[cig-commits] r22796 - seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT

dkomati1 at geodynamics.org dkomati1 at geodynamics.org
Tue Sep 17 09:14:59 PDT 2013

Author: dkomati1
Date: 2013-09-17 09:14:58 -0700 (Tue, 17 Sep 2013)
New Revision: 22796

committed the new version of cubit2specfem3d.py from GEOCUBIT, and fixed several issues in the calling Python script run_cubit2specfem3d.py

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/LatLongUTMconversion.py
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/LatLongUTMconversion.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/LatLongUTMconversion.py	2013-09-17 16:14:58 UTC (rev 22796)
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Lat Long - UTM, UTM - Lat Long conversions
+from math import pi, sin, cos, tan, sqrt
+#LatLong- UTM conversion..h
+#definitions for lat/long to UTM and UTM to lat/lng conversions
+#include <string.h>
+_deg2rad = pi / 180.0
+_rad2deg = 180.0 / pi
+_EquatorialRadius = 2
+_eccentricitySquared = 3
+_ellipsoid = [
+#  id, Ellipsoid name, Equatorial Radius, square of eccentricity	
+# first once is a placeholder only, To allow array indices to match id numbers
+	[ -1, "Placeholder", 0, 0],
+	[ 1, "Airy", 6377563, 0.00667054],
+	[ 2, "Australian National", 6378160, 0.006694542],
+	[ 3, "Bessel 1841", 6377397, 0.006674372],
+	[ 4, "Bessel 1841 (Nambia] ", 6377484, 0.006674372],
+	[ 5, "Clarke 1866", 6378206, 0.006768658],
+	[ 6, "Clarke 1880", 6378249, 0.006803511],
+	[ 7, "Everest", 6377276, 0.006637847],
+	[ 8, "Fischer 1960 (Mercury] ", 6378166, 0.006693422],
+	[ 9, "Fischer 1968", 6378150, 0.006693422],
+	[ 10, "GRS 1967", 6378160, 0.006694605],
+	[ 11, "GRS 1980", 6378137, 0.00669438],
+	[ 12, "Helmert 1906", 6378200, 0.006693422],
+	[ 13, "Hough", 6378270, 0.00672267],
+	[ 14, "International", 6378388, 0.00672267],
+	[ 15, "Krassovsky", 6378245, 0.006693422],
+	[ 16, "Modified Airy", 6377340, 0.00667054],
+	[ 17, "Modified Everest", 6377304, 0.006637847],
+	[ 18, "Modified Fischer 1960", 6378155, 0.006693422],
+	[ 19, "South American 1969", 6378160, 0.006694542],
+	[ 20, "WGS 60", 6378165, 0.006693422],
+	[ 21, "WGS 66", 6378145, 0.006694542],
+	[ 22, "WGS-72", 6378135, 0.006694318],
+	[ 23, "WGS-84", 6378137, 0.00669438]
+#Reference ellipsoids derived from Peter H. Dana's website- 
+#Department of Geography, University of Texas at Austin
+#Internet: pdana at mail.utexas.edu
+#Defense Mapping Agency. 1987b. DMA Technical Report: Supplement to Department of Defense World Geodetic System
+#1984 Technical Report. Part I and II. Washington, DC: Defense Mapping Agency
+def LLtoUTM(ReferenceEllipsoid, Lat, Long):
+#converts lat/long to UTM coords.  Equations from USGS Bulletin 1532 
+#East Longitudes are positive, West longitudes are negative. 
+#North latitudes are positive, South latitudes are negative
+#Lat and Long are in decimal degrees
+#Written by Chuck Gantz- chuck.gantz at globalstar.com
+    a = _ellipsoid[ReferenceEllipsoid][_EquatorialRadius]
+    eccSquared = _ellipsoid[ReferenceEllipsoid][_eccentricitySquared]
+    k0 = 0.9996
+#Make sure the longitude is between -180.00 .. 179.9
+    LongTemp = (Long+180)-int((Long+180)/360)*360-180 # -180.00 .. 179.9
+    LatRad = Lat*_deg2rad
+    LongRad = LongTemp*_deg2rad
+    ZoneNumber = int((LongTemp + 180)/6) + 1
+    if Lat >= 56.0 and Lat < 64.0 and LongTemp >= 3.0 and LongTemp < 12.0:
+        ZoneNumber = 32
+    # Special zones for Svalbard
+    if Lat >= 72.0 and Lat < 84.0:
+        if  LongTemp >= 0.0  and LongTemp <  9.0:ZoneNumber = 31
+        elif LongTemp >= 9.0  and LongTemp < 21.0: ZoneNumber = 33
+        elif LongTemp >= 21.0 and LongTemp < 33.0: ZoneNumber = 35
+        elif LongTemp >= 33.0 and LongTemp < 42.0: ZoneNumber = 37
+    LongOrigin = (ZoneNumber - 1)*6 - 180 + 3 #+3 puts origin in middle of zone
+    LongOriginRad = LongOrigin * _deg2rad
+    #compute the UTM Zone from the latitude and longitude
+    UTMZone = "%d%c" % (ZoneNumber, _UTMLetterDesignator(Lat))
+    eccPrimeSquared = (eccSquared)/(1-eccSquared)
+    N = a/sqrt(1-eccSquared*sin(LatRad)*sin(LatRad))
+    T = tan(LatRad)*tan(LatRad)
+    C = eccPrimeSquared*cos(LatRad)*cos(LatRad)
+    A = cos(LatRad)*(LongRad-LongOriginRad)
+    M = a*((1
+            - eccSquared/4
+            - 3*eccSquared*eccSquared/64
+            - 5*eccSquared*eccSquared*eccSquared/256)*LatRad 
+           - (3*eccSquared/8
+              + 3*eccSquared*eccSquared/32
+              + 45*eccSquared*eccSquared*eccSquared/1024)*sin(2*LatRad)
+           + (15*eccSquared*eccSquared/256 + 45*eccSquared*eccSquared*eccSquared/1024)*sin(4*LatRad) 
+           - (35*eccSquared*eccSquared*eccSquared/3072)*sin(6*LatRad))
+    UTMEasting = (k0*N*(A+(1-T+C)*A*A*A/6
+                        + (5-18*T+T*T+72*C-58*eccPrimeSquared)*A*A*A*A*A/120)
+                  + 500000.0)
+    UTMNorthing = (k0*(M+N*tan(LatRad)*(A*A/2+(5-T+9*C+4*C*C)*A*A*A*A/24
+                                        + (61
+                                           -58*T
+                                           +T*T
+                                           +600*C
+                                           -330*eccPrimeSquared)*A*A*A*A*A*A/720)))
+    if Lat < 0:
+        UTMNorthing = UTMNorthing + 10000000.0; #10000000 meter offset for southern hemisphere
+    return (UTMZone, UTMEasting, UTMNorthing)
+def _UTMLetterDesignator(Lat):
+#This routine determines the correct UTM letter designator for the given latitude
+#returns 'Z' if latitude is outside the UTM limits of 84N to 80S
+#Written by Chuck Gantz- chuck.gantz at globalstar.com
+    if 84 >= Lat >= 72: return 'X'
+    elif 72 > Lat >= 64: return 'W'
+    elif 64 > Lat >= 56: return 'V'
+    elif 56 > Lat >= 48: return 'U'
+    elif 48 > Lat >= 40: return 'T'
+    elif 40 > Lat >= 32: return 'S'
+    elif 32 > Lat >= 24: return 'R'
+    elif 24 > Lat >= 16: return 'Q'
+    elif 16 > Lat >= 8: return 'P'
+    elif  8 > Lat >= 0: return 'N'
+    elif  0 > Lat >= -8: return 'M'
+    elif -8> Lat >= -16: return 'L'
+    elif -16 > Lat >= -24: return 'K'
+    elif -24 > Lat >= -32: return 'J'
+    elif -32 > Lat >= -40: return 'H'
+    elif -40 > Lat >= -48: return 'G'
+    elif -48 > Lat >= -56: return 'F'
+    elif -56 > Lat >= -64: return 'E'
+    elif -64 > Lat >= -72: return 'D'
+    elif -72 > Lat >= -80: return 'C'
+    else: return 'Z'	# if the Latitude is outside the UTM limits
+#void UTMtoLL(int ReferenceEllipsoid, const double UTMNorthing, const double UTMEasting, const char* UTMZone,
+#			  double& Lat,  double& Long )
+def UTMtoLL(ReferenceEllipsoid, northing, easting, zone):
+#converts UTM coords to lat/long.  Equations from USGS Bulletin 1532 
+#East Longitudes are positive, West longitudes are negative. 
+#North latitudes are positive, South latitudes are negative
+#Lat and Long are in decimal degrees. 
+#Written by Chuck Gantz- chuck.gantz at globalstar.com
+#Converted to Python by Russ Nelson <nelson at crynwr.com>
+    k0 = 0.9996
+    a = _ellipsoid[ReferenceEllipsoid][_EquatorialRadius]
+    eccSquared = _ellipsoid[ReferenceEllipsoid][_eccentricitySquared]
+    e1 = (1-sqrt(1-eccSquared))/(1+sqrt(1-eccSquared))
+    #NorthernHemisphere; //1 for northern hemispher, 0 for southern
+    x = easting - 500000.0 #remove 500,000 meter offset for longitude
+    y = northing
+    ZoneLetter = zone[-1]
+    ZoneNumber = int(zone[:-1])
+    if ZoneLetter >= 'N':
+        NorthernHemisphere = 1  # point is in northern hemisphere
+    else:
+        NorthernHemisphere = 0  # point is in southern hemisphere
+        y -= 10000000.0         # remove 10,000,000 meter offset used for southern hemisphere
+    LongOrigin = (ZoneNumber - 1)*6 - 180 + 3  # +3 puts origin in middle of zone
+    eccPrimeSquared = (eccSquared)/(1-eccSquared)
+    M = y / k0
+    mu = M/(a*(1-eccSquared/4-3*eccSquared*eccSquared/64-5*eccSquared*eccSquared*eccSquared/256))
+    phi1Rad = (mu + (3*e1/2-27*e1*e1*e1/32)*sin(2*mu) 
+               + (21*e1*e1/16-55*e1*e1*e1*e1/32)*sin(4*mu)
+               +(151*e1*e1*e1/96)*sin(6*mu))
+    phi1 = phi1Rad*_rad2deg;
+    N1 = a/sqrt(1-eccSquared*sin(phi1Rad)*sin(phi1Rad))
+    T1 = tan(phi1Rad)*tan(phi1Rad)
+    C1 = eccPrimeSquared*cos(phi1Rad)*cos(phi1Rad)
+    R1 = a*(1-eccSquared)/pow(1-eccSquared*sin(phi1Rad)*sin(phi1Rad), 1.5)
+    D = x/(N1*k0)
+    Lat = phi1Rad - (N1*tan(phi1Rad)/R1)*(D*D/2-(5+3*T1+10*C1-4*C1*C1-9*eccPrimeSquared)*D*D*D*D/24
+                                          +(61+90*T1+298*C1+45*T1*T1-252*eccPrimeSquared-3*C1*C1)*D*D*D*D*D*D/720)
+    Lat = Lat * _rad2deg
+    Long = (D-(1+2*T1+C1)*D*D*D/6+(5-2*C1+28*T1-3*C1*C1+8*eccPrimeSquared+24*T1*T1)
+            *D*D*D*D*D/120)/cos(phi1Rad)
+    Long = LongOrigin + Long * _rad2deg
+    return (Lat, Long)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    (z, e, n) = LLtoUTM(23, 45.00, -75.00)
+    print z, e, n
+    (lat, lon) = UTMtoLL(23, n, e, z)
+    print lat, lon

