) then
-                       displn(i,j) = displx*phihat_x + disply*phihat_y
-                    endif
+                   ! compute unit tangent vector to the surface (N-S)
+                   RRval = sqrt(xcoord**2 + ycoord**2 + zcoord**2)
+                   if( RRval < 1.e-10 ) stop 'error unit normal vector'
+                   rhoval = sqrt(xcoord**2 + ycoord**2)
+                   if( rhoval < 1.e-10 ) then
+                    ! location at pole
+                    thetahat_x = 0.0
+                    thetahat_y = 0.0
+                   else
+                    thetahat_x = (zcoord*xcoord) / (rhoval*RRval)
+                    thetahat_y = (zcoord*ycoord) / (rhoval*RRval)
+                   endif
+                   thetahat_z = - rhoval/RRval
+                   displn(i,j) = - (displx*thetahat_x + disply*thetahat_y + displz*thetahat_z)
-                    ! mute values
-                    if( MUTE_SOURCE ) then
+                else if(USE_COMPONENT == 3) then
-                      ! distance in colatitude (in rad)
-                      ! note: this mixes geocentric (point location) and geographic (source location) coordinates;
-                      !          since we only need approximate distances here,
-                      !          this should be fine for the muting region
-                      dist_lat = thetaval - LAT_SOURCE
+                   ! compute unit tangent to the surface (E-W)
+                   rhoval = sqrt(xcoord**2 + ycoord**2)
+                   if( rhoval < 1.e-10 ) then
+                    ! location at pole
+                    phihat_x = 0.0
+                    phihat_y = 0.0
+                   else
+                    phihat_x = -ycoord / rhoval
+                    phihat_y = xcoord / rhoval
+                   endif
-                      ! distance in longitude (in rad)
-                      ! checks source longitude range
-                      if( LON_SOURCE - RADIUS_TO_MUTE < -PI .or. LON_SOURCE + RADIUS_TO_MUTE > PI ) then
-                        ! source close to 180. longitudes, shifts range to [0, 2PI]
-                        if( phival < 0.0 ) phival = phival + TWO_PI
-                        if( LON_SOURCE < 0.0 ) then
-                          dist_lon = phival - (LON_SOURCE + TWO_PI)
-                        else
-                          dist_lon = phival - LON_SOURCE
-                        endif
-                      else
-                        ! source well between range to [-PI, PI]
-                        ! shifts phival to be like LON_SOURCE between [-PI,PI]
-                        if( phival > PI ) phival = phival - TWO_PI
-                        if( phival < -PI ) phival = phival + TWO_PI
+                   displn(i,j) = displx*phihat_x + disply*phihat_y
+                endif
-                        dist_lon = phival - LON_SOURCE
-                      endif
-                      ! distance of point to source (in rad)
-                      distance = sqrt(dist_lat**2 + dist_lon**2)
+                ! mute values
+                if( MUTE_SOURCE ) then
-                      ! mutes source region values
-                      if ( distance < RADIUS_TO_MUTE ) then
-                        ! muting takes account of the event time
-                        if( (it-1)*DT-t0 > STARTTIME_TO_MUTE  ) then
-                          ! wavefield will be tapered to mask out noise in source area
-                          ! factor from 0 to 1
-                          mute_factor = ( 0.5*(1.0 - cos(distance/RADIUS_TO_MUTE*PI)) )**6
-                          ! factor from 0.01 to 1
-                          mute_factor = mute_factor * 0.99 + 0.01
-                          displn(i,j) = displn(i,j) * mute_factor
-                        else
-                          ! wavefield will initially be scaled down to avoid noise being amplified at beginning
-                          displn(i,j) = displn(i,j) * mute_factor
-                        endif
-                      endif
+                  ! distance in colatitude (in rad)
+                  ! note: this mixes geocentric (point location) and geographic (source location) coordinates;
+                  !          since we only need approximate distances here,
+                  !          this should be fine for the muting region
+                  dist_lat = thetaval - LAT_SOURCE
+                  ! distance in longitude (in rad)
+                  ! checks source longitude range
+                  if( LON_SOURCE - RADIUS_TO_MUTE < -PI .or. LON_SOURCE + RADIUS_TO_MUTE > PI ) then
+                    ! source close to 180. longitudes, shifts range to [0, 2PI]
+                    if( phival < 0.0 ) phival = phival + TWO_PI
+                    if( LON_SOURCE < 0.0 ) then
+                      dist_lon = phival - (LON_SOURCE + TWO_PI)
+                    else
+                      dist_lon = phival - LON_SOURCE
+                  else
+                    ! source well between range to [-PI, PI]
+                    ! shifts phival to be like LON_SOURCE between [-PI,PI]
+                    if( phival > PI ) phival = phival - TWO_PI
+                    if( phival < -PI ) phival = phival + TWO_PI
-                 enddo !i
-              enddo  !j
+                    dist_lon = phival - LON_SOURCE
+                  endif
+                  ! distance of point to source (in rad)
+                  distance = sqrt(dist_lat**2 + dist_lon**2)
-              ispec = ispec + 1
-              if(MOVIE_COARSE) then
-                ielm = ispec-1
-              else
-                ielm = (NGLLX-1)*(NGLLY-1)*(ispec-1)
-              endif
-              do j = 1,NGLLY-NIT
-                 do i = 1,NGLLX-NIT
-                    if(MOVIE_COARSE) then
-                      ieoff = ielm+1
+                  ! mutes source region values
+                  if ( distance < RADIUS_TO_MUTE ) then
+                    ! muting takes account of the event time
+                    if( (it-1)*DT-t0 > STARTTIME_TO_MUTE  ) then
+                      ! wavefield will be tapered to mask out noise in source area
+                      ! factor from 0 to 1
+                      mute_factor = ( 0.5*(1.0 - cos(distance/RADIUS_TO_MUTE*PI)) )**6
+                      ! factor from 0.01 to 1
+                      mute_factor = mute_factor * 0.99 + 0.01
+                      displn(i,j) = displn(i,j) * mute_factor
-                      ieoff = (ielm+(i-1)+(j-1)*(NGLLX-1))+1
+                      ! wavefield will initially be scaled down to avoid noise being amplified at beginning
+                      displn(i,j) = displn(i,j) * mute_factor
+                  endif
