[cig-commits] [commit] master: fix nlwz to nnlwz for dgammadot0 initialization. (c4903c6)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Thu Apr 10 03:02:38 PDT 2014

Repository : ssh://geoshell/relax

On branch  : master
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/relax/compare/f58c3e4a3b537ce548f0dc9b6301d68585ba7587...64bc932cf611ccf4683972590830ed18b974c6e9


commit c4903c65a6636abc93d5281615b71b16d2b1d319
Author: Sylvain Barbot <sbarbot at ntu.edu.sg>
Date:   Thu Mar 13 00:58:55 2014 +0800

    fix nlwz to nnlwz for dgammadot0 initialization.


 src/relax.f90          |  63 ++++++++++++---
 src/viscoelastic3d.f90 | 206 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 2 files changed, 170 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/relax.f90 b/src/relax.f90
index 470ee49..8b887a7 100644
--- a/src/relax.f90
+++ b/src/relax.f90
@@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ PROGRAM relax
   ! arrays
   REAL*4, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: v1,v2,v3,u1,u2,u3,gamma
   REAL*4, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: u1r,u2r,u3r
+  REAL*4, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: lineardgammadot0,nonlineardgammadot0
   REAL*4, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: t1,t2,t3
   REAL*4, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: inter1,inter2,inter3
   TYPE(TENSOR), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: tau,sig,moment
@@ -297,6 +298,13 @@ PROGRAM relax
   IF (ALLOCATED(in%linearlayer)) THEN
      CALL viscoelasticstructure(in%linearstruc,in%linearlayer,in%dx3)
+     IF (0 .LT. in%nlwz) THEN
+        ALLOCATE(lineardgammadot0(in%sx1,in%sx2,in%sx3),STAT=iostatus)
+        IF (iostatus.GT.0) STOP "could not allocate lineardgammadot0"
+        CALL builddgammadot0(in%sx1,in%sx2,in%sx3,in%dx1,in%dx2,in%dx3,in%beta, &
+                             in%nlwz,in%linearweakzone,lineardgammadot0)
+     END IF
   ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
@@ -305,6 +313,13 @@ PROGRAM relax
   IF (ALLOCATED(in%nonlinearlayer)) THEN
      CALL viscoelasticstructure(in%nonlinearstruc,in%nonlinearlayer,in%dx3)
+     IF (0 .LT. in%nnlwz) THEN
+        ALLOCATE(nonlineardgammadot0(in%sx1,in%sx2,in%sx3),STAT=iostatus)
+        IF (iostatus.GT.0) STOP "could not allocate nonlineardgammadot0"
+        CALL builddgammadot0(in%sx1,in%sx2,in%sx3,in%dx1,in%dx2,in%dx3,in%beta, &
+                             in%nnlwz,in%nonlinearweakzone,nonlineardgammadot0)
+     END IF
   ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
@@ -511,17 +526,29 @@ PROGRAM relax
      ! and fault creep)
      ! 1- linear viscosity
      IF (ALLOCATED(in%linearstruc)) THEN
-        CALL viscouseigenstress(in%mu,in%linearstruc,in%linearweakzone,in%nlwz, &
-             sig,in%sx1,in%sx2,in%sx3/2, &
-             in%dx1,in%dx2,in%dx3,moment,0.01_8,MAXWELLTIME=maxwell(1))
+        IF (0 .LT. in%nlwz) THEN
+           CALL viscouseigenstress(in%mu,in%linearstruc, &
+                sig,in%sx1,in%sx2,in%sx3/2, &
+                in%dx1,in%dx2,in%dx3,moment,DGAMMADOT0=lineardgammadot0,MAXWELLTIME=maxwell(1))
+        ELSE