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/__init__.py
Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/boundary_definition.py
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/boundary_definition.py	2013-09-17 00:06:13 UTC (rev 22795)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/boundary_definition.py	2013-09-17 16:14:58 UTC (rev 22796)
@@ -1,188 +1,103 @@
-# boundary_definition.py                                                    #
-# this file is part of GEOCUBIT                                             #
-#                                                                           #
-# Created by Emanuele Casarotti                                             #
-# Copyright (c) 2008 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia         #
-#                                                                           #
-#                                                                           #
-# GEOCUBIT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify          #
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      #
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or         #
-# (at your option) any later version.                                       #
-#                                                                           #
-# GEOCUBIT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,               #
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            #
-# GNU General Public License for more details.                              #
-#                                                                           #
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         #
-# along with GEOCUBIT.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.         #
-#                                                                           #
-def define_absorbing_surf():
-    """
-    define the absorbing surfaces for a layered topological box where boundary are surfaces parallel to the axis.
-    it returns absorbing_surf,absorbing_surf_xmin,absorbing_surf_xmax,absorbing_surf_ymin,absorbing_surf_ymax,absorbing_surf_bottom,topo_surf
-    where
-    absorbing_surf is the list of all the absorbing boundary surf
-    absorbing_surf_xmin is the list of the absorbing boundary surfaces that correnspond to x=xmin
-    ...
-    absorbing_surf_bottom is the list of the absorbing boundary surfaces that correspond to z=zmin
-    """
+    import start as start
+    cubit                   = start.start_cubit()
-        cubit.cmd('comment')
+        import cubit
-        try:
-            import cubit
-            cubit.init([""])
-        except:
-            print 'error importing cubit'
-            import sys
-            sys.exit()
-    absorbing_surf=[]
-    absorbing_surf_xmin=[]
-    absorbing_surf_xmax=[]
-    absorbing_surf_ymin=[]
-    absorbing_surf_ymax=[]
-    absorbing_surf_bottom=[]
-    top_surf=[]
+        print 'error importing cubit, check if cubit is installed'
+        pass
+def list2str(l):
+    if not isinstance(l,list): l=list(l)
+    return ' '.join(str(x) for x in l)
+def map_boundary(cpuxmin=0,cpuxmax=1,cpuymin=0,cpuymax=1,cpux=1,cpuy=1):
+    ymin=[]
+    xmax=[]
+    xmin=[]
+    ymax=[]
+    listfull=[]
+    #
+    for ix in range(cpuxmin,cpuxmax):
+        for iy in range(cpuymin,cpuymax):
+            ip=iy*cpux+ix
+            if ix == cpuxmin:
+                xmin.append(ip)
+            if ix == cpuxmax-1:
+                xmax.append(ip)
+            if iy == cpuymin:
+                ymin.append(ip)
+            if iy == cpuymax-1:
+                ymax.append(ip)
+                #
+            listfull.append(ip)
+    return xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,listfull
+def define_4side_lateral_surfaces():
-    init_n_vol=len(list_vol)
-    zmax_box=cubit.get_total_bounding_box("volume",list_vol)[7]
-    zmin_box=cubit.get_total_bounding_box("volume",list_vol)[6] #it is the z_min of the box ... box= xmin,xmax,d,ymin,ymax,d,zmin...
-    xmin_box=cubit.get_total_bounding_box("volume",list_vol)[0]
-    xmax_box=cubit.get_total_bounding_box("volume",list_vol)[1]
-    ymin_box=cubit.get_total_bounding_box("volume",list_vol)[3]
-    ymax_box=cubit.get_total_bounding_box("volume",list_vol)[4]
-    list_surf=cubit.parse_cubit_list("surface","all")
-#    for k in list_surf:
-#        center_point = cubit.get_center_point("surface", k)
-#        if abs((center_point[0] - xmin_box)/xmin_box) <= 0.005:
-#             absorbing_surf_xmin.append(k)
-#             absorbing_surf.append(k)
-#        elif abs((center_point[0] - xmax_box)/xmax_box) <= 0.005:
-#             absorbing_surf_xmax.append(k)
-#             absorbing_surf.append(k)
-#        elif abs((center_point[1] - ymin_box)/ymin_box) <= 0.005:
-#             absorbing_surf_ymin.append(k)
-#             absorbing_surf.append(k)
-#        elif abs((center_point[1] - ymax_box)/ymax_box) <= 0.005:
-#             absorbing_surf_ymax.append(k)
-#             absorbing_surf.append(k)
-#        elif abs((center_point[2] - zmin_box)/zmin_box) <= 0.005:
-#             absorbing_surf_bottom.append(k)
-#             absorbing_surf.append(k)
-#        else:
-#            sbox=cubit.get_bounding_box('surface',k)
-#            dz=abs((sbox[7] - zmax_box)/zmax_box)
-#            normal=cubit.get_surface_normal(k)
-#            zn=normal[2]
-#            dn=abs(zn-1)
-#            if dz <= 0.001 and dn < 0.2:
-#                top_surf.append(k)
+    surf_xmin=[]
+    surf_ymin=[]
+    surf_xmax=[]
+    surf_ymax=[]
+    for id_vol in list_vol:
+        surf_vertical=[]
+        xsurf=[]
+        ysurf=[]
+        tres=0.3
+        lsurf=cubit.get_relatives("volume",id_vol,"surface")
+        for k in lsurf:
+            normal=cubit.get_surface_normal(k)
+            center_point = cubit.get_center_point("surface", k)
+            if normal[2] >= -1*tres and normal[2] <= tres:
+                surf_vertical.append(k)
+                xsurf.append(center_point[0])
+                ysurf.append(center_point[1])
+        surf_xmin.append(surf_vertical[xsurf.index(min(xsurf))])
+        surf_ymin.append(surf_vertical[ysurf.index(min(ysurf))])
+        surf_xmax.append(surf_vertical[xsurf.index(max(xsurf))])
+        surf_ymax.append(surf_vertical[ysurf.index(max(ysurf))])
+    return surf_xmin,surf_ymin,surf_xmax,surf_ymax
-    #box lengths
-    x_len = abs( xmax_box - xmin_box)
-    y_len = abs( ymax_box - ymin_box)
-    z_len = abs( zmax_box - zmin_box)
-    print '##boundary box: '
-    print '##  x length: ' + str(x_len)
-    print '##  y length: ' + str(y_len)
-    print '##  z length: ' + str(z_len)
-    # debug
-    print '##  xmin: ' + str(xmin_box)
-    print '##  xmax: ' + str(xmax_box)
-    print '##  ymin: ' + str(ymin_box)
-    print '##  ymax: ' + str(ymax_box)
-    print '##  zmin: ' + str(zmin_box)
-    print '##  zmax: ' + str(zmax_box)
-    ############################################
-    ##
-    ## tolerance parameters
-    ##
-    ## modified for surface topography
-    ############################################
-    absorbing_surface_distance_tolerance=0.1
-    topographic_surface_distance_tolerance=0.1
-    topographic_surface_normal_tolerance=0.3
+def lateral_boundary_are_absorbing(ip=0,cpuxmin=0,cpuxmax=1,cpuymin=0,cpuymax=1,cpux=1,cpuy=1):
+    #
+    xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax=define_4side_lateral_surfaces()
+    ip_xmin,ip_xmax,ip_ymin,ip_ymax,listfull=map_boundary(cpuxmin,cpuxmax,cpuymin,cpuymax,cpux,cpuy)
+    if  not isinstance(ip_xmin, list): ip_xmin=[ip_xmin]
+    if  not isinstance(ip_ymin, list): ip_ymin=[ip_ymin]
+    if  not isinstance(ip_xmax, list): ip_xmax=[ip_xmax]
+    if  not isinstance(ip_ymax, list): ip_ymax=[ip_ymax]
+    #
+    abs_xmin=[]
+    abs_ymin=[]
+    abs_xmax=[]
+    abs_ymax=[]
+    #
+    if ip in ip_xmin: 
+        abs_xmin=xmin
+        print 'proc ',ip,' is has absorbing boundary xmin'
+    if ip in ip_ymin:     
+        print 'proc ',ip,' is has absorbing boundary ymin'
+        abs_ymin=ymin
+    if ip in ip_xmax:     
+        print 'proc ',ip,' is has absorbing boundary xmax'
+        abs_xmax=xmax
+    if ip in ip_ymax:     
+        print 'proc ',ip,' is has absorbing boundary ymax'
+        abs_ymax=ymax
+    return abs_xmin,abs_xmax,abs_ymin,abs_ymax
-    for k in list_surf:
-        center_point = cubit.get_center_point("surface", k)
-        #debug
-        print '##surface: ' + str(k)
-        print '## center point: ' + str(center_point)
-        if abs((center_point[0] - xmin_box)/x_len) <= absorbing_surface_distance_tolerance:
-          #debug 
-          print '## xmin surface: ' + str(k)
-          absorbing_surf_xmin.append(k)
-          absorbing_surf.append(k)
-        elif abs((center_point[0] - xmax_box)/x_len) <= absorbing_surface_distance_tolerance:
-          #debug 
-          print '## xmax surface: ' + str(k)
-          absorbing_surf_xmax.append(k)
-          absorbing_surf.append(k)
-        elif abs((center_point[1] - ymin_box)/y_len) <= absorbing_surface_distance_tolerance:
-          #debug 
-          print '## ymin surface: ' + str(k)
-          absorbing_surf_ymin.append(k)
-          absorbing_surf.append(k)
-        elif abs((center_point[1] - ymax_box)/y_len) <= absorbing_surface_distance_tolerance:
-          #debug 
-          print '## ymax surface: ' + str(k)
-          absorbing_surf_ymax.append(k)
-          absorbing_surf.append(k)
-        elif abs((center_point[2] - zmin_box)/z_len) <= absorbing_surface_distance_tolerance:
-          #debug 
-          print '## bottom surface: ' + str(k)
-          absorbing_surf_bottom.append(k)
-          absorbing_surf.append(k)
-        else:
-          sbox=cubit.get_bounding_box('surface',k)
-          dz=abs((sbox[7] - zmax_box)/z_len)
-          normal=cubit.get_surface_normal(k)
-          zn=normal[2]
-          dn=abs(abs(zn)-1)
-          #debug 
-          #print '## surface element: ' + str(k)
-          #print '## surface element: zn ' + str(zn)
-          #print '## surface element: dn ' + str(dn)
-          #print '## surface element: dz ' + str(dz)
-          if dz <= topographic_surface_distance_tolerance and dn < topographic_surface_normal_tolerance:
-            #debug 
-            print '## topo surface: ' + str(k)          
-            top_surf.append(k)
-    return absorbing_surf,absorbing_surf_xmin,absorbing_surf_xmax,absorbing_surf_ymin,absorbing_surf_ymax,absorbing_surf_bottom,top_surf
-def define_absorbing_surf_nopar():
+def define_surf(ip=0,cpuxmin=0,cpuxmax=1,cpuymin=0,cpuymax=1,cpux=1,cpuy=1):
-    define the absorbing surfaces for a layered topological box where boundary surfaces are not parallel to the axis.
-    it returns absorbing_surf,topo_surf
-    where
-    absorbing_surf is the list of all the absorbing boundary surf
+    define the surfaces defining the boundaries of the volume
-    try:
-        cubit.cmd('comment')
-    except:
-        try:
-            import cubit
-            cubit.init([""])
-        except:
-            print 'error importing cubit'
-            import sys
-            sys.exit()
+    #
     from sets import Set
     def product(*args, **kwds):
         # product('ABCD', 'xy') --> Ax Ay Bx By Cx Cy Dx Dy
@@ -193,16 +108,16 @@
             result = [x+[y] for x in result for y in pool]
         return result
-    absorbing_surf_xmin=[]
-    absorbing_surf_xmax=[]
-    absorbing_surf_ymin=[]
-    absorbing_surf_ymax=[]
-    absorbing_surf_bottom=[]
+    xmin=[]
+    xmax=[]
+    ymin=[]
+    ymax=[]
+    #
+    bottom_surf=[]
-    init_n_vol=len(list_vol)
-    zmin_box=cubit.get_total_bounding_box("volume",list_vol)[6] #it is the z_min of the box ... box= xmin,xmax,d,ymin,ymax,d,zmin...
+    zmin_box=cubit.get_total_bounding_box("volume",list_vol)[6] #it is the z_min of the box ... box= xmin,xmax,d,ymin,ymax,d,zmin...    
@@ -210,20 +125,30 @@
     for k in list_surf:
-            sbox=cubit.get_bounding_box('surface',k)
-            dzmax=abs((sbox[7] - zmax_box)/zmax_box)
-            dzmin=abs((sbox[6] - zmin_box)/zmin_box)
-            normal=cubit.get_surface_normal(k)
-            zn=normal[2]
-            if dzmax <= 0.001 and zn > 0.7:
-                top_surf.append(k)
-                list_vertex=cubit.get_relatives('surface',k,'vertex')
-                for v in list_vertex:
-                    valence=cubit.get_valence(v)
-                    if valence <= 4: #valence 3 is a corner, 4 is a vertex between 2 volumes, > 4 is a vertex not in the boundaries
-                        lv.append(v)
-            elif dzmin <= 0.001 and zn < -0.7:
-                absorbing_surf.append(k)
+        sbox=cubit.get_bounding_box('surface',k)
+        if zmax_box == 0 and sbox[7] == 0:
+             dzmax=0
+        elif zmax_box == 0 or sbox[7] == 0:
+            dzmax=abs(sbox[7] - zmax_box)
+        else:
+            dzmax=abs(sbox[7] - zmax_box)/max(abs(sbox[7]),abs(zmax_box))
+        if zmin_box == 0 and sbox[6] == 0:
+             dzmin=0
+        elif zmin_box == 0 or sbox[6] == 0:
+            dzmin=abs(sbox[6] - zmin_box)                                            
+        else:                                                    
+            dzmin=abs(sbox[6] - zmin_box)/max(abs(sbox[6]),abs(zmin_box))
+        normal=cubit.get_surface_normal(k)
+        zn=normal[2]
+        if dzmax <= 0.1 and zn > 0.4:
+            top_surf.append(k)
+            list_vertex=cubit.get_relatives('surface',k,'vertex')
+            for v in list_vertex:
+                valence=cubit.get_valence(v)
+                if valence <= 4: #valence 3 is a corner, 4 is a vertex between 2 volumes, > 4 is a vertex not in the boundaries
+                    lv.append(v)
+        elif dzmin <= 0.001 and zn < -0.7:
+            bottom_surf.append(k)
     for comb in combs:
@@ -233,262 +158,374 @@
         if len(c) == 1:
-    for k in list_surf:
+    for k in list_surf: 
         center_point = cubit.get_center_point("surface", k)
         for p in lp:
-            if abs((center_point[0] - p[0])/p[0]) <= 0.005 and abs((center_point[1] - p[1])/p[1]) <= 0.005:
-             absorbing_surf.append(k)
-             break
-    return absorbing_surf,top_surf
+            if abs((center_point[0] - p[0])/p[0]) <= 0.001 and abs((center_point[1] - p[1])/p[1]) <= 0.001:
+                absorbing_surf.append(k)
+                break
+    #
+    four_side=True
+    if four_side:
+        xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax=define_4side_lateral_surfaces()
+        abs_xmin,abs_xmax,abs_ymin,abs_ymax=lateral_boundary_are_absorbing(ip,cpuxmin,cpuxmax,cpuymin,cpuymax,cpux,cpuy)
-def define_absorbing_surf_sphere():
-    try:
-        cubit.cmd('comment')
-    except:
-        try:
-            import cubit
-            cubit.init([""])
-        except:
-            print 'error importing cubit'
-            import sys
-            sys.exit()
-    surf=[]
-    list_surf=cubit.parse_cubit_list("surface","all")
-    for s in list_surf:
-       v=cubit.get_relatives('surface',s,'volume')
-       if len(v) == 1:
-           surf.append(s)
-    return surf
+    return absorbing_surf,abs_xmin,abs_xmax,abs_ymin,abs_ymax,top_surf,bottom_surf,xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax
 def define_block():
-    try:
-            cubit.cmd('comment')
-    except:
-            try:
-                import cubit
-                cubit.init([""])
-            except:
-                print 'error importing cubit'
-                import sys
-                sys.exit()
     list_name=map(lambda x: 'vol'+x,map(str,list_vol))
     return list_vol,list_name
-def build_block(vol_list,name):
+def build_block(vol_list,name,id_0=1):
+    #
     from sets import Set
-    try:
-            cubit.cmd('comment')
-    except:
-            try:
-                import cubit
-                cubit.init([""])
-            except:
-                print 'error importing cubit'
-                import sys
-                sys.exit()
+    #
     if len(block_list) > 0:
-        id_block=max(block_list)
+        id_block=max(max(block_list),2)+id_0
-        id_block=0
+        id_block=2+id_0
     for v,n in zip(vol_list,name):
-       id_block+=1
-       v_other=Set(vol_list)-Set([v])
-       #command= 'block '+str(id_block)+' hex in node in vol '+str(v)+' except hex in vol '+str(list(v_other))
-       command= 'block '+str(id_block)+' hex in vol '+str(v)
-       command = command.replace("["," ").replace("]"," ")
-       cubit.cmd(command)
-       command = "block "+str(id_block)+" name '"+n+"'"
-       cubit.cmd(command)
+        id_block+=1
+        v_other=Set(vol_list)-Set([v])
+        #command= 'block '+str(id_block)+' hex in node in vol '+str(v)+' except hex in vol '+str(list(v_other))
+        command= 'block '+str(id_block)+' hex in vol '+str(v)+' except hex in vol '+str(list(v_other))
+        print command
+        command = command.replace("["," ").replace("]"," ")
+        cubit.cmd(command) 
+        command = "block "+str(id_block)+" name '"+n+"'"
+        cubit.cmd(command)
-def build_block_side(surf_list,name,obj='surface'):
-    try:
-            cubit.cmd('comment')
-    except:
-            try:
-                import cubit
-                cubit.init([""])
-            except:
-                print 'error importing cubit'
-                import sys
-                sys.exit()
+def build_block_side(surf_list,name,obj='surface',id_0=1):
-    id_block=cubit.get_next_block_id()
-    # creates command string
+    id_block=id_0
     if obj == 'hex':
         txt='hex in node in surface'
         txt1='block '+str(id_block)+ ' '+ txt +' '+str(list(surf_list))
         txt2="block "+str(id_block)+" name '"+name+"'"
         txt1=txt1.replace("["," ").replace("]"," ")
+        cubit.cmd(txt1)
+        cubit.cmd(txt2)
     elif obj == 'node':
-         txt=obj+' in surface'
-         txt1= 'nodeset '+str(id_nodeset)+ ' '+ txt +' '+str(list(surf_list))
-         txt1 = txt1.replace("["," ").replace("]"," ")
-         txt2 = "nodeset "+str(id_nodeset)+" name '"+name+"'"
+        txt=obj+' in surface'
+        txt1= 'nodeset '+str(id_nodeset)+ ' '+ txt +' '+str(list(surf_list))
+        txt1 = txt1.replace("["," ").replace("]"," ")
+        txt2 = "nodeset "+str(id_nodeset)+" name '"+name+"'"
+        cubit.cmd(txt1)
+        cubit.cmd(txt2)
     elif obj == 'face' or obj == 'edge':
         txt=obj+' in surface'
         txt1= 'block '+str(id_block)+ ' '+ txt +' '+str(list(surf_list))
         txt1 = txt1.replace("["," ").replace("]"," ")
         txt2 = "block "+str(id_block)+" name '"+name+"'"
+        cubit.cmd(txt1)
+        cubit.cmd(txt2)
-        # do not execute: block id might be wrong
-        print "##block "+str(id_block)+" name '"+name+"_notsupported (only hex,face,edge,node)'"
-        txt2=''
+        txt2="block "+str(id_block)+" name "+name+"_notsupported (only hex,face,edge,node)"
+        try:
+            cubit.cmd('comment "'+txt1+'"')
+            cubit.cmd('comment "'+txt2+'"')
+        except:
+            pass
-    # executes commands
-    print "# command: " + txt1
-    print "# command: " + txt2
-    cubit.cmd(txt1)
-    cubit.cmd(txt2)
 def define_bc(*args,**keys):
+    id_0=1
+    #
+    #
-    if not closed:
-        print "##open region"
-        # model with parallel sides (e.g. a block)
-        if parallel:
-            surf,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,bottom,topo=define_absorbing_surf()
-        else:
-            # arbitrary geometry
-            surf,topo=define_absorbing_surf_nopar()
+    ip=keys.get("iproc",0)
+    cpuxmin=keys.get("cpuxmin",0)
+    cpuymin=keys.get("cpuymin",0)
+    cpux=keys.get("cpux",1)
+    cpuy=keys.get("cpuy",1)
+    cpuxmax=keys.get("cpuxmax",cpux)
+    cpuymax=keys.get("cpuymax",cpuy)
+    #
+    if parallel:
+        absorbing_surf,abs_xmin,abs_xmax,abs_ymin,abs_ymax,top_surf,bottom_surf,xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax=define_surf(ip=ip,cpuxmin=cpuxmin,cpuxmax=cpuxmax,cpuymin=cpuymin,cpuymax=cpuymax,cpux=cpux,cpuy=cpuy)
+        #
+        #id_side=cubit.get_next_block_id()
+        #try:
+        #    entities=args[0]
+        #except:
+        #    entities=['face']
+        #for entity in entities:
+        #    build_block_side(top_surf,entity+'_topo',obj=entity,id_0=1) #topo is block 1 so id_0=1
+        #    build_block_side(bottom_surf,entity+'_abs_bottom',obj=entity,id_0=2)
+        #    build_block_side(xmin,entity+'_xmin',obj=entity,id_0=3)
+        #    build_block_side(ymin,entity+'_ymin',obj=entity,id_0=4)
+        #    build_block_side(xmax,entity+'_xmax',obj=entity,id_0=5)
+        #    build_block_side(ymax,entity+'_ymax',obj=entity,id_0=6)
+        #     
+        id_0=cubit.get_next_block_id()
-        build_block(v_list,name_list)
+        build_block(v_list,name_list,id_0)
+        #
+    elif closed:
+        surf=define_absorbing_surf_sphere()
+        v_list,name_list=define_block()
+        build_block(v_list,name_list,id_0)
-        print entities
+        id_side=1
         for entity in entities:
-            print "##entity: "+str(entity)
-            # block for free surface (w/ topography)
-            #print '## topo surface block: ' + str(topo)
-            if len(topo) == 0:
-              print ""
-              print "no topo surface found, please create block face_topo manually..."
-              print ""
-            else:
-              build_block_side(topo,entity+'_topo',obj=entity)
-            # model has parallel sides (e.g. a block model )
-            if parallel:
+            build_block_side(surf,entity+'_closedvol',obj=entity,id_0=id_side)
+            id_side=id_side+1
-              # blocks for each side
-              if len(xmin) == 0:
-                print ""
-                print "no abs_xmin surface found, please create block manually..."
-                print ""
-              else:
-                build_block_side(xmin,entity+'_abs_xmin',obj=entity)
-              # blocks for each side
-              if len(xmax) == 0:
-                print ""
-                print "no abs_xmax surface found, please create block manually..."
-                print ""
-              else:
-                build_block_side(xmax,entity+'_abs_xmax',obj=entity)
-              # blocks for each side
-              if len(ymin) == 0:
-                print ""
-                print "no abs_xmin surface found, please create block manually..."
-                print ""
-              else:
-                build_block_side(ymin,entity+'_abs_ymin',obj=entity)
-              # blocks for each side
-              if len(ymax) == 0:
-                print ""
-                print "no abs_ymax surface found, please create block manually..."
-                print ""
-              else:
-                build_block_side(ymax,entity+'_abs_ymax',obj=entity)
+def extract_bottom_curves(surf_xmin,surf_ymin,surf_xmax,surf_ymax):
+    curve_xmin=[]
+    curve_ymin=[]
+    curve_xmax=[]
+    curve_ymax=[]
+    from sets import Set #UPGRADE.... the sets module is deprecated after python 2.6
+    for s in surf_xmin:
+        lcs=cubit.get_relatives("surface",s,"curve")
+        for lc in lcs:
+            curve_xmin.append(lc)
+    for s in surf_xmax:
+        lcs=cubit.get_relatives("surface",s,"curve")
+        for lc in lcs:
+            curve_xmax.append(lc)
+    for s in surf_ymin:
+        lcs=cubit.get_relatives("surface",s,"curve")
+        for lc in lcs:
+            curve_ymin.append(lc)
+    for s in surf_ymax:
+        lcs=cubit.get_relatives("surface",s,"curve")
+        for lc in lcs:
+            curve_ymax.append(lc)
+    curve_xmin=list(Set(curve_xmin))
+    curve_ymin=list(Set(curve_ymin))
+    curve_xmax=list(Set(curve_xmax))
+    curve_ymax=list(Set(curve_ymax))
+    curve_bottom_xmin=select_bottom_curve(curve_xmin)
+    curve_bottom_ymin=select_bottom_curve(curve_ymin)
+    curve_bottom_xmax=select_bottom_curve(curve_xmax)
+    curve_bottom_ymax=select_bottom_curve(curve_ymax)
+    #
+    return curve_bottom_xmin,curve_bottom_ymin,curve_bottom_xmax,curve_bottom_ymax
-              # blocks for each side
-              if len(bottom) == 0:
-                print ""
-                print "no abs_bottom surface found, please create block manually..."
-                print ""
-              else:
-                build_block_side(bottom,entity+'_abs_bottom',obj=entity)
+def select_bottom_curve(lc):
+    z=[]
+    for l in lc:
+        center_point = cubit.get_center_point("curve", l)
+        z.append(center_point[2])
+    result=zip(z,lc)
+    result.sort()
+    return result[0][1]
-              # block for all sides together
-              # NOTE:
-              #    this might fail in some CUBIT versions, when elements are already
-              #    assigned to other blocks
-              try:
-                build_block_side(surf,entity+'_abs',obj=entity)
-              except:
-                print "no combined surface with all sides created"
-            else:
-                # arbitrary geometry
-                # puts all elements in single block
-                build_block_side(surf,entity+'_abs',obj=entity)
+def get_ordered_node_surf(lsurface,icurve):
+    if not isinstance(lsurface,str): 
+        lsurf=list2str(lsurface)
+    #
+    if not isinstance(icurve,str): 
+        icurvestr=str(icurve)
+    orient_nodes_surf=[]
+    #
+    cubit.cmd('del group sl')
+    cubit.cmd("group 'sl' add node in surf "+lsurf)
+    group1 = cubit.get_id_from_name("sl")
+    nodes_ls =list(cubit.get_group_nodes(group1))
+    nnode=len(nodes_ls)
+    #
+    orient=[]
+    cubit.cmd('del group n1')
+    cubit.cmd("group 'n1' add node in curve "+icurvestr)
+    x=cubit.get_bounding_box('curve', icurve)
+    if x[2]>x[5]:
+        idx=0
-        print "##closed region"
+        idx=1
+    group1 = cubit.get_id_from_name("n1")
+    nodes1 = list(cubit.get_group_nodes(group1))
+    for n in nodes1:
+        v = cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(n)
+        orient.append(v[idx])
+    result=zip(orient,nodes1)
+    result.sort()
+    nodes2=[c[1] for c in result]
+    for n in nodes2:
+        try:
+            nodes_ls.remove(n)
+        except:
+            pass             
+    orient_nodes_surf=orient_nodes_surf+nodes2
+    #
+    while len(orient_nodes_surf) < nnode:
+        cubit.cmd('del group n1')
+        cubit.cmd("group 'n1' add node in edge in node "+str(nodes2).replace('[',' ').replace(']',' '))
+        group1 = cubit.get_id_from_name("n1")
+        nodes1 = list(cubit.get_group_nodes(group1))
+        orient=[]
+        nd=[]
+        for n in nodes1:
+            if n in nodes_ls:
+                v = cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(n)
+                orient.append(v[idx])
+                nd.append(n)
+        result=zip(orient,nd)
+        result.sort()
+        nodes2=[c[1] for c in result]
+        for n in nodes2:
+            try:
+                nodes_ls.remove(n)
+            except:
+                pass
+        orient_nodes_surf=orient_nodes_surf+nodes2
+    #get the vertical curve
+    curve_vertical=[]
+    for s in lsurface:
+        lcs=cubit.get_relatives("surface",s,"curve")
+        for l in lcs:
+            x=cubit.get_bounding_box('curve', l)
+            length=[(x[2],1),(x[5],2),(x[8],3)]
+            length.sort()
+            if length[-1][1] == 3:
+                curve_vertical.append(l)
+    #
+    icurve=list2str(curve_vertical)
+    cubit.cmd('del group curve_vertical')
+    cubit.cmd("group 'curve_vertical' add node in curve "+icurve)
+    group1 = cubit.get_id_from_name('curve_vertical')
+    nodes_curve = list(cubit.get_group_nodes(group1))
+    for n in nodes_curve:
+        try:
+            orient_nodes_surf.remove(n)
+        except:
+            pass
+    #
+    return nodes_curve,orient_nodes_surf
-        # model without absorbing boundaries, only one surface, e.g. a sphere
-        surf=define_absorbing_surf_sphere()
-        v_list,name_list=define_block()
-        build_block(v_list,name_list)
-        entities=args[0]
-        for entity in entities:
-            # puts all elements in single block
-            build_block_side(surf,entity+'_closedvol',obj=entity)
-## calling example:
-## block material assigning example:
-#block 1  attribute count 5
-#block 2  attribute count 0
-#block 2  name '/prova/interface1'
-#block 2  attribute count 3
-#block 3  attribute count 5
-#block 1  attribute index 2 1500
-#block 1  attribute count 2
-#block 3  attribute index 1 2
-#block 3  attribute index 2 5800
-#block 3  attribute index 3 3900
-#block 3  attribute index 4 1500
-#block 3  attribute index 5 3.5
-#block 1  name 'top'
-#block 3  name 'bottom'
-#block 2  attribute index 1 -1
-#block 2  attribute index 2 2
-#block 2  attribute count 4
-#block 2  attribute index 2 1
-#block 2  attribute index 3 2
-# to create block manually:
-# use a commands like:
-# e.g. surface with topography
-# block 2 face in surface 6 
-# block 2 name "face_topo"
-# e.g. all surface which are absorbing
-# block 3 face in surface 1 2 3 4 5
-# block 2 name "face_abs"
+def check_bc(iproc,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,cpux,cpuy,cpuxmin,cpuxmax,cpuymin,cpuymax):
+    """
+    boundary=check_bc(iproc,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,cpux,cpuy,cpuxmin,cpuxmax,cpuymin,cpuymax)
+    #
+    set the boundary condition during the collecting phase and group the nodes of the vertical surface in groups for the merging phase
+    iproc is the value of the processor 
+    xmin,ymin,ymax,ymin are the list of iproc that have at least one absorbing boundary condition
+    """
+    #
+    absorbing_surf,abs_xmin,abs_xmax,abs_ymin,abs_ymax,top_surf,bottom_surf,surf_xmin,surf_ymin,surf_xmax,surf_ymax=define_surf(ip=iproc,cpuxmin=cpuxmin,cpuxmax=cpuxmax,cpuymin=cpuymin,cpuymax=cpuymax,cpux=cpux,cpuy=cpuy)
+    curve_bottom_xmin,curve_bottom_ymin,curve_bottom_xmax,curve_bottom_ymax=extract_bottom_curves(surf_xmin,surf_ymin,surf_xmax,surf_ymax)
+    print absorbing_surf,abs_xmin,abs_xmax,abs_ymin,abs_ymax,top_surf,bottom_surf,surf_xmin,surf_ymin,surf_xmax,surf_ymax
+    #
+    #
+    #
+    from sets import Set #UPGRADE.... the sets module is deprecated after python 2.6
+    cubit.cmd('set info off')
+    cubit.cmd('set echo off')
+    nodes_curve_ymax,orient_nodes_surf_ymax=get_ordered_node_surf(surf_ymax,curve_bottom_ymax)
+    nodes_curve_xmax,orient_nodes_surf_xmax=get_ordered_node_surf(surf_xmax,curve_bottom_xmax)
+    nodes_curve_ymin,orient_nodes_surf_ymin=get_ordered_node_surf(surf_ymin,curve_bottom_ymin)
+    nodes_curve_xmin,orient_nodes_surf_xmin=get_ordered_node_surf(surf_xmin,curve_bottom_xmin)
+    c_xminymin=Set(nodes_curve_xmin).intersection(nodes_curve_ymin)
+    c_xminymax=Set(nodes_curve_xmin).intersection(nodes_curve_ymax)
+    c_xmaxymin=Set(nodes_curve_xmax).intersection(nodes_curve_ymin)
+    c_xmaxymax=Set(nodes_curve_xmax).intersection(nodes_curve_ymax)
+    cubit.cmd('set info on')
+    cubit.cmd('set echo on')
+    #
+    orient=[]
+    nd=[]
+    for n in c_xminymin:
+        v = cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(n)
+        orient.append(v[2])
+        nd.append(n)
+    result=zip(orient,nd)
+    result.sort()
+    c_xminymin=[c[1] for c in result]
+    #
+    orient=[]
+    nd=[]    
+    for n in c_xminymax:
+        v = cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(n)
+        orient.append(v[2])
+        nd.append(n)
+    result=zip(orient,nd)
+    result.sort()
+    c_xminymax=[c[1] for c in result]
+    #
+    orient=[]
+    nd=[]
+    for n in c_xmaxymin:
+        v = cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(n)
+        orient.append(v[2])
+        nd.append(n)
+    result=zip(orient,nd)
+    result.sort()
+    c_xmaxymin=[c[1] for c in result]
+    #
+    orient=[]
+    nd=[]
+    for n in c_xmaxymax:
+        v = cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(n)
+        orient.append(v[2])
+        nd.append(n)
+    result=zip(orient,nd)
+    result.sort()
+    c_xmaxymax=[c[1] for c in result]
+    #
+    boundary={}
+    boundary['id']=iproc
+    #
+    boundary['nodes_surf_xmin']=orient_nodes_surf_xmin
+    boundary['nodes_surf_xmax']=orient_nodes_surf_xmax
+    boundary['nodes_surf_ymin']=orient_nodes_surf_ymin
+    boundary['nodes_surf_ymax']=orient_nodes_surf_ymax
+    #
+    boundary['node_curve_xminymin']=c_xminymin
+    boundary['node_curve_xminymax']=c_xminymax
+    boundary['node_curve_xmaxymin']=c_xmaxymin
+    boundary['node_curve_xmaxymax']=c_xmaxymax
+    #
+    #
+    #
+    entities=['face']
+    #
+    for entity in entities:
+        if len(abs_xmin) != 0:
+            refname=entity+'_abs_xmin'
+            build_block_side(abs_xmin,refname,obj=entity,id_0=1003)
+        #
+        if len(abs_ymin) != 0:
+            refname=entity+'_abs_ymin'
+            build_block_side(abs_ymin,refname,obj=entity,id_0=1004)
+        #
+        if len(abs_xmax) != 0:
+            refname=entity+'_abs_xmax'
+            build_block_side(abs_xmax,refname,obj=entity,id_0=1005)
+        #
+        if len(abs_ymax) != 0:
+            refname=entity+'_abs_ymax'
+            build_block_side(abs_ymax,refname,obj=entity,id_0=1006)
+        ##
+        refname=entity+'_topo'
+        block=3 #change here..... must be 1 @@@@@@@@@
+        ty=None
+        ty=cubit.get_block_element_type(block)
+        if ty != 'HEX8': cubit.cmd('del block '+str(block))
+        build_block_side(top_surf,refname,obj=entity,id_0=1001)
+        #
+        refname=entity+'_bottom'
+        block=4 #change here..... must be 2 @@@@@@@@
+        ty=None
+        ty=cubit.get_block_element_type(block)
+        if ty != 'HEX8': cubit.cmd('del block '+str(block))
+        build_block_side(bottom_surf,refname,obj=entity,id_0=1002)
+    #
+    #
+    return boundary
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/cubit2specfem3d.py
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/cubit2specfem3d.py	2013-09-17 00:06:13 UTC (rev 22795)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/cubit2specfem3d.py	2013-09-17 16:14:58 UTC (rev 22796)
@@ -23,35 +23,32 @@
 #                                                                           #
-#for a complete definition of the format of the mesh in SPECFEM3D_SESAME check the manual (http:/):
+#for a complete definition of the format of the mesh in SPECFEM3D check the manual (http://www.geodynamics.org/cig/software/specfem3d):
-#The mesh must be prepared
+#The mesh must be prepared 
 #   automatically using the module boundary_definition (see boundary_definition.py for more information)
 #   manually following the convention:
-#     - each material should have a block defined by:
-#         material domain_flag (acoustic/elastic/poroelastic)name,flag of the material (integer),p velocity
-#       (or the full description: name, flag, vp, vs, rho, Q ... if not present these last 3 parameters will be
-#       interpolated by module mat_parameter)
-#     - each mesh should have the block definition for the face on the free_surface (topography),
+#     - each material should have a block defined by material domain_flag (acoustic/elastic/poroelastic) name,flag of the material (integer),p velocity 
+#       (or the full description: name, flag, vp, vs, rho, Q ... if not present these last 3 parameters will be interpolated by module mat_parameter)
+#     - each mesh should have the block definition for the face on the free_surface (topography), 
 #       the name of this block must be 'face_topo' or you can change the default name in mesh.topo defined in profile.
-#     - each mesh should have the block definition for the faces on the absorbing boundaries,
-#       one block for each surface with x=Xmin,x=Xmax,y=Ymin,y=Ymax and z=bottom. The names of
-#       the blocks should contain the strings "xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,bottom"
+#     - each mesh should have the block definition for the faces on the absorbing boundaries, 
+#       one block for each surface with x=Xmin,x=Xmax,y=Ymin,y=Ymax and z=bottom. The names of the blocks should contain the strings "xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,bottom"
 #In a python script or in the cubit python tab call:
+#           export2SPECFEM3D(path_exporting_mesh_SPECFEM3D) 
-#           export2SESAME(path_exporting_mesh_SPECFEM3D_SESAME)
+#the module creates a python class for the mesh: ex. profile=mesh()
+#and it export the files of the mesh needed by the partitioner of SPECFEM3D
-#the modele create a python class for the mesh: ex. profile=mesh()
-#and it export the files of the mesh needed by the partitioner of SESAME
 #The default output are 11 ASCII files:
@@ -62,61 +59,74 @@
 #        id_elements id_node1 id_node2 id_node3 id_node4 id_node5 id_node6 id_node7 id_node8
 #        .....
 ##nodecoord_name='nodes_coords_file' -> the file that contains the coordinates of the nodes of the all mesh
 #    format:
 #        number of nodes
 #        id_node x_coordinate y_coordinate z_coordinate
 #        .....
 ##material_name='materials_file' -> the file that contains the material flag of the elements
 #    format:
 #        id_element flag
 #        .....
 ##nummaterial_name='nummaterial_velocity_file' -> table of the material properties
 #    format:
-#        flag rho vp vs 0 0 #full definition of the properties, flag > 0
+#        #material_domain_id #material_id #rho #vp #vs #Q_mu #anisotropy
 #        .....
-#        flag 'tomography' file_name #for interpolation with tomography
+#        #material_domain_id 'tomography' file_name #for interpolation with tomography
 #        .....
-#        flag 'interface' file_name flag_for_the_gll_below_the_interface
-#        flag_for_the_gll_above_the_interface #for interpolation with interface
+#        #material_domain_id 'interface' file_name flag_for_the_gll_below_the_interface flag_for_the_gll_above_the_interface #for interpolation with interface
 ##absname='absorbing_surface_file' -> this file contains all the face in all the absorbing  boundaries
-##absname_local='absorbing_surface_file'+'_xmin' -> this file contains all the face in the
-#                                                                                    absorbing  boundary defined by x=Xmin
-##absname_local='absorbing_surface_file'+'_xmax' -> this file contains all the face in the
-#                                                                                    absorbing  boundary defined by x=Xmax
-##absname_local='absorbing_surface_file'+'_ymin' -> this file contains all the face in the
-#                                                                                    absorbing  boundary defined by y=Ymin
-##absname_local='absorbing_surface_file'+'_ymax' -> this file contains all the face in the
-#                                                                                    absorbing  boundary defined by y=Ymax
-##absname_local='absorbing_surface_file'+'_bottom' -> this file contains all the face in the
-#                                                                                     absorbing  boundary defined by z=bottom
+##absname_local='absorbing_surface_file'+'_xmin' -> this file contains all the face in the absorbing  boundary defined by x=Xmin
+##absname_local='absorbing_surface_file'+'_xmax' -> this file contains all the face in the absorbing  boundary defined by x=Xmax
+##absname_local='absorbing_surface_file'+'_ymin' -> this file contains all the face in the absorbing  boundary defined by y=Ymin
+##absname_local='absorbing_surface_file'+'_ymax' -> this file contains all the face in the absorbing  boundary defined by y=Ymax
+##absname_local='absorbing_surface_file'+'_bottom' -> this file contains all the face in the absorbing  boundary defined by z=bottom
 #    format:
 #        number of faces
 #        id_(element containg the face) id_node1_face id_node2_face id_node3_face id_node4_face
 #        ....
-##freename='free_or_absorbing_surface_file_zmax' -> file with the hex on the free surface (usually the topography)
+##freename='free_surface_file' -> file with the hex on the free surface (usually the topography)
 #    format:
 #        number of faces
 #        id_(element containg the face) id_node1_face id_node2_face id_node3_face id_node4_face
-# it is possible save only one (or more) file singularly: for example if you want only the nodecoord_file
-# call the module mesh.nodescoord_write(full path name)
+##surface='*_surface_file' -> file with the hex on any surface (define by the word 'surface' in the name of the block, ex: moho_surface)
+# optional surfaces, e.g. moho_surface
+# should be created like e.g.:
+#  > block 10 face in surface 2
+#  > block 10 name 'moho_surface'
+#    format:
+#        number of faces
+#        id_(element containg the face) id_node1_face id_node2_face id_node3_face id_node4_face
+# it is possible save only one (or more) file singularly: for example if you want only the nodecoord_file call the module mesh.nodescoord_write(full path name)
-import cubit
+    import start as start
+    cubit                   = start.start_cubit()
+    try:
+        import cubit
+    except:
+        print 'error importing cubit, check if cubit is installed'
+        pass
 class mtools(object):
-    """docstring for ciao"""
     def __init__(self,frequency,list_surf,list_vp):
         super(mtools, self).__init__()
         self.frequency = frequency
@@ -128,8 +138,7 @@
     def __repr__(self):
         txt='Meshing for frequency up to '+str(self.frequency)+'Hz\n'
         for surf,vp in zip(self.list_surf,self.list_vp):
-            txt=txt+'surface '+str(surf)+', vp ='+str(vp)+'  -> size '+str(self.freq2meshsize(vp)[0])\
-                                                      +' -> dt '+str(self.freq2meshsize(vp)[0])+'\n'
+            txt=txt+'surface '+str(surf)+', vp ='+str(vp)+'  -> size '+str(self.freq2meshsize(vp)[0])+' -> dt '+str(self.freq2meshsize(vp)[0])+'\n' 
         return txt
     def freq2meshsize(self,vp):
@@ -145,7 +154,7 @@
             command = "mesh surf "+str(surf)
-class block_tools:
+class block_tools():
     def __int__(self):
     def create_blocks(self,mesh_entity,list_entity=None,):
@@ -191,16 +200,14 @@
     """Tools for the mesh
-        Given the velocity of a list of edges, seismic_resolution provides the minimum Dt
-        required for the stability condition (and the corrisponding edge).
-        Furthermore, given the number of gll point in the element (ngll) and the number
-        of GLL point for wavelength, it provide the maximum resolved frequency.
+        Given the velocity of a list of edges, seismic_resolution provides the minimum Dt required for the stability condition (and the corrisponding edge).
+        Furthermore, given the number of gll point in the element (ngll) and the number of GLL point for wavelength, it provide the maximum resolved frequency.
         return the length of a edge
-        given the cubit id of a surface, it return the edge with minimun length
+        given the cubit id of a surface, it return the edge with minimun length 
     def __int__(self):
@@ -208,10 +215,8 @@
     def seismic_resolution(self,edges,velocity,bins_d=None,bins_u=None,sidelist=None):
-            Given the velocity of a list of edges, seismic_resolution provides the minimum Dt
-            required for the stability condition (and the corrisponding edge).
-            Furthermore, given the number of gll point in the element (ngll) and the number
-            of GLL point for wavelength, it provide the maximum resolved frequency.
+            Given the velocity of a list of edges, seismic_resolution provides the minimum Dt required for the stability condition (and the corrisponding edge).
+            Furthermore, given the number of gll point in the element (ngll) and the number of GLL point for wavelength, it provide the maximum resolved frequency.
@@ -232,7 +237,6 @@
                     if ratio >= bin_d and ratio < bin_u:
                         command = "sideset "+str(side)+" edge "+str(edge)
-                        #print command
@@ -251,14 +255,13 @@
     def edge_min_length(self,surface):
-            given the cubit id of a surface, it return the edge with minimun length
+            given the cubit id of a surface, it return the edge with minimun length 
         from math import sqrt
         command = "group 'list_edge' add edge in surf "+str(surface)
         command = command.replace("["," ").replace("]"," ")
-        #print command
@@ -279,8 +282,8 @@
         axb=[a[1]*b[2] - a[2]*b[1], a[2]*b[0] - a[0]*b[2], a[0]*b[1] - a[1]*b[0]]
-        dot=0.0
-        for i in (0,1,2):
+        dot=0.0 
+        for i in (0,1,2): 
         if  dot > 0:
             return nodes
@@ -308,7 +311,7 @@
             command = "sideset "+str(nsideset)+ " name "+ "'ratio-["+str(bin_d)+"_"+str(bin_u)+"['"
-        nend=cubit.get_next_sideset_id()
+        nend=cubit.get_next_sideset_id()            
         for block in self.block_mat:
@@ -320,8 +323,7 @@
                     es=cubit.get_sub_elements("face", face, 1)
-                dtstore,edgedtstore,ratiostore,edgeratiostore=self.seismic_resolution(edges,\
-                                                              velocity,bins_d,bins_u,sidelist)
+                dtstore,edgedtstore,ratiostore,edgeratiostore=self.seismic_resolution(edges,velocity,bins_d,bins_u,sidelist)
@@ -345,19 +347,22 @@
-        self.freename='free_or_absorbing_surface_file_zmax'
+        self.freename='free_surface_file'
-        self.face='QUAD4'
-        self.face2='SHELL4'
-        self.hex='HEX8'
+        version_cubit=float(cubit.get_version())
+        if version_cubit >= 12:
+            self.face='SHELL4'
+        else:
+            self.face='QUAD4'
+        self.hex='HEX'
+        self.block_definition()
-        self.block_definition()
-        cubit.cmd('compress')
+        cubit.cmd('compress all')
     def __repr__(self):
     def block_definition(self):
@@ -370,10 +375,10 @@
         for block in blocks:
-            type=cubit.get_block_element_type(block)
-            print block,name,blocks,type,self.hex,self.face
-            # block has hexahedral elements (HEX8)
-            if type == self.hex:
+            ty=cubit.get_block_element_type(block)
+            #print block,blocks,ty,self.hex,self.face
+            if self.hex in ty:
+                nattrib=cubit.get_block_attribute_count(block)
@@ -381,88 +386,69 @@
                 # material domain id
-                if name.find("acoustic") >= 0 :
+                if "acoustic" in name :
                   imaterial = 1
-                elif name.find("elastic") >= 0 :
+                elif "elastic"  in name:
                   imaterial = 2
-                elif name.find("poroelastic") >= 0 :
+                elif "poroelastic"  in name:
                   imaterial = 3
                 else :
                   imaterial = 0
-                  print "block: ",name
-                  print "  could not find appropriate material for this block..."
-                  print ""
-                  break
-                nattrib=cubit.get_block_attribute_count(block)
-                if nattrib != 0:
+                #
+                if nattrib > 1:
                     # material flag:
                     #   positive => material properties,
                     #   negative => interface/tomography domain
                     if flag > 0 and nattrib >= 2:
-                      # vp
-                      vel=cubit.get_block_attribute_value(block,1)
-                      if nattrib >= 3:
-                        # vs
-                        vs=cubit.get_block_attribute_value(block,2)
-                        if nattrib >= 4:
-                          #density
-                          rho=cubit.get_block_attribute_value(block,3)
-                          if nattrib >= 5:
-                            #Q_mu
-                            q=cubit.get_block_attribute_value(block,4)
-                            # for q to be valid: it must be positive
-                            if q < 0 :
-                              print 'error, q value invalid:', q
-                              break
-                            if nattrib == 6:
-                              # only 6 parameters given (skipping Q_kappa ), old format style
-                              #Q_kappa is 10 times stronger than Q_mu
-                              q2 = q * 10
-                              # last entry is anisotropic flag
-                              ani=cubit.get_block_attribute_value(block,5)
-                            elif nattrib > 6:
-                               #Q_kappa
-                               q2=cubit.get_block_attribute_value(block,5)
-                               # for q to be valid: it must be positive
-                               if q2 < 0 :
-                                  print 'error, q value invalid:', q2
-                                  break
-                               if nattrib == 7:
-                                  #anisotropy_flag
-                                  ani=cubit.get_block_attribute_value(block,6)
+                        vel=cubit.get_block_attribute_value(block,1)
+                        if nattrib >= 3:
+                            vs=cubit.get_block_attribute_value(block,2)
+                            if nattrib >= 4:
+                                rho=cubit.get_block_attribute_value(block,3)
+                                if nattrib >= 5:
+                                    q=cubit.get_block_attribute_value(block,4)
+                                    # for q to be valid: it must be positive
+                                    if q < 0 :
+                                      print 'error, q value invalid:', q
+                                      break                                                   
+                                    if nattrib == 6:
+                                        ani=cubit.get_block_attribute_value(block,5)
                     elif flag < 0:
-                        # velocity model
-                        if attrib == 1:
+                        if attrib == 1: 
                         elif attrib == 2:
+                elif  nattrib == 1:
+                    flag=cubit.get_block_attribute_value(block,0)
+                    print 'only 1 attribute ', name,block,flag
+                    vel,vs,rho,q,ani=(0,0,0,0,0)
-                    vel,vs,rho,q,q2,ani=(name,0,0,0,0,0)
+                    vel,vs,rho,q,ani=(name,0,0,0,0)
-                if flag > 0:
-                    par=tuple([imaterial,flag,vel,vs,rho,q,q2,ani])
-                elif flag < 0:
+                if flag > 0 and nattrib != 1:
+                    par=tuple([imaterial,flag,vel,vs,rho,q,ani])
+                elif flag < 0 and nattrib != 1:
                     if kind=='interface':
                     elif kind=='tomography':
-                elif flag==0:
+                elif flag==0 or nattrib == 1:
-            elif (type == self.face) or (type == self.face2) :
-                # block has surface elements (QUAD4 or SHELL4)
+            elif ty == self.face: #Stacey condition, we need hex here for pml
                 bc[block]=4 #face has connectivity = 4
-                if name == self.topo: topography_face=block
+                if name == self.topo or block == 1001: topography_face=block
+            elif ty == 'SPHERE':
+                pass
                 # block elements differ from HEX8/QUAD4/SHELL4
                 print '****************************************'
@@ -473,12 +459,12 @@
                 print 'please check your block definitions!'
                 print 'only supported types are:'
-                print '  HEX8  for volumes'
+                print '  HEX/HEX8  for volumes'
                 print '  QUAD4 for surface'
                 print '  SHELL4 for surface'
                 print '****************************************'
+                return None, None,None,None,None,None,None,None
         if len(nsets) == 0: self.receivers=None
         for nset in nsets:
@@ -488,6 +474,14 @@
                 print 'nodeset '+name+' not defined'
+        print block_mat
+        print block_flag
+        print block_bc
+        print block_bc_flag
+        print material
+        print bc
+        print topography_face
+        #
@@ -507,52 +501,61 @@
             print bc
             print topography
             print '****************************************'
-    def mat_parameter(self,properties):
-        #note: material property acoustic/elastic/poroelastic are defined by the block's name
-        print "#material properties:"
+    def mat_parameter(self,properties): 
         print properties
+        #format nummaterials file: #material_domain_id #material_id #rho #vp #vs #Q_mu #anisotropy_flag
         if flag > 0:
-            if properties[3] is None and type(vel) != str:
-                # velocity model scales with given vp value
+            if properties[2] is None and type(vel) != str:
                 if vel >= 30:
-                txt='%1i %3i %20f %20f %20f %1i %1i\n' % (properties[0],properties[1],rho,vel,vel/(3**.5),0,0)
-            elif type(vel) != str:
-                # velocity model given as vp,vs,rho,..
-                #format nummaterials file: #material_domain_id #material_id #rho #vp #vs #Q_mu #anisotropy_flag
-                txt='%1i %3i %20f %20f %20f %20f %20f %2i\n' % (properties[0],properties[1],properties[4], \
-                         properties[2],properties[3],properties[5],properties[6],properties[7])
+                txt='%1i %3i %20f %20f %20f %1i %1i\n' % (properties[0],properties[1],rho,vel,vel/(3**.5),0,0)     
+            elif type(vel) != str and vel != 0.:
+                try: 
+                    q=properties[5]
+                except:
+                    q=0.
+                try:
+                    ani=properties[6]
+                except:
+                    ani=0.
+                #print properties[0],properties[3],properties[1],properties[2],q,ani
+                txt='%1i %3i %20f %20f %20f %20f %20f\n' % (properties[0],properties[1],properties[4],properties[2],properties[3],q,ani)
+            elif type(vel) != str and vel != 0.:
+                helpstring="#material_domain_id #material_id #rho #vp #vs #Q_mu #anisotropy"
+                txt='%1i %3i %s \n' % (properties[0],properties[1],helpstring)
-                txt='%1i %3i %s \n' % (properties[0],properties[1],properties[2])
+                helpstring=" -->       sintax: #material_domain_id #material_id #rho #vp #vs #Q_mu #anisotropy"
+                txt='%1i %3i %s %s\n' % (properties[0],properties[1],properties[2],helpstring)
         elif flag < 0:
             if properties[2] == 'tomography':
                 txt='%1i %3i %s %s\n' % (properties[0],properties[1],properties[2],properties[3])
             elif properties[2] == 'interface':
-                txt='%1i %3i %s %s %1i %1i\n' % (properties[0],properties[1],properties[2],properties[3],\
-                                            properties[4],properties[5])
+                txt='%1i %3i %s %s %1i %1i\n' % (properties[0],properties[1],properties[2],properties[3],properties[4],properties[5])
+            else:
+                helpstring=" -->       sintax: #material_domain_id 'tomography' #file_name "
+                txt='%1i %3i %s %s \n' % (properties[0],properties[1],properties[2],helpstring)
+                #
         return txt
     def nummaterial_write(self,nummaterial_name):
         print 'Writing '+nummaterial_name+'.....'
         for block in self.block_mat:
-            nummaterial.write(self.mat_parameter(self.material[block]))
+            nummaterial.write(str(self.mat_parameter(self.material[block])))
-        print 'Ok'
     def mesh_write(self,mesh_name):
         print 'Writing '+mesh_name+'.....'
         print '  number of elements:',str(num_elems)
-        num_write=0
         for block,flag in zip(self.block_mat,self.block_flag):
             #print block,flag
@@ -565,7 +568,6 @@
                 txt=txt+('%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n')% nodes[:]
-        print 'Ok'
     def material_write(self,mat_name):
         print 'Writing '+mat_name+'.....'
@@ -574,7 +576,6 @@
                 for hexa in hexes:
                     mat.write(('%10i %10i\n') % (hexa,flag))
-        print 'Ok'
     def nodescoord_write(self,nodecoord_name):
         print 'Writing '+nodecoord_name+'.....'
@@ -588,19 +589,17 @@
             txt=('%10i %20f %20f %20f\n') % (node,x,y,z)
-        print 'Ok'
     def free_write(self,freename=None):
-        # free surface
         cubit.cmd('set info off')
         cubit.cmd('set echo off')
         cubit.cmd('set journal off')
         from sets import Set
         if not freename: freename=self.freename
-        # writes free surface file
+        freehex=open(freename,'w')
         print 'Writing '+freename+'.....'
-        freehex=open(freename,'w')
-        # searches block definition with name face_topo
+        #
+        #
         for block,flag in zip(self.block_bc,self.block_bc_flag):
             if block == self.topography:
@@ -616,17 +615,13 @@
                         if dic_quads_all.has_key(f):
                             #print f
-                            if len(nodes) == 0: nodes=cubit.get_connectivity('Face',f)
-                            txt='%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (h,nodes_ok[0],\
-                                         nodes_ok[1],nodes_ok[2],nodes_ok[3])
+                            txt='%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (h,nodes_ok[0],nodes_ok[1],nodes_ok[2],nodes_ok[3])
-        freehex.close()
-        print 'Ok'
+                freehex.close()   
         cubit.cmd('set info on')
         cubit.cmd('set echo on')
     def abs_write(self,absname=None):
-        # absorbing boundaries
         import re
         cubit.cmd('set info off')
         cubit.cmd('set echo off')
@@ -634,38 +629,60 @@
         from sets import Set
         if not absname: absname=self.absname
-        # loops through all block definitions
+        #
         for block,flag in zip(self.block_bc,self.block_bc_flag):
             if block != self.topography:
-                print name,block
-                absflag=False
+                print '  block name:',name,'id:',block
+                cknormal=True
                 if re.search('xmin',name):
-                    filename=absname+'_xmin'
+                    print 'xmin'
+                    abshex_local=open(absname+'_xmin','w')
                 elif re.search('xmax',name):
-                    filename=absname+'_xmax'
+                    print "xmax"
+                    abshex_local=open(absname+'_xmax','w')
                 elif re.search('ymin',name):
-                    filename=absname+'_ymin'
+                    print "ymin"
+                    abshex_local=open(absname+'_ymin','w')
                 elif re.search('ymax',name):
-                    filename=absname+'_ymax'
+                    print "ymax"
+                    abshex_local=open(absname+'_ymax','w')
                 elif re.search('bottom',name):
-                    filename=absname+'_bottom'
+                    print "bottom"
+                    abshex_local=open(absname+'_bottom','w')
                 elif re.search('abs',name):
-                    #print "  ...face_abs - not used so far..."
-                    filename=absname+'_all'
-                    absflag=True          
+                    print "abs all - no implemented yet"
+                    cknormal=False
+                    abshex_local=open(absname,'w')
-                    continue
-                # opens file
-                print 'Writing '+filename+'.....'
-                abshex_local=open(filename,'w')
-                # gets face elements
+                    if block == 1003:
+                        print 'xmin'
+                        abshex_local=open(absname+'_xmin','w')
+                        normal=(-1,0,0)
+                    elif block == 1004:
+                        print "ymin"
+                        abshex_local=open(absname+'_ymin','w')
+                        normal=(0,-1,0)
+                    elif block == 1005:
+                        print "xmax"
+                        abshex_local=open(absname+'_xmax','w')
+                        normal=(1,0,0)
+                    elif block == 1006:
+                        print "ymax"
+                        abshex_local=open(absname+'_ymax','w')
+                        normal=(0,1,0)
+                    elif block == 1002:
+                        print "bottom"
+                        abshex_local=open(absname+'_bottom','w')
+                        normal=(0,0,-1)
+                #
+                #
                 print '  number of faces = ',len(quads_all)
@@ -682,19 +699,13 @@
                     for f in faces:
                         if dic_quads_all.has_key(f):
-                            if len(nodes) == 0: nodes=cubit.get_connectivity('Face',f)
-                            if not absflag:
-                                # checks with specified normal
+                            if cknormal:
-                                txt='%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (h,nodes_ok[0],\
-                                             nodes_ok[1],nodes_ok[2],nodes_ok[3])
-                                txt='%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (h,nodes[0],\
-                                             nodes[1],nodes[2],nodes[3])
+                                nodes_ok=nodes
+                            txt='%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (h,nodes_ok[0],nodes_ok[1],nodes_ok[2],nodes_ok[3])
-                # closes file
-                abshex_local.close()
-        print 'Ok'
+                abshex_local.close()   
         cubit.cmd('set info on')
         cubit.cmd('set echo on')
     def surface_write(self,pathdir=None):
@@ -735,13 +746,11 @@
                     for f in faces:
                         if dic_quads_all.has_key(f):
-                            if len(nodes) == 0: nodes=cubit.get_connectivity('Face',f)
                             txt='%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (h,nodes[0],\
                 # closes file
-        print 'Ok'
     def rec_write(self,recname):
         print 'Writing '+self.recname+'.....'
@@ -750,43 +759,36 @@
             recfile.write('ST%i XX %20f %20f 0.0 0.0 \n' % (i,x,z))
-        print 'Ok'
     def write(self,path=''):
         cubit.cmd('set info off')
         cubit.cmd('set echo off')
         cubit.cmd('set journal off')
+        cubit.cmd('compress all')
         if len(path) != 0:
             if path[-1] != '/': path=path+'/'
-        # mesh file
-        # mesh material
-        # mesh coordinates
-        # material definitions
-        self.nummaterial_write(path+self.nummaterial_name)
-        # free surface: face_top
-        # absorbing surfaces: abs_***
+        self.nummaterial_write(path+self.nummaterial_name)
         # any other surfaces: ***surface***
-        # receivers
         if self.receivers: self.rec_write(path+self.recname)
         cubit.cmd('set info on')
         cubit.cmd('set echo on')
-def export2SESAME(path_exporting_mesh_SPECFEM3D_SESAME):
-    cubit.cmd('set info on')
-    cubit.cmd('set echo on')
+def export2SPECFEM3D(path_exporting_mesh_SPECFEM3D='.'):
-    sem_mesh.write(path=path_exporting_mesh_SPECFEM3D_SESAME)
+    #sem_mesh.block_definition()
+    #print sem_mesh.block_mat
+    #print sem_mesh.block_flag
+    #
+    sem_mesh.write(path=path_exporting_mesh_SPECFEM3D)
+    print 'END SPECFEM3D exporting process......'
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    path='MESH/'
-    export2SESAME(path)
-# call by:
-# import cubit2specfem3d
-# cubit2specfem3d.export2SESAME('MESH')
+    path='.'
+    export2SPECFEM3D(path)

