[cig-commits] [commit] master: Fixing a bug to find radial interpolation points in assemble_sph (3b19a61)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Tue Apr 8 03:04:23 PDT 2014

Repository : ssh://geoshell/calypso

On branch  : master
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/calypso/compare/bf5dcaf71a4089a4c2f22940f4edea71b9abedd1...9730b061d69d156b271dfe841a55ae371b4e1c03


commit 3b19a61cccc4ffdaf014edf2e3b10bfd9c4dc1a4
Author: Hiroaki Matsui <h_kemono at mac.com>
Date:   Mon Mar 17 12:17:52 2014 -0700

    Fixing a bug to find radial interpolation points in assemble_sph


 .../dynamobench_case_1/control_MHD                 |  1 -
 .../COMM_src/parallel_ucd_IO_select.F90            | 13 ++--
 .../SPH_SPECTR_src/extend_potential_field.f90      | 58 ++++++++++++++
 .../UTILS_src/MERGE/merge_sph_step_spectr.f90      |  9 +++
 .../UTILS_src/MERGE/r_interpolate_marged_sph.f90   | 88 +++++++++++++++++-----
 .../INITIAL_FIELD/const_sph_initial_spectr.f90     | 12 +--
 6 files changed, 149 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/dynamo_benchmark/dynamobench_case_1/control_MHD b/examples/dynamo_benchmark/dynamobench_case_1/control_MHD
index dcb4184..2de0c14 100644
--- a/examples/dynamo_benchmark/dynamobench_case_1/control_MHD
+++ b/examples/dynamo_benchmark/dynamobench_case_1/control_MHD
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ begin MHD_control
     field_file_prefix           'field/out'
     field_file_fmt_ctl          'merged_VTK'
-!     field_file_fmt_ctl       'VTK'
   end data_files_def
   begin model
diff --git a/src/Fortran_libraries/PARALLEL_src/COMM_src/parallel_ucd_IO_select.F90 b/src/Fortran_libraries/PARALLEL_src/COMM_src/parallel_ucd_IO_select.F90
index 4667784..efb847a 100644
--- a/src/Fortran_libraries/PARALLEL_src/COMM_src/parallel_ucd_IO_select.F90
+++ b/src/Fortran_libraries/PARALLEL_src/COMM_src/parallel_ucd_IO_select.F90
@@ -106,6 +106,8 @@
       subroutine choose_para_fld_file_format(file_fmt_ctl, i_file_fmt,  &
      &          id_field_file_format)
+      use skip_comment_f
       integer(kind= kint), intent(in) :: i_file_fmt
       character(len=kchara), intent(in) :: file_fmt_ctl
       integer(kind= kint), intent(inout) :: id_field_file_format
@@ -116,15 +118,10 @@
       end if
-      if(     file_fmt_ctl.eq.'merged_vtk'                              &
-     &   .or. file_fmt_ctl.eq.'MERGED_VTK'                              &
-     &   .or. file_fmt_ctl.eq.'merged_vtk_ascii'                        &
-     &   .or. file_fmt_ctl.eq.'MERGED_VTK_ASCII') then
+      if(     cmp_no_case(file_fmt_ctl, 'merged_VTK').gt.0              &
+     &   .or. cmp_no_case(file_fmt_ctl, 'merged_vtk_ascii').gt.0) then
            id_field_file_format = iflag_sgl_vtk
-      else if(file_fmt_ctl.eq.'merged_hdf5'                             &
-     &   .or. file_fmt_ctl.eq.'merged_HDF5'                             &
-     &   .or. file_fmt_ctl.eq.'Merged_HDF5'                             &
-     &   .or. file_fmt_ctl.eq.'MERGED_HDF5') then
+      else if(cmp_no_case(file_fmt_ctl, 'merged_HDF5').gt. 0) then
            id_field_file_format = iflag_sgl_hdf5
         call choose_ucd_file_format(file_fmt_ctl, i_file_fmt,           &
diff --git a/src/Fortran_libraries/SERIAL_src/SPH_SPECTR_src/extend_potential_field.f90 b/src/Fortran_libraries/SERIAL_src/SPH_SPECTR_src/extend_potential_field.f90