-! for movie_coarse e.g. x(i,j) is defined at x(1,1), x(1,NGLLY), x(NGLLX,1) and x(NGLLX,NGLLY)
-! be aware that for the cubed sphere, the mapping changes for different chunks,
-! i.e. e.g. x(1,1) and x(5,5) flip left and right sides of the elements in geographical coordinates
-                    if(MOVIE_COARSE) then
-                      if(NCHUNKS == 6) then
-                        ! chunks mapped such that element corners increase in long/lat
-                        select case (iproc/NPROC+1)
-                          case(CHUNK_AB)
-                            xp(ieoff) = dble(x(1,NGLLY))
-                            yp(ieoff) = dble(y(1,NGLLY))
-                            zp(ieoff) = dble(z(1,NGLLY))
-                            field_display(ieoff) = dble(displn(1,NGLLY))
-                          case(CHUNK_AB_ANTIPODE)
-                            xp(ieoff) = dble(x(1,1))
-                            yp(ieoff) = dble(y(1,1))
-                            zp(ieoff) = dble(z(1,1))
-                            field_display(ieoff) = dble(displn(1,1))
-                          case(CHUNK_AC)
-                            xp(ieoff) = dble(x(1,NGLLY))
-                            yp(ieoff) = dble(y(1,NGLLY))
-                            zp(ieoff) = dble(z(1,NGLLY))
-                            field_display(ieoff) = dble(displn(1,NGLLY))
-                          case(CHUNK_AC_ANTIPODE)
-                            xp(ieoff) = dble(x(1,1))
-                            yp(ieoff) = dble(y(1,1))
-                            zp(ieoff) = dble(z(1,1))
-                            field_display(ieoff) = dble(displn(1,1))
-                          case(CHUNK_BC)
-                            xp(ieoff) = dble(x(1,NGLLY))
-                            yp(ieoff) = dble(y(1,NGLLY))
-                            zp(ieoff) = dble(z(1,NGLLY))
-                            field_display(ieoff) = dble(displn(1,NGLLY))
-                          case(CHUNK_BC_ANTIPODE)
-                            xp(ieoff) = dble(x(NGLLX,NGLLY))
-                            yp(ieoff) = dble(y(NGLLX,NGLLY))
-                            zp(ieoff) = dble(z(NGLLX,NGLLY))
-                            field_display(ieoff) = dble(displn(NGLLX,NGLLY))
-                          case default
-                            stop 'incorrect chunk number'
-                        end select
-                      else
+                endif
+             enddo !i
+          enddo  !j
+          ispec = ispec + 1
+          if(MOVIE_COARSE) then
+            ielm = ispec-1
+          else
+            ielm = (NGLLX-1)*(NGLLY-1)*(ispec-1)
+          endif
+          do j = 1,NGLLY-NIT
+             do i = 1,NGLLX-NIT
+                ! offset (starts at 1)
+                if(MOVIE_COARSE) then
+                  ieoff = ielm+1
+                else
+                  ieoff = (ielm+(i-1)+(j-1)*(NGLLX-1))+1
+                endif
+                ! for movie_coarse e.g. x(i,j) is defined at x(1,1), x(1,NGLLY), x(NGLLX,1) and x(NGLLX,NGLLY)
+                ! be aware that for the cubed sphere, the mapping changes for different chunks,
+                ! i.e. e.g. x(1,1) and x(5,5) flip left and right sides of the elements in geographical coordinates
+                if(MOVIE_COARSE) then
+                  if(NCHUNKS == 6) then
+                    ! chunks mapped such that element corners increase in long/lat
+                    select case (iproc/NPROC+1)
+                      case(CHUNK_AB)
+                        xp(ieoff) = dble(x(1,NGLLY))
+                        yp(ieoff) = dble(y(1,NGLLY))
+                        zp(ieoff) = dble(z(1,NGLLY))
+                        field_display(ieoff) = dble(displn(1,NGLLY))
+                      case(CHUNK_AB_ANTIPODE)
                         xp(ieoff) = dble(x(1,1))
                         yp(ieoff) = dble(y(1,1))
                         zp(ieoff) = dble(z(1,1))
                         field_display(ieoff) = dble(displn(1,1))
-                      endif ! NCHUNKS
-                    else
-                      xp(ieoff) = dble(x(i,j))
-                      yp(ieoff) = dble(y(i,j))
-                      zp(ieoff) = dble(z(i,j))
-                      field_display(ieoff) = dble(displn(i,j))
-                    endif ! MOVIE_COARSE
+                      case(CHUNK_AC)
+                        xp(ieoff) = dble(x(1,NGLLY))
+                        yp(ieoff) = dble(y(1,NGLLY))
+                        zp(ieoff) = dble(z(1,NGLLY))
+                        field_display(ieoff) = dble(displn(1,NGLLY))
+                      case(CHUNK_AC_ANTIPODE)
+                        xp(ieoff) = dble(x(1,1))
+                        yp(ieoff) = dble(y(1,1))
+                        zp(ieoff) = dble(z(1,1))
+                        field_display(ieoff) = dble(displn(1,1))
+                      case(CHUNK_BC)
+                        xp(ieoff) = dble(x(1,NGLLY))
+                        yp(ieoff) = dble(y(1,NGLLY))
+                        zp(ieoff) = dble(z(1,NGLLY))
+                        field_display(ieoff) = dble(displn(1,NGLLY))
+                      case(CHUNK_BC_ANTIPODE)
+                        xp(ieoff) = dble(x(NGLLX,NGLLY))
+                        yp(ieoff) = dble(y(NGLLX,NGLLY))
+                        zp(ieoff) = dble(z(NGLLX,NGLLY))
+                        field_display(ieoff) = dble(displn(NGLLX,NGLLY))
+                      case default
+                        stop 'incorrect chunk number'
+                    end select
+                  else
+                    ! takes lower-left point only
+                    xp(ieoff) = dble(x(1,1))
+                    yp(ieoff) = dble(y(1,1))
+                    zp(ieoff) = dble(z(1,1))
+                    field_display(ieoff) = dble(displn(1,1))
+                  endif ! NCHUNKS
+                else
+                  xp(ieoff) = dble(x(i,j))
+                  yp(ieoff) = dble(y(i,j))
+                  zp(ieoff) = dble(z(i,j))
+                  field_display(ieoff) = dble(displn(i,j))
+                endif ! MOVIE_COARSE
-                    ! determines noth / sourth pole index for stamping maximum values
-                    if( USE_AVERAGED_MAXIMUM .and. NORMALIZE_VALUES ) then
-                      xmesh = xp(ieoff)
-                      ymesh = yp(ieoff)
-                      zmesh = zp(ieoff)
-                      if(zmesh > -SMALL_VAL_ANGLE .and. zmesh <= ZERO) zmesh = -SMALL_VAL_ANGLE
-                      if(zmesh < SMALL_VAL_ANGLE .and. zmesh >= ZERO) zmesh = SMALL_VAL_ANGLE
-                      thetaval = atan2(sqrt(xmesh*xmesh+ymesh*ymesh),zmesh)
-                      ! thetaval between 0 and PI / 2