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/exportlib.py
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/exportlib.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/exportlib.py	2013-09-17 16:14:58 UTC (rev 22796)
@@ -0,0 +1,667 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# exportlib.py                                                    
+# this file is part of GEOCUBIT                                             #
+#                                                                           #
+# Created by Emanuele Casarotti                                             #
+# Copyright (c) 2008 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia         #
+#                                                                           #
+#                                                                           #
+# GEOCUBIT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify          #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      #
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or         #
+# (at your option) any later version.                                       #
+#                                                                           #
+# GEOCUBIT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,               #
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            #
+# GNU General Public License for more details.                              #
+#                                                                           #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         #
+# along with GEOCUBIT.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.         #
+#                                                                           #
+    import start as start
+    cubit                   = start.start_cubit()
+    try:
+        import cubit
+    except:
+        print 'error importing cubit, check if cubit is installed'
+        pass
+def refine_closecurve(block=1001,closed_filenames=None,acis=True):
+    from utilities import load_curves
+    from boundary_definition import build_block_side,define_surf
+    from mesh_volume import refine_inside_curve
+    #
+    #
+    curves=[]
+    if not isinstance(closed_filenames,list): closed_filenames=[closed_filenames]
+    for f in closed_filenames:
+        print f
+        if acis: 
+            curves=curves+load_curves(f)
+    print curves
+    blist=list(cubit.get_block_id_list())
+    try:
+        blist.remove(1001)
+    except:
+        pass
+    try:
+        blist.remove(1002)
+    except:
+        pass
+    try:
+        blist.remove(1003)
+    except:
+        pass        
+    try:
+        blist.remove(1004)    
+    except:                             
+        pass             
+    try:
+        blist.remove(1005)
+    except:
+        pass
+    try:
+        blist.remove(1006)
+    except:
+        pass
+    id_top=max(blist)
+    cmd='group "coi" add node in hex in block '+str(id_top)
+    cubit.cmd(cmd)
+    #
+    id_inside_arc=None
+    for c in map(int,curves[0].split()):   #curves is a list of one string
+        c1001 = cubit.get_exodus_element_count(1001, "block")
+        c1002 = cubit.get_exodus_element_count(1002, "block")
+        c1003 = cubit.get_exodus_element_count(1003, "block")
+        c1004 = cubit.get_exodus_element_count(1004, "block")
+        c1005 = cubit.get_exodus_element_count(1005, "block")
+        c1006 = cubit.get_exodus_element_count(1006, "block")
+        #
+        refine_inside_curve(c,ntimes=1,depth=1,block=block,surface=False)
+        blist=list(cubit.get_block_id_list())
+        cmd='create mesh geometry hex all except hex in block all feature_angle 135'
+        cubit.cmd(cmd)
+        blist_after=list(cubit.get_block_id_list())
+        [blist_after.remove(x) for x in blist]
+        id_inside=max(blist_after)
+        cmd='group "coi" add node in hex in block '+str(id_inside)
+        cubit.cmd(cmd)
+        if id_inside_arc: 
+                cmd='del block '+str(id_inside-1)
+                cubit.cmd(cmd)
+        cmd='block '+str(id_inside)+' name "refined"'
+        cubit.cmd(cmd)
+        id_inside_arc=id_inside                                            
+        #
+        _,_,_,_,_,top_surf,bottom_surf,surf_xmin,surf_ymin,surf_xmax,surf_ymax=define_surf()
+        #
+        c1001_after = cubit.get_exodus_element_count(1001, "block")
+        c1002_after = cubit.get_exodus_element_count(1002, "block")
+        c1003_after = cubit.get_exodus_element_count(1003, "block")
+        c1004_after = cubit.get_exodus_element_count(1004, "block")
+        c1005_after = cubit.get_exodus_element_count(1005, "block")
+        c1006_after = cubit.get_exodus_element_count(1006, "block")
+        entity='face'
+        if c1001_after != c1001:
+            refname=entity+'_topo'
+            build_block_side(top_surf,refname,obj=entity,id_0=1001)
+        #
+        if c1002_after != c1002:
+            refname=entity+'_bottom'
+            build_block_side(bottom_surf,refname,obj=entity,id_0=1002)
+        #
+        if c1003_after != c1003:
+            refname=entity+'_abs_xmin'
+            build_block_side(surf_xmin,refname,obj=entity,id_0=1003)
+        #                                                              
+        if c1004_after != c1004:
+            refname=entity+'_abs_ymin'
+            build_block_side(surf_ymin,refname,obj=entity,id_0=1004)
+        #                                                              
+        if c1005_after != c1005:  
+            refname=entity+'_abs_xmax'                                     
+            build_block_side(surf_xmax,refname,obj=entity,id_0=1005)
+        #
+        if c1006_after != c1006:    
+            refname=entity+'_abs_ymax'                                   
+            build_block_side(surf_ymax,refname,obj=entity,id_0=1006)
+        #
+        cmd='disassociate mesh from volume all'
+        cubit.cmd(cmd)
+        cmd='group "coi" add node in face in block 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006'
+        cubit.cmd(cmd)
+        cubit.cmd('del vol all')
+        cubit.cmd('group "removedouble" add hex all except hex in block all')
+        cubit.cmd('delete hex in removedouble')
+        cubit.cmd('delet group removedouble')
+        cmd='equivalence node in group coi tolerance 20'
+        cubit.cmd(cmd)
+    cmd='equivalence node all tolerance 10'
+    cubit.cmd(cmd)
+    cubit.cmd('del curve '+' '.join(str(x) for x in curves) )
+def collecting_merging(cpuxmin=0,cpuxmax=1,cpuymin=0,cpuymax=1,cpux=1,cpuy=1,cubfiles=False,ckbound_method1=False,ckbound_method2=False,merge_tolerance=None):
+    import glob
+    import re
+    #
+    rule_st=re.compile("(.+)_[0-9]+\.")
+    rule_ex=re.compile(".+_[0-9]+\.(.+)")
+    rule_int=re.compile(".+_([0-9]+)\.")
+    boundary_dict={}
+    ##
+    try:
+        from boundary_definition import check_bc, map_boundary
+    except:
+        pass
+    #
+    xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,listfull=map_boundary(cpuxmin,cpuxmax,cpuymin,cpuymax,cpux,cpuy)
+    #
+    if cubfiles:
+        filenames=glob.glob(cubfiles)
+        try:
+            st = rule_st.findall(filenames[0])[0]
+            ex = rule_ex.findall(filenames[0])[0]
+            listflag=True
+        except:
+            ex=''
+            listflag=False
+        if ex == 'cub':
+            cubflag=True
+        else:
+            cubflag=False
+        list_int=[]
+        fs=[]
+        try:
+            for f in filenames:
+                i=int(rule_int.findall(f)[0])
+                list_int.append(i)
+            list_int.sort()
+            for i,ind in enumerate(list_int):
+                f=st+'_'+str(ind)+'.'+ex
+                fs.append(f)
+        except:
+            pass
+        if listflag:
+            filenames=fs
+        else:
+            pass
+        print len(filenames),filenames
+    else:
+        filenames=[]
+        ip=0
+    #
+    if len(filenames) > 0:
+        for filename in filenames[:]:
+            try:
+                ip=int(rule_int.findall(filename)[0])
+                if ip in listfull:
+                    if cubflag:
+                        cubit.cmd('import cubit "'+filename+'"')
+                    else:
+                        cubit.cmd('import mesh geometry "'+filename+'" block all use nodeset sideset feature_angle 135.00 linear merge')
+                    boundary=check_bc(ip,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,cpux,cpuy,cpuxmin,cpuxmax,cpuymin,cpuymax)
+                    boundary_dict[ip]=boundary
+                    list_vol=list(cubit.parse_cubit_list('volume','all'))
+                    for v in list_vol:
+                        cubit.cmd("disassociate mesh from volume "+str(v))
+                        command = "del vol "+str(v)
+                        cubit.cmd(command)
+            except:
+                cubit.cmd('import mesh geometry "'+filename+'" block all use nodeset sideset feature_angle 135.00 linear merge')
+                ip=0
+                boundary=check_bc(ip,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,cpux,cpuy,cpuxmin,cpuxmax,cpuymin,cpuymax)
+                boundary_dict[ip]=boundary
+                list_vol=list(cubit.parse_cubit_list('volume','all'))
+                for v in list_vol:
+                    cubit.cmd("disassociate mesh from volume "+str(v))
+                    command = "del vol "+str(v)
+                    cubit.cmd(command)
+        cubit.cmd('export mesh "tmp_collect_NOmerging.e" dimension 3 block all overwrite')
+    else:
+        boundary=check_bc(ip,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,cpux,cpuy,cpuxmin,cpuxmax,cpuymin,cpuymax)
+    #
+    #
+    block_list=cubit.get_block_id_list()
+    for block in block_list:
+        ty=cubit.get_block_element_type(block)
+        if ty == 'HEX8':
+            cubit.cmd('block '+str(block)+' name "vol'+str(block)+'"')
+    #
+    #
+    print 'chbound',ckbound_method1,ckbound_method2
+    if ckbound_method1 and not ckbound_method2:
+        if isinstance(merge_tolerance,list):
+            tol=merge_tolerance[0]
+        elif merge_tolerance:
+            tol=merge_tolerance
+        else:
+            tol=100000
+        #
+        idiag=None
+        #cubit.cmd('set info off')
+        #cubit.cmd('set journal off')
+        #cubit.cmd('set echo off')
+        ind=0
+        for ix in range(cpuxmin,cpuxmax):
+            for iy in range(cpuymin,cpuymax):
+                ind=ind+1
+                ip=iy*cpux+ix
+                print '******************* ',ip, ind,'/',len(listfull)
+                #
+                #   ileft    |   ip
+                #  --------------------
+                #   idiag    |   idown
+                #
+                #
+                if ip not in xmin and ip not in ymin:
+                    ileft=iy*cpux+ix-1
+                    idown=(iy-1)*cpux+ix
+                    idiag=idown-1
+                elif ip in xmin and ip in ymin:
+                    ileft=ip
+                    idown=ip
+                    idiag=None
+                elif ip in xmin:
+                    ileft=ip
+                    idown=(iy-1)*cpux+ix
+                    idiag=idown
+                elif ip in ymin:
+                    ileft=iy*cpux+ix-1
+                    idown=ip
+                    idiag=ileft
+                #
+                if ip != idown:
+                    nup=boundary_dict[ip]['nodes_surf_ymin']
+                    ndow=boundary_dict[idown]['nodes_surf_ymax']
+                    merge_node(nup,ndow)
+                    if idiag != idown:
+                        if ip in ymax and ip not in xmin:
+                            nlu=boundary_dict[ip]['node_curve_xminymax'] #node in curve chunck left up... r u
+                            nru=boundary_dict[ileft]['node_curve_xmaxymax']
+                            merge_node(nlu,nru)
+                        if ip in xmax:
+                            nrd=boundary_dict[ip]['node_curve_xmaxymin'] #node in curve chunck left up... r u
+                            nru=boundary_dict[idown]['node_curve_xmaxymax']
+                            merge_node(nrd,nru)
+                        nru=boundary_dict[ip]['node_curve_xminymin'] #node in curve chunck right up... r u
+                        nrd=boundary_dict[idown]['node_curve_xminymax']
+                        nld=boundary_dict[idiag]['node_curve_xmaxymax']
+                        nlu=boundary_dict[ileft]['node_curve_xmaxymin']
+                        merge_node_4(nru,nrd,nld,nlu)
+                    elif ip in xmin:
+                        nru=boundary_dict[ip]['node_curve_xminymin'] #node in curve chunck right up... r u
+                        nrd=boundary_dict[idown]['node_curve_xminymax']
+                        merge_node(nrd,nru)
+                #
+                if ip != ileft:
+                    nright=boundary_dict[ip]['nodes_surf_xmin']
+                    nleft=boundary_dict[ileft]['nodes_surf_xmax']
+                    merge_node(nright,nleft)
+                    #
+                    #
+                    if ip in ymin:
+                        nrd=boundary_dict[ip]['node_curve_xminymin'] #node in curve chunck right down... r u
+                        nld=boundary_dict[ileft]['node_curve_xmaxymin']
+                        merge_node(nrd,nld)
+                    if ip in ymax:
+                        nru=boundary_dict[ip]['node_curve_xminymax'] #node in curve chunck right up... r u
+                        nlu=boundary_dict[ileft]['node_curve_xmaxymax']
+                        merge_node(nlu,nru)
+        cubit.cmd('set info on')
+        cubit.cmd('set echo on')
+        cubit.cmd('set journal on')
+        #
+        #
+        cmd='group "negativejac" add quality hex all Jacobian high'
+        cubit.cmd(cmd) 
+        group_id_1=cubit.get_id_from_name("negativejac")
+        n1=cubit.get_group_nodes(group_id_1)
+        if len(n1) != 0:
+            print 'error, negative jacobian after the equivalence node command, use --merge2 instead of --equivalence/--merge/--merge1'
+    elif ckbound_method2 and not ckbound_method1:
+        if isinstance(merge_tolerance,list):
+            tol=merge_tolerance[0]
+        elif merge_tolerance:
+            tol=merge_tolerance
+        else:
+            tol=100000
+        #
+        idiag=None
+        for ix in range(cpuxmin,cpuxmax):
+            for iy in range(cpuymin,cpuymax):
+                ip=iy*cpux+ix
+                print '******************* ',ip
+                #
+                #   ileft    |   ip
+                #  --------------------
+                #   idiag    |   idown
+                #
+                #
+                if ip not in xmin and ip not in ymin:
+                    ileft=iy*cpux+ix-1
+                    idown=(iy-1)*cpux+ix
+                    idiag=idown-1
+                elif ip in xmin and ip in ymin:
+                    ileft=ip
+                    idown=ip
+                elif ip in xmin:
+                    ileft=ip
+                    idown=(iy-1)*cpux+ix
+                    idiag=idown
+                elif ip in ymin:
+                    ileft=iy*cpux+ix-1
+                    idown=ip
+                    idiag=ileft
+                #
+                #
+                if ip != idown:
+                    nup=boundary_dict[ip]['nodes_surf_ymin']
+                    ndow=boundary_dict[idown]['nodes_surf_ymax']
+                    for n1,n2 in zip(nup,ndow):
+                        cubit.cmd('equivalence node '+str(n1)+' '+str(n2)+' tolerance '+str(tol))
+                    if idiag != idown:
+                        if ip in ymax and ip not in xmin:
+                            nlu=boundary_dict[ip]['node_curve_xminymax'] #node in curve chunck left up... r u
+                            nru=boundary_dict[ileft]['node_curve_xmaxymax']
+                            for n in zip(nlu,nru):
+                                cubit.cmd('equivalence node '+' '.join(str(x) for x in n)+' tolerance '+str(tol))
+                        nru=boundary_dict[ip]['node_curve_xminymin'] #node in curve chunck right up... r u
+                        nrd=boundary_dict[idown]['node_curve_xminymax']
+                        nld=boundary_dict[idiag]['node_curve_xmaxymax']
+                        nlu=boundary_dict[ileft]['node_curve_xmaxymin']
+                        for n in zip(nru,nrd,nlu,nld):
+                            cubit.cmd('equivalence node '+' '.join(str(x) for x in n)+' tolerance '+str(tol))
+                    elif ip in xmin:
+                        nru=boundary_dict[ip]['node_curve_xminymin'] #node in curve chunck right up... r u
+                        nrd=boundary_dict[idown]['node_curve_xminymax']
+                        for n in zip(nru,nrd):
+                            cubit.cmd('equivalence node '+' '.join(str(x) for x in n)+' tolerance '+str(tol))
+                #
+                #
+                if ip != ileft:
+                    nright=boundary_dict[ip]['nodes_surf_xmin']
+                    nleft=boundary_dict[ileft]['nodes_surf_xmax']
+                    for n1,n2 in zip(nleft,nright):
+                        cubit.cmd('equivalence node '+str(n1)+' '+str(n2)+' tolerance '+str(tol))
+                    #
+                    #
+                    if ip in ymin:
+                        nrd=boundary_dict[ip]['node_curve_xminymin'] #node in curve chunck right down... r u
+                        nld=boundary_dict[ileft]['node_curve_xmaxymin']
+                        for n in zip(nrd,nld):
+                            cubit.cmd('equivalence node '+' '.join(str(x) for x in n)+' tolerance '+str(tol))
+                    if ip in ymax:
+                        nru=boundary_dict[ip]['node_curve_xminymax'] #node in curve chunck right up... r u
+                        nlu=boundary_dict[ileft]['node_curve_xmaxymax']
+                        for n in zip(nru,nlu):
+                            cubit.cmd('equivalence node '+' '.join(str(x) for x in n)+' tolerance '+str(tol))
+        #
+        #
+        cmd='topology check coincident node face all tolerance '+str(tol*2)+' nodraw brief result group "checkcoinc"' 
+        cubit.silent_cmd(cmd)
+        group_id_1=cubit.get_id_from_name("checkcoinc")
+        if group_id_1 != 0:
+            n1=cubit.get_group_nodes(group_id_1)
+            if len(n1) != 0:
+                print 'error, coincident nodes after the equivalence node command, check the tolerance'
+                import sys
+                sys.exit()
+        cmd='group "negativejac" add quality hex all Jacobian high'
+        cubit.cmd(cmd) 
+        group_id_1=cubit.get_id_from_name("negativejac")
+        n1=cubit.get_group_nodes(group_id_1)
+        if len(n1) != 0:
+            print 'error, negative jacobian after the equivalence node command, check the mesh'
+    elif ckbound_method1 and  ckbound_method2:
+        block_list=cubit.get_block_id_list()
+        i=-1
+        for block in block_list:
+            ty=cubit.get_block_element_type(block)
+            if ty == 'HEX8':
+                i=i+1
+                if isinstance(merge_tolerance,list):
+                    try:
+                        tol=merge_tolerance[i]
+                    except:
+                        tol=merge_tolerance[-1]
+                elif merge_tolerance:
+                    tol=merge_tolerance
+                else:
+                    tol=1
+                cmd='topology check coincident node face in hex in block '+str(block)+' tolerance '+str(tol)+' nodraw brief result group "b'+str(block)+'"'
+                cubit.cmd(cmd)
+                print cmd
+                cmd='equivalence node in group b'+str(block)+' tolerance '+str(tol)
+                cubit.cmd(cmd)
+                print cmd
+        if isinstance(merge_tolerance,list):
+            tol=max(merge_tolerance)
+        elif merge_tolerance:
+            tol=merge_tolerance
+        else:
+            tol=1
+        #
+        #
+        cmd='topology check coincident node face all tolerance '+str(tol)+' nodraw brief result group "checkcoinc"' 
+        cubit.silent_cmd(cmd)
+        group_id_1=cubit.get_id_from_name("checkcoinc")
+        if group_id_1 != 0:
+            n1=cubit.get_group_nodes(group_id_1)
+            if len(n1) != 0:
+                print 'error, coincident nodes after the equivalence node command, check the tolerance'
+                import sys
+                sys.exit()
+        cmd='group "negativejac" add quality hex all Jacobian high'
+        cubit.silent_cmd(cmd) 
+        group_id_1=cubit.get_id_from_name("negativejac")
+        n1=cubit.get_group_nodes(group_id_1)
+        if len(n1) != 0:
+            print 'error, negative jacobian after the equivalence node command, use --merge instead of --equivalence'
+def collect(cpuxmin=0,cpuxmax=1,cpuymin=0,cpuymax=1,cpux=1,cpuy=1,cubfiles=False,ckbound_method1=False,ckbound_method2=False,merge_tolerance=None,curverefining=False,outfilename='totalmesh_merged',qlog=False,export2SPECFEM3D=False,listblock=None,listflag=None,outdir='.'):
+    #
+    collecting_merging(cpuxmin,cpuxmax,cpuymin,cpuymax,cpux,cpuy,cubfiles=cubfiles,ckbound_method1=ckbound_method1,ckbound_method2=ckbound_method2,merge_tolerance=merge_tolerance)
+    #
+    if curverefining:
+        block=1001 #topography
+        refine_closecurve(block,curverefining,acis=True)
+    #
+    #
+    cubit.cmd('compress all')
+    command="export mesh '"+outfilename+".e' block all overwrite xml '"+outfilename+".xml'"
+    cubit.cmd(command)
+    outdir2='/'.join(x for x in outfilename.split('/')[:-1])
+    if outdir2 == '': outdir2='.'
+    f=open(outdir2+'/'+'blocks.dat','w')
+    blocks=cubit.get_block_id_list()
+    #
+    for block in blocks:
+        name=cubit.get_exodus_entity_name('block',block)
+        element_count = cubit.get_exodus_element_count(block, "block")
+        nattrib=cubit.get_block_attribute_count(block)
+        attr=[cubit.get_block_attribute_value(block,x) for x in range(0,nattrib)]
+        ty=cubit.get_block_element_type(block)
+        f.write(str(block)+' ; '+name+' ; nattr '+str(nattrib)+' ; '+' '.join(str(x) for x in attr)+' ; '+ty+' '+str(element_count)+'\n')
+    f.close()
+    #
+    #
+    cubit.cmd('set info echo journ off')
+    cmd='del group all'
+    cubit.silent_cmd(cmd)
+    cubit.cmd('set info echo journ on')
+    #
+    command = "save as '"+outfilename+".cub' overwrite"
+    cubit.cmd(command)
+    #
+    print 'end meshing'
+    #
+    #
+    if qlog:
+        print '\n\nQUALITY CHECK.... ***************\n\n'
+        import quality_log
+        tq=open(outfilename+'.quality','w')
+        max_skewness,min_length=quality_log.quality_log(tq)
+    #
+    #
+    #
+    if export2SPECFEM3D:
+        e2SEM(files=False,listblock=listblock,listflag=listflag,outdir=outdir)
+def e2SEM(files=False,listblock=None,listflag=None,outdir='.'):
+    import glob
+    if files:
+        filenames=glob.glob(files)
+        for f in filenames:
+            print f
+            extension=f.split('.')[-1]
+            if extension == 'cub':
+                cubit.cmd('open "'+f+'"')
+            elif extension== 'e':
+                cubit.cmd('import mesh "'+f+'" no_geom')
+            else:
+                print extension
+    if listblock and listflag:
+        pass
+    else:
+        listblock=[]
+        listflag=[]
+        block_list=list(cubit.get_block_id_list())
+        for block in block_list:
+            ty=cubit.get_block_element_type(block)
+            if 'HEX' in ty:
+                listblock.append(block)
+                #listflag.append(block)
+        listflag=range(1,len(listflag)+1)  
+    #       
+    for ib,iflag in zip(listblock,listflag):
+        cubit.cmd("block "+str(ib)+" attribute count 1")
+        cubit.cmd("block "+str(ib)+" attribute index 1 "+ str(iflag)            )
+    #
+    import cubit2specfem3d
+    cubit2specfem3d.export2SPECFEM3D(outdir)
+def invert_dict(d):
+     inv = {}
+     for k,v in d.iteritems():
+         keys = inv.setdefault(v, [])
+         keys.append(k)
+     return inv
+def prepare_equivalence(nodes1,nodes2):
+    cubit.cmd('set info off')
+    cubit.cmd('set echo off')
+    cubit.cmd('set journal off')
+    length={}
+    for ns in zip(nodes1,nodes2):
+        cmd='group "tmpn" add edge in node '+' '.join(str(n) for n in ns )
+        cubit.cmd(cmd)
+        ge=cubit.get_id_from_name("tmpn")
+        e1=cubit.get_group_edges(ge)
+        lengthmin=1e9
+        for e in e1:
+            lengthmin=min(lengthmin,cubit.get_mesh_edge_length(e))
+        length[ns]=lengthmin*.5
+        cubit.cmd('delete group '+str(ge))
+    minvalue=min(length.values())
+    maxvalue=max(length.values())
+    print 'min lentgh: ',minvalue,'max lentgh: ',maxvalue
+    nbin= int((maxvalue/minvalue)/2.)+1
+    factor=(maxvalue-minvalue)/nbin
+    dic_new={}
+    for k in length.keys():
+        dic_new[k]=int((length[k]-minvalue)/factor)
+    inv_length=invert_dict(dic_new)
+    print inv_length.keys(),factor,minvalue
+    ks=inv_length.keys()
+    ks.sort()
+    for k in range(0,len(inv_length.keys())-1):
+        inv_length[ks[k]]=inv_length[ks[k]]+inv_length[ks[k+1]]
+    cubit.cmd('set info on')
+    cubit.cmd('set echo on')
+    cubit.cmd('set journal on')
+    return factor,minvalue,inv_length
+def merge_node(n1,n2):
+    factor,minvalue,inv_length=prepare_equivalence(n1,n2)
+    for k in inv_length.keys()[:-1]:
+        if len(inv_length[k]) > 0:
+            cmd='equivalence node '+' '.join(' '.join(str(n) for n in x) for x in inv_length[k])+' tolerance '+str(k*factor+minvalue/2.)
+            cubit.cmd(cmd)
+            print 'equivalence '+str(len(inv_length[k]))+' couples of nodes -  tolerance '+str(k*factor+minvalue/2.)
+def prepare_equivalence_4(nodes1,nodes2,nodes3,nodes4):
+    cubit.cmd('set info off')
+    cubit.cmd('set echo off')
+    cubit.cmd('set journal off')
+    length={}
+    for ns in zip(nodes1,nodes2,nodes3,nodes4):
+        cmd='group "tmpn" add edge in node '+' '.join(str(n) for n in ns )
+        cubit.cmd(cmd)
+        ge=cubit.get_id_from_name("tmpn")
+        e1=cubit.get_group_edges(ge)
+        lengthmin=1e9
+        for e in e1:
+            lengthmin=min(lengthmin,cubit.get_mesh_edge_length(e))
+        length[ns]=lengthmin*.5
+        cubit.cmd('delete group '+str(ge))
+    try:
+        minvalue=min(length.values())
+        maxvalue=max(length.values())
+    except:
+        print nodes1,nodes2,nodes3,nodes4
+        print 'edges ', e1
+        minvalue=100.
+        maxvalue=2000.
+    print 'min lentgh: ',minvalue,'max lentgh: ',maxvalue
+    nbin= int((maxvalue/minvalue)/2.)+1
+    factor=(maxvalue-minvalue)/nbin
+    dic_new={}
+    for k in length.keys():
+        dic_new[k]=int((length[k]-minvalue)/factor)
+    inv_length=invert_dict(dic_new)
+    print inv_length.keys(),factor,minvalue
+    ks=inv_length.keys()
+    ks.sort()
+    for k in range(0,len(inv_length.keys())-1):
+        inv_length[ks[k]]=inv_length[ks[k]]+inv_length[ks[k+1]]
+    cubit.cmd('set info on')
+    cubit.cmd('set echo on')
+    cubit.cmd('set journal on')
+    return factor,minvalue,inv_length
+def merge_node_4(n1,n2,n3,n4):
+    factor,minvalue,inv_length=prepare_equivalence_4(n1,n2,n3,n4)
+    for k in inv_length.keys()[:-1]:
+        if len(inv_length[k]) > 0:
+            cmd='equivalence node '+' '.join(' '.join(str(n) for n in x) for x in inv_length[k])+' tolerance '+str(k*factor+minvalue/2.)
+            cubit.cmd(cmd)
+            print 'equivalence '+str(len(inv_length[k]))+' couples of nodes -  tolerance '+str(k*factor+minvalue/2.)
\ No newline at end of file