+           CALL viscouseigenstress(in%mu,in%linearstruc, &
+                sig,in%sx1,in%sx2,in%sx3/2, &
+                in%dx1,in%dx2,in%dx3,moment,MAXWELLTIME=maxwell(1))
+        END IF
      END IF
      ! 2- powerlaw viscosity
      IF (ALLOCATED(in%nonlinearstruc)) THEN
-        CALL viscouseigenstress(in%mu,in%nonlinearstruc,in%nonlinearweakzone,in%nnlwz, &
-             sig,in%sx1,in%sx2,in%sx3/2, &
-             in%dx1,in%dx2,in%dx3,moment,0.01_8,MAXWELLTIME=maxwell(2))
+        IF (0 .LT. in%nnlwz) THEN
+           CALL viscouseigenstress(in%mu,in%nonlinearstruc, &
+                sig,in%sx1,in%sx2,in%sx3/2, &
+                in%dx1,in%dx2,in%dx3,moment,DGAMMADOT0=nonlineardgammadot0,MAXWELLTIME=maxwell(1))
+        ELSE
+           CALL viscouseigenstress(in%mu,in%nonlinearstruc, &
+                sig,in%sx1,in%sx2,in%sx3/2, &
+                in%dx1,in%dx2,in%dx3,moment,MAXWELLTIME=maxwell(1))
+        END IF
      END IF
@@ -595,9 +622,15 @@ PROGRAM relax
      IF (ALLOCATED(in%linearstruc)) THEN
         ! linear viscosity
-        CALL viscouseigenstress(in%mu,in%linearstruc,in%linearweakzone,in%nlwz,sig, &
-             in%sx1,in%sx2,in%sx3/2, &
-             in%dx1,in%dx2,in%dx3,moment,0.01_8,GAMMA=v1)
+        IF (0 .LT. in%nlwz) THEN
+           CALL viscouseigenstress(in%mu,in%linearstruc, &
+                sig,in%sx1,in%sx2,in%sx3/2, &
+                in%dx1,in%dx2,in%dx3,moment,DGAMMADOT0=lineardgammadot0,GAMMA=v1)
+        ELSE
+           CALL viscouseigenstress(in%mu,in%linearstruc, &
+                sig,in%sx1,in%sx2,in%sx3/2, &
+                in%dx1,in%dx2,in%dx3,moment,GAMMA=v1)
+        END IF
         ! update slip history
         CALL fieldadd(gamma,v1,in%sx1+2,in%sx2,in%sx3/2,c2=REAL(Dt))
@@ -606,9 +639,15 @@ PROGRAM relax
      IF (ALLOCATED(in%nonlinearstruc)) THEN
         ! powerlaw viscosity
-        CALL viscouseigenstress(in%mu,in%nonlinearstruc,in%nonlinearweakzone,in%nnlwz,sig, &
-             in%sx1,in%sx2,in%sx3/2, &
-             in%dx1,in%dx2,in%dx3,moment,0.01_8,GAMMA=v1)
+        IF (0 .LT. in%nlwz) THEN
+           CALL viscouseigenstress(in%mu,in%nonlinearstruc, &
+                sig,in%sx1,in%sx2,in%sx3/2, &
+                in%dx1,in%dx2,in%dx3,moment,DGAMMADOT0=lineardgammadot0,GAMMA=v1)
+        ELSE
+           CALL viscouseigenstress(in%mu,in%nonlinearstruc, &
+                sig,in%sx1,in%sx2,in%sx3/2, &
+                in%dx1,in%dx2,in%dx3,moment,GAMMA=v1)
+        END IF
         ! update slip history
         CALL fieldadd(gamma,v1,in%sx1+2,in%sx2,in%sx3/2,c2=REAL(Dt))
diff --git a/src/viscoelastic3d.f90 b/src/viscoelastic3d.f90
index 2da4fe5..1734b06 100644
--- a/src/viscoelastic3d.f90
+++ b/src/viscoelastic3d.f90
@@ -120,19 +120,19 @@ CONTAINS
   !! \author sylvain barbot (08/30/08) - original form
-  SUBROUTINE viscouseigenstress(mu,structure,ductilezones,nz,sig,sx1,sx2,sx3, &
-       dx1,dx2,dx3,moment,beta,maxwelltime,gamma)
-    REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: mu,dx1,dx2,dx3,beta
-    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nz
+  SUBROUTINE viscouseigenstress(mu,structure,sig,sx1,sx2,sx3, &