-                      !print*,'thetaval:',thetaval * 180. / PI
-                      ! close to north pole
-                      if( thetaval >= 0.495 * PI ) istamp1 = ieoff
-                      ! close to south pole
-                      if( thetaval <= 0.01 ) istamp2 = ieoff
-                    endif
+                ! determines noth / sourth pole index for stamping maximum values
+                if( USE_AVERAGED_MAXIMUM .and. NORMALIZE_VALUES ) then
+                  xmesh = xp(ieoff)
+                  ymesh = yp(ieoff)
+                  zmesh = zp(ieoff)
+                  if(zmesh > -SMALL_VAL_ANGLE .and. zmesh <= ZERO) zmesh = -SMALL_VAL_ANGLE
+                  if(zmesh < SMALL_VAL_ANGLE .and. zmesh >= ZERO) zmesh = SMALL_VAL_ANGLE
+                  thetaval = atan2(sqrt(xmesh*xmesh+ymesh*ymesh),zmesh)
+                  ! thetaval between 0 and PI / 2
+                  !print*,'thetaval:',thetaval * 180. / PI
+                  ! close to north pole
+                  if( thetaval >= 0.495 * PI ) istamp1 = ieoff
+                  ! close to south pole
+                  if( thetaval <= 0.01 ) istamp2 = ieoff
+                endif
-                 enddo !i
-              enddo  !j
+             enddo !i
+          enddo  !j
-           enddo !ispec
+       enddo !ispec
-        enddo !nproc
+    enddo !nproc
-        ! compute min and max of data value to normalize
-        min_field_current = minval(field_display(:))
-        max_field_current = maxval(field_display(:))
+    ! compute min and max of data value to normalize
+    min_field_current = minval(field_display(:))
+    max_field_current = maxval(field_display(:))
-        ! print minimum and maximum amplitude in current snapshot
-        print *
-        print *,'minimum amplitude in current snapshot = ',min_field_current
-        print *,'maximum amplitude in current snapshot = ',max_field_current
+    ! print minimum and maximum amplitude in current snapshot
+    print *
+    print *,'minimum amplitude in current snapshot = ',min_field_current
+    print *,'maximum amplitude in current snapshot = ',max_field_current
-        ! takes average over last few snapshots available and uses it
-        ! to normalize field values
-        if( USE_AVERAGED_MAXIMUM ) then
+    ! takes average over last few snapshots available and uses it
+    ! to normalize field values
+    if( USE_AVERAGED_MAXIMUM ) then
-          ! (average) maximum between positive and negative values
-          max_absol = (abs(min_field_current)+abs(max_field_current))/2.0
+      ! (average) maximum between positive and negative values
+      max_absol = (abs(min_field_current)+abs(max_field_current))/2.0
-          ! stores last few maxima
-          ! index between 1 and nmax_history
-          imax = mod(iframe-1,nmax_history) + 1
-          max_history( imax ) = max_absol
+      ! stores last few maxima
+      ! index between 1 and nmax_history
+      imax = mod(iframe-1,nmax_history) + 1
+      max_history( imax ) = max_absol
-          ! average over history
-          max_average = sum( max_history )
-          if( iframe < nmax_history ) then
-            ! history not filled yet, only average over available entries
-            max_average = max_average / iframe
-          else
-            ! average over all history entries
-            max_average = max_average / nmax_history
-          endif
+      ! average over history
+      max_average = sum( max_history )
+      if( iframe < nmax_history ) then
+        ! history not filled yet, only average over available entries
+        max_average = max_average / iframe
+      else
+        ! average over all history entries
+        max_average = max_average / nmax_history
+      endif
-          print *,'maximum amplitude averaged in current snapshot = ',max_absol
-          print *,'maximum amplitude over averaged last snapshots = ',max_average
+      print *,'maximum amplitude averaged in current snapshot = ',max_absol
+      print *,'maximum amplitude over averaged last snapshots = ',max_average
-          ! thresholds positive & negative maximum values
-          where( field_display(:) > max_absol ) field_display = max_absol
-          where( field_display(:) < - max_absol ) field_display = -max_absol
+      ! thresholds positive & negative maximum values
+      where( field_display(:) > max_absol ) field_display = max_absol
+      where( field_display(:) < - max_absol ) field_display = -max_absol
-          ! sets new maxima for decaying wavefield
-          ! this should avoid flickering when normalizing wavefields
-          if( NORMALIZE_VALUES ) then
-            ! checks stamp indices for maximum values
-            if( istamp1 == 0 ) istamp1 = ieoff
-            if( istamp2 == 0 ) istamp2 = ieoff-1
-            !print *, 'stamp: ',istamp1,istamp2
+      ! sets new maxima for decaying wavefield
+      ! this should avoid flickering when normalizing wavefields
+      if( NORMALIZE_VALUES ) then
+        ! checks stamp indices for maximum values
+        if( istamp1 == 0 ) istamp1 = ieoff
+        if( istamp2 == 0 ) istamp2 = ieoff-1
+        !print *, 'stamp: ',istamp1,istamp2
-            if( max_absol < max_average ) then
-              ! distance (in degree) of surface waves travelled
-              distance = 3.5 * ((it-1)*DT-t0) / 6371.0 * RADIANS_TO_DEGREES
-              if( distance > 10.0 .and. distance <= 20.0 ) then
-                ! smooth transition between 10 and 20 degrees
-                ! sets positive and negative maximum
-                field_display(istamp1) = + max_absol + (max_average-max_absol) * (distance - 10.0)/10.0
-                field_display(istamp2) = - ( max_absol + (max_average-max_absol) * (distance - 10.0)/10.0 )
-              else if( distance > 20.0 ) then
-                ! sets positive and negative maximum
-                field_display(istamp1) = + max_average
-                field_display(istamp2) = - max_average
-              endif
-            else
-              ! thresholds positive & negative maximum values
-              where( field_display(:) > max_average ) field_display = max_average
-              where( field_display(:) < - max_average ) field_display = -max_average
-              ! sets positive and negative maximum
-              field_display(istamp1) = + max_average
-              field_display(istamp2) = - max_average
-            endif
-            ! updates current wavefield maxima
-            min_field_current = minval(field_display(:))
-            max_field_current = maxval(field_display(:))
-            max_absol = (abs(min_field_current)+abs(max_field_current))/2.0
+        if( max_absol < max_average ) then