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/hex_metric.py
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/hex_metric.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/hex_metric.py	2013-09-17 16:14:58 UTC (rev 22796)
@@ -0,0 +1,772 @@
+# hex_metric.py                                                    
+# this file is part of GEOCUBIT                                             #
+#                                                                           #
+# Created by Emanuele Casarotti                                             #
+# Copyright (c) 2008 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia         #
+#                                                                           #
+#                                                                           #
+# GEOCUBIT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify          #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      #
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or         #
+# (at your option) any later version.                                       #
+#                                                                           #
+# GEOCUBIT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,               #
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            #
+# GNU General Public License for more details.                              #
+#                                                                           #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         #
+# along with GEOCUBIT.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.         #
+#                                                                           #
+##print mesh
+import math
+    import start as start
+    cubit                   = start.start_cubit()
+    try:
+        import cubit
+    except:
+        print 'error importing cubit, check if cubit is installed'
+        pass
+class SEM_metric_3D(object):
+    def __init__(self,list_hex=None,volume=None):
+        super(SEM_metric_3D, self).__init__()
+        self.list_hex=list_hex
+        self.volume=volume
+        self.skew_hystogram=None
+        self.max_skewness=None
+        self.max_angle=None
+        self.min_angle=None
+        self.min_edge_length=None
+        self.cubit_skew=0
+        self.max_valence=None
+        self.node_with_max_valence=None
+        self.valence_threshold=7
+        self.resolution=.05
+        self.resolution_edge_length=.1
+        self.nbin=10
+        self.spatial_unit=1
+        self.gll=0.17267316464601141
+        self.dt=None
+    def __repr__(self):
+        if self.max_skewness is not None:
+            self.skew_hystogram=self.hyst(0,self.max_skewness,self.skew_hyst)
+            print '-'*70
+            print 'SKEWNESS'
+            print 
+            if len(self.hex_max_skewness) <= 30:
+                print 'max = ',self.max_skewness,' in hexes ',self.hex_max_skewness
+                print '(angle -> minimun =', self.min_angle, ' maximun =', self.max_angle,')'
+            else:
+                print 'max = ',self.max_skewness,' in ', len(self.hex_max_skewness), ' hexes '
+                print '(angle -> minimun =', self.min_angle, ' maximun =', self.max_angle,')'
+            print 
+            print 'skew hystogram'
+            print 
+            tot=0
+            for i in self.skew_hystogram.values():
+                tot=tot+len(i)
+            #k=self.skew_hystogram.keys()
+            #k.sort()
+            factor=self.max_skewness/self.nbin
+            for i in range(0,self.nbin+1):
+                if self.skew_hystogram.has_key(i):
+                    if (i+1)*factor <= 1:
+                        print i,' [',i*factor,'->',(i+1)*factor,'[ : ',len(self.skew_hystogram[i]),'/',tot,' hexes (',len(self.skew_hystogram[i])/float(tot)*100.,'%)'
+                else:
+                    if (i+1)*factor <= 1:
+                        print i,' [',i*factor,'->',(i+1)*factor,'[ : ',0,'/',tot,' hexes (0%)'
+            print
+        ###############################################
+        if self.min_edge_length is not None:
+            self.edgemin_hystogram=self.hyst(self.min_edge_length,self.max_edge_length,self.edgemin_hyst)
+            self.edgemax_hystogram=self.hyst(self.min_edge_length,self.max_edge_length,self.edgemax_hyst)
+            print '-'*70
+            print 'edge length'
+            print 
+            if len(self.hex_min_edge_length) <= 30:
+                print 'minimum edge length: ', self.min_edge_length, ' in hexes ',  self.hex_min_edge_length
+            else:
+                print 'minimum edge length: ', self.min_edge_length, ' in ',  len(self.hex_min_edge_length), ' hexes.'
+            if len(self.hex_max_edge_length) <= 30:
+                print 'maximum edge length: ', self.max_edge_length, ' in hexes ',  self.hex_max_edge_length              
+            else:                                                                                                                        
+                print 'maximum edge length: ', self.max_edge_length, ' in ',  len(self.hex_max_edge_length), ' hexes.'    
+            print
+            print 'edge length hystogram'
+            print 
+            factor=(self.max_edge_length-self.min_edge_length)/self.nbin
+            print 'minimum edge length'
+            tot=0
+            for i in self.edgemin_hystogram.values():
+                tot=tot+len(i)
+            #k=self.edgemin_hystogram.keys()
+            #k.sort()
+            for i in range(0,self.nbin+1):
+                if self.edgemin_hystogram.has_key(i):
+                    print i,' [',i*factor+self.min_edge_length,'->',(i+1)*factor+self.min_edge_length,'[ : ',len(self.edgemin_hystogram[i]),'/',tot,' hexes (',len(self.edgemin_hystogram[i])/float(tot)*100.,'%)'
+                else:
+                    print i,' [',i*factor+self.min_edge_length,'->',(i+1)*factor+self.min_edge_length,'[ : ',0,'/',tot,' hexes (0%)'
+            print 
+            print 'maximum edge length'
+            tot=0
+            for i in self.edgemax_hystogram.values():
+                tot=tot+len(i)
+            #k=self.edgemax_hystogram.keys()
+            #k.sort()
+            for i in range(0,self.nbin+1):
+                if self.edgemax_hystogram.has_key(i):
+                    print i,' [',i*factor+self.min_edge_length,'->',(i+1)*factor+self.min_edge_length,'[ : ',len(self.edgemax_hystogram[i]),'/',tot,' hexes (',len(self.edgemax_hystogram[i])/float(tot)*100.,'%)'
+                else:
+                    print i,' [',i*factor+self.min_edge_length,'->',(i+1)*factor+self.min_edge_length,'[ : ',0,'/',tot,' hexes (0%)'
+        if self.dt is not None:
+            print '-'*70
+            print
+            print 'STABILITY'
+            print
+            print 'time step < ',self.dt,'s, for velocity = ',self.velocity
+            print 
+        try:
+            return str(len(self.list_hex))+' hexes checked'
+        except:
+            return 'please performe a metric check: ex ... object.check_metric()'
+    #
+    #
+    def invert_dict(self,d):
+         inv = {}
+         for k,v in d.iteritems():
+             keys = inv.setdefault(v, [])
+             keys.append(k)
+         return inv
+    def hex_metric(self,h):
+        nodes=cubit.get_connectivity('Hex',h)
+        equiangle_skewness=None
+        min_angle=float('infinity')
+        edge_length_min=float('infinity')
+        max_angle=None
+        edge_length_max=None
+        #loopnode=[(i,j) for i in range(8) for j in range(i+1,8)]
+        if len(nodes) == 4:
+            faces=[[0,1,2,3]]
+        elif len(nodes) == 8:
+            faces=[[0,1,2,3],[4,5,6,7],[1,5,6,2],[0,4,7,3],[2,6,7,3],[1,5,4,0]]
+        else:
+            print 'bad definition of nodes'
+            return None,None,None
+        x=[]
+        y=[]
+        z=[]
+        for i in nodes:
+            n=cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(i)
+            x.append(n[0])
+            y.append(n[1])
+            z.append(n[2])
+        for face in faces:
+            for i in range(-1,3):
+                vx1=x[face[i-1]]-x[face[i]]
+                vy1=y[face[i-1]]-y[face[i]]
+                vz1=z[face[i-1]]-z[face[i]]
+                #
+                vx2=x[face[i+1]]-x[face[i]]
+                vy2=y[face[i+1]]-y[face[i]]
+                vz2=z[face[i+1]]-z[face[i]]
+                #
+                norm1=math.sqrt(vx1*vx1+vy1*vy1+vz1*vz1)
+                norm2=math.sqrt(vx2*vx2+vy2*vy2+vz2*vz2)
+                #
+                if norm1 == 0 or norm2 == 0:
+                    print 'degenerated mesh, 0 length edge'
+                    import sys
+                    sys.exit()
+                angle=math.acos((vx1*vx2+vy1*vy2+vz1*vz2)/(norm1*norm2))
+                #
+                equiangle_skewness=max(equiangle_skewness,math.fabs(2.*angle-math.pi)/math.pi)
+                min_angle=min(min_angle,angle*180./math.pi)
+                max_angle=max(max_angle,angle*180./math.pi)
+                edge_length_min=min(edge_length_min,norm1)
+                edge_length_max=max(edge_length_max,norm1)
+        return round(equiangle_skewness,5),min_angle,max_angle,round(edge_length_min,5),round(edge_length_max,5)
+    def show(self,minvalue,maxvalue,dic):
+        hexlist=[]
+        for k in dic.keys():
+            if minvalue <= dic[k] <= maxvalue: hexlist.extend([k])
+        #command = "draw hex "+str(hexlist)
+        #command = command.replace("["," ").replace("]"," ").replace("("," ").replace(")"," ")
+        #cubit.cmd(command)
+        return hexlist
+    def hyst(self,minvalue,maxvalue,dic):
+        if maxvalue != minvalue:
+            factor=(maxvalue-minvalue)/self.nbin
+        else:
+            factor=1
+        dic_new={}
+        for k in dic.keys():
+            dic_new[k]=int((dic[k]-minvalue)/factor)
+        inv_dic=self.invert_dict(dic_new)
+        return inv_dic                                                                                          
+    #
+    #
+    #
+    #
+    #
+    ############################################################################################
+    def pick_hex(self,list_hex=None,volume=None):
+        if self.cubit_skew > 0:
+            command = "del group skew_top"
+            cubit.cmd(command)
+            command = "group 'skew_top' add quality volume all skew low "+str(self.cubit_skew)
+            cubit.silent_cmd(command)
+            group=cubit.get_id_from_name("skew_top")
+            self.list_hex=cubit.get_group_hexes(group)
+        elif list_hex is not None:
+            self.list_hex=list_hex
+        elif volume is not None:
+            command = "group 'hextmp' add hex in volume "+str(volume)    
+            cubit.silent_cmd(command)                                           
+            group=cubit.get_id_from_name("hextmp")                       
+            self.list_hex=cubit.get_group_hexes(group)
+            command = "del group hextmp"
+            cubit.silent_cmd(command)   
+        elif self.volume is not None:
+            command = "group 'hextmp' add hex in volume "+str(self.volume) 
+            cubit.silent_cmd(command)                                        
+            group=cubit.get_id_from_name("hextmp")                    
+            self.list_hex=cubit.get_group_hexes(group)
+            command = "del group hextmp"
+            cubit.silent_cmd(command)                 
+        elif list_hex is None and self.list_hex is None:
+            self.list_hex=cubit.parse_cubit_list('hex','all')
+        print 'list_hex: ',len(self.list_hex),' hexes'
+    #
+    #
+    ############################################################################################
+    def check_skew(self,list_hex=None,volume=None):
+        self.pick_hex(list_hex=list_hex,volume=volume)
+        global_max_skew=None
+        global_max_angle=None
+        global_min_angle=float('infinity')
+        tmp=int(1./self.resolution)+1
+        skew_hyst={}
+        for i in range(0,tmp):
+            if i*self.resolution < 1:
+                skew_hyst[i]=[]
+        h_global_max_skew=[]
+        h_global_max_angle=[]
+        h_global_min_angle=[]
+        for h in self.list_hex:
+            equiangle_skewness,min_angle,max_angle,tmp,tmp2=self.hex_metric(h)
+            skew_hyst[h]=equiangle_skewness
+            #
+            if equiangle_skewness > global_max_skew: 
+                global_max_skew=equiangle_skewness
+                h_global_max_shew=[]
+                h_global_max_shew.append(h)
+                global_min_angle=min_angle
+                global_max_angle=max_angle
+            elif equiangle_skewness == global_max_skew:
+                h_global_max_shew.append(h)
+            s=h_global_max_shew
+        self.skew_hyst=skew_hyst
+        self.max_skewness=global_max_skew
+        self.max_angle=global_max_angle
+        self.min_angle=global_min_angle
+        self.hex_max_skewness=s
+    def show_skew(self,low=None,high=None):
+        if low is None and high is not None:
+            hexlist=self.show(low,self.max_skewness,self.skew_hyst)
+        elif low is not None and high is None:
+            hexlist=self.show(0,high,self.skew_hyst)
+        if low is not None and high is not None:
+            hexlist=self.show(low,high,self.skew_hyst)
+        else:
+            hexlist=self.hex_min_edge_length
+        command = "draw hex "+str(hexlist)
+        command = command.replace("["," ").replace("]"," ").replace("("," ").replace(")"," ")
+        cubit.silent_cmd(command)
+    def list_skew(self,low=None,high=None):
+        if low is None and high is not None:
+            hexlist=self.show(low,self.max_skewness,self.skew_hyst)
+        elif low is not None and high is None:
+            hexlist=self.show(0,high,self.skew_hyst)
+        if low is not None and high is not None:
+            hexlist=self.show(low,high,self.skew_hyst)
+        else:
+            hexlist=self.hex_min_edge_length
+        return hexlist
+    def highlight_skew(self,low=None,high=None):
+        if low is None and high is not None:
+            hexlist=self.show(low,self.max_skewness,self.skew_hyst)
+        elif low is not None and high is None:
+            hexlist=self.show(0,high,self.skew_hyst)
+        if low is not None and high is not None:
+            hexlist=self.show(low,high,self.skew_hyst)
+        else:
+            hexlist=self.hex_min_edge_length
+        command = "highlight hex "+str(hexlist)
+        command = command.replace("["," ").replace("]"," ").replace("("," ").replace(")"," ")
+        cubit.silent_cmd(command)
+    #
+    #
+    #
+    #############################################################################################
+    def check_valence(self):
+        #usage: hex_valence()
+        #
+        list_hex=cubit.parse_cubit_list('hex','all')
+        list_node=cubit.parse_cubit_list('node','all')
+        lookup=dict(zip(list_node,[0]*len(list_node)))
+        for h in list_hex:
+            n=cubit.get_connectivity('Hex',h)
+            for i in n:
+                if lookup.has_key(i): lookup[i]=lookup[i]+1
+        inv_lookup=self.invert_dict(lookup)
+        #
+        vmax=max(inv_lookup.keys())
+        nmax=inv_lookup[max(inv_lookup.keys())]
+        print 'max hex valence ',vmax,' at node ',nmax
+        print '_____'
+        for v in inv_lookup.keys():
+            print ('valence %2i - %9i hexes '% (v,len(inv_lookup[v])))
+        self.valence_summary=inv_lookup
+        self.max_valence=vmax
+        self.node_with_max_valence=nmax
+    #
+    #
+    ###########################################################################################
+    def check_edge_length(self,list_hex=None,volume=None):
+        self.pick_hex(list_hex=list_hex,volume=volume)
+        global_min_edge_length=float('infinity')
+        h_global_min_edge_length=[]
+        global_max_edge_length=None
+        h_global_max_edge_length=[]
+        edgemin_hyst={}
+        edgemax_hyst={}     
+        for h in self.list_hex:
+            tmp,tmp2,tmp3,edge_length_min,edge_length_max=self.hex_metric(h)
+            edgemax_hyst[h]=edge_length_max
+            edgemin_hyst[h]=edge_length_min
+            if edge_length_min < global_min_edge_length:
+                global_min_edge_length=edge_length_min
+                h_global_min_edge_length=[]
+                h_global_min_edge_length.append(h)
+            elif edge_length_min == global_min_edge_length:
+                h_global_min_edge_length.append(h)
+            if edge_length_max > global_max_edge_length:
+                global_max_edge_length=edge_length_max
+                h_global_max_edge_length=[]
+                h_global_max_edge_length.append(h)      
+            elif edge_length_max == global_max_edge_length:    
+                h_global_max_edge_length.append(h)
+        self.min_edge_length=global_min_edge_length
+        self.hex_min_edge_length=h_global_min_edge_length
+        self.max_edge_length=global_max_edge_length
+        self.hex_max_edge_length=h_global_max_edge_length
+        self.edgemin_hyst=edgemin_hyst
+        self.edgemax_hyst=edgemax_hyst        
+    def show_edgemin(self,low=None,high=None):
+        if low is None and high is not None:
+            hexlist=self.show(low,self.max_edge_length,self.edgemin_hyst)
+        elif low is not None and high is None:
+            hexlist=self.show(self.min_edge_length,high,self.edgemin_hyst)
+        if low is not None and high is not None:
+            hexlist=self.show(low,high,self.edgemin_hyst)
+        else:
+            hexlist=self.hex_min_edge_length
+        command = "draw hex "+str(hexlist)
+        command = command.replace("["," ").replace("]"," ").replace("("," ").replace(")"," ")
+        cubit.cmd(command)
+    def show_edgemax(self,low=None,high=None):
+        if low is None and high is not None:
+            hexlist=self.show(low,self.max_edge_length,self.edgemax_hyst)
+        elif low is not None and high is None:
+            hexlist=self.show(self.min_edge_length,high,self.edgemax_hyst)
+        if low is not None and high is not None:
+            hexlist=self.show(low,high,self.edgemax_hyst)
+        else:
+            hexlist=self.hex_max_edge_length
+        command = "draw hex "+str(hexlist)
+        command = command.replace("["," ").replace("]"," ").replace("("," ").replace(")"," ")
+        cubit.cmd(command)
+    def list_edgemax(self,low=None,high=None):
+        if low is None and high is not None:
+            hexlist=self.show(low,self.max_edge_length,self.edgemax_hyst)
+        elif low is not None and high is None:
+            hexlist=self.show(self.min_edge_length,high,self.edgemax_hyst)
+        if low is not None and high is not None:
+            hexlist=self.show(low,high,self.edgemax_hyst)
+        else:
+            hexlist=self.hex_max_edge_length        
+        return hexlist
+    def list_edgemin(self,low=None,high=None):
+        if low is None and high is not None:
+            hexlist=self.show(low,self.max_edge_length,self.edgemin_hyst)
+        elif low is not None and high is None:
+            hexlist=self.show(self.min_edge_length,high,self.edgemin_hyst)
+        if low is not None and high is not None:
+            hexlist=self.show(low,high,self.edgemin_hyst)
+        else:
+            hexlist=self.hex_min_edge_length
+        return hexlist
+    def highlight_edgemin(self,low=None,high=None):
+        if low is None and high is not None:
+            hexlist=self.show(low,self.max_edge_length,self.edgemin_hyst)
+        elif low is not None and high is None:
+            hexlist=self.show(self.min_edge_length,high,self.edgemin_hyst)
+        if low is not None and high is not None:
+            hexlist=self.show(low,high,self.edgemin_hyst)
+        else:
+            hexlist=self.hex_min_edge_length
+        command = "highlight hex "+str(hexlist)
+        command = command.replace("["," ").replace("]"," ").replace("("," ").replace(")"," ")
+        cubit.cmd(command)
+    def highlight_edgemax(self,low=None,high=None):
+        if low is None and high is not None:
+            hexlist=self.show(low,self.max_edge_length,self.edgemax_hyst)
+        elif low is not None and high is None:
+            hexlist=self.show(self.min_edge_length,high,self.edgemax_hyst)
+        if low is not None and high is not None:
+            hexlist=self.show(low,high,self.edgemax_hyst)
+        else:
+            hexlist=self.hex_max_edge_length
+        command = "highlight hex "+str(hexlist)
+        command = command.replace("["," ").replace("]"," ").replace("("," ").replace(")"," ")
+        cubit.cmd(command)    #
+    #
+    #
+    #
+    #
+    ############################################################################################
+    def check_metric(self,list_hex=None,volume=None):
+        self.pick_hex(list_hex=list_hex,volume=volume)
+        skew_hyst={}
+        edata={}
+        edgemin_hyst={}
+        edgemax_hyst={}
+        edgemaxdata={}
+        edgemindata={}
+        #
+        global_min_edge_length=float('infinity')
+        h_global_min_edge_length=[]
+        global_max_edge_length=None
+        h_global_max_edge_length=[]
+        #
+        global_max_skew=None
+        global_max_angle=None
+        global_min_angle=float('infinity')
+        h_global_max_skew=[]
+        h_global_max_angle=[]
+        h_global_min_angle=[]
+        #
+        s=0.
+        for h in self.list_hex:
+            equiangle_skewness,min_angle,max_angle,edge_length_min,edge_length_max=self.hex_metric(h)
+            skew_hyst[h]=equiangle_skewness
+            edgemax_hyst[h]=edge_length_max
+            edgemin_hyst[h]=edge_length_min
+            if edge_length_min < global_min_edge_length:
+                global_min_edge_length=edge_length_min
+                h_global_min_edge_length=[]
+                h_global_min_edge_length.append(h)
+            elif edge_length_min == global_min_edge_length:
+                h_global_min_edge_length.append(h)
+            if edge_length_max > global_max_edge_length:
+                global_max_edge_length=edge_length_max
+                h_global_max_edge_length=[]
+                h_global_max_edge_length.append(h)     
+            elif edge_length_max == global_max_edge_length:   
+                h_global_max_edge_length.append(h)
+            if equiangle_skewness > global_max_skew: 
+                global_max_skew=equiangle_skewness
+                h_global_max_shew=[]
+                h_global_max_shew.append(h)
+                global_min_angle=min_angle
+                global_max_angle=max_angle
+            elif equiangle_skewness == global_max_skew:
+                h_global_max_shew.append(h)
+            s=h_global_max_shew
+        #
+        self.max_skewness=global_max_skew    
+        self.max_angle=global_max_angle      
+        self.min_angle=global_min_angle      
+        self.hex_max_skewness=s
+        self.skew_hyst=skew_hyst
+        #                
+        self.min_edge_length=global_min_edge_length
+        self.hex_min_edge_length=h_global_min_edge_length
+        self.max_edge_length=global_max_edge_length
+        self.hex_max_edge_length=h_global_max_edge_length
+        self.edgemin_hyst=edgemin_hyst
+        self.edgemax_hyst=edgemax_hyst
+        #
+class SEM_stability_3D(SEM_metric_3D):
+    def __init__(self,list_hex=None,volume=None):
+        super(SEM_metric_3D, self).__init__()
+        self.list_hex=list_hex
+        self.volume=volume
+        self.Ngll_per_wavelength=5
+        self.gllcoeff=.17
+        self.maxgllcoeff=0.5-.17
+        self.Cmax=.3
+        self.nbin=10
+        self.period_hyst=None
+        self.dt=None
+        self.cubit_skew =0
+        #
+        #
+        #
+    def __repr__(self):
+        print 'check mesh stability'
+        #
+    def check_simulation_parameter(self,list_hex=None,volume=None,tomofile=None,vp_static=None,vs_static=None):
+        self.pick_hex(list_hex=list_hex,volume=volume)
+        timestep_hyst={}
+        stability_hyst={}
+        global_min_timestep=float(1)
+        global_max_periodresolved=None
+        if tomofile: 
+            self.read_tomo(tomofile)
+        #
+        #
+        for ind,h in enumerate(self.list_hex):
+            if ind%10000==0: print 'hex checked: '+str(int(float(ind)/len(self.list_hex)*100))+'%'
+            dt_tmp,pmax_tmp,_,_=self.hex_simulation_parameter(h,vp_static=vp_static,vs_static=vs_static)
+            timestep_hyst[h]=dt_tmp
+            stability_hyst[h]=pmax_tmp
+            if dt_tmp < global_min_timestep:
+                global_min_timestep=dt_tmp
+            if pmax_tmp > global_max_periodresolved:
+                global_max_periodresolved=pmax_tmp   
+        #
+        self.period=global_max_periodresolved    
+        self.dt=global_min_timestep      
+        self.dt_hyst=timestep_hyst
+        self.period_hyst=stability_hyst
+        #                
+    def read_tomo(self,tomofile=None):
+        if tomofile:
+            print 'reading tomography file ',tomofile
+            import numpy
+            #xtomo,ytomo,ztomo,vp,vs,rho=numpy.loadtxt(tomofile,skiprows=4)
+            print 'tomography file loaded'
+            tf=open(tomofile,'r')
+            orig_x, orig_y, orig_z, end_x, end_y, end_z        =map(float,tf.readline().split())
+            spacing_x, spacing_y, spacing_z                    =map(float,tf.readline().split())
+            nx, ny, nz                                         =map(int,tf.readline().split())
+            vp_min, vp_max, vs_min, vs_max, rho_min, rho_max   =map(float,tf.readline().split())
+            #
+            ind=0
+            import sys
+            xtomo,ytomo,ztomo,vp,vs=[],[],[],[],[]
+            while ind<nx*ny*nz:
+                ind=ind+1
+                if ind%100000==0: sys.stdout.write("reading progress: %i/%i   \r" % (ind,(nx*ny*nz)) )
+                x,y,z,v1,v2,_=map(float,tf.readline().split())
+                xtomo.append(x)
+                ytomo.append(y)
+                ztomo.append(z)
+                vp.append(v1)
+                vs.append(v2)
+            tf.close()
+            print 'tomography file loaded'
+            #
+            self.orig_x, self.orig_y, self.orig_z, self.end_x, self.end_y, self.end_z        = orig_x, orig_y, orig_z, end_x, end_y, end_z        
+            self.spacing_x, self.spacing_y, self.spacing_z                    = spacing_x, spacing_y, spacing_z                    
+            self.nx, self.ny, self.nz                                         = nx, ny, nz                                         
+            self.vp_min, self.vp_max, self.vs_min, self.vs_max = vp_min, vp_max, vs_min, vs_max
+            self.xtomo,self.ytomo,self.ztomo,self.vp,self.vs=xtomo,ytomo,ztomo,vp,vs
+        else:
+            print 'no tomofile!!!!'
+            #
+            #
+            #
+    def tomo(self,x,y,z,vp_static=None,vs_static=None):
+        if not vp_static:
+            spac_x = (x - self.orig_x) / self.spacing_x
+            spac_y = (y - self.orig_y) / self.spacing_y
+            spac_z = (z - self.orig_z) / self.spacing_z
+            #
+            ix = int(spac_x)
+            iy = int(spac_y)
+            iz = int(spac_z)
+            #
+            gamma_interp_x = spac_x - float(ix)
+            gamma_interp_y = spac_y - float(iy)
+            #
+            NX=self.nx
+            NY=self.ny
+            NZ=self.nz
+            if(ix < 0):
+                ix = 0
+                gamma_interp_x = 0.
+            if(ix > NX-2):         
+                ix = NX-2          
+                gamma_interp_x = 1.
+            if(iy < 0):            
+                iy = 0             
+                gamma_interp_y = 0.
+            if(iy > NY-2):         
+                iy = NY-2          
+                gamma_interp_y = 1.
+            if(iz < 0):            
+                 iz = 0
+            if(iz > NZ-2):
+                 iz = NZ-2
+            #
+            p0 = ix+iy*NX+iz*(NX*NY)
+            p1 = (ix+1)+iy*NX+iz*(NX*NY)
+            p2 = (ix+1)+(iy+1)*NX+iz*(NX*NY)
+            p3 = ix+(iy+1)*NX+iz*(NX*NY)
+            p4 = ix+iy*NX+(iz+1)*(NX*NY)
+            p5 = (ix+1)+iy*NX+(iz+1)*(NX*NY)
+            p6 = (ix+1)+(iy+1)*NX+(iz+1)*(NX*NY)
+            p7 = ix+(iy+1)*NX+(iz+1)*(NX*NY)
+            #
+            if self.ztomo[p4]==self.ztomo[p0]:
+                gamma_interp_z1 = 1
+            else:
+                gamma_interp_z1 = (z-self.ztomo[p0])/(self.ztomo[p4]-self.ztomo[p0])
+            if(gamma_interp_z1 > 1.): gamma_interp_z1 = 1.
+            if(gamma_interp_z1 < 0.): gamma_interp_z1 = 0.
+            #
+            if self.ztomo[p5]==self.ztomo[p1]:
+                gamma_interp_z2 = 1
+            else:
+                gamma_interp_z2 = (z-self.ztomo[p1])/(self.ztomo[p5]-self.ztomo[p1])
+            if(gamma_interp_z2 > 1.): gamma_interp_z2 = 1.
+            if(gamma_interp_z2 < 0.): gamma_interp_z2 = 0.
+            #
+            if self.ztomo[p6]==self.ztomo[p2]:
+                gamma_interp_z3 = 1
+            else:
+                gamma_interp_z3 = (z-self.ztomo[p2])/(self.ztomo[p6]-self.ztomo[p2])
+            if(gamma_interp_z3 > 1.): gamma_interp_z3 = 1.
+            if(gamma_interp_z3 < 0.): gamma_interp_z3 = 0.
+            #
+            if self.ztomo[p7]==self.ztomo[p3]:
+                gamma_interp_z4 = 1
+            else:
+                gamma_interp_z4 = (z-self.ztomo[p3])/(self.ztomo[p7]-self.ztomo[p3])
+            if(gamma_interp_z4 > 1.): gamma_interp_z4 = 1.
+            if(gamma_interp_z4 < 0.): gamma_interp_z4 = 0.
+            #
+            gamma_interp_z5 = 1. - gamma_interp_z1
+            gamma_interp_z6 = 1. - gamma_interp_z2
+            gamma_interp_z7 = 1. - gamma_interp_z3
+            gamma_interp_z8 = 1. - gamma_interp_z4
+            #
+            vp1 = self.vp[p0]
+            vp2 = self.vp[p1]
+            vp3 = self.vp[p2]
+            vp4 = self.vp[p3]
+            vp5 = self.vp[p4]
+            vp6 = self.vp[p5]
+            vp7 = self.vp[p6]
+            vp8 = self.vp[p7]
+            #       [  ]
+            vs1 = self.vs[p0]
+            vs2 = self.vs[p1]
+            vs3 = self.vs[p2]
+            vs4 = self.vs[p3]
+            vs5 = self.vs[p4]
+            vs6 = self.vs[p5]
+            vs7 = self.vs[p6]
+            vs8 = self.vs[p7]
+            #
+            vp_final = vp1*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*(1.-gamma_interp_z1) + \
+               vp2*gamma_interp_x*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*(1.-gamma_interp_z2) + \
+               vp3*gamma_interp_x*gamma_interp_y*(1.-gamma_interp_z3) + \
+               vp4*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*gamma_interp_y*(1.-gamma_interp_z4) + \
+               vp5*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*gamma_interp_z1 + \
+               vp6*gamma_interp_x*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*gamma_interp_z2 + \
+               vp7*gamma_interp_x*gamma_interp_y*gamma_interp_z3 + \
+               vp8*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*gamma_interp_y*gamma_interp_z4
+            #
+            vs_final = vs1*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*(1.-gamma_interp_z1) + \
+               vs2*gamma_interp_x*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*(1.-gamma_interp_z2) + \
+               vs3*gamma_interp_x*gamma_interp_y*(1.-gamma_interp_z3) + \
+               vs4*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*gamma_interp_y*(1.-gamma_interp_z4) + \
+               vs5*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*gamma_interp_z1 + \
+               vs6*gamma_interp_x*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*gamma_interp_z2 + \
+               vs7*gamma_interp_x*gamma_interp_y*gamma_interp_z3 + \
+               vs8*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*gamma_interp_y*gamma_interp_z4
+            #
+            if(vp_final < self.vp_min): vp_final = self.vp_min
+            if(vs_final < self.vs_min): vs_final = self.vs_min
+            if(vp_final > self.vp_max): vp_final = self.vp_max
+            if(vs_final > self.vs_max): vs_final = self.vs_max
+            return vp_final,vs_final
+        else:
+            return vp_static,vs_static
+    #
+    def hex_simulation_parameter(self,h,vp_static=None,vs_static=None):
+        nodes=cubit.get_connectivity('Hex',h)
+        id_nodes=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
+        id_faces=[[1,3,4],[0,2,5],[1,3,6],[0,2,7],[5,7],[4,6],[5,7],[4,6]]
+        dt=[]
+        pmax=[]
+        vmax=[]
+        vmin=[]
+        for i in id_nodes[:-1]:
+            for j in id_nodes[i+1:]:
+                x1,y1,z1=cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(nodes[i])
+                x2,y2,z2=cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(nodes[j])
+                nvp1,nvs1=self.tomo(x1,y1,z1,vp_static,vs_static)
+                nvp2,nvs2=self.tomo(x2,y2,z2,vp_static,vs_static)
+                d=math.sqrt((x2-x1)**2+(y2-y1)**2+(z2-z1)**2)
+                #pmax_tmp=d*self.gllcoeff/min(nvp1,nvp2,nvs1,nvs2)*self.Ngll_per_wavelength
+                pmax_tmp=d*(.5-self.gllcoeff)/min(nvp1,nvp2,nvs1,nvs2)*self.Ngll_per_wavelength #more conservative.....
+                dt_tmp=self.Cmax*d*self.gllcoeff/max(nvp1,nvp2,nvs1,nvs2)
+                dt.append(dt_tmp)
+                pmax.append(pmax_tmp)
+                vmax.append(max(nvp1,nvp2,nvs1,nvs2))
+                vmin.append(min(nvp1,nvp2,nvs1,nvs2))
+        return min(dt),max(pmax),min(vmin),max(vmax)
+    #
+    def group_period(self):
+        tot=0.
+        if self.period_hyst is not None:
+            pmin=min(self.period_hyst.values())
+            period=self.hyst(pmin,self.period,self.period_hyst)
+            factor=(self.period-pmin)/self.nbin
+            for i in range(0,self.nbin+1):
+                if period.has_key(i):
+                    txt='group "period_%.1e_%.1e" add hex ' %(pmin+factor*i,pmin+factor*(i+1))
+                    txt=txt+' '.join(str(hh) for hh in period[i])
+                    cubit.cmd(txt)
+    def group_timestep(self):
+         tot=0.
+         if self.dt_hyst is not None:
+             dtmax=max(self.dt_hyst.values())
+             dt=self.hyst(self.dt,dtmax,self.dt_hyst)
+             factor=(dtmax-self.dt)/self.nbin
+             for i in range(0,self.nbin+1):
+                 if dt.has_key(i):
+                     txt='group "timestep_%.1e_%.1e" add hex ' %(self.dt+factor*i,self.dt+factor*(i+1))
+                     txt=txt+' '.join(str(hh) for hh in dt[i])
+                     cubit.cmd(txt)
+#cubit.cmd('brick x 10000')
+#cubit.cmd('mesh vol 1')
+#cubit.cmd('refine hex in node in surf 1')
+#cubit.cmd('refine hex in node in surf 3')
\ No newline at end of file