index 225e93d..740549d 100644
--- a/src/Fortran_libraries/SERIAL_src/SPH_SPECTR_src/extend_potential_field.f90
+++ b/src/Fortran_libraries/SERIAL_src/SPH_SPECTR_src/extend_potential_field.f90
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
 !      modified by H. Matsuiui on Apr., 2009
+!      subroutine ext_outside_scalar(is_fld, kr_out)
+!      subroutine ext_inside_scalar(is_fld, kr_in)
 !      subroutine ext_outside_potential(is_fld, kr_out)
 !        Output: d_rj(kr_out+1:,is_fld:is_fld+2)
 !      subroutine ext_inside_potential(is_fld, kr_in)
@@ -36,6 +39,61 @@
 !  -------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine ext_outside_scalar(is_fld, kr_out)
+      integer(kind = kint), intent(in) :: is_fld, kr_out
+      real(kind = kreal) :: ratio
+      integer(kind = kint) :: inod, inod_cmb
+      integer(kind = kint) :: j, l_gl, k
+!$omp parallel private(k,ratio)
+      do k = kr_out+1, nidx_rj(1)
+        ratio = radius_1d_rj_r(kr_out) * a_r_1d_rj_r(k)
+!$omp do private(j,l_gl,inod,inod_cmb)
+        do j = 1, nidx_rj(2)
+          inod = j + (k-1) * nidx_rj(2)
+          inod_cmb = j + (kr_out-1) * nidx_rj(2)
+          l_gl = idx_gl_1d_rj_j(j,2)
+          d_rj(inod,is_fld  ) =  d_rj(inod_cmb,is_fld) * ratio**l_gl
+        end do
+!$omp end do nowait
+      end do
+!$omp end parallel
+      end subroutine ext_outside_scalar
+!  -------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine ext_inside_scalar(is_fld, kr_in)
+      integer(kind = kint), intent(in) :: is_fld, kr_in
+      real(kind = kreal) :: ratio
+      integer(kind = kint) :: inod, inod_icb
+      integer(kind = kint) :: j, l_gl, k
+!$omp parallel private(k,ratio)
+      do k = 1, kr_in-1
+        ratio = radius_1d_rj_r(k) * a_r_1d_rj_r(kr_in)
+!$omp do private(j,l_gl,inod,inod_icb)
+        do j = 1, nidx_rj(2)
+          inod =     j + (k-1) * nidx_rj(2)
+          inod_icb = j + (kr_in-1) * nidx_rj(2)
+          l_gl = idx_gl_1d_rj_j(j,2)
+          d_rj(inod,is_fld  ) = d_rj(inod_icb,is_fld) * ratio**l_gl
+        end do
+!$omp end do nowait
+      end do
+!$omp end parallel
+      end subroutine ext_inside_scalar
+!  -------------------------------------------------------------------
       subroutine ext_outside_potential(is_fld, kr_out)
       integer(kind = kint), intent(in) :: is_fld, kr_out
diff --git a/src/Fortran_libraries/UTILS_src/MERGE/merge_sph_step_spectr.f90 b/src/Fortran_libraries/UTILS_src/MERGE/merge_sph_step_spectr.f90
index f5b4817..78aaf9f 100644
--- a/src/Fortran_libraries/UTILS_src/MERGE/merge_sph_step_spectr.f90
+++ b/src/Fortran_libraries/UTILS_src/MERGE/merge_sph_step_spectr.f90
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
       module merge_sph_step_spectr
       use m_precision
+      use m_machine_parameter
       use m_constants
       use m_field_data_IO
@@ -104,18 +105,26 @@
       phys_file_head = org_sph_fst_head
       do ip = 1, np_sph_org
         my_rank = ip - 1
         call sel_read_alloc_step_SPH_file(my_rank, istep)
         call deallocate_phys_data_name_IO
         if(iflag_same_rgrid .eq. 0) then
+!          write(*,*) 'itp_rj_merged_phys_from_IO'
           call itp_rj_merged_phys_from_IO                               &
      &       (org_sph_mesh(ip)%sph_mesh%sph_rj%nnod_rj,                 &
      &        org_sph_mesh(ip)%sph_mesh%sph_rj%nidx_rj(2),              &