+          ! distance (in degree) of surface waves travelled
+          distance = 3.5 * ((it-1)*DT-t0) / 6371.0 * RADIANS_TO_DEGREES
+          if( distance > 10.0 .and. distance <= 20.0 ) then
+            ! smooth transition between 10 and 20 degrees
+            ! sets positive and negative maximum
+            field_display(istamp1) = + max_absol + (max_average-max_absol) * (distance - 10.0)/10.0
+            field_display(istamp2) = - ( max_absol + (max_average-max_absol) * (distance - 10.0)/10.0 )
+          else if( distance > 20.0 ) then
+            ! sets positive and negative maximum
+            field_display(istamp1) = + max_average
+            field_display(istamp2) = - max_average
-          ! scales field values up to match average
-          if( abs(max_absol) > TINYVAL) &
-            field_display = field_display * max_average / max_absol
-          ! thresholds after scaling positive & negative maximum values
+        else
+          ! thresholds positive & negative maximum values
           where( field_display(:) > max_average ) field_display = max_average
           where( field_display(:) < - max_average ) field_display = -max_average
+          ! sets positive and negative maximum
+          field_display(istamp1) = + max_average
+          field_display(istamp2) = - max_average
+        endif
+        ! updates current wavefield maxima
+        min_field_current = minval(field_display(:))
+        max_field_current = maxval(field_display(:))
+        max_absol = (abs(min_field_current)+abs(max_field_current))/2.0
+      endif
-          ! normalizes field values
-          if( NORMALIZE_VALUES ) then
-            if( MUTE_SOURCE ) then
-              ! checks if source wavefield kicked in
-              if( (it-1)*DT - t0 > STARTTIME_TO_MUTE ) then
-                ! wavefield should be visible at surface now
-                ! normalizes wavefield
-                if( abs(max_average) > TINYVAL ) field_display = field_display / max_average
-              else
-                ! no wavefield yet assumed
+      ! scales field values up to match average
+      if( abs(max_absol) > TINYVAL) &
+        field_display = field_display * max_average / max_absol
-                ! we set two single field values (last in array)
-                ! to: +/- 100 * max_average
-                ! to avoid further amplifying when
-                ! a normalization routine is used for rendering images
-                ! (which for example is the case for shakemovies)
-                if( STARTTIME_TO_MUTE > TINYVAL ) then
-                  ! with additional scale factor:
-                  ! linear scaling between [0,1]:
-                  ! from 0 (simulation time equal to -t0 )
-                  ! to 1 (simulation time equals starttime_to_mute)
-                  mute_factor = 1.0 - ( STARTTIME_TO_MUTE - ((it-1)*DT-t0) ) / (STARTTIME_TO_MUTE+t0)
-                  ! takes complement and shifts scale to (1,100)
-                  ! thus, mute factor is 100 at simulation start and 1.0 at starttime_to_mute
-                  mute_factor = abs(1.0 - mute_factor) * 99.0 + 1.0
-                  ! positive and negative maximum reach average when wavefield appears
-                  val = mute_factor * max_average
-                else
-                  ! uses a constant factor
-                  val = 100.0 * max_average
-                endif
-                ! positive and negative maximum
-                field_display(istamp1) = + val
-                field_display(istamp2) = - val
-                if( abs(max_average) > TINYVAL ) field_display = field_display / val
-              endif
+      ! thresholds after scaling positive & negative maximum values
+      where( field_display(:) > max_average ) field_display = max_average
+      where( field_display(:) < - max_average ) field_display = -max_average
+      ! normalizes field values
+      if( NORMALIZE_VALUES ) then
+        if( MUTE_SOURCE ) then
+          ! checks if source wavefield kicked in
+          if( (it-1)*DT - t0 > STARTTIME_TO_MUTE ) then
+            ! wavefield should be visible at surface now
+            ! normalizes wavefield
+            if( abs(max_average) > TINYVAL ) field_display = field_display / max_average
+          else
+            ! no wavefield yet assumed
+            ! we set two single field values (last in array)
+            ! to: +/- 100 * max_average
+            ! to avoid further amplifying when
+            ! a normalization routine is used for rendering images
+            ! (which for example is the case for shakemovies)
+            if( STARTTIME_TO_MUTE > TINYVAL ) then
+              ! with additional scale factor:
+              ! linear scaling between [0,1]:
+              ! from 0 (simulation time equal to -t0 )
+              ! to 1 (simulation time equals starttime_to_mute)
+              mute_factor = 1.0 - ( STARTTIME_TO_MUTE - ((it-1)*DT-t0) ) / (STARTTIME_TO_MUTE+t0)
+              ! takes complement and shifts scale to (1,100)
+              ! thus, mute factor is 100 at simulation start and 1.0 at starttime_to_mute
+              mute_factor = abs(1.0 - mute_factor) * 99.0 + 1.0
+              ! positive and negative maximum reach average when wavefield appears
+              val = mute_factor * max_average
-              ! no source to mute
-              ! normalizes wavefield
-              if( abs(max_average) > TINYVAL ) field_display = field_display / max_average
+              ! uses a constant factor
+              val = 100.0 * max_average
+            ! positive and negative maximum
+            field_display(istamp1) = + val
+            field_display(istamp2) = - val
+            if( abs(max_average) > TINYVAL ) field_display = field_display / val
+        else
+          ! no source to mute
+          ! normalizes wavefield
+          if( abs(max_average) > TINYVAL ) field_display = field_display / max_average
+      endif
+    endif
-        print *
-        print *,'initial number of points (with multiples) was ',npointot
-        print *,'final number of points is                     ',ieoff
+    print *
+    print *,'initial number of points (with multiples) was ',npointot
+    print *,'final number of points is                     ',ieoff
-        !--- ****** create GMT file ******
+    !--- ****** create GMT file ******
-        ! create file name and open file
-        if(OUTPUT_BINARY) then
-          if(USE_COMPONENT == 1) then
-           write(outputname,"('bin_movie_',i6.6,'.d')") it
-          else if(USE_COMPONENT == 2) then
-           write(outputname,"('bin_movie_',i6.6,'.N')") it
-          else if(USE_COMPONENT == 3) then