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/local_volume.py
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/local_volume.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/local_volume.py	2013-09-17 16:14:58 UTC (rev 22796)
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+# local_volume.py                                                    
+# this file is part of GEOCUBIT                                             #
+#                                                                           #
+# Created by Emanuele Casarotti                                             #
+# Copyright (c) 2008 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia         #
+#                                                                           #
+#                                                                           #
+# GEOCUBIT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify          #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      #
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or         #
+# (at your option) any later version.                                       #
+#                                                                           #
+# GEOCUBIT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,               #
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            #
+# GNU General Public License for more details.                              #
+#                                                                           #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         #
+# along with GEOCUBIT.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.         #
+#                                                                           #
+    import start as start
+    cubit                   = start.start_cubit()
+    try:
+        import cubit
+    except:
+        print 'error importing cubit, check if cubit is installed'
+        pass
+def read_grid(filename=None):
+    import sys
+    import start as start
+    mpiflag,iproc,numproc,mpi   = start.start_mpi()
+    #
+    numpy                       = start.start_numpy()
+    cfg                         = start.start_cfg(filename=filename)
+    from utilities import geo2utm
+    #     
+    if cfg.nx and cfg.ny:
+        nx=cfg.nx
+        ny=cfg.ny
+        if cfg.nstep:
+            nx=min(cfg.nx,int(cfg.nx/cfg.nstep)+1)
+            ny=min(cfg.ny,int(cfg.ny/cfg.nstep)+1)
+            nstep=cfg.nstep
+        else:
+            nstep=1
+    else:
+        try:
+            xstep=cfg.step
+            ystep=cfg.step
+        except:
+            xstep=cfg.xstep
+            ystep=cfg.ystep
+        nx= int((cfg.longitude_max-cfg.longitude_min)/xstep)+1
+        ny= int((cfg.latitude_max-cfg.latitude_min)/ystep)+1
+        nstep=1
+    #
+    elev=numpy.zeros([nx,ny,cfg.nz],float)
+    coordx=numpy.zeros([nx,ny],float)
+    coordy=numpy.zeros([nx,ny],float)
+    #
+    if  cfg.bottomflat: 
+        elev[:,:,0] = cfg.depth_bottom
+        bottomsurface=1
+    else:
+        bottomsurface=0
+            #
+    for inz in range(bottomsurface,cfg.nz):
+        try:
+             grdfile = open(cfg.filename[inz-bottomsurface], 'r')
+             print 'reading ',cfg.filename[inz-bottomsurface]
+        except:
+             txt='error reading: '+  str( cfg.filename[inz-bottomsurface] )
+             raise NameError, txt
+        #
+        icoord=0
+        for iy in range(0,ny):
+            for ix in range(0,nx):
+                txt=grdfile.readline()
+                try:
+                    if len(txt) != 0:
+                        x,y,z=map(float,txt.split())
+                        if iy%nstep == 0 and ix%nstep == 0:
+                            icoord=icoord+1
+                            x_current,y_current=geo2utm(x,y,cfg.unit)
+                            jx=min(nx-1,ix/nstep)
+                            jy=min(ny-1,iy/nstep)
+                            coordx[jx,jy]=x_current
+                            coordy[jx,jy]=y_current
+                            elev[jx,jy,inz]=z      
+                except:
+                    print 'error reading point ',iy*cfg.nx+ix,txt, cfg.filename[inz-bottomsurface], ' proc ',iproc
+                    raise NameError, 'error reading point'
+                    #
+        if  (nx)*(ny) != icoord: 
+            if iproc == 0: print 'error in the surface file '+cfg.filename[inz-bottomsurface]
+            if iproc == 0: print 'x points ' +str(nx)+ ' y points ' +str(ny)+ ' tot points '+str((nx)*(ny)) 
+            if iproc == 0: print 'points read in '+cfg.filename[inz-bottomsurface]+': '+str(icoord)
+            raise NameError
+        #if iproc == 0: print 'end of reading grd ascii file '+cfg.filename[inz-bottomsurface]+' '+str(icoord)+ ' points'
+        grdfile.close()
+    return coordx,coordy,elev,nx,ny
+def extract_volume(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax,coordx,coordy,elev,nx,ny,filename=None):
+    import sys
+    import start as start
+    #
+    mpiflag,iproc,numproc,mpi   = start.start_mpi()
+    #
+    numpy                       = start.start_numpy()
+    cfg                         = start.start_cfg(filename=filename)             
+    from utilities import geo2utm
+    #
+    rxstep=coordx[1,0]-coordx[0,0]
+    rystep=coordy[0,1]-coordy[0,0]
+    nxmin_cpu=min(0,int((x0-cfg.xmin)/rxstep)+1-10)
+    nymin_cpu=min(0,int((y0-cfg.ymin)/rxstep)+1-10)
+    nxmax_cpu=min(nx,int((x0-cfg.xmin)/rystep)+1+10)
+    nymax_cpu=min(ny,int((y0-cfg.ymin)/rystep)+1+10)
+    #
+    #
+    icurve=0
+    isurf=0
+    ivertex=0
+    #
+    #create vertex
+    last_surface=cubit.get_last_id('surface')
+    for inz in range(0,cfg.nz):
+        if  cfg.bottomflat and inz == 0: #bottom layer
+                    x_current,y_current=geo2utm(coordx[nxmin_cpu,nymin_cpu],coordy[nxmin_cpu,nymin_cpu],cfg.unit)
+                    cubitcommand= 'create vertex '+ str( x_current )+ ' ' + str( y_current) +' '+ str( cfg.depth_bottom )
+                    cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+                    #
+                    x_current,y_current=geo2utm(coordx[nxmin_cpu,nymax_cpu],coordy[nxmin_cpu,nymax_cpu],cfg.unit)
+                    cubitcommand= 'create vertex '+ str( x_current )+ ' ' + str( y_current) +' '+ str( cfg.depth_bottom )
+                    cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)                                                                              
+                    #
+                    x_current,y_current=geo2utm(coordx[nxmax_cpu,nymax_cpu],coordy[nxmax_cpu,nymax_cpu],cfg.unit)
+                    cubitcommand= 'create vertex '+ str( x_current )+ ' ' + str( y_current) +' '+ str( cfg.depth_bottom )
+                    cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+                    #
+                    x_current,y_current=geo2utm(coordx[nxmax_cpu,nymin_cpu],coordy[nxmax_cpu,nymin_cpu],cfg.unit)
+                    cubitcommand= 'create vertex '+ str( x_current )+ ' ' + str( y_current) +' '+ str( cfg.depth_bottom )
+                    cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+                    #
+                    cubitcommand= 'create surface vertex 1 2 3 4'
+                    cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+                    #
+                    isurf = isurf + 1
+        else:
+                vertex=[]
+                for iy in range(nymin_cpu,nymax_cpu+1):
+                    ivx=0
+                    for ix in range(nxmin_cpu,nxmax_cpu+1):
+                        zvertex=elev[ix,iy,inz]
+                        x_current,y_current=geo2utm(coordx[ix,iy],coordy[ix,iy],cfg.unit)
+                        #
+                        vertex.append(' Position '+ str( x_current ) +' '+ str( y_current )+' '+ str( zvertex ) )
+                #
+                print iproc, 'vertex created....'
+                n=max(nx,ny)
+                uline=[]
+                vline=[]
+                iv=0
+                cubit.cmd("set info off")
+                cubit.cmd("set echo off")
+                cubit.cmd("set journal off")
+                for iy in range(0,nymax_cpu-nymin_cpu+1):
+                    positionx=''
+                    for ix in range(0,nxmax_cpu-nxmin_cpu+1):
+                        positionx=positionx+vertex[iv]
+                        iv=iv+1
+                    command='create curve spline '+positionx
+                    cubit.cmd(command)
+                    uline.append( cubit.get_last_id("curve") )
+                for ix in range(0,nxmax_cpu-nxmin_cpu+1):
+                    positiony=''
+                    for iy in range(0,nymax_cpu-nymin_cpu+1):
+                        positiony=positiony+vertex[ix+iy*(nxmax_cpu-nxmin_cpu+1)]
+                    command='create curve spline '+positiony
+                    cubit.cmd(command)
+                    vline.append( cubit.get_last_id("curve") )
+                #
+                cubit.cmd("set info "+cfg.cubit_info)
+                cubit.cmd("set echo "+cfg.echo_info)
+                cubit.cmd("set journal "+cfg.jou_info)
+                #
+                #
+                print iproc,'line created....'
+                umax=max(uline)
+                umin=min(uline)
+                vmax=max(vline)
+                vmin=min(vline)
+                cubitcommand= 'create surface net u curve '+ str( umin )+' to '+str( umax )+ ' v curve '+ str( vmin )+ ' to '+str( vmax )+' heal'
+                cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+                command = "del curve all"
+                cubit.cmd(command)
+                isurf=isurf+1
+                #
+                #
+        cubitcommand= 'del vertex all'
+        cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+        #cubit_error_stop(iproc,cubitcommand,ner)
+    cubitcommand= 'del curve all'
+    cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+    #
+    last_surface_2=cubit.get_last_id('surface')
+    #
+    for inz in range(1,cfg.nz):
+        #!cubit cmd
+        cubitcommand= 'create volume loft surface '+ str( inz+1 )+' '+str( inz )
+        cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+        #cubit_error_stop(iproc,cubitcommand,ner)
+        isurf=isurf+6
+    cubitcommand= 'del surface '+str(last_surface+1)+' to '+ str( last_surface_2 )
+    cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+    #cubit_error_stop(iproc,cubitcommand,ner)
+    #
+    #        
+    cubit.cmd("set info "+cfg.cubit_info)
+    cubit.cmd("set echo "+cfg.echo_info)
+    cubit.cmd("set journal "+cfg.jou_info)
+    command = "compress all"
+    cubit.cmd(command)
\ No newline at end of file

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/menu.py
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/menu.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/menu.py	2013-09-17 16:14:58 UTC (rev 22796)
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+# menu.py                                                    
+# this file is part of GEOCUBIT                                             #
+#                                                                           #
+# Created by Emanuele Casarotti                                             #
+# Copyright (c) 2008 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia         #
+#                                                                           #
+#                                                                           #
+# GEOCUBIT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify          #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      #
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or         #
+# (at your option) any later version.                                       #
+#                                                                           #
+# GEOCUBIT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,               #
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            #
+# GNU General Public License for more details.                              #
+#                                                                           #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         #
+# along with GEOCUBIT.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.         #
+#                                                                           #
+import getopt, sys
+def usage():
+    print """
+         check the configuration of the libraries and dependencies:
+         GEOCUBIT.py --chklib
+         check the parameter file:
+         GEOCUBIT.py --chkcfg --cfg=[filename]
+         create a surface from regular ascii grid or ascii lines defining a skin:
+         GEOCUBIT.py --surface=[surface file] (--regulargrid=[options]) (--skin=[options])
+         create a plane surface
+         GEOCUBIT.py --plane --x1=[x,y,z] --x2=[x,y,z] --x3=[x,y,z] --x4=[x,y,z] --unit=[utm/geo]
+         create acis surfaces using a parameter file:
+         GEOCUBIT.py --build_surface --cfg=[filename]
+         **SERIAL**: create cubit volumes using a parameter file:
+         GEOCUBIT.py --build_volume --cfg=[filename] (--id_proc=[num_processor, default=0])
+         **PARALLEL**: create a volume from a parameter file
+         mpirun -n [numproc] pyMPI GEOCUBIT.py --build_volume --cfg=[filename
+    3) MESHING
+         **SERIAL**: meshing a volumes
+         GEOCUBIT.py --mesh --cfg=[filename] (--id_proc=[num_processor, default=0])       - note: without the --build_volume flag the script recall an old 'geometry_vol_[id_proc].cub' file
+         build a volume and mesh it....
+         GEOCUBIT.py --build_volume --mesh --cfg=[filename] (--id_proc=[num_processor, default=0])
+         **PARALLEL**: meshing a volume from a parameter file (it is possible to skip the build_volume and use some geometry files already created, but only with a parallel file system and it is risky)
+         mpirun -n [numproc] pyMPI GEOCUBIT.py --build_volume --mesh --cfg=[filename]
+         collect some cubit files and merge in a single free mesh cubitfile
+         GEOCUBIT.py --collect   --merge --meshfiles=[list of files] --cpux=N --cpuy=N (--rangecpux=[cpuxmin,cpuxmax], --rangecpuy=[cpuymin,cpuymax])
+         collect a single free mesh cubitfile and refine the hex inside some curve (ex. basin)
+         GEOCUBIT.py --collect --meshfiles=[list of files] --curverefining=[list of SAT files]       
+         export a cubit mesh file (with blocks defined following the note)  in a SPECFEM3D_SESAME mesh
+         GEOCUBIT.py --export2SPECFEM3D --meshfiles=[filename] (--listblock=block1,block2,..,blockN --listflag=[list of specfem flag, i.e. --listflag=1,2,3,-1])
+    """
+    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "sjmohbp1", ["SEMoutput=","qlog","mfast","curverefining=","output=","rangecpux=","rangecpuy=","equivalence","listflag=","listblock=","cpux=","cpuy=","exofiles=","partitioner","plane","x1=","x2=","x3=","x4=","unit=","chkcfg","mat=","merge_tolerance=","export2SPECFEM3D=","mesh","chklib","cfg=","job=","basin","help", "id_proc=", "surface=","script","jou","strat","MPI","regulargrid=",'skin=',"build_surface","build_volume","merge1","merge2","merge","collect","meshfiles="])
+    print opts, args
+except getopt.GetoptError,errmsg:
+    if str(errmsg) == 'option --export2SPECFEM3D requires argument':
+        for i,xop in enumerate(sys.argv[1:]):
+            if 'export2SPECFEM3D' in xop:
+                sys.argv[i+1]=sys.argv[i+1]+'=.'
+        try:
+            opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "sjmohbp1", ["SEMoutput=","qlog","mfast","curverefining=","output=","rangecpux=","rangecpuy=","equivalence","listflag=","listblock=","cpux=","cpuy=","exofiles=","partitioner","plane","x1=","x2=","x3=","x4=","unit=","chkcfg","mat=","merge_tolerance=","export2SPECFEM3D=","mesh","chklib","cfg=","job=","basin","help", "id_proc=", "surface=","script","jou","strat","MPI","regulargrid=",'skin=',"build_surface","build_volume","merge1","merge2","merge","collect","meshfiles="])
+            print opts, args
+        except getopt.GetoptError,errmsg:
+            print str(errmsg)
+            usage()
+            sys.exit(2)
+    else:
+        print str(errmsg)
+        usage()
+        sys.exit()
+except AttributeError:
+    opts=None
+    args=None
+    print opts, args
+verbose = False
+surface = False
+script = False
+mesh = False
+basin = False
+configuration = None
+if opts: 
+    for o, value in opts:
+        #print o,value
+        if o in ('--partitioner'):
+            create_partitioner=True
+        if o == ('--surface'):
+            surface=True
+            surface_name=value
+        if o == ('--build_surface'):
+            build_surface=True
+        if o == ('--build_volume'):
+            build_volume=True
+        if surface and o == ('--regular_grid'):
+            surface_type='regular_grid'
+            tmp=value.split('/')
+            if len(tmp)==4:
+                num_x,num_y,unit,delimiter=value.split('/')
+            elif len(tmp)==3:
+                num_x,num_y,unit=value.split('/')
+            num_x=int(num_x)
+            num_y=int(num_y)
+            delimiter=' '
+        if surface and o == ('--skin'):
+            surface_type='skin'
+            tmp=value.split('/')
+            if len(tmp)==4:
+                directionx,directiony,unit,delimiter=value.split('/')
+            elif len(tmp)==3:
+                directionx,directiony,unit=value.split('/')
+            directiony=int(directiony)
+            directionx=int(directionx)
+        if o in ('--plane'):
+            create_plane=True
+            cfg_name=False
+        if o in ('--x1'):
+            x1=value
+        if o in ('--x2'):
+            x2=value
+        if o in ('--x3'):         
+            x3=value
+        if o in ('--x4'):         
+            x4=value
+        if o in ('--unit'):
+           unit=value
+        #
+        if o in ('--build_volume'):
+            build_volume=True
+        if o in ("-h", "--help"):
+            usage()
+            sys.exit(2)
+        #chec   k the configuration
+        if o in ("--chklib"):
+            import start as start
+            mpiflag,iproc,numproc,mpi   = start.start_mpi()
+            if mpiflag:
+                print '--------, MPI ON, parallel mesher ready'
+            else:
+                print '--------, MPI OFF, serial mesher ready'
+            numpy                       = start.start_numpy()
+            print '--------, Numpy ON'
+            cubit                  = start.start_cubit()
+            print '--------, CUBIT ON'
+            sys.exit()
+        if o in ("--cfg"):
+            cfg_name=value
+        if o == ('--surface'):
+            surface=True
+            surface_name=value
+        if o == ("--mesh"):
+            meshing=True
+        if o in ("-1"):
+            single=True
+        if o in ("--collect"):
+            collect=True
+        if o in ("--merge2") and o != '--merge':
+            ckbound_method2=True
+        if o in ("--equivalence","--merge1","--merge"):
+            ckbound_method1=True
+        if o in ("--mfast"):
+            ckbound_method1=True
+            ckbound_method2=True
+        if o in ("--meshfiles"):
+            cubfiles=value
+        if o in ("--exofiles"):
+            exofiles=value
+        if o in ("--export2SPECFEM3D"):
+               export2SPECFEM3D=True
+               SPECFEM3D_output_dir=value
+               import os
+               try:
+                   os.makedirs(SPECFEM3D_output_dir)
+               except OSError:
+                   pass
+        if o in ("--merge_tolerance") and o != '--merge' and o != '--merge2' and o != '--merge1':
+             merge_tolerance=map(float,value.split(','))
+        if o in ("--mat"):
+            material_assignement.append([value.split(',')[0],value.split(',')[1]])
+        if o in ("--listblock"):
+            listblock=map(int,value.split(','))
+        if o in ("--listflag"):
+            listflag=map(int,value.split(','))
+        if o in ("--chkcfg"):
+            chkcfg=True
+        if o in ('--id_proc'):
+            id_proc=int(value)
+        if o in ('--rangecpux'):
+            cpuxmin=int(value.split(',')[0])
+            cpuxmax=int(value.split(',')[1])+1
+        if o in ('--rangecpuy'):
+            cpuymin=int(value.split(',')[0])
+            cpuymax=int(value.split(',')[1])+1
+        if o in ('--cpux'):
+            cpux=int(value)
+        if o in ('--cpuy'):
+            cpuy=int(value)
+        if o in ("--qlog"):
+            qlog=True
+        if o in ("--output","-o"):
+            output=value
+        if o in ("--curverefining"):
+            curverefining=value.split(',')
+        if o in ("SEMoutput"):
+            SPECFEM3D_output_dir=value
+    print cpuxmax,cpuymax
+    if cpuymax:
+        pass
+    elif cpuy > 1:
+        cpuymax=cpuy
+    else:
+        cpuymax=1
+    if cpuxmax:
+        pass
+    elif cpux > 1:
+        cpuxmax=cpux
+    else:
+        cpuxmax=1	    
+    print cpuxmax,cpuymax
+    if chkcfg==True:        
+        import start as start
+        cfg=start.start_cfg()
+        d=cfg.__dict__
+        ks=d.keys()                                                              
+        ks.sort()                                                                
+        for k in ks:                                                             
+            if '__'  not in k and '<'  not in str(d[k]) and d[k] is not None:
+                txt=str(k)+' -----> '+str(d[k])                              #    
+                txt=txt.replace("'","").replace('"','')                      #    
+                print txt                               #
+    else:
+        try:
+            import start as start
+            cfg=start.start_cfg()
+            f=open('cfg.log','w')
+            print>>f, 'CFG FILE: ',cfg_name
+            d=cfg.__dict__
+            ks=d.keys()                                                              
+            ks.sort()                                                                
+            for k in ks:                                                             
+                if '__'  not in k and '<'  not in str(d[k]) and d[k] is not None:
+                    txt=str(k)+' -----> '+str(d[k])                              #    
+                    txt=txt.replace("'","").replace('"','')                      #    
+                    print>>f, txt
+            f.close()                               #
+        except:
+            pass
+elif opts == []:
+    print __name__
+    usage()
+    raise AttributeError('no options')

