[cig-commits] [commit] master: Started work on tpv28. (ba4ce6e)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Tue Feb 18 17:31:52 PST 2014

Repository : ssh://geoshell/pylith_benchmarks

On branch  : master
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/pylith_benchmarks/compare/ad0cd8a9f840a53e433cb88f0da02308038cc20b...ba4ce6e681eb615c048e28577878b57d81946529


commit ba4ce6e681eb615c048e28577878b57d81946529
Author: Brad Aagaard <baagaard at usgs.gov>
Date:   Tue Feb 18 17:31:51 2014 -0800

    Started work on tpv28.


 dynamic/scecdynrup/tpv28/create_faultsurf.py |  62 ++++++++++++++
 dynamic/scecdynrup/tpv28/cubit_io.py         | 117 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 179 insertions(+)

diff --git a/dynamic/scecdynrup/tpv28/create_faultsurf.py b/dynamic/scecdynrup/tpv28/create_faultsurf.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bfdbfb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dynamic/scecdynrup/tpv28/create_faultsurf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Python script to create Exodus II mapped mesh of fault geometry for
+# import into CUBIT.
+# Filename for ExodusII file (output)
+filenameEXO = "fault.exo"
+# Geometry of simulation domain
+domainLength = 64.0e+3
+domainHeight = 32.0e+3
+buffer = 2.0e+3 # Extend fault plane beyond domain
+# Geometry of bump
+bumpRadius = 3.0e+3
+bumpAmplitude = 6.0e+2
+bumpY = 10.5e+3
+bumpZ = -7.5e+3
+bumpDx = 1.0e+3
+# ======================================================================
+import os
+import numpy
+from cubit_io import write_exodus_file
+from netCDF4 import Dataset
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+def bump(yz):
+    y = yz[:,0]
+    z = yz[:,1]
+    r1 = ((y+bumpY)**2 + (z-bumpZ)**2)**0.5
+    r2 = ((y-bumpY)**2 + (z-bumpZ)**2)**0.5
+    mask1 = r1 <= 3.0e+3
+    mask2 = r2 <= 3.0e+3
+    npts = yz.shape[0]
+    x = mask1*-0.5*bumpAmplitude*(1.0+numpy.cos(numpy.pi*r1/3.0e+3)) + \
+        mask2*-0.8*bumpAmplitude*(1.0+numpy.cos(numpy.pi*r2/3.0e+3))
+    return x
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+yA = numpy.linspace(-0.5*domainLength-buffer, -bumpY-bumpRadius, 2)
+yB = numpy.arange(-bumpY-bumpRadius+bumpDx, -bumpY+bumpRadius, bumpDx)
+yC = numpy.linspace(-bumpY+bumpRadius, +bumpY-bumpRadius, 2)
+yD = numpy.arange(+bumpY-bumpRadius+bumpDx, +bumpY+bumpRadius, bumpDx)
+yE = numpy.linspace(+bumpY+bumpRadius, +0.5*domainLength+buffer, 2)
+y = numpy.hstack((yA, yB, yC, yD, yE))
+numY = y.shape[0]
+zA = numpy.linspace(-domainHeight-buffer, bumpZ-bumpRadius, 2)
+zB = numpy.arange(bumpZ-bumpRadius+bumpDx, bumpZ+bumpRadius, bumpDx)
+zC = numpy.linspace(bumpZ+bumpRadius, 0.0, 2)
+z = numpy.hstack((zA, zB, zC))
+numZ = z.shape[0]
+yz = numpy.zeros((numY*numZ, 2), dtype=numpy.float64)
+#write_exodus_file(filenameEXO, cells, vertices)
+# End of file
diff --git a/dynamic/scecdynrup/tpv28/cubit_io.py b/dynamic/scecdynrup/tpv28/cubit_io.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae8ed45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dynamic/scecdynrup/tpv28/cubit_io.py
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# write_exodus_file
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+def write_exodus_file(filename, cells, vertices, shape="SHELL4"):
+    """
+    Write Exodus-II file compatible with CUBIT.
+    cells is a 0-based array (ncells, ncorners).
+    vertices is (nvertices, dim).