-           write(outputname,"('bin_movie_',i6.6,'.E')") it
-          endif
-          open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//trim(outputname),status='unknown', &
-                form='unformatted',action='write')
-          if(iframe == 1) open(unit=12,file='OUTPUT_FILES/bin_movie.xy', &
-                              status='unknown',form='unformatted',action='write')
+    ! create file name and open file
+    if(OUTPUT_BINARY) then
+      if(USE_COMPONENT == 1) then
+       write(outputname,"('/bin_movie_',i6.6,'.d')") it
+      else if(USE_COMPONENT == 2) then
+       write(outputname,"('/bin_movie_',i6.6,'.N')") it
+      else if(USE_COMPONENT == 3) then
+       write(outputname,"('/bin_movie_',i6.6,'.E')") it
+      endif
+      open(unit=11,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//trim(outputname),status='unknown', &
+            form='unformatted',action='write')
+      if(iframe == 1) open(unit=12,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//'/bin_movie.xy', &
+                          status='unknown',form='unformatted',action='write')
+    else
+      if(USE_COMPONENT == 1) then
+       write(outputname,"('/ascii_movie_',i6.6,'.d')") it
+      else if(USE_COMPONENT == 2) then
+       write(outputname,"('/ascii_movie_',i6.6,'.N')") it
+      else if(USE_COMPONENT == 3) then
+       write(outputname,"('/ascii_movie_',i6.6,'.E')") it
+      endif
+      open(unit=11,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//trim(outputname),status='unknown', &
+            action='write')
+      if(iframe == 1) open(unit=12,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//'/ascii_movie.xy', &
+                            status='unknown',action='write')
+    endif
+    ! clear number of elements kept
+    ispec = 0
+    ! read points for all the slices
+    print *,'Writing output',outputname
+    do iproc = 0,NPROCTOT-1
+      ! reset point number
+      ipoin = 0
+      do ispecloc = 1,NEX_PER_PROC_XI*NEX_PER_PROC_ETA
+        ispec = ispec + 1
+        if(MOVIE_COARSE) then
+          ielm = ispec - 1
-          if(USE_COMPONENT == 1) then
-           write(outputname,"('ascii_movie_',i6.6,'.d')") it
-          else if(USE_COMPONENT == 2) then
-           write(outputname,"('ascii_movie_',i6.6,'.N')") it
-          else if(USE_COMPONENT == 3) then
-           write(outputname,"('ascii_movie_',i6.6,'.E')") it
-          endif
-          open(unit=11,file='OUTPUT_FILES/'//trim(outputname),status='unknown', &
-                action='write')
-          if(iframe == 1) open(unit=12,file='OUTPUT_FILES/ascii_movie.xy', &
-                                status='unknown',action='write')
+          ielm = (NGLLX-1)*(NGLLY-1)*(ispec-1)
-        ! clear number of elements kept
-        ispec = 0
-        ! read points for all the slices
-        print *,'Writing output',outputname
-        do iproc = 0,NPROCTOT-1
-          ! reset point number
-          ipoin = 0
-          do ispecloc = 1,NEX_PER_PROC_XI*NEX_PER_PROC_ETA
-            ispec = ispec + 1
+        do j = 1,NGLLY-NIT
+          do i = 1,NGLLX-NIT
             if(MOVIE_COARSE) then
-              ielm = ispec - 1
+              ieoff = ielm + 1
-              ielm = (NGLLX-1)*(NGLLY-1)*(ispec-1)
+              ieoff = (ielm+(i-1)+(j-1)*(NGLLX-1))+1
-            do j = 1,NGLLY-NIT
-              do i = 1,NGLLX-NIT
-                if(MOVIE_COARSE) then
-                  ieoff = ielm + 1
-                else
-                  ieoff = (ielm+(i-1)+(j-1)*(NGLLX-1))+1
-                endif
+            ! point position
+            if(iframe == 1) then
+              ! gets cartesian coordinates
+              xcoord = sngl(xp(ieoff))
+              ycoord = sngl(yp(ieoff))
+              zcoord = sngl(zp(ieoff))
-                ! point position
-                if(iframe == 1) then
-                  ! gets cartesian coordinates
-                  xcoord = sngl(xp(ieoff))
-                  ycoord = sngl(yp(ieoff))
-                  zcoord = sngl(zp(ieoff))
+              ! location latitude/longitude (with geocentric colatitude theta )
+              call xyz_2_rthetaphi(xcoord,ycoord,zcoord,rval,thetaval,phival)
-                  ! location latitude/longitude (with geocentric colatitude theta )
-                  call xyz_2_rthetaphi(xcoord,ycoord,zcoord,rval,thetaval,phival)
+              ! converts the geocentric colatitude to a geographic colatitude
+              if(.not. ASSUME_PERFECT_SPHERE) then
+                thetaval = PI_OVER_TWO - &
+                  datan(1.006760466d0*dcos(dble(thetaval))/dmax1(TINYVAL,dble(sin(thetaval))))
+              endif
-                  ! converts the geocentric colatitude to a geographic colatitude
-                  if(.not. ASSUME_PERFECT_SPHERE) then
-                    thetaval = PI_OVER_TWO - &
-                      datan(1.006760466d0*dcos(dble(thetaval))/dmax1(TINYVAL,dble(sin(thetaval))))
-                  endif
+              ! gets geographic latitude and longitude in degrees
+              lat = sngl(90.d0 - thetaval*RADIANS_TO_DEGREES)
+              long = sngl(phival*RADIANS_TO_DEGREES)
+              if(long > 180.0) long = long-360.0
+            endif
-                  ! gets geographic latitude and longitude in degrees
-                  lat = sngl(90.d0 - thetaval*RADIANS_TO_DEGREES)
-                  long = sngl(phival*RADIANS_TO_DEGREES)
-                  if(long > 180.0) long = long-360.0
-                endif
+            ! displacement
+            disp = sngl(field_display(ieoff))
-                ! displacement
-                disp = sngl(field_display(ieoff))
+            ! writes displacement and latitude/longitude to corresponding files
+            if(OUTPUT_BINARY) then
+              write(11) disp
+              if(iframe == 1) write(12) long,lat
+            else
+              write(11,*) disp
+              if(iframe == 1) write(12,*) long,lat
+            endif
-                ! writes displacement and latitude/longitude to corresponding files
-                if(OUTPUT_BINARY) then
-                  write(11) disp
-                  if(iframe == 1) write(12) long,lat
-                else
-                  write(11,*) disp
-                  if(iframe == 1) write(12,*) long,lat
-                endif
+          enddo !i
+        enddo !j
+      enddo !ispecloc
+    enddo !iproc
+    close(11)
+    if(iframe == 1) close(12)
-              enddo !i
-            enddo !j
-          enddo !ispecloc
-        enddo !iproc
-        close(11)
-        if(iframe == 1) close(12)
-! end of loop and test on all the time steps for all the movie images
-     endif
+  ! end of loop and test on all the time steps for all the movie images