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/mesh_volume.py
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/mesh_volume.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/mesh_volume.py	2013-09-17 16:14:58 UTC (rev 22796)
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+# mesh_volume.py                                                    
+# this file is part of GEOCUBIT                                             #
+#                                                                           #
+# Created by Emanuele Casarotti                                             #
+# Copyright (c) 2008 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia         #
+#                                                                           #
+#                                                                           #
+# GEOCUBIT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify          #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      #
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or         #
+# (at your option) any later version.                                       #
+#                                                                           #
+# GEOCUBIT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,               #
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            #
+# GNU General Public License for more details.                              #
+#                                                                           #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         #
+# along with GEOCUBIT.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.         #
+#                                                                           #
+    import start as start
+    cubit                   = start.start_cubit()
+    try:
+        import cubit
+    except:
+        print 'error importing cubit, check if cubit is installed'
+        pass
+def mesh(filename=None):
+    """create the mesh"""
+    import start as start
+    cfg                     = start.start_cfg(filename=filename)
+    mpiflag,iproc,numproc,mpi   = start.start_mpi()
+    #
+    if cfg.map_meshing_type == 'regularmap':
+            mesh_layercake_regularmap(filename=filename)
+            #elif cfg.map_meshing_type == 'partitioner':
+            #        mesh_partitioner()
+    else:
+        print 'error: map_meshing_type ', cfg.map_meshing_type,' not implemented'
+def mesh_layercake_regularmap(filename=None):
+    import sys,os
+    import start as start
+    #
+    class cubitvolume:
+          def __init__(self,ID,intervalv,centerpoint,dimension):
+              self.ID=ID
+              self.intervalv=intervalv
+              self.centerpoint=centerpoint
+              self.dim=dimension
+          def __repr__(self):
+              msg="(vol:%3i, vertical interval: %4i, centerpoint: %8.2f)" % (self.ID, self.intervalv,self.centerpoint)
+              return msg       
+    #
+    def by_z(x,y):
+        return cmp(x.centerpoint,y.centerpoint)
+    #
+    #
+    mpiflag,iproc,numproc,mpi   = start.start_mpi()
+    from utilities import  importgeometry,savemesh,get_v_h_list
+    #
+    numpy                       = start.start_numpy()
+    cfg                         = start.start_cfg(filename=filename)
+    from math import sqrt
+    from sets import Set
+    #
+    list_vol=cubit.parse_cubit_list("volume","all")
+    if len(list_vol) != 0:
+        pass
+    else:
+        geometryfile='geometry_vol_'+str(iproc)+'.cub'
+        importgeometry(geometryfile,iproc=iproc)
+    #
+    command = 'composite create curve all'
+    cubit.cmd(command)
+    print 'NO CRITICAL ERROR: "No valid composites can be created from the specified curves."  is not critical. \n It means that your model is clean and you don"t need a virtual geometry'
+    #
+    command = "compress all"
+    cubit.cmd(command)
+    list_vol=cubit.parse_cubit_list("volume","all")
+    nvol=len(list_vol)                                 
+    vol=[]
+    for id_vol in list_vol:
+        p=cubit.get_center_point("volume",id_vol)
+        vol.append(cubitvolume(id_vol,1,p[2],0))
+    vol.sort(by_z)
+    #
+    for id_vol in range(0,nvol):
+        vol[id_vol].intervalv=cfg.iv_interval[id_vol]
+    #
+    #
+    surf_vertical=[]
+    surf_or=[]
+    top_surface=0
+    top_surface_add=''
+    bottom_surface=0
+    #
+    zmin_box=cubit.get_total_bounding_box("volume",list_vol)[6]
+    xmin_box=cubit.get_total_bounding_box("volume",list_vol)[0]
+    xmax_box=cubit.get_total_bounding_box("volume",list_vol)[1]
+    ymin_box=cubit.get_total_bounding_box("volume",list_vol)[3]
+    ymax_box=cubit.get_total_bounding_box("volume",list_vol)[4]
+    #
+    #
+    #interval assignement
+    surf_or,surf_vertical,list_curve_or,list_curve_vertical,bottom,top = get_v_h_list(list_vol)
+    for k in surf_vertical:
+        command = "surface "+str(k)+" scheme submap"
+        cubit.cmd(command)
+    for k in surf_or:
+        command = "surface "+str(k)+" scheme "+cfg.or_mesh_scheme
+        cubit.cmd(command)
+    for k in list_curve_or:
+        length=cubit.get_curve_length(k)
+        interval=int(2*round(.5*length/cfg.size,0))
+        command = "curve "+str(k)+" interval "+str(interval)
+        cubit.cmd(command)
+        #cubit_error_stop(iproc,command,ner)
+        command = "curve "+str(k)+" scheme equal"
+        cubit.cmd(command)
+        #cubit_error_stop(iproc,command,ner)
+        #
+    for s in surf_vertical:
+        lcurve=cubit.get_relatives("surface",s,"curve")
+        interval_store=[]
+        for k in lcurve:
+            interval_curve=cubit.get_mesh_intervals('curve',k)
+            if k in list_curve_vertical:
+                volume_id = cubit.get_owning_volume("curve", k)
+                for idv in range(0,nvol):
+                    if vol[idv].ID == volume_id:
+                        int_v=vol[idv].intervalv
+                command = "curve "+str(k)+" interval "+str(int_v)
+                cubit.cmd(command)
+                #cubit_error_stop(iproc,command,ner)
+                command = "curve "+str(k)+" scheme equal"
+                cubit.cmd(command)
+                #cubit_error_stop(iproc,command,ner)
+            else:
+                interval_store.append((k,interval_curve))
+            if len(interval_store) != 0:
+                interval_min=min([iv[1] for iv in interval_store])
+                command = "curve "+' '.join(str(iv[0]) for iv in interval_store)+" interval "+str(interval_min)
+                cubit.cmd(command)
+                #cubit_error_stop(iproc,command,ner)
+                command = "curve "+' '.join(str(iv[0]) for iv in interval_store)+" scheme equal"
+                cubit.cmd(command)
+                #cubit_error_stop(iproc,command,ner)
+    #cubit_error_stop(iproc,command,ner)
+    #
+    #meshing
+    if cfg.or_mesh_scheme == 'pave':
+        command='mesh surf '+' '.join(str(t) for t in top)
+        cubit.cmd(command)    
+    elif cfg.or_mesh_scheme == 'map':
+        command='mesh surf '+' '.join(str(t) for t in bottom)
+        cubit.cmd(command)
+    for id_volume in range(nvol-1,-1,-1):
+        command = "mesh vol "+str(vol[id_volume].ID)
+        cubit.cmd(command)        
+    #
+    #smoothing
+    print iproc, 'untangling...'
+    cmd="volume all smooth scheme untangle beta 0.02 cpu 10"
+    cubit.cmd(cmd)
+    cmd="smooth volume all"
+    cubit.cmd(cmd)
+    if  cfg.smoothing:
+        print 'smoothing .... '+str(cfg.smoothing)
+        cubitcommand= 'surf all smooth scheme laplacian '
+        cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+        cubitcommand= 'smooth surf all'
+        cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+        #
+        cubitcommand= 'vol all smooth scheme laplacian '
+        cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+        cubitcommand= 'smooth vol all'
+        cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+    #
+    #
+    ##vertical refinement
+    ##for nvol = 3 
+    ##
+    ##___________________________ interface 4
+    ##                 
+    ##vol 2              
+    ##___________________________ interface 3
+    ##
+    ##vol 1
+    ##___________________________ interface 2
+    ##
+    ##vol 0
+    ##___________________________ interface 1
+    ##
+    refinement(nvol,vol,filename=filename)
+    #
+    #top layer vertical coarsening
+    print 'coarsening top layer... ',cfg.coarsening_top_layer
+    if  cfg.coarsening_top_layer:
+        from sets import Set
+        cubitcommand= 'del mesh vol '+str(vol[-1].ID)+ ' propagate'
+        cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+        s1=Set(list_curve_vertical)
+        print s1
+        command = "group 'list_curve_tmp' add curve "+"in vol "+str(vol[-1].ID)
+        cubit.cmd(command)
+        group=cubit.get_id_from_name("list_curve_tmp")
+        list_curve_tmp=cubit.get_group_curves(group)
+        command = "delete group "+ str(group)
+        cubit.cmd(command)
+        s2=Set(list_curve_tmp)
+        print s2
+        lc=list(s1 & s2)
+        print lc
+        #
+        cubitcommand= 'curve '+' '.join(str(x) for x in lc)+' interval '+str(cfg.actual_vertical_interval_top_layer)
+        cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+        cubitcommand= 'mesh vol '+str(vol[-1].ID)
+        cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+    #
+    n=cubit.get_sideset_id_list()
+    if len(n) != 0:
+        command = "del sideset all"
+        cubit.cmd(command)
+    n=cubit.get_block_id_list()
+    if len(n) != 0:    
+        command = "del block all"
+        cubit.cmd(command)
+    #
+    import boundary_definition
+    entities=['face']
+    print iproc, 'hex block definition...'
+    boundary_definition.define_bc(entities,parallel=True,cpux=cfg.cpux,cpuy=cfg.cpuy,cpuxmin=0,cpuymin=0)
+    #save mesh
+    print iproc, 'untangling...'
+    cmd="volume all smooth scheme untangle beta 0.02 cpu 10"
+    cubit.cmd(cmd)
+    cmd="smooth volume all"
+    cubit.cmd(cmd)
+    print iproc, 'saving...'
+    savemesh(mpiflag,iproc=iproc,filename=filename)
+    #
+def refinement(nvol,vol,filename=None):
+    import start as start
+    cfg                         = start.start_cfg(filename=filename)
+    #
+    #vertical refinement
+    #for nvol = 3 
+    #
+    #___________________________ interface 4
+    #                 
+    #vol 2              
+    #___________________________ interface 3
+    #
+    #vol 1
+    #___________________________ interface 2
+    #
+    #vol 0
+    #___________________________ interface 1
+    #
+    #
+    if cfg.ntripl != 0:
+        if len(cfg.refinement_depth) != 0:
+            #get the topo surface....
+            surf=cubit.get_relatives('volume',vol[nvol+1-2].ID,'surface')
+            zstore=[-1,-999999999]
+            for s in surf:
+                 c=cubit.get_center_point('surface',s)
+                 z=c[2]
+                 if z > zstore[1]:
+                     zstore=[s,z]
+            tsurf=zstore[0]
+            for idepth in cfg.refinement_depth:
+                 cubitcommand= 'refine node in surf  '+str(tsurf)+' numsplit 1 bias 1.0 depth '+str(idepth)
+                 cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+        else:
+            for ir in cfg.tripl:
+                if ir == 1:
+                   command = "comment '"+"interface = 1 means that the refinement interface is at the bottom of the volume"+"'"
+                   cubit.cmd(command)
+                   txt=' all '
+                   idepth = 1
+                   cubitcommand= 'refine hex in vol  '+txt
+                elif ir != nvol+1:
+                   txt=''
+                   for id_vol_ref in range(ir-1,nvol):
+                       txt=txt+str(vol[id_vol_ref].ID)+' '
+                   #txt=txt+'except hex in vol '+str(vol[ir-2].ID)
+                   #idepth = 1
+                   #try:
+                   #     if  cfg.refine_basin:
+                   #         idepth=2
+                   #except:
+                   #     pass
+                   cubitcommand= 'refine hex in vol  '+txt
+                else:
+                   #refinement on the top surface
+                   surf=cubit.get_relatives('volume',vol[ir-2].ID,'surface')
+                   zstore=[-1,-999999999]
+                   for s in surf:
+                        c=cubit.get_center_point('surface',s)
+                        z=c[2]
+                        if z > zstore[1]:
+                            zstore=[s,z]
+                   idepth=1
+                   cubitcommand= 'refine node in surf '+str(zstore[0])+' numsplit 1 bias 1.0 depth '+str(idepth)
+                cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+def pinpoly(x,y,polyx,polyy):
+    """point in polygon using ray tracing"""
+    n = len(polyx)
+    inside = False
+    poly=zip(polyx,polyy)
+    px_0,py_0 = poly[0]
+    for i in range(n+1):
+        px_1,py_1 = poly[i % n]
+        if y > min(py_0,py_1):
+            if y <= max(py_1,py_0):
+                if x <= max(px_1,px_0):
+                    if py_0 != py_1:
+                        intersect = (y-py_0)*(px_1-px_0)/(py_1-py_0)+px_0
+                    if px_1 == px_0 or x <= intersect:
+                        inside = not inside
+        px_0,py_0 = px_1,py_1
+    return inside
+def curve2poly(line):
+    curve=int(line)
+    cubit.cmd('curve '+str(curve)+' size auto factor 1')
+    cubit.cmd('mesh curve '+str(curve))
+    n=cubit.get_curve_nodes(curve)
+    orientnode=[]
+    vertex_list = cubit.get_relatives("curve", curve, "vertex")
+    if len(vertex_list) != 0:
+        startnode=cubit.get_vertex_node(vertex_list[0])
+        cubit.cmd('del group pgon')
+        cubit.cmd("group 'pgon' add edge in node "+str(startnode))
+        group1 = cubit.get_id_from_name("pgon")
+        edges = list(cubit.get_group_edges(group1))
+        edgestart=edges[0]
+    else:
+        startnode=n[0]
+        cubit.cmd('del group pgon')
+        cubit.cmd("group 'pgon' add edge in node "+str(startnode))
+        group1 = cubit.get_id_from_name("pgon")
+        edges = list(cubit.get_group_edges(group1))
+        edgestart=edges[0]
+    begin=startnode
+    orientnode.append(begin)
+    node_id_list = list(cubit.get_connectivity("edge", edgestart))
+    node_id_list.remove(startnode)
+    startnode=node_id_list[0]
+    orientnode.append(startnode)
+    stopflag=False
+    while startnode != begin and not stopflag:
+        cubit.cmd('del group pgon')
+        cubit.cmd("group 'pgon' add edge in node "+str(startnode))
+        group1 = cubit.get_id_from_name("pgon")
+        edges = list(cubit.get_group_edges(group1))
+        if len(edges) != 1:
+            edges.remove(edgestart)
+            edgestart=edges[0]
+            node_id_list = list(cubit.get_connectivity("edge", edgestart))
+            node_id_list.remove(startnode)
+            orientnode.append(node_id_list[0])
+            startnode=node_id_list[0]
+        else:
+            stopflag=True
+    vx=[]
+    vy=[]
+    for n in orientnode:
+        v=cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(n)
+        vx.append(v[0])
+        vy.append(v[1])    
+    return vx,vy,orientnode
+def get_nodes_inside_curve(nodes, curve):
+    vx,vy,n=curve2poly(curve)
+    nodes_inside=[]
+    for n in nodes:
+        vp=cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(n)
+        if pinpoly(vp[0],vp[1],vx,vy): nodes_inside.append(n)
+    return nodes_inside
+def refine_inside_curve(curves,ntimes=1,depth=1,block=1,surface=False):
+    if not isinstance(curves,list): 
+       if isinstance(curves,str):
+          curves=map(int,curves.split())
+       else:
+          curves=[curves]
+    for curve in curves:
+        cubit.cmd('del group ntop')
+        if not surface:
+            cubit.cmd("group 'ntop' add node in face in block "+str(block))
+        else:
+            cubit.cmd("group 'ntop' add node in face in surface "+str(surface))
+        group1 = cubit.get_id_from_name("ntop")
+        nodes = list(cubit.get_group_nodes(group1))
+        ni=get_nodes_inside_curve(nodes, curve)
+        if ntimes > 1:
+            cmd='del group hex_refining'
+            cubit.cmd(cmd)
+            command = "group 'hex_refining' add hex propagate face in node "+' '.join(str(x) for x in ni)+"times "+str(ntimes)
+            cubit.cmd(command)
+            id_group=cubit.get_id_from_name('hex_refining')
+            command='refine hex in group "hex_refining" numsplit 1 bias 1.0 depth '+str(depth)+' smooth'
+            cubit.cmd(command)
+        else:
+            command='refine node '+" ".join(str(x) for x in ni)+' numsplit 1 bias 1.0 depth '+str(depth)+' smooth'
+            cubit.cmd(command)
+    #
+    #
+    cmd='group "negativejac" add quality hex all Jacobian high'
+    cubit.cmd(cmd) 
+    group_id_1=cubit.get_id_from_name("negativejac")
+    n1=cubit.get_group_nodes(group_id_1)
+    if len(n1) != 0:
+        print 'error, negative jacobian after the refining'
+        import sys
+        #sys.exit()

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/quality_log.py
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/quality_log.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/quality_log.py	2013-09-17 16:14:58 UTC (rev 22796)
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+# quality_log.py                                                    
+# this file is part of GEOCUBIT                                             #
+#                                                                           #
+# Created by Emanuele Casarotti                                             #
+# Copyright (c) 2008 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia         #
+#                                                                           #
+#                                                                           #
+# GEOCUBIT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify          #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      #
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or         #
+# (at your option) any later version.                                       #
+#                                                                           #
+# GEOCUBIT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,               #
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            #
+# GNU General Public License for more details.                              #
+#                                                                           #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         #
+# along with GEOCUBIT.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.         #
+#                                                                           #
+    import start as start
+    cubit                   = start.start_cubit()
+    try:
+        import cubit
+    except:
+        print 'error importing cubit, check if cubit is installed'
+        pass
+def quality_log(tqfile=None):
+    """
+    creation of the quality parameter file
+    """
+    import start as start
+    #
+    #
+    mpiflag,iproc,numproc,mpi   = start.start_mpi()
+    #
+    #
+    from hex_metric import SEM_metric_3D
+    #
+    lvol=cubit.parse_cubit_list('volume','all')
+    if len(lvol)!=0:
+        cubit.cmd('quality vol all allmetric                                      ')
+    else:
+        cubit.cmd('quality hex in block all allmetric                                      ')
+    cubit.cmd('list model                                                      ')
+    #
+    toclose=True
+    if isinstance(tqfile,file): 
+        totstat_file=tqfile
+    elif isinstance(tqfile,str):
+        totstat_file=open(tqfile+'_cubitquality_skewness_proc_'+str(iproc)+'.log','w')
+    else:
+        import sys
+        totstat_file=sys.stdout
+        toclose=False
+    mesh=SEM_metric_3D()
+    mesh.check_metric()
+    if mesh.max_skewness is not None:
+        mesh.skew_hystogram=mesh.hyst(0,mesh.max_skewness,mesh.skew_hyst)
+        totstat_file.write('-'*70+'\n')
+        totstat_file.write('='*70+'\n')
+        totstat_file.write('SKEWNESS'+'\n')
+        totstat_file.write('='*70+'\n') 
+        if len(mesh.hex_max_skewness) <= 30:
+            totstat_file.write('max = '+str(mesh.max_skewness)+' in hexes '+str(mesh.hex_max_skewness)+'\n')
+            totstat_file.write('(angle -> minimun ='+str(mesh.min_angle)+ ' maximun ='+str(mesh.max_angle)+')'+'\n')
+        else:
+            totstat_file.write('max = '+str(mesh.max_skewness)+' in '+str(len(mesh.hex_max_skewness))+' hexes '+'\n')
+            totstat_file.write('(angle -> minimun ='+str(mesh.min_angle)+' maximun ='+str(mesh.max_angle)+')'+'\n')
+        totstat_file.write('-'*70+'\n')
+        totstat_file.write('skew hystogram')
+        totstat_file.write('-'*70+'\n')
+        tot=0
+        for i in mesh.skew_hystogram.values():
+            tot=tot+len(i)
+        #k=mesh.skew_hystogram.keys()
+        #k.sort()
+        factor=mesh.max_skewness/mesh.nbin
+        for i in range(0,mesh.nbin+1):
+            if mesh.skew_hystogram.has_key(i):
+                if (i+1)*factor <= 1:
+                    totstat_file.write(str(i)+' ['+str(i*factor)+'->'+str((i+1)*factor)+'[ : '+str(len(mesh.skew_hystogram[i]))+'/'+str(tot)+' hexes ('+str(len(mesh.skew_hystogram[i])/float(tot)*100.)+'%)'+'\n')
+            else:
+                if (i+1)*factor <= 1:
+                    totstat_file.write(str(i)+' ['+str(i*factor)+'->'+str((i+1)*factor)+'[ : 0/'+str(tot)+' hexes (0%)'+'\n')
+        totstat_file.write('-'*70+'\n')
+    ###############################################
+    if mesh.min_edge_length is not None:
+        mesh.edgemin_hystogram=mesh.hyst(mesh.min_edge_length,mesh.max_edge_length,mesh.edgemin_hyst)
+        mesh.edgemax_hystogram=mesh.hyst(mesh.min_edge_length,mesh.max_edge_length,mesh.edgemax_hyst)
+        totstat_file.write('='*70+'\n')
+        totstat_file.write('edge length')
+        totstat_file.write('='*70+'\n')
+        if len(mesh.hex_min_edge_length) <= 30:
+            totstat_file.write('minimum edge length: '+str(mesh.min_edge_length)+ ' in hexes '+str(mesh.hex_min_edge_length)+'\n')
+        else:
+            totstat_file.write('minimum edge length: '+str(mesh.min_edge_length)+ ' in '+str(len(mesh.hex_min_edge_length))+ ' hexes.'+'\n')
+        if len(mesh.hex_max_edge_length) <= 30:
+            totstat_file.write('maximum edge length: '+str(mesh.max_edge_length)+ ' in hexes '+str(mesh.hex_max_edge_length)+'\n')              
+        else:                                                                                                                        
+            totstat_file.write('maximum edge length: '+str(mesh.max_edge_length)+' in '+str(len(mesh.hex_max_edge_length))+ ' hexes.'+'\n')    
+        totstat_file.write('-'*70+'\n')
+        totstat_file.write('edge length hystogram')
+        totstat_file.write('-'*70+'\n')
+        factor=(mesh.max_edge_length-mesh.min_edge_length)/mesh.nbin
+        totstat_file.write('minimum edge length'+'\n')
+        tot=0
+        for i in mesh.edgemin_hystogram.values():
+            tot=tot+len(i)
+        #k=mesh.edgemin_hystogram.keys()
+        #k.sort()
+        for i in range(0,mesh.nbin+1):
+            if mesh.edgemin_hystogram.has_key(i):
+                totstat_file.write(str(i)+' ['+str(i*factor+mesh.min_edge_length)+'->'+str((i+1)*factor+mesh.min_edge_length)+'[ : '+str(len(mesh.edgemin_hystogram[i]))+'/'+str(tot)+' hexes ('+str(len(mesh.edgemin_hystogram[i])/float(tot)*100.)+'%)'+'\n')
+            else:
+                totstat_file.write(str(i)+' ['+str(i*factor+mesh.min_edge_length)+'->'+str((i+1)*factor+mesh.min_edge_length)+'[ : 0/'+str(tot)+' hexes (0%)'+'\n')
+        totstat_file.write('-'*70+'\n')
+        totstat_file.write('maximum edge length')
+        tot=0
+        for i in mesh.edgemax_hystogram.values():
+            tot=tot+len(i)
+        #k=mesh.edgemax_hystogram.keys()
+        #k.sort()
+        for i in range(0,mesh.nbin+1):
+            if mesh.edgemax_hystogram.has_key(i):
+                totstat_file.write(str(i)+' ['+str(i*factor+mesh.min_edge_length)+'->'+str((i+1)*factor+mesh.min_edge_length)+'[ : '+str(len(mesh.edgemax_hystogram[i]))+'/'+str(tot)+' hexes ('+str(len(mesh.edgemax_hystogram[i])/float(tot)*100.)+'%)'+'\n')
+            else:
+                totstat_file.write(str(i)+' ['+str(i*factor+mesh.min_edge_length)+'->'+str((i+1)*factor+mesh.min_edge_length)+'[ : 0/'+str(tot)+' hexes (0%)'+'\n')
+    try:
+        if mesh.dt is not None:
+            totstat_file.write('='*70+'\n')
+            totstat_file.write('STABILITY')
+            totstat_file.write('='*70+'\n')
+            totstat_file.write('time step < '+str(mesh.dt)+'s, for velocity = '+str(mesh.velocity)+'\n')
+    except:
+        pass
+    if toclose: 
+        totstat_file.close()
+    print 'max specfem3d skewness: ',mesh.max_skewness
+    print 'min edge length: ',mesh.min_edge_length
+    return mesh.max_skewness,mesh.min_edge_length
+def quality_log(tqfile=None):
+    """
+    creation of the quality parameter file
+    """
+    import start as start
+    #
+    #
+    mpiflag,iproc,numproc,mpi   = start.start_mpi()
+    #
+    #
+    from hex_metric import SEM_metric_3D
+    #
+    lvol=cubit.parse_cubit_list('volume','all')
+    if len(lvol)!=0:
+        cubit.cmd('quality vol all allmetric                                      ')
+    else:
+        cubit.cmd('quality hex in block all allmetric                                      ')
+    cubit.cmd('list model                                                      ')
+    #
+    toclose=True
+    if isinstance(tqfile,file): 
+        totstat_file=tqfile
+    elif isinstance(tqfile,str):
+        totstat_file=open(tqfile+'_cubitquality_skewness_proc_'+str(iproc)+'.log','w')
+    else:
+        import sys
+        totstat_file=sys.stdout
+        toclose=False
+    mesh=SEM_metric_3D()
+    mesh.check_metric()
+    if mesh.max_skewness is not None:
+        mesh.skew_hystogram=mesh.hyst(0,mesh.max_skewness,mesh.skew_hyst)
+        totstat_file.write('-'*70+'\n')
+        totstat_file.write('='*70+'\n')
+        totstat_file.write('SKEWNESS'+'\n')
+        totstat_file.write('='*70+'\n') 
+        if len(mesh.hex_max_skewness) <= 30:
+            totstat_file.write('max = '+str(mesh.max_skewness)+' in hexes '+str(mesh.hex_max_skewness)+'\n')
+            totstat_file.write('(angle -> minimun ='+str(mesh.min_angle)+ ' maximun ='+str(mesh.max_angle)+')'+'\n')
+        else:
+            totstat_file.write('max = '+str(mesh.max_skewness)+' in '+str(len(mesh.hex_max_skewness))+' hexes '+'\n')
+            totstat_file.write('(angle -> minimun ='+str(mesh.min_angle)+' maximun ='+str(mesh.max_angle)+')'+'\n')
+        totstat_file.write('-'*70+'\n')
+        totstat_file.write('skew hystogram')
+        totstat_file.write('-'*70+'\n')
+        tot=0
+        for i in mesh.skew_hystogram.values():
+            tot=tot+len(i)
+        #k=mesh.skew_hystogram.keys()
+        #k.sort()
+        factor=mesh.max_skewness/mesh.nbin
+        for i in range(0,mesh.nbin+1):
+            if mesh.skew_hystogram.has_key(i):
+                if (i+1)*factor <= 1:
+                    totstat_file.write(str(i)+' ['+str(i*factor)+'->'+str((i+1)*factor)+'[ : '+str(len(mesh.skew_hystogram[i]))+'/'+str(tot)+' hexes ('+str(len(mesh.skew_hystogram[i])/float(tot)*100.)+'%)'+'\n')
+            else:
+                if (i+1)*factor <= 1:
+                    totstat_file.write(str(i)+' ['+str(i*factor)+'->'+str((i+1)*factor)+'[ : 0/'+str(tot)+' hexes (0%)'+'\n')
+        totstat_file.write('-'*70+'\n')
+    ###############################################
+    if mesh.min_edge_length is not None:
+        mesh.edgemin_hystogram=mesh.hyst(mesh.min_edge_length,mesh.max_edge_length,mesh.edgemin_hyst)
+        mesh.edgemax_hystogram=mesh.hyst(mesh.min_edge_length,mesh.max_edge_length,mesh.edgemax_hyst)
+        totstat_file.write('='*70+'\n')
+        totstat_file.write('edge length')
+        totstat_file.write('='*70+'\n')
+        if len(mesh.hex_min_edge_length) <= 30:
+            totstat_file.write('minimum edge length: '+str(mesh.min_edge_length)+ ' in hexes '+str(mesh.hex_min_edge_length)+'\n')
+        else:
+            totstat_file.write('minimum edge length: '+str(mesh.min_edge_length)+ ' in '+str(len(mesh.hex_min_edge_length))+ ' hexes.'+'\n')
+        if len(mesh.hex_max_edge_length) <= 30:
+            totstat_file.write('maximum edge length: '+str(mesh.max_edge_length)+ ' in hexes '+str(mesh.hex_max_edge_length)+'\n')              
+        else:                                                                                                                        
+            totstat_file.write('maximum edge length: '+str(mesh.max_edge_length)+' in '+str(len(mesh.hex_max_edge_length))+ ' hexes.'+'\n')    
+        totstat_file.write('-'*70+'\n')
+        totstat_file.write('edge length hystogram')
+        totstat_file.write('-'*70+'\n')
+        factor=(mesh.max_edge_length-mesh.min_edge_length)/mesh.nbin
+        totstat_file.write('minimum edge length'+'\n')
+        tot=0
+        for i in mesh.edgemin_hystogram.values():
+            tot=tot+len(i)
+        #k=mesh.edgemin_hystogram.keys()
+        #k.sort()
+        for i in range(0,mesh.nbin+1):
+            if mesh.edgemin_hystogram.has_key(i):
+                totstat_file.write(str(i)+' ['+str(i*factor+mesh.min_edge_length)+'->'+str((i+1)*factor+mesh.min_edge_length)+'[ : '+str(len(mesh.edgemin_hystogram[i]))+'/'+str(tot)+' hexes ('+str(len(mesh.edgemin_hystogram[i])/float(tot)*100.)+'%)'+'\n')
+            else:
+                totstat_file.write(str(i)+' ['+str(i*factor+mesh.min_edge_length)+'->'+str((i+1)*factor+mesh.min_edge_length)+'[ : 0/'+str(tot)+' hexes (0%)'+'\n')
+        totstat_file.write('-'*70+'\n')
+        totstat_file.write('maximum edge length')
+        tot=0
+        for i in mesh.edgemax_hystogram.values():
+            tot=tot+len(i)
+        #k=mesh.edgemax_hystogram.keys()
+        #k.sort()
+        for i in range(0,mesh.nbin+1):
+            if mesh.edgemax_hystogram.has_key(i):
+                totstat_file.write(str(i)+' ['+str(i*factor+mesh.min_edge_length)+'->'+str((i+1)*factor+mesh.min_edge_length)+'[ : '+str(len(mesh.edgemax_hystogram[i]))+'/'+str(tot)+' hexes ('+str(len(mesh.edgemax_hystogram[i])/float(tot)*100.)+'%)'+'\n')
+            else:
+                totstat_file.write(str(i)+' ['+str(i*factor+mesh.min_edge_length)+'->'+str((i+1)*factor+mesh.min_edge_length)+'[ : 0/'+str(tot)+' hexes (0%)'+'\n')
+    try:
+        if mesh.dt is not None:
+            totstat_file.write('='*70+'\n')
+            totstat_file.write('STABILITY')
+            totstat_file.write('='*70+'\n')
+            totstat_file.write('time step < '+str(mesh.dt)+'s, for velocity = '+str(mesh.velocity)+'\n')
+    except:
+        pass
+    if toclose: 
+        totstat_file.close()
+    print 'max specfem3d skewness: ',mesh.max_skewness
+    print 'min edge length: ',mesh.min_edge_length
+    return mesh.max_skewness,mesh.min_edge_length
\ No newline at end of file