+    All cells are placed in a single block.
+    Requires netCDF4 module.
+    """
+    import numpy
+    from netCDF4 import Dataset
+    len_string = 33
+    root = Dataset(filename, 'w', format='NETCDF3_CLASSIC')
+    # Set global attributes
+    root.api_version = 4.98
+    root.version = 4.98
+    root.floating_point_word_size = 8
+    root.file_size = 0
+    root.title = "cubit"
+    # Setup dimensions
+    # Generic information
+    root.createDimension('len_string', len_string)
+    root.createDimension('len_line', 81)
+    root.createDimension('four', 4)
+    root.createDimension('num_qa_rec', 1)
+    root.createDimension('time_step', None)
+    # Mesh specific information
+    (ncells, ncorners) = cells.shape
+    (nvertices, dim) = vertices.shape
+    root.createDimension('num_dim', dim)
+    root.createDimension('num_el_blk', 1)
+    root.createDimension('num_nod_per_el1', ncorners)
+    root.createDimension('num_att_in_blk1', 1)
+    root.createDimension('num_nodes', nvertices)
+    root.createDimension('num_elem', ncells)
+    root.createDimension('num_el_in_blk1', ncells)
+    # Setup variables
+    connect1 = root.createVariable('connect1', numpy.int32,
+                                   ('num_el_in_blk1', 'num_nod_per_el1',))
+    coord = root.createVariable('coord', numpy.float64,
+                                ('num_dim', 'num_nodes',))
+    time_whole = root.createVariable('time_whole', numpy.float64,
+                                     ('time_step',))
+    coor_names = root.createVariable('coor_names', 'S1',
+                                     ('num_dim', 'len_string',))
+    qa_records = root.createVariable('qa_records', 'S1',
+                                     ('num_qa_rec', 'four', 'len_string',))
+    eb_names = root.createVariable('eb_names', 'S1',
+                                   ('num_el_blk', 'len_string',))
+    elem_map = root.createVariable('elem_map', numpy.int32,
+                                   ('num_elem',))
+    eb_status = root.createVariable('eb_status', numpy.int32,
+                                    ('num_el_blk',))
+    eb_prop1 = root.createVariable('eb_prop1', numpy.int32,
+                                   ('num_el_blk',))
+    attrib1 = root.createVariable('attrib1', numpy.float64,
+                                  ('num_el_in_blk1', 'num_att_in_blk1',))
+    # Set variable values
+    connect1[:] = 1+cells[:]
+    connect1.elem_type = shape
+    coord[:] = vertices.transpose()[:]
+    from netCDF4 import stringtoarr
+    if dim == 2:
+        coor_names[0,:] = stringtoarr("x", len_string)
+        coor_names[1,:] = stringtoarr("y", len_string)
+    elif dim == 3:
+        coor_names[0,:] = stringtoarr("x", len_string)
+        coor_names[1,:] = stringtoarr("y", len_string)
+        coor_names[2,:] = stringtoarr("z", len_string)
+    qa_records[0,0,:] = stringtoarr("CUBIT", len_string)
+    qa_records[0,1,:] = stringtoarr("11.0", len_string)
+    qa_records[0,2,:] = stringtoarr("01/01/2000", len_string)
+    qa_records[0,3,:] = stringtoarr("12:00:00", len_string)
+    elem_map[:] = numpy.arange(1, ncells+1, dtype=numpy.int32)[:]
+    eb_status[:] = numpy.ones( (1,), dtype=numpy.int32)[:]
+    eb_prop1[:] = numpy.ones( (1,), dtype=numpy.int32)[:]
+    eb_prop1.name = "ID"
+    attrib1[:] = numpy.ones( (1, ncells), dtype=numpy.int32)[:]
+    root.close()
+# End of file

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