   print *,'done creating movie'

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/specfem3D/check_stability.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/specfem3D/check_stability.f90	2013-08-31 00:33:04 UTC (rev 22750)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/specfem3D/check_stability.f90	2013-09-02 10:52:04 UTC (rev 22751)
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@
-      if (it < 100) then
+      if (it_run < 100) then
         write(IMAIN,*) '************************************************************'
         write(IMAIN,*) '**** BEWARE: the above time estimates are not reliable'
         write(IMAIN,*) '**** because fewer than 100 iterations have been performed'
@@ -403,9 +403,18 @@
   data month_name /'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'/
   data weekday_name /'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'/
+  ! information about the current run only
+  it_run = it - it_begin + 1
+  nstep_run = it_end - it_begin + 1
   ! write time stamp file to give information about progression of simulation
-  write(outputname,"('/timestamp',i6.6)") it
+  if(SIMULATION_TYPE == 1) then
+    write(outputname,"('/timestamp_forward',i6.6)") it
+  else
+    write(outputname,"('/timestamp_backward',i6.6)") it
+  endif
+  ! file output
   write(IOUT,*) 'Time step # ',it
@@ -428,9 +437,6 @@
     ! this is in the case of restart files, when a given run consists of several partial runs
-    ! information about the current run only
-    it_run = it - it_begin + 1
-    nstep_run = it_end - it_begin + 1
     write(IOUT,*) 'Time steps done for this run = ',it_run,' out of ',nstep_run
     write(IOUT,*) 'Time steps done in total = ',it,' out of ',NSTEP
     write(IOUT,*) 'Time steps remaining for this run = ',it_end - it
@@ -451,7 +457,7 @@
   write(IOUT,*) 'We have done ',sngl(100.d0*dble(it)/dble(NSTEP)),'% of that'
-  if(it < NSTEP) then
+  if(it < it_end) then
     write(IOUT,"(' The run will finish approximately on (in local time): ',a3,' ',a3,' ',i2.2,', ',i4.4,' ',i2.2,':',i2.2)") &
@@ -472,7 +478,7 @@
-    if(it < 100) then
+    if(it_run < 100) then
       write(IOUT,*) '************************************************************'
       write(IOUT,*) '**** BEWARE: the above time estimates are not reliable'

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/specfem3D/compute_forces_acoustic_calling_routine.F90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/specfem3D/compute_forces_acoustic_calling_routine.F90	2013-08-31 00:33:04 UTC (rev 22750)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/specfem3D/compute_forces_acoustic_calling_routine.F90	2013-09-02 10:52:04 UTC (rev 22751)
@@ -45,9 +45,6 @@
   integer :: iphase
   logical :: phase_is_inner
-  ! checks
-  if( SIMULATION_TYPE == 3 ) return
   ! compute internal forces in the fluid region
   if(CUSTOM_REAL == SIZE_REAL) then
     time = sngl((dble(it-1)*DT-t0)*scale_t_inv)

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/specfem3D/compute_forces_viscoelastic_calling_routine.F90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/specfem3D/compute_forces_viscoelastic_calling_routine.F90	2013-08-31 00:33:04 UTC (rev 22750)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/specfem3D/compute_forces_viscoelastic_calling_routine.F90	2013-09-02 10:52:04 UTC (rev 22751)
@@ -48,9 +48,6 @@
   integer :: iphase
   logical :: phase_is_inner
-  ! checks
-  if( SIMULATION_TYPE == 3 ) return
   ! ****************************************************
   !   big loop over all spectral elements in the solid
   ! ****************************************************
@@ -152,7 +149,9 @@
        ! add the sources
        ! add adjoint sources
-       if (SIMULATION_TYPE == 2 ) then
+       ! note: this must remain here even when SIMULATION_TYPE == 3 because it applies to array
+       !       accel_crust_mantle rather than b_accel_crust_mantle
+       if (SIMULATION_TYPE == 2 .or. SIMULATION_TYPE == 3 ) then
           if( nadj_rec_local > 0 ) call compute_add_sources_adjoint()

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/specfem3D/finalize_simulation.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/specfem3D/finalize_simulation.f90	2013-08-31 00:33:04 UTC (rev 22750)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/specfem3D/finalize_simulation.f90	2013-09-02 10:52:04 UTC (rev 22751)
@@ -232,13 +232,9 @@
   ! movies
-    deallocate(store_val_x,store_val_y,store_val_z, &
-              store_val_ux,store_val_uy,store_val_uz)
-    if (MOVIE_SURFACE) then
-      deallocate(store_val_x_all,store_val_y_all,store_val_z_all, &
-            store_val_ux_all,store_val_uy_all,store_val_uz_all)
-    endif
+  if (MOVIE_SURFACE) then
+    deallocate(store_val_ux,store_val_uy,store_val_uz)
+    deallocate(store_val_ux_all,store_val_uy_all,store_val_uz_all)
   if(MOVIE_VOLUME) then

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/specfem3D/locate_sources.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/specfem3D/locate_sources.f90	2013-08-31 00:33:04 UTC (rev 22750)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/specfem3D/locate_sources.f90	2013-09-02 10:52:04 UTC (rev 22751)
@@ -574,13 +574,11 @@
     call gather_all_i(ispec_selected_source_subset,NSOURCES_SUBSET_current_size, &
-    ! daniel debug
-    !print*,'rank',myrank,'ispec:',ispec_selected_source_subset(:),'all:',ispec_selected_source_all(:,:)
     ! checks that the gather operation went well
     if(myrank == 0) then
       if(minval(ispec_selected_source_all(:,:)) <= 0) then
-        print*,'error ispec all:',ispec_selected_source_all(:,:)
+        print*,'error ispec all:',NPROCTOT_VAL,NSOURCES_SUBSET_current_size
+        print*,ispec_selected_source_all(:,:)
         call exit_MPI(myrank,'gather operation failed for source')

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/specfem3D/prepare_timerun.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/specfem3D/prepare_timerun.f90	2013-08-31 00:33:04 UTC (rev 22750)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/specfem3D/prepare_timerun.f90	2013-09-02 10:52:04 UTC (rev 22751)
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
   call prepare_timerun_convert_coord()
   ! allocate files to save movies
-  ! for noise tomography, store_val_x/y/z/ux/uy/uz needed for 'surface movie'
+  ! for noise tomography, number of movie points (nmovie_points) needed for 'surface movie'
   if( MOVIE_SURFACE .or. NOISE_TOMOGRAPHY /= 0 ) then
     call prepare_timerun_movie_surface()
@@ -496,39 +496,59 @@
   ! local parameters
   integer :: ier
+  ! user output
   if(myrank == 0 ) then
     write(IMAIN,*) "preparing movie surface."