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/read_parameter_cfg.py
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/read_parameter_cfg.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/read_parameter_cfg.py	2013-09-17 16:14:58 UTC (rev 22796)
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+# read_parameter_cfg.py                                                    
+# this file is part of GEOCUBIT                                             #
+#                                                                           #
+# Created by Emanuele Casarotti                                             #
+# Copyright (c) 2008 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia         #
+#                                                                           #
+#                                                                           #
+# GEOCUBIT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify          #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      #
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or         #
+# (at your option) any later version.                                       #
+#                                                                           #
+# GEOCUBIT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,               #
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            #
+# GNU General Public License for more details.                              #
+#                                                                           #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         #
+# along with GEOCUBIT.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.         #
+#                                                                           #
+import os
+def readcfg(filename=None,importmenu=False,mpiflag=False):
+    """
+    read the configuration file, filename is defined in the command line arguments (see menu.py)
+    """
+    if importmenu:
+        import menu as menu
+        cfgname=menu.cfg_name
+        id_proc=menu.id_proc
+        create_plane=menu.create_plane
+        menusurface=menu.surface
+        single=menu.single
+    elif filename:
+        cfgname=filename
+        id_proc=0
+        menu=False
+        create_plane=False
+        menusurface=False
+        single=False
+    else:
+        print 'error: no configuration file'
+        import sys
+        sys.exit()
+    #
+    from utilities import geo2utm #here I can use pyproj but I prefere to include a function in pure python in order to avoid an additional installation
+    #
+    #
+    import ConfigParser
+    config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+    #
+    #
+    def converter(s):
+        if s == 'True':
+            value=True
+        elif s == 'False':
+            value=False
+        elif s == 'None':
+            value= None
+        else:
+            if s.count(',') != 0:
+                value=s.split(',')
+                while value.count(''):                
+                    value.remove('')
+            else:
+                value=s
+            try:
+                if type(value).__name__ == 'str':
+                    if str(value).count('.') != 0:
+                        value=float(value)
+                    else:
+                        value=int(value)
+                else:
+                    if str(value).count('.') != 0:
+                        value=map(float,value)
+                    else:
+                        value=map(int,value)
+            except:
+                pass
+        return value
+    #
+    def section_dict(section):
+        dict_o = {}
+        options = config.options(section)
+        for option in options:
+            try:
+                value=converter(config.get(section, option))
+                dict_o[option] = value
+            except:
+                dict_o[option] = None
+        return dict_o
+    class attrdict(dict):
+        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+            dict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+            self.__dict__ = self
+        def __str__(self):
+            names=[]
+            values=[]
+            for name,value in self.items():
+                names.append(name)
+                values.append(value)
+            print names,values
+            a=zip(names,values)
+            a.sort()
+            arc=''
+            for o in a:
+                if o[0][0] != arc: print
+                print o[0],' -> ',o[1]
+                arc=o[0][0]
+            return '____'
+    #
+    dcfg={}
+    #
+    dcfg['osystem'] = 'linux'
+    dcfg['debug_cfg']=False
+    dcfg['checkbound']=False
+    dcfg['top_partitioner'] = 10000
+    dcfg['tres']=0.3 #if n is the vertical component of the normal at a surface pointing horizontally, when -tres < n < tres then the surface is vertical
+    dcfg['precision'] =0.02 #precision for the boundary check (0.02 m)
+    #
+    #INIT
+    dcfg['debug']=True 
+    dcfg['cubit_info']="on"
+    dcfg['echo_info']="on"
+    dcfg['jou_info']="on"
+    dcfg['jer_info']="on"
+    dcfg['monitored_cpu']=0
+    dcfg['parallel_import']=True
+    dcfg['save_geometry_cubit']=True
+    dcfg['save_surface_cubit']=False
+    dcfg['save_geometry_paraview'] = False #not implemented 
+    dcfg['save_geometry_ACIS'] = False #not implemented
+    dcfg['export_exodus_mesh']=False
+    dcfg['manual_adj']                  =False
+    dcfg['play_adj']                    =False
+    dcfg['no_adj']                      =False
+    dcfg['nx']=False
+    dcfg['ny']=False
+    dcfg['nstep']=False
+    dcfg['localdir_is_globaldir']=True
+    dcfg['refinement_depth']=[]
+    dcfg['scratchdir']=None
+    dcfg['map_meshing_type']='regularmap'
+    dcfg['4sideparallel']=True
+    dcfg["outlinebasin_curve"]=False
+    dcfg["transition_curve"]=False
+    dcfg["faulttrace_curve"]=False
+    dcfg['geological_imprint']=False
+    dcfg['number_processor_xi']=1
+    dcfg['number_processor_eta']=1
+    dcfg['filename']=None
+    dcfg['actual_vertical_interval_top_layer']=1
+    dcfg['coarsening_top_layer']=False
+    dcfg['nsurf'] = None
+    if cfgname:
+        config.read(cfgname)
+        sections=['cubit.options','simulation.cpu_parameters','geometry.surfaces','geometry.volumes','geometry.volumes.layercake','geometry.volumes.flatcake','geometry.volumes.partitioner','geometry.partitioner','meshing']
+        for section in sections:
+            try:
+                d=section_dict(section)
+                dcfg.update(d)
+            except:
+                pass
+        if dcfg['nsurf']:
+           surface_name=[]
+           num_x=[]
+           num_y=[]
+           xstep=[]
+           ystep=[]
+           step=[]
+           directionx=[]
+           directiony=[]
+           unit2=[]
+           surf_type=[]
+           delimiter=[]
+           nsurf=int(dcfg['nsurf'])
+           for i in range(1,nsurf+1):
+               section='surface'+str(i)+'.parameters'
+               d=section_dict(section)
+               surface_name.append(d['name'])
+               surf_type.append(d['surf_type'])
+               unit2.append(d['unit_surf'])
+               if d['surf_type'] == 'regular_grid':
+                   xstep.append(d['step_along_x'])
+                   ystep.append(d['step_along_y'])
+                   num_x.append(d['number_point_along_x'])
+                   num_y.append(d['number_point_along_y'])
+               elif d['surf_type'] == 'skin':
+                   step.append(d['step'])
+                   try:
+                      delimiter.append(d['delimiter'])
+                   except:
+                      pass
+                   directionx.append(d['directionx'])
+                   directiony.append(d['directiony'])
+           dcfg['surface_name']=surface_name
+           dcfg['num_x']=num_x       
+           dcfg['num_y']=num_y       
+           dcfg['xstep']=xstep       
+           dcfg['ystep']=ystep       
+           dcfg['step']=step        
+           dcfg['directionx']=directionx  
+           dcfg['directiony']=directiony  
+           dcfg['unit2']=unit2       
+           dcfg['surf_type']=surf_type   
+           dcfg['delimiter']=delimiter  
+        try:
+            tres=0
+            xmin,ymin=geo2utm(dcfg['longitude_min'],dcfg['latitude_min'],dcfg['unit'])
+            xmax,ymax=geo2utm(dcfg['longitude_max'],dcfg['latitude_max'],dcfg['unit'])
+            dcfg['xmin']=xmin
+            dcfg['ymin']=ymin
+            dcfg['xmax']=xmax
+            dcfg['ymax']=ymax
+            x1,y1=geo2utm(dcfg['longitude_min'],dcfg['latitude_min'],dcfg['unit'])
+            x2,y2=geo2utm(dcfg['longitude_max'],dcfg['latitude_min'],dcfg['unit'])
+            x3,y3=geo2utm(dcfg['longitude_max'],dcfg['latitude_max'],dcfg['unit'])
+            x4,y4=geo2utm(dcfg['longitude_min'],dcfg['latitude_max'],dcfg['unit'])
+            dcfg['x1_box']=x1
+            dcfg['y1_box']=y1
+            dcfg['x2_box']=x2
+            dcfg['y2_box']=y2
+            dcfg['x3_box']=x3
+            dcfg['y3_box']=y3
+            dcfg['x4_box']=x4
+            dcfg['y4_box']=y4
+            dcfg['tres_boundarydetection']=tres
+        except:
+            pass
+    cfg=attrdict(dcfg)
+    if menu:
+        try:
+            if cfg.working_dir[-1] == '/': cfg.working_dir=cfg.working_dir[:-1]
+            if cfg.working_dir[0] != '/': cfg.working_dir='./'+cfg.working_dir
+        except:
+            cfg.working_dir=os.getcwd()
+        try:
+            if cfg.output_dir[-1] == '/': cfg.output_dir=cfg.output_dir[:-1]
+            if cfg.output_dir[0] != '/': cfg.output_dir='./'+cfg.output_dir
+        except:
+            cfg.output_dir=os.getcwd()
+        try:
+            if cfg.SPECFEM3D_output_dir[-1] == '/': cfg.SPECFEM3D_output_dir=cfg.SPECFEM3D_output_dir[:-1]
+            if cfg.SPECFEM3D_output_dir[0] != '/': cfg.SPECFEM3D_output_dir='./'+cfg.SPECFEM3D_output_dir
+        except:
+            cfg.SPECFEM3D_output_dir=os.getcwd()
+        cfg.single=single
+        if menusurface:
+            cfg.nsurf=1
+            cfg.name=[menu.surface_name]
+            cfg.num_x=[menu.num_x]
+            cfg.num_y=[menu.num_x]
+            cfg.unit=[menu.unit]
+            cfg.surf_type=[menu.surf_type]
+            try:
+                cfg.delimiter=[menu.delimiter]
+            except:
+                cfg.delimiter=[' ']
+            cfg.directionx=[menu.directionx]
+            cfg.directiony=[menu.directiony]
+    else:
+        cfg.SPECFEM3D_output_dir=os.getcwd()
+    if not cfg.number_processor_eta and cfg.nodes:
+        cfg.number_processor_xi,cfg.number_processor_eta=split(cfg.nodes)
+    if isinstance(cfg.filename,str): cfg.filename=[cfg.filename]
+    try:
+        cfg.nproc_eta=cfg.number_processor_eta
+        cfg.nproc_xi=cfg.number_processor_xi
+        cfg.cpuy=cfg.number_processor_eta
+        cfg.cpux=cfg.number_processor_xi
+    except:
+        pass
+    if create_plane:
+        cfg.x1=map(float,menu.x1.split(','))
+        cfg.x2=map(float,menu.x2.split(','))
+        cfg.x3=map(float,menu.x3.split(','))
+        cfg.x4=map(float,menu.x4.split(','))
+        cfg.unit=menu.unit
+    #
+    if menu:
+        cfg.id_proc=menu.id_proc
+    else:
+        cfg.id_proc=id_proc
+    #
+    try:
+        if isinstance(cfg.tripl,int): cfg.tripl=[cfg.tripl]
+    except:
+        pass
+    return cfg
+class getparameter(dict): 
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        dict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+        self.__dict__ = self
+def split(x):
+    import math
+    c=int(math.sqrt(x))
+    while math.fmod(x,c):
+        c=c+1
+    return c,x/c
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/run_cubit2specfem3d.py
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/run_cubit2specfem3d.py	2013-09-17 00:06:13 UTC (rev 22795)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/run_cubit2specfem3d.py	2013-09-17 16:14:58 UTC (rev 22796)
@@ -1,26 +1,35 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 import cubit
 import boundary_definition
 import cubit2specfem3d 
 import os
 import sys
+# define the name of the CUBIT file to convert to SPECFEM format in the line below
+cubit.cmd('open "large_test_cpml.cub"')
+#cubit.cmd('open "test_cmpl_2layers.cub"')
 ###### This is boundary_definition.py of GEOCUBIT
 #..... which extracts the bounding faces and defines them into blocks
+# for CUBIT version 14 and higher (now called TRELIS) you may have to change 'face' to 'Face' in the line below
+# this command can run in parallel or not
+#### Export to SPECFEM3D format using cubit2specfem3d.py of GEOCUBIT
-#### Export to SESAME format using cubit2specfem3d.py of GEOCUBIT
 os.system('mkdir -p MESH')
-# all files needed by SCOTCH are now in directory MESH
+# all files needed by SCOTCH are now in directory MESH...

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/start.py
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/start.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/start.py	2013-09-17 16:14:58 UTC (rev 22796)
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+# start.py                                                    
+# this file is part of GEOCUBIT                                             #
+#                                                                           #
+# Created by Emanuele Casarotti                                             #
+# Copyright (c) 2008 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia         #
+#                                                                           #
+#                                                                           #
+# GEOCUBIT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify          #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      #
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or         #
+# (at your option) any later version.                                       #
+#                                                                           #
+# GEOCUBIT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,               #
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            #
+# GNU General Public License for more details.                              #
+#                                                                           #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         #
+# along with GEOCUBIT.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.         #
+#                                                                           #
+#method to call the library
+def start_mpi():
+    """ 
+    start mpi, fakempi mimick the mpi function when the run is serial. The object mpi is based upon pyMPI.
+    it returns: mpiflag,iproc,numproc,mpi
+    where 
+        mpiflag is True if parallel mesh is on 
+        iproc is the id of the processor (0 if the run is serial)
+        numproc is the number of the processor (1 if the run is serial)
+        mpi is the mpi object
+    """
+    import sys
+    try:
+        import menu as menu
+        iproc=menu.id_proc
+    except:
+        iproc=0
+    try:
+        import mpi
+        numproc=mpi.size
+        mpiflag=True
+        if numproc == 1:
+            mpiflag=False
+        else:
+            iproc=mpi.rank
+    except:
+        class fakempi(object):
+            def __init__(self):
+                self.size=1
+                self.rank=0
+            def barrier(self):
+                pass
+            def allgather(self,value):
+                return value
+            def gather(self,value):
+                return value
+            def bcast(self,value):
+                return value
+            def scatter(self,value):
+                return value
+            def send(self,value,values):
+                return
+            def recv(self,value):
+                return value,value
+        mpi=fakempi()
+        numproc=1
+        mpiflag=False
+    return mpiflag,iproc,numproc,mpi
+def start_cubit(init=False):
+    """ 
+    start cubit, it return the cubit object
+    init argument set the monitotr files
+    """
+    import sys,os
+    try:
+        cubit.silent_cmd('comment')
+    except:
+        try:
+            import cubit
+            cubit.init([""])
+        except:
+            print 'error importing cubit'
+            sys.exit()
+        try:
+            if init:
+                from start import start_cfg,start_mpi
+                cfg=start_cfg()
+                mpiflag,iproc,numproc,mpi   = start_mpi()
+                cubit.cmd('set logging on file "'+cfg.working_dir+'/cubit_proc_'+str(iproc)+'.log"')
+                cubit.cmd("set echo off")
+                cubit.cmd("set info off")
+                if iproc == cfg.monitored_cpu:
+                    cubit.cmd("record '"+cfg.working_dir+"/monitor_"+str(cfg.monitored_cpu)+".jou'")
+                    cubit.cmd("set journal on")
+                    cubit.cmd("journal error on")
+                    d=cfg.__dict__
+                    ks=d.keys()
+                    ks.sort()
+                    for k in ks:
+                        if '__'  not in k and '<'  not in str(d[k]) and d[k] is not None:
+                            txt=str(k)+' -----> '+str(d[k])
+                            txt=txt.replace("'","").replace('"','')
+                            cubit.cmd('comment "'+txt+'"')
+                else:
+                    cubit.cmd("set journal "+cfg.jou_info)
+                    cubit.cmd("journal error "+cfg.jer_info)
+                    d=cfg.__dict__
+                    ks=d.keys()
+                    ks.sort()
+                    for k in ks:
+                        if '__'  not in k and '<'  not in str(d[k]) and d[k] is not None:
+                            txt=str(k)+' -----> '+str(d[k])
+                            txt=txt.replace("'","").replace('"','')
+                            cubit.cmd('comment "'+txt+'"')
+                cubit.cmd("set echo "+cfg.echo_info)
+                cubit.cmd("set info "+cfg.cubit_info)
+        except:
+            print 'error start cubit'
+            sys.exit()
+    return cubit
+def start_cfg(filename=None,importmenu=True):
+    """
+    return the object cfg with the parameters of the mesh
+    """
+    import read_parameter_cfg
+    mpiflag,iproc,numproc,mpi=start_mpi()
+    if filename: importmenu=False 
+    cfg=read_parameter_cfg.readcfg(filename=filename,importmenu=importmenu,mpiflag=mpiflag)
+    import os
+    try:
+        os.makedirs(cfg.working_dir)
+    except OSError:
+        pass
+    try:
+        os.makedirs(cfg.output_dir)
+    except OSError:
+        pass
+    try:
+         os.makedirs(cfg.SPECFEM3D_output_dir)
+    except OSError:
+         pass
+    return cfg
+def start_numpy():
+    """
+    import numpy and check if it is installed
+    """
+    import sys
+    try:
+        import numpy
+    except:
+        print 'error importing numpy, please check if numpy is correctly installed'
+        sys.exit()
+    return numpy
\ No newline at end of file

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/surfaces.py
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/surfaces.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/surfaces.py	2013-09-17 16:14:58 UTC (rev 22796)
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+# surfaces.py                                                    
+# this file is part of GEOCUBIT                                             #
+#                                                                           #
+# Created by Emanuele Casarotti                                             #
+# Copyright (c) 2008 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia         #
+#                                                                           #
+#                                                                           #
+# GEOCUBIT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify          #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      #
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or         #
+# (at your option) any later version.                                       #
+#                                                                           #
+# GEOCUBIT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,               #
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            #
+# GNU General Public License for more details.                              #
+#                                                                           #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         #
+# along with GEOCUBIT.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.         #
+#                                                                           #
+    import start as start
+    cubit                   = start.start_cubit()
+    try:
+        import cubit
+    except:
+        print 'error importing cubit, check if cubit is installed'
+        pass
+def surfaces(filename=None):
+    """creating the surfaces defined in the parameter files
+       #
+       nsurf = number of surfaces
+       surf_type = list of stype of method for the creation of the surface
+                   -- regulare_grid (u and v lines)
+                   -- skin (u lines)       
+    """
+    #
+    import start as start
+    cfg                     = start.start_cfg(filename=filename)
+    #
+    #
+    for isurface in range(0,cfg.nsurf):
+        surf_type=cfg.surf_type[isurface]
+        if surf_type == 'regular_grid':
+            surface_regular_grid(isurface,cfgname=filename)
+        elif surf_type == 'skin':
+            surface_skin(isurface,cfgname=filename)
+def surface_regular_grid(isurface=0,cfgname=None):
+    """
+    create an acis surface from a regular lon/lat/z grid
+    """
+    import sys,os
+    from math import sqrt
+    from utilities import geo2utm
+    import start as start
+    #
+    #
+    cfg                     = start.start_cfg(cfgname)
+    numpy                   = start.start_numpy()
+    #
+    def create_line_u(ind,n,step,data,unit):
+        last_curve_store=cubit.get_last_id("curve")
+        command='create curve spline '
+        for i in range(0,n):
+            if i%step == 0:
+                lon,lat,z=data[i+ind][0],data[i+ind][1],data[i+ind][2]
+                x,y=geo2utm(lon,lat,unit)
+                txt=' Position ' +   str(x)  +' '+  str(y) +' '+  str(z)
+                command=command+txt
+                #print command
+        cubit.silent_cmd(command)
+        last_curve=cubit.get_last_id("curve")
+        if last_curve != last_curve_store:
+            return last_curve
+        else:
+            return 0
+    def create_line_v(ind,n,n2,step,data,unit):
+        last_curve_store=cubit.get_last_id("curve")
+        command='create curve spline '
+        for i in range(0,n):
+            if i%step == 0:
+                lon,lat,z=data[n2*i+ind][0],data[n2*i+ind][1],data[n2*i+ind][2]
+                x,y=geo2utm(lon,lat,unit)
+                txt=' Position ' +   str(x)  +' '+  str(y) +' '+  str(z)
+                command=command+txt
+                #print command
+        cubit.silent_cmd(command)
+        last_curve=cubit.get_last_id("curve")
+        if last_curve != last_curve_store:
+            return last_curve
+        else:
+            return 0
+    #
+    #
+    cubit.cmd("reset")
+    #
+    position=True
+    #
+    #
+    nu= cfg.num_x[isurface]
+    nv= cfg.num_y[isurface]
+    ustep= cfg.xstep[isurface]
+    vstep= cfg.ystep[isurface]
+    exag=1.
+    unit=cfg.unit2[isurface]
+    #
+    #
+    data=numpy.loadtxt(cfg.surface_name[isurface])
+    if len(data) > 100:
+        command = "set echo off"
+        cubit.cmd(command)
+        command = "set journal off"
+        cubit.cmd(command)
+    #
+    u_curve=[]
+    v_curve=[]
+    #
+    for iv in range(0,nv):
+        if iv%vstep == 0.:
+            u=create_line_u(iv*(nu),nu,ustep,data,unit)
+            u_curve.append(u)
+    for iu in range(0,nu):
+        if iu%ustep == 0.:
+            v=create_line_v(iu,nv,nu,ustep,data,unit)
+            v_curve.append(v)
+    #
+    umax=max(u_curve)
+    umin=min(u_curve)
+    vmax=max(v_curve)
+    vmin=min(v_curve)
+    cubitcommand= 'create surface net u curve '+ str( umin )+' to '+str( umax )+ ' v curve '+ str( vmin )+ ' to '+str( vmax )+' heal'
+    cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+    command = "del curve all"
+    cubit.cmd(command)
+    suff=cfg.surface_name[isurface].split('/')
+    command = "save as '"+cfg.working_dir+"/surf_"+suff[-1]+".cub' overwrite"
+    cubit.cmd(command)
+    #
+    #
+    #        
+    cubit.cmd("set info "+cfg.cubit_info)
+    cubit.cmd("set echo "+cfg.echo_info)
+    cubit.cmd("set journal "+cfg.jou_info)
+def surface_skin(isurface=0,cfgname=None):
+    """
+    create an acis surface interpolating no-intersecting lines
+    """
+    import sys,os
+    from math import sqrt
+    from utilities import geo2utm
+    import start as start
+    #
+    #
+    cubit                   = start.start_cubit()
+    cfg                     = start.start_cfg(cfgname)
+    #
+    def define_next_line(directionx,directiony,n,data):
+        ndata=len(data)
+        command=''
+        ind=n
+        try:
+            record=data[ind]
+        except:
+            return False,False
+        try:
+            x,y,z=map(float,record.split())
+        except:
+            return False,False
+        txt=' Position ' +   record
+        command=command+txt
+        x_store,y_store,z_store = x,y,z
+        icount=1
+        while True:
+                    ind+=1
+                    if ind >= ndata: return ind,command
+                    record=data[ind]
+                    try:
+                        x,y,z=map(float,record.split())
+                    except:
+                        return ind,command
+                    dx,dy = x-x_store,y-y_store        
+                    if  directionx == 0 and dy/abs(dy) * directiony >= 0:
+                        txt=' Position ' +   record
+                        command=command+txt
+                        icount+=1
+                        x_store,y_store,z_store = x,y,z
+                    elif  directiony == 0 and dx/abs(dx) == directionx :
+                        txt=' Position ' +   record
+                        command=command+txt
+                        icount+=1
+                        x_store,y_store,z_store = x,y,z
+                    else:
+                        if icount==1:
+                           x,y,z=x_store+1e-4*directionx,y_store+1e-4*directiony,z_store
+                           txt=' Position ' +str(x)+ ' '+str(y)+ ' '+str(z)
+                           command=command+txt
+                        return ind,command    
+    def create_line(position):
+        if position:
+            last_curve_store=cubit.get_last_id("curve")
+            command='create curve spline '+position
+            cubit.silent_cmd(command)
+            last_curve=cubit.get_last_id("curve")
+            if last_curve != last_curve_store:
+                return last_curve
+            else:
+                return False
+        else:
+            return False
+    command = "reset"
+    cubit.cmd(command)
+    #
+    position=True
+    #
+    try:
+         grdfile = open(cfg.surface_name[isurface], 'r')
+    except:
+         raise NameError, 'No such file or directory: '+  str( cfg.surface_name[isurface] )
+    #
+    directionx=cfg.directionx[isurface]
+    directiony=cfg.directiony[isurface]
+    step=cfg.step[isurface]
+    position=True
+    curveskin=[]
+    count_line=0
+    data=grdfile.read().split('\n')
+    ndata=len(data)
+    n=0
+    #
+    #
+    command = "set echo off"
+    cubit.cmd(command)
+    command = "set journal off"
+    cubit.cmd(command)
+    command = "set info off"
+    cubit.cmd(command)         
+    #
+    while position:
+          index,position=define_next_line(directionx,directiony,n,data)
+          if n%step == 0:
+              curve=create_line(position)
+              if curve: curveskin.append(curve)
+          elif n%step != 0 and not position:
+              curve=create_line(position)
+              if curve: curveskin.append(curve)
+          n=index
+    umax=max(curveskin)
+    umin=min(curveskin)
+    print 'create surface skin curve '+ str( umin )+' to '+str( umax )
+    cubitcommand= 'create surface skin curve '+ str( umin )+' to '+str( umax )
+    cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+    command = "del curve all"
+    cubit.cmd(command)
+    last_surface=cubit.get_last_id("surface")
+    command = "regularize surf "+str(last_surface)
+    cubit.cmd(command)
+    #
+    suff=cfg.surface_name[isurface].split('/')
+    command = "save as '"+cfg.working_dir+"/surf_"+suff[-1]+".cub' overwrite"
+    cubit.cmd(command)
+    #
+    #
+    #        
+    cubit.cmd("set info "+cfg.cubit_info)
+    cubit.cmd("set echo "+cfg.echo_info)
+    cubit.cmd("set journal "+cfg.jou_info)
+def plane(cfg):
+    import sys,os
+    from math import sqrt
+    from utilities import geo2utm
+    import start as start
+    #
+    #
+    cubit                   = start.start_cubit()
+    #
+    #
+    command = "reset"
+    cubit.cmd(command)
+    #
+    #
+    for p in [cfg.x1,cfg.x2,cfg.x3,cfg.x4]:
+        x_current,y_current=geo2utm(p[0],p[1],cfg.unit)
+        cubitcommand= 'create vertex '+ str( x_current )+ ' ' + str( y_current) +' '+ str( p[2] )
+        cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+    #
+    cubitcommand= 'create surface vertex 1 2 3 4'
+    cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+    command = "del vertex all"
+    cubit.cmd(command)
+    command = "save as 'plane.cub' overwrite"
+    cubit.cmd(command)
+    #
+    #
+    #        
+    cubit.cmd("set info "+cfg.cubit_info)
+    cubit.cmd("set echo "+cfg.echo_info)
+    cubit.cmd("set journal "+cfg.jou_info)
\ No newline at end of file