      &        org_sph_mesh(ip)%sph_mesh%sph_rj%idx_gl_1d_rj_j,          &
      &        phys_data_IO)
+!          write(*,*) 'extend_potential_magne'
           call extend_potential_magne
+!          write(*,*) 'extend_inner_core_temp'
+          call extend_inner_core_temp
+!          write(*,*) 'extend_inner_core_light'
+          call extend_inner_core_light
           call copy_rj_merged_phys_from_IO                              &
      &      (org_sph_mesh(ip)%sph_mesh%sph_rj%nidx_rj(2),               &
diff --git a/src/Fortran_libraries/UTILS_src/MERGE/r_interpolate_marged_sph.f90 b/src/Fortran_libraries/UTILS_src/MERGE/r_interpolate_marged_sph.f90
index 8d1ade4..6d23da1 100644
--- a/src/Fortran_libraries/UTILS_src/MERGE/r_interpolate_marged_sph.f90
+++ b/src/Fortran_libraries/UTILS_src/MERGE/r_interpolate_marged_sph.f90
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
 !!      subroutine itp_rj_merged_phys_from_IO(nnod_org,                 &
 !!     &          nri_org, jmax_org, idx_gl_1d_j_org, d_rj_IO)
 !!      subroutine extend_potential_magne
+!!      subroutine extend_inner_core_temp
+!!      subroutine extend_inner_core_light
 !!@param   nnod_org  Number of spectr data for original data
@@ -48,7 +50,7 @@
       private :: nri_old2new, k_old2new_in, k_old2new_out
       private :: coef_old2new_in
-      private :: allocate_radial_itp_tbl
+      private :: allocate_radial_itp_tbl, extend_inner_core_scalar
 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -149,7 +151,7 @@
         end if
       end do
-      kr_outer_domain = nidx_rj(1) + 1
+      kr_outer_domain = nidx_rj(1)
       do k = 1, nidx_rj(1)
         if(radius_1d_rj_r(k) .gt. r_org(nri_org)) then
           kr_outer_domain = k - 1
@@ -160,9 +162,9 @@
       write(*,*) 'kr_inner_domain', kr_inner_domain
       write(*,*) 'kr_outer_domain', kr_outer_domain
 !      do k = 1, nidx_rj(1)
-!        write(*,'(i5,1pe16.8,2i5,1p3e16.8)') k, radius_1d_rj_r(k),     &
-!     &         k_old2new_in(k), k_old2new_out(k),                      &
-!     &         r_org(k_old2new_in(k)),  r_org(k_old2new_out(k)),       &
+!        write(*,'(i5,1pe16.8,2i5,1p3e16.8)') k, radius_1d_rj_r(k),    &
+!     &         k_old2new_in(k), k_old2new_out(k),                     &
+!     &         r_org(k_old2new_in(k)),  r_org(k_old2new_out(k)),      &
 !     &         coef_old2new_in(k)
 !      end do
@@ -183,26 +185,27 @@
       integer(kind = kint) :: inod_gl, inod_in, inod_out
-!$omp parallel
+!!$omp parallel private(nd)
       do nd = 1, ntot_phys_rj
-!$omp do private(j,j_gl,kr,inod_in,inod_out,inod_gl)
+!!$omp do private(j,j_gl,kr,inod_in,inod_out,inod_gl)
         do j = 1, jmax_org
           j_gl = idx_gl_1d_j_org(j,1)
-          if(j_gl .ge. nidx_rj(2)) cycle
+          if(j_gl .lt. nidx_rj(2)) then
-          do kr = kr_inner_domain, kr_outer_domain
-            inod_gl = 1 + j_gl + (kr - 1) * nidx_rj(2)
-            inod_in =  j + (k_old2new_in(kr) - 1) *  jmax_org
-            inod_out = j + (k_old2new_out(kr) - 1) * jmax_org
-            d_rj(inod_gl,nd)                                            &
-     &         = coef_old2new_in(kr) * d_rj_IO(inod_in,nd)              &
+            do kr = kr_inner_domain, kr_outer_domain
+              inod_gl = 1 + j_gl + (kr - 1) * nidx_rj(2)
+              inod_in =  j + (k_old2new_in(kr) - 1) *  jmax_org