     call flush_IMAIN()
-  if(MOVIE_COARSE .and. NOISE_TOMOGRAPHY ==0) then  ! only output corners !for noise tomography, must NOT be coarse
-     nmovie_points = 2 * 2 * NSPEC2D_TOP(IREGION_CRUST_MANTLE)
-     if(NGLLX /= NGLLY) &
+  ! only output corners 
+  ! note: for noise tomography, must NOT be coarse (have to be saved on all gll points)
+  if( MOVIE_COARSE .and. NOISE_TOMOGRAPHY == 0 ) then
+    ! checks setup
+    if(NGLLX /= NGLLY) &
       call exit_MPI(myrank,'MOVIE_COARSE together with MOVIE_SURFACE requires NGLLX=NGLLY')
-     NIT = NGLLX - 1
+    ! number of points
+    nmovie_points = 2 * 2 * NSPEC2D_TOP(IREGION_CRUST_MANTLE)
+    NIT = NGLLX - 1
-     NIT = 1
+    ! number of points
+    NIT = 1
-  allocate(store_val_x(nmovie_points), &
-          store_val_y(nmovie_points), &
-          store_val_z(nmovie_points), &
-          store_val_ux(nmovie_points), &
-          store_val_uy(nmovie_points), &
-          store_val_uz(nmovie_points),stat=ier)
-  if( ier /= 0 ) call exit_MPI(myrank,'error allocating movie surface arrays')
-  if (MOVIE_SURFACE) then  ! those arrays are not neccessary for noise tomography, so only allocate them in MOVIE_SURFACE case
-     allocate(store_val_x_all(nmovie_points,0:NPROCTOT_VAL-1), &
-            store_val_y_all(nmovie_points,0:NPROCTOT_VAL-1), &
-            store_val_z_all(nmovie_points,0:NPROCTOT_VAL-1), &
-            store_val_ux_all(nmovie_points,0:NPROCTOT_VAL-1), &
-            store_val_uy_all(nmovie_points,0:NPROCTOT_VAL-1), &
-            store_val_uz_all(nmovie_points,0:NPROCTOT_VAL-1),stat=ier)
-     if( ier /= 0 ) call exit_MPI(myrank,'error allocating movie surface all arrays')
+  ! checks exact number of points nmovie_points
+  call movie_surface_count_points()
+  ! those arrays are not neccessary for noise tomography, so only allocate them in MOVIE_SURFACE case
+  if( MOVIE_SURFACE ) then
+    ! writes out movie point locations to file
+    call write_movie_surface_mesh()
+    ! allocates movie surface arrays for wavefield values
+    allocate(store_val_ux(nmovie_points), &
+             store_val_uy(nmovie_points), &
+             store_val_uz(nmovie_points),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) call exit_MPI(myrank,'error allocating movie surface arrays')
+    ! allocates arrays for gathering wavefield values
+    if( myrank == 0 ) then
+      ! only master needs full arrays
+      allocate(store_val_ux_all(nmovie_points,0:NPROCTOT_VAL-1), &
+               store_val_uy_all(nmovie_points,0:NPROCTOT_VAL-1), &
+               store_val_uz_all(nmovie_points,0:NPROCTOT_VAL-1),stat=ier)
+      if( ier /= 0 ) call exit_MPI(myrank,'error allocating movie surface all arrays')
+    else
+      ! slave processes only need dummy arrays
+      allocate(store_val_ux_all(1,1), &
+               store_val_uy_all(1,1), &
+               store_val_uz_all(1,1),stat=ier)
+      if( ier /= 0 ) call exit_MPI(myrank,'error allocating movie surface all arrays')
+    endif
+  ! user output
   if(myrank == 0) then
     write(IMAIN,*) 'Movie surface:'
@@ -1522,11 +1542,11 @@
     allocate(noise_sourcearray(NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSTEP), &
-            normal_x_noise(nmovie_points), &
-            normal_y_noise(nmovie_points), &
-            normal_z_noise(nmovie_points), &
-            mask_noise(nmovie_points), &
-            noise_surface_movie(NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLY,NSPEC_TOP),stat=ier)
+             normal_x_noise(nmovie_points), &
+             normal_y_noise(nmovie_points), &
+             normal_z_noise(nmovie_points), &
+             mask_noise(nmovie_points), &
+             noise_surface_movie(NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLY,NSPEC_TOP),stat=ier)
     if( ier /= 0 ) call exit_MPI(myrank,'error allocating noise arrays')
     noise_sourcearray(:,:,:,:,:) = 0._CUSTOM_REAL

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/specfem3D/specfem3D_par.F90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/specfem3D/specfem3D_par.F90	2013-08-31 00:33:04 UTC (rev 22750)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/specfem3D/specfem3D_par.F90	2013-09-02 10:52:04 UTC (rev 22751)
@@ -713,14 +713,9 @@
   ! to save movie frames
   integer :: nmovie_points,NIT
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), allocatable :: &
-      store_val_x,store_val_y,store_val_z, &
-      store_val_ux,store_val_uy,store_val_uz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), allocatable :: store_val_ux,store_val_uy,store_val_uz
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: store_val_ux_all,store_val_uy_all,store_val_uz_all
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: &
-      store_val_x_all,store_val_y_all,store_val_z_all, &
-      store_val_ux_all,store_val_uy_all,store_val_uz_all
   ! to save movie volume
   double precision :: scalingval

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/specfem3D/write_movie_output.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/specfem3D/write_movie_output.f90	2013-08-31 00:33:04 UTC (rev 22750)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/specfem3D/write_movie_output.f90	2013-09-02 10:52:04 UTC (rev 22751)
@@ -52,8 +52,11 @@
       ! gets resulting array values onto CPU
       if( GPU_MODE ) then
         ! transfers whole fields
-        call transfer_displ_cm_from_device(NDIM*NGLOB_CRUST_MANTLE,displ_crust_mantle,Mesh_pointer)
-        call transfer_veloc_cm_from_device(NDIM*NGLOB_CRUST_MANTLE,veloc_crust_mantle,Mesh_pointer)
+        if(MOVIE_VOLUME_TYPE == 5) then
+          call transfer_displ_cm_from_device(NDIM*NGLOB_CRUST_MANTLE,displ_crust_mantle,Mesh_pointer)
+        else
+          call transfer_veloc_cm_from_device(NDIM*NGLOB_CRUST_MANTLE,veloc_crust_mantle,Mesh_pointer)
+        endif
       ! save velocity here to avoid static offset on displacement for movies

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/specfem3D/write_movie_surface.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/specfem3D/write_movie_surface.f90	2013-08-31 00:33:04 UTC (rev 22750)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/branches/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE_SUNFLOWER/src/specfem3D/write_movie_surface.f90	2013-09-02 10:52:04 UTC (rev 22751)
@@ -25,6 +25,135 @@
+  subroutine movie_surface_count_points()
+  use specfem_par
+  use specfem_par_crustmantle,only: NSPEC_TOP
+  use specfem_par_movie,only: NIT,nmovie_points
+  implicit none
+  ! local parameters
+  integer :: ipoin,ispec2D,i,j,k,npoin
+  ! gets number of points on surface mesh
+  ipoin = 0
+    k = NGLLZ
+    ! loop on all the points inside the element
+    do j = 1,NGLLY,NIT
+      do i = 1,NGLLX,NIT
+        ipoin = ipoin + 1
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  npoin = ipoin
+  ! checks
+  if( npoin /= nmovie_points ) then
+    print*,'error: movie points collected ',npoin,'not equal to calculated :',nmovie_points
+    call exit_mpi(myrank,'error confusing number of movie points')
+  endif
+  end subroutine movie_surface_count_points
+  subroutine write_movie_surface_mesh()
+! writes out movie point locations to file
+  use specfem_par
+  use specfem_par_crustmantle
+  use specfem_par_movie
+  implicit none
+  ! local parameters
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:), allocatable :: store_val_x,store_val_y,store_val_z
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: store_val_x_all,store_val_y_all,store_val_z_all
+  integer :: ipoin,ispec2D,ispec,i,j,k,ier,iglob,npoin
+  character(len=150) :: outputname
+  ! allocates movie surface arrays
+  allocate(store_val_x(nmovie_points), &
+           store_val_y(nmovie_points), &
+           store_val_z(nmovie_points),stat=ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) call exit_MPI(myrank,'error allocating movie surface location arrays')
+  ! allocates arrays for gathering movie point locations
+  if( myrank == 0 ) then
+    ! only master needs full arrays
+    allocate(store_val_x_all(nmovie_points,0:NPROCTOT_VAL-1), &
+             store_val_y_all(nmovie_points,0:NPROCTOT_VAL-1), &
+             store_val_z_all(nmovie_points,0:NPROCTOT_VAL-1),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) call exit_MPI(myrank,'error allocating movie surface all arrays')
+  else
+    ! slave processes only need dummy arrays
+    allocate(store_val_x_all(1,1), &
+             store_val_y_all(1,1), &
+             store_val_z_all(1,1),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) call exit_MPI(myrank,'error allocating movie surface all arrays')
+  endif
+  ! gets coordinates of surface mesh
+  ipoin = 0
+    ispec = ibelm_top_crust_mantle(ispec2D)
+    ! in case of global, NCHUNKS_VAL == 6 simulations, be aware that for
+    ! the cubed sphere, the mapping changes for different chunks,
+    ! i.e. e.g. x(1,1) and x(5,5) flip left and right sides of the elements in geographical coordinates.