+       dx1,dx2,dx3,moment,maxwelltime,dgammadot0,gamma)
+    REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: mu,dx1,dx2,dx3
-    TYPE(WEAK_STRUCT), DIMENSION(nz), INTENT(IN) :: ductilezones
     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: sx1,sx2,sx3
     TYPE(TENSOR), INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(sx1,sx2,sx3) :: sig
     TYPE(TENSOR), INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(sx1,sx2,sx3) :: moment
     REAL*8, OPTIONAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: maxwelltime
 #ifdef ALIGN_DATA
+    REAL*4, DIMENSION(sx1+2,sx2,sx3), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: dgammadot0
     REAL*4, DIMENSION(sx1+2,sx2,sx3), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: gamma
+    REAL*4, DIMENSION(sx1,sx2,sx3), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: dgammadot0
     REAL*4, DIMENSION(sx1,sx2,sx3), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: gamma
@@ -141,9 +141,11 @@ CONTAINS
     TYPE(TENSOR), PARAMETER :: zero = tensor(0._4,0._4,0._4,0._4,0._4,0._4)
     REAL*8 :: gammadot,tau,tauc,gammadot0,power,cohesion,x1,x2,x3,dg0,dum
     REAL*4 :: tm
+    LOGICAL :: isdgammadot0
     IF (SIZE(structure,1) .NE. sx3) RETURN
+    isdgammadot0=PRESENT(dgammadot0)
     IF (PRESENT(maxwelltime)) THEN
@@ -174,10 +176,7 @@ CONTAINS
              ! perturbation from isolated viscous zones
-             dg0=dgammadot0(ductilezones,nz,x1,x2,x3,beta)
-             ! local fluidity structure
-             gammadot0=gammadot0+dg0
+             IF (isdgammadot0) gammadot0=gammadot0+dgammadot0(i1,i2,i3)
              IF (1.0d-20 .GT. gammadot0) CYCLE
@@ -212,95 +211,128 @@ CONTAINS
     IF (PRESENT(maxwelltime)) maxwelltime=MIN(tm,maxwelltime)
+  END SUBROUTINE viscouseigenstress
+  !---------------------------------------------------------
+  !> function builddgammadot0
+  !  builds the variations of gammadot0 due to ductile zones
+  !---------------------------------------------------------
+  SUBROUTINE builddgammadot0(sx1,sx2,sx3,dx1,dx2,dx3,beta, &
+                             nz,ductilezones,dgammadot0)
+    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: sx1,sx2,sx3,nz
+    REAL*4, DIMENSION(sx1,sx2,sx3), INTENT(OUT) :: dgammadot0
+    TYPE(WEAK_STRUCT), DIMENSION(nz), INTENT(IN) :: ductilezones
+    REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: dx1,dx2,dx3,beta
+    INTEGER :: i1,i2,i3
+    REAL*8 :: x1,x2,x3,dum
+!$omp parallel do private(i1,i2,x1,x2,x3,dum)
+    DO i3=1,sx3
+       x3=DBLE(i3-1)*dx3
+       DO i2=1,sx2
+          DO i1=1,sx1
+             ! local coordinates
+             CALL shiftedcoordinates(i1,i2,i3,sx1,sx2,sx3, &
+                  dx1,dx2,dx3,x1,x2,dum)
+             ! perturbation from isolated viscous zones
+             dgammadot0(i1,i2,i3)=fdgammadot0(ductilezones,nz,x1,x2,x3,beta)
+          END DO
+       END DO
+    END DO
+!$omp end parallel do
-    !> function dgammadot0
+    !> function fdgammadot0
     !! evaluates the change of fluidity at position x1,x2,x3
     !! due to the presence of weak ductile zones. the extent
     !! and magnitude of ductile zones is tapered (beta).