+              inod_out = j + (k_old2new_out(kr) - 1) * jmax_org
+              d_rj(inod_gl,nd)                                          &
+     &           = coef_old2new_in(kr) * d_rj_IO(inod_in,nd)            &
      &          + (1.0d0 - coef_old2new_in(kr)) * d_rj_IO(inod_out,nd)
-          end do
+            end do
+          end if
         end do
-!$omp end do
+!!$omp end do
       end do
-!$omp end parallel
+!!$omp end parallel
       end subroutine itp_rj_merged_phys_from_IO
@@ -239,4 +242,55 @@
 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine extend_inner_core_temp
+      use m_phys_labels
+      call extend_inner_core_scalar(fhd_temp)
+      end subroutine extend_inner_core_temp
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine extend_inner_core_light
+      use m_phys_labels
+      call extend_inner_core_scalar(fhd_light)
+      end subroutine extend_inner_core_light
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine extend_inner_core_scalar(field_name)
+      use extend_potential_field
+      use m_sph_spectr_data
+      character(len = kchara), intent(in) :: field_name
+      integer(kind = kint) :: is_field
+      integer(kind = kint) :: i
+      is_field = 0
+      do i = 1, num_phys_rj
+        if(phys_name_rj(i) .eq. field_name) then
+          is_field = istack_phys_comp_rj(i-1) + 1
+          exit
+        end if
+      end do
+      if(is_field .eq. 0) return
+      if(kr_inner_domain .gt. 1) then
+        call ext_inside_scalar(is_field, kr_inner_domain)
+      end if
+      end subroutine extend_inner_core_scalar
+! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
       end module r_interpolate_marged_sph
diff --git a/src/programs/data_utilities/INITIAL_FIELD/const_sph_initial_spectr.f90 b/src/programs/data_utilities/INITIAL_FIELD/const_sph_initial_spectr.f90
index 5a4915a..7fe6fba 100644
--- a/src/programs/data_utilities/INITIAL_FIELD/const_sph_initial_spectr.f90
+++ b/src/programs/data_utilities/INITIAL_FIELD/const_sph_initial_spectr.f90
@@ -78,16 +78,16 @@
       time   =     time_init
 !  Set initial velocity if velocity is exist
-!      if(ipol%i_velo .gt. izero) call  set_initial_velocity
+      if(ipol%i_velo .gt. izero) call  set_initial_velocity
 !  Set initial temperature if temperature is exist
-!      if(ipol%i_temp .gt. izero) call  set_initial_temperature
+      if(ipol%i_temp .gt. izero) call  set_initial_temperature
 !  Set initial composition if composition is exist
-!      if(ipol%i_light .gt. izero) call set_initial_composition
+      if(ipol%i_light .gt. izero) call set_initial_composition
 !  Set initial magnetic field if magnetic field is exist
-!      if(ipol%i_magne .gt. izero) call set_initial_magne_sph
+      if(ipol%i_magne .gt. izero) call set_initial_magne_sph
 !  Set heat source if  heat source is exist
       if(ipol%i_heat_source .gt. izero) then
@@ -333,8 +333,8 @@
           ii = local_sph_data_address(k,jj)
           rr = radius_1d_rj_r(k)
 !   Substitute initial heat source
-          d_rj(ii,ipol%i_heat_source) = 0.35 * four*r_CMB**2            &
-     &                                 / (four * r_ICB**3 / three)
+          d_rj(ii,ipol%i_heat_source) = 0.893 * r_CMB**2                &
+     &                                 / (r_ICB**3 / three)
         end do
       end if

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