+    ! for future consideration, like in create_movie_GMT_global.f90 ...
+    k = NGLLZ
+    ! loop on all the points inside the element
+    do j = 1,NGLLY,NIT
+      do i = 1,NGLLX,NIT
+        ipoin = ipoin + 1
+        ! stores values
+        iglob = ibool_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ispec)
+        store_val_x(ipoin) = xstore_crust_mantle(iglob) ! <- radius r (normalized)
+        store_val_y(ipoin) = ystore_crust_mantle(iglob) ! <- colatitude theta (in radian)
+        store_val_z(ipoin) = zstore_crust_mantle(iglob) ! <- longitude phi (in radian)
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  npoin = ipoin
+  if( npoin /= nmovie_points ) call exit_mpi(myrank,'error number of movie points not equal to nmovie_points')
+  ! gather info on master proc
+  call gather_all_cr(store_val_x,nmovie_points,store_val_x_all,nmovie_points,NPROCTOT_VAL)
+  call gather_all_cr(store_val_y,nmovie_points,store_val_y_all,nmovie_points,NPROCTOT_VAL)
+  call gather_all_cr(store_val_z,nmovie_points,store_val_z_all,nmovie_points,NPROCTOT_VAL)
+  ! save movie data locations to disk in home directory
+  if(myrank == 0) then
+    ! outputs movie point locations to moviedata_xyz.bin file
+    outputname = "/moviedata_xyz.bin"
+    open(unit=IOUT,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//trim(outputname), &
+         status='unknown',form='unformatted',action='write',iostat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) call exit_mpi(myrank,'error opening moviedata_xyz.bin file')
+    ! point coordinates
+    ! (given as r theta phi for geocentric coordinate system)
+    write(IOUT) store_val_x_all
+    write(IOUT) store_val_y_all
+    write(IOUT) store_val_z_all
+    close(IOUT)
+  endif
+  deallocate(store_val_x_all,store_val_y_all,store_val_z_all)
+  deallocate(store_val_x,store_val_y,store_val_z)
+  end subroutine write_movie_surface_mesh
   subroutine write_movie_surface()
   use specfem_par
@@ -39,7 +168,7 @@
   ! by default: save velocity here to avoid static offset on displacement for movies
-  ! get coordinates of surface mesh and surface displacement
+  ! gets coordinates of surface mesh and surface displacement
   ipoin = 0
     ispec = ibelm_top_crust_mantle(ispec2D)
@@ -55,9 +184,8 @@
       do i = 1,NGLLX,NIT
         ipoin = ipoin + 1
         iglob = ibool_crust_mantle(i,j,k,ispec)
-        store_val_x(ipoin) = xstore_crust_mantle(iglob) ! <- radius r (normalized)
-        store_val_y(ipoin) = ystore_crust_mantle(iglob) ! <- colatitude theta (in radian)
-        store_val_z(ipoin) = zstore_crust_mantle(iglob) ! <- longitude phi (in radian)
+        ! wavefield values
         if(MOVIE_VOLUME_TYPE == 5) then
           ! stores displacement
           store_val_ux(ipoin) = displ_crust_mantle(1,iglob)*scale_displ
@@ -72,17 +200,13 @@
   ! gather info on master proc
-  ispec = nmovie_points
-  call gather_all_cr(store_val_x,ispec,store_val_x_all,ispec,NPROCTOT_VAL)
-  call gather_all_cr(store_val_y,ispec,store_val_y_all,ispec,NPROCTOT_VAL)
-  call gather_all_cr(store_val_z,ispec,store_val_z_all,ispec,NPROCTOT_VAL)
-  call gather_all_cr(store_val_ux,ispec,store_val_ux_all,ispec,NPROCTOT_VAL)
-  call gather_all_cr(store_val_uy,ispec,store_val_uy_all,ispec,NPROCTOT_VAL)
-  call gather_all_cr(store_val_uz,ispec,store_val_uz_all,ispec,NPROCTOT_VAL)
+  ! wavefield
+  call gather_all_cr(store_val_ux,nmovie_points,store_val_ux_all,nmovie_points,NPROCTOT_VAL)
+  call gather_all_cr(store_val_uy,nmovie_points,store_val_uy_all,nmovie_points,NPROCTOT_VAL)
+  call gather_all_cr(store_val_uz,nmovie_points,store_val_uz_all,nmovie_points,NPROCTOT_VAL)
   ! save movie data to disk in home directory
   if(myrank == 0) then
@@ -91,12 +215,13 @@
     if( ier /= 0 ) call exit_mpi(myrank,'error opening moviedata file')
-    write(IOUT) store_val_x_all
-    write(IOUT) store_val_y_all
-    write(IOUT) store_val_z_all
+    ! -> find movie point locations stored in file moviedata_xyz.bin
+    ! wavefield values
     write(IOUT) store_val_ux_all
     write(IOUT) store_val_uy_all
     write(IOUT) store_val_uz_all

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