     !! \author sylvain barbot (3/29/10) - original form
-    REAL*8 FUNCTION dgammadot0(zones,n,x1,x2,x3,beta)
-       INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n
-       REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: x1,x2,x3,beta
+    REAL*8 FUNCTION fdgammadot0(zones,n,x1,x2,x3,beta)
+      INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n
+      REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: x1,x2,x3,beta
-       REAL*8 :: dg,x,y,z,L,W,D,strike,dip,LM,r,rho
-       REAL*8 :: cstrike,sstrike,cdip,sdip, &
+      REAL*8 :: dg,x,y,z,L,W,D,strike,dip,LM,r,rho
+      REAL*8 :: cstrike,sstrike,cdip,sdip, &
-       INTEGER :: i
-       ! default is no change in fluidity
-       dgammadot0=0._8
-       DO i=1,n
-          ! retrieve weak zone geometry
-          dg=zones(i)%dgammadot0
-          x=zones(i)%x
-          y=zones(i)%y
-          z=zones(i)%z
-          W=zones(i)%length
-          L=zones(i)%width
-          D=zones(i)%thickness
-          strike=zones(i)%strike
-          dip=zones(i)%dip
-          ! effective tapered dimensions
-          Wp=W*(1._8+2._8*beta)/2._8
-          Lp=L*(1._8+2._8*beta)/2._8
-          Dp=D*(1._8+2._8*beta)/2._8
-          LM=MAX(Wp,Lp,Dp)
-          ! check distance from weak zone
-          IF ((ABS(x3-z).GT.LM) .OR. &
-              (ABS(x1-x).GT.LM) .OR. &
-              (ABS(x2-y).GT.LM)) CYCLE
-          ! evaluate contribution from weak zone
-          cstrike=cos(strike)
-          sstrike=sin(strike)
-          cdip=cos(dip)
-          sdip=sin(dip)
-          ! rotate centre coordinates of weak zone
-          x2r= cstrike*x  -sstrike*y
-          xr = cdip   *x2r-sdip   *z
-          yr = sstrike*x  +cstrike*y
-          zr = sdip   *x2r+cdip   *z
-          x2r= cstrike*x1 -sstrike*x2
-          x1s= cdip   *x2r-sdip   *x3
-          x2s= sstrike*x1 +cstrike*x2
-          x3s= sdip   *x2r+cdip   *x3
-          IF (D.GE.0 .AND. W.GE.0 .AND. L.GE.0) THEN
-             dgammadot0=dgammadot0+omega((x1s-xr)/D,beta) &
-                                  *omega((x2s-yr)/W,beta) &
-                                  *omega((x3s-zr)/L,beta)*dg
-          ELSE IF (D.LT.0 .AND. W.LT.0 .AND. L.LT.0) THEN
-             ! spherical ductile zone
-             r=SQRT(((x1s-xr)/D)**2+((x2s-yr)/W)**2+((x3s-zr)/L)**2)
-             dgammadot0=dgammadot0+omega(r,beta)*dg
-          ELSE IF (D.LT.0 .AND. W.LT.0) THEN
-             ! cylindrical ductile zone
-             rho=SQRT(((x1s-xr)/D)**2+((x2s-yr)/W)**2)
-             dgammadot0=dgammadot0+omega(rho,beta)*omega((x3s-zr)/L,beta)*dg
-          ELSE IF (D.LT.0 .AND. L.LT.0) THEN
-             ! cylindrical ductile zone
-             rho=SQRT(((x1s-xr)/D)**2+((x3s-zr)/L)**2)
-             dgammadot0=dgammadot0+omega(rho,beta)*omega((x2s-yr)/W,beta)*dg
