[cig-commits] [commit] devel: Fixed call of write_seismograms in iterate_time and an allocate issue with ASDF that was causing the output to hang when more than 6 processors were used to run the solver. (9221b3e)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Wed Apr 9 08:56:39 PDT 2014

Repository : ssh://geoshell/specfem3d_globe

On branch  : devel
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d_globe/compare/64e1b38f0c5ebb4056cce0b15d41c0b9f94ab6e5...099a4d330d5b173b21e51ad441f9f429e5d37842


commit 9221b3ed18903af26dc980838b4719ac53110ac8
Author: James Smith <jas11 at princeton.edu>
Date:   Wed Mar 19 21:48:50 2014 -0400

    Fixed call of write_seismograms in iterate_time and an allocate issue with ASDF that was causing the output to hang when more than 6 processors were used to run the solver.


 flags.guess                         |  3 +-
 src/specfem3D/iterate_time.F90      |  6 ++-
 src/specfem3D/write_output_ASDF.F90 | 97 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 3 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

diff --git a/flags.guess b/flags.guess
index e07592c..c8755b3 100644
--- a/flags.guess
+++ b/flags.guess
@@ -89,7 +89,8 @@ case $my_FC in
 # parallel file systems like SFS 3.2 / Lustre 1.8. If omitted
 # I/O throughput lingers at 2.5 MB/s, with it it can increase to ~44 MB/s
 # However it does not make much of a difference on NFS mounted volumes or with SFS 3.1.1 / Lustre 
-        DEF_FFLAGS="-O3 -check nobounds -xHost -fpe0 -ftz -assume buffered_io -assume byterecl -align sequence -vec-report0 -std03 -diag-disable 6477 -implicitnone -gen-interfaces -warn all" # -mcmodel=medium -shared-intel
+        #DEF_FFLAGS="-O3 -check nobounds -xHost -fpe0 -ftz -assume buffered_io -assume byterecl -align sequence -vec-report0 -std03 -diag-disable 6477 -implicitnone -gen-interfaces -warn all" # -mcmodel=medium -shared-intel
+        DEF_FFLAGS="-O3 -check nobounds -xHost -fpe0 -ftz -assume buffered_io -assume byterecl -align sequence -vec-report0 -std03 -diag-disable 6477 -implicitnone -gen-interfaces -warn all -mcmodel=medium -shared-intel"
diff --git a/src/specfem3D/iterate_time.F90 b/src/specfem3D/iterate_time.F90
index 3cc596c..c33d69c 100644
--- a/src/specfem3D/iterate_time.F90
+++ b/src/specfem3D/iterate_time.F90
@@ -135,7 +135,11 @@
     endif ! kernel simulations
     ! write the seismograms with time shift
-    if( nrec_local > 0 .or. ( WRITE_SEISMOGRAMS_BY_MASTER .and. myrank == 0 ) ) then
+    if( nrec_local > 0 .or. ( WRITE_SEISMOGRAMS_BY_MASTER .and. myrank == 0 )) then
+      call write_seismograms()
+    ! asdf uses adios that defines the MPI communicator group that the solver is
+    ! run with. this means every processor in the group is needed for write_seismograms
+    elseif (OUTPUT_SEISMOS_ASDF) then
       call write_seismograms()
diff --git a/src/specfem3D/write_output_ASDF.F90 b/src/specfem3D/write_output_ASDF.F90
index c88d19d..5062924 100644
--- a/src/specfem3D/write_output_ASDF.F90
+++ b/src/specfem3D/write_output_ASDF.F90
@@ -125,10 +125,10 @@ subroutine store_asdf_data(asdf_container, seismogram_tmp, irec_local, &
       intent(in) :: seismogram_tmp
   integer,intent(in) :: iorientation
   type(asdf_event),intent(inout) :: asdf_container
+  double precision,intent(in) :: phi
   ! Variables
   integer :: length_station_name, length_network_name
   integer :: ier, i
-  double precision,intent(in) :: phi
   i = (irec_local-1)*(3) + (iorientation)
   asdf_container%npoints(i) = seismo_current
@@ -284,13 +284,18 @@ subroutine write_asdf(asdf_container)
   character(len=200) :: ASDF_FN
   call world_duplicate(comm)
+print *, comm
   call world_size(sizeprocs)
+print *, sizeprocs
+print *, "declaring group"
   ! declare new group that uses MPI
   call adios_declare_group (adios_group, "EVENTS", "iter", 1, adios_err)
+print *, "declared group"
   call adios_select_method (adios_group, "MPI", "", "", adios_err)
+print *, "selected method"
+  print *, "write_data"
   call write_asdf_data (ASDF_FN, asdf_container, adios_group, myrank, &