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/utilities.py
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/utilities.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/utilities.py	2013-09-17 16:14:58 UTC (rev 22796)
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+# utilities.py                                                    
+# this file is part of GEOCUBIT                                             #
+#                                                                           #
+# Created by Emanuele Casarotti                                             #
+# Copyright (c) 2008 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia         #
+#                                                                           #
+#                                                                           #
+# GEOCUBIT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify          #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      #
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or         #
+# (at your option) any later version.                                       #
+#                                                                           #
+# GEOCUBIT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,               #
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            #
+# GNU General Public License for more details.                              #
+#                                                                           #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         #
+# along with GEOCUBIT.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.         #
+#                                                                           #
+    import start as start
+    cubit                   = start.start_cubit()
+    try:
+        import cubit
+    except:
+        print 'error importing cubit, check if cubit is installed'
+        pass
+def snapshot(name=None,i=0,viewnumber=1):
+    """
+    it takes a snapshot of the figure, following the predefined view position.
+    view 1: vector 1 1 1 z up
+    """
+    if name is None:
+        name='snapshot_'+str(i)
+    i=i+1
+    if viewnumber == 1:
+        command = "at 0"
+        cubit.cmd(command)
+        command = "from 1 1 1"
+        cubit.cmd(command)
+        command = "up 0 0 1"
+        cubit.cmd(command)
+    cubit.cmd('graphics autocenter on')
+    cubit.cmd("zoom reset")
+    command = "hardcopy '"+name+".png' png"
+    cubit.cmd(command)
+    return i
+def cubit_error_stop(iproc,command,ner):
+    er=cubit.get_error_count()
+    if er > ner: 
+       text='"Proc: '+str(iproc)+' ERROR '+str(command)+' number of error '+str(er)+'/'+str(ner)+'"'
+       cubitcommand = 'comment '+text
+       cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+       raise NameError, text
+def cubit_error_continue(iproc,command,n_er):
+    er=cubit.get_error_count()
+    if  er >= n_er: 
+        text='"Proc: '+str(iproc)+' ERROR continue '+str(command)+' number of error '+str(er)+' '+str(n_er)+'"'
+        cubit.cmd('comment '+ text)
+        print 'error: ',text
+    return er
+def savemesh(mpiflag,iproc=0,filename=None):
+    import start as start
+    cfg                         = start.start_cfg(filename=filename)
+    mpiflag,iproc,numproc,mpi   = start.start_mpi()
+    def runsave(meshfile,iproc,filename=None):
+        import start as start
+        cubit                   = start.start_cubit()
+        cfg                         = start.start_cfg(filename=filename)
+        flag=0
+        ner=cubit.get_error_count()
+        cubitcommand= 'save as "'+ cfg.output_dir+'/'+meshfile+'.cub'+ '" overwrite' 
+        cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+        ner2=cubit.get_error_count()
+        if ner == ner2:
+            cubitcommand= 'export mesh "'+ cfg.output_dir+'/'+meshfile+'.e'+ '" dimension 3 block all overwrite' 
+            cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+            ner2=cubit.get_error_count()                                                    
+        if ner == ner2:
+            flag=1
+        return flag
+    meshfile='mesh_vol_'+str(iproc)
+    flagsaved=0
+    infosave=(iproc,flagsaved)
+    mpi.barrier()
+    total_saved=mpi.allgather(flagsaved)
+    if isinstance(total_saved,int): total_saved=[total_saved]
+    ind=0
+    saving=True
+    while saving:
+        if len(total_saved) != sum(total_saved):
+            #
+            if not flagsaved: 
+                flagsaved=runsave(meshfile,iproc,filename=filename)
+                if flagsaved:
+                    infosave=(iproc,flagsaved)        
+                    if numproc > 1:
+                        f=open('mesh_saved'+str(iproc),'w')
+                        f.close()
+            mpi.barrier()
+            total_saved=mpi.allgather(flagsaved)
+            if isinstance(total_saved,int): total_saved=[total_saved]
+            ind=ind+1
+        else:
+            saving=False
+        if ind > len(total_saved)+10: saving=False
+        print sum(total_saved),'/',len(total_saved),' saved'
+    info_total_saved=mpi.allgather(infosave)
+    if isinstance(info_total_saved,int): info_total_saved=[info_total_saved]
+    if iproc==0:
+        f=open('mesh_saving.log','w')
+        f.write('\n'.join(str(x) for x in info_total_saved))                
+        f.close()                           
+    f=open(cfg.output_dir+'/'+'blocks_'+str(iproc).zfill(5),'w')
+    blocks=cubit.get_block_id_list()
+    for block in blocks:
+        name=cubit.get_exodus_entity_name('block',block)
+        element_count = cubit.get_exodus_element_count(block, "block")
+        nattrib=cubit.get_block_attribute_count(block)
+        attr=[cubit.get_block_attribute_value(block,x) for x in range(0,nattrib)]
+        ty=cubit.get_block_element_type(block)
+        f.write(str(block)+' ; '+name+' ; nattr '+str(nattrib)+' ; '+' '.join(str(x) for x in attr)+' ; '+ty+' '+str(element_count)+'\n')
+    f.close()
+    import quality_log
+    f=open(cfg.output_dir+'/'+'quality_'+str(iproc).zfill(5),'w')
+    max_skewness,min_length=quality_log.quality_log(f)
+    f.close()
+    count_hex=[cubit.get_hex_count()]
+    count_node=[cubit.get_node_count()]
+    max_skew=[(iproc,max_skewness)]
+    min_l=[(iproc,min_length)]
+    mpi.barrier()
+    total_min_l=mpi.gather(min_l)
+    total_hex=mpi.gather(count_hex)        
+    total_node=mpi.gather(count_node)      
+    total_max_skew=mpi.gather(max_skew)    
+    mpi.barrier()                          
+    if iproc == 0:
+        min_total_min_l=min([ms[1] for ms in total_min_l])
+        max_total_max_skew=max([ms[1] for ms in total_max_skew])
+        sum_total_node=sum(total_node)
+        sum_total_hex=sum(total_hex)
+        totstat_file=open(cfg.output_dir+'/totstat.log','w')
+        text='hex total number,node total number,max skew, min length\n'
+        totstat_file.write(text)
+        text=str(sum_total_hex)+' , '+str(sum_total_node)+' , '+str(max_total_max_skew)+' , '+str(min_total_min_l)+'\n'
+        totstat_file.write(text)
+        totstat_file.write(str(total_max_skew))    
+        totstat_file.close()
+    print 'meshing process end... proc ',iproc 
+def importgeometry(geometryfile,iproc=0,filename=None):
+    import start as start
+    cfg                         = start.start_cfg(filename=filename)
+    mpiflag,iproc,numproc,mpi   = start.start_mpi()
+    if iproc == 0: print 'importing geometry....'
+    a=['ok from '+str(iproc)]
+    mpi.barrier()
+    total_a=mpi.allgather(a)
+    if iproc == 0: print total_a
+    def runimport(geometryfile,iproc,filename=None):
+        import start as start
+        cubit                   = start.start_cubit()
+        cfg                         = start.start_cfg(filename=filename)
+        file1=cfg.output_dir+'/'+geometryfile
+        cubitcommand= 'open "'+ file1+ '"  ' 
+        cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)                
+    if cfg.parallel_import:
+        runimport(geometryfile,iproc,filename=filename)
+    else:
+        if iproc == 0:
+            runimport(geometryfile,iproc,filename=filename)
+            for i in range(1,mpi.size):
+                mpi.send('import',i)
+                msg,status=mpi.recv(i)
+        else:
+            msg,status=mpi.recv(0)
+            runimport(geometryfile,iproc,filename=filename)
+            mpi.send('ok'+str(iproc),0)
+def savesurf(iproc=0):
+    savegeometry(iproc=iproc,surf=True)
+###################################################################################### BELOW OK
+def load_curves(acis_filename):
+    """
+    load the curves from acis files
+    """
+    import os
+    #
+    #
+    print acis_filename
+    if acis_filename and os.path.exists(acis_filename):
+        tmp_curve=cubit.get_last_id("curve")
+        command = "import acis '"+acis_filename+"'"
+        cubit.cmd(command)
+        tmp_curve_after=cubit.get_last_id("curve")
+        curves=' '.join(str(x) for x in range(tmp_curve+1,tmp_curve_after+1))
+    elif not os.path.exists(acis_filename):
+        print str(acis_filename)+' not found'
+        curves=None
+    return [curves]
+def project_curves(curves,top_surface):
+    """
+    project curves on surface
+    """
+    if not isinstance(curves,list): curves=curves.split()
+    tmpc=[]
+    for curve in curves:
+        command = "project curve "+str(curve)+" onto surface "+str(top_surface)
+        cubit.cmd(command)
+        tmp_curve_after=cubit.get_last_id("curve")
+        tmpc.append(tmp_curve_after)
+        command = "del curve "+str(curve)
+        cubit.cmd(command)
+    return tmpc
+def geo2utm(lon,lat,unit,ellipsoid=23):
+    """conversion geocoodinates from geographical to utm
+    usage: x,y=geo2utm(lon,lat,unit,ellipsoid=23)
+    dafault ellipsoid is 23 = WGS-84, 
+        ellipsoid:
+        1, "Airy"
+        2, "Australian National"
+        3, "Bessel 1841"
+        4, "Bessel 1841 (Nambia] "
+        5, "Clarke 1866"
+        6, "Clarke 1880"
+        7, "Everest"
+        8, "Fischer 1960 (Mercury] "
+        9, "Fischer 1968"
+        10, "GRS 1967"
+        11, "GRS 1980"
+        12, "Helmert 1906"
+        13, "Hough"
+        14, "International"
+        15, "Krassovsky"
+        16, "Modified Airy"
+        17, "Modified Everest"
+        18, "Modified Fischer 1960"
+        19, "South American 1969"
+        20, "WGS 60"
+        21, "WGS 66"
+        22, "WGS-72"
+        23, "WGS-84"
+    unit:  'geo' if the coordinates of the model (lon,lat) are geographical
+           'utm' if the coordinates of the model (lon,lat) are utm
+    x,y: the function return the easting, northing utm coordinates 
+    """
+    import LatLongUTMconversion
+    if unit == 'geo' :          
+       (zone, x, y) = LatLongUTMconversion.LLtoUTM(ellipsoid, lat, lon)
+    elif unit == 'utm' : 
+       x=lon
+       y=lat
+    return x,y
+def savegeometry(iproc=0,surf=False,filename=None):
+    import start as start
+    cfg                         = start.start_cfg(filename=filename)
+    mpiflag,iproc,numproc,mpi   = start.start_mpi()
+    def runsave(geometryfile,iproc,filename=None):
+        import start as start
+        cubit                   = start.start_cubit()
+        cfg                         = start.start_cfg(filename=filename)
+        flag=0
+        ner=cubit.get_error_count()
+        cubitcommand= 'save as "'+ cfg.output_dir+'/'+geometryfile+ '"  overwrite' 
+        cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)                                                    
+        ner2=cubit.get_error_count()                                             
+        if ner == ner2:
+            flag=1
+        return flag
+    if surf:
+        geometryfile='surf_vol_'+str(iproc)+'.cub'
+    else:
+        geometryfile='geometry_vol_'+str(iproc)+'.cub'
+    flagsaved=0
+    infosave=(iproc,flagsaved)
+    mpi.barrier()
+    total_saved=mpi.allgather(flagsaved)
+    if isinstance(total_saved,int): total_saved=[total_saved]
+    ind=0
+    saving=True
+    while saving:
+        if len(total_saved) != sum(total_saved):
+            #
+            if not flagsaved: 
+                flagsaved=runsave(geometryfile,iproc,filename=filename)
+                if flagsaved:
+                    infosave=(iproc,flagsaved)        
+                    if numproc > 1:
+                        f=open('geometry_saved'+str(iproc),'w')
+                        f.close()
+            mpi.barrier()
+            total_saved=mpi.allgather(flagsaved)
+            if isinstance(total_saved,int): total_saved=[total_saved]
+            ind=ind+1
+        else:
+            saving=False
+        if ind > len(total_saved)+10: saving=False
+        print sum(total_saved),'/',len(total_saved),' saved'
+    info_total_saved=mpi.allgather(infosave)
+    if isinstance(info_total_saved,int): info_total_saved=[info_total_saved]
+    if iproc==0:
+        f=open('geometry_saving.log','w')
+        f.write('\n'.join(str(x) for x in info_total_saved))                
+        f.close()
+def get_v_h_list(vol_id_list):
+    """return the lists of the cubit ID of vertical/horizontal surface and vertical/horizontal curves
+    where v/h is defined by the distance of the z normal component from the axis direction
+    the parameter cfg.tres is the threshold as for example if 
+    normal[2] >= -tres and normal[2] <= tres 
+    then the surface is vertical
+    #
+    usage: surf_or,surf_vertical,list_curve_or,list_curve_vertical,bottom,top = get_v_h_list(list_vol)
+    """
+    #
+    tres=0.3
+    try:
+        nvol=len(vol_id_list)
+    except:
+        nvol=1
+        vol_id_list=[vol_id_list]
+    surf_vertical=[]
+    surf_or=[]
+    list_curve_vertical=[]
+    list_curve_or=[]
+    #
+    #
+    for id_vol in vol_id_list:
+        lsurf=cubit.get_relatives("volume",id_vol,"surface")
+        for k in lsurf:
+            normal=cubit.get_surface_normal(k)
+            center_point = cubit.get_center_point("surface", k)
+            if normal[2] >= -1*tres and normal[2] <= tres:
+               surf_vertical.append(k)
+               lcurve=cubit.get_relatives("surface",k,"curve")
+               list_curve_vertical=list_curve_vertical+list(lcurve)                                                                                                          
+            else:
+                surf_or.append(k)
+                lcurve=cubit.get_relatives("surface",k,"curve")
+                list_curve_or=list_curve_or+list(lcurve)
+    for x in list_curve_or:
+        try:
+            list_curve_vertical.remove(x)
+        except:
+            pass
+    k=surf_or[0]
+    center_point = cubit.get_center_point("surface", k)[2]
+    center_point_top=center_point
+    center_point_bottom=center_point
+    top=k
+    bottom=k 
+    for k in surf_or[1:]:
+        center_point = cubit.get_center_point("surface", k)[2]
+        if center_point > center_point_top:
+            center_point_top=center_point
+            top=k
+        elif center_point < center_point_bottom:
+            center_point_bottom=center_point
+            bottom=k
+    surftop=list(cubit.get_adjacent_surfaces("surface", top))
+    for s in surf_vertical:
+        try:                          
+            surftop.remove(s)    
+        except:                       
+            pass                      
+    top=surftop
+    bottom=[bottom]
+    return surf_or,surf_vertical,list_curve_or,list_curve_vertical,bottom,top

Added: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/volumes.py
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/volumes.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D/trunk/CUBIT/volumes.py	2013-09-17 16:14:58 UTC (rev 22796)
@@ -0,0 +1,551 @@
+# volumes.py                                                    
+# this file is part of GEOCUBIT                                             #
+#                                                                           #
+# Created by Emanuele Casarotti                                             #
+# Copyright (c) 2008 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia         #
+#                                                                           #
+#                                                                           #
+# GEOCUBIT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify          #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      #
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or         #
+# (at your option) any later version.                                       #
+#                                                                           #
+# GEOCUBIT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,               #
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            #
+# GNU General Public License for more details.                              #
+#                                                                           #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         #
+# along with GEOCUBIT.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.         #
+#                                                                           #
+    import start as start
+    cubit                   = start.start_cubit()
+    try:
+        import cubit
+    except:
+        print 'error importing cubit, check if cubit is installed'
+        pass
+def volumes(filename=None):
+    """create the volumes"""
+    import start as start
+    print'volume'
+    cfg                     = start.start_cfg(filename=filename)
+    #
+    if cfg.volume_type == 'layercake_volume_ascii_regulargrid_regularmap':
+            layercake_volume_ascii_regulargrid_mpiregularmap(filename=filename)
+    elif cfg.volume_type == 'layercake_volume_fromacis_mpiregularmap':
+            layercake_volume_fromacis_mpiregularmap(filename=filename)
+def layercake_volume_ascii_regulargrid_mpiregularmap(filename=None):
+    import sys
+    import start as start
+    #
+    mpiflag,iproc,numproc,mpi   = start.start_mpi()
+    #
+    numpy                       = start.start_numpy()
+    cfg                         = start.start_cfg(filename=filename)                       
+    from utilities import geo2utm, savegeometry,savesurf
+    from math import sqrt
+    #
+    try:
+        mpi.barrier()
+    except:
+        pass
+    #
+    #
+    command = "comment '"+"PROC: "+str(iproc)+"/"+str(numproc)+" '"
+    cubit.cmd(command)
+    #fer=open('ERROR_VOLUME_'+str(iproc),'w')
+    #
+    if mpiflag:
+        x_slice=numpy.zeros([numproc],int)
+        y_slice=numpy.zeros([numproc],int)
+        for icpuy in range(0,cfg.nproc_eta): 
+            for icpux in range (0,cfg.nproc_xi):
+                iprocnum=icpuy*cfg.nproc_xi+icpux
+                #print iprocnum,cfg.nproc_xi,icpux,icpuy,cfg.nproc_xi,cfg.nproc_eta
+                x_slice[iprocnum]=icpux
+                y_slice[iprocnum]=icpuy
+        icpux=x_slice[iproc]
+        icpuy=y_slice[iproc]
+    else:
+        icpuy=int(cfg.id_proc/cfg.nproc_xi)
+        icpux=cfg.id_proc%cfg.nproc_xi
+    #
+    if  cfg.geometry_format == 'ascii':
+        #for the original surfaces
+        #number of points in the files that describe the topography
+        import local_volume
+        if cfg.localdir_is_globaldir:
+            if iproc == 0 or not mpiflag:
+                coordx_0,coordy_0,elev_0,nx_0,ny_0=local_volume.read_grid(filename)
+                print 'end of reading grd files '+str(nx_0*ny_0)+ ' points'
+            else:
+                pass
+            if iproc == 0 or not mpiflag:
+                coordx=mpi.bcast(coordx_0)
+            else:
+                coordx=mpi.bcast()
+            if iproc == 0 or not mpiflag:
+                coordy=mpi.bcast(coordy_0)
+            else:
+                coordy=mpi.bcast()
+            if iproc == 0 or not mpiflag:
+                elev=mpi.bcast(elev_0)
+            else:
+                elev=mpi.bcast()
+            if iproc == 0 or not mpiflag:
+                nx=mpi.bcast(nx_0)
+            else:
+                nx=mpi.bcast()       
+            if iproc == 0 or not mpiflag:
+                ny=mpi.bcast(ny_0)
+            else:
+                ny=mpi.bcast()
+        else:
+            coordx,coordy,elev,nx,ny=local_volume.read_grid(filename)
+        print str(iproc)+ ' end of receving grd files '
+        nx_segment=int(nx/cfg.nproc_xi)+1
+        ny_segment=int(ny/cfg.nproc_eta)+1
+    elif cfg.geometry_format=='regmesh': # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+        if cfg.depth_bottom != cfg.zdepth[0]:
+            if iproc == 0: print 'the bottom of the block is at different depth than depth[0] in the configuration file'
+        nx= cfg.nproc_xi+1
+        ny= cfg.nproc_eta+1
+        nx_segment=2
+        ny_segment=2
+        #if iproc == 0: print nx,ny,cfg.cpux,cfg.cpuy
+        xp=(cfg.xmax-cfg.xmin)/float((nx-1))
+        yp=(cfg.ymax-cfg.ymin)/float((ny-1))
+        #
+        elev=numpy.zeros([nx,ny,cfg.nz],float)
+        coordx=numpy.zeros([nx,ny],float)
+        coordy=numpy.zeros([nx,ny],float)
+        #
+        #
+        xlength=(cfg.xmax-cfg.xmin)/float(cfg.nproc_xi) #length of x slide for chunk
+        ylength=(cfg.ymax-cfg.ymin)/float(cfg.nproc_eta) #length of y slide for chunk
+        nelem_chunk_x=1    
+        nelem_chunk_y=1
+        ivxtot=nelem_chunk_x+1
+        ivytot=nelem_chunk_y+1 
+        xstep=xlength #distance between vertex on x
+        ystep=ylength
+        for i in range(0,cfg.nz):
+            elev[:,:,i] = cfg.zdepth[i]
+        icoord=0
+        for iy in range(0,ny):
+            for ix in range(0,nx):
+                icoord=icoord+1
+                coordx[ix,iy]=cfg.xmin+xlength*(ix)
+                coordy[ix,iy]=cfg.ymin+ylength*(iy)
+        #print coordx,coordy,nx,ny
+    #
+    print 'end of building grid '+str(iproc)
+    print 'number of point: ', len(coordx)
+    #
+    #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+    #for each processor
+    #
+    nxmin_cpu=(nx_segment-1)*(icpux)
+    nymin_cpu=(ny_segment-1)*(icpuy)
+    nxmax_cpu=min(nx-1,(nx_segment-1)*(icpux+1))
+    nymax_cpu=min(ny-1,(ny_segment-1)*(icpuy+1))
+    #if iproc == 0:
+    #    print nx_segment,ny_segment,nx,ny
+    #    print icpux,icpuy,nxmin_cpu,nxmax_cpu
+    #    print icpux,icpuy,nymin_cpu,nymax_cpu
+    #    print coordx[0,0],coordx[nx-1,ny-1]
+    #    print coordy[0,0],coordy[nx-1,ny-1]
+    #
+    #
+    icurve=0
+    isurf=0
+    ivertex=0
+    #
+    #create vertex
+    for inz in range(0,cfg.nz):
+        if  cfg.bottomflat and inz == 0: #bottom layer
+                #
+                if cfg.geometry_format == 'ascii':
+                    lv=cubit.get_last_id("vertex")     
+                    x_current,y_current=(coordx[nxmin_cpu,nymin_cpu],coordy[nxmin_cpu,nymin_cpu])
+                    cubitcommand= 'create vertex '+ str( x_current )+ ' ' + str( y_current) +' '+ str( cfg.depth_bottom )
+                    cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+                    #
+                    x_current,y_current=(coordx[nxmin_cpu,nymax_cpu],coordy[nxmin_cpu,nymax_cpu])
+                    cubitcommand= 'create vertex '+ str( x_current )+ ' ' + str( y_current) +' '+ str( cfg.depth_bottom )
+                    cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)                                                                              
+                    #
+                    x_current,y_current=(coordx[nxmax_cpu,nymax_cpu],coordy[nxmax_cpu,nymax_cpu])
+                    cubitcommand= 'create vertex '+ str( x_current )+ ' ' + str( y_current) +' '+ str( cfg.depth_bottom )
+                    cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+                    #
+                    x_current,y_current=(coordx[nxmax_cpu,nymin_cpu],coordy[nxmax_cpu,nymin_cpu])
+                    cubitcommand= 'create vertex '+ str( x_current )+ ' ' + str( y_current) +' '+ str( cfg.depth_bottom )
+                    cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+                    #
+                    lv2=cubit.get_last_id("vertex")     
+                    cubitcommand= 'create surface vertex '+str(lv+1)+' to '+str(lv2)
+                    cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+                    #
+                    isurf = isurf + 1
+                else:
+                    lv=cubit.get_last_id("vertex") 
+                    x_current,y_current=geo2utm(coordx[nxmin_cpu,nymin_cpu],coordy[nxmin_cpu,nymin_cpu],'utm')
+                    cubitcommand= 'create vertex '+ str( x_current )+ ' ' + str( y_current) +' '+ str( cfg.depth_bottom )
+                    cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+                    #
+                    x_current,y_current=geo2utm(coordx[nxmin_cpu,nymax_cpu],coordy[nxmin_cpu,nymax_cpu],'utm')
+                    cubitcommand= 'create vertex '+ str( x_current )+ ' ' + str( y_current) +' '+ str( cfg.depth_bottom )
+                    cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)                                                                              
+                    #
+                    x_current,y_current=geo2utm(coordx[nxmax_cpu,nymax_cpu],coordy[nxmax_cpu,nymax_cpu],'utm')
+                    cubitcommand= 'create vertex '+ str( x_current )+ ' ' + str( y_current) +' '+ str( cfg.depth_bottom )
+                    cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+                    #
+                    x_current,y_current=geo2utm(coordx[nxmax_cpu,nymin_cpu],coordy[nxmax_cpu,nymin_cpu],'utm')
+                    cubitcommand= 'create vertex '+ str( x_current )+ ' ' + str( y_current) +' '+ str( cfg.depth_bottom )
+                    cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+                    #
+                    lv2=cubit.get_last_id("vertex") 
+                    cubitcommand= 'create surface vertex '+str(lv+1)+' to '+str(lv2)
+                    cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+                    #
+                    isurf = isurf + 1
+        else:
+            if cfg.geometry_format == 'regmesh':
+                zvertex=cfg.zdepth[inz]
+                lv=cubit.get_last_id("vertex")                        
+                x_current,y_current=geo2utm(coordx[nxmin_cpu,nymin_cpu],coordy[nxmin_cpu,nymin_cpu],'utm')
+                cubitcommand= 'create vertex '+ str( x_current )+ ' ' + str( y_current) +' '+ str( zvertex )
+                cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+                #
+                x_current,y_current=geo2utm(coordx[nxmin_cpu,nymax_cpu],coordy[nxmin_cpu,nymax_cpu],'utm')
+                cubitcommand= 'create vertex '+ str( x_current )+ ' ' + str( y_current) +' '+ str( zvertex )
+                cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)                                                                              
+                #
+                x_current,y_current=geo2utm(coordx[nxmax_cpu,nymax_cpu],coordy[nxmax_cpu,nymax_cpu],'utm')
+                cubitcommand= 'create vertex '+ str( x_current )+ ' ' + str( y_current) +' '+ str( zvertex )
+                cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+                #
+                x_current,y_current=geo2utm(coordx[nxmax_cpu,nymin_cpu],coordy[nxmax_cpu,nymin_cpu],'utm')
+                cubitcommand= 'create vertex '+ str( x_current )+ ' ' + str( y_current) +' '+ str( zvertex )
+                cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+                #
+                cubitcommand= 'create surface vertex '+str(lv+1)+' '+str(lv+2)+' '+str(lv+3)+' '+str(lv+4)
+                cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+                #
+                isurf = isurf + 1
+            elif cfg.geometry_format == 'ascii':
+                vertex=[]
+                for iy in range(nymin_cpu,nymax_cpu+1):
+                    ivx=0
+                    for ix in range(nxmin_cpu,nxmax_cpu+1):
+                        zvertex=elev[ix,iy,inz]
+                        x_current,y_current=(coordx[ix,iy],coordy[ix,iy])
+                        #
+                        vertex.append(' Position '+ str( x_current ) +' '+ str( y_current )+' '+ str( zvertex ) )
+                #
+                print 'proc',iproc, 'vertex list created....',len(vertex)
+                n=max(nx,ny)
+                uline=[]
+                vline=[]
+                iv=0
+                cubit.cmd("set info off")
+                cubit.cmd("set echo off")
+                cubit.cmd("set journal off")
+                for iy in range(0,nymax_cpu-nymin_cpu+1):
+                    positionx=''
+                    for ix in range(0,nxmax_cpu-nxmin_cpu+1):
+                        positionx=positionx+vertex[iv]
+                        iv=iv+1
+                    command='create curve spline '+positionx
+                    cubit.cmd(command)
+                    #print command
+                    uline.append( cubit.get_last_id("curve") )
+                for ix in range(0,nxmax_cpu-nxmin_cpu+1):
+                    positiony=''
+                    for iy in range(0,nymax_cpu-nymin_cpu+1):
+                        positiony=positiony+vertex[ix+iy*(nxmax_cpu-nxmin_cpu+1)]
+                    command='create curve spline '+positiony
+                    cubit.cmd(command)
+                    #print command
+                    vline.append( cubit.get_last_id("curve") )
+                #
+                cubit.cmd("set info "+cfg.cubit_info)
+                cubit.cmd("set echo "+cfg.echo_info)
+                cubit.cmd("set journal "+cfg.jou_info)
+                #
+                #
+                print 'proc',iproc, 'lines created....',len(uline),'*',len(vline)
+                umax=max(uline)
+                umin=min(uline)
+                vmax=max(vline)
+                vmin=min(vline)
+                ner=cubit.get_error_count()
+                cubitcommand= 'create surface net u curve '+ str( umin )+' to '+str( umax )+ ' v curve '+ str( vmin )+ ' to '+str( vmax )+' heal'
+                cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+                ner2=cubit.get_error_count()
+                if ner == ner2: 
+                    command = "del curve all"
+                    cubit.cmd(command)
+                    isurf=isurf+1
+                #
+            else:
+                raise NameError, 'error, check geometry_format, it should be ascii or regmesh'   #
+                #
+        cubitcommand= 'del vertex all'
+        cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+    if cfg.save_surface_cubit:
+        savegeometry(iproc=iproc,surf=True,filename=filename)
+    #
+    #
+    #!create volume
+    if  cfg.osystem == 'macosx':
+        pass
+    elif cfg.osystem == 'linux':
+        for inz in range(1,cfg.nz):
+            ner=cubit.get_error_count()
+            cubitcommand= 'create volume loft surface '+ str( inz+1 )+' '+str( inz )
+            cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+            ner2=cubit.get_error_count()
+            isurf=isurf+6
+    if ner == ner2:
+        cubitcommand= 'del surface 1 to '+ str( cfg.nz )
+        cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+        list_vol=cubit.parse_cubit_list("volume","all")
+        if len(list_vol) > 1:     
+            cubitcommand= 'imprint volume all'
+            cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+            cubitcommand= 'merge all'
+            cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+        ner=cubit.get_error_count()
+        #cubitcommand= 'composite create curve in vol all'
+        #cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+    savegeometry(iproc,filename=filename)
+    if cfg.geological_imprint:
+        curvesname=[cfg.outlinebasin_curve,cfg.transition_curve,cfg.faulttrace_curve]
+        outdir=cfg.working_dir
+        imprint_topography_with_geological_outline(curvesname,outdir)
+    #
+    #        
+    cubit.cmd("set info "+cfg.cubit_info)
+    cubit.cmd("set echo "+cfg.echo_info)
+    cubit.cmd("set journal "+cfg.jou_info)
+def layercake_volume_fromacis_mpiregularmap(filename=None):
+    import sys
+    import start as start
+    #
+    mpiflag,iproc,numproc,mpi   = start.start_mpi()
+    #
+    numpy                       = start.start_numpy()
+    cfg                         = start.start_cfg(filename=filename)                       
+    #
+    from utilities import geo2utm, savegeometry
+    #
+    from math import sqrt
+    #
+    try:
+        mpi.barrier()
+    except:
+        pass
+    #
+    #
+    command = "comment '"+"PROC: "+str(iproc)+"/"+str(numproc)+" '"
+    cubit.cmd(command)
+    #
+    #get the limit of the volume considering the cpu
+    def xwebcut(x):
+        command='create planar surface with plane xplane offset '+str(x)
+        cubit.cmd(command)
+        last_surface=cubit.get_last_id("surface")
+        command="webcut volume all tool volume in surf "+str(last_surface)
+        cubit.cmd(command)
+        command="del surf "+str(last_surface)
+        cubit.cmd(command)
+    def ywebcut(x):
+        command='create planar surface with plane yplane offset '+str(x)
+        cubit.cmd(command)
+        last_surface=cubit.get_last_id("surface")
+        command="webcut volume all tool volume in surf "+str(last_surface)
+        cubit.cmd(command)
+        command="del surf "+str(last_surface)
+        cubit.cmd(command)
+    def translate2zero():
+        ss=cubit.parse_cubit_list('surface','all')
+        box = cubit.get_total_bounding_box("surface", ss)
+        xmin=box[0]
+        ymin=box[3]
+        cubit.cmd('move surface all x '+str(-1*xmin)+' y '+str(-1*ymin))
+        return xmin,ymin
+    def translate2original(xmin,ymin):
+        cubit.cmd('move surface all x '+str(xmin)+' y '+str(ymin))
+    if mpiflag:
+        x_slice=numpy.zeros([numproc],int)
+        y_slice=numpy.zeros([numproc],int)
+        for icpuy in range(0,cfg.nproc_eta): 
+            for icpux in range (0,cfg.nproc_xi):
+                iprocnum=icpuy*cfg.nproc_xi+icpux
+                #print iprocnum,cfg.nproc_xi,icpux,icpuy,cfg.nproc_xi,cfg.nproc_eta
+                x_slice[iprocnum]=icpux
+                y_slice[iprocnum]=icpuy
+        icpux=x_slice[iproc]
+        icpuy=y_slice[iproc]
+    else:
+        icpuy=int(cfg.id_proc/cfg.nproc_xi)
+        icpux=cfg.id_proc%cfg.nproc_xi
+    #
+    ner=cubit.get_error_count()
+    #
+    icurve=0
+    isurf=0
+    ivertex=0
+    #
+    xlength=(cfg.xmax-cfg.xmin)/float(cfg.cpux) #length of x slide for chunk
+    ylength=(cfg.ymax-cfg.ymin)/float(cfg.cpuy) #length of y slide for chunk
+    xmin_cpu=cfg.xmin+(xlength*(icpux))
+    ymin_cpu=cfg.ymin+(ylength*(icpuy))
+    xmax_cpu=xmin_cpu+xlength
+    ymax_cpu=ymin_cpu+ylength
+    #
+    #importing the surfaces
+    for inz in range(cfg.nz-2,-2,-1):
+        if cfg.bottomflat and inz==-1:
+            command = "create planar surface with plane zplane offset "+str(cfg.depth_bottom)
+            cubit.cmd(command)
+        else:
+            command = "import cubit '"+cfg.filename[inz]+"'"
+            cubit.cmd(command)
+    #translate
+    xmin,ymin=translate2zero()
+    print 'translate ...', -xmin,-ymin
+    xmin_cpu=xmin_cpu-xmin
+    ymin_cpu=ymin_cpu-ymin
+    xmax_cpu=xmax_cpu-xmin
+    ymax_cpu=ymax_cpu-ymin
+    ss=cubit.parse_cubit_list('surface','all')
+    box = cubit.get_total_bounding_box("surface", ss)
+    print 'dimension... ', box
+    #cutting the surfaces
+    xwebcut(xmin_cpu)
+    xwebcut(xmax_cpu)
+    ywebcut(ymin_cpu)
+    ywebcut(ymax_cpu)
+    #
+    list_surface_all=cubit.parse_cubit_list("surface","all")
+    #condisidering only the surfaces inside the boundaries
+    dict_surf={}
+    for isurf in list_surface_all:
+        p=cubit.get_center_point("surface",isurf)
+        if p[0] < xmin_cpu or p[0] > xmax_cpu or p[1] > ymax_cpu or p[1] < ymin_cpu:
+            command = "del surf "+str(isurf)
+            cubit.cmd(command)
+        else:
+            dict_surf[str(isurf)]=p[2]
+    z=dict_surf.values()
+    z.sort()
+    list_surf=[]
+    for val in z:
+        isurf=[k for k, v in dict_surf.iteritems() if v == val][0]
+        list_surf.append(int(isurf))
+    #
+    #lofting the volume
+    for i,j in zip(list_surf,list_surf[1:]):
+        ner=cubit.get_error_count()
+        cubitcommand= 'create volume loft surface '+ str(i)+' '+str(j)
+        cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+        ner2=cubit.get_error_count()
+    #
+    translate2original(xmin,ymin)
+    if ner == ner2:
+        cubitcommand= 'del surface all'
+        cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+        #
+        #
+        #cubitcommand= 'composite create curve in vol all'
+        #cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+        list_vol=cubit.parse_cubit_list("volume","all")
+        if len(list_vol) > 1:     
+            cubitcommand= 'imprint volume all'
+            cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+            #cubit_error_stop(iproc,cubitcommand,ner)
+            #
+            cubitcommand= 'merge all'
+            cubit.cmd(cubitcommand)
+    #
+    savegeometry(iproc,filename=filename)
+    if cfg.geological_imprint:
+        curvesname=[cfg.outlinebasin_curve,cfg.transition_curve,cfg.faulttrace_curve]
+        outdir=cfg.working_dir
+        imprint_topography_with_geological_outline(curvesname,outdir)
+def imprint_topography_with_geological_outline(curvesname,outdir='.'):
+    import sys,os
+    from sets import Set
+    #
+    from utilities import load_curves,project_curves,get_v_h_list
+    list_vol=cubit.parse_cubit_list("volume","all")
+    surf_or,surf_vertical,list_curve_or,list_curve_vertical,bottom,top=get_v_h_list(list_vol)
+    outlinebasin_curve=load_curves(curvesname[0])
+    transition_curve=load_curves(curvesname[1])
+    faulttrace_curve=load_curves(curvesname[2])
+    curves=[]
+    if outlinebasin_curve: curves=curves+outlinebasin_curve
+    if transition_curve: curves=curves+transition_curve
+    if faulttrace_curve: curves=curves+faulttrace_curve
+    if curves:
+            command='imprint tolerant surface '+str(top)+' with curve '+' '.join(str(x) for x in curves)+'  merge'
+            cubit.cmd(command)
+    command = "merge surf all"
+    cubit.cmd(command)
+    command = "compress vol all"
+    cubit.cmd(command)
+    command = "compress surf all"
+    cubit.cmd(command)
+    command = "save as '"+outdirs+"/"+"imprinted_vol_"+str(iproc)+".cub' overwrite"
+    cubit.cmd(command)    

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