-          ELSE IF (W.LT.0 .AND. L.LT.0) THEN
-             ! cylindrical ductile zone
-             rho=SQRT(((x2s-yr)/W)**2+((x3s-zr)/L)**2)
-             dgammadot0=dgammadot0+omega(rho,beta)*omega((x1s-xr)/D,beta)*dg
-          ENDIF
-       END DO
-    END FUNCTION dgammadot0
+      INTEGER :: i
+      ! default is no change in fluidity
+      fdgammadot0=0._8
+      DO i=1,n
+         ! retrieve weak zone geometry
+         dg=zones(i)%dgammadot0
+         x=zones(i)%x
+         y=zones(i)%y
+         z=zones(i)%z
+         W=zones(i)%length
+         L=zones(i)%width
+         D=zones(i)%thickness
+         strike=zones(i)%strike
+         dip=zones(i)%dip
+         ! effective tapered dimensions
+         Wp=W*(1._8+2._8*beta)/2._8
+         Lp=L*(1._8+2._8*beta)/2._8
+         Dp=D*(1._8+2._8*beta)/2._8
+         LM=MAX(Wp,Lp,Dp)
+         ! check distance from weak zone
+         IF ((ABS(x3-z).GT.LM) .OR. &
+             (ABS(x1-x).GT.LM) .OR. &
+             (ABS(x2-y).GT.LM)) CYCLE
+         ! evaluate contribution from weak zone
+         cstrike=cos(strike)
+         sstrike=sin(strike)
+         cdip=cos(dip)
+         sdip=sin(dip)
+         ! rotate centre coordinates of weak zone
+         x2r= cstrike*x  -sstrike*y
+         xr = cdip   *x2r-sdip   *z
+         yr = sstrike*x  +cstrike*y
+         zr = sdip   *x2r+cdip   *z
+         x2r= cstrike*x1 -sstrike*x2
+         x1s= cdip   *x2r-sdip   *x3
+         x2s= sstrike*x1 +cstrike*x2
+         x3s= sdip   *x2r+cdip   *x3
+         IF (D.GE.0 .AND. W.GE.0 .AND. L.GE.0) THEN
+            fdgammadot0=fdgammadot0+omega((x1s-xr)/D,beta) &
+                                   *omega((x2s-yr)/W,beta) &
+                                   *omega((x3s-zr)/L,beta)*dg
+         ELSE IF (D.LT.0 .AND. W.LT.0 .AND. L.LT.0) THEN
+            ! spherical ductile zone
+            r=SQRT(((x1s-xr)/D)**2+((x2s-yr)/W)**2+((x3s-zr)/L)**2)
+            fdgammadot0=fdgammadot0+omega(r,beta)*dg
+         ELSE IF (D.LT.0 .AND. W.LT.0) THEN
+            ! cylindrical ductile zone
+            rho=SQRT(((x1s-xr)/D)**2+((x2s-yr)/W)**2)
+            fdgammadot0=fdgammadot0+omega(rho,beta)*omega((x3s-zr)/L,beta)*dg
+         ELSE IF (D.LT.0 .AND. L.LT.0) THEN
+            ! cylindrical ductile zone
+            rho=SQRT(((x1s-xr)/D)**2+((x3s-zr)/L)**2)
+            fdgammadot0=fdgammadot0+omega(rho,beta)*omega((x2s-yr)/W,beta)*dg
+         ELSE IF (W.LT.0 .AND. L.LT.0) THEN
+            ! cylindrical ductile zone
+            rho=SQRT(((x2s-yr)/W)**2+((x3s-zr)/L)**2)
+            fdgammadot0=fdgammadot0+omega(rho,beta)*omega((x1s-xr)/D,beta)*dg
+         ENDIF
+      END DO
+    END FUNCTION fdgammadot0
+  END SUBROUTINE builddgammadot0
-  END SUBROUTINE viscouseigenstress
 END MODULE viscoelastic3d

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