                         sizeprocs, comm, ierr)
@@ -330,6 +335,7 @@ subroutine write_asdf_data(asdf_fn, asdf_container, adios_group, rank, &
   !call the write sub
+print *, "write_asdf_data_sub"
   call write_asdf_data_sub (asdf_container, adios_handle, rank, nproc, &
                             comm, ierr)
@@ -398,6 +404,7 @@ subroutine define_asdf_data (adios_group, my_group_size, asdf_container, &
   !string info
+print *, "string info"
   call define_adios_scalar (adios_group, my_group_size, "", &
                             "receiver_name_len", dum_int)
   call define_adios_scalar (adios_group, my_group_size, "", &
@@ -432,6 +439,7 @@ subroutine define_asdf_data (adios_group, my_group_size, asdf_container, &
   call define_adios_local_string_1d_array (adios_group, my_group_size,&
                     string_total_length, "", "receiver_id", dum_string)
+print *, "global arrays"
   call define_adios_global_real_1d_array (adios_group, my_group_size, &
                    nrecords, "", "event_lat", real_array)
   call define_adios_global_real_1d_array (adios_group, my_group_size, &
@@ -472,6 +480,7 @@ subroutine define_asdf_data (adios_group, my_group_size, asdf_container, &
                    nrecords, "", "S_pick", real_array)
+print *, "records"
   do i = 1, nrecords
     write(i_string, '(I10)' ) i+offset
     record=trim(asdf_container%receiver_name_array(i))//"."// &
@@ -622,6 +631,7 @@ subroutine write_asdf_data_sub (asdf_container, adios_handle, rank, &
                                         rank, nproc, comm, ierr)
   !ensemble the string for receiver_name, network, componen and receiver_id
+print *, "first allocate"
   allocate(character(len=6*asdf_container%nrecords) :: receiver_name, STAT=ierr)
   if (ierr /= 0) call exit_MPI (rank, 'Allocate failed.')
   allocate(character(len=6*asdf_container%nrecords) :: network, STAT=ierr)
@@ -647,6 +657,7 @@ subroutine write_asdf_data_sub (asdf_container, adios_handle, rank, &
   component_len = len_trim(component)
   receiver_id_len = len_trim(receiver_id)
+  call synchronize_all()
   !get global dimensions for strings
   call gather_string_total_length(receiver_name_len, rn_len_total,&
                                           rank, nproc, comm, ierr)
@@ -656,29 +667,44 @@ subroutine write_asdf_data_sub (asdf_container, adios_handle, rank, &
                                           rank, nproc, comm, ierr)
   call gather_string_total_length(component_len, comp_len_total,&
                                           rank, nproc, comm, ierr)
-  allocate(character(len=rn_len_total) :: receiver_name_total, STAT=ierr)
-  if (ierr /= 0) call exit_MPI (rank, 'Allocate failed.')
-  allocate(character(len=nw_len_total) :: network_total, STAT=ierr)
-  if (ierr /= 0) call exit_MPI (rank, 'Allocate failed.')
-  allocate(character(len=rid_len_total) :: receiver_id_total, STAT=ierr)
-  if (ierr /= 0) call exit_MPI (rank, 'Allocate failed.')
-  allocate(character(len=comp_len_total) :: component_total, STAT=ierr)
-  if (ierr /= 0) call exit_MPI (rank, 'Allocate failed.')
+  if (rank .eq. 0) then
+    allocate(character(len=rn_len_total) :: receiver_name_total, STAT=ierr)
+    if (ierr /= 0) then 
+      print *, ierr
+      call exit_MPI (rank, 'Allocate failed.')
+    endif
+    allocate(character(len=nw_len_total) :: network_total, STAT=ierr)
+    if (ierr /= 0) then
+      print *, ierr
+      call exit_MPI (rank, 'Allocate failed.')
+    endif
+    allocate(character(len=rid_len_total) :: receiver_id_total, STAT=ierr)
+    if (ierr /= 0) then
+      print *, ierr
+      call exit_MPI (rank, 'Allocate failed.')
+    endif
+    allocate(character(len=comp_len_total) :: component_total, STAT=ierr)
+    if (ierr /= 0) then
+      print *, ierr
+      call exit_MPI (rank, 'Allocate failed.')
+    endif
+  endif
+  call synchronize_all()
   !write all local strings into global string
   call gather_string_offset_info(receiver_name_len, rn_len_total,rn_offset,  & 
-                                        receiver_name, receiver_name_total,  & 
-                                        rank, nproc, comm, ierr)
+                                      receiver_name, receiver_name_total,  & 
+                                      rank, nproc, comm, ierr)
   call gather_string_offset_info(network_len, nw_len_total, nw_offset,       & 
-                                        network, network_total,              & 
-                                        rank, nproc, comm, ierr)
+                                      network, network_total,              & 
+                                      rank, nproc, comm, ierr)
   call gather_string_offset_info(component_len, comp_len_total, comp_offset, & 
-                                        component, component_total,          & 
-                                        rank, nproc, comm, ierr)
+                                      component, component_total,          & 
+                                      rank, nproc, comm, ierr)
   call gather_string_offset_info(receiver_id_len, rid_len_total,rid_offset,  & 
-                                        receiver_id, receiver_id_total,      & 
-                                        rank, nproc, comm, ierr)
-  !===========================
+                                      receiver_id, receiver_id_total,      & 
+                                      rank, nproc, comm, ierr)
+  !==========================
   !write out the string info
     call adios_write(adios_handle, "receiver_name", trim(receiver_name_total), &
@@ -687,13 +713,12 @@ subroutine write_asdf_data_sub (asdf_container, adios_handle, rank, &
     call adios_write(adios_handle, "component",trim(component_total), adios_err)
     call adios_write(adios_handle, "receiver_id", trim(receiver_id_total), &
+    deallocate(receiver_name_total)
+    deallocate(network_total)
+    deallocate(receiver_id_total)
+    deallocate(component_total)
-  deallocate(receiver_name_total)
-  deallocate(network_total)
-  deallocate(receiver_id_total)
-  deallocate(component_total)
   ! write seismic records
   do i = 1, asdf_container%nrecords
@@ -833,34 +858,35 @@ subroutine gather_offset_info(local_dim, global_dim, offset,&
   integer,intent(in) :: rank, nproc, comm
   integer,intent(inout) :: ierr
-  integer, allocatable :: local_dim_all_proc(:)
-  integer, allocatable :: offset_all_proc(:)
+  integer, allocatable :: dim_all_proc(:)
+  integer, allocatable :: offset_proc(:)
   integer :: i
-  allocate(local_dim_all_proc(nproc), STAT=ierr)
+print *, "local_dim"
+  allocate(dim_all_proc(nproc), STAT=ierr)
   if (ierr /= 0) call exit_MPI (rank, 'Allocate failed.')
-  allocate(offset_all_proc(nproc), STAT=ierr)
+  allocate(offset_proc(nproc), STAT=ierr)
   if (ierr /= 0) call exit_MPI (rank, 'Allocate failed.')
   call synchronize_all()
-  call MPI_Gather(local_dim, 1, MPI_INTEGER, local_dim_all_proc, 1, &
+  call MPI_Gather(local_dim, 1, MPI_INTEGER, dim_all_proc, 1, &
                   MPI_INTEGER, 0, comm, ierr)
-    offset_all_proc(1)=0
+    offset_proc(1)=0
     do i=2, nproc
-      offset_all_proc(i)=sum(local_dim_all_proc(1:(i-1)))
+      offset_proc(i)=sum(dim_all_proc(1:(i-1)))
-    global_dim=sum(local_dim_all_proc(1:nproc))
+    global_dim=sum(dim_all_proc(1:nproc))
-  call MPI_Scatter(offset_all_proc, 1, MPI_INTEGER, offset, &
+  call MPI_Scatter(offset_proc, 1, MPI_INTEGER, offset, &
                               1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, comm, ierr)
   call MPI_Bcast(global_dim, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, comm, ierr)
-  deallocate(local_dim_all_proc, STAT=ierr)
+  deallocate(dim_all_proc, STAT=ierr)
   if (ierr /= 0) call exit_MPI (rank, 'Deallocate failed.')
-  deallocate(offset_all_proc, STAT=ierr)
+  deallocate(offset_proc, STAT=ierr)
   if (ierr /= 0) call exit_MPI (rank, 'Deallocate failed.')
 end subroutine gather_offset_info
@@ -885,6 +911,7 @@ subroutine gather_string_total_length(local_dim, global_dim,&
   integer, allocatable :: local_dim_all_proc(:)
+print *, "master"
     if (ierr /= 0) call exit_MPI (rank, 'Allocate failed.')

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